Castle Super Beast - SBFC 244: Beyond Two Holes

Episode Date: May 1, 2018

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello. Yep. Hi. Hello. Hello. Hi there. How you doing? Hello. This is on the podcast. This is on. Am I on? Am I on the super best friendcast? Just get to your bit. I didn't really have a bit. The whole Wow. It was okay. Hold on. Hold on. Your podcast sucks. All the guests on it are dumb, including Pat. What's up? What did you do this week? I couldn't have spotlighted you any harder than right there. That was your moment. See, that's the problem with me. What the spotlight on me? My brain just freezes up. Remember that really good video idea you had that got
Starting point is 00:01:02 destroyed due to someone? I do. I do. That was entirely my fault. Yeah. That no one will ever see ever. And it could have been our big break. Oh my god. It wasn't going to be a big break. I could have. You forgot about that. I forgot about that shit. I was walking down the street and I just it suddenly popped into my head. Oh man. I put myself on the spot and I deserve all of this. Oh boy. Oh man. Yeah. Yeah. I guess we'll yeah, start a podcast like that. Wow. Fuck. It's like this is your life where they just pull back the car and you're like, remember this? Oh shit. That was yeah. Yeah. It was good times. Anyway. Well, not at the time it wasn't not at the time it wasn't. There was a lot of yelling. What's up? What's up? How's it going?
Starting point is 00:02:00 You're right. No, I know a lot of people that are not okay due to infinity war and just everyone's just going. So what we're going to do is we're going to talk about infinity war at the end of this podcast. Okay. That way you can listen to the whole podcast spoiler free. Yep. We are going well except for the parts that we accidentally just blurred out. Yeah. We're going to suffer that part. We're going to do a little spoiler cast at the end and hopefully you know. Everyone just seems kind of down. Maybe it's because it's a rainy Monday. I don't know. I hate rainy Mondays. It's going to be. I hate rainy Sundays. Mondays are okay, but I hate it when it's rainy on Sunday. I don't know why. Because you want to do shit
Starting point is 00:02:42 or I want to do shit and then I look outside and I'm like I'm not doing shit. You know? So a bit like a Monday. It's like I got to go somewhere. I don't know. Rainy Sunday is like cooler than a right like like physically cooler. Like isn't less hot. Yeah. And I appreciate that. How's your microphone? I would like a hot day for once. I'm playing. I'm playing with my microphone to see if it's if it's weird or if it's in the me or what is happening. Well you are a weird microphone thing. Yeah. Well I'm attempting to use a lapel mic. He's jealous of Austin that time Austin used it. That one time. Yeah. I want to see how this works for her. But Willie owns these mics. Yeah. He's jealous of
Starting point is 00:03:20 Austin using it and he didn't use it. I'm going to try to flip it in a place where it sounds good. Yeah. Still jealous. Still jealous. He remains. Shockingly. I will always be jealous of Austin. I'm sorry I blew up your video idea. You weren't at the time. You were like good. For a fucking years ago. That was me covering for nervousness. Oh boy. Well anyway. I'm very embarrassed. Anyway let's start with Matt's week. How's your week going? So infinity war right? Let's just get straight into it. Don't do it. Don't even brush or glance a certain way. I did see another movie Quiet Place. Yeah. I heard a lot of good things about that. Yeah. Except for the three really bad things. Oh. Which are his three children that borderline ruin the movie for me. Oh no. So I don't
Starting point is 00:04:16 know such a thing as I don't know anything about it. If you hate people that make dumb decisions you might not like these kids. So the problem is put kids in there so they can make dumb decisions. But movie is gorgeous directed incredibly well very good acting and a great premise so it kind of evens out. I heard that the audience you see it with is a role of the dice as to whether or not you will have an awful experience or a great one. I had a great everyone was stone quiet. Yeah. Lil V was telling me about like a category experience as well. Liam the worst ever had a shitty audience that ruined it for him. So I don't know everything about I don't really know anything about it except for people talking about it saying it's just that like keep quiet. Lots of keeping quiet. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Keep quiet and the movie will be better. Okay. I saw one person with their phone on and then it turned quickly off and I was yeah. Okay. Okay. But yeah no I enjoyed it overall. I recommend it but I'm like there's three classes of like a jobs like you know it's finally I see jobs and they are taken by the idiot the moron and the coward. Yes. And they're just okay fine. I have to accept them. What if in the first two seconds of the movie all the kids died and it was just the remaining characters. That's I don't know. I don't know. It is a horror movie right. It is a horror movie. It gets it gets it gets gory. It gets scary. There's there's a lot of I would say like there's three scenes that are not tense and the rest of the movie is tension filled to burst with tension.
Starting point is 00:05:50 So there you go. Movie kind of sets itself for a sequel but not really you can be like no but like when we're coming out of the theater I'm like I wonder if they'll make a sequel and the animals like no they don't need to and I'm on my phone. They just screen lit a sequel. A quieter place. I was about to say a softer a louder place. It's it's the second big the second movie gross like highest grossing movie this weekend. So yeah but like before when it when it first came out it first came out it was the highest like it made a little bit more money than ready player one. It's just sad like it's sad in terms of like Steven Spielberg not being really a draw anymore or the type thing but whatever RPO is get out of here grandpa. Yeah
Starting point is 00:06:38 but yeah like it's the most definitely the most successful horror movie like it's the same pace as like get out we'll probably have by the end of it but yeah I enjoyed it. I mentioned briefly last week I started watching Mr. Robot a bit so much like you in a quiet place I'm like Mr. Robot that's the title of it and Rami Malek whatever his name he's from until dawn and there's an app and then there's jpegs with the word hacker man on them. So in my head of course that's all I know in my head of course he's a robot yeah because he's Mr. Robot. I also thought that he's probably a super brilliant android and he solves complex problems or there's there he's so intelligent the government has to stop him and they're always chasing Mr. Robot Mr. Robot's arms turning to guns
Starting point is 00:07:22 I don't know it's not bad at all. What is it? It's I'm a super smart guy I'm a hacker yeah and let's destroy this conglomerate. Hacker man? Hacker man yeah. Hacker man and he joins a group and there is a character in the group called Mr. Robot that's that's his name okay and I can't talk about that character because I still haven't finished it so I don't want to talk about him because what I think in my head about him I'm not certain so I'm not going to say anything but like I don't want to say thing and I don't know for sure but other people will be like and then someone jumps yeah you're in a place we're talking about it will possibly ruin it if someone else yeah but I'm like seven episodes and there's 10 episodes in the season so I'll I'll be through it that soon
Starting point is 00:08:09 and what yeah no it's just like that thing really it's really good really took off uh I remember hearing about it a lot but no one ever talked about what it was about yeah um and then there was again that app thing that like again made it again makes me think that it's some type of android it's not it's it's modern day New York City too I never even knew that I would only see his face like all the prom images or just his face and his and his hoodie he's like and I'm like that's a robot because yeah when you hear this name of a show called Mr. Robot like a lot of a billion assumptions go by you're either getting the bionic man yeah or you're getting like bender in a top hat you're like going like this summer we're boned Mr. Robot um aside from that
Starting point is 00:08:57 I played a first person shooter you remember um Amid Evil that heretic like that we played a couple like a month ago another game like that came out uh called how do we know how to say apocryaph apocryph anyway it's the heretic like you tried and that's all that matters dude they don't say it on the main menu so I don't know you know they don't say resident evil do not spell it uh apocryph just put fps apocryph apocryphal yeah that's gotta be apocryph from apocryphal okay just put fps yeah well go on that's a mess word for the purposes of letting people find what you're talking about but uh it it looks better like it's not trying to do the quake thing where it's like hey look how old and shitty this looks it looks way better looks like an unreal game well
Starting point is 00:09:49 not like the best looking one apocryph yeah yeah does that mean does that have a special meaning that word I don't even yeah apocryph is uh something that is widely circulated as being true hmm a doubtful statement although widely circulated an apocryphal story is that story that you heard about oh man I always heard that the guys can't went off the the Niagara Falls in a barrel ha ha and then someone's like that story's fucking bullshit that that story's apocryphal so it's a tale that that's based on lies yes yeah of doubtful and legendary legend um but it was a good game all these fucking hey all of our stories 90 hey remember first person shooter games I do they've all been good these games yes like dusk uh Amid Evil was still good uh I mean Strafe was trying to
Starting point is 00:10:40 I'm doing a different you remember when painkiller was this bizarro outlier he's the only one what's that ridiculous one and how bound is coming out that one you super jumps and and rain storms and all that's crazy shit in the trailer um it might be dusk that was when you got onto a pad it jumped you up but you could aim down yeah aim down rainstorm is what they had to do yeah exactly it's not actually a rainstorm but it's the first person equivalent of doing it yeah yeah that's the one yeah and that guy that guy's a fan of the show the creator at dusk and I met him at packs a couple times he's a cool guy so there's that and um oddly enough I started playing um Tetris attack again for no for no reason oddly enough Tetris by myself where I'm
Starting point is 00:11:24 not for any particular purpose Tetris though dude that's just attack you don't need to qualify that so that's the most okay thing what I never did before is after I was like you know what I went to play panel Dupont which is the original version of Tetris attack for a Nintendo and Yoshi did up and then I was like okay that's it panel Dupont retrospective let's go Pokemon puzzle league planet puzzle league on the DS and then there's little too clean little clean exactly exactly right now Pokemon puzzle attack is puzzle league is the one for me yeah yeah yeah because it's exactly where I'm like Pokemon yeah so cool yeah and it was one of those weird instances for cartridges that had just animation from the show yeah yeah it did they just it was
Starting point is 00:12:14 like a because the game was small it was a late game so compression was working back then yeah and the gameplay is just you know puzzles so they just had long clips of the anime and it added the super long uh field mode where like that's a 3d you go around the tube exactly and the only way you can be Giovanni at the end it's the only game that lets you pause and all the pieces stay there and you can see them yeah you pause you can't see them yeah so I'd like look at you can cheat and feel super good yeah it's super good because it's Giovanni you're fighting back in the day like all the fucking crazy ass kids that like hung out at the community center nearby would just beast on this game all day and like I wish I could pause and cheat but I couldn't I'll cheat someday
Starting point is 00:12:58 and then there was a port of puzzle league on the Game Boy Color actually I didn't know about so I saw that that was actually available on the 3ds eshop oddly enough so I found and dusted off my 3ds and I downloaded that so oh yeah yeah yeah that was uh in fact I think I spent more time on that in the end because I just it was the only it was the only portable version that at the time and so I just I walked with that loaded in and I remember like one when you I had um the original gba that would still take the old cartridges and it like fucking would just be sticking out and be this horrible thing but I'm like I don't give a fuck it's like on the DS specifically they made what what Metroid spinoff was on the 3ds not prime hunters that has pinball yeah right why could it
Starting point is 00:13:45 have been Metroid puzzle attack and instead of plan a puzzle league and just get metroid just get the the Metroid the the samus symbol uh morph ball so you get no no so you have a crate up on the top right and every time you do a combo it goes right right and then the little extra thing comes out and when you when you when you win just have the fanfare yeah yeah yeah and phantom with his eyes going I'm giving it to you Nintendo here all these gold ideas that are so antiquated dude that you couldn't possibly make money off how great would that be there needs to be a mod right you could mod it we'll make that that's that's the best mother brain getting super excited and the veins start going and it's captain and mother brain yeah what a combo this would be great
Starting point is 00:14:37 solid gold yeah man that's that's a fucking absolutely all right that's me I'm I'm I want shut up I want I want like puzzle fighter like sd cute versions of all of this Metroid like bosses and super Metroid bosses and characters hanging out doing their puzzle league animations just imagine the music on that fucking thing yeah just when it gets really intense and your affair right I mean the the the music in the pinball game was fucking great too is like it was Metroid because it was based on Metroid Prime uh-huh so it had like remixes of Metroid Prime it's a classic too when you do like you know when you go you know you get to that level where like the combos are dropping and the sound effects are going like yeah and they're the highest
Starting point is 00:15:21 one yeah and you're about to do like buh buh buh buh buh buh buh like you have like a fucking super bomb explosion go off yeah all right to represent wiping out the other guys blocks you could have freeze missiles instead of like the gray blocks like dude there's so much to that man oh yeah I'll mention that Metroid puzzle all right so podcast override I guess you can't go out on a better note than that Metroid puzzle league absolutely well Metroid puzzle Federation uh yeah like like I mean like what's the right word puzzle galaxy puzzle hunters you know like it's got to be a word there right but yeah something Metroid puzzle prime puzzle for yeah well I like it I like it yeah there you go that's not bad Pat uh aside from infinity work the only thing I think of is I
Starting point is 00:16:17 wanted to play yakuza 6 but I can't because it's a direct like two weeks later continuation of five which I never finished Metroid puzzle mission you son of a bitch yeah done yeah done done done son of a bitch yeah yeah puzzle mission it's don't look into my eyes and go yep yep yep over this it's a clear statement and that's what's strong about the mission is puzzle you're going on the puzzle mission yeah so so you're just never gonna play it no so I went back and and picked up my old save file for yakuza 5 and was immediately reminded why I stopped why did we stop or why did you stop because Haruka's fucking idle section I remember you mentioned is the worst it is so I remember how the worst is it it's there so everybody else gets like a you know here you
Starting point is 00:17:11 had the uh the the taxi driving races and had the bear instead hunt bears and those are all really in-depth uh mini games uh Sakura has 48 little there's like meeting greets meeting greets or do I think there are like 12 to 15 just rhythm game sections which are only three songs just over and over and over and over and over and it is three only three songs it is I don't know licensing it is so boring it it took so long to do all of them and then the instant that I walked forward into one extra room past my old save file a huge murder mystery plot started up and all the idle stuff got thrown out the window and I switched to a different character wow like I was actually one button press away from getting from getting to something that would have kept the play through
Starting point is 00:18:07 going and it stopped me for like a year and a half that's crazy and I'm pissed off about it because that section sucks and they don't tell you they don't tell you that it sucks that that section is going to end soon has that ever happened to you before in other games I can't where you get to out you're like you're like this is garbage and you were one step away from shit picking up once and it was Final Fantasy 13 I I couldn't stand that game at all and played it and played it and played it and played it I played it for like 24 hours and then I got to the part where did you guys play 13 at all like for like two hours yeah well no so you get to a part where you're like we're gonna break out a cocoon we're gonna do we're gonna leave cocoon and that's when the game
Starting point is 00:18:53 opens up is that midgar yeah but it's halfway through the game okay and there's cocoon and then there's not cocoon and the not cocoon stuff is where the game's open and actually quite fun and lightning goes okay we're gonna break through cocoon and there's a big action sequence and you you bash through a fucking wall and you're all we're in the outer wall and then they're like right over there right over there right there right there we're gonna escape and you walk over there and I said I swear to god if this fucking safe point doesn't just launch me outside of this fucking dome I'm gonna freak my shit and I walk one step forward in the zone transitions and there's a huge shitty looking dungeon in front of me and I go fuck off and
Starting point is 00:19:35 if I had gotten one screen further I would have left okay okay and like I then would have probably finished that game I know it would have been you but as such fuck it that's that's that's like I mean that's the thing of those like the game has to kind of push you to a breaking point already to make it that like to get that bad so turns out the breaking point for me is one step away from what is required huh I feel like it must have happened to me but uh I'm having a hard time well usually you don't know you never go back and find out that you were one step away well and more like when people later on tell you about it you go that going in game goes where right uh what um I remember I stopped playing Super Mario Sunshine because it had that one mission where you had to clean up a
Starting point is 00:20:25 beach uh that was just caked and slimed and it was a timed mission you had to do it and you had to get every single spot and I just remember being really frustrated and that's when the game was new was like 20 years ago and I just remember like going fuck fuck like no I'm done I'm done and I just stopped playing it for like yeah like a year then I went back and like you finished that mission and I'm like oh there's like an hour left in the game anyway I could if I had just busted through I could have beat this like a year ago okay and like the rest of it was okay and the final boss fight of like Sunshine's bad so it wasn't like a great experience after either but I was that close to beating it so yeah I'm I can't think of it or what would have been but I definitely do recall
Starting point is 00:21:14 having something like that I forget what it was but I remember it was way back like the PS1 era where I was talking to a friend of mine it's like oh I can't get past this boss uh the game sucks and they gave up and they're like that's the final boss oh and I'm like what well dude I mean everyone's got a water temple story yeah you know like for me it was that like however the fucking log it was two weeks or a month that I just put the thing down and it was just like I'm out I'm just out after playing this every day and you know like bashing my head against that temple you know but um the ocarina of time yeah I know I'm just I'm trying to think what did I do for the water temple I think I just cheated did you just you just looked it up yeah well no because I I got
