Castle Super Beast - SBFC 009: You Can't Have a Bath without Candles

Episode Date: October 8, 2013

We don't even know what Liam's talking about at this point. Never the less, this week has us prattling on about the ongoing woes of the coming Xbox One and PS4 consoles, GTAV, Kill la Kill, and POKEMO...N OMG GET HYPE.Got a question for us? Send it to:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by Squarespace, the all-in-one platform that makes it fast and easy to create your own professional website or online portfolio. For a free trial and 10% off, go to and use the offer code WOLI. Every time, every time it comes on, I debate on answering the phone. But you tell me that. Yeah, when I used the Shadow of the Colossus theme for that one guy that I really didn't like, it was the best. You just let it rock the whole time. But no, like if I had the Mega Man theme remakes done by the, God, I forgot their name, but awesome metal cover got this. Oh, Lee Bosses. Lee Bosses. I was thinking, yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:50 It's this awesome nine-minute medley and like I used to wake up to it every morning and now I can't listen to the first five minutes. Yeah, the problem ruins the sound. The problem is that it's like, what do you hear as a ringtone? You hear the first 10 seconds. Yeah. Yeah. And it might be a good first 10 seconds, but you're eventually going to get exactly. If you told me that when I put rules of nature as my ringtone and I wouldn't get tired of it, I would say you were right. Because I haven't. Pretty much. I had an old phone and I could pick a folder, like not just a song, but a folder. So I had the world ends with you soundtrack as my ringtone and you never get tired. Like it would rotate? Yeah, random. So sometimes you get the
Starting point is 00:01:29 same song twice in a row, but you never get tired of the first 10 seconds of a random world. That's brilliant, man. There's one problem with that is if you use that as an alarm, what if you get that one soft track that even at full volume? You don't even wake up. It doesn't even matter because the other 48 times, it's great. It's Rem's song on the Trigun soundtrack. I remember me and the other Pat would just go to the world is not enough website and listen to that track with the black dude rapping over it with the hypest track. Man, I should really play the world ends with you. At least listen to it. Yeah, you know what? How's the remix album? It's great. It's great. Okay, so now I can try and care. Welcome to the podcast, guys. Episode
Starting point is 00:02:11 nine. We've made it this far. One more and we'll live forever. They're gonna say it. It's all downhill from here. One more and we have to start paying protection money. Oh man. The dudes are gonna come around. The dog eyes is gonna come knocking. Fuck you, dog eyes. I hear you guys recording you little yappy talks. Why is dog eyes in New York? I don't have a triad. He doesn't have a triad voice. He's got regular. I don't have an Asian American like California Sanders. We'll give it a shot. We'll give it a shot. No, it's just normal guys. I didn't know your sister was so good at giving heads. See, that's good. That's really good. You've been practicing dog eyes all day. You're really good at being a creepy guy. Well, when the time calls for you, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:02 he's got the method but not the heart. What is the haps, gentlemen? What's the haps? Let's start with Liam. Oh, we're doing counterclockwise. Wait, did you end up getting those candles? He did last time. I did. You would need candles. Why did you need candles, Liam? I needed candles. I really needed candles because you can't take a bath without candles. Are you fucking serious? You can't. You're one of those assholes? You have to delicately line the edge of the tongue and sink slowly into the water. Yes. No, just the one or two and you get that ambient lighting, not super bright and not fucking pitch black. Every bath I've ever taken in my adult life has just been me sitting in the tub as it fills up and just kind of like cross-legged and my hands
Starting point is 00:03:53 on my knees just going like, ah, fuck. For some reason, I could tell you that you're also holding an umbrella. Yeah, it's a bath. And how well Liam's got that slow, luxurious sink into the waves and this fucking candle. He's using the bath oils. He's dropping the oils into the water. Vanilla oil. Oh, fuck it up. You shut up. No oil, but get in there. So that's what Liam did this week. He was in the bathtub the whole time. I was in the bathtub with candles playing Phoenix Wright. And I'm still going through this. Which Phoenix Wright are you? I'm on the last. You have showers with brillo pads and sticks. Just like man. Just like brillo pads and sticks. And that was brutal. Hey man, I use like a luffa made out of only the finest duck down.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Anyway, so yeah, I'm at the last case on the Unjustice for All. That's the third one. No, the second one. The fourth one. I can't remember the newest one. Sorry, Justice for All is the second one. The last case. So you got past the circus case. I got past the circus case. How bad was this? It was so, it was middling. It was really middling. And that's good because when you get past it, that's the worst case. I'm just getting to this one and it's just about to start. So who knows? It's really good. Other than that, like. What is your opinion on Cyclops, Liam? On Cyclops? Cyclops. Oh, Psyche-Locks. What is your opinion on Cyclops? Fuck my original question. Cyclops. Because your inclusion in the Zybatsu is dependent on the sex. Cyclops is such a Mary Sue. It's
Starting point is 00:05:24 disgusting. There you go. I don't really like it. It works for me. He's got a cool power, but the rest of them is not. They know. Phoenix Road's Cyclops. The Cyclops, I think like it's a, it's a, you know, it's the same thing as being in court, just not in court. So they're not fun. They're just adding more gameplay to the not gameplay bits and they're not great. The problem with that is that instead of adding more gameplay to those sections, they should have taken away more because I don't care about the game, but when you're not in court. I'm not a huge fan of the Cyclops there. All right, but like that's it. I would have been happy if those parts turned into straight visual novels with no interactive elements at all. In the Edgeworth game,
Starting point is 00:06:03 how is the walking around bits? You just walk around. It's fun. They're fine. Okay. Being able to walk around and talk to people in the environment makes a dramatic change over a static like, like visual novel like tap on the screen. It makes more of a difference than you would think. I just wish the story of the Miles game was good. Yeah, it's right here. They tried so hard. They really tried hard. Yeah. So I picked up Wind Waker HD because that's finally out physically. Yeah, you did. Like Ganondorf figures, not great, but the game's great. I got it all right. Oh yeah, we had to say, yeah. I think that conversation me and Liam had is I called Liam and I asked him about something. I go, I'm about to go get my Wind Waker, Clemens edition of the Stupid Ganon
Starting point is 00:06:42 figure. And then Liam tells me, like tells me what? It's not great. It's a really shitty figure. I went, yeah, it's an official, what do you want? It's the only one you can get. That's true. I bring it home and I text them and I'm like, you know, this Ganon figure was terrible. Why didn't you warn me? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I noticed it's, it's not even up on your action figure thing. It's on my desk in my room. But that says a lot. You're not even displaying it. And I couldn't put it next to, next to the Skyward Sword link because if that would make any sense, but it's the fucking tassels on a sword are so cheap. Like ask me where mine is. And like toilet at work. I didn't even take it. Wow, that's brutal. Because yeah, like, like Matt was like, oh, yeah, you want to go pick it up?
Starting point is 00:07:26 And I was like, no, I already got it. And then I realized, wait, it's a, it's a package in statue. Ask me where mine is. Where's yours, Pat? I don't have one because I bought it over the mail because every single fucking item, every physical item I have ever received as a pre-order bonus has run the gamut from this is total garbage to, uh, that's kind of disappointing. What about the ivy bobblehead? Oh yeah, that sucked too. Oh God, dammit. That's also what I've ever gotten with a game that I actually really liked was the fallout three lunchbox that came with the special edition. Fuck you. I have photos of you, me, and Matt all wearing Ryu Street Fighter headbands. That's true. I forgot that was real. I thought that was a dream I had. That was amazing. The worst piece of merch
Starting point is 00:08:21 I've ever seen and it's more into the context with the game was, was that statue of Max Payne standing straight and not doing anything. You know what? What was the second DS Castlevania game? Portrait of Ruin. Portrait of Ruin. That came as a pre-order bonus with like a 20th anniversary Castlevania. It's so good. Like a little satchel made out of cardboard with like a seal on it that came with a DS card holder and a bunch of extra stuff. That was really awesome. And the card holder thing was the most useful thing ever. Did you manage to get that? Yeah. Wow. It's awesome. You gotta talk about the king. You're either talking about lunar silver star story complete with the crazy fucking and the punching nun galleon and the necklace and shit. What the fuck? No. The best
Starting point is 00:09:09 pre-order thing ever is the fucking hat from Scribblenauts. When I was doing Scribblenauts, I got Max's Rooster hat. Come on. This may not have been a pre-order bonus, but the best piece of merch to ever come out with a game was the Resident Evil 5 Africa necklace. I was literally just gonna say that is my least favorite. It was just, it's just this fake golden necklace of the continent of Africa. It just says Kijuju all over it. It's the worst. Can we give a shout out to Elemental Gearbolts? I was just gonna say, I was just gonna say. It came with a suitcase with a gun inside. Didn't you buy that? No. Is there some other fucking thing? No one owns it. Someone lied about it one time. No, the thing was Woolly was talking about it and was like, that's so cool,
Starting point is 00:09:56 isn't it? And he's like, yeah. And I was like, did I ever show you mine? And he flipped his shit, but I didn't actually, it was a joke. I was just gonna say about your Max pain thing. Like, are you sure he didn't just come in a T-pose? T-pose mess started off and they're like, wait, that looks too much like a T-pose. I mean, he just has one gun in his hand and he's looking often in the distance, looking at man, there's never been another Max. No, Pensive Mac. No. It's going on with you, Pat. Oh, I wanted to ask him how he's liking Wind Waker again. Okay. It's okay. I'm about to take the Triforce bit. Of course, I haven't gotten there quite yet. I was young at the time Wind Waker came out. So
Starting point is 00:10:36 when you're younger, you have much more tolerance for this kind of stuff. Totally. So next week, next week, I'll be able to give you a really good answer of what I think of it. So first things first, say what you told me about playing Wind Waker. Oh, it makes me remember what it feels like to play video games. Wow. And just play video games and not be concerned about extrinsic bullshit like achievements and shit. Yeah. Like Nintendo games like Wonderful 101 and like so games have been on a tear of that. That goes right into my experience with Wind Waker is I've been bitching about Zelda for like five years now about how much I hate what Zelda has become. And I hated Wind Waker when it came out. Because I hated the sailing, of course. I hated the
Starting point is 00:11:20 sailing and the Triforce hunt meant that I never finished the game. I said, wow, fuck this. And going back to Wind Waker now is bizarre because it fixes all the problems that I had with Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. And though all the little touches they made to it, like you get the swift sail and you go faster and the tech speed is now lightning fast, like it makes it's like I hated Wind Waker that I played a bunch of Zeldas that I bitched about for years and now they gave me Wind Waker again and now I'm like this is what I wanted. Now here's the thing, right? I'm because I was right there like in terms of like me for me I had no problem with sailing. I loved it. It was the best. That game was pretty much on its way to becoming my
Starting point is 00:12:03 favorite Zelda game and then until the fucking Triforce pieces. Unbelievable. It was it was damn thing to the end, right? But the funny thing is think about the sentiments you're having with you and you with it. Oh, it's video games. And remember when people were calling this Zelda? Yeah, right. I remember that. What is this bullshit? Hey, where's my Lord of the Rings link? The one thing I'll say about that is to those people's credit, even though they sound like idiots, like the whole like, I don't want Baby Link. It's terrible. I want Butcher. It's like the art style is unbelievable. I still think Link's design is a little, I don't like, I don't like like his arms, like basically the proportions. Yeah, that's that's the only thing I would have preferred just a little
Starting point is 00:12:45 more rounded out. If he wasn't sell shaded like this to all those people, then this this HD remix wouldn't have happened, right? There's no way a game like that with textures on it would be brought back. Yeah. And for me, just look, the design of Link that I don't like was always made up for with the way that water is portrayed in that game. In terms of this bright blue sheets that looks so good. It looks so good. I like Hey Arnold. So I had no problem. I was selling Liam was like the best part of Wind Waker is just going on a windfall island and you go do the mini game. The guy's like, yeah. Sploosh. Sploosh. I love that guy. He is the best shopkeeper in any other game because he's so done with his job, but still puts up with it. Doesn't he even like reoccur in Phantom Hourglass
Starting point is 00:13:32 or something? I think you're just thinking that the guy lying back looks like him. He looks exactly Was it that darn? Because I really like that guy. Yeah. No, no, he does reoccur in Phantom Hourglass for sure. I can't remember where. It was Phantom Hourglass. Oh, a spirit character. Just stylus controlling characters. It's just a bad, bad giant stupid dungeon of dumbness. I made I made a guide on YouTube that's no longer up of how to get through that dungeon. Wow. With zero seconds. Wow. How? Fuck you. Because if you just like go to the right spots constantly, uh, you wouldn't be using time and you would gather more time than you guess. Someone's got to do it, right? Someone has to do that video. So you were that instructional
Starting point is 00:14:14 12 year old kid like, Hey guys, there was no voice. There was no video only because video only because when you have to learn how to unscrew your ps3 hard drive and some fucking 10 year old is telling you how to do it, it doesn't feel good. Um, I mean, I wasn't that young, but no, it was video only. It was a good guy. Okay. Uh, so I played Wind Waker. Yeah. Uh, I went to Ottawa. Don't go to Ottawa. Anybody who's thinking about going to Ottawa, don't go. That was far. That city sucks. Why would you even go to Canada? The capital of Canada. Yeah. Yeah. Did you go visit? Did you go visit parliament? I sure. Whatever. I saw parliament was like, eh, politicians visit the king. No, king cannot king. Come on. Come on. Anyway. Yeah. So I'm back from that.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Uh, whatever. Um, what else did I do? I played a weirdly huge amount of borderlands to over the past couple of days. No, see, I never beat the game. I bought the season pass and then never beat the game, which says a lot about season passes. But every month I go back to Borderlands 2 and play it for about five more hours because it just, it fulfills this incredibly specific itch of I want to shoot things and get loot, but do nothing. Do you play multiplayer? No. I don't care. Yeah. All I want to do is just, it's just this total. It's really fun. It's this total sublimation activity of this total, like I don't need to think. I just need to shoot and pick up loot and go, ah, ah, it was shiny. And that's it. That's how I kind of feel about the
Starting point is 00:15:51 first one. And then when I got done with Borderlands, I watched the first four and a half seasons of Breaking Bad. Oh, you fucker. You got out of that shit. Yeah. Yeah. It's pretty good. Yeah. Yes. I appreciate the incredibly slow pace of the show, which is weird to me out. It weirds me out that a show with that slow of a pacing got to be the biggest thing on TV because when I'm watching it, like I burned through a season in one go. Yeah. And like almost nothing happens. It does the kind of thing where every 45 minute episode is like a single day and very little happens. It just focuses on one detail and one razor point to just stare at and be this character study. I like how it starts off as kind of a goofy slash like dark black comedy drama and
Starting point is 00:16:41 starts to go into full on fantasy slash noir pulp around season three and a half, season four. When I said feel bad story of the century, man, it's... I appreciate a story that goes off the rails in a way that it was intended to go off the rails. Yeah. Here's one thing that was not intended, though. Right. Okay, Jesse. Yeah. Existing in the show as the second movie. Oh, yeah. He was totally supposed to die on like the second or third episode. Spoilers. No, it was like, no, it's not. Spoilers that never exist for the first three episodes. I can totally see it. And then he sold it. Yes. He sold it and their dynamic was so good. It's super good. It's a great. And now he's such a good character on the show. Fantastic show. I will have it
Starting point is 00:17:26 finished by next week for sure. Awesome. Everybody, if you care about drama and you care about like a weird... Like this doesn't strike me as a show that would be on TV. So Pat, what you're saying is two for two. Two for two. Two for two. That's right. The wire and breaking bad. I will not stop talking about the wire and breaking bad. You gotta go watch that like serial commercial that... What's Jesse's name again? Aaron Paul? Aaron Paul. Yeah. Aaron Paul. He did this serial commercial way back and I watched it and it felt like a prequel to breaking bad because of how much of an ass he is as a kid in this serial commercial. Okay. There's also footage of him on the prices. On the prices, right? Yeah. He just has that shitbag face. Yeah. Every new
Starting point is 00:18:11 celebrity has that pass. Yeah. Exactly. Whatever. Matt, what did you do? I was just gonna say, can't wait for Jesse to star in the Need for Speed movie. Yeah. This is the star. Really? You know what? Totally. Yeah. Is he Razor Callahan? He's not. He's just some bullshit. Damn it. I actually watched a bunch of stuff too. I started to delve into the Hannibal TV series. Which I hear is pretty cool. I'm a big Hannibal fan. I've read all the books. I've watched all the movies thus far. There's a weird thing where I don't know what network this is on. I believe it was NBC. I think so too. But I'm starting to watch that. What point in Hannibal's life does this take place? This takes place. This is a prequel prequel. It's like, how old is he? Ballpark it? Like 30, 40?
