Castle Super Beast - SBFC 077: The Sleepy MAGcast: Cranky Takahata's Eruption

Episode Date: January 27, 2015

Live from from our MAGfest hotel room, hours before flying into the class A killstorm and thundersnow. Also, special treat! Our full panel from MAGfest this year for your listening pleasure....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I don't open no fucking windows I don't want that no I was gonna why do you keep your house so this temperature is not fair your house this temperature stop it you're really bringing your a grade this morning I was gonna open the blinds hotel but it's the really ugly part of the morning where everything's blue it's not even blue it's like it's the blue that like shit turns after it's no longer alive yeah you know that awful fucking you don't do it close the fucking blinds don't do it this is no good this is fine shut up like trying to find our voices because it's fucking seven in the morning and we slept like three hours barely and if we
Starting point is 00:01:07 as we look around this fucking mess of a room this this orgy of shitty video games and the cleanup that has yet to occur here God bless those cleaning ladies one of those CSI guys comes in with like one of those black so much semen and shitty games they'll solve two murders all that potent Takahata semen all over the ceilings there's a lot of Takahata DNA in here he left those hair follicles here you can clone like 18 four stars out of this shit so yeah this is our this is our sleepy magcast also known as cranky Takahata's eruptions cranky's Takahata's cranky Takahata's eruptions cranky Takahata's
Starting point is 00:02:02 eruptions featuring stamps yeah right so did you know that John Tron was here yeah that's not bad that's not bad that's not bad um okay so before we even get into the magfest we got we got to drop the pat claimer and the pat claimer is really simple it's like unfortunately due to the shitty circumstances that are our flight landing within a really tricky time frame for recording the podcast and everything else that's happening this weekend we have to record this from the hotel room while we're still here before we get back which means Pat's back at Montreal and can't join us not due to anything on
Starting point is 00:02:45 his own but simply because our plane scheduling also a little person called Juno apparently oh winter storm I don't know and when we looked it up like here are the two airports that are affected by this winter storm the first one we're going to and the second one we're going to for connecting I didn't even know you didn't see that if you on today we're looking up looking it up last night and that's kind of why we're like oh shit we should probably record this now especially just in case we get home at like midnight on Monday and then you guys don't get a podcast so happy I don't have a flight oh yeah booked is
Starting point is 00:03:24 things separately working out there but you still might have a delay like every oh yeah sure sure but like I'm not gonna get delayed and then miss the next one yeah so you know that's that's what's going on this week so here it's just gonna be us boards so yeah I kind of just like made some some mental you know notes and just transcribe them down in terms of the events going through because there's so much shit and like this is magfest fucking to magfest harder because it's just everything that was amazing about everything that was amazing about last year that Matt and I went to is here and like fucking double
Starting point is 00:04:02 as intense and we had so we were so distracted last year with all the new shit that like this time around that we're kind of used to that we can just relax and like that made it so much more like amazing as an experience yeah actually relaxed way less I was actually more distracted like you what you said is is kind of goes for like both you and me in a way but like I was some more distracted because we actually had a little bit more responsibilities we did we work the booth there was a booth pole and working at Liam most of all yeah because we're at the shark robot booth that I sent some tweets and social
Starting point is 00:04:41 media things about and then there's just more stuff and there's more people and we were in there more yeah so there's a lot of competing parties and and then the people see and then last year we were kind of just you and I were just kind of on our own we were on our own we were kind of wandering yeah and this time around there's a lot more like like people competing for our attention yeah pulling this in different directions it was it was quite nice to be the damsel at the ball but yeah yeah I guys boys you can both have me and we honestly and like the there's just so many like ridiculously cool people we
Starting point is 00:05:18 met and hung out with this weekend oh my god yeah we can't even just start dropping names because it'd be ridiculous so I like here they are chrono I'm saying no I'm saying chronologically is the only way that makes sense here are my three favorite favorite fan number one yeah also we got to meet all these cool people with all these sexy low voices yeah after the first day on Friday like this is how my voice started yeah like because I was screaming a bunch earlier how's that morning it's like that one where Phoebe had a sexy voice because she had a she had a call I said no my sexy boys it
Starting point is 00:05:57 works for you Liam know that you got your beard and mustache and yeah I don't I kept it only because you reassured my confidence okay but a girl told you that it looks good did they okay no I'd say told me but just her yeah but she knows you yeah I know but like dude it works it's like she always pushes advice on me you haven't let it you haven't let it come in this hard oh shit we got it we know what lies what does that mean if nothing confidential is set on the air then we're keeping it in I swear to God if the hotel's kicking us out like we're gonna just record all the way what happened okay we're in the
Starting point is 00:06:33 middle of a podcast oh god yes I have it's Matt's mom it's Matt's mom Matt's mom Matt loves his mom what a dude I know a poor guy still gets called by his mom this is McMuss's calling all the way from once I was my mom's don't call me to warn me about the storm they were getting in it so this is the thing where my mom will occasionally call me if I'm going because she said I just want to make sure you're okay and stuff and Pat goes why does your mom do that I go oh it's this thing that my mom loves me yeah my parents never call me and I go I know yeah that's what I said that's what I said I'm a little disappointed that
Starting point is 00:07:29 phone call didn't end with order of the storm feelers mom they're saying up the phone I went to Con Bravo and Magnus and Con Bravo too stupid Gavin man did that boy go wrong okay so the first I guess person we ran across was we some of this the dudes working on like our website and stuff like that like we ran across okay we we get to our hotel and it says you drop our stuff you go let's go buy some toiletries and food and whatever so like it was down to the Capcom versus SMK pharmacy yeah okay that's what we don't have CVS pharmacies in Canada so when we saw CVS it was you that's a chaos pharmacy and just like
Starting point is 00:08:26 standing on top of the roof toothpaste and coffee crisps or whatever and it'd be really funny just like the game you go and you're like you know it's kind of disappointing in here I'm finished too many show-dose and the first person we meet is the guy who does our website you know and like I was like that's a good start right and everyone don't worry he wasn't drunk because he's the guy that works on the player you just create like the back end and the art assets either yeah you know but like that was just a nice little like all right that's there we go that's an
Starting point is 00:09:24 opener let's go Maryland we in there National Harbor and then the first order of business we fucking me go up and meet Takahata business you know we went down to the restaurant yeah absolutely the one in the game hotel yeah that yeah that was kind of the thing that since we met Takahata at Pax last August he's just like no I have the best time with you guys so that's why we hang out with him so specific really because he's a great con bro yeah yeah yeah yeah that's a good word for it con bro we go we did we did our chest bump yeah like I was which is hard to do with him now because he just fucking really he bumps really
Starting point is 00:10:05 back and we have to stumble and go to his dizzy animation because he's fucking beef he's fucking Napa under that shirt yeah he needs to shave his head bald it's coming it's coming and like and we were just we were there like drinking and feeding them beers and like we ran into a pool pouring them down as we ran into a cool fan that like bought us around as well yeah that was really awesome and yeah Takahata had his panel to go to right away yeah you know yeah right away so so like that was like the first thing ever just like wow like Friday panel like right it's first thing as soon as you arrive that's really intense I think
Starting point is 00:10:46 we didn't know yeah I'll mention a bit later but I had a conversation with him about like yeah just sometimes panel scheduling is not stacked evenly like that's a better word to say it but yeah but like we had a good time you know we went down to like the team four star panel room where we also met the Sailor Moon Abridged like when we mentioned our dark friends and everything like one half them used to work on Sailor Moon Abridged and this is like the other half of the team of that and she was like a fan and she's like oh like yeah I like your stuff and and and her online name is Chris Ricks for those that know her and
Starting point is 00:11:28 she's like she's she lives in Montreal with us and then they're just like I can't believe you guys are here it's just one of those awesome lighting like what exactly so that was that was fun you know and like they were up they were there on the main paint teams to a four star panel as well yeah and you know like we got to sit there humbly in the the first row or second row or whatever like just looking around at the size of the room that we can't fucking do two ballrooms and a half it's sub count based man we enjoy attack a had his antics up there until we had to that bit where he asked him
Starting point is 00:12:06 hey if Troy Baker just dies will the power back kill more voice actors let's not recast the Troy Baker no one just gets work this main character role now be silent there's no families get paid or no one gets to eat it gets punched in the throat and then after that we made our way down to the the dealers room and got to check that out and see what the differences were this year yeah we're some definitely yeah so the interesting thing was like there was less vendors yeah you saw that the back half of the vendors section almost had nothing yeah there was a space allotted and no exactly they planned for more for
Starting point is 00:12:54 other like potential more vendors but they didn't get as many but they doubled up on their video game fucking section section was definitely way way bigger because you had the dealers room like potential room and then like to the left you had the console side to the right you had the arcade machine side and just video games fucking everywhere I can't remember but last week they did not have the indie section they it was in between the dealer and then the arcades very least it was much smaller than it was here now there was like section like two dozen games yeah and like like like that with like you know pretty so established
Starting point is 00:13:34 groups some small groups different size of indie yeah yeah yeah there's a trailer for Star Mazer like yeah it was not last week or the week before on the podcast yeah the last episode exactly it was running right next to sports ball those guys were nicely dressed wait it was next to what sports ball wait it was next to what sports ball it was sports ball sports ball sports ball live by the bird died by the bird straight man I love the fact that some other people love jousts as much as I do and fucking made a great game out of it that's okay I saw this one game this one I was describing to you before in the
Starting point is 00:14:09 indie section just really quickly before I forget it was called like quest of the like quest of like a girl's name like you know or something but you played as this cool looking like Clementine style black girl and she's wearing a cool dress and she's just interacting with dragon she's running on the backs of dragons that are going down the dragons sprite style looks like dragons crown that's it it looks really nice and then she would leap off them after she beats the dragon's head and then go into skydiving mode and then like weave through all these other dragons to get on another one I'm like what the hell is
Starting point is 00:14:44 this game it's it looks amazing crazy it's pretty much like an endless runner right what it is I wasn't really sure okay I've been reading about it one time but it's been quite a while you know and that was right around the time as well that I like walked by the video games New York booth as you have to do every time because they're every time pretty good and I saw they're like oh look these are the amiibos that you're never gonna see in your life ever again would you like them now or now yes and I was like looked at the wallet I would like them now please you know so I bought me my Ike and my Samus and my fucking
Starting point is 00:15:19 little Mac and my Kirby that was probably my wallet was a lot lighter a bunch of them were poached from Japan no yeah they were the only vendor selling amiibos and you can probably bet that like they were fucking making money yeah they fucking they brought out the cases from the back sealed boxes from Nintendo that they just never opened and like threw them at through them at me and we're packing them away just now like Liam's like look for defects I was like look for a defect you're not gonna find one you're gonna resent opening that box and of course when I looked at little Mac I went oh I'll buy him a little later
Starting point is 00:15:56 I didn't actually ask if you have any more in the back but yeah so then I went over and I played some Mark of the Wolves on the big screen against some people you know that were around there that was a good time and that was right when I got a text from Matt that was just like before you say that while you're playing Mark of the Wolves when me and Willie were looking at the con schedule for tournaments I looked at it and it was kind of overlapping with team four stars thing something we had to do but I see Samurai Kirby tournament I was like oh yeah I don't know if I can make it and after that I see TMNT
