Chilluminati Podcast - Midweek Mini - Rich People and Immortality

Episode Date: January 3, 2025

Minisodes 179 and 180 Why are rich people such terrible people MERCH - Special thanks to our sponsors this episode - All you lovely people at Patreon! ...HTTP://PATREON.COM/CHILLUMINATIPOD Jesse Cox - Alex Faciane - Editor - DeanCutty Show art by -

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music Oh We have an EB in the audience today clicking and whistling calming me down he's going around you guys gonna ruin the beginning so am I I know people hate that noise that I'm just gonna like welcome to the me so I'm not making on you love a gutter oh my god I'm Jesse because I know he isn't fully prepared today so I want to make him sweat he sure I can go right now no I'll sweat okay he's ready now he said he wasn't even have anything ready. I was not at all prepared I might have been caught up in some other nonsense and I forgot I don't know if you know this but this show has a certain level of
Starting point is 00:01:16 polish Associated with where everything that we start we my bad. I failed you. Yeah, you know, you know, you won't fail you I failed you yeah, you know who won't fail you This woman in Ethiopia who claims she hasn't eaten anything in 16 years eaten or drinking anything fuck off 16 years every once in a while like I feel like every couple years somebody comes out remember the Breatharians that said the same thing only to get her tested and she's like drinking water. What's the secret thing? This is interesting the woman has undergone several medical tests and
Starting point is 00:01:49 It has been confirmed. There's no evidence of food in her intestines at time of examination She went viral on the internet and first attracted attention in 2016 that this was a girl who could survive without food or water and People have been watching her since 2016, trying to make sure this is true or not. Here's the thing. They all could be in on it. Right? Sure. Sure. That's true. I will say I did look up other things about there have been reports and real true stories of people who've gone years without eating any food.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Water is a different story. Like you need water to like, I don't know. I'm trying to look at this and from like a rational perspective, and it doesn't make any sense. This could be legit. But the only time she uses the bathroom, according to people around her, is when she bathes. And how? room according to people around her is when she bathes. It doesn't.
Starting point is 00:02:45 How? The crazy part is, is she says to me. Yeah, it doesn't to me either, but she says, I have nothing to say. It's God's work. I just accept that. What the fuck does that even mean? Yeah, yeah, I don't know. This she says liquids. Apparently, the longest, according to the Guinness Book of Records,
Starting point is 00:03:10 18 days without food and water is the longest someone has gone. And that's because police arrested a man and then forgot about him. We, she says over 16 years. I did some research and the biggest documented like real documented case is a man named Angus Barbary who was a big dude in the UK like a big, big guy. Huge guy. 275 pounds. Huge guy. Yes. And he fasted according to Wikipedia, the man has a Wikipedia page. He died in 1990.
Starting point is 00:03:51 But he fasted for 382 days. He lived off of tea, coffee, sparkling water, and vitamins. And he lost 267 pounds. Here's what's interesting, I'm reading up as well. And here's what people are saying why this is scientifically impossible. She has to be out. She's breathing out CO2. The carbon has to come from somewhere. What does she just like if you eat a big old rock of carbon like a long time ago 16 years ago, she ate a big like you like it in her stomach and she's just creating CO2 with that. It doesn't make any like scientifically it is impossible.
Starting point is 00:04:24 At least with the water aspect, especially I don't know. That's fucking wild I'd be curious There's a thing that was there is no nobody who's made these claims have allowed themselves to do it under controlled circumstances aka Cameras like they've been offered and no one of them have taken it right none of them What's interesting about this is this woman is kind of being like. You know, she has a crew and they took her to Dubai to get tested. And Dr. Drew Binsky was like they got a whole it feels like a thing rather than just,
Starting point is 00:05:00 you know, I mean, it sounds like almost like a God recruitment thing like local God can do to me. Yeah. Meanwhile, looking at this Angus dude, he was under doctor supervision. Mayfield Hospital had him in for frequent medical evals. He had a doctor who was like, this is what I'm going to do. And you're going to take these vitamins. You're going to do this thing.
Starting point is 00:05:22 And what's crazy is the doctor was like, dude, you've lost so much weight. What if you what if you stop? And he was like, actually, I got kind of adapted to not eating a lot. Yeah. I mean, well, yeah, your stomach can't like if you don't eat a lot, your body can adapt, but you will have to eat at some point. Like, oh, thing is, oh, and it says here. Okay, it says here that he consumed vitamins, electrolytes and this unspecified amount of yeast.
Starting point is 00:05:55 So he still had to put stuff in his body. He couldn't just yeah, the other things that they're saying to us, particularly with her is any of the none of the doctors who have examined her have released any papers on the studies they supposedly did on her. There's no published papers. There's no scientific research. It's just their word. And that's it. Huh? Yeah, weird. All right. And according and according to this as of twenty twenty three, which I guess is when this was last updated on the Wikipedia, he has the longest fast thought solid food out of anyone in the entire world ever confirmed And that's 382 days. Do you think fat people can last longer? I mean
Starting point is 00:06:35 Here's the thing in an apocalyptic situation Yes without food, but in an apocalyptic situation where people shooting each other and zombies are around. Yeah, no But it says, this dude, the before and after pictures wild. I mean, he lost literally like more than a whole person. And he's just I guess his starting weight was 456. God bless him. Ended up at 180 at the end. Yeah. I mean, good for him. That's insane. That's wild. Although I'm very curious. So there's no information about his
Starting point is 00:07:13 end of life. He died at either age 50 or 51. It's weird that they don't say which, but he, so he died in 1990 in his 50s. The the question is did he regain weight or did the weight loss affect him in some way or was it like cancer or like there's no information about this that's what i'd love to know did the long-term effects of not eating for 380 days because like you're supposed to eat that's the thing so i'm very curious what that did to him. That is true. I don't know. I don't know that you can like fully be all right from that. Like there has to be. I don't think you can. Yeah. I feel like your bones. I feel like the doctor would have managed, you know, I don't know. I don't know. It seems psychedelic
Starting point is 00:08:01 to go that long. I would love to know what happens to like those dudes who's like, I ate McDonald's for a year. That's all I, all right, so you've got a doctor to manage that. But what happens 20 years down the road? What do they do to you, bro? I like to eat. I can't, I get so hungry.
