Chilluminati Podcast - Midweek Mini - Banging a Doppelganger in a Magnetic Tube
Episode Date: November 29, 2024Minisodes 169 and 170 MERCH - Special thanks to our sponsors this episode - All you lovely people at Patreon! HTTP://PATREON.COM/CHILLUMINATIPOD Jesse ...Cox - Alex Faciane - Editor - DeanCutty Art Commissioned by -
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Music Yeah.
Hello, my little
children. Welcome to
episode 169.
169 and you didn't tell me?
No, because I forgot until right now.
I can't believe I didn't know.
I said drove in 10 times worse.
How funny would it be if I broke out like a two hour long
game show format right now, all about 69 mysteries?
I I'd actually I would.
I'd be like, all right.
I want to pull two out or two hours of content at a 69.
You had to cut it down. I do it every 10 hours, dude.
Oh, yes.
We love to start. What do you have for us today, boys?
You start us off, Alex. With I got something great for you guys today.
I'm going to do a little reading for you guys.
I'm going to start.
I had I you know, I love to go on the Internet and find weird things.
So I figure for a little bit, I'm going to like go Reddit diving.
And I'm going to like just show you guys a great post from a Reddit
that you probably have never been on before okay?
How does that sound?
so this
This first reddit that we're gonna talk about today. What do you want to call a subreddit? I guess subreddit diving
This is it's called a mini so yeah, well this this segment. This is an Alex episode. This is called. This is called our
slash humanoid encounters This is an Alex episode. This is called this is called r slash
humanoid encounters
Okay, okay so our last humanoid encounters is a subreddit that has it's about section says if you have ever had an
encounter with a humanoid being
This is the place to post it. Have you been abducted by?
aliens have you bumped into Sasquatch? Been chased out of the woods by something on two legs,
but it didn't look human than at all other than being shaped like one?
Please share your true encounter.
Okay, so that's r slash humanoid encounters and
the post I'm gonna read for you today is a post by a
account called throw away doppel. And the post is called I'm currently being
stalked by a something that looks and sounds exactly like me. Last Saturday, it
tried to break in. I need help. And this is the story sounds like good fan fiction. I'm here for this. Let's go. Yeah, this is the story sounds like good fan fiction
I'm here for this. Let's go. Yeah. This is the story and it
scared the **** out of me cuz I was laying in bed reading
this like two in the morning. Okay, this one is a doozy.
Apologies if I get things wrong grammatically as I'm
extremely paranoid at the moment. I live in the UK Devin
with my dog. It's important to note that there's a huge
expanse of woods behind the house.
Early last month, this thing that looks and sounds exactly like me began to show itself directly to me. But I fear it's actually been around for much, much longer. About four years ago, my parents,
grandmother, and cousins were over at mine for a get together. I remember my mother going to smoke
around the back. Not even a
minute after going out, she comes back in, all flustered, and asks me why I was outside
in the woods. She said I was staring at her blankly. Thing is, I wasn't. I was inside
with my grandmother and dad. My mom, bless her soul, passed it off as just seeing things.
Stupidly, so did I. Cut to last year, I was in my lounge when
my dog ran off into the conservatory barking like mad. This wasn't really surprising as
we do have quite a few rabbits and other vermin around the area. That was till, I kid you
not, I heard MY fucking voice talking in the conservatory. I checked outside, nothing.
Nothing at all. Last month while cleaning the kitchen, I saw me outside in the conservatory. I checked outside. Nothing. Nothing at all. Last month
while cleaning the kitchen, I saw me outside in the wood. It looked one to one with me.
This fucker didn't move an inch. It was like a statue. I froze in place. I guess it was
more the shock of seeing myself with my own two eyes physically. I leapt over to the conservatory
door. Gone. It was gone. In the split time it took me to go to the door, this fucker was gone.
Last Saturday, I was upstairs on a work assignment when I heard my fucking voice asking to be let in.
My dog was going nuts and got worse when this thing was clawing and scratching at my windows and door.
I contacted the police and I'm away at my parents' house for the time being.
