Castle Super Beast - SBFC 029: You can't Rubber-fist because of Reasons

Episode Date: February 25, 2014

We saw Robocop and discuss it! Irrational games on the outs, Atlus on the ins, Assassin's Creed 5 on it's way, and Fox News being Fox News. Got a question? Superbestfriendcast[at]gmail[dot]com...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you ever had a notion, in your comic book reading mind, what would have happened if your best friend sat down in the same room at the same time? You are such an ass. Peel your eyelids back, motherfuckers. And this is the best or the worst, it's devastation in this motherfucka. You almost like knocked your own laptop over. Well that means he's legit. No it doesn't.
Starting point is 00:00:44 He's about to poop bread and eat in this motherfucka. Did we do a mailbag or were we got so excited he knocked Liam over and the camera went to it? What the fuck is the Viper attacks? It happens. It happens. It was hype though. You guys got to be careful.
Starting point is 00:00:58 I took a picture. No. We're running a fucking business here, okay? Really? I don't want to be the dartbag fucking business man, okay? You already are. Hey man. If Liam can't tuck and roll, that's his problem.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Sometimes the action gets hot. You got to move. You got to be on the spot. And I do. I get right out of the kitchen. Contents under pressure, Liam. Speaking of content under pressure. I'm going to start that video soon.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Speaking of contents under pressure, a fan nicely sent in some energy drinks. I think the start of this podcast is a good way to start off by drinking nose maybe. Yeah. We got two types of energy drinks here. Sonic Boom. Both by Boston Merrick Corp. One is a Street Fighter Sonic Boom and the other is the stupid Resident Evil T-Virus Antidote that Matt referred to several weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:01:48 You can't call it the T-Virus because that's fucking negative as shit. Okay, so Liam you got a Sonic Boom as well? Absolutely. Let's give these a good shot. See if I can open it. I wonder if that one tastes lemony because it should. It does taste lemony. That's good.
Starting point is 00:02:03 There you go. That's what you'd expect. This tastes like a lemony Red Bull. How the legs. That's good. Does it have legs? Does it have legs? It's a fucking can.
Starting point is 00:02:11 I can't see if it's got legs. Oh no. You remember them. You remember them. We all remember them. How could we forget that protection? Yeah, they use them. It's good.
Starting point is 00:02:19 It's a lot like the Dragon Munch. It's just slightly different. The flavor's different. Yeah, it's a different flavor but it's pretty much the same. Good mouthfeel. Nice tingle. Same level of quality. I can feel the caffeine.
Starting point is 00:02:28 It's like mouthfeels. It's like 8 o'clock at night so I'm really glad I'm gonna be drinking like two giant energy drinks right now. This one's got more aftertaste than the last bunch. Okay. Definitely. Okay, so I wish we could compare them side by side with the definition of how Sonic Booms feel.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Yeah. You get hit by them? That is a Sonic Boom feel. I think the Sonic Booms should wait two seconds and then drink two. Yeah, well I did. I don't know if you noticed but I totally did. I did not notice that. So, I'm cleaning out my mouth now with my dumb saliva and here we go for a T-Virus
Starting point is 00:02:57 antidote. I can't believe I'm gonna drink both of these. I'm gonna be so fucking wired up. You're gonna double fist it? You're gonna do the robot? I am not gonna double fist anything in my life because you're allowed two of those per day. It probably tastes like cherries or strawberries.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Are you like in my mouth reading my mind? I just assume because it's a red pill. It's totally a cherry. After all this time I sure hope he was. It's totally, once again, these are all the same. They're all from Boston American Corp. They all are fruitier versions of Red Bull that all have various flavors. Gamer fuel.
Starting point is 00:03:32 What the hell flavor was? It's a good punch. Dragon punch to me was the flavor of blue. Really? Did I have the one-up one? You had the Mario one. Yeah, exactly. It was the flavor of red.
Starting point is 00:03:46 I think it was strawberry. Okay. Well, the flavor of color. They seem to all be like, you know, like when you're eating candy and like, this doesn't taste like sugar or watermelon. This tastes like pink. This tastes like purple. Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Yes. These are all, these all taste like the color of their respective projectiles. Like fucking banana candy that tastes like whatever the fuck. It tastes like fucking yellow. Exactly. What's yellow tastes like? Absolutely. So you guys, you guys sip on those as we, there you go, my mouth isn't big enough to
Starting point is 00:04:20 double fist. Totally. We can work on that. I cannot fit both of these cans in my mouth so I will take these. That's not what you should adapt to. No. Hey, hey. You should need some training.
Starting point is 00:04:30 I need a bigger mouth. That would be bigger something else too. Well, you know video games, right? You sip on those as we ease on into episode 29. Slide on in. Slide those fists in. 29 of the smooth French candy. Oh, damn it.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Fists don't slide. I don't know about that, man. Oh, God. When you eventually do get your giant romantic rubber fists, you're going to want a little bit of... We almost got one. Frick shit, almost. It seemed like it, right?
Starting point is 00:04:59 There was someone who was just basically like, I'm sorry, there was no floppy fist in here. Yeah. No, no dragon dildos. Well, there was the other one where it was like, I'm sorry, but I couldn't because reasons. Yeah. That was good.
Starting point is 00:05:12 It's always because reasons. Fist because reasons. Isn't that all of our lives? This seems legit. I sent a Valentine's Day card that said that. Basically. Yeah, from jail. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:24 At that time, I was in jail. So gentlemen, what is the haps? Well, the first thing was the haps is something that we all did. Oh, yeah. That's a good way to start. Yes. We all simultaneously together went to go see the new Robocop. Robocop.
Starting point is 00:05:38 That is, that is a, if you're not familiar listeners, that's a story about a robot. Cop who solves crimes. Story about a man and mysteries. He hasn't solved mysteries. He solves a mystery. Yep. Now, Liam and I are still a bit held up on the fact that in Japan, it should be called Mechadeca.
Starting point is 00:05:58 It's incredible that it's never been called Mechadeca. He's a fucking detective too. Like he can do it. Do you guys barely qualify? Do you research this? Did you check what it's actually called in Japan? Robocop. But that's still good.
Starting point is 00:06:08 That's still pretty good. Cool. That's pretty good. Mechadeca. Okay. So before we talk about the new Robocop, let's all just have a quiet, like, moment where we put out that Robocop won the original back in the 80s. That's one of the greatest movies of all time.
Starting point is 00:06:26 That is unquestionably the shit. It is so goddamn amazing. I'm going to put it below Terminator 1. Sure. Me too. But if you're going to put it below a movie, like Terminator 1 or 2, like, whew. I don't like Terminator 1 more than Robocop. I like Terminator 2 more.
Starting point is 00:06:45 I'm with you. Yeah, but Terminator 2 is like a goddamn movie. I'm not saying Terminator 1 is a better film, but Terminator 1 is a more important film. Because it established the rest of the Terminator mythos. Whereas the Robocop mythos got really... Yeah. But if I had to grab something off the shelf and pop it in... Anyway, we all love Robocop.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Robocop 1, I would say it's a perfect movie. Man, it established the rest of the Terminator mythos. You mean Terminator 2? Terminator 3, while bad, still has an important shit in it. No, it does. I know. I'm just wrestling Terminator 3. It has a cool bit.
Starting point is 00:07:15 It's all about Arnold Schwarzenegger just doing robot shit. Yeah. It's really all about Robocop. Anyway, so we saw the remake and we all... And wow, what a piece of... Okay, that movie was okay. What a great total. We all went into it with low expectations.
Starting point is 00:07:31 I think I went into it with the lowest expectations. My girlfriend was even like, ah, really? You're going to see that? My girlfriend also said, I'm going to know. Yeah. And she liked Robocop 1. Who doesn't? Was it like an, ah, I might have to break up with you?
Starting point is 00:07:45 No, it was just like... Even after France. Yeah. You know what it was? It was. It wasn't easy to take. There were tears. And then...
Starting point is 00:07:54 We saw it. And then Omar showed up. So yeah, Lewis has been replaced with Omar. Oh my God, I did not know. The whole way through the movie, I just kept waiting for the bit where it was like, okay, this is where it's going to get bad. Right. This is where it's going to get bad too.
Starting point is 00:08:08 And there were so many bits. So I thought at that moment, and I'm going to dance around this a little bit. I'm not going to spoil it too hard. But in the trailer, you can see that Murphy no longer gets shot to pieces. Yeah. By a bunch of dirtbags in a hyper violent, super gory scene. Instead, he gets blown up and burned by a car explosion. Which was my primary gripe.
Starting point is 00:08:28 And that was also my primary gripe because Murphy's death scene is like, I remember being a kid and seeing that. It fucked me up. It fucked me up bad. I can see that. I should not have watched it. No, that's a patented. I'm too young for this moment.
Starting point is 00:08:42 And it was awesome. You know what's really bad when you watch it again and you see certain scenes that are a slightly different tone and color when they're shooting him? That means those versions were cut. Those couple of shots were cut out. With this, he's blown up in a relatively sanitized car. Yeah, by the way, we should mention in Quebec or Canada, wherever we are, the movie was rated G, not PG, not PG 13, G.
Starting point is 00:09:09 And for precedent, babies could watch it. I should also mention that Strip T's was rated G here as well. When you search for movies in Canada websites, it says, even though it's G, it says not suitable for children. How was it you put it the other day? Do you see it? Okay. Do you see it going in?
Starting point is 00:09:25 No? It's G. And if then, if 80% of it goes in, it's still fine. How much of it goes in? All of it. PG 13? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:36 You push your team. As the shot goes. Grow up. Grow up. It'll be fine. Grow up. I think the best example is that I think South Park was G, or PG here. For low odds.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Bigger, longer uncut. Yeah. Now, I say this because his death scene is a little sanitized. That being said, they make up for it. Not in gore, but in what I would say. Body horror. Body horror. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Absolutely. In something that is so thematically or intellectually. Disturbing. Bucked up and disturbing. That is way worse than anything in the original movie. Yeah. It is way harder to watch. It's distressing.
Starting point is 00:10:14 I was sitting next to Woolly. I didn't know about you guys' reactions. But him and I were just recoiling. Oh my God. I didn't see what you guys were doing. But when it happened, I put my hand up to my mouth just going. My hands stayed for a long time. My first thought was, I need an adult.
Starting point is 00:10:30 And the thing is, even before the movie came out, I think Matt, you and I, we saw the initial trailer and went, yeah, there's no reason to get the pictures out yet. But we're still skeptical. I thought it looked really lame, actually, the first trailer. In retrospect, the trailer did a huge disservice to the actual movie. Totally. There are bits in that trailer that were cobbled together that don't exist in the movie to end on better trailer shot.
Starting point is 00:10:53 The scene of him and the full Robocop gear pointing the gun as the trailer stinger going dead or alive or coming with me does not exist in the movie. Yeah. It only appears once and it appears in a completely different combination. And super tasteful too. And I will say that it was corny when they cut out the isolated clip like the human element will always exist. Oh, like so dumb.
Starting point is 00:11:12 It overrides the game. But then in the context of its actual scene, totally legitimate. Yeah. They take the time to establish what they need to. They don't spend too much time on the things you don't want to see like the family or whatever. And even that is fine. And when they do, they do, it makes sense. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Everything was all in all. I was terrified of a really long extended child subplot. Yeah. As we all are. I was certain that there was going to be, I remember seeing in an early clip that there's a mention like, he saw you when you were burned. You need to talk to him. He has nightmares and like, I thought there was going to be like a fucking 10, 15 minute
Starting point is 00:11:49 scene. The Robocop talks his son through some bullshit. His son kind of been on the screen for more than five minutes. And they totally say it. And the son even gets a good line. He does. He does. Which I'm like, well, the kid did a decent job acting, especially since all he has to
Starting point is 00:12:03 do is look scared and shitting. Yeah. I know what you're talking about. And to comment on the action, like I'm not going to say how many scenes there were that I can think of, but there were a handful of action scenes. And I like the fact that each one of them was handled completely differently from each other. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I think the one right in the middle was kind of a mess. I enjoy what was happening. The Night Vision one, I think was a bit of a mess because there are like four or five different like vision modes you're looking for. Yeah. It was really cool. I liked what I was seeing though. And I liked the excuse they had to do some awesome lighting tricks.
Starting point is 00:12:39 The director of this remake is a Hispanic director that's famous for making a trilogy of action movies that were really big in Spain or something. And that's why he got hired to do it because he can handle action. And if you saw those scenes where, especially that opening gunfight where there's no Robocop yet, was shot very differently than it was like over the shoulder. The guy who's shooting was different. They were different. It was shot like it was in a cop show.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Yeah. It was all really satisfying gunplay for something rated PG-13. Yeah, like guys get shot and you get the idea that they got shot, but you don't see them blow up. But it felt good too. It didn't feel super sanitized. And I think we can just straight out come out and say that like there's a definite riding versus the geckos moment.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Oh yeah. It's in the trailer. I was sick. Yeah. It's in one of the latest trailers. Was it in the trailer? It was in the last trailer. Overall, I think it's a pretty good movie.
Starting point is 00:13:30 I think it has a couple problems. I think the biggest problem is that there's no Dick Jones or Clarence Boddiker in this movie. Sure. All the villains. There are like three or four villains in this movie and none of them come anywhere close to either of those two characters. But whenever they updated villains and updated problems from the old versions, those worked
Starting point is 00:13:52 well. They made it make sense for our current day conferences. Totally. I kind of miss like the guys at Red Letter Media when they did Half in the Bag on this, they mentioned that like Clarence Boddiker is almost a cartoon supervillain. Yes. And that if you got to the end of the movie and Clarence was not viciously murdered, you would be disappointed.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Yes. Right? Clarence Boddiker equivalent in this movie. I didn't care. Like he could have been murdered or arrested and I would not have cared. The character you were talking about was played by the dude that played Rorschach in the Washington movie. I am.
Starting point is 00:14:26 I'm talking about the gangster. Oh, right. Exactly. That's my whole point. Yeah. The best movie, the best villain in the movie is like a lackey. My key. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:36 And he's great. And of course, he's a Jackie Earl Haley. A Jackie Earl Haley. Yeah. Fucking Gary Oldman. Doing Gary Oldman. Doing Gary Oldman stuff. You know what?
Starting point is 00:14:45 When I read it. Everyone. I read a review of Robocop that said Michael Keeb and Gary Oldman are in the movie, but they don't have much to do. What? What movie did you watch? Yes. Yeah, seriously.
Starting point is 00:14:56 I read that ton. And I was, remember that little swerve that Gary Oldman does where we were like, oh. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think we all bought it. I didn't buy it. I bought it. You were going to buy it.
Starting point is 00:15:08 I was going to buy it. And it was like, if nothing changes on the screen for another minute, then I bought it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But then the movie runs away with it too hard. Yeah, sure. And there's also, like, just to sort of wrap this up, there's also an interesting thing they do where there's a justification for why he sounds like Robot Guy, Drop Absolutely. Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:27 You know what I mean? They find a reason for it. And with how the movie starts and the progression of Robocop as a character, I now really like what the black suit is in the movie. What it means. What it represents. What it means and what it resents because of how the movie ends up dovetailing nicely at the end.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Yeah, yeah, yeah. So Robocop's back and hopefully they don't ruin it this time, but we're going to see more. I hope so. Like I said, the wage-perfect thing in North America, not too hot, but overseas like $7,100 million, it might get a sequel. But I'd be on board for another one. As long as he doesn't get a fucking jetpack.
Starting point is 00:16:10 And fight Japanese yakuza cyborgs or whatever. I'm putting the pitchfork down. I had it up a long time and I feel tired now. It was a pretty happy pitchfork. And now this has made me wary of immediately picking it back up again. Like maybe I should be more relaxed. I think the main thing with remakes that we all said is that if you're going to remake, do something different.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Take the core idea. And they totally did. Do something different. If you do it shot for shot, it's going to be shitty no matter what. And they did have two nice little homage set pieces of, I'd buy that for a dollar and that are live, you're coming with me, in which the contexts were 100% reversed from their original reasoning and like, oh, you're like, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:59 And they were both good. And they were both in a situation in which if those lines had not been present or if the original movie had not existed, they would not like jump out as being shoved in. Remember in Transformers 1, they had a really bad line where they got in, you're more than meets the eye. Oh, yeah. And it was so shoe-nord. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Yeah. Like the reverse of that. Like if you had not seen the old Transformers movies and got to that, you're like, oh, that's some marketing crap. I know it. I just know it. Yeah. But these ones, no, tasteful.
Starting point is 00:17:29 I was also happy to see that the Ed 209 still struck the fear of God into me. They sound like echoes. They make the moon all glad. Yeah. That was interesting. Right on. So, yeah, that was a good outing. How else was your week?
Starting point is 00:17:43 I actually played, I just played a shitload of EDF 2025. EDF. EDF. EDF. EDF. And Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze. You know, I don't, you usually shit talk Nintendo, but I'm going to shit talk Nintendo for failing to send me a copy early if they were supposed to do.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Like they were really supposed to do that. I was not happy because that kind of fucked up our entire schedule. I'm sure they'll love hearing that. Well, they don't care. So, they don't know us. That's why they didn't send it to us on time. That being said, the game is super good and super hard and there's no more super guide. I have a question that I remember hearing about it before release, but you were playing
Starting point is 00:18:28 it, so you would know. Is it true that the gamepad only has a black screen on it when you play it? No, it's got a logo on it. So, nothing. I read the article. So, exactly what you want. I read the article that said the screen. So, it's exactly what Pat wants.
Starting point is 00:18:41 What I want is to be proven wrong. No, no, that's what I want, but like, that's kind of... So, I hear there's a shitload of music in that and it's all by David Watkins. Oh my God. And it's amazing, apparently. Some tracks are like, yeah, alright, but then I heard like, I got to the African Savanna one. I think I sent you guys a video of that African Savanna one.
Starting point is 00:19:02 It was very Lion King. That, oh, that track. I heard Bramble Blast is in it, but in a small section where if you progress to the barrel thingy, the music changes. So, you have to wait for Bramble Blast to play. There's so many little nods and little nice touches in the game, really liking it so far. Yeah. No, I've heard really good things about it.
Starting point is 00:19:20 What do you think of EDF? EDF? Oh God. Insect Armageddon EDF 2025. It's like, it's carbon copied 2017. Oh, it's just... It's a fucking expansion pack. It would just the right, like the class thing, like online, like just, and the wing divers.
Starting point is 00:19:38 And a lot more enemy types. A lot more enemy types, and it's just exactly what I wanted. So, yeah, I have also been playing a shit ton of EDF 2025. It is super good. I've also been playing Bravely Default and I could feel it getting up to the point where it shits itself. You're not there yet. I'm not quite yet, but I can feel it.
Starting point is 00:19:56 I can feel it, like right on the cuss. So, I had Liam just straight up explain to me what the deal is. I told him. Yeah, he also told me and I was like, oh my God. And so... We have a mutual friend who got there this week and he was like, this is terrible. And he had to push himself through it through the weekend because you know him and he'll do that. Yeah, he'll fight it.
Starting point is 00:20:14 I'll have to know what it feels like because I may hate it or it may be tolerable. So, I'll talk about that next week, I guess, or two weeks or so. Or whenever. But that's the exact kind of thing that'll put a fucking nail in your tracks. Dude, EDF 2025 does something that more games should do. It literally says, there are characters in that game. They're like, this is exactly the same as eight years ago. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:44 And then you get to, I think, Mission 35 or something and you fight the final boss of the prior game and you beat it and they go, okay, now what? And then bosses that are... The game continues. Literally the entire sky. Yeah. The entire sky. Like, all the way to the horizon.
Starting point is 00:21:04 The sky box. Nice. You have to fight those. Now, the main problem with Incident Armageddon is that there was like, 12 missions. It was this Paltry fucking number. And they were super long. And they were super long. That was the problem.
Starting point is 00:21:16 And the enemy variety was very low and enemies took tons of damage. Yeah, but like, I would have, if there was enough missions, I'd be like, I'm fine. Like, EDF Incident Armageddon, they decided, we want the framerate to be really solid. So instead, we'll put one third of the enemies on the screens. Like, no, that's not what I want. I want, I want, like, Leem was at my place on this planet. It's like, there are like a thousand enemies on the screen simultaneously. And it's like, yeah, the framerate goes down to 24 frames a second or 20, but then I shoot
Starting point is 00:21:41 a rocket and a hundred ants shoot up into the sky. Yeah. Yeah. And I think I told you guys was the first one I played, which I felt sad about. Oh, I feel sad now that I know. And Jesus, I dropped it because the missions were way too long. They were super long. I beat like four missions and it was boring as shit.
