Castle Super Beast - SBFC 150: Shanghaied to Grenada

Episode Date: June 21, 2016

Pat is better but no one cares, Liam's precious hands must be protected from the fires of this world....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 That's been my life for the past week whoa you sounded way finer than that up until you just like yeah you did a fabulous five seconds of silence leading up to someone's blading someone's working on their tight five for the comedy store that one was somewhat bladed but you may notice that it was very easy to come on which is not the greatest when you're you did get the little well you got the thumb the flum flaps dude but um Nintendo's conference made me so sick you were done before that yeah I was getting sick the night like around Sony's conference I remember I was like getting a little sick dude I've been like no one cares Liam
Starting point is 00:00:59 how are you okay I'm fine I'm totally recovered I heard and I was like oh no you guys are cunts to be fair that's pretty that's pretty good no everything's good as my girlfriend reminded me I could still play a fabulous bastion what did you do what did you do I had a great barbecue with my girlfriend took a Twitter photo of it it was yeah I have a little charcoal you were literally going nuts like someone had taken over your Twitter no no I had a nice charcoal barbecue with my girlfriend and and late in the evening I looked at it and I said huh do I have to put this out because there's barely any
Starting point is 00:01:35 coals going it was pretty much gone answers always well I held my hand over well it wasn't a fire yeah but I held my hand over it and I was like it's still warm enough yeah I'll put it out and so I move it I put it out and then I'm like I wonder how hot the balcony got shut up and it's a wood balcony right so I put my hand above the ground and I can't feel any heat because I guess wood doesn't put off heat very well and then it absorbs it and then I touched it and I didn't think for a second this would be a problem because it was just like but it was the hottest thing I've ever touched until I made you touch me in the
Starting point is 00:02:09 elevator yeah exactly and like I don't even feel dumb because like why it's like what you said that's not as dumb as you yeah like I didn't touch an element on the only part of that that I that could be dumb is the thought process of the question the core question you want to answer here is how hot did this get well because I wanted to buy a thing to go under it if the balcony was getting right right but if the thought process is how hot did this get you have to have the upper limit be in the too hot yeah right no for sure but when I couldn't feel anything just putting my hand over yeah it's a radiating heat at all touch
Starting point is 00:02:45 it for a sec real quick and I could I couldn't believe how it was when people get burned in a comedic way I always think of pow and samurai showdown they look like that and Liam just turns a little red and you get angry for no I touched it I immediately I pulled it off and I immediately looked to my hands that that was a mistake and I just I walked around the house and I was like ow oh man all this hurts all this and it got worse and I got water now not cold water see fire it makes your hand blisters yeah yeah fire and he's cold water for like if you get like a really minor minor thing oh remember it's a
Starting point is 00:03:21 patient element yeah so I dip my hand in a vat of polysporin and I'm like oh now it stings even worse oh is this right means it's working and I look it up on WebMD and WebMD's like that's fine and then I I see like prevention and I'm like what does it say on prevention and WebMD's like don't touch hot objects I'm like yeah okay that's a good way to prevent burns and I'm like oh god this hurts so much I'm not seeing and then I decided you know what I should tweet all this yeah there you go I'm not seeing any seared skin so I assume that my fingertips are a little pink still okay and like I can still really feel it
Starting point is 00:03:53 across my hand but it's first degree burn is 1 million percent healable no problem yeah yeah even second-degree burns so according to what I read or you can get a second-degree burn from sunburn in some situations that's yeah get to like fall asleep outside okay we can confirm you are not the mother of dragons no confirmed yeah I was suspicious and what a bummer there's a possibility that this motherfucker might have been a Targaryen but now we know yeah just didn't happen not enough incest kind of a bummer to find that out like when you don't get your letter to Hogwarts when you're young yeah same
Starting point is 00:04:26 kind of thing hey you're not a crazy like platinum blonde asshole that goes crazy yeah exactly anyway we will literally light ourselves on fire for your amusement for your Twitter entertainment and random question guys how many friends are on your friends list of which friends which are your Facebook friends list I I try mine regularly of people that I don't give a fuck about okay they don't like that now fuck them well the only reason I even use Facebook is communicate with you three I'm gonna I can check right now so give me a how many people would I have like 50 wouldn't you know it 150 I have
Starting point is 00:05:03 52 I have 52 and honestly honestly I could probably get that down to 40 by the end of this podcast okay well apparently according to an anthropologist named Robin Dunbar yeah 150 is the actual limit to the number of meaningful relationships yeah relationships you can let you will never actually human can't have more than that you're not meaning you can it's not gonna be like chances you can have 151 right yeah but on average throughout the lot throughout your life at any given time there's a maximum of 150 people that you will know and care about have any sort of meaningful yeah we're not talking like
Starting point is 00:05:48 rando acquaintance like that guy you met at the game store and you added him on Facebook and like he texts you every three months when a call-of-duty game comes out not that guy that guy doesn't count where is this going woolly yeah welcome to episode 150 of the podcast is that esoteric though because I knew that pretty readily and I'm sure about you kind of study for people who don't speak English I'm sure it's an esoteric fact that's true thanks to all the non-English speakers of this listeners of this podcast it was your field yes yes now my field is being a loser on the internet 150 seems high to me yeah it
Starting point is 00:06:24 does it is it is quite high but nowhere near as high as like the big dogs like rogan and like here's the thing on 3-400 post something on Facebook and it's the exact same thing I'll see like 14 people like this woollies it says 5,000 people like this because you have like 700 I know someone who has thousands no well I there's the thing is you can because people can just click and follow yeah post like Twitter yeah I didn't know that no but I do know somebody who has thousands of friends on Facebook yeah and you go why are you better now and you and you go through their lives point at someone and you go who is that and
Starting point is 00:07:06 they go I don't know like then why are they friends you on Facebook because connections man so I gotta get those connect well I remember one like there's a thing where for the drugs like for I remember when Gutex had a point where like you had like 15 like 100 or so friends and it was popular but the thing is this because when fan pages didn't really exist yet yeah that's so just like if you're like my my Facebook page is my fan page yeah but I'm not really using it like a Facebook but you know so there's no in-between when they have way on this way to becoming the next to you and then there's a point
Starting point is 00:07:38 when you hit you hit a certain number where they go teela tequila sure they hit a certain number where they where they go like hey are you like a person that's kind of popular and need a fan page because you have a lot of friends way more than normal the system is groaning under your way we can switch that over for you and then it does it and that's how it used to be now you can make a fan page for you that no one will follow and no I don't think you see what tequila because I'm pretty sure he thinks the world is round okay wow I didn't know that one yeah hey that's flat earthers aren't they have fun
Starting point is 00:08:09 that's fucked up there you go I don't know I respect them in a weird way but there's a there's something too believing in something so stupid for so long that you just have to respect but if the earth is flat how come we're not constantly dumping Australian snakes into space well no they're on the top they're on the top they believe that the edge of the flat earth is the ant Arctic okay and that the Arctic is the center okay what about all those photos from space yeah the other week where we're playing a video game and we're in space and I calmly went if there's no air or wind in space how come the
Starting point is 00:08:52 American flag was flapping in the wind and then William Liam for 15 seconds said nothing and then we just moved on you know there's that there's that that camera that was hooked up to a helium balloon that was accidentally released by a bunch of students saw the curvature of the earth but that was fake okay well hey chemtrails kids are smart they can fix stuff too the best part is the research instead of this whole thing in a world where you have Twitter to tweet out hey woolly what what beliefs does Twitter use a thing in the orbit called a satellite it might oh satellites are pretty damning evidence just because the
Starting point is 00:09:36 earth is flat doesn't mean satellites can orbit them can orbit I mean like the earth the core is just under the flat okay but but the other tenant though is that they don't think gravity works the way it does since there's no remember a few weeks ago throw it up and it floats now to be fair gravity is fucking stupid and makes no sense it breaks under we're talking about God's Egypt and God's of Egypt they're like yeah fuck you yeah it's flat and you look at the visual and I'm like that makes way more sense really I was like yeah I'm like it come on what are you doing with that I really can't that visual
Starting point is 00:10:10 representation is pretty strong flat earth speaks of a person who can't understand the universe past the their eyesight yeah like past the next hill over mm-hmm but usually you know when you're on a road and there's like nothing at the end of the road and I'm like we're gonna fall this is it we found it and then you go over you like oh oh yeah that wasn't so bad always disappointed I'm just getting the piss bumps mm-hmm yeah if you look really hard you can find the conspiracy videos that are like they're not just I don't think you have to look they're not no no no but you can find the ones that are like
Starting point is 00:10:41 smarmy about it yeah they're like this guy went to this place and he did the calculations and oops what's this no curvature accidentally proven oh right it's like all roundies like fucking you're being smug and what what's the other you say flat liners no I said round no no what's what someone said another term for people that flat earthers flat earthers I like flat I like flat flat liners well flat line well that's a different term for no I know okay that's a quantum physics thing wait a second wait a second that's also a movie with Michelle when you put when people used to believe the earth was flat the
Starting point is 00:11:20 explanation for how you could continue to believe that is because there were impassable barriers on all sides either the ocean was impassable or there are some fucking mountain range you couldn't get past right there was no way you could define what was now that we have these things called aeroplanes what wouldn't an aeroplane have flown off the side of the earth I don't you know airplanes man they lose them all the time it's like yeah that's true I mean used to live up but the fucking Arctic Circle didn't couldn't he then potentially just walk across and we don't know because that's we don't still
Starting point is 00:11:55 fully understand how planes work that pilots that's one in that's true to a north and south that's not a direction they make you not tell anyone even your family about what you see when you get up there in the pilot if people realize the earth was flat on a massive scale we have they would all stop they would all stop by those globes that's for sure yeah hope sales would dive that's for sure there's only two directions left and right and west left and not barely a direction yeah no ups not a thing ups just a con like a construct of your mind okay so the Z axis is a construct of society dude like okay Z axis is fake
Starting point is 00:12:36 yeah we live in we live in fucking Sagan's flatland I swear when you look if you watch cons of Egypt you'll come over to the right side yeah I feel you fuck Neil deGrasse Tyson I want God's of Egypt he didn't have fucking armor and wings I think he actually did it one part wasn't 12 feet tall no he definitely wasn't one how can he truly say the earth is round if he's never been to the edge yet if he can't be a mummy alive he hasn't even he hasn't even gone all we know is that he busted a nut in space and she's still stuck in oh all right well that was a nice tone setter who had a week that's the
Starting point is 00:13:23 podcast I had the shortest week despite it being two weeks because most of that was sick and I didn't do anything interesting sure it felt along a lot out of bed I flopped out of bed briefly at times but nothing big before that last the week before I saw that World of Warcraft movie oh yeah you want did you guys see that you mean the Warcraft movie no you fuck yourself okay when invited I chose not to go okay yeah no when invited to the same showing that I went to you all chose not to go with wooly adding a fuck you Levi to the warcraft bit like give it the respect you to deserves you meant to
Starting point is 00:14:00 say the most successful video game movie of all right so well I'll knock that off the docket so okay here you go that's all you need to say I remember this movie used to be called World of Warcraft and I got turned into warcraft I remember where every time I called the World of Warcraft movie there's always a bunch of fucking blizzard turbo nerds in the in the comments go it's the warcraft movie it's not about World of War like shut up they retcon everything in this movie to be consistent with World of Warcraft to a degree that is so baffling and so I know what happens in Warcraft 1 there's a bunch of cool stuff that happens in
Starting point is 00:14:32 Warcraft 1 none of that stuff happens in this fucking it's a pretty basic script to follow here's a fucking spoiler for the end of the movie because who gives a fuck and fuck you if you care the end of the movie is the humans winning and going for the Alliance so the next movie has to immediately start with them losing because they fucking lose one that's why warcraft is naked white warcraft 2 is called tides of darkness yeah it's a horse winning and they're on a fucking victory that's the horde rules do the lines drools the acting is pretty bad the CG the CG on the orcs is astounding so what whenever like and
Starting point is 00:15:12 the acting on the orcs is way way better than the acting on the humans that's kind of sad and like me and my girlfriend and leave I were walking out we couldn't like how come the acting the main orc Duraton and the main villain oracle done who are characters in warcraft blah blah blah they are so much better acted than every single one of the human characters yet they write them to lose who all look like like weird baby cosplayers like you know that look they do look like you know that that look that you see in the trailers on the screen you're like that can't know it's totally like that in the movie so fake
Starting point is 00:15:44 you know why that is because the humans were like wearing nothing and like in a big green screen yeah whereas the orcs or whoever that was a CG guy was like also in a green screen or like a motion capture studio doing the facial like you know points and stuff but an animator can really pump up the thing because the animator can just do whatever versus a human that has nothing to react to well the other like they can they can fudge a performance almost where the the the weirdness with the with the look of it I tried to figure it out for a while and then I was talking to people who played wow a lot longer than I did and I got it
Starting point is 00:16:26 and they sent me a CG trailer like the Legion one it's like in the Warcraft art style humans are fucking huge yeah they're all massive and super burly and almost as big as the orcs so that armor style with the big shoulders and the shiny thing it kind of makes sense but when you put that on humans that are now like one-third the size of the work it looks fucking dumb it looks stupid um and they change a bunch of shit for for like fan service reasons that comes off like hacky and shitty like what like Dalaran the the Magic City did you play Warcraft 3 I'd not for a long time okay well yeah yeah it's my favorite you
Starting point is 00:17:04 know you blow you blow up Dalaran and you fuck that Magic City up yeah yeah yeah you know how that's on the ground well eventually eventually in World of Warcraft it flew up in the sky for one of the expansions now so in the movie now it's in the sky because fuck you now like 10 years ago and then totally yeah 10 years ago Sam Raimi was making this Warcraft movie that's right and he quit apparently because like Blizzard would come in and be like no no you got to change that they have a Warcraft Bible thing have a Warcraft Bible just like how Bungie had a Halo Bible and fucking Sam Raimi was like fuck this I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:17:39 make right to hell or whatever the fucking was called back to hell they they do all sorts of fucking weird goofy shit with it like go down the old warlock guy who's an orc who's like 95 years old be super evil he steals people's life force at one point he throws his coat off and turns out he's super ripped with giant demon bones sticking out of his back twist and they had any has a big fucking fist fight with the main protagonist that goes nowhere it's the fucking shittiest part of the whole movie where Durotan goes I'm gonna show everyone that Gul'dan is a fucking coward so he gets into a fist fight with
Starting point is 00:18:12 him and he wins and then Gul'dan starts using magic and cheating and everyone's like holy crap Gul'dan's like a coward fuck that guy and the horde starts to turn against him and then he sucks like ten guys life forces out and they turn into skeletons he's like fuck you guys and they're like oh I'm scared of Gul'dan and then nothing happens and the hero dies for no reason hey it's fucking it's so oh that's got a question yeah what's your question are the can you confirm this are the drani in the movie yes that means it's World of Warcraft they exist only in World of Warcraft okay so they exist in the movie
Starting point is 00:18:48 for one reason because Garona the half orc half human that stabs can lay in the story she looks terrible they retconned it later that she's actually half orc half drani so in the beginning they have to show the drani slaves the night I was only showed up like way after everything else they okay yeah they're way up in Warcraft 3 they're they're way later they're two movies away but drani being in his bullshit it's fucking no they were there the whole time they're the whole time and they like ah did blizzard guys help write this yes and they they're trying to like work because remember the last expansion they