I don't know what to tell people or if they'll
Even believe me. I just want this to end
Any advice because I'm dreading when I see this thing again or what it'll do
So there you go, that's where it ends yeah, he's asking for advice. All right, it's very a skin walkery. Uh, I
Mean story wise I wish there was more. But I guess for internet content, pretty solid, it's going to get a lot of interaction.
What were the interactions? What do people say? So yeah, so I got some so I have some
comments here. Once somebody somebody said, you have to look up jinns. They're shape shifters
who can take on the form
of anyone and imitate their voice. This happened to my brother once. One thing about them is that
they can't enter your home or open doors unless they're invited in. No matter what you do, don't
leave any doors or windows open. Also don't feed them fear. Burn some sage and play some protection
prayers in your house. However, your best line of action is to contact a spiritualist. So that's one.
Somebody else said, this would literally be my dream.
I'd tell that doppelganger to go to my work every other week.
Both of us would get two weeks of free vacation each month.
Another person said there can only be one chop its head off and absorb its life force.
Somebody else said, how do we know you're the real you, huh? And then another, this is my favorite theory. Or you could
be actually seeing and hearing yourself from a different point
in your timeline. I have a feeling that time is much more.
Well, wibbly wobbly, if you'll excuse the reference than people
think. Maybe some places are just thinner than others, and it
bleeds through shrug, not saying I'd let it in or anything. But
it might be nothing. You should probably invest in some carbon
monoxide detectors just to be on the safe side. They're like,
they give this really like heady explanation of time travel,
Doctor Who, whatever, whatever. And they're like, or you might
be poisoning yourself slowly with gas yeah have it checked so that's
humanoid encounters on reddit a great sub reddit with lots of great stories
like that on there I'll come back at you again next time I remember to do this
with another weird sub reddit that I found how does that sound like it yeah I
yeah I like that a lot I'm here to hit that like random subreddit button just to see what random shit is out there.
Yeah, I don't know what it is about doppelgangers that scares the shit out of me so much.
But we did like episode two is like on doppelgangers or something like that.
I know it was a long time ago that we talked about doppelgangers on the show, but I don't know why.
Something about it.
I'm like, I'm going to fuck it or I'm going to kill it.
Right. 5050. Yeah. You know what? about it. I'm like I'm gonna fuck it or I'm gonna kill it right 50 50 Oh, yeah, you know what 50 50 I agree
Jesse what are you 50 50? I'm gonna try and pull us back from the brain. Yeah, right
If you're not so 50 50 you're lying yourself
It's not a 50 50 it's a 100 but let's can so
Excuse me It's not a 50 50 it's a 100 but let's can. So, excuse me.
Uh, we back in December had a lovely conversation about, uh, Christmas and its
origins and how the reason why it's kind of spooky is cause the winter is kind of
spooky and the winter is, you know, for most of humans society, most of our
history, the winter is when you would die.
society, most of our history, the winter is when you would die.
And we made a comment that was like, you know, now society's changed a lot and you have heating and stuff or whatever.
But over the weekend, the Washington post had an article that was about, uh,
the month you're most likely to die in.
And one of the people who wrote in said, it's weird
that when you see like a bunch of celebrities die, they always die in January. It's always like end
of the year, January. It's like, that's very weird. What's up with that? And it, the question was
positive. It seems like November, December, January, more people died than other months.
And they were like, absolutely. The data backs it up. And I just, I thought it would be a
few things, right? It's everything across the board, uh, respiratory disease, pneumonia, Alzheimer, a neoplasms, cerebral vascular
disease, diabetes, a septus Parkinson's, everything except accidents increases in November,
December, January, and then February, March. And the reason, and this is what's great about this is they say the most deadly.
Are February in March.
I'm sorry.
January is the most deadly February in March are number two and three, except
March is number two only because it has more days than February.
Oh, and then November is equally deadly, but it comes in later.
Fourth is, fourth is December.
Fifth is November, right?
There's the five months where most people die.
And they say that it's for a myriad of reasons, right?
But the basic gist is when it's cold, your body changes.
The human body changes for the cold weather and
Everything that could happen be it you hitting by diseases cuz you're in tourbouro or you're not moving as much
Because it's cold out or your blood vessels contract because it's trying to preserve the heat in your body and
Your heart is pumping faster. So you have more likelihood for any sort of blood clot or something to move or
dislodge. So everything about you is changing over the winter and the colder
it is and the longer it's cold, the worst effect it has.
