Castle Super Beast - SBFC 159: Your Vileage may Mary

Episode Date: August 23, 2016

In which we have some words for Konami about Metal Gear Survive, and spoilercast Stranger Things towards the end....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 New sponsor this episode of the friendcast is brought to you by Dungeons and fucking dragons You didn't tell us you told us there was a cool sponsor, but you didn't say who yeah, that's awesome It's the demo Gorgon watch out. It's coming for you. We rolled a d20 on this ad roll Hey, and we got a natural twint. No, that's not how that you two can be a patronizing dwarf like Pat If you can't make it to PAX at the annual acquisitions incorporated event then the show can be brought to you because on September 4th It's blah September 4th done DM Chris Perkins and the cast of acquisitions is They're doing a live broadcast of D&D live from PAX West in Seattle
Starting point is 00:00:42 Huh, cool So and if you're in attendance there live you get a special adventure booklet made for the event and school stuff so make it out there if you can and You can check out fathom dot live slash dd For more events on this live D&D event awesome. That's great. Get ready nerds. I love you Dungeons and Dragons And phones down heads up faces towards the microphones. We are live recording the friendcast. All right. No, I'm still busy looking at my phone Are you trying to do a test thing? I'm catching poke Test except without the phone park is no one at guys. I have something to say and
Starting point is 00:01:36 Wally I asked you to remind me about this a few weeks ago, but you forgot and that's fair So did I forget? Okay, let it never be said that I am not a man of my word. I I am a tiny baby Especially the penis Okay, all right, and that's I lost a bet. I was gonna say I don't you can't stop me from saying All right, I lost a bet to a guy no named Corgi and yeah, I was super wrong about something That's the context whether it makes it better or worse is up to you. Hope you're happy Corgi You earned it. Congratulations on winning that
Starting point is 00:02:15 Yeah, um, I've already that's like three weeks in a row. I forgot to do that Yeah, we need and we also need to like get a cold mic running as soon as you guys walk in the apartment because I'll catch all that shit Yeah, that you Liam you missed our brief discussion on capoeira Why are you talking about capoeira this morning? I know it's a frequent topic for you But I walked in they're saying we're talking about different races that created dances to avoid war Okay, no it went it went from the wrestling talk about Samoan Samoan To me mentioning that the Hakka avoids warfare right to Willie mentioning capoeira And then I'm like is it capoeira like a crime martial art like the opposite
Starting point is 00:03:02 it's made to create warfare where there is none and Yeah, what are you doing over there, sir? No, we're just dancing we got our handcuffs on it's a martial art You can practice wearing handcuffs behind your back and know it looks like you're dancing and it's like did you just do a blue? Shadow super trail behind yourself. No, no handcuffs are on I'm looking down. It seems like you've used all of your meter on something. Are you healing yourself dancing? We're just dancing over here. That's special effects. Don't worry about that. There's nothing excuse me, mr. Cody, can you please can you please put your handcuffs back on? Yeah, it sure
Starting point is 00:03:43 whatever Every every now and then from the guard tower like the screw the sky just goes dark cuz someone does a special and you hear a Spark somewhere Like muffled rhino horns coming from the library Anyway, yeah, no, I guess I guess you were talking about Samoans because of the super slams No, you were talking about them Super slam super slam
Starting point is 00:04:17 Summer is that like Steiner Mania something like that. It seems like it's more like the mess Yeah, I'm not hearing good things. Hey everybody. Go to Scott Steiner's new restaurant. Yeah. The only thing I did see Applebee I didn't I didn't I know it's like a sub tier of Applebee's cracker barrel Lower see anything. No sounds like in no one none of us have seen anything. I saw one thing. It was a picture I saw shins day in Akamura's new entrance of the violin guy Okay, that was awesome. Okay, well, there's a new did you see the really big mistake? No, that's the belt. Oh There's a new championship like
Starting point is 00:04:57 We took a whole belt and we colored it different. Yeah It's not as ugly as like the diva belt was but it's not as desirable as like the ones with the spinning planets on Or the Intercontinental Championship Seth Rollins going on Twitter and going like oh, listen people. It's not about the belt It's about the people it represents. Are you angry that you had a Shut up, Seth Why don't you go get caught with more dick pics sending it to not your girlfriends? Ouch Is that that's kayfabe? No, that's shoe. That's a work. That's a honey. It was a work
Starting point is 00:05:38 Yeah The the red leather looks really like not like I guess like I get what Seth's saying But it's like with WWE everything should be great and everything is routinely not Not everything should be great, but everything should be the top Example everything should reflect their budget, which is great. There you go. Here we go. Here we go. All right, Vince. This is free guest belt designers Get fucking Araki to design a belt. He did it's the one you just saw Nah, it ain't I need I need colored diamond patterns
Starting point is 00:06:17 I need like stripes and like glowing lights and neon. What's this the belt won't allow the champ to leave the ring Yeah, I saw someone say this and I think it's true It's like it seems like this belt was purposely made because Nakamura will win it eventually I totally Would really suit him. Yeah, like no Or just like a like a like we got special guest Wes Anderson to design a belt. It's a normal belt It's a normal belt. It's kind of black like a little belt It's leather and it's got like a little like purple W
Starting point is 00:06:51 That's just kind of like stitched right on the front and that's it This certain old world Indie champion dude guest belt designers man Free at the death punk belt Just trotting it up because that would be just your room a jerk on the light up jacket. Yeah That's totally work and like you have the lights all off So like the first thing that happens is you see the belt turn on and then the champ appears And it is if the new day designed their own
Starting point is 00:07:25 Tag belts and they're just like big asses with unicorn horns I'm surprised the new day doesn't award themselves their own belts after every Feels like they're almost at that if you if you went into the idea that you have of like multiple belt designs you could have entire story lines based around like ambiguous match wins and You keep your old belt and the new guy gets the new belt and then they get to argue over which belt is legitimate Yeah, yeah, you can go there in the day if you had your own belt like remember Austin at the skull belt that's a heel thing to do when you're like I'm gonna make my own belt like the million dollar Yeah, like the million dollar man
Starting point is 00:08:04 And even John Cena's spinner belt was a little not John Cena like it was like let's just appeal to white people who like rap Let's spinners. Let's do that. It's kind of I hate those people. There's dozens of them. What are you talking about? Yeah, no, there's Not anymore okay those days are behind you my my my band show days You grew up clearly you gentlemen have never been to a Kanye West concert anyway Yeah, I look like I have permanent stars in my eyes, right? I can never get tickets to our Lord and Savior's concert And I'll go when he's president that and Taylor lied. Yo, what the fuck yo that was fucked up Oh, are we getting on the hot TMZ?
Starting point is 00:08:56 Funny yeah, no, but that's that's that's 2020 Which is What god, what did I hear about also this year that was related to 2020 was the Olympics the closing ceremonies Tokyo Give me back my overwatch now. God damn. Did they fucking kill the black with the red circle? Good job Shinzo Abe coming out as Mario going Mario's gonna stop some shiny They upstaged Rio at their own closing ceremony at the designer another level the low-hanging fruit Mm-hmm go for an elegant white and red Yeah, they fucking flip the script and went black and red and it's like
Starting point is 00:09:46 Trying to invoke Godzilla Why wasn't he in there? He should have been in rushing a 36-year-old man's house that he still has a mortgage on dreams in addition to sneaking Jamaicans onto the relay team they got a they got there's a half Jamaican half Japanese guy that got silver Oh, okay, it took second place again Next are always like this weird secret racist thing where it's like here's the Canadian British and Australian teams versus the Caribbean countries and every single goddamn person there was born in Trinidad and Tobago My girlfriend was telling me that there's I can't remember which country. It's a small Eastern European country
Starting point is 00:10:25 They hired a woman from the Americas to represent them, but she's never been to the country Okay You don't need to do that. We got to import athletes from the fast countries in the countries that are good It's not or whatever. It's not it's not as bad as like sports We're just like you now are from this place. Yeah, you know, and that's all there is to it Yeah, you get traded to other to another place. Yeah, I always drove me crazy It's like the only like hockey games that I care about are the one the Olympic ones because those are real Yeah, those are like no, it's the Swedes versus the Russians and the Kennet, right?
Starting point is 00:11:00 But it's like Russia fucking one of my favorite hockey players of all time Super Mario Super Mario, whatever It's from Villa Mard played for Pittsburgh his whole fucking career Yeah, who am I supposed to vote? Who am I supposed to fucking root for the Pittsburgh team? No, you root for him The penguins. Okay, so imagine Capcom just buys Terry Bogard. That's correct Then what then what exactly? It's Terry Bogard and the street fighter friends. Okay. Okay, Terry Bogard Goes over to like what's a funny game you really hate dead or alive. Whoa. Well, I don't really hit well I mean, you know Sammy bought Terry Bogard for real reels They just they just kind of kept the illusions the same by putting up more
Starting point is 00:11:43 They didn't have to like real talk. It's shitty, but I'm pretty sure that's how they try to like balance it out a little bit Like otherwise, you just have one team that stomps everyone good re-season. Oh, good. Diane Yeah Sports should be regionally divided it would be cool But then it would all fall apart like a house of cards good when some places can't afford stadiums Good, I said to overwatch before and I was thought I was talking to About the other day about this bit where you remember when the Olympics will come on in the summer and it's like all right I don't have school. I'm gonna watch Saturday morning cartoons. Oh wait. They're all canceled
Starting point is 00:12:22 Olympics have to ruin Yeah, everything for children. So you know how like anime gets cancelled when and when anything else happens when baseball has to get Played that's what we get the Tigers are gonna play a game and you're gonna watch it again Fuck you will serene the Henshin Tigers are playing. Yeah And that hasn't happened in years cuz like when was the last time I sat down and watch TV Yeah, the last time you woke up at 8 o'clock in the morning. Well yesterday. Yeah You wake up good. It was a weird thing where I'm like give me back my overwatch Get out of here all this dumb shit, and it's not even for all the characters all that shit was for like a few I
Starting point is 00:13:03 Will say though that I wasted my time these shit. Well. Hey, man I forgot that like last night was the final night for it So I jumped back on real quick to make sure I'm like did I get everything I wanted? I don't want all of the Olympic things, but I just want the good ones and I Like a couple of them. So as long as I got those and I know that you're never gonna get a chance again I'm like that I'm fine. You might get a chance next Olympics even though. Yeah, yeah when overwatch is still being played Yeah, cuz like it's not getting they'll bring it back every summer, but I still wish it was fucking not I still Regular rotation even though I do not play McCree. I never got is the American one
Starting point is 00:13:39 Yeah, so I got that but like not getting the Genji like Japan outfit would have been a crime like that thing's too slick And I love I like the Lucio so select cow or whatever the the Brazilian team I think he's got and of course normal Zarya But it just makes him look like he belongs in Sega soccer slam and not an overwatch Certainly, but I still I enjoy the look, you know, what can I say? The other court crazy thing was apparently the 2020 Tokyo Olympics was predicted by fucking Akira If you go back to Akira they actually have this the setting is that it's in 2019
Starting point is 00:14:18 Yeah, and the 20 the Tokyo Olympics are coming up next. Well time to worry the big fight Yeah, yeah, we're the big exactly where the stadium happens and everything, you know, oh versus Tetsuo. Well, I Mean, the future of Akira is totally great, right? Yeah, so Maybe the Olympic Committee read it Like 30 years ago and they were like well, we had the Olympics a little while ago So let's your mark one for 2020. All right get those orphans. Yeah, you know, you know, I want to see the Olympics I want to see old-school MMA I want to see a street fighter tournament
Starting point is 00:14:54 like UFC For the first five or ten years of its life UFC used to be good Back when there used to be like fatal man back when there were three rules to my knowledge It was no biting no no fish hooking and no eye gouging Like If you want to see what a real-life crush counter looks like well like you want to see you want to see three corpses at the middle ceremony
Starting point is 00:15:21 God damn No style Composition I think no weight limits is the interesting 180 pound karate man versus Cletus the destroyer Yeah, it's a boom crush. It's obviously not the same thing, but doesn't new Japan have a no weight limit thing I don't I think so because I've seen big guys Yeah, cuz I saw what's his face against Yoshihiko and that was fucking sad You know, I want to see I want to see the most talented martial artists in the world fight a guy whose style is I shoot a gun. Okay. Yeah, dude. There's a movie you can watch
Starting point is 00:15:56 It's called blood sport. Yeah in it the people are trying to shut down John quad and his blood sport That's right. So are the one that he participates in But there's always there's always two fucking goons on his case Watch blood sport, too, which is also known as the quest. Do you remember the class? Not only do I remember the No, but my friend was oh really? Yes I have a friend who I played football with back in the day for and one of one of our local Montreal Area teams or whatever that I played on and he was also an actor and he was in the quest
Starting point is 00:16:32 He's a kid that gets kicked in the back He's just he's a random kid. That's like he's here Is he in the back and like I'm like one of the one of the one of the random opponent just like kicks the kid in the back Oh, just to show how shitty the guy is. So well, yes Yeah, I have no idea how I'm gonna fit this into the podcast, but we all know that bleach became goddamn awful Have you seen the video floating around of how bleach became awful? No, but I do know that it's wrapping It's a wrapping up its manga now. It's being forced to wrap itself Like shown and jump apparently gave them like you have three chapters to finish this out. Yeah, sure
Starting point is 00:17:05 That's what but yeah, I've seen the fight brutal doesn't even begin You have X if you might be there's no way they couldn't have felt it coming of a decade plus running But the the video draw real small man how bleach went bad or whatever it's called is fantastic That breaks down everything from like his line arts to how he got started to the pressures from shonen management To like how it charts over the years and what Did they just really interesting the video discuss why the author ripped off Gene Simmons and son That actually the opposite Yes, okay, just making a hundred percent sure. Yeah um kubo teeth. They look at it fucking whatever like
Starting point is 00:18:01 Whenever I search for how bleach went bad and videos all I find is people with bad hair so the thing they're all fucking up So the thing is with the Like I remember with Naruto like the original stuff actually was like had a very clear style that the guy had that Kishimoto had but then towards it got towards the middle the art improved But then it became a very clear that's like you're using 3d models. Yeah, just with bleach He does a comparison between like the first chapter and like the second the last one It's a fucking dive bomb like all the backgrounds just disappear. Oh Well, wasn't wasn't the whole soul society are basically so that you don't have to draw backgrounds
Starting point is 00:18:43 Oh, like the art like what I time I thought yeah I thought bleach was a totally serviceable show in a manga and soul society But when I go back and look at like the the manga, it's really well drawn. Okay at the time Overtime it became like trash I'm trying to find this video and I like went to the bleach subreddit and The number one link all time is bleach chapter 686 spoilers that won't make you want to die after having wasted 10 plus years of your life Yeah, so so and yes, I actually do know what happens there and it's a riot I don't know the details, but I have seen shitposts with people getting really upset about
Starting point is 00:19:21 Pairings and OTPs that are not OTPs. Yeah Okay, the video is called the fall of bleach. Thank you. Sounds good Sounds good I think I think the right way to kind of judge the the the art is by also comparing the color Chapters that come every once in a while right like you can kind of look and see like okay How much work are you actually putting? Hey to anyone who read all bleach? Why message me on Twitter and tell me did Chad ever win a fight ever? Oh, man Sad looking fucking jobber man
Starting point is 00:19:54 I liked him as the big quiet guy with the arm and then he didn't do anything or maybe he does I don't know I tapped out I tapped out you tapped out at the insult side I tapped out the moment that guy like took his things off and did the thing with his hand to fix his hair Yeah, and then float it away. Yeah like poochie And then I was like, yeah, that's I lasted until about 20 episodes after that and then they're like who the masks I'm like, oh boy. I'm done. I'm done here. I think I stopped like Four minutes into the first episode and you're oh, wow. It's good. Wow right at the beginning I was like, I don't like this you weren't you don't dude and you are Naruto didn't cut like I didn't like you managed to
Starting point is 00:20:35 That's that's actually because what gets what gets everybody is the big buster sword, right? The the guts type feeling you get at that moment like oh or that was that what they're going for and everyone gets bought in at that Point like I totally did. Yeah, no, I nice good dodge. I got lucky good dodge. You did it back dash When did the anime start anyway? It was 2001 two billion years ago for in 1992 Well, what you beat the Olympics will I I did And and I guess I didn't I got like if we're talking about things that started in the past Did you know actually that? in issue one
Starting point is 00:21:17 Ford, oh, excuse me 159 nice kind of good save of Nintendo power they revealed I probably do actually they revealed what what did they reveal? No, no, if you say it I probably do because I had some like one ten one twenty Onwards, okay, like take a guess take a little guess what era was it was GameCube, right? It was GameCube. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know was it product number three gosh in the joint. No, okay It was how about this? It wasn't a game Was it the e-reader? No, but that was that was right around the corner. Yeah, okay? That was this is 2002. It was the wavebird. It was
Starting point is 00:21:56 Beach Like it's fucking awesome. Yeah, I love that controller area wavebird takes flight It's the fucking yeah, it's I remember it didn't launch in the same day as eternal. Yeah I totally had this issue. I remember it's both launched on the same day or they're in around and there in it became the default GameCube controller forever and Then and then we got into the post GameCube years and everyone turned back to wired controllers because they became available latency, right? Yeah, fine. Yeah fair enough, but I love the wavebird. No, totally for me
Starting point is 00:22:28 It's the it's the one I use because remember they had those ads where they showed you shitting on the Thunder bucket But you're like looking in a mirror that's in your living room So you could see the reflection of your TV while you're shitting and that was you know That was that era of Nintendo making gross mature ads and they were gross and mature They know they were actually just gross like like before that It would be those Sega ads like that when I talked about it But like a bad 3d airbrush model of some naked girl and then again Then the ad being like play the Sega Saturn and everyone was like no
Starting point is 00:23:00 Wasn't that the one where it was like there's a Sega Saturn on this page There's also a woman, but you only care about one of you but you wouldn't notice it or whatever. Look at our awesome port of MK2 So I have a place in my heart for the Saturn, but it sucks You know games sucked on the Saturn Dragon Force, you know, that's such shame That's I spent so much money to buy a copy of course a few years ago It that game has has aged so badly You know who else has a place in their heart for the Sega Saturn ice cube Really? Yeah, there's an ad with him with the fucking the rings of Saturn around his head kidding
Starting point is 00:23:39 Yeah, it wasn't ice cube at the time though was it? It was I yeah Okay, I didn't know I don't know All right, so actor who had a week I didn't have I don't have a very particularly eventful week you beat the Olympics Yeah, so you know I did the overwatch stuff. I was watching the ESL finals of the Blizzard invitation over there that they had there was like a big overwatch Yeah, man really cool watching that learning learning some strats and fun stuff that I you know, you wouldn't have considered otherwise Okay, someone you you you jump in on this because I'm asking Liam
Starting point is 00:24:18 He wasn't really sure if you're Zarya and you shoot the gravaton. Yeah No, you asked your girlfriend this or your wife I was in the room trying to fix the if you shoot it over a pit It's gotta hit something it has to hit something If you want to suck everyone into Ilios as well, you have to hit the wall of the well or something Yeah, you can't just Can do is on the the the the Zen temple what you can do is aim it at the side of the wall
Starting point is 00:24:49 And if it's close enough, it'll suck people off the edge in the middle platform See the problem is is that does not count as a kill no Counts as a suicide for that actually But that's fine. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, it does count as a kill because it actually does chips of damage And if someone if something hits you and then you fall off because it's your kill So if Lucio blasts you off that that that's true But the reason I say that is because roadhogs hook absolutely does not count as a okay roadhog. Well, I Can tell you that
Starting point is 00:25:24 Yeah, because you're taking Lucio's house for sure taking pips of them and so despair is pips of damage will not be ultimately the thing That kills you could yeah, but yeah But the game but the game is basically made in a way where if Someone hits you and then the next thing that happens is you fall off the thing. It says you got you got hit by that guy Okay, like fair fairs blast. I don't think it causes Kills that counts as kills Roadhogs thing is because like it what it's not intended to be used for that and they it's I don't play roadhogs So I can't say but I know it works just as well
Starting point is 00:26:00 But yeah, but if anyone it does a like a like a blast like her right-click or like anything like that It's it's it's their kill. Okay so yeah, like that was that was cool and The also on the PC version you've got the the PTR where it's like the version of the patch Yeah, that they're gonna be releasing you can go test it out and with that come some new skins and new emotes more importantly Gremlin is real cannon and it costs a thousand points to buy that crouching animation and it's Diva crouching eating her diva Rito's and sipping diva who might as well be yeah, basically Mountain Dew and