Starting point is 00:08:16 I don't know if I could do it. I can't imagine how trippy. I would just be miserable. Huge fan, love it. Yeah, I don't know how trippy it would get. I feel like it would be insane. I don't know if I could do it. Seems crazy. I will say I'm I mean this.
Starting point is 00:08:29 I'm weirded out by people who are like, I don't eat. I just ingest nutrients when I need them. And I'm like, bro, what what? What is your experience with the food? What happened to you that makes you like not enjoy the taste of something like what's like, I just want the proper like I don't I have a bar and I move on like what? I don't remember. You did.
Starting point is 00:08:50 I talk about it on here where I was like mind blown. Somebody from the FGC community was here for some reason, for a tournament or something in L.A. I don't remember who it was. I don't remember who it was. I'm not trying to put anybody on blast either, but it was like mad. It was like I'm mad because the food in LA is like weak, these soggy ass nuggies. And I was like, I just like, you know, that, you know, that painting of that guy sitting in the corner and he's like ripped the skin of his face off and it's just his muscles and he's screaming. That's how I felt. That's actually a great segue into my, uh, into my, uh, story.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Actually, uh, as you know, been, uh, have had Zodiac on the mind lately. Have been kind of still every once in a while, keep my ear to the ground. If there's some sort of Zodiac update, I love a puzzle. I love anything like that. But actually the most recent story that came out is still a puzzle from a serial killer. But instead of the Zodiac, it's actually Dennis Raider the BTK killer. Are you guys covering Dennis Raider probably this year actually? Okay, little buying torture kill great.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Great. We're coming for you. Why they made it sound like Burger King, but Whatever for some reason I thought he was caught much longer ago, but he was only caught in 2005 now Serving ten life terms In I mean that is long ago. Just like I mean oh, yeah, you know what? 20 years ago. That's 20 years perspective. It's not long ago, but like it is long ago. I was alive I just don't I was in high school. I just I remember it It just seems like he's been away since like the 80s or 90s. I was 15. So I was still very dumb
Starting point is 00:10:34 Yeah, I'm actually still killing all the way into the 90s and he's serving he's serving 10 life terms for 10 victims that are confirmed But there is a another victim called Cindy Kinney who? serving 10 life terms for 10 victims that are confirmed. But there is another victim called Cindy Kinney, who disappeared from Osage Laundry in June of 76, which is within his window of 74 in 1991. And nobody knows who the killer is. But this guy, the sheriff in Osage County is Eddie Verdon. And he was he's quoted as saying, we had a homicide occur last fall and was a pretty good big investigation pretty complicated case. Woke up at 1 30am tossed around couldn't get back to sleep. I thought, I'm just going to get up so I go and make a pot of coffee flip up flip on the TV. There's a documentary on about the BTK killer. I'm sitting there drinking coffee waiting for daylight. As I'm watching it, things kind of start popping out
Starting point is 00:11:28 that are familiar. And so he's he's on this unsolved case from the 70s. He's seeing things that are jogging his memory in this BTK documentary. And then he starts looking up details. And it's like the time that the time that he kidnapped his victims was like mid morning,'s like, the time that the time that he kidnapped his victims was like mid morning, which is the same time that she disappeared from the laundromat and that like got him on it. And he always just made that connection in his mind. And then in April of this year on April
Starting point is 00:11:56 15, the Osage County Sheriff's Office got a package from an anonymous woman that has a BTK word puzzle that went to a news station in Kansas a year before he was caught in 2004. And I have a picture of it right here. And it's from some old website printout or something. And you guys can kind of look at it. And it has a couple of words that are found in this puzzle down there. That kind of like, you can see that it's like a weird puzzle. I don't know if you want
Starting point is 00:12:29 to describe it to the folks. It's kind of a weird puzzle. Yeah, I don't understand what this is. I don't know looking at me. He sent a puzzle to a new station. It's kind of like a crazy man's puzzle. It's clearly not like even even as complex as zodiac puzzles, which aren't that crazy just more like hard to solve but uh if you look at this puzzle why was this sent so if you look in it now there's other uh words in it like cindy and kenny and uh osage and laundromat and Cahayca, which is the name of the street. Elgin.
Starting point is 00:13:05 His telephone, Anderson. Hohuska, Oklahoma, Cleveland. Words that link him to other murders besides the ones that he admitted to. And why was this sent? Somebody sent it anonymously. I don't know. Just to just to kind of like, explain that. And what so anonymously to explain a thing they sent a cryptic puzzle.
