Castle Super Beast - SBFC 269: Village Hidden in the Low Interest Rates

Episode Date: October 23, 2018

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright, that's how you start a podcast. I plugged in my headphones now I can hear you. What were you talking about? He was saying how next week he's going to interrupt fighting gold with Subhuman. Yeah, before the podcast started me and Woolly were talking about Naruto and he was looking at me and he was talking and I swear to God I didn't understand a single fucking thing he said. You asked me if it was over and the answer was no. Yeah, you only beat Naruto too.
Starting point is 00:00:47 And then you said you saw some shit then I'm like I don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, I saw a guy with a weird arm and I'm like you saw that right? He's like no. I have no idea what you're talking about. That sounds really dumb though. So many people have given so many examples over decades now of stop watching this. Stop supporting this. And the first was like the one I saw which was the great T-Race.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Stop it there. And then when there's a arm of Scheringen's I have no idea what that is but I also don't know why you threw the word support in there because I'm not supporting you. I'm not saying you are generally yeah other people I think the fact that you bought the game. Would you say Naruto is supporting you? I would say that and you know what I would say too I'd say that like Plague really put it nicely with his recent video where he said Naruto fans are the first one they won't
Starting point is 00:01:53 defend it. They're the first ones to throw it under the bus and invite you in kind of thing. Oh man this sucks. Did you see this stupid part? So yeah. No, no, not so good. Did you see it? It sucks.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Period. Everyone. Everyone I know like in like in real life and stuff too that like that knows Naruto like Billy is he's like I at no point will anyone ever defend it. They're like yeah I'm into it and also I will totally like like rag on it with you because it's shit. It's like it's like the person who goes to the trash can and sees a muffin on the trash and eats the muffin and you go did you pull that out of the fucking garbage?
Starting point is 00:02:34 Well it was sitting on top. And instead of even justifying it by it's sitting on top they go yeah. Okay. That's why it's like being a big Kaiju fan is like inconsistent. It's like don't watch that or that that sucks but don't watch this or this. That's great. Whereas like Naruto has this nice consistency of no. You know what else has a nice consistency?
Starting point is 00:03:00 What's that? A mealy shit. Liquid diarrhea. I went. Has a pure consistency. It does. It does. You don't have to worry too much about like some clumps here.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Some people might even prefer it like that. Perhaps. It's just pure sludge. Out of like my never ending desire for out of context nonsense I decided to just go watch the fucking end of it. Like what? Oh you did. That's gotta have no context.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Yeah no and boy it makes as little sense as when I skipped to the end of whatever was going on with Eisen and Bleach. But there was a guy who did a really cool big kick and that was cool. Yeah you guys I don't know what the fuck you guys are talking about but. It looked like it was a different show. Okay well I mean considering so like yeah on like cause we just finished Naruto on my channel and I it's already a different show. There's so much of it that's unrecognizable like like at points there were points when
Starting point is 00:04:13 in the middle of the fight like just giant weird stands and monsters started attacking each other. Oh yeah cause the beasts. No and that's the thing. What? It has nothing to do with the tailed beasts. I thought that was a thing. But like big stands and big like demon oni and kaiju type beasts started attacking.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Is it cause it's like Naruto has been going on for so long that might as well chase all the trends that have become popular since I've been on. I think it's I think it's more like power creep needs visual indication after a certain point you do. How many colors can you glow before glowing colors doesn't mean anything anymore. Where you're just glowing pride at that point you have all of the colors. So it's like yeah okay sure we get it you've got your lightning hand and then that upgrades to like lightning swords and lightning and all kinds of crazy ways.
Starting point is 00:05:03 That's why Super Saiyan 4 is the greatest transformation of the entire time. I remember hearing a million years ago. Apparently Hunter Hunter as its own answer. I can't fucking fact check this because I forget but apparently back when Naruto started he wanted to make it wizards and like just straight up magic and his editor was like that's fucking stupid. Do ninjas instead. But they just do magic.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Yeah. Yeah don't they. Effectively. Ninja shit starts to disappear real fucking fast dude like like like the last I mean obviously it turns into magic battles early and fast for sure but there's still a semblance of ninjanas to like the jobs they're doing and you know like I get carrying scrolls I don't know man everything about Naruto's universe makes no sense but it's just in Borto there's like skyscrapers and shit and I don't know when any of that shit takes place it makes
Starting point is 00:05:59 no fuck. It's messed up when they had TV in like episode two. It stopped at a crystal ball. The ninja fucking. It couldn't be more contrasting than the technology. President of ninja country. Oh fuck. He's looking at Naruto in his crystal ninja ball like a shaman.
Starting point is 00:06:19 But he's looking at a TV inside the crystal ball. Also that yes. It stopped being about ninjas after Zabuza and Haku. Yeah. Immediately. That's the first fucking art. They get back to the village and they get back to the village and they and they and they make them fucking do the test and then it just stops being about ninja shit.
Starting point is 00:06:40 But yeah man big old summoning beasts and a fucking Akiren shows up at one point. It's weird. So yeah. So you mentioned Hunter Hunter from what I can see they established the top of the power level super early and then everyone after that just gets weirder like like people don't get stronger. Just get weirder. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:01 I was you know what this weekend I tracked down like we were able to place in conversation. I didn't realize so all those years ago when we're talking about like the original like I'll go watch Hunter Hunter thing and I watched the original and then made it. It was fucking Billy. Yeah. It was Billy that Matt gave me the handed me the episodes and gave me the final push off the shores in that boat. And he was the one that I came back to you on Monday at work and fucking threw the discs
Starting point is 00:07:32 at him and yelled how dare you sir. Oh yeah it was him. I want to say it was him. So Billy created Ipatch Wolf I well how far can we run it back. But that was how far you can run it back. Hold on though. I'm having a flashback of like hating it in college though maybe so those timelines don't add up.
Starting point is 00:08:00 You just hated a guy that happened to like it and then that transferred in your mind. You know what you know what we had a friend in college that had a whole mythology set up of his own OCS and it was the exact same thing as Naruto but he legit didn't know about Naruto. And when he saw Naruto I do remember that that was unfortunate oh my god I don't do I know that person. Not well. Oh fuck yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:25 But no Castlevania guy was way into Hunter Hunter and that transferred in your brain as suit like I'm totally remembering as I'm speaking that even earlier than meeting Billy I fucking I had hated it so I feel like maybe he made like he wanted me to watch it again or we had a dead we definitely had him all the way back then. Not in college but in at work right when I first was doing QA that's where that's where we first met. So there was definitely like a research maybe you maybe you wanted me to read it or something but there was there was there was hatred in my heart before that point and then there was
Starting point is 00:09:03 a rekindling after it's good to have one chamber of your heart dedicated to hatred for when you need it. You absolutely needed the medial ventricle. That one's got to stay open for blood and get a little bit of hatred to get the hate in there. If you don't have enough hatred then how are you supposed to get your mango sharing again. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Did you just say that mango that's the only way to get it you don't you mean man gecko or whatever technique that requires yeah man man gecko don't you mean arm mango that's the only way but you also need a chamber for love so that you can kill fucking sick the fake bank is calling me kill your best friend and then upgrade your mango mm-hmm mm-hmm fucking bank that I don't have an account at called me to be like hey man do you want to watch Naruto at the bank ninja run to savings at TD just face plant into our deals because you can't catch yourself if you fucking fall I love getting a new Jiu Jitsu I fucking love at Royal Canadian Bank that the reason why they run like that is so that you don't
Starting point is 00:10:14 have to fucking animate their god damn one's gonna you're gonna come up with one soon I got trying to I'm trying to uh no no I'm trying to work jinchuriki that's too hard it's it's not gonna happen now open up the eight gates of savings nine has nine tailed yeah okay yeah I was gonna say nine tails of I yeah I was also thinking that but I kind of petered out no there it was bad guys yeah yeah okay yeah yeah yeah we will be your number one bank Kai I that's dad you know that's good that's good franchise though this bank high is so fast say man I know it's ancient I don't stupid but the term eighth gate bank I cracks me up to this what episode of that was that was absolutely oh to grapplers and thank you offline thank you I'm
Starting point is 00:11:14 I'm glad that stuck around it's in my mind as the oh the fucking dumb anime but it was also boys a boy uh bolstered by the hip hop like pronunciation of it it wasn't eighth gate back goes eighth gate back you know done in the traditional issue go didn't get his sword in time he got a dumb mask and god I fucking bailed I was gonna say early everyone bailed but I guess I actually didn't bail early because I kept watching past soul society which was my mistake I was burned in that era of watching anime that now I don't bother to start anymore because yeah you know rrs p's more like what you got what you got more like I shouldn't have started that because I got nothing
Starting point is 00:12:11 anyway it's fine it's fine what's up um bleach continues to be worse than Naruto uh it's just done yeah or it's it died yeah it finished yeah it's anime died and then the manga finished add filler to your savings with with our lower arc low interest rates hidden in the mist anyway village of flow interest rate that one has a little dollar sign with an arrow pointing down let's go with that one the village hidden in the low interest rates yes that's fine um the village of the dow Jones uh so there you go nice and early um you want to talk about watching new anime or not doing that um I had a pretty packed weekend because it was my gold fighting gold um I just want to say it fuck yeah also shout out to
Starting point is 00:13:16 alpha gambola because I'm like he went and got the visual comparison of exactly what I was talking about where you side by side the casino royale intro and fighting gold and you see the similar framing you see the similar uh uh composition and like same like sort of uh visual techniques alongside the fact that the music is compositionally matching as well and you're doing the same things that a bond theme does right saying that james bond is a jojo i'm saying you might have a secret last name that begins with james jonathan bond right it's yes jojo bond is absolutely absolutely um would it be jobo no it'd be jo bojo yeah it's bojo i mean if it's one of those sanny days if you if you if you take 007 and you turn it upside down and
Starting point is 00:14:10 throw blue some letters in there you get jo jo yeah smarter people than us can workshop that absolutely um but no it's also music also musically also and that's the important part is like I said you you know you have all those themes that that uh uh have the same notes in them um you know whether where the course goes up let the sky fall oh okay I thought it was you said it was casino royale yeah well well i'm a bond in general bond in general right the odds will betray you you always go upwards right um diamonds are forever you always go upwards it's a tension and it's it's it's it's a half note and and and uh fighting gold think about that chorus the you go up you come to a point of tension it's it's a it's a fucking bond theme you know so it's now
Starting point is 00:15:06 with that and combined with alpha gamble I'm pointing out the fact that it's visually on point it's like this is super deliberate james bond is one of those things that became mega popular in japan too did it yeah james bond is popular worldwide I just yeah even flooding the fucking cashing in or the estate it's one of those things that just hit in particular like dale kajima obviously loves you know uh james bond what yeah yeah um and like I just I just can't hurry that it's one of those things that like you know does really well over there because it's a spy like um and and like going down that little spiral of course sent me down this like the thing that happens every now and then or I'm just like I just watched a little james bond you gotta do it you gotta do it man
Starting point is 00:15:50 you gotta just get into like die another day how's that one I like die another you gotta I mean the fucking you gotta know I like the intro you're crazy die another dude another day violins do it's not the best it's not a classic it's not but it's got violins in it another day um great anyway uh yeah no no no it it's it's I'm gonna say remember it though yeah you do you sure you can think about it yeah what's the theme of quantum a solace I'm a bad movie dad dad dad dad dad oh jack white and alicia that's the lyrics oh he's got a point yeah yeah I remember that now yeah god what a fucking misstep but anyway
Starting point is 00:16:51 um I I'm solidifying it after going on that most recent bender Cornell is king top that's my number one I mean it started there it's number two for me but like you're taking you giving it to Adele I'm giving it to Adele but like a hair it's mostly because I like skyfall a bit more than considering as a movie like that helps but the visuals in both are really strong oh god it's I can give it to aliens or alien yeah yeah I I mean so that's the thing is is like it's kind of crazy to me though that like we'd even have this discussion and like Shirley Bassey takes third place that's insane you know but the fact that it's like these two themes are actually like fucking better than the clock like I don't want to
Starting point is 00:17:48 say that it's blasphemous to say but I actually think they're better than old stuff it's crazy but it's true I really I stand by that that's why old people are dead and the new generation's fucking um you know and then and then you throw in um um Tom Jones and then Tina in there and then you give them their their due but anyway Cheryl Crowe one wasn't bad either tomorrow never dies no I forget it it's it's pretty okay well you know um anyway anime though anime though I guess I'll start there because let's talk about it I even have an anime thing to talk about I had a pretty pretty hectic weekend it was my girl's birthday so like you know just running around we're doing all kinds of fun stuff but like you sitting at a computer looking at the James Bond like me
Starting point is 00:18:37 sitting at a computer actually if you want an accurate representation it's me lying in bed with my earbuds in playing the themes and reading the lyrics alongside them sideways as I turn my phone to like stop rotating sideways mode and I'm lying and I'm just I turn the brightness down and I'm just like fucking going through the songs that way yeah that's fine I don't have time the rest of the day so I'll just yeah just instead of sleeping so uh I got a bunch of recommendations since you know it's like hey attack on titan's great I've been watching that and hey Jojo's going and that's that's great nothing came out yesterday though so you're okay I didn't get well anyway you're you're you're fine yeah so a bunch of bunch of recommends came in and then
Starting point is 00:19:21 like some tweets came in and then eventually uh I got a direct friend recommendation which you respect to go which I do to go watch me some goblin slayer oh here we go here we go did you no I didn't okay I have gotten what I would consider the most baffling series of recommendations to watch goblin slayer I've I have ever seen anti recommendations I have seen uh I have seen recommendations that go everywhere from uh yo it's like doom no but goblins no no no two boy it's gonna make all the snowflakes so mad because bad things happen and I'm like oh I don't know what the show is so the the moment you know you're on for a good old time is when one of those tweets comes in with the it's the new berserk oh that's that's the one you want to that's the one you want
Starting point is 00:20:20 to watch out for and you go okay okay they got they got there's I've seen that recommendation before and it never holds any fucking because once in a while more was that this is a new berserk because every like one in I don't know let's say let's be generous and say one in 100 people that are like in that are fans of it are into it just completely misses what it's about so every like you take 100 berserk fans and one of those people is like yeah man swords and rape fuck yeah let's do it let's go edgy and that's what it's good that's what berserk's about right that's the core of berserk that's why we were real hard to berserk that's why we love it fucking and so I fucking pop this shit in and I get 10 minutes before like space bar the crunchy roll space bar hit
Starting point is 00:21:14 is a nice one you know the you know the um the 3d glasses come off like all right what are we doing here in the theater sure thing it's a new thing we're 3d movies that are bad like have a thing where you just get to a tall point where you're like I'm done and you have to take the glass because it makes the movie slightly more unwatchable yeah so it's like the first step towards leaving so so nowadays we've got the crunchy roll space bar like what I would I would roll that back like decades to the fucking media player classic space bar perhaps because I remember or a fucking the netflix one because I remember watching always sunny and getting to that first episode where they're making bets about who can get the most black friends the fastest and I hit that fucking
Starting point is 00:22:00 space bar as hard as I can and walked out of the room yeah yeah that was good times the gang gets racist I can't handle that best episode whatever best episode whatever best pilot of all time um the fucking uh uh yeah and it goes and then it's like I'm I'm I had to like what what are we like it's not just the fact that it's like oh this is super edgy and fucking dark and grim and whatever it's just like yeah you have to look beyond that now to be like wait what okay what is this actually it's just the most predictable yeah fucking buy the numbers thing and here's the problem right I like I'm forming the I'm having these feelings and forming these opinions but I'm also knowing that I'm like hey one I'm like I better at least finish this right after the point at which like
Starting point is 00:22:52 some shit hat goes down yeah I'm like let me just finish this and and and think what I'm thinking and I'm like the four episode thing I usually do I'm like I usually give something four before I'm like okay here's what I'm gonna say about it or whatever four is an interesting number because sometimes things need time to warm up and so on and so forth and full disclosure I fucking didn't in this case but like it's just you can see where these comparisons come from because you have your most it's I think it's based on D&D right it's a fifth edition world or so but you just have the most it's not in isekai it's not a trapped in an MMO world but it's just an RPG town as well be right everyone is talking might as well be little popsicle stick characters
Starting point is 00:23:34 got it and like your your cute healer girl I like berserk that's all nervous is there and and she's like joining the party and then there's a happy-go-lucky adventurer guy and then and then it has this whole thing where it just it sets up like these cardboard like strawman characters so that like obviously things are gonna go horribly wrong that's correct and then your Dark Souls protagonist shows up but he's level 99 and he does look like a dark soul and he's and he's been at it for so long so basically if you like if you play a lot of games where you have high-level fantasy characters the appeal is there it's a fake isekai is what you're saying yes right so like if you have an appeal for big number big fantasy man yeah I do he's done this