Starting point is 00:26:38 Playing a shmup on her little here's the deal the precedent has been set if your dank meme becomes popular enough It will become real. Well, I mean even before that the the the Olympic I guess Soldiers 76 of him playing with a golf club is dad. Yeah. Yeah, they started Adopted that as well. They're following they know So I really want to be a designer that like like gets to put that dumb shit in he's like investigate all the memies Yeah, you'll have a little thing on your desk. It's Matt Kowalewski meme watch So yeah, that was that you know, I put a bit of time into no man's sky and
Starting point is 00:27:22 I'm you know, I'm pretty much arriving to a place where like I can definitely I can put more time in And I and I definitely will know I don't think I don't know I know I will put in more, but I don't think it's going to be like Tons and tons and tons about that. Yeah, same. I feel that it is it's all right. It's pretty all right Um, I feel that I can see the limits to where my boredom will stop and I think that there's gonna be probably What I'm gonna do is gonna play a little bit more and then I'm gonna hear about some cool patch in the future
Starting point is 00:27:58 Yeah, and boot it up and check that out again, and it'll just be that game I've been playing it on and off. I think I have about eight or ten hours and I'm I talk with Liam about this Few days ago because I miss last week's podcast and I was initially like baffled at the reaction of people going like This is bullshit false advertising. I mentioned this last week on the podcast that we were both more less on the same page Like totally baffled like come on they didn't and then I saw that reddit post That was like the exhaustive breakdown of every feature that was ever mentioned and something like that I don't think it's malicious or whatever But like I had lowered my expectations for this game to what I thought was reasonable and I still found it to be profoundly limited and
Starting point is 00:28:37 Like there's a there's a lot of problems with that game and I think the two biggest ones is the removal of planetary physics has a trickle-down effect that On massive amounts of the gameplay like because it once you remove the planetary physics from the systems like they become a lot simpler And the second thing is there is no scarcity of resources in the game Like you may have find a planet that doesn't particularly have a lot of aluminum or has no aluminum but like the the nigh essentials are so plentiful as to be ridiculous and the amount of outposts and Monoliths and word things or whatever per planet is stupid gigantic. Yeah, yeah, and things run things reform as well
Starting point is 00:29:22 You know yeah in front of your eyes I think that like one simple thing that really could have made a lot of this more interesting or at least kind of in an Eve sort of ways You know when you go to a space station and then like a random ship flies in and you can like trade with them sometimes and stuff That's right How cool would it be if it's not multiplayer? But it's just if you run into a place where a player has is or is parked or whatever has been or something You can do that same trade is there and you can have your shot your ship that
Starting point is 00:29:50 Preset prices for what you want to sell and you can just have a little bit of a hand I mean you have to like deposit your an economy so that you couldn't Do it sell it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that'd be a problem if you could do that No, but a little economy might have been fun I think the biggest absence definitely is the multiplayer features and I don't mean in regards to like seeing other players because I mean that That's absent. Yes, but that kind of just amounts to killing them and taking their stuff or not or not Yeah, exactly, but like multiplayer features in general. I feel early Would really add to it. I that kind of thing would add to it
Starting point is 00:30:24 Yeah, like even if it's not like two people running around shooting at each other Like just that level would have been a bit more than like pretty much Hey, I played it a bunch near the start of the week, but like as the week's gone on I've just kind of not been playing it. I I think I'm also around like eight to ten Region the planets are so large and there's so much on them But they're so similar that they become like functionally identical for most most of them most of occasionally You'll run a new planet. That's a very bizarre gimmick. Yeah, but that's very rare I found one planet finally after a while. That was like
Starting point is 00:30:59 So pretty like it was like on actually on the level of the trailer planets barring all like special effects It didn't make the cut and shit Mm-hmm, but like it was so nice that I actually like I felt to myself I don't want to go. Yeah, I'm gonna lose this planet forever You know, like there's I don't think there's a way to put a marker on like So nice I really dug that a friend of mine mentioned it and it kind of stuck with me the more that I play He said it before the game came out and as I play through that couldn't get out of my head the game feels like a
Starting point is 00:31:30 The mass effect one planet missions expanded into a full game. Yeah, you mentioned that and yeah I wrote running it with the tumbler like Yeah, and it's just like it's like so many of them were these just totally featureless Gray-red or whatever rocky landscape. It's like yeah I haven't seen any screenshots of say like a desert planet or a completely oceanic planet So there's you know and I've seen water planets. Yeah, there's a like like almost like a story that kind of encapsulates a lot of the feeling here is
Starting point is 00:32:02 V mills was telling me about a Stream he was running where he's been playing the game a good fair amount Yeah, and he was like, okay, so I set up this whole thing or is like alright guys today We're gonna be going on a big digging quest, you know He's like he picked a planet out and he got his shit together He's like we're gonna be just going as far as we can to the center to the core and it's gonna be nuts You know and I was like let's go and then he started digging and 30 feet later was the limit to how far you could dig and Then it's like you either hit the bedrock or the water depending on what type of planet it is
Starting point is 00:32:33 And then you cannot dig in and that's that and that's the end of the adventure You can dig into the ground, but she didn't know that but that's the limit I've never tried so how far you can dig the planet might as well not exist below that point. Yeah, so just it was just like Adventure no Like it's a bit of a bummer And I feel like it exists in this unfortunate place where it's like not hardcore of enough of a space game to appeal to people who want to play Hard-glazed space game rebel galaxy or elite dangerous or star citizen And it's not enough of a crafting or exploration game to appeal to people who want to play star pound or yeah
Starting point is 00:33:08 Minecraft or terraria Building I'll help with that a lot, but it's not there yet The whole game it really boils down to or rather the the the progress in the game I should say boils down to your inventory space is what it's pretty much all about Yeah expanding that because you're always juggling like oh shit I got to give up this for more space and like if I want to make my ship better I need to take away space for me carrying shit I was listening to the bombcast and Jeff was talking about how he's like man
Starting point is 00:33:35 I just started I just got a trainer going and I just took away that inventory limitations because I had no interest And I just wanted to see the the exploration side of it You know, I didn't feel like putting it and and I'm thinking about that. I'm like, you know like I Could I understand that point of view I understand it It's not really satisfying to find a backpack thing on a planet. Oh, yeah, I got an extra slot like I found a new multi-tool. I was like fucking coming in my pants. Yeah, but I get I get the sentiment Or it's just like yeah I just want to get to the place that stuff is happening at apparently
Starting point is 00:34:13 But if you're a product or a design decision that actually has people going I Really wish I could take all of this away then like There's there's a problem somewhere. There is there is a problem either with the whole perception thing that we've all talked about Or there's a problem where It's not fun enough to warrant the problems you have to deal with what it is is like this is now like And it's a weird issue because we've talked about the fact that like, you know, the penny arcade comic that addressed the fact that Tyco and Gabe have different ways of playing games and one of them had like played a Mario stage He's like I want to play with the crabs forever on the speech
Starting point is 00:34:51 Yeah, and the other was like I just want to fucking step on the crab run The difference between wanting to beat a game and wanting to see a goal-based versus tourism based right and so like you have this game Which is heavily like tourism based but not everyone wants that type of experience and furthermore Even those who do want different amounts of it a goal-based game has a finish line that everyone wants to get to and that'll be that but Someone but someone that wants to explore or like you the game asks you do you even want to go follow that atlas? Or do you want to turn that shit off right away? Like there's a limit to how much exploration people that don't want guidance will need When you start designing the thing where you want to appeal to as many people as possible
Starting point is 00:35:32 Sometimes you appeal to no one. Yeah, I mean like you're you're you're stretched too far in too many directions and focusing on one thing And doubling down on it sometimes not always but sometimes the better That's kind of a lot of things. I feel like that's kind of like what I was trying to talk about last week also was like It was never meant to appeal to everyone. No, I mean like eventually they decided to try to I don't know I don't think so. I think the marketing did. Yeah, absolutely. Oh, yeah, okay In fact, it was on a three-stage. Yeah. Yeah, like I don't think Joe danger was ever trying to appeal to everyone But it sure as heck didn't have why I feel Joe Joe million dollars. Yeah. Well, yeah, they added in the second one What's up really? Yeah, I don't know
Starting point is 00:36:16 That was a long stone face. No, but Yeah, I don't think it was ever for any ever for everyone and it's the same as like I mentioned this last week Pat You weren't here, but same as we happy few on Microsoft stage Yeah, we're like that game's gonna come out very nice and people are gonna play it and they're gonna go That's not what I for different reasons I think expectations get set based on where or how it gets marketed perception. I think I got my showing it like this And it's not like quite like that Well, sorry, there's not enough of anything else
Starting point is 00:36:46 Don't mean so so much in the market about I'm talking about in a grander like more general sense You're making a game where you can explore the galaxy Like an open-world game. It's like letting people play the way they want But that's why I said a little bit on Twitter that I was like, you know, not very eloquent saying is that I kind of now Wish or hope that it was more of a power saying like all these planets are functionally similar. Yeah and building a Dozen like building a dozen planets and then randomly generated. I don't know a hundred others And then having those 12 be like the main ones that you have have proper content Yeah, like the aqua plants like you said there's aqua plants and stuff
Starting point is 00:37:26 But but they're functionally the same even though I got to a cool water planet And there was like a monolith under the water that I had to swim to it's kind of neat But I got down there and what do you think it did? It's helped me a word. Yeah, right like How does the expression go like it's a fucking billion miles wide but one foot deep like there's an expression That's I don't know, but that sounds pretty good actually pretty much what it is like Yeah, it's probably the most eye-opening thing and I believe it Accelerated my disappointment with the game by a factor of like two Like I would have played it for maybe 20 hours had this not been the case
Starting point is 00:38:00 But I was playing no man's sky while I was in discord with the bird squad my rating buddies while four of them were playing star bound right and Listening to them around any games listening to them say oh man I found a planet that it's all Japanese castles made out of wood But the atmosphere constantly rains fire So as soon as I set down everything burned alive and everyone's dead or I found this planet That's nothing but poison gas, but there's gold there, you know, and it's like Starbound is a much less ambitious game technically in that it is a 2d game
Starting point is 00:38:34 Yeah, and it's simpler in that respect, but as a result it seems to have about a billion more variables not not to not to Disrespect starbound because I did those guys are great developers and stuff. But yeah, like this is also the sequel to terraria Absolutely, so they had one big go totally concept already and now they were able to really like it's just it's a lot simpler to generate like New rules for a planet. That's like weird atmosphere when it's a fucking sprite Yeah, and you know, I don't know if you guys caught that nuts story but there was some people that were talking about how they were attempting to use the the Sony refund Yeah, and for no man's sky for various reasons and yeah, that story sounds like a load of bullshit
Starting point is 00:39:16 So so that's I do know the story There's I don't believe it. There was an update that came to this so the actual right So the story itself was a couple people tried refunding some of them weren't eligible based on like Various factors because they have to kind of assess based on how much like you know how much you played the game I'm going on if they look at your account and you've got like 10 trophies from the game I know you played it for like hours like the and the but there was one case where the guy was eligible and They said okay, you can get your refund for this game. However It will be deleted from your account and you will not be able to rebuy or redownload it ever again in the future
Starting point is 00:39:55 So if you get this refund, it's a permanent decision that the reason I don't buy that is because that's not Some like that has never happened I've never heard many people have gotten refunds including myself and you can always go back and rebuy something Yeah, so really sounds like he either misunderstood or the guy on the other side was full of shit Yeah, so that he was reporting the story about I was like I felt like I had a gun to my head He kind of was like I backed down Yeah, but it's like I backed down because you know, there's a possibility that I'll want to play it again And when updates come out or something more it comes out in the future
Starting point is 00:40:29 But the idea of like yeah, you'll get your money back, but you can never ever touch this is like ridiculous and Yeah, I honestly and this isn't even like a Liam like Sony so much Of course, she'd say this but no that sounds like fucking bullshit because that's not a why would why would your system work like that? Why would your system and it never has I got refunds. Everyone's got Refund for some dumb reasons. So people so you know press got in touch and asked What the deal was about this and Sony did reply and said that like that's not the system They have and that you can totally get it again if you get your refund
Starting point is 00:41:05 So it might have just been this one person the guy was talking to or might have just been a bullshit thing You may be the guy who said it felt like he had a gun to his head was maybe Maybe things a little and perhaps I don't know I don't know a lot of customer that was alarm on the phone I've spoken a lot of customer service people on the phone and Every now and then you get to that guy who is tired and it's Friday And he is just gonna say anything he can say to get you off the fucking phone. He's done. Yeah Maybe
Starting point is 00:41:37 Listen, if you if you get this plan will give you a puppy in the mail. We'll just send you a puppy Yeah, I might not be alive, but we'll send you one I Want to give shout outs to little vmills who's checking out Montreal came around had a good time showed him all the big Poké stops and The place to eat on the on the Friday I was I was doing a bunch of errands or whatever and I'm walking around and I see he's like hey I'm at Schwartz's and I was like hey that's not too far from where I live
Starting point is 00:42:06 Maybe we'll bump into each other. Are you there right now? Where are you and then you didn't reply for a little bit cuz over Twitter and then I'm like, okay? Well, I guess he's busy So then I went home and I was in the complex desjardins and then I see him post I'm in the complex desjardins right now Look at this crazy mall. It's so crazy and I was like, okay, should I walk back there? No by the time I walk back there He'll be back. Yeah. Yeah, he's just teleporting around the map. Yeah. Yeah. Look at this fountain. It does things That fountains cool as shit. It is yeah, and then then there's the fire fountain. That's also around there It's crazy the fire tornado and we were obsessed with with with water tricks here in Montreal a little bit
Starting point is 00:42:44 Yeah, we love our water sports do that weird stuff that water Hey, you guys want to do the stranger things thing after this. Yes. Okay. Let's do the stranger things thing after this Let's do that thing. Okay. I finished. Hey, since for people who can't listen to that spoiler cast Get yourself able to listen to that spoiler cast not because the spoiler cast is good But because stranger things is fucking awesome. It's really really good and tune in at the end for more Um, I finished Bojack Horseman season three the cringe continues. How's your soul? Yeah, it you know it at this point though It's a formula and it's not that it's like bad, but it's just that it's predictable So I felt the formula and I'm still enjoying it, but I can I can just point it out and see that that was how I felt
Starting point is 00:43:26 About Kimmy Schmidt season two. Okay, where I was like, okay, I get it. You see what's going on I feel like the This the whole like let's work on your problem side of things was like a little different in that way Like I didn't expect that sort of arc. I guess. Yeah, I guess I didn't but these the secondary characters had nothing going on Like I feel like the new characters were way more interesting. I mentioned it last time with Bojack though season three like it's like, okay, we've we've gone through this arc Like this is the third time we're going through it now and it's like you are a shitty person you're gonna make shitty decisions things you do early are gonna come back to haunt you hard and
Starting point is 00:44:06 Then when things are kind of going nice or okay for a little bit get ready to cringe your face off More or less does it does it lead itself? Cuz I didn't I never thought there'd be a second season So does the third one lead possibly into a fourth one? It could if it wanted it could if it wanted Yep, I never finished season two because yeah, I remember a couple episodes and I was like in season two But I just remember going yeah, yeah, I need to go I need to go back and do season two and season three I need to know more about Vincent's adult man No, you don't that's yeah, that's not it. I got bad news for you. No Was that a no of denial or a no of denial, okay, no you don't
Starting point is 00:44:48 Okay, shut up. Well, anyway I still would recommend it though I still would say it's it's a funny cartoon that you should check out and If he's actually an adult, I'm gonna put a gun in my mouth Your violates your your violates your mileage may vary Violates may marry is also That's not bad that's probably a joke that came up in it by which may marry And so cream and I'm salty because I'm super stupid and I'm sitting there
Starting point is 00:45:20 And I'm like finishing off work, and I'm looking at my hands like there was something something was happening What was it what was it and I'm just like I'm getting like anxious like god damn it. There was something and like I know there's this the work of an enemy Time limit, and I'm getting nervous and then I fucking I'm like I'm like And I pop on Facebook, and I scroll down, and I see shmup god pats sick-ass Titanfall 2 beta replay Fucking got so salty, and I looked and it was 1145 and I was like Maybe and I started downloading it and it finished at 12 12 And then I loaded it up, and then I did the training and then the servers were like now
Starting point is 00:46:07 You're not getting in cuz that's my god's pats replay was fucking dope I read from a lot of people because I didn't really want to I want to play the single player I don't really care too much about the multiplayer, but I read from a lot of people that People who played the first one think it's a significant step down Okay There's no more rodeoing on Titans, which is pretty shitty whoa right off the bat Yeah, you just pull out the battery and the Titans dead Okay, there's no there's no conflict there the map design is apparently a lot worse
Starting point is 00:46:39 Titans are kill streaks now instead of being on a timer So you got a that's terrible. Yeah, I know that's really bad Part of the way is appeal of Titans was that everyone was gonna get one at some point not if you're no good not anymore But can you still AI fodder guys are gone apparently? I was gonna say can you shoot those guys to get your streak up to where you? Except for one game mode again. I haven't played it What I read shit shit doesn't sound very good. Yeah, no I a lot of what I There's there's a thread on gaff right now. That's like really long and a lot of people are like Yeah, it's literally called and all the people are really yeah, and all the people who are really digging it
Starting point is 00:47:18 Surprise surprise are people who didn't play the first didn't play the first game. So I I don't know The first battle field one looks really dope. I don't know if you saw so Yeah, I fortunately next weekend. It's coming back up. All right. I'll play with you right remind me Yeah, it's coming back up and Then it's gonna be gone until the launch. So but but like fuck man like That is That's a lot of changes really really not good I don't even get I gotta look into that
Starting point is 00:47:53 Well map design is subjective but like the other things you talked about times like that because what I can't say is in the training That was there. I'm just running around here sliding while running double jumping and like doing the the the the which Macaulay like the Yeah, the food the boost tech exactly and I was just like this actually feels better than overwatch right now This character you're playing as your movement abilities is Yeah, only Genji can do stuff like that and I was you know, I was just like fucking like God I missed this feeling of having so much freedom to your character, you know like movement and that wasn't even the Titan training It was just on foot on foot like as a human. Yeah, the only things I omitted from this was
Starting point is 00:48:37 Apparently player movements not as smooth as the first one. I don't know that sounds like his opinion and the attrition mode is gone Which apparently was really okay the one but I don't know and it's not just one guy like a lot of people are Did they get rid of drop ships too? Okay, well Yeah, the game comes out in October Gotta fucking find out next weekend for sure. God damn it. I was so mad that I missed that And then and finding out in the saltiest way possible which is watching your friends sick replay of him having so much fun Like
Starting point is 00:49:28 Fucking jet and all over and they calls his Titan in a smash that other Titan and he's just like Yeah, I wish I was as good as games You were talking about overwatch a bit I was telling Liam about this the other day Well, if you saw me Twitter puts about it's like I bought an Xbox one s for myself Along with the one we're getting for the office cuz put two Xboxes in inside the apartment So I can I can team up with crime Tina and get one in each and just and just Zarya and Farah Because those two alts. That's all you need baby combo. We weren't good together at all Across the room saying where the fuck are you?
