Castle Super Beast - SBFC 068: Underwater Racism

Episode Date: November 25, 2014

This week on the friendcast: Gamestop, Game of Thrones, Apple, Mewtwo, Zelda, Kickstarter and Guilty Gear!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I think you're entitled to something good if you spend your money on it It should be extremely smelly and sticky and shit and the best at what it is I think you deserve something good if you're not entitled to it quite for the dictionary definitions here right like there's there's a whole industry of people that review these things before they come out and then they're trying to give you an informed decision whether to spend your hard-earned money on that quite frankly I would rather people complain about I'd rather people complain about the quality of like writing and elements in a game being
Starting point is 00:01:01 shit than complain about like oh like this this wasn't represented properly or this well it's sort of trying to find a controversy based on well what the content is I'd rather people straight up say that content was poorly done that's that's two different things right that's viewing something like that's the argument that Liam and I have all the time that's where you're looking at it either as a work which is what you're talking about you wanted them to complain about the quality of the work yeah right and then there's my relatively prevailing point of view that I usually end up it's like as a product of like
Starting point is 00:01:34 you showed me this thing like you showed me a hammer that was 12 inches long and made out of this and then when I got the hammer was made out of fucking plastic and there's the hammer nails for shit and then the head popped off right what the fuck I think both of those because the carpet was all I think both of those have like extreme like value but like yeah I agree with you but only when the first one isn't present yeah right like if the if the if there's a scandal over like this isn't what you'd said it was gonna be then you can't even complain about the writing or the the character or whatever it's but it's just it's just
Starting point is 00:02:14 it's I don't know there's something to get that version of aliens colonial Marines the one you show and I think Mass Effect 3 is probably the best example because it was both it was you told us that the third game in this ten years ago you told us that the third game in the series was gonna be like this and it's not and it's not because the writing is terrible and the guy like but that and I'm just saying when you compare that to like still not entitled like in entitlement is just the wrong word it's just when they were titled if you are if you are in a rich family and the money is supposed to come to you
Starting point is 00:02:55 eventually no doesn't where the fuck's the money at an entitlement is when you win in court and you get your kid 12 out of 14 days that's an entitlement it is mandated and required that those be upheld an entitlement is when you know you put the money down for a car okay yeah no he's right he's right yeah I they just clicked in my head instead what we should say is that people deserve better it's kind of like I said it's funny and a little bit refreshing when people get together to fight for something and it's not like a cause beyond just yeah that was shit and I supposed to be good and I'm
Starting point is 00:03:37 flip the fuck I'm flipping on this where it turns into a big thing just a controversy which like that was why was that shit you know it's so it was so shit perfectly and most of the time nowadays you can usually see why it was shit and it's like depressing yeah it's like why why did AC Unity come out so buggy because because they rushed it because they they fucking rushed it because they want to get one out a year I got two out this year welcome to 68 oh that was a stealth recording that was your probably sneakiest one ever I saw him do it though we all knew we all know I didn't see you
Starting point is 00:04:22 have to wait for me to start getting engaged in the conversation before you know yeah well he raises his voice it's just like the shirts but that being said I'm like sick John's I'm feeling a bit under the weather today oh no I'm disappointed that I'm sitting the closest to you now no it's not that type of like contagion you're just like law yeah a lot of law so pumpkin spice latte had to get it you're not a girl so you're not allowed pumpkin spice dude I don't know how long hair it's a pumpkin flavoring is delicious plain old coffee oh yeah no we're rolling in and I roll in roll in roll I just the
Starting point is 00:05:18 energy level what do you want me to tell you man like it's gonna it's good it was bound to fall on a Monday at some point I'm feeling good yeah sounds like somebody's got a case of the Monday I'm not gonna do it for you do it to yourself we have the best like compared to you know nine to five like coffee guys our Mondays are much improved certainly we need that poster doing this podcast so I hate it to talk about my three hours tell us about the Conrad you know what I'll get I'll get there we'll get there but I wanted to talk to you but about something specifically I watched Sin City to kill for oh wow you
Starting point is 00:06:10 had a breath intake drop the news now we saw that it fucking bombs super bad critically as well right yeah 46% so more or less deservedly so out of the three stories one is worth watching but guess what it's been so long since the first movie it's like it has no pull the magic like the continuity is kind of a bit lost and it's really like I was watching my fiance and she watched the first one but when it came out she's like wait why is his face I'm like Dwight oh no that's the books man that's the books but Dwight's face is the books but the first part yeah of the first movie with Dwight is a sequel to
Starting point is 00:06:54 this yes it is that's why it's confusing with Dwight's face exactly okay show edit and that that's the reading order of the books he's straight up Dwight you the first story with Dwight in it is the one you see in the in the first movie and then in this the second book by Clive Owen there yeah and in second book that comes out he's a completely different person in terms of his the way he looks something happens in which he has to undergo okay so something constructive surgery but that was like 10 years ago now 2005 how is JGL he's fine but his story is just lame and I don't really the the the fucking shit bomb is Nancy
Starting point is 00:07:37 Jessica Alba's story which was created for the movie and it fucking shows it's that bad it's that bad plus she's in everything in every scene they go to that bar and she's always doing her PG-13 well it's her job I mean well no her job is to take clothes off no her job is to titillate Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez her story is so bad like it goes no again it goes nowhere and it's got the blimpest ending ever where I was just like that can't be it then the logo just says Sin City and I went are they fucking serious are they fuck are they using cell phones and watching HD TVs in it they are not actually okay
Starting point is 00:08:18 because in the first movie the only scene that was added that wasn't written in the original books was the one where they go into a hospital and you see all this modern-day tech and Josh Hartnett pulls out a cell and you're like this is fucking ripping me out of it yeah I think Josh Brolin picks up a big huge rotary like okay okay whatever my only real big actual deal with it is that the main story a dame to kill for is like and the rest of it has nothing to do with it yeah yeah yeah she the the dame to kill for is played by Eva Green was Vesper in Casino Royale and whatever she looks incredible but her the
Starting point is 00:08:56 original role was written and they were gonna have Angelina Joe Lee play and Angelina Joe Lee would have been perfect because she looks like a noirish babe right and she's got that like like cold confidence about her and I was like oh this would have been so much better with her because I believe she hates acting and she hates acting and Eva Green was just like she looks great she's like she's got a great figure for the role and there's lots of scenes where she like you know shows it off but I was just like oh she's not that effective in the role and and you're supposed she's the main part of that story so I don't know
Starting point is 00:09:29 I was pretty disappointed with it I've been really pissed if I seen it in the theater I paint I rent it on Xbox video and it was only five bucks okay it's worth five dollars but yeah now what is it worth your time it's worth that one story because the other two are bad so maybe the one out of three that edits them back into chronological order would be a better watch maybe maybe I can see that I also watching Spartacus yeah after a couple of people yeah what Spartacus is that an AMC show it's a stars media stars and the thing about spark is when that came out I don't know about you guys when I saw trailers I'm like yes
Starting point is 00:10:09 thanks for trying to appeal directly to this demographic right it was like so made for testosterone guys and I was just like no it's too much and like this wouldn't exist if 300 didn't exist right because it's the exact same thing like and Rome and all that stuff and all that and then I finally sat down and watched the first episode is a fucking shit show it's terrible then the second one is way better than the third one is way better and now I'm just like yeah Spartacus when does Rosario Dawson show up does she I'm pretty sure and another series because there's four of them okay and the reason why they did that's because the
Starting point is 00:10:47 main actor to play Spartacus like he got cancer yeah and then he went to remission then he came back and then they had to die because that guy is really good apparently so Lucy Wallace also very good in that I don't think it's naked all the time Zeena oh I don't know how to deal with that you know deal with it by pressing play yeah how old is she now she's in her 40s at least she looks great oh good okay I played never alone which is that Inuit girl in the Fox game you guys saw me play a little bit of it I haven't touched it yet but it's really good like if you like limbo if you like those types of games like it's it's
Starting point is 00:11:31 really good damn it damn it what cuz like I was looking into it I was like this looks interesting but I fucking hate limbo so well what's the part you hate about limbo the gameplay well side scrolling and puzzles oh geez okay maybe stay clear yeah like I love the style and tone and music and all this case was a first person shooter anything but a puzzle game I think from where I left off never learned it's puzzles weren't nearly as complex as limbo is there really easy to figure out there's more platforming going on the parts that I saw platforming but it's puzzles are like we're barely nothing
Starting point is 00:12:10 and I think I was telling you guys that the one thing I didn't like is that like when it has these like Inuit cultural facts that pop up yeah they just pop up on the screen and they're always there and it's like you have seven more when you click on them they're long videos and those are cool but I like the way valiant hearts did it where you just go into the pause menu there's just one tab it says they're right here but they don't always show up and just kind of yeah anything about Inuit culture sorry did you learn anything about Inuit culture they're very scattered the way they pop up like you find a polar bear
Starting point is 00:12:43 and it says your stuff about polar bears so it doesn't go in any sort of chronological order if you want to get something really important it comes way later and I know never alone is about a specific tribe yeah it's a specific people for people who don't know this was funded by an Inuit tribes council yeah making like a casino or something they funded a game yeah good yeah I got a ps4 yeah yeah an opportunity arose and I got a ps4 it's still in the box right now but someone asked you hey man you want ps4 and you said yes yeah okay sure you get transistor on that thing yeah I was good that was gonna
Starting point is 00:13:23 lead me into I also got a copy of Far Cry 4 and I played that at Pat's house yeah and that seems like pretty good game seems pretty good I was I think you said it best it was like this is exactly a lot like Far Cry 3 but guess what the settings way more interesting like mountains and snow and wild animals and that's enough of a change like it's it's so much more visually interesting and then fucking tropical island island with party kid douche bag how many I kind of liked that they were party kid douche bags I like I was I like that they are party kid douche bags they got their party kid douche bag vacation ruined how's
Starting point is 00:14:03 the squirrel suit yeah I have it because it looks really cool everyone's like you get it super early like I played that game for a bit like and I did not find it I also played escape from Dead Island why is it I really what is that what is that okay it is a third-person self-shaded more melee focused dead island yeah and it's made a fat shark who did what bionic commando rearm well the videos I saw of this look like they're to your parkouring off of zombies I did not get to that part but the part I did play I did not like really shit bad dialogue well you're thinking of dying light oh
Starting point is 00:14:42 yeah getting a dying light whoops yeah escape from Dead Island is third one self-shaded entire time it's self-shaded okay and I couldn't see any parkour shit you play as a guy in the very start he's basically hunk you just have a katana and you're running around it's really really basic it feels like it belongs in the ps2 or xbox maybe I need to play it more but it's got like talking about douche bag characters when you transitions to the characters that you play for the rest of the game they're just douche bags on a boat and they're saying they're they actually say you're a douche you love it well yeah
Starting point is 00:15:14 they're I hope you get eaten by fucking zombies I I didn't care for it and oh I played the new adventure time game based on well you did a lot this week holy shit it's pretty good I actually what because I read on the internet so I was like is this anything to me yeah it's pretty good and then I told Matt this and he was like no I have to sit me down because I almost don't believe the Nameless Kingdom it's all voice-acted it's just what that's a big deal with the license property like a cartoon straight up linked to the past mm-hmm like it feels a lot like link to the past and it does a good job and I didn't play I play
Starting point is 00:15:51 like an hour and a half of it but I liked it I'm glad you say that because now I'm gonna go out and get it and it's it's a steep price though it's 40 bucks that's only on 360 ps3 and pds I know it's on the third time is actually a charm forget that it's on you say you should just maybe hey guys did you hear that Liam said that was on Vita also is it it is I thought it was on less systems that what is it not it's not next to not on the curtain okay that's it I guess the last one bombs super hard on we you and they just oh right I forgot how we do oh no I suppose so and of course like Willie mentioned Conrad came
Starting point is 00:16:30 on killer angstain yeah I don't go too much into it but he's a fucking blast he is so complicated and not complicated at the same time a trap-based Dalsym grappler yet with and our carers style with and our carers happening yeah happening yeah he's really fun at it for iron gal at his first completely made from the ground up character he's just awesome like really really great character you said he is throws like Super Skrull like that he's got he's got a full screen grab and it slams you back and forth and if you set up a sand trap he lands the person they juggle on they juggle out of it when you let go of the grab and then
Starting point is 00:17:08 you can continue your combat or you can put as scarabs which are the like the Dr. Strange projectiles put it in the middle of the screen then raise a sand pillar to lend bounce the guy into the scare and then wait from the fall down then do the grab it's it's sick a boldly unaggressive design in some respects where you see the whole mummy thing going on but he's like a Babylonian sorcerer but they didn't give him a giant headpiece they dress he's just a running face guy I appreciate his custom outfits bit his custom outfits have some like an Inca headdress I'm like a Chinese like Fu Man Shu like big trouble
Starting point is 00:17:50 little China basically it's like what look at him being ancient evil across time spinal though spinal being like yeah yeah classy right yeah but but like you know his default is just like no man I'm a rotten Babylonian sorcerer yeah that doesn't for me all right okay over so what do we got what I'm going to be a morning oh no with precious on I have pretty good and pretty expensive week but I think it all turned out pretty well I bought an Xbox one and it showed up I managed to get it for like effectively three hundred and twenty dollars after I sold all the pack I was like you matter trading places yeah and and that means
Starting point is 00:18:30 that that means that you and I Willie are the only two that are still on one side of the other well I guess I still have the psdv and the ps3 well no I just mean if that's your next gen console yeah but then for me it's like I'm actually on the PC I was just like last night I was just like okay let me start thinking about this ps4 situation seriously yeah and then it's like oh excerpt is gonna be cross-play compatible on both consoles the reason is Bloodborne the Bloodborne would be the reason is what I thought it was gonna be excerpt like why are you gonna buy excerpt on ps3 when you're gonna get a
Starting point is 00:19:04 yeah why not just get the ps4 first for an excerpt and we get the excerpt it's not gonna price drop an excerpt is gonna look better on the ps4 but it's not just no just spend the money you're gonna find a cheap ps4 now during like boxing we boxing things may have Willie is always of the opinion that if I wait it out something good will happen and it off like an amazing game will come out in March well along with Bloodborne that's and both of them then I'll get that's accurate but here's here's what leaving where you're saying right it's basically like are you gonna the day the bloodborne comes out are you gonna be
