Castle Super Beast - SBFC 088: You need to Reverse Engineer Dunt Cry Spoderman

Episode Date: April 14, 2015

We spend a bunch of time talking about Mortal Kombat X, Bloodborning together, all the new game announcments, and the mechanics of sexing the wind.  ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is the sandbag cast where we send back I was trying to start with the end with the topic of subzero getting owned left right and center all over the fucking no no that's not interesting because everyone knows that but I like he actually I like the idea of the child who actually loves subzero boots
Starting point is 00:00:45 up mk9 and sees him getting wrecked dude as soon as you press start that's me see him just get his skull rocked in front of your face let me get into the story mode and play some zero all my books are flopping all over I wish I could get some Mortal Kombat theme book and they're like two different man that
Starting point is 00:01:18 was you slash that are that thing yeah yeah yeah God you can't escape it and I remember I put through there go why do you hate subzero so much he goes I don't scorpion done it does scorpion my favorite character it makes me hope they just announced a scorpion and subzero figure and like the scorpion one is like
Starting point is 00:01:37 the sick scorpion thing and the subzero one he's just dead on the ground it's like it's like because they always have even though Ken and Ryu are the two main guys Ken and Chun Lee are the promotional material yeah sorry real and Chun Lee you know you can't always in the background and if you just have
Starting point is 00:01:52 Chun Lee getting murdered every left right center every menu every fucking story the nuts the only fairshade subzero ever got is he's the one that first got his own game not scorpion yeah spoilers game is trash of course what ever more games and scorpion he got a few good hits and I play a scorpion fucking
Starting point is 00:02:13 like and there's multiple versions of some subsequent yes subzero ever missed a game ever no no no scorpion didn't miss mk3 scorpion never yeah yeah it's true so yeah popular you can't remove them yeah mk3 had no Johnny Cage and no scorpion what the fuck and no Johnny Cage no scorpion mk3 also had no someone
Starting point is 00:02:36 also is missing from the group but like but ultimate brought it back yeah ultimate brought it back everybody but including a bunch of new dumbbells shit yeah like jade your work your Mortal Kombat 10 is really good no second bass fishing is really good second bass fishing is really good
Starting point is 00:02:52 really good second bass fishing X yeah yeah I like imagine you're fishing if you do an x-ray and you see the hook go through the fish yeah I'm a big fan of fishermen con yeah he's really intense I'm a big fan of the new fish zero with the fish with the fish slide attack that has the fish beam at the
Starting point is 00:03:15 end of it or fish yeah yep yep yeah it's a good fish all right now this joke is done yeah that's story fish modes pretty cool yeah yeah I would play a story I would get super into where does this story take place all over the fucking but sorry is it after mk9 yeah all of it's after all of it's after
Starting point is 00:03:33 all of it's after mk9 starting from right after mk9 to 25 years in the future and it flies all over with all the children yeah to mostly give children to mostly give bland characters like kongjin their backstory they go back like five years right yeah kongjin sucks honestly never around like fucking
Starting point is 00:03:51 kudos you stepped it up unbelievable all the new outworld fighters are fucking rad yeah all of them ferritor devorocodokon and erin black erin black are all rad they're all super cool it's that kongjin the young kids are pretty cool before shonen takeda and kina kassie and jackie are pretty cool yeah
Starting point is 00:04:12 takeda is the winner fucking lame but but whatever but that that alt is pretty good that alt is really good with the hood so you can save it because it's just green arrow I want to get kassie's johnny cage alt where she's like like she's dressed like as if she runs johnny's like like chain does she have
Starting point is 00:04:30 a tattoo you have a fitness outfit I want that out yes this is johnny yeah that's great I saw the fitness fun yeah it's pretty neat yeah just simple hoodie yeah it's not much to it just keep keep it so here's like that and the styles the style switching thing is working out so really crazy
Starting point is 00:04:48 um yeah it's like some of them are different more different than others but but just the creative implementation of grooves that like does more than change your super yeah I was playing earlier I picked kenshi and like one of his variants like every single special movie has this unique to that variant
Starting point is 00:05:04 who is he has no common yeah like like two moves were one it's just one he has a blade reflect projectile okay and every single other move was totally unique yeah it's a brilliant idea that's also like affordable yeah definitely we can do new moves faster than we can make new characters put a little mcguffin
Starting point is 00:05:23 on the character that differentiates look this one's got green glasses yeah this one's got a shotgun and that's all fine and good everything fine and good talking about but then when the game morphs finally morphs into matte combat sure and then you get those other two tail seats sure yeah yeah like I'm like
Starting point is 00:05:38 I the game is really awesome now it is yeah I know later when my child who here's what I had a chance to see it but you were telling me about the crypt I love the crypt and all the other games I think it's the coolest thing ever the coolest script apparently the coolest script I thought the mk9 Crip was like
Starting point is 00:05:54 wow this is the most elaborate one ever but this one is so sorry I haven't seen you don't know the crib like it's goddamn legend of grim wrong it's a it's a it's a grid-based first person rogue like dungeon is it wrote like does it actually randomly feels like it isn't but there are like quick-time
Starting point is 00:06:15 events where enemies attack you I can't wait to fight Shao Khan and first person you know like a shut up because it makes me feel like I didn't know I wanted to turn a corner and then the tag team of me and you're like wandering around and you're like I need to cross this bridge I need to find scorpion spirit across
Starting point is 00:06:32 the bridge you serious yeah it sounds so good yeah I also went to a puzzle like there is a puzzle with switches to open up a door are you serious that sounds best I would buy that game I would they've done so many like adventure mode things third person that just didn't work anyway that sounds like a fresh
Starting point is 00:06:50 combat puzzle combat the racing bullshit racing bullshit but even the normal story mode stuff they used to have was just bland-ass third-person they've run the whole gamut and it's just like what do I like today I like the first I want RTS in this one okay and I'm done with the game you need more commie dough
Starting point is 00:07:10 goods yeah no more combat is the snoop dog of the fighting game world it's like okay he's gotten everything out there he's got the the variety show the porn the fucking the rhythm game the children's park the children's fun park is he what he's working on all kinds of shit going on there I hope the guys that build that
Starting point is 00:07:31 children's fun park don't accidentally mix up the point and it's the same crew it's the same crew the whole fucking park is one giant joint just roll through it was fun just hot boxing it's great it opens up on 420 every every every afternoon hey this is episode 88 you guys we made
Starting point is 00:07:52 it to the coveted 88 you know most podcasts don't make it to 88 it's true yeah that's probably factually that's probably it's a gas it's a gas podcast probably hit number two and they're like oh it's just me yeah I work as the as the runtime goes down from 30 minutes to 10 and then three of the cast members
Starting point is 00:08:10 disappeared and it just turns in on audio log of dick pics it's kind of eventually it's just no person and a microphone and an automated system no empty sound eventually it's just updates where it's like hey guys I promise I'm going to make more podcasts last update three years ago
Starting point is 00:08:29 you know on that wordpress site you weren't pressed on the youtube channel that thing three years ago every day guys every day new content check back when you research like some franchise you like and you find a really cool website you're like oh yes has what I want then you see like last updated like
Starting point is 00:08:46 2006 you're like oh yeah yeah like a space jay website but then no that goes around if you wait long enough you leave the sadness and become our legendary yeah space jam being one of them hope that never goes down old interplay site was pretty strong too yeah I bet I bet the space jam website is run by an old
Starting point is 00:09:07 dusty cobweb video recorder deep in a bunker just a hamster due to some contractual obligation they're not allowed to shut it down yeah Michael Jordan was like okay I want this I want the website to be up forever okay when you actually wanted to know your movie forever I wonder if the lunatics
Starting point is 00:09:27 unleashed website is still up there's probably a contract there's gonna be a contract thing where it's like as long as that site is up they'll never make space jam to know we have no site space jam to electric boogaloo it's the perfect one Pat how's your week that's pretty good I played some Sega bass
Starting point is 00:09:45 fishing played some a little bit of Polars of the eternity not not much big on my front but I did watch a TV show called Daredevil I also parked I watched about so Matt watched a bunch of it I was like Daredevil's fucking dumb I don't give a shit about Daredevil because Punisher's blowing up crack
Starting point is 00:10:07 houses in the background I'm not ambivalent towards Daredevil I like Matt Murdock yeah that's basically like Hell's Kitchen I like Hell's Kitchen too Matt told me a bunch of shit about it's like super violent about like you say oh yeah Pat what did you know people on the Daredevil show get fucking horribly
Starting point is 00:10:25 murdered like wait what like yeah a guy is like oh I squealed and just impales himself on a fucking horrible spike in his face no less daredevil use a bow no no a bow staff at the at this use a billy club a billy club uses I thought it depends on the type of guy they're like chromagrostics at this but not
Starting point is 00:10:48 pretty things no no no daredevil didn't do that to the guy no exactly but how does this get a fence it's a fence Hell's Kitchen has giant spikes okay and so that Punisher can jump onto that I did not expect there to be like a super gooey decapitate decapitation it's really don't spoil all the good
Starting point is 00:11:08 shit no we're not saying who does you're not gonna see the decapitation coming spoilers and like Matt said something that really weirded me out when we're here it's like they did a really good job of making kingpin really sympathetic no I said my friend my friend sent me a message saying and I'm like that's the
Starting point is 00:11:30 dumbest what does kingpin look like kingpin yes with weight I with weight involved I would not say that he's sympathetic but he's more interesting really interesting and the first I want to say ten scenes with kingpin are just super weird and uncomfortable yeah yeah like just super fucking weird the one
Starting point is 00:11:58 but it's not the green mile so I'll take it yo Rosario Dawson's fucking awesome woolly half her head is shaved oh cool she's super cool I don't like Karen page that much I don't like it kind of there because they they felt they yeah absolutely I don't like foggy nearly as much either I don't like foggy
Starting point is 00:12:16 that he's well he's supposed to be there and he's supposed to be like that but I find him kind of annoying that Murdoch is the like more way more than dare devil Matt Murdoch is the fucking star super charming like the first episode is like a full 45 minutes of him like joshing people and making fun of them
Starting point is 00:12:31 because they say shit he's like you know I'm blind as fuck right like yeah they're like there's this emotional scene in which the girl like nods crying and he just does nothing and he goes did you just know it's like yeah this doesn't work like the movies and he goes I don't see many movies cuz I'm blind yeah just
Starting point is 00:12:56 constant okay yeah haha idiots I'm blind kung fu moves it's also the good parts it's kind of slow and I'm like not into it but it's I like I can get people saying that but that's slowness is to give certain characters lots of interesting you know much of it's out I will everything I want to know what
Starting point is 00:13:17 I was never the whole season so it's like a Marvel nights show it's it's as Marvel television it's just like this the way to do their level is not network TV that's so we can't put it on there put on Netflix so the smartest thing they did was the backdrop of this story is like it starts with construction
Starting point is 00:13:37 companies and everyone is constantly talking there's stuff there's newspaper articles in the background of the incident in which half of New York had to be rebuilt yeah because of event that was Avengers because of the troubles so MCU is actually in the show they go well if you had a magic hammer or
Starting point is 00:13:58 armored suit you'd be able to solve this problem super quick yeah yeah and and it's super goofy all right but it's also super serious like I this I've disliked every superhero live-action show ever I did not like smallville I did not like agents of shield because I've seen agents of shield what about the
Starting point is 00:14:19 whole TV show and fringe anyway I don't like and I hate flash if you watch flash no it's god awful sorry for you that you could tell from the trailer I like flash the character fine enough and I watch this thing like this is just oh look Dr. Zoom used this cosmic treadmill to kill my mom but this is the first one
Starting point is 00:14:43 where I'm like I'm down for this and I can't wait for the Luke Cage show that's coming right after this here is for hire yeah I like like I followed smallville and like got off as soon as I realized that they're not going to do the ending they said they were gonna do yeah they fucking lied they said they
Starting point is 00:14:59 said we're gonna end our show on it for extra seasons or some shit they should we're gonna end our show with Clark's feet leaving the ground that's how you end it because at that point it's not small and then we're gonna push the story all the way into goddamn metropolis like fast forward to like
Starting point is 00:15:15 bullets bouncing off of eyes and fucking what would like to flash showed up in that too yeah and cyborg in the justice leech hey Gotham hey smallville not all the heroes have to meet when they're teenagers or children boy that you don't like young joker fuck you speaking of which I didn't even know
Starting point is 00:15:34 that was there off them also hey let's have a show about Batman that doesn't have Batman in it we're trying we're trying Gotham is the only show where Jada Pinkett Smith was in your show and declined to come back Jada Pinkett Smith was too good and she was like I'm done with this she was the
Starting point is 00:15:55 star of that bad matrix game she was all right so the daredevil like I'm ambivalent towards our own like I like him far enough yeah I'm like I want to read daredevil man Murdoch's really charming yeah and the directing's really good directing's really yeah the action scenes are done really well the only
Starting point is 00:16:10 thing that is like it doesn't bother me but it's really obvious is like boy they're going for like a really specific style with the color yeah like whole fucking scenes are yellow or contrast or like not noirish but like neon I'm like the whole thing is color graded like all the way over to make me think
Starting point is 00:16:30 of Wolf among us the game okay the very least yeah just the idea of making one of these things straight for netflix is great maybe makes me think good things for preacher I mean if the money's there it makes sense oh you saw who's because there's no yes uh no no you saw who's like going to sign as Jesse no Dominic
Starting point is 00:16:48 Cooper who plays Howard Stark like in the movies like Tony Stark okay he's in lots of other stuff yeah I don't really know the actor well black hair like he looks like he can do it he's a good actor probably my favorite part of Daredevil so far and it's like I guess it's for leading into the future is at the end of
Starting point is 00:17:06 the first episode when after the criminals have all gone back to their bases yeah there's a goddamn boss fight montage of like look at all these people Daredevil is going to fight yeah as they do their respective crimes right like the Russians are throwing people into a container and the Chinese ladies running
Starting point is 00:17:25 the heroin ring and they're all just doing their fucking shit and it's like and the Japanese guys reading the thing and he just looks like a fighting game ball the hand is hinted at okay the hand is like a long-standing control of them like that awesome section like sorry no that's that's all you got to have your
Starting point is 00:17:44 cops not not the live action show the cartoon intro where you just run down the fucking bad guys yeah cool all right real good just to demonstrate crime is happening anything else like I said I also watched Chalo's a daredevil and I was kind of like I'll give it a go and then I was like holy shit I really like
Starting point is 00:18:03 it but the other thing I told you guys last week I was like I'm gonna try to track this movie down it's a horror movie it follows we had to find out so yeah it's playing at the forum just the started on this Friday and cool it's got a really awesome premise what is it naked man standing on your roof I'll get
Starting point is 00:18:20 I'll get there really quickly but it's basically like there's a curse and what happens is that a bean is following you and it changes bodies it could be people you know it could be complete strangers it just follows you it just walks up to you if it touches you pretty slowly to death it can only walk so if you drive
Starting point is 00:18:39 for a day until that time it takes to walk and it doesn't set up where the curse came from it just starts off cold curse this is how it goes it changes bodies every 24 hours no it just changes bodies whenever randomly randomly just spooky so really tall men old ladies children your father okay and the movie
Starting point is 00:19:02 just kind of it's not possessing people it's just it just looks like it just looks like to fool you and like a guy transfers it to your main character and he goes I'm really sorry I had to do this I needed to get it off me this is the only way to transfer it someone gave it to me just deal with it he runs out