Starting point is 00:50:11 Dude, I just got killed. Yeah, and we have this like Farah, you know, obviously can boost a bit But you know, there's a cool that whatever but their walk speeds are the same Zarya and Farah if they just walk Farah cannot catch up to Zarya and vice versa. Yeah, Farah moves really slow. Yeah, they both move very slow together Actually, the a lot of the characters are Identical and move speed because they're meant for you to be able to run together as well I mean soldier 76 can run he can run and like yeah Yeah, and so people can like be like like bomb jump or fly and such
Starting point is 00:50:43 If you're just if you're just holding forward you're moving you're usually able to move together as a group I would make Lucio's ability pointless if everyone's split apart, you know But I mean since we're these two characters mostly like I switch here and there but like it ain't gonna go too well But there is this one moment the other night when we were playing where we're both huddled in a room and we're waiting for everyone The enemy team to red team to come into the point and we're gonna shoot all this shit out of them When that we just saw from the right side a chain just come. Yeah My boy and I voted for that same Roadhog so bad because a Bastion who I don't care how sappy you make your short
Starting point is 00:51:27 It was terrible. It was bad. I don't care how sappy you make your short But a Bastion got into the point Our point and then started turning into a turret and I saw another chain come out It's a great feeling to be on that other end because you know they like the other team doesn't see you all they sees the chain It's like somebody getting pulled off stage with a crook Right, yeah, no, no, no, you're out. You're gone. Yeah, it's funny because like Bastion is interesting He's like almost like baby's first introduction to hard counters where yeah, like
Starting point is 00:52:06 Learned that the game wants you to learn how to switch characters. No, no, no, I know But there's nothing more fun than just like, you know Fire it will and then justice reigns together. It's like that's your team wipe and like I left we landed a couple of those Combo finish. Yeah. Yeah, exactly and like Zarya and Farah just pointing at each other like Trying to learn whatever that Russian sipping is Going for the toblas deal, I don't I think she's just saying fire at will in Russian I don't know. I don't know when it got added But I really appreciate now plays of the game having a little word to describe exactly what you did that was good
Starting point is 00:52:46 Yeah, shut down a sharp shooter was another one I got I got with a soldier the other day where I was just like sharp shooter with this What's this and like it picked not like when I did an alt it picked like a perfectly timed rocket shot That hit someone really far away and then I turned around and shot someone normally with my with my assault rifle Yeah, I was like, okay. Yeah. Yeah, yeah a team revive that Mercy does Give it but shut down as fuck it Justice Newton no, it's not
Starting point is 00:53:22 Lunch is over Hey Genji players enjoy your fuck-ass nerf bat. Oh, yeah. Oh my god. Okay. Well, yeah And I was just reading through those holy Christ and and then the other Shimada brother gets the fucking boost Where he gets a faster arrow knock timing, dude He gets a bigger hitbox on the actual arrows It makes me really happy to see Hanzo get that buff because I love Hanzo, but his arrows are Inconsistent like if you if you're a pro-ass pro then you were fine But for most people it was not gonna cut it and they kind of like now people are worried that actually
Starting point is 00:53:58 Oh wait, he might be too strong again. Yeah, he was already really good in the hands of a good player Speaking to shut speaking to shut down. I did the exact same thing where patches made the impersonation where I was fair Justice and then Genji just ding-ding. Yeah Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. That's the first time it's ever since overwatches came out. That's the first time it's ever happened to me I'm googling I'm going for the T and then it's like Toblerone toga steel toddler steel Yeah, no get she can reflect fucking Graviton back at you He can reflect Hanzo's alt, but you have to hit the arrow Right exactly
Starting point is 00:54:43 And of course we got to take a look at the new Isen's vault map or whatever. It looks like a day-to-feet map. There's some high ground on that Remember last week on the podcast and went you know what? I really thought we'd get a new map before we got a new hero really wish I can get a new map Look at later that day. I was with like an hour later And I'm on my phone and I go man, you know what fuck overwatch. I really wish they they added a new map just now Look, there's the map. Yeah It looks pretty sick. Oh look at that badass Reinhardt type dude on the throne
Starting point is 00:55:18 Oh, guess what he's getting that armor like they know that armor. They know Yeah, no mothman drew it and and posted it on reddit and he got reddit gold This I guess all massive painting. Yeah, exactly. I mean, that's the guy from the Bastion short as well Yeah, yeah, so fucking that's awesome ass wrecker. I The speaking of games speaking to something Liam knows is that like the only good thing to come out of this game Which is Ben her on the Xbox one is destructoids article about it Which is called there's a new Ben her game on Xbox and it's free and it's bad Okay, of course I bought it and you know what this is since you all will go oh it's like that
Starting point is 00:56:04 It's exactly the same thing as that TMNT game We played for the connect where it was free it booted up It said press start clips from the movie played then then the game started and then the game was over Then it boots you back to the main menu. It's that type. Yeah, it theaters August 8th It said that constantly and it's August. I didn't touch nothing a bunch of shit Nothing all right Something exploded it's okay the thought of Ben her I'll figure it out later Yeah, this is the work of an enemy stands brother against Empire
Starting point is 00:56:39 It was it plays with clips from the movie and then it goes into like Digi-Pen Yeah Baby's first game design of you're just in a chariot going around the thing and then I lost One hilarious thing goes when you lose you lose hard your dude flips out of the chair and gets trampled It's true. Yeah, that was pretty entertaining But something like it's this is just more on the movie than anything But I kind of just when I didn't I'm I'm probably not gonna see it But I'm just looking just from looking at what the way they shot the action in the trailers
Starting point is 00:57:11 I was kind of thinking it's by the director of wanted Yes, right and I'm looking at this going like you so you have the the budget in the CG and the stuff to make like an Even crazier chariot race than the original did But the way the original came together because it's one of them craziest things ever filmed. Yeah, right? I bet no one's even gonna die during this film The way they are they did the original was basically just like okay. We need to shoot a chariot race How do we do this? Let's have an actual chariot race and just throw cameras in the middle. It reminds me of like When Mad Max Ferry Road finished shooting and George Miller made this big announcement
Starting point is 00:57:50 We're we can we finished principle shooting. Hooray. No one died and it was this big like hooray Because they were doing crazy Shit yeah in that and with this it's like but you're the prelude is crazy Crazy shit that movie is astounding for what they tried to do And that's why I died during it because of what you're talking about and they're not gonna do that again And the the well I mean I'm just saying that nowadays when you have the like ability to CG it and what you kind of do is instead of having those
Starting point is 00:58:21 Wide crazy shots of the action where like the horses were like, you know rounding the bend and doing all those things You have these super tight shaky cams like Batman begins type shit I don't even okay. You're under the horse. I can't see G the disappointment in Get it. It's a chariot race. It should be like frenetic and like yeah Yeah, but like I want to see the chariot just yeah, don't do that close-up shaky thing like Popular thing to do. It sucks. Everyone's doing it now. So that sucks I also put a bunch into time into KOF 14 because I was able to snag an early code for that Did you burn to fight?
Starting point is 00:59:00 Or did you burn to life? I was gearing up for like, wait, wait, what's that noise? What's that? What's and then you do it? But yeah, that's good too. Okay, so This this week's fisticust, of course, unsurprisingly And I told you guys, you know, these endings are pretty cool. Yeah, we watch the film So I did the woman's team my King and Alice I'm gonna read you a little list of all the women that appear
Starting point is 00:59:33 Hotaru Futaba, yeah Vanessa yeah Lou Mary, yeah Who else who else Kasumi Toto? Yeah Well, he hates her, but he's a bastard be Jenny. Yeah on Janay She had another name who her name was bonjane slash like shining princess, okay, um weird Well, there's there's like a weird Was it her was it her gang the pirates the uh, sure all of her pirates appear
Starting point is 01:00:05 Oh, God, what were their name emerald knights? I think emerald knights. Yeah, emerald princess I'm waiting on one character. Keep going That's all off the top of my head That's all I wrote down because the endings are quite what was miss X there miss X miss X from Queen of Fighters Yeah, that's your address Madamex Okay, that would have been a nice Richard Meyer and Bob Wilson damn straight. So it's yang fei from real bow. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, thank fei Well, she's and she's and she's in KOF now, too. I rather she was like 99
Starting point is 01:00:38 She was in she was a 99 onward. Yeah. Yeah But I'm probably gonna go through the like as many of the teams as I as I can to try to get the end is because the This ending is really long. We watched that fatal fury one. Yeah, that one was fun But like it is, you know, it was like about what a minute this one was like five minutes long and some are really really good So, you know, I was playing that over the weekend like I didn't experiment a ton But I definitely kind of like warmed up to the game that it seems it seems to me a bit faster I went back to the demo. I was like, yeah, the demo. There's something a little bit off about the speed or something I still don't know what it is. It could just be my head going. This is the final release. Yeah, this is the demo
Starting point is 01:01:20 but I really kind of I'm I mix I really really hope this game is a success because I want a sequel that's even better And I don't even know what ways my only was still real beef is I still find the UI and like HUD in general stuff Is bland the main menus bland Some of the music is a little bit forgettable But other than that like I had ton of fun So, do you think I do you think they still need to make one or two more? Do you think SNK is back? I It's it's the same thing as as 12 and 13
Starting point is 01:01:51 Like but 12 had almost nothing to do and it didn't have a great roster I fault if the visuals spend more time in the oven and if we get like is not all not all the backgrounds are So I think Oh So no, I I definitely feel that more time And the ability to polish up stuff for a sequel Considering what a massive change-up it is to go to 3d. It's a pretty oppressive Impressive attempt
Starting point is 01:02:27 Fucking any of the maximum in much better than 12 Yeah, it's better than 12. Yeah, cuz you have 12 you've like 2001 you've 96 you always have the test It's on the good side of KOF and it's also if people are interested in getting a KOF I think it's this is also a really good entry because it's systems are I kind of felt 12 and 13 systems where I never really understood a lot of them makes there's some things like they basically had a focus attack and what? 13 or 12 well Oh, I the critical counter hits with the hard moves just too massive. Yeah I kind of feel this one is like its systems are not overwhelming. There is some more advanced stuff
Starting point is 01:03:05 I'll never get used to short jumping. It's such a short jumping a short hop short whatever hopping I guess four kinds of fucking The tutorial is pretty good though as well as this one I played that in the demo and like peering at the trials real quick in in the full version on your console It seemed like the the combos are all relatively straightforward. Yeah, it's like it's like a few normals into a special or super or whatever But you know, I had fun playing it. So I like I'm gonna continue until I'll go hop online once the game is online, but I'm not gonna be able to do that until next week or yeah But yeah, other than that really really quickly like the art and those are next to yeah, it's a pretty good
Starting point is 01:03:46 I Watched two movies really quickly. It's all one of you guys about this hunt for the wilder people which is by The director of what we do in the shadows and we are wolves and we are wolves and fly the Concord's and all that really really charming Funny funny movie Really not your typical type of stuff. You like Wes Anderson movies, which we already mentioned It's a lot like that and Sam Neil Allen Grant plays one of the crotchiest like fork everything I live in the mountains. I like it. Oh, it's super good He's he's really fun because when he's a crotchety angry guy, which he's been in a couple movies. I've seen he's pretty good
Starting point is 01:04:23 So I really enjoyed that and I also watched kind of an older movie But the imitation game about Alan Turing and World War two. Yes. Yes. Was that with the Cumberbud? That's that's with a biohazard Cumberbill or whatever Ben and Jill Cumberbud Biohazard Cumber Cucumberpatch. I don't know He was amazing in this like this is one of those movies that like won a bunch of ox Oscars, but we never really catch for whatever what time period of Turing's life does it take place? It takes place during
Starting point is 01:04:56 The late 30s into you know, the the end of World War two, but it also jumps around to around the 50s Okay, yeah Investigators are trying to who is this guy Finding trying to find his military records and seeing they're blank I'm assuming it's gonna jump around because there's events that it just jumps around between those two time frames basically And they do a pretty even job and they basically say yeah The British British like you know government is like sorry that we treated this super mega hero this way Turing got fucking fucked by history. It's a damn shame, but this movie doesn't this movie will fix it
Starting point is 01:05:40 This goddamn hero who saved millions of people's lives Estimated like his work shorn the war by four years. Yeah Millions of lives So it also gave me the context because I always heard of the turning test, but it's your turn. Yes turning Turing test yes Aluminium I remember the first time it tub I heard the word I heard the term used before but the first time I saw it in like a movie context is when I saw X machina
Starting point is 01:06:14 Where they use the test against the robot. Are you fucking robot? Yeah You'll you you have to tell me if you're a robot robot cock You have to tell me it's entrapment if you don't tell me you're a robot. I'm not a robot. Okay. I'm a replicant And I'm here to snatch you And the kind of last thing I did but didn't do was just look at gifts of NXT takeover Unfortunately being in Canada, we're not really allowed to get the network unless we sign up for anything like an expense Thanks for nothing John Paul Rogers TV deal Like I fucking sucks. I wish I wish it had a sub on some console
Starting point is 01:06:58 I have the WWE Network app on my ps4 and on my Xbox one, but I can't use it. Yeah, it's fucking sucks But I just but I did watch thank you to our subreddit fan that posted Nakamura's entrance and We have reminded me to watch it because I think actually it's probably the greatest entrance I've ever seen Better than Finn. It's pretty Who had his glorious entrance where you guys need to see that too, it's pretty glorious It's pretty good better than new dawn over Osaka rainmaker It is
Starting point is 01:07:39 Okay, like kind of Random gimmicks that you cannot kind of just chalk up to Japan being Japan and rather this being like a built Entrance they had schematics They found the like the coolest violin player ever who's probably into wrestling as well because he seemed really into He's very dramatic. I'm like it's one thing to bring in like a dinosaur and a sword But that's just like a look. I'm doing a silly thing, you know I'll speak of the rainmaker on this podcast. Okay, dude. His song is the best His song is amazing. All right. It's so good. I can play it every day and taiko drummaster. I can accept that
Starting point is 01:08:16 That's fine, but like Nakamura's intro Okay, all right, all right, we'll find out Have you seen it at all? I didn't want I saw the first his debut dude, and I love that But I'd like I haven't seen this this specific one We should watch it now Yeah, stop the podcast yeah, watch it and then come I wouldn't mind I wouldn't mind at all like we'll take a vote or whatever but and You know just a couple of choice things like summer slams seems to be like this is one of some people
Starting point is 01:08:51 But I still really want to check because the one thing people said is like you need to see AJ Styles versus John Cena Because it was the the best man really I'm hard So I would like to see that fucking I'm watching it That's the fucking best it's the best one really really good and simple and just good Singing with gotta get the crowd back Reminds me of Sony's e3 conference where it's just like yeah classy Perfect and it's live music which is always great fireworks. You just need really the right thing to happen perfectly The crowd singing along is such a difference. Yeah, like for for um, Sammy zane. Yeah, it's the most singable
Starting point is 01:09:45 Like It's so good to when you get the crowd beyond chanting four syllables. Yeah, that's when it gets good That's what it's like a complicated melody When they're you know, this is awesome. Yeah, that's cool, right? But like when they're doing Nakamura's theme Yeah, it's a lot. It all comes down to the fact that WWE somehow stayed their hands Someone said hey, let's not have the chopsticks going in the background and you hear the Orient Express Like themes on the 80s and night like high-end top. Yes. Yes And he comes out like dressed up and everything yeah cherry blossoms flutter. Yeah, which is kind of what
Starting point is 01:10:41 No, I love you Aska should throw out DS lights into the crowd. Yeah, and then 10 dogs and then 10 dog 40 on 40 or 40 All right, anyway strong So, you know, that's I I'm gonna have to find some way to watch NXT all that as well Yeah, because I mean those are almost they're almost always better than the WWE shows The only thing is he wishes sometimes they wish we were just like a half hour longer because they only usually have five Matches it's better to wish that it was longer. Yeah To be shorter. Yeah
Starting point is 01:11:18 For sure less is more in wrestling for sure sometimes Unless it's really good. No unless it's it's like we're ending this program because we have to cut to off the record But the match is still going Thing about that Liam. Hey, what's off the grid of record sponsored by the Outback steakhouse and grill? Oh, it's the keg the kegs the thing about wrestling It's like as long unless it's really good So you have to remember for all intents and purposes WWE or whatever. That's an infinite season. Yeah, so there will always Be more the next day for her
Starting point is 01:11:54 Anyway, that was me You see the by the way, I think the reason I thought of the outback also is because of the There's like the stranger things intro and it's cutting to all the letters And then the last thing on the vine is just the out how the outback steakhouse glow logo glowing Fucking great I played yeah, that's right I went and saw the film Kubo and the two strings. How was that? I've been Dude, it's fantastic. It's been like getting like
Starting point is 01:12:28 Never seen stop-motion animation in a film of this level of quality It's one of the makers or the studio behind Coraline and Coraline's yeah This is a significant step up. Is this just general like fantasy or is it like a Japanese very steeped in Japanese? Okay, that was never really sure. No for sure It's all about finding a katana and a Shogun's helmet and you know, it's it's very Japanese It's really quite good honestly and the story is well told. It's not like a super rote typical story either Very cool lots of moments where there were action scenes where I was excited to watch them fighting in like a Movie that for all intents and purposes is like a family movie. Okay
Starting point is 01:13:12 More exciting action scenes than many action movies honestly Really really cool. I highly highly recommend it. I really gonna try to go see if I can squeeze that in theaters right now Yeah, it's playing at Augusta on the road at the nearby theater Seat in 3d if you can Stop motion works. It does work. Yeah, it does work. It's basically all Special effect. Yeah, exactly, but it was really really good. I played do sex go What did that person pronounce it like? Was it do sex pat?
Starting point is 01:13:44 The sex go I think it was do sex It was my girlfriend. Yeah, I'm gonna throw it right under the fucking bus. We're we talking about Deus Ex He's like, oh, yeah, do sex. No, it was do do x do x do sex or something And I'm like she was thinking about the French word and I was like do sex like yeah, do say and like sit over and over Yes, you're playing do sex go, which is the latest go game Similar to Kubo, it's also great. It's the best one. Well, it's great very unsimilarly to Kubo I don't imagine in different ways, but it's also great It's it's easily the best one hitman was about like sneak around and kill people and it was pretty simple
Starting point is 01:14:26 Lara Croft go was like solve puzzles and find things and Deus Ex is kind of back to the sneak around and kill people But there's a lot more ideas layered onto it The only two things is like the story of the game because there is one paints Jensen to be like the most Incompetent fucking person in the world. That's we're like is there like Lego Jensen. It's not Lego, but it's Like when you look at monopoly or Jensen when you when you look at the style you're like, okay It's it's not a it's the same as the other the other go games Okay, no, then you've been out of the picture because hitman go is is a board game Yeah, Lara Croft goes not a board game. Okay running around and stuff and it's
Starting point is 01:15:05 The board game is gone. They all have a totally different aesthetic. Okay But like there's a scene for example at the end of the second bunch of chapters where this guy is holding a man hostage and he is a gun pointed to his head and Jensen's like Sneaking up really slowly instead of using one of his cool stun guns or powers and the guy just shoots him and Jensen's like Oh, no, I made a mistake. Oh, it's like yeah, you did make a mistake. You could you could have solved the problem Effortlessly Jensen deals with threats in those CG trailers for mankind divided. Yeah Like a hot knife through butter Speaking of which I'm keen for that. I'm very keen. I'm worried about the story butter on a little bit
Starting point is 01:15:44 But the the general consensus seems to be that the story is not quite as good as human revolutions. Yeah, I heard that too I can't wait to be creeped up by staring at that guy's eye Which guy the bad guy and his non Really weird. Oh the the weird face. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm mostly excited For breach honestly, like really I think breach looks fantastic. Oh, man. I I I'm excited because I didn't know like I did the thing with Matt where I was on a pseudo blackout for that game Yeah, we didn't look at anything and then I then I looked up like almost everything like a couple nights ago And I found ended just tell me everything
Starting point is 01:16:18 I found out what a bunch of the new augments are and like the one that just made my penis get big was remote hacking Yeah, you can hack from a distance. Oh, no hacking was definitely And it's like, oh man that changes every Makes sense like Well, like like hacking was the thing so let's just make a long yeah, we see is a thing that exists Yeah, yeah, so you're showing me this Deus Ex go Step they've stepped it up Yeah, it was a board game and it's gorgeous him and goes still gorgeous
Starting point is 01:16:49 But Lara Croft go and Deus Ex go take a more traditional Style to animating the characters. Yeah, and then the actual map or the board you're playing on is like the triangles that are And Lara Croft also feels like it's sexy, huh? Yeah Lara Croft feels like the older Tomb Raider slash new Lara Croft games, you know, not new Tomb Raider But right, you know Lara Croft very cool brand. Anyway, I really recommend it if you're looking for a good mobile game because they do exist Because it's it's very very good. I've heard rumors dude like Pokemon Go has been on For days now because I'm collecting steps when I'm idle just get as many as you can gotta hatch those eggs with your yeah With your bonus you with your thing which by the way, it turns out
Starting point is 01:17:38 No, so so so the Well one if you just put your phone down and the GPS Reconnects or rather like you take random steps when you're when your phone is just trying to connect to the GPS signal and update it And those steps count towards your egg hatching. Yeah, of course. Um the getting egg Container things from stops was the first version that then got changed in the patch actually Okay, so now you just now you just get it with the levels originally Yeah, you just spin stops and you would get them Um, and yeah, that was just random team bonus like rumor shit that is like there's no proof of that
Starting point is 01:18:13 I'm not staple your phone to like a squirrel. You can do a lot of things. Yeah, you can You can get a staple through your phone. Yes. Yeah, you totally can duct tape it But quite frankly you could really also just put it down on a flat surface You can pay someone to carry it around you can put it in your mom's purse when she goes out for work There's a lot of things you can do man. That one's a good one. Yep And I think the only other game I played for a significant amount of time No, it's fucking lie. I finished abzu And you played bound to I finished abzu and I played bound. Yeah, abzu was
Starting point is 01:18:49 It's gorgeous it feels like journey but by the end I was struck with like yeah, yeah, it's not it's not nearly as striking as journey There's a little journey journey builds up and the ending is the big wall But I didn't I didn't get the same feeling Confirmed no old God Yeah, definitely not I want to talk to you about it if you're at a certain point But otherwise, it's a massive massive spoiler for what happens at some point. Okay, but there is a thing that happens Oh, yeah, there's a that I like I want to say the sentence. That's the goofiest thing, but it'll just If it's really that short I have no problem
Starting point is 01:19:24 It is I was so close to the end like it is totally like two and a half hour territory I played bound for a little while bound is just an animation porn game made by Plastic who did a bunch of fancy art games on the ps3 before Is there a hyphen between animation and porn or is there not? No, okay, it's an animate like yes Like all of her movement is all it's all ballet for example, she doesn't just walk she does ballet everywhere The environments use a lot of cool procedural techniques Beautiful to look at soundtracks amazing
Starting point is 01:20:06 The story is like so tepid and rote and not special and it's exactly what I thought it would be and it sucks But the games a joy to watch so I have a hard time recommending it at the price They're selling it for which is quite high honestly. I think it's like $27 That's quite if considering what it is. Yeah, I go play abs. Did you beat it? I did not finish it I'm very close to the end Oh Yeah, it feels like it's about that same kind of like maybe maybe a little longer and it is a bit more video gamey as in There's stuff I could see myself going back to replay a level or two
Starting point is 01:20:43 Whereas abzu I don't really see myself going back to swim in a straight line for a while But yeah, if you really dig like cool animation techniques and stuff I definitely recommend it otherwise I think the price is a little steep right now, but it is very very does it have a PC release I think it's intended to I don't know. Okay yet because with games like this It becomes a lot easier to recommend them on steam sales occasionally. Yeah, exactly Now what we will like dark boy currently on sale for $1.99. That's not that's too much worth every penny No, well, yeah, you could buy bad rats. There's a or bad rats. What's the new one called bad rats fuck your life
Starting point is 01:21:26 I bet I think I own that somehow Trying to gain notoriety is like the worst game on steam or something. It's a no look at no on steam No, it's I bought it because I also wanted dark void zero. Yeah dark void zero is a better game Like so does it come bundled with it? It's not bundled, but that's on sale, too It's the big cap I need I have a I have a bone to pick with steam that has nothing to do with anything But this is close go ahead go ahead They need to fix whatever fucking problem it is when you say bye say dragon age, but you don't have any of the DLC And then the steam sale comes out and the DLC isn't on sale
Starting point is 01:21:58 But the fucking legendary fucking game of the year version is on sale and it's way cheaper to just buy the fun new Fucking version that has all the shit then by the existing DLC. That's fucking stupid sounds like a very specific problem That's an upsell that is not a specific problem. That is a common problem It's a very smart upsell technique that is scummy It's terrible because if you buy you buy so you want to buy the regular game all but you can pay a few more dollars and get Everything yeah, but oh, so that's a developer choice shitty fuck that is a developer choice, but it seems to say no you're not allowed We're gonna force you to put the DLC on sale you bastards It's not a lot of companies do they give their game away for free in a bundle and no DLC with it and then you come back and pay
Starting point is 01:22:40 Five six dollars. Yeah, but it's like it's always cheaper to just buy the another new pack of the game Yeah, like those ultimate Alliance ports that didn't have any of the DLC Really it inflates the they're gonna fix it, but like Fixed it. Do they mean they're gonna give it for free? I hope so I bet they do it just to inflate their numbers sold Yeah, right because it counts as another unit Some companies fudge their numbers with them. Yeah, it's totally bastards. Oh, yeah Schumagorath and Jill twenty dollars At the end of the day the only people they're fudging with their numbers is their investors
Starting point is 01:23:15 So who cares hey like if Capcom wants to say they sold millions of units of DMC devil may cry and include PS plus numbers That's that count that kind of can those are sales. They are sales. They're not full-price sales obviously No one wanted to buy your product units did but you didn't get any money, but they didn't know they were buying it They had the and they also didn't choose to buy anyway Yeah, no, it's an interesting discussion But and the other game I played this week was Metroid Prime Federation Force I played according to some people on the internet. I'm a bit past halfway It's it makes me think of you know the Luigi's Mansion arcade game
Starting point is 01:23:54 Yeah, where it's like that I want to desperately play so I watched a bunch of footage of it So I still haven't played it, but I needed to off camera. I needed to just see just to make sure yeah camera footage This feels like that a lot in a good way where it's just an arcadey version of the regular I'm sorry Okay, I'm sorry, but like that doesn't Give information Luigi's Mansion arcade There was a comma at the end of that okay, not sentence. That's not complete yet Okay, what I mean by that is Luigi's Mansion arcade game is to Luigi's Mansion
Starting point is 01:24:25 What this game is to Metroid Prime as in it's an arcadey version of it Okay, you don't get that haunting loneliness walking around Metroid Prime scanning everything You like it's you and a bunch of buddies or any Metroid Prime feeling environment and they're like go do this Metroid Feeling objective, but it's a lot more like punchy and like just you and a crew yeah Or you or solo depending on whatever you want to do okay It does absolutely feel very like I've played a lot of Metroid games It does feel very Metroid-y, but it doesn't feel like a Metroid game. It feels like it's You have a ton of different missile types that you can bring in and you can bring in like decoy missiles that place decoys on the ground
Starting point is 01:25:09 You get like healing healing shots that you get to shoot at other players Super missiles regular missiles various elemental missiles is there any backtracking even like a little bit There's no backtracking. It's just always this is all very lovely. It's level. It's level based Yeah, so you don't you there's three planets and each planet I think has nine or ten missions associated with it and you pick a mission you go in the missions vary from like Five to fifteen minutes long you do the thing and you get out Game yeah, it's very tightly designed very Paul. It's really polished. Did you see the cameo? Well, I saw the ending is what I saw Samus. No, he doesn't mean that he means the other thing
Starting point is 01:25:50 Oh, I don't know and I saw Samus like because they talk about her at the beginning because she's relevant to the Arctic Federation. Yeah Otherwise no not really okay Not that I can think of I so I don't know that ending is unfortunate I don't know. I didn't look it up. I did see that people were talking about it But I don't know honestly it feels good and it like It feels shitty to see lots of Metroid fans being like because slap to the face because beat the game No, people were saying that before the game came out even well what I'm say I wasn't and I'm saying it now But what I'm saying is that like this?