Starting point is 00:19:00 Because the actor that plays Hannibal is Lechif from Casino Royale. Right. So it's hard to place his age. They don't say what you're the same age. But it's like before Red Dragon. 35. Before Red Dragon. But before Red Dragon happens in the 80s, this happens now. People have tablets and smartphones. That doesn't matter. You're not sure what, but it takes place before he's Hannibal the Hannibal. It's magic. But I don't know if the Blu-ray, whatever has special like unrated, whatever. But it kind of works in the how X files or whatever works or you know, there's the new virus or monster on the loose. Yeah. This is FBI investigator Will Graham and Jack Crawford is played by, is played by, geez, oh my God, I'm drawing a blank. Morpheus. Oh, Lord's fish bird? Lord's
Starting point is 00:19:47 fish bird. Yes. Oh my gosh. Now I should watch this. So he, they play a really good duo and they meet Hannibal. Hannibal's like, I'll help you with all these murderers. I can get into their heads and tell you what they're thinking. So Hannibal's is basically bones slash castles. So the thing is, is that each week it's a new killer, right? They got tracked down. One of these killers takes people and kills them and peels all the flesh off their backs, then holds up that flesh with hooks. So they look like angel wings, then sleeps in a bed in front of them. So they pray over him because he's afraid he'll die of his brain tumor while he sleeps. Right. So that is shown in the show. So I was like, is that seems graphic. It's pretty graphic. Maybe I have to look this up.
Starting point is 00:20:43 But when he comes into the crime scene, Lawrence Fishburne goes, you look like shit. And he goes, I didn't sleep that well that last night. Well, I have something that'll wake you up. And he looks inside and sees the two people in a praying stance with their back flesh and spinal cords revealed. And he goes, I'm I'm awake and looks at it. And the show is really, really good. But I guess the problem is that the main guy that plays him overacts a little bit is a little cheesy. Hannibal is awesome. Is he being his own thing? Or is he trying to do? Because Edward Norton plays like Edward Norton's not an actor. Right. So he's trying to be Anthony Hopkins or is he trying to be himself? He's himself. Okay, thank God. Because you're not going to be Anthony Hopkins,
Starting point is 00:21:30 so just be your own Hannibal. And I also saw the movie Prisoners, which I was told is really good. And that's Hugh Jackman and Rhodes, Rody from Tern's Tower. They're watching a lot of shit lately. Their daughter goes missing. A guy is suspected. He is let loose. Hugh Jackman goes, fuck this, takes the guy, torches him for the rest of the movie. Oh, yeah, no. Super, super intense. Yes, no. My girlfriend is telling me about that. Apparently, it turns out to be way better than you think it is going in. It was pretty good. And it's got the Hugh Jackman in it. It's probably pretty good. Did he sing a song or two? No, he does not. He actually screams a lot Hugh Jackman in this movie. And Jake John Hall, the Prince of Persia, helps Wolverine with his child problems. Jake
Starting point is 00:22:21 John Hall plays a fucking asshole detective. He's super good in that movie. Is there anything less satisfying in a show than having it not be about detectives, but therefore there to be an asshole detective? Yeah, like the departed, fucking steals that movie being just the most unbelievable prick. I have nightmares of waking up and marking marks in my house with garbage bags taped around his feet. Yeah. If you see that, you should worry. You want live action Sam and Twitch, basically. Absolutely. Wooly, what have you been doing? A lot. I just realized there's a thing none of us all talked about that we should talk about. So you should bring it up. Unless it's saved for the bottom of the episode, which it probably might be, so don't worry about
Starting point is 00:23:08 but yeah. Yeah, you just spell things out in the air. I'm drawing dicks in the air. Here's the shaft. Well, that's really defined. Here's the nuts. All right. I know that's not technically a dick. That's not what I've been up to. I've been up to beating killer is dead. Yeah. We beat it. We beat it. Yeah. Liam, did you beat it? Yeah. Wow. What a shitty ending. Those guys at Grasshopper sure do not like explaining things. They sure do not like ending games or or you should read that article. Oh, the giant one about how it's a chess game. Except Oh, you guys haven't read that. I haven't read it. I read the first one of three fucking digests. Yeah. Tumblr posts. As in Grasshopper. You know what? I don't care enough. But that's the thing is
Starting point is 00:23:59 it's like, okay, I get that there's interesting things happening. And it does make it really interesting actually going in knowing the whole precursor story about his arm. Yeah. How he got it, which is he killed Osama Bin Laden. No, he killed the guy that killed Osama Bin Laden. It's not spoilers. It's in an article. You never find this out in the game. Shush. That's true. And so and the basic premise there being whoever you kill, their evil seeps into you kill really evil dudes. And exactly. And then more importantly, all the most evil people in the world, you kill them and then you take it all into yourself. It's like, okay, once that's rolling with the plot, I can make more sense of what's happening. But why didn't you be in the game? Just tell us what
Starting point is 00:24:40 you guys want to do guys. And it's not saying be obvious or heavy handed about it. Give me and just don't give us nothing. Like you should see the bullshit people have pieced together about the backstory of Dark Souls and there's almost nothing in that game. Yeah, item descriptions. That being said, you're two dudes in suits. Two dudes in suits fighting on the moon. It's pretty good. Thank you so much for putting David in a suit. I forgot one of us needs to play the game on very hard and just select very hard as the last mission. Yeah, just see how it is. It was too easy, but fuck did it feel super easy. It felt good for about 20 seconds. And then it was over. But it was really cool. It was really that sums up Mondo's life. Yeah. I also started
Starting point is 00:25:31 the wonderful 101. Give me a mission. Operation to be to be that's nowhere, nowhere. You ain't seen shit. You ain't seen shit. Clearly. Play more. No, there's a guy in Gaff that said I'm at mission five and someone said you haven't seen anything. He goes, how could I not have seen anything yet? Specifically. My eyes have seen things. Didn't I aren't I near the end of the game? No. He was a 005 B. Yeah. Which is right before the game goes to shit. Right before the, no, not to shit. Amazing shit. Shit goes to the shit. Yeah. 005 C, man. That's the mission multiple pets. That's the mission for you. For you. You're pointing at me. You're all pointing at me. Point closer. Everyone point. Everybody raise your hands and point at Willie. And now it's audio. And now
Starting point is 00:26:33 start to spin. Spin. Your hands about pointing at me. No, it's really fucking cool. I'm super enjoying that. Glad I did it. And I also bought Rain. Rain, yeah. Did you buy Rain, Liam? I pre-ordered Rain a good long time ago. Yes. Okay. Because it wasn't Rain digital. It was up for pre-order and you got like the soundtrack and a bunch of shit. You can go buy it right now. What do you think of that? What is that? I didn't get to start making this shit. Remember, it's okay. We'll get back to that when someone hears it. Yeah. It's quite good. But pumped, pumped for that. And yeah, I know. I also just want to give a random shout out to something that you showed me today, which is... Oh, yeah. Dude, the onion? Just chilling. You guys are way behind. That article's
Starting point is 00:27:22 super old. But the point is now, but people rediscovered it like six months ago. For sure, for sure. But we don't know it until today. Oh my god. Okay, the onion. Sources warn Miley Cyrus will be depleted by 2013. And this is an article published in 2008. Five years ago. Go watch this fucking video. It's them just... What? It's not surprising because that's the trajectory of every single person in pop music. Of course. But they bothered to make a joke and put it on film. The fact that they joked about how far it would go with Miley Cyrus' death or exposure to the point where they completely nailed it. They called this year's storm. They even say the government will collapse. Yeah. If you're cynical enough, you can predict the future. The only thing that didn't
Starting point is 00:28:09 get perfect was her hairstyle. When they show what she's projected, they never could have predicted her hairstyle. But man, that's a fucking mic drop if I've ever seen one. Did that hairstyle even exist back then? No. It did not. Girls didn't do that. Girls are always figuring out new weird bullshit to do with their hair. I love it. Keep doing that. Stop doing it. No, do it more. I'm not going to tell any of her fans. Beautiful just the way you are, girl. Says the guy who hasn't changed his hair in 40 years. What? I'm not going to tell any of her fans to stop where he's going. Spoiler, they're wooly 45 years old. No one saw that coming. We know of the existence of Hulk Hogan and a thong on the ranking bar. Oh, god. You don't have to stop that because if I tell you stop,
Starting point is 00:28:58 we'll just post it more. Yeah. But we're aware of that video. It's on our radar. No, you don't know what? What about Hulk Hogan's legs? What about Hulk Hogan's legs? Well, we're on this trend, gentlemen, and this applies to you too. Everybody. Everybody? Hey guys. Woolly knows that reboot is a good reboot. All fucking 800 of you. You never responded to my post when I sent it to you. Because guess what? What? Anyone who's been paying attention to reboot? Do you have like a phone like just for reboot? Yes, actually. He has a phone and a pager. That phone rang three years ago when they released a trailer. Yeah. And then two years ago when they released a website, I remember five years ago, you having a poster of a reboot, reboot art on your wall.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Oh, no. And they had, they had forums. They had official fan art. They had official forum set up for people to discuss what they thought the plot should turn into and stuff. Yeah. All kinds of crazy shit was happening. Then they started showing up and calling. It should be about Andrea just going out. Here's the point. The point is if you haven't been paying attention, you're, everyone's going, oh my God, reboot's coming back. But if you have been, they've been doing this for the last three, four years and nothing comes of it. So where did I say? So reboot's coming back. I should all believe it when I'm watching. That's what I was about to say is so when it's on the air, guys, or when it's in my hands, then it's like, cool, everyone freak out,
Starting point is 00:30:16 lose your shit, go nuts, crazy go nuts. But until that time, they're just doing another announcement, hiding away for a while, coming back, announcing mainframe and then hiding away. So what you're saying is don't care about reboot. No, I'm saying that as long as they're still making Barbie horse adventure style CG movies, don't care. And I think I have to give it up for Plague of Grypes because we're having a good conversation about this. And he was like, I was kind of talking to him and we're like, okay, why though, would they even lose the mainframe name to begin with? That was such an important part of their identity to which Plague pointed out, maybe they realized when they started doing all that Barbie shit that they don't deserve the name
Starting point is 00:30:54 anymore. Burn. And I went, oh, my God. Yeah, burn heel for that one. It fucking hurts. You know, grab the grab the fire extinguisher. Hey, guys, I saw this. So woolly, you've been busy killing reboot over the weekend. That's what's going on. I want to try to fanfic about Andrea when she was older. Didn't we all stop it? I once wrote that fanfic. Did you spell her name correctly? Yes, I did. Then you know, there's an I in her name. Andrae, the AI is capitalized and the rest is not. Oh, that's dumb. But when you ever see their names written in the show, right in the episode that she debuted in, hey, you know what, it was called and I didn't care until she grew up. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. People wouldn't know these things. Remember when she grew up?
Starting point is 00:31:45 I do. That was a very important time in my life. Mine as well. Hey, woolly, what's new in the world? Sound like Hartigan in Sin City. Like little Nancy grew up. Little Nancy grew up. And she fell. She fell down. In all the right places. Oh man. The heart condition. The doctor calls it angina. Andrea on the pole, spinning around. Yeah, that's what I wrote about in the fanfic. You went from reading it to writing it. Yeah. That's what he said. I thought I was writing it. I said I wrote it. You were both writing fucking up. Matt was writing it. I know. I wrote from the back words. I wrote backwards to the middle. That was a joke. I've never written anything in
Starting point is 00:32:31 my life. I don't know how shipping works. Thank you. I'm sure you do. Stick around. Oh, I've seen it. General Game News, guys. Yeah, let's talk about something other than that. Hey, video games. Hey, I'm going to mention Andrea again later. You want to know what's video games? What's happening with video games? Hey, Garuga is video games. Hey, Garuga is one of the most video games. Do you like that shit on Steam? More weird Japanese shit on Steam. Someone at Treasure woke up and went, yo, yo, we made Icaruga, son. We made that shit. And then the guy next to him said, you know, we could just do this. We wouldn't have to do anything. We just do it. We already made the game. Just put it in the Steam folder and it'll get around to it. Just
Starting point is 00:33:26 drop it there. And then eventually money will just show up. So yeah, super hype when a tweet comes out saying there's Icaruga news. And I'm like, I don't even care how iOS-y this announcement is going to be. We just want it. This means that people will be able to mod Icaruga. Yeah. This could also mean that Radiant Silvergun might follow suit. Absolutely. And then the Wonder Swan game. You can hear EB and you can hear eBayers just crying. Maybe one day, Judgment Silver Sword. Maybe one day. I'm not against the modding scene, but why don't you go here's some paint. There's the Mona Lisa. Go nuts. Yeah. For Street Fighter 4, yeah, I mod that shit. For first person shooters, mod that shit, but you're a lot of mess like Icaruga. Icaruga is one
Starting point is 00:34:11 of the most. You can let people figure out a way to hack new levels. For sure. Like way, way harder levels or that still uses the same bullet mechanic. Or they just just hack it and just make it crisper. Yeah. Or more sharp and more beautiful. Put like new shit designs or modify it or put like weird filtering or SSAO or, you know, whatever. Run a fucking spell check on the story text. Maybe. No. No. You got to leave that. I know. I got to say Icaruga is one of the most like art games that is not an art game. Like it's not an art game. But it looks art. But it didn't intend to be. Yeah, but you watch it and you're like, yeah. And you listen to it. Yeah. That's all like. I think Wally can explain it best. I just, it's the talk that me and my friend had and I brought it
Starting point is 00:35:02 up to you. Yeah, exactly. About the Icaruga Perfect Project where one day, if we just had money to throw, just to throw like toss. Which we only had that one time, really. You grab it and you just go over to Treasure and just go, guys, just redo it and hire this Philharmonic Orchestra, the London Symphony, whoever you need. Skywalker, Sam. Just get them on there. Get them in the room. You hire the Prague Philharmonic. Yeah, Prague. Yeah. Because they're great and they're cheap. You know, you get them in the house. Like everything else in Prague. You get like the most, whatever, the guys that made the cyberpunk trailer. You know what I mean? Just people that are blowing your minds with visions and you just redo this already perfect
Starting point is 00:35:42 game to just make you have orgasms. Make it perfect. Pressing the start. They did that with Rez. Yes. Yeah, they did. Yes. Well, they didn't, but the Miz did it and I was like. Wait, what? Rez. Rez and Rez HG. No, I heard the Miz did it. Yeah. No, but I thought you meant the wrestlers. I was like, he did not work on Rez. And it's like Rez was this awesome game. You're like, oh, but you just had to do just a little bit more, just a little bit more and then they did it. You're like, oh man, fear is the mind killer. Fear is the mind killer. There's an interview with the Miz and one of my like that weird British retro gaming magazine I got. Hold on. I got a combat down. Child defeated. Child defeated. Child
Starting point is 00:36:24 defeated. Okay, we're back. We're back. Oh, I'm flaccid now. I'm very sad that no one liked Rez. And he, he, he interviewer goes, wait, what? Wow. Then I think I got a story to tell about Rez. Okay. Wow. Hold on. Hold on. Let me, you finish this. What? Is there more to that? What the fuck is he talking about? He was just like, I'm very sad of the exception Rez. God. And he, and the interviewer was like, wait, what? Why? Like, like, it's revered as like a thing goes, but the, the, my bosses at Sega was, were very disappointed. And therefore I was disappointed with its sales. And they're like, well, what sales expectations did they have for Rez? And he's just like, it was just not up to
