Castle Super Beast - SBFC 133: ALL. THE. WARRIORS. (v2)(Feat. Everybody)

Episode Date: February 23, 2016

This week on the Friendcast: Matt. Woolie. Liam. Takahata. Brennan. Cranky. Austin. Bunny. Geoff. Music. And. Games. Festival....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I don't care what you say I I don't care what you think you have to say good good read look at look at these cards oh god what's this now no you didn't get a good enough look at these cards oh yeah you show me these cards you thought and I didn't believe you they're big you thought you thought big bad beetle board or Borgs cards and number 34 is of course the memorable big bad beetle Borgs villain Wolfgang Smith which is just some fucking a werewolf cost you man it's not even close no one remembers the house of monsters there's a show there's a three kids from big bad
Starting point is 00:01:00 beetle Borgs the blonde kid which got gold the part the the blonde girl who got purple platinum the poor black kid that got rusty tin it's pretty as his armor set was perfect casting back in the races that get that show fucking fucking Drew Joe and Tyrone the big bad beetle Borgs big bad black beetle Borgs oh god what's going on hi yo so Matt like we just got back from magfest yes we did young pup Liam is still in the air I believe yes he is actually he he had to book a different flight he's he's up in the air still but my Vita doesn't work in the air it's fine it's totally fine kill himself don't don't get
Starting point is 00:01:53 the fire marshal to tackle you for pulling at your Vita no I knew you were the fire marshal the air marshal rather air US air marshals so I'm looking for D Marshal so yeah don't know I figured we should basically like cap off our experience and preface I wait we're capping off and preface in we're doing both at the same time from both ends huh literally bracketing in on some piece of content Chinese finger trap fucking on both podcasting going on that's that's fucking dicey sure my and as you can hear like I can only push this voice so far little horse I remember that happened to me at at when we're in LA maybe I
Starting point is 00:02:41 forget what con it was but I remember my voice just fucking dead by the end of the weekend I'm I my voice died every night and resurrected the next day yeah fucking gill just like absorbing you for like a night but after the fourth it would that was the end of it it was like okay there's no more resurrection yeah that fourth swallow watch right right directly to your throat okay I know you ate shit on the second and third swallows but I'm telling you to watch out for the floor but you told me but you told me there was only two what happened so no like basically I guess I mean we there's a lot of there's gonna
Starting point is 00:03:24 be a lot of chance to really go through the the full magfest recap yeah but here's what went down is we we decided we're gonna have our podcast recorded there a big big podcast and we're just gonna go fucking balls in who gives a shit no one gives shit who's a magfest you you you're on the podcast you're okay I don't get in but I don't even know who you guys are you're in it was sick and and and so I just sent out the mass invitation yeah just to see who was show up and you know we had a pretty fucking fun time because we ended up getting Jeff through aka mother's basement we got super bunny hop oh yeah
Starting point is 00:04:11 hamster dumps we got Austin eruptions yeah but Bukake no eruption Boku no Arcadia we got Brennan Williams Marcellus black and one cranky construct and one more talking how to 101 we basically have like all the war all the warriors hence the name was to buy as so fucking you guys it was it was a good time and it was real fun I really freeform and flowing expected much more of a clusterfuck but as you guys will hear it actually you know went not as insanely horrible as I thought as far as the content content goes actually there are some like some all-time knee slappers in there Liam had a really good dig on me
Starting point is 00:05:06 there there was lots of fucking anime references that I was surprised at how like everyone like Brennan got you see the weird thing about Brennan said he got every reference like there may be one thing that someone would say that I'll be like okay yeah I'm not familiar or whatever but friend and you see his eyes light up on every single thing fucking in there really he is better woolly yeah so so we're gonna get to that and then and we're also we want to there's some stuff that happened after we finished recording that that we wanted to get out here as well but I'm definitely you know I gotta frontload
Starting point is 00:05:40 this what I want you guys to take a guess in this next couple seconds what you think possibly possibly could have gone wrong what do you what do you think judging by us being in a hotel room trying to get a podcast going very like not last minute per se but kind of slapdash pulling our equipment together trying to get what do you think of course it happened what happened in competence unforgivable fucking incompetence and this amazing podcast was unfortunately recorded through the underwater shitmikes yeah before and I think it will never we always think it'll never happen again because we
Starting point is 00:06:21 disable the microphone in that laptop but then a new laptop is purchased or something else up here something new set in the setup is takes us for a ride and then you do you start recording you do you look at the test you see everything in it the waveform looks good and then yeah it looked fine looked it looked perfect we even started screaming to test if we would peak and we didn't but but well we did but then we didn't like sit down and actually press stop and then like listen back to unfortunately because we're all amped up and ready to go and the room and the room is so full of energy that you
Starting point is 00:06:56 just want to start capturing it right away and we have like like it's one thing you have one guest but we had like we had all of slipknot there so we kind of like you don't want to feel like you're wasting everyone's time and like yeah you know you know he was guardians have to get back to protect gotta get back to protect in her ass you know so it was it was and not to mention it was like middle of the day on Saturday at magfest yeah these dudes are here to enjoy the con like you're taking their time you know so so but but that these are all Johns for what works out to be us just fucking being trash at what we do
Starting point is 00:07:30 so you know sobering thoughts we're with woolly yeah so when we get to it you will you'll be able to hear it but you can hear it you can hear the conversations there's gonna be some stuff that unfortunately gets a little cut out of some of cranky and some of Austin's lines in the back were a little quiet based on where they were sitting but in the end I think most of it carried through and again I can only like profusely apologize for the fucking quality it you know you know there's always next magfest to do the perfect 20,000 man podcast we can always double down yeah I can always double down that
Starting point is 00:08:10 that being said though I feel like every other fuck up this weekend resulted resulted in fucking caramel pouring out of her ass super good oh man you want to talk about like because sometimes we just fuck up like this and it's just so but sometimes we fuck up and then we fuck up so hard that it goes back around on the dial on this podcast the one will like that that we recorded in the hotel room with everybody we talk about the first swallow which was our first panel right that second panel happened after said podcast yeah so we want to talk about yeah we do because you know the first one like the like you said it
Starting point is 00:08:54 set things up and we'll leave that to that podcast but the second event the second event is boy based on on some of the technical requirements and things that were needed for the first event thankfully me and like you and I think like yeah that made me awesome bunny hopper all like yeah how about we help you out on that just in case we're gonna do the live let's play a sonic a shitty sonic game that being of course sonic the shuffling sonic shuffle sonic shuffle and we just thought maybe we need to just bring extra shit and I think it was bunny hop that mentioned the VMU thing it was yeah
Starting point is 00:09:32 yeah bunny hop no no no it wasn't Liam found out about that feature and then I remembered that one of Austin and bunny hops friends from up in the room hat was doing a demo okay for the his dreamcast stuff and so we checked out that dreamcast stuff and I was like he had some VMU's so we can go talk to him because we might be we want to make sure is like we based on the first patent based on the first panel we walked in and it's like here's a list of things we asked for here's a list of things you said you'd give us and and notice how none of those lists crossed each other at all when the final result occurs yeah
Starting point is 00:10:08 it was actually bunny hop that recommended the board that we play on sonic yeah yeah but no what you know the list of deliveries was wind and ghost yeah so when we eventually got to the second one where we had a whole console setup required it was like let's go get some controllers let's go get another copy of the game and just about everything we could except for the dreamcast itself just in case because we wanted we couldn't impose on the guy stuff too hard you know but lo and behold you roll in and wind and ghosts are still waiting for you like okay you know what you don't you want to be
Starting point is 00:10:45 professional here and not like you know fucking when I think about a con and I think about a con as a 20,000 people I can't imagine how fucking stressful and how much hard working goes into it and stuff but it's it's one thing if you kind of like you know spent like the last two weeks like talking with people that run a con yeah and asking going back and forth and feeling like you have you both have a good understanding of what's needed to put on panels and things and events and like you just roll in and then things are just not working there could be a million reasons why but regardless it will if you know me well
Starting point is 00:11:19 enough that I don't I don't get like actually like like a shoot mad right things I don't punch stuff or get really really super fucking pissed like I do sometimes at panels but I was I was pretty drunk going into the fucking sonic thing and that kind of helped me out because I was in that really good drunk state where I'm like I physically can't get angry I just laugh and laugh and I'm just like whatever yeah exactly just rub my chest and it's like it's that it's that drunk like like David Hasselhoff eating a burger drunk right but that that helped immensely and what since we're like Liam God bless his
Starting point is 00:12:01 little Vita heart actually tried to salvage it because he really legit wanted to play sonic games it did his best to try to get all the tech hands and stuff but like you know when we rolled in and we took a look and we saw literally nothing ready and waiting or even available in any area it was like okay I I was just like I you you took to the stage and just started like going at it and it was great and I took I went I went right back outside to the line and just started explaining to everyone as they were walking in like we're sorry we don't know what we're gonna do you can come sit in if you want but I'm
Starting point is 00:12:40 telling you from now we got nothing right now we'll figure it out yeah I started I just gave everyone a hug going down the line you know and we all said Austin was there gonna going to be playing us on a shuffle because with us yes it was a player so and Austin like is a huge Sega mark and it's on a mark so he was he's gonna be on it too so yeah once Willie sat down we were just like okay fuck it just QA until we can see basic if this if this resurrects itself if this is that this kind of like gets a Rick flair second when I was ready to just stay in the crowd at the beginning of that like I was sitting in the crowd at
Starting point is 00:13:15 first just like fuck it let's let's watch I want to be one of the spectators on this one I want to see how this goes I want to see how this pans out but yeah we just we do we extended our Q&A and that ended up being really really fun as as you know usual like people and we even got the Dreamcast working but no we got no sound and then there are basically like it just seemed like we were only gonna get two mics and there's four which which and and we basically had what like maybe 20 minutes left and we were gonna be like away from the audience and it was a whole thing so we were just running out of time trying to
Starting point is 00:13:51 get that going and we needed there were stakes though at this panel over the stakes well the stakes that that were set up were it would be us versus Austin and whoever lost had to wear something embarrassing article of something yeah not necessarily even clothing and so well I just want to say a bit more like because during the Q&A we had there was like like a part of what happened and this is gonna be explained on the podcast the second part of this podcast you'll hear a bit later is fucking Takahata being the goddamn awesome bastard that he is voice acting nexus God he pulled in he pulled in a special
Starting point is 00:14:37 guest and you know we talk about basically who that wasn't the thing but firm for all intents and purposes he out of nowhere Takahata walks into our room with the voice actor of Nakali in Street Fighter 5 Mark Swint and just goes hey yo check he's here also you kind of already met him before but you didn't necessarily know because obviously it was all under NDA at too many games we had met this year with them for like an hour like had a dinner with him we play we played and like and we played some games back in the room and everything but it just couldn't couldn't reveal it at the time so we're like I'm sitting in
Starting point is 00:15:20 the room back then wearing a Street Fighter 5 shirt at the time and it was just like oh yeah and Takahata knew you know so he brought him in and I was like oh my god I'm losing it so that was awesome and then he came and he attended the panel how perfect how great how good do you feel that the voice actor for Nakali's first like full exposure to us you might say it was at a panel that didn't work and yeah and well and before like he saw like when he walked up right when I was like in the middle of embarrassingly apologizing to everybody with like my ass hanging out and he tried night like and like he turned I
Starting point is 00:15:53 turn around I seem like oh oh hey you came uh hi that's like if I was at that if I wasn't away on vacation and I had gone to the the six-person panel but Hitomi Jacob also showed up right and she was like I'm going to smother Matt based on how many people are in the room oh no one I'm fucking out like and no but he and he's he's a super chill dude man he was just like he's like dude the people are here they showed up you're gonna go up there and you're gonna make it work like don't even think about it you know and I was like yeah okay yeah I can do it yeah Kali tells me I can't I believe exactly and then after the
Starting point is 00:16:37 battle he was like after the battle he was just like see I told you you know so oh it was super fucking hype because because basically what I was getting as drink in the middle of the Q&A we had that moment right where one dude gets up and he goes so woolly I yeah I got a question since you always go to main generic final boss badass characters in fighting games how is that like how hard is that biting you in the ass now that Nikali sucks and like and the audience goes ooh and I lead back and just well I fucking Cheshire cat grin and I look down at Mark and he looks up and he just gets up and starts walking up right and
Starting point is 00:17:18 I was like I don't think I maybe I don't think I heard the question maybe you could repeat it but not necessarily to me but how about to the voice actor of Nikali himself as he sits down next to me grabs the mic and goes say that again and the dude goes white in the back and just I withdraw my question the fuck down the biggest pop fucking ever it was so good it was so good we then went into some t-shirt handouts yeah did we yeah we did that because we're like yeah that was another thing that we didn't get to really talk about is that there was like two crates of our t-shirts that were like super super lay there's a huge
Starting point is 00:17:59 problem with FedEx going to the shark robot booth but thankfully they came in just in time for our first panel and there were two big boxes but our friends were very shout out shout outs to Sheena for getting down there aka cycle cycle Billy who worked on on jump scares when I got those shirts right in the middle of a panel and brought they they they they held they held out the box first she grabbed them and go and we opened up the box and it's like oh it's so it's a lot of our older t-shirts and whatever but like it's fine so we did our Q&A with those and pass those out to to winners of the Grand QA championships of
Starting point is 00:18:36 all the best friends multiverse wars and facts I'm really happy with the final with the second set that we did where we had a what we were getting down to the final question like we need something really hard and I was like fuck it what was the brawl we recorded but never put out and this basically amounts to people just having to guess video games and so I gave a hint I gave a hint I gave a hint and that hit led the guy towards the answer I couldn't believe that someone got the question from the previous panel t-shirt which which I thought in my head I'm like this is pretty hard but I'll think it's impossible but why I said
Starting point is 00:19:15 it like you and Liam both turn to me and we're just like are you serious like we'll see we'll see what we can tell is reveal it what was the first HD video on the channel not on the channel but like of all two best friends so like machinima basically what I'm going for but I think it categorized as the very first piece of content we ever made under like the best friends moniker that was HD and that was Dead Space 2 and this dude nailed it like not even well to be fair he kind of went Dead Space 2 that's not nailing it that's as his first guess as his first guess sure a question mark at the end it means he's a little like it wasn't like
Starting point is 00:19:58 we went around the room with wrong guesses no one picked their hand up he did and threw that out and got it I know there was one other there was one other guess at the one other guess at the start and I think they said like Donkey Kong yeah so this so this clusterfuck of a panel rolls on so deep and long and yeah so garbage and shitty that we start rooting actively against the game working and it gets yeah because I didn't want to do it anymore anyway the moment was gone my erection was small we're getting like like we're going sub 20 minutes left at this point and like we introduced the stakes and I you
