Castle Super Beast - SBFC 042: Dickswole? I like dat!

Episode Date: May 27, 2014

In which we give our special shoutouts to all the cool fans we ran into at Anime North! Also, Hyrule Warriors details, Transistor, and terrible censorship decision are discussed....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode of the Super Best Friend cast is brought to you by Hulu Plus. For a free two week trial, head down to slash super. It was a guy the he had got his hands on the 360 version. Oh, that was playing the 360 version. I bet it looks great. Holy fucking shit looks awesome. It is it is embarrassing. It is shameful. It is shameful shit. Now granted the other versions look way better, but yeah, no But it's like it's like that you saw a lot of people like over the past year Whatever was like, oh man these next-gen games are having old-gen versions and it's holding them back Like I guess not they're just making the good ones and then just letting it right just letting it like
Starting point is 00:01:05 Putting it in and removing stuff until it goes it reminded me of like the Wii version of Dead Rising and it's like Fidelity That word in that same sentence like the guy described that game Use the binoculars to find a zombie. Yeah, the frame rate. I never saw it go over like 23 frames a second including like walking down the street and the LOD So you know level of detail LOD is so aggressive. It's like 10 feet out So as you drive you see like by the time your car gets to something that's when the LOD kicks it
Starting point is 00:01:45 And everything in front of you is like stiff. It's it's no shut up Pat I wish you would understand that that's just hacker shit. Oh It's appearing in front of you because it's being hacked That's not even the watchdog's news from this week. I was gonna say I wonder what the Wii footage looks like man Yeah, well to be honest AC4 managed in between in between could mean anything in this Like it doesn't have more features and still run at that frame rate Or did they go for the frame rate and leave it? They're still working on the Wii U version so clearly if they're spending more time on It's gonna be better. Hopefully unless they just make it unless they just started working on it
Starting point is 00:02:32 Walker, it's like the city looks great, but there's no one walking around. There's no one to have that That's actually the biggest problem with the the last-gen footage is that you can see cars spawn in front of you as you're driving Like like the opposite lane is cars Teleporting in the real watchdog news of course. What is your watchdog hacker name? Yeah, they put out this thing where it's like, you know, what's your first And I got like I got like captain beta One of the door girls got it was even worse Master barcode master barcode
Starting point is 00:03:13 Like this feels like what it would be when if this watchdogs came out in the 90s. Yeah, yeah, that's not even the other news More better barcode Hackers or the net Fucking Crash override. Yeah acid burn. What's your dumb? My dumb news is all the people who pirated watchdogs on PC Ironic when you think about it. It's not ironic. It's super appropriate. No, it's the opposite of ironic
Starting point is 00:03:55 Well, what I mean is it's ironic in the sense that someone else is getting you know, you're right So hilarious and then it's good though But my favorite is if you went to Grand Theft Auto 5's reddit page This weekend you would see a fucking message. It said hacked by Aiden Pierce Watchdogs in stores on Tuesday, and then you click on it goes to the actual it's the most Childish marketing thing I have ever seen for our gaming ever riding the cusp of the current trends Speculation, could Ubisoft make more money mining bitcoins than selling watchdogs Perfect is the debate is out riding the zeitgeist
Starting point is 00:04:40 God though, it should be noted that it's not Ubisoft doing this bullshick No, so some guys Yeah, yeah, so that Ubisoft pay Appropriate it's so perfect Yeah, so perfect this game has had like a chain of things like that go on where like you remember at the very beginning when it Was first announced you could sign up to its mailing list Yeah, and within like a week the mailing list got leaked publicly. Oh Shit, which is like oh, but it's watchdog. It's information. You get it any pirate
Starting point is 00:05:14 Like Like constantly splosion when this this project came up though. Oh god. We can do all this crazy the online broken because of hackers Blame it on Paul marketing mm-hmm Paul marketing all that sad is that the guy always fucking it up Yeah, all marketing something fucking bullshit. Oh, man GTA 5 reddit page that'll get him to buy it Just gonna piss people off Feel that way frankly, I should have another gta GTA 5 page to talk about GTA 5 for six months after release
Starting point is 00:05:56 What's this? Oh six months enough in Los Santos spent enough time in Los Santos now Welcome to Chicago I remember that ad was like the the proof to me that that delay was decided last minute Yeah, oh, yeah, because it was this big ad that will come to Chicago next week or whatever and just like Then we delayed the game by nine months I think that real thing was last minute delay was all those ps4 bundles you had to yeah, you're right You're right that that's more concrete. That's more concrete. Those are retailer bundles though
Starting point is 00:06:34 So is retailers getting ahead of themselves again I really I'd like to see Paul marketing just hire that that hacker and have him put that feature in the retail console game Yeah, have your consoles mining for bitcoins. Yeah, we could Be great. Yeah, they should put out a Bitcoin miner on consoles right right out your consoles HD it's fuck folding at home exactly How was your week Pat? You guys were gone episode 42 of the podcast by I uh I
Starting point is 00:07:06 Played a little bit of transistor. You did just I should have played more. Oh, you didn't fit. Okay. Uh, don't worry someone else here Got that covered god damn transistor. So good. Yep Like I know exactly why I didn't play more too because there's no hub The game just goes and doesn't stop Like for some reason that kind of throws me off to get back into it after I've been away Um, I didn't know what that game was I don't think anybody else knew what that game Well, they didn't they didn't put out any info really publicly because they'd show the the gameplay trailer Whatever it's like. I don't look like hyper light drifter. Honestly. Oh, I assume different
Starting point is 00:07:44 I mean originally way way way back Like they're taking bastion and they're doing some crazy new idea pretty much Yeah, well, they showed off the the combat in the first trailer. Oh, they did. Yeah, okay Because I don't remember it. But yeah, I don't know. Yeah, you're probably right But like it's it's parasitic and vagrant story a little bit. It's that It's like stop like run around on an isometric grid and stop time and do combos It's fucking awesome soundtrack soundtrack soundtrack so good Buy that this weekend. How far are you good? Ah?
Starting point is 00:08:18 How many hours an hour an hour? Halfway there. Oh, really? Not quite. Oh really a fifth. Yeah Well, you like it's a did you get it down to exactly five? I finished it in about five and then the second time in two hours, okay? Yeah on a harder difficulty or the same the same cuz I was streaming it Yeah, okay that that game has one of the best upgrade like weapon slot skill things I've ever seen in my life. That's good to hear. It is sounds when they're really bad It is so you you get a base function which like a crash
Starting point is 00:08:50 I think it's the first which which is just a strike. Yeah, and then you get one That's a ranged attack and then you get one. That's a bomb and Turns out that you can slot in each as a passive or sorry as a secondary to each So if you put the the long range one onto crash, which is a melee attack Then it will have a longer range If you put the bouncing one on the long range one, it will be the same bouncing attack But now we'll have two bounces. Oh, and that's super cool for Every combination and then I do upgrades then you can put a passive
Starting point is 00:09:24 Which just ups the stats in some way exactly so you have you have a suit You have a dash which makes you invincible, but the dash can make bombs drop or it can have the recharge time But if you love shit like that But the dash can always be used even when your turn is over But if you put the dash into another ability then you can now use that ability when your turn is over And it is it's all over the place Like like you just said like when that sucks. It's really bad. I think it's even like I think you can ruin a game Considering the gameplay is the turn-based battle system and that yeah, that's it. That's the game
Starting point is 00:10:04 I'm still the action. I'm like sure. Yeah game. You'll find yourself Using the real time a bit a little bit a little bit. But I'm just like that That is the gameplay depth. Yeah, it's that system. So if they fucked that up, it would be That game would be worthless, but it's awesome. Yeah, and in addition to that because every single one of these functions is a ghost It's like a digital ghost of somebody and the first broad functions you get their profile who they were And then when you slot it in as a secondary you get you unlock more more backstory And then when you slot it in as a passive you get
Starting point is 00:10:38 Like the full back still like once you get all three then you get that full person's thing And it uses dark soul style narrative where there's no narrative and you just read these people's backgrounds If you piece it together, but the most interesting thing is that if you die quote unquote, you don't really die But you're most used. Oh, no, you're most expensive Your most expensive skill in your tree will break for the next four or five checkpoints And you will be forced to use your other stuff until then. Yeah, but it's not perfect permanently. No, it's just a couple check It's three four four two two. Okay. Okay. I think it's um, and then it comes back good as new Okay, is do you level those up by using?
Starting point is 00:11:20 You level up you just get so many. I think there's 16. Okay, and everything in that game is So dying almost like forces you to enjoy the game more Well, if if you died what you're doing isn't working So switch it up switch it up and we're gonna make you fucking switch it up by breaking your things Oh, yeah, and there's some limiters in the game like in bastion. You know how you could you could add more gods to add more Yeah, yeah, well, they got that this game has the same thing, but it says limiters. I think they were called Yeah, they're called limiters and like one of them is like if you unequip a power it breaks Oh, wow
Starting point is 00:11:54 So like Significantly harder just like in bastion. Uh that game's universe is so good. Yeah They're way into that techno shit. We were talking about this how like, uh, the character is the main character What's her name by the red red? That her character design is so amazing It's one of those things where when a game has shows a character like noctis or something And people go, oh my god, the character design is so great. This game doesn't come out until whenever And then people start cosplaying and they're just in there in love with the design
Starting point is 00:12:22 It's a great design when the game comes out. It'd be funny if when you have so little information leading up to it Oh, no, this character's sorry Like imagine a red which is farts all the time and spits on things Is a dog abuser sort of noctis. What was it like like the people have been cosplaying noctis for years And the first thing he does in the game is slip in a pile of shit and face plant into it Oh, I gotta come get it back up and go It won't see And then the person cosplaying says, ah, come on
Starting point is 00:12:52 Oh, oh that's serious man lore It's really funny if like red or just like this crass like drunk Well, they they dodge that bullet by the fact that red can't talk. Yeah, well, there you go Silent protagonist though. She does type Yeah, she does like when you go to a terminal and post a comment on a message board though There's more than enough talking to make up for her side Yes, because they just totally brought back the announcer thing Similar to that. Yeah, definitely and on ps4. It works really well, although it talks out of the controller
Starting point is 00:13:24 It makes sense. Oh, why because the audio quality degrades so much. I I think that's just fine. Oh, I turned it off Although, um, it seems like it's sort of a narrator. It's someone talking to the sword is talking to the main character And he he is a character. Yeah, and he's like, oh crap. Yeah Uh Yeah, no, that's that's a success. What else? What else do I do on my way? What did you do? Uh, I went you uh, you boldly went where no people go before Pat didn't go before what? Star Trek. Yeah, I watch I was just about to say I never watched deep space nine and I'm people blogging me you watched each so I watched it
Starting point is 00:13:59 That show's weird That show's really weird because ds9. Yeah ds9. It's fucking weird because first of all they're on a space station So you expect the the the general flow of episodes will be different. No, they just cheat They put a wormhole in so instead of the ship going somewhere Things just something just dumps out of the wormhole. Yeah, and yeah, but it's still different because instead of exploring Yeah, and it's just coming to you and you've got to deal with that But as as a result like that first season is It feels like what's the season of spider-man?
Starting point is 00:14:33 Where spider-man keeps falling through portals. It's like one later one. Okay. It feels like that because Like there are certain episodes that every sci-fi Genre show has to have you have to have the one where everyone goes crazy You have to have the one where the senior like staff or whatever are putting a weird alien labyrinth You got to have the one where magic happens because magic And in the first season ds it's back to back to back Just goofy magic
Starting point is 00:15:08 Nonsense. Yeah, and it is so fucking weird. It is so fucking weird. How far did you get? I got through the first season Okay, uh, and it's pretty good, but man sisco looks bad with the hair and no beard Like everybody knows that at the like midway through deep-sace nine he grows a goatee and changes head And turns into sam jackson. Yeah. Well, he doesn't start that way And it's all I can think about like every time he's on screen is how awkward he looks That's like going back to like the the next generation and patrick stewart's got this huge pompadour Also, like I looking back on it now like in a Looking back on it now like in a big grouping like you look at it like wow
Starting point is 00:15:55 They were fucking desperate to tie that into next generation success. Yeah the first episode There's Picard. O'Brien becomes the main character He was in like episode four Like right away just right away and they're constantly oh back on the enterprise we used to do But that's what people want to see I guess But it's like their own characters are just fine. You can't fucking third strike it until you new generation And they already third strike that actually really works. Come on already A little bit. Yeah, no brochure
Starting point is 00:16:31 No, all okay watching DS nine after watching Battlestar Galactica is fucking with my brain because It was Bashir into Baltar And now it's the other way around And I this character is supposed to be likable and all I can think of is you swarming British fuck Yeah, the dspace nine has the best Ferengi of all time. Oh quark's the best best character ever I'm getting I got he's the epitome of you may be a son of a bitch, but he's our son of a bitch He doesn't look as dorky as most Ferengi's do you're right? You're totally right that that actor feeling is super weird
Starting point is 00:17:07 Because I got a bit of that with le chiffre in Hannibal. Yeah, you know, which I'll talk about in a second That's that's pretty much. Oh, I played a bunch of persona. What do you want for me? Shocker? Yeah, shocker Played more soul sacrifice. It's good. It's good. Good game sad. Did you sacrifice souls? Yeah? Okay, I did all the endings You get to the end of the new ending And while the first one was like, ah, who knows the new ending is we're making soul sacrifice, too It's the most obvious Fucking thing I've ever seen in my life But hey, yeah, uh, I played a shit ton of transistor this week like I heard about
Starting point is 00:17:47 Let's transistor like transistors like good No, it's just super good action rpg and the balance is incredible I'm shocked at how good the balancing is because like I said before you have like 16 powers or something I'm gonna get a new game plus you start getting duplicates of them. Yeah, so you can just attach Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, that's so good. Yeah, I know it's so good It's at first. I was like, wait, why are you giving me a second? Oh, oh, no I'm gonna crash on crash No, you can't do the same
Starting point is 00:18:18 But you can just have more I can have four crashes exactly different versions or whatever exactly So you do a ton of bullshit, but it's so immaculately balanced and like in the new game plus the enemies are way stronger And it just continues the progression and it never feels unfair, but it never feels too easy either You know what that reminds me of you saying about the difficulty Boy does that game have literally no tutorial at all There's nothing barring the the two first encounters where it's just like enemies will respawn if you don't pick up their thing But that's that's a Like a tool tip. There's like a really tiny tool tip that appears and I think that's what is it later again
Starting point is 00:18:56 No, but it actually forces you to not pick up like even new game plus I immediately ran towards the core, but I couldn't pick it up But it's like there was there's no sequence in which you're like, here's how you equip your skills Here's how it would know it's just they just give you those two things and that's it. Exactly. Yeah No, definitely But like that's why I find the the balance so impressive is because they have those 16 powers And then all those different ways to use them together But nothing feels like absurdly op as a catchall for the whole game
Starting point is 00:19:24 Like I found something that's incredibly op against the last boss and anyone who watched this stream Will know how much of a scumbag. I am using that. I fucking turned the stream off when you got there Yeah, yeah The stream's like last boss. Okay. Yeah I catch me. I'm going man. This last boss is so fucking good and I'm like time to go No, exactly Well, like I found this super scumbag tactic that I used against him that was amazing And then it's it's super not useful against a ton of other
Starting point is 00:19:50 Spoiler alert. You just ruined it. It's a he Well, I mean whatever anyway, you could have said it or her or whatever, you know shocker. You killed the girl as the first boss You kill umbrella girl. Exactly. She's super cute and stuff When you get to her No, you're right. Definitely right about that. Sorry. It's just one thing I just thought of when you mentioned this whole sacrifice ending before I forget. Yeah, yeah, good When you say like fourth sequel ending where it's just like it's totally gonna happen Like the fucking wording is like and then he went off to become more powerful for an even greater battle
Starting point is 00:20:26 Main character will return It's in blank What's your favorite version of that because like the first Not the one I just mentioned The first thing I think of is fucking Shao Kahn popping up at the end of Mortal Kombat in the sky going you weak pathetic Just for your souls and then everyone does a fighting pose at the sky And I'm like the only thing you're missing is the mk2 logo. Just shooting. Yeah, exploding
Starting point is 00:20:53 I just build a second game into the first game I want to maintain that that cliffhanger ending like is one of the many things That makes the second Mortal Kombat movies so shit from off the start because you have to work with that Battle at the start try to catch you up. Like it was one of those things that they're like fucking screwed I don't know like It's just true villain pops out of the sky. I guess I guess if you have to do it Like around a slow pan to an innocuous enough object that actually holds plot significant Just like the worst the absolute worst is like a fist coming out of a grave. Yeah, that's right
Starting point is 00:21:33 Yeah Is like the guy fell off a cliff. We're done with him. It's like the hand It's got to be something left undone You didn't even like let me enjoy that character being dead for the the actual game that they're in It was the worst when that doesn't happen in the reverse like at the end of the second Ninja Turtles movie How awesome super shredder was and some wood falls on him and his hand bursts out and really goes oh shit But then he just dies and you're like, fuck you. I would have loved to have seen an actual fight In a similar tangent, you know, it's the worst when someone rides your coffin to land and then magically got to land
Starting point is 00:22:14 Anyway, because he was also in the coffin as well. Fucking Dio. How did you do that? How did you do that? That doesn't make sense Empire powers man empire. It's so dumb. The coffin has a name on it. Shut up. His name's on the coffin It's in all caps. I believe it says Dio I believe the official explanation is I wanted to bring Dio back and I didn't care Yeah You just plot hole For for a bullshit. You're not supposed to watch stardust crusaders right after
Starting point is 00:22:49 Battle they aired it like that No, there was a time delay You're supposed to we're supposed to forget Okay, I think if you look if you look at like stardust crusaders episode one and like the last time that flashback is ever mentioned I think there's only like four episodes apart Where like and then my grandmother like rode the coffin to safety and like four episodes later It's like here's Dino There's another one
Starting point is 00:23:19 He swam I uh, I visited I visited a place called anime north uh this weekend Anime north ontario. I've heard a lot about that girl anime anime. Yeah, some convention about some japanese girl make sure to mention that conversation Why stop we walked by two old ladies and a denny's or you know in a swiss chalet I'm really caught this conversation right in the middle of the con and it's like oh, what's going on over? It seems to be this convention about this anime girl. She seems really popular. That's pretty good. That's actually pretty good All people internalizing it. I fucking live for these moments. Yeah, so good
Starting point is 00:23:58 And the servers there some of them like though the ones that we initially met were very grumpy because i'm sure they've been dealing with Madoka's and and attack on titan here. What would you like to order naruto? No, but they'd be like Levi is a shitty tipper They'd be like they'd be like when we're again I remember hearing them ushered like kind of whispering talking to just put these fuck Let's just put them wherever you just shut up. Just get them move them over. Yeah When boston pizza has a sign that says welcome to our anime north attendees for your convenience a 15 percent Gratuity has been added onto the tip exactly
Starting point is 00:24:32 And they said that's great that like anime fans might spend 500 dollars over there down the street Yeah, and then come here and tip zero exactly. Yeah, well apparently it's like their busiest weekend And one of those restaurants had like a mascot out And they were handing out flyers and it was just like an innocuous restaurant flyer But on the back there was like cheap anime art eating at that restaurant and you're like, oh, they super. No They did. Okay. Jimmy. Jimmy. There's gonna be a lot of nerds. What do you know about nerds? Nothing, but my little brother is way into that get a little get a little jimmy in here little jimmy What do you like?