Starting point is 00:21:58 And they were like 45 minutes long in some cases. They were insane long. Some of those weapon unlocks are great though. Oh yeah. But it's also very punishing because you can play like a bunch of levels over and over and always get the same weapons that you already have. You have to up the difficulty. So there's no reliable way to unlock everything?
Starting point is 00:22:16 Reliable? No. No. Play more. Play more and add a harder difficulty. They changed it now that if you get weapons that are too high level, you cannot use them in the lower difficulties. So what I did is I went into Inferno and like beat the first mission.
Starting point is 00:22:33 No, not Inferno, like hard or hardest. Like the first one when I was halfway through the game, I got really good gear and then couldn't use it because it was too strong. Thank you for telling me now. People used to do is you'd get halfway through the game, then beat the first level on like Inferno and then you would have weapons five times stronger than you would have otherwise and then you'd go finish normal or whatever. Game has lots of replay that way.
Starting point is 00:22:55 So your guns are like Pokemon. The game has tons of replay because I'm at mission 50 something. I thought I was near the end of the game. I was like 95, 96 missions in that game. That's great. And the five difficulties and four classes. And a mine. Oh, so much.
Starting point is 00:23:12 It seems really good. There's so much in there. It can get really hard though. Oh boy. You said you couldn't beat the last one. I couldn't beat, they said beat the sky. And I went, oh. It's all over there.
Starting point is 00:23:24 A lot of real estate. Get back to you. I killed half the sky. And then it gets to a point where, especially with the new enemy, it would get like this in the old one but it's twice as bad now where it's like there are so many laser and particle projectiles on the screen that you can't even see your character. Yeah, yeah. You are being fought by the heavens.
Starting point is 00:23:47 That's the way you want it. And yeah, because if you beat that, you're God. But in the moment where like there, I was playing with a friend of mine and Hector, which is the giant robots, they have a new AI thing where they put their gun up to you. And their gun is like the nozzle of the gun is as large as you and shoot the machine gun. And your screen just goes blue and you go, what is this? And it's the effect from the bullets being larger than your character and you're inside the gun. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:18 And your health just goes instantly down. Yeah. I love the premise of just a little soldier with like a machine gun just taking on the sky. Storm II saved the world. He killed all the bugs. I know. He's amazed by himself. Does it resemble bullet hell at its most insane?
Starting point is 00:24:33 No. It's a different type of thing. It's bullet hell to your eyes, but not in actual terms of space. Liam, how was your week? My week was great. I kind of took a break from Bravely Default because I need to take a break from Bravely Default. Because it's shit on you? All over your face.
Starting point is 00:24:52 It's shit all over everything. That's what you needed, though. I played a bunch of games. I played Danganronpa from start to finish. You're talking about this non-stop. Okay, see, I burned out on VLR. How long is Danganronpa? It took me 18 hours.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Okay, that's way less time than I wanted to VLR. Completely linear? Yeah! No alternate. There's one little alternate thing, but it's like you'll unlock it like that and whatever it'll be done. Okay, then I will actually beat this. 18 hours, it's great. There's a lot of stuff I want to say about how I feel about it, but it relates a lot to VLR.
Starting point is 00:25:22 And I don't want to spoil anything for Woolly or Pat, who has not finished VLR. I'll get there one day. One day. Or anyone else listening? Yeah. I'm just going to bite the bullet and go 3DS, man, because... Just don't save in those rooms. Don't save in those rooms.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Don't save in those rooms. Look it up, look up the room. Is the pressure room spoiling anything? No, they disabled saving in the PC room. Oh, they disabled? Now there's just other issues. Oh, there's more? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Oh, great. Okay, so if I get the update, I should be okay. The issues? Actually, Woolly and me and Liam own several Vitas. We could probably just lend you a Vita. I only own one. Yeah, I guess I'll lend you a Vita eventually, not right now. If the voice acting is much missed.
Starting point is 00:26:00 When I get my third Vita, I'll lend you the original Vita. Okay. And then you can play Danganronpa too. I don't know. You should have leamed me more crazy. I think you're more crazy. I want to have it. But that sounds more crazy, man.
Starting point is 00:26:11 It's more crazy, but I want the 2000. But I... No, it's another... It's the 2000. But when Liam's like, I'm going to wait to see if there's a Vita version, you're like, Liam, you're nuts. I don't know if you're nuts. No, but for me, it's just the extension of like, I always want the slim.
Starting point is 00:26:27 I always want the new model. And now I've just decided to not fight it anymore and to just get it. Smash is announced, Liam's like, there might be a Vita version. I don't know. It'll sell better than the Wii U version, so... No, but actually won't, but... For me, if there's a Vita version of anything, if there's a Vita game, I'll buy it. Like, I have like fucking 60 at home, so like whatever.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Plus all those original ones. I played... Oh, I feel a lot of energy. These energy... Nice. These energy drinks sure work. They have energy on the bottle. Danganronpa's great.
Starting point is 00:26:59 If anyone has a Vita, go play Danganronpa. It's fantastic. The second one comes out in fall, and I'm super excited for it. That's Zoom? Yeah. And I'm baffled at the premise that both of them could potentially be on my top 10 next year. Because they're in the same year. Like the original MSI.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Yeah, and apparently the second one's a lot better too. Ooh. I played Strider. It's pretty good. I like Guacamelee better, but it's pretty good. Yeah, Strider's okay. I certainly played Assassin's Creed IV Freedom Cry. Yeah, you were telling me about that.
Starting point is 00:27:27 I bought the standalone one, because I really wasn't ready for another Assassin's Creed since I didn't like 3. It's been a while. And I was like, oh, I just want... You need to dip your toe. I just want 5 hours of Assassin's Creed. Did you see all that stuff today? I did. I did.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Maybe we'll talk about that later. Maybe we will. I'm talking. But I really like it. It's really fun. The naval combat. The naval combat. Super fun.
Starting point is 00:27:49 I never did any of the naval shit in 3. Well, the naval shit in 3 was... Then you must have thought I was insane. The naval stuff in 3 was... No, I was just like, I don't give a shit about Conner to get there. The naval stuff in 3 was way less in depth than this stuff. Matt explained to me that in 4, the naval combat's way better. And I can see that, because it feels intense.
Starting point is 00:28:07 The music really ramps up. Oh, it's great. Everything feels super fun about it. It's great. I love the gun you get. I forget the name of the gun. Blunderbust? The Blunderbust, which is just a shotgun.
Starting point is 00:28:15 You can kill like 7 guards at a time with it. It's great. Everything about it's just really fun. King K. Rule uses a Blunderbust. It does. It's amazing how just changing just a couple things about the Assassin's Creed formula, all of a sudden, it's back to being great again. And everything just feels a bit smoother.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Everything feels a bit nicer. They rehauled the menus and everything just feels better. Oh, they finally fixed the menus. Oh, my God. They were so bad in 3. Go to a different screen to change your weapons. And I assume you're playing this on your PS4. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:28:47 It looks great. Played some remote play. It plays great. I'm looking forward to 5 now, kind of. Or at least I'm curious to see what 5 brings. We'll touch on that. God, I hope they changed the combat. We'll touch on that?
Starting point is 00:28:59 No, they didn't. Anyway, go ahead. I'm going to leave the floor to you. All right. Start rapping. Right now. No, I spent my week. I'm almost done Strider.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Not done yet. And still loving it. Still loving the end game fun and mobility. How many hours? How many hours? I spent another 2 yesterday. So you're at what? 10?
Starting point is 00:29:24 Probably. Yeah? It's pretty good. Dude, I wish I loved Strider the way you do. And I know you had a negative experience because you picked up the PC version. Yeah, the PC version's all fucked up, but that's not even it. It's like before those issues happen. It's just like there's something about it that it just feels kind of...
Starting point is 00:29:43 Yeah. I'm playing it. And I'm going, this is good, but there's no passion coming out of me. And I think it all boils down to the fact that your swing needs to be like four times larger. But it needs to be as big as it was in the Genesis version. Well, you're just not a fan. Whatever. Sure.
Starting point is 00:30:05 I mean, it gets bigger, but regardless. No, I fucking love it. I'm enjoying it. I'm having so much fun. And a lot of the extras that I completely ignored for a while are also super good and worth checking out. Like the art? No, not even the... I'm lost because there's a lot of those, but the survival challenges and the beacon runs are actually really fun to do.
Starting point is 00:30:28 You mentioned how you were a pro at them. Well, I tried them out and I got a bunch of S-Ranks, so I'm like... The call-out. It actually means shit rank. Yeah. And no, there's some cool stuff there. I also, because I've been kind of bitten with a bug, have been playing a lot of the original arcades. Strider Week got to you, huh?
Starting point is 00:30:48 Yeah, yeah, man. I'm feeling it and I'm playing a lot of that. And I guess it also came to my notice that some people out there kind of misinterpreted when I brought up Strider last time as to me getting my hands on an early copy type thing. And we're under the impression that this Strider Week and me getting that copy have to do with Double Helix somehow... No, no. Putting us on the payroll. The Microsoft store just broke and was giving it away for free. Basically?
Starting point is 00:31:18 Yeah. So I just felt the need to clear the air here and clarify... No, you just stole it. Yeah. No, this is not Chill Week. It's Anti-Shilling. There was a problem where a dude's account, a dude found someone who had played Strider before the game's release and his recent games linked to the page where Strider was posted. As all games do on the market.
Starting point is 00:31:41 The invisible page. The easiest way to say it is that there was the digital truck and a copy fell off. And he said, hey, who's a good artist? I picked up this digital thing and fell off the digital truck. There was a NeoGaff post about it and I went, oh my God, I love Strider and I got it a couple days early. Yeah, no, let's clarify this story. I went, hey, Woolly, there's giving away free copies of Strider. And Woolly goes, oh, some people can get banned for that sometimes.
Starting point is 00:32:08 I'm not going to risk it. And I went, oh, okay. Yeah, that's cool. And then like an hour later, I just get this message from Woolly that just goes, YOLO! So if anybody from Microsoft is listening to this right now, please ban Woolly's account. Anyway, you can't because then he legally paid for it. Absolutely. Very important is on the day that it came out, I got my credit card and I purchased that.
Starting point is 00:32:31 If your account got banned, you couldn't play that Titanfall beta you got warmed up. No, I couldn't. You were looking at videos or you weren't sure. Yes, thank you to the fan that sent us Titanfall codes. I downloaded it and I was watching some videos today and I got super nervous. I'm scared. Why are you scared? Because it's got three axes to work with.
Starting point is 00:32:49 No, it's just like everyone's moving so fast and I'm so shitty at first person shooters that I'm nervous. So yeah, like we named it. The babacca. I'm like, I'm going to go online and I'm just going to get merked super hard and I'm going to be the guy that sucks. It's been a really weird reaction to Titanfall because I think I'm the only one who really loves playing multiplayer first person shooters. I mean, I'll play him. I've fed up a mill. I could have come to your house and played it at some point.
Starting point is 00:33:14 I could have gone to Matt's place and played it. But as the title of our Sunday episode, who needs Titanfall EDF, every single time I was like, I could play Titanfall. I would go, but EDF is here. I don't have to do anything to play Titanfall. But when that comes out, I will definitely have to get. No, I'm going to jump on it. Buy that Origin copy. I saw you wherever you were.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Pat, stop being such a shit. I saw it on PC. Just get it on PC. Fuck you. I'm boycotting Origin. You don't get to tell me what to do. But yeah, no, I went over to Liam's desk today and I was just like, I'm scared. Scared of what?
Starting point is 00:33:57 I don't know. That's the interesting thing. It's probably the most interesting thing about Titanfall is for people like you that are out of the shooter scene and are intimidated by that. That's why there's the AI grunts. That's what I told him. I said, just go jump and kick him in the face like you're doing. You kill the AI grunts and they count one point instead of players, which count four points. And that will still help your team and you will still get your types fast.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Because I'll be like, I was going to jump in the Titan and everyone's going to expect things out of me. And then I'm going to get jumped and they're going to blow me out. And I'm going to be like, no. There's a come down to the fact that when you start Titanfall, there's no thing that says single player mode. There is a single player mode in the retail. What do you do? You play, I think, the multiplayer maps, but with all bots. With all bots.
Starting point is 00:34:46 And there's a story component. Yeah, okay. I wasn't the impression of those other players. Oh, really? Yeah, and they just got mashed into your single player. You get the story and they get the multiplayer. That's okay, I guess. But no, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:59 When's the last time you jumped into a community like that in a genre you're not familiar with and just jumped all in and like, oh god, the fucking sharks are everywhere. Oh god. And I think the two examples that summed that up the best are both from the 90s and it's the Counter-Strike scene and the Starcraft scene, which when you got into them, you were like, oh my god, I am a shit. I am the worst at video games. You're nothing.
Starting point is 00:35:25 You briefly played Assassin's Creed 3 or Revelations Multiply. I'm not sure how much you played that. I played 3 online for a good chunk. Yeah, but you're... You know, maybe not that. To be fair, that's a very different type of... Yeah. But no, but I just wanted to wrap that up though.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Sorry, just because we got a bit off the track there. I just wanted to say that, yes, so got Strider early through that NeoGaff thread and bought it when it came out. Anti-Thief. And that Strider week was quite simply us getting hype over Striders. Oh, you don't have to defend that. You don't have to defend that. Because people called it chill week.
Starting point is 00:36:01 He's counting the money in his hands right now. Yeah, I know right now. I'm counting my money too. And it's like, oh wait, why do you think I wasn't on Strider week? It's because I have integrity. Right. It happens to be from Double Helix so clearly since the... They were clearly bought out by us before.
Starting point is 00:36:15 You're letting it get to you. You're becoming crazy. I just want to explain. When Strider got a date, I said, hey, wooly, you really love Strider games. I also like Strider games. You want to play a bunch of Strider games. Yeah, no, you said to me, you said your exact words were wooly. I think I owe you Strider week.
Starting point is 00:36:32 I just want to clarify. We were also paid for the Robocop video. Yeah, we are. We were. That's true. I asked for it. We were paid for the Robocop video. Anyways.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Tennis paid us. It's made by them. Yeah, it's made by the makers of Superman. Well, you're being crazy. Let it go. All right. When people say, hey, you're a shill, go, I wish. Being a shill is way more profitable than this.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Yeah, true. Anyway, kill a kill, though. Oh, my God. We haven't talked about that in quite a bit. No. Because we have not been all up to date and we're still... Please, please tell me you're up to date. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:37:12 God damn it. Are you up to date with Hajime Noepo? Can we not talk about that? We started Hajime Noepo. Well, then I can't talk about that. But also, I don't care about spoilers anymore, so... Matt's busy watching Epo and Sam Flam, so... Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:24 All day. You gotta fucking watch it. So we'll dance. So we will dance. We will dance around content. I am biting my rose. Last week in the podcast video, I erroneously said that we were in Kamina City. Nope.
Starting point is 00:37:37 That is not true, because now we are in Kamina City. Now we are the foot in Kamina City. We are all in Kamina City and the Mugan are coming from space. So I basically, based on the 18th episode, when a lot of reveals were revealed, felt really stupid for not piecing together earlier. Really? You didn't see that stuff coming? No, no.
Starting point is 00:38:01 It was the info drop at first. In that episode? Yeah. Connected to the later one that I didn't piece. Right, okay. So the second one, I felt dumb, but not piecing together. Dumb, dumb man. But the first one, so are the others.
Starting point is 00:38:14 And for what it's worth, now looking at where they left us, we don't know where we're gonna go and how, but the only thing we know for sure... Is that it will go to X-Cut. It is ending with X-Cut. But like, we know it's gonna happen. Ever since we knew there were two blades, it wasn't even a question. No, but now we know exactly who's gonna X-Cut. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Who's gonna get X-Cut. How? It's gonna be... Probably how? Yeah. Oh, it's gonna be amazing. It's gonna be great. It's gonna be X-Cut.
Starting point is 00:38:43 It's gonna be X-Cut the anime. Do it. Continuing amazing work in making sure to give the viewer very solid reasons as to why your bad villain is bad. Yes, absolutely. Quite bad. A one-off creepy scene has turned into an extremely long-running creepy thing which constantly makes you uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:39:06 It's supposed to. Very uncomfortable. And it succeeds. And it succeeds in making you, oh, that villain is a bad person. I don't like them. Certain OTPs are approaching canon. They've been approaching for a while. They're inside the canon.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Shop past the line. Oh, I love it. This is on track to being crazy awesome. I hope they don't fuck it up right at the end. Yeah, because it looks great. From now, we can quite know where it's going exactly. Even if Kill the Kill fucks up and kills itself and becomes the most disappointing thing ever, in April, JoJo's coming back, so who cares?
Starting point is 00:39:47 We all saw that PV. Oh, my God. The animation looks so much better, doesn't it? Am I crazy that they put a lot more money in the animation for part three? Well, they always had a ton of money to throw at it. Even the mouth flaps look better. It's a promotional video. Oh, come on.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Come on, they're going to give D.O. his due. Everyone's going to get their due. Now that JoJo's at another height of popularity, of course it's going to warrant getting a bigger budget for the next one. But you know the Kill the Kill compilation movie is going to be sick, too. Oh, damn right. I have a question. Yeah. You guys don't talk about Kill the Kill.
Starting point is 00:40:21 I was talking about Donkey Kong. You're talking about EDF. You're talking about Deng and Rampad. Do you ever feel weird when you look on everyone's like, Yeah, we won the fucking hockey game. Oh, yeah. I feel so far apart. I have a bunch of Americans that I talk to as friends of mine that just have a little
Starting point is 00:40:38 shadow of them. That when we won the women's gold, I said, Oh, poor babies, we took your medal away. Oh, it's going to be so sad when we take your other medal away tomorrow. And then take it away. And then we did. And then we took the Swedish's medal away. And now we have all the medals.
Starting point is 00:40:59 You can't stop it. When I posted the mailbag vid, someone in the comments said, Like, shouldn't you guys be talking about something else right now? Okay. And I was like, Here's my favorite Canadians response to this is Matt posts a picture of his cat on his Facebook. And then Rocky goes, we won the gold.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And Matt starts like, what does this have to do with our cat? Yeah. And he says, look, he's happy for Canada. Well, he talks. The day after I had people on the street just mentioning it. I had a guy in my elevator be like, yo, you see the game? Like nah, but we won.
Starting point is 00:41:41 So yeah, well, it was playing at the office and that was making some noise. And people were off sync with their stream. So you got like a bunch of people going, yeah. And then five seconds later, yeah. And then a minute later, one dude like, whoa. Just, just, it brings to mind the one thing I really don't like about the Olympics. And that is how many people are on the Olympic hockey team? Like 25, 30, like a bunch, a bunch of people, right?
Starting point is 00:42:07 It only counts as one medal. Okay. It should count as, as many medals as their team. Okay. So that way the winner Olympics, whoever wins the gold and the winner Olympics just shoots up to like 40 golds in the winter Olympics. And instantly becomes number one. This is not a Mario party.
Starting point is 00:42:28 It's how it should work because whoever wins the Olympic hockey should win the winter Olympics. It's just that simple. Who gives a shit about synchronized figure skating lose? Someone. I do. When you win the Stanley Cup, every player gets to have the Stanley Cup with them for a day.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Yeah. That makes sense. That's awesome. Right? Here's a medal. You just got a medal. I was going to say, yes, I know a medal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:55 But it counts as one. It counts as one. It's like your medals only 130th of the real medal. They don't really get the Stanley Cup though. The handlers with them the whole time. Yes. Yeah, but they get to do stuff to it. Like no one's going to stop them.
Starting point is 00:43:07 The amount of piss and vomit that's probably been in the Stanley Cup is likely enormous. If you want to sleep with your Stanley Cup, you've got one night and they'll let you drink. Do you want to drink beers out of the Stanley Cup? PBR's. No. Yeah. Keep it cheap.
