Castle Super Beast - SBFC 065: Gilbert Gottfried Plays Hatoful Boyfriend Full LP

Episode Date: November 4, 2014

You awoke and unleashed the fire in my heart, I will dance and I'll defeat them through the light and the dark. Your mistake was to underestimate my power, Won't let go of the fight...till tomorrow is... mine!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You said scrubs is shit just now well scrubs are shit but yeah the hubby I'm trying to confuse the issue what's going on now what's where trying to escape oh it's like there's so many people we're talking about scrubs the television that's correct that's the one you're not talking about Daigo the bit no JD and Turk the basis for black man white man interrelations yeah no that show sucks no it doesn't suck like it sucked after a while no here's a lot of shit here's my problem drops off yeah so every show drops off you got a good solid five seasons out of that so here's my problem scrubs like you and our
Starting point is 00:01:00 other friend in in Sejep which is rant and fucking rave about scrubs all day just all the time you fucking love scrubs and I don't begrudge your level scrubs because when I would look up like a clip of scrubs that had like Dr. Cox fucking rules or or JD and Turk doing their goofy mind things or like dressing up like Eddie Murphy or all that shit being awesome that's hilarious that's awesome part of the reason I love safety dance so much is because of Turks bizarre safety dance show okay but every time I actually sat down to watch scrubs there was one of those jokes in the entire fucking episode and the rest
Starting point is 00:01:46 of it was just like yawn worthy it was terrible yeah I've never seen like it feels like it feels like it started where metalocalypse is now where it was never supposed to be a 22 fucking yeah it should have been an 8 minute show wait with metalocalypse a 22 yeah I only saw the first season season one season two fantastic season three it's like how why did they think that was a good idea and also remember making season three is what almost killed Brennan small yeah yeah yeah no I disagree because I got more than a couple laughs throughout the case of the course of scrubs and I relate to that
Starting point is 00:02:31 shit because so many white kids tried to be the JD to my turn everyone wants that cool black friend they want to hang out with and do the buddy buddy thing if and they've auditioned and so many have failed if have I what do you bring to the table Matt I think I'm a good JD to your turn the answer is my employment if Cox or the janitor or JD and Turk as like one character or not on the screen it's like that shows not worth watching like it should have been the dr. Cox show he dr. Cox steals the show most of the time that was so does the janitor and so does Ted and so does the Todd that would have been
Starting point is 00:03:14 confusing to call that show dr. Cox though no and it's like awesome but here's the problem when you say that shit you're ignoring like background characters like Snoop Dogg intern like you don't know what the fuck you're talking about there's no background how many episodes of scrubs did I have to watch in full because I was like five and I was born we should be say all you need to watch is for yo do give it the fortune it gets emotional right there's those moments like when dr. Cox is what has his buddy that's Brendan enough small Brendan Frazier shows up as his buddy and then spoiler alert he dies like he's
Starting point is 00:03:53 alive the whole time and then he's at the funeral that shit was sad man that's future I'm a dog sad is that we're in the first four episodes speaking of sad you remember when you talked all that shit about Hunter X Hunter yeah I actually it was like I'm bored I'll watch it and then I got to the part where I saw what it looked like yeah and gave up I didn't even get to the part where I click play or a website to watch it or whatever I saw the main character and was just like no I had a shonen jump manga sampler like years and years ago I think I still have it and it has the first chapter of like Naruto and Yu-Gi-Oh! and
Starting point is 00:04:41 stuff and there was an ad for Hunter X Hunter in the back and when I got to that I was pretty young but I was like this looks like shit why would I read this so thank you Pat because you're totally right I hear so too different strokes different strokes me and Pat think Kung Pao is the epitome of comedy that's right hate people that like it I was unimpressed so I mentioned that I watched that like within the past two like three months with my girlfriend like what years after the last time I'd watch it and it's still amazing I really want to see it as much as I love it and she really likes it so she gets to stay
Starting point is 00:05:19 around last 20 minutes is kind of me oh last one is garbage yeah like every like that movie it's it's a downward slope the longer you watch it I do like the idea and I wish that that was a genre that continued of like taking old things remember going every way and show they did a segment like that where they just did like a hip like hip-hop speak over old yeah okay you're going all the way back in every way and show is a way back and it was just like it was just like a guy would jump down and do like a swan dive and jump down start doing lay leg kung fu and guys and just be like oh man doll now yeah yeah it's
Starting point is 00:06:00 home and just started fighting and they're like two minute segments or you could take it back to the originators of that Raphael in the fucking Ninja Turtles or whatever the first instance of that I think so I think so the early ass YouTube days back in the day prior to the internet back when YouTube existed prior to the internet those were the good days I remember downloading local I remember downloading Fensler films GI Joe things in MOV just and that MOV you were lucky watch them on your desktop hey whatever you watch them embedded in heavy whatever like beef anyone has with one another if you're old enough to
Starting point is 00:06:49 remember real fucking real player that is the you're legit shit worst piece of garbage to ever oh my god and I'm like the age of trying out different p2p clients like hey remember direct what are you next what are you talking about I never used to be to be fine in my life that would be immoral oh of course can't talk about that oh no no lime wire what what's what's lime wire would you would download creepy porn online one only creepy porn online wire that's like their subtitle underneath their logo only creepy for oh man this album seems really bad porn only creepy porn on episode 66 of the super like line wire
Starting point is 00:07:37 was this weird moment your adolescence in which you were disappointed to receive porn yeah yeah you're right I really wanted that because it wasn't the PS1 ISO that you thought it was just can't get jetmoto ball watch these people do stuff again fuck man those Dreamcast days when they created self-booting the world fucking flipped and by that I mean me that was the world at the time yeah because you just play everything no but then you go out and you buy them later when the money is not going to the creator yeah hope you apologize in your heart you feel bad but you can't believe the dream cast had no copy protection
Starting point is 00:08:21 zero that's mine okay here's what it was it was we burn our data backwards yeah so that your burner can't yeah but the thing still has to be able to read CDs exactly so you've done and done it like someone's got to take the fall and now nobody's gonna make that mistake ever again Beth well no it's all gonna be digital from now on so that's what I'm saying nobody's ever gonna make that mistake ever you remember that like two or maybe that fourth time total you've ever played a CD on your dream cast and listen to it never yeah that's the reason why that console fucking H1 the PS1 came out and that feature was novel
Starting point is 00:09:03 well and I did that like twice okay that that's a special thing though because the PS1 actually is a really good CD player it is just like how the PS2 came out it was an amazing like the best DVD player absolutely time I didn't know that you know really fantastic DVD player and it costs like more than less than half like what most DVD player until Grand Theft Auto 3 came out most people use their PS2 as DVD players because the launch time yeah that's certainly true like sublime at the start so though the next year was Metal Gear Final Fantasy that's Devil May Cry the date the store when FF 10 came out and
Starting point is 00:09:42 then I looked over and I was like dad I really he's like fine yeah get your Titus whatever and then he like walks by me like like in the early besaid sequence and he's just like I don't fucking raise this thing I don't get these video games are you winning son yeah I just had my stupid girl do a dumb dance a bunch of souls different with my oh it's different from a lot of people than with my dad because my dad used to play hot NHL hockey and sports games with us on the Genesis and he was like are equal right and then I got to see what it looks like like to see somebody like just have like something they like just
Starting point is 00:10:28 leave them behind as soon as you got past three buttons dad was just like yeah the same thing I used to play like Super Nintendo co-op games all the time with my sister and then when Donkey Kong Country Returns came out she's like what why is there more than run and jump yeah yeah or learning the applications of medium punch and kick and my brother's like he just can't handle it anymore it's like no but I want it to be the dumb thing fuck you if I could pick the fast characters you always win that sucks um Liam how many years before you are free yeah 800,000 that's a lot of time like I put in a lot of time like I've
Starting point is 00:11:10 played for like over 50 hours and I still have a thousand years left actually playing freedom war is came out I'm at 988,000 you'll make it one day pass I will not that game is not good enough to get to zero you'll make it in the sequel yeah I guess I guess I can't imagine like the trophies only go as far as 500,000 years I can't imagine the intent is for you to get this game could you actually sit and grind it people have done it yeah not in North America yet but in Japan where it's been out for a few months you can repeat missions if you play multiplayer because the first time you play a mission you get a
Starting point is 00:11:50 significantly bigger reward in years yeah so if you play multiplayer with people who are finishing missions for the first time you get that big drop so if you play around and like once you're in the post game you get these extra rare retribution missions where you only have one shot and they're absurdly tough but you get 10,000 years which is 1% which is a lot in the big picture when you think about that they're fucking with people's lives man yeah but now freedom wars came out and like I've you know it's one of those games where you get hyped for it and then you get hyped for it and you talk about it every day
Starting point is 00:12:22 and then it doesn't come out for a year and a half and then you don't get disappointed at all I don't feel disappointed by this game at all I love it I think it's fantastic how's the grappling it's great oh it's awesome the gameplay is like super smooth and great I think the biggest issues with the game are like there's too much like walking around in the early game where it's like you were talking about this before the pacing the pacing game story mode right at the beginning yeah but well at least up until code for until around code for fucking atrocious it's unbelievably fucking bad I wouldn't say
Starting point is 00:12:53 atrocious but it's not great I would say when a character says oh it's going to be a retribution and the word retribution is in quotes and everyone in the scene knows what she's talking about and then the world basically ends and then everyone just because everyone knows what she was talking about we never talk about what actually just happened and the player goes I don't know what the fuck just I don't think that's a flaw I think you know you learn what the universe is as time goes on are you implying like tutorials extending into the slow it'll be like you finish a mission it'll be okay go meet Julian in
Starting point is 00:13:31 the bar and you're gonna meet Julian in the bar and then it's like okay you've talked to Julian go talk to Matthias in the lounge you go talk to Matthias okay now go talk to Natalia and then you get another mission and then the last thing is go talk to Julian in the bar exactly exactly and you get fast travel after code three so it's like I feel like that's what it is because once you get past like code five it speeds up how did you get past the first nine hours of nothing of persona four that what made you power through that it's three hours and I'm pretty sure it was the setting it was I was totally like absorbed sure
Starting point is 00:14:11 yeah setting and that game tells its story linearly whereas freedom or just leaves giant also war chunks that I learned what they are like persona drops a mystery that you're like what is going on here well in all fairness freedom worse totally does too maybe I'm what what is this why maybe why is the world like this maybe I'm crazy but like when you see a character and way before she's actually introduced the guy says oh she looks like she's from on high in quotes and no one like I'm at the point in the game where I still don't know what the fuck that means I and that's bullshit I'm the kind of person who would rather
Starting point is 00:14:51 they say something and not stop and be like on high is this your character has damn amnesia yes he does like there is such an easy way in for this are you playing are playing mostly multiplayer mostly single I've played like maybe like 50 missions in multiplayer multiplayer is great like it holds up just fine the lag issues are it's it's peer-to-peer so the lag issues exist when someone has bad connection yeah but otherwise the multiplayer is really solid the lobby system is good and the single players built with multiplayer in mind yeah single player mission you go on has three other people in it you
Starting point is 00:15:24 you can play and you can play every single player mission in multiplayer before you play them in single player and you get a ticket that you can cash in to skip the mission in single player really yeah exactly and I think that's actually a really good idea because most hunting games don't have that can you do that spiral rising helm splitter from like moment one yes as the moment you get a large weapon yeah which if you had the pre-order bonus moment one if you didn't maybe like three hours into the game cool so yeah no absolutely it's super good and I was really engrossed by the universe like universe I think is really
Starting point is 00:15:58 spot-on like like I'm screaming about the story thing but that's why because the universe is so cool it's so cool you get fucked up in a fight you get wrecked and you lose your memory and the government says well fuck you we've spent a lot of time time and resources and building you up to be a fighter and now you lost your memory a million years fuck you for reckless loss of memory a million years and the way that game starts with entitlements is this amazing amazing so instead so you the one
Starting point is 00:16:31 you can so the whole society is based on sending you to jail and keeping you in jail forever so it's a whole like big brother kind of thing so when you start the game and you're in your cell like your accessory which is the robot that's your AI that helps you in fights but it's also there to just watch you and make sure you well she's not in the cell initially and so you walk around yeah nothing and after you take five steps you get slammed because you broke the law yeah taking unnecessary physical movement exactly
Starting point is 00:16:58 you're wasting energy you don't like you have to conserve that resource the one that the one that gets me is that she tells you to go to sleep and your character tries to go to sleep you can pick you can pick yes or no and if you pick yes your character lies down to go to sleep and you hit with 10 years for lying down to go to sleep you have to earn that entitlement and if so then he just curls into a ball like sitting down but if you say no you get slammed for turning down leisure time because that's that's a valuable resource that
Starting point is 00:17:29 they're giving you you know and then after that your character lies down and like you get slammed with that as well you have to be you have to like buy points to be able to run for more than five seconds you have to buy the right to talk to someone at the opposite sex when you go into missions and you start getting materials you don't have the right to keep the rare stuff and if you try and keep them you get hit with huge jails exactly so you have to earn the right to keep the good stuff you're looking at these really good materials that you know you have to trash over
Starting point is 00:17:59 yeah that's a good reason for a game mechanic to like stall you yeah what you can do it's really good i'm like a lot of people like i saw a lot of people asking on game facts and stuff like is this a problem will this really hold back my progress i don't want to you know go forward one step and back two it won't like the the sentences they give you for these little infractions are like nowhere ten years 20 years and then in a mission you get like five or just as a new player thousands but like when you're ten years it sounds nuts it sounds not exactly but it's
Starting point is 00:18:29 actually not all that much kind of reminds me of in tame star in time starring justin timbrelake someone just talked to me about that movie fucking yesterday and they're like what was the last movie i ever saw and this girl was talking to me she said like oh like some movie Leonardo DiCaprio they have to be in time and they go you mean like in time starting justin timbrelake or you're young and you have to die or because everyone has time on their arm and it's your it's your death clock and they go that's quite of the last movie to have ever
Starting point is 00:18:59 seen that movie was like three years ago time is very funny i got an email from netflix saying hey we just added in time and i'm like fuck you netflix can i unsubscribe from your newsletter please you can you can but one card i always forget uh did you do anything else with your weeks sir uh did i no i just played that that's it yeah that's a good news freedom horse is really good it's really good i played it on uh vita tv and my vita and i was transferring the save back and
Starting point is 00:19:29 forth holy shit that is like the best looking game on vita yeah we look great so i just got a vita tv and we should talk about this now because we both have one now um that device for a person like me who has like railed against the shackles of a handheld being a hand reverse shackles that is a fantastic output device if that's all you want it to be is to output your games with a few incredibly bizarre restrictions of course the compatibility list for vita games that i can understand
Starting point is 00:20:05 the fact that some psp games aren't compatible with the device baffling well it's because it's because they're not on the store well i have silent hill uh origins on that on that fucking thing and when i go to try and load it up it's like no man that's odd it's really weird that's one of those games that you had to bullshit through a ps3 to get on oh well that's why yeah so that might be it but valkyria chronicles two totally works it does i have tried so i can't figure this out
Starting point is 00:20:35 but yeah so maybe it was just trying to save you i played it through that game like twice no but it was trying to save you um why would you do that that's one i wanted bad yeah silent hill origins you actually like the yeah the one silent origins is all right it's okay yeah do you know what game we're talking about the one that i tested yeah okay it's all right yeah it's okay um like you you didn't oh i was supposed to you didn't play homecoming it's like well like silent origins isn't bad because it's company is homecoming
Starting point is 00:21:11 and i could buy relative comparisons because holy fucking shit and book of memories book of memories is just weird bar like if you've never played a dungeon rpg you might get a kick out of it but otherwise yeah but otherwise exactly if you played any other dungeon rpg you'll be like what is this but yeah no that the other team here is right i can't believe how passable games look like i expected games to look like complete garbage blown up and they look totally fine
Starting point is 00:21:38 like psp games look fine in my experience like i've been running through it all the good-looking games still look good all the bad-looking games look worse than ever yeah well yeah i love it what was the game you showed us at my place uh borderlines too which looks fucking it's look it looks atrocious on the vda tv it basically did did the did the game hit native res res if so that one did just the text it's gonna blow up really well probably the weirdest moment was when i loaded up golden and it looks exactly the same as a widescreen ps2 looks really good it looks exactly like i
Starting point is 00:22:09 remember what golden looked like on on old tv i mean it looks exactly the same as the ps2 version and that's aside from i mean technically it actually looks better you know that's why it's a higher resolution and like it looks what i remember it to have to look like and did you pop in kills on mercenary at all no that game that because that game also is like yeah what a what an awesome device i love that it like you can use the dualshock 4 with it yeah and the touchscreen stuff you can use the touchpad that that golden like hide an intro must look unbelievable it looks really good it looks so good
