Castle Super Beast - SBFC 253: What time is it? 5 o Clock?

Episode Date: July 4, 2018

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Starting point is 00:00:00 To be the best, you need the best. Enter the Predator Helios 300, a gaming laptop that takes power to an all-new level equipped with a 7th Gen Intel Core processor, an Aeroblade 3D fan. Discover the VR-ready Predator Helios 300 today. Go to, click on Store, and enter coupon code, frontcast, at checkout to receive 10% off your Predator Helios 300 gaming laptop plus free ground shipping. Offer valid from July 3rd, 2018 through September 25th, 2018 at 11.59pm CDT. Cannot be combined with other order level or coupon offer. I want my house to be filled with air conditioning. Is it not? It broke. Fuck you, and fuck your life. It broke over the weekend. God hates that you switched to Kirby. Now I wasn't home
Starting point is 00:01:11 for most of the weekend, so I avoided a lot of it, but I came back home to the thing where you can't quite see the desert mirage happening indoors. It was not great. Was Rivers in the desert playing? It literally was, because that's where she's at in the P5. Appropriate. Specifically. So it actually was playing. I was going to start the podcast day with like, hope everybody out there listening to this air-conditioned place, and then it's like, you just blow that up. Nope, nope, nope, nope. So fucking fix it. Wait, isn't your shit central? You don't have a unit? It's part of the building? No, it's a unit, but the people have been called. The shouts have been made. Record heat wave. Now's not the
Starting point is 00:02:03 time for this. No, now's not the time to be dead. I'm aware that now is the time when the machine would break due to overuse. That makes sense. You probably don't care. When I look at the number on my phone, and then the number in my house is three degrees higher than the number on my phone, that fucking sucks. And phones get hot. Yeah, they do. But I mean, the phone that's telling me about what outside is. Yeah, that's like going into a dungeon. There's all these locked chests, and your thief is like, nah, not today. I just didn't bring my lock picks. This is why we brought you. This is your job. It actually, weirdly enough, I don't know why, but when I got in, she was just chilling with all the
Starting point is 00:02:48 fans going and everything because it just broke down, and I think it happened. Because you know the thing where girls are always cold? That's correct. What vile creatures. The tolerance levels are adjusted so that for her, it's bad, but it's like, okay, I'm still going to sit here and take this. For me, I'm like, I actually cannot sit and work. I was like, I'm going to sit and work and catch up on some stuff tonight when I got back off the plane. There's a certain level where you can be like, I can work through this, and then I can't. Did you not toughen up living in Grenada? Yes, you do. But you lost that. That's gone. That's way back when. That's a stat that went down. So you didn't use it, and then you
Starting point is 00:03:32 mean like shit, that is longer ago? No, that's a long time, way more than a long time ago. Anyway, the point is that regardless, it's like, yeah, I can't function in this sweltering. Because it was even, again, hotter in the apartment than it was outdoors. And then you get the bonus that if you're working on something, you're working next to a piece of machinery that is giving significant heat itself. Not to mention that. But if you have the Predator Helios 300, it's got these fancy fans. And the other thing too is that I can still take island heat, but it's different when you're trying to sit down, focus, and work. That's a very different thing. If you're going outside, you can play imagination, or your drink, or walk around.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Or just even watch shit, or doing whatever. Activity. Look at people collapsing on the street. I got one on the way here. I passed by five or six super old guys just arguing about bullshit at a picnic table. The activity makes a difference. Anyone can do. The activity definitely makes a difference. But the reason why I missed most of this awful, horrible sweltering heat is because I was at ComboCon. Which was Michigan, right? That's Michigan. That's a small town in Michigan, not Combo Breaker. No. At first, I was like, oh, Combo Breaker. I'm like, wait, no, this doesn't add up at all. And CEO was also this weekend. Yes. With that Dragon Ball match, though. Well,
Starting point is 00:05:16 they went like, what's nuts is Jibaley taking that to the next level? Because I didn't quite realize this when I saw it. Because I walked into, when I was at ComboCon, I walked into someone's room and they were going to just play Casuals. And I kind of glanced at the screen and I saw New Japan CEO logos on the TV. And I just didn't really pay attention to what it was. And then I went, wait, what? And it's like, no, he actually got a real New Japan event at CEO. It's very easy for him now. So I don't know how that came together, but that's nuts. New Japan is just married with fighting games now. Tekken and Street Fighter. They're in. They're just all in there. So like having a legit event was like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:05:59 Like CEO goes from fighting games with a bit of wrestling to, okay, we're going with the wrestling gimmick to, okay, we're almost saying fuck fighting games. We're just doing wrestling now. And I was like, how funny would it be if next year like Javelin just goes, yeah, I'm done. We're doing full on wrestling shows now. We're not even trying anymore. It just creates his own federation. In order to leave the loser's bracket, you must defeat this wrestler. That was, yeah, that was nutty. But yeah, ComboCon itself was out in Michigan. Flying down there, I had the lovely experience of having two flights and the first one gets delayed, but instead of rebooking me on another one automatically,
Starting point is 00:06:39 they just did nothing. That's my favorite part. That's the fun one. What airline are you in? United. Yeah, of course. And so I landed and they're like, cool, the one you were supposed to be on left already. And I was like, that's cool, but what about the one you're supposed to? Did you have luggage? No, no, no, I'm not risking any of that shit. No, because every United flight I've ever taken luggage has been sent to different cities.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Yeah, no, no, I'm not checking in shit. I'm carrying everything with me all the time. I'm the carry on kid. For me, I think it's American. Every single piece of luggage I've ever given to an American Airlines person disappears. Carry on kid. Don't even risk it. Not worth it. Take a backpack. I'm using the away, like remember this old sponsor away, the carry on luggage thing? Using that shit is great. Had the charging thing in it and whatever, but either way, I am not sending my shit through and check in unless I absolutely have to, unless it's
Starting point is 00:07:34 absolutely mandatory. And I know that there's always the same con problem where it's like you're going to have more things than you can carry back. And you go, hey, Matt, can you put this in your bag? Sure. And I'm like... This time around, it worked out fine. But if I'm bringing it, even if I have my PS4 or whatever, it's like stuff it in there, surround it with your towels and clothes, right? And if I'm doing PS4 and arcade stick, then it gets really dicey.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Yeah, I can imagine. But either way... That's a lot to bring down yourself. You brought your PS4 this time? No, no, no, I just just the stick. Just the stick, yeah, okay. Which took up half the thing and then the other half was like a weekend worth of clothes and it was good. But yeah. Anyway, so yeah, get there in Chicago and they're like, yep, did we just, there's no other plane for you. There was a plane, but it's gone now.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Did you go see the bean while you were there? No, I don't even know what that is. It's a fucking dumb thing. Okay, well, anyway, and Ado Hair just going like, all right, so how about the nearest airport to where I was going? And they're like, nope, awful. How about the second near, how about the other one? Detroit, maybe? No, okay, well, am I just here overnight then? You know, and it was looking like that until like, the lady that's looking at the thing is like, yeah, it looks like someone looked into your itinerary and deleted your second flight, basically.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Fucking Kenny. And he'll do anything. I know they're on a losing streak and video games is like born to lose, but this is too much. And yeah, so anyway, loses, loses, spelt funny too. It's spelt like L, U, Z, E, like that's how they spelled. And two is the number two. And then they managed to look to, so then they switched airlines to find like anything that's like a different, you know, carrier or whatever. And they found one that was leaving right away
Starting point is 00:09:34 to Flint. So I flew over to Flint and I landed there. I hear it's a very nice city. I had no water when I landed. I did not drink anything. Well, you can drink bottled water. Yes, you can. I know. Topical. But that's it. I assumed that's where you were going.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Topical. So I thought forever. I thought I would head it off at the pass. I thought I would head it off at the pass. You almost did it. Anyway. Then what? And then yeah, and then from Flint over to St. John's and the VFW.
Starting point is 00:10:06 You went all the way back to Newfoundland. I'm sorry. No, that's so. Yeah, combo con was held at the post veterans of foreign wars and basically HD executioner. Oh, hey, man. AKA Hunter is the guy that's organizing it. And he put this this cool event together.
Starting point is 00:10:23 And yeah, man, it was attorney. You know, it was it was an event. They had it was attorney that was mainly about like about like fundraising for the, you know, the Vets Association. And yeah, exactly. So they and they had like, you know, a little fun stuff set up right next door. Like outside there was a like barbecued like stall stand thing. So that was key.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Just being right there the whole time. And for some reason, a dude with a kiln and hammer and smelter just hammering away and metalworking doing his thing. And at arms. Yeah. And so he like he fashioned a ring actually for the winner of the dreaded encounter as it were. The chinamately awesome. Yeah, it was.
Starting point is 00:11:09 I signed. We signed his his like apron for metalworking like it was badass. Um, but yeah, man, it was all in all a really fun event. And you know, like we hung around and just got lots of casuals in played third strike on what seems to be like a Game Boy screen, like like one of those monitors that you have on the set of a film, like the long screens there. The only thing the only thing that I can think of that's like more trash than that is if you can get it working on a oscilloscope.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Yeah. Or like or it becomes the Skyrim or the doom situation where it's like, can you get it working on the pregnancy test? Yes, yeah. That's the that's the final destination on a God, even the pregnancy test, you mean like, like to look to look at the baby inside. No, I mean, literally the thing they hold. No, I fuck that.
Starting point is 00:11:59 I want it to be on the baby on the ultrasound. What was there? It looks like you, in fact, do have third strike in your body. Would it be on the screen where the baby is or would it be inside of you? It's inside of you. The ultrasound views it. I don't even. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Well, the baby is playing it on a switch and you're watching his screen. I think the whole switch. No, I want to get smaller. I say smaller is better. All right. I want it running. I think less visible is better. I want it running on like Christmas lights, like, you know, the tiny little Christmas lights.
Starting point is 00:12:35 You know what you can do? You can you can emulate that by just putting it very far away from you. So Matt says less visible. You know what's really not visible? Things that are far away. I got it. It's true, too. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:48 You get third strike running on, you know, the metro trains. You know, the screens where they tell you what stop is running next on those things. Those fucking stock tickers where it's basically made out of. Yeah, it's like stickers and it's just like running by and like yellow 48 light bulbs. Maybe 50. There might be 50 bulbs. You can do Ellen as idle pose. Just a bunch of yellow blurs just moving around.
Starting point is 00:13:15 That's not bad. That's the tech we need. Anyway, but it was it was a solid event. And then, yeah, at the end of a fun tournament and after like basically going, oh, yeah, fighting games because for the last like two months, I want to say didn't touch a single thing. Really? Not even pick up a single match here or there. DBZ DLC came and went.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Cody came and went. I'll, you know, fall, all those things, little bits and here and there because it's like, like what you see is a schedule in effect. And when I have like near happening and I have Naruto happening and I have like the Kirby shit I'm working on or whatever, like literally all those things happen because I'm not doing the other things. So you've discovered the easy thing in your life to cut out. It's not, it's never the easy thing.
Starting point is 00:13:59 It always, it always is this, this rotation and something makes me. But it always gets cut out. Yeah. And something makes me feel shitty, whatever I'm cutting because when it's like evil time and I'm like, oh, fuck, I haven't practiced looking at all your shit, like you're looking at all your like faces of all the media you're like, you're like, all right, guys, here comes the easiest part of my life. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Yeah. It cuts. Yeah. And, and because, um, so I got, I got tendonitis recently. Oh, fantastic. Yeah. The right on my ankle. And, uh, oh, right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:14:31 I, uh, whatever, I went a little bit too hard on Haka. Yeah, really? Yeah, I stopped the ground a little too hard. You're not as young or as strong as it used to be. So it's five years ago, you were a fucking powerhouse. It's mostly healed now, but about a month ago when I had that show. You lost all your power weight, you fool. I, when I had that, about a month ago when I had that show, I went a little bit too hard
Starting point is 00:14:52 and so like it was acting up in that way and go, I went to see a physio and they basically said, yeah, ease up, let it heal. You can keep going, but if you do, you're getting permanent damage. So let it heal. So I had to, so I had to slow down boxing because of that as well, which means, all right, here's some nights that I'm going to be able to do these other things. And, uh, all of that of course means, yeah, no fighting games. So I get to combo con and I'm like, can I just get a training mode for everything for like
Starting point is 00:15:17 five minutes to remember what a bread and butter is? And I mostly did. So I was like, okay, cool. Someone sat me down, explained what a change in Dragon Ball. I went, got it, played that and that was fine. The Marvel one was rough because Marvel was, I hadn't like, like since way before, I think it was like, since the patch happened, I think, was when I like, I last touched it.
Starting point is 00:15:36 And then it was like, okay, uh, two people signed up and then I was like, you signed up. So that makes three. So we're just going to go straight on stream, great to grand finals. And I'm like, wait, can I just get a training mode to remember what, no, if you signed up, then that means you know. And I was like, oh my God, I literally don't remember what to do with any of these characters. I'll tell you what to do. I don't even remember where my buttons go.
Starting point is 00:16:01 It was so bad. I'll cut to the chase. You won. Yep. Just feasted body. So nuts. Anyway, I, I, you're saying regardless of results, it's like, that's the kind of thing that really gets to me.
Starting point is 00:16:14 That gets me. So I'm like, I just want to remember. So what you're saying is not only did you beat Kenny, but you beat Kenny in a highly weakened state. So as to make it even more pathetic. What was the dreaded encounter? What was the game? I'm glad it sounds like you guys tuned in and I appreciate the support and solidarity.
Starting point is 00:16:36 The dreaded encounter. Oh, I didn't fucking watch. Okay. Well, then you caught the results. All that matters is you won. What, Kenny came out as well and we had a good time, you know, hanging out. He was rocking his Killmonger because he basically is Killmonger, like one to one. He absorbed the character.
Starting point is 00:16:54 It's kind of nuts how accurate his whole thing is. And yeah, we basically, you know, at the end of the weekend, the final event was me versus Kenny. And then we each pick a game and then there's like a tiebreaker game type of thing, you know. So Kenny picked MK nine and I'm like, and I'm like, okay, so that means thought of K-10, right? And it's not injustice. I'm like, that means we're going for the one that you know dumb bullshit.
Starting point is 00:17:19 You know that you know. And I'm like, all right, that's one he's still salty about not being able to do combo. The big, I'm like the biggest, that's the biggest, that's the biggest advantage. So I'm like, all right, let's go with what I know. And for every game, it's not about what I love the most or about ranking. It's just about what I know the most. I have more time clocked in on Street Fighter 4 than anything else. Oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:17:38 So I'm like, let's go. Without a doubt. Well, let's go Street Fighter 4 then. Fuck it. You know, I'm going to, I'm going to take my guarantee. If you're going to take your nine, your MK nine. Yeah, I'm going to take four. Not through a trike.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Not through a trike. You know, not the stuff that you would think like, yeah, like no, we're going for just because the clock towers are there. Right. And, and then the, the tiebreaker game. Originally we were going to do a Tekken 7 just because like, yeah, everyone loves Tekken 7. That seems nice middle of the road. It's a nice good middle of the road game.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Awesome. You know, but it happened to be that same weekend that Fexl came out, aka fighting EX layer. And so we're like, such a shame. They didn't call it flex and just move one fighting layer EX. It could have been called flex. It's ridiculous that that didn't happen. It's one of my biggest problems with the game. It's such a huge oversight.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Anyway. So we could just call it flex and not care. Yeah, but no one will know what the fuck we're talking about. Maybe we'll maybe let's try to push it. I'm playing with flex. What? So we're, we're doing flex and we're like, yeah, like it'll be brand new. It'll be basically Kusouga and it'll basically be like new and uncharted territory.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Let's embrace the poverty and just do some random crazy shit. Yeah. And so we did. And MK, well, you know, I'm going to get the video footage up and I'm going to throw it up there. But, you know, things went pretty much as expected. Of course. So you won. And then we got up until we got to fighting EX layer.
Starting point is 00:19:07 And then, yeah, it was, it was pretty hype. It was pretty hype. It was pretty fun. And I took home a ring. Okay. And there was some, there was some shit talk in the middle. There was some wrestling promos. As there should be.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Hunter Ever the Showman brought out the, the bell from his boxing gym. And actually had the ding, ding, ding between fights and stuff. Good, good. In terms of his family owns a gym over there was sort of like, that's cool. Let's talk boxing. Easy to get a bell then. Yeah. And all in all, good event.
Starting point is 00:19:36 You know, raised funds for a good cause, good time fighting games hype. You know, and, and some of the vets hanging around, kind of like just. They're hanging around. Yeah. Well, it's at the post, you know, so they're running. Like cleared it out for them. No, they were like, some, some were there for like tables and stuff. But they're definitely, but like definitely some of the, you know, the,
Starting point is 00:19:57 the other guys hanging around, kind of just. In fascination, looking around this event, like, what is this exactly? You know, it's working. But wow, it's working. And I don't know what it is. Yeah. And then very nice, like, like super awesome hospitality from everyone down there. Very, very accommodating.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Set up a nice cool table. They printed out some thumbnails from Kenny and my stuff, you know, and like, we did some signings as well. That also went to the, the, the charity. So like awesome, awesome event and a good time and a great name for an event. Combo con is a really strong name. In general, but that's when it was confused at me at first, because I thought of combo breaker.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Yeah, out of another name. Well, because it makes you think it's like, is it's FGC event, but also convention. You know, you kind of get that feeling of the two. Yeah. Yeah. It's a strong name. I like that. I like that.
Starting point is 00:20:52 While I was down in the States, they, those like those movies on TV. And I realized I was like, oh, okay, you can just, you just always just shit. Yeah. That you could just, so I'm like, okay. We always forget the realm of which there are places in the world in which a TV is just on. And it's fascinating sometimes. And shit that I'd never go out of my way to watch just happens in front of my eyeball. So I'm like, well, I guess I'll just lay here and let it happen.
Starting point is 00:21:15 And one movie. Did you allow to happen? I allowed the Hunger Games to happen. Oh, wow. Right. I was like, I'd never see it otherwise. So fuck it. There was a couple of movies that would come on and I'd be like, I actually want to watch this.
Starting point is 00:21:28 So I don't want to start in the middle. So fuck it. I'm going, I'm, I'm switching channels or whatever. But like, yeah, Hunger Games just happened in front of me. And I'm like, okay. Like all of them or one of them? One of them. The first one.
Starting point is 00:21:38 First one's like actually the best one because it's the only one that's the concept of a battle. So I could feel the ones get less and less. I could feel that it would be more like about the uprising or whatever. The cases based on like, yeah, the, the way the trailers and the stuff kind of like in the name and everything were like clearly not about the Hunger Games anymore. But that first one, the most like when I try, I remember asking you a ton of questions about and I'm like, so it's like Battle Royale and you're like, yes. I'm like, but, but it's like for kids and or dumbed down and you're like, yes.
Starting point is 00:22:09 I'm like, but they're still killing people. And you're like, yes. Well, there's kids, but I'm like, so then how is that concept? I just couldn't understand how you soften that concept. How do you water that down? And then now I get it. And what it is is, and so the way, the best way to describe it is, it's definitely the killing game thing like Battle Royale,
Starting point is 00:22:27 but you just make it not a horror movie. Yeah. You change the genre completely. You make it a teenager sci-fi movie. And it's still the same events occurring. Young adults. But the camera and the, and the, and the events are framed in a way that it's like, it's not a horror movie.
Starting point is 00:22:42 And it's not viciously gory or whatever. And whatnot. Yeah. And what you're going to call it too, what, there's another thing about it. Yes. There was the, the thing where what you're supposed to be like curious about, of course, the biggest thing is like, how did, how do you world build this? How did we get to this point and whatnot?
Starting point is 00:23:01 And that's one thing where I'm like, okay, by the end of this movie, I'm legit curious to know like about how you get to that world where everyone's like, yeah, let's kill kids. That's awesome. Right. Like how you create that mentality is always the most fascinating question whenever you do like a, a death game sort of scenario. And I always think from the over under of it is like, they make it a grand,
Starting point is 00:23:21 like it's a huge honor to win this. So it's more like a contest. Yeah. And you want to strive to be the best and represent your district. Yeah. That's kind of how they do it. And a little bit. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Yeah. And then of course the disturbing element of like, like dressing the kids up and making them like superstars. Like, yeah, like fucking, fucking WWE in them. It's a pageant, right? They come out and they do like pageant things and they have to be super likable in order to go die. Like it's, it's all fucked up.
Starting point is 00:23:47 So I'm like, I would, I would legit want, like I don't want to watch the rest, but I want to know about like how that world got created. If that it was written well, that could be interesting. Also, you can see Jennifer Lawrence get progressively more and more pissed off the more she has to do. Sure. Sure. So I might just go wiki that for a while.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Yeah, I'd say you're not missing. I've seen all of them. And then the audience came down and taught the chakras of the hunger games. And then there's one that I really enjoyed. Like as a movie, I forget which one it was. The weirdest thing is that like it's a death game scenario where the moment the death game begins, it's I lose all interest because it was like, that's the least interesting part of the movie.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Yeah. The set up and build up to how you get into the death game. But the rest of them are just like this war. Yeah, sure. How you how you fight back. That's also the least interesting part. So I mean, that's the that's the thing is like the actual aspects of like where you'd go like, oh, this type of person has this aspect and that's their quirk.
Starting point is 00:24:49 And that's why they'd survive better or whatever. Don't use that term when it's not cool. Well, that's what it would be. You know, and if you're not talking Battle Royale, then you're talking any other survival anime slash manga. I should mention that one of those sword art online or the condemned fucking what he calls them seasons was just PUBG at some point. Like it was just another Battle Royale.
Starting point is 00:25:09 I believe it was exactly fucking same. I'll believe that too. Yeah. The dystopia is kind of like the part where I'm like, OK, I want to know more about that. Who cares about these dumb kids doing the thing. And so that happened in the later movies. They bring in some good actors like Woody Harrelson shows up. Well, he's in the first one.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Oh, yeah, he was. He's that drunken asshole that's telling them what to do, but not telling them what to do. And he's like, you're going to go die. But then he's like, I care about you. You'll also see the worst. You also see the worst example of actor died in middle of movie. So Philip Seymour Hoffman is in these right.
Starting point is 00:25:45 And he died. So he's really important in terms of the background characters like maneuvering, doing things. And he just she like the movies over the last movie is done. And he just sends a note and they read the note from the guy that should be there physically. Like there's no reason for not to be. He just sends his heartfelt note. I'm like, oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:26:06 At least in Gladiator, they fucking CG'd some guy's head on some guy. Sometimes you got to Dumbledore it. You know, sometimes you got to just cast someone else and do it. Yeah. But Dumbledore is easy because it's like a big beard and a hat can hide. An ancient old man. Such a shame that Terrence Howard died. You know, it is.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Iron Man One was one of the movies that was on that weekend this weekend. A career died. Iron Man One was on. And I saw Terrence Howard like looking at the the the the fucking war machine suit and going next time, baby. And I was like, oh, really? Next time. Tragically, Terrence Howard died.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Yeah. They're the last time I went to the States. Iron Man Three was on and I watched it again. I was like, man, except for some dumb stuff towards the very end, I really enjoyed Iron Man Three. It's still very funny. So whatever. As I had no particular, how do I put this, emotional attachment to existing characters in that film?
Starting point is 00:27:05 I very much like what they did with some of them. Then how to train your dragon happened in front of me. One or two. One. The first one. I wouldn't watch a sequel. Is that pornography? Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Like, yeah. No, try to train your bad dragon is what you're thinking of. And that's shipping to your house right now. Oh, man. So what I like, I wouldn't buying that for me. If I saw part, if it was Hunger Games Two or Heart of Journey, I just wouldn't even watch it. Okay, friend. You know.