Starting point is 00:43:24 Oh, that's been cheap. Putting dirty American beer in our wonderful cup. You'll rest it overnight. I haven't followed the Olympics since because who cares. But those goals totally pushed us over the states and we were all standings. Not having this tradition. Just off random off note here, but important. The mail bag went up and set that crazy dude.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Yes. Yes. And contacted us and saying like, it's not all me. Well, here's the deal. I've been speaking to him actually and clarified. So it actually mostly has been all him. But that one specific one at the end with the Game Boy and all the stuff that was stolen from us came from another guy who also got in touch.
Starting point is 00:44:13 His name is Joseph. So that one was Joseph and he just said, oh, I just used the subpar best friend's name. Yeah. I didn't know that was like a thing that he was doing and he didn't send the package with his name on it. Now, another thing to note about the mail bag, we're going to talk about it in I think two mail bags from now because we're backed up on videos. It's very important to note that everyone who you can, everyone within the sound of
Starting point is 00:44:36 my voice, take this advice seriously. If you have something to send us in the mail bag, fucking stop and think about it really, really, really hard. Because recent packages that have been showing up have been so lavish as to be uncomfortable. They're amazing. We appreciate it. But it is way over the top and we are legitimately worried about people's rents or the status of food in their children's mouths.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Also, backing off that a little bit, we love candy. Oh, yeah. But we're good. We're so good on chocolate right now. I'm trying to cut down. I decide to cut down on bullshit. And the day that I start counting calories, we get fucking 30 pounds of candy in the mail. Don't forget cereal.
Starting point is 00:45:23 And dude, I will die. You will die. We also, Liam will become not Liam, Matt, Matt has to eat all the candy instead. I guess so. Yeah. Like cats can eat that. Yeah, no, they can't. So that was a bit of a public service announcement.
Starting point is 00:45:39 Sorry, guys, for wasting your time. We love you, but you may love us too much. Again, I thought that we don't appreciate it because I'm fucking eating that chocolate. Yeah, Liam doesn't seem to care. Liam is taking all the chocolate. I mean, you go into something kind of thinking about, you know, dumb games and troll gifts and then people start being really nice. People start sending you their, oh my God, you guys are so fucking...
Starting point is 00:46:00 It's humbling. In Pat's case, they have. But the less you've also proven, as you'll see soon, that you guys are the best fans. Yeah, the best fans ever. Some of the letters are incredibly touching. Oh, yes, definitely. Now, let's not get too sappy. Let's talk about dumb shit.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Oh, for sure. What do we got on the dumb shit, Doc? Well, I just wanted to clarify that Seth was not that last guy. Seth is godlike, but not that godlike. And it was Joseph. But Seth was just about everything else. And everyone with the name Adam is godlike also. And well, it was Alex.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Adam and Alex are also super godlike. But moving along. You know who you are, motherfuckers. Moving along. Pour one out, pour some PBR out for irrationality. What? Okay, what? Stop for a second.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Every beer mention you have made over the past month has been about PBR. Because it gets a rise out of here. What is going on? Rise out of everyone. Because you react to it. That's the only reason. I don't hate PBR. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:47:02 It's just because you react every time. It's like, okay. Stop reacting. Stop having emotions. Smeagma Man. Sure. We're getting more Smeagma Man. I saw a horrible one.
Starting point is 00:47:11 And it is horrible. And most of them come with the caption of, this is what you get for making this image appear in my mind. But never stop. Oh, they're bad. Ooh, please stop. Anyway, pour one out for irrational. Because they are gone. As we know them, they still exist.
Starting point is 00:47:27 As a 15-man crew. But he's shaved off just about everybody. And they're planning to work on smaller scale projects. Which is okay. That sounds good. Nobody knows why. I'm going to make some blanket assumptions. And everyone feel free to stop me.
Starting point is 00:47:47 It is weird that in their financials, they did not say how many copies Boshok Infinite sold. Because I imagine if they had sold really well, we would know that. That is for certain. And we do know that Boshok Infinite had a trouble development cycle. How many years? Well, my whole theory behind the whole thing was it was a five and a bit year development cycle. It was long. It was fucking long.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Five and a bit years. The game ate dirt multiple times. Yeah, they had to bring in new guys to save it. Well, not only that, but they would reach a goal, they would show it off, and then they would completely change it. So they would build and then unbuild and build and unbuild. The original gameplay, Unveil, is a totally different game that no longer exists. So on the one hand, they spent a shitload of money at probably full team size for multiple years. And they made like three games.
Starting point is 00:48:34 And on the other hand, I can't imagine the honestly painful and annoying toll that must have taken on Ken Levine as a person. You remember those round of interviews he did about three months before the game came out, where he looked like he was going to die? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, it doesn't look great. He looks like he looks like the ultimate warrior does. Yes. Whenever I see him, I think he's the ultimate warrior. Oh, it's the same person.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Yeah. Yeah. From parts unknown. Oh, that'd be awesome. So I think it's a combination of like financials not working amazing and like irrational not delivering on time. They might not in the future. And Ken Levine also being like AAA is a bit much. I want to take a minute.
Starting point is 00:49:09 Give me a minute. That's exactly what I think. Now, I don't think there's a world in which Bodyshark Infinite could have ever made his money back. Yeah. Now, well, after the exactly after that. Well, I mean like within that would justify making it. Now, my question is, have you guys read that Gamma Sutra article where Leia Alexander is talking about how she knew in advance, but couldn't write anything about this? Because she was told not to.
Starting point is 00:49:41 Because you hear things from sources. And you don't know, like, you're like, am I going to write about this speculation that this massive studio is going to close? Basically, the reporters. And put a lot of people in trouble. Remember when the reporters said someone was going to close? And then they went, no, an id. Yeah. They said it was going to close.
Starting point is 00:50:01 And then they went, no. It's the reporter's dilemma as you hear a tasty scoop. Yeah. And you don't have the ability to corroborate it. In fact. Like if this is true and I break the story, I'll be awesome because I'll be way out in front. But if it's not true, then I'm ruined. And if it changes the decision after I put it out.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Yeah. So this came up basically saying like questioning how journalism works in that way. And the particular. Good on her to hold it back without being able to verify. Here's the quote. No one speaks to the game press officially. I wish they did. But I get it.
Starting point is 00:50:36 If they want to keep their job, I did it. Sorry. I did. But I get it. They want to keep their jobs. Let's say there's multiple people within a studio willing to risk their careers to confirm to me that yes. In fact, if their game didn't sell extremely well, like exponentially more than its predecessor, or well according to a matrix and time cost investment on a desired output,
Starting point is 00:50:56 your studio would be closed in a year. Right. And it was closed. So that was exactly what was foretold a year in advance by people super off the record. When did Bioshock and Anthony come out in October? No, no, it came out in spring. Yeah. Right near.
Starting point is 00:51:10 I think on the same week as Tomb Raider. Holy shit. Right around Tomb Raider. And I think a really good feather in the hat of the idea that it did not sell what it needed to is that it went on PlayStation Plus almost immediately. Yeah. Like. Ten months. Yeah, but that's for a big, big game like that.
Starting point is 00:51:29 It's fairly little. It's super soon. But in all fairness, Tomb Raider initially didn't sell to expectations and then succeeded at it. Yeah. And then went on PS Plus after that. Totally. Yeah. So I don't think PS Plus is a much bigger budget.
Starting point is 00:51:41 I don't think PS Plus is a super reliable metric for that. I'm just saying it's a little, it's a little potential that helps. I'll also keep in mind too that PS Plus is not like a sale because those are purchased copies. It totally is a sale. Well, it helps for stuff like, remember me that bombs completely. Yeah. And it goes up on PS Plus like two months later. No.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Like, okay, they wanted to get all the money they could out of that before it's worthless because it would be. But either way, it's like interesting and you kind of just have to applaud that a bit because, you know, the scoop of the century as it were, but at what cost? Yeah. At what cost? Like you're risking your professional career on info that's like, I can't get, you could fuck up a ton of people.
Starting point is 00:52:25 I'm of the opinion that I love wild, crazy shit. A dirty scandal. I want it all. I want it unfiltered. I want all the news. You want to brush your teeth with the grime. I want to be the person that like tries and picks and chooses what I believe to be legitimate or not.
Starting point is 00:52:44 But like, people like journalists have to like get it right. Information needs to get out somehow. If she had said, if she had put that article out and then BioShock Infinite had blown up the world and then her article becomes unverifiable on every metric, like who does that actually serve? No one. Right. It's, it's...
Starting point is 00:53:04 You remember not too long ago, Kevin Levine, didn't even, like very initially when the BioShock Infinite was revealed, he was like, I didn't even want to call this fucking BioShock. Oh my God. They made me. They forced it. Oh, totally. That strikes me as a thing that when the game is kind of completed and the contract's all done and the DLC is all finished, I'm fucking out of here.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Furthermore, marketing... In addition... Furthermore, marketing had full control over the cover of the game. Don't forget that. Because they were like, we overextended our budget on everything. So marketing gets to make decisions for us. I remember Ken Levine, I think it was him, he actually said like, it sucks, but like we got to give him something because we took so much down from him.
Starting point is 00:53:39 We got to throw him a bone. Exactly. It reminds me very much of when Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 was coming out and Zampella and... What was the other guys? Vincent Zampella. Vincent Zampella were in this constant shit fight with Activision because they didn't want to call it Call of Duty.
Starting point is 00:53:56 They wanted to call it Modern Warfare 2. So there were three skews of that game. There's the regular version and then the upgraded Deluxe version and then the one that came with the Night Vision goggles. The regular version said Call of Duty on the box, none of the other ones did. They all just said Modern Warfare 2. And then right after that, the Infinity Ward shit storm happened and everyone's is fired or left.
Starting point is 00:54:19 It's like, so fucking marketing. But hey, rare example of good on you journalism. You mean Garm journalism. Yeah. Now, to shift over to hack journalism as we're so accustomed. Ah, awesome. The best. Back to the shit.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Yeah. But I wanted to add another word, but then I'm like, no, shit's good. No, that's fine. But this is the even bigger shit. This is Fox News. Oh, wow. Oh, yeah. This is a good story.
Starting point is 00:54:48 My favorite fake TV news. Yeah, man. Feel good story of the year. The Craigslist killer is pulled in, Miranda Barbore. We need to know what was in her console. Turns out it was Dark Souls. So Fox News is the guy does the most blatant, like, bait face, basically. I know nothing about this topic, but my prompter is telling me to mention this, so apparently
Starting point is 00:55:17 she was into very dark things, evil things. She claimed to be a member of a cult. She played games such as Dark Souls. Although the cult claims she was a de-member. Yeah, so. I love that. But hey, Dark Souls, you're doing lots of killing and then they do the best fucking, like, crop this box art and shove it up there and isolate it.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Stare at it for a while and then, like, make some thoughts happen, you know, feel a way about things. Turns out that even killers and thieves and awful people can have good taste. I'm surprised they didn't use the term. He was trained. Right? She was trained on Dark Souls. I am very thankful and kind of shocked that the games prepare to die tagline was not in
Starting point is 00:56:06 the story. Because that is when I saw Dark Souls playing for whatever, I'm like, well, the tagline is prepare to die. That does look really bad. Yeah. So, no. You're not wrong. But, like, the way I picture it is after the lesbian space sex simulator, graphic alien
Starting point is 00:56:26 lesbian aircourse. Right? It kind of played out. I wish it had graphic lesbian alien aircourse in it. In my head, it played out a bit like Anchorman 2, where they just some dude looked at the ratings and went, wait, boy. Every time we mention a game and get them upset, this is what happens. It's almost like people who play video games are all over the place.
Starting point is 00:56:48 Yeah, almost. You know? It's not a bad theory. So every once in a while, expect to get trolled. Expect Fox to just, to be honest, drop something out there that the kids are talking about. Ever since the 4chan van blew up on Fox in the dramatization, like, I now look forward to these with, like, this sort of dark humor of just like, oh man, I can't wait to see an old man not understand a thing.
Starting point is 00:57:14 Nothing new uses me more than that old broadcast from, like, a few years ago where it's talking about V and talking about Anonymous, and they're like, they're planning to blow up a football field, then it shows an undescripted van blowing up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it adds just a little tiny, tremendous sensation. Internet hate machine, et cetera. Then they even, to save them from Anonymous, bought a dog. I gotta give shout outs as well to Oprah and over 9,000 audiences.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Oh, that was so good. That was just... What's the fatter? Was it the best thing? If you're making a dick on the internet, you can troll even Oprah. Oh man, so yeah. Oh, classic. But anyway, that's the TVs.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Just don't watch TV anymore. Barely relevant. So, earlier on today, Rumors, Assassin's Creed 5, it's gonna be in Victorian London starring Samuel Fay, and then suddenly, wait, no, what? Back that up. We said Russia. And then we get an AR game that's basically a tweet from... Ubisoft?
Starting point is 00:58:18 AC Industries, I believe. Ubisoft. Yes, with a bunch of numbers. Yeah, with a bunch of numbers. And then it turns out it's a totally a coordinate in, I forget the name of the place, Russia. And it's some kind of proton facility. The place where they have this thing. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:58:32 And my brain just goes, the fall, the fall, the fall, David Cross. Yes. Russia's a weird country. Nikolai blowing up that proton station. Yeah. Russia's got a lot of weird UV architecture. But Russia does not drive with me because an official thing was said that it's Jade Raymond's favorite historical era, which I doubt is probably Russia.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Although they confirmed it's not Glorious Nippon. Yes, they confirmed it's not Glorious Nippon. I feel the Industrial Revolution of London probably will be a way to know it. I feel like they are hanging a little sign that says Japan on it over the mouth of all of us. Oh, yeah. Because that's the one. Since Assassin's Creed 1's ending, where there's a goddamn drawing in blood of a fucking
Starting point is 00:59:19 pagoda on the wall, people have been saying, put this series in Japan, it'd be perfect. And China. And China. Thailand. Fuck it. Anywhere in Asia. Well, that's the one they're saving. That's not one.
Starting point is 00:59:33 When an Assassin's Creed game, when an Assassin's Creed game actually bombs, like actually they lose money, then the next one will be perfect. Time to pull out China. Yeah. I'm still hoping though that this is this. Time to pull out Green Destiny. Yeah, sure. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:45 Oh, yeah. I'm still hoping out of here. Still you grabbed your crush. I grabbed my dick. Okay. Just giving it to the users out there. They will. Get it.
Starting point is 00:59:55 I'm still hoping that this Victorian London Samuel Fey rumor turns out to be fake because it's not their fault because they've been working on it for a while. Victorian London sounds so boring. Because we happen to have done it over the time that they've been making this. Disorder came out. Thief came out. The order is on its way. The order is on its way.
Starting point is 01:00:15 And that's not Victorian, but it's still like. It's kind of similar. It's really close. It's really close. It's one of those feelings where people who don't observe the architecture carefully and stuff, it'll all kind of blur to them. Let's just make it a broad area and call it dirty England. Dirty England.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Sure. Okay. Between 1550 and 1700. Yeah, but it's like, it's not 1886. Everyone talks like this. No, wait. That's Australian. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 01:00:40 It's not 1660. Fuck. Yeah, you're right. Sorry. Between 1800 and 1900. Whatever. The point is, is it's England. Dirty England.
Starting point is 01:00:48 It's filthy. There's rats. Right? Yeah. And London specifically. London. Yeah. But like Assassin's Creed being put there seems like a total waste.
Starting point is 01:00:58 Hold on. We're full of shit. We don't know what we're talking about. The Victorian era was from 1837 to 1901. I didn't just. That's what I said. 1800 to 1900. All right.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Nope. Super full of shit. You're totally full of shit. Yep. No one else argued the time. I didn't even say anything. Well, there you go. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:01:17 I'm eating this crow. Please continue. Put it in your mouth. Did you also get an email from Ubisoft confirming one or the other? We didn't. God damn it. I haven't got a crow yet. Let's just go down in their fucking office and be like, what's up with this bullshit,
Starting point is 01:01:27 guys? Let's record a video just going to game developers and hassling them. That's a good idea. That being said. That's a really good idea. It's going to be revealed very shortly. Yeah. Ubisoft doesn't tend to let these stew.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Assassin's Creed 4 pirates, whatever the fuck it was called, was in March, right? And it was leaked like a few, like a little bit beforehand. They all get leaked. Yeah, it's great. So many leaks. That press released for the Victorian era read very professionally though. It was solid. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:53 The Xbox One, the all-in-one console. Entertainment system. Like, entertainment system. If that's fake, they did a very good job. Well, that's it. Like, when we read that this morning, we looked at each other like, hey, hey, that's... Xbox One. Hey, you guys want to know what they're doing.
Starting point is 01:02:07 You guys want to be able to spot fucking shills anytime you're anywhere. And somebody says the Xbox One, that's a shill. Nobody calls it the Xbox One. Or even better, the One. The One. Anyone who says the One is being paid. The guy that sits next to me at work said it. I fucking corrected it.
Starting point is 01:02:26 I corrected his ass. That spawns too perfect and it's too late to stop. We're going to have a meeting. I never want to hear that anymore. And the fact that the name X-Bone kind of makes Steve Ballmer like a little pissy, like just gives me a little feeling inside. No, no, no, I don't like it. It was just part four.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Call it the One. Maybe he should have named it that. No, it was Major Nelson that said it. You know what? I bet they all said it. I bet they all said it around in pout. I bet any guy that loves marketing. I love the thing where he looked at it and he said, you know, we had that name in front
Starting point is 01:02:56 of us for like months and we never thought to shove it together. Who was that? Was that Phil Spencer? No, I think it was Major Nelson. And it was Nelson. It was Nelson. I really hope that was actually the case because I really want for them to have all come to work the other day the next day and been like, yeah, yeah, we missed that.
Starting point is 01:03:11 We saw two O's and we didn't imagine them being one. Are you all 95-year-old men? Don't you work in the fucking technology industry? I don't think that would have happened if they didn't have the whole, like, you know, your screwed, your bone. No. Do you know? Even without it, I would have called it the X-Bow.
Starting point is 01:03:29 Even if the console was super positive, that would have just been like, ah, the X-Bow. Because like, nobody, no one was ever, like this, this is why it gets so mad because it was clearly some marketing douchebags want, oh man, if we call it this, then everyone will have to call it like the One, like it's the One console. Yeah, it is. They called it the 360. Why wouldn't they call it the One? Xbox One, input one, man.
Starting point is 01:03:54 It's all synergized. Yeah, no, totally right. And like, not a single person within a hundred miles of them looked at it and was a normal human. Did you know? Because everyone came to the conclusion, like, simultaneously, separately. Like, I thought of it, you thought of it, you thought of it. Like, no, we were not all sitting around going, oh, oh, the X-Bow.
Starting point is 01:04:15 I made the joke. I said everyone's X-Bow. It's too easy. Like, everyone said it. They were the same fuckers that were working for Nintendo when they announced the Wii name. Oh, right. Yeah, they just, they died off fairly quickly. It took a while.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Yeah, and because- It took the point where Reggie said, oh my god. And it came back because the Wii U. Because the Wii U's even a worse name. Reggie's like, get it out of your system, it's fine. Like, like, I should mention, like, when I say Vita means life, that's not me going, oh, I love the Vita. That's me saying the name Vita is terrible.
Starting point is 01:04:48 But we love the Vita. The name Vita is awful. All consoles have shitty names now. Hey, Pat, Vita means wife, Vita means waifu. But like, you know what, you should name your console the old console's name with a number next to it. Or Super. Or Super.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Or Super. No. If it had been the Super Wii, that would have been awesome. Yeah. No one wants to put a number because then you will always be behind Sony. Yeah. It's, you know what? It's true.
Starting point is 01:05:13 You'll always be behind Sony. Yeah. You'll see she's a bigger number than three. Yeah. Right? Fucking. I'll remind the fact that it brings you back to where the fuck you started. That's thinking ahead.
Starting point is 01:05:25 Oh, fucking marketing. Marketing. Marketing and its worst. Marketing is the worst. Oh, my God. It's not the worst, but when it's at its worst, it's horrible. God, I hate it when people shill for things. I hate it.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Yeah. Yeah. How much did you play EDF this week? I played a lot. The all-in-one entertainment game by D3 Enterprises. You guys are, you just, you just shoot bugs? You just shoot robots? That's bad.