So it's November.
It hasn't been cold for long.
If it's December has me but by January, March, if you've been freezing and
you haven't been moving a lot and you haven't been doing a lot of stuff, all the factors
of the other things attacking you and trying to hurt you will happen as well.
So that's just, it's, and it's always been that way throughout history.
And that's why it's super interesting.
That is very weird.
I don't want to die in January. That
is they have a map of the US and they're looking at debt again, because even though they have
one for the world, they have a map of the US. I thought this was interesting for us
is that it's from 2010 to 2019, the average death pattern. And you know, it's one of those
maps, it's an infographic where it's's just like the US, and there's different shades from very, very light color to like a dark, almost black color.
And in January, February, March, the US is really darkly shaded. In April, it starts to change.
And by August, it's the least amount of deaths. And then immediately in October starts to switch again and go back and then it hits December
I wonder what the numbers are like in Australia or something, right? Like does it correlate to winter in Australia?
Yeah, that's a good question. The actual months of-
It absolutely correlates to the weather not the
season or
Not the actual month. So yeah
Yeah, it's seasonal but it's cut up into months. Yeah.
It's just a harder time to be alive.
And they say, um, yeah, he says in regions where it's colder,
people spend less time outdoors, you know, and they were saying that, uh,
they were talking about Alaskan summers or Southern summers, right?
And they were saying that an Alaskan summer can be colder than a Florida
winter, but wherever you are, you adapt.
So psychologically your responses to the things that you would do, for example,
if you are in the summer in Alaska and it's cold to someone in LA, it would feel
fine to you.
It's the same thing as dudes wearing shorts when I lived in Buffalo to do
their front yard when it snowed.
And so your body adapts. So what would mess us up, Alex, for example, you'd be very likely
to die in the winter if you decided you were going to go winter in Alaska. If I went to
go, but you lived in L.A. Sweden for 10 straight days in sub zero temperatures. You would,
your body would physically be like, what is happening?
It's like the time I there's a feeling that exists out there.
Crenna or nine Boston for Pax.
And I did not pack properly.
It's my fault.
But he's filming and I'm like, gosh, I just do it.
And I can barely breathe.
And I'm like, it was rough.
So I'm saying is, yeah, it checks out.
I'm with you tangentially living in Texas that are growing up in New England. The summer
makes me it's I can barely move without having to sit down and rest because it's like 110
degrees sweat instantly. It's like 100 degrees all the time. And people around me are like,
this is great. And I'm like dying so bad bad. But when we again occasionally get like 50, 40 degree weather out here.
So nice. That's why I'm always complaining about the article.
Like people always say that L.A.
is like wussies when it gets cold.
But it's like we don't have siding in our houses.
And when we walk around outside, we're not wearing jackets, bro.
We don't have like a fucking heavy duty jacket.
It's 50 degrees
still cold cave air in our house and there's no siding on the house. It is fucking cold
at 50 degrees bro. It feels very chilly in a way that you can't describe to anyone because
when you're like, man, I'm so cold. They're like, how cold is it? You're like, like 54
dude. And they're like, I don't know how to describe to you. It feels cold. It feels cold. They're like, how, how cold is it? You're like, like 54, dude. And they're like,
yeah, they're like, ha, like, I don't know how to describe to you. It feels cold. It feels cold.
And, uh, in the end of the article, they say all of this is leading to them testing and studying climate change and how that will affect things. Cause they're like, as it gets more wacky, uh, and highs become more high and lows become more low. It's going to be more common to see people die from weather related stuff.
Not just like the snow killed them, but they were so cold that they had a heart attack like that kind of thing.
Sick. Hell yeah.
So there you go.
Well, let's leave you all off on another depressing note.
I just want to bring up a brief thing about AI again.
If you haven't all the other out there, go look at Sora and Fear for Your Love.
Whose job was lost this time?
I know it's like we're about to enter the age of like misinformation with the how good like one year ago,
Will Smith eating spaghetti was a meme because it looked terrible.
And in one year, video has come an insane amount of way.
