Castle Super Beast - SBFC 019: Voltron Runs on Hepatitis

Episode Date: December 17, 2013

The Youtubepocalypse and copyright laws! Mighty Number 9 and Feminism! Kill la Kill! Cookies! The cancelled games that haunt us to this day! The Zaibatsu covers all the hard hitting topics!Got a quest...ion for us? Send it to:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is brought to you by nothing and no one and us really I guess pretty much it's brought it's brought to you by dust and wind no the tubes the magical tubes the internet I wish it could be sponsored by hype shit and awesome coolness platinum sponsor us again oh my god we'd be the biggest shows for you already are the biggest shows for glad but they'll never notice us we never have probably concert by camea and kajima offices and they're just pointing at a poster of wonderful one-hundred what they're just doing this yeah why is kajima a platinum it means it means it means raiden riding DLC and wonderful
Starting point is 00:01:11 oh my god did you guys did you guys a wonder blue style quite character the tiniest blade mode did you guys see the the stuff about what a ride and still see in mgs 5 or whatever's gonna be the snatcher thing we talked about okay did you know that riding doesn't get to have his sword of course what the engine can't take that he had it to him yeah and they never uses it it's just all the regular guns yeah so all my height just splooshed out whatever it takes to make you feel better picking the wrong system you also only until I got that one that plays the right yeah it's not a full inverted sploosh it's only some of
Starting point is 00:02:01 that's a levy half half no lahar that's a lahar that came out of you and all your magic sploosh juice with all the hype just went on to a gun we made it to 19 this week enough about lahars I don't know what a lahar is it's it's well Liam looked it up it's a mudslide it is a month we played a bit of disaster today lahars are involved many people were killed things are being learned in this play through pyro classic every time we find something we're go what the fuck is that and there's some super science nerd that's like it's this or we're like nice let me move on we could just spend 10 seconds looking it up
Starting point is 00:02:50 because the guys at monolith they Google natural disaster terms they looked up everything you know little segment at the end of every episode that's like she be Matt and Pat what did we learn this episode we learn that Richard Karn is not dead we learned that Al from from tool time is not dead I totally got hope Wilson Wilson Wilson's dad sure yeah and I replaced him apparently yeah two months period I was telling Pat that fucking lost his shit when I was like will he tells me I was staring at a picture of Voltron that I and Fred Durst were combining and I stared at it for an hour just going where usually I can
Starting point is 00:03:38 figure it out and really the end sure I don't need to see that episode out there it's done it makes sense but I'm staring at my head on Voltron and a bunch of rockers yeah what and they all have hepatitis I don't that the ties that buying yeah hepatitis Voltron runs on hepatitis oh god and I'll form the dick Liam how is your week my week was it was slow until Madoka came out okay so I wait we are gonna start the Madoka clock no how much time do I have you have exactly four minutes to talk about Madoka so it's go okay so came out last week couldn't see it last week because the podcast was on so this week I saw
Starting point is 00:04:27 that part initially I was just kind of like what is this it's one of those movies that you have to let sit for a little bit and you have to think about it four minutes more than I expected so yeah I'm sweating about what he's used um so will he asked me immediately after I saw it how was it and I said too magical because initially my reaction you have to see it then but anyway it was not anyone saw the movie knows what I'm talking about it's like it's like Eva 3.0 but it's good and that's why when I said too magical I was like but the next day I was like that was good woke up and you were like I feel good about
Starting point is 00:05:13 this yeah cuz you were feeling iffy then you were a bit there was two things that I was like these are pretty major plot holes and one of them in the end isn't and one of them in the end is just like I can believe that like within the universe of the world I can believe that plausible deniability was the plot hole that the girls were cute enough no okay no that they were too cute no was it that they were underage no was it that they were not underage was it that charlotte was your honor charlotte was not the princess because this motherfucker send me a text message sometime last night when we're partying
Starting point is 00:05:52 or whatever and he goes there's charlotte know that blah blah blah princess animation and he says another you're not a text message saying oh wait you're the wrong person text is like oh no we're like dude what was going on it's like oh my spoilers is like oh yeah my docus my dog the spoilers yeah the pairings are candy there's a candy yeah what yeah what is this all the pairings are canon they pretty much all work yeah always are I believe the choice that seems to be the actually can whenever whenever the pairings are up in the air some
Starting point is 00:06:32 adaptation or some movie just says no all of them these were super foreshadowed and now they're real um but like one real takeaway animation was the best shafts ever done I know I literally think black 70 shafts just animated um and complicated and the magical girl transformation sequences were the best in any show they gotta be right they would be in the fucking title they were the best in a better go all the way they were better than Kamui Senketsu yeah oh yeah they were very artistic but that's not a movie that's and the music was good as usual if anyone likes
Starting point is 00:07:23 Madoka I give it four Mammys out of four and that's my review that's a unit of measurement in Madoka that's not even just for Liam that's like that's a Madoka specific measurement isn't it yes exactly I fucked up I was supposed to put you under the pressure clock I gave you more time I would have went I would have went longer but I didn't want to spoil anything because nobody could have possibly seen it yet no yeah it just came out right you saw some fancy theater yesterday oh yeah it was fantastic Matt how was your week I drank more this week did you think I happen my life why that happened uh Willie and
Starting point is 00:08:12 I went to meet up with some friends my girlfriend was there some other people that we kind of knew but not really but we went to a karaoke bar and all the girls which they like to call themselves TLC because that's what their names all like start with oh this is like proceeded to butcher my favorite girly 90 songs like Spice Girls which is just regular wannabe like they're big signal and I'm like bowing them and they keep coming up to Willie and me and only me are like talking about videos and nerd shit and everyone else is getting up there and singing and then they're like oh you gotta do a song you gotta do
Starting point is 00:08:48 a song and like yeah we just recorded a thing I I did Matt a solid by like supporting him out of this in this environment that we really melt you oh totally right plus if I didn't have someone to also say I don't want to sing right but you look like an asshole but then I fuck up and say and Willie fucks up and I then I fuck up in a way of saying well he goes I'll only do gorillas Clint Eastwood and then I immediately flip and they I'm like it's right there and he's like oh that we both throw back our drinks we finally give like the DJ guy like here we'll do it and then all the girls that asked to come see us sing
Starting point is 00:09:28 leave for five minutes come back so my girlfriend has a video of us singing a duet of a gorillas Clint Eastwood and we'll probably never see the light of day and I'm to understand that it was not horribly embarrassing for me it was not horribly embarrassing because I I think I nailed it pretty well you really did the rap parts cuz I think because why would he not yeah why would you more importantly but then he goes then he goes I don't want to sing in part so Michael odds oh yeah works you gotta cash it on the racism that's how this you know yeah and Thursday stereo types yeah that you mean stereo not just overt
Starting point is 00:10:09 racism yeah yeah Thursday went to the Warner Brothers Montreal Christmas party where the head of Warner Brothers Montreal hilariously goes well hilarious to me and probably most people in the crowd they go we nailed it this year guys Batman Arkham origins and I'm like game of the okay yeah game of you shipped it it did come out but it was like old gangster 1920s theme you would have probably enjoyed that probably and they had like like vaudeville girls on the stage doing big dance numbers they have the big feathers sticking out of their hats that some of them had big feathers sticking out of the hats there's
Starting point is 00:10:52 there's a hot man it's really good why is that so hot really good I'm just thinking about it I'm like it's the same thing as birds when birds had the huge plumage and all the other birds were like oh I thought you meant like when birds when girls were birds on their hands never seen that yeah put a bird on it yeah put a bird on it put a bird on it what is that get it out of here that was really fun and then of course on Sunday was a willy's birthday soiree and it was well I'll let you talk about that about the rules and everything but that also involved yeah basically to make up
Starting point is 00:11:30 for the death always a booth stained piece of paper out of his band to make up for the death day that was my birthday I eventually happy death day on everyone around and we did the Pacific Rim drinking game good times were had I've got the beer stained list of rules here number one every time a new kaiju or a new Jaeger shows up every you take a sip every time a limb is severed every time a new weapon or appendage pops out of something yeah anytime a new limb is ripped off of something anytime a wrestling move happens anytime the Australian guy acts like a straight dick because it's consistent yeah every
Starting point is 00:12:11 sentence many times I would try yeah he's probably thinking about being a dick you know he's not saying anything anytime it focuses on shoes which is a whole lot there's the shit you forget about and of course anytime the chain sword comes out you down that fucker don't forget nosebleeds I oh I said and whenever nosebleeds happen and there was one kaiju nosebleed no one noticed until much later there was a nosebleed that landed on shoes yes there's a couple of auxiliary why are we just really yeah drink to drink to rocket punch rocket punch right canceling the apocalypse drink to good shit announcing
Starting point is 00:13:00 canceling the apocalypse no so it was honestly that that was that was great thanks you guys who came out it was a fun time a lot of fun yeah no then that was that was pretty much the most eventful thing of my week beyond I guess we should now bring it up kill a kill kill are you all right that's well we're gonna spoil it anyway no we're not going to kill the kill is the foot in the door to space so that makes sense to me yes no the your your your your second act has occurred yeah it was it was abundantly obvious that this cast was not the full cast clearly yeah we are now you are being made abundantly clear
Starting point is 00:13:50 that's what I was just going to ask it's 20 20 20 20 and now that's very long on a view was that 12 11 that was 11 that's been made abundantly clear not it's not the whole cast and the law the full cast is actually gonna be huge yeah for sure there's a there's a moment where they just drove three new me in your face within 30 seconds and your your power level is determined by how much you interact with your name card oh man floating in midair it's great also the color of your hair that yeah that too it's also getting incredibly it's getting weirder how much more strictly it's following Geron Lagan that I thought
Starting point is 00:14:32 it was going to in that Mia has now showed up in effects in effects but let's not know it's different and it's been it's like some of the beats are like I will write I will say that that beat in particular had me feeling the exact same way initially which was I can't believe kidding me and then immediately into yeah yeah not Nia no um I'm not your issues not our cute woman oh boy no and I guess the edge will continue to be edge is that is that the way that goes yeah yeah it's edgy if that's what you want to call it more awesome in the last like month I've seen tons of kill-a-kill cosplay like
Starting point is 00:15:17 really quick yeah just started has anyone like real you good stuff good stuff that I saved to my computer all the way a lot of camera shots from low angles holy shit okay there's one that was just of of crap I forget her name the headmistress the only reason you did this because you have the face yeah okay yeah so get ready I'm about to ruin kill a kill for you somebody pointed this out and I can't unsee it so Kiryuine Satsuki looks so much like cross version of rose you that I cannot she makes the same smug like angry face like Ross you've been on garbage yeah exactly good rose she's
Starting point is 00:16:19 like that like what if one of rose you from like episodes 15 to 17 was from one to 27 right and the antagonist the whole time I think like my favorite almost my almost favorite thing right now is just Mako sitting next to Hanayagama am I getting that name right sorry them sitting next to each other is the best you think ever my phone I can't get enough as Liam said before all pairings are true yeah they're totally canon no my phone's wallpaper is her sitting on his head yes no I was not a spoiler I'm saying that up I want them to hang out forever yeah they're great so good yeah kill a kill is still good
Starting point is 00:17:08 check mark great check mark this week that can this week is notably check mark yeah so wait for every other episode ever so Pat it sounds like you finally started Portlandia I have you noticed that I told Matt to put a bird on a bird on it I have started Portlandia because I finished trailer park boys okay yeah yo that is the job that's Canadian yep wow it's Canadian there is a scene mid through this the series where they're just hanging out in a Tim Horton's parking I was gonna say why isn't it called Tim Horton's boy and it's just like they've blurred out the Tim Horton's yeah it looks like it's the one where I used to
Starting point is 00:17:51 live it's a Timmy's what a fantastic show what a great ending they didn't let it go on too long so I'm like I'm looking at Netflix I say well Portlandia it's on there that is the weirdest fucking show I have seen it right he's alive in Portland what a great way to start followed by sketches that I didn't know I was even sure I liked because they are on the bleeding edge of what I'm considering acceptable levels of weirdness yeah it is an SNL sketch that's gone out of control that they just let run for an extra five minutes but it's only that five minutes yeah it's like what's that guy's name
Starting point is 00:18:34 he's got a talk show now you still always laugh and on SNL Jimmy remember when Jimmy Fallon used to fuck up a sketch and that was the funniest part and then they would have to struggle through another four minutes of Fallon flubbing every line yeah it was usually Horatio Sanz was in the room yeah and then the sketch would veer off into a clearly different direction it would be a better it feels like a show it feels like a show built entirely around this concept and just taken to the nth degree having the actor who played Dale Cooper from Twin Peaks is perfect casting and the mayor's assistant is the
Starting point is 00:19:17 actual mayor of Portland I now feel like a scumbag because after all of my making fun of Matt for being a dirt-ass creeperzoid creeping on Emma Watson not the other Emma Emma Stone that's the one that she's like 28 no but you're being creepy I'm watching this and I get to the opera plaza yeah I just I remember how nuts I was in Scott Pilgrim just going oh which means you should watch Parks and Recreation and it makes me upset because I think I've because you know like Aubrey Plaza and Emma Stone they look slightly different they're not like there's something a little off there's the same type of
Starting point is 00:20:12 right and with Emma Stone I was like I don't know what it is but with Plaza I know exactly what it is she looks like a huge fucking bitch and that's your thing I guess that's your thing I guess it is the problem is that in Scott Pilgrim she plays bitches I know I got my pole dancing class but again it's so attractive in Parks and Recreation she played a bitch but not in the same way and that like everything sucks fuck you and fuck the world this is Daria Daria oh it's Daria that's what it is watch Parks and Recreation next it's really good well I'll burn through this in a week also knowing knowing now also with
Starting point is 00:20:52 Portlandia that Carrie and Fred the main guys are actual like lead singer or not um Carrie's lead singer of Sleeter Kinney and Fred is the lead is a drummer for our legit band their musicians and they're in the scene of hipsters so they know firsthand what they know what they're talking about that's their lives yeah that's where the the chicken sketch comes from yeah yeah yeah and I'm like okay no this is now even more legit than it was when I first watched it Fred Armisen completely underrated in SNL like they gave him shitty roles and there's only a couple of characters he ever did that got extreme time yeah like he's really really funny like accents characters yeah just accent characters but he's actually like
Starting point is 00:21:33 hilarious yes yes um no Portlandia is the shit get on that and aside from Portlandia all else I've done is I spent like way too much time modding Skyrim again I've had a shit week so it's like fuck it I'll go back to modding get in there my crack are you playing as black spider man again no I'm not like you're pushing that really try to push black spider man in Skyrim yeah no no when you say black spider man do you mean Miles Morales or do you mean black suit I mean I was hoping you meant Miles no but sure why not both just as an aside just because you mentioned it and just because I think this is all prevalent to us I rewatched you mean relevant relevant thank you we had bad word bad word times today oh real bad we're full on the part we're ridiculous anyway
Starting point is 00:22:16 they'll find out I rewatched the first three episodes of the venom saga of Fox Spider-Man oh god Fox Spider-Man is awful and unwatchable you sir are a liar no Spider-Man never hits anyone no how dare Spider-Man never hits a single god damn person in the entire run of the show Fox cartoon X-Men still hilarious still fun to watch fireman I was like this is Webster-Man in Destiny maybe it's because Venom I like them a lot that Venom is so badly handled it's like when my old roommate pointed out that in Ninja Turtles the original cartoon Leonardo doesn't cut anyone he just kicks people yeah he holds the swords and I'm like the only thing he ever cuts is the Mausers yeah robots only foot soldiers and
Starting point is 00:23:08 everything he just kicks Spider-Man Spider-Man in that old show I think he swings and kicks carnage once maybe Venom every other time he either webs them up or webs up a nearby thing and causes it to fall on them yeah yeah yeah the thing I was wanting specifically is that damn it he's got the black suit he's beating the living shit out of Rhino yeah and then Rhino's on the ground and he's like take me in take take me in you can take me in eh whatever and then Spider-Man's like why should I take you in oh my god and then web is like a giant steel door and he's gonna slam Rhino with it and then he goes and he goes uh Gwen Stacy sent him acting different and just drops in and walks away if you hear Rhino with that it's not gonna kill him that's gonna be fine
Starting point is 00:24:01 but Radio Eye through Spider-Blime the song is great yeah song and intro held up just fine I forgot that Hanker's area he does like every since his voice is the voice of everyone in that show he's the voice of Venom he's the voice of tons of guys wow weird I'm sure that gets a lot of mileage for you yeah all right that's your week that kind of seems like you don't know what the Simpsons is I do okay because you like a lot of mileage for me because you love the Simpsons so much but you don't because you're the one watching it no I'm watching Spider-Man but that's what I'm saying you're the one watching it hence I'm not gonna get my I know enough I know we got a little far away from it but I did want to talk a little bit about Monty Skyer just a bit oh all I want to
