Castle Super Beast - SBFC 010: Aryan Resurrection

Episode Date: October 15, 2013

Matt returns from NYC, and the rest of us staunchly REFUSE to stop talking about Pokemon. We eventually do though. Then we get into new Zelda, Battlefield 4 upgrading, WiiU port troubles, PS4, the crowdfunding future, and the movie Gravity. Got a question for us? Send it to:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm waiting for Willie to acknowledge me please acknowledge you've been acknowledged so I got this cup of mini Oreo cookies I got in New York City just pour milk into this cup it sounds great it seems so much then drink it but don't eat the cookies yeah actually probably delicious yeah no it sounds great I'm just drinking regular water and I just had like this like shudder it's like oh that probably tastes really good milk after a bowl of frosted flakes it's too much the only milk that's not good is Nesquik because it just makes it into a bad chocolate I can do with
Starting point is 00:01:14 lucky lucky charms lucky charms milk with God like pops milk yo corn pops milk you know what you know what I'm a yeah but the deal is corn pops are one of the ones that if they get like kind of soggy your your cereal is not ruined hmm like golden graham yeah just fucking dump it in the toy or your but but corn pops it's okay yeah I think crunch still again yeah berries you know there's you know what the fucking travesty of sponging up liquids I was on gaff one night always a good way to start things let's sponge up I was just like oh I have these two ingredients what happens if you put them
Starting point is 00:01:55 together oh don't ever try Doritos as a cereal and Mountain Dew it sponges that shit up like no other god within like two spoonfuls it was paced but that's what Jack Healy has every morning Liam and Liam a much better man than I leave stomach just did squiggly lock okay so here's what's happening we're all older and not as in good shape as you Liam are you trying to catch up that's a right way to catch yeah that's like a whole year he only wants to experiment there's also the Maddox cereal which is if you remember beef jerky in Tabasco as to a man's meal I would rather fucking eat that than what Liam just oh I
Starting point is 00:02:43 was saying with me excuse me Matt like it's not liquidy enough for you fine pork go sauce fuck pour a tikka masala sauce over just just take a bottle of fucking barbecue sauce empty half of it out put some water in it to get the viscosity down and then pour it on fucking anything why so let's just get the pepper spray and put it in our mouth no don't do that what why not the campus basically going there okay people eat stuff that's worse than that but that stuff is specific it's like what five thousand Scovilles or whatever that's food when you it's poison engineered to kill were you at my house the time
Starting point is 00:03:25 Zatige was there and he needed some spicy food oh no oh my god we had our friends to teach over like brown guy that really really of course loves the spice and we were what's the spiciest thing you got I can do it right and he keeps like we're eating the food like this is too blind I need stuff right and we're like well there's that bottle of my alarm sauce that's been in the fridge for like two years that was don't touch no one's willing to touch it why would you it's slowly glowing with radiation basically and like yeah you gotta pour the wax in your mouth and we fucking go dude if you want he's like yeah I
Starting point is 00:04:02 grabs it and dumps it on and just shoves it in his mouth and we're just staring at him dude puts his heads down head down start shaking shaking and we're like teacher are you okay and he leans his head up and whispers with a tear in his eye I'm in heaven this is the kind of food that if you were to rub it on your body as a hazardous substance a doctor would tell you you are now going to encounter excruciating pain for the next three to ten hours you open the bottle and your dog passes out in the corner like yeah that's the kind of shit and falls over that's my imaginary army that uses everyday shit and
Starting point is 00:04:46 always wins against any other country's army like guns that shoot needles in pins and needles the feeling of guns that shoot ice cream headaches and now guns that just shoot like okay I know you're joking but you're aware that gun totally exists and is real what the US Army has a microwave gun that burns your skin from the inside and doesn't hurt you but makes you feel like you're on fire yeah like bro it's a good it's a crowd control thing you just pointed at hippies and they go ow my iPhone is burning there's also blasting the sound of bunnies being killed or really high decibels is that a thing keep you
Starting point is 00:05:34 awake cuz you can't whoa not sleep through hey you know what that you know what Liam if it wasn't a thing wouldn't you believe that that would still be effective I would absolutely no apparently apparently that was something that was used at the Waco compound to keep people you know that's weird I thought they blasted share you know what no that wasn't a South Park episode that's weird cuz one of my exes lived on a farm and the barn was right next to their house and they never heard the rabbits decapitating each other and they slept like babies how did you know that rabbits are murderous psychos and
Starting point is 00:06:10 yes and decapitate other rabbits I watch Monty Python I know so so ducks and their duck spiral dicks yeah otters their duck spiral rape dicks otters and they're horrible raping ways right and rabbits love decapitation she told me that she went in and this the tiniest little black rabbit the one that's like a pound was just head-to-toe in viscera it's a bunny rabbit that looks like you just dumped a bucket of blood onto it welcome to episode 10 of the best friendship hey so video games right that was a rolling star rolling star oh man they totally will say only has three tracks remember that it only has three
Starting point is 00:07:01 tracks yeah we all care but it only has three and only two were worth racing really you can't race over the game over song um near so yeah we made it to 10 yay and now we're living forever literally this is the last breath now man depending on how this goes it's the death fart exactly Matt you just walked in the door I just walked in the door open and we were all sitting here and you're like what the fuck yeah doing in my house like that's a funny joke we like to give you the keys but whatever yeah I just got off a eight hour bus ride from New York City no man now someone can get like a
Starting point is 00:07:50 I could be living in the ocean we just do a little bit of eight hour bus trips then we could be in Baltimore right now they are directly on this line for sure yes I believe it was six to eight hours to broaden that compass hours and then your your border crossing makes the way to narrow it down it is like to cross the border yeah to Mexico to Atlantis clearly I like to jeez longitude latitude right next to Mexico right yeah yeah 20 guys are aware we have a video on the channel called the best friends go to the much y'all come we had to drive for our six to eight hours to minutes and so how
Starting point is 00:08:41 was the big apple sir I said that so first thing as you driving in the city we see a mrs. Marvel cosplayer walking and the tour guide goes oh in New York and we're like it's it's cuz of the comic-con he's like no just weirdo in New York right no it's a reason a big thing and he's like no no no yeah you might actually be right there's a bunch of them that just not not this girl right she had the badge on okay whatever yeah I had a really really really good time saw lots of stuff didn't meet any celebrities then I realized I'm a celebrity myself so last time I went to New York City I was so butthurt
Starting point is 00:09:28 because two girls I didn't like so we're gonna go in the Broadway I was like good luck nerds and they came back and they had a photo of them with Hugh Jackman hugging them right I was like I wanted to get a hug by Wolverine you guys don't even know it was the warmest hug it was never super warm I you get some warm Australian hug yeah I'm not gonna go too on into it but I have a whole video that we're gonna see later this week so you guys will see the highlights yeah even on vacation he works your vacation I work on time square has three things in it it's got black guys that want you to go to their comedy
Starting point is 00:10:12 show yeah that is the most common thing you get asked it's do is just going you want to go comedy show all family show comedy show every three feet and their eyes all say man I really want to be the next Chris Rock I thought you're gonna say pushing with $5 CDs that's totally that's totally what I thought he was gonna where they sign it when you give them your name yeah now you owe me five dollars they either mother fucker where you go when I say oh my god they're either the comedian themselves or they work for the club right and they're just on the street just please please come to our comedy show okay the other
Starting point is 00:10:54 thing is that when I went to New York nine years ago this was not prevalent now it is cosplayers on every street working wanting you to spend money to take a picture with them yes that's what I was gonna say the Miss Marvel thing was could have been about so there's tons of cosplayers that are naturally just standing around so like they're bootleg cosplays their bootleg cause I like Times Square has turned into a weird lights in part alternate reality Hollywood Walk of Fame Ferris wheel in Times Square you can go into it when I was a little baby I was told the Times Square was a scary place filled with black
Starting point is 00:11:35 panthers and creepy filthy porno shops the shop guys on the hobos around it then bootlegged Elmo costumes and put them exactly okay you nailed it so fucking elbow costs so that's what happens so what you're telling me is that if I go there it's still there I just need to look a little bit harder yeah magic okay the spider-man tons of Avengers of course aliens and predators walking around you should have seen my face and those guys know the Marvel legal teams faces when they come walking every time because it's like fucking scattered disperse disperse but yeah so like I said there's gonna be a video this week
Starting point is 00:12:22 lots of funny stuff went to some game stores went to some comic book stores went to some museum lots of nerdy shit okay great time and and you got to be at the debut launch line of yes of Pokemon XY lots of nerds there are lots of fans of the show though so glad to meet all those people you guys are nerds you guys are cool you're literally just saying how they're the biggest nerds no that was a different group of people that I will talk about it did you get to experience the good old boys in blue the NYPD so the launch event was a big deal tons of cops holding back the line to stop walking for people and I saw the
Starting point is 00:13:09 most New York cop ever I love this guy I want to be my dad sorry dad but he's making sure no one's like you know blocking the traffic or whatever he's like yeah you're over here over here that's going to keep the line over there and then keep it moving he sees a guy carrying six pizza boxes across the street and he goes all right over there those are pizzas so do not drop those pizzas we need them over and he stops the traffic no no let the man pass do not drop those pizzas sir okay bring them over thank you got a man with pies over here you got a pizza pie so that was really what a magical place I
Starting point is 00:13:57 miss some of the crazier stuff that happened the Pokemon event like people getting married at the events like I don't know if Reggie appeared you know Liam I don't think that's been awesome man okay but yeah that was really cool lots and lots of New York people and I'm gonna I'm gonna be talking like them for a little while until I get it out of my you know what that New York accent is rad you keep aping it as long as you want yeah I'm gonna do that sure whatever you want oh it's a mocky-mock yeah I can't do it I'm not gonna try no it's a Boston thing but but we suck enough at it that people are sharpening knives at
Starting point is 00:14:34 us not making the distinction clearly clearly because baseball hello what's baseball New York and Boston hating each other yeah anyway oh I know I know about that part yeah that's right so as you guys can see you got people can't see home where my Yankee cap I just bought yeah John Cena hates the Yankees oh okay I have I have like a really did you run into John Cena no do you or I think you might remember this one of you John Cena sees the show I think there's a chance this isn't good but that's like supporting something that Hitler hates now I'm not saying John Cena's Hitler but it's someone you don't
Starting point is 00:15:20 like but everyone else hates the Yankees too all the better yeah what do you remember CM Punk did that awesome like this to John Cena where he was going you are now everything you hate you're to our franchise you're not the underdog you're not the Boston Red Sox you're the Yankees and John Cena goes nuts there's a really good Bill Burr rant of him going off on how the Yankees are every time they win they're just a good old bunch of knock-around guys you know the ones you can rely on they tried their hardest it wasn't like they had the all-star lineup in the millions upon
Starting point is 00:15:57 billions of dollars to win and buy it every year I don't understand New York baseball because they have two teams and one always wins and the other always loses it's and yet they keep the two teams not just baseball as well every sport there's two teams that's all the Islanders and then man I haven't been paying attention for like 20 years Rangers of course nice nicks fuck the nicks okay thank you Liam thank you just for the just just for the yikes moment out of there all right hi Pat I know what you've been doing okay so what Max you know what how about this let's just ask slight let's really leave
Starting point is 00:16:37 it all to the end like the discussion about Pokemon because we've all been playing let's leave that once we get through the rest of our okay so instead what have you been up to besides Pokemon I've been up to two things one was buying Pokemon sure and thinking about which point I went to a local store's midnight launch of Pokemon which wasn't a midnight launch the store closes at midnight and they sell games when they release and when I wanted that work out so I walk in with 20 minutes to go it's like 1140 and I don't know why it's a naive thing about me I guess but I thought that these guys went away as I
Starting point is 00:17:21 got older no you know which guys the guys the guys the guys who are at the Pokemon launch event okay and trading Pokemon cards and just being scary I was gonna say because if you stopped it there the guys at the launch event like yourself like you know what I have never been happier to be feel at like an outcast in a group of nerds to be like God these mutants they stayed at least you're I think they're talking I think they're talking about Yu-Gi-Oh so I'm just gonna stand over here yeah and try and not draw their attention but I got the Pokemon and then I was safe and then I every time that I was not playing
Starting point is 00:18:14 Pokemon I instead spent watching Breaking Bad which I have finished yeah that is the weirdest path any show I've ever seen has taken because it makes it abundantly clear within like the first season there's only one way that this can possibly end the only question is how we're gonna get there yep and then you get to season let's say four and a half and protagonists start to become antagonists yeah and then back again and then back again it's it's one of the only things where I was just saying this before like it's the only shows where you could have like three or two episodes to go and I can still be like you
Starting point is 00:18:57 haven't seen nothing yeah things gonna flip yeah just baffling like the pacing for the first four seasons is the smallest thing in the world it's like every episode is maybe 16 hours one episode is about a fly and then and then you hit season four and a half and there's an episode that's a three month span in ten minutes yeah and now every episode's a week or a month and it's just fast and it opens with what is my personal favorite examples as of now of in media res I've ever seen if you are not familiar with the term in media res is when you have a story ABCD A being the beginning and D being the ending you
Starting point is 00:19:41 start your story at C right and do one scene from like 80% near the finale yeah you do one scene enough for the viewer to go what what's going on yeah and this particular one is like a scene out of the Punisher it is something that Frank Castle would do right right right right right and then you go what this isn't watching am I watching the wrong show yeah and then it goes back to A and it's just you try and figure out how the fuck you got from here to there yes and the other thing too is that there's no I can't think of a single show that pays as much attention to nothing it pays so much attention to detail on nothing I
Starting point is 00:20:22 totally know there's callbacks to shit that like you know there's no reason for that there are so I watch yeah I give you examples all the no there's a there's an example you can give I watched the whole five it's technically six seasons right because they took a year off so I watched all five six season whatever in like a week if Anthony Hopkins says they're six seasons they're six seasons I was just gonna bring I watched the six seasons in a week so I noticed these things a little more clearly than people who watched it broadcast sure in season one and I believe what is the first episode upon
Starting point is 00:21:01 this is not a spoiler it's the whole fucking crux of the show Walt receives a lung cancer diagnosis and punches the utter shit out of the hand towel dispenser in a fit of I have cancer rage all the way back at the end of like we are like three episodes to go yeah he's in that same bathroom at a very different point in his life yeah and he walks by and gets a little hand towel and looks at it and goes hey and it just stays on that for maybe one second two seconds not enough there's no flashback shot there's no like lingering pan you have to know if you just had to remember I can give you five other things
Starting point is 00:21:46 but I know but it's like five other things that are like callbacks like that they're like why would you even down to the names of the episodes absolutely I suggest you go back through the wiki now yeah and start looking these up yeah right on breaking bad is some good shit fly is a great episode I know that there are people out there that think flies a bad episode fly is probably the best episode so good it's such a nice change of pace yeah for that season also it has the magic of shooting in a really low-budget one-room environment yeah save money for the rest of the season oh my god yes but it's great it's
Starting point is 00:22:24 genius breaking bad it's great just watch it and the wire are like if only like fighting and if only they could combine Pokemon and breaking bad at the same time somehow ash get has cancer and sell all these bootleg legal Pokemon maybe we should keep playing X and Y I posted on my wall a letter from Anthony Hopkins to Brian Cranston and the rest of the cast yeah about him just gushing over how awesome the show was and then going now don't take this lightly I know it just sounds like wanking and whatever but I'm really letting you know that I don't write this way for people I don't do it yeah I recommend
Starting point is 00:23:08 this show everyone's and you're getting that from Hannibal Lecter fucking Hannibal says he likes the show I thought the crux and I've heard about this for years and Anthony Hopkins hates acting he hates it he's growing really tired everyone should hate acting and some people will just smile and be like I'm acting yay and then he says at the end he's like I'm almost kind of done yeah with everything but your show is just yeah there's tons of great bodies of work I'm gonna keep doing it for as long as so I sold you the wire on Obama Spike Lee and Alan Moore and now for that's not how you sold me on the wire
Starting point is 00:23:45 no but I'm saying like those are the three names the way that you sold me on the wire is you just kept telling me how shit law and order was like but I love law and order so much how can the wire possibly oh shit right and now and I hope we can add two other ridiculous names next to Anthony Hopkins on people that like are fucking breaking bad fanatics me and you Liam minus the Pokemon minus minus the Pokemon which was a lot of time way too much I went up to that went down to the country and one of the countryside for Thanksgiving Thanksgiving everyone yeah thanks
Starting point is 00:24:33 in only one country one country I'm excited for Black Friday have a great Columbus Day yesterday yesterday yes our American friends well celebrated the horribleness that is right right happy guy who killed more people than a lot of other murderers throughout history happy father of slavery you get a do you get a deal at the car I'm just getting me down go read the oatmeal strip on how horrible go look at a globe that's what I say to you sir so you were hunting Pokemon in real life went to the country where you have to shoot and kill them to catch what you
Starting point is 00:25:24 say that but my dad got a 700 pound moose this weekend so we're pretty happy that's like catching an onyx yeah pretty much 700 pounds basically their moose Pokemon there's because if not I feel there's yeah there's one in gen two also like we're not talking about it's not a moose but the fucking guy on the cover of X is basically basically yeah it's a reindeer more or less go on anyway such you know went up for Thanksgiving with the family did a lot of wood splitting and wood stacking because that's what you do in the country so much moose okay with his bow yeah three arrows I'm not a big hunting person on
Starting point is 00:26:09 the fact that I don't hunt and I think it's fucked up but if you do with a bow narrow yeah who the fuck am I just like he equipped Agni and Rudra and you just went at it when punched him a dead no no with a bow yeah no it's awesome great did you and your dad both get in like long john's suspenders and job wood and just be manly and sweaty I wasn't there because I was just coming from the city and I actually like they were already out in the woods I wasn't there they only were able to drag half of it out how do you even lug it back you quarter you killed seven hundred pounds of meat 20 pounds we got with his wife who's
Starting point is 00:26:50 they shot it up dragged the back the hind legs and the head back and the heart actually for no reason but other than right well other to rest from trees so it doesn't rot overnight you need to bring the heart to sacrifice to the book of events more if Ellie killed a fucking moose that'd be a really different yeah oh my god yeah moose are big you take half I take half we're fucking good we're done yes also generally just horrible creatures okay yeah but they're awesome they've been known to occasionally yeah aren't there they're cool the highest likelihood of moose fatality being you hit the moose
