Castle Super Beast - SBFC 152: Perpetual Motion Hustler's Paradise

Episode Date: July 5, 2016

The Mighty No 9 talk that we tried to have last week comes out this week. Meanwhile, VR porn. It's not the end of Japan, but you can see it from here....

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 You know when Vince said buff my ass Austin Wow, I like this I like this start was he implying that he wanted the The ass to be buffed. Yes, or did he want a better ass? No, he wanted he wanted a bag well to buff it. He wants a floor buffer on his asshole No, he wanted an asshole based mustache, right? How do we not know that he didn't want an augmented ass? Well, like it like buff it. We can really never mean like injecting muscles like no like nerf my ass or buff my oh Like they make it stronger than steel nerf this right or there's little holes in the Butt that shoots out gas to like stun his enemies. There's already a little hole in the butt The more you think about it like an actual buffer on your ass, you don't want a shiny ass. What does that do for you?
Starting point is 00:01:09 No, that's impressive. You want you seen that? Yeah, I see now when people do muscle competitions and ladies and dudes And Vince loves that used to do that. Oh Gary stride them Wow everyone. Yeah, fuck you. I'm gonna destroy you with my muscle-builder Federation. Yep. Yeah, no one cares. Yeah Do you have a point really like I like it? I know I'm just I'm just going off just rolling in here Yeah, I'm just punging off of where we were before a minute ago as as you will be able to hear shortly Today's gonna be a fun day. I thought I thought you were gonna point. Did you know that the XFL lost? 152 million dollars. Yes. No
Starting point is 00:01:54 It gets a little predictable, you know, I got to say We're in a really good mood and it's kind of amazing considering we just lost the podcast again Just now and this is a re-recorded another re-recorded. Yeah, I'm really happy with the way last week turned out deathcast So we got I glad I missed that I got I got I bet a comment one comment on reddit and Two comments on Twitter. Yeah saying that was awful. That was awful. Please don't do this Don't do that again. I'd rather have nothing that was entertaining and then the remainder of the comments and I got probably 25 to 30 that was amazing. Yeah in its horribleness. Oh, yeah, one of my favorite slow-motion train wreck
Starting point is 00:02:38 You can see the penis on furl. There's just something to either like the problem is someone's at work I don't know dude. I don't know Is if someone's at work, and they're having a really good time or Decent time at work. I can imagine people listening to people that are not having a good time might not be great Or might be great, but if someone's having a bad day at work, they want to hear people also have a bad day I think though every I think there's just sometimes there's a bit of a disconnect where what we find funny is not always But at the same time if there's a podcast you like and you've listened to 150 episodes and you love it You can use a change of pace and it's jacked and you don't like it
Starting point is 00:03:18 I'm never I'm never gonna fault you that episode was fucked. Yeah, and if you liked or didn't like it fine that episode You know what I gotta say I think you're right about like what we are fine funny or whatever and like but that being said in terms of the podcast's energy I really don't think we should have played that hour of blaze blue in between the two recordings. I really I really Man oh boy. Yeah. Yeah the funny you know funny thing about Oh, man that guy is so mad now Oh that guy okay, I thought you meant I thought you meant that man
Starting point is 00:04:00 I thought you meant the numerous people on the on the road of revelator comments. Yeah, that's that. Oh, really? Yeah Over what there's a there's an interesting thing over not blaze because I learned there's a whole lot of people that are like They follow the channel, but they don't really listen to this yeah the reddit and stuff. Oh, yeah, that's fine So the last learn this no, no, I not just learned this but I didn't realize 500,000 person difference, of course And so and so there's a whole bunch of those folks are the last thing they saw was the the blaze with And so when guilty gear went up there like this is just adding insult to injury And I was like the goofiest part is that when I'm playing guilty gear
Starting point is 00:04:40 I'm a lot nicer to blaze blue because I'm happy right and and no No, so it was just interesting because it was like a lot of people like not a lot of people a decent amount that took it personally and thought It was like an assault on blaze blue again. It was like actually we just really like guilty I just really guilty Yeah, um, I was I was explaining to people that like I think almost any game could have been guilty gear It's just guilty gear just happened to be the one where we got a lot of like Requests then it went into complaints of how he meets plays me. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Yeah, you know It gets mixed up. There were noons in a Naruto game. It could have easily been a little game It could have been world heroes. It could have been like almost anything, but it just so happened that that kind of fell upon
Starting point is 00:05:27 blaze blues shoulders Honestly in another timeline blaze blue came first and we love that You are completely right. It could have been like there's a There's a real like truth to that. It's like it's unfair to it because of time It could have been dead or alive five. It could have been that was a phone video. You ever beat it? Do a five. Yeah, the story mode. Yeah, I thought you meant like in terrible. I thought you meant walking in I Can't believe how bad the same time make it through like three-quarter way. I couldn't finish it dude Okay, it's unbelievably bad. Have you ever seen the last boss? No, it's alpha. Is it worth it? It's it's not it's a Kazumi clone
Starting point is 00:06:11 Yeah, it's awful. I want to That's the podcast And you know that was on the fly, you know, as soon as we started talking about fighting games He's like, I how did you know one of us knew that would you or you would have said it? Oh, he knew that I was I knew that one of us knew that's working. Yeah, that's great It's kind of like how it panels. I've started sneaking in videos in the middle of a panel Interesting from time to time. How was your week met? I had a week I was not on the death cast of some people might I would have been devastated
Starting point is 00:06:57 I don't know what frame of mind. I would have been because you were trying to be like, let's make the best of it Let's let's and consistently be coming for real Z frustrated at these two Who were clearly pushing my buttons with the with the dead panning and I think that interaction worked out great There were bits when I was getting frustrated Is I could tell which ones were dead pan for funsies and which ones you were like, I can't believe we lost 20 I can't believe I have to say this again But aside from that like a packed week, you know, like I'm sure you all talked about too many games a little bit We did I will talk about it too much kind of I guess aside from all that stuff like I I got some things done
Starting point is 00:07:42 I saw the Conjuring to Really enjoyed it that director has done like a million horror movies now and just knows how to fucking make them Really think that's a solid series of horror flicks. I finished stardust crusaders. Nice I was literally willy and I were about to sit down to record something. I was like, huh. Okay. Yeah, there you go And willy's like, hey, what's up? I'm like, I just finished artist Chris star crust crusaders. There you go The star crust star crust you say the star crust uncrustable Uncrustable crusaders. That's the book who say this and now the problem with this is you've got a booted up Eyes of heaven before I finished it and I just look at the story mode for about like 10 minutes
Starting point is 00:08:24 And I go, oh, that's who died. Oh shit. All right. Yeah, okay. That's how he mm. All right. Yeah, cool No, thanks. Give it and I just start finishing off like the last five pages Like yeah, well to be fair, it's like I knew some like someone has to die Yeah, right. So the last minute croak is always a JoJo thing. Yeah What what did you why you're new on the podcast as I'll get to that in one second Okay, I will do it because there's been lots of speculation So, you know what a problem was started to start a crust crusaders was the villain of the week template Joe Tarot himself It's not so much that I was talking to Liam about this
Starting point is 00:09:05 It's like if you about it if you start on Part three and you haven't read part one or part two you can't you can who is this villain? Who is this villain and why is he evil because he hasn't really done anything that evil? Whereas in phantom blood. It's the fucking most evil guy ever He kicked that dog in like two seconds, but for the longest time you never even see Dio So dude my first JoJo and a lot of people's first it was part two was watching the OVAs Yeah, which starts at the halfway point. That's where we've landed in Egypt. We've got to go kill that guy That's why why but even in the manga
Starting point is 00:09:45 It's like you never see Dio doing anything inherently evil even when they get to his lair Like and and and and the other two previous parts you always see women getting killed or yeah Just walk into a bunch of dudes and eat them with the quickest explanation you get is like Dio being alive means my daughter's vines are gonna kill her. That's so we've got to murder that guy It's like, but what if it's not his fault? I vividly remember I watched the OVA first like almost everybody and I watched it with somebody who knew About JoJo it might have been you really honestly, but I watched it and the very first scene in that is the very first Scene of phantom blood with the Aztec guy in the mass
Starting point is 00:10:30 Yes, it is and he kills the gay of the lady and then you know the mass whatever and then it cuts to them and up playing in Egypt Yeah, and I went what the fuck is that about and whoever was with me It's like oh, that's why Dio is a vampire and I go who's Dio So it's like a minor thing because it's like I read both a part one a part two Yeah, but if you're to start it's kind of yeah, you can't tell people it adds to the way Guess what don't tell people to start at part three. Yeah, it's the popular part Oh now don't start in the fucking middle now don't the first big villainy is definitely when you're like Oh, he's because that he's controlling all these schmucks with stands. Yeah
Starting point is 00:11:10 Pretty much though and the schmucks are evil. I really have to say Leading to Cairo is the weakest part of it. It's just like that's where I was like Yeah, once they get to Cairo I just love the running around where the fuck is the building does anyone know where the fuck this fun pet shop Yeah, and just everything kind of happening there was like a great like totally leading up to the the fun Also, all you scrubs bitches leave I'm a sticker. I'm gonna get the dudes that actually give a shit about me and actually are loyal fucking Vanilla ice is the fucking coolest where if you if you're just a fucking og and you fucking believe in Dio
Starting point is 00:11:54 You murder yourself in front like this is really Hesitation you do something to yourself and then Dio will be like that's pretty sick. Yeah, I'm gonna help you out People Hesitation most people punk out and vanilla ice is just fucking awesome. Yeah, how did you defeat ice? Every couple of stands you get that feeling where you're like man. Anubis is a stupid sand though man This car is a stupid stand that car was okay, and the Sun's kind of a stupid. Okay. Hold on. Okay. I like a new bus This is on the Sun is stupid and The car is stupid. Mm-hmm, but anubis rock
Starting point is 00:12:32 Or this yeah, you know what the big fancy thing with anubis is oh, it's sharp. No the big No, the big fancy thing is that he can possess people. Yeah, but it's like I like a new bus people But it doesn't lend itself well to the coolness of the Egyptian anubis like it seems like the stand would be cooler. I just find a new business so like basic like Oh, I control you Pass the death of his user. How is that not cool? He's a sort of people like it's enough. You're not liking because it's an object base. No, it's just too simple
Starting point is 00:13:11 It's like it's a sort of controls people. They could be anything that controls a person Darcy Darcy the the the player But then you get black is so much cooler than the gambler. Oh, I disagree you are wrong I He looks cooler than the gambler a I don't like stupid moustache man I love the classy dude. I love the classy Sure, but then he just like he like he wasn't like he just kind of gets defeated and he's just like yeah No, I felt like the gamer was kind of like let's do that thing again. Well, and I was like There's one reason that I like Darby the gambler more and it's because
Starting point is 00:13:53 His stand can't help him Yeah, so he it's so it's so his stand is unique that way his stand is completely Incidental to the confrontation going on. It's just this skill and he's a he's a normal guy that they need their stands to defeat Whereas Darby the player stand is a fucking amazing stand That's really strong and they have to figure out their way around I like the idea of a person like I like the idea of if there was this guy if they had to fight Frank Castle And it was just Frank Castle and they needed their stands to beat Frank Castle like that that that I also like the setup of a Man sitting under a tent in Cairo where he's fucking rigged everyone in a miles radius
Starting point is 00:14:38 Under his fucking umbrella versus like the guy who's got the TV in the video game room in the weird alternate reality He's like more pure that way. I guess I can see that they're both fun But I just I just like to play her more and speaking of Frank Castle a Jodaro Oh, I was telling Willie about this where it's like, you know for the longest time Jodaro is just kind of there Does this thing but at least Iraqi figured out let's have two battles that literally only Jodaro can Joseph and Jonathan would fucking get killed in one second. Yeah against especially the gambler. Yeah, like that's only someone Versus Darby He would just start to yell
Starting point is 00:15:24 Swing your sword around I'm glad that's those those two battles Yeah, and I will say that that's one thing that The the parts are good at is that you kind of get your moments where it's like showcase why This yeah, there's a part in there's a part in part four which we haven't gotten to yet in the show But it's a Josuke and Jotaro go out to fight a stand user and the stand user Absolutely kicks the shit out of Jotaro. No problem and it Josuke beats it Find you find out why and it's like even though you would think on paper that Jotaro's stand and
Starting point is 00:16:02 Mentality is stronger like if you had that battle and Jotaro wins. Well, what does that do for Josuke doesn't get over? There's a real torch passing mentality for each new yeah, there's gotta be right, so that was really fun I also had time to play and beat inside I don't really want to play it. Yeah much to say other than right now. It's kind of my game of the year So that's what like I said, I want to hear you say what Liam told me about all the reviews I can't tell you anything about it 10 on 10 That's what I want to hear. I I really really I really really enjoyed it It's just limbo, but in every shape way in form better. Yeah better graphic a better art style better sound
Starting point is 00:16:47 Better design puzzles that like kind of cuz some of limbo's were a little like really that's I didn't like the gravity and your stuff at the very end Yeah, and this this and it has like a very interesting ending You can only pop your cherry once right? Yeah, but then you want to see other people get there Okay, so I really enjoyed that And yeah, where where where was I where where in the world was Matt Matt Tiango? I believe Matt Papadopoulos Accomplishing life goals So for last year or so I would need fucking that chicken
Starting point is 00:17:27 I would meet Motherfucker Mike Mike Matei of a cinema sticker fame and every like couple of months I'd be like hey, it'd be cool to be on anything you got James and Mike Mondays or whatever And he's like yeah cool man cool and then like leading up to too many games. It was like hey Yeah, yeah, sorry We don't think we can set anything up in time and then we were all literally leaving our Plane was gonna go. Yeah, you had brought your bags Yeah, I'm sitting in the airport and will he walks up to me and go where's Matt is like Matt's not coming He's leaving there was an accident
Starting point is 00:18:05 So it just so happened that like I'm just about leaving and Ryan from a screen wave who's been super cool And I guide us for the last couple years Just said hey actually like our offices are kind of like empty tomorrow If you totally want we can just kind of record You know probably mm-hmm on Monday at some time so Would you want to do that and I'm like So I was like what? But my my plane I they're like well
Starting point is 00:18:37 I mean we can reschedule your plane if you want and I'm like And like all of you are kind of leaving and I had talked them about this before is that like if they're gonna record They're like two guys and like they've had one extra person mm-hmm on their stuff So they're like yeah, you know if you guys all come down maybe we can do like a big You know more fun thing next year and I was like, you know what? Let me let me make sure I can do this and like very nervous because never canceled slash move to flight date I'm like, what is that? I didn't know you could do that I didn't know you could do it you do have to pay a pretty not
Starting point is 00:19:12 inexpensive fee to do it But I was able to do it. So yeah, and then they get mad at you and well the lady was actually nice No, but then they hold a grudge. I guess forever and then they'll make sure my bags don't make it with me We're at a hundred percent of checked bags lost with American Airlines right now. Yes, we are 100% of the time So in the next couple of weeks, I think before the end of July You'll see me on James and Mike Mondays and it was a real real treat to record with them because like James has been The first online video where someone was talking about an old video game Was was James me watching TMNT? Mm-hmm like back in 2007 or for me the first one was Castlevania
Starting point is 00:19:57 Yeah, yeah, that's that would be that would be the ones ones up there So it was really really fun to record with them. We played now. I just happened to buy a couple of games are in TMG one of them was a Game for the Sega Saturn called Batman forever. Mm-hmm the arcade game Which is not the Super Nintendo Genesis cluster fuck No, it is a beat-em-up made by Midway and it is the most insane beat-em-up I've ever seen where you're growing large and growing tiny for no reason You're getting power-ups and God weapons Batman's raising in the air and shooting
Starting point is 00:20:34 Fucking Gil special moves. He's he just damages all enemies on the screen Everything is constantly happening at all times and it's impossible to figure out But it's incredibly easy at the same time. Mm-hmm, but you have limited continues So this is the spectacle cost of Benjamin. Did it not? The reason why I bought this is because if you search for Batman the arcade game for PlayStation 2 Saturn eBay I got one result and it was the European version and it was a hundred and fifty dollars, right before shipping So because it's a very very low print game. Most people don't even like what? So I saw it for a hundred dollars and I'm like, I'll fucking get this now
Starting point is 00:21:17 I'm likely never going to see this again. That's a nice thing about too many games though It's got a lot of games where I was like, what are you? What is that hmm, so I happened to get that then they're like, do you have anything you want to record with us? I'm like, I got something and we proceeded to play Steaming pile out of duty out of your bag. It was good though. It was good. So I had a really good time So and it was really weird because I had to take apart the screen wave booth and when we go into a Con right look at all this magic everything was set up via magic Yeah, because we get there when it's all done and as soon as the little voiceover goes. All right
Starting point is 00:21:57 You have two minutes. You have two minutes to make your purchase. Okay, get out You all get out and just cars just armies of cars drive in Everyone shoves their shit in and I'm like watching everything and there's still people that are like all yeah Struggling around. Yeah, just whatever. So it's fun to team stirs. Just start teamsters Just start materializing from the walls like pillow pillar, man. Yeah, and on the last kind of final note on TMG I was pleased to see Liz Yattermang again Who did our man who did our four buffoons a fist the cuff and shirt and Bailey of course I put in Rampa cosplay. Yeah, I put Bailey's