Starting point is 00:19:42 like fuck I need to get it right do you think the ps4 is gonna drop in price between now and then no then just get it and the game that you would want with it the second that occurred what is the time to look for deals I'm gonna go one further and say if you buy the black Friday bundle as it is called the one with GTA and last of us you can flip those for like 40 and 30 respectively easy or just keep them because they're good or just keep them but then you effectively get $70 off which is a better deal than you're gonna get in March because that's what I did with my yeah I gotta tighten up the belt a
Starting point is 00:20:24 little bit see how the money's doing yeah it's doing but anyway just do it no it's Liam sorry sorry so I bought this Xbox I played a bit of killer instinct that games still fucking amazing now I'm glad to actually get time to play it yeah because Matt kept kicking me out of his apartment so no just sit down in training mode and just do it yeah exactly that's really enjoyable I play in the mail sorry checks in the mail checks in the mail exactly I played through the prologue of D4 again with my girlfriend so we're going through that that's a good game that games really funny anything of it up to that point
Starting point is 00:21:00 she watched the like beginning on the ice and then she was like no I want to I want to see this like firsthand so okay okay and I played another game that kind of surprised me and it was project spark and project sparks actually like really fun game came out yeah absolutely because digital only like the retail box just came out like last week or two weeks ago but it's just like download codes with so this is Microsoft's little big planet more or less yeah from a gameplay perspective it kicks a little bit plants yeah it's much from a broader right yeah exactly from a creation the perspective little bit
Starting point is 00:21:36 planets you know it's limited to 2d and what funny minigames you can finagle in there but for little bit planet you can make the art look like fucking anything yeah you draw textures and draw it project spark you're really limited to like six themes where it's house that's horror and sci-fi more or less exactly so it's more limited and that's like building an RTS map or a warm stage kind of but at the same time there's a certain appeal to like just going online and just getting into this little small fantasy world with like 20 quests that this one guy painstakingly built okay and just in 40 minutes just 100%ing it
Starting point is 00:22:10 and being like that was that was a good it's a little mini game like not like mini game like shit baby it's out like a small 30 minute game yeah and if they feel more elaborate cuz they're you know just big they're 3d world house conquerors yeah I don't think Conker's out yet I didn't I didn't look but I don't think he's he's been delayed indefinitely but they're adding new characters like there's range characters there's melee characters like this is a good variety it's it's it's fun so it's like action RPG feeling yeah okay yeah like let's see that's a kingdom is a kingdom that's way more interesting to me
Starting point is 00:22:46 by the fall yeah then bad platforming jumper oh sure any I think if anyone has an Xbox one you should at least give it I mean it's free give it if in one I eventually get one now down scale down though but yeah anyway um other I played sunset overdrive again cuz it was it had its free day still not really feeling it like that's a shame I played up to the the the the fucking what are they called that the Japanese themed Boy Scouts that was it and I don't know man like the humor is just I find it's just too on the nose and like a lot of like it was a mission where I fell off a building and the character said oh thank when I
Starting point is 00:23:26 respawn on the building it said oh thank God you didn't make me climb up that again it was like I get it video games yeah and it's like but it's it's all right fun I mean for for free you know I wasn't gonna complain but and then it and then yeah that's those the free trial day and then it keeps your save but relocks after that day yeah all your savings and everything yeah very if you were to get it you would just start off from where you were exactly exactly that's a cool thing and yeah concerning the Xbox one like last time I used it really heavy was like launch pre-launch time you know and the OS has improved a lot
Starting point is 00:24:00 there's still some finicky things I don't like when when you're in the OS and you hit B and it brings you back to the last app I really don't remember a lot of people talking about how if you use the original OS without connect it was just like a fucking mess because it was clearly designed that you would have connect it's no it's better no it's very similar to how it was or it's just smoother it feels better the thing with the B button yet you got to remember is that don't it's not like a cancel button it's more like a back button in a browser yeah and I'm not used to that like I like the consistency on the PS4
Starting point is 00:24:32 where PS button is the gate to get you in or out of app yeah whereas on the Xbox it's not but then it does different things is a cycle back through your history thing and if you want to go somewhere else just press guide and go to the next thing I like I don't even know what you're talking about which means that like whatever it is I got used to sure you know what I mean yeah no I get you and the other thing is like coming from the PS4 a lot I find like everything on the Xbox one is like a couple button presses too far away well on the PS4 you have games and apps and you hit up and then you have all the
Starting point is 00:25:03 OS stuff and that's that's it right yeah that was like a huge improvement with the ps3 version like the kid to get into video settings on a ps3 fucking mess give me an hour yeah the cross media bar has its advantages but like when you go into like settings and stuff it gets a bit and the ps4 dm is yeah ps4 OS was a fucking mess back before they they toned down the library function like you if you had a lot of games it was just long yeah but it's like I want to get to the library button so I have to go all the way yeah well you're not wrong but what I mean is even after the fixes on the Xbox like if I want to get to
Starting point is 00:25:41 settings and I'm in a game I press the button and then I have to go to my games and apps and open that app separately and then go through that and pick settings and then I'm in settings what what takes forever on the exponents to get to the new games released that week digitally yeah it takes forever like that's the part where I'm just like that should be a button on the main should be the guide button just brings me to new game yeah or you should replace that that new thing with that they've had with the featured thing that's forced on your on your main screen I was gonna say cycle through though the new releases
Starting point is 00:26:13 there or something and not just have these forced things was like I don't want to go look at movies right now like just let me scroll that on my Liam's or somebody who went from ps4 to Xbox is the sharpening thing and visible to you not super the crash blacks are but yeah otherwise not yeah I wish it's no it's because the games are I'm only playing exclusives and right right yeah you're not seeing like the only non-exclusive I played this vulgar the Viking so it was true and that doesn't really matter so I can't say unfortunately we get that while it's free yeah yeah do that it's free now yeah also paper like you're
Starting point is 00:26:53 saying you know like tighten the belt get the free things well they're free also like you were saying I find this store is pretty poorly sorted like I searched for killer instinct so I wanted to buy that ultra combo packs and like it was just DLC DLC and I just scroll through pages of it to get to that that was it was like yeah that actually rate that better six these stores so so what you have to do for that stuff is you have to go to the main page the page of the game and then it branches into what you want for there but like on the ps4 I find it a lot easier where you just when you search for something you always find
Starting point is 00:27:27 the game and then it has subdivision for its extras and like there's no must no fuss there and it's curated so like the important what a huge improvement from the abysmal ps3 store it was just yeah that ps3 store well I mean the early ps3 online was just catch up catch up and then the new ps3 store that crashes the system so that because it can't run it because the RAM restrictions yeah it's open a Japanese store I found 100% crash it's bullshit when I have to when I have to find my my Virgil avatar for the my PSN thing right on nightmare yeah because you're just holding down going through the slow loading jpegs on ps3
Starting point is 00:28:07 the the store is just no while we're still on this the worst store like like design thing ever is to get themes on the 360 because there's no way to sort just games here is 37,000 pages of sports yeah or like random movies or that hip-hop scene you know what I'm saying whenever I try to look that's why I've had the same theme on the 360 for ever I'm too scared to go because all that you can't sort it that I just want video games or just want you know yes yes 3 has the same problem and there's like oh yeah at least dynamic themes are cool and they there's way more of those
Starting point is 00:28:50 at the end of the day you just need the Africa theme and that's and you're done right but that is the worst thing where every time I just go in there just to give myself a fright sometimes I need like my ass worse than any games worse the next leg right oh yeah yeah no I really like how you can set achievements as your background because I had a really nice crimson dragon achievement and I was like yo this makes a really good background so I don't like how you can't in or get new avatars like you're restricted to Microsoft selections of avatars and they're nice they're really nice the designs for them but you can't
Starting point is 00:29:24 even pick from your 360 avatars that you own yeah and then they're all too small anyway yeah but it was like I had my turn of alpha avatar yeah and I accidentally picked a Microsoft one and you can't switch back without going on your 360 like well and even if you didn't it wouldn't it wouldn't switch it back entirely oh would it not it would isolate if you were 360 wow that's a shame and on the ps4 it's even worse you can't fucking access you know it's the same you can't act so bad playing because like it there's a there's a setting that says use your Facebook avatar yeah right and with that you can take a photo and put
Starting point is 00:29:58 it on your Facebook and I jerry rigged that but that's for you that's for when you look at your profile everyone else sees the the shitty default if you accepted the name thing with each other you see their Facebook profile but I'm not gonna do that sure but I saw that Chihuahua head thing cuz like I'm not gonna buy a fucking avatar right I get ya I don't I like the machine a lot games are good it's better than it was at launch that's for sure is your is your connect plugged in I know no connect okay the cheap one so oh yeah okay well yeah I want to maximize maximize balance yeah exactly tell me about unity
Starting point is 00:30:36 Liam I'm still enjoying it still good game have you booted yours up yet no oh I mean it's you know as a you know what I'll fucking boot mine up when the blog detail fixes says we fixed it they fix the Facebook fix the framerate damn it that was one good bug okay the Facebook seem kind of rare cuz like I try I still want it yeah it's it's a hard one to pull I want that event horizon shit you know happening otherwise I saw I was talking about how you forgot to mention your cellar on the podcast which says everything no it's fantastic oh really it's fucking incredibly what about the dialogue could
Starting point is 00:31:30 you hear it yeah what's this everyone's complaining that the music is mixed so loud that it a huge amount of scenes you cannot hear I would say only in the third act there was something like that for another for another Christopher Nolan I think it was Dark Knight Rises where I remember yeah I can't hear Bain's voice well Bain's original voice filter was there was that too but music mixing I don't remember that I didn't find that mission really I didn't maybe it's where you sit in the theater I was right in the middle I was you know it's bought so possible I did hear about those audio mixing issues though that people
Starting point is 00:32:07 complained about yeah well people or theater straight up putting like I don't know like like sighing saying no the theater isn't that is how it's supposed to the audio mix is supposed to be a rare problem I think I think the movie is fantastic I think you should all go see about space it's really good it's fucking about space it's about the largest scale of space you've seen in a movie and then it's also about the smallest micro scale of one person's emotions okay like and it really handles both sides really well it's awesome really really good movie the only other thing was I my Kindle arrived and I have a Kindle now so
Starting point is 00:32:42 I'm just burning all my books you have that book Bernie Mobile everyone just bring your books out anything by Jane Austen just like something really neat about the Kindle was I sprung for the 3g version which I would never do in a product because fuck that and the only reason I sprung for the 3g version was because it said 3g on the Kindle is free forever with no subscription and I was like well okay and and it's and I got home it arrived in the mail and I pressed the power button and it said hi Liam and I was like and I look at my home page and the six books I downloaded the night before were already
Starting point is 00:33:25 downloaded wow I was like they activated this while it was in the mail and it uses 3g to download everything wow and I was I started reading well we've got no audible spots this week so enough about that I bet you know what technology it used for that whispers whispers and no it's really good I was using it on the way here I really like it it's really fun device if you like the book are you expanding your mind or reading trash I'm reading the same trashy stuff I always read it but now it's half price yeah yeah so like when I saw the price difference I was like oh my god like I'm gonna save money in 30 books oh yeah
Starting point is 00:34:03 audiobooks and and and digital books are just murdering fucking traditional yeah it's unbelievable always gonna have a place simply because of the screen design yeah the fact that it's so good I forgot what the term is digital ink it's like not reflective it just looks flat and it you can look and read it in any yeah that that's you know but I was gonna say is that I will be brought in kicking and screaming to buy a digital book like I will hold on to a regular book and as long as I legally can I I don't particularly find it well I mean like how many books do you buy like you buy a lot of books well I bought a lot of
Starting point is 00:34:44 well here's the thing maybe I will not be able to because I bought a lot of books when the chapters was still open well indigo still there yeah I know I used to buy and read tons of books but then I found the internet I and then I just read like forums Ted talk like yeah like just a transcripts instead now I I've gotten to enjoy audiobooks so I mean it I find like you know mixing it up I listen to audiobooks on occasion but it's just there's something about it where I'm holding the book and I'm in a bus or whatever you smell the book smell the book I really like it too but like I was looking at my like I was looking at my
Starting point is 00:35:24 indigo rewards thing for last year it was like you bought 56 books and I was like I would have saved like fucking $250 if I would have bought an Xbox one with that well you know what I was having a moment until next week where I was like I'm in my library I'm putting up my games and whatnot and then I have the bookshelf and like it's taking up you know quite a few shelves of just books and I'm like I don't reread books so all I have these for is for loading to other people yeah and you look at them and there's like 40 that you're like these I will read like I will keep and one day I'll reread them and I love these and
Starting point is 00:35:57 then you have 80 that are like these are just you know and I'm like I could use this space so I understand the appeal wall dedicated to this exact problem yeah I mean I am keeping all my books I'm not selling any or anything but like no if it's on the Kindle now I'm gonna just get a mobile that said like I downloaded the first volume of what's that fucking DC comic with the the six people who are like anti-villains suicide squad suicide squad the first volume of new 52 suicide squad was a dollar on Kindle so I bought that and like comics don't look good on it like I was about to say I was talking about because like
Starting point is 00:36:32 manga is printed like yay comics are printed on like yeah that's like it's really great for a podcast and that doesn't you have to come around to read it Liam is using his fingers to visually denote space but like manga pages are like a quarter of the size no maybe a third of the size of a comic page yeah and like comics don't scale comic pages are too large and I feel like the only time I felt a decent solution arrived to us with the DC comic app actual tablet is that well the no there's that built for it it's built for it and I'm reading fables on it and it's like it focuses on the panel and like
Starting point is 00:37:11 it frames you the entire time that's all it does that same thing just it's in black and white so it loses some of the impact as well I bought it because it was a dollar and I was like let's see what a comic looks like because like manga looks great because that's how it's supposed to be printed 99% of the time but comics look a lot weaker so I'm doing anymore okay good device good devices expensive week but I really liked a lot of bullshit oh I know amiibo fucking amiibos they're pretty fun but I got to you train them way too fast like I have a level 50 amiibo and it took me like three hours I couldn't find a little
Starting point is 00:37:46 Mac little max not let's kill him he's a second it's not yet yeah I couldn't find them good thing you didn't kill yourself which one did you get Samus and Donkey Kong I got Samus, Marth, Link, and Fox yeah that's the four did you see that six Samus you can get yeah she both arms are the arm cannon the misprint oh yeah that's the fire power I think I've seen the people like repainting their amiibos and stuff no fantastic someone like sculpted a clay axe onto the villager and put blood on his face of course people are gonna war hammer these things well I'm gonna take off links yellow thing and put a wire