Starting point is 01:26:30 Hear about the end is people saying that there's obviously got to be another Metroid game that goes after this Which seems like a good thing maybe depends because I mean it doesn't it's not called Metroid Prime 4 It's not called Metroid. Oh, it was always is it just Metroid or is it Metroid Prime Federation? Metroid Prime Federation course it like Metroid Prime Hunters. It is a prime like Like Metroid Prime pinball, which is what it was called really. Yeah, it was it was telling of Metroid Prime You thought the Metroid Prime at the end of it. It was a really good game actually Like always been fine with this being a spin-off because that's always what it was and if people to be like Oh god, fuck what they're doing with the Metroid. They're not doing anything with Metroid. They just put out this fun spin-off
Starting point is 01:27:19 They had it been off. I haven't played it yet, but like they just put on this fun intentionally Like goofy little spin-off they put out a bad game, which they did other M. It was not a great game They're gonna say Metroid Prime. Yeah, sure. No, I mean they put out a bad game And then they put out a spin-off that was about the Federation which people were asking for after Metroid Prime 2 came out Yeah, way to strike well iron top, but no, but but nonetheless people did ask for a 2004 I think I'm just surprised because I actually thought the prime world was over
Starting point is 01:27:58 You know, yeah, I guess I never finished Prime 3 actually, so I love Prime 3. Did you finish that game? Yeah, okay. Absolutely. It's great It ends very well I'd really like to play it actually because I played makes up for echoes first second and Hunters and hunters is really good, too I could I couldn't get into the control scheme for hunters. So it's really different So that was the biggest hindrance prime has been the spin-off series now that this is the third spin-off Yeah, not in a row, but yeah, no, but like yeah, so that's you know, no
Starting point is 01:28:31 I totally I still haven't downloaded I want to download it before I go on vacation just so I can check it out And like yeah, I'm down to play something on my 3ds until Tokyo Tokyo rumble comes out Yeah, but I don't know. It's good and it's like Like I get where Metroid fans are coming from but at the same time it's hard to sympathize because it's like It's just like Metroid's not dead like anyone saying Metroid say your thing from the destructoid article Like Metroid's super not dead for starters But like secondly like think about Paper Mario fans where the last three mainline games have not been mainline like
Starting point is 01:29:11 That's fucked It's the you're so yeah the whole thing about how they're turning it into another franchise No, exactly like like like what I'm saying is if if Metroid Prime 4 comes out and it's Federation Force 2 And it's called Metroid Prime 4 and then Metroid Prime 5 Then you know what then I think Really though just want a post-fusion game already I just like it's really starting No, I wanted as well Really like Metroid and I really want more like mainline Metroid to come for sure
Starting point is 01:29:52 William a it's a theory. Yeah, what was it? I forgot the 30th anniversary of Metroid this month and Nintendo has done nothing. Oh, yeah, you hated this article Sure, no, this is the one before it was the other one. It's the 30th anniversary of Metroid Nintendo has done nothing with it Sure, Metroid Prime Federation Force comes out in a week, but that doesn't count because I say so yeah That was so What I for good reason it's like what I Actually, well, sorry. I'm just thinking about what I said Yeah, is the announcement that something's being worked on so that I can just kind of have that feeling in my
Starting point is 01:30:26 That's the thing is like if if retro comes out next D3 or whatever the NX and they like first of all Metroid go if Metroid if a project by retro is not announced that the next big Nintendo whatever I'll personally flip my shit because that's ridiculous now that has been Four years since you've even announced what else you've been working on other than tropical freeze Yeah, because that was 2013 so by the time 2017 was that 13? Yeah shit. Yeah And I don't mind if they work on something new but like who it's it's been how long since Metroid Prime 3 That was oh seven nine years Oh seven yeah if retro says we're working on another Metroid
Starting point is 01:31:13 I'm down by now if they announce like a year after Metroid Prime 3 making another Metroid Metroid's hitting the weird problem the final fantasy is hitting where I was talking to a friend of mine about Final Fantasy 15 and he Plays FF 14 with me and he's like 22 and he's like I've never played a Final Fantasy game before yeah Because like the time period in between games for us we remember the old ones and it was boom boom boom But like we're talking like decade. Yeah between the last Good good one right and 13 was so panned. Yeah, and it's like and now we're getting to that point with Metroid It's like well other M
Starting point is 01:31:53 It was bad. It's like you know if that was your first Metroid Oh, but I mean like what we were talking about. What's oh, yeah Yeah, what's the last truly great one that people go? Yeah That's Metroid 3 and it's like that's nine years ago And if by the time and so people are gonna go like well, why do you people even care about Metroid? It's been no I've never played a Metroid game or I've never played a good Metroid game or you know, what? Yeah, and I'm in a weird place because I don't particularly I don't like have love for Samus
Starting point is 01:32:20 I don't care. Mm-hmm. I don't have a affection towards Metroid one or Super or any of that stuff. I adore the Prime games and like I know I know what I sound like when I Talk about like that the ending and I sound like bitter and pissy, but it's like I really think Like it's that it's it's an ending that's gonna make people pissed And I don't think they're wrong because I think it's really poorly thought out I think that I think they tried to do something cool and it came off really like me. Okay, cuz yeah I'm definitely mostly just talking about like from like the moment of announcement Where there was a petition to cancel that that that stuff rolls into the fact that like a lot of people like me
Starting point is 01:33:03 I I personally thought that game looked fucking terrible. No sure sure and then those people had emotions Associated with it that then went fucking haywire. No, well originally it was like is this just Lucio ball before Lucio ball Yeah, but then it wasn't that you know Bramble blast what's it? What's it called the game super sonic acrobatic rock no, no, no Sonic spin balls, I don't like blast ball Street if I played a little bit of the blast ball mode, and I'm like, okay No, no not this at all if I want to play this I'll play Rocket League. I Want yeah, absolutely. I want Metroid Prime rage wars
Starting point is 01:33:47 Yeah, and it's all bunch of Samus isn't here help us off and they're just rage That would be really good, but like I don't know like I wish I wish the look on police face could be kept I'm trying to put it together and I Turok rage wars. Okay But like what if other M had been prime for instead fuck and it was bad right and it was bad and It was made by retro and it was for all intents and purposes prime for Whoa, would we would we still be in a position where like there's been no Metroid games, and I'm not counting other M I would you know what I mean? I absolutely
Starting point is 01:34:26 I'm I'm I don't count bad games like as even while the prime series is going and I was enjoying them I'm still waiting on dread. No, not I am but the the next of the like Fusion zero mission. Yeah, and then you know what I mean like the ones that emulate the classic style and the way that we got New Super Mario brothers. Yeah, and other M was definitely gunning for that. It's that's the field. Yes. Yeah But they're they're gunning for that and in a way that like Sonic can now be divided into new Sonic and old Sonic You know, why does Kirby get all these? Kirby has had like what six games Where it's just simple like maybe graphics and then the 2d of foreground. Yeah, I don't know
Starting point is 01:35:12 Maybe I think I think how just alabora. They just want to put How doesn't stop working I'll tell you why I always say laboratories, but you're making some I'll tell you why it's really Is popular in Japan as well where it's Metroid is primarily popular outside of 100% true and that is a Western friend when when when Japanese games are primarily popular in the West They don't get the same kind of like the team doesn't have the same kind of the ground swell And it's easy to understand because if that happened to a Western developer, you get it and it's
Starting point is 01:35:49 And there aren't really many people It's a thing with a lot of developers and it's like I see it a lot with 14 Or it's like they make decisions for servers based on the Japanese population. Yeah, doesn't work for us Yeah, no, they're not they're not designing KOF for mexico. You know, no. Yeah, they should be they should be they should be Blizzard figured it out. Yeah, you know design a character for everybody every country can have their character Well, I mean they know South American Mexico yeah, but but then there's also the there's the nelson team with all the new guys
Starting point is 01:36:24 But diva is for korea. Here you go. Yeah There's there's that but I mean like but the entire The announcement for KOF 14 is not happening, you know, like live We have our servers are designed around mexico They should they should go down to fucking mexico city and have the japanese dev team Just standing out with a bunch of bandoliers and fucking sombreros shooting guns into the air going yori has the new super I I tried so hard to find those videos and I could never find them But they were the could you imagine just turn into it just turn right into it
Starting point is 01:37:00 I like if there's like honestly, we talk about watching trailers with crowds and getting hyped for like zelda game announcements and smash announcements and stuff I the place I would teleport back to would be in mexico when they revealed yori's new super In kof 2002. Yeah, I the feeling dude. It was Running out onto the road throwing drugs everywhere. Oh my god He does the maiden masher and then does another thing and everyone's like Like actual screams, you know Anyway, yeah, um ground zero, so but I don't know, uh, I guess I'll wrap that up
Starting point is 01:37:40 But like yeah federation forces is pretty good. It's not like Incredible gonna set the world on fire, but it's pretty good and it's especially fun with other players Which is cool a friend of mine bought it. So I was actually able to play Some two-player how'd that go? It went well the levels are very clearly designed for it. They're a little Did you do any online? I did some online with randoms and it was a fine experience. Okay. It's not like high rule Triforce Triforce heroes where you can like Yeah, but be an idiot because the game's a lot more straightforward So like you'll never like not get the puzzle like in in Triforce heroes. That's where I place federation force
Starting point is 01:38:17 It's like it's like Triforce heroes like I don't really care But someone will and then we'll just move on to the next game and like, you know a couple years Maybe even more but like I just like why like I didn't hear any real Uproar over Triforce heroes if there was one I didn't hear it I didn't like it very much, but I know a lot of people really did so there's a lot of this noise over Triforce heroes Yeah, I thought it was silence. Yeah From our corner. Yeah, well No, and jet like I didn't hear much in terms of people. I know either just online
Starting point is 01:38:51 I saw people I didn't realize it got released a bunch of months ago. Yeah, like I was like, oh, that came out. Okay I think that's my week though. So I guess that's everyone. Yeah, we got a Big podcast this week. Yeah, uh, so I played no man sky f of 14 monster hunter and I watched stranger things So what's new this week? All right, let's let's get into like And uh, the only thing I have to talk about left is at the end. Well, right, uh, so straight into emails then a lot of No, no, no, no first how far are oh my god. Yeah, we're pretty far in This is the podcast. We're like, well, it's fine as long as it doesn't go over three hours
Starting point is 01:39:30 Yeah, I think we can make it to the end of the podcast though. I think we can all we have to do is survive survive survive I don't get it. Uh, so much like Triforce heroes and federation Oh I'm perfectly fine with just ignoring what we're about to talk about And if it's cool if it's cool if it's not if it's not and it's fine
Starting point is 01:39:56 I I I can certainly move on with my life. I'm not Okay, so this is like, oh, we're all we're gonna intro the story. I was about to say We're really bad at this. We're all gonna try and dance around it. But like no, we have to so metal gears alive I was I was waiting for you to finish that sentence a new mgs Metal gear survive announced, uh by konami trailer dropped And what we have is a new game built in the fox engine It is a zombie survival game zombie survival game Seems to be the story is taking place right at the end of ground zeroes boss and again
Starting point is 01:40:32 His crew fly away in the helicopter Literally if the camera and ground zeroes stuck around for they would have seen this a wormhole opens up I believe it's an alternate universe, though And it's not it's not canon in the main line So a wormhole opens up and sucks in the remnants of mother base and mother and mother base And uh drops them off in an unknown world where zombies are there. They are crystal based also And uh, we have a new series of characters that Look like soldiers from mother base and like create a character. You are basically you have solid chad playing a
Starting point is 01:41:08 Yeah, and then you know liquid chad Yeah, and uh, you got a four player co-op zombie survival game, uh on the fox engine. This is the new metal gear So I I mean, I'm not upset by this in any way Like there's a lot of people that are like, oh like they're hurt because they care a lot about metal gear And I love metal gear dearly, but it's like yeah The time to be hurt was when kajima left Right because that's when that that that
Starting point is 01:41:32 Spark or whatever that you cared about that's when that happened. This is is not upsetting So much as it is apt Yeah, it is very Like the metaphor just completes itself. So obviously so the first thing I think is that's important to uh know about this game and about this the story the reveal of all this is That this is coming out in 2017 and it's not a full priced game So this is not the next metal gear project That is being like funnelling a whole bunch of konami's money. This is we have to make more money on fox engine
Starting point is 01:42:09 We're building another game off of the fox engine. It's actually kind of neat how in the word survive the v is extra big Yeah, the size that it's kind of a part of the like five Yeah, now uh that being said, uh I think that the concept Is just the most boring Bland direction you could have chosen to go in And I and I I kind of feel that
Starting point is 01:42:36 We're gonna probably Like the the gameplay of four people in the fox engine can justify You know a lot of that decision-making really really have a question. Yeah the bland and boring stuff Yeah, would you find it less bland and boring if there were no zombies or any supernatural elements? And it was just a simple repackaged metal gear online Experience where it's just soldiers versus soldiers Or do you think the actual inclusion of zombies since they're almost in everything makes it less interesting to you I don't I think them being in there is not it's not it doesn't help, but it's not the the the whole problem
Starting point is 01:43:15 I that would you prefer just war guys? Admittedly there were practically zombies in mgs 5 there were there were and I for a second I actually thought that in fact I think I'm I don't know there might be a connection between this and the guys you rescue Right honestly, but uh, I think there's going to be some loose connection there in some weird way But but on but the thing is is what I would have hoped for would have been just a bold new direction With well, this is a bold new direction with with with kind of but but like I guess the key Holy that we're we're pushing forward into the current mind share of what the kids like. Yeah New is is the active word in that sentence. It's new for me. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 01:43:58 And and I and I and I know that you know no matter what you do in the fox engine You're gonna you're gonna have an engine that can support a fun time. So I just wish that their premise wasn't so Rolling my eyes forgettable dumb. I I Feel like this is like a holdover game because I don't for a second think you don't feel it is You know what? Yeah, I feel but that's what I only reason I'm not saying that it's because like yeah, I can't prove it But anyway, prove it with your soul 30 dollars on the fox engine is what makes me feel. Yeah, exactly But like they're gonna make a new New new big thing. It's like there's too much money on the table to not there must be
Starting point is 01:44:39 I agree with that. Um, so I don't know if for me where I'm at is like a k1. It's it's not canon To like the story is like, I don't know. It's just Well, it's it's goofy whatever which is like no different from a lot of metal gear spinoff Yeah, like acid is not acid more fucking weird, man Like story is arguably bad. Oh, yeah, how fan fictiony and stupid it gets Uh hard of the cards as long as it's like, hey, this plays like metal gear solid 5 That's that's all that's all I want really because I I sure as hell didn't play metal gear solid 5 I know this is like a like a hard two best friends meme like Liam played ground zeroes for a billion hours
Starting point is 01:45:21 But I did play it a lot and I know I didn't play it for the story Because the game is fucking fun to play. Yeah So so if this is as fun as that No, I'm I'm down. So me. I'm not I want more. I want that gameplay, but I want more and The more here is just not it the joke literally writes itself of like, what's kanami gonna do with the shambling corpse of Of metal gear solid. Oh, they're gonna make it into a zombie like
Starting point is 01:45:50 And the Kojima flying away on the helicopter as the fans are left behind. No, I I tend to agree with woolly that like I I'm not that peachy keen on that particular engine in this gameplay. Yeah, and I feel I feel very soured by mgs 5 On that stuff as well Like when I think of the gameplay of mgs 5 like the first thing that pops up into my head is them telling me that I have to log in to do goddamn f o b bullshit Definitely what I don't want is I don't want to boot this game
Starting point is 01:46:21 Or read that you have to boot this game and it's like searching for party. I don't want any code I don't want that. I don't want that. You know and well, no, we'll see exactly I have a strong feeling that this game is going to have like the worst abuse of Konami's bullshit. It's very it's very liable and that'll turn me up and that's why it'll be a little Metal gear to me. Like I've always been really really consistent in ignoring everything. I don't want to play What I mean by that is like, uh, okay acid. I'm not interested in that. I won't I'm not I won't want to play it Portable ops. I'm not interested in and collecting all these guys
Starting point is 01:46:57 I'm I just want like each time a new metal gear story. That's good better more interesting Whatever I that's NF has new mechanics in the gameplay good But when it tries to reach out it's one of the few series I'm like, I don't think you really need to like you can't just grab that timeline with scissors and duct tape Yeah, kind of do what you gotta do. I don't mind it for metal gear and other things. I'm more particular But like I didn't I didn't I never cared about the multiplayer in and uh ground zeros And I haven't I never bothered with mgs4 online It's certainly never bothered with any of the multiplayer stuff for mgs5
Starting point is 01:47:31 The only multiplayer thing that pat, what am I going to say? The only multiplayer thing I care about in metal gear was what subsistence subsistence online. It's so good. Yeah So fucking this amazing snake versus guard is the best the best and like that's the one where I was like I'll play this for a little bit. I've played mgs3 now three times now. I'll go in this multiplayer thing Holy shit. I had a fun short amount of time with that and I'm good and everything else. I'm like I go on a case by case basis. Does this look interesting? No, then I won't even I won't even complain about it Because I know there'll be another metal gear in the future. Yeah, because it was never it looked like it was never going to stop um
Starting point is 01:48:09 if We saw something that had like a similar if we're get it rather if we saw something that had a similar level of content to ground zeros Right, which this might be about that length. Perhaps it's it's hard to say. We don't know In a world well, I will say in a world where all the assets from phantom pain exist I don't think it could be that small. Yeah Because I don't really see them just like omitting a lot of the content just because you know what I mean Yeah, it's true. They already have stuff. But anyway, go on. Right. Um, and they have the
Starting point is 01:48:43 Like maybe this is just the Sahelanthropus final about mission that we never got You know what I mean? Like maybe it's just that thing happening or whatever, but for whatever it was I like The the decision to make it Or rather to at least imply so far that we're getting a four player co-op survival thing I I feel like you could have done something thematically more metal gear with and just kind of like had story
Starting point is 01:49:12 That again felt like it was continuing the torch outbreak Uh, no gear instead of what might be like umbrella core. I think that's I think that's like why I'm interested in seeing it though because I think it's liable that the people making it are people who worked on mgs5 Right. We don't actually know who it is right now. And that's yeah, they have they haven't announced the director They're not they're keeping all that quiet and that's and that's really unfortunate because it would be cool to have that info I feel like it's probably Whoever sitting in that chair. Yeah, exactly. And I feel like it is a No, it's a shitty seat because everyone's gonna project like hate god no matter no matter what they do
Starting point is 01:49:53 Yeah, but I at the same time. I don't feel like the people in those seats hate what they're doing or You know, they're gonna try to make a good game because you know, I don't think they don't care about metal gear Those guys who are actually making the game, you know, just put the mask say what you will about the presidents and shade Who have done fucking awful stuff over the past two two years now Especially since the last two metal gear teams that made their own metal gears without hideo kajima for snakes revenge
Starting point is 01:50:22 yeah And the original team making revengeance who I always love as the descriptor being Kojima walked in and they were slipping on their own feces inside the office Until he decided to go. All right. Yeah I have to take the reins of this again. What are we going to do? How am I going to salvage this? Yeah, but I but I don't know like where was the outrage when lords of shadow happened, you know, like I had some Me too But like that's that's all I'm saying is like it's you know internally at the office amongst the testers who work fans
