Castle Super Beast - SBFC 122: Hookers with the Brown Sauce

Episode Date: December 8, 2015

Vita is out this week at Vita con, so enter: Plague of Gripes! Eli's here to bring the Best Friends down from their California high, and defecate on the things they enjoy....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by Loot Crate. Would you classify yourself as a geek, gamer, or pop culture nerd? Then this is the subscription box for you. For less than 20 bucks a month, you're getting six to eight items of gamer and pop culture license gear, apparel, collectibles, and all unique swag in one of a kind items in a box delivered straight to your door. Make sure to head on down to slash super and enter the promo code super to save three bucks on your new subscription today. Motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Time to call you out, bitch. There's literally no other fault for yours. So, so, so I see that you had a pretty ingenious gimmick that was going to be to check in every week and tell me whether or not he could make it, usually assuming he could not. Yeah. Since the open invite was was restated. Yeah. You got to decline the open invite every week. Am I correct? Every week plagues like, sorry, I can't, I can't be on your podcast because I'm too busy. Parasailing was his own. I got a couple of good weeks in there, though. I got a couple of good
Starting point is 00:01:22 excuses. Now, now, did the but did the the fucking throwing under the bus happened one too many times in recent videos that you kind of eventually rage exploded and went all right. Well, at least one of those hasn't gone up yet. Oh, that's true. So that's going to look super weird. It never bothered me on under the bus a couple of times in the coming weeks play. I do usually I'm just like, Yeah, yeah, you guys. Do they have buses down in Tennessee plague? No, they don't. They just have horse drawn carriages. That's pretty much it. Yeah. And drunks, drunks pulling other drunks behind them on tires with ropes attached
Starting point is 00:01:59 to them. Nice. That's why I built the wall to keep them out. Yes. Now, you had excellent excellent timing, sir, because Liam could not make it. He was too busy. I believe he's on a plane right now. He's on the plane touching down right now coming back from Vita town. Yeah, that's what I was looking for. They're making fun of him. I know you can still do that. In fact, you can double down a lot easier to make as much fun if he's not there. His blocking is currently people that aren't there or if they're unconscious, he can't defend himself. Go for it. All right. I guess I'll fit in pretty well because most of the time I don't know what the
Starting point is 00:02:32 hell you guys are even talking about anyway. So I just kind of phase out. Don't worry, plague. We have fighting game stuff on the docket. Oh boy. I can't wait to pitch about that. There's one. There's at least three stories that are all fighting game only focus. Oh, thank God. You picked a good week, though, because this is the week where everyone's going to be like hyper analyzing what we say on about Final Fantasy 7. Yes, I look forward to that too. There's a lot of that's the reason why I like I don't even know if they know this or not. I was telling you that my sleep schedule is fucked up, which is one of the many reasons why I
Starting point is 00:03:05 have not been on before. Join the club, buddy. And fortunately, I was smart enough to take a like an hour and a half long nap this time. And sure enough, we'll be recording at seven o'clock Eastern. Here we are, you know, much later than that. Much later than that. Yeah. Again, due to exceptional circumstances, we usually record a lot earlier, but it just works out, you know, in your favor right now as well. Trust me, though, I know what it was like. An episode just went up of Bloodborne, in which I was about to die. I was about to die. I was almost about to hit a migraine and thankfully it backed down with the help of some of Pat's
Starting point is 00:03:40 drugs. I earlier, earlier today, I got confused about what time it was and almost fell asleep in the bathtub like 45 minutes before the podcast. Did you have like scented candles around? No, I was really tired. That's Liam's gimmick. He has scented candles and bubble baths and shit. That takes it back to like episode 30 or something. And like Tiramisu eats it off his own chest. And then he's like, no, it's fine. This Tiramisu worked really hard. You don't know. Yeah. And at the other end of the bathtub is that framed photo of Garrus for Mass Effect. That's a framed photo of Yoshida. He's pretty sexy. Can't blame you
Starting point is 00:04:20 too much. Welcome. No, you can't, sir. Welcome to episode 122 of the Super Best Friend cast. Hey man, Liam's not here. Featuring plague of grapes. I have a question. Oh, yeah. Oh, what's that? What's that Eli? Is there something unique about the number 122? Oh, you fucking bitch. I was so excited because Liam wasn't here. Yes, actually, one might say there is. Interestingly enough, the number 122 is the frequency in Hertz that one must tune into on a radio and well not on a radio but in broadcast in order to hear the frequency which pilots give weather conditions and general. Wow. So if you turn in 122 Hertz, do you hear a bunch of
Starting point is 00:05:09 pilots pitching about the snow? It's a bunch of pilots like telling everybody what's going on. I was telling Woolly since we just, you know, got off a plane. I was like, man, we're waiting for the plane and go, man, do you ever see the box art for air traffic controller on the DS? And Woolly's like, oh, like half a mile. So he was like, no, what is it? It's a picture of a guy putting his hands up going, I don't know. Oh, great. And he's got a headset on and two planes are crashing on the fucking tarmac. I knew it. I knew it. That's what happened. I wasn't paying attention. I love box art that sells the knowledge that the game
Starting point is 00:05:45 doesn't know what it itself is. Saboteur 2 comes to mind. Yeah. Saboteur 2. So this is the part where we go around and we find out what we all been doing with our weeks. And some of us had more interesting weeks than the others. That's accurate. I know you're saying that like it's show and tell. Well, I have something that's really cool. So let's start from most interesting to least interesting. Plague, what did you do this week? The same thing I do every week. I drew pictures, mostly of butts and other things that are attached to women. And that's pretty much the only thing I ever do. That's honest. Spider legs. I like it. Actually, I guess
Starting point is 00:06:30 I'll kind of do a miniature rundown of my, I guess, past half years. And that's more interesting. I drew butts. I finished the Dark Souls Playthrough, finally. Congrats. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yay for me. I finished that garbage. And after we, I did that, I, let's see. I released a Dark Souls thing. I released a Dark Souls thing. I just wanted to know, before you move on from Dark Souls, what possessed you to replay it all the way at the end there? What do you mean? Oh, you mean to backtrack through all the areas? Yeah. Well, I just, I was thinking about splicing up all the prior footage from the rest of the Playthrough because I knew that I wanted to go back over and
Starting point is 00:07:12 talk about all the characters. But I decided I'm way too lazy for that. Yeah. So I need to just go back through the entire game because that's way easier. So that's what I did. Because the whole point of that Playthrough was that it was supposed to be about the characters in the game. Like, there's different kinds of Playthroughs that you can do. If you're a quote-unquote expert on a game, then I guess there's several ways of looking at it. Like, Matt and his, what's the game with Travis Touchdown and I can't remember. No more heroes. Yeah, no more heroes. I never played it. Sorry, Matt. No one played it. No one played it. But there's several ways that you can take any sort of game. You can focus on whatever is important in it. Some people focus on the general
Starting point is 00:08:02 gameplay. Some people focus on story. Me, I decided that I would focus mainly on characterization, you know, coming from the writing background and other nonsense. Right. So just going back through and talking about all what I consider to be the important characters in the game I felt like was the best way to sum up the whole Playthrough. And people said that it was a good Playthrough. Or they claimed that, at least. I respect it. I respect the going back and doing the thing. That's pretty cool. Because people, like, I remember specifically for yours, and it's kind of a bit no more heroes but a little bit different, is that people are like, you literally have so much to say about this that you should have recorded your dialogue over your gameplay.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Yeah. Because you stop so much to talk. And not that that's a bad thing, but it distracts from like the plane. Well, I'm the fucking king of that shit. Yeah, I know you are. Because I can't imagine how many times I clicked on a random video of your Dark Souls thing, and then just have the character walk a little bit and stop for five minutes. Well, you've got to keep it interesting. So if it's a still image, people look away. But if you like move, just like, oh, oh, oh, no. It's a lot easier to upload long parts if there's almost no change in the video. Yes, it makes the formatting much easier. There you go. I had a nice long talk, actually, this weekend with a couple folks about the solo playthrough thing and how having a conversation with the air is so challenging. And
Starting point is 00:09:30 when you're when you're streaming, you're you're you can have a conversation with everybody. You literally have 50 people you can talk to. You can't hear them. They are there, and you can be aware that they exist. Yeah, yeah, it's a very different dynamic that had a bit of a recent experience. A little bit of a recent experience. Yeah, we'll get there. We'll get there. But what else is good to choose, Sarah? Okay, anyways, yeah. Dark Souls playthrough done. I released the dark holes thing, which apparently you still don't understand any of, which is fine. Yeah, you said you sent it to me and only stress that clean man. Yeah, I'm putting a lot of effort into staying clean and so far so good. The thing is, there's actually not that much from that that
Starting point is 00:10:13 would not make much sense to like there's plenty of people that know nothing about it. They're like, Yeah, this is still fine. Because there's only, I guess, like, some of the most of the stuff you should know from two. There's like the first flame, which I guess is never really mentioned into and well, a bunch of dragons talking to each other. I'm like, I don't know. Well, they're not even in the game. There's characters do not steal. Okay. Yeah, something really weird where like Dark Souls lore, like, I know a lot like I've seen a lot of it, and I still never really understand it. Whereas Bloodborne lore is kind of in some ways more vague, but I totally get it. It's also a little simpler. It's a little simpler. Bloodborne lore, let's get into the
Starting point is 00:10:59 and we'll do that later, I guess. That's the noise. That's the noise Eli makes when you say Bloodborne. I don't like that it's faster. I can't do it. Sorry. Anyways, Bloodborne lore is a bit more, it's pretty straightforward with, you know, blood. You know, we fucking love blood. We love putting it into our urethras and eyes, whatever they do. But the whole little, like most of the kind of the deep, deep lore of Bloodborne is going to be centered around what did the church do and when did the church do it and how did the certain dream aspects of the dream come about and, you know, what exactly is cause or cause them and so forth and so on.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Cause or cause them. Some say cause them. No one says cause them anymore, not anymore. But with Dark Souls, it's more, Dark Souls is very kind of literal in the sense that you, it's not like Bloodborne where it's like, ghost, spooky ghost. With Dark Souls, it's just more this happened, this happened, this happened. But most of it is like a, kind of like a, especially it's like to the DLC. A lot of the lore is trapped inside the DLC. Like I consider the most important item description in the entire game to be the pursuer item description, which Pat might know. But it basically- Oh yeah, the spell you get for Manus?
Starting point is 00:12:28 Yeah, I tried it after you trade in his soul to I think the Crows is how you get it. But it basically just says that the- Manus is the pygmy. Well, not that. It says that no, Pat, no. But it says that the nature of the humanities that are roaming around basically is that they are attracted to you, not through maliciousness, but out of either envy or love or so on. And that inherently they are self-destructive. So that kind of summarizes the whole game. Like this is what my last part of my playthrough was all about, just trying to summarize it from that perspective. That the whole game is basically
Starting point is 00:13:11 about the idea of humanity being about self-destruction and it all tracking back to the fact that all the enemies inevitably will go through some sort of tragic end as a result of the fact that they need to exist as people. And that's where the characterization component comes into it. So Dark Souls lore is way more, I don't even know what you want to call it really, it's just kind of- I guess literal is the best, like you said. Yeah, it's just super metaphorical in a way, but still very literal. I was talking to Matt and I felt like the biggest difference between the two is that in Bloodborne the cause of everything is a physical item and that item is blood. And everything gets tied back to this item that exists for real in the world. Whereas
Starting point is 00:13:58 humanity and light and dark and souls are all fucking ethereal metaphysical concepts. And there's also, at least from Dark Souls 2, it's like you had the old king, you had the giants, and there's so many different factions of parties. Well Dark Souls 2 has so many holes in it that it feels like they didn't even write what was in those holes. Yeah, there's no reason to go down the hole that is Dark Souls 2, I guess. But the equivalent, I guess, of the blood in that game is the curse. Sure. And the curse is how much hard- it's not a physical thing. Man, remember when they told us like we'd find out what the curse is and then you don't? Well the funny thing is you already know what the curse is from the one. I know, but they talked in the interviews like
Starting point is 00:14:41 you're gonna find out where the curse came from, you're gonna find out how it works. Yeah, that was confusing when it was being released, it's like we already know that. What are you talking about? Yeah. Which made people worried like, do they not even understand the game that they're making? Well, no. It's possible. But there's a whole sort of bunch of nonsense that you can go down in regards to Dark Souls 1 and how all the souls work, and you know, Nido is the holder of the death soul, and Gwen is the holder of the light soul, and Manus is the holder of the dark soul, although it's fragmented, and the witch is the holder of the light soul, and how exactly the undead curse comes about from the dark soul and how it works in regards to humanity and why it's
Starting point is 00:15:22 being burned and so forth and so on. Oh, that's really one of those things where you kind of just you have to be really into it, or else it's not going to make any sense. It doesn't make any sense even if you are into it. Yeah, that's one of the main criticisms that I would have of the game, actually, is that the way that all the things interact never really made, I mean it makes sense to someone like me, I guess, but the more you kind of think about it's like why did he do that that way. So your preference for Dark Souls over Bloodborne, or rather your hatred, I should say, of Bloodborne, is not just based on gameplay, but it's also based on lore. Yeah, I'm my visceral, unending, bloodsworn hatred for Bloodborne. I don't really care for the way that the story is told
Starting point is 00:16:10 in the sense that Bloodborne is more about when something happened, why something happened, and there's not a huge focus on the characters. It is there. There are very few memorable characters in Bloodborne. But they're like, they're delegated to just their side quests, and they have nothing to do with the plot. No, but like there's a character in Dark Souls, one called Big Head Logan, who has an involved side quest that takes place over the entire game. He's not really involved in the plot, but he has like 10 steps to his side quest. In Bloodborne, the most amount of side quests the character has is the little girl, and she has like three, and they're all the same. Yeah, no, I can't, I'll agree with that. Yeah, the rabbit holes of Bloodborne don't go too deep in
Starting point is 00:16:55 regards to the characters. I will say that the voice acting in Bloodborne is fucking amazing. Like it trumps the other games, I think. The way that they deliver the diamonds. Come on, you're crazy. Scott Pao Thomas is the shit. Yes, he is. I love duping with him. He's a master at duping. He loves it. He fucking loves that shit. But the way that Bloodborne's characters and everything work, they don't really like, like one of my favorite characters in Dark Souls 1 is Sigmyre. Yeah, he's great. And I love Sigmyre because he has this great character of, he considers himself to be this great hero adventurer that goes out looking like he's not
Starting point is 00:17:37 there to save the world or anything. He's just out there for adventure. He's undead. Just want to do some cool ass shit. Yeah, but he never actualizes. Like he doesn't have any, oh, we're doing this again, woolly. Yeah, we are. Here we go. It's fine. It's gonna happen. But he doesn't have any, he doesn't do things. No. Whatever. Well, I'm just wondering. Agency. Agency. He doesn't have any agency. You're looking for the word. But he doesn't have any agency about it. Like he's on the steps. How do I get through the game? Still close. And he just never does anything. And then whenever you get to like Andrew Lando, he's sitting in front of the room trying to think up a plan
Starting point is 00:18:20 of how to get through all the nights. And he doesn't do anything. And that's his character. He keeps thinking of himself as his great hero and you keep rescuing him. And he eventually becomes self-destructive as a result because he can't let go of this idea. And eventually it's the point where either he manages to kill himself trying to rescue you needlessly, or he has delivered a final message from his wife by his daughter, who actually is not undead. And for some reason or another that we never understand, he kind of goes crazy from the result and that triggers like his final final state of a hollowing and he just loses his mind and she has to put him down. And like there's a great great character arc. You know, it doesn't
Starting point is 00:19:09 really it doesn't relate to the world. You know, it's not some big revelation about the nature of the old ones or anything like that. It's just a really grounded simple story about just a simple man with a very relatable problem. Bloodborne is kind of not really about that. It's more about the old ones and how everything like that works. Now, if Bloodborne were to deliver its story in a less straightforward manner, and the only real differences between the two were just gameplay, would that be enough for you to get over yourself? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:47 An awfully unskilled like the first day the game came out, he sent me a video, he's like, check out this stupid bullshit. It was an NPC caught firing at a well. Okay. That's the first ps4 footage I ever captured. Yeah. Just that NPC hunter just firing that gun over and over again for a full minute and a half. Hey, it happens, man. Sometimes you need to fire your gun. As far as gameplay goes, I don't really prefer how spammy Bloodborne can get.
Starting point is 00:20:19 We play it up, oh my, you hatred, I fucking hate this shit. It's not that bad. I went through the game, I don't really find it that difficult outside of maybe some boss fights. The general just roam around gameplay, I never really had any problems with it. Like I was selling Blood Viles because I just, I never really got hit. I just didn't really like how frantic the general gameplay is. It's like I would still play it for that reason. I just don't prefer to. Like I'm not going to drag the ps4. When people, when something comes out that moves relatively slow and deliberate, a lot of people get into it and perfect it. And when further iterations of that happen
Starting point is 00:21:01 and they increase the speed, it always becomes more popular than the original. I'm definitely, I'm talking about Street Fighter, but in just about every other thing, in puzzle games as well, increasing the speed is what sort of becomes the natural evolution of the game. Most people master the slow version of it. There is one, the soul series and Bloodborne by extension is slightly different because we've never played Dark One or Demon Souls. Demon Souls is faster than Dark Souls. And Dark Souls is the one that blew up. You know what's fucking slow? Like Lords of the Fallen. Like I played that for like a few hours. Yeah, that one has a lot of problems with it.
Starting point is 00:21:41 See, they made it too slow, but they didn't actually add anything. Like the whole thing about it being slow, the whole point of making gameplay slow and pretty much like there's different kinds of games, obviously, is usually it makes it more deliberate. Like I was, I asked you, Woolly, because I'd forgotten that you guys had done this. If you had done a fighting video Saturday, whatever it's called, Saturday morning. Yeah, Fist of Coastal Scrub. Yeah, you dumb kids. If you had done a Bushido Blade one, because that's a very, very slow delivery. And you said yes, and I thought, oh, I'll go watch that because that's a really good system. Like it's not realistic, but it's a very good portrayal. Playing Bushido Blade 2
Starting point is 00:22:29 really well, though. It's fast as shit. Yeah. Yeah, that's what I was going to point out. Bushido Blade is, you know, deliberately slow. And you guys are whenever I was watching it, you guys mentioned this game is really, really tense. And it's tense because the fact that it's so slow. And if you make even one fuck up, you have this animation that's going to take forever to complete. And it's going to get you killed in like one second and you know it. Monster Hunter's the same way. I'll take your word for it. Well, it's got slower animations and a lot of animation priority in which you get to see your mistake happen in motion. That's why people kind of compare it to the Souls game. See, at the same time, though, a faster version of Bushido Blade
Starting point is 00:23:11 is Nidhogg. And, you know, besides the fact that there's multiple lives and the overall goal is pushing back and forth. It's really satisfying, though, isn't it? It is, you know. And like, I think that there's a place for both. Well, like what you were saying before about slower games getting faster, like most of the Monster Hunter games have gotten faster over time. And the new one has like fucking action game like Bloodborne looking style like combos. It's the easiest way to raise the ceiling once people have hit the ceiling and are already mastering the game. And for shitty people who are slow, they will get shittier. This one of the problems with the accessibility that fighting games have kind of developed over
Starting point is 00:23:53 time is the people that play them have played them more and more. They want more and more of a ceiling that creates problems for people that are just coming. We can't go back to those good old days where the characters don't move when you hit them. Yeah. And games that have special moves and there's a full list of like three and that was it. Yeah. And I think that like I wouldn't call it a problem, though. I mean, it's just that there should be a problem for someone like me. It's a problem for some. Yes. But that's why I'm saying not familiar. Plague sucks absolute goddamn shit at fighting games. That's that's where he's coming on. So so the thing is, though, is that I let that shit up right from my own ass. Accessibility
Starting point is 00:24:31 is definitely an issue. But I think that like, you know, when you try to make everyone happy, you obviously compromise and make a weaker overall product in a lot of ways. Games like Marvel exist for the fucking nuts. Right. Marvel is for psychos. It's the for the people that just want it as far as it can possibly go without the game. Right. And you know, a few steps below that is anime games. And then you can go and go further and further down the speed chain. But in general, like a lot of people that have been playing the fighters for that long, like that's a genuinely fun, interesting place to go with the skills they've already accrued. And it's like a huge bummer because I remember talking to you, how did Rising Thunder run for
Starting point is 00:25:12 you? Sorry, just before we get off. Yeah, I just wanted to say that, like, therefore, I think, like, there should be different games out there with different levels of, you know, skill and different levels of engagement that work better for people like you, Eli, and work and some that work better for people that want maximum execution. Because, you know, it's people are looking for different things and it's effectively two audiences. Yeah, I just prefer that sort of a like I like Civ games and I like XCOM. I like things that are more about did you do something smart? Oh, here's your reward. Did you not think about something at all? You are fucked in the ass and you're going to suffer. That's what fighting games are, man. Yeah. And that's what
Starting point is 00:25:56 Street Fighter five is going back to slightly. Like it's not an overtly obvious way to people that don't play a ton, but like it's taking a lot of steps. So much easier to play. That's where my interest in fighting games comes from. Deliberate game, but I still think that, yeah, that, you know, as long as you can offer a game that's slow, deliberate and very precise and another game that's like fast, crazy, imprecise and, you know, kind of relies on your your ability to react. Both of those should be the same game. I guess later on we're going to be talking about this too. In regards to Final Fantasy seven, some of the complex little bit. Oh, yeah, that's definitely a whole idea of making gameplay more quote unquote accessible or more appealing to the masses
Starting point is 00:26:42 can cause some other problems potentially, but still be, you know, it's still its own thing. And, you know, there's nothing bad about it intrinsically. So that's where you kind of get bloodborne. And that's where the source of contention can come from regards to that. And sorry. But in regards to fighting, like I actually am really interested in fighting games is just that the the ceiling for fighting game, like there was a divergence at some point with early fighting games, where they kind of began as just side to side, you punch, you know, kick that sort of thing. And the whole concept of like combos and special moves kind of came up accidentally in a way. Three or four games prior to Street Fighter two that really count, right?