Starting point is 00:20:34 know and like our eruption reveals he has Arcadia shirts for us to wear yeah so we've got to wrap his brand and I'm like the rest of the weekend and yeah and I go and I pull out the sonic 2006 fucking black and white blanket blankets featuring silver sonic and shadow the hedgehog three holy kings and I wanted him to rep that and he accepted the challenge however but I had no game to play there was nothing left so I said we can't let the stakes go unclaimed let's fucking settle it like men ladies and gentlemen there must be a winner let's do rock paper scissors so we line up to do rock paper scissors and immediately
Starting point is 00:21:20 since it's three on one Liam schemes some shit and comes over and whispers to Matt and I and he goes Matt you throw paper Liam he goes out for a rock will he throw scissors and then we're getting ready to do it all right as I caught on I was like yeah okay and Austin's like good ready standing there like I don't know if he knew but before he even gets a chance fucking Takahata and the Ustabayas and join and they go wait a minute wait a minute and they back him after like na na na y'all are y'all are out of order but that then that would make four against three right so I took a moment explain to the audience what the
Starting point is 00:21:58 fuck just happened and before the show got rolling it was like you need to even the scores out yo crime Tina McMussles get up here and she joined in and before we knew it we were drafting people from not on both sides we pulled in mother's basement we pulled an antfish yeah like all the warriors then came up Austin's friendly not Nikali Mark sweat you know he came on our side and we just got this awesome fucking royal rumble lineup of like rock paper scissors one shot go survival match the only the only got a range as cool and as awesome as it was as the last minute like fucking thing and people were so so into it and so fucking
Starting point is 00:22:38 cool the only look I could make like one change like suddenly when it starts they're able to get a live feed like a zoom up of the general area of space where the hands are going and get it up on the big screen that's the only thing the close exchange close exchange that have been cool but I mean that's that's kind of a fantasy or whatever and like you know because we were we weren't really ready for the the like the recording side of things because we were getting ready to record Sonic shuffle itself and since that didn't happen we got some we got some kind of shaky cam moments that you guys should be seeing at this
Starting point is 00:23:11 point but yeah that went down fucking amazingly so many clutch moments victories and like a couple people streaked couple people died some teabags were thrown out a few god damn it was it was the best like cluster fuck of a panel and like yeah I wouldn't change a goddamn thing the only problem remains is how do you wind that up someone needs to die on stage a life must end and in a like not a tragic way like a noble sacrifice death like I don't want anyone to be sad but like a noble sacrifice like sacrifice would I would be pretty a pro pro like the Ustabaya's lore has kicked all kicked up it's really
Starting point is 00:23:58 escalated quickly from the underground to the stars jumped up a notch we're already at like Cathedral terror levels right now working our way up it's insane that's pretty good I'm sorry I was gonna say no I have nothing all right well and like you know we all we all hung out and had a good time in general whatnot but the the other noteworthy thing that happened after the recording session was we all got to go back to Kelly's room mm-hmm and watch wwe fast lane fast lane wave those flags cuz all Eva Marie can do anything else be a model now yeah no we were kindly invited up there and fish had it had the W
Starting point is 00:24:47 wwe network since we're not allowed to watch in Canada loud unless you play for a super like fucking expensive Roger's subscription and yeah they're super cool the coolest hanging out there very packed room very packed room very yeah but that's what you want for pay-per-view that's kind of what you want so we had we had like talking out of there we had so many people it was too many to count but what was super awesome was we managed to convince bunny hop to come check out wrestling the Russell's he's like I don't understand the rest of what a wrestle is what is a wrestle please teach me
Starting point is 00:25:24 because I hate it yeah I need to discover more so I can hate it no you wanted to do he's like I'll give I'll never got it all yeah you guys all give it a fair shot right and so what we set him up in the middle and we had Brennan aka Marcelo's black a goddamn wrestler himself in the in the room play by playing the whole thing is magic right not just only explaining storylines and kayfabe but like the rules of the game yeah and the engine limitations about how when you get Irish whipped you have to keep going but why doesn't it like then then hamster dumps would then inquire but why would you stop why would
Starting point is 00:26:06 you not just stop running and he's like well that you know that's that's that's part of it and he goes okay what is an Irish whip yeah yeah yeah and it was I wish I wish we recorded their conversation because Liam and I were remarking afterwards that like that was the best thing it was an incredibly interesting conversation like complete like not not like I kind of used to be into wrestling as a kid and like doesn't know the conventions at all it's like someone watching a magician or an illusionist for the first time like on TV yeah but then a magician is next to him explaining how everything works while
Starting point is 00:26:42 it's happening while it's happening exactly and then in the end and we're just enjoying the show and enjoying that it was a really fun event man I didn't know what to expect and I kind of like over from discussing with the other guys I was kind of getting ready to expect not much because Russell WrestleMania is up next so this might just be the like you know set up but not super exciting we're not gonna go too crazy because we're saving it all for the big one I was super entertained I would say it was like the majority of the matches were kind of nothing whatever's but the ones that did that did have a
Starting point is 00:27:19 lot of stuff going well like the new days of the bit the sort of bit was pretty strong not the strong not the strongest they've ever done like I think they're more entertaining at the Royal Rumble and paired up with Edge and Christian which was just an advertisement for the Edge and Christian show and the only thing that doesn't make that gross is because they said that straight this is just an advertisement for our show I'm like off okay fine at least you know League of Nations came out and you managed to get it with the fucking League of Legends references to get it in there so good but it was like
Starting point is 00:27:53 now you're just shoehorning Xavier now we know it and you know it and you do it on purpose anyway it's glorious we have to we have to we have to see we can get Xavier one day I hope so I think he'd be a good fit and AJ Styles versus Jericho was yeah it took a little while to get going very strong very strong and to that match really enjoyed Jericho like totally with like I have nothing to prove I have everything to prove you know like coming out of coming out of the woodwork specifically to take his chance and that yeah that was good work that was a good match I enjoyed it there was the hilarity that was the main event
Starting point is 00:28:36 between Dean Ambrose Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar and all I'll do it like I have like one of the most fun I've ever had it was really just calling the shots from outside with everybody in the room okay so so do you do you recall I'm not sure if you if you want to go into this whole setup and people need to get it but you remember Taka's call out of of something when Brock was incapacitated and and Roman Reigns and Ambrose were in the ring no so Brock is piled under a bunch of debris from a broken table oh and and then Dean and and and and no no face Roman Reigns are just fighting in the ring and then they occasionally look
Starting point is 00:29:26 back to see what's Brock doing is he up then Taka's just like you know that's like that's like going car no yeah no it was at Fish said it at fish said yeah yeah he's like basically it's like okay now that we've taken care of the bullshit we can try to have our little match our little street match of street you boys can play over there you know but then like every once in a while a car car got to stop the match while Brock gets up passes through the car just barely down the street we stop the match to take care of him and then go back to our stupid little streetball game dude if it happens again like I know you weren't
Starting point is 00:30:04 able to do it last year but that's the type of stuff I got when I went to see a ring of honor versus New Japan in Toronto yeah with Kurt and and Anthony so like that happens again like we need to make that trip it was so much fun dude it was super good the I mean the ending of the thing was shit and terrible but what can you do yeah but you know like I and then like I like the fact that midway through watching fast lane we got the tweet passed around the confirmation that the strong style has come the strong style has come into to WWE and NXT specifically yeah I I was feel like hey everyone really sorry
Starting point is 00:30:47 about the ending to that match here's some good news check this out right I my wife I made a comment like I love his suit Nakamura's fucking like like Hannibal Lecter outfit that was pretty cool killing it and like yeah attack us pushing he's like I need to see Ambrose versus Nakamura because they're both just tongue sticking out going it's the perfect Ambrose the man that doesn't get paid to Russell and he's poor for some reason yeah just shouting out the whole time in the corner you and Leanna in the back why is he poor why he gets paid to wrestle he's working right now he
Starting point is 00:31:29 doesn't get paid less than like Heath Slater or something I don't understand someone else with a rich gimmick you know like why yeah like I get it there's there's some rest of that rich gimmicks but if you're rich you don't need to take bumps for a living just be rich anyway um oh god and then you know of course I like yeah I don't want to I don't want to tread too much over the other stuff that comes up anyway but Matthew was there and he was great Richie Branson got to me Richie Branson cool like a tackle counsel that was fucking sick I'm so glad they were there there's people that I really wanted to
Starting point is 00:32:07 get around to that unfortunately just didn't cross paths like slow beef was running around the whole time yeah and so we didn't get to chill this time unfortunately the sleepy cabin guys were up to their own thing like there I like I can't believe there are people that we missed you know what I mean it seems like we like it felt like we saw everyone we knew and you totally didn't we we missed a ton of people or like glanced at some people like those we glanced at dipod we glance that got a sniff of him you know like just little little whiffs here and there so that's really cool um shout outs huge shout
Starting point is 00:32:43 outs to yacht club yacht club me and Willie were on the hunt for a shovel night amiibo's all I wanted dealer's room all I wanted the dealer's room was actually like way way less than I that I think in previous years was like I spent more money anyway you know okay but yeah we're on the hunt for that and remember yacht club kindly sending me an email a few weeks ago saying hey we're gonna send you a crate and in this inside the crate will be products I'm like okay looking forward to it so we just got back we just got off a plane like just a few hours ago yeah I'm I shouldn't be letting my voice seal but I'm not you
Starting point is 00:33:23 know I refuse I also feel like I feel my voice is getting a little bit too but we you open I open up the crate it was weighing up my door and there's two shovel night amiibo's yes so it's good for the better that I didn't find them by one exactly that's awesome mistakes into miracles oh don't it don't oh that the armor doesn't stretch it can't get pregnant it can anything can stretch I just want to talk about a little bit is like I talked about it a little on the on the main podcast segment but I I I'm gonna write like a little post about it like man I'm gonna try to cosplay when it when when it makes sense because that
Starting point is 00:34:08 shit was sure fun yeah it was sure fun just like someone going hey you look cool because no one's ever done that to me ever as myself no it's really said that so that was really fun and it's all there's lots of more pictures of me and I'll post up somewhere it's something that like it can only work when like your enemy North thing was fucking crazy but the enemy that's it like the professor K and the the Jet Set Radio crew the that we did shoot that we did that worked out because I wasn't doing anything else at enemy North right there was no event there was no panel because why would there be because they hate YouTube but
Starting point is 00:34:47 like there it was totally possible due to no other obligations besides just hanging out you know and I think that's the kind of thing that makes that work in the future whereas like you made it work this time around but I guarantee I could have like bigger event where you were busier and where you gave less of a shit because it's not like magfest you're gonna have a way harder time pulling that off you know more stressful at least and I only do it for like a few hours like two or three hours each time so but yeah no so that was really cool and I mean again at the end of the day like you know magfest it's still the
Starting point is 00:35:24 best fucking con but like infrastructure problems are the other thing on the back end you I you we separate the two there are lots there are lots of changes this year I saw that make this put out like a reddit like a reddit thing like tell us what we need to improve because there were big changes this year as as guests we were gonna let them know what went wrong and what they can improve and as attendees it was a fucking blast yeah no like it is like again I think I think I said earlier today but like I was like it's still like the most fun weekend I've had like in quite a while I like I got my 12 hours of Street Fighter
Starting point is 00:36:00 5 and still managed to do a fuck ton of other stuff yeah it's really cool so yeah I guess there's not much else to it I don't think I'm just looking around trying to looking around your room yeah side what to do right now we transition no I guess no that's pretty much it that's pretty much it cuz like we're not like you know we we we bought a fuck ton of shit but there's no we can't we roll through that t-shirt cold war will continue indefinitely oh yeah and fuck you don't say shit don't talk shit about my Xbox 360 now I don't know back it up don't talk up shit about my bag what it was a console that came out had
Starting point is 00:36:42 lots of good games on it what who's I saw I saw an Xbox 360 drawstring bag and I was like you know what yeah I don't buy that because what fuck you what's wrong with the 360 it's okay nothing had a rough launch shut up fuck you it had games and we all had that we played a lot of games on my three brain was on there first no one's gonna talk shit on that fuck you good and like no one is challenging me you're into but it's like whatever I was supposed to say to you sometimes I want for me sometimes you just need the unexpected straight punch sometimes you just need to go yes Xbox 360 that's correct like just worse had
Starting point is 00:37:26 that says the Gameboy Advance fuck you was like a mini-super Nintendo in your head my dick know what fuck you we agree with fuck off why I can't wear that shut up mom okay here's here's all the Warriors in glorious underwater audio vision well cranky what's an obvious fact about episode 133 or but I'm thanks cranky hey guys have you heard the word what's the word excellent family guy I have married sex all the time super enemies play what's the bathroom policy with you guys just right there you are yeah okay real close to the microphone when I do it it's literally
Starting point is 00:38:57 no right it's the listeners the time in the Simpsons went home or went to the bathroom in Japan and it was so funny I remember on that episode they had a Mr. Sparkles that was a fake laundry detergent but that was a different episode I will commit this is some bullshit I want my podcast back you can't have it I have the microphone right here these guys have a way better bathroom policy though just saying it was more entertaining than himself being me and more entertaining super strong welcome whatever super weak there bad are all of you super weak scrubs play you who are you I have talked on a one-on-one of
Starting point is 00:40:00 team forza and the news to buy us for you I'm Jeff do of mother's basement I love the witness who are you I'm Brennan Williams aka Marcellus black of the reality of wrestling and you I'm Austin eruption from Arcadia and I hate super bunny hop I'm cranky construct and I make animations and stuff and then we don't matter you know now I couldn't make it down there to get down there to finish your ball but I fell down the same a little more about they're
Starting point is 00:40:55 that is the shipping of krankie on parts they didIO with一个 with but brennan ridden rather than groß frick destruction the best boy we just look so much the same right I see you're never so never has there ever been a more appropriate time to use we got who everybody got stegosaurus the restaurants isn't from a 90s cartoon for children it's not not how would you
Starting point is 00:41:50 hate if you did get a child in his whole life I remember being a child one hated it yeah you can't vote you can't drink what are you supposed to do with your time I mean you're only 22 the way with everything I'm gonna kill you know what kids can do they can slap the buttons on the third strike cabinet so I can't play it here I'm not even kidding like it's not even like she's like I want to play with this SMG it's like that's on play I'm like how that doesn't really weighs the size of you yeah but what about the kids spores that were left behind the world to cover that so that's what you need the two
Starting point is 00:42:54 kids in a french coat playing together they're gonna do a business and you're gonna lose so we are of course at night best convey how much fun magfest actually to be fair serious topic that's probably what the normal people are really good they will actually split checks if you bring a credit card that's they just automatically come in with cash if you were out for lunch with Triforce hold them not just put the fuckers here dude we should have Triforce Johnson on the podcast someone called him you can just show up halfway through the podcast and then walk out yeah hold up a little
