Castle Super Beast - SBFC 103: This MUST be the work of an Enemy Stand

Episode Date: July 28, 2015

We're back from [ConBravo], and we now have opinions about [Hamilton]....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright, I honestly don't even know which way to go on this intro because we can start playing so much Street Fighter 5. You can go down the road of Andre the Giant flipping himself over time. No, Andre the Giant flips himself over because he regrets not being able to play Street Fighter 5 all the time. Both of them all deleted ghosts. I want to see us going through the time tunnel in shitty 80s graphics as visuals of Hulk Hogan start getting erased and flying into the camera. And remember what we said about the dumb thing where the time splitters need to push their gimmick even more? Hogan's literally looking at his hand as it fades away. In real life, he's doing crazy stuff. This is like a race
Starting point is 00:01:06 is Hulk Hogan from reality. Imagine he's putting gross oil on Brooke again and then he looks down at his hand and he's like I can't do it anymore. I'm sorry Brooke. Does he call his family member or brother? Maybe he can run you over with his car. The best is when we were talking about how this could spread to other wrestlers and how if steel stone cold got caught doing something bad. Stone cold and the rock to marry. Yeah, the attitude there is gone. It just gets deleted from the hard drive. Or like J.R. gets caught in doing some shit. He gets caught like selling lady boys into slavery and it's fucking, now all matches are silent. No, it's not half of all W.D.D. footage ruined. No dude, it's worse.
Starting point is 00:02:00 It's like just Jerry or Michael Cole coming in and their sentences keep getting cut off because J.R. was speaking in that moment replaced with one like audio clip of like the audience is going for sure. That'd be really bad because he'd be looking at people being sold as slavery and he's looking at like, yeah, that's right. Then turns to the camera and goes, do you want J.R.'s barbecue sauce? No, JBL and Jerry have to redub tens of thousands of matches that they were not there for. And they got to be excited for them. It wouldn't ruin it as much, but I'd love to see the day where Steph erases Vince from the WWE. Like, that's the ultimate hilariousness. He rips off his hood and there's just blackness and there's
Starting point is 00:02:48 just no one there. If you want to distance yourself from a scumbag, maybe you should start with Vince. You know what I want? I want Kane to get erased. But the problem is he didn't get caught. But because he's wearing his mask, there's plausible deniability. That wasn't Kane looking in there. That wasn't even old Kane. That was only get out new Kane. That was Kino. Yeah, whatever. Get like young guys like Cody doing commentary for matches that he wasn't born during. I've never seen anything like it because I didn't exist. I'm so glad we started with this. Or just start piping in like Dusty commentary for matches before he died onto somewhat applicable matches. Maybe we should-
Starting point is 00:03:24 It kind of sinks up. Maybe we should frame the story. All Hogan got caught saying a bunch of horrible racist shit. So here's the thing, though. I didn't realize it's actually part of the Gawker story. Yeah. It's part of the sex tape thing. Exactly. So there's a sex tape with Hulk Hogan. Why would anyone want to put that video out on the internet? Who would know? Watch that. Apparently it does hits. Apparently it does pop. Hey look, there's a bunch of hot dogs wiggling over this girl. Pile-driving brother-in-law sponges wife who I know because he was like a really bad radio jot that shat on Opie and Anthony. So I'm like, ah, whatever. And Hogan's been fighting a huge lawsuit against Gawker. For putting
Starting point is 00:04:03 that tape out. Pull the tape down. And the whole time we thought it was about the fact that it was- Sex tape. Sex tape. Which is a pretty good reason. Nobody wants their sex tape on the internet and you probably shouldn't put it up there. Especially if you have the skin of a hot dog. But it's also because he knew what was on that tape. Yeah. In addition to the fact. Which is that's why. And like it was his own self carving the words sex tape into his arm. So when he sees it and goes, oh no brother. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. This is the work of an enemy. It must be. Hogan goes to a guy that looks a lot like him and says no, Genesis is the thing. And then he goes back and is like what? It must
Starting point is 00:04:44 be the work of an enemy. Genesis is Skynet is my sex tape. So WWE in response to these shenanigans has decided to Ben Wahim and try and pretend that Hulk Hogan. Hulk Hogan does not exist. He was never a WWE. And that's never. And that's what's the weirdest thing is only WWE does this where they'll fire somebody but then erase them retroactively from face. Like guess what? When this happens in sports, I mean it happens like a guy might get just that. He gets out of the hole. That's about it. Like Pete Rose is the best example of this. Because that dude was drunk and he bet on his own matches. And they don't pretend he's not real. They just don't let him in the hole. They punish, they take away stuff,
Starting point is 00:05:36 you know, whatever. Jack got his like membership to the FDNY removed for being like what's for being a bad sportsman to say Kobe Bryant or whatever. Anyway, the point is they punish you like that. But they don't go back and start deleting you from websites and erasing you from fucking. They don't go back. Like let's say Kobe Bryant did something even worse or whatever that he usually does. Nintendo doesn't fucking then go back to copies of NBA courtside and delete him. But do you see that on the part of the story where- Yoshi Kage Kira stands doesn't activate webbing the day clean and pretending that never happened. Only Vince has Killer Queen. Although the stand user must be nearby. Nintendo did take-
Starting point is 00:06:24 Sorry. Oh God. Nintendo did take Tyson out of future copies of Punch Out because he lost. Everyone goes, oh because Mike Tyson got incarcerated for rape. That actually happened well after that. It was actually because he lost the championship. So Nintendo was like we don't want this loser on our body. Yeah, I remember that. But it's crazy because like with Chris Benoit you get it. Like he killed four people including himself. A three. It was just why he missed kid himself. Okay, I thought he had two kids. But like that I kind of get it and it's like nice just delete him. Well, just this guy was added as a scum bag. Yeah, I mean you were talking about that. It's like with Benoit you could get it because
Starting point is 00:07:11 like that's as far as you can go. There's no worse than that. Yeah. But now that they did the same to Hogan you now see that the Benoit thing had nothing to do with the severity of murdering your family. It had to do with it made the WWE look bad. And so this is all like just the scumiest- He said it ever. Terribly racist stuff and I get work. But guess what? It was hilarious. So that was hilarious. That's awesome. And I'm so happy. That was probably the worst part about it is that I'm looking at it and like this reads like a sketch. This is hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. That's it. Like I got the tweets that are saying wooly we need a status report immediately. And the status report is that shit is dope.
Starting point is 00:07:51 That's some cool ass shit. I support it. That funny as fuck. You're un-russled. Like I'm laughing. Opposite. I want more. Here's the thing. Here's my favorite part. I've seen people saying like this destroys the character of Hulk Hogan for me. Fair. But you know who it doesn't destroy? Hollywood Hogan. Yes. Is Hollywood Hogan to a fucking T? It is. But like regular like Hulk Hogan is like that's what he's been yellow and red for a long time. He's the Mickey Mouse of pro wrestling. I mean he came out during the you know in WrestleMania and they're all N.W.O. colors or whatever but that you still has not the regular. He still has DLC. That's the other thing. You saw DLC for him got taken down
Starting point is 00:08:31 immediately. And he got it. He got it. He got it. Yeah. Apparently on PS3 and PS4 it's still up like as of yesterday. Like if you own it you can still get it. On PC it's good forever because the DLC didn't come out on that. It came as a bundle. So they can't undo it. He's a real American. Fight for the rights of every man. Yeah. Well you got to count as a man. Every fool person. Every fool. Fight for the rights of every five fifths of a human being. Remember kids if you say your prayers take your vitamins and go on racist tirades you'll be even applauded for by some people. Cue the footage of the shirt ripping itself in the middle of the ring. Oh that's a good one. And there's a hair curtain. A bandana
Starting point is 00:09:21 just floating. That's going to become a gift for a video. That's going to happen. I want to see full matches of that. Like just oh that's too much work. But I want to see the guy do it. Yeah just like invisible manning it like it's just the clothes. Well Matt and I were saying like you see the Irish whip go down and the rope just bends itself and that's back. Is this the work of it? Oh yeah Hulk Hogan is still up on PSN. He is totally still on PSN. Yeah so get him if you want him. All those Hulkamaniacs can't be stopped on PSN. There should be an all Benoit Hulk Hogan Rumble Rumble Rumble. This amazingly funny senile old man go buy him. I think I saw a headline that says guess what 61 year
Starting point is 00:10:07 old man is racist. Yeah. Shocking. I love it. I couldn't love it. That's the thing is I like I bet you WWF was founded subtly or indirectly on racism at some point. I'm sure Vince McMahon is racist. I think he's slightly older than me. I have a feeling you went back 30 years. The original plan for Vince was to just get a like a somewhat legal man dingo fight. Yeah. The first belt was made out of cast jugh gold. It just. They bought it for the movie. Yeah. Oh man. The leather for the belt was from whips or plantations that they just re-molded. Oh the belt the belt has been formed from one true whip. And a plantation farm just for the costumes. That was the other business.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Yeah. All right. So wrestling's full of skimbacks. And so it's a shitshow. I might edit. So in other news after putting a good maybe 12 to 15 hours into Street Fighter 5. I can say that that's a real button basher of a game. That the I did put 15 hours of the ultimate Street Fighter move has been discovered and it is error 21007. It cannot be beaten. It blows up all your tech. It beats up ball consistently. You guys you should have seen it like there's a point where I was getting those one frame links off where as soon as the message appeared bam. Didn't even have time to appear. So let's backtrack a little bit like William and I stayed up all fucking Thursday night before getting on a plane to
Starting point is 00:11:56 go to Hamilton to go to Con Bravo the whole fucking night just smashing that goddamn confirm button. You got nothing. Nothing. I got about eight minutes of training mode. It brought a PS4 to Con Bravo. Did it just kick you out after eight minutes? It kicked me out after eight minutes. It slowed down and tried to connect to somebody and then it was another error that people saw and I saw it on match stream two where he got into training but then all of a sudden the game was running at 20 frames a second for several minutes. What is it? It's lag. That's what it is. After about an hour of nothing happening I switched back to my monitor and then I just and then I just minimized the feed from my my capture
Starting point is 00:12:35 and then and then started. No, no, we're not there yet. No, and then I was refreshing Twitch to see how other people were doing all white screen. I thought you meant like I can't play it. So I'm going to watch other people. No, no, no. So I pulled up like on their PS4. I pulled up the Elgato footage like like this like I highlighted it on my start menu so I can see it minimized. Okay. And then I was mashing it on my controller with the other hand and then refreshing Twitch Street Fighter 5. Everybody on the title screen. Every fucking channel was just the title screen. Just so you know. Fucking attempts were made during the weekend by all everyone. Some people in California got in for a brief
Starting point is 00:13:13 period. Max got in. Of course Max got in. Of course Max got in. In France. Yeah. I'm in that bad get power. It was nuts. It was nuts. I brought my PS4 to Con Bravo. So there's a moment in Con Bravo where we had done all of our stuff for the day and we're supposed to go meet up with some people at a bar and I'm in the room with Woolly and it's 8.55 and I go into the room and say hey Woolly, it's time for us to go. We got to go to the thing and meet some people and he's in bed under the covers flying on his side watching Max's stream because Max got in with his controller next to him with the TV on just mashing the thing and like doesn't answer me. And I say it again and he looks at me
Starting point is 00:14:01 and just goes well, you know, it's a party so it's cool to be late and I fucking walk out and you showed up like fucking 30 minutes later. I got a new message that I didn't get before. The message said you got to the sub-boss. It wasn't the new version one. It was the server update message which wasn't happening so I was like maybe this time. And as of like 10, what, half an hour before this recording? Like havecom has officially come out and said yo, beta's fucked. The whole thing's delayed. Keep the file on your system. This thing did not count for your beta time. We'll reschedule it. You'll get your fucking time on it. Yeah, we promise. They've been really good on you. Yeah, what happened is their network infrastructure,
Starting point is 00:14:46 something about it just fucking made your problem. Like I mentioned this to you guys off, you know, Mike, but this is like as a part of QA in the past, I'm looking at this like this is tested. This is regular. This is normal. This is expected. This is what you usually see inside. Exactly. We're not going and writing a report of what's happening after the fact. I bet that beta has a shit ton of analytics that you don't even need to run. Should I have a beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta. But when I see people posting like people posting like this is bullshit, pre order cancel type posts and whatnot, it's like, it's a beta test. It's not a demo. And you meant to actually
Starting point is 00:15:26 this is fixed. You guys can sit with the people who need Ken's old costume. Plus at the end of the day, multiplayer component, who cares? You know, the endings, the beta should have been a beta to make sure all the game journalists got to see the endings and the intro is to be able to raise them appropriately. That's the real serious stuff to those people who don't understand and are not pissed off enough that I was making fun of them right now and in our cell listening. You get this shit show now so that you don't get it as bad on day of release. Yeah, the day of release. Daily release. It's gonna be a fucking shit show. But it will be mitigated by what they learn here. And your first beta is like obviously
Starting point is 00:16:07 just testing multiplayer stuff early. The next beta includes PC. So obviously it's the cross play across platform one. And then they have a last one even to fucking catch anything. And when your game releases and you're getting and you're getting this bullshit, then you have the right to be angry. Yeah. But when they tell you it's a beta, it's a beta. And I think that the companies that put out fake betas, yeah, that are really destiny is destiny was the only smooth beta I ever played. And we're talking about it. It's like it was a demo. Right. Like that's the type of shit that kind of ruins it in a way because it makes people think that Oh, beta just means early demo that might have new stuff when I
Starting point is 00:16:39 get the final copy. No, it's actually tested. And sometimes demos are betas because they're made that early in development. Yes, it's a vertical slice. You're like like thief that we worked on. It's a bit of an earlier version. Actually, there's some slight differences. No, so, you know, we'll we'll we'll the five is coming. And I'm actually glad since like Con Week. Yeah, you know, we were out of town. We were busy. Even if we didn't get to work on the hotel thing, like we had stuff to do, we had people to see. We couldn't spend the time that we wanted to take this adjusted. So you know, sucks. I'm glad it's failed. So I guess I'm
Starting point is 00:17:14 glad it failed. I'm very glad that it failed and that most of you wasted your time because it's better for me. Yay. I was playing God's. What an answer. I was playing God's. Olympia sport. And I went on Twitter for a bit and I just saw everyone going Street Fighter five beta. I went, oh, shit. Yeah, that's tonight. I demoed everything. And I was like, okay. And I was kind of waiting around for a bit. Then I looked like they looked five minutes later. It doesn't work. No one can play. And I went, okay, I'll play it this weekend. I'm sure it'll be two exactly. I had a friend of mine at my house when the beta went live because he wanted to see the game. So he just stayed over like we were hanging
Starting point is 00:17:47 out. He's like, I'll stay over an extra hour so I can see the game. And I get to the title screen before we know it's a shit show. And he takes a fucking photo of the title screen. You saw this on my feet. And he's like, yeah, Street Fighter. And then like I couldn't get it to work after half an hour. And then he went home and didn't check about that and didn't pay attention for like several days. And when I when he asked me, you know, how's a SFI, I'm like, no one can play it. And like he because he posted that on Facebook instantly. Yeah, that was like a huge idiot. Yeah. Well, that's him and not you. So Oh yeah, there you go. No, I realized something about myself as well was that like you love
Starting point is 00:18:26 Street Fighter a little too much. Well, and here's why. Because something that I wasn't doing even when I knew the game and the move list and all the stuff in the pre footage, I wasn't doing this until the moment it became playable to the public. I started thinking in my brain constantly about timings for combos. Yeah, doing them the movements in my head to time it. Absolutely. For the characters I wanted to do combos with. And I'm like, that doesn't happen for some reason until the game like exists for people. Right. And then the moment it does, I'm like, okay, I want to get I feel exactly that. That always happens to me when consoles come out and they come out in Japan first. Like I want to know everything.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Now the console is real. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now it's real, right? It's tangible and you can like remote for games. It doesn't I'm not usually because I know I don't want to look at four hours of like fan and paint footage before it comes out. Thank you. Like I watched missions, but I don't want to see the story. Right. But like for when a console comes out, I'm always like, yeah, I need to know everything. Now on the plus side, I did barely manage to get a couple minutes of training mode. And you actually got one of us finally has hands on time and now I can use that context on the videos that we're seeing. And woolly was just looking at stuff right before we came in here. Did you hit share to record it? No, I don't believe
Starting point is 00:19:40 that. And there are people that got in there for some training mode time. And like we were watching a VAE, yeah, do bullshit, power. So the inputs on this game are so easy as to be laughable. Linking like something like reuse standing medium punch into itself took me and I'm not good at execution. Like a couple tries. It's really easy and the damage and the damage straight up like if you have bar and spend it half way to like three combos is the right if you want if you want to see some of the stuff you can go down to event There's an article. There's an article like a couple posts sold now that is like almost Marvel style touch of death shit. Like laughable damage. I watched my friend do like a 70 to 80% combo with bison
Starting point is 00:20:33 that included a stun. Yeah, like birdie with no stun just to jump in into his headbutt into the super charge that but 70% reused in the corner jump in anything hard into a standing medium twice. Tata EX Tatsu EX show you 45 50 or if you have the full meter just do light Tatsu into the full super and then push if you're on one side of the screen you push all the way to the corner on the other side of the screen. No, this is looking like ST levels of power and speed and some rounds are going to go fast and it's exciting. Yeah, I like I like the idea that like of course a lot of that damage depends on whether you have bar or not. So one way of balancing this out wouldn't be to reduce the damage but just to reduce how fast you gain
Starting point is 00:21:21 meter. That's how they can regulate. If you still get meters the really big dance. You still get your cool absurd shit, but you can do it once and don't fuck it up. Well, yeah, like that combo I just said with max it took a V trigger meter full and three bars like it's kind of disgusting how much when this hits competitive scenes and we're seeing it at Evo and CEO and Capcom Pro Tour and stuff like that. You're gonna you like the bathroom breaks are gonna have to be fucking well timed because you people can get blown up in a full fucking set by the time you come back Don't look at your phone. Don't look at your phone because they're dead. So it looks like Super Turbo. It looks like it doesn't look like this. It looks like ST with EX. It feels like it too.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Also seeing the heart attacks not get completed in their animations looks way cooler. Looks fantastic. Looks way cooler. You know what else is like like right away like we knew it was there but I can't overemphasize how good the feel is is that close and far normals are gone. Yeah, right is like you will no longer have a better version of your roundhouse when you're when you're closer you can always count on your you know what you're doing and for the characters that have like a lot of those they just all been turned into command normals. Yeah, so you will you know you're getting like upside down kick. It was an interesting idea but nobody really liked it. I think this was totally the right choice. You know like it hasn't happened since Alpha 2 and Alpha