Starting point is 00:22:37 Matt ice cream bars. I bought two or whatever is on the fridge because it's cute So nice seeing him again. And the other thing is that people are asking me What did you think of those blueberry pie Oreos or what did you think of tiny toes didn't care for the Oreos? I really like I thought they were fantastic. I kept eating them all weekend I snuck one in and they taste artificial, but yeah, they taste really artificial I'm not I'm not down for that artificial taste in my cookie personally And the other thing that I think default Oreo would yeah default Oreo. Yeah, cuz that tastes not artificial Well, I'm used to it
Starting point is 00:23:14 And tiny toast is my new favorite big favorite cereal tiny really it is awesome That does not taste artificial that tastes like someone take a shrink ray Shrank blueberry toast hundreds of toasts hundreds of toast. I ordered another box What an absurd waste of resources now. What about cinnamon toast crunch? See cinnamon toast crunch It's just little slivers, right? Yeah, and that's really good And this was a similar like crunch and like kind of textured to it But it was just it actually tasted like little toasties. It's amazing. It's good right it tasted like bread Sorry, it tasted like bread. It tasted like crunchy bread. Yeah
Starting point is 00:23:57 I mean more harder than that and that was well, and it was blueberry flavored and it was sweet Okay. All right, cuz I'm like bread flavored cereal on its own is probably not that great, but And yeah, like aside from that had a really good time hanging out with the screenway people Ryan's sister Kristen. She were driving around. She's like where you want to go to eat? I'm like, oh, wherever's good. We're whatever is easiest and she's like, all right We can go up there and we drive by it like a TGI Friday And I'm like, I've had a couple good meals there me like do you think that place is open? She's like, yeah, no sure. Maybe and we go up there and I'm like, yes
Starting point is 00:24:34 It's just open and we had a we had a great time Matt's need for American chain restaurants continues It's good. It's good. And the last sort of thing is that I had dinner with Everyone like James and Mike and Ryan and everything and we had I had a chili cheese steak pizza We'll not have it again. Oh a Filly cheese steak, you know, I say yeah, oh Rough to eat good, but holy shit one slice one slice So you take a slice and a dot is applied to you and taking my organs are taking damage as I'm doing it
Starting point is 00:25:14 So, oh, no, it's causing a bleed effect Yeah No, there's just like the general body outline of me and I'm just radiating with red all your limbs are red all Yeah, exactly. It's like the fucking damage indicator. You need a fucking stem pack. Yeah, so I had a really really good time I was really just nervous like how do I go to another hotel because I went to the exact same hotel Just in another location that we were at but it was weird because everything was slightly different Like the same aesthetic just a little off and the other thing I didn't think of I didn't know I'd be staying two extra days. Holy shit James is gonna fucking pinch his nose because my clothes are all dirty
Starting point is 00:25:57 Whoops, fuck. So then I like do you have like a laundry service and the guy's like, uh, yeah It only takes quarters though. I'm like, oh shit only have like two bills. I'm like, can you he's like, no Canadian money's not worth two quarters. Well my American money and I go, okay shit I I just show her in your clothes. So then the guy that was working the late shift of the desk goes You know, I'll just I'll just wash them for you down at the the laundry service for the hotel Because there's the one for guests. Yeah, he goes, I'll just do it for you. I'm not doing anything I'm like, are you serious? She's like, yeah, is it a lot of laundry? I'm like, no, it's like two shirts and two pairs of pants how he stole your clothes and that's how I have no clothes
Starting point is 00:26:38 No, you're naked right now. You got to do it like Ryu and just stand outside the washing machine while it's washing Yeah, just like we're looking down on it in like suspicion and you're looking and you're looking down at the washing machine and your head's Said come back an hour and a half it came back an hour and a half and it was the freshest smelling clothes freshest It was super good. So he did not sure was very impressive not pissing your in your clothes. Yeah, maybe before The other neat thing about the screenwave offices where they are is that if you look to your right, you'll see the cornfield They did it they did a video where they played farming simulator and they said, you know what? Let's move all the equipment outside and they recorded farming simulator in a corn That's good. That's good. That's all right. Yeah, so really really did you hold your hands over the corn as you walk towards
Starting point is 00:27:34 Not yet James Yeah So yeah, really really good weak strong someone say fall I didn't do all that much with mine week. So I might as well blast right through it I did play a couple games didn't I played the the token and God Eater PS4 versions resurrection. Yeah, and Not much to say about to Keaton No, the kawami. Okay. Yeah, kawami is the only one that's out. Yeah, it is a port of the Vita version
Starting point is 00:28:08 They did more work than they needed it to To get it on the ps4. Yeah, it looks character models really good Mm-hmm, and I was I was hanging out with a friend. So I'm really shocked at how much of a difference It makes for me to play a hunting game on a console How much happier I am and that those same compliments apply to God Eater resurrection They spent a lot more time and work than they needed to it is shocking that this used to be a PSP game Like they completely redid everything. Yeah, no when they when they remade it. They I mean, it's it doesn't look It doesn't look like a ps4 game
Starting point is 00:28:40 That's for sure. No, but it's a very very high res like ps2 ps3 game. It's the same that runs fantastic. Yeah Great, I'm gonna put some time into those fun. Have you have you played it much resurrection? I've been playing I have not played all that much It's it's it's weird the game is very different. Yeah, I played a lot of bursts. I'm quite far in resurrection. All right Oh, let's see. I've been marathoning SVU and don't marathon SVU. I saw a bunch of your files On order SVU damn don't do that There's a phrase that Dan Florek who's the the LT in that show Says that applies to the concept of marathoning through the show Which is our officers are confronted with the totality of human evil every day
Starting point is 00:29:27 It's a rough like when you watch ten in a row you start to like look at your neighbor's funny Well, the weirdest part about the realism is that you know how like people compare the wire to law and order for the longest time and it was kind of Kind of an unfair comparison very much so yeah, the weird part is that SVU is where they got half of the actors for the wire Oh bit parts Daniels is an Emmy that shows up sometimes Rhonda is a is a DA that shows up sometimes Everyone in that has a fucking SAG card has a bit part in law and order somewhere somewhere Kevin Smith's in there Everyone's yeah Good show. I'm glad that
Starting point is 00:30:13 I love it. It was the white guy. It was it was it was the wife. It was the it was you know God, but the wife is the one that died. No, it's still her. There's still her Yeah, I did play I did play two other games elevator inspection. You I would not like to give the praise That I gave to kawami and to tokeeden first on the list. We don't usually Yeah, I fucked that up. Okay. That's okay The video incoming Matt and I recorded it Yeah, but it needs to be said special mention because of Liam and I having a small discussion about it on the podcast last week Or the week before as to the confusion over review scores versus early
Starting point is 00:30:56 Talking the OT. I'm talking about I'm broke or yeah that game is a fucking Burning trash fire. Okay. I say that too often occasionally. You do actually Usually that should be reserved for special this this is this is a fucking bus full of Korean children going off a cliff and being shot with machine guns on the way down This thing is the worst. I can't Believe how fucking bad it is. It is so much worse than I expected Hmm, which which is a lot because I didn't expect much prize because it always looked like it would be all right like now Also, well, no, I always looked a bit rough. Yeah, no, I always look a bit. I always figured like oh, it's cap come in turn
Starting point is 00:31:41 I'll be all right. You get there and you're like See the problem is is that when you move your character once it's automatically one of the worst? Yeah, no It's just other mouse and keyboard controls are yeah, I heard those are really are working. They're worse than dark souls one and Let the Okay A lot of it's down to the controls and the way it feels and the way it plays and all that stuff That's hard to explain particularly, but there is one detail that can be explained and
Starting point is 00:32:14 Shows off just how bad it is. So which part the primary mode is three on three single life counter-strike style death match When you die in that mode You cannot spectate your team it instead zooms out to a 2d representation of the map And see little dots with a little just watch little heads of your characters That a great for the entire rest of the round. That's rough and it like Fuck it sucks Matt said it was the worst like first-person shooter associated with a brand Like no, no, no, I didn't say that I said I think this is the worst spin-off ever of any major Franchise right and I said this is a world with Gotham City imposters in it
Starting point is 00:33:00 Gotham City imposters plays an evil deadly aim. Yeah, this is way worse. What about guidance? Wait, this is worse than guy See, here's the problem. Those games have resident evil characters and stuff and story This doesn't have Some type of perverse Pleasure of like I'm playing a game. The only thing it seems to have is like the environments and some of the sound effects It's way worse. Yeah, there was there was a sound effect that would you pick up items? It was a door opening Yeah, there's a door opening sounds like a it's way worse than orc. Ouch. Yeah Yeah, and orc. I always figured orc was as low as they could go. Mm-hmm, but no capcom
Starting point is 00:33:40 Pushing it forward pushing that envelope. Mm-hmm the second game and I'm really sad to say this is mighty number nine I finally put some time into it. How far did you get in the end? I remember you played a little 34 minutes, okay? It only counts game time. I think in the yeah, I'm talking about steam So the steam counter, okay? I can I can tag in here because I beat it this week. Okay, good. So I played it for 34 minutes I don't want to ever play it again ever. I Tried five times to give this game a shot. I Hate it so much. I don't think it's the worst game in the world
Starting point is 00:34:16 And I don't think that it's particularly poorly made even on the PC at least right where it runs fine and I Hate the way back looks. I hate the way back jumps. I hate Hate with every fiber of my being that I am over here. Megamans. Do you like? two three four Five even six X one X two X four, you know the good ones And as I was playing it and I remember you guys saying well, it's not as bad as X seven. It's like, yeah
Starting point is 00:34:52 Okay, no, of course, it's not Nothing's as bad as X seven maybe umbrella, but like that that like the core of it is that dash mechanic is The worst the way I hate it so much It's really divisive the dash I I have fun with I think the dash is one of the better parts Okay, well, this is where I'm trying to hold it back Yeah, I'll say is you're crazy. Okay, because that dash thing is the world fuck killing enemies now You can kill them. Just keep yeah, but what I like
Starting point is 00:35:26 Combine that with the fucking thing your bullets disappear at the edge of the fucking screen. That's bullshit Like it's it feels bad to fight enemies. I think the dash is fine In like another game where it wasn't like saying hey It's kind of a mega-man spiritual successor if it was really its own game Like if the dash mechanic was the main mechanic of a Zura striker gunvolt instead of what it has which I honestly forget what it has Stand and electrify standing for the stand and if the dash mechanic was placed there I'd be like hey, that's kind of cool But when you're trying to make a spiritual mega-man successor and you have this like new feature, right?
Starting point is 00:36:04 You're like, okay, that's kind of cool, but it's like That that clashes with how you think modern mega-man which is which is just shooting whatever and it seems more like a Special move like a special boss move you would get on occasion Like I think it works better in that context. I tend to disagree I think the dash is one of the most fondly remembered things mega-man can do but not no It's different hold on. I would like to make one correction Yeah, and it's something that you and Willie have talked a lot about but you've never made the distinction It's one of the fun. The dash is one of the most fun things that mega-man
Starting point is 00:36:41 Sorry, I said mega-man because I'm including x and zero and a variety of mega I find a very big distinction between those two things and that's part of the reason why I hate this Sorry, no, I know the original can't but I meant zero Yeah, like I didn't just mean one mega. Yeah, a lot of mega man. I wasn't even referring to that I was just referring the ability to the the main like With the dash not an x dash, which is usually meant just for mobility and so like on top of the way I hate that it controls like I think that it looks Terrible and I remember thinking back like it must have you know, I remember there were early things that looked different
Starting point is 00:37:20 But I forgot how different they look so I went back to the Kickstarter and I looked at that very off Repeated like screenshot concept design and that looks like a million times better But all that that's like pure concept art But underneath that piece of concept art is a bunch of mock-up screenshots that all look way Way better than but I mean, it's all you know concept as well So I don't care the the mock-up screenshots looked way incredible compared to the final product Yeah, I'll also say that now like after and so did the concept video
Starting point is 00:37:56 Having beaten it. I will say that the okay So the bullet disappearing thing and the crowded enemy group where you can't actually Dash in because you still have on shot enemies there and you can't hit them because they're in the group Becomes more of a problem tour later on in the game. I actually never I noticed it But I literally never had a problem with the bullets disappearing Like I'm really struggling to think of a situation where it's a problem It like I noticed it, but I thought it was weird, but like it I never had a Problem because it's it's for me. It just it was annoying because it's not something that would happen
Starting point is 00:38:35 It's not something I'm used to happening and I would want to shoot things from that far away You know or there or like have something that's sure going into the screen I have some cover there and one kind of depends on how wired your brain is to Mega Man or games that are similar Like if you want to shoot something from that distance like it does feel off if it's not happening for whatever reason and and a bug Yeah, I know and in old Mega Man games there was a there was a distance But like it would just it'd be a lot it was a lot further, but in any case The the thing though where the crowded enemies are there and some of them are stuck in the middle where they're Waiting to be absorbed and the others are still healthy
Starting point is 00:39:12 That happens a lot more towards the end and like in the last stages I noticed that some of the like difficulty of like the waves they'd send it you was based on that So that got really annoying But Outside of that though, I think again, there's still some really fun stuff. Hey, um Do you remember in the Kickstarter how they said that Beck was gonna transform into different forms? What's the deal with that? I never followed up on Got cut yeah, okay, it wasn't working out apparently no instead there
Starting point is 00:39:45 He would turn his body you could turn into like a hammer or like drill instead of just having Instead of just switching to a power his body would change and then become a thing Okay, so do you remember? No, that's gone. Okay, instead just dash through these enemies in a terrible feeling fashion and get a random power Up. Hey Liam. What is the yellow? They're not random by the way, but I don't know. I don't know what the oh You don't know what the yellow does okay That's like kind of besides the point that no I think it actually is like part of the point where like part of the core gameplay is based around these power-ups And no one's been able to tell me what the yellow one does the yellow one doesn't like nobody
Starting point is 00:40:20 Deals like a matters. So why is it there? It probably does do something that matter. Maybe it just raises your points or some shit I've no you see what I'm saying here though Kind of but the blue and the red ones are really important to playing Yeah, get rid of them make the game play well and There's a whole lot of tips that I definitely didn't read on that tip screen. That's for sure and I did I went back after Liam you told me about the the R2 button and started using those and stuff and The jump back was useful
Starting point is 00:40:51 But I couldn't figure out the other one and I was looking for a tip on it and there wasn't any R2 and square R2 and square Yeah together so that though like I didn't it didn't work or no I couldn't find it a place in the game that told me how to do that. I was looking for the tip screens Oh, it's in the controls in the controls. It says R2 is Excel movement or something like that. Yeah, but it just it just says it's R2 right and the fact that you have to sort of combine it Wasn't mentioned anywhere. I mean, isn't that the first thing anyone does when they pick up a game is press all the buttons, you know But not all the so what I did was what I did was what I did is I pressed it with the jump and I got like the jump back And I was like, okay, that's useful and then I was trying and then I remember you said something about diagonal shot
Starting point is 00:41:30 Yeah, where how what and I couldn't Until it's like, yeah, you get that that combo that is that becomes super useful in certain circumstances for sure though One thing I will say is the upon beating it The playing is Ray is a lot more fun. Ray's really enjoyable I think Ray's a lot more fun and it's a lot of Much different paced game and you have to kind of rush down to stay alive and stuff and I think that It's it's weird in that like Ray feels
Starting point is 00:42:02 Like very different and like I wish Beck felt more like Ray Yeah, I get you I was back felt more like Mega Man. What did what did you feel about the final boss fight though? Oh? Yeah, I I Didn't feel it was that bad I mean, what a great ball. It was it was that it just it was kind of like a lame Sigma, you know But I kind of for I totally forgot that there was that whole video about about the fighting it and shit like that And it just it didn't strike me as anything on Mega Man like I think we've seen
Starting point is 00:42:41 Giant Sigma type bosses like that before it was just you know I did it was Because I guess I'm I kind of like fuck myself over because I watched that video and I was like I Don't want to fight this so all not can like you know It's like seeing it's like knowing about a final boss was not going to be very Memorable or very great. So you're like well, I don't because you sometimes hope like oh man I hope that they nail the ending. There's a awesome fight where it like everything kind of Works and clicks and it's awesome and satisfying and whatever and you're just watching this thing
Starting point is 00:43:14 Just be the one one of the most tedious fights I've seen and like like lately not saying it's the worst fight ever But I'm just like I don't want to fight I also like that as far as like causing damage on it and shit like that Goes like switching to the grenadier option kind of really trivialized it So I didn't really feel the grind for too long because the moment I saw like okay, my bullets are doing this I'm gonna switch to the explosion and it kind of like made the powers do a lot against them It made it it made it a lot easier of a fight Yeah, I don't know in the end. I was like yeah, that's a sigma thing. That's one of the you know
Starting point is 00:43:48 It's one of the less interesting sigma forms, but It's it's like either way I feel about the whole thing in general is summed up almost in the way I felt about that fight where it's like this is just one of the more mediocre Mega Man X games Doesn't that mean it's an abysmal failure? No, because abysmal failure would be like a bad game that I'd never want to play You mean like this game, that's what I don't think that's not how will he that's not what I think this is projecting No, that was fine that you don't like it that that was not fair I'll admit, but it's just like I can't understand this mentality of