Starting point is 00:24:17 run so many times he knows every class and exactly how to kill them he loves to kill goblins and he knows he's done it right and you view if you just if that on its own as a basic premise gives you a boner then you're super in yeah but evidently I guess maybe like it goes places or something beyond what we see with this character develops I in theory but what you get right away is pretty much nothing except I'll look at this badass but rock plays when he shows up and then quivering moe blob witch girl becomes more of a blob and quivers some more and then your card additional quivers you know such an awful description I hate it and then you just you cart what's left of whatever the mess that occurred was back to town and call it a day and it's just
Starting point is 00:25:08 it's just not great based on my hard fast and loosed super assumptions of a first episode you know what you should I just didn't dig it wasted I really didn't dig it you should have tried out skull face spoke sailor honda song yeah and you know what you know what I'm more than willing to catch the um because here's here's the part where it all comes down and it's like nah man here's where it goes from here and here's where it changes in the second episode oh man or here's the point you know like I like all of that sure sure whatever the setting itself even if you take even if you have a point or a purpose or whatever the setting itself being as boring as it was means I have no interest in seeing more okay you want to you want to hear the wild ultimate of
Starting point is 00:25:54 that variation a while ago I said I talked on the podcast about how one piece's world seems very poorly defined right and I watched 150 plus episodes of that yeah only to have people shitting on me for I think three weeks now what are you talking about man the one piece world is so so much lord world building and I will like well when does that start I don't know episode 280 yeah right right right right right right right right right right right right right right so that's that's six years so I was so I got to that and and I was having that moment of like okay you can keep this going to fully shape this this right now what you have is disinterest and disdain and you can shape this right you can you can you can keep this going you can go early malleable
Starting point is 00:26:47 type of it's in a state right now you've created something you presented it to me I didn't like it and then I'm like I can do a little bit more here but then I was like why don't I just move the mouse over a little bit just like and just click on this other little button here what is that button that says s s s s grid man yeah you should yeah that is also I heard better things and fucking watch quadruple s grid man and I'm just like yeah I'm gonna watch this instead and there's three episodes that out and I watched two of them and you know what that's a fucking better use of your time oh wow because it's fucking cool is it a trigger it's a trigger show but it's a send up to Ultraman and there's clearly some weird shit happening in this setting but ultimately you're
Starting point is 00:27:30 getting normal setting plus Ultraman cool shit and vague mysteries and we don't know what's going on yet but fuck yeah that kind of sounds yeah I'm in the mood that kind of sounds right and I'm like you let's just fucking let's just go in on this instead that sounds like a trigger show why waste my time I watched the first episode I'm like what okay we're being we're just hitting the ground running that's fine you're the protector of the city you've destroyed half the city already it was it was got a little crazy but the animation is super nice I mean do you you know like you're on a date and halfway through it like the date you're with just like uh fucking farts in your meal and and and pulls up and flips the table and then spends the rest of it on her phone or whatever
Starting point is 00:28:21 and then you're like cool at the end of the night you want to meet up again next week should we should we do this again or should I just go over there and that sexy robot that's super down to hang out and it's like that's superhuman samurai cyber squad you want to watch anime on netflix and it's on a computer and it's saying you have to remember you have to remember remember yes so um anyway somewhere in that uh and there's like three episodes of that out now three that's yeah that's correct um somewhere in that analogy that fell apart is um it's all good a fucking in a zoom a kick and a cool ass like full-on ultra man send offs like they're not even pretending because they're actually talking about the ultra man series in the show and you can't yell at us
Starting point is 00:29:11 for being a rip off because we're just talking about it yeah yeah and you could and and you can tell right away that it's like here's a kid here's a town with kaiju here's a superhero and there's going to be more to whatever the fuck is going on here because there's a larger confusing that they're not playing at play that you obviously yeah and you don't have any pieces but like it's so it's like a it's like a movie that knows what zombies are right a zombie movie that knows what zombies are some don't some don't even say zombie exactly right zombie line one of the few that actually it's the walkers like shut up exactly right the dead the phenomenon occurring in your genre oftentimes is something that has never occurred in that world oh my god how could
Starting point is 00:29:57 you use the magical belt to turn into a beetle that's wow that's weird and what is that and uh uh uh in this case yeah it's it's it's one of those where they're aware and everyone is like oh man this is kind of like ultra man isn't it that is that why what's happening that might be my favorite ever like like in uh fucking uh yeah a hero academia it's like i could i could use my quirk to do wall jumps like mega man like oh good yes that's exactly what i was thinking when i saw you do that grid man is an ip by the creators of ultra man it's owned by the company well that explains it then fuck yeah that's awesome so that makes it like baraya so it's also like did all the special so then it's like karras it's like uh in the same way right we're like like um tatsunoko has this
Starting point is 00:30:46 like like like a 30 year anniversary character that is the yeah fucking cool so previously trigger and super eye productions they collaborated on a net animation which i'm assuming was on the internet and it was called denku chojin grid man boys invent great hero okay might be the best subtitle i've heard today man okay japanese boys invent great podcast maybe that should be what it's called today and japan loves its verbose titles don't it and for whatever reason boys invent great hero is all non-capitalized why would it be capitalized that's silly oh jesus christ wooly you moron what now what s s s s the quadruple s yeah uh i believe that is supposed to stand for superhuman samurai cyber school yeah i didn't do you remember on the podcast a couple months ago he
Starting point is 00:31:42 said studio triggers bringing back wait we did i could and then i and then i brought it up last week and you brought up then you brought it up yes yes you're super right you're super right yeah weird brain fart there you're totally right yeah that's what it is um remember when i had the uh the live action whatever show uh when they localize it for america even me as a kid who loved misspelling things and still does to this day cyber with a fucking cyber squad spelling with an s but then you get all four s's yeah it'd be weird if it was like s s s c s yeah is that's like a comic con where is that sound like a comic con anyway so um that thing was fun and i enjoyed that you enjoy goblins slayer
Starting point is 00:32:30 yep go watch goblins actually you know there are people that um that's a dust that's a dust jacket quote from wooly there if you're like like there's some people that are down for like watching the mess you know i'm one of those people so i feel like you would eat it up yeah you know like like anti recommendations that work i'll think about it yeah yeah yeah you might man but you can also spend your time watching good shit so um not sleep and just do all do all of it that's consume product yeah um and get excited you know but like nothing super new i bought soul caliber but i didn't boot it up because i was too busy with yo that's a bummer because it's fucking great i know i know um you know i fortunately i did get to try it earlier at evo but um yeah i with what little
Starting point is 00:33:20 time and i got i was doing some like because i'm like i'm doing grinding in near automata i'm playing some zero ranger and stuff like that so i didn't really get much time in but i have been enjoying the character creations all weekend it looks like that mode is back and is as powerful as it's always been that care it's way more powerful than it's ever that's all i'm seeing though there are two i'm not seeing height matches there are two bummers with that character creator what uh the number one bummer is apparently apparently you unlock a just a shit ton of extra clothes through the story mode which appears to be bad so that sucks which story mode because i'm gonna leave a labor okay um and then it seems to be like the actual for real unbelievable bummer there's absolutely no way
Starting point is 00:34:09 to search for characters to download you you have to randomly look for you hit left you hit left bumper right bumper on the character search thing and it brings you through a randomized but consistent list so every single time i load that thing up it's like the same cat girl in just white clothes and there must be like tens of thousands of these fucking things and i'm going through one at a time but can someone tell you the name of their creation and no they can make it give you a list of like how to redo yeah create yourself like cause call numbers you can do it like that cause you can uh and the other thing is that when you go through the list so you're 20 deep and like oh this is an amazing seminar skate download it downloads the character and then you're back to the start of
Starting point is 00:34:55 the list and you have to and every every click takes three or four seconds because that's the load in the whole character so here's the weird thing that's awful here's the weird thing that has to be acknowledged right it's insane to think that you would make this feature as detailed as it is and fuck that part up yeah the ability to share things and whatnot and it and then here's the thing if you add it and treat it the same way you like previous creative character uh uh solo caliber games have done it's always been like a really elaborate side feature it's now the almost as important as the main game i don't remember anyone searching and and talking about the creative characters as old caliber five i just remember they did they did i but but except for a hater
Starting point is 00:35:33 fascinator i don't remember anyone downloading other people's characters i was definitely sold i don't remember if it was but i definitely remember seeing lots of pictures of cause and not cause but tax whatever the thing is is there's two reasons why this is the main feature one it is easily the most powerful creative character in a fighting game i've ever seen there's no fucking question i mean the accuracy of the creations is you know you know why people are able to do such wild shit because is there a mold modifier down at the bottom there's three accessories and the three accessories are a bunch of fucking random shapes and you can move them or distort them in any way there's a mold modify yeah so yeah you get three of those so you can that's how you end up
Starting point is 00:36:11 with your your patrick star literally sculpt a accessory there's it's a limit because i imagine you know so loads in pro but like that's how people get it all crazy but the second reason is the game has like no alternate costumes or even colors so i like there's color one in color two and color two often is just like the off i wanted to give out about that i'm like that either really sucks or it's like i can't think of the last fighting game since mk like mk nine or maybe street fighter four really started with it it's like alternate costumes and i'm like there's zero you can't unlock them are they going to be dlc here's the thing with that this is just the customizing the main cast so you can customize the main cast it sucks well no because the main
Starting point is 00:36:55 casts all of their gear is in the character creator and you can make some fucking amazing alternate costumes yourself with the character creator can i take off rafael's glasses yes you can clap the other characters gear what's that sorry i thought you could only customize the main casts with with the only thing you could swap them with which is other characters gear you can you can know the entire character creator is open to you for customizing the main cast yes so like for example i picked nightmare and all i fucking did was take his helmet and his chest piece off perfect and guess what that's and you can change the color to the the metallic the silver guess what that's his soul over to best costume because so i went in and then took off rafael's glass
Starting point is 00:37:39 yeah i'm done that's what i just said sorry i'm done so that's exactly it but but the weirdest thing is like now you have to acknowledge that like um at least casually yeah this mode is as important it is extraordinarily as anything else in the game so not having the ability to trade and and quickly search find and and so on you can't even is a massive oversight that needs to be patched you can't start did it start in three three was the first time you could character create it's so bad you can't even go i want to look at all the nightmare just regular character customizations it's completely random at top to bottom and it's it's a bummer because there are fucking good shit in there oh yeah like there are some people's oc's that look like real characters
Starting point is 00:38:33 that could legitimately be in a soul caliber game and then there are like one to one perfect recreations that look like official characters and if they just leaned into it and had like a like ranked highest like voted or um this week's you know like but the thing is i'm sure like you know like legal weirdness is so that's the weirdest thing a potential problem there's nothing in that they don't even tell you not to fucking make copyrighted characters because it's just not on the radar the big license end agreement which i don't remember in any other soul cal every game that every triple a game that has an eula nowadays fucking dark souls has you know but um i just kind of shocked me and i assumed fucking character creator shit like some sort of like rule about
Starting point is 00:39:22 that was somewhere in there dude like fucking again triple a games are just like oh read this big ass eula to play the video game it's a thing now but except nintendo games except nintendo games like the character creators ace but also have you do you play any of it matt i played like two matches i played i played it like all last night and just it's so good it's so fucking good the the the feature that everyone's complaining about or or getting mad over is the the new class edge the clash system yeah it's just a fucking focused attack but it's it's more fair than a focused attack because even if you get hit by it you can reverse it but it functions like a comeback system where like you're like okay wait stop the fight i want to shot it getting a hit in
Starting point is 00:40:06 yeah it i i wildly prefer it to like injustices like clash system well the fact that your options are not just like abc but at our abk but actually like nothing or block yeah make it massive and the the rps nature of it is extra fascinating because depending every character's obviously got their unique abc in that mode but some characters have way way way better buttons so asteroth be his vertical will slide you along the ground behind him about 25 feet can ring you out he will ring you out no problem so when asteroth hits it your brain goes oh he's gonna try and hit the b no problem so you do see but oh he did a and so like it's got the whole so characters have strengths and you know what they are so you play you don't nightmare wants to hit his vertical
Starting point is 00:41:02 because it's super good so you play those against your choice yeah yeah great do i want it do i want to risk getting hit by the the move that is really bad or do i want to take more guaranteed damage also from what it sounds like or at least what max was saying about it uh back then i don't know if it's changed now i like in this set like yes comeback mechanics are a thing that are going to exist from now on but it doesn't sound like you're going to like lose a round that you are dominating no based on a reversal edge no reversal edges have one big big main huge fucking weakness and it's they're purely vertical you can sidestep them no problem and once once the once the vertical edge like clash thing comes out you can't do anything but let it go so if somebody sees you
Starting point is 00:41:52 do it and just doesn't attack you you're super fucked damn so fuck yeah tecan and soul caliber back and fucking strong as ever like soul caliber is this is the this is the one yeah more than tecan seven well but tecan seven is also the one right so like here's what i mean it's like tecan had a bunch of fucking great tecan games it had two three five and seven good good skip good skip good skip right five dr but like when you talk about soul caliber you talk about soul caliber and then soul caliber two and then you're like boy i hope another one comes along that's as good as soul caliber two yeah i again i i i enjoyed five but i know i'm in the minority you know no everyone enjoyed five but it wasn't so i think i think people enjoyed the core game
Starting point is 00:42:39 but almost everything else around it was like and then you get this and it's just like hey thanks to the real soul caliber three it only took forever the only really genuinely annoying thing is that this is probably the most obvious it's ever been the way that they take the old guest characters and turn them into new characters like the fact that growl growl growl growl is just the apprentice oh moveset wise yeah he's he's got the double thing but he whole you know think he's got the thing behind him but is the moveset actually the same i'm just assuming that i don't actually know because it i didn't think it was from what i saw of it like i it's like patrocolo's being setsika is obvious yeah but i i was fucking and i remember i remember uh i remember uh aion
Starting point is 00:43:25 in five was kratos more or less i didn't uh i didn't yeah i didn't know that um if that's the case moveset wise for sure confirmed or not but um yeah man yeah he has like kratos's icarus wings i'll tell you what people are gonna get hype for like returning casts over like new kids uh when returning cast is not like given as an alternative to new kids yeah you know if you're gonna bring out new kids it seems like you gotta bring out both at the same time there are i i do think it kind of sucks that tira is day one dlc it's still a grain of all right well she's not day one dlc she's the season pass bonus i think mark of the wolves and third strike are the last time that fighting games were able to get away with like fucking the old roster second three later than
Starting point is 00:44:16 those two uh 99 uh 99 and 99 yeah but it took three turns from people to come around to how much how much was thrown out in three right so you lost you lost uh um it was just riyun ken well well julia got replaced with we're talking about second sorry i'm sorry julia got replaced with um michelle and law got replaced with law yeah but like Irving Irving left back got replaced with orang um what's what's replaced by jen yeah yeah like because yeah it just got straight it caused you and um hey ouchie was old man um uh what's your name uh john john was old man is in it as well lang he was not no no no okay wait four it wasn't three or four it was a three the we're talking about like the the shape the shake up to the roster and three from tech
Starting point is 00:45:13 and one or two dramatic as i remember it wasn't no it wasn't that now they were listing it out it wasn't that dramatic hey ouchie got old yeah the introduction of a new main character will make it feel a lot more than it actually is there are so absolutely the only thing i'll say about uh socal six's roster is that but it's the best roster they've ever had i think i but there are some big fucking gaps where's hildy at where's the man at well because hildy was in a later game well why is that some volunteer hair shut up the thing is they're only they're from three not four i was gonna say that with the whole like the new kids on the block situation with the third strike in ricaero though those were games that were beloved after the fact yeah right not instantly on release