Starting point is 00:22:50 1 and Alpha 2 and then like Combo Fiend saying things like you know they got rid of random things like invincible back dashes. Fuck that. Right because that was only there because level three focuses on WAKA would be a problem. Right. So now that that's not in you don't need to have an invisible back dash anymore. Don't run away you'll get smacked. You know you've got recovery options but they're not unstoppable. Yeah, fucking great. Anyway, let's get into the weeks. Let's get into the weeks. Yeah, I went to Con Bravo. I also went to Con Bravo. I think we can all mention that as a group as a mass is a blobulous entity but a blobulous entity. Yeah, really, really quickly though. Just for me, I was telling the name about this. I saw Juon the Final Curse
Starting point is 00:23:36 at Fantasia which is the last I guess Juon movie and apparently this series got a remade. What were you telling me if you're encountering the grudge creature just give up? Just give up. Well it always wins. It always wins. But listen to how disgusting its victory is to this one. Okay, so apparently in a movie that I must have missed I saw this one this is the final one that they bulldozed the fucking house and burnt it to the ground. Guess what? That frees the ghost to go anywhere. It can go anywhere and it won't lose anybody. That's the rule. I didn't see this movie but that's how ghost rules work every time. If you destroy the thank you for freeing me. If you destroy the go at the place or object that they are haunting or the person that they're haunting
Starting point is 00:24:17 dies that ghost can now fuck with anyone forever. But it's stupid because in the first couple of movies they say that a curse is put on the place and it's like if you go into this house you're fucked. If you're staring outside at the house you can throw eggs at it you can shit on the fucking sidewalk. He just looks out the window real sad. It's sequel rules man. There's more pages you didn't read. This is a weird remake where they changed a few things where like the little boy Etocio is actually like the hero character and he's in it quite a bit and he gets to possess a little boy's body and gets to go around and do all this shit and I was like this is really weird because it changes the story but not in a meaningful way but it was actually a pretty decent
Starting point is 00:24:59 like movie. The story was kind of goofy like she's there's a waitress and she's serving like a high class person that's staying at a hotel. She's serving her soup and she's ladling the soup into the bowl and Etocio's face comes up in the soup and she's like and I'm like it's just it's just soup. They can't actually do anything to you and of course a great scare where a girl is well I'm not gonna say great scare but a girl picks up like what is octopus seaweed or something? She's she's right octopus or it's it's it's a it would look a leaf or a green leaf was like octopus sweet pink and whatever and she pulls it and it's like it's just black weeds and I'm like I wonder if this will turn into a bunch of air and and of course it does but like they're grudge like I've
Starting point is 00:25:47 long since fruit like there are no rules it doesn't matter it'll win even the the first American movie was Sarah Michelle Geller they try to put a rule there was something like if you go peekaboo the ghost can't find you because an old man was doing it to some to a ghost or something and and then the final things of that movie she tries doing it and like it doesn't really do much and she gets blown up on stream she gets blown up on stream and then like I just don't get it anymore they're like we you can't beat this it's a stand it's a stand but the cool thing about that is the idea that you just does whatever you want but then when a movie actually has them get away it's bullshit that's why I always thought final destination never made any sense because it's
Starting point is 00:26:30 like the idea that fate wants you dead means you're just gonna die but if you know you should be able to get away I believe in most of those movies they do not get away but well but there's like I believe there's the rule that like after a certain period of time it just passes over you oh and goes all moves on but it's like in theory no you should have to live the next 40 years of your life running surviving running from the de haca yeah but it's like I want you to be the de haca that's weird well the idea is that you change your fate right my favorite of those those like ghost rules fuck you moments ever was the ring where they like oh we're gonna put sadako to rest and sadako don't give no fucking shits about being put to rest I like the idea of a protagonist going yeah we
Starting point is 00:27:17 solved it here it is oh it didn't work and we're dead oh it didn't work so hard the most simple ghost rule that's bullshit that always has been but nobody questions it anymore is the fact that they could just appear where they want that's garbage yeah they don't have to move they don't have to obey movement and physics and shit they could just magic around imagine if you know they're too good even if you've been in the classic house that the grudge takes place if you've been into it once and go back to your apartment they will follow you there and I was like that's fair you've been into their house you shat on their lawn it's fine but if you go back to your house they can get you but when their house is bulldozed like what do you if you spit on the empty lot are you
Starting point is 00:27:55 reliable yeah exactly yeah it's kind of confusing but uh I mentioned earlier I played I told I think I told uh Pat and Liam about this but yeah I don't know if you're there with Godzilla on the PS4 a little bit and people told me like you need to get jet jaguar and I was like how do you encounter him it's almost very dark souls like where it's like how how does this happen can anyone help me on mind does anyone know and in the very first level thanks to anyone on my twitter on my calendar that's like Matt do with this and I was like are you serious the very first level of the game you have to destroy 50 percent of the level then end the level if you destroy any more or any less nothing happens and once you do that the the scientist officer just goes there's a robot
Starting point is 00:28:39 approaching it's it's a robot we don't know who he is and you fucking wreck jet jaguar shit and he gives you all this precious dripping with xp circuit boards and I unlocked set like 17 moves from my god zuki I can do moves out of my dash now I can focus attack cancel and shit it's fucking crazy and like I still don't get woolly I see your face those there are not exaggeration it's not and you can do all this fucking shit and you I have different different types of breath that put damage over time it's fucking crazy and then like I as I play this game I'm like this is one of those things where a reviewer played it for an hour and said I hate this it's slow and time to bring this shit out to as I play it I'm like this is this is consistently fun as long as I'm on walking stuff
Starting point is 00:29:29 and I just found destroy out there's a toy out anything destroyed me so I'm I'm still enjoying it like again it's a seven out of ten game and it's like a nine out of ten if you like Godzilla so it's a really good seven out of ten yeah and the last thing I guess I did is that I continued reading She-Hulk Marvel now She-Hulk I got the second volume and that's just as good Steve Rogers shows up and he's 90 years old like physically yeah and then he goes yeah I'm not he has a little cane but he's still like square jawed and he's like uh 90 and then she looks into her office and she sees every woman like literally fanning themselves because they're all still hot bothered and she's like well Steve still looks good but I don't know and they're like no it's
Starting point is 00:30:15 because he's so polite oh my god and he's just polite right and he sets up an amazing little story like I really this like I've never read She-Hulk before like the modern She-Hulk and I'm like I'm it's such a delight to actually read it's it's really charming it's really funny things take weird swerves I highly recommend it it's a fun and different toy yeah exactly so yeah and then Con Bravo but I guess we started with those things we should blow out the rest of our weeks and then take on Bravo sure okay uh do you mind if I go yeah all right so there's only two games to play this week I'll give you all fucking zero guesses because you all know what it is she's gonna fly it's it's ff14 and fucking Witcher 3 ff14 recently instituted something called esoteric
Starting point is 00:30:57 which is the new daily currency I did the math you need to grind for 16 weeks to get your fucking full set of esoteric armor so every single day I'm gonna run every single day I'm gonna run those dailies and I ran enough of them before I left to go to Con Bravo so that I only have to do today's and I'll hit my weekly cap uh gotta punch in the clock stop like a job gotta punch in the clock get a dailies send me your reports getting that getting that new fancy shit is the best shut up well I remember those dumb daily challenges from heroes of ruin I had to tell you that's why when you know the dealies I'm like I hear daily reports in my head you know the reason I'm before weekly limiter is so like power players just don't get it on day one okay you need like 5600
Starting point is 00:31:40 is this currency and you get 40 per dungeon and if there was no 450 a week limit like people would actually fucking get it within this is why you should just make single player um no it's only half an hour a day run one dungeon on your roulette a day and you'll you'll you'll get the rest of it by week so it's only three hours a week to do this yeah um and it's fun it keeps you you keep anyway I can't wait for the for the s5 beta to work so you get kicked out of the guild yeah it's gonna be sick they can't we just I know we discussed this I know um witcher three is fucking awesome it's so good I had a moment where I just blew an entire afternoon playing the card game the GWENT there you go and just get good like going around NPCs and winning cards off them
Starting point is 00:32:23 I'm sure you saw that really nice printable set that someone posted on I did not oh well someone posted a really nice printable set but the GWENT is a really easy game to just instantly turn into a physical game it's it's a really like solid simple like there's a shit ton of cards that you can just like analog out uh what a what a fucking awesome game and today they just announced that their last 3 DLC is going to be a new game plus mode which is probably the most unnecessary feature ever for a game of this size but fuck it I actually want to see it's good I want to see what the alternate versions of some of these quests are yeah because they branch pretty heavily like I wish almost every game can have new game plus because when you get into a game that you're just
Starting point is 00:33:07 enjoying and you beat it and you're immediately you want to go back in it's really fun to be able to go back in again look it's like a chrono trigger right yeah yeah like now there's so much more to do yeah the best thing about this this game in context of new game plus is that the way they design the skill system is you have 12 slots to put your skills in and you can level up a skill five times but there are like over 75 of these things and you can only equip the 12 so say you have the the attack that makes your light attacks really strong you equip that you now only have 11 more skills so you cannot become a beastly god being you have to pick you can get really really strong yeah but the power difference between like the end game of either new game plus won't
Starting point is 00:33:53 actually be that much because once you hit a point you have the the build that you want you can't make yourself strong because you're stuck until the the expansion comes out the rays of the cat yeah so super awesome that looks great what's your three is amazing what a fucking good game I thought those are the two that I played it was a really cool game fucking awesome I like RPGs SF5 was cool uh might as well for you I yeah I didn't have a ton this week before going to the con uh started reading Mortal Iron Fist by Matt Fraction as well and it's really awesome in a very different way from Hawkeye uh because Matt Fraction wrote the Hawkeye he wrote the Hawkeye I just read and Hawkeye is a very like like pragmatic sarcastic normal guy that Fraction
Starting point is 00:34:37 sounds like a really tough guy who's good at math does it does you know I thought about making that joke and I threw it out so I'm glad that you picked it up off the floor like Matt Fraction and the algebraos um he's part of the math net math net yeah there's this dog number cruncher but uh no uh the the Mortal Iron Fist is like it's more serious in all in different ways because the character is a bit more serious yeah but ultimately still like refreshing and fun and cool to see like he's the guy with the yellow bandanas yellow bandana that does kung fu yeah he's got the power of the dragon no one takes him in Marvel he's related to no one except Justin Wong that one time and it was really hype and this never happened again it's related to that
Starting point is 00:35:19 madam gal character in Daredevil right uh very slightly she comes from this like she's from his universe yeah and yeah and he's and he's exactly yeah she is and the mystical city because his magic kung fu yes and he's he's uh one of those he's usually associated with Luke Cage and the heroes for hire and those the street level heroes street dirtbags yeah good stuff um and no it's just it's fun reading so far haven't finished it but same thing started Bojack season two it's fun it's hilarious it's actually more awkward in because it's now certain episodes like like like in the first season it started out mostly goofy and then it got a little bit more awkward towards the end yeah and here right out of the gate they're going oh man no no no no no go heavy
Starting point is 00:36:08 feel uncomfortable all right and i'm on board there's there's there's at least two or three scenes where you're waiting for a punchline and it doesn't happen because it's just uncomfortable and it's great yeah so that's fun stuff and archer season six finally getting around to that oh i didn't this season it continues it continues i i kind of wish how long is each season uh 13 okay i think yeah standard i i kind of i wish that they had another setting change like they did for like twice yeah but so far we haven't seen it but it's fucking archer what is it what is it to say it's raw and it's very goofy show um yeah that's good stuff and i guess the one other thing was um i so there's uh for a while like i was playing yomi with my girlfriend and we're trying to like
Starting point is 00:36:54 and it's be something where like after not playing it for a while and coming back to it with the cards yeah it's kind of hard to remember what some of the rules were and stuff so i just kind of said like hey like why don't you just grab like your laptop and i'll see you and we'll play like the video game version instead and that way you don't have to get reminded of the rules because you can't do it if it's raw because it's right there on screen and so we did that and it was beast arise she totally did yeah she totally did and it was great um you're getting too predictable no it means she's learning and like we actually well i've beasted her most of the time but towards the end i'm sure i'm sure it was good i love that moment so you know i can't let her can't let her have the thunder i gotta
Starting point is 00:37:34 i gotta rease you lose a video game to your girlfriend no me neither me no no but the fact that like i don't do that all the time but here but here's the thing every fight was pretty much was close yeah and the one that she did win was almost she almost perfected me yeah so like it's fucking awesome that that was happening almost right away i bet she'll beat daigo at evo in a few years just you wait yeah but but but like more importantly in five years you'll be losing to me all you did well i could never do but more importantly it's just it's really cool that there's a solutions where the yeah the rules are there for you i gotta get a neomy i gotta get like you've been talking about it for weeks now well well here's actually i hold your horses uh there
Starting point is 00:38:15 might be an opportunity all right all right all right all right all right and that was that was before i went to the con let's take a quick word from our sponsors though today's sponsor is casper mattresses obsessively engineered american made mattresses at a shockingly fair price now you can get 50 bucks towards any mattress purchase by going to slash super best and using the code super best listen guys you spend about what a 30 year life sleeping at least half man all of it all of it i'm asleep right now honestly honestly it's the best part of my day okay you're asleep right now but are you sleeping on a good mattress right now i'm not no i'm in a chair it's weird i like it casper brings together two comfy technologies
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Starting point is 00:39:52 like a hundred days is i think more than enough to know if any product is over three months yeah exactly a year like a bed you should only need like a week the fact that they give you a hundred is like crazy that's awesome yeah so you're talking prices like 500 bucks for a twin size mattress 950 for a king size mattress comparing that to industry averages that's an outstanding price point yeah that's like that's like 120th of a cheap new car that's a really good deal so if you want to get 50 bucks off of that again slash super best promo code super best check it out get a good bed sleep hard thanks Casper thanks Casper loot crate the sponsor of today's episode the crate of the loot it's a box now it's a box with
Starting point is 00:40:42 stuff in it you could label loot what kind of what kind of stuff is in it pat dude i don't know t-shirts what kind of stuff is in it mad fantasy usb drives in the shape of things you recognize every now and then there's some comics in there will you give me a theme star wars marvel walking dead legend iselda isn't star wars and marvel like the same is that the theme of the month are you no i'm talking about are there commas in there i'm talking about the themes of the things that you can get out okay i see so we've got in general all kinds of geeky goodness of course yeah in that box you open it out you open up the box and it comes flying out at you whether you want it or not well presumably you get on presumably if you signed up and had it mailed to you you would
Starting point is 00:41:26 want to i think one of the important things that you know we've touched on a little bit is don't undermine the value of the box itself yeah yeah some of those boxes are like really high quality you can look at them as like oh it turns into a no they're there's solace babies and pets sometimes only value the box or the packaging that's right exactly but you get the best of both worlds here babies and pets ahead of the curve you heard it here first you too could be a baby and or a pet if you head on down to yourself slash super enter the promo code super and save three bucks on your new subscription which is already less than 20 bucks a month there's also a fellow kid in chip you have when you see someone at a con who has that one shirt it's true yeah it's true
Starting point is 00:42:09 and your fellow loot creators all high five each other yeah yeah you do the double point at them like hey i know you i see you i see you i see you what you wearing over there what you wearing over there you wearing some cool ass shit that's what you wearing so you have until 9 p.m. pacific on the 19th of every month to subscribe and get that month's crate and then the cutoff happens and then it's over then it's too fucking bad so even though august starts soon it's not too late for like 20 days that's right okay if you want to be a part of that cool ass club you got to get in before that right that makes sense that makes sense yeah so before the cutoff slash super promo code super do it today get the good stuff yeah that's super man thank you loot
Starting point is 00:42:55 crate thanks thanks liam what'd you do yeah what's up i didn't do much obviously went to con bravo i'll talk about that after i received my copy of uh taekwondo tatsujin v version in the mail you showed me this shit yeah damn i had to it's awesome so it's a new taekwo game like taekwodrum master where you play that drum thing in the arcades but it's the console version this is the vita one i know a lot of people are going to say oh you of course you bought a vitae game this is the first one i could localize or i could get in years because it's not localized but it's also not region locked i think the last one that came out here was the ps2 one and since then every single one has been region locked it's been on nintendo hardware except i know there's a psp
Starting point is 00:43:35 there's psp one that's true but uh anyway i got taekwo v version it's fucking awesome the soundtrack is absurd yeah you scroll down the soundtrack like here's a taekwon titan here's this here's the vangyla and here's rainmaker the angel thesis is in this fucking game there's like there's ace combat music there's way too much ridge racer music there's like there's so much stuff there's music that it isn't even music it's just gibberish remember i showed you that so he shows me this fucking level and i see the scrolling timeline it's like a horizontal b mania and or b money or whatever and like he's like check this out pat it's gibberish i'm like okay and it's there's no song and it's actually like the note chart is fucking nonsense there's no rhyme no there's no rhyme yeah
Starting point is 00:44:17 you can you can hear it but it's like you can hear it well that's where some of those ddr clones ended up going when the difficulty wasn't enough for people no exactly it's not a song anymore well that's why they've got it there's like over 20 taiko games and he points out like this red dots the metronome and everything else is just complete random notes so there's a constant like taek taek taek taek taek but then there's all the other shit going on and there's one big note coming from the end that starts at the very beginning but it only gets to the center of the target at the very end slowly it's there for the whole song going as slow as humanly possible well there's no whizzing past it's fucking awesome and each of the three note types quote