Starting point is 00:19:27 did and the current one both deal with time travel and retconning the wow universe is the writing in in recent World of Warcraft any good no it's it's atrocious it's it's gone on to like actively ruin the older games because it seems to me like all of blizzard's modern writing is just terrible just like a business like they they did they did they did a time travel storyline in which like well what if the orcs didn't go evil which is like the core element of that whole franchise yeah and then they kept going with it and it's fucking so bad I know I think I think overwatches writing works within its universe
Starting point is 00:20:06 because it's kind of a silly dumb thing whereas like Warcraft should be a serious well no I don't know no I saw the main complaint about the movie being it takes itself way too seriously when it's actually really stupid okay so it I both takes itself way too seriously and not seriously enough are there any pandas there are no pandas because that's the wrong time and part of the world so it's nice that they didn't go in there have like a little panda guy to make the yeah but what there is is panda ring no but it's like it's really bad like you did any of you play wow at any time as a human being never ever touched
Starting point is 00:20:47 my life okay even installed the starter town in that game is called idle and sorry not idle sorry that's the fucking ff 14 in game that was called gold shire right and it's where 99% of players saw the game in the beginning so they go to the Stormwind Castle in the beginning of the movie and they give a big aerial shot that looks just like the game you're like whoa and they're like oh we got talked go to the queue got talked to the king the kings in gold shire why because gold shires place from the game you remember and then they go to gold shire and like look it's a one-to-one recreation of the first
Starting point is 00:21:18 tavern you ever went to and huge portions of the early story take place there for no reason even though it would make way more sense for it's but like it's like constant but I can't be surprising to anybody though that like if a warcraft thing is coming out now it's appealing to the 13 million people yeah totally played though the memo and not the people but also it's like you've run into the problems like people like me that didn't realize that wow had retconned so much stuff and go in like what the fuck that didn't have well no no no no and then it's kind of a boring poopy movie on top of that and
Starting point is 00:21:51 like the fact that you're saying like one like oh what if orcs were like not evil and stuff and it's like I like oh they're evil in this one okay even though they did it's alternate fucking man if you had dude is there so many heroic orc pictures I see yeah I know they can't they got good later they got there if you have that story on the docket like warcraft made no money well here in North America in North America fucking bomb like Final Fantasy spirits with it yes but in China China fucking loves it it gives context to the gold farming that's the only yeah that's the only reason why it's the most successful
Starting point is 00:22:27 video game movie but pretty much it's super tanked domestically but yeah I made it made it try it made more in China than anything else historically yes I think the one right behind it was Prince Prussia I need to get one more work I need to get one more complaint out because it's a big deal sure so in the early bit of the movie your hero guy saves Geronimo they fight like five orcs right and then later in the movie they have a big showdown with a magic guy and it's like the to get to hero guys just the evil guy right and later they have a little fight at the Dark Portal it's like a thousand guys right
Starting point is 00:23:04 every one of those things was a mission that involved like tens of thousands of extra soldiers so it's like we have to go stop bad guy and it's the wizard right and instead of two massive armies fighting for like a cool battle scene it's like two heroes doing that plucky thing where they sneak around the magic guy and they try and trick them and they're like oh I can't hear you know that fucking stupid yeah that's that's in every goddamn fucking fantasy movie sure sure I hate it it's just so stupid yeah the acting is bad oh and the special effects for all the humans look terrible are like the elves look like
Starting point is 00:23:44 psychos is there any quotes from the game it quotes from units yes oh yeah look what there is a zug-zug hidden in there there's a murloc noise there's a sequence in which a character honest to God levels up with sound effect but it's but it's but it's hidden inside a different power-up sequence were there any bits you liked? Grom Hellscream shows up on screen for a total of about eight seconds Grom is fucking awesome he doesn't speak he shouldn't and it's weird when Gul'dan is just sitting around being evil and talking to orcs about how evil he is and how much he wants to be evil that part is really
Starting point is 00:24:23 good because he's just a cartoon villain and when Durotan and the other guy for that forget the other orc guy are just talking about like man Gul'dan is really evil we should really oh man this is some tough stuff for the orc peoples that's cool but everything with the humans is garbage what did China love what I don't know China just loves it Girona has a romance subplot with all three major male characters the idea of the movie yeah because you don't get that high without like word of mouth and everything else you get that high it was like all front-loaded in the first weekend you want you want like weird
Starting point is 00:24:59 garbage on the human thing the the magi guy they imply that he's romantically into Girona and that goes nowhere and then the warrior guy him and Girona like smang it off and you're like what that what no and then the guy that she actually did it with Medivh the magic dude that was played by Michael Bell he implies that he's her dad and they have this really close moment they're like are they gonna fuck and then he's like I might be your dad and you're like are we gonna fuck anybody and you're just like what what the fucking what that being said I might never see this movie but if they greenlight a second one and
Starting point is 00:25:38 night elves are in it they won't mean it it wouldn't mean the second one they'd be in third one whatever if night elves are in it if my boys Malphurian and Illidan are in there and there's a love triangle with Tyrande I'm like I'm so fucking in so as spelling of juice as bad and like as bored as I was during this movie like I saw it with Levi who's a crazy Warcraft fan right I saw it he played well for like six years he's in there and he would tell me he really didn't like and I am a fan of the old RTS games and I saw my girlfriend who had never played any of those things but new Warcraft tangentially we were all
Starting point is 00:26:13 confused by the plot all of us and we were all like all every single one of us is going way why are they why what is how why and then we all walked out really really sad can you know that gods of Egypt has a higher meta-critic I bet it's a better fucking movie yeah so I had a plan but I just I didn't stick to it I wanted to go watch what I determined which was the full playthrough of Warcraft Adventures that popped up on YouTube yeah really two and a half hours wait how and you can watch that game is canceled and they're like there's content missing but apparently it's more or less a full LP shut up and that game
Starting point is 00:26:50 is canceled how did that happen yeah I don't know so that would have been a good plan but I super I started I was like oh man I want to watch this instead oh oh I forgot I don't know oh there's a get far enough there's a part that they tell you that Thrall is Moses they literally she's like she's running away with Thrall and then she lays him down in the reeds to be carried away and she's like you will be the hope of the orc people know that he is though character that we decide to not name Thrall in this movie they name him Gua something or whatever what and you're like that's Thrall that's the most important and he
Starting point is 00:27:27 floats away like a little Christ baby and you're like he's green he's green and it's not easy being green no even though they establish that all green orcs are evil and the kind of yellow orcs are okay no he's fine he's even Thrall wasn't Thrall raised by humans yes that's the story of Warcraft Adventures it's a it's a fucking mess it's just a mess I did see moon I do not want to see it why oh no but same director but in chains and handcuffs yes but like you went from having one actor in a closed set to infinite fake actor fake act all right I have one last one I will end with this because it's the
Starting point is 00:28:13 final thing that happens in the movie the credits start to roll and you know they do the theme track in the beginning of the credits that lasts I don't know maybe a minute 30 seconds the next track that seems to play for like eight minutes is the old login music from the fucking title screen of Warcraft and there's like I heard an audible groan come from the audience of so like it's the login music from when I used to play it and it's just like it's the most transparent fucking like that's really like if the movie had been fantastic I think everyone would have went like I especially in the states where you get
Starting point is 00:28:46 free copies of all the games oh yeah that's really disappointing because I liked it or it was cool back in the day and like I watched another video game movie over the weekend but I'll get to it later but like we watched like I watched this in Mortal Kombat with some friends the movie and I feel like when it when the announcer goes reptile yeah when reptile appears it's the coolest part and everyone should cheer at that part or like everyone groaned hearing like the the the crystal theme at the credits of spirits within yeah that kind of feeling well it's because it's because it's not the theme it's the login music
Starting point is 00:29:21 okay it's that hey man type in your battle net password look let's get let's get going yeah so we have this exclusive mount I did yeah probably in the states if I have one other thing that I did and it was I played a video game I played one video game of note that was new did you guys know that mirrors edge catalysts came out at some point I was aware well on the podcast that you were not always not did you did you guys plan at all I did I put about 20 minutes I had to I had to buy a second copy because my Amazon decided not to send me mine well that's yeah that's great that's great so did you play a lot of it I caught
Starting point is 00:30:00 back up to where I left off in the data so about what an hour maybe two so I played maybe four or five and the games that it's best if you don't do the side stuff really I think so sure but like even at its best it's still like not as good as the first one I really would have preferred just being able to warp to the next one thing is definitely clear is that the mission-based like yeah gameplay of the first game is was the right it was the right way to go the and the missions in this that I've done I've done three so far and they've been good I don't mind those yeah they've been the best part missions are on I enjoy
Starting point is 00:30:50 that I enjoy the targeted missions and yeah the overworld is not as compelling an idea as you would think it would be as much as it is on paper and that's a shame because you know it's fucking parkour like the targeted missions don't feel like racetracks they feel like you know like dedicated design yeah I gotta get through more of them I suppose but like a lot of times when you're running your ass off like there's one way to go in the in those missions or at least it seems that way whereas in like even the first level of mirrors edge like they were very clearly like three or four different ledges that you could hop on
Starting point is 00:31:25 and at each different point you know what's really rough is look almost any game released right now all right okay yeah all right back to Overwatch yes like and that's what I play 20 minutes of mirrors edge and I was like this seems fine back to over yes and I've never had this problem before I do want to say that the path thing thing seemed way more restricted but the replays because again since doing it in the beta when I replayed the first and second missions I went completely different ways from the 50% point then I did the first time I know they tell you in a tutorial also that like
Starting point is 00:32:09 the runner's vision it shows you the easiest path not like the most survivable one at all times yeah not the fastest and I totally yeah like in the first one especially like I went I got out of that building completely differently the first time around then I did the second time and that made me feel a bit better about so one thing the game does that actually really infuriates me and I was like screaming at my television with a horse voice like they unlock those time trial race missions way too early because they unlock them before you have the abilities you need to complete them at
Starting point is 00:32:42 good times yeah there's because there's right at the beginning you can't get three so there's a problem and there's a there's a problem that problem that we talked about beforehand and it's a real problem you have to unlock a lot of these abilities to actually compete with coil is vital exactly and what you're seeing on the map is not just like the time trials but the user generated time trials start popping up as well I turn I turn you can turn them off you can turn them off but there are they show up there and like without you really like investigating the menus you wouldn't necessarily know and yeah you start you
Starting point is 00:33:14 like oh I'll do this race why not and it's like oh I don't have anything it's it's impossible like like you're hitting it like you're doing all the shortcuts properly and you're like two full seconds well not before you start it is there a menu that tells you like you might need these no no because you can still get do like one or two stars maybe you know the bigger problem for me isn't that it's the grapple hook fucking breaks the game in like shit in a bunch of spots where when you get later on all the time trials just come down to not like is there it comes down to find the secret grapple point oh now you're
Starting point is 00:33:51 doing it and when I started not user generated like I like the you mean you mean the intended ones yeah okay so there was one right right about a mission and a half before no two missions before you unlock the grapple hook you get access to that new area that you go through the fan to get to yeah okay so there's the time trial right when you get there the good time is 42 seconds the time to beat at number one was 10 seconds and I'm staring at this and I ran it a dozen times and I couldn't the math I can't get anywhere I could not beat even like I couldn't even get like fucking 50 seconds like I couldn't so
Starting point is 00:34:32 that I typed in the name of the trial online and I looked it up and like the guy runs and instead of going up this long staircase with like 10 like what essentially six stories grapple hook all the way to the top and gets the point gets in 10 seconds like well fuck man like it this trial has no purpose yeah like I feel like the upgrade tree is less of a problem than the trials are just fucking the grapple hook just fucks the trials so I got they weren't designed like they're almost designed that you have it but they're almost impossible without it yeah the only way to perform them properly is with is just
Starting point is 00:35:07 by pressing the grapple hook button so I got I did get the grapple hook but I besides like the intended places that are like right in front of you after you get it immediately I didn't see any other grapple points yet yeah when when you do well when you get further in the game you'll start seeing it more if I played like four or five hours yeah I played more than that and this is this is kind of a weird complaint because I actually really like the art style in the game but they it with the story as well they really went like a objectively future with it like it's yeah it's not like a really nice fascist city that's
Starting point is 00:35:41 painted well like and has all this cool industrial art design like there are be there like pulsing electricity nodes in the fucking floors and it looks all yeah you're going retro your hard drive on a surface and it gets ready and you're in these multi trillion dollar companies really like why would you come to me this expensive it's a combination of two things one of which is like you're you're hauling ass so fast through a lot of these places that the fact that they're over designed makes them less memorable than the simpler arenas in the first game remember okay so remember the remember when in the first game when
Starting point is 00:36:19 the guy gets shot and you have to run away and your sister was there as a cop and it's a green building right so you remember that building pretty well because it's all stark green and white and black and it's very very simple you probably remember that whole run quite equal over the right there is a very similar equivalent to that building in this game where something very similar happens but it's so overly complex and geometric and glass everywhere and floating offices and all that yeah that is less visually distinct you can't you can't tell the shapes as clearly because there's so many glass offices that you
Starting point is 00:36:55 don't know where the walls right you know the building I'm talking about right fairly early would you would you agree that that is somehow less memorable than the one in the yeah like it's cool but it's like and and and in that set that area that we open up if it feels like it's not special it's just the standard yeah and like you're so you're hauling ass to the technical offices that you never get to look at which ironically now you can just stand and stop and look at because it's part of the open world and you just need to get somewhere you're always hauling I don't know it's it's a weird yeah what I what I need to to make
Starting point is 00:37:27 sort of fully compare it is I need to play this game's equivalent of the the mission in part one where you're running through the subway yeah and then you transition over into like the malls yeah and like that feeling of going from one environment to another to another to another is really cool and the whole thing is played out lays the planned out like a racetrack I I'm really shocked that I haven't gotten to that level yet okay like still because there is one thing that I can't say overall so far from like the stuff I did even and even the little side missions that you're doing here is it's this game is way more