Starting point is 00:13:33 But like, look, look how it was sent. Look, I'll show you the one that was like. So if you look at this other version, this is what was sent. It had like the guide to these unsolved, like you see how it's like notated? Yeah. So like, this was what was sent, was like, hey, check this out. Like check out how these words are found
Starting point is 00:13:57 in this word search. That's the evidence. Oh yeah, okay, I see what you're saying. Do you see what I'm saying? No, I- The tip is that these unsolved murders names are in this word search. Do you see what I'm saying? No, I... The tip is that these unsolved murders names are in this word search. You see what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:14:08 But why? Because they're saying that he did it. They're saying that the BTK killer actually did this crime and they should look into it. Why wouldn't they just say it instead of a weird puzzle? Because they want to keep... Well, the puzzle is from the killer. The puzzle is a BTK puzzle and somebody else later on, years later, are looking at these and finding other names in this puzzle that had been not. No, I understand what I'm saying is why are they just sending puzzles with like, oh yeah, I figured it out instead of like a comprehensive.
Starting point is 00:14:39 All right, so this is what this thing is. This is how this works. It's like they reset the puzzle, but like I solved it. Like, I don't. Yeah, I see what you're saying too. I definitely like, yeah, they just sent a solved puzzle over. I think it's somebody that's like, hinting at like, please investigate this murder with BTK in mind, because I found these keywords that relate to that case in this word search. Or this cop had this idea and found this himself
Starting point is 00:15:04 and made up an, like a fake person who sent this word search in, you know, it could be any of those things. But that's that's kind of the vibe. And to back it up. Another piece of the thing that was sent over was this thing that BTK had that was like a list and the X's sometimes represent murders that he did in those states. And it's like a list of things that of like things that he did that he wrote. Right. And so some of the murders and stuff that he wrote actually are in Oklahoma,
Starting point is 00:15:33 which is where this is, and kind of like connect him to being in the area at the time. So it's just like a new piece of evidence that some cops are working on that connects BTK to an unsolved case in Oklahoma. Kind of interesting. It's cool. I cannot stress. We must include this on the subreddit because this is some of the most nonsensical goofy
Starting point is 00:15:56 stuff I've ever seen. I understand where you're coming from, but this is the worst way to get your idea across I've ever seen in my entire life. To the person the worst way to get your idea across. I've ever seen my entire like to the person who sent this in. It's nonsense. Yeah. I mean, there's a list of words at the bottom and it's just kind of like spelled out, but it really is poorly. It really is poorly laid out. And the quote is kind of weird too. It says, it's up to us to figure out everything that he gave us and put those together, connect the dots and then get the answers that we're looking for. We're still in the process of trying to evaluate that and put those together, connect the dots and then get the answers that we're looking for. We're still in the process
Starting point is 00:16:25 of trying to evaluate that and sending them out, trying to get some expert opinions on it to see what we can get. But it's pretty hard to get around the fact that Cindy Kenny's name is in there. So the reason I think it really is, it's interesting. I included this was because it kind of to me almost feels like it could be like a Dave Tosky kind of like evidence pointing towards a specific solution kind of thing. I don't know, like it's a pretty
Starting point is 00:16:50 old case. Like maybe he's trying to pin it on the BTK killer here by like kind of taking evidence and kind of like almost like doing like word numerology to make it make sense. I don't know. I just thought it was interesting because it popped up when I was looking for zodiac stuff and it kind of hit that same little note for me. So I thought that was interesting. Yeah, I think it's cool. It's fascinating. I mean, with the what else maybe maybe he fucking didn't is the cold case solver that he's been looking for.
Starting point is 00:17:18 I mean, this does. If it's easier for people. This is straight up on the front page of, which is in Oklahoma City TV station. So it's on the front page with an article, so that probably will give you more information on what they're thinking. There's really not that much to it besides what I said. The article's pretty short, but it's there, and you can kind of see a little bit more of what they were talking about. But it's real. I don't it doesn't seem that concrete to me, but I don't know if you're taking it as if it is.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Yeah, well, why don't I take us out of here with some science boys? Science, as I said earlier, alien stuff, UAP stuff, very fascinating when the world of science things seem to be going along rather nicely as well to bring us into a world where maybe this is all very possible for a long time. We've all known of warp drives warp drives been around basically since the 90s. It was originated by physicist Miguel Acubierre. We basically you know, we know it from Star Wars Star Trek thing. Let's go faster than light thing. Let's you travel the stars and insane speed all these early theoretical designs that actual physicists tried to maybe make a warp drive with, they all relied on what's known as exotic physics,
Starting point is 00:18:31 like negative energy, which is only theorized, but has never been observed in the real world. But a new study published in the journal Classical and Quantum Gravity details a concept that doesn't rely on physics breaking theories. In other words, it's a warp drive that theoretically operates within the bound, the known bounds of physics today. That's very exciting. Well, this study. Yeah, this study changes the conversation about warp drives. Lead author Jared Fox. I love his last name. It's F.U.C.H.S. Baby.
Starting point is 00:19:00 I don't know. Like high school bomber last name. That's all good. Yeah, great. It's like low-key great I love it big dick and it is air box, dude. Yeah. Yeah, he fucks Oh, yeah, Jared Fox is a senior scientist at the research firm Applied Physics Say and he said this in a press statement quote by demonstrating a first of its kind model We've shown that warp drives might not be relegated to science fiction. According to the team, this new concept uses a sophisticated blend of traditional and novel gravitational techniques to create a warp bubble that can transport objects at high speeds within the known bounds of physics.
Starting point is 00:19:34 This is known as a constant velocity subliminal warp drive. And as the paper described, the technique matches previously theoretical solutions, including those that were explored by Alcubierre, the guy who, the technique matches previously theoretical solutions, including those that were explored by Alcubierre, the guy who created the warp drive. But crucially, this concept stays within the known realms of physics.