And one thing I read about AI recently is most technology,
well, all technology up to this point
follows something called Moore's law.
For those who don't know, Moore's law is basically
the observation that the number of transistors
in an integrated circuit doubles at about every two years.
So every 24 months, CPs can hold more transistors and shit.
AI has halved that.
It's every 12 months, it's upgrading and needing more
and being able to do more and whatnot.
And it's the first of any kind of tech
that's been able to break Moore's law as we understand it.
So, you know, AI is fucking skyrocketing.
Regulation is not even keeping up in any way what a leap in AI
is yet.
You know what I mean?
We might like I feel like I feel like we don't even really
know what we've happened to now.
So scary you guys and know why they're just like full fucking
speed ahead at just like pushing it further and further and
So, you know, keep an eye out really for everybody out there.
AI and like fake shit is gonna,
it's already pretty prevalent out there.
It's gonna become the norm.
Just be ready to triple check your sources
because video is on the way.
No matter how many safety protocols
they think they can put in front of this thing,
it has been proven that it doesn't always hold.
So all right, that's it for us on that existential thought.
Cool, yeah, great.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We will see you guys next week
with the final episode of Bell Star,
and we have a guest coming on a couple weeks after that,
a returning guest, one of Jesse's favorite people.
That's it for us.
Thank you all so much for the support here on Patreon,
and we'll see you next week.
Goodbye. Not like this.
And bye. not like this
My little children on stew episode mini so 170 I think this is mini so 170 Well 170 mini so very important number for no reason at all other than I say so it's a nice round number like I you know like I love when a number is like not a three or a seven you know like I like when it is a zero or a five I can get that I realized I was chewing gum and that's not cool. That's not that's not that's more professional.
Uh, all right. Well, uh, welcome to the minis on everybody. There's some some crazy stuff going on
Are we opening with the wendy's thing?
Alex, I got some trippy stuff too. That's gonna blow your mind. So god. Okay. All right
Do we end with that or do we go next?
Wendy's is just sort of a non-starter now because they they they were gonna they were just gonna introduce surge pricing, like with AI algorithms to
manage the price of certain food items on their menu, which is
like, to me a ludicrous idea. And everybody was like, if you
can't know what you're going to walk into a Wendy's with $5 and
get I'm never I'm just gonna go to McDonald's. Right? Like there's nothing that
Wendy's owns well enough that you got to go to Wendy's for it
like a double double or you know, something like that. Like,
so they there was this whole thing about it. And everybody
was like, this is like capitalism showing its true
face. It's just truly evil. It's a truly evil policy. That's
Dave Thomas would be furious. Yeah. And, and, uh,
they backed down today.
Well, good. So humans win, you know, so like, don't worry about it.
Like it's all good.
I'm sure this is never going to happen again and we're never going to have to
think about it again. Uh, and that's a, and that's the end of that AI is done.
Yeah. All right.
You know, the, the mess up thing is, it's so easy to figure out what the boardroom was thinking.
They were like, all right, it's very clear. People come at lunch, people come late at
night. And then the rest of the day, people, they come in whatever. How do we get people
to show up in hours when we have low business?
Well, if we make prices cheaper during those hours, more people are willing to come.
Thus, we'll have more people. You know that's what they were thinking. It's insane.
And no one will mind when a burger's 9.50 at dinnertime.
Yeah. They still gotta eat lunch, don't they?
Yeah. Oh, no. It's such scummy business practices. Terrible.
I hate it. I hate it.
Well, hopefully that's the end of it. We beat the AI.
Congratulations to humanity. We did it. We beat them.
Yeah, that is not even remotely close.
Unfortunately, if you've seen the video of Will Smith eating spaghetti
from years ago versus today, and it's just so gross how much better it is.
And you're like, well, this is going to end badly for all of us.
There was an article that came out where they were talking about how people in the future
will be able to AI generate their own adult videos.
Yeah, that's very shit.
And the whole article is about like, is this the end of sex work?
And I'm like, I don't know what this is.
I don't know.
I don't know what I don't know what this is. Like, that's weird. But here we are.