Starting point is 00:25:08 Okay, god, I put a ninja out in front of the store. That's pretty much what they did. Yeah, I know That's how I imagine the system It was some the character of the mascot was some weird donut But like on the on the little flyer that you're talking about it was like kind of it was like a pokemon trainer There was like I can't remember the rest of the art, but the pokemon trainer stuck out for sure Yeah, I just saw this image of like we need to make a mascot and they get their existing mascot with which is a donut And they just start strapping shit to it. They strap the maneuver gear on and then the headband
Starting point is 00:25:44 It's just like akatsuki like suit Yeah, exactly. Fucking buster sword They're just stapling it on to this donut Well, it'd be just like on it'd be just like that anime large bagel Where the the main character's a bagel Haven't been in a few years and I've never been as a shittier isoleb So like uh, what's it like going in anime north as a shittier isoleb different different because a lot of people ask like Yeah, this is your first time here. How's it going and Liam and I've been like no, we've been here a couple times
Starting point is 00:26:21 Yeah, exactly, but never Exactly, you know, uh matt popped his cherry, you know one of my animal cherry Yeah, I was I was just gonna say really quickly just to get out the way is that since I went went to mag fest and then going to anime north That's like one is super organized because it's all in one place And one is like spread out between four different areas three different hotels. Yeah, no, there's Three different venues. There's an overworld that you have to constantly go out into And uh, let's just say that as you as we went this time around There's certain areas where the fucking encounter rate is way high. Yeah, you can't make it to the front door
Starting point is 00:27:01 But that was really cool because we got to me I like the outdoorsness. Yeah, you know, you get to get to totally hang out with some people shoot the shit for a bit What's the longest distance recognized? Uh Straight up like like 100 feet away like oh Probably that guy that did the shan tackle to you from behind Uh, yeah I'm thinking uh
Starting point is 00:27:27 But you know, there was that girl from way in the distance that like sprinted up to I think it was mad. Yeah As the silent hill the silent hill zombie nurse. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was yeah That was that was far. Yeah, that was at least like 20 feet or something And her friend like come running up to us Oh And then like like breaking from me. I was walking up the bridge Like there's this huge bridge in the middle of the area They have to go from one venue to another and there was a person like on the top of the bridge and they were like
Starting point is 00:27:56 And they were like pointing and they were talking to their friend and then they like ran all the way over and they're like, yeah, it was me Exactly. Yeah, we gotta come up like it is me or are you disappointed? Yeah, no a lot of really cool people met the guy who made the uh, uh, jojo all star battle neo gaffo tea And he was really happy. We used that line from the O.T. that was so good. Yeah, he was he was really nice Uh met some lu people. Oh, yeah, seriously. Yeah. Oh, we'll tell you his name because that shit's not pg Okay No way you met nine thousand No
Starting point is 00:28:30 Um, I met some fans at the hotel who I spoke with for like an hour or something Yeah, they were super chill like Liam disappeared for a while. So Matt and I had to go save him Yeah, they thought it was dead. They got him. Exactly They're harvests Yeah, no, they were super nice I'm like, I don't know. We just met a ton of really really nice people all over the place and like We are happy to see that our fans are really nice people Especially shout out to graham
Starting point is 00:28:57 Shout out to graham the guy at boston pizza Who gave us a freaking pizza. Just came out with a pizza We hung out and on the curb and we just ate a pizza on the curb. It was cool. It was a good It was a great uh, it sounds really friendly like he's like okay. Okay. Yeah, okay So we were looking for graham and everyone who worked there the previous day because he had left early Kept telling us. Oh graham. He's such a nice guy. He's such a nice guy And I knew at that point that we're going to hear about how great the sky is but always just missing Oh graham like oh, sorry. He's busy saving babies out of a burning horse the name I hear superman's really nice
Starting point is 00:29:31 Yeah, whatever the moment we see graham, but the moment we saw him walk towards us. I think we all knew Oh, man, he's a nice guy. That's a really nice guy. And then he started talking to us And he was so nice. Was he throwing like food in a baby's mouth? He just had that feel to it. He was just so nice. He was a nice guy, a feel of a nice guy And uh shout outs to brian. We met the guy that does all that awesome like, uh, pokemon and like Oh, yeah, okay. He did the art for the uh anime anime north video thing Well, I love the band show art, the jojo stuff, you know But the really cool thing he gave me was like it looked like a legit
Starting point is 00:30:09 Pokemon, but a godzilla version and all like two of its Evolutions and it looked like legit pokemon art like you could have put that pokemon and got in a In an actual game and totally like But like, you know, he draws like fan or like every day he does No, he's great. Yeah, we got some great drawings from some fans. Oh shout outs to good smelling guy. Yeah That guy smells really good. Yeah A guy who we took a photo with like, uh later in the night, woolly was like, you know that guy He smelled good and we both agreed like yeah, he smelled really good. No, no, no, remember it was when we were at swish l.a
Starting point is 00:30:44 Is that swish l.a? I'm like just the guy and I go the remember the guy with the red hair I forget his name now. Uh, sorry, but I worked at that game play He worked at the game place and was on the rollerblader later on and when we all came in for a hug I was like, wow this motherfucker smells great Yeah, and then when we were at swish l.a, I go, hey, you know that red hair guy that really got a nice guy And I go, he smelled really good and woolly's eyes bowled Johnny goes, I know right? Exactly You're really good. Yeah, what's your quote? Now, let's be clear. This is not in comparison to the admittedly low standards of a con
Starting point is 00:31:17 This is just like, you smelled good. Yeah, against the norm. Totally. Like good smell. I was impressed. Yeah, I'd smell this Oh, you know, I'm like, okay, that's impressive. 10 out of 10 would smell again. Absolutely Yeah, no, um, shout outs to the jojo and the big the johtero and the big boss we ran into that both specifically said Um, holy shit. Love you guys. I got into metal gear slash jojo's Because of you guys, I'm like, and now you're the guy. That's my favorite thing Shout outs to the guy whose favorite and first video was anarchy reigns. Yeah That's a fucking fun video that we've never heard before Shout outs to the dudes that got hype when we played killer instinct and started pounding them to the rhythm of being the ultras
Starting point is 00:32:00 Just lots of good stuff man. Good times I lament not being able to get video or a photo of the girl the one girl that was dressed as b from b in puppy cat Who was so perfect. Oh, I really like wish I got that on video I like we'll have to search through like archives of pictures because I'm sure Iris chiay was great. There was an irish chiay Iris chiay. Are you saying costume wise or like just actually irish? No, it was just chiay cosplayer with an irish accent Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, I could see that. Um, well, you'd go for that being in your irish Yeah, do you see me in a potato?
Starting point is 00:32:40 Someone put a bomb in me potato Uh, shout outs to shitty takoyaki Yeah But it did it did taste like a semblance of what it probably should I really love like shit imitation japanese food at cons I always make a point to eat it. There's just a certain catch Do you do unironically love it? Yeah, okay? No, absolutely I will always make a point to look for it because because like there's there's the two ways you can love that right? There's the way you can love it's like, oh man, I love getting this stuff and then there's like
Starting point is 00:33:12 Oh, this is awful. I'm so glad to eat it. You know what I mean? No, exactly Like there's enough like variety of food on your plate and not a big enough amount of any of it that you're ever like you Yeah, but like some of it's really good. Like the onigiri is what your parents were fantastic You know, it did it's job. It did job So we're gonna we're gonna have a video for like kind of the highlights of the of enemy north exactly one thing I don't mind saying that is not in the video because unfortunately me and Liam couldn't get tickets to it But we're going to do a bit of Liam and Matt in the maid cafe
Starting point is 00:33:44 It was going to have fancy cursive writing that says Liam and Matt in a maid cafe There would be 13 seconds of us sitting there looking around and the title would have come back in again But I lamented not being able to go into because when I walked by we're going to get tickets It looks super fun. It looks so much fun. The girls are doing dance numbers. Yeah. Well as is the norm Yeah, I went there like four years. It was super fun. Yeah, but in would know. Yeah You should have reenacted that. Yeah, and then thanks to anyone that put up with our really makeshift q&a thing I saw photos of that and I am so like I just got a photo of that and it looked like you were Surrounded by a thousand people in a pit and it was like that. So in that can't possibly be accurate
Starting point is 00:34:30 It was one of the wrestling ring was yeah, and we kind of just went like okay So many people are trying to find us wandering around they couldn't so let's just say we're going to be here at this time Come hang out and we were there like five minutes early and we walked it and it was just Surrounded tons of people and it was like. Oh, shit. We need to make well the best of the situation You remember you remember when we were walking in and we were like that can't be fans Like there's just people relaxing and then people started noticing and like And it's wait. Is it the zombie effect? We're like one person turns. Yeah It's because of the previous day around the same time the wrestling ring was also gone
Starting point is 00:35:04 And there were people just relaxing because there's tons of chairs and chairs So we kind of went wait how many of this and then we noticed like I'd say 90 percent of everyone that was there And we just had like like it was impossible to just yell at everyone So it's like everybody corraled into one corner and we'll just sort of do an impromptu q&a thing because We were gonna like just take pictures and chill, but I was like no fucking you know Yeah, uh that photograph that you saw I went I counted because I was curious and I counted 67 people But in my head, I know there was like 10 more. Oh, I just know Angles makes it look like a thousand
Starting point is 00:35:37 And when we went outside to like, you know, take the pictures and stuff like the line practically doubled Well, I was gonna say like based on like the amount of people who I know weren't in that picture Who were just on the side and the amount of people who were like lost in the crowd Yeah, first we're being kicked out of the venue anywhere. So we made that photo You know there must have been like somewhere between 80 and 100 people In the line of the autographs, it was probably the most fun line because it was kind of you know, like there was no rules Or whatever there wasn't a guy that whatever But it was a guy that guy with the blue contacts that ran up to me as like matt hold me up
Starting point is 00:36:11 And I just was holding me holding it in my arms and the dude was thankfully like like super thin or whatever So I was able to hold him up and he's like come on man and muscles and I'm like I'm trying I actually don't have good muscles And we're gonna call your shit exactly and the girl that was with him was like you stole my bit asshole Then she just jumped in our arms anyway. Yeah, that was fun. Um fucking shout outs to fembaz. Oh my god Oh my god That was nuts. Yeah, absolutely. Um and then the and then of course which also leads to the the trifecta of dork girls All in the same place at the same time all at the same time. They all combine to form mega dork girls
Starting point is 00:36:50 That was fun. Um, shout outs to the guy who punched me in the face and really don't worry about it Like I really don't hold it against him I referenced it, but like some guy did this shawarma I got blocked by a guy from behind and I got clocked in the face and like it hurt But whatever I really don't feel bad about it because I know you felt bad But really don't I don't hold it against you at all in the total accident I I forgot to mention this to you guys But I had a similar thing where I was walking across like in the dealer's room and like there was a commotion behind me
Starting point is 00:37:21 And I see some poor guy eating shit super hard. He just fell really hard on the ground Oh, no because he saw me and just I was like, oh and he got something goes. Oh, oh jeep matt. I'm like, oh, are you okay? He's like, yeah, sorry. I just got really excited. There's some bullshit on the floor Hey, you know just said hello whatever took a picture good job. Yeah. Yeah, I know I'm so strikingly handsome that people are just tripping over what a hero shoutouts to the guy that fucking pulled Liam away from of big screen
Starting point is 00:37:57 um Right before he was about to play That was shoutouts to the fan who empathized with me at the time as well. God, but like I was in line I waited through eight songs of project diva on like they had a clan itself a really nice setup And like three quarters of the way through the guy in front of me Uh, the the admin reaches over the screen and he says last game last game And I'm like, no, you don't do that. You don't do that You get somebody to stand in the line at the back and they're like no i'm the last guy nobody after this guy exactly
Starting point is 00:38:30 That was rough. That wasn't you should have yelled at that guy. That was that I was happy about that Also to the to the guy that got you eating food from a distance Oh, yeah Shoutouts to the guy who came over and asked for a photo and after we didn't properly take the photo and we checked your camera I noticed your last photo was a picture of me from a distance Yeah, that was funny. It wasn't creepy. Don't worry. Don't worry. I think it's funny, but it's not creepy at all It's totally fine. The other really funny thing is me when we were walking We're trying to get out of the dealer's room and we saw like this captain america girl
Starting point is 00:39:00 Oh god, that was just gorgeous had an awesome costume How's like an american bandana titan the like 40s style? Yeah, you know and she had like a cool skirt and the shield and everything I was like, oh my god That's so awesome. No, she didn't have a shield. No, no, she did. It was just hard to notice the shield Okay, because I swear to god. I didn't see one and I was like it doesn't even matter Yeah, but we're walking outside and then we're like, oh, we gotta eat somebody really quick And we just get these big gross huge hot dogs And I'm like, I really want this to be the time where the girl just walks up and goes
Starting point is 00:39:31 Are you mad from TV? And then I got the hot dog and I just dropped Eating a chili dog and just the grossest Aside from anime north, I think Man woolly, what did you do leading up to that? Yeah, well, there's some other stuff going on. I suppose. I mean while we were there I picked up some games and like I was playing some flower sun and rain Mm-hmm. Um, that's a suit a game through and through. Why is that? Take one guess of what the main character's name is. A flower sun and rain? Yeah
Starting point is 00:40:04 Clouds fucking Mondo What? Yeah, what and you're a guy you're a guy in a suit and you have a briefcase But you've got no arm or sword and your job is you're really good at finding anything You you're the best at finding stuff especially to get backer. So oh shut So at some point they realized we should probably just give them a sword and then there you go, right? Jesus Christ Played the I got picked up and was playing a bunch of the Thor game. Yeah, really the third. Yes game No combo systems funner than I'd expect, you know kind of repetitive towards the end there, but I'm still you know not bad Um at any point during your trip to anime north did you guys get to see days of future past?