Starting point is 00:24:43 say is that my takeaway from this is that it makes me never ever ever want to buy any game like made by Bethesda anywhere near its own release date because they suck the version of Skyrim I played on the 360 is fucking dog shit compared to the one I just made at home with all that stuff and it makes me want to put off fallout makes me want to load off all but you're specifically talking about moddable games I'm specifically talking about Bethesda games okay also bear in mind the Bethesda games usually are garbage bug wise when yeah totally the bug fixes the feature improvements etc the dlc inclusions well if Matt said I'm not gonna buy the pc version of Street Fighter 4 until I can use Predator I can understand that that's not unreasonable but he's just shit blanket
Starting point is 00:25:33 that's like day three now yeah no um the modding modding like being the one like extra payoff you get for having the pc version of the game is something that'll continue to be amazing but like the best mod out for Skyrim in New Vegas right now is a mod that makes it so the game doesn't crash like that's a useful mod it's a pretty fucking good mod given the context yeah it like came out like six months ago how or what do you mod into Revengeance when that comes out into Revengeance what do you do they'll do costumes for sure Dante probably yeah anything they want Dante they'll do that goofy language shit they did with DMC of course the zero suit samus some with a sword some games are not easy to be modded some games are really easy to be modded exactly the cat is in every level
Starting point is 00:26:25 there's like a million yeah yeah the game still runs rocks there's a boss game like Revengeance it's pc version like you get a day one because it's shiny not because you can fuck with it yeah a game like especially now the game like fallout or game like Skyrim you got a day one sorry shut the fuck up no jet stream sam in the main game sure oh sure yeah that'd be doable yeah of course i'm sure someone would manage of course they would just get him into all the missions totally yeah even if it's just a model swap yeah you you'd be much more than a model but it would be yeah but the model so it would be first no but then you get the full playable move list against all the bosses that'd be interesting including jet stream on jet stream you'd be like
Starting point is 00:27:08 you know when they took oh you know when they took Zangief's moveset and they gave it to Sakura yes i do just take uh just take uh Mistral's moveset give it to Ryden he's doing these sexy moves and it works perfectly it's perfectly as the Nintendo the model doesn't miss a beat yeah well the Ganondorf Pikachu is still my favorite oh that's salt man yeah fuck pika man i hate pika man it's gonna be pikadorf no it's because he looks like a whore flying man oh because his model's gotta struggle like you know man spider or something man bear pig uh all right man man bat is terrible man that is terrible man that is the worst you know why because i thought man bat was gonna be cool but then you're like no killer croc is infinitely better than you totally
Starting point is 00:27:53 trying to do batman and spiderman are similar things so they have tons and tons of villains but outside of a core group a lot of batmans are just garbage tier guys yeah whereas spiderman's got way more like oh yeah that guy's awesome he's got garbage tier guys too the man bat and uh what's the fucking uh the spider man when he had six arms yeah the doppelganger yeah doppelgangers like his webs are razors yeah forgot about that he was a bad guy and um the the green jelly the green jelly oh fuck man don't talk to us about maximum carnage oh i hate the town rat i don't feel bad a lot of the times when past disappointed with something but i was really this i was really felt bad when he played maximum carnage again it's like but this was awesome i love that game when i
Starting point is 00:28:38 was a kid and it sucks now oh it totally sucks but if i saw it i'd still buy it because the cartridge is red i think doom on the super nintendo was also red but whatever that doesn't count it doesn't count rubelkoppers the terminator was black and had a cool tire textured tire god damn anyway fuck discs can't do that with discs yeah well better discs best game card ever was the god damn nhlpa 93 for the genesis because i had this weird yellow yellow which was because it was like unlicensed and ea just made a ghetto like yeah yeah i got a couple of those yellow tabs absolutely and i already told you guys about the codemasters games where you could put in extra controller slots into the cartridge because fuck you we want to play this for players right anyway solid
Starting point is 00:29:26 knuckles is pretty cool yeah first patch back lock on cartridge first patch how many how many things can you like like sonic and knuckles you can go on infinitely as long as you x just inserted into the tower of our power second cds on the bottom yes do you remember the commercial as long as you got more sonic and knuckles you can really just keep going yeah the personal for sonic and knuckles was like a bunch of elves talking to sand and hey we're near christmas is that just like hey santa we want to put knuckles and sodas you can't do that yeah we got lock on technology and santa goes oh like glass processing yeah why are you being so blast i wonder how many game genies you'd have to put it on top of just start getting lag well i
Starting point is 00:30:12 was wondering if you took the tower of power and booted it up you would would there be input lag you would probably have to put it like more than it would become like i think i'm unstable before it would fall over sounds like a video unstable before it would be laggy because i remember i remember when we were doing um the tournament of lordly caliber at my place and one of the things i wanted to do was have a lag box yes i remember where it was take the usb extension cable as make it as long as possible you could probably just get a box that actually does that and i wanted as many jumps from one cable to another to lag your input and that was going to be one of the boxes that do that you can set the leg yeah but i i would i would we need to do this in a day
Starting point is 00:30:58 yeah it didn't work out oh apparently usb cable is too good too good yeah fuck make your cable shittier universal serial so cool we can have dumb rules for this yeah have an amazon listing it's just shitty usb cable very laggy some chinese companies like yo we got you covered so so slow so shitty wow so top of the list this week in game news there's news guys yes and it's not all good uh the actual the actual what not even articles a new neo gaff thread andrea rene puts youtubers on blast i'm sorry what andrea rene puts youtubers on blast yeah so basically uh andrea rene is a outspoken host on um smosh she's a lot of things she's a lot of things she's on the escapist she's on smosh games uh she used to work for machinima yeah we know
Starting point is 00:32:01 and uh she came out and basically said youtubers should i'm gonna paraphrase her but youtubers don't just they don't have the right to complain about youtube enforcing its copyright policy because youtube is giving them a platform to get their work out there not even even though that's paraphrasing that's dead accurate uh yeah and uh it was a tweet it was a tweet rant there was a she did a million she did a bunch of tweets and she said rent incoming and she tweeted a bunch of stuff and then a bunch of people came back and went like jim sterling was like um none of my stupid let's plays are claimed uh the stuff that i actually worked on in editing my parody work has been demonetized you know and she's like well jim you know i like your
Starting point is 00:32:45 let's plays and so on and so forth you're cool because you're up at jim um but but anyway this leads into the the actual thing being the tube apocalypse that's going on man fuck you andrea god damn it let's just get it out well uh andrea ranay she used to be our boss she used to be our producer miss shinema and she was okay but as it went on she got progressively like not returning my emails not blah blah blah blah and then when our two current guys who are pretty good took over she left them and like need even shit of like where's where's the contract she didn't leave us anything where's this where's that what are you guys sorry or how about the fact that we only learned that she left when you called her boss and said yes she quit two weeks ago yeah not knowing
Starting point is 00:33:34 and us we were starting our new season in like three weeks well like to keep it on the youtube though before we you know ad homonyms but i just find that somebody's taking a high body approach to a platform in which they didn't do a good job on sounds like kind of awful also i don't get the fact that she works for smosh why is she saying that smosh got a website yeah smosh has started on youtube yeah um she she has her own concept as well and and she's done stuff for like uh capcom and things like that it's just like someone that works for capcom they're like hey capcom games are both dead well i mean the thing is now to be fair like it wasn't a ridiculous unreasonable rant of madness no but it makes it worse that it's it was coming from the point of view that basically
Starting point is 00:34:29 is like yeah let's players do not deserve the that you don't have a voice in this situation because uh just be grateful that you're grateful that youtube allows this to exist and allows us to happen i mean it doesn't take them down they gave you a platform right now now here's the thing right they did they did absolutely and you can't pretend that that's not something of course no that on its own you're entitled to no right definitely um that being said long story short it's free hosting it's yes right with infinite bandwidth totally um secondly copyrighted content does need to be protected because people don't want their shit stolen yeah i think it needs i think it needs to be protected a lot less than most people but i still recognize the right to copyright it's
Starting point is 00:35:15 it's super reasonable right and much like the esrb protects video games from much worse lawsuits bullshit youtube acting on its own interests here says we don't want viocom to sue us again so we need to do something i'm not sure if you guys have heard of viocom they're pretty bad yeah they take down your star trek we need to do something and we need to strong arm it right so it's completely reasonable that they're acting on their best interests here all the component parts make sense until the problem is the system doesn't fucking work the method they use isn't great and when you have what's the best example of that method not being when jonathan blow uploads videos of his game the witness to youtube and they get claimed by someone else and he's like i'm jonathan blow
Starting point is 00:36:05 this is my thing this is entirely mine yeah so that's two best friends compilation 2013 cannot be uploaded due to content id by two best friends play like fuck you that's basically what's happening so that's you man i hate you oh why don't you want us to make money so that's that's the problem is that the system is failing here yeah not the idea and i can see that there are uploaders that have uploaded like entire movies yep and like re-uploaded trailers that they just take from other places and monetize them yeah like something something hd something that's clearly an actual problem yeah let's plays and reviews and all that are transformative works that have been worked on and modified and and have performance aspects and should be covered
Starting point is 00:37:02 under fair use eventually through the content id system you should be able to dispute it all the way until some human looks at it and says oh that is fair use but how it is right now that can take months well because i forget the figure but there's like 600 or 6000 hours uploaded to youtube every day yeah something dumb something that can never be managed right there needs to be a robot right also but can it be a good robot yeah well you need a good robot yeah it would be nice if it was can there be a good robot matt you know what that's a good point and and the thing about it in particular is that like you have dudes who are losing like their entire backlogs and angry joe's been fucked by this and that's bulls*** and joe and uh rad brad seem to be the most because they
Starting point is 00:37:53 have extremely high view count videos that use extensive amounts of footage and they do they do brand new games all the time a lot a lot of people have been asking are we okay all right how are you doing the situation like realistically what's up right now seems to be fine except for heavy uh not heavy rain uh beyond part 13 and a couple of things a couple of things get popped pop up everywhere in a while most of our stuff seems to be fine going into the future we have to be really careful super super careful that's that's more remember before all this came out though we had a lot of our uh not that it's a major loss but a lot of our homecoming footage was congenitated one third of our homecoming footage was claimed as we put it up right now we can't do metal gear
Starting point is 00:38:39 at all yeah uh and what's the other one sir's wrath we could not do a sir's wrap but we couldn't do it yeah and that was before all this news started the choice is removed exactly so you know it's something that is going to persist for a while and um at the very least when when i when i look at this i go like okay there's enough of a stink being made that it's google they're gonna have to come back to this improvements will happen at some point sir i d we've had claims that popped up earlier this week disappear like bullshit claims that were complete nonsense they went away um um what was the one that you're explaining were like it was an interview that was uh what happened was on beyond two souls part three uh our video got claimed by hearst magazines uk
Starting point is 00:39:28 due to a piece of footage of a jody jumping off a train and what had happened is this hearst magazine uk owned some subsidiary that had a website that interviewed david cage or some at some point yeah and included a clip of the game and they uploaded their interview which is totally theirs and should be protected into content id and content id grabbed the piece of game footage yeah and applied it to the entirety of youtube game yeah it's ridiculous so that system is busted when it's like that there's a guy on uh there's a guy in neo gavening dust golem who does a lot of lps he did yeah his rule of rose let's play one of the parts got claimed for the sound effect of rain from a foley library wow people are so the big problem there are two big problems
Starting point is 00:40:21 one is the system is fucking broken the second thing is that a bunch of fucking fake companies have sprung up in the past couple of weeks and said hey we can get one over yeah the next couple months yeah and they are uploading entire royalty free music banks into content id they're uploading entire foley libraries into content id so that just for a week yeah they can get rad rad or ours or angry joes just guess what that first week is super important yeah yeah and the thing is is that like the reason why this goes up in such a zealous way as far as google is concerned they need to catch the guys who make a channel upload a bunch of shit and then just run the law states that they must actively pursue yeah the the defense of copyright yes so i i i make a brand
Starting point is 00:41:14 new channel upload a movie to it yeah and then just it gets deleted whatever fuck it i got some ad money from that yeah i cashed out and i can keep doing this for a while and make pennies here pennies there and like they need to stop that shit from happening so they need an aggressive system what doesn't make sense is why they didn't implement something like a grandfathering system where since this new thing is going to be all about like the more we trust you and your videos no that's a different thing that's a different thing it's a it's a different thing but it's related to the it's still the content id claims going off in the same manner yeah if they trust you based on the amount of trustworthy material you've put up in the past why wouldn't they implement
Starting point is 00:41:52 this new system taking into a but that's how reliable with how many channels and people there are to have to share all you need to do is look at when did this channel exist uh first come into existence how long when was it created how many videos are up there and how many of them are actually claimed but you need a robot to do all yeah yeah and fucking steinett can't figure out no id can't work on the trust system it needs it needs to be like this according to the fucking stupid law okay monetization review which is coming january first which is worse than all of this shit that will work on a trust system yes january first you will randomly be checked and a video will be blocked and said you prove to us you you can handle this video right but everyone starts at
Starting point is 00:42:42 zero everyone starts and that doesn't make sense it all comes back to zero it's like you are afraid of the new run and gun types why don't you let the channels that do this seriously and professionally continue to have the rights they should not rights but yeah you know what i mean like it's the permissions the permissions that they should have by being trustworthy over time no i'm gonna get a lot worse before it gets any better yeah yep uh yeah so the the big question i don't do we cover this how have we been doing we covered it okay how we're doing before we move off yeah we've had a bunch of shit claimed yep yeah we're gonna continue everything that we're doing right now because you'd be shits if you didn't we are not going to not finish anything yep
Starting point is 00:43:28 we are actively pursuing all options in order to mitigate this shit storm yep and not the good one you guys right every year yeah and but there's there's stuff that's that's claimed yeah yeah that's that sucks that that got claimed at this point in time i guess we're just gonna have to keep doing final fight street wise forever oh no one will claim that no one will claim the cat even the cat com robot it's like no i don't want to test that that's dirty money hard and konami won't touch nano breaker youtube just turns into nano breaker and final fight street wise plays every channel everyone does different themes yeah exactly that'd be great what a god damn fucking mess yeah so good summary when it comes to putting things on blast moving right along jp kellums put some people
Starting point is 00:44:19 on blasts oh boy do they deserve that jp they had that coming jp kellums the uh the lucky fucking bastard that the guy we all want the guy we want to be that works in platinum games one foreigner who works in platinum plus he looks like a cute nerd yeah he looks kind of like you like an alternate version of you yeah he hangs out and translates some of their things that would come to me all day yeah exactly and just feeds him like windex uh so he came out on the facebook and said on the sorry i should elaborate on the platinum games facebook and he said uh then here's the quote i hate posting anything bayonetta 2 on our facebook can i just say it wasn't that twitter that he did that on it's probably said that on it was a paragraph of text
Starting point is 00:45:07 i don't know if he tweeted it the important thing is that he said it he said it but he said i hate posting anything bayonetta bayonetta 2 on our on our facebook not because i don't i hate bayonetta 2 but because i hate the pedantic port begging it's been over a year since we announced we heard you we get it we are just happy that we get to make bayonetta 2 for the patient fans yeah you you know who you should blame jp you should blame nintendo why should you blame nintendo because if there were more we use out there and more people had bought we use there would be less port begging uh i'm gonna go ahead and disagree with her and say no actually we should blame the idiots for not understanding that the game is being funded by nintendo hey man hey maybe
Starting point is 00:45:53 you should blame all the publishers that said bayonetta 2 no thank you exactly well that's in all fairness that was a totally accurate decision while that is 100 true the fact of the matter is is that when i had a ps2 and i didn't own a gamecube every single time i would talk to somebody about rez evil 4 i would say man yeah i wish it would come to the ps2 sure because i'm not gonna buy a game but are you gonna act like a shithead online and go fucking bitching everywhere to the producers directly but i bet about half of those people are just asking the question like hey can you guys put it on the 360 but you have to realize it's the same assholes going where do they get a port killer instinct i don't get i i'm tired of waiting for uncharted on my
Starting point is 00:46:37 xbox i just you know like it's the same maybe ten years you'll get it could happen it's the same jerks that went oh fuck yuko jima doing uh the jammy vu pack on xbone we lost guys we lost those jerks are gonna be jerks forever yes and don't even acknowledge that they exist because you give them power but platinum like is not so i'm not a big guy they're not so big that they're above this shit these same people are all citing like but mass effect came around but mass effect was owned by ea like that's the difference and it was published by microsoft it was but here like uh it's a single exclusive publishing rights for bayonetta that's yeah but that's too granular for most people bayonetta but it's like bayonetta is a type of people that will complain about this