Starting point is 00:16:41 tournament fighters tournament slash Godzilla save me tournament and then at some point there was a WF no mercy tournament but I go to the TMNT tournament fighters tournament yeah that's hard to say TMNT tournament and I was walking around checking it out I'm checking the mirrors and I was like oh cool okay and I see the Godzilla one and then eventually I hear a voice yeah and it's like hey yeah okay hi yeah but that cut to me on the other side of the room my phone starts ringing like five texts in five texts in like ten seconds yeah like dude yo where are you I'm at TMNT dragging Charles from team fucking
Starting point is 00:17:26 best from now is here I came running I don't know if anyone knows but if they do know it's that's a big fucking deal for us because a lot of our like yo check out this stupid fighting game mentality comes from these guys like the team best from now they made these hilarious videos back in the day and dragon Charles was the main guy behind them and they're just he's just very humble about everything you know I mean but he just he just kind of presents you some stupid shit and just like yo all right look at this stupid shit this is why this boss or this character is so broken and expose it like games that a
Starting point is 00:18:08 lot of people were like dragon master that's like that one where they threw there on game FAQs and they could not find it and the fact that their name is team you are the best from now if you know where that quote is from yeah I think it might be from dragon master that the game just tells you you are the best from now absolutely so like and I come running over and all excited and whatever and it's just like this like humble black I just sitting there like hey hello you know yeah and and so we like had a little chat and we explained we gushed for a while and whatever and then I just be like trying to think of
Starting point is 00:18:42 stuff off the top of my head I'm like dude why do you defend Tiger Megazord and Power Rangers are fighting it's not that bad of a character and I'm glad that like when we ran into him again he was like yeah I checked out your channel back in my hotel room that night you have one more subscriber and I was like oh that's good stuff man never expected those those tournament fighter matches were the most amazing tournament I ever seen I was playing exert hearing the hype like fucking shaking the room I ain't what I was
Starting point is 00:19:20 playing eggs are fucking like that was not where the hype was I was hearing though I know I know just really quickly I actually signed up for that tournament I was really excited to play and then I was like I have no I've never been into an actual team and tea tournament and the killers had come out the killers the guy that was the camera I was banned was your plan was fucked the guy that was running the tournament he takes a cyber shredder and he goes against another cyber show they have a mirror and it was like awesome mirror and then I go up and find a random guy for our crusher and it I lost against this dude like straight up
Starting point is 00:19:56 around but I want a bunch of rounds and then it like I don't he got a hundred percent combo yeah yeah no I perfected the guy did you get a pop did you get a pop so yeah oh good boy doesn't that feel good a perfect yeah it does Matt welcome to why I didn't join you on your fucking show back when that started now but that fucking feeling is electrifying yeah yeah when the crowd is behind you and you're like yo let's go and and the announcer for poverty yeah tournaments of poverty he was really high because oh so I was right okay bring it back and then right like right after that was when you explained to me you
Starting point is 00:20:41 had a moment where you're just standing there watching three screens right next to each other yeah and people had no mercy and they had little Godzilla going on and Timothy all I'm like these are three you're watching your life before your very eyes three generations of systems right like 60 in bed 64 bit and like you know like Xbox ps2 game so no more no mercy implies motherfucking Matthew from botcha mania shows up in a goddamn suit with a union jack all over getting hype standing on chairs that that was like this this is the main reason why my voice is thrown out because the no mercy tournament moved
Starting point is 00:21:22 around and every time at like every weird thing for a tournament to do but what I don't really know me maybe they say maybe it was casuals before and then they switched to the projectors later but basically any time when these matches were happening there were matches that had no right to be hype yeah expo versus Dean Malenko who the fuck cares if people were every time someone like failed like jumping over the ropes and yeah and planchine on to someone across you fucked up you fucked up a CW easy and then they had a boombox playing Hulk Hogan's theme and I have it recorded hopefully comes out well that everyone's
Starting point is 00:21:57 singing Hulk Hogan's theme music magic it was really like electrified magic yeah and unlike last night fast I got to formally introduce myself to Matthew and just shake his head like I am mad from super best friends play he's like oh brilliant and I'm sorry I'm running a fucking tournament I'm really feeling it yes and you know we were all me Matthew Hongo yeah we were really hoping for like the ability to watch the world rumble with him back in his room the next day yeah sadly he had capacity and they're looking to put in the limit that how many people you can say they'll hold in your room they were gonna
Starting point is 00:22:40 deport him otherwise yeah but some great people did let us watch the world rumble in their room in the end yeah that worked out but you know that was pretty much Friday we also walked by the funfetti brawl set up oh my god we saw this for the most ridiculous fucking build I've ever seen people fighting on top of zero-suit Samus that's correct okay you've got you've got Dante Goku Homer Simpson cloud Ryuko's and all salty that smash Gray Fox salty smash you need everything just everything like the most absurd modded brawl the instructions on the side said if the game freezes unplug the console like
Starting point is 00:23:24 imagine if you insert like mugen open-endedness into smash modding and then give that to like V on 4 chat five-year-old that you see the madness that ensues it was great you then of course you know that was that night cut to Saturday you know we didn't we did shit all until the panel we just sat in our rooms and like tried to make the panel and really yeah we planned it out and just pumped ourselves up and fucking okay let's do it and we'd be using this to people all weekend they say oh are you coming to our panel and the award is your panel let me go and usually my go-to response is don't come
Starting point is 00:24:02 to our parents it's gonna be terrible things to do and we're saying to people later on we're like we thought like since the first magfest we we've been like four or five and we kind of think maybe our panels are ready to see and to talk about because most people just do Q&A they just hey we're so-and-so let's do Q&A which you and I over as always were like that's don't do it's okay but they'll do all Q&A and yeah all Q&A and we spent the first couple panels doing like coverage of our thoughts on LPs and stuff which is you know there's quite a few just kind of gave us a chance to talk about stuff like it's busted down way
Starting point is 00:24:40 exactly and I know we kind of get a problem we're like okay well we've caught up anybody who went to last year's magfest or saw the news and somewhat of a repeat exactly so tried something to freshen up so what what we did was like you know as you guys will be able to check out we decided to do a little award show like awarding some of the most underrated bits and jokes and things that we could never bring up otherwise because there's no what was the main one you know precious Thor precious and that was like what that was a good one most underrated bit no that was a common word that was common break oh you're
Starting point is 00:25:16 right whatever yeah yeah like most potential the coyote ugly reference yes yes for most obscure reference precious precious Thor man and you know so we did that and then thanks to the guys over at Shark Robot we were able to get a couple of t-shirts yeah no I was able to procure about 15 t-shirts to just give away with with a little trivia contest for the fans unlike when we take Q&A from them yeah Q&A on the fan sadly no t-shirt cannon but we managed to do a little impromptu trivia quiz for everybody which went really well like we kind of thought these are real head scratchers it went it went faster than
Starting point is 00:25:59 I didn't skip any so we had 15 shirts I made 25 questions to be safe and we managed to in the first 15 the first 15 questions we're all the shirts so yeah including such gems as like what did Pat confuse for a dog on the side of the road people quite a that was the hardest one was who was the first to die in the Nuzlocke was the hardest one by far yeah and I can't blame them and like both bits went down really well like I think like like since it's the start of the year like manifest generally then we come back I should maybe expand upon the awards thing I think so are you know and our youtuber friends that were there
Starting point is 00:26:43 were saying like that was a really fun part of the panel yeah a lot of fans I was speaking to I asked them like what did you think and they said yeah the trivia was like surprisingly fun if only we could like as rig it so that it's the main the main thing with a pet like a panel and it's different than just Q&A it's interactive in a different way and it's all so quick yeah because people just go raise your head yeah what no okay next person like it was like a rapid fire and you know then we did the Q&A section we had everyone line up and do the the mic checks and stuff and we got some fun bits we got Neo Woolly this
Starting point is 00:27:27 cosplayer dressed up as me and I didn't know which one to shoot Takahata gets up and is like you're doing the fusion dance now yeah I'm like yes I know that you would just use it to woolly yeah but no but no but Cyborg 17 and Cyborg 17 16 and 16 together becomes super 16 oh that's true that's true 17 but yeah so and you know what here's the thing we're gonna actually cut to this panel itself at the end of this episode so that everyone can hear it right away nice so we're just doing a little you know brief morning zoo bit for you guys right now talking about our weekend and then you're gonna get to hear the panel
Starting point is 00:28:08 for yourselves so moving along then since you hear the rest of that we had we did our signing that was great once again yeah amazing to meet everyone face to face some fans that told me that they didn't like how it was right after the panel like it wouldn't spaced out a bit because look all there's other stuff like I don't want to go and then it was hard being shepherded from there is also some people often not to go to the panel and just got in line so the line was already capped before people from the panel were able to get to the world and I was really upset that the line was capped I mean I mean if anyone got stuck
Starting point is 00:28:46 with that cap I'm not happy with that's not great I know what happened to some people and I mean it's one of those things were like they just kind of schedule us and cart us around and set it up and I mean all in all I think that like the guy that was taking charge taking credit not taking charge of the signing line and stuff did a really good job doing a great job right keeping it smooth he was taking pictures of people exactly like he was really on top of his stuff and he did it for us last year as well so that guy's really great but like yeah some of that booking is a bit tricky for some next next year I'd rather
Starting point is 00:29:15 ask if hey can we just take everyone and we and you definitely don't want to hear like hey I kind of drove down to kind of see you know why you got turned away because of the line cap well that guy who came from Brazil could you imagine exactly no exactly which is why it's like if you see us you know it's fine but if you have another autograph session coming up behind you it's like no there's nothing that can be done but we didn't have an open slot I assume that there were somewhere else waiting in the wings to sit down and do autographs but there wasn't so it's almost a little bit like you know they underestimate the
Starting point is 00:29:47 amount of people under estimator girls that want to check us out but either way like it was really great to once again see a lot of those familiar faces yeah lots of great gifts that we'll probably show you guys later in our video and one of those familiar faces that we spent the rest of the weekend with was motherfucking cranky construct yeah cranky you showed up right now he lives nearby my onesie thunder yeah he came prepped man and like we just we talked shop we talked the shit we fucking had a great time with him and I hear he has a phenomenal new thing coming up yeah yeah he does ice like it is his best work in
Starting point is 00:30:27 my opinion hey you want to hear something upsetting what the night after the panel he and I were saying oh my god we should have played that at the panel I know I saw it and I was like we're an idiot yeah we are all in it halfway halfway through the panel I was thinking it and I was looking over at him and I was kind of hoping he could read my mind but he couldn't fuck man because that would have been like yeah you play that pop that off it was ready to go yeah you know but like we'd I don't even know if we had a connection on the internet or any of that you know at that point out there yeah absolutely I think definitely like in
Starting point is 00:30:57 future panels and especially really big ones we should make a concentrated effort to have some like things either be it an animator and made it something and something that we have specifically but so it's so hard to sort of find the time also we're doing them a lot more often these days and a few months apart in between so it's it's not always taking you know an opportunity we have so if you ever come to one of our panels and you don't see a cool animation it's because we don't like your panel it's less important so we you know and then of course from that we went off to do a couple of interviews with some people we
Starting point is 00:31:34 ran into an awesome comic book guy again who gave us a few issues made some recommendations yeah on my way over I read saga two and three and fell in love again and again and again with that series and this guy was recommending the next Brian K Von series to us which is called and on guard which is such a sick concept yeah it's fantastic it's sick defending itself from America and like I trust that man who's the only person who can outright Brian K Von Brian K fucking Vaughn yeah and even then he had struggles yeah and I was explaining to you Liam like I hope you get a chance on the way back but like suck saga right