Wait, what? Yeah, it's wild AI scares the ever living bejesus out of me with the video stuff specifically and like image stuff. I'm like, it's getting
absolutely really, really quick. So, um, before you go, Jesse, because if you're gonna blow minds, let's, I'll go first, we're going to do another. I'm going to do not a main episode, but we'll do another mini.
So that's very focused on the UFO stuff that's happening right now.
But there's like a lot of just like motion.
Yeah, scattershot shit that's happening.
That's worth bringing up.
One is just like the cool scientific discovery that made me want to that made me feel insane was the scientists.
I sent it to you in the text if you didn't look at it,
but it discovered a way to geometrically weave titanium together in a way that makes it 1.5
times stronger than it's normal without changing its weight. Oh, that was the cube you sent.
Yeah. I think it's like the weird like it was zoomed in like cube type thing, which
is makes me feel like an insane person because that's how the meta and they call it they're
calling it a meta material and a bunch of other things and that's
what they've been calling fucking UFO wreckage shit that we
supposedly have forever that is described the exact same way
under a microscope that it's weaved together in a geometric
pattern that allows it to be lighter like aluminum, but have a
way more durable strength.
And I was, Alex, when you go, even I thought of that, I'm like,
thank God.
Thank God I'm not in a weird reality.
I'm not saying it was backward engineered.
I refuse to say that because there's just a huge jump.
It's like if it's literally the same thing as like they're
being like, scientists have discovered something
that they're calling a lightsaber. Like, you know, it's like as surreal as that. Yeah being like scientists have discovered something that they're calling a lightsaber like you know it's like yeah as real as that yeah like
sure you're like this is exactly an alien thing it's wild because like
literally it's just they describe it the way that I've been reading about it for
like 30 years so there's that then there was the the you it also could be the
Star Trek effect where could be it's the thing that you read about inspired them to create the thing that
they made which is why I won't say they've were backward engineered it
very possible then we got some drone footage from a Ukrainian drone
capturing a UAP I was just gonna ask you if you saw that that's super
interesting so we're gonna here's a link to if you want to watch it looks like
anything are them yeah you can looks like a cigar it's hovering over the
water and you can hear the a few people speaking Ukrainian in the background Here's a link to it if you want to watch it. Looks like a cigar. Yeah, it looks like a cigar. It's hovering over the water.
And you can hear a few people speaking Ukrainian
in the background.
There's a translation that says, this is what they're saying over the video.
Why can't he fire missiles at us?
What do you mean?
Holy fuck.
What the fuck is this?
I'm telling you, it's UFO for something.
It's standing still.
Zoom in more.
It's standing still.
Do you see?
Can't see anything on the thermal cameras? Maybe ram it as as a joke and then the last sentence they couldn't is like
maybe a ram it part is the most honest like it seems like a real ass conversation like
well do we because they're in an active war zone they're like yeah we hit it like what
we do they said they can't fire missiles at it which makes me think they can't lock on
which is exactly like whatever UAP is.
But if you look at it, it's a long cigar like shape thing hovering over the water, just fucking hovering there.
And they zoom in on it and they're looking at it.
And it's just one of those like it reminds me of the twenty seventeen videos a little bit in the Mosul or video where you're just like, what is that thing?
Also, a lot of people are saying it's not water.
It's just Ukraine is just flat.
Oh, OK, cool. So just overland.
Then it is the breadbasket of Europe or very true.
I didn't know if they were like on the where they were like, you know,
fighting Russia off in the sea and stuff.
So this video is just like fucking one of the very few that come out.
And I'm like, that's a good video.
Like, that's something it really feels. I mean, I don't speak this language, right?
But man, like sometimes you can just tell from the acting, right?
And this doesn't pass that, like this does pass that sniff test for me.
Yeah. Then there was audio, I fed you guys about representative
Ralph Norman in audio after the skiff meeting.
Did you listen to any of that at all?
I did not hear that.
No, you should.
I mean, you can go listen to it.
It's like a minute and a half long.
He's talking about like he basically goes it opens up with him saying but my
God, I guess we're just going to go ahead a little bit.
Is it to be my God?
I guess we're just going to be unprepared and just take it.
This isn't political.
This isn't politics and for you young people, of course,
I'm waiting for it to go affects all of us young and old.