Starting point is 00:27:24 Yeah, there's not many of them, I guess. There's a bunch, but I mean, as far as like mechanics go and deliberate like inputs, like, yeah, there's only a few that matter. Double dragon versus mode. Yeah. And I guess in mirror universe, there could have been some other universe where instead of going down the route of being based on input and speed, it kind of went in the other direction and ended up being like so stepped in like needless levels of utility. And like, oh, this guy has a shield and he has this other buff up and all this other like blaze blue. No, he means like Street Fighter four ultra MOBAs. Yeah, he means like MOBAs in fighting games, basically. Yeah. But it could have easily had gone the other way. I go back to your own fucking
Starting point is 00:28:11 mirror universe MOBAs. Yeah, we were just saying before the podcast started that, you know, the biggest shame like we're talking about the biggest shame. And there's a couple of different shames with MOBAs. But the biggest one personally is the fact that fighting games could have had that slot if they didn't if they got their shit together like 15 years ago when people when MOBAs were blowing. We're going to go to a league we're blowing up, you know, it could have been entrenched so hard that no one could ever like fighting games had the potential to be blowing up in like 96 alongside Counter Strike and Starcraft one like eight years before people people that like MOBAs blew up because people were getting their first taste of the direct
Starting point is 00:28:52 comp competitive edge. Yeah, one on one fighting games and MOBAs have a lot in common oddly. They have a lot in common. The word matchup. Yeah, so much in common and exactly. And it's the same one sucks. And it's just fighting games. And it's just the fighting games didn't have their shit bring last hitting the fighting games. But yeah, so that's my attraction, the rising thunder by the way, since Pat was going to lead into that. Yeah, that's true. I really like the idea of like the mind games and you know playing footsies with someone engaging distance and so forth. The one time that I showed you gameplay of me fighting pet, I had yeah, like I had just completely given up at that point anyways. Well, that was because your connection if I
Starting point is 00:29:36 remember well that too. Like I like I've been having such a bad experience of that point like whatever. He sent me a video of him like here's me playing rising thunder and I was like oh god this game because there were yeah there's a few things that I was never clear what was happening. Well, you remember us fighting plague in Dark Souls. Yeah, imagine that in the fighting game. I remember that like my connection is a little bit better than that now. Well, clearly you're on the podcast. Yeah. And that's another reason why by the way. Yeah. And like we're talking about you know ggpo 3 the fucking best version there is of like magic and what's a what's a capcom's called. I forget but it's the same thing. Yeah, it's their own in house. It
Starting point is 00:30:16 ran surprisingly well for me even back then. I haven't tried it since. I don't think it's available now. I mean as far my connection. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's still open. I thought the alpha end because I thought it went open for everyone like you didn't even have to make my maybe wrong. I don't know. I haven't checked in ever since then. But the the general just of our little conversation about that was that my connection was fucking things up to the point where even in a mirror match I would do something to someone else and he would do the same thing and I would fall flat on my ass and he would just keep coming. Yeah, I would see he'd use you know Dauntless is uh uh what's the dust breaker dust breaker. He would use it like
Starting point is 00:31:01 simultaneously with the other character and he would get blown out into shit even though he you're looking at it's like he should be invincible. Yeah because to the other player he never did it. That packet never hit. Yeah, yeah. So that kind of stopped that pretty fast. I told him like play you're not playing on a fair playing field. Yeah, you know you're getting blown up. No, I think you know games like a game like Yomi is probably the closest you can get. Yeah, you know where time doesn't matter. Yep, but I actually really like the idea of fighting. I'm glad to see that Rising Thunder or something like it you know exists. I kind of had some minor contentious Rising Thunder because I you could tell that it was made by fighting game
Starting point is 00:31:43 devs that come from a history of you know it being about timing and all these those other things because it almost seems so simplistic that it's like here you go you stupid fucking child can't handle fighting games or here's the one for you you idiot. That's basic. Yeah, kind of their mission. I know exactly what you mean. Seth Killian came out and was talking about it as like we decided to make this for all the stupid shit babies that can't do combo. Scrubs have money too. They may be subhuman trash but they have money in their wall. Here's a product for you. Yeah, like I was listening I was actually was in one of the lab zero streams and Mike Z was playing battle toads or some weird thing and he was a no I think it was in chat and he was talking about
Starting point is 00:32:34 people getting into fighting games and I think his explanation like he comes from a very sort of a good old boys background in regards to fighting game development. Yeah and I think he said something like some people don't have the patience or the dexterity. It's the patience and the dedication to stick with it as you suck. Yeah and that's the kind of the I wouldn't really call it a problem in fighting game development but it's something that's very pervasive and that it's very much so centered around fuck you deal with it get good. It's so weird because MOBAs have the exact same problem. Everybody that you see talking about League or Dota says oh it took me like 300 hours to know how to play the game. Oh it took me a month to finally get down just being able to move around
Starting point is 00:33:26 and do things. Right and like and that community is vile and that people persevere through it. Fortunately I actually play League still but not in PvP like I just do it just to relax by beating the shadow little bots so it's pretty easy to get into in that regard and unfortunately you don't get bots really in fighting games and if you do you know in the sense of AI they're just going to kick the shit out of you. Yeah Killer Instinct has some pretty good options as far as that goes but it's like an AI level that's so good is named after the guy that programmed it because he programmed it to fuck you. Yeah yeah but then there's also it reads your inputs. But then there's also shadows which yeah yeah there's shadows like different levels of skill of player skill.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Is there anything that even comes close to the Virtua Fighter IV EVO arcade circuit? Yeah shadows are up there. Shadows are superior. That's crazy. That's nuts because it's because that thing was like really in depth for the time but we've come a long way since that fucking 15 years ago. But do you move the little people around on arcade cabinets? No. Well then it sucks. Shut up. The learning methods have improved greatly and it's actually a superior system. Like do I want to practice on how how Woolly would fight every time? Yes. Well this shadow is the closest approximation you can get. If Woolly's asleep you can still fight him. I hope that five has something like that. Oh yeah I feel like that. I don't want to get good at the game.
Starting point is 00:35:03 I want to get good at fighting the people that I know and in person in real life. So I want to embarrass them in real life. I don't care if I get blown up by every scrub online. As long as I can win matches on Fist of Cubs I'll be happy. It's a huge investment to like. Has the feel of being good. Yeah that's right. It's a huge investment to put that learning system into the game but I would at the very least like there to be like a filter my opponents by their character favorite so that I can choose to fight as many like. I want to fight every dunkling in the world right now. Yeah exactly. Let's actually take a quick word from our sponsors because it's about that time. Hey Matt get that drink out of your mouth. I heard you like space. I enjoy space sometimes.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Now what parts of space. I can't believe in it though. What parts of space do you enjoy in particular. Space. What you got. Do you think that deep space perhaps has brought us the coolest and strongest of all lore. Certainly in the top 10 of lures it's there and it's done via space. Now what if I were to tell you that deep space perhaps galaxy was a theme that was coming in this month's lucrate. A lot of galaxies going on lately. That sounds pretty cool. One might say perhaps apt apt with the season the season of Star Wars. Yes you can repeat words because I'm excited to see where you're going with this but yes I enjoy space and galaxies and any any lore or swag there within spaceships are cool ships are cool lightsabers markers are cool
Starting point is 00:36:46 lasers. Forengi. Forengi's are not cool. Okay. What. Because you started talking to Matt I thought you wanted me to be quiet. Yeah was it sure. The whole time I'm sitting here going you know who's from space lore. Data's brother. Yeah so he's the best lore from space. I literally watched the episode of Star Trek last night where they have Gene Gray as the sex gift to the guy. Yeah okay perfect mate. Yeah and Forengi's ruin the episode. Yeah they ruin it. And the cause of everything. You know what Forengi's won't ruin. What will they not ruin. This month's lucrate galaxy is coming to you straight to your door. No Forengi shit in there. For less than 20 bucks a month you can sign up to get yourself this month's
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Starting point is 00:38:20 horrors of space though. Also you're in a galaxy right now right. You're in a space galaxy. Yes I'm in the milky way. Yeah okay just check it. You can't hide from it. It doesn't feel like it when you're on earth. It's not cold. It's relative to the outside. Yeah no it's atmospheric. Space doesn't exist. You know we're all spinning through the galaxy on a super fast giant death ball and no one's talking about it. On a macro level you're right Matt. Space doesn't exist. I like you and I'm right on the macro level. Well if you want that galaxy loot crate to exist in your mailbox this month you have until the 19th and 9 p.m. pacific to sign up and get it. So once again that's slash super promo code super get in get that galaxy going today. Together
Starting point is 00:39:06 we'll kill space. Thanks loot Craig. Thank you. Pat I heard you like anime. I have been known to occasionally enjoy an anime or five. What about Japanimation. Japanimation is better than anime hands down. It was better in the old days when it was crazy and foreign. Japanimation. So I wanted to come back. What about still anime that we call manga. That's just anime slightly slower or in the case of berserk way slower. Frame by frame anime really. Endless color. Franame if you will. I've gotten used to frame by frame anime. It's not that bad. It's pretty good. You can appreciate the cool stuff sometimes. What if I were to tell you that you could get a box of dedicated anime specific gear straight to your door. I'd say you're a piece of shit liar
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Starting point is 00:40:50 paid off to get a box of anime to your bail box. They stack the cobblestones to get this anime to your door. They sacrifice their fangs. Standing on the shoulders of anime giants is what you're saying. That's it. The spice must flow they say and in this case the spice is anime. So I could kill for a dune anime. That'd be the shit. If you head on down to you can check out the new service they've got loot anime and if you use the promo code super when you sign up you save three bucks on your new subscription to get all that Japanese shit you love. I could save three dollars off my elf and lied. Pushed right into your face. These puppies pushed right into my face. These anime puppies. That's what you want. You're already there. I'm
Starting point is 00:41:36 not going to argue with you but I'm but you're white but I'm already there. Your tastes have been acclimated. Oh man. I find my bibles are not nearly as black as they should be. They definitely how can loot anime help me. They can help you in anime bibles. Yeah. You know that's 60 bucks of anime value in every month's crate coming at you. That might include some of that stuff you like. I hope so eventually. Even the weird ones. I hope so. Anime value is always more potent and more stylish and dramatic than regular value. There's a lot of it out there. Who knows what you're going to get. Yeah. You might even get introduced to some new fusions of the things that get you going where you need to be. You know what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:42:24 slash super promo code super. Save three bucks. Do it today. It's good stuff. It's good stuff. Thank you. Lootcrate. Thank you. Anime Lootcrate. Yeah. So I guess we can do our weeks. Yeah. I'm going to do my week. Can I briefly say like one more thing. No. No. All right. Yes. What do you want. What do you want. I just want to briefly say I want to be Liam for like a split second and say that I've been playing Yohkai Watch. Oh what. Really. Yes. Really. Yes. And do you think it is the Pokemon Killer. No. It's not. It's not. Do you think that the combat system where you don't do the fighting you just heal and rotate is engaging and fun. There's overly much to say about that but basically you just rotate things in and out and there's not much agency. Yes. Yes. Yes. Do you
Starting point is 00:43:21 think it's fine. It's fine. Oh man. That's the worst thing to say. But it's fine. But it's coming from me this time. Yeah. Yeah. And I shit on everything. Yeah. Okay. So it's fine. Okay. But this is only the first game. Keep in mind it's supposed to the second one was much improved but I don't know what to think about it. There's something. It's like no this one sucks but take my word for it. The other seven are better. Yeah. I kept hearing that about like the Yinazuma soccer series. Oh God. Yeah. No. I mean you know Liam will be back to break down the PlayStation experience and to discuss that stuff. But I hate the Dengama Rampa whatever fucking series now because of that play through. Yeah. You should. And in fact name name. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:13 I that's the one of the things I complained about nice and early too was like they shouldn't have just took in the took the Japanese name and because my wife goes is Willie and Liam still playing Dugan grandpa. No it was yes they are. I think it was a bad idea for them to stick with that name. Everyone go to Dungan grandpa walk through and Dungan grandpa there it is because the other thing too is like look forward to Dungan grandma starring the sequel like some people just hear a bunch of Japanese shit and they just go immediately you know and it's on the yeah it's it's very it was not a great decision and and here's the thing I keep reminding you know the guys that like the game Danganronpa one and Danganronpa two are good games you know
Starting point is 00:44:59 they stand apparently always have to tell people that because that third one that was so bad and and that's the one that we introduced everybody to the series on it's it's because Danganronpa one and two didn't have children that you couldn't murder yeah yeah well that's the no it did the murdering for you I'm just assuming that okay okay okay okay you guys tell me about your less interesting week than mine yeah I had a really boring week but whatever it's done now I moved you beat it I moved my ha my living space to a different place yeah as an airnive uh I uh I ended up going with a moving company though I was like man those guys are the shit what's their name their name is bust a move bust a move I was I was saying this podcast and that's what you hire move like
Starting point is 00:45:44 wait bust a move those dudes are rad Frank and Grant I think I think those guys no idea whatever they move my stuff and they're rad about it super good at it they did not that my TV is immaculate it's it's nice when it started it's nice wearing a mask a company with a name like that is either going to be amazing or garbage or shit yeah totally uh like I was terrified that my TV was going to break like and that they would touch it and they didn't touch it and they moved it it was amazing they moved it without touching it when you had your head turned they're like let's rub our dicks all over this and I feel and I feel bad because like uh when they were moving that ottoman that I have all my arcade sticks in I didn't seal it and they didn't know so like it opened up and hit a bunch
Starting point is 00:46:28 of them in the face what the arcade sticks no the fucking flap yeah you just you just duct tape around they didn't even tell me that I had done it someone that was helping me move had to tell me that's how cool they were there you go uh so now I'm all moved in dude I need to get some curtains because my house has no curtains and that's fucking that's a bad way to live your life everyone can see your tiny butthole this pile of boxes in front of the windows it'll be right through all the boxes out they have all this behind sight that's a super good idea that I wish I had thought of like earlier today before I threw all the boxes yeah I have more boxes to all the boxes but leave a box leave a space where your balls are yeah so I don't I don't want to go too deep into it but
Starting point is 00:47:11 there's one really awful thing about my new place and there's one really great thing there's a there's a ghost the really awful thing is that when I'm in my living room and I'm tired I get up to go to the bathroom and I have walked into my fucking broom closet about four or five times now to take a piss because I think that's where my bathroom is because that's where it is and out of spite you did it there anyways no I'm already here no that's where my coat I ain't going back they put a corner here for me that's where my coat goes come back I know the apartment I learned that apartment good I have a new bathroom with a big toilet yeah and I'm gonna there's only one big toilet and they make you all go at the same time everyone has to go to the toilet at the same time in my new house
Starting point is 00:48:02 that's how it's gonna work yeah they at Pat's house they have this thing called the fire drill and they use it to drill a flaming hole in your head that's good I like it uh the good thing is and this is ironic so you know you guys have talked about bell internet and bell services yeah I saw you make some interesting tweets I had to I had to switch over because the building only has bell so they fucking won so I signed up for them within three hours some dickhead called me to be like hey man do you want the tv service yeah it was it was hidden as a call like oh so your delivery is uh is planned for tomorrow is that cool oh thanks he's like and I see here in your file that um you don't have a phone or a television service would you like to would you like to
Starting point is 00:48:49 hey stupid those douchebags you'd hang up on are now contractually obligated to come hang out with you yeah you said it was okay the next day I got my first telemarketing call in a year this is great so good dude holy so good holy shit Pat get off your ass why don't you record this and put it on the channel no that's no no I'm not gonna record my fucking phone call record it um do it no I'm gonna do that yell louder Matt that'll make him do it and at and when I went back to my old apartment to pick up my mail today there were letters from bell asking me if I wanted to change my internet server of course there were but fuck all that I have gigabit internet now there you go you're happy dude you're with the company that owns the lines what a dude it's so fat
Starting point is 00:49:40 so I had a fat awareness you know you go to yep powered by ucla and you're like I saw you just being shocked of the readouts no no that's a feature that they have oh it really is that's crazy and it uploads it to their own image server so you can sit so you can see everyone but I kept being oh no my in the bell is a bunch of shits my internet speed keeps cutting in half randomly it would go to 935 to fucking 800 to 340 oh man and I was like this is the worst thing ever I'm paying for a thousand I want my fucking thousand and then I figured out why it's because when you hit speed test it goes to five servers in Montreal yeah four of them are too slow for my internet you know who can't look up how fast they're getting something children to see if they can
Starting point is 00:50:25 eat in Africa whatever I'm sort of human worries about I don't give a fuck I'm not getting a thousand megabits per second I downloaded like a steam game I'm only getting 200 three minutes I don't want to live like an animal you're right fucking I don't want to live in that fucking sub gigabit I'm gonna fucking kill myself it's the worst dude I when I got it and was working certainly stuck going speed test like a hundred times in a row just going oh fast and I get and I finally know so now that I'm rates limited by the internet right and I I'm moving it the fastest speed everything can go yeah I can finally confirm that yes Sony servers for downloads yes suck yes they are terrible fucking coming at me I'm like I'm still downloading
Starting point is 00:51:18 just cause three for the last three days it's because Sony servers are fucking garbage steam will give me like 150 megabytes a fucking second I don't care who on twitter is telling me oh no it's fast for me it's not but fuck no it's only fast for you because your internet isn't fast you just think it's fast but slow it's slow fucking ps4 internet's only like seven megabytes a second what is that ghetto shit nothing that's ghetto and ps3 I downloaded that yakuza 5 pre-order thing that took like an hour tell me an hour that's bullshit life isn't worth living you you if you had it you would not even joke fucking you say that you say that out of jealousy it's this this complaining about all the calls from bell or whatever and next week is going to be they
Starting point is 00:52:09 they've stopped taking my calls I love that they're giving me that fast internet so good I support Wally's jealousy just send Boko Haram right now now I got a fucking fast internet no in a fucking apartment with no curtains this is the worst everyone can see what you're downloading the people in the office across the street just like look at my screen there's a there is a testing place I think it's either Warner Brothers whatever muncher all where they have the giant window that looks upon a sex hotel that's where everyone has no curtains so if you're bored testing just watch everyone fuck that's a sex hotel hey that I don't want to play these fucking terrible moral combat why does a sex hotel not have curtains because it's not sure all there's no time for curtains it's
Starting point is 00:53:01 it's not a lot of you want the option of voyeurism sex hotel no play if you have to hide it when there's room for curtains there's room for one more hooker yeah just smash them up against the glass take off all these curtains you can fit five more hookers in here and when you can't take it anymore you just quit that qa job and go start queuing porn like everyone we know just slapped that poutine on them yeah that's the thing it's got the brown sauce and the cheese it's really healthy for you you be surprised I want my hooker justine cheese curds love love the new place super happy very happy for everyone in that building owns a dog but me that's amazing you have no excuse to hate puppies yeah I love puppies what are you talking to you though you're
Starting point is 00:53:50 a liar oh because it seems like you have a dog that you don't love at your parents home you guys are fucking then stop up no it cries itself to sleep every night knowing that its master does not love it I'm leasing from doesn't allow dogs so everyone in the building has dogs I don't get that it's a condo yeah but like I'm subletting from somebody who doesn't live there if you live once it runs out you can if you love dogs so much why do you have that picture of that dog that you killed on your phone as a reminder yeah of how cool that time was when you killed it what I don't know what he's doing that wallpaper on your phone that dog you killed what yeah I never killed the dog you you got super hype about it and would show everyone the picture on your phone oh no he's
Starting point is 00:54:36 doing that thing we used to do to him yeah yeah yeah okay I see I see but pass isn't true and yours is true oh he dropped the knives Jesus Christ hey man is he playing with a fucking knife again did I do anything else I watched the new season man calm down you're yelling like so much I am Jesus new season of adventure time is really good uh how deep is his voice now does he now sound like a fucking tiny computer voice Barry white is he now Barry white levels he's not very white no okay they changed the intro the entire new season's entirely about marceline which makes it a better show it's crazy uh what really just yeah yeah no that's already over there's already season seven marceline is the main character hold on hold on planks calling you out saying you're
Starting point is 00:55:21 super wrong play corrective please go ahead that was just a mini series there's only like five or six episodes long it's already over yeah I know but like that's season seven is like nine episodes and six of those are a marceline intro about marceline and vampire we'll have to agree to disagree plague is this sure or is it wrong like super wrong hardcore I'm inclined to say that pet doesn't know what he's talking about but I'm inclined to say that about most things no there was the other episode with root beer guy coming back from the dead and there was the uh the latest one it was about BMO yeah no the last one was about football that was a two-parter for some bizarre reason wait the football one is a two-parter no there's the latest one that just came out you'll