Starting point is 00:27:25 with your car yes is like the moose is like wow why did you do that yeah now I've impaled you with my body because I'm huge yeah pretty much other than that just like went to my girlfriend's place and cooked a turkey there because her family's out of town for Thanksgiving okay so out of town turkey girlfriend had a great wholesome Thanksgiving with with everyone along my family and that's it this day it was pretty good night Columbus Columbus day um yeah and played Pokemon the pilgrims didn't die for our pumpkins so that you could get I don't know what I don't know what Thanksgiving is just a minute I don't really don't know
Starting point is 00:28:06 yeah and all the new anime started last week sure I watched Hajime no Epo which is it's pretty good second episode not yet but I'm going to our peggio blue steel it's all CG that's kind of interesting it's not bad outbreak outbreak something which was better than I expected but woolly would hate it how is it horizon was shit how is it like a killer kill oh okay that's what I was waiting okay I'm getting to that because I'm getting through the ones you don't want to talk about you guys say everything you want about kill the kill I only have one thing and beyond the boundary which is great everyone in
Starting point is 00:28:41 here hates it and kill the kill which was still good yeah okay yeah so cuz I'm legitimately like okay so what did I do what did woolly do yeah what did you do woolly well woolly watched killer kill the second that was a good thing to do that was a really good thing to do no regrets there um man oh man do they know how to keep that momentum going as someone posted on my wall that it was disappointing yes like that yeah I was like what are you on what do you smoke as well I watched the second episode with somebody and I turned to them and said do you get the feeling that when they were drawing this there was always
Starting point is 00:29:15 the director over every single person's shoulder going no do it faster yeah no make make make the plot go fast you don't need to finish those lines just put the color down just rotate the character yeah yeah and what I got the best friend girl that looks like Mako yeah yeah her like continuous turning into a blob creature yeah it's the best she's I love her face melting into like the bumps of like tennis ball yeah it's such a weird show because they did they decided we're gonna go for an art style that only exists in episode breaks yeah so it allows us that like pen I catch it patty and stocking did the
Starting point is 00:29:55 same thing it's like we don't have enough money for this episode fuck it yeah don't draw anything yeah just flip it just rotate everything fuck it it works with the art style we chose this is the greatest idea we've ever had I'm thinking like honestly by the time we get to the end of this the hypers moments ever are gonna be like no frames of animation yeah panels with pan the last episode to be three still frames always lack what penny and stocking had which was that sex scene having to do with Autobots you know what the way this is going why not and that's actually what I wanted to talk about in terms of kill
Starting point is 00:30:37 the kill episode 2 the first episode was great there was only one thing that I was disappointed at and it's the main characters outfit is way over the top fan service and it's like that's just it's fine when schoolgirl outfit but when she fights it's all hold on there's there's there's a fix coming and the fix is episode 2 when you watch episode 2 you're like oh the thing is so pandering to dudes that it's kind of creepy and then you watch episode 2 and it is pandering so hard to female viewers it pans way harder in the other direction yeah this is now a show for girls like man candy and I'm sitting
Starting point is 00:31:25 there's too much man candy on this day but that cropped torso yeah moment is so sharp and now it's okay because everyone gets there disgusting I never thought of ever hear Pat say that's too much man I can't I'm literally looking at it and the texting my girlfriend going you really need to see kill the kill great Matt did you not watch it I was he was in New York doing things and the may in New York well then without any other details we'll just give you one thing there's a camera point yeah I think I saw someone posted a gift there's two camera points there's two of them and it's filled to bursting with man candy
Starting point is 00:32:12 it's great it's great the other thing I did and this can actually spiral right back circle background to you man is sure I watched gravity oh yeah I should watch gravity I thought was really cool um honestly as okay I'm sad you're not gonna take the brave stance and just take a shit on gravity no because it's awesome um and it was directed by the guy who did children of men here we go which is yes my favorite movie so whatever done that's it okay so moving along gravity he's basically like you can do multiple titles you can come up with children of men in space my favorite one is Sandra Bullock breathing
Starting point is 00:32:55 heavy the movie what my original Facebook post was Sandra Bullock can't breathe and breathe the movie right and like the entire score of the soundtrack can just be the end of any Metroid game you know because it's just escape that's it um Mel Gibson and Sandra Bullock like him or hate him I thought it was George Clooney that's because it is oh my god sorry yeah one of them we were talking about other Mel Gibson related topics earlier yeah yeah no Mel Gibson calls people sugar tits and did the Jesus and George Clooney did not he's ocean Danny ocean in space George Clooney did bad and wrong man just sold me so hard on the
Starting point is 00:33:39 phrase Danny ocean in space in space talking you down is the greatest thing it's so awesome and like the way he just like owns that character and like it's one of those moments where like it's you know it's just the two of them so only them to have to perform right and like you don't get tired of them you don't get annoyed like they do a really good job in the same way you can watch I am legend and not get sick of old Smith like you have to really perform to make that we do like that will Smith right so yeah there's moments where you look at it you go okay this was a little bit heavy-handed and I know why they did it
Starting point is 00:34:17 it was because of test groups and test audiences they had to do a little thing or another thing here we're like oh but I know why and it wasn't his fault but beyond those like two things yeah fucking awesome go do gravity and don't expect a normal Hollywood type movie in terms of its pacing and then okay your things happening expect it to be very one-track mind I just want to ask how many shots were in the movie okay you can count them on your fingers you can count on one hand okay good no you can't but like there are really really few shots in the movie it takes that whole we're gonna keep the camera going thing
Starting point is 00:34:57 digital cinematography we don't need to stop filming right point to the nth degree and there's like you know your your children of men the car shot and the apartment shot possible possible shots yeah he not only does he one the muck but he does it like wow more times oh yeah but it's all digital so it's not as impressive yeah you set up that shot do you see what they're doing yeah but dudes on a computer well to me will never be as impressive as that insane car shot also just dudes running around and hiding and okay but also there's a really good non-digital one okay well there's fucking now I care yeah there
Starting point is 00:35:35 are non-digital shots in this yes what there are two I thought it was in space are you telling me they went into space no yes there are two extended non-digital shots that come to mind that are like holy shit these guys are pushing the boundaries so yeah man between that and what prisoner of Azkaban as you like to constantly remind me what the director also directed prisoner of Azkaban I was like the really good Harry Potter movie this guy's three for three yeah that's it so just because I saw gravity with woolly and while I liked it I was kind of a little disappointed how just story-wise it was just basically escape
Starting point is 00:36:16 and I'm not a Sandra Bullock fan I liked her in the demolition man but then again I like everything but I'm not really a fan of her I'd rather George Clooney have like because he was so good and he was basically Danny Ocean but like woolly said it's very non-typical Hollywood and I'm not sure if you saw who gravity made $50 million its first weekend did really well it then made 40 million its second week wow okay so that's it people are hyping you say that word of mouth that word of mouth absolutely right because the first day the Thursday and Friday it was terrible it did nothing and then people came out
Starting point is 00:36:54 and said yo you got scrapped the Saturday blew everything up I got to see gravity now I'm saying because the question I want to ask you I don't think either of you can answer how much do you guys know about fucking space bring up we have the friend that's all about the fucking okay because my main problem with a movie like this I go to see something like I didn't actually cease the core the core is the movie okay hold on it's like I'm like I'm okay with this premise that was 30 seconds of the fucking fake as science I ever did see can't you just try a little harder okay there's a website that tracks the
Starting point is 00:37:42 worst movie physics of all time really yes and they have a giant list number one is Armageddon yeah that's farce and pretty high up there no come on it's movies that are portraying themselves to me I know I know right um fucking Armageddon number one number cores number the two course so fucking course number two I should watch the core I would argue I would like I know there's technically like more stuff that's like blatantly wrong in Armageddon but the stuff in the core is just so fucking bananas right that I'm really the core spinning down so all the birds in the world are gonna attack the windows
Starting point is 00:38:19 because you wanted to do an Alfred Hitchcock the bird scene you fucking hacks but no so in this gravity we have the friend that's all about the fucking science and in general his his thing is they got a whole bunch of it right but there's some things that they did not that bothered him but it's forgivable in movie content yeah okay that makes sense any non-spoiler examples the way fire is handled in space that's impossible to film in a live-action setting the explosion I adore the idea of an explosion in space you obviously you want shoutouts for not doing it with the big dumb explosion noise because it
Starting point is 00:39:02 doesn't make sense right but yeah there's there's I can understand stuff exactly because the cinema or movies are a visual language if you did explosions in space the way explosions in space look no one watching the movie would understand what's happening and furthermore there's this this is and this is one thing I've seen actually like when you do them like that and like you you kind of you can have the people say oh my god it's an explosion or whatever but that's not good enough yeah you need to have a very like if you explain what happens yeah if you're gonna put a fucking explosion in your
Starting point is 00:39:38 movie usually you want the audience to go whoa a fucking explosion right you don't want them to go what was that what happened the example that comes to mind for me is there's a commentary track on the show dollhouse yeah where there's an episode where the girl the main girl is playing a blind character mm-hmm and so she's walking around stumbling looking all over the place right and then everyone's like yeah okay she's blind in the commentary like we didn't is like Joss Whedon is like okay fuck I really hate the fact that she's looking all around the place like an idiot and I want we got in a blind coach that was
Starting point is 00:40:11 that was telling us exactly how it would look and they are not looking around everywhere they're focused on an object but they're just not analyzing it and their pupils are not dilating right they did it like that they shot every scene like that so the people watching would go oh she's mine everyone that watched the original cut that was accurate to the way blind people are did not understand that she was blind couldn't grasp yeah that she couldn't see and you're not gonna put subtitles going character is she cannot see right now blindness intensifies explosions are happening on the base you know our
Starting point is 00:40:41 like first-person view when black and white or some dumps like you couldn't do that so they had to go blind this they had to sell it I know but that's insane you have to put dumb camera right no in this case like you have to do dumb fair enough right and there's one that is a bit more plausible where it's explosion in oxidated environment therefore you can plausibly believe fire right exist in this I mean oxidized oxygenated containing oxygen containing oxygenated oxygenated oxidized means that it rested I'm sorry yes it was going there it's been a long time since we went to school there's
Starting point is 00:41:19 that too I was gonna say it's been a long time since Beepin's world Beepin's world is the fucking shit but fuck all that so let's talk about Pokemon here's how it's going down Pat what is your lineup what is my my current Mike are we not going with the hours to my get there my current lineup is I went frokey who is now a frog a deer I want Bulbasaur who's now an Ivysaur I went Fletchinder which is the second form of Fletchling Fletchling to Fletchinder he's he's off now because now I have a patch him as like an HM slave right and I
Starting point is 00:42:01 forget the rest of my fucking no and there's a reason why I forgot my lineup and it's a problem that you also we were talking about before you encountered the exact same problem oh I have a honed edge who's kicking the shit out of everything because ghost steel is the most best ever yeah yeah okay um I have a little oh I have a torch it a fucking combustion that's that's deal I have a linoon because linoons great Venusaur Greninja what's the evolved honed edge double edge double so we have a game and I have almost the same and I played a match at one point and he would send out X Pokemon and I would send out the
Starting point is 00:42:47 evolved one okay like almost he crushed me hard I have a Pidgeot and did I name six no no I have a Pidgeot now what and I have a what's that Pokemon called who's that Pokemon it's trapping it's trapping I have a shiny trapping that I caught oh you took a picture of that I did exactly I got a shiny schmergel no shit yeah I never Chinese are easier to catch I figured but I never caught a sign because everyone I'm talking to like who's played enough is caught at least one shiny or if you put the fucking move false white false swipe on you're not gonna knock him out so okay so what's come on what do you got I went with
Starting point is 00:43:40 Chespin and his evolved form I forgot and what the fuck Keodine yeah Keodine or into the chest not so on the front line he is the trenches yeah well he's looks like a football okay so here's the important thing woolly is a fucking degenerate asshole who Nick's name nicknames his fucking Pokemon would you do that his squirt his war tortle is named Panzer my what a shit you know what your war tortles name is war tortle because it's a fucking war tortle no I disagree 110% the ones that I care about are named you know because they're you don't care about any of them no okay because I have I've got my fucking
Starting point is 00:44:25 choking okay I've got my war tortle who's gonna be a blast always named Panzer I am so on board with the mentality of these are my fucking fighting animals that I keep in slave ball no when I know the ball out you will fight until you are knocked unconscious I will not care about any is oh you fell asleep but gets a roll you have a lineup fuck you fight mother fucker what my hot edges name is you matter yeah and I get the shit out of your hot edge with my hot edge because you had the um ghostly ghostly no it was a ghost dance or some yeah the one where it goes behind it always goes
Starting point is 00:45:07 well I'm sorry I'm sorry that my properly named on edge is better than just naturally superior my dog dog right and I was making fun of the hot edge like originally is like the concept of a source and then we ran into them and we all got I know I'm using him for cut oh no yeah he's been my Pokemon catcher for like the most I know he's good but for me he's swappable like I swapped out what's the little Leo he evolves into the fire thing he blitzed the grass gym for me and I was like you're out the reason why the hunt edge is so fucking good on point is because like any of those group battles where
Starting point is 00:45:50 you run into five and none of them can do anything physical to you well I just doesn't work I got the noon on point you just as a surf server yeah but you're way farther than I'm way farther um so anyway so I've been doing that and I also have a Vespiquen Vespiquen right right the yeah the combies evolved for investment I thought the combi was one of the shittiest looking Pokemon I've ever seen and then I thought you later and you had the Vespiquen I was like that one is actually pretty cool because it's just it's honestly just a fucking Xeon like mech style bee queen bee it's so good it's an absolute I'm shocked that
Starting point is 00:46:27 you've come back to Pokemon this hard okay okay I know but I didn't finish mine you suck I don't care about your lineup fuck off if they're incorrectly named they don't care no I'm not like I'm like for the last one it's a toss up because you're kind of we are waiting for you to see what the slot is the blaze of kin is really cool everyone wants to get that we need that good fighter and whatnot but I then I fucking came across um the the lucha that how lucha how lucha yeah oh my god I need that on it honestly the way I'm doing it is I have I picked like mostly starters I got these guys I'm gonna beat
Starting point is 00:47:07 the fucking entire game I'm gonna keep Venus or that's the only one I know I'm gonna keep for sure and then I'll figure out what I want later but my current yeah I like beat the gyms that's all I care about I'm also courting a Zangus right now Zangus Zanguses are fucking cool yeah but yeah so like everybody here like I'm about 21 hours let's wait let's get to his let's get that's a lot of hours the game we just can't that's a ridiculous amount of hours we'll we'll get there later but what's what's your lineup man I don't have a lineup because I was not able to get the game over the weekend because I
Starting point is 00:47:45 wasn't able to stay until midnight the thing and the the only other video game story went to that next day was all sold out we sold out within like we had a long okay well let's ignore Matthew but I was gonna say though I was gonna say well I was gonna say we said the last podcast so I'm gonna try to like croaky is kind of were throaty yeah sorry the Greninja looks really cool if the tongue was it his right but I did research something I found us I found a thing that was um I like a little oracle a little picture it was like Pokemon that sound like Jewish slang so it was for clamped for clamped and schmutz and my
Starting point is 00:48:28 starters boobala right when I was I was putting Pokemon in Google the other night I was like I was laughing my ass off of that okay now woolly you're like 21 hours I think I'm like 19 and a half hours how I have like 16 hours and five badges okay by not blitzing forward by taking I catch every Pokemon I have every year like 120 Pokemon car okay I here's what I've been I have ev trained Pokemon is devastated 45 I also super trained like almost I make sure I catch everything I encounter Liam I don't know the answer yes because when I look at the same file I go what the fuck I don't know either but I also just
Starting point is 00:49:10 sat there for a really long time yes and then every time I miss something I encountered I run around till I got it again but more than that is the fact that we're that far I just just got second Jim right before coming here accelerates just got and but that was the fucking coolest thing like it was there was also the worst thing in the game I I loved the fact that like I got that first one and I'm like all right gonna get that second one now and I had so much open game in front of me yeah before it got to that I was like holy fuck and I totally agree that's rad here's where it breaks XP share is the
Starting point is 00:49:49 greatest thing that ever happened to Pokemon slash worse slash worse thing that ever happened to Pokemon yeah I adore it I think it's the best it makes it so that if I want to level up like five Pokemon that are the vint sex that event well five is easier right but five pokes have just been benched the whole game I can do it like an hour true Pokemon fanatics however we'll say that's bullshit the whole thing yeah that's what bit your toothpick that's why they're right yeah you know what that's why they put super training in so you can ev train a Pokemon in 45 minutes all the way to the top yeah it totally
Starting point is 00:50:25 trivialized that insane nonsense yeah I mean I be no I mean ev training you go to super training IVs okay ev is in like effort values okay I be as in no that's individual value individual values you can't ev is the one you can change individual one is the the stuff the first those is what base stats that yeah yes whatever the point is there used to be an insane work around nonsense thing of like if you kill a hundred eighty billion fucking Magikarp we each Pokemon had a value as you level it up you'll get speed instead of this yeah and it was the most micromanaging slow shitty way ever of any metagame that's ever
Starting point is 00:51:06 exist I came across the formula and you're like fuck that's the IV formula right these are super simple okay sure yeah they're also the worst they're simple but they take a billion hours right yeah and then they said we should probably fix this because the people who go through this insane bullshit nonsense this is not how the game is intended to be played so that's like our percent are creating Pokemon that are literally twice as powerful as everyone else's Pokemon so instead we're gonna put super training is what super training is you press L on your 3ds you get a little game that you can play