Starting point is 00:21:56 to it like I didn't have a 64 so all my friends complained about the water temple to me for like a year so then when I finally got a buddy of mine to lend me a 64 and played it I'm like I'm I'm just fucking skipping this fucking temple I had a friend do the dungeon for me wow he had already beaten it wow okay so he came over and like was like we played it together I just watched him he's like yeah I do this and I do remember him fucking up a lot and him like going but he was able to do it and I just I don't even remember what made it hard it was it was the water levels it was the water levels and then there's moments where like losses are tough if it was yeah but really wasn't even it was the inventory management of the boots there was the boots yeah there's the
Starting point is 00:22:41 boots there's the water levels and then for the three yes remade there was the grapple points as well and uh there was just a couple of particular moments where you don't like it's just not it it doesn't you were just not intuitive what the next step in this water puzzle is you know it's been so long so it's like I remember almost every subsequent water temple that we're in later is all the games are always like you go oh yeah it's always easier yeah I remember the one in wind waker like the temple of the gods which had remember you were like you had to like yeah manage the water levels and you're on the king of red lions and you just had to do like a room get through it do like a room get through and keep hopping back onto the boat and like every other
Starting point is 00:23:27 time I've never had problems that that many problems with water dungeons they cool yeah I feel like they've they've inverted that little that lore to make them the easiest ones from that point on because that was super super duper like a popular like problem people had with the game you ever see the interview of one of the 3ds version of ocarina time came out where I think it's Aonuma is talking about the fucking water temple and he's like so it's one of those things that when you design the game you don't quite understand how all the pieces fit together until it ships and we didn't quite realize we were designing all the rooms in the water temple to be completed separately and didn't quite understand what the problem with the boots was until the game was out
Starting point is 00:24:09 the door and apologized for like oh yeah taking off the boots and putting a fucking boots back on is like miserable but all I could think of is like how did you not know how does no one play through the wire all the other dungeons fine and how did no one play through the whole dungeon once I mean it was the last engine they maybe was the last engine they did it's like like you know it's though it's the one standout point and an otherwise fucking excellent you know experience so I it happens but it's just man or man right so the the fishing in in near is similarly it's not it's not nope the fishing is not infamous it's infamous because of that Justin McElroy article but in general it is not infamous whatsoever okay like like Justin McElroy
Starting point is 00:25:00 has my like that that article is the the cause of that infamy okay like it was it couldn't be that infamous because the game was not popular by a wide margin all right well I I'll have to take your in Liam's word for it like the the fishing minigame does it does have a thing where you get the quest and it's like no actually go over here to do it but so it like it's complicated but the only reason that ever entered into anyone's brains is because of the Justin McElroy article was like couldn't finish my review of near because this fishing thing's fucking broken bleh and it's like is he a vampire yes he's a vampire bleh so what were we talking about yakuza yeah I was talking about yakuza so yeah no the the instant the instant somebody dies in that article
Starting point is 00:25:50 and that idol storyline all of a sudden the storyline gets great actually no before that you get into a car and your manager starts to talk to you about how being an idol ruined her entire life and goes through the whole thing of like yeah I couldn't date and then all this shit and being an idol is the worst thing that's ever happened to anyone ever and it will destroy your love life and make you barren and my dream is for you to be successful in this fucking I hope you do better kid that's fucked up that that that storyline absolutely shut like is fantastic effort at least because every character you meet is the disgusting idol person in the idol industry like producer son there are like five different producer songs that show up
Starting point is 00:26:48 and try and touch you considering the sleaziness of a regular normal not in the idols industry character that's in yakuza yeah I could only imagine there are like three or four characters that grab harka's arm and start like dragging her to a dressing room and be like when you're where you're gonna I'm gonna make you a big star and tell somebody like runs over and puts a stop to that shit jesus christ okay they're all like people in um in on storyline in p5 yeah pretty much right yeah that's not a wholesome business like fortune entertainment runs that's a tight ship yeah absolutely yeah my dog fighting it's it's not a wholesome business like uh convict hunting in the woods yeah and taxi driving street racing that's something that
Starting point is 00:27:39 the whole family can enjoy michael's running a tight ship for those kids yeah get me my hangover medicine oh your idol game is different because yeah it's it it so far it's only shown the good side really or at least the like good side plus you got to work hard and it might be rough but that's it so far and the good side is even better because when you're super good at it like it oozes and glows out of your body dude yeah yeah like all of all of harka side quests are like incredibly depressing there's one where she meets two friends of hers that she used to know in high school and she's like what's high school like now i haven't been able to go for two or three years because all i all i can do is sing and dance and train all day and they're talking about like
Starting point is 00:28:32 makeup brands and she's like i oh be fit oh talking to the kids is hard and she's like 16 and she's having a fucking breakdown it's like man this is the most toxic fucking shit ever child exploitation oh it's so get on board uh also i saw infinity war but we'll talk about that later yeah absolutely but yeah yakuza is great you shall fuck what was the name what of our boy band oh oh omnidirectional boy yeah it was fuck one direction we're omnidirectional boys we're not we're not held down by only one piece of gravity yeah absolutely and 3d maneuver boys in certain territories yeah oh fuck fuck you isaac newton it's the best fuck uh was that i think that might have been too early
Starting point is 00:29:34 that's coming later but yeah that's coming later don't worry about it man the uh week for me yeah what was woolly week well besides infinity war which we'll get to uh to be perfectly honest it was just uh a lot of a lazy dog fighting week a lot of into the breach in darkest dungeon you didn't play something new specifically for the podcast no i didn't play something new specifically for the podcast well what what no you gotta wait i guess i did uh i um i got i'm i'm almost done getting my full dante in monster hunter world oh i actually have not done that yet i should go and do that it'd be cool if they announced the devil may cry game at some point that would be fun but uh i found out that like thank like it's so much better when they do these outfits like
Starting point is 00:30:28 riyun so kisakura and stuff when they do them piecemeal right because you get to make everyone bad way everyone complained yeah my set i have i have like the uh urigan set going with the uh with the like virtual dante bottom if you would and like it just it flows nicely you want to hear something messed up about the dante outfit the boots are the new meta in what way his boots are the new meta item so it used to be that uh the ipatch the dragon king ipatch was every single set had the dragon king ipatch because it gives you weakness exploit plus two and a weakness exploit yeah and weakness exploit is the best skill well dante's boots has weakness exploit plus two on it and it also has two slots right yeah thus replacing that shit entirely
Starting point is 00:31:20 but i didn't realize that i was i was like okay so like the first time to do that encounter uh you you had you end up fighting uh thea theo whatever fire fire line theater teostra teostra and i hadn't hunted him yet so that was the first time i encountered bottom fuck he's the worst of them all right so like to grind for that thing you have to you have to do that fight and so like without knowing much about what was gonna happen i see him going into the like i'm gonna fucking destroy the world like moment where he curls up into a ball in the sky yeah and so i'm just like all right shield double shield bam take it and it was fun because i had the uh urigan yeah shard up and then the moment i put on my dante and i ran back and tried to do it again
Starting point is 00:32:04 i fucking died yeah of course the hardest i've ever every one everyone has to everyone except for lance players that have guard up have to do one of two things learn to run their ass off yeah or flash bomb him the instant he rises and drop him down and i had no idea and i had to fucking like oh my god i'm running back to my urigan set because oh no that's fine man guard up is very useful yeah but i just fluked into into having the right ability and doing the thing and it working that first time and i'm like i'd go yeah you can you can block beams you can do all sorts of stuff yeah and i never want to feel that naked again like i've been running i've been using that guard up to block like bullshit yeah guard up now i think i've learned that way guard up
Starting point is 00:32:48 in in world isn't as good as it used to be and it's one there's a lot of skills like this where it's their their their high quality in this is dependent on how much of the roster actually has stuff that this deals with right so there's a lot less guys in world that have beams right flash pod all of them before it comes out absolutely okay 100% okay the problem with teosra is that he often roars which causes a stunned state yeah and then it starts to do the the supernova immediately from the whole field distance by the way like from a whole screen over like i can't even hear the noises he's making but i started getting staggering by a big boy the roar so he's mad anyway the daunte outfit is is pretty nice uh the the rebellion charge blade
Starting point is 00:33:31 is also pretty cool um shame we couldn't commit to getting our our full virtual representation even though you can change the colors on it or even sparta for that matter because you can get the eyepatch right just wait just wait yeah maybe there'll be another one um and imagine if there would be they would have announced them like sacra and ryu together at the same time so yeah but uh they're they're coming out with a new ryu set which is not trash hopefully just give us transmog and it'll all be okay you know no says them for some reason let me put the thing i want to look like all the thing i don't they have announced that they are coming out with more layered armor sets which work like transmog all of them are samurai themed and they all look
Starting point is 00:34:18 exactly the same they all they're all minor differences it's like this one's light plate and this one's heavy play and it's like fuck say the system already exists in the game just turn just flip the whole lever is there like monetary reasons why transmog would not be a feature they if it if it was in if my guess that if i had to guess i would say it's the kind of thing that would come out alongside the ultimate version of the game man um fucking neo just doing it and doing it and doing it well neo did man souls is never gonna have transmog never never never never that like well it's fashion souls is already like that yeah but i'm like yeah but that's like unexpected that's what i'm saying it's an unexpected like that
Starting point is 00:35:12 direction of like inventory management that they have in those games like or you bloodborne it where nothing really makes that except for that one set that has fire defense and that one set right you have just very slight ups and downs with each thing and then you call that a day like i don't know i also don't know there should be transmog in that series it's extra insane because xx had it well it's also it's also the type of thing that i feel like people games where you have the helmet invisible option yeah understand that you know what i mean the desire for aesthetics to be yeah an important thing so it's like why would you get that point but then not get the other one so you also want to well the thing that the thing that i wanted
Starting point is 00:35:56 is because i'm more or less done with that game because i got all the stuff that i wanted to get but if they said hey in order to transmog something you have to make an extra piece and then max out its armor and then you turn it into a jam or whatever and then you apply that to a different piece that would give me a reason to go back and play a ton more of the game to make all that so right to make myself look how i want to do this in the action or like the um what is it the voucher that lets you change your your looks or whatever yeah that's that's for your your personal character yeah so like you just you have you make it a limited item then yeah sure you'd you'd find gameplay reason loop reasons yeah but like yeah make it put it is but as such like it's like oh like i'm
Starting point is 00:36:39 like i'm gonna go and get the daunte gear so that i can switch my ipad for daunte boots and then put on a helmet that has a tack up but then i'm gonna be done again it adds yeah yeah no it adds a top layer to now that you've done it all go back and do it for every look that you want absolutely and make that the final step which is great that'd be smart which would be great for a game that has very limited uh end of the game content currently that'd be smart look for it an ultimate that will come out in i'm gonna say october that's pat's guess monster hunter world maybe stupid not to g they'll call it ultimate yeah it'll be g in in japan it'll be ultimate here that's the naming convention they decided to go for because g is a weird fucking luxury used ultimate before yeah
Starting point is 00:37:29 on other series no less yeah that that that word is true that's been used uh assets infinite although ultimate being the related to the like the marvel comics and stuff yeah that's why they did it was a good idea it was a good idea you know like wasn't it like we were wondering what they would call it and then when they announced it we were like oh yeah because calling it super marvel versus capcom would have been weird yeah it would have been great yeah i know we're super infinite no ultimate ultimate infinite yeah yeah yeah probably never yeah if that's not announced at e3 or god maybe maybe even evo it's like no it's it's it's the biggest biggest dead with an op with a with an asymmetrical roster because it would be nice right it was extra marvel how many people are
Starting point is 00:38:15 like just angry about that in general that would lie i am that lie i am it's fucking it cuts across and it's more red it's so ugly why couldn't you why couldn't you shout out one more character before you just for the numbers yeah it's like a tv that only rests on odd number volumes it's just all you did like all you did was import a lot of animations from the last game why can't you just do one more without a call to be that much more and yeah like it's no odd numbers and never fives you know like it had never so you it has to be it goes one three seven nine and that's it five is an acceptable number yeah no it removes all the fives from the equation you only get one three seven and nine deal with it i i i just kill me
Starting point is 00:39:11 instead i just throw that tv out it's broken oh fuck i can't i can't all right um hey how about a quick word uh from who from our sponsors oh i like those guys those guys are cool first sponsor of the week is dollar shave club oh yeah absolutely gonna need to get my shave on pretty soon pretty soon i'm seeing some grays coming in it's pretty gross it's it's like and i kind of i don't mind the salt and pepper look yeah but it's a bit disgusting when it's just all over the place when it's all yeah it needs to be like just down the chin or you know so what you're saying is you need more salt i'm saying rub some salt into your beard i'm saying i don't need salt my friend i need butter i need a special kind of butter i need but are you eating your own
Starting point is 00:40:05 face shave butter dr carver shave butter it's what you get with the dollar shave club package it is alongside other things including their lavender calming body cleanser my body's always raging needs to be calm needs some cleansing lavender calms the shit out of things shampoo body wash conditioner toothpaste hair gel dollar shave clubs got the full package they've gone beyond just shaving and of course uh you're getting a top shelf you're getting top shelf ingredients that won't break your budget with free shipping if you head on down to dollar shave club com slash friendcast uh you're looking at for just five bucks the daily essential starter set again that's the body cleanser one wipe charlie's they're amazing butt wipes necessary you need to you
Starting point is 00:40:55 need to get on the new next level of forget toilet paper get on those get on those wipes i'm dead serious okay i'm dead serious i thought you flubbed no no no that's awesome you need to step it up ass is bad right now you need you don't get i did not know about the butt wipes the swamp ass needs to go needs to go and you use the one wipe charlie's i have a really specific system can i incorporate these wipes into my system 100 percent and of course one way charlie is a great name for anything oh second only to the world famous dr carver and his shape but and of course the six blade executive razor so that's uh all available at dollar shave club com slash friendcast yeah thanks guys thank you they're the butt wipes that big razor doesn't want you to have big razor wants
Starting point is 00:41:48 you to have swamp ass to sell you their non-working overly expensive inferior wipes of butt they treat you like a prisoner yeah don't do it uh um the podcast is also sponsored by casper because because the podcast is also sponsored by what big razor oh no no Casper Casper the king of mattresses absolutely so when you're getting close to getting mine when you're feeling clean and hygienic and everything is is nice and and and your body is cleansed what better way to end your body has been calmed by the lavender so now you can just rest easy yes in your soft and and comfortable buoyant casper mattress is that a word that we could use i think i think so i mean doesn't that imply that it floats in the water maybe it's like a waterbed i'm gonna ship when the
Starting point is 00:42:47 ship goes down when when your life is burning down all around you and you need to grab on to a buoyant place to sleep yes so that you can ignore the burning ship for at least eight hours everything is fine on a casper mattress it is i i legitimately do that it's like everything's going okay okay lie down there you go and you know what you're feeling you're feeling a breathable design you're feeling cool regulated body temperature throughout the night that's good and of course it's all coming to your straight to you straight to your door and a crazy like how do they do that box boxy it's crazy you slice it open and it goes wow i i recently watched a video on how that process is done and it is crazy i i don't even want to know it's it's it's really simple no you get a
Starting point is 00:43:39 really big machine that's super strong and can just mash that stuff into like a tiny little wafer oh that's rad that's just as cool as i hope it's the kind of machine that it's like no one's near it no like you know when they take the video of machines like that and there's no one in the factory don't stand near it science that's awesome so crazy so if you want science coming straight to your door for a super comfortable mattress and a super comfortable sleep experience head on down to slash friendcast and use uh code friendcast for 50 bucks off your mattress purchase that's slash friendcast and again i have to ask i am not eligible to use this you are not no i thought i could get you this but all our good listeners are that's that's all