Starting point is 00:56:06 never get it episodes one it's too much two three four five six seven eight nine and then onward with a whole bunch of tbs yeah I don't know man figure this out yeah like the door cloud is is it's fucking there it sticks part two don't worry the shitty games based off of it are coming soon yeah can't wait for that fine shut up though I saw I saw a picture of ash what's she doing there oh hey ash what are you voicing she's gonna meet her soon that'd be cool he brought he's gonna bring flowers that'd be exciting I like canyon canyon's my favorite yeah canyon's radical she's a large woman she's quite huge I'm dropped off I haven't caught up so all I'm thinking of is the wrestler canyon yeah you remember Billy that's awesome he's the best Billy Billy that's also true
Starting point is 00:56:59 though yeah yeah yeah it's his ex-girlfriend she's a giant blue woman the wrestler canyon is also a large woman all right so before uh doing a big doing a big stuff I had individual things I suppose individual do either of those matter that will either video game focus okay let's do it mine mine a little bit less actually uh you go first all right I finished off master of none and as you should all three fighters was in there in total uh there was enough yeah there was a more than two there was only two okay then uh actually three if you count like a just a verbal like a just a line reference good visual wow wow yeah master of none is uh it's pretty funny and I think that it ends on a like cliche but also not cliche note it's it's weird how that works um but uh it's something that is
Starting point is 00:57:53 clearly like meant to be his louis I said it before and now that it's finished more than ever it's like this is as Zezan sorry's version of blood it's not of being so crushing and and yeah and horrible it hasn't finished it but it's only slightly crushing okay you know but but also happy um that's good and I really love the the credit work on it like the it's really stylish with the presentation yeah no no it's really strong point of it um on the the way to and from LA I was listening to um Colin Quinn's uh audiobook the coloring book where he breaks down race and and talks about like race in New York and like what that was like back then versus the way it is now yeah you gotta run fast and and on just and like the the actual like accurate depictions of what it
Starting point is 00:58:42 was and how it's okay to talk about race and how it's not like you should just pretend like pretend that doesn't exist and it's a whole thing and it's an interesting discussion and it's really really funny and I super recommend it because Colin Quinn is the shit you don't have it up there but Colin Quinn's opening scene in train wreck as a father yeah explaining to his two young girls why it's okay to cheat on your wife yeah is actually fairly convincing uh no it's it's a dark path so I on the plane right over I also watched train wreck that movie's fucking hilarious as it should be so that's all good nothing else to say there uh spent a lot of time going through teppu the teppu the girl uh MMA manga which uh the manga which despite its name is not teppid
Starting point is 00:59:33 yeah and and that's the one that mothman turned me on to when I was talking to you plague actually and it's fucking cool it's super good and it's refreshing and awesome how many knees to the face are there uh so far it's been pretty light on the knees to the face because we're building up to it okay and we're watching we're seeing a lot more grappling and ground game stuff okay but there's been a quite a few like tackles and then like I'm on top of you like beating the shit out of you from a mounted position I like it some good stuff um apparently though as I was reading it midway through page turning if you would this this just coming in it get what first it gets pulled down because it got licensed right away nice so that happened like while it was in the air or something
Starting point is 01:00:18 along those lines apparently because it just went from being up to not being up and secondly I got a message uh from a friend who was saying oh man hey uh sucks that you got into teppu now because apparently the author is sick and is ending the series prematurely those two things combined are good for you wow man wow the fucking man does that suck fate just slapped your hand down no so yeah it's like serious just ends with someone pulling a gun out in the ring oh man that'd be oh god I'm done with this and I'm done with you no we all the MMA fighters need to get onto the MMA boat and go to the MMA Harry Island I mean I can't believe we're here it'll be up to the fans to photoshop the ending like I'm a couple volumes in and like at this point it's definitely
Starting point is 01:01:09 it's building up to the big tournament so it feels like if it ends at the end of the big tournament then that would be no you know she'll be walking down the street and her kneel blow out on a sidewalk curb when she's in the semi-finals sick well if it's near some sort of natural conclusion that's fine but it'd be really bad if it like right now like it was it's already concluded some big major thing and now it's a slow lead up to some sort of character building for an arc that will never happen imagine a Naruto ended during the chunin exam well it would just drop the mic is the best anime ever so far like the lala palooza of this event it's called g-girl there right yeah I bet it is and like all the major players are taking part in this tournament so it's not like there's a rival
Starting point is 01:01:58 that'll never get their match you know everything about teppo where you're like the rival is is ebow the rival is evil yeah like the the fucking hard-ass tough pretty vindictive and on sometimes evil main character is the main character and instead of the scrappy like I said yeah the scrappy can do it all plucky kid yeah and I just elbowed mad at one point and just showed him one panel of like the the god of like of girls MMA in that world and it's just the girl where you can't see her face you she's got the hood on yeah and the giant belt on her shoulder walking through the smoke with the sleeves off and it's like fucking everything about this is me everything about it well it's over now so yeah almost almost like walley's life yeah time to die hey uh you watch capcom cup
Starting point is 01:02:57 I did not I did not either okay no time hey play did you watch the capcom cup there was a period in within this period in which I did not have internet okay well uh it was exciting it was cool it was fun to see people play matches uh where it's like Elena everyone was like what can beat Elena and no one in top eight was Elena I kept seeing these tweets oh yeah no because Elena was the new annoying character because uh healing was super hard to deal with at top level and there was no elenas and I have a question I saw so I forgot who it was but I saw a tweet that was like capcom rules says random select and all these motherfuckers are picking training stage is that true is that say that again capcom cup rules do state random select yes and people were still picking
Starting point is 01:03:46 training stage uh not on capcom cup not on capcom cup no the the matches were all on different stages good um so you should get banned so the uh it was the the way things worked out was pretty interesting go out of a cannon um and I fucking lost my point I'm sorry capcom cup was super ripe versus infiltration came everywhere it was a good time uh we god what the fuck we truly are the street fighter yes that's what it was it was it was super cool to watch motherfuckers do combos and drop them and like if you drop that combo that's a car you drop that combo that's a house yeah because everyone is getting paid five digit figures for their for like what was the the top of the pot 250 125 000 dollars that's a house that's a car
Starting point is 01:04:37 don't drop that combo oh I dropped it don't drop those pizza combos right every like every wake up dp that makes sense it's a fucking mortgage like don't do it um but it was it was it was in five everyone was hoping uh for daigo to win because it would have been awesome to have the book closed on street fighter four with daigo yeah it would have been poetic and add you know everyone is kind of rooting for that but sadly the the the favorite to win winning seems like the lamest thing yeah well but he hasn't won anything in a while he yeah he's been like everyone's everyone's like he's washed up quote unquote it's like out never happens in anything this remotely sport like it's always a slow pitter and then yeah he's washed up then let him be washed up but he's somebody new
Starting point is 01:05:26 but you could never sleep on him because motherfucker took second place you know and and uh first loser kazanoko took first place and he took first place with yin do it like i'm playing the most legit ever but at the same time doing like wake-up dps like nobody's business and it's just like ah god damn it the fact that at the end of the day for six-digit figures that's what takes first place and and uh not the the evil ryu solid play was just like oh man god damn it i feel like daigo got robbed there sadly but it was an exciting fun i'm really disappointed with the calcon cup is that it doesn't work like a tournament at dawson where they play street fighter all the way through and the grand finals are just chippendale i was like 10 years ago yeah
Starting point is 01:06:10 i'm still pissed about that chippendale remember the fuck remember the range i gotta explain the whole thing remember a fucking dawson tournament we play street fighter like all day yeah and then the last they're like okay you're the muse me and some other dude it's a time trial on time trial on fucking mario wasn't it mario yeah yeah it was mario capcom it can't be why'd you say chippendale because capcom published fucking chippendale how did you expect me to make the leap because i thought you knew stuff about because no i was imagining like sexy nick and men dancing on stage like this is the hype it's all right man it's all right never mind just fucking torpedo the whole thing that was like nine years ago if you said mario i would have been on board and
Starting point is 01:06:55 understood what you made but you lost me what you said chippendale all right um never mind what what what happened before before we got on the plane well what happened what happened before i got on the plane well as i went on the plane i took up my ancient dusty device called the vita i believe it's called again oh it's that vitamin water the vitamin water and i picked it up we'll never invent it by your player right say what nothing never mind all right and i played some of the wipeout 2048 that's a good game which i enjoyed immensely before this wall comes up and says you can't know you're done now because you can't there's like most modern racing games you level up your cars you can boost your get better equipment whatever no you just unlock new cars and i'm stuck
Starting point is 01:07:43 at this point where you just can't go forward your cars are just all shit good good i i was getting good i was beasting every winning first place in everything and then once you enter 2049 which is the second year of the competition you just you just can't and i tried like several times i'm like yeah maybe i need to get good but you know flies are yeah i eat flies are fighter flies are agility yeah still a really cool game i enjoyed it because it had um particular techno track from scott pilgrim the trailers there's scott pilgrim when the movie came out and there was this techno track very obscure it was in like one of the trailers where it was like really high energy that track was in the game so i was like oh yeah and as you go on i really
Starting point is 01:08:31 enjoy the power up that's just play for you autopilot yeah and anytime you're on a tight corner just press autopilot and don't fuck up that sit back for about five seconds and just look back at the thing so that was pretty fun um once i got back from our uh trip which mean we're going to i played a lot of the shago the shadow jago that's out now early access i like this shendo kuchen it's no longer endo kuchen shendo kuchen how's that stagger off the stagger is not as long as for shadow jago it's not super useful there's not a lot of follow-ups it's like i have to play around with it a bit but he's so much different than jago he's so much hither high risk high reward the his fucking dragon punch just goes straight up so it's only really good for
Starting point is 01:09:25 punishing cross ups because it's it's it's useless for wake up yeah right uh but he's so much more fast and more like crazy the only thing about surge which is basically e-axing your special moves to to get a little bit of your shadow meter into your special moves is the fact that it's a double tap yeah so you can't press both buttons because that will just activate your like super move yeah your shadow moves so you have to double tap and because of the nature i i guess maybe it's just me for fighting games in general you double tap often because i'm just like blah blah blah i just want the move to come out right precision precision so when you play shadow jago you have to be careful yeah because you double tap when you don't want to use a portion of your of your super
Starting point is 01:10:08 shadow move that when you don't want to that you have to play him very carefully that's something that marvel will teach you if you if you start playing marvel and learn it properly you learn stop mashing yeah it reminds me of uh when i first started playing games on the vita the way that i hold the vita is with my fingers along the back so every game that has rear touch controls just shooting off all like crazy it's just the normal way which was fine before something changes and all of a sudden the way that i do it sucks yeah this is apricot you said it goes straight up but it will take you point blank if you're in front of him right you have to be touching yeah okay but it's not like um makoto fukiagi worse like it won't touch you if you're not crossing up no but like
Starting point is 01:10:52 it's it's because no one's that close to you because why would any be that close to anyone else that are trying to throw you or whatever but he's really really fun like he's way different and his his um dive kick is super fucking awesome uh speaking of which he this dive kick is made by the creators of dive kick so it's a good fucking dive kick right but uh and also he has his ultimate his ultimate combo is there as is called total annihilation and it's so specific you have to be on your first energy meter you have to be in your first life meter you can't do it when you're in second they have to be on their second they have to be on their set well no i don't think they have to but regardless you can only get enough instinct you have to have full instant to even do
Starting point is 01:11:34 so it's really cool that's in there that makes me think that hopefully everyone will have an ultimate well hold on a minute they like if you can kill them in round one that'd be no no it doesn't it's not an auto kill it it does a lot of damage but it doesn't kill it's not as good as like uh omen's it's not a god damn guilty gear instant kill it's not it's not an optional finish right i think it's not breakable okay no it's uh and the one thing i have to say about him though even though he's a real boy and like his trailer shows like thank you for the killer instant community for making this happen because anyone that you know contributed to the uh tourney pool for this character yeah got the character if they bought him uh what sucks is that he doesn't come with
Starting point is 01:12:12 his own accessories he only has colors so that he's kind of slightly less than a full fledged character because every character at launch always had at least one set of accessories and i really wanted to customize him his final color which again i'll probably never get because he's level 50 yeah shadow jago it's the most minor setback it's the most minor setback but he has like uh baron samsy like fucking skeleton paint on him so it looks really cool a bit like unfortunately i'll never get him so i paint around with him a lot uh on the plane i almost finished battle tendency part two jojo and holy shit that's a good part holy shit do i enjoy more than phantom blood because every second oh he's sitting next to me on the plane and i know woolly knows everything
Starting point is 01:12:59 but i want to point to him like this is the dumbest page of it and then i'll turn this is the dumbest page it was specifically the fucking circle of life humans get eaten by a jojo jojo's get eaten by pillar men vampires the vampires get involved like this is so stupid that's the pillar of life caesar is is really awesome caesar is the best caesar is really awesome bubbles are great um and i'm really enjoying it i haven't finished battle tendency where are you at um i almost finished part one of battle tendency no give me an event i don't know um he he was he was we find up the hell oil pig that's the best part it's so stupid hey buddy you want to slide our greased up bodies along this pillar wall well yeah look you see that that 24 hours long rose is used is
Starting point is 01:13:54 disadvantaged as as a fucking uh as a as a huge advantage for himself and just the general idea i said it totally once or twice during the week but i was like i'm going to use my legs for this plan it's going to be awesome what's your plan to use your legs what's the person you running run away running away works every time and and some people i saw people give woolly a little bit i'm usually used to saying liam but uh people gave woolly some guff or like what like jonathan is cold-blooded what are you talking about but now i see what you mean because fucking joseph would never do the shenanigans joseph is super hot blooded joseph does i see where the difference hot blooded doesn't mean you're obsessed with the switching over and instead
Starting point is 01:14:47 like hot blooded doesn't mean getting angry and going oh deal that doesn't what's not what i mean i mean he's a cool calm collected character versus a guy who will laugh and make stupid jokes and and be an asshole maybe you should use words that mean what you said he's a successful dan blue ony red ony sure all right hot blooded literally means the thing that you just said it didn't mean hot blood okay blue will say blue ony red he simmers yeah whatever right we'll say that it's a character that bursts into flame when he comes through a door it's a cold-blooded character it's whatever but i get what he means now it like you might not mean it's not a character he's a genre all right fine wrong word we'll say we'll use the the tv trope term then so i i was
Starting point is 01:15:37 reading this on my ipad i saw woolly woolly was really taken to the ipad maybe that's the best way to read your manga from now on it's a lot better than your phone it's a lot better than your laptop because that's why i stopped using my laptop for stuff like that i use my tv to read manga on on a on a plane how you do that on a plane it's not great that's that's a tough one that's exactly the purpose that's a tough one yeah it's it's really what it is so i enjoy i enjoy doing that on the plane and the last thing is that um i talked about last week but dementium remaster on the 3ds is like holy shit what a huge improvement graphically that game is a little looks better all the rds games are really primitive sorry ds games are really primitive
Starting point is 01:16:16 yeah exactly so that's why they remastered it and like there's two things wrong with that game is that there is no save points yeah it was just it was a save points right it was a save points and uh enemy fountains oh no where they would just regurgitate enemies in the original ds version and maybe it's because of my glasses but this is the like the first time i've been playing a 3ds game with my glasses and i'm like they slightly correct my vision a little bit more so i can appreciate the 3d a little bit more um and it doesn't hurt my eyes as much now that i have the the that's weird my cybernetic implants right now but i'm enjoying that like way way more and that game controls amazingly so big ups to a renegade kid if you have a 3ds it's super cheap this is
Starting point is 01:17:03 like i think it's less than ten dollars that's super cheap if you have a 3ds and you're like action horror like i highly recommend it because that game is like one of the first examples of like a handheld game being really really scary because it had like strong music strong uh our design and it looks looks way better so that's what i did with my time that individual to me matthew all right you guys went on a trip you got on a plane you went down to law willy go we did the west coast so did the west coast do you the west coast did us man i see us i mean on the list all right all right a couple there's there's something on this list that i'm a big fan of like we're not like we there's just chronological but there's also like in an order of interest
Starting point is 01:17:47 and uh first things first uh we rented a camaro uh we we rented a Mustang we got a camaro yeah we were we got a camaro a a junior camaro a bad camera a bad camera basically just the camaro that bumblebee was in the first fucking transformers was a yellow it was yellow yellow that's here's the thing that's very interesting is that uh lianna is the driver as we all talked about in previous videos everybody but us drives i believe all of our girlfriends can drive yes and Liam is the only man here who can drive but only not legally not legally he doesn't have a license no right no so we're all kept men she reserved a crazy thing about renting a car is what is what is the what is the sign for fuck off you can reserve it but you can't keep the reservation yes you didn't keep it
Starting point is 01:18:43 yeah so we reserved a four-door Mustang we got a two-door camaro we didn't earn our badges you know this isn't the car we reserved no but that's fine oh you reserved a four-door something but we don't have it anymore i would like some more doors please so what you actually reserved was the idea of the car did you literally embody a fucking sod fell but yes so so we got this we got this yellow camaro and you know what and you know what it was still a convertible it was still convertible we're like all right day one let's do it we got the playlist set it's set to all the kitschy california songs of course and we're gonna roll with the top back rolling with the top back california california love this video comp thing yes so uh step one wow try to roll the
Starting point is 01:19:34 top back we can't nice to nice the top won't roll back right step three problem solve cry for half an hour trying to get the top back on star realize that the trunk has to do with getting the top back this is step four the truck the trunk won't open any remember remember what was the word we used domino effect if one thing is wrong with this car everything is wrong with this car that's correct so the trunk will not open the top will not also it's all software so yeah you just all you can do is press the software button so pop the trunk what you're telling me is that a car which is a mechanical item that you usually should be able to with your hands and a little know how be able to bullshit your way through anything has now been reduced to a fucking sony ddr yes in terms
Starting point is 01:20:24 of i don't know i don't have the right firmware we couldn't open the trunk yeah problem good job auto industry had our bumblebee transformations took its toll they did and problem we had our stuff in the trunk step five hour later hour of tears and screaming call on star on star can't help us call chevrolet the makers of the camaro and they could not help us get them on the phone they couldn't help us rental redirect us to the rental place rental place says oh yeah no problem bring it down over here uh they're an hour away of course they are so two hours later get to the place find out what's wrong with the thing what was wrong with the thing it was not closed shut and you had to physically force it into the slot to lock in the thing that you think you shouldn't do
Starting point is 01:21:17 but we didn't want to do that because we want to break the fucking car yeah force you the mechanical thing because if you break the car that you'll get you'll pay for it once you buy it so the story is you didn't close something we know we got it unclosed no no yeah no you didn't close it and that caused it to not be unclosable but yes but yes it's not that we didn't close it is that we got it like that it's it's it didn't want to force it into a position it's the same feeling that you get when you're seating memory into a motherboard where the instruction says just push it in and then it'll stick and then jam it in but don't force it no yeah yeah what's the correct amount of pressure before i destroyed this thing you should have done yeah exactly so and you know how much
Starting point is 01:22:00 pressure man handle that the other thing about this fucking bubble bee is that since it was two doors guess what woolly is slightly better than me in terms of height and other stuff so you can only fit in the front that's a big man with my wife yeah where i could not be with my wife that's fine your wife how come you didn't lie down across their laps bring you around with your body guard bam exactly so plate has the right idea you should have just moved there because our laps were available it's the only place you could fit and the back is the only place it's still still fun when we actually got going so absolutely everything so right problem solved take two try it again roll it back now everyone saw how cool we live right and then now everyone saw it
Starting point is 01:22:45 it was not the same the second time no it wasn't because we knew they didn't know but we know in our hands but all that embarrassing shit happened in the underground basement of the hotel so nobody saw except that we tried to cool and we failed uh whenever they fix this problem for you guys how long did it take because do they like just walk over and look at it for like a second and just kind of push it down a little girl a few tries we brought it to the place but she more or less walked in sat down grabbed the handle and like used her full body weight to lock it into position and it was like yeah it's done got it and i was like oh okay so break it to fix it canadians in LA got it she didn't know she like squinted you and shake her head very slowly she's actually