Starting point is 00:44:59 unquote are moving at different paces entirely you should fail the song if you miss that note well there's no failing in taiko so oh really you just don't do good enough and you don't pass okay sounds like the guitar here i'm still finished you just don't pass yeah exactly yeah so i've been playing that a lot it's super super good i'm really excited for uh the next taiko game which they've already announced song i'm really keen on that um other than that fucking rainmaker song in there man yeah the rainmaker theme it's really good i like the guitar in that one a lot uh i started uh my girlfriend bought a copy of uh batman arkham knight because she really wanted me to play it and i've been playing it and it's it's a really good game which version
Starting point is 00:45:39 uh ps4 of course um but uh like the only other option for me would be xbox one yeah like no no way okay why would i why why like i don't know okay anyway um actually she she had a lot of experience with the xbox one version and she's constantly lamenting how poor it is in comparison okay oh really i didn't know that uh well she would know well i guess that kind of thing would be completely blown up and slipped under the carpet compared to the nonsense that is the pc version yeah like why would you hear about like all the xbox versions fine yeah but why would you why would you ever hear about like oh the textures aren't quite as good compared to that yeah exactly it's really fun boy is there more batmobile than i expected right holy i heard that from ever holy shit there's
Starting point is 00:46:23 so much batmobile down your throat are you driving yet so i just finished a love car i finished the a cynical section and it's really really awesome and it still has a lot of that like like good rock steady love where like you're playing arkham city and arkham asylum and there's bits where they get you like like you know arkham asylum you know fuck it it's been out for like 20 years you know they've been arkham asylum where you go back to the asylum you redo the beginning of the game under scarecrows that's correct and you're in a different position like that kind of shit that only they pull that no other developer does like there's a lot of that love in in arkham uh night and it's fucking sick i can't wait to play it eventually there's a villain in particular that
Starting point is 00:47:02 the introduction to him is a jump scare and it can happen at any time after a certain point but he's not at a fixed there there is there's one thing that even as somebody outside of um arkham night i haven't touched it oh i haven't even really followed it and who doesn't read comics i was like shh so disappointed in and it was the uh arkham night villain himself who i looked at that character and then said yeah i know who that is give me a second internet yeah i was right mm-hmm of course it's that person mm-hmm like i got spoiled on it too and it's pretty shitty i actively spoiled myself because i instantly knew who it was yeah i do know who it is but at least it's not the worst possible choice yes that it could have been it's the second one it's the
Starting point is 00:47:55 second one i would 180 on that and love it because the last game they did precisely exactly exactly but anyway these game strengths are not their stories but whatever i'm really well their story is always really good up until the 80 percent mark and then they want their big yeah and then you're like oh it can never be as good but like the story beats are really good up till there yeah and they're in service of kind of like your batman fantasy adventure yeah exactly and like the only other thing i've been watching a lot more steven universe i'm like three quarters through season two now i'm gonna fuck it's better than adventure time it's so good like it's so fucking good it's now to be fair because woolly and and patter fuming right now i didn't say anything
Starting point is 00:48:46 i'm not they were putting on your fume night cosplay no i'm not i'm not fuming but i did make a face because you were making like a kind of like pissy disgusted face when you said that no just because like it's better liam liam liam's favorite cartoon has never been adventure time so i'll believe i remember i do remember that you you did never super duper love it but i haven't seen it so i'm not gonna like say no i think i just got yelled at the last time i said something it's so good was that me to yell at you both of you oh sorry and i feel bummed because i'm reacted i'm defensive i feel bummed because a lot of people were asking me to talk about like anime on the podcast and i said i would but i legit haven't had time to sit down and like really watch it
Starting point is 00:49:28 because i was if you said in a video i'm not going to talk about anime because everyone hates it when i speak about anime yeah and people are like no liam so i was like same thing happened to me with 1114 so i was like you know what it's been like a year what the fuck ever so i haven't gotten a chance to watch much of the new stuff uh but like uh other than stuff willy spoke about i watched a bit of overlord which i think is pretty decent it's about um a guy playing an mmo like a vr mmo and the servers are going down right it's over so you know that moment in an mmo where everyone playing the streetfighter five you know that moment in an mmo when it goes down and everyone stays on for the last day so really the best moment in those games so he's in there in the vr mmo and he's the
Starting point is 00:50:09 strongest fucking sorcerer he's this big skeleton man and he's sitting in his guild's fortress it's on the list and he's alone nobody from his guild is left the last guy just left a little while ago he doesn't really care too much and he's like man we used to be the fucking best and then like the timer goes down and it just doesn't end but he's stuck in it and like all the ui disappears and it just becomes a real thing so i don't like i don't know where that's gonna go but all the NPCs become self aware all the NPCs become self aware and like it's like a man somebody tried to sell this to me and they made a really strong pitch and it was like cat imagine uh sword art online like okay i know sword art online now imagine kirito is like this marysu like perfect author self-insert
Starting point is 00:50:55 badass super mmo player all right got it and all the girls like him okay got it now imagine instead of kirito it was a fucking eight foot tall skeleton yeah exactly and there's there's overlord like all right are there any like mmo genre uh atomizer manga where the user is not stuck but not counting not counting the extra dot hack stuff because the original i was gonna say the extra original stuff the original dot hack every other season of sword art i was just gonna say that every other the first arc of sword art they're stuck every other season they're willing no same thing first season first part of dot hack as well no it starts with that premise of the expense it's exactly so like okay it's still too early to say for sure because obviously other
Starting point is 00:51:38 mmo like genre shows of shit the band as far as possible and like it might just be nothing i gotta catch up by now because like what's the plot now like we've already seen a couple of these and like it's like always the same kind of thing what's what's your who did it who stuck us in the mmo you know what i mean it's that guy fight him exactly that's all it always goes today uh the new season of non non bioris on that's a show about uh people in who live in the sticks it's about a bunch of like kids in japan and they just live way out in the boonie bunch of fucking those kids that live under sakura's stage bridge yeah but they look so far out that like there's one class in their school and they're all in a different grade but they're all in the same yeah yeah okay and
Starting point is 00:52:20 they're like yeah it's it's yeah i don't know it it's kind of charming and a lot of the stuff they say makes me laugh because it's like yeah that's how that's how that is oh because you're from you're from that era yeah and i've been watching uh monsters to me which like i read all the manga for it is dry hard monster girls long oh that's that fucking one that i saw the intro of all the hot monster girls i thought it would be wet and slimy it is it sometimes it is sometimes it's shockingly well animated like that intro looked very legit was all the money put into that naga girl no she's no she's a lamia oh that's a different that's a she's okay i'm sorry i'm sorry it's got the full list like it's got like i'm looking like arachnids slime girls lamias helen
Starting point is 00:53:06 the bottom carter like everyone all the time all the monster girls are all the types you got uh sarah jessica parker in there but it's uh no it's fine but like it's it's just shameless edgy show like nothing to it but it's fun yeah so the only thing i'll say is i'm really disappointed in the writer because the writer slash artist like i read this and i was like okay that was like for a first thing whatever that's it's plain but it's plain and it's your first thing and it's fun enough good it's a it's good to get a thumbs up kind of on your first thing his second thing that he's doing now uh 12 beast is just fucking not nearly as good what a waste what a fucking waste but the show's good so watch the show and then just don't follow up on this guy don't i want it to get better
Starting point is 00:53:54 i really do and i'm still i'm still buying the new volumes of it because i want it to get better but like it's just not as good as this one did you watch that show where uh everyone everything is censored bad words are censored uh it's one of the ones i really want to get i've been i've been excited for it for like quite a few i checked out the first episode of it and like it was surprisingly not what i was expecting no i know exactly what it is i really want to watch it this is not technically anime uh but i should uh pull it out to those of our viewers who don't know and matt if he doesn't know uh i have recently been informed that the new chapter of berserk is not only out but has been translated translated yeah berserk and guts his little boat adventures
Starting point is 00:54:36 will continue so they're still on the boat i i don't know i assume i want this to get off the boat and be like wow how did we get here so fast because you can't that strip sure went faster than one chapter no they might start getting off the boat then someone knocks them back onto the boat of four chapter fight where they end up getting back on and going back an arc on the on the walkway down from the boat to the dock i don't it's a long dog i like the vanishing plank arc lian you joke that is the millennium plank arc that is a legitimate fear of mine because the current place that they're supposed to go is a place that will solve many of the series's problem it's like long-running problems they've been going for 20 years and if they say it's oh it's too
Starting point is 00:55:25 hard yeah we can't go i'm fucking done and i think woolly's fucking done too considering the problem that they would solve if yeah that's you need to back down off of that but the carrot has been strung along for so long the carrot is now waterlog and the carrot has a creepy face that now bleeds blood from its eyes yeah yeah like but i don't know i haven't had enough time to watch them like there's stuff like god eater that i saw but i only saw the first episode it's like i haven't really gotten to watch stuff yeah i plan to come back to like the what you know the thoughts on gangster once it wraps up i guess because what else is there to say besides it's cool so far i watched it and it seems kind of plain oh like it's different but it's not like blowing my mind
Starting point is 00:56:11 you know what i mean like it's i mean i enjoy the style and i liked the little twist with one of the characters like i feel like there's animes that take place in schools that are more interesting you know what i mean like like that setting's different that is targeted at me no exactly like the setting's different but i don't think the writing's better and i want to keep watching well that's the thing is right now i don't know where it's going yeah right yeah so i have so all i have it can still go places all i have is the setting and i like the totally random four episodes three yeah okay european setting in some weird city with some type of job yeah and one dude well there's two dudes and one of them is deaf so what's up no it's fun for sure um so uh a while ago we'll read
Starting point is 00:56:57 oh i did kind of watch uh a tiny bit of anime i watched like the new mother's basement video where they break down the fucking op to spice and wolf oh yeah which continues my rage at that guy have you watched special no for making like the op these excellent breakdowns of op's from shows that i assumed were trash and now making me think that they're good why would you is what because because there's no murder in the op i'm going to i'm going to continue because i'm surface Liam because i'm surface i'm going to continue watching the mother's basement videos it has shows that i haven't watched just to see what how interesting it gets yeah and that uh back and i'll endure our one was hella interesting to see the comparison those two those two openings are great yeah i like the
Starting point is 00:57:42 back and on a lot um so we did say at a point in the past that we were gonna discuss at least somewhat the jojo uh stardust crusaders wrap up but in an homage to king crimson of course we didn't do it because that was the room that section was removed from the previous podcast that's correct so let's just do it real quick that she was really cool it was really good perfect adaptation like yeah let's move on they like some of the scenes like pulling off on the stairs were like impeccably well yes the the new the new visual effects for the world is perfect i i was afraid of it being something i don't know how or why but i thought what if it's not as cool as the original yeah of the of the black and white and that noise like oh my god is
Starting point is 00:58:32 it intimidating it's really cool yeah also uh there's one thing one thing that is it's so minor and i understand why they didn't do it but the original ovs did have moments where they observed deos time powers from the point of view of someone not within the time not jotaro and not dea so outside of the bubble entirely the way that looks is the most terrifying thing ever yeah and this version didn't do that because you're following jotaro the whole time exactly so i was like i would have been really cool it'd be super cool to see that but you already saw it though so why would you want to see it again just because it's cool or just because these guys have the budget to make it look even better okay uh there's there's a couple little nitpicks there's uh there's one
Starting point is 00:59:15 line read that was changed for no reason which is when jotaro gets the gasoline uh i have no idea why that line was changed it's so we pours gasoline on deos as i'm pouring this gasoline on you to smell you if you run away then he takes his lighter out and you're like that's not the fucking line the line is i'm gonna torch you and then wait till morning wait till morning yeah so that and like the inconsistency on deos lip color that well no but that is literally like what happened over the course of those chapters really he became a different design well because they know no it's they he's supposed to have the green lips all the time and original deo doesn't have it and then later deo does and then in some shots it disappears again so here they just made it as
Starting point is 01:00:01 soon as he becomes form two i was told uh uh my girlfriend saw it like right after the season finale of that like weird owl posted like the clip i want a clip of that just entirely like a bunch who made the parody to beat it called eat it back way back in the 90s only only you would know a bunch of worthless crap like that and he put it on his instagram would this be an opportune time to maybe mention the most theoretically devastating stand of all time we had this conversation so yeah this conversation on the plane come back i said that we need to talk about this in lieu that someone could animate it yes well it's really simple because like yeah like you put the bait on the hook put the bait on the hook an animator takes it
Starting point is 01:00:46 but it's really simple in that like the discussion came down to does it which one is more devastating the stand user that makes you have to dump ass all the time yeah that just upsets your stomach it makes you shit your pants or the stand user that gives you a brain freeze that doesn't end it just imposes and and then this came from the discussion uh that is similar to this k ck bit of like when you hit the front door of your house you immediately need to shit your pants because i have my because every time they call the boarding at the airport yeah this is where my bladder goes now yeah not then now yeah start running and that is of the opinion like brain freeze stand is so much more powerful i think brain freeze is stronger that's crazy i don't think so because you can't do anything
Starting point is 01:01:33 here's what i because i say your mouth i say not only that power is going i say not only can you make someone shit their pants until they're dehydrated but the main character would be so embarrassed that they would never be able to defeat that stand and then how do we fight that stand so before that my my version of that was the like the the the stand user that could make the main character shit their pants would be so powerful that they would erase the protagonist from their own manga because the main character cannot be drawn shitting their pants you can't do the power would happen and then the protagonist would be removed from the panel so the only way to defeat that stand user would have to be a shitty sidekick character that has no shame because because the
Starting point is 01:02:14 pants the pants shitting stand is powered by your own shame over being seen shitting your pants because the physical thing of shitting your pants doesn't affect you that much to fight or know what it's really embarrassing because i said i said like you'd have to you'd have to make it more serious by saying like you remember this stand was like it locks to your heart when you feel guilty the lock yeah right so when you feel shame for shitting your pants you shitting even harder yeah but that sidekick who has no shame that disgusting sidekick is not only does he not feel shame he's like i showed up to the pants with my pants full my pants were fucking rotten shitting my pants all day like joseph joe star's an old man he shits his pants all the time so the stand
Starting point is 01:02:56 user and the stand user's like masaka bacana impossible there's no way so the short end of the story is that the main hero could never know impossible it would show the row could never defeat a stand user that made him shit his pants yeah even with star plot it would have because then he's just spinning his pants inside the frozen time you would how many ropes can you shit within the frozen time a lot of the times stand user stands are shown like without their legs just mostly their torsos yeah that's right it's coming out of the body come out of the body a bit like like if their pants are not visible like what the stands the stand would be a stylish looking neon toilet
Starting point is 01:03:50 no no no the stand itself would be the shit coming out of your ass no no no no no no creepy no no it can work it could work on fucking mariah rules where it's a it's a fucking toilet that oh and if you use it you're not you're not able to stop shitting your pants yeah yeah okay okay well the only traditional way is not to get affected by this if you actually like leave the area the or area of operations that it can't affect you because it's not a high powered stand it's range is hundreds of kilometers so you're like is the user nearby and it's like no because the toilet was way back there so this is the this this this stand user would work really well with whole horse because you could get them with the pants shitting and then go like three towns over
Starting point is 01:04:39 and then right when a whole horse is about to shoot you and you're about to punch him you shit your pants you try to flush that toilet and it goes let me home so this this arc is called like jojo's bizarre adventure shit is unbreakable shit is not crash it is not crash that's right start shit crusade if you don't like you don't know about jojo and uh that's confused by this i think this is the best ad we've ever done oh yeah for watching jojo it's pretty good stopped it's the strongest it's like we started the conversation and you just sit up hard in your seat and go bug eyed and look straight at this is the most powerful stand ever because if you got you need the chart
Starting point is 01:05:26 that's like range power speed and special special yeah and special is fucking its ass is breaking the chart chart has a little shards up like in form two in form one it's just that it's that toilet that you don't trust yeah as you get away from it your stomach goes over wait wait what was that and started this crusader is that happened early on where you're like some guy has like a monkey and no no it's it's fucking polar wrap goes to oh yeah yeah yeah goes to shit in that Indian toilet there's a fucking pig down there thanks your ass the pig head licks it's licks it sticks to stand out the toilet isn't the pig the stand you yeah just fucking replace the holders you're like center full slash guy try to take off like with the fucking a pants shitter who likes you yeah you need you
Starting point is 01:06:09 need like you need like oh yes you're like walking into the thing and seeing like the most elaborate beautiful toilet ever he's like this toilet's amazing and you're just enticed to use it you could even write this as like a dojin because it would fit anywhere with perfect right please enjoy the new Namco game and Joe Joseph's are adventures shit of heaven god that fits anywhere like the the stand combo of like pearl jam and this thing would be unstoppable oh man oh man i'm so glad we talked about this or like are the combination of it plus survivor where you can just it's like that the fighting stand i told you about where you can see the other people having their stomach gurgle and they're getting ready to shit anyway oh no Joe Joseph is using star platinum to hold