What was the heart of this of his talk? He gets asked and it says, was it on SAP's special access programs or was it broader?
And he goes, he spoke at length for 20 minutes at COS that we ate. He's talked for 20 minutes.
And then we answered questions.
And where's the funding coming from?
From the government.
Yeah, he's getting interviewed by Askapult and whatnot.
And he just continues to say they've named like private corporations and they got shown
He says in here they got shown slides from of things that are classified that defy explanation.
He can't understand them.
And he's like the reason he's frustrated.
He says because like we're just not going to tell anybody about this.
We're just going to go into this unprepared and it's just going to happen.
There's like we're not preparing anybody for it.
It's just going to happen.
Apparently, I don't know.
You know what I mean?
Oh, yeah.
You know, I deep dive. I deep dived into why I get so distracted. No, I know
initial Ukraine UFO, oh
Okay, good so live water might be naughty water might be accurate. Oh, so here's the thing
When looking at it the very first few seconds that video it's it's clearly over the ground. And then as it pans in, it is a black cigar shaped thing. What appears to
be in the sky, but really that's the coastline. And it's something called the Fata Morgana
That's a power and vampire, the masquerade.
Fata Morganas are among the most dramatic mirages appearing as free floating islands or ships.
Basically based on angle and like I'll just send you guys the link so you can look at it later or post it onto the
What? Subway. But basically this is a this thing is an optical illusion.
Yes, that is a boat on the water
And that's why it's not moving is because it's sitting in the water
It's a popular mechanics article
Not a video this is another photo of a UFO that is highly popular that also
May be this that's debated often and I I can see this being the case because I've seen another photo that can be like that I'm
I'm opening the link right now though. Yeah, it's absolutely they include the optical illusion of a ship floating
and it's just like a it's
So what in our eyes?
Yeah, it's interesting because it wasn't being picked up by thermals either and they couldn't lock on to it
So I mean like that's that's hyper interesting.
Like that's but based on the very first few seconds,
it looks exactly like the images they're showing on this
popular mechanics website.
Yeah, I would have loved to see the thing move.
If it had moved, then we would have been then we'd have better.
Yeah, exactly.
Sorry, I was just like, no, no, no, that's diving.
Yeah, exactly.
And it also doesn't violate the fact that maybe those guys did not know that.
You know what I mean? Like even though they're very like, that's real human
reaction. They seem like they are not acting. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah.
And so the last two things in the UFO world that just want to quick,
give quick updates on.
So David Grush is supposed to be releasing an op ed like it's supposed to be
coming out soon. It has been delayed not by him or his publication, but by the
DOPSR has stopped it from being put out and has delayed it
because they need to go over what he's supposedly saying
and censor it which to me is like, well, if there's not true,
why do you need to go over and like censor things out if what
he's saying is all a lie like you've been perpetuating. And the last thing that makes me feel security review DOPSR is like yeah the Department of
Defense is like a preview and security review or something.
SR defense office of pre-publication and security review correct.
They stopped it and it's getting delayed because they need to apparently go over
something that they didn't need to prior but that's all we know.
delayed because they need to apparently go over something that they didn't need to prior. But that's all we know. And the last thing, you know how in the grand scheme of like who has UFO wreckage like Lockheed Martin and all that stuff, the energy department of energy is another big name in that has been since forever. You is like Battelle Institute, all that stuff. It's right in right in that mind zone.
Somebody somebody was doing some deep diving and some history, like seeing some
things because Kirkpatrick and whatnot, fucking Sean Kirkpatrick has been with
the Department of Energy since he was 17 years old.
What I'm going to send you a newspaper clipping.
What Sean Kirkpatrick, the man who ran the AARO has been tied up with the Department
of Energy since he was 17 years old. When Duluth teenager and budding inventor Sean
Kirkpatrick began his ambitious plan three years ago to build a machine that could speed
up blood typing with the use of lasers. All he had in mind was getting my first patent
before I was 19.
Now he has a chance to realize even bigger dreams.
Kirkpatrick will experience the kind of thrill I can't explain, he says, while working alongside
the federal government's top research scientists in the inaugural high school honors research
program sponsored by the Department of Energy.
Dude, we should look into that whole study.