Starting point is 00:19:21 of the scene and then the girls like just lives her life so sometimes no characters in the scene see it but you do and then it just transitions to the next scene sometimes it's way in the background I was like I like this a lot it's and sometimes it plays with the amount of people that are on screen
Starting point is 00:19:39 there's a group of teens that they're helping out the girl right and then you see all them on a beach you see a girl way in the background and you're like is that the monster and then you see another guy that walks out of the scene goes towards there and we're like oh no that's just the girl but then you see
Starting point is 00:19:55 them on the beach and you see that girl that you thought was in the background was in an inner tube in the water and you go this doesn't add up that's an extra person and then the scene cuts to the the girl that walked in the background and it's about to grab the main character this is awesome it can
Starting point is 00:20:12 play with your expectations and then after that point the movie it starts to get dumb and silly how like it's invisible but it's there it people can fight it and punch it and shoot it but the main character that's cursed is the only one that can see it and I was like oh I thought it was like a spirit or a
Starting point is 00:20:31 ghost so there's invisible fights but when you describe it like grabbing shit and whatever like does it the it when it touches you it wins and you're dead there's only one scene where you see what it does to a person when it actually wins I'm not going to say that but it's bad it's it's pretty bad and and what I
Starting point is 00:20:50 said before we goes she goes we got us find some way to solve this and I haven't seen it in a couple of hours so I don't know let's drive over there so they're backing out of their driveway and the girl looks up and sees this naked guy on the roof staring at him with this big schlong and she's like oh well we got
Starting point is 00:21:09 out at the right time they just drive away like why is he on the roof next because he was that close to getting in because one thing you can do is put traps on your windows because it needs to physically break into your house to get it to get to you so people put bottles hanging on the side I want to
Starting point is 00:21:26 read all the rules then it starts the why I don't like it is that some people said like in red letter media they explained a little bit more they do they do but I was like I don't like these rules because then they start throwing the rules and then when they say this how you transfer the curse the girl
Starting point is 00:21:44 seems to do things that indicate that she's transferring it but they don't show it to you and then she's just driving away and then like I felt like a scene was cut and I was like okay what are the rules now I don't get it and then it ends on a non-ending and I was like it's kind of it's a great premise
Starting point is 00:21:59 horror with rules is fun so that no shit yeah that's great thing about this whole movie in all its premise is that when I saw it and I saw the trailer so red letter media break it down I watched no trailer going and all I can think of is that this is a real movie version of Slenderman yeah and the extremely slow
Starting point is 00:22:20 murder with an incredibly inefficient weapon yes which is that guy with the fucking spoon that chases that dude all over the earth yeah at an incredibly slow pace and just smack some of the spoon and I can't like as cool as this thing is all I can see is these two like joke things combined into a real movie
Starting point is 00:22:41 but often when this monster is just a naked person like that person happened to be sleeping naked and got the monster decided to become that person you just see a naked person walking slowly you start to sweat you start to sweat just a little bit is that a monster why is no one reacting to that naked
Starting point is 00:22:58 guy and then oftentimes they're like where is it where is they're like shoot over there so it's like so when it became that I kind of checked out a little bit right but the naked guy roof next level I'm really just sitting in the movie theater like whooping and clapping you never done that before
Starting point is 00:23:24 yeah aside from that like we talked about at the start we got some time in a Mortal Kombat X and I've just been trying to get into that but yeah other than that like that that's it's all I can think of actually this week so what about you blame did you see Matt the new Terminator Genesis trailer I did
Starting point is 00:23:46 two-in-a-bit minute one it's on the dock it looks so good I can't do it look amazing and whether it's all gonna come together great who knows but I'm really excited to see it alright we can talk about it now see it it there's a twist that they they throw again so you know the main twist send them back but
Starting point is 00:24:10 then there's already a terminal waiting for you yeah yeah there's a double twist on double so remember there was an Asian Terminator another another Terminator wow yeah so who is this other other Terminator spoilers alert if you try to avoid the trailer try to avoid anything yeah future adult John Connor
Starting point is 00:24:34 and he's like a super Terminator who's like a person but a machine as well teamed up with Skynet and he's and he's like the personality to help humans survive now here's the problem what does that remind you a lot of Matt the main character fucking Terminator McG edition I mean right McG edition
Starting point is 00:24:58 Australian yeah that fucking shitty was a cyborg with a heart third wheel that gets thrown in Terminator on the Bobby for the capacity from long he wasn't a third wheel Terminator salvation he was the only wheel because there was nothing else going on in this boat has no way that sounds that that Genesis
Starting point is 00:25:16 twist the double twist sounds a lot like that okay looks a lot like so if we have a double twist that's in the god damn trailer there's gonna be a triple twist I hope so like fucking Abe Lincoln's gonna come out like if this were if we were 10 years ago maybe but now we live in an age where it's like no
Starting point is 00:25:35 fuck you all the spoilers get in the theater yeah usually the thing with Terminator is they usually have one sort of twist in Terminator one it's not clear which guy is trying it's not clear who's doing what it's not clear what Kyle Reese is doing it's only when he actually finds Sarah and says come with
Starting point is 00:25:49 me do you want I'm here to protect you up until that point you don't know what other guy wants yeah both want to kill Sarah turn into is of course up until the whole way this is get down and shoots the team 1000 you go oh he's protected yeah that's the turner three it's just like the twist is towards the
Starting point is 00:26:07 end right yeah okay totally pointless and then this it's like there's three twists within the trailer yeah it's a little much I'm excited to see it quadruple twist I still hate the actor I want to see Amelia Clark play Sarah because she looks like Sarah a little bit a little but no I hate all the
Starting point is 00:26:34 actors except that's never gonna see it come in at the end from the future and be like oh Kyle Reese from the double future but J Jonah Jameson plays the psychiatrist oh does that's a pretty like if they couldn't get the guy that's a pretty good role to play like the but he believes Sarah within the
Starting point is 00:26:52 first like encounter within the first yeah he sees a terminal right so he replies his role from the rule from law and order sort of yeah yeah yeah I guess that that's true I wonder how that happens because is the summer is the summer is on yeah this does moon blood good Joe up or common oh come on yeah
Starting point is 00:27:12 common you're right you're right you say common oh come on no you're right he was the dude in the god that scene where they're in the desert and the shitty stupid thing can't detect them right in front of them because it's dark out but fucking seconds later they go into a hut and detect everyone in the dark see
Starting point is 00:27:34 that quote from Schwarzenegger just recently he goes I'm glad I wasn't in salvation it sucked period nice and then I end up like he won the snow that was his body like he could have doubled if you wanted to they just did you notice that right afterwards they asked him which is your favorite
Starting point is 00:27:53 terminator because they want him to say Genesis even though it's gonna be wrong yeah and he goes to choose that was a rocky that's I was a rocky by accident it's how to choose yeah that's a that's a politician's answer yeah yeah what I know it's not it is kind of a hard to choose for some people no it's
Starting point is 00:28:15 not that's insane I'm sorry you're both do terminator two is my favorite movie of all time I'm not convincing me but imagine him he acted in both of the hard choice I but those are both really wrong because it's a man to me so I mean right it's my favorite by far but as overall films I watched Terminator
Starting point is 00:28:38 one the other night just because I was saying you like it better there's things I like the Terminator in Terminator one more than the Terminator in Terminator two he's cooler as a cool villain and he's scary in that whereas Terminator two kind of made the template of it's goofy he's a fish out of water story as an
Starting point is 00:28:58 action movie yeah as an action movie it's by far better like in the chief of the budget they had for Terminator one is like more impressive to me than Terminator two some of the bits like when the Terminator goes to the police yeah it's just the same movie that's probably the best part of Terminator one and it's
Starting point is 00:29:12 beats a lot and I think Kyle Reese is the coolest he's cooler than John Conn he's just solid snake he's just solid snake but he's also all all do this all sacrifice myself to I don't know if it's gonna work I'm gonna fight a robot with nothing but my balls what about the trunks hair dude who's
Starting point is 00:29:30 better better for him to pick that that's a tough choice yeah Bill Paxton is in Terminator one yeah also Shao Khan is in Terminator one it's true everyone's racing to think of what the fuck I'm talking about I don't know each the guy that played Shao Khan Terminator saw in turn of Terminator Salvation played
Starting point is 00:29:52 Shao Khan in Salvation Mortal Kombat Annihilation was one of the other punks with Bill Paxton oh okay yeah you know that weird thing with the baby face it's like Shao Khan's a cool guy and he takes the skull mask off and he has a Rey Mysterio baby face that's a great D-roll
Starting point is 00:30:10 Rey Mysterio has a baby face damn and plus the final scene in Terminator one like it's amazing like just the Terminator crawling terminated fucker I read in a book though the entire reason James Cameron even thought about this he's like I was sleeping I in Rome I in an alley because I had no money and I
Starting point is 00:30:28 had was under a super fever and in my dream all I dreamt of was a metal endoskeleton crawling out of the fire and I started writing the next day to build something around that image but then that's all that goes up against shotgun Sarah and the entire fucking factory no of course I this is a terrible battle that goes
Starting point is 00:30:55 up against like skeleton holding on to which to this day is the vision of my nightmares you know and miles breathing of course and the fucking one of the sickest oh yeah miles living is like it's so good ah you know why so many truckers get owned in the Terminator franchise so many truckers get their
Starting point is 00:31:21 trucks stolen from them James Cameron worked as a trucker and he's just like I need to get truckers wouldn't it be goofy if they killed me in my own movie because when you do Alien vs. Aliens you're talking about it's very similar it's like a clash of go themes and goals absolutely the
Starting point is 00:31:38 movies want to do different things I find the first Terminator is a horror movie and the second Terminator is an action alien alien and much like alien and alien alien and aliens is re1 and re4 yeah good yeah horror and action okay anything else yeah I played through Monster Bag which was a game I
Starting point is 00:32:00 was looking forward to last week and I couldn't define the genre yeah you ever have a lot so like it's a weird like 2d stealth thing what but you're super on rails and so it's more about timing like your movements and stuff what's the monster really neat you're a backpack but you're a monster your little blue
Starting point is 00:32:18 box with the little arms that sounds stupid you're a little girl's backpack monster are you are you the are you Dora the explorers backpack no it's a cooler girl so you're chasing after her wait what oh come on come on Diego's way cool so you chase after this this your your role in a whole game and you
Starting point is 00:32:37 end up like causing the end of the world and stuff and it spirals out of control Dora's not her his mom no but the Diego had been created without Dora yeah doesn't make him unless that makes him the new hot I just think you I like the spin-off character more than the original yeah he's straight up so that's
Starting point is 00:32:55 why I like Joey better than friends yeah good for you Pat that's the dumbest thing any fucking nuke the entire yeah that in one smooth that was kind of my way I get what you're doing trying to help you Matt it didn't work oh no it's got like some like really intense like cartoony violence the kind of stuff you'd
Starting point is 00:33:16 see in like invader invader Zim and stuff but even further than that like way bloodier more bodies exploding and stuff and it just goes totally out of control like from the first level where you're just sneaking through a bus stop like through people's bags to the last level where you're like stopping
Starting point is 00:33:31 apocalypse shit from happening so it's kind of like ghost trick a little with light but there's the story is told entirely without text and stuff I still have like a really hard time understanding this game it's a gfps plus it's free yeah I don't really I couldn't really advocate buying it because it's
Starting point is 00:33:48 incredibly short but it's I think it's worth it go if you have ps plus at least it's a new game other than that I played a lot more bloodborne I was telling you the other day I was frustrated that I had to do game plus yeah I was bummed that I did and I told you that the solution I usually do is just do new
Starting point is 00:34:02 game not you get plus I said fuck it I'm gonna do you can't plus so I'm like two-thirds of the way through new game plus now it's fucking great I wish I wish the enemy arrangements were different is this the first game plus you've done on our from soft game no I think he does well them for demons I
Starting point is 00:34:18 did it three times I did new game plus plus until until I couldn't beat any more okay cuz they get a 20% because they scale incredibly high and you start getting and then we start hitting the statistical maximum yeah it's just a numbers game they just multiply the variable yes pretty much and your levels
Starting point is 00:34:38 start capping out yeah I can't do more damage so I agree it's no way man the best ones like the first time through like enemies game like a 40% raw strength increase which offsets it perfectly so you go back to the new game and then after it's not 40% on new game plus yeah ten but then it's ten
Starting point is 00:34:54 again and ten again and ten again and eventually you cap your stats like greatest gradients you get to the asteroid level on high loops and it's like there are no spaces in between the asteroids literally impossible there's none yeah exactly that reminds me just really quickly I forgot to mention I
Starting point is 00:35:11 did play a bunch of blood borne myself yeah here's my best way to sum it up my fiance leaves to go work all day for like seven hours and she goes can you make sure to just do all the dishes oh snap and I say and I say sure okay then she leaves by love you by love you I start playing blood borne and then she comes
Starting point is 00:35:30 right back in and says divorce alright did you do the dishes I'm like you just left yeah I did seven hours ago and I go because I had a long string like I did the second boss which I told you that I lucked out on that right he was getting hung up and all the G all the second form when he was like 10%
Starting point is 00:35:54 health he got real lucky that's good when I beat him like that was like the first try to get to I was thinking about leaving the game on for the boss gets stuck in a thing's whale on him master x-race represent it's unquestionably good I don't think anyone's gonna fight that it's but I
Starting point is 00:36:17 like the Kirkhammer better I like it I like quite a bit but we got some combos going with that charged our two well there's a lot of depth to these goddamn yeah definitely it's really cool what a good ass it's so good but like playing it in new game plus like there's like some quirks that are
Starting point is 00:36:34 bothering me more and more working we tell like the loading never bothered me the load times just never really bothered me that much but but stuff like not being able to warp from lantern to lantern yeah like in the other souls game is and that yeah that feels like a technical limitation I sincerely hope
Starting point is 00:36:54 it is because it doesn't there doesn't feel like an artistic design reason for design no excuse the way Dark Souls one handled it is there were tons of on well there were tons of offers maybe 50 bonfires yeah but you can only tell you're more shortcutty yeah but you can only teleport to like 12 of those
Starting point is 00:37:10 bonfires mm-hmm you can teleport to those bonfires or any bonfire which is all that matters you don't have to do to load and all of them would be like centralized location at the same time if you went from one lantern to another and you don't heal by a teleporting that's the others when you go to a
Starting point is 00:37:27 lantern it should refill your blood vials and quick silver bullets there's no reason for it not to they wanted it huh oh are you caught me I was sleeping yeah enjoy this loading screen right the world's ending oh shit yeah yeah I don't know yeah like just little convenience is like that that's designed
Starting point is 00:37:53 though that's clearly like pushing you forward but why because I can just go kill myself and refill them why can't I just go back like I can do the warp and they wanted to be a little harder but that doesn't there's no good reason you can waste your time to there's no good there exactly like that I should
Starting point is 00:38:13 be able to just restore by going back but that's the cost time ballot like like equation that you know it's bullshit it's wasting my time like I'd be nice if they had that and the teleporting as they did but yeah so like there's a couple things like that did you catch the did any of you guys catch the that
