Chilluminati Podcast - MidWeek Mini - Alex Has Personal Paranormal Encounter?

Episode Date: October 3, 2024

Mike and Jesse dissect Alex's story as part of this Midweek Mini! It's a weird one, but a fun one! MERCH - Special thanks to our sponsors this episode ...- All you lovely people at Patreon! HTTP://PATREON.COM/CHILLUMINATIPOD Jesse Cox - Alex Faciane - Editor - DeanCutty Art Commissioned by -

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello my little children It's different I got a different pop filter now, so it's not I can't get as close as I once was I promised you that You're still vibrating. Yeah, I'm still writing your inner ear. Yeah, welcome back the mini-sode 148 I think might be 147 somewhere on there. I Boy, do it's been a couple weeks. I'm doing worse now that intro still is jarring about earwax right now I'm thinking about like am I of the age and I need to go get my earwax pulled out of my ears And I'm like yeah, I think so. I don't know like a kindly old man Yeah, just like sucking out with a straw just get in there. It's like a little metal hoop
Starting point is 00:00:37 I don't really know I've only seen it in in videos. I don't know why I'm talking about this We're getting older folks the old The old Chiluminati podcast. I stretched today and it gave me a stomach ache for 30 minutes. I absorb your youth and I shall live forever. Jesse stays the same age. So when we all die, you're going to keep Chiluminati going? Oh, no, I'll have moved on to a different name. I'll be a totally different person. Oh, yeah, right. I'll move to another country. Jessamus J.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Colmes. Yeah. He's like that surgeon from the X-Files who like goes from practice to practice sucking up everybody's magic energy. Oh, you spoiled an episode for me. That's alright. You won't remember. Uh... That's true. I won't. I won't. It's true. It'll be gone by tonight. Uh, welcome to the mini-sode everybody. Uh, Jesse, I want to start with you, man. What do you got? What are you bringing us today?
Starting point is 00:01:20 Gentlemen, all of Neptune's clouds have vanished. What? What does that mean? Gentlemen, all of Neptune's clouds have vanished. What? What does that mean? Scientists think the sun is to blame. That's right. The clouds around the solar system's eighth and for some reason final planet, sorry Pluto, our most distant planet, located roughly 2.8 billion miles or 4.5 billion kilometers from the sun, all
Starting point is 00:01:48 the clouds began fading in 2019 and were totally gone without a trace in 2020. Even now, four years later from 2019, the most recent images that we have taken in this past June still show the clouds haven't returned to their former levels," said Orandi Chavez, a graduate student at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics who led a study about this whole thing at UC Berkeley, and then went on to say, this is extremely exciting and unexpected, especially since Neptune's previous period of low cloud activity was not nearly as dramatic or prolonged. So spoiler, this happens all the time. That's just a sensational headline to get everyone's attention. Happens all the time because Neptune's clouds aren't earth clouds. They're basically frozen methane strands.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Okay, wait, I have some logistical questions that I need you to help me. Sure, sure. I have some logistical questions that I need you to help me with really quick. Neptune, unless I'm like, I've lost it. It's a gas giant, isn't it? It's one of the big boys on the outside. It's a big blue boy, right? Yes. We're talking, yeah. Neptune's a big, I don't know what color it is.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Who knows what color it is in space. Blueish-ish. Big blue boy, big blue boy. But it's made of gas entirely. So when we're saying the clouds disappear. So like, you know how if you look at um... Isn't it just all cloud? No, it is not one big cloud.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Think about it man. There are like oceans of methane and like there's like crazy shit on it. Cause it's also very cold. So we're just in goop-topia is what we're saying. We are in full goop-topia. You would not like it there at all. A gaseous world. I'm flying, I'm in VR.
Starting point is 00:03:34 I love it. It's all good. Okay. All right. All right. Again, if anyone knows more about Neptune than me, please let me know. I've been sitting here this whole time,
Starting point is 00:03:45 just turning it over in my mind, trying to picture what it would look like if the clouds went away on a gas giant. And I'm like, it's still just gas. What is the surface of Neptune like? Is there like a little rock that you see? Is it just like a little tiny rock in the middle that you see when the clouds get blown away?
Starting point is 00:04:01 The Neptune, surface Neptune, it does not have a solid surface apparently. The atmosphere is made up of hydrogen, helium and methane extends to great depths, gradually merging into water and other melted ices over heavy solid core. So yeah, it is. Could you stand on the surface? No, you could not stand on the surface. All right. Hot take. The aliens are from Neptune. Maybe. Hey, maybe. That's actually what I'm talking about today. Surprise, surprise. A little alien update.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Aliens being from Neptune? Yeah, that's it, actually. But basically, the sun goes through warming cycles, which is always one of those things that you hear sort of anti-climate change people talk about, where it's like, it's just a warming cycle. But the thing is, it does it every roughly 11 years. So it isn't like a thousand years. It's not like this. Yeah. And so currently right now it is in an active rising state. And so every 11 years or so it gets very, very hot
Starting point is 00:04:54 and then cools back down. And apparently scientists thought the highest point would be in 2025. But now they're rethinking it that maybe it's actually this year and the map is just off a little bit because the sunspots increasing and the UV it's putting off and all sorts of this, it's just like way higher than it's ever been,
Starting point is 00:05:16 at least in the cycle, right? I'm sure there are times in the past where it's been higher than it is currently, but they're like, oh damn, this is pretty wild. So it's all of that that Melted away the methane ice clouds, which is why they don't exist anymore But they'll come back is the idea they always come back and bring it back to the temple Love. Yeah
Starting point is 00:05:40 The thing I think is interesting about this. The reason why I wanted to share it is because it's straight up just us on Earth Monitoring the climate of another planet and that's crazy when you think about it. That's what I love that price stuff Yeah, that's that's the USS Enterprise. Yeah Doesn't really mean anything for us at all, but it's fascinating to watch Earthlings be like what's going on over on Neptune? Considering how far away it is and you know, it's a planet we can never actually just hang out on. That's why we here at slash Chilman Adipada always like to say, hey, keep dreaming kids. Yeah, always dream. That's exactly what we say. Keep dreaming kids. Keep on dreaming children.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Then we finger gun. Keep dreaming kids. Keep on dreaming children. Then we finger gun keep dreaming kids Yeah You ready for a little bit of an alien update, but a gentleman not little I'm always ready. Are we gonna talk about it? You know what you know, you know a piece of what we're gonna say today because we brought up in text the other night But yeah, the the entire world after the Congress was exciting until they immediately denied them a skiff hearing. And beyond that, a a particular individual by the name of Mike Turner, who is the congressman for the 10th District of Ohio, has put a kibosh on any future hearings. Hey, can I give you a spoiler? Spoiler. Hey, you know what's in the 10th District?