Starting point is 00:40:51 No, we did not okay because I did and oh, yeah It's pretty good I've never seen a more elaborate retcon ever. No, that's all that movie is All that movie is it's bryan singer saying I didn't kill gene gray. I didn't kill cyclos Okay, so I'm sorry for x-men 3. I'm sorry that it happened I'm last sign. I'm gonna I'm gonna do it all over. Okay It is sort of his fault in a way because he dropped out of doing it to make a Shitty
Starting point is 00:41:23 For the hyenas. I don't know about you matt, but I really want to see that movie tonight. How about you? Yeah, well, it'll be a date dude. You look super swole already. I know right getting mad swole Me and Liam shared a bed at anime north. I know you did and yes Yeah, yeah, it went exactly how your writing goes a lot of ground swole on the word swole Over the weekend. Yeah, a lot of things are swole getting real swole I'm specific swole dick swole is a big big swole. Isn't that just like Auto, that's too. Yeah, that's too much. That's that's too on the nose. Is it perfect That's that's like making a joke about like, you know what they say about
Starting point is 00:42:02 what Dicks I like that. It's just too. I like that It's way too on the nose. So fucking we might as well explain it here because we explained it to the crowd About dick swole Yeah, how we're gonna get there We got back to our room and I and I log into youtube and I I check our private messages to see if there's any fans or whatever And I just see a message that says yo, I'm the autoblow two guy
Starting point is 00:42:30 And then I show Woolly I show Liam they all freak out and then pat later finds that he'll I saw I messaged these guys like hey I don't know too guy messaged on us on facebook. He really wants to get in touch. He really wants this happening. Yeah So as woolly said, I think there's gonna be a full LP. Well, he's basically just like you guys want an auto It won't electrocute your dick It literally said that in the message exactly full fucking LP. Yeah, I hope that's the tagline on the box when they ship It won't electrocute your dick just like on the front in the in the exploding yellow
Starting point is 00:43:06 We'll we'll see what we can get done. Um, I checked out the first the first two uh two episodes of Hannibal And yeah, man that shit like you said really solid Um still I mean it feels like tv show versions of stories You know, you can't get away from that like this is like a bit rushed and it's not really a movie Type of thing But the characters they established that are all not Hannibal Lecter are interesting people as you go on the like kind of go Like okay, here's the episode of the week and here's the overarching plot episodes So they kind of have a nice mix of things definitely finding ways to gross you the fuck out with corpses
Starting point is 00:43:43 And what happens to them and such I think I said this that it's really shocking how much violence is it? Well, because here's the thing my friend who I was watching it with was explaining to me that uh For example, they had one thing where you see these bodies strung up and just fucking ripped apart to pieces On the angel thing, uh, not even that I think it was something else. Yeah, but but it was like They were like looking at this and they're like, okay, this scene is fine The network was like, this is fine, but we have a work Yeah, because they're they're like and they're like this is fine But we have a problem with the corpse's butt crack showing. Yeah, exactly
Starting point is 00:44:16 So they're like, are you serious and they're like, yeah, so they're like, okay Can we just put more blood and guts on the butt to cover the crack? Yeah, and they're like perfect They have a bunch of intestines coming out the boat That's American to them American TV networks and film Review boards or baffling I remember looking at interviews with matt and tray when south park the movie came out And they did everything in their power to make that movie rated r And then they got it back. It's like take out
Starting point is 00:44:46 Take out the word rim job and take out this shot of a dick in this one scene and you get pg 13 Yeah, they're like we made we spent all this time writing a war scene in which dudes are chain song Each other's guts out, but oh, it's a card. Oh, okay. Yeah Like you can't show the dick, but you can cut the stomach open and have the small intestine fall out over the dick You can't show the dick, but you can see the inside of the dick, you know Kids need to know what the intestines look like flopped out of a body, but they cannot Under any circumstances see your penis. No. No. No. Um, shit's fucked, man And yeah, no, I guess that's pretty much it and I I clicked at like the first two minute peak at assassins fist and I saw it
Starting point is 00:45:30 I'm like, yeah, that's that's some street fighter like cosplay fighting Apparently Ken is like really really perfect. Uh, I don't know. I mean, it's true I saw the I saw the character like what I watched was just basically like, you know, another version of the original trailer They did a while ago and I'm like, yeah, that's the cosplay fight sure, but it's like As soon as I saw that that was like Ryu and Ken and Akuma again, I just like but that's Exactly, right? You kind of like can I get Chun-Li and like like interpol adventure. It's not it's not just got a Chun-Li It's not that they're not it's not that they're not accurate. I'm kind of looking at them. I'm just like, well
Starting point is 00:46:05 I kind of I'll try to separate this from the other I am the fight that I'm sure just like here. It's particularly good I'll go through the rest and we'll see where it goes It's just hard to like separate your mind from this is a fan made thing And and it's trying to be like a legit official thing, but it's not really but you know, but let's let's be real We're trying not so like be super bummed out by the fact that that might have had something to do with fight for nothing Not showing up earlier than if we wanted it to so As for me just really quickly
Starting point is 00:46:41 Uh, like leading up to anime north. I bought wolfenstein the new order. I said Like I don't know So I played the first like 40 minutes, which is like the tutorial kind of section I was like, yeah, that's that's the first person shooter. Did you kill hitler? Uh, not at the point I dropped off yet, but you play a guy more evil than hitler You play against a guy more evil than hither named general death's head. Shut up. Yeah Anyway, that's heads a character. Yeah, he was from the old game too. It's so he's in there and um When I stopped playing that for 40 minutes, I was like, yeah, that's firm
Starting point is 00:47:15 I'm not sure if we're gonna continue this but then I was like, let's finish off the level And what happens at the end of the tutorial? Tell me tell me after because I've been hearing about this Like there's some bad I was gonna skip over that and after that the story actually starts making me go Whoa, I want to fucking get revenge Well, and holy shit, I am playing as a motherfucking goddamn son of a bitch american hero Because last go its this is the first hero. I've played in a video game a long time where I'm like, this guy is a hero Oh, really? Yeah, no cynicism. No cynicism. No Joel bullshit
Starting point is 00:47:55 I'm no hero I picked up matt's controller and played it for like three minutes and like the game feels really good too It plays good it plays good. It plays fine to me. I think the only thing I guess against is that it doesn't do anything particular Particularly new. Yeah, but one thing I really do like about it and which I didn't believe when I saw the trailers I'm sure you most of saw the trailers one That's like you can totally run and gun a level or you can totally stealth a level Yeah, and it's fucking true because with the level that they showed I was able to totally stealth it sounds like Like the new metro game last life, right? It was their design like almost like batman levels
Starting point is 00:48:29 And you can get through them stealth but you could just the level design is actually quite like amazing because I found when I was playing through a level a second time. I was like, here's a totally new route That I found by going through the sewers and I didn't know about you know what now I'm thinking if death's heads the villain then and it ties into the older games Then hitler is not only in the game that they're going to use the line like no, you killed hitler in the first you remember You killed mecca hitler. Maybe they have not mentioned hitler in the game Is pseudo stealth mechanics and a first-person shooter going to be like a new state? Why I like this so much so far is that it stealth reminds me of the golden eye remake
Starting point is 00:49:08 Which had really good stealth where you always had a couple of seconds to kill a guy if you messed it up Then people would rush in. Uh, is it just like light darkness like in darkness like you're invisible? Uh, no, just it's high behind walls. That's all you have. Yeah, I like kills on mercenary. I don't like that Very very similar that one when you play a game like say like thief or like light and darkness make a difference And then you go to another game where it doesn't because it's The thing that the thing that metro did is the same thing that splinter cell did a while ago It's like there's all these areas and there's darkness You shoot out all the lights and you have a fucking thing on your wrist and it's green red or yellow
Starting point is 00:49:46 Right and it's just straight up. It's green when you're in shadow and you are invisible You were fucking a ghost and uh, I think the one thing I really took away from is that its voice acting is really good Uh, it was one section. That's the line Is that you're you're going through the uh, uh general death head castle and he had this giant huge opulent mural of himself and as he goes up to a bj always talks like these whispers because they're he's talking inside his own head And he goes general to commission a portrait of yourself when so many men are dying all around you You waste your paint That's pretty good. It's pretty good. That's pretty good. And just generally afterwards when bj finds out. It's like, yeah
Starting point is 00:50:28 Yeah, uh, so this happened in the time that you were away and he just Like he is you can clearly see with the motion cap on his face. Like I do not believe this shit It I was really enjoying it. I'm really excited to play it. Yeah, I'm just happy to have a new shooter with a weapon wheel With a weapon wheel it has a fucking weapon wheel. Fuck only having two weapons Yeah, it's the most unfun artificial bullshit ever It's it's like it's the the step towards realism that makes things less fun Dude, that was one of the biggest like gameplay issues of botchhawk. I feel like you because like what what does booker look like with Eight weapons on him. It shouldn't matter
Starting point is 00:51:09 You only get to do that if you're playing if your game is like scroungy and You're constantly picking up. Yeah. Yeah, but like uh, if the tone is appropriate Because the other thing too is like if you think of like all the games where it's like, um The aim down the sights thing makes no sense because it's just like your neck is stretching over the barrel You know or like you've got like a rocket launcher where the where the sights are way in the front and then you hold aim Down the sights and it like you have to insert the rest of the gun into your body You know like all that shit is like it's hilarious, but fps are just they're doing it because it's fun You are completely right. Like that was that's probably the biggest problem with botchhawk infinite's gameplay
Starting point is 00:51:50 Is the the lack of the weapon wheel the lack of weapon wheel and all the decisions that Form as a result of the lack of the here's a new computer ever was like no two weapons Also, yeah, I mean the halo did it back in 2000 and Fucking whatever. Yeah. Yeah, so and that's what they were copying I didn't have as much of a problem with infinite as you guys did but I will definitely say every time I come across a new gun It's like hey try out this new gun. This is cool. And I'm like no You're upgrading guns, but you can only hold two. Yeah, you're gonna hold the two ones that you've upgraded I thought like a really good shotgun. I'm a really good rocket launcher. I don't want to take anything out
Starting point is 00:52:29 One of the only ones that I like that does that and and I like it as a reason is because it's vanquish Where vanquish has the upgrading system that punishes you for fucking up switching. Yeah Yeah, and like I appreciate that but in other games where it's just like oh two weapons because like that's that's that's Actually, because like usually you're like, oh, it's the same gun. You just walk over it and it's like no you can't pick it No, it upgrades your vanquish is like you're looking for the same gun. Yeah, you want to make it better exactly Twist that shit around. I guess the only other thing is that on the bus back way I bought back way I will not re-bought but I bought the three berserk mangas that I'd read translations of years ago Yeah, and I kind of was like a little this is where I'm a bit hazy
Starting point is 00:53:06 So I bought them and I got to a page where specifically puck goes The reason why I'm here guts is that this story would be too dark without me. Gotta love it Yeah, and he taps me on the shoulder and I go, all right. Well, there it is. You know, there you go And then right after that gut sees a bunch of burning children Good That's one thing that these that cons are great for it's like you caught up on what you're missing there on berserk And for me the two issues of vagabond that I couldn't fucking track down They had them there because they just they Montreal stores just stopped buying it because I was like no one cares
Starting point is 00:53:43 But woolly so fuck it. It's just literally a sign on the front door Woolly go you see that guy find out what he's looking for and liquidate the stock. Yeah Um But to move into games because that was Yeah, it was Motherfucking Hyrule Warriors details at last. I can't believe they're calling it. Hyrule warriors. I can I can't I cannot for sure They changed legend of Zelda Something something other than Hyrule
Starting point is 00:54:15 Just go with it. I like the only other one I had in my head was like the Legend of Zelda Hyrule Warriors Sure. Yeah, Hyrule Warriors was what I now make no mistake. Paul marketing is losing his shit Because there's no LOZ in the title. That's what I mean But I appreciate the fact that they're like, no, it wouldn't make sense. Fuck it. Just call it what makes sense I listen because some people are already like, well, what the fuck? I want a real Zelda game Well, if you call it Legend of Zelda Hyrule Warriors, then it's like are you trying to say this is your new Mainlines up. No, it's clearly a spin. You'll be even more disappointed. Yeah Like were you angry when crossbow
Starting point is 00:54:48 Link's crossbow training No one was angry about that. Like it just came out and it was fun. You didn't play it and that was the end of it I bet somebody was angry. Yeah, and like what's your issue guy? Oh, it's crossbows Tingles game should have been Legend of Zelda tingle adventure Which whatever both it was it called rupees. There's challenge. Oh god. Yeah, I did not get with the program You got to get out to get on the strangle or on the table or is it sick? So fucking the sickest thing probably is one the fact that you go to that page because they did an interview with Famitsu and then they had the official website that went up
Starting point is 00:55:24 And you go to that website and you see the character select the selectable playable character's box is bigger than the boss box And there's extra slots for like six people to show up. Yeah, as is the norm I'm like that's fucking that's what we want. That's great because input confirmed right away. Yeah, therefore we're the best input design I've seen in a while. Yeah, so we're probably gonna get everyone you want. Yeah, probably gonna get odds are the boss Not grues though. I want I said I want a grues or bust I never cancelled these universes Shut up is there should be a grues in it should be it should be Ganon Zelda and link in every universe, but fuck it also add grues
Starting point is 00:56:03 There should be in every Zelda game now you look at that blue scarf and you're like that thing is so impractical But I don't give a thought scarves super good. It's my favorite thing about the game It's really I have no interest in the game whatsoever, but I'm happy that it exists So we get that that version of lake with scar. I mean like you weren't gonna get it or no Muso gameplay aside. I'm anticipating this game highly Because I really just want to see cool stuff and I'm gonna and I know and I know I'm I know that I'm gonna like be like I wish it played tighter. Maybe in something else You are a person who has seen billy playing gun to muso and gone
Starting point is 00:56:44 This is obviously gonna be let me interject and Liam gave me the breakdown of how muso games goes Oh, this is by the good team. All of them that we hate are made by not this muso team They're just made by coey guys, right? So, yeah I go for it and I I fully know I'm just Yeah, I fully know that it's it's like I just want to fanboy in it I just team ninjas make see the pretty graphics, but I'm like I'm like I'm like excited because when I see fucking Volvagia man, yeah, right? Yeah, when you see po collector, dude
Starting point is 00:57:16 Yeah, or fucking po collector is like the third person and make the pose. That's a whiz robe. Is it a whiz robe? Yeah, okay. That's a long-standing Zelda. Okay, but you're seeing these designs of like, um, ocarina of time enemies and things like that make the pose the girl Giant cleavage or whatever and it's just like you see that they're taking Okay, you see the characters of the enemies they show you but make the pose. Who's that make the po is like one of the pose from ocarina of time and Meg the po because there's the four post sisters
Starting point is 00:57:47 Oh, one of the sister one of the post maybe so one of the designs of the enemies. I don't remember the post sister's name Okay, well, I don't know what they're talking about. I know what I'm talking about. There's four post sisters One of them their her design is what they remember everyone listening to this podcast on phillips headphones Well, he knows what he's talking about. Sure But in any case you look at her head and she's got the same things, right? And then you see the guy wearing fucking vulvaegia's same Like steel dragon helmet thing and then the third guy. That's the uh, the whiz rose. Yeah. Yeah I thought it was the po collector from um, well his name is whiz roe. Okay, and sure and you know
Starting point is 00:58:24 The whiz robes are a long-standing Zelda enemy It's going to be fun to see what the fucking like the iron knuckles version in the muso world I totally understand at the same time and like I now that I know that it's by the good team Like I'm only going to give it more of a chance Yeah, but all I can think of is I have a friend who just like oh my god They're making a fist through the north star. Oh, it's muso game. It's gonna be so awesome Oh, oh, they're gonna do it again. It's gonna be good this time and just like every single time And the second fist was even worse
Starting point is 00:59:00 So that's why and like the well the first and to hear you say, but yeah, no, but I see I'm aware That's your one step ahead. But like I'm still gonna want to see what gannon's moveset looks like. Yeah, I don't care He's even in there. Yeah I can't possibly imagine I can't I think this for you is kind of almost like a fighting game where I want to go in kill some things fight with the characters I like and then Maybe that's it. But I'll like to do that
Starting point is 00:59:33 It's obviously going to be much better than regular musos. I mean for one, it's by team ninja say what you will about their games They're good at making action games. Oh that it's by team ninja. Yeah, that would explain the the villain It would but they're undoubtedly good at making action games And someone's gonna be taking up shiggy's mantle three was a mess Someone's gonna be taking up shiggy's mantle. They yell at the dev team at some point Start over this is bullshit. Well, and then the translator's like he's very upset. Well, and yeah, omega force is supervising it And omega force did like uh, that's where his strike force. They do all like the neat things Sure, they did toky den and the nintendo's also like stepping in and supervising it