Starting point is 00:38:27 awesome video like of a dude fighting a boss I'm not gonna say which but it's one that Pat you and I have seen already and is about to die and then right on the last hit his note gets raided and he gets a little sick like his body is in the air dude oh your note got raided it is like oh you got your back and then he
Starting point is 00:38:48 uses that burst and you go kill the boss sick it was nuts a friend of a friend of mine you know him you sent me a video he recorded off his ps4 of like one of the last bosses where he was fighting he was fighting this guy and it was really tough fight and he was losing losing pretty bad and the last boss charges up on his
Starting point is 00:39:07 biggest attack and he does it my friend avoids and the boss just goes way out of the arena and just dies oh wow yeah like immediately he just flies out of the arena and dies yeah there's a bunch of videos floating around of gas going doing his Blanca ball straight out of the gas coin you guys can correct this
Starting point is 00:39:26 but a fan said to me just today they're like Willie in the latest Bloodborne Willie and Pat mentioned we saw this on Matt's stream they might be mistaken saying that but like the only way I'm streaming bloodborne is no I I we said Max's I often screw it up and say the wrong name but it also is also just
Starting point is 00:39:48 sounds similar yeah Max because I've been streaming bloodborne just on Twitter on Twitter you're tweeting about this old lady yielded me oh like like people when you used all your Madman's knowledge yeah 20 day right before it's gonna right before it's gonna actually really affect my game
Starting point is 00:40:06 yeah no way isn't keep classic LP's text only yeah it's true about plays you want a good classic LP moment go read like sight and who's a key is an asshole over at something awful and I really thought when people were like hey I'm going into all the Arnhem and everyone's
Starting point is 00:40:27 like watch over the gallon gun ha ha and I was like yeah it's a funny joke and then my immediate tweet after I thought you guys were kidding about yeah there's a piece of a sparrow mittens really worried your characters just like I'm like should I be going here I wasn't even trying to be funny when a guy
Starting point is 00:40:48 told me don't you might want to turn back is he actually telling me like you're not properly leveled come back or just this is just flavor text to make you out from software games of this type when somebody tells you to get the fuck out of there they will attempt to make you and they certainly did because
Starting point is 00:41:06 I don't like I'll come back probably the best one ever is the Dark Souls one version Priscilla mm-hmm where she says get the fuck out just leave and point at the door and you could just leave my favorite my favorite was a maiden astrea and when you attack her because you want her tail weapon she's why why
Starting point is 00:41:26 are you doing yeah me alone well the fuck is wrong again and yeah and Garl Vinland where Garl standing there and he's like leave right I'm gonna stop and like she's just fucking touch her and then it's just touching you is just saying like she's like we're not bothering anyone yeah just get out of
Starting point is 00:41:44 here that's one thing I remarked about in the playthrough is that like so far there hasn't been any enemies like the um hide nights from DS2 where it's like not the ones that you fight in the tower of flame but the dudes just sit around mm-hmm and they never ever aggro until you start yeah I like that
Starting point is 00:42:00 idea I'm not bothering anybody I'm doing my thing but fuck if you want to fight let's go some of the alliance is changing a stuff like Jura the guy with the Gatling gun yeah like he's trying to protect all the creatures from you and from the other hunters yeah and and like his alliance can change depending on what
Starting point is 00:42:22 you do so there's what I tried fighting them twice just because people are like you can't he can knock him off yeah just sprint up to him when you climb the ladder quickly and hit right off and then just double blunder bust okay get him kick him over that's the other thing that might disappoint you but I
Starting point is 00:42:39 talked to Willie about this because when you guys fought that like gigantic stupid pig yeah sewers you're like oh this is so this kill is so for Matt Matt would love this kill and I didn't get that when I fought the pig I just charged my like heart strike and the pig just died straight up splatter house
Starting point is 00:43:01 straight up splatter house it's just perfect yeah when I saw that pig for the first time I there's literally might in the game those were my first nope moment you saw him down the hallway yeah I saw and I was like nah that's a biggie picking that's not even a hard enemy because I killed it I'll kill the one
Starting point is 00:43:24 shot like you just have to make a mistake he does a shit makes me unreasonably happy to hear that you're enjoying bloodborne because I went around and behind them yeah there's some fun guys like seeing people get into this kind of game that is hard to get into it I'm just like ah I played it
Starting point is 00:43:40 longer than any souls game well the tone the change of setting helps you enormously you're telling me you guys like oh yeah well just go to an area and you're like dude you're gonna love this and I was like why because you take like this to get there I was like oh it's awesome the method of transport to
Starting point is 00:43:57 get there evokes a certain other you go to Castlevania only with the baby whether just yeah I know you and Matt's like why don't I get you go to Castlevania and I was like he's like okay and I'm like and you ride a carriage to get there he's like zombie horses it's so old finding the like finding how to
Starting point is 00:44:15 get there yeah fucking best we had a bit of an event a little bit of a funny funny thing about that shape that video okay that for three anything else I just why you being generous just the doll is the best helper girl in any of this she's my favorite she's up top she's she's one point above made in
Starting point is 00:44:33 black on a 100 point scale I like her better she's got like a lot more flavor text I like her accent and I like her clothing you know yes we know can you can oh wow can you wear all of it yeah that sounds even the interest even the gross but but if you have but if you're save files garbage and you're not using
Starting point is 00:44:51 it for anything else just sell it all because it's worth so much you know what I don't think we're gonna do it yeah video games a good video game I can't wait for more DLC yeah can't wait it seems obvious that because a lot of the parts of the game are like just completely separated out like have no
Starting point is 00:45:14 basis in reality of location or geography yeah so you could easily just say hey there's a fucking portal here that takes you to the DLC land yeah exactly like like in the last game and then like everything is just like stand here for a while and then you just teleport and go transparent into some
Starting point is 00:45:29 other place yeah yeah you know it doesn't matter what you're standing in or touching just go DS1 had the most absurd way to get to its DLC but I think it was like the coolest that's why it's so cool yeah one instance where I'm like for DLC I think from soft force should take a tiny cue from Capcom
Starting point is 00:45:47 specifically dragons dogma and just put like actual berserk shit and like guts hair like if from now you're just released like a straight-up berserk game like if you know what they should do like I would remember the fast and the furious fours of seven thing yeah what no oh my god do that they should do that
Starting point is 00:46:20 for berserk just one area and what two bosses yeah you knew what you do you just do the area where the anime starts where he fights the snake lord and then like just like flash forward to god outside go into a mansion fight the boss walk up to the gate and then like there's a sign on the ground to summon Griffith to fight
Starting point is 00:46:40 Zod with you and then you stab Griffith in the back I mother fucker you can't rationalize that there's no money for that like fast and furious it was like we have a big movie that's gonna shadow records maybe maybe if all the berserk movies were coming out like now maybe even dragon's dogma got it shot yeah
Starting point is 00:46:58 and that's it anyway that game's great oh the chalice dungeons are pretty good too they're all right they're all right they're content they're you can play them they are playable they're all right yeah they're not as good as I hoped but I had expectations way lower than my expectations dude my expectations were
Starting point is 00:47:19 really low for the child these these are my exact expectation well there's like remixed boxes and shit right there are different bosses a little like some of them are different bosses that are just regular enemies from those channels dungeons yeah groups okay some of them is just like oh here's this story boss
Starting point is 00:47:34 in a different shaped room you know so okay it's it's cool I had this one child's dungeon where I got like absurdly outclassed when I went from one depth to another and like it was a fucking lot to talk about the specific type of enemy but you're not that far in the game yeah don't do that but like
Starting point is 00:47:50 you only ever encounter one of them at a time in the story there's no way to encounter two at once as far as I know and there were eight in this room and there were three enemies I'd never seen before there was a bad guy a really strong bad guy okay there was a really strong like sword guy who you find in
Starting point is 00:48:11 those things okay there was a bellmaiden summoning got like this was just on another level and I could not compete I could not come back later yeah yeah come back later it was the best this game is amazing that's that's your turn around sign without the guy telling you turn around let's take a quick word for
Starting point is 00:48:32 my sponsors today's special episode is brought to us by loot crate thank you loot crate for sponsoring our most special episode of the podcast this month what's on its way to my place I don't know oh you don't know you don't know they don't tell all I have is a word secret word okay what's the word
Starting point is 00:48:55 of the word fantasy fantasy pat what does that make you think first thing to come to mind it makes me think of like like a list shooting a guy oh that's constructed Matt what are you actually dark crystal dark oh my god I love dark or lab I was gonna say David Bowie I was gonna say that Liam I'm gonna read
Starting point is 00:49:17 your mind you want a horse don't you it's gonna be a horse it's not gonna be a horse it might be a unicorn you get this 12 by 8 inch box and oh I wonder if there's a horse in here well you shake it a little bit in your hammer's face right as a horse or Jim Henson puppets muppets rather for a low low
Starting point is 00:49:39 price oh my god if I opened the box and I found a skexie puppet in there you know the name of this fucking thing he just said loop space loop crates are all reaching into other dimensions we're just goodies and geek paraphernalia plucking filling boxes probably a universe in which you can't breathe be
Starting point is 00:50:02 you would just die but there's nothing you just have a box you don't have to put your head until you open it it's just Schrodinger's nerd shit oh my god and then you open it and it's all there it's that was it there a second ago who knows like we have this mention technology but we're using it to make
Starting point is 00:50:17 you happy every month damn that's what you get if you head on down to loot crate comm slash super use the promo code super you save three bucks on any new subscription on a super cheap subscription anyway it's less than 20 bucks a month you buy like a browser for three bucks that's how much it's crazy
Starting point is 00:50:32 and this and again this month with the fantasy zone and then the loot zone wait there's a fantasy zone in this you get a copy of fantasy zone no no I'm playing that when you open the box you enter the zone of the theme you get locked in because you're all about that thing for that one just put on a
Starting point is 00:50:50 backwards baseball cap will you I'm in the zone will you open up and you got your beautiful cardboard decor in every loot crate box does that mean snit could be in the box snit could be in the box snit could be in the box especially gone over the thing that anyone
Starting point is 00:51:04 could possibly know but hey when it was a retro month I was all retro themed that month I was in the retro zone and I'm ready come back to my game of thrones I'm ready to go for fantasy so you're in the spy zone last month we were in the spy zone in the fantasy absolutely it's a natural transition so
Starting point is 00:51:22 once again you have till 9 p.m. on the 19th Pacific every month to sign up and get that month's loot crate and if you want to head on down to loot crate comm slash super you use the promo code super and you save three bucks on that subscription tonight thank you loot crate
Starting point is 00:51:38 thank you guys are working magic you're working magic but yeah um as far as my week goes uh more front mission three what is there to say it's a fucking amazing that's all there is to that this is playing a game we with our updates about that game turned into that
Starting point is 00:51:55 yeah after a while cuz I'm playing it I'm peering off on Monster Hunter I'm like all the way at the end it's like I'm kind of well maybe this week something else Monster Hunter related is gonna get you excited maybe but yeah but no also a weird moment you know what happened I
Starting point is 00:52:16 finished off that show kids on the slope and yeah you like that and I really did that's good and you know it of course follows some like tropes that go along with no drama you don't say yeah but it avoids a bunch of them by having characters that aren't idiots okay that's like one of the good thing one of the
Starting point is 00:52:36 huge is fucking stupid tropes in like teenage love story is western or eastern doesn't matter where every single problem could be solved by people sitting down and having one kind of having a simple and like more importantly usually a simple dumb misunderstanding becomes a multi episode
Starting point is 00:52:57 you just just talk just talk it out just say the thing you can well we're out of Game of Thrones no no it was life is strange no no yes but also when we were playing when we were playing yeah that's awesome then you're like this situation can be avoided by someone saying literally anything if you guys
Starting point is 00:53:16 want to see this exact concept blown out into a full-length episode of a show to show how the absurdity go track down the season 3 Louie episode in which Louie goes on vacation and cannot figure out if this young man is hitting on yes that was great that was great they are having a breakup and neither of them
Starting point is 00:53:36 knows whether or not the other is gay or into that were we just hanging out or was this so confusing and because they just won't say it yeah both of them walk away just unsure as to what actually that was a fantastic episode but before I forget by the way because someone just mentioned life is strange
Starting point is 00:53:53 I checked it took us 10 minutes to get all the bottles including all the cut scenes we didn't skip okay like I don't know where you got lost in that one I don't know what it was a fifth bottle and I know yeah and some people in the comments like China didn't wet fuck that bottle I agree sure but you know and
Starting point is 00:54:12 but there's more worship beyond that that was that was problem number one yeah actually no but it was the last problem no don't lie on those train tracks no oh yeah get the fuck off that stupid train track why are we still shooting after you I saw you die why can't I just tell you that I saw you die
Starting point is 00:54:30 and that this is a bad idea why are you giving me shit for pulling the trigger when I know that I saw that let me answer my fucking phone like there's so much for it and go back in time if that'll make you feel better really you're making me want to play life is strange I don't know what the fuck you're
Starting point is 00:54:47 talking about that sounds goofy all of this shit is like I've seen the future you know I can see the future and tell you what's better and you're still giving me shit for it yeah because that's what this is fine as long as it's just containing just this episode just tight keep it in there don't like life is
Starting point is 00:55:03 strange the next one looks like a strange yeah out into a point like we need to save the president because the next episode looks like a survival horror episode I hope that's oh the Dehaka's after I haven't tapped out but I'm just disappointed no for sure you can't tap out in these games you can't
Starting point is 00:55:22 warren yeah warren the Dehaka yeah exactly but but no as far as kids on the slope yeah you've got you've got that that dumb thing was like oh misunderstanding main girl accidentally thinks that main guy is not into someone else and it's like this could become an entire fucking arc and then
Starting point is 00:55:45 main character goes no fuck this I'm just gonna tell you exactly what happened good and it's like oh yes thank you done thank you right not wasting my time great um have you seen a school rumble buddy okay do you remember the girl with the green hair with that like what her whole deal is
Starting point is 00:56:02 she's really sarcastic and dry and her whole deal is she walks in on an embarrassing compromising position rubro this isn't what it looks like and everyone goes oh no and she goes oh I understand what happened you tripped and fell and her pants kind of down and so it looks like you guys are totally
Starting point is 00:56:18 having sex and stuff and creepy but it's not you guys had I get it no no problem cool as you were seen and like that's it I love that and just deconstruct the stupid tropes so this has that that's pretty good in the show of course yako kana music is all I love how you want to be doing its thing if you
Starting point is 00:56:35 like classic old jazz and funk and stuff you have some good times at that okay recommended 13 episodes I forgot that I watched something I completely forgot so I watched I watched three episodes of Gintama oh what do you think of it the first three yeah I think I did I'm not super sure what
Starting point is 00:56:55 happened did you get up did you get an ice cream the very very get an ice cream in the in the first one no because you're you're watching the new shit then no I'm not I'm watching all but you're watching because you want to get to the part right no Gintama's just great because there's a part where they I
Starting point is 00:57:13 had the bullshit between anime and that's the reason and that's the main thing no it's the first episode starts off as in like everything settled and it's like last time on but it's episode fucking one and then the second episode is a flashback to things that haven't happened that's I think you're watching