Starting point is 00:22:42 i think it looks good it's a little grainy because the file size on the video exactly pet tv is really big so the grain probably stands out the intro part where it's like all the people running around to get that part looks unbelievable because like i remember like popping in um loco roco on my psb right plugged into tv and that holds up already yeah it totally does it totally does you know and that means that you can all look forward to the zero videos we'll be making i'm i'm i'm gonna make that work how uh oh you're gonna yeah yeah i showed him how to do it because last time i talked to him about it there was no he's got some connections
Starting point is 00:23:18 with some sheep characters we're gonna make something happen you met a man in an alleyway it was pat in the alleyway needs to record his vita tv and i bullshitted some cables around and just fixed the problem that was that setup that yeah yeah i remember that but i was just so totally totally legal setup well i've been told that there are some extra legal devices might be required well whatever i'm just using that thing so i can get analog audio out to headphones without having to go through the tv that's all judges fight with that that's it totally i just don't understand when the device was released so late north america that still has that i mean like i say it's it has htcp because the intent is that
Starting point is 00:24:00 this will inevitably become a media device despite the fact that it came out of no place i always keep forgetting about that um but yeah for a hundred bucks it's good a tv kicks ass and i looked over the compatibility list there's not a lot that's missing there's only a couple standouts we're like okay white out incompatible white and gravity with a rush and tarot and tarot way but tarot is getting the ps4 version so that's not that's true that is like those are the three that i was just like oh yeah that's that stings but like for all the people that are you woolly that you would have never touched a vita game unless i'd let you my vita this is the fucking device for you my this is the solution so buy one and give me my vita back so i can use the
Starting point is 00:24:43 memory card in my existing vita so i can go back and forth yeah yeah no my my perspective on it is like hey if you have a ps3 or a ps4 let alone if you have ps plus it's a goodbye that thing's awesome it's it's great i'm really like i don't know if you know why incredibly specific uses i don't know if you know this but some games like uh the ones that are announced are like hotline miami and sound shapes and uh what's that fucking mining game spelunky yeah some games are getting vita tv versions that are gonna run at 720p awesome but they're just the vita version exactly so i'm excited for those to start coming out too i am excited for vita games to just do that yeah exactly you just spend your week doing uh let's see i'd be paying out of two
Starting point is 00:25:23 um that games that games like so amazing and yet i came away wanting more yeah me too uh we we talked at length for like christ was like an hour and a half about this walking like coming back place but uh it's just like the it has impossibly high standards to live up to set by all other planning games a reason why dmc3 is so good it's because dmc2 is so bad that's correct um and it's like the only actual real flaw with that game is that the ending is only amazing it's not an 11 well it's not even a 10 it's like a nine it's like a nine the ending's really good one is an 11 and then wonderful 101's is a 13 and that's what they had to live up to and then it was just like about 10 and just like yeah uh yeah man oh man the amount of stuff i felt that when you beat the
Starting point is 00:26:20 game i felt the way about rising i was never really happy with rising's ending or sure oh i adored that shit i think i thought it was like a nine i liked it but i know a lot of people did i thought it was stupid until i loved it yeah and that process was about four seconds i know your stance on it i don't know if you remember matt but like i was really like confused coming off of the ending because i thought i hated it yeah but that's what i mean i really thought i hated it exactly and then i just i just like let it sit for like a week and then i was like yeah because you're thinking about the sumo stomp and they're fucking the football kick and all like this the crowd applauding and you're like what just happened right my girlfriend just finished it my girlfriend
Starting point is 00:27:03 just finished it last week so i have to ask her this week yeah how she feels about the ending and and the uh the other bit where it's like you know armstrong is a politician that is just straight up campaigning at at uh fucking jack you're like yeah okay this makes sense but bao bao too is so um it just it just plays so well like that it plays way better than the first one like it's it's one of these things that nobody nobody ever like we talk about it but in in the enthusiast market for video games yeah like it's you talk about framerate you talk about the graphics you talk about the narrative you talk about the story all these things right but like in this game all of those including the framerate are all over the place sure but but the most important thing like i'd say
Starting point is 00:27:51 the number one most important thing about a game that nobody ever talks about is the controls sure it has to control well and this game controls perfectly it's perfect there's nothing you could ask for everything feels perfect the weapon speeds and the variation and the way the new commas stop the impact it is perfect like i like it's a it's a setting where like i will just pull up i'll press uh the minus button and just sit on that training screen yeah just enjoying that and and just like all these little things that they did to the the game for post gameplay they split up the the challenge mode into stages so that you don't have to run a hundred fucking stages in a row yeah uh which is awesome so then i actually have a chance at getting at the fucking final stage
Starting point is 00:28:41 now right because i would play for like three hours and then die and be like well i'm never fucking play this again like that was always my problem with like the bloody palace the bloody every bloody palace after dmc3 because that one let you skip a thousand floors at a time yeah um did you do operation 101 uh no i did not okay because that one is the shit um just like the amount of like con like real unlockables in this game yeah that unlock immediately that like new weapons like three new weapons unlock the second you beat the game like well when you or like the fact that you you beat the game you go back to the gates of hell and look at rhoda shop and there's like half of the things that are still missing coming sooner like i have so much more to gain millions
Starting point is 00:29:27 awesome costumes and they're all like like cool looking like that star fox one and they change the game up a bit yeah they all have a little modifier going on just just you want a wicked weave with bowser you can do it fucking stupendous yeah amazing game just what a good ass video game i i feel like it's been it's since bayonetta one probably because even wonderful 101 and rising i didn't just binge it that hard in such a short period of time were like i'm i'm now coming up on on uh just going through i did okay third climax info climax uh doing the rhoda battle i'm going through the second climax right now and most of the verses and i'm basically like close to completion if you if you would and it's like i'm but even when it's complete and there's nothing left to get
Starting point is 00:30:18 i'll still want to go through it yeah absolutely because you're just like it's not about even about accomplishing at that point it just feels refreshingly fun no i get um that that feeling i was describing has kind of worn out thankfully of like just anger at everything else in the world that is not on my tv yeah um but i i'm so so happy that everything with this game turned out exactly as i wanted everything was great like absolutely when your when your story fixes the first game yeah that's like the you go above and beyond what i expected with that aspect you know the part that i'm like ah the ending's not as good as bao ones or stuff like that but the fact that they fixed bao one story with this game like is kind of unbelievable like i didn't think it was possible no i also did not
Starting point is 00:31:04 think i heard i heard a lot of this story was written at the same time as bao one i don't know but like an example of that is a certain character who is a villain in bao one obviously his backstory was already hashed out before that just didn't make it into bao one and so you know it was a really natural thing to do when you when you get a miracle sequel funded then you're like okay this is our opportunity to like put other stuff because we're never are we even going to get a third chance no so let's make sure to who knows right wrong yeah platinum just manages to miracle out a lot of shit so who the well if dude if scale bound sells microsoft might be back at their door so maybe you know who knows i'm really happy though that like you know this is the kind of this game is doing a
Starting point is 00:31:49 lot of converting as far as like bringing people on oh yeah what character action is about and like how you're supposed to enjoy these games i i think kora didn't do that one oh one didn't exactly one on one didn't do that one on one nobody bought it exactly right no one fucking bought that game and like and it's not to say that this is selling a hot case because it's unfortunately still not it's doing all right but it's in the mind share man a lot of people are on board with like okay this is hard but it's supposed to be hard also i think it was really smart to have the difficulties laid out like they are to have third climax be for people like us who play these games and second climax to be for normals and it's and second climax is still a challenge yeah but it's just
Starting point is 00:32:32 because you have to you have to make like these games like the problem the ceiling keeps rising because i i forgot who i was talking to about this but it was a friend of mine who didn't and this was years ago but a friend of mine didn't get into that stuff and it was about double they cry one and they didn't enjoy double they cry one because they played it on easy auto right because it's like ah you just do the stuff and like because you never you have to learn anything yeah that game on easy auto and they didn't enjoy it so why didn't you play it on normal it's like because normal was way too fucking hard yeah and that sucks and that's like a problem like near unique to this genre that's only been compounded because every game that comes out everyone that loves
Starting point is 00:33:13 these games gets better at them like i remember me and uh low high kang and dwarf kicker and put people on the game fax board yelling at ben judd who's working on dmc3 to make that game way harder and it almost ruined that game because new people couldn't play it it's absurdly tough yeah that being said uh liam when you when we're originally talking one when you first popped it in and you're saying that like you're just blasting through yeah climax and you're it was just going way faster and i was like oh really like no now that i'm doing second climax i can see how second climax it's nothing exactly i played that because i was with my girlfriend i wanted to explain the whole first game tour but you know what it's not that hard well i realized that when i was sitting in bed last night
Starting point is 00:33:53 like with the game pad just half awake doing the fucking uh uh uh looming off you know yes exactly and and and straight up getting through on second climax with the feathers yeah you know yeah exactly um the expanded i guess cast i'd call it is great i like what roday is in this game i don't think i don't think loki's great i don't i don't think he's i he's all i don't mind loki i don't mind him much but i also don't mind loki okay i think i i look at him and like i really should hate this character but for some reason i don't find it's just not offensive it's not it's fine you know he sits and does this thing i find i'm okay with that um and and then every extra detail about the past which is like it's like you're such a nothing story in the original game so you're
Starting point is 00:34:41 like you wouldn't care but you're like no now you get to see the cool it fleshed it out in a really good way and it feels good it looks good the the action is exactly where you you were hoping it would be like yeah man nothing but praise for platinum fantastic my like my only like weird complaint is after beating the game on second climax it doesn't unlock infinite climax that's bullshit like i said it's it's what they did in the original but but that's bullshit you know i i agree with like saccharized school of thought where it's like play it however the fuck you want it and you just put the difficulty wherever you want you know but you just said about how evil within is it's not that great then you have to beat it again for it to be good but i didn't say you can't
Starting point is 00:35:20 start on whatever like that wasn't my complaint that's a different it's locked but that's a different complaint what do you mean that's saying no no he's saying the game's not good on the first run i'm saying i'm bummed that i played through bayonetta and my second one can't be on infinite and i have to play it again you have to play this incredible game again no but that's a different complaint that's a completely different no i hear complain is valid but all i can all my brain is like like my brain is being a real asshole about this because you're right you're completely right but my brain is like then like why didn't you play it on third climax to start with my girlfriend well they're sure everything then you play third climax by yourself and no i will but it's like
Starting point is 00:35:58 no and like my did in fact but yeah no i my my thing is just basically like i it's i wouldn't expect them to change that between the two games but but it's a better one you know it makes sense but it's just you know i know i rest if i'm locking is the way they want about it no i absolutely i know exactly why and it's like an old like train of thought because all character action games do this they all do this exact thing there's not a single one that you can do the hardest difficulty right away and like i think back to like dmc one and stuff like that it's like i bet it's so that like people that aren't ready don't pick those difficulties yeah for sure and just like but even just even just doing one playthrough should be good enough i don't know regardless of the
Starting point is 00:36:42 second climax to fucking non-stop infinite that's not you're not ready i i'm ready but exactly that's why you should have started it like you see but no i don't because i was like the game doesn't know like i would have loved to have seen more um alruna moments where you get to see the the the boss become the weapon type thing yeah yeah i mean rudra nevin all that cool stuff like that was a great part of the the old dmc games i'm like it would have been fantastic to see them in their pure form before you get to use them i like the megaman school of boss design get the the get the power yeah get it get the thing you and it's way cooler than the version the boss used yeah um you said you actually tried out the touch controls yeah they totally work
Starting point is 00:37:28 you can't do any of the fancy stuff but like they're fun but is it just like do you that that's for the people that just don't even know what they're that's the more or less that doesn't work video games you tap on the enemies to hit them and you know oh we'll launch around but but if you want to play with your girlfriend and tag climax or something like that no you can't because there's no local okay now now here's my question right send her away just send her away now playing on first climax it does the auto target it's the man has the marionette i didn't touch first for okay first climax no no first it's the same it replaces on the same as banana take it as the regular difficulty but i think it asks you do you want the automatic on top of that wasn't that how the first game
Starting point is 00:38:09 oh yeah there there's because there's auto controls and it's an item that's in your equipment yeah basically and you can have an honor off when that's that's what i meant okay isn't it when you like you started on uh rising you could say do i want the automatic parrying on and off i think it was an option i know what you're talking about though because again it's an it's an item that can be equipped or unequipped in your inventory to do the auto lock on but what i'm wondering is can you pick non-stop infinite and then do the touch controls and yeah you just pick up the controller i'm pretty sure and then i only i only just jumped into a random second climax level just to try it but yeah exactly you should give it a go i mean it's it's funsies but you know
Starting point is 00:38:49 win the game like this i i think you could i because it's a defensive option so i just don't think it'd be any fun yeah okay you should try it i mean it takes a second out of your time exactly now i'm curious i'm curious so i beat bayo two and then the only other game that i've really played this week is call of duty which came out last night yeah how was that um last last so has war changed uh yeah how wait which which side of the game did you play i played both sides i didn't finish the single player but i played mostly multiplayer but i i did play three or four missions of the single tell me how the single player is because that's what i really good talk to me about heaven space i saw some reviews today i saw like game trailers review and they're like
Starting point is 00:39:29 it's the best i saw her talk i was well i say that from my experience i'm okay good i might underwood just talking to me while i'm playing yes uh i think the line was every time he shows up he dominates the game yeah that's great that's a great um so uh that first mission is the korea mission that they've shown off and that was all the crazy future shit and the second mission is probably the best tutorial level they've ever had that you do it twice and it's fucking awesome and yeah kevin spacey is kevin space seeing fucking all over all the time um which is weird because this game call of duty is not a lot of weird moments in their games yeah and like battlefield had the the fucking like press f to cut off arm moment oh those things homefront homefront had
Starting point is 00:40:23 to hold e to hide under fucking mass mass grave yeah this game this game has the worst like like mind immersion contrivance ludonarrative just whatever the fuck you want to call it contrivance thing like that i have ever fucking seen in my life so the it is trailer thing where you get pulled away and you're in your limb is like it is hold f to pay respects to add a grave at a military funeral okay and everything is like immaculate and like like respect the military and it's like hold this button press to like say goodbye to your dead best friend it's just it's like it's the most it's fucking gross there's no morality system in the game so what does it matter it's you have to do it to complete the scene no that's even donor that um it's fucking weird
Starting point is 00:41:15 and right after that happens you killed 400 no like like 10 seconds after that you turn to leave and kevin spacey is standing right there to save the game nice from like its own contrivance okay can i can i share play this from your console uh maybe i really want to give it a go about the singular uh the missions are really cool you use tons of the cool xo shit suit shit right away like in yeah cool right away all over good good um how are the dashes yeah yeah yeah so hold on yeah okay yeah it's a single player part excited uh and each mission gives you like you have the assault one and you have the the whatever and so you get special abilities and then it's like you have mag uh hands like what it's like that's what then in a story part you can climb up the
Starting point is 00:42:00 building and and stuff like that but it may it means so they can like vary up a lot of set pieces like a lot more there's a cool sequence so you're jumping from car to car you're shooting that snake of drones in the sky yeah like all this stuff is really cool kevin spacey is like i'd say he's perfect for this i don't think his acting is particularly good but it's perfect for this okay because he's like a big c he's a fucking like i can tell from the instant you start the game he is a he is a like mid 70s bond villain yeah pat it could have been a robot terry in yeah isn't isn't isn't his name fucking jeremy irons no he's just over acting it oh just a little too much he's not not acting it like no he's like he's hank scorpio um yeah but that's good he's hank
Starting point is 00:42:49 scorpio but that's good but because call duty's been in a place of just shitty acting in a story for ages so i'd rather so to their credit um the cg in this dude we are so close we are so close to beating the uncanny valley okay it is it is so so good the cg i i heard this is the best hair in a video this is the best ever like there are there are better than monsters ink yes no i yes better than monsters ink and that was a lot of hair better than that i am saying best cg there is there's a cutscene early on where you and the boys uh did you know all of sully's hairs are individual it's so he's made of hair like fuck so so good yeah okay there's a there's a cg scene early in the game where your guy talks to kevin spacey and kevin spacey's just filling