Starting point is 00:37:13 their standards. And my team was disbanded after. Long history of companies like Sega and Capcom having bond like Gonzo expectations. No, actually, you know what? Like, yes. And I want to say also know of it. Cause I'm sure most of the expectations were from Japan, to be honest. In America, they ship 12 copies or something. And that's why it's like a hundred bucks or something. Right? Right. Did the trans vibrator ever come out? Yeah, it did not. Well, it didn't. So Rez in Japan, I went to a game store and I saw a row of Rez special editions and regular ones. And like, there was a couple of sealed ones on the end. And I was like, yeah. And there's a couple of sealed ones on the end. And I'm like, whoa. You just want to see, say trans vibrators. Trans vibrator
Starting point is 00:37:54 is the greatest, most transparent, disgusting marketing ploy ever. How many can you fit in your pants? What's the trans vibrator for? It's so that your girlfriend has something to do while you play Rez. That's the official line. Um, anyway, so I picked up a sealed copy. You do better at Rez. The Rez special edition with the vibrator. And I'm like, yes, this is great. I look at the price tag, it's 300 yen. Yeah. That's how poorly Japan looks upon this game, I imagine. Like, and so I bought it. And to my horror, I found out it was resealed by the store and it was actually a used Rez with trans vibrator. You know what? You know what? No, no. You remember when they were showing off Rez for the 360 and Miz is showing off, you can get four X5 controllers to
Starting point is 00:38:42 act as vibrators and track them to your belt. I like to put one on each of my knees and then one on my lower back. And then everyone in the interview is going like, come on, man. Like, we know why this feature exists. God. It's why the vibration test feature used to be into PS2 games. Directs presents Rez sponsored by Trojan. I think there's no other gaming news. Well, we just saw Icaruga and didn't bother to write down any other gaming. We can keep going. We can keep going. Oh, we should probably move. I was going to say, has Treasure made anything new? They must have put something out. I just don't remember. G Rev, the other guys that worked inside of Treasure that made Icaruga, made Kokuga. That has come out where we live. So only, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Doesn't Treasure make tons of stuff all the time? It just, we don't know about it because it doesn't come out here. Well, they made Sin and Punishment too, of course. That's the last thing I can think of that was a console game. They're working on Geist Crusher right now. They don't worry, concern. But they're working on Geist Crusher right now. Oh, they are. That sounds really cool. That's their game. It's that Capcom game where you're super sometimes. The Capcom, the kid monster hunter one. How did I miss this? No, you've seen it for sure. You've seen it. I don't remember. It looks good. That does look cool. That does look cool. Yeah. When does that happen? Is that the thing? Geist Crusher? End of the year. End of the year. Okay. Not in any region near us. Only in Japan.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Please enjoy the anime. Please be excited. For matching service. Please be excited, you guys. SNK, on the other hand. Guess what they're doing. Something that makes me sad that I love SNK. SNK orders the Neo Geo X Gold manufacturer to stop producing selling games. This is where you insert an audio of Grumpy Cat saying good. Okay. There's two different things here. There's multiple things here. And it's no matter what, I get that sentiment, but it's tragic because of how badly they fucked this entire thing. Yes, it is. Why? Every time. SNK does the same thing every time. They do the same thing Nintendo does. But they're SNK, so they don't have the cloud. Every single time they put out some new version of a thing or push or whatever, they always start
Starting point is 00:41:08 back at like 1994 in their back catalog. Yeah. And they put out that year's worth of games that have all been re-released a dozen times on everything ever. And then sales don't go because everyone owns Samurai Showdown 2 already. You sure you don't? And then they never, ever, ever get to the stuff we want. And then they say, well, I guess people don't want Last Blade 2. And then, and then four or five years later, they start the whole fucking thing again. What do you mean you don't want to buy this shit no one wants pack? Like, it's fucking basically this beautiful machine. It's a, it's a great, nice look. I was thinking about it. And then it's like, it's like a portable Neo Geo player and it has a literal emulator. And yes, and it has like the colors and everything,
Starting point is 00:41:56 and then it fits inside of a stick and a console that come with it. Where you can hook this little portable thing to your TV. Wait, let me just really, really quickly stop you right there. Has any of us actually played online? Yes, I have. Okay, I've played on our friends. All right. It's not gracious. Our usual friend is like, these are poorly emulated as well. Yeah. They're slow down or they're wasn't slowed down. It's not just, no. Your point that you're getting to is the bang point, the whole recycling, the whole thing. But also, I was like, I don't care. I'll get one anyway. Then when I told, they're bad ports. Yeah, I was like, well, fuck it then. Why don't I just buy SNK classics on PS2? Because I can get for $1 or a GP32X if there's even
Starting point is 00:42:40 existing or a PC. Well, even at the end of the Wii's life cycle, if you have a Wii hooked up, you can just get Senjoku 3. I'm not advocating piracy, but SNK, when you're dealing with 20 years of entrenched piracy of the only way to play these games, you need to put an incentive out there. It needs to be rock solid, and it needs to be all of it. I mean, look, it needs to be the whole catalog day one. I'm the guy that bought Battle Archives, volume one. Yeah, you're two. I've got the fucking last blade archives. I've got all that shit. Those are Japan only, right? Yes, imported. I've got the Mark of the Wolves thing. I'm sorry, the Mark of the what? Mark of the Wolves. Oh, come on. I've got the World Heroes anthology. You mean the Mark of the
Starting point is 00:43:22 Wolves? Mark of the Wolves. Honestly, every opportunity I have to drop coin on an SNK thing, I am so eager to. I have several versions of KOF XIII. Well, like we all bought Senjoku 3 the other day. Yes, and we also bought multiple copies of KOF XIII the day that dropped. Absolutely. I remember that day. And Steve version's great. But when they fucking go and do this thing, KOF XI too, we all bought multiple copies. I wish that was on fucking Steam, but you see, this thing comes out and then they release exactly the games no one wants or has had for years. Now, how about you try front loading the good shit, the shit from 99 to 2003, and maybe the rest can come later? Yeah. You know, but they're like, no, we'll do the test, the SNK test, and see how it
Starting point is 00:44:09 lets sell the same games we've sold a dozen times before. Why won't anyone buy them? They can't possibly already own literally all of the ones they care about. The one that I ardently believe they should re-release at least once on every video game system is the Metal Slug anthology, which came out on PS2, Wii, and PSP. And they should have kept releasing that everywhere. This reminds me of the fucking Virtual Console and the farce that it was when three versions of Street Fighter 2 went up, and none of them were Super Turbo, and you had a deal for buying all three. It's like, fucking put up Super Turbo. There's a very clear reason why. Well, here's the thing, those what? That's what I'm saying. Exactly. Look, the three that they put up were the Super
Starting point is 00:44:56 Nintendo games, and they were emulating SNES, so they're like, obviously it's Nintendo, they're going to push that. But yeah, you could have gotten Super Turbo off of the, you could have gotten that off of Turbo? No, it wasn't on Turbo. It was on 3DO. That was the only home port of Turbo. 3DO, and then... Don't say 3DO! There's no such thing as a 3DO. Saturn, no. Oh man. It was only on the 3DO for the longest time. I think the next time it came out was like on a PS2 collection, like Street Fighter Anniversary. That was a bad port too. It would have to be the arcade, you know? Or like, fucking get Alpha 2 on that virtual... Yeah, sure. Get the Super Nintendo version of Alpha 2. It's like all these companies that have these
Starting point is 00:45:40 enormous classic libraries, like fucking put the games out. Like Sega has a bunch of collections, a lot of them are on Steam, and they're really good. But like, they keep redoing the flight, you can only do Shining Force 1, 2, and the Game Gear 1, and then you do like some of the Sonic games. It's just like, well, what about the other 190 awesome games that came out for that platform? Well, I gotta say... It's a Shinobu collection. It's a Shinobu. It's a Shinobu. It's a Shinobu. I gotta say, the recent re-releases of... It was ToeJam and Earl, uh, Golden Axe, Alex Kidd, and Streets of Rage. Those ones on 360 were excellent. They're all good, yeah. Actually, Streets of Rage is the only one that stayed on 360 for some reason. They shouldn't have kept going
Starting point is 00:46:21 with all of Sega's problems. They should have kept going. There should have been an Echo collection. Where's Skies of Arcadia? It's a different generation, I know. Oh, jeez. Yeah, jeez. That's the one I won. Where's my up-port of Panzer Dragoon Saga? All of the Panzer Dragoon. For the Genesis stuff, they had the emulator going. It was just a matter of dropping the wrong file in there. So drop more. The Dodge Amphile. Don't stop pouring. It's like when you're getting a drink and you're just like, don't stop pouring. No, it's going over the edge of the globe. Don't stop pouring. So, uh, and now, yeah, okay, into the, the action there, buddy. You okay there, buddy? No, I'm just looking at this news, and this is some news.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Solved good news, right? All right, let's start. Uh, it's all really happy news, right? Microsoft is well aware that the name X-Bone is not going away. They straight up went, I remember reading Phil Spencer's comments on it. He's like, you know, the thing that bothers me the most is that I've been staring at this console for months, and it never occurred to me. That's so dumb. He's like, he's like, I didn't think of it first. Give me a fucking break. I'll take that over Major Nelsons. No, but the problem with that is, that means you're like deifying your console in your mind. Because in your mind, you call it the Xbox One entertainment system by Microsoft. Like, nobody fucking, nobody, nobody says the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system. No one said
Starting point is 00:47:45 the Nintendo entertainment system, right? You say the NES, or the PS2, or the fucking Xbox One as the OG Xbox. In a parallel universe, we would have been saying the Total Extreme Action Console. Those names for the original Xbox? Jesus fuck, man. They're horrendous. They were like, you should post that list. Just post the list. If we can find it, it's just a whole bunch of things. Just Google it totally. I refuse to believe that out of all the people working on this fucking thing, that none of them saw that and immediately went, oh, the X-Bone. What I will believe is that none of them had the guts to tell their boss. Absolutely. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Well, the one that always gets me. You know people are going to call this the X-Bone, right? You're fired. The question is, does this mean they're going to embrace that? No, they can't. McDonald's eventually embraced Mickey D's. They didn't embrace McDow, though. McDow doesn't exist. But if the Xbox One had a really awesome showing, would that, because the X-Bone was more of a negative- It also worked really perfectly well. So if it had a really good show, anything X-Bone, I don't think it would have gotten nearly enough traction. No, if it was better, people would have called it the zone. It would have just been funny, but it wouldn't have meant like, oh, you got X-Bone. It would have gone away like, oh, we... It would have still been there.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Like, there have always been really fucking stupid names for consoles and people who bought consoles. Like, I remember X-Bots and PS Tools, and now we have the X-Bone and X-Boners. But the X-Bone is weird because it's A, like, kind of applicable. Like, it actually makes sense in the context of what happened. And B, it's the fastest way to say the name of the console. Every time I say Xbox One, someone around me goes, you mean the original Xbox or the new Xbox? In a world of there's no time, you gotta say X-Bone. And I'm not going to start calling it the X-Bone or the zone. All the people that call it the One? Oh, I hate that.
Starting point is 00:50:03 That's what they wanted. I've never heard this. That's the thing about it that makes me so disgusted, makes me so happy with X-Bone, is that you look at it and you're like, they wanted people to call it the One, like people call it the 360. And boy, did it blow up in their fucking face. It was kind of like when you said you want to come over and play the 64. It's like, I want to come over and play the One. But let's not forget, let's not act as if console names have been great, though. Like you said, when we first came out, Reggie was like, all right, everyone, get it out of your system.
Starting point is 00:50:37 You know, console names are awful. And it's all playground shit. There's nothing you can make. I still stand by the joke of the PlayStation sounds like a gay bar because it does. It really, you know, honestly, the Dreamcast was going to be called the Katana. That was its prototype name. I know, I wanted they should have kept the, or the Dolphin. I would have loved to play with the Dolphin. Dolphin's too silly. What about the Nintendo Nitro? That was a song. Oh, yeah. That's the DS. Yes, Nitro. Because of the kit. Because of the the capture kit. Console names are terrible. Unfortunately, Microsoft had a very weird intersection of terrible, incredible bad image with one of the worst console names ever.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Now, if they had stuck to the guns that they originally were going with and called it the DirectXBox, that would have just, I always thought the infinity was fine. Infinity? Really? Better than X-Bone. I guess it makes me think of the car. Every single thing about the X-Box, all the versions of the X-Box's names have been terrible. The DirectXBox was a prototype name because that's what it fucking is. And no one at Microsoft could come up with a better name than X-Box, which is like, if you just remove yourself from context and think about something called the X-Box, that's the fucking worst. But they said, okay, fine. And they went with it. And the 360 was named because they couldn't have the X-Box II next to the PlayStation 3. Which is
Starting point is 00:52:14 the stupidest thing ever. Which is so stupid. But you know what? They probably had marketing data to back up that it was a good idea. Right? But if you go to the movies, you're not going to go Spider-Man 3 is clearly better than Transformers 2. And what happened was, is that the strength of that name is that it shorthands really easily. Yeah, absolutely. 360 turned out to be great. It's super fast. It's like one and two and a half. It's like great. And now they have the X-Box I, which is, you know, that was market tested to hell. And nobody actually came up with X-Box I. They just looked at a chart and put words together until it hit all the right graphs. And no one at any point said, but isn't that what people call the original X-Box?
Starting point is 00:53:01 Yeah. But no one remembers that. They're all too young. That was like seven years ago. People don't get born after that time. The other thing that Microsoft's doing is they're promising that they will protect and keep your connected data secret. They're not going to, oh wait, no, wait, they changed their minds. Yeah, exactly. The guy that's three days ago, a guy stood on stage and said, privacy is important. Your connect data is something that we're not watching. We're not watching you for the NSA. I promise. And then another dude across the country stands on a stage and goes, some of the most exciting opportunities for the connect is that we can possibly talk to advertisers. We can target ads to stuff we've seen in their house.
Starting point is 00:53:49 It wasn't that. But it's the publication. He's saying like, we can use it for market research. There are now two incidences, but one, when the connect was first coming out and now this, where in order to sell it to advertisers and market researchers, they say some stuff which sounds super shady and borderline illegal. I do want to say something real quick before everyone just says, connect is evil. I don't like connect. I do not like connect. I don't think connect is evil. I think it's bad. I think a lot of people don't, a lot of people don't fully understand how it works. They are not sending a video of you. They're sending like super unidentifiable shit. They cannot look at that and tell that that is mad or bad. So the important distinction to
Starting point is 00:54:37 make is that connect may scan your room and be like, I saw Doritos. I saw a solid snake action figure in the report data pack. There is no way for a dude to sit down at his desk and hit, this is what Liam's living room looks like right now. That being said, the idea of the X-Bone taking metrics of my naked body as I play a video game is weird. It's still a camera looking at my dog. That fucking targeted directs ads. There's new ads. It seems like you need a larger penis. Hold up your Mountain Dew and your Doritos to unlock the Keeley achievement. But yeah, you are now the Pope. That's the GDD for the X-Bone, I'm sure. The Keeley achievement. I still love that like Sony copyright for like the ad popping up in the middle of the year.