Starting point is 01:50:54 Yeah, yeah, of course, exactly, right? Yeah, but we had to be fair. Castlevania never had I mean Igarashi to a point but never had a consistent No, I didn't have one guy. Yeah, you know, no, definitely different, but I get where you're coming from. There is a truth though that, um, like There's no I have no torch to burn here Or any level of ridiculous anger or whatever because Like the time like pat said was when koji left. Yeah, and we know death stranding exists So this is like my emotions transferred. Hey, I really hope you do a good thing with what you've got here
Starting point is 01:51:32 Yeah, and not a bad thing But you're pretty much starting at zero again in my heart It all goes back to zero Yeah, and and if the game's good then I'll play it and it'll be fun and if the game's bad then whatever Like like no crow to eat because I just don't give that much of a shit Right, like if it's good, then I'll have a fun time The only the only thing will be just it is just a sad idea that like a possible like
Starting point is 01:51:58 If if it's bad and if metal gear continues to be bad then we have like the residue of a formerly Yeah, and that'll suck for sure, but I do think it'll take you guys get to feel what it's like to be a silent health And you guys get to feel like the first time you play metal your solid fight now A lot of well a lot of people already do feel like that was the I feel like that that was the moment Yeah, I I don't agree really but well, you know, um, I get you I get you on that though pat totally in the meantime While we you know hope that revengeance to happen someday We can we can confirm that uh platinum's working on a new
Starting point is 01:52:35 Game called grand blue fantasy project relink, which is Apparently based on grand blue the ios rpg I was gonna say do you have all of side game stuff or just platinum? Just the platinum announcement because I can't really speak to knowing too much about everything Side games is this cool like Japanese developer who came out like a few years ago and they said we want to be a big rpg company But right now here's our mobile game And I remember like in a couple threads people were kind of laughing like oh, okay Sure, whatever guys and then the mobile game grand blue fantasy was really quite good for that kind of like shit gacha games
Starting point is 01:53:10 Scored by nobuo got really popular. Yeah, they paid nobuo the money that he takes to do music And he'll do it for anyone. This is the amount I will take but uh, I'm doing music Apparently it's apparently quite good and apparently it's out in English and they made a fucking boat ton of money And a few nights ago they held a little conference and yeah games next 2016 The the platinum game stuff was actually like it was really exciting But there was actually like more exciting stuff in there too There was side games announced a new triple a jrpg called project awakening that they're going to show at tgs with the teaser Looks really really stellar from what they showed like it actually looks like it looks like a fucking cool new jrpg idea
Starting point is 01:53:52 That we just don't see those very often let alone Genuinely yet like a brand new jrpg once every like four years and they're all fucking like otaku bait shit like no I said genuinely new. Sorry. I'm referring to funnel fancy persona and SMT Yeah, that's not even new with that. Yeah, it's not it's not they're all Anyway, that's that's in a now. Yeah. Yeah, it's no is good. Yeah There's a really low quality rip from the stream of project awakenings trailer, but it's the lowest quality rip It's so did you watch it or no? I'm just being a shit dude. It's so low quality. I love that that old days
Starting point is 01:54:27 And and there's a there was a couple other announcements, but I'll throw it over you for the platinum stuff like yeah, so uh No, that's a that's a good. Well, that's pretty much. That's exactly it. Uh, that's two platinum games. There's there's uh, Oh, okay, then I must have missed the second one. Oh, yeah, okay So there's there's relink which is a grand blue fantasy action game looks like it's revengency It looks like it it pulls some feathers from the hats of all their games. Yeah, the cool dodges from automata and like Oh, yes, okay. The sword slashes look like uh ridens heart slashes And uh, yes the other game uh platinum announced was uh, a real-time tactics game tactics game lost order Yeah, uh for smartphones for yeah mobile devices. It looks it's have you seen the screenshots? Yeah, I'm looking at screenshots right here
Starting point is 01:55:11 And uh, it is quite high quality for mobile. So it's a it's a strategy game pad. Do you know who's working on it? Don't uh, so side games platinum games. It's directed by Metsuda And uh, so how I am gonna get my project Phoenix. I know exactly Metsuda's the guy who did final fantasy tactics and stuff like that And it's uh, Yoshida on the art. Who's the guy who draws thighs? Yeah bravely defaults Yo, he likes them thighs man loves thighs. What are the odds of the port? I don't know. Hope they're good. You gotta honestly their business is so good on mobile I'd be I would maybe surprise me if they ported it
Starting point is 01:55:48 Um, we've got oh, yeah, that's some bravely art. Yeah, and then some thighs But a relink looks really cool. Oh and Matt you're watching the trailer yesterday. Yeah. No, I said like how I like how the characters kind of have a different rendering style on them But the backgrounds are kind of more standard. So the characters really pop. So it looks pretty cool And speaking of different rendering styles golden eyes source 5.0. Yeah, if you care get on that shit I don't You mean you don't he doesn't I saw you playing golden. I last night. No, you didn't I was at your house. Nope You know you're your wife for playing gold mine. We're not
Starting point is 01:56:25 All right, it's all lies So anyway, I couldn't tell if what is this game like super evil or something. This is a complete remake of golden eye in the source engine It's a mod and uh, it's free And I think but I can't tell but it seems like they've added all the single player golden eye maps as like multiplayer All of them it like the trailer seems to imply that that's what's happening But I'm not a hundred percent. That would be really neat. That would be nuts I wonder if they're tweaked at all. I hope so. I hope so. Yeah, exactly
Starting point is 01:56:58 Right because there's definitely moments in there. I'm like that looks like multiplayer is happening there, you know, um So, yeah, that that's a thing um I hate golden eye You hate one of the most beloved first person shooters in video games. No It was being an asshole. Okay. Did you guys ever play the week because I'm a tiny baby, man? Yes. Who has a tiny penis? No, wait, I'm a tiny baby man, especially the penis. Oh, okay. Yeah Uh, so I forgot to do it a couple weeks in a row. So I guess I should do it twice
Starting point is 01:57:34 I mean that makes sense. That sounds fair. Yeah, um tiny baby things I guess I'll use that to talk about The fuck the capybaras can be cute tiny baby things and that's a company This capybaras story is getting uh, woolly. I want to point out. Copybaras are fucking huge. Yeah, they're giant ass They're massive. They're they're bigger than a lot of dogs. Okay. They're giant giant fucking rats They never understood their size then I thought their logo looks like it's three gerbils on top of each other Every time I saw a picture of when I always assumed it was a small thing, right? Okay I'm gonna pull I'm gonna pull an image for woolly while he describes this. Well in any case
Starting point is 01:58:14 Below has been delayed indefinitely Which is a which is not to say it's canceled. But yeah, they followed this up with the right words And it's the wording that I respect. I was gonna say I don't think they're that's a fucking huge thing God damn, that's big. Dude. I wow I petted one in japan. They're math. They're giant. They're just wow Giant fucking rats. Okay. Isn't the indefinite wording just uh, euro gamers headline Uh, I remember reading that and then reading the interview and they just said we don't have a date for it So we're not gonna put one down. Yeah, so let's so let's uh use their words
Starting point is 01:58:51 We did a lot of soul searching We knew we wanted to get it into your hands as soon as possible The game was there and we're super proud of it But we also know we needed more time so that it lives up to the standards of the studio and the quality you expect So basically skip skip skip The next time you see a major below update It'll mean the game has a firm release update which we'll share But uh, instead of giving along a new loose release window, they're gonna go dark and take the time it takes to complete it
Starting point is 01:59:17 Without compromise looks like that that makes looks like they want to make sure that below doesn't below Uh So the other thing about uh below is that it's one of those games That's uh been around for a long time. Oh god It's way dumber than I thought it was Okay, uh, right and it's really good to actually use the choice of words where they're like We're delaying it definitely because there's lack of a better term We just don't have a date right now because we don't want to commit to a date and miss it again
Starting point is 01:59:52 We're just gonna make it and make it good Yeah, I think it's the right choice. Absolutely. I understand and respect it. Yeah, do what you got to do, man I think we've all played the game at this point too. Yeah. Yeah, and it's it was good, but it was You know and and wasn't finished. Yeah, and I mean ultimately and like there's one part of that that like I'm like, oh I I know what that guy's just going through or what he feels there or this thing where it's like you have to it's a hard thing to look at a project you've been working on for a while and kind of like Face that you know what this needs more time You know, but like games had a complete overhaul too
Starting point is 02:00:24 Um, and he said that it was an estate where they felt that they were happy with what they had But it wasn't perfect. So they're either going dark to make it perfect. Um Godspeed it's not like like Any extra time is going to hurt you and there's other things Well, hopefully what you do can make it stand out so that it's not like. Oh, it's another Dark Souls clone and everyone's As long as as long as while you work on it, you can keep the lights on Yeah, sure. Yeah, because they've been working on that fucker for a while. Yeah
Starting point is 02:00:56 um, and you know like I was I was hearing a bit more about um, uh, for example, um What's it called? Uh, uh salt and sanctuary. Yeah, uh how the latter half of that game Starts going out away from like homage to dark souls territory into I'm aping on dark souls territory And how apparently the last two bosses are just Oh, great direct can't wait to play it, you know, so anyway, um we've got the
Starting point is 02:01:28 fact that uh, there was a pokemon go player that found a spot where he he calculated that if he Kept walking to these poke stops for an entire weekend without stopping He would be able to get uh over a million Million steps in hold on a second. No, no, what was it? What was the exact stat? um He'd be able to get over 100 million experience points based on walking around to these points the entire weekend And how many how many poke stop how big of a place was this like, uh, it had 10 poke stops within a 0.2 mile radius That's doable. Yeah, so, uh, he started it out
Starting point is 02:02:09 But then at a certain point he tripped the anti-cheat catching methods of niantic system And it soft banned him no by making it so that there's a hero So for a full day everything that popped up on every pokemon he found would flee immediately. Oh, that's bullshit. That's yeah Reminds me. There's uh, there's a couple Times over the years that anti-cheating things have caught people that are good enough That they fall within the threshold of what developers assumed. Yeah, we have to be people that are stef currying it. Yeah, yeah It's like nobody's this accurate in an fps shooter ban them for aimbot and they're like, no It's real. It's real. Yeah. They're just a robot person. You're just that's not their fault. You're just an awesome korean girl
Starting point is 02:02:55 um, so yeah the They and of course this is like it's niantic So there's no you know word on like the whether he's gonna get a whitelist yet or anything But there is a limit if you decide to exploit it Uh, which bummer there's places here in Montreal where you can do that There shouldn't be you're playing it legit But it looks like you're you're not yeah, of course This is absolute horseshit because we've bounced from every single twitch streamer is using gps hacks spoofing to get a bunch of
Starting point is 02:03:22 Bullshit to legitimate people walking around their neighborhoods are getting banned. Yeah, like there's an in between here Yeah, you need a yeah, you need you need a definite like um What do I just having a threshold they need to send in a niantic employee to your house when you turn on the app And they need to follow you not closely but close enough that they can see that you're not cheating and not disturb you And then they can definitively say whether you're cheating. Yeah, so just there is no measure in between these things that is Acceptable Something or if you if you trash people's homes near polka stops you get extra points
Starting point is 02:04:02 Yeah, yeah, you represented your team. Yeah And if you like uh like spray paint stuff, yeah Like if you like spray your your team logo On buildings that are colored like I feel like there is an out you set up t-shirt I feel like there is an amazing amazing amazing Like bootleg version of pokemon go where in order to get points you have to take photos of your tags and upload them You should get more points if you write like go teaming stink and you spell it all wrong and have the back The numbers backwards and letters all mark echoes go. Yeah
Starting point is 02:04:40 Mark echoes get-and-go. Yeah, it feels like it'd be like like uh, uh Under mobile pressure promotion for watch dogs to like go tag dead sack on a real building and send us your photo What what company did something like that? It was the first wash dogs. They had the fucking atm That's an acclaim. That's an acclaim marketing thing. It's like go punch a cop in the head take a vine of it and yell like go dead sack I remember I remember uh, uh, sony got in trouble for some psb ads that were like like vandalism like spray paint or like stickers on buildings and shit Like way way back Advertising homefront had the thing where they threw 20 000 balloons in a river. Oh, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, fucking great. And there's always and then there's the the light bright that adults swim put up of
Starting point is 02:05:26 One of the things from It's arrested in boston or whatever with the bomb detector What happened so adults swim put up a light bright giant light bright. It wasn't even giant Okay, no, it's like regular size and it was kind of just telling people Hey, you to find this thing and uh, it was a light bright of uh, octetine hunger force character The little pixel guy and someone called in like a bomb threat and they had to send in the bomb disposal unit to remove this Unknown device, you know because it was in a suspicious place. Yeah And then it happened again when people uh, had um, mario coin question mark boxes
Starting point is 02:06:02 Hanging from like certain areas and it's like what is this question mark box? Send in the fucking bomb whatever grandpa. Yeah, so Or when sony had all those virgins cut up that live board for that god of war thing. Yeah the the goat. Yeah Dude, yeah, god of no We have to make the story dumber Well, david jaffy was there so I don't think you need to try very hard He wasn't there. He was like for god of war 2. I thought he was very much there It was for god of war 2. He wasn't even with the company anymore. Oh, no, I'm thinking Cory ballon. I'm thinking barlog was there
Starting point is 02:06:36 I'm thinking of him getting fucking wasted at the playboy mansion for the god of war Oh, yeah, that's that's a different thing. Now. This is one where they stole the ceremonial dagger of amon raw Yeah, that's right used it to sacrifice the bore. Did you guys ever see that thing? I forget it was it was ken kuduragi who did it one of the guys who was head at noni dog back when crash bandicoot came out um sony was holding this big like A celebrity party like they did back then for video games, right? Yeah, and it was at like e3 or some equivalent
Starting point is 02:07:09 Event at the time and the guy tried to go in and then the bouncer was like no, you're not allowed in and he was like I'm the fucking director of the game It's any when your name's not on the list Sorry, you're not in yep And he's like letting celebrities into the crash bandicoot party that has the game all over the place Amazing. I have a fucking director can't get in if we ever have some kind of swag party That will happen to us at our own thing because because video games for sure Yeah, you look like that. No like oh god. You were so stupid. We didn't put our own names on the list
Starting point is 02:07:47 Can't fix that now Uh burn it down get rid of all our competition at once Speaking of getting your names on the list. This is not for everybody, but if you give a shit Res infinite is getting an iam8 bit official vinyl release and it is oh boy. That is not for everybody sickest the special edition Is or the regular edition is an orange vinyl, but the special edition make a wish foundation thing Let me finish this sentence Let me finish this sentence brah
Starting point is 02:08:18 The special edition has on the cover on the sides of each vinyl the different evolutions of the characters you play as in res So if you want to pre-order that shit click on the link. It's there for you Fucking took that shit Also on the iam with these two hands in the red section They have 5 000 physical ps4 discs of res infinite And that's going to be the only way to get a disc for res infinite if you want it So get yourself on that list. So yeah, also a res shirt designed by phil fish is in there as well Oh, really? Yeah, and so it's a nice design actually interesting. It is a nice design. Is it a digitized?
Starting point is 02:08:59 He is still a good artist. I'm gonna eat shit. No, he's a good artist. Well, he's always been a good artist that that's you know Yeah, well, so I mean speaking of phil fish Uh, yeah, which is not usually said anymore the final update to fezz on pc and mac is Huge it is no man sky level actually awesome because the other guy that worked on the game with phil fish the programmer Who's name I forget at the moment. I can't remember either. Uh, who works at square enix Montreal actually Um, it has been he's doing basically he made a blog post saying yeah, I've been working at square enix And I have a kid and a bit full-time busy job So but I've wanted to finish and fix all the bugs and stuff that people have been finding over the years with
Starting point is 02:09:40 Fezz but I didn't want to announce anything so that there'd be any kind of release date So for the last couple years, I've been just chipping at this in my free time and now I'm done. So here you go So what's in it a giant patch? Is it all bug fixes or are there any new features? Uh, it's mostly bug fixes. Uh, and it's mostly like um switching uh engine things so that like Refresh rates are improved smoothing the the performance overall improvements kind of thing Yeah, map previews in the save menu speed run mode is a new feature actually that's that's that's pretty cool Um, and but just like it's a really long list you can scroll down for a while doesn't make the game not a pretentious piece of
Starting point is 02:10:19 Shit. Well, I you'd have to you'd have to play to find out. That's all right. That's up to you. I guess I think I think phil fish right now is working on that super hyper cube for the ps4. Oh, that makes sense That game is really good. I can't wait to try that. Yeah, the trailer looks super solid. It's it's really fun and yeah, it looks right up his alley and um Maybe by the time that's out you can play it on your new ps4 slim Vita super real the fucking ps4. You're a gamer has a boot up video That's they went to the guy's house. Oh, that's the best. That's what actually happened. That's awesome
Starting point is 02:10:54 They went to the guy's house. They said, okay, get your vcrs out of the way. It's just the ps4 and the tv Here's the cable and turn it on. Yeah, this has always been the thing that I've always wanted, which is Game spot You're a gamer i g and whatever when you see these fucking doctored images of these leaks, right? Why don't you just call those motherfuckers out and go to their homes and see what the fuck's up? Because if it's fake they get to blow that person the fuck up forever Some guys like I found the nintendo playstation. We're coming to your house And then they get there expecting to blow his ass up and like super fucking real
Starting point is 02:11:27 What the hell we in the streets player get your mail like fucking rush that shit down I think my favorite thing about when these new consoles leak in this kind of way is Going like looking at the threads immediately after and seeing all the people right at the beginning who are like This looks fake because of this reason because of this reason, right? Just I've watched watch their assholes just blossom I I have seen a few shops in my day Well, I'm actually I'm going to the thread right now because there were some I was like I would know yeah But uh
Starting point is 02:12:09 It reminds me of the first ps3 slim with its like matte The size difference is not as as drastic this time around though. No, it's not It's not that the ps4 was like Yeah, so we're thinner more than we're getting a situation where xbox and playstation are following like the exact same blueprint Which is slim slash improved version Then fancier or improved version makes sense. Don't don't well the neos is gonna be coming too So I imagine the neo will be like exactly the same size as the regular ps4 or even bigger If it's that if it's as much powerful as those reports are saying
Starting point is 02:12:46 It might be actually substantially bigger Fake it is not possible to make the original ps4 any smaller and it's already really small Oh, wow that one's bad. That picture is taken at a suspicious angle so it couldn't be genuine Where's the fucking where's my favorite one? I had I had a favorite one because when I looked at it. I went what the fuck are you like Who are you talking? The ps4 logo is photoshopped. You can see on the larger image like What do you mean? No, it's not like
Starting point is 02:13:19 The shadows it was never photoshopped. You're just seeing things that aren't I've never seen people are angry that there's a bit of news that snuck out that they didn't know about I remember I remember one that was my favorite was someone's got a really high quality 3d printer. Oh my god Yeah, one of my favorites is when when the boomerang announced, but it was like the leak You know and people were just going like that's not what no that's not and then the fucking like the Massive threads of just people going back and forth. Yeah on whether the boomerang was real Well on on the 3d printing thing There was a fucking hot fake leak recently of an nx controller that a guy 3d. Yeah, that's true
Starting point is 02:13:57 And he tricked people for a good while. Well, it's that was that wasn't 3d printed. It was a 3d model. It's always No, no, he had it in his hand. Yeah. Oh because I I saw the he modeled it and then printed it Okay, I didn't trick people real good. We're seeing people adapt ghost and ufo fakery technology to video games in which People will be able to tell if you doctored this image with near 100 percent certainty But if you make some take fake bullshit and take a real photo of it, that's something that's harder. That's much harder Uh, they probably shop the image and put it on a real box from another company Yeah, so what?