Starting point is 00:07:02 Yeah, I know what's in the 10th District. Go ahead and blow people's minds. in the 10th district? Yeah, I know what's in the 10th district, but go ahead and blow people's minds. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, which I know that because I used to live very close and I'd, my mom used to work at Wright State. So like, I know all about it. I'm about to, I'm about to blow y'all's minds. Not only that, like, yeah, please go ahead and blow, blow more mind. I just mean later, you'll see later. Oh, okay, got you. But for got you this is like what does that mean right Patterson Air Force Base? That's like that's where I'll leave where the rumors is they took all the saucers and the aliens and stuff was the right pat Yeah, real on top of that. Oh good Alex. I just said real talk I was just kind of like hype manning like a 2000s hip-hop track. Tell you he's not allowing any more hearings
Starting point is 00:07:44 He doesn't want he said and And basically the the reason he gave is it would do irreversible damage to the Department of Defense and like military like and it's like what the hell does that allow doesn't make it any better. Nor does it make me think that it's worth keeping secret now.
Starting point is 00:08:00 It's definitely worth putting out there if our government is doing stuff with our tax money that would damage the reputation of what they already have a shit reputation. That's the catch 22 is like, does he mean damage in the sense that its reputation will be damaged because of this absolute clown show of an investigation? Or does it mean damage in the sense that actual information will be released that we are in fact researching alien craft and reverse engineering the technology? What does, like it can be interpreted both ways. I think it would be like not the stupid hearings, but I think even if it's not aliens, they're doing shit they shouldn't be.
Starting point is 00:08:44 And that's, they don't want, they're doing shit they shouldn't be. And that's they don't want. They likely don't want oversight. And like they're just even if it's just military tech that they're fucking testing and they don't. That's the thing. Like then like I stand with. We still need to know. Even if it's not aliens, even if it's our government being assholes
Starting point is 00:08:58 and just using our money and hiding their programs, then we need to know. Fuck the reputation. The government works for the people, not the other way around. They're supposed to. If he came out and he was like, this is because of some competition that we have with Russia and China. And if we investigate into this further, it will compromise our national security like XYZ.
Starting point is 00:09:19 In that case, I would be like, Touche. Okay. Well, you know, like maybe we'll find out more about this later but what the fuck does that mean but the reason it's frustrating is because there's this like razzle dazzle around it it's like extra carefulness to like have plausible deniability. To deny them the skiff meeting and that's not like it wasn't Republicans or Democrats it was both both. And Alexander Kostya, which has been in there with Matt Gates and a few others.
Starting point is 00:09:48 I mean, the verbiage and the reasoning in general is just like, like actually. Like enigmatic on purpose to fuck with you. And to to to like even make it more like frustrating for people like me anyway. Obviously, none of the media is going to cover that. Mike Turner's like no more meetings, no more. It's just not going to be talked about. It's going to be kind of left to be forgotten again. And then there's shit like I texted you guys last couple of weeks were like,
Starting point is 00:10:14 I said, when this stuff came out, keep your eye out. Hoaxes are going to be everywhere. Sure. And I watched the fucking UFO and alien subreddit. And you're all if you listen to this, y'all fucking joke. I cannot believe there was three weeks wasted on this fucking plane that showed three orbs go around it and make it disappear. And there was three weeks of them obsessing
Starting point is 00:10:38 over this obvious CGI thing until somebody came around like two days ago and was like, here's the footage, here's this. Oh, and I was like, here's the footage. Here's this. Oh, yeah. And I'm like, yeah, no fucking shit. But like there's no, no one's talking about the meetings being canceled. Nobody's talking about anything else.
Starting point is 00:10:53 They're obsessed with this clear fucking fake. And that's the issue with these people is like you get hooked on anything that looks insane instead of just sticking with what's happening now. It's not just UFOs. It's everyone who gets caught up in a moment. A great example of that is over the past weekend here in LA, we had a hurricane. I use air quotes because for me it was sunny most of the day. It missed my area of the city by a lot.
Starting point is 00:11:19 It was hot and wet for me, but it was not scary. Yeah, like it was not as bad as it was. However, all day on social media, pictures of flooding and of like crazy winds and stuff. Thankfully, I don't know who's doing the actual work over at X or Reddit or whatever the hell, but all of it was being debunked. It was like, this is from 2019, or this is from this thing and this didn't happen.
Starting point is 00:11:44 And I'm so glad people did that because so many people were just posting stuff to rile up other people and people were buying in and retweeting it and read it all. And it's just like, it's that mom mentality. There's some reason there's no thought. They just accept. And I'm like, I am in the world of aliens, man. I get it. I am an advocate for one of the most like, you know, fucking weird things to try and prove exists ever. But you have to be able to look at a fucking plane vanish in thin air and go, that's kind of weird. Let's look into this. Ask yourself, ask yourself this question, right? Okay. Let's take the- People were like, man, they were talking about it was maybe bad. They could be kidnapped. I'm like, oh my God.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Just take the, just take the opportunity for like this, this this, take the MH370 thing off the table, right? Let's say you know you're Grush, let's say, and you're like, I have information about like government working on alien tech, hiding it from the government. That was the other rumor is Grush leaked it. And I'm like, you guys are idiots. Let's just say you're Grush. Is your ideal launch point for this information going to be r slash UFOs, honestly?
Starting point is 00:12:55 Right, exactly. Maybe the problem is that r slash UFOs is just a fandom. And that the real stuff's happening uh you know in the news in government uh in places where people are actually putting in effort in doing our abilobes like researching the meteorite from another fucking star system like there's so many real things you can work i had fun reading reading about fucking Malaysia Flight 370 some more. I had fun entertaining this room for a while. They have physical evidence of the crash.