Starting point is 00:38:25 frame to hold them up yeah sure get rid of that someone it's in crash someone changed Samus into the light suit Samus yeah they look awesome and Matt I think you should buy the link one and just cut him off and glue your figment to it if the data is all in the base there they're fun I'm excited for like the dedicated you know the Disney infinite the Nintendo infinity and the sky Nintendo's to come out yeah because once that game comes out these might actually be worth something no I actually really enjoyed playing with like Marth for the couple of hours but I can't deny that it's like a tertiary I really don't understand the
Starting point is 00:39:08 appeal of the Smash Bros implementation of amiibos I'm gonna bring the amiibo and it'll kick your ass I don't get it it's like you put the amiibo down and you don't play no okay play with it play alongside okay if I was 10 that would be the greatest I guess it's like look it's Mario's my friend or whatever yeah no exactly my toys in the game but he's also your friend in whatever other that's like the only actual tangible benefit I could see from my purposes is like if I got a level 50 amiibo I could do the co-op event mode and smash a lot are you serious that's one of the faults of the amiibos and smash that I hate you cannot
Starting point is 00:39:45 use them in co-op modes well then fucking one of the biggest faults that's pointless level 50 amiibos are ridiculous though like I can't beat it I can't beat 50 is it like a higher AI level or is it just that search or to be yeah okay like they power shield like 80% of the time and they dodge like 90% of your off-the-stage so it's the AI as well yeah and it's like as far as I can understand from my usage of it the level denotes their AI quality and then whatever habits they learn from you go along so okay but a level 50 amiibo that you like train raw yourself is absurdly strong like mostly because
Starting point is 00:40:24 they're inhuman like again like 80% of the time get a power shield and dodge everything off-stage way strong it's super fun it's like fighting the Terminator it's like fighting the Terminator who knows exactly what you're gonna I feel like it's actually we really need Skynet to be in the smash so remember Virtua Fighter 2 had a Saturn had an option in the in the menus that you could toggle called learning mode yeah as you went through arcade mode if you use moves a certain amount of times the piece the the arcade mode opponent would start to read that
Starting point is 00:40:59 input and adjust so it would be like no you have to vary it up or so caliber 2 where you train your your ghosts yeah fight other people or the Kyle difficulty and killer ink sync reads your input after a while but in a fighting game that's the worst that's the absolute it's only if you put on Kyle that difficulties just the name of some guy the guy that prove the asshole that program what was that thing that Maximilian send himself through hell trying to beat Kyle with again like to unlock Shadow Jago it's even fight Shadow Jago and he did it halfway but then he realized like oh I have to do it
Starting point is 00:41:35 with these parameters on how do you so he had to redo the entire thing double he looks called him while he was on the stream to kid like to tell him how to do it wrong they didn't want him to wait how do you get Shadow Jago so I was looking at the character select and I was here is cut your dick off that's how you get shadow you have to put it on medium above difficulty you can't lose a match you have to win by supreme victories which two or three ultras or something along and then one of them is that you have to win you have to win by awesome victory which is almost get killed oh and come back but
Starting point is 00:42:15 then come back it's redix so it's like Akuma but worse cut your dick off God damn it I hate that I hate cutting my dick off you know not even Akuma but worse like the traditional rumored legendary yeah that's way harder than I expected shit yeah Olympics it is I guess no yeah my week's been a lot of like just editing and retreading old anime with the girlfriend you know showing her some GTO yeah yeah yeah it's so good dude it's so fucking good one thing that plays really weird is like his his super obsession with being the 40 year old teacher that marries a 16 year old girl like it's like nowadays is
Starting point is 00:43:03 like are you fucking creepy you know like that but he's supposed to be cut but totally yeah it's great it's great he's got his own bread to justice GTO is one of my favorite shows ever and it still holds up in that regard I know as good as a live action drama well you know I think they have their strengths yeah every version of GTO is they're all good good in a different way I can't think of another series that has that many adaptations that are good that being said I never saw the dub on the original anime and like I decided to just try it around this time that was the fastest I've ever switched off a dub yeah it was
Starting point is 00:43:40 just traditional standard anime although I think back in the day I think on Azuka's play by Steve bloom I think yeah he is it just it was terrible it was I am going to be the best teacher the first two guys that show up that he beats up the first two guys that show up that he beats up in like the first five seconds yeah like one of them kind of coughed a line out done done we're switching back I had that with you you have show oh yeah like yeah I'm atrocious yeah but no fucking great still and I watched a million ways to die in the West how is that that is hilarious really okay really funny I
Starting point is 00:44:22 was really divisive to some people no I was on the way I remember red letter media just shit all over no I think it's funny I enjoyed it I'll give it a look I've been on the edge yeah it has it has quite a few like like moments and references that just come the fuck out of nowhere and get you okay and you can't really quite tell what's going on with the trailer because you're like did someone go back in time yeah what's the deal and I'll just tell you straight up no it's just people it's just a guy that's in the West that's just aware of how shit it is and he sounds like a modern-day guy that's it there's no
Starting point is 00:44:56 like time yeah because he's Seth MacFarlane exactly and like just you taking that into consideration like it becomes really really fucking hilarious at points I think I think it's worth checking out man okay it's on Xbox video you know you can go grab it I yeah I don't want to give too much away but like is there a million different ways demonstrated yeah there's that movie for a comedy has like like shocking amounts of brutal murder like like really really really over the top good you know the most shocking brutal murder in a comedy was in the hot fuzz do you know what I'm talking about there's a lot of
Starting point is 00:45:32 stories that you fall into that guy that but this this one is about like everyone's having a good time and then someone just fucking dies and it's the oh my god that would sell so quick they die right like really hard good um like eat like it's like you there's a semi decapitation and it's not a clean one you know what I mean it's not right on yeah but anyway yeah that that's worth checking out and of course you know time is being put into Smash that's all there is I guess yeah talk about games so did you guys try the board game mode by the way yes I did I tried it with two friends I really don't like I love it I
Starting point is 00:46:12 think Smash Tours awesome I didn't I did the the other mode instead of the rival and co-op I forgot what that mode's called classic not no no where is it classic yeah it's the new classic mode where the everything's on the board yeah okay right yeah okay no I really like Smash Tour like it's how long does the game last 15 oh nice yeah it's not a full on Mario party you go up to half an hour yeah if you do a big match and you think about it okay but it's just super fast it's super it's it's it's the it's the Mario party that I need and want which is 15 minutes and then you go oh wow that wow fuck that okay here's what
Starting point is 00:46:51 you're unlocking different fighters as you go through it yes right so if you're a person that's new to smash or like not used to that stuff then that mode must be really challenging for you oh it's used to it's a fucking mess no matter how much you know the reason I don't like it because it's way too luck-based well yeah but no you get random characters you two random characters and then your stats go nuts so you're not even playing default yeah and somebody somebody can go and like use a power-up on you it's like all your say you were you had built up lots of jump and lots of smash like all they shuffled it so it's all
Starting point is 00:47:25 into items and now and now you're you jump five miles in the air yeah and then and then like you can get into a match and it's an explosive round and there's just bombs everywhere yeah and then you start the round and like an enemy's got a Franklin badge equipped and someone else slapped you with a hundred percent damage for the round began yeah that's like that remember that really dumb party mode he played in MK9 where the parameters kept changing but at least you got to pick your character random combat or whatever no just be good with every character when I started it and I got Yoshi and Diddy Kong I almost just
Starting point is 00:47:58 threw up well here's the thing I don't think it's that bad because in Mortal Combat if you took like if it was random there that would be bad because I don't know how to play fucking Baraka yeah but smash characters but what I mean is like imagine you got Baraka and you couldn't jump and you started with 20% life that'd be awesome but and you have to go on that for like 15 and a half an hour well that's that's rough but if it's well no because you get more characters as you go but what might not get carried right even like at all did just be good with everyone that's what I mean why would I play I don't want to
Starting point is 00:48:31 master orders are crazy orders yeah they're great okay those most are like way because they're fixed all orders you go in and it's like okay they have bunny I should I should I should clarify something I don't think smash tour is good I think I like it okay I like it because it's bad I was gonna say everyone on the internet is well not everyone but a lot of people on the internet are like smash I wish I had smash run it's kind of atrocious and I love it okay I love that it's such bullshit I was really drunk when we played it back it's a time wasters what you found no it's just it's it's Mario
Starting point is 00:49:06 party with no time investment and instead of minigames it's mash fighting okay that's a random bull that's exactly what it is because you'll be done around in 15 minutes just give it a square right after this fuck it yeah remember right after this confirmed well what else did you do with your week then cut I started out with that I started out of smash board no I played to whip no I played three and then we were like oh yeah we're doing we're done with this I do like it's exactly the same as last week I finally beat dragonfall you know that part in a game where you're like I there's the one
Starting point is 00:49:43 thank you much no dragonfall okay that's the shadow run game okay okay you know that part in an RPG where you're like we're gonna go do it yeah and you're like okay I'm at the end of the game that's really far away from the end of the game in dragonfall oh yeah that's like six hours away I love that and the final like because it's so it's so typical on a game like this that when you go to the final base or whatever it is a fucking slog it's destroy everyone in this room now go to the next room I destroy everyone in this room do one story thing go to the next room it is not that like it is it is fast it is
Starting point is 00:50:27 small scale you are like wandering around like a kind of overworld inside the thing it's awesome and then there's an actual twist there's an actual twist that actually got me like it really really got oh and to the point where one of your characters goes I don't even know what we're doing anymore what are we supposed to do we fighting for what is the point and you go your dialogue choices are this this or that is fantastic if you're gonna buy a shadow run game don't buy shadow run returns buy shadow run returns dragonfall directors cut it's way better or buy a shadow run on the 360 no don't do that can you even play
Starting point is 00:51:17 that anymore no you can't play the PC version shouldn't and I also played a lot of Dragon Age like a lot of Dragon Age and there's good right there were some details that I forgot last week to mention I mentioned that the health is Dark Souls but I didn't mention that the targeting is also Dark Souls it's the same button you click in on the right stick and it locks on button makes sense was it not that in previous no no no no no the PC controls for that game are fucked up they are fucked up you can't remap mouse buttons you the tactical view has bugs in it that recenters you know you go to a tactical view where you
Starting point is 00:51:57 see the whole battlefield yeah you can't zoom out far enough to actually see the whole battle field which is a serious problem and the other thing is that on PC there's like a bug that when you switch to a different character the camera recenters to that party member which means when you're trying to focus on an enemy and then go through a tax oh shit it will just recenter on party members also the AI for archers is atrocious they will run right friendly friendly they'll run right up to an enemy and shoot him with arrows in the face sick and it's like mmm that's exactly how archery was intended that's not that's
Starting point is 00:52:32 not like a list now that being said all those flaws are significant and they are quite significant this game is amazing I love this game this is the single-player MMO that I have wanted for like a decade it has just it is a giant MMO style overworld and has just enough context to a fetch quest to make it worthwhile and you did get out of the hinterland so I'm getting there as an example is like out of the entrance when you have a big if you have a big like Assassin's Creed style or Skyrim style or giant open-world kind of thing where you're doing all these little quests there's only so much like time
Starting point is 00:53:14 that development can give to these things so it matters like how how much of that is used properly so take an example of an early quest in the game it's oh no the farmers are being attacked by wolves that have gone crazy because of magic all right it is the most it's the most boilerplate RPG quest that can possibly exist yeah but barring like fight the rats in the bottom of this tavern yeah yeah wow that's so when you when you get to the farm before you interact with anyone on the farm you are attacked by way stronger than average wolves mm-hmm and your party after fighting them remarks those wolves were
Starting point is 00:53:56 nuts and they're gonna say they said those were stronger than the average no but the party banter is like these wolves seem super nuts what the fuck and then you go and they're like oh my god dude we can't even the wolves and the wolves are not so we don't know why they live in this cave and you go to the cave and it's this really beautiful architecture level that's quite small and you kill them and you kill the demon and your party banters like oh yeah we did it we then you go back and the wolf cave had architecture wolf cave is like an old like dwarven like okay what the fuck are these wolves up and your party goes
Starting point is 00:54:35 oh yeah we did it that should be fine now and you go back and they're like oh thanks a lot and you get your XP and it's just enough it's just enough involvement mm-hmm on this there's a there's a quest where you you all the guy wants is a my sheep ran away can you get like you just go get it it's the fetchest fetch quest ever but the guy you're talking to is insane and is like oh no he talks he talks for real and you have five lines of dialogue in an argument you can have with him it's like I really don't think that's true I don't think that your sheep talks to you man it's like no he helped me beat the
Starting point is 00:55:12 stock market or such and it's it's just enough and there's tons of that so what you only mentions is I was talking to him about this the other day so I mean he heard a lot and read a lot online about get out of the hinterlands yeah so the hinterlands is the first zone that you get into and it's very clear from the instant you get there that it's bigger than dragon age one and two combined in in totality in game space and I spent 20 hours in that first zone before continuing the actual story which led to confusing bits where I was unlocking abilities that would be perks for abilities I hadn't unlocked yet because
Starting point is 00:55:51 of story progress because I was spending so much time just dicking around but yeah no that it's just like you got a focus upgrade and you're like what the fuck is focus and then you do like two more story missions and then focus is like the limit break of the game yeah and then that game has weird weird weird shit in it some that I really appreciate and some that I don't the romance thing you know by where always says that romance shit they always try and it's really heavy-handed now it's so heavy-handed that I enjoy it heavy because every single character that is romanceable and some that are not you
Starting point is 00:56:29 you've masked the the cursor over a little heart icon and you just hit on them you don't you don't start the romance tree your character just hits on them I like your party member just standing still and there's another there's a character they're trying to woo right next to him and you click on the little heart icon then all of a sudden your main character's animation snaps to you say that but like so you it's just really play it's really blatant it's like one of your party members iron bull played by Freddie rinse junior and he's doing a fantastic job he's like and so that's how I ended
Starting point is 00:57:10 up here pretty nuts huh and the fucking option to pick is like I'm really glad you ended up here man and the responses yeah thanks okay and you dude you can hit on people and there are multiple characters that don't want it and and react awkwardly like white dude can you not hit on me like that detail every second this is great the other thing that's kind of freaking me out about the game is that I can see that this is going to become every Bioware game ever like I can see that they have looked like last just like Assassin's Creed has its formula and that became the Ubi formula I can see that this is now the