Starting point is 00:44:25 of you folks there at home so there you go thanks casper thank you this week in done news oh wait before we go on to the news i have a question for you guys it's somewhat of a personal nature how often on a skit on a monthly basis or twice twice do you drop an entire roll of toilet paper into the toilet zero that the last time that happened to me was approximately a year ago and before that maybe five because this happened to me very recently and plague and page wouldn't stop making fun of me because like you know you go to take a piss and you're holding the toilet paper roll in your hand no okay see that what why is that that's what so that when you're done you you you you can make sure you tear off the the the paper and then you make sure that there was no
Starting point is 00:45:23 splash damage why not why not why is it not in a i'm not like i'm not it's not even about the fact that you're getting it ready by holding it it's just why wouldn't you tear the piece off that you're going to use in advance well so that you can get the right amount yes you can just get more if you need it well no it's a whole okay never i i can't imagine why they would make fun of you listen listen you pointed us down this path i thought you're fucking walking down i i keep doing this thing where i explain this because it's so clear and understandable and i expect someone invites my vicinity to go oh yeah totally of course but how many times does this need to happen for you to realize that's never the case a lot so four squares fold it in half
Starting point is 00:46:12 fold it in half uh-huh you're holding it that's just enough density and then you do your thing oh you do it with the math way yeah math wise well you want it to be even so that you can fold it i just have like a like i have it and then i just i i just know no when it's correct each fold is on the the perforated line yeah so that you're holding one square ultimately that's really forced i prefer to do it by feel and that's why you have to hold it in your hand no beforehand no you can estimate also aim and you're good yeah but there's never you even if you see nothing you have to make sure well okay so here's the thing with aiming is there's aim as in the general fucking hit the bowl aim yeah but then there's high level where it's hit the not water yeah so
Starting point is 00:46:55 that the splash is reduced that's correct and that's that's that's totally dependent but that's s-rank you understand and so i'm going for s-rank every time it's toilet dependent it's also occasionally like pipe dependent depending on how high or low the water yeah for sure in certain cases uh if the the the curve where the water where everything gets sucked down it starts to rise above the water that curve you can aim for the curve and above the water so that that's completely minimal splash yeah and that's fucking like smoke and sadistic it's great yeah that's what you want so nobody nobody holds the the there is no reason for it to be in your hand that's what the roll is so wait then how wait what that's what that's why there's a roll holder for you put the toilet paper
Starting point is 00:47:40 to sit on the roll well no that's that's to for it to live before you need it you don't pull it off you just grab the thing and you pull the amount and then okay wait now i'm really confused the toilet paper sits on the roll and the reason why the roll spins is so that it doesn't have to come off yeah i guess but not i guess literally the function i don't think i've ever i don't think i have ever learned how to wipe your ass no the wiping part's not the issue uh i don't think i have ever removed toilet paper from a roll with the it on the roll you take the whole roll off yes for what purpose so what ends so that you can hold it and you can get the right amount you can get the right amount by pulling it while it spins but how do you know but how do you know when you're holding it do you
Starting point is 00:48:28 are you are you just no oh my god are you hearing yourself there's nothing this is like the second or third time this has happened there's nothing about holding it in your hand that gives you more information yeah spinning on a wheel can't can't that those spinning on a wheel doesn't do it's not like it's a complicated machine that you can't trust and it's not like it's a spinning holder or a Kleenex box where you have to do or you know that thing's not lying to you like there's like sometimes you pull one to Kleenex out and you get two and you're like oh fuck i wanted one this sucks but at the end of the day he's being generous there's literally no benefit whatsoever so here's my question then if you don't use this system how the hell did you get a roll of toilet paper into
Starting point is 00:49:09 the toilet yeah you and when changing it oh it just if i put i take off the old one and i grabbed the new one and then the the new one fell and that's happened to me maybe twice or three times that's a horrible experience and then it's like oh that sucks and then you gotta just keep flushing and then you gotta throw that out and then you gotta get the paper bag and and fucking oh god i remember when i was a kid there was something wrong with my toilet or my house's toilet when i was living with my parents and they call him a plumber it's a big to-do he's there for hours and he's like who fucking flushed this dinosaur toy in the toilet and i was like dad and grounded for like two weeks and like every time i ever saw that plumber ever he's like why did
Starting point is 00:49:59 you do that and i'm like what i'm a child i don't why i keep expecting somebody to come to my aid on this one that's fast forward to pat what do you mean you don't lie down and plank over the toilet so that you can be like well sometimes i gotta face that like face down dick over the bowl just plank it and then pee straight in what do you mean you don't take all your clothes off when you pee yeah yeah feels good man right exactly yeah splash yeah well not when you pee what's that news that you had for us well the news i had was that uh we finally got to see what vet him looks like yesterday oh he's got those big googly eyes uh the big googly eyes on his face there looks like he's a big old memer i've never seen a more run-backed ad campaign ever oh let's
Starting point is 00:51:01 put out a fucking awful trailer everyone hates it why don't we put out another trailer like two months later doing the thing that everyone said you forgot and it's still a teaser yeah it's still like not showing a whole lot what the movie is yeah it's like did they just not have special effects done but he looks maybe maybe they were not confident that people would uh not rake them not want to not fuck him people because in my stream last night everyone's like who wants to fuck venom and i'm like what's happening yeah when did that happen what with this trailer what because here's the thing if they show because it's a monster now if they showed bad cg venom then he would have been they would have been raked over the coals like anglies hulk yeah remember when they first
Starting point is 00:51:44 trailer at anglies hulk yeah it was it wasn't ready but at the time that was fine because superhero movies were like new new new new and everyone's just excited that they even existed but now we have so many it's like fucking blow me away now so so it's and here's the other bit too it's very clear at least from the trailer that they're they're pretty much going there's a whole lot of like it's just eddie brock with black shooting out of him moments yeah so like it seems like that's another way to avoid the the messiness of like possibly exposing him well there's going to be lots of overexposing when lasher riot scream agony and phage show up in this wasn't shrike or shrieker no i think no for the fifth time shriek is the black and white lady that shoots sonic
Starting point is 00:52:34 why do you get how do you get this confused so much more often than i do because it's all i played with maximum carnage i remember it's a word it's a word that fits in with the other dumb ones because it's shriek and then there's scream which are the same thing you know why though here's why let me really break it down okay please do scream is such a boring name yeah you're gonna like shriek more i assume they would have picked the not default but shriek already existed i know i know and that's when i always forget that's fine yeah i'm not mad at you i'm just really mad at you why does this is like the fifth time every time we bring these guys up why does tom hardy sound like a absolute god damn stupid person in this trailer well eddie brock when he talks low he sounds
Starting point is 00:53:17 like this like it's astonishing to me eddie brock is not really how eddie brock is not peter parker okay he's he's eddie fucking brock don't you remember how he sounded in spiderman anime cartoon he was done by hankers area i do remember which was just like his normal yeah yeah like reading of any background character i was like hey spiderman like it's basically j jona yeah i don't know he sounds like an absolute god damn moron to me like there's the the line in the beginning of that trailer it's like your boss is the evil person it's like wow he's not an eloquent speaker i guess not he gets eloquent he's a reporter and a writer when he yeah but he gets more eloquent when he gets the sorry what is it now sim biote symbiote shut up with that symbiote shit i don't even know how to
Starting point is 00:54:05 say it symbiote symbiote that's how i used to say it symbiote but as in symbiosis but like like i think they call it like the symbiote in the in the trailer yeah yeah anyway so what are you harrelson is in this movie in an undisclosed role and everyone's saying he's carnage he's playing cletus clevis casady cletus custody i used to say cletus cletus like how someone used to say adam at them is it possible that like they're gonna they're gonna retread over carnage in this it the rumor is that he's like there's a like carnage is in the film or it's going to be alluded to for a sequel well sony really wants to fucking go hard on this spider-man shit that they're bad at i i thought i thought they were like avoiding everything they could that was already used
Starting point is 00:54:53 right i thought the whole point of going um lethal protector and then bringing in yeah carnage wasn't in lethal protector it's true right and going in with the dumb boys and and whatnot is all for the purposes of not stepping on any toes but i couldn't remember if the the fucking loser crew of symbiotes were from venom or from carnage because i i thought i remember them like oh we actually got an egg from carnage's suit but i i don't remember they might have it just pulled it out i thought there were venoms kids i thought there were two but now i'm i'm misremembering it i don't know for sure but yeah this is a much better trailer than the first one i'm should have this should have been the trailer that existed
Starting point is 00:55:37 yeah instead of the other one yeah symbiotes there we go yeah i don't call it a fucking symbiote you don't have to uh so yeah and and and yay for the weir venom because that's always a fun one that's what you want to hear uh i really do like like it's gonna it's gonna be like a wonder though if like they do the thing where he spends most of the movie just shooting it out of his body like normal and then like only at the end you get the full suit maybe they can't shoot webs maybe there's like a thing well the where they were they legally can't have web shooting in it sonny owns it but i mean no i know but he can but it's they can't have spider-man show up in this apparently i don't know it's easy for goo to just be a web swing it is you know but that's carnage's
Starting point is 00:56:25 thing venom would do it too sometimes venom most of the time he'd web venom had webs though yeah venom well the reason why venom looks like venom is because he hates spider-man goes i'm just gonna be a shitty spider-man yeah he he copied spider-man's powers but after a while i do remember comics where venom would just use the tendrils to do his thing yeah and and of course uh what is it gonna be he's all black goo for most of the movie and then he sees spider-man on tv for like two seconds it goes oh right okay hate that guy i mean love that guy and then just copies it yeah so um there's also the the the looks like toaster strudel toaster strudel eyes toaster strudel eyes toaster strudel cream eyes anyway yeah it's a much better trailer it is uh but it's still like i guess still weird
Starting point is 00:57:12 it's still weird that the movie even exists yeah in an isolated world they've been trying to make this for like well before homecoming like they were trying to make i remember when uh sam ramie was like oh i'm not doing spider-man 4 and they're like yeah come on pay your money and they're like okay then they're like no we're gonna cancel it all and then they're gonna spin off into sinister sex and shit at the very least like uh now it comes out and the like the idea is even if it's like subpar just fine it'll do better than the existing venom that we have in universe based on the first trilogy so like yeah it's not like they're breaking new ground to ruin it it's like no all we have to do is just not fall as hard as the last so the question becomes who is the
Starting point is 00:57:57 who is the fucking spider-man in this venom's world is it andrew garfield or is it there i'm there that is there literally is no i refuse that right now there is no but right now there is none what they're gonna have a reboot spider-man for the venom series no what i mean is that they're not gonna acknowledge if they if they're spider-man's there or or it's in a different there'll be people on the streets or newspapers just talking about some wall crawler i don't know because if they're city they're fucked because i'm like how am i supposed to expect you not to know who spider-man is but because they place in san francisco where the lethal protector storyline takes place it's kind of like how they always talk about the big green guy in the other movies right
Starting point is 00:58:38 flex and so you go like all right guy with the hammer yeah yeah oh wait sorry now yeah yeah that guy and the iron so they can just they can just talk about some some webhead i don't know fucking offshoot universe of spider-man without spider-man it's fucking dumb so dumb i don't mind in the sense that it'd be cool for venom to get his own movies to set him up and then he can fight spider-man a movie where you don't have to spend time explaining venom away yeah sure you know what i mean like well like actually have it be spider-man cross venom it's it's uh we're in a weird world of like legal separation anxiety yeah legal separation anxiety because of the way all of these fucking deals have been awesome they call the movie spider-man that'd be fucking hilarious dude and that's where
Starting point is 00:59:24 be playing fucking metroid puzzle mission in the movie like we've already had like the word homecoming also like double for hey spider-man came home to the mcu and is the homecoming was happening for their school you know so like they definitely have played with the title before yeah that would be great uh but either but i still think it's possible for this to be a good movie on its own but it's just they can they know that the weirdest thing about this world is the lack of spider-man in it so they're probably gonna like cover that as much as they can in when it comes out it's a no web shooting i think just like i acknowledge the fact that it's weird that you know they doesn't even have your spin off of a thing that doesn't exist you're right we don't
Starting point is 01:00:08 yeah and there are venom designs in the comics where he doesn't have anything on his chest or he has like non spider related things could just be a white logo of something yeah or nothing or nothing yeah a big v a big white v yeah yeah yeah the the virtual mobile and then he sees and then it changes from hey i saw spider-man so now i look like spider-man to i hate spider-man now so i made an evil looking spider-man logo on my chest appear so yeah it if it has like a pretty you know hard to miss spider logo on his chest i'm gonna be like yeah that's harder to explain why did you put a spider-man logo on your chest oh spider-man no look oh you know what it is eddie brock has a pet spider at home and he's always there yeah
Starting point is 01:00:56 that's my pet spider i call him spider-man this piece his name is peter yeah yeah i call him old wet head i don't know what voice i'm doing with eddie brock but i can't stand tom hardy's fucking voice in this trailer speaking of lethal protectors god damn it and and anti heroes here comes lara in the shadow of the tomb raider i don't understand this game yeah there's a lot to talk about it's it's this is how you become the tomb raider but the last two games are about this is how you become the tomb raider i was i was talking to a friend of mine over the weekend about this yeah and he started to have a meltdown because the title the title of this makes lara sound like the villain that we are out to defeat did you watch the full trailer
Starting point is 01:01:53 i did not okay because the full trailer is it's all cg but it's her running through the woods taking out a bunch of military dudes becoming the tomb raider she was meant to be yes right and she's hunting them like a predator which is again accurate to what you're doing in these games very tomb raidi and then uh she eventually makes her way over to the guy at the intro to uh the old jojo series doing that sacrifice for the bloodstone mask that's great and uh when she does make her way over to him she takes him out and she goes to help the kid that was about to be sacrificed but then the kids like get the fuck away from me i love being sacrificed right and she's all like oh what what has happened then her hands are all bloodied and then she's like what have i become
Starting point is 01:02:38 and then she walks out and then she's staring at the empire that she now rules over what is happening it is it's very it's it's it's yeah who knows where this is going lara is now scared of the tomb raider she was always destined to be she is now starting the journey of becoming a tomb raider what was what was rise of the tomb these titles are the worst they they're the worst they're not the worst they just went in the wrong order like tomb raider should be the name of the last one yeah probably and rise of the tomb raider should have been the first also all of the art that i've seen of this makes me confused because it's like oh don't let lara get the bailet is what i'm seeing i'm assuming it's a mayan like ritual thing gotta sacrifice shadow of lara she'll get the
Starting point is 01:03:31 bailet and make everyone into a tomb or some shit that's a good piece of art i prefer to all the other ones that are just like a generic render i i don't i don't understand the the path this yeah this game story is going on where every game is about be going from being naive and inexperienced to being a vicious psycho murderer life raider and then it's like what a death raider what if instead of samus losing all her power-ups lost the ability to murder animals at the start of every metroid game well like hey she apologized for that deer she needed food yeah she did she said sorry i uh do you want to talk about the other major thing about this that's weird so uh so the trailer opens up with the square enix logo as expected and then the idos montreal logo and then
Starting point is 01:04:23 in association with crystal dynamics so that's odd because usually crystal d are the ones that made these games and it seems like for the last game uh it's been putting idos montreal's hands as for like the main game and crystal d is now supporting them now back before this uh crystal d made the main game idos montreal made the monthly multiplayer for the first one for the first one then they smartly took out the multiplayer and and nixie's was also involved right for the ports and stuff but idos montreal did the optional tombs the really really good ones that were like it was like an upside down all the the best parts of the game yes yeah so they just did those tombs where you go in and you have to find them and the main like map was done by crystal d but like now
Starting point is 01:05:10 this is a reversal so what the fuck i don't know either they've got a bigger like fish to fry on their hands is that fish named kane who knows i you know but like either crystal d is up to something bigger or uh because they're not the the situation that's like this to me was arkham but this feels different whereas like a fucking warner brothers montreal is going to do arkham origins it's a prequel nobody worry we're going to have the good team do a better game in a couple more years after that so that's when rock steady came out with arkham knight but this is like the finale of the trilogy i the hope is the hope is not that it was like ripped away and you know out of like i don't think so anything like that maybe i maybe maybe we're getting which is ironic because