Starting point is 01:05:53 I am such a hypocrite. Go to D3 Enterprises. Oh, shit. It's been an hour, guys. EDF. EDF. EDF. I wish, I wish I had some coins on me that I could, like, fake money drawing.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Where's your ball caps? So Shinji Mikami, the one of the greatest game developers of all time. May he rest in peace. What? A guy whose opinion you should listen to. I listen to anything he says. I love Shinji Mikami. He did.
Starting point is 01:06:21 He's probably right about everything. He sat down with Polygon recently, and they got a lot of info out of him, two choice pieces of information. What would that be? Well, the first one being that since he's the kind of guy that loves to bring up new directors and, like, he wants a creative built game whenever he can, he built up Hiroki Kato, the guy who was the head on Vanquish, and Godhead. And he's the director of Code Veronica.
Starting point is 01:06:50 Yes. Lead designer. Very talented man. Code Veronica did not get him the accolades he was hoping for. Which is a shame, because his job was done very well, it seems. So he went on to make those sick ass games, I mentioned. Well, now he has really fucking cool plans. And unfortunately, those didn't do too well either, so he just went, fuck it.
Starting point is 01:07:10 No, these are the cool plans. I'm becoming a farmer. Yeah! The simple life for me. I'm done with this shit. We don't gotta fucking worry about any of this garbage. Nakami has been very vocal for a while about, like, I want, I'm an old man. I want to bring up new people.
Starting point is 01:07:28 I remember when he was helping make Vanquish, he said, I'm gonna make one more game after Vanquish, and then I'm gonna force the guys under me to become totally good. It's kind of like what Kojima does, but Kojima fails. Yeah, he's good at it, whereas Kojima sucks at it, because the way Kojima does it is he says, I'm gonna fucking leave, make something as good as the last game. Oh, you didn't? You suck! You suck!
Starting point is 01:07:51 And they go on to this camera for 12 minutes and talk about how much you suck. And now that Kato, or Kato, whatever, Kato is not going to be doing that, Mikami has also said, like, maybe I'm gonna make another game after Evil with it. Because when Mikami relayed this information, they said he did so with a smile of a proud father. You know? And like I think I mentioned on the Strider video, you can't fucking metacritic corn bitches!
Starting point is 01:08:15 Yeah. Except they're probably ways like some sort of farming review site. This black luster, and near the end, it got a little samey. Oh. Hiroki's gonna be on Yeah, he's calling this corn, but he should call it Maze. Now, woolly, that's all well and good, but what about the other thing that Mikami said? The real important thing.
Starting point is 01:08:37 The real important shit. The real important news is that Mikami sat and was asked, which does he think is better, the Genesis Aladdin or the Super Nintendo Aladdin? Now, if I'm not mistaken, Mikami worked on one of those. He worked on the Super Nintendo Aladdin. Ah, he did. He did. So naturally, the Super Nintendo one would be the better one in his opinion.
Starting point is 01:08:56 Right, that would be his answer, right? But Mikami being the humble man himself. Well, let's get to his answer first, shall we? Mikami says, if I didn't actually make the SNES game, I would probably buy the Genesis one. Why? Why? Animation-wise, I think the Genesis version is better.
Starting point is 01:09:13 He's totally right. The Genesis version has a sword, actually. I wanted to have a sword. You know what? He's totally right. The Genesis version of Aladdin, way better than the Super Nintendo. It would be cool if Aladdin ever used a sword, and he doesn't seem to mention gameplay, just animation, which is interesting.
Starting point is 01:09:27 That game was awesome. It does play better. It plays great. It plays very inferior to the Super Nintendo. Look at the second part of this. What is the second part? William, let's get to the second part. It's a shame how wrong you are.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Let's get to the second part of the story. The second part is that David Perry, the guy who designed the Genesis version, was around. They got in touch with him and asked him the same thing, and they said, hey, this is what Shinji had to say. And Perry responded with, I'm really biased as we made the original game and got Disney to deliver the animation, so I'd flip the quote. If I didn't actually make the Genesis version, I'd probably buy the SNES. See now, here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:10:01 Ironically, because Shinji Mikami is a better developer, he would know quality better where he sees it. Therefore, the Genesis version clear these theories. So the guy that made the Genesis is a lying sack of shit? Maybe. But he managed to make the Genesis. I wouldn't say David Perry is a lying sack of shit. I'd just say maybe his taste isn't quite as good as Shinji Mikami's.
Starting point is 01:10:19 Surely not, because he made the Genesis Aladdin, and had the animation made fun of him. David Perry is the most humble motherfucker in the world. He is not. He's one of the least humble people. Really? So what was the, you gave me a pretty good breakdown of both in terms of these are the strong points of each one. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:41 And like Shinji Mikami said, the Genesis version has incredible animation because it wasn't made by the development team. It was made by Disney. They had nothing to do with it. And the SNES version is what Aladdin should be, which is platforming, not killing people with a sword. You forget that the Genesis version has tons of platforming. Yes, it's got lots of platforming, but that's not the main thing that you do.
Starting point is 01:11:03 You know what? You know what I would say? I would say, you know what I say? That Aladdin should have killed tons of people with a sword, because the Genesis version was so good. You're not even giving an argument. As usual, the Genesis wins again. High five, Pat.
Starting point is 01:11:17 Near the end, you gotta do like a fucking, you have to ride on carpet and fight Jafar. It's so awesome. Which you do in the Super Nintendo game. Yeah, but it's not as good. But you don't have a sword. I wonder if you guys have ever played it, actually, because you see the Super Nintendo version. Oh, yeah, I picked it up once and played it for about 10 minutes.
Starting point is 01:11:32 For the Super Nintendo version, you never own, because you never play it. All right, all right, all right, here we go. I played it a couple years later and picked it up and then immediately vomited because I've had it one. Split-screen video. Yeah, it's gonna happen someday. Do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:46 Sure. And the only way to do it is that me and Liam will play the Super Nintendo version and you guys play the Genesis version. Because otherwise, this argument would just get more intense. Okay, but I'm open to either being awesome or you gotta hold Matt's hand while he plays the greatest game of all time. That wasn't moved by the development team. I don't care who made it.
Starting point is 01:12:08 You're so stupid. You're so stupid. So you're saying Shinji Mikami is a bad game designer. No, I just say he's not as good as David Perry in making Aladdin games. So I see whatever twisting way you can make this argument. We split the screen and as we yell louder, the bar moves to both sides. So you're just yelling the whole time. So I think this argument really, really tinges on something tangible and that's like, we're
Starting point is 01:12:40 never gonna get like passionate about this, about the differences between the version of Call of Duty on PlayStation or Xbox or Bayonetta or anything because the games are all the same now. But remember back when each version of the game was a completely different fucking game despite very similar hardware. They would always say like, dude, it's totally the same game you play like this is bullshit. This version's way worse or this version's way better. Like I did the Super Nintendo have X-Men games because if they did, they were nothing like
Starting point is 01:13:16 the Genesis games at all. They're made by Capcom. Didn't that happen in the Tasmanian Tiger game? Totally. A whole shitload. Tasmanian Devil, you mean? Oh yeah, Devil. I can't wait to move up.
Starting point is 01:13:26 Tasmanian Devil games on Genesis are radical. So you know what? It's totally different. I think, Cat, we can reach out the Olive Branch here and retrospect and just appreciate the entire Rocket Knight line for being awesome on all consoles. In a different way. Not, not recent ones. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:13:42 The Rocket Knight. What recent ones? Oh, you mean, that dream we had where a new shitty Rocket Knight came out? Yeah, that, I woke up. That didn't happen. Hey man, I'm not the biggest fan of Sparkster 1 and 2, but they're still solid. Unlike the dream we had of the new one, but Rocket Knight Adventure's greatest Genesis game is so amazing.
Starting point is 01:14:03 That was an awful night terror. Never eat ice cream before bed. Never gonna take away Rocket Knight. Yeah, that's, on a serious note, that was one of those games that I felt like this is really dumb, but when it came out and when it was terrible, the new Rocket Knight Adventures, I felt like I had grown up a little bit while playing it because I came to the conclusion and you may have heard me say this about like Evangelion, it's like, this thing being bad can never take away the goodness with the old thing.
Starting point is 01:14:31 Right. I used to think that the new bad thing grew in the old thing. In fact, you said that last week. I did? Yeah, when, when talking about Eva 3.33. No, I said nothing, nothing 3.3 can do, can undo how good the series is. But you no longer care about Hideaki Enno. No, I haven't, I haven't cared about him since halfway through the series, but I, it's the
Starting point is 01:14:55 creators, yeah, you can shit on them, they can become crappy, they can die, whatever, but nothing can ever take away how good my memories were or how good an old thing is. And that shitty, shitty new Rocket Knight with walls, walls, like, it can't, it can't I don't wanna talk about it. It can not take away how godlike Rocket Knight Adventures is. Yeah. So it's just hope no horrible accidents happen to your memories. Oh, oh, what do you call it?
Starting point is 01:15:23 Hey, and you looked physically hurt when I bring that up. I, I feel, I think you feel strongly about Sparkster as I do about Rocket Knight Adventures. It's because there's like few, like I wanted it so hard. Oh yeah. Toadspot. I wanted the, I wanted the good bits of like the rocket powers of Sparkster with the good level design of Rocket Knight Adventure and what we got was the worst parts of both. And what you, what, you should have seen me because I was playing the game and I was smiling
Starting point is 01:15:51 and then my smile never went away, but my grip on the controller tightened. And then you died and we had to resuscitate you. So it took them three years to even get a green lit by Konami and when it did so badly, never, no more Rocket Knight for anyone ever. Yeah. We'll see you again in 20 years. Yeah, man. The marketing says that possums don't do too well in the modern day crowd.
Starting point is 01:16:15 No, no. You guys should make it into a hedgehog. You'd hang, you'd hang from like a ledge and he'd hang by his tail and he would slam back and forth and he'd have this big goofy grin on him. Oh, it's so good. Anyway, quick note for those who have this rocket night. Yeah. I miss it.
Starting point is 01:16:32 I don't know. We all do, man. Quick note for those who didn't catch it, but the Making of the Last of Us movie Grounded is up right now on YouTube. The Making of. Just go watch it. Go watch it. I thought it was just on Amazon.
Starting point is 01:16:44 Originally. And now it's on YouTube. Awesome. Sony put it up. Go watch it. Go do it. Link in the comments. Unless you hate Last of Us, then in case, don't watch it because why would you?
Starting point is 01:16:52 You should actually stop listening to this podcast right now, really, if you don't like Last of Us. No, no, Willie. No, Willie. Never stop listening to this podcast. Even if you hate everything and hate all of us, just still listen to the podcast. Be engaged. Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Don't. Yep. That's the TV. You know when you see the old things, like if you don't like it, change the channel and somebody always just shut the fuck up. Yeah. Don't tell people to change the channel. All right.
Starting point is 01:17:23 The very worst thing. How about this? How about this? If you are unimpressed or mildly uninfused by Last of Us, keep on listening. But if you hate, hate it, you can turn this off. No. If you hate the Last of Us, don't watch this video. If you hate the Last of Us.
Starting point is 01:17:40 Just keep listening to us, though, because we're unimpressed of us. The entire subject of this tangent. Stop driving people away, Willie. You're going to ruin this podcast you started. Oh. Just because you mentioned it, and you mentioned Amazon, I'm not sure. I was going to link to this article, but really quickly, Amazon Prime is doing a thing where this TV show is having a second series.
Starting point is 01:17:59 Would you like to buy the entire first season for almost nothing and binge it right now? That's sick. They know their customer base. Because people who buy Prime are people like me, they're like, I need it right now. That's how you fight on demand. They did this with the first season of Hannibal, because the second season of Hannibal is starting, and apparently it's a huge success, and now people are like, whoa, whoa, that's a thing. We can do that.
Starting point is 01:18:25 That works really well. Holy shit. Very interesting. This next piece, actually, is barely related, but I'm just amused by it because of what it represents. Especially since you're weak. Ooh. Ooh.
Starting point is 01:18:40 What a setup. What you played during this week. Chew it up. Kazak Stan, the president suggests renaming the country. To what? To Kazak. To shorten it to Kazak. And his explanation is totally legit.
Starting point is 01:18:55 It's the Stan puts people off, people don't want to visit. So in the meantime, I'm playing Strider where you're running through Kazak, the nation of him. It's just like, did he play Strider? No, but he really should. It was, I mean, it also helps that it was the butt of a huge movie. You know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:16 It totally feels like a South Park gag. Yeah, it's like, if a comedian makes fun of your country hard enough, just change the name. Change the name. They'll be fine. People won't know. Is that Kazak Stan? No.
Starting point is 01:19:27 No, this is Kazak Stan. Old shit hole. This Kazak. Super nice. Put it in edge. No, he is right though. The term Stan does make people think of like old, old former Soviet shit hole and or fake land of stands.
Starting point is 01:19:42 Yeah. Totally. Absolutely. Middle East to Stan. I'd go to Zen. So thanks, Soviet government. Does that stand at the end? Thanks, Khrushchev, you dick.
Starting point is 01:19:51 Where's that Stalin who did that shit? There's always some dick relieving Russia. Have you seen Titan Falls bundle with the Xbox one UK price cut? I did. That fucking time. Yeah, except that price cut will not be coming in other regions. No, no, I won't. I'm not saying that.
Starting point is 01:20:09 Yeah, that is exclusive to him. It was $4.99. Yes, $4 was $3.49. Yeah. Okay. In the UK, the price difference was extra bad and these are pounds. Okay. Well, exactly.
Starting point is 01:20:21 They weigh $399. British pounds, which is what it's down to now, is $670 US dollars. That's a lot. Yeah. It's not so much a price drop as it is then. A reality check. Yeah, a reality check, exactly. If you want an X-Bone and you're in Europe, you're better off importing one, honestly.
Starting point is 01:20:40 This is a North American rep. Wait, wait. Have you seen Titan Falls? Yeah. This is a North American rep. What? Because of the stupid locking. Now you couldn't get an American one because it's a digital copy of Titanfall.
Starting point is 01:20:51 You'd be fucked. Oh, it's a digital. Yeah. Dude, all bundles have digital now forever. He basically walked into a UK game store and rubbed his eyes and then made a phone call. And in front of his eyes, the store clerk changed it. There you go. But enough of that shit.
Starting point is 01:21:08 Here comes Mongo. Have you seen Strike Suit Zero? Strike Suit Zero. Yeah, we have. It's pretty old, to be honest. It's coming to consoles now. It's coming to consoles. That's one of those Steam games I bought because it had a cool trailer and I've yet to run.
Starting point is 01:21:23 Yeah. Well, it's a cool Macro game. It looks like that's why I bought it. Exactly. Just fucking take that Macross juice and put it in my veins. What about Robotron juice? I'm referring the Robotron Nest game. Okay.
Starting point is 01:21:37 Yeah. Exactly. And you turn that into 3D and then you get the forms and you get the different transformations and you go. Like because of that game, I care more about Robotron than Macross despite never having seen a single episode of any of it. Well, they probably have nothing to do with each other, but this reminds me of Aces of the Galaxy, which is an awesome game that you may or may not have played.
Starting point is 01:21:58 Reminds me of Omega Boosts that never got the love it deserved. Sure. Omega Boosts is fucking radical. Stop making Gran Turismo. Make more Omega Boosts. Yeah. They'll never get to. But like if you like high-speed mecha action in your Zone of the Enders style.
Starting point is 01:22:13 It's high-speed robotics, actually. Thank you. I'm going to be a total dick. No, no, no. You're correct and I am wrong, sir. Hey, we're all big fans of dumb, made-up genres by prominent Japanese game developers. Stylish, hard action, climax action. This one is very explicitly high-speed robot action.
Starting point is 01:22:34 I will flog myself later. Which is dumb because they're not robots. They're Orbal Frames or Mechas or whatever. But Kojima, who's going to tell him no? But in the meantime, go check out the trailer for this thing. That's Strike Suit Zero. When does that come out on consoles? Because I actually really want to get it.
Starting point is 01:22:51 And what consoles? It's announced for the X-Bone and the PS4. Okay, good. Because that Mecha game, it screams to me the kind of games that I want a Mecha game to just give it the most juice you got. Because in a game like that, you're going to render what? The robot and space. So I want that fucking robot to look like a fucking robot.
Starting point is 01:23:15 We don't have a date, but we do know that this is a director's cut. So there's seven, a bunch of extra stuff. So it can't be that far away. Director's cuts. I don't know. A lone-survivors director's cut took like a year. Sometime in March, hopefully. Wait, wait.
Starting point is 01:23:29 In March? I think I'll come in up soon. So tomorrow? So what I just said. Yeah, there you go. As usual, man. It doesn't specify when in March, but it will be in March. That's why you're the boss and we're not.
Starting point is 01:23:40 Not really. That's not really the reason. Yeah, boss. Exactly why. So one of the consuls, Tech 3001 has now been greenlit on Steam. Oh, yeah. And now it's totally coming out because of the nice fans that decided to give it a vote. Once again, our fans are the greatest.
Starting point is 01:23:56 They send me, the developers send me a bunch of messages saying, thank you so much. We've been struggling for a while to get a greenlit. Well, yeah. Now that it's, now they ask like, hey, we're really struggling. You guys are in the middle of the game. And I was like, oh, well, it costs us nothing just to say, hey, vote for it. Well, if the game sucks, it costs us our dignity, which is good that the game is awesome.
Starting point is 01:24:16 So for every indie baby you've crushed, there's the one that you've raised and given a scholarship. Yeah. And we didn't need to help out super wagon adventure. That thing got to greenlight. No problem. Super amazing. Super wagon adventure. Super amazing.
Starting point is 01:24:31 Yeah. Not baby mammoth though. No. I'd love to do that. Let's see how far we can push baby. At least the PS4. Let's see it get, let's see it win. No, no.
Starting point is 01:24:46 Oculus Rift. Oculus Rift. Tabby mammoth. Yeah. First present. Pat, let it drink at your teeth. I don't know though. It might not be able to make it onto the Oculus Rift because Oculus Rift production is officially on hold.
Starting point is 01:24:59 Why is that? They are running out of parts and it is a very specialty piece of equipment. Yeah. And they didn't specify which part in particular but one of the subcontracted companies is no longer producing a certain component. Did Sony buy out the factory? It's possible because they're supposed to be making their own VR thing. Sony did not buy out the factory because rumor has it that at GDC 2014.
Starting point is 01:25:27 Sony will bring out their own VR. We're going to be seeing Sony's VR machine. Which I'm excited to see that if only because I'm never going to have a computer strong enough to run Oculus stuff really well. Yeah. So I'm excited for that because running Oculus on a PC requires a lot of user input. You need to do stuff. You need to get it working.
Starting point is 01:25:47 You need to make sure your PC can hack it at the settings it needs. But on a console they'll be able to say this game uses the fucking VR and it runs 120 frames a second. The rumors are also saying that they spent all the money that Oculus didn't have on this to make sure that they got all the bumps and kinks taken care of. Well there's been rumors for a while like when YOSP said on Twitter like you say Oculus I say and then four underscores. Yeah. You know there's been rumors for a long time they're going to do this.
Starting point is 01:26:20 I'm excited to see it. It's pretty interesting because when I did the AMA the other day someone said are you excited for the Oculus Rath and I just vaguely not reading the story said I don't even know if that's ever going to come out but then I can buy it in a store. I mean it will. In a store it'll be a long goddamn time. That's what it kind of meant. I eagerly await the ability to try and use one of these with the explicit fear
Starting point is 01:26:42 that I am 100% certain these things will give me crippling migraines that I will not be able to use them. Yeah awesome. So and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Fuck if you can't handle it I'm done for. No it's like I cannot I cannot wear over the ear headphones because the pressure on that part of my head pushes my temporal artery migraine like that. I see I see. That's why I have to wear earbuds.
Starting point is 01:27:03 So when you're saying you're going to wear goddamn fucking VR helmets. Okay. I'm like well I'm probably going to die wearing it. You would be a terrible starship. And things like yes yes I did try it but I didn't try it while playing high-speed robot action. No. You understand. That's what might be.