Starting point is 00:57:51 Bioware formula Dragon Age bigger scale but slightly Dark Souls bit yeah and also the way the combat works the way you talk to people the the the pacing of the story you're you're the guy who can do the thing and no one trusts you now you get the norm would be slash castle where your gang hangs out and they have their little corner and it's it's just really really really really really obvious your fucking corner and probably the thing I don't like the most about it is don't hit on that wolf so so that like every game is gonna be the same from Bioware thing as manifested in a way that's probably the worst thing
Starting point is 00:58:29 about the game and it's infuriating so anyone who played Mass Effect 1 2 and 3 but didn't play the Mass Effect 2 last DLC remember they put out a DLC right before Mass Effect 3 came out yeah called Arrival and but if you didn't play that you're like why is Shepard in jail yeah you I remember playing Mass Effect 3 and you were like what the fuck right well guess what the primary villain of this game was the DLC boss of Dragon Age 2 you have to play through shit Mountain that no one knew no one knows about this character to the point that they bring the main character from the last game to talk to you to explain who
Starting point is 00:59:08 the villain is do you think that's to actually just spur people are going back and just playing it you think it's like why do you do it that sounds like it just we wanted to surprise you that that sounds like they anticipated this villain becoming a big deal or something but no one played that DLC but it's so it's so bad you meet this character and like I'm the boss and you go who what and you talk to a party member and he goes oh yeah I know that guy what who and he doesn't tell you is that all get the main character from the last game and you just stand on a ledge and just okay so what happened in the DLC I didn't
Starting point is 00:59:52 play what do you mean Ellie's best friend from back in the days the leader of the firefly it's that that oh it's that's really bad but yeah no aside like it had all these big flaws but then I just play it and play it and play it sure and there's so much there are so much here I spent 20 hours I beaten one out of ten zones so you're so you're just out of the hinterlands I'm just out actually didn't finish them give me back I'll be back get out of there okay yeah great game but yeah fucked up problem some weird stuff yeah okay well on that note like RPGs that's no that's fun I'm gonna start playing boulderscape this
Starting point is 01:00:39 good frills yeah enhanced edition yeah have you played it before no I spent the entire trip over here reading a party creation guy because it uses second AMD and AD&D rules geez which means go back in time and learn all the complicated you're not supposed to read the guy you're supposed to do it like natural I don't know what AD&D rules are the game the game explains is what I'm saying no the game doesn't but I mean like those games were assumed you knew AD&D minus 10 life means you're dead minus mine means you're knocked out but I mean I'd rather play and learn than just read what the best party is like
Starting point is 01:01:23 well no I didn't read what the best party is I read a detailed breakdown of what every single class in the game is like Liam do you remember last week I was talking about shadow Ronnie's like I kept having to restart cuz I wasn't happy with my my bill yeah it's like I'm not I'm not necessarily researching for min-maxing I'm researching so that a I get I know how this this party will play and synergize and not admit not I don't want to min-max a power character I just don't want to pick the shittiest sure most poorly-equipped class I guess this is just like souls as well where I don't want to know anything well souls
Starting point is 01:02:02 is different souls doesn't have like you're missing my point okay I'm saying like I just don't want to know anything about a game before I started well too bad because I'm about to ruin that Bloodborne has a procedure Lee at yeah okay so I mean like I don't want to know about bot like all the PR stuff yeah but I mean like specific elements like I watched full playthroughs of the game before I came out Dark Souls 2 no I didn't what didn't you watch no I'm yes I watched streams for hours no ever for hours I watched I would I would I would I would say I can watch 15 minutes of Dark Souls 2 a day until it comes out and I
Starting point is 01:02:42 would watch for 15 minutes and I would see one room sure and like most of those rooms were in Shrine of Amana sure so yeah Bloodborne's gonna have a procedure I hope I hope it gives you like I hope they are smart enough to put loot like like no but loot you can't get elsewhere in the game yeah like like I don't know how the upgrade system is gonna work but say you can put things to plus 10 you can get the weapon that you like at plus 11 plus 12 right and then it just goes and like I want it to be what's the game I'm thinking of Parasite Eves I think Chrysler building Chrysler building that's it I want to be that
Starting point is 01:03:25 I think fucking tough and long though and random and very random and I guess there I mean there's probably a limit of crystal what types of enemies are gonna show up in there but like every enemy in the game you can only do well that would you need a vital boss right now to like you know get to a higher tier of the best way to do that is say there are a hundred floors or whatever and every floor is random and they there's like a pool of difficulty so it's like it's not gonna be every enemy in the game it should be it's probably gonna be like there's these 10 and then maybe if you get if you get plus it should be every opening that
Starting point is 01:04:01 like all the souls games that has area specific enemies yeah they're enemies that are tailored to you know less designed because like this and you know this enemies go only gonna work well if they're stairs but what if there's no stairs in the room you know this and you know like the um what do they call the the monks from Dark Souls who are on the fucking spiral staircase you know in comment who grab you and stick their thing through your face and it's our one or two demons sorry well fucker yeah just where I made a mistake the good look at you guys yeah those guys like those guys if you put them in a big
Starting point is 01:04:39 flat open room they're dead they're fucking worthless so I I really hope that they have it can't be specific enemies in that area who are who are designed to be somewhat adaptable to fluctuating I want I want every single enemy and room in the game to be just randomly placed together into garbage I also don't want that because that'll ruin like the theming of the game there's no design and that's not gonna happen well randomly generated fucking dungeon like no but it's not non-canon in the universe yeah you're right okay fine have it be one kind of area but just throw every enemy in the game I hope
Starting point is 01:05:23 there's a lot to it don't let me wrong yeah but that that can definitely be interesting and then like there's that a couple other pieces of blood we're using that that we're probably came sword that's it yeah there's they're talking about how they're gonna have a big online announcement about the place there's no online no they the alpha came out and people already messed with the online and yeah we're taking that out and the weirdest thing about that is you know they haven't talked about online this we're gonna try something really crazy and really different well in the alpha online worked exactly the same as
Starting point is 01:05:57 it works in the other games use a red thing to become a phantom use a white thing to go into evil's worlds although visually it looks a lot better to be a red phantom because you just head to toe and crimson why in blood you're not glowing mm-hmm you know ghost yeah you're not a ghost even though you kind of melt out of the floor that part that part a little bit that's pretty cool looking good looking good you're gonna be comfortable from that game like that's gonna be the fucking other online thing the beast souls like Monaco it's like it's unreal the more you kill players or whatever the more you become like a
Starting point is 01:06:32 actual different character and you're the beast become huntable by other players this was a fucking hilarious headline from yesterday game stop worried digital games are too cheap so I like late last night I send that to you on Facebook please please please what is in the podcast I chortled as I read that fuck you game stop there's there's something to be said of like if tomorrow all games on the shelf that are out went to one dollar they won't on the digital on the digital shelf but there's something to be said of like a crazy world where everything immediately drops to a dollar now halting sales new
Starting point is 01:07:14 games and but it's not but that's the pole vault that these fuckers are coming up because we said the exact same thing in regards to iOS games mobile so let's pull back a little bit and and before we just shit all over them at least emphasize what they're actually trying to say they're basically saying is the digital sales like steam sales and stuff like that are putting down like the average value of a game to something like twenty two dollars is the number that they use and games and a lot of games are worth twenty two dollars the worth sixty and if it's the rebuttal is no most games aren't worth sixty
Starting point is 01:07:49 dollars they're worth twenty two and they're saying if we continue down this dark road we will be able to sustain profitability and it's like that again makes sense when we're talking about banner saga popping up on the iOS yeah at like a 12th of the price it's actually worth yeah but that's not what this is about they're talking about retail games going for 35 it's you know but they're saying they're no we want to put it up for 65 there they're all these little I think they just said 60 I don't think they said 65 or more there's all these little components 60 yeah add into one another everyone's afraid of digital
Starting point is 01:08:22 sales because the iOS and Android markets killed themselves with the race to the bottom pretty much right and we got a whole place like Microsoft like a rich like the idea is that games would be cheap on these services but good games would be more expensive and then you they would settle into what they're actually worth but the race to the bottom meant that now iOS and Android games are worthless they have no intrinsic worth or value games get negative reviews for costing money for costing one dollar Monument Valley put out their DLC the other day which by the way is like fantastic go play that shit
Starting point is 01:08:55 and they got one star reviews because it was like the reviews were saying stuff like you're making me pay for the app and then pay for like content in the app you gross yeah and it's like no Monument Valley it's like so everyone's terrified of that right and I remember EA when Origin first came out they were talking all that shit about steam sales ruining the industry and then Origin started to do those sales once they got those deals and it's just like okay you put out a PC game at 60 bucks right sounds like what 500,000 copies you're like okay that's what that games work then the steam sale comes out knocks it
Starting point is 01:09:29 down to 10 bucks you sell 4 million copies right you know what that means that mean that game that means that game is worth ten dollars I think that means the perceived value of that game is ten dollars not the actual no the value of anything is what people are willing to pay for it I drop you well when you drop the price people are now willing to go so on a macro scale on a macro scale no the value is only what people are willing to pay if you have the most amazing give a 500,000 people paid six yeah average it out so that's what I'm saying is like not the value of something you know actually ends up
Starting point is 01:10:04 being what is the average price the average person paid for it over its entire life yeah of course with with a with a modifier over time right but what you see with steam sales is like most games are worth 60 bucks they're not they're just they're just not but that's besides the point the point is is that games game stop sells use games for fifty seven dollars not that high yes there yes that's right fifty seven I use it's never seen it's 57 and with a free subscription to their edge card it's 10% lower I did not know that part it's I've never seen this this is coming from the people but that's only like call of duty
Starting point is 01:10:44 day two I imagine I imagine I sue that that sounds higher this is from people that just like fucked the used market up right the used market is awful remember when micro play was big how much money micro play would give you for used games well not in my history three dollars for Star Fox the original game they'll pay you 40 bucks for it that's okay that's good like my point is is like because I mean like think about the truth and I just want to just soapbox here think about the trade-off for them like they're giving you 40 bucks and they're putting it on the shelf for 57 but they have no guarantee they're gonna
Starting point is 01:11:25 sell back right and they're whole their whole business there is a certain insurance that they have to hold to themselves but when the used game prices are de facto higher than new digital game prices yeah by a factor of two or three life course they fucking hate that ever happen and the actor of two or three they're the dude they're used games on like 360 ps3 and currently that it's better sitting at like 45 50 dollars that we're on steam for 10 okay like we think it took the thing about Tomb Raider and think about what happened that game spread let's not forget that every one of those digital sales really
Starting point is 01:12:02 fast goes but not nearly as fast as let's not forget that every one of those digital sales puts money in the developer's pocket as opposed to the coffee and you pull off the five stickers granted the trade-off is you sell so much more digital yeah that's factual what starting to shift when I bought mad it's slow it's like an 80 20 it's 25 percent around that's still not mad world I pulled off five stickers because that's how many times it was resold at the same fucking it was a new sticker on it yeah the yellow sticker that's the this is the second okay yeah yeah I don't even exist right and why
Starting point is 01:12:49 that like it's because parents don't know what steam or digital things so there needs to be some sort of brick and mortar that a parent can go in get a game for themselves because I don't know anything or get a game for my kids but guess I was hoping that they don't know about steam or whatever that's like who games I want to cater to and they're scared that maybe the group like us or whoever knows about you know steam sales or also I and we'll stick to digital like one of these things that it's just this little niggling doubt or I'm just like I wonder what your cut on digital game cards is games game stop but right
Starting point is 01:13:27 but they're still selling those yeah and they do make money off and like just never forget the mentality that is wait hold on do you want to spend $3 to protect your disc for five years that is the ultimate scheme is that you ever seen people fall for that and I always want to tell them don't do it but then I don't there's there's that but then there's we're gonna take every copy of Deus Ex Human Revolution on day one open up the box and throw the voucher out yeah that was put in silence that was because we just we're not use not be not the customers are not technically illegal no there are a lot but definitely
Starting point is 01:14:05 shady as fuck yeah no that wasn't a good one but I don't like I really don't think they're as bad as most people make them up to be there and there are business and as long as you don't let them take advantage of their liars you'll get good how many games have they stopped zero if anything they've been selling more and more it's ridiculous what a fucking terrible name for a company I just like just do your business and don't don't spend $57 on a used game and don't trade in your games for a dollar if they say it's a dollar just say you're not giving it to them and also the hidden undercurrent
Starting point is 01:14:36 again is like they also have a used a digital also on PC that's not nearly as popular as steam origin or GOG it's not even as popular as fucking you play no when you're working at at a QAA office what's the most common email you see in between people it's I'm selling these games yeah everyone wants to get the premium price and not get ripped off but because if you say hey I'm a friend I know you of course I've got all these games on sale and you're selling them all for like 30 like well personal probably do that and here's cash right now yeah and not like you know go down a game stop and like get chart like get
Starting point is 01:15:13 $10 back for a game that's maybe a month you're a month old Liam you're talking about the person that gets the the game that costs money and then has to spend money in the game and goes like what is this why my story on so on so forth related to that on the iOS store right now the free section games when you go to download them they no longer say free great the button says yet it's no longer free they were starting they were starting to reassess that's awesome the damage is done that's a step but yeah it's gonna it's gonna take years if not a decade for that market to become a market with that said now that's there
Starting point is 01:16:02 yeah hopefully it will start I think South Park can take you're right get you're totally right yeah after the freemium is in free episode or whatever oh now there's no timings like dad close man oh South Park's making fun of us change it now shit they make fun of us one day yeah well they make fun of Canadians yeah but that's good stuff that's all that's fine as of now this is the weirdest thing I found this announcement so it's good but it's weird only Nintendo would be the kind of company that comes up with things saying hey as of now our IPs are okay to use in fan projects and we are now officially
Starting point is 01:16:44 okay with that asterisk on Nico Nico oh yeah right yes yes yeah hopefully they expand that quickly but yeah and you know and this almost seems like we're looking at you project M we're looking at you you know random internet videos and I know they got a lot of backlash last year for all their bullshit when they're like we every YouTube video with a Nintendo character belongs to the day late yeah exactly so you know hey making some steps to make amends yeah what not um it's just it's just strange because it's such a you it's usually it's such a we just look the other way kind of thing for every other company but