Starting point is 01:06:04 they they ripped away the tomb raider ip from core and gave it to crystal d well then the the only thing it could be is the return of the return of geck's clearly i feel so out of the return of akujie the heartless akujie the heartless i feel so out of touch when matt referred to this series as a trilogy like you're completely right but at the same time like fuck i guess it is i guess this is a trilogy by the way matt speaking of akujie the heartless yes when i loaded up yakuza five yeah what did i find in my ps3 but that fucking copy of akujie the heartless that we recorded on like a year and a half ago welcome do you want that shit back i'm good i will throw it out video got made i will throw that shit out now fine i'm so out of touch with these fucking tomb raider games
Starting point is 01:06:56 i don't i don't get it anymore hey man i've come so far i'm not turning back after all sacrificed i have to wonder what will i do what have you sacrificed fucking rich is what you'll become what have you fucking sacrificed i haven't ten fingers ten toes vanity i guess well that well hold on a second right like i don't know no one else no one there's no another none of the tomb raider friends are in this trailer yeah they're long dead so i were not in the second that's what i'm saying so one of them have they been baileted out that'd be awesome is that what happened is jonah gone due to fucking no jonah was in the second game okay well but i think that was it then i i don't know i don't know but to be fair if you look back at all the other ones like
Starting point is 01:07:40 tomb raider underworld and legend she always has a crew and they always disappear as the steps to the castle in the sky yeah yeah she laura herself put up the cobblestones like the way the way this is fucking reading is that she's like oh i've become a monster and then she's like all rich and alone in her house and then she eats a gun the fucking no the god hand pillar rises and all they're all on it and then the empty finger just has a pair of the the glasses that she has the circle glasses right and she puts them on and gets the dual pistols and then the titties just pop out and she gets all pollen and then she turns into the fucking old tomb raider and then that dude patch comes out that's the femto that's the femto you were meant to be that'd be sick body
Starting point is 01:08:26 horror or there should at least be a sequence where once she's killing all those dudes like that she briefly like her model flutters and it becomes it like when snake wakes up from that dream and mgs4 and he's like ps1 snake yeah yeah yeah yeah the face flickers out is this the like narrative equivalent of them like realizing how ridiculous all the stuff in the first two games was about her being like like you kill somebody horribly and she's like oh oh god no and then she doesn't really do that in the second game and then she does a billion headshots yeah or i don't remember her doing it she does a little this is what happens when um when bayonetta becomes what your old character was supposed to be right yeah she kind of took that mantle a little bit down to the glasses
Starting point is 01:09:16 and everything but now i've got the machine gun yeah i'll never the that moment in the first game where she kills the first guy and she she's like wracked with vomit vomiting sobs and then i picked up a handgun and shut a guy in the face and i got headshot bonus plus 10 xp because it's like a fatal frame it's unbelievable well because the first kills were the ones of like the guy is just scampering on top of you and you're all like yeah but you know it's like two creepo vibes like the fucking cutscene ends do you must remember that the cutscene and she's like i can't she's also stabbed through the gut bang bang bang bang headshot bonus headshot bonus tomb time they mean themselves in like a hole whether like let's have this scene it'll be really powerful but oh shit now we have
Starting point is 01:10:09 gameplay right after that don't forget too that like like a full pack of 18 wolves rushes you down in the bush i do remember that as you got to take them out as the lightning strikes illuminate their i didn't tell you about this when i played the Tomb Raider arcade shooter that's out right now that that takes the reboot who's the company that made it it's it's idos whatever but the company is like some no-name the actual developer some no-name like i've never heard of them before okay and it's a four player light gun shooter but Lara's in it want to know how this is set up Lara bumbles around you and your heroic survivors oh so you're protecting her you shoot everything while she literally falls over logs and shit man that laura new laura yeah okay that laura i look at the first
Starting point is 01:10:59 game i look at her bumble and get attacked by wolves and i think to in my heart boy i sure want to protect her oh i sure don't want to look at that death animation i'm the one that's a guy made when he was jerking off i thought it would have been like a game by uh whatever thrills like no i know it's not you'd think so massive it's like a massive 70 inch screen huh and they just literally rip out the um FMVs from the first game to like make up some sort of a story well let's see when the when the gameplay trailer drops how this uh how this i really like the second one and i never finished it but yeah i also really like the second one yeah well when the yeah so i'm like something for all the scoffs and noises you're making over there pat here let's see where the gameplay is not gameplay
Starting point is 01:11:44 all the scoffs are our direct results of people working on these games talking and saying stupid stupid shit like all of it and i'm glad it's not in a snowy environment anymore because the last your friends are idiots whoever whoever the fuck they let i forget the guy's name but whoever the fuck they let talk to somebody who said we made laura so you want to protect her is like a stupid idiot i think and like are you talking about the first game yeah okay and like i think it was a producer and that like that one fucking interview has like soured me on the storyline of all of them because it's just like it's so manipulative you know so the storyline stuff is going to take another probably weird dip because remember reanna pratchett left the writing team to writing and now it's
Starting point is 01:12:34 like a guy from i'd osmond sure all that's writing it i don't know is his uh his linkedin or whatever what he's done before but i'm like that's still going to be a weird narrative change i'm sure we'll see we'll see i'm glad it's in jungles and shit again like you're really going to learn how laura has to overcome her inner horror at what she's become again yeah i guess um yeah uh no i like i'm the first game has you coming out of a river of blood with fire screaming going i'll kill you all it's like yeah that moment happens it did it did two games ago it certainly did you already did this whole game in one scene uh what else is going on we've got the uh nintendo patent that just flew up have you seen this for multi-screen communication uh no so nintendo uh patented something that that
Starting point is 01:13:38 everyone tracked down for taking what is essentially two switch screens and putting them side by side and letting you uh transmit gameplay from one to the other this looks like labo stuff so we're looking at what is essentially pong for example where by putting the two screens together it knows where they're touching and can create like a ball that bounces from one to the other that's neat yeah uh it looks like it could be labo related for sure um some of the patent drawings eventually kind of like go from this ds kind of feeling thing into crazy s four switches lying down in a row you know where you're sliding other labo or just like a new party game collection thing i can see that um a bowling ball on one screen getting pushed onto the pins on the other this
Starting point is 01:14:27 would be perfect for metroid puzzle puzzle mission it would be the ideal format let's not let's let's let's keep it's not mince words here um yeah this is clearly for metroid and then there's one example oh fuck that one three screens to make a box no no one's doing a banana is being represented across the box and it's kind of just a banana yeah that's really weird it's it's nuts because it's like assuming you and your friends all get together pull your controllers off and stick your switches together um but hey he's gonna balance i don't know this maybe there's a contraption that maybe the contraption's made out of cardboard maybe i can't stop thinking about that cardboard no labo like this as a labo like shenanigans or that episode of rug rats where tommy just gets a box
Starting point is 01:15:20 and plays with it yeah it's just a box just tell me babies uh yeah so nintendo's doing something sure can be fun i i admit like full on like i'm looking at that i'm like yeah pong where you can slide the screen around for extra bullshit extra bullshit would be pretty fun there's puzzle games in general right um rhythm games to me tetris i can grab a block from my side and throw it over to yours hmm can be fun uh so there's that going on we've got um just sometimes in terms of patents and and trademarks and such getting caught sometimes names just flow around and you catch the title of a game and you just go yeah that sounds yes that sounds like something so bamco has trademarked a title for something called battle breeders i'm i'm i'm i'm i mean i know i'm excited i know it's
Starting point is 01:16:25 probably referring no some monster digimon shit yeah no but the idea of battle breeders outside the realm of monsters is one that i think this podcast can get behind i'm just putting it out there but it also could sound like it's like you want to get in here you better defeat me the fuck fights begin now are never been more real fucking run third 2018 shit is this a fucking sequel to the conception rpg series just two two giant like stubbick's touching and then the baby's inside or just going at it like baby can share versus baby jodoro in the womb all right or like the other baby's got its arms crossed just using its feet to fucking no no no no no no no you know what it is you know it is it's
Starting point is 01:17:19 a puzzle game about you and your twin are in the womb and it's a puzzle game where you you jockey for position to see who absorbs the other ah i thought you were going to say who gets out first no because that would be the ultimate and just like like pushing and climbing and twisting and turning i'm the first born and strangle with the umbilical cord i was going to say the baby has like this stealthy attack with the umbilical cord like it sneaks up behind the other baby somehow okay it starts choking the baby out and then the mom's like whoa sneaky surprise attack at the start of the second trimester it could be a legit steam game that came out and did big like twitch gangbuster numbers yeah maybe maybe were you and a friend in the room or like four players
Starting point is 01:18:04 are all in the same stomach and you're all just fighting to get out okay oh yeah that's what and and you don't see it's like operation where you don't see the outside yeah you just see the inside in the shape of the stomach that you're protruding out of or into look like loco roco and then you could there's what there's no you can use your umbilical cord to as a weapon totally but it's like your final smash though and like when you get and when you get to the edge and you have your hands on the edge and you it's like you know when you climb up to the top of the ladder match and you're reaching for the briefcase and like you have the moment of struggle and everyone else has a ton of time to knock the ladder over it's like that like you're almost out you're almost out and
Starting point is 01:18:40 everyone has time to grab your feet and I can see the doctor I could see it he's right there here come the forceps it's right there you just gotta grab them you just gotta want it mm-hmm battle breeders yeah this will not be that no it will probably be like a monster rancher or something thank you I appreciate this podcast segment going exactly as I hoped it would moving on what if it was an rpg and you absorbed your twin and depending how you absorb them you got buffs like say you got their head sticking out the back of your head yeah you get better vision or better like an extra arm yeah yeah that makes sense I mean if you just do perfect fusion then you can just become a vegeto yeah speaking of which goku and vegeta have decided to touch dicks once again
Starting point is 01:19:27 in dragon ball fighters yeah that's essentially how it starts isn't it dude this like the video they put out they gotta they put on earrings and then they're fucking dicks just drag their bodies over to each other and smash together I mean so there's a mazu version of things which also recently got announced is like hilarious because you see them spinning around doing their love like yeah as we become one but vegeta and goku very clearly fucking hate it I need some love like I never needed love before gonna gonna make love to you baby you had a little love but now you're back for more yeah set your spirit free it's the only way to be the geno's cool he is my favorite oh why does willy do this to the podcast he's my big favorite because color and design
Starting point is 01:20:23 wise he's got all the elements I enjoy also vegeto ss gss is complete gibberish to anyone who doesn't play these games like just now um it is complete gib like as as uh who was it that pointed it out someone on uh uh was it mike z i think mike z like had a tweet about like these names are complete gibberish to people who don't know what's going on and that's mike z yeah the uh the vegeto trailer of course has it's uh like there's a panel by panel comparison video out as well of all 10 seconds of this trailer of all 10 seconds that's correct uh but it's it's again super accurate to dragon ball super and the and the boo arc as well yeah um there's some cool shit in there yay for vegeto but you know like I think that all of these were on like that leak
Starting point is 01:21:12 list hell yeah they were roster and like honestly that thing was like not that exciting that that means that the next pat that the next batch that we're seeing is going to be base form goku and vegeta which is i expect many gnashings of teeth yeah that would that's going to go over really bad we were we were pecking for mr satan or like mr popo it's going to go over well at least they get tapion well because because because it looks like so far like we're not getting the fun picks quote unquote we're getting the the ones that would have been in the final roster had they had more time and you have to consider the fact that it's not likely you're going to get the fun picks where people are usually used to a roster of 80 yeah so they're like where's my xeno verse
Starting point is 01:21:53 representation you know it's in the trash where it belongs losers well convince those people otherwise they're not to be convinced they're to be ignored yeah so the the you can go check out the the comparison by uh i kevin x on youtube has these like frame by frame moments super good and a lot of them are like panel by panel accurate it's fucking cool um something about the full blue outfit just looks way cooler yeah i just like it so much more it works well with the hair though yeah uh uh with the with the orange out like underneath and then of course the vegeta gloves like it's just there's so much about vegeta's design that's fucking why are we gonna get galvatron for dragon ball fighters
Starting point is 01:22:43 okay all right i don't know where i was going with that are you okay i'm tired man i'm tired too but but he's not saying dumb shit still trying to still trying to get i mean i'm all i'm always saying dumb we're still trying to get it done but usually you have like a panache with this just whether or not the dumb shit hits where was i going with that speaking of dumb shit not hitting damn radical heights oh man that's excellent my bomb was worth it because woolly saved it thanks man like it bomb so bad that it like it held up woolly's even more oh man i'm so glad i could have been a team player now 82 percent of players have dropped the game after i'm surprised you had 82 percent of players
Starting point is 01:23:28 to lose somebody said to me this story wow i can't believe 82 percent of people left and i stole matt's joke and i said yeah because they were done making their videos yeah no that you know oh yeah they were done streaming it tating me again they were done streaming it they were done making their videos like in all honesty this this is the most curious like the only people playing this are people who go what really fucking serious okay i'll try it it's free like yeah the every logged in name with slash whatever dude in the video we made there was a guy's name is and his twitch channel is that out yet uh yeah it should be okay i thought so i wasn't sure if not i haven't seen anyone talk about we made a video if not then hey that's coming yeah we made
Starting point is 01:24:16 a video it's bad just like the game uh there there's a line in this article in destructoid that like rings true it's like even i was surprised to see cliffy b chasing trends instead of setting them like in his past which he honestly did yes stop and pop gameplay of that entire generation was entirely defined by cliffy b's desire to make a combination re4 kill switch game the video is not out yet so that's coming guys oh okay we recorded that a while ago we should talk to billy yeah yo billy release that video minute go up no minute minute must have gone up did that video just go oh boy do we even know what's happening that was a good one did they even get because i heard that you know did we even give them the best footage get to him no i'm pretty sure no because we
Starting point is 01:25:08 the because the fist the cuff did yeah i recorded all three but like was there but that this is so stupid this is this because think about anyone start yelling on any of your timelines like like like gotta go go get sword so go no one did that at this point you guys getting frustrated at me for talking in third person and of good in god war is gonna go up before the minute video which is at that timeline is is all jacked up what happened oh boy i know what happened did it just not get to him we recorded all of them and then we put them up and then we're like hey let me move move uh move uh fucking way out over here yeah and then like the day after that we said god of war goes up every day yeah sweat and and so there hasn't been the opportunity i had it
Starting point is 01:26:10 okay whoa hmm that's fine just well that might even just replace some fire emblem videos that might make uh uh radical heights even funnier oh yeah because we planted an entire because it's yeah it uh it's it's it's been probably a week or we should probably put videos up on our you know videos coming out on the channel would be a good idea you gotta record that thing today are you guys enjoying god of war if you're enjoying god of war that's good you know it's not good that's correct i would not only was that game bad but it was bad to play and it was not fun to record yeah um no i'm like those videos are not even sitting in our our list like they're just they they don't exist so we gotta get those one-offs out because they just don't oh we still have them
Starting point is 01:27:09 right we don't delete footage until the footage is up that's correct no plus the fisticuff we did on that day did make it over that's gotta so it's gotta be sitting in the big pile of videos right yeah that was fun this is so this is so bad you know billy if you can hear this tell us what's going on oh man it's probably our fault but let us know if it is hold on let me i'm gonna message him right now in the meantime moving on hey man from radical heights what happened we're good at our jobs we paid somebody else to do our job for us and then forgot how to do it you know who's good at his job me not gliffy b the guy behind the kickstarter pitch for a niki nikanya did you sit down actually watch i did did you see this pad i did not you need to watch that listen to
Starting point is 01:28:00 i fucking heard about it though nikanya is a kickstarter for a first person shooter and uh the creator is uh from germany wyoming germany that de does that make sense the reason why i want to bring this up is because i think this might be kayfabe this pitch delaware well i'm an idiot yeah no wyoming delaware yeah that's not germany at all but that's what makes me think it's kayfabe that this is a made up like strafe like i don't know what to make of this trailer it's very confusing all right click on it so i can so i can see it's it's long yeah give you my live reaction sure but i'm so confused about this because look it's it's made a hundred and eighty one dollars that's low even by disaster standards i mean well ultimately this this looks like one of the games