Starting point is 00:32:11 now might be my favorite thing ever I think it's got all the great damage it just needs to commit yeah just need to lock it in yeah and we'll see how it ends but I can't make that overhead gonna land oh battery ender on that shit yeah so yeah we ran to him we did that and that's when we made our way down to the screenwave party and yes the screenwave party is legendary every time yeah every single time they fucking like last year we kind of showed up a little bit late it was kind of it was not petering down but we got in there during a quiet moment and you know and every time we've been at one of these
Starting point is 00:32:50 things since then it's just been happening happening up and yeah man this time we walked into like a fucking full house yeah yeah amazing stuff and even before we get to know people yeah so I want to say coin into that and in anything all day yeah super thirsty so everything I saw I had read like tinge around it like damage yeah all you guys are like okay we're gonna walk here I'm like I don't care like where's the food and as well just go to be line to get to that after I had consumed enough then I was able to focus on people like in an after tier on the all-star cast of BT or entertainer yeah yeah like an FPS view
Starting point is 00:33:30 there's a table of chicken wings and it's just your camera sliding up and down the table machine taking so yeah like cranky came with us there and then we finally got to meet up with the dude I've been making plans with the entire time Boku no eruption right what a fucking nice guy Austin is so cool awesome nice guy it's been a long time since I think I've mentioned them on the podcast yeah you brought up there but if you just YouTube bokeh bokeh no no eruption just a really clever youtuber reviews of games like little things like that he's he's really awesome yeah really great sense when I got him I took him
Starting point is 00:34:12 a sudden like that's a pico reference right and he's like yeah I'm like okay just but he had like I we always recommend his sparks to review yes that almost that settles the argument that Pat and I have been having in some ways although he knows less about the SNES side of things yeah but there's an interesting history there we really like his stuff and it's one what's awesome is like he got picked up by screenwave yes with a back when he had a very low you know exposure yeah and it was just kind of like yeah they liked his stuff too and we're like you make good stuff regardless of how many people know you exist
Starting point is 00:34:49 let's amplify that because you're going places I'm really happy we're able to work under someone who like sees that or who yeah who goes for talent rather than then just just know the viewers exactly man and this is the type of guy where you can go to him and you just go you mentioned you just mentioned games you was yep yep yeah like yes you're you're you're saying yes to all the right things like any like to laden on the Genesis better well no no we came to the logical conclusion which is it is gameplay versus appearance and music and you know and the SNES one just doesn't hold up in so many ways anyway
Starting point is 00:35:29 yeah that fucking Shinji Mikami what an asshole yeah but no so that's that so that is what you said that room evil within proves you can do no wrong that was a fun room that was a fun room because yo I like from across the room I'm me and Satch are just like eyeing each other like yeah all right the only other black guy holding a generic shaved-headed white dudes the exact like yeah man all right was like but no eruption great guy but in any creative character he's male number two yeah right number one no no one he's got a little scruff. Satch bags fucking awesome dude we of course ran into Shane from Digino
Starting point is 00:36:13 Gaming. Jon Trotter was there. Yeah we had some good conversations. We got introduced like like fat like okay person who introduces themselves as just fangirl right yeah no I'm sitting in a stool and I met her before and she was just like I love your stuff and everything and like you just had a chat about it and I was like yeah no it's great to be here love magfest and just had sort of the generic talk yeah and that was the end of that yeah and then later man so yeah I'm sitting in a stool and I'm just I'm just drinking I'm just like oh yeah yeah and he turned she goes oh my god man I'm like oh hi and she
Starting point is 00:36:47 goes oh yeah I'm just a big fan and the same conversation as you would have and then and with a twist and then it go well how are you here like what do you do what do you do yeah oh Takahara like he has he got me a couple voice-acted roles it was like okay that makes sense and Takahara knows enough people because he specializes in voice acting yeah and she goes oh yeah I'm like you know not too long ago I did like the theme song for Orchid and Killer Inkstank and I was like excuse me and she's like oh like you know like Killer Inkstank like like for the Xbox one so yeah I did the theme song for the lyrics for that and I'm
Starting point is 00:37:29 like oh you mean like a fan project oh no like the official game I was like let me hug you I work with Mick Gordon I work with Mick Gordon let me hug you and then I grab you again I'm standing there and I grab my fiancee and I'm like oh she does the song that we sing it to her repeat to me what you just said yeah yeah and I was like yeah I already met her nice girl I was like no I did some of the voices on the you know fucking Orchid song and I was like why are you a fan of us why didn't you say this yeah you know and then later when you like so we just started like fucking gushing over her work in that amazing this yeah yeah touch me and I'll break your
Starting point is 00:38:13 face and if you look on her thing like her current roles that she has she's going to be in Star Mazer that's awesome yeah so when you came back over later and you're like oh yeah so let's check out this business card you know from yeah Elspeth Elspeth Eastman yeah yeah yeah and like check out the business card and I see that and just kind of move Matt out of the way and walk over I'm like sorry did I offend you in some way did I do something wrong am I prove you know what will happen low because I saw that business card there and somehow but basically like you know we have great animators we have great artists and we
Starting point is 00:38:53 don't really have someone like you know to maybe sing or do some like musical things so they're really cool if like I don't know she can be the announcer at my wedding yeah like in my head I'm just the theme songs playing right now yeah we listen to it again the next morning and Leanna was like are you just checking the song and then I was like no we're listening to it and we looked it up and she like she did like some maybe some backing vocals because the song is attributed to a lot of people yeah but like regardless you worked with Mick Gordon I listened to her full reel and like I recognized her
Starting point is 00:39:33 from a bunch of things oh yeah at which point I put it out to Matt I was like this is the music and game festival where the fuck is Mick Gordon live on stage okay this is one of I think Willie's best idea ever from the top give it its gravitas you walk into the empty main stage at magfest concert hall you fucking get the lights dimmed and then suddenly they shoot on and the spot lights do the correction thing where they all cross in the right right and then you get the jago then you start it up and you bring up the lights and everything as it builds up yeah and you only then after you bring out the jago intro do
Starting point is 00:40:19 you blend into that Ki fucking build up they ever see to everyone taking their tops off and spinning them around and then while you're spinning your tops and you're falling then each song is ended with him getting on the keys and doing the ultra ender on the keyboard like okay you have the spinal theme playing and you have a bunch of spinal cost players you know and then the entire crowd at the end of every song goes so bright dude where is my guy I'm gonna try to talk to some people to start that how can I get you to play in my wedding yeah yeah but yeah we then we
Starting point is 00:41:09 met back up with fucking John Tron and like he just like just every time we meet up just awesome stories and random bullshit at the bar yeah yeah yeah just having a good time you know doing that thing we're like I'm talking to one group he's talking to another group we both look at each other and do the kind of like moving I can't I joined in on him talking to you Liam and some of the other people that was that was fun and actually Aaron had passed by at some point he was just I think we just outside the bar and I they walked by and I just it's it's probably is as close as it's ever gonna get with Aaron he kind
Starting point is 00:41:51 of looks over someone's shoulder to go oh who's that over there and he either goes oh or like oh I don't know okay I just made eye contact oh yeah I don't think it's ever and like but honestly like I did the rounds and then it was going heading back out the door to go see to go say what's up but like I use you know so he was a brief flicker in the wind yeah but fucking stamper wasn't yeah stamper was in for the long ride and that motherfucker is the best he can drink and he can fucking gab and like we had a good time with stamp okay so we gotta yeah you were there for it and we'll talk about later towards the end of
Starting point is 00:42:32 last night but yeah yeah yeah there's another great stamper bit we had no honestly like it just us and Takahata and stamper sitting in a circle just fucking go that's what I explained to like you know the street the screen way of guys one like they were passing by and like you know drinking and everything and I was like I got cheers to them and I was like yeah you've got a fucking room together man good shit yeah and we're all just reaching around each other off into the air and it's stardust it's stardust covering the bar you know but yeah that was all fun stuff and it was nice to also well I'll say
Starting point is 00:43:10 this like after that bar we all we went back to the normal boot sweet and like hung out with them up there okay what was the specific name of the room do we know I don't remember I don't remember no but what was the classification of the room was the presidential suite that's true right overlooking the fucking like the hobba hobba exactly like the shame did no game it's just like you need to you need to check this place out there's robots just really feeling it there was a bit where me and Takahata were just looking at each other and said I'm really feeling would you like to see the master bedroom and they go inside and
Starting point is 00:43:56 then there's just peacocks walking around specifically John Tron's parrot parrots yeah yeah no fun to say no exactly and like you know yeah like he texted me before we're like we're heading up there and everything and it's like okay this is the spot everyone's like meeting back up at you know and up there we got to meet Nicole his girlfriend yeah super really really cool and the fan of the show exactly that was that was cool it was like yeah and her brothers were there as well who I hung out with a bit afterwards I'll get into that but yeah we just we had like what is probably my highlight of the weekend
Starting point is 00:44:33 happened down there where you know in the midst of like all the fucking just gabbing and laughing and joking and shit you get the and like and like again conversations that can't be repeated but like you just get the break in the action where fucking everyone just marches over to the kitchen and it's like Takahata versus Shane from did you know gaming arm wrestling let's go yeah like we said before Takahata has been working out yeah yeah he's and I was just like okay whatever you know exactly and like I slid in there like writing like under the third rope style slide got my hands on it officiated that shit yeah so like
Starting point is 00:45:08 like getting that shit ready to go it was great and first and you saw like Takahata go cow and he fucking drops his all his beef armed down and Shane both times just bam that no the reason that yeah Shane is either wearing a hoodie or like a like a full dress shirt or whatever and he's hiding but you actually look at him he's like no he's got super beef underneath that thing you know and I was just like you're Takahata like like you're showing it off and you're exposed okay by the way Takahata is wearing tight t-shirts so he was always trying to show it off literally trying to become big pop a pump always
Starting point is 00:45:50 making us feel like shit yeah I told him to enter his panel wearing a chainmail hat like you know and that's really awesome we don't have that recorded on footage or someone might maybe Satch might have recorded I remember he had his phone up you might have had it on record video on his phone but I have some of the aftermath okay recorded and hopefully you guys can see some of that because it could lead to something glorious okay in the future I almost feel like it's one of those like reparties you go or it's just like check your cell phones at the door style like yeah that was good though and then yeah
Starting point is 00:46:29 so at some point sorry what just one special aside for me is that when me and I and I brought my fiance up to and we were like we need to bring something if we're going to this big presidential suite so we brought some alcohol we brought like fireball and I brought these I've been eating them all day I was like okay I gotta give these to people but yeah I forget his name Trader Joe's the sorry Trader Joe's a really nice family met last year at Mangfest he gave us like really awesome chocolate and Trader Joe's dark chocolate peanut butter like cups I'm like I was inhaling them right and I was like bring these up they're so
Starting point is 00:47:03 good and I bring them up and and so I see I see maybe two or three people grab a few and I was like I'm gonna go get some more oh yeah I feel really great about eating these and I go and the thing is just suddenly empty so then someone told me later like no people stole them I saw John Chon maybe someone else just take a handful and put them in different places and maybe wasn't John Chon this they hold it the my fucking like eat them I don't let me eat them with you we eventually kind of branched off cuz like I wanted to head down to what to the fucking you me a Kattamari Damashie concert and if you
Starting point is 00:48:01 know anything about me Kattamari very recently on a podcast very really no Kattamari Damashie my favorite my favorite video game OST is Kattamari Damashie wow both of them and that happening that same night that that type of special guest having that at Magfest this weekend fuck you I'm not going and I just no I'm like your eruption yeah Kattamari concert you want to come fuck yeah right who else is in and like John Chon's girlfriend's brother Andrew right you know we like we met him earlier and we're talking a little bit and he's like I'm down fucking down for that and so we just