Starting point is 00:43:41 up the entire fucking television and like there's a moment there where he like pauses and i'm like now that he's not moving he looks absolutely this looks like a photo wow but the instant he starts to move again it's just one percent we are really close we're really close so that's all cool but who gives a shit because it's a single player in a call of duty game call of duty is about the multiplayer can you do the megaman air dash into the secret area yeah uh so the controls are simple to do the air dash is you either double jump which looks like titan fall titan fall and then you click in the left stick and you dash forward or you hold any direction that's not forward and click in the left stick and you dash that direction and you get two dashes uh before you
Starting point is 00:44:25 hit the ground or no like your dash takes three seconds to recharge oh i see okay and you you can stalk two do you can go left right or or back left do the dashes consume from like a stamina pool no i just i just found out that it's three seconds because i timed it okay but i mean does it like if you run for a while will that no the coolest thing is that when you double jump and do this big arc and then do the air dash forward you if you hold it you you hit the ground running like you hit the ground in a spray okay uh the dashes are amazing i want to read like a paper written on air dash mechanics yeah you know what i mean and like the different places you can go writing yourself yeah i know i know all of duty has always been really really fast paced and the
Starting point is 00:45:07 problem with ghost was the problem with a lot of some of the multiplayer that started really with modern warfare 2 where it's like there are too many fucking doors in this map there are too many doors there are too many alleys anywhere that i am standing i can be shot from more than four locations which means i will never never see who shoots you'll never have you'll never have like 100 awareness of yeah where you are and where and so the map design has been toned down from that like all the way back to like modern warfare 2 levels to what is manageable but you need open areas because you are moving so goddamn fast you're moving so fucking fast you are doing dash you're doing your sprint which is your fast call of duty sprint into a double jump that'll clear a
Starting point is 00:45:53 roof into a sprint through uh air dash through a door yeah like it it looks it looks and i will have to talk to you about this and really in depth it looks faster than Titanfall like a lot faster okay because i was going to say what you're describing is like something that Titanfall has Titanfall had the thing where you built up speed by wall running and stuff like that and you can and you keep the momentum going well this thing you just you there's you there's stop and go and go is fucking fast okay and uh a lot of the problems of call of duty is like uh multiplayer design where the most common thing is you get shot in the fucking back you just you're walking and you just instantly die yeah somebody shot you in the back and now as long as they don't have a
Starting point is 00:46:35 perfect beat on you the instant that you see the little red indicator because you're getting hit yeah hit dash to your left oh this is i don't know if how this is on pc this game was clearly designed around a controller's limitations with the dash stuff yeah because if you do that they cannot follow you fast enough okay unless they're at a good diagonal angle so it and so i thought it was like really basic like oh you're just doing for movement you're doing it to go up and down on the maps and stuff like that but then i started to get used to it it's like i i stopped having to think about the dash and i started yes reactively and holy fucking shit they made a Gundam game that's what this is okay this is just a Gundam game because you have scenarios in which you see a guy
Starting point is 00:47:23 running at you and you jump up and then dash to the left while turning and he can't turn himself fast enough and you blow him away and his only solution is to also dash that's where i'm going which is i had moments where i had i had a guy dead to right he's dead in front of me his gun is not up and i even dead to right and he jumps straight up dashes over me and turns around and shoots me in the back okay so the thing with titan fall when you're on the ground when you're not in your titan is there's two layers of that of fighting happening in every map right there's people that are on the ground that just can't handle the movement that are playing it like a shooter yeah and then there's the sky battles yeah and the sky battles are people that are like wall running non-stop yeah the
Starting point is 00:48:11 momentum never quits and you're picking people off while in motion and as soon as i start as soon as i realize that my kd jump from point five to two yes okay i want to ask how vertical are the levels there are there some that are like three tiers yes absolutely they all have like so it's it's almost nothing is out of the reach of a single double jump but there are often like within that five layers of elevation that's good that's awesome and so it does two things like call of duty has been like there there's a big camping problem in call of duty because like a legitimate strategy the map the maps the map saw i discussed where like there are too many angles to get shot from if you find a good one fucking stay there and shoot anyone that you see because if you move
Starting point is 00:48:58 you're going to get killed from somewhere that you didn't see and this uh this this movement shit breaks that because i have had the situation that it's the worst situation in a shooter like this like a fast shooter i know the guy is there i can't draw beat on him fast enough turning the corner before he can shoot you because he only has one direction to aim in but what you do is you double jump sideways and you're above where he's looking he doesn't even see you yes or you turn the corner in instantaneously air dash to the right and he shoots where you were and you blow so so what you're just know like what you're describing the running that that totally sounds a lot like tighten follow under in terms of like this is what hypershooting is yeah and the running
Starting point is 00:49:43 gun which like yeah that's right the running gun that call of duty is like probably the best way to play that game is just sprint through the level yeah as fast as you possibly can and just find a good path is now dramatically improved because your movement speed is like i'd say with a lightweight weapon and the fucking like good use of the dash it's like three times as fast as it used to me well i like what's it like with everyone using those bullshit cheap grenades though like we're like the all the crazy ones that highlight the highlight and uh the threat grenades are in multiplayer but they still they have to have they don't have the single player radius they have a radius of a regular grenade okay so on it it's like in this level player to be entire yeah it's an
Starting point is 00:50:29 impact grenade so it'll go off right away unlike a frag grenade so if you were going to hit them with frag grenade you you're going to hit them with this yeah but the frag grenades like almost never kill anyone uh but this one like if you're painted with this threat indicator you're going to die because every single player on the other team can see you through walls for like 10 seconds okay okay like you're fucking dead uh the stuff they did to kill streaks in this game are awesome i know they did some of it in ghosts but basically they you can choose your load out in a way it's like is it a 10 point thing yeah it's pick 13 ah good it's like guess what i suck at call of duty i'm okay i can get a two kill ratio two to one but i'm never gonna get like eight in a row ever
Starting point is 00:51:08 there's no way so you can pull your kill streaks entirely off your character to give yourself more perks and more weapon attachments like you have a base pool you have 13 points yeah and everything's got a value you can go in with just a handgun okay or you can go in a handgun in with like six perks and eight and four kill streaks yeah so what i do is i pull all my kill streaks off and load up on attachments and perks okay yeah and i've been doing a lot better uh it's but but it's great but like uh streaking if you can pull that off in the end yeah if you're if you're a better player the streaks are better way better but it's a risk reward right because you have was here how much better they're they're not nearly as overpowered as they used to be they're not nearly as bad as they
Starting point is 00:51:51 used to be but and this i mean i'm not super into it but call of duty games are pretty well balanced so i would imagine well it depends on the game they're pretty well balanced for a little while but and then yeah they fall apart well because because there's just so many people playing and the other thing is that you inevitably just grind out what's good from modern warfare two onwards like the kill streaks are always way too strong like it'd be the part where somebody would get five kills and then they get the chopper and then they fucking win because the chopper's gonna help them get more they just nuke the entire and the these things are way toned down like the the UAV is takes like five or six kills to get now it's not three oh so there's less UAV spam the new UAV
Starting point is 00:52:32 is a recon drone where you you are a drone that actively shoots those threat detector grenades but you have to do it manually okay you control a drone to shoot the manually and it's you know three or four kills will get you that but the the the like battleships that attack the fucking map aren't nearly as good as they used to be okay and now they did something which is really nice there they all have secondary positions in those things so that if you're a player that is never ever ever ever going to use the paladin like a kill streak you can at least ride in the gunner seat if you hold square when somebody calls it in that's cool the game just looks great since you played it i think you would agree is that someone says i really don't look forward to
Starting point is 00:53:22 being whoever has to make the next call of duty and it doesn't have exo suits because who the fuck would want to play that anymore well black ops three is going to be the next one and it's like that's near future so i'm i'm i'm ready and willing to accept the really terrible excuse that actually exo suits were invented like a year after black ops two came out or something when the fuck are the neo sapiens gonna show up yeah right like when are we going full blown exo squad in the next game the next game just has to take that amazing aliens thing that it had as the side game and just use that yeah that ghost you know what ghosts had an amazing side game that was aliens yeah it's only only really great it's fucking great so but the main game of ghosts is terrible
Starting point is 00:54:09 so they have to make a full just sci-fi the call of duty has to go full sci-fi this is now on and i'm on board with so this this is this is made by sledgehammer which is done by glen chauffeer yeah run by glen chauffeer and it's the first call of duty game to get the three years of development time yeah and they've said that oh they're all you know because there's three studios and they're gonna rotate boy does it fucking show it's really really for their first low duty yes super like you and for like all the studios they've always had like in this one you dolphin dive in this one you slide and all these little weird control things there's no fucking way you can go back to no exo suits there's absolutely no way the old old call of duty that sucks now
Starting point is 00:54:51 compared to this the movement is you're so fat you are almost sam you see that you are is it like right but you know that there's dudes after like no i want i was on gaff last i want simulation i was on gaff last well no one in police call of duty wants him because the first one was arcadia is all shit well well we mean just more standard not i was on gaff last night and in the ot for call of duty asking people how to get good multiplayer because i was doing really shitty and there was a guy in there just like man fuck this i'm still ready to go back to world war two without all these fucking stupid like i know gimmicks gimmicks and it's like yeah it's a gimmick i guess but it dramatically i was mobility i would rather go back to world war two than
Starting point is 00:55:37 modern combat you know so yeah yeah i would rather go back to world war two or i'd rather yeah you know exactly being wolfenstein i'd rather go back to fantasy world war two right fantasy world war two is fucking shit you should get your tips from reddit black yeah the biggest call of duty or subreddit yeah what i don't know man do you see that rumor that the that the maybe the guest characters that might show up in those oh yeah zombies is dlc in this one rosen no like you remember how like predator michael mayer's yeah there's a rumor stuff up that says terminator and robocop oh that'd be sick watch it be terminator genesis though oh man well let's see how that turns out first but you know like i cannot believe could have good this game is i'm really excited
Starting point is 00:56:25 to play i was i came in with really low expectations i'm just like oh wow let's take a quick word for sponsors so i got i got i got a delivery to my house from who yesterday well from the mailman from who it was actually like you remember in worms when those crates would just fall from yeah the loot crate dropped on my doorstep and it's right here you got a parachute out of it got a parachute out of it damn damn let's pop open this crate see what we got what's the what's the theme this month anyway i was gonna serve bot there's a book that is there's a picture of a servo on the box the theme for this month was it not uh fear or terror yeah oh is it not that this is true this looks to the guidebook and the little pin should say as well yep yep let's uh let's confirm we have
Starting point is 00:57:15 this is in fact fear in a box here why would there be a servo there should be a giant oh it's just on well but it's also there's zombies behind the servo head so dead rising okay i got it all right so we got the t-shirt what's on this t-shirt it is a bunch of kittens but when you look closely it's a skull it's a pattern of a skull there you go thank you thank you i hope you like this motherfucker it's the cutest skull you own oh wow this is actually your size shirt though rocket loose gangsta styles we'll see maybe you can go to a tailor and tell them i'm to i'll take it in i'm too small and spelt for the shell okay hold on a minute wait a minute how to survive a shark nato the actual guidebook did mel brooks write it that's pretty good andrew schaefer that's not
Starting point is 00:58:02 mel brooks whoever that is this is the official guide to staying alive why is it way thicker than it should be i know and it's and it's got the whole like formatting for real survival guides as you find them like the last of us how to survive from ghost sharks ghost sharks can materialize anywhere there's water they can from a backyard pool to a car wash they can hurt you but you can't hurt them this is great you know that is that's hey drew you're full of shit right he goes yeah how full of shit are you if i gave you the topic of sharks how much bullshit could you just vomit out onto a page about what looks like 900 maybe 900 230 pages yeah is that written by trey hamburger no andrew schaefer andrew schaefer right he's a tray about hamburgers ghosts all right we've
Starting point is 00:58:48 got a mystery box over here mystery box i don't even want to talk about mystery box let me pull the knife out i don't see what's in it's bloodstained it's gray wait did you wait is that a mystery box inside what is also ostensibly a mystery box yeah okay hold on a minute box it's too many mysteries that's too much and inside is just a question mark it is oh the dead rising oh what's that what's called it's it's the it's the um sledgehammer saw thing yeah sledgehammer on one side buzz saw on the other is it a figure is it a pen not at all that's cool that's slick that's pretty cool well done it's always a usb thing or a pen yeah always oh yeah on the bottom it says uh dead rising right there that makes way more sense now okay we've got uh what looks cards yeah post cards
Starting point is 00:59:40 oh it says oh brother crack them open oh no this is a walking dead it's walking yeah yeah yeah that's um that's daryl right there i've never it's a little sheby daryl should i watch walking dead probably oh you should probably you should read it and then you should play it i did that you're good yeah okay i don't know this show is not terrible this show was great and then it was the worst and then it was great again it drops off it does drop off unfortunately i've never seen a hill and valley situation like that but this is a really cute uh would you call that chibi chibi american american chibi kind of thing but it's a bit of paul robertson style as well you know that reminds me that reminds me of all those pictures that are done in that style of new metal bands like
Starting point is 01:00:22 everyone had a version of that all right here we got uh some slash and bite and blood marks oh like stickers to stick temporary tattoos oh it's on zack so it looks like he's battle damaged zack exactly i like how you can just put teeth in the middle of any body part you want yeah you're right you're talking about that's how you can make a thing fucked up just put on extra eyes or extra mouths we works you can look at you there's a download code for uh a costume in smite and it seems to be yep the curse curse costume or something along those Halloween costumes that's a burning pumpkin head that's a burning pumpkin head all right oh it's like fear that their magazine thing is in 3d it's and there's 3d glasses oh man we're going in oh it's the old 3d glasses that don't actually
Starting point is 01:01:11 work no they work they totally work they work better than the new ones i don't i wish the new avengers movie would be in 3d with this is working right now matt you don't know what you're talking about you never saw shark boy and lava girl i did not thank god well that's creepy and missed out it is creepy it's creepy because the girl that was uh lava girl is a girl that shoot that like squeezes her titties together in the new robert roger he gets movie and he cast her in both what's creepy about that that fear magazine contains an interview with robert kirkman okay that's pretty slick and we've actually got the walking dead comic book like i was just talking about the first one or like a newer one it's probably like a special it's a special cover of
Starting point is 01:01:51 issue 132 wow so it is exactly it is a zombie wearing a loot crate shirt that is decomposing and of course the collectible pin so once again guys all that good stuff can be yours that's that's your halloween box yeah man candy in here too and i'm gonna eat it right now and if you want if you want this kind of goodness dropped off to your front door check out slash super you enter the promo code super and you save 10% off any of the subscription plans yeah they start out around 1337 a month plus shipping and handling and they guarantee at least 40 dollars in value every month so hey what you're waiting for next halloween this candy is really sour it's way too late for like this halloween
Starting point is 01:02:39 Liam thank loot crate for your sour pain thank you loot crate nice loot crate for hurting Liam fuck this is sour thanks yo matt what do you do this talk to me sock to us still recovering from halloween 2014 your mind is still recovering from the unclean ones what did you call that event uh i called it halloween 2014 when worlds collide the final chapter part two that's the one that was the name of the halloween party so you formed a pact with cthulhu in which he would take over your body for for a night and then but only when people are coming through the door only when people are coming through or i need to demonstrate the my cthulhu costume yeah i hope you all had a good
Starting point is 01:03:24 time i thought it went well considering this is this was um my fiance's friends and yeah family and her family all mixing together and i was really sad that no one was watching movies because i had that all set up i don't know but i'm glad that eventually at the end of the night everyone's like let's laugh at the grudge i saw like half of the grudge and i was like oh this movie's fucking scary oh you're scared uh and no one watched pumpkin head again everyone avoided it i thought okay i thought the first 20 minutes were really interesting but i had to go man i know it was fucking it was fucking eight o'clock in the morning yeah you know what you oh i let i i remember everyone pieced out and i was like ah fucking i'll catch the night bus
Starting point is 01:04:06 it would no problem fuck me i shouldn't have done that no the night bus on halloween night yeah i was out there for like an hour and a half no but even though it gets bad you everything on it everyone on it the creatures that come out you don't want to deal with that the trick the trick is to find the spot where it fills up and walk one stop past that oh yeah yeah yeah that being said if you catch the rocky horror bus that's always a good time that that's a fun yes um and uh fortunately uh most of you out there will probably get to see some of the halloween party and maybe figure out who murdered someone sure is there a solution to it yes and it's half baked and poorly done yeah that's all costume reviews pretty good uh
Starting point is 01:04:54 liam represent represent the sea that was that was the most last minute thing because my actual costume didn't show up what i was going to do i was going to go as a prisoner for freedom wars oh and i i had to order the jacket i liked your last one and i didn't so much work on that i just didn't fucking arrive i liked i liked your last one the chain brought it together i already had half the cost because that was my original one and then i was like ah this is too lazy for matt's party his standards are probably too lazy and you remember i called in the morning and i was like i can't have a good costume what am i going to do now i yelled over the phone just dresses john i was like oh thank god he said that because i have half the costume here what am i missing