Starting point is 01:28:54 that sterling would do a video on in a couple months time maybe right it looks like a mod for stalker or something that's what yeah so i'm gonna i'm gonna like other companies that make cool and fresh cash and hype i make a real product yeah i'm gonna have to like just dump that audio straight into the the podcast feed because it is you have to understand it is it is absolute is happening nonsense that that that feels like a i don't know this just a gut reaction that feels like a massive fucking scam you don't feel like it's like a put on like how how people will laugh at this absolutely 100 but there's an actual game but there's an actual scam underneath okay there's an actual scam i mean look at the deaths of the guys from wyoming
Starting point is 01:29:40 the guy fucking gotta trust people from wyoming the guy fucking says i'm gonna make a giant open world with no compromise is not built on fast cash or quick promises that i make only by myself just me no support also please enjoy these console bundles they have the game in it it's amazing doesn't he say like it's not built up a big hyper fast cash and then he shows the console bundles they have the game on it no it happened right before oh fucking regardless of whatever the game is that guy knows how to pitch yeah that's a hell of a pitch i mean he doesn't really because okay that's a fair point that's a fair but still like i'm looking at his heart is in it matt it is hard as in it it's true that's fucking okay it's okay i don't even know what to make of that and i'm i'm very curious
Starting point is 01:30:31 crowdfunding is a wild place now um like that's a piece of art that video really i i could see him getting hired for other kickstarter pitches yeah i would hire him yeah just so you can become the pitch man i'm just thinking like there have been some great pitch videos uh the fucking strafe pitch was unbelievable yeah uh the become the billy maze of kickstarter i think the wasteland two kickstarter shadow shadow guy the kid pretending to be activision was really good uh let's not forget it's not kickstarter but that's sega game that that's not out yet paparim uh the crazy beat him up yeah with that buff it was actually a kickstarter buff body man it just wasn't when we looked at it yeah the way that guy sways as he walks is still
Starting point is 01:31:21 in my head yeah you know it hasn't left your memory palace um what's going on with star trek matt there was two star trek movies being made right now two one that will complete the quad drillogy that's our ology the one that goes back in time to see kirk's dad and chris they want chris hemsworth obviously because he wasn't hot back then but now now he's hot now he's in big haughty uh because then you can also get another chris in there pines and hemsworths and prats i don't know so they they hired a woman director that i don't know what other things she's done to do that and apparently jj abrams has been like this is my favorite script out of any of these star treks it's the best one i'm so excited to do it but they're also all going to get started on quintin
Starting point is 01:32:14 tarantino's star trek what you didn't hear about this one hell no i did not he's been like i want to make a star trek movie have a really good idea but it's going to be so far removed that that's going to be its own yeah separate thing because yes it would have to be captain kirk and green hornet chilling on a fucking wait that's kevin smith and there might be it'd be everyone in star trek just talking that's what a star trek show is exactly that's really weird quintin tarantino announced this like months ago but this is like their first like actual i don't know is it is that like just like i spoke to bol and i got some shit that came to minds like statement or is it a real state is it a real announcement it's a real announcement
Starting point is 01:33:03 star trek's fucking dead man because now i'm getting vibes of of of ant man and aliens you know with with um uh what should we call it a district nine guy that was supposed to be on that let's make aliens and and fucking um man i i can't even remember did you even watch std i watched one episode it took me a while to remember what you're even talking about and will you that is in fact the acronym yes yeah they didn't think it through i mean there's there's the greatest acronyms of all time is that one street fighter alpha generation yeah and that's it yeah those are strong i can't believe it's they they're trying to call it don't forget about gang gang yeah fuck g ang gangs are no good the ultimate anyway uh so yeah there's i've never heard of
Starting point is 01:34:07 this we're like not only will we finish what we started we're already getting started on like these movies have progressively made less and less money i'm not sure if you should double down at this particular part have uh have um i have spock yell a lot and murder somebody with his fists again honestly i liked beyond a lot more than into darkness because but everyone didn't a lot of people think you can be on a chance because the first trailer was so like non i have not watched it i like fall into this group i like that i make no judgments as i have not seen it yeah that's that first trailer was real fucking bad i'll tell you that i should probably go catch beyond at some point i think you'd like it girlin is awesome awesome warrior
Starting point is 01:34:49 girl like yeah like she sticks around i hope well i mean the this poster has that's her she's awesome yeah i don't know who that is so forget her name but she's a warrior we're alien warrior looks like a hot bug lady no uh chris pine looks okay arksis is bringing some fighting games to the switch more fighting games but they're not the fighting games we were hoping for what fighting games are they uh guilty gear access which is which is awesome who cares it's too late no fuck you excerpt that's like you saying don't bring out third strike fuck off shut up you're stupid that's what you're saying exit uh accent core plus r is fucking awesome and that's a good ass port however we definitely do we definitely do need rev too and we definitely do no it's like hey we're bringing
Starting point is 01:35:48 out second impact no no third strike for you you're being ridiculous no i'm not you're being ridiculous no i'm not guilty gear xx and all its revisions are one of the most re-released games ever it's the street fighter two of of arksis so when they say hey we're bringing games to the switch you go oh cool exert or dragon ball they're like no stupid no no no what i'm trying is that this game coming to the switch i is not bad news no it's not it's good news yes that's what so that's why it's that's why i'm trying to this article is is we're bringing this out and also we are bringing out more fighters that we're not announced we have two weird teased out there's more switch announcements that like yeah exactly i bet one of those is cross tag battle one of them already is
Starting point is 01:36:33 but that's already been announced that's announced i see cross tag okay so this article let's get it like because we haven't had a chance to get to it says that cross tag battle and guilty gear double x accent core plus r are both coming to the switch but also they're porting more games so there's more and it's not our systems call whether the dbz fighters comes out it's namcos and since namco that's true do you remember about this they're like we're going to think about maybe porting it to the switch it was zeno verse two does well zeno verse on the switch outsold the ps4 version which had like a two-year ahead start no kidding so a lot of people have been like what up get ready for zeno verse three exactly get ready for for dragon ball umbrella
Starting point is 01:37:17 chronicles test games are always lies always um has a test game not been a lie i can't think of a single one i'm sure there is but i also can't think of one i oh when magical star sign did poorly they held back mother three forever so i guess that wasn't a lie is my first concern would be man there's no sticks for the switch but then it's dragon ball fighters you can actually use a controller just fine to play that's right like that's the one thing where i'm like yeah you know actually you're totally fine i wouldn't even i i would i'd have to like kind of re get reacquaint myself but ultimately the game is not one that really requires it but it would be nice if there was an option though if we're getting shit like uh these other games for example like to go back
Starting point is 01:38:02 and play you know well i mean when you're putting on an old game i don't think there's a much fervor to have a stick just for that so like you'll need to have some of your newer game well i mean cross tag battle is that a four button game or it's not forget no it's not is it a two button game yeah might feel like it at times but it is like an s and k heroines is a two button game damn damn heroines heroine frenzy heroine oh jeez i'm i'm caught up in it yeah yeah oh god the fucking just shout outs to the the guilty gear community for having one of the best in jokes ever where if someone gets a little excited on stream sometimes and might say an n-word you're not supposed to say uh the the community is like yo wait hold on though was it
Starting point is 01:38:52 plus r or was it original that's not bad that's okay it's the fucking best that's okay it's the fucking best you hit him with the plus r oh shit you're not supposed to you're not supposed to say it with the plus r you're not supposed to just say the accent core though the original release it's not come on guys when did you hear this this was that was lord night lord night the uh like arx's player was telling me about it like it's one of their one of their one of their scene jokes is fucking best man that is like yeah fg that just puts a big grin on my face fgc joke contender of the year easy easy um and last but not least the troubles on your iphone samurai showdown action game is coming to smartphone china open beta
Starting point is 01:39:54 starts in may and there's a haomaru model that looks not bad it's all right right not bad it's like a low poly haomaru why don't you play that yeah let's take a look at what's going on in this legend of oborozuki all right it's no surprise that his life was involved in the bloody troubles yada yada yada there's there's mamaha the bird there is the main s and k character what is what is going on with this trailer um hmm is this a runner i don't know what it is why is that you it says action games is that tachi barayuki oh that could mean anything was that hands out there it is why is everything so stilted i've never seen a character that has leukemia last is long not dying yeah yeah yeah he's had leukemia for 50 years uh fucking lao has cancer
Starting point is 01:40:46 yes there's that gen also gen has been dying from just being old right and getting raging demon that's cool yeah i always like haomaru cutting new things legend of oborozuki yeah man don't oh man unclear what kind of gameplay we're gonna get here though it's open bay is gonna start this month hey is that it it is that what the game is no oh yeah there it is it's third person action i see okay oh shit it's ganjuro well i bet this is the final fantasy exodia whatever the fuck it's not exilius it's not sam show sen fuck get excited i want to see ganjuro though yeah you're super cool you should he drinks the sake i didn't know anything about god damn sam where i show down i went is that ganjuro really marked out he throws the
Starting point is 01:41:35 fucking or uh tokyo or tokyo gawa the guy designed by um creator yes you're on itao no no no um he's from the designer of um for the creator of um uh was it yes you're on itao no no no who designed your yoshitara kenshin creator of kenshin oh no yeah oh that's bad now why is that bad now that's oh have you not caught up oh shit wait no maybe i did catch back up now is it the kenshin guy yeah oh no oh no did you not hear about that oh dear like a few days ago no i thought it was a couple weeks ago i'll fill you in oh yoshitara oh can we go back and check out the girls that were chasing him off screen why we gotta check those sprites out for a minute oh okay i know what you're talking about the troubles oh man because of the because of the troubles yeah his life no
Starting point is 01:42:44 because it is no surprise that his life was involved with the troubles oh boy writing it down click on the name are we in fact talking about nobihiro are we talking about the right person uh samurai themed series roni kenshin that's let's check our facts before you might throw yeah let's go on uh what uh no no that's that's that's him that's him that's him okay yep oh yeah 47 year old manga artist nobihiro watsuki that's the guy arrested for having some no no images and uh released with um some yeah a couple yen a pat on the back and oh you no jail for you oh get back to right man that idol master hiatus for berserk now that's a crime
Starting point is 01:44:05 man i wish it was naito now i really thought it was naito turns out it's not i like that character well you hey man he was a cool guy with six swords hey look at me look woolly woolly look that character's still cool yeah you're still like a lot to like yeah it's just you know can we check those sprites it's look woolly look at me you're still allowed to like that character okay it's just when you play that character and eat your jello pudding it'll never be i'll have you know i never gave much of a fuck about jello pudding that wasn't a big deal especially when jello pudding was calling people up and telling them how to be funny i didn't really care for that no shit's given there fucking lock up jello
Starting point is 01:45:02 put in all you want you should have seen this come in but it's kind of a problem samurai showdown yeah we should have all connected the dots a lot sooner but how does the Hokkaido arc end the shishio arc or that arc we're can't we're the desire the arc we're sosuke is just punching dogs for eight episodes the desire to find out what happens at the end of the Hokkaido arc has never been greater because now there's a threat that it might not finish so everyone you need to you need to show your support yet you having trouble over there we ended on a good note for for news stories this fucking story man what you're allowed you're allowed to like it it's still a good thing right
Starting point is 01:45:58 i just i can't let's let it like we gotta finish the manga oh it's that that's the yeah we gotta finish it there all right it would have been easier all right if he just robert jordaned out so samurai showdown is coming um open beta and china and like this month sometime yeah maybe it's thing i don't think toko ga will be in it i don't think now remember if it does make it if it does have microtransactions in it you need to ask your parents if you're allowed to play it if you're under the age of 18 you know what's awesome what what's dogs and cats and puppies and cute stuff one might say that having them in your life might be a good good thing okay that's why dog years were invented we could use some dogs and cats right now let's take a look at the good life shall we
Starting point is 01:47:03 let's do that the good life is nearing its end on Kickstarter and they could use a little bump could use a bump can use a little bump but it made a lot of big strides in the last couple days so it's actually like less than 200 000 away is that this looks like it's gonna be uh if it does make it it'll make it in the same way that indivisible did which would be down to the wire yeah like just miraculously oddly enough it has almost the same goal as indivisible i think it was 800 000 or something thereabouts um yeah so it's it's it's it's getting there and uh you know i i got i put my tier in there we should uh yeah the zoobaz gonna be in the game he is not i put it like there is no tier that is a zoobaz tier what about a zoobaz dog there's not there's no design there's no design
Starting point is 01:48:00 bit okay regardless yeah so that's that's uh it's at 6 11 of 800 uh the swerry 65 the good life game it's about it's about a character going to a professor leighton style village wherever one turns into cats and dogs their sheep a lot and then they make they they solve adventures i believe there is a murder mystery that does occur there is you'll see that later today yeah yeah we're gonna yeah yeah that's yeah that's true we will yeah we should yeah we will yeah um maybe we remember to tell yeah really to put the video up i i'll just do it okay yeah just put it up it's yeah it's the best the best way to ensure it it'll happen like it just put up any time yeah man emails
Starting point is 01:48:51 emails da da ba doo but hey emails you want to tell us which characters that you like that were designed by the creator of rooney ketchan you can let us know at a super best friendcast at super best friendcast at well you seem like you're having a trouble just think about metroid puzzle mission many troubles are afoot what what is what is the matter with your troubles are you not excited for the conclusion to the Hokkaido arc i'm i'm i'm excited for the conclusion to japan's legislation on certain things boy you're a long-term forward thinker i have trouble getting excited for games that are even a year or two away but you're thinking long term buddy that's all you're good for you i'm in it for the long
Starting point is 01:49:42 you're all you're all you're optimistic look at you we got one coming in yes change the topic yeah your misery gives me power we got one coming in from yeah okay we got one coming in from uh said from ph hey man what up hey i was said from i was uh listening to your podcast on how robots should not adhere to human rules when fighting as well as uh i've watched the god of war playthrough where you discussed how not feeling pain should work and i wanted to ask something i'm currently reading a manga it's called i know i know it's it's called kengen asura and uh it's a manga work corporate dealings aka billions of yen building rights and even the rights to develop a game console are settled through mma fights
Starting point is 01:50:43 of companies personal champions this is a great dumb idea there's one character that's very interesting to me uh although what i'm going to say are spoilers the character is minor anyway and has little bearing on the main story his name is hajime hanifusa he's a doctor slash government agent his martial arts is ling shu chi na the art of using pressure points to your advantage sure that sounds pretty normal but here's where it gets crazy his brain has been surgically modified to not feel any pain so he's been meaning he's been allowed some fucked up he's allowed some fucked up shit to be done to his body yeah like that go that that bond villain one modification is the surgical edition of baracka style blades from his wrists with blades
Starting point is 01:51:25 made of his own femurs to get past screening next he placed compressed gas in his own heels to boost his ability and his mobility and kick power he also fitted his own heart with the machine to keep it pumping even when brain dead but the best part is that his blood carries a deadly virus which can enter through the bloodstream or nasal cavities that one's ridiculous he developed antibodies to not be affected by his own disease oh man effectively making him a bio weapon the question is how do you beat that that's a bio freak he just described hit him with a big metal fist yeah the answer is you die yeah there is no beating that i don't know like that's a broken you can roll him over with a like a press you know there's stuff you can do
Starting point is 01:52:12 whether you can do it in the ring it's an MMA thing then therefore then yeah that sounds that sounds pretty insurmountable man grappler back he sure is escalating yeah just going places no um that arc the what's the question the question is how do you beat that we can't the answer is you just die okay cut his arms and legs off and then i can't fight you with what a knife i somehow you'll get a bigger knife okay i have a sword a sword but in the in the ring yeah fine he's allowed to cheat like crazy but they all press screening okay then punch him so hard
Starting point is 01:52:57 as he explodes how did you punch him that hard you used a robot arm but you can't use because it would not go through the screening then yeah you see how and why the answer okay meet him outside the ring and hit him with a bat until he falls over that's not the question though but it works how do you beat that the answer is you don't uh dear hit him with a bat outside the ring dear cast friend best super mat talking about marvels and humans on the uh tms fe lp made me think back to the series and how the protagonists are actually horrible people that the camera wants to agree with uh like it wants us to believe the camera wants us to believe that the people who are supporting a brutal case system and they show contempt for the people they encounter yeah