Starting point is 00:44:23 Spending all this time and all this money and it's okay because it's not terrible. I feel that's like a Crazy lowering of standards. I'm just I'm just I'm saying in a white room, right? Because the I fully totally agree that once you take what this is supposed to spiritually be And you take the weight of its circumstances and apply it to the situation. It gets a lot worse. Yeah, I agree however In a white room as a video game in a console with a controller in my hands It's one of the games. It's like I'd rather have not Like when it comes to like x7 when it comes to, you know
Starting point is 00:45:07 No, that's absurd I hate that mentality like it's not as bad as the worst ones therefore No, no, no, that's that's not where I was going Well, do you remember where I was going? We said it was like as good as like five or so like where I was saying It was just better than we're out worse where I was going was I remember when I played five and I was like, ah You know, this isn't as good as four It was bummed out by it, but it was at the end. I was like it's still it was still a fine game You know, I didn't walk away from it going like god Here's here's where I'm at it doesn't exist in a white room and it does have that context
Starting point is 00:45:44 Then it has the different context of I helped make this happen Hmm, and I wish I hadn't because we would be better without this game because it sucks I didn't even get to talk about all the stuff. I the story Everyone constantly stopping to talk to you and fucking up the flow of the level stop I don't want to talk to you dr. Brown or the fuck your name is your design is terrible all of your designs are terrible except for bad except for Heard what call the enemy designs are pretty good the boss designs and stuff. Yeah, so the boss there Oh, I saw a pirate and he seems fine. I like friend
Starting point is 00:46:20 You're saying in a white room if before all the Kickstarter crap happened Whatever if the Kickstarter launched with the exact same beta demo, I would have Instantly back down because I would never I would never I played that beta. I was like this is not great I don't like this and that's like I was just kind of done with it at that point So even without all the Kickstarter drama, it's the opposite of bloodstain where bloodstain could not be more early And that Automatically feels better and more true to its roots And if this if the beta demo had been put like within like I don't know
Starting point is 00:46:59 Let's say not even at the Kickstarter, but like maybe even a month after concluded Mm-hmm I'd still would have been like this is not like I don't have a lot of hope for this because It's already feeling not great to me and on on a core level of like the white room discussion Like even if I go there like even if the campaign had been top-to-bottom like a plus like no weird red ash no weird shenanigans like I would still have a very serious problem with the way this game turned out Because over and over and over they go classic Mega Man classic Mega Man classic Mega Man and There's no mention of the dash
Starting point is 00:47:39 Anywhere on that page it is never mentioned during the Kickstarter campaign during the Kickstarter campaign Okay, the word then dash is not on that page and guess what I don't want that fucking shitty dash I Want to play a fucking Mega Man game where I jump and shoot my fucking bullets don't disappear And I don't have to get a green power-up to make it feel like I'm moving properly Yeah, I like I said on the dash thing. I think I like the dash so I'm gonna disagree there I like okay on its own like that shing is fun on on its own I like the dash, but with the enemy suck-up mechanic. I hate it. Hmm Well, you know fucking hate it. It's uh, I
Starting point is 00:48:20 Mean I when I played that that first level demo of it and I was like, yeah, okay I feel what this is gonna be and I was like, yeah, that's fine. I Remember that that first demo being what it was. I I should have didn't bother me I should have played that demo way back so I could have been shitting on the game the whole time That's that's so deliciously you Because it sucks because because he was cheated out in months of anger to get more shit in there to get To fill it to get more Every time it comes up or anytime in a funic comes up or recor comes up
Starting point is 00:48:58 I'm gonna shit all over money number nine because he fucking took my money made a piece of shit All it is is the opposite of when someone goes Oh, I really lament not being on board with this sooner because it's so good I would have loved to have had those extra months of joy. Yeah, it's the opposite of that It's that still understand. Yeah, I think a different way I think it's fair to say that like based on especially how like bloodstain is like, you know like killing up and yeah Yeah, really well and shit like that like with history on our side when you're doing something that's like an homage to a classic thing That has like tons of entries
Starting point is 00:49:35 The thing that you can make now in 2016 with again history on your side should be the best version of it If not like leaps and bounds ahead, right? Well, you know, it's way better than money number 9 Mega Man 9 and 10 So it's a it's a super disappointment when yeah, the the the new thing is not Absolutely killing it on a level that the old ones didn't you know that Should be the case for sure and and I know I'm I'm I'm being hyperbolic Pat and all that like I get it But like I clearly but no, but then I really hate this game like I hate playing it I I really wanted to beat at least three or four levels possibly beat it before the podcast
Starting point is 00:50:14 So I wouldn't be like the uninformed opinion and the knee jerk thing and I kept loading it up I load up like four or five different times and I started to play through pyrogens level and I got like Upset like fuck this game upset over how much I don't like everything about the movement and the look in the like oh I mean at the end of the day like I always kind of think there's other projects like this one It could have been this one It could have been another one that would like maybe didn't really nail it But you know one of them wasn't going to from because there's been lots of Kickstarter like crowdfunding disasters from like a Technical level
Starting point is 00:50:54 Money This is like the first one that I think like generally people can consider yes divisive at the very at the very least but like at least there is like other stuff to at least go Yeah, well that didn't work out whatever this couldn't work out at least blood stains looking cool at least ukulele Hands-on demos at E3 were like this is fucking fantastic and like on like a moral level There's also a problem I have with this game and that I got really excited for it And we talked about how excited we were for when people look back at the very first podcast Mm-hmm, and I probably had like somebody knew about it because of me or you know because I talked about it
Starting point is 00:51:34 Or because I said it looked good, and I put money into it So like I am tangentially responsible for other people's disappointment and that makes me feel like shit I am now an accomplice in other Pads going to the extreme there. I think that you know I'm definitely if I told somebody to eat a sandwich place, and they got salmonella I would feel bad didn't say that you didn't say eat at the sandwich place you put $20 down on this thing You didn't know if it was gonna be good or not If I talked about how excited I was and how much I love this sandwich place and someone
Starting point is 00:52:10 And someone went down there to eat on my like Enthusiasm and got sick. I would still feel bad So do you dad does that mean conversely that you feel good because you helped to make shovel night good? Yes, huh? Yeah, that's weird. No, I don't I don't see it that way at all. Yeah, I don't see it that way at all You didn't you put the money in I got salmonella at the sandwich place. Oh, it's better than nothing You helped make this thing a reality you are in it tangentially responsible for whatever percentage of that It's good or bad. Yeah, that's ridiculous. I'm a call you know how did you make shovel night better?
Starting point is 00:52:41 I gave the money so they know how did you make it better? What did how much money did you put in? I put a shop night. I believe I put in like $40. What did your $40 do to make it better specifically? It paid for one or two people to meet work for one or two hours to polish up or make something better At least are you are you okay? So no no wait? Oh, so so I shouldn't have donated it It wouldn't have made a difference. So I oh so no one's pledge made a difference. No, no It's the sum that makes a difference. Yes, and that Responsibility is parceled out amongst those people me and willy made. How can you say you anyone made the any individual made the game better? You know yeah barring we can we can take that Liam mad you and I can take
Starting point is 00:53:23 Liam up with some core ideas. Are you are you saying? expertly if there is if there is a road in front of you and I pour my bottle of water out on that road along with guys 100,000 people say and then the road is wet. Yeah, are you saying that I didn't have anything to do with that road becoming wet? I'm saying that no because you guys created it specifically the team at yacht club created shovel nights specifically with my money and other But it's not quite the same the analogy is not watertight You know what you ironically sorry You can probably use like voting and like you vote for a shitty president that moves in and does some shit Like you can use that yeah
Starting point is 00:54:04 That's a much more. I think that's more on point and guess what you're responsible for your political representatives Decisions, I think just like I'm responsible for my economic representatives decisions. I I don't agree So I'll say I got here's a thing. I can ignore all guilt and responsibility all you want It's not about fuck. I got why are you putting words in my mouth? I'm not I put my mouth Okay, you know, I'm gonna stop Pat so I think I think like What it comes down to here is what you feel is like rage and upset. I feel bummed But ultimately I also feel but I got something out of it I got bummed as well. I got bummed but I got something out of it
Starting point is 00:54:43 You and the only thing that I fun moments that I had I can't I'm not gonna pretend I didn't have fun in those moments obviously not there were some moments that were enjoyable I am highly envious of both of you and I'm about this and I'm bummed that we didn't get what we could have I'm bummed that I'm not gonna pop it in again Yeah, not for it not until the second one comes out. You know many years Yeah, possibly they had those those other features. Yeah worth it has been true and I'm I'm ultra bummed that like this and The the one fucking as a striker gunvolt. Oh, yeah are both not the fucking badass return of Mega Man that I was hoping we'd get Yeah, so I'm still waiting on on fucking mega Jesus
Starting point is 00:55:28 The only the only thing that I'll say that I'm really like thrilled about this is and I'm sure all of you know this and are annoyed by it But I love being pissed about something. Yeah feeling righteous about it. Yeah, you do and this is gonna power me For a long. Oh, no No, the fact that you said I wish I shat on it sooner Betrays everything about what you like in life. Well, I wanted to like this Then like you like you lamented like I had played the beta and I was like, I'm not happy with this right now I'm glad that I'm not happy with it right now Because if it had turned out like worse or the same then I would have been even more
Starting point is 00:56:11 Devastated later if I had never touched him be like I'm gonna play that launch and I'll be really happy. I'm sure I will you would have had that Inkling I Like I at least have that inkling where I'm like, okay I'm not gonna go like balls in like oh, she's a can't wait. I can't wait when then be disappointed It would have been worse and then that's not a sight against my number nine in particular It's about any form of media. Yeah, you get it. You know, so Hey, Luke, great. What did you think of mighty number nine? What's the difference between now and
Starting point is 00:56:40 Now one was one was the past and at the time that you said it both were the presence slightly But then one was the one you said the first one the second one was in the future Okay, this is a trick of the mind. No, it's not. What about now though? Is that that's the past? So what you're saying is the future is not know the note. It's okay. Hold on. We can time it. We can time it Okay, no, no, no, it's still the present. Okay. Where are you going with this? I'm a good star trick episode I'm saying that we're having a hard time getting to the future. We're trying to nail it down Oh, it's so easy to get to the future. Just right here. No, it's taking seconds to get But I'm trying I'm trying to like acknowledge it and the moment you acknowledge it. It's already the present
Starting point is 00:57:24 And then it's the fucking past because the light signals in your brain It fucking sucks. It's really hard. Are we selling a timeshare? What's going on? Yeah, well, we're not because we apparently fail and fucking get into the future We're not doing it future right now, but the good old boys. No, you're not over at loot crate have figured it out Oh, I don't understand. How loot crate comes to your month every box comes to your month every box Straight to your did you mean comes to your box every month straight to your Door every door this box of months. Yes, correct. It's a box of months because it contains the future There you are the future Conan. Why yes, that's a save right there
Starting point is 00:58:10 So one day we'll get to that year until then still not we'll get that loot crate the July loot crate is futuristic It's got all the futuristic stuff from like Jensen Okay, I have a I have a question willie and this is very important I might not have an answer now when I when I I have this deathly fear of the future And my fear is that when I open the box a laser beam will shoot out and blind me and burn out my What's the likelihood of that? Well, I just like that that simpsons episode with with spinal tap is my vision Is that going to happen with these loot crates? Yeah, well, I'm not saying it's gonna happen because it probably won't happen
Starting point is 00:58:50 Okay, if it does you're not using your eyes anyway, your eyes are shit doesn't matter All you need for a loot crate is your hands really tell you what you head on down to loot crate comm All right, you enter the promo code super look at comms last super you enter the promo code super You save three bucks on your new subscription and that subscription this month gets you a futuristic crate future Including Rick and Morty stuff future Rama stuff Star Trek stuff man man stuff value comic stuff Star Trek stuff a Lot of that's in the future all of that future stuff I bet you there'll be like some form of thing that is like the Star Trek logo like the little badge they wear Try quarter. No, that's the thing that they use that what it was a call. Yeah, hey, man
Starting point is 00:59:31 I'm holding a tricorder in my phone in my right hand to your head. Fuck. This is gonna be a great day Well, if you want a greater day get that futuristic box, but that greater day won't be today it'll be in the future and and and and Well, yeah, yeah, I my future is now in the future, but it's not now future is no that's the past That's the past the future is that's the past you can never be in the future But you can secure your future right now By heading down to loot crate comm slash super and using the promo code super
Starting point is 01:00:04 Yeah, to save three dollars three dollars in your new subscription. We're thanking you in the future loot crate. Thank you Thank you. No, that's the past. Damn it. Thank in five seconds from now. Thank you. Oh Oh, that's how you do it or you can mail something mailing is like in there you go. Okay? Okay, all right. That was interesting Before we move on I actually do need to say one last thing and you may you both clearly think it's stupid But I need to say it and if you are a person that listened to me talk in the podcast or on my Twitter or whatever and my Enthusiasm for mighty number nine or reposting that image of like Beck and Mega Man looking at the moon I remember reposting that if that influenced you to back that Kickstarter and you are now disappointed
Starting point is 01:00:52 I am sorry my bad. I Will try not do that tweet at Pat how much money you put into the game and he will personally refund you That's good Then your Pat will personally refund you You have to give him a screenshot So here's the thing you're laughing if I instead of being like enthusiastic about it told people to go and do that I would have to seriously consider. Oh, come on Pat
Starting point is 01:01:29 That's a bit much for anyone. I think come the fuck on Dude, well, I saw a guy on people could take you for a super ride. Well. No that's really editing pictures Well, okay, so the second the second part of that would be to like if we lived in a world in which they can firm You can't now blame yourself and painless. No listen I have I've gotten hyped up about multiplayer games with a friend of mine or whatever And we've bought them and they've turned out to be terrible after I like sold them on the idea of me playing that multiplayer Okay, and I have absolutely offered to pay for that game for them because it's my fault that they wasted the money Well a few weeks ago on our subreddit someone said like oh shit, you're not going RTX
Starting point is 01:02:14 I specifically bought a ticket to go because I thought and I'm like, yeah, sorry didn't work out And I offered I'll pay you back So let's think because like I you like like Pat said they specifically spent money to see us and then you backed out It didn't work. It didn't work out. So then I feel so Let me give you like a much like less crazy sounding example Willie. Yeah, your phone's gone off That's it's like I'm gonna I'm gonna try and and get the misses in the monster hunter Just try right but part of that is me buying her a copy, right? So that if she doesn't like it
Starting point is 01:02:50 she just Either gives me the copy back and I give it something or whatever so that her money is not wasted on something that I Like nudged for okay now here's the I mean this can go a lot of ways But you know we've there's a lot of time we brought up crowdfunding a lot of the time. Yeah, sometimes it's a bust We've been excited for bad games, too. It's happened, right? Yeah, no crowdfunding aside just like oh that looks good Oh boy, I hope yaiba is good. Oh, so every no one said that I mean Matt said you I hope to I did not say no, it was Willie. It was Willie. Yeah, I hope yeah, it was good Yaiba is the best game with Beck in it. There's a there's a real cynicism slash
Starting point is 01:03:34 Positivity slant if you cut this room into pieces, so I think that's Noticing that all the listeners Matt and I are just waiting for things to be I'm not I'm not I don't wait for them I'm always hopeful, but I'm quick to turn around on that On the scale of optimism to pessimism. I think it goes Liam wooly Matt Pat I think that's I think they're that's pretty accurate. I think you and I just flip some time Yeah, I know a little bit you and matter close to the middle and me and Liam are farther out to the other sides But yeah, that all that to say it's like like is every single time that you've
Starting point is 01:04:12 Brought up a Kickstarter and that you've been positive about it Like do you take responsibility of someone that your enthusiasm to heart why after mighty number nine started to look bad? I started become very cool when we talk about Kickstarter. Well, we always definitely do say hey man check it out That's that's that make an informed decision That's when I started to like because I remember I put Facebook posts up about pillars of eternity when that was happening Because I was like this is slam dunk and I don't do that anymore. I don't do that on my Twitter anymore I don't do that because of money number nine because I I Well, I mean, I think like the furthest
Starting point is 01:04:48 I'm like we're I'm comfortable pushing it is like with like indivisible for example where it's like This looks like a slam dunk. I there's a demo There was a demo that you feel it. Yeah, you know those guys there's a team. They made a good-ass game before this I trust them. I really want this game to happen. So I'm gonna like go out and say like yeah Yeah, that's on the that's on the line like any farther than that. It would have been uncomfortable But that's on the right side of that. We're promoting and there's a demo and we either talk about the demo on the podcast We do an actual video Yeah, and if someone can either look at that video of us playing this demo in its entirety or
Starting point is 01:05:24 Download themselves and if they then make it like that that's their decision after that point You literally have something you can tactile Feel and touch whereas when there's a Kickstarter when there's nothing and we're just like all this is really cool But there's like, you know that then you it's take my word And to twist this whole thing around in one final screw here One last screw What if someone loved the fuck out of mighty number nine then they're dumb But what if someone hated shit out of shovel night? Would you give that show tonight back or a refund?