Starting point is 00:47:28 perhaps right that's too granular it's too granular delve into no wait what's the deal bayonetta's tight leathery ass was paid for by owada's pocket yeah he pulled out the chair i wanted to see the animated gif of like owada with a stack of bills just throwing it at it like a bayo gif really great but i was gonna say being a community manager type dude no matter what the situation is i can imagine that getting really really rating i need to deal if this is what he publicly is saying he's losing his mind well like i bet i bet kamea says this stuff all the time best with kamea he can't even handle it anymore yeah he doesn't talk about it no no kamea just yells yeah go ask your mom go ask nintendo do you eat shit nintendo is your mom she eats shit go play zelda on your
Starting point is 00:48:15 playstation yes yeah yeah yeah the other thing i was gonna say about it though is just like um that quote seems kind of like maybe not unreasonable but it's when he says it's been a year yeah is a real like if he said this uh when they initially announced it i was like oh dude let people rage and and whatever all they want but when you say it's been a year i'm like it's been a year it's been a year well the game ain't out so yeah it's gonna continue yeah because it's just straight up it's like he's in his head it's like we you've had more than enough time to stop being dumbasses and understand the people are constantly rediscovering and remembering that's true too i was thinking about that i'm like there's a part of me that is like sort of excited that that many that many people
Starting point is 00:49:00 care about bayonetta no they're just loud no they're just loud they're just yelling but it's still ridiculous how dumb you are when you don't understand a company that his first party is paying for a thing therefore they will never make it to be fair i imagine many of those people don't even actually know that of course not that makes them ignorant not necessarily stupid the amount of posts i see that's like platinum why are you not what why are you losing money on this by making it only for the wii u is baffling i can't because they're not losing money so they're not they're not this is the most vanity project nintendo will fund in ten years well one of one mind of actually oh that's a good one yeah so what so what have we come to people on the internet are shits and
Starting point is 00:49:43 being community managers are well i think it comes to the company being platinum and the company having not huge successes but when people still like people just like fuck you like but what not in them a company that is not rolling in cash but what like ginormous rock stars but what if you're a community company manager for another company that's not rolling in cash a company like commsat good segue good segue i thanks i tried the dina debacle oh let's do it i want to wait isn't the last buckle that the name of the video means buckle was the what i'm not saying the name of the video no i'm saying there's a debacle oh that video's a pile of shit okay all right where everyone's been asking hey best friends i bet you how do you feel about the mighty number
Starting point is 00:50:35 nine situation i love money now only all buy it you you the end you put this on the podcast list of things to talk about i'm gonna assume you have a relatively concise breakdown of events yes quite simply uh the kickstarter at 90 number nine as you know is the successor to mega man did really good commsat is the company kager in a food is the guy behind it right uh there is a girl named dina who has uh basically come into public light as the new community manager for the concept forums and for concept in general yeah yeah uh she made a tweet uh expressing that she wished that there would be better female representation in the game i think it was in her backer thing actually when she backed mighty number nine she said uh you know we're gonna be cool right back
Starting point is 00:51:25 was a lady or black something along those lines yeah um and sure the and then these comments were accompanied with a piece of art that she drew of wish to be fairest kind of it's really bad it's really bad i don't think any of my teacher for one thing it's her art it's not it's not helping her i'm i'm reading the news i was not going to comment on the terribleness of the artwork well that's pretty bad all right so it accompanies her her claims are her statement that yeah the back should be a girl you know and and whatnot or at least there should be there should be better for a better female representation or calls should be playable i think calls should be playable yes there was a couple things but not just is it was a stretch goal calls playable as a mission or
Starting point is 00:52:05 something i think so yeah but it was i think it was the next one or something like we were close no i hated it it was a bonus mission i can't do it all at all some fairly innocuous statements right yeah so uh she gets put uh under the microscope immediately by angry mega man fans and a lot of dudes that are like okay wait who are you a lot of dudes who are like i hate women what is this shit right um so she then like they go through her twitter and and and they're finding everything they could and they they dig it up and they find her saying um oh working on some design sketches today for concepts and everyone goes brah and freaks the fuck out and goes hold on a minute in any situation like no matter what the circumstances is when you hear
Starting point is 00:52:50 that and it's a community manager you're kind of like yeah i can understand going yeah so people dig further and they come to the conclusions that a she basically only got the job because her boyfriend works a concept concept and b um she's apparently contributing to the design team in some way shape or form see uh she claims that at one point that mega man at one point she said mega man x was one of the best games but then later before that but before that i really played i was never really a mega man player so everyone goes why would this non mega man playing person gets and don't forget she's an adherence to sarkeesian feminism yeah and more extreme variants thereof oh sure um so that's that's the basic summary of she's gonna gender swap you hi joe kids hi joe wife your husband
Starting point is 00:53:43 midnight bliss how many community managers you think never played the games that they're the probably the only ones that didn't were the people that actually did i mean were people that used to be in games journalism and then jumped over yeah more or less uh so now we get this whole thing going on and it's like it's caused one hell of a shit storm so i would like to just cover this topic a bit because i think we can have sure reasonable opinions i would agree with that sure right sure okay we want to go around all right yeah we go we'll go around straight up uh looking at this situation it's uh it's pretty much absolute horseshit uh until anything bad happens i mean the lars bed sorry that's just on her twitter so that's fine but like i know something
Starting point is 00:54:37 actually bad happens i'm not going to complain about nothing um today when they elaborated on stuff they said she's not going to be doing any designs she's not going to be doing this she's not going to be biasing stuff and you know the one thing that they pointed out is hey we also read the forums and we do this and that's very true people who work at video game companies do read you know input like it's all one just one person so if she if she does go around spouting i'm air quotes here sarkeesian feminism at them and saying this is what they all want it's the hottest thing on the street then they're all gonna say no that's not true i've been on the forum it's the new hot ticket see and and there were well formed reasonable arguments coming off those
Starting point is 00:55:19 forums uh mighty number i forgot his name number but nobody can remember there was a good guy that wrote up a really long thing that was like okay you framed this in a you know a fairly reasonable light yeah but ultimately yeah what it comes down to is everyone freak like stop freaking the fuck out relax because until it's official that she's doing design work who like who gives a fuck if she's community managing and doing whatever and making these statements i don't care it's not going to affect the game until we see that it's actually affecting the game i i then worry so that's Liam and woolly how do you feel so what it was kind of just what we're talking about with platinum it's like there's a lot of just kind of passionate i would say ignorant people they're just like
Starting point is 00:56:03 especially mega man fans that certain group that's just so passionate about mega man that they'll now jump on anything that's a miss in the mega man universe like what i put my money into this episode there's this tiny thing that could be a thing i don't know i'm gonna freak out plus there's like billion people looking for any opportunity to put kicks on that being hold on i i think we should also we also need to make it very explicitly clear that being said like there's no reason that the mega man tribute game should be a girl main character like no that's not no in the design like that's not what they were advertising that's not what they sold you and that's not what we're saying but there's no under no circumstances i don't think that should
Starting point is 00:56:47 occur at all but that's why it's so unlikely it's so pretty it's such a ridiculous stretch like characters are already been made like yeah fune loves mega man and loves his characters and like designs them as his children if you like unless someone can't just come along and fucking throw something out there and everyone goes yeah unless someone has magic powers they're not gonna just make concept go let's throw out all our work yeah the the other thing i want to say is that on on her side of it some of her tweets or whatever is like if this is your fault because you don't know how passionate and crazy mega man you know what you were getting into and as a community manager you might want to like done that slightly differently personally i don't know if she's a
Starting point is 00:57:42 good fit for the job i don't think that those credentials are the best for someone who should be at a company like concept when you're trying to convince mega man fans that this is all about the mega man i also think you would have to play but that's just that's just me and i'm just saying like regardless of that it doesn't mean that her opinions and who she is is going to affect the game so you don't have to play every single mega man game in the world no complete at all you can't possibly yeah now you guys have dealt with a lot of the reason semi reasonable rebuttals to this whole i want to tackle the unreasonable ones just because the lady has like likes feminist politics she can't work on mega man what are you fucking crazy yeah who cares
Starting point is 00:58:27 what are fucking politics is she's the community manager yeah but like she's not going to affect the game if she is not a producer she's not a director what if it's a lunchtime conversation where she said something that's on a bullet train right within a food egg oh no like saying hey i wish that like i like if saying like hey i wish rock woman was a character that sounds rad that'd be rad wouldn't it rock woman just don't let her design it why not relax yeah don't let her draw it yeah she can't draw oh my god fucking relax this is just this is sarkeesian hatred spillover yeah it's it is just now been frost up it's and is just going everywhere it's almost shameful oh it's so embarrassing it's her it's stirred into the mega man fans are angry because they never got mega
Starting point is 00:59:21 mega man fans are angry because they hate women no just this one percent yeah but like i just said though if you had to pick a community manager for a company like comcept you would hope that everyone that works at the company loves the shit sure yeah man in the same way that you're not going to get a job at bio i mean that's there if you're not a bio that's the second part of it is that there's a lot of fury being pointed at the fact that her boyfriend works at concept supposedly allegedly and she got the community manager job nepotism nepotism sounds really bad and i'm not gonna sit here and defend nepotism but do you know how situations like this actually go they go hey we need a community manager and jimmy says my girlfriend knows how to do that stuff she's pretty good at
Starting point is 01:00:09 it always jimmy and then and then they say fluent in Japanese and she's also fluent in three languages which is the most advantageous thing a community manager and then jimmy's boss says tell her to come her in and we'll do an interview yeah that's and she passes the interview jimmy doesn't say to his boss my girlfriend's getting this job yeah or else i'm gonna kill mega man something else i want calm down when pat tells you to calm down you guys know you're crazy yeah also like i'll bet huge sums of money she's not the community manager for mighty number nine she's the community manager for concept she's got a lot of working on four games and she's got a lot of she's got a lot of work to convince people to buy that fucking ninja god yeah it looks like something oh i forgot
Starting point is 01:00:59 concept was behind yaiba did you not see the announcement oh the announcement yes who's gonna be in yaiba oh back that destroys both franchises it does not shut up so awful as long as they hit on as long as they don't touch my precious sacrifice i know it destroys uses the word not only does it drag back down it drives rio how back looks he looks so awful but he looks so good he looks as good as mega man x does in dead rising three oh my god i don't know i don't know if we've ever talked on camera about yaiba or on microphone that game looks like fucking horseshit that game looks terrible and it has one saving grace and i have no faith that they'll ever do it the saving grace of that game the core concept is that you have to fight rio hayabusa if you get to the end
Starting point is 01:01:57 of that game and rio hayabusa is the final boss and it is unwinnable unwinnable yeah then that game is awesome yeah but they will never ever do that at the same time they would they would make it a fight in which you beat him like beat the boss knock him down and then he goes okay and he gets serious and he kills you in the game although although what is the game recently where you cannot beat the last boss oh god i forget it is soul sacrifice soul sacrifice you can't beat him you die you and soul sacrifice is made by concept okay just to bring it all around but they're made by the thespians at spark unlimited i did not i haven't gotten to the end of it it's made by they are the grunts building the house but in a fune has drawn the immaculate plans um look yaiba like oh
Starting point is 01:02:45 like based on it looks fun look based on the trailers his character and there's the lines he's just fast out of whatever it's offensive they're embarrassing i'm offended but the gameplay might take a you offended pet the line take a suck is in one of those trailers oh yeah it's that is too far looking at the looking at the gameplay and the the mashy slashy like as oh that also looks like garbage but you know what it looks pretty much on the same level that killer is dead yeah or a lollipop chainsaw it's not gonna be fantastically like it's not gonna be revengeance but it'll be fun but in a game like lollipop chainsaw are no more heroes or killer is dead you forgive the average gameplay because the setting and the plot and the writing and the
Starting point is 01:03:31 music is also fucking weird and you're all way and this is like a shitty sea grade ninja fighting zombie like i don't see that at all like i don't see the appeal of the game i don't know i don't know i think i'm gonna walk away from that with like this had unrealized potential but i'm not gonna walk away from it going wow what a turd and then i don't write up until the black character shows up the main character acts towards the female sidekick in the fucking trailer best fucking hope there's no black character in that game that's gonna come out in the general populace we're fart on it and no one will remember it i hope it's good it's gonna be better than bow i also oh how big bow is great i will defend big bow you ever i like it big bow is the hero
Starting point is 01:04:29 of binary domain that's sad big you don't know you don't know because you won't give it a chance makes cold train look like malcom x no malcom x makes big bow look like cold i don't even know what that meant and that's that's mighty number nine this name's boat tang fuck him his eyes are popping out of his head like a that i've seen dudes that look like that dude's just fucking chucking and jiving all over the place that's massive strong whoa hey hey hey hey that doesn't happen that only happens in the couple of god damn he's just got the crazy eye damn oh look that shit cold train uh anyway binary domain is really great it's awesome go play it you're gonna give it a chance one day you're gonna be mad
Starting point is 01:05:27 how wrong you are shit i will not he will not be uh mad he won't be wrong about bow you play me wrong about the game what kills me this dude beats re5 and won't start binary domain yeah re5 is so much worse also the dumb irobot things just look dumb they're so great to shoot they're so great to shoot i know but they still look like they're not snatchers you can't sell me like that no but they doesn't work no but they actually are snatchers that's the crux of the plot is that they're snatchers don't you hate sega aren't you supposed to hate sega i hate sega but he knows what a good game but why you shut your mouth i hate sega but it's a good game i i always right after that we start our never dead playthrough yeah well say that my little did you know
Starting point is 01:06:20 that's something i swear to god i hope content id stops we'll find out soon enough because maybe someone in this room purchased a copy of never dead today i never thought it would be stupid mother fuckers it was not me it's trying to kill the channel now we don't have enough shit going on with this one we didn't get quantum the oh wait we got that too oh god damn it hey what you have any good news on there i also got dark void that's bad that's real bad that like cap got the state of capcom's western developed ips the titles on their own illicit laughter yeah that's real dark big show of faith for them to even make that but right yes but god damn god damn awful execution yeah good news good news good
Starting point is 01:07:18 news good news steam machines have awesome packaging no shit that that is good what is in the packaging a steam box a steam box how much does this with a controller the the current steam box that exists is like 1400 bucks or some shit right i think that's the super high end ones that yeah if you're gonna get a steam box you're gonna get a super well what they say the price range is started at 600 yeah yeah my but you're getting like a ps4 level one my my stance on steam box is wait like unless you own all the linux games which is what like 40 that are on steam that are on linux uh is here's my question is the steam controller available for purchase on its own no it is not i don't know i don't think it's in the box because they only made the 300 like
Starting point is 01:08:05 they assembled them because i would be surprised i have i have a very expensive pc that is hooked up to a title right about this several times which is which makes it a steam box i would love to get one like by default right but you just bought a ps4 controller yeah you should have enough but the steam controller does something different it's interesting the steam controller lets you play mouse and keyboard only games with a controller yes so it lets me hopefully do stuff like play nights of the old republic 2 with a controller which would be which is actually really awesome i want to see how that works on like a good old point of click and and oh it probably works fine yeah that that would be the selling point it's really heavy action games that it would just
Starting point is 01:08:47 completely fall apart of course first person shooters and dota and shit like that and shmups are you fucking fighters and anything with with um input precision but but so video games but stuff like shadowrun returns it worked perfectly stuff like uh pillars of eternity or torment or you know stuff like that but anything that you had to pop a quarter into back in the day fuck it you can't play that shit yeah oh man well you can play tempest really don't worry about our golf links or whatever that yeah that's so yeah that's so exciting well definitely it's so exciting you can you could play like old like kids quest games well with a controller and it would be fine i think you would you would need a keyboard also to type stuff in but you would be playing it