Starting point is 00:48:36 marched the the problem with an event like that is when you're already at a party setting and there's something else you want to go to everyone's very lax about getting to places oh it's in 15 minutes like all you have to do is take an elevator down a couple floors and fuck man so we know we just we got in there and it was it was an 11 on 10 set guys it was unbelievable because he played on every Kattamari song I wanted to hear upbeat in like a fucking tell me the thing you said tempo mix yeah for like the first half an hour and then he's like no lead in Japanese who's just like you know thank you very much you know
Starting point is 00:49:25 Arigato and I was and I just like you're done super ashy and he's like you know Arigato then he did a key to he did a camp I got some beer get a translator out there and then after love the first like half hour of that he was like do you mind if I pray something besides Kattamari you know and everyone's like okay thank you as you know I also make music for Namco I'm a sound designer for them so here's some Tekken music and he starts playing some fucking Tekken remixes and starts killing it and then after the Tekken remixes are done and everyone's like oh my god he starts playing Ridge Racer music and fucking
Starting point is 00:50:05 kills it and it's just like this set is ridiculous it really awesome he goes okay now play music from the hit Namco video game death by degree if you told me that game had good music I would believe it I believe it's that type that happens yeah but fuck man that dude is talented you know and it's clear that he's not a like DJ like like it clearly like he has a DJ presence but he's a sound designer primarily you know what I mean and like get it done yeah I know he was killing it up there with his fucking turntables and his sets and everything and whatever but he like was sound designer first DJ second and I
Starting point is 00:50:48 loved that it added a technical element to the set yeah I you know I had to cut a rug it was great and then I just went back to eruptions room for Smash 4 and that was pretty much where my Saturday went what you split it off and you just went to play melee of course I was having so much fun like and then the console room or did you in the console room I haven't gotten to play against good melee players a long time like last time I played melee was the fist cuffs and I was like super ultra rust and the previous time before that I don't even like maybe a year before at work like just random remember like I haven't
Starting point is 00:51:27 played good melee players in a long time and it was like especially generally really popular here oh absolutely like it was probably the game with the most I think I think the staggered the setups were staggered really weirdly and okay like bear with me here cuz I know people know I don't like Smash 4 as much as the others but you got to admit there's something funny about there being like seven brawl setups like five smash 4 setups and two melee setups like we're on the street is though you held your own against some of the melee players yeah absolutely I was actually really pleased it was excellent there you go there you
Starting point is 00:52:02 go it was really good optimal conditions perfect controllers everything we're hanging ready to go yeah you do your thing um and we did I did I don't know playing some Smash 4 and I had some really good matches yeah fun as well the I do like the game that's just well the Smash 4 that we played back at eruptions room like that's where Andrew the you know the Nicole's brother was just fucking bee sting like I've never seen I wish I would have got the plan I didn't even see him it was it was ridiculous and to the point where I like okay stop stop stop everyone hold on like after well it we waited for it to
Starting point is 00:52:37 wind down up and I was like let me just one of you when you just to know this is it I just want to know because like I I want to see if I don't get three stocked and I got him up to 98% and the motherfucker three stocked me with his Mario and I was like okay this is serious business like Mario's really good yeah yeah yeah he wow man I wish I could have got to play him I never even saw him perhaps next time you know maybe yeah so yeah dude shout out to you man that was good stuff my end into that Saturday was a lot less cold than the same time like appropriate for me I suppose which is just we just wandered
Starting point is 00:53:10 around and recorded some bits for a video whatever but essentially I just went okay I'm pretty drunk hungry even though I ate it's one of those times wrong no we need to eat something now and the thing that you'll constantly see in red math you needs meat badly one thing you'll constantly see in the hotel that that makes this happens so you'll see a never-ending parade of dudes holding 17 boxes of pizza so we ordered some pizza and we just it was the worst place ever because we're in the main lobby and we're looking as every motherfucker you could ever imagine was coming in with pizza and he goes no no please go away
Starting point is 00:53:46 this is yeah no no no no no no no no no no no and we finally got it in pizza ground-free yeah exactly and we met we met some other fans matter I've got I'm really sorry I forget your name I'm sure she's listening but she had red highlights yeah she's super nice and shared some like some fun laughs and stories where they're all we just ate pizza and just wave to fans like pretty much the rest of the night and then I'll just like oh shit I forgot I'm old I'm gonna go back to the room and go to bed no like I was out till four man like whatever fuck it Mac this weekend I don't care I don't sleep anyway yeah the
Starting point is 00:54:28 limiters are off there you go and then yeah Sunday roll around somehow it seemed like it wouldn't but then it did but then it did it's not gone and there was there was a fucking moment on Sunday where I sat down to play Streets of Rage and I think Willie heard this story yeah I know I didn't I sat down to play Streets of Rage I said I'm gonna top the leaderboard and like that's doable I can do that no problem you top the leaderboard on the game on the game exactly I thought they had some sort of no I was gonna go on top leaderboard right so I'm playing solo Adam because I'm an idiot and I love it and I was at
Starting point is 00:55:02 like stage six of eight I was doing perfect amazing and then I finish it some motherfucker presses start on the second controller and before his butt touches the seat I am gone I am gone I'm ruining that I ruined that completely ruined the playthrough yeah oh my god don't do that like ask ask ask say like any shmups I should have unplugged the same thing beat him up some shmups like that where it's like you're trying to play for a thing yeah like someone shows up with the book or a press start just I like that transition like before his ass hit the seat I was gone like poor poor guy but like oh man yeah that's that
Starting point is 00:55:49 don't do that guys but we did Sunday we had our t-shirt signing little thing yeah the shark yeah we went over to the shock robot booth we were sitting there signing some shirts there's a bit on problem too it was a lot of fun yeah yeah you know just yeah like you're basically signing them and giving people the sizes and then they would go and pay for it and Liam really really stepped up his game yeah I'm really feeling it you were just working the booth at a point like getting shirts that were ready in a while I ended up grabbing a couple cuz like I'm here I'm not just gonna say hey like can we get a shirt or ask this
Starting point is 00:56:28 like I see them right there yeah and it was cool like second opportunity for people that missed us before yeah back around again yeah because a bunch of people did say like oh yeah I wasn't able to think but I am here now that was really cool that's why I ran into one of the first guys we ran into on the street again Matthew from Australia oh yeah yeah congratulations of surviving and making it up here yeah great escape and and like I mean I can't really get too much into it because it is kind of personal but like he showed me some serious like Australian hospitality and he was a super fucking cool guy and yeah
Starting point is 00:57:16 and I and I just you know like dude honestly thank you like what you did is great and awesome and you're super cool for that and I'm just like yo for a prison colony there they're turning around so back yeah you've worked off your million-year sentence the same time frame and since it's not recorded and it's not even a thing anymore I just want to lament like my biggest all this has been the funniest thing everyone laughed that I saw this really like pretty good John Cena cosplayer I saw we saw and and I saw him and I wasn't with you guys and you saw him and I wasn't there and I have a camera it just sucks
Starting point is 00:58:06 because my idea was is I wanted to shoot footage of this John Cena cosplayer like crazy and you can't see me by and then it would pan Liam and Liam does it too and every time they do it cut off the crop every time I was like I was walking by when I saw an awesome peacock from skull girls and I was like man where the fuck are you you know fucking windjammer shit I wish we'd gone oh yeah I didn't know there was a windjammer scene but they had a giant bomb they had windbreakers on and I'm pissed I'm yelling jam jam jam jam that's great like that's the greatest fuck and I'm so pissed because I'm like I'm so
Starting point is 00:58:59 happy that it's back but I'm mad because I wanted to be the one to bring it right yeah I need to step it up man there's been fucking brought it hard will he step up revolution but the best I can do is like when like do that like girls like like hyping up dive kicking stuff it was like a fucking character in there Jeff what you got no man that was that's sick I love antics like that at these events you know we had the fucking best moment and I hope where you're gonna see it or whatever but we're signing t-shirts and a dude comes up to us and goes yo guys hey what's up big fan more importantly I just got over here from
Starting point is 00:59:40 the Street Fighter the arcade the movie the arcade game cabinet in the room over there shout outs it's running and the bug that you talked about the sound bug is happening I'm like get out yeah you the one that as kill said couldn't possibly be happening and it's like no it's happening right now and I'm like I'm like as high as everybody's like it's happening immediately now so I'm like fucking Matt the small detail about this is that we were playing the home version yeah and the whole version very differently arcade versions this is like 10 years ago yeah and the home version it's like you mash buttons at the select
Starting point is 01:00:17 at the character select screen and you get a couple of dumb random sound effects maybe when a special movie is performed so got would go show can yeah of Sakura and maybe something would happen and then you would hear like a weird roar but we got that thing where we had booted an on-the-acclaim logo we mashed buttons and then we got fucking primal raid sound effects we got perfect up double product yeah we didn't get all that crazy crazy stuff when we played the home version yeah on this arcade version it was every single thing you did or didn't do it in the most like malarkey bullshit standing there with
Starting point is 01:01:03 geef pressing hard punch can't can't can't Vega Vega they can't can you were playing that kid and then in the middle of that it just said round three and then you hear three sounds of iron hitting the ground like don't don't don't like just some water yeah like yeah I was I was playing guy I just camey camey it was so good dude I can't like that isn't what's in a lifetime yeah fucking ass killed didn't believe now you see now you can get back now you can see now you see it's true yeah yeah you so that was great and then we we had dragon Charles part two where we just played some breakers breakers ran through the
Starting point is 01:01:51 gamut on that that games fucking blessed it in fun that was around the time as well we yeah we checked at some indies we did a bit and then we all just went off to dinner at that point yeah down by the big ferris wheel with cranky with Takahata his girlfriend another friend of Takahata the guy who's writing his thing yeah yeah the guy I don't think it's our place to talk about I'm not sure what the deal yeah there's secret projects that are that are really really awesome that are happening from Team 4 star Gary's mod stuff Gary's good at it so and it's fun too because while we were back in the the
Starting point is 01:02:39 presidential suite we met John's art pixel artist right fan of the podcast as well shout out to him and it was it was awesome to see like okay here is everyone and here's the ridiculous cool artists that they work with also here that just came in the past you know you're walking with your crew our crew is fucking cranky we got Boku we got Takahata you know you got also also not there but amazing that I'm just talking to someone they're like oh it's like yeah really thanks for contacting Dipod and I'm like sorry who you don't mean the Dipod we know right yeah impossible here's a picture of Dipod putting me in a
Starting point is 01:03:23 headlock the one way to know someone's a friend with someone is if you have a photo so dipod you motherfucker so cool that was awesome again another great calm moment of you know that small world and so yeah after we had like a cool dinner to what not that's when we went back to thankfully the royal rumble happening in another room because we couldn't get to Matthew's room we came in at what number 15 we came in yeah we came in the middle but we caught the fucking great escalation and ending and the awesomeness that is Roman Reigns winning and the crowd booing and then the rock comes out to fucking try to
Starting point is 01:04:09 hype it up and it's like they're like even harder please like Roman and then the rock cuts what is one of the worst promos he ever has and it was the labest most cringy fucking promo but Kofi in the rosebud that was cool and like and Takahata was just like like I said hey man do you think Finn Balor would like how would how would that fucking go over right right and then he was like if they brought him in as number 30 right now it would work like the stadium would shut down you know I was like that would be the sickest the lights go dark and he comes out in the fucking paint imagine I don't remember his name but there was a