Starting point is 01:53:46 are somehow protagonists in the story over the guy who wants freedom for everyone even a series like god of war isn't afraid to show how kratos messed up and is kind of a terrible person but the inhumans glosses over that entirely can you guys think of other series where the camera unironically thinks that dickish protagonists are a hundred percent likable and or good man of steel that's a good one and that's borderline but it's still but then you run it back in the sequels though so you don't really well you do a little bit but like man of steel it it really it's a stark contrast because you're literally taking the best character in terms of moral fiber and what they stand for and then the mood that movie
Starting point is 01:54:32 skews that and because it's a director who are the writer whoever is like no man like this but the camera and the directing is such like but look he's still a really cool guy he's really nice despite how pat always likes to mention that he's always grimacing and looking pissed and angry that he's saving people it's it's the one where i stole that from mike from red letter media but it's the one where he's pulling the boat yeah and he looks like he's gonna cry and it's like fuck off man you know some of the shit you know needs some of the shit i hear about goku and super yeah it's pretty extreme yeah uh but i haven't seen it so he's a great father i just i like like i hear i i've heard about putting all of existence what is with the line for a good fight what is
Starting point is 01:55:20 with the goku is a good dead defense force why is that a thing um i think it's just people that like goku yeah they don't want to hear bad about goku yeah they don't people that don't like piccolo getting raised up they want to yeah they want to keep them down they want to keep piccolo down you know how it is remember when he met go 10 when go 10 was like 10 years old because he didn't bother because he was dead well he was dead yeah but he can visit but he can just hang out whenever he wants because come see the the his newborn child but he was like nah man i'll just hang out kinkai this to be fair let's go this was to go i wonder if he looks a lot like me and likes to fight yeah probably yeah big shocker there kid number one goku kissed his wife no yeah gross
Starting point is 01:56:10 this is not a fight what my lips are doing so why would i bother i'm pretty sure chi chi just straight up stole his sperm turkey basters yeah man it's a new form of training yeah i just had that dog running with the turkey baster in its mouth just slurping up goku's jizz what dog can we fucking what dog what are you talking about just fucking what are you talked about this a while ago don't breathe okay there it is there i never saw the movie so it doesn't stick as hard for me well it will when you see that scene can we just get out of this podcast already no we still have you you're it's entirely dependent on you motherfucker also we still have a whole spoiler thing to do we got one coming in from how dare you say
Starting point is 01:57:03 we we gotta stick when you are driving this car can we finish this podcast hold on while i grab another email we got one coming in from obese pastry says that's a good name dare insert clever name a poll on my facebook page is going nuts i need input catch up in the fridge or catch up in the pantry catch up in the fridge catch up in the fridge catch up in the fridge good good that's what i think it's supposed well it confuses people because it's on the it's on like a shelf it's not in a fridge when you buy doesn't say keep refrigerated on it i think it does it may it may say keep refrigerated after opening yeah i mean but i was always taught to keep it in the fridge like i keep mustard in the fridge like if it says it on the fucking label because of its natural
Starting point is 01:57:53 acidity hind's catch up is self-stable however the stability after opening can be affected by storage conditions we recommend that the product like any processed food be refrigerated after opening damn refrigeration will maintain the best quality after opening what the fuck else is there to discuss it's on the label of the fucking food item pantry fuckers get blown out yeah because the pantry fuckers could be like yeah i like how it tastes when it's been in the pantry for a year and then you're like oh you mean you like rotten food you disgusting barbarian just go eat some kimchi anyway it's a stretch up a stretch up
Starting point is 01:58:36 uh kudabar hey kudabar what up yeah what's up stair super mario 64 that doesn't even i tell you it's not bad it's fine that's all right assuming pay fame etc would be equal would you rather try to be a stand-up comedian no an improv comedian no or a comedy actor no implying any of you are funny anyway kappa we know you think we're funny we know that thanks for the podcast absolutely not all of those have horrible downsides oh that's not the question the question's not you can't pick one i know it's the the question is would you rather be any of these oh i heard you have to be one of these uh i'm not really a fan of improv uh it that's weird because you do it every day uh yeah the man he hates it like improv
Starting point is 01:59:28 is an improv improv comedy as a thing is uh something that was fun to do in high school and then then you grew up to real comedy and that well basically and at some point too like i there's a really really hilarious group that does some stuff here in montreal but from watching the fringe fest there's a lot of not so good good ones out there you're like us and then for yeah and then unfortunately there's times to where like stand-ups will talk about it a good bit but like some there's people that go into improv that are actors and then because they're doing improv they eventually think that they are comedians and it is unfortunate when they are like crashed back down to reality when they fucking die on stage because it's like new actually you do not
Starting point is 02:00:12 have that craft no it's not the same thing um i would absolutely go for stand-up of course you because it's the thing i like the most and it's also in my opinion like you can just be on your own in a fucking like bubble and be able to deliver entertaining content it's the strongest self you know i mean like isolated like well what about the what about the cripplingly depressing lifestyle well that just feeds into your bits that makes your bits better you would be because you would be happier in this state no i'm saying because i'm saying the best comics are all super artistically he would be happy the best comics are all super fucked up yeah and have great sales about how personally they're already there shit is yeah yeah so if i had to pick one of those three
Starting point is 02:00:57 that's what it would be i'd rather be a comedy actor yeah yeah pretty much for the opposite reasons of what you just said okay but they're also kind of fucked up like jim carries really fucked up yeah now so it's not he found a place and he was he was a stand-up before anyway he was so but i liked i'd like seth rogan seems to be having a good time oh it might be in him if i if i had the easiest break definitely yeah you know me if i had to pick one of them it would probably be improv so i don't have to remember any lines it's true remembering lines for chump well then that's that's interesting that's how video ideas get ruined we yeah we uh go for a bit oh this bit oh we literally uh split those split down the middle
Starting point is 02:01:43 layer yeah it's fun one each so that's that's interesting is jim still following mr round i don't think so i think he's painting trump like things now okay he's doing a lot of painting what's up with painting um it's cool it's hard to relax in yeah it's very difficult but is it it can be relaxing bob ross told me it was easy uh yeah but i said but bob ross's stand was happy accidents you know like he like anytime you fail it just becomes that sounds like a buff that sounds like the name to like a sonic fanfic chapter yeah it does you know like bob ross is just acting like everyone had his stand power when no one else did yeah maybe then you did yeah only when you were viewing the bob ross yeah like that's his stand yeah when you're viewing him you get a
Starting point is 02:02:39 little bit of it it's a little bit of happy accidents last one coming in from uh who is this marco he says uh yeah actually they're super best boys yo my friend and i were watching bad movies and we stumbled across a cool scene in a really bad one in 2014 someone was asking the question what would happen if tokin rewrote the bible uh they created an action packed high fantasy retelling of noah's ark in the movie noa gets a helping hand from a group of rock elementals that used to be angels before god cursed them for pitying humanity in the movies finale the rock angels go to war try to defend noah's ark against the angry sinners got it when the humanity finally kills an angel a rock angel there's a burst of light and its soul gets swept back up to heaven
Starting point is 02:03:31 in a big light show seeing this hypes up the rest of the rock angels who proceed to start murdering themselves so god will take them home on paper it seems silly but watching a bunch of four armored humongous rock angels go full zealot was really badass my question is what's your favorite scene in a terrible movie or game um uh i'm gonna go yeah bird attack scenes from birdemic where the the the anime you know where the um jpeg sorry the animated gifts of birds are tilted in front of the camera to attack people i forget the name of the movie but it's that shark movie where the guy is on a skidoo and um that's megalodon isn't it it's megalodon so yeah because it's the big shark but it's just footage of a normal sized shark that they just
Starting point is 02:04:28 stretched and then they shrink the guy and they shrink the guy and he just rides into its mouth yeah that's like that's a good one it looks like he falls off the boat on the seadoo into its mouth like it's so weird looking is it seadoo or skidoo isn't it skidoo seadoo is for the ocean skidoo is for the for the for the snow jet ski jet ski we call it that shit because kebek wave race uh my favorite uh actually i have an actual one for reels and we are implying that ours were not real and i think he is implying that you and i think we were all there and that is beyond two souls you know where ellie is that her name i don't know i don't care whatever her don't i know it but i want to see this process ellen page
Starting point is 02:05:17 whatever uh jody jody jody um we're jody hilarious is that the overpass yeah and is trying to jump she's over on de kerry tries to throw and her fucking ghost won't let her yeah is legitimately a good scene we think we're going to be able to remember anyone's names in detroit oh god onto the wow that's the unofficial man done and done and done and done there's no way we remember it's never been it's never been oh there's so many fucking characters in it oh i can't get to my keyboard i can't type i'm fucking it up i can't and sold
Starting point is 02:06:28 what's coming up what's coming out very simple mistakes we're made oh so what's what's coming up and what's coming out i just spoke to billy in the middle of the podcast and he says uh yep it's uh we are we fold the schedule up that's why those videos didn't come out so those videos will come out shortly as well as a little video that we're planning to do today right yes uh about the good life hopefully give that a a tiny little bump god war continues uh everything has continued every uh well no yeah the people who don't know uh gotta hashtag fe what's that tokyum or odd sessions will continue a way out a way out will continue that's a good game holy shit uh matt you have your computer back
Starting point is 02:07:16 i saw that you stream super seducer not only that i finished it yes you did did how many ladies did you seduce uh i don't know would you think that of the little that you might have seen of that or heard me talk but would you think that there would be a bombshell ending no it revealed a truth to you no i did not well there was that's a secret ending the game actually has a secret ending you'll find this interesting you have a secret ending if you get like you know 50 percent completion of everything and get like five you know just perfect the game basically and he goes hey so you found the secret ending uh really great that you found you know one of my favorite games growing up was street fighter 2 turbo and i really love when you got the extra little message
Starting point is 02:08:00 when you beat it on like the eight star rating i'm like hey despite this guy being like kind of creepy weird oh that's all right the credits too you got special credits so he goes so if you can send me a video of you in front of this screen that i'm on right now proving that you got this secret ending i will send you a gift of a hundred to three hundred dollars worth what seriously yes that's what he's that's what's in the ending it's a secret ending it's gonna be a signed photo with the fucking face maybe uh but the actual ending as individually to everyone that's what he said yeah all four or five people that's a commitment but you'd have to play the game twice because there's no way you would be able to do it perfectly but that still could easily
Starting point is 02:08:45 be thousands of people if he like i don't know that's publicity man it's got to be something digital it's got to be like a wallpaper me he's a 300 100 to 300 dollars worth it's a fucking it's monetary it's a 4k wallpaper okay yeah fair enough so uh yeah i streamed that and uh i'm going to be streaming some spooky games on wednesday night at uh at matthew any particular spooky games uh couple uh-huh um narcosis uh-huh uh emily wants to play too did we play narcosis we played the really early demo okay that was like one level i played the original emily wants to play it's hilarious yeah there's a sequel now so yeah that's what i'm doing all right hey man woolly hey woolly hey you hey when's your when's when's your thing when's your when's your
Starting point is 02:09:36 anime review of kenshin coming out on woolly versus nothing's coming out what's going on on your stream uh i haven't streamed for a while i was actually i didn't stream because i was afraid of infinity worst pointers oh it's not an issue anymore it's not an issue anymore uh this thursday assuming everything goes well i will be streaming uh pillars too uh a little bit before release so i i have not set a time for that uh but uh probably earlier in the day than usual because uh yay i got special treatment or whatever so please come on by at angriest pat on thursday and watch that shit oh by the way speaking of don't get to board please if any words spoilers hey guy that went into one of my videos and just wrote someone's death congratulations on being muted forever you
Starting point is 02:10:29 dj cali'd yourself why did you say that now we can just make a new account if you make a new account after that just to go back on my channel yes then that's an extra impression good on you good on you for committing to being an asshole yeah the problem is that acknowledging it encourages others sometimes well i've seen the movie i didn't care about me i care about other people i know i know i know i know it's it's a shitty situation what are you gonna do that yeah you know you get a thousand people in a room one of them's gonna be an asshole you know what are you gonna do uh so yeah we're gonna start the infinity war spoiler cast right around now if you haven't seen the movie or don't care about or rather care about spoilers get the
Starting point is 02:11:22 fuck out of here just buy buy fucking leave more warning you've gotten many warnings now this is time for you to go away if you don't want to hear spoilers for marvel's infinity war okay all right okay all right all right we're gonna do a countdown i'm gonna say three two one and then all a shout at different characters and then a character that died and then go woolly's gonna say something very spoiler all right all right you ready woolly okay three two one spider man's greatest power in both movies is reminding you that he is a child and that he doesn't want to die that is the best most strongest power he has otherwise you're like hey man cool it's fun spider man but the moment he goes oh god i'm about to fucking die i don't want to die i'm
Starting point is 02:12:14 crying that gets you hard every time because you remember hard with sadness you remember in that moment that he is a baby boy and that's his strongest power yeah when he's swinging around it's like hey i'm pretty much invincible i'm not invincible if i'm melting into ash so there's that also when you watch from the spider man melt into ash and you go but wait what about the announcement for homecoming two just cut to the homecoming two logo fading into ash live on screen so let's start right there um i i look up this shit all the time i know when the release dates are i know when there's sequels pegged i'm like none if anyone did not die via ash they can all come back super easy the characters that did not die via ash i don't know some of them are low key and
Starting point is 02:13:11 other way around you mean to say yeah you misspoke you mean to say characters that did not get faded yes are probably gone for goodsies yes at least some of them i would say everyone who got horribly choked out or stabbed i've never seen a man so happy he's dying then i just all but going oh thank god i can stop being in the schlock the that i hate the uh there is i want to say six if not five just full on hostage situations in the movie that are like point the gun at the person's head give me the stone yeah and then character goes okay you win it's and it's like yeah it happens five or six it happens okay hold on how many times this happened it happens like okay low key to thor yeah in the beginning yeah then it happens uh
Starting point is 02:14:09 gemora to her sister yeah then it happens uh strange and iron man strange and iron man then does it happen with vision no uh wanda and vision uh no no no it then happens with star lord and gemora yeah kind of it's like a reverse thing but but still like it's the do the thing like friend dies or Thanos gets stoned multiple times it's always you know it all pretty much always turns into oh and then most of those characters get fucking killed as a result of their dumb ass actions and the fun and if you think about it where if you were to have him torture them for the information or something like that those characters would just like almost happily just die because yeah self-preservation is low for heroes yeah but others preservation is high
Starting point is 02:14:54 what about the preservation of the universe idiot exactly and i really thought that gemora was just gonna let her sister rock like i really expected that one to be like or there would be a trick up her sleeve or you know come in and not she's too good every one of those pent every one of those moments of like don't give him the stone let the person die things are all like they're heroes man yeah they're uh they're big heroes i enjoyed it uh i think it is a very fun i know it is not a very fun movie it's a it's a good movie i enjoyed it but it's my favorite avengers for sure it was way better than age of ultron yes um Thanos was played right uh i enjoyed the way a good villain because my greatest fear was like he's gonna be a big purple guy and and
Starting point is 02:15:39 he's gonna be weird and quirky or something like ultron tried to be yeah but because they already kind of set him up most in some ways in other movies and they had those really great scenes where he wasn't being an evil guy right and was explaining his actions which as we know now that if you're a villain if you believe that your villain thinks he's right then you have a good villain at the same time though without death in the picture i find it kind of hard to believe his motivations why because they don't fully make sense without death in the picture because death is one that like to me it makes him he just wants to impress a girl he's motivated to make you die no man he right no no here it's here it's it's different it's not that it's like incomplete
Starting point is 02:16:26 but what i'm saying is like the the situation on his planet was one thing but um where's the leap that makes that become a universal requirement he's an asshole done so that's the little too simplistic on for i think it's more an asshole it's more like i don't want this to happen to other planets like the leap makes more no matter what their their situations individually are the leap that's why it's like it's not really an asshole it's more like being like i've realized this truth why can't everyone else which i think he says i think the leap makes more sense when you take his story in the timeline that he tells it to you and that it's like he came to this conclusion first and everyone said you're nuts he's definitely and then and then nothing happened