Starting point is 01:17:24 Nintendo's got to be like no it's on the board yeah which is weird weird we're leaving an illegal gray area seems like they support fan stuff but then just like you know Capcom's a little bit guilty of that well they'll be like hey yeah oh this is cool like tournaments whatever oh wait you can't upload your service rass sorry yeah though that that's not always them that's sometimes YouTube but no but that's one guy in marketing yeah and he's like oh no we made a game that's only cut and on the other hand there's been like what for Capcom IP kick starters and like Assassin's fist became a thing once
Starting point is 01:18:03 started tournaments I mean once once I once I saw the thing with like Jonathan blow can't get his own footage on YouTube that was that's when I was like okay no that's not always the company sometimes it's just stupid shit it's too complex I'd be have more of a connection to the story of Nintendo actually I'd rather them had flagged anything that we've ever done yeah to be like yeah fuckers apparently they showed let's plays though at the yeah at during the video was introduced yeah fucking only on the only way it just shows our like let's watch other and that being said that being said like Liam like he's
Starting point is 01:18:44 saying it's Nico Nico it's important to note that Nico Nico's doga started this and approached Nintendo and that's why Nintendo is talking about this like Nintendo just didn't go yeah let's start doing it it's like they were actively approached by Nico Nico doga what should we be doing this yes you should and we're like okay it's a weird kind of catch-up thing where they already should have been doing this and it's like Sony and Microsoft have no problem with their stuff being well it depends on the game depends I think I can't think of a moment where Sony and Microsoft last season desisted
Starting point is 01:19:15 something a halo what was the last of us oh we got some of our videos flag and says by Sony so I don't know maybe that's halo the old hit like Halo 3 and stuff like that there are a lot of stuff there are a lot of was there for a little yeah well it's a history anyway there's been no I was about to see heavy but it wasn't it wasn't Sony you remember was that was another magazine or was that beyond or something yeah and now that they've made that cool decision let's go punish them by buying the hottest new 3ds game cubic ninja oh flying off the show regret not having bought that $10 coffee three years
Starting point is 01:19:54 ago yeah God damn it this would have been way more useful on the DS where there are way more things that didn't get brought over so the same day I'm not region law sorry DS DS didn't have region lock okay sorry then not giving it work right now it's like can we have that for the we use so I can play a fucking file no so the same they've been made a bunch of homebrew games like the the portal DS game and things like that he's like 20 years old yeah 22 and he's like he's apparently the first guy Jordan Rabbit to crack the 3ds and introduce homebrew onto it and he had some a picture of like Super Mario World
Starting point is 01:20:33 running on it yeah and apparently the way he got it working was he took this really obscure game from Ubisoft called a Cuban Ninja in which you can create levels and then convert them to QR codes and he customized the QR code so that your 3ds scans it and then it starts running back background Wi-Fi connections it downloads extra shit onto your 3ds and runs it and then creates a homebrew channel that's fucking awesome that's nice that's him thinking I wonder if any game ever did this and search a game listen who what kind of stupid motherfucker because he didn't want it to be a hardware based thing he wanted it to be
Starting point is 01:21:16 like an easy one and he apparently had this ready from before the new 3ds was it was announced but he was holding on to it because he wanted to make sure they released it first yeah that it wouldn't get patched out yeah that being said he only wants it to be used for homebrew purposes of course not for any piracy purposes but the gene can't come back out of the bottle once it's open it's open and that being said it's like like it's it's this weird thing where I'm torn on this like I don't want mass piracy to hit consoles right but at the same time it's like when you region lock it and your shit like people want to
Starting point is 01:21:52 just unregion lock it yeah and piracy's a result I go fuck you like you shouldn't reach for a freeloader freeloader yeah the thing with it is that of course he hasn't released anything of it you just yet he just came out and said he just came out and said it and he described you know the the method used in the game sold out a big way and it not only did it sell out immediately yeah they only made 20,000 physical copies of the game it's gone wait only only yeah it was extremely low release and then it was on the Japanese e-shop and then four hours after he came out with this it was removed from the Japanese e-shop so now
Starting point is 01:22:29 you just can't get this game 20,000 because I saw it had a lot of stores around here like the magic the magic like yeah I I have my way to play Xenoblade I remember that and that what that was the most amazing thing because what game what game do you use to do it Twilight Princess right the most common yeah like unpat and they didn't have a way to patch games or you know it's like you this will never go away he was laughing yeah I know but he's laughing and saying like what if it was like the newly announced Smash Brothers 4 is the game that was used
Starting point is 01:23:06 to you know brawl was one of those games too right but no in this case it's like even though he didn't tell anyone exactly how it was done specifically it's pretty clear that it's a working method and I think that like you know the people some of the people that just bought those copies waiting for the thing to drop someone else can figure it out based on those instructions yeah you know one fucking like program shit and Super Mario World in a retail copy of the game I don't know I don't you gotta look up it's fucking bananas so I bet you some guy at Amazon is still like why the fuck oh dude that's the most amazing thing
Starting point is 01:23:45 whenever that happens to games like PS like I remember the PSP go had had a one thing on Amazon words like it's up by 8,000 percent the day that the home brew was announced but I think I checked on Amazon dot cx I was curious and it was the top seller in video games yeah period like yeah wow people really well we have to get started on a secret no the Amazon installments the Amazon listing within hours just jumped and like it went like they have the thing was like oh we have these we have this game for sale $50 for new in the box needed for home brew and then like a few hours later this $99 game is the
Starting point is 01:24:26 only game that you can use to home brew and it just fucking keeps jumping and now it's just gone you know it's it's not so that we're region lock things don't region lock console like and also it's like you know if they didn't region lock them I bet there'd be a lot less of these people trying to crack these systems there's less reasons to try yeah so I imagine that the last copy gets sent out into a box and it's being sent by mail and there's just an Amazon guy watching the truck go away just going shadows and dust Maximus shadows and dust like was dark Alex like assassinated by ninjas or something does
Starting point is 01:25:04 he still exist will you tell me about that guy that found an alternative to oil and he just disappeared oh god that guy hey guys I I have a water-based engine that runs your it can run in anyone's car it's super easy to use apparently the fucking DEA is interested and they want to talk to me and some other guys from the government I'm gonna go talk to them next Tuesday he says on the news as he dies the next day you know fucking dude I found the way how to hack pacemakers it's super dangerous especially since they can connect to Wi-Fi so I need to have a speech on how you can hack these things
Starting point is 01:25:42 so we can improve the security dude fucking dies yeah don't tell people about your projects it's it's like your Metal Gear fan project your resonant set up the speech go do the speech the speech is done or your or it but set it to be a scheduled upload and then yes yes exactly or more more currently the vampire the masquerade remake that that would people I can't believe they shut that down it was coming over to people were working on a unity and he just killed it killed it killed it killed them dead can't the whole team went to went to their houses murdered them damn did they know about
Starting point is 01:26:28 oil too masquerade bloodlines is the most amazing broken game I have ever seen in my life I've never been able to even come close to completing it every every every time I try I get a couple hours in and some bug just stops me but there's even with all the fan patches and there's so much love that years later people are still like no man we can do it though we can do it though it's broken at a fundamental level everything in that game is broken it's unbelievable they were doing it and they just got shut the fuck up depressing because we know about it that's why it happens because we know
Starting point is 01:27:08 about it that was the first source engine game really yeah wow the very first one came out before half-life too that's how I mean like really like wow maybe one day no someone will learn you know just not you just the secret just shut up just shut up unless unless I mentioned dark Alex a couple moments ago unless you're living in fucking Siberia where no one can get at you right yeah it's like we're gonna we're gonna shut you down no you're not right unless the sheriff is also my programmer like you know the government is backing this like Siberia's behind this project unless you're some amazing programmer and
Starting point is 01:27:52 also you're not Hannah yeah yeah you know you're not gonna be able to get this done right it's like unless unless you do that just shut up be be an internet like ghost man yeah just call yourself sushi X 11 a cabin in the woods what dear for a couple years and then go back to making you're already too fan we got of course we talked a little bit about Conrad was revealed I think we kind of covered the details on that but the stream was pretty fun with the Microsoft guys just being really candid about everything else that's planned for the KICs and stuff yeah it's not just hiring mega shill Maximilian Maximilian is on board
Starting point is 01:28:39 now to do some story video editing when I watched his video and he just goes I'm specifically there for story stuff I could be good at so why don't you tell max all your ideas and just like do his go straight max job for him I don't think I could go strike killer instinct but yeah that's he was actually really good the Microsoft producer Adam not a huge fan of him because he's very like a marketing type producer I'm sure if you recall but in the stream he was like so we put out our Conrad trailers really good a and I was actually thinking of not showing ripped her at all I thought that was a good troll but then when I
Starting point is 01:29:22 showed the trailer everyone in the office was like are you fucking stupid and he's like oh fuck you but just the fact that they're they're like just casually talking about Arya and mysterious boss mysterious ghost girl and just people that are coming and like referring to their gameplay and so much like oh yeah cinder's gonna be easy to play like right like they just they're like we're putting it all out on the table we haven't shown you the visuals yet but we're just talking about it just like said like oh we're gonna have a stage of a classic rooftop stage we haven't had in the game exactly it's
Starting point is 01:29:57 called the pinnacle and it might be a boss stage yeah you know Tusk and Kim will maybe not maybe not this season but you know and they're just they're just really just coming out with it because it's like yeah man we're here to play open and honest development is best development we're like we're already in we're in season two of a game that's ongoing you got our money I understand I understand not showing like the later characters but you can talk about them and say like what you have planned from like the the broccoli man the stone golem is gonna be another grappler they just pretty much confirmed and broccoli
Starting point is 01:30:36 man yeah well because his silhouette looks like he's made up but he's actually stones and trees okay it was a little confused there and riptor is gonna spit acid and then be a rush down character exactly what match Ronnie's like I really just want riptor and Cinder to be straight forward yeah and not have a bunch of weird like you know yeah no just just cinders attacks were forward forward attack buttons were moving open and community focus development is the best now that I beat shatter on I want to go back and read every single Kickstarter update that I did not read about the development I
Starting point is 01:31:13 want to hear like how did you I just did that with the broken age ones and they're fantastic yeah and I want to do it afterwards I don't want to do it before cuz then it's like well right now that being said we got some kick starters of note this week do we yeah a lot recently I got two things up here I don't know if you've got others besides them but I just mean in general there's been a lot yeah yeah there was a little bit of a quiet season but now there's some kick starters rolling around again um I'm totally down for backing a thimbleweed park the game really pulling it up right now yeah this is a
Starting point is 01:31:43 game being made by Ron Gilbert and Gary Winnick the guys behind maniac mansion and in the style of the visuals is the exact same as maniac mansion as well yeah and they got a little paper filter on it though yeah and they got you guys like maniac mansion yeah do you like it when LucasArts made quality videos yeah then back this game because we're making it the the pitch line is it's like opening your drawer and discovering a game from back then you forgot play yeah no that that's been like a not that specific but that's been a sentiment for a lot of these ones of dead genres it's just like this just imagine either that you've
Starting point is 01:32:24 you missed this one yeah or that you're in an alternate universe in which this genre just kept existing yeah and this is the modern version specifically hey remember this NES game that you played and you were too young to understand it it's coming back there you go and you've got the little um you know scully and Mulder type yeah detectives the murder mystery you know the whole thing's going on there so yeah man if the words maniac mansion mean anything to you go take a look so they just passed the other day too oh really that's to them yeah they're just a bit over it so must have been yesterday or something and the
Starting point is 01:32:59 other Kickstarter of note is Crossing Souls by four attic group of guys in Spain working on this another retro style game but this looks more adventure RPG-ish yeah I send this off to you because it's the most remember those movies from the 80s where a bunch of kids have to do a thing yes exactly and then stuff like that or even the new new one super 8 super 8 yeah that sort of feeling in an animated style that reminds me a little bit of greatest warriors you know there's some moments of like that stuff going on and it's just retro like you said goonie style thing and it looks fun man um you know
Starting point is 01:33:39 take a look see if you like the style see if you like the trailer you know I just realized like remember for years like the big wave of Kickstarter stuff starting like what 2011 2012 my Kickstarter history yeah right I think I know double I know shadow run was 2012 and that was the earliest of the RPG ones wasteland and wasteland was 2012 and I think I think broken ages 2011 was similar to that and goddess as well we were all talking about how basically it's our there's gonna be like a fucking huge failure one of these is going to be well we talked about it was the odds cast and and like I remember being worried
Starting point is 01:34:22 that that was going to happen a lot poison the Kickstarter but right now it's only really been that one and clang that and I don't know and those have been disasters to be sure but most of them have come out and been great people at like FDL and chivalry too right where those are the the pre boom ones those games are amazing why broken age and it's like it's yeah this is a thing and it's gonna be a thing people are just like when you see a new Kickstarter with a bunch of pictures of cool things you like yeah you're just too excited you know what I mean like I can have this yeah I want this and I like you've got
Starting point is 01:34:59 a bunch of change sitting in your your like your account anyway your Amazon thing just fucking click it in every Kickstarter game that I've played so far personally I've gone and yeah yeah the ones that I backed myself and like better saga was one that I didn't know was a Kickstarter game until I was like four hours into it and then look oh I'm glad they did this well now if that ever happens to you you'll know when you hit that one room with a lot of random people's pictures on the wall yeah there's a bit of a shadow run returns where there's a guy in the bar and it's the ghost of the guy who created shadow
Starting point is 01:35:38 run oh cool and he's just like so I invented shadow run that's his dialogue okay I didn't tell you how I invented shadow run well there's a rainy Sunday pretty much yes on that note everyone that's been sending the little things going like oh my god holy shit look at the new Beowulf characters for skull the Beowulf color for skull girls the bass is in it yeah I know I know I was one of those people I'm well aware guys I sent them those colors looks pretty good and then like two days later passing did you guys know about this yeah we did it shout out one Kickstarter sure real quick it's been
Starting point is 01:36:23 going for two weeks now but it's a 60-day Kickstarter so I didn't feel it was like how I said how do people do that choose whatever you want the trade-off is you have less of a like hype period okay like the ones the ones that are 30 days you can usually make it as like so I remember eternity it's like do you want an infinity engine game bam it hit a million in a day remember and then they were like um okay yeah and so then they had all these stretch goals and the stretch goals are like we're gonna bring in this writer we're gonna bring in this guy and they stretch those announcements out over like four days five