Starting point is 00:44:22 piece of paper of them to the mic and then take your video of that and then take an audio recording of that and play it like there's nine of us we could all search the convention form yeah I just bring the microphone with us on the way follow your nose and try to smell his I like this story line because it's gonna be like there's gonna be lots of quick cuts between everyone having shenanigans interweaving stories I like the idea everyone has to pair up we have to do some odd ball pairings here well it is an ensemble cast we got it we got a good buddy and Jeff Jeff and bunny have to go together Chris and then they have to
Starting point is 00:45:03 witness something they have to solve a puzzle that exists in real life at least there will be like three dimensions involved there's a minority of dimensional puzzles perfect I'm glad that no one bothered to sign up for it because no mercy is the game oh my god like the most successful most signed up turning it back Matthew was telling me about how they put the no mercy tournament right next to guitar hero and guitar hero was like how these guys stop being so high they were on the projector with huge figures and shit they're trying to do through the fire and the flames that they can't because everyone's going
Starting point is 00:46:03 black man black man black man I played by a white guy there are some tight tournaments at this convention though there was a typing of the dead tournament yeah it was like I thought there was a trauma center we turn that's right after man that's we have to go girls I was dead people are talking about like wind jammers tournaments where motherfuckers are coming in uniform or win breakers can we just go play win jammers in real life some kid is at the fucking console hour the arcade cabinet slapping by slapping it
Starting point is 00:47:04 there was a actually a combat core tournament one o'clock today yeah just went back by that yeah there we all know we can actually I went there going by and played it and what fun for back to the podcast because I actually played main character in that game yeah it was really cool as there was a four player and that's going and I actually knew personally every single person like you to the character in the game did you narrate your character's thoughts for the match no but I gotta find some more training you know what I mean I do the anime main characters do it and I like it's awesome to see it it's a ball
Starting point is 00:47:36 because like fusion friends you mixed with ours the power stone and like the best of both but like this this this fucking this con ridiculous there's infinite people that could have also been in this room like yeah we could have just increased that list like I was just looking at that Matthew that like Triforce Matthew like the list goes on yeah I know what he's here I know I know the extra premise guys are here too they're just been anything in right I saw him and I just saw him and only going for food just walk out of the fucking room and the college and mine and he's also in combat course
Starting point is 00:48:20 bullshit it has a body pillow the colleague at home yeah and he really badly wants to ask Mark Swift like autograph his body pillow or just record a little voice box yeah I was actually in this room watching Willie play against another fellow at Street Fighter 5 was fan he was like nodding to watch the match was it that guy yeah it was that what happened after we kicked you guys out to watch Goof Troop apparently we've been doing things like Goof Troop so George you want to open it up what are you been doing this week well I thought it might be kind of awkward getting back together after kicking you
Starting point is 00:49:26 guys I was the whole while I was thinking what's gonna happen after today my life will be groovy after today we watched the 2016 we had a thrill kill tournament that was just before the Goofy hour that I sure do love is we totally no one knew this but throw kill was just PlayStation all stars before that okay so I guess I'm probably going back to it but we played a bunch of shitty games and so we're supposed to play this one game and the dreamcast decide just explode it was like oh wait wait wait guys I can save this he pulls up his PlayStation one he's gonna get the wiretap it's like we're
Starting point is 00:50:35 gonna play thrill kill I'm like what's the throat kill okay and I'm just playing this like what is this it is literally prototype PlayStation all stars because you have like you're stuck in a tiny room you're supposed to beat each other until your meter fills but all of a sudden either gets put my life and you're like ah not kill somebody it's a killing game so slow because like the PlayStation all stars you pop the super if you miss it done rebuild it it's that's like it becomes this weird game of hide-and-seek in a closed room where the meter was going down at a snail's face it's like if he's much it's just taxi boom
Starting point is 00:51:14 blow up I have my question about it is does it have Smash Bros business for no reason now well there's one character who we've got the like giant man he can like put people up into the sky and they stay up there for like four seconds before coming back down yeah tonight but the PS all stars shit is because the game has no life bar yeah maybe a bit more normal again but the original game you have the life bar is you have a violence meter and when that builds up you choose who you want to walk up to and kill and they're gone because I've always wanted to play I've never been here they're so nothing
Starting point is 00:52:06 actually I have a serious legit game design question and that is why do so many like more than two-player fighter brawlers not have health meter like smash the stars yeah and gangbees and and gangbees and now as we learn thrill kill yeah it's as stamina as an option no one ever plays that stupid mode it's I it's it's a tough question like as far as design goes I think it just might be too difficult to keep track of all the resources for a player to keep four different bars in their head and I would assume that's not all your work about I think there are like visually when you hit someone you can see how far
Starting point is 00:52:53 they go each time and then you can not look at bars also if you think about it four bars isn't that much we compared to I don't know like glass but it's for multiple players yes it's not me you're having going on but we don't talk about place blue here and I don't think we should be talking all day I feel really respect ways we're in it what do you think of last I love best I don't yeah I don't arrive if we love the guy I think I like that you play well I play a lot of smash clones so actually misconception that there's a lot of help no helpers kind of wrong because most of the ones I've played of all
Starting point is 00:53:33 yeah there's I mean like there's the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles one these a game fucking all right bars there's the Force Unleashed to the Force Unleashed one yeah there was like an Xbox Live arcade smash knockoff that came off like no no it was like right at the line 360 no it was wait it was a bunch of little robots in it who were like oh wait no not that not a lot there was an X-Blague one that was like a bunch of like like almost a Shaolin design yeah are you thinking about making that fun it was like this was back when there was nothing on Xbox Live Arcade it was gravity gravity like not gravity
Starting point is 00:54:23 geometry words that was like the only thing he's right arcade and there was like this thing it was like or fighters or something it was like little but they're fighters actually this was not but it had like but it was basically just smash those robots I think it had help for yeah I was gonna say cross-second has four player mode where everyone has health bar that's true I really I really think at the end I don't mean they none did or did you switch in that one oh you attack yeah okay I think like nobody wants to do it but I think nobody wants to take a stab at everyone would rather do you know there's also a problem
Starting point is 00:55:04 like trying to prevent players from stealing like it's trying to steal each other's kills like it's about like one player having one easily identify in the crowd of four brothers and it's being a slow cumulative build-up to kill like one flashy moment in the cluster now this is super interesting but I want to go back to what you said 2016 explain what that was I think we should intro this by saying it I believe it's the same people that brought us African devil may cry one and two yeah that classic so listeners open up a new tab go to YouTube and type in 2016 Ghana yes yes I see I didn't know this but I was at the OC
Starting point is 00:55:59 Prefects panel and they were like shouting 2016 over and over and I was like I assume this is an inside joke I don't get I walked in and cut from like some like testing a window you know what you know what's talking I think I saw a teaser for this like a year it's only 30 seconds longest like the most insane movie trailer ever because it's like angry african people yelling at each other fast and then it has to like a green screen second life shitty model of the Xenomorph walking into the frame and kicking a baby this is what I kicked Wally out of the room after that baby no yeah we saw put out products like that
Starting point is 00:57:06 I just like heard out of the corner somewhere in this room full of white people like and it's like moving with black that one says is that tight road and of course it was and I just kind of like roll off the bed and hit the floor I was laughing so I was having to tell wasn't I wrong I think the part about the whole experience was coming in a little bit later to like George and two other people all on the same bed watching this movie which wasn't subtitled by the way was it English or no the official language in Ghana is english right so we got kicked and then we came down here going like fuck that we're gonna play some street five five right and we get in here and then we don't play street five or five we start
Starting point is 00:58:00 watching okay so a gentleman I bumped into a gentleman here at the con and he had these vhs's of essentially a movie rental company yes their own fandom of Dragon Ball Z movie they were taking episodes that well I think they took movies the cool movies yeah metal cooler and clone of Broly and the second broly the cooler movie was called the one billion warriors now now I want you to understand there are a lot of different weird dubs of Dragon Ball Z out there this is not an official dump I have never heard of it the video star made this but this stuff may won't predict any other it may it may that would be actually hard to see any copies of it now so we're gonna see what we can do with this but okay so would you like to hear a sample of what
Starting point is 00:58:55 Broly sounds like all right I need a bottle to sound like a bottle right there in the box here we go here we go I will now sell the pickle is like I must go it saves my planet of manicure and then cooler walks out oh it's you gulkoo oh is that important Joe and then Joe Vagina shows the Joe Vagina it is me Vagina the principal stands I guess I shall let you know cooler oh we're waiting for Vagina to show up we're like oh god how are they gonna watch it they're gonna like overact it over sell it and it's just like no they're actually just gonna do nothing and go hi
Starting point is 00:59:56 I'm Vagina this is me well they know they make them sound princely like in the Japanese version I am a Saiyan prince yeah yeah I'm a Saiyan prince people like to this on Facebook yes the sign up is on Planet Namek this does amazing the guy had the VHS copies of it that's incredible no right there I'm on it right there oh god we heard we had our autograph signing a guy passed us these VHS tapes we go that's really cool thank you so much and I was like oh he gave us the DVDs too at the time yeah well okay that was the punchline of my story but that's funny would you guys like to hear the synopsis of a billion warriors of power please please go ahead please
Starting point is 01:00:43 in your best most polished narration cooler with a K by the way returns in a new metallic body to enslave the Namek's on their new planet gokuo if it's no goku gokuo gokuu gokuu gokuu goko goko and the gang all go to the new planet to help them take the low go ahead and Krillin fight against coolers robots while super saiyan goku and in full in full cast Vegeta fight against a million cloned metal coolers why is Vegeta the only name in cap the oranges are like that movie with uh most deaf and jack black where they have yeah you miss something else on here the fact that cooler is spelled with a k on here and it's spelled kula yeah with a c and spelled kula because i guess i would have to watch movie 11
Starting point is 01:01:54 which is biobroly aka clone clone of broly what does broly and biobroly what do they've used to become they've used to become biobroly so so what about sound effect do they don't know the sound effect actually works the same they were all in it was kind of shocked like the quality was made to shock it they did a lot of work into it this was the voice work isn't good i i didn't i didn't hate Krillin's voice but so i was like he doesn't sound that bad we're doing goku to thank you but gokuo oh it's our goku no he sounds like gokuo hi there i'm gokuo very funny that's what i heard it's not that goger you sound like that you know you got your own you got your own and that's the role she was played by a girl
Starting point is 01:02:40 tag it can you do goku's fight scenes oh uh maximum power how may i may wait how they blast how they blast i didn't know you watched devolution i'm gonna blast oh goku i'll kill you i'm really hoping they bring a group for this back together to dub dragon ball super that would be the most amazing oh yeah get the game i was looking at her never she's a freesaw oh freesaw that's like the sequel to time for mine that's what i'm saying that's amazing so if you have anything else for sure that pretty much yeah yeah that's all i did i don't think we can do a circle we might think we don't know you gotta you gotta pick your moment if you want okay i have a moment my weekend has been um
Starting point is 01:03:43 two days in transit hell courtesy of the united airline wonderful so like what up united my friend and i had like planned to come here and stay at a hotel together uh he's still stuck in nevada because they can't find a flight for him from nevada's marriage and i'm sure i'll make it on time uh no he's so disappointed um i just want to give a shout out the i'm sorry they can't make it that's a huge bug it's your back with your fucking bags man yeah so the reason it was that they booked us for connecting flights that would have left 15 minutes before we touched down in our flight we were supposed to come in oh no um so i had to spend like a day at a motel six in seattle before flying out of there um because i like i have a weird passport situation so i have
Starting point is 01:04:29 to travel by crown to the united states before flying out which i'm fine with because i like seattle i um so the first day was just hell the second day was all day traveling to get to here and made it out of the motel six okay i made it out of the motel six i made it in the airport i had to pull some crazy financial jiu-jitsu to get a flight on american airlines i'm gonna be in debt for the next 30 years but it's fine worth it worth it worth it to be here honestly um and uh yeah so yesterday i got to uh i i just you know saw the whole uh convention this is my first time at manifesto oh i mean it's magic yes it is magic and i've got some friends who've been here before i got i had my first fan meetup weirdly through like youtube like someone contacted me on twitter they're like
Starting point is 01:05:19 are you at this thing you want to meet up and they were really cool guys so i got to hang out with uh our senior of depth uh right i want to find him a really cool guy and we got to hang out do some cool stuff i got to hang out with uh dame from extra credit to the front line did some stuff um and i saw that danie sex bang uh ninja sex party concert which was really cool and i was terrified and trapped in a lineup for like 14 minutes after that just trying to escape from the home you have to leave before the yeah i know i it's that's the rule like i was at the edge too but like i had a reason to like have to stick around for like two seconds and by the time i got out it was like yeah i had to
Starting point is 01:06:04 you have to wait to leave yeah that's crazy it was it was nuts but it was like an airplane from seattle or something yeah yeah pretty much um but it has it has been it has been a fun con so far um it's definitely like the most relaxed and chill con that i've ever been to yeah it's also big like the locale is great you never have to go aside you've got a little big town down there everything there's buildings inside this building yeah exactly it's a condom space colony guys i want to throw it out there what if we crash it into earth just throwing it out there fuck those guys they said i suck no they suck and i'll prove it i'll kill the family you're bound by gravity we can just do anything it's not sure that's something don't do type slay me okay
Starting point is 01:06:52 oh since we're on the subject of gun them i just want to revive this pink or red everybody oh boy oh boy what was it time you got let's go with what okay it's the dresser older blue what is it time for the sake of someone's sanity yes i loved up the exact color i forgot what it was it's like flush yeah flush yeah sand and sand longer than inside jokes from the gun i can i can say that was well existential crisis about this such a war over the less of nothing that it was no one cares i imagine pat he's just like it is the one ginger war
Starting point is 01:07:58 i just imagine that it is just in his room like just knocks everything on the table clears off a lot i have to connect the dots what color is it his connects to like day of k what is it this shit is insane see i've never met that person so in my brain he's basically just like out of you 70s sand beautiful probably not wrong we're gonna get along great okay i also hate sort out online so we're gonna get along great so if red means to go through that's faster the salmon with the sand on your shit so yeah the correct color you can swim upstream the correct color is actually we ran out of ink in this red pan i mean that's that's the story of sunrise animation is they kept reusing markers because
Starting point is 01:08:56 their budgets were so low i know i'm sure why do you white wash your salmon is the beige of color quickly quickly george it's a beige alert how do you feel uh i feel fake uh well i flew into the ball but actually i've been driving back and forth uh for the past couple of days of crashing here tonight with talk that day but um i went into bluffs more because that's where my in-laws are from so my wife and daughter over there so uh yesterday actually went to the balsam work aquarium okay how is that because i went to the one in atlanta and i was never fucking blown away