Starting point is 01:23:27 very nice and it's a motherfucker and she was in LA service she she did that when you were gone so that was the camaro but you have to actually physically have a car if we had ubered we like she uh thousand dollars liana told me like here's how much it cost to rent the car for the five days it cost two hundred dollars we would have blasted past that well going to max's alone when we got to LA i mean you for e3 like we blew over a hundred dollars on the first cab ride no it was a hundred dollars was close to 90 bucks so los angeles is like ontario specifically mississauga yeah mississauga versus montreal so it's the worst place in the world in that yeah in that like everything is an hour apart from everything yeah totally it's it's dominated by sprawl yeah and highway
Starting point is 01:24:18 it's so huge uh and uh you know it's we we spent we did a couple things we meant we managed to make our way around but it just took a fucking forever to get anywhere and it's a city with a field of country small city yeah it's uh it's just like i don't know if you've ever been there elie but it is yeah yeah lots of times it's fucking ridiculous he goes down there for his the annual a pig fucking convention yeah yeah we fuck those pigs good they remember it uh that's how they until next year why would that be held in LA that's our warning to you you know the LA convention center is the only convention center that has the all the all the space required for a pig fucking it's the world's finals yeah that's right right that being said driving around all these places
Starting point is 01:25:03 you're like there's so much to see and we barely saw anything yeah we went to venice b she went to the boardwalk which is really fun we saw everyone in jackets when i was a little so cold i was a little kid i went to the bahamas to visit relatives because they were staying out there i was like eight years old it's fucking february in the bahamas but that still means it's like fucking 95 degrees out right yeah there are we are on a beach swimming and there are dudes walking by with full winter coats yeah fucking tukes on going oh yeah like what the fuck exactly no no it is like the thing with with la is that like it gets crisp at worst but it is never not t-shirt weather yeah yeah so we were across yeah so we're down by the by the the venice beach and we're down checking out the the
Starting point is 01:25:52 boardwalks and stuff and seeing uh they're fucking blood-borne seagulls these seagulls the size of sets do they not fly they just ride around on the ground looking for corpses they hopped up a little bit and then dropped back down did they make barking noises all their beasts like fucking scary it was fucked um and then and you know we did the uh the creepy um uh carnival pierre kind of like we went to zartar yeah the the fucking fortune teller yes you did he just told woolly a bunch of bullshit basically told me a bunch of bulls basically make a wish to be big everyone did you turn into woolly uh basically on the rain split precipice too yeah that we just did that yeah you know so hey woolly uh when we were walking down venice beach which we wish we
Starting point is 01:26:43 had more time for but another thing about la is that holy shit we only have um uh uh as much useless american uh coins to put in a parking meter you know they still have pennies yeah i know so we can only put in half an hour and that's barely enough time that there's lots of amazing shots hold on you see like canada phased out their pennies because i know the fuck are they for they're nothing for any what are pennies for yeah what do you use pennies for actually there is like a one there is like one penny for one nineteen forty nine or some weird shit when they switched over the time to type of metal that they use and uh like that is worth like a something million dollars like what do you use pennies for we use them to shove up pigs asses when okay so canada
Starting point is 01:27:33 phased out the penny because we're our pigs don't need coins anymore they're they're operated by debit cards so on venice beach slide into the various men of a dark color trying to pawn off their cds and one guy would dress square tries to pawn off his cd to woolly yes because venice says venice beach is like the time square of la woolly says to uh no no no thanks man not interested you know what does he say to you oh no you're not you're not a real rasta and it's like oh you motherfucker trying to sell me a cd with nothing on it that you opened from a spindle and then we're about to sign fucking assholes yeah that was great you can't communicate with these people well now you're gonna know i can't enable them i contact with the problem because you see up in
Starting point is 01:28:24 canada and and oftentimes in general like when two people have dreads they do a thing where they kind of nod to each other like hey yeah you made that decision to be part of a club and very elite you know but here that's how you and james got to be friends from here you do that and actually you don't know that you've entered into like at least a verbal contract with this motherfucker that's gonna try and now write your name and get five ten bucks off of you maybe 15 so did you buy the cd no no i bought american like american flag uh swimming trunks that's good so woolly then immediately finds a tony hawk level yeah that was cool he goes let's go over there and we literally found a level from tony off to wasn't the venice beach level did you actually see the real life
Starting point is 01:29:11 mummy doing during the the jumps not the conron was not awake at the moment aspiring mummies yeah we did firing mummy we saw we saw leather hakan man one day i'll get good at this dead sport i i do i did recognize though like areas from some skate videos i used to watch back in stupid high school back in stupid but uh yeah so there was that then of course we returned back to our hotel yeah upon so so woolly you have a very specific name for this event and i have a different name i've been looking i've been looking at this being written on the docket here and i've been excited the whole time because i don't know what is your name for this event well i want to say that we encountered meth guy okay my name for this event is exploding hotel arama okay all right all
Starting point is 01:30:02 right all right so you you you so we pull in and we can guarantee i know this guy by the way you you've made transactions with him you've you've worked with him before he no he is everyone here specifically we're coming back from the game awards which we'll surely lash into in a bit and we're walking up to the room and we see security guard in the lobby talking to dirty face tom looking mother fuck dirty tom right we walk by him stains on the on the hands and shit under the nails you're like all right possible grab yeah security guard do your job man i saw the wire exactly we go into the elevator and i make the uh i make the revelation is that are we in the hotel where the girl died in the water cooler oh my god are you in that hotel you're not no we're not all
Starting point is 01:30:49 right i don't make that joke of losing no there's no way i'm like nah yeah but imagine if we were then the door opens up for scary that'd be super scary door opens up quarantine sheet in front of the hotel door in front of the elevator door so we can't go we can't leave the elevator you're sealed into the elevator please tell me there was a legit ass biohazard logo everyone said it said poke it said poke like um uh like poke shield to open to open but you know emergency all kinds of purposes don't go through this thing we look at each other we hit ground floor we head back down we open up we now hear alarms blaring shield in front of us and we're like well we have to get out so we push the shield and you saw it i'm pacing the halls this is ground floor this is lobby we
Starting point is 01:31:40 pierce into the quarantine zone and go through the fog gate wait you're telling me that at the time it took you to go up to your floor and come back this is only the third round floor was shielded this is the third floor our floor was on so it took us every every floor simultaneously so they saw you go in and said we gotta seal those fuckers in there that's what it seemed like they all simultaneously dropped blast shields that's good that's pushed through we come to uh uh lobby man panicking and yeah security guard outside and we go outside alarms blaring notice that fire alarm is pulled nice security guard is strained but calmly talking to dirty face man dirty tom meth guy and meth guy filthy meth guy is basically going no you see you don't understand that there
Starting point is 01:32:29 is a dangerous element in your neighborhood that you're not aware of and you are endangering your patrons of this hotel and i and and security guard is like what what danger what danger are you talking about and he's like you don't know what's just happening next door to you you don't understand and it's like there's things here that are dangerous you don't know what could be cooking up or what could be exploding call 1-800 i don't know and security guard is like every nothing was happening it was fine until you pulled the thing that you shouldn't have pulled and you shouldn't have done that and he's like well i disagree with you i don't agree with that and i think that there's an element and he's just going on and on they are making meth in the in the in the
Starting point is 01:33:09 apartment next door and it could explode at any second and you are not being considerate for the welfare of the people in this hotel and he's like says the man currently riding high on meth he would know he would know where meth is being so the the security guard can use talking to him for like another like you know 10 seconds or whatever and the guy walks off just well i don't i don't think so and and you're not and just you'll find out you'll find out and walks away and security guard just like all right and i'm kind of in my head like shouldn't you make that seriously oh and not more than not more than what less than a minute we hear sirens and here come all the firemen's yeah to show up they come in they talk to la they talked there's nothing
Starting point is 01:33:59 there it's not there it's gone now they talk to the concierge they say everything's fine i mean will you are just on the side going la la la la yeah amazing moment in best friend's history that's the best coast for sure it was i was really hoping that would the ending would be an explosion and just venom rubbing hotel lobby employees well played ashes across the space how soundly we slept that night knowing that the t-virus was lurking around the corner code veronica i i cannot think of a single thing more overtly threatening like like not like a person with a gun right but like an object as like turning a corner or opening a door and having a quarantine shield staring dude yes great you just you everything runs through your head if i had been there this story would be a
Starting point is 01:34:53 lot of sadder as i shit my pants i i might have already i might have been a little more apprehensive than i was because we were just coming off the game awards i got fucking drunk to make me forget that i'd rather have the fucking hotel explosion and dying than to just go back with who i just went through and this appears into the night to terrorize another hotel yeah you have to go buy some meth take your mind off all that mess yeah i know exactly see like like knows how it is he knows he knows no fuck aside from that we had some good times though we did we did you might have witnessed some of those good times on stream with max and the boys at yo video games yeah shoutouts to all of them nicest motherfuckers shoutouts to max for when i had long given up
Starting point is 01:35:43 yeah attaching our our our modern xboxes and his setup would just not take them i said give it up streams over so yeah and then will he's like no no we can keep trying and i was like no we're done let's go i learned that day i learned that day that max is the me of the group in that it's like just i you can sit there and just do it this emulator is not working no you can get it working and and that's like it's over we're going home it's yeah everything yeah no it's like i don't care if it takes us five hours when we blow an entire day of recording i'm gonna make this work no abandon ship now abandon ships now if you were recording our own videos yeah stay as long as to you've exhausted every possibility you're lying but i look over at a laptop where everyone goes
Starting point is 01:36:29 fuck this where's the stream i'm going to bed and i'm like just give it up just tell everyone we're giving up it starts at 10 30 or we write it yeah but eventually it got going shoutouts to you know all to max for getting that going up all the warriors everyone came out and you saw you saw what it was you saw you saw the carnage you saw that was actually briefly there yeah there you go that's on that's on max and then i immediately left because fighting games are you are you plague these barely count as fighting games because we play died already i noticed this yes and that's on max's yo video games youtube channel so if you wanted to like he just put up a surabuster right right and like i'm so happy because the night ended like with i couldn't
Starting point is 01:37:14 believe they didn't know but i the night ended with me introducing them to win jammers and that is a magical moment every time you turn someone off you think after john bomb blew it up that everyone would have known yeah yeah apparently not you know so i mean because it goes john bomb Dave lang like Matthew's a fighting game people to me it was a big um when jammer yeah to me it goes me jams all the way to college then giant bomb and all but i mean like industry people but yeah and that's it but it made its way around eventually but no they hadn't and uh it was it was we had some sick matches and by the end max was seeing it he was feeling it yeah i hope they continue it there's two moments that struck out to me is when we started save your uh woods is live streaming it
Starting point is 01:37:59 like uh tonight as well like before all like when jammers dies and then comes back there is two moments in particular where we booted up survival arts which is a japanese mortal combat one style game as discussed in fighter pd at kenny and kenny's face was elongated to an absurd degree yeah because as being a big mortal combat fan he couldn't believe what he was seeing that was really i and then we started up time killers and i was like motherfucker kenny first got the controller and instantly decapitated someone yeah his first normal hit because he knew the systems so that was awesome man yeah yeah and like max just beautiful home just awesome yeah he's part of the cabinet club you know steve simmonds all those guys is great it was really fun and either they hear
Starting point is 01:38:49 about the most important element of the story what's that play this that is tiny tiny dogs yes it's tiny so i picked him up on the stream and i petted him and he was really soft and nice but what you couldn't see is that i accidentally felt his balls yeah oh he still got his balls jangled i felt something that's weird dogs don't usually i'm into this nowadays they want to make more benny's wow so there's literally balls on stream literally well no you couldn't see them matt you sent me that picture of you petting benny i did as a joke or something well but i appreciated it um so you know that's a tiny benny is very energetic and fun right he's very energetic and fun what i'm gonna i'm gonna be real not that much fun to pet because his fur is deceptive
Starting point is 01:39:36 his fur is very um i'm gonna say like straw like yeah and i'm used to the dulcet velvety yeah cat's really soft pelt of the zack here's the main difference to me is that zack is pudgy underneath the fur so you get down because he's got his pouch right but but underneath the fur benny's ripped yeah he's kind of you can feel the terse muscle where do you think like poms get all that energy man they they work it out they're crazy play ball with it very complex and the stress just work together in its bowl well this is exactly this is the type of dog that defines like missile from ghost trick exactly like the only the only lament is that they're so far away from where we were like we talked about in california is that we wish we could have stayed longer
Starting point is 01:40:23 and like our our proper like you know perfect east coast bodies couldn't take this slow three hour behind bullshit and i was getting fucking tired and you're getting unhydrated because there's no water and and the truth is like we we got off the plane and immediately because it was the only night to make it work you know so um but yeah it was really awesome being there yeah i absolutely can't wait to hang out with those guys their room is cooler than all of our rooms combined yeah he's got he's got the the good shit all the bullshit um the other thing we did have note i guess was we went to go meet up with some tiny some tiny a channel a channel i'm sorry youtube channel yeah a channel that's starting to make it a little bit uh game grumps apparently i've heard a lot
Starting point is 01:41:09 about these boys i heard about those guys yeah yeah there's some good groundswell you know so yeah lots of potential if we're if we're being dragged to the game awards you might as well make the best of it so yeah no we called each other and like yo what's up and yeah we're free on this day so we come in and just super gracious host more professional than us in a pretty much every single way isn't that every single person we meet in this industry max was close to being our level good he was a step above slightly everyone is but we recorded some stuff went went really well and we hung out with erin for a bit just shooting the shit about uh la and stuff and whatever it was really it was actually really really awesome time and we recorded two videos and i i i answered this
Starting point is 01:41:55 in a question recorded one video for them that will be on the game grumps channel which will go up you know fairly soon i'm so i'm assuming i recorded a worse video worse video because of the game yeah not so much a commentary but we're gladly taking that one because that's for our style yeah because it's slightly shitty we want to roll around in the film that's what we're saying no because it was what it was something i was it was kind of what i was afraid of was that like you play a game where it's like the it's front loaded with bullshit and it's hard to get to the and it totally was that kind of game unfortunately we found one section of the game the credit section all day enough that was a veritable gold mine yeah but but all in all you know the chemistry
Starting point is 01:42:35 was real shit worked out dudes were funny we were funny it was great i had a great time man yeah um so yeah just not not much else to say besides you'll see the results stay tuned right exactly or listen or whatever um one other thing uh we got to do while i was in la well i got to do it and like you guys are you you try it out that bit as well we got to go somewhere um and we tried out the vive all the ecc vive and i can definitely say that that thing is cooler than the oculus wow it is better than the fucking oculus you played a uh portal style yeah so oculus i i played the first version of that way back when when it was in the back at idos back in the day yeah and then i played the the newer more recent one like um at the con when we played shut up and uh keep talking
Starting point is 01:43:25 and everything yay keep talking shut up and everything explodes whatever same thing um and yeah i got i got a feel for it there you put on the htc vive and it's a whole other fucking level responsiveness uh screen quality everything is just immediately superior yeah i was i was watching the the gameplay feed that woolly was seeing so it's not quite the same but like uh i was watching him i played my own thing whole one when he's done talking about uh the portal thing but i was watching it and i was just like it was fun like looking at what was happening on the screen then looking directly at woolly making a damn fool of himself everybody uh in the reviews that i was reading comparing all of the machines they all would say like do until you try it you won't you
Starting point is 01:44:09 won't know and it's like yeah i all i can do is puppet the same statement can i feel can i like i i only got to play the one game and it was on the playstation vr yeah it was exactly what i expected yeah am i crazy well look i mean i don't know what to say because like after trying two different versions of the tech and seeing a difference in quality like i it's like yeah you know what i mean you can compare the two like i have a try the vibe as well or did he only get the oculus in the playstation i don't remember i don't think there's any of us that have gotten all three yeah i don't remember um play how many of the vr things have you tried uh one time i saw a guy tied television set to his head but that's as far as it goes please tell me that super real
Starting point is 01:44:52 amazing answer yes was it a part of most of the bullshit i say actually is true unfortunately oh because you're down in meth country yeah yeah he was at a he was at a hoedown and uh in between pigfuckings and building a wall made of meth all made of meth made of like a stupid idea smoke here's your first try if they if they start tearing it down to use it they eventually die and it turns into a corpse wall after that oh yeah you know high risk hockey talks are getting really exciting these days anyway so uh the vibe you enjoyed it was uh dope as fuck and yeah i tried out the portal demo it wasn't so much playing the game portal as much as it was an experience yeah you're inside
Starting point is 01:45:36 of a room and you know you go through some testing and glados is talking to you and stuff and then as you like go through the experience like the room starts coming apart and shits going on yeah it's the full experience of like oh my god i'm gonna die everything's horrible yeah um and yeah you put the headphones on and they're loud and in surround yeah and it fucking gets you the world is gone dude and like you can see the bounding box of where you're supposed to stay within the limits yeah i saw it too and you see your little um there the two um controllers you're holding yeah but like you've just feel completely out of the the world yeah it's it's amazing uh that demo ends with a couple of like scary shaky moments and like you you you were you were legit i jumped when
Starting point is 01:46:22 i was supposed to jump you know and i i tipi-toed around when i was supposed to tipi-toe um and then the other demo i tried was uh yeah fruit ninja oh right right right so there was a fruit ninja uh demo in which you just slash it some fruit that comes up you play fruit ninja don't don't slash the bombs right i got a great new game idea what do you do you fucking cut down fruit that's a million dollar idea that's my job idiots and you know what it actually is a million dollar idea because that shit is just blew up fucking it seems like these devices it's here like the best way to get them to work is uh sensory deprivation yes like you were talking about getting rid of anything around you
Starting point is 01:47:09 yes it's not so much it's not so much the thing on your head so much is what is not around you anymore the only thing keeping me like it like somewhat uh unlike uh tethered to reality was that i could feel the wire and that's a problem that'll be solved if you want to run your feet too that you don't want to trip yeah yeah so that'll be solved a release but uh no so yeah you just play some and just slash at the fruit even that was fucking awesome we're building up to an entire new pranking era of hey my little brother's don vr i'm gonna punch him in the throat yeah sick nailed him he totally didn't see a whole new genre of videos fall he fell forward and smashed the tech all over the place i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna piss on him while
Starting point is 01:47:56 while he's in the river in the game and he's gonna think it's the river but it's my piss pretty much it's a whole new brave new world start picking him up and throwing him out the window haha he's good he's like mirrors that's just crazy speaking of you should start that series on our channel i'm dude i'm thinking about it i played a job simulator on on the vibe and uh that was me cooking and me throwing every piece of metal i could into the microwave yeah because that's the immediate first thing i did there was a whole tutorial it says start making this recipe and i'm how about i throw metal in the microwave and the dr and that's why you work in this job now well guess what when you do that it just makes a generic blob of nothing and the game doesn't break or
Starting point is 01:48:41 have any sort of context sensitive thing so it doesn't think of anything a stupid human like might need such as myself would do so then i have to go about actually making the recipe and clinging a bell and that's the one i started off and like it was cool and everything and this is actually my first time with a vr thing on my head and like that was cool man did i get bored after a while and just the particular game was not for you i'm sure i'm not sure it was because it all it was was like cooking mama yeah or whatever but like with less of a game yeah so maybe that was just a joke yeah vr thing you're simulating being in a real vr simulation i mean i can cook at home i i was i was telling someone that was like you know what you know what i think this is i think
Starting point is 01:49:29 this is literally the simpson's joke where it's like bart why don't you fucking rake the lawn no and then they go to an expo and he's like mom look i'm raking the lawn in this vr simulator it was bar but you could do that it no man yeah no man no but i'm raking it yeah we were already there with guitar hero yeah exactly exactly right so that was cool and we went from there to the vga's i want to hear about how great these were was there a giraffe there really quickly woolly though before before we get into that because i think that would like launch us into the general games just really quick shout out to jungle hobby store in little tokyo is literally the most legit thing you can get to being in japan and buying figures for yourself it was it is a store that is in japan