Starting point is 00:27:30 So yeah, it was the first one. And you know what I did like that? I saw it too. I don't know what year it was because it's like late aughts. Okay. Because CG does look not as sharp as I thought it would, considering I thought this was way more recent than it was. And our boy is in it too.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Jay Beresha. Oh, is he the main voice? He's the main dude. That's Jay. I didn't know that was Jay. Oh, how about that? That's cool. Right on, Jay.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Yeah. It was good. I like, I sure did. The third one's coming out really soon. And it's like, one good thing about that series that it advances time so everyone gets older and more like a warrior. Cool. Yeah, I saw a couple comparison pictures of some of the characters.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Yeah, like evolution. But the kid, the main kid, he's like, like, yeah, I guess now that he's Jay, it makes sense. But he already sounds older? Yeah. Like he doesn't sound like a kid. He sounds like a late teens to early twenties. I think he was trying to put his voice a little. That kid looks like a fucking Warcraft character in the newest.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's got armor. Like his voice was already very mature. So like, it was interesting seeing how he played out hanging out with all these other like 12 year olds or whatever. But no, that was totally solid. That was a fun like little CG romp. It was a fun. And it was a movie that when it first came out, I just never even caught like the wind of it at all.
Starting point is 00:28:50 But it was something where I'm like, yeah, now I hear there's a part four or something. So I'm like, I'll go, I'll go check out what I missed on that. That was fine. That was fine. I don't think I saw the second one. So I don't know anything about it. Um, then I was like, well, then I flipped through some shit and I caught like the last like, like there's like the last five minutes, the last like five minutes of Jennifer's body.
Starting point is 00:29:09 And I'm like, okay, whatever, you know, Megan Fox. That was going to be the big thing. That's going to be a big break, man. Get out of the transformer shadow. No, not so much her, but the writer, the writer of Juno Diablo Cody was supposed to be the next big. Oh, she wrote this and she wrote Jennifer's body. No kidding.
Starting point is 00:29:28 I didn't know that everything. Oh, wow. I didn't know that was her. It's interesting. Huh. Okay. But yeah, like Scott, like that. And then I don't know, like it was in the middle of being John Malkovich.
Starting point is 00:29:40 And I was just like, okay, well, I think I'm done. Yeah, you had a right. You had an eclectic night of TV. And I just grabbed my switch like I'm like, fuck this. I'm out. Fuck this TV. I need to go back to the media that I can curate. This airwaves shit is unpredictable.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Never know what's going to happen. I don't like that. Yeah. You know, nothing else really remarkable besides that. So. Okay. Well, I almost died. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Over the course of the week. I was talking to you yesterday. I was talking to you yesterday about this. And you were describing it. I'm like, you're lucky you went to the thing when you did, because that sounds like it could have led to a heart attack by the end of week. So that's exactly it.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Right. On Saturday, I woke up with a toothache. On Sunday, my half my face was swollen. Yeah. And I went, you know, put some ice on that. Take more aspirin. Take more Advil. Nothing was really happening.
Starting point is 00:30:32 And then Monday, I'm like, okay, now this is really starting to hurt. And maybe about two, about an hour before like set to do the podcast. I'm like, I hate doing this, but let me look it up on like what face swelling up and the first thing was not the first thing. But like eventually it says, if left untreated, like an infection in your teeth or like bones jaw can lead to a heart attack. Yeah. Quickly.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Quickly. But you didn't notice any causes. The first thing you caught was just the swelling. Yeah, I didn't notice. But like when I went to finally go see someone at the Jewish general hospital here, because they have a dental section. And because it was the day after St. John Baptist, which is Quebec's big holiday. The Boniface St. John.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Yeah. And it was the, the dental section was closed because it was a holiday. Of course. Fortunately, one doctor was called in to treat somebody else. So he just happened to be there when I decided to go where I told you guys, yeah, I'm at a hospital right now because I didn't say them. And I was like, this could lead to a heart attack. And it just freaked me out enough.
Starting point is 00:31:44 They go, let me, let me, let me take care of this now. Like the rest of the province on St. John is basically the day that people get ready for the separation command, right? Everyone gets around and they're just on the stand by in case someone says Vive la Quebec Libre and everyone's like, okay, we're doing this, we're doing it, we're doing it. Are we doing it? There's a big red button and they all slap their hands. It's less of a celebration and more of a stand by.
Starting point is 00:32:09 We might do it this year. Yeah. And then they go, no, not this time. They look at, they look at the pie charts and they're like, no, not this time. It's always fun because you can always tell because it's like, it's Victoria Day would be me saying it. And then you have your relatives to say, oh, but it's both St. John. And then you have your other relatives like, wow.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Fate National. Yeah, Fate National. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. You can tell who's standing ready at what line. Just what they call a stupid holiday. And what music is in the background. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Absolutely. So yeah, really quickly, like have to get my face drained. I'm not going to go too much into that, but it wasn't very fun. But instantly felt better. Like, oh my God, just no pressure, no headaches, whatever. But then the guys like, you're going to have to come back and like, it's actually something in your, in your tooth. And he's like, I think maybe a filling fell out.
Starting point is 00:33:04 I don't know. And I'm like, okay. So Thursday. So the Monday thing was a temporary. So Monday thing was like, I instantly felt better. But he's like, it's, I stopped the symptom, but the cause is still there. So you're going to need to get that tooth pulled, which I was not that like, oh, that sucks.
Starting point is 00:33:20 But when I got my wisdom teeth pulled, like it was like a day or two of uncomfortableness, then I was fine. But he's like, you're not going to be fine this time. So take these pain killers, which I was about to take right now because it kind of hurts. But it also is like, you need to fucking eat some shit before you take. And we have no food right now. So I'm going to imagine if they're like, we can't drain it,
Starting point is 00:33:42 but we're going to inflate the other side. So you'll look proportional. Your head won't be kind of, you'll turn it to a bit of a waddle D. But you'll be fine. I'm thinking there's probably no way something really bad could have happened to you. Because let's say you didn't look that stuff up. Right. And you came into the podcast.
Starting point is 00:34:02 We're on video. People are going to go, dude, what's wrong with your face? Fuck, it's wrong with your face. Oh, my tooth hurts. And then the information would have been relayed to you very quickly. As long as anything visual, as long as it doesn't happen on Wednesdays, we're OK. Because the camera will be a nice check for everyone going,
Starting point is 00:34:21 you should probably not die. Hey, Woolly, you should probably put your eye back in. It's sucking. I was fine. I was how's goodness. I was told a conversation happened between you two where Woolly's just kind of quiet. He's like, I need to find a new dentist.
Starting point is 00:34:36 And Pat goes, well, when's the last time you've seen a dentist? And you go, I really need to get a new dentist. Because I said this, this is the problem. Your dentist retires. You're fucked. Or you move. Or you. So I didn't.
Starting point is 00:34:51 For me, it was always the location. I didn't have a personal dentist. I don't have a personal family doctor. Like we do. I used to. I do. But like it's been. They retired.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Yeah. It's been like around like what's what's nearby. Leave Terrence. And yep, it's rest in peace, rip, rest in rip. He played the guitar backwards that one time in that movie. And it was fucking awesome. Anyway, we so because moving you like I'm not near the dentist anymore. I'm like, OK, well, I'm fucking going now like 25 minutes out
Starting point is 00:35:17 to get back to my old dentist. That kind of sucks just because I'm registered here and I haven't like done a new place or whatever. And you don't want to get a doctor, Nick, either. So you got to ask around. You know what sucks is there is a there is a large central place in like there's a large central like like downtown sort of Montreal. Like like a clinic hospital or whatever thing.
Starting point is 00:35:37 But they're just like straight up like we don't take new people ever. We literally don't take new people. You have to like get you have to kill another patient. You have to win the Hunger Games to get to get to get in and to get the possibility of being interviewed to be in. Yeah. So it's like fucking hoops and valleys to find out if that's even a possibility. So it's kind of like, yeah, like it's shitty.
Starting point is 00:36:01 I need to find someone you're, you know, or closer, I should say. So fortunately, that seems to have, you know, on antibiotics, it just finished them for the week. So I should be OK. Take care of your teeth, kids. You could die. So aside from that, I did have some time to do some things. So you mentioned Street Fighter 5.
Starting point is 00:36:19 I went hard in on on Codell. Yeah, yeah. Just did everything I can do with him. Yeah, yeah. Yes, you did. And like, God, I forgot how bad and pointless the character stories are in Street Fighter 5. How they're the most contextualists, no actual endings to them.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Like it's five bangus drawings. It's five bangus drawings, but I'd rather have 10 fights and three bangus drawings, one in the middle, one at the start, one at the end. Like I would have traded off one drawing with more story cut scenes of the models. Because when you do the arcade, actual arcade mode, you get the one piece of art done by a random artist from somewhere. And then you do like his Street Fighter Alpha one.
Starting point is 00:37:09 You get another one. Then you do a Street Fighter 5. You get another one. None of them are barely connected. It's just whatever. Or or even cheaper because because I'm thinking about the 3D MoCap and I'm thinking about the walking around of the models and whenever they're like the cameras too low to the ground,
Starting point is 00:37:23 like a place where the stage it shouldn't be at. And I'm like, forgo that entirely. Give us SVC chaos, text boxes. I would have rather. And voice act those and call it a day. Yeah, even cheaper. But still a plate around with them a lot. Really don't like sidearm that much knife.
Starting point is 00:37:40 I much prefer. Guess what? There's no reason to use it. Dirty coach. Yeah, the pipe is the way to go. Because it's so much more range and you get a cool command grab out of it. And it's just better. And you get when you get the command grab,
Starting point is 00:37:54 you get the custom version of his normal grab. I'm just not throwing rocks yet and hitting them with the bad. Sure. But like the shit you can do with the pipe is like infinitely better in the sense that like you can straight up go like 50% with a reset. But what sucks is that the knife is Cody's thing. So it's like I want the knife to be better. But what he's there now.
Starting point is 00:38:15 It's true. It's true. He's up for it. There's like a golden fucking pipe in the mayor's office. Plus Miss Marlowe is amazing. Like my favorite new secretary helper in Street 5. I haven't seen is that there is. Is that like secretary to the mayor?
Starting point is 00:38:30 Fun, fun. It's like, why are you punching people asshole? Does she have a character design? Yes. Okay. So she's she's only in art, but she's there. She's a potential. Well, so is Menat originally.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Hagar told you to stop doing this. Why are you still doing this? He did. And he's like, yo, but I was just talking to one of my constituents. Yeah. Yeah. I saw he had a Twitter takeover for a minute. Yeah, for a minute.
Starting point is 00:38:54 So I enjoyed playing through that. And I actually was like, you know what? I never really even think I selected jury in Street Fighter 5. Oh, me either. So I selected her and I was like, whoa. She's a completely different character. She's pretty cool. Like she's always cool.
Starting point is 00:39:11 Yeah. But like gameplay wise, I was like, huh. She's completely different. So like I just made me throw in my head. I'm like, I should I should just go in and take characters. I never even slept in. There's a couple from season two. I don't think I ever like chose.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Like I don't even think I don't even think I selected Blanka or Sakura once. OK. Like I said, I like I took Yuri and took like season three. Yeah. Oh, sorry. Yeah. That's sorry. Season three.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Did like with the retro costumes and stuff, like do you have a favorite? It's a toss up between Final Fight and Alpha Nostalgic with the code put in to drop the top. OK. OK. They look they all look pretty solid. I will say. I really don't like the Hagar one that much. It looks weird.
Starting point is 00:39:58 I'd rather just have Hagar. Sure. But I like I think I think they they got what they needed in there for them. And then but ultimately just because of what it like represents and because it's what I've it's not even what we wanted, but it's what you didn't know you wanted. Yeah. I still think the default codelle is the best look. I'll take that too.
Starting point is 00:40:16 To the point where his hand is idly on the neck tie on the character select screen. And when you're not in that outfit, it's just hanging out there for a weird reason. You see all those the colors for that. How every color is just a Phoenix right character or the Joker or etc. etc. Yep. He's got all kinds of colors. That's pretty amazing.
Starting point is 00:40:37 So good suits. Good suits. I enjoyed Plain Street Fighter 5 again. Characters with suits that have like a full like one to 10 like character color select are a hundred different characters. It's always so many layers. Exactly. And you see like two of them.
Starting point is 00:40:53 You see the pink one and then the white pants. You go, that's the guy from Art of Fighting 3. Specifically Cody. Because it's not like his tux. You can't do that much with the tux. But with his with codelle, there's like the sleeves. Or new or new kind of third. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:07 And aside from that, I was like playing around with Cody. I'm like, flex, flex came out. Holy shit, flex. So then you were like, hey, we're gonna we have to do a fist a cuff. And I'm like, yeah, I'm pretty fucked up. I can't come in. So the next thing. Don't do it without me.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Don't do that one without me. So we did. We did Obari instead. I saw. I saw. So about a day or two later, I started playing Flex. And I was really enjoying that. But just call me Flex Gogi.
Starting point is 00:41:41 That's your nickname from now on. This is really rough because it's been complained about so often. But it's like, you cannot fight an AI in this game. Yeah. I saw Max talk. I like I saw Max's little review of it. It's the it's the most bare bones. I think it's like it's ever been.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Is AI just dumb? No, there's no AI. Play online. Play online. Oh, wow. Okay. Like because I literally like even in Street Fighter 5, there was the little survival mode. I only played the local stuff with the people there at the console.
Starting point is 00:42:13 We didn't see any of these online local challenge. Combo challenges. That's it. Wow. So I want to have a fight and I couldn't find any games for a little bit because my internet wasn't like whatever, you know. But I mean, I played around in training mode and again, one of my like such a gripe. And it's like, let me please select any stage in training mode.
Starting point is 00:42:37 Street Fighter 5 fucking lets you do it. Yeah. And I'm just like because the stages in Flex look awesome. A lot of them are really nice stages. And it's like, I can't see them because I can't fight in AI and I couldn't play online at the time. Oh, geez. I completely didn't realize any of these things because I was just doing locals like I had. Yeah, it's completely different experience.
Starting point is 00:42:58 It's so bad that when Max was talking about the lack of AI, he's like, you can kind of fight one if you set the training mode dummy to a certain way. Weird. That being said, the game is the game is still really fun. Like it hits all the dumb like centers in my brain where I'm like, oh, that's just combos into that, huh? What's the yeah, I did see there was something called kumite mode, but I like that. That's something that like, yeah, apparently that's the closest thing or whatever.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Okay. But yeah, the were you just saying it's just just just gameplay wise. I'm like, this is just fun. So does it not feel like cross Tekken except the run embracing its jankiness instead of trying to be serious? It feels so weird because you've got the you've got the one has less systems, which is good. It has your gatling. So it has every character unique universally having ABC.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Yeah, yeah. As a thing. It's got like literally like gems except not gems. Gogi. Right. And the main and one of the major difference between that because they're both both gems and those are dumb. But the reason why Gogi are like they're like dumb in the right way in the poverty way because
Starting point is 00:44:14 there's two things about them, right? One, you're not picking individual gems. You're picking the set decks and the set implies a play style that you're supposed to be going for. So ultimately each Gogi is representing a play style. And so you're picking juggernaut, aggressive, aggressive, exactly a stealth raptor. I got the standard version, not the light version, which has like five more Gogi decks and they get progressively throw master.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Throw master. And then fantasy fantasy. Yeah. Yeah. And and what you always what you're effectively getting with those play styles when you put them all together is these are grooves. Yeah. So I'm like, oh, you've just put a ton of grooves into the game and each groove gives
Starting point is 00:44:59 you bullshit. And that's not and it's not going to be the massive time waster that would be selecting your gems from a set of three. Like if you had to go in and set each individual Gogi like sub thing. It would be the absolute worst. I still understand what they were thinking that they looked at the FF seven materials slotting system and went, let's have that pre match every match ever in a fighting game. Because customizing characters is in other genres is the name of the game and it gets
Starting point is 00:45:27 you rich. So why not do it? Right. The thought really, really shallow thought of the reception and sales of cross deck. It is why you don't do it. But people love customizing characters, right? So like that was that was the end of the thought. You know, but like it's one of those things like, did you play one match and set your
Starting point is 00:45:49 gems because it's annoying? Very, very one match. Eventually those patches came down the line, you know, way after 3060 90 and everything else that was wrong. But it feels like flex is yeah, is just kind of like taking cues and making it dumber in a way that is like, no, no, we want this to be silly. Yeah. And it's and it's it's full of bullshit.
Starting point is 00:46:12 I think more than a lot of other games like every character in the game. Yeah. All of them have something. I'm like, I'll I'll I'll select them. That's a dumb move. Let's do that. I didn't like what the moment I knew that I'm like, this is bull shit was when I there was that one gogi that gives you KOF short hop.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Yes, that a front dash. Yeah. I was like, fuck, they don't care. They don't care. There's a certain they want this to be nuts. There's a certain nobility and not caring. And giving a game, giving a KOF style short hop to people in a game in which no one else has a KOF style short is like disgusting.
Starting point is 00:46:52 Because everyone just runs in that game. They don't dash. They run. Yeah. And furthermore, we have three out of five running. So by the fourth round, everyone is on full go yeah. Everyone's got all this bullshit happening. Armor here invisibility there when you arrange up like when you and I played that
Starting point is 00:47:13 played the game the first time last year. And it was everything was lit up and you're hitting me and I just do so much super armor and I'm hitting you. I'm like, this is the best. There's a moment where I'm playing Darun and Kenny's using skullomania and he's going into I think he does his skull super like the explosion and like I'm in the middle of like a command grab and I'm starting it up and it's just going like and the grab is still coming out like it was so insane.
Starting point is 00:47:40 And they're like, this is going to pretty much happen at the end of every set. They want final round to be like not just hyper game, but stupid game. You know, by the end of the eighth is by the end of the final round, everyone has unlocked their eighth gate, Bankai or fucking whatever the grab master one. It's like each grab like buffs your your your throws of more like makes stupid and like one of them is like your throw range goes up. How much start Kara throwing free. And the damage is increased by like 20 25 percent.
Starting point is 00:48:11 And like and like each thing has a like as you do this more, it just gets more and more bullshit and throws are generally good in that game. Anyway, um, um, you've got Alan, who's a shoto with a command grab. Yeah, he's got that grab. He does all the kick. Fuck you got you got a cracker jack who's rogue with a command grab and a bat, you know, and all kinds of other shenanigans. Like it's just taking these character archetypes and taking what they were in
Starting point is 00:48:39 Street Fighter EX and like really overdoing it. So they have said, I mean, we'll we'll do a video for this game this week for sure or whenever, but like they have said that they have DLC cards. They there's there's a model of Volcano Ross. So he's not here. Paul, Paul and Perna. So they're like, here are these characters. We this is all we got because this game needs to sell decently for us to even make these
Starting point is 00:49:02 characters, but there's more characters to it. Everyone forgets about area. It's so weird. The girl with the glasses and she's got the roller skates on area. And everyone forgets about like the roster that we saw in the actual fighting layer game where the shark was tons of stuff, tons of characters in that that could come back. It's it's crazy to me how time changes our perception of some things. So I remember picking up Street Fighter EX ages and ages ago and being like, who the
Starting point is 00:49:31 fuck is this loser cracker to get the fucking literally pushing him out of the way so I could play as like Ryu or Geek or whatever. And now we're all the way here in the future. What 15 years later, that's like Zangief move over. Darun is here. Darun, the belt is on his shoulder. It never goes away. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:51 They can bring back Ace. I was just flabbergasted when they announced D Dark and I'm like, oh my god, this running doctrine for the last couple of years is now back. And who's command did he serve under? What is who is his story involved with? Wasn't he directly underneath Bison and work for Shadow Loom? He was part of Giles unit back in the day. Shut up.
Starting point is 00:50:15 I didn't know you didn't know this. I forgot. So the reason. OK, OK, OK, so back it all the way up. The problem slash that doctrine dark, the worst slash best thing about doctrine dark is that he was a part of Giles unit. He was betrayed and left behind and he hates Giles fucking heal Giles. He hates Giles because the operation sacrificed him, but he didn't die.
Starting point is 00:50:38 They thought he died. And so he's like, I'm alive and I hate you for leaving me behind. So now I'm evil. This is doctrine. Dark's like file from the Street Fighter X series. Now he's back in the fighting layer X games. But Giles, so whose command was he under redacted? The files of redacted.
Starting point is 00:51:00 That's he used to be redacted. And when he went to redacted because it's a military thing, you expect revenge. His file is blacked out with the names literally covered and censored. And also D dark is just generally good in the game as well. Like I'm like this is a great character. He like totally works and like I like his moveset the moment that it came together because we were playing casual with a dude. And like I was like, yeah, it's always he's always there.
Starting point is 00:51:26 But like where it really clicked was like you throw the explosive out the long timed one. Yeah. And then you do the grapple and you pull him into the explosive explosive. And if you jump, you grab him out of the air. Yep. So yeah, so it's just like the mind is here. You're going to either jump or you're going to fucking have to block this.
Starting point is 00:51:45 And then he moves forward and does it again. It's a reverse zoning game. It's very interesting. Yeah, it's cool. Aside of finally X arrow just really quickly. I started watching The Alienist. Have you heard of this? I have not.
Starting point is 00:51:56 No. It was a show that played on TV if you like maybe a couple of months ago. And it stars Daniel Brule who played Steve Brule. Daniel Brule that played the Nazi and glorious bastard, the one that was obsessed with movies. And the guy that was in nation's pride. Yes, nation's pride. Right. And he played Baron Zemo in Civil War and Luke Evans, who like is the Lord of the Rings
Starting point is 00:52:23 movies, the Hobbit ones. Anyway, it's about like an alienist is like kind of like a psychologist in the early 18th century in New York City. And it's like in this time period, people that had mental illness were said to alienate their own true selves. Therefore, people that study this are called alienists. So it's basically him and his friend and artist, the Luke Evans character. Dakota Fanning is also in the movie is like the female character that helps work with them.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Basically, there's a killer in New York City killing young boys. What is his modus operandi? Where? How do we find this guy? Because we have nothing. We have no databases. We have no blood sampling. The idea of a fingerprint is absurd.
Starting point is 00:53:07 They touch on it. They're like, there's these two young guys are like, we're doing this thing called fingerprints. They're like, what does it tell us? Nothing, because there's no database. So it's pointless. But they're like, they still know a lot of shit. And it's like, if you like seven, if you like the Hannibal movies, if you like that type of stuff, it's dark serial killer, who done it sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:53:29 It's really good so far. I'm enjoying it. And I also started watching a Queer Eye on Netflix, the new the new one. I watched the original one when I was still living with my parents. And my mom watched all the TLC, all the. Was that Bravo or Showtime? I forget what it was. But she watched all the makeover shows and like how to dress or whatever.
Starting point is 00:53:51 And I remember the first one being like, yes, it's just the exact same show. Like you look like shit. Let me just put some stuff on. Get a fix, yeah. And this show is the most life affirming. There's a guy that like, there's a guy that helps you with your clothes. There's a guy that helps you with your house. There's a guy that helps you with cooking.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Because a lot of these people, they're like people that like, I can't cook. I don't know how to live. And there's a guy that like touched home a bit with me where he's like, I'm like 36. I'm still living with my parents. Not that I am, obviously. But he's like, my brother is so much more successful than me. And he's a works as a standup comedian, barely makes any money on it. And he's like, my brother is so much more successful.