Starting point is 01:06:02 No, they're idiots That's so yeah, so the is the emotional cutoff point for the refund no refund. It's reality What's the meta score line? What's the personal overunder? You know like is it like like because what I'm saying is I don't like I may maybe this is Pat being crazy. I literally don't under the disc. Why would I cater to idiots and crazy people? Because it's based on opinions now. It's not that's because that's what it is though Right and then we get to the gray level where it's like it was not awful. It was not great It was in the middle. No, someone takes it worse than others. No is that guy entitled? Well, that's what what apparently is happening with mighty number nine
Starting point is 01:06:44 But what's happening is there's a piece of shit that exists and some people seem to like the taste of shit When when I don't I don't agree and I also think the reviews don't agree and I also think I Think you're projecting. I'm just I'm just trying to point out that like because people's tastes also differ Some people like the taste of shit in their mouth. It gets more ridiculous the more we go down this road You know it breaks apart further because it doesn't break apart for me when the game I'm 100% certain all the time when mighty number nine launch I made that Twitter post saying hey everyone just play the best Mega Man homage game ever and I just showed a picture of Shaw like wooly like I got like a thousand retoot or whatever, but I did you're hot on the meme train. Yeah
Starting point is 01:07:23 As like Sonic the Hedgehog as well, you know, yeah, yeah, yeah hot on the hate Well because it's trouble nights a better game So but I got some comments saying wow the worst game I played last year cool Yeah, I'm not gonna play that meaning shovel night. So yeah, what am I supposed to say to that? Yeah, that person is locked down on on that whatever train that is and there was a lot of There was a lot of premature people that were like that didn't touch the game that we're already writing it out Well, they don't get me wrong. I'm very envious of your soft palates like appreciability for shit, but
Starting point is 01:08:03 Like let's not be crazy here. Yeah, let's not be crazy Yeah, it's just again It's like when when like the spectrum comes down to the way someone feels about something and then you attach monetary value to that Holy shit. Did anyone else have a week? We did. It's true. We did and we're running kind of long Let's get to it. Shall we unfortunately the original mighty number nine conversation got eaten up So some of it spilled over into some of it spilled over into this one. That is the truth You got you got two weeks worth of the mighty number nine All right, well, I guess I'll take it then
Starting point is 01:08:37 Okay, like I I I play you just don't want to I play the base game for another hour Where I finish on the demo. I'm like I do not want to continue this because my opinion will not I don't think it'll get better. So I'll just stop. I'll tell you the same thing I said to Pat which is maybe just skip to the DLC stage with Ray because it's the best one Character but that'll probably like actually make me more upset because then my mentality will be like Again, if you recall when like my number nine was like starting up one of my few criticisms at the stars like I don't like the way This main character looks at all. He looks kind of like a little dick Like a little prick. I don't like his face. Wait, do you mean like I
Starting point is 01:09:23 Remember you're never liking Beck and I I remember always liking Beck's design He looks like a little asshole like he doesn't look like a okay Does he look like a dick or an asshole here? He looks he looks like is he a puckering? Just personality wise that in the game He like speaks just like Mega Man acts just like Mega Man or whatever But it's design-wise. I'm still thinking looks like a little jerk conversely. I think Role plays worse than Beck and it's not fun. Yeah, she's kind of She's a gimmick character. Call is not fun to use
Starting point is 01:09:55 And that too sucks. No, she she definitely like reeks of gimmick character where it's just like, okay She's here cuz we could you can float jump. I'm done No, and she has a shield instead of all fine lower gun. It's different. It is different, but Different and less fun woolly. We go to well You're the one. Yeah, my number nine. How do you how do what do you feel about money number nine? The rest of my time The rest of my time was spent doing a couple things a lot of my time was invested into fucking Underground
Starting point is 01:10:34 Boxer is fun. He's enjoyable. He feels like you're swinging around a sack of pennies boxers ridiculous like yo feels good I His normals aren't all there though They can't be there. They could like well, but what you need is there. Yeah, your tools got he's got enough to the point Where I'm picking him up. Okay, and he's he's an alt because he fixes a bunch of Nikali Problems, and it's funny that yeah, a lot of the only players like not just PR rock because of the name but also like Brian F and like a couple other dudes like Nikali players are Gravitating towards baron because he has range on his fucking
Starting point is 01:11:15 He doesn't have fucking dinosaur limbs, right? So like you're like I'll T rex arm. Yeah little like You don't have that problem and it fixes a bunch of matchup issues you have with people that outrange you so like I'm definitely Putting work in with him to have him ready as an alt I Fucking can't get enough of how amazing his costumes are. Yeah, I can't Everything about rog is like big rog is having the quickest not quickest But like the most surprising turnaround of being like of the four Kings like he's the one I always liked the least Fighter to Vega's always my least. Oh, yeah, I don't I don't like I like Vega
Starting point is 01:11:57 but like I Street Fighter 4 Super turbo is when I'll or like I just love that HD remix that he looks like he's developing back problems because He's got a full-on hunchback going on now He's the character in the game with like the most Consistent quality on his costumes. Yes, no one else in the game has like fucking perfect on all their alts One of them is weird or another, you know, or whatever the case may be But he's fucking perfect on all of them his stage is great his music's great His super is exactly what I want but below fuck it was always my favorite one of his supers
Starting point is 01:12:38 And then Tom blow and you add in the the KKB which is the twist out of his dash punches and I'm like I didn't realize it until I'm like you get him in your hands It's like oh you turned him into Dauntless I'm in Dauntless from Rising Thunder is like the box totally absolutely girl, and I'm like now you've done that I'm super in so that's great And adding target combos to him makes him feel a lot more like Dudley than I thought was possible Yeah, yeah, yeah the one two three will jump in and one two three and then they're down and that's like the core of it Yep, absolutely and and the the KKB forward feels like a ducking forward with Dudley
Starting point is 01:13:17 It's the it's it's the funnest version of him even if even if it's not necessarily the best just yet No, no crouching three-frame jab, but still but and also no no no headbutt regular headbutt No regular headbutt and his answer here is not great Yeah on Street Fighter 5 while we're here in the story mode came out and we played through the story We're not gonna spoil anything coming up and Balrog and Ibuki's character stories came out Yeah, can we just talk about how Nakali is the fucking biggest jobber in the world? Yes My job here is
Starting point is 01:13:49 Characters would die do anything. He loses every time except in his character Devour cannon Is there a story can't be can because he kills people in it. Yeah, he kills dolls him in real Okay, if he Did devour people they would die. Yeah, so he's the ultimate jobber who can never win It's he's been turned into a kuma to kind of Akuma Akuma could win because he didn't like murder eat people he absorbed all those other fighters though Peter's brother. Yeah, no that guy from his intro the warrior that looked like
Starting point is 01:14:29 Ancient ogre. Yeah, the problem is that they built Nakali up to be this unstoppable beast and then they're like, I know He's gotta lose every kind of lose every fight and Nakali you've just gotta throw them all I do like that. He's made out of goo. Yeah, I do like that Oh, and I and I do like that. I still think he's awesome. Whatever story spoilers, but anyway He's gonna continue to be a thing. Oh, yeah, and I'm sure he will serve at least one purpose At some job. Yes. Yeah To the heat. No, there's gonna be something is going to job to Urian Like that is what is going to happen to that like imagine leading up to mkx
Starting point is 01:15:07 And then you play and then Kotal Kahn is in one scene and loses and node versus shows up again At least Kotal Kahn actually that that comparison feels pretty And does shit in the entirety and the story revolves around sure know how to pick a winning horse, will we? Yeah Character you pick gets pooped on by the developers speaking of pooping on How about Superman store? How about berserk 2016? Yeah, do we all want to get did we all watch the game's only coming out in 2017 That's good. I forgot to watch the episode before today. So can we talk about it? We want we can talk about it
Starting point is 01:15:50 I watched it. Honestly, there's no Spoilers nothing to say. It's first episode of a berserk at a man. What are you gonna? Oh, that's it Well, I want you to say what she said the other day about it. It's overall placement and have depth adaptations of berserk Where does it place? The the first episode the anime between oh, it's the worst version of berserk It's the worst thing you can expose that's that's not that's not the shocker that being said Not really there are still some shocking revelations and then so yeah, okay, so Everyone's like what do you what do you think about? I'm not gonna sit here and go on about Casca. I'm not yeah
Starting point is 01:16:31 It's just not gonna happen. There's not much to say. Let's say it and get it out because none of us have said it What the fuck did you do to Casca? Why is she a white person now? It's super weird and a lot of people were like no, well, it's just lighting Shot with fucking guts in the same you can go back and see the multiple versions where she's in the same Okay, no the hair is the light the hair is lighting well Yeah, but no black hair can ever appear. She's had that hair in certain shots of the original show and I'm not gonna Go out about Casca, but you guys oh so slightly like any one shade in the picker Whatever the fuck off. That's wrong. Whatever the fuck. I don't know but beyond that
Starting point is 01:17:11 I Really think that like okay the the 3d thing I'm not against it in in principle principle inherently especially when you see great examples of it Liam You showed me a fucking could kick ass one with Which is like don't yeah, and I mean I have seen other shit as well like a apple seed as well You go back and there's examples, but yeah, that's right But there's when you see stuff nowadays like you look at this Star Fox anime that Nintendo and you see this weird super low frame rate problem
Starting point is 01:17:44 I it bothers me so much and it's annoying because all over berserk cuz it's like I know that it like there's a cost thing going on But it's like if it's a 3d model you actually just have to render out more frames. It's not drawing more art It's just rendering more Position the model one more time. I mean it's the artistic intent where you want to go for that like authentic Like where there's only so many frames because they can they can't animate because 60 frames per second in anime The CG or in TV anime. I should say the CG show looks Better than the first berserk movies CG but worse than the last two where that that the CG in that I don't know what it was, but progressively it got better not to the point where I'm like, yes
Starting point is 01:18:28 Perfect, but it got better especially in the third movie and I feel this is like Is deliberate artistic choice such as the lighting and on the grain in the shadows on guts and on everything like the Yeah, I like that part of it. I like that part. I mean, I know what they're going for but it looks too digital Yeah, like I wish it doesn't look authentic. It doesn't look authentic. Yeah I'd say like maybe 10% of the show is not it's only extreme close-ups on people's faces Like when it's going into guts his eyes and you see an actual like a cel-shaded drawn thing or whatever it is It just looks better and it's only in those shots And the only thing about the CG is that it does lead to some nice camera movements. I wouldn't be possible
Starting point is 01:19:13 There's one moment where guts is rearing to take the sword out and he does it and there's one shot where I was like Oh, that's a cool shot, but unfortunately I said that in the span of one second In a 30-minute anime 22-minute anime and I said that about twice There was one shot where he's having a flashback and you see an eyeball Looking down on him and he's stuck in a little corridor and the camera did this cool movement I went that's a shot and that's the only time I think like in a world where there's stuff like the various Jojo openings preseason I was gonna bring those up I was in a world where there's like ours Nova two seasons of Knights of Sidonia lots of other stuff like the success rate from
Starting point is 01:19:51 Shot-to-shot in Berserk is very low Very and and the assets are not really the problem They're only part of it gets his noses a little weird, but ultimately it's not that it's the it's the frame rate and it's the And it's the the the frame rate thing is cuz if you want to do a high frame rate You have to have top top quality animation stuff like the the third opening for Jojo like you have to have Ridiculously high-quality animation so you don't perceive the problem First opening for Jojo is way lower frame rate on the 3d. Yeah, you'll see you when you when you see Dio Unless I'm remembering incorrectly. Yeah, he's he's choppy at points
Starting point is 01:20:26 Yeah, but like if you don't have top top notch animation and you go for a high frame rate You just get this smooth not good-looking animation right so like you know, you're fucked fucked either way You can't do top-notch animation you go for a low low frame rate aesthetic to try to capture that other aesthetic and good luck While my mind is still trying to like find like positives Someone pointed out to me. I was like, oh, yeah, I forgot about that is there's a weird sound effect That's used in the like two times guts uses the dragon slayer where it sounds like the coolest thing ever It's like this unique clunky thing that all the sound of the metal the metal there is a sound being used in like the two or three Two times use it where I was like that sounds awesome
Starting point is 01:21:09 That sounds you doesn't sound like the what was used for sword slashes in the original and yeah That's because the dragon sir wasn't really used in those but when it was here I was like, oh, that sounds cool like that that'll make me go. Yeah, do the sound fight Like I'll make me want to hear it in the future Ultimately though, I mean, you know, you can stand by and watch or you can give up from here But I think giving up now. I think that I gotta continue Berserk is never going to really get what it needs To really what and what it needs is what Jojo got is a fuck it page one
Starting point is 01:21:46 Start from scratch and put the money in yeah, and just go until infinity Yeah, it's weird that they fractured it with like, oh, let's bring Berserk back. How are we gonna do it? No one wants to watch the fucking golden age arc again Just make it fucking three movies no no and then it's like well nobody wants to watch lost children or black swordsmen But that goes straight to conviction. No, that sucks though. I don't get blocked. No, that's my sarcasm Okay, I fucking love those arcs Those arcs that people said those arcs do not progress a story for those people are idiots. No, they're right mostly
Starting point is 01:22:23 People just want it to get to Griffith Ultimately that one of them has a straight one But that's something that can be rewrote. I'm I just like that like black swordsmen Establishes like guts is freak outrage and fighting an apostle for the first time Yeah, it does and lost children establishes the context of what being an apostle means yeah after Griffith makes his decision But admittedly you don't Really need those like a lot of it can be inferred. I don't know I do I also I hate it I wish they put it in but I'm just saying and
Starting point is 01:22:57 That's why they did that and that sucks, but like it's theming not plot yeah, but I mean like Unfortunately flashbacks can cover that stuff again. I would I would rather they cover it I thought I would agree with you and black swordsmen and lost children are also where you get like fucking 14 appearances by fetus, baby Yeah, yeah, which makes this baby had one appearance of great stuff which makes it mean that like when that finally Like happens happens. You're like, oh But it's that'll be like oh that's what that fetus baby was that one time Yeah, my other sort of thing where I was like is just like I really just like the opening and endings They're there the songs are fine in literally any other anime ever
Starting point is 01:23:39 But it like it does not work for the show and like yeah wall pen pals is stupid I Associated in my head with berserk because I watched it for so long and yeah, it's stupid and yeah It doesn't make any much more sense But these were generic ass Nine-man off-forces nine millimeter paramount power bill a bullet is great and like I like them has nothing to do with berserk though I'll take it sure, but it doesn't go around today Yeah, yeah, I'll take it. Yeah, I'll just lie down and take it even visually even visually without will you turn over
Starting point is 01:24:14 Even visually without the music like they're weak openings For as cool as I think and stylistic that berserk could be yeah It's just generic that these exact same shots were in the the fucking overwatch anime trailer Yeah, note how anime opening by the new hot note how the Muso game is not associated and they came Yeah, Liam brought that up when we're talking about the other day It's like oh you notice that they were like no no the the games the totally I mean I brought that up But I also said that was before we knew the anime was kind of yeah But was it before the hot was it before they knew prop probably
Starting point is 01:24:48 Prop that they've probably been working on the game for well over a year and a half now like Hopefully that game is something berserk deserves. Yeah, um wow. I thought that was so that was all berserk That went on a wall rip fest is this was this week rip fest was amazing rib fast you go to Yep I had some ribs yesterday wasn't do the rib fest, but hey fuck it. Yeah, and you get all these places lined up And you're like, okay, they've got some ribs. They've got some ribs There's a whole lot of people crowded up at this one place and they got some ribs Mm-hmm. I'ma get in this line now when you go to rib fest
Starting point is 01:25:32 Do you have one rib from each place or what? How do you know? I went for a third of a rack on each place you just vomit after every other rat Yeah, it's like wine tasting you're at the old port you're intended to vomit off into the water into the water That's good. Let me ask you will you think this podcast is gonna go up before midnight tonight? Yeah I should point out to all of our happy u.s. People happy 4th of July Don't blow your hands off of fireworks That's a fun game you can play that Americans play today, which is like let's see how long I can hold the firework in my hand No, it's if you're inside you go was that fireworks or gunshots? Are we in Chicago?