Starting point is 00:57:34 new shit are you watching Haruhi no because that sounds like a root because as far as I remember the first episode involves him getting an ice cream and throwing it at a cat man the first episode that I saw was about like a goddamn earthquake machine yeah no you're at the like I'm pretty sure a new
Starting point is 00:57:49 season just started and I think you're not it's old you know there's like a punch all right all right to answer your question I don't know if I like this show or not it's so fucking weird and Japanese it really is just non-stop Japanese puns you just do this cold yeah okay totally calls I think I'm
Starting point is 00:58:14 gonna watch Gintama oh okay okay it's fucking weird is it good maybe it's supposed to be good is it bad then the Gintama alarm is on yeah did you catch the joke nobody with naturally wavy hair can possibly be that bad yes yes so you must be at the beginning yes but like earthquake machine I don't
Starting point is 00:58:39 remember that at all it's been a lot of episodes dogs like hundreds of episodes 160 yeah which is only you man dude it's a really good show is it I don't even know and I'm not saying like yeah I'm not saying like oh I don't like it I'm like I can't I have no ability to judge this I think it's really funny more
Starting point is 00:58:59 research is required it's not like shown an anime level animation but it's quite funny okay yeah yeah watch the the girdlegan movies with again with the girlfriend just to show that stuff yeah man like I that I hate I absolutely hate when people do the thing because I got it a lot done to me where you're
Starting point is 00:59:17 watching a thing and person that's next to you looking at you to see your reaction did you do this thing I have I found myself starting to do it and then I stopped but right I believe you've been there was the one that mattered which is the last thing that happens in the second movie yeah right is like I
Starting point is 00:59:37 didn't have to because I could see the movement yeah jumping up and down from the corner of my eye that's a hell of a fucking tag on man there you go confirmed that's a good tone setter yeah yeah but what's your reaction to this oh yeah oh get out I watched a whole lot of game of thrones what a lot of
Starting point is 01:00:01 game so the new season started in new season started that's correct some what yeah I watched a portion of it yeah there's content to be to be watched more than you would think so I don't know anything about game of thrones in modern now but like the reaction I'm seeing is not very positive no I disagree the
Starting point is 01:00:22 things that I want to happen are happening slowly but surely and I I of what I've watched I'm not particularly enthusiastic about word anything is except for Ari I'm happy because the characters I like are getting more awesome and the characters I hate are getting shit you know everything with
Starting point is 01:00:42 Tyrion is made up yeah I know that there was every time you see a scene with Tyrion that doesn't exist based on the books you mean yes oh yeah they were already worried in that world we're too late not an entire story no but there's there's a time I don't want to say anything with it for these guys
Starting point is 01:00:59 say thank you and there's a ton is also but there's a ton of shit that we're already invested in that that's made I so I think why not just roll with it little bits and pieces we can't pick at this for a bit there'll be fiction in this fiction yeah the it appears that the comments that I was reading are from
Starting point is 01:01:15 people that are like you guys did a good job of the first three seasons but now you've gone too far okay did they like just jump to the skeleton wars no no that would be awesome but um poilers I don't know like you know the show continues to follow Jackson's different parties of characters doing
Starting point is 01:01:34 their things yeah some of these storylines are converging some of them are separating but the ones that are cool are getting better and the ones that's all it's like season one I remember I was watching with somebody and I pointed out that since I read the first book like any scene that does not
Starting point is 01:01:50 involve these seven characters is completely manufactured because all the kid the book is written from points of view and if none of these seven characters are in the scene it's completely new yeah and and Matt brought up that that means that the goddamn season one scene where a lambster dad is
Starting point is 01:02:07 cutting that dare open is gone and that scene is like the best it's all I'm trying to get at is that like if there are differences it's like it's not like this is the for the start of the difference but I know but here you want to point out that that interior thing is made up is because the book this is based on is
Starting point is 01:02:27 where the series like in some people's eyes just he doesn't know what he's doing anymore he's writing in circles nothing's happening we're going to hate Daenerys and of the scenes I saw with Daenerys I'm like you're the worst did they get to do anything this is embarrassing but that's part of one
Starting point is 01:02:46 thing that's part of one thing but no but I can totally see how you can if you're like I'm a bit you really like Daenerys then like that's what you're not happy with what's happening you want to do the cool thing but you know but but that's because the character is flawed and that's why that's awesome
Starting point is 01:03:00 that's not I don't I don't see what's happening there is bad writing I'm seeing what's what's going on with her as her flaws coming out because of the circumstances she's in that's good so what that reminds me of is when we had the thing in college where we showed berserk to a bunch of people and a lot
Starting point is 01:03:17 of people like came at us negative ending what a terrible show yeah I know this show sucks because it ended badly and like no and like I was crying how could you do this this shows terrible it's like the fact that you were crying that you gave a shit yeah and that you cared which makes you don't
Starting point is 01:03:34 like it exactly the manga and that's not gonna make it better if you want that passion to continue but but you know in this case it's like Daenerys is a character that like flourishes with momentum and when that moment when that momentum stops she fucking doesn't have it anymore and that's great for an ease
Starting point is 01:03:54 for president but that's all I'm gonna say and like when the next time we'll probably talk about it is maybe on a spoiler cast perhaps me and Liam will leave the room yeah and I know I love it too much and now I need to binge it all at once and like and what I'm like what I'm thinking of is especially like I went
Starting point is 01:04:15 a little bit deeper than where you stopped so there's more of that and I gotta be careful they can't diverge too much because say say character X is dealt with or removed from the story not killed but just like whatever yeah in the show because they're not really exciting and their side stories in the
Starting point is 01:04:33 book isn't really exciting if book 6 comes out and that becomes like core oh yeah they can have fucked themselves real bad I imagine George knows that yeah George because there is a character like that that the final fate of this character is super different in both things and you don't know how that's
Starting point is 01:04:52 gonna play out in the future George can you not use this character in the future yeah I got it yeah and he right now he says he's trying to wrap up the latest book by 2016 but he's mulling over a really drastic twist type change oh wow okay and he thinks it's super cool but not takes place in a computer he's not
Starting point is 01:05:11 sure what it is commit to it book 6 is the time to do that like of seven just book 6 is like guess what we're in the future why just like bam star ocean go yeah it's like aria pulls up digs into a grave and finds a terminator Game of Thrones, Game of Thrones, Shippuden and Game of Boruto
Starting point is 01:05:36 Ultimate Boruto, fuck! Are you excited for a storm revolution? Are you gonna watch Boruto? So Boruto is the worst name and the logo? But I love how terrible it sounds yeah it describes how shit the thing you're watching is
Starting point is 01:05:53 Welcome to Boruto Shippuden! Just a poop with a ninja band on it House of Cards continues to be excellent Talk about Boruto No you know how Helen Mirren is the hottest old woman ever? Yes Okay well Helen Mirren unquestionably
Starting point is 01:06:12 Is Raquel Wells still alive? Unquestionable there is no debating Raquel Wells was hot as fuck on Seinfeld Carrie Underwood is fucking Carrie Underwood sorry Robin Wright? Yeah is number two for as far as like the age bracket
Starting point is 01:06:28 going down a bit From being in Princess Bride to now Because Helen Mirren is like 70 and she's rocking it Fuck Robin Wright Sorry Robin is like probably 50 something or so
Starting point is 01:06:42 and it's like the next tier But like holy shit man Give her another 10 years See what happens The abmed will probably still be all together Who knows? It's getting tighter And it's drying up It's like a grape
Starting point is 01:06:57 turning into a raisin That's what happens to old people And then you get wine from that shit Buddy you get the stomp it first What is this analogy The darkened of Barry to see the juice Oh god damn it I bet the girl in the red hat
Starting point is 01:07:13 on the raisin box is pretty hot nowadays Which one? The little girl at the red hat Oh from that from the old On the raisin box What about the Land of the Lakes Butter Lady No idea I know you're really into California raisins
Starting point is 01:07:30 My mom was I like the California raisins She collected t-shirts You know there's a new movie coming out Hey you want to talk about the new movie coming out You motherfuckers see the trailer for the new Air Bud Not yet
Starting point is 01:07:46 Is it called Air Bud Or is it a part of the like franchise of animals Son of Air Bud It's Air Bud whatever The Scorpion King 7 Air Bud It's where The land before Air Bud
Starting point is 01:08:02 The reason I thought of this is because you mentioned people getting super old and I'm like Air Bud must have died a long time ago and I recently found out in the topic about this trailer that Air Bud died after Air Bud won What
Starting point is 01:08:19 All subsequent Air Buds have been different It's the same for Beethoven Although that Frasier Wishbone Dog That's the same one So here's the deal The new Air Bud movie is about Luchadors
Starting point is 01:08:35 Oh I saw that Jack Russell Terrier Where he's fighting fucking Grant Morrison for the title The trailer for that was in front of Bikero 6 I thought you were going to say that Air Buds descendants are in the animus and they're like looking at
Starting point is 01:08:51 the other lives of other Air Buds It makes no sense because in the trailer you see people doing top rope body drops onto a dog Like every one of these things is murder The thing with a dog is Would a dog tap? You have to teach the dog
Starting point is 01:09:08 If a dog never gives up It's one of those super long trailers for babies and it shows the whole story The dog is a little Reese's Monkey as a manager And then they get to the turn The turn in the second act
Starting point is 01:09:24 Where the villain So Air Bud gets to the It's a title shot against a human being You're not mentioning tag teamed with a little boy He was fighting adults and the champ looks at the crowd
Starting point is 01:09:40 and heals it up and pulls out a dog whistle and Air Bud falls over and then the villain does like a fucking 540 frogs and then the next scene It's like you're just crap
Starting point is 01:09:56 Maybe the champ cheated Well you will never get another title shot Dude It is unbelievable It is unbelievable Like they're just throwing wrestling as the sport reinvigorated life
Starting point is 01:10:12 They throw back stages What do you think about that Air Bud If they just throw the mic in the dog's face He's like Oh that's a bold statement If you have not been familiar with the way The dog comes out with the Terminator mascot
Starting point is 01:10:28 You haven't been familiar with the way that the Air Bud movies work They CG the dog's face and mouth So that it just fucking talks Because it's magic Imagine it's like two old dogs They had a game spin-off called Air Buddies
Starting point is 01:10:44 and it was the kids That was Dreck This is gonna be Oscar 40 I just I don't think I've seen first Two old dogs and one's kind of balding on the top and they're just fighting Oh we can't do this anymore
Starting point is 01:11:00 I always thought it was a total lack of nerve when they decided to do hockey They did basketball and then football They're like let's do hockey And soccer too I think Yeah they get to hockey and they're like how the fuck are we gonna record a dog with a stick
Starting point is 01:11:16 And they're like put it make it a monkey So it's a god dammit At this point it's wrestling or golf So golf's doable I just CG that dog And these things come out and you have to They become
Starting point is 01:11:32 platinum Walmart status Because they sell like crazy off of that fucking rotata bin DVD rack All the kids man This dog is doing wrestling Wow! And I bet every single movie
Starting point is 01:11:48 has like there's nothing in the rule books as a dog can play I bet you could go through all the movies and just adjust their script to be identical Except for this school I bet you could go through all the movies and create a unified timeline
Starting point is 01:12:04 How many non-signed wrestlers are showing up in this movie How many T&A stars Yeah yeah It's like all these dogs then commit suicide or take overdosing pills later or their hearts give out in the middle of the ring
Starting point is 01:12:20 They suffer all the same things like human wrestling Dogs dying at two and a half Yeah exactly It's such a bright career ahead of them It's cut too short Or two rival dogs The laser caught driving a car or a bunch of drug paraphernalia
Starting point is 01:12:36 The weirdest diva that you ever saw Let's not all forget that the Air Bud series was created because the Air Bud dog is stupid as fuck and tries to catch basketball in its mouth Some Greyhound is just doing yoga to help the others survive
Starting point is 01:12:52 Oh no someone took an SUV and ran over Air Bud Who was it? You never see the fucking behind the scenes Now they get the goddamn footage of the dog sinking baskets We just throw the basketball at the dog
Starting point is 01:13:08 and it tries to bite it and we film it so many times that eventually it's going to go in the basket Wow Just CG the ball This was like 94 It would look terrible Alright
Starting point is 01:13:24 We spent way too much time talking about it Did we? Did we though? Yeah we did It's my fault As we get into the news I need to recognize the hero of the year of this podcast
Starting point is 01:13:40 as far as I'm concerned No but we're pushing him nonetheless Okay So the headline here is Mayor sued after blowing budget on giant robot statue Now Which country?
Starting point is 01:13:56 This is not the country I thought it was What am I looking at? In Turkey A Turkish politician who's been the mayor of Ankara since 1994 is currently being sued after unveiling a 20 foot tall metal robot in the city
Starting point is 01:14:12 and it's a fucking zaku It's just a Gundam Zaku He did what needed to be done and he didn't give a fuck I thought it was going to be a statue of Hakkan No Hakkan's not a robot He took the budget
Starting point is 01:14:28 He saw Odaiba Gundam and just said no We need this and I don't care what anyone else says and had it made That's a real life Ben from Parks and Rec making Ice Town Breaking news Indonesian governor
Starting point is 01:14:44 blows like a pension fund on giant Kalmana statue But here's why you gotta respect it Because this isn't that fucking idiot that made whatever mod for whatever game that gets shut down in the process
Starting point is 01:15:00 You don't ask for permission You ask for forgiveness He got it done, he pulled the curtain off and that's when everyone lost their shit He can quit now, his life's done He did it If Willy was to become a mayor and erects a giant statue of knighthood
Starting point is 01:15:16 overlooking ability He'd tell everyone when it was done He wouldn't even tell anyone He'd just leave it there and let people find it There's other shit I'd blow the money on but yeah I don't know if I like that or if it's just like
Starting point is 01:15:32 they were just building the thing the whole time in the middle of like town square and like nobody questioned it and then it was like by the way this cost 80 bajillion dollars It's like the government's putting up affordable housing for hundreds and it's like skyscraper
Starting point is 01:15:48 and then on the last day he cuts the thing and the skyscraper falls away and there's a gun in the life shit and he's like and it's moving its head and there's smoke Such play in the gundam themes Right? I'm Citizen Kane clapping
Starting point is 01:16:06 at this hero the hero that Turkey deserves How much are they suing him for? I think it was 20 mil Was there a number there? No We don't have a number Everyone is outraged
Starting point is 01:16:22 Outraged at the money spent One statue is worth of money I just hope it doesn't come down to some of the statues That's just a public backlash Mayor Gokcek simply replied Respect the robot This is fake
Starting point is 01:16:40 Which surprisingly only made things worse This has got to be fake This is a strange place Real life is often stranger than fiction Because that's too cool You see the picture of this guy He's all dapper in a suit with a purple tie He doesn't give a fuck
Starting point is 01:16:56 He's wearing a purple tie He's rocking it He's doing a good job Fake or not, it's probably fake I don't even care I got my enjoyment out of this news story It doesn't matter if it's real We live in a world where the bronze robocop statue
Starting point is 01:17:12 was going to be a thing The right thing to say happened The rocky statue is a thing They moved it But it still exists So publicly viewed The robocop statue was made But I don't think it was ever publicly displayed
Starting point is 01:17:28 In Detroit I wouldn't work because he didn't have his fucking gun Yeah He's just standing there I think that stupid statue of Max Payne You can buy it T-Pose Stand and not shoot, man
Starting point is 01:17:44 The T-Pose statue Like the Sam Lake Fucking Twitter background Should be the goddamn action figure They should make a Sam Lake figure You just always throw it You just throw it Actually, technically any Max Payne
Starting point is 01:18:00 One figure is a Sam Lake figure Yeah, technically Are there any Max Payne one? There's figures for every game That's right Game-wide, there's a ton of trailers That popped up for shit Can we talk about the most baffling one first?