Starting point is 01:36:55 days and that kept this like huge huge what I'm trained is not as it's not an investment of as much as you work harder to make you don't get to hurry hurry exactly what is it uh clan ad an English release of clan ad that's all it is they're looking for a hundred and forty thousand dollars they're already pretty much double that it is like a huge success this Kickstarter and like they're into the deep into their stretch goals and just check it out that game's fucking awesome Kickstarter is interesting in the sense that like when you get a big wave of them like this and you're down to back all of them
Starting point is 01:37:31 it's really like a set it and forget it mentality that you just get into where you're like oh yeah I back this like two years yeah yeah I forgot oh yeah go saw sure that usually you know to me you just get pleasant reminders of these things there's a game called like mech runner coming out in like two weeks or something I'm getting a code for that and it's like oh yeah it's true and for me and my email I use is different from my main one oh no so I don't know so it's like I don't even see the updates constantly so it's really out of nowhere right you know when I'm in the horrible places like I don't want to
Starting point is 01:38:03 read them anyway but at this point with the amount of games I'm backing like 11 current games right now yeah so when I go into my updates tab on Gmail it's just like I know no yeah like Mark all is red yeah because it's 17 and they're all Kickstarter I mean sometimes it bites you in the ass and you miss something because it's like hey look Matt and I are in Skullgirls in a background but our names are not in the credits because I just missed that even yeah yeah you know uh Willie and Liam and I took a look at Pocket Rumble and we're kind of being around the bush but if that makes it and looking like it will like Zubaz will
Starting point is 01:38:41 be a secret boss character in the game and for those that didn't watch that video that game also has a couple of other secret bosses like dive kick kick kick kick the fencer from Nidhogg the guy from I want to be the guy yeah ace from ace's wild why six yeah so do bad good selection this is like a meat boy had all those like commander video I want to be the guy guy better have my crouched hop so if anyone didn't check out that video like check out the game like that game has a lot of characters but we were playing it down all they only had two I'm so happy they're trying again they're getting there three
Starting point is 01:39:36 quarters of the way with half their time left yeah I'm really happy they tried again because like it was really I was like oh I got bummed when you know the first one didn't work out you'll get bummed if any fighting game one that you think looks great doesn't how often do they happen very rare and really quickly the other two are Hollow Knight which is a Metroidvania that looks like twist insanely twisted shadow planet yep from an art perspective that one looks really good that's the bug one right the bug which one he's right now we're not so speed on the animal and the other one was a buck and buck and miles which is
Starting point is 01:40:12 made by the Barkley team well some of them yeah some of them but they have like smooth Mcgroove is is and and Jake Kaufman are doing the music for that and that's just a straight up that's a good pair I want to hear what that sounds like um see Boyard he's doing music too and yeah Brentel floss and a little floss yeah also that game is just a straight up 16-bit like platformer much in the style of Joe and Mac and snow bros and you just like a Latino guy with a mustache and a wrench and a pilot pilot yeah it's awesome dude I love this we live in a time period in which no matter how dead the genre is it's not as long
Starting point is 01:40:49 as 10,000 people remember are willing to resurrect the cards yeah you can get some necromancer devs and computer RPG we're like as dead as could fucking be and point and click nothing was deader than point and click except in Germany except in Germany it would be great to get that actual Metroidvania Kickstarter but you know what you know what we're not Pat's bringing this up you know what we're in the game didn't need a Kickstarter what Hattiful boyfriend is coming to PS4 and Vita where it was the dating game with Legion it's meant to be nice I love seeing like little indie games make it all the way
Starting point is 01:41:33 these days that's sick it's all the way to full yeah to everything we got to get Gilbert Godfrey on that man we got to get it did you see Hattiful boyfriend you remember you remember Tesla grad Matt yeah I think that was it a kick start or I can't remember anyway Tesla grad did you know it's getting a retail release shit yeah I know it's like seeing indie games do that is just incredible like I was I was I'll go we got he's got he's got a great okay so the thing that I've been fucking banging pots for for some time now finally happened by HBO goes on Xbox it doesn't matter we still can't
Starting point is 01:42:25 do anything with it but it's like now that they're actually going oh yeah let's put it on a console it's like no dude that was on 360 for no no wasn't yeah not here it's not dipshit oh it's just it's just all it was on 360 we just couldn't get it in Canada it doesn't matter unless we subscribe to the TV channel it's useless to us remember no but can't you just subscribe to it like any other no that's not the thing you're talking about they're going to have that thing well what was just announced was HBO go as an a video app on Xbox one yeah in which you can go back and watch your are you going to watch your
Starting point is 01:43:02 weekly game you go back and watch the wire subscription to the TV thing you have to have a subscription to HBO TV to for that for that to be HBO hates you willy but they are making a standalone video app like Netflix but it's not going to be a little ways off and it's not this it's not this this has been a lot of it fuck well nevermind welcome to the feeling of being a Canadian TV watcher view wait out like I'm ready and waiting this is the microcosm of the Canadian TV viewing experience hope that this thing that I am talking about will be out before game of thrones season whatever we're at whoa in the meantime
Starting point is 01:43:45 let's check out this trailer for iron for mice it looks like those screenshots we saw yeah it looks good I'm on board I just hope the writing is up to snuff I feel like it's gonna be I mean they haven't disappointed last tell tell a game well bad bad writing but the average is pretty high over it is and you know there's money on two out of three and even walking dead season to the writing wasn't like painfully no it was just it was just not as good as the first one or apparently the whole thing you're gonna hang out with Tyrion you're gonna shit talk Cersei it's all good it's all good yeah if we were to
Starting point is 01:44:24 play that I don't think anyone will be mode if we just talk shit about Cersei yeah not even the actress not even the actress she's like this rough time she's too busy in her other movie Queen of Swords did you from pop it in that's a second that's um it's I know you're talking about that's a black plague or or but you know the movie was called the queen of or something of queen of play it was the award of was in it yes it's a pure like it was just the cover of it was just her sitting on the iron throne but it wasn't the iron throne you were like fuck this movie capitalized yeah hey so um that me too excitement that
Starting point is 01:45:10 everyone has which is pretty cool thing um maybe curb those enthusiasm a little bit because that enthusiasm a little bit because they're not working on any other premium DLC right now yeah so which is like it's funny because the context it came out in was people are complaining that Nintendo is probably cutting content in order to sell us premium DLC later and saccharizing no actually besides me too we're not doing anything right now so not really that's the weirdest thing that's like that's the why just you two in the meverse stage yeah I'm usually right yeah I don't remember well well to be fair though
Starting point is 01:45:47 Mario Kart 8 all up until its release date they're like yeah there's no deals deals right then Mario Kart have like some of the best give it a minute I'll bet your money give it a minute I hope so man my minute you need two years yeah I mean I mean six months okay give it a minute because smash as a smash as an ongoing service you know what I mean well like that said with Mario Kart initially they said no no DLC planned and then it's like and then it was a long time driver and villager and it's about and Mario Kart DLC is some of the best DLC that I've ever seen Mario Kart came out in May no DLC we're now like
Starting point is 01:46:29 six months past May for sure and well the first one came out in November the second one's next year sometime yeah let's give it let's give it four Nintendo Directs yeah about that many I'm so bum that Nintendo Directs have just slowed down because they blow their whole long two years ago like what are they supposed to show the fact that they don't have things ready it's like get here's ears of here's a screenshot of a game that has no release date but I like here's project giant robot yeah I like the trade-off though of this what in this entire direct is dedicated to one game it's show but everything less of them
Starting point is 01:47:08 to because yeah yeah there has they it's all been slowing down look at them like month-by-month breakdown on the Wikipedia page that has like a graph it's great it's like just decline super hard and it's not gonna get up on that white background and just fill for time exactly tell a joke you just start singing all green right to you Nintendo Direct with zero content that would be the great they're getting pretty close to that what they should do that but just on April April 1st like you just so my kids moved out the other day and at the end they announced like a Pikmin 3ds theme which is already you know never
Starting point is 01:47:59 mind I want that I want that I want more nothing direct but um they what they are doing though we're you know what we're probably gonna see a Majora's master rack at some point absolutely to detail the changes because they they talked of the way they phrased they're gonna change stuff and we got two things so far we got a changed boss fight that apparently is going to confuse you if it's been a while since you've played the game good would you know which boss they didn't say they said there's a boss fight that you're gonna play and go wait how do I beat this guy again was what he said and I don't know
Starting point is 01:48:37 and there's fishing yeah fishing in two spots so the world is ending fuck that shit go catch the Hylian low I'm glad they have fishing because I always like the fishing in those other games but fishing on a clock where the world is ed like doesn't matter yeah the world is ending but with a song of time the world is never ending like you know that you say that because the crux of Majora's pressure is to help people and to help people with that personal issues the crux of Majora's path and mask is the same theme of Groundhog Day you have infinite time right I mean in the world yeah you're absolutely right
Starting point is 01:49:20 how can I who is teaching you to fish and he was inevitably fishing alongside you is what the fuck no he knows what's up it's always resigned you're like the moon is looming at you and he's inching closer and closer but then he sees it you're fishing so I'll give you a minute yeah I'll give you a minute I'll stop I'll stop my progress just staring at the fish yeah also last weekend it feels like this happened right after the podcast I think I know where you're going real midnight that's the good I haven't played that game since weeks after came out if I go there now I'm gonna have like ten new characters this new
Starting point is 01:49:55 costume is sick too he's the postman lady sexy male the Ilya costume is that Priscilla yes yes yes it is that's which I love that Minna's weapon is the fucking mirror yeah it's such a great thing or it's like oh I already liked the original character in the game and then the reveal is like oh my god she's the best like what a great character on both sides it's fucking fantastic when when's Twilight Princess 2 hmm or you play as Midna Lake I just want to play yeah I guess you can major as Masked Twilight Princess and make it even more dark and fucked up if there was no Zelda element if it was just you know the
Starting point is 01:50:36 twi twi twilly twilight twilight and you had Zant and you had Midna and a whole other cast based on like that's strong yeah that's strong you can run that um you know Zelda we truly are the legend we've got unknown warrior I saw Plague sent me a photo and it's just lightning saying you know we really are the Final Fantasy 13 and I just lost it I can't very literal well if you put the undead warrior and in Hyrule Warriors the undead warrior already is a Hyrule Warriors who is it it's like okay we don't know until he puts the helmet on the one who's become a champion of all ages exactly
Starting point is 01:51:26 here on time yeah but he's strong you're so fucking strong that when you die your bones are like no I'm still gonna do it I have to teach my reincarnations how to stomp Ganon's ass I think that'd be cool but he's like Bruce still leans like it's about time yeah it's about time for Bruce well this is a twilight princess pack they haven't had a skyward sword pack yet was there even one of those announced at all because they announced the names wrong holy shit oh it's raining oh it's pouring man the old man snoring okay so I don't make I don't know if I'm alone on this one I hope you're with me on this pat the greatest limited
Starting point is 01:52:07 edition I like of this generation so far has been announced like that's like Vita forward 3ds forward guilty year excerpt yeah because of the art the fucking backyard the book you get is the back that is so cool what's in it it's okay it's so it's the guilty year limited edition thing it comes with a keychain that is so bad guys belt it is free scratched on it it's got the sound track it's got all that good stuff but the case is the the the I have not cared about a limited edition box since the Castlevania portrait of ruin limited edition wow that gave you the DS card slot thing you put two DS cargers in the
Starting point is 01:52:52 mail book if that came out here all digital man okay all right I don't like better the I love Vanna that's why it's funny you say that cuz I love the art the exit box it's incorrect like the picture of Saul on the front is the greatest fucking on the other the regular box no on the limited on the limit okay it's the best fucking thing in the world but I think that's one of the worst limited editions ever it's a keychain in a book but the book is I know it's a thing in the plot really I used to be like you and then I got burned on too many steel books I'm all in I'm all on no I'm like because the backyard is the
Starting point is 01:53:38 most important thing in the guilty year universe it's the entire like it's the code that the world is built on you're gonna get a really smart small cheap version of it maybe not we'll pull up the bootstraps and see what we're getting but I'm super excited for that I also I'm excited just to get the box and cut that picture of Saul out and just tape it up yeah yeah just do that art is amazing you know and it's so good and like that's the same part that was it was on guilty care x1 I want to say maybe I don't know if it's dice games art itself but that artist has only done occasional special pieces um but yeah the other
Starting point is 01:54:16 thing that this release hark is back to is remember the fucking 12 minute trailers yeah get for a pleasure we got a nice long-ass trailer that was like let's take you through everything by the way a demo for guilty gear exert is out now yeah it's only on ps4 yeah it's the same as the Japanese one so it's Saul and Kai arcade mode no verses and a full training with all the tutorials now I'm sure I'm still fucking my dilemma still exists in that I have no main bike is gone so I don't know what to do just play but Duncan yeah that's my answer to every bed man they took biking out they put that stupid lolly no
Starting point is 01:55:07 members the name of no what's her name no the wife who the literal wife who she dressed like a bride pink and white she has huge breasts how's she a lolly who are you talking about Alfred yeah she's not a lolly no not the last boss there's a DLC new character that is literally dressed as a bride and she's got a shotgun she's pretty cool and it's like it's cooler than bike in no no but it's like I can I'll be back in okay seriously though how many times do we have to reverse ourselves on this argument whether or not we want new characters or returning characters but it's always the same because it always
Starting point is 01:55:43 boils down to no I wanted my old character to show up and bike is gonna be back in the next I'm gonna have to sit down no dude guilty gear guilty gear thank you apparently not think how many versions of like there's gonna be a next version of egg there are 1800 versions of guilty I'm just I'm salty I'm just salty because a bunch of other characters came back but not the one I like that's all I'm being let me break it down for you will he join me now now I want my kid right now isn't all bike in then I'm like all right give me Johnny Johnny's not the only is in but no Johnny see I'm fine cuz you'll see guy
Starting point is 01:56:28 he's awesome oh yeah that guy that old man yeah sure like Azrael to that old man I mean look I'm probably gonna rock Ramley Thull you know Slayer or sin I don't know which one yet but I just I want that like I see the character for the first time and I know that's who I'm gonna yeah I didn't have that I don't soul and Kai I love those as as the two primary rival characters I think they are my favorite of any fighting game because they are not mirrors of each other oh no that's never gonna go away and they're not even like they're not even great at being heroes no Kai's a fucking monster like they're totally