Starting point is 00:54:31 And like, I just never moved out of my parents' house. When I was like reaching like, you know, 25, my sister moved out when she was 27. My sister went to McGill studying marketing and all this stuff. And my sister was just so much better at school than me. When she moved out, I'm like, I have to make the personal goal of moving out when I'm the same age as her. And I did thank Christ. But I was just like, they talk to this guy like, why don't like, why haven't you moved on?
Starting point is 00:54:58 He's like, well, I just make my comedy act like it's fine, but I don't make money off. And he's got like long, scraggly hair. So they bring him to take photos. They take awesome photos. They make a website for the dude. And he starts getting bookings. They made, they made him look like an actual comedian, like self-deprecating style. Like, you know, like so many guys do before it.
Starting point is 00:55:19 So every person, they tailor make the episode for them. Like there's a guy who has like six kids. Where are you supposed to do all your shit? So everything they go to, they're like, just go to Target. This works for your family. Just go to Target. And they do all like here, pick these nice things. This is just suffice to say, it's a really, really good show.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Everything they do makes sense. It's not like we're here to fuck up your life and put you in uncomfortable situations. So what you're describing is that not what the old one was as well? It was more like, because that old one is like old. It was like 10 years old. I always, because I haven't seen it, but I know the premise was based on that. It was just much more positive and how to view life. And there's a lot of people that have like these really sad stories.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Like my grandmother died and I inherited her house. But we don't want to move everything in her house. And it was just a really, really nice show. So what I'm hearing is that like the original was more of like, I don't know, like a pure fashion or reality TV show. And this goes more towards like human interest story. Yes, definitely. Kind of like.
Starting point is 00:56:21 And at the end of every single episode, everyone fucking looks fabulous. Like every single piece of advice totally makes sense. I'm like, I should French tuck my shirts now. Do what? What if it's exactly, exactly motherfucker? What if it's like hit my ride though? And it's all fake. What if?
Starting point is 00:56:40 What if they, what if they threw candy on the floor and told them to eat it? It's no better stories than that. Eat your fucking candy, you fatty. He lied to us. Wait, what was the thing that like? They put a goddamn cotton candy maker in his trunk and he didn't want it. But they said, nah, you're getting one. Oink, oink.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Because you eat stuff. You love it. And when he was looking at his old car, they made him put wrappers of candy. Wasn't there like a soda machine or like a milk shit milkshake found that like, like, like it didn't work. Destroyed the integrity of the car and caused an accident or something. Completely didn't work. And they forced it in there.
Starting point is 00:57:13 And when they looked at his old car to show how bad it was, they made him throw more candy wrappers on the ground to look extra dirty. Oink, fucking oink. Eat up. This makes me want to go back and watch put my ride. Yeah, me too. And be like, oh man, they probably made him shit in that car. We're not letting you out until you shit.
Starting point is 00:57:37 It's just Mori with cars. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's Mori with cars. I don't know, man. Mori gets to like trash heap levels that cannot be believed. Yeah, but this is the same. It's just only inside a car. Like it's one of those images that's burned into my soul forever, which is at the bottom ticker.
Starting point is 00:57:54 It's like I have a deathly fear of cotton balls. And it's the cotton ball. It's the creepy cotton ball. Homunculus just standing backstage ready to scare the shit out of me. We put a paternity test in your car so you can figure out what is this car mine. This is not my car. Like it was it was just that is in your car. It's that one shot.
Starting point is 00:58:17 It's that one screenshot of I have a deathly fear of balloons written at the bottom and the woman is on the couch on the stage and the camera is backstage with a man holding two mountains of balloons. Look, getting ready to get ready to come out. Like the one that does my heart is the cotton ball. Yours is the balloon one. There are like a hundred identical. Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Yeah. And that no. And there's one that like like as insane as it always is, there's one where this woman's like, I'm afraid of olives, right? And they're like, oh, it's so wacky. Why are you afraid of olives? That's crazy. Let's bring out these guys got a plate of olives ready to come out.
Starting point is 00:58:53 And she's like, because when my grandfather died and I was like three or four, they had them on his eyes as they were burying him. Oh my God. Because that was a thing with her culture. So seeing the olives cut on his eyes traumatized the fuck out of me because olives mean death and the saddest thing in my life is associated with the olives. They see this wacky guy like, oh, we got the plates of olives. And I'm like silly.
Starting point is 00:59:16 Fuck you, man. That's the one. We watched the whole episode. Con balls gets me because my sister's super afraid of con balls. What? Yeah. Yeah. Why?
Starting point is 00:59:27 That's so wacky. When she when she touched them, they're like, no, it freaks me out. And when I touch a con ball, I'm like, yeah, there's something about this consistency in this texture. I can imagine people would not like this sometimes. The only thing about it is when you rip it apart, that there's a little like there's a like a little irritating sound. A little irritating texture to it a little bit.
Starting point is 00:59:45 But you know, my grandmother hates styrofoam. Like the sound of styrofoam rubbing together like is unpleasant. Really gets her goat. Really gets her goat. Most of my insane phobias are for bizarre, like non physical concepts, like odd numbers. Yeah. So, you know, that's that's going to be tough to throw at me.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Clipping and z fighting textures are weird ones, but you go into a job where you have to spot them. You know, I don't think it was causing anxiety. Those are just unpleasant. Oh, fuck. What's happening there? So so that was me watching the serial killer show. Then immediately bouncing to life affirming positive.
Starting point is 01:00:21 You got to balance it out. You could go middle of the road, but instead you're going to go bang, boom. I still stand by the fact that all a real horror movie concept would need. Or rather a strong horror movie concept would be a video game glitch is happening in real life. I want to say there was like a video game movie like the one or Freddy's. Oh, did you step on?
Starting point is 01:00:41 Did you step on the wrong tile? You fall. You fell through the world. So you're now seeing the underside of. Or like your life of reality, your skeleton. Sure, sure, there is. There's two different guys and it's not glitches per se. And it's just old ass ancient internet video.
Starting point is 01:00:58 And I know. Yeah, I know one. I know there's a video like that. Probably no, not glitches per se, but people have sent me a video that's like which is in real life. Two couple guys that emulate Bethesda and PCs. And there's one in particular of a guy walking through about 30 chairs in the middle of a room. Just completely normally just walking as they screech along the floor.
Starting point is 01:01:22 And there's something about that after having spent time with those games that just creates just the most awful response. Yeah, it's dumb shit. That's also what it looks like on the floor, man, on QA. Like just cause was an open ass ended game that encouraged that nonsense. And so like you have to see that I'm glad I never had to test an open world game. It's just a nightmare to me when I think about it. I would like I said, I was like, you're never going to get them all.
Starting point is 01:01:54 That's the part that would actually freak me out. Requesting to I mean, I played open world games where I'm like, I don't think I like, I think I don't think there was ever a bug in Saints Row three for me, but I've never. Well, not ones that they didn't want to be in there. Requesting two Jeeps like one, like one foot apart from each other and having them both spawn so that the wind, the physics between the windshields and the driver's side window are interlinked and the rest of the vehicles don't know what to do. So they just spin until they spin into the air and create like a tornado.
Starting point is 01:02:31 And then just explode. You just remind me I said it in a test and open world game and no more heroes. One technically counts. And yeah, there is like stop signs and like AI of cars would make them stop. And it's just a certain juncture near a bridge. They would the cars would stop inside each other. And then the models start flipping through a bunch and I couldn't replicate it ever again after the version of the game came out.
Starting point is 01:02:57 But like I remember they would start winging out and they wouldn't rise in the sky, but they'd still fuck up. That makes me think about how Red Dead 2 is coming and how I want Jaguar men. I want to I want to write them a letter that says please put all of the Red Dead 1 bugs into the game because there's there's horse lady and Jaguar man. And those are those are as our Cougar man Cougar man. And those are fucking a plus buy it on this and and disconnect your internet. But the S rank is always going to be the horse and carriage.
Starting point is 01:03:31 Yeah, spawn one inch below the ground and their fucking feet get stuck in the ground. And then their physics start to go crazy. One good thing about Rockstar, they can certainly take Cougar man and make him a quest. And absolutely, they totally do that shit all the time. And I hope it looks like shit. Yeah, I hope it looks like fucking garbage. So we're going to find out what a French tuck is or not. A French tuck is that you just tuck the front part of your shirt
Starting point is 01:03:57 and like the belt that you let everything else like. Oh, oh, that's the douche tuck where you're showing off your belt buckle. Whenever I see that, that's like what the asshole kids that I knew would do. And I'm like, you're you look like such a douche because you got your shiny fucking belt buckle and you're showing it off. So you're only tucking in the front and the rest. Yeah, but these guys didn't have shiny belts. I guess.
Starting point is 01:04:17 To me, that's the douche tuck. I'm going to do that next time I have a family function. OK, OK. And everyone will be complimented to me. You'll say fair enough. You call anything the French something and it's it changes everything. Oh, must be fancy. Yeah, we have weird like that's something like of all the things
Starting point is 01:04:36 and all the places to be living here. Like that whole illusion of the same is like it's so fucking like. Well, yeah, when I when I hear it's like, oh, it's the French version. I'm like, oh, I'm ready for some some trashy shit. It's from real gunk, some real fucking sewage gun. Speaking of which, one of the guys, not the not the closed guy, but the guy about food is from is a Montrealer Polish Montrealer. How about that?
Starting point is 01:05:02 Anthony and he's you can hear it in his voice. Sometimes he says certain words. I'm like, that's fucking nobody talks like that. No, it talks like that. But yeah, well, that's what I love. I love listening to Joe Shapier doing interviews because like GSP. He has it thick and it's never going away. No matter how successful or in big Kevin Owen.
Starting point is 01:05:20 Tied pretty well, but she could still hear it often. Gavin Owens is well for shit. No bit in terms of like where he's from. Like there's way worse guys that have come through. Like W. Like the Quebecer, like the Quebec. Oh, that's not fair. They're not trying to hide nothing. Oh, they don't hide.
Starting point is 01:05:37 He doesn't hide in the sense that they say he's from back bushwhackers, which is sad that you said that I'm sad that I thought it. What about the Mountie? What about him? He's just one of the Quebecers. They just repackaged him as the Mountie. That's there are a lot of reasons why that's super fucked up. Why?
Starting point is 01:05:57 We're pretty overdue for a do south reference. It's been a minute. Paul Gross is great in that show. He's not gross at all. You remember when they replaced Ray with the other Ray? I don't because I remember the last time we talked about this, I made a huge mistake because I always thought Dean Cain was the Mountie on that show. Yeah, that was a weird and then it turned out it wasn't.
Starting point is 01:06:15 That's wow. I didn't know that conversation at all. I don't know how I always thought that was him, but it turned out it wasn't. What do we talk about North of 60? Why don't we talk about that? Yeah, I don't know. I want to talk about the part of the season finale, one of the later seasons, where they just decided to throw all realism completely out the fucking door.
Starting point is 01:06:34 They had that 80 year old Mountie lady like blocking bullets with a sword, like she was a fucking samurai on a boat. Mounties can do that now. I will say this because we do still have Mounted Police that roam the streets here. And when I was in Amsterdam, I saw the same thing. It's like you're like, this is so weird and antiquated. Why would it still be a thing?
Starting point is 01:06:52 And then the but we have that one because the horses that they're riding on are not the ones that you get to do a little trot through the old town. It's the giant row horses. And those things will move a crowd. You will get out of the way. I found a real row horse, by the way, just randomly post on Tumblr. It said this is the biggest horse Guinness Book of World Records. And it's the row horse.
Starting point is 01:07:16 It's an old photo, like black and white photo. And it's the row horse with the with the orange hair almost. It was black and white. I mean, I mean, breath of the wild did it, right? True. Back in the day, horses and dogs could be quite cool. That's it. Fucking cocoa.
Starting point is 01:07:35 All right. Would you say that wraps it up? Sums it out. Yeah. Yeah. Cool. Let's take a quick word from our sponsors. Yes, let's do that.
Starting point is 01:07:46 This week, the Friendcast is sponsored by Rocket League. Hey, friends, listen up. Esports's most exciting game, Rocket League, is a sports action hit that combines driving and soccer with all the physics-based gameplay you can handle. More than 46 million players have already competed online with friends in Rocket League, and you should be next. Customize your car with hundreds of trillions of possible combinations and play with fans of all ages with groundbreaking cross-platform play on most video game systems.
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Starting point is 01:08:51 Thanks, Rocket League. Thank you, Rocket League. Good-ass game. Good-ass game. Good-ass game. That got about a million. Like, I remember playing it when it first came out and being like, this is a good-ass game. And then I put it down.
Starting point is 01:09:04 And then I turned around, and by the time I had come, like, in 360, it's like, oh, it's the most popular game in the universe. And I remember when I was like, oh, yeah, they tried this before with the, I forgot what the longer name version of it was. Liam could always remember it. Liam remembered it, and I was like, oh, yeah, this is the same thing just done again tighter. Yeah. And it worked.
Starting point is 01:09:24 I feel bad for the guys. Super mega soccer, supersonic soccer. I feel bad for the guys who did it the first time because it wasn't the game. It was the time. Yeah. The time was wrong. That first time. And now that the time is right, it is a world hit.
Starting point is 01:09:36 So shout out to that. You know, it's really similar to that. Yeah, that was pretty good. I like this new Voltron. Right. You're over six seasons now. Right, right, right. Yeah, that feeling.
Starting point is 01:09:47 Yeah. Yeah, sometimes it's just the time. Yeah, yeah. The podcast is also sponsored by Acer Game Longer and Game Harder. Level up on the go with hardware that's as versatile as it is strong. What am I talking about, Matt? The Predator Helios 300. Nicely done.
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Starting point is 01:11:27 So I played a bunch of old, old games. I have a million long ass games that I'm going back to all the time. So I'm not going to go to, I played more pillars, I played more Final Fantasy, whatever. But the one that is of interest to the people at this table that I did go back to and had gone back to the week before and the week before is dude for honor is so good now. It like I cannot over. I got a bunch of buddies of mine from 14 that, you know, hang out at Discord, right? There are guys in there that hate fighting games that are rapidly into for honor.
Starting point is 01:12:07 It is fooling them. It is working. Yeah, I was going to say they're being fooled. They are being actively tricked by for honor into playing a fighting game. It reminds me of the way people talk about the new Mario Tennis, honestly. Do you think if the, I mean, it's, yeah, I've had it for two weeks. I haven't touched it. It's utterly impossible to imagine it would have been the case.
Starting point is 01:12:28 But if you, if it released in the state it's in now, what would the difference in reception have been? Enormous because the problem, okay, you and I played it a lot at launch. Yes. And then two things happened. I played for like a week. Yeah. This is a good game, but you just, you just drop.
Starting point is 01:12:44 So two things happened. And I hope you remember one was you stopped playing domination matches. Because the statistical boosts that people could get off of gear was absurd. I remember fighting dudes that could revive with a button tap or get revenge in three blocks or just madness. I mean, I don't, I think I said like, it, like, like that same night you play a few matches and you go, oh, I'm doing, I'm dueling forever. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:12 What's the point? So the, the game's primary mode, the Dominion, which is the number one mode. Yeah. Yeah. Went by the wayside and instead everyone focused on dueling, which it became clear a lot less time went into because the one-on-one mechanics just weren't quite there. And that's when you discovered the unlock glitch. You discovered the defensive meta in which the worst thing you could ever do is attack someone.
Starting point is 01:13:37 And then every single match turned into, I think it's at this last week, double E Honda. Now I will, I will. And so everyone got hype and excited. And they all, and a bunch of people just kind of trickled off. There's something cool about their initial premise of like, not an initial premise, but I was like, what they wanted to make appealing about those other modes though, was you cleave through a bunch of shitty AI dudes in a dynasty warriors kind of way. And then you lock eyes with the one guy that's actually another player that's good.
Starting point is 01:14:06 Right. So they're going for that thing that you got from the trailer where it's like, okay, there's a crowd of people and you're fighting and then that's the one boss. That's actually another player. But you might as well just skip to the chase and make it a one on one, because that's where we actually get the most fun out of the game. Now, fixing all of the problems that I just mentioned, I had the, like the gear thing in particular, they put a hard cap on how much of any given stat you can stack.
Starting point is 01:14:32 Like you can no longer revive people instantly. And there's only so much revenge you could possibly fucking gain, which thank God. So Dominion is now much better as a result. So like they're literally all those, all those trinkets you can put on that boost things. Yeah. They can now only boost to I think a total maximum of 20% of a stat in one way or the other. Every trinket you can put on your character levels one stat and decreases another. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:58 But what people would do is they found out it's like, well, I don't care about chip damage, but I do care about revenge gain. So I'm going to do zero chip damage and gain revenge at about five times the normal rate. Or I don't care about stamina regeneration, but I do like revive speed because I can just click a button and immediately pick up a character. And so it became super fucky now that like they have hard limits. You can't go that far outside the norm. So now that mode feels better.
Starting point is 01:15:30 And people that are way and the result of that crush is that people are a million times higher level than you. They will have a numerical advantage, but it can never be as crazy as it was. And the changes to parrying and all that stuff in the dual meta is fucking great. I've been playing it for like three weeks now. And have I've yet to find something in the game that is nonsense, which was not the case when it first came out. I remember when people started to figure out that unlock bug.
Starting point is 01:16:00 Oh, fucking that was the worst. That was the absolute worst. But oh, Christ. Yeah, you would you would swing at somebody and you would unlock before it hits them. And it would change directions until you can't block it the same way anymore. Yeah, it was it was the level that I mean, I guess Ubisoft just like continuing to fund them to keep this shit going for this long is incredible. So have they ever supported anything else like of this size in this way?
Starting point is 01:16:29 Glad you asked. And so the weird thing is sure some first person like Siege. I'm sure there is a first person shooter like Siege that is exactly the situation. So but but like this is a brand new IP. Oh, yeah. Well, the thing is not something tied to like Rainbow Six. Right. Yeah, it is that when all this shit happened.
Starting point is 01:16:46 I remember talking to I think it was George and he was like Siege came out like this. Siege felt like this with all the exact same problems. Well, I mean, not the same problems in that like there was this bug and then the block shit. But like it came out and it was great, but then was fucked up. And then they turned it right around. And sure enough with For Honor, they turned it right around. One of the things that like I didn't pick up on because I wasn't paying attention was the Chinese DLC characters.
Starting point is 01:17:17 They were announced for season eight. We're on season six now. That means they're an entire new patch cycle and season before those things come out in October. But they decided to announce it like at E3. So there's a season between then and now. Yeah, that's nice. And guess what? There are going to be two or three characters that get reworks and they're going to add a bunch of stuff.
Starting point is 01:17:39 The Chinese characters are also coming with a new mode, which honestly is probably going to become the new main mode because it's an assault mode. It's defend the keep or assault the keep. Apparently they're doing this with steep now, too. That's what I don't think they're going to save that one. I don't think that's going to happen. No, I just read an article like yesterday that said like Ubisoft pledges to continue supporting steep. Something I didn't know existed until you said the word steep about 30 seconds ago.
Starting point is 01:18:09 So I bought steep. I just never booted it. But I bought it because I wanted to go in and I wanted to try like the whatever the wingsuit and stuff like that seemed like a lot of stuff that would be fun. But yeah, I guess it's just the new Ubi policy then to depending on the game. If it has like a large online structure, then I guess they're just they're actually giving it a long coattail. It's it's one of those weird things where it's like it's one of those things that Jim Sterling complains about often of like not every game can be a games as a service model
Starting point is 01:18:41 because there's only the old people only play one of those games, right? And there are obvious problems with that model. But Ubisoft's like long ass term support for these feels great because I'm really glad to go back to for honor and there's double the amount of maps now from when you played bulls and like adding those six new characters, they're all weird. I assume all the new Chinese characters are also going to be weird. Like, I you know, if someone were if someone were to say that were the case, like I said, like with with Rainbow Six, I'm less surprised because it's a large title.
Starting point is 01:19:13 It's a large IP. It's a large name with what is their driving? What's the racing series called again? Crew crew with the crew. If someone said they yeah, they kept that going. I'd be like, sure, why not? You know, Nintendo Rabbids or but like with a brand new thing, I wouldn't expect that. So wow at that. It's been how many years?
Starting point is 01:19:29 It's been two. One, I feel like it came out the start of 2017. And this is one thing February. OK, so one one and a half. So one thing that about for honor system, though, that is actually a massive, massive, massive plus for it compared to I'm going to I'm going to call for honor a fighting game. Yeah, for the record, of course it is. Dude, you would be surprised at the amount of people go.
Starting point is 01:19:56 Because it's a competitive, combative sport. It's it's closer to Anarchy Reigns, for example. This is where my Anarchy Reigns love goes. But unlike any other fighting game, well, let's take. Oh, here's a good example, Marvel Infinite. You just described you have not played Marvel Infinite since when we did a video on it. Yeah, like I love a long time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:28 Thus, when you picked up Marvel Infinite, you went. Shit, right? The move list on a for honor character does not exceed like 15 total moves. And everyone has a universal control scheme. It was relatively I was able to get back in within maybe five. Well, it's yeah, because well, the other bit too is that it's not a game about memorizing combos or sequences. It's a game about like memorizing reads and visual exchanges.
Starting point is 01:20:59 Yeah. The only the only thing that changes is like when I would keep grabbing people and they kept breaking it, I'm like, you shouldn't be able to do that. And then you look up, it's like, no, they're able to break. You're able to break anything now, unless you're in a dodge. Because the throwing dudes off of cliffs while hilarious ended up being like a somewhat of a large balance problem, because everyone could do it. And it was the best way to fight and kill anybody ever.
Starting point is 01:21:26 And characters that could wall bounce. I mean, this this it's eventually going to have to come to a close on this dev cycle. But like, it would be really rad if they just announced a two with all this to build off of. Yeah. No, that's not going to happen. Not with something like this. Like, you remember? Okay, let's take CS source at least not for a long time yet.
Starting point is 01:21:54 Well, if it if it feels like it came out so long ago, but you guys just said is the beginning of 2017, which is nuts, because it feels like longer because when you say there's so it's a bit. Yeah. So it is a bit like silly of me to say like announced a two because I'm like, it's what's been a year and a half like relax. So yeah, but either way, like there will be a lot to base themselves off of if and when they You in particular, Willie, this this is who might I direct this and it's I totally understand
Starting point is 01:22:23 what you mean by a two. There's no reason to make a two ever, ever like Dota two is called Dota two so that it doesn't run on a Warcraft three engine. And that's it. The only reason Counter Strike went from source to go is they could do all the esports, you know, shenanigans with it. Like there could like I remember it was a big deal when League of Legends got a new client. It did not a new game, but I got a completely new client built from the ground up.
Starting point is 01:22:56 So this is such an online structure. When I when I look at for Honor, I see absolutely no reason to ever make a sequel. So it's like those other things you listed. Yeah, just it's the receptacle just add for content. Yeah. And if you need to do a total overhaul, do a total overhaul. But why actually change the thing? But does Ubisoft work that way?
Starting point is 01:23:16 Right? If Ubisoft is not the for Honor company. Yeah, they don't. They're the company that makes IPs and sequels. The crew too came out like they haven't they don't have a long standing thing that just like those games you mentioned. Yeah, those games you mentioned are like get announced every other day. Those games you mentioned are the flagships of the companies that make them and it's what they do.
Starting point is 01:23:37 You know, so the reason why I think that applies here is because of Siege. Siege has been out for a while. And there they have added. They have like tripled and quadrupled the amount of shit in that game. And they showed no signs of stopping. Like every time you if I looked over, it's like plans for the next season of Siege. Like as long as it retains its popularity, even to a degree, as long as it's viable, there's no real reason to do anything.