Starting point is 01:05:38 only jean shorts the jacket call yeah exactly that's really funny because i did the exact same thing like like two hours before the party i just messaged matt's like man all i have is a lab coat in my closet can i still come to your dumb party it's like okay yeah yeah awesome that was my costume my war lab and then you dress this who will he mother fucking cove because some people just were like oh he's dressing up as the japanese guy because we don't know yeah and maximillian's like rufus prototype rufus i'm like damn straight no man it's like i'm like i would shave my head if if halloween was a week long if it was if it wasn't just or if your hair was you can't just say that after you don't shave your head but it's because it's one night one moment you
Starting point is 01:06:25 should have gone a really bad bald cap that was really terrible yeah and uh what should we call it of course the the cthulhu shout out to the girlfriend costumes as well yeah no everyone did a good job there too yeah um liam you had madoka by your side madoka exactly madoka and john sena yep otp i had lisa lisa by my side and i had much to my chagrin just sexy navy girl and she's like i'm gonna buy a sexy costume i really like this one it looks like it's well man i go no just and i got my back to her or whatever and i go no just i'm looking at other costumes like just you know be more original make your costume you know you've done that before it's really good then i turn around she's wearing it go you know what that's a pretty good costume
Starting point is 01:07:09 you can bring that that's fine i don't mind girl that's on the side of the missiles yeah exactly like the 1920s military like logo girl it was good uh the the next night i got invited to another and i kind of had to go to another halloween party and i cthulhu couldn't do another night i had to walk all the way down like uh the major street that's what he was tapped out he had tapped out and i can't go all your deal was for one night only yeah so i made a makeshift really quick jason costume because we had a machete my my fiance's like bucket of like uh of halloween stuff from her parents just had a jason mask and i just got to walk down major street just as jason and everyone's like looking at me and i was like this is pretty fun this was on november this is
Starting point is 01:07:52 november first there are still people that are still dressed up here and there it's true because lots of clubs and shit have it on saturday because they're like saturdays of their big money you're right every time i walk by a restaurant i would just turn straight and look into it i just see like a girl like oh don't don't look um aside from that uh uh some games i put some time into uh sunset overdrive how is that tell me about that it's gotta it's it falls down that sort of like not too badly but it falls down that sort of this might have been better as not an open world game just because it falls in the tropes of an open world so how what is that game it's tony hawk with guns okay but is it like grand theft auto missions like well how does it work it's then
Starting point is 01:08:36 it's the same thing as get missions go over there do the thing come back repeat so it's like tony hawk like four but when you're fighting like but it doesn't have but it doesn't have any of the like combos and tricks of tony hawk uh have you explored the entire map yet uh no like i got past like maybe another hour after like when you and i took a look at it and uh it's one of those games it's like you have to progress your character a lot to get all the cool shit and then you have like a really fun time i think it would have been better if it was a more linear structured level based big set pieces rather than an open world thing i get that the open world will have people spending more time yeah on it but uh i still really enjoy it i'm glad that insaniak got to
Starting point is 01:09:21 make something really fun it feels like a revenge game it is so like i i you know if you might recall like way early on i was super excited when i saw this and everything with it yeah my hands on it got really bummed out by what i touched the patch in a multiplayer demo and then sitting and watching it at mats for a bit um i kind of i'm falling in between those two where it's like i'm not back to where i was but it's better than that demo it was a better impression absolutely no i agree with you because i was also there and yeah i i thought the humor was a bit too on the nose in a lot of places so i'm supposed to was really good like that that one black guy he's the funniest fucking because he's a black guy sure black guys are so funny what's up with that yeah um you know but
Starting point is 01:10:02 just play the bass fucking token play the bass yeah exactly uh i thought some of the humor was a bit on the nose he's funny he's funny guy we should use him for our videos and so some of the mission wow look on this motherfucker's face he's not happy oh it's so good no he's smiling he's so happy some of the some of the mission objectives i thought were just kind of like dull like there was a bit with a water plant remember yeah and it was like oh you have to do a thing three times and at some point the the voiceover in that particular section is like oh you have to do this a third time because that's the token thing you do in video games i mean you're heard of the rule of threes and i'm like uh ha ha that's not fun no i don't want to do it okay wait did i miss something what where are you
Starting point is 01:10:41 playing this no we were all at mats place at the same time i was like did you buy an xbox one for this i'm glad i didn't and when he says oh and when he says on the nose it's to the point where it's like name dropping neogath on the nose that's that's that's that's past on the nose to me that's what he described that's on the nose when i started talking about neogath then you're off the nose and now you're somewhere yeah it's like exactly but it's like we are well aware of the internet and we are well aware i think ultimately what a little would have worked better as just our own wacky universe but not yeah have that video game wing wing could have little subtle nods here and there i think like as usual anyone who's not as like into that kind of stuff is us we'll
Starting point is 01:11:28 fucking love this and think it's the most amazing thing ever because look at all this amazing humor the moment you're this into it yeah the explosions are amazing yeah it's gonna pull in a lot of people just on aesthetics as well because it's got the alternative style it's the primary color is sunny d orange yeah exactly costume creator music yeah it's robot no we didn't fool around with it that much but i just went on a little list like where do i get all the other costume shit yeah some of this stuff you'd like it put it it's close not quite but it's close to putting like saint's row to shame i was i was like how dumb you can make your character and you and i know you can make your character but i mean it doesn't have a mic doesn't have a bulge meter like saint's
Starting point is 01:12:10 row it doesn't and you can't pick no one north as a voice actor yeah but in terms of what you get in it from piece to piece it's close to the rock band character creator okay sure that's what it's kind of like you know you get a goofball looking boy you're like well you're like a mall kid who thinks they're cool yeah well no because the kid that you start off with you have a shit job and nobody likes saying perfect perfect that's it that actually scene was made me really emotional and that kid had the worst job ever and everyone else is a bean a big party and douchebag i was there there are so many dooshers there's like they they get that they're the main enemies that full hop gets used yeah yeah why does it yeah but it's like it's like take saint's rose humor and like
Starting point is 01:12:54 drag it even more towards the middle of the face and you just that's what you get in sunset overdrive okay that's how i felt about it because i think saint's rose humor is still like quite good no i just mean like the expression you used was just really confusing and i've never heard that but do you understand it now i kind of off the nose on the nose yeah exactly drag it towards the middle of the face yeah is that a thing did you just make no i just made that one okay he went for it as long as i'm not crazy no you're not crazy i figured it out he's a smart guy you guys know you guys know man i wish i had a video of that pat pat knows that i put some hours into lords of the fallen actually yeah what yeah really i was just more than me i guess i played it i played it for like
Starting point is 01:13:38 like fucking 20 minutes and then i'd stop for some i was no i was what the day i got got back from japan man i don't know what i did that's fine like i was really you woke up yeah that's like 10 minutes and yeah that's right yeah i did that uh i had a tough time at that at first but then once i beat him i was like okay yeah well now you understand the souls games like well no but like i played dark souls one i beat the first boss at the tutorial thing like like you know when it came out just to see or whatever and i was like oh yeah that sense of yeah beat the boss but then i get killed by the next random enemies and i go fuck this there's my estus dude like oh yeah i know i know no it's it's aggressive in a shamelessness
Starting point is 01:14:30 but it still feels very european oh yeah when the cutscenes happen and we met a character you guys were watching i met this woman character and you have a couple things to say to her and the last one's the most chauvinistic thing that you could say to a woman it's really awful and when you say it to her she's like yeah fuck you and i'm like ah that's pretty good because that's the one thing is like it's dark souls but you have conversations with people in a mass effect kind of way because you're a person and it's also been a story it's been toned down and it's brutality considerably and when you go to the inventory the inventory tells you things yeah and the inventory looks like darksiders to darksiders but it also looks like reckoning yeah like every item has like a card
Starting point is 01:15:12 and i look at the art looks a lot like reckoning and it does and i want to get into this i probably won't as much as i want to but it's like there's place for that type of game yeah the clone that's not as hard oh well i talked about it uh somewhere i was somewhere like clone souls i'm ready for that no we were just sitting on the couch talking about like i'm ready for sultan sanctuary like i'm ready for uh below i'm totally down darks uh dark souls is the new street fighter two i guess god i hope so and that started a thing i hope this starts a thing yeah no i mean they don't need to be like down to the fucking estus and bonfire formula well that's how it started with street fighter remember i guess that's how it started with call like my fighters clones get a bad rap because the gta
Starting point is 01:15:56 and call of duty clones were so bad and so egregious yeah but like other clones from other genres like fighting games hunting games is a good example there are bad ones but then there are awesome ones like hunting genre and the fighting genre like the clones make up like half the genre and they're great i'm so bothered when i see people like in every hunting game review call it a monster hunter clone and it's like but the game it's a genre now it's a genre now like shut up i thought you were talking about capella like real hunting no it's like souls now with this clone game souls is a genre now and and this one it's nice that this one's really it seems like i'm not sure if you guys agree in or if you played it seems like it's pretty good i like it i like it graphically
Starting point is 01:16:40 because it's not as outlandish as world of warcraft characters and it's not as like macabre and gothic as as dark souls it's like a nice middle ground there are a lot of things in that game even from the like half hour that i played a bit that was like did somebody from darksiders work on this it's unlikely but i guess it looks just a little bit it's joe mad and the way the menus are colored it's mostly guys that used to work at cd projects yeah really which is very far from i see a little bit she said blizzard influence as well yeah there was a great moment while you're playing mat were like he stabs a guy like the creature or whatever and then it falls over on his shoulder yeah he's just clumped over and we were and then like you were saying something he's
Starting point is 01:17:27 like he's like telling his whispering in the monsters you're like yeah we're like imagine if he's having one of those saving private ryan knife moments with him yeah you know and then and then as you back away then the body hits the ground it looked great that's a nice that's a cool thing right there so someone has found out that there is a bug where if you attack dead bodies they can very often just fly into the air though so i will try that nice i give it a i give it a 50 50 success rate i got a huge swing in great acts that will do it okay well you skip all the emails right yeah okay if anyone knows programming or game design or whatever can fucking send us an email to explain why is that the most common physics bug that when too much force is applied that could
Starting point is 01:18:15 collisions are hard the body will just skyrocket into space it's honestly it's not it's very simple it's because the uh friction builds up in a way where it's simulated friction builds up in a way where if it gets something gets knocked to the left it then reacts back bounces back to the right and if it doesn't have enough space to play out that full slide it'll bounce back and forth infinitely until it gets freed from that so it's the result is the easy answer is you try programming real world physics no that's not that's that's not i'm not mocking it or making fun of it i just want to know the step of abc death okay no it's just yeah i find that really interesting sure it is different on the game until it gets released into the atmosphere there's a any out of jones game i i
Starting point is 01:19:04 test in once and there's a catapult and you can push up the catapults around the place and you push it against the wall and you can keep pushing and keep pushing and keep pushing and keep pushing yeah then if you got into the catapult and press the button shot you off the map nice you would see the map below you and then the animal would be like there was a great bug that i remember back on just cause one where you could you could get a drop for your jeep to to fall down wherever you are on the map and you could get two of them to drop next to each other so that the um the driver side window like glass the bar right there can interlock two vans together and they don't know what to do when they're not touching the ground because they're both supposed to be so they spiral
Starting point is 01:19:46 into the air like a helicopter and explode and just rain parts down on everyone it was it's fantastic but yeah it's it's honestly like that's what havoc that's what i k all these things being universally used they're gonna be that way until someone invents a better one yeah and like those those are all fun the physics bug we have to get rid of is the game brio one where you pick up an object off the table and every single object like falls one inch lower onto the table oh i hate it uh really quickly uh you would know i played uh stealth incorporated two on we you that oh the second one yes how is that you know you're really fun that's basically portal testing bit 2d your little robot guy and you go through like you know 2d labyrinths and shit and you get
Starting point is 01:20:32 killed in one hit with anything and it's kind of stealthy and it's really nice it's kind of stealthy the game name fucking stealth yeah for you guys you guys my name was stealth bastard stealth bastard was there and they changed it to stealth incorporated that seemed like that was like i forget how much it was but i just started playing it i was like this seems really good i played the first one because they gave it away on ps plus and i yeah it's really solid i'm interested in the second actually once i actually polish off the end of the true stealth you get to do the sneaky i'd say so what while you're going to the levels like gigantic text appears and says oh okay i'm sorry about that so it's kind of like a glados voice but not an actual voice just giant text
Starting point is 01:21:10 just gets overlaid onto like super hot like super hot but the person in charge of the testing or whatever he fucking hates you yeah and it'll be like you'll do something right and he'll be like fuck you and it'll just put something in your way she's not maybe not so direct but yeah yeah and i won't go too long but i played finally got to play bao it's like the last one out of the game to start playing uh and everything ever we all said is is no true the gameplay is awesome whatever i just i think again it's like after playing wonderful 101 which i felt all of its story and cutscenes were awesome yeah and i watched all of them and all the dialogue was great and was all charming like almost every line everyone says i just i don't i even bayonetta and and and
Starting point is 01:21:56 gene like just i i prefer wonderful 101 funny or entertaining i i prefer wonderful 101 in like a lot of ways to end so like i really hate him now really set and listen to his dialogue i i i can't i everything i can't believe he has more lines of dialogue in bao too like i know he's probably not a major player in the game but he's he's always just an intro fmv guy i know not fmv right i think he's better than half the cast okay then like i think you're right i think you're right and i hate end so yeah no exactly it just is just not i think new luka is garbage i still think he's better than uh low that has terrible yeah that's terrible and and i like we talked about a bit but i hate those clock cutscenes yeah i hate things they're just they just smack of cheapness rather than just be
Starting point is 01:22:48 gone from the game i rather than be magical code they're they're not great but i understand them you know i mean everyone gets why they're there but doesn't make them good i like the only two platinum games that have acceptable like i will sit and watch this cutscene or two games and it's mad world and it's wonderful 101 all the rest i could just skip all of them i don't care i mean vanquish had a couple but never really killer ones oh anarchy reigns like you know what like just cool with mad world i guess yeah mad world story was mad world was yeah but vanquish like you need to know about bogey you need to know about bogey you know all of vanquish could have just had the codex like a just a angry portrait yeah just screaming would have been would have made the game this
Starting point is 01:23:32 and not any different and how about that chamalamanan twist that they have at the end which vanquish what i i forget we're even the president is against you and then she stops and says we're done did you enjoy it yes no and it sets up vanquish too that's never ever even nintendo is like we're not publishing that there was a thread on neo gaff this week was like nintendo should get vanquish too that dude's crazy i saw that i'm like are you insane random internet poster are you actually insane like micami is i wanted to happen but i i can't anyway um cool i wish but fucking like it is yeah i take more of a miracle yeah it was a good week um a lot of video games came out but as you can imagine as you can imagine there you know i just
Starting point is 01:24:23 jam-packed bail into every waking moment i possibly could that's that's right you know so that's that but beyond that i watched uh haywire which is i i watched 20 minutes did you see it stopped it okay haywire is a sotterberg movie with uh jina carano and every other major actor ever jina carano bill paxton chanting tato ewin migregor ewin migregor michael fastbender fastbenders in it as every hot dude yeah they're all in there um how are they hot it's fucking hotter than jina carano that's pretty hard to do to accomplish but then again when you've got bandaris with the beard you got bandaris is in it as is fucking my michael douglas yeah because it's the hottest of all sotterberg just called in all his all his cards all his favorites right um and this is the closest
Starting point is 01:25:16 thing you'll get to like dumb action movie by an artsy director right it's weird no um well not dumb action movie uh hannah is by a super artsy director who directed pride and prejudice and all that shit okay made hannah hannah's not a dumb action wait i usually fried and prejudiced at hannah yes what okay yeah damn so this this is kind of like that and that you can see that it's just it's dumb action movie and it's it's showcase for jina carano to do some crazy mma shit to dudes with guns just don't act but like in the meantime we're gonna more or less use that traffic color filter all over the place and get these good actors to show up and you know try to save it there's three of that they all came around the same time colombiana haywire and salt oh was salt at the same time
Starting point is 01:26:05 yeah there's like a few months later a few months after the the woman secret agent killing everyone now but but but to be fair like i like jina carrera a lot uh i i think she's like gorgeous and awesome mma girl and i kind of thought like you know what it wasn't as terrible as this should have been yeah i was kind of forced to watch it through netflix netflix selection yeah my like never came to your house to the list at home that's what's known as a backhanded compliment yeah which one it's not as terrible as it should be yeah yeah that's better than we are exactly um no my friend came over and we were just browsing for shit to watch and we just and i you know we got pushed into that i got pushed into that and i'm like all right posters when you look at you like