Starting point is 01:04:42 guy in there who like really knew wrestling yeah yeah there was there was some smarks we were surrounded by some smarks it was great meanwhile you guys were enjoying the VIP experience yeah the VIP experience there's the big national wheel it's just big fancy ass Ferris wheel and I decided to take my fiance to very romantic VIP experience past didn't you not a pass per se just spend more money to get like this like the bullshit pass well you get the leather seats is basically what you get like there was some shit where like you stopped other people so we're not sure exactly how it worked but
Starting point is 01:05:19 we get into the thing and then that all these other people that paid for like you know ten bucks for whatever they are denied entry on the Ferris wheel you shut up pass we're just it was a big fancy thing and they have like a like an iPad running there with music and I'm selecting it then what are we gonna listen to it I was like the only thing we can do is stained so weird to be like a majestic like view like you got an amazing view of the hotel and as we're doing that we're just listening to the stain because we think it stains funny for some reason that's Ferris wheel music all right and then we're just in
Starting point is 01:05:59 there and I was like oh yeah and I they had binoculars and I was able to look into John John's room powerful binoculars and even look down at the restaurant that we were just in to see if you guys were still in there yeah no though that was that was a good time I could imagine man like that we met back up at eruptions room yeah and like just kind of capped the night off you know yeah pretty much that's when people are getting packed up and stuff and then yeah I think like Liam and I like we got the crew together as well with everyone on the room we went down for some last games at the arcade played one of the
Starting point is 01:06:36 older Gundam arcade games the Gundam X versus yeah I really like I'm I had a lot of fun with it I was like man I really wish there was more of a setting to learn it a little bit because beasts are playing people playing it were really good and that game is really hard to pick up yeah like that but I enjoyed the virtual on like aspect of like how simple the setup was yeah definitely and I definitely would like to spend some more time with that game in the future sure it was fun and I was playing with cranky as well like did you ever play any older ones or one of the Federation versus afghans I was
Starting point is 01:07:10 I was watching it at attorney that we ran back in the day but I didn't actually get hands on it so that was good stuff and then yeah we went then the last thing I did was just watch the new cranky animation as we were getting back to the hotel I didn't have their voices we were just fucking cracking and dying I took a couple of pictures with people like asleep eyes closed type of thing and yeah honestly like cranky it would I had such a blast hanging out with you man like honest the fucking that I can't wait for you guys to see this new thing yes so we got to get to our plate like now yeah we actually have to get
Starting point is 01:07:45 there now so honestly magfest this is dude this is the best I did not know that what I wanted from conventions what would really like really make me get make me really feeling it was like remove all the preteen anime fans and replace them with string quartets in the hallway thank you thank you I'm not even really that into music but like having it around you changes the atmosphere you that is exactly you've captured it perfect there's one more thing the average age is so much higher yes average age must be like over 20 it's not an anime con it's not a game fest with like you know those things and
Starting point is 01:08:26 stuff it's its own thing it's about music and it's about arcade machines that being said there's a lot of anime there's so lots of anime cosplayers but the events occurring in the general like age of the group of people walking around is much higher and it's just it's just a classier event and it's just fun I would like to probably just go the music thing when I was lonely when I was just finishing up going okay I'm heading back to the room to go to sleep last night there's just a single guy I mean this is the magfest of spirits at the last day there's still a guy repping it super hard he has a boombox plugged in
Starting point is 01:09:02 and he's playing Jago's original theme to himself and I just pointed when like this is the fucking guy like let's do it yeah one single person this is because it's all filtered out yeah still a guy that's like no keep partying not done yet motherfuckers so yeah we'll see you guys next time and enjoy the magfest 2015 panel I have a feeling we might see magfest again yeah I hope so and would that be back to the regular podcast format next yeah let's go let's go I'm really failing it it's time for a sponsor break today's episode of the super best friendcast is brought to you by slash super best
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Starting point is 01:12:23 David Cage ladies and gentlemen the following panel is scheduled for one hour 30 minutes making the way to the stage weighing in at 600 pounds uh Oh I didn't know that was gonna get played at all i kept saying hey we should have a cool song and we was like and i don't have a song i'm like well what is it
Starting point is 01:14:09 secrecy secrecy was integral to the plan man we couldn't tell you can i get volume volume on my mic mic check one two one my ao ao hello my mic sounds nice check one my mic sounds nice check two there we go there we go that works sounds like shit we're still 10 minutes early technically but uh fuck it yeah welcome to the one-year anniversary of our first panel ever i guess uh we kind of weren't too sure what to do this time around because it's getting to the point where like the first time we did a panel we did a run through of all our lps and then we did what we did the i don't remember the other run through of all the other run through and stuff
Starting point is 01:15:14 oh and then don't forget the third run through that yeah yeah yeah um precious memories so we wanted to kind of like figure out how to how to remix it this year so i guess we can start off with uh what's being called the golden age of lps i want to give a shout out to the zybatsopedia because they actually broke down our years into the attitude era the pg era the year of faceoff and the golden age i really like the attitude era because we had all those dumb angles that went nowhere um i i feel like we kind of this whole thing about the golden age that has recently popped up the golden age of lps where we started parasite eve we started silent hill game of thrones and mario rpg all at the same time and no more heroes no more heroes and the honest truth is it was
Starting point is 01:16:19 completely accidental like we had no plan to do that at the same time we just happened to have a bunch of other lps that just ended at the exact same time and it lined up that way like it's all one channel but we're pretty independent from each other when we all do our lps so like i have no clue what the fuck's going on in no more heroes and like no one even knew i was going to do that until like maybe a week i was like i finished no more heroes and everyone's like yeah and i like you had talked about doing parasite eve like months and months ago and then you were just like oh we did like nine parts i was like oh cool awesome so yeah we just happened to hit i guess the nail on the head there because there's almost like an lp cycle right that we go through it's as much like
Starting point is 01:17:00 the sonic cycle which i'm sure some of you are familiar with how does it go man it goes with everyone saying when are they going to play something new oh my god i can't wait to watch the newest thing oh my god the lp comes out and then everyone goes oh my god this is the best oh my god this is the best then they see us play the game and that's usually oh my god this is the worst why do i watch these guys kill me now um sorry you can run in super mario rpc you can run in when when did that just happen that was uh episode six or seven yeah uh we found the run button in like probably the most awkward way possible but it was really satisfying you're trying to jump right like yeah we got stuck in like a quote unquote progression blocker but it
Starting point is 01:17:48 turned out we were being idiots because running makes it not a progression blocker and and then of course the final stage is like oh my god i end this lp i wanted to end and then of course goes to when are they going to start a new lp and then new lp starts in a type of game it's it's it's great um so yeah i guess we wanted to give shout outs to the people that well besides you guys for being a ridiculously awesome fan base right the like the actual best fans i've ever ever seen for any kind of thing uh i really like yeah you had all these fans before yeah no not mine no i mean fans for other fans for fans of other things include us like your modeling yeah exactly i got some you know fuck you loom yo that's good thank you uh no i i wanted to kind of give a shout out to
Starting point is 01:18:40 some of the newer artists that you know helped bring us up because honestly like whenever we see amazing fan art we always just want to get in touch with the artists and and we also hoard the artists yeah yeah uh like for a good example is uh when i saw the guacamelain intro i was like oh this is really good and then just a month later i was just like hey woolly what's the name of the guy this is guacamelain he's like why did you want to know oh my gosh i'll just give him the things and then uh then i contacted that guy uh phil and he did um uh what's his last name phil dragash phil dragash and he was really talented and i said hey can you do the intro for our my no more heroes lp and he's like really awesome and then when woolly saw the intro he went damn and then there was
Starting point is 01:19:26 another one too well i mean like we last time we shouted out the the staples you know you've got your plague you've got your uh two snacks you got your cranky construct yeah stand up man stand up i like the ones i like the fit i like the kite i like the way it looks when you strut um i actually think that's one of the most exciting things about this job well why is it no uh when i get to your place and you say i have a new opening yeah that feeling of like oh my god like i know what it is but i haven't seen it but also whenever some any animator like cranky or or uh plague or uh two snacks and this they've been working on something and now it's finally ready like you guys have no idea the the the the feeling of here is great here is two snacks giving you
Starting point is 01:20:23 the new intro for our machinima episodes like that really fucking hype one like we all just lost it we're too we're not good enough this to live up to this intro like the character action fun time adventure i think killed us all like the actual bayonetta model that no one asked for um so yeah i guess just some of the newer artists that have been representing amazing amazing work uh mothman has been filling you um just like paintings like actual paintings that should be hanging in a gallery i don't know i could see those being their own marvel universe like fleer ultra yeah yeah yeah like and will these stappals were stats are on the other side trading cards boy you would hang pictures of yourself in a gallery i would if mothman drew them if mothman
Starting point is 01:21:17 drew them absolutely uh phil like we just mentioned phil dragash lana that does the awesome skull girls noir art um we've got dipod who did this awesome super best grinn style mecha stuff and uh yeah matt's been in touch uh yeah he's um i'll uh he hasn't even started it yet i don't think but i'll let you guys know he's gonna make a uh poster uh eventually um of rage versus zubaz at the lala palooza uh and we want to be like those really hype epo posters and like i that's one of those things that all every all of us know about it and when it actually comes in like we're all gonna just you know sit around and just nervously click the yeah and get super hyped and erect uh contrary to popular belief the the other painterly style that we did for the dark souls art was not mothman
Starting point is 01:22:30 it was a guy called bob from lube and he did these art these styles very cool and then we've got uh the dude on tumblr indonesian bob i the creepiest fucking art i can't look at it what is going on with my fingernails i don't understand you picked a tame one that's the tamest picture i couldn't handle the others i was an actual toilet in one of them man i always have hairy legs the only bag because you're like yeah the the poodle legs all right i'll take it oh man fucking indonesian bob it's like like do we do we hire him or stop him yeah it's the question do we give him a kick stopper pay him to draw anything else and so um yeah i guess we eventually finally got around to you
Starting point is 01:23:28 know the top tens that we'd be promising for a while any thoughts i mean i still wish we would have done them on new year's eve like yeah 11 59 we wanted to put them out the absolute last day that they would not be technically late yeah exactly i felt like that didn't happen i thought i had fun with it top tens i don't think anyone would fun watching mine though i think top tens are like literally one of the i wouldn't say hardest things but it's just like trying to do lps and sneak this thing that's super personal and it you have to craft every single moment like when you're talking to sync the visuals to your words and because we don't do that because we let the games be our thing so yeah when it when it comes to this it's just like so
Starting point is 01:24:18 hard it's it's just every i wouldn't say soul crashing but it was pretty so it shows i feel like it shows our personalities individually each one like all flash no substance over here you know like i i don't enjoy lists particularly so i kind of just wanted to be brief about my descriptions in each one you know and leon did a genius job i think in my in my opinion of like making a review for each one i didn't even consider that i wanted everyone to know about every game yeah yeah yeah but uh i just had dungshits stay tuned for 2014 stay tuned for 2014 maybe it won't be as late 11 months early 2016 um but no what we wanted to do was i guess uh give the give a fresh new year a new start and uh look back and kind of you know reflect give out what we want to call the
Starting point is 01:25:17 the best friend awards where did you get that image the besties the internet okay it looks like all the stars that i would get in elementary sick burn on yourself all right so uh we have a few categories for awards and we want to start out with uh what we feel is the the most slept on most underrated joke yes we are awarding an award to our own joke that's correct that's correct the uh nvidia shield counterbreaker it just from the last magfest video the i for those who didn't see it matt you want to set it up uh yeah we just saw everyone street passing a lot of 3ds and there were like very very few vidas that year and just we found one person with a vita and i was like oh elvie i can put a combo breaker sound effect on that and really just like no maybe you can do