Starting point is 01:09:31 like people play like uh funnel fantasy 11 um i i think it's not that controller i think it's really cool but like you know i think it's not worth buying one until you're paying 400 bucks for like a ps4 level one i want because until then you're just buying a machine until see machines become more normalized yeah and the the deals get better and the margins like get better so that they get cheaper and the support gets better too you should just buy a goddamn pc yeah or build a pc yeah and hook it up into your television i want to feel what that that special tactile pseudo tactile feedback oh dude i will i will have them i will be buying steam controllers for your instant i can yeah and i'll be buying several because you're a fucking paranoid mess i
Starting point is 01:10:20 don't know if anybody knows this but i got i got like a backup set of good controllers i have i have one set of open second player controllers and then i have boxed brand new controllers sitting on the shelf for when the new ones get kind of granny really shot that you don't have a fireplace that when you notice the box has a scuff on it i live i live in an apartment patch that kid running from the toys the rest with as many wavebirds in his hands as he can carry if i falling out behind if i had if i had a game cue all was coming out we're all doing that if i had a game cue i would absolutely be a person who owns like 10 wavebirds because because as soon as it became clear that they were gonna go away i said well i'm never gonna not want to use this for this
Starting point is 01:11:16 shit stock up get four extras yeah then i aren't the don't even open well as soon as the vita 1000 starts getting kind of dodgy to find i'm picking a spare one up well you'll pick the vita team yeah first hopefully well i'm gonna get that too but yes in case i don't like the pch 2000 i'll play the first don't get the p that see that's the problem but no i am don't get the 2000 but i am because people really like it i had that same moment where i was looking online at the white vita in case i broke my current vita well you know what just in case well there might be a solution for you well no this is not a solution no we don't know yet wait are you segwaying into the thing or the other thing i don't which wow the thing nice nice jinx good job now matt can't talk
Starting point is 01:12:05 what um there might be a solution to everyone's woes forever maybe if this thing turns out to be what it advertises itself as chronus max it's a usb dongle that you plug into your ps4 or your x-bone or any console that came before that with a usb slot and it lets any controller work with any controller no i don't believe that right the right the ps4 is this lag-free that's the thing is right now the it's super laggy right now they're claiming that it's lag-free but they're not like giving the exact number because there has to be a number there's always it has to be a number underneath 17 milliseconds um so we don't know under under what is it 24 milliseconds whatever nerf so this previously under 30 so the first version of this existed yeah and uh did have
Starting point is 01:12:56 lag problems for the 360 and the ps3 uh now there's this new version that works with everything they're claiming so i could plug a ps3 stick into a ps4 the video shows a dude plugging a ps4 controller into killer instinct and playing with it well then and then he plugs in a mad cat's te stick 360 into his xbox one okay and it works and i went hmm i would like you to follow this closely yes oh you fucking better believe it along with all the arcade sticks you and i own i need this and should be fixed soon this is like i mean acquiring a ki stick is a kind of a hard thing to do map can jump in through who how many arcade sticks do you own woolly including the ones i've made like that work once apparently work in my house right now there are five i have four okay i need
Starting point is 01:13:51 it i got three i want a goddamn solution to use these arcade sticks going forward yes now there is there is one that does require work which is open it up and pad hack it yeah that's messy but it's doable it's messy but doable if this thing turns out to be great then it'll be all you need right i just want to play crimson dragon with my dj hero controller it'll happen i can't wait there is there is a video that they put up a dj hero control what's the famous thing again cronus max cronus max yes now there's a video they put up of um uh side by side uh what is it it's like a controller into console directly yeah modern warfare like moving the stick around left and right yeah and then controller into cronus max into console uh same thing and it's identical
Starting point is 01:14:42 okay see that is pretty you said it's called duty yes that uh that means it if they're gonna do that kind of demonstration it must means unless they fake the footage yeah right it means that it's lag free because call of duty is a game you can test just by looking at video and you can't that's the thing is like yeah with and you can look at video for fighting games as well yeah listen to the button call of duty is particularly useful because of you can pan it you can tell where so that's so that's the thing i'm like the fact that they put that out there makes me go like okay there they know who they're trying to sell on this yeah they're all sold out super hard of course they are everywhere it's like i only made 30 it was on sale i'm looking at it right now sold out everywhere
Starting point is 01:15:25 thanks for telling us i know it's just a tiny little usb dog and unfortunately now everybody knows about it so it'll be harder to get even more okay no okay people listening to this well if when we get them we'll tell you about it and if it works so stop trying to buy it so that we can get it first shut up you guys we'll do a fucking stupid review and the review will be it works or it doesn't work yeah because to be fair it's 2013 almost 2014 yeah how do we not have the perfect universe how hasn't this happened yet it's probably not enough generations with usb i guess considered like can all the console makers and publishers be like stop it stop selling oh they can patch it out if they wanted to yes you can wake up you can wake up one morning and have your
Starting point is 01:16:17 device totally like patched out legally they can't block you because you're just plugging a usb thing into a usb thing right but it's the same thing as like but but but but they but both new consoles ps4 and three and uh xbone have the ability to deny yes i know yeah peripherals as they see fit yeah it would be weird for them to block this yeah it would be bizarre but they came i how much does this fucking thing cost 70 bucks christ man they know their market yep yeah because it's do i buy another 150 to 250 dollar arcade stick you know i buy this 70 little dog i should buy seven of these i should buy um set i i would end up buying three well because because right the dream world is what's your favorite controller of all time uh you get to use it on whatever console you want
Starting point is 01:17:10 james cask controller oh wait wait you said best sorry that meant worst uh yeah uh uh way a bird way station four way bird it's great it's kind of but it's usb only the controllers sure i'm the same way bird it's it's kind of am i the only one who's gonna say ps2 you said it was usb only yeah no no yes it's asking the general question no i'm not saying what you want oh just general oh boy yeah when you get a ps4 eventually and you you start trust me i'm extremely used to the ps4 controller okay more than you okay i'm and it's great go back to the ps2 controller it's the ps2 four controller is great uh it's you can't go back i really don't like secondary gun trigger l2 and r2's they're they're are you serious they're a million times better i don't like them he
Starting point is 01:18:01 doesn't like them i don't they that is a big problem for me i know why because you don't play any games in which gun shoot shoot shoot yeah shoot bangs don't matter i agree fully though i had for just having buttons buttons please yeah buttons please but i like the dualshock four better eat eat i you know i can see that argument but even you must admit that those triggers especially compared to the fucking ps3 triggers oh my god and that's not even a really big compliment to the ps4 triggers it's mainly just the ongoing shitting on of the dualshock three's unbelievable i was gonna say like i i i how did you fuck up the dualshock three after the ps2 controller and then moving on to like when they had ps3 i would have totally agreed
Starting point is 01:18:45 with you just like oh god just give me back the clicky button for fuck's sake clicky click when they have to sell like a piece of plastic that you just stick on your l2 and r2 and it doesn't compensate it doesn't even fix the biggest problem which is that it's like the anyway you're okay clearing that palette wow so what's the new double dragon game that was announced this way fair enough i'll take my lumps i read that wrong the article was weirdly written but i i you read you read the words and so let's let's get it out of here all right uh sony pictures oh god is on a website registration bender oh somebody needs to stop them because they can't stop they won't stop because apparently we all wanted to see a sonic movie okay yes so
Starting point is 01:19:38 everyone stop everything on the internet please sony pictures registers sonic the hedgehog movie dot com wait what sony right yeah so yeah okay yeah yeah sega pic there's no sega pictures was because sony pictures stupid has a history of doing animation oh yeah bad animation they made uh hey guys so fox did that what did they do see me just stick it with me guys i don't think so did they we all need to we all need to remember something with the incoming shit storm that is the sonic movie and that is the sonic style is not furry no right uh they did open season and they did the smurfs oh oh yeah i don't even know what season you think he's gonna fuck a human lady like he did in sonic 2006 just big out hedgehog it was a graphic sex with port like port like prick yeah wick
Starting point is 01:20:43 yeah pricks man everywhere get plague on the job oh he'd do it he's got the script written that just that scene what's that there did he put out did he put out that new video he's been working on on wednesday oh i watched all i watched it oh my god it's the stupidest fucking thing in the world it's dumb it's those epic dumb oh yeah it's great that's good man like i don't know what that is yet i i'm i can't wait it's gonna be huge anyone who is familiar with plague of gripes one of our part-time animators an all-around weird country guy love you you should check out his channel in the coming days because there is something huge coming it's pretty huge it's pretty huge big huge it's big it's huge uh sony pictures continues their crazy website bender they register the
Starting point is 01:21:35 last of us movie dot com i'll watch that yeah yeah that's i'll watch the show of that because the movie of that will be awful starring ellen page watch it all come around to allow it to be fucked up watch you'll never do it because you think i don't want to associate myself with video games ever again know me guys did i watch myself did i talk about ellen page last week but i had a weird weird weird moment this week with ellen page yeah you said something weird i ran out of that time you man and that's watching trailer park boys and seeing ellen page's first acting role when she's like 14 years old oh really mr lehi's daughter what and that was her and it is so goddamn weird watching that now oh after just playing beyond i bet because she's killing it she's super good wow i've
Starting point is 01:22:28 got to go back and see that it's also weird seeing a hot lady when they're young because you know that she'll be hot later she's too young now hold yourself back creepy yeah you go back you watch those full house reruns don't you know i do know uncle jesse still just as hot man yeah he's ageless all right cast joel go cast him right around michael fastbender antonio benderis fuck off oh that's so good real answers michael fastbender i agree with you guys he's oh um jesse dean morgan the guy that played the comedian and um oh and uh and watch watchman that's not bad that's that's that's not not an obvious go to i don't know i don't know my i kind of usually have cop on answers and i say pick an unknown because an unknown look this movie theoretically would get made it won't
Starting point is 01:23:25 be an unknown yeah joel will not be an unknown well if ellen page were i'm really leaning towards fastbender and i think he was a good pick i mean he could probably grow up the beard and play play the role but i feel like his face is a bit too like like strong jawed like kind of like villainish i don't know see you're focusing on your focusing on his previous roles i know and no but not not just that is like the the best actor for a character like joel doesn't necessarily have to look exactly like joel that's that's the problem everyone always falls into with comic book movies and game movies but more importantly than that if they were smart they'd do last of us but it wouldn't be joel and heli it would be a different story that's not that story that's why in the same place
Starting point is 01:24:16 that's why i think it would be it would be much better material for a show but but then it wouldn't maximize the money box dammit you mean you get from you mean like the tomb raider movies are exactly the same as the tomb raider plot no but you mean how the resident evil movies are the same as the resident evil plot because they feature the same main characters yeah as bit roles to its own original plot which is why this would have joel and ellie doing not the things from the game unfortunately a show so much better but the whole point of them paying for this license would be to show those faces what show was it it was getting shopped around where it was like all technology went away all electricity went away oh it was like 40 years later it looked a lot like how last of us yeah i
Starting point is 01:25:00 forget i know everything just goes out the power goes out basically power goes out everywhere nobody and that's it sure uh and it seems like a good concept and then you look at the trailer wow they're gonna ruin this is it going anywhere is it that's it sonica last of us no no no nobody else what else you got and of course the the the other big announcement it being venom and sinister six a venom movie and a sinister six movie so new pictures can't stop won't stop man we talk about this they're doing everything now we talked about how they're going nuts with spider man amazing and then we're like where are the symbiotes what are they gonna do with that what they should do etc so on so and they just went no fuck it we're making a venom we got their license for this thing
Starting point is 01:25:40 in particular it was the article i saw was sony announces the spider man cinematic universe right oh fuck everything right because since sony'll inspire man like for now they want to build their own avengers that sounds like venom would have an entire spin off with no spider depending on how successful oh now here's the thing right back in the day venom couldn't be done because of the technicalities where fox owned the venom license why and they never did anything with it because then they lost the license they were gonna do a venom movie fox so and that so the symbiotes eventually did happen when they reacquired those rights and but it now you know the whole story yeah that's all bullshit and now it's like okay so do we do amazing spider man three
Starting point is 01:26:25 words him on versus venom the thing that everyone wants no venom's too big in his own right also the last time we got that worked out real good well but the thing about this is that iron man iron man two i was literally about to say i was literally about to say why just make the avengers when you can make the avengers and iron man and thor totally totally right so they're going for the full you can sell tickets on a mediocre movie because people want to be up to date for the good one yeah also fox hired mark malar to oversee all of fox am i a man am i an asshole for every time i read that guy's name i i say i say no worse than that my my brain goes mark miller and then i go no wait it's mark of miller but they hired him to to oversee all their
Starting point is 01:27:20 fox spider uh superhero movies now i bet you marvel pictures is just like fuck we can't wait for the moment we can reclaim this license of course because they're gonna do it we're using just it's the worst deal that's ever been made but until the until those papers are signed so and in case and in case in case and fox is going to hold on to x-men in case people are unaware the deals with x-men and spider man and marvel gave away are under the conditions that as long as sony and fox keep keep making movies the rights will never revert back to marvel so uh fox strangely enough didn't make more daredevil movies so those rates reverted to marvel as well as punisher but as long as they keep going it is a it is a deal that says we only get it back
Starting point is 01:28:14 once you've ruined it yes yeah oh my god what is and you know what they did ruin it both franchises and they didn't give it back because they said fuck it we're gonna try again oh that means said days of future past looks fucking awesome yeah and and um what the one before that uh first class first class was actually good right but you know it would be way better i couldn't believe it was good but it was good you know what it would have been way better though than that is if spider man was in the avengers of course but that would actually happen yeah that would be amazing i would give away all that shit to have wolverine and spider man in the avengers those avengers though like they've moved away from that shut up i hate comics and i love that shit if they can get a civil
Starting point is 01:29:01 war happening at some point oh yeah fucking wow man that's sick planet hulk do planet hulk uh you you must not have heard rumors i don't hear rumors because comics are dumb what rumors going around for a while now that they're basically planning to make a plan no no no i saw those rumors and then marvel just shot them down like no no you're not planning to plan a whole we have hulk is in our range of excuse me while i go to the corner and punch my boner to be fair is you need like the entire avatar crew to do that yeah you do because that's the only way you need jimmy cams need jimmy cams imagine if he just said i'm not doing ghost in this shell fuck galley i'm doing planet hulk don't you mean that uh battle angel not ghost in the shell no both he's doing
Starting point is 01:29:57 both are you fucking serious he's doing ghostly he's mentioned ghost in the shell but he's planning to do galley galley he's battle angel lead the same thing gunna man gunna the girl's name is galley and if you recall james can was the first guy that was said make give us a spider man script back in 94 and he gave some bullshit stupid thing that stomps more on the comics than anything we've ever seen spider man was gonna grow like dicks and legs and shit it was crazy that would have been awesome that would have been awesome yeah like but instead we're gonna get three more avatars like tim burton superman maybe yeah tim burton superman skin suit oh god i just saw that picture recently again of nicolas cage wearing the nipple superman uh show every outline of your
Starting point is 01:30:43 scrotum what that suit god damn fuck are you guys talking about tim burton comic books tim burton isn't so close to happening liam's right tim burton was assigned to make a super uh superman movie nicolas cage was gonna play superman there's a photo of nicolas cage trying on the costume now think about the later batman costumes one of the nipples and the butts and the cheeks and the butt zooms and think about that five times worse but superman on nicolas cage that was what the go listen to kevin smith uh evening hard oh kevin smith wrote the movie too oh it's that one yeah it's that one i i i've read i i've listened to that yeah oh man i love the idea that massamin shiro is just like i don't care how busy he is if if cameron wants to do my thing he can take he
Starting point is 01:31:30 can do it on his deathbed yeah i'm not going to give it to anyone else it's gonna be forever on his deathbed like direct the movie he's like but death no but i won't give it to anybody else i'll wait for jimmy i'm gonna wait for james for james cameron all right because it's been on his to-do list for like a decade now it's i was in high school i gotta go make i gotta go make more billions of dollars off the furries how's that feel will he get instead of now if you could make billions of dollars off the furries right now i'm working on it i'm working on it man we're making a lot to sonic video so why not i believe it's being mean and reminding us about the fact that we got stood up but by what by people we got stood up by two people this weekend two important people