Starting point is 00:51:41 and it's actually like a lot of fun I had a lot of fun playing the super training minigame where you shoot soccer balls of targets yeah and doing that you get to decide yo I want my Venusaur to max out his HP faster than anything else focus on this training bag and yeah and then you max out takes like 40 minutes or you can press R again and like pet them and have yeah that's for ten dogs but then ten dogs and a fucking slew of me but then with that the best part about that nonsense is like super train your guy now you guys stronger and now that your guy is the strongest he can be yeah you can play extra minigames which
Starting point is 00:52:19 are slightly harder but more engaging and when you beat them you get evolution stones just go down I got a thunderstorm a firestone a waterstone and a dusk stone and 20 minutes yeah I did not care that I was doing it and she got that far with that well you should right okay but the problem is is that plus XP share I ran into the weirdest problem ever going to the rock gym where every single Pokemon I had 29 or 30 that could beat the rock gym every single one was level 30 yeah and if I couldn't get to the gym leader before every single one of those hit 31 I would never have finished the game because you lose
Starting point is 00:53:05 control because your bug badge can only get roll pokes up to 30 but it's not completely it's that sometimes they don't listen to you I would have had a hard no but the problem is that my frokey is made to beat the rock gym or my frog a deer but he's the highest level one he's like one fight away I'm becoming level 31 simple solution that invalidates all these complaints is just turn it off yeah guess when I realized that walking in exactly the rock you certainly it was certainly realized too late and I get that so people like it's not and the other thing is that it makes you level so much
Starting point is 00:53:40 faster that like it invalidates like most of the games challenge I have I have it set to have it registered to one of the directional buttons yeah you know what so that you turn it off when you want to focus on the guy that needs it right you get in double triple quadruple however many yeah times more the XP by just giving it all to him I would highly suggest that anybody playing the Pokemon X or Y is to set it like woolly has and mostly yeah keep it turned off unless you want to bump your guys up a little bit because otherwise you're running into a weird scenario like I did that being said are you playing X or
Starting point is 00:54:19 why I'm playing why are you playing X or Y I'm playing X I'm playing X which one are you going to play man I'm why I guess yeah I pick I picked why because that reindeer looking fucker on the no I already yes I picked a pick back why because the girl picked X I really I know we were talking about a friend picked and we were talking about it and she's like oh shit Pokemon's coming out I'm like yeah it is she's like let me see the boxes and I showed her the boxes on Amazon it's like I'm getting that one my girl I guess I'm getting the other one for me it was my girlfriend both wanted X and we're both like no I'll take why
Starting point is 00:55:05 don't worry don't worry no I'll take no no let's play rock paper scissors to see who takes oh really so originally oh yeah I want both of you originally I wanted X but now the kid me well your girlfriend now that I have why I'm much happier with the why legendary and I'm much happier with all the Y exclusives so I win I'm just one that I don't get the cool Charizard anymore I got X I don't care about Charizard hey guys I got X cuz I wanted it the end I wanted I'm sorry it was no you know what I'm sorry your girlfriend isn't enjoying Pokemon along with you yeah well it sure is shame no you won't yeah well when
Starting point is 00:55:48 anyway when you're jealous of Liam and I trading easily and being filled with love as we do it with their girlfriends not with each other you're gonna be over there in that corner listening to Muse and being pretty hyped this blew up in my face I was up late watching breaking I just like half my 16 hours was with my girlfriend half willies 21 anyway anyway you're Matt you getting why right you just said that yeah all right we're good you guys can be each other's girlfriend okay bfs you already have limbs so it's fine you're good anyway I'm sure your girlfriends gonna play football now she thinks it's for nerds games are for
Starting point is 00:56:35 nerds oh just Pokemon she's right but I don't care she just shock and infinite actually oh and like most people she's like yeah it's all right it's a yeah well whatever I disagree I'm wearing a fucking songbird right now that is awesome that's nothing to do bird is the best part of that game it's a shame he's not in it more um the last last thing on Pokemon is while I was marathoning that game super hard and trying to get to one for one or one which I will get you know around yeah um while I was doing that I was taking my food breaks and watching Pokemon Origins that's quite good I'm really happy I
Starting point is 00:57:17 just so three ahead all four are there and done yeah with shitty subs depending on who you go so yeah talking the four horrible is also started as well talking man they do good yeah so I got a group a mixed they got easy in thing like the last two episodes unfortunately I watched with these idiots that never watched or play Pokemon yeah so they called them the Japanese names and all like garbage and you're calling them idiots for that no because everyone knows you stupid back is why don't you know Charmander yeah just because you don't know what a zany gun is right so you're watching fucking Pokemon Origins
Starting point is 00:57:51 and instead of getting Charizard you're getting Lizard on that's fine there's our you know what you know what you know what you could not have picked a worse example that is so cool but Lizard on is so cool pick a better example whatever the fuck Giovanni's Japanese name is sakekaki or something like that yeah it's like no but you know what it's supposed to be I didn't know what I used to imagine it I just watched the TV show whatever better sucks but that being said holy shit that stuff's really cool and you get a little twist ending hey you know what red says when he gets his Charmander what he says oh I should
Starting point is 00:58:32 give him a nickname no his name is fucking Charmander because I'm not a shit whatever dude he says it anyone it bothers me so much well you know what this is kind of like this is like really getting a kid in the future and you're angry that you he didn't call him male baby or female that's a kid that's not okay I the only scenario there's a difference the only scenario in which that would happen is if woolly called his kid a name and then use that baby in baby that's his baby talk fights the reason why this is bullshit it was the baby's peck at each other's knives Pat here's what you're full of shit you get on my
Starting point is 00:59:12 case so much about being a robot about things and whatnot and this which is proven through the entire concept of nuzlocke get runs that you name it so that you care more I'm doing that because I care about my guys and you're like nah fuck your feelings this one time meanwhile in the rest of everything else it's not it's not it has nothing to do with your feelings I care about my fucking IV sore the thing that matters here is that you're doing it wrong no like no no no but like that's that's how my brain works in this case doing it like I in the first town you can trade for a farfetched with an NPC yeah it's
Starting point is 00:59:50 named quackles and I flip my fucking shit they're all exactly what what fuck that as I as soon as I found that nickname remover guy you knew what his name is fucking thanks all the fans and let me know where you get a farfetched at the start of the game I ask what so you have a good attachment to your Pokemon how how much do they like you how much have you fed them in the Pokemon of me how much do you actually care about I've been playing I've been using the Pokemon oh sure oh sure and furthermore but not as much not that much obviously cuz I'd rather be training with them 21 hours but here's the deal
Starting point is 01:00:28 there is a punching bag that makes them like you more so you just want to do the beat them up bag and part of the game you can do that and make them like you anyway do either do either you guys know what that actually does what what that they like you more was that do there's get excited in such what does that do there's some effect how does that make them fucking fight better there are there are then I don't give a shit it's not true it does there that's not true but like there are there are there are tms that specifically work depending on yeah how their relationship is just very on can only evolve furthermore there's not
Starting point is 01:01:02 only the teams but there's multiple Pokemon that only evolve according to the relationship happiness your Snorlax will never be a Snorlax it'll be a munchlax unless you have a good relationship with that you know what you know what Snorlax is a lazy shit sure he's a I don't care about him cuz he's too tired to do his job here's so here's a cool thing you might like maybe there's a TM that is specifically for if your Pokemon doesn't like you it gets more powerful yeah so they got it all covered oh man Torchic your mother fucker now go fight are we done are we done we will less in the future we have
Starting point is 01:01:45 to keep you guys up to date with our gym progress no I might my entire long weekend was just shut down absolutely and I think we all did and the current score chart is Liam beat my ass so hard that I refused to challenge Liam again and I beat you twice yeah now I believe and you cried because I use sleep powder sure now I believe that a lot of people were saying at the very least online from what I could gather black and white to not that great I have those are the ones I skipped okay I played black and I loved black I loved it was so good but I heard the stories garbage or whatever the fact that there was a
Starting point is 01:02:23 story was kind of what made it charming yeah but it wasn't particularly well written but it was nice yeah and I mean and it just apparently this is the perfect best one in years it's a good mix I I'm starting to like this one more compared to all the team players of us a shit's though they're fabulous shit stuff I don't know like the whole they're good they look stupid when I just want Team Rocket back but what I ever wanted see when I saw that costume I was like oh man they made this for cost players oh yeah I one quick thing you guys are gonna love the sequence where you're introduced to mega evolutions
Starting point is 01:02:57 because it's a specific sequence and it's great all right that by the way yeah if I have to two things one that I didn't like there was a fact that like yes that I'm waiting for that but I already have the right requirements and it's not working no it's not and I'm like no it's not you need to get up I know but I didn't like so far it was like the description says give your aridactyl I have a can and why can't I open it because you have a candle you don't you didn't learn how to digivolve them yet right and I apparently you have to do that I know that yeah you know I guess that's the mystery I could
Starting point is 01:03:32 and it's a really cool sequence sure I just but I went into a couple fights looking for a button that was like maybe I'm just not pressing it or something like that what Pokemon do you have I had aridactyl and I have aridactyl like in its oh okay it's aridactyl my torch it can and I be so well once he becomes blaziken doesn't work blaziken yeah but what I mean is once I get the blaziken once I get the Venusaur they'll be ready to go yeah and I don't for a team well it'll be Venusaur because because the mega evolution of Venusaur is shit-backed tank just live forever poison everyone like an asshole yes fucking poison
Starting point is 01:04:08 leech seed all day complaints also minor complaint is the whole like changing your appearance thing it's great yes it is but I wish that you weren't so funneled into it like further on again like you right because basically right now my chum my choices are like nothing and then I only get a few more I like I don't want a hat I never wanted a hat let me take it off right away I just realized yesterday when I was playing it is that you there was a guy I talked to in the the rock gym city and they say that every single day every shop changes yeah and I'm like this is just like I get it fuck you give me give me when I
Starting point is 01:04:50 got to the big city give me a boutique that has every clothing item in the game yeah exactly furthermore allow me to see what a haircut's gonna look like before I commit to it yeah I saved the game and then did all three I didn't do that all you should have done yeah I wasted $3,000 because I didn't like what I got you know I'll fuck bad haircuts it happens but no to you you've been living with it Leo it's a character creation methods as a guy that loves character creators I had a whole month of wrestling games where I had to go through every step up you know what I thought it was super weird when you are
Starting point is 01:05:25 videos you guys make PR I did I went and I did I want to see years after because I made one tune it's before we like I think it's weird that I couldn't pick red hair when I started the game I had to play most of the game is a blonde as this little arm looking little yeah you fucking ask me hey how do you change your eye color and I'm like you ignored that PR video store didn't you of course I did yeah you got to go in there that's the only way to get it out your car but I'm like why can't I be a redhead with the thing why do I gotta brown man I'm sorry I'm sorry your legs are twitching now with like can we get on with the
Starting point is 01:05:56 fucking show I think maybe some people are also thinking Pokemon's pretty good though you guys should probably yeah you know alright we just yeah we just blasted maybe 20 minutes on Pokemon well that's what we've been doing yeah we've been playing Pokemon and it is the biggest thing in the game world right now so I mean flavor of the month yeah right you know I'm probably gonna be playing this one for real though when Titanfall comes out we're all gonna be talking about Titanfall no I'm gonna yeah when Titanfall comes out I'll be sitting here talking about Titanfall and you guys are gonna be like what do you shoot guns on
Starting point is 01:06:25 there have you seen Titanfall no we didn't we didn't see Titan okay so segment one is shit we want to talk about but we can't because we didn't play it the wolf among us wolf among us no one's played it here I know fucking Pokemon so I know I don't believe you I know I know I don't know what this is based off of tell me what that is the wolf among us is telltale games no I don't care what is the source what is that fables is an awesome comic book that's by vertigo okay it is about modern-day incarnations of all kinds of fable creatures like the big bad wolf and jack in the beanstalk and so on and so forth in film noir but
Starting point is 01:07:14 also modern-day type settings okay that sounds interesting now they're making telltale how did you not play that know how did none of us play it I was fucking in New York okay I was busy watching Breaking Bad on the 11th you have a family yes cuz it came out on the 11th and yeah well get to that next week yeah maybe and other shit we want to talk about but can't rain rain you guys last week you played it a bit have you touched well wait till next week again exactly it's good why do you guys hate indy developer so much because Pokemon rain isn't really that's why we're all such assholes because we'll
Starting point is 01:08:01 sit around going man I love weird indie stuff but then Pokemon comes out and we all go some fuck that indy shit I won't catch a Pikachu I bought it it's sitting there yeah I bought puppeteer I've yet to unseal it there you go you know what I mean it's fine here's all right we got them the money and that's what matters it's okay um anyway so there goes the shit we want to talk about that we'll get to when we're not playing Pokemon um something that had that happened at this weekend specifically at the New York Comic-Con was they had a panel for the Batman shit going on at the WB you know Arkham and so forth and Troy Baker who
Starting point is 01:08:39 is the new Joker got to do a little panel with everybody and there's a really good clip of him doing the monologue of the Joker from the killing joke where he convinces you that he can do a Joker not as good as Mark Hamill but he's way on fucking point now before you continue I'm sick to death of Mark Hamill's Joker one of the best jokers but because you didn't play Arkham Asylum or City you get sick to fucking death of Mark Hamill I totally disagree I totally agree with myself I believe you would I know I agree with Matt I'm okay you didn't play any of those games I got it seen a sitting sealed on my shelf play you
Starting point is 01:09:18 should play it it's like Super Metroid yeah I know it's there I bought it it's still sealed on myself well I'm telling you right now you will enjoy Asylum a lot more than yeah I know I'm for okay I city I was exposed through to through work but I've seen a whole lot of that so no worries there I'm well aware of what's going on both of them actually to some degree but regardless the point is is the new Joker voice he fucking did he's great man a lot of the reason why people were like you pick it because it's Troy Baker and he's the new Nolan North or whatever and people just automatically grown he got lucky though
Starting point is 01:09:58 because no north got like sledgehammered into Drake voice yeah way harder than then Troy Baker got sledgehammered into that let's say congee voice yeah getting to do Joel opened him up considerably or something Booker do it no Booker to win is Troy Baker no that's what I mean but no but like at least he's got two and like they both have range and but like at least Troy got to get to the the always gets to be asked for instead of just the one and I think the bullet got some range though no they had what I'm saying is they both have tremendous range but no north got unlucky yeah and then everyone said just do the Drake
Starting point is 01:10:42 voice except for the time he did the penguin in Arkham City yeah but then then no one noticed no but the difference between like Landon I know like this and usually yeah like like I'm not like it's the Joker right so this might extend outside of video games and random like of course things like that like he might be the Joker for reals and stuff does Jen Hale have any range I don't care cuz I love her voice Jenny oh sorry I have such a big crush on her voice you have to everyone yeah just their voice just a recording is on the table next year I just I just want to be sitting somewhere romantic with my
Starting point is 01:11:22 girlfriend and she's about to say something just shut up shut up I'm gonna hit a button and random Mass Effect dialogue will just come out sometimes tape recorder and you are sharing a string of spaghetti and you're sucking it up together in one ear you've got her talking lovey-dovey to you and in the other it's Nolan North talking lovey-dovey to you like your life is just all anyway so smooth so for no reason that anyone can discern deadly premonition is getting a fucking 350 page companion 552 page companion app book for the PC release no but it's coming out outside the piece where you
Starting point is 01:12:09 can flip through the fucking and it's interactive and shit stuff going on get that even though I'm not getting the PC I don't have an iPad wait you can only play on an iPad it's a companion app I will watch the let's play video someone puts out as a companion app please be excited for our deadly premonition yeah let's play I mean like is this the kind of game that has that much lore yeah yeah to get out there totally does it's comparable to last of us just because you hate it because you hate things so because you're a hater so did the premonition come with a metal gear style wiki built-in that it installs
Starting point is 01:12:47 it could have and now it will not the downloadable one the on-disk one what on this one there was a scenario that came there was a thing to do the disc before there was a I had it I had I bought the game and borrowed it and installed it and I know it doesn't matter might have been only with a special edition of Metal Gear Solid 4 I had it special edition you know if you're a true fan of Metal Gear you don't need that guy right you just remember there's no point arguing facts here because it's Liam we saw it and we had the disc done like there it's whatever we'll see but so swearing no you're Liam's totally right
Starting point is 01:13:34 what it was a friend of ours it was his ps3 he had already downloaded thank you to his hard drive thank you both saw it because we're both using his ps3 Rocky's 100% sure that's I will mention that I am not aware of any disc released version of that encyclopedia or database the important thing to note here is that swerry is taking weird shit in weird directions very and we should just let him be why is he called swerry 65 his name is a hero because Goichi Suda actually his last name is so a hero and there's a way to pronounce that that makes it sound like swerry I believe he was born in 65 oh that's my guess
Starting point is 01:14:23 I don't know that last part it's just an assumption yeah there's a picture of him with a police dog in deadly premonition huh it's on the wall thrilling when we played the game I said hey look that's swerry on the wall which episode was that one of them oh perfect I believe I said I agree I'm gonna I'm gonna fucking shoot in the dark and say episode three because that's when we go to police station perfect right please add an annotation to the audio little little asterisk there asterisk please click the X button in your browser to go to that video
Starting point is 01:15:05 Sony making giant steps to war and I'm exaggerating steps towards getting rid of proprietary things I was gonna say by by introducing the new Vita model that has a USB universal oh yeah yeah how's about that fucking guys finally yeah Jesus Christ Sony has long been one of the worst companies ever when it comes to proprietary bullshit plugs yeah but it's always plugs yeah it's always like why can't I just put the thing in that oh it's a Sony on a Sony thing yeah do you remember the although this is a Nintendo thing but you remember the fucking shit show when we looked at the bottom of the Wii like we mowed into nunchuck
Starting point is 01:15:52 thing and you're like you re-molded a USB plug yeah you just added more metal onto it so that you'll never ever plug this nunchuck into anything like you know and the thing is what you know what it was you know what it fucking is is they didn't want people plugging anything else into the Wii remote yeah they didn't want kids throwing USB drives in their Wii remote and going I wasn't in work I broke my TV right um you could store 100,000 me's but like like the thing with Sony and their constant proprietary stuff is it now it extended legendarily mediums yeah UMDs and what in many days rather than