Starting point is 02:14:41 Well, you take some other company's design you put a ps logo on it and most people won't recognize it as the other one So that's stupid. It's a good fake, but anyway, uh, not long ago. We did a Friday night fisticuffs Friday night. A Friday night fisticuffs. That's going to be a good new subseries Uh We did one We did it for a last man the um The uh a power stone like oh Last fight last fight. Excuse me based on the last man last man. Yes last fight
Starting point is 02:15:11 Which is a power stone like a four player game and uh, there is a kickstarter that is happening for an animated See they're calling it animated tv series, but it's not tv. It's you know, just animated series Um, so here's what's up. They don't need your help. They're good They fucking blew it and they're way past their goal at this point, but it looks awesome And they're stretch goals So if you want to tune in and check out and see if you want to help support it do that anyway, but What do I have to search for last fight last man the animated tv series? It's kickstarter and it's french, but the translation should help you
Starting point is 02:15:44 Hey, uh, do you want to throw over to me for a second? Hey, I hear that there's some news relevant to us Coming from Madsen to the corner with last man. We'll have to do a last man as i was telling you the other day Yeah Where I saw what these are two streams I don't expect to be crossed and it's the last man like twitter handle tweeting to hitomi tanaka Going what hey, just so you know one of our characters like hataka Katana is an homage to you And now she fully supports last man
Starting point is 02:16:18 And constantly retweets their shit for them and since she has like hundreds of thousands of followers Of course, she's like oh, this is so cool very excited that lady seems very nice She has a cute little toy poodle. She always posts about oh, that's adorable Uh, I don't want her to post those things, but she posts them anyway. Hey, man You gotta figure it out her the character design itself is like where's a little black kimono and has blonde hair It doesn't look like her sure. Yeah fairly well endowed but not crazy And I'm like that's a cool thing that I think I should have done Yeah, I told her about yep, but I never can never will well these dudes know how to capitalize
Starting point is 02:16:56 God bless France. Yeah, exactly. And uh, check out the trailer for it. It's pretty damn cool I was impressed. Hey, uh, I got breaking or pseudo breaking news. Do you have anything about John Carmack in here? I don't I saw this just a second ago something You know how zenimax is totally suing John Carmack saying that they stole the idea from for vr from them Yeah, they have suing suing oculus and yeah, yeah, but now they have attended that to add A bunch of legal stuff, but I'm going to mention the core quote Instead of complying with his contract during his last days at zenimax He copied thousands of documents from a computer at zenimax to a usp storage device
Starting point is 02:17:35 He never returned those files or all copies of them after his appointment with zenimax was terminated In addition after Carmack's employment with zenimax was terminated He returned to zenimax's premises to take a customized tool for developing vr technology belonging to zenimax That is itself part of zenimax's vr technology now their original allegations were pretty vague That is way less vague is pretty damn because everybody was pretty much on as an allegation A car max site of like listen if he invented vr and he worked at it at your company or whatever He still gets to have those ideas But if you get fired then go to your old workstation like after you've been fired and download
Starting point is 02:18:16 like thousands of pages of documentation and Divide and grab devices and software That's iffy like imagine if skynet fired myles dyson And then he went back to destroy everything and if he hadn't died Or if he did they might still sue myles dyson or his family and been like He'd fucking ruin skynet for everybody It's a ballsy move to think you'd get away with that In my in my books zenimax is still the number one scum video game company in the world
Starting point is 02:18:50 Yes, it's really up there because they have There is document there's documented history of them literally lying and cheating companies in order to they almost dropping babies In order to make hostile acquisitions. Yeah, the zenimax's zenimax's mo is to make a deal with you Secretly fuck you on that deal so that your company almost goes over and then buy you buy you out That's how obsidian almost died and ended up having to kickstart pillars of attorney because they fucked them on their new vegas bonuses That's how human head got fucked super hard on prey two into nothing And they lost prey two and then on top of it zenimax took the prey name and is using it themselves That's their mo like it's so is there a possibility that uh, here comes the new boss is the old boss
Starting point is 02:19:36 I deeply want to believe that zenimax is doing their regular Being full of shit lying and trying to pull their tricks because they have and this isn't a thing of like they're misunderstood Like these are hostile that company is evil Straight up zenimax doesn't feel too good when the shoes on the other So like but at the same time really want to hope that karmak will get away. Okay, and oculus will get away We can go into a spaceship on the other on the other foot of that those allegations are highly specific They are very specific and zenimax is a Better law firm than they are game company. So i'm concerned. Yeah, oh dude. They fucked obsidian so bad
Starting point is 02:20:15 You know, you know how they did that bad as soon as fine now Well, at the time they laid off a third of their staff what I mean is that human head got it a lot worse Well, like 60 people lost their jobs. Well, what they they wanted human head did get it work They want to get it. They wanted obsidian to be like incorporated studios What they did is they said, okay, you do new vegas and if you get over 85 metascorb will give you a massive bonus And it was kind of the contract was in such a way that the modus was kind of Assumed and required yeah for obsidian to keep going and then what they did is they pulled a lucas arts And when obsidian was like, okay, we're ready to hit the release date
Starting point is 02:20:50 But we need three more months to do patches and shit. Yeah Bethesda said No, it's going out the door right now And that's when it released in the super fucked up state so that the metascorb would be under 85 Yeah, that's denying them the bonus. Yeah, and then the plan was to buy that was then Okay, I remember that story now and then the plan was to buy them after that and obsidian instead laid off a shitload of its staff And told them to go Shit, okay, try to buy the yes. Yes. Yes. Okay. I remember this story, but I didn't know that it was zenamax
Starting point is 02:21:23 And that and that starts the beginning of that they did that with human head That starts the documentary with pillars of eternity where they're late like fergus Irkar laid off a third of the fucking staff and they're like A project a project fell through and we didn't get the bonus. So we're fucked and a guy goes Well, what about Kickstarter and that's how they brought themselves back from the break It's a miracle that that company still exists after what so there's a possibility of that either a like karmak went in and Stole some shit very blatantly or be Yo, we want some oculus money or see he did some questionable shit
Starting point is 02:21:55 But he said fuck it. They're evil and the truth is somewhere in between Or d he was within his rights to take it Like it could or thought he thought he was yeah I just really hope at the end of this that they get out fine because zenamax Don't worry. John karmak's a genius. He can learn the law in a day He can probably create a rocket ship that'll solve the problem So that's kind of a problem because they're a scummy company, but it's like holy shit. We all love doom It was so great. Wolf was signed. They like they they put out these. I love they put they put out good titles
Starting point is 02:22:26 They put out Bethesda's titles which a lot of people adore and their lifestyles for people Well, his and I respect that but zenamax I respect him because they're like they're like palpatine His mistake was going in and usb drive copying the shit himself. Yeah, I should have hired someone to do it Someone like dead You should have hired someone that looked like himself Just throw them off the trail like that guy who he meaning at cons Yeah, they should have you be soft should have done a marketing stunt with john karmak that they nobody they don't announce
Starting point is 02:23:00 That john karmak's a part of it where they're like we're gonna go sneak into zenamax and and steal it all their br documents for dead sack And they give it to john karmak And there's like video recordings of jupy soft like stealing their stuff with the with the fucking like the bandanas with the teeth on them Exactly Reality king and then you would stop like deflect it to like an ad company They hired who deflects it to like a subcontractor who was just a company john karmak made to do that And shut down. Yeah, exactly
Starting point is 02:23:33 Oh man, beautiful. They're like all those damn john karmak and his damn proxies. Yeah So i'll tell you what though They just unveiled the multiplayer in watchdogs too and all the the new systems that uh, you're gonna be going through with dead sack And you know what? It actually looks pretty cool. Uh, I thought that the description of um, the system where your wanted level is now uh Basically what it does is it calls in bounty hunters to come into your game and take you out unannounced dog The bounty hunter is gonna come in and up to three at a time can be in your map like
Starting point is 02:24:10 Like again unannounced, uh Coming after you and They can take you out for like huge bonuses or whatever But you can also counter Like set up to to get back. Yeah, and like that gives you a way huge bonus as well type of thing. So Stealth invasions, you know, I like it all the uh All the watchdogs to media Like looks so far ahead of the first game like hands-on impressions trailers everything was the first watchdogs
Starting point is 02:24:39 Yeah, and it's fine. I mean the first Assassin's Creed was rough not not quite as rough as watchdogs But you know they can they still have years and decades to turn this thing around So it's still a bit extreme when you see I forgot when you see marcus like being like, oh my god This shit's crazy. He's having such a fun good time with his hacker friends. Yeah blowing a dude's head off Yeah, and then going back to doing a flip on his skateboard Mashing a security guard with a pool ball on a string and then just ollieing out, you know It's a little bit of a disconnect fucking guys. I want to play my rc cars He's fucking longboarding down a hill hacking on his power glove and he's like, yeah
Starting point is 02:25:18 As like as a security needed halt alt chick is flying a fucking drone on the side And it's like fuck society and some guards like intestines are bleeding out behind them Like marcus is waterboarding some guy in a dark room and all of his friends are having a rave in the back And the girl likes and the girl's like how's it going in there? He's like i'm still hacking him I Want that played totally straight. It's gotta hack his brain. It's a little bit much You know, yeah, it is we've got the metal pale the rat and the lighter But it looks pretty good and that sounds like a really good premise for watch dogs three acts
Starting point is 02:26:09 They're the fucking boltons Flame dudes Take the power back You know how you take the power back by flaying a ceo And dragging him behind an atv down the hills of san francisco Flip bro right during a client meeting on a conference call just drop a flayed man on the window Anyway, it looks like a fun time. Yeah playing guys. Yeah, um Yeah, and then there's the possibility that the other ubi soft thing is they're gonna remaster the et-ceo games
Starting point is 02:26:56 Yeah, that was a ratings board leak. So ratings board leak 99 percent sure that's Brotherhood again, if there was enough improvements, why why skip I'll tell you I think assassins creed as in the first I think it needs More care than just a remaster. It does. Yeah. Yeah. It needs a full I think it needs and deserves a full reboot because I do like altair And I do like that era because no other assassins creeds touch it other than the horrible altair spin-offs Bloodline and that one section from was it brother revelations revelations. Yeah, I have a right. Yeah The most interesting thing about a full remaster or rather full remake would be
Starting point is 02:27:38 Making it with the future um Like plot and stuff like expect like what what's the word I'm saying? We're considered. Yeah making it with the future games considered into the importance of who altair is might be fun And there's stuff I still adore about the first that the other games don't do like the the real life space being those few rooms I adore. Yeah, it's cool. I really enjoyed that and the mystery that it provided and the meta of the of the last room I was I was in on it like ARG style. I really dug that game a lot But I need a lot of love, but it looks like they're going right past it. That's yeah
Starting point is 02:28:15 I'm shocked. They're not re-releasing rogue on Modern consoles. Yeah, that seems like a fucking shoe and No one played it now these and it's supposedly like one of the best ones is better than Unity, I think it was more highly reviewed the yeah people regarded it generally higher than unity despite its like I mean, I I played about an hour of it and I wasn't really into it But I was like, ah, it's it's pretty much Assassin's Creed 4 2, right? Like it's that's not a bad thing, but I mean it's boats, right? But yeah, those I assume that like the fact that those
Starting point is 02:28:47 Ezio games need the least amount of touching is probably like what makes this easier too So that makes sense. I guess also like tons of people love Ezio, even though he's just like land Italian guy He's not bland. I love Ezio. Well, no, but he's he's like cocky fun Regular like he doesn't really Well compared to the other heroes he does, you know what I mean No, he's probably well, I I think the fries stand out Jacob and Evie fry sure. I think they do stand out But I think this was this was definitely at a time when I couldn't think of a ton of like parallels
Starting point is 02:29:22 For that type of character and I just I know there aren't many like him But at the same time he's just like confident Italian guy. I don't know. I don't know. People love Ezio. People do love it. Yeah, I'm not gonna say that I have a slight bit of follow-up to that xenomex story There's a second piece of shade throwing by xenomex in which I'm gonna paraphrase here That the story that lucky palmer invented vr is totally false and they knew it because lucky palmer is too stupid Inexperienced and lacked the technology to create vr. Is that a quote lucky? Yeah, read Oculus at Erebi's direction disseminated to the press the false and fanciful story that lucky was the brilliant inventor of
Starting point is 02:29:59 Vr technology who had developed the technology in his parents garage the new document reads In fact, that story was utterly and completely false Lucky lacked the training expertise resources or know how to create commercially viable to vr technology His computer programming skills were rudimentary and he relied on xenomex's computer program code and games to demonstrate the prototype rift So, yeah, your honor. My favorite race is accurate. That is this mouth breather your honor We have evidence that he can't even tie his shoelaces Uh, we find a suspect that he could even get vr working as he would need to regularly dust off the cheetos On his chest to even get it running
Starting point is 02:30:40 The the cool thing about this quote is it's a hundred percent a million percent bullshit Because lucky palmer was making vr headsets and selling them from his home before oculus was thing. Yeah Uh, and also making them himself. It's a legendary shade throw. Yeah, it's a legal shade throw Yeah, it cost a thousand dollars to buy that now the car max stuff could all be true But that is fucking bull. Well the fact that it's in the same filing now makes me believe the car max stuff left Yes, that makes me believe it less for sure could still even if they are right. They're like, okay So we're right on this. We got this. We got this karmak. He's fucked Let's send a lucky palmer too because fuck that just drill it in all the kickstarter people who backed this they also stole
Starting point is 02:31:24 Yeah, and we one of them stole from us the prosecution aims to prove that lucky palmer is a stupid poopy head to my knowledge I'll kickstarter backers and oculus purchasers need to be jailed for two years Your honor we request permission to waterboard john karmak and lucky palmer in the dark room to my knowledge the way the story According to how palmer and uh and karmak tell it is that karmak was really into vr Yeah, and he was new lucky palmer and he worked on vr mostly in his supposedly spare time at zenamax but with zenamax equipment and stuff And zenamax was kind of interested like if karmak made some genius product They'd take it
Starting point is 02:32:04 But they didn't really give him any backing and then karmak left to do oculus and then zenamax sees that they could have been the fucking first ones in the door of a completely new industry And are like fuck Fuck fuck fuck. You know what you know, what do we do? What do we do? Ah zoom zoom say it was ours say like Shit Well, you know what you know, what's really lamentable with the situation is that like let's face it vr is not blown up
Starting point is 02:32:30 It's not it's not changing the world or anything, but it's gotta it's gotta fully arrive It has to fully arrive might still Foreign has to become widely let's just say that it like really really blew up in every like let's just say a pokemon goad Yeah, right I'd lament the fact that maybe in 10 years we would not get the social network movie Yeah, this seems like the type of stuff It seems like that kind of shit for sure two people on the cusp of coming on something big and Shady back and then the chair spins around and it's suckerberg. Yeah. Yeah, it was me
Starting point is 02:33:03 So from Lex Luthor from wikipedia and this could all it's wikipedia. So whoever lucky palmer might have written this He created his first prototype called the cr1 at age 18 in his parents garage in 2011 It had a 90 degree field of view And it wasn't until his sixth generation unit codenamed the rift That he considered the Kickstarter as a thing that could happen. Oh this article soon to be edited by The underscore max And that's that's absolutely ridiculous because Hacked into an all palmer by dead sack
Starting point is 02:33:40 All palmer man everyone just hire a fake company called dead sack Yeah, they know we want a water board them. Yeah, who do you call fucking dead sack? We got water chips marcus Uh, all he's got to do is show off like here's the photos of me holding the fucking prototype in 2011 You dipshits. Here's all the witnesses. I had try on my technology Here is the technology that I built in 20 like your honor. That's a photo shop. I've seen quite a few in my time Sir, I'm holding it in my hand dead. So your honor. I I allege that zenamax are assholes Dead soak. We really need you to take care of this guy that's leaking company secrets
Starting point is 02:34:20 Well, what do you uh, we can what weapons you want us to use? Uh, maybe like a large dildo. Okay. Do you want to use the orphan maker? You have been trying In there, yeah, yeah, sorry the marriage ruin our it was the marriage annihilator and the family destroyer Then the orphan maker Was the orphan maker the the planet cracker Hey We got RC cars. They're fun. Yeah, they are Um, let's let's take some letters. Shall we because it's letter time
Starting point is 02:35:00 It's letter time letter time. By the way, there's a really cool new Godzilla anime announced and I'm looking forward to that's cool man I'm eager to see that Um, but before we read the letters that have come into super best friendcast at Where'd they go in to super best friendcast at Oh We're gonna read well one we're gonna take a letter from woolly Who's asking it because i'm stealing this directly from the the the destructoid podcast because it's a really good question Can you think of any mini games that were better than the actual games they were in?
Starting point is 02:35:32 Oh, they're so there are total examples geometry wars Uh, what it's a project got them three got them racing three had geometry war before anything as a mini game. Yeah Oh, wow before wow. Okay. Okay. It's it's number one with a bullet. That's good. That's good Well, Liam, is there any final fantasy game you find where there's a game that's better than the main game? No, not really none zero Triple try it's dope. Um try it's fucking dope bumper balls in mario party one is funner than mario party one Um, that's that's not fair because that's what the game is. It's mini games super monkey ball The fucking um, oh that airplane the airplane fighting one thing. I don't think that's more fun than the main game
Starting point is 02:36:18 It's really up there though battle mode in mario kart 64 That's strong I don't think everyone's no, that's arguable though. That's that is it got more play in many cases um, yeah, there's examples out there for sure man and I'm trying to think of any words like then the franchise just became about that Like a real shift, right? That's tough. There must be at least one or two out there, but uh, Rapunzel Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. Um Rapunzel was for the puzzles that were too tough. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 02:36:56 Next we've got one coming in from uh, Microfraar who is our our cool buddy that works at screen wave that we've met a couple times. Oh, okay. Yeah Mike we have cool buddies. Yeah, and he says he's about to straight up. How relevant will pixel art be in the future? I've been doing more drawn animation for projects and even though I do pixel art I'm worried that it'll just come and go in waves Do you think that oversaturation of indie games and kick starters will affect how people view pixel art? A few companies have moved away from it like way forward and others have ditched sprites early like skull girls lab zero um
Starting point is 02:37:28 Have ditched sprites early on in rather Our hand-drawn sprites gonna end up getting popular again I I think going in waves is a it's accurate decent way to I see Uh, you really you really need designs that are top notch nowadays though Because like the magic of reliving the the the old eras the 16 and 8 bit eras Is something that it still feels good and cool when you see something nice. Yeah, but it's so few people are actually good But it just being like an appeal to nostalgia isn't enough like like we recently played neither the videos are up But we played two games uh for one offs uh, oklos and slain, right?
Starting point is 02:38:08 Yeah, and oklos has a neat art style and slain kind of has its metal thing going But their pixel art is unremarkable. It's good. The quality is there But there's so there's so much that's just trying to be retro and like hey look we're We're doing the pixel art thing. I thought the really hard on slain was pretty good. It's it's good No, the quality is there, but nobody's nobody's looking at slain guy like they are Like yeah, like you goes face. Yeah, I mean it just so happens that it's also like Practically easier for like indie games to use pixel art. Yeah, so like you can homage while making your life simpler but I really and I think this goes for like indie games and I think this goes for everything fuck like
Starting point is 02:38:51 You're just your designs have to be top top notch and I think you can make any art style really work So but if your designs aren't top notch, you'll fucking get forgotten instantly I forget where the the quote that I've used this quote before and I I completely forget where it's pulled from but it's something along the lines of the artifacts of an era Eventually going to be defined by their flaws. Yes. Yeah, so like the 90s Like when you when we play a game that's trying to emulate the 90s really hard Like Matt and I play a bunch of horror games that do this like power drill massacre The first one that comes to mind like vhs tracking artifacts and crt fucking warp all over that
Starting point is 02:39:26 and pixel art and and the visual flicker and Certain gimmicks alongside with pixel art and the lack of detail, but what that adds to shadowing and stuff like that or scan lines That's always going to be a viable Artistic direction. It's a style and it's a style that exists and it's hard-coded And there's a you know a million variations of sprite art and pixel art, but it exists It's a unified style people know it and there's always going to be a place for it And part of that is nostalgia and part of that is people You know for whatever your project is or your art is people are just going to like this sprite art implementation of it
Starting point is 02:40:02 But I think the idea that it's going to come in waves is absolutely accurate because It's always going to be a viable choice For whatever project you happen to do, but the waves will be those. Hey, remember how they used to be I really think the waves are only a result of An outlier coming out like hotline miami or shovel night. You know what I mean? I think it's I think it's because one game pushes the envelope and not so much and and leads the pack Because years have passed. I remember when hotline miami sparks it was I saw a screenshot of it and I went that looks terrible
Starting point is 02:40:38 And then I played it later and was like, I'm fucking stupid. You get this game looks amazing Look at that quote that you gave the cool like the original context that was given and was a guy that was describing Music specifically and how oh, yeah, it's totally the same thing Right and how certain sound exactly the so the so and you can the sound of a record scratching It means something now and you use that because that's that's a flaw Or like the cassette tapes that you play that you hear when you play um double dragon A neon right going in and starting is actually like it's it's a flaw It's like it's not part of the music but it's because of all the electronic music that uses distortion
Starting point is 02:41:15 As part of its sound repertoire. So that that stuff it becomes. Yeah, it becomes iconic of it But um that extends to a lot of things like like nowadays when you go to save a file in a modern program It's a floppy disk icon. Right. Yeah, of course, right? There's an Ubiquitous, you know, and if we're playing if we're playing um, um, what should we call it? The blood dragon and you're seeing like tracking Moments where your vhs tape is out of sync. All right, you know, I remember reading an article It was on destructoid, but I forget where a million years ago It's like is it fucking stupid to have a floppy disk for a save icon now?