Starting point is 00:13:30 But that's what I'm saying. They have a piece of the plane. I just had fun reading about it, but I didn't feel like I was solving the mystery of aliens. Like if you're going to think that got me closer to giving up on aliens in the government, shit, the past few months, they're just watching these people. Just don't take the UFO fandom as the state of American idea like the American sentiment on UFOs. It is the exact same thing as when well this guy who works in the government who is trying to take down the deep state came here to a random forum and
Starting point is 00:14:02 who is trying to take down the deep state came here to a random forum and decided to like leak it here to all of us because we're gonna take down, like bro, if you have that information. Yeah. Yeah, you would go to the world. You wouldn't be like this very small corner of the internet. Interpol, yeah, like FBI, like everywhere.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Yeah, yeah. To the top. I think the reason it's even more infuriating for me is because like three months ago, Corridor Crew, the YouTube channel, they created a fake UFO thing, posted it on Reddit to see if it would fool people. It did. And then made a whole video about it. I'm like, and it was another one of those like, that is not, that can't be real. And it's like another one of those like you guys didn't learn your lesson
Starting point is 00:14:41 because even in what's you want, my conspiracy thought is Corridor Crew was like, and they at the end of that video said we're gonna do it again at the Some point in the future and I'm like you fuckers should be on high alert You should be looking for everything that should be fake and watching a plane fucking vanish in thin air Should be every red flag, but no the red flags are instead safe for like the government stuff Just entertain the idea of it If you're doing any real research, step one would have been, okay, this was recorded where? What planes were in the area? Did any of those planes vanish? Like that's one, two,
Starting point is 00:15:13 three. I saw comments. People thought it was a 360 degrees like future satellite. It was supposed to be MH370. Yes, it was supposed to be like a plane that we have wreckage of. The Malaysian flight that went missing. Sure, sure, sure. And I just think like the thing that the litmus test for this stuff is like, all right, let's imagine you're the foremost expert on this. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Let's imagine you know everything there is to know about aircraft to aircraft imaging or whatever. Like you see this footage of these three balls orbiting this plane and the plane disappears. Right. What do you think in the most fucking like what would you do if you were the expert? What would you do? You'd be like, Hey, like I'm like every scientist, every law enforcement. This is crazy. Ah, like the news, everyone, somebody has to know. That's what I would do, right? But that is not what happened here.
Starting point is 00:16:12 You know what I mean? No, no, it did not. There was, they thought that Grush leaked it because the YouTube channel that showed up on had leaked quote-unquote a 1940s World War II video and there was a voice like narrating it and people think the voice belongs to Grush therefore Grush must have leaked that video and then the next video that came up was also UFOs so it's also got to be Grush and I'm like you guys are just doing so much more damage than actual like at helping you just
Starting point is 00:16:44 undo so much work. Man, I this is like thematically giving me the Department of Truth again. You guys got to check out that comment if you have it. It is so serious. Yeah, it's so seriously pertinent to this discussion exactly.
Starting point is 00:16:56 And also, Mathis, you got to watch Asteroid City. I don't know if you have or not yet. OK, if you know, I never heard of it. It's that new Wes Anderson movie that has like a lot of twee indie vibes to it. But you just you got to watch it. No spoilers. Don't spoil. Let's watch it on rotten popcorn really soon. I think it would be great. Anyway, who wants to learn about the green stone? Me? I mean, I always do. So ready. Bring Bring it on. For Giuseppe La Rosa. I'm not ready, but I want to learn. Is that going to be the live show in Indianapolis?
Starting point is 00:17:28 Is it going to be a Greenstone special? No, absolutely not. You can't do that. You can't do that. No, it's not. Giuseppe La Rosa and the Order of Meonia, the Seven Rings of the Wraiths, part one. Get ready. This is a continuation of a story from the previous minisode based mostly on the book
Starting point is 00:17:43 Chronicles of Meonia by Giuseppe La Rosa, psychic adventurer. So if you want the whole thing, go back and start in minisode number 133. We've been going for some time now to get here. So last time we endured a roller coaster of emotions along with old Giuseppe, possibly Giuseppe the meek, possibly Giuseppe the Dedicated but misunderstood, possibly both. And in the course of teaming up with his wife to complete a solo mission test trial thing, he and almost everyone else in the group except for fucking Janet for some reason, failed. And though maybe he did actually maybe solve the mystery of the tower hotel.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Maybe according to the ghost, maybe he did. Regardless of whether he is or not. Yeah, he did for sure miss the meeting where it counted. And he like also blew up at his wife and they had a kind of like sort of tension over his membership in this group. And Janet, even though she passed her test, which we don't even know what the test was Even though she passed it. She didn't want to cross the bridge to Excalibur alone. So they just sort of like Forgot about that moved on. I don't know. That was the end of the chapter. I don't know. I'm not sure
Starting point is 00:18:58 No, it was a dark time for Giuseppe, but they just kind of moved the group as a whole just kind of moved on from the whole Thing I think they're still on the sword thing. We'll get to that in a minute, but I don't know what happened with that first sword I don't know if we're gonna come back to that. It was just weird. They were just like, alright Well, I guess we're just gonna like get some rest then I Don't know anyway, it's months later now and though a few minor things have kicked up since then the only real major C-change is that Alan from the group first exchanged stones with Marion because Graham got a message that actually Alan should have the green stone and Marion should have the purple stone.
Starting point is 00:19:35 I feel like I need to be taking notes. Oh well. There's a problem. Actually I would say it's better to just ride the waves, my friend. So now Alan has the green stone, Marion has the purple stone, and then after that, Alan has to leave the group altogether for unexplained reasons. So he leaves the group and ends up leaving the green stone with Terry's friend who we mentioned way earlier, I think in the original green stone episodes, Penny Blackmore who was a medium so now she has the Greenstone and apparently while the Greenstone was in her position she recently witnessed
Starting point is 00:20:14 it change both in size and shape to a larger almost like a Koopa shell size let's go she steps she stuffs it into a brown and she looks- I love that she lost it and was like, Ahhhhhhh, it's this now! Yeah, she was like, what the fuck? And so she mails it to Terry Schotton And it's like, get it to Terry Schotton in case something happens to me So now we're on the second Thursday of April in I think 1983, maybe 1984 Wait, so the greenstone has completely changed to a different stone? It's not, yeah, it's morphed some activity has occurred and it is now larger
Starting point is 00:20:49 For now, of course for now for now and They met on the second Thursday of April 1983 They met to discuss what happened with the stone and as usual Joe sort of gripes about having to come Kind of implies that he is very busy and doesn't have a lot of time for this stuff, but that he's like committed now because of probably what happened last time where he like his marriage was damaged by this.