Starting point is 01:06:55 his bowels and the only way to stop it from moving his stern face because he can't johnny joe star would have no problem he's got the he's got the colostomy bag so he's ready wouldn't feel would be called puddle of mud oh that's good that's good or audio sleep so there's your wrap up there's your joke please take the bait animators or don't whatever we this is one of the moments but if you want to be a success this is probably the hardest moment we've ever struggled to completely recreate an off-camera conversation they don't yeah because like it like we we every time we go to a con we're like we should just be recording ourselves the funniest podcast the funniest podcast i think i said it like is like
Starting point is 01:07:58 20 months ago it's the hotel it's the hotel at night and it's the airport scenarios airports are always strong at least one way when are when are we the most tired that's when that's when we always come up with this fucking gold and no one ever hears and some goal we can't use again but it was too racially charged yeah or it's like we're watching the air the tv monitor and we just it's making jokes on the fly 500 kids stolen i guess maybe yeah i don't know so i don't know paul kogan deleted but he got some good hits in though so i guess you can't beat hotdog man we might as well roll in so we're going backwards at time because that story was the absolute dead last thing yeah but and it was the first thing we
Starting point is 01:08:52 talked about on this podcast but on the heels of hulk hogan being erased through time you can now play as a terminator in the wwe 2016 so i i took a link to this in my social media because i was like all right wwe is doing some really debatable stupid things but god damn it did i not geek that promo's the shit at this fucking trailer well done dna bros dna bros lunatic french and the fact i was like okay so when he starts walking in so this is the trailer for the art of sword singer slash the terminator being playable as a pure bonus fuck that i wish he was just in it you know yeah for sure but the fact that when he walks into the bar recreating the scene from terminator two and i go please do that moment where that waitress comes around the corner and goes oh yeah and i was
Starting point is 01:09:36 like please be page and it's totally page and i'm like why do i feel so good well as putting dean ambrose as the biker and you could tell he he fucking memorized him oh yeah i was so sad when the scene ended right there i wanted to go on for the rest of the winter should have done he should have started fighting them like do a punch or something and it should have cut to cut to gameplay of in the ring i don't care if there's if there's a sprawling oh that would be back stages are dead in wrestling yeah because you make a stage out of that exact oh that'd be great but yeah so that's actually like fuck it i'm for the seventh time in a row i'll buy your game that's exciting they've tricked you they tricked me actively there you go and i know i'm being tricked and i haven't even put
Starting point is 01:10:24 the money down but i'm still gonna do it so so we've so you've gotten with shorter you're better hope he doesn't do anything embarrassing in the next couple of years though or again with actually within within the last couple of years you've gotten freddy kruger jason predator and terminator playable as guest stars i need punisher though and robocop and you'll be done robocop isn't enough robocop cannot come back though like it'll be in terms of rustling that was a wcw thing you was in that jr called famously but yeah i know i'm getting i'm getting some i'm getting some good hits in you're actually literally um you need knighthood i think i you really like i i zero in on that because you know why i do it because you're the only one because yeah and it's strong it's strong oh cyber
Starting point is 01:11:09 six cyber six there yeah that's the one fuck it let's just get the swat cats revolution characters is fucking push that character i wish that wasn't for just a bible i wish the kickstarter was for more than just that yeah fortunately but okay that's like i imagine because played was played was totally right when he said um that it should they should have been working on that for the last 20 years and this should have been here's what we've been doing yeah um con bravo was cool it was really cool it was really good shout outs to uh oh we got a lot of shout outs completionist uh the folks that i saw the most i saw completionist a lot of their comedy andre he's andre he's really nice yeah i saw satch again that dirt bag good old satch he's gonna be around for like the least dirt
Starting point is 01:11:53 bag i've ever seen oh that moment when he just stumbled in the fucking hotel with all soft spoken and satch doesn't stumble oh he walks like that was more slow you need to see the video of satch that we record at that screw attack gaming convention because there was some fisticuffs actually that kurt cope seems really cool yeah i thought that is an asshole i talked to him not really well yeah no this is the part until you guys but i'm talking to him really normally completionist started it because he's just like yeah so you wrote the dk rap right and he's like i've tried to avoid you know pinning on myself but yes i wrote it and he's like okay cool why and as i'm talking i'm talking about other stuff i'm like i go so you did work on killer instinct
Starting point is 01:12:39 too like the music right he goes uh yeah i did i did i did the guitars on that and i proceeded to stare goofily at him for eight seconds just admiring him and he's like all right then and just took a sip of his beer and looked around nervously but as the conversation goes on and completionist talking about his stuff and then every so often he's like he's like oh cool yeah yeah i did and i go yeah no it's really good i mean it's not as good as the dk rap but every time everyone got a good chuckle completionist mowing grant grant would just shake his head like yeah get them all in hold them all in and uh he was really cool to talk to especially the part where i mentioned donkey on country two and completion because that's my favorite game of
Starting point is 01:13:19 all time that's where i really started and he goes yeah donkey on country one donkey on country two and then grand kerco and we didn't actually say but he's like a long time rare music composer composed like every golden music he's doing ukulele now he's doing ukulele there's some lots of stuff and he goes oh man donkey on country three such fucking shite and i was like oh it was raw and he goes oh yeah we had like a brand new that was terrible and i'm like oh okay like i don't like it that much but you think no no don't stop talking about like it's not even as bad as he's describing it it's markedly inferior but he's going like way further yeah but if you had hands on on it and you weren't happy with how it came out like i could see how you would be
Starting point is 01:14:02 artists are their biggest critics yeah for sure and he just did the music and the music he didn't work on it actually that much i don't think it was another guy i can't remember but he was just like oh it's just such a disaster and i was like oh okay that's that's very like stark and out of nowhere but sure yeah he was cool i want to give huge shout outs to pro jerry who i finally got to see for more than like two seconds we saw him briefly at atlanta where our signings are right next to each other and at one point near the end was just those like hey jerry's like hey guys boy and it's happened multiple times multiple times uh i've just said hi to him he's been like hi and finally got a hold of him finally got to talking briefly uh tried to fuck up him and jerry's
Starting point is 01:14:43 panel didn't work we got bored before the panel started and fucking bail and i got all up in his face telling me he was bad at monster hunter and he didn't come back at me which i thought like man jerry's really classy this guy is really cool i'm being a dick i'm a little drunk i got all up in his face and made fun he was really classy and he's just like okay hey mad see ya and then and then this sly devil the last day of the con when we're hanging out in the games room a guy that i remember from our signing comes like hey pal you doing like hey man so i got pro jerry's uh name in my book next year yeah this guy told me that's fucking cool and you wrote loser next to your name and there's nothing you can do because it's the last day it's the last day there's a message
Starting point is 01:15:28 there's two hours to go and he was just quietly now i'm gonna fuck his you can't fix that i'm gonna fuck his signature up on every autograph that i see if i see it if i see it if i see it that's way better that last thank you know that one it's cutting bro jerry that's the best that's why he's the professional jerry that's why i'm an amateur and he's a pro right there you go that's the fucking that's the best i love that shit yeah the fucking backstab twist twist the night awesome and our panel and i think we have a new like event type for us to do at cons which would be like playing games with people yeah that was really fun have you never done that yes like okay because i know i usually make that point but i mean actually are they there we're gonna be there yeah so they
Starting point is 01:16:15 know what to show we can't go too much into it but Liam kind of thought of a way to actually do this in a more grandiose fashion where we can play games with people yeah we might try that when when you know circumstances permit but yeah i know it was really cool like i think you got a lot of fighting game matches yeah definitely dude the best is people like coming up to you and be like hey man it's like i'm a fan like great and you do the the cool meet and greet and you get to feel good you're like you want you all you and you all play third strike and like yeah sure and you get the controls like they have never touched a fighting game ever this is this is gonna be the sweetest brutalization ever so we played like a lot of fans did anyone get beat by a fan uh the guy uh the guy
Starting point is 01:16:57 in white with the cat that guy we met last year also and he was at the third strike having a lot he is a fan and he consistently kicked my okay so there was one way the guy i played a guy in Guilty Gear but i haven't booted up Guilty Gear since yeah i played that guy too and his fundamentals are shit okay that's nice but like his combos are sick but his fundamentals are trash i was hoping we could go a nice way if nobody ever beats us but i guess not well there was that relento player that was he a fan or i i'm not sure yeah okay i think he was i think he just sat there yeah after that guy killed me in Guilty Gear i was like yeah have you tried Killer Ink's thing before and he's like uh no but i really want to now that's gonna be on pc i was like let's go over there
Starting point is 01:17:39 and he then you know got some sweet come up then because he's like so there's combos in this right i'm like yeah there's a couple there's so many but the main the main thing the main thing is that a lot of the time at events like uh two made two big questions i get asked is hey or willy are you emptying any of the tournaments which i'm gonna know because i don't have time time you gotta do stuff a weekend then it's like you have to sit around for hours at a tournament unfortunately it's not gonna work and the second thing is hey can we get like some more games in yeah of course play whatever and it's like usually not again time schedule it's tough but if we have a thing if we've actually rationed the time when they know what they can show up i'm not gonna front i was
Starting point is 01:18:13 gonna start doing that at a taco thon and i even told matt for this con yeah because it's a good idea to just to announce like i'm gonna be here for x hours come play this game yes no exactly so when you're like do you not do that it's like of course we do but it's usually just random people that happen to be there at the same time as us but i want to give people the opportunity knowing that we're gonna be there no exactly i had planned to do that before this con and i told matt and you know you don't have to be worried and i'm glad we're not big or uh altruistic or magnanimous enough to not grind you into the dirt if we can yeah so like because i love beating up fans it's the best there was there was there there was a like i got back out marveled for the first time this year
Starting point is 01:18:56 you know and and still did fine like i said i played my matches had no problems um the uh what should we call it there was like a fan that was kind of sitting back by those kind of like oh i want to challenge willy but i don't really know this game and he said it out loud out loud to another fans i'm like so i turned around and went dude everyone's got to start sometime come on sit down i took the bay yeah you know he wouldn't say it out loud unless he didn't want you know so that it was fun and it was fun and it was a good time probably the weirdest thing about the whole con is i did not expect to meet people from the free company and totally did yeah they gave you a pin of the free company logo right it's really cool yeah i'm having a lot of fun
Starting point is 01:19:35 i'm having a really hard time pinning it onto my bag because the pin is short and i keep stabbing myself but i'll manage one day one day uh okay game news so you kind of jumped around a bunch but yeah i was originally why just before we get on that i just want to like big shout out to like con bravo because they oh yeah those guys are awesome best con management i've ever seen it any con even when you think they fucked up a bunch it's like no dude you're like two minutes late and everything was fine like last year i was worried it was a fluke but this year cemented it they have the best they run that shit tight and like and i think it's i think a lot of it is by throwing more people than needed at every situation oh yeah i think there's like 50 people in there
Starting point is 01:20:19 just writing on chalkboards just doing more like what we were meeting but they're also not just like 50 randos like 50 guys whatever we were whatever we were meeting people to like okay here's your ride to the thing here's your airport there's your hotel there's like three people there and like handling things i need water i can't want muffins i cannot like i cannot believe how many times i was like i could go for some water and someone appeared next to me well men yeah good smelling guy came up to me in the arcade me too yeah the staff members said for me to give you this water i was like well cool yeah same i cannot believe how many more times they brought us fondue than other cars yes that is actually exactly one more which is one more time i jumped he said you
Starting point is 01:20:59 can get anything you want i was like so if i were in our panel i asked for cheese fondue you just gave me the pot and they're like you know what if you really needed it sure so then during our panel which i hope some of you caught because it was streamed yeah it should be archived but um just in the middle of it just a little plate with the some ripped off hotdog buns just gonna throw it up on stage and a cut up hotdog we need a little bit of mustard that's no it was cheese man it wasn't a little bit like yeah you saw me like the chef was like i'll see what i can do yeah see what i can throw together the chef being another organizer yeah um and so yeah con bravo and i also like while we're on it i just want to give shout out to uh a german spy as well yes thank you yeah cool
Starting point is 01:21:42 ass shit dude spy you're great yeah that's why you spent you sent us a lot of cool ass shit from me three and like some bloodborne guides and it's fucking awesome that guy is a cool spy um so we missed over this last time we missed over missed over it we missed over this story uh well we skipped over this now it is no i no i i'm not like trying to get in your shit like can i start saying that is that real no it's actually fake you understand what it means though so then there it's really okay fine um that's all i did it on on access just don't let a grammarian tell you otherwise language language is descriptive not proscriptive words mean language and grammarians fucking hate each other because what i just said is the argument
Starting point is 01:22:25 isn't yeah yeah what's the story the story now thankfully since we skipped it has updated one of those yeah so originally the story was um itagaki blames negative devil's third previews on player skill yeah fuck you so uh i remember oh wait a second wait a second yeah i take it so okay thank you i remember i remember that uh oh you invited no he didn't invite us well like i think that the most minor version of this was when well that like started making me making me like turn my head sideways a little bit you know the wrestle peter style going hmm was when like liam you pointed out that like okay that shitty box car there's a vehicle in the game that uh there's two pictures floating around there's one where uh it's in the distance and it's there and it's a shitty box car
Starting point is 01:23:14 and there's one where the textures haven't loaded yet that one's like even more facetious because there's the text it's an unreal three things it was saving review of this preview preview in the preview they laughed and laughed and jeered at this box car and then you realize it's based off a real car that looks identical to it it's actually a box car in real life to it that drives around on airplane it's an airplane it's for dragon airplanes around yeah wow and it's like oh actually that was just facetious look at how bad and grat look at the bad like artistry on display ha ha ha oh wait this is an actual thing and now i think this is a very like this is it's really funny because like the amount of people eating crow on this one is really good and it's a really good demonstrator
Starting point is 01:23:54 of how the most negligible thing snowball really fast now it's very possible that like the the fact that there's a uh we don't know what was happening with nintendo publishing and stuff yeah kind of like you start to attach these two things and go maybe it's a quality issue and things like that that's certainly what i believed um and then and then but no but then it was you pointed out as well that like this game because like last story wide and then i won't publish that it's a great game but so this game so you were as tired too i think right i can't remember xc what up xc did that one too so we saw the footage in that preview and stuff of them playing and kind of going like yeah kind of boring shooter and whatnot not great at all uh but then like yeah leave me put it out that this
Starting point is 01:24:32 game has wall running and like everything running and then obstacles in the sky that you're supposed to jump and use and shoot from like i played that were not seen anywhere in that footage i only got to play this game in like like 2011 or 2012 like it's been a long time since i got to play like the early like super pre-alpha multiplayer thing at thq but like there was like really cool wall running mechanics and stuff and like and i haven't seen any of the footage using that and i'm watching the footage where they're playing it like a corridor shooter but there's like lattices of metal work on top where like in the trailers you clearly see the character like jumping from from bit to bit like they just put out a trailer are people even playing it right they just put out a five minute
Starting point is 01:25:13 trailer japanese one that shows you all this insane shit like sliding upstairs going into slashing combos jumping up in the air then shooting and all this stuff and like in all the previews they go oh there's a bad frame rate you know what you're saying this yourself like i can't fight the frame right all except that there's a bad frame rate but i'll also accept that i don't think that itagaki made a boring shooter so i had two flashbacks from from that conversation where i had a lost odyssey glass breaking moment where you think back yeah and i get two flashbacks one is uh james small not realizing you could equip things to your feet in bayonetta it's a big one and right and then another one was like they like their fancy shoes and another these are done in
Starting point is 01:25:55 britain and a conversation we had with someone that we know uh at a future shop where he's like man that metal gear rising what a piece of shit you just run forward mashing the x-poser a whole game way better and it was and it was super boring and terrible for a metal gear game i'd rather play afer samurai what an amazing game and i was like you completely missed everything and you know what the game didn't stop you so it's entirely possible and plausible that these guys didn't know about it if the game if there was no preview trailer if the game tried to stop them then they would have complained that the game was too hard i never finished it i'm still really excited for it and because of like this like difference well because it's getting so
Starting point is 01:26:37 many negative impressions and stuff i will actually did watch a lot of footage because i was like i really want to know and the beginning the first first part of the game is really linear and it's like literally tutorial section where it's like press this to melee press this to not melee right um this to not melee yeah exactly um but when i got a little further in the footage and i got and there was a bit more open areas or areas that clearly had like a second path and stuff like everyone seemed to just be walking forward and playing it like a cover shooter where like literally there's there's a piece of footage that i really liked because it demonstrated that where you got to cover and each pull out his rocket launcher you aim over and fire the rocket you get back and
Starting point is 01:27:14 reload it's a slow reload and then you do it again and he did it like five times when it's like you could have just you could have just like ran and shot the whole time or melee the guy with your story because that game has really cool so Liam told me he's like when describing this Liam told me go play vanquish but don't use the boost and i got angry and i said no yeah fuck you for asserting the idea have you watched but that's the possible comparison here okay did you know it has two different melee buttons i did not everyone in the gameplay is using the melee button like a first person shooter melee where it's oh shit he's too close to me instant i need an instant kill right now you know what i mean everybody in these previews as far as i can see is playing it like that there's