Starting point is 01:24:07 The division is not like there's a sequel to the division. So the divisions are weird. It just seems like randomly they'll just pick and choose what they want to stick around. I imagine I imagine that at a certain point, they'll just choose now. I could like it's because it's because it's Ubisoft. It's not I would I would like I believe I could break it down on which ones that'll happen to and which won't. And I think the number one reason is the crew is not successful.
Starting point is 01:24:35 Yeah. And the division wasn't as successful as they wanted, but also the division is destiny. And was always planned to be multiple in a row. Yeah. Destiny was supposed to be like a 10 year game and it wasn't. Yeah. Well, yeah. But I mean, I like I feel like the like I guess it also depends on like how
Starting point is 01:24:53 much of the like single player matters, you know, to a certain degree. The answer is zero. And and things change. And if you're a company that rely not relies on but really does like need or desire to have your big announcements on the stage and, you know, when a new generation happens, it's a new thing. Like I count I would count for honor as a game that might just arbitrarily get. Oh, by the way, that reminds me that you mentioned there's something that we missed the Chinese
Starting point is 01:25:24 characters. They're also coming with a new single player campaign. New campaign. Wow. Cool. Okay. Like how long that'll be, who knows. But interesting.
Starting point is 01:25:33 Dude, it's like I I'm down for. I'd give that a go just to see if they made an improvement. So the the first single player because I even the first single player I've been told is good, but you have to crank it up all the way to the max on difficulty. I played for a bit and I thought it was really blind. Like I expected it to be blind, but not as blind as it was. These nights are jerks. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:56 The cataclysm. It's a fighting game story. What do you expect? This is true. What did we expect? And it's not even a fighting game story, really. And I know I mentioned it last time, but for in case it didn't sink in, they realized, oh, yeah, it's weird that these characters are just like units and they don't care.
Starting point is 01:26:14 So all the characters are going to get turned into fighting game characters. They're all going to become backstories and shit. Which, you know, they already were with their voices and like. A little bit. But now it's going to be they're going to be named. But now, but but you can chew and like now when you go through their their like skin colors and tattoos and stuff, that's just you dressing up your version of whatever peacekeeper.
Starting point is 01:26:35 Look at geese. He looks like he's in a wrestling. Yeah. I yeah. No, I just can't like dude. It's get back in. It's so good. It's so good.
Starting point is 01:26:46 Oh, there is one fun problem that I've discovered. Like will he wouldn't even start up Street Fighter five this week? Yeah. Do not get started. Do we might he might know how deep for honors. Do you know how badly I want to start working Vigito into my team? Really, really badly. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:02 Vigito is your big favorite. He's the best. Yeah, play a real fighting game. So like, trust me, it's there. But the thing is like so. Oh, so what you're asking me to do is drop off the next Kirby lore and quit near for a minute. Just to get it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:14 Okay. All right. No, just sleep less. Yeah. Yes, bless. Well, I already don't sleep at all. Sleep less man. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:21 No, but there is a fun accidental thing that's been happening. I think you play. Oh, I just thought like I think I think I'm going to do that from now on when someone's like, hey man, look, you really need to do this or do that. I'm like, OK, cool. What should I drop? Tell me what to drop. Should I stop watching my hero or Megalobot?
Starting point is 01:27:38 What should I drop? Tell me what to drop. Sleep. The answer is sleep. Yeah. Yeah. No, there is a fun goofy thing where if you play with a friend of yours and you both have like relatively high skill levels, you end up getting paired up in the most
Starting point is 01:27:50 infuriating matches possible because you get paired up with bad players that have great gear. And it's really infuriating because it's objectively unfair, but you muddle through, but your win ensures that you're getting that match again because your win rate didn't go down. Right. Right. And it's super weird. It's bizarre. And dedicated servers should be.
Starting point is 01:28:20 But dedicated servers help something like Street Fighter. I don't know. The Street Fighter is still a problem. No, no, not problem wise, but I feel reliable. I feel like rollback is like GGPO rollback is the best we're going to get. I feel like there's a upper limit to what you can do. And they've been this is an expensive. This is the most expensive problem in fighting games.
Starting point is 01:28:46 And because they're not going to get simpler with this like the size of packets because they're not going to get. You know what I mean? Like because things are not going to are only going to get more complex from here. I feel like we do have to acknowledge at a certain point North American internet is horseshit. That's correct. And you cannot fix that.
Starting point is 01:29:03 Oh, I tried to there is a point where your money will get you this level of service. And if you don't spend that money on that amazing internet, you there's your expectations have to be dropped. I've got fiber. And I mean, I passed Wolf tried to get the third strike. How'd that go on the anniversary collection? How'd that go? Unplayable.
Starting point is 01:29:24 But to be fair, that's mostly anniversary collections. Yeah. So I'll I'm going to figure out what Fightcade is and how to use it and give that a shot. But I should mention, however, unplayable, which led to me going, oh, this match is garbage and I alt tabbed out to start up a new match, which led to I patch Wolf telling the internet that I rage quitta on him a couple of times, which led to me being picked up by fucking scrub quotes. I seen it.
Starting point is 01:29:52 That's great. Now me and plague brothers and scrub. I'm there, too. Oh, you're in there. Yeah. What for someone quoted someone? Well, someone was. Bosses.
Starting point is 01:30:01 Yeah. Someone was quoted about going like, well, he's such a cheap asshole that only picks boss characters in games and he's so cheap and garbage or whatever. And then like someone underneath there was like, yeah, like, like I have to dig it up. I don't remember, but I got in there. Say, wait, were you on scrub quotes or were you mentioned in somebody else's? I was mentioned in someone else's different. That's different.
Starting point is 01:30:24 You didn't get the bull's eye right in your targeted. No, I don't know. I was not targeted. No, I was just I was mentioned on it though. Yes. But yeah, you and plague directly got one hundred percent shot bang bang. Plague deserves to be there. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:30:37 He's a mess. That was the that was the fucking quarter circle one or whatever. Yeah, absolutely. It was. Why do you have to have these over complicated inputs? Can't you just change fireball to like hold to like hold L2 or something? That's Mortal Kombat. That's that's smash.
Starting point is 01:30:54 And honestly, yeah. A motion that's been around since like for 30 years almost. 91. And even then Street Fighter One literally did have the motions like the exact same that Street Fighter Two. They were just shitty and unreliable. Street Fighter One champion talking over here. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:17 Um, here we go. Found it. Yeah, it was. I like how he says he's going to fight in games. When have I ever said that? When he uses sheep and new characters. You're very careful to not say that. Like examples are Virgil, Black and noob sidebar.
Starting point is 01:31:33 They're all either chief or they don't rely on skills. So is that like that thing? And then yeah, I like a reminder. Don't talk to black players. Don't make eye contact. Don't shake their hands. And then shout out to Angela. Be like, yeah, Steve Fox hit and biking.
Starting point is 01:31:47 Those no brainer gorillas. Just like, no brainer gorillas. Yeah. But that is that is the word that I would actually spot me to say. Like when I wrote that thing, I'm saying I literally have been more careful than anything else in my life to never, ever, ever say ever. But no, but I think it doesn't matter that you didn't say it. I know.
Starting point is 01:32:08 You're associated with fighting games. Serious? If I don't know every single minute detail of the punisher, then you're like, oh, then you hate the punisher. But it was it was such a specific thing that I'm always really conscientious of. So seeing that made me go, wow, it's not good enough. You know, memes aside. But yeah, they must have heard you when you were off camera,
Starting point is 01:32:30 as you are want to brag about your fighting game expertise. As soon as the audio turns off, well, they just like, I'm so free. I'm the greatest that ever was. Yeah, that's it. I throw your controller at my stick. Oh, no. Constant unheard pop-offs that no one will ever know.
Starting point is 01:32:52 Squeeze that bitch. Oh, fuck. Um, was that, uh, that was it? Oh, it's early on. Yeah, I like it's it's absorbed this place of like, you know that moment where you're like, I'm not really sure what what I want to do right now all the time for honor. Like it has filled that moment every single time for the past like two,
Starting point is 01:33:17 three weeks. And I have come away like satisfied and happy nearly every time. Vikings are the best. I mean, I mean, like, I know that I don't have the time, but I'm feeling it. And I'm peripherally enjoying your enjoyment of that game that is fucking good. Exactly what you mean. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:33:38 Well, it'll be there. That that Chinese expansions. It's just October. There's a nice deep like fuck. Yeah. For owners still good. It's nice knowing I'd say it's a lot better now. Even yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:49 Yeah. But just but just like that cool concept we saw and got super hype over when we first saw the trailer, that thing exists and it's like real and it's awesome now. And also makes me really excited for like, there was there's a while there where we're like, yeah, fighting games are fighting games. And now we're in the era of like new, entirely new mutant births. Pick your new weird shit.
Starting point is 01:34:12 Have been created. And there's lots of places to dedicate yourself. And it's and it's really interesting because yeah, every time something new comes out, it splits up the grouping a little bit more. Yeah. You know, some multi players are like, yeah, I'm gonna hang out on Skullgirls for a minute. And now I don't want to live in the bathroom forever. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:29 And you know, I'm like leaving just like touching Skullgirls now. Yeah. It was like, man, that was a blast. But like, wow, wow. I'm like, okay, like I still like that was a situation where it's like, what you know is still there, but there's just so much more than what you know. But like, but the point is that people live now on these games and they pick one and that's it. And like BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle has its dedicated group now of people that do nothing,
Starting point is 01:34:59 but play tag, you know, and it's going to keep thinning. It's going to keep happening. There's people that never left pit persona. There's literally people that still play before you. And not even like Ultimax like before A. Yeah. Jesus. And like a bunch of the FGC guys, people that I follow every now and then still tweet out like
Starting point is 01:35:22 Marvel Infinite combos. And you're like, you know what, man? Yeah. Yeah. You're doing it. You're doing it. You're keeping it going. Did you ever even touch Venom?
Starting point is 01:35:30 I never did. I did touch Venom because he was at the Comic Con, New York Comic Con. So I think Black Panther was. But I remember Venom being there. I feel like Venom was at New York Comic Con. Did Venom come out at the same time? Did he come out later? Wait, Black Panther is in the game?
Starting point is 01:35:46 Black Panther, Venom. Well, before his movie came out. Oh, no, no, no. Sorry. He was part of the second group that came with... There's two, right? What's his name? Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:35:57 Bucky. Bucky, yes. Yeah. It was just Venom and Bucky. Venom came with Bucky. Never mind. Yeah, I got that one. All right.
Starting point is 01:36:01 So I can one up you on that. I don't think I've ever seen Black Panther in Marvel. Oh, yeah. He came out in October. Single screenshot. Black Panther came out right with Monster Hunter. Yeah. And Sigma.
Starting point is 01:36:15 That's hilarious. It was Sigma, Monster Hunter, Black Panther. I know that. Loaded the game up and fucked around with Monster Hunter. Yeah. Still never solved. Black Panther is actually really cool. And then later was Black Widow, Bucky, and Venom.
Starting point is 01:36:30 Yeah, yeah. Leaving us with a offset character's screen that will never be solved. That's the game's greatest problem. The uncanny addition, though. Maybe. Maybe. That is such an obvious falsity. Why do people push that?
Starting point is 01:36:48 Because it's fun. Although the ability to have a team made up of metal arm, tank top, long hair boys with guns. There's a lot of them. Bucky and Spencer's on the same team are like, oh, you're just... The same person. It's Spider-Man pointing at himself with his bionic arm going, it's you. That's what it is. That's my favorite.
Starting point is 01:37:09 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's get into the news. Yeah, you said you talked about awesome and things that exist. So what is awesome and exists? Are you a fan of Michael Morbius? Yes. We were talking about not 24 hours ago. Matt and I were talking about Michael Morbius.
Starting point is 01:37:29 Because you guys played Vampire, didn't you? Yes, we did. How was that? It is, I didn't know what it was, and it's super cool. Nice. It's janky. Yay. It's janky, but it seemed not bad at all.
Starting point is 01:37:41 It is a double A game with a... Do you remember when I was like, I hope that's good and you guys were making fun of me? Yeah. Because it didn't look good at all. Did it turn out to be good? It's janky, but it has potential. It is a weird European game that mixes a bunch of different styles that I think would work. It's gumbo.
Starting point is 01:37:58 But it seems real good. It's a light gumbo. It's one of those games that reviewed somewhat poorly, but all the user reviews are like ecstatic. So I mean, remember the step up from remember me to life is strange. Let's go back to Michael Morbius. No. The step up from remember me to life is strange is not to be understated, but so far so good, one episode, right?
Starting point is 01:38:25 Yep. Cool. I like two, but whatever. Yeah. Yeah. Jared Leto is going to Jared Leto his way through Morbius. We talked about this. This means that he's not going to play the Joker. No, he'll play both. He's going to do it because now it's very clear to anybody who can get a superhero role
Starting point is 01:38:41 that they're going to take it because that's big cash money. Because Lawrence Fishburne technically is still alive in the Superman movies, but he's also an Ant-Man. Anyone who laughed at superhero movies as an actor is now 100% racing for anything they'll get. Now Jared Leto is apparently playing Michael. I need your plasma, Morbius. With the hand suckers. In a spin off movie.
Starting point is 01:39:05 So Venom is going to be the first Sony like Spider-Man. There was another spin off movie I think we talked about briefly. It was Silver and Black. Silver and Black. Which was the Silver Sable and Black Hat. And that got like kind of indefinitely cancelled or whatever. How many Spider-Man spin offs without Spider-Man can we make? You should make zero.
Starting point is 01:39:24 There's a billion. You should make zero. We're doing the whole SCU. Do you think they're going to have- Or NSCU. Not Spider-Man Cinematic Universe. Do you consider Michael Morbius a Spider-Man character? I consider him a Blade character.
Starting point is 01:39:41 I also- Which is why- The dark part of the Marvel Universe. To me the only reason to make this movie is because what? You fucking get Wesley. There'll be a newsstand that says Daily Bugle and that's it. You get Wesley and then you make everyone's fucking minds pop. I have a question.
Starting point is 01:39:58 At the moment where he shows up and you go yeah he's here. I have a question. Because he's a Blade villain and he's not a Spider-Man villain. Both of you. This is a hypothetical. He is both. Do you think that with the spin off stuff and I'm going to assume there's some kind of deal here in which Marvel's like can you not just have a Spider-Man movie let us do the Spider-Man whatever.
Starting point is 01:40:18 Because all these spin offs make it look like they don't have a Spider-Man movie. And they agree to Spider-Man at least on his own. Right. But they still they're still feeling frisky and want the rest. Do you think that anyone over at the Sony has the balls to attempt a Ben Riley movie. Well to be fair Ben Riley might very well be in the CG movie because they're throwing all the Spider-Man's in there. It's not Spider-Man.
Starting point is 01:40:46 Wait which CG movie. Oh sorry sorry sorry wait wait yeah the new one yeah sorry. It's not Spider-Man. Yes yes yes yes yes looks amazing looks amazing looks super amazing yes. It's Scarlet's Spider. It's a spin off. No no the answer is no. You know what like here's the thing no unless they get really desperate because I could see
Starting point is 01:41:08 that being. You can't do Peter Parker forever. No but you remember what we read about Silk. Reboots rather. Last week we talked about Silk. Yeah apparently they want to do a Silk movie. Right so we talked about that right and. Silk's awesome though.
Starting point is 01:41:21 But but the idea is that like in this not Spider-Man cinematic universe which I'm going with the NSCU it seems as if like there's enough not Spider-Man to grab and do shit with even though homecoming and far from home are going to be their own things. When I was when I was a kid I realized how big Spider-Man really is because they released that set of cards it was just the Spider-Man collectible card like set like Fleer Ultra Marvel masterpiece of Spider-Man got his own where every much like the Marvel Universe series three that had the connecting galaxy backgrounds every single card made a nine card like I know exactly which one you're talking about.
Starting point is 01:42:05 I had that and they were all drawn by Mark Bagley and they had all these characters and some of them were like all that appeared if you started in a Spider-Man comic. So maybe Morbius very is if your first appearance was in a Spider-Man comic. I'm I'm gonna kill you Spider-Man. I consider you then a Spider-Man villain. Did Morbius start in Spider-Man he made very well. We'll find out. The the one thing I will say is that the if you want to talk about how how when you knew
Starting point is 01:42:32 Spider-Man was big yeah I knew Spider-Man was big when I saw the list of most popular characters and he was number one. And then Batman and Spider-Man and Superman were like second was the distant second. Like this was back when the this was back when the DCU was first getting started. So I remember reading about this around the time of Superman Returns. There were like straight up Spider-Man equals number one Batman equals number two power gap. I just considered it when Spider-Man just the new comic that has the iconic Todd McFarlane art of him just sitting there with all the spiders around him that
Starting point is 01:43:12 that was the highest selling comic of all time for like a spell or Just think about think about how many shut up. I want to know my Morbius Michael Morbius first appeared in the amazing Spider-Man There you go. There you go making him a Spider-Man furthermore the midnight suns. Yeah, the spirits of vengeance are a group including Johnny Blaze. Yeah, we got the fucking picture. We got the midnight suns.
Starting point is 01:43:44 Oh my god. Oh, what's his fucking name? I'm not going to look at it. The guy in the blue mask. It's like night. Moon night. No, it's prowler. Dark hold.
Starting point is 01:43:57 Dark hold. Who's dark hold? No way. Dark hold. Oh, shit. It's happening again. Something else. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:44:03 All right. Oh, former members. Yeah, yeah. Who are all the fucking Blades? Johnny Blaze, Dr. Strange, Frank Trey, Ghost Rider. Hannibal King. Hannibal King, Darkhold Redeemers, Morbius, Louise Hastings, and Victoria Montessy. Fuck that guy.
Starting point is 01:44:19 It's got to be Darkhold Redeemers. Because Darkhold is like this evil like group. Look at that name. Oh, it was a group of beings. Okay, so they were. So maybe it's Hannibal King? No, Hannibal King is a God. Private detective?
Starting point is 01:44:35 No, Deadpool. What's the actor? Ryan Reynolds? Yeah, he played Hannibal King in Blade Trinity. Oh my God. That guy. Okay, sure. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:44:45 That I didn't realize. I didn't even realize that was a not a made up character. Is he what's Hannibal King? I didn't even realize that was not a made up character. Wow. Okay. Put him in the pool. The guy who made fun of Triple H was.
Starting point is 01:44:53 Yeah, it is Hannibal King. That's crazy. Man, that movie's trash. Yeah, Triple H is an adult. Yeah, he's got a fake metal nose. Well, dude, I don't know because like everyone on that list. Is a name that's not a thing and like this guy's just here. So I don't know.
Starting point is 01:45:13 He's there though. The Midnight Sons. No, it's somebody else because it says the dark old Redeemer's Louise Hastings, Victoria Montessy. It does. Whoa. What are we looking at? Oh, his badass is just a pun shirt.
Starting point is 01:45:28 It's Ghost Rider. That looks like I guess Blade. New Blade. Yeah. Well, he's holding a blade. I think that's Hannibal King. It's Wesley Smythe's haircut. I think that's Hannibal King in the red.
Starting point is 01:45:36 Just wearing the codel. That's obviously Doctor Strange. How new is this? This looks pretty new. That came out tomorrow. That's last year. Wait, this Midnight Sons series needs to be a thing. Is it fake?
Starting point is 01:45:49 It might be just a fake piece of art. To fool Matt. It's fake. So a whole cottage industry of getting your hopes up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's unclear. Greg. It's unclear.
Starting point is 01:45:59 Look at his Greg. In any case. In any case. Marvel's Morbius. I am 50-50 whether this will actually even come out. The Morbius movie? Yeah, yeah. I'm going to give it a thumbs down.
Starting point is 01:46:13 Oh, yeah. That was Moon Night. I think this is going to happen. It was Moon Night? That was Moon Night back there. It was just a different crazy costume? No, no, no. Not the guy on the other comic.
Starting point is 01:46:21 The guy all in white. The guy all in white. That was Moon Night back there. No, it was another guy. This Morbius movie is not going to happen. There was another guy. Are we doing this? There was a guy that had the most spawn-esque costume
Starting point is 01:46:31 and he was a Spider-Man guy. Was it Spawnerman? It wasn't. We're doing this. Does anyone know? There's a guy that wore the spawn-like costume and I think he's a black dude underneath to put on this costume.
Starting point is 01:46:44 And his name was like Night Thrasher. Not Night Thrasher. That's a completely different costume. No, Night Thrasher is the shit that caused the shit last. The new warriors. That caused Civil War. He's cool. Yeah, Night Thrasher's awesome.
Starting point is 01:46:54 Fucking holding the sticks. Was his name in? Was it Darkhold? The Fallen? Because it looked like it. I'm telling you, it was Spawnerman. All right, hold on a minute. Spawnerman?
Starting point is 01:47:03 Yeah, you missed it the first time. Okay, hold on. Here we go. The Midnight Suns. All right. Midnight Suns, members. Maybe it was Darkhold. Werewolf by Night.
Starting point is 01:47:11 I think you're just describing Spawn. Hellstorm? Damon Hellstorm? No, you're not talking about Damon Hellstorm. No, no, Hellstorm is a different thing. Okay. Hybrid looked like Spawn. Hybrid?
Starting point is 01:47:22 Okay, Darkhold was definitely its own comic and had the girl and some dude. That's something else. But what was the guy? You might be thinking of Hybrid. He had a long cape. No, it's not a hybrid. He had a long cape and he was like involved.
Starting point is 01:47:36 Who the fuck is this? Who the fuck is this? This isn't that one of those other Marvel fun things. Earth 12131. Who the fuck is this loser? No, he looks cool. Agony, Lacher, Phage, and Riot. They all hybrided.
Starting point is 01:47:53 The unforgettable sound. This version of Hybrid can mimic the abilities of them. Oh, he's going to be in the Venom. So it's all separation of anxiety together? Hybrid theory. What? That's super busted. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:48:11 Well, that's a fucking... Look at this super symbiote, though. He's really like fucking... He looks like a badass. That's some kind of anime villain. That's like super carnage. Damn it. Wow.
Starting point is 01:48:23 Okay. I need to look up the guy I'm thinking of and let's press on. We've regrettably, regrettably. Yes, very regrettably. We press on. Like, there's nothing I like better than talking about. Thanks for nothing, Jared Leto. Yeah, I mean, you know, like the names listed here are the same ones, right?
Starting point is 01:48:40 There's nothing popping up new in this. And they keep seeing the same ones over. I don't think he's part of it. Oh, you're just going elsewhere with it. No, no, but he's a very... Like, he's a dark, scary character, but... Well, anyway, here's the thing, right? Jared Leto doing his fucking like fictional parody version of himself
Starting point is 01:48:59 Yeah. Is basically Morbius if he throws an accent on it. What's he going to do? Run around biting the cast? Well, he's going to... At first, he's going to stare it around with his eyes being creepy and he's going to sip wine for a while. Put in Night Watch.
Starting point is 01:49:13 Night Watch, Marvel. Night Watch. One word. I foresee Jared Leto refusing to act in the daylight or other such dumbass things. Night Watch. You're talking about Night Watch. This guy. I've seen it.
Starting point is 01:49:27 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know this fucker. Look, oh my god. Oh my god, click off that. Look at the image below it. Look. This one? Yeah, Spike Lee is going to make one.
Starting point is 01:49:38 Wait, what? Okay, no, no, no. I know. Why do I know this? Because he's a Spider-Man guy. Did I have a copy? I didn't have a copy of this. He's in some issue.