Starting point is 01:18:16 Just go in the sequence I want to talk about Mankind Divided Oh, yeah, who cares about what I was going to say That trailer is fucking awesome Really cool That trailer spits off fire Nothing else to say there Do we even have anything else to say?
Starting point is 01:18:34 I don't know, I'm looking at Matt And waiting for him to start bitching About the arm blade Oh, the fucking arm blade He doesn't like the square That was so close to writing his suggestion bug Didn't you get in a huge fight With somebody over something like that?
Starting point is 01:18:50 It's similar, I'll talk about it someday But yeah, I just have a problem with You're bug reporting the side decisions Sometimes it's appropriate Suggestion bug is fine The team was really stressed They're not having any suggestions I like that they're flat
Starting point is 01:19:08 I don't like that they're flat For impending people So the edge board is one of them Pointy It's a flat blade Even though it's thin enough and cybernetic So it can still theoretically work But you don't like the shape
Starting point is 01:19:24 If he never impaled someone It's fine because he's always cutting When he impales people with a square object I actually love that the most That means he's doing it really hard If you took a broom You could impale somebody if you do it harder Yeah, go ask the kids at McGill
Starting point is 01:19:40 Oh yeah? Is that something? They got caught hazing Oh no, right Yeah It seems bad, don't do it Trailer is super awesome But I think I told at least two of you this
Starting point is 01:19:56 I really hope that the in-game cinematics Can get to a level close to that There's human revolutions Like in-game cutscenes But he's talking about pre-rendered shit Pre-rendered movies look so bad And it looked worse Because the awesome CG trailer
Starting point is 01:20:12 Existed for a human revolution So it made it look worse I think they'll be fine but they're not going to touch this This is done by Square Enix Square Enix Japan's visual work studio And it's done for like Drake and Guard I'm kind of disappointed that the trailer didn't
Starting point is 01:20:28 Play towards the end like even one cool Establishing shot We'll get that Wait, is Gamescom in spring? No, it's in August I love keeping an eye out for The like Sentai-esque action
Starting point is 01:20:44 Kamen Rider, textile stuff And character action bits and stuff Because we have a friend that May or may not be responsible for the cool poses Not in this trailer but in the final game Yeah We're already by Japanese people But I always keep an eye out
Starting point is 01:21:00 I have total faith in this game Because the first was so good The first was so good and it's one of those games That this can only get better And I'm just You're going to all roll your eyes Stay with me The reason why I would
Starting point is 01:21:18 Drudge through sword art is because I have a huge erection for the online MMO thing I have a bigger erection for The exact flavor of augmented Cyber pump, cyber shit It's the best To the point where There's people that are being shit on
Starting point is 01:21:34 Because of it The new basis term Clanks Clank There's only two things I want out of this I want the piss filter dialed back slightly Just a little bit, like 10% It's going to be dialed back
Starting point is 01:21:50 And I want The cover system to remain And for it to be in third person And I want the animation Of Jensen switching sides Yeah, always Beats the beats in my head I will be super disappointed
Starting point is 01:22:06 If you can't do his That night of the Roxbury video With him doing the thing With the guy dying of gas behind him I hope you can clock old ladies Like I did last time If you can't clock everyone And children, is it really a sequel?
Starting point is 01:22:24 There's no children in the Deus Ex Universe Yeah, so exactly You think they'll do a better job on dildo duty this time Dildo duty is an important duty It depends if we go to that place again I will not have you making fun of it, sir Dildo duty is a sacred art There was a lot of money spent on that
Starting point is 01:22:40 Did you still fucking miss one? One No, not me But 30 guys, none of us Transfer that scenario to the real world Of guys Our office has too many dildos Big wig from Squares coming in
Starting point is 01:22:56 We gotta clear out all the dildos We should probably talk about that Cause we're not making much sense Keep it brief There's a bunch of dildos in Deus Ex Just in like the brothels and stuff And when they did the Japanese release They had to get rid of that shit
Starting point is 01:23:12 Cause Ciro was like no, no you can't No dildos in Japan No phallic objects in Japan So they had to pay QA to sweep through And flag all the dildos But there was a few Mist in like the sewer section In particular one in behind the wall
Starting point is 01:23:28 Cause there's secret rooms that you can bust open Who bust into a tiny Seeker room in the sewer Let me get my dildos out The level designers just like giggling at you guys Like I bet they'll never find this dildo And hold up the production of the game Yeah
Starting point is 01:23:44 It ended up shipping with a few in there It was much easier with Hitman where like It's just a weapon Too many dildos Too many Yes And of course that stellar soundtrack Was came back
Starting point is 01:24:00 Mike McConaugher I am really shocked that it appears That the truth is out there ending Appears to be the canon ending Well there's actually There's a thing that It might be that none of the four are canon Yeah
Starting point is 01:24:16 That's actually the operating But like we see Jensen in the water So far that seems to be the most likely one But it's just like I picked that ending Knowing that it wouldn't be the one they pulled forward Regardless it's kind of weird That they have like a Non-binary continuation
Starting point is 01:24:32 It's not just like yes It's interesting It makes me think of like They're literally kind of saying this is a weird It makes me think of such as liberty Right kind of No offendings are true And then MGS4 where you double confirm that
Starting point is 01:24:48 You know like super weird But fuck it after the first 15 minutes that'll be gone And the message will be clear The events of Deus Ex Human Revolution Turned out poorly For everybody For every one of them Which is awesome
Starting point is 01:25:04 That ending is the best thing Pritchard better still be in it I too guy ever Will Malik be alive You don't want the question else on your side What? Pritchard They've shown off like in the little concept Stuff they've shown off the new chopper pilot
Starting point is 01:25:20 Will Malik be alive? I seriously doubt it I apologize to anybody that hasn't Completed Deus Ex Human Revolution You had your chance Just throwing it out there We just very casually got Real deep
Starting point is 01:25:36 Side character dying Or not Doing that sequence non-lethally Is my favorite part of Deus Ex Human Revolution It took me like Four hours the boy was like Fucking stoked When I did it
Starting point is 01:25:52 That bit's a thrill Cause that's the most like I'm not gonna compromise my morals And it looks really impossible I love the situation Where it's like she's literally telling you to get the fuck out And you're like oh I can stay You have to say no I'm gonna stay And then on top of that
Starting point is 01:26:08 There are like 50 guys here Figuring out how to get through the game On Give Me Deus Ex Is an interesting like War of Attrition Where every footstep you make Around every corner has to be calculated Plus there were earlier bugs where enemies
Starting point is 01:26:24 Would shoot barrels and the barrels would explode And they would kill the enemy And then you would not get You did nothing I dodged that thing luckily But that But yeah trailer for the new game looks fucking sick At the same time
Starting point is 01:26:40 Because there was a bit of a snafu leak With the Square Enix's campaign For getting this info out there It sounds like they're like we're gonna do a better job On our next game thing There might be a new Star Ocean coming Cause I can't tell what else this website Would be
Starting point is 01:26:56 It's got the goddamn letters like S T R E A No it just says star But it's off center It says star then it says 2000 2015 Oh something
Starting point is 01:27:12 So it seems, well it's oh And there's a space and there's a one So it seems like it's gonna be 2015 Day Month after October or something like that Walk back Star Ocean 3 That's probably the Star Ocean 2 remake For Vita that they took on a while ago
Starting point is 01:27:28 Like 5 years or so I think 5 or 6 years since the last Oh since the last new Star Ocean Yeah it's been quite a few years You have to walk back Star Ocean 2 That's fine that gets the best Yeah exactly If you do another Star Ocean
Starting point is 01:27:44 Walk back Star Ocean 3 Say that that game never happened in this bullshit Or doggs or just doggs No that game has like a No I know It's not good enough to ignore something I have to say it didn't exist Are you familiar with what I'm describing
Starting point is 01:28:00 It is the worst It's the worst effort of any RPG Of any time The Star Ocean games Are video games played by A future race Of future people And the fact that they don't walk it back
Starting point is 01:28:16 In 4 is like the most Disgusting thing ever It's like guess what Star Ocean 1 and 2 Are video games like that It's those games It's such a bummer You can't just forget about it Either
Starting point is 01:28:32 It's such a core plot point The instant I started up Star Ocean 4 In the opening intro I'm like ok I'm waiting for them to say That that shit didn't happen And this game is terrible And I don't mean like It's terrible because of that I got like 15 in 10 and I was like oh no
Starting point is 01:28:48 Oh crap uh oh I didn't even get to an happy time with edgy You know a lot of people shit on Square Enix But Triace fucking cooked themselves With that series And you know what's the worst part? Edge Maverick awesome name That's too cool
Starting point is 01:29:04 That's why little one snappy time But like how many people approved that idea And said sounds great sign off let's do it Everyone at Triace Let's retroactively ruin The two best games we've ever made So They did Valkyrie Profile
Starting point is 01:29:20 Um and On that note we've got Confirmation of Project Cross Zone 2 Now including Now including hey hold on a minute though Now including the Dragon of Dojima It's Specifically the one from
Starting point is 01:29:36 Yakuza of the end Yakuza of the end with the guy Oh that's the fan fiction Version And a Strider running alongside Shinobi Also running alongside Natsu Who was already in it no?
Starting point is 01:29:52 Natsu from Soulcalve 5 5 yeah Who was the timing Natsu from the old one The old one But it's those 3 It's such a good team Unfortunately all made moot
Starting point is 01:30:08 There was a reddit post Like I bet all the best friends Getting super hard for this And I was like yeah no I'm getting hard for the action Digest trailer Yeah Cause we've already got like the 2 minute one
Starting point is 01:30:24 But you're gonna get the 13 minute one I shan't be tricked again And in a cross boring double ballin In a world in which like Yakuza 5 Is actually gonna come out in the west They already showed footage sorry In a world in which Yakuza 5 Is actually gonna come out in the west
Starting point is 01:30:40 Like the bowl of Kiryu Isn't strong enough in this anymore Cause if there was nothing If there was just nothing Then I'd be fucking weak And just play it until I got the Kiryu It also has more camel in it The character more camel
Starting point is 01:30:56 Majima is the shit man He's just the joker Cause the thing is though clearly if there's a sequel to this It must have made enough in Japan at least Apparently it sold 400,000 copies worldwide Cause people didn't know It did very good Hell we knew and we still bought it
Starting point is 01:31:12 Yeah there you go Kazuma Kiryu and Goro Majima In Japan it sold like virtually Identical to Namco X Capcom Like it is absurd How close for week one And for final sales Like to the thousand
Starting point is 01:31:28 It's crazy Kite from .hack is in it as well Kite's red Wasn't he in the first one? They're adding the GU guy Haseo The GU guy is in there Then they show Virgil right after And you're just like fuck you guys man
Starting point is 01:31:44 Make it not cross boring Fuck you guys GDA fighting game Unless I hear that they make this game amazing somehow But you know what though Here's the thing We had never had a problem with the system at all It was just the tediousness of the progression
Starting point is 01:32:00 So that could be fixed It's not gonna It's not gonna Like how much have VanPresto changed their game I know But it's like in like 20 years It's such an easy fix cause it's just the mission Cause they do all the robot work
Starting point is 01:32:16 No you need value for your dollar But yeah You gotta watch those animations at least 400 times Each before you finish the game Just make it a BMO Listen to Matt Make it anything Anything other than this
Starting point is 01:32:32 Dating Sim, whatever Dating Sim would be fucking rad dude A PS1 era Survival horror game with shit textures Yeah We're going back to 1995 We're going back in 1995 Best year confirmed
Starting point is 01:32:48 No 98 was But 95 is pretty good Pretty good runner up So I got back from Grenada Good for you man No no no this is early Arizona Rezebel 1 is 96
Starting point is 01:33:04 97 North America or Japan No that's North America So back in 1995 95 is pre-Rezebel 1 So back in 1995 Is a game being made by Dojinsoft And it is right now
Starting point is 01:33:20 Is it porn? Yeah that'd be Dojin Hard That'd be Dojin Hard And Yeah it is a Deliberately shitty textured It's not even the textures It's the fucking poly model
Starting point is 01:33:36 Poly quality Yeah everyone's made NES games And Super Nintendo and Genesis style games I've been wanting people to do N64 shit For a long time But it's a very You're at a pie train if you think this looks like Old N64 shit
Starting point is 01:33:52 I don't think it looks like Old N64 shit I've been wanting that era Because old sprites Old sprites are still easy to make But old 3D is like There's no reason to make it shit Yeah you know Turn on the normal bump map
Starting point is 01:34:08 And parallax And even if they make it look Like you know how Virtua Fighter 5 For example had the retro mode It's like everyone is still too sharp Too smooth You remember how Solid Snake looks When you play him in Ground Zero's
Starting point is 01:34:24 He animates way too well It looks amazing It's the same with 5 frames So this is supposed to be like a survival horror game In the trailer they barely show anything But they do show a spinning CD logo In the bottom It's huge and ugly too
Starting point is 01:34:40 I really hope they have A CD drive sound that plays Very lightly Yeah that'd be good Or disc rules And then in the last level It goes to full on Unreal Engine 4 Just blow out
Starting point is 01:34:56 Boom In your face The story takes place in 1995 And the guy finds a portal to the future And he goes through and he goes Ah that's great It's all survival zombie games on early access Yeah
Starting point is 01:35:12 It's to get super buggy And then he turns around and goes back to 1995 And then Germs Sterling's Germs Sterling Every time I go on Steam I'm like can I filter out anything What's the word survival and zombie When I search for new games
Starting point is 01:35:28 Cause then you'll filter them all out Just click what's next in your queue Guess what It's a zombie survival game With crafting elements Strafe is You know throwing back to old 3D Yeah that's also kind of a specific
Starting point is 01:35:44 That's OIC style C3D which is a very different piece Or you can use it But listen to what you just said How fucking niche are we making our demands You know it's crazy We want to see it but it's unrealistic No one's gonna get it
Starting point is 01:36:00 I get it That's good enough for me So Pat's gonna make it on his own I want a 2D survival horror game Made on a cell phone from 1997 Fucking Nokia shit If I can't play that alongside Snake I want the GBA port of Resident Evil 1
Starting point is 01:36:16 Cause I was just gonna say you should go play Loan Survivor I did He wants another one So that looks fun And Get all hype for your Monster Hunter Monster Hunter buddies
Starting point is 01:36:32 Son of a bitch Liam sent me a no spoiler And I'm watching it And I'm watching it for a really long time Like 45 seconds You know our spoiler? Before I realized what's happening Is that guy wearing a monster
Starting point is 01:36:48 That's a T-grade What the fuck is this What the fuck is this That's how it's gotta be When you see a trailer that someone would like You know spoiler The visual of Monster Hunter buddy and friends Is fantastic
Starting point is 01:37:04 I wish it was on the Wii U as well though Cause the resolution is gonna hit that really hard Those colors are bright And there's no information about this game at all It's like Monster Hunter It's a rendered little thing I'm hearing reaction in Japan is Mixed
Starting point is 01:37:20 You don't think Making a child's version of Monster Hunter Is a good idea? I think it's a great idea No but reaction in Japan is I don't think it's necessarily a child's version I think it's got a cute art style But I don't think it's necessarily a child's version at all Could be anything
Starting point is 01:37:36 There's no information I guess but when I see Like an SD kid running around with a little buddy Holding an egg Like a calico dipshit But the moment Where like a Rathalos Swoops down
Starting point is 01:37:52 And then some baby Rathalos And he rides it And I'm just screaming at my television Why can't I do that right now Why can't I do that in Monster Hunter And then I just started to get all bummed out And looking at footage of that 10 cent
Starting point is 01:38:08 Monster Hunter online And getting super butt mad Rathalos looks so good So I'm excited for it Pre-order it immediately That's Japan only right now Yeah but it's like
Starting point is 01:38:24 Yeah there's no one to pre-order it If I go to the fucking store They're gonna point at Monster Hunter 4 on the shelf Just take an envelope Put some cash in it and hand it to the cashier With a Sharpie Marker note on it Keep this for the thing And they change the name to Monster Hunter and friends here