Starting point is 01:00:10 On top of the fact that there there's no way there's gonna be like 40 characters Sure, I'd be shocked if they ain't had like three only had one character and it was really bad Yeah, it wasn't a great game. No, I But you telling me that is like, uh Look at the other games they made like you mean their life their life five was good. Yes, but that's a fighting game It's not an action game, but they but they made good action stuff Other M had good gameplay say what you will about no other M had bad gameplay. It was fun to play No, so the other really surprising thing at least to me was it was like they said, okay
Starting point is 01:00:41 The rumor was 2014 at some point and then they're just like august 14th like that's like Any minute now that's the same day as ultra august no Ultra's uh, june 4th. Ultra's like june 4th. It's like no the the the upgrade version of ultra's june 4 But the retail version is whatever. No, but well august 14th in japan then no, it's june 4th Like we're going to be playing ultra. Well, it's august 14th in japan But like no shocker there like but yeah, no, it's way like sooner than I was expecting Is it considering bandit 2 is also summer 2014 in japan? Yeah, no it is because they dropped this at a nintendo direct like like, you know barely
Starting point is 01:01:21 I mentioned this to Liam, but the one of the main things about mousseau games is that people never shut up talking to you What happens in zelda? Huh Is characters on the battlefield giving you updates and shit is that voice acted is Maybe yeah, maybe but link still has to not talk. Yeah, of course, but it's still be cool I would love for link to like just incoherently scream like Like huge senses
Starting point is 01:01:52 It actually makes even more sense because link is just a foot soldier in this universe of the army Yeah, so he shouldn't he's just a foot soldier and other until he gets this shit Sure, but like it goes him orders like he goes to open his mouth and zelda's like now shut up I I honestly shut off on kidnap. No, look, I honestly imagine like they'll just go no the zelda silence overpowers the mousseau What zelda silence the fact that well zelda zelda games don't have a ton of voice acting. I'm not tetris trackers Anyway, but you can't have just text appearing at the bottom of your screen It has to be voice but but they're but they're just probably going to go that is a more important part of like zelda Tradition than like your mousseau tradition. I see them not throwing in voice acting. It'll be gay. It'll be weird
Starting point is 01:02:37 I I just I agreed with you initially woolly like about that when matt brought it up to me But after I thought about it like a mousseau game had had they not had voice acting and it just been text It wouldn't like it'd be distracting. It's the most distracting thing ever Oh text is going to be super distracting Well, that's what I'm saying. I don't think they would be like but I think they'll just don't not maybe they just won't have a ton of messages Maybe they'll just do something else possible You know, you just don't have that pop-up and maybe that they make up with it with actual cut scenes where it is just mumbles and Maybe or whatever. Yeah, like as long as like I think enemy into gameplay
Starting point is 01:03:12 You take out a bunch of dudes at the same time like you have that core Yeah, the other little traditions might not be there. It depends if it doesn't blend. We'll see we'll see eddie 3 Yeah, it's playable. There's concessions. You know, he opens up treasure chests and he finds shit. He finds the bombs. Yeah, it's weird. Yeah Those bombs in the middle of the battlefield. Yeah, well, maybe not in the middle You know like probably off to the side at least and he like he does the whole long stare in And then there's like fights behind them In the interview they said every character has modeled like chest opening animations that look different. So You know like and what would really happen so a sword comes through his chest and someone pushes him in and shuts him back
Starting point is 01:03:52 Anyway, why don't they gonna introduce mimics and azelda? Oh, fuck That'd be like I've always loved him. It's always always. No, it wouldn't be just enough. It's not enough Um, also in the nintendo world smash brothers. Ike is back. Yeah, and he looks great. He's fucking swole I'm shocked that Ike is back. I thought for sure was gonna be cool I was a bit surprised but like yet another piece of evidence to prove this is built right off the back of brawl Or uh, what's her name again? I keep forgetting her name Uh marth firebloom girl lucina Well, lucina would have taken marth's place if anything because she's just marth
Starting point is 01:04:26 And I'm still thinking that that's going to be his alt costume I'm really torn because I really I really like to play as ike that I wanted it to be crumb I wanted to be crumb too and and the fact that it's ike makes it even less likely that's going to be crumb Like I said as another character I said it before as a dumb thing But I'm like I wonder if it'd be possible to have like a horse mounted character because that's the other That's the other type of a fire emblem guy. Yeah, sure There's a lot of is the most popular fire emblem ever Why the fuck is it crumb in this? I mean crumb's a secret character
Starting point is 01:04:59 But I mean there's a lot of like fireball characters who've been big in demand lin who's against who's again Unconfirmed as a character this time around. Uh frem's been one that people have wanted Hector like there's a bunch that are like That should be that you'd hope that are probably going to be trophies But like we're just never going to get of course. Well as usual as usual Well, they're just going to be stickers or trophies. Um, and I'm so cool. And the other the other Little bit of thing is there they're putting the nintendo figurine system
Starting point is 01:05:30 NFC does not stand for nintendo it stands for near field chip Okay, nfc near field chip nfp is nintendo figurine. Oh, yeah, they had a stupid name Something I forget. So there's two of them. It's gonna be the first game. But whatever I'm I'm gonna wait until we get a more like on stage thing of that What does it mean? There's nintendo france guys said it and like it's not that I don't believe a guy works in nintendo france But like until I see something i'm gonna be like really like Nintendo Europe is sketchy as fuck. They constantly don't have any idea what's going on
Starting point is 01:06:02 Can't possibly be like anything important or integral but like the fact that they're gonna do something with it It doesn't surprise me. No, exactly. I have a feeling it's gonna be the level of importance as the ar cards that came with your 3ds I know like some kind of Thing will come and you'll see what happens if any or you move it over the the thing and it's like now you get to play This weird level is you know, oh my neat my money's still on My money's still on like the first nfc game being like poke-in fighters and poke-in I'm starting to believe you about that. You can bring them separately and stuff. I'm starting to think that that's probably I'm not starting to believe you, but I'm starting to not believe you less
Starting point is 01:06:41 I'm still I'm still I can't believe how long it took them to actually get involved with that It's built into the system considering like like skylanders when that whole story went down How do you it's surprising? Yeah, and they clearly knew because they took the tech Well, you remember you saw And then that just never happened. It's like everything about that gamepad is like now more and more confusing Why aren't you doing anything with it? Yeah? Well soon? You'll be able to pay for games with credit cards in japan and just by scanning in a field chip there you go
Starting point is 01:07:14 Japan yeah Good news for good news for sony this week apparently Approximately no one leave naughty dog and no one left naughty dog But I might maybe it's no one that's in the headline. That's sure probably a ton of people left quietly But approximately half of psn of psn users are on plus. Yeah, that's a nuts number. That's Half oh wait. Did you say sorry ps4 users? Okay. Yeah, that's about right. Yeah, but that's still nuts. That's pretty good That's like 3.3 plus million. That's pretty good. So on a optional subscription service. Yeah, that's maybe they keep it up That's pretty good. Yeah
Starting point is 01:07:50 And that in itself can is making the console Profitable at sale. Yeah, sure Just based on that and the number is obviously a lot higher than that because that's just the whole context of that sentence is ps4 users Yeah, so any ps3 or vda users who are not counted in that Yeah, well because you're same. It's only accounts that have a ps4 tag on the account. Yeah, so that's like that's huge actually And I mean, I'd like to know like how much of that is just like again upgraded people that were just already there Oh, absolutely. It totally takes that into account. Yeah, so, you know, that's a big part of the number Still a good number for sure. Yeah, surprising. But that's that that's good. Um
Starting point is 01:08:30 The guy that wrote a couple of episodes three episodes of the walking dead telltale game Is penning uh standalone star wars. You gotta know. You gotta name his name is gareth edwards Okay, do you know which episodes you rock? You don't know what you're talking about Gareth edwards is the director of godzilla and he was hired to direct the the star wars spinoff. Okay, uh Well, apparently The guy but a walking dead guy is writing it That's just not his name. Uh, hold on a second Don't don't fact check
Starting point is 01:09:06 Don't gary witta. I see you fact gary witta. Yeah, I see you fact check gary witta. Uh, gary witta is the name I know Yeah, he yeah, he did, um one episode. He did one part of four four hundred days. He did, uh, One chapter from season one and he did a chapter from season two. Yeah, gary was good as a job Uh, yeah, he did like he had a hands-on. Sure He's not 100 clear in the writing good apartment, uh department because he also wrote, uh, the will smith amazing Movie after earth after earth and uh book of ili as well. Apparently I'm gonna walk that comment back It's cool and then it kind of just spoilers. There's a twist in its name Yeah, okay, it just it gets unfun about an hour in in any case. I think it's just it's interesting that like
Starting point is 01:09:54 Telltale games writer steps it up to a star wars spinoff. He already wrote movies. Well, I mean, I think I think the key the key I think when you when you look at the sentence the sentence is writer changes job to writer Former movie script writer changes job to games writing changes job to write movie of of and Movies that we listed that are like well. We're where did those go versus like this is a huge fucking thing Sure, sure. I don't feel like like it's I personally think it's really disgusting that we're making a star wars spinoff movie Have not made new star wars movies yet. Well, well, what they said they they also like sort of mentioned in the same article That what the plan is is there's the new trilogy of course But alongside the trilogy there will be standoffs. No spin-offs in between
Starting point is 01:10:43 Well, but that's why they spent the money buying the brand I know that but that's too much. That's pushing too hard make the good ones first Sure, but there's gonna be but the like there's gonna be spin-offs in between No, the trilogy now there is one star wars But on the flip side, you're not gonna be happy if it's really good. Yeah, so no, but yeah, you will don't shake your head Hey, it worked for assassin's creed. It'll work for star wars. There's there's gonna, but again, if it's good You'll be handsome in a song. We don't know what it'll be, but I don't want a thing every year No, I know
Starting point is 01:11:16 No, if it is you enjoy it, but no annualized fucking star wars movies would be utterly insane But that's not necessarily what I think is gonna happen But to me it's not surprising at all because when I see a company spends a ton of money on a name like that It's because they want to make a shit ton of products with it. Yeah So I'm like, of course, they're not just invested in the trilogy. They're gonna do way more than that Yeah, it just sounds like putting the putting the gas on way too hard I would rather them do one of those than try another shitty tv show Sure, but they are making another tv show. Well, that's
Starting point is 01:11:53 No, I don't because you just said I'd rather think do a than b and magos. They are doing b But like if you to take one of those movies and turn it into a prolonged Multiple episode possibly multiple season failure. So so let's break this down They're making three new movies an unconfirmed amount of spin-offs and at least two shows the cg one and another live action show Rebels boy. I hope to jay brams doesn't fuck it up No, I'll be in trouble. Well, he's only doing the the big ones. Yeah, you know It's it's they're spit. They're using that ip for sure. You're using the money. It's good. I hope so Yeah, should we feel gross about using the term ip? No, no
Starting point is 01:12:38 No, it's a it's a very good way. It's a streamlined way of saying it. It's like muncher It's like optimized way of saying you could call it you could call it a brand. It is it is franchise You could use a franchise. I guess it's like pick your language. Whatever. It's the same thing. It's all in English. Um Also, uh, hey, what's his name? Um, the guy that directed dark souls and demon souls Has been promoted to the ceo He runs from software. So this kind of like kojima even though he isn't actually does runs kona Then secretly is this could be awesome or the worst Because it could be the it could be the worst depends. No, the previous president did a lot of work on the game
Starting point is 01:13:23 So that that that was my initial fear. My initial fear was like, oh, what do I think like just take him off? And he does business shit because you you expect like job change like that means you've got more things to do than but From soft is small. So it doesn't seem to work like that So instead it means that when somebody's doing something he doesn't like just no don't do that No, stop that make it make it good like dark souls. Your desk is the same your daily tasks are the same Just occasionally you tell people what you have a different well Or now no one can argue with you. He still does what he wants and goes down and plays the games and says fix this Yeah, we'll see or you're fired. Is he directing beast souls? Yes
Starting point is 01:14:05 We'll see. Yeah. Yeah, no, he is Like I've been working on something Nothing's confirmed because beast souls is not confirmed. That's right. I'm confirming it here Please wait for tgs. If you're confirming it in your head. I have a secret source. It's my brain Uh 100% reliable not 100% reliable Uh I want to I want to have another sequence another segment of the show. I'm going to start it up called good old censorship This week on good old censorship. We talked about a censorship thing like 20 minutes ago. Is it the same thing?
Starting point is 01:14:38 No, they changed they changed devo to soul sacrifice. No this week Apple pulls a game called weed firm from the ios store because Can we get a comment from snoop? Oh So there's this game doesn't look that great, but that's not the point It's a game where you grow weed and you tap and you treat you grow your different strands and you sell them to customers and whatever Yeah, uh, a business game that just happens to be about weed objectionable content. Apple doesn't like it They pull it off the store. Sure. I mean and now the guys are like, well really really so It's that type of illegal activity is bad, but shooting people and flinging birds into walls is okay
Starting point is 01:15:21 You know, like don't get me wrong. You should have called it funny plant Ah It's the same thing is like where the esrb has a mark against games that glorify drug use sure, you know But but yeah use a poppy in a game. It's it's like, uh, it's like how in uh, in australia They never got that saints row mission where uh, you turn you smoke drugs out of light bulbs and get superpowers. Yeah Or don't forget, uh, narc where you would take speed and actually become faster. Yes. Yes, or you take Marijuana gives you like matrix time. Yeah, it's it's just so fucking weird that like It's so nothing
Starting point is 01:16:01 I do that they're worried that parents might think that kids are being trained to have a weed farm But yeah, it has nothing to do with their personal objection It has to do with some I say like somebody could yell at us about Some illegal things are more illegal than others The really bad ones like murdering and killing are less illegal than like what? But on the flip side, woolly, we don't get Murder kill simulator where you sit a guy in a room and you kill him in a realistic
Starting point is 01:16:32 No, you just get postal you have like an alien. Well, I'm postal should never be played by anyone young But this free to play game is probably played by a bunch of really young kids So what you're saying is we should get rid of the mobile or a game player So what you're saying is we should get rid of kids and it sucks What I'm saying is we should get rid of the mobile market Alternatively, I think parents should look at what they're No, no And that is the answer pat that's out of that's out of that's out of control. This is why paths
Starting point is 01:17:05 Is unreliable comes up with all these crazy solutions I'm hiding up to here. I I I don't want to beat a dead horse here. What the fuck the horse is dead, but let's take the two examples Clearly the option to go with is to remove the game from the store And in fact, we could do better if it never existed. Let's let's take two examples here Okay, it should stay when I was when I was 11 years old I saw re2 in a store and I said, hey mom, can I buy that she's that looks pretty Messed up. I was like, please. She's like, okay
Starting point is 01:17:39 And I played it and I'm fine now. Why right, right? I don't think that's the point you're trying to get at and woolly When you wanted to play diablo Your mom was like, fuck that. Yeah, and now you'd never know what diablo 2 was like See the system works liam. Remember when your parent was a parent that didn't let you play a game that you shouldn't Yeah, that was a thing. I dude. I remember I told this story once I secretly bought killer 7 and my mom made me return it After I like had played halfway through how old are you when you bought killer 7? when did that
Starting point is 01:18:11 Like 2000 gamecube time 2004 so it was 14 I was 13 or 14. I would if you were my kid. I wanted to let you see that But if you're a concerned parent, you don't want to see suicide bombing No, yeah, when I was 16, my mom was like, you know what you can buy dead space. You can buy Fallout 3 whatever, you know, go ahead because she was like, okay Like these are good guidelines and whatever But like definitely better parenting and it's unfortunate because on ios you give a kid an iphone Which is as you know as parents do and they go and they grab all the free games
Starting point is 01:18:45 And there's never any middle ground of mom. Can I get this because it's 60 dollars and I can't just Yeah, get this they're free that that middle ground of the parent finding out is gone Yeah, yeah, and like it fucking sucks and I hate that like there needs to be a better solution Which parents when you when you were like eight or nine And you wanted to fucking weed game down just fucking leave it when you're eight or nine and you needed granted don't make weed games That's fucking dumb street fighter No, I mean like it's better artistically void Liam's point is legit like when when you and I were young and and and like I need street fighter two right now
Starting point is 01:19:22 You can't buy street fighter two is 90 dollars There is no way for me as a child to somehow just acquire it I think more about that's a parental supervision. Yeah, right? So if they were like nah, that's fucked up Don't you just fighting people then I wouldn't have gotten it when I was a kid My parents would see me playing anything violent. They would lambast me for playing it and then Continue on their way. Yeah, that's for sure. They go like oh you should play better games than this and I'm like well And they're like yeah better parents You should be playing why do you have to play games are so violent? Yeah?