Starting point is 01:16:38 that's the universal media disc yeah you know the max the fucking balls on whoever the fuck was running this at Sony to call a format the universal media disc when it's the most proprietary shit ever yeah because it's taking the bet that if this wins not even if it comes then your universe not even every version of the PSP can use the fucking UMD yeah well that's only after the fact and that's embarrassing but hey it very very size 2020 the most embarrassing thing yeah but no it reminds me of just the VHS versus Betamax Wars where way back in the day and to this Betamax is better it's a better format not when it
Starting point is 01:17:23 doesn't have porn it's not right and it's like you like your inferior format can still win if you just fucking hammer it out if you just fist it hard enough don't give up everyone's gonna get fed up and go all right although blu-ray was way better than that is the fucking loudest thing in the world what is happening outside a truck you just drove through max apartment I was gonna say there's a truck outside that's preparing to dump millions of UMDs we're nine floors up how is that not the foot just so loud what is on those UMDs King Kong yeah yeah yeah and like a Will Ferrell movie had you guys
Starting point is 01:18:13 ever watched any UMD movies no I would never the compression on I picked up Monty Python on the Holy Grail for a bucket Walmart the compression on that was if me worse than I expect Liam if I had a PSP which I do yeah or I think I did I don't know where it is but if I had one you did I think I sold but if I had a PSP and I said hey I won't watch a movie do I use this terrible compressed piece of shit or do I take the DVD I already own of this movie because I care about it enough to watch on the go rip it and make a version that's like a hundred times better yes and doesn't require this yes but at the time you were
Starting point is 01:18:54 not a high school student with a strained budget and a huge love for Monty Python no I wasn't help you that's when you're in Walmart and you see Holy Grail for a buck you take it or you can probably just use the digital copy that your DVD probably came with cuz that's a thing that they're doing unless you're a real fan and you have a VHS copy I don't know what Montipy I have a battle I was a choice look how cool I am I still have a VHS of speed whoa you're so cool it's the cool I want to VHS of speed like a few years ago I love unfortunately you do not have a VHS player I have my house no I don't hey
Starting point is 01:19:32 does fuck that old lady that rushes down to the steps when they told her there's a bomb there and she's too impatient yeah and fuck that's she gets it yeah god damn it girl she was a hostage no shoot the hostage wasn't speed three like no speed two was on a bird speed two was a cruise control yes and wasn't there a speed three where something something even crazier is going on I don't remember there was just two I gotta speed two cruise control the end of that where the boats on land and they're still trying to drive it like can we watch this one man can we like this like I feel you really bizarre because you guys just reminded me how
Starting point is 01:20:14 fucking awesome speed is yeah I really like that in the dumbest way possible yeah he mentioned demolition man before oh man demolition man is so good so something me impacted a year ago that was super fun was uh they're playing a double bill of robocop and terminator one in the theater and it was the same thing that wooly saw and we weren't able to go which was alien and alien alien and aliens back to back was so robocop and terminator back to back was fucking awesome robocop plays so good on a big screen I don't I don't want to like I don't like like that sounds like the awesomeest shit and but I think alien and aliens back to back is a better back to back which was first was robocop second I believe robocop was first yeah that was the problem
Starting point is 01:21:05 you okay because because you should have really put robocop second because with alien and aliens together you will never feel the difference in direction as hard as I think there's a problem there and maybe that's just me but I think that alien is every time I watch alien I never come out of watching alien going man I sure would like to do another movie yeah because it's fucking long but then you get to watch James Cameron take the baton from then then I get to watch and slowly convince you yes you do want more of this yeah you're right you by the end you're like why do why did I not want and then you go home and on the way home somebody's asking you hey I never saw alien three what happened and you're like no that didn't what that's not real I don't watch alien
Starting point is 01:21:54 three just don't watch resurrection just don't watch Josh Whedon's opus alien resurrection I will say watch I will say there's parts of both that are salvageable you just like it because it's got the Winona rider with the short hair no you like the black dude and Ron Perlman in that movie all of the above I don't know that the doctor in the third one no Ron they're the the personary there's Ron Perlman as a badass there's black guy with dreads as a badass there's Winona rider as a badass there's Ridley Ripley like who's part alien who's also badass flame and then everything else is super lame everything else is done that's super lame uh also spoilers for airy airy Aryan Aryan resurrection
Starting point is 01:22:45 we have now found our episode title I don't know I don't know I think we did they blow up the earth at the end of that movie they fucking kill like half the people on the earth how is that a victory for the euro when they destroy the fucking earth have you seen Titan AE no I like that film it is good I've had a lot of people tell me things lately have you seen this and I go no why didn't I see those I don't know what's going on do you like Don Bluth I do I like Don Bluth I'll run your Titan AE okay um what's next in the world man nothing what's going on more Titan more Titan I heard that movie is like a video game it's really good it was actually a video game based on Titan AE it was probably terrible I heard it's yeah yeah I bought that for like three bucks
Starting point is 01:23:39 though the the dvd you know um Zelda game Zelda game worlds yeah looks really good looks like it's got all kinds of stuff yeah a little tidbit of information that makes me kind of tingle a little bit boom pop um low rule there's no that's not okay we'll talk about that that's cool and shoot the princess looks really sick I like that a lot but no there is a link to Majora's mask in this game oh really yes what is it we don't know we just say yo yeah you just said play it and stuff will become play it and you will see because that there's apparently a link somewhere because to me the big deal about this game is that it it formally links zelda and wonderful 101 as being in the same universe yes it does exactly well he's looking around you're looking around you're not into low
Starting point is 01:24:34 rule yet you haven't because low rule is totally a place in wonderful 101 you totally go there to low rule to low rule the lost ancient lost kingdom and then this fucking zelda trailer comes out was like yo it's in low rule and you go oh my god zelda and platinum is the same it's the same bayonetta and link will meet and fight ganon together something she's gonna be in smash again and and uh father valder yeah um no they're getting from the end no but uh like or maybe the link between worlds uh shut up okay well like whatever you were gonna say it was gonna be too late between i saved all of you from having to listen to i was gonna say that it's also a link between the two best games or two really good zelda games major is masking a link to the past
Starting point is 01:25:29 you know what you know what i disagree with you but not nearly as much as most people would yeah those are pretty close link to the past is it's the best so shit it's the best zelda game um major is is special to me in so many ways i can't get enough of that fucking game it's super good but whatever you turn into a big you scrub at the beginning i don't like that yeah but then you turn into oh oh when you remix this later bump that audio up on that sick burn that's the best you know what that was i hope you have a heal that was a sick i was gonna say willy's trying to didn't hear it but he's looking at liam trying to think about what he could have said it's like it was probably pretty good no no like i was like yeah yeah that was nice and underplayed too liam
Starting point is 01:26:19 you're getting there gotta be soft how about we play some street fighter later what game to get um no but the you turn into a gauron later and then you turn into a fucking zora zora yeah you're right swimming is all right walking out on the guitar you know what i was when i played major's mask i was a dumb inpatient kid and i was like everyone and i was playing it was like why don't i have the bone arrow i wanted that and then i you know i never went back to it because every enulated version of that is garbage of even the official one they put out and it comes a little sticker that says the major's mask on this gamecube collection the major the ocarina time on it's great the major's mask one's a little fucked up on the
Starting point is 01:27:04 virtual console plays good yeah skull kid it's a welcome break from the other vent totally yeah major is tired should be in smash skull kid skull kid totally be in smash yes i'm like gannon i wish i hope majora is a boss in some fake boss battle mode that won't be in the next yeah sure take gannon out he was not fun to play at let's put skull kid in there i i'd like or at least but anyway or at least no take out to link yes take out to link i was gonna say or at least make the the stage the clock town stage like happen on the rooftop oh yeah have the the fucking thing fall out of the sky i know but do do it from a better camera angle sure not the lake highly we had that already yeah i i know but it's not exactly how i want it well yes what you're gonna
Starting point is 01:27:52 get a lot of that in every new smash smash is exactly jesus i don't know what that link is gonna be but i'm super hyped for it yeah no absolutely i was a bit i was a bit nervous about the game i don't even know why but after seeing that trailer i was just like this you know what and now i'm way more nervous about the game because the changes that like i didn't like skyward sword right and one of my most hated things about skyward sword is the progression for upgrades and that is super shitty and fucked up well because it's just grind out bullshit and then you get slightly better versions of stuff you have so so there was and hold on yeah and then for link between worlds is that the name of the thing yes they said that you buy items or buy gear you buy gear from you
Starting point is 01:28:34 doors rent you can rent you can buy you can buy it and renting comes with like specific uses like you only get 50 arrow shots yeah um and it just makes me really really really worried that the pace of the game is going to be mash out rupees by the bow and arrow no go fail the bow and arrow dungeon go mash out more rupees to get to finally buy out the like i'm afraid it's gonna be this fucked up right i guess i guess recently said this is to sequence break and do whatever dungeon and whatever or which is a really hype idea um i agree so that's why i'm nervous another thing they said uh some people who've played the game and such the game is super generous with rupees oh okay like you find a little cave and there'd be a chest with like a hundred rupees oh well then um great
Starting point is 01:29:20 also uh just do that anuma specifically said like after a while he realized skyward sword was a bit too handholdy and yeah i read that interview was so uplifting yeah there were bits in this game where he was like you have to remove hints yeah that's hints because what's the fun if the game tells you everything just just the next step to zelda becoming dark souls can you imagine if you can go board what zelda used to be which is dark souls you go to the if you say so imagine going to the dungeon item rental shop and just like rent the mask of fierce deity yeah i'll why not i'll find a i swear that we can we can all get so much money off of woolly if we just say hey 10 bucks that you name a zelda item and it's not the mask of the fierce deity and he goes
Starting point is 01:30:07 mask versus shit as much as you like making fun of me for the things that i like and naming them i don't parrot your list around all the time but if you want me to do that we'll do you do that just good do it then someone already made a little piece of fatter with you and a fucking the white chocolate cookie thing yeah and uh can of red bull and a copy of silent hill 2 that's a good night kid is like this is this these are his items the unfortunate reality is that those three items have never been present simultaneously in my life yeah until now welcome because red bull didn't exist back when i went inside well just make something so you know what you're right i should do that let's take away from our sponsors today's show is brought to you by audible please visit audible
Starting point is 01:30:57 podcast dot com slash best friends for your free audiobook download yay audible thanks again for supporting the show guys what's audible got this week audible is super excited about this well basically that's a pretty good one it's a pretty awesome site that you can go to to get a free uh audiobook trial now and if you use the the friend code um someone read a book to you because you're busy right audible podcast dot com slash best friends you can check out any of the latest things they're pushing right now um the cool thing is in my opinion at least that i want to actually read soon i need to listen to yes yes i want to read listen to i am malala and for those who don't know that's malala uh you you do it only i i'm gone so sorry this is a tightrope walk you
Starting point is 01:31:47 safzai okay and probably and uh she is the girl that was shot by the taliban for standing up for education and i thought she totally died and she didn't die she did not she actually is super alive and she was on the daily show last week and she was talking mad shit about the taliban and it was awesome and she has this is her book right yeah and the book is basically just righteous intelligent shit talk of the taliban and their bullshit and how education is important and she's she's really smart and actually like such super awesome about it she's she's shit talking like with dignity so that she's not even reasonable she's totally fair and balanced in such a righteous way that you just love but if you're so much more right than the person you're arguing with it's still shit talk
Starting point is 01:32:34 right yeah in his sense yeah her argument was basically like oh i'll just end up for education over here because education's important and yeah and like what what are they gonna do shoot a 14 year old girl couple ammo oh fuck you shot a kid what is wrong with you and then they had the weird audacity to do like an interview with reporters yeah and had this weird like what should what do you want us to do not we don't understand is there a problem with we're we're sorry we're sorry question mark yeah everyone freaked out so hard at them for shooting the girl yeah the point is i think is that i'm eager to listen to what she has to say absolutely she's really smart how that shirt got fired you know like not only did she not kill her she talking shit never you hate us you made this
Starting point is 01:33:23 problem johnson you made this problem way worse guys absolutely and and honestly she made uh john steward like speechless on the show too just wow like hard exactly just by like her her like charisma and her storytelling and awesome shit um so yeah i am a lala is out now on audible podcast dot com slash best friends you can go check that out and listen to it and support the show and all that good stuff you should do it hey guys you guys actually know pat told me about this what's going on battlefield oh my god this is the fucking weirdest thing what i told you about it was burning completely forgot and now when you tell me this i go what is going oh it's the weirdest thing ever you really really wanted to get this off so did the the jumped to the digital future is the roughest
Starting point is 01:34:19 most bumpy shit ever anybody who wants to so they're doing the battlefield thing where you pay battle field for you buy the new the current one on the 360 or the ps3 and it's comes with a little coupon voucher that's like hey man it's 10 bucks to get the next gen version if you want yeah you upgrade and the uh the basic way they're pitching it is get your stat boosts and all your multiplayer stuff will carry over to next gen so i thought about this i actually say hey maybe i'll do it and then i looked into the fucking process and it's the most bizarre shit ever so if you do it on ps3 to ps4 you need to always have the ps3 disc in your ps4 which doesn't recognize ps3 discs so it can verify that you didn't sell your ps3 you need to really explain that okay so the ps3
Starting point is 01:35:09 battlefield 4 comes in the voucher you punch that voucher into psn it says hey man battlefield 4 for the ps4 digitally it's 10 bucks but you gotta have your battlefield 4 disc for your ps3 in your ps4 to play the digital version doesn't recognize and when it's the kind of thing where if you want to put a ps3 disc in your ps4 to go i can't play that yeah yeah yeah but if you try but if you try and load up battlefield 4 without it you'll be like no i'm not gonna do that wow is that actually the case that's totally the case i read it up on on their website and i sent it to woolly to be like i must be wrong this can't be written but sure enough you were right but the trading there's not really a trade in then no it's never been it's just a trade up but you lose the digital but
Starting point is 01:35:53 but that's bad but the fucking xbox one is so bizarre the xbox one does not come with a voucher i don't know why maybe there's no transference between the old live and the new live instead the deal is is that when you take battlefield 4 for the 360 back to an authorized retailer yeah they won't give you the new xgen version for 10 bucks what is the point of getting the digital version of this digital console if i have to go back to the store well i don't want to go to the store okay no hold on not to me that that that sounds better actually that sounds way more reasonable yeah you know what trade the physical it's better in the long term yeah except for the fact that i have to go back to the store well to me it's for i don't want to do that to me it's
Starting point is 01:36:42 for the person who plans on getting an xbox one but also wants to play battlefield 4 the day it comes out on his three yeah but the problem for me is for him it's perfect for the hardcore it's a perfect the problem for me is i wanted a digital so i neither one helps me fortunately you can buy it digitally i don't have enough room but keeping your distance the system thing is weird it's bizarre if you have to buy a digital copy that's discounted i think bringing it back to a store instead of just punching in a code is way weirder it's probably better but i think it's bizarre because especially for this because one this console that was going to be always on one of them defeats the purpose of purchasing a digital title entirely the other one i have to leave my
Starting point is 01:37:25 house this is this is oh dear christ oh god this is like the horror that is outside this is like when we say hey guys we're gonna get pizza and then some mat says uh pizza place i gotta go down and pick it up like then it's worthless okay well see you do that so it doesn't even know pat was the antagonist of boktai 2 the sun is in your head okay got a dig for that no lunar nights lunar nights was a good one the digital future and amazon combined to make it so that i don't have to deal with game retail anymore so the first bullet point of this story is relevant to everyone the second one is relevant to crazy pat world okay like there are people out there like me the digital future with pc gaming means i don't have to go to a guy to buy a pc game anymore
Starting point is 01:38:23 you can just rely on amazon right well now how'd that work out today not not with pc games pc games i just rely on gaben okay gaben gaben will do it gaben will set you free and amazon fucked up with pokemon x and y they didn't ship it to me today came out so i had to make arrangements to sell my copy to people who were less crazy yeah i just set my digital download down yeah box came back plates of pokemon yeah you know i did i did the the pokemon survey when you have with the nintendo thing on the survey yeah would you press would you put one on there i put i put put a fucking account system yeah everyone puts that every every single open text box i said hey hey hey hey you know what you know it'd be nice if you if you put in a fucking account system
Starting point is 01:39:11 this isn't deja vu from our last podcast like no from three ago like the account system i'm using to tell you this right now yes why don't you do that why do you it's like a cd just fucking do it in 10 there's no time there's no time there's so much time this segment is called holy shit we you oh yeah uh it's it's it's uh you tabulated all these right because i was just firing these off at you and i didn't keep track it's it's three stories in particular the the two of which are directly related but uh first off ubisoft confirms no dlc for we you assassins create for well i mean it makes sense you know what if the money's not there why do it yeah but it's unfortunate it's it's unfortunate well personally i don't care about ubis dlc but it's just like ubi
Starting point is 01:40:03 will support fucking everything and when they're pulling out that's it's not good um it's unfortunate but hey the money's not there so and frankly you're this is going to continue and as far as i'm concerned these are one story yeah no you're fine you know so let's let's just the second part of it is well i mean i just want to get you be calm in here the biggest reason i'm okay with you be abandoning yeah because they're dlc suck is because zombie you is one of the most like acclaimed we you games and it sold like shit apparently oh it sold it sold like crazy abysmal and how ass backwards is that and it's everyone's like this is so good this is the best like my favorite launch game of all time it's and i am including super mario why not why don't make a sequel put
Starting point is 01:40:48 out for everything and a we you version i'm shocked they haven't done that already they might they might but i mean in their defense like why is this great game not selling because nintendo people are just buying nintendo games as usual and that's why i think pat also said zombie is one of the worst titles ever i said it's the best title i remember you or someone saying that's the dumbest title why oh i thought you meant like no no he's totally right i didn't raise that well yeah no you i said that loud and clear as much like saying zombie you is probably the worst title for any video game i have ever seen in my life and then we learned like months later that's actually a sequel to some obscure zombie to an Atari game gone zombie soft me or something like guess what