Starting point is 01:26:06 Yeah, hey, they didn't they didn't wish us happy Canada day. They don't I got a lot They don't listen to their podcast My girlfriend didn't even know it was fucking Canada day Exactly, but they don't know so but we're nice, so we're gonna wish them Discord they asked me if Canada day was when it was a celebration of when we kicked the British out of Canada. Yeah How simple of them? Well, anyway, you gotta get out one final thing I'm sorry forgot to mention No, that the episode was saved by skeleton warriors
Starting point is 01:26:45 Weren't there was a terrible skeleton the worst like it looked worse than skeleton warriors But I still mark that Because there were skeletons who were warriors the same glowing red eyes the fucking Megabyte skeleton guy that's calcium stone based combatants. Yeah. Mm-hmm. So, yeah, I Got some tips for you. They're really simple ones. What's your tip, man? When you go to a rib fest, that's yeah line up where the crowd is That feels like it's for everything. Don't order the chicken and just get the
Starting point is 01:27:24 Because they need to give another option for people. Yeah, it's there for people that don't I don't I don't eat the ribs I'm here That rip fest and I don't like dogs. It's it's for the day attendee a dog I mean it's for the person who came with you, right? Yeah And if it person should have stayed home and if you're on the if you're on the last day chicken at the last last Stand, yeah, all the other places are shutting down. Yeah, because no one's buying there. Everyone's buying from the one good place Eyeball how many ribs they got on the grill because if you're lucky like we are you'll get the absolute last ribs at ribs Fest and the entire crowd after you gets cut off. Nice. That's fucking great
Starting point is 01:28:05 What a heel what a heel turn I have my ribs. You don't loved it I'm intentionally not gonna tell people behind me that this line is capped I remember every time I went to go line up for console the first thing I did I usually show up pretty early Yeah, and I talked to the guy and I asked how many you got how many you got and then as the line fills up I count them and when more than people show up, I will Save my spot and I will go to line site. You might want to check out another place I'm pretty sure there's only enough for the people here and I've asked every person in this line Are you buying one? Do you plan on buying one? Yeah, because I remember when I was waiting for the we
Starting point is 01:28:52 That happened right and a hundred extra people were there, but then at 6 30 a.m. The fucking parents showed up, you know that time where the fucking parents just show up like all Console and like the whole line was equipped with the knowledge that I gave them is like get out There aren't even enough for the people that are here right now You fucks you fucking parents when I went for the we there was a there was a sign on the on the window That said they had 10. Yeah, and the manager came out at some point said we have 10 We've said we do have 10 and I was the eighth and they only and then we get inside and they're like, oh, there's only six now What do you mean there's only six now? No, you know what that means, you know what that means?
Starting point is 01:29:36 Yeah, I let my buddies in before yeah, you guys got you guys guys or or us that physically work here We're there's some shit with the the worst one I've ever heard was a couple we a couple months ago on the bombcast where when Jeff goes to buy ps2 He stands outside all night for ps2 to buy for GameSpot and the fucking manager comes in Let's his buddies in first and they buy all of them and no one in the line gets a single one That's a heel that is That is not an excuse but an explanation for an escalation to violence, right? That's the preamble to violence fuck god damn, okay
Starting point is 01:30:18 Brick to window like spoiler casting game of thrones if we have time that's up to you Did you mean right now or did you mean after I can go into my room and close the door? All right, Liam. What's up, man? I played video cams all I do in my life. I played God Eater Resurrection a lot I'm quite quite far in that. It's really good on controller. It's super good I'm playing it on Vita Of course the extra buttons make a difference. I find what are L2 and R2 map to I don't know But the no but clicking in the sticks. What are those mapped to the clicking in the right stick changes the Changes opens up your items
Starting point is 01:30:57 Okay, on the on because I don't I don't remember quite vividly But I'm playing that game on the Vita and thinking like Yeah, they are mapped to buttons But they also have shortcuts the the front corners of the touchscreen, but I also I also just like the squishier or one Oh, no for sure for sure because the hold holding that down on a 3s or Vita hurts my finger No, sure. All the versions are great. Honestly the the PC I hear the PC one has a few minor issues minor issues are to be expected. Yeah, exactly But from a Japanese developer that's somewhat new to this, but hopefully they'll get that fixed up
Starting point is 01:31:30 Super good game. It has like stealth one of the best Donna Burke songs and nobody knows about it. What really really? Yeah God Eater in like the end of the second or beginning of the third chapter has one of the better Donna Burke songs in a video It's super super cool. I like that Donna Burke. Yeah, fucking great. I hope she sings on my funeral. Yeah, it'd be nice That's that's like stealth isn't Donna Burke like 10 15 years older than us probably Maybe even 20 so you're kind of saying that you hope you die young I know that's true. They keep her head in a jar. I love you. Charama. Oh, and then she'll just sing from Don't you need the Robo cop lungs too? Well, how about okay to please you I'll have her record my eulogy song now And put it into a robot. There you go problem solve and I'm like can you do this for me and I'll play in my funeral
Starting point is 01:32:18 That's great, even though you've died and I won't get you won't get paid. Yeah, and then I'll sabotage that robot But yeah, it's a it's a super fun hunting game. It's like it's fast It's definitely a lot faster than the other one closest to freedom wars and that's because it's made by I think freedom wars gets faster the better you are with the movement because you start just using the thorn to pull yourself along the ground I just mean like the swings like the the speed of the general attacks Yeah, I think the attack speed barring the hammer is faster than freedom wars because yeah, I think it's a bit faster And I guess I guess the gimmick is you have a gun that turns into a shield that turns into a Sword or whatever weapon you take. It's the God here and you've got that cool God arm got our weapon and it's super fun
Starting point is 01:33:04 It's just really fast flighty hunting game very very much an anime Focused hunting game Hunters more it's really anime like I was playing it with some people around and they were like and we were I was trying to make a Character and like Pat you look like a little girl went well Yes, but also that's anime game spirit and also you're the game that you're playing weird. Yeah. Yeah, but it's really good And I recommend it if you're if you're a European person out there though, just wait God eater to as you are used to doing God eater to rage burst comes out in like a month and a half in like yeah end of August
Starting point is 01:33:44 That's why this game's 20 bucks. Yeah, and it comes with resurrection Oh, well then yeah fucking way if you're if you're in Europe, just wait for that unless you really need it Or grab kawami kawami is a great game kawami's kawami's also unless that's not out there. I'm not sure no It's totally okay. It's out all over the place It's it's really good. Everybody's stepping it up. Yep. They fought. Yeah, sir hunter rested on its laurels for so long And now they're that everyone caught up. Mm-hmm. It's awesome It's crazy and like if if certain parties would have kept pushing. Yes, arguably be ahead. Yes, but but but yeah I played adventures of mana which got like a super stealth release last week
Starting point is 01:34:29 Which is really cool a stealth release courtesy of courtesy of Square Enix people I square Enix. Yeah, but I don't know if I should say too much more about the details No, I mean courtesy of a little push by Liam. I well I helped for sure I know more details than that actually why I mean, you know, yeah, we did that cool vote Vita or I did that cool vote Vita Yeah, we did like last winter or something and I'm glad because I know that did go into it coming out Which is really really good for you, buddy. It's very gratifying Um game super good. It's a so do you know? Oh, that's refer that's a relief. I yeah Like everybody
Starting point is 01:35:11 Oh god, it's mighty well, it was already out in Japan. So it was a safe. It was a safe bet, right? You know, yeah So do you know? Final fantasy legend on the Gameboy. Yeah. Yeah, so it's that one where you start in the Coliseum and you fight the big cat I'm thinking a mystic quest number one. Yeah, so in Europe. It's called mystic quest fuck But it's not those are the mana games But it's not to be confused with final fantasy mystic quest, which is a different game Those are the secret of mana games that yeah, it's exactly but in the West they're like no We'll call it something else because they the westerners won't know what a mana is 90s square
Starting point is 01:35:44 But it was the first just the best the best at naming things But it was like the first mana game and now they finally like changed the name back to Adventures of mana as opposed to keeping it final fantasy adventure or some shit like that It is a like staggeringly faithful recreation of the game It's not a reimagining in any way Everything seems to be like tile by tile polishing. Yeah, it seems like they did Retranslate it which is fine. They did but they did well. Yeah, I would hope so. Yeah a bit better than Gameboy standards of localization Which is nice
Starting point is 01:36:19 But those were the days. Yeah But there's a certain satisfaction to the game where it's one of those older titles that's extremely cryptic And you've really just got a figure shit out So like you buy an axe early in the game, and you're like, oh, it's a decent weapon. Yeah, maybe I won't use it Well read the item description. It says you can cut down trees with it. That's a big deal Oh that kind of game where you've always got to be like really paying attention to what you've got your head on the top of Deborah Cliff. Yeah, yeah Take the gem and crouch in front of the cliff to stop the whirlwind. Not quite that cryptic. No. Well, no, okay
Starting point is 01:36:56 It's definitely a game from that era remade very like caringly for New new platforms. I think one of the coolest features as well as on the fly You can change the soundtrack between the original Gameboy soundtrack. Yeah, like just hit a button Yeah, pretty much you just you go onto the menu and it's like a press away after that. Yeah And the it's really nice because it's like lossless really nice quality Gameboy soundtrack and the new soundtrack is fully orchestrated and it's very it's actually very good one of the best parts of the game I think they just patched that into the iOS and Android version when this one came out. So So that's out. Yeah, it's super good. Go check it out. All the versions are good
Starting point is 01:37:39 You get buttons with one of them and you don't want the others, but they're all good. So yeah Do you need the buttons? I'd say it plays better with them On the Vita you can still use all the touch stuff and I tried and I was like, okay, but why why the sticks just better The last game I played for a significant amount was zero escape three zero time dilemma How many endings? so far Three I'm getting very very close to the end and like the culmination of like three games and like 70 hours worth of Storytelling is like coming to a head and it's it's really good already really really satisfying game. I
Starting point is 01:38:19 Can't wait to see how it ends. I'm just not there yet But if you haven't played the others go play the others just just do it Would you label those as required reading? No, really? I think the most really? I think the most interesting thing about all the zero escape games is they do a very good job of catching you up. I Would say you don't need to read or play the previous ones But you should yeah, because they will effectively spoil the previous games But like the way the characters are divided in this game because the the main setting which is like in all the trailers This is not a spoiler is that the nine characters are divided into three groups
Starting point is 01:38:56 Yeah, sure and one group will recap for you what happened in 999 Because one group will recap before you would happen in VLR and the other group is the new guys new guys That's where the new generation It handles it. That's why I've been avoiding even seeing a single screen shot of this game Yeah, it's like I don't want to know I will see not dead characters Yeah, and you'll be like how'd that happen like It makes me think of Danganronpa where it's like simply looking at the cast somewhat can be a problem Although it does take place before VLR. So you know what?
Starting point is 01:39:30 Just but I just mean like so even if they die in VLR, they would still be alive before yeah, but you know what yeah I I'm Unshocked by that revelation. Yeah Can you would you be able to play them in chronological or that fuck it all up? You mean oh I Don't see why not but if you've got access to all three just play them really this is so uncertain Just play them in no you could but just play them in release order. Yes, Lee Like if you're really desperate just skip to the third I'll you play them. I don't see anything about this. Is this the classic like point and point and click
Starting point is 01:40:06 It's just around the room solve solve your room puzzles and then in on lieu of Visual novel segments. There are long cutscenes That are just cutscenes fully voiced Oh So is it not as much a visual novel anymore? It's the same difference Do you have a move like it's the difference between pictures and text and the pictures moving and talking you know It's the same difference. You like is it 3d and you have the ability to move around in the room. No, no, no It's not 3d anymore. It is 3d. Okay, you don't have the ability you never had the ability to move
Starting point is 01:40:38 You could know you rotate the camera no in VLR You could totally there were rooms you would get dumped in that had multiple sub rooms that you could move around Oh, well, yeah, you'd tap and you'd go that's that's what I thought you meant like actually direct control. Okay. Yeah, no Yeah, it's the same thing. Does it bring back the the feature that the 999 had in which you touch something and you can see outlines of the selectables It's a lot easier to see the selectable items because in VLR that was a that's why the Environments were often very sparse so that but I I still had a couple times. Yeah. Oh, that was a different thing in this game I've never run across that yet. We're like everything's pretty clearly like sitting next to something currently as of the time we're recording this is not
Starting point is 01:41:18 Doesn't work with Vita TV, but Apparently it's getting a patch. Yeah tomorrow. I was gonna say that sounds like a bug because they had announced it would know But I apparently the patch is coming like today or tomorrow. Okay. Well good that they're putting that out But it's good fucking stellar game. They announced Anime Expo that 999 and VLR are coming to more platforms Good because I want to have them all on my PC the yeah, so the the the leaks and Assumptions allude to VLR on PC 999 on Vita and steam. So that being said, I think Great, I feel like 999 is the perfect like bus game
Starting point is 01:41:57 Yeah, they all was great for transit. Yeah It's a Fucking stellar so far so far. Let me ask you when you beat VLR. Did you like VLR more than 999? Um About the same how much how is this shaping up so far about the same? Okay, cuz I Didn't beat VLR obviously got the most of the way through it, but I ended up liking 999 a lot more Okay, I like well, I like it's it's stupid, but I just the 2d Difference for me it is very different
Starting point is 01:42:27 Yeah, and and that that that click on it and all the outlines select all the things like That's awesome. Sure. Yeah, that thing was great. Also. I like junko a lot of not junko Jim pay a lot more than Sigma Sigma. Yeah, you get that you actually have to get further though. I know. Yeah, I know Okay So let's start out with the thing we are one hour and 40 minutes in Let's start out with the things that are time-sensitive as far as news of the world goes. Okay. Who's of the world brexit? Let's do it. All right What they did what why? Oh, that's okay. Oh, well that right? What do you mean? He's resigning. Yeah, that's fun, huh?