Starting point is 01:19:58 Yeah, I heard that and I remember saying well, that's what they're selling. Hmm. Oh You're part of the problem Your mom was the one with that and that would go then go write a letter You know saying like my son A lot and my parents gonna start renting anything because that was cheap my personal personal favorite was Playing resident evil three. I think and my dad's like wow, that's really violent And he went into like the other room and like watched I think it was fucking saving private Ryan It's just like the but it's like you can't watch saving private Ryan because it's too raw. It's fucked up
Starting point is 01:20:40 To be fair saving private Ryan is way more fucked up than resident evil three Yeah, every child should watch a soldier pushing a knife slowly into a man's chest. Yeah tell the game. It's going to be okay Don't show his butthole though. Yeah Don't show Ryan's butthole put blood everywhere save that butthole Save in private Ryan's asshole Like apple make some system where if you want like if you want to do a transaction then like a parent has to do something Well, there are parental locks, but I bet most people don't even put the well And exactly like find a way to push that harder because you fucking like there there is one thing that there's something that really greatly annoyed me
Starting point is 01:21:17 When I got uh 2ds or 3ds and I in some situations. I think the parental locks are on by default Uh for for the e-shop how they make you enter your birthday every time It's a bit anal, but I get it there. There were certain things that I did with system transfers that turned on parental Controls by default. I had to go manually Set them to turn them off right and I'm like that's annoying, but okay fine. I'm okay with that. That's exactly fine I'm just waiting for the guy to release daffodil firm Where you grow daffodils that don't have any flowers on guess what? By the time this podcast goes up there'll be five of them. Yeah
Starting point is 01:21:52 But the reason why I put weed firm is because you'll probably get more clicks than daffodil firm But you should call that funny because smoke weed every day bro. Look I'm growing my weed every day. Yeah Well, don't guess what don't make games about drugs. That's fucking stupid What make games about whatever you want to make games about how about that not if they're artistically void No, no make games again about artistically void shit. Do whatever the fuck you want all the time Breaking bad's great, but it's not about drugs. It's about human drama And guess what drugs are an important part of that story, but it's not about drugs It's not it's a well exactly. Well, boom. You gotta leave form isn't about drugs either
Starting point is 01:22:26 It's about growing your farm and selling your product. You know what Liam? You're right. It's about growing drugs Therefore, Liam, you're right. Breaking bad is not about drugs. Therefore. Don't ever make things about drugs What? Like what no make things about whatever you want Just fuck this is not a third. Fuck this shit. Like don't make farmville. Don't make fucking garbage Yeah, but you we don't get to decide. Yeah We don't get to decide. Some old guy 200 years from now gets to look back and decide that Sure
Starting point is 01:22:55 A classroom full of neo-ipsters Future old guy You're shilling crack on Pat's entire plan to make crack ios game. Damn it. That's not real shut up I'm trying all those documents now Right smoke crack for ios today or google play whatever is your choice Yeah, you press the button you press the button and the camera activates and you get a crack filter on the world So that's an amazing three-part documentary you've done on crack brian now. We actually have some crack here In this station. We're gonna smoke. Oh, that's refreshing. Mmm. You feel that right away
Starting point is 01:23:34 Yeah, oh god. Anyway, good old censorship. Are they actually smoking crack? I Asked to breed is out Asked to breed. I hope we're saying that right. I hope we're saying it right. Asked to breed Asked to breed. Anyway, what is asked to breed says pat? He says your face. I'm just staring at you guys are saying asked to breed Asked to breed is really cool A-S-T-E
Starting point is 01:23:59 A-S-T-R-K Because i'm hearing asked to breed Yeah, exactly And i'm like a little bit of an under night in bath And and cats like how do they know I like this? But uh, what it is is a game that looks really fucking cool because it's a schmup that then But then it decides to not be a schmup sometimes It's kind of a 2d zone
Starting point is 01:24:18 And then you get and then it decides to be temporarily zoe Okay, and then it switches from being zoe to being macros. Okay, and then back into a schmup So you're playing as a robot blowing shit up and then the camera just moves wherever it wants to Now they're you have a sword thereby changing the genre Oh, yeah, it's pretty fucking cool looking and your moves all stay the same But like the the core gameplay changes a little bit when you shift that sounds cool. No, that's unfortunate name though Yeah, it's Japanese. Yep. Yeah, that's that's that's the case oftentimes Would you rather enjoy your hamburger? Yes. Well back to censorship corner then. Yeah
Starting point is 01:24:58 But yeah, we might take a look at that this week maybe a lot because playism is put out three awesome games Yeah, play a little screen recently and I was like, oh, holy shit. Uh, oh, yeah Like pixel's new game the creator of cave story you put out a really cute game I mean we'll Liam looked at for like three minutes. That was like super dorbs. Did he make it himself once? Yes Fucking pixel. Yeah, he said he'd never make a game again and he wanted to just be a salary man lawyer lawyer Calus convinced him
Starting point is 01:25:27 No, he didn't I don't know I don't think he works with me callus anymore. I I imagine I know I would like but like me callus was like Known for being like the only people that actually got him to respond You know and made sure to put cave story and seven million different versions of it out on everything Fucking yeah, we're tight for doku tsumonogatari 3d No, no fucking cave story 3d to cave story plus in like less than a year was the worst thing ever Not great. Not really a fan of nicolas actually. Well, no, they've been I I'm not either Well, you know tried to keep his company afloat on that property and uh
Starting point is 01:26:05 He did so I don't know cave story 3d was not nicolas. Oh, was it that was niponichi software. Oh I'm like 99% back down I didn't know Every single version of it back that back run that back. Oh jeez. We're fact checking. I'm gonna fact check faster than you can I don't think you actually can will it? Oh, no, not if I typo though. I wrote cave story Touch your feet man. I'm gonna touch it every time the fast check you fact checking happens. I'm gonna touch my head Sure enough developed by nicolas published by niponichi. Yeah. Damn. There you go. No. No. No. Sorry. Oh Oh, I just read it there. Everyone's wrong. What'd you say? Oh, no. Yeah, it's just 3ds. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, sure. Good job, Liam
Starting point is 01:26:48 Um, I don't care I love you. No, that's the best. That's how you fucking ease out. I made a mistake. So it's like, uh, well No, I want you to be miserable. I made a mistake. No, he's fine with it. He's fine ladies and gentlemen Fuck your dose the piece of shit pokemon. Yeah I wish I never existed Dude, that fucking killed me that killed me. That's not good. Yeah, I thought I was gonna ask you could get a pretty hat in that game But yeah, whatever um, yeah
Starting point is 01:27:21 Something that was not expected that you should be happy about liam to turn the tide around here. Was it not expected? I think it was expected. I I have no idea What's your stand liam quick? What's my stand? Uh, uh, rules of nature. It lets me, uh, Dictate what you're gonna do when I say so. I'm fucking It helps your week Phantom dust got trademarked. Oh, yeah. Yes, absolutely. And I'm super excited about that
Starting point is 01:27:52 I showed it to that They're gonna do a thing It might be a port No, I'd be happy with that. I'd be happy with an update of just phantom dust. Okay. It's a good game I I I would hope you know, maybe another one, but it doesn't say a fucking trademark Shenmue 3 This week. No, just Shenmue. Just Shenmue. Oh mobile game, though. Okay. Yeah. Well, you're lucky. It's a nice Make Rio grow some weed. Yeah using patchy slot. Yeah, would you like to play lucky patchy slot?
Starting point is 01:28:30 Find the sailors, do you know any sailors that can get me some weed? Tom, you must know where I can find some weed I The idea that like between Shenmue 2 and Shenmue 3 Just became like a drag at it and just forgot about it a total stoner Could you imagine Shenmue 3's announced and they take into account the real life 10-year gap? Oh, that'd be awesome. I'd be sick. I feel like that's 10 years later and he just never found him I feel like that's the only way to do it really now at this point. Yeah
Starting point is 01:29:04 Then he's got like nozomi naked naked cutting up the coke No, she's not naked. She's just wearing panties Yeah, just panties, right And Rio's like, oh remember that time I drew that forklift. Oh, so sick Um No, that's his job now. I just have this weird image of like just Rio is now this weird like alternate version of bubble Oh Wandering around the place. She's a total dope fiend and like family's walking by like, oh, don't look him in the eye
Starting point is 01:29:42 She's gonna ask you where the sailors are. Just don't know like living on the street. Landy No one wants to play lucky hit Oh, wow, that shit just writes itself Not bad, please be excited for it. No e3 2019 Yeah, e3 2019 is when they're gonna cancel it On stage we are announcing the cancellation of the in-development shen moon 3 and there's a countdown to it And here's a trailer of what it looks like No, it's a countdown to a guy pressing delete on a keyboard
Starting point is 01:30:20 It's a countdown and then the countdown ends and then yusuzuki comes out and grabs the gold master disk and snaps it Oh You're like, yeah, that's fucking a lot It's the announcement trailer and I can already feel it being cancelled I had that same thing when taking that universe. That's absolutely absolutely. I was like, there's no way this is releasing ever Oh By the way, did you hear about those fans that are trying to just put out mega man legends 3 by via unity? Yeah, they try to make their own legends 3 which will surely not be half as strong
Starting point is 01:31:06 I remember the first announcement of this project and uh, what was their first mistake leon? They announced their project. You fucking idiots. Why would you do that? Why would you do that? Never an answer project fail fail fail. What do you think we like you more just because you're working on something? Stop it We're going in secret and we'll let you after forever today. You can never take it away to date the only group I've ever seen it do it right while also announcing the project is the guys doing the re 1.5 remake because nobody knows who they are Yeah, they're running their shit the person putting stuff up on the youtube channel is not that group He's a guy they send stuff to be fair that might be vaporware
Starting point is 01:31:45 It's time to kind of face. Yes, but at the same time Everybody's still right. It's not the right way. It's it's still it might be being made still But if it is it's not being cease and desist it Like what just like I think earlier this week they they just announced we're making we got the rights to sadness Oh my god, and then it was like sadness for the wii you and then it was like, oh wait. No, we don't have the rights Oh wait, we're two students who've never shipped anything in our life. It was such a weird story. No, nothing happened Oh, we're just two idiots We're just literally two idiots who said something, but it was completely fabricated
Starting point is 01:32:24 I imagine all of that is like an article getting updated We use that game sadness for the we way back the black and white. Yeah. Oh, yeah Yeah, these two guys were like, yeah, we got the rights to it and then it was like We're not making it yet though to deck it. We haven't started development. We're not actually company We don't actually have the rights. We'll never actually shipped anything. We're not actually guys. We're two marmosets That company that was actually making sadness then just died and they they became another team called like team blooper or something They announced five games for we wear. None of them came out. I believe
Starting point is 01:33:04 Like whatever like this is in your field. No, just yeah go drive a forklift. You're you're you're not cut up Be a family and go grow some weed It's like yeah growing weeds lucrative Like if you know what it is when you come out and you say we're making the mega man legends three demo You're just you're announcing disappointment. Yeah Also, also, I should note that the super best friend cast does not officially endorse going out and growing weed Sure just crack just Grow crack every day. Don't
Starting point is 01:33:38 Actually do anything illegal I'm winking smoke crack every day Liam do you remember the this one game that they they they showed you shots of and never came out? It's called last flight and you're a big. Yep. You're a big bald guy in a hawaiian shirt With two butcher knives and you're on a plane. That was the game. You know, it was really super fun You know only you're completely right instead of spending time and energy growing or creating or manufacturing drugs Just take that fucking sound sample of snoop dog saying smoke weed everything and remix it into more video games off. Yes, there you go
Starting point is 01:34:21 Well, you remember that video showed you this game because I bought a bunch of european games and there is this game called torrente Day three Meaning there were two before It's based on an obscure like european italian like italian action series Where the main hero is this big fat overweight balding guy glasses and his fimmie italian smirking man Yeah, kind of and the game is the first line of dialogue. Isn't it just a fart? No, no, he's like in uh in his chair and on the airplane and then some woman they localized this just for like europe And then this woman walks by i'm like the stewardess and he's like hey
Starting point is 01:34:59 Why don't you get me a god thing of wine like slaps her on the ass and she's like And walks away then the game just starts and the guy's walking around You can just start throwing utensils at people Then as soon as you walk into the next room of the plane you open up a door There's this guy just piled driving a girl in there and he goes Hey, good job, buddy and the guy's like you close the fucking door and I was like, what the fuck is this game? I've wanted it so bad. Europe's a weird place things. Yeah, don't don't bring over guys Spider-man game like you described it's like that'd be amazing
Starting point is 01:35:32 A game or that could you imagine turkish star wars would be shit That should have been the fucking costume The italian spider-man model these are all really good ideas should have been dlc santo just runs on camera because why not? Yeah, why not? um Fucking and and while we're on the uk Guess what they did again something so bad tasting video games Remember the memory. Oh, wait. Did you say bad taste in or bad tasting bad taste in video games? Okay, I feel like oh the dream cat thought you were making fun of the british cuisine. No, no
Starting point is 01:36:06 Fish and chips is delicious. Remember the carrot on a stick that was dangled that was called persona for arena for the uk Oh and fuck you and how they oh shut up and how they let them get a nibble of that carrot Yeah, right they wet their beat. Yeah came out eight months later. Then they fucking just like last week they yanked the carrot away They just pulled the game off You can't buy it anymore. Why they got in contact and asked them Why the answer is we have no idea. They just requested that we put it down Sony said we don't know we just require we just replied replied to the request This in my opinion is almost certainly atlas discontinuing their work with I think it's zen media
Starting point is 01:36:47 Yeah, and you're switching over to sega's publishing It's switching over to whomever because uh, nintendo is still doing smt4 as as they promised and yeah Just like this week also like some somebody from I think was nintendo francis. Yeah, we're totally doing the localization They got a lot to work. They got a lot of work. They have to localize like eight languages or something Yeah, that's a lot script. So anyway, whatever. That's not the point. So I think yeah, the zen media is losing atlas's contract Because they've been consistently not good on delivering Well, let's remember zen media is the people that put person for arena out there like eight months fucking late. Yeah, exactly They're fucking they're still dealing with the wounds their butthurt is still like strong
Starting point is 01:37:26 But then just right back in there. Hey, you're a round two Hey, you're a but if this is what's actually happening Then ultimax should be out a lot sooner because hopefully like maybe on time actually. Yeah, no No, okay. No, this actually reminds me Who is the developer that makes all the pinball games like the ones that are really popular like all the boards is like zen studio Yeah, that's it. Yeah, it's not the same. No, no, no But it was it's strikingly similar because I was like now that I have a ps3 I'm gonna go play that really shitty punisher first person
Starting point is 01:37:57 Shooter thing that's like well that thing's got off. Yeah, but I wanted to get to do a dumb video thing and it's gone Oh And then zen studios I was like did that get taken away with Oh, didn't the marvel rights for a bunch of things and the marvel rights had spawned Oh, they were forced to take it off So the only way I can get to play it is to buy someone's ps3 that hasn't preloaded on it Or track down someone's account who has it and borrow their account download Yeah, because I wanted to play as barracuda. That might be actually simpler just logging in and getting it
Starting point is 01:38:28 But still the fucking that's not good But I guess on like the plus side with like p4 stuff, uh, I like the fact that uh, um Dancing all night continues to be in development. No, okay. We missed we missed a couple character announcements Yeah, so so we never talked that risae is is totally character. Risae isn't there. Uh, uh, that's fine What you call a kora maru? Yeah is in as The same character as ken fuck ken, right? He's ken's fuck kena. Ken. No, they both have their personas Um, there's screenshots of no your nose being out. Oh, really? Yeah, I was assuming kora maru was taking the place of kens for That would be a reasonable assumption. No, there are your four characters
Starting point is 01:39:09 But the fact that he's in there and they just didn't make a shitty unplayable yoda's type thing We just can't Be balanced. Yeah is good because it's like you still get the character Here's the problem. Here's the problem is that he's paired with ken But ken looks different. Fuck ken. He's why fuck why it's all grown up now Ken made a mistake. He didn't know. I don't care. I didn't like ken before that happened And then it happened and fuck ken. Yeah, but you also don't like matt What about the which one's matt? Oh, I mean
Starting point is 01:39:40 Oh, yeah, but about the fact that he looks like liam now looks just like It's really weird. Maybe I should call that if you go on a neogap really easy If you go on a neogap and look at like the the the topic about this It's the weirdest thing to read ever because it's filled with people going. Yeah filled by everyone else going Fuck ken just like nothing But fuck ken even if time passes ken. No No, you don't know woolly. You don't know why people hate ken. Fuck ken. Ken is the worst It was an accident. I don't give a shit. He was incompetent and a shitty dumb child character before because he was a child
Starting point is 01:40:16 That's why he was incompetent. Yeah. Well, that does make me like him more and then fuck him for that too And then fucking for everything afterwards and fucking him for being the character that is latched on to kora maru Could have been anybody else could have been kora maru solo No, it couldn't because then you could you have to hit a dog in a fight. I would rather play that Like he should have been with palmaras You know what you know what might the only way that this is okay is if ken gets himself killed in the story mode Uh, he won't all right Well, he will certainly
Starting point is 01:40:50 Do the same thing he did in p3. That's that's your positive character announcement for the week It looks fun. It looks fun. Yeah, the character looks fun. I really like dual characters like that like uh, kate and sith from chaos code and Um, uh clover ice climbers, of course. Um, the the twin maids from melty blood. I forgot their name I forgot their name as well. Yes. I'm just mad that my most hated character from persona 3 is linked to my favorite character from persona 3 No crap like it's uh, oh So does that make it so you're okay with that character? Hold that on your chest. No, it makes me really happy and furious Oh, hold that shit on your chest and middle it out. No, it doesn't middle it out No evening out all hot and cold none
Starting point is 01:41:30 Um In other fighting game news. Oh, no is totally going to announce that new mysterious fighter or something that capcraft was going to work Ultra street fighter 4 for ps4. I was gonna say I looked at the quote for a second Could it not possibly just be a street fighter 4 on next gen? It's not it's not impossible However, I think it's the new game because they did say a new game was being made and that he was working Oh, for sure for sure. So I mean ultra street fighter 4 for ps4. Anyway, I knew like he was super street fighter cross tekin Oh god. Oh god. I wonder if they would ever actually try that. No, no, I don't think that would let them Harada would fucking like