Starting point is 01:27:56 two dedicated melee a light and a heavy light so this might it's not going to be ninja guidance so it might not it might not be certain but it certainly is a good argument that like yeah this could be something played wrong i feel like we saw this back in a little game called devil may cry one i and it's like what are these guns so i don't understand and again i played this game and it like it played good the reason i had to instantly take that back just i jump into it like assholes i remember a different little game called godhand right right that like generally got panned yeah fuck yeah this generally happens in japanese games where it's like they don't show their intention clearly enough as to how yeah here are the button maps and here's what you're supposed
Starting point is 01:28:40 to do but it has to click it has to click together and sometimes they don't do a perfect job of explaining like bayonetta the bayonetta demo did a really good job at telling you like this is kind bayonetta is a champ because it has a button that's more op than any other button in any character action game ever and it is the take no damage button the dodge right like like like some character action games don't have a block and then that's a problem you know like take no damage but if you get it if you take all the walls down and you just give them a take no damage button then it can you get a game with a nine take no damage and activate the world yeah exactly yeah on top of it remember i linked you all to a preview that says like this is why would nintendo ever publish this i
Starting point is 01:29:16 hope they don't right and i was telling them about i'm not sure if you all read it read it but i was telling them about how i read that thing that previewed from the uk and a guy goes this single player is ridiculous and terrible and i'm like oh no why is a bad level design he goes crazy things happened and the dialogue was so stupid i brought my co-workers over to laugh at it and i was like wait a minute that sounds that's awesome that's what we that's the deli premonition stuff and maybe like you know game journals or uk p.m. journals don't get it that sometimes can be so good that it's bad that it's awesome i don't know if uh you play at any character action games but their stories are tend to be a little absurd or absurd or if not terribly bad yes but like that's the ninja
Starting point is 01:30:01 guidance stories i always hated they're always almost nothing and they're not even ridiculous it's sometimes you can get ridiculous but most of the time they're just go get the sword back go get the story killed my arm is having this period go kill that guy so and even bayonetta one is like terrible story was terrible i want to emphasize we do we certainly don't know this game could be a streaming pile we would all be unhappy to eat crow on this but but but the there seems to be some evidence that people were not using the full mechanics it's plausible godhand again i haven't played in a long time if possible these are all stripped yeah but godhand and vanquish and they're what we saw with those games perceptions means that like you always have to give these the benefit
Starting point is 01:30:40 of the doubt because there's no chance until like sore gets to it yeah like it could very well be crappy but so furthermore right not only not old so the new update when you update is it a gacky basically not only does he argue that those were night not strikes those were balls the pitchers shot it wrong yeah but he's pointing to the stands like babe ruth and saying devil's third is gonna be breakthrough for the industry yes this is gonna be a hashtag game changer which is amazing it is his will so uh ilia and then he talks about how they worked really hard to like keep this going and not let the project go under and like really like yeah it's crazy that it's still coming out and he's just it's not going down without a fight and so like he really believes in this to be a game changer
Starting point is 01:31:30 so yeah i i really want that hashtag there you go i want to see that feature trailer where it's like here's the maneuvers and the techniques yeah here's what you're expected to do and you tease that to people so everyone goes oh because the trailer they just put out was like five minutes and 30 seconds long the first half is a single player the second half is a multiplayer and the multiplayer is literally the most insane crazy over-the-top looking thing where the multiplayer is shooting basketballs and and people are dressed as fucking it's st. roe almost give us that give us a dmc 3 trailer where you showcase the style of the bus and screen to screen and you label them and you go this is what you're doing in this game like in the trains you get a little bit of that you get a
Starting point is 01:32:15 little bit of cut of like what the fuck did they just do or how is that maneuver done and you want to get a little more in depth of how it's actually performed yeah i'm really excited for it to actually like come out and shit because i'm fed up with come out europe comes at the end of this month august i think yeah no like because i'm really i'm really bothered going through these threads and like they all just circle around like a bad looking truck and people still don't know that that's actually like like they're circling around something that's not even an issue even if it were an issue you know what i mean look at these npcs and wonderful 101 man what a shit game yeah now what i'm what i'm legit wondering is terrible yeah what i'm actually curious about is uh whether the multiplayer
Starting point is 01:32:55 mode is going to feel different from the single player in the same way that tomb raider had that that's not made by the same team in this case so okay tomb raider had a multiplayer mode i yeah yeah i worked on it a bunch we yeah yeah we did and and the thing about it the thing about it was that you could feel was that leave on it you could yes he was oh and you could feel the difference is you could feel the differences from single player to that you know especially when like the mechanics would change here and stuff so so okay but it's the same people so yeah i only played the multiplayer i only ever got to play the multiplayer okay never got to play a campaign or anything felt fun felt really fun and one of the things that i felt really validated what i what i felt was that i really
Starting point is 01:33:39 felt like the sledgehammer weapon was the best one in the early i read i read that and in multiple previews they said the sledgehammer was particularly satisfied okay so at least at least part of it has to be on so i was like okay there's good stuff still stuff stuff is carried over yeah exactly but no i'm i'm really keen i'm it's a bummer that we have to wait until after you're up to get it maybe won't so here's a complete fucking laddie fielder razor has acquired uya yep they did it good so now when your tournament runs on an uya game it can die in the grand finals too which well i mean what tournament right but like i mean you know i had to stretch it to get there i'm i'm the ultimate anti-ad for razor was the evo grand finals it was pretty rough and and here's
Starting point is 01:34:24 what i didn't know which uh who uh was it so uh pat and i went to go eat at a and w and the cashier was like hey did you see evo because i was wearing that shirt yeah and uh we're and then we started talking about like the grand finals and was was she the one that told us that razor tweeted out to everybody yeah everybody watch the grand finals and then like specifically because their stickers getting used then they pulled it after yeah okay that yeah i didn't know that that was a tweet that went out whoopsie do it all that's an anti-ad for razors no for sure but yeah they they picked up uh uya i'm excited to see what they do with it like i really like for them to put out a second model of it because one of the problems with the uya is the build quality of the of the controller
Starting point is 01:35:06 all right i am like it's it's mediocre but it's good enough that i can still play i held out uya controller it's bad armchair ceo razor you've just acquired uya let's go well you put out a new model for starters what do you do you fucking trash the old model just get rid of that head to toe redesign of every element and go into it and then you rebrand the you rebrand everything same same platform same os fucking go through the the os is solid so you go through it you change it to green and black that's razor right you it's orange and black right now so it's not even a huge change it's a halloween gone there's blue ones i mean and then and then you fucking try you ask the right guys who are making the right games the mobile games and see what you continue to try to compete as
Starting point is 01:35:50 an android box there's no other where else that's what they bought that's the only other venue for it which they're doing in china is to build it into tv's and stuff which is a very which is a very good idea frankly uh the idea of having just built-in games i don't even know if that's like well for a totally ignorant of this well like if someone buys a tv and it's just there on the on the you know smart tv's are they have like a smart tv like it's like it's there it's like like sony's doing that with playstation now on their tv's and that's also really that seems fun so what about like you wouldn't take up you would take a giant section of the budget and dedicate that to exclusives the question is how big is the budget right you know how much can you really get made and it's like if
Starting point is 01:36:29 you could if you could you should but like i question how big razor's budget would be to make games you know what i mean like like it is razor it's not they're not i don't think this was an impulse buy no of course not no they have intent but like i think there's only so much you can do and you know even the exclusives who you have had um haven't helped them enough because like there's so much prejudice against it like ever since the beginning which kind of sucks um because they had they had the amazing frog as an exclusive which was really that's a fucking great game they had tower fall as an exclusive for a while for quite a while they had a total temple well they still have total temple which is still unheard of until it gets off the uya but that games of the same level of
Starting point is 01:37:12 quality they had duck game as an exclusive like they had a really good list but the exclusives didn't help it um and the people who went exclusive eventually regretted it and then pulled it up like they wanted to go elsewhere well you know they got paid for their six months or whatever and that was it and you know even like soul fjord some of their single player exclusives just weren't that strong they were all right like that game's all right but it's not strong enough but i don't know what's going on the gameplay was just not strong enough it's okay uh like i don't know like what do you do from here you try you put out a better model maybe 32 gig hard drive instead of 16 because that was too little and and and you fucking rebrand it and try to get the the new mobile
Starting point is 01:37:49 games coming out because there's good stuff get like like broken ages on there get grim fandango remastered that's on that's on mobile platforms you know but why would anyone want to play that on the uya price tag it's the cheapest way to play those games yes that and that that is the one undeniable fact that you can still stand by for a lot of games on there if the hardware was better it would be the cheapest way to play those games well assuming you don't have a computer that could just deal with it yeah for sure but for like for a kid for example right you know like like uh one of the like this is like a vita thing but like a lot of people leading up to minecraft's release on the vita were like man sony should really do a vita bundle with minecraft because that would be the
Starting point is 01:38:29 cheapest way to play minecraft didn't it no they didn't oh weird in japan there was some unofficial bundles but nothing official and it's like that would be the cheapest way to play minecraft and that would undeniably sell because it's not happening anymore no that's not happening anymore but it's like and and i mean like more credence to this idea is like minecraft on the vita sold incredibly well like way way better than the ps3 version which is super super good um but it's like if they have the right killer app and it becomes the cheapest way to play it and the hardware is not yeah i totally agree that doesn't make sense it's then it's good for kids and stuff in that regard not that there aren't a lot of things for adults and make a console that doesn't feel like
Starting point is 01:39:06 shit when you told it that controller is really bad if i don't think you use shit on that controller it's it's really like it had worse flaws before right the really bad flaw that it that it had initially was if you press the button too hard it would slip underneath the plate exactly and that was because i remember you gave it to me and i was like i thought you couldn't beat the dream cast in terms of the most uncomfortable controller ever and it did it it's so barely at the same time the moment it was like oh but you can plug in anything else i stopped thinking about it because you could just use any other yeah but if the whole premise is that it's so cheap as a consumer yeah but in your like in the pat mine instead of like no but me yeah i was again
Starting point is 01:39:48 just grab a controller i want yeah i'm glad they rolled back the every game has to be free to try kind of thing because that wasn't really it's a good premise but it wasn't really working out like uh you know they just need to fucking try to get the right games and it's not now now it's it's wise from its wave it's not dead so something's happening if if i i still get the emails from them i still see the games coming out and there's still good games coming out on it just like it's not big enough and it just gets slated instantly because it's the uya but if razor puts out a new model that fixes the hardware problems i will buy it as a replacement for my current one because i do like it as like everything works properly you know there's no crippling
Starting point is 01:40:27 software issues or anything so anyway i'm rambling at this point but so i don't think you can ever save it but you can do better you can keep it on live support for a while you you can make it successful if you had the right game for kids again yeah like for at that hundred dollar price point you can't beat it you're billy fuck off i'll go bang your mom exactly yeah at the same time we've we've discussed this entire uh saga category of android boxes and the failure within of like mojo you're gonna go for the mojo really well the two hundred and fifty dollar android box premises you just i remember like when we first talked about the mojo i was asking you what do you the mad cat's mojo android box i don't even know what this is android box put out by mad cat
Starting point is 01:41:13 put out a two hundred and fifty dollar android box it's not new this is when this is when they announced that it was two hundred and fifty dollars me and woolly spoke about it for a long time and i was like they must have a deal with snk or capcom to get some of their old games on it at two hundred and fifty dollars they have to be like planning for it to hit their core audience you know mad cats fighting games and shit nowadays nothing nothing you know like someone thought that the android boxes were the new hip thing this couple years ago dude there's the game stick which was a complete nothing that was like a direct ooya competitor it's like that's like the chrome cast yeah like chrome cast you've got the fire obviously there's a million chinese ones the
Starting point is 01:41:55 fucking snail company when i can't remember it's it's baffling and it's like you've never even heard of it i don't know what i'm talking about and it's at least two three years old everyone took a stab everyone took a stab years years everyone took a stab after the ooya kickstarter was a huge huge success we discussed this probably the first 20 podcasts all cast they were wow that they just made all these up auto deleted alongside don gate yeah yeah but like what's the shield the shield it's the same thing and video is revenge for getting shafted by everyone that went ati is it an angry thing yeah same thing but a hand but what about but what about but what about the others games are coming out shield tv is the other thing i still check and it's like but it's all
Starting point is 01:42:38 ports shield tv is the other thing that i thought that was also just called the shield no shield tv because they have a different list of software using the same name we're getting to the not 100% that there's some stuff that's only on the tv one like revengeance unfortunately you can't play on the hand okay but you didn't ask us about the one you didn't know exists which is the alien rare box which is which is also that's just a steam box to steam box i didn't know about okay okay me and woolly looked at that we're like this is a neat box how much is a retail for seven hundred dollars just buy a you want to go get some lunch just buy another pc we walked around the truck and like just like hey them like like discussed it on the back end of the truck and then kept walking
Starting point is 01:43:19 those those fucking leds on the sides of alienware products are really expensive okay yeah like they're cool you can make love in those lights but like like legit if they put if razor puts out a new one with a good controller it could have a shot i i genuinely feel that a lot of the bias people have against it becomes instantly unjustified because there are a lot of good games on there i would rename the whole thing it's worth a shot to anything it's worth a shot honestly it's an arcade stick that has an hdmi add on it that you just play plug and play yeah that'd be cool uh so speaking of realizing from your wave uh energy hook has resurfaced yeah uh which is the game that was it was originally a kickstarter by uh jayme fristram the guy who snuck into the
Starting point is 01:44:07 spider-man 2 development labs late at night late at night to make the swinging but he did work on the game to be good yeah by day he worked on the game by night he worked hard on the game he worked even harder and he had two identities and he wanted to make the swinging good and he certainly did it uh so he put out a kickstart for this originally back when it was way early on it failed if i recall and it failed and uh you know you and i matt who are big uh pundits of swinging certainly were cooled by what we saw when it failed we looked at it and it was hard to ascertain whether is this early or is this actually going to look like this because you go oh the gameplay but man this looks like the roughest visual thing i've seen in a while the swinging was there but
Starting point is 01:44:51 i was non-plussed by the the you know everything else the assets were not ready yet so i kind of felt like it needed more time in the oven when the kickstarter was originally presented now it's got a new skin to it it has had more time in the oven it's had more time in the oven and a new look to it and i'm still a little bit non-plussed so it looks really rough yeah it still it looks better so here's my question if it looks better if bionic commando had not been named bionic commando swing man it was named swing man by cat by by not capcom would you have had the same reaction to that that you're having now certainly okay so that's what i thought yeah okay but that's on which reaction the reaction of like you're still like no because the swinging and bionic commando is great okay no
Starting point is 01:45:36 but like the skin like if it was if it was a bad skin no if it was the same it just wasn't called bionic commando and it wasn't made by capcom if the swinging was good yeah so like you you see what i'm saying here uh yeah but i don't this is like okay here's the thing yeah if you look at this if you look at this trailer energy hope was spoter man okay well here's the deal though you can do you can do it right you're looking it up leon i'm yeah i'm looking okay take a look i'm watching it so so uh we shall wake right was oh this looks a lot better than it used to it looks a lot better it looks a lot better but i'm just a little bit cooled on it there are some aspects of it that make me really think of an xbox live indie game some of the animations here runs up a wall and they look
Starting point is 01:46:22 like like they look terrible so but it does look better than so we shall wake as an example of something that was like in the works you know and i mean when they showed it off really early and slowly put in a couple assets and whatnot but where they kind of ended up is something that is it's still a bit sparse but it still looks really cool to me i like the more the final models that they came up with and whatnot here you have the underpinnings are all there but there's rough moments where the animation doesn't smoothly go from one sequence into another spider man too at least did that and that was on like that was like 15 years ago yeah but if they had a full art team certainly so i understand why and how i totally get what one of these environments looks fantastic
Starting point is 01:47:03 that's floating like destroyed city thing looks really i totally understand how and why that looks the way it does i just kind of you know i kind of wish there was a bigger team helping him out we actually need to play it and it hits early access like august 13 or 14 like a week or two you know what or like here's what better way i wish like an artist with a dedicated awesome style was like okay i'm gonna do the art for this game because i feel like this should look like hover someone exactly like someone someone would come along with their style and just bathe this game in it you know if that's that's what i kind of think that i would have that that if it's the same guy that almost single handedly coded at least the the prototype of the style the swinging mechanic
Starting point is 01:47:45 would work and it was enough to convince activision bosses like drop everything and make it like this yeah that he can do it himself but i mean i it's just yeah like neem said there's no dedicated animation team maybe and not a couple of people and it's just like it looks a bit sci-fi but like you know i want some clear art direction to really get something actual swinging animations like when the the energy hook actually goes out i mean it looks really flat and unexciting in some things and he has a jetpack and it it's just like i hope it's good but i don't because i trust this guy i fuck you know i mean he's the guy that did it um but again like more time in the oven and uh just even more polish hits early access so maybe you know some feedback will be given and then when