Starting point is 01:49:46 Look, he got his own thing, but he showed up with this. I know this logo. I fucking know it. I know that logo. Look at the spawn ripoff. I might have thrown out a copy of this book. Do you know how I found his name? I put in spawn ripoff.
Starting point is 01:49:59 Oh man, Spike Lee made direct a movie for Sony to paste on Marvel character Night Watch. What is this from? Wait, this is 2018? This is March, 2018? Yes, a few months ago. Night Watchers first introduced 1913 as the alter ego of African-American scientist
Starting point is 01:50:15 Dr. Kevin Trench, who, in his The Costume Man die battling terrorists while armed with invisibility-generating cloaking devices. So he's spawned in and out of costume. Yes. Because Al's black, too. The superhero team that was Spider-Man, Captain America, and Death Lock, oh Jesus,
Starting point is 01:50:33 among other heroes in the comic books. Fuck. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm very happy with today's progress. Give a hacky character to a hacky director. Do it. This is a Spike Lee joint. Nobody cares.
Starting point is 01:50:45 Night Watch is going to be living the dream, guys. Wow. There's a picture of spawn right there. Look at this guy. Look at this Cadillac of Superheroes. Also disclaimer, Spike Lee wasn't always a hack. He just became one later. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:00 This is fucking weird, because this logo and this cover is fucking getting me hard. Like, I know this from something. And I want to say- He's in comic books. I want to say, like, I didn't own it, but I want to say, like, my brother owned it, you know? I feel like he had this,
Starting point is 01:51:16 and he would have marked out at this kind of design, too. So he had a copy of Night Watch, and you had your action figure of the giant with the neck brace. Oh, man. No, that was his. Mine was mine. Mine was the Goldberg that came with it. It's yours to me.
Starting point is 01:51:31 And I had the Kevin Nash. Yeah, and then when his Hulk doll broke, he took the neck brace off the giant and tried to stitch Hulk back together with it. The neck brace doesn't come off the toy. It's permanently on it. Look at Night Watch teaming up with Venom and a lot of covers. Fuck me.
Starting point is 01:51:44 Why would you correct an obvious lie? Who's that Warbringer? Okay, you guys out there in Audio Land need to Google Warbringer Night Watch Marvel Comics. Just Google every name that comes up. That's correct. At Comic-Con, I'm going to get a bunch of these comics. Because what was the asshole with the red mask
Starting point is 01:52:02 that had a blood strike? Was it blood strike? Because that was another one of my brother's fucking youth. He liked that character. But yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think Blood Strike did have a mask at some point, but he also didn't have a mask in some images.
Starting point is 01:52:17 So this fucking character. Right in the middle, the middle one. This character, Blood Strike, the ultimate of that era. Like, and my brother saw the first issue and he just lost his shit and bought it super hard. I just didn't knew the image. Go back up. Take that one.
Starting point is 01:52:31 Well, I'm looking for the issue that he had. Okay. Right? And I'm trying to find the cover that he specifically had. And none of these are the one. But it was like one of the premier issues and he's on the cover doing his kneels, kneeled up pose with his knees everywhere.
Starting point is 01:52:44 With this one. No, no, no. It was this one. Yeah, this is the one. I still have this. I still have this. My brother, like, I tell you, what is he fucking? Buried in a cap.
Starting point is 01:52:51 Yeah. In fact, this might even be in the box. Cool. I bet you it's in the box. I bet you it's worthless. Yeah. Probably. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:59 But look, Bloodstrike also doesn't have a mask sometimes. Oh, and then he turns into cable. Yeah, he's it's extreme prejudice. Part seven. Fuck. Yeah, they just deadpooled really hard on this dude. I wonder when that Rob Liefeld cinematic universe is coming to Netflix,
Starting point is 01:53:13 is going to actually just stay and like come the thing. When do we get wetworks, though? Because actually, I feel like like all kidding aside. I feel like wetworks will come out when wetworks issues did, which is one per year. It could be like it could be a super ghetto low budget, like three episode mini series damage in the bottom, bottom right.
Starting point is 01:53:38 Check out this chick. Yeah. He had forearms and this little mask and that's that's it. What's her name? Forearm. I forget what her name was. Oh, and she hung out with the fake Wolverine. Yeah, that's deadlock.
Starting point is 01:53:49 Yeah, I had a fake Wolverine guy. Look at the fucking dude with he's literally just fake Wolverine. We talked about this. Look at this fucking character. What are you doing? Look, there's not Wolverine guy that Rob Liefeld. Someone remastered Bloodstrike. And now you guys are back on this Wolverine ripple.
Starting point is 01:54:08 You always come back to this guy. And his name is so lame. It's deadlock. Of course it is. I thought it was Nighthawk. No, that's another Wolverine ripple. Shut up. That's another one.
Starting point is 01:54:18 No. No, Nighthawk is different. You're thinking of Shadowhawk. You're thinking of Shadowhawk. I didn't think of anything. Darkhawk is better. No, not Darkhawk. Shadowhawk.
Starting point is 01:54:28 Darkhawk's another one. Not the same. Darkhawk is the Marvel one. He's got the big blade arms. And how bad you just got me. Of course they'd rip off Wolverine multiple times. He's too good to rip off only one. Like Spider-Man.
Starting point is 01:54:44 And I was going to say back when we were talking about him being Spider-Man being number one, just think about how many images you've seen of like some ghetto toy shop in a weird foreign country that have a weird Spider-Man toy there, right? By that logic, Shrek is the most popular. Yeah, sure. But like the reason why you're seeing,
Starting point is 01:55:06 but that yellow and purple Spider-Man in the toy bin that's next to Obama. And Black Bart. That's there because Spider-Man is the most popular character in the world. And then my Vegeta and Bulma are right next to them. Sure. Like him showing up on all the creepy YouTube videos
Starting point is 01:55:21 with Elsa Gate. Him showing up in Turkish fucking Spider-Man and Star Wars shit. And everywhere as the most parodied weird thing ever. It's because he's number one with a bullet. Like nothing's close. He buried Patrick on the beach and then Patrick died. Those videos are weird, man.
Starting point is 01:55:39 Yeah. But Frozen. Frozen's pregnant though. I'm so glad we... Frozen is pregnant. Yeah, Frozen. Not Elsa. Frozen.
Starting point is 01:55:46 That's what I said. Yep. Man, I sure love that part where they had that long date with Tangled. People cried. I'm very happy that we talked about the dumb shit during Morbius. We barely talked about the story.
Starting point is 01:56:03 I'm very happy with this. Can we move on? Yes. I've said twice we can. Like you kept sticking around. And you say you're such an asshole. You're like, can we move on now? Since man has blood on his hands from dragging the
Starting point is 01:56:17 conversation over to the Google image search. I did tell him to go look at Night Watch though. You did. That was my fault. You guys are both at stake. Criminally responsible. Criminally responsible for these ripoffs. Amazon might be at fault.
Starting point is 01:56:35 Oh, this is... Me and Matt were like when we were recording Vampire, this came up and we were laughing ourselves silly. Because it's like... Can this be real? It's assuredly real. It's assuredly real. This is now the new Might As Well Be confirmed.
Starting point is 01:56:51 So this is the least... This you... I can't imagine a less hype way of finding out that this game exists. Amazon Italy leaks Bloodborne 2. That is the least hype possible way for this to happen. And it's not some fly by night nothing little online vendor. It's fucking Amazon. I would rather a blurry razor cell phone pick from a kid that got
Starting point is 01:57:18 tackled and uploaded it before he got killed than this. I was talking to Matt yesterday about this and the part about this that just hurts the soul is that they had... They totally got around everyone's expectations by announcing and showing off Sekiro. Which made people go, oh, so no Bloodborne. So then people would have been really surprised when they saw a Bloodborne trailer at TGS. Well, multiple things come to mind. One, they...
Starting point is 01:57:52 And also announced that VR game. And they also announced that other thing they're working on. So FromSoft is keeping fucking busy. Yeah, that VR game they confirmed that wasn't part of the games they talked about. The three that they said they were making. But they... But like they still, you know, like you're like, oh, they're very busy working on lots of things. Got it.
Starting point is 01:58:10 Okay. Plus, there's that original new game they said they were working on as well, which is a fourth thing. So the idea that there's a fucking Bloodborne 2 in the works is kind of weird, especially considering, I don't know why I assumed when they said the end of souls games, they included this too. No, I never thought that. You never thought that?
Starting point is 01:58:26 No. I thought they meant this too. I always assumed that was the end of souls games as Namco Bandai owns the word souls. No way Sony would like. But Demon's Souls is still alive. Demon's Souls is still alive. And Bloodborne is still alive. But Sony owns those.
Starting point is 01:58:41 So the gameplay is all, so then even if the souls games proper are done, the gameplay will still... But also, I mean, we saw the end of Dark Souls 3. There's nowhere left for that. For that story to go. No. That shit is done. But I also kind of thought that it might have been based on them all. There's a feeling that they were like, we've done this.
Starting point is 01:59:03 We want to try other things. Yeah, well it's also the thing that got their company to matter. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, they mattered. Yeah. Like that sucks, but dude. They mattered to me way before, but now they matter to everybody.
Starting point is 01:59:17 Yeah, that's true. So let us lie right here. This wasn't the only game leak that would interest genre fans as Amazon Italy also revealed that Dark Souls remastered for the Nintendo Switch, along with Solar Amiibo, will be both be out on August 31st. That listing is still up as of this writing. So it looks like there's some way to this leak. There was also a Splinter Cell listing.
Starting point is 01:59:37 Splinter Cell has been rumored for a couple weeks. Fucking Bezos strikes again, man. What are you going to do? That's crazy to me. Can't stop him. But also remember, I just made me think, you know what you're saying about from softwares working on all this stuff, but they can also depend on Japan Studio to do some of the heavy lifting on a Bloodborne too.
Starting point is 01:59:58 They can. Also, they've got the staff. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like that's not a concern. Like I believe they have the ability to do it. So from softwares in and out. But we just assumed they were, you know, working on softwares in an awkward place right now
Starting point is 02:00:11 in that Miyazaki now is the director of every project. Yeah. As well as being the CEO of the company. That is weird. Yeah. I've identified the weak link in the future of this company when he dies in a year or two. I mean, look, like is there ever going to be a Quantum Dream game that's not David Cage? No.
Starting point is 02:00:34 I think it's because is there ever a. Vanilla Ware game that's not George. They put out game game. They put out game four or five years apart from softwares been putting out a game a year since like 2001. Kojima doesn't direct every Metal Gear though or something like that. And with the exception of Dark Souls 2, he is directed every single one of them. He, yeah, it's not good.
Starting point is 02:00:58 It is not good. I do think though with this, I guess like, yeah, you can assume that's going to keep going. And and I, I just, I don't know why I felt that it could be. I think it's entirely made up in my head, but I felt there was a sentiment of like they would like to take a break from those games before getting back in. If ever slash creating a whole new thing that's that has similar things, but it's still super different. They can take a break all they want, but Sony can be like, you're not taking a break.
Starting point is 02:01:29 I can or we're going to give it to someone else. No, but just like. I would imagine that the people who wanted to take a break are working on that VR game or other projects because they can now. Do you think for now until forever, there will always be a Souls type game and development until forever? That's a bit broad. But as long as this company remains a company, there will always be a game where they're
Starting point is 02:01:53 working on it. Like Sekiro, it has a level up. It's barely a Souls game now. It's just a straight up action game. Something with a level up lady will be in development at all times. Is this the future? Now, like, I mean, there was a point which like combining DLCs and stuff like that where souls essentially became annualized for a three or four year period and most people
Starting point is 02:02:12 didn't even notice with the re-releases and such. No, this bloodborne and fucking game releases and like though they all sold super well and they were all very high quality. So it would be look if I was running this company, it would be absurd to not have one of those games in development. Well, here's the thing, right? Like most other companies would very easily. Well, I'd say that put it this way, it's probably very hard to resist the temptation
Starting point is 02:02:45 to drop everything and just become the Souls company. Yes. And rename yourself to the Souls company. You know what I mean? Like that's concerned. This is where other companies have done that slash would do that. But right before Demon's Souls, like they like from software put out a weird, completely different thing than they're like like Metal Wolf, the Adventures of Cookie and Cream,
Starting point is 02:03:06 Murakama, Ninja Blade. One of my funnest things like one of my funnest things is just Kingsfield, although there's no one of the funnest things is just breaking people's brains with games that they didn't think from soft made and from back in the day to the point where I'll never remember. Shadow, maybe. I'll never forget Tower. I'll never forget Liam being like. Oh, Lost Kingdom titles for the B-Cube.
Starting point is 02:03:33 I'll never forget Liam being like, what super robot wars games? What are you talking about? You know, Kingsfield, Armored Core, Shadow Tower, Echo Knight, Atogi, Spriggan. I don't know Eternal Ring or Evergrace. I know those. Those are on every PS2. Lost fucking kingdoms. On back on the GameCube.
Starting point is 02:03:56 I forgot they made all the Echo Knight games. Yeah. There's Metal Wolf. Yeah. Enchanted Arms, Chromehounds, another Sentry Ace, another Sentry Episode 2, all the armor cores, of course. Shadow, Saul, Tentu, Ninja Blade. They made a bad Tentu.
Starting point is 02:04:12 What the goddamn fuck is Monster Hunter Diary, Pocopoca, Iru Village? Yeah. It's something for the PSP. Oh, it's a fucking, it's a Palico game. That's a little Palico game. Gundam, Unicorn, Steel Battalion, Heavy Armor. Even after Dark Souls 1 came out, look, they still made a fucking Steel Battalion. More Armored Core.
Starting point is 02:04:33 Sure did. Sure did. Then they made the DX version of Pocopoca, Iru Village Monster Hunter Diary. You know, like they fucking, they worked it since 2000, since 1994. So I said 2001, Armored Core 3 is around 2002. Okay, well, anyway. They've come a long goddamn way in a relatively short time for the game's business. What is FrameGrid on the Dreamcast?
Starting point is 02:05:03 I don't know. Are we? The fuck is that? The fuck is that? It's a mecha-mecha game. I have no idea. It's a Japanese mecha-fighting game. It's a fighting game.
Starting point is 02:05:13 What? It's a fighting game. What? It is a customizable mecha-fighting game. It's virtual on. Uh, what? Okay. So we're just discovering something called...
Starting point is 02:05:29 That's CG. Move forward and then the video. Yeah. Customize your mech. Yeah. Give it its load out. Now load in. Go into the gameplay.
Starting point is 02:05:39 What's the gameplay look like? It's virtual on. No, it's Armored Core, a fighting game for the Dreamcast. Look at those big bars. Okay, but what about two-player though? Is there a split-screen mode? Maybe. This is...
Starting point is 02:05:51 Go back to the actual game. But this also is like that Gundam arcade game, actually. No, go back to the Wikipedia article. I'll save its two-player. Single-player. Multi-player. Multi-player. Multi-player.
Starting point is 02:06:00 The game has a single-player mode, a local two-player mode, and online. Well, fucking what the fuck? Get it to the list. That was fun. It's fun when you don't know. I haven't even heard of this on the Dreamcast. Barrels.
Starting point is 02:06:14 I live. I live from it. I love that when Woolie says, man, I remember when Liam was like, what? They made that game. That's crazy. As he scrolls down and goes,
Starting point is 02:06:23 wait, what is that? Fucking Barreled. And there's an English translation, but it seems like you have to get a patch going to get that set up. Wow. Okay. Because I saw they had only one game on the Dreamcast,
Starting point is 02:06:36 so I was like, what? What's that? Some frame guide. Frame guide. Parable. Yeah, that's awful. Frame something. That's fine.
Starting point is 02:06:45 But their name is from software. Reopen that fucking tab right now. I saw something on that robot's back in the YouTube video you were looking at. Oh, God. Yeah, the, oh my God. How far in was it? That one.
Starting point is 02:07:03 Is that the fucking Moonlight Greatsword on his fucking back? But it's not the right color. It doesn't matter. It did not. That is totally the Moonlight Greatsword. Is it? Yeah, because it appeared in even games. I know, I know, I know, but isn't it all?
Starting point is 02:07:16 I thought it was always blue. No, it hasn't. Wow. They can't stop. That's hilarious. That's, that's really good. Isn't the Moonlight Greatsword in fucking metal? Yeah, it's just been, it's been in everything.
Starting point is 02:07:32 It is, it is there. And its size is always changing. Yeah. In armored core, it's a laser. It's a lightsaber. It's a beamsaber. And it's the beams. And it always has the same ability.
Starting point is 02:07:42 You can fire an energy blast from it like Link's sword. I mean, I, that's a crescent. Well, the one that I remember seeing when it was, the first time I saw it was in D when we did DS2. And I remember that being like glowing or whatever. Yeah, that was a fancy looking one. Oh my God. It's dude, that's hilarious.
Starting point is 02:07:57 Literally from the, from the beginning. It's so consistent. From the beginning. That's amazing. It's in Kingsfield. Which is the first game they ever made, which I imagine is why it keeps coming back. You know, Seath is the villain of Kingsfield 2.
Starting point is 02:08:08 Oh, wow. That's cool. That's a fucking throwback and a half. Yeah. It's, it's got a million fucking variations. Would they even be a list of trivia? Look at the way the. Yeah, I see it.
Starting point is 02:08:21 No, I see it. I do see it. That's crazy. This is just the souls context of it. It's not telling me what other. Yeah. No. Maybe Fextralife.
Starting point is 02:08:31 No. No. Okay. A list of cameos would be fun. Yeah. Hey, you know what I'll do? I'll just do this. I'll type moonlight, great sword.
Starting point is 02:08:38 And then I'll type frame guide. And whatever website has that fucking has the rest of it. Has nothing. Yeah. No, no, it has nothing. But you did find a reset or a thread talking about the best version of the sword, but it's only souls games. Damn it.
Starting point is 02:08:58 There's the Kingsfield version of it. Okay. Armored core version. My God. The ninja blade one has to be good. Eternal ring or frame guide do as well. Wow. Damn.
Starting point is 02:09:15 They fucking went in. A toky has it. It's in a toky. It's in a toky. I can't believe this. Wow. And that's that's a guy in Enchanted. Oh, it's his heroes.
Starting point is 02:09:31 It's massive. Dude. This is the best bit. This is the best bit. I've like, I can't believe they kept it going. It's just this one sword and it's no matter no matter how inappropriate for the setting, it will be there. It's a signature.
Starting point is 02:09:51 It's a it's a signature. It's our it's it's all of our guiding moonlight. Oh, it's the best. It's the best man. And Bloodborne even had a version, right? Bloodborne had the best version, honestly. Yeah, there it is. The one that Ludwig had, which was it's like the cosmos in blade.
Starting point is 02:10:08 Inside the blade. Man, that's cool. Lost kingdoms. They're asking forever forever. Fredrick. Yeah. Okay. So we can just assume it's literally all of them.
Starting point is 02:10:20 All right. And if you didn't find it, it's because you didn't look hard enough. Yeah. The heroes one is wild. So Amazon leaks. Moonlight, great sword. Two. Well, in Bloodborne, their sequel to Bloodborne, there'd be a like very obvious reason why it
Starting point is 02:10:39 would return. Right? Like. Well, it depends. Yeah, it depends. Well, also are we are you go like, are we literally going to be on a journey to slay the fucking monster that we became in the first game? I'd like to think so.
Starting point is 02:10:54 That's the assumption. That's always my favorite thing. It's such a hard call out. Also remember in Bloodborne one, there was the Ludwig great sword is a fake of the the moonlight great sword and has the same shape. Oh, man. That's hilarious. Fucking Bezos.
Starting point is 02:11:13 Well, they did the souls games did it before with going to fight the old player character. So I would like for Bloodborne to do that. I mean, that is a game trope, but it's the best game. It's the best one. It's the best one. Uh, so something that happened a bunch while I was playing Automata is I kept talking about and I felt I felt like a fucking beating the dead horse with it because I just kept talking about Icaruga every time we went into those shmup sections.
Starting point is 02:11:40 I wonder why because of how fucking hard it felt like it with the ship colors with the way you were going over the landscapes, everything just felt so on point like it and I couldn't stop talking about it to the point where I'm apologizing to Liam mid playthrough. That would be because Yoko Taro talks about how his favorite shmup Icaruga has influenced his games. No shit. And basically just goes on about how perfect it was and how perfectly do you like about Icaruga? It syncs up with the music immensely well, especially in stage two.
Starting point is 02:12:13 And it's super right when you're going through the beginning of that opening part and it's all slow and it eventually builds up through the prologue. And then at the end of that prologue, the ship flies up to the camera. It introduces the chapter and then you boost into a faster version. And then the music speeds up and it's actual, just like directing perfection in video games. Like it's actually just perfect. And he fucking calls this exact thing out. So that's why you always have those goofy shmup sections in all of his games.
Starting point is 02:12:42 And Asuka on her Twitter, Twitter is talking about how Icaruga is the best thing ever. And it's just, why all this noise of Icaruga now? Well, because his re-releases also just came out. And I will buy every single one of them. Okay. Um, and he also talks about directly how, yes. Why do you say that like a threat? Because it's like third strike.
Starting point is 02:13:02 It's like, I don't fuck you on buying it again. Even in this picture. My frothing demand increases. He's playing the Switch version right in the fucking article. Switch version that has the awesome Tate mode. Yeah. And frothing demand on the GameCube version. You guys don't have, do you even know about that?
Starting point is 02:13:18 No, I know that there was a GameCube version. Oh my God, dude. It's so bad. This has come up on the podcast twice. The cover of the box of Icaruga for the GameCube is literally the Icaruga logo, the cool art, and then a giant fucking quote from IGN on the top that just says, are frothing demand for this game increases. I forgot about this connection.
Starting point is 02:13:47 You said the code. I was like, oh yeah, that's that thing that people say. Just in case you didn't know you wanted to purchase this game, here's an IGN quote to tell you what you should do. Not even like complimentary to the game or... Because this like faded, vague concept art with a Japanese text, like a kanji symbol. It's very scary. Is threatening.
Starting point is 02:14:07 I don't know what to do with my money, but I don't want to put it towards that. IGN is frothing over it. It's like putting that quote on the box of fucking odama. But no one has any frothing demand for odama. You're like, kids won't bug their moms to buy this copy. Give me a Icaruga odama, mom. Weird Japanese things.
Starting point is 02:14:27 I don't know what that means. What is that? No, son. Like I talked to an Ubisoft producer years ago when I was doing QA. He's like, people don't like Japanese things. So that's why we're changing the really awesome cover art of Tenshu on the Wii to this generic PC accelerator car. Like, here was this.
Starting point is 02:14:46 Like 2007. Like, yeah. People don't like things they don't recognize. I know. And they're scrubs. Fuck those people. Look that up. Look up.
Starting point is 02:14:56 But I get it. Look up Tenshu Wii. Yeah. Put Tenshu Wii. Look at the box art for that. Then put Tenshu Wii JPN. I mean, like the Japanese box art things are always a fucking... But you'll see the actual...
Starting point is 02:15:08 There's the American one. We're looking at the Tenshu Wii box. Look at the PC accelerator car ninja. I see it. I see it. Now that's the Japanese art there. The black and white one. That's the one that looks like Street Fighter 4?
Starting point is 02:15:20 Yeah. That's scary. I'm scared. I don't know what game that is. It's scary game. From software right there. Of course there is. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 02:15:31 From software published it. It's... But dude, it always goes back to the hard data from Paul Marketing that actually says that conceptual non-specific artistic box art does not do well in North America. It does well in Europe and in Japan. And this is marketing-proof data.