Starting point is 01:26:53 i'll give this a shot but you know in the end it's like i don't think she's gonna be doing too many other movies unless she already has one or other two ones okay i was gonna say i talked about before but you go on netflix and you switch to xbox video and yes xbox video you have to pay of course but it gives you an overload of information if you want to make this the movie you watch trailers it gives you the wrong tomatoes right next to it and it gives you like a gigantic paragraph on the movie like if you want to make the most informed decision like i just wish at least if netflix could get trailers that would help dramatically um the last thing i was gonna say about it is like you kind of you're you're giving it the benefit of the doubt and you're like this is fine whatever
Starting point is 01:27:36 it's accomplishing what it needs to sure it has like a two star rating on fucking netflix you know mostly everything does and it's man the thing is that but then you get to the third act where there's a moment of like okay so the entire system is out to get here but she's the enemy of the state and she's gonna do it or on her own type of thing she's basically born right sorry uh not even less out of dark like closer to that that's great um but super undercover dirty and you just get to the moment where it's like okay now i've got to fight back against the system and suddenly i have cornrows and black street paint on my face i didn't i didn't watch the camera i watched till the end but i seen the pictures of that you're just like you're hiding like the john matrix moment of but
Starting point is 01:28:18 and she but she's hiding in a house like you're not anywhere near a jungle setting or anything or like where you'd need that no it's a game face man but it's and it's just like wow all right you know sure soda burg give him a chance i guess so these had a lot of flops like a lot of them since like oceans the first oceans like every subsequent movies made after that has been pretty bad i don't even know what they exactly exactly he's made tons he made ones with sasha gray oh um um the girlfriend experience yeah yeah yeah other stuff like anti-vot contagion and all that the virus movies he made like three of them and then he made like i don't know this is crazy guy i don't like him dude notice how to use those color filters don't tell you what i'm sure he does
Starting point is 01:29:13 why are you guys passing around phones yeah what's going on well what i just i took the moment to like go and find that moment in call of duty that i was talking about okay the hold f to pay respects and yeah yeah yeah okay that's that's no good yeah don't do that at the same time i'm looking at that and i'm like that's really pretty i'm gonna buy that i'm gonna buy that game tonight that's it who it's fucking sold it's not quite a big that coffee sold me not quite a big boss yeah on the young f page it's right below it is the big boss yeah thanks you know who does deserve the big boss salute who this week who fucking marvel fucking marvel does oh my god the marvel megatons so i was in japan and i'm like oh god i had to bail before the news part of the podcast and i
Starting point is 01:30:00 couldn't remember what time anything happened i was like i hope they didn't talk about the shit last week when i was gone we dropped we announced then uh and it was it was happening right after or something so we got like the doctor strange bit out but yeah we got the doctor but then but what it what it is is the full on phase three list hey you guys what's what kanda gonna look like yeah i gotta say i'm still baffled that the film industry announces their movies this far in advance i will never get used to that not everyone does you're right not everyone does but you used to work for square innings but with movies it's not right it's different it's not a normal thing it's it's really different because because these two games doesn't equate to eight movies coming
Starting point is 01:30:47 out like what are you talking about yeah but movies always come out on time but almost i'm just saying i'll never get used to it i don't get what your point is it's it's weird it's weird because like now that marvel is confident in everything they're doing yeah except for it man well wait is that they're confident enough to let's push that forward regardless ant man is on and it's still a part of phase two yeah it counts when so when's phase two end like 2015 phase two phase two ends next year yeah okay yeah avengers two is like the end of phase uh yeah but there's also some tv shit going on yeah my daredevil daredevil on tv starting man exactly and uh the excited for that agent agent what's her name i forget page uh agent pegy agent part agent pegy
Starting point is 01:31:36 is shield a part of that uh shield counts yeah so uh phase three uh starts with captain america civil war yeah not serpent society fuck you right uh even if it's the exact same movie that title 2016 well you would know this without a lot of the characters they don't have the rights to the civil war is going to have to be very different it's going to have to change heavily the important thing the premise can stay the same the only thing that matters is that like cap beats the shit out of iron man i think that's all like uh yes but and the that plus the wcw versus moment where the universe splits and takes sides you know and i really do hope i i really hope the catalyst is at least the same where you get the new warriors being shitbags on reality tv i would
Starting point is 01:32:28 think that the real thing is like after age of ultron tony starts going to be like i fucked up we have to take responsibility for the shit everyone register your names and also also rick silver and scarlet witcher like new metahumans they are yeah but they've already said that the uh i see identities coming forth is not going to be the major plot point because secret identities have has never been a huge supposedly it's going to be the registration of your powers that's what's up yeah exactly um which countable yeah which interesting that's like uh professor x already had that on his own how to kill every x-man just in case yes you know not in the marvel movie universe he didn't but um yeah so that's that's dropping followed by
Starting point is 01:33:11 dr strange also in 2016 well dr strange all the all the screaming fangirls for dr strange who is going to play shuma that's my one you it's going to be do i told you andy circus andy circus he can do i told you the squiggly thing all black heart an actual black heart you know andy circus is in avengers too right as the guy with the beard in the trailer that's andy circus well i didn't know if if what's his name can be a character in in two marvel movies then so can it's fine yeah i thought i forgot his name whatever um the the guy from thor was also um the punisher oh yeah ray stevenson ray stevenson thank you um you got guardians of the galaxy two in 2017 what a lock that is right yeah the movie that everyone said all right this is where you're
Starting point is 01:34:00 gonna fuck up and no one's gonna see it it's the best movie here made yeah i'm i'm and the thing is is because that too was combed combed for years and so if i looked at this list any other time i would have straight up said yeah in humans is gonna be a pile of shit because no one no one knows how to do in humans and it's like no they actually just might how do you sell black bolts i just want to see black bolt how do you sell black bolts anything i don't even like black bolt that much but black bolt's the coolest ever i told you if you read the coolest when you read earth x and you see him going up against i don't know who the fuck you're talking about you see him going up against a celestial and he fucking takes it on you should explain black bolt what you
Starting point is 01:34:42 should explain black bolt is not it's not a well known marvel character sorry well he is if you read the comics very funny i mean to people like in humans is an obscure comic yes yes and and they're a super team whatever uses hypersonic screen and that's what it is his deal is is that he is a silent king and if he any sound he makes is unbelievably powerful a whisper can rip down a city block okay yeah and if you scream like he killed the whole he never screams because if he does he don't know character that probably like marvel and capcom said can we put no yeah and like we lost three sound designers that day so the celestials the beings that are basically like above galactus show up one time in earth x continuity at least so it's
Starting point is 01:35:36 not super canon but yeah still and they said black bolt out to space and they go yo just shout at these motherfuckers and he wrecks them so yeah yeah that's pretty cool that's that's your well that's how you sell the inhumans that's crazy like a page of action where black bolt does something i have something where he just like it's just a close-up of his mouth and you see the hulk just getting blown away yeah and it's like it's a character that does nothing and is the most powerful but and it's just but it's also like he's an amazing diplomat because i was going to say is he disciplined he's the most disciplined everyone listens to him and like his wife can basically communicate with him properly but it's his it's his whole thing you know with the silent
Starting point is 01:36:16 guys that's an awkward sex life or the best sex life uh you've got thor ragnarok which is the subtitle you want to hear that's the best subtitle but this is probably the least yeah i still got to see thor too you should see the dark world is all right but you know what though you you know that they're they're saying that this is gonna i love thor i don't like his movie that much i think they're fine i'm fine but excuse me wow i think what they're saying to with this one being a really important like straight up the world is ending type movie i want to see thor with the fucking chains dragging the wolves of the hill yeah you know the world is ending in all of these movies no it's just it's a it's a well yes it's a citywide threat you know and whatnot uh you've of course got
Starting point is 01:37:09 black panther so someone figured out how to do Wakanda so i read i don't that's the question like we don't know how yet how do you explain like 2050 like hyper advanced african nation that no one ever knew about for no reason and where there there is still people with spears and fucking loin cloths no they're sued there's spears made out of vibranium yeah i don't it's rough stanley had an interview like who do you want to have a marvel movie and he goes i've been pushing black panther for like 10 years like i think black panther it's really important and he's like one of my favorites and he's the first black superhero we ever made and it's like it's really awesome and then it was just like okay well i don't know if they're ever gonna make one and then you see that
Starting point is 01:37:56 concept art of his costume yeah it looks so fucking cool because black panther's always fine as long as he's guest starring away from his hometown yeah but when you you know it's a danger well you know here's what you do right you're fucking you get a bunch of loose leaf you're right black panther on it and you hand it to the NAACP and you go you write the script all right we don't want to touch this shit this is the kind of thing where like the movie starts and Wakanda is like a blown-up crater yeah and he's like no my homeland and he never flashes back and then he goes to new york to have zany adventures i'm actually a little disappointed i'm sure the actor is fine but i in my head always Jaimon Husson as black panther yeah the only guy super african dude yeah
Starting point is 01:38:46 he's super buff and he's been in so many things it's hard for me to say what tell you what you've been in he was the black eye and gladiator he was the he was he was the um uh the papa the voodoo guy in Constantine you don't remember fucking not yet not yet right before the credits he's he's who and yeah okay there oh that's all i thought it was yeah but he blood diamond guy blood diamond yeah but that's my son that's like that guy and i'm sure this guy's fun i'm not familiar with him i'm sure mel Gibson loves that right i'm sure he loves it uh we've got that dude's voice is so awesome it is we've got uh captain marvel in 2018 carol danvers captain marvel that's the cool isn't that like marvel saying like what more do you want it or is it just me like i'm not a super
Starting point is 01:39:38 big in the car no that's that's i'm not and that's one but it's interesting because they they've already set up the crease in the skulls scrolls so they can do yeah of course yeah we've already okay so uh which captain not that okay okay is it the guy who goes shazam no no no because that lawsuit was settled and vc decided that they're just gonna rename that character shazam that's fucking dumb because everyone already thinks his name is shazam okay so miss marvel the one that rogue kills yes yes but this is captain marvel it's not not miss marvin so is it camilla con they carry danvers is the character's name because it used to be um um which is named uh comic books it makes sense if you follow it i'm sure captain marvel is a thing that got passed
Starting point is 01:40:26 down like it was a a a man station right like you were the new captain marvel right and it passed around a different you think you have captain universe no captain universe was a you that was the power of cosmic whatever but you know captain marvel is a thing that got passed around to different people there were bestowed with the power there there has been more than green lanterns and such but but uh way cooler than green lantern i forgot the guy's name but like the main guy that was him for the longest while i can't believe him like he was a he was a creep he was marvel yes yeah yeah and cancer killed him um um that was rough and it was one of those we it was one of those things were his comic every side character had names kind of like john jones yeah like it as
Starting point is 01:41:08 the um the the martian manhunter type of thing was like the alien version of a basically human name yes you know that type of silliness so dumb as shit you know but i again i will see what they do with it um you got yeah and humans like i said and then the thing that they completely didn't need to do but did anyway just the you get a shot of all the fucking anomalies over the phase two movies until they become the infinity gauntlet yeah all the stones collected together and then just thanos looking at you yeah avengers infinity war part one and two 2018 2019 so here's a spoiler i gotta be spoiled you ready for this the avengers are gonna lose in part one why are they and then they're gonna win in part two with the help of every character in every movie you just mentioned
Starting point is 01:42:01 and i'm gonna hope especially adam warlock who should probably show up in guardians of the galaxy too i would think but they could not they don't have to do it yeah it could be an event but i fully expect part two of that i fully expect the sequel the part two of that to be the most absurd crossover porn that's ever existed and we've been waiting for this for years like i i want to have the first movie just all be set up and then the second one to just every single payoff everyone gets five minutes of hero time after after age of ultron they said like the avengers lineup is just after a while it's like guess what hawkeye black widow you are the most useless ever because we're in space now what you're gonna shoot you're just you know that is true and
Starting point is 01:42:53 the lineup's gonna change i mean and that's why like you know the ultimates were fantastic because they found ways to make them work but they there's a question out there which was like hey um you ever thinking about a black widow movie for example and they said not really because she works super great as part of that team same thing for the hulk right now yeah her yeah they said that for both characters that dynamic works really well and like the hulk is great in spurts but you're it seems like when you try to make a whole fucking movie about him it just fucking falls apart you know what your black widow movie was it was the intro where she's in the russian torturer scene yeah that was the chair that's her move or you just caught the end of it pick any
Starting point is 01:43:32 mission impossible yeah and just she she needs a tv series that's six episodes long yeah that's all she needs like left them the key to yeah or once a thief so just pretend that's that you read about the report in captain america the the last one about that character that did a thing that's never named or shown you know i'm talking about no remember when uh when they're fighting the winter soldier and uh near the overpass and there's always crazy shit going on like a like a bus flips and i think flips the the directors of the movie said there was a character that was doing stuff there that you never saw do you notice this scene this thing just flicks cap doesn't do it yeah long guy was completely removed from that movie yeah i know they go someone did this someone captured
Starting point is 01:44:20 that truck and swerved it and that's why that happened if you watch the movie no one actually does it you don't see who's doing it so what are you getting at so they go there's a guy that's in the movie that word we just didn't show and they say he he works on his own set of morals and principles and does things his own way and he might show up in another movie later on okay i have no idea what that could be then everyone just goes is it the punisher and he goes i really like frank castle oh so my my ultimate thing is that like that's cool what is going on i have no idea this conversation steered away because i thought for sure you're talking about hot guy who was clearly just removed from that movie no no no they someone says is it the punisher that seems like that would fit
Starting point is 01:45:06 his thing and he goes we really like frank castle wow and that's it and i was like that's fine but don't like when you're talking about the the daredevil netflix show which sounds really cool if you're going to do the punisher just put them in a film in there but but it's a tv show or it's a netflix show so they're not they're not going to go for the nc 17 thing you can put it on amc you can have a fucking marvel i can see that they can do what they want yeah i can say i can see punisher being like dragged into like a jail cell alongside a character and then he breaks out and just shoots a bunch of thugs yeah like netflix did bojack horseman they're not shy i gotta watch that i'm gonna watch that when we do it and it's a quick watch too yeah especially for
Starting point is 01:45:50 me yeah you'll finish it in half the time yeah yeah i can do it you finish really i just can't wait for phase four with planet hulk well uh actually phase four entirely leaked is this what you're gonna tell me no but i was gonna say megaton part two which you may or may not have caught a couple of hours ago i did not uh i was playing cold marvel versus shut up attack on titan oh yeah i saw this whoa okay will you elaborate on this there's gonna be in japan there's gonna be a crossover uh series of issues where i think because there's artwork associated what if the titans attack the mortal devon universe any art there's a single picture and it is spider-man swinging for his life because a fucking bunch of titans are coming to get him right there so it's
Starting point is 01:46:35 just having pretty cool marvel guys and no one from like attack on titan you don't know okay that's all and i don't know if you want to take the date on that but that's pretty exciting it it coming out in two weeks two weeks that's the date yeah that's pretty cool i'll read that japan loves spider-man i i think they're smart enough to avoid doing american comic versions of erin yager and crew i think they won't do that because that'll look terrible yeah but we'll see if it's just marvel swinging away or fighting these guys marvel universe returns like the marvel like marvel zombies you know yeah i think like a little special marvel zombies i'm pretty sure that's what that's gonna be yeah like i don't think it'll have any like it's remember that time punisher killed everyone
Starting point is 01:47:20 in the marvel universe yeah remember how that was super canon well that was a what if man that was no no that wasn't even what if doesn't act on it gets you shoot cyclops right one shot nothing it wasn't even a what if shoots right whoo no one nothing hey i'm not you're looking at like those were not challenging eyeballs they were just like sometimes it's hard to tell sometimes you're uh anyway um yeah because like a few weeks ago you were telling me some shit about predator and you go are you sure and i look at you and myself and i go who are you sure about that silent hill lord pet no actually not anymore i've forgotten like a lot of it all right like i skimmed like the downpour thing and like i don't remember half of the stuff i'm saying in this episode all right
Starting point is 01:48:12 fair enough dead outside uh there's some old stuff that we we didn't have time for last week that's worth mentioning old stuff's okay like the the perfect costumes for the gurren lagann stage play yeah they look amazing yeah they're unbelievably good uh but i i know you're not as into it but like meanwhile right next to it there's a dang and rampa stage play and it's exactly the same the costumes are impeccable is it the same production company that did phoenix right i honestly don't know i would not be surprised because they were right yeah and the like the gurren one looks fucking perfect because you go down the cast you get the minor characters lorigeno yeah fucking like you because you see the actor's face and you're like uh and then he