Starting point is 01:41:38 like blank super blank blank 64 these all work blank you terrible fortunately selling abysmally is now going to be profitable if you're using the ubi art engine because apparently that shit's so dirt cheap that you make money anyway i knew you picked the story up just so you could talk awesome about that when we get in the engine ship to us yeah i know you're right exactly it's already inside it okay so part two and three of this we use sadness sadness uh well deus x human revolution director confirms we you game yeah the headline the headline uh is deus x human revolution director's cut costs a bit more on the we you okay so it costs 50 bucks on the we you it costs 30 bucks on 360 and ps3 and for pc people that either cost 20 10 or five and those are if
Starting point is 01:42:35 you don't have anything yeah okay well the part two yes is that depending how much of the pc version you already own right so if you own dx hr on um if you own it on steam and you own the dlc the dlc and anything else like that or whatever yeah you can upgrade for a much much cheaper so it's it's not it's nothing big it's just like this is the largest price gap i have ever seen between two skews yeah of what is essentially the same game sure that we as the tablet stuff but it's like you're going from with steam sale price included a game the deus xl costs nine bucks total for everything and then the console versions are going to cost three times that yeah and then the we you versions going to cost 20 on top of that and to me what that says those markets are fucked up to me what that
Starting point is 01:43:25 says is here is multiple platforms and they cost different amounts to develop for right i don't believe that you guys that already bought this game will buy it again if we just keep it the same price it used to be and we threw in like this amount of dlc and stuff like let's like make that look oh you we you people will love this game it's super brand new painful price number one skull girls got funded and suddenly they went hey we found $40,000 i do remember that yeah and it was like what was that and then later i was microsoft yeah letting go of certain very specific compliance requirements that cost $40,000 type thing yeah right so i'm saying like what makes sense when you see these massive margins between price is the platform has its costs and the other thing is
Starting point is 01:44:15 that the pc is getting weirder and weirder and that like everyone i oh everyone i know who owns das x on pc already bought it on 360 but it was $8 so we bought it again because the pc market's fucking weird and also because it's a good game it's a really good it's a really good game i i think at the end of the day i'll just be like we'll find out how wonk this decision was just based on how they compare you know what i bet you that we sales we use sales of all titles we have discussed ever yeah save for perhaps nintendo games yeah unless they're made by platinum will be terrible tendo games yeah but nintendo platinum games the we you and platinum curse you're right what's wonderful 101 up to now 90 100 copies god damn it none i remember like week two in japan it was at
Starting point is 01:45:09 101 k shut up yeah it was great it was 10100 rather it wishes that it was fine it was great it was 10.1 platinum don't die yeah they're not gonna die they're never gonna die too much do you have any good news on there uh what's the third piece of news because the we you that i bought being fucking dead it's depressing oh no here were you that's the third no that's not no i mean in the future oh yes there's no games okay yeah okay um i'm sorry nothing about nothing but depressing news i don't know the mario game is really awesome yeah it looks good mario looks good mario cart's coming out don't come oh no sorry no the um the steam story was actually a a second thing it wasn't there's a third one no that was the third sorry that was the third thing but like you
Starting point is 01:46:06 bled it in together so it's two but it's all really one what was the third topic it was organized it was we don't know what we're doing the first topic was stop hold on that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's true day sex day sex okay it's two days that's what i'm trying to say okay i thought you were gonna talk about or a mo but no we're done stop talking about or a mo um stop talking about vanguard princess you know i think the only thing worse than like the mispronunciation there is like the americanization because or a emo becomes yeah i mo or i mo it's double gross it's great um yeah but i you know i grew mat lots of great games on the wii and i'm looking forward to them and it'll be fun i mean sure it might not sell the best it's not from
Starting point is 01:46:50 the third party you know it'll continue to not much it'll continue to be a nintendo console in which you get your first party hype shit i want more zombie use zombie was awesome nintendo has been operating this way for many years now anyone i don't know there were third party games like some good ones that sold okay yeah but they all jumped on because the we was like it's no i mean like i mean like even later like there's something like stay like now i'm in this weird place well the wii doesn't get any third party anything and all like or and all i care about is the nintendo games on the platform just put all those games on the 3ds instead like you notice that you noticed that the wii u slash uh whatever the store the e shop is like always the last stretch goal
Starting point is 01:47:39 on every kickstarter i have noticed not well some some of them so he's always the first very rarely i say i say xbox 360 xbox bone is the last one and most likely isn't even isn't even there it's not even there is the truth but um realistic whenever you see these you see okay automatically it's going to be a steam release then we're going to go for our handhelds yeah and then we're going to hit psn and xbl a and then like with the wii u e shop is like you're always your final back i think it's sony then handhelds and it's all and like i'm sony i'm just pulling this out of nowhere you get it all on ps3 or vita ps4 is the same stretch pulling this out of nowhere but it always feels when i look at that they're like it's not to make money so i want it to be on the wii u i have a
Starting point is 01:48:30 wii u i would like to play my own game there maybe there'll be tablet features i don't know what there will be why would there be it's on unity all you need is the library go home if you're if your indie game is on unity but cost you nothing i'll play it on my phone nintendo will give you a license for free free and a dev kit if it's on guys do we own unity yes yes actually yeah actually yes two of the four people that own unity licenses yeah we do i was one of the co-creators it's not true don't say that i know yeah it is true i wish i knew that i was gonna say like what's a coding question but matt what is bar step subject we don't tell you he's had a busy weekend in new york he's too tired to answer these
Starting point is 01:49:19 programming literally the only person that had a big weekend you know who else is really tired chinese students and in in sweatshops making police playstation four pieces okay you know together you know what because here's what sucks you don't have to say playstation four don't say playstation for all of that sentence to be accurate okay but we're gonna go granular i guess yeah because the the piece that relevant that's relevant to the video games is um that this company that sony hires to build ps4 box gone box gone uh oh hey everyone how about you pull out your phones yeah yeah hold them up how about i point at every computer ever yeah yeah right this this saturn sure well no possibly fox con chinese labor or like you know but the but the
Starting point is 01:50:08 the base deal of the story before we just yeah is that um yeah so they hire the company foxcon to build their ps4 foxcon hires um interns right who are unpaid from um chinese uh mit based school equivalents right as you would and they're all taking these internships in the hopes of going into professions where they know how to do tons of getting tech jobs engineering jobs all of the above yeah except now when they get they get hired they get pushed into a room where they're told to glue ps4s together and if they don't they will lose credits on their score making sure that they don't graduate yeah capitalism that is finest everyone that you fuck you can only find the truest capitalism within a communist country yeah man um just just a note though because everyone's like not that
Starting point is 01:50:58 sony shouldn't stop using these guys even though like they're super financially viable um everyone's everyone's they stopped using them the ps4 were costing 1800 you know i wish they could stop using it they can't really but like it's not just sony that deserves to be demonized for this apple nintendo like you can go down the list no the problem is is that the the entire modern technical lifestyle that we all enjoy living with all of our technology gadgets is built on chinese slave labor and it sucks but and um and other countries and yeah mostly mostly chinese and you gotta go this is gonna catch up eventually yeah i got a joke there a little bit and that's exactly how you do it though this is gonna catch up to us essentially yeah but for now hey i got a
Starting point is 01:51:45 new phone you guys you see i can play super hexagon on it's got that super expensive element that you can only find in war torn countries yes this is gonna get weirder but more common now over time but the point of this headline is not that there are chinese factories it's the fact that these aren't even the people that we're supposed to be like these are the guys that had engineering jobs ahead of them getting forced to do this or getting nothing everything yeah now is this sony saying do this to the students or is this fox con just being the most evil company not named mount santo it's it's sony saying get it done we don't care get it done we need a million a month you shit we're we're gonna do some stuff i don't care just do what we got we're busy and then they
Starting point is 01:52:31 here have this complimentary baby does whatever they can do to get the order and just special forces unit fox con i just wish oh man there's something there because fox con is the one that can actually be a bit less evil here because let's not bullshit ourselves they could they could pull tons of money they could pull back on the evil yeah they could they could stop freaking crap but you know what's really easier being evil absolutely and it's a shame yes yeah it's a damn shame because fox con could kind of fix a lot of this evil sadness in the world is bad but they're also they're also they're evil is spawned by the quotas they're being forced to fit right they're given quotas based on the debt they're more they've got next gen is like tomorrow yeah you
Starting point is 01:53:18 know what i mean but but please entertain this how much are the contracts for this a lot of money presumably oh yeah they could pay a dollar more to their employees do you know how the same amount of employees liam a dollar more liam shares yeah liam business no no i'm aware and i'm just saying it's evil it boy do they have the money it would be nice if people who own all the things were less greedy yeah yeah again and again guess what liam if you paid a dollar more to these interns they'd be now making a dollar yeah because they're unpaid interns yeah but like you know these fox con millionaires should be able to suck that up and not be such assholes they they they're just going to be assholes but yeah the blame don't the blame but like you like the blame is equally
Starting point is 01:54:07 shared by the evil fox con no and the sonys and the apples don't confuse my optimism for naivete okay and i wish you and us absolutely absolutely just you know i'm holding a usb 3 usb key it's really fast yep so is the chinese kid because some kid probably jumped off a roof and that saved the money and they could make it faster yeah can we please get away from this this is depressing it's really depressing we entered the dark age of podcasting oh we're not even done darker is this because i finished breaking bad you just want to ruin my whole life now it's really good coming back from my trip and we go bullshit we got more coming um so people are supposed to want to listen to this rock man crossover oh shut up right the fucking i'm gonna get a drink a lot hey can i get a drink
Starting point is 01:55:11 too the game i'm going for a walk wow okay well i'll just read this out here um rock man x over is basically the game that was the death knell that symbolized the end of the mega man franchise who said this this is me so nobody of value um and and this game uh is a downloadable well he's the one who said it but i totally is a downloadable shit simulator same genre as final fantasy all the bravest etc tap to go tap to fun um and steal your money game right and so they're um introducing a um a world that is themed after mega man zx one of the hypest entries into that franchise into that ip franchise as a downloadable level this is way worse than all the other stuff we were talking about it's crying champ meanwhile mighty number nine exists yeah mighty number nine
Starting point is 01:56:09 is here to save us i just had a funny image by the way what's another awful game like atb and uh gang live crab morse no but one that's like a loved franchise heavy rain shadow run shadow the the shooter okay oh yeah that one i can't wait till 20 years on the line we have like platinum hits on the shelf at eb future games where it's like final fantasy all the bravest mega man crossover i like how in your i like how in your magical 20 years from now future shelves that's why that's why it's eb future games and not eb games yeah eb future yeah he saved i had myself covered no i didn't say it yeah you can use them since you mentioned my number i'm gonna feed into what uh in a funer said recently uh yeah sure that's where in a funer shocked the world and created uh betrayal gates
Starting point is 01:56:58 when people are calling betrayal but it's not betrayal good it's not it's gaff overreacting and it's like five guys on gaff really but basically us yeah in a funer is like uh i would not be opposed to capcom publishing this if we agree to terms that were mutually beneficial which is a very reasonable statement to make and a whole bunch of people on the fucking forums are all like this is bullshit if he does we paid the money to say fuck you capcom you can't do this to us you did not pay the money to say now a standard publishing deal the evil publishing deal and games business is for a new ip you'd go to publish it and they say we'll publish it but we own that ip now in a funer not you would never he would never accept a deal like that it would be a
Starting point is 01:57:52 straight publishing deal yeah exactly we'll put this out yeah but you retain all rights to the ip the end of that article was him saying exactly that i think we want to go the way we're going however because we really wanted to create something that was our own and have it be ours now that being said there is a hidden bonus if capcom does in fact publish money number nine yeah and that is the eventual lawsuit that they file against in a fune will be thrown out of court if they publish the fucking game that they are then suing later for copyright right about this capcom with a lawsuit it's not gonna happen oh it's not but it would be funny it would be funny but it's not gonna the more direct and obvious benefit that i thought you were gonna say was by having a big
Starting point is 01:58:41 publisher you can actually you can get your game out there in the world word of mouth man you don't need advertising anymore which is when you got crazy psycho fans game changer well that's this theoretically what um um um uh uh well got gravity no square is collective is good is gonna be about what is that i don't understand it's a way for you to say hey i want this game or hey i don't is that it that's it is that it is it just like a form that i can type in and say do this and when it gets really vote with your wallet do you want this game or not do they take my money uh it's supposedly indigo though and and but at the end of the day that's the thing they don't hit their goal they don't make the game so if you want so if like a hundred thousand people started screaming
Starting point is 01:59:24 make legend man of two and then they put it and we put the money out to make legend man of two and it's funded then it happens and and they're distributing it now a lot of people are flipping out because evil could square an ex wants us to fund their games but hey if they say we'll make valkyrie profile three they're there and so many people have yelled forever about all the old ips that the old square had that they want back and it's like this is them doing it in a way where they're like here's how it financially makes that that one well i i that's i both really like and i'm kind of wary can i throw in a really good example of it though yeah of where it like blew up in a company i want to be sold on this tapcom is the company who's face it blew up in
Starting point is 02:00:04 when when hold up ten dollars for dark stalkers hold up twenty dollars for dark stalkers and nobody held up any money do you see how long it was it did official stuff but then dark stalkers came out the iron galaxy port it sold abysmally it sold nothing because nobody cares about dogs because nobody actually cares about dark stalkers everyone's just yelling for it back want new games the people who do want it rival the yakuza fanbase in size it's tiny there's nobody why do you do this to me because he can don't you see that anyway but anyway vitriol all i'm trying to say is dark stalkers blew up in capcom's face right after everyone was like yes we want it but not really we don't really want to pay for it we want a new one that you'll risk a ton of money on for us yeah
Starting point is 02:00:49 and this is going to let square annex say do you guys want this and do you actually want this and we'll be able to say yes actually here's like i want the world ends with you too i want jr there's like there's only how could i how did you not go back to act razor there those are just the two that i find there's only two big problems with that one is like do i get to put in the buy line that i want it to be made by people that no longer work at square anix can i say make a final fantasy made by hennan over scott second gucci i assume they're gonna be awfully specific about who's right and the second thing is that the game that i have like most people would go and be like hey do this is king martin stree and that game totally exists you'll be presented with a list of
Starting point is 02:01:31 names and the game concept and oh there's names on it no no i'm saying you will watch you will read a page and it'll tell you everything that there is about this game and then you will go yes i want to fund this or no i don't same as any other indiegogo this is a long but can we do the reverse of this we're saying can you put your money and we will cancel you always want to get kickstopper yeah can we cancel lightning returns is that possible if you put your money lightning returns everyone hold up ten dollars this this is so interesting because it's a company actually looking at kickstarter and going like it's a ha it's a game it's a gamble that will pay off big if it works so that's the thing doesn't this entire like everyone talked about
Starting point is 02:02:16 how everything's riding on the first couple big kickstarter games and a couple of those came out and they were great now kick starters fucking going crazy if square anix put this up and people pick some nish game like world ends with you two and they kill it why not then all the money in the world from all the crazy people like me welcome be bucketed onto them bucketing i'm using that as a verb welcome to the face of radical change yeah that you heard about oh what was that was like we must change with urgency change with urgency this is welcome to the face of urgent change and the urgent change is people keep yelling at us tell us what to do you want to tell me what to do fine tell me what to do tell me what to do and prove that you want okay more than well more than
Starting point is 02:03:06 just have 50 000 people sign a petition i i i'm i'll look at is there like a list of thing of ones that currently of course not it's a just started yeah there's nothing like that okay what and there's a list of ones that are getting there i will eagerly look at it with cautious optimism you and the rest of the video game industry except putting an eyeball on it because you imagine if this took off it'd be amazing and capcom started doing it yeah you know what you don't republish your love yeah i know but my brain went all the publishers and then it went square anix and capcom and then it ran out sega konami sega fine konami i'd say konami but but for me of publishers that have old stuff that i want that they're not currently doing stuff my brain really
Starting point is 02:03:57 only goes square anix and capcom get the two big ones for sure give me an onamushi game no and there's no well give me an onamushi game no exactly right and there's no western developers that have such a storied legacy that we'd have to pull that out for there's probably some pc ones but they really like not dead companies silica sarts but we're not we're not that okay fine you win are you happy are you happy can show us your money and we'll go back to being old bioware like that's a good one that's a good one no i can't because they're still on by exactly yeah we'll finagle out of it finagle hey you know what activision just bought itself from the vending everybody pitch in we'll buy ourselves back for the you know what fucking good on activision
Starting point is 02:04:44 for getting out like they are the devil getting out of the bigger devils i i am good on them so i'm super excited to see if activision now becomes good or more evil it could go either way but no like it'll be neat can you imagine if the vending universal was holding them back well they won't need to do from being more evil like two call of duty is a year the blood sacrifices are no longer mandatory every friday but the rest will continue you can do them every day if you really want yes you know guys the blood orgies are still mandatory you know guys he's this two call of duty is a year is really great but you already be even better three call of duty is a year spring summer and we need a new series get that dumb youtube guy what's his name matt he did a thing