Starting point is 02:15:51 All right, so since the podcast format's destroyed, I'm just gonna throw my own hat in the ring. Which one of those hurts you the most? The fucking North American box art being changed. Because I know what one it is for me, and it hurts me every time I think about it. Like eco is a goddamn travesty. But for someone who doesn't...
Starting point is 02:16:12 For someone who... No, no. I can feel it though. Yo, soaking up. I can feel it. It's in there. For a game that doesn't mean as much to me as it does to everyone else in this room,
Starting point is 02:16:22 Resident Evil 4. There it is. It's the absolute worst of all time. Resident Evil 4 is the worst. And the reason why it's the worst of all time is because the eco box is nice, right? The one that we should have gotten is nice. But, and the American one's awful.
Starting point is 02:16:36 The Resident Evil 4 American box is fine. It's bad. It's kind of bad. There's a cool thing happening on it. But the actual European one is the one of the best box arts of all time. It's amazing. Genius.
Starting point is 02:16:52 It's the potential of what you dropped. You didn't just drop a nicer box. You dropped one of the best boxes ever made. And whereas with eco, it's like you dropped a nice box. You dropped a nice box. For a pile of shit. That's what, that's the difference. There it is.
Starting point is 02:17:05 You dropped one of the nicest boxes ever made for a game. It's so beautiful. Even the other version of it that's just the, the fucking red forest. That's fine too. Like in order to put absolutely nothing out. And that's why it's the worst one. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:17:20 I really like the Wii versions, which is the blue background with the full on shot of Leon where it's just like, not this. There, the Wii one. Yeah, the Wii one. I was like, that one. That is clearly them trying to split the difference. But the trees are the silhouette that make up what's interesting
Starting point is 02:17:36 about the original GameCube box from Europe and Japan. And it just, it's just, yeah. Even the Capcom logo changes colors to fucking make it work on the cover. Like it's just the best box, you know? Any situation where you go from like, yeah, that was a seven or that was an eight and you dropped it down to a six or a five.
Starting point is 02:17:54 That sucks. But this is like a nine to like a four. Yeah. It's, nothing's going to beat this one. And I don't even, I don't even, you know what I mean? Like it doesn't even pang that hard for me. Because I remember when the box art's gonna ask that, I saw that one first and I was like, yeah.
Starting point is 02:18:11 And look, I mean, this is an obvious one, you guys probably know, but if you don't, just type in RE4 box and fucking look at the different art. It still bothers me why it's called four Resident Evil in every permeation. And that's the only time the number went first, eh? Oh, that reminds me. You know, so there, I don't know how Capcom's
Starting point is 02:18:27 going to keep doing this properly, but the name of Resident Evil 2 remake is Biohazard RE2, which is the naming convention that Japan uses for re-releases. That's odd. So it's Biohazard and then remake colon two. RE2, yeah. Then RE. I've got to go with the GameCube remake,
Starting point is 02:18:52 which is just called Resident Evil. They'll either just call it Resident Evil 2 or they'll call it RE2 colon Biohazard. No, I mean, they're nailing it now, but I don't know how they're going to do it for RE7. What are they going to call RE7? Because RE7 is called RE7 Biohazard or Biohazard 7 Resident Evil. What the actual fuck are they going to call RE8?
Starting point is 02:19:15 Are they just going to do that again? Or are you just make up some bullshit title for like RE2 colon the whatever event, the Raccoon City event or you know what I mean? Like whatever. It bugs me because I always like the name Biohazard a lot more. It's a better name. It's much better.
Starting point is 02:19:31 I always like Resident Evil. Resident Evil is a nice, is cool. And when you think about what it means, but Biohazard is a better name I find thematically. I wouldn't think Biohazard would be about zombies. That's why I like it. Yeah. And that's kind of what they went for long term
Starting point is 02:19:47 where it's like it's not necessarily about zombies. It's about it's about a big whoopsie spell. It's about evil goo. It's the chemical undead. It's the science undead. It's about a curse. Which means it could be about monsters or possessed people or body snatchers.
Starting point is 02:20:00 Because it's all just based on weird science going amok. Yeah. One of Umbrella's worst curses. In conclusion, I will double down on talking about Icaruga. All these scientists working with beakers and shit are like this is our best curse yet. We're going to curse the shit out of those guys. This is Wesker injecting himself with curses.
Starting point is 02:20:25 He's tattooing the kanji of the of the bio curse in his arm. Make it the big tyrant arm. You go into the lab and there's one of those sealed paper things on the door to hold it shut. And what's the seal mean? It says don't drink this. It's just a bunch of scientists going what the fuck is what are we doing?
Starting point is 02:20:48 I went to Berkeley for this. Great. The I.S. I'm going to triple down in Yoko Taro's name on talking about Icaruga while playing near on a matter. So last week, you know, he takes all his glasses and go Veronica's got the big red terminator on. He's like, I picked up a new red field. Ruchi Maru.
Starting point is 02:21:19 This joke flies so fucking far over this dude's head. He doesn't know about Wesker's evil red eyes and sunglasses. And he's doing yeah, I have not code Veronica. You don't know, but I know about it in Marvel. He didn't know when the glasses break and he goes X factor for before he got that's before he got the telephone powers. And he had the wall really did play through code Veronica. The canon version on dark side chronicles.
Starting point is 02:21:45 I also did actually see his full like final arc with everything from RE5. Yeah, so but that's that's a way stronger version than what we had back in the day. For such a cool villain, that final boss version of him is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. It's a little handy for him. Welcome to the Resident Evil series.
Starting point is 02:22:04 I know, but he was the only one immune from turning into a big dumb goop monster. No, no one is immune. And it was the one thing that he had going was he never started melting into his own fat. Well, and then he just gets out of the lava and it's like time for me to do it too. And you just shoot it until it dies.
Starting point is 02:22:21 The first fights you have with them in the game, they're like what you expect for Wesker. But yeah, the final ones. I should I was really, really like that doesn't happen in RE1. And the the boss that turns into goo and RE2. That's the problem is that he's turning into goo. Everything after that was like, it was a really cool thing when Birkin turned into goo.
Starting point is 02:22:40 Let's have every single fucking villain ever turn into goo. Even when it'll fuck up their life. Even Resident Evil turned into sorry. But Nemesis turned into fucking goo. But five already had that Quentin Tarantino do turn into goo. And it also had Xsella turn into goo. So why do you need to do it a fair time? No, but Xsella didn't mean to.
Starting point is 02:22:58 Yeah, she didn't know it was going to be goo. But they still did. It happened a third time. And only look at fucking RE7, both of the bosses that you run into of turning to goo. And your standard enemies are just goo. And the final boss of the fucking Chris Campagne, goo. It's stupid.
Starting point is 02:23:17 You know what's scary? Goo, bio goo. You know, you don't know where to shoot. This goo is cursed. There was a bit of goo in four, but not that much goo. Are you serious? Xsella's are turning into a big goo on the wall. Tentacle goo.
Starting point is 02:23:31 It's a different type of goo. It's not quite goo goo. It was more of, yeah. It was a lot of insects. A lot of, a lot of. Yeah. Yeah. It was very insect based. Yeah. Yeah. Insects don't turn into goo.
Starting point is 02:23:42 It's one of the worst curses that you could get. The insect goo curse. Your right hand comes off. What are you an idiot? That's a weird curse. I would. What happened to Leon in between two and four that he watches? Watch.
Starting point is 02:24:01 Oh, such a weird. In two, it was like a normal person. But in four, he's like, he's such a weirdo goober. NW. He kind of dials it back in six. He's like, not as weird. He's tired. You know, he's an alcoholic in one of the shitty movies.
Starting point is 02:24:19 I saw it. Yeah. He's, yeah. He spends most of it drunk and then. Degeneration. No. No. A vendetta. Not, not damnation. Don't you dare look at me and say damnation.
Starting point is 02:24:28 I forgot the other D one. Chris needs to punch him out of a drunken stupor to get him on track. Damnation. That blows up a boulder for fuck's sake. And those are all canon, right? Yes. Yeah. Everything is canon.
Starting point is 02:24:40 Everything. The CG movies, yeah. Which is wild because some stupid shit happens in them. In damnation, it confirms that Leon and Ada at least once got to hang out without any of the shenanigans around and. This casual. Have some casual good times. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:25:00 NWF. No. All right. What about, what about, oh god, you know what, you know, whatever. Every time we talk about. Think about Night Watch. Every time we talk about Ari long enough, I always come back to the same gap of knowledge and it goes the exact same way.
Starting point is 02:25:17 The conversation goes, yeah, but then I go, okay, but what about that cool guy in six? And you go, woolly, he's not that cool. And I go, but he had all the Wesker moves and he was like the cool new Wesker. And you go, no, woolly, it's not that hype. In fact, it gets really dumb. And then I go, well, what about that soldier guy that hung out with Chris and his soldier campaign and you're like, and you're like, oh, that guy was cool. And then I go, and I go, oh, so what should I do?
Starting point is 02:25:41 Turn in the goo. And then you go, and then you go, yeah, don't waste your time. And I go, okay. But then I was like, you remember, but he turned in the goo. I didn't play six. He turned in the goo. Okay. Well, there you are.
Starting point is 02:25:51 That's like the final goo boss. That sucks. Unfortunate. There's a lot of goo. But I did. I did like seeing a melee character do Wesker cool moves. So it was like, it was kind of fun. But it didn't feel as good as it should have.
Starting point is 02:26:03 And also those moves are named after Sigatz moves. Yeah. Yeah, he's not cool. Come on. He's not cool. I hate that. I hate that. Find us a cooler thing to talk about.
Starting point is 02:26:15 How about the fact that the fucking predator is no longer the predator because there's even bigger, better predators. Yeah. What's up with that? So isn't this a spoiler, by the way? Yeah, it's a big ass. Like the trailer that chose this and then the poster itself. Are just fucking spoiling the thing.
Starting point is 02:26:33 Not really because the synopsis for all these movies, the little like paragraph has always been like, yeah. And like the hunt evolves. The hunt evolves and whatever. Okay. Well, if you want to go in cold and not know anything about predator or the predator, then don't listen to this next segment because the fucking poster itself shows you something that you might not want to know.
Starting point is 02:26:53 All right. That being said, the last movie predators also had predators fighting other predators. It did. The big black berserker one. I remember. This is a sick poster, though. I'm glad that it exists because actually the first trailer and the little snippet, like kind of commercial trailer that they had for it didn't excite me that much,
Starting point is 02:27:14 but this actual trailer. Oh, you mean the one where I was like, what movie trailer am I watching? What did I just click on? Oh, yeah. All right. Right. I don't like that about a movie sometimes. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:27:26 What is this? What am I watching? What am I watching? You're watching the movie trailer. Wait, when is it coming out? When is it coming out? September 3rd. Thank God it's right there over the binder.
Starting point is 02:27:35 Okay. Just got to remember. Wait, who's going to be in it? In a fake interview with the actor in the trailer? That's American TV. Oh, yeah. So, Matt, as you are a big expert here, what's the deal with this fake bio predator? Well, what the deal is, it seems like the trailer or whatever just shows like this one
Starting point is 02:27:50 predator that seems pretty standard and he's just killing like humans in a research center. And that's it. And the first trailer was like, it was all over the place and it was very quick and you got no sense of it. And like since this movie is written by and directed by Shane Black, who like we mentioned before did Iron Man 3, The Nice Guys, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and wrote all the lethal weapon movies. That's correct.
Starting point is 02:28:16 Good credits. And was Hawkins in Predator 1. Good credits. I've been like, yeah, I can't wait to see this in the first trailer really underwhelming, but this one shows like a lot more of the kind of writing and attitude that the characters have. And yeah, it kind of shows, I guess, a spoiler where it shows this uber 10 foot tall mega predator that just shows up. There's only one shot of him.
Starting point is 02:28:39 I'm glad for that. And now you know what he does. Yeah. The site that we were on before, Bloody Disgusting, had an article that I wrote that I read and it said, we have a crazy fan theory about this new Predator movie. Yeah. And a rumor years ago when this was gestating, this whole project was Arnold Schwarzenegger, you're going to be in this or not and then chose not to be.
Starting point is 02:29:04 But how can you get Schwarzenegger in there without paying him? You maybe splice his DNA into a predator and you get a super muscular, really tall one. So their fan theory is that the researchers that are in this movie that have like a laboratory have spliced Dutch's DNA that they had on file because he was a military operative. So we literally just do Ripley again. Kind of, yeah. Except AVP. You do the P version now because we've already done the A.
Starting point is 02:29:41 No, I know, but I'm saying Alien had its own clone Ripley with the Alien mix in its timeline. So Predator gets to do the same thing now. I guess. Again, it's just a fan theory and then that they just wrote that. And I'm like, that's a really good way to not pay Schwarzenegger, but have him in the movie. Because he's old. He could just say his name. They even mentioned him briefly in Predators.
Starting point is 02:30:07 They didn't mention him by name, but they just said, yeah, there was a guy that came back. It's the Dutch Predator. Maybe. That's really cool of self. I'm like officially really hyped for this entire thing now. Well, otherwise, Thomas Jane being in it and Peele of Keen Peele. No, no, not otherwise. It could just be the simple old like, like a fucking shark gets eaten by the bigger shark.
Starting point is 02:30:33 Yeah. While chasing the prey. And now you got to watch out for the bigger shark. Yeah. But the only problem I have with that is that the big ass Predator doesn't have any of his kit. Yeah, that's true, which makes him kind of boring to be in that one shot. He doesn't. What's he wearing in that shot?
Starting point is 02:30:48 He's just wearing like a loincloth. He's just like a giant caveman Predator. So just raw Yachua. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you, Willie. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:30:55 You're always provided. But yeah, it's coming out in September. I'm actually really, really excited for seeing this. Yeah, it's the stinger for this trailer. Yeah. You look at it as a big monster at the end. Yeah, it's just all normie Pred. Is this a different trailer?
Starting point is 02:31:15 I guess it's a different trailer. No, I think it should be the one. What was it earlier? Keep going. Keep going. That's not super raw. It's the stinger shot. Well, but the...
Starting point is 02:31:24 You got 30 seconds left. But there's nothing here. Oh, the stinger got cut off. Look, there's nothing here. I'm scrolling over all of that. Maybe it's not that way. No. Anyway, did that say Hugh Jackman?
Starting point is 02:31:31 No, it didn't. It said Jackman, but there's another person. Shane Black, huh? How about that? Yeah. So yeah, I'm going to, I was thinking of writing like a, like making a video of like why I'm hyped for it. This weird horror movie franchise has been turned into a child
Starting point is 02:31:46 playing with their actual... Oh dude, what if it sucks though? It's gonna suck. I don't think it'll suck. I, I thought Predators was pretty good and even that kind of sucks. Predators was... No, no, no, no. No, no.
Starting point is 02:31:57 Yeah, Predators was good in a dumb way because there's, there's lots of funny shit in there. No, you know what's the worst part about Predators? The coolest thing in the movie is not in the movie. Which is what? That fucking bit with Idren Brody getting lit up by a billion fucking Predators. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:32:11 Tags. That was a straight out lie. Which one? The first trailer of it. All the little Predator LED. Yeah, okay. There's like 50 on him. And in the final movie, there's like one, maybe three?
Starting point is 02:32:23 There's three. It's a completely manufactured scene. The group is three, yeah. Also just as good as it is, just don't start quoting it randomly while at work when people don't know what movie you're quoting. Yeah. But you want to talk about what time it is.
Starting point is 02:32:37 Yeah. I told you about that. Nah, you never told me. Or I forgot. You're familiar with quotes from the movie? I am extraordinarily familiar with quotes. So someone working with me at the office. Oh, no!
Starting point is 02:32:48 Just while he's working. While he's working just goes, oh man, what time is it? No. What time is it, guys? Oh, no. You're not tricking me. And I'm like, dude, what like, like, okay.
Starting point is 02:33:03 Like, this is like, I was, I was a fucking, I was the, the, the, the head of the, no, who like, what position was this person? He was on my team. Is this a Rando? Yeah. This is, he was after you left, he was on my team and I tapped him on the shoulder
Starting point is 02:33:20 and I said, come with me. And we walked into the fucking cold room and I went, dude, listen to me, like as, as the like team lead here, like, trust me, I get the reference. I do. Everyone else around us doesn't get the reference to what you're talking about. You can't talk about what time it is
Starting point is 02:33:42 and have and expect everyone's going to get it because they don't. And, and it is, you are like, I say, it is objectively threatening. You are new in this office and I caught that reference. So I know what you're doing, but if I didn't, this could go a lot worse. If anyone else, that was like, anyway,
Starting point is 02:34:02 it could, you could like, this could have been bad. There's very few lines where in context of the movie, it's like a psycho killer prison guy says it and you're like, okay, well, that's, that's that guy, I guess he's established. And that should only stay with him. Five o'clock. And I'm just like, you can't do that. You can't.
Starting point is 02:34:25 What were you thinking? It was, it was, it was nuts. So I'm like, just like, you're lucky. I know exactly where that's from. And I get the reference. Never realized why they didn't make a sequel to Predators when it was made on like a very small budget and made back its money.
Starting point is 02:34:40 And they just never got Robert Rodriguez ever to do anything with the franchise. Like he was supposed to be the shepherd of it from then on. And they just never did anything. It was weird. Anyway, that's a reference that's lost on anyone who hasn't seen the movie, unfortunately. But if you have and you remember the movie,
Starting point is 02:34:57 now you know, and or you could, it's, it's when you want to establish your bad guy. That's how you establish it. Very quickly. So that is from the movie Predators. If you're looking for, if you're trying to find out, go, go find out better than Halloween, Halloween two, Halloween three, then Halloween,
Starting point is 02:35:16 Halloween two, then Halloween, Predator, Predator, Predator, Predator two, Predator three, Predators. No Predator three, Predator two, Predators. Yeah, the Predator, the Predator. At least they're all different. Yeah, that's true. That's. And they get to copy the alien conventions on everything.
Starting point is 02:35:37 A little bit, a little bit. What did, what, where did that guy, what was his future? Turned out fine. Really? Yeah. That was the only, that was the only, you know, that was the only major. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:35:49 And it was brand new, like day two or three on the job. And it was just, sir, sir, think with context, sir. Hey, Predators, what time is it? When that movie came out, I remember being like rabid, because I was working on a fucking driving test simulation piece of software all day. And then I was just, these Predators coming out. It's out tonight.
Starting point is 02:36:20 I gotta go. And it was an excruciating day. To be, you probably saved that dude's job to be. And I'm like, to be fair as him, because he's literally right next to me. And he's like, what time is it? Five o'clock. And I just, and I like, I didn't, I am like, yeah,
Starting point is 02:36:36 well, we're getting close to five o'clock. I didn't really, oh, yeah. I want to say, I want to say, I actually probably saved this job. That's right. Extended at the 30s. Well, yeah. Because if you time extended, if you weren't in the room,
Starting point is 02:36:48 if you weren't in the room, like he would have done that. That would have been a game over. Yeah. The next day or like the day after. And somebody's going to be like, yo, this dude's freaking me out. And the section we were in was the top corner just isolated enough that it was like the only things, you know what I mean? Like there's earshot.
Starting point is 02:37:07 And then there's the big boss's office right there. And I'm just like, dude, I'm like, trust me. I'm like, believe. Trust me. Please believe. Because there's the alternate sequence of events in which the sequence plays out and a head just peeks out from a door or goes, what?
Starting point is 02:37:25 Like a shoulder tap was coming. And if it wasn't mine, it was the fucking pack your things. You know? But anyway. No, man. No, it's a movie, a fun movie. It was just a reference. Sure is.
Starting point is 02:37:42 Anyway. That's a great story. Other things you can do at five o'clock include playing Earth Defense Force again. So I don't know this. Remember they remember they announced the brand new Earth Defense Force, Earth Defense Force Iron Rain. Sure.
Starting point is 02:38:03 Who is this developed by? What's the what's usually the developer? Oh, Sam. Look, it's not. Fuck it. This one's developed by Yooks. Nope. Of WWE 2K 15 to time immemorial.
Starting point is 02:38:20 So you haven't seen the screenshots of the character introductions of this. It's kind of a low level meme. So they in this article, they go through the website, which like in Japanese and the translate, whatever, just says all the different types of characters. Right. Well, you want to scroll down a bit?
Starting point is 02:38:36 Yep. So talking about factoids about the mother ships powered at exoskeletons, energy gems, the hive craft. Yeah, the whole deal. It might be a world eroded by despair. It's probably a bit bit. Here's the closer closer. The closer.
Starting point is 02:38:54 Sorry, player. Takama. Yep. Brenda. Brenda. Mike. Mike. Phil.
Starting point is 02:39:03 Mert. Yeah, Mert. Tatiana. So do you want to read Tatiana's a young earnest female soldier? She remains one of the few reserved females among the rambunctious female soldier. She is treated somewhat as a pawn by second blast team
Starting point is 02:39:16 leader Mike, always given something she has to worry about being their youngest female. She is often treated as the team's little sister, but actually she has big breasts. So I seen this. Is this real? Yes. So this is the official.
Starting point is 02:39:33 This is the in game explanation of the characters. It's really funny. And I saw I saw images of the character. She looks like pause from from metal gear. From peace walker. Yeah, this walker. Sure. So I like this guy is coming out really soon,
Starting point is 02:39:50 actually. And I'm an editor. Notice hilarious. Yeah. The editor knows a bunch. Yeah. So I'm actually looking forward to this in terms of like, yeah, new earth defense force, but maybe
Starting point is 02:40:01 a different developer. I'll always give someone else a shot because got tired of all those other ones. It's almost like it should begin with like, don't worry though. She has big breasts. All right. What about the aggressors?
Starting point is 02:40:18 Do they can we get a three sizes? Large penises. Big dick energy. These guys. Don't worry. Thank you. Here's the store, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:40:31 Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And the EDF innings. Giant whatever, man. If this I don't know if this has a localization plan yet, but I'm just going to straight out get it if it's going to take a little while.
Starting point is 02:40:42 Yeah. What a franchise that I'm so content exists, but I have no desire or interest to dive in. It's a James Small joint. I'm noticing that a bunch of the names are changed. I'm content to watch. Man. Fucking storm one though.
Starting point is 02:41:00 Has anything ever embraced like camp and jank? It doesn't though. It doesn't. They played deadly serious. Did they polish it up? No, no. It plays in deadly serious. The one from on the 360 was full of mess.
Starting point is 02:41:12 It's just the quote. 360 is the American one. Are you talking about the American one? No. Insect armageddon is the American one. The one that I don't know, man. 2017. Early 360 game.
Starting point is 02:41:23 You're thinking of 2017. Okay. The one where James introduced us to it. Yes. That's full of all kinds of fucking trash. Yeah. They're playing serious, but the voice acting is not. It's just the voice acting.
Starting point is 02:41:37 And like you're like firing the super slow missile. And you got a like the tortoise and all that. Yeah, anyway. Yeah, man. There you go. That's a franchise that's been around forever. Here's what matters. Storm One is up there with like Doom and Quake Man.
Starting point is 02:41:53 Or Cody in terms of like absurdity. Because Storm One is the player character in EDF 2017. And in that game, every soldier in the entire EDF is killed except for him. And he fights off the entire alien armada in the final mission. So like Paul. Yeah, yeah, or Paul. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 02:42:16 Very overpowered. Storm One is the fucking Christ amalgamation against Doom Slayer. Yeah, we took a lot of detours this time around, but we can definitely slow down to talk a bit about a story we touched on earlier when we discussed Sony choosing not to play ball. And it's choosing Sony choosing to take its ball and go home, but also take your ball and your ball and your ball and go home with it too. When it comes to that's my ball looked at me.