Starting point is 00:55:38 We have to raise your hands. That thing that they clearly have no plan to implement. Why would you ever implement that? The fact that patents and things like that have to be public don't mean it's the best. You remember that one of the four sensors that Sony had? You attached your feet and your arms and there's a picture of the guy doing a bicycle kick playing FIFA. It's great. So in summary, Microsoft continues to be potentially, incredibly evil with their use of connect data. No, just not evil at all. I'm saying bumbling because they had two guys on stage saying the exact opposite message. I think use of that data for weird stuff like that is evil. I was going to say the feel of evil. Oh no, it's fine. I'll
Starting point is 00:56:27 backtrack a little bit. It's not evil, it's gross. The idea that a huge portion of the X-Bone plan is we're gonna get this fucking camera in there and we're gonna get the best marker research ever is so fucking disgusting. It's like fucking Pete with Mickey Mouse. It's like it's not really evil. He's just bumbling. He's just tripping all over is the place and you know. But the fact can be pretty evil. So what you're saying is you don't trust Pete to build your deck so you won't pay him. It's not a good idea. No, exactly. That's my fucking point. The fact of the matter is it's completely profit-minded at a disadvantage to consumers. Right and that's the weirdest thing. It's like Sony's been evil in the past. Let's not all. But they have ads on your dashboard. Forget
Starting point is 00:57:15 the fucking root kit nonsense. Proprietary everything. That being said, in terms of like these two consoles coming to market, what you see is Sony says we want to get the customer. What's the plan? Be really nice to them. Make the customer happy, then they'll buy our stuff. That's the plan. Let's go. That's how we're going to make our money. Which brings us to our next headline. Oh, just let me finish. And then everything with the Microsoft's view of it, it looks like, okay, we got everybody. How can we get the most amount of money out of these people possible? And when they just went out and said that and people heard them and said, well, fuck you. It's not working out really well for them right now. But also because they couldn't use the word
Starting point is 00:58:03 steam. They couldn't use the word steam on stage. You can't do it. You can't do it. It's your competitor. Sony executive praises Microsoft's Xbox One reversal. Now, I didn't read this. Is this shoot Hayoshita? This is, yes. And he's just straight up going like, look, we think that, you know, good on them for listening to what people wanted and whatnot. And he straight up says, like, we don't view the PS3 in the West as like the PS4. Sorry, sorry. Yeah, he's like, we review the PS4 in the West as like, we're still the challenger. Right. Right. In Japan, it's like, whatever. But we're still in the, we're still the challenger there. Therefore, we were able to capitalize on some of their unclear messaging. Right. That's a really good term.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Yes. Yes. It's totally accurate. I think, I think part of the problem of the whole expo thing was that some of their unintended messaging was all too clear. Yeah. And vice versa. Like the fault, like, again, their intended messaging was unclear and their unintended messaging was loud and clear. Because the leaks and weird things that came out afterwards with the employees going, guys, what we really wanted to do was steam box and put the power in your hands to make the games cheaper. Which is what they were saying all along, just with the wrong words. With the wrong words, exactly. And I feel like you can sell that message differently. But unfortunately, they are in an industry of emotion. And there are a glass case of it.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Right. And there are a very significant people like me who are loud and any significant detail, like, you're quiet, you're a little painless. And there are some details such as the way Deira was handled or whoever that we will freak out. And there will be no way to calm us down ever. I gotta say, like, Shu was definitely in the right seat in that though. It is a big commitment to change your game plan at such a drastic level. They don't just suddenly like slide it off the table and say, okay, this is our other game plan. Like they were really dedicated to that. And they have to re-plan and rework more than anyone. I feel bad for the interface and OS level engineers in Microsoft and the expo department that have to suddenly bust out a completely new online off
Starting point is 01:00:22 interface in like three months. Yeah, they're working their butts off for sure. Tons of steps back, excuse me, tons of steps backwards. It's really rough. Yeah. So hopefully those guys get really good vacations. Definitely really, you know, the blood change on there. Well, hopefully their Mario Kart keeps him going for a long while. Nicely done. Now this one I'm going to I'm going to pretty much read directly at Liam because it reflects something that we've talked about many times. Adam Boyz over is awesome. That dude's great at SCAA. Yeah. So he says, I know what he says. He says, I know what he says. Shut the fuck up and let me hear what he says. You know what he says. Indies don't benefit from perpetual exclusives. Right now, exclusives are just a way for console
Starting point is 01:01:09 makers to brag louder. Nobody gains from exclusivity in perpetuity. He's totally right. So the reason the reason I like exclusivity, and I'm going to just get this because here's the thing. Yeah, we need to preface this before you respond, right? So we have this discussion. And the way my thing goes is, Liam, you stand on the side of you like exclusives, you think this is a good thing. It gives you a reason to make the console sort of stand out. I won't put words into your mouth. I'll explain them. And I'm on the stance of I think games need the power. Developers need the power. I think you should be able to make an awesome experience and have us get towards that mythical future of pick your favorite console. It doesn't matter because the game's the one. I totally agree with
Starting point is 01:01:51 you. I want the one console future or the infinity console future. Right, right, right. The DVD player, if you would. Okay, so the reason I feel that way about exclusives, and it's not like a universal thing. I don't dislike games that aren't exclusive. But it's really an idealist kind of mentality where if you're working on an exclusive, you're only targeting one platform, one set of specs, you can make the best game you can possibly make. Like no concessions, no nothing. Like a Resident Evil 4. Like a Resident Evil 4. And then you move on. You finish it and you're right on the next project. No bullshit with ports, no making your fans wait. I like that. And when I see Platinum making one or four on Platinum making Bayo 2 targeting one platform now, they're going
Starting point is 01:02:32 to finish it and they're going to move on right away. So there's a problem with that in the modern era is that even if it's developed as an exclusive, it is also developed as a non-exclusive one year from now. Always, but in the case of like first party funded exclusives. That's the only stuff. Exactly. Now Liam, in a world where we don't have infinite money to risk on one platform though, you're a developer that needs to get your... Like I said, it was an idealist view. That used to be not a completely realistic view. That used to be way more viable. Yeah, absolutely. It is now totally non-viable. You can't do it unless you're willing to eat the cost on the game to sell the system. So sometimes you can't even do it on multiple consoles anymore, depending on the project.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Like it would enslave done better as a PS3 exclusive. Of course not, because it couldn't even sell enough on two consoles. Obviously I'm not talking about stuff like enslave. Obviously I'm talking about stuff like rain. And there's definitely also concessions that are made when a last minute port happens. We all don't need to talk about that on PS3. We all don't need to talk about like how Rayman just went down the other day, right? Last minute throw it in there. You control Murphy by holding the B button or something weird. Like it's just weird. Unintended, right? But that Rayman Legends is the perfect example of what we're talking about. Because it was going to be exactly what Liam wanted. And they said we're gonna go fucking broke if this only comes out on the
Starting point is 01:04:02 Wii U. UB Art needs money. Yeah. It fucking bleeds money. And then they went broke anyway. Well, because no one cares about Rayman. Could you imagine ZombieU they had said make three skews of it? You can totally do ZombieU with no gamepad. But no, no, but what I mean is like it's already kind of like almost tearing apart at the seams. Like imagine what it would be like if they had to make three skews. You know what? It's impossible to tell because you don't know how many more people they would have put on. Of course. But when you can plan for this from the get go and you're the developer and you're like you got a sizable check of change to throw around not just indies not because this talks about indies but not just them.
Starting point is 01:04:40 You really got to go okay look we're making a game. We need everyone to play it. We need help. Get it on Steam. Get it on Pearson. Get it on Xbox One. Get it on everything. The system of limited console exclusivity I think works out for everyone. Yeah. Because uh, Braid, Castle Crashers, Super Meat Boy, Limbo, those are four games that in my head I think and Mark and Daniel trials trials in my head in my head all six of those games are Xbox games. Now despite the fact that I own all of them on PC in my head they are associated with the Xbox brand. Yeah. Now if I had a PC only and was willing to wait I still would have got those games and they were awesome so hooray I just got a little later but they still play into they're worthwhile
Starting point is 01:05:29 investment for say Microsoft same thing a lot of these indie games are probably really worthwhile investment for Sony to just build the image of their platform and we have this conversation at least Matt and I knowing full well that we're staring at fucking killer instinct eyeballing that shit really hard going first party going yeah never never you know but there will always be first party right that is never gonna go away therefore at least in the case of downloadables get us to that one console or infinite console future right get us there will always be first parties and the system now of like fucking everything is multi-platform maybe not on the Wii U but the ps4 exponent it's digital why ps4 xbox one the new one and steam seems to be the three
Starting point is 01:06:18 major skews going forward for most stuff it's like do you prefer a controller to one of the others whatever do you need to put more money into it to get your pc version looking shinier yeah do you need the mod support that the next elder scrolls is going to have like it's it's it's it's much more of a choice and do you care about halo well then your choice is made you care about god of war then your choice is made you care about zelda zelda and and that's nintendo's big strength this is their first party stuff is just a fucking super killer rocks did you guys see the fucking trailer for mario 3d world we played it too guess what yeah yeah but i don't know it's just you know i if i were in the position of a developer i wouldn't want to do the same work
Starting point is 01:07:16 twice i would want to finish it i would want to forget about it well you don't do the same work twice i'm aware but you know what i mean the developers i don't know what you mean developers it kills us it's not just a drag and drop you may not know this it's not just a drag but other people do it running that's not mutually exclusive to making money not when you're not when you're super independent and as long as i get 20k i don't give a shit as long as i'm doing what i like well well you're welcome well that's pure eddy yeah yeah and that's yeah and that's not wrong and you said you said ideal answer it's an ideal answer that gets shadier when you have employees underneath you do you gotta take care of a company a company that's futures dependent on making money hear me
Starting point is 01:07:56 out it's idealist and that may not be their opinion but for me you plot me down with fucking nothing and you don't make games though but that is right but the moment that is my opinion but admittedly the moment you had shares and shareholders if that would change if they're comfortable with this sure if they're most likely or you could be like valve stay private make infinity billions of dollars forever that's the right thing to do i was gonna say the developers of killzone uh shadow whatever shadow fall sure launch game launch game that people will buy because it looks good said plays good not agree we are all terrible man not agree just said we are looking that right now it's quadruple the effort to make a game now yeah there's a certain a game of that level that
Starting point is 01:08:45 is a certain amount of developers will be able to put tons and tons and you know what i'm so happy with that they're the mechanics of asset creation has meant that the big selling point of almost every launch game and launch window game for the new platforms is yo this is gonna run at 60 frames yo this is gonna be 1080p we can't pay enough money to make it shinier so it'll just run better but that stuff that you just talked about like the fucking eight digit figure games and upwards we're going into that's what killed japan yeah you know what i mean is that's not a good thing no i'm not saying no no what would i look at before we start this we're looking at release dates of games i was like look there's this really hilarious open world cabela game there's some
Starting point is 01:09:35 character action pirate game say goodbye to those yeah well see see to your game i unless you're fucking marlo just showing up uninvited to the party yeah maybe maybe maybe that's where those games will go now it's my turn to be idealistic naive and that i hope that with the new incredibly digital storefront future we're going into that there will be a better 40 dollar 30 dollar place yeah for stuff like that and then you're gonna get situations where unless it is pushing the fucking utter bleeding edge of the future like something like a open world skyrim game elder scrolls game or destiny watch dog six what are you gonna get you'll get a game that runs well watch dogs brotherhood like on everything right like i have no problem seeing games like market
Starting point is 01:10:28 the ninja and trials and and that brother's game and just all all this indie stuff yeah come out and look exactly how they are just with the image quality up to 1080p and it runs in 60 frames yeah that's great yeah do that forever well there's a ps4 lunch title it's just that it's yes well yes but um i think it's called uh contrast where it's a yeah 3d platformer but um and it's really sick and it's just that yeah my my hope is that we get to another age of the ps2 yeah where it's looking like you too you can get cheap games out yeah that just run well and there's infinite that ps2 didn't have any games around yeah yeah i know that's why this is the new age but the point and the point being that you walk into the store and there's endless amounts there's
Starting point is 01:11:18 not a single except you're gonna walk into the store there's going to be less and less games every year steve's been either pretty good no i know you're right i mean you physically walk into the store yeah no you're right you're right you know what guys i haven't walked into a store to buy games in a long time you haven't left your house in a long time see i don't like doing that i think if brick and mortar wants to survive we need to get download code combine they have them now but it's lame you combine they need to fucking steady it up you combine digital stuff and amazon's shipping yeah like there are increasingly little value in going to a store there are increasing little value in going to stores as pat or even buying it physical until well hey maybe you walk
Starting point is 01:12:03 into a game stop and you just go i want one of these and they go cool and they have your address and you get it next day deliver to your place well why would i go to the store i know i know but it's like why not just do the website offering like weird things like that so that they can compete going don't hate you to compete by me not having to leave my house or giving me a rock solid monetary incentive going back to win waker win waker came out three weeks digitally ahead of the retail version yeah if that happened with other games and other systems i'd buy digital way way more it's games i want if that happened with anyone that wasn't nintendo or microsoft actually but if it happened with sony or only one digitals is this is the thing
Starting point is 01:12:49 that happened with sony or with uh steam which it does obviously i would easily buy all that i buy all my vita stuff i would just say yeah all of it and i'm gonna buy all my ps4 stuff digitally yeah i'm buying fucking pokemon digitally yeah same here all your nuts but it's a game i'm really i'm really insane about that lack of account system i realize that it is becoming increasingly weird and crazy looking but i'm not gonna buy anything without proper accounts though you though you must understand the reasoning for wanting to have pokemon uh at all times absolutely however my handhelds don't leave my house yeah so you never lose it so yeah okay okay makes it making it even more crazy um let uh let's let's take a quick word from our sponsors this episode
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Starting point is 01:14:21 over 20 customizable templates and awesome shit right away and great i would have spent like a quarter of the time learning you can put like you can just grab all your favorite like art from your games and throw it in there and it would have been super stylish and professional no way no absolutely little liam yeah hidden streets wasn't it wasn't a joke i had a fighting game site called way of the warrior was terrible oh no man how many sites are registered to weigh of the warrior you should have you all of them you should have used squarespace man it's just eight bucks a month and it includes a free domain name that you can sign up for later i was born too early yeah whatever that actually means i have no idea but no honestly your mom
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Starting point is 01:15:48 woolly which i'm sure you told them to use then you would have gotten 10 off so yeah man start a trial with them in the past go back to the past and fix my transgressions your mistakes your and then you can have the number one streets of rage fan site by using we've got warby parker sponsoring today's episode of the super best friendcast and we're really excited for that we're really thankful for their support warby parker has a really cool selection of vintage inspired glasses and they're all very affordable hey how many pairs of shoes do you have more than one right well why do you only have one pair of glasses people aren't paying attention to your feet try warby parker it's a new way to get boutique quality classically crafted eyewear
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Starting point is 01:17:20 thanks guys we already we kind of jumped the bullet on this one we're jumping bullets now i thought it's jumping guns no jumping the bullet it's already been fired and you're jumping that oh we're going too fast the dualshock 4 works with windows pc for basic functions what does that mean no confirmation what does that fucking mean it needs to use x-input it probably uses x-input we don't know probably here's what they have to say about it though when pressed for answer on whether or not the is this you hey yoshida of course i fucking love you yoshida we gotta do a section on it when pressed for clarity he's so adorable he's like old asian man adorable of you yoshida says wait until after the console's launch for further details on the matter okay but here's
Starting point is 01:18:12 the thing okay when that's actually a really weird thing to say when you say basic functions that pretty much to me sounds like it'll function as a usb as a usb device no x input what is x input input okay x input is a driver that lets like games recognize your fucking controller as a proper controller it's what microsoft uses for the 360 pad it recognizes it as an xbox 360 no it recognizes as an x input controller it's what a 360 pad it is has stuff in it that makes itself recognize as the 360 pad but were you to put an x input controller in it would recognize that it can use the 360 pad settings and you would be able to play older stuff that uses 360 control the point is your level of analog your level of your shoulder the fact that all the buttons were everything
Starting point is 01:19:06 that works as is on a 360 so if the ps4 was what you get if the ps4 was an x input controller you could say go back and play borderlands yeah one with the ps4 pad yeah because it's x input now the statement of basic functions is super weird it makes me think that they just mean like a use standard usb controller which has not been cutting it for forever now they don't work on stuff but if they say wait until after launch it makes me think that they will literally they will do something yeah to make it an x input device or an emulated something or support somehow maybe like that it we don't know but it's just the phrasing of wait until after the launch well i believe that means like it's going to take you longer than a second to get home and plug it in
Starting point is 01:19:58 what to me i read that is like funny translation to me no because i think it's one of those translation things i still think doesn't choose speak english not a hundred thousand percent perfectly like ultimately that's a high degree of language mastery and i'm a million percent sure that's true ultimately um if i know you care a lot about this i care so much about but like i was saying earlier you do have a solution if you just need a playstation controller working on your computer with no lag very important you can get an x360 yeah but i want the ps4 controller to work on like well yes because because i've held one and it's my favorite controller ever i want that one you know well like and i know this is like weird child it's like no i don't like let's let's i could