Starting point is 00:21:15 But weirdly, Graham shows up also with a new girl, Cheska Potter, who he brings to the clubhouse. And he says, I just sensed she would gel really well with the group. So she starts talking to everybody, gels in really good with everybody. And then he gets up and makes an announcement to the entire room, which I'm going to have Mathis read for us right now. Let's do it. Here we go. I have been informed that there is another sword which we have to get,
Starting point is 00:21:41 a sword that is believed to be Guevara's. But in order to prove who we are, that we are the legitimate inheritors of the sword, there is something that we have to do. We have been called here tonight to try to obtain certain objects. These artifacts are seven rings that have been placed in the graveyard of evil souls. They could have tried a little bit better with that like the name of the game. These ring wraith rates if you will Like lightning strike bats fly away This is a place that lies beyond this physical reality
Starting point is 00:22:24 Beyond time and space so that's the best name you had for a graveyard beyond time and space is the Graveyard of Evil. I'm sorry. They didn't get to make the name. That's what it's actually called on the Astro planet. It's a descriptor. Sorry. You're right. You're right.
Starting point is 00:22:33 I'm sorry. It's a term that we don't have a word for in English, so it's translated simply. These rings were put there to stop them falling into the wrong hands. This is more like Captain Planet than like Lord of the Rings. Especially those who had occult knowledge and were of the wrong hands. This is more like Captain Planet than like Lord of the Rings. Especially those who had occult knowledge and were of the dark side. We need to obtain these rings to get the sword. It's a little complicated.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Tonight is the night when we have to call on the spectral forms of the dead to bring the rings to us. It is a very dangerous undertaking that we have been given to do. In order to protect us from any danger, the green stone has been brought here. Because Alan is no longer with us, Cheska here is going to take his place tonight and hold the stone. So this obviously took everyone by surprise, especially Cheska. And I don't know, I'm
Starting point is 00:23:15 not trying to put the bad voodoo vibes on Graham. I don't want him to like, I don't want to poison your image of him, but it kind of feels like he brought this girl to like impress her in some way. Impress her? Yeah, like just like a weird vibe. It's like when, you know, your D&D groups like DM gets a girlfriend like whale into the campaign and she joins and she's got way better gear and she's... Yeah. Yes. She is the forgotten queen of elves. She has the MacGuffin in her inventory.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Yeah, it's like one of those things. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah, so I don't know if that's what's going on here, but I just have to be honest as the researcher, I have the vibe. Vibes are there. But then, uh, before anybody got to discuss that Graham got really quiet and he made a point to ask Marion to get up out of her seat and sat down in instead and went into a trance. And when he looked up again, he was whispering in the voice of Raymond, their spirit guide, who was once a member of the Order himself.
Starting point is 00:24:09 And Jesse will read Raymond's words for you now. This is Raymond. I have come to aid you in your task. You have to try to obtain the seven rings tonight! It is a very dangerous task, as you have been told. They are guarded by the spirits of the evil dead. The only thing that will appease them is the wooden chalice. Is it here?
Starting point is 00:24:47 And then Marion realizes like, shit, I did not bring the chalice, but Raymond That's how you know this is real because if it wasn't real they would just have it right You know what I mean? Like they would just have remembered it in the real sure. Yeah. No, I get it Yeah, yeah, but Raymond was coming and he was and it Raymond was reassuring and he goes on So this is some more for Jesse to read It will be as it will be was, and Raymond was reassuring and he goes on. So this is some more for Jesse to read. It will be as it will be. You will have to call on them without it and face them as best you can. Do not worry, I will be here. And if necessary, I will come through Gram again if you need help. Gram must be himself when you first call the race, for the Witch King of Angmar is coming for you.
Starting point is 00:25:32 We'll need all the help that you can get. You must all sit around a table and seal yourselves. This is done by placing a circle of salt around the area that you are sitting in. The circle is your protection and I warn you now on no account must the circle of salt be broken for there could be a shadow creature outside like in Lost. Watch out for that. For there could be a dire consequences if this should occur. As I have said before, not Penny's boat. I will be close at hand to help if needs be. Now, I will go. Good luck. And with that, they got to work. Which we will find next week on the mini-show with the beginning of the next exciting phase
Starting point is 00:26:28 Seven ring. Well, it's now it's the second episode seven rings of the race One because I'm really excited about that. Do you think Ben and Jacob have a history? I think they do Janine Mike, I think Jacob I think Jacob let Ben down. That's my feeling. But here, okay, here's what I'm gonna say. This is like, this little shorty boy right now, it's like werewolf at night, it's like a one-off Marvel thing.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Like we'll be back to the like moon knights and Hawkeyes of the world later, but this one's like a quickie. So this one's the last one. Does this matter to the overall canon of the story? Yeah, like the last one was- Will this affect us in the future? Okay, so this last one, the one before this where he gets in the fight with his wife,
Starting point is 00:27:11 that's Werewolf at Night, Werewolf by Night, and this one is the Guardians of the Galaxy Kevin Bacon Christmas. Right, okay, alright, alright, alright. Where we discover relatives and stuff. It's hard to know what an MCU is actually going to count toward canon anymore anyway. Let's be real. Everything, bro. It's like the near games. Everything. There's no no canon.
Starting point is 00:27:31 There's no stopping Gaia, dude. She's too powerful. Yeah. slash to the 90 part of the greatest website of all time. Bye. Bye. Oh Welcome back mini-soap number 150 mini-soap 150 everybody I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I know, I feel that way every time.
Starting point is 00:28:06 February was our 6 year anniversary. Fucking, woohoo. It's been a while. Uh, yeah, I don't know what you boys brought. Did you say 6 years? February will be year 6. That seems not accurate. 2018.
Starting point is 00:28:21 That's messed up. That was episode 1. Well that's 5 years, eh? Save me Alex, it can't be six. I think it's five, right? 2018? 2020? Because February is going to be 2024.