Starting point is 01:27:20 Granted not that there's any high-speed robot action. I can't see VR ever hitting the pure mainstream because there are just too many hurdles towards actual usability by humans. If it's ever going to hit the mainstream it's going to be now. I can see it becoming like a specialty device like a multi-tap or like a you know a microphone or something. Exactly. For like specific subset of games. But they're not going to mass produce these. They can't be mass produced because there's too many people that don't have good enough eyes or get migraines or people like you willy.
Starting point is 01:27:50 There's a significant amount of people like what is it 10% that that kind of thing should make them just vomit instantly. Yeah. I thought I was alone. No there's a lot of people that as soon as you show them certain scenes at certain speeds they just go It's the same thing with the seasickness. Seasickness. So yeah it can't hit mainstream because I'm going to say there's a random guess. There's going to be like 30% of the total population just cannot handle these devices.
Starting point is 01:28:18 For sure. But I for one cannot wait for a first-person game by Housemarque that is a schmuck. Totally. Because that'll be sick. That'll be crazy. I love the spelling of that name. Yeah. Also there's another thing that Patrick Kleffick I think wrote an article about it with Oculus Rift and horror games.
Starting point is 01:28:37 And it's basically it's like the intent and the thing that you think you wanted may not actually be what you actually want. Because the idea of like I'm going to play a horror game in VR. I'm going to get so scared. And what seems to be a very common outcome is that people can't handle it. Like too scary. Like I can't deal with this because if you're freaked out in a traditional game you're playing on PC. You're playing on TV. You look away from the screen and you fucking pause.
Starting point is 01:29:02 You can get away from it. You can get away. But when you go to look away and there's more game in your face like it can cause you to panic. Yeah. And then it may not actually be what you want. Like playing you know what's the other good example is like a dog fighting game where you're going to play. It's like maybe if that experience of oh it's so intense it's too much for you. Do you know what that feels like?
Starting point is 01:29:28 That feels like a really bad goose bumps about the game that kills you. Wasn't there a movie? There was a movie about that. Stay Alive. If you want to survive this day you must stay alive. Game over. Stay Alive. Stay Alive.
Starting point is 01:29:40 Stay Alive. Malcolm in the middle was in it. And the bunk. So the non horror game example that I can think of that all of you can have some you touch base on is that either the old one or the new one but afterburner. Either afterburner, climax or the old one. Now everyone loves going to the fucking arcade and getting over done insane afterburner machine. Yeah. Right?
Starting point is 01:30:05 But is that how you want to play it every day? Probably not. Is that not too much to do every day for like two hours? It's too much. Three hours? Wouldn't you get overwhelmed and sick of that eventually? I put way more time in afterburner. What is it?
Starting point is 01:30:21 Climax? Climax? Brian says yes but my heart says no. Exactly. I put way more time into the 360 version despite being markedly inferior because it's got no cockpit. Because my couch doesn't pick up and rotate. Exactly. And it got more long term enjoyment out of it than the whereas at the arcade it was just like oh shit.
Starting point is 01:30:41 Oh shit. Oh fuck. You don't get distracted. You can enjoy the game in every fashion. I think horror games are that but like a whole other order of magnitude higher. You just get terrified and the terror hits you. And you have to turn the lights on, open the windows and stream it to play. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:30:57 But you can't even see if your lights are on. That's the problem. They may have turned off. He might be right behind you all along. But for shit, for serious? I hope I can play Kingdom Come on my PS4 with that. That'd be rad. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:12 That'd be super cool. Because that's a nice calm game. Yeah. Exactly. No. If they could port it you play Endless Ocean. Oh I would too. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:22 So I think like good games for the Oculus Rift or other VR solutions would be the less intense the better. Like games that are going for relaxation or like glorified screensaver. Or like you know something like Skyrim. Just like not too intense. I want to go ahead and disagree on that and say I think you can totally do intensity so long as it's not tied to fear or something. Like something like Res would be fucking amazing.
Starting point is 01:31:50 No but I don't mean intensity in that in terms of visual stimuli. I mean intensity in terms of like how much it's pushing your body to react. So Res seeing all of Res would be godlike. Yeah. It would be a soothing experience. Please tell me I just want someone to send one to Q Entertainment and they just open it up and then. And the Miz just.
Starting point is 01:32:16 And then what? Just semen everywhere. I can't believe you said the Miz because I thought you meant the wrestler was working at Q Entertainment. No. No. The Miz. Mizaguchi.
Starting point is 01:32:26 Imagine if you could play Phoenix Wright. That dude has synesthesia and explains everything. Yeah. And then you'd like manipulate the environment to find clues. Exactly. Yeah. Totally. I hope whichever company made LSD makes a sequel for Oculus Rift.
Starting point is 01:32:37 I don't think so. It'd be great. It'd be amazing. Seizure fucked up. Seizure warnings will never be larger. Never be larger. Yeah. Like you'll get the the seizure warning should honestly be on the VR device.
Starting point is 01:32:50 It should be on the helmet. Yeah. Like and you have to and you have to see it every time you put it on. Five minutes in game a pop-up has to come up. You have to confirm. Yeah. You'll get a seizure soon. Are you?
Starting point is 01:33:02 Are you having a seizure? If no hit no. You should take a break. You've been playing for a while. Yeah. That motherfucking burden in length of 20 miles. No. I haven't been playing for a while.
Starting point is 01:33:13 I put it to sleep. No. Not even. It's like I when he taught tells me that shit. He's right. Okay. And fuck him. I'll play all over the fuck long I want.
Starting point is 01:33:22 Fall in a binge for 10 hours and eat nothing and die. And fuck you bird. Yeah. You're not my parent. You're like you were about to put it away and then you're just like no. No. We're going to keep going. Do you think I can't go longer?
Starting point is 01:33:35 Motherfucking bird. That's really annoying. The way Nintendo handles it of like hey man we don't trust you. It's literally right in your face. Like press A to not. You should probably go lay down. Yeah. How about you fuck yourself.
Starting point is 01:33:53 Tomorrow they're going to be saying like go do 20 pushups. It'll be good for you. No. Well isn't it your bedtime by now? Please enter your bedtime and continue playing. If I want a real job. If I want to treat your fucking Nintendo game like booze and cigarettes then fuck you. Let me.
Starting point is 01:34:08 Okay. Don't tell me not to. I don't think it's a problem until platinum games start saying that. They would never say that. No. They're not. That's what I mean. The only one they would do is like you've been playing for a while.
Starting point is 01:34:22 Stop so you don't beat the game in one sitting. I want Nintendo's to get more scathing so it's like in two generations. You should call your mom. Or just like a platinum game. Like you've been playing for 30 hours straight. That's it. No. The sensors in our game pad or a handheld have detected that you're pretty fat.
Starting point is 01:34:41 So why don't you go out and exercise. Your fingers are too fat for these buttons. Oh this is a weight fork chop. That's just what it says in the message. I hate to confirm. I would not be able to handle that. That would be too hurtful. Do you imagine that shit?
Starting point is 01:34:56 Don't get a real job. It's like stop playing video games. You fat piece of shit. It's like how do you think I got like this? You motherfucker. You did it to me. Stuff your face. You make exercise so appealing.
Starting point is 01:35:10 God damn it. I just want to get more star you motherfucker. This week earlier on Sega created a new subsidiary. Oh my god. This is so hard to follow. Subsidiary. I'm sorry. This is so hard to follow.
Starting point is 01:35:24 But they basically turned Atlas back into Atlas. Yep. So nothing happened. Like after INDEX and Sega Dream Holdings and then INDEX again, they have now dumped INDEX and called them Atlas. I mean it's a whole lot of business talk but the short of it is that INDEX Corporation filed for rehabilitation. Sega stepped in to do what they could to fix the problem.
Starting point is 01:35:46 Atlas being under INDEX was in trouble of course. And so Sega instead now creates a new sub company within themselves and that company is now called Atlas. Well also more accurately is when they went to issue time, they dumped everything except Atlas but it was still technically INDEX because it's under INDEX. Yes. And it was this weird situation. They were actually only buying the Atlas under INDEX.
Starting point is 01:36:10 It's like you have a folder labeled INDEX but the only thing inside it is another folder that's under INDEX. And so it was this. It was really really weird because Atlas had way more employees than INDEX did and INDEX was the parent company. Yeah. So what they did was they grabbed all the files inside the Atlas folder and created a new folder inside of Sega called Atlas and dragged them there.
Starting point is 01:36:30 And deleted the INDEX. And deleted the other one. Actually maybe they still own that one. They didn't drag that folder over. They can't. And unlike when this originally happened, I was quite worried. Vocal. I was worried.
Starting point is 01:36:42 Vocal. Little vocal. Can use to exist. Yeah. Working on. Something. Something. They're translating something.
Starting point is 01:36:50 It's all they do over there. There's a lot of potential games for us. And games have continued to become announced from Atlas as if nothing has changed. Yeah. So Sega was good on their word. It seems that Sega has not pulled an EA quite yet. Say it now. Say it.
Starting point is 01:37:08 Thank Sega. No. I will not. Thank Sega. I won't thank Sega until a game comes out underneath them. Fair enough. That isn't fucked up. Fair enough.
Starting point is 01:37:19 And whenever that is. Right. That will be before dancing all night. You won't. It's not. Atlas would have totally made that anyway. There's no. Atlas did make that anyway.
Starting point is 01:37:30 Yeah. Exactly. But you know, whenever a new SMT game or Persona or Ultimax or whatever. And one of those comes out and it comes out fine. Then I will thank Sega for saving Atlas, but not before because they could still fuck it up. And I will always reserve the right to walk it back in case they do fuck up Atlas in the future.
Starting point is 01:37:53 I want to say there's a lot of people when this announcement happened saying like, well, Atlas is alive again. Yeah. And like I had someone come up to me and be like, yo, Atlas is alive again. And I was just like, yeah, they never died. Never went away. Never went away. I think it was.
Starting point is 01:38:06 I don't want to call them. Those people should listen to our podcast. But I think it was Kotaku's article where they were like, Atlas is alive again. That's the danger of care. That's a Kotaku article. I think it was them. I might be wrong. Well, do you remember those really sentimental, awesome SNK shirts with the fucking death
Starting point is 01:38:25 date on them? And they had the ABCD buttons and it was like, those are great shirts. I love the idea. SNK isn't dead though. They're totally wrong. This means nothing. No. Stop it.
Starting point is 01:38:37 They just announced the new Samurai shirt on the other day. That's the danger. Fuck you. Fuck you. But then you realize those shirts do are correct. They do are correct. They do are correct. That's the danger of caring.
Starting point is 01:38:51 It was a fucking Pachinko game. You piece of shit. But it didn't look like one. It's because they put the money that was going to make a good possible 3D game into Pachinko. Oh, gosh, you sucker. Yeah. Because SNK has a huge history of making 3D games.
Starting point is 01:39:06 Making a Pachinko, you know who we should thank for saving Atlas? Not Sega. Sammy. Sammy. Because Sammy saved fucking Sega. Sega Sammy Holdings. No. Sammy saved Sega back in the day with what the power of Pachinko?
Starting point is 01:39:20 I know. But I'm saying Sega Sammy Holdings is now the name of the parent company. Yeah. Because you ever need money bet on chain smokers. Yeah. But they don't know how to stop. No. They're smokers.
Starting point is 01:39:31 They're reliable customers. That's one word for it. Until they die, I guess. Hey, kids, don't smoke. It's bad for you. Unless your parents are the ones inside the parlor slot and you're sitting outside because they have a bed in you to play Pachinko. God.
Starting point is 01:39:46 God damn. Super Mario 3D was fun. If you have a choice between learning Pachinko and picking up smoking, start smoking instead. It's less dangerous for your health. Me and Pat played a virtual Pachinko, we nearly lost our fucking science. It's raw poison. Yeah. It's a raw mind poison.
Starting point is 01:40:05 I tried playing one of the High School of the Dead game that came out on Vita. It's fucking boring as shit. Pachinko is the worst thing in the world. It relies. But I went to Japan. I tried. Remember, I told you. I played it.
Starting point is 01:40:17 Yeah. I was just like, I went in. I spent $10 on Pachinko. I'm like, I sat down. What is this? And smoke everywhere and I played. It was fucking boring. Pachinko.
Starting point is 01:40:25 And it was the new Evangelion machine. It was all pretty. And it was so boring. There's a word in psychology for what the Pachinko machine is and it's called a Skinner Box. Oh, yeah. It is a box specifically made to trick you into liking it. It gives you just enough of boredom and then rewards you.
Starting point is 01:40:46 And you go, ah, yeah. Well, that's what I know. It's a slot machine. Isn't it? Yes. Yeah. It's a combination of a slot machine, video poker and pinball. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:54 It's the most distilled form in that, like what I was about to say is it relies on the feedback of the shiny buttons, the noises, all that shit that doesn't matter. Always win a little bit in Pachinko, but then you never enough. The pace of it is that it keeps rolling. Like the slot machine, you have to pull the lever every time, right? Pachinko has dodged that problem entirely, but you dump all your money into it immediately and it will just run infinitely for like 40 minutes. And you should probably stop talking about Pachinko because someone might then send us
Starting point is 01:41:30 Pachinko. No. No, things could be worse. No. All the modern Pachinkos too, they have like screens on them. They play animations and when I was there and the evil one had just come out, there was a guide you could buy to get all the animations in Pachinko. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:41:43 And it was just kind of like, what do you have to do to get all these animations? Oh my God. And it's all fucking luck. The whole thing's luck. And the bottom line ends up being the same fucking shit in that you don't win money, you win little balls that you trade for prizes that no one wants. Well maybe they're decent, I don't know. But they're stuffed animals.
Starting point is 01:41:59 But shut up. I want it though. I want it. It's mine. They vary depending on where you go. No, but like a Pachinko parlor is not going to have stuffed animals. They have all kinds of shit depending on where you go. It's actually for adults.
Starting point is 01:42:11 Adults. Yes. I think that's a good chance. You can trade in this ball you won for a pack of smokes that you can smoke while you play Pachinko. Yeah. That's a good plan. Self-sustaining economy.
Starting point is 01:42:21 Yeah. Oh fuck Pachinko. Let's try a segment out. News. Does anyone care? That's a good segment. Tony Hawk is coming back. I don't care.
Starting point is 01:42:32 I fucking hope it's on consoles and not an iOS game. I was pretty sure. Three console games. Probably. I was pretty sure Tony Hawk was dead. Nope. Nope. Coming back.
Starting point is 01:42:43 If it's a proper like the first and thug and American Wasteland, sure. They took a 10 year break and I will care if they put it in my hands and I go, oh yeah. Not before. I don't even see them putting money into a console thing because no one cares about skateboarding. I don't know if I have to shoot. We should. But that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:43:03 In the way that they used to, they don't. I don't know if I have it in my heart if I have space for skateboarding anymore. You will look glorious looking. Maybe. But I don't think I do. Just remember the times. What I would take, what I would accept would be like something like Jet Set Radio or something like SSX.
Starting point is 01:43:20 Like something really stylish and cool. Soundtracks there. You'll buy it. Let's all remember how well they've treated Tony Hawk recently with two ride games and a fucked up HD collect. Ride and shred you man. Remember it is amazing that the emphasis in that sentence was not on ride but on the fucked up HD collection.
Starting point is 01:43:37 When you take two or is Tony Hawk three in that game? No. Tony Hawk three is not in that game. You take Tony Hawk one and two. Three is DLC. Two of the greatest games ever made. I say this without irony. These games are amazing.
Starting point is 01:43:51 And you completely butcher them? That is offensive. They are fucked up. That is terrible. So I don't have anything forward to it. I hope it's good. Unless there's some sort of conversion point where Blink 182 was coming back and then who made Superman?
Starting point is 01:44:12 The band? The song? The Kryptonite. No. Three doors down? Three doors down. No. That is Kryptonite.
Starting point is 01:44:20 Oh yeah. Here I am. Oh that one. Go finger. Go finger. It's all of these. Public enemy featuring anthrax. If all of these late 90's early aughts things started happening, rap rockers came back then
Starting point is 01:44:37 it would make sense for Activision to make a new Tony Hawk but it's not going to happen. It's a fucking push and go game. It's like you can't go back and make a new crazy taxi. But if they do the time for crazy taxi will never be again. No 18 wheeler American pro trucker for us. Again providing like it looks stylish enough I could maybe be bought back in but I'm saying nay. You're saying nay.
Starting point is 01:45:06 Pat's saying nay. Liam's saying nay. Who's making it? I'm saying I'm going to look and see what it looks like. Who's making it? I'm saying nay in that it's not going to be. Is it never soft? There's nothing.
Starting point is 01:45:15 Because even if it was never soft, what have they been doing lately? All that practice on making guitar hero and fucking call of duty maps will prepare them for bringing skateboarding back to life. I say if it's on consoles I'll give it the time of day. No, it's Tony Hawk himself that said it, Activision is all we know. Activision is like shut up. Remember that the Tony Hawk engine collection was made by the guys that made Ride Robomondo. There were set up specifically to make Tony Hawk.
Starting point is 01:45:49 I don't know what happened on that. They probably got rushed for time or whatever but I hope they feel bad about how that game came out. I hope so too. Well I just understand why. It's good enough. Because fuck. But you should feel bad.
Starting point is 01:46:01 You really should. It's like whoever the fuck they would got to do the Son of Hill games for HD collection, they should feel fucking ashamed of themselves. And Zoe. The original Zoe. The dev team that worked on Ride, their punishment was they had to take all the copies of Ride into their homes. All bad.
Starting point is 01:46:19 No, their punishment was that they needed to make Shred the sequel. I can't believe that came out. I can't believe they tried it again. It's mind-blowing. I really wonder if the first one was actually, like was it so cheap to make that these people had to. No, you know what I bet it was? I bet it was like we're sitting on a lot of these skateboards.
Starting point is 01:46:35 You know what, I actually liked Downhill Jam for the Wii because it was just Tony Hawk and SSX. It was super silly, yeah. It was kind of fun. DS1 was good too. I didn't play that. Oh man. It's never gotten better.
Starting point is 01:46:49 It's always gotten worse. It's never gotten better. So cross your fingers and we'll see what happens. Anyway. That's a sad line. That's sad. Meanwhile, it seems like Key for Sutherland is getting comfy with video games. Very comfy.
Starting point is 01:47:02 Because it turns out the other video game besides Metal Gear that he's working on is Mortal Kombat. Somehow. I don't know. Shuloh and Knights. Shuloh and Knights. Is he the new Strider? Not Strider.
Starting point is 01:47:15 Strider. Strider. But you're an even more every time. Shuloh and Knights. Anyway. Shuloh and Knights into dreams more like it. When an actor says a thing like this, my first thought is that you are confused. You don't know what you signed.
Starting point is 01:47:33 You don't know where you were. My second thought is you weren't supposed to say that. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Well that's like the fucking dang game. Yeah, the dang game Robin won was hilarious. I was like, I'm totally in this game. Wrong game dude.
Starting point is 01:47:46 That game hasn't been announced. You totally fucked it up. Or Cristen Bell with Assassin's Creed 1 where it's kind of like a history meets the matrix sort of thing. Yeah. Way to blow that one. To be a fair Mortal Kombat sequel is 100% being made. Super inevitable.
Starting point is 01:48:01 I can't wait to see what it looks like. It's going to be pretty cool. Oh god, I hope that's, get new animators. Get good animators. Make it complete. That's all you need. Get good animators. Be able to press back to block.
Starting point is 01:48:12 That's all you need. They're never going to do that. Well, I think they're going to do that. Who was it that said like I saw the new Mortal Kombat and holy shit. It's someone I know. Some, okay. Okay. So.
Starting point is 01:48:23 Holy shit eh. Yeah. The Mortal Kombat, the quote that Kiefer gave out is pretty funny actually. He's like, I did Mortal Kombat. That's such a huge game, but it's so not like Metal Gear Solid 5. Well said Kiefer. You know what would have been great if he said it's so much like that. Very good.
Starting point is 01:48:44 So is that good for Metal Gear or bad for Mortal Kombat? It's good for everybody. It's good for someone. Yeah. We can do everything. Choice for us. It's great. Fucking seeing Snake do fatalities on kids.
Starting point is 01:48:54 Oh man, that'd be awesome. On his snake? Yeah. Oh yeah. Tekken Revolution. Fuck you. Is that even a thing? Yeah it is.