Starting point is 01:32:12 stood us up yeah sick burn we can't say where they are because then that would be mean and then they might not be with us again do not stand us up a second because we still want to be their friend didn't happen to me but but the guy on sunday yeah with you and me he he got back to me he's like yeah my i was waiting for my friend i had to pick him up he never showed up so i was i couldn't get back oh he's cool so he was just trying to not be a shit to his other friend or he's lying but i don't think he was uh oh you guys look so heartbroken yeah it's fine oh we're making connections with people in the industry you know what's awesome no when saccharized shows up and goes stop making rumors about my shit fuck off you german rumor mongers
Starting point is 01:32:55 smash is not coming out until i say it is but then he just said it tweets it's coming on 2014 yeah yeah but not so December 31st so it's 2014 some german site tried to come out it's coming out it's coming out in spring and like saccharite is like nip that shit in the bud fuck it like it's coming down in the spring fuck but that's the classic trick yeah as you say hey we're going out because you want the response and then the response is like shut up you don't know it's 2014 i guess yeah which we all knew that's the kind of thing well nintendo announced to its shareholders when they were like hey how come the wee you and uh iwata is like so the shareholders are just fry kid from the sims yeah hey how well who else would invest in the wee you i can't invest in the wee
Starting point is 01:33:45 hey guys a girlfriend she killed me hey guys when this is a smash comment and iwata is like please understand it'll be 2014 yeah and then the fry kid's like oh god this thing's i gotta put my money into the vita oh come here vita why do i keep doing this to myself oh no priso 2 is never going to put some money into the wee you now no invest in the mojo oh man we're all idiots moving right along when we all talked about the sequel to the uya how the fuck did we miss the two yeah all the shit i know somebody pointed that out to me i couldn't believe how stupid we are we're shits we're stupid we're dumb shits we're sorry uh but the the other sequel to the uya being the mojo what so the mojo is the mad cat's console oh fuck this you don't remember fuck this micro
Starting point is 01:34:40 console bullshit it was cool and raspberry pi did it but guess what the mojo is real now it exists and it's on sale wait what you can purchase it not on shelves but it's that come out of nowhere you can purchase this online right now what is it what is it it plays android games google play and the amazon app store so garbage so phone games it is in all fairness there are good games oh they're totally good games on my phone but they are in a wealth of shit now but this is just more importantly it's just like every open marketplace but you didn't ask me the important question how much does it cost oh how much does it cost drum roll please wait you know it doesn't have cool slashes on it so this is an android micro console and it's going to be going for
Starting point is 01:35:26 250 dollars oh shut up no that got worse as you were saying it i thought you were just gonna say 200 no 250 you're gonna fucking win you for 300 exactly for 50 bucks more you got yourself the console of the generation well i got this goddamn phone with the like two three year plan it only cost me 150 no for 150 less you'll get a beta soon so like what's the far process why is this i said that you that we use the console of the generation you get you get a 2ds not for you get a 2ds for half price yeah you get two 2ds unadulterated that's a bad what is the thought process why would you make such a console because these are the same this is the same madcats that unfortunately made the ki exclusive only one console stick and it's like these guys are getting
Starting point is 01:36:16 a little bit out of hand they are madcats has gotten a lot of money recently there's there's a word i'm looking for hubris no it's it's a it's a factor of hubris but it's short-sightedness yeah they say hey look at the little micro console market we can do that no you can't it's it's uh it's gonna be their you draw tablets plus it's a bad idea yeah i think one of the major contributors of it was like let you know as much as people don't like you yeah i'm not even gonna go into that there was clearly a demonstrated interest in that type of product totally i almost got one and at that time madcats must have said look holy shit look at how much money is getting poured into this we can kick the shit out of those and they started work and theirs is better
Starting point is 01:37:00 theirs is stronger and faster it would not be hard and and the uya only has its marketplace because that was a neat idea but that's not working out and this one has you know the whole android app marketplace and stuff and they were just like let's beat it and they were working on it wow the uya was still becoming and then they got to a point where somebody said how much does it cost $250 so this monstrosity cost $250 i'm ruined i'm ruined uh but what if i told you it's the homer basically yeah i can only what if i told you though that the console was a bust of mark man on his forehead i can only think that they're just banking on the expansion of mobile games
Starting point is 01:37:55 which it's a thing you know it's a thing as much as you know the profits may not be soaring like people are still making and it would have been a move that to bank and capitalize on that if as stated earlier they sold it for less than half of that i spoke with you said no controller earlier i said yeah go for a hundred with no controller because they've been nice looking controller god damn mobile explosion of the mobile market is in the title it's because it's mobile it's because it's on your phone and it's a phone in their pocket sure also you're carrying around the mojo in your pocket it's based on inexpensive games like you don't drop premium console prices on the icon and part of the other draw of the mobile market is is ironically one
Starting point is 01:38:38 of the draws of the pc market is in two years you get a new better faster one and all the games keep up with it and target that well what i was gonna say this is a fairly like powerful thing it's a tigra four so it's not you know it's not gonna outclass your xbox or anything but it's a tigra four but the iphone seven will kick the shit out of sure but there will be 10 games that actually use the iphone sevens yeah it's totally this is actually a fairly cheap into mobile gaming if there are ever good games on it yeah you know i'm kind of fascinated by this it's second tier underground shit generation yeah yeah it's really versus mojo i feel there's a trilogy happening underneath the real tiger electronic games i feel that these are like the alternatives
Starting point is 01:39:26 there are now four like console war places or whatever you have your your sony's in your microsoft's in your nintendo's then you have those same people in the handheld space who are competing with the mobile space who are competing with the fucking new underground shit consoles and then way over there is the pc just going oh we got steam machines i guess you want to play does anybody want to come over here it's like you rich people you come on it's like it's like those civil wars that unfortunately happen to take place in the 40s yeah or it's like no one's gonna remember your shit i'm sorry a world war is going on oh man what a fucking yeah this reminds me so much of the gizmodo and the end gauge yeah wonder swan and the wonder swan and the wonder swan color and just
Starting point is 01:40:27 that happens with handheld don't forget that god new geoconselt no i was about to say the pocket color though where people but the but the new one the brand new one where companies saw the gameboy advance and the nintendo ds fucking explode like nothing had ever exploded and said let's get on that or in the case of gizmodo say let's run a money laundering scheme for the swedish mob and that worked out great yeah so we need to see you go i mentioned this video before but when the angry game it was talking about a tiger electronic games the tiger came out with the r-zone which are the reference oh my god the r-zone came out the same year as the virtual boy so what it was was tiger saying this is going to be the new hot ticket see red and black games you play coasty
Starting point is 01:41:13 eyeballs so they saw the virtual boy like just in case this blows up led to a thing and then they come out with it it's the worst console of all time like it's an equivalent way worse than the virtual also and they're all he says this is a shitty virtual boy yes i said that and they all came to it with weird like busted reasonings the uya wanted to like solve the game this industry a noble a noble goal that they utterly failed on the shield is because then nvidia fucking lost all the next gen contracts right and and means that amd is going to be making so much money more than they are over the next ten years the shield is fucking sad and then the mojo is mad cats continued expansion into weird irrelevance that they really don't need to do can we just push the
Starting point is 01:42:05 dug tiger game on the channel oh no push press the dug button no what does the dug button do dug has been content i did push full house the tiger game i can't believe that exists you play as michelle i think speaking of things that no one wants guess what the only franchise at the 38 studios auction oh yeah that didn't sell i wonder did it begin with an a everything sold didn't technically begin with a k or a c or a c everything sold except for amalur i don't know what now which we were told was a billion dollar franchise now that's a lot of money lost a lot of money here's the deal now i know some people out in the industry may not be happy with how we talk about engines and technical stuff oh you saw and we'll decline to okay well
Starting point is 01:43:05 before i go let's just go into that yeah like woolly and i saw a guy on the facebook get so fucking mad at us because our discussion of telltale's engine yes was not 100 percent accurate because we did not work at because we don't work a fucking telltale like he did and he worked there apparently instead of deciding to explain to us how their engine worked he decided to admonish us for being more and said don't talk about shit you don't know well so let's just not give you pins on if you want to make us look dumb right in the explanation and we will read it and we will be smarter we want to learn now i want to learn all that disclaimer being said and also i'm not a game developer the Copernicus sale of the billion dollar mmo i'm utterly unshocked
Starting point is 01:43:52 that that didn't sell because the scope of an mmo like who would you want to fucking just like here's somebody else's mmo that they made now work on it like where does what go anywhere like why would you release an mmo now you could you could sure but you could use the assets yeah but are the assets alone worth the cost of what the mmo is being sold part is that what i what i know of it from stuff yeah is really cool but if you're gonna invest that heavily you're gonna want to make you're not gonna drop uh much coin on someone who wasn't the worst on Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning was that big huge games that was big huge do they exist they are no longer they no longer exist now if big huge games continue to exist the sequel to Amalur would have been picked
Starting point is 01:44:44 up no problem because they would have said just do it that game sold pretty well actually the sequel to Amalur was Copernicus no there was also a sequel like a single player sequel to Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning 2 that was also on the auction block and did not sell and it did not sell because there's no team to fucking make it right right if the team still existed and it was waking indie games or some shit they would have taken they would have said buy this get the dudes make the mega sequel like the thq auction yeah yeah yeah yeah crytech walked off with home in front because it's it's like and you'll be walked up with patrice in their back pocket they're there there's like inside of their back pocket super
Starting point is 01:45:29 super sad that this like new very interesting ip is now completely fucking dead and gone but like those were huge like who would want to buy that there's a space there's a space out there for an amalur type game where it's like the scale of an mmo world right like or i mean it's not like skyrim or anything in terms of like how huge it is by comparison now yeah but it's still a massive rpg world sure where you have visuals that are a bit like world of warcraft ish and combat that's action i mean there's a space for that darksiders didn't even get picked up out of the thq auction did it sure fucking wait who got it nor did games who the fuck is that they are a public a big publisher slash money people up in nord yeah or land um and they said swiss garland they said that
Starting point is 01:46:18 all these licenses we bought we want to bring them to fruition with as many of the original developers as we can okay but they can't because most of those it's not going to be easy but at least they're trying most of it up to different places sure fucking wait for capcom and square annex to go fucking bankrupt and see like just to see who gets what from the remand nintendo gets megaman snk picks up street the idea of that because snk has been on the verge of death for so long that they're used to it it's like a poor person it's really really good at eating out of the garbage right now it's like being in the hot tub you get used to like rich guy a rich lawyer who's about to lose his life when snk gets his food fighter license i am just walking into the ocean
Starting point is 01:47:13 like odysseus his wife just walking along the beach and i'm gone as you go you're like shredding your clothes off just tears of blood platinum i still don't know if it's good platinum buys back okami and beautiful joe they got a little bit crying on hand maybe not don't make crying but they'll get the other three oh a grasshopper gets killer seven back yeah student 51 specifically said capcom will not let me get it back give resident evil to fucking not okay tango tango yeah give us evil to tango i hate thinking about my favorite franchises as being held but i don't like that give give strider to platinum give give no yes give street fighter to dimps everything would be better if capcom died well no to be on to be fair no because ea
Starting point is 01:48:16 what is dimps done on their own i don't know do you not remember they made a fighting game rumblefish the rumblefish the rumblefish the rumblefish you asshole that's true though uh yeah no i i'm weirded out by that world i feel like we could have an entire podcast about well get ready because that world is called although i should flag them by as you as you mentioned strider and and like places that can go how'd you find those new remixes they're pretty good they're great they're like not kaufman quality but they're they they released um all the new remixes of strider for the new double helix strider i wish i'm not even passingly familiar with striders music you know one song do i it's raid the one song you know is the the main song clearly
Starting point is 01:49:04 this mysterious man at double helix is very good at music yes however oh however please be simon vic lund the one the one track the main track raid that everyone knows is the one that's not better than the original oh it's totally that's and that's the support that's like if you did a streets of rage remakes and fucked up go straight i know i what or bionic commando and you fuck up the main bionic commando theme you know which didn't happen did not happen in fact they made three versions of it i was gonna say big rap same that's the only thing in that game that was good except for the rest of the entire game he means beyond re-orange i'm not talking about re-orange i'm talking about you you just said bionic command but the remix but i'm talking about
Starting point is 01:49:45 remix the music obviously i'm talking about re-arms got a point simon vic lund i love you make more musics sure i think the last thing he made was the final fight double impact which is really good but i think it's the last thing you made the third strike oh no and the other guy from street fighter four he didn't do the third strike simon vic lund did the third strike oh the new third strike remixed yeah online oh that's fucking badass you didn't know that no i didn't know why they're so amazing some of them are better some of them are not as good try finding try the the new version of beats in my head yeah it's so slick they're all fine but some of them i don't find are as good as the originals but then there's something that that blow the originals i feel like and then
Starting point is 01:50:27 the fucking title track knock you out oh so good that was by that weird Swedish rapper not that's exactly what i needed i'm gonna knock you out all right cap i wish we played that swedish rapper yeah i wish i wish we played third strike more often we should we hey guys we should play third strike we should just stop making videos like of other games and just upload third strike matches and like 30 listeners right now are just like fuck yeah i'm down they're like i'm down we're all okay with this let's do a weekly third strike thing speaking about fighting talk about girls we like i like Eleanor Makoto's pretty cute i like Q he's a girl to me Q is delicious unfortunately i uh the the other side of this treat by all three online coin
Starting point is 01:51:24 is the online marvel vs capcom 2 edition and ultimate marvel vs capcom we're getting a patch any day now guys uh combo fiend came out and went good news everybody there's a sale on mvc2 and umvc and what a way to phrase it and why that is because it seems like the marvel license is being lost again and those games have to go offline that's crazy for just the purchase on xbl a dns psn yeah and they can't print new copies you can't get new copies but if you own it on disc as you should what about jill and shuma everyone who cares go buy jill and shuma now or forever rest your because you want to buy jill or shuma well if you care about the game i know i know a serious shuma player and i know a serious jill player and they're they're really good and they're super
Starting point is 01:52:22 paced every time a copy doesn't happen of course well they should have picked characters that capcom valued um but no let me ask you when's this going to happen this is happening the 18th and 19th that is tomorrow that is tomorrow and the day after let me ask you a question do you own marvel 2 already marvel 2 i do i don't own ultimate at all not in any way either do i go fucking buy a disc i'm gonna before you can i can i can i buy jill and shuma on psn right now without the game absolutely then i will do that and i'll buy a disc i don't even care that much about ultimate marvel either do i but i like the ability to go hey i'd like to fuck around with ultimate marvel yeah so that way what you're telling me is you've never really seen or played virgil ever damn
Starting point is 01:53:15 dude he's fucking virgil i know but it's he returned i know but it's he returned and you weren't there well he should have been in a good game shut up it's amazing piece of shit i hope no one buys that shirt okay so we meet everyone fuck the shirt that shirt is probably the better side yeah me and woolly know a guy and we were talking about what were we talking about on facebook um he was talking about how great a game called i don't know jojo all star battle is yeah at least it's not as bad and as broken as marvel through the words of facebook i saw woolly just freaking out at that idea uh yeah anyway the fgc is weird i should go back to jojo now that is better speaking of well or i should wait till it comes out and the patches are all in and when it's a better
Starting point is 01:54:13 game we will see what's up yep and we will see that we are stupid yep problem hopefully if it's a better game and you know what i can already tell you that now that i have a frame of reference for what's happening on screen i care a lot more yeah you it makes so much more sense now but that being said guess who's showing up in j star's victory oh yeah jojo talk about your segues and his song hello jojo uh yeah jonathan and joseph joestar are joining the cast of j star's jojotaro not jojotaro i guess i guess because j's because the anime is hot right now i guess because jump star whatever the f**k this is is more about tv and hotness hey you should know who jojotaro is you've had the anime only went up to part two well the one in the 90s you don't know about that