Starting point is 01:50:24 which i didn't realize until after the fact that i had been to that exact location had actually been to that one i've been to jungle in japan and it's where i spent the most money and i just didn't remember the name of it but it's got the same layout by breaking up it's it's sections into three different stores yeah it's got the like neo like um um cosplay like sort of shop cosplay costumes it's got the modern day sword art whatever bullshit shop and then it's got the old school godzilla slash camon rider corner it was a store that should have said woolly and pat uh sorry fuck my name is matt woolly and matt wow so we're starting to sublimate into each other that's i feel bad for you hey hold on a second hey plague you asked me if yesterday there was a
Starting point is 01:51:10 fucking giraffe there mm-hmm to tell him that i found the photo i found it i finally found the fucking photo was it it's jeff kealy it's some spiky three thing where was the giraffe behind him eat through i don't know that could just be in a hotel or whatever i'm pretty sure you're wrong fucking i'm showing them the image i see an image i don't see an image here i'm pretty sure you're wrong giraffe in google you'll find the image it's red there you go i'm not crazy you walk into the first thing like like woolly says it was like a costume like cosplay place you walk into the second one and it's common rider and godzilla and literally my dreams came true and one of our fans worked at this store yeah and as i'm buying three godzilla things i've never seen before
Starting point is 01:51:56 and there was a three thousand dollar pat sized height godzilla doll there that i just stared at we have footage of that yeah no like matt got into like a quick little relationship with that guy that was like talking about the godzilla stuff meanwhile i was in another relationship with the guy that was all about the camera writer because he saw me looking at double and he was like oh you like double do you and i was like oh come here come here it's a far cry from kappa 10 kebek is what you're saying it's a little bit it was just everything you can and then we go into the actual anime figurine store that's just everything just general anime purpose and woolly got probably like the most obscure thing that this there was a super rare vagabond statue
Starting point is 01:52:42 that was on sale for a day and then immediately disappeared and it was like i say a day but it barely even made that it was released and then sold out and that's it up there i got it i see it and he's doing the generic looking samurai yeah and he's doing the coolest pose in my opinion just kind of holding the swords to his side yeah whatever it's it's one of the best moments in vagabond where like he does the signature thing take your word for it and he pulls out the second sword and it's awesome and like i'm really happy i found that but that when we're in one of these stores they just start playing the opening theme from grand laganne that's solid and and double and they just just just to remind you how on point they are in case you had any depth if anyone's in
Starting point is 01:53:27 la or if anyone's in los angeles go look up jungle because you do it you could not be disappointed it was amazing unless you had all that shit we just had all that shit yeah uh since since uh i mean i wasn't planning it but like since we can use the vj as a jump off point into the the gaming news of this week i'll i'll uh take this to go yay indivisible got funded yeah that's cool i can't believe it i was sure it wasn't gonna get funded i was sure and it totally did i did 500 bucks and i was looking at it like yeah i had i had totally lost faith even motherfuckers like you hard at that one million wrong sorry it's still pretty hard at that one million marker it stayed that way for quite a while yeah that's what blew me away but but i you know was like yo let's get this contest
Starting point is 01:54:13 going it's for this last week because you know that's when the momentum is going to go into overdrive and save the game it was all us like we did it like in kudos guys you saved the game yeah all you all us not zone no one else not plague not uh not nobody else all the credit nothing not like even no he actually made it worse yeah no like i don't like for my my first idea was to like uh go leave a call like vote for whoever whichever uh bad as you want by leaving a comment on their thing and i was like no that's a horrible idea yeah who in their thing uh is there a tally in that yeah so uh yeah we can announce that uh we've we've we've done the count down there before you do the how close was it uh i can say that it was it was close it was actually was it within like five votes or
Starting point is 01:55:10 something it would no it wasn't no it wasn't but but we got it all in there and uh i'm happy to announce that the winner of the indivisible boss bass contest is type c plague of gripes oh it actually would not have surprised me at all of cranky at one because i actually saw a lot of pull for his because a lot of love for all the designs everyone a lot of a lot of a letter a lot of like invalid ballots coming in going i can't choose that's not that more than anyone else is like just combine them yeah or like take this part from that guy and that other thing from that guy i saw that more than anything else yeah yeah um but we're gonna be going with the brash cocky upstart uh designs with the the tiger pants that reference the actual zubas clothing line
Starting point is 01:55:59 hey hey hey uh plague man congratulations that's cool um and finally made it what for what at the same we're contributing the one that they're going to ignore anyway no player the winner you didn't enjoy being a winner you beat the other artist well job at this got what you achieved at the same time screaming conspiracy already yeah he he's on the podcast and they announced that he's the winner fucking what's this shit right that being said though like i i want to uh like thank zone and uh cranky and you play for managing to go with my bullshit uh like deadlines where there was like barely i barely gave you guys like two or three days and you pulled it out super hard i was asking for just a basic sketch the sketchiest sketch and you guys all delivered like a colored
Starting point is 01:56:50 piece so it may be angry enough as i was drawing it that i felt the need to finish it here we go because it wasn't just a dumb thing for us it was foreign divisible so the pressure was real oh man this podcast is going hold on no no honestly though like really really thanks a lot and everyone you know um like the each of the designs had an awesome different thing going for it and like i'm glad that it worked out that way where it's like every like yeah it was close because people were really torn but that's what we got so uh game awards let's get one final thing before we get into it oh no hat like we have to big ups for everyone that showed up to the round one meet up all all the fans in the LA area yeah that actually super awesome sorry that was actually
Starting point is 01:57:37 going to be well whatever is it i don't know yeah it's fine it's fine i know dockets are confusing but but yes uh like that combo the the the bird oh yeah there it is the birthday celebration that i had oh happy birthday how old are you i'm 30 now your life is over yep yep i was over many years ago i'm gonna turn 30 later this year and it's all downhill from welcome to the valley of the shadow of death yeah this is where we do it the rider of your life ran out of time because he has an illness now he had the ended early well damn that's hard slowly moving away from that yeah just the the death moves the abacus one beat over the contract has been sealed it's my birthday yeah the round one is super legit we have places that are kind of like yeah we did
Starting point is 01:58:27 like like in seattle and went to one but this place took the fucking case so i well i got to what i got to the west coast rubbing my palms together like okay where do you have kids at it's the only arcade world aside from japan the arcade still exists and max and kenny and they're all just like dude they're all gone they're all dead run one is they're all the last best right even on the west coast they're dude super arcade is dead family funland is dead our norcal and so cal is supposed to fight yeah keystone there was one arcade here like years ago like 50 miles away from there's one arcade and what happened when extinct back in like 1992 yeah right when street fighter 2 is coming up now's the time to kill time to close up i wish i wish that arcades would shut down like they do
Starting point is 01:59:13 in tron where no one takes the machines out yeah just leave them so they collect dust for 20 years exactly and you walk through these machines you can like turn them on and like get freaky fucking spiders jumping i like that i like that um but but yeah yeah so we so we had a fan meet-up over at round one which was it was like a barcade except it wasn't 21 and over so we could actually get our fans but it had a bar yeah and and the most delicious pizza that i never got to eat because that fucking giant family wasn't eating their pizza max hating super hard on this family i hate this family they ordered like four giant awesome looking pizzas and didn't eat them they were had their arms crossed looking at nothing not playing games pizza wasn't getting
Starting point is 01:59:59 eaten and what am i supposed to do just grow up and just grab the pizza yeah i wanted to they were gently grabbing the boxes and turning them upside down on the ground so man just to let this piece the pizza hit the fucking hand you're throwing them like frisbees across the yard so what you're saying is that uh in turks and kekos there was alex in the west coast there's families yeah families of best men but uh that being said you know as as also like it was really nice that uh my girlfriend coordinated with these fuckers over here with uh matt and lianna to like deliver something to me on my pillow on my birth color coordinated willy gift so that's way harder than i don't know how i would happen more than is required i don't know how it happened
Starting point is 02:00:45 but i'm never gonna tell you that was cool um but no uh since i wasn't in town was it a was it was a poop it was a poop in a box in a box safe and preserved yes happy birthday um no so since i i wasn't in town shop that one yeah i know it was tough it was real tough yeah this is tough road i instead got to spend it with all these cool people that came to hang out with us that's good it was like almost like like almost a hundred people yeah we we definitely crowded the place west coast we were a bit worried about the worst but i have nothing but love we were a bit worried we're always close to their hearts yeah we were worried about like kind of like stopping the place up with like just an impromptu flash mob fuck it up you know yeah but they don't have their
Starting point is 02:01:29 and yeah we brought them business it's cool it's cool you know special shoutouts to uh dydrell and beetle buddy that gave you the original stardust crusader's dio animation cell the one that's right by pat's feet the one that's right the one that's right here wow the original 1993 yeah churchos bizarre adventure exact one i was thinking of as you were describing right fucking cool thanks to them for giving me a late uh uh wedding gift which was a handmade cookie cat pillow which is the softest nicest pillow that we will now use on every plane trip because it's perfect to wedge it in between like you know when you're sleeping yeah on the foot it was amazing i cried uh usagi helped us out star exercists
Starting point is 02:02:18 oh star exercises taking taking pictures and oh man working working working with us she plays um things were cool and like everyone was so awkward in here right now it's not actually if you think about it everyone was super chill man like karaoke thank you for entertaining my drunken limpistic karaoke we had a little like we had a little like impromptu signing session and then we did some karaoke uh we went back i played some street fighter with 30 heads staring at me you did what i played some street fighter that's crazy everyone was watching dude everyone watches us play street fighter yeah we played we played a racing game called dirty driving yeah and it was like mix mario kart with ea sports big grunge punk cars twisted metal all right hydro thunder
Starting point is 02:03:08 super fun yeah super fun fucking they had these crazy all these crazy racing games i've never heard of the new bimani games bimani and stuff not bimani but the drumming game and the the guitar game i played i played stan proud did you try school of ragnarok that's the one thing i was so we were so involved that i fucking forgot to go try school of ragnarok this place also had poking for a little while but we showed up too late well we did play time crisis five though time crisis five was so fucking sick two pedals i didn't eat what no really how one goes to the left one goes to the right there's two places to hide you have this you have to strafe around bosses to get to their weak points oh dude it was so sick woolly woolly's getting really far and i
Starting point is 02:03:50 need to get my hands on this like the character designs are no there were no more than they ever remember there was that trailer that showed them that they're cool and hip now yeah i didn't believe that the red guy the blue guy they're dumber than they've ever been it's the best fours were pretty fucking stupid yeah no this was really dumber multiply that yeah yeah this is the joseph to their jonathan oh yeah yeah yeah that's dumb yeah yeah so that was that was that was probably the best like most impromptu best meetup that could possibly have happened yeah no like we'll try to do that again absolutely we rocked the clinty steward and we did guerrilla radio and everyone joined in and then they kicked us out because some stupid other people booked the
Starting point is 02:04:29 kira karaoke room yeah but when they were kicking us out mat and i were getting ready to sing in the end yeah and the song started but then it stopped because we had to leave it didn't even matter though so we just walked out into the lobby and just saying it anyway yeah and everyone didn't we disrupted all the bowling games and it was great yeah they loved it though everyone bowling knew that it didn't matter yeah in the end yeah all right now on to the bad times yep you have a good lead in you've been fighting to not get to this even though it's the primary all right all right look to end the vga's defense yeah it was a fancy ass theater yeah the lights were cool the lasers were doing their thing yeah people showed up and people not the maximum amount
Starting point is 02:05:19 no boy were there a lot of empty seats but they did usher together the crowd of people that were dedicated clappers and hand sways okay to the front of the stage i have to say now i know this happens on basically every award show nowadays everything that has a live audience a vga's it doesn't have academy awards or whatever yeah but well they all know i know every lesser tier it happens but being in there live and seeing it and seeing a guy telling people to get hype telling people to get emotional and start taking out your lighters and wave your hands when this random guy sings a song to awada that awada never heard and has no idea that's happening has no connection to awada whatsoever it was probably one of the worst moments of my life it was a look at that having
Starting point is 02:06:06 to work look at like hundreds of fakes and serenities yes that's fucking weird seeing how the sausage was made was quite quite a hell of an experience and you don't want to eat the sausage no more i never ate it i was never i never ate that sausage i smelt it but i related to breakfast yeah actually actually like funny you should say that because uh this week did one thing for me because before and after heading to LA like i had breakfast every day shut up with because i went out with these guys and before that i went out with the girlfriend to eat breakfast and there are parts of breakfast that i can do but you know what the real problem is it's it's still eggs it's like i know it's like a 900 calorie meal early in the day and that fucks up the rest of my day i just don't eat
Starting point is 02:06:48 for a whole rest of the day yeah that fucks me up yeah i had no problems going under my count before that but when you eat a big hearty breakfast it fucks you up man it's no good i gotta go back to to not eat just drink lots of water literally the most important meal of the day i don't want it literally no because it's because it throws me off i can't i can't understand i know all this energy is really off-putting breakfast to eat out isn't supposed to be a breakfast is a breakfast is supposed to be like toast and like a bit of cereal and a piece of of grapefruit yeah something awesome part of the game awards is when it goes to commercial on stream yeah it goes to commercial for the audience too shut up no way so we have to watch the commercials live live that's live
Starting point is 02:07:32 that's fucking weird what else are we going to do so uh very at the start uh at the start there's like a group of people same in front of us and the actress that plays Lara Croft like you know the voice in the middle of capture she comes out to to present best multiplayer award and i say out loud quite loudly why is Lara Croft i was just thinking there i was and some this cool chick in front of us with like braided hair treasure on goes what the fuck right which i assume is a dev and i go yeah i worked on that game and i know Lara Croft don't have good multiplayer yeah i mean but like this rise the tomb raider has no multiplayer oh no should have come out and given that war i worked on how about one multiplayer or glenn showfield how about anybody give out any award
Starting point is 02:08:22 for anything that matters and not these bullshit nothing awards hey what one best fighting game i don't know because they didn't have a presentation for it because who gives a shit because we put exert and rising thunder a game that was out the previous year and a game that's not out as best fighting game anyway in the end there was no it was not done it was pretty mediocre worse which means for matt it's worse than being actually i'd rather you be a zero so you would rather like jeff kealy walk on the stage and like a fucking pyro and he's just pants and he's on fire and he's just flailing around going oh help help i'm on fire i'm protecting my pants of metallica help me it would have been so much better you would rather have had nothing he's fine
Starting point is 02:09:14 he would have rather have had nothing just go to an empty room and just sit there and i'm and think about the games you've played this well hey those were good games apparently kanami agreed with you and that's why they stopped kajima from going so i'm of two minds about this they they announced that like kajima is not ready to accept this award so here is kiefer sovelin the guy that did the most work here to accept this award and then they cut to jeff kealy going yeah man it's bullshit we heard the game awards are super legit and we really like kajima everyone should clap right now and i'm like okay it sucks that yeah kajima is not legally allowed to do this but it also sucks that you're using this as a way to trumpet your own show and how cool and
Starting point is 02:10:02 honest and awesome you are to me when you don't actually give awards that matter to like artists yeah the integrity of the video game well no what i mean you know you're right playing and saying that but you're also like wrong in that like this shouldn't exist these whole awards should not exist and they they never will in a legitimate form sounds like me this is what it feels like when you see it in person i'm totally indifferent i'm totally indifferent but someone's gonna do it someone's the only difference but not he's the only difference between like this and every other journalism websites like top 10 and end of the year list production is that they added production to it hey are you aware of the academy awards and the golden globes and all those are
Starting point is 02:10:51 the same bullshit that you're talking about right now they totally are any award there's no way but there's no such thing as an award that means anything there there isn't but the academy awards they don't have an award for people that watch the movie the best they might like they do for the esports team and i have no opinion about esports other than like good on you you're you're making way much more money and than me and you're more talented like in that realm sure but to have that award at the game awards what is the specific award best esports team okay it was an evil genius no okay it was it was an esports team okay they won were they the best i guess so well good good for them so don't have best rpg award don't have best um like uh don't have best uh graphical
Starting point is 02:11:45 like technical award there's best art direction which won the witcher art direction there's no way the witcher one the nominees were blood born the nominee all i remember is the nominees for every category was the witcher blood born her story um and like metal gear that was it and like those four games were those are the four games that i i don't know what you expected i expect i expected a zero or a ten i got a five and i hate that basically so and you're reacting with the strength what was that like the video game awards would mean something if they were all negative like worst pr disaster by company you're totally right that's what i want you're gaming razzies yes what the razzies hmm best use of z fighting not bad not bad yeah so i will say we're made for
Starting point is 02:12:39 literally being better than them right now my night was made when uh uh jade raymond when jade raymond nash walked out on stage with the with the zombie parts and the gem in her forehead where they brought her back and she came up super under the influence of something some unknown substance did you see this at all she comes out she's like uh right she reads or talks one word per five seconds so what's the first thing that she does do you remember the first first strike first thing she does is uh she says um i think it's weird that kiefer is here basically she says voice acting makes a lot of difference who could ever think of the voice of snake other than david hater and then everyone in the crowd goes oh shane shane shane shane
Starting point is 02:13:35 then she goes oh i'm sorry that's mean and we're like whoa okay what's up and i go the trigger i come back from my sleep induced like what the fuck i don't care about this wait what's going on yeah something's happening and then previously in the show yeah previously in the show one troi baker hands the best of voice acting something award to uh the actress from her story which is that british lady and he hands the trigger goes it's you have like not looking at the teleprompter looking off and says like the mic picks it up goes this is really heavy be careful you might not be able to hold it or something to that effect and she and she picks it up she does everything they said like careful this is pretty heavy careful this is pretty heavy then jay raymond
Starting point is 02:14:23 then she picks up the word she goes oh the they show the nominees and it comes back to her and she goes oh i'm sorry i have to put this down on the floor because i'm i'd so heavy i can't hold it calling it jay me kennedy is that what's happening we're not sure it's unclear because again because of the influence her voice her tone of voice doesn't have a ton of emotion so cast there's no you can't really read it but she so she puts it down and then the last thing is she opens up the envelope and goes so the award goes narrative goes to the witcher three then the woman for her story and the music for her story start playing she walks up and takes it and everyone looks around with parks and rec faces going whoa and it turned and she just said the wrong
Starting point is 02:15:13 thing but it's unclear whether she just said it or i remember seeing jeff kealy coming out saying we fucked up and gave her the wrong envelope how could you possibly it's the only thing you have to do it's the only thing this is why this story is so interesting to me is that was she blazed out of fucking gourd was she being or she wasn't she just saying this is bullshit was she a secret robot was she a secret robot was it was a coincidence that they fucked up the one card that they gave to the super blitz presenter of the night you know who knows and either way that was my guffaw i said that this was the mvp of the show and people were like no no no no a few people on my tour were like no no no she that that was a misprint i go yeah that might have been a misprint but it
Starting point is 02:16:02 happened with the other two that didn't really say on the teleprompter throw shade on kiefer southerland the man that we invited here and has already like seven awards deep and the guy who's standing in accepting awards for hideo kajima who we just talked about here is a total martyr so shout out jay raven is awesome dash raven she stayed at the quarantine hotel too she was running the meth lab next door in the air she might have they brought her back you didn't you never thought you'd see that character again and shout outs to the everyone that all fought tmnt platinum was going to be shown at this it was never confirmed this is the real reason that's mad at the game it was never confirmed or the mortal combat trailer which you also got
Starting point is 02:16:48 yourself all like gussied up for well i you know that was leaked way before the show even began but the fact that i came here specifically to get the first look at tmnt platinum and it's not like this hasn't happened before it's not like revengeance didn't have their first public trailer what has turned the tmnt trailer into his new i hate this press conference i hate this press conference wasn't there yeah i hate it so you know uh not much else to say besides uh there was some dumb after party and we tried to go to it but there weren't enough plus ones so that was a waste of everything i got in i could have a plus one so i literally had a telltale prompt that says a good friend who will appreciate and go work or your wife who yeah who will then have to stay