Starting point is 01:49:04 I refuse to believe. It's hilarious. Go play it. Fuck. This, okay so in the game you can level up your characters and stats and shit, right? You can't hear it everybody, but I'm rolling my eyes. You're rolling them hard, right? So catch this.
Starting point is 01:49:17 So this dude goes and finds a way to hack it of course. Of course. Levels himself up to 99 in life, in strength and damage and absolutely everything. 99,999. In damage or one of those things, yeah. Damn it. Max is everything out and he just puts footage online of him one hit KO'ing anyone he encounters. Wow.
Starting point is 01:49:38 And then there's this great match of like he's fighting a dude and he just presses no buttons for the entire round, 60 seconds go by and the other dude beats on him as much as possible. But he's got so many deep colors of life bar that he takes away seven health bars. He's a beat of a boss. Time runs out and he still wins. So the dude's name is But Why. Perfect. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:50:04 Harada himself steps in and goes this dude is fucking banned. He like straight up. It's awesome though. Immediately stepped in. It is cool. The only thing I think is interesting about Tekken Revolution, aside from this bullshit, is that there's a fireball character in that game. Yeah, it's really neat.
Starting point is 01:50:22 Vampire chick? Yeah. Fireballs. And they're like ground waves. They're like Rappukins. Yeah. And you look at that and you go, maybe they are actually making Tekken cross three fighters. You have ever seen such an obvious test?
Starting point is 01:50:33 Yeah. Well, if we saw Namco- Call it fucking War God. Namco already. Namco in their 2014 list said, yep, totally coming out. They never said it was it. Yeah, but this year. Everyone assumes-
Starting point is 01:50:46 Everyone keeps forgetting and he keeps going, no, it's there. Because it was four years ago and he was talking about- It's their fault because when Tekken Tag 2 was coming out and they would say, hey, what about Tekken Cross Street Fighter? They'd be like, shut the fuck up. We're talking about Tekken Tag 2 right now. Yeah. Right before it came out there, they went, here's a little screenshot of something.
Starting point is 01:51:03 Please forget about this game. Yeah, like you can't, you can't. It's totally their fault because everything they've talked about, Tekken Cross Street Fighter, has been stop asking us about it. We don't want to talk about it with the hidden implication that it may not even exist. No, no, I disagree with that entirely. Well, when Street Fighter, they never, they never, because Street Fighter Cross Tekken poisoned the world.
Starting point is 01:51:24 Yes. No, but they picked a deal. They made a deal with both companies to use their licenses. Yeah. It has nothing to do with it. But I do think that the reason it's so far into the future is because Street Fighter Cross Tekken totally poisoned the world. SPC Chaos did nothing for that deal with SNK.
Starting point is 01:51:38 Yeah. Wait, wait, wait. But that's still a bigger game. Yeah, SPC Chaos is in total garbage. No, you're- No. I mean, Evan Ryzen, we're going to make three games. It did so poorly.
Starting point is 01:51:49 We didn't make the other games. But are you telling the president- And that makes sense when it's one company, but this is two completely different companies- See, I thought the deal- Developing- I got- Completely separately from each other. I thought the deal was that you could, but not that you had to.
Starting point is 01:52:01 No. Yeah, I mean, sure. It is a you could. It is totally a you could, obviously. Well, they shouldn't have. But why? Are you telling me Namco- But cause-
Starting point is 01:52:09 No, no, no. Listen to me. Are you telling me Namco would not have a good time making a 3D Tekken game with the better license whenever they want at any point? Yeah. Or they could have a really- That sounds like free fucking money. Like instead-
Starting point is 01:52:21 Well, as last time? Yeah. But they botched the game. That's not to say Namco's going to botch the game. To be fair, there is one- There is one point of the thing that you're- No, they're completely removed companies. You guys are thinking about them like sequels, and they're totally different games by totally
Starting point is 01:52:34 different companies. Well, if they weren't supposed to be sequels, then they should have come out simultaneously. What reason is that? Capcom versus SNK is not a sequel to SVC Chaos. They should be, though. Well, now you just don't know what you're talking about. One comes after the other. Anyway.
Starting point is 01:52:48 That being said, there is one part of what you said, Liam, that I really like. And it's like, this is Namco's nice chance to just shit all over Capcom by releasing a way better game. Yeah. Which is good. That's what they're going to do. Which is very likely on its way. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:04 Cause that cross-tekken sucks. So cross-street fighter, even being mediocre, will be way better. Whereas we saw Tekken Tag 2, awesome. Yeah. The solution, experimental, so they didn't fuck up Tekken Cross Street Fighter yet. Yeah. And we'll see where they land for this one. Come on, Harrod.
Starting point is 01:53:20 I trust you. Nail it. You crazy bitch. Nail it. 3D Dudley. So the roster is going to be low. We can all assume the roster would be lower than we would want. Because Tekken characters are more detailed than Street Fighter characters in general.
Starting point is 01:53:37 But Tekken's roster is right normal. No, the roster's going to be insanely huge because they can pump them out. They always do. How many characters were in Tekken Tag 2? All of them. You're totally right. I always forget how many Tekken characters they can get. But it's not going to be the whole Tekken roster against the whole Street Fighter.
Starting point is 01:53:54 It'll be the best one. It'll be, could we see like 20 each? You're going to see like 30 each, if not more. Okay. And if they do that, I want weird picks. Oh yeah. They already had the big pool, remember? Alex and Dr. B are going to be in there.
Starting point is 01:54:09 And Q was way up there on that list, if I remember correctly. And Sawada. Yeah, Sawada was on there. I want Q in that game so bad because Q would translate really well to Tekken. Totally would. And he's sidestep deadly double combination. And maybe if characters that are rare in Cross Street Fighter get super popular, maybe we can bring them back into Street Fighter in the future.
Starting point is 01:54:31 A picture if you will. A world where Urian and Brian Fury are laughing their heads off. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. In other news. It's a good image. Harold Ramis is dead. Is totally alive.
Starting point is 01:54:47 Damn it. Again. Really awesome. Hokes. Ghostbusters 3 reconfirmed. Egon is not dead. Damn it. If you're listening to that, it's very important.
Starting point is 01:54:56 That was a hell of a hoax. Yep, they got everybody. They got everybody. How much did we research this because it was very confusing? There was a lot of places that got posted around following up on the celebrity hoax. Ben Wagem. Damn it. It turns out the guy that wrote Groundhog's Day and directed Groundhog's Day and played
Starting point is 01:55:16 Egon. Awesome dude. Totally alive. Damn it. I get trolled every time. I'm so willing to assume people have died. Good on him for not being dead. I'm the kind of moron that would open up a newspaper and go Pat died.
Starting point is 01:55:28 Oh no. Not me. Yeah. Shit. I'm a ghost. Whoa. I mean that's a funny joke. Why would I open a newspaper?
Starting point is 01:55:39 There's not a ton of precedent though for like celebrities fake hoax dying things going on this year. Not yet. I got long term trolled by Richard Karn being alive earlier this year during our disaster playthrough. And Doc from, if I can, what's his name? Christopher Lloyd. Christopher Lloyd.
Starting point is 01:56:02 He looks like he's dead. Yeah. Yeah. That's what you see. But that's your always your go to. Is this guy dead? No. He's totally alive.
Starting point is 01:56:10 Well he should be. You know. When it to the Paul Walker died I assumed it was a hoax. Because it was like how can Paul Walker die? He's dodged death at least six times. Too fast. I've seen it. I've seen it.
Starting point is 01:56:21 Too fast. Yeah. He's so totally fake and not happening. Space Jam 2. Do not a thing. Fuck. Damn it. That got announced and people were saying yeah man LeBron James is going to be in it.
Starting point is 01:56:34 Whatever. That would have saved every industry. No. Space Jam 2 is not happening. Well it should. God damn it. I spaced. I had a huge argument about this news with a friend of mine because he said fuck you.
Starting point is 01:56:45 Space Jam sucks. And I was like we're not friends anymore. Oh no. Space Jam. Who was this? One of us. This is and it's important to make the distinguish the distinction. Distinction.
Starting point is 01:56:56 I'll make the distinguish. Sorry. To make the distinguishing like piece of information here is that Space Jam before the meme was always awesome. Yeah. It was a phenomenon. Before it became an internet thing. Website's still up.
Starting point is 01:57:10 You still got to respect and love it. That argument got heated to the point where he was like fuck you and I pulled up random clips of Space Jam. I was like look that's awesome. That's not going to help. That's funny. It's doing cartoon shit. It's awesome.
Starting point is 01:57:22 That will help your argument. For someone that doesn't like it. Fucking Space Jam is so sick. Yeah. Fucking love Space Jam. You got to look you got to wonder how many like. But it doesn't. There are.
Starting point is 01:57:33 It should have been LeBron James. It should be old Michael Jordan. With the Hitler stash. Honestly. Honestly. It should be Charles Barkley. No. No.
Starting point is 01:57:43 No. No. They said. No. No. No. They need to make a live action. Stop.
Starting point is 01:57:51 Charles Barkley. Shut up in Jam Guy. Actually. That would be the actual best thing. But you guys actually don't know that Barkley is crazy. He's just an announcer now. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:01 He's out of his fucking mind. Great. Awesome. Roll it into the plot. Yes. Okay. In reality a movie studio is not. Let's hire this crazy man.
Starting point is 01:58:09 Yeah. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Based on a YouTube craze. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 01:58:17 And the last piece of fucking awesome info. Please tell me you guys have seen the trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy. I have seen it. Several times. No. You don't know how to point it out. Matt. I'm saving the best for last.
Starting point is 01:58:31 Because it wasn't in the best. It wasn't in the last. Nobody. Nobody can see this. Because this is audio obviously. But these two motherfuckers are both like angrily pointing dots on them. No. And giving each other dirty lips.
Starting point is 01:58:41 I'm gonna get to it. I'm gonna get to it. We need to fucking prompt her. I'm so happy with the treatment of Guardians of the Galaxy there. Yeah. That's good. Obviously everyone's waiting for Rocket Raccoon. And everyone who's played Marvel who finally discovered who he is.
Starting point is 01:58:56 But fucking dude from... Parts of their games. Playing Star-Lord. Who also is the voice of Emmett in the Lego movie. How was he? Yeah. I couldn't see it until I saw it. And I'm like, yep.
Starting point is 01:59:11 Do it. Run with that. That's the resident comic hater. I hate comics. It's a good time. I think they're dumb. I don't know anything about Guardians of the Galaxy. And I look at this and if you took away the Marvel logo and I didn't know about Rocket
Starting point is 01:59:27 Raccoon, I would be like, hey, whoa, this looks good. Yeah. There's a talking raccoon in this fucking movie. That's enough to sell him. I am down with that. It's Rocket. Rocket's the greatest. He's a shitty raccoon.
Starting point is 01:59:40 And he's gonna be in a movie. Why the fuck can't... Who the fuck's making the... Who owns Wonder Woman? DC. Yeah. You can't make a fucking Wonder Woman movie, but Marvel can make a fucking movie with a fucking talking raccoon.
Starting point is 01:59:54 We all saw that quote. That tweet from my... I forget who it was. A reviewer. I can't believe that. Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman's too weird. I think audiences won't get it.
Starting point is 02:00:04 Meanwhile at Marvel, take a fucking talking raccoon and everyone's like, okay. Now put him on a talking tree. I don't actually know anything about Wonder Woman. Big guns. Is she interesting enough to make a movie with? She's a woman that inherited an Amazonian goddess and stuff. I don't even think that's the problem. I think the problem is that, like, fucking DC says it would be too weird or audiences
Starting point is 02:00:25 wouldn't understand. Sure, sure. It's like... I don't even know. It's DC saying, how are we supposed to put that dark night grit into this? Because that's all there can do. Wonder Woman's best stories require you to already know who she is. Her origin stories are not interesting.
Starting point is 02:00:44 So totally re-read the origin. Who cares? Jump right into it. Have a five second flashback. Amazon and fucking whatever. The thing that got me with the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer... Easy for you to say is, you know... Make the first movie as if it's the second movie.
Starting point is 02:01:01 Just call it two. The best thing about the trailer is that your main hero, the leader in the stinger of your trailer... Is nothing! YONES! He's bored! He's nothing. That's awesome.
Starting point is 02:01:15 He's a nothing. And the way the logo comes in really slowly, I was like, this is a comedy. Yeah. There's a tone about it. I'm like, this is amazing. It is. The musical choice. It is.
Starting point is 02:01:28 What's the space? Is one of those guards? Yeah, yeah, I forget what you mean. The comedy for funny men. Oh, um, uh, fucking... The guy who looks like Will Ferrell. Yeah, the guy who looks like Will Ferrell's brother. He's not his brother though.
Starting point is 02:01:40 Yeah, but he wasn't step-brothers. That guy. If you rule. It takes place in one of our favorite little subgenres, which is goofy, stupid assholes in space. Yeah. I'm one of them's an animal. One of them's a plant.
Starting point is 02:01:55 So this is also by the director of Super with Ellen Page and Rayne Olsen. Yep, yep, yep. That was a hilariously fucked up movie. Now, okay, so I asked people and I didn't get a really satisfying answer, so I'm going to ask you guys as you probably know about Guardians of the Galaxy. Okay. So Earth in Marvel is just Earth, and we don't, like, in Avengers, they weren't flying to the moon on jetpacks.
Starting point is 02:02:18 Not really. So how do they hand-wave away the fact that there's a human guy being like, I'm going around in space and having adventures? He's not the only one, dude. But you know what I mean? Like, how the fuck did he get up into space? I believe he finds a relic on Earth that's from space. Oh, and just teleports under sunshine.
Starting point is 02:02:39 I don't know that detail, but like. Nova has the same type of origin. Cyclops is dead. Well, it's just, I have this weird thing where, I John C. Riley, by the way. John C. Riley. I don't know how cosmic marvel and regular normal life marvel constantly coexist without becoming super weird. And I guess the answer is that they're super weird.
Starting point is 02:03:01 They try to dodge each other, the existence of space and Asgard. But X-Men go to space all the time. See, you're, and you're not even correct at thinking this, you're thinking more of the cartoon. Okay. The X-Men fight the brood all the time. They're from space. The X-Men fight the phalanx.
Starting point is 02:03:22 They come from space. What's the difference between the X-Men going to space frequently and very rarely is actually pretty small. Like Green Lantern's from space. Really, that's not a huge difference. You're right. No one gives a shit about Green Lantern. Oh, you'll like this.
Starting point is 02:03:36 You'll love this, actually. I'm loving it already. In the Lego movie, they never stop talking shit about how garbage Green Lantern is. Awesome, because he's fucking garbage. Why don't you use your magic infinite power to make a fucking hammer, you fucking idiot? Green Lantern goes up to Superman and is like, hey, Superman, he's like, Superman's like, I gotta go to Krypton now. And he goes, but didn't it blow up?
Starting point is 02:03:54 And Superman just flies off already. Perfect. And Pat, I know you hate comics, obviously. I hate comics. But that exact reasoning you just gave as to all these things coexisting is, that's the exact reason why Earth-X is so good, because they try to explain why all these different worlds and things belong in the same place. You know what the word try in that sentence.
Starting point is 02:04:17 And succeed. But it's an alternate universe, so it's not canon. Oh, okay, great. That works for me. But it's great. That works for me. Just say it's like, because the idea of Robert Downey Jr. meeting Star-Lord and the obvious weird problems between that.
Starting point is 02:04:35 How'd you do that? What? Like, isn't Iron Man like the smartest guy ever? Why can't he just fly to space? But in the comics, everybody's buddies with everybody. And they can just take Hulk and send him to a planet because they know how to do that in the comics and in the movie world. But we can't get a man to Mars.
Starting point is 02:04:53 We're still working on that. It's really hard, you guys. Yeah. Let's take a quick word from our sponsors. Why not? Are you guys fans? Yes. Of what?
Starting point is 02:05:07 Of the Dungeon Dragons. Absolutely. Dragon Dungeons? Oh, man. I played that once. And then my brother and I, we sold my dad like a mule. And he was like, what do I need a mule for? And we were like, ah, sucker.
Starting point is 02:05:19 We stole his money. Now, are you fans of Dragon Lance? Yes. Rightness. I unironically am. Super R, hard. So am I. When I was a baby and no one would talk to me, I would just read Dragon Lance all the time.
Starting point is 02:05:32 We love Dragon Lance. How would you like to re-experience the literal magic, Pat? I would lie. They have cast the Minotaur. How much? They've got cast the Minotaur. How much? How am I going with this?
Starting point is 02:05:43 How much magic am I going? Where am I going? Where am I going to put it? You're getting all this magic from slash super best. Whoa. You head on over there and you can get your free audio book. And you can listen to all the awesome Dragon Lance, Margaret Weiss books that have come out. And Tracy Hickman.
Starting point is 02:06:01 Tracy Hickman as well. Dragons of Oz. Those two are huge nerds. Dragons of Autumn Twilight, Winter Night, Spring Donning, all that good shit. Do they also have a laugh track so I can relive my childhood? You can create it yourself. Oh good. By laughing at it.
Starting point is 02:06:16 Remember the Twins trilogy? Dude, time of the twins, test of the twins, war of the twins. Dude, that was the best. Right? Time traveling, sibling rivalries. It's been such a while, a long time since I've read those. Why not head back and listen to that? You see, you know, I like to read books, but the reading parts where I look at the words,
Starting point is 02:06:37 it sucks. It's difficult. I'm tired. It's really bad. The book part, I'm just like, ah. Look at all these paper cuts on my hands. My hands are ruined. I can't do more videos.
Starting point is 02:06:47 Your eyes just trail off and look at other better things. And then my book disintegrates because of what I do to it afterwards. But when the sound is coming into your ears, penetrating, you have no choice. It's like it's going right into my brain. That's what an audible audio book sounds like. Whoa. And you need to check that out. The audible experience.
Starting point is 02:07:08 Absolutely. So, the other bit is you guys might have heard about Ice-T doing his Audible book. I remember that because I told you about it. That was amazing. I told that to you. So that's up there. So that's not out yet, but in the near future, there will be a Dungeons & Dragons audiobook on Audible where Ice-T was reading it.
Starting point is 02:07:29 And it was hilarious. He was saying, it's the hardest shit he's ever had to read. He signed up for it not knowing what he was doing. Yeah. And it took him like hours to read anything. It took him three and a half hours to read 25 pages. Because of all that wizard shit. All Ice-T.
Starting point is 02:07:44 And he's like Dungeons & Dragons is some of the most crazy deep, deep nerd shit ever invented. When you read these books, you make up pronunciations in your head. But to actually verbally say these words, son. Yo, son. Now, Ice-T's done the hard work for you. Exactly. And if he didn't do it great, even better. He's pronounced words like Zerthamon, Vlekheeth, and Krusk.
Starting point is 02:08:10 Now is that actually how you pronounce those? It will find out. You will find out. Exactly. You all will be able to find out. And where do you find out? At slash super best. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:21 Head on down there and get your free month trial check out an audio book today. Do it nerds. Oh yeah, I like it. Hey, Matt. Yes. You know Andy Sandberg. I am familiar. I know him too, also.
Starting point is 02:08:33 But he's asking me right now. Damn it. Are you aware of what he's been up to? I believe he has some sort of TV program. That program is called Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Ah, yes. I haven't kept up with that. Is that 99 or is it 99?
Starting point is 02:08:49 99. I truth be told, haven't had a chance, but it's been highly recommended to me. I'm a huge Andy Sandberg fan. Good things. And where can you check this out? Turns out you can check it out on Hulu Plus. Of course. I should have known.
Starting point is 02:09:04 Right? If you head on down to slash super, they've got countless shows for you to watch on demand. Countless is a lot, dude. I can't even count that. Right? And the other, the best part about like the Brooklyn Nine-Nine deal, so far for what I can tell, it's also got Terry Crews.
Starting point is 02:09:22 Dude. Yeah, dude. And Anje Braher, the guy, the dude from Homicide. I don't know who they are. Black guy from Homicide Life on the Street. Oh, yeah. I know that guy. He plays the police chief.
Starting point is 02:09:33 He's in law and order as well. Oh, that guy. Oh, that guy's awesome. Yeah. He's totally in this. And a ton of other people, cameos left and right. I should probably watch this show. I should probably watch this show.