Starting point is 00:28:40 So it will be year six. Oh no! So cool. Yay! Great. Alright. Great. Look at us. You're never getting away. You're never escaping. So I was gonna do I was gonna do this week, I was gonna bring back the
Starting point is 00:28:54 Seven Rings of the Wraiths this week to continue our epic story, but I, so I had something happen today to me that I wouldn't describe today I wouldn't describe it as paranormal like right out the gate but it was extremely fucking mysterious okay I'm in you got me I'm yeah I figured I would tell you guys this
Starting point is 00:29:18 instead of the the will will get back the stones but I just this was so weird so I recently like had a pretty rough little set of days I lost a good friend I had some personal tragedies in my life like I'm fine like it's all good but just in on the side of that I was dealing with all these things and it's been very heavy the past couple days like last week or two, right? And so I was excited because months ago on my birthday. Kelly bought me a trip To San Diego where I'm gonna go see a good band that I like Islands which we're doing a show with at the teragram
Starting point is 00:29:58 Ballroom the same weekend. We're doing a show with we're doing It's awesome them. It's just it's just one of those cosmic things. That's all I'm saying. It's just, we're, we're, we're scheduling the same weekend as them in a month. And this month I went and saw them for the first day of their tour and we're doing a show the same weekend as them in the same venue on the last date of their tour. So that's pretty crazy. So that's not, that's nothing to do with this, but this is, this is what was going on. So we stayed in the Airbnb and I kind of forgot that I had my therapy appointment, because it's like a like a like a little overnight trip in the middle of
Starting point is 00:30:34 the week. So before I drove back, for some reason, I imagined I would be here by 11 when I have my therapy appointment. And so I didn't end up doing that. So I was like, Oh, I forgot about my therapy appointment. And so I didn't end up doing that. So I was like, Oh, I forgot about my therapy appointment. Kelly, why don't you go for a walk around San Diego near the waterfront for an hour. And I'll just like, once we check out of the Airbnb, I'll like park my car kind of like on the side of the road, and just kind of like do my therapy appointment from my car, which I've done before when I've been out of town or whatever. Because I just always kind of try and keep the appointment if I can. So here I
Starting point is 00:31:09 am, I'm sitting on the side of the road, I had like 30% battery, which should have which should have got me through it, because my phone was plugged into my car. fully plugged into my car. So I've I do like about 10 minutes of therapy, there's no sign of my phone. I don't get any sort of you know, if you have an iPhone, you get like an alert at 20%. And you get an alert at 10% when your battery goes down. I didn't get either of these alerts. And I was just
Starting point is 00:31:39 talking about my week and how I was happy to be on vacation and whatnot. And out of nowhere, my car turns off, my phone turns off. And for a second for like maybe 10 seconds, actually, across the street at the intersection, the traffic lights turn off. And the traffic lights turn off for like I said about 10 seconds I wasn't counting but it didn't feel very long they turned back on I was able to turn my car I was like shocked at first because I was like kind of realizing what was happening in order and like I didn't try to turn my car on until after the lights were on anyway but my car turned right back on but when I went to turn my phone back on and get back
Starting point is 00:32:25 into my therapy call, my phone was completely dead, completely drained of battery to the point that I had to connect it. Because you know, when your phone just dies and you connect it back to the charger, it like kind of turns back on almost right away. But in this case, I had to wait about 12 to 13 minutes for my phone to charge enough for it to even turn back on and I have no explanation the one thing I wish that I like paid attention to or noticed I have no memory of or recollection of seeing any cars other than my own that weren't parked and and off. So the one thing that I wish I could say is that I saw anybody else's car turn off during but nobody seemed alarmed anywhere on the street or I saw
Starting point is 00:33:20 plenty of people I was parked right across the street from a park. In fact, let me pull up a map of San Diego because I can tell you exactly what intersection I was at just in case Anybody listening can tell me what could have caused like a fucking weird EMP. Yeah exactly What do you think happened Alex? That's what my therapist said okay, so I'm not crazy I just explained what I was thinking and at the end of my therapy appointment I was like and by the way sorry about that weirdness. I didn't I don don't know what that was. And she was like, yeah, I don't know. It sounds like a EMP went off. And I was like, that's what I was thinking.
Starting point is 00:33:49 And so that's what I thought. And I'll tell you where I was exactly. So let me just zoom in on this map. Cause I know pretty much exactly where I was. It was right across from waterfront park at the corner. If you're out there, you live out that way. Let us know if something happened to you. front park at the corner of Mike. If you're out there, you live out that way. Let us know if something happened to you.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Yeah, did you get EMP'd? Yeah, I was on the corner of I would say beach and yeah, beach and Pacific. Like between Ketner and Pacific Highway on Beach Street in San Diego right across the street up the block a little bit from Portal Coffee across from the Hampton Inn in between the Hampton Inn and something called stretch lab or something all right somewhere in there something called globe that just looks like a... Wretch Lab.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Yeah, I don't know. That's where I was. I don't know what happened. I didn't feel like a shockwave or anything. I don't know what being in an EMP feels like, but I was fine. I didn't experience any sort of like lost consciousness or weird feelings. No missing time. Yeah, no like, no like... Like I know exactly how much time went by cuz I was like
Starting point is 00:35:08 Actually nervous because I was in the middle of a therapy appointment. Yeah, so time was ticking down So I was actually marking every minute that passed once I turned my car back on But I was about I don't know exactly how far I wasn't the appointment. It's about 10 minutes in So I don't know what it was, but it was fucking crazy And I have no explanation. My phone has died many times, but not at the same time as my car and the fucking traffic lights.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Yeah, it's the traffic lights that make me go EMP? Like, if it was just your car, you could have been like, maybe it accidentally short-circuited the phone and took it down with it, like overcharged it as it went down. But like with everything going down, including the street lights,
Starting point is 00:35:43 I'm like, all right, somebody tested an EMP weapon on San Diego? They were only down for 10 seconds, maybe. Like maybe not even that, maybe like seven or five seconds. I don't know, but it was shocking. I noticed they went off. I was like, oh my God, they're off. Like they weren't like switching from green to red.
Starting point is 00:36:01 They were off for enough time that it wasn't right. You have thoughts on it Jesse? so this story to me sounds and I'm trying to look it up now and really like you know give you some actual information but so there's been stories in the past of sun... things. Where like the sun itself causes issues with computers and traffic lights and it's like that happens. Also there's just naturally occurring EMPs. Like there's an LEMP which is a lightning, electromagnetic pulse that exists.
Starting point is 00:36:43 There's also electrostatic discharge. So it could be that where you were parked in that area, a discharge went off for some reason, hit you for a second, then everything turned back on. Like it happens naturally. Like, I mean, I assume that's how we understood EMPs to begin with. We were like, how we turn off the power all of a sudden?