Starting point is 01:20:47 just use happen i could just use one of the six 360 controllers i already own but i don't want to i want that one again to quote the louisey cape it how quickly the world owes you something you just discovered comes it's coming out yesterday it owes me when i buy it maybe i bet pat's gonna be one of those guys if this sony product is supported on a microsoft os maybe x input is not just for i'm pretty sure pat's gonna be one of those guys then and your limits and your leg to his pc before his ps4 absolutely absolutely that's that's not even a joke i will open up the shit and instead of hooking up the ps4 i'll say well my pc's on right now i can play i can be playing dark i can i can be playing dark souls with this controller your touchscreen your touchscreen is
Starting point is 01:21:40 never gonna work oh no never never that's not you'd have to hack some drivers but who cares we're gonna get some give it a year we'll have some ridiculous oh there'll be some bullshit weird drivers but i don't want bullshit weird drivers i want real drivers this was that one didn't try much malware emotion enjoy oh the worst enjoy it fucking installs chinese spy shit i was about to say china is already working on them the drivers quote unquote unsigned are you sure you want to install them they're super unsigned i need i need to play dark souls with this ps3 pad i'm take the risk don't take the risk i took the risk it was super worth it uh and speaking of games that are going to use features that is the latest segue in a while whatever that is so bad five
Starting point is 01:22:24 five look the controller you won't be able to use your touchscreen with that no but you will be able to use your touchscreen on transistor what really yeah oh my god every time i see transistor and because basically transistor is using it i know right it's so okay transistor is the new game by super giant games makers of fashion fashion one of the best games of this generation so they're talking about how they're gonna be passionate it's hot it's really good transistor's hotter there looks hot yeah that artwork is amazing yeah um they're talking about how they're going to be using the uh lesser known features including the color thing um the light bar the led bar right which is fucking cool because i who's heard anything about that no one's talking
Starting point is 01:23:06 about the only thing i've heard about the light bar is that and there was a thief demo where they said that when you're hidden the light bar will go off oh yeah that's and i'm like that's actually useful that's directly that's a really intelligent that's something you can kind of see out of the corner of your eye so it works i'd like to see like something where like if you're playing in a totally dark room yeah it's adding to your gameplay right not glaring off the screen of course no those those things didn't seem to give off that much light the picture seems not like well but on the other one in a dark room they could be but maybe we'll have to know right on the other hand a lot of people are already saying that like they're ps4's little red lights reflect off their screen which
Starting point is 01:23:46 i believe because like uh led screen ps3 well it's not led screens but some screens have a really reflective surface yeah if you have a tv that has a big fat like it could be a 3d tv or reflect well no no because like the surface is different well the surfacing is what counts the sony 3d tvs have a really shiny they have that but i mean just a tv being 3d doesn't mean it has a such a thing like to me it's just the thing that you know i i don't play in total darkness i play with low lighting so it's not really a problem i guess i'm fighting the ed like by candlelight yeah no not might have lamps on like low oh i play by candlelight what the fuck is with you in the candles enough about the candles leo no go i can see it being a problem but yeah i find it weird that like
Starting point is 01:24:29 when we see the ps4's touchscreen or light bar and as these really trivial gimmick things we all go ah could be interesting but when connect was used for these situations in the past you would put people like me into this like man fuck that i would tell commander shipper what to do with my voice man i think it's because like connect we all kind of knew it was going to be unresponsive but this is just the fuck it's a track pad how how could they possibly fuck this up it's a track pad we've used them for years man what did you think when you saw that announcement or rather the concept of video for the lights that surround and shine off of your console and surround your tv to add to the experience i didn't even know that was a thing are you serious this is the first time
Starting point is 01:25:12 i also did not know that was oh man there was that idea yeah i can tell you what i first thought okay what i first thought when i saw this light room thing or whatever is a how does it fucking work how expensive is this and it ends up that it's prohibitively expensive for any possibilities at all and it requires a ceiling mount oh projector oh jesus no because if you look at it it's like how is that being projected yeah basically there's a video for this thing and you see you're playing like i don't know i think it's called light room yeah you're playing any game and like the edges of the screen are bleeding off into your room that's really cool creating a very cool surrounding but the tech isn't there yet so it's super pricey yeah it's it's literally a projector
Starting point is 01:25:57 and that was one of the before the console's announcements where there was a rumor that this is what they were going to bring out you know what i see yes you know what i just realized this is the gimmicks that we got this generation are waggle turn your dual shock to make a motion and connect right they're all motion stuff and thing that we found out about them is that they don't work wow they well they don't work like a button works 95 percent of the time like like like like in kill zone it's like turn your dual shock to turn the valve like i could have just so care yeah but a touchscreen at least adds like the possibility of like mouse movement stuff and a light that goes on and off like that can't fucking like there's no input for me to fail
Starting point is 01:26:43 right right right right it's just it's it's so fine yeah i guess that'll be interesting maybe but i can fucking ignore it if i don't like it uh uh sorry there should be some like ghetto combat game on ps4 not like a fighting game but you know like that stupid little platforming like versus game smash brothers close no like barry ball or whatever that's all very very ball oh yeah very very ball like something like that where like the light bars are changing colors constantly and if you press the button that coordinates with your opponent's light bar color and you hit them with it it does a lot more damage or something you're constantly looking at the other people's shoulder knock the street but you
Starting point is 01:27:26 have to look at both and you're hiding your controllers and i just i just want a ps4 version of yohann savos jim jeff's oh my god yeah to exist that he doesn't need the move it just needs the control can we can we do a video of jazz no no please no because we need to live to continue to work uh shantae on kickstarter raises 200 percent of its goal i'm super glad they killed it i i i sent uh matt boson and congratulatory leader can i just point out how much i love the name matt boson it's a good name good it sounds like a fucking metroid villain i sent i sent matt boson and wait for a congratulatory email saying i'm sorry we couldn't we were close to maybe helping them out with their kickstarter but we lacked a few hardware specifications but you know like i said
Starting point is 01:28:20 you know really glad that like because i wasn't sure shantae was gonna make it it was like 300 000 their goal was 400 000 somehow i wasn't sure and then i always forget that final week really does because because people who were like oh i'll i'll donate to that later and then somebody goes into dude that thing's going off in like 10 hours oh shit i gotta give them a thousand dollars and wait for it really knocked it out of the park with their like advertising as it went on hyper like director cost you and they got on the plate they were on the playstation blog and like they were everywhere is is hyper light drifter done yeah i don't know because go on boy did that one kill it yeah that went from zero to 27 000 asking price the last i checked they had crushed their
Starting point is 01:29:07 450 000 goal yeah which means they're now going to be on every single platform that exists oh did they get with you that wasn't they totally they got everything they must have got the last thing i saw was that they got everything okay okay that's why it's like a guy friends at way forward have friends that are working there yeah we both have kick starters yeah yeah i was crushing it hey and they they do it they didn't get mighty number nine and hyper light drifter they had both of them and also yacht club was on the mighty number nine final live stream what let's all be kickstarter pals and then they all form one giant company and they make everything you ever wanted how do we fund this thing kickstarter like kickstart this no like they asked for 10 million dollars and the the product
Starting point is 01:29:58 is literally every game you want kickstarter is going to be a thing i can't wait mark these words now speaking of you pay to get in and the more the more you pay the longer because first there's the kickstarter for the kickstarter oh yeah oh yeah your rewards are food now now like just being perfectly totally honest there's talking about crushing it is this a safe space for me to to talk about a safe place why i feel like such a fucking ass oh my god i feel so bad it's up to you what did you do i'm so sorry i feel good about my personal thing with this project what happened no it's just i felt so bad because mighty number nine closed up and my fucking thing bounced and i oh you mother i know and i was like no i'm letting you down i'm so sorry you let you let the fune the fuck down
Starting point is 01:30:55 but i took care of it so it's okay pal it's yeah you gotta do it yeah and fune looked at that how your payment got rejected in a single tier i felt something that had that had uh beck's face in it he just goes back and he sits on that bench and starts fading away again that's really weird because it's like you're you're like it's a it's a video game all right like let's all take a fucking step back from fantasy here yes it's a video game but there's something about some of these kickstarters that you get this kind of hero complex emotion when you give the money it's like man i me i helped bring old school rpgs back to the world and there's this weird fucking smugness and and happiness to it number nine is the most heroic because of that yeah and
Starting point is 01:31:48 there's sort of video and therefore it has the biggest legacy behind it definitely you feel like you let them down when this shit happens and they're like fuck but no i saw that i got the email it's like your payment has been forwarded through amazon yeah man i i helped bring i gave them back to life i gave them more than i thought i could give them at the time right that's the problem yeah i gave too much that always kills me actually where it's like yeah i could pay this much in 30 days later i'm like oh my oh shit i've had a really weird place with kickstarters because this the kickstarter revolution or whatever like fdl and chivalry kicked it off when they came out and were fucking rad game they were lost like game of the year or game of the year contenders
Starting point is 01:32:29 those two and so that's that gate you know then the double fine adventure and the eternities stuff is it's just so originally i was really cautious and i would read every single thing on the kickstarter page and like i would scan it i would sort of orb every detail man should i should i pay these guys this money but like for the past four or five like shovel night and and hyper light drifter and stuff like that i've just been like i scroll down the list until i don't want to go one more up on the pledge yeah like i don't care about the thing they added and i just do it no because like i said we're finally hitting that area of seeing the products now and seeing how most people are legit i scan the list until i see where the art book shows up oh my god that's
Starting point is 01:33:15 where i go for art books usually one of the good ones yeah for me it's the the printed physical copy yes well that that's usually below that's so below yeah i will look for that is there an art book then then i'll go for the so far for me i every single time because they're all steam games like first and then they become other stuff later it's always been the way it works out i was like i'm gonna go until i see something i don't like and then go the one before that and the one i don't like is it comes with it in a real box yeah and i go well i'll get the one before that unless there's another even better or digital one underneath it comes with like two keys or something yeah who wants a sculpture of fucking beck i don't i really don't for ghost song i jumped in i do
Starting point is 01:33:58 shit i'm so pissed i missed that one yeah i'll buy it i'll buy it for people that's what's so cool because even if you miss it now it's gonna just happen you can just buy it and i can be like you should get this tell people to get it especially now that we have this podcast and we could tell people to go buy ghost song now it's too late it's too late no buy it when it comes it's it's too late and too early set aside $15 for it um but i've i always just go down to like where what do i get game for $12 sure and like it's such a small amount that i just put a bunch of money into a ton and it's like you're not a team player if two or three don't come out whatever how about getting more than one copy so you can share with somebody yeah i do that if it's like
Starting point is 01:34:42 affordable where it's like it's not like $12 gets you one 24 gets you two fuck off okay if it's 12 gets you one 20 gets you let me let me ask you you guys a question that has a twist to it we all know that you guys have spent a lot of money on some Kickstarter games often to get a character that we are a fan of into said game if you were to remove ones that you didn't technically do it quote unquote for work and only for your personal stake in this game how what's the most amount of money you guys have put into a Kickstarter i got two good ones uh well what's yours parkly two yeah 127 dollars because that included like shipping and stuff right um and the other one by the guys who made supreme commander yeah uh i i forget the name of the game because it was quite a while ago the
Starting point is 01:35:34 caveman rpg remember wild man wild man wild man i fucking love that company uh i have some history with that what's the number ring it was a 175 yeah my highest is 165 for eternity okay so how about you guys taking out taking out as related donations so here's all the answering this question if we weren't in best friend shit we'd have things yeah if we might just look at these Kickstarter if we weren't trying to do disgusting media basically if matt and i didn't drop g's upon g's on the things that we dropped them on so the three that i put tons of money into is of course skull girls shovels and um kaiju and kaiju colossal colossal kaiju come colossal kaiju combat i'm sorry we gotta we gotta remember that for skull girls i would not have put the amount i did really i would
Starting point is 01:36:29 have put um in not that amount that i single-handedly put in um for shovel night i would have put matt's lying by the way no he's not if my name is on there exactly yeah and i didn't i didn't you didn't just have the money come from where the receipts you were at the receipts matt the liar legacy begins now opera wants to see the receipts it's not it's not opera i thought it was opera it's really houston it's really houston but she might be talking opera i forget anyway uh for shovel night i would have done the same amount 500 bucks for shovel night i would have put whatever i liked yeah into there put the punisher you know i was the one thing i was disappointed by the shovel night thing is that i only went for 25 because there was nothing i wanted
Starting point is 01:37:18 that was under like a thousand dollars yeah well i wanted to put my own boss in the i would have i would have gladly given them like 200 bucks if they gave me more but they gave me tons of 25 and colossal kind you guys gave me too much and colossal kind you combat would have done the same amount as well i would i would have designed my own monster whatever i would have dropped yeah no i would have tried to actually put a lot of money in on outside of like work which one did it actually yeah actually what's the highest you did on uh money number nine i put in 190 dollars nice cool yeah that's great because i was i forget i would have i would have easily dropped a cool hundred on skull draw it's no problem yeah and like i think i did yeah that's
Starting point is 01:37:59 that's i put a hundred on dive kick before that got can right on we don't do that yeah there you go i only put 10 i'm so you got yeah you guys would have been more well no dive kick is the biggest thing when we put money in yeah yeah and then you got me just got it all back yeah shout out to Keats Keats Keats and Lang you guys are the greatest love you guys one true game Keats for being great and Lang for enabling that greatness you took us all the way to ballers have they're so godlike um i can't wait to see dive kick too so no and for me i'm yeah no i threw a 75 at mighty number nine i love kick stars so much kick starters great where can i just throw money at kick starter they always think it cut but i just give them you gotta go you gotta go to kick
Starting point is 01:38:42 starters indiegogo campaign i was gonna say go to indiegogo's kickstarter campaign oh the thing the thing about kick starter is that it started up and we all kind of assumed that it would die down but it's just going faster i you know there's more and more stuff that i would have never thought i would see something i wanted as bad as hyper light drifter what just finished i mean just finished um river city rance among us yeah well it was a point we're gonna talk about but that's fine yeah i know i was never seen ransom underground just finished and like fucking doing great looks great you know i mean like yeah no kick starter i love this it's also really great that games are taking over the platform right more than anything well because games are the things you can you get
Starting point is 01:39:23 lots of money for that no but it's nice because it means they're going to retool their like terms of service and all that shit they already they already did a little bit no but i just mean if it was like if it was books i wouldn't really mind like as long as the games get their part yeah i don't i'm getting rid of the rid of that like fund my life it used to be like that was like that was only a thing for a little while it used to be and then it went the fuck away but it was only because they didn't have it on paper it you know it was because they didn't like it in the first place it used to be weird little doodads and little tech things like watches or fucking whatever and now it's like multi-million dollar video games or or the one that i personally like the
Starting point is 01:40:01 fucking 3d printer yeah you just buy a 3d printer and they will print one out and make it and send it to you you know when i print out yes i print out adult andrea you said you would bring it back or you deliver you know what we're not there we don't have 3d printers like that have wide enough dimensions for the trial you're looking for we gotta get well there's that guy who's making a card you can only print four inch sheets so you do that getting weird science up here he's making four inch sheets and making his car out of them piece by piece that's really cool that really to a point i'm sure you don't have this written down but there's another Kickstarter for a magazine retro it's called and it's run by jeremy perish oh sean baby whoa and they're like those are names
Starting point is 01:40:50 i saw at the valix retro like old games but also will have like no new stuff um right now it's at 6000 of 50k uh six issues a year digitally or whatever the cool thing the cool thing about jeremy perish because like uh our other threadpad like you know like has worked with him and knows good stuff is that like even without one up and stuff that guy's been getting all kinds of cool book manual magazine type of things going over the years like yeah his magazine like it died but it never really died and like and like and even if it's just like a collection of feelings on samus in like this this bound like book or like an earth bound guy with a hardcover thing yeah like perishes a lot like uh milky in terms of like these dudes left one up or one up died or however
Starting point is 01:41:43 the circumstances were for each guy and they just went off to keep doing weird weird stuff yeah forever and then you had uh mcdonald going over to eight four and fucking doing a great job over there oh man you kind of like stumbled through that so i know i just got confused because i love eight four so much so i was gonna say if anyone's interested in that just put in retro magazine and kickstart what we were talking about also our friend david uh david gilton gilton and he's actually a contributor to this thing too so that's kind of neat cool right on um and everyone likes props when you can't say their name well they someone say my last name no one can so i can say it but i can't spell it exactly mega death ray super mega death ray right yeah um no it's
Starting point is 01:42:31 super mega death ray i think it's ultra i thought it was super i'm an idiot but also hold on one second we might we might not have it but if you buy with the reward tiers it's just a half page advertised in the magazine for whatever you want maybe we can have a little maybe we should have a little best friend this thing there just fucking listen to our podcast just shut the bass in there again just shut the bass it's like an ad for the bad no one knows what it is or where do you gabo gabo gabo storm is coming be ready it's totally ultra mega death ray it's ultra there you go we're idiot i'm an idiot we're all idiots i'm glad i second guess a lot of apologizing going on this podcast as of late he didn't pay for a sponsorship whatever that's true um have you
Starting point is 01:43:18 been actually playing gtf5 by the way you've been clocking it no i did the first heist and then i stopped because i would rather play 101 because everyone's doing yeah and then i fell off the wagon and boy am i glad i didn't try and play gta online because i was gonna say there's two things popping up everywhere one is oh my god that trevor guy is so fucking crazy i have stolen yet to see that character and the other one is error messages and the other one is the other one is totally a bunch of our shitstorm videos i might as well watch this gta says i can't play right now yeah so thanks rock star in the ongoing tradition of online games and services going up for launch it's broken and this is becoming less and less newsworthy and just more and more sad