No shit.
We should look into every high school student in that.
So I'm just in, he's, uh, after ARO, he's going to work for Patel.
He's tied up with Patel currently.
So I'm just saying, I'm just saying I feel fucking crazy.
I'm like, this is crazy.
It's not crazy. It's just, it's the same reason this guy's been sus for a while
Like it's the same reason this guy is like, you know on
People's radars like this in the first place, right? He's like a weird technology
technology inventor and the idea of oh we are reverse engineering UFOs is like a very
Common idea and the idea that you know, I don't know, like it's not
crazy. There's some reason why I have this idea. It's a great explanation for a lot of
evidence that's out there. That's why it's an idea. Right? Yeah, exactly. Anyway, so
while we're here, Hey, microwave prices, I knew you were going down over time. The clipping
that that math has gave us has seer selling microwaves
125 units to choose from and the prices are like
120 bucks 140 bucks in my way for $60 now and they look like
$190. Yeah, that's a lot of money. Yeah, it's a great font choice though
That's the font from the force awakens right there, and it's pretty good
Jesse with that take it away. What do you have that's so fucking wild?
Gentlemen, brace yourself for another round of, oh my God, I don't know if this is the coolest
thing ever or the scariest shit ever. Get ready. I love that. These are the results of a study 15
years in the making. And I'm totally blown away about by this. Uh, you, me, everyone
we know and love is inside a massive magnetic tunnel. According to new research out of the
university of Toronto, that's because the Earth, the entire solar system, nearby stars are all encircled in this massive galactic tunnel structure of
magnetized filaments that are invisible to the human eye says Jennifer West, an astrophysicist
at the University of Toronto's.
UFOs using the magnet tunnel to move the way that they move.
If you could see radio light, we would see this bright stuff
stretching all the way across the sky in several different directions.
And I'm just going to give you an image here.
You can describe this to people.
Oh, why didn't it?
I have to copy paste it.
Yeah, it's fine.
How dare you make me do that? Oh, OK. Okay. That's like, it looks like it's like
heat red, half blue with the mixing colors in the middle.
Yeah. And then you got these like the filaments I imagine is what these are, are kind of like,
it looks like Wolverine just like slash the universe is what it looks like.
Cut kind of. Yeah. So the first images taken of this were of something called the North polar spur. And then there's something called the fan region. These are two massive, mysterious, bright structures that are only visible through telescopes and picked up by radio waves. Right. And for the longest time, they were thinking that basically there are these two weird
things out there. And astronomers were like, I mean, they're interesting, but we don't know what
they are. And it wasn't, and according to the article, they said that people knew about this
since the sixties. It's something that we've just seen. They exist. It's kind of always been around
since we've been staring out with high powered telescopes. But again, no astronomer knew what the hell this was.
And part of the problem says West is that scientists almost exclusively studied them
as separate entities. But West theorizes that they are in fact connected in a complex system
of charged particles and magnetic filaments forming a sort of tunnel
that encircles the solar system and some of our nearby stars.
That is so crazy.
Wes says, I was looking at a map of the radio sky on the computer and it's just like a map
of earth.
If you look at a map of earth, you almost always look at the equator in the middle.
And it's the same thing when you look at a map of the galaxy.
Astronomers usually put the galactic center
in the center of the map.
And Wes was like,
what happens if we look at the map completely differently
and we put something else in the center?
And when I did, it became much more evident
that these two structures might actually be
on either side of us and on opposite sides of us.
And so that's when I got to thinking about the big picture.
And like, maybe we're inside of that using a computer model.
West estimated that the North polar spur and the fan region
are located about 350 light years away from earth
and made up like a rope like structure,
a thousand light years long.
And here's another image that hopefully this one
will just easily send to you guys.
Oh yeah.
That works.
Oh, whoa.
So that is where we are and our local arm.
And then you can see this sort of like 1000 light year band
that was talking about.
Those are the yellow things?
The stripes. Wow. Yeah. Yeah, the stripes.
Wow. Yeah.
So we're like caught up in that.
It's like a big picture of our galaxy the arm of our galaxy and
then you zoom all the way into like where we are on the Perseus
arm, I guess or no lower than the Perseus arm.