Starting point is 02:09:42 I should probably check it out. While you're at it, why not catch up on Daria? Have you seen Daria? Wait. Why wouldn't you catch up on Daria? Catch up? You mean just steamroll the whole series again? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:52 All five seasons. Dude. I only saw like ten episodes of Daria total. Exactly. You should see the rest of it. Head on down to slash super. You can get depressed yourself on Daria. No, man.
Starting point is 02:10:04 It's not like I just pretended to Aubrey Plaza. Ah, that'll do. Perfect. I'm getting depressed awesome. That sounds like a game plan. And when you use that URL specifically, you can catch up on your favorite shows with two weeks of access to the entire library. That's a lot.
Starting point is 02:10:21 Dude. A countless library. Have you caught up on the Colbert report? No. Have you caught up on the Daily Show? No. Go do it. What are you waiting for?
Starting point is 02:10:30 I'm making more. Thanks guys. And thanks huluplus. Letter time. Yo, it's time for letters. You guys send us letters. We read the letters on the air. Not all the letters.
Starting point is 02:10:45 There's a lot of letters. That's all the words. Guys, if you want to send us letters, you send them to You fucked that up and said it all weird, so maybe you should say it again. I said it weird. I fucked it up. Okay, so that's super And then we'll get your letter.
Starting point is 02:11:03 We'll read them and then not read most of them on the air because most of them are terrible. They're bad. They're not good. So find us some good ones. What do you guys think about chocobos? They're okay. They're birds. There's a song about them.
Starting point is 02:11:15 There's a chocobo in this room right now. I'm looking at it. Yeah. It's cute. Embryding makes them stronger. Yeah, it's true. Make them fuck constantly until you get a black one. Everything fucks.
Starting point is 02:11:25 Is that how that works? No. Yeah. And then you, in FF7, I just realized what I'm saying. In FF7, you make them embryd until you get a black one, which is super strong. Then you go find the perfect golden one. Yeah. And you have them breath and you get the perfect person.
Starting point is 02:11:42 Yeah. Yeah. It's like a metaphor for life. Man, fuck Tiger Woods. Alexander asks, if you could master one weapon from the Devil May Cry series and it becomes yours, what would it be? Beowulf. Beowulf slash Gilgamesh.
Starting point is 02:11:58 Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah. Right? I love how we didn't even think about Ifrit. No, no. Because Ifrit sucks compared to the other two. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:09 And having Beowulf will allow you to go the Virgil route or the Dante route. Totally. Or you can get your fucking lunar phase going. Yeah, totally. And it turns you into a fighting game character. Yeah. Or Gilgamesh, you can do a distorted real impact. Sure.
Starting point is 02:12:23 So there's no other source. I can do it since you can with Beowulf. Is it bad that I kind of want the guitar? Never. Oh, never? Never's great. I was just going to say. Never's cool.
Starting point is 02:12:32 Never's great. Yeah, it has more like non-fighty applications. Yeah, no, it's because it's also a good tool. You can't be walking around with like fucking the weapons all the time. But you can walk around and cook them up exactly. Well, no, they just disappear when you don't. Exactly. And you can do a reverb shot and that has the sickest startup ever.
Starting point is 02:12:48 So there. Every time you kill someone, there'll be a sick guitar riff. There's a reason why the Ravaltek, Dante, and the Play Arts Dante both come with Neven. Because they know. Yeah. Neven's awesome. What about you, Matt? Well, I was going to say Neven, but you said it first.
Starting point is 02:13:03 What do you think? Well, I mean, well, he both went with the fist. Oh, my God. I'll share. Greaves. You can finger them. But let me just be like kind of a black sheep and say not because it's better than anything else, just because I forget what it was called.
Starting point is 02:13:15 But that razor in DMC, the one that brings guys towards you, I forget the name of it. Aquila. Aquila. Aquila. Yeah. I thought that one was a fish. It was a chakram. Yeah, I think that one was just cool.
Starting point is 02:13:27 That was really fun. You want to be Zena. I want to be Zena. Who doesn't want to be Zena? I kind of want to be Zena. If I get to be Zena, does that mean I get to hang out with Kevin Sorbo? Hey, will you play that Zena fighting game with me? No.
Starting point is 02:13:38 Okay, well. That's what fucking Scrubboards is for. Kazbot asks. Kazbot. Kazbot. Are there any actual fun mobile games that you enjoy that are worth playing? Super Hexagon. That's yours?
Starting point is 02:13:52 Ah, shit. That was a really good game. You showed it? Yeah, I was playing it the other week and I was like, this is the best mobile game. He goes, what the fuck is that? I go, it's Super Hexagon and he played it. He's like, oh, wait, this is a good mobile game. I played a game recently.
Starting point is 02:14:04 I played it all the way to the end called Pajama Princess. It's by the guys who make Kingdom Under Fire. Yeah. And it plays exactly like Kingdom Under Fire, but it's like an anime version. That sounds like it was made for you. But are you familiar with Kingdom Under Fire? Yeah. It's a big strategy series.
Starting point is 02:14:23 It's exactly like that, but to me and little cute anime characters, it's free to play. Well, I laugh. That's not derision. I just think that's a really great name. It is. It is. Would you have liked to have said that? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:14:36 As hard? Oh, yeah. Puzzle and Dragons is really fun, but you'll get to a point where like... Pay money, fucker. Pay money, fucker, indeed. I'm going to throw my chips in with Game Dev Story. I love Game Dev Story. You eventually beat it and you're like, okay, I'm done with this.
Starting point is 02:14:49 The concept is way stronger than the actual game. But while you're doing it and you're naming your games and going to award shows, it's a blast. And play Gink. If you haven't done it, take over the world with a plague and ruin everything. Thanks, Plague. Yep. You did actually do that.
Starting point is 02:15:03 It's your fault. I don't play really mobile games. I don't really... I've never really heard of very many in the real community. You can just say Phoenix Wright and Ghost Trick. No, no, no. I was actually going to say a game called... Ghost Trick's not fair, because that's not a mobile game.
Starting point is 02:15:14 Yeah, it is. It's a game that's on mobile. I was letting Matt off the hook. But no, I was going to say a game count recently that I tried was called Calcule Lords. Nice. It's made by Sean Baby. Yeah. And it's 80s action humor, but instead of guns, they fight with math.
Starting point is 02:15:30 That makes sense. Yeah, that sounds cool. It's pretty fun. It's a good combination. Right on. I can only play so much that now I start not knowing this math. Right. I also want to make an anti-recommendation.
Starting point is 02:15:41 Don't play 999 on mobile. Oh, really? Why? They've removed the escape sections. Oh, my God. Fuck that game. So you just read it? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:51 It's just a visual novel. It's just a pure visual novel. I really feel like the escape sections are a big part of 999. They're good. So do you have paths? Yeah. No, it's the same game. Okay.
Starting point is 02:16:01 With no gameplay. Just remove the gameplay. Okay. And on that end, play Banshee's Last Cry, which is also no gameplay, but it never had it in the first place. So it was balanced for no gameplay. Yeah, exactly. It's balanced for no gameplay. It's not OP at all.
Starting point is 02:16:15 Enjoy. Ethan says, we've got the math watch. We've got how half God blighted Pat. I'm good this week. Thank you. Can we ask, what has Liam hunted down and slaughtered this week? And what are they calling woolly now? That's good.
Starting point is 02:16:31 Or what was the last thing? You picked that question out, which gives your tacit approval to all segment names. I hunted down a wild Japanese curry and I cooked the shit out of it. It turned out so well. The elusive Japanese curry. The elusive Japanese curry. And I made like fucking a billion liters of it and there's so much in my place. It's going to go bad before I finish it.
Starting point is 02:16:52 Very rarely seen in the wild. And I killed a fly the other day too. There you go. It gave me the shifty eyes. All fucking ate them and I just slapped it shit. And what are we calling this? This week they're calling me woolly the crier. Oh, that's true.
Starting point is 02:17:08 Oh yeah. I was going to say, I was going to say naru woolly. Naru woolly. No, we're calling you woolly the crier. That's not actually what we're calling you. We're calling you number one Naruto fan woolly. Yeah, you can just keep lying. It's funny.
Starting point is 02:17:21 Yeah, but we're lying. I can't lie about the past. It's literally becoming true as we say it. Benjamin asks, what in your opinion is a good example of a criminally underbought game? Underbought? Nothing will ever beat Okami. Okami? I think 200K in the US, 60K in Japan.
Starting point is 02:17:45 Criminal. That can't be up to date with every version. No. That was in the year of the police. The PS2 version bombed harder than anything. Literally it was released on a system and at a time when it should have had the most sales possible. Near criminal. Criminal.
Starting point is 02:18:02 Criminal. 101. Yeah. Oh. Sin and punishment too. Sin and punishment too. Yeah, that's a good one. I was going to say punch up, but then I remember punch up sold like 100,000 copies.
Starting point is 02:18:12 Xenoblade in Japan. Oh, really? Really? How much of that? I can't think of any. Or worse than America. Like these are all terrible, but I felt like they all had like a, I guess, that sucks. But I remember when I heard the Okami numbers, I was like halfway through it and I was like,
Starting point is 02:18:28 this is the greatest game of all time. And it felt, it hurt. That helped for wonderful 101. Yeah, but it was on the Wii U, so you go out. But still, you're like 10,000 copies. Okami was on the PS2. It should have sold 10,000 copies. Yeah, you were totally right.
Starting point is 02:18:43 Also Devil May Cry 4. Devil May Cry 4 sold like 10,000 copies. I know. I know. I know. Yeah, but it was so pathetic. I know. It's what caused events to happen.
Starting point is 02:18:53 And you know, I know. You know what I mean. I know that you know that I know. From the record, we are referring to the fact that Capcom referred to Devil May Cry 4 sales as being disappointing, despite it selling like almost 5 million copies. To clarify. In the very beginning of the generation. So they had to make DMC to reboot it, which only sold 1.5 million copies.
Starting point is 02:19:14 To clarify, that's not because they're looking for a solid number. That's because they're looking for franchise growth. Yeah. And that's the hard thing to get. And that's the hard thing to get. Well, they got franchise growth. It's just inverts franchise growth. You mean like shrinkage.
Starting point is 02:19:26 Yeah, when DMC 5 comes back, then sales will skyrocket because it'll be ble-yay. I missed the Devil Bringer, man. I missed Snatch. Yeah, Devil Bringer was great. The Devil will be brought back to you. Stephen asks, if you were allowed to add one more fighter from the older Punch Out Games to the Wii One, who would you pick? Oh.
Starting point is 02:19:46 Mike Tyson is exempt from this fight. Oh, fuck! Fuck you, Steve! No, of course. Of course, that's the deal. You gotta put that. Who else do you know? What else do you got?
Starting point is 02:19:54 Hand up the Bruiser Brothers. Specifically- You've been thinking of that all week. Nick. Nick Bruiser is the best. I'm not gonna say you're wrong, but it's very boring. Because no, he's like, he fucking gets it. But no!
Starting point is 02:20:06 And he taps his head and he's like, alright. That's a great animation. He's the only boxer in the game that doesn't laugh at you when he wins. I'm gonna say Masked Muscle, Luchador. Oh, Masked Muscle, yeah. What's the name of the first guy you fight in Super Punch Out, the old guy? Gabby J. Gabby J?
Starting point is 02:20:23 I would love Gabby J. But you already have Glass Joe. Yeah, and that's why you gotta change him. But Gabby J. Glass Joe becomes number two, and Gabby J. brings out a literal walker out. He's like a crippled old man. Gabby Joe and his walker. Gabby J. is Glass Joe's protege.
Starting point is 02:20:39 Yeah. He trained him. Yeah. Yeah, he's even shittier. So I didn't play the new one. It's Piston Honda and X. Totally. Pisto.
Starting point is 02:20:47 No, Piston Hondo. Piston Hondo. Piston Hondo. Oh, shit. I had to change the name for copyrights. Is it Don Flamengo? Yeah. Don Flamengo's there?
Starting point is 02:20:55 Don Flamengo's there? Don Flamengo's there? The Wii one got almost all the classics. All the good ones. So that's a tough question. But there's lots of guys from... I don't know. Do you know what?
Starting point is 02:21:03 Like, here's a Dark Horse. Bob Charlie wasn't in it. It's... Bob Charlie was not in it. I'm going to say the most racist character was exempt from the NES, Super Nintendo, and Wii versions. Does anyone know who I'm talking about? No.
Starting point is 02:21:15 He's from the arcade version. Oh, Vod Grublowski? No. Because I was going to say Dragon Chen, but you're not talking about Dragon Chen. No, no, no, Dragon Chen. It's Pizza Pasta, the guy from Italy. Pizza Pasta. You told me this one before.
Starting point is 02:21:27 That's terrible. He throws pizza at you. That's a great boxing technique. There's also a really good, cool guy from the arcade one called Kid Quick, and he's just like an athro, like... I feel like they wanted to do that. Like exploitation kind of guy. I feel like they wanted to do that for the Wii one, but they're like, nah, let's just
Starting point is 02:21:44 make it that dancing guy. Disco kid. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But he was kind of cool, wasn't he? No, he was cool, but... He was cool, right? That being said, Steve, the real answer is Mike Tyson. I don't care if you disqualified it.
Starting point is 02:21:56 Mike Tyson. Not sure people want to put rapists in the games. No, you should put more rapists in your games. You can punch them! Also, like, I believe him when he said he didn't do it, because when you go watch that documentary, man... Let's not get political here. No, let's not.
Starting point is 02:22:11 No. But the look he has in his eyes, man. Oh my God. But anyway... I want to punch that look. Digitally, where I'm safe. If he punched... Yeah, if he did the same to you, you would die.
Starting point is 02:22:23 Yeah, I would die. He's legally not allowed. You turned into a splatter. After 22 years of sporadically eating this stuff, I finally realized that I hate Mexican food. This is from Don. My question to you is, have you ever taken an inordinately long amount of time to realize that you hate something very simple?
Starting point is 02:22:44 Oh, that's a really... Like, just like... I'm sure. You're doing the same thing one day, and you're just like, wait a second! I hate this! This sucks! Yep. I got one.
Starting point is 02:22:55 I only realized, maybe two, three years ago, that I absolutely hate coleslaw. Coleslaw can go fuck itself. I'm done. There was a point in that. And I ate it my entire life with no problem. And then I just woke up and went, no! No more! There was a point in my life where I was like, hey, I should stop eating weedabix, and then
Starting point is 02:23:17 I did. Well, good, because they're terrible. I never looked back. I can't... Man, I can't think of anything. That's hard. I know I have one. I hate things really strongly right away, but the only thing I can think of is probably
Starting point is 02:23:29 KFC, where every time I'd be like, hey, I should get some KFC, and then I would eat some and be like, fuck! Why'd I even do that? Why'd I do this? And then I would always forget! I would always forget! And like a year later, I'd be like, hey, how about some... Oh, it sucks!
Starting point is 02:23:46 And only recently did I just stop. As a kid, we always get, you know, for kid parties, whatever, when your parents are feeling like they treated you like crap that week, let's go to McDonald's, let's go to Burger King. That was a little dark. And then like five or six years ago, I said, no, I'm done. I'm done with eating at fast food burger joints. Wendy's, McDonald's, like I don't go to any of them, and I haven't gone since.
Starting point is 02:24:12 The last time was when you stole that pie from McDonald's, from that guy. Okay. You tell the truth about that for once. No, look, we tell the truth the actual story. We're actually talking about this. Dude, dude, dude, dude, calm down. We tell the actual full story as it actually happened in the video, but then Pat just said we'll be the liars.
Starting point is 02:24:31 Yeah, no one actually remembers how that went down. Negativity is always more powerful. And we don't have the time here in the podcast to go through all of it. Yeah, we're pressed for time as it is. No time to exonerate you with the DNA. None whatsoever. Roll those hands. Roll them.
Starting point is 02:24:47 Game and rock, paper, scissors, folks. Anyway. We can either get three more questions or exonerate you. Sorry, fucker. The fans matter more. Of course. Scams, scrams, I'm sorry. Oh, I really, I prefer scams.
Starting point is 02:25:04 Do you like a bigger penis, Willie? Yo, scams, what's up? Just scamming people. Actually, can you dial it back a bit? Getting complaints. Lots of complaints. This one's called bum rushing anime or TV or games. Okay.
Starting point is 02:25:20 I'm ready. Yep. Have you ever just bum rushed a show or a video game and felt regret later over not pacing yourself better? No. I have. Never. I have. I beat Metal Gear Solid 4 in one sitting.
Starting point is 02:25:34 And that is the best way to play that game. I thought I was going to die. Yeah, I did that one in two sittings, like one day after the other. I have never regretted it. With video games, probably not. Although sometimes they just die out on their own, such as Namco X Capcom and whatever, cross boring. Yeah. But I marathoned the entire Bourne trilogy altogether.
Starting point is 02:25:59 Yeah. And that is not the way they're meant to be watched because they're all the same movie. They all did. There's a blurry mess. Boy, are they the same movie. Yeah. I find that happens with anime sometimes as well. I blitzed through Kino's journey, I don't know if you know it, Liam.
Starting point is 02:26:15 Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, it was based on a book real good, The Beautiful World, and Full Metal Panic, Second Raid. Both of those, I crammed them and I was like, I would have appreciated this for a long time. I am fully of the opinion that absorbing an entire season or as much as you can take in One Go is the best way to do it. I watched the entirety of the 27 episodes of Gern Lagan in One Go. It was the greatest thing that ever happened to me.
Starting point is 02:26:41 Yeah, go ahead. There's some games where they're long and I'll finish them super quick. Like The Wonderful 101, I'll be like, I wish there was more, but I never regret doing it so quickly because I want to play it. I'm chomping at it. You play games in huge chunks and you get way farther ahead than everyone else and you kind of tell us how the game sucks later and we all get dehydrated. I just want to make sure you're aware before you waste your time.
Starting point is 02:27:03 After we spent our money, of course. Exactly. There's one anime though, I watched all, I think it's been many years. I think it was 50 episodes, two 26 episode things. It was Clannad and Clannad After Story and that has some fucking character development. Holy shit. And by the end of it, it was one of those shows where you're like, I'm friends with all these guys and then it was over and I was like, where are all my friends?
Starting point is 02:27:25 They're all dead. Like, oh my god, I have to go to high school tomorrow. I'm going to make an addendum to what I just said because Liam, you just reminded me of one situation in which I do regret it and it's things that aren't finished. So, things that are either unfinished or so long as to I burn out before I can finish them. So the two examples that come to mind are Berserk is not done and I read through the entirety of Berserk in one weekend and got to the end, which is nothing. And now I'm going to have to wait like 10 years to do that again.
Starting point is 02:28:03 I did the same thing with Full Metal Alchemist and waited like nine years for the anime to come out. And the other one is One Piece where I marathoned it for over a month and got 256 episodes in and got to the end of the arc and like, I've watched so much of it. I was like, how many episodes left? 450. And it's like, I'm going to need to take a break. I maybe should have paced this a little better because now I'm not going to want to watch this
Starting point is 02:28:34 for years. Right. I read the manga Liar's Game recently. Liar's Game. Boy, it just fucking cuts off because it's not over yet and that's frustrating as shit. God damn it. I'm going to reverse the question too and say that like there's one series that I watched at the slowest pace.
Starting point is 02:28:50 I watched like one a week. And it needed to be quicker? No, it was awesome. It was therapeutic. Oh, okay. Mushishi was like the beautiful. It's this beautiful show. It's like a little half an hour Miyazaki story in every episode.
Starting point is 02:29:02 Something like that, yeah. Well, I mean, yeah, I know. It's not bad. It's beautiful though, actually. But it just calms you down and there's no reason to marathon them. You don't need that much mellow at one moment, at one time. Yeah, you know what? You got a point because if I had the chance, I would watch all of True Detective in one
Starting point is 02:29:20 go. I don't think I'd be able to handle it. It's too grim. Depressing. It's real grim. By the way, that show continues to be fucking embarrassing. Oh my God. Oh my God.
Starting point is 02:29:30 Oh my God. So good. The Holy House of Cards lets you blast it all in one, though. We got one here. Chris wants to know... These energy drinks are hurting my kidneys. Chris wants to know, now that Figma's working on Ryuko and Satsuki figures in their battle forms, who do you think should be next in the line?