Starting point is 00:19:51 The news comes only a few weeks after AP announced the creation of the Warp Factory, an online toolkit designed for researchers studying the physics and engineering of warp drives. And Christopher Helmrich, another senior scientist at AP, said this toolkit was a reality check for the warp drive research field and that according to its website, the company plans to offer up to $500,000 in grants for proposed research that does not rely on exotic
Starting point is 00:20:16 concepts such as negative energy or superliminal matter. So like they're like only funding things that are able to be done within what we now know as as as physics as we understand it now. Yeah, science. Yeah, exactly. They still say like this is a this is the first theoretical model that can be done within physics, but the design would still require obviously a considerable amount of energy, but it demonstrates that warp effects can be achieved without exotic forms of matter. These findings pave the way for the future reductions of warp drive energy requirements. So, yeah, we've got ourselves an actual weird little like potential warp drive being being made. I want to see if we can find maybe how it works on a different
Starting point is 00:20:57 website. But yeah, it's a curious how it actually works because that popular mechanics did not explain it. But yeah, the thoughts boys. I mean, I guess I don't know. how it actually works, because that popular mechanics did not explain it. But yeah, the thoughts boys. I mean, I guess I don't know enough. It's cool conceptually. Yeah, when I was a kid, when I was a kid, I used to think about warp drive all the time being real because I love Star Trek, right? But like, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:21:19 I never considered that I would ever live in the era of it. But I always used to think like, what about when AI like real AI comes out like I used to think I wouldn't see AI either yeah what about laser guns like late like military issue like laser rifles am I gonna be there for that am I gonna be there for spaceships and the fact that they're getting this close kind of just feels like maybe you know number one like we might get there before I, you know, die. And number two, maybe we're retro engineering this stuff back from UFO stuff. I mean, yeah, I don't want to.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not going to say that. I went to and they have a little bit better of a breakdown. They basically say the paper's abstract. The most simple way they can explain it is it involves combining a stable matter shell with a shift vector distribution that closely matches well-known warp drive solutions
Starting point is 00:22:14 such as the Alcubierre metric. And that while it's like, they're saying like, don't prepare for interstellar voyages. This is just the beginning of what could potentially lead us there. Has this been peer reviewed? I'm looking I'm literally looking at this came out right now. I don't know because that I mean if this is just a published thing until it's peer review.
Starting point is 00:22:39 It kind of is like, okay, cool idea. Let's see subjects cited journal reference. I don't know how to find out if it's peer reviewed or not. Yeah, I don't see it on. I'm looking at, uh, IOP science website. IOP has an art has the article and it, uh, yeah, it's been downloaded a bunch of times, but, um, I don't't necessarily see I assume if it just came out Five days ago. We got this article. Yeah, so this isn't so maybe it isn't reviewed yet. I don't know
Starting point is 00:23:14 Interesting yeah weird, but still like even so like it's fascinating that like we're there At least people are starting to try and put together models within our own physics, so we'll see hello fucking nose, dude It's exciting. That's it for us, though. Hiding a spaceship. It is. I think it's exciting as shit, dude. I think it's awesome. I'm very excited to see what's next in the world of just like space exploration. Me. Yeah, that's it for us, everybody.
Starting point is 00:23:37 We're out of here. We'll be back next week with a brand new mini. So we appreciate your support. Our page on dot com slash zoom in on a pod. Goodbye. Bye bye. Welcome to Minnesota 180. Hello, Minnesota 180. That's what we're here. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You went. Yeah. That's you digging deep for that. Yeah, I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Look, I'm just committed to this bit. How many times we've done this? 200 million times. We didn't start it with episode one, though. I don't know where it started as a thing, but yeah, over 100 episodes by now, I would say I would say over 100 episodes by now. You've said that people are going to leave and we've only gained more. That guttural male throat
Starting point is 00:24:23 hunch is what the people want from us on these smooth hand boys like us. My disdain today is for the watcher at home. Sorry listeners. I it's all in the eyes today. It's all in the eyes to work in a video store for seven and a half years. That's why my hands are so soft. You know, many times I read a bit blood in blood out. You guys want to hear my he went looking for your article. So, yeah, why don't you start? Here's OK. Every once in a while, I find a story on Reddit that is just like the most fucked up shit ever.