Starting point is 02:42:50 That means I own your ball. That and when it comes to you came over to my house once for tonight. Your ball is mine now. Anyone that knocks the ball over the field or over the fence into my backyard, it's mine. Sony is looking at a lot of the possibilities for PS4 console crossplay. Sean Layton has a quote, which is the most nonce thing said ever. Sony recently found itself under a lot of backlash regarding crossplay restrictions for the PS4 console.
Starting point is 02:43:19 Sean Layton had more to share on that with an interview with Eurogamer. I thought it was fascinating you talking about the PlayStation 3 flying too close to the sun. Your Icarus moment, you called it. And then PlayStation 4 coming back to more more coming back more to the basics to more to to be more about the players. But there seems to be an issue at the moment that Sony isn't listening to its players or doesn't seem to be and that's crossplay Fortnite particularly. I wondered if there's any plans to open it up.
Starting point is 02:43:43 It seems to be Sony is not listening. Sean Layton replies, we're hearing it. We're looking at a lot of the possibilities. You can imagine what circumstances are. You can imagine the circumstances around that effect a lot more than just one game. I'm confident we'll get a solution, which will be understood and accepted by our gaming community. Okay, he's not saying anything.
Starting point is 02:44:01 Yeah, the the the the the term though, I hope it will be understood and accepted means you're not going to get what you want. In fact, this is just a further nothing off of the last nothing article too, which was also like, yeah, there's a thought process occurring. One of the most longstanding issues where they know company had just straight up says something. Probably the goofiest thing about this is like, take Final Fantasy 14 a game I'm very familiar with. You know, there'd be Xbox and Switch versions of that game if cross play was allowed, because Yoshida and the team are very adamant like, no,
Starting point is 02:44:36 everybody plays on the same fucking servers, everybody. PlayStation players and PC players and PS3 players, right? Well, they've talked to Microsoft, they talked to Nintendo and it you get the impression that things would go ahead. But Sony's like, no, nobody's going to play on our servers. That's a fucking MMO. You know, when your mom entire point, you know, and your mom calls you over and goes, did you clean your room?
Starting point is 02:44:59 And you go, hmm, what? Huh? That moment is what's happening here. Right. One week after the other, as they continue to steal your ball and go home by taking your account and locking you out of it. If you decide to play Fortnite on the PlayStation 4. I wonder what the internal old man business reason is.
Starting point is 02:45:19 They're not even saying it. Competition should not be incur should not be like, you should not want your players to play with other people on other platforms play with the PC on Street Fighter five, because the PC is not a threat. It fucking is a threat. Shut up. The PC is a different universe. People who buy one console versus the other are what we're worried about slash the market
Starting point is 02:45:45 we're trying to get. We don't want to encourage you to buy our competition. The switch shouldn't really be a threat. Well, in the Wii era, right? Like they never really considered it a threat. We're like, oh, that's a different market. Exactly. And so the PC is thought of in the exact same way.
Starting point is 02:45:59 Sony and Microsoft are the head to heads, and they don't actually care about the fact that, you know, others are involved. But when it comes to what you're buying for one of those platforms, Sony is like, if you're not, if you're buying the Xbox version, that's directly competing with the Nintendo and Xbox Twitter accounts. It's like, hey, you want to play since. Yeah, sure. Let's hang out.
Starting point is 02:46:17 That's cool. You're cool. I like you. I like you. We're friends. You're cool. Well, it's an opportunity to fucking dig jabs. And you're not going to.
Starting point is 02:46:24 Very well served. You don't get many opportunities to do so against Sony. So I guess they're like, yeah. All I can think of is like, yeah, they're like, people are going to look at it and go, oh, if I have the I like, if I have a switch, then my friend can buy an Xbox or whatever. But if I have a PlayStation, I better tell all my friends to get a PlayStation to play with me in Fortnite or whatever.
Starting point is 02:46:45 Like that's the only thing I can think of. Which is such a small percentage. You're like, how do you think that? Which is really stupid because it makes it makes like the PlayStation version of this like the objectively worst version of all of these games. And shout out to Dave Lang for just tweeting out companies dunking on each other is now 100% my shit because rest in peace, Dave. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:47:07 It's neat that he can tweet from inside his coffin at the Memorial Center. His ghost manages to come out every now and then and tweet, but that's it. It's going to be really sad when he's really dead. You can't really do the job. If Dave Lang died tomorrow, the Devolver Conference will have him as a guest next year at the same time as Terence Howard. Yeah, both are both of the same. It's a shame.
Starting point is 02:47:34 The Terence Howard Memorial Center. It's outside Robert Downey Junior's house. It's a shame that Terence Howard got killed after he asked everybody what time it was. You know what time it is? What time is this? Letter time, maybe. It's time for a new hero. No, it's not.
Starting point is 02:47:54 Oh, shit. I forgot. Make porn out of this. You say no, stop. No, no, no. He can fit in small spaces. Have you let's roll. Have you forgotten Richard Gear?
Starting point is 02:48:08 Have you forgotten Sonic Fox? That community is ready and waiting, sir. The receptacle exists. Quite literally. So remember, a rocket cat was too silly. People want. I want Rocket Cat real bad now. Okay.
Starting point is 02:48:27 Well, I'm just going to come out the gate and say, like, I have no problems with this as a character. Well, no, no, no. Hammond's cool. This is great. Hamster and a big wrecking ball. Let's do it. Let's do it. You change the name to Hammond.
Starting point is 02:48:37 They should absolutely not have the character's name be wrecking ball. I think that's stupid. Yeah, I think that's stupid too. It was his code name when he was fighting in the in the Australia battle like. I'm like Hammond the wrecking ball because because the whole thing was he was undercover and what's his name? Winston didn't know he existed. Anyway, most importantly, to me, at least, is in the gameplay footage,
Starting point is 02:49:00 there's lots of third person shit happening. And that is absolutely my jam. There's that video of him just spider manning throughout an entire level. That's really goofy. Certain areas of like any any hotspot or goal point where you can attach to the center becomes an area denial thing because he gets to swing around his wrecking ball and just completely shut down whatever else is going on on the on the point. And that is pretty cool.
Starting point is 02:49:26 I'm looking for the overwatches in such a bizarre place with new characters now because not only did they make the massive mistake of showing off a bunch of the possible characters that they had designed like Rocket Cat. But people have like made or like interpreted things they've seen in the game as awesome new characters like Junk Queen. Yeah, like the only people I see mad about this guy are people who want Rocket Cat or Jump Queen. But there's all there's all like forum and thread of people that figured out Hammond
Starting point is 02:50:00 was a hamster. Yeah, they figured that out like a year ago. So because he's been in a bunch of emails in game for forever. Hammond is a hamster like Winston. That's very smart. And he is in pay pilots, a giant spherical mech that looks a lot like the portal to dudes. A little bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:50:23 I forgot the short one. What like Wheatley or Wattley or whatever. Anyway, it reminds me of those. Steven Merchant. Steven Merchant. Exactly. And yeah, you basically you've got the regular, you know, gun mode and then you can roll around and Sonic Spinball yourself through the map.
Starting point is 02:50:39 Yeah, you're faster and you nudge people on all sorts of things. Wrapling Claw. Piledriver. And it's his ultimate is like a minefield that gets deployed in the immediate area. Which is interesting. And there's a. I have not seen that yet and I'm interested to see what it looks like. And there's a Sonic Spinball like Ground Pound as well.
Starting point is 02:50:58 So like just in terms of like physics, it seems like you can do a lot of bullshit even if the damage on like getting hate is not that high. I'm not too sure exactly what the number is on it. But it seems like you can like do a lot of like knocking people off the stage shenanigans. The main thing is that he's one of the most MOBA characters so far and that he has an ability that gives him more shields based on how many people are around him at the current time. Yes, that's true too. There's a bunch.
Starting point is 02:51:21 Yeah. And they're always trying to figure out how to handle shield, you know, a shield distribution in this game, I should say. I feel like over the years, like, well, that's one of the things that we've seen change so much. But yeah, he has one that basically it's like a shield, a shield of gaining ability that like increases when there's more people around exactly and more enemies around actually, I think. And you have a little, he gets, he gets a weird utility buff as a result of that move because he has a HUD indicator that tells him how many enemies are within his like range of
Starting point is 02:51:54 that move, which it gives him a radar. Yeah, like it's a shitty radar, but when that goes from zero to one, you know, you know, somebody's, there's the alt, there's the alt. Yeah, so he just a shitload of mines. Yeah. Yeah. That looks infuriating. It looks like a good point securing fucking.
Starting point is 02:52:14 It does. Yeah. So, um, yeah, man, I think it's a cool, a cool new hero. I think it's very different in the way that Doomfist was different. And I like heroes that come along and like are like way radically out there in terms of design, in terms of gameplay. Yeah, um, this is way more interesting than Moira. Yeah, I feel like, I feel like Moira was a miss.
Starting point is 02:52:34 I think everyone kind of considered Moira a miss, which sucks because they were like, like point for point the whole way through. The only thing about her that I find interesting is the thing that is her alt, which is a healing slash damaging beam where it's like, don't, who cares who's in the way. It's going to help friends and hurt enemies is an interesting concept. But like, that's the only thing I found creative or interesting about her. Yeah. Unfortunately, the rest of the character was a pretty solid miss to me.
Starting point is 02:53:00 I don't know. Um, design wise, she could have been a little bit tighter too. Haven't seen any of those games. I saw some, I saw someone do a Moira redesign that was like same basic ideas, but change a few things here and there. And it like, it makes her more into anime waifu. Not even know same, same type of person and character, just design cues here and there, improving little things.
Starting point is 02:53:25 And it was a huge difference that made it way nicer, way better either way. Um, that's Hammond, the wrecking ball. And, um, yeah, that doesn't matter. That doesn't matter. Are you looking at news items you put on the docket yourself going that doesn't matter? Well, it's not, not that big a deal. Okay, that's fine. I mean, I can tell about Morbius.
Starting point is 02:53:50 Well, I can tell, I can tell topics that you guys won't have that much to say about. I can shit on them. Okay. I can shit on things I don't know about. All right, let's try it. All right. Here's one that's, you know, interesting, but I probably, probably doesn't resonate for you.
Starting point is 02:54:03 Togemen Earl is no longer being published by adult slim games. Okay. But it's being self published and it's hitting, uh, it's coming out this fall after that Kickstarter. I didn't know there was a new Togemen Earl. That sucks. There was a Kickstarter. Togemen Earl are for dummies.
Starting point is 02:54:20 I know precious little about Togemen Earl. You know what? Which is weird because I had a Genesis. Togemen Earl is actually like a, it's like a thing that you think I'd be way, way in on. I just never really, I didn't have a Genesis. I didn't really play the games. I played the Xbox version of it a little bit. I went back and played them later on and I was like, oh, these are, this is a little.
Starting point is 02:54:41 They're ahead of their time. But it's a, but it's definitely a cool like world. And I like the stuff about it peripherally. I was just reminded is the new Splatfest. Isn't it? Oh yeah. Here's the suite. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:54:55 No, but everyone went to the same race war. Everyone went to the same quote. I'm glad that I've become a sound, a sound, a soundboard on that one. You're really intense in that, in that clip. It was exciting. I was not ready. And now the world is not ready for Octopus versus Squids. Have you seen all the fucking down low shit they're doing in Splatoon 2 with the Octoling
Starting point is 02:55:22 Squids shit? I know that there's a lot of just hilarious like, like meta jokes. Oh yeah. And there's a song that has, what's her name? What's the short one? Not Marina, but Pearl. Just swearing in, in like squid talk or whatever. Her demo tape together on the show was just swearing.
Starting point is 02:55:40 No, but it's like in the story mode, the old guy that remembers the war is like talking to Marina in like, in fucking chat, like instant message. She's like, I guess you're not so bad. You're really articulate, which Marina just goes, wow. And then as soon as she leaves the conversation, he starts talking shit. I don't get it. All right. I think I don't have to read it.
Starting point is 02:56:06 It's okay. And that game that we've been hearing a lot about Blade Strangers, the fighting game with Shovel Knight in it. Yeah. Big Shovel Knight. It looks weird. Has a date, August 28th. Like a day after my birthday.
Starting point is 02:56:23 They're actually, it's cool that they like, with each announcement, it's like either a character you know, or someone brand new. And they got a couple of banger characters. They have some original ideas that are like, oh, that's cool. When this game was first shown. I was like, eh, that's that they're kind of cool that they're not quote, but Curly. Curly is in it.
Starting point is 02:56:44 It's not cool that Nicholas pretty much owns Cave Story. It's not. And it sucks that. I'm not a fan of Nikolas in general, but that pixel is kind of like Shovel Knight. You know, he had a bit of a rough go of things. If I believe the stories I was told that his baby was kind of not his baby anymore. Yeah. But you know, this game is the weirdest.
Starting point is 02:57:12 This is a game that has like, yeah, like it's got what was it? Gunvolt and a binding of Isaac. Poded Princess. Isaac is the weirdest. And just like. There's just straight up cool like RPG or action looking characters. And I just saw one of Isaac's moves with his mom's leg. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 02:57:33 Exactly. And it's the probably the the oddest thing about it. I find is that like the sprite quality is really high. Yeah. The animation is kind of low. Yeah. A little bit of a whole guilty here. And yeah, yeah, that's a good place to put it.
Starting point is 02:57:50 And like when you compare that to stuff like, like, I don't know, like say Bladarkis or any of the anime fighters that have been coming out recently where it's like, they drop the sprite quality, but they have more, more tweening on the frames and just more smoother animations in general. But hey, man, this looks like a fighting game for real reels. And Gunvolt, too. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:58:10 Well, he's there. So yeah, that's coming out. And obviously that goes straight to the top of the barrel when that's out. I assume the DLC is going to continue to be ridiculous. Is it like, okay, I have no idea, but I'm going to just go on ahead and guess that a hyperlight drifter is in that. Maybe. Because the amount of guest appearances and everything else.
Starting point is 02:58:35 But most of the appearances are all Japanese. I think Shovel Knight is the only one that's like American made. Brawl out. What? Hyperlight drifters and brawl out. That's the end. No, what I mean is for this game in particular, I don't think they have that many American characters aside from Shovel Knight and like Isaac.
Starting point is 02:58:51 I just don't know. Like you might be right, but I wouldn't give it an automatic. Either of you guys beat hyperlight. Hype beat it? No, no. It's a you meant I remember you when you came in and it's hard as fuck. Yeah, it's like, yeah. If you like go back to it, it's hard as fuck.
Starting point is 02:59:09 Like it's crazy. Hyperlight drifters the coolest. Put him in more stuff. And lastly, the world ends with use coming out on the switch. Final remix. It has two control modes. You can either use the touch screen as co-op. Weird.
Starting point is 02:59:25 You can do these. And the sprites are like fucking sharp. That's awesome. Really nice. Final final. And a new arranged soundtrack that you can opt to switch in or off. Oh, that's cool. Super dope.
Starting point is 02:59:37 So you can play handheld mode, which is like the DS touch controls. And or you do table and TV mode where you have to use the pointers and your joy cons instead, which sounds awful to me. But guess what? It's this anyway. So I TV mode is going to be the way to go. I mean, I started this on the phone version and I got a good ways in and I kind of dropped off on it. The past the puck shit was gone.
Starting point is 03:00:07 So I still I liked it more. I seem to be beating around the bush on something. How much do you hate the world ends with you? I don't. I like the world and everything about it. I just don't like the way you fight. And I think that like, even though I was much more fine with it on the phone as time went on, coming back in and just rubbing my finger around like an idiot, a whole bunch like just
Starting point is 03:00:34 especially in boss fights, it just I wish I could just use the stick to move the character around, press the buttons to do certain types of attacks and treat it like a platformer slash beat them up thing in the battle mode. I wish I could tails of the battle mode a little bit or any other more direct control. I really don't like the drawing part of it. And I don't like that that control method started to become very popular around the DS era. And I remember it was this game and it was the Zelda games that had it.
Starting point is 03:01:06 And I was the loudest hater of this ever. And I and I want to make clear that hatred is still extraordinarily strong. And I feel like it ruined those three games. Now, so getting to play this like a video game, maybe I'll actually pick it up this time. I don't and I realize in saying this that there's a whole story here that has been multiple parts over the years of me talking about the twine that some people are probably not aware of the whole part of it. I bought this back when it first came out on the DS and I played that version and I could not
Starting point is 03:01:44 stand it because everything musically, artistically, everything about the game except the actual combat I love. It's so cool and it's so my jam. But the actual combat of the DS touch screen controls and then the passing of the puck in particular, I felt like that was the thing I hated the most. And I figured that like the touching of the screen and whatnot was like fine. And you know what? When it came back out later on with the smartphone version where I'm like, oh,
Starting point is 03:02:11 they got rid of past the puck, that probably is fine, right? And so and it was it was a lot better now that it was not in the game and I just had to do the touching part. And I just as time went on, I just kind of like, I'm like, I still really not having fun in these battles. I'm doing them. It's fine. I was playing through and I got like at least like two, three, maybe no more than that. I got probably four hours in and got after like at least two of those boss fights down and whatnot.
Starting point is 03:02:38 And like, absolutely, I understand and have the controls there. They work, but I don't enjoy it. I'm just not having fun as I'm doing it. And I keep wishing I could just play with sticks and a button. I can't stand putting something in front of the screen to move a character. It drives me crazy. I had, you know, I don't know what to say. It's just it's not that I was having trouble using it.
Starting point is 03:03:01 It's that I was just not enjoying it. And I don't know how to further break that down. I think it's a real matter of taste because I never had, I know, zero problems. I know. And Liam, when I put on the iOS version, I hated it. I thought it controlled way worse. I, so the, I don't know why though. But like the biggest actually, but the biggest, I had the iPad version too.
Starting point is 03:03:23 But the biggest reason why the biggest reason why that was the step up for me was because the puck, the password. No, I know, you know, you've explained. So, but like, yeah, I hate saying it's, I hate it. Is TV mode what it's supposed to, is TV mode what you want? I can't, it doesn't, all it says is TV mode. I don't know what it means. The description of TV mode where it says control the game using a pointer
Starting point is 03:03:43 and the joy cons. Um, no, it says and table mode. I don't know. Yeah. Now I'm worried because if that is actually point the joy con at the screen or the TV and then use that for aim and aimer, it doesn't fix it because I'm still holding because that mode doesn't sound good to me. It sounds like a harder way to aim that dot.
Starting point is 03:04:03 You know, it sounds like a more caught. You have to use your wrist instead of your finger to make these gestures happen. Like Okami-ish in a way almost. And I kind of, I really just want to like not flick gestures around. I want to honestly, this version also has the problem. There's a final solution and that is emulate it and just fucking map the directions and shit to use a twin. So you use your second stick to be the dot something anything.
Starting point is 03:04:28 I mean, you wouldn't move around the screen fast enough though, especially later on when it gets like to more complicated enemies and bad battles and stuff, you have to like attack multiple areas of the screen quickly. The DS brought plagues upon us. You know, you just wouldn't be able to do it. And, and you know, and I definitely like, trust me, everyone has made me feel like shit enough. No, no, you're right.
Starting point is 03:04:49 So I understand that I'm not liking the popular thing that everyone loves and has no problem with and I have a very different opinion. But unfortunately, I can't explain why I'm not enjoying it. Cool thing that has like a big ugly thing growing out of it. And you look at that gross thing and you go, you gross. And you know, how come you don't like the thing? And you're like, and I like the world is so my jam, dude. And the fact that I hate the DS version even more means it's like, I might have to.
Starting point is 03:05:20 I don't know. I'm going to try again, though, because I really do want to get into and like fucking get through this. How many times because I love everything about it because I'm hoping for success for you so you can finally be on the winning side. I know I wish to to be on the winning side. I understand. Neku is cool.
Starting point is 03:05:39 The music is amazing. The fashion senses are like absolutely dope. The art style is great. The fact that you like unlocking the music and going back into hearing the remixes, you know, sounds like a whole new scenario. The power is yet unknown. The power is yet unknown. The fact that it's called fucking Tsubarashi key in Japanese.
Starting point is 03:05:57 It's super cool. It's all shit that I fucking love. Just let me fight differently. I think this has a date now, too. I think it was either like revealed either in this article or like something recently that said like, I think it said something about September. Oh, the Japanese version got dated for September or something. So they're like the American version has to be in and around that because the
Starting point is 03:06:21 game is already all localized. Multiple times even. That song is so good. Ah, but yeah, yeah, yeah. That's it. So this this is a nice I really like how crispy art is in this in this release, too. Like they didn't have to like it was crisp in the iOS version,
Starting point is 03:06:41 but even not all much. Yeah. Yeah. Chris Burr. Exactly. And there's some new songs that came to that version, too. Oh, it's true. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:06:49 Yeah. So they added the music shop, I think. Oh, God. I just remember walking around Shibuya so much. I see you come. Listen to all these assholes problems. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:06:59 Focus. Like I lost my job. Open your mind or whatever he says. Yeah. Yeah. The power is there's Hachiko Hachiko. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 03:07:10 Anyway. Yeah, man. The world ends with me controls are a must. It's I you know, I don't know what to say, except like people have made their wrath known. I understand and I feel it, but it just doesn't change what is happening. Like sorry. Luckily, you have nothing to fear from those people as they all have gnarled and destroyed hands and claws.
Starting point is 03:07:33 Those are there's a kid Icarus uprising. Pat, you know, you know, that's a game I'll never get used to playing. What's that? What do you know? Yeah. No, just you know how to help them help a man feel better about his ills. You're completely fucking right. You are 100% right.
Starting point is 03:07:52 If there's a part of a game that sucks bad enough that it turns you off to the whole game, that's reasonable. As long as it's a part of the game that is a thing that actually affects it. It's not that, you know, I don't know. This character's design changed or whatever like it. And it's not even like it to the get good people. It's not a get good situation because I was doing I had no problem getting through it. Progress happened.
Starting point is 03:08:13 No, I see. I was playing the game totally fine. That mentality doesn't work because that's the same. It wasn't difficulty. That's the same mentality that goes. Hey, Pat, read this Superman story and you'll like Superman. I go, OK. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 03:08:25 I'll read your All Star Superman. It wasn't a hurdle. It was just frustrating to do. Anyway, let's take some letters. Oh, that's wrong. If you have a letter, you want to tell Willie how great the world ends with you is. You don't need to. I know.
Starting point is 03:08:40 But you said more specifically. But you can. Hey, man, I'm with you. I'm right there with you. At Super Best Friendcast at Gmail. I know it is. That's Super Best Friendcast at If you have any funny stories about your coworkers, about what time it is,
Starting point is 03:08:54 saving themselves from what time it was at work, you can send in something that sounds a little something like this. Please let it be about it. Hello, Supercast best friends. Do you have any times that you can think of where your favorite heels from things besides wrestling, things that are real or fictional bad guys and anything. I'm asking because the World Cup is going on and there's a striker from Uruguay named Luis Suarez, who is known as the cannibal for biting a player during a World Cup match in 2014.
Starting point is 03:09:34 I actually remember that he tried to provoke. He did it trying to provoke the other player into hitting him so he could call a foul. That's a new level in another World Cup. He blocked a goal with his hand, which automatically got him expelled from the game and gave the other team a free penalty kick, since the other team was going to score the game winning goal. If Suarez didn't block it, they missed, which caused them to go to a shootout, which Uruguay won by the sacrifice of Suarez.
Starting point is 03:09:59 He's a winner then. This man is hated in soccer because he will do anything for his team to win, including biting other players and getting hit and asking for a foul. I would love to have someone on my team that will bite people to make sure we win. He is such a heel in a game where no one would be considered a heel, and I love him for that. I'm waiting for what shit he'll pull this time around. Okay, the idea that soccer is a game in which no one can be considered a heel might be one of the most absurd statements ever.