Starting point is 01:44:04 every time it happens the reason to deal is it broken because of too many people it's broken because it's broken and because of too many people are exacerbating how broken it is you simply can't test that because like yes that you can never really deal with the stress on a giant fucking world-class title like that i'm sorry it's both it's but but the the money exploits and the shit like that straight up just like wasn't ready dudes are dudes are grinding their money exploits losing all their money that they exploited and getting super butt hurt about it yeah yeah seems to go son gaff like fuck this i just lost eight characters like wow how'd you get up to eight jesus why didn't you call it quits after two fuck so in the spirit of large servers
Starting point is 01:44:49 always fucking failing at launch please be excited this isn't even servers this is all p2p you're right but please be excited for the 10 to 15 minute xbox one update at launch which is what microsoft said and which is not gonna happen oh that'll be fun the Wii U update was a blast that was like what two hours three hours let's be let's be super fair the ps4 is also going the ps4 is also going to happen if you don't tape that up you know what you know what we should do we should fucking go buy a brand new Wii U that's been sitting on a shelf for like a year and then go buy launch expo and launch ps4 and hook them all up and have them race yeah come on ps4 just play some benny hill music behind that shit and we can we can set up a router to like limit the
Starting point is 01:45:35 bandwidth to eat so they're all equal so it's fair when Homer's brother-in-law sells the washer and dryer to most yeah and they have a really oh you stupid driver we're all splashing beer all over the console this to me this is a really sad thing i think there's nothing that i there's no console that i've ever bought that i was like more sad to bring home than the Wii U and it's not because of anything about the Wii U or the games it's just like the experience of opening up your console and hooking it up and like yeah i'm gonna blow update fuck yeah he's awful it is a terrible first experience i just i just fucking popped right back into killer is dead when i was dealing with that yeah i left guess what it seems like
Starting point is 01:46:24 that's lame ever no matter what it is well now i need to acquire an update absolutely because they're making it up until it ships and then after yeah this is what's happening xbox one apparently needs that like mandatory well it's because it's to remove the mandatory internet i was gonna say like yeah you pop that in to get rid of the drm it super needs it for me with the Wii U i bought it and then i was like oh i know this is terrible i'm gonna play zombie you and you just unplugged it you or didn't hook it up no i played zombie you and then you got the sigma three for like 10 hours and then i went to bed and updated while i was asleep yeah that that makes more sense but i agree but it's it was still like it's black they should make some way to wirelessly
Starting point is 01:47:05 transmit updates to them while they're in the warehouse i was gonna say why i was gonna say why you're sleeping they've already done that wait what no in the warehouse while they're in retail boxes i was always on how come all of our 360s are just are they all just slow what do you mean they're not talking about this it's just like all 360s are just slower and everything no no no here's the exact reason why it's a very tangible like thing you can track as you play more games your profile grows yeah as your profile it needs to more data it's equivalent to when you go on opus 3 and you go to sink your trophy data yeah if you haven't spock that you haven't synced it in a while fuck you did that for the first time two days but the xbox does that
Starting point is 01:47:51 like way a hundred times faster but it does it every time you do something and we have all played a shit ton of games on our 360 no that that makes sense for me but went to a girl's house yesterday and we're playing uh allen wake a little bit and uh her 360 and she's got like really modest amount of achievements and not a lot of she's games install she's certainly played over 50 titles i guess but it's like just as slow as mine because the point is it's like a pc in that the more you exit the slower and the other thing is that over time think think of think when did we all get our xbox it's like 2006 oh god when are we gonna have to defrag consoles when is that day coming they do that automatically yeah man but the 2006 ish is when most of us got our 360s
Starting point is 01:48:35 well no i got mine like two years ago two years ago i got mine okay not super early the problem is is that none of us had smartphones then yeah okay the dashboard then was blades yes every dashboard is slower than the one before it oh and now we all have smartphones that are fucking instant with everything and it is both the accumulation of resources that slow it down and the fact that we have so many devices that are so much faster i have a pc with an ssd the all the consoles are fucking molasses on their interface compared to that thing yeah a fucking master race over here jeez i spent the money i get to be like this please enjoy your kof 13 i am i fixed it that's that guy coming up the stairs holding the big box in the monitor like ah don't touch me you fucking console
Starting point is 01:49:31 plebian you know the guy walks down the stairs to be to be fair to be fair to the claim of me being a console uh pc game or master race i played 99 percent of my pc games with a controller on a television yeah fair enough i just want the power i just want the frame rates that's all i want you also want the comfy if i bought a ps4 and a couple years down the line they were like here you can buy the fucking expansion pack and your frame rates will go up i would buy it the n64 yes that is the exact if you can if you could make your console louder so you could feel the engine roar if they straight up came out with like you know the the ps4 and it's written in letters you know like yeah the slim ps the ps4 slim and they're like this thing runs games faster yeah that's all
Starting point is 01:50:26 like it's a hundred bucks more than you would think it's the same price as the old one yeah it just runs them faster i would fucking buy that revision every time yeah absolutely i agree uh the the good side of gta wow we were talking sorry what yeah the good side of gta is that they have rock star has 45 years worth of ideas yeah i'm sure they do oh that's bullshit well that just means that they haven't finished watching all their dvds they bought cheap from a blockbuster well it's if that's what it's a cure to get to switch between three characters but no but that's the thing is like when i looked at five i was like okay so what they did here was they said we're gonna give you gta three and uh san andreus right at the same time because we're not going to go back to another
Starting point is 01:51:15 nico bellic style character right and like you want to get appeal to your gangster guy and you're normal i want to be a sort of gangster and you're crazy methed out psycho yeah yes which is the play i said gangster twice but i meant like mafia you meant mafia gangster and a banger yes yeah and and then the new form of crimes which is breaking bad your slash saint's row right sure just psycho but apparently they've got way more in them i you know what i've watched a lot of great movies from the 70s i'm sure that they got plenty of ideas there's no heat grand theft auto well do a grand theft auto that's all about heat tater lynch what i'm gonna say is that's probably 45 hours of unfiltered ideas so they 45 years that's what i was gonna say 45 years of unfiltered
Starting point is 01:52:03 ideas but also it's probably um how many people worked on grand theft auto five thousand thousands i did not know that well over a thousand i heard it was the most expensive game ever like 256 million dollars or some shit but they made the money back so they did they did but the team of assassins creed three and resident evil six combined isn't as big as the team that worked on gta five that being said that is why they have 45 years but gta is the biggest biggest ever anything it warrants it but that's why they have 45 years of ideas that's why just even though it's a bigger number that makes resident evil six look even more ridiculous oh yeah because think about the company that is three think about the company that is rock star and them putting over a thousand people
Starting point is 01:52:46 and then the company that is capcom trying to compete by putting 600 people on but also the difference between there is that it was been how long since the last grand theft auto versus the models we see now is like there's a new assassins creed every year and each one actually does make more money but not grand theft auto five levels let's be fair resident evil six was turned around in like 18 months yeah yeah it's impressive yeah it's kind of impressive if it wasn't shit yeah but they took 600 people and said turn the titanic you know what you know what they turned it into another right you know what would have probably turned out a fucking awesome if they had used 300 people over three and a half years yeah yeah oh my god yeah because they see because it would
Starting point is 01:53:29 have given people the chance to say no stop that the level you're making sucks yeah instead of someone saying that and going well we can't change it there's no time i'm nodding my head in agreement but i'm also thinking of the fan base is going what do you mean it's going to be three years before we see it yeah but you're still gonna buy it oh shut up you're still gonna buy it the resident evil four will be good forever no but no but what i mean is what i mean is like we can sit patiently and wait on that new street fighter in 2018 but take that into an action franchise or any other genre well like it's fine it does and try to explain that to people who are like you have an ip that's worth this much and you're not coming out with your game this year you don't do that you buy annualized
Starting point is 01:54:07 you go watch dogs assassins career you'd watch dogs assassins sure but but that's the formula that seems to have made everyone the happiest because but if you're not hitting at least two your gaps then they're seeing it as money on the table doesn't fucking matter you ignore those people but they're funding your company Liam they have money minded and you don't have shit about the holidays you dream and ponies and unicorns no but we like good games guys guys calm down man no you can't today you can't have a shinji makami go to capcom and say i'm strapping everything yeah that will never happen again but i don't think at least no it's not no what will happen is the game will be cancelled and then never touched again i guess like they'll never get a second go at it yeah yeah yeah it's
Starting point is 01:54:53 like the momentum's gone and we've spent this much on how much on the money and textures and cut scenes and you'll you'll never get in a fune and boys making mega man one and it being shit yeah and then talking to his boss and convincing him nah we can do it better yeah we can we can kill the second one you'll never you'll never get another mega man too please be excited to remember me too what you will know what you will get is the one guy sleeping over at the office at night sneaking his code into the game and that's to make it better and that's why indies are our future because as long as you don't go totally a hundred percent broke and can still make something they'll continue to do whatever the fuck they want because they're crazy and don't care about money here's the best example
Starting point is 01:55:39 Activision puts up spider-man one the movie game that game sells super well it's suck right and then they go all right well the district gets on the next one and then one guy goes you know what we can make a really i have an idea for a really interesting swinging mechanic yeah and they go shut up that's what i was referring to make make spider-man one again and then he goes and sneaks into the office at night and just puts the code in to make it eventually he shows it to an Activision guy and he goes i don't know but go ahead if it fails your job yeah yep hd remix david shureland sneaks into the code fixes it up by himself because they refuse to let him do it this is this is the one thing we can rely on at least going forward yeah in the fighting games always fighting god
Starting point is 01:56:29 there's still news we'll find something interesting fighting games we're going to blast through it i suppose fly you can fucking you can handle this one if you want but finally see the trailer for the new game called dengeki bunco fighting climax dengeki bunco fighting climax uh i'm really mixed on this what's the what's the translation of that dengeki bunco doesn't make great shit okay shakugan no shana sucks there's no you need to explain more because no one knows what you're so i want to explain more about so i said that i said that knowing full well that like this like you see the trailer yeah we go god fucking damn it it's a super cute girl fighter and i had no well there is a guy in it now uh oh oh oh that's a bullet point of the box right male male fighter included the
Starting point is 01:57:33 magic service i find it really interesting that you can react this passionately but would make fun of me when i express the same thing about skull girls yeah no because this because this also looks like a bad game oh well back to you then that much i disagree on i think i fell asleep during the trailer so dengeki bunco is a thing like shonen jump where it's a compilation kind of thing of just animated manga sorry that's getting published i'm dying inside you guys dengeki bunco uh also this is kind of a controversial opinion a lot of people hold but they're not the best at all they're not the worst either but like at all like that's very controversial they're not the best or worst no if you sell it man if you talk to any anime fan they'll tell you that like people are
Starting point is 01:58:18 super divided i try not to do that uh my little sister can possibly be this cute and like you can't just let him go i know i feel like so the game includes characters from from like oremo and rail gun and what's the what's the full title of that why would you do this why would i do this my little sister because my fighter can't possibly be this cute so like dengeki bunco fighting climax like it looks like it's gonna be good you know sega fighting games are normally good although they haven't made a 2d one since ever since virtual fighter 2 on the genus it'll probably be fine quality wise but like i'm not too excited for the themes here's the thing there's the fucking thing okay tell me the thing when you when why does like why does the person who wakes up in the
Starting point is 01:59:03 morning inside decides to make this kind of game yeah decide to go you know what i'm gonna make a new fighting game right draw a bunch of stuff in it why do they decide to just go but we're gonna make it exclusively about these cute anime girls you know why because we need to go around you know why because it sells no no but why not just decide why not okay their bottom line hold on why not let your bottom line be let's make a cool game period and then start putting characters into it be what they may okay instead of putting up this dumb stipulation i got one for you i that that you could say the exact same thing about something like marvel versus capcom in what way why did it have to be more why does it have to be marvel or capcom characters why can't they just make it
Starting point is 01:59:48 like if you if you were in like fucking japan and you didn't you were into this creepy stuff your characters who are like remember when mbc2 went over to japan and people went who the fuck is dr doom well yeah but okay how much do you care about tatsunoko not much yeah i know tecumand blades right no it's not it's not the same thing at all because that's talking about like also let me explain why it's not no i'm already telling you you're wrong no listen it's i go ahead go ahead i think you're wrong because i think it's totally backwards i think it's dengeki boomco that said look we finally have a lot of characters that a handful of people really really like let's do it yeah let's make it let's make a crossover fighting game
Starting point is 02:00:30 where dengeki boomco said we finally have characters i yeah do it because my that's so much more likely than the opposite fine but like i'm coming where i'm coming from is i'm coming from the same place as aquapazza i'm coming from the same place as fucking galgan our canna heart and like galgan i think our canna heart oh yeah you do no i don't it's the one where you shoot girls faces what is that with your ecstasy gun okay anyway but but this done like oh and doki doki magic champagne but the fighting game thing okay i'm on the fighting game thing right like melty blood at first i was like oh guys and then they fixed it over time so that it wasn't that bad i think you're looking for our canna heart and vanguard princess vanguard princess is the other
Starting point is 02:01:15 talking about vanguard it's so annoying that like the like anime gal fighter is a genre or a subgenre like it passes like exactly it's exhausting and it's just like if you've just decided to not make it that and make it a normal fucking fighter with a universal cast of all kinds of cool you like you mean like skull girls skull girls hold on hold on that was the worst part have you seen the trailer of this uh no it's not some screens let me tell you about this game if you if you did the exact same trailer you replaced some of the characters 50 50 whatever with guys i would have said that looks like a boring uninspired fighter no matter how the characters work yeah because it was the moves it was like the animation it like once you've seen guilty gear blaze blue or you know
Starting point is 02:02:06 exert like this it looks so lame it's pronounced XR sorry but but the point like no i you know what i'll draw the parallel to uh under night inverse oh under night inverse slash inverse is what it's called and it's an anime fighter have fun looking at it and it's not like super great looking but it has no no it looks good it's not super great looking in terms of gameplay but we're not sure but still it has a mixed cast of interesting characters and at the very least i'm like you know what i'm willing to give that a shot i will give that the time of day but you're not willing to give our kind of heart three a shot i'm not playing a jelly loli in a fucking blob i'm not doing it and fuck you when you make your game all about that it's so annoying and i understand
Starting point is 02:02:55 that it's not for me so my rage is misplaced but it's just because there's so much of it you just want all the fighting games to be for you i don't blame you on the same way it would be nice because now that like if there was such a commodity before you know what i mean it was like all touch and go there's fighters everywhere now they're back yes and i'm so afraid that they're gonna go away again that i'm just laying all you people left with is your my way blog but it's okay but it's not but here's and here's the final thing on it the final thing on it is like it's not really just me it's when i talk to dudes that i go to the barcade with and try it people that literally look at skull girls and they go i'm not playing that shit i refuse and i'm like crazy but it's a good game
Starting point is 02:03:39 but if my can of heart was a good game our kind of heart is a good game but then that's the problem fuck it you're saying fuck it to that and they just can't get past that barrier and when i look at why can't you get past that i can't it's okay i can't get past that barrier and in japan they look at marvel and they say this is for the kokujin and not me dude no listen like stop it you're before you blank it back there are original there are regional variances and equivalencies it's not a one-to-one but there is a point of like marvel games coming over and and japanese folks who go i don't know who the fuck 30 characters on this roster are and they all look like dumb american characters they all look like spider-man so they all look like spider-man yeah but but but ultimately they
Starting point is 02:04:27 just don't care about them right and there's a difference between that and and and orimu or orimo or whatever just being like i'm ashamed to be seen playing this and and we had fucking arturo sanchez nyc furby himself was with us showing us how good our kana heart was right trying to show and then and then everyone went uh we just we fucking were like wow that's deep and then 180 and got the fuck out of that because the cops are coming when when so unraging when they you know that if they didn't do this dumb thing they would be successful i know they would get cred and people would actually get hype for these games over here in the west this is where i was thinking about skullgirls the skull we first came out and that's why i'm not wrong go what why is that's what's
Starting point is 02:05:17 really important right why is skullgirls gotta look like this why do all the characters gotta look like this like i like skullgirls it's fun all the people that that make it are really good at what they do whatever but i still feel like skullgirls when they come out should have been what we're getting now for the dlc guys oh yeah no okay no when you say look like this i'm like oh like well hold on the art style is the fucking oh no i like the art style it's just not exactly what my favorite is the decision to be an all-female cast would have it would have been better if it were a mixed cast and i understood the backlash it got at the before it even came out just dudes like i'm not playing this i'm not playing this and i went i played it but i got it i got why
Starting point is 02:05:59 dudes did dead or alive had to prove itself worthy yeah by continuing to exist yeah there was no other like wait for that no other court had no other chance we're all in agreement that do a five is like weirdly good it's actually super legit but like but like it's the game that i started to play i bought it because i bought i'll buy any fighter and i was like oh oh i'm having like clean fun it's five is absolutely do a two when it came out there okay it's i was like this is awesome do a one was the worst yeah it was really bad it was sex appeal it was a virtual fighter clone with boobs it was like boob physics that were the worst boob physics of all time that was the noise the boobs made wow wow when you set your age to 99 you slap them in the face