Starting point is 01:48:29 it actually comes out or yeah more of a because my shaky ground my life needs more swinging in it yeah i know i really want it um other things uh that gosh of that note by gosh okay i'll hit you with some news what's up i just found out razor already had an android console box oh here we walk there it is so they've already had one before and we just didn't they've already lost their first bout and they want to go in for another and by we i mean the planet earth and there you go wow wow thank you for solving that shit i can't believe they already had one there you go fuck oh hey you know what well while we're we're jumping around and fucking up the news is coming in mcdonald's had an android box uh i was a happy meal toy god that was really cool
Starting point is 01:49:23 i want to uh uh to to to clear up some confusion that liam and i had been seeing on our twitter the past week uh the version of pso2 that unlocked itself for all players was the southeast asian which is poorly translated in english and has been free to play tuned for grindiness to pay that does not count as released in the west and also it turns out that that ip lock was reinstituted it was a couple days ago and it turns out the reason they had unlocked it was to deal with congestion on their servers and apparently the ip lock slows down their authentication or something so not only did that not count in the first place it has been relocked up for southeast asia so it never could even count no it it couldn't count in the first one and then even if it could
Starting point is 01:50:19 count it got it got de-released i didn't i was i was looking at this nice picture that razor just put out so i missed all your stuff but um welcome to the family it was also the thing where that version of the game is shit yes that's what i was saying okay good just that version was just making tuned or shit totally doesn't count it's like monster hunter uh frontier where it's like oh it's monster hunter in pc it's like no it's not it's a trash so yeah uh other things that are talking about like early looks at kickstarter things uh there's that first video of uh red ash where they're running around and they just put back in there and it looks like they recreated the first little room from megaman legend they filled it with cans and again you're kicking cans around like
Starting point is 01:50:59 they know yeah yeah yeah and uh they're talking about like making the jump look right and making so that he runs towards the screen and it's a very staged conversation it's funny because like i like yeah because like he did the same video but it gives us better well that's the thing and and the first look at uh infinite playing mighty number nine was like that as well or he's sitting doing a little thing having a conversation with feedback but like this um it strikes me i like this yes this is the thing i am making right now it's exactly that dude because the american way to do this is like you make a like fast cut like documentary like short yeah where you go like show someone viciously typing right then like then like you so pull that dog's jaw open show exactly show
Starting point is 01:51:41 the the wireframe spinning around the jaw opens and then you go into showing some scrolling art that fades into assets and then something will say pre pre alpha footage you know and then like a little bit of a combo but it's beta beta and whatnot but and like here in japan it's always never direct feed it's always off screen of someone playing it and then a conversation going like maybe we need to think about tweaking this a little bit anuma and iwata doing the zelda thing off screen was the ultimate version of this it was so ridiculous i was talking to someone from playism and they said the japanese do not like direct feed of anything when they feel it's not it's not ready i believe that i believe that so here understandable but absurd yeah and so here
Starting point is 01:52:24 it's almost like this is how games are developed we walk in and go oh well maybe we should do this a little bit so three hour lunch yeah just like the narratives there and you're like get out of here narratives don't act your marathon but every time and if any walks outside the the fucking office building he starts fading away and has to run back in to re-energize himself need to read internet comments i feel like i feel like that like like it's just it's a this is the one that said that like set it in stone i'm like okay no this is how japanese devs preview their games yeah you know in the worst way possible we want you to show off an inside look well we only know one way to do that right fuck well it's almost like it's almost like the difference between the way uh megabots and the
Starting point is 01:53:07 the uh kuritas oh yeah their videos yeah where the megabots guys are even seeing the fall yeah the megabots guys look at the camera walk forward play music and wear capes of like like and the kuritas guys are like well the guy he's like doing a behind the scenes interview where it's like yeah he's like talking about shit but this is a hidden camera i'd never say this directly at you on camera that's mean that's too exactly that's that's the that's the someone that would do the meanie zucchini thing yeah he's like when he's like of course i'm gonna fight it's like he's saying that to some other guy asking him exactly so it's a funny different approach you know but anyway hope this game comes out oh yeah um so there's that uh huge surprise for me at least
Starting point is 01:53:54 i did not expect this i knew that this was doing well but it's come out that mkx is the best selling game of 2015 so far yeah this was like i mean according to npd results yeah it was it was consistently selling tops so i guess it makes sense dude yeah you don't have to be number one every month it's a good game to have to be in the top 10 every month fighting game that's crazy let's see how that stuff does it's not going to do that i hope so well i don't think you can moral combats marketing campaign was really big and it's paid off clearly yeah and americans buy console games yeah unlike the japanese yeah and netherrealm this like doesn't have netherrealm doesn't have like to go through weird like japanisms but they have to go there they're in
Starting point is 01:54:37 the more convenient they're right here and their game markets way better here so they just do what they do have to go through weird warner brotherisms true and get predator i bet that pc version of street firefight will be better than moral combats just a hunch probably likelihood on that seems impossible to fuck up well they're they're betting on that pc port for sure there's open yeah uh we've got uh an update on the koji konami story yes these are these are interesting these are details that are kind of unconfirmed but they're so unsurprising so so so it's a single source so take it with guy take it with the grain assault said he talked to someone yeah it's a single source you can't you know the newsroom would not run the story but we're not the newsroom
Starting point is 01:55:27 on anything i could but i think i think it's it's possible because of the way it's there's there's a phrase that's used for this and that is that it rings true that's the word so i want to i want to give it i want to get the quote verbatim actually um all the verbatim quote of the translation so someone spoke to uh okay it was the it was the co-host of the kodak podcast uh some of them one of them spoke to rika muranaka who was the composer on metal gear solid one two and three and um apparently the main reason for the falling out at least in our opinion yeah is that kojima gets paid a salary and doesn't make a profit share on the game gets paid in a certain amount no matter what and he was spending so much money and delaying the project adding all these features
Starting point is 01:56:14 making sure the game was the biggest and best thing it could be and konami was unhappy with that because delaying had no effect on it well nobody's spending delaying it for years and years man which is which is understandable he's spending the budget on this and that but like there's a point where you gotta like that's why they that's why they kick ground zeroes out the doors because they're like you need you to make us some fucking money it has to ship one day but i don't but the thing with it is i don't feel phantom pain is any later than any other big release to me like the span of that but that's the problem isn't it what is that the cost of the game is now beginning to eclipse like all right is now like converging with the amount of time it's taking
Starting point is 01:56:55 and it's it's getting worse and worse but at the same time it's the only thing that konami puts out that's worth the whole lot the explicit example you in in a triple a way in a triple a way that's a different statement that's a different statement the fact that they had to put out ground zeros to generate some money the explicit shows that they weren't happy with the timing the explicit example used in the story makes like this argument between youtube make a lot more sense and that is the example used okay so we had harry gregson williams write some songs and then he changed the scenes and then threw those songs in the garbage even though we paid for them so yeah let me get there and konami goes what the fuck so you've got him upgrading oxygen and then delaying further because
Starting point is 01:57:36 it wasn't ready fox engine and was announced in 2011 he wasn't happy because he gets his uh kona kona wasn't happy that he gets his salary and takes a more traditional quote-unquote japanese man approach by not taking a profit share in doing that he gets a little more than a game creator would but doesn't take bonuses of the game from the game selling well uh in her eyes kojima is a fantastic creator probably the best of his time um and but he doesn't have a strong business sense like konami would like him to have whereas instead of for example cutting corners by lowering folio's resolution he just wanted to make sure everything looked as good as possible which is great and i wish i wish that was financially viable you hear about he had him make she had she she said that they paid for
Starting point is 01:58:16 her to write 30 to 40 songs that ended up getting that ended up getting cut like fuck and he'd tell her to write another one and then another and then another because he settles on what he likes and has a good for my good mind for what people want to see and what they want to hear this this like reminds me of the stuff that you would hear about numera in ages past yeah about the way that he would design cutscenes in that he would completely create the entire fucking thing and then go i don't like it and throw all the work in the garbage and do it over the idea that you have no financial incentive because you're just collecting your salary means you're making a better product in the end for it yes but it means cost overrun can be infinite and and we do know that devs need to
Starting point is 01:59:00 be curbed down oftentimes if that example that she dropped of like dropping harry gregg's and william's songs is accurate like that's an insane amount of money just thrown in the toilet like and like she says that like she would compose like 30 songs for a game and he used barely any yeah because like they weren't because they weren't what he wanted in the game and that's admirable i can get it from his point of view is like no it's not perfect yeah but and and let's and let's be clear before i say what i'm gonna say konami has still been a bunch of cunts with the fucking name shit yeah without a doubt but like if you're the businessman looking at the finances and you're like you literally just threw a million dollars both sides both sides are there's two extremes
Starting point is 01:59:42 then then there's the konami that puts out the hd collection silent hell yes and it is cheaply as possible and arguably made those games the worst they've ever been absolutely but here's that's the extreme end and this is the other end on the creator side man more than ever now is the time you can say the thing that you say there's no time there's two coup schools of thought oh okay there's literally two schools of thought and both of them have some they're both right um yeah i guess but you know i yeah we can't look at the other details that came along with that with the whole you know mobile is the main platform and so on it like you can you can draw the rest of the story from there but again one single source which is uh uh uh what's indirect now now that being said this source
Starting point is 02:00:29 is someone who wrote those songs who was directly involved in the excuse for those songs like there's no reason to doubt the fact that yes she did write those sources actually someone who spoke to the person oh really yeah oh well then fuck that's the issue i did not record but if she is to be believed then like she did work on the song and they did throw them out yeah and she was like no an obvious waste of money that's raw money in the toilet in the toilet in the toilet exactly so yeah how much have you spent three million dollars how much of that is actually getting into the game zero what like like you can tell from ground zero's like how incredibly expensive this project has been because like when you like you can measure a game's budget by its level of detail
Starting point is 02:01:12 yes that like said almost consistently i believe if there were any game in the entire industry where i would have thought that would happen it'd be this is this is the only yeah absolutely no without a doubt and i wouldn't want it to be any other way with the only contender being mmo's that don't come out yeah sure like uh what was it for kernicus for kernicus or hammer 40k uh i got i forgot the subtitle because those things are the full order of magnitude above this no make more assets dude on the flip side however we've got the confirmation yeah that kojima and del Toro are still working together just not on silent hills so they're still as buddy buddy as ever there's that awesome picture i retweeted i saw where him and kojima are smiling in giomro's
Starting point is 02:02:01 creepy ass mansion yeah all right just bullshitting the background you guys need to go down and talk to jesper burn and y'all need to make quiet mountain three i'd rather than everyone keeps suggesting fake silent hill names i think that's the worst like why would you ever use a face i think that's a terrible so i don't know what it's terrible you know what i don't come up with a way better i don't mind i don't have an answer for you but well i what i will say is go ask sakaguchi that question yeah but it's i but because him for him it's like he's like almost obsessed with his creation there but for these guys it's like they're geniuses that could come up with a million other things but at the end of the day i want him to go elsewhere or game together that's probably
Starting point is 02:02:45 the common ground that's like more so than kojima that's what geomro has been denied over and over again you know you know why i want that as dumb as it is because i want the spiritual successerness to be obvious just not quiet mountain that's a dumb no don't worry you're still gonna get a game that makes you shit your pants yeah is this the work of an enemy stand all along uh so that's be near that well that's really cool i hope so i really hope so i gotta see like a really early it's a fucking yeager i think i told i think i told matt this like i got to see a really like early early in office uh video for insane and like it was just like snippets of like concept footage not even game like not even in engine stuff and like it's twisted shit like still spooky
Starting point is 02:03:33 like you'd expect from gil me kill or mo still spooky from gilly or mo uh speaking of gilly or mo i guess of which sneak peeks we got a little look at the new xbox one experience i guess what they'd be calling the nxoe right avatars are back no just say the dash uh well they are they are i that they're now reorganizing things in a way that says it's going to be simpler but visually looks more confusing to me great i didn't understand it's a ui made assuming you don't have a connect i assume i assume i couldn't tell oh wow it was the video was really hard to parse but there's one part that you could take away uh the voice recognition thing is now just cortana okay that works what makes it and it's and she talks to you that makes it so that's there we're
Starting point is 02:04:28 talking school they're pushing cortana in there uh and they're like mobile in windows 10 as well yeah leverage that good halo shit yeah no the the the entire microsoft like siri equivalent it's just cortana which is great but will she go rampant yeah yeah can you get sassy responses rampancy um cool concept like i remember siri interrupted a conversation it's it's sorry it's that fucking pit boy shit no i mean the concept of rampancy oh it's a halo universe thing it's that ai's have to be terminated after a certain time because they're the the tech that they use to make them intelligent eventually makes them go super nuts no matter what yeah i remember siri interrupted a conversation a couple of times one night i was just talking to my fiance we're
Starting point is 02:05:13 watching stuff she got so frustrated hey attention siri eat a bunch of dicks and then siri said places in which to eat and brought it up and we're like thanks that's some snide shit from a robot right siri's great it's the worst thing i've ever seen she can tell you a bedtime story if you ask i want the i want the robot ladies in our phones to become super mean isn't it you have to annunciate that's what i want don't speak like a caveman i want to go down a slider in my in my lady voice thing in my in my phone and put it to sundary mode and sun sun mode that's right and have the fucking thing just just call me like an idiot i want to and just like hey can you where's the nearest restaurant and give me that fucking orio's tweet well i want to set i want to set mine to be
Starting point is 02:06:08 in it are you any closer on walking the japanese voice pack or titanfall because can you invite me over when you do i'll let you know i'll let you know uh though um i guess i don't know if if people are still paying attention i hope they are but splatoon's big update is coming on august 5th loads of the one with uh private matches and like all that was not in the game weird all the stuff that we wanted raising the level cap to 50 they're raising the level cap there i think there's two new weapons type two new weapon types so there's multiple types of those weapons classes of those the new mode the new mode is rainmaker mode uh one of the weapon types is just a bucket of paint yeah and it was a gallon you just splash the bucket of paint that should have been the first
Starting point is 02:06:55 way the most basic form just loose all over is this costing anything it must the first squid like german was just had a bucket of paint that all that's a free update all that's coming all that's i thought like there'd be free stuff after a little thing no i forgot the word but um i think it's the game that you buy and then it just honestly just keeps honestly when you look at splatoon like it was not a super high high high crazy budget game like there's not a ton of it's shipped with a ton of content well splatoon's doing the exact same thing that witcher's doing is like hey we made this stuff and maybe it wasn't finished but it's all gonna be released free yeah limited but fun relatively though it is a lot is a much cheaper game to make than witcher
Starting point is 02:07:39 obviously just like looking at what splatoon shipped with it's like yeah i didn't break the bank on the top so they could make it go down just witcher's free was made in poland yeah those aren't real sorry those aren't real dollars oh polish dollars no no like that um yeah so i'm very glad they're doing that's right around the corner uh there's a new there's also an announcement for uh submerged by uppercut games it's pretty good name i read the title uh very little to be said because the trailer doesn't give you a ton of information sailing but it's gorgeous it's made by members of the bioshock oh is it two girls right well it's a little bit well it's the girl and her little brother oh it's a little boy oh yeah um yeah it was announced a little bit ago it's cool so is sailing
Starting point is 02:08:24 a part of it because in the trailer she gets off the boat and then i read a preview that sailing is a part of it okay i don't think it's the only part of it uh the only and the only other piece of it what we have is that there's no combat so it seems awesome good some kind of puzzle adventure wait till she picks up a gun fucking tries to fire it no bullets uh oh that'd be a good moment and you have to throw guns at people um bioshock team you know i guess i guess the question is like how far can you obfuscate like not to be like facetious but the quote-unquote walking simulator genre how far can you obfuscate it like and still keep it really engaging all i know is that i didn't want to buy a shotgun a lot you can do it a lot there's so much to be explored yeah journey
Starting point is 02:09:08 exists no exactly there's a lot you can do you can take any game and remove the guns from it and that's a different take on it yeah so there's a lot of ground that's an alternate reality where watchdogs has no guns in it is the one where we're all excited anyway yeah or there was the one where we're all excited yeah like fuck man that was a cool reality is that one second it existed i think it's coming on ps4 i sent you the story but i didn't see if there was like a date associated with it stop reminding me of that like 30 seconds that we thought watchdogs was gonna not have guns will we fuck you no but he had a point up until like ps4 xbox one and pc but that no but that's still pisses me off it's out next week yeah cool that it was actually announced a while ago yeah yeah
Starting point is 02:09:53 that fucking like demo that we watched that still makes me salt a shit that like when he pulls the gun out in that fucking demo it's it's fucking frustrating and stop reminding me of it it's horrible it's a damn good point and it keeps and that one once we saw that i feel like we started to see it more because it's the most it's the fucking epicenter example in recent times that we have of like this concept look at this concept right down the shitter immediately on the platter for like the steam is still on the platter and then you just tilt your hand it's not right down the shitter but you sat on the toilet and then like it takes a little bit more to go okay then and then when the car explodes that yeah grunt that just floods your toilet like there's still a game in