Starting point is 00:38:00 vertical than it was yeah the first game was a lot more like how do you get up there as opposed to how you get straight ahead and I I prefer my horizontal mirrors at some yes vertical I agree for sure luckily you'll get a grappling hook that'll negate that mechanic entirely well we have to wait for like actual confirmations like early indications is that this bomb as well yeah focus armor and the combat of the combat is way improved way better that's true a little bit I play love it yeah I love pushing people into people it's really satisfying running off the walls using speed instead of like not
Starting point is 00:38:37 takedown moves mm-hmm I love it really wish you could have gone that third person saluted one just as a as a curio um like being worked on and just canceled and and the the other thing is that like boy that story is aggressively terrible it's fucking awful fucking bad as soon as everyone starts yelling at you on your radio I tune out sound like my girlfriend is like like on her phone or whatever she's occasionally watching me play and she's like why do you keep playing this this game sucks whenever the cutscenes are happening it's super right fucking story is garbage I mean the radio chatter when I don't care the
Starting point is 00:39:17 the guy the people standing around talking at you just over a god like yeah I get it we're in the future you call it script like I don't know it just rubs you know how Batman Beyond nailed it like this doesn't and it's in a very annoying way is it just isn't the flavor or is it the content it's right now you're just describing the flavor the flavor is bad but also the content is nothing like come on faith this story is about as bad as the first one was yeah yeah but I thought please nobody pretend the first game had a good but I felt like I could ignore the story more in the first one because there was way less
Starting point is 00:39:55 sure there was way less there's there's way more I'm gonna fight that there's a lot more yeah they they really want you to like the story in this one where in the first one I felt like they didn't care at all and you get skipped them super fast I don't know man oh it's so just like you gotta gotta get more time in before I fully bad first impression before I fully I was really like oh there's there's to me like to me there's ups and downs yeah I hate it there's ups and downs and I think that like the the fun of the combat flow and entirely fixing that stuff is a really huge plus in my opinion step but like you know there's
Starting point is 00:40:35 there's no I still really don't like the unlocking and such my takeaway from this is like boy they could really nail it with a third game yeah I had more than anything I wish they'd just issue a patch that would let you play through it at with a level selector yeah and just jump can you go back and play those levels again the story levels yeah you okay good there's also in the pause menu you can repeat any mission you've done there's also like a level of like like there's an aura around me of just I'm glad it's not dead yes of course that exists and I'm still a little bit and there's a base level where I just like
Starting point is 00:41:12 to run around and jump and climb on stuff mm-hmm and I and I like I appreciate the fact that the the like hey runner take my thing to the thing to the person over there missions are like really challenging so far yeah you have unlocked the thing that just makes it I tried to do the fragile mission delivery the first one that you can have available with none of the upgrades and the grappling hook and I spent like two hours trying to beat it I couldn't and I know I'm not that fucking bad at Meers edge I got it I managed to get that one after a couple tries but I appreciated that I got it on the last second yeah
Starting point is 00:41:48 with no update yeah no I distinctly remember getting like three separate missions with on the very last second and like but then you get to one where you can't even get close and you're like you're ten seconds off time for the what the fuck excuse me yeah I feel like on the whole I think it's not quite as good as the first but not bad either just falls no it's just not as like like the first I love the first game like I love it like I love Dead Space yeah I played it a lot the first one and this one is like a good game but it's a bad sequel is that one sense forward to suspect yes what I'm wondering to is like
Starting point is 00:42:27 is am I gonna switch am I gonna spend more time with because I overwatch I feel like I feel like I could spend more time with this one just based on the way the map is laid out but at the same time if you consider like all the time trial specific stuff from the first you mean yeah we're just like there's shit that's not even in story that you spend a fuck it depends on one thing and one thing only and then that's you did the time trial shit to it to an insane degree in the first one right and that's because that had value and it was designed it was really well put together the time trial stuff in this game is not nearly
Starting point is 00:43:02 as well designed and well put together and it depends but there's more of it so it depends whether or not you find that value there and you do you will spend more time and I mean also like you know you can just check and see that people are saying yeah like 20 hours to get all the achievements so there's your full content breath is like 20 hours maybe so well I noticed that there was like a midi atrium on your like third mission and I was like we're going there already really yeah huh so that was some surprising twist but anyway yeah I think they should have kept the guns they should add more guns more guns yeah
Starting point is 00:43:38 would have improved it yeah I couldn't disagree more but joke okay all right all right yeah I have a serious I have a very serious worry that a bunch of the people who wanted guns in the game are some of the people that were responsible for the things we liked about the first game that weren't guns what who knows I don't know right they're like I'm not working on this no-gun game well you know you're the one who made the racetrack see that's you got a sign I don't know there's suede they get they do things weird anyway I don't know I to be honest though like I don't feel like playing it I don't feel like guns being gone made any
Starting point is 00:44:14 difference I don't think like when I'm playing the game there's never a second where I'm like this would be worse with a gun in my hands would be the same like it doesn't use it no for me it just it's just the feeling of combat well here's here's the thing right and well you would know this because you looked all up all that speedrun shit and you did a bunch of it right how many rooms do you get locked into in the first marriage edge and you have to fight your way out you have to KO a bunch of dudes yeah how many you almost you get you could always there's like there's like one that's absurdly hard just that rooftop with the helicopter drops the guys down and you have to do it
Starting point is 00:44:47 perfectly on the first try and if you fail the checkpoint you have to fight them again yeah right you remember that one yeah and I think there might be one more which is the server room you could pretty much always get right in this game there are a bunch of rooms they lock you in you're gonna fucking fight well that that was I had a fun moment there where the first time that happened I took out the first two and I was like looking for an exit and then the game didn't continue and then exit I'm like uh and then another two guys came in and I was like okay I'll run away from them and then I was like I guess I'll take them out yeah and then it's like not yet you know and I was like oh no you know I didn't have that moment so if you're gonna do that I can see what
Starting point is 00:45:23 Liam's saying it's like I yeah adding a guy I just don't think it would be worse you know like the whole point of throwing the gun away in the first one was that made you go faster yeah you could ignore everyone but now I'm stuck in there why not shoot them with their own guns and I'm not even saying I want them just like I have I never I've played like six or seven hours I never hit a moment where I was like this would be worse with a gun it was always just like I was thinking like you know what I'd rather actually play like super hot I'd rather go back and play super hot because I think doing fun weird things with combat is a little bit more fun weird things with combat you haven't really seen that much is a bit more interesting than fun weird things with just
Starting point is 00:46:06 traversal because there are a lot of good traversal games and I think trying to expand and make combat more interesting and like a time you know whatever context that like super hot does it like when I was playing here is it for a bit like you know it has a similar you know not like you know super super similar art style super hot and I actually stopped playing and played super hot for a bit more if super hot had like wall running in parkour I totally yeah I hope they release a type of deal like it feels mirror is it just running in mirrors feels so good yeah feels a thing that I want in well here's the thing and here and here's the problem like I was playing here said and I was getting bored and I was like man you I'd rather do play Genji and Overwatch right
Starting point is 00:46:50 now okay so that's the so that's the thing that's the thing is to me like even like not great mirrors edge yeah is still so much more fun than a lot of other things I could be doing right now that's fine and I totally accept that that's a personal woolly isn't I actually took Genji for the first time like this past week and like I was just like oh yeah you can run up the wall that's cool so fast hey so you watched a CG movie with tons of weird monsters yeah so did I watch Zootopia was that hold on a second that does that you that's I'm done okay I figured I'm sweating now I'm sick hey bro yeah I watched Zootopia too took you a minute of all glad you went to see it there's there's literally last night there's two
Starting point is 00:47:37 Disney movies Disney CG movies that I think are I haven't seen them all but they're worth any shits and that's tangled fucking love tangled and Wreck-it Ralph although Wreck-it Ralph has a little you know a problem here the Zootopia is like what happened to Frozen Zootopia is um probably better than a lot of Pixar's output inside I was pretty good but I kind of think Zootopia is like a little bit I liked it a little bit more I mean like you know a lot of classic Pixar's you know better Disney animation studios yeah they at first they were trash yeah at first they were fucking then they came into their own and now they can do it but it was fucking Zootopia like does not throw its fucking message over your head just subtly just makes you go yeah
Starting point is 00:48:27 it's not subtle it's not I I didn't know but it's not it's the whole movie is like yo racism yeah like but I didn't feel like I didn't feel beat over the head with it because like like a little animal it is for kids rabbits can be whatever they want it doesn't matter the shade of their fur or the the the height of their like bodies when we were when it was done in the credits we're rolling now but they're fast when smart when the credits were rolling yeah my girlfriend was like oh I feel like this is one of those movies where you'll come back to it when you see it as a kid you come back into the doll and go oh that's what it was about it's like no as a kid you're like yeah no I get it well yeah well you completely understand your girlfriend's
Starting point is 00:49:11 white so you would get it and man I don't know but I mean I I'm like this message is really really clear right away I didn't know about racism till I was 25 and like the whole thing to me that I found the most entertaining part about it was like um all right well here some mild Zootopia spoiler so if you haven't seen it uh the part where it's like okay so there totally is this like prejudice attitude that some people have towards certain animals you know and then you kind of you you eventually work towards a part where they're like oh now that we've figured out that it's the predators and they're totally going crazy what's the reason for it and like we don't know maybe they're just born that way right but and then like then the movie goes on to have the whole thing
Starting point is 00:49:59 where it's like I actually know there was an evil mastermind and there was a whole conspiracy that we shut down and yay everything's happy again but I'm like the real world stops at that mystery where it's like maybe some people are just more like violent and bad and we don't know what to do that I'm like that's not a message that you can give the kids you know like the real world is just like we don't know no you get let out of the walls that's what you do it's just getting you over the hump of it you know that's that's what it's just trying to do and then after that real world or not it's up to everyone else to start out those problems it's gotta be happy but like but like sad part where like rabbits like oh man the world is mean I don't know what to do my friends don't
Starting point is 00:50:43 like me it's like that's where the real world starts yeah yeah but it was a great movie but yeah likes me real world's pretty great I laughed a lot and I thought it was like you know it looked gorgeous too yeah the whole world is thought out really well I love how it's all zones the establishing yeah the the fucking the ride into the searing I show how it works I think one of the only things I it was a really minor nitpick but one of the only things I didn't like was if you look around there's actually a like rather small variety of animals on display yeah they kind of just reuse the same animals all over the place and it's like oh that's the who would you like to 40th giraffe I've seen who would you like to see no just more variety no but who would you what's an animal that
Starting point is 00:51:26 you're like oh no nothing in particular a wall out of place just every time I was looking I kept noticing oh it's kind of always the same animals was there a koala in the movie um that would have been a nice chance for like a race to study and stare at a kind of would be nice with its disgusting penis is I found it weird that the sense of scale was super duper accurate in some cases and then in other cases they just went fucking back with it and they have the different areas towns that are like to scale they're scaled differently right but like but like sometimes they're like super strict and then sometimes they're like meh you tell me like rabbit town is really really small like bear town is very rabbit town is like plague like rabbits live traditionally in the countryside
Starting point is 00:52:09 yeah and you go to the big city to make it big yeah but there's like like mouse town yeah so it's tiny little scale side like oh that sounds like how is it gay tall it was fucking hilarious I love that part and then like the hippos are just like ridiculous by skin they're they're colossal titans yeah I just elbow in the role he was born to play which is like a wilder beast like head of police it was good what do you think of uh peter man's bridge as the moose oh god it was so like oh I didn't catch that that's peter man's bridge it's so fucking like someone on the team was like I fucking I'm from Canada I love you get peter man's bridge you're just the moose like newscaster he's the journalist yeah journalist famous canadian journalist guy yeah the famous
Starting point is 00:52:54 canadian journalist uh so yeah tom broke off for you uh basically canadian tom broke off so yeah I really really enjoyed it like I wish I had actually seen it in theaters just because yeah I haven't had a lot of time to see stuff in theaters and I'm wanting to so uh I rented it on the playstation yeah I got it I got on my xbox to try that out exactly and I tried it out on on I tried out the xbox stream streaming service already and this is like test on the ps1 and they're both fucking solid yeah like renting movies on consoles a plus yeah no longer ridiculous fantasy we'll do again the other thing that's really like 699 was a bit much but anyone 699 699 that's a bit much yeah it's cheaper on xbox that's weird um uh then after that um I talked to
Starting point is 00:53:39 Liam about this there's this little game called anima gate of memories that was released on everything everything and for some reason I was saw it on steam first and I was like I'll play this I will play this and I bought it yeah and for some reason I was like you know what I all I'd rather play this on my xbox it might be good and I bought it again for some reason I don't know was I in drugs did you come back to this because you bought it like two plus weeks ago I never got a chance to talk about it but like you start this up and it has a very solid presentation that starts like oh it's the gates of animas and and and a decent voice acting and then whatever you start it up and the second you move the the character you're like oh no oh it's what it is it's just the flattest most
Starting point is 00:54:28 like boring devil may cry ripoff did you do the little circle spinny thing do the little circle spinny thing it's she's got the laziest weapon which is an orb that floats in front of her hand oh wow you don't have to hold a cool weapon wow or anything when you started to say laziest weapon my mind started to race like is it a sword is it an axe it's an orbs in front of her hand so caliber five girl yeah yeah yeah yeah but way worse and you're just whacking dudes that are fucking sponges why it says press press why for a launching attack and you launch a guy in the air and I'm like oh shit and then she just makes the orb kind of waft past them and a guy kind of dies and then I said yep and I just deleted it I'm glad you bought that twice I'm glad I bought it twice
Starting point is 00:55:21 a lot of twice you bought it again um what I did like a lot more is that I never played it and I think I talked about to the story once in the game buzz store which always liked to price things a certain way yep a little game called Odin Sphere was always 89 99 forever yep and I never ever ever ever played Odin Sphere really ever because any I had no money at the time I remember you having no money I remember that too and uh I would always go to the store and be like oh I heard this game so good and I never and one of you had it I never had like I never decided to ask you can I borrow it I was done with my copy yeah so I bought the the new Odin Sphere lashed fish deferred whatever the board whatever they just hear uh uh trouble the dog how do you always do that yeah you always
Starting point is 00:56:14 know how to say it it's a word the only one that I'm bad with is the HTC Vive that I have to force myself to say properly because it's a proper noun that and Kellogg's Boo-Berry kella-broom-bam no but that was that was making fun what uh but I started up Odin Sphere the first time and I went through the tutorial went through the first level and I'm just fucking shocked like this is just before Muramasa yep the exact same fucking game with the same lame walk to this character talk to him walk to him again walk to the last one and then start the mission yeah the the main difference is of course your maps you have your globe your mini globe versus the actual rooms of Muramasa are some things I like more than Muramasa like I like this map better than Muramasa the way it's