Starting point is 01:38:40 Monster Hunter Kids Buddies I said The one that would be Kiss of Death for me is like Monster Hunter Quest That one for me It makes me think of Virtual Quest and Quest 64 Both super good games
Starting point is 01:38:56 And Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Capcom has something In the history of doing this They tried But also they tried Geist Crusher last year to aim for a kids game And that was a complete flock That was by Treasure
Starting point is 01:39:12 Oh my god Geist Crusher you're right But if you go back If you go back you remember one of their Core IPs that they started with They did it to Mega Man Mega Man had battle network for Many many many games Geist Crusher looked like it could have been a thing
Starting point is 01:39:28 But it was terrible Treasure really Like it's actually not a good game Also like I played it it's not good So you think they're gonna Bake the Japanese onomatopoeia Into this game so that you can't localize it No but I think it's gonna be like battle network
Starting point is 01:39:44 Where it's like they're just gonna target a Slightly younger audience with an IP that people like It makes sense Monster Hunter is the biggest game ever So you might as well try and leverage the brand Exactly so it's all like How close is this gonna launch to Yo-Kai Watch Is the question because Yo-Kai Watch 3
Starting point is 01:40:00 Will kick its ass so I don't know the Monster Hunter name Yo-Kai Watch 3 is gonna kick its ass It takes place in America Land The third one It does, there's a fucking Corn monster I would love for that to get localized
Starting point is 01:40:16 It's gonna, it's gonna They announced the first one already I want it to be Japan Land Like localized but it's still America Land Well that's the first two games That's some dumb shit Speaking of leveraging the franchise The city of Final Fantasy
Starting point is 01:40:32 The arcade is being co-developed by Team Ninja That's not leveraging That's co-developing It's good I don't know if you saw But they actually put out a video of it Of what it looked like on their old arcade boards Before they switched development to PS4s
Starting point is 01:40:48 Oh no I didn't The cab just has like modified PS4 hardware And that's why the controllers all So I wonder if this is getting a console for Absolutely all that leveraging your franchise We want that Gruntslinger Stratos money on Final Fantasy But
Starting point is 01:41:06 The city is good on its own It's existed But turning this into I didn't say that The style of these cabinets with the 3 on 3 And stuff like that's going That's going to the base I mean if you had intro'd that when we talked about
Starting point is 01:41:22 When the city arcade was announced That makes it, hey All we know, the only new information That's co-developing It looks cool and they're definitely pushing it to I'm kind of bummed that they're pushing it To arcades to be honest Because this was one of the games that was supposed to save the Vita
Starting point is 01:41:38 But whatever That game will come someday It'll come to PS4 in a year They said they might look into a console release After a year They might No If and when this comes to a console or handheld
Starting point is 01:41:54 I hope they pair it down to 1v1 Yeah, I was watching the footage I'm not sure if I love 3v3 The footage seems to imply That 3v3 is the intended That's how it looks for sure I want to play Sonic Heroes Decidian Too bad
Starting point is 01:42:10 I'd like to play that too actually I said I don't want to No one does How did I say Sonic Heroes And your response was I want to Sonic Heroes With the Final Fantasy characters Sonic Heroes is a pile of garbage
Starting point is 01:42:26 But if I get to play As Minwoo And Onion Knight And Barrett on a team He's really cool He has Mithril Maces What the f*** is he from? Final Fantasy 2
Starting point is 01:42:42 You were on the Metro And this guy is like Final Fantasy 2 is super underrated I love it Minwoo has the most tragic death In the whole Final Fantasy series I'm going to hit my own party members To raise their defense garbage
Starting point is 01:42:58 If you don't like that news Then I've got some bad news about Xenoblade Chronicles X What about it? The Nintendo Direct Japan that they just had Showed off some of the multiplayer stuff There's multiplayer? There's been multiplayer since the first show Four players together in like groups fighting
Starting point is 01:43:14 And you can join a squad of 32 What battle system is this? Same as Xenoblade That sounds cool Okay I thought you hit co-op Your whole thing about co-op Never co-op games forever
Starting point is 01:43:30 I don't like having to do that I think you're the problem Suddenly Nice attempt at a save I've been playing co-op with Nat I've been playing co-op with some other friends We've had giant F***ing discussions about how you're insane
Starting point is 01:43:46 For discounting every co-op game ever My favorite My favorite My favorite one was when I was talking How I wished something wasn't co-op Because I don't enjoy co-op And you said, oh I feel bad for you And I had a complete nervous breakdown
Starting point is 01:44:02 I had a complete fucking nervous breakdown What? You feel sorry for me? What? I'm not as much of a human as you Because I don't like co-op And just like stormed out And then came back 15 minutes later Going like yeah that was a little nuts We are writing off a category of fun
Starting point is 01:44:18 Is what Matt and I were saying And you're like And I interpreted that statement as Like you're calling me a subhuman You filthy mole Do we even know you at that time? I don't think I did I think so
Starting point is 01:44:34 There's a back and mess metal placement I hate when I have to play co-op Like if I don't need a co-op partner F*** that So I hope I can play this game single player Like remelations 2 You can't No I know
Starting point is 01:44:50 But the fact that it's there just makes me go Okay but I hope I don't need someone Have they released a statement About the pedal music You are changing it all Because it wasn't just the west It wasn't just the west Like 2chan apparently blew up
Starting point is 01:45:06 And does not like the music either Wow shocker Cause it's fucking bad And a bunch of people Are giving a shit for that too I'll be really honest Why don't you like the music I like The battle theme music thing
Starting point is 01:45:22 Almost completely Deflated my excitement for that That's insane That's why I started this with I'll be completely honest Cause I knew that it's insane Go to the options and turn it off That is not an option When you miss the amazing rest of the soundtracks
Starting point is 01:45:38 That is not an option It's soundtracks You call me insane playing games without Better soundtracks But I'm saying space crazy It is crazy but it's less crazy Than not playing the game at all I didn't say I wasn't gonna play it
Starting point is 01:45:54 I said it deflated my excitement That sounded like you were going with I'd rather have nothing And you were just gonna take the fun Not on this one Well let's go 10 minutes Probably have a new all night I'm gonna limb up the revelations
Starting point is 01:46:10 To the other night and I don't know what it was But I just like I'd rather have nothing You're just like So angry about the ending I don't like the gas rooms Those gas rooms The last episode of revelations Without a doubt the weakest
Starting point is 01:46:26 Wait did you finish it Well we finished the shit Yeah I can't get the good ending It's not gonna change all the levels before it Yeah You're playing levels I'm just saying The final episode's levels were not that fun
Starting point is 01:46:42 To go through That's all we're saying We had this moment the other night You told me I could do this quickly How do you do this quickly You mother fucker I gotta replay the thing we get the good ending I gotta replay the thing we get the good ending
Starting point is 01:46:58 And Liam had told me Like weeks ago I should be able to do it like a sub one hour And I took mad high Like fucking four hours to beat these two episodes For the combined amount And then you're like whoa I don't know how that happened it was weird
Starting point is 01:47:14 And I'm like well what's your tips Here you want your Liam's advice As to how to beat these things Just run by every enemy And just grab items and know exactly where everything is And then just beat it fast And it's a second place And just speed running
Starting point is 01:47:30 And when I'm like What was it don't write guides And his response was To send me a speed run video Of one of the episodes Just watch the video and do it The other part of it though But you omit the bit
Starting point is 01:47:46 Where I wrote you a step by step guide for the level I didn't read that We were a bit frustrated though Because we unlocked a couple of weapons And we went oh this will make it really easy I cut that whole part out Because it goes nowhere We restarted like hey can this make it really easy
Starting point is 01:48:02 No it can't It doesn't make it Like it makes it maybe easy for the first 20 minutes That's your game though Good asking Yeah wait for the Yeah So I read a headline
Starting point is 01:48:18 And like rubbed my eyes And wasn't sure what I was reading Your eyes bulged out like Super Saiyan god Super Saiyan playable in Dragon Ball Z Don't you mean a stream buruto And I was like Ah there's Liam's face
Starting point is 01:48:34 Captured by audio And I was like there means Super Saiyan god The final form Super Saiyan With the red hair and it's like no Is this the blue hair Goku that I saw Super Saiyan god It's literally what it's called
Starting point is 01:48:50 Why is it gotta be blue Because they're out of god damn Because Super Saiyan god went red So they have to What are they gonna do to make it green He looks like he's less powerful What are they gonna do to make it green They're gonna go every fucking color of the rainbow
Starting point is 01:49:06 Every color of the rainbow Blue just seems like a power decrease Well Super Saiyan god already seemed like a power decrease No yeah Because it was normal Goku hair Super Saiyan 4 looked like a decrease in some ways I view these As illegitimate
Starting point is 01:49:22 Yeah 4 is illegitimate because they ignored it Like the step after Super Saiyan 3 Is considered Super Saiyan god 4 and GT world is just written Also SSJ4 is illegitimate Because it's also stupid as fuck That was half of Dragon Ball Z Written off
Starting point is 01:49:38 Or Dragon Ball I know but it's like man this series Is a fucking mess That's why And he came back Actually he got out too late He tried to get out at Frieza He kept him in until he said fuck this
Starting point is 01:49:54 Cell was a good idea Cell was like For forcing my hand I can tell go hand store Yeah but then Majin was like Boo was like I'm done and they're like no And they're like well fuck you and then they made the GT space adventures And then Gotenks kills Hitler Hey
Starting point is 01:50:10 So It's a 13 Are there 13 Are there 13 There's a problem There's 15 now And I had to go read the fucking wiki Entry on this thing to fully understand it
Starting point is 01:50:26 And it's absolutely And you can't believe you're typing the word Super Saiyan Super Saiyan And this is real Because we thought The Super Saiyan god was like a SSJ4 But it was actually a Super Saiyan god's
Starting point is 01:50:42 Base level power Exactly This is me guessing To a new line Of upgrades And the best part is because I saw some stupid toys You know Vegeta just for no reason gets to get up there too Yeah because it's not fair
Starting point is 01:50:58 Because hey man how else are you going to be golden Frieza You know I like the idea that Frieza never tried I like the idea that Frieza Said on his ass and could just do all the transformations Like naturally And never try to dain his goddamn life And still almost beat Goku
Starting point is 01:51:14 And so then now he comes back Okay so I tried a little bit I'm super super strong now That's what I like about this movie's premise But Frieza has gotten more duels Wait how's Frieza back by the way Frieza's back for resurrection Yeah a new movie
Starting point is 01:51:30 Resurrection F Resurrection F His minions find the dragon balls And watch them back to life How did they just find the dragon ball They scatter every cat in years No I know but like All of the Frieza saga was
Starting point is 01:51:46 Don't let Frieza get the dragon balls And then he just gets them Why did P Laugh wish Goku to be a kid Instead of wishing that he won the original battle With Goku all those years ago Who's P Laugh no Yeah we can go all over With this and I'm sure
Starting point is 01:52:02 Like play could chime in at any moment I for one welcome the new age of Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan How far can we push this God who makes this the fucking Games for this Ben and Echo Oh this is going to be an Archer's Game I bet everyone involved with licensing
Starting point is 01:52:18 Of Super Saiyan like Gets the dock hit their desk And just starts masturbating furiously We don't have to stop we can make new dumb characters What was that Did you ever see the YouTube Animation that was made by like A fan and it's like a whole new series
Starting point is 01:52:34 Made by a fan where He has like another level It's a gray I forget what it's called like X It strikes me as familiar Like gray to be known You ever fall down that YouTube hole Of just looking at people reenacting
Starting point is 01:52:50 The Super Saiyan 3 moment There's the one good one And the only one you ever need to see You walk proudly in With the black thread that tries to Go Super Saiyan And you have to watch the edited version Where some sparks start to rise
Starting point is 01:53:06 Maybe this is what I'm talking about Maybe that's what I'm talking about Yeah that's it Anyway The best ones are the ones where their parents Tell them to be quiet Like the one you made Yeah exactly
Starting point is 01:53:22 Or every anime con Where you've got poor Scott McNeil Around or any of the other ocean group Voice actors and just no matter What room you're in at some point You hear them Ahhh Now get me a bottle of water
Starting point is 01:53:38 Which was the guy that Played Vegeta Chris Sabot Yeah Chris Sabot gets Big ups forever For the story about him passing out In the voice booth Doing Vegeta's
Starting point is 01:53:54 Like power up yell And it's like do you even want to hear him do it at a con You'll never top the one that he almost died doing No that's it They'll always have I think per con Every time Every time like a Goku grandma Dies in the booth because she's trying to do
Starting point is 01:54:10 The Super Saiyan power up They just have another Like they have a line of grandmas and they all Get in Get your Naruto grandma in here She's invincible They just switch to the next mic So that the sound is consistent
Starting point is 01:54:26 As one dies Is Bordo gonna be Narrow in it by an even older grandma You just hear her start talking about her grandson In the mic I remember one of the grandmas told the story Where she was taking the bullet train And a bunch of kids were like
Starting point is 01:54:42 Look at that stupid old grandma What a loser and she told them Respect your elders like Oh my god are you Goku's voice And she's like ahhh They marked out That's how you do it Then it's just train full of Japanese kids
Starting point is 01:54:58 Trying to be Super Saiyans You try hard enough man You'll get there You'll punch through the Digiverse They're real okay I swear to god I was looking at my monitor And I saw her reflection
Starting point is 01:55:18 And it looked like Garuruma I don't believe me But I'm telling you I saw Garuruma And he was looking at me he was mine The lights went out And they flickered and he was there That is one of the few things that I've been able to find on the internet
Starting point is 01:55:34 And send to Wally that he just Could not handle I can't I went for the ring All these years later I used to not believe in Super Saiyans Someone at Tim's today Did any of you guys happen to see
Starting point is 01:55:54 Or hear about Little Devil Inside Doesn't that look awesome The art looks awesome I don't know what the game is going to be like I hope it is going to be like that trailer Yes I saw that that does look awesome There's so much going on The art style is like an interesting sort of like huge thing
Starting point is 01:56:10 But then you see like vehicle combat You're riding on like cars There's a lot of shit it's nifty And then you get the part where the guys walking up to you with the sword Really slowly and you're like okay It also reminded me of like Oh what happened to that Cuphead's still going
Starting point is 01:56:26 It should be done It's not done It's just a 2D platformer Amazing animation Isn't it just a boss rush That even more Reason why it should be done But yeah so this like Little Devil Inside
Starting point is 01:56:42 I think it's actually up for steam green light Everything's up for steam green light It's actually drowning in steam green light You're saying grandma's up for steam green light But it's like You know that you could do that Without showing any gameplay things You can do whatever the fuck you want
Starting point is 01:56:58 That's why it's a problem Yeah You can charge people 60 bucks for nothing What we get is anything like this video Like we're getting something awesome It looks really like something special Fucking cool man Did I tell you I contacted the guy who made frog fractions
Starting point is 01:57:14 Come on Because I thought shower with your dad was frog fractions He tried to call it I told you Because there's a frog in the fucking Yeah I guess we were like This shower with your dad's thing Is super high production
Starting point is 01:57:30 Is this frog fractions too And Liam just told me we'll just ask him So I asked him and he replied within like an hour I was like no It's way too on the nose That off the list It's just a super weird green light game So now I'm kind of feeling like
Starting point is 01:57:46 Fuck those guys for making it seem like it was though In a way I never got that impression Frog fractions is way more mysterious Than that Because when you look at frog fractions for the first time Why not How many games have frogs in them
Starting point is 01:58:02 Maybe it's just the deal with the frog I saw a frog the other day A real frog Did you eat it? Would I look like the French? Yeah Like yes Is this a question?