Starting point is 01:09:51 yeah no it was really good um i'm from boston and we have a sick aquarium okay i'm not gonna rank it up there with my aquarium but it was like but rapid boston yeah rapid from rapid boston aquarium so i died he said he said twitter messages to other aquariums like i hope all your animals die but yeah that was that was that was cool and then uh right after that i drove right over here and uh hanging out um i delivered the second nico nico nico it was it was an honor sir it was an honor and i feel like some kicks in my back got loose about it yeah yeah it's easier than ever now which is really impressive because i've delivered to and i haven't seen the other guy so okay well oh
Starting point is 01:10:47 it's impressive that you're still walking but yeah there might be a time on it because there should be dark energy flowing through this this is like you know what it's like you may actually die so when i actually broke down really well and i wouldn't it's at when this happened hot fresh more fresh from the sleep now here's a big they can't hear the gloss to be back on the podcast so now it's what you gotta remember when you gotta remember only you only open the first gate of darkness if you had to open three more gates okay your family would have died i've got another one i gotta come back there's a chance where you're gonna be on the ground in a pile of you gear car gone to the shadow i think it's like you're gonna do a shadow wrestling match i think
Starting point is 01:11:33 it's from like the inverse of that um that chef from diamond is unbreakable yeah so like you feel the best you've ever felt in your life until all of a sudden you just fucking died i will you may not die because it's a chance that he might actually be a secret chiropractor yeah i might have expected you to do that right wrestling is in line at the bank there's a like a game right where the actual physical physical effects just breaks down just break dulls but i know the magic points that make you back well i've got more jaggy myself to stay alive if it comes out he goes like a backbreaker the guy gets up he's like you do it you do it to your tag team partner you go to your corner oh man he's like yeah thanks bro
Starting point is 01:12:27 a class of buffing wrestler that would be that yeah i feel like that's what sandman wasn't easy to get me who would sell fuck what is with the ring maybe drinking beer that's back in the canaan they was bleeding before his match even started at one like stand why the power is so strong right now new jack just cutting himself for no reason new jack could never be on tv in an hd world i feel like we have the start of like a real wrestling jrpg here's the thing the next person on the game should be a wrestling oh yeah i want a full on wrestling backstage politics social oh he's like the general manager it's been years yeah he's got his hairs these hairs black now these are the same as it's in the picture just look at the picture now it's on the desk do it for her
Starting point is 01:13:18 is it under his breath it just goes i don't like women we just look at her just not i'm not gay hey is in the middle of least of the painful rpg there is an amazing where you actually have a wrestling rpg happen oh god you can see this the best for now and you can see there as long as you want um thousand year door with the uh yeah with rockhawk with rockhawk and i'm so cool yoshi absolutely that was like the best chapter in the sequence uh then there is real potential
Starting point is 01:14:12 there to expand that into a full game like someone could do it so easily and it's amazing how they how graceful they make it cranky scrap your entire game that you're working out and we're doing i don't care i'm ready for a world where aj styles casts marron carrots i really really marron carrots marron marron fucking carrots you know i thought like that making a cyberface kung fu game would be really cool no wrestling wrestling no i want a cyberspace game with wrestling story has never happened but no like i kind of missed the wrestling thing and lisa because uh i kind of stopped at the part where like you burned down the orphanage oh yeah and i was dreaming that and i guess i did double the game of lisa was actually watching
Starting point is 01:14:58 and i was like oh shit and i guess i had the restarks i died so like wait is this like critical is it you know you have to do you have to do it like no and apparently i was able to go around it somehow he's like no you're supposed to go back there's you there's christians to burn the orphanage i always want to participate and and and the the epilogue so i did it you just want to see his own kid's good work you know awesome and eruption boku yo so but okay so this weekend's pretty good lots of games all over the place i've never seen darker bags of christian blood eyes that i have lately with you every time
Starting point is 01:15:49 you're turning into gara no you always have the same like like good energy level i'm like what is it it's terminator yeah one time last night uh well i i love the arcade after i couldn't get on the big trooper machine because those two guys were just like yeah we're gonna play this for like yeah and i i don't know i'm not much longer i would sleep i would like to with so bad but the only thing i got was two hours in the shower it was okay that's what i was told i thought it was like a 10 minute shower i got upstairs at 6 30 a.m and i hear the shower running i'm like oh i'm just taking a 6 a.m chef that's weird but i won't question and then i wake up at like 9 a.m with all the other people
Starting point is 01:16:42 in the room banging on the door with the shower still running and i just hear someone shout austin are you dead on the other side of the door with the shower still running we hear no i don't blame you because he literally had a seat i don't know what i'm actually i fall asleep in the shower that's like so comfortable because it's like i don't know it's like a little womb of water essentially you're getting water pouring down on you constantly it's warm so you're into that but i got here on a Wednesday no and the old my like flight can only be described as that scene from Zeta Gundam where they're like landing on the planet and camille shoots out the guy's parachute
Starting point is 01:17:31 and he burns down chris that was my flight that's actually so were you camille or you were the guy i was the guy you're the guy to a yes yeah now i know it's all about your weekend right now but i have a story about you this weekend where me and woolly got here we were looking for you and we saw no less than like eight lookalikes we kept going like oh yes there's a bed oh no independently mad and then i independently i'm walking around with my wife just goes is that awesome though and then i meet up with them and then you see you know oh no and you guys say you should come up with a bit this weekend says can we find awesome like it culminated with like those like oh no wait they're not shit and then in the same eye like fucking moment they're always
Starting point is 01:18:16 there it was there and they don't you look like everyone here you're the waldo and this is the waldo six foot eight it has read bread i haven't gotten lost yet i don't know if you found me but it wasn't easy to find me well i had to wait it was like a field trip i was waiting for my son to talk to myself okay let's go home do you need anything going with the bathroom no i'm good like there's there's there's lots of dudes that dreds walk around but it's like it's your height that does it yeah as a tall guy at cons you just get the people using you as a landmark just like yeah i'm over by that i'm over by that mutant
Starting point is 01:19:09 yeah by that freak i can't wait to hear like the jr version of your stats oh no um uh i don't know okay so there was a guy there was a guy right there was a guy um and he was being uh talked up as uh six foot ten and three hundred and i'm like wow and you're six eight right i'm six step it's okay yeah uh and later the guy walked past me and i was like oh so i'm six ten now congratulations congratulations i moved that slider yeah i'm like oh you're cool no that's exactly what i did when i went home and i made my uh my cost that i just moved up like okay it's right yeah i'm glad you have a call at home that you just track along it's oh yeah i keep it up yeah i actually need to update it since i've actually done like face paint stuff and all that
Starting point is 01:20:11 but that's great yeah face any other regression memories though uh i'm excited for the panel yes we're uh like it'll be done by the time everyone hears this but yes drunken for real emigrated yeah uh live let's play of again it would be out of the bag by now that's sonic sonic shuffle and we believe that we have a challenge we called it sonic to play last night for some reason they're cracking the fuck up yeah that's pretty good so explain explain the rules for the tournament uh the it's it's just for that needs it's that's myself willy liam and austin and it's on sonic shuffle and whoever if there's a if a winner can be declared by the end two things could happen one is willy has a item oh yes yes you will have to wear for the rest of the weekend
Starting point is 01:21:02 the rest of the weekend and if we lose then there's an item that we didn't wear for the rest of the manner it's collected how how is this a balance on digits it's not george okay if they pick bet they're going to triple down essentially two so it's three people have to wear a shirt rather than one yeah i have to say he has a bigger win yeah a bigger win ratio exactly it's exactly that high risk high reward this is the three ratio system from capcom three to one versus totally i love it exactly they don't know that i've been trained for months austin is a ratio three character and worth three ratio one it's a fair match up question how about it how would you train for sonic shuffle he'd drink a lot that's it good enough but i think
Starting point is 01:21:51 none of us have actually played it i had never really i played it once when i was okay so long any people who are actually playing sonic shuffle like so sonic shuffle is basically mario party made by some of the same people but without any of the like polish and fun that makes mario party it's like mario party story wait which mario party was enjoyable but actually sonic shuffle is just like having skin on your phone garbage many games garbage garbage random events it's a real like lack of even animation so like if you see a slot machine they won't hand me oh there's your favorite games have to play um so but there is one really really interesting thing about this game and it's such a dream cast work and that is that you have a deck
Starting point is 01:22:40 of cards in your hand that is a rock solid idea but you know what that also means that means that the controllers you guys get for tomorrow you have to make sure you have vm use it otherwise too late someone probably austin will be at a distinct disadvantage i'm glad you brought that up because yeah we should see if we can all of that well there's there's a friend who's a friend who's asking for your news maybe maybe i don't know how much we do have but i'll see you what we can i didn't realize no i didn't realize yeah and it's actually a really cool mechanic everything else other games don't sound like i already have to work the minigames don't get it like i'm going to be trying to specifically find it on the board also also recommendation there's
Starting point is 01:23:20 the one of the boards in this game is called the fourth dimension and that is the one you guys got to pick okay okay that's a good one i'm gonna write the first limit up to max it that sure i don't have any more i need you said it i'll agree with it i don't know this is the darkest the hell so i don't know if this is your your cosplay debut matt but you if it is you went in hard uh yeah i mean if you're kind of the double costume weekend is something you know yeah that's that's that's going in hard but yeah but for me this for this the bag vest i was i don't know why it's just like there's two characters since the last last mag vest but i'm like well my huge muscular body can probably accurately do sands from undertale
Starting point is 01:24:11 yeah and i was like man that's why everyone's going to be so impressed with my undertale oh this is just an undertale cosplay convention uh but i'm really happy my costume for that and i have if i was not wearing this costume a person in a red and blue and black skills in costume coming up to grab me and hug me and yell brother i was totally not creeped out that i'm wearing sands yeah but if that happened if i wasn't i'd be oh please don't do that i know that's the part that's i thought super into it well then as soon as he grabs me i'm just like and the food that i fed him didn't you he started cracking up like you hear him through his mask was like ah anything like you know ran off and what other social situation can you get hugged and
Starting point is 01:24:58 just start going oh that's the guy that spins his way did you guys see the the hot date the virus with the like oh yeah i find that guy specifically and and today i was dressed up as as the tiger billionaire which is really really fun i've gotten i've gotten more like reactions than being me like thank you and tiger million specifically people just go oh my god that's like oh and that's the thing we're talking about before we start is that when you're in cosplay is people just love the you're a physical you're talking to me right now and i cosplay this low-key yeah i was on my cell phone here real fast not the fucking upstage so i just tweeted once to me there's something like uk show that was showing a bunch of cosplay photos apparently
Starting point is 01:25:51 my lowkey was just featured on oh i don't know i don't think it's me though it's just a guy who's much more handsome than me he's like a superhero me it's no but about cosplay cosplaying is so much fun because you like you see people are getting really excited to actually see the character or the character being done without going as tiger millionaire he's brilliant because you don't see tiger millionaire cosplay there's one i give him mostly it's the ladies even oh look at me i got a star on my shirt yeah ladies i feel like uh cosplay goes with like popular nerdy waves because last year there was a crack ton of like final fancy 13 all of it was landing and now it's all under tail like so i like i've had good and bad cosplay experiences and i want to get back
Starting point is 01:26:37 into cosplaying part of the big part of the reason that i'm hitting him is because it's a joke character that's your point of work so yeah a lot of people would not try to act like let me at least be being a chubby jojo is not yeah just like and cosplay is great it's also like a bonus if you'd also try to get a similar figure as the character yeah and that's that's kind of what i'm trying to do but like previous years i've done ones that don't really rely on to seek like i did a phoenix rite cosplay before phoenix rite was really popular and it wasn't a very good one so i didn't get that much recognition the next year i tried really hard on a many calavera cosplay and oh well literally nobody at the convention got it it was really the one person who came
Starting point is 01:27:22 up to me was like hey are you that guy from soul leader and it was a similar experience when i cosplayed one of the guys from owenda yeah if i'd seen you at the con as an owenda that would that was like fan expo 2009 but did any of you cosplay as bleach you've gone to the bottom of the barrel because i did it wasn't it wasn't it wasn't i have cosplayed as a naruto character toby and atachi i did two naruto characters that i cosplayed as zealoporo clad grans from leech the pink hair dude this was a sexual sword and they swallowed it like perfect so so yeah yeah so george had a question for me and i you definitely see like cosplays go in and out with popular releases like this year the amount of bio shock infinite cosplays surged that first year and has
Starting point is 01:28:23 been very very very sad so no one recognizing many calavera breaks my heart especially because they recently did a re-release you know to know that there was no correlation between a recent release and cosplay this was this was years ago this was when i was a kid because i was a big fan boy so it was before it was before the last year so like i'd like to do obscure stuff i guess yeah the one that's the fun of it though man yeah the one cos so i did two cosplays i got recognized for uh when i was growing my hair out it was a terrible mistake otherwise but i did an otacon cosplay nice all i had to do was put on a lab coat it's pretty simple and and just talk about like my sister and mother a whole bunch and this is myself an anime oh god mistakes um but then the
Starting point is 01:29:13 other one that i did the the most fun cosplay i ever did was kintaro oi from cold night and i was really disappointed i didn't meet kintaro from mortal god but like the the weird thing was that like a few lady cosplayers who like recognize the character were like actively asking me to do herby stuff to them but there was there was a makoto from blaze blue cosplayer oh and i was just i was like hey can i like uh i just want to say you know i wanted to put her on the tail right because that's like makoto's characters and she had like a really nice fluffy tail and then she's like are you sure you don't want to grab my boobs and i was like okay so i have that picture on my facebook right so that's my background on my computer right yeah that's that's the the last
Starting point is 01:30:03 time i touched boobs now next time i do kintaro i actually have to get like a squid just to stick my clothes on to my best thing i like the fact that i can you can talk about the world coming no no no you can talk about the world now you cosplay from jet set radio i like the fact that i can google no one and nothing and like okay i did professor k and it's it and i'm done and i'm out and like like uh the fact that we rolled up with everyone from jet set radio in one giant i i love the video you guys stop with it it feels great just doing the center with the boombox was just so perfect but like but it's exactly like i feel like um you know obviously like yeah like you've been wanting
Starting point is 01:30:56 to do stocks for a while yeah talk about that i like i i searched for this fucking code yeah for months and months to find the one the one but i don't think it dawned on us about until we got here oh yeah this is the first it's the adventure yeah that we've liked that since the games come out and you just president's fucking everywhere and like we walk in to like uh people screaming hoi hoi tony tev so we've never seen it ghost of tony chan herself being somewhere was it the first thing i expected tony tev was like she didn't thank people like under there she got like a really small thing like the people to her left or their uh i'm actually friends with the guys who write about the day who writes like a bi web comic they actually got her back here like her stuff and