Starting point is 01:26:13 like counter play and then we found the nvidia shield being played by nobody and no one and then he was just like no you put counter breaker and i can shake the camera and i don't really get it what do you mean and then we actually like woolly i'm holding the camera for the majority of this and then woolly's holding the camera for the nvidia shield part that's why it goes nuts like right there and i think i was talking about on the podcast how about i was just like that is such a funny joke like a year ago like and then it destroyed me yeah yeah you did you did it again he was laughing super hard we were in fits giggling in the hotel about it that's great um but on to more serious things the most forgotten lp because i bet 80 percent of you don't even know that this
Starting point is 01:27:09 lp finished it ended there was a final episode it went up somewhere it no it went up on youtube and for some reason like you know you're on youtube and there's like privacy settings and and unlisted and there's something happened where it was scheduled to go up automatically and just it didn't hit anybody's feet yeah that's a weird youtube thing it just never happened and he just never got it and he never saw the the crackling sexual energy between shell con and woolly and myself but yeah that was actually pretty fun to play overall moving along as fast as possible uh we've never said that joke that's really good fresh original so so you know when pat's tired or drinking and all he can do is mumble out that's what she said
Starting point is 01:28:01 or your mom x yeah oh wait you mean every day since we've met him oh that's okay all right the coyote ugly award for the most obscure reference precious thorn the speed at which the artists got on the i'm precious thorn like precious thorn has such legs like she could have her own monthly they're huge when i saw this picture i lost my shit it's it's like when i look at that all i can think of is god of thunder okay and uh best lore just straight up best lore best lore
Starting point is 01:28:56 rick flair the ancient Babylonian warlock i don't i don't even remember how or when it started uh i i think it was when uh i think it was me and Liam and how we're playing a wwe 2k game yeah we uh pat and i i think it's 14 or 13 yeah and we had a match and i was just i was just rick flair's old because i remember on a message board someone said well no one can big work flair because he has 800 years of experience in the ring and i was just like yeah rick flair was fighting the fucking like uh mummies alive yeah and things like that and then we just then then it upgraded to Babylonian kings and things and like that's just like most moors about us like i did this or william was this or Liam did that but i like how it's more
Starting point is 01:29:50 someone has nothing to do with us forcing lore on to someone else is great forcing we know firsthand so forcefully please and now they put him in killer instinct so it's nice i think i know a thing or two about forced lordly yeah i think oh yeah uh of course the best dildo award i wonder what that's for the bad dragon way more forceful though that thing that thing is enormous like like you can see my arm it's it's it's pretty big what did we do with that oh we had a good time with the last night and did did it ever come out of patch but i don't think i don't think so either i i think it found its way on the plane i think it found its way out here with us did it no it did it no it didn't actually okay don't i think
Starting point is 01:30:39 okay we searched a long time this morning to find this image it took a while and i was like hmm how would i find this let me just first google well i i'm like let me look for Liam horse dildo and uh see what we know a lot of pictures of Liam Hemsworth photoshopped quite crude uh i'm not sure it's possible can we just leave this image up like the rest of the week it's it speaks volumes it really does but we do have to move on uh but i think people are gonna kind of like what we have next uh a little bit of an interactive segment you guys no not that the orders are all messed up i totally fucked up this is not good this is bad this is really bad this is the worst okay please ignore the man behind the curtain as he tries to fix everything
Starting point is 01:31:33 you can kind of you can kind of do it uh no that's that's the right one yeah but if you press the next one like you're not well i'm gonna let me just let me just hold on this is bar for the core this is glad this is what needs to happen bam there we go there we go that's what needed to happen please grab the interactive clicker under your seats um we're gonna be uh taking some trivia question or asking some tricky questions we're gonna be throwing trivia you guys violently and if you answer correctly if we select you and you answer correctly uh or at least to our liking what do you get what do you get uh you might get a free t-shirt so mad get the t-shirts so no yelling out raise don't don't yell out the answers don't yell out
Starting point is 01:32:28 raise your hand you've got a shirt before like if you do win one don't raise your hand again and these are we were contemplating it and we thought it would only be good 25 people got a shirt or if one person got all 25 but it's not likely so let's not do that okay um wait only okay yeah not sorry vote so these are they're all the new designs um uh yeah shitstorm three dark souls and uh nozla thank you cranky for the uh nozla design by the way it it jumped it jumped from 15 to 17 yeah i i guess i can just open it manually because the for some reason the slideshow fucked up there um i'll just i told you to make a powerpoint i know i know but we didn't have time
Starting point is 01:33:23 there was no there was literally no time this was made in like what 20 20 minutes like 20 minutes actually like two hours or whatever um so uh yeah no shouting out the answer raise your hand we'll pick you if you answer correctly just come up to the front i'm gonna throw you a t-shirt so we don't have a cannon unfortunately oh god a t-shirt cannon would have been the best basically now just like we have 15 t-shirts therefore we have more questions in case in case someone does some of them are thrillingly difficult thrilling going rather than the difficult uh oh not that not that oh close call like here's a thing that woolly's the best at this like we're like i can't do this he can't
Starting point is 01:34:12 do this pat is barely cognitive uh so like he's doing his best right now i'm trying i'm trying okay okay okay okay question one question one what is the first mission of a video that liam appeared in uh this deal right over here shot his hands up first yeah oh very good what do you want nuzlocke that's correct if you're in the bag get some rocks to put in these shirts if you're in the back obviously run up here so no talk about how do you work out so much already you don't need more about i feel bad just those guns look at those guns just ridiculous ridiculous okay all right uh uh yeah well i'm just gonna i'm you know i'm just gonna double click on the
Starting point is 01:35:10 pictures yes safely move along okay next all right next what restaurant birthed the idea that woolly steals pies whoa jesus let's go i i saw blonde girl in the middle right yeah yeah sorry that's correct yes because you guys totally saw the picture what kind of t-shirt would you like darks dark souls uh they're all kind of largey though it'll be no problem just rocket loose gangsta styles it's fine why was that funny i don't know i don't want to rocket gangsta style rocket crime crime time crime time style what formation of everyday clothing can be used to protect you from all outside forces uh the boot that's correct shaman up what t-shirt do you want
Starting point is 01:36:28 by the way you called him boots clearly not recognizing that he's uncle sensei i only saw his foot go i only saw the foot go okay all right what was the first death in the nuzlocke run which pokemon died afro no no thought you had it what let's go with yeah all right right over here no uh right shirt no wow this is a good question yeah you men no oh here's your friends when's marvel yo it's me oh snap no i watch your videos we're gonna give it we're gonna give it one more one yes what shirt do you want
Starting point is 01:37:33 you don't want you don't want nuzlocke you seem to like it i wouldn't want nuzlocke we were going through the pictures for the answer we were going through the pictures for the answers earlier and as soon as we found this one liam and i just fucking lost it like it was on the ground oh god what is the name of matt's two pet rats right there purple eye yes do it do the picture yeah what kind of show would you like pause for a minute to wax poetic on the genius of this artwork so we were looking at this picture
Starting point is 01:38:22 for like what 10 minutes earlier uh for reasons for reasons so the thing about poison iroxi is whenever people illustrate them they're they're they're polite swaps in the original final fight roxy has red hair that's it but this genius of an artist this cat a lack of men decided or woman to draw poison iroxi with different features like curly hair and big eyes for roxy and that's just like slightly smaller and just as an actual different person which is great because no one else does that yeah it's awesome genius there's also dicks in the background that is also dicks in the background that's that's skulls and crossbones i love you boys i miss my rats so fucking much you guys have no idea they're so cool
Starting point is 01:39:12 they're not dead they're not dead because i said in videos that uh uh our our friends in videos we mentioned uh dork friends our dork friends they they love rats and they're taking care of them because they don't get along with zack zack doesn't get along with them plus the snake mixed into us a snake i i'm fucked up it gets a bit hairy what am i doing uh the next question is what was the p.o box for the mail bag bonus points if you can sing it blue hat this guy was first that's it that's it i'll show you one as long as zack did not enjoy being stuffed into a box at all so that's one of
Starting point is 01:40:04 my favorite things because like the channel started off with like yeah america and then eventually it was like we're in canada and then it was like yeah we're in french canada and eventually just turned to 56051 like just come right down don't come right down please don't please don't oh i love this one matt go for it i'm so excited what is now gotta think about this one unquestionably what is unquestionably the best character action game of 2013 red shirt there all right moving along it's kind of my way to try to figure out i'm gonna say what's going on or what
Starting point is 01:40:54 no way in the way in the back with the blue shirt that's incorrect sir let's go for people in the back too we gotta get some people in the back uh yeah black shirt um yeah it's too big fix it fix it yeah look at that look at those if they're all excel i didn't know we had excel there you go
Starting point is 01:41:31 true wonderful 101 are you nuts we're a big chance the body of marlo briggs was modeled after takahata what was it what was it congratulations next question uh oh yeah okay what was my wrestling persona called wrestling black shirt it's super dark you guys what kind of shirt would you like last one nope yeah yeah one more two more matt those are best yeah those are best fucking right
Starting point is 01:42:18 uh yeah this one here what street side object does pat mistake for a dog sorry that's incorrect that was a way in the back there sir you yeah yeah that's incorrect as well yeah grow over there yeah that's correct come on up or look at which one do you want there you go that's true right there you go i'm surprised like that was one of the questions that i had built for a hard one that in the white fluff one i think were the hardest ones that was that was pretty tough yeah
Starting point is 01:43:09 or the hardest one so far who does who actually refer to not the person that's saying it but who are they referring to when they ask that question let's go with you sir yes what's what flavor a shirt do you want that's right remember the trailer yeah i'm store lord matt what is it what are some motherfuckers always trying to do you yellow yellow shirt right there yellow sleeves yeah yeah yeah what would you like last one it's large enjoy nice sweater thank you
Starting point is 01:44:13 like why did this not get an oscar again i i just i can't understand because he went to jail no no literally he evaded his taxes and he went to jail you know he couldn't even get out of there which lp'd game was liamina were liaminae directly responsible for creating that guy that guy shitstorm and dark souls we programmed it we we wrote it we drew it so oh it's catchy so the most disappointing thing about murdered was that i was really
Starting point is 01:45:01 played it actually yeah i was really excited for that game and then when we started working on it it became apparent that it wasn't great and that was actually a really big bummer to experience firsthand it's not the worst no it's not great that's the problem but it should be the like if it was the worst it would be okay it's but it's just yeah painfully middle of the road so we only have shitstorm shirts yet left only three more yeah okay well we wrote too many questions just in case we're gonna keep going because everyone's pretty good everyone's pretty yeah you guys are actually everyone's gotten them so far we thought we'd get like so you know we thought we were gonna have an even distribution of shirts that didn't
Starting point is 01:45:45 who was the mastermind behind the first scrub lorix tournament uh red shirt already put his hand up the fastest keats is correct creator of dive kick what is rage's origin story bonus points for if you know the in-game lore as well that dude way in the back that's jumping up there what's going on what's there was a black dude that was really angry that's correct finger that's correct that's wrong that you're just no you're super wrong that's incorrect you're super wrong bonus points still know the like actual origin of rage just bonus points yeah
Starting point is 01:46:43 yeah exactly i still haven't told him about it i'm like i'm i'm not sure how to break the news because you might have to give him a check exactly and that won't fly what attack ended the nuzlocke run ooh like that guy yeah that guy yeah that guy you know who you are he had his hand up first that yeah you that's correct hype dro canning bingo bingo you have a cool picture i got the cool picture but it's cool that's awesome boy yeah that's not going okay it's not pretty good good job cranky you did it you hit the big time oh you catch is that yeah okay that's a lot of shorty it's going on our shirts we really didn't expect to be out so uh now we've got mints