Starting point is 02:06:52 now matt i gotta pull a girlfriend card and pull up some shit from like two weeks ago what the fuck because what i was i was like back to an episode and i heard you briefly say it's gonna go dark so caliber two is better than soul caliber five and i'm like i'm sorry i just briefly oh wow you want your wow that you couldn't be more wrong that's nonsense because five is the most turny legit solid remade soul caliber i like soul caliber you like it and that's cool and it has that's fine no one's gonna fight you and that's what i meant okay okay but like as a like a competent fighter right also when i was playing five i was like i'm not having fun no you know why because you were at the wrong point in your life for soul caliber i guess so like that's it you were not in
Starting point is 02:07:35 the point in your life that you were at with soul cow two when we were all in college yep and just playing video games at school even before that i was playing soul caliber two in the arcade it's almost every day and well you know like you needed you needed the context but i hate the fucking i know this i know this is the fighting game yeah and the fighting game is still fine but the story mode is so bad yeah so it's really unfortunate because soul caliber was one of those uh soul caliber good fighting game series that actually had good single player talks yeah that's a tragedy every well that's why i'm still looking forward to lost souls because like that single player i'm just i'm just glad that like we were fortunate enough to have some uh tournament
Starting point is 02:08:17 french players from france yeah like the legit fucking you know what you know worked with us and we got to play around with them and like get schooled and learn how to play the game for real i would love to see a map of what fighting games are popular like he maps like yeah like heat maps it's of like easy why is soul caliber super big in europe why is king of fighters super big in south america okay i i can answer both of those i don't know why europe but i know why king of fighters because uh like europe it's pretty much just it's kianne and like a lot of the old players just it was the preference it was they started playing 3d games more and it just it became a habit there like a lot of the old people saw that it's it's like how there's the what was the what's
Starting point is 02:09:03 that pc thing that all the guys from uk say are all the pc engine or the turbo graphics or what oh yeah sure one of those fucking things they all sing it's crazy and and the spectrum or something and you go and this thing this thing is fucking terrible but um and in particular uh arcades in the uk were around and like actually are still around yeah you know and like it was something where they just they had more 3d games throw it soul calibur on the bawdy uh it's fucking uh mexico police officer mexico and the snk ship was super easy dude because the boards are dirt cheap for a hundred bucks you can have four games in a four and one changer and you just put however many pesos into it and then like a hundred pesos and it would be
Starting point is 02:09:50 you get it's comparable to street fighter it was a quarter exactly and you and like you you couldn't tell the difference between kio and ryu yeah so whatever you know now when you're eight years old or whatever yeah that explains everything thanks woolly why did clowns like tecan oh yeah like for a second i thought we're gonna go into like why is ur guys popular in the congo can someone explain this to me i have what is going wow action now i know what you're saying but i still picture like actual gorillas from the movie congo playing ur guys because in congo god blesses the ring god bless that's such a good catch frame fuck them for ruining it oh yeah uh fuck ur guys so the poll is out and official which microsoft slash rare character would you like to see guest star and
Starting point is 02:10:40 killer instinct so before you tell us the answer i assume we're supposed to pick one oh do you have the results so far no but i have the choices yeah because i was like because i really need help on this yeah well this could be very easy or extremely hard so let's guess the choices joanna dark battle toes james bond not james bond battle toad battle dark conquer conquer um uh tiger that's how they all not bad man joe basui man joe basui right microsoft as well eh don't forget oh hey avatar xbox line avatar um that's your chief obviously the car from forza of course the car from forza gotta get your crew to the car direction game yeah marlo briggs yeah marlo briggs is that not on psn it's not oh i'm sorry that was like a microsoft thing that's why they've been staying over
Starting point is 02:11:32 like every day this week this is to play marlo briggs it's ruining that what's the answer man all right here is the list that you can vote for uh this is up on event hubs dot com by the way thanks event hubs uh you've got juno from jet force gemini oh fuck off did they actually own that that's what they owe the fucking fairy from that fairy game just go down the list molly no just bust it i'm gonna go up the list i just want to ask by the way this is like just an event hubs thing this isn't some official microsoft no i read a thing about okay it's an event hubs thing but it was it's being discussed because on the stream they said they were thinking about what cameos they could fit so now event hubs like yes so if people yell hard enough they might change their mind yeah
Starting point is 02:12:12 so going up the list uh we got juno from jet force gemini no shit that's the last we've got kuros from uh wizards and warriors i don't know who that is oh rare used to make but they don't own wizards anyway they do own wizards and warriors wow i used to play wizards and warriors that belongs that's their ip man i'm sure keep going man i played swords and and oh fuck the swords and swords there was a sequel anyway uh master chief uh conquer general ram yeah general ram from dinosaur from what no from fucking gears of war two whatever the general scales from star fox i forget the guy's name but whoever the villain was of two will be higher up on that list because he had a cool chain sword yeah i know uh we've got banjo and we've got joanna dark yeah
Starting point is 02:13:09 and we've got rash from battle toes yeah rash or joanna i see joanna i think rash now now rash gets everybody hype yes he does but now remembers killer instincts yeah i think the only character on this list that fits in with killer instinct is general ram yeah yeah you know what rash could like if they like ripped or why can't they make a look at the same way yeah same rule but like rat but rash is gonna have a giant smile and no no you don't have to do that they're just gonna extremify yeah extremify the already extreme battle toes dude you can't imagine his fucking is uh what was his horn attack called i don't know you can't imagine that into like a wall bounce i can but i'm just punch punch punch full wall down i can't i can't imagine the realistic
Starting point is 02:13:59 looking version of him yeah because you see you don't have a good imagination no okay sorry i can't imagine the good looking no it doesn't have to look good general ram i look like one of the characters yeah he's shitty and no one cares no one cares about you know you know high factor fine fine no it's not wrong it's not wrong i think joey dark would fit well you're right the battle toes no you're you're absolutely the nineties personified in dumb frogs with sunglasses and if the internet got to vote on this he would be in oh yeah oh yeah as he should fine navy zin what about zin what about pimple god damn it uh and i should be fucking like death me or some bullshit or whatever the fuck the princess's name is it's from what the battle toes oh battle
Starting point is 02:14:49 toes she was called like the dark queen or something no that was the bad guy there was no they're saving the princess i think her name is daffy the only thing i have a chicken guy yeah that helps the professor yeah and yeah the nondescript chicken guy i don't like the chicken name me what the fuck is the chicken guy from from futurama mighty necks put him in there the chicken guy from like the hyper chicken lawyer from futurama no remember what was the name of the huge dude with the sword mighty necks put that guy in put matrix from from reboot yeah well now let's just fucking write down our diaries why don't we put our dear diary today i had to go do the podcast i hate them all so much i wish they would die uh joey dark would fit really well just because secret agent
Starting point is 02:15:38 orchid secret agent she just uses guns and her combos yeah yeah the only thing i don't like she takes off her mask and becomes james fawn is i i don't i don't for some reason i picture joanne dark only existing in that like present day in your future world as opposed to some like that's bizarre she fell through a time world no i i yeah sure she would live during like it's still the one that makes sense whatever fuck all y'all it's gonna be punished snake hey i was gonna say yes i was gonna say it's bruh does it bring up polls how how great is it that that uh call a did not win the money yeah which one line uh no down to three it's e f and h h shocker shocker well in that case fuck it those are good choices dude that's fine i like i said i just didn't want
Starting point is 02:16:31 exactly role no that's why you pick e but no it's fine it's fine i'm i'm okay with the f and h i've been in yeah yeah yeah and she's gonna be playable since it's fucking blessed through all of its stretch goals not thanks to you yes thanks to me lost stretch goals but they didn't mean be back up why are you gonna make me feel sad for how do we do it next man come on have you guys seen the prototype mad cat's xbox one fight stick no actually uh like an arcade stick yes it does it does but but it looks like a garage made like really quick modded one i really and well i think it says prototype well then the thing is the thing is is that like uh it came out and major nelson tweeted a photo of it and then
Starting point is 02:17:16 like immediately in the gaff thread mark man confirm is this real and mark man's like this wasn't supposed to get out and he goes it's not final but that looks like yeah that's and and we don't have a lot of control over the art or what kind of things we can do with things but we're working on it is just swappable you can firmly swap out the art stupid but like it's basically a t you i'm pulling this up for my live reaction but continue to talk about no and it's just and it's like look it's nice that it's there and it's happening and stuff's going on but it just looks like a really like it's not their trademark style wow that looks like shit really it's not their trademark wow that's not pretty yeah these things are supposed to look like fucking vulix cabinets
Starting point is 02:18:02 it's not even green like an xbox i know like if you're gonna make it shit at least make it thematically it's because they have to do the artwork it's the ko at the k i artwork yeah i know i don't really like it well they can now i mean we can the art the artwork seriously kills this whole fact that's what's doing it that's what's doing it like i can see if that was like a canba-esque like black and blue like sleek design or red and red and black with like you know futurey looking but wait which is this like the street fighter stuff worked because the street fighter art that came on those sticks was amazing well wait this just is savor wolf going around wait for madcats branded non-k i right stick absolutely that's gonna be stylish as fuck yeah yeah and
Starting point is 02:18:46 either way the parts are great and the canba raf5 at the very least believe when we have a killer instant stick so we can make a video calling arts and crafts with willy and matt when we make our own art yo i'll teach you how to make a stick matt how to switch your parts out put little lights on the blind and then you can teach him how to ignore people's routine cries for your help and we're i'm too busy making videos and what cast making podcasts no we're too busy making videos you're too busy not repairing our gate stings that you don't use anyway well your soldering equipment if you came over to play fighting games more often i would use that stick more oh it's all coming out in the wash damn real talk son uh hey pat what's that willy it's letter time
Starting point is 02:19:40 if you guys want to ask us questions about how i cry every night because willy doesn't play fighting games with us anymore you can send those in to super best friendcast at what's that again it's super best friendcast at you can send it there and i'll be sad all right these questions about the nintendo direct we didn't even talk about what's there to talk about wow we sure skipped that one what's there to talk about 3d world looks awesome looks really good that's all sequence breaking in a zelda game that's officially that's pretty cool too what else did they talk about doggy kong is doggy kong new curvy sounds legit i can't wait curvy's awesome there's there's sonics and brawl there is nothing in that announcement that takes more than
Starting point is 02:20:24 a single sentence to also i just sorry i just saw a bunch of fans saying wow you guys should have waited to do yeah your podcast because an nintendo direct with this news well we'll get the next one also slightly different nintendo direct but resports tennis online like that's my jam really looking forward to that i'll play all right you guys don't like resports tennis no just that just came out of nowhere if we're talking about nintendo direct that didn't come out i think resports is probably the best game that ever came out on the way it's so good uh better than both in terms of in terms of selling of selling the console there's no doubt and like the first time you play it like oh my god i believe it is the only game that use that controller properly our first letter is
Starting point is 02:21:14 our first letter from pat dear willy well i wrote to myself why won't you play fighting games with me don't worry pat we'll play fighting games soon no you won't never no we will though we'll do something when ultimex comes out oh my god uh i'm so sad you guys bjorn asks oh are you serious yep oh man bjorn i wish i had a friend named bjorn he's he's like matt or leem deal breaker sound tracks oh uh dear sbfc bought sonic rush in 2007 because hideki nam naga numa was the primary composer yes jet set radio soundtracks blew my mind and definitely was the major sole reason for buying it fuck yeah yeah if you haven't heard sonic crush by the way it's fucking nobuo amatsu excluded yeah what's the question we're getting to the question nobuo amatsu excluded has a soundtrack
Starting point is 02:22:01 or potentially a musician's involvement played an important part in a purchase uh anything yes nori mitsuda has ever touched just on knowing he was involved yeah i played the zeno saga games like the second one i i played the first night i didn't like it and the second one was coming out like the fucking soundtrack so i'll i'll play it and it'll probably be worth it just for the listen to more mitsuda tracks and then boy uh i can i can straight up say that like even though i played an early early prototype of skull girl was that tournament one time um and then we're seeing how it was shaping up and it looked really cool mature yamane's involvement really fucking took me for a spin i got really on board that i have to like a game like i can't i would never buy
Starting point is 02:22:47 a game even if i'm not at least really interested if it's just gonna sound like but if you tell me your decent game has jay kaufman yeah on this soundtrack then i will it can i also create a phantom pick for the future if there's some game that's like whatever but simon vicland is doing the music i'll be like i should probably fucking play that the only like the only one for me is remember me where i the soundtrack we for that i forget what you're doing i forgot what i'm doing the soundtrack is excellent like like well deserved barfs aside yeah not a great game god damn that sounds really good and as someone who's beaten it from beginning to end i will stand by that heart remember art styles pretty bad every every metal gear solid also i would buy them anyways
Starting point is 02:23:37 but damn that music i also have to give a random shout out to a game i've never touched but i've downloaded the fuck out of its ost ragnarok online too because fucking uh uh yoko kano what scored that shit oh i gotta do stuff she woke up out of the chamber and they inserted the juice that makes her go the kano juicy like 2020 as she's infinite okay she's eight she's been 20 for 50 years yeah man like her ending theme is the only reason to watch the end of wolf's reign oh right the only the the reason i'm running in the well yes you you mean like reasons that don't involve like your girlfriend yelling at you for not finishing watching wolf's reign right oh fuck you not that i'm not getting dracon guard 3 when it comes out but like just knowing
Starting point is 02:24:30 oh the new soundtrack was so good dracon guard 3 like i'm sold why do i have to wait this long to get wolf's range fan art of us all as the different characters just as you said that it's done it's already done thank you it's already thank you we didn't even put the podcast up yet and it's out there now oh here it is just got sent to me looks looks pretty good i can't wait um fuck wolf's reign no don't fuck stray stray yeah wolf's reign is awful wolf's reign came but in this life moment where it's like in between shrigan and bebop that's not true it came way later when i watched it oh fuck your we're watching period like wil's reign was totally fine and if you don't skip out on the last four episodes that matter it's totally i watched two uh okay jay asks uh this question is for
Starting point is 02:25:22 mr pat oh mr now hey guys i'm an adult um i'm an adult in regards to a theoretical live action ava wow would you like would you this is going right for it would you like to see uh something like that have the original tv show ending or would you like the i'm gonna read it word for word here the two bullshit movies to give it a better ending now this the word he means would you like the he means death and rebirth and yeah and and and and and okay now calling those bullshit makes no sense to me because to me the a lot a lot of shows endings a lot of people prefer the show's endings yeah i prefer there is something to be said man this this whole thing makes no sense if you didn't watch end of it how do you defend all our congratulations i like that scene
Starting point is 02:26:19 i like that scene in the terms of the end of the journey of those characters however and i and the strength of that show is the characters but that does not that does not make it like make the explicit denial of closure any better for movie audiences in hollywood but in the west here like what would we want to see on the big screen i don't want to talk about movie audiences it doesn't matter what what we're doing because i'm not watching a japanese movie so that it appeals to my western sensibility that's the question the question is based on that if i were to see a live action evangeline of which which everything should be yeah i would much rather the second one thank you however i would much rather there never be a live action evangeline i there's no point to it i see
Starting point is 02:27:11 no value there truth be told it's it's it's not because it's the kind of thing where everything in in that show is so specific and so like not perfect but it's the way it is and everyone remembers it that i don't want to see a new elevator scene with real actresses right but it was supposed to happen like what i want is for that scene to be a single frame and to not move yeah every human element of that project yeah every human element is something like perfection not bad lian not bad you're totally right every human element to a live action bit is something that i would want to take out just like instrument i prefer the version of eva end of evangeline that does not have the live action theaters sequences that were originally
Starting point is 02:28:00 there agreed those things suck agreed and not just because because of their weird nonsense no it's because he had a message for a particular group of people in japan yeah doesn't apply to everyone and but i don't want like the visuals and the talent like i don't want it yeah yeah no right there i want i want like the shading to be a certain way and then like yeah really good question okay louis asks uh childhood garbage oh yeah big fan guys uh my question is what game movie tv show did you watch play as a kid and think it was amazing but i realized it was total shape someone else i need i need time i need time i don't know is this just stuff you played or is it stuff you watched watched or play that x-man cartoon show is fucking terrible and i loved it uh i
Starting point is 02:28:51 still think it's amazing though i still love it were you there when we watched it i go he was not when we we recent we got some people together and we watched it like three years ago and we're blown away how terrible it is but it was fun terrible yeah it wasn't when you were but it's like it's like they didn't trace this part properly so it's just like oh like it's just bad and like the episodes make no sense yeah it's terrible and jubilee is the main character the main character for the first couple years oh yeah for that first intro oh man it's so bad i liked biker mice from mars um i like biker mice from mars too i love a lot but i liked it i'll wash it one that i fucking swore by as a kid and spent so much money on and like does not hold up even remotely is uh digimon tamers
Starting point is 02:29:42 digimon okay but the third season in particular i love it i love it as a kid but i tried watching it recently nothing i feel like digimon was a tv series that the entire time it stayed on the air it just the entire the entire hook for the whole thing was how long until you get sick of the digimon song because it's catchy oh my god we didn't talk about pokemon origin we'll get back to that we'll loop around well the anime thing is on the list but oh it's later yeah yeah um don't worry don't worry about relax my answer is gonna be my answer is gonna be uh pretty much i'm gonna go with something i listen to when evanescence first came oh my god it was the same way when evanescence first came out i thought it was really nice i remember talking to you