Starting point is 01:31:42 everything uh within like the first hour she was one of the people everything was sold out yeah we never saw her again and she didn't think undertale was that popular that's the crazy thing like she got a tiny artist alley artist alley yeah and then they were like i was i was reading twitter in the airport being miserable and i just saw it's like oh we're almost sold out sold out okay i was like i did this constant which really sucks because like i wanted to stop by her um her stuff and just grabbed her uh both she had her own potion shop because like because you happen to like my whole weird relation with our tail aside my favorite thing she's ever done in that piece about the potion shop and it's like the like hat potion character i'll never get it because
Starting point is 01:32:23 it is dead it's gone it's gone um was it was it 2014 went to madcrest where it's like you could not go three feet without seeing an attack on time yeah i haven't seen one every time i saw one there i saw one teacher with the quarter okay it's all super cyclical here like when you see the akatsuki jackets on sale at the con that's the level it gets to okay i actually donated mine to a homeless shelter and then like three days later the moon turns into a sharring god wants to change yeah it has a jacket and not only that i also put my bleach cosplay in there and i will i'm just imagining someone wearing white samurai pants i just put the helmet on so
Starting point is 01:33:39 thank you so much for your charity i mean look at that i go to like a zircon city graveyard house and find like hundreds of copies that we could give us all the volume research research it is not just volume 17 this is pretty much like the audio version of those like bernie versus hillary where do you stand where does where would hillary be on on cosplay wealth redistribution legend of the important question like that's for no no no hillary would be like oh i was a really big fan of short art online and bernie's just like i think that part four is the best part of jojo is the best but part four was very very good as well if elected i will make sure that we have live action movies produced in this country if elected i promise we will have a real
Starting point is 01:34:38 life steel ball run race that's right we will feel like a reality tv show we'll get we'll get ryan sea crust involved i will make this happen i'm a really big fan of that anime where they fight with the person is all right but i prefer personas look my shadow was the and at some point bernie like gets under an american flag pops out he's young bernie from the 1960s hey i respect the bernie exit one thing about bernie because i didn't know this about him he's the i think he's one of the few presidential candidates who actually has a criminal record because he was no he was arrested in nineteen and in the sixties for sitting in for sitting in a civil rights
Starting point is 01:35:57 robot because a scud college university was trying to stop african-american students pretending and he just had a protest in it i'm like i don't know i feel like that's the kind of guy you want running your country the guy who did the right thing when it was inconvenient by bernie sanders impression for one reason if elected i'm gonna make so much god damn money larry david's career is gonna be set it's already set is millions in the bank can we fund the political ad messages with their waifu pics can we just get back to simplify this entire fucking understand understand this right now restay is trash g.a is acceptable what about what about you can go i don't even know who that is
Starting point is 01:36:48 what about co is the best girl based on the theories of paul you can go buddy and we'll pull right now and currently now co is winning so i want a fair and transparent going back to cosplay i've mostly seen now i've seen one shea no one else but all the announcements are also gaps well good what about i just what that's pretty for some of the floor it doesn't matter anymore according to atlas speaking of waifu pics at our at our at our autograph signing probably got one of them i didn't want it one or two of you know the story chart is cracking up one or two you know the story is where i'm like all right and liam's in the line to sign things in front of me first i get to liam me then woolly and then i wanted to i
Starting point is 01:37:37 want to know what liam's thoughts were on this but it comes over and a picture is well i got it first now i need to watch what's okay good fresh and then i will that's because then i watched woolly yeah do it even this this charming young woman just what it's laughing to she flips this picture over and it's this playboy spread of an attractive uh asian lady this is the first time i think we've ever been asked to sign like i would say so yeah and then i go it's a playboy calendar it's like it's like July whatever and then i just it just gets there and i see liam's little liam and a star like on and i was like oh dude that's not where a thigh is located so i know you have a wife and i don't know what you're doing
Starting point is 01:38:34 i'm a elected president i'll follow it where a thigh is it's something didn't feel right last night she flips this over and i go i had this calendar when i was like 17 oh that's awesome and then i'm like okay i'll sign it i'm looking where to sign i look up at her for a second i look down they're both asian girls and i'm like and i don't say anything she goes no it's not me yeah y'all look the same and i'm like i didn't say anything no no no it's fine i'm like and i'm still but i'm looking at her like what am i signing this and i guess it's like just to get a reaction so i sign it and then i'm like this is awesome i guess and i pass it over to woolly
Starting point is 01:39:23 i'm like or i pass it back to her because she does this dramatic flip she flops it on the presentation woolly woolly what did you do i'm glad my name has two o's oh i heard that from across the table i didn't know you were signing at the time it just fucking works we talked about this when you told me this story about this yesterday yeah that's a that's a very strange thing to sign but in this setting you sign all kinds of strange things i wouldn't say this is even the strangest it's like the most nude thing obviously but like so when i play football and i have training camp oh yeah i always had this weird thing where you know most people would bring up oh sign my gloves i'm a football sign my jersey picture i always got anime figures
Starting point is 01:40:11 actually though yeah wow awesome so you have like the raddest football fans of all well everybody was really confused because i was like somebody there'd be somebody in line well actually like a purple anime weekend and then they're like sitting and they don't fit in with the crowd at all they watch the whole day of training camp they're like hey brady can you sign my you have to take it be really cool that's awesome i had no idea that's so cool i got a quick vid diagram like football fan anime thing that's very very very good i gotta understand i gotta understand football is the nerdiest thing that is oh yeah fantasy football i was like what the fuck i want you guys like that like a bunch of nerds yeah it's like how we obsess over like the power levels of different
Starting point is 01:40:52 dragon ball characters or jojo stands and have their growth potential or whatever it's like that but with real people which makes it somehow like way nerdy or it also looks like creepier but all the sags the numbers are very i think i mentioned like uh the other week on the podcast but like i was doing a random group because first like i was like i know i was youtubeing a comedy or whatever and a video pops up with like brennan williams on the field and doing wrestler invitation that would have been uh it was college i think it was like a senior uh like photo day okay and they just had like the senior office climbing in there and i'm doing uh my brandy savage bow and saw yeah bow and saw is ready yeah i loved it because like it was like i've been
Starting point is 01:41:44 it's like i'm supposed to be doing this and the final kind of thing on the cosplay is that uh last night there was these two girls they're dressed up as strong michaels and uh triple h from rustling is in rustling and i have big things big things about these girls they're pretty good and they're hands of the show yeah and they're out of panel and everything they're like hey man the most part let's take a funny pic and i'm like oh where are you like i'll be it's a better whatever and then max land has retweeted their cosplay photo and so they were freaking out and then i'm walking through as tiger millier today when i'm walking through and she goes what the fuck is that is that cranky macky know those two russian is a russian and we were cranky cranky he's got one
Starting point is 01:42:32 round each wall you see i know this is like about two pretty cool you know he's drinking a diet code and he's just talking to them i'm healthy and i'm like and i'm standing i go stand there and everybody's like and they're just like all hi yeah i'm talking to them and stuff i was like hi they're like oh hi man oh man he's like oh shit i was trying to call youtube hey look i i was found they're here and you're found i knew it really so don't do not leave and you spit mad game spit hot white that can lead to uh what what are your uh manifest the question is this one was able to say what is yeah i uh it was really it was a death very death yeah and pointing out how deft it is definitely yeah don't be so deft it was deft letters um now i i actually got sleeper
Starting point is 01:43:29 once oh congratulations because we never ever want to thank you that was definitely hard to do he would play down to keep up the feeling a lot anyways um not because i was up there past 20 to 20 hours right oh yeah because we didn't get our um guys rooming with he forgot that it's a ported convention so it's like oh well first we'll see people he could have slept in my shower well okay here are your things about that shower that has a room capacity of a lot but no it was it's been great how would you review your sleep it's pretty good i mean it's like it was great great so i mean i feel like i feel like a rompchance is like 7 at 7.1 too much
Starting point is 01:44:16 water for his sleep i mean your old woman's skin now kind of yeah yeah yeah yeah and it's waiting to stand side for a couple hours it's like my major highlight is that i died last night during during the panel yeah that was pretty sweet yeah so we had an amazing i think we've made i haven't seen a video of it yet but uh thanks to friend and takah and craig for helping us amazing panel yeah i was just reminded everybody sitting as sitting around clapping and circling if haven't got to congratulate congratulations i don't know we did that to matt and his wife
Starting point is 01:45:01 i'm like will you're i'm like yeah and i turn my wife i'm like this is some anime thing because you want to do it like like you're not in that galley your whole family's watching and we're just standing around the semi-circle congratulations you're like the piano player at the way because like three or four seconds have been like okay cool thanks and then like ten not eleven seconds okay so i think he walked away before we did matt there's too many relationships matt congratulations but um yeah you know you you made a noble sacrifice i did the ever-evolving war your first blood i was first blood first blood you left me on the ground i got you
Starting point is 01:45:47 no i woke up on a marble table did you operate on me i think you should let me go you're actually 30 percent dark huddle now actually if you stayed with your corpse stayed there for the entire that would have been a case out yeah honestly i'm sure i'm sure it wasn't exactly i will just follow the table hours around we had like 20 minutes to plan this spot basically yeah and and really good seven weeks of this before i can just tell me you're doing well i i i i messaged matt like hey matt you want to do something that sure maybe so that the day before so we're doing it right yeah i'm not responding sure maybe i didn't say to anybody
Starting point is 01:46:30 but i just assumed you were gonna run in with a chair turn our panel at some point i think you're about you gotta go over like because especially when we're doing physical alterations you gotta make it sense let's talk about it yeah yeah it evolved from this is like hey it was like for manifesto here let's have a cool chris jericho like entrance video to play it to the side box do another thing and that was it and i think i told like a few months ago i was like that we're gonna try to have the lights turn off and we're gonna have the our backs to the ground how fucking cool how happy to be those guys that's really complicated man but i i hope we can work out i was like uh it should be okay it should be okay and then uh talk uh was it was asked me like hey so can we do a thing we're loose to
Starting point is 01:47:10 buy as come in and and and we interrupt or interact and i'm like oh okay yeah but we have this other entrance going on and i explain it to a little bit more they show the video and then he goes like well how about it's us they get to me i didn't say i didn't say it but i was like i really don't want to do that because i want to do that but in my head i knew but it's funnier and stronger this way it's like damaged me i'm very very popped the very popped because when it happened everybody went nuts yeah and then when we stood up everybody was kind of confused yeah there were some people behind me who were talking about it like oh i'm gonna be used to my house right here are they gonna do that or are they gonna pop up
Starting point is 01:48:03 wouldn't it be crazy wouldn't it be crazy like oh it's crazy well we're hiding behind the table i'm like and it was just something just laying down i'm here like oh i'm just doing like that you're in this like weird french girl sexy pose like behind because where we were like in the the the side like broom or look you know it looks like caca's kind of broke me okay so i guess it's courage yeah you're a lawyer stand out and sorry they're behind you stand like oh they were just fruit yeah because they were right yeah and i don't know what they're like you're calling bookies like you're calling the night you're like this oh man if a j styles came out so cool
Starting point is 01:49:05 is it wrong that i would imagine there was a four chat thread immediately and so just had a gift of woolly getting kicked on a scale from one to ten how much did woolly deserve this so that was pretty tedious because like doing the whole like size up the size of it was just a classic right it's all right at the place you know i was just like i was just footage of it but like if it is it's on my camera okay well with a cranky almost knocked over yeah yeah you get you know leave me like two cameras go on that one of the cameras though because when woolly shoved poor cranky cranky fell in a manner that completely knocked over no that's not shitting no no no no it was because cranky shoved himself into my fist and the death of the
Starting point is 01:49:52 cow you were still still i'm like okay i told you when i come at you to toss me yeah to throw me i'll take the hit because i was committed to beating up corpse yeah i'm like okay never mind i got slide and then cranky hits the tripod realized that he hit the tripod no that's expensive you gotta go cranky hit the cranky hit the cranky hit the cranky hit the cranky hit the cranky hit you cranky expensive cameras randy or you have to pay for that oh man i don't get paid enough for this but hearing voices uh the voices are coming to him it's like you always slow motion for me just like as soon as it happened i saw myself falling down i saw myself like barely touched the tripod like wait i i gotta go limp i'm already full limp like you gotta bounce my open just
Starting point is 01:50:40 yes you gotta stay the type five so i've seen a lot of parallels between this and the uh taigo uh lupin casco fight i think it was just a mistake what what i'm saying we put on a great shot that's that's a very that's a very big our response because it's pretty impressive the entire intro i was on the ground yeah yeah how well like i didn't look like bounce off the elbows like you think it's not like that that's what my mind went like wait that's not okay with that force it was a great intro i can't wait because there's already videos of it up on your on your on your fantastic there's at least gifts
Starting point is 01:51:28 i'm just it's a distant shot i'm just running zooming halfway across the thing and it's really exploding but yeah i was just gonna like sort of like all around the con with different people so i'm not gonna be like crazy stories so the highlight was just being able to participate in that yeah um man i can't wait to be upgraded from backstage worker to performer now congratulations now keep backing your sweatshirt it's also it's also really impressive that out of all the guys the one guy that can't actually take a bump didn't take any bumps i think that was a rule all right guys we're doing bumps i don't want to do it i'll take the eight bumps if your friend goes down we're all fucked oh no no no no we're all fine the brandian spot i think i said it's okay just throw
Starting point is 01:52:11 me i don't need my legs no the thing is like if you take bumps professionally you don't want to take bumps it's like an amateur thing wait i'm gonna pay 40 dollars to take bumps he's gonna be like uh colossus the dead bull you swing and break your head well but now man like getting back to you and just like thinking of all the best sell moments i've seen in history is trying to piece them together twitch twitch as much as you can get to all my brain up to break can't be sold it's super good everybody yeah like i walked out and people were like dude i thought you killed me oh yeah i was like every second person are you okay for real are you actually okay it's over to willy and you can hear in the uh and the
Starting point is 01:52:59 gifts that have sound or whatever invented like is whatever you can hear me go over after he takes it and he could be and then just go he's dead i think i saw i saw he started applauding no everyone's like doing maybe there was there was like yes he's dead and then there's laughter into yeah so what 33 woolly dies in magma but no like apparently sold us so well like so while you guys are doing autographs all of us were like the uh five billion or whatever right yeah and soon it may like i said this long reddit post right and i was doing like dramatic reading of it
Starting point is 01:53:44 dude 16 16 paragraph 16 paragraph i mean in the end i could read it or something the way he wrote it yeah it was combined with a cycle crush and you were dark like like i die like cell like their faces three times and a split second at the same time for the best thing is and under from willy's lips was in the middle there's in the middle it's like no cycle as he's trying to take the blow and it's very in it just goes impossible it's cold it's great you'll have to show at the screen way they're showing to other folks they're just they're