Starting point is 00:57:00 displayed and I and now like I always heard circular maps and I'm like what the fuck does that mean and I'm like oh it means nothing because this is stupid why would you even do this really I don't even get it from a design standpoint it's artistic choice yeah but it doesn't change anything no no it's just basically instead of making you putting you in a room and then hitting a wall they just said there's no wall there yeah no I guess but ultimately yeah it's it's all it's the same as the fuck and it makes your flying abilities more useful you know what that's that's actually true um but in the little time that I was like I actually like the this this combat a bit better than like the I had I feel like at least the first character the valkyrie girl yeah whatever
Starting point is 00:57:44 I'm like I like her moveset a lot it's it's generally punchier feeling it does the combat was not great and then Muramasa came along it was a huge step up and Odinsphere later years combat has been completely redone completely redone I didn't know I didn't know about that that's why I was asking you if you wanted my problem wasn't the combat though like it was clunkier and like the moment you get off of Gwendolyn oh well not if it's not if you're playing the new one but if you played the old one the moment you got off of Gwendolyn you'd start to feel it a lot because really when you started up it's like when you're up in the air press down and strike and you do the down yeah and then press up and do the juggle I'm like this is exactly
Starting point is 00:58:28 a lot of stuff is retained but they've like they've really I didn't know that they overhaul the combat they overhauled a lot of this game good good good the only part that I'm really like she's it's just the whole cooking like like cooking far farm your sheep I just rather eat a power up and continue than sit there and watch uh vanilla where it's clearly has like a real obsession with food recipes not on I liked it in Muramasa just watching the little like fucking amazingly rendered little pieces of Japanese they have the same this they have the same obsession as Studio Ghibli in like food yeah food porn yeah in a sense um now does do we have confirmation that the final yeah act is fixed no idea I know everything I remember they talked about that
Starting point is 00:59:23 and said they were gonna change it all I need to know but uh somebody will tell you on twitter as a result of this conversation I'm gonna assume that yes whatever you you're saying yeah because all the improvements you're describing are awesome like um quality of life improvements I suppose we can call them that are totally like welcome yeah I didn't even need them but like I I was I just need Ragnarok fix not not even that like I remember that game stopped me with its difficulty like I got to the dragon boss with the the girl that has the the the whips yeah and like I fucking could not beat it period and I didn't have the ability to go and make my character significantly stronger at that point yeah what you had to do there was a replay it until you got
Starting point is 01:00:04 perfect shut the fuck up that's what and then and then whatever state you finished that dragon often was then going to be the state that you carried over to Ragnarok with whatever items like if I had managed that I would have run into the same fucking problem you would have had in which my characters are too weak to fucking beat the game I'm not sure if you guys saw the tweet from some nobody called Austin eruption but um he did right I hate that fucking piece of shit what a bastard he did write a thing that said this I've never seen a version of a game completely invalidate its first version there's been like you know varying degrees of success we're like your remake your your hd really yeah even even even remake doesn't invalidate the original
Starting point is 01:00:49 it invalidated it's better but he's like this there's no burn your ps2 copy well this is because it's the same but better in every way yeah right it's not changed enough to be a different game it's just the same but better the reason why I answered you that way leon was because like I'm just like I spent so many hours and yeah I just don't know I've played both versions for a while but I've never gotten to Ragnarok at all like I've never gotten really that far if I do it again and then I hit that point I'm gonna like end up hating George and I don't want to do that but like I love George for me is that I beat I beat Muramasa both characters so I love and I know the combat system and the fact that like a I didn't know that it was overhauled to reflect it
Starting point is 01:01:33 but b I love it so much that I'm like I'm completely at home I this is the complete move set did you ever go back to play the Muramasa DLC uh one character I did and I honestly forget who I tried okay I didn't try the story yeah because they're I think I tried the I think I tried the the fox girl because they're like stealth the best game vanilla has ever made I you know I hate the thing about vanilla where where they're like yeah our game is gonna be 20 to 30 hours long no it's not and we're just and we're gonna still it's gonna repeat this content for ages day every fucking game Odin's fear dragons crown Muramasa it's the kuma 10 she all of their fucking games have this problem it's their Achilles heel it sucks and the only one that escaped it was the DLC for Muramasa
Starting point is 01:02:20 because it's so fucking short yeah and it's a bummer I'm excited for their new game but I hope they don't do that again I I think they I hope the lessons learned because that was their biggest backlash on dragons crown yeah and dragon dragons crowd is their biggest release you know like yeah definitely no it's their biggest release sales wise everything wise aside from stuff I played I think I was telling one of you I think you willie that I read a comment book of the new or they you know about a year old run of spider woman I've always disliked spider woman greatly I always felt like her design in the 70s was fucking super lame just red and yellow and and just black hair and I was like eh never really cared about spider woman that much like
Starting point is 01:03:05 obviously you all know that I like spider Gwen I like silk and I just picked up randomly the new spider woman from like you know about a year ago by a writer called Dennis hopeless you know you your last name is hopeless that's a name right there hopeless how do you anyway spider woman by Dennis Hopes where the entire run is she's pregnant yeah and she doesn't say to anybody who the father is so the entire this entire trade paperback of spider woman all new spider woman is she is uh pregnant and how do you how does a superhero deal with that and be on the job and it's just literally the most fun like I like spider went a lot radar spider went I actually think this is is a better like more entertaining thing because it kind of loses its focus on
Starting point is 01:04:00 Gwen a little bit this is all about her and it's just so like such fun writing such like great little cameos of lots of characters like there's a house party where they're like hey you're retiring for maternity leave so Tony Stark there's spider man's there and Tony starts talking to fucking Captain Marvin goes should I ask Jennifer Jennifer being spider woman should I ask her she used to be an Avenger and then Captain Marvel goes yeah you don't go ask her yeah she really wants people to ask her and then Tony's talking and you see him in the background going hey like blah blah like pantomining and you see spider man who's standing right there like Peter Parker just going no no no no and you see little like lines around his head and the next pattern you see bigger lines and you
Starting point is 01:04:41 see spider woman going like and then spider woman's like no no no no and he's got huge spider sense lines around his face and Tony they then walks back to Captain Marvel the huge black eye he's like yeah thanks I shouldn't have asked asked her that thanks a lot asshole and Captain Marvel was like ha ha ha and then then then fucking spider woman comes up and she's like so what did Tony ask you it's like he didn't ask me who the father was he asked me if I knew who the father was oh and then Captain Marvel was like I told him to say that because I ate his gut it's just and then she has a fight in a maternity ward with the scrolls and scrolls are idiots it's just the most fun and really fun art I really really enjoyed it I'll probably the next like whatever is after that I'll
Starting point is 01:05:32 continue a bit like for like I don't like spider woman that much and now I'm like yeah spider woman she's awesome anyway so I read that I got really sick like on Friday night I was up all night with like a tummy ache so I just went to Netflix was like what haven't I watched all right there's a brand new full-seasonal Voltron that Guillermo del Toro produced I'll watch that so how is it I watched the first episode which is like fucking an hour long I couldn't I was like is this right it's an hour long and well Netflix doesn't care about your time but holy shit new Voltron fucking awesome it's it's like you know 2d animated it's like it's 2d animated it's cartoon only when the Voltron line units are their CG but the CG was fine I was like yeah no that makes sense why do you
Starting point is 01:06:23 think it was live action it looks like an anime like it's it's character designs are purely very Japanese but it's written like Korra or Avatar so it's actually quite quite funny and the jokes hit home and all the characters are just like nerdy kid that he's the green lion big tough guy like what's his face like kind of slightly overweight guy from uh ronin warriors jock kento yeah what about the opinionated alt chick she's not in it she's not all all the Voltron pilots are our dudes but the main girl that like you know is like you have to save the universe Voltron is like this it's just really fun characters the action was great really really enjoyed it and like I don't even like Voltron all that much not that I hate it but I'm just like I never I could I could take
Starting point is 01:07:15 her leave and I fucking hate that CG piece of shit that was from me a few years back that was on like tell the tune or whatever yes I hated that Voltron but yeah it was really good I'll probably try to continue it and the last kind of thing for my entire week is that you know a favorite flaws man Twitter you saw the little bit of it but I had a bachelor party to go to for the head of the pizza pasta force David um and I was I was part of the uh of the um posterino gang the posterinos I was not the head of of everything so I didn't like you know uh set everything up but I did rent out a loft which is if any of you guys go to a bachelor party have your own bachelor party whatever I strongly suggest this place it's called like a hotel is that the place
Starting point is 01:08:03 that you put up a video of you and Rocky going like a little bit but what you didn't see is the fact that hey I placed a reservation for like a hotel it's a cool law for us to hang out and if we need to sleep there overnight it's fine you know I brought a ps4 set that all up and all right I'm at this address it's a black door in the side of some bricks and I'm looking at this door and I go what what do I do now I'm gonna walk there's a lock and it's a code it's a code oh wow to get in so I call up the agency and I'm like yeah I'm at this black door of doom what do I do next and this this this nice young lady on the other end goes all right yeah okay what's your name confirmation okay cool here's the code again in the door once you go upstairs turn left don't look to the right
Starting point is 01:08:54 there'll be a shut up there'll be a screen go to the screen and I'm like what is this and me and me and the real rocky go up this industrial stairwell when there's and there's nothing around it's hot there's no fucking air conditioning I'm looking around my I'm looking don't look to your right don't look to your right and I go and I see like there it just goes it's like a little hallway at the end there's boxes of costumes there's old piping and that's it that's all there is there's no humans anywhere nowhere and I'm looking for a screen door or a screen window and no she meant like a TV screen there's a TV screen it says tap to start and I go and I tap to start in a vid window from fucking reboot opens up and this woman I've never seen
Starting point is 01:09:45 in my life is like welcome to like a hotel and I'm like when you're gonna put on the jigsaw mask what the fuck is this I didn't know this when you go on the site here's a picture of our rooms here's the industrial suite here's the vintage suite like a hotel 1 800 blah blah blah blah that's not like a hotel at all it's not like a hotel at all and I and I go okay and she's like hold up your identification to the camera and I hold my identification she's like okay hold up your credit card and I'm like okay and she's like all right sign the form they go what and then a digital form just appears on the screen it's like don't smoke assholes don't murder people don't fuck up the room and you just click them like a like at the airport kiosk yeah at a kiosk and I'm like
Starting point is 01:10:39 okay and she's like all right here's the code this is like that fucking french maze show yeah and she's like here's the code to get into the door and I'm like okay but there's a lock and she's like no there's a little panel there's this little gray box and you punch in a code and I'm like nothing happened and I'm looking at the screen when she's looking at us and we're like like 10 feet away she's like okay no there's a thing you slide down and we're like what and we put in the code again and you pop open the box you pull out the unit from the window from the door and there's a set of keys physically inside and I'm like what is this and I take the keys and I open up there's another stairwell and then we finally get up to the fucking end game of this boss
Starting point is 01:11:27 and it's the big if you saw the video yeah it's a big huge awesome loft with a projector already set up with like like a super good kitchen like three bedrooms uh like a european air conditioning like the one you have pat just like a hotel just like a hotel except for all of the preamble good job convincing a hooker to go up there with you through all that bullshit one did not show up but that looks like the setup to a kill room but you know what for a bachelor party was super great because I called the rest of the guys that were all bringing the bachelor up the guy that's getting married david and I'm like don't tell him anything because it looks like he will get killed at a certain point he'll be really scared yeah that's what and he came up the stairs and he's like
Starting point is 01:12:14 hey hey guys what's ho ready for some severe prank slash hazing and he gets up there and he's like whoa shit and I fucking kid you not if you saw the little video posted on twitter gigantic godzilla poster in this room I did not ask I did not inquiry no they they knew just there so yeah we we hung out there like I alluded to we watched moral combat everyone fell asleep before the tournament even fucking started wow even you um yeah dang especially him and I told liam and willy about this but some video games went on and some guy that was not part of the party but showed up because he's a friend of the bachelor just showed up and he's like hey man you got a ps4 hey you got street fighter five going I was like yeah yeah it's in there he's like yeah oh man
Starting point is 01:13:03 I'm just letting you people know I'm pretty good pretty good at street fighter five just you know just you know all challengers all challengers did willy show up to this thing we did not show okay okay um and then I'm cooking for everyone they brought pogos and pizza bagels and all this shit I'm throwing everything in the oven I'm like yeah okay okay and I look up and I see lots of backwards jumping from both sides of the screen yeah at the same time tell tell mark of a bro so I see all these backwards jumping I'm like yeah yeah you do your thing do your thing finally get all the food out and I sat down and some of the past controllers passed to me and like I am not great shit I've even played street fighter five since Alex initially came out
Starting point is 01:13:45 I played him on the day he came out and I was like yep that's Alex not as good as third strike but that's him I guess um and then I take Alex I literally perform all of his special moves one after the other and everyone starts getting super hyped for this and I go good room I guess I do his his his super art whatever and the like I won evo yeah everyone goes oh he knows the secret moves because no one in that room has seen his moves and it won the the match like the hyperbomb went off yeah and everyone's like the secrets and everyone quits right there like no man he's too good and I was like yep it's been a long time it's a different world man since I've played this cash yeah right and after a while it goes now fuck this game turn on Mortal Kombat X and then that never
Starting point is 01:14:48 and that's why street fighter will never be as popular as Mortal Kombat because the secret moves are pressing two shoulder buttons you did it they did it so uh that was fun uh really really cool because I want to get through the rest of this mani axe throw in place yeah rage the same guys that uh that make uh a maze which is the escape rooms that I've been because it yeah it has a similar feel but the place is called mani axe okay that is not the same okay then it's not that mani axe you will get my money that's your name okay and and if anyone has a party with a bunch of friends anyone has a bachelor party or anything I highly now recommend going into like if you have this in your place it was just fucking fun tournaments loser brackets just throwing an axe at a fucking
Starting point is 01:15:38 target it was super fun and super easy like you don't yes you would find it easy to throw an axe wouldn't you but it's harder to get a target because it's not a chasm yeah right it's like it's not an infinite chasm in any of you but it was super for super fun it's like darts it looks like darts been more manly yeah because you're throwing fucking axes yeah so I really enjoyed that that was really fun and how you're making that and of course the the final the thing of of the night was uh before watching Mortal Kombat falling asleep I was going to the strip club the kingdom which is not familiar with but it's not too far from my place and as a gigantic is it a strip club or is it a strip club it is a strip club okay has a gigantic golden lion on the logo like it's like
Starting point is 01:16:22 it's a relief right it's a gigantic gold lion we go in there and as soon as we walk in there there's an announcement saying hey everyone sorry about the ac system it's not currently working it'll be up in a couple of days so we had a booth and a complete booth reserved for us and we're there and I'm just watching stuff and I'm like yeah yeah yeah and then this woman comes by who I can only describe as Bayonetta yeah Bayonetta too with a a a bus that would make a tomi j cup cry yeah believe you said it told me h cup yeah yeah and uh yeah who told me h cup and she walks by and I'm I I can't do it I'm not asking anyone for any dances or whatever I'm just happy to be there um so I'm but then the the head of the uh the the best part in yeah the best man Jay uh who's