Starting point is 02:17:13 thus leading to the destruction of his world like he presented this as and as an option and everyone's like no get the fuck out so then he goes yeah okay yeah yeah no no it's done it's very clear that like it's it's sort of like he's just nuts and he's called the mad titan for fucks yeah exactly and he's just rolling with the plan um when you think about when you think about the version of it where uh he's trying to impress like my lady yeah right then that's a much this little space fedora it's a much more sort of clear like there's no negotiating here like you dying is good for me right but i think it works for comics but a movie would be a silly premise well here's the thing it's very also clear that if you introduce death which twice i was like oh yeah i know one of
Starting point is 02:17:59 them fucking red skull i haven't marked out that hard because again it was something that was like not known yeah and i long since gave up on red skull being like a thing anymore so when they clearly had not hugo weaving who doesn't give a fuck yeah and they recasted him for that one little bit part i just like is he death is like i thought at first this is death oh okay and then when it showed it was red skull i was like red skull is death right okay no it's just not death it's just a guy in an asshole in a cloak yes and it's a thing that would happen in a comic book which is you know what the fuck is red skull doing out here like that's a very comic book page moment it's the end of one issue it's the end of issue three in the run of six right when he dies in
Starting point is 02:18:47 cap dies in captain america he died went back and looked he totally just gets transported out of the trucked into a thing so um fucking awesome that was cool and then the second one was when he's looking in the his his memory palace yeah yeah yeah and you see the the silhouette in the distance and i'm like is that her it's like no it's not no but fully admit and understand too that death existing in this world creates so many more problems yeah with the now you have to explain her personal her concept and all of the uh eternals and all of the celestials and the things that relate to is it only a eternity that death gives a shit except except for Deadpool the visit it's like eternity is like the one kind of being that's a serious being where it's like
Starting point is 02:19:32 i'm i'm kind of yeah it's only it's the like it has to make the entire upper echelon of like echelon of marvel's universe figures like personifications yeah like they suddenly have to exist in co and like you know it's a layer of marvel that has not been touched and they haven't even shown celestials they've shown a celestials head which is what nowhere is but if they're not touching upon that shit at least ego he's like i'm a celestial or whatever he said he was so it totally makes sense that you know uh there that it doesn't go that route for the mcu but all that to say that like stanos was still done really well and uh i really do like the fact that um yeah like the the worry of that quirky over the top stuff they just they really dialed it back
Starting point is 02:20:15 and gave you just dude on a mission straight up very almost normal and casual about it yeah you know like confident the there's some some bits where like okay there's no punchlines characters on screen so time to just turn banner into the guy that's tripping over his own balls and doing the goofball hey no guys guys no space because banner is the only one but he's the only one that's like a normal human being i i do think that's at least consistent because that's what he kind of was in ragnarok yeah i can do it uh bruce banners just as useful as the hulk is he though yeah and he's like it but you know what i realized there was one of those futz shots and the shot that we all see in the trailers were the team is running is running in wakanda there you see the
Starting point is 02:21:04 hulk so i know he's been replaced with banner in a hulk buster i have went back and watched that trailer right after the movie like a third of the shots in that trailer are just at like straight up lies or composites because the line of i don't smile much but when that line's not in the movie it's not in there also what doesn't consider uh fun a fun when bouncing the universe universe um they photoshopped all the stones except for power and space out of every thanos shot in those trailers you know what you know what i'll take in a world where i'm not going to get tone trailers lie to me so you know you know why they did that right it's really obvious because if you if the stones were visible on his hand you could take you could fucking map out the path
Starting point is 02:21:50 of the entire movie and and such um the other thing too though is like yeah but like the whole lie to me thing like i'm remembering like ad bit children and shit like that where it's just like oh my god what happened weren't that even go uh regardless though that um the the the the movie it's weird because it's like the thing i respect it for the most is also its biggest flaw and that is the level of juggling you have to do with an ensemble you have to separate everyone into groups it's so hard you're not allowed to have the the 40 people in the room it's so fucking hard to juggle that many people and they did it adequately but there were points where it got to be a bit much really like what i um just well more i kind of feel like they had to jump around uh
Starting point is 02:22:42 in moments where imagine a Game of Thrones episode where you'd spend all day at the wall right you get to pace things out a little bit so that you don't feel um uh uh you don't feel like like uh like ad about it you don't feel like you're just like going oh my god we're fucking jumping all over the place really suddenly i really feel that i felt it's a feeling of paced relatively well and that like they need to separate those groups for sure as much as possible for sure it was it got a little claustrophobic but it had to you know and that's well it won't need to in the next one oh yeah because the stables have been cleared yeah i i walked out and looked at the poster and it's it's not 50 percent of the cast it's closer to 70 percent of the active
Starting point is 02:23:27 cast a lot more when it's when you realize you're okay all right everyone's going by now i'm like okay well he's staying there oh okay him too oh wait what because they would linger at different amounts because because it's a movie cinematically they have to show it all sequentially and not instantly like it would be dude you know who's a fun loving great guy who's star lord that's right so now i knew i knew before i called hold on before we go there i want to point out like in terms of movies that exist or in terms of popularity i walked in 100 certain oh cap and tonys they're done yeah they're no more movies for them and then i walk out it's like okay every single member of the guardians of the galaxy and black panther and spider-man the most popular out of all of them
Starting point is 02:24:15 just gone uh rocky made this point to me it's like oh so we're back to the original avengers yeah because that's all that's left and then they can all actually die next time and then yeah but you star lord the fun love so yeah there's a lot of discussion about the dust to come but but but in terms of star lord here's the thing as i also knew i'm like there has to be that moment where they almost do it right yeah and almost did it it has to happen like this this is the type of story that requires that and yes you got it to the point where it came off like i didn't think it would get as far as to the fingertips the gauntlet is off completely but they literally do that moment is genuinely infuriating because you have to now oh they won oh they actually won to make that moment
Starting point is 02:25:03 work you have to sacrifice a character and in terms of just like oh you fucking like i oh you're that bad so i've been thinking about the star lord gets the shaft for the movie because he goes because clearly like it's the thing where it's like okay no one respects him compared to all these actual hero avenger man right and it's and it's it's funny because that's what it's the guardians are there a bunch of fucking and peter slams him with footloose that hits that hit my theater so oh yeah but ultimately yeah yeah yeah never was never was yeah yeah but ultimately you go yeah but in the end star lord figures it out his own way in a goofy ass way and he saves the day and stuff and here you go oh man no you are now the asshole that fucked it up then those woke up before star
Starting point is 02:25:52 lord could actually fuck it up real bad like he just burst out of mantis's thing before like what that transaction really no if he didn't punch him like that if he didn't start he wouldn't have let go if he didn't start okay and then what happens is he gets pissed off starts pistol whipping the shit out of that yeah and then that causes the trauma he feels transmits to her she lets go let's go and the process completely so to be fair to star lord we didn't know it at the time but he did this in the last movie where someone totally set this up in the last movie and we cheered for him last time yeah so when ego says to him yeah i killed your mom and there was a zero second pause before shit before it's super right he pulls the guns out
Starting point is 02:26:43 oh oh my god you're so right we all being that he totally does that powerful oh fuck we all started to cheer they rebelling grafted you remember that's who he is how loud you cheered because it's the best right guess what it's not the best it's not the best oh wow you're so right on that big problem this time that's why i'm fine with it because it fit him that's cool i expected it almost that's really i like that there's a character that has been established that as soon as you say you killed their friend or mom or love interest or whatever they go i don't give a fuck and they'll bang bang bang yes well yes that character happened to be there that was yeah no totally totally all right yep 100% i was disappointed that 100% we knew that peter dinklage did not play puck
Starting point is 02:27:38 oh no pip the the imp guy that hangs around adam warlock okay there is strong rumors that there's gonna be because a he looks like him b he's a dwarf and i'm like yeah dwarves okay we're here we go oh wait he's a giant dwarf that whole bit was really cool and i got spoiled on that in a weird way because i saw a set a action figure set that says oh getting his storm breaker set yeah play set might as well say Thor gets beta ray bill's hammer yeah yeah because that's what it fucking is that was his axe is probably the weirdest part of the whole movie to me is because they go through the trouble of showing that thanos is now the god being of all god beings and Thor beats him in like one second and only loses because he you know he didn't hit him
Starting point is 02:28:30 it's like wow that's some fucking axe that it just blows through the whole gauntlet no problem what it explains that like hey well this is i'm using the technology that made the gauntlet to make your fucking axe so i i'll believe that so i could not believe that they have the moment where he gets all six and he throws the beam out i expected Thor to get incinerated but like oh no fucking good match up for Thor the the other bit too is that it really did feel like i love Thor in this movie well it felt like the only one who fully knew what he was doing was strange yeah and because he's the magic man and so i guess the idea now too is in the hostage situations that all go bad we fucking mk9 it he must he mk9's it because it's the only one possibility has to be
Starting point is 02:29:20 around for the sequel so that the rest of it exactly because tony's gonna think up some technological hullabaloo to strap on carol and adam and then every every version every version of of reality that he was looking into was one where he gets to the ultimatum and he goes fucking i'm not gonna let tony uh tony's life matter more than giving him the stone then tony dies and then the whole thing fails yeah and then there's one where he lets tony stand stay around and then that leads to them saying yeah yeah he must win i think so and um right now Thanos must win but but the whole thing now right where you've got these dust dust people right you got the dust babies and you're and you got to figure out like do we undo all of it
Starting point is 02:30:07 because some of it is contractually beneficial to some actors yeah as we're getting close to the end of this 22 who's who do you think then i don't know no like i don't i have no idea well not fucking black panther certainly he's gonna be around and not you and like again like you've got the logo for the homecoming too the rumor for a long time was that homecoming too was gonna be miles oh that took place before infinity war ant man and wasp what is that going to be is that going to be a movie where we were talking about this right before it's like halfway through the ant man and wasp movie does half the cast just turn to dust and then the movie just goes oh whatever the fuck small time ice you were doing that for movies for a little while yeah whatever stupid
Starting point is 02:30:55 ass heist you were doing has nothing on this shit ant man marvel has no movies for the rest of the year then it has um uh uh captain marvel here's the other here's the other feeling right and it's hard to say but it's just a feeling but it's like um nick cagee going out on a joke like that yeah feels almost like ah you gotta you gotta run it back though because it was a joke right no it wasn't real yeah it was yeah but then it that nicholas cagee jokes all the time it does so it felt honestly like it didn't feel heavy until peter was like oh god why'd you have to feel so heavy somebody peter really cracked it somebody pointed out to me that he gets it so much harder because his spider sense must go off yeah and his spider sense goes you're dead you're dead you're
Starting point is 02:31:45 dead now slowly developing but i say nick cagee i said nick cagee oh i say nick too we want to say nick fury yeah yeah yeah yeah um fuck it uh yeah whatever um okay i've been thinking about this here's how you fix all the problems we've been talking about you ready all right let's go they're gonna fit one adam and carol have a lot to clean up oh boy oh boy wow is adam even gonna get played they set him up at the end of guardians two which means i know play the guardians three which will then go to guardians three is coming out after after after avengers okay well i don't i'm not sure if he'll be i gotta do something with that you know what's interesting too he's literally made to kill Thanos adam warlock you know what's the right yeah you know what's
Starting point is 02:32:29 surprising though is like uh well everyone gets a scene because in these crossover games anime movies everything everyone needs everyone gets their scene right and uh fucking batista gets multiple yeah but jesus some things you really i what i was surprised by was cap didn't cap got one that one moment of levity with groot yeah yes and then he didn't get all that much to say yeah cap didn't and neither did neither did um uh black widow well i mean that's to be expected but um and the trailers it made it made cap seem like he was a big deal like oh get this man a shield and he's coming out of the darkness and there he is but he's just gonna he's gonna get his and really tired next movie though it's gonna be like all ham and tony uh so here's how you solve
Starting point is 02:33:17 this problem they're gonna solve the problem in the next one they have to because a story can't take place in the in a depopulated earth that's just too weird right so okay we're gonna solve the problem but i think it is important that they solve it badly they mostly solve the problem let's say they get back almost everybody oh no so and so whose contract ran out they didn't make it or it or whatever it's the people who got iced before they got like no but i'm saying you got your neck snapped if you fell down a big hole if you got impaled you got impaled no you're gone i will i want the answer to this question to be like a fucking bullshit like a real comic book bullshit scenario where it's not a rollback it's they change something to bring everybody back
Starting point is 02:34:07 and introduce accidental changes such as okay we rolled it back into a different version of earth that had the x-men here the whole time i just imagine some shenanigans would happen with the reality stone earth 617 yes yeah but they they they announced that like literally will not get the rights for x-men until 2020 okay well after homecoming two ends and the whole and the first whatever you want to call it saga ends and they begin the new one do you think that's where they actually attempt to unify everything i want to reverse house of m i'd say so yeah i want to accidental whoop see all mutants i'll say the other thing that actually did bother me a little bit about the movie but there's not much you can do about it it's just like you can't fight Thanos the
Starting point is 02:34:53 entire movie so let's have some generic fucking gray slobs come in i look that up those are existing character i know they are the black uh the black hand i believe no no no no uh obsidian call call order the call order the black black yeah black order i believe and um yeah and the thing was is like that scene with the needles quit well like the expectation based on the character was that it was going to be him breaking strange into talking and then it was like now it's just pain it was like oh but yeah the black order totally they're they're like a list of no i know but like their designs is like i will never remember them ever look that one's gonna fight hulk yeah the guy that looks like he's the villain of a dc movie yeah he'll fight the hulk for a little bit you know like
Starting point is 02:35:38 the telekinesis guy the ma i believe he's the best one he's the best one because he has the most screen time but the other people it's like one of them had some glow sticks two of them had sticks and one of them had one of them was very big like i they there's no time to give motivation to these guys but they have to fight something so basically there's not much they could have done here yeah but i was still like let's let's beat these guys let's get them out of the way please because they're clearly not going to survive okay i don't know much about comics i i just scrape up knowledge uh how busted is captain marvel very busted so so here's the thing captain marvel is your uh you're like no green lantern is more than nova equivalent but captain marvel is
Starting point is 02:36:24 flying and big kamehameha beams right occasionally going super saiyan and all right didn't know that part and uh captain marvel is like a superman is she the question is the thing is is based on her power set you can make that number as big as you want it to be okay it just goes so if they wanted her to just be the problem solver yeah carol could literally just come in and be the problem solver okay but she's not so strong that she's like undue reality like that no she's just the punch shit to make it work tight one thing i have to say is that since the captain marvel movie is a prequel yes place in the 1990s yes you better give me a good reason why she's been gone why when nick fury is watching ultron destroy a country and if he was like because she's out in space she's out
Starting point is 02:37:14 in space she's in hibernation i think make sure to give me a reason why i saw you could have called her to like i don't know save new york i saw people talking about captain marvel is out in space doing spaceship i saw the implication from some people saying is that you know in guardians one there's a peace treaty between the scrolls and the crea the input is that she's busy she was the one that did that doing that instead of solving the ultron problem which stopping that big old space war dealing with the scrolls would be more lives to deal with during the the post credit scene right and it's zooming in on the whatever the blackberry the the fucking pager the pager yeah so i'm watching him like yeah it's gonna be captain marvel or
Starting point is 02:38:00 whatever but the guy behind me goes okay okay i literally turn around and go yeah he'll he'll solve it that's like not like hawk i like ha ha hawk i say yeah hawk i i mean my imagine that my uh imagine my first guess when i saw the thing i was like is that a new nova logo i was like no no red and blue but i was that man it's clear the cap marvel yeah well no of course because i but it also makes no sense because i was like he came from zandar first the zandar got wiped off screen yeah right so like what the fuck but like yeah no it's it's carol exactly so um if there's suits of you in your if there's pictures of you in your suit that means that the post credit scene will be about you yeah unless unless hawk i's got that yeah that the tighten arrow so