Starting point is 02:10:42 there but it's not the one you want oh because again gun should be in mirror's edge too but they're always empty or you throw the guns literally thank god those assholes at dice didn't get their way yeah the fucking half of the team that was like no we need to focus on the combat i thought you meant all dice go work on battlefront losers you already are holy shit sorry uh here's a fucking hilarious one actually china ends its band on video game consoles yeah and now consoles have to try and fight this uphill battle against the super cheap ex solutions that they've made up in the last 20 years how how do consoles now rejoin that environment how do you how do you actually develop an economy how do you inform the
Starting point is 02:11:28 republic of china that these are the real consoles well that they look like they might be fake ones as well there is a definite answer to that like i don't know if this band just ended but somebody's been selling uh the ps4 and vda for almost a full year there now um microsoft microsoft also gave it they started last year as well so what it was was the band initially ended in a certain one select area right and then now also there was a house country wide but initially it was there was one so my knowledge the answer to how that was called the fund zone i believe the decriminalized fund zone the answer i think to how you beat the gray market is what sony's doing right now which is that they're internally funding uh traditional chinese translations of games okay and they're
Starting point is 02:12:11 putting them out okay it's really like a real region yeah exactly so like uh uh tokyo den was one of them uh i'm struggling to remember off my head but tons of tons of games that aren't even sony games that sony is funding to do it like uh phantom pain is one of them it's a it's a really it's a it's the same thing that's happening in brazil where it's a huge huge new potential market and everyone wants that market but the gray market but imagine if the people that are growing up now that are used to games being 99 cents on the iphone imagine 20 years of that in a country where like games are nothing because the the ban on games didn't mean that games didn't exist it meant that they just had dirt cheap ghetto solutions there is a god they don't believe in
Starting point is 02:13:00 coming to their country but it is better for them and that is what i feel that they will learn and you think they're gonna spend something in the whatever like i think they should you think they're gonna add a digit to the amount they're willing to spend i think i think you're missing the like i think you're looking at it from the wrong direction because the other direction is they'll sell a couple million units of hardware that would not have been sold at all at all at all at all you know what i mean like it's a net gain it's a net gain having that market even if it's small it's somewhere to start and and it'll grow over the years and also remember china's middle class is growing there's more people with more disposable income it's gonna be you know it'll be always gonna
Starting point is 02:13:37 be shit and it will look in north america there's kids growing up right now with iphones they're ruined they are ruined those kids i'm just i'm just like i just feel that like the the industry there i don't want to say irreparably damaged but i want to say that you can't approach it with traditional market strategy it because of the solutions they've come up with no i hear you and they've already been doing that with like you know when there's all those online games and things like king of fighters online just weird little chinese versions of things that you know you approach the market words in a way where it's like okay you don't have to pay anything up front no i know what i mean yeah i think the most interesting thing is that now the china is
Starting point is 02:14:15 going to get like quote unquote real video games like are they gonna not get their fucking crazy mashed together bullshit video games like all duty online because that's not gonna stop that shit's not on yeah it's awesome it's awesome 20 years but like the very fact that there was a great market at all demonstrates a demand and now that they can actually do proper marketing and have chinese like localizations of games like that demands only it's not gonna happen i want the xbox to become super huge they're never gonna they're never gonna quote unquote win but if if you're measuring on a metrics of hey this if this gets big enough maybe one day we'll see a straight up chinese fossil that'd be cool that'd be really cool maybe maybe not and we have to
Starting point is 02:14:56 build it for them yeah that's right and it'll have nothing but clones of mario and banjo it fucking gears dong don't never die it's a launch game i wish dong don't never die would come out in the west like officially on consoles yes absolutely absolutely totally great and and capcom and smk and all those guys that have had their music just stolen just give it the pass just fuck it because it's dong don't never die dong don't never die i'll start in 94 kept on going in 95 the never die is supposed to mean forever yeah that's right so uh this one is fucking this is a weird ass retcon for me because once again it's another like glass shatter moment uh so we've been to a lot of cons and trade shows where we've seen booths for galaxy that's
Starting point is 02:15:50 right yeah and galaxy is this schmup that has you never played or paid attention no i i took my pay attention to it fucking amazing it's very cool it's a macros like themed yeah straight up this is an old anime schmup and play it and it's got the character designs so and the cool like shouting out in japanese things and the logo and it's all there it's all there um fun stuff and i was like yeah all right you're doing it that's how you do a cool schmup uh it's about to come out uh early august uh next month and they somehow somehow have kept under wraps the entire other mode of this game which is your ship turning into a mecca and your controls completely change to mecca controls where you've got a shield a sword a grapple arm that pulls in things so you can melee them and you
Starting point is 02:16:40 look like an off brand gundam you look like a gundam type of suit and it's fucking it's got skulls on the shoulder pads so it's growing the gun and it's cool as shit and i'm just like how did nobody leak this this is very easy answer for you they're 12 like they're like 10 people but this is leaked it and you look around the office and they're all friends there right but this has been doing the cons circuit for you know what this is will it this is the real life equivalent of rocky versus apollo creed where rocky switches back to southpaw in the last round yeah yeah that's what you just got me in on fucking you've already been fighting this fight for 10 rounds 11 rounds and all of a sudden oh oh no i can't deal whoa whoa yeah so like that that fucking grabbed me by the balls
Starting point is 02:17:28 because i'm like a similar thing would be we it's just announced that default dan is a hardcore character action being mixed with souls didn't know about the equipping weapons to your no the ultimate the ultimate serve on this considering its macros element would be that it is also a rhythm game yeah yeah that's you right uh i guess i guess i guess you know we always wonder why default dan is at every fucking con but clearly it's working because we're talking about it yeah we wouldn't be talking about it if we wouldn't be the most bland ass platformer i have ever seen we're disappointed we're disappointed when it doesn't show up i i miss it i never want it to come out i want default dan at every con i go to
Starting point is 02:18:18 forever uh i wish we could like catalog it like the first time we seen it versus the last time there's a good 10-year gap yeah exactly liam did you check out that little trailer for uh cyber danganronpa vr yeah absolutely that's interesting cool tech demo cool tech demo yeah like like that's something that could work for phoenix ride as well like any type of like courtroom type of games make them cyber vr where you've got a point a big thing of vr was always like a great use of it is where the players static and like they're experiencing looking around it makes perfect sense to put it in there in a courtroom type scenario and like spike just soft has like a big stake in sony's success inspired by uh summer lesson they said yeah a lot of people
Starting point is 02:18:59 though seem to think like that it means that the next game is coming or that this is a game this is a tech demo so we'll see but like codaka the guy who does danganronpa is in fucking love with the vita so i doubt it for the next one anyway also uh last week they announced this but uh we just getting around to it the killer instinct collectible figures finally i thought we didn't know we did talk about this we actually didn't we did you want to not talk about them because they're awesome i thought i saw where i did it not on the podcast they're your amiibo you said they're my amiibos i will collect every single one they look so awesome so what you didn't tell me at the time was that they come with these cool sets i did tell you that i didn't pay attention
Starting point is 02:19:40 because i was thinking he told you about the high theme you were yeah you have accessories a little diorama setups around them and including including spinals giant hand fuck the big x bone you know as it were coming out of the ground and like some cool shit uh where's my thunder where's my they're they're all they're coming is in the first part of the line i'm gonna get all the warriors where's my people i you should have a little button that makes them go poop on people i like see but i'm no one knows what this joke is someone made a cool except that one guy that made the image i saw it i saw it and i downloaded that um wallpaper i like the button but my mind is going back to the ninja turtles where you have to feed a strip into the back so
Starting point is 02:20:24 you pull the string people i don't want it to be a button i just want it to happen every like hour no it's a sensor when you're close when you walk by it it just does its own thing exactly yeah i know those are super cool and i'm really glad they're like they can make that for killer angst and you leave it at that don't make any other merch i'm good there's a one in a thousand chance that it goes ah yes yeah exactly that's what i want fucking random thunder just going nuts on my desk uh speaking of going nuts how about that confirmed confirmed date for p4 dancing all night it's happening and they the date was september in the first place and now we have an exact date it's 20 29th yeah so the last possible date well there's actually a 30th what this is the
Starting point is 02:21:10 no but you know what it's the last possible to i've uh been recently informed that there is no date that is september 31st but no you know what i'm gonna give you that one because it is the last Tuesday of so yeah take that one for sure okay i'm glad i can't wait that games it's out it's great apparently so can't wait to play it that last but not that was telling me you looked at the last i looked at the last boss and it's fucking awesome nintendo was up to some shit yeah i know they patented a sleep monitor with a ceiling projector as a part of their quality of life initiative yeah it's gonna be the nx xx plan whatever it's gonna be their sleep porn machine it's not maybe the main thing the main reason why they saw this is a profitable idea is because
Starting point is 02:21:53 it doesn't touch the nintendo girls and apparently every other sleep monitor did and this is something i want to want to push if i can wake up or dream and i'll look up with my ceiling and rosalina's there i'm good see sleep porn so it's worn and it's gotta be mario kart eight rosalina two we're in the we're in the suit we're in the suit she's got that hair swoop does she have eight i thought it was just in seven maybe i'm crazy double dash on that i'm not seven the v one let's jump out of that car and jump in the back car going back that's really like it's all there it's all there hit the gas on two don't engage them all right and we've got the nintendo uh luigi mansion arcade
Starting point is 02:22:43 luigi's mansion arcade game what a good idea for an arcade game what a genius idea that no one knew it's made by next level right that's fun really yeah and yeah entering the small canal of western made arcade games for only for japan this is so baffling yeah but so good yeah because it's like i can totally see how it could be like absolutely absolutely so easy yeah yeah they now sit a while ago but it's pretty it's pretty cool for sure arcades continue to exist away from us even if it's rudimentary and you're going through the haunted house with your fucking uh like actual vacuum controller with your sock blower sucking and everything the opposite of a shooter the autosuck yeah it's the first person it's not
Starting point is 02:23:26 that game sure is gonna suck uh speaking of uh nintendo arcade did you see that davin buster's like nobody knows if it's official nintendo yet but davin buster's plans to have poke and cabs i did see that uh so and nobody knows if it's woolly clicks on his ticket to new york because it's a vacuum they're running a tournament apparently yeah exactly so some cabinets are gonna make their way over english or not it's happening i'd have to imagine david buster's new york city would get it if it's a major yeah city so let's take some letters yo it's a lot of times a lot of time you want to send some letters send the super best friendcast to what was that that's super best friendcast to at if you think my vacuum joke was awesome please let
Starting point is 02:24:12 me know okay you're you are a first person sucker yeah that's there's a lot of letters there that's the question do you think lian's vacuum joke was way better than mine let us know mike says there's a bat suit i must preface this by saying i love me some dm devil may cry yeah good one uh i always since the first one came out i love that shit so much used to agonize over which way the dragon head on allister was facing when dante used it yo okay all right kept trying to keep it straight on my head for the dream match fantasizing uh so that being said i picked up dmc four special edition it felt something felt off i enjoyed the original release and the gameplay style remained consistent with what i remembered but something didn't feel right then it came to me uh there was no sick
Starting point is 02:24:56 bao dodge no witch time i knew the game didn't have this going in but i expected it all the same bayonet is very existent somehow diminished the dmc experience for me no i eventually adapted and fell back into the old rhythm but it took some time to get over that hump with the context of the dump ruining out of the way here's my question have you ever played a game that's introduced a mechanic so game-changing that it diminished or ruined previous generations i'm glad he said that because i mentioned it earlier exactly and like whenever anyone asks about a character what was the first one i should play i always say bayonet up because it's the easiest one by far uh probably the biggest one for me is that i fucking adore those reasonable games those
Starting point is 02:25:34 classic ones and most people don't know this this kind of thing they all have very very specific control refinements that make huge huge fucking changes to have those games work in their playability in re1 and re2 you don't have the 180 spin it sucks it absolutely sucks that you don't have the 180 spin um in re3 it's the first time you can run upstairs without hitting a button he's right like uh in in code Veronica there there's uh the knife stuff that made it hard to go back to the games in which the knife shit was not an option like yeah it happens all the time it happens all the time that it's it's never the big changes it's never the big features it's a little it's always the little little like quality of life things to the controls that get me whatever
Starting point is 02:26:23 but it's always a little bother and never like fuck this turn it off yeah absolutely whatever the first rhythm game was that put in a restart song function yeah like but yeah it does take some time to acclimate and like devil my cry has no defensive options other than like table hopper yeah uh playing royal guard playing stuff on mystery box and other stuff when we when we play it uh playing anything from the anything from the n64 playstation era like oh this doesn't have z targeting so this is basically not very good um i uh i don't know which game did it but there was a there was a very sorry i know and it said anything and they all that leaves all like i guess that was a bad point there was a point and it was mainly on the ps2 that i can think about it and but it's ps2 and
Starting point is 02:27:05 prior and it was where people figured out camera controls because at one point at one point at one point it was like kind of tank controls with the left stick but the camera was pretty generous and then the right stick would just rotate it like it resonated before you know what i mean or games where the camera is fighting you and it goes back to default but you're not well that's what i'm saying it rotates like an re4 when you let go it goes back yeah and you just use the left stick for actually almost anything almost any third person shooter released the year before re4 came out where no one still knew how to do it like the most optimally we weren't played a terminator redemption and it was just it's like it this is just not good compared to re4 and then after that
Starting point is 02:27:47 when people figured out how to actually use the camera i don't mean resonate before i mean it's more like drake and garden shit where the camera doesn't work nice because you're always i just went the over the shoulder third person shooter when i'm playing that changed that one for sure i'm playing a fighting game and i hit start and there's no commandless button that's so yeah that absolutely that being said i do remember when you guys were telling me like you've played gears and some other games let our post re4 going back to re4 is going to be tough for you and i didn't find i think it's not tough for me but it's tough for people that like don't play those games as often yeah i was okay because like for me the reason i don't have that trouble with re4 is because
Starting point is 02:28:23 re4 is just moving the camera behind the back of a regular re4 a regular as evil character it still plays identical to like re1 through code veronica it's just they move the camera yeah so victor wants to know he's about to my name is victor and i got a question i was watching character trailers for sf5 and the 60 fps version made me cringe so hard to turn it back down to 30 i think you're misusing the word cringe sir uh the same thing happened to me in tech in seven trailers in both cases the gameplay was fine but the cutscenes freaked me out i didn't pay in mind at first but then i remember the three three hour cringe fest that was the hobbit battle of the five armies maybe i'm just too used to movies at 24 and 30 frames per
Starting point is 02:29:04 second but it barely felt any impact from any of the scenes what do you think you see 60 fps be too much or are we just not doing it right yet no what he's describing is something in a i've actually felt it's a real thing where i will watch sf5 footage on youtube and think that there's something wrong with my player so yeah i'm so used to watching youtube videos at 30 that when i see gameplay in in 60 i actually go like i actually go like oh weird doesn't affect you that much when you're actually in front of the game like no it never affects me at all once you really get into it for a long time it's normal james kevin said this that he's super right it's that like the problem is with us all right it's our fault for because we're accustomed to that and it's
Starting point is 02:29:43 like 60 fps it's not cringier weird it's way better at superior but it's just our adaptation to it is going to take some time yeah but it can make you cringe for sure if you're not like yeah well the hobbit moving too fast i remember it was like i couldn't stand it i couldn't stand how the hobbit looks but it's like it totally is going to it's going to be on us because kids born today for example that like are used to nothing but 60 fps throughout their lives well they're not they're used to 22 around there and it hovers and it goes up and down but it never even stays at 30 really no but what i'm saying iphone games run like shit is what he's saying most games are run at 60 okay okay no but i'm saying anyone who's born good for this world anyone who's born in a scenario where they're
Starting point is 02:30:28 they're used to their like an imagine entertainment yeah in the future where most things they see are going to be at 60 yeah uh then going back to look at those things or they're going to feel double weird about seeing old shit running slow the n64 is a good example octane of time runs at like 14 frames per second sometimes sure it's like it's like fucking shit it's like games actually do run a lot better now and on the whole uh and like you look at some old old pc games like running at eight frames per second you're like how sickward how this is this true though this this issue is why there are games that lock their cutscenes at 30 even if the game plays at 60 because playing the game and having user input the frame rate thing goes away for anyone that is weird about it but
Starting point is 02:31:13 watching static or you know pre-rendered imagery a lot of people find it very bizarre to watch that stuff at 60 frames second it reminds me like dragging agent positions the last one i remember there was very prominent about this in which the cutscenes would stutter it was so fucked up the game ran at 60 the cutscenes ran at 30 but the animations they had pre they had raved to those cutscenes for were stuttering along at like 22 and those cutscenes look like shit because of it well it's it's a documented thing right where at low frame rates your brain like tries harder to fill in the gaps right and like it's a real thing like just because something's running at 30 doesn't mean it's bad like for film 24 it's good because guess what like