Starting point is 01:17:18 really really nice I really liked him and he goes oh man fuck just like big boobs man I can't gotta yeah and I go did you see that girl walking around before he goes and he had made some video game references earlier so I hope this word was not lost on him but I went there's a girl that kind of looked like Bayonetta and he goes and he stands up he's like really really I'm like yeah she's quite quite busty and he goes okay yeah and then the night progresses David the bachelor has fun whatever and the girl walks back around and I go yeah that's up and that that's her right there and he immediately gets up and starts pulling out bills and he's like okay and then he leaves for 30 he leaves for 35 minutes and we all start going bring back Jay bring back Jeremy
Starting point is 01:18:08 he's dead he's dead he's dead she shagged him and took his wallet he comes back 45 minutes later and apparently it's $20 a song okay so that is $150 almost $250 of loot boxes yeah a lot it's a lot of a lot of loot so he sits down good sprays I've never seen a man so defeated that sprays a duplicate yeah just sad just kind of sad and he's like and he goes nah I can't I can't talk anymore he's like my face is fucking beat up and I go and I go what's this girl's name and I know I've made the joke before it's a Simpsons thing but her name was just literally a variation of Bustie Sinclair or Chessie LaRue her name is Amelie Saint Amour and if you've ever seen it she regularly cosplays at Montreal Comic-Con of course like Maya from Borderlands as Moxie from Borderlands
Starting point is 01:19:16 Lady Deadpool every year and she's a big huge fandom around her and she was just there and I'm like okay cool and then we go back to the loft and I go hey my Leanna comes home comes to the loft with yeah Melissa her sister the one that's getting married to David and they're like hey guys would you have fun all day all bad there's this stripper and I didn't she I didn't do anything with her at all it was amazing that's the most convincing way to start that and I show her her Twitter her Twitter page and her Twitter page is more followers than any of us and I go look and she goes you know you could totally could have gotten whatever a lap dance where I wouldn't mind I'm like but I can't all I could do is that when we were walking out of the strip club she was standing
Starting point is 01:20:02 there and a squeaked out some indecipherable noise where I was like hey good job that's all I said you know when you go to the movie theater and they say hey have a good movie and you go you too that's what that was so that was that was you might as well just croaked out I'm the big man I have 600,000 subscribers on YouTube man just I the the I'm still hung up on it but it's like the AC will be back on in a couple of days why say that part it says everything in the world about who's in that strip club yeah it was like we know you're gonna be back here next week yeah we know you're gonna be back here tomorrow I know I will anyway I don't really really really really good so that was that was my weekend totality cool William yeah how many strip clubs did you go to
Starting point is 01:20:58 none of course because of the burns I see the burns I beat you um again fire one yeah no I had a barbecue it was super good it was a nice time I saw some vegetables on that fucking that's gross yeah those don't belong yeah because I have a proper diet mr. like a waving chicken breasts no me too I'm talking shade about the vegetables in the barbecue I think those vegetables look good peppers are great when you grill them peppers are super I just hate peppers all around oh really like no no like green and bell peppers yeah I don't like the taste of them what what are you gonna do that's okay I played a bunch of steam world high still I'm super stuck on it you're way into that fantastic I'm playing it again on the hardest
Starting point is 01:21:46 difficulty now and it's it it's you have to be super careful on that difficulty it's really a heist at that point where you get in do your thing and leave just run away from everyone else total blast to play I absolutely still recommend it to to anyone who likes tactical RPGs like super easy nine on 10 I played a lot of Overwatch because that's our lives that's our lives now good ass game I don't even mention it anymore no I've played a bunch Overwatch has turned into the game for almost everyone I know that's like I don't know what I want I'm gonna play Overwatch well like the background number two thing in their life at all times well I'm thinking to myself oh I gotta edit edit and then I'm like oh but I gotta get my eight it made eight hours in today
Starting point is 01:22:29 you know I gotta gotta work man's cracking the whip exact Overwatch is cracking the whip I can't I can't slack off you know he wants me to put an extra time on the weekend so I guess I will um but other than that not too much I really just played those two games okay I I have like 30 hours in steam world heist I've just been playing that game constantly so no just playing video games really so googling googling when berserk's coming out which it's nice to finally have a new rendering today yeah absolutely yeah it looks good I know it looks good um no I don't know not much yeah more crap uh Amelie Sanam Amor had a purse that was just the L block from Tetris that's a good block so woolly immediately woolly was looking blasé and I was
Starting point is 01:23:13 like yeah she's a stripper super hot um has is is quite well you said Bayonetta you said Bayonetta and like quite well endowed and like woolly's eyes were like yeah and then I said the L block from Tetris and he's like whoa she's like a super famous cosplayer yeah yeah no no when you when you said Bayonetta one of my dreads perked up yeah one um but uh yeah okay I guess I'll take it then uh for me the main reason why I didn't spend as much time on catalyst uh as I would have liked to was because I was going through and started and finished Kirby Planet Robobot oh yeah Kirby Planet fucking Robobot oh man how much time did you get in on that uh god what's the count at I don't know but I played all the minigames and all the extras and I'm not doing the replay just
Starting point is 01:24:01 yet I don't know what the total time is okay but probably seven okay hours yeah that's reasonable that's that's Kirby games yeah probably about seven um I like how they basically yeah so this is triple deluxe two uh Gurren Lagann edition even more this time because uh the first one does some things that are like hey you guys kind of like Gurren Lagann don't you and then this time around it's like no we fucking love it bro you have no idea how much we're into it and even like an epic yarn or return the dreamland where you get like a big robot or a big dumb vehicle you just wreck shit it's like that right you get a nice escalation of events and things and in this case like just simply introducing the robot is the type of thing that I adore like my one of my favorite
Starting point is 01:24:48 things ever like Kirby Superstars just to me is one of the greatest games of all time but um outside of that my second favorite Kirby game and uh not yeah what is that not because of like it's actual gameplay or rather not because of the reasons that you traditionally would like a Kirby dream course 64 yeah I know oh yeah yeah yeah remember that time when played 64 and he started freaking out just in his pants yeah Kirby 64 had the combination ability where you could fuse two powers to create a whole new like chart of a third power third powers including doubles of the same yeah and that to me was just like the thing I love the most like multiplied even more I'm gonna have a blast with it so in this case you introduce the robot and the robot
Starting point is 01:25:34 can absorb all the powers as well okay this one doesn't actually have the double powers it's just the robot has no double powers so it has it has no double powers but what it has is double the powers exactly right and that's what and that's exactly the more the moment you introduce more plus some other variant to it or something else like that I always love that uh so in this case yeah and the robot versions of a lot of those powers are amazing like do you want your rock fist just punch everything go nuts robot or do you want your blade cutter do you want your uh your magic robot that's like casting and holding out orbs and doing side attacks and just like gates of anathema whatever that is sure um yeah so no it's a really good time and
Starting point is 01:26:19 of course difficulty you don't talk about it because it's a Kirby game that doesn't matter you hold right and you press the buttons my copy of triple deluxe is still in its shrink wrap should I not even bother no Liam asked me that as well because uh yeah you recently picked it up and you're like should I just skip right to more robot and I was like no because you will rob yourself of some of the really good stuff in triple deluxe uh that being said the end of the mini games in triple deluxe as well are worth doing there's a whole fighting game mode that's in there that's really fun oh yeah remember that and then there's the ddd uh um yeah they said they said ddd no there's a ddd rhythm game uh and then once you get through that stuff you get used to those
Starting point is 01:27:00 and you like playing robot it's like a natural sequel to that you get a more rpg mode in this as an extra and a 3d mode as well that's for there for fun yeah but uh really and truly like yeah just messing around with those powers even though the bosses are not that hard uh a lot of the the challenge does come in from like uh getting these secret like blocks that are kind of yeah that's always what it is getting a hundred percent in a Kirby game is always that's the real challenge super time-consuming yeah and uh and like hey yo you want to fight robot metanite all right let's get that going right let's and of course as you as the Kirby games recently have been doing you escalate you get to space shit goes crazy and then you you again full-on take ever since
Starting point is 01:27:42 the first one they've been really good at that but like then they and they like and they they always the first one ends with the schmup sequence yeah like they always go they always go big yeah and in this case like they just they literally well i i mean this there's i don't want to spoil yeah but drills come out you know what i mean like i don't know how else to say it so um yeah that i really really love and recommend it if you are a camber Kirby fan um and you know what those games are about and you enjoy them absolutely play it uh these new slew this new slew of Kirby games like they can come and continue to just kind of go under the radar i don't know but like i'm happy with it what what you're experiencing with Kirby is the complete opposite of what me and Liam are
Starting point is 01:28:29 experiencing with paper mario i guess it's the 100% because the older opposite the only other thing i would have wanted would have been a remake of Kirby superstar oh fucking wait that's how you happened yeah that's how you started this gangsta shit yeah my god i'm fucking alien did you see the new thing with Kirby it's a it's a sticker paper mario fuck it um yeah i did i actually like really contemplated like pre-ordering a copy just so i could tweet burning it i actually really thought about it for a second and then i was like no it's i don't want to buy it so i also i also got a bunch of use out of amiibos that i had never done anything with yeah uh since they're just toys sitting on my shelves and now i'm like oh i'm
Starting point is 01:29:15 gonna take that power i don't mind if i get my Kirby power on my amiibo to get my smash ability which is really good um and uh furthermore metanite metanite mare returns is in this game and then that's like you know play through the stages is him and you get his full move set which they've expanded that's always really fun but they've expanded on it again like they did that in triple deluxe they they made his move set even more fleshed out and now it's like you've got the full move set plus like uh straight up like specials on the screen good tap and like that's that's sick that's what you should be yeah it's really really fun it's a whole other thing and like really really worth going through as well so
Starting point is 01:29:55 yeah uh Kirby Kirby's a good ass game man um other thing i did this week um well yeah zutopia was there a marriage catalyst uh there was a netflix special that came out that i i checked out there's a comedian named bo bernum bo bernum yeah uh i've watched this stuff in the past and i didn't really like it i remember like getting a recommendation from uh girlfriend's brother that was like who is the funniest guy dude you got him like all right oh that's always a bad place but i'm like i love to get it no but dude like stand-up comedy i'm in it i'm no i know but like like significant others relative recommendations are i'm nearly always bad i don't know what kind of screwed because you're like yeah it sucked i don't know what your sense of humor is like but
Starting point is 01:30:36 let's go in right and yeah i just i was not at all feeling it it wasn't my type of thing and he's really young like young stand-up guy doing his thing kind of musical this new one though is a significant step up he's been working on his on his tight five but more than on his tight 60 yeah 60 really tight 60 um and it's really different from and he's really clever isn't stand-up i've seen yeah uh did you have you seen make it's called make happy i haven't seen that i saw some older stuff of his i not huge into him but he's really clever the stuff he's doing is really interesting yeah uh again i will say that to me this one like stands out as like a significant step up from what i've seen before and totally worth it worth your time um legitimately funny
Starting point is 01:31:22 and just takes the whole idea of being meta to like another meta level in a weird way that seems right up his alley and yeah and like also like just anguish at like being a content creator it's like you it's weird in a way but it's like it's not up his own ass while he's delivering it he's just really like self-conscious of how unimportant what he does is in the grand scheme of it's good to know that yeah and it's but it's it's it's and it's in a very entertaining way and i think um if you've got an hour to kill and you want to see something very different from usual stand-up on netflix on netflix uh bober and make happy is worth your time um just be warned though of course it's it's kind of musical as well so there is like straight up numbers but i hate music
Starting point is 01:32:08 yeah well well it's funny music so like bowser in blue no like the adam sandler cds back in the day oh man they're all gonna laugh at you really couldn't you have like was there nothing no cds haven't aged a day everyone love the come on piece of shit car everyone listened it's a piece of shit uh yeah and then i guess the last thing i want to want to throw out a quick shout out to too was uh matt are you did you watch the game of thrones yesterday i did okay would you say that this episode stands out as one of the strongest this season the entire series i i literally upon its completion i went that was a really good episode actually it was always yeah because we both like her and it's always like i i guess if you have a
Starting point is 01:33:03 lot of knowledge about the general franchise it's kind of like when you're like yeah that was really good i really like that it's like really kind of you know everyone's entitled to their opinion but it's really depressing to go on twitter and see comic book girl she's like what a piece of shit yeah she's like destroys the franchise and i'm like oh and then there's someone's like why she's like uh action was good but writing was terrible and stuff i'm like i didn't really find so honestly no like upon completion it was one of those click back watch that again click back watch that again it's probably the best episode of the show that's come out i think so i'm but does it ruin the franchise i would not say so and and here's what's up like i can straight up say
Starting point is 01:33:43 without spoilers it's because it's very clear they finally have the budget to do full all out war okay yeah good for them okay finally have the bill the budget and the ability because i remember even when i watched in season one before i stopped waiting for it it's like everyone the character that you're following just gets knocked out in five seconds of the battle and gets knocked out and we will happen oh watching this episode there's a really good battle scene at the start and then it was gearing up for for another battle scene that's the name of the episode the name of this episode was well no no no no even that's a kind of a spoiler yeah the name of it i know i know i know anyway there is a battle set set up for the later half of the episode i was like well this is
Starting point is 01:34:28 clearly going to be a cut away we won type thing yeah nope they fucking stuck with it right really hard and and you you really do expect that roam moment of like the soldiers charging in and then the camera pans up to the sky way worse than game of thrones ever was and then pans down to like buzzards and dead bodies on the field and it's like nah dude we're sticking with it further more the first part of that story of that mission yeah the first part of the episode ended in like 10 15 minutes and then the rest of it was just this war and it was detailed it was fleshed out they brought out some tech you didn't think existed in westeros like guns like phalanx formations yeah that's not a tech i was hoping for guns i would like just i was really pulling just pull out a
Starting point is 01:35:18 glock they already have magic fire so um and yeah i'll take my glock over magic fire any like if if you have if you have any appreciation for the difficulty of filming a medieval battle full-scale thousands of people going at it mm-hmm uh well probably hundreds and thousands of cg men well to be realistic 600 exactly yeah i looked up everything afterwards because i'm like this was fucking impressive uh yeah geez look at his nerd they did stuff about his tv show and they brought in the guy that did their other like two battles as well like prior to that their little test battles where they do an a long extended like um casino shot not casino shot a good fella shot where like we're gonna stick with the action for like a solid minute right and solid and then here you had that
Starting point is 01:36:08 that happened where it's like we're gonna put a cameraman on the floor next to the soldiers uh private ryan style yeah and just you're on the you're on foot watching this shit go down turn left turn right everyone make sure to be fighting when the cameraman looks at you yeah and like make sure that the exact perfect dynamic moment happens when i look this way and oh god it's horrible what's over there oh fuck you know and like you get the really in-depth visceral feeling of it all i've i've heard two conflicting things this was not the last episode there's one more it's not there's one more after because i heard someone say the finale of game of thrones last night was and i'm like no no they're super wrong there's one more no they mean they mean that the franchise