Starting point is 01:55:04 one of the 90s didn't so one of the 90s jumped by the way is all of manga not that's weird yes well the anime is hot right now it is absolutely four months until part three is on uh for those who don't know j stars versus j stars victory versus victory versus is a it's a show and jump fighting game an arena brawler it's got your anime dudes in it it's got goku in there yeah monkey luffy d for kiss three beat up monkey luffy monkey luffy and tory's got luffy luffy luffy luffy the tory go yeah f**k that guy tory goes great tory go yeah he's really cool the the god hunting hunt for your food i hate that thing why be the world's greatest i feel like this is the most generic thing ever it's not though i don't know man i read a couple pages about that manga that's
Starting point is 01:55:55 all about like wine drinking and decanting oh super god so yeah droplets of god or whatever and i was like okay hold on a minute japan can do it manga can make anything seem cool japan can do it but what i hear about that i'm like just stop making things like it's too ridiculous just make more creepy pornography using copyrighted characters she takes a sip of the wine and you turn the page and you're gonna spread it she's in a field of flowers and then the main guy is like but wait it's not just the field but there's a cave and if you go through the cave you see two swans and a hidden lake but here's what i think i think of two guys staring in tending goes he doesn't know about my wine tasting technique that's like a shot of their eyes
Starting point is 01:56:44 through poses like it's ridiculous decanting from such a height yeah japanese media is ridiculous the only thing that's kind of cool and also like a super bummer at the same time and they did this with the recent uh common writer batch ride wars game was there's a there's a version of the game that's 70 bucks that's the normal one that i ordered yeah and there's the hundred dollar like big dick one and you get big big dick g edition and you get the theme songs in that one oh yeah in the game in the 70 dollar my god just like with camon rider in the 70 dollar one you get generic themes composed for this and in the hundred dollar why don't you get asterisk and sono chino i don't i don't know if that's i don't know if that's awful or amazing it's because you know those
Starting point is 01:57:37 that music sweet fucking costs a lot exactly it probably costs like half the development of the game there's a reason it costs that much more so the idea in my head is is like what would that game look like if all 60 or 70 dollar copies had that music yeah would they just strip out half the cast yeah it's a big cast right because you understand that they paid for so much for these yeah because because we talked about it before but licensing music and voices anime characters in japan is disgusting it's not so many things are coming now that was like the reason why we still have rival schools right when you're playing voice acting when you're playing tatsunoko versus capcom and karras jumps on screen with his theme plays yeah that's the money that's what you spent
Starting point is 01:58:26 it for that feeling you get of that song at the same time is the greatest and if you took that away you know and it's one of those situations where the guys are standing around saying man for the money we spent on karras's theme we could put three more characters in yeah and then everyone around him says yeah it was worth it sonochino sarame that song is so good i know how you're gonna not put that in put down the show notes i think i'm gonna cancel my order just like to the song but i think i'm gonna cancel just for the hundred dollar version you should speak it you're never gonna be happy with the old one that's how i think i'm gonna regret this till i die i'd like if they put the asterisk i don't know about that it's a good song do you think they put the asterisk romantic
Starting point is 01:59:11 version in there too i i man that costs money i like the hundred thirty dollar version oh there's a romantic version of sonochino sarame no it's the asterisk okay the bleach opening theme the first bleach oh jeez no but the first intro song was really good it was really good it was really good it fooled us it fooled us i think the bleach was awesome it fooled me into watching almost two hundred episodes of bleach that was way beyond that first song shut up uh that reminds me this is you mentioned marvel like i think we never talked about three months ago they're like yeah no new i can't buy uh tatsunuku all stars anymore all stop bridging them oh it's good it's gonna be american version oh okay i should probably order that shocking sure yeah we should all probably
Starting point is 01:59:53 order that now except i have my japanese and american copies of that okay so i'll buy the american version off of you i'm super no no because no that's i want my fighting games forever oh bury me with my my fucking fighting game you can't take it with you woolly no i don't know you can just dig up your grave and we will i'll find a way to play marvel in heaven just you wait i'll figure it out in heaven you won't need to play marvel you can act out marvel but i still want to play it yeah like you have superpowers like no i'm plugging my stick man let's go oh i my powers that i can play two games of marvel no you can play clone of yourself that's it sure i'll take that the ultimate mirror match um and moving right along the anime game train yeah remember dengeki bunko
Starting point is 02:00:44 of course i do fighting climax girl yeah guess who the boss is oh god i know that i catch this oh just hold on is it the skull girl no no close close madoka closer no is it is it osuka oh you're almost there you can get it you can get it yeah akira from virtual fighter yeah what's good sega well here is mad ass and now why isn't it why isn't it pie or sarah well sure they make sure it's cooler but but it's always a cure do you remember do you remember dead or alive five yeah yeah when who did they announce first akira and then who came later sarah hi so you gotta start so you start with ryu i i want to point out and then you get the right i want to point something out about oh my god this isn't that news of the of the future of virtual fighter was it no
Starting point is 02:01:41 it was just me december that's December 24th okay but i'm you can you can people and salty people rejoice because 2d akira is coming soon indeed 2d akira already exists in virtual fighter but real 2d akira and and uh cross zone oh fuck that she'd be um well in dead or alive five i really like the treatment they give to akira because he doesn't really say anything and he just shows up and he just they frame him like look at this fucking karate man yeah and then let's fight and he kicks the shit out of you yep because he's akira yep that dude's more ryu than ryu is and he's a more fighter than the entire cast of doa yeah i am boost that's not as much of a fighter as calcom has given ryu more personality i think sega's taken more away from akira to just
Starting point is 02:02:32 be fight man fist the entire story of akira is he wants to be a karate man then he won virtual fighter two but then he lost virtual fighter three and he was like oh i got a karate harder that's the whole thing actually the most interesting thing about akira is a I think it's between one and two maybe three words akira's rival is wolf yeah his wolf you know hate akira because because awesome beats akira in virtual fighter that's awesome but then later his rival is go yeah that sucks the dead man because because because the yakuza say this akira guy i don't know about him fucking kill that guy well what's the opposite what's the opposite of like the virtual fighter storyline a living a living karate man of justice a judo guy a undead judo man of the yakuza
Starting point is 02:03:22 yeah although in like the shitty virtual fighter anime they just made akira into gotta eat all the time i'm running on a scam that's that's they made him into sailor moon no that's the easiest martial artist stereotype in anime that you can drop of the bro i got a fighter a million pounds of food yeah wasn't that really hungry for almost 15 years goku and everyone else who has no personal hey goku has no stomach man come on yeah he's dead he teleports the food out of him that's all he does it no he's got just asophagus into a digestion thing that's why the senju beans heal immediately hey fucker what you can start caring again uh ufc force you ultimately uh ultra street fighter for uh fifth character is not red suit yeah i called it you fuckers
Starting point is 02:04:09 hey dang you freaked out just as hard as me and you said quote i don't care about street fighter anymore yeah and i quote i said over and over that it wasn't red suit until all of you guys just kept going oh it's red suit it's red suit it's red suit why the time i wish i could do the fucking matter of it's when you see a piece of when you see a piece of the visual artwork drawn by shinkiro what like more irrefutable evidence do you have yeah it's stunning that that wasn't the case so somehow it turned out it's not red suit uh that was just supposed to be a street fighter universal yeah tribute piece it just so happened that that part of the artwork was only ultra street fighter for characters and so um ono kya it's not fukya it's shun it's a he's a boy
Starting point is 02:04:57 and that's sadler ono confirmed that it's a girl character oh i didn't see that yeah he said it's a girl it's going to be a girl it's fukya it's gonna be it's gonna be uh mackey so i'm calling mackey i want venessa i think it was the silicon era venessa was he schneider anyway as long as i love venessa that's not gonna the silicon era article had a picture of of her did it really yeah like specifically with good i like these guys but no man it's gonna be someone who you think sagat's mom no answers it's too hard to pick no they confirmed that they confirmed that it's not um armika because obviously she's been in a fighting game yeah i swear to god if it's fukin sakura's best friend sakura's friends i'm gonna get so mad i think you'll not care about
Starting point is 02:05:46 i think that's a really strong possibility yeah because specifically it's not gonna be a guest character from another franchise it's gonna be someone from street fighting Eliza big pregnant Eliza no no mel's born at she's already born that's true so mel so Eliza in a like a tracksuit just ken taught her some stuff why not mel at that point is not a girl changes uh dalsons wife why you what about dalsons wife what about reu zillagin the daughter the girl with necro oh elfie elfie effie effie effie no because necro's not in the game what about gil's secretary necro could be with effie but she's already in the game as sea viper cool yeah better not be like a boogie's friend what about belgar that's a check right there i hope it's not
Starting point is 02:06:36 just a random don't roxy oh my god please don't be roxy don't be roxy what a fucking scam yeah but guess what we're back in the realm of anything is possible as long as it is a lady yeah i i i wanted to be mackey just because mackey's awesome i know she's been playful i know she's been a fighting game but don't believe us i'm not just a fighting game a street fighter what if it's you geeky and it's a chick shin gecky yeah it'd be weird but i'd take it yeah you would it's got short little macoto hair and boy short macoto's already there i don't need anyone else but i'll take a plonk a player yeah macoto's my second lucia lucia and i know you said it's a french character no lucia is is not impossible because lucia again lucia from final fight three
Starting point is 02:07:24 for a very good reason final fight is already super incorporated in and and ono's like it's not hagar and you know he wants to put one of its final fight characters that lady from a vp oh yeah we talked about the other day we're talking about the other day we're talking with max a million we're talking about it and he goes i bet it's link or a sorrow and we all flipped our shit and i think we both went up yeah yeah that'd be great because that means that ryu can one day go fight the predator yeah that could be awesome however it'd be weird could she be swinging a sword around so you mean like how kody kills people with lives and how rolento uses grenades sure and vega has claws but there's something about a sword that's just way more like she can just use it for
Starting point is 02:08:14 special attacks straight up this is a weapon fighter now she can just use it for special attacks yeah maybe i i know i know i'm not i can't think of one right now i'm fucking 100 certain there are street fighter characters in sf4 that in some of their costumes have swords like i have the most obscure they're on guy she pulls it out for the ultra i have the most obscure pick possible but i don't even think you'd know what yeah guy has one white costume yeah i think do you remember armika's backstory are you saying her trainer her trainer the girl that looks like asuka kizama a bit she has a real woman she's and she's based on a real wrestler and she's a super strong japanese wrestler girl that is the um uh her inspiration her and zhengi yeah that would be
Starting point is 02:09:01 awesome that girl is super sick i love her put real life based kasumi toto yes but if that's why not armika because armika sucks armika you can make her cool i'd rather have a like a akito player than like holy shit holy shit i just thought of something what what some random character girl yeah that has all of karin's moves because yes yeah but people don't like karin because of her moveset they like her because she's no i know but a version of karin ingrid went and learned her version it's an existing character well but you know what i mean they could give Eliza her moveset because karin is the character remix yes a karin is the character that everyone wants that they can never get so something to replace karin holy shit that seems
Starting point is 02:09:54 so plausible at that point it seems like a shallow character with karin's moveset exactly i want new character it'd be a cop out but i'd be super happy i want a new character because i love karin a character that is so fringed like the ones we're talking about that they might as well be a new character yeah i know what you mean i know what you mean and it looks like we're gonna get it yeah if it's roxy though fuck everything maybe as much as speaking cobra like with a wig watch it be like claire redfield or some weird shit oh man watch it be roll oh with broom attacks you put fucking awful man and then and then our win quote is man i should probably go get trigger he's on the moon no let's fight instead if x was here he did he tried to whatever he tried to
Starting point is 02:10:43 negotiate too bad for you x is it here wow it's a splash woman splash girl radical what splash girl i thought a splash woman splash woman splash yeah splash why would you splash girl and all the other bosses are a man no boy no you're right you're right i don't know rock girl uh yo so some movie news is going on more movie stuff really quickly um they announced the pokemon xy movie yay no shit no didn't see that one what the 18th pokemon movie and and i'm like no but i but here's the thing are you actually all bad you pokemon xy movie announced and i'm like wow i've never seen liam make a more disappointed face when i asked are pokemon movies bad so the trailer comes out and i click on that shit and i'm super excited i'm like yeah let's go xy movie because you're thinking of origins
Starting point is 02:11:38 too so halfway in that after all the kids go yay pokemon's awesome it cuts to the footage and i see stupid fucking ash and i go oh my god i forgot he's still alive i completely forgot about the curse of satoshi continues super in pokemon origins mode and i got really hyped for you know you're never gonna get that again oh why not why would they you had it now shut up because satoshi too bad the last pokemon movie i saw i i don't remember the name because i was in japan at the time was it rise of mutu no it had the first three legendary dogs in it and shit and i went to see it in japan like this is gonna be fun and it was that's pretty appropriate it was one of the worst fucking things i've ever seen the experience of the movie no i i understood
Starting point is 02:12:21 perfectly fine and you saw it was garbage and you saw it in the most optimal a possible condition yes you were in japan and they're speaking such simple japanese that i get it because it was terrible it was so no emotional it wasn't the latest one but it was not no there's been like but i assume that they're all bad honestly like after the third one they all get pretty shit quick like there's a couple these are fours how but like most how many drag ball movies they're like 18 i believe i think the latest one there's more there's more than 11 movies yes i thought it was like 11 jenemba is like 16 or something no jenemba's eight is it dvz oh no then it's not even close to 19 or 18 i'm pretty sure the last one was the 18 jenemba jenemba was the last movie
Starting point is 02:13:16 and then they made the new one that knew what the rabbit man jenemba was not the last movie uh no the last movie was the the dragon or whatever whatever there's a lot of them yeah and then they went back and they made i know that they i remember there's a new one fall of gods yeah i remember seeing dbz 13 like 10 years ago you know 13 is the last one yeah so um speaking of uh movies for kids the one with the guy with that looks like chrono remember they all look like there's a guy with that looks like chrono bojack yeah no no not bojack no the guy with the red big he had a feral carina um i can't believe how they god damn do speaking of movies for kids they recently announced that they're going to be releasing i want your brains to grasp this concept okay what is this i don't know the uncensored
Starting point is 02:14:07 version of serbian film i can't believe you put this and the thing is someone put this on our facebook and they're like yeah yeah for woolly think about this for a minute i don't know because i've never seen serbian the version that you never saw that you hear about did you ever want to see it the version that some of you might have seen was censored and there are 19 more minutes that need to be edited back into this movie watch it be like to fulfill the conscious uncensored it was cut because it's boring talking yeah why would they advertise it like because that guy that guy made serbian film he only made serbian film so i want to keep eating sure that makes sense to me when you say when you say the uncut version of oh this happens all the time but this happens all the time where it's like
Starting point is 02:15:04 alien versus predator uncut whatever addition there's yeah yeah yeah yeah of like gore this in this case it's 19 extra minutes and i can guarantee you guess what if it's boring talking it's talking in serbian film it's still super fucked up not a bad idea like the um the wolverine unrated cut if you saw that i did actually have tons of fucking yeah like severed arms and shit and what was that one movie that you say is completely different uh kingdom of heaven kingdom of heaven like at the edit and the director's kite is like i can't i can't even it's another movie so serbian film is possibly the worst serbian i have ever seen in terms of edited down for a different release is the difference between the international and uh north american versions of taken one which it was it was dropped
Starting point is 02:15:55 from like a uh overseas pg-13 equivalent to uh american pg-13 equivalent and it's basically took out every single bit of violence in the entire movie sloppily like like shooting happens you see the first two frames of the guy getting shot or something and then cut away okay and the whole movie is just this boring sterile thing it's oh it's awful yeah also there are four dragon ball movies 13 dvc movies two public service videos two tv specials one ova and two live action dragon ball i said dvc movies and it's 13 yeah sure so you were both right and wrong yeah perfect but you were thinking about everything did you see that goddamn tv special where it turns out that bar doc or his dad ended up being the legendary super saiyan legend bullshit because when he died
Starting point is 02:16:50 he got sent back in time to beat up frieze's dad you see that shit that retarded stupid stupid shit but are those why do i care so much are those characters playable in battle of z yeah nice they always by the way battle z getting a demo this week we should try it that's cool let's see because apparently has four single player missions and online wow that's cool i'm looking forward to trying that game actually the most generous demo the uh the co-op missions against the giant enemies look really cool we we we want this to be at least playable apparently it's good it's out in japan so oh it is yeah apparently so matt already knows the answer to this question but gentlemen i don't your next sarah connor is yeah oh no who gives a who gives a god damn