Starting point is 02:30:36 in this in college and we both had evanescence like stuff on our thing it was like man where do these guys come from they're great and then like a month a month later it was just like man what the hell was wrong i can't delete that fast enough like three so much shame okay mine is actually uh when i was a kid i loved love the dark crystal jim henson i still love that no my sister got it for me for dvd like like five or six years ago and i i totally rested that day whatever i was fine i watched i would just fall asleep every time it's too slow it's too plotting it doesn't like the animatronics little puppets are awesome but for me like that did not hold up anymore okay alfred asks us uh yeah what do you guys order on a pizza gentlemen let me teach you about something right
Starting point is 02:31:36 here let's let's just do this fast and easy pineapple and chicken trust me trust me it works i'll go with that too i will also go with that uh go dominoes swap the sauce out for barbecue sauce that was good um get rid of the pepperoni put on steak mushrooms and bacon yes you know what and add three layers of extra cheese you know what is liam you're right it tasted great it's one of the only foods in my adult life that i have ever eaten in which i was immediately sick as soon as i got home yes boy you're gonna throw up a little bit yeah my body did not like it i like that's awesome my body was like no pat when you fuck you you're you're old now you don't get to do this the pizza we almost ordered that night yeah the place was closed but it was panellies we have to
Starting point is 02:32:26 have that sometime yeah because i had that when i went to my girlfriend's house because it was closed by that was some of the best pizza i'm so glad that i'm converting people into the pineapple i always like shocked at people don't know about it like a lot of people like they like that but i hate hawaiian and i go put that's why you get rid of the pork and you put chicken on see i like the pork so it works neither of them work for me uh michael asks um blah blah blah blah blah damn that's harsh weird email why do you think the general public likes the games that chronic dream puts out oh that's really easy yeah it's it's an illusion people have been using if you do if you i really really really liked heavy rain the first time i played it
Starting point is 02:33:10 because i did not think you play it in this wave you just roll right through it and you don't sit and think and you don't there's nobody next to you it's not a fighting game you know you're not playing with people you don't talk to people and afterwards all you talk about is the differences between your playthrough you don't like oh my even died your page yeah you don't talk about what actually happened i have another thing to say about that yeah yeah and and it's the kind of what when heavy rain came out david cage was very clear he said please do not play heavy rain more than once because you will destroy the illusion he said yeah he said that he said ever baited him and not even fucking pretending boy is he right and once you play it a second time you
Starting point is 02:33:59 realize a man's is on rails like fucking crazy there's almost no game here and you get the chance to look at it and be like man that doesn't make any fucking sense at all pay no attention to the man behind the curtain right said the wizard of all absolutely um i i flattened in the game so i played it a couple times through how dare you use that phrase what that's what that's what sony calls i collected all the trophies in the video game thank you wow anyway um i haven't played indigo prophecy and i don't plan to i kind of we have a let's play of it up i'm kind of looking at beyond i tried it's really bad um but i i think one of the things a lot of people enjoy about it is just the moment to moment feels right and what i mean by that is like i'm going to go right into
Starting point is 02:34:42 spoiler land here is like four for heavy rain okay uh you know when when your son dies at the beginning it's like oh that's a bit sad and then like when your one son comes over and yeah he's lost everything oh that's sad yeah and then like oh it's this is really mysterious what's going on with ethan and there's really tense scenes with page and you're like getting out of places and not dying and i will totally agree that there are moment to moment flashes of this is pretty good yeah the problem is that when you look at the big picture it's a pile of shit unfortunately yeah when you beat it and you take a step back it's like okay that was it's got issues it's got issues profound right writing issues but it's got it's a really fun ride the first time you play it the
Starting point is 02:35:23 reason why i think quantic dream games get critical reviews like get high reviews you only play it once and and you run right through and it's the exact opposite of the type of game that zeboid is talking about on their on their description of why why wonderful 101 would not do well with reviewers is because exactly anyone grabs it anyone beats it they get to an end point at no point do they feel repetition or a game over and there is narrative is happening suddenly emotionally manipulative and it doesn't layer too much of the bullshit on right away it's only when you go back and think therefore between voice acting and scenes changing right you get tricked into feeling like a story happens right these games are so rare you don't get tricked a story happens there's writing
Starting point is 02:36:07 issues but a story does happen let's not accuse them of that but you get tricked not an indigo problem not a very good story happens but in heavy rain i know in heavy rain a story happens there are problems but you get tricked into thinking it's a good story yeah it's not a right story no it's a terrible it's very poor story it's only because of one element you guys only because of because of almost every scene i find because of almost every scene there are there are glaring problems i know this is gonna go back and forth because i know you have personal reasons for like in heavy rain i was gonna say people are still wowed by the marriage of movies and games because they're still rare yeah the entire movie and it's shiny it's still interesting
Starting point is 02:36:47 to it's it's important to note that heavy rain used to be a better game and then the walking dead came out and it is so much better in that exact format that now when you go back and look at heavy rain the writing problems and such appear to be so much more glaring and so much more problematic of wow the person writing this didn't know what they were doing they didn't know how to write a story sometimes they outright just lie there's a lot of elements that they knew really strangely well though but you know but certainly just the way parents and children interact and stuff yeah sure but that's not i know that's your strong point but that's not that's not a story this is the kind of thing though if it were a shorter movie it would get panned hard i mean like that things that
Starting point is 02:37:36 you really liking that scene is me there's a couple scenes i really like yeah i'm drawing a parallel to me really liking the intro of indigo prophecy and going that's a really strong intro and then everything and everything after that is bad shitting no i agree it's got issues i've played through it four times like i'm not fooling myself i do like it but you know uh that's gonna be the important thing we gotta realize is that the leam is not overly critical of stuff no i just don't think heavy rain is the worst he's willing to give things a pass um a real a lot of fucking shit happened in terms of anime movie news so we're just gonna get to it shortest to hot the biggest godzilla teaser man the best thing ever it looks really cool i don't even care about
Starting point is 02:38:20 godzilla and i saw that was like damn remember walter white is fighting godzilla in this movie yeah uh and kick ass as well yeah but here's the thing about this trailer that really struck me not only did you see it and go holy shit you heard it yeah the sound is so good the other thing you have to mention and depending on where you saw it since it was getting taken down all the time it'd be quick you saw a really good hd version you see these crash trains those are bodies everywhere yes yes yes you don't get that if you saw it on daily motion or whatever that already is the that that shot of the trailer is better than the matthew broadrick movie godzilla killing people for real is serious shit super hyped i think i think japan's gonna not be ashamed i think so that's great
Starting point is 02:39:05 uh how'd you remember nopa how'd you like it uh new season you want to repeat that name had you may know ippo rising yes the new season you totally butchered it man had you said had you me know ropa the first time yeah anyway fighting spirits yeah uh it's about boxing uh that's the starts off like a new chapter whatever it starts off with a really interesting like oh that's what happened to this the main character's father that was never explained then it launches into the next guy ippo's got a fight to defend his title which is dude from okinawa who's tough and his thing is i will bring you down to the ocean that's no that's when he goes if he's about the box he but he goes you're coming down to the ocean with me because he's a fisherman off the coast of okinawa
Starting point is 02:39:54 it's super cool it's so that's like i've been drago shit it really is so percentage chance of wolf punches unclear okay i'm right i'm right i loved it we already i already said my piece about reboot we'll see it when we see it which is never until we see it then whatever yeah they don't think it is like it is but it do it do um kill like kill hold on let's leave that to last fuck it i said nothing no that pokemon origin holy shit charmander's death screams on my nightmare horrible okay amazing welcome to the thing that brought us back into poke we are are you back on board after i saw that that one gift yeah we are all back on it on the train we are all hyped for x y now i never left but the thing is i've always been that guy that was like i only care
Starting point is 02:40:52 about red and blue i don't care about anything else right i caught all 151 i poured my soul into that and now i'm done my problem was always i'd lapse back on soul silver or black or something and like i never had people i'd never had enough people around me playing it again to have like hey you want to fight oh i'm 40 levels higher than you right the one this is no pokemon battle like the one or two encounters there's like emotions was yeah before whatever but like honestly no you receive this and then they time it so well so it's like i'm like i care about fucking blast toys and then you show me new evolutions for blast toys and i'm like okay and then you have an anime where he fucking takes that punch and he's like what and it's so
Starting point is 02:41:39 surprising everything's over the top and i'm like you're redoing red and blue pokemon slash green pokemon origin is everything i want from pokemon yes it's everything i always want it's like what is pokemon it's cock fighting with monsters okay you are i am legal i am i am growing a dragon and he is going to fight a giant mecha turtle okay yes okay and the the fucking tv show that we saw as kids was seratized all this shit because exactly because in the manga and i've now seen panels of the pokemon fucking dying you've got an echim's getting slashed and our butt getting cut in half you got an onyx getting blasted into dust and just dying and just dying right it's so fucking from day one everyone's been saying red is the shit he fucking diarrhea is
Starting point is 02:42:29 all over ash ash is garbage ash is a loser he literally is a loser this also feeds into the fantasy of poking fighter right that's okay and fighter is going to be the most brutal fighting so then then you get fatality origin and within the first 10 minutes you have squirtle whipping charmander's ass so hard that there's just like a 45 second long scene of charmander's screaming yeah yeah yeah about to die people have seen it by this point it is amazing it is exactly what i want yeah and like no spoilers but i hear that like the pacing of this kid and how fucking how he takes on the world yeah keeps up yeah he grew in lag ends he never fails yeah exactly and green remains a stupid motherfucker hell yeah green is the biggest asshole ever um could you imagine
Starting point is 02:43:21 they remade red and blue like that like yes yeah like wouldn't that be the best fucking thing ever just do it and it works so well because we're older now yeah yeah right we want this we're the kids that grew up and are like fuck yeah bring it we wanted hardcore um and girl again hey kill a fucking killer kill this is the reason you watch anime this is shows like this okay so that come along for the uninitiated and guys you've been posting it on the wall and stuff and it's like you know what that's the one thing i don't mind spam it to death because more people need to know that's right this is from the form the girl in lag end team that left gynax yeah and is now on their own now did these guys also work on fuli kuli uh it's done all clear because it really looks like
Starting point is 02:44:04 they've worked on fuli kuli you see those bits you're seeing those bits but man oh fucking man did they just bring all the hype of gurin right into this new series absolutely like from second ones the very like the title card of the show is the main character with the title over them standing in front of this impossibly gigantic drill shake not me with a star on top of it it's tepoli it's fucking tepoli that's not even men's words there's there there was a you know it starts off fast girl camera and is just like i'm a student at this crazy fucking high school and like you've just got all the really crazy action scenes with camera angles that are like but like let's back up just a little bit right in the intro the intro is fast yeah yo here's what's happening
Starting point is 02:44:53 there are dudes fighting what's happening there's people screaming their titles are coming up in giant text but there is a moment when the guy is running down the staircase yeah and the villain gamaguri is just this like completely flat unanimated cell just floating down through the frame then you go they had the money to animate that they didn't because this looks great this looks hilarious yeah they introduce your fucking roundabout cast of characters pick your favorite dorky guy that looks all badass when he slicks his hair back yeah but he's dead there's there's whatever there's no no he's talking about the different other guy who's like that there's there's there's the guy that the guy that oh with the glasses yeah i thought you meant the guy who dies
Starting point is 02:45:40 at the beginning there's mr cool that guy got it so hard there's there's mr cool guy second to last final boss sword bishy dude yeah simon there's there's totally simon but you know what you know what you guys make a lot of grun legan comparisons and i don't blame you but it is it is its own thing it is not a shameless grun legan i don't know i don't know about that stop it no because in a single episode we did drills we did this we did that but it's not gonna be the art alone i guess what all i'm saying is i think it's no it'll go to a different place all i'm saying is i think it's cheapening it to say it is simon and it is girl kamina no it is giving me context the highest possible praise in my opinion do you think calling the character girl kamina is high praise yes i can't i can't think of any
Starting point is 02:46:30 how can you possibly take that as a diss wait hold on i'm trying i know no i actually can't think of anything better what i mean is you're excluding the possibility that she even be as good as kamina but look at her visual design i am super over it is clearly meant to evoke that character and it will be become its own thing over time yeah but the comparison is direct and in the show already sure and it's going to make a comparison it is starting out with the biggest handicap of being like already living off of what we know yeah and love and you're starting there so everything is already going to go above that there are high expectations i just don't think we have to draw comparisons every time i will draw the hardest comparison made by the same people the art shows
Starting point is 02:47:19 clear like fan service towards old characters in terms of just pure visual design there's a hell of a lot of overall art things and motifs like the way certain angles are shot and how you do it's like city scenes like it is there are that like half of that show no is gurin log and oh my and to totally shamelessly steal a joke from someone in our comments fucking kill a kill the one thing about the one thing about kill a kill versus uh uh attack on titan is we already know what's in the dad's basement yeah that was the best comment yeah i just want to say like the first episode was really good it's amazing wasn't mind blowing to me but like i i wanted to blow my mind like it's almost like you're trying to blow my mind so much you're almost there but i want like
Starting point is 02:48:09 the next oh yeah but it came they broke drills man you know but i want i want your dad's basement is full of cool shit to be a trope i want that to become a thing now because we all want our dad's is nerve hq technically gendos basement yeah i think so uh because it's not filled with cool shit but yeah kill a kill is amazing go watch it uh go support that shit it's starting right now legitimate places where you can pay for it such as crunchy roll where it's not just crunchy where it aired before japan got it apparently apparently it airs like they know they they know i can't handle that's right that's where you can watch hajime no epo that premiered yesterday woolly it's for you we're not sponsored by crunchy rule or not we'd like to be it's just a good service that's i'm sick
Starting point is 02:48:59 man i support the official release actually means something every now the official release yeah when there is an official release yeah what's happening on the mat watch uh not creeping anyone this week i'm giving props to a guy for correctly knowing the name of my rats i was wondering for me i i put that up saying hey maybe i'll give you a shout out if you correctly and within like 10 seconds of me saying it's big their names are lady names maybe and what you it's not it's not and uh it's your duo from a game me and woolly did a full let's play of and uh richard delolio who has a nice um i sure knew he avatar correctly guess it's poison and roxy indeed roxy being the beige one poison being the one that's uh we don't know if she's a boy or i don't know you got nice rats
Starting point is 02:49:56 that being said matt you really need to stop spray painting it pink i really should i still have that can of poison hair spray from the final fight barrel cap comb set oh yeah the book but the my cagger you know the the the poison hair spray says uh poison hair spray it's a trap yeah yeah yeah pretty good pretty good uh let's wrap it up with what's going on on the channel shitstorm yo that's all we're doing it every day no face cam check it out every lecture umbrellas we did we did the face cam that one or two times they're like maybe people like it wow people don't like it so no it's gone now tons of people like it no it's you know that's how it always oh god i can't even remember how oscar gamble said it and and if you guys think the new thumbnails
Starting point is 02:50:45 are pretty sick maybe you should call it and tell us how sick it was i don't know that's woolly subtle way of saying he did a really good job making those new thumbnails and fucking huge shout out to plague of gripes for making the amazing shitstorm intro yes like like i gave the man music and i gave him the new logo and he took it away with the animation killed it he fucking killed it yeah good job plague plague we love you yeah i'm sorry about the sheep plague i'm not yeah but yeah shitstorm every night until the end of october until the end of october are sheep like an ongoing thing with plague even so far he's weirdo he's filming filming dogs and filming let's not talk about this let's not talk about this i don't want to talk about whatever
Starting point is 02:51:36 that's the end of this show i'm just i'm just staring at your pokemon shirt and i'm like god damn and i want to play x right now evie is the best i didn't know evie's catchable evie is catchable in x and y do we know whether or not like there's gonna be x and y versions of mega evolutions for everybody no no no no sorry for the main starters three uh maybe there's always x there's one mega blast always x leaked but i don't know people don't know yet they haven't found it's all super secret because of the day one release right there's a shitload of leaks you might find something there there are some very happy starter based leaks going out i can also say i appreciate incorporating dragon ball into mutu yeah one of those that took a while but one of those is frieza
Starting point is 02:52:21 the other one is spoo yeah go by the way which starter are we picking i'm going frokey chespen no you get you get two you get two you get two starters you get kennigan chespen and and frokey to start and then before the second gym you get to pick again char charmander squirtle or bulbasaur oh random fucking select until i get my squirtle so i don't even give a you don't even give a fuck i don't even give a fuck wow i only care about the original 150 wow i'm going i'm not gonna collect 700 wait i want you to play through this game and only beside your starter what is only catch what kind of only catch the first 150 no slot crazy do it do it yeah but i'm gonna be going uh chespen and bulbasaur the odd ass types for yeah i'm on water look i haven't look i haven't
Starting point is 02:53:14 i'm gonna beat your ass that's okay man i'll beat you in the the pokemon contest no you won't what are the my steelix is going to be so beautiful steelixes are pretty beautiful thank you what about you man chespen and uh charmander but if i could i could just if i could just take farfetched all day because farfetched is my favorite pokemon upper really i thought you'd like cubone what i like cubone too but farfetched he hits you with a leak you see the fucking pokemon that's just a key ring yeah that's not a key ring and there's one that's a sword and it becomes two swords and then the third evolution is a sword in a shield and the sword is holding a shield the fuck is going on with these guys some of them like some of
Starting point is 02:54:00 the new pokemons are a little weird they're not even animals anymore household objects that are alive in the last gen there was one there was a bag of garbage called and it was called shrubbish oh i thought you're gonna see it was called ellie it was called David k jome oh yeah we're done so you

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