Starting point is 00:45:53 so like i don't want your fighting game to be beloved instantly i i will say that they're only being two new characters i don't count gerald uh i want new characters but i just don't want them to replace the whole classic ones like you did for two whole games beforehand and i don't particularly actually care for grow or or the other guy azzel is super cool as a fighter i can't stand his aesthetics yeah and i'm really really tired of every single soul caliber boss character after two being guy who can use both swords yeah they're all garbo like he looks and they float around yeah it's like come on yeah it's pretty much that type of thing i don't hate when the new kids show up and replace you know like but i know i know i'm in the extreme minority there i know that so i'm
Starting point is 00:46:51 not even gonna fight that anymore i'm just that's a tired battle but i don't i generally don't mind it um but i will say that like obviously mortal combat made the best bet with it where they're like combat kids were great here's the combat kids even then they didn't really replace them they're they're who they were replacing we're still in the fucking game exactly that's that's johnny cage and sonia blade we're in that's what i'm trying to say is like here's the new generation but also i don't mind new kid but also if you just if you just want what what you're used to here's the old it also helped that the new generation were like remixes or like alter they were not like cassey cage is not a johnny cage clone or sonia blade clues she's the weird synthesis
Starting point is 00:47:32 same thing with um uh what's his name to kashy to kashy right he's not scorpion he's got scorpion stuff but he's not scorpion exactly yeah so no and in the same way like obviously like if you're a tacky player and you don't get tacky you get the other girl you're gonna be like well you're like i want tacky yeah yeah so i understand that part too for sure um who got it they did it they did it killik fans got it the worst with that no i think tacky uh i don't like that too no huang fans got the worst with the character in two who i literally cannot even remember their god damn name there's a character yeah huang was reply huang was yun sung is that yun sung i want to say yun sung yeah fuck that guy probably that seems right i didn't mind him there i there's
Starting point is 00:48:23 someone that's way worse patrick less patricolos yeah that's the worst he's at zika but he also kind of replaces sofidia no no because the kid the girl what's her name but like andra no no the daughter but are you but are you say but do you mean replace do you mean moveset wise or design wise i mean kind of like both but i mean moveset like i am from this region of the world yeah no he replaced setsika for sure because yeah the exactly the sheath the sheath base thing is you know he re-rocked the same thing i liked kassandra better than sofidia but she's never coming back is she no i don't know i like lizard man better than both and he is definitely coming back because there is he is straight up in the the story mode with his axe i want rock to continue to be no alt
Starting point is 00:49:13 astoroth in like extreme way that is so fucked considering he was the first character i know it is so fucked but you don't even disagree no you're super right i want rock too what was rocks ward little boy bangu i gotta protect bangu from the lily mammoths yeah bangu in 1586 and it wouldn't be a soul caliber conversation if woolly doesn't bring up ein and zwei uh they're cool they're cooler than grow they are boy i had to pick one character that would never come back ever it would be viola yeah uh well street fighter took her yeah so that's sorted out forever yeah honestly like that the fact that like she might have had a chance and then uh fucking um monot monot what nope done and done you're canceled that's rough i canceled you that's rough yeah
Starting point is 00:50:13 yeah yeah uh anyway so yeah soul caliber six fucking um nice nice to see that that's back and strong really happy about that it's actually selling well i didn't i don't haven't heard anything but i mean only came out on friday so you're the only uh i am nine man sick reader now so far apart that you almost can't tell they used to be the same person across and it's like so yeah okay you know so the noise that woolly just made that exasperation noise is that soul caliber two nightmare had the best parts of both of these characters just fucking make it work everything but they both have a bunch of really really really great new stuff that old guy didn't have that makes it worth it and here's the problem it's a gin situation where nightmare has been so different
Starting point is 00:51:00 more games than he's been good so you can't go back on it now unfortunately right you've you've created each new entry has created a new fan base of new nightmare fans that you're just like you're gonna upset one or the other i'm just gonna have to live with the fact that the fucking red ponytail is not coming back and that uh he's gonna hold that sword one handed forever now no just make a new character called sigmar or nightfreed just make it and then make that be the one i i worry that like waste a slot after playing a bunch of both of them i worry now that if you went back and put soul caliber two nightmare into this game as he was he'd be completely fucked like because he has everything like each character some of their best stuff is the stuff that they kept all the
Starting point is 00:51:50 way back from sc2 i mean like seek freed's evolution i i don't mind because it's like they basically built off of his stances right and they just made that stance heavy that's what he's all about that's what he's all about and that's cool like that's fun to do and it works and it's you know it's it's tactically viable and you you can use it defensively and offensively so it works out but the stuff they gave nightmare like so the stuff they gave nightmare this time is actually it finally makes up for it they gave him all sorts of back in the day they gave him all sorts of aoe's and big weird attacks nightmare's big thing is that he's not stance based he has a couple right he's got the side he's got the back but he doesn't use them like seek free does
Starting point is 00:52:32 his thing is that he has a bunch of uh hit grabs like strikes that turn into animations that give him one stock of the special soul charge you know how you can buff your character by using a bar well he gets one moves worth if he hits these so he has access to all of his his essentially exes for free if you you're on the offensive so you just get like you get on a roll ex ex ex but you know the hit grabs are always coming out as k button moves yeah but he can also just draw charge and ex for free if you're far enough away okay and uh all of his forward attack moves on their startup if you hit him he will burst and get a stock as well so he is which i think he had a burst version of that in in back and yeah but the basic deal is that on clashes if
Starting point is 00:53:23 you hit him he will often knock you down and he'll gain the stock got it so he is all about just building up and using exes now whereas seag is over there doing his stance baby shit it's cool but it's not as fun as the big big fancy ex moves um like shmup god pat was telling me about how like one of the best things about this the bustle caliber six is how he's been pissing off his girlfriend just talking like the announcer all week all weekend a man desires a sandwich oh and a sandwich desires for man that that announcer lives in fucking fake you it's like a wind rammer exactly and just going throughout the house and then fucking just bring it out and just getting dead looks and fucking shut the fuck ups to the point where we're just like like cut to a week later
Starting point is 00:54:14 where it's just like like you broke up over soul caliber six yeah a man desires a girlfriend but a relationship was not found yeah that i'm gonna have to spend a bunch of time on the soul burns with hatred anyway but one other thing i was gonna say tell us about your other thing was uh there was the uh where's yeah this this week there was the burlesque festival and that was a fun time went to go check that out and check out the burlesque festival i went to go check out the burlesque festival exactly um there's the Montreal's a pretty good good good pretty good town for that last town yeah and uh yes Montreal is a pretty good town
Starting point is 00:54:59 for that stuff yeah and it was it was pretty dope so there's a big big old fancy event this weekend and uh heading over to check that out and oh look it's a stray crime tina just wandering out at the same time that we're wandering in or like oh shit so got to got to enjoy that um i was doing the most cherry boy thing at the time well i was gonna say like i was gonna say like see like like maybe like uh me and my girl wandering in and then like crime tina's in there and Liam's girl's in there and like i'm just like oh like no matt no Liam is this just we're hiding from the booty in the titties because it's just too much uh maybe he was where their coats deployed at my mom's house spending time with her oh wow yeah you're right
Starting point is 00:55:49 that is the most cherry boy that is not burlesque at all uh yeah no my dad went away for like a hunting trip so my mom was like your dad goes on hunting trips yeah you have one of those dads wow well less and less okay his time goes on obviously um my dad used to back before i was damn uh yeah and like partridge is an animal that begs to get killed they're like oh you miss let me i was gonna say like is he packing out some elk he's bringing elk meat home and freezing it because you're old now you can't fucking throw an elk carcass on your back and carry it back so so like yeah i spent some time with my mom and just what we just watched netflix together gotcha gotcha you spent some quality time with mother
Starting point is 00:56:35 all right yeah but anyway no it was it was a fun little excuse to to fucking throw some you know some fancies on tighten up a bow tie and go and have a good time yeah that was me oh cool hey matt what'd you do this weekend um well i decided like i watched past week really grin man and uh played it like i played a very very little soul caliber sex i did did more character creator stuff but um i'm so bad at that um but yeah no i continued more assassins creed odyssey so right after i complained like man there's no interesting side missions anymore it's because i forgot how it actually works that you have to do some story missions and those unlock characters that then give you the interesting side missions yeah that's right because i was just i was not
Starting point is 00:57:19 doing story missions and i was kind of like so what's your hour count right now what's my what hour count 40 hours okay i'm probably something around them are you deliberately uh holding out for story missions because you're doing extra stuff but or like can you see i i think it's because it's like the plot approaching a climax list of your side of your main quests are kind of like you should probably be this level and i'm close to that level or i'm at it but i'm like hey why don't i just go two levels above it or not or it's like i kind of just want to focus on upgrading the spear yeah which makes you have to go into another menu check out what you what's required for that menu so it's very like whatever i'm feeling on that day but um once i found so socrates
Starting point is 00:58:07 hey socrates socrates and alquillabades i'm like oh so now all the missions are here and he's got actually a bad that is has some really really fun ones where he's like give this present to someone don't say it's from me though yeah and then you give it to the person who's like this he's a cast of someone's penis and then i love the option to say it's from me and i'm playing Cassandra of course and i'm like i i was too cowardly i didn't take that oh come on i i just played the mission like it was supposed to um so once like now i at least know i'm like okay this is how it actually works unless i don't do story missions i'm just going to do the boring message board missions the other the other thing is that it's like the way like i probably have a similar
Starting point is 00:58:56 higher hour count but i'm way less far than you are because i'm i'm like i'm like taking an invisible line across the zone and just like checkmarking every single one of those things also when i'm not playing at someone is yeah so it's being leveled right the thing the most bizarre thing about that game is that if you play it in the way that i just described you run into what i would call the anti side quest okay which is you clear out say the attican mountains yeah and i got a bunch of fucking quest items for quests that aren't haven't been haven't been a wait aren't in the game they are not currently in my game i got a wedding ring drop from a guy and the description says i can't believe a person that i've never heard of knew that it would be here and i have not
Starting point is 00:59:49 progressed far enough into the story to even unlock that side quest i think i did that side so i keep running into this thing where i'm like okay get to an area of the quest put me here the main quest i'll i'll scrub this area of content okay done and then as soon as the quests on a side quest unlock in that area i go up to a guy and they go do this get this and kassandra goes got it i already got it i already got it yeah we talked about for like every quest in the area so that's weird but i really like when games do that i there game is built around that near had a bunch of those words like can you help me with yes so far okay almost always been like xp oh yeah no i totally already did that like that like that a lot um yep but you said like
Starting point is 01:00:36 about avoiding the main quest the amount of side shit in this game is it's very easy to ignore the main quest yeah but as i was ignoring it i was like i'm getting bored with just doing this stuff now i should probably actually forge on ahead i'm like oh now it's like there's a fun side quest with fun writing and a cool character yeah i'm like okay i need to like totally the best place myself a bit better to like maximize the fun i'm having i mean that's the that's the intended loop with like all of these like games right like we're talking about with spider-man as well the other day it's like you know where the main quest is it would be soft games are especially bad in this like like the last time it was like this for me was a little bit like assassin's creed origins
Starting point is 01:01:16 but i was still wowed by like that game's particular newness in terms of assassin's great stuff right but it was far cry for i'm like or even far cry primal too where i'm like oh oh oh and i'm like i gotta stop so i have a question and i know it's this bad template and everyone kind of is hating on it now but it still i'm enjoying ticking those boxes it still works though it's it helps that the combat's pretty good and kassandra is extremely charming the combat's really good like i have i have gotten not really any many more new techniques because i like the ones i have now but i'm still always enjoying the combat it's still exciting i've run into the weird problem that you run into where if your spear isn't upgraded enough you can't get the third level of the upgrade yeah
Starting point is 01:01:58 and i have every single fucking thing that i want and so now i'm just sitting on a bunch of points that i'm dumping into the archery skills because i don't know where else to fucking put them i don't want to take any archery skills well the predator bow is actually decent that one aside from assassin's creed i started up a game that i played a bit at packs east when i went called project warlock it's a first person shooter made by a 19 year old who didn't wasn't alive during the heyday of doom and quake got it and he nailed it um that's weird project warlock is a weird sprite based you know twitch first person shooter much like quake and but you play as a warlock who has automatic shotguns and machine guns but a lot of spells too so that's already prescribed by wicca
Starting point is 01:02:42 it is a game that visually if you look at you're like that looks pretty neat it has some neat shaders you can tweak the game so it looks like a game boy game because we as we all know the game boy had a massive lineup of absolute hits oh see what i thought you were going to go with is like as you know the game boy needs all the help it can get with its roster um so but yeah default the game looks like kind of neat it's got like again and it's hard to even describe what it looks like it's also very dark and that's basically looks like fight night it looks a little late in the fight night it's true um but as you're playing it like that's it you're just you got moves and guns and and that's the game you collect keys but it has a really really
Starting point is 01:03:26 involved leveling up system of tweaking everything that you can do you can tweak your guns and your spells and you can tweak like your actual characters stats and stuff and i'm like oh okay you know what that's great that's all that you should need to do to like take the doom or quake format be like oh that's a different spin you have a nice visual style it's fun shooting things it's a gog exclusive weird which is very strange i'm looking at a steam page for it it's only right now out on uh maybe it was easier to get in on gog or that's a uh are they made a choice so they can ignore it so they can avoid the steam uh oh okay it's a green light page and i guess it never that's weird yeah and it got green lit but uh this is for last year so i was like i was looking
Starting point is 01:04:15 got green lit and then they backed out believe me i went to steam and i'm like here where that it's not here and then i look on their twitter account they're like we're on gog right now i'm like okay interesting maybe it's a ton exclusive i don't know but i didn't know i didn't know gog was like buying exclusives they're not they're not buying them that's for sure they have a lot of old stuff no one else has and there's there's there's publishers that for whatever reason a lot of indie folks that are like super anti drm so they'll put them on gog and also since gog has gog does not have the feted swamp of garbage problem that steam currently has so there is so like uh what's the name of this game again matt uh project warlock project warlock
Starting point is 01:04:56 right project warlock probably got to be on gog's front page yes the day that it came out absolutely you're trading of course lots of eyeballs that would just fall across then when it comes to steam later it's like oh that project warlock game that got a thing right you you can yeah i can see that that may not work but i can see the mentality you can see the yeah yeah if the word of mouth gets around like through this podcast also i think that time exclusive and then you catch it later smart on gog just like max that out and then when people like you know if the sale is kind of dead but it's like put it out on something else but yeah i know it's it was it was really good it's like one of the better quit like to me it's like dusk and then like this is like right beneath
Starting point is 01:05:39 it in terms of like man this is exactly the type of uh first one the truth is i miss um aside from that i also saw the new halloween uh that came out on friday what's this one called it's called halloween i see yes a lot of people suggested the correct name for it should have just been called michael mayers that would have not heard it at all now now because everyone just associates that name with halloween to begin with why would i just call mike mayers for short now if that might confuse some other people yeah from what i hear um jlc yes very proud of this she is and um someone who saw it that's a big big halloween fan mark also yes and and rob zombie mark yeah oh god okay uh said that um it the only reason it's a big deal is because something
Starting point is 01:06:31 significant happens in this film and beyond that significant plot thing the movie is kind of pointless having watched the rob zombie thing which is the most pointless thing in the world because that was just a remake both of them are just the second one he got a sequel to his remake yes and i and i heard the sequel to the remake is is awful but the remake itself is oh yeah the sequel the remake has a unicorn involved heavily nice sure yeah but the original remake was good the original remake was a decent remake but it you know it actually hurts the mythology a little bit in the start because they have michael mayers little kid michael mayers speak and he's like this these like a slipknot kid loves slipknot and like metal and i'm like you kind of
Starting point is 01:07:11 see those rob zombie yeah is what you're saying yeah yeah well yeah so i really enjoyed this because it was a sequel to the original halloween yes the sequel to halloween halloween the sequel to halloween again should have been called michael mayers or something or halloween with a subtitle i don't know um that's why they called jamie lee kurtis has died three times in the halloween mythology official and when i say die i don't mean die and then she's like oh i faked my death she died okay so because that's halloween and halloween too the originals in 1978 i have so much fun explaining this it gets more confusing every time this second one takes place hours after the first it's the same night oh that's cool that's good that is cool okay interesting so the third one