Starting point is 00:25:00 This one is from Let's Not Meet, but it like ends up in like a like Chaluminati scary game squad zone. Okay. It's an easy crossover between those two. This is from Yeehaw Batman. Great username. Yeehaw Batman. Yeehaw Batman. Yeah, it's called just had the creepiest experience of my life while camping. Here we go. I discovered this sub with my friend Julia, who is with me as I'm typing this out because we just got back from a camping trip where we experienced the scariest thing either of us has ever experienced. So Julia and I are both women in our early 20s, and we were out camping in a remote area of Montana that isn't super popular, but it's still fairly popular amongst locals who camp a lot like we do, which meant it wasn't super unusual when we saw a group of three guys who looked to be a little
Starting point is 00:25:50 older than us drive past our camp about an hour after we set up our chairs and table. We just assumed that they were searching for a good spot to camp. But then when the car was still in our sight through the trees, we saw it turn around, and as it was driving back, we both noticed one of the guys sticking his phone out the window and seemed to be recording us. Both of us thought it was really weird, and I walked a bit closer to take a picture of their license plate as a safety measure, but when I got closer, I saw that the back plate had all the numbers covered with black paint.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Julie and I both got bad vibes from this. Yeah, but both of us are aware that men are creeps towards women all the time, and both of us are prepared with bear spray because Montana is grizzly bear country, and we decided it wasn't a weird enough interaction to pack our stuff and find a different spot. We just decided to put up an empty tent outside and sleep in my car instead to trick people into thinking we were sleeping in the tent if they tried to attack us. Later that night, when both of us were asleep in my car, we heard branches rustling and snapping outside by the empty tent, despite the fact that it
Starting point is 00:27:00 wasn't windy. Originally, we assumed it was a bear trying to climb up to the bear hang with our food and scented hygiene products. Then we heard male voices outside, and I lifted my head up to the window and saw the same car that passed us earlier. I got off the air mattress on top of the back row of seats that we put down to make an area for us to sleep and locked the doors individually so my car wouldn't make a beeping noise. Julia and I stayed still and hoped that the men would leave. For a while we heard them talking, but it was hard to make out what they say from inside the car. We heard more rustling and branches snapping, which made us think they were trying to steal something from the bear hang,
Starting point is 00:27:40 which was weird, but neither of us wanted to actually look out the window in case one of them spotted us. Eventually, we heard the car leave, which was a huge relief, but we were too freaked out to actually leave the car until it was light outside and campers nearby would be waking up. When I got out of the tent, nothing could have prepared me for what I saw. Above our tent, the men had hung a dead deer that was obviously killed recently because it was leaking blood everywhere on top of our tent. The internal organs were ripped out and its limbs were cut off and laid out in a circle around the tent. This is messed up on its own, but hunting permits aren't even being sold right now,
Starting point is 00:28:22 which means that the deer was killed illegally to do whatever it is that these guys did. As soon as we processed what we were looking at, Julia and I freaked out and drove away without taking down our camp. Once we were in service, Julia called the police and Forest Service to report what happened while I drove home. Forest Service was nice enough to get our stuff for us, but I don't even want mine back in case there's like some weird curse on it or something. The police are looking into it to charge a fine for killing Wild Game during the offseason. But as far as I know, what they did to us technically isn't illegal. It's just really creepy. I haven't heard of anything like this before. But if you have, let me know. I'm very curious and very spooked. I love camping so much. But after this, I don't know if I can camp for a long time.
Starting point is 00:29:09 The end. Yeah, it's creepy. Do they take photos of it? Do they, I mean, like it's a good story. Absolutely creepy. But like they had their camera, right? We're gonna take photos of the, surely they would have taken a photo
Starting point is 00:29:20 to then show the cops, right? There's people saying pics or it didn't happen. There's people saying, I'm glad you stayed safe. There's people saying this 100% did not happen. You know, there's a lot of different ones. I was going to say the thing that I was, I was hoping for is they would have hit the triple super in the beginning. They said super word twice and I was hoping hit the triple super. In the beginning, they said super word twice and I was hoping for a triple super. That's how I always know something's fake. If someone goes, it was super scary. I was hoping I was really hoping for a triple super. It was big
Starting point is 00:29:57 scary. It felt good. It felt real to me. I it's just creepy enough to be like plausible without making me feel like it was benign like it feels like it was you're right then it's like Scary Game Squad though. It's very horror story II like You know, why do that? Wouldn't they have noticed blood over the tent or like the drip overnight or them putting stuff up there? There's a lot of like structural elements or them putting stuff up there. There's a lot of like structural elements. Well, here's the Batman. Here's that. Here's an update from OP on an additional note, as
Starting point is 00:30:29 many people have pointed out in the comments is that if you see something sketchy while camping, get the fuck out. I definitely wasn't as cautious as I should have been, especially because I'm a young woman. And sadly, camping for us has the added risk of men like this. I genuinely don't know what they even wanted to do because the police told us there was nothing that they that indicated that they tried to unzip the tent since we had a knot tied around the zippers from inside and they were still intact and there was no outside damage. It's almost most more scary that they didn't try to break in since it makes their intentions less clear and their actions even more bizarre somehow.
Starting point is 00:31:01 even more bizarre somehow. I mean, it's weird, but yeah, I don't think it changed. Much like, again, still great, scary story. I it doesn't have the ring of truth, though, just on a technical level. You think you think it's too complicated? Like what they did was hoist a deer carcass above the tent so it dripped blood on the tent all night, which they would have noticed that the stench alone of the intestines. Well, they were in the tent. They were in a truck next to the tent. But also women. Oh, I mean like women saying I should have been more careful yet. In the beginning saying as
Starting point is 00:31:49 women, we know men are creeps. Like I, as Jesse Cox, if I saw a bunch of dudes driving by with a license plate that was black and they're taking photos of me, I would have left right then. I would have just left. I would have walked over and like, you got a better angle. Hang on. Let me help. Yeah. I don't, part of me almost thinks this is gonna be like our video game comes out this fall. Yeah. Yeah, yeah Well ARG viral marketing campaign. It's a good story though. I get the solid story I you know we've talked about this on this show. I got creeped out by force people So I get it can happen to anyone. I slept in a car too once. Princess J buttercup says, uh,
Starting point is 00:32:28 as a young female who loves to backpack in camp, this would be a total nightmare. However, a people can be creeps, but that's an awful lot of effort to scare you without actually doing anything to you or your car. Right? There's no way they wouldn't realize you weren't in the tent. And once realizing this, why wouldn't they bother to check your car? See, you were cognizant enough to make a decoy with your tent and sleep in the car, but you weren't in the tent and once realizing this, why wouldn't they bother to check your car? C. You were cognizant enough to make a decoy with your tent and sleep in the car, but you weren't triggered enough to leave?