Starting point is 01:47:43 nice yeah we've got mints so if you guys are willing to play for mints we can do this yeah but we'll roll these through the fast we'll go through the fast so all right real quick we're gonna roll through these real quick uh complete the following sentence the xbox one the blank you that's correct the all in all in one is what we're looking for the xbox one the all-in-one entertainment system are we being brought down now by just whipping men's center fans that's correct no we're moving up moving out what is the dumbest fighting game move of all time dumbest afro afro what was plague's name during the dark souls invasion what yeah that's correct mints for everyone i can't believe we're doing this what video came
Starting point is 01:48:55 out what videos came out yesterday this is for the true fans for this true hardcore fans plague night i'm not playing night i messed that up but sorry yeah you're the part yeah sorry red part yeah no sorry i could be i can't answer this question either what day was yesterday i don't read hoodie and yes no that's correct that is correct parasite even scrub lords yeah cookies uh if you put them on the desk we'll eat them slowly their package that's called eat them centrally well shit the net are they crazy like american cookies were they are they were they were they were they give me them
Starting point is 01:50:02 this is good thank you sir these are super package they're so so present the next question was what did liam forget yeah what did liam forget he forgot the cookies der are all right let's just yeah we'll just skip right to the end there we've got to get to some q and a so yeah okay last one sing mummies alive intro theme song yeah you can do it can you do it wait come on come closer come closer we got a mic for you if you can sing it we'll get set the fuck down no one's got it no one's got the mummies alive you got the mummies alive
Starting point is 01:50:57 that's not mummies alive all right all right all right we will we'll take okay all right you got this he doesn't seem like he wants to know you i feel i feel okay you can do it all right a fair boy a fair boy he's drafted in his secrets up this year that he was once a fero in the chips into all the work down sorcerer is here he's got the 25 pc the new rapsies
Starting point is 01:51:48 they're hanging by the crystal bane better save the world today the egyptian way the good shit good shit oh yeah take your take your take all take the rest you can have all the mince man you can have all the mince you are the mince god thank you what's your name davis another man for davis yeah that was great that was great if if no one could get mummies alive we had to run her up on that we did monster rancher you can do the whole thing can't you i'm not without the tune i don't know what connection
Starting point is 01:52:45 internet here man i don't know what we got a guy who says he can do monster on someone's gonna want monster answer who can do what you can do the whole monster answer you guys stayed in line for a panel where it like people sung cartoon intros the things that got the channel started i was transported to a faraway land into a world where monsters do i played the game like an ace and now i'll be in this place to play i'd say the monster on the e only monster monster monster monster monster monster monster monster monster monster that's good the mystery this will take it to the shroud and release that mystery this can release the phoenix inside i was transported to a faraway land to a world
Starting point is 01:53:49 where monsters rule i played the game like an ace now i'll be in this place to say the monsters from the evil moon monster monster monster monster monster monster monster monster monster monster's rule yeah give them like like give them like all the cookies man take your cookies take your cookies i uh yeah that was that was fucking dope you can't brandy good job man thanks we had a third backup but we're not gonna we're not gonna do the third one the third one was okay are we out are we uh no yeah i think we can uh because i skipped a bunch of questions yes we were gonna ask like what's the name of the casino that matt and i appeared in in skull
Starting point is 01:54:58 girls whatever whatever so what was the next section woolly that you meticulously prepared for us today well we were just going to roll into q and a honestly ah that's pretty much all we had left um so i guess the way we want to set this up would make sense that would make sense is like to get a mic so for people and then like you guys can line up and then not have like the same kind of things go over and over and over people can get back in line if they want to stuff okay so can we set up a mic stand like right like towards an aisle or something like that who are we talking to i'm trying to think uh whatever do we have do we have a place yeah okay let's put a mic right where the projector is i guess yep it is accord that long it'll it'll be that long i hope so
Starting point is 01:55:42 it's up to you when i was gonna sit here i don't know if we do we have that much slack this was what the half hour of prep time was for it or should we just have them line up like right here where the mic is because that's the only other thing i could think of you think you think we could get a mic that a certified wire professional study okay cables for this is an extra micro college he knows how to operate a button like a pro oh didn't get his master's done crumbs on your yeah at least get it through here and i'll get a bit of extra feet just toss it through here
Starting point is 01:56:22 is there no slack and we've got a stand here too it's stall for time was that one no i was gonna say stall for time stall stall for time stop stall for time stop sing free bird
Starting point is 01:56:54 so so matt doesn't want me to say this but he does a terrific rendition of free bird i have heard it before and i know he can do it no this this this man is wise because i never said that at least pick a song that i know but you don't know any songs i know talk about it what do you want to say make a back yeah bring us back to your amv days so
Starting point is 01:57:38 i can't i'm drawing blank i can't think of anything so i can't think shut up so matt used to make amv yeah okay yeah yeah let's fucking stall for time for that we we all used to make amvs uh the other day i had a scare because my airgear mis-murder amv was still up somewhere someone had rehosted it that was the most terrifying moment of my life i got it taken down
Starting point is 01:58:16 i had a music video i made back in the day uh future trunks the ova and stained that's pretty good that's pretty good everyone just feels gross what the fuck are you laughing at me i bet he was one person that was like i love your music video he's so cool okay the guy who uh it does all the editing for dragon balls the average yeah he has a somewhere on the internet when he was 14 years old he did a fan dub slash amv with trunks to strike it i'm pretty sure it was something from disturb i don't remember when i watched it he had the mic was in a lot was it was in real player format i i think so yes and it is one of the greatest things ever at his roast we are going to reveal we have a copy
Starting point is 01:59:15 oh that's nice that's nice okay uh so i guess the best way to do this is if you got the mics over here so if you guys can like line up no running and behind this mic no grabbing and outside voice and yep just holy shit got everyone yeah that's the line right there and uh that's that's how we'll get through the questions that that's what i think makes the most sense wow okay hi there what up what's up uh grab the mic it's cool careful there you go okay just uh two part of the dealers room i suggest the estus flash flash oh that was ten feet into the room and i bought that thank you okay the question i want to ask is do you feel that there's a noticeable bump that two best friends has when it comes to sales and things every game i register on nintendo i say
Starting point is 02:00:14 i bought this because two best friends oh that's awesome with you i bought because a wonderful one on one because you guys want to show wow thank you that's awesome do you feel that there's a noticeable bump i remember you said that like mean killer shot up on steam uh there's probably a rapper in new zealand who's got several sales i'd say that when it's an indie game like if you guys remember um uh 2001 when we did that indie games episode those guys got a really big bump from the game sales but like i've never noticed some of you guys like major games i've never got any impression that they yeah well there's there's i don't think there's any way for us to really know unless it is an indie game and the guy gets in touch and goes
Starting point is 02:00:53 what the hell like our sales rich yeah that happened with uh the fall too right yeah the fall uh the mount your friends guy as well um yeah cool thank you thanks very much first off i have a gift for you if you wish to accept it okay sure it was the thing that i was hinting at yesterday oh it is a rage pixel art figure that's awesome dude that's great thank you so much man don't mention it i also have a question for you yes sir and i also want to thank you because you guys got me into one of the greatest anime series ever gern magon oh and i have a question if you could be anyone from gern magon besides coming up who would you be you'll go kinky tan staring him here all day kinky tan absolutely that is the best way to go
Starting point is 02:02:01 you can't die any better than that i in my opinion at least yeah but also if you in matters sort of the thing yeah i i have a weak point for viral but i don't know if i'd enjoy his life maybe theron immortality i don't know they're on they're on school or rete she smokes and she's got the little cigarette in the little you know the glasses girl yeah rete's great thanks thank you man very cool i'll put it up right next to bez and we'll see what happens oh they're gonna fight hey i love your shirt man thank you so much i just want to know do you guys know about the site that's counting down do something indigo proxy yeah we saw that was revealed so the countdown the countdown ended and we found out what it was liam it's an hd remaster slash release of indigo prophecy on pc
Starting point is 02:02:51 which has all of the sex scenes returned to their original formats as seen in the german release finally and they're gonna release it on mobile too so so everyone that was clamoring for more undead zombie sex david cage doctor you're getting more you're getting more yeah well thank you thanks man well thanks for coming up well my questions for you what do you wish you'd have done differently during your dark souls 2 run through play dark souls 1 instead yeah good answer thank you what's going on man hey i actually have a specific question for you i don't know if you'll remember but i've been i've been wondering about it since you did the high video for your kevin america 2 coming out i mean you had a flag as a cake yes and i was wondering if that was the
Starting point is 02:03:45 flag that you got with the certificate i sent you a flag me and my friend sent you a mailbag yeah from uh i remember george washington's house right okay i remember that i was very curious to know if that was the flag that would be the most american thing i can't honestly remember because i have like four or five fifty american flags i'm very curious i you know what i bet you yes i i because i i i kept all those american flags i think it's gonna be useful something so i'm pretty sure that i i must have worn it somewhere like around me or something and i've also wore one of those flags at cons so at some point that flag has been worn by my body all right by your naked body no problem thanks man hey guys hey dude hey man good games last night
Starting point is 02:04:37 oh thank you he plays a nice sin not really but guilty gear is fun we had fun matches i hope you both learned something um here's your gift i figured i see this at work all the time the best gift for a grandma swamp is swamp up okay what is swamp up exactly that's a classy label noble cane cola thank you man welcome um my question for you it's a bit more it's not a goofy question um what is y'all's favorite game soundtrack you know i hear you mention oh man this tune is sick i love me some birth music uh let me treat my children as well uh i i like um i think the world ends with you and near have phenomenal soundtracks uh i think the world ends with you is the best soundtrack it's never made the game like it is absolutely amazing uh yeah go ahead uh i was gonna say
Starting point is 02:05:25 since i was playing it like i and replayed it again like no more heroes one soundtrack and especially like i hum that to myself sometimes maybe there's a million soundtracks i like but that's one that's like personally i love the best you know i'm gonna be telling you and i get an argument with my friend all the time about no more heroes one versus two sounds right you want to keep going if you want me or me whichever that do it so how is how is that weather today lovely washington no that's not all that impossible uh unquestionably for me uh yeah you got the shirt man catamari dameshi has my favorite soundtrack of all time i i can't get enough and
Starting point is 02:06:04 tonight at 12 30 he's got a concert 11 30 11 30 oh my god miss it oh my god 11 30 i gotta be there yeah uh i gotta we gotta just let you guys know if you have like stuff anything to like sort of give and stuff uh you can can wait for like the signing instead so we can like the autograph session is right after it's right after this it's in the you know the autograph in the main expo room so if you have anything save it for there because we'll gladly take them there yeah yeah yeah uh what's up man who's next thank you thank you so in honor it's not a game really a question but obviously tomorrow is probably one of the biggest wrestling events royal rumble so my question on you guys is who do you want to win royal rumble then what
Starting point is 02:06:50 no one will see it coming even though i don't watch wrestling all that much at all i just catch the cliff notes you should at best i always have a desire for john syna to win i have high on iran why is that you could know you can move that that's okay you can like him and i do not know where that came from maybe it's the fact that you're like 12 maybe it's the fact that i'm like 13 and six years sorry it's never gonna happen because he's always got to do the high flying spider mansion but kofi kingston i really wish he could actually take it home you know but then he's always got to do the amazing like tippy toe back in and then fail and everyone goes ah you know my legit answer is
Starting point is 02:07:33 i'm not even sure if he's in the fed right now because he's always in and out but i always love rom bandam a lot and if you just want to i mean they put him in like you know the main event sometimes but that'd be cool if you won when you're attached to his hand one time oh did you get the medialy high as soon as you did it thanks hey what's up triangle girl that that's adorable what's up so this is going back to uh indy