Starting point is 02:31:57 that's how well film isn't science film is more or less unique because like the film technology of a shutter interacts differently with motion blur between those frames that a digital picture i would venture even in cg movies yeah they're still a film when you're with it but they're not shawarma like i know but i'm talking about like the physical like dynamics of the project light passing through the projector onto a screen the frame like the whole frame idea like the one is an actual literal frame like the shutter thing makes motion blur on a on a film screen look different than how it would look on a television it's always been weird how like higher frame prior to 60 frames per second higher frame rate would make it make something feel cheaper
Starting point is 02:32:39 because it was like looked like it looked like it looked like a mexican soap opera looked like a camcorder exactly and and i i await anxiously like the day when we are all accustomed to it and we you know are no longer feeling like 60 because it is better 60 frames a second isn't even the the fucking high watermark for crazies anymore now it's either 120 or 144 or if you're aiming at 60 now the new thing is frame timing and frame timing is actually more important than frame rate and you recognize that in games in which like it's running at 60 like you know well you say you're running like a shadow play and you can see that it's 59 and 60 all the time and you're still seeing microstudders what the fuck is that that's it's technically running at 60
Starting point is 02:33:28 frames a second but 50 of those were at the beginning of the second and 10 were at the end and you see like that's why bloodworn despite running almost lock 30 doesn't look like it runs at lock 30 because its frame time is like yes it's not even across the whole second and that's become a way better metric of frame rate analysis well only for crazies only for crazies like like the zero zero zero like digital foundry and uh like the best example was when digital foundry did that thing about the frame timing of mario kart uh eight dude like and mario kart eight has one frame off in its frame timing per second and you can see it the the only reason anyone's even talking about it is because the digital foundry honestly like uh well there were some pc sites
Starting point is 02:34:16 that that sure but like we're doing it for those games too yeah but like with mario kart i can see it every moment that i play that game i can see that that frame timing issue and you know i can ignore it because it's very minor some people can't because they're they're they're insane they're insane those people i wish i could go back to not saying people who say like 30 frames per second games are unplayable blow my mind yeah like yeah that's just crazy that's that's crazy talk that is insane uh we got an update uh from hui on the punisher mayor hagar of davile city yeah i've been going through the friendcast archive i always download the latest um the latest listen to my listen to it down um because i was yeah sorry that was a weird bracket i've been going through
Starting point is 02:34:58 the archives and on episode 70 uh letter time you mentioned the mayor dorte of davile city yeah a small update on him apparently he's going to be a presidential candidate for the 2016 philipina election elections so now we might get a punisher president yeah keep up the good work i was saying him that's all that's that now i'm losing my mind i love it sing him tell me it's cool uh welcome to philippines welcome to philipine singham yeah uh giganto chicano i love you we've got a word from riley who says um royally the zybatzu uh become the x-men matt gets gambit's powers pat gets magneto's powers will he gets iceman's powers and liam gets scarlet witch's power wait a second three of you like i got magnetos which is cool all three of you got the same power
Starting point is 02:35:56 i wanted jubilee and like all of you if you learned it hard enough can become god beings now everyone has these powers what would you do with it i didn't give anyone storms power because then you guys would just concentrate the humidity on someone's butt and give them perpetual swamp ass i think my biggest problem in life is having to move to pick up stuff so i would never move to pick up stuff i can't think of any useful way in which to use gambit's powers uh gambit's powers can do anything if he tries hard enough because you can apply it to anything it's energy manipulation he could do anything i've never seen him do anything but other than blow stuff up so iceman think of all the cool party tricks yeah that's the thing like it was like that i feel like this question
Starting point is 02:36:36 was not thought out enough yeah because like the new guys's three powers are literally the ability to do any so the the iceman turns out it turns out that he's an s-class mutant because when Emma frost took over his body uh she basically started doing she destroyed the defeated the entire x-men on her arm yeah and they're like what the fuck happened and it's like oh well turns out bobby has a mental block and he's kind of an idiot and doesn't realize that the power to freeze things is actually the ability to remove or add energy it's the heat from anything so like you can fucking go nuts with that you're gonna kill anyone anytime you want just freeze all the liquid in your body what happened like she she she dissolved herself into the river and then ran away and then reformed her entire body
Starting point is 02:37:16 she became gas like she froze all the liquid in someone's body do anything you're fucking you're just you just control it exactly so what do you do with iceman's powers and scarlet witch's powers are magic she's magic i do whatever i want she can do whatever it's gonna be so much easier i make the area around your balls really cold so that every time you whip your junk out you get embarrassed by it yeah get perpetual shrinking yeah i guess my only other power is to shove my my brother-in-law bobby and tell him to shut up well but gambit has a similar thing with kinetic cards as iceman or he's adding energy to anything yeah but what's the opposite of charging a thing with energy not charging it with energy yes food and stuff i guess but i can cook food by myself like you got
Starting point is 02:38:00 robotic eyes like energy manipulation you get impressed your girlfriend i can press my girlfriend i can charge my body with energy i've been given magnetus powers so they're a little which would win if woolly was trying to freeze it and you were just pumping more energy into the day uh we'd all win we'd all win uh so because my powers are slightly more limited and i have magnetism powers um aside from like robbing banks and committing crimes all the time destroying your tv uh yeah that'd be rough it's dude you'll do it day one then i would just steal my new tv uh besides all you destroy it with your magnet powers because yeah i would learn again i would go through enough tvs until i learn how to control um the what i would do is uh i would
Starting point is 02:38:47 hopefully try and keep this secret and i would use my powers to fuck with people suddenly i would go to evo and bet on evo and just sabotage everyone's fucking sticks that was supposed to lose like every every okay here's here's to save people time if you give me any fictional power or time travel ability the first thing i will do is use it to cheat to earn money the very first thing that's your whole mo in life you're all mo i don't have superpowers but you're working on it as long as you have scripts you can cheat it anyway with a great power comes sick good comes cool as shit you have to find that and send that clip to me that sounds like the best shit ever yeah that's hard to find it's out there though Eric Andre what are you doing out here what you're
Starting point is 02:39:40 doing out here cool as shit that's what you do it let me help you so we got one we got one from and god uh who is from the country that brought singham into the world yeah basically well the the gist of it is that he just let it he's let he's why do you write such a shitty movie he's screaming at me but he's letting me know that um and now that episodes 101 and 102 are out episodes 001 and 002 of the friendcast have disappeared from itunes uh from the listing because it only lists the 100 most recent and i remember that this is not it's not a bug or anything this is the way it works okay if you go to the itunes live app it has only 20 and if you do it from the website you only see a hundred because i remember with joe rogan's podcast you couldn't
Starting point is 02:40:21 go back into wow okay so for anyone that's trying to go track back the first episodes of the show now that we're going into the triple digits just go to our website it's there that's unfortunately i don't know about that on something yep right no problem they're not gone that's the important thing i guess to answer this question the podcast are they gone from itunes no they're just not in the list right there you have to search for them you have to search okay so you can still get them on itunes yes but if you i bet i bet the rssv you could also go far enough go back on yeah uh we got one thank you that's a really nice heads up i never knew that richard hawk fuck off that's not real that's not real you need to play like a hawk sound effect right there uh with an or
Starting point is 02:41:04 move okay i we're not going to say it but look at his email address right here okay well that's definitely oh that's a good yeah that's amazing that's uh that's pretty good uh that's pretty good richard can viewers submit games don't hit please don't admit i didn't i hit near little wood thing all right that's fine uh can viewers submit games to the mystery box you know what fuck it why not if you send them a shoebox game and i'll take it yeah but like that's why we always need to complete the list of stuff that we have because we we only send us doubles we own like multiple like thousands like lots of weird shit lots of nice viewers that man do you want this and then go like i bought it here percent of the time i go i i already have that i'm sorry they're like oh i'm like but we like to
Starting point is 02:41:48 play it one day and it's just like we have to complete the list before and as far as we know there's little left in the americas that we don't know of as far as we know i mean i not own it but we're slowly getting there a brazil big butts game though jim wants to know we're not playing ultimax jim wants to know who's the best monster girl leon hell on bomb cart i don't know i can't keep doing that joke uh i don't even know what monster girl that's supposed to be hell on a bomb car no but like she's her own category she's her own okay i was like is she the horse girl well she looks a little like a horse but not quite yeah not quite just a little more british the hair comes alive uh good question who's the best monster girl ever that's a good question like
Starting point is 02:42:29 there's a lot of like there's depth to that question it excites you when they show up on screen yeah all of like they're all great in their own way um no but that's not my answer play it's hard to it's hard to just genuinely pick uh fuck what gets you going i'm just thinking about that way it's it's snakes or spiders i i like i really like uh it's kind of leads from fire emblem path of radiance if you remember her who's she she's the the the girl the legu's girl give me a monster girl type here yeah she goes into a cat there you go that's not aria anaria from escafone nailed it that's not bad that's not bad that's not the same what's your favorite monster girl foodie show oh yeah i think i think i nailed it
Starting point is 02:43:15 the stalk i'm from saga oh yeah you love her like yeah but it's the stampede like he destroyed half of town i don't know if i really have to like pick one it's fucking hard oska oska lang the answer is it's fucking hard oska lang we got him is the worst monster like they're all better than real girls oh andrea from reboot because she's a weird gross because she's a fish thing because with with monster girls the monster's on the outside this there is depth to this i am i'm waiting for you to figure out the the link to 3d pig girl here yeah 3d yeah fuck pig girl disgusting are we are we good 3d disgusting or whatever i think we're good
Starting point is 02:44:08 hey christ wants to know what's the hardest video you've ever edited i think nia's the best one what is the hardest video you've ever edited that anarchy reigns uh yeah all of fighter pedia especially the cross-tech end trailer uh for me was uh it was the first like 12 parts of heavy rain when we had that bug in our recording setup because we didn't know back then which every fucking black screen would push the audio forward a little bit so i had to manually resync all the game dialogue with every single scene every single minute and it took fucking forever i had the exact same thing with two hour recording session of aria of sorrow yeah you use the same exact like the pace that i'm going between screens in that game made it infuriating it was infuriating because like every other second
Starting point is 02:44:54 i had to back it up back it up back it up back it up and so if you look i get sloppy in one of them and like it gets off a little bit but like it's oh my god fighter pedia goes double down as well because i it was edited on a potato uh and recorded on an eye zero so yeah anytime a mistake was found it took a day to render out the fix it's hard you had another point i was gonna say uh the anarchy reins was taken so long that i just had to put out a trailer on the channel same promising it'll be out on this date because with me if you don't give me a date in which to finish i can finish later i struggle to finish it but if you give me a day while i'm like why it's got to be like yeah we all work better than deadlines than vague ideas yeah because it's easy to say
Starting point is 02:45:43 like oh no i got this under control uh and one last one uh from jimmy who says uh how's your russles uh dear mr zibatsu if you all did a legitimate cosplay who would you go as individually and what would you do as a group my answers are already set because i already did them okay well thanks for informing us i know i don't know i professor k and uh save yourself are there any short kind of overweight ginger guys with carrots ever in anything in that are not leprechauns in my dream world if i ever got super cut i would do eddy gordo no one's answering me so there's my answer um i've long been thinking about doing like uh punishment war or uh i think we could do our wrestling personas easily that'd be a good cosplay mine's really good so far so we're
Starting point is 02:46:34 working on that i have i have a one that i that i always want to pull off with i was a friend of mine back in the day we wanted to go as wander and i would go as a colossus no worse and i think i think i'd be able to pull it was the question i was reading suda's answer to why lili bergamot was oh what is it you know what you don't get a redo liam that's what you get for not being i was reading it panicked because we're about to end the podcast i have to get this i have to get this phones are now banned read me the question god damn it what would you cosplay individually and what do you think we could cosplay as a group if you want it as a what would i cosplay individually in a dream world if i could cosplay was it in the dream world no i don't think so if
Starting point is 02:47:11 you could do a legitimate cosplay would i do a legitimate cosplay i don't know wonder red i love that's a good way that's good would you go blonde for it not really oh you can get wigs good enough that i wouldn't feel i would cut my hair shorter to make it look better i i i'm i'm fucked there's like i would only want to do a cosplay if i could do it like perfectly like fucking photo perfect like stylize it in anime and i don't look like shit so i'm like i can't do one just do some face hiding shit i was gonna cosplay as fred durst one year but then i was like i want to like i want to go for a lot of cosplay is fucking short loosely eye contacts and get my like tattoo sleeves going okay and then i'd get a mic and then everyone would love me
Starting point is 02:47:52 again but what's coming up on the channel it's coming on the channel is fucking rustle mania starts this uh saturday get ready to get fucking rocked and rustle and rustled and um you have to talk a bit more actually we can't go much into that because we're not sure what we're gonna have this week but star fox is coming at least star fox will continue reasonable farry parts are uploaded and i've got a lot of the club so we have like a we have like a little break in the schedule where we're actually not sure what we can astro boy comes to an explosive end this week as well me and pat recorded a look at a vita game so you'll see oh yeah all right that's a fun watch pat had fun playing it fuck you and he didn't sandbag the video at all i did i sandbag the
Starting point is 02:48:43 shit out of that i gave it a chance i sandbag it and then i give it a chance and then i go back to sandbag again uh yeah uh i think that's what we look forward to the channel lost dimensions out this weekend something's gonna something's gonna replace astro boy yeah for sure uh i got lost dimension yo that's that valkyrie chronicles like gimme grinding esoterics and playing witcher and also the pc port way the samurai 4 came out and that game while locked to 30 frames a second can runs like absurdly well so you can down sample it from like 5k no problem you can get your mega mallet having that had yes eight mega mallets in hd having that game run at a locked 30 instead of a bullshit fuck you looks like shit 30 makes that game way better right away i don't know it's
Starting point is 02:49:33 really weird there's two schools there's four schools of thought and neither of them even know what the question is i played through a little bit of the intro and like that shit's fucking right i'm looking forward to no cons and just a chance to catch up on some stuff and i'm looking forward to sleeping in your own bed that that's gonna be a strong one that's a good one too uh and a coming storm that is not zubas if you get what i mean no i actually don't know what you're talking about neither is that more mystery boxes where math surprises you and knows you know this game you put in your ass no i actually put it there we'll go look at that story about the guy who had a fun with a bunch of eyeballs in his butt did you put them there was it you he put them there i found
Starting point is 02:50:21 the thing i put in my own head these are my buddy tyrone's eyeballs no no i didn't touch him i swear oh no it wasn't me i would never hurt my buddy tyrone's eyeball okay so i was shoving his eyeballs up my ass right no this must be the work of an enemy stand see the cover of prince's new album this is like how which station pal yeah that's fucking how old is that dude i don't know that's ancient that is if i didn't see it it's new to me it's new to fuck you anyway i'm gonna buy godzilla goes to hell number one that's coming out this week and i'll probably lots of fantasia movies to catch up lots of that fatal frame the movie cop car cop car turbo kid turbo kid and attack on titan live action oh yeah you're able to date that guy and he gave you those tickets you gotta find out
Starting point is 02:51:13 no actually no no i got them not knowing i got them because i thought i was buying ant-man tickets and it turned out i because of the stupid website okay fine you click reserve on one movie that you go to the other tab but then it's like no don't worry that's the old comes to me i don't even want to see it that movie looks terrible i want to see this maybe it is i want to see the cg but it looks so bad i know i already i already got told like a really dumb spoiler that's like that is so upsettingly terrible is it the is it the kiss yeah they kiss yeah that's in the trailer by that's that's the worst that's awful it's sick it's just but should have kissed darman i'm not expecting much but i just want i just want to kiss themselves sure i need to bear witness you know i need to know
Starting point is 02:52:00 annie should have kissed that fist i want the opening credits to be a key going into a basement door going in or coming out you just looked at what's in there fuck and he looks at the i want him to get into the basement it's just a ring of people in the sky saying congratulations minotone open it seriously though at this point they're fucked nothing not like there's no way anything in that basement could like fucking live up to the fucking build up well let's wait and see welcome to every anime or manga with an interesting premise but no follows no fucking yeah so every shonen ever except for drag ball every death game ever dragon all of them they're like sword art had the same problem he said they found out the thing the whole fucking thing and i was trying to think
Starting point is 02:52:49 of one and we couldn't barely anything like think of anything that has like a really interesting premise where it's like people are stuck in this situation and if they don't do this thing right they're gonna die well like well dang it wrong but succeeded at that i i'm ish but i have my problems but that's another discussion it's not quite the same stupid shit but i remember when i was watching one piece and i was like 150 episodes in and i asked somebody hey so what's the one piece and they answered me i don't know and i went oh god oh fucking shit there we go yeah it's gonna be a fucking chest that they bust open and it's gonna be like the one piece of the power friendship or fucking war manga get deals to write this shit when they have no way to get blind they just have a
Starting point is 02:53:33 really cool premise the one piece is probably the boat that guts is on yeah it's the one imagine that crossover just happens the one luffy kills guts the one piece of shit like guts can't kill luffy because he's rubber throw him in the water he can't kill guts because he's guts that's right so yeah it's the new Goku versus Superman no but they both have the problems they can't swim for shit yeah so they both just have a drowning contest yeah if you drown first i win guts could kill that square nose giraffe and then oska and not oska fucking what's her fucking name nami and uh kaska have like a nice chat about oranges yeah i don't want this yeah i'm opting out of this one hey oska nice kaska fucking eat this orange blood then guts shits his pants he's like what
Starting point is 02:54:27 must be the work the user must be nearby uh Oh

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