Starting point is 00:37:01 And that's how we went down that rabbit hole maybe? I don't know. It was crazy. I will. Maybe I don't know it was crazy I will say I Don't know enough about What's actively going on there at any given time? But I do know that there's a fair amount of like military presence in the area. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah sure there's you know some touristy military stuff there, but also like I Know there's like active like there was like a Coast
Starting point is 00:37:25 Guard situation going on while we were there actually like I saw it but I don't know what the fuck it was I I was I wasn't paying that much attention to my surroundings I'll be honest because I was like looking at my therapist's face in a phone call but once once everything turned off I immediately looked around because I I first just thought my phone died and I was like that's fucking weird and then I realized my car was off and then I realized the fucking light was was off Yeah, I mean, I'm just looking at it now They're saying that like I said solar radiation is a huge cause of naturally occurring EMPs and you're in San Diego
Starting point is 00:37:57 You're like as close to the Sun as you can get my man. So yeah possible. I know that's wild either way like that's Yeah, that's what it was. It's cool I've never experienced anything like that. I've never any notion that I would see something like that it felt like General Zod showed up. You know like I have no fucking idea. I don't know why I'm like on the DC Comics thing today But I worry about it. I'm gonna general Zod and segue with it. Okay, so it speaking of aliens from other Okay, talk about. Segue. Yeah, hey.
Starting point is 00:38:28 We have to talk about the Mexican Congressional Open UFUP hearing from yesterday. And all of the damage it did to all of the actual like research and stuff that's been going into it. Multiple people have already asked me like, guys, when's the alien bodies episode coming? This is huge not coming so basically what we got is some testimonies from people like Ryan Graves I think Rush was there there's a member from the Japanese Congress I believe also there some US representatives or something anyway everything was kind of normal like we expect here in the US ones we they
Starting point is 00:39:02 showed some videos their military planes had captured other videos to get testimony from Ryan Graves and a few others and then Someone comes up and it's like not only do we have see the the UFOs We got bodies and not only do we got bodies I got pictures of the bodies and he presents this photo of these like black caskets with these And he presents this photo of these like black caskets with these plaster looking fucking like alien look like straight out of like Zelda like they're like It's bad like he claims. They're a thousand years old
Starting point is 00:39:39 They're like DNA testing was done on them and that they are right of like they're like 30% People are watching this live 30% close to- I don't know how many people were watching this live, but the comments as it was being played live like streamed everywhere Were like dude that looks like the salami I ate last week Literally dude Hilarious And so you know I got I got pointed out to this by Santel Santel So I was looking into it and then I sent it to the Chiluminati chat last night And me and Alex kind of did some deep diving on like who this person is.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Dude, I would know, you sent that to me while I was streaming and I got 36 messages and I looked down and I was like, guys I just got 36 messages from Mathis about, no wait hold on it's Mathis and Alex, okay it's not bad, Mathis and Alex about and I scrolled up and was like, alien bodies bro. I was losing my mind We're trying to figure out like where it was coming from cuz I was a dinner like telling Kelly and she was like shut up She was like getting like like she was like grave. She was like like a she said like she was like not ready to finish eating Well, it was she thought it was real it felt like a bomb drop come to find out the person presenting them is like
Starting point is 00:40:48 70 year olds known for like basically he's from he's a journalist who's also a ufologist Who's so lost in the sauce that he like goes on terrible shows They bring on shows to laugh at this man. They bring on really yeah, and and these bodies in particular were debunked in 2021 when lab results like tests were done on them x-rays and all this stuff And it's an amalgamation of human bones and animal bones and the reason the limbs are what aliens are made Oh, they are they are a thousand years old They are mummified, but whoever made them back in the day like put the bones on upside down Which explains why there's like some weird things.
Starting point is 00:41:27 They're aliens. The bones aren't like our bones, dude. No, you can literally- they tested the bones, they think like the skull may have been like a llama skull or something, like- What if aliens are llama skulls? Aliens, bro! Oh my god, man. I mean like, there's a.01% chance. What if llamas are based off aliens? Yeah, what if the llamas are aliens, dude. They were like, we're almost there, we're almost perfect. Flip these fucking bones around,
Starting point is 00:41:49 get the bones from this guy, put him in there. Dry him, get a little bacteria on him. Do you still have that Ryan Graves tweet? Yeah, shout out to Hilda, friend of the pod. Paleo Pines, available very soon, check it out. Ryan Graves put into words exactly how I felt about the whole thing last night. Check this out After the US Congressional UFO hearing I accepted an invitation to testify before the Mexican Congress hoping to keep up the momentum of
Starting point is 00:42:13 government interest in pilot experiences with UAP. Unfortunately yesterday's demonstration was a huge step backwards for this issue. My testimony centered on sharing my experience and the UAP reports I hear from commercial and military aircrew through ASA's witness program. I will continue to raise awareness of UAP as an urgent matter of aerospace safety, national security, and science, but I am deeply disappointed by this unsubstantiated stunt. This is insane that this guy was allowed to present it. It's insane that people took him seriously, it's insane nobody did their due diligence on the man, and it's like, good, you're the reason that I hate everything about this.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Like it just undoes so much. And if this is news to you, you're fucking welcome. And the best part is, the UFO subreddits are eating it up like fucking hot chocolate being poured down their gullets with a splash of milk. They don't give a shit. They just want to eat it and drink it and just believe it when it is like so obviously oh lord anyway chocolate you guys came to my mind I don't have any hot chocolate anywhere that's what you need right now after last night dude I was on a roller coaster ride that sucks
Starting point is 00:43:18 so much it's like everything you feared was gonna happen in the in the congressional hearings here in the US But except it happened out in the mail. I'm like no man No, the good thing is I don't think any media in the US fucking picked it up at all And let's hope it stays that way. I think it was pretty much immediately disprovable It is, we saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it. We saw it don't even know. Like, that's the conspiracy is how, if it's real, if it's like a smoke screen, you know, because like, how did that dude get in front of like, this, how did he get this gig?
Starting point is 00:43:54 He's been on multiple shows where they are brought on, like you said, to laugh at the man. You don't have to do much research. That's what I'm saying. And he's like on those shows, like doubling down on these like horrible CG videos. Like, it's crazy. Like, I don't do much research. That's what I'm saying. And he's like on those shows, like doubling down on these like horrible CG videos. Like it's crazy. Like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:44:09 How did he get in? That's what I would like people to. How did he get through? I don't speak Spanish, so I can't like read deep into this like the way that I want to. But somebody let us know. R slash Chiluminati pod. How did this guy get in front of all of these people? How did he get this stage for this kind of stunt?