Starting point is 01:57:06 shit bags when you King Kai the shit the absentee father that's willing to just sacrifice everybody I'm just gonna lock a dizzy in this Cuba ice cuz you're bad father that's why you play as Robo Kai his intentions are pure yeah they're pure and vortex infinitum is the best song on the entire guilty-gear soundtrack can't bar none I really like all of she you know I don't know you're not wrong and I forget the name of it but the one that plays in X2 when the assassins fight each other yeah if you the assassin's guilty yeah I know it's talking about I mean heavy but but anyway yeah oh man sounds like for this
Starting point is 01:57:45 game it's gonna be so sick did you hear the vocal themes that's soon that's a month that is the 16th bless bless that a month also get hype Liam I should have sent you a no spoiler link to metal slug revolution I heard about it this morning on my phone and I didn't have time to look at it is a new metal slug game for that is an action RPG in which you can get over 250 metal slugs to follow you around and like attack with you on the same team for iOS and Android yeah I was about to say that sounds like the cool oh shit yeah you got me I'm gonna play when it comes out I have to know I guess I guess this
Starting point is 01:58:32 is a response to their their last metal slug game metal slug defense whatever the other iOS one that was a fucking huge success probably the most profitable thing FSNK has made in a long time at the very least I'll say that because metal slug has such simple sprites like when you look at this game it doesn't look like oh this is an iOS version of something cool it looks like a metal slug game and it's gonna be its own thing so it's got a lot of hot things going on though that doesn't mean yeah a lot of bars and numbers metal slug revolution but you know what a revolution yeah how bold at least this
Starting point is 01:59:06 IP ain't dead right yeah no that means it's dead you know what when that happens that's the proof you know what isn't dead apparently the next song ghost in the shell game now this is a weird one because I have I straight up admit I didn't even know this existed I also have no idea what you're talking about but I did a good like yeah this would be announced in a while ago and like everyone's like what's happening and everyone assumed it was gone and then they just released a trailer for it you fucking just play this this first person shooter MMO where you play as all of section 9 and like you have all
Starting point is 01:59:40 of the moves you've got fucking togusa you've got the major you've got everyone is doing the thing and like it just do the thing and then you like and I'm like okay okay you've got you play as your own character yeah of course you play as creative character but you but those are the archetypes are all based on the section 9 guys because it was showing off literally the model of the creation guys oh okay so then they did a weird thing if it's just an MMO players it's not now it's multiplayer shooter multiple it's it's yeah okay okay so I guess you're picking an archetype based on the guys okay all right you want to have
Starting point is 02:00:15 an invisible wall you want to have your I always forget the sniper guy's name but he can't remember either yeah and then of course you've got your tachikoma is running around yeah you know we'll see but like from just a ghost in the self-amboy perspective like it looks like it's not all the stuff now I'm just waiting for the hyper political subplot that no one can understand you'll get it for reference Pat it looks a bunch like black light okay but better than black light okay so and and like when you see the little like Deus Ex style things happening where it's like you know that the arm that is holding the gun opens up
Starting point is 02:00:53 and some crazy shit comes out of it because you've got arms going like I just really like that it's just the universe is great and I really like that that era of sci-fi that like seemed to pee like Blade Runner shit like that stuff went away for a while and now it seems to be coming back but only a little bit only a little bit a little about too much you know I hope it comes out in English because right now it's only announced for China so oh Korea oh Korea yeah oh well you're gonna see it because it is NC soft you're right but I thought the voiceover was Chinese anyway regardless what are those two
Starting point is 02:01:26 countries there's no way I can really sell this without you guys seeing the fucking trailer but the game of the year has been announced yes karate master to knock down blow I mean I'm gonna watch it right now this thing it's long but it's like it is a technical fighter but you go through training like experiences where you have to like do the training you have to be sick it's a Sanchiro what's it called karate master to knock down blows all right get this is Japanese game I can't tell you yes you have to fucking fight the bear to show that you are a true chromatic karate master do a crazy sick jumping
Starting point is 02:02:09 karate kick over the truck just prove to me that you're a karate man why do you have the follow this if I didn't play karate man one I don't know I'm not sure it might put you right in the middle of it but there then there's like go to the bar and then get hit on by the like the off-work ol lady that's like she's ready men okay I'm getting into this and then you see the fucking fight starting up and you've got the whole like karate man anime story happening in the background it's the best no it's just a PC game that some guy made dude improve your abilities this looks pretty great it looks amazing and it looks
Starting point is 02:02:44 really good I didn't expect sprites when you yeah talked about this and then the actual look at the actual combat realistic fighting system you've got a straight-up do real right now he's breaking the bats in half break the bats with your leg oh this is really cool oh I can get behind us you can target any body part while you're fighting the guy it's fucking the shit liver shot liver shot always gonna jump the car game of the year always gonna jump the car but oh that wasn't an MMA fight get some white high guy oh Jesus okay he punched the blood out of that guy's face yeah oh there's some hard
Starting point is 02:03:23 hits man karate match versus a bear yeah okay yeah you're right this game is this game so okay get the fuck in there yeah okay yeah sorry you if you can't win this year you know you know oh I thought you meant like Eve online no like implying that it's game of the year every year here no and last but not least we've got the little twist in that the Carissa gate has been explained oh no it's been opened yeah exactly it was it was meant to be Chris is actually a rope it it was meant to be this prank ad yeah that they that game spot was putting out when you see the ad it's game stop it's a stop right fine and
Starting point is 02:04:08 I say spot again yeah fuck it's dude I do it all the time it's the shittiest thing it's the thing that doesn't stop the games right and when you see the ad like the tone super fun and you're like yeah it's like okay this is what they're going to add just when you when you get the story told backwards with the advent of Twitter and the hyperlinks and then the machine gets rolling you're like what does it turn around like that this would have been okay if that ad had come out by the end of the day yeah we found out exactly and now it's like it's fine it's yeah now it's fine again it was never an asshole still for dumb babies
Starting point is 02:04:43 and and and little children and marketing people kdj after this yes alright let's do it but first let's take some letters it's letter time time oh hey do you guys want to send us letters throw those letters away and get to a computer or phone yeah and send an email and make sure to send it to super best friend cast at not any variation of those words emails with different letters exactly the right thing startlingly specific it has to be super best friend to cast if you make even one mistake it won't go no quarter for you right the word play is nowhere in that email address there's
Starting point is 02:05:28 it's friend cast there's no way make sure you spell it won't get there we won't get it because poor folks have been forwarding the emails going on I wonder how many emails we've missed all of that thousands but I want to know the number well I don't know man when the mailer Damon comes back at them and goes what the fuck are you trying to do you should realize that you put up period or an apostrophe instead of a period I fucking love the mailer stupid mailer dammit okay we got one coming in from Garrett and he says hey Zybat so I taught my art teacher the anatomy of a duck's dick and he didn't
Starting point is 02:06:08 think it was actually a corkscrew dick and in return he showed me the pro a comic the pro if you didn't know is a comic book here who doubles as a hooker it's my question is what is the most fucked up comic book here as you can think of or whatever the pro is super fucked up if you it's hilarious but it's oh my god it's dark what can you think of that is equally as fucked up or in that line I'm gonna just come ahead and put it out there the boys if you haven't read the boys boys by Garth and it's oh my god the boys how was the most fucked up like story like setting or most fucked up superhero like just I guess
Starting point is 02:06:42 like just consistent page to page holy shit I can't believe they did that okay I don't want to tell you anything about the boys but open up the book and see what's going on I'm gonna be horrified I'm gonna say that preacher is up there preachers up there it has its moments as it's moments for sure as someone who doesn't read comics I will say Goku he's an alien what about you just not answered no no you wish I hadn't answered but I'm I don't yeah I don't read many comics either but the main character or the main character the main villain from irredeemable is like super fucked up yeah you told me about that just go read
Starting point is 02:07:20 amigara fault there well I mean I know I love Junji Ito he's the greatest manga writer in the world you remember the Pokemon already did the other yeah you did another one oh yeah Gengar and it's way better so check that shit out anything I hate Junji Ito because he's so good the Junji Ito that is about well that has that acne scene is what's a hell I read I read Uzumaki in an evening like the whole thing had just sleep bad everything terrifies me but Junji Ito does not faze me weird all I love him it's because he picks on specific things like the acne thing you mentioned and he just hasn't gotten into the needle in
Starting point is 02:08:07 the eye scene yet damn I don't know man don't worry about it dude like you know the acne thing I'll tip him off I'll let him know don't spoil it we got an email coming in that look at that oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I've played I think I've seen that way too fast I didn't even see it I've seen that I want some spaghetti now yeah don't we all we got an email coming in the dialogue really makes it I know we got her face is erupting baby but they were in Greece Steven says hey Zybatsu and especially hello and thank you Liam Sama I just want to say that a huge thank you last week on the podcast you mentioned near
Starting point is 02:08:48 and how people gave up on the first fishing mission I was one of those people held on to the game for two years in case I found out a way how to beat it then you mentioned how you're supposed to fish at a beach far away when you got the quest I followed by Scott the fish and now I can continue through the game on that note what games have you come across that are awesome but it was kind of garbage because it didn't explain a quest or controls well I'm gonna I'm gonna want to say fucking awesome I'm so cool that my answer will be reverse of this and people are gonna get really mad at me and I don't
Starting point is 02:09:17 care if you're one of the people who got stuck stuck in Carnival Zone in Sonic 3 because of the barrels moving up and down you are an idiot you are a fucking stupid moron just hit up and down just hit up and down what are you doing push up and down on the controller there there are there's a start button three buttons that all do jump and a deep head on the Genesis controller how did you not figure this out how how did you do this I wasn't gonna be as critical but certainly that section yeah it's a barrel um fucking sorry that's been bothering me for years sure Spider-Man X-Men arcades revenge okay that came to my mind
Starting point is 02:09:58 I don't care who you are me me and Liam had played a bit of that for a super hero what section are you talking about every stage has bullshit everywhere well the first Spider-Man stage is really bad into the song but you can beat it and find the bombs it's fine you just have to use the shitty beeping and you you know listen to the cool music and you'll find it but once you get to the unlocked versions and you're like okay go through all go through the gambit stage go through the stage they're like these are hard but whatever fucking Wolverine you go through the stage juggernaut is chasing you you claw your
Starting point is 02:10:28 way through the funhouse you get to the end where there's a giant pit of unpassable like not spikes but little suction things you can't fucking make it over them and juggernauts coming at you and he's pretty much a one-hit kill there's nothing to do there's no way to beat the stage there is none I never figured it out fuck that game so so this is gonna be a cliche but we all thought we could but we didn't the the fucking dam from Ninja Turtles specifically played that we all between all four of us we could know we couldn't I am really bad I almost categorized that differently though because you know where
Starting point is 02:11:07 the finish line is there you just fucking couldn't get to it for just a game where it's like all right go solve this and you're like but remember we have plain and we said oh if you press this button or this one you go fast or slow I didn't know that as a kid or I don't remember like I still think that right stuff there some levels in Golgo 13 are just like yeah like I love that game that one 3d maze it's really really tough yeah some of those I have two actual legitimate answers one is X-Men one for the Genesis where you have to hit reset second to last level and you do that to get to the end of the game
Starting point is 02:11:48 okay you can't fight like mojo world and a broader answer is every point and click game ever we're talking about those last I can't I can't internalize the logic I just can't do it like if you were not there for I have no mouth that would have been a 100 part fucking else because I can't internalize the logic if you use glue on cat hair you make a mustache mm-hmm sure figure that shit out I forget right like you there was an interview with one of the designers of that game where somebody called him out on that shit it's like what the fuck were you doing and I don't think he had
Starting point is 02:12:25 like a satisfactory answer because the answer was by the strategy guy like back in the day like that that was the actual answer like they made the cat hair mustache puzzle so you have to buy the strategy guy because it was impossible otherwise you see the thing is a game though like Monkey Island it's like some of those bullshit ones are part of the joke yeah you know so that's the one in Monkey Island where you have to move pick up the bass and hound and stick it in your pocket yeah okay yeah and then walk over to the door and pull the bass and he just guy brush just looks around looks at you and puts a fucking
Starting point is 02:12:58 dog in his pocket and he's like what do you do it um best best point click adventure game ever don't shit your pants sure don't shit your pants is amazing I wouldn't agree but okay I like point and click with like an open I'll find like mud or whatever but it's like a certain point and click plus an open type whatever you want command yeah in there don't shit your pants game Michael so I don't want to make rogue legacy Michael sends one in fucking hell woolly a few weeks ago and this is to answer a couple of people a few weeks ago woolly mentioned something about being a platinum games and I was ripping my hair
Starting point is 02:13:36 out when the video shows them there but then he arrives and I was super fucking disappointed maybe I just over my overhyped myself but damn man that's fucking bullshit what are you gonna do break another okay so that's what that's what like there's only so many layers you go back and you let's a couple people were like you know it's like what the fuck why was why did you go back and listen to that everyone else hyped that up and said oh my god could you imagine lunch with Kimia and all this shit or whatever and I didn't say anything and I specifically it was the problem is that you're like so maybe no cuz you kept
Starting point is 02:14:08 you got you guys kept providing examples and you guys were choking because you didn't want to spoil and I said I don't want to say anything no and then I eventually said maybe I tripped across platinum no the problem is is that you mentioned it I'm sorry but there were people on the internet proclaiming its fact that woolly ate out with I went and I had dinner with shit because of it because you guys were fucking joking around here's the core problem if you say hey maybe something happened about this and don't say it you have created a mental mystery box sure and the mystery box will start to fill in with
Starting point is 02:14:44 bullshit and now now it is candid that I went and I had dinner with Kimia and it's like you just lie now you're lying and how you hit it from us yeah it's just like if you can't fucking listen accurately and fill in blank information with your own shit I just realized what shirt matters where yes that's a good shirt through raccoon moon yeah but uh you created a mystique by doing nothing and the best marketing in the world exactly and I was hoping for that to be a random moment because the way it happened to me was I was about to leave the place and then I saw oh my god this is the building we're building
Starting point is 02:15:20 we're platinum is right you know and but like the fact that you guys made that joke I just want you should have spent three days of your trip hanging out in front of that door yeah just sleep just sleeping like a little like doorway I thought about one morning I thought about one morning right around and then you're like no I don't want to be that guy don't be that guy no but but the bar in the basement yeah like I said now I know where the gates of hell you're like Kamiya son what do you think of water world that wouldn't sync up with the time frame you're right it was before no it