Starting point is 02:05:35 all right of course how did you forget put on call of duty dog friend call of duty dog x and call of duty dog y inspired by matt's dumb thing it's solving our reputation forever yeah and um just to end to end under the whole like crowdfunding thing fucking hyper light drifter got funded super hard it got funded to every goal that actually mattered yeah minus the million dollar one the million dollar one was i'm we're going to make a port of super light drifter for the super nintendo oh was that what it was and it was me and it was 400 000 extra and it was just it was so cleary like man i'm done i really want hyper light drifter on a super nes cart and it was not to be but every feature hit every single yeah and i like every platform that was them just like on the way
Starting point is 02:06:27 out just quit yeah i mean if you really want to yeah people are yelling at them no don't stop and they're just like super nintendo there's something about hyper light drifter's kickstarter that i have not seen on others it may be it may exist i'll tell you exactly what it was that really high gift of the sword stabbing to the ground it's it's a lot more dull and boring than that but it's it's a production thing that i haven't seen on another kick starters and it's straight up hyper light drifter originally made by one person and some of the kickstarter goals were i'm going to hire another guy so the game comes out faster yeah and i appreciate that yeah i appreciate a goal being the game will come out faster because the games take too long and and
Starting point is 02:07:12 you can see how tangible by there being another human being in the room with me yeah like you look at the uh the double fine adventure you look at eternity you look at some trouble wasteland two and i'm not gonna talk about i'm not talking about the trouble i'm talking about the fact that hey your original ship date said six months ago yeah and then the response is dude we hit every stretch goal yeah we have the same amount of people it takes time to put these features exactly what it screams to me is this guy knows exactly what he wants to make and exactly how he wants to make sure whereas the other ones like don't get me wrong i think you know eternity and double fine adventure i think those are great but they really scaled up a lot bigger than they expected
Starting point is 02:07:51 sure but this game like was fucking one guy going if you give me 27k i can make something cool was it one guy the whole time one guy asking for 27 thousand dollars working on it too and like a couple other heart machine what as far as i know uh it may have been one of those things where some guy did the music you know but but primary game development was the one person was it okay i believe so anyway i i'm always both life was working on it for sure but sure but like such meager humble beginnings yeah into uh a 625 and he was smart enough thousand dollar giant to have clear stretch goals we're smart enough to have clear stretch goals for all the way up to a million bucks yeah what are you gonna say indies are the games of tomorrow
Starting point is 02:08:37 honestly yep you know indies that we paid for yeah beforehand like that's it exactly fucking vote with your money and indies are gonna roll tomorrow for sure and if that rolls into the publishers then then crowdfunding is the fucking future because once i'll bring it up again if you go to that hyper light drifter page and you scroll down to that one like sprite image oh my god it's so sick this this brings up yeah you know what more important than anything go to the hyper light drifter page it's over now even if you don't want to pledge you can you can yeah but that's not what i'm talking about i'm saying you can scroll down the page and see the amazing animated gif of the guy plunging the sword into the earth and then a huge explosion simply observed
Starting point is 02:09:25 right as as woolly remarked earlier i think was off the podcast he saw that and just went right click save as and it's transparent yeah so you can use it everywhere fucking save put it on your web page yeah exactly it's right there has never been a better incentive to me to become an eccentric weird ass billionaire than to now have the direct ability to just make games happen yes to just talented people saying give us the money we'll just just have disproportionate influence yeah over the game's business i'll tell you something i want to be gacked god damn it matt matt i'll tell you something uh if you had that gift next to your guestbook i would sign it i'd sign yours no man i was i was gonna say there are people listening this to don't know what the fuck this looks like
Starting point is 02:10:13 yeah like leon web brings i'm sure does it or a buzz saw making a bloody cut into your guestbook black dividing the sections of your frames when you go into it when you went to a video store in 1993 you would see the most dumbest retarded games of all time weird characters stuff you couldn't sell to people just weird stuff robots with hands for heads yeah dynamite heady yeah really weird character dynamite heady so fucking weird it's so weird and like indie games all these characters like some of them are really cool but then some of them are really wacky and weird and and no board directors would be like yes yes we need uh yeah vikings with with pink tails
Starting point is 02:10:59 i don't care what anyone tells me bang i o was a kickstarter game before kickstarter kind of was ever would be cast game ever yeah when's the kickstarter to bring back the sequel to cool spots uh oh wow and do we get mick kids with that yeah and chest of cheetah yeah i just call it food games i really i really want those companies to see iris games cross food games sneaking downloadable on day one but you'll burger times by a good company that's by like i rem or something yeah yeah sure but what i just mean is like he says he said food game like the world also burger time is fucking radical that burger time it is that burger time remake sequel like came out like a year ago it's awful though yeah what i was gonna say is that like just kickstarter in general is the
Starting point is 02:11:49 like almost the only avenue you can take to not look at a soldier or a guy in a white hood anymore yeah yeah or dude man your drakes or your joels or your left a guy in a white hood with a soldier gun with an orange glow coming off of his yeah he's also wearing a flannel shirt and has a gun slender yes you need orange glow on the left side and you know it's unfortunate that publishers are in that forced spot but like fuck you're right next gen development necessitates risk aversion risk aversion necessitates boring shit boring shit pisses off customers well and people say yo give us a tiny fraction of the money we'll make weird thing weird thing gets made weird thing is awesome so that's the path we took to get here and and uh just for the the screenings collective
Starting point is 02:12:49 thing if you end up having games that come back from the grave that are now for sale that have been crowdfunded so that they break even or like they're profitable on day one i would crowdfund this shit out of an unprofitable yakuza five localization i'm sure think about how amazing that is for the actual company of course it's nothing but it's win win win win win yeah i there's a lot of guys over at square enix and capcom going man i wish i could make blank but there's no money in it well you remember that guy square enix was like man i wish chaos rings was on the vita and then a week later he had done it in his spare time and square enix was like i guess we'll release this is that good one right it's all right the vita versions got issues
Starting point is 02:13:35 but anyway those guys yeah those guys shoutouts to you it's a type it's a take advantage of this it's a brighter future ahead than i would have thought of as early as two years ago right two years ago yeah it looked like we were heading towards the most boring fucking thing ever yeah and then chivalry and ftl came out so liam uh i don't know how much time you spent in front of the altar but uh you probably were kneeling down there for a while because someone heard your prayers and answered them draken guard three that's not where i was going no but if the draken guard three is finally coming out i'm so happy why is that coming out 2014 but the point is it's in english and it's coming out as digital right we don't know square enix has it for pre-order on
Starting point is 02:14:26 their shop physical isn't drinking nobody knows otherwise the combat's not great the story but the story is really gameplay is awful but draken garden near and near those games just a lot like deadly premonition um apparently god tier feels i really need to get to sound track if you can if you can get past but it's not made by caviar the combat it's not made by caviar but there was actually a little interview it's made it's developed by access games you might not have heard of the little guys they make a bunch they make a bunch of not great action games but they've done it and they know how to make an action game and the key thing is they're a bit better than caviar at action game yeah caviar i love be better than draken garden i loved caviar's moxie yeah but their
Starting point is 02:15:11 execution was a little rough um if they get if they get the voice actors that did near to yeah it is great yeah the important thing is that all signs point to this game being really fucking weird when your protagonist is some girl with a flower for an eye the fuck you think you're yeah but it needs to like that's what it's gonna sell people on for sure this is the weirdest thing look how fucking weird it is it's also really Japanese and the music's fucking amazing did you listen to the music i listened to the music so good i just one last thing wait what the fuck was what we actually gonna talk about i don't know i don't know but square nix literally came out and said it was a vanity project the other day and it's like that's pathetic i love you well those first
Starting point is 02:15:59 three screenshots they released were dog shit oh man it looks like a ps2 but they've stepped it out yeah so good so what was the thing that i love ps2 games what was the thing we're gonna talk about as we segue into fighting game news liam's prayers were answered because killer instinct is getting a retail release what i was on that in my thanksgiving trip i missed that there is a box that's coming comes with a digital copy it's a box with a digital copy and pins pins you're gonna get pins actually i'll buy that yeah i'll buy this i'm super glad i exactly because you'll be able to own the full copy with your character things you can go to db games or amazon and buy a box and they'll send to you which is awesome sure that's that's what you can walk into a you can walk into
Starting point is 02:16:45 a brick and mortar store yeah okay and get a retail box honestly but the whole retail digital distinction with games that all need to be installed and that's all games now yeah it's getting weird sure it's getting super weird sure but you know what when you when you open up the disc or what when you open up the box and you get a disc or you open up the box and you get a code and both of them do the exact same thing upon entry into your console you know what the fuck that's my point but at the same time a code's lame is it's lame sure it's just it's not cool the physical release feeling is nice right absolutely but yeah but the point here is is that i can give money to them you can buy killer instinct and you don't have to buy your xbox exactly uh if anyone doesn't
Starting point is 02:17:30 know i want killer instinct to outsell the xbox one yeah i deeply want for them to be you know what i don't have any personal stake but i would think that that would be really funny could you imagine that story and it's it's the concept of a negative attach rate yeah right uh the other that a killer instinct news that i heard over the weekend is that when they release that image of the box some smart fans just photoshopped the shit out of it and each character killer instinct has their own logo it's like a symbol yes right and they found two symbols of two characters that are not yet announced what are the symbols one of them is a skull and crossbones uh and the other one is an atomic symbol yep okay you figure me that so someone's like that maybe full gore or cinder no
Starting point is 02:18:19 cinder was made through radiation yeah but full gore has to be there i and spinal they're not going to give up on spotlight or none you like spinal you like skeleton guy someone you use like the only thing i have to say about spinal is that you were like spinal's the lame skeleton guy yeah literally my favorite thing is look at this fucking lame skeleton guy he looks like he's from jason in the audience no but that's the best part because it's not the worst but that's what i was about to say exactly i think spinal is the lamest except i like the best i like the homage to jason in the ergonomics yeah and like he's a fucking skeleton with a with a sword and a bandaid a real bandaid in part two you know no in part one in part two they gave him some weird loincloth
Starting point is 02:19:04 which makes no sense but anyway if double here the bandaid came in part two yeah sure but it did double hits there's all these weird like you know lookovers makeovers all the characters what the fuck do you do with a skeleton yeah you give him more skeleton he's gonna be a zombie yeah he's gonna be a skeleton the rotting flesh rotting flesh or something like alternate skins whatever sure um oh before i forget let's jump back out and fight the games for a minute why fighting games because holy shit that trailer for strider yeah oh my god that trailer made it a minute way to look even better my cynicism is gone everyone who was talking shit to double helix fuck off i'm sitting right here that game looks so good there are a bunch of dash dash
Starting point is 02:19:51 fucking airspin do all you are the strider yeah you are the strider can't make sign of those games apparently striders they're calling press a to ninja go i was i was really sad i couldn't actually go to the new york call of con and play that and play that you about it yeah yeah now not tell him rub it in his face like hey man you knew an idea i played i played strider do you mind you might have heard of it just rikishi fatu style just rub it just rub it really hard um oh i got strider on my face the other the other with that little get it all over girl i love it okay rub it in we're getting a little weird now back to fighting games the other bit about killer instincts is they revealed remember how we were talking shit about we were talking shit but we
Starting point is 02:20:33 said like oh man they revealed the early arcade stick for madcacks is killer instinct official right i was like it looks terrible major nelson really he shouldn't have done that uh while they showed the final version and it looks a lot better does it yes cool it looks significantly improved is just the art just better well no the the build of the stick the casing is actually much nicer it has okay trimmings and parts that work we can still change the art you can just slide out great perfect you can just yell at it and it'll go away good um like is it like 20 pounds i just had a big picture of working i don't care yeah i mean i think a big picture of thunder's butt i don't exactly all the stuff from your dv in our bagie yeah i totally called it all the stuff from my dv
Starting point is 02:21:21 in our band strategically placed i just fell down like a horrible deep hole with arcade sticks yeah because i bought the ps3 version of dead or alive five ultimate and then was like oh no wait i have 360 fighters and ps3 fighters but i don't have two sticks of each and nothing's dual modded oh i should buy another canba it's hard to buy another canba you gotta track him down because guess what everybody's getting them now because the word got out that i ordered one like a week ago but i didn't talk about it but now i'm gonna talk about it because i don't have it yet because it hasn't even been fulfilled because they have to build it in china first foxconn has to beat the kids to make it to get to your house i want my arcade stick faster yeah well buy your
Starting point is 02:22:05 canba what's not i don't want your your creepy shiz on it my cool yellow persona colored uh a stick yeah now that i have to be i saw they have to be default and identical so the one people come over it's like i'm nuts and i have an arcade stick set up did you go to video games yellow one with that weird like asian little guy he's not weird he's one of the best players ever i don't i just don't remember what it was best fighting any players are aware of that stick at video games new york that's awesome games new york is apparently the shit it's the best oh yeah you'll see about that in my video coming later this week can i just ask did you talk to the owner a little bit he's so great i love the guy i think he was tired because he was always tired he must
Starting point is 02:22:51 have been at the the minnets out because he was like yeah yeah okay yeah it's a bunch he's a really great guy yeah but yeah i know this is the first time too that um there's a console that's gonna released with a stick available on launch day yeah which is holy shit that never happens as dude as soon as guilty gear comes out that f***ing ps4 stick is coming we haven't talked about guilty gear excerpt in many weeks you know what there's nothing to say other than holy f***ing sh** i'm so hard for that game yeah yeah i didn't used to care about arc system works back in the guilty gear days other than yo these guilty gear characters are really cool yeah and then persona and and the rest yeah blaze was all right blaze was okay yeah other thing about this about f*** the other thing
Starting point is 02:23:37 about the the fight stick is they're not doing the two tiered system this time around yeah now it's tournament edition only it's called the te2 because they know you know why it is 200 bucks and that is the only one you're getting you know why why because everyone who buys a f***ing $60 arcade stick isn't cares enough about arcade sticks to go uh f*** i should have bought the more expensive arcade stick yeah or if they don't get that realization it happens about a week or a month later yeah everyone who asks us uh i want a really cheap arcade stick yeah you know what you know what no you don't you don't you want you want literally the most expensive arcade stick there's no in between here there is it if you're gonna buy if you're gonna buy a luxury controller
Starting point is 02:24:20 yeah don't kid yourself just go nuts feel bad and then it comes in the mail and you touch it and then you're like oh this stick is so nice oh my god the buttons go tippity tap well they don't because silent buttons are the new shit yeah oh i meant like the feel they feel tippity tap yeah they feel i just want to say one quick thing because killer instincts killer instinct i think microsoft should make a deal with mad cats and make it so that every mad cat stick comes with a voucher for a free k i character because guess what that person buys their stick for sf5 for guilty gear and they get and then and then play k i now that's when the killer instinct characters in is like well it's a fruit play game and i got this was a very old thing i should go check that
Starting point is 02:25:01 color right no that's a really good idea that's some cross media bullshit you should go to hell uh but who's buying a stick that's not buying the full version of the game you know what i mean in the future when someone goes buy guilty gear and then it's like oh yeah because that'll be like six months after killer instincts already out right yeah more but but day one it's like if you're buying a stick for two hundred dollars for sure there's one fighting game you're gonna be playing the full version i do mean this contract should just go he means in the future forever for a second i thought you were going to say there should be a deal where uh for everyone who buys a stick they get a copy of k i for the mad cat steam box thing it's not steam but it's like the mad
Starting point is 02:25:41 cats uh downloadable console the mojo it streams it to them to the mojo how it won't i don't know what the fuck are you talking about cats console for a second i thought that's where you were going no the last week mad cats unveil the fucking console it's one of the micro consoles you know what's on it android games oh well yeah don't be moving on yeah no let's say you know they then answered they're getting into everyone wants a console and video wants a console and mad cats wants a console and they finally made just enough money to get into that space because they used to be fucking the worst shitty memory cards and now and now a mark man saves them the resurgence of tiger electronics well i spoke to woolly and i was like if they play their cards right yes exclusive
Starting point is 02:26:36 contracts here and there mad cats is the only one i think that can pull off this micro console dealing if they put some cool fighting games on those things that come with the sticks it's literally the crux plug your stick into your tv oh my god is the fucking snk tomo shit on there no okay you know last week we talked about how the manufacturer of the the that snk console the neo geo x was being told to stop by snk yeah they came back and said no we're gonna keep making it how about fuck off yeah yeah and then these guys that were another snk contractor came out just publicly made an announcement saying oh yeah no we've worked with snk two they're full of shit on this so we support tomo what is going on and now at snk the three guys who still work there are all spending all their
Starting point is 02:27:30 time erasing the last blade three and it's subtitled from the chalkboard yes to replace it with doki what is what is going on how does that happen they're also they're stepping on copies of metal slug while they're doing it i can tell you how that happens because you know i you guys know i do love snk i love snk snk is run by one of those little birds with the water in it and it just hits a button and it says yes or no to things and it doesn't actually do it so how does it happen that a parent company says we're cutting off our manufacturing deal with the people who make our console and then the people come back and say no uh that's not true and then snk has said nothing because it's because a bird doesn't have a translator at snk and it's being distributed
Starting point is 02:28:18 outside of their power range this is the weirdest thing ever well but at the end of the day it's like if the contract is still good tomo's totally entitled to say no like we're gonna keep going the contracts like shut up like like the way it sounds is is that they made the deal for like two years or something yeah and then someone in snk said uh we don't want to do it anymore yeah so we'll just announce that it's over yeah and the people making it said no we ain't done exactly so they announced that they sent the cease and desist order type of thing and then the guys are like we don't give a how's it happen and they've done and snk's done this before with the manufacturers it's not the first time it's the weirdest shit and like all you need to know answer to every question is to learn