Starting point is 02:17:37 take a guess on uh actress that's in a hot thing like property now or you can just stare at the screen like a cheater and he might not know the actress's name he's not gonna know her name but he knows who she is now who is it denaris targaryen of course i was just fucking thinking her really yes literally her the blonde one yes i was literally just thinking her and the director of this new terminator movie is alan taylor who directed a shitload of episodes of game of thrones so that's a good combination i don't care about sarah connor now i'm i'm a bit weirded by that choice not that it's a bad one because denaris is fucking badass but she's a small frail type of rewatch terminator one because sarah connor but there's a difference the difference is is that
Starting point is 02:18:24 in terminator one sarah connor is a lady a regular lady yes whereas i know what he's talking about where the the actress who plays denaris targaryen or jenny appears to be what's the word i'm looking for a waif petite like a tiny little girl that you could go and she would break because linda she's always shot against jason mimoa yeah totally yeah linda hamilton though um is like this army woman yeah powerhouse in t2 in t2 and now this is a reboot of the franchise so theoretically they would go from one into the other it's not it's not considered a reboot it's the same thing as the jj abram star trek where it's a split timeline okay can i ask well you know what the jbrams got it right because he's fucking terminator is in such a shitty state right now
Starting point is 02:19:15 might as well might as well start from can i ask a question that will determine everything that i care about about this this is basically all this sounds like is this a movie we probably never one is it a movie it's a movie is arnold's gonna be the terminator yes yes he's going to be in the movie oh well then okay then it was technically in salvation yeah sure that was a simple question say that's all i want okay okay i just want arnold in the movie i'm at a simple pleasure because that's to me that's terminator here's here's how long this is this deal would only go through and this company would only buy for the right to terminator if schwarzenegger was attached yeah because i'm not the only person who thinks of arnold schwarzenegger is the terminator more
Starting point is 02:20:04 like you can't make a movie without him yeah you did though look how that turned out yeah but great even then they tried not to but you know um no but in this case honestly like t1 i'd say that can be the first half an hour of the movie totally because you don't need more than that to get t100 chasing you around protect me kyle all right i did it is that him dying or is that his o-face i'll leave it up to the listener to decide uh i i believe i read a rumor that like kyle's thing is becomes really important like yeah this thing is really of kyle's appearance is like is the cause of a split timeline like something to do with that if there's any movie that you can reboot with
Starting point is 02:20:58 timeline and shit it's fucking terminal he put on a different jacket he put on a rubber oh there you go what if you had a rubber on and then jesus would never have been born i should put a condom on this terminator he likes it it's letter time letter time it is letter time hey guys hey hey hey there you know sometimes in in life thinking about letter stuff i'm thinking about thinking about letter stuff and sometimes you want to write letters and you want to send them to people i enjoy writing letters it's an old-timey thing i put them in the mailbox and i i spit on them and then i'm done but if you want
Starting point is 02:21:40 to electronically write a letter to us where would you send it pat you could i i guess if you wanted you could send it to super best friendcast at gmail dot com what's that email again pat you could send it to super best friendcast at gmail dot com or if you have something physical that you want to mail it like your dick terms no don't send that you guys will we won't read that on there if you want to send us something we actually by popular demand finally went out and got ourselves a little p.o box please do not send anything dangerous alive dangerous or alive it's really it's really simple the rules are it just one rule the rules really number rule number one don't be weird what's the second rule rule number one don't be weird and the the the asterix on that is the ziploc clause
Starting point is 02:22:40 yeah quite simply if whatever you're sending is can fit into a ziploc bag you put it in a transparent ziploc bag please like one of those giant freezer bags yeah so we can see oh hey look this is what it that's a human ear inside the bag i should probably not open this yeah i should talk to someone or this looks like a copy of barbie's horse adventures but is that semen that i see right on it it sure is open up that bag buddy if you'd like to send us something in the mail you can send it to uh super best friends right that must have been awkward to open that yeah yeah sure uh super best friends p.o box five six zero five one alexis nihon montreal kebek okay secret is out all right so that's super best friends p.o box five six zero five one
Starting point is 02:23:42 alexis nihon montreal kebek okay and if you send it to us we will like do anything if it's cool or nice we'll be like hey yeah we'll maybe the mailbag we'll open them right here and maybe we'll talk about them saying that right now we're not gonna play something just because you send it you can send us all the copies of night trap in the fucking world and i am not gonna fucking play night trap i'll play night trap i'll play it i'll be shane bennan house but if you send us something hype like something like the things we've seen over the months like a pc engine or bayonetta cars hey come on come on stop stop no it's not no but these guys these are pictures that people have said where can i send this like oh just hold on and if you
Starting point is 02:24:37 just want to mail us a letter saying hey guys you suck you can do that we would appreciate that we'll put it up on matt's wall whether he likes it or not on his fridge on his fridge yes we should get a big mail wall we already have four in matt's place yeah yeah i like that anyway we don't have real mail this week we only have electronic mail yes so let's get to some of that electronic mail okay maybe someone's gonna send us steel battalion like the controller how i don't know don't send us any way for that don't send us don't hope now you're putting it on somebody somebody's going man i got steel but no no no one's gonna ship don't be an ass unnecessary don't be an asshole woolly absolutely not that's our rule absolutely don't be weirds for you guys
Starting point is 02:25:23 and we should don't be dicks for us we should not be dicks i'm gonna be a dick though no you see because send me a baby so i feel you can put it in a dumpster right yeah it'll be a great video anyway guys the video that gets the channel shut down okay i'm gonna say for real though don't send me a baby just in case putting it out there oh we don't know where this is gonna go man i'm gonna open that box anyway it's gonna go to jail that's where it's gonna go i just want a snake to bite woolly just jump out of a box full of bees you get a range for that you can just put all the bees are dead because we waited too long to pick it up oh well better luck next time for some reason i can picture that comic where it's like woolly opens up mail and then it turns
Starting point is 02:26:12 into like the Homer is dead thing woolly is dead like a bunch of fart gas shot out of the package oh by the way it's it's gonna be me or woolly opening up these packages because we live closest to this oh we're not open as a team well the big ones like big ones yeah but who knows anything larger than a letter let's not get any more specific then shall we woolly's address is the fall danny asks Daenerys hey guys uh i have a question to rub all over your mind grapes i like this yeah i like this got moxie that's good that's good um i'm stealing that are there any games that never came out or got cancelled that haunt you to this day oh it used to be bao too yeah then it was before that it was resident evil 1.5
Starting point is 02:27:06 then before that it was thrill kill oh thrill kill except that it got leaked out yeah but i yeah and as soon as it leaked out i didn't care it's super suck oh yeah streets of rage four streets of rage four streets of rage four and streets of rage four mega man legends three of course for everyone i'm not even sure if i need like what thing woolly knows what mine is no yeah we all know what max is uh final fight seven sons the sell yeah sell shaded really good final fight that cap called marking executive said throw out this beta makes street wise instead yeah now the the obsidian aliens are oh good one oh man so that would have been the fucking greatest now there's there's tons of great theoretical sequels to things that never came out but for me a fighting
Starting point is 02:27:55 game no actually not i wouldn't actually think you'd be a fighter not at all okay is it the one by armature the game that haunts me to this day it was a game oh i know what this is supposed to be called faith in a 45 oh that i thought you're gonna say raven blade no no stupid raven blade no because you talk about it a little time it's so dumb faith in a 45 45 this game every piece of art and video and anything we saw for not even video we saw images it was a basically a game where you were Bonnie and Clyde you were uh buffalo bill and calamity jane basically you were a couple in the old west and it was a cover shooter or style no it was just a western cover shooter and there was you and there was your girlfriend faith and the closer you got to each other the
Starting point is 02:28:47 better and more powerful you'd be and the further you spread apart i don't remember this but the closer that you mean like how do you physically physically you and your partner okay on the map i thought i meant talking to her conversation no no you and your and your and her co-op together cover shooter on the map the closer you are together the more you can do the further apart you are the weaker you are and so on and so forth and you would just it was you too versus the world now i believe it was just like the developer said no publishers were interested no one was interested we have it here's our vertical slice god damn that name faith in a 45 man and one piece of the one image with her like redhead yeah another gun haunts me faith in the 45 such
Starting point is 02:29:30 a good title feels like a sin city book yeah looks me to this day uh i'm gonna change mine i always have so many right of course hook man version of re4 oh yeah yeah the hook man version of re4 you're not familiar no the original trailers of re4 were a classically styled camera angle yeah where you're running i saw that mansion thing i saw that it's named the hook man demo because of the guy with the hook right oh yeah the commies said that's because of the sales of remake were poor yeah he needed to action up resident evil yep and he'd you know that's why we got resilient also graphically it was way better than re4 way better didn't that hook man demo also then become devil may cry no no no earlier version hook man is re4 2 re4 1 became double
Starting point is 02:30:23 may cry okay re4 3 is a similar version to the one we got and the one we got is re4 4 because you cannot go back to dmc 1 and run through that castle without hard yeah it's super obvious it's crazy but yeah that would have been like the evil within i guess it really is yeah at the time though when you play double may cry and it's like re4 like i really is evil i really thought that was how calcom games were made because on amush was the same thing same typeface when you look at puzzle elements and fighting it was like that was just the way they're making games yeah haunting ground looks like it reuses a lot of the original re4 like some of the beta elements of like don't make crime war this game is so epic it spawn like other epic games of its failure you see what happens
Starting point is 02:31:12 when you let your team start over and do weird stuff and go in weird direction you spawn 10 other games yeah some of them become franchises what happens when you don't know that your team is one of the best teams in the world they fucking leave or you fire them like the original street fighter two team that went on to just invent fighting games fantastic question makes me sad mash prompts hey sfbc uh sbfc whatever i don't know what's your favorite cookie brand cookie brand oh pat's got this president's choice what flavor the the the decadent chocolate with the white chocolate chips how much of those do you eat like one a day one how much like one cookie a day obviously idiots how about you fuck off my choice is white oreos double stuffed those things taste like
Starting point is 02:32:15 death i like no i mean they're good but christ no i got you really feel it when you bite into those i got a better like i got similar one not no my favorite but i think you all try these the birthday cake oreos oh yeah they're not my favorite but those are death no now mad if now we're all looking at you and we know the answer and if you don't say it then you're full of shit what's your answer come on uh come on our my favorite is the pirate peanut butter cookies are they're good they're good i won't lie back in uh seven years ago back in college seven we kept buying them you kept buying i kept buying them and saying hey everyone wants them everyone's like we're playing third strike and eating pirate peanut butter cookies so to me third strike tastes like
Starting point is 02:33:06 i don't eat them much anymore because there's like a lot but for me i get kind of a boring answer with the uh milk chocolate celebration cookies what are those i can't get enough of those they're like a little cookie wafer thing and they've got a slab of milk chocolate on them i think i know oh i know that's i love those that's just chocolate i love chocolate that's cheating that's great that's not a cookie dunkaroos oh those are those are not a cookie i don't buy cookies you make them i think exactly i make them like okay probably makes fans i was about to say what the fuck is wrong with you and then you gave the better answer yeah i make my cookies he's making all the cookies if i had to pick i'd say my grandma's cookies but that's not a brand really
Starting point is 02:33:49 you grandma's premium can you bake us some cookies yeah yeah let's make a video you can't content id baking you fuckers yeah give them another year i've got a killer recipe for peanut butter cookies oh yeah what is it peanut butter is it the one on the back of the craft peanut butter no it's the one i learned in homex okay okay yeah egg whites and peanut butter i made those and they turned out green because i used the wrong baking thing don't do that yeah well i'm stupid what wrong baking thinking you use that changes the color when you use baking powder so you're baking soda or the other way around i don't know wow the one that he's baking so i cast though fuck it uh spencer not the one you're thinking of yes the guy who invented the resident evil mansion
Starting point is 02:34:31 the actor yeah sure that one that one another spencer asks why the hate hey zybatzu um i've been wondering why all the hate for the force unleashed oh oh that's actually a good question because yeah we said a little but we've never actually gone into it i think we can all go around is it too easy to say that it sucks oh yes because it's not just about that so and we have different reasons so for me i am like you guys should go on let's go around the table i am so like i probably played at the least of anyone but for me really simple reasons i downloaded the demo i started cutting things one of one of one i started cutting things and things weren't cutting right i i slash something vertically and it cuts in half horizontally that's bullshit that's just like that's
Starting point is 02:35:14 dumb that goes into my biggest complaint is that you can't cut dudes exactly that's bullshit stuff just doesn't cut like the whole premise was like let's cut stuff with lights with the lights and it doesn't cut but also it was just kind of the premise was more so let's use the force to move things around of course yeah like the whole thing was just like it felt floaty and it just the enemies weren't particularly fun to fight um it's kind of a lame character action game yes it's really all right it's a bit it's a bit simple for me it's like i remember i was kind of interested in what it was announced and i watched a review of it and said look at all these fucking bugs can't beat this boss and i showed the boss was floating in midair or some bullshit and then i
Starting point is 02:35:59 rented it for i borrowed it from a friend i was playing on my 360 and i'm like this isn't very good i didn't get to like the stuff that i'm like okay and i just know that the game's gonna get bad i was like okay whatever i kind of shelved it and then when i found out the real deal with star killer like this is the dumbest most shoo away that was like did you know that darth vader had a secret apprentice it's true even though it's bullshit makes no sense and he was the strongest just the bestest force user ever and then i played the demo the second one like the demo that came out and it was like trying so hard to be cool and good and kind of what liam it's not fun it's not good star killer is lame he has no personality and it's hard to be a no personality character in the
Starting point is 02:36:43 era of the prequels yeah you think they would do anything they could to not be everything that just said agreed with everything liam said you have a fucking lightsaber you cut a dude it should work like jedi outcast when you put g underscore realistic saber dismemberment space one into the game still the best star wars game of all time okay jedi outcast wow is unbelievable with the mod with the mod with the mod it's just a console it's arguably the best one and i have us all that is a lot and in addition there's a slight annoyance i that game was on sale for like three dollars on the pc seems so said sure why not i'll pick it up except lucas uh who the fuck me lucas arts at the time or fucking whoever yeah whatever was so goddamn lazy with how they packaged it that they packaged
Starting point is 02:37:34 every language they all the cutscenes have the languages baked in and all the languages come on one skew how's that file so the game is 40 gigs 30 it's i think it's 35 gigs maybe 40 gigs now fuck that i'm not downloading that okay that's bullshit well they really want to talk about well he's got some stuff i worked on it yes he did oh it's true yeah good job i played this the most of all of you guys i want to ask you it's multiple i never got more you either told me or i read this that the we version is actually way better i didn't tell you that okay i think i may have told you that from another friend i know i didn't tell you that it was made by a completely different development and i but i also i don't know if i'd agree to that but at the same time when i was
Starting point is 02:38:21 comparing them it was really early on so we can all blame woolly yeah i also blame him for every other game he worked on yeah and yours um all my games are great yeah so uh the legit yeah no some some of them are pretty great yeah yeah how's the heroes of ruin doing i didn't i didn't test that we both did shut up guys you're breaking all the rules i know so um no i was put too late on the project i couldn't save it look early force unleashed uh basically the the the goal was never about cutting it was all about force pushing and pulling oh that's why you said that that's totally so so it wasn't because it was the demo it wasn't a for you exactly and it wasn't a rising revenge and style thing they want to go for they wanted you to force push
Starting point is 02:39:10 tie fighters around yeah which is cool and it does do that yeah and that does work and you can choke um um stormtroopers and slam them into each other and all kinds of fun shit like that uh the initial early versions had so much more combat wise so much more in terms of force powers and crazy shit you can do and it was a blast got some ice but there were so many fucking bugs oh my god this is the worst version of end of the story possible there were so many so strip out all this all of it had to go all of it all the fun stuff had to all right and and there were actually there was a double jump command that let you interrupt your strings and do cancels into force grabs and then we get ready to get rid of that and so you're basically you're if you were to do a force you
Starting point is 02:40:00 were to do like a hard swing hard swing light swing jump cancel into another swing it was the equivalent of a witch dodge cancel yeah right uh so you fast forward into the hardest attacks wait was this a bug or was that a feature no this was no that was a bug that they would that result in more that was resulting in sick shit but also bugs so get rid of it yeah had to get fixed uh so this i feel like this really enunciates that like character action it's hard yeah if you don't know what you're doing because you need to make a system it's a mess you need to make a system for a good character action game where good players can break the system and not break the game so for me it's not even that's hard you guys how bad it is incredibly does sound hard so for me when i look at