Starting point is 02:17:40 outside the correct answers to just leave so i just yeah that's right that's right let's let the timer run out matt let the timer run out i let the timer run out and i tried we said can we not get up he is he is my like you know for all types of purposes my partner in my business i'm i've invited i'm on the list i'm fine they already have the fucking wrist strap on me yeah and i go but this is in my best densel washington this is my wife yeah yeah i couldn't bring both so we said fuck it we went to you should have let both of them go in instead you know what happened we went to a japanese restaurant i knew who also doesn't care about the after party cliffy b because he fucked off and was also right around the corner for a month you better take holding court right and i'm
Starting point is 02:18:27 like well if he is not in there i don't know if he's too cool for that after party then so are we kuffy b is a cool guy katsuya which gave woolly woolly's like oh that beef that beef and they give him the tiniest little sliver of beef ever and he orders like six lobsters after that it was the only way to make up for them bullshit yeah the place had really good drinks though yeah your drink was delicious with lotus blossom yeah that was pretty oh it was pretty good uh but so yeah there was a couple announcements at the game awards oh i guess one other thing to say about la is i don't like crab you did it though i did it and it was a lot of work and it's not worth it i'm not going to have crab but you have to put a lot on it yeah and you know what it really is it's all in the
Starting point is 02:19:08 butter without the butter i prefer grab lobster personally i thought it was slightly tastier than lobster like i don't know plague like you got to crack open those shells and suck out what little is left and it's like such a job to get what did i say how like a wild animal how desperate is mankind in their search for meat to find this piece i'm gonna crack open this hard carapace yeah to suck out hyena cracking open bones to suck out the marrow yeah i'm gonna eat that crab meat you fucking waste of life eat this eight pound fucking shittiness sea spider yeah like oh and not even in the body meat like it's the leg you're getting served up all the leg we're getting nervous because it says two pounds of crab and was and i don't know and i'm like no it means the entire
Starting point is 02:19:52 body weighs two pounds yeah that's like a half pound yeah it's not same it's barely that you know the place is still fun though anyway so at the game awards they did announce a couple of new games kind of they showed a new art they showed a trailer for uncharted for it was uncharted for yeah they showed why did you even put that on our list because it was part of it and i want to make sure that people who go they forgot uncharted oh no are aware that we know we're at it'll be plenty of time for us to forget that game when it releases don't question the docket you're right you're you're totally right i'm sorry they announced a new telltale batman game cool idea sorry sorry they announced a logo there yeah they didn't think a fighter should have done yes yes that's the
Starting point is 02:20:33 thing with the game awards is that there are a lot of world exclusive logos yes any predictions plague well as a telltale game i predict that it will remain that logo even throughout the release the game because that's as much input as you're going to have with it oh you i think the lp should and i tweeted this out i think the lp should be making the most unbatman like decision kill him okay yeah every decision well depends on who you are i don't think they even mentioned who exactly you're going to yeah i i bet you you're gordon or like someone under gordon it's going to be some random ass nobody that doesn't exist you play as tim drake i can't be i feel like you'll be red hood yeah red hood you play as my hood like everyone wants you to be batman because it would be the cool
Starting point is 02:21:17 thing no it's too cool but like yeah they're gonna you can't affect the story they're gonna miss batman never makes this batman are they just gonna have like one option off to the side that always read and it always reads use a gun and that's all it is the entire game no you have you have four dialogue choices like who is it what huh and where's scarecrow oh that's the worst i would i would give that game a hundred stars out of five if at the end you could kill superman so i i think that like uh it's kind of it's a good idea for these two to come together but the timing that they're that they're coming together is after everyone's burnt out on tell tale that's and burnt out on batman that's correct and it couldn't have been worse
Starting point is 02:22:03 it's like two divorces coming together they both hate each other they're like man our fourth wedding yeah yeah basically do it for the kids um so there's that and then no shorts and and then there was the fucking thing that uh none of us saw coming cold release trailer for psychonauts two and like uh matt and iris looking at each other like what wait what really and i tweeted out like holy shit everyone shut up psychonauts two and what they didn't tell us in that theater was that it was a crowdfunding camp oh they got you the trailer was just a logo and then bam swore that i had heard about this before now but it might have been a dream it might have been a dream because i could have swore i was about to ask wasn't that a crowdfunding thing uh yeah it is
Starting point is 02:22:50 but uh we just we didn't know and uh yeah so that was put up there and and and uh i think that's the only other thing that they announced worth talking about yeah i guess um the most useless like a little adventures was there the most useless hd uprising ever i think shadow complex shadow complex hd i'm excited uh because well it's not about the uprising it's by the coming out on pc yeah and and and about the possibility of another one yeah possibility another one sure but like i was just like i don't i don't that games amazing and the fact that it's free go grab it it's free right now 360s in the thing well that's our fault it is but i would rather have a free version that's on my pc yeah no i mean i'm not going to hate on something that's
Starting point is 02:23:38 free but i'm just like even even if my 360 was out i would have double dipped it's not shadow complex too but i'm i'll fucking take it with arms wide open i feel the same way as like two meter definitive edition which is actually the worst but no they're not a thing though man where's my my 360 is not even in the room okay you know what i mean so this i have to record with my 360 all the time because we run a business where we have to but record matt matt hold on why why do you why do you hate on just like a pc port in general like no i'm not saying the pc port i'm just saying the entire project in general like we're remastering eight like shadow complex okay that's cool but like is this a world exclusive awesome thing no it should have been an oppression these no it should have been
Starting point is 02:24:24 the turtles trailer it should have been yeah exactly see see the actual thing that's new i would like that turtles are like really old yeah yeah i forgot you hate platinum what god anyway you see it's so mad nothing's related to anything at this point but it's pretty cool that shadow complex hd is there um that's a great game really is that was a lot of discussion for nothing yeah i know welcome to the podcast yeah it's okay uh and liam's not here i have to be the stupid one so before we get into what liam will bring uh back to us next week we could also talk about stuff that didn't happen at the playstation experience uh there was a giant ass list of games that leaked from the steam database so oh god what was it that happened they made it so that
Starting point is 02:25:15 you could remove games from your steam library if you didn't want them anymore but no one paid attention to that system and in so doing you could find every game that had ever been inputted into the system ever including like a bunch that hadn't been announced yeah so unannounced games that showed up on this list rz and the warrior of legend bad rats show code of princess criminal girls dang an rampa one dang an rampa two earth defense force 4.1 everybody's gone to the rapture ff uh six ff 10 and 10 2 flat out for half-life 3 guilty georg's urn hellblade journey phantom brave rain bitch oh you skipped one you skipped this one half-life three said it wait you wait what really they were too busy shouting over me you're right i'm an idiot half-life three hellblade journey
Starting point is 02:26:08 phantom brave rage again and and much more important than half-life three rise of the Tasmanian tiger rise of the tomb raider stein's gates stranger in this of sword city tie the Tasmanian tiger one two and three and x blade uh x blaze code embryo i didn't know there were three Tasmanian tie games yeah there is i can't get through a function list without everyone jumping everywhere conclusion of half-life three makes me think that this whole list is a farce yeah it's gonna come out guys you're gonna have the portal gun and the gravity gun and the goo gun i'll be angry if it comes out i don't want it to exist i want it so bad no all right go ahead mate um platinum tmt game not at the game awards fuck everything we talked about this last week well we did uh we
Starting point is 02:26:56 caught it just as it was only i've got it i guess the only thing they'll let me know is that it's rated m for mature yeah because it was it was leaked by the classification board in australia that's how we found out about it which means there's gonna be murder in it yeah i like to think so we got the mortal combat x combat pack two which uh was leaked prior to the psx so literally a day before uh how about that bull ride show yeah how about that uh xenomorph with baracka's claws that's pretty cool how about that try bores i have organs pretty cool the smoke version looks super cool absolutely and that's how's that gonna work anyways which uh each each um like each uh smoke uh syrax and sector will be a different variation
Starting point is 02:27:42 so selectable or it's they're not going to do it in game right no you don't switch between them in mk in mkx you pick a character and then you pick a style and there's one okay yeah i seriously so in this case they just dedicate a color you get special moves uh different to each one and that's the whole pack that's everybody don't forget about leather face we forgot yeah because who the fuck cares someone always forgets about leather face some guy out there who likes leather face that's his face is too leathery it makes you forget the fact that in the trailer quench he's looking around all scared and a fucking asshole with a chainsaw just kills him it's the lamest inclusion he just runs out from the frame he runs out from the forest and quench he's like what is this asshole with
Starting point is 02:28:29 chainsaw and if there's a senator watching it happen like well these things happen her mac is a fucking collection of a thousand dead warrior souls and he's a wizard and he looks over at some jack ass of the chain so i was oh no that guy's super times didn't prepare me for this his face looks like a couch oh no it's almost like they wanted someone else yeah and had to settle like mike mires from saturday night live how even pulling freddy back just so that you can never ever redo it but just to get the match up in there you know no i know but like they would never do it because you're gonna get your alien versus predator so i want yeah but then those are new to this game who do you want play i want to play as the thing oh that'd be impossible man i don't care i know
Starting point is 02:29:21 you can have the thing and i'll get my brundle fly and then it'll be the match up of the century no it's gotta be brundle fly too no car or the dog i think can also be your thing uh so that was that then we can go straight into the playstation experience roundup which was a billion things uh not all of which are worth mentioning that's correct but let's let's start with the big guns which are what uh the final fantasy seven remake had a trailer yes a gameplay trailer that trailer showed us that the game was possibly not going to have the same system as the original no it'll it'll they'd talk about this uh might be going the way of the like six months ago when they were talking about the gameplay yeah i remember i remember they didn't want to completely
Starting point is 02:30:11 shot for shot remake all the gameplay moments because that'd be weird and i already knew that but when i saw it i still got a little sad so here's the deal like they they talked about how it's going to be um in terms of action flow it's the city at the top and then kingdom hearts underneath that in terms of actioniness yeah and underneath that in terms of action he would be this and you look at the trailer and there's a bar that fills up and eventually turns red and they said that that's the atb meter yeah so what it's likely because it goes down if you don't connect with what's likely gonna happen is that uh you you gain like a meter to use actions and you can move your character around and then you have to go back to getting hit and then switch back to a
Starting point is 02:30:50 turn because i noticed there was still the meter the the options on the site items there there will be so here there will be some kind of turn based yeah element it's not full on crisis gorgeous yet uh no uh i'd like i i think it has potentially be really cool i think the voice acting in that trailer except for wedge is really really solid oh man wedge was bad wedge is is atrocious but like barrett's being voiced by jet yeah uh and cloud is on fucking on point every everyone else was pretty solid and then wedge is there shitting up the show um i that that on the on the combat like i really yeah i really do hope that uh it does have some semblance of atb because i would hate that like we move towards a future words like atb is not used anymore because we
Starting point is 02:31:37 think it's just too archaic yeah and it's like that's not the case like you can still use that with modern day games but the feeling that modern day games means we have to go actiony i hate that sentiment oh you uh whenever i was talking about that earlier this is of course i'm not really poking bloodborne there that's the general thing yeah no every game every genre seems to devolve into some sort of uh character action of some kind it doesn't matter what it is and eventually we'll turn into it i have a strong feeling this is going to be like you're able to move your character for a little bit and yeah and it's not going to be strict like you'll be able to free move your character yeah and you might be able to attack whenever you want but i bet there will be massive
Starting point is 02:32:19 bonuses to waiting to let your bar fill up at the same time though like there's this moment where you switch over to barret and he's you're controlling him yeah so you're wondering like while you're doing that it's ai cloud you must be doing something doing his own thing and then you switch back over yeah there's a lot of assumptions to be made with this system like of course to pull a limb we don't know anything yes no like this is so fucking early it's they're basically just presenting a video to you of proof of concept of well we think it'll be sort of like this here's yeah here's some fancy meters that are going up that'll be something or other and they probably weren't even playing the damn thing they just kind of just rendered out something yeah very like
Starting point is 02:32:58 no you're super right and and i can only just say that my hopes and dreams are that you know they don't completely discard the old system uh it's fine to update it but you know i have been keeping track of everyone's complaints with this they're a lot well when you remake anything literally every decision you make that is new or different well trust me when when the re2 remake stuff starts coming out you're going to hear a lot of bitching from me oh yeah but that's the the divide point there's been a lot of uh what's wrong with you oh man that kind of thing yeah and there's also been a lot of you stupid kids yeah so it's been those kind of two camps the other things that they talked about for ff7 is that uh they it's going to be multiple games it's going to be split into parts
Starting point is 02:33:42 and the parts the some of the parts will be larger than the original game yes they said that basically if they were to make it on one one game one release they would have to cut a ton of shit because there just isn't the money for it they wouldn't be able to make it they have to cut a ton of shit or they have to sell you the game multiple times yeah right so instead they'll make the game like one arc or whatever at a time well that's what i was saying yeah uh one episode at a time they'll ground zero is it so that they can afford it yeah and they should have done this like to avoid this problem if it's possible they should have done this remake last generation when it was cheaper when absolutely i totally agree but then that's when we got quotes saying we can never do
Starting point is 02:34:26 this remake it's stupid to even think that we could so i i was not enough the climate the internal climate was not right so yeah internal climate in that we haven't had a big hit in a while yeah time to make money again um oh we don't know how though they've said that they plan on they're going to try and cut almost nothing but some stuff will obviously be cut but they'll they're going to try and add more than they cut so that it seems different right and one of the examples that they give is that um i got what the fuck's the name of the street when you when you blow up the the macro reactor wall to get out onto the city street yeah they mentioned that that was like a single screen in the original game and they show it in the trailer and it's a full fully realized city
Starting point is 02:35:08 street oh yeah and like it has all sorts of shit on it and and and and you like the the entire like sequence that happens before cloud jumps off the train yeah which is where the game starts you know because you think about fun ones you said was like the last final fantasy where you can get away with a bunch of bullshit because you just have little like stupid looking chibi characters you can kind of get away with a lot there's only in like the big you know the huge FMVs where it's all go cool this is yeah but you can't now you have to think up new assets for stuff that was already done like like it's crazy i was thinking about like just the macro reactor which is essentially like less than one percent of the original game that would be like a three hour set piece or
Starting point is 02:35:48 action sequence a level in in a chart again i did see some arguments some people were doing like reactionary things like well you just want everything to be pre-render backgrounds again i said that i thought about it and they thought yeah that would actually i would really like that i would actually help measure i'd be totally happy with that as well but i also appreciate them doing like something new yeah so you know i'm in my head i'm imagining that the breakdown is going to be every disc is a game no i don't know how they're going to break it up because they they could release it sort of episodically which i think they said that they're not going to do like how do they split it up do they do like three discs if they do that would be fine i think
Starting point is 02:36:31 midgar is your first game midgar is like midgar is like ten percent of the original game but like considering the way the assets would go like you could easily if you added shit you could pull midgar out as a giant thread to like a full game no problem and then the ending of that would be them standing on the highway looking out onto the world map and then you'd go hey come back next time because a lot of uh people have instantly pointed out that the original game by the way i played seven a shit ton like i beat it like ten or something times me too in various ways but a lot of people pointed out instantly there's a lot of openness to seven that you can even whatever you're attracting a midgar for that first little bit you can still roam all around the place
Starting point is 02:37:18 so actually trying to restrict things to certain areas isn't going to work too well if they're trying to stay completely true to it and especially when you get on the open world map if they're even going to have a world map who the hell i can see a much more fully realized midgar as the first game yeah yeah if midgar ends up being like you can walk from corner to corner you can you can go from sector six to sector eight and they're all places there yeah because like think about think like sector eight was like two screens with like various shops think of how big that would actually be in this remake it would be a full proper city which is kind of a shame like it's good but it's also a shame like i have no value in that like i don't need that i don't care
Starting point is 02:38:01 about walking around oh here's an mpc i don't care about it doesn't matter to me but if you pull it off you know it's new you know it's you're not really picked the hardest game ever to remake oh totally and they said they knew as much and that's why they're doing it the hardest way possible to yeah yeah but i mean the but you know splitting it up for the reasons that it's like it's too fucking expensive yeah no otherwise completely the main thing that i see people going oh this is bullshit it's like a lot of people just like it is to us because we kind of know like but mad you can't magic you know i'm saying it is to us because we know how much work but it's completely unreasonable majority of people hate this it's completely unreasonable to unreasonable people
Starting point is 02:38:43 yeah it's like a lot of people just straight up forget how big that game is how many areas that game has how many set pieces how many characters how many mpc and we're talking to people that are like but you did it last time and do it again and you're game makers and it's not like and it's the difference but it's not an endorsement in the sense that like yeah i'm glad they're splitting it up right like i still think that ground zero should have been a part of fan opinion absolutely but between the two scenarios i can understand why it was i would much rather it's a better game if it's better if it's all together yeah but i understand why we're not i would probably release it all together i would much rather have like a four part ff7 remake that has everything in it
Starting point is 02:39:23 that you can sit and just do that has everything in it 100 and have one ff7 remake that cuts out like all the coast of del sol stuff in the snowboarding last it kind of makes me i wonder they're doing that it's coming to ps4 first thing that's correct but they didn't stipulate what exactly else it would be coming to assuming that it comes to like pc or something i imagine it would come to psc pc and the xbox one eventually you would think that it would be everything would be packed just one game if it came to pc well because you knowing them they would probably release it like a year after or something so i don't know i guess by then uh they probably still wouldn't have the full thing out if they're doing it which is what you could repeat that
Starting point is 02:40:06 can you read that i was wondering exactly if they're doing it episodically then they probably even after a year they probably still wouldn't have especially the whole thing out but they might not even have like the second one out no way like i i feel like the first part is being aimed at the 20th anniversary yeah so next year and then the second part maybe maybe years this is going to be spread out over like as as many as their investors wanted this game is going to take six years to come out i'm calling it a decade i'd say six six is my unreasonably optimistic one you're probably i'm calling it 10 years they're gonna tell tell the shit out of it they'll be just but every chapter but every chapter is going to be 12 hours no get out they'll be longer well they say a quote
Starting point is 02:40:54 and quote four game but a four game these days can you know mean 12 hours i'm calling i'm calling 30 to 35 like 35 years no out oh yes because i was gonna say i can't i can't wait for my grandchildren to tell me how this was it was bad why did they're making it on the unreal engine unreal for it'll be up to unreal 10 by the time the final one comes out no i remember when this game was on my play station epic's never gonna make another engine so yeah not a real four forever this is gonna be really weird whenever they're like four years into it and they're still on something that looks archaic by the standards then i don't know man unreal three kept going forever yeah yeah it holds up fairly well no i don't know how they're gonna do the vast open fields of a world map though
Starting point is 02:41:45 it's doable well you see all this really creepy and terrible looking like here's nintendo properties in unreal four and i look at them like it looks like the worst shit ever like it's always like link or Kirby and it's just creepy it's like no stop doing this stop trying to do this it'll always look bad it's not great um but yeah no so that that's that's what we got on i still think it looks really good i'm excited i'm very excited uh i'm slightly deflated but still fine you want you want to talk about something else we're excited about yeah what are we excited about before we get that i'm curious to know what um what deflates you is it the split or the combat uh various things piled together i guess because the the the hype was big and then they come out with you know it runs on
Starting point is 02:42:34 unreal which makes you wonder well how big can it get and then you start thinking about the recent games that they've had and the way the combat and those works and how linear that they tell the stories and those and you start thinking about that whenever they talk about releasing it episodically and well this is lots of little bitty things piled together it's like um yeah we'll see i was when i was uh when i was watching the trailer and they said the lines worked for word i was like okay every line that was in the original game is going to be there but you have to think they'll be cleaned up obviously it'll be that translation was no matter how poorly voice acted it has to be but but there's gonna be tons of extra lines for all the extra content so there's