Starting point is 02:29:01 and all you need to know i struggle with the veracity of your answer and how true because when you trace it first of all we all know that the snk of america office is a guy that's like i really want more metal slug games but i have no power i have nothing i am a man on a bench in a bus stop okay and then the japanese office when they basically had that that thing where capcom said um yes cvs three is something we're interested in but we don't know any of the people at snk anymore yeah that's when the bird took over how did the bird get the jaw i was not expecting the dovetail into mad sex yeah that's when it happens i like the snk bird that has a military hat on and that's why everything from now on and it's just and it just screams are you okay all day every day uh the
Starting point is 02:29:53 only thing i can say about that is the fact that tomo's like no we're gonna still do it just winking the water that is going back for more herb you're gonna be a millionaire the fact that tomo's like yeah we're gonna still do it does that mean there's actually a bit of profit going on here for tomo they're muscly they're muscly i guess so and i gotta say it's good for tomo like yeah i guess i guess yeah you know the funniest fucking shit would be if six to twelve months from now another snk game pack just comes out where snk just like fine yeah we'll release more games they were done told you to stop but you kept going and we can't stop you so yeah well the other thing is like what if tomo's actually the one jerking snk around but again there's that other group that just
Starting point is 02:30:41 they just third-partied into the article and went yeah no oh yeah that's that's sorry sorry totally forgot about that sorry yeah we don't even know you guys but we're boys now because we've seen this i love snk but i don't trust them we've been through this before the birds not returning calls he's not answering emails it's a hard man to work with really you know you get his business card you think it's fine you just get his poker face all the time when you see him in person he doesn't fucking stop drinking the water um and uh this is this joke went on way further than it should but we should keep pushing it's gonna go on for years what are we doing a video just just the bird going and then pro gear spec in the background
Starting point is 02:31:27 the 100 mega shot no the bird hasn't printed on his wooden butt the 100 mega shot or something later when when evo was like yeah we're streaming kof 13 finals and then the sck is that cool and the bird's just like yes yes yes uh yeah no the other thing going on um which i don't know if you probably you guys probably haven't got a chance if you maybe you've seen it there's a new documentary series coming out called the smash brothers this man i heard of it but yeah it's out right now plague of gripes sent that to me yes and he said that to me too and then uh also a lot of other people caught wind of this because it's a pretty well made yeah uh i only want to know one thing do they interview john oh yeah they're okay they're probably going to who is john woolly john is the guy who's
Starting point is 02:32:20 been apt who's been named uh oh rather whose name has they come has become one of the best fighting game jokes which is no john's is what you say when anything that happens is considered like fraudulent top hey man my controller was uh you pick on this is a new version like the tv is bullshit and this is a bad tv his dirtbag was so notorious for his excuses that the term no john shut up yeah was shortened to no john was shortened to a general catch all term of no john john's are what happens when you blame it on the tv or the controller or anything anything but yes i want a two hour documentary about john uh that has also evolved by the way as smash brothers has become more and more welcome into the fgc uh john's have become salty john's yes so yeah it's a cross poll
Starting point is 02:33:18 nation of the two cultures exactly but i want a 90-minute program where john is given impossible tasks in which he cannot complete them and then he is given another 90 minutes to explain himself or didn't it be good to be good as john is having sex with some girl and his wife is like what the fuck he's at my dick it just no john's it just fell into her i don't the tv is these john's are too salty oh man it kind of sounds like another famous youtuber you know i can't do anything whatever guys come on apparently there's an exploit in the cereal there's an exploit in the condom all right so play nice um at the end of the episode it says there's a no john's little moment so there might be more coming the stinger of john's to come what is cool is it's a really good
Starting point is 02:34:23 cover of like the early you know scene and how how smash brothers yeah actually uh turned into a legit like how long it hasn't seen yeah absolutely thing uh 20 minutes okay there's there's a couple parts yeah there's three parts and it's the i think it's three of six or i'm mistaken i totally mistaken there i believe it's only three parts and they're each 20 minutes long oh 60 minutes yes and then they talk to like pretty much everybody and it reminds me of the early um fgc interviews where they went and checked out like before evo was evo it's called battle by the bay they talked to young alex baye young um justin wall and all that stuff it's one of those things and you get to see um kagi and the warrior who was in our fighter pedia video of course one of the guys
Starting point is 02:35:06 he's in there for a minute just like yucking it up with his big grin you know one of the world's best gannon players now if i were to watch this video will it undo the damage that i have incurred by meeting smash players you didn't meet real smash oh i met some real smash players will it undo that damage maybe will it make me hate smash players less you shouldn't hate smash players as a collective yeah there's a couple of douchebags and there's a couple of guys that do pot splitting they're weird there's a but beyond is it different from 15 years ago or however long ago i saw them when they became when they were in their marvel stage yeah no because they show you they introduce you to like the like the marvel type equivalent of the smash crew like the big loud black guys that
Starting point is 02:35:57 are just like your fucking smash brothers bro and they're just going crazy and like these are the guys on the east coast and meanwhile the west coast was a bunch of high school kids that loved nintendo yeah you know and like they the contrast of the two meeting worlds and it's fun stuff i liked it i thought it was well done um and it and it's i'm gonna keep going with it because but smash brothers isn't even a fighting game exactly it's barely a video game right fighting gaminess um yeah no but i i say guys check it out if you haven't already so i can just feel some guys anger there's at least one guy out there as soon as i said that yeah oh fuck you already punched him through his ipod oh i thought you were gonna say sometimes it's the guy that lives
Starting point is 02:36:43 in that water creek cave or what the game cube cave because i think the game cube cave was real yeah there were people that had that cave because i thought you meant there's gonna be one guy that's like fuck you it's not a fighting game i'm like yeah his name is sakurai yeah except he can't point yeah his arms are all busted oh yeah because he's infected with leon's disease he's also a kidding he also feels an enormous amount of pressure that he will die if he fucks up his man and yeah that's the kind of pressure you want somebody making your game if i don't do this perfect i will literally die he's like whispering that at the press conference he's dead serious and i feel like part two of that is him talking to his staff and saying if you don't do it perfect
Starting point is 02:37:36 i will literally kill you it's like it's like in pokemon sakurai versus smash brothers smash brothers is exerting its pressure yeah also him saying literally die like he's like i will literally die is that like a board meeting with an antenna director it shows like sakurai's like leg and there's a bomb strap to it and you just see a lot of laughing like you don't want to laugh internally if you don't make this game so tell 12 million we we use you're gonna look slow that's a death set what mollin you says he's gonna die fuck that he's not gonna die when sakurai says he's gonna die he's on the fucking death bed i think i might have said this before but think about it sakurai was 19 when he made smash on the 64 saturday we do when we were 19
Starting point is 02:38:22 i did some i played smash 65 we skipped class and played a bunch of fighting games yeah that's what we did yeah no sakurai's fucking great i skipped classes i didn't do very good in my education because i was lazy wasn't he instead i played fighting games it was so worth it wasn't he like 19 when he made Kirby rather i was gonna i thought that thing is this first i thought you're gonna say that but i'm pretty sure iwata had a bunch to do with him and howl back in the day as well yeah iwata was like yeah let's get this going but he was yes he made Kirby he was a teenager motor was like make Kirby yellow and he was like no yeah he was a teenager yeah he was a teenager when he made Kirby i don't like her yellow Kirby that's what miyamoto wanted i'm pretty sure yeah
Starting point is 02:39:09 but then fuck it like this also on the nes cover of the of Kirby Kirby's just white yeah uh game boy game boy yeah but it's like but like fuck like we can also go grab any of these like dot-com and billionaires and like you know yeah 20 blue same deal facebook um second bird was like five tumblr instagram yeah sure whatever um i watched a friend of mine eat an entire cotton candy in a single bite and he almost died that's the most exciting thing i did when i was not sorry that's the most exciting thing that i did when i was 19 that i'm willing to talk about on this podcast how do you even do that you crush it up until it's just the powder and then you put it in your mouth and it shoots down your throat i could die that's like that's like bend in the frisbee
Starting point is 02:40:01 totally is so if anyone hears me say that and be like i'm gonna try and eat a whole cotton candy by compressing it into a cube fucking don't do that please die please sign the waiver we link at the end of this and make a no there's no waiver because i'm officially telling you to not do that don't do it but it would be really fun but it would be really cool if you did it call us and tell us how sick it was when it happened um meh meh from time to time word on the street is that you like to stock things it's true what you guys gotta figure out what a good single for the man watch because this is creepy if you'd share with us who's on your dartboard this week uh i think dartboard is not actually what you're doing dartboard usually is for enemies sorry uh you
Starting point is 02:40:55 know your corkboard your corkboard matt's got the corkboard with the strings across his ceilings that is a really good segue because the person i want to talk about loves those things and wishes she has one so i'm gonna get a little mushy but uh my uh better half who planned the entire new york trip you can't stalk her you're going out with her i'm stalking her this week she did a super awesome job because she travels a lot i don't know i don't have great sense of direction and this this right here is the sound of tumblr in revolt like the sound of a million fangirls i don't know man the the the tumblr post that i saw when i mentioned on the podcast that i had a girlfriend from some dude just saying man that makes me so mad and i don't know why i thought that
Starting point is 02:41:43 was great i saw i saw those yeah yeah yeah the ice cream gift all four of them have girlfriends no i think that was the one where it's like woolly has a girlfriend matt has a girlfriend pat has a girlfriend i don't know about liam and it's like come on i said it in the i said it in and he's the prettiest you keep you just yeah you keep nailing that one home you uh you bring up a super awesome job and we had a really good time and she listened to the podcast so uh thank you a lot for making a super awesome weekend there i'm done will he's turning away because he hates this shit does she even listen to the podcast all the time oh okay she doesn't listen to when liam's talking but she listens to everything you know what everyone i've talked to ever since i
Starting point is 02:42:28 guess is they stopped listening to me you know what i know her too and i'm sure she probably hates this shit not entirely but part of her is like yeah i'll fine hey matt's making big heart symbols it's super gross right yeah uh no because i i think i mentioned this to pat at least i don't think i mentioned you lia woolly is that when i first even mentioned her existence when we were playing deli premonition and she loves deli premonition because she likes fun some people she likes happiness and um she said i can't believe you just kind of mentioned me on deli premonition or whatever and i was like offhand a remark like that's so awesome and cool so yeah she likes that type of stuff you guys are nerds look at you being all gross before you guys
Starting point is 02:43:12 met uh she used to talk to me about uh listening to the show and just the tuning in for the liam's and then you know stuff stuff stuff yeah what and that matt guy's an idiot i hate it not what she said yeah what there's another guy who is the idiot and woolly clear up really good can we have another section in this part we have something called letter time it is letter time let's get away from these emotions with these letters that you can send us woolly where could you send these letters to kill our emotions super best friend cast at gmail dot com every time you say that i feel my emotions die but it's not enough i need more where is that super best friend cast at gmail dot com are they smothered
Starting point is 02:43:59 yet are they dead my emotions yeah no let's read some emails okay you guys have no idea what you're doing now we're winning it every every week it's great it's great yeah we try and keep it dumb uh cal asks question for the podcast yosai batsu what are your guys favorite alcoholic drinks uh virgin rum and coke oh man pretty easy question for me i uh the best the best ever in my opinion is the black velvet it is half Guinness half apple cider in a gradient and you started in the gradient a gradient i've never had this yes and you started you started and it's creamy Guinness and i didn't say drink i said eat it's creamy Guinness and then you smoothly transition into apple cider it is and then you have 20 it is wonderful yeah i don't drink alcohol but i like fake surely temples
Starting point is 02:44:55 um i know i don't know that about you but you know i just i just don't like the flavor of alcohol like it's not you mean the flavor it's not that i haven't tried it's just i don't like the flavor just saying you're too young for this you're not but you remember that time where it was that thing worked and i i asked for like a surely temple and they're like we only have vodka here's a glass of vodka and i was walking around the glass sipping and occasionally just like i don't i don't like this and i'm not to mention the fact that like uh matt's girlfriend's mission for the longest while is to get liam to drink something anything slip it in if you could you know what you know what i did like what was that one you brought and i had a sip of uh you liked was it
Starting point is 02:45:38 the cider well no it's a little tiny bottle of excitement oh cinnamon uh yeah yeah yeah uh god now it's fireball fireball you like fireball i had a little tiny sip of water whiskey and it was good fireball it was good it's not fire whiskey it's not it's some other beer it's probably some cinnamon bullshit it's cinnamon and it's smooth you don't even need to mix it it's great i i don't know if i'd like drink it all the time but it was good it's good yeah so that one yeah actually it's and interestingly enough the other thing called black velvet which is really awesome is the um maple whiskey as well it's called the same name really right matt uh it's new york i had something really good it was uh wow because you don't drink well i've been drinking now a lot and since the
Starting point is 02:46:17 show's we got it to walk no ever since your girlfriend says i'm gonna mix some shit yeah it's ever since the tia maria and fucking baileys have been in the bar they never go away in new york had a uh a melon margarita that was really good wow it was a weird type of melon too and she had i forget what melon ballers no it like a moment like i had a weird like spanish name but um that was really good and she had a really good drink i forget what it was to it had like pomegranates or cranberry tons of fucking shit with vodka or whatever was really good awesome but yeah i don't remember the name of it uh for me there's two answers the first answer is if i want to relax and have a drink with people i prefer a bloody Caesar and the other answer is
Starting point is 02:47:07 if i want alcohol i'll just grab the bottle which bottle which is around the bottle i don't care and then you'll do the fig which i love so much she's at some point in the night when the we're all shitting her out and just too dark pat looks with one eyeball to see what's left in the bottle in the fucking bottle to see if it's downable or not yeah Jesus fuck i don't remember to you also of course not those are the precursors to blackout drunk i don't do that anymore but it's now you love wine coolers that's all you had in your fridge yeah but you love okay i want to point out there was a bunch of weird tumblr posts because there are two separate occasions in which i've had a few drinks and i'm on the podcast and then i'm on cold fear and those aired on different
Starting point is 02:47:59 days and so it sounds like i'm taking a really dark path down to alcoholism on wine coolers right those were recorded right after one another that was like a couple hours after the jojo thing that was the same day pat i'm not a drunk this is really an intervention it's not a best friend no i used to have a problem when i get upset go to woolly sassy like what are you doing in my house like you know what i'm doing i'm drinking this bottle i'm drinking this bottle and bugging your roommates those were the days that was a pretty good barney man he does a really good part that was really good yes hey you want a bad night try sleeping on one of these that's my favorite barney i don't have a problem you have a problem bailey you're very kind bailey asks uh hey guys
Starting point is 02:48:56 my name is bailey and i have one question for you what are your thoughts on the stupid video game activist jack thompson uh he's been disbarred for like three years he's nobody yeah he said that games are too brain impaired to get it when he'll when asked if he'll explain his stats on gta 5 so he's been irrelevant wow he's he's still yeah he's still he doesn't do these things anymore so he's still an activist so he's disbarred um excuse me the word that comes to mind for me besides attention horror mm is necessary evil mm and the reason why is because everybody including myself were on the hate jack thompson strain when during the penny arcade years when that bullshit went down the dialogue between them of how he's like fuck you gamers are stupid you don't understand
Starting point is 02:49:44 blah blah blah whatever ignorance old man dumb shit yeah um but the thing about jack thompson at least at the time was that because so many people were paying attention to him in terms of uh conservative movements and right wing websites and all kinds of people who get their news source only from these places right uh he represented the step in between them and us as gamers and the possible legislation of games without a guy like that involved yeah personally i think jack thompson was a blessing in disguise because his insanity was so apparent that he was like a smooth not crazy person would have been a much bigger threat to the industry at large but with him being totally nuts and then the end of his story being disbarment from the florida bar yeah it's perfect like that's
Starting point is 02:50:37 exactly what needed to happen it's the perfect way out i yeah okay that's an interesting way of looking at it i kind of saw it i saw it in a similar but like different light where in that you need a guy like that around in the same way that you need the esrb around where the esrb can sometimes do things that are full of shit um but if you don't have them you have government regulation and they don't know the first thing about anything with video games you're totally right so fuck all i'm saying is that it's easy to root for he-man when skeletons hang around oh man would you see man but yeah i think he always just never really totally understood everything you was saying and the full ramifications of everything i think it takes a certain type of craziness to think
Starting point is 02:51:20 you can take an issue like video game violent violence and think there's enough people and moms and groups that will rally against it and make and like give you support to win rather than just business wanting to keep this industry that makes more money than the fucking movie industry that's really cynical that's really like just not to mention that he just had no fucking idea what he was talking about and there was no there's not nearly enough hard evidence to back anything he set up i mean ultimately in the midst of i of all is like uh hyperbole like he ended up being like this weird like he also looks crazy slash pincushion scapegoat that's a yeah kind of physically it looks like a ghoul yeah he was kind of melting yeah but that and all was standing um the fact that
Starting point is 02:52:08 i said that name and everyone in the room had to go oh wow that takes me back is good we killed the bogey man we're beyond it so yeah in the end what do we gta five for all the kids in the end what do we think of jack thompson irrelevant uh he he served his purpose the games live on um i wish him the best in his crazy old age a person who would rather not be named do we actually know this person is that the is that the dealer no no no okay it's actually someone it's someone that's dropped a comment or two here and there he's been a pretty cool fan um that i recognize but uh he says he leaves asks a really good question actually uh you might have to think about this one okay sometimes when you guys play a good game like the last of us people what an
Starting point is 02:52:54 interest in watching the game in your videos get enough of a fill that they don't purchase it meanwhile bad games that you guys play probably don't directly have that happening um how do you feel about the the what's your opinion on the detracting of purchases of games based on let's plays or things like that i think it's an even split between people saying well i don't need to play last of us and people who say fuck i can't watch this video i'm playing last of us but i'll watch it when i'm done and people say split going wow that looks awesome this looks awesome i need to go i'm going to go buy it not watch these videos beat the game and then come back or do it simultaneous not everyone is as crazy about spoilers as the rest of us are in some games