Starting point is 02:08:07 have you ever been directly approached by any company to do what's place all all time actually yeah totally um there have been there was one who we know personally who we had to turn down um and there's a couple others that we just we look at it it's not necessarily something we you know we're not just gonna put anything on the channel like it's gotta be something that kind of fits our profile yeah like we're not going to do an indy say soccer simulator or what have you though though with that in mind most i think most of the time the indy stuff that does go up is stuff that we take a look at and go oh my god this looks like sick as fuck and we want to try and get our hands on it and play it so like drift stage
Starting point is 02:08:48 and pocket rumble and you know things like that where it's just like this is a random thing that's going to be on kickstarter or so it's usually our initiative instead of people approaching us basically we created the channel so that we can get early access to games that's that's it that's it you nailed it thank you thank you hello hi i see the wings of freedom like you have a shame oh yeah what's going on man i just want to say i really appreciate what you guys do oh thank you thank you man i don't really watch a lot of uh let's plays but you know you guys you entertain you know you get references you guys are smart guys i appreciate it thank you very much man
Starting point is 02:09:25 i want to ask uh leo have you ever seen this show michi joe uh yes absolutely he wrote it but do you have the uh favorite character off of this shit i don't the fucking girl with the guns what's her fucking name that narrows it down yeah she's right over here her i love her i don't know what it is but just something about her i'm in love with her and then uh also real quick uh last year i got you guys a copy of uh mxc um i don't know if the region lock like that whole should be able if you guys couldn't watch it no it it did work it totally does work yeah i i i have it it totally does work you know and again you guys recommend a lot of great things that i've watched and it was great i just if you guys have never seen it i just oh yeah no i did i did pop it in it
Starting point is 02:10:13 does work i do have it it's great but again just thank you yeah no problem man thank you very much oh that's great that's great when's marvel that's yeah yeah i don't see a reboot pin though i don't know i couldn't find one i got a bottle of it but i wouldn't like to answer that oh neo really took it off after seeing it in season two oh why did you do that but um i have two questions one um my favorite glitch had the games you guys played was in russell mania of course of course Kurt Angle was selling himself off the ladder 14 times yeah uh what is your favorite glitch out of your LPs shadow the hedgehog uh shadow the hedgehog like it wasn't even a bug the disc was scratch but like but twice in a row and it's busted and awful twice in a row that was that was
Starting point is 02:11:11 you couldn't plan that man twat shadow not quitting riding outside of this car no but that type of stuff is kind of common like it happens again sometimes but like i was just going to say because the video would not be great without it is uh the knuckles jumping glitch in sonic booms and uh part two is have you heard of cross face the crippler cross face no the movie cross face no i have not they are making a biography of krisbyn wa's career yeah true story i'm sitting around i was actually watching your video and my girlfriend comes out of nowhere she's like have you ever heard of cross face i started dying laughing at being a smart ass i was
Starting point is 02:11:58 like please tell me that's a biography of krisbyn wa she's like that's exact having heard of it i'll check that out yeah attack on a proposal thing i think you should just follow along i need you two to come up here we're to the front and i have uh woolly and neo woolly do the fusion dance for us quickly remember the fusion dance get on your tippy toes uh wait are you doing each pose in the middle oh wait wait what
Starting point is 02:12:51 they would just form into woolly i don't some lamb you get a pile of garbage what's up man oh what's up um i i mean i think i've gone over this uh once or twice before but i mean it's because woolly was the original second best friend and uh and we like it was kind of after a point where i'm like well no like woolly's like knows so much shit about like the various subjects or whatever he's into and it's like it's like uh kind of like another resource another like pillar of oh right another pillar of like oh man pillars uh another pillar of like knowledge and jokes and just humor and
Starting point is 02:14:01 stuff so it's like eventually it's like no i we have to add woolly sometimes that's why we started with uh that fighting game show or forget whatever it was i don't i don't so you add that you add you're just like i can't deny that it has to be at at some point and then liam just elbowed his way into our lives and i think that was because liam just told us some messed up shit about starbox yeah and i was like i don't believe you didn't know it's true though and you're like i i need to add you into the mix because you know this crazy crap that we don't know like i don't know that and liam doesn't know so it's like a whole other like and then we have four people it's good even number ninja turtles uh you know and stuff like that so you want all four people in there and
Starting point is 02:14:44 it like you kind of cover the bases so liam he specifically told us that falco and fox uh retire from being a star in the star fox crew our pilots yeah and they join the g0 the g0 racing circuit and basically become like f0 and i was like i can't handle i can't handle that kids and dies or if that is the sickest that's partially canon thank you and also my friend who was near edwin to smell uh edwin you smell oh edwin i bothered you yesterday and i have a question sure then i realized that man said you weren't allowed to take things from us your voice is great by the way thank you very much very radio so i thought it would be a great opportunity to say that woolly stole my pies oh oh and it's a mcdonald's pie too this guy knew even before we accidentally
Starting point is 02:15:41 leaked the answer so good all right we went to mcdonald's like as soon as we woke up because we're like we cannot forgive these pies oh you came from there special thing for liam later oh that is awesome that's a slam jam basketball i was like oh my god how is this actually real okay how is it not that is awesome but anyways my question is for woolly yeah man i got a box in this guy named shawn on monday like box yeah like we're gonna get like boxing and stuff and i'm kind of fast kind of like that's awesome info yeah um so i was wondering if he had any advice kind of
Starting point is 02:16:36 like using like because he's about your size body blow mac body blow uh you're gonna want to eat chocolate in between rounds now i know mac it's only mathematically possible to give 100% but i need you to squeeze in an extra 10% give 110 and what's up guys hey how much is that um my question is for liam shoot liam the streets are waiting where is the recipe for leamed in oh can you betray your grandmother can you like i don't have it on hand obviously um because there's precise measurements and if you like if you fuck up the measurements it falls apart no it's like boogoo that if you can kill people yeah exactly um it was um my girlfriend's like one of their family recipes kind of and uh i had the pleasure of learning it and it got brought up i didn't even
Starting point is 02:17:36 ring it up woolly mentioned that he made the name liam dip and mentioned it in a podcast or something yeah and then it kind of uh grew to become a thing and i think i got it from the fact that liam milk had already started yeah so that's you know so you gotta level it up you know but uh i'm not saying no but not right now yet you know the world isn't ready but you know we did start a cooking series so it was a thing and it may or may not have been the first candidate for the cooking series maybe all right thanks guys thank you this is a virtue thank you oh as a nice nice thank you thank you um you guys were responsible for me by the wonderful 101 and by extension a we you nice kind of on a whim yeah so my question is what is your biggest system selling like what game
Starting point is 02:18:29 sold you the hardest on buying a new system oh okay uh the announcement or phantom dust is pretty good because i like the first kind of dust a lot i don't know i'm a bit of a bitch i just buy systems when they come out yeah because there's gonna be something right um that is the complete opposite of me yeah i know i always i like for me it's every every console i own is based on waiting for a name that i can't not get so they announced Street Fighter 5 i got up and bought a fucking ps4 that day like fuck you i'm not gonna play Street Fighter 4 that exact morning exactly um my bail box i got the moment that happened k i same thing like i wait until i hear the news and that's how i buy each one of them so technically every console i own is like that um i say for me that like i when it when it was
Starting point is 02:19:17 out when it was new i literally had no money like to spend like it was i i couldn't find a job anywhere or whatever but once i did get a like a meal uh like manual labor job uh it was 2004 and i just bought a ps2 right away to play uh snake eater and because i was just like i i i can't deny myself metal gear for this long so uh the first thing i bought with my paycheck was uh and like melt gear came out like later that month so that's what i got right i i was gonna buy my 360 for crimson dragon but that game just kept getting delayed and delayed and delayed and delayed and delayed and eventually it never came out on 360 sorry i'm just buying a cheap one at some point but thank you guys very much thank you thanks yeah good pose is that is there a five minute call
Starting point is 02:20:04 are we there yeah shoot five minutes five minutes five minute call we have to go really fast try to get as many as possible yeah yeah yeah cool a friend of mine you can make it here but uh you sent you guys in the mail uh the mail a while back uh he sent you a box of edible dicks you remember this uh yes i remember that that those are those are the stuff that that girls have at like a bachelor red parties yeah yeah we ate them we ate them oh no it was all of them down so fast that that night was a blur there's so many dicks going it was just it's a haze of colors and dicks and just you know slaps uh so no no specific answer i don't think sorry it's a wonderful time what up hey hello y'all last year i'm gonna love you this
Starting point is 02:20:56 year thank you thank you thank you all right so parasitic super mario rpg i don't count no more heroes i don't care but how nice of you hey for the fact that now the lps are with longer longer games that are longer playing i mean is that kind of more the format is gonna kind of go forward more arpeggios and more kind of bigger story-driven things are you still gonna kind of mix it up a little bit as we talked about it yeah when we were saying a little bit before that we did not plan all those games in that like order that they all came out that day we would just so happen like traditionally we try to actually stay away but those games are like super duper long like not as long as uh in chrono trigger or anything so far so we didn't really plan it but like if it happens we'll
Starting point is 02:21:39 just you know let it let it slide yeah i think when we kind of talked about it we wanted to generally have like you know something that's sort of a long going lp and then something that's shorter and something in the middle you know and then you can just rotate that way with three different sized lps regularly so yeah yes thank you thanks hey welcome back to you and thank you thank you um my question is about the video box as well um when you before you closed it what was like no worries no worries what do you feel like to have the ability to say that you oh i want something or oh this thing i'd like and then have that thing show up a weekly not at all what we expected and it was overwhelming and that's not like we never wanted to use it like that you know to say
Starting point is 02:22:30 we thought we were just going to get fan mail and maybe some games yeah we were like super happy with that like when we got that envelope full of glitter like that was the greatest that that is the highlight and that's when i'm like oh my god this is exactly what i imagined and then like two gurren laganne blu-ray sets later i was like i can't handle this this is not at all what i expected the reason it was a video in the first place was because we were amazed that we got eight things on the first week exactly like this is the best way to thank people like we can't send out individual messages forever and it just they grew way out of our control that's it overall maybe it was like it was a really fun room yeah yeah oh and you guys brought the idea for uh teacher
Starting point is 02:23:08 yeah i have that idea like a week ago well it's coming man it's coming well as i mean teachers can be poster actually yeah cool thank you thank you we can take it to your shirt all right let's let's see if we can take another like couple people really quick just got one minute all right i'll just do this a little quick i'm just rising up what you mentioned at this point but uh first of all fuck you for not being here pat i guess these guys love their fans way more than you do here here shots fired boop boop and number two the debate would you rather take you do all the answer on us would you rather take since you got our megabyte shirt on would you rather take a bicycle that could turn into a
Starting point is 02:23:47 hoverboard or take your smartphone and turn it into glitch oh glitch glitch glitch glitch glitch has more uses so flying or everything else everything else everything else glitch anything is i i dream about being able to do that seriously no easy thank you no problem no problem last one last one for us sorry guys sorry danganronpa all right uh i just had one really quick question is there a contingency plan in place for the inevitable day that nintendo realizes that you guys have built an empire off of curvy's green green oh fuck i our green green song at the end of the day you can just use a remix yeah it's fine they can't really they can't fucking stop us yatsi figured it out right so yeah we can do it it's
Starting point is 02:24:39 fine shut up all right thank you guys so much thank you guys we'll be at the signing we'll see you guys down there we'll see you guys at the autograph thing and we'll talk to you and thanks so much so you you

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