Starting point is 02:38:56 i've been waiting for this probably the most interesting to me thing to me about the ending wasn't even that everybody melted into dust it's that after thanos snaps his fingers and everybody turns to dust you get a shot of the gauntlet and the gauntlet is like scorn it's scorched into bullshit and it's completely useless yeah and it's like oh they're not going to be able to just pick the gauntlet back up and just solve the problem so perhaps the reason why this is the one chance that they have against the 14 million that fail is because him using it means it's done and then whenever they find a way to run it back the gauntlet is speed up thanos the gauntlet remains and he did wreck that place pretty bad so there's not going to be a sequel to that gauntlet also
Starting point is 02:39:37 did god did thanos teleport to like a ranch on earth no he teleported to some i it was he's got all of it so he could he could be in his mind space i'm like was that actually earth like alien it looks like earth yeah it's it's sky was his and well but no but the house looked earth like too it did so i thought i'm like it was his vacation house it's his earth on sun on talos four or whatever i actually really like when he sat down he's like oh it was a long day yeah yeah i fucking did it though that's like yo where's my netflix get me a beer and thanos is checking like streams and he sees like kappa everywhere he fucking did it that's the 50 percent less cap is a normal bug champ oh yeah no um and he's also fucking stabbed in the chest too and
Starting point is 02:40:32 shit right now he's fine once he snaps his fingers though i'd assume so i don't remember if you had the chest wound and he did not he was he was totally fine but yeah like i was i was i was there i mean where was valkyrie that so someone asked where were you and she's a goat and she's a goat what uh the actress that plays valkyrie and uh ragnarok uh tessa tessa thompson uh she was like i think she either said or she tweeted here's me in infinity war and it's just because bucky holding a goat and she just loves goats what the fuck it me because she should have been in the opening scene yeah so well she's dead now i'm gonna see if she did not die then she's not dead you know what there was not a scene of her dying or something she died that one part there's one part where danos
Starting point is 02:41:23 his villainy is slightly inconsistent and i hope somebody got fired for it you know how he kills half of thors ship and thors like he killed half my people you also blew the fucking ship up blew the ship up like yeah they when they got there they were floating through space for sure those people are fucked uh was um what at the end of ragnarok yeah the ship that pulls up that's danos ship that's not a ship it's it's like a two minutes later thing and i get in my head i was like oh it's the guardians for some reason wow that's super and i was like i think i think you are someone said that to me and i was like oh and then and then uh in the trailer i for some reason when thor meets them i for some reason like oh man draw drew the connection that that was him
Starting point is 02:42:09 and the thors ship crew that's meeting them that's a messed up thing it couldn't have played out differently so i you know yeah i like thor ragnarok a lot and i feel like this movie like straight up is a lot of it fucks up thor ragnarok all over the place because remember the line where uh fucking uh odin's like you're not the god of hammers you're what are you the god of thunder you're a badass and then the start of this movie remind me what you're the god of again dude i need them to come to them it's like dude i need them i need the biggest hammer ever i need the bigger river or hammer and it's like okay and it's like look we saved asgard because asgard is its people the fucking within 10 minutes thor is now the only asgardian alive in the universe basically
Starting point is 02:42:55 and and so on and so forth like but he's got his eye back yeah also he loses eye i don't get i hate this apparently the reason why is because it's like i can't it's hard to act with one eye so i'd rather just not well now well now everyone just cg the ipatch on his eye then yeah now everyone is mustache beard yeah i think he looks awesome with the ipatch yeah our scar i don't know whatever uh it's fine the uh the other bit too was like vake he keeps trying to get a hulk out but like hulk just eats it super hard in the beginning he's scared of thanos because that's yes exactly that's awesome hulk lost hard hulk go away definitively and he's being a child it's awesome in the red in the red letter media a half in the bag they do mike brings up something great where the
Starting point is 02:43:46 movie starts and goes i wonder if hulk could beat thanos no and that's that but that's been the question of every single part of all these movies yeah is hulk because his anger just do it hulk isn't allowed to be in a room with the big bad for too long because that he just thrashes them to bit because enough time because anger wins right right and then thanos just kicks his ass like it's nothing with two stones like no problem yeah like when thor looks like he beats hulk in the gladi gladi adresin of ragnarok but then it's like no i still get too mad and i will always come i did kind of feel he lost to thanos a little too quickly he's punching him very hard they could have drawn it out just a bit more as a big power hard big power hard do fight yeah i think the whole point is that
Starting point is 02:44:33 he gets bodied like a bitch and maybe that is the point and it's like oh that's because then because then it's better on earth going thanos come to kick my ass so bad be like what dude also who also thanos like like they the scene with gamora going ha ha you love nothing it was like you're telegraphing this a little too hard a little bit a little sure a lot no they telegraphed it too hard when he showed up at that planet with her yeah yeah yeah yeah you should have you should have like made it go a little faster but also it turns out he cares except for all the times where he's like yo go kill gamora like when he instructed people in the previous movies no that that was love kills that was love kills though that was that was i you're probably not
Starting point is 02:45:20 going to kill her though so i just wanted to show like i want to show her yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there were the gunko guns coming after vash you're not really gonna succeed but you know um they did try to explain away why she has to be there where he's like show me where it is on that planet or whatever i'm like okay fine but then when she appears and i see this big giant precipice of death i'm like yeah who's who's most is to fault here is it star lord is it gamora is it doctor strange uh well here's the thing you can give it to gamora but star lord has two moments of i can give it to gamora really easy but i can give it to gamora because we already explained that that star lord that's what he does but star lord has two moments where here's here's
Starting point is 02:46:07 where you get to shoot gamora yeah here's my here's my problem with gamora though but it was a bubble gun anyway it was a reality i don't like i don't like that being thanos's go to yeah the reality stone i do that's that's green lantern levels of stupid i was hoping we would get thanos bubbles and we got them twice bro i'm satisfied oh is that a thing thanos bubbles yeah it sure is oh man in fucking marvel that's what he does he threw that's his project out oh wow yeah uh i'm gonna give it to gamora as the biggest dumbest idiot because later when she figures out what he's doing the soul stone she tries to kill herself we have now established that she has the the personal ability to self sacrifice to stop thanos yes and she begs to pay her to shoot her and all that
Starting point is 02:46:59 so instead of going to meet thanos or running up and try and stab thanos she should have taken a gun out and shot herself in the mouth but she didn't know at that point she should have done it once they were started to talk about them like on the like instead of the conversation with peter or she's like if he ever gets me she should have said peter sorry blat done right universe saved i i think she meant if i can't even kill myself which she didn't have a weapon at that point i don't know on the ship when they were chilling she could have just at which point he probably then gets the time stone and then runs it back well but it would have been yeah that would have been much harder it would have been much harder yeah it would have been much harder for sure uh the only
Starting point is 02:47:46 person of of like uh uh with the stones for it is uh fucking scarlet witch good for her uh yeah she did it but she didn't want to i'm gonna actually lots of characters would do it drax would do it on a second but i'm sure would do it but if she uh if she did it faster it might have harder and faster yeah uh the last thing i'm gonna say is um something that i talked about a lot that is i'm gonna go over back to fucking fellowship of the ring on this all right let's do that let's do that but it's it is making out there's a thing that happens when really powerful reality controlling beings are fighting yeah and it's very expensive and difficult to do when fucking Gandalf fights Saruman in the first movie yeah and they're just old men shaking sticks at each other yeah it's the
Starting point is 02:48:36 single most terrible fight i've ever seen in terms of magic battle okay so where are you going with this when so sorry when strange and Thanos are fucking shifting reality at each other yeah blocking crystals out of mid air turning things into butterflies life and that shit is red and it is 100 what i signed up for it's very interesting and i said at some point when he's got at least four of those stones and strange is doing all he can and pulling out all the stops because usually he's limited by not hurting things and you know what he's pulling out all the stops and fucking and Thanos has a four stones he threw the mirror dimension at him that is what it should look like and i'm so happy that they bought they they went there because a lot of beams and only beams and
Starting point is 02:49:25 shaking things would have been lame so but getting into that space of what is happening and then multiples created created and then the illusions get broken and then you get the fucking the the six-armed eight-armed to have strange what it is like one or two little scuffles that he has to not have that yeah because that was all of Dr. Strange those were like the coolest parts where they're running up buildings and shifting everything around like the mysticism combo so if he was shooting like lasers yeah if it was just plain marvel that would be a knack yeah exactly it's one of the things that also it's like well you talked about how like feels claustrophobic because they're jumping around to all the different groups and all that yeah and it's like
Starting point is 02:50:07 if they have the scene where everybody attacks Thanos nobody gets their Dr. Strange moment where the one character you're like they're doing it they're like there's a moment there's just the tiniest moment during that encounter with Strange at the house where he's doing it he's doing it by himself yes and you're like whoa whoa whoa no wait hold on hold on and tony gets that moment as well and a bunch of characters do but if you get to put everyone's numbers and adjust them as you go yeah if if they had to do the thing where every single person went at him it's like you would end up with a problem of like wait you have to make him so strong that it's ridiculous later or you or everybody has to just get bodied instantly and nobody gets a cool moment yeah yeah
Starting point is 02:50:53 no for sure he's just the stones make him just out of their reach as a team at the time that he has them if if the gang fought Thanos with power and if the gang that fights him on Titan fought him with just power and space they would have taken him that would have been away the love the incremental is always just above where they need to be yeah yeah that's true uh and and then of course towards the end you get the like think about tony and how he held up yeah i did pretty good it was pretty it wasn't bad this is better half-life half-life right and then you get any tag in Strange and Strange did pretty fucking good fucking blows out of level five second one it was sick on the tag uh and you and you think there's even a moment where they show you hey Cap can do it but it's
Starting point is 02:51:34 really just him holding back a hand yeah that was disappointing that scene because it always cut off right there in the trailer and i was like all i don't know what i expect but it's just all it's just saying hey cap can do it it's just showing you that like yo cap i i think it's only calculations so that that bit isn't even about cap it's it's about cap and Thanos because it's not about cap screw it's it's the look on Thanos's face going what yeah but i just want a human i just want to push my hands a little bit which why i don't get it yeah absolutely yeah that's that is it's definitely about the why i saw this on two weeks ago that i love that they like not every movie because it would get old but every other movie they'll be like is cap a god he's done a couple
Starting point is 02:52:27 of crazy things he can get you know he is a god who mbaku yes boss uh oh boss like that happens three times and every time the f**king crowd marks out for it because they bring it back knowing it's the best part yeah everyone loves that forever i like how guy from get out tribe is no longer in Wakanda they even talk about how they kicked him out let's get out of here get out get out we we have man ape run our army now because he's cool that's and like even when they're like oh i know a place and you start to hear the soundtrack drums kicking did you notice did you notice bucky is wearing the bucky costume it's all faded but it's the jacket that has the buttons oh yeah no i don't he's not winter soldierine he goes he goes into into the bucky outfit it's all grayish and
Starting point is 02:53:23 dark blue but i still like he's wearing with the red the i with the isn't that like a red line on it i forget i didn't realize but bucky dusting might have been the most shocking one out of all of them even though he's just bucky because i came into that movie gone me and me and my friend that went to see it had an argument over who was gonna get the shield is it gonna be cap is it gonna be bucky or falcon oh and we are we're talking about because cats because cats gone for sure and then he turns around and bucky doesn't fade away like any of the rest of them he falls over and then just pops on the floor pops it they go oh oh shit yeah and then fucking roadie and and uh i'm looking at we're looking for each other and you get that like how the only absolute villain in the entire
Starting point is 02:54:14 movie was general ross where i'm still like anything just because the universe is gonna get killed you don't make out and like shut up rock fucking robot legs roadie is like don't mind my friend yeah you know like just turn off yeah the absolute is general ross a scroll did you guys catch after the final scene too it says Thanos will return yeah not the avengers will return good job that's good call it the Thanos injures also people point out to me afterwards that are i maybe i read it in the subreddit where all the more all the marvel movies all of them have had these creative and music filled credit sequences and this one is silent this one is dead silent with black times new roman and when
Starting point is 02:55:14 the logo kicks back in the fucking avengers infinity war logo goes so they just want it to nail it home they actually do a really great job foreshadowing that's shit when panther tells thanos will only find dust and blood here yeah it's like wow yeah mm-hmm they also do a good job foreshadowing it when everyone died in the infinity gauntlet like years ago when that was in the comics so you know that's a thing too but i do like spoilers i do like that i do like that now part of comics as well is sometimes bad end before we lead to ultimate end yeah so we get the weird experience that is people walking out of a superhero movie going oh because that's never happened before uh red letter media pointed out it's like there's gonna be a lot of crying nine
Starting point is 02:56:06 year olds this is your optimist moment this is your optimist moment but it's it's it's every bud and it's the largest grossing opening of all time yeah so everyone gets it and they never had children so thanks for having the balls for at least part one i think talk in a dumb term for this which is called the u catastrophe which is you have to have like absolute despair and then you're gonna have absolute victory so it's the opposite of a catastrophe the next movie will be like yeah joyous joyous and towards the end i don't know if it will because we like you said like it might be like kind of all depends on it all depends on carol you're gonna all you're gonna have the moment where characters are crying and like people are fading but like cap's dying but then bucky comes to
Starting point is 02:56:50 pat him on the shoulder it's also possible that the carol thing is just a plug for her movie and not necessarily uh she's gonna solve the problem no but she's in her movie takes place in the 90s to ignore this but also so she can come back and solve the problem yes yes but but what i but i'm saying like it could be more of a plug for well well of course it is but it's like hey guys this is a bummer ending huh you want to find out how we you could fix it go find out about this hero who's an ant man and was coming out in july and they would have been super useful on the fight of Wakanda if he just grew big ant man would have been super useful if he climbed inside thanos's ass and just expanded to a thousand times his size and he just ripped him apart or the glove itself
Starting point is 02:57:37 yeah you know well no that's almost as if they knew the if he had done it to the glove ant man would have probably killed himself but if no if he went inside the glove and then touched it and then he's like now i'm controlling it because i'm wearing it yeah then he gets to use it or he just peas all over thanos inside the glove and then sounds like you take the glove off not bad what if what if thanos started to shake the ground and then he shook the ground too much so much that he dropped the gauntlet like he did back in the day with the when it took that that long for them to pull off the glove i think it's kind of like glued to his arm pretty hard yeah you should have crazy yeah adam warlock huh yeah what if magneto showed up to help the
Starting point is 02:58:20 avengers but then but then thanos threatened him with a wooden gun he wouldn't even need to he'd have a regular gun but he would use the reality stone to make a look okay matt i'm gonna go and find it in your blood i'm gonna go find it again please make that the podcast video you know magneto freaking out over oh yeah no no that yeah yeah yeah absolutely 100% and title it like infinity war spoilers we can't do that yeah you can you can do whatever you want um matt i have to send this to you uh you know how the sexes spider man is uh hilarious yes the 60s fantastic for no no i know is oh yeah you've seen all that yeah i saw episodes of the back of the day and it's unwatchable there's a there's a supercut much like the videos used to make
Starting point is 02:59:15 it it is it's got herby herby it's the fucking robot in the car it's the funniest thing it's unwatchable it used to air on it tell to it all the time and i fucking hate you well if you don't put that up i'm gonna i'm gonna put up on fucking twitter like warning an infinity war spoilers and fucking post that video of magneto with the fucking gun and it involves two characters are not even in the don't even have a right to them yet fucking asshole fight secret ending for infinity war leaps you fucking go upload it get that fucking clickbait do it that'll do it do it and i'll make it matt you're strong and i'll make it public you fucking coward all right i think we're good i think we are good it's a good movie i'm glad everyone's dead yeah well i'm not i'm glad some
Starting point is 02:59:58 people are yeah hey man thanos worked hard he earned it he earned that beer he actually earned it really good yeah he's been working for years tried very hard bye bye you you

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