Starting point is 00:44:24 He brought me in. I mean, he brought alien bodies in front of all of these people? How did he get this stage for this kind of stunt? He brought alien bodies in front of the Mexican Congress, bro. What is like the government? I'll be honest, I don't know much about the governmental situation in Mexico at the moment. Yeah, me either. What is not, is he, can he like hobnob his way up there? From what I read, it's not functioning that well. Like the fact that this was kind of a not well done event was kind of like symbolizes that. But like the article pointed out, it's not about the people in Mexico who should have these jobs, who aren't working these jobs and getting these good things happening for UFO disclosure and stuff like that. It's not a knock on those people who should be working these jobs.
Starting point is 00:45:07 It's a knock on the way that the Mexican government's running right now, where the people who should be doing these jobs aren't being given them because the government's just not working properly. You know, and that's just a shame. You could spend five minutes on the Internet and find out everything you need to know about the person who's going to be presenting alien bodies. Then the government should at least be spend those five minutes and do that same research.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Like that just from a safety stand, just from a safety standpoint. As a government body. Like yes, like you're going to unearth an alien corpse in congress. Like can we at least scan it? Can we at least like I don't think he brought the corpses, didn't he? I thought he just brought the pictures of them. I thought he brought them to Congress. Am I wrong? My understanding was, again, it might be lost in translation, my understanding was he brought pictures and videos of them. But maybe I'm misunderstood as well. Either way, if he brought them even worse, even worse. If he brought them physically, even worse.
Starting point is 00:46:06 That doesn't help the cause. Yeah. Yeah. He brought them. He brought them. Oh my god. They were there in the room. They were in glass cases, so maybe that's why they didn't scan them.
Starting point is 00:46:17 But if you're going to open a biomaterial that's supposedly from another planet in front of your entire congress, don't you think there should be some sort of diligence to everybody in that area? That room dies under mysterious disease, the circumstances, maybe it's real. It ain't going to happen, but I'm just saying like how did like the thing that I would be investigating is how he got this opportunity because I'm looking for it right now and I honestly can't find it. What's even crazier is when you look, so there's a photo I'm looking at right now, is the size of these things versus a human. They're tiny right? And they're tiny! They're like my dog, my dog Wallace was like 20 pounds, he was like, you think he's big and then you see a picture of me next to him and he's like
Starting point is 00:46:59 a can of monster energy next to me. Yeah, these are tiny. Yeah. And I can give you the link of the video here. This is them debunking this in 2021. I'll put the link here. But you can hear the guys talking about it. They're looking at the bodies. You have very close looks at these things and they just talk about what these things are made of. I mean literally one of them is half the size of a hand like it is or a hand is half the size of it like that's so tiny nah nah it's like the legs like even in the beginning they're like one of the legs bones is actually a femur Like they just did the bones wrong chicken wing jerky, bro Like seriously, and it was it was not only that it was facing upside down
Starting point is 00:47:54 And then the other leg the other leg the bone in the same spot is a tibia bone. Yeah They got the pemmican snowman. They didn't bones, they didn't know what the fuck. Yeah, exactly like it's so obviously fucking not real. That's the beef scarecrow dog. The best comment is the first one on here. My first thought was these look like aliens, so I highly doubt they're aliens. Which is so good. Such a great comment. Yeah, like yeah, all right, yeah. Of course they wouldn't be real. That's the golem conkarni. Because it looks exactly like we'd expect. Yeah. Yeah. All right, Jesse, take us out of here with something a little bit more grounded. I got you. I got you. So hey if you're on the internet you're on social media and You've seen anything on tick tock or Instagram or Facebook or whoever. You'll probably have come across someone
Starting point is 00:48:41 Manifesting. Oh, baby yeah. The concept of attracting cosmically success to yourself. Like the secret, what? Yeah, the secret, uh, chaos magic, same idea. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're, you're, you're manifesting it. You're, you're like vision boarding the whole thing. Magical thinking. the whole thing. Magical thinking. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, turns out in a brand new study, people who think they can get anything they want simply by imagining it are more likely to go bankrupt. It's because they throw their trust into the universe to catch them. It's like I'm saying Jesus take the wheel. That sounds like me. You know, I get that. I empathize with that. take the wheel that sounds like me you know I get that I empathize with that for the study researchers measured and say people easily scammed are easily scammed well and this isn't about easily scammed it's just people who are I'll get this
Starting point is 00:49:36 is it's pretty okay okay for the study the researchers measured the manifestation beliefs of 375 people they were asked to rate on on a 7 point scale how much they agreed with statements such as I attract success into my life with the help of the universe or higher power, my soul, spirit, or higher power self helps me attract success, and the universe or a higher power sends me people and events to aid my success. Their answers were then analyzed along with their finances. For every one point people scored higher on the manifestation scale they were 40% more likely to have experienced bankruptcy and about 30% likely to have investments
Starting point is 00:50:21 in cryptocurrency. Not more likely to have invested in stocks. It's not more likely to invest it in stocks, which is super interesting. So stock market they won't buy into, which is a good way to make money if you're gonna gamble your money away. It's a good place to put your money that makes sense. It's a good future proof. Yeah, you might lose some cash,
Starting point is 00:50:40 but if you're smart and you can like you can make some money crypto not so much crypto. It's like not so much. The higher you're willing to like bet it all at the end because that would be like a sick way for your movie about your life to end. Like then that's bad. Dude that's like if you're that's not really on the verge of spending your life money on like one single thing and NFT or whatever it is I beg you take that money instead and go invest in index funds the S&P 500 and then ignore it for 10 years and then come back.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Yeah no no the researchers also found this it goes to what you're saying researchers also found that people who had more manifestation on this index were likely to be drawn into risky investments and the it was all about getting rich quick the the idea of a manifest economy rather than work for it rather than wait 20 years for your stocks to you know make your money sure yeah you need to you're like okay I'm gonna do this I'm gonna make this money now which is what you're like there's a lot of stocks you want to risk the biscuit you can You can go to Wall Street, subreddit and go enjoy watching people gamble. It's just crypto. It's it's just like it's just