Starting point is 02:53:46 when it's like you can have a very different pathway the video can be a really interesting like sell on here's one thing that you can do in this game and you'll go out and fucking get it anyway at no point during that revisions playthrough do you go oh yeah no i've seen enough you know i don't need this in my life and it's and it's different because i mean if this was you know there's no applicable interim example here because watching me play revisions is not the same as playing revisions yeah of course it is a totally different experience then there's those other when we do a quick look at something guess what we're never playing a let's play of marlo briggs you guys got to buy that game you're fucking self right and that's how you support that's how you
Starting point is 02:54:33 get when's marlo when you fuckers buy it so when we do those one off that's usually because we're never we're never touching ride to hell again sure and i mean but but like good or bad sometimes it's just not practical there was a question that uh someone asked that i didn't go for but it was like hey when you guys do like an okami playthrough and i'm like are you well wow never out of your there's one game we have on our radar right now that's like it's crazy and like like you know which game i'm talking about yeah yeah and we're like we want to put something like okami where my save file like i always say all our save files were over 60 to 80 60 to 80 hours plus it's like no like people were complaining this chrono trigger was too long it's like 20 hours yeah um it's a
Starting point is 02:55:23 shame but it's just not all in all i think we are doing just as much good as harm as we are doing i think that was terrible that was really bad can you quote that so i want to see that in text well you're getting a hard line stance on this some things are good and other things are bad hang out at mutual or can you hang out at mutual uh human plus music asks uh you guys have brought up event hubs multiple times as a news source i was just wondering how you felt about the pay 20 or disable your ad blocker to reach the site policy it's a bit ridiculous to ask users to pay oh yeah to pay so much to have mere access to the site right what do you think well human plus music it's really simple no it's not ridiculous because guess what there's a lot of traffic on
Starting point is 02:56:11 the site so just turn your fucking ad blocker off and view ads and watch the site what's the problem there if you want to go to the site and get their news content to be honest how like indignify like i like just for you to sit there and go oh my god the choice between forcing me to take off ad blocker and paying 20 dollars is obscene how dare you how about you just fucking read the news on the site you want to read you know what i would do i'd pay the 20 there you go sure because if i if it bothers you i am a crazy person who prefers the a la carte method of stuff like that that's fine or or you can just go to srk but they don't cover the same things and and then you have to deal with srk which is negative opportunity dollars i you know i've never used ad block ever
Starting point is 02:57:01 i've never felt compelled to use it i've never really like you know google's like google chrome automatically blocks like really bad pop-up shit and shit you put in you shouldn't put and like most websites don't do stupid shit like it's gotten a lot better they just have banner ads that are google ad sense and it's like whatever it's not really that bad yeah and you know whenever i see someone who has ad block it's like why i mean you're not it's the least you can do did you did you read that i think there's a penny arcade report article about about like over 50 percent of their viewers were using ad block anyway anyway no it was penny arcade report i know i remember specifically like i i felt kind of jolly by that regardless and it wasn't polygon polygon has no ads god um
Starting point is 02:57:42 i was kind of shocked by that that like more than 50 percent of the users would use ad block when it's pretty well known that that's basically their main source of revenue and without that you just don't get your game journalism at all yeah i would point out that we would appreciate you guys not using ad block i mean ultimately in the end it's like if you care about this thing and or you're so bothered by ads then you need then do like pat said just pay the fucking money or like find another news source but you can't sit there and call bullshit when the guy is like i have costs to pay that are really expensive for hosting as somebody who's dealing with that right now the cost of hosting shit ain't cheap guys be reasonable at the end of the day you're giving them money at no
Starting point is 02:58:30 cost and no expense to yourself for something you appreciate yeah it's it's a tiny sum of money and it takes nothing no skin off your back and it's there or right fucking like i said call me crazy you're not giving them money you're just dealing with ads for free news provided to you back to date at the time back when giant bomb was uh more indian is now now it's owned by cds i always had their premium subscription right so that i just didn't have ads yeah and that's fine too and and all i would do was listen to the podcast so i guess i didn't really have to do it but yeah fucking yeah you support something you like absolutely just don't don't call bullshit on it guys so like i i you probably wanted us to go the other way on that dude but you're on the
Starting point is 02:59:13 way wrong side of that it's my fucking job um this okay this is kind of interesting uh steven asks hi steven hi the best friends after seeing your killer is dead playthrough i'm curious um do you prefer an or seeing the ending rather i'm curious do you prefer an abstract story like killer is dead or a more literal easy to follow story like mass effector gta there are pluses and minuses pros and cons so both and ideally i would say at least in my opinion you don't give everything away because leaving points to discuss is a really interesting awesome thing but if your world and details are so fleshed out that you can have these conversations without abstract points it's all the better metal gear is something that we've spent days
Starting point is 03:00:09 literally dozens of hours talking about and i remember we were at once and we went to dalalos and the entire trip there and back which was like i don't know two hours sure all we talked about was liquid's arm right yeah so we've gone so and like this is a world where there's so much fucking happening that you don't have to worry about abstract because there's a ton of abstract but there's so much literal to go on as well if you flesh out a story in that way then that's the best opera the best possible choice josh and i once had like a hour long discussion about the politics of fallout new vegas and whether or not ineffectual bureaucracy is better than fascist dictatorship that gets shit done why because there's a lot of detail in that game yeah so whether
Starting point is 03:00:57 you choose to go killer killer is dead or like easy to swallow story you need the content to back it up killer's dead is way too much in the opposite direction it's too much killer is also poorly written but yeah killer is then it's actually just poorly written as well um i i gotta say i prefer the the literal way but i would i'm not opposed to abstract i think we should have a healthy dose of both but like one of my favorite ones is near where like they tell you a fucklot and there's not a whole ton of thinking you need to do outside of just like all the stuff they give you you should have to piece the puzzle pieces together you know like there's there's not ridiculous it's super well told i want to spoil the whole thing don't do it but like that being said probably
Starting point is 03:01:42 boy is that good i'm gonna say i'm like a broken record dark souls has almost no overt plot whatsoever yeah it is the least literally told game i can think of it i think it has two cut scenes and maybe 30 40 lines of dialogue and everything you learn in that game you learn from item descriptions and you just kind of figure it out yeah it's super abstract but there's enough there that i can get something killer is dead is so abstract and so weird and so out there with not enough context or details i get to the end and i go what the fuck was that yeah i agree that's what i was saying that was looking weird there plus i did say the very first thing is how about a mix of both for your story some things are good other things are bad yes yeah you want to just do a round about real
Starting point is 03:02:35 quick what like really abstract kind of game story do you like like just specific shadow of the fucking colossus shadow of the colossus i there's a little game oh my god that's why should i even ask that question that's pretty good there's a game out there called don't look back that's like by terry cavenon super tiny and indian shit and it's tiny and you'll finish it in 20 minutes and it's got like a teeny abstract story it's a really good demonstration of like a super simple abstract do i have to change my answer no dark souls okay i can say demon souls too though that's totally valid okay mad you have a weird one uh with for the abstract yeah abstract that you appreciate yeah like the first no more heroes has enough stuff but also okay but does that mean they're
Starting point is 03:03:18 they're that or whatever and the second one has some of that too but like killer is dead is the opposite killer's dead is like way out there to the moon you know where they written you know when suit is writing and you know when he's not yeah boy is that true uh a related question from another person that we're gonna go it's a good question and here's another interesting one because actually there's a lot of questions about people asking us like you guys seem to know a lot about the just the gist of about two or three thousand questions yeah is you guys seem to know a lot about games you occasionally break into the details from time to time we would love it if you could go or elaborate on what is the qualities that you identify that make a game good or not
Starting point is 03:03:58 oh that's too broad right that's what you brought so here's here's one uh where jim dying here you guys jim jim is saying uh uh okay what's of the following do you think is most critical uh sound design writing visual design or mechanics uh it depends on genre for some of your sound design sound design writing writing visual design or mechanics now for my personal preference and the games that i think we tend to go crazy over mechanics need to be i am totally in agreement my k also is mechanics not only mechanics but also including gameplay quality mechanics because that's kind of unspoken responses responsive controls gameplay features solid combat etc it's the game part yeah okay and he says i think games like near and resonance of fate
Starting point is 03:04:55 where visually the games are solid and the writing is top-notch but some gameplay aspects are either super difficult or over simple and they put a damper on the experience there are a lot of games that i have played and said boy do i wish this had been an anime or manga or a tv show or a movie i i think once you have the perfect fusion of any of those two it kind of succeeds at a certain level when you look at the world ends with you which has the visual and audio and like gameplay is you know middling for some people um or like near where again uh gameplay sorry not gameplay uh story and sound you know it just succeeds on a super high level southern hill shattered memories writing and sound yeah not so much gameplay oh yeah of course i don't
Starting point is 03:05:41 think it's a no no i'm saying like i agree with you and that's another game that's an example of two there but i mean i'm one is really hard but i can say honestly i can say that like when you have solid gameplay yeah like the rest can just like it goes the farthest you can gravy that yeah but your meat is so scrumptious it is and like you can look at so many examples of games where it looks terrible it probably like fucking sounds terrible but it plays great amazing yeah and that is that's that how is that non-muslim well no of course like if i had to pick one i would never not pick gameplay but you know that's a boring answer and that's not the best for everything and no not for everything i think journey was right to focus on its visual design yeah but it
Starting point is 03:06:26 also focuses on weird mechanics absolutely but those mechanics are in conjunction of its visual design and its writing yeah so like if you have to pick one in isolation we're all of course you i think we're all gonna say mechanics yeah because like you look at the games that have no graphics to them basically where it's just a programmer that decided i'm gonna try my best here and they and the game still came out fun and you're like fuck yeah now of course you can always go too far and end up with something like door fortress where the game's mechanics are unbelievable but i can't play that it's got no inner things what's that game with the two guys that have swords that run at each other and you have to clear multiple screens to get to the edge it's such
Starting point is 03:07:09 a weird name don't hit the auto don't hit the thing we're recording on slam the ottoman it uh two guys fencing two guys fencing and such a weird name named after an animal i think but it's basically like the narwhal thing no yes yes yeah it's not no but no it's not normal but it's a weird name like anyway but it's anyway the point is is that gameplay the game has nothing happening visually and everything on a gameplay level man i can go back and play pac-man and be like you know what pac-man's fun i can't go back and play games from the ps1 and n64 era with some exceptions but games that went for visuals but like i go back to final fantasy seven i like that game a lot okay the visual spectacle component of that game is fucking lost to time yeah it's gone oh yeah
Starting point is 03:07:57 but the writing's still pretty good and i like the characters and i like how the systems work so i can play it tetris is forever tetris is for it yeah there you go if i had to pick one game for me where it's like the grab everything's just nothing and the gameplay is there yeah combat on the 2600 combat combat on the 2600 how did you go older than any of us i grew up with a 2600 i so did i i feel the shame i got any s way later if you haven't played combat on the 2600 grab a good friend and go play combat for a half hour and as the weird flip side to this argument i don't i only had a nest i never played an otari until a way later i don't think you can go back it's hard the certain games you can if you you you you said a joke together and it's because the anger game nerds uh video about
Starting point is 03:08:41 all the tiger games right which is an amazing video go see it by the way but um he talks about retro is certain otari 2600 games shows space invaders shows missile command shows pacman or whatever those you can go back to and they can still be fun to play yeah outdated as games you don't want to play they were never in dated they don't want to play them again and some of those psx and n64 games are like that so i kind of feel a bit like yeah like nothing aged worse than early 3d early n64 is fucking just vomit and pixel form it's our in polygon like it's actually worse than n64 because any early 3d and n64 would then also be compared to mario 64 yeah yeah yeah and if you really want to see it in its true glory load up fucking the n64 emulator
Starting point is 03:09:33 and and run it in 1080p and see how bad that the irony is despite playstation one games looking worse overall a lot of them didn't weren't able to focus on that so they held back a little bit more and did stuff like resident evil and had pre-arranted backgrounds which held up way better in the future absolutely yeah um the the game liam just showed me it's called nidhog and i i know nid ho gg it looks it it looks like crap can you link that tournament footage yeah if i can find the video sure it's so good the game looks terrible but it fucking plays like a dream yeah uh and uh one last question ha ha ha ha me uh oh whatever i thought that was the question no that's his name but it's also nathan whatever nathan nathan says i'm a huge fan and i just want to know
Starting point is 03:10:25 i know this guy hey navey um you know this guy maybe maybe this guy posts on the facebook a lot oh yeah oh yeah okay i know that yeah nathan it's nathan c hey nathan yeah we noticed it might not be you just just thought yeah but now nathan c is freaking out uh just wanted to know um do you guys listen to any other podcasts obviously we heard pat talk about the giant bomb cast i wanted to know if you guys listened to anything else i've listened to other than our podcast i'm gonna give a shout out sorry to cut you go on other than our podcast i've listened to one episode of the joystick podcast uh when i was doing dishes one time and it was enjoyable but i've i've never ever again don't you listen to the welcome tonight fail no oh i just know what it is okay sorry because
Starting point is 03:11:13 whenever we brought it up you were like oh yeah that's really good because my girlfriend loves it okay she makes him say that okay she pays me to say that gotcha um welcome tonight feels apparently really good so okay they're apparently back what are you doing my thing is joe rogan joe rogan the joe rogan experience god damn does that dude know how to sit in front of a microphone and like slam comes off a little too preachy to me three and a half hours he knows so much shit about so much shit though that like he pulls it off can i kickstart a kneel to grass Tyson podcast oh man only only if it's him and michio kaku as like the mega powers like as a tag team of scientists that are like we don't know if this is too strong we're not too sure we're
Starting point is 03:11:58 gonna shake hands but oh oh man that reference is deep matt what do you got um i mean i listened to the podcast like you know uh two three years ago i listened to him occasionally and i liked it a lot but like i there's something weird about podcasts or i just can't keep up with them like i i forget about them or whatever because it's just people talking it has to be a part of your routine and it has to fit in somewhere in your life where yeah when i had a nine to five job i would listen to them way more frequently see i'm lucky my reluctance to leave my house means that i need a good reason to leave my house and listening to the bomb cast which i've kept up with by the way brad i you suck you're a good guy but you suck you don't no thanks um
Starting point is 03:12:46 he's not listening is he oh now he is oh now brad's hey brad hey brad um we love the giant bomb cast we love you guys i love but like uh i'll catch a weekend confirmed every now and then i'll catch uh the eight four podcast every now and then it i mean if i need to leave my house more i'll listen to more of weekend confirmed in eight four if i need to leave my house less i'll listen to the chat bomb cast only what's coming up on the channel uh right before i answer that i was gonna say this is it it reminds me someone said that stonkel steve austin has a podcast steve austin oh because he said i like stonkel steve austin has a podcast i think i forget what it's called i think it might be called that's all i got to say about that i don't think that's the best title
Starting point is 03:13:32 ever for a podcast but no it's for steve austin yes no it's a steve austin show and that's all i got to say about that hey let's come over to the channel hey i have a new york video that's coming up if i haven't plugged that enough sure this week and we still have a bunch more we have a bunch more october which means a bunch more shitstorm uh to go and probably a new playthrough starting at the very end of october that would be november first would be the end of first once once the once the the the fucking the weather's clear yeah once the weather clears once the weather is clear and safe for a new playthrough to descend to the from the heavens to us we can we can step over the piles of shit and bring you guys into some new things they're really hyped shitstorm new york
Starting point is 03:14:20 video how's that thing going that you were working on that time that you didn't do oh that thing not sure what you mean i don't know the thing that you used to do but then you're like no i don't want to do it but then you did a bunch of it i still don't know what you mean a little bit too vague but um um no okay okay drawing shapes in the air oh yes okay really did something that was a little more like okay yeah i mouth the word at you i think that looks like i'm not a fucking liverier jeez anyway you sound like yeah so um yeah i have a bunch of other like you know one-off videos that i'm currently working on but i'm actually going to do all of them wow you're nuts and then put them out and not put one at a time there's no way to keep up with it right and um maybe maybe
Starting point is 03:15:13 there might be a little something to uh that's coming up perhaps beyond that that'll has to do with the stuff that's going on now that's really hype yes yes so uh we'll see how that goes stay tuned the channel the stuff never stop clicking on videos um i'd like to think that i'm just because as you said like um and that's all i got to say about that that could also be the name of a forest gump podcast the forest gump cast the forest cast the gump cast what are you talking about the gump i just i just i think i wish in times where they just have bubble gums shrimp oh wow right there please okay yeah is it Tom hanks no it's a cute little shrimp cartoon i'm okay with this that's the logo i saw red lobster oh nice how long has it been since i've fucking seen a red lobster
Starting point is 03:16:05 is awesome if you go to there's one there's one in Toronto and over there no no but like you go to the bad place the big show could have a podcast called the last word and that would be the last word oh you don't remember what he used to yell and that is the last word at the end of the big show the big show the eddie cut his promos white paul white would end his promos it died after a while but he tried it for about a year and it didn't catch i guess not fuck jeez wow wow i know why to end flaccid woolly how am i making a an attitude reference that you guys didn't get i'm i'm coming he's clearly it died back then we're not ready to flaccidify the podcast whatever vince's podcast we call buff my butt my butt cast with something i was just gonna say
Starting point is 03:17:01 like it's the your fired cast no it was my podcast all along this is the gorilla cast should we end the podcast i guess we just sigh okay bye everybody you

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