Starting point is 01:43:11 Our prime minister just ran away Whoops There you go war with that's that's the podcast. Yeah, uh So first time sensitive point is that on the 22nd of July of July that's this month The final splat fest is happening and really it was all leading to this It's all coming to a head the whole game the whole design What a long con just everything was put together so that we would get the final splat fest Which team are you on team Cali or team Mary? Stop? Yep
Starting point is 01:43:47 We're not talking on a moment the same way that we weren't talking about brexit because that would only end in Unhappy people. We are also not going to be talking about religion or your splat fest voting decision It's very simple when William and I talked about this a few days ago. We were like look I'm not gonna say type something you're you're gonna have to be talking or not gonna say anything Because if I say something or you say something You might just kick me out of your house or I might kick you out of yours. We don't know frankly We don't want to know we cannot say this is a secret vote. It is a secret vote We cannot say a secret whoa. Yeah, you did secret vote
Starting point is 01:44:29 We are not going to say what the truth is Because quite right now, you know You know the truth, but friendships will end. Uh-huh shields will be shattered I don't I don't know how we're to go from here. So I think we just need to move on move on I need to know what these characters even look like. I do that one thing to say on it and Kind of a bummer that this is the last one like I understand feels soon I understand not doing more content updates because like, you know We know NX is coming early next year and it seems like the writing is clearly splattered on the wall that
Starting point is 01:45:04 Splatoon is going to be on the NX as soon as humanly possible Because like well, he is completely fail me. Well, I know They're stopping splat fest so early, you know Okay, which which one of these is who who is who it doesn't matter because It's like explaining to your grandfather what Pokemon is Marie the green one where it's okay. No, tell me We're moving on. Tell me who is who don't worry. We'll get our kid stuff off your lawn grandpa The green one looks way better here pass pass you should vote for the green one. Okay, so we're moving on Now Splatoon stupid
Starting point is 01:45:42 That way to sell your of your choice there. Yeah Anyway, right all your hate mail for me at super best friendcast at Willy will have to read it. That's I won't really you will get a chuckle though out of people saying that I'm stupid I might get a chuckle, but I'll tell you what I did get a chuckle out of I mean, we you know, we enjoyed And and loft and loft at legend of Titan That man that poor man that wrote in from China to tell us about the Chinese industry, right? We're not utter disappointment because as we talk about Splatoon, how can we not talk about split the the the Chinese flat the Chinese Splatoon mobile game. I believe known as
Starting point is 01:46:30 Is it not called tune splat? No, it's not called to what you got a it's called sepia go and Here's the fucked up part you go look up footage of this thing and it looks decent It looks like they really just made a mobile that sucks So you got to go look up color wars if you want to see how deep the whole there's that there was that Should we just that was like pre splatoon should we just create a new segment? That's just like China bootleg China. Don't China don't China gives no fuck. I don't care. Yeah, and I don't care So so you got China your parents are very disappointed in you now never Parents are yelling at you my boy is perfect
Starting point is 01:47:11 sepia go you can oh that protection a ton of footage on this and Not like there's no attempt to pretend anything. They don't give a fuck. They're using the logo They're fucking underpass stage, and they just like ripped out the middle of the stage They're just like lipping the asses. They also have the overworld It's raw and it's there. It's wrong everything everything. It's nothing Again the most insane and disappointing thing is that you had the talent to do this You know what's really cool squandered talent everyone enjoys that? That's great. Like we ourselves are swan takes a lot to rip something off this thoroughly
Starting point is 01:47:53 You know it fucking really does it's thorough, but like it's got issues clearly But I mean can't be a squid in the air in that game You can't you just you just splat to the ground immediately. There's there's actual That's trash, dude. They really didn't understand the appeal of the kid or squid dynamic I'm just sorry. I'm just saying it's trash. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I agree. It's fucking like make your own shit I was like I was gonna take a flight to China to play that you know what the response to that is Liam This is our own shit. We invented this all from scratch. Yeah What are you talking about? Yeah, they ripped this all he does look like Ryu. Yeah
Starting point is 01:48:36 Jesus is he's a man like you What else we got Skullgirls to deadly airport coming to Okay, but you got a segue to go off of that. Yes, I do better he does because at a x They announced that Skullgirls mobile is coming man looks great It really takes them like groups like that or y'all club or whatever to go Hey, how about we not do the dumb lazy thing and instead actually do something that's a bit more interesting It's actually interesting because they didn't Another company approached them. Oh and made this and blew them away. I just assumed that's how it went
Starting point is 01:49:17 I didn't know that some people do the dumb lazy thing and just say they were like well We we we we tried to win them over with deadly airport and they didn't care for no But these guys seem to have killed it and like Ravadrath on neogaf. He's he's one of the members. Oh really? Yeah, no, yeah, I worked with he worked with them. I believe he Skullgirls for a while Yeah, I know I believe he does work with them on it. Yeah He was posting about it and how like it looks perfect the animations are perfect. There's no No concessions made. Yep. So so really keen hidden variable studios is the name of the guys That name and that's great
Starting point is 01:49:58 The lab zero team is gonna be co-developing with them. Good. Yeah You know and what it looks like they're doing is a game that it's like a not quite fighting game It's more like an RPG And there's sort of an active time battle and you've got What seemed to be cooled down on three attacks in a very rising thunder kind of way or no It's it's it's like the Mortal Kombat mobile game, but like faster and better. Okay. It's like a fighting game You tap to attack you use two fingers to grab and block You you go up to launch it like they put out the controls and everything. There's about this. There's three specials
Starting point is 01:50:35 Those are your like assist cards that you put in and shit. Yeah, but they said it was like a fighting game I just I saw the words RPG thrown out around a lot as well. We'll have RPG elements I'll pull up the the raven drath post I'm not mistaken in the in the in the major and all the in all the posts that they were talking about the RPG Elements specifically here distills the essence of a complex fighting game into a more casual accessible mobile experience with RPG elements Yeah, RPG elements will have lovely instrument progression customization deck building a fight assist feature and a more turn-based tactical role in combat So it apparently actually complements the story on the console game as well that's cool act and it acts as a prequel so
Starting point is 01:51:22 It's that's you know, like all right, you're trying something out and it's not just the fucking lazy drop, right and Everyone's reading to try and catch up here instead of listening and that's okay. No, I'm posting on Twitter But I'm just like I don't know what to tell you Yeah here swipe does a dash attack swipe back does back dash Tapping does combos swipe up does a launcher tapping in the air does an air combo swipe down knocks them out of the air Holding a finger does a charge attack holding two fingers Swiping two fingers is thing with like all the fighting games on touches that they're awful Like I played I played the moral common one. I played like whatever and like that fighter vault was like shut up
Starting point is 01:52:04 No, it was you it could it would I play more Every now and then I get you yeah The Ravadrath saying they feel like they've got in a place where it's better and faster than MKX and like he said like Whereas that one doesn't really feel like MKX this game does still feel like skull girls. So I don't know I'm still willing to trust lab zero for a little while By the work that these guys yeah, exactly, you know, I assume so but like that's usually my main problem The couple fighting as a player on mobile like wow, this is not nearly as fun or I feel like I have zero control Over the triple ages of Viking well
Starting point is 01:52:44 What else we got in the world this week well quite so that we can we can continue on that fighting game train Fighting games a couple of the things going on in the fighting game world fighting games are dead moving on one We've got the announcement that EVO 2016 is gonna be on ESPN 2. Yeah fantastic the topic right street fighter top eight Yeah, yeah, sir. Absolutely. That sucks. I wish they'd just show dumb side turnies instead. Yeah One day Matt one day this was a Jackie Chan fist of fire on ESPN 2 this was a deal Brokered by Capcom specifically clearly and make sense. So they may I wonder if it'll do numbers at all. Yeah, like we'll find out I mean, it's ESPN 2 It's still like a nice little feather in Capcom's cat. Yep. Oh for sure and and the cannon brothers and
Starting point is 01:53:33 All those guys we've also got the confirmation that Kanzuki's Beach is banned and training stage is super bad now I spoke to somebody last night who who said the phrase I don't understand why stages are banned So I feel that it states very so I feel like we need to be clear on this The Kanzuki Beach stage is banned for what may be the most obvious reason. I've ever fucking seen yeah Anything on the floor in the water can't be seen in the water part if you throw down birdies items You can't see them. You can't see them and and and jury when what she comes out her fireball For and Dawson's fire and they they've got to do something about that because that's just modders already changed it
Starting point is 01:54:16 They took out the wave effect. It looks great. Sorry. I just mean Capcom. Yeah. No, I mean I fully expect a Visual just the visibility because I like the idea of the water. Yeah, it's a beautiful. It looks fantastic His can is invisible And the training stage is for the reasons that I ranted and it's not and and I really because of that Yes, and well, let's think if this is alongside the announcement that Willie just made that the game will be shown on ESPN 2 It's like training stage is viewer poison. It it makes for a bad viewing. I don't see any other reason to get rid of it, frankly Because all the reasons you two got both gave me about the spacing all that that was all accurate now I just agreed. Yeah, exactly. That was all it was. So that's one of the few times
Starting point is 01:55:02 I'll ever go like no you guys are right, but I don't care Yeah, you know and and it goes hand-in-hand with the the Ibuke and Balrog Decisions as well in that it's like this this year or rather not this year But these decisions are all based on spectators and not so much like people to have the best experience watching which is totally Yeah, that's fine. Um, it's definitely a change in in feel But that being said training stage was banned at fucking Capcom pro cup and it was still all over the place So well, we will see right right. We will see what the level of enforcement Are they gonna are they gonna stop Grand Finals two seconds after that point to it go back exactly well
Starting point is 01:55:42 It's I haven't honestly mr. Wizard and the cannons are kind of like they will Wizard wizard like to my big shocker remember we had that argument on the podcast like that a week after that like mr Wizard was on Twitter like screaming about it like to get rid of it like he hates the training stage shit I imagine someone I imagine before top eight and they're like guys. You're gonna be on TV Someone will go and talk to them and go listen Don't Nothing bad will happen to you if you do right But what can come on but your car might be key and you come back to it
Starting point is 01:56:18 I May lie down on top of you and you will not be able to escape On the other side you'll have to sit next to Marne. Oh, no And then he's like oh no, I'm talking to Marne On the other side of the fence. We've got the killer instinct If you're interested in Shaping the future of the killer instinct cast even if you're not the buff Kim woo You can still go in there. No and say that you want Zubaz in the game
Starting point is 01:56:54 No, no, no, there is a field just for that you could you could I did even if you don't like have any like care for killers Or whatever do a favor for your old pal mad if you have a time Go in and vote for the actual real character. That's just described as love crafty in And vote for him But because that's the coolest. We're not trying to rig the vote. We're trying I am we're trying to tell you about the cast And don't tell no way to wait a second. Okay. Remember my whole spiel about personal responsibility and Kickstarter all that shit That does not apply to vote rigging. I will gladly help rig votes So here's the fun part about this specific survey. Yeah, what if you vote twice and attempt to rig it your original answers get
Starting point is 01:57:40 Don't vote twice. Yeah, just everyone within the sound of our voice a vote for Make sure to have the link in the description for for this podcast for people They also ask you honestly like how much you play the game. Yeah all the time I'm a console player on all the costumes now some of the other choices in here that you can select from you can select from Lovecraft Ian Archer The Archer was a good one Joanna dark Joanna dark crack down agent halo grunt and halo root Know what that means? Fuck all of that vote for love crafty in now
Starting point is 01:58:18 I'm gonna be really pissed if he wants and it's just some guy and It's just like an investigator on Cthulhu my less Part of his mechanic is that you have to jump around getting agility orbs to make your character move fast That would be so I don't like I don't I just pre-placed around the stage. Yeah, I don't like We're sandbagging Eagle because that was an answer to Eagle and Idol are both in there wait Was it the idol the character? They've been begging Microsoft to put in Thunder's brother look here's the thing that group of characters one of them will be the character
Starting point is 01:58:57 That's going to be revealed this month in July So one of those is a fake character one of those is already locked in for this month And I think the other choices are for everything is live. It's probably idol. It's probably Eagle Idol is the only one left. It's probably actually shadow orchid cuz Probably shadow. I really hope it's not I hope it is but I also hope I want it to be the fucking other ice guy I can't remember his name. Oh Calvin that sounds dope That is so good anyway, so that's going on in vote for life. I agree with Matt to lose cool
Starting point is 01:59:38 And then because we're just we're flying all around all around I found something that's really interesting. I think anyone who is Struggling with this game might enjoy this the spectators guide to ultimate Marvel versus Capcom 3 This is a This is a short little Google doc that'll basically break down what you're seeing And why you're seeing it and what the meta is at the of the game currently So if you've no idea what the fuck is going on, but you have any I'm looking this up right now You should not because I don't know because I need to know you should check it out to see what's been happening
Starting point is 02:00:19 And more importantly like what it comes down to with competitiveness, right? because the game has more or less cemented into a touch of death state yeah of death and The the excitement comes from like almost like the failed touch touches of death the drops that result in drops that result in gameplay So if you want to if you want to learn more, I suggest I highly suggest you check this out It's a fun little write-up that man is throwing an arcade stick. Yeah, this is part of the process If you want to find out why like he's congratulating the other player Like certain certain characters that were just completely not able to keep up until someone discovered tech for them Like isn't x23 who has got something called a 300%
Starting point is 02:01:04 Which is if she lands one touch on you and you don't fail your execution you have won the game That's strong if you do fucking love it. It's really strong fucking love it You can see here that the player has removed a knife from his pocket and placed it next to the screen This is an interesting part of the meta makes his opponent nervous easier to drop combos part of the mating process We saw that quote from a few weeks ago where Marvel like People specifically in charge of Marvel video games are like we know people love Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and we're always looking at it and we might There's we're listening Guys name, but this is yeah
Starting point is 02:01:42 There's a new guy in charge of Marvel games and he's like basically going like yo Marvel I'm here. He seems like a huge badass Get the monster hunter in and I'll care There's okay So I freaked out on Twitter a little while ago about the four gamer interview with Neo G and the King of Fighters 14 Yes, you did in which they talked about Garo Mark of the Wolves 2 and showed off some Of the game that every time I hear that there's a little piece of my soul that dies well I forgot to say remember I told you I had an interview with I had not I had but I had a
Starting point is 02:02:16 Magazine with an interview with the head guy that worked on like pretty much every fatal fury and Korean Garo Mm-hmm, and he told some interesting facts like he just gave a breakdown of like every game Where he was like fatal fury one and two and especially special were huge like great things we loved We hated fatal fury 3 the reason why that game is so bad is because we were halted for months in development Because of an earthquake that happened in Japan Yes, and then he talked about Garo and I forgot to mention that in that he said yeah We were actually doing some stuff for Garo too, and this is before these sprites came out I was like oh cool. We didn't eat a little tidbit. I didn't know that they got that far in development
Starting point is 02:02:53 So then these sprites came out like ah Yeah, now this interview dropped some fucking bombs and it was really like as well first of all the madman's cafe translated it God bless the madman's cafe been on the internet since 1991 1994 1 1994 no no I'm making a joke like they've been no well They've been on the internet since before but some people were no the logo on the website Serving game news Fred off fresh off the grill since 1994. It's fucking it's literally at the top of their page They've been they've always been around And they've always got the freshest King of Fighters news. What a crazy thorough interview amazing super fun
Starting point is 02:03:32 They go through all this shit They they even talk about the fact that like the oh in the Playmore logo was the shape of a patchy slot metal Everyone thought it was a globe or a basketball, but it's it was actually a patchy slot metal, huh? Okay, no one on the team knew about this They had no idea it was a lot. Yeah, and so like they're there. Yeah, I don't think any of us or anyone really Put that no yeah, and so they're like now they're like now They're all like you know fuck patchy slot we're going back to our roots Yeah, old logo all the good shit from the from the past and whatnot
Starting point is 02:04:05 So they describe exactly what the mentality was going with 3d on KOF 14 and like because we had some cheap We had some conjecture about like you know China getting involved and stuff like that China's like steal a bunch of characters from overwatch They straight up say that the reason why they went with three way that Look at the Street Fighter 5 mods, right? Every character getting modded at this point they decided to go with 3d specifically because They wanted to read the market five ten years into the future and everyone realized that like if they started challenging 3d now They'd get the experience to make good 3d games later
Starting point is 02:04:40 I have a question if you can tell me if it's in the interview if you gleamed it at all King of Fighters maximum impact 3 was announced for the ps3 and 360 to have existed and been in development and then it just went away and I know it makes us all a little bit sad but the best-selling King of Fighters game is Maximum impact on the ps2 and it seemed like they were gonna go full throttle with that before that game Do you remember what came what was announced prior? While at no at the exact same time that King of Fighters 12 got announced And we saw the first footage of King of Fighters 12 with the new glorious sprites Yeah, we also saw a little screenshot and a logo that said King of Fighters maximum impact regulation a2
Starting point is 02:05:25 Mm-hmm that went nowhere We never heard another word about it Maybe we're then we heard maximum impact 3 which is the rebranding of the same thing and then it just went away again and We can assume it's cancelled because the new kf is 3d. Obviously, but like I like do you know if like didn't bring it up? Okay, did bring it up. I've always wondered why that they brought up world heroes though, man. Fucking yeah, right? They did. No, I Wouldn't yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if like they they once for you Took some of what they built on a firm maximum impact 3 and put it towards 14. Sure
Starting point is 02:06:00 They wanted to use like Andy they wanted to use unreal but unfamiliarity and a couple of other issues with like learning the engine Were they decided they were not comfortable enough and there's too many risks, so they just made their own these Pandas code which is why there's a lot of weirdness to it in that like lighting and shit like that There's just not you know, there's several sick king of fighters 14 characters that exist and there's footage and screenshots of but None of us know about them. I didn't know until the other day. I did there's some cool pirate girl Yes, who looks awesome. There's some butler me and Liam and never seen before. I didn't know about that They did cool. They do these butlers in the game shut up. No, I did