Starting point is 01:36:45 is done yeah there's one more because this is a ninth episode it's a weird place to stop it and like i'll explain after but there's a reason why like i don't want to say the name of this episode but the name of the next one which is the season finale is exciting for anybody who's watched anything it's called the wit it's called ned stark return yeah no it's called the winds of winter is literally the name of the next so that's exciting yeah so we'll see um that show man i'm i was really pleased with really pleased with the seasonal i was so down on it considering like how i didn't like the last one yep and i know probably book people are like this season it's like the worst shit i've ever seen well book people are gonna have increasingly large meltdowns as it as it
Starting point is 01:37:27 outpaces the book actually no that's over the book the book is now behind yeah okay yeah well they will continue to have bigger bigger meltdowns over time no bigger meltdowns the farther the show gets out in front of the book the more pissed those people are gonna be because they were ahead of it for like yeah 15 years i get that that would be frustrating for sure though i'd be fucking pissed if the berserk anime fucking outpace the george yeah like if suddenly the favorite thing went to a fucking drama cd as the format george r martin is telling dnd though the they're telling he's telling them what did you say dnd the directors oh okay the two guys dnd or whatever david david off david and david you meant like dungeons and dragons yeah yes he's telling them what the events what
Starting point is 01:38:15 events need to occur well until he changes until he changes them or dies that's what that's what happened with uh full uh full metal alchemist right she told them what she was going for because she had an ending plan and then she was like nah fuck that and that's why you end up with two series yeah so i imagine something similar will happen to a degree in game of thrones like it's inevitable that things will change along the way i don't know what to say besides like i just as long as it's not shite you know it'll be super shite when he dies i mean there's some the seventh book completely on ridiculous ass shit that's in the books right now that's not happening in the show or i'm like if that had to go down it would have been worse so i don't know anyway how excited are you for the
Starting point is 01:38:58 the george r martin has died with the seventh book unwritten like eventuality i'm i like all jokes is eventuality all jokes aside i'm sure there's like a team of family members and backup folks like i've read that he like has broad strokes like yeah in case i die because i probably will because a look at me yeah uh that he he's left like manuscripts that are like here's what i got so there you go page one that's all i got it'll be fine okay if you say so it won't Ned Stark is all like fuck this shit i'm in a robot it won't be what you imagine though uh yes actually through various starker natures starker well take a long think about everyone in the cast and things that have happened and like it's like yeah yeah no but like robots like the
Starting point is 01:39:54 snow but like the start of season seven and like the stark voltron just steps down over the wall all four and the whole thing just becomes a cartoon show okay but it wouldn't be a line of be wolves i want that to happen one day with the show so bad but it will never happen yeah no it's too good it's too bad because ridiculous magics and jokes that we must have made in like the first 30 episodes of the podcast probably have come true yeah i think if you look back on absurdities are happening yeah uh we should get we got to get into the weeks okay well what's what's happened gotta get out of the weeks we get out of the weeks by getting into well well first of all i think like since pa was not here last week you should probably rattle if you have anything to
Starting point is 01:40:37 say about the three games you have anything to say about sony's conference look great it's a shame they uh there's rumors that they couldn't show red dead redemption because the Orlando shooting sent the trailer would be too really i didn't hear this yeah but people shot them down like i was that is that shot down adam boys shot it down well that's pretty fucking shot down then yeah uh yeah sony's was really good everybody else's was fine like good to find the pc thing the talk show thing is still not good they should still not do that battlefield looks great titan fall too looks super super good looks amazing uh i don't think recor looks good at all i'm sorry Liam i don't mean i know i know it's fine i know it probably comes off as a dig at you or whatever
Starting point is 01:41:16 but like i think that game looks really mediocre from here it's it's clearly a budget game and just looking at it you can see where the money was saved yeah yeah i'm not no still really not on board for um uh what's it called the platinum game scale down still really like uh about it i don't know what about kajima's music video kajima's i've rewatched that death stranding video a bunch i don't even care what that game is that trailer's amazing yeah i'll just i'll just give them the money like that thing is worth it just by itself but like i was more impressed with like the scale bound trailer than death stranding because death stranding is nothing that's just a music video yeah i know but it's really good music it'll be fine but like i've always been against like hey your
Starting point is 01:42:01 trailer is nothing food for thought is all he really does like i'm always gonna be whatever interested i don't know about reasonable seven being in first person well i played it so yeah well i played it too when i was sick with all you did like i don't know i don't know about it i i just don't well what i said on the last podcast is i i feel like it's kind of a cop out where they said they want to return to the series roots and stuff and like i get that they might want to get away from the the high octane combat but the series roots was never horror it was never a horror void of combat and puzzles it was survival horror granted they have come out and said that seven will have combat and puzzles right but the teaser i want to see my character yeah i want to see
Starting point is 01:42:48 either way i i'm keen i'm gonna play it i'm sure you're gonna play it no i'm not gonna play but uh oh you're not no it's reasonable game i hate those yeah of course yeah like i'm gonna play it you're gonna play it but you know you gotta sell me when the game i saw a real i saw a really good argument that was being made which was hey remember the last time reasonable changes camera and everyone's freaking out yeah then we got already four yeah so you earned one also exactly if you have to be so i'm fine yeah macami yes part of it if you have to be solving it like if you don't mind me asking like if it's not faithful or at all like the roots based on that quote but it's a good game is that not oh that's plenty but it's like that's plenty i no no totally because then
Starting point is 01:43:30 i i'm i'm personally not the biggest fan of first person horror games i like survival horror and that distinction is lost on nearly everyone it seems but it's important to me it's the like a big part of it is like does the game do you a big frighten then no it's a no not a lot of people assume that way yeah well for me yeah like like i don't play first person horror games because they do me a big frighten yeah all the time yeah no no and like actually though seriously and i haven't played the demo yet because i'm still waiting for us to record our video but from what i've seen it seems like it's a lot of big frightens i don't want to add in none of the other ones that i played a lot of which i finished they don't have big frighten for me like i don't
Starting point is 01:44:16 care if it's third person or survival horror horror as long as it's like i like i like it or spookatory i mean it's it's like i'm fine with it like do i want combat and do i want some illusions to pass resident evil lore do i just want to be a random fucking guy in a house or a town not really for silent hill yeah sure it doesn't matter because there's no really good consistent overarching whatever in silent hill because it's been passed around so many times but like i would be disappointed if you start resident evil and it's seven and even if it's good or not it would be a little blood down if it like you're just joe bob and there's someone says umbrella once well that would be disappointing to me the umbrella will factor in i mean it's in the demo it's
Starting point is 01:44:59 it's probably elisa trailer and also like i want to play it in vr because i'm excited for vr devices and this is a game that will support it this is the biggest get for vr by far yeah this is like this and ace combat definitely are the two um and even though this game is not following the rules and people who said they were playing uh the the teaser on the show floor said like it made them ill because guess what it doesn't follow the rules yeah um even though i still want to play it and i'm just concerned like will i shit my pants yeah because it's too scary yeah i just in a vacuum i'm i'm excited by the prospect of uh running from the white family yeah totally ready from plague of gripes i enjoy that but you know what like it if like somewhere deep down
Starting point is 01:45:43 inside ancestrally it's it's it's i always i enjoy that it's it's it's not a fear because the game's subtitle is biohazard but like i don't want to be running from just the white family i want to be running from weirdo bio weapons yeah or mutants or or bio weapons or monsters even in re1 it wasn't just zombies yeah and even in re4 which apparently which showed to be like just dudes like they were weird mutants and also there are a million monsters in that game so you want you don't you don't you want the science aspect to get introduced no i no i want i want monsterism i'd like crazy people by themselves with no no fantasticalness is not enough for me all the all the resident evil games start off with you fighting regular
Starting point is 01:46:30 enough looking people monsters i remember there's a by the halfway point there's a bunch of bullshit everywhere i bet you a million percent that ghost girl will not be a ghost maybe not it will be uh it will be a monster that happens to walk around or i don't mind a resident evil that has supernatural stuff like the hook man i was gonna say i'd rather her not be supernatural i i much i much prefer the biological to the supernatural horror 100 percent of the time yeah just because that's always been resident evil from the beginning yeah i'd like it to be because the serious his real name is biohazard for fuck's sake yeah but yeah no i i feel you on that but still excited i want to have to count my bullets if i can if i have a situation where i get to count my bullets
Starting point is 01:47:10 and i'm moving around stuff in an inventory i'll be happy yeah i really did well they're not going into it but i did like the section where in the in the demo where you're uh looking into the past and you're holding a camera that was like very very interesting and i remember some people say oh god it's just outlast i'm like no not really you're just it's more like fucking michigan a report from hell and that was the section i was like you know what a resident evil where you're just a camera man would actually be interesting you're following chris redfield that'd be cool gotta record that gotta record it gotta do it yeah uh so we have the first piece of news i'm gonna i'm gonna say is uh actually really like it's a bad news well no uh it's just
Starting point is 01:47:58 like very candid um the ceo of gamestop uh basically hat because he had to uh announced in at his shareholders meeting that the nx is going to have physical media so just a sort of like quality rumors that it was going to be a digital only okay i don't know why anyone thought it was going to be digital it's still too early it's still too early yeah like i don't know what the fuck they were thinking with the psb go right experiments right well that was like 15 years too early like if someone says hey like in the next five years at least i think someone says like hey i think i'm gonna have physical media well congratulations on cutting out like a significant still a significant amount of sales yeah so big big games still sell more than maybe more than half
Starting point is 01:48:43 of their maybe the next batch of consoles that maybe is viable but like you know because i mean that's also the thing is that like retailers are gonna fight to keep it relevant you know and they should but i'm saying like i'm media is good i'm saying like 10 years from now maybe right maybe do you remember how much storage was on the uh we you we you discs on the discs they're they're dueler right discs they're blue right discs okay well not infinite space but well you know infinite space for in terms of game development okay um yeah so that was a little bit of a confirmation that we got there um we have some interviews with kimia that uh lead to him like basically every statement that kimia makes is followed by shocking pr shock yeah pr person going
Starting point is 01:49:44 so uh he gets so he gets interviewed to talk about scale bound of course and uh you know he talks about how he has ideas for other scale bounds and it's like oh that's an okami and in the in addition to that he hints at other things like he's like yeah um someone the person who's interviewing him says like oh i think she had better hair in one um than in part two in bayonetta and he goes oh i'll keep that in mind your band i'll keep that in mind when we're working on three and pr people go and he's like confirmation of bayonetta yeah i mean like it's it's the most meaningless thing he's like i have ideas for three if we ever get to do that i'm glad he has ideas for three um and then and everyone's like wait what he's like and he says yeah why should it end
Starting point is 01:50:27 at two i also have ideas for a kami too as well that's the bullshit and everyone goes no that's bullshit because you and that came super long how did you not use up all your ideas yeah um so yeah he basically is like straight up like willing and ready for some to ban you i want to play to work on sequels which is something that he didn't used to like doing i want to play as does he mean notorious to say like uh sequels are boring i don't think no he doesn't want to work on sequels that don't fundamentally improve and change the game in some way he doesn't want to work on like number like yearly sequels he wants to totally overhaul and improve them and uh then they just kind of followed up on like so last time we spoke you were like
Starting point is 01:51:13 joking about like oh maybe working with capcom again on stuff like eddie has that got anywhere and he's like yeah i'm still having drinks with my friends over there and we still joke around and say like oh we got to work on something and then that's kind of it but and they're like haha it has to make money though and he's like no i don't like i don't like that i don't like it when my games make money i make them intentionally sell that would be frustrating i have more people when i my games make a little bit of money i find more people with no brains bug me it's true hate it it's very true i want to play as like flocker man who just bans people on social media yeah with extreme like papers please but that could be really bad please that could be really fun it's good
Starting point is 01:51:55 yeah cameo wants to make stuff and fucking shocker let him let him uh we got a trailer finally after well got a bunch of trailers that like came out that were not on stage anywhere yeah there's too many uh we got a first look at wild guns reloaded fucking we didn't care really what it was when as long as you say the name wild guns yeah you got me so it's nice that it's like a remake with extra characters extra stages and redrawn so so the same i can't even say remake because it's like you ripped those sprites and put them in a thing well it's in 1080 you know yeah you just you just it is it is like the same fucking dog riding a robot named bullet and some thick girl on the side that's ready to kick ass man i'm super down four players let's do it yeah really
Starting point is 01:52:46 really like that that's amazing booth was just like tokyo rumble that and the new harvest moon and like that that's all they got and it's like that's fine yeah because it's yeah it's the new shitty fake harvest moon yeah well the story of seasons is the real harvest moon serious fun regardless what are you talking about isn't it um it's it's not the same guys they're just using the name with a different company and story of seasons is the real harvest moon oh my god that's baffling yeah haven't haven't like the real harvest moon hardcore moved on to do drop valley no star star he means the bed that's people who didn't play harvest moon who are looking around and see it and say oh this is better than harvest moon but it's not that's a big call out on start
Starting point is 01:53:30 no it's good but it's like story of seasons is better man like the throw down farming seasons is really fucking because it's it's actually by the harvests guys okay okay um there was a trailer for um you know the sarmings dumb i just won't put that out the other thing on on wild guns too is that like it always shocked me that like no one's ever tried to make any kind of weird spiritual successor no there is is there what's the one on the the we personal console the vampire third person shooter it's exactly like wild guns vampire panic zombie panic zombie panic in wonderland it's the exact same game i didn't even know it's pretty decent too okay but in general you're right you're right it's not a genre that's been pushed forward i'll never get to make my try gun wild
Starting point is 01:54:21 guns game oh that's that's it that's the one that's the only genre a try gun should be i said it back when we did the first lp of it and i'm like that's in my head forever um i uh got to take a look at the there's a trailer for um the god a suit not flying disc it's like it's a word that was very similar to winjammers but it's not winjammers but you mean the new wind superpower disc fighter ball and it's and it's but the camera's third person yeah yeah i know i know each time i don't know um so like it looks like winjammers and it's doing winjammers things there's no real dashing going on on the players parts the speed looks a little off it's made by former naughty dog is it okay the speed looks a little off i'm not gonna pretend this is exactly what i wanted
Starting point is 01:55:09 but it still looks like it can be fun yeah i agree um and if you've seen uh the trailer it looks like they have all the same special moves from remember people we do not have a name for you we don't recall what it's called so i'm sorry i'm type in game that looks like winjammers i'm not i'm not putting this on you because i remember what i'll literally i'll get it for you in it's called it's like power moves if you can i wish it was called uh liam any love for winjammers no i don't i don't have a particular affection for it i don't think even after all this time that i've ever even seen winjammers god damn it what the fuck is wrong with and i and i listen to follow giant bomb all the time and they're the ones who like blew that shit up they talked about on