Starting point is 01:07:57 there was never meant to be a sequel there they if they anything they're gonna do then if we're gonna do a sequel it would be a completely new story with new characters it'll be a mythology an anthology rather but he proved so popular and they're like let's just do make another movie really quick john carpenter didn't really like a lot of the stuff that happened the sequel but he's like fine i'll sign off on it then the third one is called halloween season of the witch has nothing to do with michael mayers it's about a conglomerate doing weird shit on halloween then everyone hated that so they called the fourth one halloween for the return of michael mayers and off screen jamie lee kurtis died in a car crash with her husband she died shut up i'm waiting to hear that she comes back
Starting point is 01:08:38 as shadow and or they found a coffin as dark woman they found a coffin over the Atlantic ocean that just said jlc on it and an empty boat um then like five and six were all stupid things had to do with a cult and all this all this that's where it got really really bad then they made halloween h2o which was water did the exact same thing as this new one it discounted all other sequels and was a sequel to the first one because it was like 20 years after the first one years after nothing else happens is completely fine nothing happened for 20 years and then nothing happened for 20 years um so she fights michael mayers michael mayers seemingly dies but in halloween resurrection he's just back and he kills jamie lee kurtis in the opening scene so she died then
Starting point is 01:09:28 two then buster rimes and tyra banks yeah like michael mayers yeah in the house uh um what what do you got what the fuck was it on what was his what was his company name oh i forget what was the name mode no no buster rimes i forget his name you want you like because he has that scene i've saw the scene of buster rimes fighting like mayers where he goes someone in chat and he starts doing like kung fu moves like bruce lee noises and then he yells at him and he goes like oh so you want to be on like death squad tv or like uh like is like because because danger tainment you want to be on danger tainment because this movie came out in 2002 so with the hype of internet like darkness and like oh it's such a weird buster rimes with danger tainment that's what it was about how many rap
Starting point is 01:10:23 have starred in halloween movies oh fuck you man i got nothing two which is more than one because l l cool j was in h2o a lot he was a bumbling security so why do they keep handing it to the music industry what's up with that i don't know um and that because i'm involved anyway uh i really enjoyed this movie it was the best looking amazing cinematography there's a couple of long scenes with zero cuts they're amazing brutal kills that you don't really see per se but then they show you the aftermath of the kills brutal kills okay it was really it's hard to explain but it's like we're showing this a little off screen we're implying the violence which is a very old school thing because i watched the original 1978 halloween over the over the week leading up
Starting point is 01:11:14 to this and it was kind of similar to that danie mcbride like comedian danie mcbride yeah a fucking writer on this he's bowing down he's bowing down super um um step brothers no no that's that's fucking uh steve brule nevermind the uh the lonely island movie yeah god yeah hot rod hot rod uh here's a writer on this you can see there's a couple of legit that's fucking hilarious joke or whatever not and it's never really at michael meyer's expense it doesn't not put him over it doesn't make him into a joke like it did in a lot of the previous ones i won't say what it is but it has one of the greatest like oh here's this horror trope completely reversed like this one scene even if you're like kind of like yeah horror movies are
Starting point is 01:12:03 okay and they kind or they even kind of bore me it's like you see this scene it's so amazing the reversal here the crowd clapped and it's been a long time okay in a non-fantasia venue where the cloud the the crowd applaused uh something um but yeah i i really really enjoyed it there was a few side characters that didn't need to be there there was like a one little side plot that was like that's stupid but it was minor um they should have they should have just handed the franchise to bust the rhymes quite frankly yeah bust the rhymes must win everything would be in a fisheye lens it would be the bad fast forwarded yeah his nose would be all up in the screen like give me some out um but yeah i would i would definitely recommend the movie even if
Starting point is 01:12:51 anime shit loads of money too yeah which is nice good good good they'll probably make a sequel any guesses halloween what would you call it i would call it halloween you can't okay you can't call it halloween or halloween too old hollows eve no you would you would call it michael mire's halloween this would be the third movie called halloween too if they were to call it halloween too yeah because rob zombie got his what about the halloween halloween's yeah they would have to call it halloween and then halloween chapter two oh there you go he did it he nailed it now they're gonna listen to this podcast and take that or the second chapter yeah the second in too loween whatever okay whatever like fucking letter you can throw in we also saw a trailer for
Starting point is 01:13:47 another horror movie and i i want to get an over under on this um i watched this a few months ago it was called happy death day it was a blumhouse horror movie and it was it was really entertaining it was a girl that dies she gets killed by a serial killer wait hold on i meant roman numeral too that's what they're always called yeah too loween okay just check it all right two eyes and then oh yeah anyway yeah uh happy death day fucking boo double double boo boo boo happy death day was about a girl that got killed every day and she would wake up yeah i saw the trailer for that right yeah and it had uh i got really pissed off because they played uh in the club by 50 cent in the trailer every time her cell phone rings because it was her birthday that day in the movie
Starting point is 01:14:31 they did not spring for it okay it was so pissed yeah so a sequel has been announced and its trailer got shown what's it called happy death day happy belated death day no okay happy death day to you oh that's pretty good that's pretty all right it's pretty good that's not bad birthday cake says happy death day you get a little you get a little golf plan for me for me um that'll that'll do and then she has to kill herself to catch up to the killer in the timeline okay well oh yeah so it's what is this what is this jojo endgame battle it does feel because she says she has to and she can't kill herself the same way twice yeah that doesn't work that sounds like an end game jojo fight a really specific one in fact anyway that was that was me at a yeah it was fun movie time
Starting point is 01:15:19 um i was going to say that i like jimmy lee curtis because she likes street fighter she was awesome i so with friends everyone's like wow she was awesome i'm like you know she just dressed up as vega talking to one chris rickson they're like what yeah and i saw her all the pictures yeah she's a huge mark for fucking street fighter in general i do you play canary you can't cammy what the fuck out of here that is the exact man that is the best that's what you want to see and she's she's awesome in this she's sarah connor in this yep and and was hanging out with someone cosplaying mikoto as well so it's like no they're in there is a shot of her on the ground with a stick the curtis family is in in yeah it's good shit um pat what's up all right i played a little bit so calibur i played
Starting point is 01:16:11 a little bit of assassin's creed odyssey there is one thing that i wanted to mention i want to ask mad about odyssey sure which is have you any point accidentally killed a cultist yes so the your targets exist out in the world and until you discover the clues to their identity they are completely unmarked in any particular way i had what might be i would consider a miraculous this experience in which i walked up to stab a guard because i wanted to clear out this area yeah as you want to do for some reason my stab locked on to the random civilian walking by that's more that's more killed them and then the confirm kill option appeared above random civilian from cultists yeah wow and i went uh and sure enough it was somebody deep in the list
Starting point is 01:17:10 that sucks no no it's awesome oh oh okay it's because it takes so much because you need that okay you need to work your way up the chain you need to clear certain areas to find the clues and then you have to go to the and i just happen to like dude i didn't even mean to stab this person the game just like oh i would guess the person walked and i was closer so when i hit triangle did the person have a no visual indicator about they look like no no i was going to say but did the game give them a field of you probably want to stab them no where it's like if it like contextually they look like you would skip past three NPCs to stab them yeah these are all the clues for that cultist then that cultist gets a mark on the map saying they're there but if you haven't revealed
Starting point is 01:17:55 who they are then there's they look like damn generic NPCs okay mine was a little different where i was trying to find a cultist but it said like you don't know who this cultist is you're still missing one clue help people in this region hell yeah so i'm like okay and i was just talking to this one guy and he's like yeah my master is like uh not letting this happen i'm like okay i talked to that guy and then after that it said cultists revealed because the quest i was on was the one that revealed him and he's the guy that i just talked to so damn right after i confirmed cultists kill and i'm like yeah that that system is great uh didn't get a whole lot done for the rest of the weekend uh the only thing is that i want to once again shout out
Starting point is 01:18:44 bust a move moving as the best moving service in town indeed whatsoever uh and uh over the weekend well i moved because i bought a house whoa and i actually got the guy holy shit who moved you last time woolly cool like i was talking shit about you and they're like oh yeah woolly we moved him to his place oh fuck that's crazy well more importantly wow yeah no i thought it'd be funny to just be drop that just be like i bought a house that's some fuck i moved in over the weekend that's a nuke wow yeah my life is a mess right now because of the boxes but you are now i'm a homeowner you're now a homeowner you're now an adult yes it's time to start worrying about the mortgage you got a mortgage pat's got a mortgage wow did you get i think it's a decent
Starting point is 01:19:45 time for you to actually hide in the village of the low interest rates i did get a low interest rate i did oh my god oh yeah no i've been looking at places like pretty much since we went to your apartment okay okay and we went this this current place it could change up a little bit ah so we started looking at new apartments and then we're like but what if though what if let me let me check let me check what i what i saved up let me check all my nickels and dimes yeah okay okay let's shift that perspective over to properties yes because you're investing in equity equity yes sure yeah home equity and and and um is this uh i guess like any was there any fixer uppering or did you take it as is uh you think woolly i assumed it was taken as is
Starting point is 01:20:48 what do you what do you i don't actually know what you're saying so is this a place you needed to put work into was there anything about it that was like um not the way it is now oh yes absolutely there's like uh i want to fix up something on the stairs change a wall or no no nothing like that okay okay okay okay okay it's like it's like oh i don't really like this handrail okay i'm gonna change the handrail and oh the the knob on the shower is a little finicky you're gonna fix that yeah but that's it damn yeah it's pretty sweet it's weird i have woken up every day for the past couple days not knowing where i am which is really confusing have you have you made any any uh optimized for crazy decisions based on this new setup um real fun time uh because at the old place
Starting point is 01:21:44 in the place before i had uh they're much smaller so it was a lot easier to get everything at right angles as this is a larger space it is considerably more difficult to get every single thing in the house to be at right angles from one another so yeah that takes some time okay but that's pretty much it okay uh the important thing this is the really important thing is that elmo is very happy with the house okay because you could say we got it for him because he was cramped in the old apartment there's um there's an app on on the new like ios update that's like a level and a measure app that it does ar and you just draw lines in reality yeah and it tells you how long things are but it also tells you how straight things are so you can't use that in every place because
Starting point is 01:22:33 the issue is is that occasionally depending on your house the walls oh if the line yeah if the walls are far enough apart you're going to find out that in any particular house there are actually a couple degrees off the person who snapped the lines didn't snap them properly and then then you're just living in insanity world that is yes that's that and you like i i don't want to know i don't i can't know that one of my walls is two degrees off you don't want to be living in an escher painting i can't do it or a kubrick shot yeah okay damn is um i have so many questions but like yeah i mean a lot of them will be off air but uh i'm like is it like fucking it's nice well i mean is it like are you is there a picket fence is there a white picket fence around it
Starting point is 01:23:22 are you is it in like suburbia is it like a fucking no you know what i mean okay okay okay so it's not uh i got real sick of being the guy are you in pleasantville i i got real fucking sick of being the guy who's 15 minutes late to work okay because i live by far the farthest away from this place okay so like i'm looking at places downtown and no it is not in it is not a suburb is there a lawn do you have a lawn i will not disclose whether or not i have a lawn okay that is too much information for these people got it all right all right man man ah so many questions all right but whatever interesting yeah owning a house is cool bust a move is fucking great though move is the shit um the the the worst part about owning a house so far is all those little things
Starting point is 01:24:10 that your landlord used to deal with and i'm super excited for the welcome tax are you familiar with the welcome tax i don't know if this is even Montreal or Quebec specific but after you move in the fucking provincial government just says no just a little just a little more hey why a lot for what allow us to wet our beaks welcome so many times if a bunch of construction started who likes potholes we don't like potholes no one likes but a little pothole appeared right in front of your doorstep what are we gonna do about this in a pot fuck the city oh yeah having a three mile line i walked by that line i was about to say matt are you sure this is the direction you want to go with this i just said fuck that line at that place okay all right
Starting point is 01:25:04 yeah well i also walked by that line and happened to be walking downtown and saw it and boy so there's more than the one place right there's four places it is only one really okay context everybody we just legal in canada we live in canada where we can smoke the reef for every day with no fear from the police but there's all kinds of like things that say you can't just smoke it every day no one cares there's all good yeah no one like there's there's stipulations and and um there's little dog hoops you have to jump through yeah you know dog tunnels you can have 30 grams on your person no one cares it's pretty much based on just not wasting police time it's based on did you yell at the cop the cop is mad do you have 31 grams go to jail yeah but also like people have gotten their
Starting point is 01:25:48 first tickets for driving while smoking well don't do that obviously fuck man i do yes don't drive under the influence that doesn't mean alcohol it means under the influence people people are not smart well no you know but but yes um the uh uh uh it's legal here and there's shops that have opened up officially and there's four-hour lines because that don't get smaller so here's what hap here's why they're sold out now so yeah so i took a look at why that happened and the reason why is because the federal government says enjoy your weed everybody hey provincials figure out how to do it and the provinces go and so and the new government here is like we're gonna change a bunch of shit about what just happened yeah they're gonna sweat they're gonna swap it up from 19 to 21
Starting point is 01:26:46 and they're gonna make it so that you can't smoke in public places yep um and they also and the thing but there's no like but there's no care about that before they're not gonna care about it now and the thing is that it's not like in like in amsterdam for example there's like weed bars basically there's like cafes and like here if you you're not gonna have that so it's basically gonna say like there are those already exist there's kindergarten those but they're those lead with sanctioned versions of those things right head shops are all around town absolutely but yeah sorry after no no i was gonna say that like um and like so they're gonna do that and then it's pretty much gonna be like only in your own home but again like with all these doggie hoops and
Starting point is 01:27:23 whatnot it's ultimately based on the idea that we're not wasting police time just don't fuck around just just don't be an asshole yeah about it essentially the reason why the retail situation is so fucking bad is that when uh the provincial government added in all the goofy little rules a lot of those rules are to keep the weed away from the children yep yep yep uh which it cannot be within a certain distance of a school which uh depending on your neighborhood care about that before they're not gonna care about it which which is extra is it's extra ironic considering there's a depth selling booze on every single corner in entire city that's them that's always the question right it's like i bought some yesterday it's like if yeah the the idea of it and anytime
Starting point is 01:28:07 like the the the moral aspect of it comes up it's like how do you feel about alcohol so like you feel about cigarettes there are four weed stores in the city there's one that's really open one's downtown that's the one we fucking walk by because that one is the nightmare yeah but the other three are all pretty close to you know downtown so if you live in the fucking north or east side or the west island get fucked get fucked now that's bad right but it's not as bad as ontarians they don't have a single retail weed location in the province you can only order your weed online which you would hate oh i love ordering things online that's what i mean but it's but think i mean already your packages get lost yeah and you don't want you that package to like i don't know
Starting point is 01:28:55 someone take a look at that yeah like oh look it's got the thing on the on the thing that's just big weeds yeah yeah yeah pretty much right now motherfuckers are going to be dropped but the fuckers are going to be drop kicking mailboxes yeah for real that's a possibility junkies just that's not good that's a bad don't do that and if it's that if it's that government quality sticky icky icky then it's gonna smell too Montreal is probably going to be uh the recipient of a huge weed explosion not just because of weed because of tourism and because of festivals but also because the kanawagi reserve already makes a fucking boatload on counterfeit smokes yeah and they it takes time to fucking switch over but ain't no reason why they can't just switch over
Starting point is 01:29:42 to the counterfeit reefer once you're allowed to grow it yourself in you're allowed to grow yourself right now uh also also even it even if you weren't you're allowed to own four plants federally ah but not but no more and no more so what with this so then the thing is the the the but also federal government sanctions like that don't apply on the reserve yes but the provincial change is trying to change that as well yeah well that would still not apply on the reserve yeah so go down to the reserve buy your fucking tax-free weed come back into the city um i mean frosty's smoke in front of a school i'm going up to the reserve but i'm going up there for computer parts because yeah because they're fucking tax free yeah the best part well he's going