Starting point is 02:06:45 But it's not in any of the team trailers we've been seeing from the last I'll start in 94 The reason why good good point the reason why they went with The visual style they did and not cel-shaded is because of KOF 94 How its sprites were attempting to look like they're trying to imitate reality Yeah, and they always felt that that's what KOF style was about. There's a detail. Yeah, someone someone out somewhere out there There's a guy with Andy's face, right? Yeah, 12 and 13 It's not they realized that because 13 has been played for six years. I didn't realize it was that long It's been that long
Starting point is 02:07:21 People kind of used to the anime look but the truth is they've always went for realism Anyway, there's a lot of exciting things to go through here and and we could go on forever But I think there's some cool shit like one king of dinosaurs is not tease off Which is really he's a brand new character. No way Who is king of dinosaurs? They had an empty spot for a wrestler and then Oda came by with a drawing of a dino wrestler And it was too astounding not to use Voice is not his son his twin brother these tease off to just like king
Starting point is 02:07:58 So then he's a new character. I was literally saying does king of dinosaurs has a new character a few days ago You guys were like nah, he's the same guy and I was like, oh, okay And he did the same move the same double punch but with slashes on them. No straight Sequel to tease off because I was literally saying the other day like man There's no new KOF character that I love all of them I'm like fine on or a dislike greatly but now now there's the pirate now's the Dinosaur and the mask girl mask girl. The reason why Geese's raging storm was a pretzel motion
Starting point is 02:08:33 Shut up. I need this tell me was because they thought they originally had easier motions in the game But they wanted the moves to be secrets like top secret crazy arcade Stupid because when when he when it was originally a pretzel it was still in the fatal fury games But it could only be done when your life was flashing. Yeah, is that not secret fucking enough everyone in the locatests found them Shut you fuck you Everyone so they changed them right before the game came out to be harder inputs Fuck that low team that led down to that led to Oda who was going to he was going to a fatal fury demonstration to do to show off the game on stage
Starting point is 02:09:19 And like they wrote down And they wrote down Lawrence Bloods bloody splash That's hard to do and he wrote it on a notebook and they said your one job is to memorize this move Which is down forward Back quarter circle forward down back forward BND I did it once as a kid when he got to the stage. He got on to the game and he couldn't do it Of course not. She forgot God I gotta read this. It's fucking interesting
Starting point is 02:09:52 He ogre wants to make a new world heroes game because no one will complain no matter how crazy He can do anything. I love that. No one gives a fuck. What? What we're like five of those games and lastly and most importantly They want to make a new barrique one because we've got two sticks on no one gives a shit about that come on That's most more than what they said to woolly. No, we don't want to make this game, but we'll say it to taunt you One day taunt you that's that's woolly's golden eagle. I if you care about SNK go read this shit It's really really good. It's really fun crazy that neo G's working there. No fucking G. That's a big deal. Yeah And and you know he's he's you read the bit about why he went to Neo Geo
Starting point is 02:10:42 Capcom yeah, yeah, it's in that same thing where he was like yo I won't be able to keep making the games. I want to make Mm-hmm, so I'm gonna go to SNK and get it on the ground floor on making the games I want to make sounds like a good decision, you know, I saw something really weird the other day I was in maxis stream and like when I was like, hey everyone some guy was like, oh, it's mad from super best friends Those guys suck go back to your king of fighters dick sucking and I was like, do you know who we are? Cuz I wouldn't consider us sucking the dicks or kof all the time in fact, we've been incredibly critical Every game other than kof doesn't even particularly care for them
Starting point is 02:11:20 And I didn't play like 80 percent of that when I was filling out this community survey. Yes, yeah, what I I Realized that we're in asking for new features and shit Yeah, how complete the ki package was and how pretty satisfied I was what game? Yeah, but Never forget that once upon a time what simply liking killer instinct for being a good game Yeah, we were my I was taking a Microsoft money never forget. Well killer instinct one and two or But killer is nothing to do when the first ki came out or the first guy when the new first ki came out It was fucking dope and like no Microsoft. I didn't buy an Xbox one for like a year, but I love that game It's
Starting point is 02:12:15 The ultimate proof that Matt was not a killer instinct shill Sorry Microsoft shill about killer instinct is when we were in the wrong hotel at E3 and he was waiting for Waiting for our new hotel and he's looking at his phone and he scrolls down one page and sees Microsoft announces killer instinct 3 And he stamped his foot and yelled No, no, no, no, no, no, you have that right but Microsoft announces killer instinct 3 Xbox one Exclusive and like I was mad that 360 was still not you Stamped your foot like a child yelled fuck as loud as I've ever heard and you you strutted to the bathroom to take a shit Like and you came back looking dejected and now it's your favorite game
Starting point is 02:13:06 I'm wearing a Hisako shirt right now. Yeah, and you've got all the action figures in your bag Is there don't need to show me them? Is there? I know they're there. Is there anything? Let's show worthy an abject disappointment. Also, don't forget Fucking connect like fighter within video has Just We need to download that and save that Yeah, no, just like it or not. It's one of the most complete fighting game packages, man It's fucking great even has general Ram your favorite love them
Starting point is 02:13:44 She's actually really fun. I'm sure but he's yeah, I have no affection for general Ram. He's a beige drywall Yeah And we can then go to one last fighting game if you guys remember on fisticuffs. We played So many the Brazil one the Brazilian right got a zillion fighter for characters that had a really good animation really good animation Gigantical um they have a crowdfunding campaign that just popped up and it's not Kickstarter. It's on Brazilian Kickstarter Such a thing exists. So I think only a certain subset of people could possibly put money in a zillion reels Yeah, I don't think you do I guess you can use that can help you can simply use PayPal and I put a link to it check it out. They're trying to do they're trying to blow the game up trying to do some cool stuff and
Starting point is 02:14:39 It's pretty neat that potential. Yeah, and they're aiming for Well, I mean the currency translates to 35k. Okay. Yeah, so they're not too much I still think every Kickstarter should have a goal at two million dollars. That's that they get a Super Bowl commercial I think that's always a good one. I've only ever seen one game with that one and they didn't hit it Anyway, they're looking to add a bunch of new characters and some cool stuff So if you think that strikes your friendy, and if you enjoyed the quick look we took You know consider it. Mm-hmm. There's also a game that is flying but the triest of ties
Starting point is 02:15:20 Just went out. Just went out just started However, we're getting to the game that you couldn't remember the fucking name This thing is Like going through eventually did this thing as of the recording of this has three days It's actually two days. Oh, is it? Yeah This reminds me of Nello in that it just kind of smoked under the radar, but it looks fucking radical saying it's ripping fat clouds I'm saying vape. Nesh brah. Oh, yeah, vape escape I'm saying this game is called
Starting point is 02:15:53 K-O-L-O O-N Colo Colo G on all you need to do is far as check out some gifts of this thing and Liam you're pulling it up on your side over there. Yeah, I'm looking at yeah You need to just just look at some animated got some hot gifts, and that'll be your hyper light drifter dog It is very like the the page is very reminiscent of hyper light drifter I'm not saying they have anything to do with hyper light awesome
Starting point is 02:16:19 I saw some screens of this like when it first when the Kickstarter first launched Yeah, but I mean the the the tone of the Kickstarter is check out these fucking sick gifts Yeah, this game got no traction. What the hell? Yeah, so they're at 17 of 35k Shit looks radical. Who's it made by? No demo. Unfortunately. What's the team name chill crow chill crow? Or did they do anything you go to their website, and it's just the more information okay, so it's a it's a Unknown your first time could be new so be aware be aware But you know take a look at the video footage It's you pretty much check the demo video out, and it's nothing but gameplay and
Starting point is 02:16:57 This gives are pretty good looking. Yeah, and you know it's a very it's we're looking at hyper light drifter style top down It looks very like a lot like I fast Hyper hyper yeah, yeah, exactly super hyper light ultimate hyper light drifter, and Hyper light drifter fucks that whole joke up because the it's hyper that's That's usually what you use for the final one exactly fuck and here you so here you've got a giant like Sickle kind of sight sorry excuse me. I forgot the word and there's a whole body swapping mechanic where you possess enemies Temporarily and then switch back into your own body though. It's really interesting. The speed reminds me actually of The
Starting point is 02:17:39 God damn it. The you're really close. Oh, I can see it's on the tip of your tongue the game But but that is the character action game being made by the crazy games thread unfortunate guys will they Must one must die 291 run like hell we shall wake we shall wake it reminds me Speedwise thank you that helped me that was enough that helped me it reminds me of we shall wake MDK in its speed So you know that game got ported to we wear anyway If this stretch your fancy check out Colloji I remember that day and everyone's Colin John. I love the smell of a man's colloji on
Starting point is 02:18:22 Yeah, it does look really cool though. Oh my god. You could actually really twist it to pronounce it though. Yeah Yeah, Colin's he's still thinking about it. That's nuts. Colin's a part of your ass. Yep Smells like farts should never be on the outside never pull Unless you're cool speaking of things that you're calling never low Speaking of things that should never be on the outside. Oh, yeah, I've got a I saw your eyes just Sporkel with the segue Japan's first VR porn festival. Yes canceled prematurely to overcrowding I
Starting point is 02:18:58 Saw the Photographs of the street just crammed with people. There's not much. It's like yeah, you can't get there's not much to say other than Japan is doomed they let the 20 closest people in from the outside in There are some kiosks where you can lie down In case you need to lie down and I believe no way Matt put it if you need to hook yourself into this give-up machine Would you like to give up this is this or no this news story Yes, like I'm not even joking in 50 years this news article will be the flash bulb point in the history book of and This is how Japan is where it happened became guilty gear
Starting point is 02:19:44 Well, I said when are we gonna I said we're about five years away See Saul bad guy in the background. It's not the end of Japan, but you can see it from here I said I said we were about five years away from that weird like Infomercial slash classroom thing where they're like all right kids. Here's how you fuck Here's how you make the babies and then I do it that I pointed out to you that that was golden week And that's like 20 years old and that was their solution take four days off to go make a baby Four days doesn't seem like enough and you know won't bolster the population of Japan having imaginary sex by yourself In your room alone, dude
Starting point is 02:20:27 You can hook it up to things and then you can have a little trans all right at least someone's buying Oculus Rift Yeah, I saw a couple balloons and they had a sailor Fuku on them and the Fuku To the machine here's your solution. You ready? It's called the Miku Miku baiter and it's an incubation machine Where you hook up your VR device to the plumbing right and it just all dumps in a big big that bucket That and then that that ties itself to the government mandated incubation today turkey Baster machine today on I fucking love science. They posted a video about
Starting point is 02:21:10 The artificial wombs that they've created you can grow a baby in this fucking actual that thing Wow, you thought Chimeras was playing God. Oh wait till you get a look of fucking two babies So you already have that tech for your designer Japanese babies great all you got to do is just just Just get the cow the cowhose and get that It must be a really emotional moment in five years in Japan couples are like here you go, honey I got you a give-up machine Yeah, I want you to give us talking to somebody recently But I know you want to give up really hard. I want you to give up
Starting point is 02:21:47 You to give up who is honey? What oh, sorry? Hello my friend No, wait, that's too forward. It's way too forward here. Oh pass her by first name What's that European country where every everyone who has a child gets sent that box full of baby supplies? Good, so everyone who hits like 16 just gets sent to give up This adds a real new context to one of Woolie's favorite phrases, which is are you winning son? I want to make out of my Marilyn Monroe bot
Starting point is 02:22:31 We're fucking doomed. We are fine. No, I mean like I meant the human race and oh, yeah Don't try not to think about the fast-advancing entropy of the universe Entropy of the human race Well, we'll just have the chimeras replace us You know multiple people would die a year due to horse and cow accidents do during the insemination process Look, I know that this is a lot because they get kicked pretty well done Yeah, look heat death is a scary thing. It freaks us all out. Yeah panic Don't think about it too much because boys are nothing you could do about it
Starting point is 02:23:06 We need we need the calming soothing tweets of Jaden Smith. Yeah. All right. What do you got and where better? Can you get them? Okay, then the new left-for-dead to workshop? Steam community add-on that puts Jaden Smith tweets in your game and it replaces all your graffiti on the wall Oh, how enjoyable. Oh, that's a great idea. It's awesome screenshots of this So, oh Yeah, different game now. Oh, yeah Much improved title much improved I
Starting point is 02:23:38 Put a link to it. You can go to Jaden Smith tweets wall graffiti made by Mo Kielfer on the steam workshop and You can see such tweets as how can you know mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real Keep calm and drop a song Girls don't like gentlemen Sometimes life forces you to let people go guys. I put out weird things called an album My mom likes it last night in France. I've made so many mistakes in life Wake up with a smile and be thankful you're alive
Starting point is 02:24:16 School is the tool to brainwash the youth. You was never gang gang gang gang. You was never one of us Yeah, yeah, that's right. Yeah to be fucking owned. Yep. Keep calm and drop a song Michael Sarah Please help me finish my album Michael Sarah's like if a bookstore never runs out of a certain book Does that mean that nobody reads it or everybody reads it? That is actually interesting Yeah Mwah. All right, so deep
Starting point is 02:24:48 Finish your album Jaden Said Jaden Smith to himself on Twitter all we need is Jack handy's Memories to go Drop your keys in the river molten lava. Do you feel like we're building up to some arc because man Yeah, we are because meanwhile over in Japan. We've got idle death game TV. Yeah, that got announced Finally a Vita game, which is exactly what it sounds like. I'm There's like no detail. This was inevitable You've got your eyes. It's a Vita game for now. Yeah. Yeah, and you've got a photo of a bunch of idle
Starting point is 02:25:27 Naden types and just hanging around be an idle Strap yourself into your give-up machine. Yeah, that's known as this podcast and for those who don't You can always enjoy The soothing soothing sounds of someone else eating live on Twitch. Well, that's that's just I mean obvious Social-eating congrats Korea you have for Introduced us in the causing cultural change. Yep. Not me Okay, well, that's a completely different action That kind of sounds like you though
Starting point is 02:26:09 I Apologize profusely. It's not me. Yeah, I can't stop doing it. I can't stop literally talking So anyway, it's a he's really intelligent which introduces social-eating. They added a bunch of categories And I clicked on it earlier today Someone was sitting there eating lobster bisque With 200 watching social-eating adds the ability for you to now do fucking Anything oh, that's good news for DSP then yeah, because it just means is there a sandwich in the frame Yep, well, you still can't play center-end Kagura. Yeah, but you know
Starting point is 02:26:52 Just cover it with the sandwich as long as you started Did that you're it's actually like a games team? Hey, it was it was like in April though as long as team four stars I probably got away with it by putting my face on all the girls as long as DSP now That's a different thing anyway, we'll move on yes, please do because that was gonna get really gross What come on got a donation you play in mind Jack on Depending on how he disposes of his mess all right
Starting point is 02:27:26 Yeah, you said it's done. Let's continue then I immediately he ran it back. I'm a piece of shit. What do you want? There's a game called came and in it you play as something Japan would not know you are a pregnant woman what and you are escaping a horrific alien facility This is a dire I know what the ending to that game is The alien facility is trying as hard as you're seven months pregnant The alien facility is trying to rip the baby out of you and you've got to stop that. I I Feel like I could put $20 on what the ending of that game is right now. That's one of two things one of two
Starting point is 02:28:11 Looks pretty cool, but it's a cool concept looks pretty hard visually because it's a really good It's a really good reason to give your character like like A y and like a lower movement speeds and like force them to stop Is this just the dlc campaign for stasis? Is it because stasis which was a point-click sci-fi horror game I talked about I remember they had some type of DLC campaign where it was called cane Uh, so yeah, sorry, I just I'm gonna pull it up and see what it says
Starting point is 02:28:47 However c a and e Yeah, it is it's it's a side story to isometric horror adventure game stasis. There you go That game was good. Was it I played about like two hours of it. It's very point and clicky like it's got that Oh, really you wanted me to click on that. Yeah So it's very old school in that regard, but it was it was quite good But yeah, they this is like their second dlc side story thing the game is doing well at the very least the the visual they had of like What appeared to I I don't even know what I was looking at
Starting point is 02:29:19 But it was an object that looked pregnant and it was bleeding and I was like that is horrifying I think you guys know what you're doing. Yeah Uh, so that looks cool And lastly we've got the we mentioned it earlier, but um as a striker gun vault has an anime coming There's a trailer out and that's fine. You know what absolutely if I'm not playing it It's probably is it better than berserk It was 2d. Yes All right, I'll watch that
Starting point is 02:29:50 Might to be cool. Okay. I love gun vault's design. Yeah, you look and when the song plays, it's really cool It's really exciting and yeah gun vault is visually awesome Yep, yep. Yeah, good name too. Yep Uh characters. I wish I wanted to play gun. I wish I wish I wanted there was a desire To just load it up every time the game comes up. You guys do this thing or he just We were so excited and we bought it during like during packs prime. We made the time to stop I remember watching you guys do this And we're playing it on the plane and we were just like
Starting point is 02:30:29 So you you make and it was kind of like when we played uh all the bravest Yeah Oh, I was gonna do a little segue, but before I do that I'll put a bookmark in it and say uh, you got something on CS go lottery pat. Yeah. Hey, don't don't don't uh, yeah, li I know Liam would follow this one is This is a big story that I will try and break down But the long and short of it is that if you don't want to get into trouble Do not videotape and advertise a lottery website that you whoops turn out to own Yeah
Starting point is 02:31:03 And run the law as I counter strike go Uh lottery site which is where you bet skins that have real world monetary value due to the CS go market. Yeah And uh these guys uh these youtube turns out these two youtubers who who shell it super hard and make And make videos of them playing the lottery and that like similar to people opening loot boxes or what have their names are on the Um business documents documents that certify that and it and it turns out there's screenshots of them accidentally logging into the bots That they are actually playing against to rig their own winnings And create videos that would obviously beat other people's videos in terms of popularity because they win so much more Yeah, uh, and they have uh, there's one uh, I was watching h3h3's video on it