Starting point is 01:55:53 the podcast for like a year it's called never never had the desire to look at all it's called disc jams disc jammers disc disc jams dick jammers dick jammers flesh pounder jays for your dick dick jammers you know what man winjammers is very much a let's like i don't know man i don't care it's a sports game like that's like it's a sports game i know but i what i was going to do when i was going to say was that it's like um knit hog or a tower fall and there's other games where it's like it's just a very simple basic concept that you grab three people and you jump on it and you're like oh my god this is way fun is there some old s and k game yeah those are all terrible so it's fine well you're super wrong and you don't know anything so haha i trolled you good
Starting point is 01:56:39 job idiot yeah you win you won't you lost i'm the winner i tricked you i was the idiot the whole time haha i was only pretending to be stupid yeah now who's stupid now i've revealed how stupid we all are a performance art piece kind of miyamoto says we'll see a new kind of mario in about a year or two shocking but not a paper mario a dub be fuck off that's how i feel about that i tricked you i guess i guess that is what that is so um i remember when uh when i came out of my coma i saw some bits of that zelda stream that i slept through and one of the bits was onuma saying that like well we don't put a lot on the bottom screen in zelda because we find that looking up and down between the tv and the bottom screen is really distracting it's like jeez what a throw miyamoto
Starting point is 01:57:35 under the fucking bus star fogs just came out ouch i hate the wii game had so much i i saw i didn't know this you know it's usually said at least five times maybe that means the nx won't have a wii game had wouldn't that be nice yeah i saw that and i guess it's like well we'll see what the nx's gimmick is and how it plays into this mario oh god what if it's dumber i don't think it can be although like at the same i at the same time where do you expand the your ideas from like galaxy fourth dimensional it would just have to rely on the gimmick i suppose right no we always say just throw time travel in a thing and it's fine because you didn't need the wii mode for galaxy but no yeah yeah they used it there's a lot you could still do you know they they went for 3d line in
Starting point is 01:58:23 world they just went back to make it here's what they were and that's what people love that game is fucking incredible the long return to mario you zoom in it's got a behind the shoulder camera and it's really slow and you're and mario's a dad he's got a roadie run you're teaching you're teaching the child how to be mario and cover mechanics and then you see that midgar's swarmer the giant fucking snake is there you're like oh it's norse mario what's the name of the snake and mario super mario world the fucking snake fuck the red one the snaker fucker i know you're talking about this fry guy funny face yeah i can't remember i don't know what's next in the news really speaking of mario actually i'm taking this take it away the interview with the the producer
Starting point is 01:59:05 i believe of paper mario and we're like straight answer to why paper mario is what it is now yeah and it's like uh it's exactly what we thought it would be and it's just with mario and luigi going on they don't want to have two mario rpg's okay so cancel mario and luigi it's uh yeah with mario and luigi's quality flagging a little like i feel like in that game that sir says off and on like every every odd number game or whatever one was fantastic two is great three is fantastic four is all right but the tutorial is like six hours long so and paper jam is i didn't even touch it i hear it's not that i hear it's does that even count because it's got paper in it so it's got that stink on it yeah they've they've already made their
Starting point is 01:59:49 decision about what they want to be what i was i was looking at the gameplay for this game and like all the same mistakes are on display all of them every single god damn one you know the you no longer use your stickers like up so that's an improvement i guess but it's frustrating too because you look at it and the graphics are incredible this looks like what you always wish paper mario could look like and it's just it reminds me that uh kyle bossman video they made a while back about star fox about innovating for the sake of innovating they had a perfectly good amazing rpg system that worked and everybody liked it and they keep pushing this like sticker like no no stats usable item thing well though it sucks the worst bit is like everybody has
Starting point is 02:00:35 completely turned around on super paper mario at this point because everybody's realized like no super paper mario was it was a spinoff for sure but it still had the the soul of a paper mario game with all the characters and like and post that it's all gone it's all poopy butts so there's a couple other trailers um that uh we got there one of them was the surge which was by the guys who made uh lords of the fall and it's described we saw a trailer for that at e3 during our press conference not really we saw like eight seconds of footage yeah it wasn't really established what it was the sci-fi dark souls diesel souls diesel dammit it's good right that is gonna stick so uh in watching the 11 minute ign uh gameplay walkthrough uh you get to see a lot more of what they're going
Starting point is 02:01:26 for and it's really interesting it looks a lot more solid than lords of the fallen dad to tell you what well for starters like when you when you go like oh sci-fi souls are like futuristic tech souls it's not at all there's like no guns and it's not like it's clean shiny when you when you think of that junk bot my first thought is like the super far off future anime japan future not this grimy mech warrior fucking junk garbage no this is all junkyard yeah it makes more sense because if you're finding gear you just bolt it onto yourself yeah so every you know every enemy you target a limb and then that's what you want to steal from the guy is cut that part off and put it on so it's like cyborg justice a little bit of cyborg justice going on in there uh and yeah most of it is melee
Starting point is 02:02:15 based and and like we saw no no real um range based play from that that that demo uh and it had a very large open junkyard world feel to it so uh interesting yes interesting very interesting you know um me too yeah take a look at that video if you haven't seen it what's it called again uh the surge unfortunately kind of forgettable yeah but uh yeah you're gonna you'll you'll remember once you see it uh we got to take a look at the oh there was there was some uh impressions that the easy ally as guys did for about four honor and uh they like this was shit that like i didn't really see in any of the the e3 coverage but from their breakdown of it like the single player mode and single player content is not at all an afterthought it's really really well good thought out and planned
Starting point is 02:03:09 good that's what i want to hear and is super compelling like a seconds in great you know um and their their description of some of the things that go down and how they happen and whatnot from that first like introduction really introductory tutorial in the way i know i didn't stick with it introductory introductory like blaze your own trail yeah it sounds good pioneer my own path yeah these two hands don't suck in this much mouth you're better than that my tongue isn't yeah it is there yeah the single player content is like really really fleshed out good i mean i was gonna get it anyway but like there was always a concern that the single player was an afterthought what was just going to be like you know single player multiplayer maps you know
Starting point is 02:03:55 oh like titanfall or yeah exactly yeah uh very much not that so um yeah check out their their impressions of it in this video and i think uh their excitement is pretty contagious i like these easy ally guys they're they were the they were the guys at game trailers before yeah yeah it was fun uh like those guys we got the so we found out last week that allison road was canceled but we didn't know why uh and then the press release the press release came out uh to further elaborate and they didn't really say anything unfortunately all it didn't work out all they said was um yeah team 17 and us and and we we in team 17 didn't see that i and uh we went our separate ways so that's the end of the project you develop well i mean not if they can't know if they need team 17 was
Starting point is 02:04:46 paying for it but like that's the weird thing is that a kickstarter had enough money to continue like they had passed their goal at that point and then i thought they stopped the kickstarter no they did once yeah but now like you can relaunch your campaign if you want but now it's probably i mean if they're if they're done they're done you know they are people you know like well okay but because it it wasn't they didn't actually get that cash in hand right like sorry i'd like the game it's not that i don't want it but like they're people you can't just point at the factory and say keep factoring on the video game it's not that it's just like we get like a no real details on why this was and it's just like we're left holding this bag of like well why did this happen okay i'm a little
Starting point is 02:05:31 fuzzy on the details here allison road had a kickstarter and did it succeed and it was going to succeed team 17 stepped in and said we're gonna fund this for you and so they canceled the kickstarter so no money was taken by people well in that case it sucks but they're under no obligation to ship yeah no that's true enough i guess um and so yeah they they however if this kickstarter had gone through the boy would they be under obligation yeah no definitely um there was and it would still be nice to get speculated that of course yeah so people speculated that konami could have threatened them in the background i i hope there's no basis for that whatsoever no basis that feels very speculatory very i hope that's the case but it's not yeah because it's that it's easy there's
Starting point is 02:06:16 part of me that wants konami to sue sony for death stranding for some reason yeah just to just to try find some way yeah just to keep that feeling going yeah because like jim's fucking on me news is getting a little dry lately yeah no no they they need new reasons for you to embrace hatred absolutely yeah i could always use more but no uh it's it is a shame and i mean at the same time you have to kind of think like the pt uh curse or rather like outrage and like the whole of the hype you know at the time uh when a lot of time passes like is your game just kind of being pt elaborated on enough uh they did say that they like they did say themselves that they plan to do more with it than just pt yeah you're you're leaving the house you're going into like a forest there's a whole
Starting point is 02:07:09 thing on the Kickstarter for it is it was going to be a more like a judging from what they were saying it's gonna be a more elaborate game having said no shortage of games that are going to be like this uh with re seven it's a bummer because it looked like the best one so find it really fitting that re seven despite my misgivings about the whatever but that re seven is just literally picking up the mantle and continuing on it one of the same guys yeah one of the main designers of pt got hired by capcom like like i'll like it yeah uh yeah and lastly we got uh and very least of the news i wouldn't say so but we don't know what the news is yeah there's a there's a company called rocket punch and they're making this game called code hardcore and if you're a fan of super
Starting point is 02:07:54 robot wars you'll immediately raise an eyebrow because it looks like a four player action game version of super robot wars um down to the the way the combos are like pulled off and the types of mechs you have available and stuff looks really cool what's the game called code hardcore and um if i type that in well i just get hit by waves of pornography if you go to twitter and go to rocket punch game it's the sticky you can see the trailer for the it is sticky sticky on top and um it's fucking dope looking man i i think it's cool it's funny because i was talking to my other like mecha friend and he was like i can see the parts of the og robots that they used and that they're that they're like based on and stuff he's like i can actually like break
Starting point is 02:08:37 apart these robots and tell you where they came from but um it looks like it's going to be fun and i like that they're doing the super robot war style animation like this limbs are a little slidey but ultimately it's it's a no i like that it's a charming style at this point yeah a vector vector animation um i always thought that like super robot wars going into an action game setting would suffer from the attacks being too cinematic to be right like usable yeah you know but they're doing it and a lot and they're going for it by like having like grapple hits you know and a lot of other um sort of dynamic movement things on the field so yeah we'll see where this game goes might be a cool thing okay uh aiming for steam releases as you should hey if you're aiming for a steam no
Starting point is 02:09:26 fuck it i don't know what that was supposed to hold on hold on wait what else is next no continue i was gonna try and lead into emails with the steam release yeah no i want i want to see your crawling like right now like if you're if you're aiming for a steam release and you need to get on to steam uh yeah steam release and you can't and you can't manage to get through don't send us an email but if you do have a question for the podcast or a statement or something you only say you can send over the email to us at super best friendcast to how do you feel about that will you i'm gonna give that like i kind of had like i had to give that about a mighty number nine type thing so about a 5.5 out of 10 yeah uh i'm i'm going lower than that should we talk about that
Starting point is 02:10:10 why not let's wait a little while we wait a little bit i mean we could always play it this week yeah well if they ever send me my code then never send me a survey oh you didn't get a survey never i went and people said people said that like no they did it just it's hidden in one of those emails i went through the mall they never sent me a fucking survey yeah uh it's looks like it comes out on the 24th i went back i found my survey and i did that i'm really really unhappy that uh people didn't get it at the same time as reviewers yep that's that's not really nice some reviewers said that like uh they've had the game for over two weeks now yeah yeah um that's no good i don't know but even though i didn't get my survey the default thing is a steam code and a g o g
Starting point is 02:10:53 code so that's fine by me that's what i was gonna get anyway yeah well i was gonna say if you go go to your Kickstarter account and check your nope okay did that okay i took the steps i've given up okay um that is weird the game has not reviewed well that's the story as it is now we will check back in yeah it seems like pretty middle of the road the meta score is 65 when i checked this middle of the road with a couple of uh spikes and a couple of dips yeah and euro gamers curious review did you see that how i did curious how that really positive no score given well they don't give scores anymore yeah no just like you look at it and you're like in a field of low numbers you're like huh that's the maybe european the one the one good one didn't even have a number attached to it
Starting point is 02:11:38 to to fudge the number i bet if you go to their google add things you can find the hidden actual review scores anyway yeah i was i was gonna seriously really quickly aside from that it's like no no for real the thing that i fear the most is what i felt when i played the beta is like charmless lifeless joyless and that's the main words i kept seeing in all the reviews today so like i doubt if the beta was like did any indication i'm not even gonna probably play through it okay i didn't throw it on the docket 136 dollars in the hole on this so i didn't throw it on the docket because i assumed we could wait till we all played it yeah yeah no let's let's kick it to next week or the week after depending but uh meh yeah all right so if you want to send an email
Starting point is 02:12:24 that woolly might read off next week or possibly the week after depending on the backlog emails it's a super best friendcast and you might have your email read off similar to this person who is paul paul wrote a long email i can tell from here and it's an interesting one actually there's a we got two long ones uh that i want to go through let's do it so this one is uh some chinese stuff about overwatch and legend of titan oh yeah i love this hi should i even and then he wrote the translation i don't i'm gonna butcher this but i'll try anyway chao ji peng yu men i'm an american who's almost as good as john sena almost i'm an american who's lived in china for about seven years now and i do work related to the games industry hearing you
Starting point is 02:13:07 talk about legend of titan pronounced did you guys talk did you guys talk about that last week okay yeah that's when the video got really i have nothing to add other than a laughter got me thinking about that's about right got me thinking about chinese gamer reaction to it and how it's been overwhelmingly negative i thought i'd share this with you for starters overwatch is outrageously popular here it has broken all records for a non-free-to-play game great there's no hard numbers yet but the figures have been as high as 2.5 million copies here yeah because blizzard sells in china unlike many other game companies which would be about a quarter of the 10 million blizzard uh the million players blizzard shared this week at e3 not only is that high for just china but it's crazy considering
Starting point is 02:13:48 the basic pc version of the game costs 198 uh that's not a yuan yuan excuse me um which is about 30 bucks yeah and it goes up to 398 yuan depending on the addition that's a lot more scratch than here in north america or europe generally speaking games are games that are not free to play immediately fail in a mass market sense yeah some stuff for consoles sell okay ish given the number of consoles here but nowhere near those numbers something like legend of titan is a real point of shame for both the chinese gaming community and the chinese development scene huh the game started to make its rounds on the chinese web in late may and it's pretty much universally criticized and mocked the comments and criticism didn't only touch on how blizzard and net ease their distributor here in
Starting point is 02:14:33 china should sue but it also talked about the inevitable inter international reaction once it got out comments like this is why no one respects china and chinese game development loses face again we're common as people making fun of how blatant a ripoff it was um copies and knockoffs are common here but the average person tends to really be embarrassed by them for the most part and there's no pride in it at all it's similar to how japan coming out of the war did a lot of similar stuff and society started to turn against them and then they became a tech giant or korea's animation yeah is ridiculous in its blatant ripoffs because there's a ban on japanese like you guys will get there but fuck it's gonna get embarrassing for that one 10 year 15 year period they were doing