Starting point is 01:54:56 scrolling like this yeah and it keeps going wow wow it was very impressive no that i that is how do you fucking it's the deep lord that for the next well wait for next that's what i kept saying when people came up then they're like oh that was awesome that was so cool the panel i was like yeah we're gonna have to beat that next year we all have to hire a director or writer we'll hire on max you know i think a really good start we'd be spending 30 minutes one of us one of the sides has to get desperate and unleash an ancient evil and it's someone else yes and he corrupts some people unite the medallions onto the bell of course it goes simpler we can suspend him from sealing with a bunch of wires right and we'll like we'll like camouflage him
Starting point is 01:55:59 with like walls that he'll drop eventually and do an even more intense kit yeah the thing is if we do that we have the perfect billion that's a god damn dark soul snore oh yes okay the door is this double door huge metal thing yeah it's got nothing but like this craziness and all of it it was like oh yeah like you're pushing like you're pushing open the door and the door is open and the door has like a super detailed specular shader on top of it with the doors of those things fold in and out of perspective i think i can cash you chicken cash you chicken is the secret son of fried rice you all got cash you got cash you chicken i got fried
Starting point is 01:57:06 rice touch the bloodstain next to the table you're eating dinner at be beware gifts it says be beware single check no no it's just like don't order the chicken tonight i'm gonna say i haven't seen Liam except for our events like we like we had there hasn't been so much going on yeah no i don't know a bunch of people uh else with these bids she's like a really great voice actor yeah uh twice now we've watched okay okay so dude the first time i'm in the bathroom and i think it's matt and woolly and some other people okay i'm just me and woolly it no no there's a third person with us and i forget okay whatever take it describe it no but just we walk in and we just see uh else been like lying
Starting point is 01:58:02 on the bed here and like liam's nowhere in sight and we're just like oh i was with you guys oh yeah i was like all right i guess this is happening sure and then like like liam's like you're just like she's in the bathroom yeah exactly she's on her phone what is going on or is she's like hi sorry i'm just lying in your bed or can your room or whatever yeah and maybe i'm just watching like oh dude what the fuck and then the next day i'm in here with uh thomas tromb who does like a bunch of mashup tons of shit and um terry bogart's day out and he's wearing his fucking guy fierry spandex outfit and and you walk in and you're like okay now what is going up on it you know i was also face yourself man no no no don't take this out treat yourself you have even more people in here
Starting point is 01:58:51 tonight just do the secret side friendcast so can you talk about the word fashion so where do you stand on the feet as you i have opinions on spandex book you know well i really like the unperfect we would probably talk about streets of raven though yeah and your wet streets so i just told last hanging out with those guys i got a lot of good street five five mailing matches it um but when i was hanging out with thomas the other night we were sitting in this corner showing some stuff on my laptop right oh and fuck dude and this this girl turns around the corner and she says oh it's you guys slams down on the floor drunk she is so drunk baseball
Starting point is 01:59:33 how's the rock on a scale almost from one note from one she stops herself but she goes down okay and then we're like what's the way to where do you go where do you go this is where where does this go back it's like someone drives in the front of you lays down all these minefields like all right what are we doing she's like you guys found the end of mad dress so gone right she tells us okay we gotta go to the 14th 14 21 or something so we take her up the elevator we take her to this room we slam slam on the door this is thomas yeah exactly we're slamming on the door there's nobody maybe there was never anyone i don't know you you pin her for the freak out so she she she goes back down on the ground she starts she's really sad she's really
Starting point is 02:00:20 rejected she's embarrassed she's really embarrassed she's so drunk trying that you know she needs our help she's really shy and but she's like i can't even i can't even finish pokemon and she pulls out as she hands it to thomas and she's like can you you beat the next pokemon and he flips it open he tries to turn on there's no battery he says i'm sorry you've got no battery i can't help i wanted to be like there's no game in the in at all there was never a game you know yeah you look at the 3ds you like look there's no game you look at she's gone so so she shoves the 3ds back in her bra we get her up and then we're in a bra yeah so we take her to the next place which is like 15 or whatever and if this doesn't work out
Starting point is 02:01:29 we're taking her to magfest uh drunk people support hops that's what the drunk take drunk take yeah we're going to take her to magfest at age drunk take to magfest at age at um past two we're going to Austin shower everyone's super tough in there so we take her to 15 floor we slam on the door there too no one there maybe there was never anyone there we're just about to turn the corner and like 10 kind of drunk people turn we're like do you know this girl do you know this girl they're all going into this girl and they're like and they're like yeah what what what happened what'd you guys do that's crazy and we're like no no we just found her we just found her like almost passed out on the fifth floor take her please now like oh shit we're really sorry
Starting point is 02:02:13 oh shit and we never saw her and this morning she uh girl pronounced dead as as a writer of dark comedy i was a writer of dark humor well play leave leave like it's saturday at uh five god so we still have like four days left so much left i there's so much yet to do and i can't wait yeah i was such a good got a track done reboot man got a track down and get a roommate got a track down reboot dude feel richie branson's here eh in the space room i don't make a ranch like branson i saw mega right now he's got secret sets going on shit we've got to go find richie branson i may have missing a footer though i i she fainted away
Starting point is 02:03:14 and yesterday because we couldn't kickstart stay for sunday i'm pretty sure that i saw the one-offs like just jamming in a practice space before their concert and i was like yeah i just sat down i was like man this rendition of song storm sounds a lot like the one-off sounds like oh my god yeah exactly like we went i went to go see venturi metal and then uh later on at the the party that happened last night uh she's a really cool girl behind behind introduced me to the metroid metal guy i was like oh fuck uh i love that thing who's in the hallway and mega ram is just playing in the corner yeah there it's that kind of vibe
Starting point is 02:03:59 exactly a place i meant to bring that up for metal fuck good i heard yeah that's the did you make it up to that yeah we did okay we thought like last but not least the killer as a party last night there's right now there's at least still just one person where i just can't i can't talk or i'm just like all right there's avg n's i'm gonna do it this time i'm gonna be like hey dude i love all the same shit you love i would like be like i want to do something you know yeah i love you the only thing i can do is i'm just viciously eating chicken wings and looking at them as i'm doing that there's just sawing through my teeth and i have the word rum and coke so i'm just doing
Starting point is 02:04:44 this i'm fucking doing it i'm like oh there's a there's a guy talking to one so oh wait oh wait i just want to have this i said i said you look shitty i went up to them and i was just like yeah here's my spiel i've been talking with you know your friend mike online and hopefully we can do something one day but like you guys it took them months and months and months to get jon tron on their show because every your your schedules are so crazy that party is great those screenway parties your time is awesome so now they don't have i squeeze tacos but i believe in the screen you're not the only person
Starting point is 02:05:38 who's not you want to list my friend kelly ryan the ceo screenway in my ass he's like you're doing good work i just like i just like like just i felt his nose against my ear a little bit no the party the screenway party we went to last week it was wow this shit there was a lot of fun it started with too many people then they all disappeared then they all came back then we all went outside and burned in left it was pretty close to the party it was last night i know where they all here where they all go to the ninja sex party oh there you go because of course yeah yeah so it dj command did a really great remix of that he's out here fought wonderful by dj comes actually re is now actually mastering the file fantasy seven machine bridge track that's amazing
Starting point is 02:06:30 we're doing a full soundtrack we're actually we're going through louder for life and every day we're working in actual physical settings anyway yeah no we're and we got yeah he's doing a really i'm so excited because uh yo i've actually did the music where i've said but at me also screenway all these guys are screenway i love screenway i love working with the guys really fantastic Matthew was there and he was he was finally yes yeah he actually wants to know what we're doing right now and he uh dinner at the thing i don't tell him to come to the podcast right now there's time sure he was like if you can tell him what what room is this what i want watch out for the time to hurry man yeah we're gonna get some time for zibatsu fans coming
Starting point is 02:07:26 like something just like no the outside of the door opens up it's a fucking party it's this weird like a like half is this weird looking version of me and now i can die the darkest timeline now he's gonna end it all before it all begins yes no yeah he was there kind of the fact that he's like no one recognizes him if he's not wearing his braids too he was wearing it the other day when i went by the no more there but like like standing in the room was like i feel like i have to have it out at all times now for anyone to know yeah i spoke to him with that and the guest relations over brown bread ham sandwiches there you go he's a he's a great guy yeah i got to thank him for like the amazing like to the mind you have to
Starting point is 02:08:19 reach out and grab the the uh the royal rumble statue statue grab and cross that over with roogle from king of fighters 94 collecting statues of fighters yeah and just mentally next fucking like when we went to go see the the rumble like on paper gear whatever it's like none of us made that joke we were singing all these statues yeah it's about fighting and statues when no none of us thought of that but he did it fucking the main royal and then we got to like like lament the new k-1 that was great good time okay explain i i i i wonder sometimes like it doesn't look great but i mean i don't know like uni's only skin deep or something i i do lament the loss of pixel art but at the same time at least it's like k-1 but here's a new topic i guess we can kind of
Starting point is 02:09:09 the awesomeness that is uh uh the griffin t-zock the heel turning and becoming the king of dinosaurs here's how sad this level i am i i don't care for how k-o-f looks you have a character now called the king of dinosaurs i don't care if you are just a tari pixel pond yeah you have a yeah dinosaurs and again he's a heel he's t-zock changing gimmick he changes gimmick that's the coolest thing i used to have sprite art but we do have dinosaurs is it okay yet i can't yes it's okay mishmash now because there's a bunch of characters like like andy looks really really bad cool uh maxima look fucking fantastic so like it's really the angel in the trailer when when you get down to it like ultimately it's this team's first game you know so we're gonna get going for it like
Starting point is 02:10:01 for king of fire specifically george i think it's just because you're not coming off 2d pixel art and making something that doesn't look quite as good you're coming off the chain companies well no i mean you're coming off it's a fantastic looking 2d pixel art that's what makes it work right so it's contrasted so much well no it was it's just that like i think canadian here's i think it is fucking confirmed i was on uk fucking tv wow i'm listening to you this just happened oh that's amazing because i wasn't contacted at all to use my likeness in a video now i'm now i'm worried so i just want i need to just straight up say that like no matter what
Starting point is 02:11:04 it's fucking king of fighters i'm gonna play hundreds of hours at the end of the day no matter why but it's just it just hurts because it's you know it used to be the most visually impressive thing and i'm a minority opinion that sf4 doesn't look or animate that great it's stylized but there's like victory poses where the characters face while the body still is a fucking weird and and i'm just like how is street fighting allowed to make that jump but when kowf tries to make the jump the it's because everyone hated street fighter for visually for a long time before he actually came out yeah and people still but no but what i'm saying what i just was gonna say like there's weird things in four but overall i really like and i really think most of the models of a lot of the
Starting point is 02:11:55 like it's screenshot it's fantastic i don't know if it's like but you guys are talking about that article where it showed the difference between shun lee yeah and four and three and that last lighting pass they did on on vanilla when they were showing it off in the one on magazine and stuff was the one where it went from being like okay no now this looks right and you know i'm still hoping that we're gonna get that one pass on on a new trailer build yeah i'm still holding on to hope but it just seems like like no matter where they go from here it's gonna end up looking like a middle of the road 3d not the king of fucking fighters yeah well like i said it's just like they have to start pretty much from zero like they lost all their game like core game
Starting point is 02:12:39 development oh the whole team's on yeah well because they were leaving because they were like pretty cool yeah so they're this is effect effectively a new team who hasn't worked together as a whole and they and they don't like they don't have like a big budget for it this is like a chinese company basically yeah i mean but the fact that king of fighters coming out again be excited there's a rumored samurai showed on one as well i was just that's 2017 yeah i think it does need like that little extra polish kick that sf4 has though because sf4 like the ink splat yeah makes up for something that's a problem i think most 3d fighting games which is that you don't really impact in that timely fact in that timely fashion like uh guilty gear gets around it by just making
Starting point is 02:13:28 it a 2d game somehow with 3d sprays and it's like you've seen the screenshots of those where i like get certain shots just straight up the story in the mall it's like weird creepy levels oh yeah no like they they swap out right yeah um uh the phoenix right game yes we did that whenever he points his arm they swapped it out for a much bigger arm so yeah the fit one there's actually one of uh i don't know i think it's for all the bubble games that is i only know about the weird shit like we're like me who has our hands to the camera they do a side view her arm it's like 30 feet long it's in the wrong way i and they like they did some very weird non-optimistic stuff for guilty gear where they actually modeled the um smoke clouds frame by frame yeah um which is and
Starting point is 02:14:12 and there's another side to it too though and it's like if you know you if you kind of or you're watching how 12 came out and then 13 came out we got a few more characters there's a whole deep down inside a lot of fans that we were going to see more kof characters in 13 style characters like oswald who are so fucking cool that deserve to come back and look that good this like no we'll never see anyone else it's like all for that stuff but maybe in like another editing those strikes hurts and but maybe they'll be able to bring them back it's like because if they go by what our system works does with their duty games they could rotoscope over the 3d model and that's what they actually did yeah so if they if they bring that back
Starting point is 02:14:59 and it's just a matter of like developing on what they've got so far and making that also yeah it's so fucking awesome they make it like going from the jump from 12 to 13 to 13 to 14 they just end up like recycling a lot of stuff they're changing the why is it why do i know it is i don't know i feel like they needed to have like a more like uh explosive entrance kind of oh reusing this game of art wouldn't yeah there's we might not even be talking about it at at least like yeah exactly like like that's what i'm saying like if they had just made 14 as a continuation i think a lot of people who don't care about k off would never have noticed it this is just the next one it's just 13 too also like well like for example if uh
Starting point is 02:15:43 street fighter 5 came out and it was just street fighter 4 with more character literally i don't know because that wouldn't be the equivalent of what you're getting and i know they did that with 12 13 and many older k or else uh and i don't know a lot of smaller too there's also the part where the background yeah i don't know that's true and that there's nothing else i don't think if you do i don't remember someone said it looks like shit i like what it's not kind of like it's like a pixel like a like full-size hd screen of pixels might have more detail to it the artist yeah placing it um it's what i've seen has no hud and just like there's there's so much more that needs to be introduced before like yeah because uh just on the top fighting games
Starting point is 02:16:26 i need to convey how extremely giddy i got when i read your tweet read it about what other street fighter moves should i start incorporating into my ring and i'm just like oh my god my childhood dreams oh my god well i'm really i'm really paranoid that can you make a show of wwe i'm not gonna be able to but no i think i said stun gun in my head i'm like it's a dream it's always been deadly double combination yeah the guy in the guy he bends over you pick him up and then slam and then i read um matt's like that's a good one that's a good one i told you a yoga site i thought he could do it they take your kuduken just turn into the um jago's and yukin or whatever endo kuken totally different totally different if you let's say let's say you just walk like