Starting point is 01:42:08 Electric wind godfist that proposal off the desk Yeah, it's impossible for me to get hype when the current gen versions of ultra Haven't been announced because every time they tease something like this I'm gonna think it's the ultra announcement for current gen Well, again, if we if we're doing a little bit of detective work here Maybe just maybe the story we read about the new fighting game franchise that was more realistic Yeah, that was being worked on might be tied to this announcement of a new now I would love to see a brand new fight me too. Yeah, well
Starting point is 01:42:39 I actually really pissed if it was for ps4 and xbox one just another street fighter 4 What I wasted time when I said to woolly the moment he told me this story That it's going to be announced that e3 was like, well, it's not rival schools then. No, it's not Can't put that shit on stage one of it. What if it's like like angry I'll take a fucking right schools like dating sim at this point. I'll take I'll take one of it's like angry learn place Cinematographic. I don't even know what you're going for here. I'm trying to do like a different word in rival schools. Yeah, well It's not show. It's ye homo. It's going good. It's not the teacher. It's called frenemy university battle academy
Starting point is 01:43:24 Battle academy battle high wait. I really like rival schools I wish they would make a new world. Of course. They never will wait for it at tgs. Shut up Why you do this? Well, I mean, it's not going to be d3 is what I'm saying They'll be a big grin on because you're eating my pain. Of course. Well, whatever it is Apparently the load times on it might be a lot better than load times are now Because it seems that the new update on expo that lets you plug in external hdds Might also improve load times good because load times are not great on that thing From from loose tests that some guys have been doing loose tests loose tests
Starting point is 01:44:00 Uh, the reported time was a minute long load time on I forget which game dropped down to 44 seconds. Good That's a huge improvement. So what about what about the install time off of discs? Because that that's that makes no sense for it to be that long Shouldn't be compared to the ps4. It's like five times. It's the same system too. Like same kind of system It depends on the game because when I put in wolf and send the new order like I was like, oh, this is going to take forever because it's a large mac game. You said it's like it's a huge game It's worth seven gigs. I After like, I don't know 10 minutes of waiting. It just said like you can play it now
Starting point is 01:44:37 The size of the size of the first chunk like varies by game. Yeah Yeah, that's what I mean by it varies by game some I seem like I waited forever and some I'm like, are you sure I can play this? Yeah, yeah um The both of these consoles seem like they hit the market very not done Like we're constantly getting more than the other like the the fucking one that I can think of is like sony's When when uh, you bought watch dogs or preordered it it comes with a message saying that Despite the fact that preloading was added in the last firmware update It's only going to start 111 days from now when dust when destiny comes out. That's a publisher thing though
Starting point is 01:45:16 That's not sony at all. That's not although I I'm interested in the fact that like We go from last gen where you fucking you couldn't fit symphony of the night on a memory unit Oh, yeah To now where it's like you cannot plug in an external hard drive unless it's at least 250 gigs sure That seems reasonable. It is that seems totally reasonable. Yeah, uh, I I didn't look up the numbers I didn't read this article at all I saw people on forums complaining that it only went up to 16 terabytes. I'm like, what the fuck are you talking about? That's like how many copies of rise? That's like 400 copies of rise my fucking pc
Starting point is 01:45:54 That has five hard drives in it Barely hit 16 terabyte. I saw some people complaining about that It's like what the fuck are you talking about? Way to shoot yourself in the foot microsoft. That'll save xbox. Yeah What existing external hard drive goes up higher than three? I can't think of I don't I don't know but I don't know because I have one that's big Exactly An archival disc someone from the cd under an archival disc reader soon. That's a little bit. That's right. That's ridiculous That media will take off. That's are we gonna hit a point?
Starting point is 01:46:25 Are we gonna hit a point where like you can just take your your external usb and just have like three partitions for your consoles And just it plug it into each one and it just works. No, it'll all be cloud based by then I don't know. Yeah. Well, yeah, you got a point. You got a point If like it's like archival disc is awesome, but I'm just wondering how's the internet gonna It depends and you know what it might not change it from the way it is now It could be because I'm wondering like who knows who even knows because if it changes it'll change over my internet right now It's pretty good. But like I'm one of the lucky ones because hey google's cloud pretty good except what liam The thing where you can't work offline and it doesn't sync up later. Uh, no, of course
Starting point is 01:47:01 If you have Get on the internet or no, but you love it though. But sometimes you don't know. Sometimes you're on a plane No, or you're on a bus with no internet We're in a shitty hotel on a shitty hotel a shitty internet buses have it was only shitty because there was 700 nerds China used the internet. Yeah, but guess what that's the only time where I need to use the internet Where I'm at like just running down always banging on the door. Stop watching jojo Anime northeast like I'm planning on uploading something from the hotel and like I didn't even bother saying like no, you're not I could out there was one video I was working on it was going to be like very like well
Starting point is 01:47:41 It was maybe like maybe a five minute video But the one I was working on is going to be like 30 minutes and yeah No, I was installing open office and I just fucking tethered my phone because I just couldn't do absolutely I just couldn't do found tethering is cool Like I remember one time I was out at a attorney with with dudes whatever in another city And we were in the hotel room and it's like, oh fuck how are we gonna play Like without the updates syncing to the 360 Fucking he tethered my phone to download. You'll do it. Yeah, the ae patch and it did it. I paid
Starting point is 01:48:12 And I guess the uh, the other thing interesting, uh, well pretty pretty cool actually is at the last fucking second amplitude hd made it Seriously, yes to start on the last second scraped by good for them And I scraped you mean bounced handily past although in the last in the last 24 hours because 48 hours before they were under Yes, no, exactly looked as to why the fuck the Kickstarter was all fucked up and I I apparently uh According to uh, I think was Gershman was talking about on the jon bomb cast It had to do with their scheduling that they they had it for 18 days Okay, like had to do with with them moving between different projects
Starting point is 01:48:53 And they couldn't have started it earlier and they couldn't keep it going later because they needed to know by this date Because we were so confused thinking that the Kickstarter was private because why would you give yourself less time? Yeah, like no, I don't think anyone's ever done that before. Yeah, thank you for themselves the full 30 days I don't think there would have been any worry. Yeah, you can go up to 60 60 Yeah, it's just not advocated because I mean it's like really hard to keep up right Oh, and but there's no like you could just choose it. You ever clicked new project on kickstart? No, you can just drag up to 60 But but they advocate 30 because it's really hard to keep people interested for two months What certainly helped and garnered a lot of attention and a lot of attention in the last two days was uh,
Starting point is 01:49:31 Ted Price the guy that founded insomnia. Yeah, donate 8 7500 to it So huge persona, what's his reward? I forgot what that was. He gets to sing a song in the game I don't know. Dinner with the directors. Yeah A meeting he could already arrange. Yeah, the wife and kids Ted pretty good Maybe they'll do some sort of thing with uh sunset overdrive cross Like all right, maybe that makes sense. Probably not. Take the most expensive wine It's a Sony IV It'd be cool first party like published Microsoft game. It'll be called dusk underdrive. Sure. Oh, you're right. That'll do it
Starting point is 01:50:10 I'll do it. I buy it. You're better at that name switching thing than I am. You're really quick on that And it'll be exactly what you want except it'll be a furry. Yeah, oh Fuck Let's take a little word from our sponsors as we recollect So hey, what's up everybody the other day we asked you guys to check out uh A survey site for the midroll you guys remember that I do of course. Yeah You said hey guys, we really appreciate it if you guys could like fill out this little question It happens once once every year twice a year
Starting point is 01:50:46 There you go And uh, yeah, no, basically what it does is it helps them find like good sponsors that make sense for the show Good metrics and so on and so forth Demographics. Yeah. Yeah, so it's it's like 12 questions takes less than five minutes And uh, if you guys didn't see the post we just wanted to like I guess bump it again. So Head on over to uh pod survey dot com Slash super And if you have a couple minutes just fill it out tell them who you are
Starting point is 01:51:14 And we get some really interesting demographics We get to find out how many people or how many girls are listening and how nervous we should be I want to know what grandmas are watching watch lps at There's always that outlier 95 year old man listens to your show and he does Yeah, yeah, it's to you uncle. Yeah, we know where you live now. No, we don't know. That's not how much It's anonymous. Don't say that. We don't know anything about anything when you fill it out Um, but they also have a thing where they're giving away a hundred dollar amazon gift card at random to anyone who participates Oh, maybe I should vote so there's a right, you know, there's a little gift incentive thing there, too
Starting point is 01:51:49 So that's pretty cool that's survey. Um, yeah, I know so again. Thanks for supporting the show and uh What's the link again? Oh, I already forgot The pod survey dot com slash super. Okay, cool. Cool. Thanks guys. Thank you. Thanks Yo guys, we got the loot crate adventure box. Oh, we actually have it. Oh, we have it right here. We actually have it right here We'll turn it off. Oh, the box. We got to check it out. So right off the bat. We've got a Little zelda bottle opener over here good for all the bottles For beer You can't open dangerous to go alone. You remember that time we all opened a bottle with our teeth
Starting point is 01:52:28 I have to get replacement teeth all of us. That really sucks. I have replacement teeth. My long long milk really needs to be open How could I possibly open it? Yeah, yeah, yeah Dude, there's goon tur right there goon tur and find out what's inside goon tur. It's a little goon tur tin container. Oh, no And uh, I think there's gonna be some puny fingers while we're waiting for that For the pretty guys who don't know that's that penguin from adventure time Yeah, it's my fucking keys to open this the container itself is cute already like It's just a little penguin. Uh, we got a minecraft
Starting point is 01:53:05 Open her up. Yeah, what is it? Minecraft bag a bag of this is really weird. This is audio unboxing. This is bizarre Yeah, let's let's find out what's going on with it. They said you couldn't do it The sounds of unboxing happening here I got goon tur open, but there's another bag inside goon tur. Oh, I can't Oh, so bad goon tur soap tear it open quickly Oh, no, well, keep going back to the other stuff. It's gonna take a while got the minecraft thing open Because woolly's weak fingers couldn't do it. Nope. It's a sheep key chain from minecraft
Starting point is 01:53:42 And it's in the featuring the famous sheep from minecraft. There you go It's actually pretty cute. I'm not gonna lie. Yeah, you can pose its legs and stuff like the sheep from minecraft It's like a little uh ice king toy. That's not good. Oh, that's cute. Oh inside the ice king was inside the goon tur was an ice king It's not it's not made out of plastic. It's like it's like, uh, what would you call this? Uh, Squishy, it's like It's like hard squishy plastic ice cream. This is plastic. This is plastic. It's nice though. It's like, yeah, no, totally It's foamy. Yeah, it's a little foamy. We've also got a t-shirt in here That watch as we wear the t-shirt all of us listen to us
Starting point is 01:54:21 Taking off your shirt Pat. I know that shirt. Yeah, it's okay. It's the Zelda shirt that is has lake made up of Yeah, I wonder what that's called that's typography. I'm sure it shows really well on the on like audio. Oh, yeah Woolly give the t-shirt like a hand wave Now you can hear that this is a size 2xl it's kind of a cool Zelda shirt though 2xl We got a little Zelda pin in here. It's a little like Hylian shield and stuff Yep, and then some other good Oh, this is a Zelda pin, but the sword is a sword from Minecraft. It's not
Starting point is 01:55:07 That's cute. And the other sword is the adventure time sword. I don't know Yeah Yeah, a little bit and the friend zone soundtrack Yeah, yeah, that's pretty funny Cool. So, uh, that's I guess an example of what you can get if you Subscribe to loot crate. Um, and if you head on down to loot slash super use the promo code super You can get 10 off any of their current ongoing deals. That's not so bad. We'll find out what their theme is next month I suppose
Starting point is 01:55:45 Yeah, wow, what a surprise. I'll loot you might say that begins. You guys are such losers Joke is terrible 1337 a month plus shipping and handling is generally where the price starts right right So, yeah, that's that's a pretty good example of what a loot crate features This looks like a really good bottle opener. Oh, right on. Thanks a lot for sponsoring the show loot crate. Thanks loot crate Yeah, you can take the like the anime girl and there's a bunch of like, yeah, there's an anime girl. There you go I'll leave you two some alone quality. There you go. It's cute It's letter time. It's letter time. Holy shit. It's actually Guys, it's time to read letters for people to send us letters
Starting point is 01:56:30 Yeah, they do it sometimes if you wanted to send us a letter or an email I mean the email would make more sense. It would you send it to super best friend cast at woolly That is super best friend cast at Thank you. Let's get into these letters Let's dive right in here. I'm feeling good about this week Uh, I'm good first email those manpats of shit. Yeah, that's probably in there feeling better about that's not let's not get ourselves Every variant of that is in there. Yeah All the guy Aaron wants to know what the who Aaron Aaron wants to know
Starting point is 01:57:01 Is that a aron or is that one? Yeah, okay. Gotcha. The aron wants to know Oh, man, he appeals pretty good. Yeah, Aaron wants to know for grumps. Uh, what? It's the worst letter time ever. What's the worst book you've ever read? Worst book I've ever read is calvin cove by sd perry stephanie d perry Nice spell it out. Let them know so they're picking up what I ever read was the novelization on metal gear solid And it's way worse. I I should I should mention the full title of caliban cove is resident evil caliban cove Yes, uh, the novelization of metal gear solid is so bad because you remember how the first metal gear solid snake was a little bit like Yeah, i'm gonna hit on you and whatever and they've had less and less of that
Starting point is 01:57:42 It's this one was like snake thinks about naked women all the time even while he's on the mission in the book He's got James Bond. Yeah, no, especially when he's on the mission because the author wrote a bunch of cheetahs Yeah, it's what you think is a perfect match. How many how many chapters was dedicated towards him finding the right butt jiggle from the guard It was way more laugh than it was in the game. It was terrible. He grabbed a couple asses and realized there were mail guards And he went oh, that's not the one i'm looking for but good stuff. So yeah I hate it. Uh, the worst lutes. You weren't really working it. Yeah The worst book I've ever read was margaret at woods the handmaid's tale
Starting point is 01:58:24 Fuck her and her stupid book Any particular problems? Uh, it was just really really bad and she's really Really fucking like Over the top with because like it's it's totally fine if someone's like, okay Look, you have your viewpoints and she happens to be like a feminist, right? Yeah, that's fine But like the fact that she's going over the top with her fucking like all men must die type shit Okay in the post apocalyptic future It was just so can I get an honorable mention and then and then just as a little thing like I and I kind of cemented it in when
Starting point is 01:59:01 Uh, there was an interview with her and this guy that really loves her work is following her around trying to get Her to just answer some questions and she's like not only well I'll agree to this interview But i'm gonna keep gardening my plants and I'll only answer you when I feel like it And like you spend an hour and about half of that hour is just him trying to ask her a thing And she's like no i'm not gonna answer because fuck you Awesome stupid man. I have no problem Really fucking dumb orson craig is a lot better. You should read that one. I hope so
Starting point is 01:59:29 I I couldn't name the the worst book I ever read because it was a fantasy novel About wizards pre harry potter. Uh, uh, I was I was quite got the shimmy. I read too many of that garbage So give me a detail and I might be able to tell you what I do. I camera. I was quite young at the time I just remember being like 400 pages and it was pretty long but I hated it As an aside, uh, saying that either sex should be gone in the future You really don't have a lot of foresight into how to keep the human race afloat there a little bit tricky A little tough You're gonna run into some
Starting point is 02:00:02 I want to I want to give an honorable mention to uh catcher and the rye fuck that book and fuck holding call field Oh, it's so funny now. I hate that book. It's not the worst I've ever read Uh on the flip side the best book I've ever read was the catcher and the rye The grade four, uh, novelization of space jam I'll fuck that. I read for reading time Wait, there's a novelization as well. I wish I read that With the big book the big font on the big pages. Oh, I gotta read that. It was a good time. I gotta read that Oh, it was the best book I've ever read. That sounds like a jam. The best book I've ever read
Starting point is 02:00:37 I I see, you know, I just want I know it's not the best But the haunted mask is pretty Again like if we're going on the criteria of brought you the most joy Monster blood Monster blood three is so bad For me, like I know I I bang on and on about it, but ghost slash aliens Yes, it's way up has brought me more joy because I've re-read it multiple times and even at
Starting point is 02:01:08 Like much later. I've been on buses reading it Uh, ghost slash aliens is a much better book on its own than real ultimate power. Oh, yeah But real ultimate powers meta narrative is way more interesting. It's way better. Yeah, if you think he could mix both Yeah, yeah, so book recommendations real ultimate power and ghost slash aliens anything from an author whose last name is hamburger Or stein, uh, I really I really like the Abe horse in the series Which is about uh, a girl who fights demons using bells with different chimes. Okay, and it's really clever I'm pretty sure it's by garth nix and I'm really fond of garth nix on a whole
Starting point is 02:01:45 So he does really good fantasy books. He wrote a bunch of fantasy books for kids as well And like they're really good if you're a kid Abe horse seems actually like a lot more like mature. It's not a kid's thing, but like garth nix is fucking great. I love garth nix Oh, no, that's why Margaret wise tracy hickman I love that all those early dragonlands games were just made just like elaborate versions of like like Play sessions to the table top. Yes That was the fucking sickest was they just straight up were like i'm gonna write what we did
Starting point is 02:02:19 Yeah, because we're that good at it. We're very good at playing nerd shit. Um Yeshua wants to know my games don't go down like that It's just like I have to roll to see if you're drunk, but I didn't drink anything. I'll roll anyway No, you're drunk now you got back stoked you can't do shit anymore Uh natural 20 I slur your words and you're so drunk your dick falls off Like a roll for constitution you throw out I love the idea because I was remembering what those old character sheets like with tons of stats and numbers to
Starting point is 02:02:51 Factor that stuff and it's like if d.o. Had a character sheet his charisma would be like fucking It wouldn't be it wouldn't even be 20 his charisma would be like 21 or 22 Yeah, like you don't have to be the charismatic equivalent of like a hill giant strength. Yeah. Yeah, you don't have to roll it. Yeah um Yashua wants to know and and you're playing the joe stars and for some reason all they roll is natural 20 Uh Yashua wants to know do you guys have the balls to go to an anime convention in detroit? No Hardly no isn't that place bankrupt?