Starting point is 00:51:52 Trying to pretend it's it's like legit. It's so crazy index funds and shit are boring as hell But you spread your investment over like a thousand companies So you're always on average gonna end up in the positive even if a. So you're always on average going to end up in the positive. Even if a couple of years you go negative on average, it'll eventually go back up. I mean, that's what retirement funds are for. When do we get the Acorns brand deal? Yeah, I mean, if they want it, I'm in. Yeah, where's the Acorns brand deal at, man? I want to invest some money. I'm tired of being bankrupt. According to Louis Dixon at the University of Queensland, Australia, in our studies, we define manifestation as the belief that if you send out your desires to the
Starting point is 00:52:29 universe through positive thoughts, visualization, or acting as if goals have already come true, like writing a pretend check to yourself, the universe will deliver what you desire. Manifestors seem to be overly optimistic, believing they are more likely to be successful in the future in shorter time frames and overestimate the odds of success I've been curious yeah no no what's up how much of it is like how much of the manifestation culture is us centric oh well this is in Australia this is taking place in oh that's that's fucking awesome to know I bet you The numbers are way more dire here. Yeah, honestly it feels like I'm not a millionaire yet
Starting point is 00:53:13 Yeah, like that's everybody's attitude it has it feels like and I'm gonna say this and you know my apologies to To my white people out there, but this feels like I like a white person thing Especially the whole idea of a manifest. It's like stealing from like, I went to India once and I came back changed. It has like that vibe to it. It's like, yeah, you're like, we never really open ourselves up to the universe. And my shockers are finally aligned. The only thing for that everybody spoilers you can stick mushrooms. It's that type of Christianity vibe. That's like not that Christian It's like just kind of like hanging out not swearing Prophet Bible or whatever it is like all steaming shit preach Seed sowing bit yeah that a lot of like the like televangelist are like if you just give me all your money God will attend it to return it tenfoldfold and it's like bro save that money Don't give it to that man. You're gonna go broke a corn calm
Starting point is 00:54:12 Yeah, good our studies we define in our studies we define manifestation hold on I think I actually doubled this. All right, anyway. Yeah, and then he just ends that given the value of crypto and its massive gains over a short period of time, we think it's fascinating that people wanna use this to get rich quick. It helps these manifestors have a stronger belief that this is the way to go.
Starting point is 00:54:42 So it just reinforces, when they see people make a bunch of money on crypto, it reinforces the idea like, oh, if I had just manifested that, I could make that happen, which is like. Folks, just think about this when you consume all media and marketing, please. As somebody who does advertising for,
Starting point is 00:54:59 sometimes for larger brands, and hear how they think behind the scenes, like, just keep this type of stuff in mind, please. Just keep just keep this prey on that shit. They have this idea of like getting rich quick. Everybody who's made money in FTS have already made their money. It's done. The people who because it's unregulated and let's be very clear. The people who made their money were people who were rich to begin with.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Correct. You did not see any NFT like I was broke and I made a fortune. That's BS. And anyone, even in crypto, anyone who's like I made 30 billion dollars in crypto. Nah, you had to cast a wide net. That's because they were already a millionaire to start with. Yeah. Yeah. How much did you put in?
Starting point is 00:55:36 You know? Yeah. Right. And I've watched somebody who has like, who invested heavily in crypto lose like half of it overnight. It happens all the time. Yeah, it's the boring option. But index funds, man, that's where it's at.
Starting point is 00:55:49 Just like be boring, prepare for your 50s, and then you can enjoy it. Hey, let me just give you the hot tip. Just get an MMA account. Like go to your bank and ask them to open like another savings account. Like just ask, go ask for an MMA account and ask them what's up it's three percent interest maybe but it's a solid three percent and if you keep putting money in it
Starting point is 00:56:11 it keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger it's compound interest compound it's not glamorous it's not easy it takes a long time money market account kids look it up you have to think about years ahead in your life. I know it's not fun, I know it's boring, just think about it. It's so easy to just take, like you love playing fucking 4X fucking video games simulating the economy of an entire fucking galaxy. I know you understand this shit. Exactly, exactly.
Starting point is 00:56:40 You're on four times speed though. I know you are on four times speed. Even if you do, that's what I'm fucking saying that means you're a genius Just take a second and apply it to your own life. I know that's not cool graphics I know there's not anything else just think about this when you're watching all Commercials just think about this when you're watching all commercials Anything you're like I want that if you anything with this need that where there's a chance for something to happen Think about that every time you think about that think about every time you see any sort of thing that there's a chance an increased chance
Starting point is 00:57:11 For something to happen just think about that those are the people who fall for like the mr Beast posts that are scam accounts on YouTube like click here for your free iPad you earned this Also, just like a anytime someone says something is up to you can save up to 40% off. Yeah. Up to 40% well what is it? You know? That could be one. Always be aware. Be aware. That's all we're saying. Stop manifesting. If they're not your friends. Start the, I don't know. Do eff it focusing do we all yourself do a fasting? stop manifesting start Man, I'm Fasting I'm working on myself workshop. We'll work up. Yeah, we're gonna sell the fasting. Yeah, it's tough man
Starting point is 00:57:57 I'm thinking so much for on the fruit of my investments there we go Man, I am feasting that's better than manifesting Bean boy would invest all right? Would invest Vaping counterpart he would be an nft man bean boys edgy, but he follows the rules. He's a forward-thinker He tries stuff you know messes with the paradigm, but he follows the rules know? He messes with the paradigm, but he follows the rules. He invested in legal knocks way before anyone else. He was smart. He put it smart and rich now individual. Yeah. He grows a single origin joint weed for a company in Humboldt, California and he's doing great
Starting point is 00:58:37 now. Some of his investors are not savory, but he's trying to get rid of those ones. He's trying to buy those guys out. He's got to work with the market he's got. Yeah California's a competitive market for this shit. Yeah. Well, did you see MedMed change their name? What? They're now Buds They were like How about Buds? After like three years of being MedMed cool. All right. Thanks so much They're supporting us. Mad men went off the air like years ago
Starting point is 00:59:08 I'm sorry, I keep making this episode, I keep going But what are we? BUDZ? BWEEEOW BWEEEOW You just see the smoke Alright, we're up, off, until next week We'll be back with another mini-sode for ya In a brand new Jesse-led episode next week Which I'm very excited for.
Starting point is 00:59:25 And the return of the rings in the 7th of Rates. Go buy tickets, link below to our October 15th live show. Goodbye. Bye. Bye.

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