Starting point is 02:29:54 Mako. Mako and Ryuko. I would want Gamagori. Gamagori, absolutely. It'll be Gamagori. It'll be Gamagori. Yeah. But it should be Mako.
Starting point is 02:30:02 Mako's getting a Nendo. It'll never happen. Mako would get like a plushie. She's getting a Nendoroid. No, I want her in the two-star. Okay, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bancho Mako.
Starting point is 02:30:12 Yeah. And it won't happen because it's just a random pick, but I'd love to get some kind of figure of Blade Regalia, Mark III, would be the sickest. That'll probably happen. Eventually. But it's gonna take a while. If any version of Blade Regalia, it wouldn't be Mark I or II. By the way, as an aside, Nekka is letting you vote about what the next Yeagers should
Starting point is 02:30:33 be of the group that we've never seen. That's right. I'm gonna vote for Cherno. No, Cherno's already made a fucking. I'm gonna vote for Cherno. Brawler Yukon. Brawler Yukon. Brawler Yukon.
Starting point is 02:30:43 Show your colors. No, I like Brawler Yukon. He's sick. He's the biggest, strongest. He kicked so much ass, and he was the first one. He was so good. I guess that's why he kicked ass, though. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:30:54 Sure. Xavier wants to know if you guys have seen the anime Scride? Nope. Have you seen it? Scride? I'm familiar with it? Yeah. I haven't seen it.
Starting point is 02:31:04 I've never seen one. I was really hoping. Okay. Well, it's an awesome JoJo type. Good question. Well, okay. Well, have you seen this thing? No.
Starting point is 02:31:12 Okay. Well, I think it's great. It's a JoJo type of show. The genre is JoJo type. Well, it's dudes that have powers that manifest. They fight each other, and it's a pretty good example. Is it as fabulous as JoJo? No.
Starting point is 02:31:26 Then I don't care. It's more aggressive. I need my greased up dudes grinding on pillars for hours. It's true. Yeah, I understand it. It's true. I don't disagree. While their mom watches them.
Starting point is 02:31:36 The main character has got like a stand that is his armor, though, as opposed to a second dude. It's pretty cool. I want it to be the second dude. No, I've seen it. It does seem neat, but I haven't watched it the second ever. I want it to be a dump boat or like an electrical socket. A electrical socket?
Starting point is 02:31:49 What would that do? I don't know what to ask you a question. That's a real thing. I don't know what to ask you about a question. Like, is there some guy that has a stand that's even the worst? And you're like, I think there's some guy with some sort of fucked up radio tower. And you've lost my shit for a while. Yeah, no, there's a stand user in part three that her stand is an electrical socket.
Starting point is 02:32:09 And if you touch it, you become magnetized. And she can control how magnetized you are. Don't die. You just get magnetized. Oh, I thought that was Midler. Oh, I'm fucking it up. Yeah. Possibly.
Starting point is 02:32:23 And she tricks you into touching the electrical socket. And then she uses the magnetism to throw cars at you. And forks and shit. How does she trick you? Whatever, via means of deception. Isn't it like Joseph has to plug in his camera or something? They get nuts. Do you ever sit down and realize what the fuck am I reading?
Starting point is 02:32:45 When it's like, I think he needed to plug in his camera. Yeah, it's great. And there's even an image that they're using now of a JoJo character. Yeah, it's the new guy with the book out. From JoJo Lion. That's just what the book of my reading is. And they often have parts of JoJo from before. Yeah, good.
Starting point is 02:33:08 Niera asks, my friends and I have been having the argument for about two weeks now. I love solving arguments. I love this. We all agreed that Tien was the strongest human from the Z fighters. Totally true. Totally correct. But can you settle it between him, Yamcha, and Krillin? No, it's Krillin.
Starting point is 02:33:27 I'm pretty sure Krillin's the strongest human. I'm pretty sure Krillin was the strongest human, I think. Wait, wait. At the end? Well, in total, like in general. My problem with that is that the last time humans mattered, the last time humans actually did a goddamn thing, which was when they're fighting in perfect cell,
Starting point is 02:33:47 and Tien's the only one who could do anything. But here's the thing though, just because you can do moves that damage any power level of guy, doesn't mean that you're that level. Yeah, Krillin was always a higher, always. Krillin will cut you up no matter what it is. Tien's triangle bomb will damage you no matter what it is, and just like a spirit bomb.
Starting point is 02:34:08 So you can't use that as a reading. I've always, me too. So generally I've always thought Krillin's the strongest. Towards the end, he stops training though. Yeah. So theoretically, Tien could have sex with a robot. And now they're not, that's bullshit. Their anjoids were actually cyborgs.
Starting point is 02:34:26 But the real answer is hercule. Of course. You mean no. No, fuck you. I know it's Mr. Satan, but let's say hercule. Fuck off. Remember when Yamcha thought he was the strongest and said it constantly?
Starting point is 02:34:38 Sure. And he's like, fuck off. And I feel bad for Videl, because she sucks. Yeah. But Videl's awesome. But the actual, actual for reals answer is Uub. Yeah, that's cheating. Oh, shit, that's cheating.
Starting point is 02:34:51 He's a full human though. No part of him, no part of him is alien. Yeah, but that's through magic shenanigans. Yeah, he wasn't born human. By definition, no. Yeah, I guess it's Uub. Uub sucks. Like, Krillin's the best, but you know.
Starting point is 02:35:04 And Krillin sucks. Well, when Krillin grew a hair, it was all over. Yeah, when Krillin grew a hair. No, man, when he walks up and fucking punches the thing and just, it blows up, walks out with his hands up, that's the greatest. Yeah, I guess. Krillin's bored with his power.
Starting point is 02:35:17 I know. All the humans suck. Not all the humans suck. Yamcha was the coolest in the original series. And then after that, like, they all suck. Always liked Krillin. Always. Best DVZ moment ever remains,
Starting point is 02:35:27 Sam-Man vs. Frieza in DVZ Movie 13, where he just kills Frieza in a punch. You know, it was super fun. Frieza shows up and it's just their pants. And he just punches him and Frieza vaporizes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I like it when Super Saiyan 3 Goku does that punch that has Shenron in the punch.
Starting point is 02:35:47 That was intense, but the great Sam-Man punch was like, I'm ignoring you. Yeah, it was super cool. Let's all ignore GT also, which has been rendered officially not real. Which is perfect. Yeah, great. That helps ignore it.
Starting point is 02:36:01 There's a Fighter 2 in GT that is cool. It's stupid. Tony asks, what would your idea be of the perfect Berserk game? It would be, oh, oh, oh, come on. It would be like a way better version of GT. It would be revengeance but slower. Revengeance but slower.
Starting point is 02:36:19 Okay. I'm going to go, I'm going to go outside. Someone has to say something. I want to say the PS2 game is really good. The PS2 game is really, really good. It's too hard. I'm going to go outside the box here and say action strategy where you control
Starting point is 02:36:33 the entire band of the hawk. Okay. You can fight other groups, other night clans, and eventually, of course, you fight them. And when you have a fight, you go onto the ground. So like Bladestorm or Fire Emblem. But the point is you get Judo, you get all the different shur,
Starting point is 02:36:49 you use them in their best manner, and you do the whole Golden Age. I'm totally in love with the band of the Millennium Hawk era, so I want that. The Golden Age. No, the band of the Millennium Hawk. Yeah, it's not Golden Age. That's the one that the PS2 game was in.
Starting point is 02:37:04 Okay, okay. With all the side characters, and I want to be able to play as all of them, because they're all pretty cool. Well, that's the thing. I want to be able to... You're just describing the PS2 game. Yeah, but I want to...
Starting point is 02:37:12 Yeah, well, okay, fine. I want the PS2 game made by Platinum. Fuck it. Okay, I want to play as Serpico. They could probably... Serpico's radical. He's got that fucking fairy sword made out of wind? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:37:23 I mean, like, if I had to pick a realistic one, I'd say, like, take Dragon's Dog's Matoo and just call it Berserk. Yeah, yeah. I'd be going with that, too. Yeah. If I had to make a realistic... Yeah, no, that's the other way.
Starting point is 02:37:33 That's the other way. Yeah. But I would also, like, since they did it for Fist, just have fucking Arc System Works just do Berserk fighting games. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, that'd be great.
Starting point is 02:37:44 Too many characters. Because the thing is, is that, like, I kind of just... I'd like to see something interesting besides just control guts, swing your sword, and do stuff. Controls of characters. That's why I initially said, like,
Starting point is 02:37:54 Nier, but better, because Nier has, like, a really large breadth of different types of gameplay and stuff, and I find that really interesting. And, like, missing up on the opportunity to play as Griffith, to play as Casca,
Starting point is 02:38:04 play as all these guys. Well, see, yeah, but I would way rather play as Serpico, and Idrigo, and Sheerk than fucking Griffith and Casca. Corkus? And Corkus, and Judo, and Pippin, because those are all dudes with weapons,
Starting point is 02:38:19 whereas in the later series, he's solved dumb gonzo shit, with, here's a kid, and he throws rocks at monsters. And then he gets a dagger, and shoots fire. And here's a tiny witch. It's Dragon's Dogma.
Starting point is 02:38:31 Dragon's Dogma is the most Berserk game ever. But just more than just guts would be really cool. If you want to play a Berserk game, go play Dragon's Dogma, and make your... There's a bur...
Starting point is 02:38:41 There's a... There is a guts preset in the character creator of Dragon's Dogma. Unfortunately, it's not Black Swordsman guts, though. It is. He's got his eye closed. Shut up.
Starting point is 02:38:50 But the armor looks like Golden Age. Yes! I know. But then there's not Black Swordsman. I know. It's weird. That sucks. And his...
Starting point is 02:38:59 There's a pre... Like character number four or five is straight up guts with one eye closed, and it's perfect. And the... The great sword move set is guts moves.
Starting point is 02:39:07 It's all of them. Did they get the voice actor to be one of the voices? That's all you're missing. No. No. Last question from Jonathan called The Greater Good.
Starting point is 02:39:15 A question from Matt. The Greater Good, that's pretty good. Matt. A decision. Which would you rather have? I mean... DSB and Scott Rumazeer, Rumesome's...
Starting point is 02:39:25 And VG Katz. Ransomair. Ransomair. VG Katz guy. VG Katz guy. Never get to put out content on the internet ever again. Or...
Starting point is 02:39:34 Or... Pat grows his hair back. Does those have anything to do with anything? It's basically... Are you so vindictive against me that you want my hair to go away forever, that you would hurt these other people?
Starting point is 02:39:51 Can you pick Pat grows his hair back? Cause I could go for some hair. Well, no. Because if you agree your hair back, that doesn't affect all the good stuff we do now, but I'd be taking away guys that make crap out of it. No. If you let me grow my hair back,
Starting point is 02:40:05 they get to keep putting out videos. No, man. So no hair? No hair. Oh, no. I'd rather stop injustice than change something that's already okay. Can I point out that I would have my hair grow back?
Starting point is 02:40:17 Sure. I'd rather stop injustice. Alright. Hold on, let me try one more time. Even if it wasn't me growing my hair back, it was some other trivial thing. I would not want to stop anyone from putting out whatever. If they want to put out total garbage, let them.
Starting point is 02:40:31 Okay. Good on them. No, it's bad. No. I don't want anyone to stop putting out whatever. I do. I am... You and Woolly are the...
Starting point is 02:40:41 You constantly tell everyone to stop doing everything. Yeah, but I don't want to force them to. I want them to stop because they want to. Well, they will. You and Woolly are the pioneers of the kick-stopper. Kick-stopper, man. Gotta push that. I prefer to kick-start things.
Starting point is 02:40:55 No, you don't. I've spent way more money on kick-stopper. You've drawn the money. You've drawn the money. They can't be my hair back. Kick-stopp Pat's hair. I've given so much money to kick-start. By the way, I found that crazy video of you as Simon.
Starting point is 02:41:16 I saw it recently too. I went back and refound it. A fan helped me find it because why didn't we add this to the fan playlist? It's amazing. It's really good. And I noticed you renamed the fan playlist. Yeah, our fans are the greatest. They are the greatest.
Starting point is 02:41:29 Because they are the greatest. It's an apt name. Yeah, they're super great. They are the greatest even. I want to do one more because Marnell needs some advice. Okay. Marnell says, Dear Zybats, I've never really been into fighters.
Starting point is 02:41:40 Arcades were a rare treat for me when I did go. And my coins were spent on things like Time Crisis and House of the Dead. Those were good choices. They were. But there's one fighting game that's gotten me so interested and I can't sleep at night. It's KI. And if there was anything else, I'd buy an Xbox One, but I don't know. Should I just cave in and pick it up?
Starting point is 02:41:59 That's a big decision. I'm going to straight up tell you, Marnell. No. Do not do that. Do not spend the five or six hundred dollars or whatever the fight. Now, this is coming from people that do this. Yes. This is coming from a group of people who literally go, I need that one thing.
Starting point is 02:42:20 I don't care how much it costs. Yes. I'll buy it. And I'm the worst of it because I'll do that with PC games. So three of the four of us like KI, are you on? If I had the X-Bone once Spinal came out, once Spinal came out, I all of a sudden started paying attention and I went, actually, this looks really awesome. I want to play it.
Starting point is 02:42:43 So look, dude, the thing is, sorry, go ahead. We all like KI. Yes. Getting that out there. I like KI. And to the point where, again, I have an X-Bone just for that reason. I'm the guy that went and did that crazy thing. Matt's on that train too.
Starting point is 02:42:57 But just because we like it that much, it doesn't mean it'll be the same for you. Especially if you don't have a long history with fighting games. And if you haven't played it yet. Also, if you wait, tons more content for Killer Incident in the future, especially if there was a retailed edition that has everything on it, be bettered away. Now, that being said, if you can find a way to get your hands on it at someone's house in some kind of local game shop or anything, play it, grab some friends, try it out, see if it clicks with you and if you like it.
Starting point is 02:43:30 And then maybe if you were like, okay, I'm willing to actually get into this as a thing, then you can start making that big thing. Then you can start considering it. But the golden rule is always, don't buy a system console piece of hardware of any kind for one thing. Except if you're a sequel of your dream. Unless it's the dream game that you need. With a game that you're not sure about and you're just thinking about and don't.
Starting point is 02:43:55 And again, I say this as the guy that did it, that does it. I will buy my one thing because I just need it that hard. And I bet I'm going to be giving the same advice to people when Guilty Gear comes out. But if you just buy it and you end up dropping it out of boredom or frustration, you will feel like, shit, it's going to be the worst and you're going to fucking look at your wallet like what is wrong with me. At very, very least, wait for E3. See what else is cooking.
Starting point is 02:44:22 And also, at the very least, price drops for these consoles are going to come. Especially, I'm certain that the X-Bone will have a price drop within the year. In every region. Also, if you're in the UK, don't because it's $700. Yeah, there's that too. You're taking the food out of your child's mouth. So, yeah, no, I would not. I would not.
Starting point is 02:44:42 I still say there's nothing going on on X-Bone except for this one great game. Like, wait for five games. But great game. Like, I'm... Go play with friends. Find it, find it, find it. I'm the craziest Resident Evil fanboy ever and even I didn't fucking buy GameCube when Resident Evil 4 came out and Remake came out because there wasn't enough there and I waited
Starting point is 02:45:02 till the very end of the GameCube and got the Metroids and the Resident Evil's and that. What's going on on the MatWatch? On the MatWatch, thank you to every single person that sent anything for Zach because I took a photo of him with everything on him and it's amazing. How'd you got it all on him? Okay, well, it's slightly blurry because I had to sort of catch it but it's a hilarious photo. But you got to save that shit for the nation. No, I'm going to save that shit but it's going to be on the Facebook at some point when it's,
Starting point is 02:45:37 you know, the kind of stuff you've received have caught up so everyone knows what has been sent. Hopefully the mailbags will start coming out at a faster rate. Yeah, so that's going to be really hilarious and like, I just find it weird that not only, like it's weird enough getting gifts from people. For your cats? When you get gifts from your cats, you're like, oh my god, people not only appreciate me, they appreciate my fucking pets. There is a very dedicated subset of people that love the cat way more than any of us.
Starting point is 02:46:05 Yeah, that's true. And I don't blame them, the cats love her. He's the best member. We're riding, yeah, no. We're riding Zach's popularity all the way to the top. It's not like Max did with Benny. So he gets a sound strategy. They don't want to get big on YouTube, get a cute pet.
Starting point is 02:46:21 Thinking about getting that drawing of us from Art of L, we're riding Zach like a fucking Nyan Cat Falcor from... Nyan Cat, yeah. Thinking about getting made into a poster maybe in the future, I don't know. It seems like some people would want on their wall because it like brings you to new levels of dreams, lucid dreams. Are you breaking this to her right now? Because what the fuck?
Starting point is 02:46:45 Sort of, baby. I don't know. Maybe we should not just say things. Hey. Hey, Willie. What's coming up on the channel? Yes. The channel has got a couple of things going on.
Starting point is 02:46:57 Give it to me straight. You probably... Why are we asking Willie this? Well, because he is, him and Liam are in a more prominent spot this week on the channel. Sure. You guys might have caught it already, but the Nuzlocke Challenge has begun. The challenge has begun. The challenge.
Starting point is 02:47:12 And we can do our stuff. I didn't want to do it, but Willie thought so. No, we all wanted to do it. All LPs are going to be a glorious place. All LPs with Willie start with Willie saying, hey, we should do this. And we're going, no, we don't want that. And then he nags, and then we're like, this is going to be the best. And then we do it, and we're like, no way, that was a good idea.
Starting point is 02:47:30 And then we go right back to the beginning, next suggestion. The fucking cycle continues. The Willie cycle. The Sonic Willie cycle. There you go. It's going to be great. It's going to be great. And you never know when it's going to end.
Starting point is 02:47:43 Yeah. This is either going to be 100 parts or four. It could be embarrassing. Maybe even two. 58 parts in. You all decide to go, ah, fuck it. It might be over. Just run into the Jaws right now.
Starting point is 02:47:59 Just run into the Jaws of a legendary. Just end it. At least we won't be releasing our starter. There are also more episodes of Yakuza going up. Or Yakuza. Yakuza, Yakuza. Yakuza, Yakuza. There'll be another episode of the Mishinima show on Sunday, as always.
Starting point is 02:48:12 The final Mishinima episode on Sunday. If you guys can't agree on the pronunciation, just call it gang stars. Gang stars. Ah, very nice. I'll do it. Yeah, the final Mishinima episode this Sunday. Not the final one. The final whatever you hear now.
Starting point is 02:48:27 No, of this season. This season for now. All of us are going to be in it. And it's going to be a very full circle type of game. Yeah, we'll have a full circle around the thing. And then we'll be jerks about it. May or may not be spin the bottle. It might get a little bit cold.
Starting point is 02:48:41 I fucking hope it's a bottle. It may be we dare. Ooh. That game got canceled. No, it came out of here. Shut up. Copy's on its way. Damn it.
Starting point is 02:48:51 Damn it. You have no choice. If you had to get murdered by a legendary, which would it be? Because now I'm just thinking. You're like just... I wanted to be... I was the legendary to be driving like a semi. No, I know.
Starting point is 02:49:06 I was thinking of like just getting... Of attacks. Getting like hugged by a moltress. And just being broke. Just fucking crushed. I think that sounds good enough to me. To be honest, these would be the sickest one. But it would be terrifying and probably excessively painful.
Starting point is 02:49:19 Yeah. So like it would probably stab the shit out of you or crush you or something. One over the other. Jarachi would probably be cool because I love him so much. And he'd probably just wish you dead instead. I would want to get killed by dark ray so I could give it the fucking finger because it sucks. Shut up. Dark ray is so fucking stupid.
Starting point is 02:49:38 I'm gonna go with moltress hug. Why do we always usually end stuff by thinking about the raddest way to die? Because that's awesome. I guess so. Do you have your general? How you want to go out? Yeah. Because I've got mine.
Starting point is 02:49:51 I want to go out in a way that will be a huge scandal. Man found dead has tons of realistic human babies in his apartment. Oh shit. I better not die. Not bad. Not bad. See you guys next week. Bye.

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