Starting point is 02:03:27 But how can they afford an anime convention in this economy? You see that there's like a trailer for the con is like come on down to this warehouse Or a bunch of anime people Just a big With knives I have an image of narano a league of legends girl and captain america like pulling out pistols and robbing people But they're but like they're but they're not even fully dressed. It's just a guy with the shield. Yeah. Yeah Just like what captain america like are you like now? I am he points a gun at you
Starting point is 02:04:11 If the cops don't rob you first with special guests actual drug lords I am a cosplaying a drug dealer cosplaying a cop Who's the guest of honor you Sit in that chair, motherfucker I'm gonna be a bit of a debbie downer on this and say I would like to because I've gotten several messages from fans Yeah, there's nothing to look forward to where I live except for the anime convention And it's really fun and we'd love it if you guys could come so you guys are And the adventure you're the one who makes fun of detroit in east st
Starting point is 02:04:47 I got these messages after I said I know but I actually agree with matt like I'd love to go all the The the the big convention they have there like I've been told by several people It's actually in the nicest safest part also I've been told that there's a I've been told by the missus that there is a weird divide between detroit's problem Is that you have Detroit center, which is like okay Then you have the the edge the edge is the problem where they pulled in the city limits the edge between
Starting point is 02:05:16 Abandoned and people live there. Yeah, there's the problem. But once you get into the actual abandonment area There's just no one And you can go urban exploring through fallout base You like joke a lot that there's clearly an operational boundary Like whatever fucking convention center the con is held in we'll get foreclosed before the con is on I bet you the con is keeping the place alive You know what it's like this pumping heart. Yeah brings a whole new meeting to the word dealer's room Oh
Starting point is 02:05:53 Yeah I'd be fun though grow you grow your anime weed for for Detroit anime thing when they make an anime about weed Maybe I'll just give up That yeah, that's when he'll give up once the anime is like oh, I guess I guess weed has artistic integrity now It's just about drugs. I don't suppose you know about the show weeds by any chance. That's an anime now No, the real show yeah on showtime. No, I'm familiar with it. It's pretty good I don't is it about drugs? Yes, sir. Okay. It's called weeds But but I mean like it's it's uh, I don't think you understood my point earlier
Starting point is 02:06:29 But that's just like I understood your point, but I don't but you corrupted it to whatever you wanted it to me That's pretty much your point stands, but it's still super wrong because it's telling people not to do a thing So therefore I don't agree with it It's okay I'll hook you up. I got my dime bags and everything Liam if you want to take the pedestal again and Talk about why Sally wants to know why you hate the scott pilgrim beat him up Oh, okay
Starting point is 02:06:59 I'm gonna now let's say I don't hate it hate is a bit strong, but I don't like it. Why were you disappointed by the scott pilgrim? I don't think it's great. Uh, there's no grappling Which I think is like a hallmark of what beat him ups should offer Mortar cop, I'm not I'm not trying to to downplay it. All I want to know is because it's been way too long since I played it Does river city ransom have grappling? Yes, I don't it does. Yes. Okay, because I always figured that it was being a tribute to river city ransom And I didn't remember grappling. It's been it's been quite a while since I played scott pilgrim, but from correctly There was no you know, there's no I know that for cats
Starting point is 02:07:36 I do not remember the little like fucking coonio picking the guy up and tossing him and shit like four you pick up like Yeah, you pick up guys and things pick up anything And now kind of make people barf anyway barf The world map is the fakest thing in the world that did need to be there that gave players the impression of some sort of Of exploration or just bonus level. No fucking nothing world maps absolute trash Uh, the enemy ai is not particularly good There's enemies who will run on screen and run right up to you and immediately just jab you in the face While you're fighting other enemies and that like
Starting point is 02:08:10 It's a weird thing to say because like streets of rage will do a thing where it'll an enemy will walk on screen Stop and you'll be able to register that there's an enemy on screen and then it'll go straight at you and do the same thing But it's the it's the speed of what he's doing that lets you think like I know what to do next And like there's a lot of like weird random things in in scott pilgrim We're like enemies will have an anti air that'll trigger the moment you leave the floor And it's like not a fun thing to contend with and it's like that's that's ai is how it should be done But like that's it's not a fun thing to contend with and there's a lot of just Stupid beat-em-up things in scott pilgrim that are remnants of like arcade games where they were just cheap and whatever
Starting point is 02:08:50 When really it should be more of a skill-based affair No, exactly. And so like that, you know and singoku 3 is another beat-em-up. That's actually fantastic But I also am not a particular fan of that game because the bosses are absolute Super hard. Yeah, they're arcade quarter munchers and they're garbage Um, I think I think like with when I look at when I look at scott pilgrim like it's better than castle crashers Yeah, um barely but like I feel like I I when I look at scott pilgrim I look at um, what's his name paul robertson? And like four player beat-em-up and I see this I see what I expect the sum of these parts to be
Starting point is 02:09:29 The game should have been really way better than it turned out. I think my memory of that game is totally But I think it's okay. I just I would want scott pilgrim and all these things to be fucking mind-blowing. I wasn't done complaining. Sorry That's okay. There's more if I remember correctly all the characters have the same moveset. That's great. Uh, and that's just not particularly fun No, but you know, but you're um, you're They're not they're not identical because there's a unique move That everyone gets because I remember um, what's her name has that like the micoto punch that only she can do later on in the game It's like It's been quite a while since I've leveled up. I've leveled up some unique
Starting point is 02:10:06 I believe they have one or two moves instead of completely different moves But I think it goes to like even the earliest beat-em-ups like streets or final fight is like one character is faster They are clearly different. Yeah, one character is slow and I don't think that's scott pilgrim No, it's not. Yeah, okay. Instead you level it up with coins. So you need to take too long to level up Uh, plus like infinite lives is a fucking joke. What a goddamn joke figure out a better difficulty system There they exist and you can do better. Uh, just what if like that and castle crashers do that and it's inexcusable Oh, was it? Yeah, so I was like when I said like when I think that my memory of that game is ruined for like
Starting point is 02:10:44 Objectivity is like I can't remember anything about that game other than the pixel art and the music Yeah, so I look back on it fondly because of that. Yeah. No, that's like like like the little um, uh, k999 moment k49 moment Yeah, like the fucking arm comes out and shit like it totally has like the ingredients of fucking awesome I think if you're a casual if you're a casual fan of like just games in general and you really love scott pilgrim I can see anyone being. Oh, this is really awesome. But like all of us like me and and Liam and I guess Well, you and Liam especially as like beat-em-up heads All of us in particular though know what goes and I think maybe initially we're all like, oh my god
Starting point is 02:11:23 Looks great. This sounds great But I never beat scott pilgrim and I'm pretty sure a lot of this goes in the reason why I remember playing it and going Wow, these levels are super long that too. Yeah nothing really going on and I was always I hope a boss shows up because the boss fights were like a good they were significantly better Yeah, they're they're a little more strategy to them But I remember being like this isn't and I remember also punching things not being as satisfying as I wanted to be But when I think about it like Pat said I still have very fall like that game Because it's because it's totally it's a little bit of that jojo thing right where it's like as a fan of all the
Starting point is 02:12:02 Those parts. You're still like having a good time seeing here and experiencing. Yeah, you know, look who's in the background It's fucking man. Yeah Totally totally totally like, you know as much as the strikers that come down and help you and shit You were gonna finish your sentence. Yeah, and I said, you know fun stuff happening around you Yeah, as you're walking forward for a long time. Yeah, my biggest thing is the AI though And it's a really hard thing to explain like you really have to just play beat them up and get it But like final fight and streets of rage have really good AI I think streets of rage is a bit better in that aspect
Starting point is 02:12:34 But that's besides the point way to tone yourself down there They do act differently though, and I you know, that's besides the point But I think like you're just you're not Scott pilgrim has really like Even though it was incredibly simple. Yeah, the AI still has to Be fair while not being a pushover and it's not something simple to do And it's japanese guys and the arcades knew how to program it I don't think a bunch of random Ubisoft and indy guys can just do that
Starting point is 02:13:03 It was uh, the japanese or american is not what it was. No, but what I mean is that back in the day No, no, americans didn't make beat them up. It wasn't ubisoft. They did their shit. Uh, it was uh, It was another company. I know but they're like down the road from here Yeah, and I like their other games like I like wiz or but I think that's really fun Just they did mercenary kings or they did they did mercenary totally and you know mercenary kings is uh So that was an exhaustive five-part series about scott pilgrim It's like if you don't really love beat them up, so you like scott pilgrim you'll have you'll have fun for sure It's a fun game
Starting point is 02:13:37 And I mean, I'm like, you know like theoretically like it's a four-player game Like we could sit down and play something like that or other four player beat them up Oh, totally totally. No, and that that's doable. Yeah, but yeah, there were some issues I guess a lot of people ask because in the best form beam ups logo you see scott pilgrim and yeah Everyone kinds assumed that we were gonna do it But I never intended to do it because I know that it's long and it's It's stupid law and if we're not good we'll die and repeat levels And you gotta level up the dudes. Yeah, it's it's fun actually, so it's it's a grind of a game. It's just yeah
Starting point is 02:14:11 It's I'm likely I'm I'm very glad though that it happened. Yeah, yeah, because like the fucking Booner I would have for a scott pilgrim game if that never happened now. Yeah would be overflowing Vanny and huge swole swole super swole Dangerous turgid. It'd be dick. Stop. Stop. No, how about Stop being grossed out. So I don't even know what turgid means Things that happened in anime north state Anime north right except for we can save them whenever we want. Yeah, we're pushing swole I like that. I like that
Starting point is 02:14:46 Um, you guys are jerk asses. Oh, not really Checks mixes of fantasy. Fuck it. You have to understand if you don't know what fuck you though. Yeah, but fuck you Assassin echo says that uh, I decided to main I got into street fighter and I decided to main Dan Because I like that. Yeah, and I've been taking out dudes way higher rank than me. Yeah, am I fucking crazy? Yes, like Yeah, but no because dan is actually still legit Also a bunch of people that are higher rank probably don't know their match up against dan And if you know how to play dan you can actually you can totally still win
Starting point is 02:15:27 And now that they're putting the thing in where you can only build meter by taunting It's uh, I know I I Or rather that rather it's they used a game meter on when he hit you with this taunt That's been removed. Now. He just gains meter by taunting taunt. Not only game meter, but okay, but there's yeah, there's something along those Additional meter right right right there. He'll be getting tons of meter. So you but you have an incentive to taunt That's what you want to give a character which every game should have with every character fucking love that um, I miss q We've got one coming in from riccardo who wants to know
Starting point is 02:16:02 um Hey, riccardo seeing as you guys enjoy fine details in your other media Do you have favorite sound cues or effects that for you make a scene power or like character race? Moment go from good to awesome. That's very specific. So you like you like when a crank makes a certain sound So this motherfucker gives the examples that I would totally give that are like the some of the get some really good ones Is when levi does the fucking bike rev up sound? um Before he does his slash spinning slash you hear that noise and it's like it's just his special move
Starting point is 02:16:37 The other one he gives is the jet engine when the dem see roll begins. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, right? It's a good super fucking sick aura Gundam unicorns beam magnum blast dbz power up aura, you know I don't have any that I I'm like Oh, man, this makes it so much better, but I have a bunch that I'm a big fan of I love that dolphin public domain sound effect Yeah, the same that same fucking dolphin That fucking thing. Yeah. Yeah, there's there's a bunch that it's the monster noise. Yeah
Starting point is 02:17:09 No the amp Yeah, the sound of the doom one amp is everywhere the sound of the guy the man screaming while falling off a cliff Yeah, the willow screaming willow screaming not the willow helm No, it's the one of the man falling off a cliff and also as Matt mentioned, there's uh, there are about like I want to say 2030 like public domain valve noises that I have just like oh, I know Oh, I love that one child laughter. Yeah. Oh, yeah public domain child laughter. I like I mean, but no, but like but like a Hype example one. Yeah, I like uh when travis touchdown fill finishes charging his sword the little tone I love that one. Nice. Nice. Nice. Um, he did like sound effects. I can't really think of any at the moment
Starting point is 02:17:50 There's a couple of things from time to time, but visually Uh, I got like another one. I really like in eye shield 21 when you see him His vision he sees the arrow of how to cut through the defensive line And and like it's like that's totally what playing football is like if you're sure. Yeah, or something like that It's a really slick thing. Uh, I like uh, ma ma maximum With marzell three, but it's it's only when you go to training mode and you know, I know I know, but I love it Ma ma ma ma maximum Yeah, exactly. Yeah, that's it. That's really charming. Oh, just any anything the announcer says and killer
Starting point is 02:18:27 Even back in the day was just the the hypest thing. Yeah. Um I but I like I'm trying I'm trying to get like from an anime or from a thing where like uh, Like a jet the jet engine is the perfect thing. He's like that does not belong there, but it makes that moment so much sicker Ah, I don't know. Anyway, but yeah, you gave you gave the good examples, dude. So kudos to you, ricardo um Let's take one from Uh beaver says that I noticed when you guys talking about valve's big dota 2 tournament that has a six million dollar price pool Yeah, um, I didn't even know about this is a huge achievement for esports. Are you going to check out the tournament? No, no
Starting point is 02:19:06 Probably not man. None of us. No. Do any of us even know how to play dota? Do you know if we can take money out of that pool? We can do it. Uh, I do know that Um, there's a cool character that's sort of inspired by vagabond And that showed up. I forgot his name But he's a cool guy and his story seemed interesting and then there's the other thing that's now like urin laga and the little uh creature Yeah, or is that legal? I think that's I think that's legal. I modified it up. Sorry everybody This group is bad at mobs and don't know about mobs. Although. I totally concede that mobs are a genre Sure. No, they're a genre and they're popular. No, just we had this debate every once in a while
Starting point is 02:19:40 Oh, yeah, you were like mobs aren't a genre But then I went home that night. I was thinking of it in the shower and I'm like, what about awesome knots? And I'm like, yeah, they're totally a genre. That's a weird place to go with that But that was the one where I was like, yeah, no, totally. Yeah. Sorry. But what about monday night combat? Oh, you're right. Yeah, that game kicks ass does so it's only a genre if it Falls into something that you enjoy. No, that's not what I'm saying. Okay, just I didn't think of monday night combat or awesome knots And because because he was he was the same way you play as rts He was seeing mobas as the the spin-off of rts
Starting point is 02:20:15 But when the core moba formula has spin-offs that are other genres Then then it's clear that I'm really forgotten about them. And yeah, I wish monday night combat was more popular Yeah, yeah on pc. It's a fucking ghost town Yeah, but like back to that topic like yeah, what do you guys think of valve selling those compendiums and shit great for them Like good for them, but at the same time. I'm just like man They're making so much dirt money hand over fist on this one. Yeah, they're all cosmetic items. I know and it's like But valves the game is entirely gameplay free. I know so it's impossible for me to get upset. I know, but it's like Val's gonna
Starting point is 02:20:55 Money no matter what so like whatever they whatever methods they choose. I'm like amen I want this question is going to be how come you're not talking about that japanese left-for-dead game. Oh, what about it? It's our kid game. Why are we talking about it? Okay, there's a japanese left-for-dead arcade game They were designing a location test. They decided it. Yeah. I just thought it was sick That's all because you're on a new fucking gun shooter kick if you weren't on that kick you wouldn't care I got another topic. I got another topic. Why wasn't on the docket the order gameplay came out Oh, I I missed that
Starting point is 02:21:27 I was a look it it looks like a shooter to be honest, but like but I really like that I brought it up I really like that it was all like one-shot kind of deal and it didn't ever cut the camera away I like how uncharted three hand. I'll have to check it out because I liked what I first saw of it But it looks like a continuation that looks cool. Do you look at the guns again in the nice lighting? No, no, okay? Um Brighton wants to know hey How's your house your beach?