Starting point is 01:30:27 best price huge part frosty's is the best prices on the fucking planet you see terry down there it's crazy terry still doing it i was in a friend's building and then the elevator there was a sign that said listen this might be legal but if we are trying to do like a thing where everyone feels like hey yeah everything's great here if you get caught with this smoking in in your home like there will be repercussions well yeah building owners were able to do that ahead of time yeah get uh uh a bylaw passed that essentially said that a building owner is allowed to restrict usage yeah so it's essentially the same thing with smoking so the idea of like yeah so the idea of like um you know if if if the update the provincial update passes that says like you can only smoke in your home yeah
Starting point is 01:31:18 not if you're renting an apartment yeah which means well people are just gonna go well fuck the popo anyway no it means i can smoke in my home which is ironic because no one gets to smoke anything in my home i will kick you out of my fucking head but if it's ultimately like hey you can't smoke uh publicly and you can't smoke in the home because you don't own a home do i have to go to the sewers yes yeah it's unclear find your local storm drain it's unclear what a non-homeowner under those circumstances is supposed to do but either way people are just gonna go well you don't have an avenue for me so i mean back when i lived at the place two two apartments ago my fucking next door neighbor had a fucking you remember he had a miasma coming out the door of weed stink
Starting point is 01:32:00 yeah nothing's gonna stop nobody someone needs to be holding the fucking chalice and crystal chronicles to get rid of the miasma i mean motherfuckers are probably already like rolling in with their cbd oils you know and then your your brownies and your because there's a million other ways besides lighting it up i was watching a youtube video uh last night and up came a fucking minute long ad for fertilizer that had super super high production values because it was like hey canada you want to grow good weed get our fertilizer it's best for weed it's a fucking brave new world out there it's fucking weird yeah yeah the leaf on our fucking country at least temporarily just for a joke we're already there now if i hop can become i hop
Starting point is 01:32:57 then why can't our flag now i hop becoming i hop was the was a joke a big joke it was the equivalent of uh just thought i was feeling cute today but might change later yeah but then i let but then wendy's was like staying your fucking lane now listen i'm aware that most of our viewers or listeners rather are americans and a good proportion of those people might live close enough to the canadian border so they could go over and have a little drink a drink particular they're they're 18 or 19 or as we call them customers yes i have a little smoky smoke right don't bring weed back with you dumbasses i know you're high i know you're high and you're a podhead so you don't make good decisions because you're high but don't do that the border people
Starting point is 01:33:44 will probably not go ah it'll eventually probably end up like amsterdam where it's it's like everyone at every like border security thing knows exactly what's happening yeah and it's pretty much like okay we expect you to be high leaving here but if it's on you it's a problem yeah so you know what i you know what i can see i can see at every uh american canadian border crossing there's the big old weed dumpster right and they why not just make it a fire just no i know you light it on friday yeah yeah get rid of it get rid of the everyone kind of hangs around it for a while it's like you have the two lines you have the line that goes past the weed dumpster and you have the line that doesn't and then people are willing to to to risk it just to get through that line faster
Starting point is 01:34:34 it's like like don't carry any out any water dump out your water here empty your weed over here make everybody anyway um yeah yeah and obviously like well whatever just the car thing is like don't don't drive when you're there's a lot of things you shouldn't be doing hey don't drive while you're drunk don't drive while you're high don't drive if you're taking any of those medicines that say don't drive maybe not have sex while you drive a car is a part is a heavy machinery you know that yes yes it is don't drive if you are currently blinded by sand or a viper if if sandman attacks you don't drive yes if or if hydro man if a big if a big noise knocked out your hearing and you're like i should drive myself to the hospital but you're currently deaf take a bus these are all sorry
Starting point is 01:35:32 sorry just i just reminded me do you see that to me it's like it's pretty amazing what do you think about all spider-man's villains are predators spiders like a goblin the natural enemy of the spider the goblin yes all of them yeah clearly the fishbowl fucking gold oh that's good yep yep yep yep yep um it's gonna get uh the last thing was just i was gonna say is like the fact that like kebac is is is weird and different is always like kebac is always weird it's always written different and if they get like the rest of the kid it's the nintendo of canada and it's it's it's gonna just be so weird when like every other province is fine and it's like no kebec needs to stand out so people that are like 20 that are coming over from
Starting point is 01:36:21 toronto or any other like province america and as soon as you cross over the border then like that that high that you are is is no longer allowed then what do you do about i don't think it's a lot to be high i think it's a lot to smoke it or eat it yeah you don't know what i'm high from i could be high on life it's kind of like i imagine it'll be like decriminalization where it's like it's it's it's it's slightly different from um it's not you're not legalizing it but anyway when are they gonna legalize chair shots yeah i think they have i have that shirt i know that's why i referenced it i like it i haven't worded in a while though i have not because i lost it that okay that's different then what's up uh sponsors oh yeah i forgot about them say this
Starting point is 01:37:08 week please say one podcast is sponsored by we get it get the cleanest marijuana needles whatever that fucking slurping like bong yeah whatever that highly that highly accurate fucking impression i can't do it with my mouth um no no what's the next best thing the next best thing what could be more evil than nazis uh producer jj abrams dares to imagine the answer in overlord yeah what could be no way he's doing the skeleton this week this week the podcast is sponsored by overlord i've seen this from paramount pictures it's sick a thrilling pulse-pounding action adventure with an unexpected twist set in nazi-occupied france a mere mere hours before d-day overlord follows a team of american paratroopers who come face to face with enemies
Starting point is 01:38:16 unlike any the world has ever seen you have to see it to believe it don't miss paramount pictures overlord in theaters november 9th rated r for strong bloody violence disturbing images okay language and brief sexual content um if you like some of the latter levels of wolfenstein games all right okay on board on board on board yeah i've seen this trailer twice and it's it's a banger of a trailer thank you paramount thanks very well uh the podcast is also sponsored by fallout 76 really uh support for today's show comes from fallout 76 Bethesda game studios an award-winning creator of skyrim and fallout 4 welcome you to fallout 76 the online prequel where every surviving human is a real person work together to survive or not
Starting point is 01:39:07 under the threat of nuclear annihilation you'll experience the largest most dynamic world ever created in the legendary fallout universe reclamation day 2102 i was about to say wait 2102 when it 25 years after the bombs fall you and your fellow vault dwellers chosen from the nation's best and brightest emerge into post nuclear america place solo or join together as you explore quest build and triumph against the wasteland's greatest threats fallout 76 will be available worldwide on wednesday november 14th that's pretty soon that is precious what three weeks pre order now at participating retailers and play the beta first on xbox one beta spelled out so uh thank you fallout 76 thank you what you got into the news man that
Starting point is 01:39:58 Bethesda press conference like i remember they killed it with that one where they're like cheer stuff 10 years in the future but oh here's something that's coming out like next year too yeah that it was a real it was a real weird thing because it's like we know you don't like what you just saw so here's a here's a uh a fake name here's something five years out here's something 10 years out so here is a poster yes thank you and this is a poster we're gonna look at for nicolas cage's supernatural thriller between worlds so what uh you want to jump on google image search for this one and look up nicolas cage between worlds poster um it's just nick cage it's nick cage he's holding a gun and everything's on fire surrounded by fire and um you know what
Starting point is 01:40:56 this could be pat take away between worlds and put in painkiller i could see like just put a skull face on him and it might as well be ghost writer three yeah this is such a shame because after mandy which was such a great movie i talked about a few weeks ago like look at this he's back to he's back to being nicolas cage there's a this could be a fucking neobreen movie there's a great video of him dissecting there's a great video of him dissecting all of his roles and he explains why he says face off is his favorite one and the reason why he makes all those weird faces and the things he's doing are based on german expressionist films which to me smacks a bullshit and like but but watching the rest of them of the video he has crazy explanations like
Starting point is 01:41:42 that for a lot for all of his roles it's true he's like the reason why i was being this weird in this movie was because i was referencing this thing from the 40s you know there's actually there's no crazy faces in matchstick men i don't think or the weather yeah i do there is have you ever pissed blood that's a matchstick in con air the character he's playing is what po cameron po is what he wanted to be as a child yeah it's the nick cage he wanted to grow up to become that's fucking weird or should i say um copula this is new levels of photoshop too like i've never quite seen anything that has all of the tropes it has little bits of cinders flying in front of them they gave him more hair than he has much yeah that's some goofy shit it's like hey
Starting point is 01:42:33 look at this photo of pat or matt with a full head of hair thank you for putting this in no problem try to swerve off the visual bits but you didn't need to you know um it looks so fucking happy but it has the podcast preview picture so then it gets more usage so uh this is something that popped up like uh look it's got little cinders from the devil may cry poster at the bottom of the screen visuals playstation network online id change coming in early 2019 so you're going to be able to change your online id on psn uh at least they which you have not been able to do up until now so but it's the first change is free and then a change after that costs 10 bucks fair enough i've been uh seeing uh playing playing the cobblops uh it has become
Starting point is 01:43:26 more clear than ever that this is so desperately required the first psn ids were created 12 years ago god say 12 years ago right i don't even so say you're 20 now that means you could have made your goddamn sn when you're like eight and it could be ss case sephiroth xx through g hotness hey many of us still have old embarrassing emails that we still many of us i don't yeah you'd still love it yeah okay he still likes it but yeah you know the worst one is way worse than this is you can't change your fucking steam email you can't change your primary steam email that's the last thing that holds me to that old shitty one that i made when i was like the day that gmail became publicly available i made an email and i'm now trapped on that fucking email so yay that happened
Starting point is 01:44:22 good this weekend i had a fucking um i was worried i i ran into the i was worried i got like fucking a message bombed because i my ps4 wouldn't start up and then it was a a software update error that was just like you can't do anything about this so like i had to go through a series of um safe mode all that safe mode reinstalling re-initializing shit and it took like a while uh but thankfully that it was just you don't lose anything when you do that luckily like it's like the the re-initialized didn't didn't have to lose anything but but if that step didn't work it was step three or four right and like the first try is like just safe mode it second try is safe mode plus update third step is safe mode re-initialized and then if that doesn't work you got to
Starting point is 01:45:06 fucking format the thing and luckily we got them cloud saves yeah so it shouldn't be too bad but it's just time come on yeah come on um but yeah did i ever talk about why that is the case and why took so long for them to do this i don't know why they took so long to do this uh developers came out a little like anonymously came out a little bit ago and talked about like the basic deals the ps3 did not have your listed name sorry it would use your listed name like the name you typed in like pad or matter or woolly or whatever that was your online id signifier at the absolute base level there was no hidden number underneath it there was no nothing so if you were to change that it would break everything would break so part of the reason why uh it's taken so long is that
Starting point is 01:45:56 old games that are still getting played had to be updated so that they wouldn't just fall apart when you change your name interesting sounds like a and a bunch of games are probably gonna fall apart if you change your name sounds like a silly oversight sounds like a laughable oversight we didn't think we'd last this long we didn't think anyone would ever want to change their name is probably a sentence that was uttered at some point this is the classic thing to say when you don't plan ahead or you don't think ahead at least or you're crazy can um your fridge is going to be able to change its psn username before you're using the cell processor toy story like graphics we're finally there only took 20 years i remember when the
Starting point is 01:46:42 goal the mountaintop was looking like cutscene ff7 yeah you know once upon a time one day we'll get there that took till like 360 or though yeah i guess i would argue dreamcast what no i would i would argue that the the dream cat like okay okay lighting wise it was not as the dreamcast in-game lighting was not as fancy i'm talking the whole but models were absolutely as high as um high poly as they were at that point i don't know like it depends on the game i don't remember that many high poly models on the you go you go back and like maybe you're thinking of the ff7 cutscenes as being a little bit better than they were though no i i'm thinking of a shot of cloud on a bike are sephroth turning into the fire yeah you know sephroth turning
Starting point is 01:47:30 into the fire is probably the least complex shot in the whole game because it's just all fire yeah you know the industrial i'm thinking of air is dropping into the water because that's a lot yeah the um yeah that was once upon a time the mountaintop then i remember when i saw the first screenshot of tecantag tournament oh god right and it was jinn for the ps2 nothing for the ps2 and he had the blue on his pants and it was like i've never played that version that's a cutscene what are you talking about yeah yeah and then you got it and then you got it and you're like oh i know it's not a cutscene because it's cutting me with all these jaggies these jaggies are rough yeah jaggies i missed the word jaggies i thought the same way you play more pc games but for virtual
Starting point is 01:48:17 fight or three where i was like no hmm jackies jacket swirls with them you know what roundhouse like how many moments like like how many moments can you think of where you looked at a game and you went we're not here yet sonic adventure sonic adventure the first screenshot wow um i for me for me it was when i one of them is when i saw sonic adventure in a store and i went i i had that with nfl2k yeah i was like fuck yeah i've been playing madden for so long that jump was stupid the well it's the last time you got one that's very telling probably because i know mine mine was uh tom klancy's advanced warfare on the 360 when there was a shot of a building exploding behind you in real time that was the last time and that was like within the first year the 360s
Starting point is 01:49:20 want because i want to say something like guilty gear dvz but that doesn't count because that's a technique it's not yeah that's yeah that's more that's more than that's more that's like no we've hit diminishing returns for sure art art is a different factor to it guilty gear absolutely had that effect but for a different reason it might be a sass but we're not here yet yeah assassins creed won like when you were on a rooftop and you saw the crowds below you that was pretty fucking nuts god of war god of war what uh 2018 oh yeah yeah that's pretty nice god of war 2018 had a handful of of wow look at that i mean not so much to me because i'd played horizon and all these other things lean up to it and it kind of lessened it so well apparently red dead looks
Starting point is 01:50:05 real good but all we'll have to take a look at that uh don't forget kof 12 that's true kof 12 not 13 12 it started this new sprite started at 12 um yeah that look yeah that but that wasn't why i get more of a technique mm-hmm talking about jaggies mm-hmm anyway what do you call that one it's pixely because there's not a jaggy pixels pixelated pixels yeah fat blocks give me those fat blocks cool squares there's so many should like officially call them pixels pixels are now cool squares yeah like that uh anyway um so tina base and mila yes announced for dead or alive despite japan's objections mila is made it into a game oh it's band-aid like mila she is the the lowest voted character lowest like she's cool but look at her she looks like she could belong in any
Starting point is 01:51:03 fighting yeah does she look yeah there it is does she look like honkers or mary rose she's not my quote unquote big titted snow princess waifu and not a blob she's just a punch girl yeah yeah but super happy that both tina and uh baser in there too as they should i got a new federation i the muscle the muscle federation so the thing is i'm looking at what they've done with base and i feel like he's almost become a kenny omega someone said the miz all could be the miz has a jacket like it's definitely on it's definitely on brand with kenny omega and and yeah miz type things like it it feels like they're going with it's it's american wrestler viewed through japan but in new japan yeah that's just how american wrestlers kind of act a little bit sure and uh
Starting point is 01:51:50 yeah the good old classic characters on their way i like how mila is teaming up with them because they're all she's mma and they're wrestling i like how tina is like 50 now in dead dead or alive too she was an old like weathered beat up old old grandma at the right age of 22 when is she gonna get the akuma gray streaks on each side that's the question never she's 25 in this right out of the retirement home it's like i really know wheels herself into the ring i really like dead or alive sometimes and all this is absolutely hate it speaking of absolute hatred that's it was about hatred we're talking about it's the sequel metal gear survive receives a halloween
Starting point is 01:52:42 event with castlevania and silent hill content okay you know when we make bully play games to upset him yeah he pulls and shit like no no a i sent this story to him i don't know if he's gonna add it by himself he might have hands up if you wanted pyramid head to show up in metal gear survive so pat the headline i sent woolly said konami ruins three series in one news article okay i see two what's the third one metal gear itself just by mentioning metal gear silent hill in castlevania you get symphony of the night music and rondo blood part you get silent hill themes too but it's also let's shit on pyramid head so metal gear survival have a halloween event starting on october 23rd and in it you're gonna get halloween you're gonna get castlevania and silent hill
Starting point is 01:53:29 rewards uh for all right for playing the researcher story single play of matt woolly and everyone later in the emails for the next coming couple of weeks i have a fucking challenge for you can you find a character that has been more misused than pyramid head oh there has to be because pyramid head original incarnation is specific to the one character in that game the other characters don't even see him now misused are we gonna use that in just lore sense or can it go beyond for just like do you count pyramid head being in konami tracking field for the ds as misusing him hell yeah i do because sonic shows up in a bunch of places he shouldn't be but like now for more purposes is that kind of where you're coming from appropriateness i guess