Starting point is 01:58:18 Alright well no Hey so Remember when our dull buddy Don Matric went over to Zynga Yeah We all laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed Because it's the most appropriate shit ever Well apparently he was so awesome at his job
Starting point is 01:58:36 That they're like hey man you're being way too good at this You need to back it off a bit You need a challenge So we need to like replace you Yeah After two years Because you've been rocking it so hard That we can't handle it
Starting point is 01:58:52 You get the feeling that Don Matric's tenure at Microsoft Was not of his own doing Like Where He got the credit For all the good things that happened under his watch But they weren't actually due to him
Starting point is 01:59:08 Because the instant it Actually became under his watch He blew up in his face And then he went to a different thing And then they kicked him out You can get a good president No wait he's an asshole You can get a good president
Starting point is 01:59:24 But if your company can't handle a good president We have another president for you And it's Don Matric Alternatively they may need to let him go Because he isn't like conducting the annual Like sacrificial rites Yeah maybe he's just not Latching onto the watch
Starting point is 01:59:40 And everyone's like you need to go Yeah I really want to see the boardroom meeting Where Matric Of all people is fighting For them to make like a generic Third person shooter And the Zynga people are like
Starting point is 01:59:56 What are you talking about Can't we just rip off angry birds Get out of here with your forward thinking New dynamics You're now back to the lamb ritual Just fucking searing guts all over themselves These lambs are gonna smear themselves Do you have the other very similar story to this?
Starting point is 02:00:12 No The one cool guy Left at visceral Just got fired for no reason The head of visceral Stop being cool What's the name of the guy you always know Glenn Shofield
Starting point is 02:00:28 Got fucking fired from No wait Glenn Shofield works at god damn Sledgehammer and he left after Dead Space 1 It's whatever guy that was currently In charge That was in charge of Dead Space 3 Yeah I saw that he was no longer in charge either No Dead Space 3 wasn't visceral
Starting point is 02:00:44 As far as I remember it was EA internal I think visceral was making army of 2 No visceral made battlefield hardline Yeah that was the most recent one Well visceral was EA internal And then they just I thought Dead Space 3 wasn't even By visceral
Starting point is 02:01:00 I thought maybe I'm crazy No I'm just saying A friend of mine that works at EA Was telling me about how things Stop telling us to make a good Dead Space game No we're gonna make a bad one But it was just like the most fired thing ever Like it was a press release
Starting point is 02:01:16 We thank him for yeah okay bye Like it was just really thrown under the rug Hardline must not be lightened up to charts Well at least No one on that team's fault At least it wasn't done at a company picnic Yeah I was Selling him that story
Starting point is 02:01:32 At least Kotaku ran a while ago About like bad firing stories In which like Hey everybody it's a rat party Let's go out to a pizza party In a bowling alley And at the end of the night here's your pink slips Which then made everyone
Starting point is 02:01:48 Of the company terrified Of going out to company Why would you ever go At least you get that one extra day Yeah At least they have At least they have to fire you at your desk Where you can pick up your things and leave
Starting point is 02:02:04 Possibly What about the pictures of my family They're owned by Randy now They're his family now But once you go in the room You always get escorted out You need to know in advance And start sending yourself the emails
Starting point is 02:02:20 While you're getting in that morning You know what you should do You should just steal from your job all the time So you're just ready to be fired Um Do you know that these pens are made out of Baby hearts Said Randy Pitchford
Starting point is 02:02:36 Over at Zynga, yeah It's a magic trick I'm a magician Look at my jacket It's not even efficient This is flying off the rails This has nothing to do with anything I was gonna say you need like seven baby hearts
Starting point is 02:02:52 To get one pen It's the most inefficient use of a baby heart You're firing someone and he's like Here's your job, right? And then he shoots a dove out the window And then pulls out a gun And shoots the dove Uh
Starting point is 02:03:08 Is the dog a birthday on the dog? Well, I was just gonna bring up the Ant-Man trailer Oh, okay, yeah, absolutely Ant-Man trailer Interesting stuff, the yellow jacket reveal was pretty fun Yeah, that's the House of Cards dude The guy that plays yellow jacket
Starting point is 02:03:24 That's his name, House of Cards dude A bald guy that Frank always uses Stamper? Stamper, yeah, Douglas Stamper Sure, I thought that thing was Stamper first Yeah, that's yellow jacket Yeah, I don't understand part of that trailer Cause it's got yellow jacket Punching towards a tiny Ant-Man
Starting point is 02:03:40 Shouldn't the Ant-Man just get fucking No, like clobbered into goo No, because becoming small Makes him super powered Cause that's how ants work That's the one line I really like to the movie Small, you're a bullet You're as powerful as a bullet
Starting point is 02:03:56 He's super powered in comparison to his Tiny size? He hits harder smaller than he does As a full-sized man So he's like a reverse piccolo It's the reason why, like he has an advantage To becoming smaller He becomes a dwarf, he's got plus two against two
Starting point is 02:04:12 And like an ant, you have the scale You remember Hawkeye's Super and Marvel Where he shoots Ant-Man on the arrow Yeah, Ant-Man punches the guy And then he stabs on you Yeah, that's the whole thing Has he beat his wife in this one? It's not Hank
Starting point is 02:04:28 That's a different canon I still kind of feel weird about it There's something off about the whole thing I totally agree with you The complete lack of Edgar Wright I think that like deep down That's what I feel like what's wrong I'm never gonna not see that
Starting point is 02:04:44 And that's sad, but And it looks a lot less funny Than what they were initially going for It seems to be kind of more serious With some gags here and there Like straight-faced gags Also Paul Rudd is like straight guy It seems like Michael Douglas is the more funny dude
Starting point is 02:05:00 Delivering punchlines But delivering like sandbags punchlines Like I said to you though in my little text Like that last gag with the train Was pretty funny I laughed at that It looks like it'll be good though To be fair, going into burns of the galaxy
Starting point is 02:05:16 Like I don't know I was excited I was excited for Guardians of the Galaxy Because I thought it was going to be a mass effect And I was right Especially once Pratt is the main guy You're like they're getting him
Starting point is 02:05:32 And telling him play up Your Parks and Rec character even more But hot The Parks and Rec character was like I suck with girls, I don't know what I'm doing So yeah, so he gets the whole Galaxy The Guardians
Starting point is 02:05:48 Talking about Zaldana Or Aubrey Plaza Both of them She's got that weird face thing Which one? Both of them Interestingly attractive faces They both have that weird face thing
Starting point is 02:06:04 In a different way One's not actually green in real life And you said Zaldana Not Gamora So he saw that As a weird green face No Don't look to me for continuity
Starting point is 02:06:20 It's always going to be Like this was the option B movie You know You salvaged it as opposed to But imagine being the first one That's not great The first MCU movie Like Iron Man 2
Starting point is 02:06:36 Whether that's like whatever Since then Which one are you talking about? No, I mean Ant-Man You don't want to be the project That everyone actually Turns out to be bad From phase 2
Starting point is 02:06:52 Phase 2 God forbid it performs poorly too Because Iron Man 2 is like Middling and poor as it was It sold I watched Thor Dark Do it Do you have 2 hours?
Starting point is 02:07:08 Yeah And Loki doing more Loki Do you have 2 hours to feel Slightly average? Dude, that's my life You just started Gintama because you didn't even know why Just watch it I was pretty bored
Starting point is 02:07:24 There's something about the time of day And the window that is making the tone of this podcast Super weird It's a little bit weird You can crack that a lot more if you want Crack that way What did you even say in the first time? What did you even say in the first time?
Starting point is 02:07:40 I said you can crack that Open the more if you want It's like we're going off the rails But really slowly Very slowly There you go We've got some wind I feel like it's going to break
Starting point is 02:07:56 Do you have some wind? Wind Tell them shut your fucking mouth Yeah, but I want that back in every fighting game There are some buttons on the versus screen I want to spawn a wind We'll wait for a combat pack too Or whatever
Starting point is 02:08:12 Spawn might be there Now that makes sense Since there's going to be more combat At DLC There's nothing that will beat all the feet You just kidding That is the worst translation ever If you want to send us some letters
Starting point is 02:08:28 About how you're just kidding Then you should send them over too SurveysFriendcast At That is? SurveysFriendcast That's why I pointed That's crazy
Starting point is 02:08:44 This breeze is so hot I love it It's a hot like good It's attractive to you Make love to the breeze That's tough Wind That's your job
Starting point is 02:09:00 Wind turbines On your penis Whatever works for you Generating electricity You got questions we got answers I'm asking you the fucking question Give me an answer What's an actual question
Starting point is 02:09:16 Define your sex with wind Position will age Put your dick in it Get up real nice and high Find a rooftop That's got a nice wind chamber So like this roof That's correct
Starting point is 02:09:32 You want to get like a dog funnel But like way larger So that you can catch as much draft And shove it down there All on your dick That's correct And so basically Spider-Man knows
Starting point is 02:09:48 It's got to be hitting you so hard That all you're doing like spinners on your own Just because of the amount of wind We don't stop And like When you're writing spinners hard enough With the big funnel on it Eventually it's going to feel really good
Starting point is 02:10:04 Oh my god I regret everything Please the next question None of that was quality That was no questions We're currently in with zero questions We got one coming in from We got one coming in
Starting point is 02:10:22 We got a question coming in from Jacob Tutu Oh no kidding Dear subpar best friends On episode 83 of the podcast Matt casually mentioned Jacob Tutu A show so bad I had completely erased it from my childhood Memories I even got into subpar best friends
Starting point is 02:10:38 In a while That runs back Actually we've been getting it I'm sure You're just sandbagging You're sandbagging the fucking emails Every week for the last two years You see I grew up in Mexico
Starting point is 02:10:54 And this piece of shit show Replaced the reruns of Dragon Ball Z Oh shit Which at the time were brand new episodes to meet So now 13 years later I went and watched a few episodes of Jacob Tutu And found that while not anything Noteworthy it isn't as bad as I remember them to be
Starting point is 02:11:10 I was just really salty about Dragon Ball It's a DBZ killer that's like the worst So my question is Have you ever gone back to watch or played anything That you thought was huge garbage And you were just being a show Demon Souls Because when he first played them
Starting point is 02:11:26 I gave it two full attempts And hated it And on attempt number three it clicked I was very stubborn This is a slight variation But when I re-bought cops Like the animated cartoon I was like this is going to be awful
Starting point is 02:11:42 And when I watched it I was like this actually holds up It's not that bad I watched like a season of it I assumed this was going to be bad It was going to age poorly but it was pretty good When we played Marvel Nemesis I was like y'all this is the best fighting game I've ever played No
Starting point is 02:11:58 I don't do it You like Marvel Nemesis shit He wasn't even there when he played it Wasn't he not there when we played it I helped jump off the cliff a million times So that we could unlock shit But you weren't there when we actually sat down and recorded it No but I helped you unlock shit
Starting point is 02:12:14 Thank you Willie I can't think of any I'm sure I must have had at least one Maybe a game but I usually hate thanks forever Something you go back to And it gets better You know what the first time I played Kirby Canvas Curse
Starting point is 02:12:30 I didn't enjoy it I really was like this is just Oh I just thought of one And then I stuck with it a bit more And it warmed up but it wasn't like after a while It was just session two or three For me It was a Cobra Triangle
Starting point is 02:12:46 I didn't like it very much as a kid But I went back to it It's one of the few cards that I had access to And that game is good Unbelievable good Also Duck Hunt I loved it as a kid It's way better as an adult when you flip over your coffee table
Starting point is 02:13:02 And you're hiding behind it like a soldier That game gets way better You sure you did that as an adult Despite your chronological age There is an FAQ on Game Facts for Duck Hunt And it's like twenty different ways To play Duck Hunt That are not traditional Duck Hunt
Starting point is 02:13:18 Including pushing your friend by On a skateboard as he drives by as the Ducks Oh that's good that's good stuff It's good I remember not having fun with TMS Duck Hunt guide When I was like a super baby I was not having fun with punch out
Starting point is 02:13:34 That show was always bad Oh god no you're thinking of mega babies Mega mega mega mega babies Stop stop that was trash Na na na na na na You are triggering memories Na na na na na na na I really hate that
Starting point is 02:13:50 The giant diaper filling fucking superpowers That was the worst And they shit and then they fill their diapers with shit But the shit looks like pellets And they would draw all the little indents of the pellets That was the worst show That was the worst show Oh yeah it was unwatchably terrible
Starting point is 02:14:06 I bet if I remember everything about it If I were back and watched Hey Arnold now I would like it I didn't like it back then No I was fine with it Because I fucking hate it Hey Arnold was fine Go back and watch fucking life with Louis
Starting point is 02:14:22 And try to handle that shit Oh god That is not a thing You go back to and it turned out to be good Oh Louis Anderson isn't he a great child What a great kid That was super weird
Starting point is 02:14:38 Like he That show was trying to be Bobby's world Except Bobby's world was awesome Bobby's world still Bobby's voice annoyed me Yeah but that was a really popular thing back then You know what the show I went back to And it's significantly worse
Starting point is 02:14:54 Sticking around Oh no shut up I love sticking around and I refuse to believe that You know what show was shit And will always be shit Yeah You remember that Digimon crossover commercial There's an Angela Anaconda commercial
Starting point is 02:15:10 Because it aired in like the same block as Digimon Where she's got all of Ty's shit on What you're saying is that Angela Anaconda Exists in the same universe as Digimon It's just a shitty version of Pippi Longstocking Which was already not that great That was awful No terrible terrible
Starting point is 02:15:26 It's the kind of art style We're going the other way on this question That's the kind of art style that belongs To a 6 minute France based Independent animation For a contest and they win And they win first place or third Right right