Starting point is 03:10:34 The referees, the faking of the injuries, the collusion of people asking for a yellow car. You know who the real heel of soccer is? It's the people who run the fucking games, who are so concerned about the timing of it, that they refuse to allow watching of replays to determine whether or not calls are good. The fact that refs can't look at replays. Facts will interrupt with this game. Fact checking will ruin the football. Two refs on that giant fucking field, so what happens?
Starting point is 03:11:06 You turn around, he hit me, he hit me, yellow car. Like the NFL introduced the whole check the tape thing, and it says you have to spend a time out if you want the ref to check the tape, right? So we get that people can waste time with that, and the whole game can be done in fucking. But yeah, it doesn't make sense. I am of the opinion that if you dive, you should be fired into the sun. And I believe boxing, or yeah, boxing had a similar issue as well, where they're like, everyone on TV can see shit, but when points got wrongly awarded based on things that didn't
Starting point is 03:11:41 happen in the footage and the tape doesn't exist for the judges to look at, we're just doing shit antiquated for no reason, you know? Yeah, that's a dumb one. But what is the question here? Just talked about this guy. Yeah, so it says, do you have any heels from things that are not wrestling? Oh, okay. I have one that comes to mind.
Starting point is 03:11:58 I have heels in my personal life. I have heels. I say, I say F champ is a good heel for the fighting game community. I would say that low tier God is a great heel. Low tier God is a really good heel. You're right. Final Filipino champ is ultimately not, he's like, he's a healer, but he's not really healed, but he is a heal.
Starting point is 03:12:21 It's just like he just, he's entertaining. He's like, he's just that cocky guy and he's a fucking heal. And he bought, he bodies everybody and he's, he's full of himself and it's great. Low tier God is a great heel. Cause he's like, uh, and he doesn't take losses and not even well at all. He doesn't take them. Period. He rage quits on his streams.
Starting point is 03:12:43 You're not getting my points. LTG. Yeah. Fighting game community, the fighting game community has some good heels. It's David cage a heel. Technically, technically, but he doesn't think he is. That's technically the SP started in the fighting game community as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:12:59 That's the, I say the FGC man. FGC is a big heel. The whole thing. In terms of them, he's even got his own fucking pose. Yeah. Yeah. A pose here. A pose.
Starting point is 03:13:08 You're either a hero or a villain. Even though he doesn't play low tier characters, which always bug me. Yeah. That's why that's why I'm quick commentary. I often talk about the real low tier guys, but I will, I will wear a GTAB shirt all day. All day. I love, I fucking love it. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:13:26 I'd say that's my vote. Yeah. In terms of like someone acting like you, like I'm a heel, but everyone's a hero in their own story, except for the people you just mentioned. Yeah. They don't feel like heroes at all. Um, let's take, that must be a horrible feeling where you're like, I'm the hero, but no one's treating me like a hero.
Starting point is 03:13:48 Everyone's treating me like a villain. Why is it so unjust to me? Am I a baddie? Well, well, Roman, maybe that's because it wasn't your time. Roman is not asking that question. Vince is asking that question about Roman. Roman knows. Dada, Dada, Dada, Dada, Dada, Dada.
Starting point is 03:14:09 That's a great Brock Lesnar. They're big bad fuck bad at fives all day. The big F five dog. He took how many of them? Yeah. They're big bad buddy borgs. I've never listened to the podcast, but I asked multiple questions. What the fuck?
Starting point is 03:14:25 How would you even know if we answered? No, that's me was listened to an old one. You talked about boss themes that outshone the final boss itself. So, um, what's what's your pick? Pick your best fail final boss theme. You're not allowed to cheat and say dancing mad from Final Fantasy six. I wouldn't have said it, but allow me to push the sun rises from Okami. I don't remember that.
Starting point is 03:14:46 I don't remember it. Um, Kushi taking kushinata for a ride is a better track than that in Okami. Yeah. You remember that one? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Are we picking or just our favorite boss fights or picking boss fight music? I mean, I guess it's because it's literally like he acknowledged the fact that we talked about this back way back when.
Starting point is 03:15:07 And I guess it was boss themes that outshined the final boss. But I guess it's just simplifies. It's so sure. I'm a huge fan of finaled. What's not finalization? What's it called? Final zone of Sonic and Knuckles. Oh fuck.
Starting point is 03:15:22 Doomsday zone. For a second, I thought you were going to say live and learn because it's like. Fuck you. Because that's that's that's what's what's it called. It's when you're chasing after robotic and fucking space. It's it's the absolute fucking shit. Death egg zone. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 03:15:37 Is it is it? Is it doomsday stone? It might be. Anyway, Sonic three. Yeah, Sonic Sonic and Knuckles final boss. Um, I mean, the obvious is one wing danger, but I'm not feeling that because I feel like talking about lost Odyssey instead. So I'm going to as you are known to.
Starting point is 03:15:58 Yeah, because Sephiroth. It's like, yeah, obviously, but that's a little hacky, whatever we all know. No, you want to fight this dude with a half shave. Let's fucking go roar of the departed souls because that is safer. Sephiroth redux, in my opinion, and and done. And it's like it's what safer Sephiroth is to a one winged angel or whatever. Whatever what that is to like Gaelic choirs and like Western church sounding music. This roar of the departed souls is the Japanese version of that.
Starting point is 03:16:26 Right. So the lost Odyssey final boss theme is one of the best of all time. Oh, it has to be this way. Metal gear rising. That's a freebie. And I don't want to go all cliche and shit, but burn my dread mist. And duh, where's in the desert? Duh are all a plus plus plus snake eater.
Starting point is 03:16:47 You know, does that play? Yeah, it does. Uh, of course it does. It plays fighting the boss. It comes in slow as the as the fucking as the flowers bloom. And it's where it's where my chest just exploded with feelings. All the songs play when you're fighting liquid at the end. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 03:17:08 What's the what's what's the that's a boss theme? What's the song that plays when you're fighting Armstrong at the end of Revengeance? He just said it had to be this. Oh, that's that's the name. I just completely standing here standing here. I realize you were just speaking of Delveman cry five. Uh, did you see that in one of the interviews? It's, you know, confirmed that DMC five is going to be using metal gear
Starting point is 03:17:33 risings and bio twos music music technology all the way through the game. So I that's why I said the introducing the Revengeance everywhere system. Because as you style and as you get S ranks, the lyrics kick in not as a boss thing, but as the entire game goes. Oh my God, all of Undertale. Yes, they're all very high quality. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:18:01 That's so that's a duh. That's a duh. Um, you see five is going to use a zapping system depending on what character you play as first. You're real real. You're just you're salty that it's not coming back. It's going to use multiple discs like a DMC. I'm not as salty as you think.
Starting point is 03:18:19 But what if what if the new game shits on the zapping system? How would it do this? Yeah, like you meet an NPC that goes like, man, that sure was stupid shit. Zapping sucks. What are they doing? They're looking at like a generator or something. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:18:32 They're looking at like a pamphlet for something and it's like, oh, you know what? Dante has the white hair wig and he's like that's stupid. Or like he gets electrocuted by something. And he goes, oh, zapping. I hate zapping. The only way that that would work is if it's like, like there's an old bald guy with sunglasses in the back banging on some generator and he's like, zap, zap, damn you. And the guy goes, shut up.
Starting point is 03:18:55 Hideki or yeah, he just dies of a heart attack. Yeah. Um, it quickly says, uh, there will be darkest dungeon DLC and a patch that just came out are great. Um, so I inspired this question. Stat up yourself, Matt and Pat as darkest dungeon characters. The only rules you need a class, a quirk and a flaw. Is there luck in darkest dungeon?
Starting point is 03:19:17 There can be. Everything's numbers. I have, I have, I can easily associate personality traits to darkest dungeon. I was I, I yes, as can I. And thinking about it, I decided, um, I'd say Matt, you're a man at arms. Sure. That's the right look. That's the right, you know, all right.
Starting point is 03:19:37 Um, your quirks and or flaws and such would be. In town, you only use the brothel to heal. Okay. To heal to recover stress. All right. And would recover stress. Yep. And, uh, you're a, you're a cove fobe.
Starting point is 03:19:55 So any fish enemies give you super extra additional stress. There you go. Absolutely. Perfect. Sure. Pat is an occultist. Whoa. You are, uh, compulsively checking, uh, arcane and dark objects and anything that can prolong
Starting point is 03:20:12 those characters. The worst, by the way, in your party. Can't stop checking that shit infuriating. You, uh, receive no stress penalties when it's all pitch black because that's how the bathroom should be used. Yay. And you are extra prone to disease and blight. Damn, because that shit is happening all day.
Starting point is 03:20:33 Oh, man. And if I give myself, uh, an abomination. I would say, uh, yeah, it's the fucking like him. Okay. Yeah. So everybody wants me to be on the, nobody wants me on the team and, uh, I refuse to pray, meditate or flagellate at church in town under no circumstances will I ever go there. There it is.
Starting point is 03:20:59 Um, that's a debuff for the stress. I'd get extra damage versus unholy. So all ghosts can fuck right off. Um, and I'd give myself, I'd say I have an extraordinarily high chance of being surprised at the beginning of all battles because going into shit, I don't know. I get super confused and lost and I don't know which way is white. Um, so that's what I'd give us. Alternatively, we could all be antiquarians who are just cowards that back down and push
Starting point is 03:21:28 everyone in the party to the front. That also, you could have just made this a lot shorter by saying that. But, uh, I love that they went with the color. I love that game though. I love their DLC. It's one of the weirder, I mean, it's a weird statement, but like, man, you must be super familiar with the, the, what's it called? The color of madness from Lovecraft.
Starting point is 03:21:50 Are you familiar with it? Wolves. Nope. But I am doing a lot of Lovecraft research based on my new Kirby series. So it's, it's, so it's the, it's the simplest thing in the world. Meteorite hits a, uh, somebody's farm in the middle of a small town and it's a color that's no one, no one has ever seen. Yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 03:22:06 And, and it drives you mad. You can't handle it. Yeah. Yes. I totally know it. Yes. A new color would, I, if there's anything that would drive people mad at the side of it, it's a new color.
Starting point is 03:22:16 The funny thing is that there's so many new colors that just are outside of our range. Yeah. And it's just our limited range that does expose us to them. But this one forces itself to be visible. Yeah, exactly. Um, and let's take one there. K Groove Pat, C Groove Matt and A Groove Woolly. I'll live with this.
Starting point is 03:22:32 Stop and think about it for a second. C Groove is fine. You have rage. K is all right. You have, uh, standard A-ism. Yeah. I have V-ism so I can do custom combos. I'll take it.
Starting point is 03:22:43 That's the high tier. I'll take it. Oh yeah, it always is. I decided to listen to the Advance Wars Day of Ruin soundtrack and on a whim and I went to myself, boy, this sounds sort of like Soul Calibur II music. And I went to the Soul Calibur II OST and I listened to that and I went, boy, these stages and themes would be great over some turn based strategy. So it reminded me of many other discussions of a podcast of how Niquro from Third Strike
Starting point is 03:23:03 was like a Jojo side character of some kind. Yeah. Uh, what was the last time you saw a piece of media in something that could easily be dropped into another piece of media without missing a step or seeming out of place? I always get confused playing whenever I play Dragon's Crown because I feel, I can't believe it's composed by a different person than who worked on Final Fantasy Tactics. Okay. Like it is the Final Fantasy Tactics and Dragon Crown soundtracks could be swapped with no loss
Starting point is 03:23:31 at any point. Like it's it's the exact style. Do you say Nekro or Niquro? I say Nekro. Usually try and avoid saying either. I said Nekro. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 03:23:42 I'll say it. I feel like Crimson Viper can be picked up and dropped into Vanessa's team. N-J-O-F game. Into Vanessa's team specifically on K-O-F. Crimson Viper, Vanessa, Seth and like someone else. Ingrid could be dropped into any, well, garbage can first of all. Yeah. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 03:24:03 But she could be dropped in any Animoo game that is not made by Capcom. Yeah. Anything. Yeah. I would not notice. Yeah. Oh, look, she's a faked character. Something with something with an Examu logo.
Starting point is 03:24:14 Yeah, exactly. With a little lot of sigils. Just tons of them. And huge block sprites. Yes. Like block sparks, like pink glowing shit. Oh my God. Sigils everywhere.
Starting point is 03:24:28 Fuck, can we just get that fighting game going? Sigil Fighters. Sigils everywhere. Sigils Fighters. Oh man. Sigil Combat. There's already a really beautiful game coming out called World List. That's almost nothing but Sigils.
Starting point is 03:24:41 But like fuck, that's exactly the mark of anime. All right. Well, I got a lot of these magic sigils. Why you gotta do it like that? What's coming up in out? Hey Matt, what's going on? Did you have time to do stuff while you were dying of mouth? Fortunately, while I was dying of mouth, no, I didn't do any stuff.
Starting point is 03:24:57 But fortunately, I had a lot of stuff done before that happened. Yeah. So yeah, I think pretty soon, maybe the start of, maybe the end of this week or next week, I'll be starting up a little kind of truncated LP of No More Heroes 2 as like a lead-in to the new No More Heroes, Stravis Strikes Back or whatever. I seem to remember that you care somewhat for those games.
Starting point is 03:25:21 I care a little bit about it. And I also do like a little mini Let's Watch of No More Heroes 1.5, the comic book motion comic prequel that was in the Hoppers. Anyway, I'm doing a bunch. Yeah, there was a 1.5, 10 minute long video that bridged the first game to the second game. So that's going to be folded in there. And you can look forward to another Volta intro.
Starting point is 03:25:44 I was made privy to a little sneak peek. Yeah, Volta intro. It was fucking firecash money. It was. So look forward to that. Maybe this Friday, maybe Monday. But yeah, that's it for me. I feel like that's the thing where you give it a bit of time
Starting point is 03:26:03 and deep down, you've got another No More Heroes LP inside. You're like, you know, now there's more to say. No, no, just two, because two was like all three of us, like you and me and Liam. And then we had all those technical problems and just, yeah. And then there's, of course, Travis Strikes again. I wish we had a date for that.
Starting point is 03:26:25 I mean, whenever that comes out. I hear that Kirby has more lore than you managed to get to in that one video. Am I to understand? No, it's only Kirby and Star Allies. I know. I have my to be understanding that that will be ongoing in the future. I'm working on more, of course. Kirby lore one, Star Allies,
Starting point is 03:26:44 a gnawing hunger for the fabric of reality. Came out on Willy Versus and that introduces the concepts that Star Allies gets into. But it also introduces concepts that were that were hinted at in previous games, including an all connecting race that pretty much was responsible for most of the magical artifacts you see in the Kirby games. So if you want to find out more about what's happening behind the world of Kirby, please tune into my Vati Vidya homage, Kirby lore. You need to just call us one straight up, prepare to cry waddle D.
Starting point is 03:27:25 Well, it's prepared to hi. Yeah, okay. And yeah, it's going to take me some time to work on more. And I think I mentioned it, but it's kind of like the fucking feeling you get as you continue and as time goes on and nothing is happening on your shit and what not, is the drowning music in Sonic. And then you hit the upload button. But it's only temporary.
Starting point is 03:27:49 And you hit that fix and it feels good. No, get that bubble. Yeah. And you feel like you can actually sit and play something for fun and then you get right back to business. But of course, near automatic continues. And where are you guys at in that? I'm on play through B.
Starting point is 03:28:03 Okay. And so I can finally say, how are you enjoying Hacker Man? Yeah, yeah, that's going good. That what a fucking but like a button trade off. Oh, it's great. Is it so good? Oh, it's so not so good. Anyway, that's fun.
Starting point is 03:28:22 That's amazing. There's nothing but love there and that'll continue. And Ruga. Yes. And I'm trying. I'm making some technical improvements to the play through as well. So those should be showing up soon. And of course, Naruto continues as well.
Starting point is 03:28:38 And in the meantime, I appreciate Billy giving me crib notes every time something in Naruto happens in the game that doesn't look right. He writes me a huge explanation and then tells me what episodes to go watch. So he's like, that fight was horseshit compared to the real thing. Here's what you need to know about that. Here's what you should watch. And then you delete those notes and continue on with your life. That is a huge favor.
Starting point is 03:29:03 It's pretty good because me and Reggie sat down and we watched like the there was like a funeral episode he told us to watch that was solid. And I was like, yeah. And then in it, there happened to be like another little moment where like a thing I wanted to know for the longest while, which is literally what the fuck is the point of the Akatsuki? Yeah. What is your point?
Starting point is 03:29:22 What is the point? There's a scene where they go, all right, guys, here's our point. Really? And I went, thank you for years. I've wanted to know that. So, yeah, it's nice to be catching that stuff. It only took 15 years. I appreciate I appreciate the fact that Billy's doing that right now, but that's all over at
Starting point is 03:29:38 Willy versus the greatest. And how's the boot? I've been lazy lately, but I'm planning to stream tonight. I haven't decided what though, honestly, that's over at angry span on Twitch. I'm thinking either going back to the Dark Souls remastered or doing Claire B. I'm not sure. Maybe I'll just get really lazy and play for honor. Who the fuck knows?
Starting point is 03:30:00 You were saying that? No, I just because I just remembered as you were talking about that, that some fun stuff came from ComboCon, including like Bleach, Shattered, Shattered Blade for the Wii. But does this only use the Wii? It's Wiimote fighting. I remember being told it's the Wii. That's the reason why it's been fucking sitting there. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:30:23 But we got a copy of that. Thankfully, we got Flying Dragon, which was copy. But I had the American copy. That's the Japanese one. That was definitely in the barrel. Pat, you got some nice artwork here from a fan. Thank you, Kylie. I had a feeling this was coming.
Starting point is 03:30:40 And by the way, there's that hotness on the desk for you, which if you haven't seen is two mellows, Memories of Tokyo Toe. That album is fucking fire. And now we have a physical copy. Yeah, you might want to check out the first print in there. It's pretty nice. It's pretty fun. Anyway, yeah.
Starting point is 03:30:59 Yeah. So I'm going to fuck this up like I'm not going to take this out. Because if I take it, no, if this I'm not going to be able to put this back in, I'm going to take it out home. OK. For for super best friends in general. Well, there's a couple of things going on. I think those vampire episodes are either going up today or tomorrow.
Starting point is 03:31:18 But those we met and I took an extended look at the vampire. God Hand continues or will continue. I don't think there are any left right now. Tokyo Mirage continues and big memes coming out of that one. I guess we should announce the next LP. I was thinking that too. You think so? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:31:35 All right. Yeah, because it's announced the next LP. Yeah. Because we're going to be like in a day or two. Well, it actually would have been sooner. Yeah. We'll be recording it for foibles. We'll be starting the recording tomorrow.
Starting point is 03:31:46 And that will consist of Detroit. Detroit again. We're going back in. We're just going to do it again. We're just doing it again. But with a version where we don't screw everything up. Let's just do the things we didn't do. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:32:02 Opposite day. There you go. Just go right back in. There was a guy. Make the thumbnail red, Billy. So call it a day. We had already decided to do this like I want to say the second day or third day after we finished the LP. And then I'm like, I don't know if we should do this.
Starting point is 03:32:19 And then I went onto the subreddit and there was a huge thread saying, guys, please do it again. Before that even happened, well before that even happened. I remember just thinking and having a moment going, you know what? Why the fuck not? Because there's so much extra that was there. And even before that, during playing the game, there are these two scenarios where it was like an entire branch cut off.
Starting point is 03:32:46 And I was like, sweet. And so well before even the Reddit thought process, which is a natural conclusion based on the way those videos came out, when we finished recording it even, you're just like, look at how many scenes didn't exist here. Yeah. That's significant. Let's just fucking go. And also once.
Starting point is 03:33:04 And then that's when I mentioned you guys about it. Once we beat it, we also like, you know, people like, hey, you beat it. So they sent us little screenshots and snippets of things that we missed. I'm like, oh, that's just real cool. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. And there's a certain point too where some good screenshots are coming in. And then some scenes came in and I was like, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. I'm convinced.
Starting point is 03:33:22 Yes. But also like, I'm not going to start clicking on these now because like, let's see what happens. Yeah. So how do you want to title it? Do you want to call it Detroit 2? Or do you just want to just add parts? Detroit again, or part numbers? Yeah, I could just be part numbers.
Starting point is 03:33:34 Yeah, let's just part numbers. Part numbers and a red thumbnail. That's what I think is fine. Yeah. And then when we're done with that, we'll have to think of something new. Though right, I'm pretty sure we know what's going to be after that. Also, the bingo card continues. Yes.
Starting point is 03:33:46 Oh yeah. Same game, same card. I spoke to somebody and said, you guys didn't get any bingos on your card for your game, but they went and watched every other versions of every permutation of the scenes of every version of the game. And the games total bingo card has two spots unfulfilled. I know. Wow, that's good.
Starting point is 03:34:10 Yeah. Is space one of them? Yes. Okay. Um, yeah, there absolutely was that based on permutations you get bingo card. Yeah. The Yahtzee bingo thing was like top to bottom. We missed the drowning, for example.
Starting point is 03:34:25 Damn it. I knew it. But it was there. I felt it was in there. There was a scene with the pool. Yeah. Oh, there was, huh? Yep.
Starting point is 03:34:34 So the do-over, the re-up, the continuation. The apology. The back down. Now this time, I'm going to run away every time. And, uh, no, I don't know. Well, I'll get killed in my first scene out to play for the rest of the game. Let's do the things that are radically different slash the things we know are huge game changers. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:34:58 And I want to hope that we can get towards that screenshot. Well, here's the thing. If you had survived, I would have gone a different way. Okay. So then we'll probably see that this time around. Yeah, probably. Yeah. But if you had.
Starting point is 03:35:12 And then, and then who knows what happens in that moment because then we pull out knives. I guess it just, well, we pull out knives for real. I don't know how to do that. Depending on how woolly plays, it could affect me. If you play aggressively, like I think it fucks me over somehow, which would still be nice and different. Whatever. Lot to see, lot to do.
Starting point is 03:35:33 So that continues. I hope those guys didn't get their tattoos. Hey, is this is a good game or is this what is it called? Right now? Yeah. I would say it's a good game. It's a good game. It's what we said it was at the end of the credits.
Starting point is 03:35:47 Okay. I don't think that's changed. I stand by that. I stand by that. Like some, like, I don't know. Like what do you call, you know, like a game that shows up in a three-piece suit, but you knew that it shit the bed that morning, you know? Yeah, it's classy, but.
Starting point is 03:36:03 And it's going to go back and lie down in that shit. It's classy, but she's like, it's only classy for a little bit. Somebody sent me that. You got to give it a do. Somebody sent me that onion article remix, which was terrible news. The worst person you know, just made a great game. Fine. That was good.
Starting point is 03:36:20 All right. Yeah, that starts pretty much like tomorrow. Tomorrow, so. Yeah. Michael Morbius. Please look forward to this. Jared Lido. I just, what is it?
Starting point is 03:36:35 He's a good actor, but what's the? It's just, he just, he just does himself, right? He's a good actor that just keeps doing himself. And it's kind of like, we know, we know you're that, you're doing that thing. He's in 30 seconds to disturbed or whatever. 30 seconds to Mars, I thought it was. Not 30 seconds to disturbed. All right.
Starting point is 03:36:55 Well, the podcast is over. Okay. You know what that means. Hey guys, what time is it? It's almost five o'clock. No! It's almost five o'clock. Shut it down!

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