Starting point is 01:54:24 appropriate this is a character that is literally this is a like this is like fucking kratos' guilt over killing grease shows up to the brawl like this isn't even really a character it's just an emotional state that was drawn i have a feeling that very personal demon enters the fray i have a feeling that the answer lies in the heart of patchy slot but he's there too he is there too here's the thing i think there's all the lever there's been characters that have been misused more but he's been misused the worst not by like like the number of times yeah that's that's what i mean okay i mean like because this it's always a bummer it was a bummer when he was showing up in silent hill games and that was wildly more appropriate than this because he's in homecoming
Starting point is 01:55:24 i'm assuming he's in um book of memories he's in he's in down port too he's not in down he's totally in down port he's in the joke ending i will i that doesn't count how about not counting joke and i think it's almost like this is like that it's a better term would almost be victim of its own success oh yeah right it was too good of a character he's at zio and a design you've created too strong of a villain yeah that became iconic and now you can't god you can't leave it alone despite the fact that it's only related to one game it was supposed to be fair and one person yeah yeah it was too good it was too good and it was too popular now is there no there's no one else like pyramid head on that level it's it's right every time i see this character i'm bummed out and not because
Starting point is 01:56:11 the character makes me feel bad like is the intention of the character no it's because i'm sad about the way the character has been used the one time we're all be like that's totally fine is him being in the silent hill movie because like yeah if i was making a silent hill movie fuck you and i'll give that one i'm shoving him in there yeah totally but that's that's the one yeah for the first movie how do you guys have the second it's not in the second he is totally oh wait it is all over so so like shut up he's there he's there so final fantasies moogle's chocobos and sids they're meant no those are fine that they're meant for that it's it's it's a like it's a smart it's like a nod continuity they're they're explicitly little mascots but cloud just
Starting point is 01:56:57 doesn't see moogle's it's not some made-up it's not like they only from his yeah yeah yeah you know yeah you know what moomba's never caught on ever everyone struggles to remember what that even is i am yeah it's the it's the the orange cat people little people from uh eight nah man yeah the cactuars are too too cute cactar you can't hug a cactar i that's that's the point they run away that's why you can't hug them just they're too fast little dancing swastikas come on geez they're mongees oh come on blade of the immortal there's yeah i i yeah like i can't think of any other i really can't i'm i'm racking so and you know i'm the only people i can think can compete with this contest is konami with metal gear
Starting point is 01:57:52 characters in the future right the boss sells you tracking yeah the boss is your the coach in track and field yeah i fuck that that's awesome i'd buy that there are certain characters what's like i kind of want you to misuse them but the boss is one of them shove her into whatever i mean it could like the boss has the potential to be ruined her midhead style i got ruined in fucking peace walker so when you go it wasn't actually her when you go down to the konami health club you can go to their special area where you can ask health questions about pregnancy and stuff and then there's a big sign of the boss is like my pregnancy was traumatic yours doesn't happen oh no i just cares open the no the patriots took my baby hopefully they won't
Starting point is 01:58:44 take yours the scar is moving yeah you can get that cleared up with an easy call to one of our plastic surgeons damn why does she have the scar all the way up her chest from the c-section looks cool yeah but then the scar leaves yeah that's what you get when you fuck the sorrow that's what happened yeah magic magic that's fair go stick come on yeah come on love to see that porn parody man this love to i i like it bugs me that like the boss is the kind of person that would fall for the fucking angsty emo like dark poetry asshole well you know opposite obviously was the joy in the sorrow i mean he kind of like you have to fuck the pain i i would like to hope that i would like to hope that like he was yeah it's wise stay to regular
Starting point is 01:59:34 guy i was like i'd like to hope he was a normal guy before that happened right his name was a sorry he had psychic powers yeah but i talked to dead people that was his thing but i think i feel like at some point it got more extreme when you're fucking floating around shooting the corpse version of him yeah yeah you know or not shooting for that matter but i guess love can bloom on the battlefield like at some point he was just some guy with glasses that was just like a normal dude hanging out with the boss i'm talking to ghosts ghosts everywhere it's pretty at some point the pain wasn't just nice he came out the way like that he looked like a little bit you know i've like i assume these were human beings at some point and the end was the only one that like had
Starting point is 02:00:13 a semblance of fucking the thing about the you know normal see almost all the magic shit and later metal gear games are all explained away with nanomachines or the patriots fucking with things like but back then i can think of at least one character it was just skills there's literally no explanation for other than fuck it magic ghosts the pain no the pain actually does have a legitimate explanation if you look at his belt he's got um pheromones and and shit that he carries on his belt that's what he's controlling the bees with the fury the fury and his flaming skull flaming ghost snake that is the one that is the one but the fear also does stupid shit that's not possible yeah but he you can you can hallucinate you're hallucinating you're
Starting point is 02:00:58 you're not really seeing it no but you didn't get hit by anything yet you know you know you have to in the country but it was in the air now the fucking the end with the goddamn photosynthesis shit he's old old people are magic but no you flame flaming burning skull that radios into houston yeah while it chases you down that's not nanomachine i don't know maybe snake saw it that's a magical space man it's not real it's a big fireball that thing blew up a tunnel no the fireball is real but there wasn't a real face snake soft oh that was him imagining yeah all right no that was a magic spaceman that's what that was i mean if you're gonna believe end photosynthesis then you have to
Starting point is 02:01:45 buy quiet naked skin breathing vocal cord also vulgan yeah okay well no but that's cool though shut up that's the answer that's cool though shut up is the answer to that one no shut up he punched the barrel he had bullets in his fingers you know i actually was like kind of like milk toast on fucking vulgan until he's like hey electricity can fire these bullets so i'm just gonna put no i'm gonna make a makeshift knuckle duster with bullets on my hand that's cool i won't shoot a gun that's lazy i'll use my hand to shoot my own handgun don't throw those mushrooms at me cool abara what are you doing osselot oh you're spinning your pistols again oh good for you also like i wish we could have seen like the boss hand him the davie crocket and then the moment
Starting point is 02:02:40 he instantly fires it she goes like her internal monologue would have been pretty good in those moments because vulgans like he's the purest asshole that like there's no sympathy there there's just there's it's one track mind almost like it's it feels like like even osselot has these weird bobs and ebbs and weebs by the end of it you're my opponent and i hate you but i respect the hell out of you and i'm like i'll give you chances but vulgan never will because vulgan shit was all like off-camera like patriot disc anyway are we really going to get into the fucking are we really about to save this for later come on and by later i mean much later breaking down snake eater live fuck that was fun though always good dipping a toe if we ever
Starting point is 02:03:27 help eat snake eater that thing would be like the longest train of thought ever man and then it's easy that's free then yeah but i mean like don't miss an episode because you're not gonna okay let's see either you're gonna get two things either gonna get a thing like that you're gonna get like murder soul suspect choose choose that lp of nothing oh yeah that lp of too much oh yeah so oh else we got yeah i saw that quote i saw that quote popo sorry for uh from the mgs lp was like imagine if you said one of your top assassins to kill someone in a coma in a hospital and then a minute later she flies out the window on fire this guy's in a coma man how did you do this the greatest soldier in the world
Starting point is 02:04:17 of all time that totally is that jives with the legend for real god damn holy shit all right quiet you got this yeah i got i'm gonna choke him out i'm gonna choke him out wow big boss really is the greatest ever because the people outside that they just see the burning lady they don't see the just fucking pathetic throwing hospital supplies better throwing bed they're knocking bed pegs stone cold yeah i'm i'm proper shuffed at that that ending man i really am like just the turnaround on it yeah when austin hits fence to the bedpan didn't see it coming all right did they did they dub in the bedpan noise no that's super real oh wow yeah it was a worked bedpan noise speaking of bedpans okay no i don't know um here we go
Starting point is 02:05:19 uh there's a double dragon one two and three world classics collection no cuneo cune coming they're throwing in double dragon look at this list of games the three related titles previously teased included cuneo cune the world classics collection are double dragon double dragon two double dragon three published by arc system works japanese titles include downtown neketsu koshin kyoku neki all the cuneos all the cuneos are here street basketball soccer dodge ball hockey monogatari side story like all they're all here all the cuneo coons are there renegade river city ransom crashing the boy street challenge uh and then the dodge ball bonus title purchase the game you get uh anazono koko dodge ball boo dodge ball boo yeah that's a
Starting point is 02:06:15 i had no idea this thing was even coming out i i sent the story to you because i'm like i saw a double dragon pop up so of course i fucking clicked it yeah i'm like there's a cuneo cune collection coming out awesome for like all consoles too and i think steam and it comes with original microfiber cloth hell yeah finally fuck damn son there's fucking love double dragon i have so many microfiber cloths man and look will you get the wallpaper of the greatest boxer in the world i've seen it i love i love a good delinquent i love a good good fucking problem student with it with a giant pompadour it's really cool if they could like throw in double drag not double dragon river city underground in there like the one yeah but you
Starting point is 02:07:03 know they're not going to do that now of course no um probably this is very weird with the double dragon and rivers a cuneo cune franchise they've done really strange things creator of that game though has some cool ideas in the works does i saw some of those yes some cool some some twitter ideas cool ideas in the works um we've got a new patch new suits and dlc for spider man yeah so the heist there's at least one feature in this patch that i sure didn't expect especially not this quickly what the new game plus feature no they said that they're there they won the game launched they're like yeah we're we're gonna i must not have seen that one they said that we hoped to get out before the end of the year but this is faster than i thought they'd get it out
Starting point is 02:07:48 yeah apparently this is going to have a new fucking at group of enemies well considering like dlc yeah yeah a whole new faction of enemies yeah so considering you do those black cat missions and then guess what i really like this black cat design i think black cats really overused i know you guys haven't played every spider man game like i have she's in every single no i'm i just i've never been a super on the character neither have i but Felicia's all right but this design is really strong it i maybe like like here's the thing if there are stories that have more than just her being like oh spider hey wow i'm yeah i'm i'm like yeah because you know even cat womans like at some point you know like she was like and stopped being that but um yeah i kind of you're so stupid
Starting point is 02:08:38 spider man would hope for more than that but uh new suits i'm not i'm not the british one's okay the british one's okay i'd say the british one's okay for novelty it's good um i think the shiny one looks like crap there's like three other costume the shiny spider man outfits are awful they feel like toys that are just stuck on the shelves after everyone takes the good ones i think the black and red one is a shittier looking one than the one you get from doing the black cat missions yeah but that's a canon one though yeah i don't care i don't i i mean i'd rock the the british one but like it's not my first choice you rock the british one you make a bunch of funny voices um but also did you guys see the changes to photo mode no so like i was gonna say that uh alongside the 1.07 update
Starting point is 02:09:28 you get you get new game plus you get ultimate difficulty uh it lets you do all the open open world activities again with your unlock suits got just this blonde um and oh the photo mode's not detailed in here so what's the deal with the photo mode stickers new stickers like adding puddles of water on all of your screenshots that's petty i like that you can rotate them you can enlarge them you can put as many as you like a fucking insomniac man that's good i like that and of course the images insomniac put out themselves of a spider man pointing at spider man within the game engine yeah also very strong i feel like looking at this black cat design like if you just took her head away and then put like shadow hawk's head on it stop it i know continue you're already there i like
Starting point is 02:10:21 that yeah i mean not that off look at the rest of the suit shadow hawk has a great vague design that i barely remember so that i just know he has a stupid wolverine head okay look at the suit again take her head off and put a fucking dark hawk's head uh uh well i was gonna say i was gonna say um uh black widow's head on night thrasher and you're like you've got a black widow type outfit too it's it's it's true it's true it's kind of just one of those you know one of those types of body suits um bushida and enters its last week on kickstarter it's actually got three days left by now and if you're listening to the podcast on tuesday that's two days left it has not yet hit its goal it's like missing twelve thousand dollars so which one are you gonna spring not me
Starting point is 02:11:05 i already i already put in like 50 so yeah yeah um yeah i went in as well but uh if we can give it a little push you know bushida and it's fucking rad so yeah this thing's doing its thing and we've talked about it before so it's about to run out so just a little bump letting you all know oh 78 it's a bit more than the last time i saw it so it's still working still i think we can get there and uh it continues to look like the raddest shit and they announced that they're going to have a second playable character too sienna stretch goal that tickles cool sienna yeah good sprites good stuff um so we got that you can take that money uh and put it into bushida or i'm looking at the the wallpaper and i
Starting point is 02:11:54 think i know what he's talking about you fucking lunatics need to be stopped every time you know i know what's gonna happen hey do you want to spend five grand on a double made cry characters coat well we have good news for you what about six grand no it's six grand now how about eight it's eight grand now five grand is for these coat the character that we don't even know anything about the smallest coat it doesn't have arms the fucking nero coat comes in at six and a half cheese yeah and daunte's red jacket for eight thousand dollars this is the ultimate edition of devil may cry five with full on replica coats daunte uh nero's coat even has a ripped sleeve and they're all made of real leather and this shit is fucking ludicrous now here's the insane thing nero's
Starting point is 02:12:45 colic so cool it does it does right now it absolutely does here's the thing if you had a chance of of getting me it had to be his coat from four his coat from four is my favorite yeah they're not gonna do the old of course not but if they did because like real talk i actually went around looking for a replica of the coat from four to purchase because i would absolutely wear that as a normal coat i fucking love his coat from four so so much with the red in the blue um but the new coat is pretty cool too but it's got a ripped sleeve so you gotta you have to act it's like ripped really well like they ripped it accurately so it doesn't look like it's like all shitty here's the other thing these coat replicas that come with these ultimate editions
Starting point is 02:13:32 of the game are sized to the characters height but they're also like probably for japan right no they're sized to the character okay so don't taste like six so they're replica jackets they're not this is daunte's jacket oh is this the shit that they put on the statues that they have yeah shows like if these were real people it's not sized to any particular country or whatever it's the size of the actual characters they're trying so if you happen to fit that then you're lucky they're trying to tell you that they took the jacket off of daunte's back and then put it in the case for you obviously fucking good luck getting just get your shitty limited edition club shirts yo it's a button up i'll wear that fuck you but like compared to those jackets i'll absolutely wear that button
Starting point is 02:14:18 that shirts four hundred dollars i'll do that is it i don't fucking know i made that up uh it said it cost eleven thousand yen that's like a hundred twenty bucks i'll wear a crisp button up i got no problems with that good old janitor type shirt hell yeah yeah but these fucking jackets are insane and they're obviously one size and they're obviously fine today way less shit will he's going to talk about that you know the materials cost is like not even a fraction like not even close it's fucking nothing right it's real leather admittedly so there's money involved but like you know a thousand and and change tops like come on yeah anyway like i said on twitter throw in a fucking motorcycle and you got me you'd probably buy a motorcycle that's my point like a shitty
Starting point is 02:15:12 motorcycle that was my point yeah for the eight thousand dollars you can get a motorcycle and you probably get a custom detail to look like you can make a down payment on a house you could no you can't no you can't that's right that's ridiculous depends on how bad you can buy at that you can make a down payment on a house in detroit well you don't even need to buy the house who's gonna stop you just walk in the ghosts the the the wandering fucking like the horde the what you know the the the enemy dots on the radar the mass that spawn when you walk into the Detroit neighborhood crushing humanity that wanders about Detroit when you walk into an abandoned neighborhood and the red dots that pop up on the map you know yeah anyway bounty hunter
Starting point is 02:15:59 is on its way bounty hunter is nearby virtual on virtual on oratorio tangram and virtual on force are coming to ps4 yay that's super cool we've got all three games uh looks like the release dates were not announced yet however uh yeah this was confirmed uh by famitsu but right alongside this news came something that i'm like i legitimately had this as a project that i never got off the ground but there's virtual on sticks that were crowdfunded and reached their goal that's not in less than 12 hours because fuck yeah virtual on should be like with two sticks in collaboration with the the release or just happen to be a happy coincidence um so i'm not sure fan thing it says here let's see what it says it says the tanita developed twin
Starting point is 02:16:53 joysticks will support uh a certain magic virtual on that's the other spin-off game yeah that's coming out yeah i'm not you know plus the upcoming forts um it was obviously timed for these releases but but i i don't think it was uh so let me ask you a question how long did it take you guys to learn that it was oratorio tangram and not ontario tangram i never i never i said oratio tangram i always for for years i said oratio tangram didn't despite that not being a word it's i didn't i couldn't be arsed to fucking say it i was just like yeah that's the new virtual on and then i think that word showed up in like a zelda game referring to a music thing and i was like oh yeah the ontario the ontario tangram drink