Starting point is 02:21:51 This is for matt specifically Should I buy a ps3 for other tales games because visperia was so awesome If you really like tales games a ps3 is probably the best way to play it now, right like the currently like uh Zillia 2 is it's the easiest way to get the most of them for sure Easiest way to get the most of them. Yeah, I'd say if you really like tales and you can get a ps3 for fairly cheap And uh, I've gotten them all that release on ps3 and haven't touched any of them Yeah, I know this is a matt question, but like zisteria looks really good and that's ps3 only so yeah Can't even way to go like me and Liam had to talk about this off the podcast
Starting point is 02:22:30 But like I can't even figure out what tales games are new anymore Because the name because the names are all nonsense. They're all complete nonsense now. Totally destiny Fantasia like yeah, okay, oteca because we had yeah, we'll be on tech at 3ds one. That's a free to play like arc Reveille Our other french mop god pat we used to who's super into them like I could sort of follow what he was telling me about the ones from Legend legendia and stuff and then up to the abyss and yeah, well everything and it was like right but now that we're now that it's in its Now we're in comes now that we're in total nonsense territory and we're having like sequels To the nonsense ones the names are much more nonsense now than they've ever like what's the one you just said zestria
Starting point is 02:23:17 Zestria, I can't even you just said it I can't even get right like let's let's try to like pepper the podcast in future episodes with made-up ones and see Catches on like like destiny and fantasia are all like fantasies Symphonia abyss and legendia are the mid like the ps2 gamecube ones and then all the other bullshit You've heard are crazy new ones vesperial Graces zestria And then all the handle was tempest hearts like it's in a sense innocence. Oh, don't talk about innocence I can't wait for tales of felucia fine to me that she looks great that game never came out
Starting point is 02:23:54 What are you talking about that seven days in felucia? No 13 days in Felucia is not the same place as felucia. Damn it. Whatever the difference But yeah, I don't know like hearts and innocence and stuff. It's like fine, but when it's like Zestria and zillia that's like a bit weird because I like it like a voice is a great name. I don't have any issues It's like think how hard it would be to keep track of like call of duty if the games had no number something I still want call of duty tides of friendship to be also call back in samurai shampoo guy Maybe not that I care because I wouldn't look played it either way But so so don't call him in because we won't buy it anymore, but I like the art though
Starting point is 02:24:31 So I like when I see what you so he'll download your jay. Do this thing. Yeah, exactly Yeah, yeah, I played lost odyssey didn't I that's good. No, yeah And lastly, let's go with ryan who says what's up zibatsu. Yes. Um, yes, you probably know now actually Uh, now, uh, are there any crazy fan outrageous theories that you love no matter how stupid they are Because I recently heard about the one where they speculate that quiet is actually chico. Oh, I saw that And as dumb as that is that's actually really good I don't want to count it out because that could maybe kajima would go for it I I think that's not going to be a thing great fox, but there's totally some crazy fan theories
Starting point is 02:25:11 I love there. There are three I can think of in in in metal gear right now. It's the quiet one There's the one that great fox is the character you're going to be playing in phantom pain. Yeah, there's uh, no, there's more There's the theory that the uh, the the medic at the end of ground zero is is the guy is ishmael Or your wish I was pretty convinced by when watching that Fake boss is going to be solidest and or that ground zero is a movie in the phantom pain universe Because of the the way that because it's got keitha Keepers otherland is the actor they got to play him And like uh, the way that the game over screen is different and stuff like that and all the guns are fake in ground zero's
Starting point is 02:25:55 Um, we've got the squalor's dead theory. Yeah, that was the one I was gonna be right We're look at look at that shot with the hole in the face doesn't quite save it But yeah, it helps gives you some food for thought Uh, the one I like to make you think recently mostly hate is people saying because namco is working on smash Maybe goku and naruto could be in because they have the rights for the games And it's like oh god It's not the way that works again you for are on the cusp with that screenshot of goku and smash Just going like why are gamers such suckers that fall for these stupid screenshots?
Starting point is 02:26:27 We asked scientists to find out The rumor came a lot before that before our article, but yeah good on them to use that photo for sure um I guess that's it. I guess now that you're so easy. We've probably got more hidden away in our bowels Um, it's not the same thing, but I like I like when there's stuff in games like uh, great gospel um Areth eris whatever her final um Limit break events like she's gonna die before you get it
Starting point is 02:27:00 Unless you really really really want to see it And you fucking it's a good thing you work until you go there. You know, it's good. Yeah. That's that's that's interesting Um, yeah, that's that's I guess those are the main ones and there's stuff with movies That I have as well like there's a really really good um Multiple page long post about uh the matrix two and three before they came out No, it was at the end of reloaded but before revelations About why it was the matrix matrix within a matrix theory was solid
Starting point is 02:27:29 And it actually it fucking it did so much and it was and it ended up being better than the actual movie Of course it did. You know like it was it was it was crazy. I love one. Maybe it's matrix in a way Maybe it's still Hey, hey, and woolly. Yeah, what if we're in the matrix? What? Maybe that's the only way we can find we can get to fucking uh avatars planet Equestria I don't know It's all the same thing. Yeah, isn't it? Yeah
Starting point is 02:28:04 Pokemon are real if you believe hard enough We gotta get to the poke-averse Those those pokemon believer forums are the best. They're really are Are they the best I I was uh Yes I've been Listening to the f plus a lot lately and one of their earlier episodes They spent a full hour on the fucking forum dedicated to breaking into the digiverse
Starting point is 02:28:29 I think I saw a digimon. It was real. No one believes me. Oh, no Now i'm sad It is the best, but it's also oh, it's hilarious. Yeah, it's hilarious Oh Fuck and there's also a weird crossover. It's like, oh, I wish digimon are real also that I could have sex with them There's a sonic the hedgehog space for that too. Oh, that's Hey, no, liam. That's the fucking trailblazer. Can I can I broaden your statement to there's a sonic the hedgehog space for that to include
Starting point is 02:29:01 Everything oh, I know I know i'm just I mean and it's like and it's a sad side corner. That's really funny other kin thing Yeah, it's it into like no, it's not just me It's the world i'm living in and you guys just don't know about I got sent a A screenshot like two days ago about a girl saying that it was the speech about how she was planted kin What?
Starting point is 02:29:29 Can you can you elaborate elaborate? It's like i'm really a planet You know, that's it. That's it. I do know The sun stopped me from making this That makes more sense. All right, what's on the watch this week, man? Planet kin Watch dogs god dammit who watches the watch dogs me that does We're all getting who's getting watch dogs. I'm getting watch dogs show our hands all four of us Okay, I'm getting it because a friend is getting it for me cheap
Starting point is 02:30:01 But I was not really I I ordered off amazon like a long time ago So I wouldn't get charged 70 bucks for it and they're like, oh, it's 50 bucks for you because we had a deal one day I'm whatever I'll take it. So i'm up for another Ubisoft gameplay loop game. Yeah, I haven't played one a little bit. So You sure you okay? Well, you're all right. I'm cool. Um, yeah, I want to check it out But like I want to see if I can play it without using my gun and then that's what i'm doing That's exactly right. Yeah, right. Yeah, I believe you do it and then when the game forces you to do it
Starting point is 02:30:34 That's where you go. All right. That's where you know, that's uh, I believe you can get decently Well, I've heard that you can make some progress with no gun and even with the gun there is a kneecapping system for Okay, yeah, I'm gonna mirror his edge it I'm uh, I'm looking forward to actually uh, that may not be possible I've not heard it announced as possible. Yeah, and usually they make a huge deal about letting you know Yeah, usually they do so I want to see the moment where they force it I'm I'm actually looking forward to the Vita RPG mine zero. I played what? You were talking shit about that to me last week. I said, it's not perfect. I said, it's an all right game
Starting point is 02:31:09 You will have a sad look on your face. I even said it's better than conception two, which was shite Of course, and it's better than conception two is like like the worst the worst But I remember you remember I played a lot of mine zero when that first came out I imported it and you were like, is this out in english? And I'm like, no, fuck you Oh, yeah, um, so I'm looking forward to that and I'm glad that they announced like a big ps plus discount for it Which is always a good show of faith. Um, but you know, I was gonna buy it anyway. So if it's gonna be even cheaper I'm okay with that exactly But you know, I'll play it for sure. What about you? Well, I'm gonna steal one that Liam should have said that he didn't say
Starting point is 02:31:42 Uh, it's a Kickstarter called don't hug me. I'm scared. Yeah. Well, I was gonna get to that. Don't you worry But I'm glad you took it because because I have other stuff that I'm looking forward to this week But I don't want to But like, yeah, no, uh, this thing looks fucking great. I love that like I showed it to matt and he didn't know anything about That was quite a trip It's it's straight up your sesame street style like puppets muppets and so on In horrifying weird off-putting situations But not a lesson about something
Starting point is 02:32:16 But not constantly. Yeah, it's most it's mostly happy and then moments of terror. Yeah. Yeah It's really good. Your stomach turns a little and then it goes back to being or and then nothing actually happens And it's so on the money It's so on the money right now. Don't hug me. I'm scared and then name is great. Yeah So I'm watching I'm watching that. Yeah, we're gonna make pat watch it immediately. Oh, yeah, sure. Absolutely. The other thing I'm looking forward to is Saturday this Saturday coming up my girlfriend comes home. Oh She's been in France for six months. So I'm very very excited to see her Liam's girlfriend is on the watch. I I'm watching her. I hope you guys aren't
Starting point is 02:32:59 What? Uh Shit not late Matt, what's coming up on the channel this week? Um, all our playthroughs are continuing I'm gonna have a video of of wolfenstein really short one and that's another some other one off I think uh, yeah, there might be another one off coming up this weekend. Okay, cool. I hope you guys like that final fantasy 8 It was a pretty long happy, but yeah, when are you gonna do the real one though? When are you gonna do the real one? We finished that was the real one People think we didn't play through the whole game and collect 127 of each but we did the parts that didn't matter to just cut out
Starting point is 02:33:33 They don't know the the first I want to say hour of that video going up was one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life The comments are of people just like oh man, they're doing it followed by about 40 minutes in like Girlfriends dead because you shit at cards It's so bad cool That's awful. That's awful. I know it's one of the most offensive things we've ever done and yet it's just like you Yeah, and yet it was perfect All right, stay tuned We're gonna just trail off this one. Oh, what there's gonna be the mix. Oh, no, that's fast. There's gonna be the anime north
Starting point is 02:34:17 Oh, yeah We did not do nothing while we were there as much as you did probably should have You know, so you guys you guys So check out some of that this one. I had the podcast. I guess I guess I guess Let's just let's just like kind of like lamely trail off How about you guys just leave the rules the sounds if you guys just Stop it. No, you're in the joke. Damn it. I was gonna have a moment with Liam, but you ruined it you bastard You
Starting point is 02:35:36 Find out where you are in charge with max velocity and spit a large amount of bars with shards ferocity Richie kill them all. I don't need to drop a colony Illest of them all with a new type philosophy running through my veins. So I'm yelling CXM If you didn't know my name turn your tv on Richie in the heat of the battle causing fatality So pay attention while I represent my principality Came from the bottom now I made it to the top new type flow. I'm the hottest on the black Somebody tell these haters that I'm never gonna stop till I kill them all like a colony drop. I'm yelling out CXM CXM
Starting point is 02:36:14 Yeah, I'm yelling out CXM CXM CXM The competition ain't on the level that we are Yeah, I spit a hot barrage You don't flow that'll lead these haters dropping jobs while the battle rages on no stop I think outside the box. I am not the plaza In fact, I'm the rat games full frontal focused on victory vision remains tunnel when they see me approach
Starting point is 02:36:41 They choke and start running because they know that I'm the legendary shard second coming every day. I see these haters Harboring negative emotions because I'm on the brink of greatness Focus never hard to think my frame of a villain. I banage your links before you run in the battle with Richie Let me warn you. I will outmaneuver you like I'm in a synod you and if you didn't know my flow is fine It's sick. I'm killing every track like a red comic kick Richie came from the bottom now. I made it to the top New type flow. I'm the hottest on the black somebody tell these haters that I'm never gonna stop Never until I kill them all like a colony drop. I'm yelling out CXM CXM Yeah, I'm yelling out CXM
Starting point is 02:37:26 CXM CXM The competition ain't on the level that we are You

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