Starting point is 02:41:49 Considering kids have no idea what the fuck that is floppy Bounces around or moves. It's fine or has eyes and speaks to you Or the ones at low times are spinning cd. Yeah. Yeah, or you're on my computer is a is a fucking What you call it on tower? Yeah, it's well and it but the monitor itself is um is a not a crt It's a vga monitor. Yeah, you know and shit like that like it's just icons at this point I listen I read that a retro gamer magazine one thing that the that's very very apparent when they talk to old guys That worked in the 90s and stuff and they ask them. What are they doing now? They're not making games anymore
Starting point is 02:42:27 They're doing back-end programming for like Like solutions for real jobs. They're doing they're not engaged anymore and these are the people that worked on sprites and whatever in the 90s and stuff and That they're not making retro like there's some that make kick stars or whatever, but as time goes on eventually Anyone that can actually make a really good 16 bit thing has to relearn it because why would you learn? If you want to make that any because why would you learn a technique that's basically Outdated at that point other than trying to make a nostalgic game. It's also worth remembering that like I mean I know a lot of people do know this but a lot of people don't take this into consideration
Starting point is 02:43:06 People didn't make games And say oh we're going for a cool pixel art style. That was what triple a was Triple a looked like pixel art. Yes. Yeah, that was just that was just that was the limit That was the ceiling Like and nowadays you can make something like the order or whatever not not that it makes anything else invalid But you just have to also, you know, bear in mind that these games are only iconic not because of their pixel art But because of their designs that stood the test of time and because there's a reason people don't remember quality
Starting point is 02:43:34 But not as good games, you know like star tropics, you know, and like I'm bob you look at you look at something like chrono trigger where Like chrono trigger has the design like pat and the the color particularly But also when chrono trigger came out. It was hot. Shit. It was it was awesome. Look at these colors. Look at these Transparency is You know and and that that Put it in the people's minds in a place because it was yeah, boom, you know I do think it's like the qualities other than your sprite work that define how much people will pick up on your sprite work Totally. Uh, I believe that like the other thing you can look at here, too is when you're going into the future
Starting point is 02:44:14 Uh, the you mean like right now. Yeah, like right now traveling right through into the future Just happened the fact that you can now jump on ue4 and you can drop your character in this grass world that looks gorgeous But we all know what it looks like That we all know what it looks like and and just see the same physics and the same things going on And then you can download unity asset store characters and drop them in and put your floating gun and make your little FPS game means that like It becomes easier and easier to hit what uh used to be the most amazing thing
Starting point is 02:44:48 I've ever seen in my life as a video game. Yeah, so The fact that like pixel art is like you're targeting that but when we but there's going to be people that are like Well, now it's just as easy to make something that looks way better than that I don't have to really spend a lot of my time and effort going for that So that might actually thin it out and the bar for What ends up being like just boring and derivative is like the asset flip games We see on steam and shit like that, you know But there's always going to be like you said that shovel knight that game that comes out and everyone goes
Starting point is 02:45:18 Oh, yeah that I think hyper light drifter fits in that thing where it's just like those designs Hyper light also that color is just Bam on point with that sprite shit. Yeah, and I don't even know how many other pixel art based games have been on A lot just a lot. Yeah, who gives a shit literally who gives a shit about those ones Yeah, nobody's someone not that they're bad, but who gives a shit I was going to say that like, uh, you know, you can't really make this comparison to but it's like no one's going to go back and use Film in a major motion picture. They'll use digital from now on Uh, some people some crazy people crazy people or whatever
Starting point is 02:45:52 But like no one can really do that because it's you know, it's still the same images It's limited live action, but for cartoons like I don't think we're You know unless someone actually does I don't think we're going to see like a traditionally animated Movie again like the last one I can really think of was like princess and the frog right outside of anime, right? outside of specialized cases You're not going to see general release I really didn't take off 3d cartoons on television. I can't It kind of it kind of went back to flash
Starting point is 02:46:20 It kind of went back to just slide those panels. Oh, no. No, there's a lot of really bad ones that come and go dude There's a lot of like Young kids shows that are all cg. Yeah. Yeah, they're they're you. Yeah, they're using them quite well I mean like newer shit that's more popular more beyond our time details that we you know, you're getting your zix style Garbage Jimmy Neutron was the show for a while. Yeah, you know all the ugly designs you remember from Jimmy And everything and everything from the guys that made rough necks and vulture on 3d and and uh, um Max steel and you know like the yeah, there's there was a lot. There was a lot. Um
Starting point is 02:47:02 That was a good-ass question. Mike. Yeah I like that way uh Get a comic book on Kickstarter pixel art is dead. Yeah with pixel art Fucking good. I think it's over though. So even even even snk gave up Yeah, okay. I want pixel art with some fucking hard-ass scan lines. That's what I like. I like scan lines. Scan lines are good I like them when they're real for some reason fake scan lines. Don't do it. Oh, they're not the same obviously But I I still like it by the way if if we didn't catch up on this little detail like you saw that for the uh,
Starting point is 02:47:32 Little mini nes there's going to be various visual. Yeah, I saw that I am very interested in that thing now if they go Intense on that like emulation of uh, artifact. I think they should make it so that certain games don't work Yeah, and you have to like blow you have to restart it a few times. No blow into a microphone. Well, it doesn't work We talked about dark void zero. Do you remember when that came out? You had to blow into the microphone to insert the cartridge. That's a really good, right? That's good Pretty good. Uh, okay. We got one uh coming in from ken and he wants to know They're super breakfast friends. Do you leave your butter out or do you keep it thawed?
Starting point is 02:48:09 You keep it in the fridge or do you keep it in the fridge like a savage? What the what the fuck? Okay, everything in the south is smothered in butter If you have hard butter it ruins your toast and destroys it So I keep it in the fridge But if I feel like I'm gonna take some out leave it out for like, I don't know 30 minutes Absolutely But if you leave in the fridge all the time and like I which I've done and I and like it destroys my toast or destroys
Starting point is 02:48:35 Whatever i'm spreading it on sometimes. I hate it when I get super hard-ass butter at a restaurant And it's unspreadable and I want to spit in the waitress's face I have no answer because I don't buy butter ruined it. I actually very rarely buy. I don't buy butter and I generally don't eat Yeah, I buy margarine actually so I got no real uh steak in this one I use it for cooking all the time get ready for the fucking margarine haters No, I leave it out in town like a regular-ass human fucking being And I don't fucking refrigerate it because that's bullshit. If your temperature is too high. I'll just melt next. Well, yeah, but my apartment's not that hot Next you're gonna tell me you don't refrigerate your peanut butter
Starting point is 02:49:12 You don't yeah No, my jam is in the fridge. My peanut butter is in the shelf. Uh, I was just gonna try yeah, I yeah, I know It was good Because I'm the kind of person that you would absolutely expect. I would believe that You refrigerate your mustard. That's weird. Yeah, I don't I don't I don't that's actually I don't refrigerate my mustard I saw packets of mustard from Wendy's in your fridge one time from Wendy's no way Maybe they weren't from Wendy's but they were and I know it's my girlfriend that eats them the fucking mustard Do you refrigerate your bread?
Starting point is 02:49:45 Uh, no, but I know some people do the only the only that's the real question The only time you would refrigerate your bread is when you buy too much bread. Yes, and you got to put one month But the condensation inside the bag sogging it up. I hate that shit It's not that bad as long as you're only putting it in there for a couple days if you're putting it in there for like A month you need to throw that shit out because you destroyed it but uh butter Because you mentioned it right at the beginning as long as you have it covered or something
Starting point is 02:50:13 It's there's a very low water content in butter. Okay Incredibly low so so microbes and bacteria don't really get it. That's fascinating actually, but it's dairy. Yeah But but there's nothing there's nothing to subsist. It's like that like does ice cream rot I don't know it doesn't know but I mean if it's a dairy product it can go bad like milk But that's the thing not really because it goes bad because the bacteria See this is one of those things like even it's it's really interesting actually and you would totally think butter would rot Even if you're right and you probably are I believe you yeah like that feeling inside my chest is so like potent No, for sure. You think like anything anything dairy-based gonna go bad. Yeah, you know you put it
Starting point is 02:50:58 You put they make they make butter trays that how just like you put the butter brick and they have a lid over container Yeah, I know I know this trace. Yeah when milk goes bad. It's a fucking nightmare for everyone. Oh, yeah No, everyone loses. Yeah, you ever do it Yeah, you ever you ever fucking pour yourself the glass and not pay attention I paid attention so I caught it But it actually happened this week because I had I had a bag of milk that was left for a bit too long That's uh, I've done that once gone. I went to drunk and drink out of the fucking Jug like an asshole the way to throw up fucking did I pay for that?
Starting point is 02:51:28 And my mom saw me and she's like good the power of Canada those that you can eyeball that bag Yeah, you sometimes you can't I need to get a transparent jug because I immediately realized that this pink jug's not gonna do anymore All you have to do is all you have to do is touch the the top of the bag and you're like There's there's give to that. What the yeah, yep. Yep. Yep. You're out of here the consistency changes And you know bag feels like the ending blob of inside get on our level Get on our level. We figured it out. Oh, I finished inside by the way Good ending good ending. Good. Good overhyped for me So I lost some because too many people because of external forces too many people told me it was it's the undertale
Starting point is 02:52:09 It's the strongest. It's so strong. Good. Glad you liked it since we want to get into our spoiler cast We'll take one more question Chris wants to know if near automata should have encounter rankings like platinum games or would that ruin the flow and feel I uh I don't think it should it's I don't think it should it's not that kind of game. It's not that kind of game No, I I do think it should have quests and repeatable quests and side quests that are Challenging that are challenging and battle arena and maybe that would be a really good place for those I think there should be a battle arena where those systems apply, but in the main game. I think it would be very weird to be trans
Starting point is 02:52:46 Traversing that big desert overworld and have those icons. I don't want to walk through the desert and have that happen Near is the kind of game that's like an immersion annihilating contrivance is kind of a big deal Yeah, Chris agrees and thinks that they should not be there. Thank you. I think so too. I think they should be relegated to side areas Okay, I would like for the ui to be somewhat internally consistent like in near But it's all pages of a book that you can pretend the character is bringing up to their face to look at Uh, so what what are you guys looking forward to? Uh, I'm looking forward to Deus Ex mankind divided tomorrow. Uh, so yeah, uh, do x is tomorrow do sex tomorrow I'm very excited for that. Do sex
Starting point is 02:53:26 Friday, I think is the uh neo beta Uh, which I am very excited to play because there's more new stuff in this beta There'll be more polish more polished more weapons More stuff you can unlock for the final game I'm looking forward to play that looking forward to enjoying All the stuff that I the got because capcom said now that I have a season pass. I can get those colors Yeah What gets your colors you can get you get those colors that you couldn't get from survival mode in three five or five
Starting point is 02:53:55 And how but okay, if you have the season pass you get though you get them You just they here you go So I remember they put that thing out. It's like, hey, we're gonna get cheaters who got that season pad those colors for bullshit reasons And I was like, uh-oh I you know, I didn't say uh-oh for any reason. I just said uh-oh For someone out there and then I went online and I realized my colors were gone Uh, but uh, nothing happened to my account. So yeah, I haven't played that game in a while I still haven't touched jury like I don't know why but there's something that just I just fell
Starting point is 02:54:24 Yeah, I I feel like I'm just kind of waiting for the the challenges and stuff to go. I guess I don't know Oh, no, my hunger is full ever since evo. I've been on it man. I bought jury and I played with her a bunch I was like, yeah, I like to think that because the ranking system works pretty well And that new rage quits pretty cool that I can go back in and play casually at any time. Um the um Also, yeah kof unlocks uh shortly tomorrow. So that's that's that's that's a good night even if it's pre-order. Yeah Midnight It'll be out by the time you hear this podcast KOF 14 is a good game. How are you maddie?
Starting point is 02:54:58 Uh, I enjoyed doing nothing for the next week. Uh, that's a good one getting brought on a uh cruise a vacation birthday thing With crimtina. So I'm just gonna I'm not even gonna have internet access until we go to the library That's across the street and use their wi-fi across the street from the boat No from the uh condo that we were staying at the family's condo going on the cruise for three days Then coming straight back we're gonna visit star exorcist at the kohama mama compound And uh, that that'll be fun. She made me a pretty girl. She did Uh, me and takahata too. I saw those
Starting point is 02:55:37 But uh, yeah, just maybe try to get federation for us. We're gonna read a lot of comics Uh, that's about it. Oh, we have fun, buddy. Yep Don't get uh, don't fall off the side of that boat. They'll never come back for you. Nope. Nope. It's the easiest way Oh, yeah, and uh, the booze is free. So I might fall over. Don't forget your water wings And uh, yeah, I'm gonna go further into the overwatch competitive hole and see where that takes me I saw you talking about you want to get a keypad. Yeah, I was thinking about it. You fucking stupid. No, um, so I It's so harsh Is it a is it a bad thing you have a keypad right there?
Starting point is 02:56:14 Yeah, uh, so this my I think I might have a solution So this was a discussion I was having with a lot of people online and and the the basics of I don't know I have a really strong reaction to keypad users. You just you just take the other keys out of your keyboard It's that easy. It's that simple I mean, look, it's really it's really I'm not an fps guy I've never been specifically because my problem with keyboards is and I know like whatever target on my back for this But I I don't like like you lose the key WASD is in the middle of a bunch of keys and I don't naturally find them
Starting point is 02:56:47 So I don't want to accidentally press E and F when I want W and D you need about eight extra years of practice. Yeah. Well, guess what? What the fuck, right? So now that I'm in there your fault. Yeah, sure Take those keys out of your keyboard now I wouldn't have had a problem really if the fact that the controller sensitivity Is not the same on a mouse as it is on a on a thing So you set both to the maximum and the turning speed is still different. You can't right? Did you see that thing this week about how someone discovered that the um
Starting point is 02:57:20 The aim assist on the consoles is actually fucked how so um certain things like genji jumping Make the aim of other players move away from the targeted character huh, so like Under normal circumstances it kind of puts pushes you a little towards the character But like he showed like a test of it and like when genji jumps it put it pushes away from genji And and a blizzard guy said we're gonna look into this So so here's the thing that that aim assist is not on pc. No, of course, right? Sorry, it's not a surprise. Which means you get torn up if you play with a controller on pc
Starting point is 02:57:56 So I mean, you know ryan heart, uh, you wouldn't you most people say it's not a big deal But you're right, but guess what what turning around is still slower Yeah, all right, and then zarya still again. You don't need to worry about headshots Not as big a deal But you need to keep the pointer on the guy and uh the ground if you want to And uh roadhog you want to which you can't do properly Because I think to get it that on a controller as well They'll to look down at the ground and look back up. Yeah, it's too slow. Yeah, it takes too long
Starting point is 02:58:24 You don't get to look back up road on the other hand Do require your master keyboard particularly roadhog. Yeah, you need to you need to point where they're gonna be Yeah, so that's why I was asking about a keypad because I'm like in my brain It would solve my problem to not have the other buttons in the way and just have this the four that I need I would honestly say just just but you you would get used to it relatively quickly You just have to drill down and do it I think what I I would like what would I be optimal would be an expensive keyboard where the texture on those keys is different But what I'm probably gonna do that yourself what I'm probably gonna do a tape on it is remap the numpad
Starting point is 02:59:01 Or these actual arrows. Oh, and then just put control and zero as my tooth That's that's the beauty of a keyboard is you can fucking do whatever you want. I'm also not on a desk. I'm on my lap Yeah, I also play with with my mouse is on a fucking arm The difference is I have the ottoman so I put my feet up so my lap is a more stable Thing and then just sitting not optimal. But anyway, whatever that's that's what that was about. That's why I made that tweet Yeah, uh So you're gonna play some music and then we're going to talk about stranger things Uh
Starting point is 02:59:34 No, the music comes after that. Okay, but here's where you tap out if you haven't completed stranger things So that we do music Should I stay or should I go Bah bah bah bah That's it What about the lost night and the proud princess and those weird flowers in the cave? What about uh, the white rabbit feed your head What about all those good songs that no? It's it's a quote from the final episode where that's they're talking they finished they finished the dnd
Starting point is 03:00:08 Campaign and he they go, that's it. Oh like what do you mean? That's it? That was 10 hours They go but what about the lost night and the proud princess and those weird flowers in the cave and he goes We'll figure out next time. Yeah, and it's it's my favorite favorite favorite favorite in universe Like shut up. Yeah shut up. How can you complain after you binge watch an entire season of a show in a single day? But it's also like like and another interpretation. It's also like, uh, don't worry about that Yeah, it'll like we'll get to that don't worry, but I just I adore that like it's it's Pointing it and on the nose where it's like what about the sheriff? What about l what about all the weird egg shit?
Starting point is 03:00:50 In the upside down that looks like alien The thing that impresses me the most about the show is how it's able to be deeply deeply self-aware Without getting into that awful eye-rolling space where no without getting into that awful space where people say Yeah, it's really self-aware and all it is is like, you know the player winking at the camera Yeah, and stuff like that and it's like no, that's not Self-aware that's like, okay You're like breaking the fourth wall bullshit that is like so overdone and done badly these days When you said like what's the deal with the sheriff wants to do whatever is that like once I finished?
Starting point is 03:01:23 I looked up uh in an interview with the duffer brothers who are like So we wanted to keep we wanted to give a a conclusive ending where you felt like okay. Yeah, they solved the problem But we wanted a few strings that Like you know continue it so it'll be like this I was always on an assumption if there's a second series. There'll be a new group of kids. Yes In a new city and there'll be a new supernatural problem or aliens or whatever Because the right way to create and complete your homage to everything steven king and all this stuff Is that you have loose ends that remain loose?