Starting point is 02:15:14 all the tweening work so they had the knowledge but um yeah so there's an interview on a chinese gaming site where the supposed producer of the game who refused to share his name said it was a tech demo for an engine on a mobile fps action platform that his company was making not sure if that's true or if it's only changed since it's even domestically gotten such a huge negative backlash for a little more inside baseball the name has been referred to as uh shanzai overwatch which literally just means a mountain hideout for thieves good and means knockoff in modern context and so on um anyway i love you guys in the podcast and stuff just wanted to give you some context yeah i'm really glad to see because you know china doesn't give a fuck about copyright
Starting point is 02:15:58 laws you know and and in a situation like this thanks it's happened before with uh what the fuck was that uh uh uh theme park that stole all the fucking marvel and disney's characters and disney sued them and lost because the chinese government protection is will always side on the side of the chinese protection is uh yeah a chinese company yeah and it's like in a society like that in a situation like that it's like yeah people are gonna copy things and get away with it but i'm glad to see that like everybody in that development community is just like oh no i i fuck off i appreciate the insight there and it's it's a shame because like i can you know i can name a few modern chinese games but like they just don't get out of the country i can name monster hunter online
Starting point is 02:16:45 and that's it they just don't get out of the country nearly as much as they should and like playstations uh doing a bit to help that like they did with um south america and mexico a few years back and now those games come out regularly on like ps4 i would love to understand the feeling of chinese jank as an outsider like the the the feeling that like china doesn't give a shit like to me i feel like that that sentiment would would apply to like the the devs the player everyone none of that and no one care you know so getting you get the feeling that like i like it would thank you like cuz you know there were you know you had countries like chicles uh at the time chicles of akia where nobody give a fuck about trademarks and shit and cd proyac was like broadcasting
Starting point is 02:17:29 games over the air and shit and it's nice to see that it's like it's not a situation like you said that the entire culture is like yeah fuck it yeah it's like no it's like oh come on guys this makes us all look really bad versus the another check like you're a silly loss do not apply yeah i appreciate that that snippet from that interview but i don't buy for a second yeah that so that we were laughing at that we didn't mention it after with the follow-up where the guy is like no guys it was totally just a test you made a really nice logo and you we recreated all these assets game its own name and you you just happen to make a tracer emote that was identical to tracers emote well yeah i don't buy for a second that it was just an engine test of course not that's far too
Starting point is 02:18:12 that's why i know and it's nice to know that that china bill people in china are dumping on it as much as yeah definitely definitely always nice to get confirmation it's nice to know that shame is universal next up is the not devil may cry game yeah yeah and korea does this too every now and then there was a korean tf2 clone that was just like anime girls oh now that you've seen gundam you can appreciate go look up uh god uh johnny johnny rocket i've seen this or whatever the fuck it's just char yeah it's just but it's amaro under the helmet it's fine korea doesn't our own style you can't stop it gangnam style um and okay now we've got the one that liam we talked about the last one which is um oh yeah matt calling out everybody here not you but another matt calling
Starting point is 02:19:01 out everybody for apparently being very confusing war hammer and don of war frauds okay wait so this this person who wrote in his name is matt yeah and he's calling us out for being warhammer frauds they're super best blasphemers i remember pat matt talking about how great don of war was in the deus x lp and what huge fans they are despite the fact that they still remember the massive shit they talked about warhammer at the end of the revengeance lp and other points on the channel i don't i'm sending you this test of faith to prove your exposed balls okay let's hear it okay and uh uh this is the chaos gods pure sperm i don't okay the chaos gods it's all right it's popper nurgle cinch cord and that other guy that's not okay what's the thing okay so one cataclysm
Starting point is 02:19:46 oh is there like a whole paragraph there's there's there's uh i think there's some questions what is the shit we talked about a war i don't ever we probably talked about how it was like super like metal and trying too hard and that's super true but i love that but that's why unless it was the joke that was like oh stupid warhammer ripping off uh start yeah oh that might have been it yeah a cataclysmic civil wars uh sundered the imperium of man and plunged humanity into an unending dark age yeah no end in sight what's the name of that civil war the horus heresy uh okay the answer is the horus heresy yeah okay uh you may know the red ones go faster yeah but green green is what a green is best b green is all c green is forever d green is end of all
Starting point is 02:20:38 i don't i don't know okay green is wall man answers a green is best because orcs are green and they never ever lose and i was gonna say orcs are green it's only yeah space wolves are one of the original space marine legions made by the emperor to bring human planets back under the earth's control the wolves have a saying about their planet don't know all right just don't fucking know is there is there multiple choice uh no it was straight up like it was a um there are no wolves on fenris is this trisang true or false i don't fucking know yeah i'm not saying that's false because it's called fenris okay there should be wolves i don't fucking know all right i'ma speed this up i'ma speed this up i don't really i didn't read any of the fucking books all
Starting point is 02:21:22 right play the table questions questions 10 do you care do i care do you actually about warhammer and or dawn of war i think it's fucking rad but i don't read the books or play the table i played dawn of war one and warhammer i played space marine all right there you go and every time i engage with it it's fucking dope as hell but i don't i don't dive in everything about this thing you talked about the only clan in in fucking uh uh uh don't war games are the blood ravens who are the canon new video game one and you see that in the in the in the what do you call in the in the army selector you see that the blue ones are the ultramarines yeah it's like i don't know like like i played warhammer fantasy in a little bit of 40k like when i was a very young teenager like from
Starting point is 02:22:13 the ages of like i don't know 12 to 16 and i i stopped playing it after that because the prices are are ridiculous and i played a bunch of the video games and i worked on some of them too but like i appreciate it greatly from a distance well and it's also like you know it's kind of unfair that like like we're not allowed to like this or like we're frauds i like it casually not knowing a lot about it yeah it's like i don't know it's it's kind of shitty that's like so if we went if we went through tmats plot guide and quizzed street fighter frauds on not knowing stuff yeah i think justin won knows half the shit we do about the tm at plot guide no he doesn't probably not because who cares i remember i remember in the community when gokin was announced and we were
Starting point is 02:22:58 like ruse fathers in the game went from from the players and tournaments i was dead like what a dick would i be if i asked a group of guys that that think that i know all the secret moves yeah yeah that which move was no one was ever able to wake up from which one did you go wake up from i guess you guys don't like street yeah you don't like it but man what's bazooka neon block how safe is it oh i don't know you know so it's like it's it's totally unfair you're right leon it's stupid to do now that being said warhammer fans are a little crazy a little bit of that chaos i've talked to the man of moss he's crazy well anything with enough lore gets well no here here like total exposure war hammers dawn of war one and dawn of all the expansions for that
Starting point is 02:23:52 right and and space marine and then every now and then they say something in dawn of war and you're like i don't know what that is seeing you go look it up on the dawn of war wiki or sorry the war hammer wiki you all the emperors in a fucking stages chamber that's a throne that's the coolest and then you don't click another link and that's that's the best way to enjoy warhammer space hall by occasionally touching it and being like oh man that's really cool yeah for me like i told you this is the wiki for me yeah uh okay so we got what's coming in emails are long yeah i will i i went for two long one for two big ones okay he warned you he pre warned you i see i didn't want to smash cut him he wanted to dribble out the long one that's what i wanted to do all right we got one from
Starting point is 02:24:34 eric and it's on the preferred thematic the preferred thematically organized methods of necromancy okay dare celebrated opposition of our glorious system as overlords what is the ideal domain of the necromatic influence okay the ability to resurrect dead wrappers as your minions or the ability to resurrect dead wrestlers as your minions dead wrestlers your new thrall maintains that the intelligence and general capabilities they had in life are the same but they're loyal to you and you alone dead wrestlers there's no question okay i'm there's so many more no i'm going rapper well we'll win because no here's what here's why here's why i disagree i disagree because it doesn't say how popular the rapper had to be every shitty ass thug
Starting point is 02:25:15 that ever died in the hood who said he was a rapper with a gun yeah is in my army but think about how many indie wrestlers you don't even know existed might have that's true yeah but i could make so much more money on the wrap but those dead and i could use that money to make something that would beat all the rest all of us right you can make enough money on maybe two of the rappers no you make zero all right everyone will be just like you would assume and i imagine correctly that there are more uh uh dead rappers that just said they were rapper and like they technically count rapping is up until the recent past a uh uh a purely american or north american phenomenon yes wrestling has existed since like the fucking forever okay so since ancient using the term
Starting point is 02:26:09 wrestling going he doesn't say going pro wrestler does he go back to the grecaroma he says wrestler he says dead wrestlers oh boy you want to go you want to do that's a lot of naked italian guys brother but like but like we're not they're not fighting right well they will when i get a hold of them he said what's your preferable army and it's like there's no fight gonna happen no not when you own all these dead wrestlers but that's what i mean i'm gonna monetize the rappers yeah i won't have to worry about nothing i mean either one if you flood the market with too much of one thing two packs no but i just get the ones that matter okay okay yeah i to me the i see it as like the entire dead cast of the wire yeah you all probably tried rapping at some point probably yeah yeah
Starting point is 02:26:52 you're getting you're okay yeah okay you're okay get it alive but anyone that can take a bump then by that logic is technically a wrestler any zombie can take a bump yeah yeah no yeah but think of how many bumps a wrestler my idea i'm thinking that the dead rappers right are really just shitty thugs but like they were willing to like do the crimes and die and have the guns and be the fucking whatever so i'm like i could use a bunch of you have the undertaker when he's dead okay here's not dead yet though he's dead right now technically he's a dead man he's on our side all right here's here's here's the breakdown dead wrestlers are often successful dead rappers all failed because you have to get rich and stay alive to be a successful rapper
Starting point is 02:27:37 hmm hold on a minute though who gets macho man oh he did have a wrap up oh no who gets macho man i guess nobody gets them you both get macho man the wrestlers necromancers get like early 90s era flamboyant macho man and then the rappers get bone saw the the the rappers get the the era and when he started tape yeah like all in black like weird super short beard macho man even though his beard was white he died at black macho man both are useless to you because they're too obsessed with revenge on hogan yeah luckily hogan does not come back under any of these thanks Eric he is still alive yes technically destroying websites uh here's a little quickie what are you gonna do quickie went from austin and he wants to
Starting point is 02:28:29 know uh he's like with the recent outpouring of eight-bit indie games that have been released do you know of any modern games that share a graphical styling with early playstation or n64 style i know one uh there's one on sceneries that's all i'm called back in 1995 which is straight up supposed to be a hey remember how bad early playstation survived i'm not talking about like shit like over blood crap like that i think back in 1995 is the best example it's not very good unfortunately i play through it it's it's got its hardest right place but it's not fun i'd say like 97 you gotta go forward and chest a little bit from there 95 was the game is called hey woolly hey woolly this is this is a bit of an aside but do you remember uh you you talking about cyberpunk
Starting point is 02:29:18 and being excited for cyberpunk yes and i suggested that you wait like multiple years that's correct to play it you want to just scroll down my phone and see what the fucking patch log for the recent witcher expansion is and how long it takes you to scroll why does that have to do with anything yeah cyberpunk's gonna happen uh when i'm fucking yeah they're busy there is a guy it took multiple finger flicks to get to the bottom of that there's not a lot else in regards to like indie games made with that uh it's a very unpopular and aesthetic edgy blocky 3d i think right now like you can see there's a demand for it and i see a bunch of people asking for that kind of thing just because we've had so much of this you know
Starting point is 02:30:01 2d pixel stuff um and it's just not most of the games that error are not good you know it varies but then you get the minecraft stuff where it's like you go into a you you skip past our 3d well until like pixel 3d that didn't exist the issue is just like if you can make that kind of game you can pretty much immediately make a much better looking 3d game if you're doing a 2d game with sprite art it's because you want to do that but if you're doing a 3d title it's probably easier by today's standards to make a good looking modern 3d game than a than a convincing yes one example effort hasn't changed for sprites we we played um uh power drill massacre on the shitstorm last year and it was very much supposed to be like yeah look at this bad looking 3d uh
Starting point is 02:30:49 alone in the dark style and now the guy's remaking the game and doing another version of it now it's like much better 3d like it's more in line with what you kind of expect still look great but like he's like yeah that was stupid why would i do that why don't i make it look as best as it can be yeah it's it's an error that we yeah we haven't really seen emulated i don't think it's that the effort hasn't changed with sprites because that's valid um but it's just that you could spend the same amount of time working on a 3d project and have it look way better yeah uh you have to intentionally shit it up yeah to get to that and like aesthetic unless your game is really masterful at capturing the feel of those games so that people will uh will enjoy it and empathize
Starting point is 02:31:30 with that you're better off just making a better looking game with your time like if you really want to capture that aesthetic you need to make it so the textures can't have a fucking z axis and they warp around like shit when things move there are there are a bunch of uh psp games and ds games i mean they're not they're not intentionally they just happen to they love having to fit that aesthetic but like that's probably the closest you're gonna get yeah i'd say so okay alternately there's ps one games you've never played i'm sure there's a million of those fucking things um yeah we can take a last quick one all right what's the last email it's supposed to be very quick barely squeaked in jessie wants to know if any of us have dealt with a major move outside
Starting point is 02:32:14 of their county or states which doesn't exist up here uh a province country whatever yeah woolly has i have i have to grenade but that was it yeah and go ahead good now you i yeah no i just moved from the countryside to the city that's it that was a big move though no i mean you take the highway it's a two hour no i mean like you know well it was a big deal because i was like 16 i wasn't living with my parents anymore yeah so yeah he wants to know like how you dealt with it and on what budget and i well i got a big trunk and i put all my toys in it that's it and no underwear i put my favorite like pajamas and then i kind of got you through your giant figure with the neck brace so what you're saying is a slightly different experiences as adults that you probably have
Starting point is 02:33:02 no experience i mean the the only other variable is just that when we went there because you know we were told we were going on two week vacation and then when two weeks were up we didn't come back and that's how that went so that's how we dealt with it did you ever tell that story on anything on like i don't know maybe that's like the most fucked up thing like that to date remains like the most fucked up thing you've ever told me ever it's like hey we're going on vacation okay bye granada happened and then when granada was done that was the granada arc i believe one we got shanghai to granada it was quite a it was a good time i have nothing it wasn't a good time i literally moved what's coming up from 20 uh hey what's coming up is like oh everything that
Starting point is 02:33:50 we have currently going on is continuing on the channel but basically we have a new lp coming up and uh you know not that much of a big secret is it good it's it's a trial for sure it's a it's a one-off that turned into a full lp that's one of those things huh uh well just like it's actually it's going to come out and vessel like tonight for us for us so for the old yesterday you've already seen that if you're so in in like two days if you for the rest of you folks add to cut the tension it's fire alarms going off fire alarms going off you can't say what the name of it is the alarm shut it down podcast is over now podcast done bye bye actually if we could say one more important thing we're going to too many games we're going to be in too many games this weekend and philadelphia
Starting point is 02:34:37 coming for you oak philadelphia from from friday to sunday oh fuck this all right you're there oh if you feel better audio audio audio audio audio can you you

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