Well on the local arm.
Yeah, local bubble.
And then it's like four slashes like right through where we
are pretty much, right?
So the findings could literally change how we viewed the world around us
Imagine that you're sitting inside a tunnel and the rest of the galaxy is outside the tunnel and the rest of the universe is
Outside the tunnel in this case, but we're inside of it because we're inside of it
We have to look through the tunnel all the time to see what's going on the outside. So really
We could be seeing distorted everything talking about light distortion
everything like essentially light
Radio waves everything because we're in this tunnel the tunnels filtering stuff into us, right? Um
It could mean that for example
you know, we're in this long thing with like a cloud, right?
We're in a cloud and you can't really see out of it and you can't really see in it.
And the things we can detect could be warped by the, you know, the cloud, for example,
it's like the same thing with the, the way rainbows are created, right?
The particle it's, we could be seeing.
So the universe as a whole, right? The big bang, all of it, the shape of the universe, We could be seeing the universe as a whole, right?
The Big Bang, all of it, the shape of the universe,
everything could be distorted based on us
being inside this tunnel.
That's so crazy.
You think it would be,
they would just say this is going alien land,
but you think it would distort our radio signals
or radio signals coming in?
It could mean that it could be like a new thing added
to the dark forest.
The idea that the reason why we can't connect anything or see anyone is because
no one's actually looking for us.
Cause we're in a thing that nobody can see all signals.
And when we send signals out, we're not getting past that.
Cause it's a thousand light years long.
This is just a few years ago too. So like, I wonder like what the thing is,
things like Alpha Centauri and stuff. They're stuck in here with us.
That's good. So that's a pot like those things could be,
but further out the idea of this massive universe is we could just be in a very
small cluster where we can't get ahold of anyone else because we're stuck in a
little way.
You might not even have to say why we are in it.
Like where this tunnel came from.
No, it's just said since the sixt 60s there's been two celestial objects, weird
radio wave things. And West was like, I'm just gonna what if instead of it being two
separate things was one thing and they seem connected. And like, this this sort of math
just giant tunnel of I guess I guess you would call it radio light?
Huh, wild.
Radio light.
Yeah, it's magnetized filaments is what it is.
And you have to wonder what new magnetized filaments
do to radio waves, for example.
I mean, cause the one image I sent you,
it looks like there's slashes across the sky.
Could it be that that's the vibe
of no radio waves get through? You know what I mean? Like nothing yeah, that's just the force field on, you know, like,
yeah, that's, that is it. That's why I'm in this while like, that is currently like crazy.
Yeah, that's nuts. Like we're also at the moment looking at a planet a hundred light years away for
evidence of alien tech black, cause like last late last year, they discovered a new star system that's only 100 light years away from us. It has six sub net Neptune planets that
circle very close to their host star in mathematically perfect orbits, which piqued the interest
of scientists initially. And this dubbed HD 110067. And they're currently looking for
signs there. They're going to be doing it for a while yet.
But they say, you know, they don't even know what they're looking for.
But if any planet is going to have it, maybe these will.
And they they left off with the quote, we reserve the right to get smarter.
Weird. Yeah.
So I don't know the radio wave, the magnetic stuff. That's interesting.
I want to read more about that.
So I'll probably dig into that after this. and speaking of imagine that you're in a tunnel like
Wendy's has like a drive-through that goes around the back of it and you can't see the menu until you get there and
Imagine if you got to the menu and the burger was three dollars more than you expected
And you didn't want to anymore buy the burger or buy anything from Wendy's, but you're in a tunnel
and you can't leave the Wendy's. Have you just been forced by Wendy's to pay more than you expected
for a burger? Think about that. If you are stuck in the drive-through lane, you can't reverse. Can't
leave. Can't do anything. You got to keep going. Yeah. It's like that hole that fits you, just like it sucks you in. It's holes made for me.
It's holes made for me.
Yeah, and then you know what's on the other side of the hole ain't so pretty.
Yeah, not, no.
If I'll ever want it was just a hole that fit me.
Let that be a warning to you all about AI.
Thank you guys so much for supporting us here at slash illuminati pod.
We'll see you next week.
We love you.
Appreciate you. Goodbye