Starting point is 03:01:57 I think that's okay. That's fine. Yeah, that's expected for the genre. Yeah, but I I don't want to revisit l I I'd rather go somewhere else completely. I kind of I wish You know like I liked her a lot. I don't know who doesn't really but like I was just like, oh well I guess she's alive. I hope it's like something a little like even more Transparent whether she's just like a ghostly figure that helps them a little bit guides them as a voice I hope she just doesn't reappear because that gives no weight. Yeah, her dad. I I man. I I love There's so many things that this The stranger things did that was
Starting point is 03:02:33 It flipped an established thing on its head and I just loved it. So like the one there's two for me The one is the one that you you were talking about in the podcast where it's like hopper Yeah, just going from after like two episodes. He's like the sheriff. I'm on board the sheriff. That's very like Oh, you can stand off or whatever. Yeah going to like no way. This is bullshit right away Right away. I think he gets what's going on faster than the fucking kids. Yeah, where he's like there's some shit It's smart. Yeah, it really well it comes down to the finding of the body You know and yeah the the bit that's just a very hard thing to fucking fake You know that body that good in the 80s
Starting point is 03:03:17 Hoppers hoppers like competency in in the mystery context is summed up for me in one scene in which he gets caught They drug him and they put him in his in his apartment in his trailer And uh, it's like it's supposed to be a nightmare and they put booze and pills all over the fucking place like he's trying to trick him Yeah, so this is very common This happens to a lot of heroes and what do they do they trash their house? And the idea is that they'll trash their house and look crazy Yeah, and it and it plays into the bad guy's hand and they won't find anything. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and that's the most important thing Because it makes them think they're crazy
Starting point is 03:03:53 And then they actually it works and then it creates the problem. That's no balls But he finds the mic he finds the mind. Yeah, yeah And that means it fails utterly and he's just right back completely at 200% now And that's so refreshing you know, you know, you know what's One of the things or like it's not a major point, but like No one cares about Nancy Her friend that got killed super hard and no one followed up on that no one looked for where she
Starting point is 03:04:27 I she did I cared I cared I felt bad for her But then it was like but then there's nothing to do except go like there's her fucking body More importantly, what's that crawling out of her mouth the the second thing And it's it's weird because I've complained about something similar when it's done badly, but it's like, okay Right away, you see the guy, you know, he's running away and there's a monster in the base, right? And I expected that the final episode of Stranger Things Was going to be the one in which they went into the base and found out what was going on instead. We got very
Starting point is 03:05:02 explicit flashbacks of Exactly what happened. Yeah, because and why are they allowed to tell us that much because you need to set that up because we're Going to go there because we're going to Heavily interact with these things. Yeah, and we're going to get some cool Very obviously sign a hill inspired a visual design out of that other place The satisfaction of different groups of people like solving a thing on their own all from different points, right? Is really nice and when it comes together feels good and it's what it's the feeling you got Over five seasons of Game of Thrones happening in one season. Yeah
Starting point is 03:05:41 Sorry, I misspoke before I meant barb It's been like four weeks And I was gonna one of the things I liked unfortunately is a bit kneecap because I forget everyone's fucking name It's tough. Um, but yeah, Nancy the sister, right? I really liked how she was dating that cool guy And then Steve The weird nerd guy shows up. Yep. What's his name? No, baby. Norman Reedus. Uh, whatever bias Norman Reedus. Uh, but yeah, exactly Yeah, I really like That steve has an amazing character arc and by the end
Starting point is 03:06:21 He totally turns around because the typical thing that they always do the asshole Just is the asshole they always do she leaves the asshole and goes with the mysterious weird weirdo Name character ish guy. Where is the scene that we all expected is uh, Steve going what the fuck Nancy? I did everything for you and he's backing up next to yeah. Yeah monster with terror And they play with you because they make him run outside They make him get into the car and they zoom in on his fucking face and then the lights start going again And he's like Even with the big conflict there where he comes in and they're not telling him anything and
Starting point is 03:07:00 She pulls a gun on Still pushes through like he's a really remarkable character for that archetype Yeah, I think because Steve if this was made in the 80s should have drove driven away. Yeah, we should have been like Fuck steve, but but and they actually uh, you get the hint at it when he goes back to help clean up the sign at the At the cinema. Yeah, you know, yeah, totally. The moment you see that the moment I saw that I was like, okay Okay, because I I felt like they were gonna turn around because he wasn't he wasn't actually getting into the fight You know when they were graffiting and he wasn't doing the graffiti So I kind of felt it but then when he actually erased it. I was like, yes. Yes. They're not gonna do the fucking thing
Starting point is 03:07:41 And I hate that because that's always that thing of like that's a thing that happens a lot in like anime and like shitty like media that panders to nerds where it's like Hey, the nerd character gets to get the girl gets the high ground Project on this really hard. Peter Parker did that backflip Peter Parker, right? Exactly. Peter Parker's a really good example of that. I'm glad that Flash Thompson died because he was a jock But that but what if flash Thompson was a fucking good guy by the end of it? Yeah Like and that's what I think is cool. He pulls buddies, man. Yeah watching, you know, I remember being So they all meet up in in the second or last episode and you know, I'm freaking out because I'm like, you know
Starting point is 03:08:19 they have the moment in the police station where Uh Buyers kid says oh, I saw something and hoppers like you fucking tell me what you saw. You wouldn't believe me Yeah, and he's like try fucking try me and I'm like, oh my god. It's happening. Yeah It's happening and they're gonna they're gonna get the kids and they're all justifications and they all team up And then I my heart just sank because they all split up again And I'm like, well, they're not gonna deal with the problem as a group now and that bumps me out But then they bullshit the story into such a way
Starting point is 03:08:50 That everybody gets their round Right, right. Right. Everyone's like critical to it. Right. Everyone takes a stab at it Nancy and buyers and steve get round one and just whoop its ass I've never seen something work so well And then they and then they dhc tag over to the kids You know like and then the kids and the bad dudes fucking just full-scale warfare They got three movies of home alone traps set in one scene. It was a really good plan. Yeah, it was I've never seen someone beat a monster
Starting point is 03:09:31 And then and then the the the mom and hopper end up went on a rider hopper They end up finding the kid once the the monsters led them there due to the blood trail And it works out great and you and what I love too is about the way they showed the flashbacks to To hopper reliving a lot of the the trauma of losing his daughter Was like you it may they make it very clear early on that like he's on board for the missing kid because he has this personal thing Yeah, which is what you do in these arcs, you know But the fact that even though you already knew the part that it ends on When he's he finally loses his daughter is when he they save the kid at the exact moment
Starting point is 03:10:09 Is really well filmed and because you could have had that be a couple of a couple episodes before and then go and now He's determined and you understand why and they leave it forever But they stretched it to be like you saved her at the moment that you lost You will saved him at the moment you lost her and and there's some cool stuff like wound into hopper's Uh, his backstory and his and his child and stuff. Yeah one of the things that Like got me and I'm kind of wondering is this could this be this could this be that is hopper's Daughter has the exact same lion that l has but l has it way more beat up Yeah, and at the at the end. He's like clearly like putting food out for like her
Starting point is 03:10:51 And they said could hopper's be her father potential So no and they said Go ahead. They they they they asked the duffers about it and they said, uh, actually oh fuck way to ruin it Go ahead. Go ahead. They said actually we were not too sure about what him putting the food out meant Okay, but they just wanted we wanted to put it in there as a something even know that egos are a thing I thought only the boys knew that they must have told them they did tell them she likes egos Yeah, and then you know and he also he gets in a car right and they they go and they have a big talk And I assumed that that talk was like all right sheriff
Starting point is 03:11:25 This is what happened and this is what we're gonna do. Yeah Anyway, the only reason I even thought that was a thing for even a second was because one of the prevailing Threads of the show was the government could fucking bullshit anything into happening Right, right, right by the end of it the shit you've seen them pull successfully They could make anything happen. So I was so so happy to find out that like how do I put this? It would have been so easy for this plot in terms of like the government experiments to be We're trying to we found this thing and we're trying to clone people like species Or we're experimenting with mutants or fucking whatever
Starting point is 03:12:03 the fact that It's an esp character like with psychic abilities and that the end result and problem Are completely separate from that kind of ability is important. It's a fucking weird monster from hell It's not like the experiment went wrong and we created a super kid or the A secret Legion of ESP or something over cloning kids from an alien and the alien got out, right? It's like This is a completely unforeseeable disaster. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah that is Completely outside of everyone's realm of something went so bad with our thing that something else was able to catch on
Starting point is 03:12:42 Came through. Yeah, there's so many ways you could have done this but getting You know having a different place having a giant fleshy horrific portal into the other world Is a great way to do it. It's not a mirror. It's not Uh, it's people don't just appear or disappear. Yeah, no, it's a physical Thing and and I walk through and in the middle of it Sorry, what was confusing on me is the significance of why is there a similar portal in a tree? Because he can make it The monster the monster can make new ones
Starting point is 03:13:14 Yeah, but he can leave whenever he wants he can jump whenever he wants But the first one he came there was just has to be If i'm not mistaken he always has to come through one he has to rip it open But he can leave it by teleporting off, right? Um No, I was gonna say the uh There was a the moment where like he where the they have the fight by the gorge and like dude gets thrown off I remember in my head. I'm like, okay So what they're gonna do here is he's gonna fall off
Starting point is 03:13:44 But the hike's not gonna be enough to kill him so that they'll go hey, there's no way will's dead for sure Now we have the evidence and that's not at all what happens You know like it was like, oh my god even that expectation was done So like the fake body thing was so satisfying there was yeah And there was it really was but like that was the kind of a point where I was like, okay It's time to stop trying to take guesses and just let the show take you I totally agree And you know you stop doing it and it's like it's somehow predictable, but also surprising. Yeah, like Every every character acted in a logically cohesive and predictable way
Starting point is 03:14:18 That made complete sense and never broke any buddies like motivations or whatever But it was still enjoyable satisfying and unexpected whenever anything happened One of the biggest things that's such a hard line to walk One of the biggest things for me was like the fact that like will buyers was in the other It was in the upside down and we know that he's running and he's there. He is look we can see him there Hiding and such But then he's also a ghost that's making lights up here and you can control them. What how? Right. I'm like, you're doing the stupid thing
Starting point is 03:14:51 You're doing the stupid thing where the fact that he's not here means he can do anything. No, no We have a perfect explanation. Did you did you actually think that no, but I was I was I was like I was getting worried I'm like, how are you going to explain the fact that he's a ghost in the lights But also that you know and it's like it's because any presence He's in the same location makes that happen and and and it creates electromagnetic interference He just has to put his hands on the lights that he wants to spell out the thing Oh, actually, he doesn't even he just has to be underneath them. But to not make all of them light up, you know So, yeah, it's great. There is there was a weird moment where I was like, oh, this is where this is gonna go
Starting point is 03:15:27 Like for now is when uh, uh, runo to writers husband x husband comes back. Oh, man Oh You're like, okay, that's fine that fucking established that deal is but when he comes back and I'm like, oh god Now they're gonna have to deal with another steam. He's gonna veer it off where it's someone that veers it off And it's like nope and like just a few scenes And he was really good in that position too like you want him out of the picture, but like when you get his motivation, you're like Yeah Okay
Starting point is 03:16:05 Why is this guy here? Why is he caring so much all of a sudden when he knows he's like a shabby dad or whatever So when she's like, you just want to fucking get paid. He's like, hey, I'ma pour you a bottle I showed up with a bottle to work this out Really in the nice little thing. It's like it's a shame about that company. She goes. What it's like not even a sign In front of the gorge and I'm like Oh How smooth oh my god, um, I so to cap off what you're saying about steve there liam The fact that the end
Starting point is 03:16:37 You see like here's your gift. Goodbye other guy forever. Goodbye friend friend. Yeah, exactly You know is like Yeah, okay That's how that would go down. Yeah, and then steve's the girl the girl doesn't have to be the reward for the main character Always Steve's like Did he like it? Did it go well? And she's like, yeah, because they both did it to give him his camera back There you go. You know, it was nice that he got a new camera. Sure. Yeah
Starting point is 03:17:07 Even though we take his creepy pictures of people having parties, so yeah, that was weird. That was creepy That's the only thing way overstepped. That's the only thing the entire story that I find bizarre Is that steve and his two dirtbag friends Are totally in the right to be fucking pissed and freaked out that the guy was at their house taking pictures Yeah, and the fact that nancy isn't as freaked out is weird that It doesn't she should have been even like any time they should be freaked out But I find the 80s they would have really been like what the fuck it is kind of like like nerd Belayed by her like really accepting and kind demeanor
Starting point is 03:17:51 Granted yes, that is grounds for being fucking creeped. So it's just I guess But it was it was also the fact of seeing barb kind of overwrote a lot of those emotions You know, is that to that certain character is not all of them But like a few of them actually at the age that they should they act differently depending on who they're with Like people would yeah, nancy acts differently with her family She's kind of a bitch towards her family and and and and a brother But when she's with her friends and other people like like like uh, well, uh, no, well, um, Whatever the older brother
Starting point is 03:18:26 Older brother buyers buyers and she's like, yeah, no cool and when Uh, the older brother buyers is with his family and dealing with all that. He's kind of a tough guy That's like, hey, let's we got to stop this mom get your act together But when he's with other people outside that context, he's kind of like a little Yeah, kind of kind of a Jonathan buyers And he's kind of a bit of a doormat where he kind of lets things just happen and just goes Oh, okay, and it's only until the end where he fights back or whatever So people out like people because people act like that
Starting point is 03:18:58 And it takes great care of his mom We said it before we'll say today and child actors that are not annoying There's a there's a scene that particularly struck me and I watched it and went wait a second I I went back and it's I think it's episode five and it's where It's after the camera thing and it's with Nancy and Jonathan And Jonathan confronts her about all the weird shit That's going on with Barb and that knight and all that. Yeah where she's starting to believe that it was a monster
Starting point is 03:19:28 And he's still like that's that's fucking stupid. I gotta I gotta go to my fucking connecting word Which what's that that he has no face Yeah, but but he ends up leaving that scene and like not like believe like he leaves that scene But he's not going back to the truck and he's not into it And I remember watching that scene and I was so interested and I Because they move in the scene pretty far like it looks like a whole block and I was like, why do they do that? I went back and it's like they're on the street and they're both in the sunlight And then she starts doing her crazy shit
Starting point is 03:20:02 In the shade of a nearby building and he's directly on the line of the shadow in the light of the building And then he comes in Talks to her and they start talking about the supernatural shit and he says fuck you. I don't believe you and then goes back out to his car In the sunlight. Oh, okay And I'm sure there are other scenes like that in which there there's really amazing framing That is thematic and light and dark and upside down and up Like it's like the the framing of the d&d board and just flipping the board on the other side Just slamming your hand on it
Starting point is 03:20:36 That's so good And I saw some of that like camera work within the the show and I'm sure if we go back and read like that in oswald was on twitter Saying, oh my god, this is the rewatchestable show ever sitting in the car looking at the steering wheel Should I stay or should I go? I'm like, oh my god, man Nailing it nailing it. Oh, so good. Also, of course best line is why do you keep the door to curiosity locked? Yeah, yeah, the science teacher. I love that teacher. I'm so glad he didn't get killed Because that's what that woman's face is supposed to mean It's supposed to instill fear when the door opens and you see the
Starting point is 03:21:16 You know, uh, the diner guy. Yeah, I didn't think the chef was gonna die I thought he was gonna become a thing with l but that well that's you know, that's what it is It was a good setup. Yeah, she's perfect because the instant that door opens and she's and she's like hi You feel it. You're like, oh, you feel it. This is a dead guy. Don't turn around. Oh, he's dead Okay, right and and then every time afterwards she shows up you have the same feeling but now you know that feeling's real Yeah Ruthless absolutely ruthless She never does it a single time after that
Starting point is 03:21:47 But she wants to and you can see when they go internal to the actual like labs and shit It's almost like a level of incompetence. Yeah is happening amongst everyone and that that's working there and like a main daddy guy is like just Obsessively creepy about it to the point where you don't have to tell us that his higher ups don't know about what he's doing You just know that you understand it. He's getting it is you're getting the results, right? Okay, great It is it is fucking understood. He's acting alone that no one knows what's going on in this fucking place Yeah, totally. Absolutely the actors. Were there any bad ones bad? No, I don't think so Everyone was so on point. There were there's nobody that usually no one's stuck out. Okay. Okay. Like whoo that person um
Starting point is 03:22:37 Nancy and um, I forgot his name and no no no main gate main kid. Uh, oh So the family, right? The dad deserves an oscar What'd I do? Dude, I've been yelling that for like a Ever since that happened at home dude an oscar for that man. What'd I do? What what oh man? Yes, he does his face Is like a drawing
Starting point is 03:23:06 I've I've never seen because thank you for saying it that way I In the nuclear family scenario There should be a mom and a dad and two kids, right? Especially in the 80s So But the dad has nothing to do the mom doesn't do but the mom has some stuff, right? But ultimately those parents don't matter because they're parents of two kids that are fine most of the time And it's it's one owner writer that matters for the mom and sure he has the the ex-husband situation
Starting point is 03:23:31 So having the dad be the one guy that's like all this shit's happening around him and he's like my mac and cheese is cold It's just that is the perfect character to have nothing to do He was good and he didn't have too many lines or anything Like he never got in the way of nothing ever got away It felt like he could have been like used in an evil way. They wanted to but then they didn't There's a bit where like a mic is devastated over the loss of will and he comes home when he's so upset and he's like Should I go talk to him and the wife's like nah, give him time. He's like, okay Yeah, yeah, all right. I guess I don't have to
Starting point is 03:24:10 Yeah, and like I said like you and even and even amongst the kids, you know It's like you have that moment where black kids just dude. You're being extreme calm the fuck down You're acting out because you're losing your best friend. Okay, but some of your points are really but you're still yeah You still do have you know some points. All right. Fuck it. You split up. Okay, but you were productive And you did something And you and you weren't just talking shit because you were upset. Yeah, you cared enough to go out on your own And damn, you're the reason why the cast didn't end up with bullets in their faces. Yeah Because the bad men so fucking you know what? Yeah, that's fine because he could have been a bad
Starting point is 03:24:51 He could have been he could have been a pain if he was just if in terms of the story Right because the trope would be he feels the jealousy He externalizes it onto everything else and the truth is that the main problem is the friendship And then we never bother with the other stuff. Yeah, but also he gets killed immediately Sure Yeah, but the fact leaves for whatever but the fact that it was like yeah, there's jealousy But really though I fucking disagree with this bullshit means I'm just gonna go do it my on my own The only time I was like I was like, oh man, fuck you. That's a real old bro is when he tells mike
Starting point is 03:25:22 He's like just because you're in love with her because it's the first girl that's not grossed out by you. I'm like It's hard. I laughed at that though. It's pretty funny. It's hard And and you know and the the the bully Like defeating trope Right, you have the piss your pants in front of everybody. Yeah, so they they set that up But then it comes back around boy and then and because the escalation is like, oh you made everyone laugh at me Now it's time for me to fucking stab you It's like this kid is
Starting point is 03:25:53 Push you off a gore the bully isn't the bullies are not maladjusted. They're fucking criminals You know what that actually like that's a real threat that struck a chord with me because uh in in my high school There was a kid who once pulled a knife on someone and he was the bully He was the antagonist. Yeah in this case. He wasn't being bullied by the other guy And like when I saw that in the show, I was like, um, like I don't know that struck it with me because I was like Yeah, that's a thing that can and yeah Some like that your your kid is beyond maladjusted. He's fucking like ready to go You know, that's a great subversion of an 80s trope because in the 80s movie
Starting point is 03:26:30 The think of like Encino man with the guy like saying no no no or whatever the it's a 90s movie Okay, well early 90s early 80s. Yeah, that's the same thing think of biff tannin. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah There's an 80s movie and the biff tannin likes that exist, right? Yeah, how how real is the threat? What do they do when beating the guy up isn't enough the number one threat is running you over with a car Right, but they try and kill the protagonist. They don't try and rough him up They try and like kill him or like lock him in a fucking car something extreme Like some very single action that'll just end it. Yeah, but because this bully is much younger He's like 13, right? Yeah. Yeah, doesn't have access to a car doesn't have access to just extra violence
Starting point is 03:27:15 So he pulls a knife and you don't expect it to escalate that high because he's not old enough for that level for that level of violence 80s violence. Yeah, you expect an innocent level of trouble and mischief But but that's a thing but that emotion is still super real and so he goes right to the knife And then you find out the knife was actually just to scare him because he didn't actually want to really fuck him up He just wanted to absolutely fucking scare the show. That's why he goes Ah when when mike jumps off the cliff, right, right, right, right? And then that's followed by a scene which I was originally confused on first watching when l attacks him There's there was a split second was like, did she just kill them?
Starting point is 03:27:50 Did she do did she do do him like the guards? Yeah. Yeah, and it's like no, it's his arm But when the knife is out, you're kind of like it wouldn't be the most uncalled for thing But still yeah, but like like you made me pee my pants So i'm going to ask you to perform a stage ultra on your set Why jumping? Oh Yeah, yeah, yeah Now man all about all about that like you take the tropiest setting the tropiest characters and the tropiest story and you deliver it straight
Starting point is 03:28:22 But then subvert Every step of the way more or less. This feels like a reconstruction Hmm. There you go because you skip the deconstruction. Well, no, there's been a bunch of deconstruction scream as a deconstruction. Yes, right And but this is like this is all of the tropes are there They're fixed. Yep, and they're better And they got they got patched and it's just this fucking super feel good of and it's using spiral energy It's the current login of of sieven kingsaw psychic or I would tell them. Yeah, it's there. It is it is it is absolutely. But yeah, you read that deconstruction reconstruction
Starting point is 03:29:02 Wasn't it fucking good? It's important. Yeah. Yeah Did you did you check it out? No, I forgot For anyone who's who's listening to this and you want to know what we're talking about I retweeted something It's a nine gag post of all fucking places actually from nine. Yes. It's someone posted it Watermarked with nine. Yeah, because nine guy just snatches everything and watermarks everything It's see it seemed like it was made for it and it quotes some tv trope stuff But go read it. It's about deconstruction and fiction and it applies to stranger things a lot completely Yeah, and it applies to everything that we love actually it's more importantly about what deconstruction is
Starting point is 03:29:38 But but the important more importantly than that. It's what deconstruction isn't yes Yes, yes deconstruction is not trope subversion deconstruction is not, you know dark There's more there's more to it and it just happens to overlap with a lot of the things we get really hype over on this channel So hopefully when a season 2 comes out, I think we're all on board enough to probably catch up with it as it's going on Oh, yeah, like you can't stop. Well, there is no as it's going on. It's day one all episode. This is very you know We watch it together That's no no remember getting locked in we're getting locked in all four of us. Uh, I can't do it tonight I gotta so the girlfriend's probably gonna want to jump in but uh, you know
Starting point is 03:30:19 I'll discuss that when we get there I'm in trouble because I watched the first four episodes with the with the girlfriend And then she had to peace out and I'm like I'm gonna watch stranger things as soon as you walk out that door and she's like Oh, that's cute and then I did And then she came back. It's like, oh, let's watch stranger things. I'm like, I totally watched it. She's like, what? Like I told you it's like I thought you were fucking joking. I'm like, nope. Wow, that's balls I'm I am trouble. I'll I'll just watch it again. It's great. Hey. All right. See you guys next week. Bye. Bye

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