Starting point is 00:32:50 That makes zero sense. D. If this happened in the last decade, any 20 something female would have their phone at the ready. You took in all the details of the blood in the guts, but no pictures with two of you there not buying it. Did the Forest Service police talk about the bloody tent at all? This would be shocking for them to see too, and not something they would shrug off. This deer carcass was fresh, somebody would have heard gunshots. And either they came prepared with this fresh deer carcass already dressed in guts out or they dress the deer at your site. Either way, it takes time and effort and noise and lots of blood. Again, no way they thought you slept through this, even if all they did was hang a deer carcass about your tent. And then the last one is you tied the inside of your tent zippers from the outside for
Starting point is 00:33:31 your decoy tent. Please edit your story to make it more believable and repost in no sleep. This doesn't belong here. I will say another thing that I thought was interesting is in the story, she's like, it's a place where people don't go, but they do go. And we wait, we wanted to wait till there was daylight because we wanted other campers to like, we wanted if they could see us. So they were clearly in sight range of other campers. and if they were in voice range
Starting point is 00:34:07 What they just loudly scream like these guys are Kill us Surely no one's sleeping through that. I don't know. It's a lot of like No, they buy this Fair it's a nice story. Yeah great story. It's a good story. It's creepy. Yeah All right, I'm gonna bring reality to the show now if you don't mind boys You look at math is with the fucking heel turn on the believing stuff. That's slightly about to bring up some UFOs So oh reality. Yeah, yeah, so We all as time has gone on
Starting point is 00:34:39 The aro under James Kirkpatrick has been very, very, very interesting to see kind of unfold. One of the more recent, two of the more recent things that have happened is prior to the ARO or right as the ARO was getting set up, a few people claimed that there was like a secret, not a secret meeting, but like a behind door, like skip style meeting of a bunch of important people in the government with Kirkpatrick being present, talking about what is actually going on. And Kirkpatrick vocally, talking about what is actually going on. And Kirkpatrick, not vocally, publicly on social media and whatnot, said, that's not true.
Starting point is 00:35:11 I was never there. There's no such thing as one of those meetings happening. In response to that, a few days later, one of the people that was at the meeting leaked a photo that shows Kirkpatrick sitting at the table with everybody that was supposed to be there talking to somebody. So that happened, and that kind of like threw a lot under like, you know, for Kirkpatrick, it's just a lot of weird things that are just, he's lying about things and I don't understand the purpose other than the fact
Starting point is 00:35:32 that he's currently working for the department of energy. So it's like, you know, I have the conspiracy can follow, but that's not what we're here for. We mentioned that because not only us, but both sides of the aisle in Congress are really just like pissed about how ARO went down under Kirkpatrick. They got nothing. Like Kirkpatrick didn't investigate like the Nimitz case or anything that was beyond Title 50, as we've talked about in the past, and it just didn't do what it was supposed to do. So recently, this article came out a few days ago within the Senate on May 22nd, 2024, the Senate Intelligence Committee had passed an FY 25 Intelligence Authorization Act. This act includes increased oversight over the AARO, among many other things that are authorizes, but it's particularly the things that it does with the AARO and the AARO's and the Air Force's immediate response after it goes into effect.
Starting point is 00:36:23 The press release for this notes that the act authorizes funding for the Intelligence Committee to focus on key areas. One of those provisions, quote, requires a government accountability office, a GAO, review of all domain anomaly research office regarding unidentified anomalous phenomena reporting to the federal agency coordination. So now they're setting up an office that's for the Senate and Congress to get this information instead of it just going from the ARO to the Pentagon and having like no oversight in between because that's what it was doing before. There was no Senate or congressional oversight. There are also a few other points that are interesting to note.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Quote, reforms, it reforms management of controlled access programs to improve congressional oversight because there are concerns about these controlled access programs that these whistleblowers are coming from talking about like Rush, maintain strong congressional oversight of and enhances protection for IC whistleblowers. So even more protection for people coming forward.
Starting point is 00:37:18 It requires the IC to establish an IC wide policy authorizing a program for contractor-based sensitive compartmented information facilities to improve public-private cooperation on technology innovation. This right here is directly Lockheed, Raytheon, like the people that contractor-based shit that we keep hearing is going on.
Starting point is 00:37:42 And there's an interesting history of oversight through all this, but there's two more pieces I wanted to bring up. I have them here. These two I find kind of really interesting. The article notes in part once the GAO launched its inquiry, what ended up happening was the Air Force officials suddenly found documents, not in the National Archives, but in their files. Like the minute the GAO showed up, all of a sudden they have these things. The issue is, they issued a short report last September claiming that the debris from Roswell
Starting point is 00:38:16 was part of Project Mogul. A GAO investigator said they didn't believe UFOs were involved with Roswell, but quote, we do believe that something did happen at Roswell, something big. We don't know if it was a plane that crashed with a nuclear device on it, or if it was some other experimental situation, but everything we've seen so far points to an attempt
Starting point is 00:38:34 on the part of the Air Force to lead anybody that looks in on this down another track, end quote. So that's from their investigations, which is crazy. And then the Washington Post has an article going into this as well. And this little part here goes, well, our sources say the Air Force has been less than forthcoming. The GAO may not make the case in its upcoming report, especially since it might imply that the GAO believes a UFO landed at Roswell.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Quote, we will tend to err on the side of not fueling UFO theories. End quote. One GAO official explained. Why? The other part that happened during this is Greenwald, the guy who's in charge of the He's a big FOIA guy. We talked about him last week how we accidentally got documents that he wasn't supposed to get proving Elizondo was in charge of ATIP and all that shit.