Starting point is 02:17:39 anyway so uh i remember back when i was making joysticks and i actually made plans to do custom virtual on controllers that would sell to four people i was gonna make a joke but i'm like you'll probably make this joke but how could he not because it's it's it wouldn't be hard to do i actually would know how to wire this up with very little effort yeah that's the thing if you can find the cost breakdown of it and sell it to the four people one of them being you and you ignore the cost and labor you yeah you had to ignore it no you can don't ignore the cost but ignore the labor yeah i'm not gonna say that once you play with the two twin joysticks on virtual on that you can't go back but it fucking it makes the game a lot more fun it does it makes it a lot more fun
Starting point is 02:18:24 when you're playing with twin sticks real twin sticks um so that's some cool fake twin sticks thumb sticks uh uh uh uh we have one more no we don't oh the the story success non relevant or something no we don't okay let's text some emails hey if you want to send an email to us and we might read it on the podcast you could send it to super best friendcast at and super best friendcast at if you want to talk about fucking Naruto's hilarious throw animation in jump force oh god what's that new character they announced it's like designed by Toriyama but he's and made up OC for the game yeah what the fuck i didn't hear about it did you see that it's called
Starting point is 02:19:16 Cain he's called Cain anybody anybody yeah i saw it's bad uh main antagonist Cain he's some guy yeah oh that looks like a Toriyama real hard Toriyama has the most limited art style ever jeeran okay so we're looking at Cain just hit jeeran from jump force we've jeeran me yeah he's he's he's a Toriyama villain hard from one of the movies armored alien looking no eyebrow motherfucker they're gonna sell shaders as dlc for this game to make it not look like jump fucking force what's what's dude kurapika is still the funniest looking thing in the world i feel like there's some sort of explanation you know how like um seth was explained by like we just want to show like like raw power in a human body so don't have any distractions so just yeah just straight
Starting point is 02:20:13 to the core of his muscular shirt do you want to know where this came from Toriyama this is buddy that helps do the manga for uh for super he said hey go to the drawer at the at the part of my desk the part that smells and pull out a failed jeeran design at random yeah and then just get just send it to fucking him he's got superhero armor he's got a cape it's yeah yeah straight out straight out all right uh emails yeah let us know how much you don't like Cain i don't understand why they get like look acclaimed artist Toriyama is going to do the character and when they show that character you're like acclaimed artist the curatoriyama phones it in for jump four i mean did they get enjoy 2021 yeah you did it's a mix of great yeah all right
Starting point is 02:21:07 dear above average pal's cast kind of a double question here i'm a bit of an audio file that loves listening to soundtracks from games and shows some of which i've never even played watched or enjoyed oftentimes good music is a good indicator for how much i'm going to enjoy a piece of media the most recent example i have of this of spotify recommending ruby soundtrack a show i've heard of but never had much interest in i listened to it for a week before even starting the show and now i've binged the entire thing and i enjoyed it immensely uh similarly i watched ghosts in the shell based entirely on the fact that the composer also worked on cowboy bebop my question is how much is music factor into your enjoyment of a particular thing
Starting point is 02:21:42 and has there ever been something you played or watched entirely based on the fact that you like to the music um second part no first part it's significant um i remember people like being like i don't really care for this game this music is awesome any it's a platinum game any guesses uh infinite space no anarchy reigns when they had that first trailer with oh man that song i forget which one i remember seeing like we don't care because we'll just play it because it's a platinum game i've seen so many people are just like holy shit this is fucking bad same thing for mad world really no soundtracks are banging um uh closest thing i mean undertell yeah it's definitely but i but i that was recommended either way uh the closest thing
Starting point is 02:22:26 that i can think of for me would be ragnarok online too because uh while i played the first ragnarok online uh and i never touched the second one i got that ost because a friend burnt it and it was uh yoko kano on the fucking ones and twos and it's a glorious soundtrack but i've never touched the game so like yeah music i mean good good sound in a game is obviously going to elevate it like it's not to me it's not the most important like controls probably is but and visuals are slightly more important than music in my opinion but i feel like good good sound not even necessarily music a good sound is that that thing that just elevates it and especially elevates it in your memories in the future where oh that track like think how much more we all care about devil may
Starting point is 02:23:19 cry for because the time has come and so have right right well how burn into our experience with that game three words jet set radio it's it's what your memories are your memories of the video game just turn into music i think i like jet set radio is music more than jet set i know you i know you do and i i know you do so does everybody because when i go no go because when you go back and play you're like this is fine yeah this is fine but the music doesn't age no no and i and i can tell like there's there's people most of those people that just like like it because it's like that was cool and then there's like like i'm fucking all about that aesthetic so i'm super hard in on it but yeah the music is the strongest part the visual second second and gameplay third exactly
Starting point is 02:24:06 absolutely um that could go for a lot of games out there but it's obviously gonna change wildly on the genre if it's a god damn rhythm game mm-hmm yeah it better have good music mm-hmm i think i think killer instinct one like rares would be way worse off if they didn't have the music did i i heard persona threes music before i i ever got it did either of you guys play buster knew it was good one and or two maybe uh bust a groove yes okay yes i play yes both i don't remember because that that's where it's important because i don't remember if i busted the buster group series there's only two games on the ps1 exemplifies this perfectly buster group one is a really really simple rhythm game that has very little depth but the soundtrack is fucking amazing okay and then
Starting point is 02:24:54 the second game the characters all have different movesets and buttons and there's more depth and there's more stages and it looks better but they couldn't or chose not to get the same company that did the music oh my god music is just not as good oh my god as the first game okay so i it's a way better game that no one ever talks about wow because it doesn't have the good types of tracks on the first i was about to ask but you just answered the question because i will never ever run away that's one yeah okay that's it yep um also very very very very very very very good one okay yeah yeah that's that's it that's why i played yep damn yeah that's a fucking shame it's not a very good rhythm game but the soundtrack and the presentation is a fucking awesome how do you
Starting point is 02:25:44 fuck that up i don't know as the same i really don't know unless they're like they completely switch teams that's crazy because like sound design in those cases use the most important thing about your game kitty ends buster groove theme is unbelievable and it's not in the second game and nothing even as good as it is in the second game um we got one coming in from oh okay bailey says yeah bailey what up dear we need you to stay late cast um this is a nice and reference to uh previous discussion but recent article by vulture talked about the ours uh about rock stars why'd you write it that way uh you're a rock fucking star you know um new game uh rdrth 2 um dark forces 5 jedi night 4 jedi outcast 3 jedi academy 2
Starting point is 02:26:37 and the making of it and the article dan hauser mentioned how they worked 100 hours and yeah yeah all that stuff we know horrible conditions right fast-forwarding a little bit um got me thinking about the idea of crunch in video games since i'm planning to go into video games well pray for me that my passion doesn't burn out it will uh in my intro class my business professor talked about companies that uh need to avoid crunch it lowers morale it and product productivity and causes unneeded anxiety and health issues sure does yes i said the company doesn't need uh doesn't often care about the employee side and only cares about the product of course um crunch uh yeah okay so here's the here's the actual data i guess that we're talking about whereas
Starting point is 02:27:18 which is where crunch becomes actual words for the product because at a certain point an extra 20 hours on top of a 40 hour week is the limit once this passes you start to get problems introduced everyone is human after all and to errors human my professor argued that more crunch and more errors will exist due to exhaustion um of a single employee which overall causes their work to lower it's astonishing at how like say i do 10 hours extra right and i make a mistake it might take longer than 10 hours to fix that it probably will depending on how bad the mistake is yeah so if you're playing an employee that's not at their peak you're now playing two and a half times uh for them not at their max productivity it's not cost effective and you're losing out it's actually
Starting point is 02:27:59 more cost effective to hire more people than to crunch your existing staff harder if you can find same quality of people yeah and it kind of goes on well anyway it kind of goes on but we elaborated but that's kind of the data on it so those are the yeah there's a there's a term that i ran into when i was looking at this stuff called up negative productivity which is at a certain point diminishing returns at a certain point keeping people in the office is actually costing you time rather than gaining it because all the mistakes are compounding on each other and then the good time that you would have gotten is just dedicated to fixing those mistakes i'd like to see the stats on like japanese offices and and that whole culture how that affects things i'd be curious to know
Starting point is 02:28:40 like after a certain time it's like oh when five p.m hits the work like fucking slows to a crawl anyway despite you like the office still being full on work is like you're doing a bad job if you're not doing overtime yeah if you're not if you're not pushing like in a like the western places is kind of like oh like i hate my job i just want to leave and like uh like kind of not do it half-assed but you know it's it's more lax in terms of now it's me now it's me go home time and no one can tell me otherwise that's why morale gets so low when you were like implied that you're going to lose your job or get a negative my file if you don't do overtime my buddy trevor was working at a law firm there and uh i remember he was telling yeah and he was talking
Starting point is 02:29:22 about how um they had like uh there was like the um the office manager who basically like you know she was she she did like office manager things but the main thing that she did all uh during the day was whenever the boss was coming in she'd get up and like say the bosses arrived right and more or less like have little busy work here and there but she had to sprint in heels from one place to another because keeping up the look of urgency was more important than actually doing anything reminds me of uh i oh god it was either mark mcdonald from eight four or ryan patin i forget who told the story and i might i might even wrong it might be something but they described working in a japanese office and how are they they were the only westerner in that office only non-japanese
Starting point is 02:30:16 person in the office and it had this really kind of fun thing where you'd come in and you go hey everybody i came to work and everybody go hey right you know back at norm right pretty much right but they would often come in super early for whatever reason because of the work they were doing and one time they thought they had come in and they were just the complete first person in the office right i'm the first one who made it in aside from you know janitor or whatever and they walked in and went to their desk and sat down and started working and a co-worker came over and said oh hey i was here why didn't you do that why didn't you announce that you were here it's like oh because i thought the office was empty and the person looked at them confused like what does that
Starting point is 02:31:01 matter you come you come in and you you greet the office whether it's empty or not just in case there's someone that you can't see i don't know because that's where the story stops but it's just like that's a hyper rigid social cues built into that workforce that's not what you can really confront it's about respecting the office you know like yeah as a as a as an entity yeah it's about honor hello office i you're my real wife you're an entity yeah ghosts of overtime hello oh boy um okay uh it's not shocking but in an environment in which we've described that caroushe is a total real problem yep here's one from nick he says nick from england says they're super best beast freaks yo halloween's just around the corner and one thing that used to scare me
Starting point is 02:32:00 yet something i found really cool was raziel raziel from legacy of kane yeah he is cool um my mom used to play it when i was around five or six damn i'm 19 now for reference came out two weeks after i was born since forever uh i haven't heard anything about it how successful do you think an hd remaster would be in today's world well considering idos all graphics changed same voice acting considering idos canceled uh almost completed soul reaver game in dead sun i believe dead sun probably not gonna happen for any time soon but i think a collection of soul reaver well okay soul reaver soul reaver two then nothing would what if you want to include a third game what it'd be uh it'd be defiance be defiance yeah fuck so the problem with soul
Starting point is 02:32:53 reaver is that it's it has the kingdom hearts problem oh yeah it does in that the series it actually has the it will leave you played any of the legacy kane games noz goff you play okay fuck you all right man you and you tested it man you played a bunch of them i played all i played all of them a little and i beat one okay i played the demo for two back in the day and i sat and watched a friend play one at micro play one's great um wait it wasn't a friend it was a stranger and i stared over his shoulder that's good enough so the problem with legacy of kane and it's a big fucking problem is that they're all direct sequels to it now there it goes legacy of kane then goes soul reaver then goes soul reaver one then it goes uh defiance right problem is is the time travel
Starting point is 02:33:36 is a big fucking thing yeah it kind of runs it and i can't even overstate how it it is the most convoluted time travel storyline ever because woolly what happens in soul revert two is you travel back into the first game and change things and then come back to the changed version and then in defiance you're traveling back to before you changed it and then traveling to after you changed it the second time and then like that's a fucking mess and then defiance they kind of they try and clean it up with a nice little bow but they don't really not really and uh so it if you wanted to make a new one it would either have to be 100 total reboot right start over well i i think the question was like like would an hd collection do well i think it well i think those games are classics
Starting point is 02:34:28 and i think i would hope that it would do well i don't think that if they're if they were gonna do a collection they probably just do the one like soul reaver one then soul reaver two separately like i don't think it defiance needs to i think i think at some point i know it needs to be but it's like i don't see them taking ps2 games i think at some point in the not so sorry for no what i mean is that like i can just see them doing the oh wait so reaver two is on the ps2 yes sorry i imagine at some point in the not so near future like they might revisit it because there is an interest in making that franchise successful over at uh screenix i would uh i'd also really and i i would think that alongside that like once we recoup the negative dollars
Starting point is 02:35:14 that was spent on the online thing because um there might be an attempt and alongside that attempt would be the best shot at re-releasing my my memory was is that climax studios from made shatter memories made we're making the single player of dead sun and then the multiplayer is made by somebody else and they cancelled the single player and just turned the multiplayer into nosgoth that was my understanding that's why that's that's that's yes so nobody wants this single player rpg series to be a single player so there there there's a gdd that's how you know oh yeah anyway you know what tell us a little bit later but um there is one big fucking problem with continuing that series and it's not even related to the nonsense it's that that series ends
Starting point is 02:35:58 with i'm gonna get you in the next game huge evil villain voiced by a currently dead famous voice actor yeah damn so and not even an easily replaceable voice actor incredibly highly unique okay voice okay that can't really be emulated properly so you want to tell woolly what this voice actor also voiced you want to take a wild guess that woolly mega bite yeah fucking tony yeah god so it's like yeah replaced you can't that's tough so i might i would actually even say probably go for a reboot start over yeah start over and maybe he was he was too good maybe maybe next time go a little less heavy on the time travel well crystal dynamics is currently not working on a tomb raider game so we don't know i swear to god if i see rise of the the
Starting point is 02:36:57 cane or some rise of the cane rise of the legacy of cane i'm gonna shit don't do this you don't know shit don't don't even pretend oh don't even fucking pretend with that shit what you're gonna call it uh uh uh uh uh uh uh not never mind the you're an asshole the doing that to my emotions the just call legacy of cane yeah yeah of course you know you could even time travel your way out by just saying oh yeah that was the old timeline before i changed it you call it legacy of cane h2o hey you know uh assassin's creed would have been cool if like every time you went back to the past and you did something it affected the future you returned to that would make that'd be tough it'd be interesting because then you're not returning
Starting point is 02:37:45 to the past i know you're not actually returning to the past but you could never but if the game was actually i could never do a second historical period ever because it would be a may of fair you could only go further back in time with every game or also would make no sense yeah like that's the big problem they're like the messenger i killed richard the third early like then then the red sauce might not have or what you know like walter says dare internet superstars i was listening to an old episode i have no idea i'm not a superstar uh of the friendcast where woolly recommends avoiding flower sun and rain i've been playing fsr lately and while i do like it i agree and i doubt i could recommend it to anyone
Starting point is 02:38:34 alongside its pseudo prequels and sequels silver case in 25th ward respectively it's a game that i think takes a lot of effort on the player's part to appreciate fsr in particular it's intentionally is intentionally tedious obtuse and straight up not fun but now i've played the silver case in the 25th ward and i know that particular era of suda bullshit i'm able to put up with the problems and appreciate what he was going for is there any game or piece of media that you had to really put work into like um i'm okay oh this is weird because i'm like i'm trying my best to like twin peaks season three but i'm not oh you're still going through i'm not getting anything out of this relationship yeah like for episode 12 of how many 18 okay you got some you got some ways to go buddy
Starting point is 02:39:26 yeah but like i'm not getting anything well you can't stop now i struggle with every episode you can't stop now but but i feel like the question is like what do you struggle to like i'm like i'm not even liking it this you gotta you gotta keep going to find out what answers you're not gonna receive um monster hunter and dark souls those took like a dozen plus hours of just time before i had fun with them once that's interesting because obviously my late to the game thing go makes i saw what was fun immediately but i also know that like i'm not the kind of person that disappears into this height all right look at me look at me right now open your ears and you're gonna hear something you told me to stop telling you you don't know what it used to be like