Starting point is 02:40:47 force unleashed it's not even about how bad it was it's what it was supposed to be and i'm fucking sad that's did you see the second one at all no no not really you should check it out but i will say this though there's one thing that the force unleashed does to the plot um because the whole Starkiller bullshit whatever is like what how is that even what but the big twist i don't know if you any of you know i know i know it the big twist i feel like the big twist is ruined by all the other plot stuff sure but there's one big twist that happens towards the end of that game that's like yo that's actually really good and is better than what Lucas would have done if he had oh yeah but i think it's better than what lucas would have done basically it i'm without spoiling it just it
Starting point is 02:41:30 it reveals the origins of the rebellion yeah and it's fucking cool but hey if you want to play a good uh a good jedi game where you cut dudes with a lightsaber go fucking get jedi outcast for like four dollars on steam yeah it looks like shit now oh yeah but whatever it'll run on anything and then and then look up the console command to enable like realistic saver dismember no but you have to it's not just the console command you have to download a mod as well i just to do no it's a console command no there's the console in the jedi academy dude but no but i'm thinking of i'm thinking of having dueling with the limb severing and the one-hit kills when you fucking my friend are you talking multiplayer multiplayer i'm not talking about multiplayer i don't even shit about the
Starting point is 02:42:11 multiplayer oh my god single player single player oh shit no okay no i'm talking about the multiplayer because that was like a duel that was bushido blades yeah star wars but you do like a million hit those in the single player yeah sure but she don't believe star wars totally that's it was amazing there are totally people playing that mod to this day i know that for sure yeah just there are amazing star wars games out there and this didn't yeah there's kotor one kotor two jedi outcast squadron roe squadron uh the leader republican mandos apparently pretty good manuel asks best friends do your parents watch the show uh well we know my parents occasionally watch money considering they talk shit at me sometimes over dumb shit i say but they don't
Starting point is 02:42:54 actually like yeah tune in every day uh my parents would occasionally see like usually a live action video and like because i like will be shooting lasers in your eyes yeah my dad like your friends of shit you heard all your eyes um thanks matt's dad but there's that and but i don't ever send them and they don't ever get linked to like the game stuff because they're not gonna exactly my grandparents keep asking me for the link like you know hey we want to know what the fuck you do with your life yeah and i'm like i can't make videos if i know that my grandma might watch of course that's too fucked up yeah um my mom watches some stuff like every now and again she watched arts and crafts how she did so how old is your mom because she's probably like a lot closer to the internet than
Starting point is 02:43:39 our parents i think i could have stained that but like the forties so how hot is your mom i think that's up to you but you know here we go she thought it was adorable okay so that was a great um i keep telling my sister to stop watching achievement hunter and start watching us what what the fuck i know buy her t-shirt she'll grow up one day yeah buy your t-shirt i'm gonna wrap t-shirts all around her yeah now she can't escape i uh i like when i post a picture of a fan art on your wall and your mom comments on it and goes this is awesome yeah that's great how about you're woolly my parents no they are at church they are way too busy for you you're wasting your time with these devil creation there's no fighting games in church no
Starting point is 02:44:25 though there should be that'd be awesome but i will say uh that through facebook though again the art and the random one off two off things that pop up they'll see the pictures and be like hey that was a funny thing but no videos ever yeah not publicly at least that that could get bad uh oh wait sorry oh who are you apologizing to all the parents who's called whose email you just know that thousands of people listening was it the thousands i'm not gonna answer this one you gotta look fuck it who is your team in marvel oh your team do you have a team in marvel uh dickbutt squirrel girl and uh daunte exactly based on the fact that why even ask this if we just established that they don't even own the game well who do you play in marvel she hulk spencer chris
Starting point is 02:45:15 thank you like for the couple of hours i played i played hagar daunte and uh chris which is a great team for fandom and a horrible team for synergy well that's why i stopped seriously though i played uh daunte uh wesker and uh hagar hagar yeah that's it yeah sure because i like those characters you're gonna say random mr third well if you have to think about it then probably uh no only character i got any good with was deadpool and the back when deadpool was lame uh i run spencer on point virgil second and anchor um hawkeye who that's how we do it using this fancy oh little french man laddie da his fancy assist words he said the same thing we did no he said anchor he said anchor oh oh i'm gonna anchor my shit because it's garbage i bet you call your car
Starting point is 02:46:05 hold a garage severin wants to know yeah what's up severin several years of sales and humble indy bundle purchases have left me with far too many steam games and i desperately need to sort them i know i feel you guys i don't know what to categorize them as what do you consider to be the most basic categories that i should separate these games in okay here's how you do it i've recently run in the exact same thing load up everything once just once play it for like 10 minutes go through your whole list from doing that go like honestly am i ever even going to fucking play this if the answer is no and you have to be honest with yourself fucking file it away uninstall it fucking get rid of that get on with your life yeah after that put it into this looks
Starting point is 02:46:57 really cool this looks really okay and i should really play this my my biggest thing when i use steam was make sure you have a fucking folder for games you beat yeah so you don't keep playing in dead space all over so can you have a folder called might be cool yeah so that i do that basic ways i i have it in terms of my shelf is i have games that i should get to because they're cool and i want to play them and i have the games that i actually intend to play cool that i hope that helps us ever it's not going to i know the exact problem it's impossible there's no solution kasey asks matt and his action figures yes matt i know you're big into figures and figurines um what i'm not a nerd what of the ones you own or don't what are what's your favorite
Starting point is 02:47:47 wow of the ones i own or don't well i guess it's not clear what's your favorite action what's your favorite action figure that you uh i would say i i think the ride-in and the daunte are really good the play arts versions uh the samurai predator i did a fucking review of that whole fucking thing you actually did and the wrecks well how can you hate the wrecks it's not even an action figure it's not an action figure but yeah like i'm just in general it's a gi joe play set it's a gi joe play set with action uh just in general the play carts the play arts line even though they're sometimes hard to stand up they're they're the coolest characters they're capcom and platinum and kujima characters square decided we just want to make whoever's cool i think squares should
Starting point is 02:48:30 just shut down and start making action figures my problem with play arts is when it's an actual person not a robot their joints joints are all here they're fucked yeah and i used to forgive revoltec for that but ever since i've seen the light of figma holy shit so if i had been asked this question 48 hours ago i would have said figma samus because that was that's a it's a perfect figure but now but now my answer is fucking jay hootie because holy shit what does that look like you open that up and you've got to still put it together yeah it's not even like model kit but it's just like you're not done you gotta you gotta you gotta work ahead roll up your you gotta grab a new this exactly um maybe not because right now my my stand is full and that shelf
Starting point is 02:49:20 is samus fucking sam is in vanquish and jay hootie see i see that is the shelf of the god that's your thing i don't have any of that shit but if i could get like bogie sam anubis and jay hootie of the quality he's talking about i would think about it because those are things i want to have and be like look how cool that fucking is would you get a talking ed 209 yeah oh i oh yeah it was every time i come home it tells me to identify myself and you have 10 seconds to comply i was trying to explain to somebody how good wonderful 101 was and i think i and i was explaining platinum to them and it felt so great when i was like hold on stop and i'm like turn your head in this direction see that guy that guy's from vanquish they made that now turn over here see that that's devil made
Starting point is 02:50:12 cry they made that over here bayonetta they make everything in my room i can just 180 and see the platinum around me now it was great no my my favorite that i have is the hetsune miku vn o2 figure which you guys are rolling your eyes like a ridiculous i didn't roll my eyes i wasn't paying attention i'll have you know i was just reading the next email i was not paying attention i am not rolling my eyes i look down sadly at my feet there you go it's a nice figure it's really nice how clean i think that's very clean it's not ruined with sarja yeah i want that that it is not you're not one of those guys i am not pictures of their miku photos covered in semen really not one of those guys are you sure i am sure sure you're not sleeping except that morgan yeah i can't
Starting point is 02:51:00 believe she was asking for it matt you want a morgan figure no i have my police job you do and you're more a massive girl yeah i'm a massive this is crazy jordan asks and i want one word answers no one word one word or no explanation no explanations just the thing okay uh what anime would you turn into a live action movie my answer is gto exactly and it was great none okay i don't want them all right good uh had you been able yep that's a great one that's the only one other one you do you it would be that i like it'd be doable no no anything that anything
Starting point is 02:51:46 that's doable had you been able to had you been able for you can't do vagabond you can't get dessert you can't do garland don't do don't do them don't do live action ever what's doable that's the question um beck yeah you know what i mean like a slice of life thing i have a la vinae golden boy i always roll back to this one but planet like it's just a romance and it's the best romantic story it has to be something entirely based in the real world because japanese live action animes like art so look so you could do monster entirely in the real world you could do monster yeah there was a live action monster actually i was i heard there was something like that because they did 20th century i could see and that was fantastic i did samurai x i believe
Starting point is 02:52:37 there were no yes it did monsters not done but they're doing yes it did samurai x totally did apparently they're not bad uh i saw it i saw it this time it was really long really fucking long but it wasn't bad can i can adjust real quick if we had a second choice that was unrealistic budget unrealistic the budget answer gurren lagann yeah but like but you can i don't know if it would be that no i don't i don't know why not because what makes it special to me is too close to the fact that it's ridiculous the off modeling cartoon i am too in love with the the pan of a shot i am too in love with the manga panel being panned over with music sure i need that moment where kamina is pulling out the sword and it keeps going yeah never start and i live
Starting point is 02:53:30 action you just wouldn't you know you wouldn't do that um attack on time hope it's good it's not going to be good it's going to be terrible it's probably going to be bad the porn's probably going to have better animation dude that was the worst it looks terrible doesn't and last question from georgina uh hey guys it's not much of a question but i'd like to ask anyway what a great question to end on i'm only i'm only 15 and this is pretty important to me so i'd totally love it if you responded it would help me out i was wondering if you could give me a few pointers on how to get into the gaming industry oh god damn it i remember some of you said you were involved with that some stat stuff and i'd like to do it yeah um what can you say about it it's
Starting point is 02:54:10 it's hard you know stay in school charge you know actually no so how fucked is that that everyone i know or have ever heard about getting into the games business has always started the story of school didn't do shit for me or i dropped out of school yeah it's hard to tell and now let's be clear we are not telling you to drop out of school no um i think like it's a lot simpler than you think georgina we're gonna record some video where you're gonna do the opposite of that drop out of school and start smoking crack drop the crack pat it's hard to answer this when the person hasn't said like what type of skill no exactly but um i mean you know she's very young and i think just you know there are some parts i skipped over but she said some of you guys were involved
Starting point is 02:54:57 with testing and yeah so sure but i mean like if you want to get into games and if you want to make games that's the thing you want to do just just fucking design shit just come up with the games of your games so and more than that come up with the games of your dreams that you know other people would like to right so i'd say step one is make sure you play games make sure you play games really just know and play games because no matter what the job is gonna be if you know and play games a lot you're gonna get the position whatever your particular skill set double down if you're an artist go do good arts yeah if you are good with math go into programming and computer design all that you know but programming shit that being said your entry level position is probably
Starting point is 02:55:37 gonna be something like qa or very basic uh like art or outsourced art or some outsourced art or basic if you want if you want to make games you got to either work your way up from some other position within the company or you got to bust your ass and be filfish or jonathan blow and make your own damn game she's not a bad place to go just know when to get out you will learn a lot in qa if you pay attention we know no when to get out people that were in qa no cat go away where's a cat on that microphone boys on the mic we know people that were in qa were able to transition into design very and they're doing good work and they're very successful so what that being said while you are getting into these entry level positions and stuff never stop making the
Starting point is 02:56:27 ideas in the background never designed in the background gdds game design documents yes the key in particular if you want if you want to make video games which is basically a giant document of all your ideas and they're organized and it's like a pitch yep to yourself so go and more than that when you're designing a game i know a lot of people who don't really know how to do it they stop after the characters or they stop after the visuals or they stop after this after the fun stuff but you got to know what all the buttons do you got to know how they do it you got to know how the enemies do yeah you got to know how many there are every every element of a game you got to create that if that's all in you take the cool character looks and story away from your game and
Starting point is 02:57:06 see if it's still worth shit yeah yeah if it's not interesting at all then stop get people that don't know games and get people who do know games to look at your stuff and be able to take it yeah if they tell you do this sucks and i i guess one one last thing or if nobody else has anything to put in try to fucking make something grab rpg maker grab game maker grab anything and well make something again assuming they want to make games assuming you want to make games exactly yeah because if you do want to make games making even the smallest games a herculean task for something totally completing it yeah completing it and the thing is a lot more difficult than just an elysian tale almost killed the guy who made it yeah but he made it art machine he made it
Starting point is 02:57:57 by himself cave story just getting past that barrier and making something but hey man if you just want to be eventually in the future like lead artists on a game become the best damn artist you can and look for avenues and particularly for artists you have to be like one of the best yeah but but but just to not get ahead of ourselves of course and dial it all down to step one play a lot of games and then go look for any studios in your in your city area whatever yeah and if they're hiring testers it's very simple extremely helpful because the best thing that you can learn about helping to fix your game or anything about it is seeing other people completely fuck up their game yeah oh my god holy shit learn how to use excel yeah learn how to use excel so many users
Starting point is 02:58:45 or google docs or or if you're like me use documents befriend people who know how to use sure if they're already live in california like you don't have to learn formulas because eventually like the hardest the shit that i do involves coding formulas but like when you're just entering you need to still know how the fuck to make a checklist and make it do things so learn excel organization is key there you go and if you want to break into games media good fucking luck yeah but yeah learn about games read about oh we're just being idiot like us i guess i guess we're not games media not yet we are dude we are the face of game or media now that the penny arcades out of the way but if you want to break into marketing don't spend to chair it down two best friends
Starting point is 02:59:40 stocks and two best friends rising greatly oh yeah i love that we are we are the face of games we're getting a little out of ourselves on games media i'm sorry i apologize that we no they should apologize to us stop giving games we like those games media was able to keep it good than people like us would never have found success that's painfully true yeah it's harsh but true if e gm had continued forever and be good and didn't go bankrupt what's happening on the channel we're gonna get to pull up a bunch of videos that will make no money off of the who cares yeah exactly uh there's gonna be there's gonna be a new Liam and i video and not like well it could be all of us in the future but like it's a new kind of sub series maybe i don't know yeah it might be
Starting point is 03:00:35 who knows it might be too creepy i think there's gonna i think that's for youtube i think that sub series is gonna be doing just fine just fine because no one can content i do that anyway uh more um more play a disaster more more yakuza i guess i hope woolly and i will probably start that thing that we told you about last week that we didn't start because i don't fuck if you're busy no because i got fucking sick oh whatever it's true you died i died i wouldn't have been able to do it either so i'm like i would have done it right i'm i'm yeah you know i don't have the memories you're not the same hey guys if this youtube content id apocalypse and all the troubles people are going through or making you down and making you worried about the future of the channel
Starting point is 03:01:21 you could always go down to and buy a t-shirt or a hoodie or some stickers or a poster you fucking shit what a shell but but i need to eat man but i quit my job this is my job now but it makes sense if you're worried yeah if you're worried about us like you know whatever buy a shirt you didn't let me finish i said you fucking shell i'm proud of you oh that's nice oh uh also listen to the podcast are you stalking anybody matt is anyone on the i'm stalking audrey blah blah plaza this week you know that's not fair the stalking has to begin until you know very early podcast i said i was stalking her because i watched portlandia months like there's more than enough room for more than one stalker okay i thought you were gonna say
Starting point is 03:02:06 there's more than enough room in audrey plaza for one stalker oh god oh that's not where i was going that appears to be accurate that went way darker than i thought it was gonna be darker or better that was this uh what is darker one worse yeah fuck off darker can be better continue

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