Starting point is 02:16:00 would it would sync up it poorly and then be really good yo yeah yeah yeah it's true yeah yeah okay so did you design Bayonetta based on the map in water world or yeah yeah they're like as GP about dances with wolves don't do this looks a lot like the man oh my god oh my god please you will block you in real life yeah oh there I got swear now yeah that's true he's he's all down sorry is our super nice he's our bro now cuz he needs us okay okay I want to talk to him about how we both did you did you fucking see the series of tweets with Kojima this morning it was one of the most heartwarming things in
Starting point is 02:16:41 the world what so Kojima goes out on Twitter this morning and says that his game of the year this year yeah framed on a mate I'm an excellent excellent iOS game that everyone should play cuz it's actually really good and the guy who made framed said hey Kojima is like one of the big reasons I'm making games is amazing this is incredible and then on the Kojima Twitter English account clearly Kojima typing cuz the English is bad he says now I followed you so you can DM me whenever oh this is a guy who said it was my child like it's like a childhood dream come true and now Kojima is like you can just talk to me
Starting point is 02:17:19 whatever you want don't fuck it up guy you met the pressure is immeasurable I read that and my heart yeah what are you right what do you do your next game better be pretty good oh god we got one from our good old buddy oivant a little while yeah that's half my last name so I just I just finished Mushishi and I fucking loved it everyone told me was amazing but at the start I kept thinking this isn't that great it grew on me though and by at 15 I was loving every second nice good shit what what are you gonna Mushishi it's not get it's that show that I said is like a half hour of Miyazaki every episode okay it's
Starting point is 02:17:58 beautiful not to pull it down by making it to a comparison that's great that's the right tone what are some of the franchises that it took a while to grow on you I didn't think I liked Madoka until the last movie oh yeah you mentioned this series came out and then two games came out and then two recap movies came out and it took the third movie for me to say yeah I guess I like this yeah I didn't the only reason I pushed through is because my girlfriend loves it so much I didn't think I liked Full Metal Panic until the second gig okay yeah this for Metal Panic season one is just anime whatever then Fumofu
Starting point is 02:18:36 comes out and it changed your life and it was hilarious and really well animated has almost nothing but it's like it's just jokes it's nothing and so then you realize that's because they took all the military action stuff and pulled it into the second gig which is unbelievably amazing so yeah Full Metal Panic is a slow burn but man is it good for me I think I got into Harry Potter around the fifth book wow and that's like after that's after the movie start then I went back and then hours did you spend getting up to the bits that you didn't like how many what man hours did you spend all of the man hours like I
Starting point is 02:19:13 watched the fifth movie then I watched then I read the book then I went back started reading the books listening to some audio versions to then watch the rest of the movies who could first two movies are really awful who could have predicted Horcruxes everyone I don't really have anything like that I usually like can feel it like right away whether or not I'm gonna like something yeah that's the game version right but like show it's like I don't know I was I was told by many people to check out one piece and that is garbage for like 55 fucking episodes it's terrible but then and then it's good it's like enough
Starting point is 02:19:58 to watch 400 more episodes does I watched like 180 more versus the draft happening the good part of the bad part the good part okay all right I'm not there yet that's a spoiler isn't isn't the bad part just like meeting Nami and Zolo the bad part is meeting the cast yeah and it's not even the extended cast no Tony just Tony Chopper shows up later yeah it's like the primary cast and that's like 50 fucking episodes and then you get to a point you're like oh my god this is where the story is actually just gonna start at this point so one of the one of the funnest things with Japan was like at first I'm just seeing one
Starting point is 02:20:34 piece everywhere and I'm rolling my eyes like oh my god we get it and then I just accept it and I'm like now I'm just looking at these spoiler characters trying to figure out like what the fuck yeah and I look and I'm like I see this guy that looks exactly like monkey but way more badass yeah and I'm like oh that's older brother okay sure he turns into fire sure physically man I went to Montreal Comic Con and that point Pat watched 180 episodes and he saw this poster of a bunch of characters and we all go whoo and I don't know who they are they're fucking idiots it's one piece and we're like no it's not it's one piece
Starting point is 02:21:10 300 episodes from where I was exactly where they have like Frankie and shit like that probably probably at the moment that I turned from like this is watchable do I actually really like this show was one smoke there's a guy named smoker and ace they fight smoker turns into smoke ace turns into fire and they do that and they fight for like an episode they go this is gonna come no we can't be do anything marine guy yeah yeah it's like we can't physically hurt each other at all sure so I guess we'll just leave just leave bye just give up yeah give up it's fights pointless yeah basically what happens to Keody already
Starting point is 02:21:51 every year yeah point like I can't your fire and my look fuck this it doesn't hurt us stupid but I hate you Joe stop following me then fucker if you hate me so much why are you following me look at my pants they have a little strap between them not more though no they're gonna change chef Chevy yacht just wants to let us know that there's a pretty good Japanese curry substitute that you can order from Amazon called S&B Golden Curry it's a few believe you want to try this out it's not as it's not as great as being there and getting the real thing but he says it's a decent substitute from
Starting point is 02:22:32 Amazon dot CA let me see because that sounds familiar but that's I really appreciate the time spent actually going to Amazon dot CA because most of the time on the internet people like oh yeah you get this cable for $4 yeah here's the Amazon link oh well not only is it only Amazon dot com but it's Amazon dot com and it doesn't exist on Amazon I saw this at an IGA like near ish on the West Island so I'm gonna give that a swing actually it's awesome okay yeah yeah so if someone's recommending it to me by all means I'll just pick it up next time grab me some thank you sure no problem okay from some dickhead has
Starting point is 02:23:11 there ever been a live event that was streamed that really disappointed and angered you guys and then he gives a description of how there's a band that he was really into that streamed because a member left the band and so they were gonna have an event called we are speaking out and then when they when the time came they just played a third new song and didn't explain what happened or why so I fucking nothing went down and then the event just ended so nothing happened at the event yeah you hype up an event and then you watch it and then fucking nothing I have to say that we've gone to a panel or two at a con where it
Starting point is 02:23:43 was like and then it was fucking nothing which is kind of disappointing but I've been sure a lot of people have that what comes to mind isn't that Hulk Hogan thing not so that Hulk Hogan thing wasn't as good as you that make but I knew that I knew that because I've heard Hulk on the radio before okay that's how he is what are you talking about a brother went to that reboot panel that was really nothing I mean it started warming up but eventually I was like all right let's go you know but the yeah as far as a stream goes well it's been a lot well let's just roll in every shitty E3
Starting point is 02:24:22 conference right away sure you throw Konami up there no you're right that's not disappointing you're all the way back around the standard of which all conferences that where they said they were gonna announce a new fighting game and then we got three seconds of dengeki bunco yeah was pretty rough that was oh oh that that thing where Capcom was gonna announce like the first time in 15 years new Capcom 2d fighter and Sengoku Basara oh yeah remember that they hyped that shit all right well which makes sense for a Japanese stream because Sengoku Basara is super popular there unfortunately yeah but it was
Starting point is 02:25:02 written in English so what the words Sengoku Basara get hyped for 15 years since the last half on 2d sure but if you really wrote that in Japanese I would have been able to read it sure so a lot of TGS streams are really disappointing because the vast majority the the the culture feels really different as far as how TGS streams operate we're like they'll have like five Namco Bandai streams over a weekend right and they'll be on different topics and different like branches because the company is so big and you'll you'll go to one assuming they're gonna talk about like a new
Starting point is 02:25:41 game in that series but it's they're actually just gonna talk about the game that came out like it's an interview like a one-on-one yeah yeah but there's they don't say it's an interview before they get there you know what I mean you're like what the fuck's the point of this so there's a couple every year at TGS where I'm like yeah yeah yeah and then I get there and it's like more interview and it's like I don't I love what the opposite happens when you're watching like some sprite artists do sprites for their game that you want you want to check out and they accidentally open the wrong file it's like oh shit what was
Starting point is 02:26:08 that you know or I think hi we saw orchid second costume through a leak or an accidental character so like yeah or something like that yeah like that's always great I think it was just orchid yeah I forget which one it was but that's always great yeah it was what orchid look like great yeah that that that's bad and we'll take one last one from Jason who's just wondering I'm gonna resist there what what the fuck is what is Kirby is easy because you have a layer of pink furs you a ball of flesh what is he well first you draw a circle and you draw some eyes this is answered in the cannon he's an alien
Starting point is 02:26:53 he is a cream puff this has been answered way way back in Kirby's dream dreamland for like the original commercial they straight up to tell you he's a cream puff that's all you need to know and in dream land or they don't mean like the insult of your little cream puff you're just like a little wimpy guy oh he's a literal cream puff and he lives in dream land where cream cream puffs can live they can be sent here and be alive I never heard that thank you yeah that's all he is a cream puff that matters well he's not lying he's a cute confirmed he is a puff 15 years ago yeah and sometimes when he travels
Starting point is 02:27:31 to America he becomes an angry also according yeah right back at you yeah Kirby's got know that you know I didn't know that I also didn't think it mattered you know like well now the real question is what is meant species species is listed as Kirby's species like what's what's his deal you know like what's his where's the mass he's an asshole what what grew up being an ass he had a bad breakup what was that break up what's what's the you know girl left him yeah who because she liked Kirby more yeah and so he became emo and found an army and built a fucking album wouldn't where do you get the sword
Starting point is 02:28:12 dude I found it he found it on Kirby no you've been doing it for five minutes no he just walked out he was walking down the street and it was just there on ground he picked it up yeah I'm looking at it and there's at least two official things that they're either like Star Warriors or puffs because they're both official okay well they're Star Warriors the earliest fucking games or like he's a cream puff the earliest and right American commercials for that and get back at you has the galaxy soldiers slash Star Wars do you know what it actually is the Star Warriors thing is that Kirby is Goku and Meta Knight is
Starting point is 02:28:47 Vegeta yes no for all intents and purposes but I'm like were they brothers with yes they are the commercial in question specifically says the pink puff which is obviously referring to Kirby because the other ones are different colors there is a commercial that says a cream I'm talking I don't know if you're wikipedia squirrel is going to tell you that Kirby wiki sure this fucking no but I'm telling you what I know from my time from a commercial from 25 and that's Ken in a shit and I don't care what you have to say you know what you would actually say we're actually seeing that 25th little 25th anniversary Kirby book
Starting point is 02:29:25 that came with the collection I should check that out I got it I have it some or two yeah that might say maybe I flip through it but Kirby TV show where Kirby couldn't speak and he was just this fucking stupid bluff thing right that would that would fight it was that's literally what it was so weird dude that that's where they said there was galaxy and the kids were just like fuck are you it's like dude if you want to explain the origins of no more heroes and it's waggle-based swordplay don't don't I want to read that I was playing with my dick crib notes it I'll give you I'll give you one quote from him it's one
Starting point is 02:30:05 sentence that kind of motion is very Travis all right so I was right I was totally right that's the crib juvenile fucking touchdown yeah yeah all right touchdown shake battery flashlights that's the crib there we go what is on the watch I'm gonna now I want to be playing two RPGs at a time now for some reason cuz I fucking hate my life yeah I'm gonna go for the two most extremes of the Bioware spectrum right from first to last like I want to see like how far they've come and like I was looking at the the thing it's like they're like 35 party members in Polaris gate one like they've definitely been toning down on
Starting point is 02:30:55 content a lot of dragons in your life right now yeah dragons I don't know if all this game has dragons in it I don't play them play the play a dragon everything at the same time I don't know if all the dragon dildo if you want to have rain of fire if you want that deep just get to play a unique dragon get to play as Christian Bale no I think you just play as a truck Matt fuck you every time what shitty ass movie has the best dragon mechanics we've talked about it probably happen every time we bring it up because it's so true the dragons breathe fire because there's little glands on the sides of
Starting point is 02:31:33 their mouth that mix chemicals yeah it's like it's like it's the villains plan from die hard three yeah and then the breath spews it forward like a like a bomb let me know and they mix and it causes combustion it's so cool well maybe we might take a look at rain of fire and then Christian Bale hits it with a hammer yeah it does yeah I'm gonna be playing RPGs all right watch dragon heart I know the second one no we could play the dragon heart game I've got around the last one fuck you I got WWE 2k15 against my better judgment and I'll put some time into that Liam saw me boot it up a little bit yeah just to see
Starting point is 02:32:17 what the grappling's like and as soon as you grapple it's the entire sequence it's a sequence thing and we couldn't figure it out I heard Dan record on John Lucas describe it as a lock-picking mini game yeah it looks like it but who you're kidding Matt it's gonna pay for itself who you kid so I'll be trying to I'll try to look at the creative wrestling tell you yeah let's finish off guy if we can yeah that's right geez I thought you did we did to we did we got to the the third way telling you said you had one more session last time we didn't do it okay I told Williams already but I was looking through some of my shit that
Starting point is 02:32:55 I brought back from Japan yeah and I had intended this as a gift for a friend but I guess I left one aside I found some common writer guy in Gumi's yeah I'm gonna bring those next time let's eat them got some Gumi's juicy and what is coming up on the site is coming Dark Souls will remain the fall still thank you for everyone's advice but we're we're you know we're doing okay we're doing okay and we're closing it out so close I saw some people saying they were gonna email us about the fall how it was gonna get really obtuse we're done with that's
Starting point is 02:33:31 really yeah so like sorry I'll be like on gaff right and somebody will send me a message with like all this really genuine advice and it's like dude I'm like four hours past the episode yeah yeah like it's I already know the advice she's told me or it's way too late it's not that we don't want your advice just the timing that's the thing is that if we stream more things that's where that becomes really yeah where people can tell us what we're doing wrong which is many things I think me and Willie have a video a one-off coming up on Thursday which is very hard game but it's full of surprises and today I believe if you
Starting point is 02:34:12 guys haven't seen already we might have a little very fashionable video you can live-action thing check out live-action fashionable video and also this weekend I guess maybe not this week but maybe the next week we ate a lot of cereal we ate a lot sir yeah the links drop you go to yeah honestly it's serious this will haunt us forever for sure someone someone said the cool thing and with remember how we were talking about how the overlords and guys look kind of like devil triggers and stuff yeah so you would I look like that's like the new so the guys the guy that designed those apparently designed the new villain
Starting point is 02:34:47 further the latest Sentai show yeah and this is what he looks like oh let's take a look at it this is playing really oh yeah that looks like a Nello Angelo that's fucking cool right Nello Angelo's fucking face yeah no what a bad ass that that's the TOQ devil trigger great more or less what's going on there I think that's fucking dope I want I want to see more of that in the end game of guy hopefully that comes yeah yeah that big bad looks lame where do you think the squid guy yeah that's good guys cool though it's the legs that throw me off the super fat legs this way no anyone off what's this squid he has to
Starting point is 02:35:24 be flopping on the floor yeah yeah sure that's that's underwater racism what about the orange you you you

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