Starting point is 02:17:21 throw a fireball at a guy right and let's say oh i gain life back because i caught my guess i think you should do is you should like learn how to like completely uh dislocate all the joints in your arm and do like dulcim clothes one and two final destruction maybe start taking for guilty gear and just do like the potemkin thing where you just fall on the mat or uh or uh uh uh iron jager thing where at some point whatever moves you do you have to tell you have to ask just like give it so good you'd be like completely serious about somebody just know i need to get somebody to play the person yeah that's it you got to find any they really missed the opportunity to have them is just go like this and then have
Starting point is 02:18:37 again like uh all these things that we're trying to build up like lucha under these doing it they're getting there and i feel like they're getting better i went up to uh and fish um uh uh i was just like where where do i watch the underground of lucha i can't illegally online i'm not in why is it not in for a or something there might be a Netflix thing yeah no i had to i had to have you have to buy time yeah i had to fucking mask my ip and do all that edge shit uh to just get previewed you have to be comment on because there's something about the l-ray network yeah that's what i'm talking about the l-ray website or the tv network runs on their tv network but uh on their youtube channel they have put it you know so
Starting point is 02:19:26 while wrestling to become turning to basically like anime toku where they just do post-processing they've been called a ct they're like closer the pendulum swings towards anime the better wrestling gas anime wrestling is like a civilization i will only get actual fire post effects if you just have to be live you can totally do it wrestling is anime for red man basically yeah like yeah exactly like fully combined and wrestling is for you well that's why exactly it's in lucha in lucha underground there there are like they're backstage scenes where like drago the dragon man who's built from the center of the earth because he's just dragging he's not a person dressed up like a dragon and he just left he left the building
Starting point is 02:20:10 he said like at the end of the last season he said i'll be back next year and then he puts out his wings because he's got wings and then they have uh after and after effects and post just like a big fire blows up and then it cuts back outside and he's gone oh oh wait wait wait which reminds me are you taking that gimmick is that what that was last week um aro star who's giving is that he's from space okay a time traveling yes yes they go there's a scene and i'm sitting there and i'm watching it i'm like wait this is a commercial what's going on there's a bunch of native americans sitting around and they're speaking in spanish and they're sitting there and they're all talking and then uh
Starting point is 02:21:08 the little boy says father the man from the stars has returned oh my god if the aro star walks up and he's like guys we need to unite seven clans it's gone down in the future we need to fix this here post-production and wrestling is the difference between having Undertaker and Kane's rivalry happening like kyo and yori purple and orange being held out to each other before they fight i gotta take this this is a fun story i was talking to brendan one time you know what would be great if triple h at some point to sat in his like conqueror like in his cone in the like like conqueror gear on a throne and watched wrestling matches
Starting point is 02:22:07 wondering who would be the next one and then and then the champion sitting in the throne watching everyone does he pass his belt no he passes too off he sits there and does it he just he sits there are you familiar are you familiar with milmore jason give me no no no where milmore chase was the lone survivor of an earthquake in a small village in mexico he carries a thousand souls that's what milmore takes me right right he is the personification of a thousand dead souls from the village he carries that with him and you can split into three uh skeletons the lights go out and smoke comes up and they're just like three guys with black
Starting point is 02:23:02 no they they implied they implied that because uh he was backstage it was like world martyrs and the girlfriend and he's talking to katrina they're talking to the prio's champions they're like milmore chase is interested in your belts because milmore takes the top katrina does all the talking and then uh they said well he's only one man and then the lights go out and then these three spooky skeleton men come out and they start feeling up on the guys and milmore chase is gone and then you can hear it guys and then the lights went back on and milmore chase is back and then he walks that but the person is shitting because like oh maybe you know like he's like yo earthquakes and then
Starting point is 02:23:44 like episodes and then you can work while actually yeah no no now it's fucking jason and you're organized i'm telling you like they come out man you know but you know what this means it's only like a matter of time until like every wrestler has like five girls who's walking in on a shower and like one of them looks like it's not like i suplexed you on purpose they used to happen in the end they were like all the time it should only twice out so this here's a funny blue meanie running with toasting is bad i'm just letting this out here now as long as if i get the support i will make wrestling grill
Starting point is 02:24:29 and i think somebody i think somebody somebody tweeted at me they said in the year 2025 brennan why is he gonna win the wwe championship he's going to make his one madoka wish to make anime just that just that i think they should add a new thing to regular wwe bro there was if you win the belt you two get one wish what a what a curveball so that's so johnson what's your one wish i want the meme to end jokes on you it was a reverse winch it's even worse now i know even better he's like what do you want justina i want to be seen i want people to see the true me i want to sell the person to see sad sena they cut some back it's all
Starting point is 02:25:29 no no in a company that actually have a meta story where like people are passing out because soul gems are being stolen actual monsters become a steam i i want there to be an actual wrestler who takes people's moves i think that's what they kind of would do with bray white a little bit a little bit he just took kane's firepower but then kane got it back when he was when bray while i was shooting with the undertaker and kane there was a moment where he took them both out and they lost their ability to control thunder and fire and bray did this promo in the middle of the ring which is awesome because they're like hey man i now control the rain and he reaches a hand i've been lightning strikes for me and i control the fire
Starting point is 02:26:21 closer we get to the soul transfer yeah we always talk about rick flair or or or uh that taker lesnar match i was and then kill his old body with lesnar to walk out dressed as the undertaker because i love that exactly that can't happen because let's say he was drach bezner let's say he wasn't like had some sort of thing that you have who's just a wrestler through and through they might have but they can't make him the undertaker in wwe and then be just a normal ufc guy like you know in another year or two he decides to go back no lesnar actually has the powers
Starting point is 02:27:12 i gotta say this and this is a true when i was watching nxt a few months ago there was a celebrity watching it was the mountain from game of thrones he's just sitting in the side with his arms crossed with stephanie big man right beside him being the new mountain guy okay but setting records there's a setting record he's just sitting there with a shirt fit like an xx l shirt that's way too tight like this going i find this interesting and like if they bring out the mountain and then out on brock and brock guys doing his moves the mouth's like funny just grabs him and pull on the collies him out of the ring and i'm just like and he didn't know what the mountain's finishing move could be
Starting point is 02:27:53 so he could wish ceremony sword tattoo i know what should happen it's when protecting his daughter's matches doesn't isn't they actually did that storyline and had her act like her dad and just tried like make out with women we'll still it what kind of defense up to the being old remaining alive being pumped on by edge and christian of the edge and christian i need to see that i can't see that so badly how are you doing all the time
Starting point is 02:28:31 and he reached in to pull out the ball to try to get the name aside yeah and he couldn't open the plastic spear just back inside goes to chambola again grabs another one and he does it like three or four times but he finally gets it it was all real great he yells to like turn off the music and shit and like he's sweating he's sweating great i saw his boss got fired oh he didn't he beat god his god is uh oh yeah yeah they had a they had that spotlight that was on nothing yeah and it tracked nothing yeah ring and he beat god it was god inside of my it was god yeah i guess shane mcmanon he always shames that wasn't burned in the era where we had hashtags
Starting point is 02:29:09 yeah twitter handles for god right now i'm back with god just tweeted something earlier i get linked to fence clips all the time because people see me that you know that they get from him being slowly pressed it was me lost it who's that pokemon yeah it was me lost it we were just talking about this saying the edward yeah oh god we remember that doesn't even give a fuck no oh no that's why i'm convinced that our truth is been around for as long as he has because at some point our truth gave at the end so he's like you know what i owe you bro
Starting point is 02:29:48 also shout out to you for the best royal rumble spot of all time oh yeah he came out he came out for the world rumble is that of the lantern five dot twelve oh where's the briefcase what's going on all that crazy our truth i'm i'm excited about all these rumors but you know alice's business talks a minute yeah do it you can just move it but the what are we hearing about that we're at and and licensed so the rumor is what i've heard that wwe license shinsuke Nakamura's thing yeah it's not confirmed but it's pretty like it's what it's cool and you get used to saying wwe superstar shinsuke nakamura i still it still blows my mind but i see it in style like brah i'm like sitting there watching brah like well that's weird how about
Starting point is 02:30:39 your eyes how about this you're gonna have shinsuke nakamura fighting dean ambrose yeah let's just imagine imagine them both be giving looks you want to go you're crazy you're like well have you seen the video of shinsuke uh challenging sammy's like is he just shinsuke i know he's like like sammy dole that's like that's a match for what after the match just um but there's like a there's a video clip it's like like video clip and sammy's hand's like in the ring and i think it was like regal that's saying hey sammy i got your phone for you know the thing over and then the screen turns on and you just see the back of shinsuke's head and he turns around and he gives that i see you at pig over
Starting point is 02:31:38 how's this going to say nothing's strong or old because that just remind me of the fit the fucking mochimania where they're they're doing brussel kingdom and he has clips of that and every time yoshi talks yes pictures of yoshi from mario showing up he's like hey yoshi what's what's your uh your take on this match yes yes yes well you know and then the pictures of yoshi slowly changes one time he's on the card yeah like one time he's like coming out of an egg i died you know what question about that and i think i was talking to the other i steal his moves yes me and tako watched the rest of kingdom together uh and uh during the aj styles match uh they're they're asking striker and uh i forgot what the other guy was that kim kelly yeah
Starting point is 02:32:26 they were being super cheeky because they were saying hey uh yoshi how do you feel about you know these guys being in this match and you're not being in this match yes yeah um well it's sad and he's like hey uh yoshi how's uh how's aj styles is finishing madover i heard it's i heard it's pretty devastating and it's like uh well it wasn't fun aj styles broke yoshi talked to his neck he hasn't wrestled since that's why i was like and they were talking to him they were talking to him and then yoshi what i don't know if he fully understood but they were making fun of them well i'm just sitting there and like oh for you because you're sad about it after you of course obviously at the end of his career yeah is it all over for different i'm not necessarily i mean
Starting point is 02:33:11 it's walking i want him to do more commentary yes that's right yeah maybe they need somebody with just endless positivity they got the snack to the new snack i don't know what they actually got now is oh yeah he's really he's really he's a former boxing guy right yeah absolutely so what what you guys got coming i guess up on your respective everything oh my your respective creativity are you making anything are you allowed to i am i allowed to um i'm actually i'm working on a pilot uh for a new bridging thing i can't i don't want to say what it is until it's the light of day because that's that's just a rule card i know what it is i can see right now you want to be on my you want to be in my good book or you want to be in the naughty
Starting point is 02:34:02 side i i'm excited for uh also you can see the light of day has to go through the pilot process and then the guys have to read the part like here we gotta get working uh working on season two of ff7 machine bridge that's happening i'm working on my original series comic now that's happening i'm actually going to be filming a live action series uh down here sometime this summer uh fucking yeah we're gonna continue stealing things from my life what is next what do you really love do you like i love godzilla like godzilla i actually was considering for the who's the last actually wearing a king kong show i was like let's talk about the real king of i actually got in 2014 with oh i don't know i asked what i was in your room i was like
Starting point is 02:34:47 who's the magic man the front page yeah and i think he said it was it was awesome it was right next to poony of leo tetris oh i should know but apparently and where can someone find these things you can find all these you can find all these things on team four star dot com youtube team four star or tfs gaming on team four star which and actually i'll say this we just had two million subscribers congrats that's awesome thank you you'll get your medal in the mail in 10 years that's where we were we got the glorious golden button and we actually now that we have an actual suit because that's the big thing team four star got an actual studio down in dallas pectus which is awesome i heard i heard you had someone come down on day one they come down and they didn't
Starting point is 02:35:27 someone come visit you or something oh i can say okay there's a chris sabots one by that's what's happening guys it's like what's going on guys so this is what's this we have the golden youtube button oh that's nice by the end of the night we see him leaving he has the golden button under it and he starts running out to his car i'm like you come back yourself no it's mine i earned this by letting you take my show so it was so it was really it was really funny also just didn't cook the boys that just gave you a meshi yeah we had so many uh our friends the guards come down we did that we popped champagne we had a great time uh scott kaiser's husband catered the whole event and he is one of the best cooks on the god damn planet so we had his custom
Starting point is 02:36:11 family recipe um slow cooked cold pork oh yeah all right it was a fantastic weekend i really loved it i had i got a terrible cold from it right now i can't believe how sick i am right now i actually was so sick i got sick i was so sick i got back the first day and i just i couldn't even move i couldn't even get off like how and the girlfriend the taxidermy she's like i know you you don't have any food do you no wait patiently there so she showed up you bought like a hundred dollars groceries and made me dinner sincerely i don't deserve that it was and i got better and i just you know it was just fantastic and i'll switch over to someone else now i also you should mention that in your illness you rolled over oh this story is great so i know i noticed that you did it i
Starting point is 02:37:04 noticed you get a pull because i was like while you were gone i thought one of my friends like what should i call my finishing move i saw the options i'm like eh i roll over and i'm sick and tripping on cold medicine like crazy i just i just dm him call it the bushido bomb now take over the other half of the story i'm uh it was the day of my first night and the uh the announcer walks up to me he's like hey brennan what's your finish going to be called i looked at my phone like the bushido bomb just got done in fucking nice super funny huh um i've got fun video review bullshit planned i'm doing a couple stories it's really hard like one of them's just like a not a scandal or anything going on i just want to interview an established programmer about
Starting point is 02:37:53 stuff he's been doing since the 90s now the industry is changing related to a very particular issue this hot topic now however like finding people is hard yeah it's like stupid hard because apparently um okay i'll drop names it's it's a guy epic games who made bots back in wait before he started working on that they can make that normalize feature of fps video games one of the that was related to a big topic i did in the vinyan editorial recently and um epic has no pr email address i found out through another writer that there's a pr person working at 47 who i need to get in touch with and i'll hook you up who will relay my message to epic games who will supposedly hopefully relay that to the guy in particular and it's just like such a fun
Starting point is 02:38:42 i haven't been getting responses i need to send a follow-up do we need to leave like wet blood on this maze maybe we have twitter in here but the thing is um i was talking to a writer last night about the most recent interview request i sent out and he looked at my email and said oh no this is too professional your subject needs to be in all capitals yeah yeah and um i'm really really really hoping that idea pulls through i've got i've got like so many fun ideas planned in store and the safer ones that i can go ahead and talk about it like um an s and k replay they did a s and k humblebumble back in December where they were selling right 23 horribly emulated games for 20 dollars uh me and woolly recently we experienced first
Starting point is 02:39:31 hand the dot emu have you been getting pictures for dot emu channel branding no oh my god come talk to us after this because we want to save it for a video but we got some shit on that well we do we i we already talked about openly the fact that they sell the fucking wrong did we talk about it yeah you open up the files the folders are just the wrong file and the toilet file what happens in this room and this podcast days on this room this podcast right yeah so like during the rotten evil self decided to log on to cool wrongs and start downloading some neogeo stuff just to compare it to the real legitimate copies i bought on humblebumble yeah and they had the same file with the same comments yeah naming and everything yes they literally just started selling shit that