Starting point is 02:43:12 it's unavoidable that we're gonna get new stuff that might be weird and Paris who's on is fantastic yeah i really need to complain about i'm hungry later on i hope that they've learned lessons since advent children they haven't about what uh about weird dialogue no they have like his dialogue is completely different i hope they don't include anything that's not from seven directly who's bears like the genesis and and gila or whatever the hell it is i don't want them to reference anything and uh the kids the fucking separate no you're just being like straight up writing god for all the not just at the children's head the weirdest dude i i went over it i went over that trailer with a with a comb in my mind like right away you look at the clouds design
Starting point is 02:44:00 he is his original he is as he is the closest approximation to his original piece of art he has ever been and his lines are the actual like doesn't give a fuck kind of a weirdo character people were worried that he actually is and not the mopey douchebag like drama japanese drama character yeah he's the video game character because it's a video game he's not a lot of us in anime seven characters got flanderized after the release of seven yeah especially ac on yeah cloud became emo he became that rather than the uh i don't give a shit i'm in it for the money that's mosey actually was like eris is a good another good example who became erith retroactively and became the uh flowery shrine maiden that never has a bad thing to say about
Starting point is 02:44:52 anyone is always ballad and prayer and so on she was never that i i'm i think they're being pretty true i'm really excited to see because they said they're going to change all the characters designed slightly and barrett's is really good so i'm really excited to like keep an erith yeah put beards on them and if they have beards put glasses on them great do it put a beard on erith put glasses a beard on erith do it i think i think how cool the turks are gonna look yeah no i really wanted to just insert kadage and yazu yeah until there you go those are the names yeah so cloud cloud looks really good by the way because he's emaciated and shitty no he's wiry and sinewy but he's got like toned muscles but his arms he has no fat hey ladies he's he's
Starting point is 02:45:36 single too yeah kind of so speaking of of glasses and emaciation and emaciated characters we've got the reveal of street fighter fives f a n g shadow lose new second in command who takes over once sagat leaves fang or fun or whatever yeah take a cool mandolin playing assassin guy from kung fu hustle and then stretch out his y axis by about 10 percent until and until the model is about to break yeah and then and then let it let it loose i kind of always assumed they could be like street fighter five punches you in the dick and steals your money and will you be like no that's cool i'm fine with that i didn't need that money and i was i didn't need that and it also calls you racist names that's fine but he watches this trailer and he's like no man this is the uncoolest
Starting point is 02:46:35 character they've ever made and that was shocking that's how i know it's bad no matter beards or sunglasses no i don't like it but no the uncoolest character they ever made was rufus so i said this i think he's slightly cooler than fang look look just because he's like fat characters are not uncool just because they're fat no it's not that because bob is cool bob is cool rufus they get negative points toward their cool factor for being that big the problem but the thing the problem is that fucking fang like it's everything look human either just rufus and i and i get the whole cartoony element where you've got to have that you got and you know and that's totally fine and i just i feel like there's the voice but and which is apparently only in english where the
Starting point is 02:47:23 japanese version doesn't have that high pitch the great fang doesn't happen with his uh his translation i don't know but regardless of that i just think like looking at his design i'm like it's kind of like lee from street fighter one in a way but if he just had a normal if he just kind of looked like a normal person but he's like like all boys in here whatever that would have been fine but the lankiness of the way he looks in the game looks like he doesn't belong i hate to think of having a really long sleeves and not like having your hand shell oh yeah like there's that that stupid cat girl in bloody roar that also has that and i fucking hate it because it doesn't seem like you're a serious fighter it's a chinese assassin thing so where
Starting point is 02:48:03 you've got shit hidden up your sleeves here's the thing willy the thing where you say he doesn't look like he's part of the game rufus didn't look like he was part of the game i feel rufus you're right and i feel rufus fit in a little bit better than this guy look i'm never gonna agree with your guys you guys hatred of rufus you sure won't because i really like fang but uh i think he looks great you're you high wow okay as far as like weirdo character goes he's literally a million times better than rufus so like i think el corte is a character where it's like he's a goofball character but he still looks like a person and the design is fine i feel like fang i don't he doesn't have that i feel like why does he need to look like a person because most street fighter
Starting point is 02:48:49 characters do i feel like fang doesn't look like a person yeah but when i say i look like a person i don't i don't i don't i mean proportions are stretched beyond yeah it's not like it's not like wacky colors or anything like that i just mean like noodle man looking like you mean you mean like necro necro looks more human than he does basically there's an extreme and there's a cutoff point right and it's and like there's you can you can go to a certain level with it yeah you could go to like rufus level certainly but i think that that's too far i think that fang goes outside of where i think the limit should be it's it's arbitrary and it's different totally but i don't like it that's unfortunate you know super uncool he's a less cool version of the dude from princess of the brawl
Starting point is 02:49:33 yeah a lot of people are comparing him to uh the x-com guy as well like if he has some sort of like snake like snake like like demeanor but he's like oh i can't i can't i can't look at him objectively because i personally think he looks cool but that's also in my mind going he kept rufus out of the game so so that makes me happy he could look way cooler the fact that it's even related to rufus in any way he's the last newcomer weirdo yeah he is like it's there there is a direct link there so the difference is is that like hideous looking shitty character with stumpy legs and a giant fat belly that's not over the line you but the long long long guy is i'm on the opposite side of that it is kind of weird whenever every other character is so thick visually yeah uh considering how much
Starting point is 02:50:26 i fucking love kinkobra i have the most to hate about rufus actually it's true but i don't and yet you're not true to yourself no because i think i think it's i think it's over i think you guys i think you're being over the top of it but i think you're being over the top of that yeah i guess like look i don't really like rufus and i really don't like fang i really wish alex was in the game instead of either of them but you know we're going to get them eventually so probably that much now now aesthetics aside or you'll do what i'll still play the game i feel like it would be pretty easy to correct his design it would be just shrink him that's it yeah you're fine you need to fix his costume a little bit too like his hat sits too high and things like that but here's the thing
Starting point is 02:51:13 they can't change him too much because then they'll be like hey everyone we fucked up you look at the trailer and it's like this isn't a discussion about something that they would ever actually do no i know like the most like like shrinking uh see vipers boobs down is something you can pull off you can't change a design yeah no you're right that's what we talked about before when you release a fighting game character you better fucking nail it the first time you have to it's it's like it's i don't know that it's weird because i feel the same way rufus all you had to do was shrink him to a sub pixel size so that you couldn't see him anymore but rufus is like there's like one or two parts it's like yeah you saw like his fucking dick fur or whatever
Starting point is 02:51:55 coming up from his thing and his collection of one thing that's like eh i don't like that but it's his fucking voice and his personality just grates on on me yeah so i don't like that so it's a lot of little things but why is bob so cool bob is cool because he's cool because he's normal he's just fat yeah but it's like he was just annoying and he was like this like this rival to ken that even ken didn't care about rufus is like a fucking idiot who's like hideous in every respect that being said pat remember that should be remember this is the replacement for sagas yun yun and yang should never have been in ultra okay all right well that's a whole other discussion then well pat's right in the sense that timeline wise this should not have been no no i mean like that no
Starting point is 02:52:43 no i know you are but to me they should not have been in for like that's another discussion because i think you're fucking high the twins moves are the coolest shit ever wen chun based like awesome accelerating moves i only like i only like yang and they didn't have a place prior to that because lee was gone from the game and gen had multiple styles so the way so what they represent is a really awesome step between that so they should have had king cobra in with a variant of that moveset like rufus has that would have been cooler anyway i agree and or disagree thank you i was trying to move on and say aside from aesthetics whatever like the moveset that we see him i don't like it in the trailer i like poison as a as a mechanic and uh from reading
Starting point is 02:53:28 what they wrote about him on cap community it looks like it won't just be him poisoning you but they're also going to have uh area damage where area denial like he'll put down a poison he shows it in the trailer where he puts down a poison something in front of his feet and dolls and tries to tag him with a long range blow and dolls and gets a hit even though uh fang is blocking poison doesn't look like it's recoverable damage unlike the yoga fires yeah here's the thing i think like i think like khan raw is the same type of character but infinitely cooler but almost the same it's like emaciated thin wiry like kind of jokey thing and he sets up traps and whatever not and i don't like khan raw like a whole bunch like he's neat or whatever but i don't
Starting point is 02:54:11 play as him i don't really like to fight against him it's the same type of character i'm like it's just not for me and like it i guess street fighter five maybe was missing kind of a weirdo everyone else is kind of a weirdo but he becomes normal and then stretches to be a weirdo and goes back to normal from like a storyline or whatever perspective i'm bummed out that sagot is being replaced by fang because that's like a weird sick burn but it's also but it's awesome that sagot walked away but it's both right also fang is the it's awesome that the character i like is fang is also fang is hey i'm not complaining about like no no i'm not i'm not no but you like sagot right so i like how you respect his decision to walk away from the character yeah oh that's
Starting point is 02:54:59 awesome he left fang is also the the saddler scientist that does all the experiments okay perfect that makes it but the the other thing is like i'm i kind of like fills me with joy that they saw like the four kings and they said let's take a shadow out and replace him with this super weirdo you're not wrong so um um the uh salomon grendy uh in uh injustice has that sort of poison thing as well so like i'm down with that stuff uh but the other non-poison moves that he had they're goofing stupid they are goofy as hell that spin towards the end and that was like the best shot that anti-air is kind of interesting where it's like he has like a kind of fooky aggy type thing but his super is the stupidest super is better than space opera symphony oh my
Starting point is 02:55:44 god i can't be excited for street fighter six where he'll be fixed thank you a cool riyaku combo that launches you into the sky and ends with yeah except it's rufus doing it so it's worthless the point is that would you agree this is the uncoolest character in street fighter five though um like you know what i mean who's who's comparable is anyone even close is that who like why are you even thinking about this i guess dal sim dal sim i know you're thinking about it despite me but who's actually close to being as uncool as fang kenny this is like the coolest ken she's just not great all right so moving along king of fighters 14 they all agree on i'm excited for this all right so guess what the game looks better and does randy and and yeah let me finish
Starting point is 02:56:35 the game looks better and we've got the confirmation that the systems are probably some of the best systems that it has it's bringing back sorry what it has online and graphics yeah it's bringing back uh some of the best like kof uh competitive systems from 98 in 2002 and some some really good stuff i saw i saw they were there they were tapping buttons and going yellow for their their big ones yeah uh it's got it's got a six player mode where you can go do three on three that's really cool that's easy attacks are now wall bounces universally there's an interesting system breakdown that you can go check out at the website all packing shape it up shape it up at the king of fighters official watch okay um things are shaping up there still looks like
Starting point is 02:57:21 a play a simple 2000 simple 2000 game so like right as the tweet uh i forgot who wrote it said like amazing man one day the games of the playstation cut scenes are going to be their graphics in game i can't wait for that day that day is today whoever made that simple 2000 photoshop of fucking king of fighter boxer is is a god amongst men so like they in the trailer they you see keo and yori talking and it's clear that they have had more work done on them since we first saw them they look better they don't look good they don't even look average they look better but then in that trailer you see fucking ralph and king and andy well they look terrible but ralph is not the big roid belly monster that he was before but they didn't even show a close-up on ralph
Starting point is 02:58:16 kings kicks look like shit um there's a weird thing with the animation and people that are playing it uh on the show floor are reporting this in now that a lot of the animation is it's the timing of it like when you jump for example uh the timing of when you jump it's the same arc but the completion of the flip is way slower than in sprite in the 2d games where you jump flip land right and this came into like a flip and it adds this feeling of molasses like play great where it isn't actually there but it's just an illusion that's fine for virtual fighter um you can make your jumps be yeah no virtual fighter jumps in the past it's you know it's nice that the game is getting it's being made while we watch these trailers it's nice that we're seeing it being made i still
Starting point is 02:59:07 think it looks under average and it looks under cooked and i still it's sad that it's gonna be competitively sound just give them a couple more years they'll pile this shit snowman together one day i i said this off camera your call now kof graphics matched the fucking horrible HUD that all the collections have had yeah it's that same type of empty plastic that that street fighter 4 overcame initially you know like it was one of those screenshots the first screenshots where they part start putting the brush kind of like texture art where it was these screenshots of able throwing um uh ken in like uh akuma or whatever goken stage with the the statues where i was starting going way yeah now this looks awesome yeah yeah yeah and like maybe
Starting point is 02:59:59 this just needs that point where it's like they'll just have one build where they do something yeah there's a bit there was a build where vanilla had a lighting change that changed dramatically everything yeah and they need a drastic but like build i i i i i really dread the day we're gonna have to look at terry and he's probably gonna look like the worst so well considering andy no you know what terry might there might be hope because most of his face might be covered by his head yeah no we can only hope that we are not gonna be able to see him plague did you watch the trailer i didn't watch the trailer i saw everything that came out of the trailer though by the way i can say that i can tell that you guys really want this to well i won't say that but we don't want it to
Starting point is 03:00:43 i was about to say that you really want it to succeed but then i thought well maybe not no i but like i'm detached from it enough that whenever i see this i had the same sensation that i do watching compilations on youtube of people doing skate tricks and landing other nuts like they'll eventually get better but i don't care i want to see them fail i don't know why they said this someone said that there's this theory that s and k only has the arcade boards for the pachinko machines left and they can only program somebody what is available with that hardware as somebody who's worked at a company you're reading what people have to say about that that's all poor shit like but i wanted to be true because it's the only way to explain why it looks so awful
Starting point is 03:01:35 no you know what it is it's like they're using different artists and the guy they gave to andy was like look at this isn't it great and everyone starts throwing up on their horses no everyone's like i was trying to everyone's everyone starts throwing up on their horses and the the horses throw up on andy and then they put that horse on it and they make the 3d models out of the story yeah i was trying to figure out why they wouldn't just take the same recycled sprites from 13 and add a couple new ones to it and i think i think they don't have the confidence to make a new character i think they would have k of 13 sprites next to morrigan from that was the only like that was the only logical explanation that i could come up with yeah is that they just don't
Starting point is 03:02:17 feel like they can match that exact style anymore or it's some suspicious thing like they're making the models for the next generation of pachinko technology or some stupid shit and it would be acceptable for them to make like the least amount of characters in k of 13 style they'd have to make would be like four a last boss and a new team it was it would be the bare minimum you'd get away but like you have in the docket the only thing that makes me go like ah but i still want to is because fucking 50 fighters i want the most dumbest selection i want either new characters or just the most i want i want richard mayer i want on food i want we've already seen we've already seen the list and we know that it's only like two or three new characters we know that kim
Starting point is 03:02:58 is there if kim looks as bad or worse than terry i am jumping out of the window kim is gonna look i'll hug you i'll throw you it's gonna look exactly like kiyo because he's got the same hairstyle i'm like jereck face so if if kim looks like particularly bad i'm gonna freak out that i'm almost freak out almost everybody has a redesign right yeah he already has one he's and he had the most recent of all the redesign so you so judge what you've seen of the redesign so far and just apply it to kim god i'm gonna freak out all right all right so that's kf can i briefly ask if are those redesigns better than the the ones from 13 all of them are all of them are maybe ralph is better yori's we can't we haven't seen a good look at ralph like i saw many gameplay you see a
Starting point is 03:03:44 okay because you can barely get a good he doesn't look like a big box man um thanks to unzip his jacket they're all they're all worse with the exception of maybe yori cuz like no is the trench coat is kind of interesting it's not terrible but it's not better than the dress shirt it fucks up his color palette yeah the chance i will never play it i will never play this but i am excited to see what they really play when you come down here we're gonna make you play it no yeah there's a way more funny i will i will pretend to work the controls like if you give me a stick i'll like yeah i'm doing it and he's just pressing the start button i want to make that video i want to make that video oh no i forfeited the match accidentally for the 13th time it's hard it's so hard um that's good i
Starting point is 03:04:30 like this plan yeah we're hitting that mark so we gotta we gotta fast forward here a little bit but there's a lot of ps playstation vr stuff that was announced there who cares about that shit it's all about fear is the mind killer well it's all about neo which uh liam messaged me live from the show floor to basically tell me to throw away my copies of res throw them all in the trash i've played it is what he says okay that's a good enough so they're adding a new stage fucking they didn't even need to they didn't but they're adding a new stage res is the perfect 60 minutes yes um and now it'll be the perfect 80 minutes now we've also got a really cool trailer for neo and we've got a really cool techno coey i would like to play this
Starting point is 03:05:19 when it comes out straight up asking us hey do you guys want samurai yes game type style thing please and we do yeah it's onamusha and dark souls in one game you know it'll be good this actually being the third pillar of tecmo like quantum theory was supposed to be a third pillar um plague go take a look at this uh i saw the the trailer for it or some parts of it anyways i saw the general combat you're not going to get a a a a a story here that's anything besides anime girls being protected because you know it's mamoru mamoru no fucking tecmo coey no but what if they turn you know those rich dynasty warriors plots yeah think about those i saw it i just thought well it's good that games are kind of going in this direction some just to have you know things
Starting point is 03:06:12 are kind of in this vein and then i'll just close the browser the other tab yes it like we saw the heme sama come from his sheath and go into his sword we saw her that's fine uh we have nino kuni too which i was surprised to find out that ghibli has nothing to do with it anymore it's weird is that the truth yeah because that looks like their style here's a lot here's how i'm off here's how i felt watching the nino kuni to trailer i didn't watch it because i got bored of nino kuni one i never finished it that's how that's how i think leon feels the same way like that game just tanks its momentum halfway through and like man do you know about what the deal was with that though i saw an article that says nino kuni to announce no involvement with studio ghibli oh yeah and then
Starting point is 03:07:02 i clicked on the article i read a little bit of it but then i was like man nino kuni and then i also fell asleep yeah because they they spoke to me iszaki and they're like hey do you want to make a game and he just keeps repeating anime is nothing but trash yeah it was all a mistake also i hate my son yeah i hate him if i was in the movie ransom and i was mel Gibson i would not i would not give him the money said me is that back to my son yeah yeah i hate goro there's gonna be a vr psychonauts game that takes place after psychonauts one um we've got day of the tentacle remaster that was already announced uh we've got now we've got a trailer for it yeah okay with the new art style and stuff just mixed up all in there we didn't talk about because it was at the the game awards but also
Starting point is 03:07:48 because you all demanded a guitar hero vr yeah that was there what guitar hero vr what are you looking at you looking at the crowd all right i'm done yeah uh you've got uh adult swim games um including that one that we keep forgetting about because it's not stained and it's not hyper light drifter zerniak or no no no no it's not it's not that either it's the one we keep forgetting about what's it called it's not slain it it's fucking uh yeah it's that one it's not hyper light drifter it's jesus christ oh you did it bad you did it bad death scambit death scambit we're the main character like sad the game looks awesome but its identity is lost in other indie games yeah this main hero looks like a drifter from hyper light drifter and the game does definitely
Starting point is 03:08:39 need a gambit yeah it does because death always needs an advantage it's hard it's death no man are you here about people cheating death all the time yeah oh that's true death's got a cheat back yeah he's learning new those five kids always get away from them that's his gambit uh bobby shut up brutal looks kind of interesting um it was that uh black and white sort of like uh possibly like multiplayer i don't know you guys saw it a second ago here let me tell you i didn't a lot of these plant station trailers are like look at these oh i saw that that does look cool exactly you saw it shut up that that you kind of barely know i didn't know i saw it yeah you did see it uh eagle flight i think that's going to be a really cool tech demo it's the kind of thing it'll be soft
Starting point is 03:09:27 show this for an assassin's cre game like two years ago uh that you're in an eagle and now they're like it's a playstation vr game you are as an eagle that'll be fun to do for 10 minutes yeah much like a lot of these yeah but next one on our list is a fucking 100 foot tall robot golf solid i love so well the best part of that trailer was the fucking avangelion at the end get on to the green shinji but the second best part of that trailer was the part where it was split screen and they were just attacking each other and it wasn't even golf anymore and you're like what is this even the premise of golf is not even like it's lost on giant golf is a suggestion i bet it's like this is the best way to play golf it is if you want to hit that ball in that hole you may yeah
Starting point is 03:10:11 you don't have to go you could hit other things we got job simulator on there yeah i played that you talked about that we got something called i played that we got then we got a bunch of games you didn't even put hyperlinks for so yeah so that's it's uh golem paragon that's a moba yeah hob i played that a pecs prime it's really good tomorrow tomorrow children takes place now stotzka there's one piece of news that you didn't uh put in here but it's not that big of a deal yakuza zero got an ask for localization for ps4 which would be super like a huge piece of news if they didn't fuck up and leak it a full year ago right that press release thing yeah like it's not a surprise it's glad to see what's that dog system no that's that's the yakuza one rematch that's the