Starting point is 01:48:56 puts the beard on you're like yes you know when you get to the minor characters and you're looking like darien stuff yeah these all look great you're fucking rete like you know like yeah they got everyone in there i'm i'm really really too bad we'll never see it never ever ever looked a little goofy but then again it's like he looks a little goofy yeah it's hard the beast men were an interesting thing too because they had to like make humanoid dirty versions of these people yeah yeah so like guam is just a scummy looking motherfucker the dirt on his face uh but no yeah there's a link check it out they've got really good things don't have you seen them pat no i have not okay they look fantastic um also from last week uh umatsu wants to make a 2d rpg with the ff6 team
Starting point is 01:49:42 if they god like okay so sweary like pimped out our our video earlier today so so i'm looking through sweary's thing and i just scrolled like the one after ours is ff6 is clearly the best like yeah you're right sweary and it's like umatsu fucking knows that's what a great tweet it's like somebody goes i can't say anything to that was not there's anyone in the final fantasy who'll argue that they'll disagree yeah but i really hope that your favorite might be different really that tweet was not a reply at anybody it was a reply okay it was which is your favorite statement out of nowhere i feel like tweeting that right now it's clearly the best but uh yeah like he says he's interested you know it's it's it's not ridiculous since like bravely is
Starting point is 01:50:38 doing so good yeah just make it with a bravely team they did a better final fantasy than there's well well well nobody wants the ff6 team yeah but he doesn't want silicon studios they're all dead well they're actually not but well but you know you know square said they want to try looking at more traditional stuff so you know if they're actually saying anything of substance there get the band back together yeah because he's not he's not asking for a remake you know what i mean no i think i think we're this is a fairly this is a fairly reasonable thing to be looking at watch them be like here it is your budget is approved it has to be an ios game yeah i just just saw that it's a good game i don't really care just on that note i would follow it all the blood in my
Starting point is 01:51:18 body well like if it was a good game and it wasn't like microtransaction latent stuff i wouldn't care what platform it was on preparing for chunks because we're about to talk ios for a minute i'll worry about that all the blood since it's really it's closely similar to that the original director of clock tower yeah recently had a thing announced that we're having this uh a resurgence a new game at tgs they announced that yeah but i only saw this pop up like this week oh yeah they showed a few more new things but yeah that's a great name it's just a new scissor man games is called project scissors and he got like mostly everyone that used to work at two at human entertainment and he got the monster designer who did um someone else and um fuck because i talked to you about this
Starting point is 01:52:00 a while ago the original composer of castlevania i can't remember the name but like someone no woman anyway mature yamade yeah i think so regardless he got an all-star cast to work on this yeah yeah i know skull girls but i'm not sure if it was her i think i remember the walker yeah it was announced for uh ios and vita i think pc maybe no just those two okay that's interesting um now speaking of ios have you seen ghost blade by any chance oh my god it sounds so familiar it's it's a 2d super it's a 2d action no it is no what am i thinking okay my brain went to ghost song and that's a different that's a good kick that's like metroid kicks yeah so there's a trailer i'm popping up our link i linked in the in the thing here ghost blade it's an ios character action game
Starting point is 01:52:49 it's 3d and you know what this is probably the best you're gonna get this is as close as you'll get to you guys what about dmc for ios really good dmc for a frame yeah that's actually pretty decent because yeah you know but this actually this has like um uh dragon yeah i saw this dragon sword it has like that type of slash control going on i saw this posted on silicon era yeah yeah and um dragon sword kicks ass but you take a look at this and like you're like you're straight up you're evading mid mid like a giant wave of enemies you're doing air combos you're actually doing stuff and it seems like despite the fact that you're swiping all over the place you actually have to have relatively good controls swiper yeah that's why i thought it was 2d because i saw this one swiper swiping
Starting point is 01:53:36 out looks too yeah swiper no swiping no and it's just simply like i'm like you know what this is yeah this would look too bad would be better with controller but this is probably the best you can accomplish with your fingers you're like a cool battle girl uh and a guy oh okay the girl looks awesome in ancient ancient china okay you know what i'm not interested it takes place during the turban rebellion yeah what a shitty rebellion that was that's fucking dynasty warriors story uh well i'm out guess what they all do every game every chinese game takes place in the turban rebellion without fail hey guess what ridiculous guess what if you're gonna play a japanese game it's chinese in oldie
Starting point is 01:54:17 times you're gonna be a either in the age of warring states or b in the meiji restoration i know and there's the sun for the two times or you'll be in a fucking sick place but never that never happens in a sick place like like freedom wars or personal yeah no i said i was totally like yeah like come on that's not fair remember like nothing interesting happened before or after the middle ages nothing right like knights and swords and king arthur and we just do that shit forever there was where is your imagination yeah people there was an arthur character action game hell man we made more renaissance wait do you mean the king arthur action game on gamecube and ps2 yeah that was a ripoff of the lord of the ring games oh shit it was it was yeah i think you're
Starting point is 01:55:02 using the term character action too loosely so i don't remember it's an extremely extremely short list it's a very specific definition there's that scorpion king character action game no no rise of the arcadian those are just brawlers it's something that slightly resembles god of war it doesn't count okay i like the phrase brawlers it's too general yeah it's the general term i know what it's character actions this is action this is an action game don't forget those those fighting games like final fight and exactly that's why i hate brawlers because like people lump it exactly i really hate when you're on a site and you're looking for like a database of games and they have it all fucked up yeah like sometimes you look on xbox games or whatever and you search
Starting point is 01:55:48 for fighting games and they just throw whatever oh yeah man hey you want to talk about reaction neon outrageous classification if you've heard somebody from the uk referred to fighting games and brawlers and beat em ups as button bashers bashers yeah it's like it's fucking god i i lost my i lost my shit when i was reading like people learn how to speak i was reading a gianna sisters review uh the the new one that came out wait wait what the gianna sister oh i thought i thought i was a thing in another gianna no i i knew you were i knew you were i was reading a european review and that they called it a jump and run game and i'm like what the fuck jumping right and it's a real thing infinite runner and i'm like no no it's a platformer they call them button bashers
Starting point is 01:56:41 and something runs and dude you know we were just talking about call of duty that famous shoot him up yeah exactly people do this shit man i'm like why can't it be button mashers why it's gotta be because you're bashing the buttons boy you're bashing the buttons just like was that Australian or fucking it was all over the place we have weird stuff too that fucks up other region stuff yeah like what like we just always say visual novels and i say that all the time in japan adventure games yeah because they're so similar to adventure games like let's be real they are but no i'm just saying it's one of those cross region things we're like everyone well actually the real root of this is that game genres are fucked up they are the amount of games
Starting point is 01:57:27 that you can classify as action adventure is staggering yes well so many are the incredibly loose use of the role playing game role playing is the worst i love that role playing of advanced warfare is still don't get your genre classification from downtown abbey if you can avoid it yeah um button back i want it i want that to be a thing friday night button back where you will play little britain all right king where the fucks night all right well speaking of foreign things um the blob the blob the blob got picked up yeah we were just talking about the blob we were
Starting point is 01:58:20 nordic yeah same guys that picked up everything else from thq picked up the blob sad though that the developer of the blob uh a blue tongue blue tongue i go one of those great australian studios that just got wiped off the face of the earth now i don't know if like nordic is actually gonna do anything with these ip's because it seems like so far they've just released compilations well they keep talking about doing darksiders things but they've made actual well they say they want to but they only want to make it when they can and they do have a lot of money they're not but do they have a lot of staff no they don't have staff you need still they're in office with a lot of money yeah they're okay um they have to get to they did they own saints who own saints now
Starting point is 01:59:00 oh not them no they picked up darksiders they have mx versus atv i think they have deep silver deep silver deep silver has yeah that's true yeah deep silver no it's it's true like i'm excited to see whatever nordic does but like for the time being it's nothing it's i mean at least we can rest contented that they're not broke i'm glad they have it exactly so and they're interested in the blob yeah i like that that's good that they went to get that you know no one was gonna save it i really i i know i have two versions of the blob two i never i have a ps3 one that's four blobs yeah right i played the first one to death i think i beat it i loved it that dog was like on it was sitting on the the the wood floating about to go over yeah like in waterfall
Starting point is 01:59:47 and they saved it and they saved it so yeah it's better than even if they don't ever use it it's better that a real company owns these fucking ip's so we don't get that fucking system shock too like a insurance company somehow ends up with it nobody even knows how to get it you saw that the red the company that we released system shock remember that that that new official version the same company file trademarks for no one lives forever so they had both no they just got no one lives forever oh they're all of them they're doing the work oh i misunderstood what you're saying yeah just like or chances are or amazingly beautiful gorgeous new pachinko fucking fatal fury again all right so okay leon you talk about this so i i found ultimate trial i found this awesome
Starting point is 02:00:37 trailer for what was it called goro ex special goro densetsu so what did you do so this trailer my one of my favorite websites on the internet is no spoiler dot com and on no spoiler dot com you pop in a youtube link and it comes out with a no spoiler link and when people go there all they get is a black page with the video and the title never pops up no description no no related videos nothing so you just gotta watch they get a black page with a video you just gotta watch it these guys i like no i like no spoiler these guys watch the first minute and a half of this amazing cg yeah you have to go for a trailer and then they start showing off bits of the pachinko the slowest burn to that it's like how did you fall for this again because they're new renderers
Starting point is 02:01:30 they're new renders are you fucking stupid like really dude like it's like and it's actually wild he made sure to put it in an environment in which we knew the no no no because the last time i did this woolly saw it was snk play more uh whatever she slot the slot one whatever their account is the reason i know you're i know what you're saying yeah it's because we discussed on an earlier podcast how we had the feeling upon seeing the legit shenmu online trailer and yeah immediately that games that it wasn't real i've never come at wolves never sleep so i cannot give up hope for this possibly be watching an snk cg anything i know because i wanted to believe and it's so cool looking it's so good looking i have a i have a lambda with a three next to
Starting point is 02:02:24 it to sell you yeah so so miam miam sent this to me and woolly and you two i forget no i know he sent me and woolly and a couple of his other friends and then as soon as like i watch it i see what the fuck i just wrote hate you and that comment got of liam's friends got like 51 lives on facebook ridiculous amount really stepped up his game by taking a screenshot of you saying i dislike this post i'd report to facebook yeah i don't like this post and i met i took a screenshot of me me that was like one of the funniest facebook threads it was really great go watch that trailer it's amazing until you hit what's the edges grow yeah grow densets who special or something you'll find
Starting point is 02:03:14 it on the snk patch channel here's the thing this this kind of thing cannot hurt me because my expectation is that i will never see another snk game in my life wow great so it can't hurt me you showed us so it's all it's all appeal you know what the real clue is when you see terry and then mi standing next to him yeah because those are like the fucking those are the poster characters if it was terry and then like joe joe or kim no joe almost anyone really terry and uh teesawk i mean like oh that's legit but yeah terry and mi just goes wait this is an all star look at the the main look at the shinies look at the shinies yeah totally i think when it was mi showed up i was like oh yeah and then i was like oh fucking no what disregard just keep watching when your trailer
Starting point is 02:04:06 opens with a cg model of k dash and mr karate then you'll have my attention because those are the two right two are idiots you're just gonna get hurt over and over you gotta break the cycle man and to be honest this trailer didn't phase me i just saw it as the biggest opportunity oh no no you're right you know you understand it didn't get me because i knew i knew from the minute i saw it because i had the youtube page exactly so but the opportunity yeah that's great you have to seize that you're doing god's work there like all right you're doing a good job so good um so we are gonna find out a lot more about ice from iron from ice before the years up i hope so i hope the game is thrown this game i hope it how it's being developed by the a team at telltale not the b team the game of thrones game
Starting point is 02:04:53 is going to be the team that doesn't work there anymore gary what up well the game of thrones game is going to be revealed before the end of the year and uh it isn't a trailer problem i would assume footage i was that's probably going to be at sony's event in december okay the PlayStation experience event we didn't talk about that but that is i'm excited for that event but they have dropped a couple things so far a little teaser of images i don't see any of that so the first one heavily implies that uh you're going to be playing as the forester family right who exactly the foresters are well that's the great tragedy about this is that you can't play as anyone you'd not necessarily of course but you know what that worked out great for the the other everything else so far
Starting point is 02:05:39 yeah no problems with that now there are bannerman that are um around of the north of course as long as you get to talk to everyone you want to talk to and the second little drop was uh you're probably going to be fighting some boltons because the flayed man is straight up on one of those banners okay and uh they they confirmed you're going to be playing as five characters like michael bolton from the same family no it's boltons okay so how many are going to die like michael bolton like michael much like him i wonder if it'll be possible to have all of them die well they said foresters not another family name but um sure and they're saying that like they're going to do the the whole like uh the dynamics of having two characters that affect
Starting point is 02:06:23 each other's story that they played with a little bit before yeah now they're enjoying that cool cool nice um so yeah that seems interesting and i just want to know what their visual style is going to be of course i bet it's going to be in seconds you know what i would really like it if it was something a bit different than the telltale look which i'm now like i'm not phased by anymore like i'm looking at tales from borderlands and i'm like that's perfect because that's how borderlands have to be as good as one of those first images that i'm really excited about what i was going to say is walking dead was great because it was faithful to the comics and it brings out this drab awful world yeah and then wolf among us does the opposite or plays with color strongly
Starting point is 02:07:02 yeah that is these these great the game of thrones is nothing but realistic and detail exactly so i would assume they'll try something new because borderlands as well you know borderlands looks just like borderlands like yeah um i think by the way something i want to say because we never we haven't talked about telltale for a little while but it's interesting how like you know i was complaining everyone was complaining like holy shit you can't fucking deliver anything on time and now that we're at the end of the year like so many projects that they hadn't announced at the beginning of the year had just been coming out and they've clearly actually been working on a shitload of things like the ps4 port and the x-bone port yeah the first walking dead fast and the
Starting point is 02:07:42 second walking dead and the vita ports and android you know like looking at like the end of the year it's like holy shit they actually released so many uh well releases you know that's still not no definitely not but when you look at it it's like okay i see where that went it would have always been fine if the timeline was broader but they would like say a specific months yeah and then they blah no i i just i just think it's interesting that we get to the end of the year and like what was a question mark is now like now you can kind of see where that happens we're just super buffered because we take the blame for when the lp comes to a halt and we're not finishing those episodes they're not out they're not out um so that's that's
Starting point is 02:08:30 looking forward to that really want to see where they're gonna go uh we've got iwata talking about the fact that reluctantly talking to the investors saying that we need to consider ending region locking and it's interesting it's really interesting all the investors are like what is this where am i see well of course right um and they like like iwata straight up is pretty much saying like region locking is good for consumers it's good for us the hardware maker region locking is not good it is not good for the software makers yeah that's not good for consumers well good thing there's no third party games on the platform what the fuck are you saying oh my sorry sorry sorry i'm sorry okay i'm in backwards okay get backwards no worries i take it all back
Starting point is 02:09:20 i totally mean the opposite he said because we've been on region sorry sorry i'm saying no no no region locking is bad for consumers yes bad for nintendo it's good for the game companies because they get to control that shit it's good yeah exactly specific game companies they benefit from that right and so like game companies that have like no like regional divisions so yeah and in some cases different publishers take on yeah the roles that need to be filled for for yeah it's a it's a complex game there's things going on there that not every company can support i wish iwata had said this maybe at the start of the we's cycle because us like there's lots of more stuff on 3ds or not you know a little bit more
Starting point is 02:10:03 on 3ds it's like i don't like there's only fatal frame like what did not come out you know but on the we there was like at least a handful of fatal frame and yakuza hd that's that's all i can i mean i don't know that it matters like when he said it so much as a fact that well i mean like we know that this is going to be a battle because they're going to be two though some companies are going to be tooth and nail against this coming out oh who yeah no like like it's it's easy to like all the games that alice puts out on the we you but like shit that gets released not because i'm not just talking about from a project um a rainfall a point of view i'm thinking about like european releases of stuff that gets delayed and whatnot okay but no seriously here though like
Starting point is 02:10:47 the we you has like incredibly low install base compared to its two console contemporaries and both of those are region free like who what company is actually being squeezed by i wanted to say by the way uh someone posted i didn't look into it too deeply because i don't have one myself someone posted on neogaf today that apparently the xbox digital stores are region locked as of today the digital store they have vpn tracking apparently now so you can't get around that anymore well yeah but if you put a disc in it it's still it's still a measure of region lock and it should exist yeah i was always on playstation you can do that and on xbox you could do that for that is because people were changing things to get games early so if i if i recover my accounts on a different console