Starting point is 02:15:42 The only one I can think of that comes close And it's still not even the same thing Is like I as a child adored the Muppet Show I loved the Muppet Show And hit a point a couple years ago Like man I'm going to track down and watch the Muppet Show And now you're gonzo for Muppets And upon watching the Muppet Show
Starting point is 02:15:58 It's fucking awesome I had no idea what the fuck I was watching Because as an adult I could barely Hang on to how fucking Weird the Muppet Show is That is for stoners I used to watch Fragile Rock That shit was weird too
Starting point is 02:16:14 Fragile Rock was a weird one I guess South Park Since we all go through the cycle of Ha ha shit jokes and you become a teenager And you go mom fuck the stupid shit it's not funny Then it becomes amazing again when you get older Well because the show itself Was like we can not just be shit jokes
Starting point is 02:16:30 And we can actually tackle like Issues Terrence and Phillip are the best Representations of Canada ever My god are they ever ok we got one Coming in from the I love those guys Henry Mwabitumba Mwabitumba the office of the ambassador
Starting point is 02:16:46 Is there an apostrophe in there Oh please tell me this is real Dear sirs What is the deal with Liam's definition Of Metroidvania oh wow Yeah I know exactly So let hear him out Yeah fair fair ok
Starting point is 02:17:02 No but really ever since I heard Liam say A Metroidvania game has to be Has to have an exploration aspect of a Metroid game And RPG elements it's bugged me And the recent mention of this on the podcast Has spurred me to finally write and ask what the deal is For me a Metroidvania game is defined as any game That has a large map with interconnecting zones
Starting point is 02:17:18 With an emphasis on returning to earlier Early areas once you Have the required gear to advance I've asked around and literally 4 billion people Said the same and none have mentioned The game needs to have RPG elements Such as Superior Points or varying equipment With stats to be labeled a Metroidvania
Starting point is 02:17:34 To me the reason why the subgenre is even Called Metroidvania and not a Metroid like Or Castlevania like is because Metroid And Castlevania are the defining Games in the genre both featuring the above Criteria I mentioned if all Castlevania Brings to the definition are RPG elements why not call it Metroid fantasy
Starting point is 02:17:50 Or Metroid Trigger Like I know a lot of people refer to it Like that I'm not going to fight That's exactly how I use the term I think it's bizarre that It is a genre identifier When games in the genre can have Literally nothing of what that one brought
Starting point is 02:18:06 To the table because Metroidvania Only started when symphony happened Pre that it was levels and thus Objectively games in But pre that it was I would say objectively not Metroidvania no matter how you slice it But we can use that for RE4
Starting point is 02:18:22 And so as far as It's a Definer That's way more than four actually Well it's more than four even Because there was Bloodlines and there was Rondo And there was a lot of other stuff too I always forget about Bloodlines Do the rest of you agree with the definition
Starting point is 02:18:38 Or is he crazy or is this a regional thing Like Steam Tams from the game I think this is the thing where If we drill down super hard Leam's going to end up being right In my personal common vernacular I just use it as short hand It's like map game go
Starting point is 02:18:54 That's exactly what I missed I'm not going to fight anyone on that Either because I know it's a bit Like a weird opinion but at the same time It's like when you get to the first Metroidvania which is Castlevania Symphony of the Night Super Metroid was when it was just Metroid
Starting point is 02:19:10 You could call it a Metroidvania at the time So when you get to the first one I figure how do you Define it based on the first one And based on its immediate surroundings It's clearly Metroid style exploration With RPG elements
Starting point is 02:19:26 Okay so you see it as Level 2 Metroid like Not as Just the map system Because when I look at Guacamelee It's got almost none of thevania It's all Metroid Axiom Verge is like 100%
Starting point is 02:19:42 Metroid At least in the Eternal is just like When people used to call it Then why wouldn't you just call it a Metroid game And the differentiator In my mind is Well you don't just call it a Metroid because it also has RPG on it
Starting point is 02:19:58 Otherwise you just call it a Metroid Like how you call A hunting game, a monster hunter clone I think it just came about As a result of Metroid and Symphony both being The biggest titles in the genre Absolutely
Starting point is 02:20:14 So even though one came way before the other They just grabbed both For me as I like Castlevania so much more Than I like Metroid I just think there's Some of them like Axiom Verge And like It's a fucking Metroid game
Starting point is 02:20:30 There's novania In my mind Metroidvania also implies Thevania part of it is Not shooting a weapon Not swinging a thing And I think that's an interesting Take on it
Starting point is 02:20:46 But originally I do have to say that In my head this guy's definition is More or less what I would think as well I think that's what most people say as well And I think like Rogue Legacy is a good example Of a game that's a Metroidvania It's also a roguelike at the same time But it's clearly got the Metroid
Starting point is 02:21:02 And it's got thevania elements of it Clearly And I feel like that's a good demonstration Of probably one of the best subgenre Discussions you've ever said Because roguelikes are fucked Yeah Like God, dungeon hack
Starting point is 02:21:18 That game's fucking Impossible So I don't know And I'm not going to say anyone's wrong I'm not going to fight anyone on it Because it's commonly accepted vernacular But I just think it's odd that it came To this
Starting point is 02:21:34 You're going to have to clarify your position Yeah What really comes down to is that No one really did exactly Metroid-style games down to the map Until Symphony of the Night And it's only with the advent of Kickstarter Where people just
Starting point is 02:21:50 Use that as a shortcut term to describe What they're going for And there were no other games Until indie games exploded It was kind of just Castlevania games It was kind of just Castlevania games Or this worst kind of Metroid This general web
Starting point is 02:22:06 Term to describe whatever And it's not like you Like you said you're not going to fight anyone That says, oh my game is Metroidvania And you're like, well no But that's what they like Like Titropolis When people call it a Metroidvania
Starting point is 02:22:22 I'm looking at that and I'm like It's rough It's got the map A lot of games have a map Strider has the map Yeah, like New Strider Plays more like Not Strider than anything else
Starting point is 02:22:38 Plays like More like a Metroid game What? So I don't know Again, I'm not going to fight anyone And I don't think people are wrong I just think it's a weird distinction And it kind of Just weirded me out that
Starting point is 02:22:54 I've never heard anyone else say that And so that's kind of why I say it I feel like Shadow Complex came out Everyone said Metroidvania They mostly said Metroid Everyone said Metroidvania But there's novania to it You level up your shit
Starting point is 02:23:10 You do, that's so much fun I'm trying to think of any other genre Where it's like you have two defining examples And there isn't really It's a very specific thing When you say Cart Racer, it's very clear Which one you're referencing No one says, oh I'm making a street fury game
Starting point is 02:23:26 Or a fatal fighting game No one knows It's an example of everything Yeah, I think Hunting Games is the closest approximation Where people just say, oh it's a monster hunter clone When you go back to Fantasy Star online And there might even be something
Starting point is 02:23:42 I don't even know about before that And that's a weird one Yeah, it's so weird to me Where it's like, no actually You know more about the genre than you think Because I played PSO And that's the same one Thanks for asking that
Starting point is 02:23:58 Glad to talk about it Nobody's crazy And I'd like to think Let's not say things we can't take back Do I sound crazy when I explain that? No, are you trying to I sound crazy when I explain anything I sound crazy when I explain anything
Starting point is 02:24:14 According to Woolly We got one You want to check that with the internet, sir? Yeah We'll get there soon We got one coming in from Shane And he says, hey guys What are examples of
Starting point is 02:24:30 Fighting game characters that didn't start out that way That are your favorites That weren't your favorites And then became your favorites? For example, Dante and Marvel He's not a fighting game character But that had origins Oh, you mean characters who weren't?
Starting point is 02:24:46 I'm going to say Phoenix and X23 Nerfed Phoenix in Marvel And X23 Cool non-fighting game characters That existed before that made a transition Phoenix, right? That's a pretty fun transition as well So it's not just a favorite character
Starting point is 02:25:02 That's one of your favorites People that got transitioned into fighting game characters That's not a Daytona USA car I don't even know You fought really hard about that It's fucking awesome It's fucking awesome your car I like
Starting point is 02:25:18 Shuma and I'm serious by the way I forgot his fucking name The Lost Planet Mech in PTX is a solid one That's not bad Where was Alex before? You were hanging out with John Ringo
Starting point is 02:25:34 Show in the background of Onamusha 3 Uh I don't know I'll give it to that, that's fine I'm serious about Daytona USA car He's fucking cool He's a badass, he doesn't care about anything You know you can play as Daytona USA car
Starting point is 02:25:50 In the shitty Vita Ridge Racer Yeah you can, it's great The Hornet, it makes it a better game Well it's a bad game I know one That's horseshit You loved Dio way before he became a fighting game character That doesn't count
Starting point is 02:26:06 It's not that you only like them at that point It's like What's our good examples of ones you like Oh I thought you said there was a turnaround Yeah there was a turnaround Like I didn't like almost any other guest character In Soul Calibur that much Link is like different
Starting point is 02:26:22 You know what, it's when you start playing And then like the Venice Roustals And then you hit your superiors Like I tried to warn you They got it right They got it right What is coming up on the site? We got Bloodborne, we got
Starting point is 02:26:38 We got Lyft We got Lyft The last episodes And then we're going to This is going to be tagging in God Oh snap Get the tag But then nobody asked for more Life is Strange episodes
Starting point is 02:26:54 Until the next one's out I know it doesn't work but I'm yelling about it Because none of us have yet on the podcast Matt and I will continue to keep discovering We're Baleatons Yeah and something starts today If you listen to this podcast You probably figured it out
Starting point is 02:27:10 After the bus fucking wrecking I got last time I'm not going to say anything about the schedule The bus wrecking? You're wrecking it again By talking about it No one would know Hey look forward to some fishing in our future
Starting point is 02:27:26 Don't talk about it Yeah you're doing the same thing That old people probably never go up At this point The fishing Sega Bass Fishing Not the other fishing No you're
Starting point is 02:27:42 What is your thing What is the guy who reacts to innocuous statements And then why would you Exactly No we were talking about Max's stream Where he streams quote unquote Sega Bass Fishing He's like pulling the ref for you in trouble
Starting point is 02:27:58 Yeah that LP's never going up It's been sitting in the limbo for decades It's because some other game Turns out it's way better than that Every time A lot of games are way better than that game Alright boys I think we did it We should play some Mortal Kombat 10
Starting point is 02:28:14 There's no such thing Every single time that's come up to Ed Boon He's gone you know it's Mortal Kombat X Because it's like a new thing Okay There's no Mortal Kombat 9 either There's just Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat 2011
Starting point is 02:28:30 And Boon refers to that game As MK9 He has no standards Mega Man X it doesn't stand for 10 It stands for X That's why there's a Mega Man 10 With fucking sword man Let's play Skull Girls
Starting point is 02:28:46 Mega Man 10 was fine as a thing When we had the conceptual 9 That would join the universes together But then they shout all over that by making Mega Man 10 Would you rather 9-2 Mega Man 9-2 And it ends With Mega Man shooting Wily in the head
Starting point is 02:29:02 Because he refused to not kill people And then they lock away Mega Man And make X And then 9-3 comes out and Wily is back You do have experience With absurd multiverse shit Like the SMT multiverse Because you went through the trouble
Starting point is 02:29:18 Of piecing together the goddamn Mega Man time Oh fuck Well I just gave you the best part of it And everyone called Capcom to complain about it You still have that image right No, but I remade it You're from scratch Yeah, everyone's calling Capcom to complain
Starting point is 02:29:34 Because everyone asked where is that picture And I was like, oh it was online all the time I never actually had one One time I was trying to Find the Duck Christ Voter Man And I couldn't find it at work So I just made it myself You got to get your hands dirty
Starting point is 02:29:50 I got a reverse engineer Duck Christ Voter Man Tomorrow I'm calling 5 everybody The podcast is over Today is Buddy Playing Featuring the size of me
Starting point is 02:30:36 Looking for it's fate A present from the Japan Look through it's memory If you want me baby If you need me baby If you love me baby Rules of nature Hey
Starting point is 02:31:50 The time has come And so have I Last cause you came to die The damage started The pain subsides And I can see the fear clear When I look in your eyes What's gonna die
Starting point is 02:32:06 Is about to die The end of the day The end of the day The end of the day The end of the day The end of the day The end of the day The end of the day
Starting point is 02:32:22 The end of the day The end of the day The end of the day You're so hot I don't want to go to sleep You gotta be prove it all You have gotta fuck this wall I can lose control
Starting point is 02:33:04 Myself Overhead Blue sky It needs you so bad You're even so mad You suck your blood One dwelling
Starting point is 02:33:36 to go back There's no choice But take orders to attack Locked on been changed I give in To the hookers now insane We can fight back, do it, do it Many times we are flashed back
Starting point is 02:33:54 We can see you, baby I need you, we can do it, do it Come on, so let's go Knock them out, so many rules We can break that easy, baby You said so, then you do Now worry about it, you, baby I need you, we are crazy, dizzy
Starting point is 02:34:10 Come on, so let's go Back, back, back They don't want you They don't need you They don't need you They want to find They want to kill you Time to eat them all behind
Starting point is 02:34:29 Good looking You're just too hard to suck Don't squeeze there, just wait a minute Are we just winning on the show? Get down, touch down Sway back, get back Smack your bitch up, baby Biggest hit now, jump it up
Starting point is 02:34:50 Take off, need your blood I've waited out of my day Nothing fair, true, nothing game From my own master now Bad fuck, I must go Shame, blood, onto these stars But I will survive somehow I'm the master now

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