Starting point is 02:31:48 And they they've got some that are like how to make 13 000 dollars in five minutes and shit like that and They they have stuff like oh in the description is like make sure that if you go to the slaughtery website, you're at least 13 Which is implying that they're they're tacitly sending 14 year olds to their lottery website H3h3 is the there is involved. No, no, no, he did a video on a video H3h3 like finds a bunch of scummy shit. Yeah. Yeah. I was gonna say Um, no, no his video right now is probably the best breakdown of the overall situation. I only I haven't seen a video on it yet I only read all the details. Just it's just uh, it's just a simple breakdown. That's more detailed than what I'm like
Starting point is 02:32:27 this is illegal Very this is super. This is super illegal. This is fraud. This is racketeering. This is inciting miners to gamble Yeah, this is like, um, it's bad. I I still really think valve needs to step in and like Valve is the disclaimer on their website. I know but it's not enough. Um tweets have gone out That maybe a lawyer would have told them to not say And tweets have been retracted tweets have been retracted
Starting point is 02:32:57 But saved first video. Remember remember that thing with the fine bros and all that? Yeah, remember how they put up a video and then they took down that video? Yeah That happened with this too where they're like, hey, listen guys. Just want to explain. Yeah I totally own this and then someone told him you should not have put that up. Yeah There's a lot there's videos See, I guess the only difference is the fine brothers did something like really dickish But they were in the legal right and then yeah, and then they backed down and they backed down and they said, okay Our bad in this scenario. You are watching people admit to crimes on recordable media
Starting point is 02:33:31 And then back down hours later when it's too late and you can't undo that. Yeah, um Looks like valve needs to introduce anti-fegery. This is uh, yeah This is gross and criminal and awful and I highly suggest you look it up because it's bad Um, I like veiled gambling like this. You YouTube has always had its shady moments But the shadiest has always been about people getting gifts or whatnot and not disclosing it And this is this to the fucking nth degree of we're giving the gifts to ourselves That that whole thing about the rigged uh, uh, bot. Yeah, they're rigging They're rigging their own results to get higher wins than other people that make similar videos legitimately
Starting point is 02:34:11 Which I also don't personally agree with but whatever. Yeah, they're they own it and they're rigging it It's like and they're they're telling people to go to this website that they happen to own Yeah, I just happen to own it out of control. Um out of out of control is a good way to put it Uh, and I I assume there's a lot of other people that have a lot of other Rackets going on similar to this Not necessarily csgo, but think about it. It's a certain nobility and wanting to hustle That hard. Yeah when you're already you're saying these guys are actually millions. They're so big compared to us. No We know about a hustle harder if we can get away with it
Starting point is 02:34:47 But what if we don't these 10 million youtube subs aren't enough pimpin in a profession It's a mentality. Yeah lifestyle How you gonna put a label on it and by talking about this the label won't pay attention to our hustles So that's correct. We'll live in a self-sustaining hustling paradise That's what we'll live in together you and me law of thermodynamics doesn't say anything about the self-sustaining hustling other youtube guy I don't know who these fucks are so It's uh, oh, what the fuck. Yeah. No. No start saying their name again. I'll do the same joke T martin. Yeah. No, I don't care
Starting point is 02:35:22 Pros and I've never heard of you and apparently there's another guy who's a streamer named josh oji who are all really bad and surprised It's like what who is behind this? austin and sef That's oh no, I wouldn't expect that well the the wonderful thing about a youtube audience people who we no longer associate with The great thing about a youtube audience is that you can have millions of viewers and no one knows who you are Yeah, and you're gonna have you know like yeah, because everyone knows who we are Yeah, everyone. We're more popular. You all know who we are, right? Yeah I can't believe you listened to two two and a half hours of podcast to people. You don't know
Starting point is 02:35:58 Yeah, i'm impressed max a million dude suddenly our videos with him just go down I know he becomes blurred what's bio freaks. I never never heard about that sapo who's crash holly Yeah, if you want to be a part of our self-sustaining hustle paradise That or give up machine yeah Send an email in to super best friendcast at that's super best friendcast at your email likes I don't know something like this. Hey, alex. Hey alex, what up? What are you? You can't escape you guys mentioned that you didn't like azure striker gunvolted You never went you knew this is in there
Starting point is 02:36:38 You went you never went into the specifics of why you hated it. I was wondering what those things were Yeah, alex we have actually so yeah, no hate to be clear. I don't hate gunvolt I just don't like the pace. Oh, it's not fun. Stop and start in fact I think I like it better than mighty number nine just for the fact that looks way better I think it looks nice. I think it's less fun than mighty number nine and I think the problem with it is it's bad level design I think it's level design is fine. But it's boring. Oh, man It's just room to room and you stop and start like I've watched a lot of speed runs of it And like it looks really good when someone good is playing it
Starting point is 02:37:14 But I don't I don't like the way it plays the pacing is really just the stop and start makes it not fun And I think that that is crippling because that's the entire game And everything you do is based around that mechanic And like it's the worst sounds like exactly like And it's imagine if imagine if imagine if the imagine if the worst mega man weapon was your main buster Oh, so the mighty number nine, but then you didn't have the others. Oh, yeah, and like no hate It's just firmly in the pile with mario kart 7 and uh Wario master of disguise of games. I just really don't want to play anymore
Starting point is 02:37:52 All right, I always get a kick out of getting to an email that I knew you were thinking about when we're talking about something else That cracks me up so bad if I'm gonna play mario kart. I'm gonna play eight or the ds one. Okay, okay Like I'm never gonna go back to because I played this shit out of seven I'm probably never gonna play it again. You're right. Okay. I played like 30 hours of seven as well I thought you were just like I just hate it. No, no It's just in the pile of like I just don't let him go. Well. He just let him finish Bailey writes in to say something that a lot of people have said apparently we've moved a lot of copies of gundam rick or three I saw a lot of people in the comments
Starting point is 02:38:27 Saying that they went to go buy it right away. Well, here's here's how you do this Here's how you tell you go to amazon and you go to gundam rick or three or or if amazon sells it, right? Play asia. Well, obviously it would be the place to go because that's those are the people who sent us No, but the the deal is you look at the reason I say amazon because the trick is you look at People who bought this Also bought and then you see adult diapers you see deadly premonition and like Jojo blu rays Yeah, you're like, okay, that one's on us. Right. That's ours
Starting point is 02:38:59 So, uh, I watched your gundam rick or three video not even five minutes and I went to go buy it So I wasn't arrived but to offset it. I've started watching 0079 Uh, is there anything you previously didn't knew nothing about but then once you learned about it you went full throttle in I just want to say something real quick about the first thing that I wanted to say but I got cut off a little Sorry, but that's okay. It's okay. Uh, you want to sell someone something show them a like triple a looking game of A thing they like that they didn't know was in their mother language. Yes, and Wait, I can buy this in english. I can buy this now. Yeah, I think I knew nothing. I didn't have to wait for it I did not care didn't like all the hype, you know
Starting point is 02:39:36 So I did not care about red dead redemption at all and then I sat down and watched The one rock star video like a nine minute thing. I think I've talked about this before Where they just explain in detail like here's everything on the table This is how it plays is how it looks and that like that sold me on three rock star games That I that like red dead redemption is fucking awesome But I didn't quite work out from max pain three where I the last five hours of max pain three were like an unfun slog But like for a while I was having fun So like those were like ones where I was like, I don't care. Whoa, I care
Starting point is 02:40:09 It's really hard to think of something where I haven't even heard of it at all because even in that case mad I knew about red dead revolver. Well, like the closest thing I can think of is I knew about but didn't really care about persona And then when I got in I got in super hard and just blitzed through I I can think of one that like It was a hard turn on my original thought and I had not paid attention to it at all And then I played one match of it for for whatever and it was overwatch. Oh Oh shit fucking overwatch Actively ignored overwatch Because blitzers making a fucking shooter. Oh these dumb characters. Oh fucking whatever and then I heard you talking about it at the theater
Starting point is 02:40:49 And I was like, ah, you open bed. I was gonna play only fucking shit. Yeah This is awesome skull girls skull girls. Yeah, but only when band came out I still don't like nearly anybody but band Which sucks because now I'm one of those people. Yeah, you are one of those fucks. Liam. Who's I think uh Probably The project diva series I knew very little about like I've heard some I had heard some vocaloid songs But I didn't really know anything about them and it was the first like I got it on the first game when it first came out And imported it tot like relatively blind
Starting point is 02:41:23 Because I got money for my birthday actually and I was just like yeah What the hell import an expensive game that I'm kind of like eyeballing And then I like really really liked that series a lot But otherwise like I guess near as well Um, I went in pretty darn blind on it I had very little money at the time because I was like in in seishep and like That was that's what happens when you're in college. You got no money I had no money
Starting point is 02:41:48 And I just didn't follow it because I had no money and there were other games I was more interested in and I didn't even realize the draking guard connection until like Late in the game where I was like, I recognize these weapons and then it all kind of came together I'm gonna add uh, I'm gonna add uh something I'm gonna echo woolly statement of persona In that I was one of those assholes on forums actively mocking it with the fatless picks Because it was dumb anime wee boo garbage And then I was
Starting point is 02:42:16 spectacularly bored one summer And had no one went one winter and had no money And I acquired persona three Via a totally legit download And played it for about an hour And then was like, uh-oh I gotta go out and buy this right now and ran to my local eb games and spent all my christmas Gift cards on p3 and p4 nice and was and was just like
Starting point is 02:42:42 I missed out I I fucking miss still got in pretty early. Yeah Compared to the the news like ice p4 was out But uh still Jacob says hey hyper nerd squad been listened to your podcast and started and I thought I'd write something I found out that's really shitty about her in australia What that's what I want to hear. That's crazy. What I've definitely not been told by many people that australia is a shit whole nightmare of itland Went to go buy a vita last week and was informed that during e3 retailers in australia just stopped stocking the thing
Starting point is 02:43:17 Yeah, no fuss made over it just quietly not getting any more stock and that sucks the vita's dead in australia That's what happened to the Saturn in kibbutt. I I heard about that, but at the same time I'm not sure Uh, I know it's like a like duh Liam's gonna say this but because I read about how australia in australia eb games secured the exclusive rights for a lot of vita games Um, so I don't know maybe check out your eb games or something because they just secured the rights for a lot of vita games Exclusively, you know what else is dead in australia pretty much anything that walks or breeze if it just goes somewhere It's kind of a touch of death
Starting point is 02:43:52 By whatever air particles the the pain bush good luck finding or importing one Check check out your craigslist if you have a craigslist It's craig's list Yeah, check out craig's that's not a craig's list Seriously, a lot of people bought vita's in like year one with the mainstream marketing and then like they didn't it didn't stick with it And there's a lot of hundred dollar vita's you can find luckily for our aussie pals of vita's region free Yep So you can get around it if you have the money it might be cheaper to order one from japan than north america might
Starting point is 02:44:25 Considering where you are in the world. Yeah Cameron says hey guys if you are forced to join a fictional religion taken from a video game Assuming their beliefs and promises are something we're in as representative in the afterlife and so on I really think yevin was pretty good. Actually. What would you choose? He was onto something. Sure. They were wrong about everything, but Unitology seems nice Seems nice. Yeah, unitology is a good one If you want to get your like skull ripped open like that's good Boy, unitology. That one's one of the more fucked ones because everyone in that universe is like, yeah, unitology
Starting point is 02:45:02 It's real good. And then isaac's just walking around like Are you serious with this? Oh, what happened here? And fuck. Yeah, that's a good pick. Um I uh I would go for The mankind's god emperor That sits in the golden throne
Starting point is 02:45:26 In 40k Is that religion? Yes. Okay. That religion is very easy to follow. You see that guy? He's a deity. You don't want to follow him. You're dead. You see those guys their deities are bad and boy There is hard ass proof that nergal and corn and cinch and that other guy are bad fucking dudes Screams for the scream lords basically Uh, those dude those those brainwashed people from dmc4 What is up with you? They uh, i'm trying to think you'll sell out humanity for a jetpack and you want to join all the cults
Starting point is 02:46:06 No, like like the savior is coming, but they don't really get the promise of like anything themselves The important thing is that none of us says anything to do with the old gods Because everyone who worships the old gods gets a bad fucking deal Not everyone but anyone that doesn't deserve it 99% the only one who got a good deal was pious You know what I think yeah pious got a good Got to be a skeleton for like 2000 years. Yeah, and you can watch like tablets emerge You don't really get anything super cool out of it, but the dothraki god Right the horse the horse that mounts the earth that rides right that dude is just like we know
Starting point is 02:46:42 There's other gods out there, but ours is better and yeah, he'll that belief is strong Yeah, and like it's one of the reasons they're gods a bitch, but he's your god. That's one. It's one of the I always thought ire was pretty cool. I don't know what's up with him. Yeah, protoss. Uh, one of the things I actually really like about Uh, smt is that smt exists in the universe in which everything is canon Everything was all the holy books were all real. They're all Around all the time and I really dig that you know what kind of sucks worshipping the white hawk Is actually a super good deal for you. Oh, it's the best like But fuck that bitch. No, but like anyone that the millennium falcon needs to go
Starting point is 02:47:27 Wait, which one? Yeah, the one that made the kessel run or the millennium hawk Needs to go. All right Technically jettai could count too and you'd live forever as a weird like mid accordion ghosts. Yeah, jettai's a good Maybe that's a good one. Yeah, and we'll take the last one from jack who uh, it's like a maniac Kind of lengthy, but I think it's pretty good. Um, have you noticed anything that's done? Any games that have done a really good job characterizing a group or a cultural identity, uh, the Near is near stands out immediately. Yeah, so the the the background behind this is that he's been contemplating of late
Starting point is 02:48:06 That his preference to tech in is over street fighter mainly because uh, they have a better level of characterization Um, in particular, there's multiple languages used in the voice. Yeah, right the fact that you get Hoarang speaking Korean and Wang speaking Mandarin. Yeah, really. It's cool. It's a really cool You contrast that with street fighter where everyone understands each other And it undermines the fact that these are supposed to well hold on a second in tech and everyone understands each other And that's actually immersion shattering a little level Uh, I never but either way I didn't even know that vega was a spaniard until sf4 and sagat is a blank slate with
Starting point is 02:48:42 Who happens to be really good at more tight sagat is based off a famous tai fighter Who fought maso yama and had the awesome fucking battle destiny very few people know But uh, I do feel that yeah while tech and does have the whole we understand each other things strangely going on I love the fact that they all speak their languages. Totally. That's a better way to go But yeah near has this one town or city called the city of façade. It's great city of façade is Incredibly fun and well thought out. There's no gameplay there other than check out our weird culture. Isn't it weird? You're like, whoa, it's interesting. It's it's nice because yeah, I do think a lot of games struggle with Getting away from what is known to us as like normal
Starting point is 02:49:25 uh So yeah, it's tough to name games that really fit that I'm gonna I'm gonna add uh Which are three in terms because only because It is one of the only games in which you go to what is essentially you go to three countries And one of them is a shithole It is a absolute it is a marshy boggy
Starting point is 02:49:52 rainy horrible place That northern europeans happen to live in and they hate it and they're fucking poor and it sucks And it's a really great representation of just this part of the world is it's the ass end of the northern realms This place fucking sucks Another group of games that I think do do it Well to varying degrees is hunting games in general Where they all have this tacit understanding that there are giant horrible monsters everywhere everywhere in monster hunter
Starting point is 02:50:27 It's fun. You and you and your your hunter buddies all go out and you hunt They clearly have it under control. They got it on lock in monster hunter But then you go to like god eater and they have to live Yeah, they have to live in these big mobile fortresses or these like horrible cities that can't support everyone And you see in the background like skyscrapers with big holes right through the middle of them I feel like freedom wars is an easy way on that I was gonna say freedom wars is easily the king of that The game didn't click for me as much as I wanted but the setting is the coolest during the jail
Starting point is 02:50:59 You got a million years to work off because there's nothing less than you exist So but yeah, like soul sacrifice is good at it. Oh, yeah All of them even even toky den with it's more like conservative like just feudal Japanese setting It still has the same kind of monster hunter vibe going on there This is something just came to mind as far as the penultimate question goes And I just realized it might be kind of fun to let immortal joe carry you to the gates of As long as you're a real true believer for real, you'll you'll remember it It'll be a watershed moment in your life for sure. That'd be pretty nice. That'd be nice
Starting point is 02:51:34 This would this would make it happen, you know, yeah, I know Yeah, I'll let that out although like everyone in Valhalla would be like who the fuck is this melting weirdo. No, that's fine We're all we're all Norse gods and you're like barely that's the great thing about the Mad Max world in general Is that he he saw the world Valhalla once in a book that was like mangled and destroyed Yeah, or he ended that he'd made his own Valhalla the Miyazaki type of religion where it's like, uh, I got like 10 pages I'm gonna make up the rest. Yeah seems legit. What's coming up. What's coming out Uh, we got uh, we got near keep coming out deus x will finish Uh, I believe me and woolly we got no shit
Starting point is 02:52:15 Our only island street fighter is coming Uh, it's not this week. Oh really? Oh, no, no, it is. Yes, it is Yeah, and it debuts and it debuts on the exact same day as the other new LP. Oh Which is katharine, which is time to judge matt and woolly's life choices Which you don't need to because all my choices are correct. You can first of all matt's making all the choices Yeah, but I bet you talk about it. We do and it's actually really interesting Oh, I bet because katharine asks a bunch of kind of personal questions and we we we air some laundry out That you can't get away from they're they're going to fight before it's over. We air some laundry
Starting point is 02:52:58 So you ask her a teddy man. Like, oh, jeez I'm on the fucking spot now fucking bacon or pancakes black man kryptonite Um, but you have a pretty good idea for the descriptions and I can't wait for that more like black man Everyone else can join tonight if anyone wants to keep up with this LP. Make sure to check every description. Yes, right Matt thought up a fantastic idea for that description Which uh, he will be implementing shortly. Yes. I just have to wait for it I believe that's it for this Yeah, yeah, are you a fisticuffs man or a scrub lords man? I'm a scrub lords man
Starting point is 02:53:34 Are you a saturday morning or a friday night friday night, right? I would prefer friday night scrub lords honestly Is it they like word-wise it doesn't flow as well? Man, is it Callie or is it Mary silence? Don't talk about silence

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