Starting point is 02:11:38 that's not apparently i didn't research this but people were saying this is the case now and that's that's a weird one it's really shitty it's not like almost no one's gonna have to deal with that it's a really obscure thing that sucks that sucks that's why i do it why do it why it's not there to begin region locking so no so he says that and so that kind of this is like this is the first time that nintendo's kind of really even publicly pushed not pushed because every other statement has always been no yeah like pretty we're not looking we're not looking at it right now open up to the idea so uh the hashtags have started yeah you know i mean you know the the value of the statement is still the same as the last one but definitely people are more optimistic about
Starting point is 02:12:19 this one i i think it's bullshit i really want to know i'm really really curious as to like what is the largest like number of imports for a single game ever probably something like old like super intense but exactly i'd love to see the numbers and like for a really really popular game does it break the 10 000 number does it like resurrect leek sang from the grave and get his yeah but you need everyone you don't like one website's not enough you know i get games from amy amy you get games from plays yeah but it would still it would still give you they'd be like we we do 30% of the import market and you could be like you could ballpark it oh no for sure but get those guys get plays you get amy amy get ncsx and um uh what you just said uh which we call it plays on amy amy uh
Starting point is 02:13:08 sorry lily and no what i said rather leek sang thanks dad i know they're super dead but i'm sure you could totally ballpark based on these huge sites anyway like that's what i'm wondering is like how big are the sales really that it's a problem they're not you know but exactly so i want to see a number that tells me because it's it's it first of all large-scale importing is going to be exclusive to europe because europe gets fucked on a lot of publishing and it's going to be exclusive to the u k pretty much well not everything i just imported the fucking bayonetta giant book box and i can't play those games i'm talking about like they're paper weeks like japanese to english and then english to ethics well well but on the other hand the sheer number of buyers in north america is way
Starting point is 02:13:55 bigger than the sheer number of buyers in europe and thus japanese imports to north america could still be equivalent if not greater than that if fuck all this like you're totally or it's gonna it's gonna be like what that's that's what i'm getting to is no matter which way you slice it how high like ten thousand that seems outrageous ten thousand seems really really high like even for the most popular thing ever like yeah what i said before is that people need to get their hands on battle construction vehicles obviously yeah exactly i'd rather the water anyone that had to like any lock console is just like like i don't expect them to make the we region free because how could they do such a thing but i'd rather because there are a lot more japanese games that were released on the
Starting point is 02:14:35 we that never came out here good ones though yeah well the 3ds is like a really shitty one too where it's like hey you can still play any region ds games like because hey that wasn't reading lock remember life with i can't believe that i've done that that's the yeah i know you gave it how fucking freeloader is the best man it's amazing freeloader was so good and now we don't have this stuff no it's just it's just a disc you put in and it region frees your fucking now go buy another region console i hate that so like and it's like this and it doesn't play burns yeah it just play it just plays region free games or rather any game from any region it fucking sucks um yeah it's it's these kind of things that make me glad to follow like yoshida's twitter and he posts a picture of
Starting point is 02:15:14 his american like console playing a japanese game and it's like like the ceo of this company see you know what i'm using this feature you know what i like about that not i don't i don't usually get the feel good like yeah yoshida like like you are but what i do see there is like boy if you guys try and region lock any console in the future this is gonna be really hard to walk back yeah absolutely right well that's why i like it because like if you guys like disable used games on ps5 like that's gonna be difficult to explain after all of that fucking shit well it's gonna be digital so no more use yeah apparently there's gonna be a there's a little teaser where you need ac unity assassins could unity is gonna have a world war two section cool that was one of the dlc things
Starting point is 02:16:07 right or am i crazy they didn't even specify what it is they just care because it's not the dlc thing and that he wants to play that doesn't even count as true but uh yeah and they just showed a little trailer and it's like our nose running and then like his little operator is like you got to get out of there there's a glitch in the matrix and then you jump through the portal and then you're punching hitler cool cool you actually you land in the saboteur that's what happens oh wow just jump back out wow there's a lot of titties out here like you're straight up look at this rubber bander your your your assassin's creed crawler up the the um the fucking eiffel tower and you see that giant assassin's community logo in the metro ed mcgill yeah oh i did the
Starting point is 02:16:48 fucking banner like it's one of those big those plastic uh things that yeah against the wall it's like it's like three like hey man i'm fully on board with assassin's creed just going like full on quantum leap levels i was just like you know fucking just go fucking you gotta solve the problems in everyone's life before you leap into them but i can't i'm ever every single game i'm gonna get hyped up and every single game i'm gonna get disappointed because i want the fucking moment where you pull out to the guy in the animus that's in like five thousand years in the future yeah yeah like that's that's why i want damn it that's what i want but i also want sam walking around giving advice that'd be great i'm so you i'm doing quantum creed would be the greatest really good
Starting point is 02:17:31 quantum creed really good i i'm so unsatisfied by that series man like i love i used to be i really liked the first one and i love the mystery like what is going on i and then so unsatisfied and then they just fucking dropped my balls i broke it down thoroughly for my girlfriend yesterday like because i was explaining yesterday yeah yesterday we're talking about this take you longer to do that because i had to explain the whole like the the miss the amazingness of like if you get the first setting and then you get italy and then you get italy and then you get italy no wait i'm sorry the ottoman empire over in the textures of italy and then you get america and then you get america and then you get the caribbean which was really awesome yeah and and the real life
Starting point is 02:18:18 sections became less and less interesting and now not present and now it's just like guys like the whole mystery just i know the whole concept we all bought into you failed at game three every now it's gone because it's what you wanted what everyone wanted was every couple of years where we going who knows anywhere in the world anywhere in time and then it turned into we don't have that money we need to recoup costs annualized versions of this and it's like hey you know what like you know what else is like bothering me like i everyone has been screaming for japan or china forever you're talking about that quote that they just had right no what's this oh they say you were away that's true you were in japan they the some uh the uh the director of assassin's creed three like
Starting point is 02:19:05 say what about uh assassin's creed in japan he goes oh like basically i don't know i forget his wording maybe no better but he basically said it's less lame he said he said like it would be too familiar like it's not too familiar you know what i'm tired of i'm tired of europe i know like i get i think i get that paris in italy and the ottoman empire and and the united states is not in europe but it's like these are all white people country i think what i think what is fucking weird go to i think what he's referring to is like the the types of architecture and that like we've already had the low cities kind of thing but like i don't know i guess uh go to stop no no i know i know i know australia fuck it go to the desert like the collective nut that we busted when we saw that
Starting point is 02:19:57 album of china's art assassin's creed china with the fucking rooftops with pagodas and you're just like of course you can look how easy it is assassins are ninjas you know and they're just ninjas and i i've been yelling about the fall like an idiot for years now i'm just tired i'm just tired i'm just tired you know because it's so easy no tech is hard oh wait we did ac3 it's like it shows you that like they are someone already did these things all you have to do is just make it the right thing and they announced paris and it's a paris that takes place in the french revolution which is like the series is about climbing things and you're going to place it in a time period which has which does not contain the most climbable fucking sculpts did you look at the
Starting point is 02:20:48 architecture in unity it's way more vertical than in other games do you remember how i started this story yeah i know you climb the eiffel tower in world war two times yes i know they got it in there but the architecture at my leisure but they built the architecture to be way more vertical well yeah because it's it's one of one of stuff oh so do you mean that you can just make japanese architecture more vertical even though it's not actually accurate okay they probably could but i mean you know why do why why do we even have to be climbing stuff in assassin's creed 3 there's spent so much time in the forest and on the trees let's just do that in japan figure out why not go into streams there's like one big giant church in town oh wait that means we can't reuse a lot of
Starting point is 02:21:29 textures all fuck that then yeah um anyway well when 600 to 9 000 people have to work on your game that does actually be like why is it 600 to 9 000 it's a nebulous no because they send it out to a company and they don't ask how many people work there because the answer will shame them yeah yeah ever since those are all of foxconn made this game um anyway so uh keiji inafude says if you give us if the slacker backers can give them a bit more money oh yeah they're putting get a robo in mighty number nine it's basically zero it's zero but it's straight up how about the game just fucking call as well to say how about you guys still on it's still on schedule okay okay okay so no no no no this is actually like like like i was like i i had that like kind of like but then i went and i
Starting point is 02:22:17 read the post and i took a look and it was just straight up like nothing's changing everything's yeah i know i know but i don't i don't want you just said slacker backers yeah like i don't even think it's in a fune's wording that's pissing me off it's yours okay because i backed the game yeah give me the fucking game now that don't hate you more now no no but that's exactly what that's where i'm going right so what i was gonna say is like you check this out and it's basically like someone had an idea for what bex rival would be and then they just tossed some ideas they tossed it around in the office and came up with a cool thing and to be fair the guys raised really cool um and i i support zero get a robo and any of my things you know and so they kind of just
Starting point is 02:22:57 went yeah we can do some stuff with this we can make a stage and have a little boss fight and all this cool stuff it's gonna cost more money it's gonna cost more money and this is exactly what each asset is gonna cost broken down and i feel comfortable with the amount i've donated to the game so i'm not going to participate yeah neither am i but for anyone that hasn't i could see this being something like yeah if you haven't donated and you're interested in my number nine yeah you're right my reaction is entirely because you called me a slacker for only well no no no i'm done i gave my piece literally no pat slacker backer was tim schaffer's joke name for that after broken age was done you know okay and i guess will he just said it but i don't know why you took such a
Starting point is 02:23:36 fence to something will he said like by sla sorry hold on a second my understanding and definition of slacker backer in my head is a person that has not yet a person who has not backed and they're the slacker that's not what i got at all that's what that what it means is the campaign is over we have a PayPal on our site you can jump on if you haven't done it yet exactly oh see i i not i got it as the people who paid money now all but you didn't pay enough money no no no no and that's why i was getting pissed off no no no no so i thought that was a quote from in a when the term is used these days generally it means if you haven't done it yet it's the post Kickstarter continued dry kind of going on pap said it seems like every month mighty number nine
Starting point is 02:24:19 is like give us more money for this this is the second one they did one before and this is the second one they've done i because i want to go look up and see because i'm like i felt like there was more going on too i told the voice acting in this it was it was the voice acting and then that got complete in the cartoon compared to a lot of others nothing no one better i know well good good no but i mean no one no one paid for that i know i'm paid for they didn't ask for any money for that it's just happening that's just happening that that was all good yeah exactly no i mean mighty number nine's still on schedule so might might might not you know they're not when i don't have millions of dollars you know when i when i read that thing but they're working it can't go faster
Starting point is 02:24:58 adding more content makes it go slower if they said it's posterity it doesn't the first thing they clarified is no matter what the game will come out on the time it's supposed to and this will not happen until everything else is done okay no matter like it has been 20 that's that's why i'm trying to talk you down from the ledge because i was on the ledge a minute ago where i read this and i was like wait what do you mean more money and then it's like okay wait hold on stop there's actually like nothing's changing it's for me it's not even more money it's like i don't care about the show i don't care about the voice acting i don't care about adding just make the fuck like it's you add your stretch goals yeah and we met them yeah so fucking make it like
Starting point is 02:25:41 i i'm of the like it's done now be quiet and do the game and when the game is done give me the game i don't want to hear about side projects and i want to hear about animal mail it made it stretch goals and then they ship the game and then they said okay now we're gonna make all those extra stretch goals and that was it i don't i don't really feel like i know what you just said about post dlc and all that but it's just like at the end of the day why wasn't that part of your stretch goal to begin with why are you adding the idea just didn't exist at the time they said you know why they said they said because the character designer and um story guy uh finished their jobs ahead of everyone else on the team yeah so they were out so they had nothing else to do so they
Starting point is 02:26:25 started throwing around the idea about bex rival that's fair right like everything it's it's your what you're saying is valid but it's totally just an initial negative thing that has an explanation that makes sense and it's like nothing changes everything comes out when it's supposed to well the effort doesn't get diverted into another thing no i don't i don't think any of that at all i just don't want to hear about it i don't want the the next piece of mighty number nine news i want to hear is the game came out last night okay well like it's this is why i don't read the emails they send me okay for me i have all the reservations that we just went through and when they clarify them one by one that nothing's changing at all and nothing's being diverted it's all still on
Starting point is 02:27:09 schedule but here's get a robo i'm like yeah yeah yeah you know but i backed enough as far as my money goes so i'm happy i'm not putting a box that's all i want to put in how did that thing do the the one you're talking about last week the uh hip-hop weird urbans urbans because i remember that you're saying dude it's gonna fail uh okay so right now it's got 66 hours to go and it's still not at the limit however they've been talking and they apparently might be securing a deal with something or someone something to help they're gonna go take out a loan and get them across the finish line and they're like here's some things you can do to help out you can put it on your twitter but it did not rob a bank and supply us with half the money do they say that
Starting point is 02:27:55 yeah you shouldn't say that and they're like you can keep the other half or use it will you already had his bandit mask half on use it to buy a real hoverboard look at these guys okay and then there's some and then there's a little screenshot of the urbans main character in uh the game hover you know running around yes they're still 47 and a half thousand dollars out yeah that's a lot that's a lot they're missing a lot um they're missing they're missing go look at that shit if you haven't seen it yet but apparently they're not too worried i i pushed as much as i could did my thing you know we'll see we'll see what happens but i feel like these guys considering how much work they've done already considering they've gotten that japanese studio on the the
Starting point is 02:28:38 thing going we're gonna probably see some products come out even if it doesn't yeah hit you'll see a hat that says urbans on it i mean with no kickstarter campaign they made that beautiful trailer yeah that's true so hey you know so a nice little hat that you can't wear because of your hair okay there is there is a i saw you like fighting your own brain there for a second like that's just mean it'll it'll look just it'll just like it'll look just like the hat i got from a bunny island that makes me look like an asshole i wear it you don't have a hat face i don't think i don't think it helps my eyes because i can't see in the sun woolly anything else happened you remember the all the fucking backer levels of urbans right if you search urbans there's a second one
Starting point is 02:29:30 that is to put the wind clan in urbans tv and they are funding to hit that five thousand dollar funding goal to put them in there who the clan okay but it's a kickstarter to support to get a kickstarter tier in a kickstarter oh my god that is meta it did not it got a hundred and fifty one out of five thousand dollars and failed two days ago well that's a shame that's a shame to cry in shame that is too funny poor wind clan oh no one out for the way the clan the eight guys that make that uh you know but uh yeah that's that's where urbans is at uh it's letter time it's letter time hey guys what do you remember how to do this you've been in japan for a while yeah so when i was in japan i couldn't remember but now that i'm back i do remember that if you want to
Starting point is 02:30:25 send a letter via an electronic mail you would send it to super best friendcast at what was that that's that's that's that's slow the phone she's slow okay oh he's not ready the email's not ready super best friendcast at what if you're in a different country in a how how can you possibly email is global man yeah it's not region lock it'll go everywhere really no damn i have to try sending emails to japan and see what happens you sent me an email in japan at some point and you know what someone did while you're at it separate and bold those two that that that's simple question separate it from the chunk of your email so i can get to it nice and quick yeah do that uh super important question for pat from charles what the fuck it's important
Starting point is 02:31:16 what the fuck the question is a picture and it says when bald people wash their face how far up do they go i'm balding i'm not bald i got tons of hair in my head just not in this important part that everyone can see where do you how far up do they go where do you stop and hair still wash all of your head and hair still grows there it's just thinner that's not the question do you stop at your hairline okay and if you're totally bald you stop at the place your hairline used to be i guess we got one just never stop kp fight master in the body oh what a what a great button basher he is kp fight master says uh which dev oh okay if you could choose platinum which dev would you like to see uh honest no what are you saying did you did you pick these okay okay dev or celebrity