Starting point is 03:10:55 other one yeah because we were talking we're talking about zero zero's in the eighties before kiryu goes to jail oh that's the thing is yeah we talked a whole lot about yakuza last week but like it takes place in like 88 and you play as uh kiryu and majima everyone everyone's confused um if you're confused you can send us a letter uh super best friendcast at what's that letter uh email again plake i don't i don't pay attention to you oh you fucking good it's super best super best friends at gmail no that's super wrong that's the wrong super eat your own farts at that's correct yo we got fought boys up here we got flatulence we got nothing we got little squirts that's uh super best friends that's super best friendcast at
Starting point is 03:11:43 yo holding it down playing fought boys uh did you finish the run of the butt i had to kind of slow down on drawing asses because it was actually kind of fucking with audacity some you're drawing too many yeah we got thunder i do that often all right and the new ass anywhere system you can draw an ass anywhere at any time because we farted in our hotel room and we just started talking about you farted you farted a little bit too i didn't fart it emerges out of the sewer hole and it's like i'm an ass don't throw me under this bus that you're driving no but i'm there too don't throw don't don't don't open the door to the shit bus and tell me to get in don't try to make something out of something that anyway so you and that we're in the hotel room
Starting point is 03:12:29 just taking shits on each other's backs that wants to create more out of fart boys but he doesn't want to be exposed as a huge farter no i said i'm there too he's driving the bus driving the bus now i drive the fart bus all right all right all right all right we got letters coming in we're only gonna fall back on in case youtube thinks that's right yeah exactly fart boys instead of in the fart closet the pet has what don't go into the fart closet oh yeah because i got been shitting in that closet no i haven't i haven't actually used the bathroom in my closet that's gross it's used to turn around for this shoebox okay he does it accidentally but then gets embarrassed that's not true at all the founding member of the fart boys i'm way too crazy
Starting point is 03:13:12 in paranoid to accidentally take a shit it's true it's true says the man that plays with knives hey woolly plays with knives and lighters who just dropped a knife on this podcast well yeah but shut up we got one coming in from david i think this podcast has the most amounts of you telling me to shut up ever and it's great it's like shut up pat we're trying to do a fucking podcast david wants to know how big your steam library is it's 497 games i think i have like 90 maybe the woolly what do you got i can find out real easy yeah i i saw it earlier today it's 497 but a lot of the games that just try and i try to get rid of because i hate them yeah that's steam does leham even use steam no i don't know if he does
Starting point is 03:13:58 he's found some beta based steam system that no one knows about yeah uh you're at oh go to library yeah that's the library games no you're almost at it you're just at the hundred and six hundred and six so there you go you're slightly above me there i started late yeah i started and those in the steam sales they're not what they used to be well because i have far less than that yeah but like if you if you were in there like when the steam sale thing started to happen like you ended up with hundreds of games how much is far less plague what's your power level i don't know like 20 something oh that's bullshit that's fake i don't play many games steam sales are like an old gray bear they don't want these to be yeah this guy's giving away for
Starting point is 03:14:39 free uh we got one coming in who's he pointing to like the uya he's pointing to a game who will play with knives with his pants down yeah and he says and he says shooting in the half like three clothes this one weird trick cypher hates it yeah that's right i've been playing mgs v a lot last month that i noticed something that the hardest part is exfiltrating not infiltrating it's got me thinking and i'd like your opinions why doesn't big boss falton himself uh he does and i'm just three uh the one time when his shit's all broken yeah and you can if you jump on top of a shipping container um it out while writing it and and the reason is so that you have to exfiltrate and play the game but so there's no actual reason well no in in universe justification no way
Starting point is 03:15:25 but no if you could if you could just falton out of a mission as soon as you get to the objective the fucking there would be no game he should be able to but from a game he's too heavy so there's no actual dialogue anywhere that i might have missed it like plague he falton's fucking tanks like no boss is too heavy thousand pounds he is really fast because he has so much honor and integrity that's not true he's this way down with the memories of his fallen comrades he's a shitbag it's from rubbing all that ash all over his face it makes you really heavy you know it's crazy i can't picture him and any other voice but david hater we got one coming in from danny boy and he says in last week's podcast that asked what you guys were talking about on the podcast
Starting point is 03:16:06 exactly a year ago since i've been going from one to a hundred oh i love this i've been coming across the stunning revelation in nine in episode 19 which was actually 2013 Liam talked about dengueki bunco and you guys recently played it this year in 21 which was last year pat won't shut up about how much he wants a steam controller oh god which he now has all hates oh god that's great all coming back that's great and how he's scared to meet stamper uh still i am still i guess i guess you guys might be thinking hey this is just elaborations on what we were waiting for it's only natural that the future connections are made this is shattered today as i listened to podcast 22 where you bring up final fantasy 10.2 and see this and how it sucks where the
Starting point is 03:16:48 and how and how and how 10.2 sucks and the playthrough for that just started a few days ago no wait right 0.2 yeah i don't get it we were talking about 10 to 10 to with with yuna and the fucking seagull wing is he talking about the the thing that happens after that he's talking about 10.2 we wrote 10.2 we were talking that i think that podcast what i think he needs x to that fucking uh that fucking side story that came out yeah where ties heads explode oh you know it's hilarious reading a comment where it's like oh man i i hopefully forgot about that so that he can enjoy ffx and it's just like that thing where his head explodes yeah i forgot about that dumb story we're probably gonna do a let's read of that as the final chapter don't give it away
Starting point is 03:17:33 skip 10.2 just read that so that's interesting 10.2 is a dream match yeah 10.2 is a dream match between your parts of girls no one cared about i cannot wait i like for you guys to hit the thunder planes are you gonna hear you complain about dodging lightning 200 times in defiance of god i don't know what that means the other planes does that like bull 200 times for anyone that wants to know i'm playing the game so well he can have fun and laugh at it because he never experienced it i'm not trying to do it i didn't know you were clean that's cool yeah i might try to get you a jimbo but i was playing it no i didn't know you were clean i don't have 10 oh yeah watch like the first 25 minutes of it when it came out or something that's a cool 25 minutes
Starting point is 03:18:15 that's all i know yeah it's super cool yeah let's call this shit is it yeah i don't know i love this ball this ball is great it's one of the best ball fancy mini games of all time sick if you can only combine it with cards somehow dude i know it would have been way better it's hard to tell isn't it i'm a fan of drown ball myself yeah drown balls of shit too your dad tells you how you suck for drowning okay we got one more coming in uh from evan allen and he writes what jessica jones and why woolly is a dumbass dear best friends did you not did you even like why i'm currently binge watching jessica jones and i think that woolly's opinion can no longer be counted as relevant uh possible spoilers for jessica jones okay well this is the end of the podcast when the
Starting point is 03:19:02 bus driver swore to miss kill grave and he was simply swerving to not hit a human as one would tend to do kill grave has to say what he meant uh kill graves has to say what he wants you to do for it to work justified by them trying to put him in a soundproof room that's all so basically woolly can fuck off you're welcome so wasn't it me no no no it's not what's wrong with this picture that was woolly who said that and woolly your opinions wrong we're done here woolly why did you select this email yeah because it's that was me because this this encapsulates a problem that happens really frequently that we've never talked about this or acknowledged it really people can't tell the difference between your voice and my voice no no it's that we all get wrapped up into
Starting point is 03:19:56 each other's things and like take the hits for things that have nothing to do with what are you saying this is a bit you're right in a sense but the other day when we were talking about uh uh what we were talking about something star wars with the lightsabers they're with the with this the the shitty aim yeah right in one of our videos yeah i said that that was me yeah and and like i got fucking called an idiot piece of shit for my stupid opinions on on on star and i'm like i said i sat there and listened to pat talk okay that was your mistake okay i saw the same thing too that was that on the reddit when our uh wwe episode 216 came out like what the fuck these guys are such idiots thin baler 75% it like entrance who there's such fucking idiots and like i
Starting point is 03:20:52 didn't say that fucking woolly said that i don't know how cool he is and even then i knew what woolly meant is that his entrance is just super cool and that's his appeal but he's fine in the ring but it's someone that's yelling at all of us i thought i thought you were i thought you were talking about like that part of blvd and the one of where like people are like did pat fuck up the editing he manages to talk over himself that was funny and it's you finishing my sentence and he's delaying the sentence i i i've never heard of anything that has no basis in reality other than that your voices sound nothing alike it's true what i was on one of my picardo streams recently someone was talking about a really funny joke that matt told on twitter and i'm like i told that joke yeah what
Starting point is 03:21:39 was the joke do you remember i don't i don't remember what it fucking was you don't even look alike you're just both bald yes so it's fucking fantastic that this happens so frequently i do evan alan i love it like seriously dude if you're gonna call people out you should seriously probably get the person correct like like way to select that email did you mean that fan because i did say i watched jessica jones and he doesn't say pat he literally says the person that has not watched jessica jones like everyone else would have been closer to the our right answer would be slightly closer than me so and yes like i selected it because like i said it it relates to something that actually is happening all over the place it's a good excuse you only know how
Starting point is 03:22:25 to pick his fights it's a soapbox go after the scraggly kid in the boxing yeah man i can't believe you went on a soapbox on that last podcast that's such an asshole yeah i know that's crazy on me but i can't wait to start getting emails complaining about my opinion on fang oh man you know it's gonna be great yeah when when when fucking liam gets the blowback for not like jessica jones liam gets the blowback for hating fang yeah totally yeah i really wonder what he thinks about fang i can't wait to ask him he probably thinks he's more rude than rufus like i say he's not gonna like him yeah most people don't like him most people don't like him he's not very popular he's not very popular all right not like rufus he's super popular um you know what's
Starting point is 03:23:11 awesome too uh indivisible managed to like hit that first stretch goal but not the second one unfortunately that's like i was hoping they'd get that anime and intro's an intro you don't really need it to shine no really just because there are intros that totally define their games doesn't mean that every game will have an intro that will be as good as that intro that's not fair but a game with a cool intro is better than a game without a cool intro yeah but but you'll never know most intros are just there like i i'm just saying that's why it's a stretch goal instead of you know hey plague what's coming up on your stuff on my stuff yeah what do you got on your porn sites what asses are you drawing and right now where can we go to see them woollies uh well thankfully i got
Starting point is 03:23:59 right done with my stupid playthrough so i don't have to worry about that shit anymore yeah i got done with my big ass animatic slash animation thing which you can go watch on my thing i think it's up to like 150 000 YouTube slash user plague of gripes that's a good if you want to follow me on twitter tumblr it's all slash plague of gripes but as far as what i'm doing on my channel not really doing much of anything right now i'm working on uh working on patreon commissions uh rewards you're working on your patron and if someone follows you on twitter what will they see probably a lot of tweets about ejaculating holes yeah through people's shorts is what the what's happening or leave it where it is don't question me you know that game who's your daddy
Starting point is 03:24:51 looks like the fucking shit man fucking i can't wait to kill myself pretend it like oh man if anybody you should start play you should start a full lp of that it's a two talk about the lore and the characterization of that i want to fight plague in this game yeah it's a it's a game in which you play either a baby or a dad and the dad has to baby prove the house and the baby seems like the dad would be no fun struggles to kill itself in any way possible i have a i have a i can't wait i can't wait for the yomi of killing myself as a child yeah because you what you do is you do something that requires a complicated set of interactions to to correct whatever the problem is that you have calls did you race for the bathtub yeah the electrical outlet i i feel
Starting point is 03:25:37 like it's gonna be the surgeon simulator of 2016 yeah but we'll declare yeah or go to put that baby in the oven this baby's too done put it back in all right so uh what's coming up on this one done baby doesn't matter uh it's coming up on stuff we we know we got lots of stuff going on we got or we just put up um uh wolfenstein the uh the old blood yeah and it's like a lot of people are getting super shook that all these part ones are starting at the same time yeah that's what happens but we assure you the start of a new brown age we assure you i like it every time something ends we replace it it's just a lot of it is happening at a bunch of games that had different lengths all ended simultaneously less scary than it seems um and uh we just started the uh old hunters not
Starting point is 03:26:27 too long ago really glad with yeah with the uh sort of feedback on that so far can't wait for the continuing adventures of patron yeah patron you guys i am patron that's so in place i have unreasonable expectations for okay the only way i am so lonely the only way i'm gonna be able to live with patron is if the eventual mothman piece is of a robot version yeah but that's not what it looks like then i'll embrace it but it's but you have to get a you have to get a set for a robot all right so super best friends play bloodborne that's what we're doing that's continuing we also ff 10 will continue for the foreseeable future that's an rpg yeah devil's third continues uh wolfenstein continues and started yesterday uh we have friday fist cuffs coming up every friday
Starting point is 03:27:14 or scrub lords depends uh and this this friday is going to be a special episode because it's going to be a blast blues it's going to it's going to be a blaze blue is this is this friday it's going to be a week of all in one night yeah yeah just a week of all the arc system works with games you haven't played yet like ultimax and blaze blue yeah a lot of catching up a lot of catch us to do and next week i'm gonna have i'm gonna not enjoy that next you're gonna have a cool special event uh maybe hopefully we can get a trailer up before it'll be uh it'll be one of them blank weeks that we does blank blank weeks your your guess is as good as ours to figure out what and this might be something we've done almost no work for it that's how we do
Starting point is 03:28:03 racist games week oh boy we could uh oh racist games week would be great farting in the closet week i'm not farting in my fucking closet i'm writing these down you fart in the closet and then you close the door so that whenever you walk by you can open a little and get a big waft up and be like just a little like everyone likes their own brand no no it's the one that you're comfortable with it's what you're used to absolutely most of i said to you one time that you lost it over on facebook i just like you're stupid and your butt is fart it's pretty soft yeah that's what you said i forgot i i taunted you in some manner and that was your comeback yeah yeah uh you taunted you like thunder clap would all right what are we looking forward to in our personal
Starting point is 03:28:49 lives play yeah plague anything this week you're looking forward to my personal life yeah just in general for you just continue to be completely alone in life and never being loved jesus if you have so many fans on your patron hey here's the thing i love you plague yeah no you don't yeah you're cool wow i've never heard i've never heard play get uncomfortable at genuine compliment yeah you're cool guy that's pretty awesome i was thinking i was actually at that moment i was thinking i'm i'm never going to canada oh no you don't want to i've got the passport just to prove that i can't but i won't uh can we blow up hold on hold on first where i'm going oh thanks thank you hold on for a second yeah i've never explained this at the beginning the reason
Starting point is 03:29:42 why i was not on this podcast already is one my internet it was shit for a long time of course yeah totally and two these fuckers never once told me yeah you can come on whatever you want to we talk so i sat around it like multiple podcasts no you didn't say oh my god you can come over sit around and podcast 100 wondering huh they said they're going to do a special thing but they never even contacted me but that's very unusual so here's where it doubles down right so there's that thing and then there's the part where someone on the stream asks plague hey people ask me that all the time they never ask they never ask because why would i just show up i asked you whenever you came on my thing i used to say is anyone else like that would anyone else be required to be the one
Starting point is 03:30:37 to ask to come on and you said no we know your internet is shit so it's up to you to tell us when it's a good week and then we'll and i never knew this it's like going up to fucking canada i'm not going to just fly up there be like i'm here now oh you're in los angeles so you could help me move it was a regular seinfeld episode over the course of a year really was nice to have you it'll be good to have you back at some point yeah whenever you want whenever you want mm-hmm today you saw this live to canada next week that'd be cool today you have a special announcement i will be on the podcast next week too and every week thereafter oh wow okay okay this is my way of saying i will never be on again oh you'll be on again today you replaced leon but you know it's still there that
Starting point is 03:31:23 being said you don't have to be a shit about it and message me on monday it's a fucking i love playing that game with you that is the most fun i've had and i caught on in one it didn't matter though i kept going oh you did oh this motherfucker and and for a second i thought like he bait and switched me because i did i like i said something i woke up this morning at 1 a.m i'm like i can probably stay awake and then woolly's like oh okay i'll make the preparations and then i say the old bait and switch he's like motherfucker i thought he legit was like no i'm not coming on fuck it like if that was the case we would have blown him up so hard but now it's time to blow someone else up yes the thing that we saw right before we started the podcast i that you start
Starting point is 03:32:11 we were talking all three of us and will you start you stop and just started to giggle and like what is he looking at i looked over and i saw it and then i started to lose it and then matt's like what are the i open my sky to get ready for plague and i see a message coming mega hamster farts coming in from super buddy how i'm saying okay i have a question why is sf allowed to have shitty looking 3d models and it's fine but what's kof doesn't everyone loses their mind fuck you george george is the best never change he did nothing wrong oh yeah george did nothing wrong yeah he did nothing wrong oh no george is yeah exactly uh because even street fighter four's worst models at their worst looked better than these models at their best and that was in 2008
Starting point is 03:33:02 that was seven years ago yeah i would play a game with all fangs over fucking the models we've seen oops all fangs all fangs no just generally it's oops fang just kale just scurry and kio stretched out like noodle men yeah yeah the opposite of the pillar men weren't to fight oh gee just going back really quickly look things looking forward to edf edf edf 4.1 comes out on the ps4 today i believe uh and on the vita uh edf2 it's weird it's like a weird port that we never got yeah edf2 making do one of those aren't they yeah everybody two two of my thing 4.1 is like this weird the english version of a japanese version that has giant mecca and kaiju in it this time that you can pilot and i'm gonna be fucking playing that this week because i fucking love me
Starting point is 03:33:57 um for me the primary thing is that uh about nine minutes from now yakuza 5 will unlock oh yeah and i'm gonna play that shit i want to thank i want to say i want to say thanks to mike zero dude for helping me find a fucking substories guide on twitter thanks mike i'm gonna play okay what do you need what so uh do you remember us playing yakuza 4 and how we barely did any of the side quests we did like one or two yeah that's because the side quests in almost all those games hard lock out of themselves once you pass a certain story v right and you need to complete all of them in order to get to the hidden boss okay so like i don't need the guide to do them if i fail them i'll get them on new game plus but i need to know where they are and then somebody told me that now they're marked
Starting point is 03:34:46 with icons so you can't miss them so i don't need that shit anyway okay yakuza 5 in like 10 minutes i'm looking forward to sleep i'm looking forward to boxing away the calorie deficit that was destroyed in la that's a really nice laura fad art piece that's really cool oh my oh my is our car in the background now it's just on the sketchbook okay there you go uh and i'm looking forward to editing the the the clusterfuck that was the the game grumps video that we we played yeah it's not much worse than anything else we've ever done no but it's probably the most like non-committal sentence you've ever done that could mean anything it might have been we've done some crap but it was one of those games where you had to really extract oh extract the juices was it as bad as doing sonic
Starting point is 03:35:36 live at pack's prime uh no no speaking no sneaking it was way way easier than sneaking because that one was unbelievable yeah we had we had to get blood from the stone but we got it we got it we got that blood oh i forgot one other thing i'm looking forward to i'm looking forward to getting curtains for my house curtains so that nobody can see your farting closets so no one can see me using my closet for fart storage there you go oops all farts gotta keep them there's wait what is later all farts how is it like yeah what's the recipe that's what you hope for like oops don't shit your pants what do you say oops all farts i think all errors are placed with farts and then we just live on that thing oh no no that's deck up oh no i bought this box of fresh
Starting point is 03:36:24 air and it's all farts yeah well you wanted a little fart how harsh just littles and we turn into those those aliens from mass effect that live in the fart planet uh of all us yeah yeah the sex fart guys they need their fartsuits so they can breathe it in of course this podcast would devolve into this hey riker it's why don't you go with the hot sex gift go walk around i want to talk about star track with you good idea can we just connect series podcast me not about video games we just have to play all these games about farts no but you'll do it anyway oh that's good i want to talk about how shitty all the children in star trade they're so out there they're so bad all of them oh that girl that has the fucking made up girl the make all right tell you she's a stupid alien
Starting point is 03:37:15 talking about her right now and you'll talk over the music i'd fart right in that girl's face it's fine this outro music is shit anyway what what podcast do we get to use fear is the mind killer on or have you already used the like three times okay but how many more yeah we're talking over the song though they really can't appreciate who puts this song together i don't know podcast ended okay bye everybody talk ass over like a brand new show yeah no mix me out mix me out just mix me out thanks for coming on no problem
Starting point is 03:38:27 do so

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