Starting point is 02:40:15 yeah okay world is fun within an hour for you is fun within three or four hours three you is fun within 15 hours two is in my opinion never fun and one is a piece of shit okay okay i'd say there's like a big section of deli premonition that you have to get through to like because there's stuff there's front loaded stuff but then there's like a good four or five hour chunk of like this is this nothing really fun's happening right here right this minute but you gotta you gotta burst through that and when it does happen you have to be down with the quirk yeah if you weren't down with the quirk at the start then you're not gonna be down with the quirk for the rest down with the quirk miss it's it's the kind of thing where it's like
Starting point is 02:41:08 your your ability how to put this your ability to make it to the part where it gets good is proof that you'll like it yeah because if you were not able to tolerate it up until that point yeah good job you saved yourself oh you know it's harder michigan report from hell is a constant struggle of getting through some of the worst gameplay but every cutscene is hilarious but it's hard to play that's the that's the bad thing about a quirky weird game is like don't make it hard to play well like demon souls that's why i bounced off it so many times because it's live it's literally hard to play and i bow i think i spent like i don't know 15 20 hours bouncing off demon souls but three different attempts before i actually enjoyed it for technical reasons and
Starting point is 02:41:54 poor controls yes you're right i would say it doesn't have the most optimal controls when you first start it's just mean to you it's just mean uh there's i know i'm trying to nail it but like there's definitely it's it's been so long but there was an era when i was just going through like seasons of mindless anime why and uh there's definitely stuff out there where i was like giving it as much of a shot as i could despite not that's that's what came to that's that birth the four episode rule like i need to create a limit here i have too many isekais to get through i need to cut down on the selection process um um okay okay okay it here's one that actually it like you do you remember um seven samurai yes the anime yes i watched like five episodes of it i
Starting point is 02:42:48 fucking tried i did try to i wanted to ride man why don't you try bro because the first cut scene has a really cool fight where it's the opening scene of you know where you got the fucking protecting the village and doing the whole thing like the original kurosawa movie and you really really try to stick with it because it promises some cool fucking uh suits and mecha shit not not even mecha but like armor armored badassery and it just fucking falls apart i watched every episode of that of my cry series and didn't even smile once like i kept what like the whole time you're like yeah don't it's gonna be cool and fight a guy and he doesn't it was called samurai seven samurai seven instead of seven samurai yeah yeah it's fucking that so um this this might not be
Starting point is 02:43:44 good news for other of you i don't know how much you've played of it but it's like there's there's fun to be had in the ps and the uh dream cast berserk game i i yeah you know i played a bunch of that it's just once you get to that fucking zod fight and then have to run the gauntlet afterwards it's like it's rough but um you know what's way better the ps2 game is it it's not oh because i got way farther into that than i ever did and i got to a mission in a bog slash swamp and this is after the cool zod fight that replicates the manga this is some bullshit where i like i was playing this mission for two hours it's a giant map like think of like a snake eater map like that's all three sections yeah when you cross into another region and it has a little thing go to three uh no four
Starting point is 02:44:33 different encampments that are on opposite hallways of this bog and when you get there it triggers waves after waves of zombies and you have to clear out all these areas it was the most mind-numbing like and and i quit there like i'm like is it uh after the kelpie fight and the ogre fight yeah yeah yeah no no it wasn't okay did you get past this yeah i did fucking awful i got uh i got to the game's final area and it's deeper into the bog where you fight slam okay and the the game gets worse every level yeah and then you fight the bosses and you have the amazing animations that we're all familiar with yeah all the cutscenes and all the boss fights in that thing are great but every every level is worse than the last one yeah and you go to the
Starting point is 02:45:26 bog then you fight slam then you fight grunbel then the game's over and very early on even past the part it's like there's a section where you have to go into this haunted mansion it's totally not in the manga and you have to fight the ghosts of judo and corkis oh yeah yeah cool red you have to fight corkis sweet um that game is so good when you're fighting those snowmen and then bosses and the bosses and then it's not that that's gonna be like when i have when i want to i'm gonna sit down like let me watch berserk millennium falcon whatever the fuck it's called the movie on youtube and i'll just watch that man i was so excited and hype to like earthworm jim 3d oh wow really first heard about it i'm like fuck this yeah because i was like i loved earthworm
Starting point is 02:46:16 jim i loved that franchise you were right to do so those first two games are great and when they said they were bringing it back and i was like finally fuck yeah and we're gonna get the mario 64 treatment we didn't get the mario 64 treatment very few very few things got the mario 64 treatment in terms of a guy that already had his own franchise god damn did i want that what actually got the mario 64 treatment do you count sonic adventure no i'm anything all anything sonic adventure is that is is really bad is terrible terrible compared to mario 64 soul reaver soul reaver is really good i'd say he got the zelda okay sure so i mean his transition to 3d ocarina event right yeah ocarina did well well i i don't count nintendo stuff because if anyone
Starting point is 02:47:07 knows how to fucking do it on that age it was them because they were doing it but who has had an established franchise like earthworm jim and you're gonna be like oh they're they're they're transit castlevania sure didn't get it no i did hell it never really did it never actually did ever like lord's a child it's a completely different thing and it's fine it got the god of war treatment if anything donky kong tried and then backed up to 2d it went no turned around i know there's some people that like actually for whatever reason swear by donky kong 64 shut up those i know my my my girls like like brothers and like that family that it was like their first n64 game so it's pretty it's pretty much bang and start and it was like multiplayer is fun you're just you're
Starting point is 02:47:58 marrying into a bunch of winners long all of you mega man didn't even really get it hey you're sowing the seeds of future family arguments oh it's been had it's been had they know um well you say mega man i don't really count legends i can't like you should i count legends because x7 is not it's a different time yeah maybe you know that we're not counting that captured the spirit legends absolutely worked jumping into 3d was a different mega man though it was great yeah well i mean i mean a different link yeah alright for no i mean right yeah mega man legends one and two are great i bet you they're really bad nowadays they're very good they're very good is this like one of those things where i'm like hey woolly you know how bad jet force gemini sucks this is not one of
Starting point is 02:48:46 those things but then you go it's very good i'm like do you want to play it again it's on the rare replay question jet force gemini is great uh i played legends two way later way way later replayed legends one about uh i don't know seven or eight years ago and granted that's a long time ago yeah but it was like that's like ten years after that's what i'm saying yeah i play i i played no i mean again i played it like yeah again and it was still great okay legends two was about ten years ago as well which is way after the fact still and i was like yep nope remember legends one where you get that fucking ability you hold circle and you'd fucking slide you dash slide against the ground like fast oh man just the sound of his footsteps going point point point point point
Starting point is 02:49:32 and data does that little dance looks good little save monkey yep fucking love that little save monkey uh all right yeah his name is data sometimes you gotta work sometimes you gotta work and lastly let's take one from caps lock a caps lock what hey oh my god how you doing i think this guy's a character in one of my xcom games yeah yeah possibly hey best friend he's shot a civvy here's a quick game on your for your enjoyment below i have a selection of game titles it's your job to guess which one of these are actual canonical titles of games in the toho franchise and which ones are not why are you these are from official games only not fan games toho or not toho all right let or let's say toho
Starting point is 02:50:26 or no ho okay okay okay obviously i can see the answer so i cannot play yeah fair enough fantasmagoria of flower view no that's real that's not real matt takes the point pursuit of pulsating dogma no yes not real not real not real not real damn that's good at this and i hate toho no ho masterful illiteration of unity oh that's definitely real that's real no ho damn undefined fantastic object that's not real that's not real toho i've gotten all of them wrong what's going on scarlet starlight dragon fang that's not real that's real no ho yeah ten desires that's this ten that's it yeah not real toho subterranean animism i'm giving up not real toho fuck imperishable night not real that's real toho yeah i got one yeah double
Starting point is 02:51:38 dealing character not real toho what oh yeah legacy of lunatic kingdom real not real toho mortal lunar plan real then not real no ho i'm i'm bringing it back yeah antimony of common flowers very real real we remember this yes yes scarlet weather rhapsody why is this another one yes uh not real toho double spoiler double spoiler did you say double double spoiler that's real real toho radiant midnight silver fox not real no ho yeah thank you caps lock that was fun all right what's coming up what's coming out uh what's coming up what's coming out all right well what uh for the main channel what's the main channel shit storms always
Starting point is 02:52:42 a more shit storms we ended up doing a bunch of accidental full lps this year of a bunch of shit storm games the two that we did recently were actually recorded back to back in the same day we're uh we're thugging and we're bugging because sparta's kind of like a bug stretch stretch they're playing skateboards and we're playing a game in which the last sequel you could skateboard on dudes if you jumped on ah fuck it's definitely crying and stuff too that's what's happening yeah i don't think anyone was confused this time i don't know some people could be listening to the podcast for the first time we're continuing the legacy of eric sparrow and uh so far we mean the legacy of bammer gary shoving things and things well i was like so far this is truly like the the bamside
Starting point is 02:53:32 versus hawk side and it really is and sparrow has had very little influence over the course of history hey abammer gary let's kill someone tony hawk would be like let's not you want to they're pushing that new kid in the in the wheelchair instead you want to do a vert run instead of shoving fireworks in your ass seems like it they're also pushing i'm a professional skater bam's dad bammer gara so wait it's phil in the game phil marjara is in the game you have to he's there's a character model of him just wearing underwear standing in the open world so you not have enough points to talk to phil there you go that's fun fact he how he phil marjara holds the record for knocking a home run over his high school from the from the field all the way over the world record is that a he holds he holds
Starting point is 02:54:22 a he holds a philly record he holds a god damn our jersey whatever fucking place they're from anyway who even knows what a fucking oh my god um we are we're we're doing that and the adventures of nero and daunte continue as kiri is still kidnapped and um as always yeah hey man i forgot about a bunch of cool shit in that game and we recorded all almost all of it before it came out um some of the really rad counters that uh you use against the bosses what do you mean the throws or what there's there's there's contextual counters with the buster that i completely forgot you can do in certain moments that are fucking rad oh more than the the spear special could contact special moves special moments um well you forgot them then i didn't know about them then there was
Starting point is 02:55:16 definitely like yeah there's there's uh anyway they whatever it's it's super early because it's like two episodes in listen and i'm already going i'm thinking about the future and i'm just like telling you hey hey hey relax eat that shame put it deep down it's prep for later where there will be much more shame to be had okay much more actually it feels bad when it's a game you really care about well don't just don't care about things just just roll like like woolly learn to roll around in the shit with us this is the secret to life you can't be good at anything here the format causes it to die it's my fault very simple it's my fault for you fucking think people are going oh man i can't
Starting point is 02:56:10 wait to see the sickest new league gameplay at the best reds channel i can't wait for them to do no hit miracle run we like literally ended a shitstorm video with like finding nothing and seeing no one and then quitting because we got bored and then i just went hey well it's best friend shut up you know the deal and the video just cut off there was no intro no people show up because they're like i want to see how long they can get lost in this eight-bit faith game without going right at the shed yeah there's that that's my favorite thing there's that there's that and that i can't we played faith i can't believe pat didn't know about the sebu kya kutatsumako well that that because it always because it goes hand in hand with the like the fucking um greater
Starting point is 02:56:58 than sign implying uh and it's like always talking about devil may cry always talking about neuro always talking about and then fucking this up or forgetting that wait i have played every single dark souls game except for demon souls in public you will live oh yeah no i mean like liam getting that in automata like left and right over like what's probably his favorite video game that's like yeah but that's no that's you know i mean that was one year ago as opposed to eight you know but uh or 10 2008 right oh man 2008 devil may cry january 2008 january i want to say that am i right about that is that true let me confirm that i'll say january february let's say 2009 no it's 2008 yeah no i can because i can place myself in god i can work i
Starting point is 02:57:51 can't believe that i forgot about that early early dmc four trailer where everyone was ugly january 31st 2008 yeah yeah so well let just hey that's just good good stuff continues yeah everybody what's what's going on what are you streaming super bad what are you what are you what are you streaming uh uh later in the week i'll be streaming over at slash uh angriest pat i'll be streaming probably soul caliber and i plan on streaming uh red dead on friday from your house from my house but tonight from my house i'll be over at slash pizza saliva and we're going to be going back into the later parts of detroit so if you want to see a piece of my new house go tonight i don't know what time have you put to
Starting point is 02:58:39 slash have you have you created a dedicated dank meme room for stream background purposes it's the the don't you have tune in do you not have one i don't have one tune in and you i don't i thought the green screen was and you will see that it is we didn't need to do anything to dank meme it up gotcha gotcha what is happening on the flop house um tonight is a look at all the costumes of soul caliber six in a crime tina critiques the defaults well what what else would we look at because there's no alternates you could always spend time improving them well we did we we took uh tier is tier is costume can be improved by because this is one of the few games where you get to go let's fix that yeah you can actually fix a lot yeah um so that's i think that just
Starting point is 02:59:32 got uploaded now maybe um so uh that's tonight and then uh maybe a few more spooky games this week and it might stream on wednesday some fatal frame five legend of the soggy raven oh come on well that's the real title don't even joke that's the real title at some point that was the real title wait fuck off i'll look it up for you fuck you japan is using soggy you just did the fucking toho thing he's right you did just do the toho soggy yeah why would like no one accidentally uses soggy hate the word soggy i really don't like it fear of the dank village dank is fine i'm okay with dank shut up dank is fog moist is weird and but it's fine okay why does everybody get all weird about moist because i remember from cake commercials because moist yeah moist cake is good
Starting point is 03:00:30 yeah but moist other things are pretty bad so its final name came out to be fatal frame made in a black water but it was originally called zero because it's just called zero in japan zero the wet crow shrine maiden it was also translated as fatal frame five oracle of the soggy oh my god all right that's we're not gonna top that that tells the podcast now goodbye can i tell people no i forgot i fucking forgot piece of shit damn fuck you um we just finished never so on the channel today okay so if you're what you've told us when you finished it in terms of when you recorded it i thought it was done yeah part final came out well no so here's what happened okay there's a thing that happens there's a we hit credits and then there
Starting point is 03:01:25 was a bonus mission yeah that's like that's like yo you get to meet the fucking remember you must have caught wind that black people arrived in the ninja world yeah i remember hearing uh jz arrived so to go check out the black people you have to go do the bonus mission but the bonus mission requires you to do all the bullshit extra stupid missions on the way up and level up your friendship meters with your ninja friends so all of that horseshit i tried for about 15 minutes and then i said fuck this and then we popped on netflix and just watched it okay i have a question when that bonus mission popped up were you like yeah or you like fuck i gotta keep recording i was like okay and then billy was like willing to put in the work for black people and then he put and
Starting point is 03:02:10 then billy said it's it's canon it's it's it's so you need to see it and i was like okay and then it starts and i see this black ninja dude and i go oh it's that black ninja i've heard about with the cornrows but it's is he black i don't know it's a weird sort of dark skin and then he jumps out of his fucking like little igloo and he starts rapping and you're like yeah yeah it's canon so um i just discovered killer b and i get to fucking do that uh on today's episode but if you're one of those folks that's been waiting for um a complete uh uh playlist before you started then uh head on over to woolly versus and you can check out Naruto ultimate ninja storm back in it's finished finally until you're back in again because you're not a back back you're not finished
Starting point is 03:03:03 nuns two has been defeated we'll see we'll see about the rest when uh when the time comes did you fight pain yes because i thought it would be a good idea to switch up my green screen intro with a raw green screen edit so i just threw up the raw footage and uh it's a good time so yes i did fight pain i don't get it but that's fine there was pain i said i took a look at that last episode earlier today right before we came in was it an episode it's uh was it not a modern art piece it looks like it looks like you're it looks like somebody slashed the kaleidoscope in half and then you're looking through half the kaleidoscope we're getting we're getting very abstract with have you seen what we're talking about man our play through i think i saw a picture somewhere on
Starting point is 03:03:52 a tweet to woolly or something and i didn't exactly see the video we're getting into some outrageous shit yeah one of those episodes kaleidoscope made me go oh right you could submit that to the met that's what i'm saying but yeah that's over on woolly versus all right well um yeah i guess that's i guess that we can wrap that up this really was a legend of a soggy raid hey this this really was a soggy podcast oh ah you
Starting point is 03:07:16 you

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