Starting point is 02:32:12 type person who would you want to see streaming a game streaming a game i already saw it he's like there's already he's like he's like he'd like to say he likes to come here playing wonderful in a while or gilbert godfried playing hat to full boyfriend that is amazing i'd like to see carl sagan playing seaman i'd like to see uh joseph gordon love it playing streetfighter too he comes to be pretty good at it i'd like to see uh tim schaefer do full throttle uh because i'm fond of that game and there's a lot of really neat stuff in there and like there was i like i said i watched the double fine adventure backer thing like all 16 episodes recently and like besides him being incredibly entertaining there were a couple neat little things about full throttle i didn't know
Starting point is 02:33:00 in there and it's like fuck i want more of that shit i like that game so i'd like to see quintan tino play the reservoir dogs game oh not michael manson no just right because he'd be like what no i'm changing my answer i'm changing my answer i want michael manson to play yak is a one oh yeah that's a good one get the good ending yes anything more uh i want troy baker to play every game every game ever made uh okay it's really weird playing call of duty because troy baker's character in the cutscenes is just troy baker yeah it's him it's like it's exactly him oh i want to see bruce willis stream apocalypse stream specific stream live live okay all right i get questions for the yeah
Starting point is 02:33:54 economy plaza yeah i get it because it's uh friend to a stream call of duty and he showed his cool rave figure that's a terrible but great impression the spirit was there someone here like with here would like bruce willis yeah i'm right yeah yeah i'm right i get like all you have to do to impress your bruce is squint slightly yeah you know uh we got one coming in from james he says hey guys my girl sent me this video in an attempt to calm our son by putting on a dark souls 2 episode and i tell him when i'm not home to put one on if he's fussy and he totally just sits and watches that's great we love watching and now it's the rest of it is the son 21 years old how old is the son it's a little baby kid oh i'm sorry and he's holding an iPad and
Starting point is 02:34:42 he's watching i am i'm sorry if your kid starts to swear well like but i gotta call you out james because the episode he's watching is the one where leon and matt are playing it and it's like oh he doesn't mean the lp well i think he does but the footage that he sent us was that video and it's like that's the weirdest one you could have possibly picked that's super cute though but uh yeah apparently it calms him down good kid he'll turn out good or bad real bad or real but yeah watch out watch out watch out for the crime habits watch out for his sonny d obsession uh well that'll come fast and hard kenny sends us a letter saying uh since you guys mentioned miku being on letterman let me tell you a quick story uh he he visited home for the weekend and his dad uh had to said
Starting point is 02:35:29 i have to show you this crazy bullshit i saw in letterman and he pulls up and he's like and he's what what the fuck is this because he knows that he's into that stuff yeah and uh so he explained what a vocaloid was to his dad and that he likes rhythm games and where they came from and so on and he's like okay cool and that was it and then the next time he goes to meet up with them his dad shows up with two tickets to the la miku concert that was happening that weekend that's awesome and he sent some pictures of them sitting there and look at his dad just like open that smiling but like where the fuck am i that's such a great story and so they're out there it is at the miku concert that's the that's the face of a dad that's like like i don't get it yeah i don't
Starting point is 02:36:17 get this shit at all what a good dad i was gonna say whenever that happens at a concert so we went to anime north and there was that guy i forget his name the guy that was dressed as friends it's york morgan and he had his dad he was like yeah really like probably understood nothing what was going on who we were super nice guy he was still a really nice dad who like ran to his car i just really wanted to support his son's like weird obsession with us and he has anyone's who would like watch our stuff like to a dad it would seem like the way you don't have to get everything just be like oh look at this shit i don't know where uh the kids these days the sways akil asks i've never seen much of the pokemon anime as a kid and i feel like i missed out no there's over
Starting point is 02:36:58 850 episodes how much do i need to watch i can do it i watch sign fell in 10 days uh you watch uh you that's a good bar you're like me uh you watch uh the first you start at the beginning and you watch up until ash goes to the the the pokemon league tournament and and then you stop because that's where the rerun started back in the day and it's a great place to stop what i would actually say is just start from the beginning and watch until you're fed up honestly okay you probably want more or i can just go watch origins i i think i think that's true that i described is only like 60 episodes so and you get to you're not wrong though like out of all of it i think that's the best and you stop when brock and misty were no longer but you know brock is your
Starting point is 02:37:46 for a long fucking time but you get to pretend that brock has a happy ending because he leaves to go with those three girl scientists yeah and yeah and then like we don't know what happens after that science on his deck and even though it totally doesn't work out it seems pretty rock hard also pat do you pat do you believe in determinism determinism yeah remind me as in like you do the are the actions you do based on the circumstances that have come before you or all the infinite horror of the entropy of the universe free will or does your free will determine which way you go and what you do do you have free will or you're using your own circumstances now all right good enough hard to say isn't it all right it's quantum mechanics through a wrench
Starting point is 02:38:29 into the entropy thing steven wants to know i don't have to think about what's a free will is quantum mechanics steven wants to know what's a cool unconventional weapon used by characters of the game and actual i like kanji's chair i think that's cool uh i like his chairs you never played show anarchy that's a real game i played a little bit you know what i will give a shout out to kratos his chains chain blades were not a thing and i that i can really think of until he had them going they were a good idea too right because there's a badass character in vagabond that has a chain and sickle and like he's really cool with it uh the the fucking car from rogue squadron too where you're just driving a fucking car through space i forget what it's called these say weapon
Starting point is 02:39:09 or vehicle weapon it's uh yeah you did say weapons the red queen from gypsy for that a little harder but how is that non-conventional rev it it's a fucking sword never never never never never school i i know you're gonna think bayonetta too but i like it's my favorite one in the series i was always really fond of the chain chomp and lynx awakening okay because that was just like silly and it's it's there and then it's gone in the heartbeat like it's only there for a tiny chapter of the game but that was really fun it's super op uh drink moxie wants to know drink moxie hey what's up yeah a few months back willy talked about how he's putting up the podcast as soon as possible so that people could listen to it during the night but for the last few weeks the podcast has not
Starting point is 02:39:49 been coming out until the originally scheduled time on tuesdays and for that noon not afternoon at noon uh i was wondering if this is just a result of being busy not having time to upload it or are you doing this on purpose to drive traffic to the site to help whatever else was out of the country for a month when someone is not in the country you have to schedule the time zone and not even out of the country out of several thousand time zones exactly so not only do we have two audio things to sync up over i was doing when you were in japan was i was in japan we're doing the podcast at nine in the fucking morning yeah so uh when not only in japan are late that's eight p.m for us not only are we trying to sync up two time zones and it's like we have to record
Starting point is 02:40:32 way later than usual and then the person that's gone has to upload well they're half of the podcast i have to get i have to get both halves of the podcast from where the two people are and put the recordings together and sync them which adds more time to the five or so plus hours each episode takes each night shit super hard and then at some point at four five in the morning i got to sleep no come on you know so then i may have to wake up and continue what i was doing no it's fine that's what's up man that's all it's it's please look forward to the regularly scheduled date and anything ahead of that is uh there's a huge fuck how do you want to put that thank you leon anything ahead of that is a bonus i that's exactly what i'm trying to do that's why
Starting point is 02:41:14 it's the regularly scheduled day you'll get it tuesdays noon eastern no matter what but if you get it unless we all die in a in a podcast accident podcast explosion you know so a lot of people got used to that i'm kind of like like oh they're late it's not here on monday night and it's like but it's early you're getting a bonus just wait all right um this is like grace chen time yeah it's yeah really time yeah right you were explaining how it's totally like people that upset when something doesn't show up at the early time at the early time that thing well the problem with grace chen time is that it's not consistent like oh it's not right it was eight p.m at night every night i could deal with that it's just the closest like approximation
Starting point is 02:41:58 i can even think of where like sometimes something will go up really early but you won't have like people saying yeah it's up early this week you know just the week where it's late you'll have people saying fuck this always happens it's it's your own fault for being so consistently early anthony says did you know that paul mercier the voice actor for leon leon is also the voice actor for the merchant yes why in the same game really yeah wow i didn't know that that's really cool that blew my mind a little bit didn't know that um question yeah that's not really cool that's really cool i actually like i wanted to know really to pick out questions it's not necessarily questions man i found that interesting it's just letters letter time it's letter time pet and i didn't know
Starting point is 02:42:42 why i never would have guessed i tried to avoid that kind of stuff yeah of course joshua said joshua says you beat the game it's in the credits just wanted to let you know how do you stare at the names of the voice actors in every credits uh for zeeble games yeah sometimes okay uh hey guys just wanted to let you know after hyping it up and everything um so i got the ex sunset overdrive x bone so i could play ki and after a few days of selling the shit out of it went to a convention that had a ki tournament i was looking forward to seeing a bunch of pro players and i was totally hyped and expecting to get bodied i was i was repping spinal i overestimated the competition bodied the entire tournament yelling out i'm a goddamn skeleton with each victory
Starting point is 02:43:23 seems i was able to learn the game efficiently have you ever learned learned a competitive game way faster than you thought you'd be able to competitive not really but there was a game on psn called uh crash commando that's like a french pc game called solda which is a 2d like shooter okay uh i was fucking amazing at crash commando like all right like my old roommate you know he can attest this unfortunately he's not here right now but like that game i was fucking amazing at but i can't think of any other game where i was like actually it's fucking incredible it's not quite the same but i remember when i played back on my old day to feed server uh i thought i was terrible like my ratio was really bad i didn't do a very good job helping the team
Starting point is 02:44:15 and then the server went down for a week for some for some reason for maintenance or some shit so what am i going to do i'll go play on somebody else's server i was like oh my fucking god the guys i'm playing with are so good because everyone else is so bad and i just cleaned up on pub servers for like a full week yeah and was like wow i'm really good a day to beat i just never knew it because the guys i play with are so much better than i am i was really happy to find out about two weeks after p4a came out of me slobbing around trying to figure out what i'm doing that when i went and fought with the blaze blue fucking tournament guys i was able to keep up and actually rank in the tournaments and i was like holy shit that's awesome i picked it up really fast by just
Starting point is 02:45:00 playing with really good players yeah well not purely like a competitive like tournament setting or whatever remember when i'd play a lot of starcraft single player and eventually i was really scared of multiplayer i was like hi i don't know and with good damn reason that shit was brutal and just the luck of the draw when i the first like two or three matches i was just like oh i'm gonna you know i don't know what i'm doing and then i was able to win all first three and then i stopped it at that the next time i went and i got really like someone just zerg rushed me really hard and then i just started crying i never played it again but that's still like it surprised me that i was able to win three matches like my first three ever like multiplayer yeah no that's a
Starting point is 02:45:36 really satisfying thing to happen for sure um it's a really good feeling and we got one more i'm gonna take from chatterbox which is not a question but proof that these can be good chatterbox recommends some documentaries hey man woolly you guys are talking about documentaries so i thought i'd recommend a few good ones you talked about like deer zackery turtles forever drew and so on the man behind the poster yeah so if you like to you like to bitch about paul marketing the greatest movie ever sold uh by morgan sporlock is a movie that dives into how fucked up and blame blatantly shameless the world of advertising is okay interested one man sells his soul to show that in this day and age people are willing to buy anything because of how perverse paul marketing
Starting point is 02:46:14 is uh perverse what was that called sorry it's called the greatest movie ever sold yeah um i've heard of it if you're fond of badasses who are badasses in real life real life check out i way way never sorry a story about this chinese artist ad political activists who's famed for designing the 2008 olympic stadium in beijing and some blatantly honest ways of telling the communist government government to go fuck themselves in the most quiet artistic way possible he's talking about badasses i thought he was going to recommend uh danny trejo in badass or sweetie sweetbacks bad ass or the sequel which is called bad at the bad ass two badasses and that's danny trejo and danny glover uh lastly um one of his favorites is a state of mind uh i don't know if you guys like your
Starting point is 02:47:01 home front that much but this movie's from a few years ago about a guy spending time with kim jong il's north korea and the point of view of two teenage gymnasts that were living in there during the north korean mass games and he's not going to spoil anything but there's some shit cool yeah dropping the shield chatterbox so cool that will sound interesting to me i legitimately i'm like i want to go i'm particularly interested in that first one yeah but it's not a question so send chatterbox an angry it's this letter time not question time sarcastic leo i know it just infer that i'm sure there's thousands of people that want their questions answered and there's all thousands that also have some great dildo sure little tips this isn't a question time man it's
Starting point is 02:47:44 letter time so once again if you got anything to send this way the super best friendcast at what are we watching what am i watching i'm gonna go home right now and watch well jack horseman yeah you do that man it's good to do you watch that i want to see i'm gonna see john wick this week please please so if you're not chance if you don't have a moment could i go with you i'd love to uh thanks for inviting me i'd love to make it a double thing you don't even like see movies i love seeing you always complain that's the best part of seeing the movie for free and you complain that you don't understand how i like things i don't you don't let me know that's how i like yeah i know yeah i really want to see that so i will absolutely let you know um otherwise i'm
Starting point is 02:48:31 gonna hopefully finish costume quest two this week which i actually did play a little bit of it's it's so more of the same like it with a two-year gap that's great but i just finished costume quest last week so it's a bit it's a bit slow but there's some new mechanics wait two years otherwise i'm hoping i can get my sentence to below 700 000 this week all right it's gonna be under 800 this tonight is this gonna be like our version of like what are you grinding at useless leaders but it's like you remember that week where so i got a good item in the raid but you remember that week you came to the podcast and you're like i played 50 hours of monster hunter in a week yeah that's exact it's the same i had a raffle low set yeah exactly but it was a low
Starting point is 02:49:17 rank so so well how does it play yeah uh watch a nose get a we're watching some garrow and what not and you guys what are you doing on sunday this sunday yeah do you have free time on sunday i uh don't think i'm dying i think i'm fine do you want to start yes i do i want to start it asap okay we're not gonna finish it in one sitting uh we'll do some damage i love to yeah that's right you want to do this in my place no okay end it there i have a bigger i offer because i have a bigger tv yeah but no all right see you guys next week oh all right see i guess we're not gonna tell you what's on channel i'm just awful i'm not gonna be disappointed if you say it i'm just like it's i have a bigger you're disappointed but we don't invite you to a movie of course i am
Starting point is 02:50:20 go go go so then go download it yeah guys are such and make sure you get the right subs well tell me yeah i'll have to do some research and i'll hit a direction yeah uh yeah the same thing is hey i'm part of my friend dan all weekend oh thanks for inviting us we don't do that because we're not like petty i guess oh and don't use vlc what what yeah oh my god oh no why that's why we're not gonna get into it i don't know what you're talking about we're gonna use vlc for time for comment writer oh it cuts deep all right what you talking about some people really hate vlc player why the video player wars are real because there's better quality players out there i use media player classic that's fine but i really like that vlc lets you turn the volume
Starting point is 02:51:09 up to like 300 400 percent that's my fate i need that feature because my computer's uh speakers are shitty yeah so i use that feature but you know some some like anime look worse when the colors are not like within a two-point spectrum oh you know fuck off um the channel has the band you like sucks as people might have already noticed scrub sucks d4 is going out and swerry approves he loves it that was really surprising if only because he doesn't understand what you guys are saying about yeah we're i like how it opens up with the mission statement because i just clicked on it to see how long it would take to get to that and yeah that's right i started i decided when i cut it together to cut it cut that because we're just like talking about that fucking i don't even know if
Starting point is 02:51:56 anything existed before that it sucks it's everything we said before that sucks oh perfect silent releases are not always a great idea still the releases are not always a good idea and and look at those icons floating in the middle of 18 orange oh yeah so d4 is going up guac is going up uh do you guys have anything you want to talk about this going on this week guac's not done yet so i guess not guac is got more to go yeah uh well like i mentioned before there's going to be the uh live action murder mystery of love halloween and maybe a gigantic one-off we did some one-offs didn't we we have one in particular that you and i sat in on that just didn't make halloween month oh no that actually went up yesterday like in terms of when you're
Starting point is 02:52:44 listening to this so we got some stuff that's going to be one-off heavy and again we got some playthroughs that we're going to eventually get to but hey this week's we're going to sit no more shit storm so we're going to talk about what our next uh playthrough is going to be just fucking yeah just cut to it me and pat are doing we're going to do evil with that of course you're doing evil yeah it's going to take us a little bit to do it a bit and then we'll release it yeah we need like at least two sessions that's right uh and uh dark souls is coming back it's just like i thought i told you guys both of suddenly i thought you guys had finished it i thought you finished all the dlc no no no because no we just left the country because no the description of last one made it
Starting point is 02:53:23 seem like this is the last one it was the last time he's gonna use the shield oh okay anyway because it was the one where i quote unquote god good um uh no it's like no it's we just haven't literally had time to record it yet since i got back what what dlc's left the third uh the first and third the first and the third yeah okay cool yep cool we did the shit one first that's still a lot of dark souls cool yeah we'll be doing it probably like 80 more episodes yeah i didn't make that many thumbnails oh god we can't fit a third digit on this oh fuck you're super right that's the limitation

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