Starting point is 00:39:17 We talked about that a few weeks ago rather in the Minnesota. Another thing happened after this went through and he suddenly got a bunch of documents that he asked for that he initially got a response of years ago saying that they were destroyed. And he just got them all about a Japanese airliner, UFO encounter over international waters. And he not only got them all, he immediately released them.
Starting point is 00:39:37 He got them like yesterday, the day before. And he shows like they got an email saying they were told they were destroyed, they don't exist. They don't exist anymore. And now suddenly they're here and suddenly they have them. And Greenwald is like really starting because the key was on the side for a long time. And I had like I didn't say I beat with them, but like he was very much on the side of the government and FOIA requests. And ever since the past couple of weeks where like they accidentally confirmed things that they were telling him didn't exist. And now this he's been pressing really fucking hard.
Starting point is 00:40:06 And it's really interesting to watch. But this is all just happened over the past three days. And it's all kind of like quietly reported. But it's fucking weird, man. It's not that sexy, but it actually is kind of like more the kind of stuff that we're talking about. Like it's the bureaucratic compartmentalization that keeps it all crazy. And the fact that there's a quote saying the Air Force literally leads anybody
Starting point is 00:40:24 down another track that Tries to look into this shit. That's what they do that for that. Of course. They do it for other things Yeah, so that's I believe I leave that on your thing You have final thoughts on that boys, but that's what I bring to you today a little bit of an update on that There's actually some oversight happening. They bring up contractors. They bring up Roswell. They bring up Kirkpatrick just lying like it's just crazy This is kind of like more like what I thought it was going to look like when this went down. You know what I mean? Right. Yeah. I don't know what it means for AARO moving into the with its new person in charge instead of Kirkpatrick. I don't know how much, but at least now there's
Starting point is 00:40:56 a stop gap between the AARO and the Pentagon. And it's not just them overwatching themselves and saying there's nothing happening here. That's true's the GAO was the minute it was like arrived. They're like, oh, by the way, these Air Force documents, they actually do exist. Here you go. Like, here's a bunch of them and other things that they gave the Congress and stuff. It's just like. Ridiculous. It feels like so silly and obvious that it's like not real, but it is. It's mundane. It's it's like it is. It's the type of stuff that you would see with any government
Starting point is 00:41:26 bureaucratic nonsense dumb nonsense. Yeah makes yeah, I know I don't know. What are you about you? Jesse got final thoughts on it? I mean, I hope it becomes something for you, but me too. Well, I hope you get something out of it It becomes something for the earth. All right. Yeah, I mean like right now. It's it's still a non thing like it's Bureaucratic nonsense nonsense which is nothing new that's uh like i hope it turns into something for you i would love it's just the thing it's something cool from this but it sounds like it's going to be another we'll have another talk and another couple of months about how nothing happened but now something may happen but let's be like okay here we go again is the the thing that I'm most like, come on, is just like suddenly
Starting point is 00:42:05 to suppose and destroy documents are suddenly in existence. It's like, oh, okay, great. So like, what are you actually like giving us? You know, nothing. Like nothing. What are we getting out of this? Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Who knows? Yeah. Anyway, that's what I bring. Jesse, I like it too. I think it's valuable. I just I hope it leads to like the slow walk of whatever like disclosure. Even if disclosure is an alien's disclosure is we don't know what these things are. They're just out there in our airspace. We know this for they're never going to admit that. Let's just say it feels what it feels more like honesty to me. It's like not it's not since I was by accident because like they weren't supposed to send Greenwald those emails.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Initially, they literally like acknowledge that and then these were like destroyed. It's not even like they're doing it on purpose. They just fucked up themselves into the truth. Right. God damn it. That's so right. Like the truth only came out because somebody fucked up somewhere and sent things they weren't supposed to write like this. So this is like all right cool. Anyway, maybe there's somebody on the inside Who's like young? I'm gonna say was it a mistake. Yeah, that's what I wonder is like. I wonder if the person is Yeah, Jesse tie us up. What'd you bring for us?
Starting point is 00:43:18 Oh, I'm about to tie you up in the world of coast to coast a.m. This is from coast to coast It's about the world of coast to coast AM. This is from coast to coast. Um it's about the topic of longevity escape velocity. And this is a theory that soon we may reach the point. What does that mean? Where aging is optional? Yes. Oh, whatever.