Starting point is 02:40:19 other people rip like a macro media flash loader for roms and emulators from cool that run worse than any other emulator that was like garbage it has no configure controller configuration yeah i can't even say it it's so bad it's unbelievable it's unbelievable i everyone's everyone's all up in arms about tales of phony or something but fish they don't know you know i i demoed it unlike the humble store because they were like selling like five minute demos and i was like are they seriously trying to sell me this shit no fucking thank you i know i i can play better metal slug on a fucking week 23 great little arcanum and so i went for it i'm going to do a video about it's going to be fun cool but what's going to be just as fun as chewing
Starting point is 02:41:07 the shit out of that emu and it was right i was tweeting it when i was during if i had my monitor monitor running in 144 hertz the games play like quadruple speed oh oh like open up control panel and change my monitor to 60 hertz you want to look bad so the emulation speed is tied to the frame your monitor is refreshing that is disgusting yeah oh my god yeah and then where people find this stuff they want to do it slash bunny hop show which may or may not be brought to you by dot emu because days after i started tweeting about it i noticed some spam in my inbox it was like new deal brands available crunchy roll dude you shot a bowl and dot emu just on that video do it like the connect sponsorship on the uh uh that the game was
Starting point is 02:42:00 on uh fighter within fighter within charge and they connect burn it down take that fucking deal and burn it down are you sure are you really like that i don't know how it works no i need to there was a we did we did fighter within around the xbox one launch and the cinema decided to pick that one that where we we shit all over how connect 2.0 works even like just badly and doesn't work and then they put hey xbox one but now like they think it was hard coded it opens with that 15 second xbox one ad and they're showing off the voice commands working out so it's like the entire machinima you know search that zooms into the screen and then video starts video starts they come in and they take the connect and they throw it off the set as microsoft established like 10 seconds ago
Starting point is 02:42:49 and smash it on the floor it's like a full narrative oh god that's like a perfect edit somebody at machinima must have had fun with that so the other reality of being a shit to your east lab is that when you're in manifest schedule obligations come off unfortunately i have to run out right now thank you but thank you for making it out though no problem i kind of fell asleep when you guys were talking about wrestling but what's a wrestle is that exactly is that how you've had you can it's just without the steps yeah it's like muscles much closer people like turn into vampires i asked a stupid question and got like
Starting point is 02:43:33 12 he's a guy who's the copyright owned by white wolf he's all here on hamster jumps and he's oh man i've got a whole bunch that's uh sort of on the back burner playing around magfest made it difficult i had to um uh so like i just put out a sort of comedy video shitting on opening for using the exact same song it's high school it's dead like uh really well i mean it's not the same song but it's exactly the same song it's the akiboshi rockets they only know that denn anGS
Starting point is 02:44:39 um so i don't know how many albums they got they just turn this crap out i i love how undertale has has made me feel like the thing that everybody says these days it's the proper terminology it is the proper terminology but i feel like half the air had like that from undertale what did you say but i did i did i just when you have uh when you have a tune that carries all your songs not necessarily all of them but most of them your tail's got that but yeah so uh i we were talking about uh the hatred of content id recently just put up like a lot of video about how much i hate content id all that stuff yeah solution but um what i've
Starting point is 02:45:34 got coming in the future is i'm working on a splatoon review of my buddy's new day for quest for games which we've got some i i'm really excited for it because uh an artist friend of mine did up um art in the splatoon art style of me and dj alley and party's poses as they like introduce of course yeah um so i i'm gonna have fun editing that together um when i get back and then i've got two um patreon videos that i've got to make for a session for nichijo uh which is what my patrons all voted on um and then uh uh the dirty pair movie which um is what the did they also vote on that no no that's that's the guy it's all me so i have i have like the highest here on my thing is tell me to make a video and some guy who really likes uh dirty pair and
Starting point is 02:46:28 really likes a bunch of other obscure sci-fi stuff which i'm happy to talk about like um uh there's a ghost in the shell uh satellite broadcast only opening that was for the second gig of standalone crisis that's not available anywhere and this guy's like got a bad one and it's like all this weird so um what's in an OP berserk tell me why what's in the OP berserk i i i i i hate to watch berserk how much do i have for you to analyze the world today i yeah i need well i i need to watch the series to pick up on the stuff but um one of the worst thing is one of the worst for for berserk all is it's okay i i i've gotta i've gotta get caught up on that because i already got off the boat recently it's off the boat and that's um but now mirror is back on the idol but but now
Starting point is 02:47:18 yeah um yeah and then on the horizon i've got uh more uh what's in the analysis i want to do one for rakugo and maybe come back for the race it goes so good it's it's like the best like okay so erase is the best and rakugo is low key the best well rakugo is like subtly like if you want to know exactly what japan was like in showa era yeah and if you want to know about this weird cultural thing that maybe you saw joshi rakugo you saw like two seconds of this one otherwise yeah exactly um and it's the most fascinating anime on the planet everybody should be watching it it's so fantastic um and the race is also amazing i might do another scene from that i'm definitely doing the also a lot of good material for the kind of stuff you want to do yeah uh it's like ito again
Starting point is 02:48:09 not a fan of sordard online but he's a great director and he made that show like he made sordard online a lot more engaging the choice to hire a real actor as opposed to a voice actor for the main character in your race like brilliant by the way when you say real actor and then you say voice i want you to know that's the most insulting thing you could say well they hired a real one not a kid in his mom's life no no no it's it's actors it's actors and some are voice actors and some in a voice over but they do real acting it's all real acting Liam fucking touch me eats a fucking recent pieces you should have sorry i was like you want to eat some shit Liam want to eat some fucking shit but you eat that shit we knew this podcast was gonna descend
Starting point is 02:49:00 of course it's just a really long promise but yeah it took a while um but yeah so since the best friend in race opening and ending are so god damn good when the NIC side feel like i have to go real acting you're so funny i'm sorry that never that never occurred to me ever no the win does actually just never for a true story someone actually asked this question of uh what's this like who played break it wrong uh uh johnsy riley someone's at this big event at comic con they're talking about it so what would you prefer either for voice acting or real acting and literally some of the crowd starts booing and he's like what what yeah and literally johnsy riley they're both acting yeah either one's not right and he's like both are complicated for
Starting point is 02:49:46 a completely different reason yes there's over i can't play up anything but the script in the direction i'm not in the room at like long screen acting i can place myself a bit better to see they're both difficult in different ways i don't just like that's exactly it so anytime i say oh are they voice actors or real actors it's like they're all they're everyone's good no no it's oh no it's all those close ones none of us are genuine it's it's three actors the correct yeah main actors and then stage actors are better than the best for you i'm sure i'm sure stage actors for them right in the screen actors always say that yeah i know that uh that's the common thing but yeah um so other than that uh yeah i'm just gotta get those videos done as soon as i get back
Starting point is 02:50:32 and keep my head against the wall for a while most things and oh i have a uh collaboration coming up uh pretty soon with uh stop uh stop skeletons from fighting nice we're talking about working i love uh yeah hbgn um we've talked about it i we're still working out the case so uh but it's gonna be uh ghost and michelle really of course it'd be pretty fun um and where could people find it you could find it at slash mother's basement reviews um and slash mother's basement if anything gets taken down by the fucking copyright bots i upload the uh the mirrors there uh okay all right can you give us some professional shit bags signing off uh this is jeff through professional shit bags signing
Starting point is 02:51:20 out they'll they've asked me to talk to you right right who are you hoping to kill i don't make stuff i don't i don't need to destroy it and i am the destroyer at the very least uh if there's anything coming up like video game movie anime related well for one i do have i do have a a match yeah i do have a match uh probable i probably do i'm sorry i think it um saturday so hopefully i didn't get too fat this weekend cheating for three days straight yeah it's okay at con i might go like the whole like pro wrestling progression of like looking great in your debut and then like wrestling in a t-shirt show in a t-shirt yeah we'll see how that goes i like where big shows away from what comes back super in shape and slowly gets no longer in shape
Starting point is 02:52:10 near the end um yeah i'm gonna talk about um yeah just post anime stuff on twitter oh and where's that great black otaku dot com that was a trick our kdm yo uh so we're actually working a lot of stuff right now because there's four of us now and uh like everyone's got videos coming out later this month maybe mid-march school and stuff but uh i actually i mentioned it earlier i'm working on the smash right yeah it's true about a bunch of shit uh i want to talk about the new bomber man sorry the bomber man the second attack for the n64 because i like you know that's a super good game and no one knows about it because
Starting point is 02:52:55 balmy was too good balmy was good but we had like that co-op no one talks about that like middle era of bomber man it's it's bomber man generic and then bomber man acts zero yeah and like stuff like generous the one i like cameo advanced producer yeah yeah those were great i like to talk about that it's like the adventure style era yeah bigger their bigger game more to really interesting that bomber man 64 is amazing that is a super game bomber man on the Saturn the shit yeah i don't know i've heard people say that uh yeah yeah it was like there's a bunch in the uh the pipeline though and actually just recently i put out a video on my birthday uh uh that's super that's the worst yeah stars yeah it is my birthday your birthday everyone
Starting point is 02:53:45 i was able to cross two items off the list and started a book when i started making content yeah and one of them was uh top games for single people yeah the other one was snake eater cover and you did the both at the same time i did a both at the same time and uh it's funny i got a lot of comments on the video of people who are like yo does Liam pay you for this shit yeah because you ended up like making it out with a pedophile yeah i was just like brooding over this thing but uh yeah it's been a lot of fun there's a lot and you could find it at uh or slash bokeh no eruption because i can't change anything yet we can get a benefit all right one time yeah so um there's like a million excuses we could try to technically use but the point is we're
Starting point is 02:54:31 incompetent and that was recorded on a wrong stupid internal mic because i feel like i'm gonna go to my grave with this mistake happening to us on this channel we'll vary him in the wrong hole it's i'm pretty sure it's upside down it's it's every time you record on your laptop into internal mic is on you just anyway whatever sorry about the shit quality of this it's the one thing that ruined an otherwise amazing amazing fucking podcast so we were just in the middle of wrapping Austin could you tell us uh where to find your stuff man yeah you can find it at uh or forward slash bokeh no eruption because i can't change it yet and uh yeah right on why are you ashamed of your japanese i'm not i'm takahata 101 i like bokeh no eruption you should
Starting point is 02:55:18 call me bokeh no it was a real pleasure it was a real pleasure having you on our podcast bokeh no eruption hey that's his slave me i you know i i don't i don't give him shit i love bokeh no people no there's a great job yeah there you go they're just scared they're gonna get right cranky yeah see what's going on man um i'll try to keep it short i mean i'm constantly working on stuff i've been working on a new uh maximally into animation it's been months i don't know why i yeah so i'm gonna make something um probably won't compare to the demo exploring the sex dungeons of delba or or when they uh they're playing final fight revenge and they find the one hangar super worry apologize people into space and their reaction to that and they found it just
Starting point is 02:56:20 totally fine mistake right the one we uncovered like six years ago yeah yeah but they had no idea and they didn't know that it was going to happen sick yeah so like i want to start working on that and my animation take like roughly two to three weeks to do after i do all the digging for like source material um aside from that i actually i'm going to be opening up like emissions and stuff like start making actual money cool and um that's all that exposure bucks you've been getting i mean the stuff that doesn't put food on the table i love subsisting off of tears it's not good enough for you those are crying up you know they can find someone else who wants all that exposure beg for scraps or you will start to hire me for the long he needs medical bills after yeah
Starting point is 02:57:03 yeah i got an actual hole in my chest now i don't know what i mean but um yeah i mean yeah just to sort of like wrap that all up um sorry if i sound really like i guess low on volume it's hard it's actually very hard for me to talk like like a loud voice and it's double hard when you're talking into the wrong microphone and it's not my fault it's not your fault i think we all agreed that it's super bunny hops fault right now we're really comfy in this intimate talking around the laptop although i do miss like everybody like crowded around with childlike wonders you talked about uh wrestling stuff but no man kick the man who's not here that's the way it worked if you didn't fuck up the podcast bunny then say something defend yourself yeah right
Starting point is 02:58:02 all right exactly you go about bunny if the witness isn't the greatest game of all time just just say something right now please speak up and what's the best place to track your stuff down well yeah i was also saying to talk about that real quickly i'm also working on a game of my spare time there you go the thing is i would lose i say that it's because you're not going to see that on youtube because youtube's right but all my animations and speed paints and crap um a lot that you'll find on my twitter which is should should just be cranky cons bro right like slash should if i have done it right and kept all my names same across everything um and my youtube's you know slash cranky cons direct one word and i upload super slowly like two to three
Starting point is 02:58:53 weeks it's not a month cool um but you're an anime exactly that people don't get that so i have to remind them sometimes people they don't understand and yeah i i guess they have no uh don't stop listening right now look at the quality of product we deliver to you there's nothing to see here okay but seriously our nba 2k16 playthrough just started and that shit's dope it's really good it's really fun i'm enjoying that a lot we have so much room for when we get back boy do we yeah did our other playthrough start yet xcom is in v2k16 black sister uh partially do you have your black twin sister yes yes yeah live in the dream yeah got got um and uh xcom also went up so xcom's going on and that's a fun time too because that is straight up like a nuzlocke that we're doing yeah it's a survival
Starting point is 02:59:44 mode thing where if we fuck up we're done and that's it so uh that's pretty cool too uh i don't know if there's anything else oh no let no no there's no you got the uh mac fest panel on video uh we haven't oh yeah we have been recorded on the laptop webcam there you go because i had two cameras going on that but i think we see my own death there you go where can i see my camera if the panel if the panel does go up there's more than enough teased for like new lps and shit yeah you have to go into you guys see that shit great kind of crowd reaction to all that stuff yeah no dude jeff as you rightfully pointed out like in my head i was like oh it's gonna have it's gonna be a shame to go down back to old yeti quality after we've been doing great like xlr
Starting point is 03:00:37 my quality it's like not even because we're the fucking best friends we're the best friends and we can make it worse we can dig deeper and code it in filth it's the worst mic and we weren't facing the right direction yeah so it's it's just i mean you're getting the reverb off of that corner the opposite direction no that exactly like like no as angry as i am like takahata can only just be like offended at the quality of like audio production going on in this room at this point my earlier work okay uh recorded on a five dollar microphone we found in a box and we duct taped it to a tiki torch i'm not kidding yeah um i'm gonna drown my sorrows real soon and enjoy the rest of this mac fast so thank you guys for uh like believing in this crazy
Starting point is 03:01:28 clusterfuck of a podcast uh i wanted to do an all the warriors cast and it just i thought what better place than here what better time than now all hell and thanks to all the best attendees that came to our panel and signed in and left you guys around yeah man all right we out we out we out we out later bye so you

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