Starting point is 00:43:41 No, just take everything about to say with a grain of salt. I swear to you, I swear. I don't believe any of this but like let me put something out there. Hang on. I just saw a video about ways that like science is looking into being able to stop whatever it is in the cells that causes it to age and you know, worse and over time and they can do it. They can do it. The issue is it like it doesn't come scot-free. The issue is also makes cancer immortal and like you will just get cancer much faster If you start using it because it makes cancer You like except where you die you're dead. You're dead space pool. Like you're not Deadpool great So here's a dead pool of gooey decode decomposing mass anyway so eternal youth seekers and investors alike are getting like very excited about the concept of longevity escape velocity, which is basically borrowing his name from escape velocity. And it's basically objects can and you know, escape velocity is like,
Starting point is 00:44:40 you know, objects can and at a certain speed defy gravity's pull. And so this is saying that we can defy the entropy within ourselves. Interesting. So scientists and their funders, which again, let me just be clear. That's where I'm going with this angle. Scientists and their funders believe that maybe even by 2030, we can start seeing signs of anti-aging tech. And as we get better at rejuvenating ourselves, we may improve the quality of our lives so exponentially
Starting point is 00:45:09 that people will increasingly see their life expectancy increase more and more and more and more and more, almost approaching a near-immortal state, or so the theory goes. It's kind of like how we all imagine aliens or advanced societies where like, I have lived for a thousand years. We'll all be elves at that point. Right. Even people you consider as like very real scientists feel this could be a thing. George Church,
Starting point is 00:45:35 a geneticist at Harvard says that, you know, this is something we could reach in our lifetime. And there's a lot of people at the longevity vision fund, which are saying the exact same thing. But I just want to stress again, they're all saying we can do this if we had the money or we had the right funding, which is true. I mean, across the board, money can buy anything and it can solve a lot of problems. A lot of the big diseases and issues that we have,
Starting point is 00:46:07 people are throwing a lot of money at it and now more than ever, we are solving a lot of medical issues. It's insane because there's a lot of people who are like, well, I don't wanna get treated because that's the government trying to kill me or whatever, which is bonkers, but you know, sure, we'll get polio again, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Anyway, the thing that I think is interesting though, is that it definitely taps into this sort of billionaire thing where they're basically saying, Hey, old billionaires, give us your money, please. And first off, honestly, fuck them. I think let those old bastards give us all the money they have to make these things happen. They'll have died and and will reap the award. So I'm here for it. But also I think that it's one of those things where it really plays on the fear of death and when you talk to people who are either in the circles with real rich people or are really rich people or have family members who are really rich
Starting point is 00:47:04 Everything they talk about is related to living longer. They are obsessed with the concept of either one, making sure that their name stays present forever. Yep. Or two trying to live as long as they can. This is one of those things that even long ago when they were like, okay, we can't live forever, but maybe one day we can. So I want you to freeze my body. Spoiler. There's been articles lately that all those people that froze themselves are liquid do now. That is so gross. Yeah. So, you know, but they stress, apparently this is the thing they
Starting point is 00:47:37 stress so much about how they only, they have infinite wealth. They make, you know, they have all this power and privilege, but they just won't live forever. And they won't get to experience that forever and messes with them. And so, you know, their whole existence as like the ultra wealthy is how do I live longer? How do I live longer to make more money? How do I live longer to spend all that money? How to live longer to like enjoy the pleasures of the world. And they're obsessed with that stuff. And I feel like this is a lot of playing into that obsession. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:48:06 The scientists are like, sure, yeah, no, we can do that if you give us money, which again, awesome. Fine. Take that money. I don't give a shit. But it definitely plays on that. And I think it's super weird that it that's the immediate thing I get because I just have seen so many articles and stories about like, yeah, they bought their 12th boat and they really don't have anything left to do except like, try to live longer with their 12 boats. And it definitely puts a barrier between like everyone else is trying to get by and people who are like, how can I live like a God on my floating space station? He reminds me of Guy Pearson Prometheus. Yeah, yeah, it's literally what it is. Same thing with, um, when you look at people like Elon Musk, his whole thing is like, I want to make a space world and I want to like get a private island. Zuckerberg is like, I have a compound on an island so I can survive the end of the world.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Like, this is all they care about. And so it's fascinating to me that that's the target. These scientists are like, yeah, no, sure. We can use AI. We can use all this stuff. Just give us the money, please. Fancy words, fancy words, fancy words. Pay me. Let me stress like, yeah, okay. Because we have as a collective society benefited from all of the scientific things that are going like go back two generations. They had your grandparents had it rough y'all. They had a little better shoot. Yeah. You go like four generations. Even crazier. So the idea that they're again, this is off topic, but the idea. There's some people who are like, I say we return to struggling like y'all, you know, shut up.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Like why, like what, what the fuck does that mean? I don't understand that. Why do you want like to, after having had a hardship, why do you want everyone else to have had that hardship? That's insane. Freud, baby. That's the same thing with that. You're not getting your student. Yeah. That's insane. John Freud, baby. That's the same thing with paying student loans or dealing with Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:09 Yeah, it's a generational trauma. If anything, you should be like, I never want anyone else to experience this. It sucks. Because you understand. But I've come to believe that there is a significant portion of society, I'd say 40 50% of the world just does not have the capacity for empathy. Yeah. And I don't know what that is. I don't know how that happens. I don't know where you get that from. I don't know if it's nature versus nurture. There's definitely like a vibe where I need to get mine and I don't care about anybody else.
Starting point is 00:50:42 And it isn't until, man, I'm down. I was beat so bad that Now I do care. It's like well Okay, sure, dude. Yeah realization of compassion and empathy having it to have done to you first, but in theory We'll see something soon the tests They're running right now are on mice and trying to get mice to live an extra year of healthy life Instead of just like an extra year, which apparently they can make mice live a long time But they become sort of like that monkey paw version of long life where you're like
Starting point is 00:51:17 Yeah, okay, Jesse, what do we what's happening first? Longest like infinite immortality or alien disclosure? Ooh, I would think I'm putting money on me. We would cracking genetic code and living longer would make aliens more interested. I'm thinking it's like a first contact situation. Like we either have to do warp travel, something big. We got to do something from Cochran where the aliens were like, damn, we overcome the restrictions of 3D existence in space time
Starting point is 00:51:46 by stopping the aging process, therefore separating ourselves from time and space altogether. Yeah. And we're ready for fourth dimensional traversal. I think that they would show up and be like, do you think they only heard me say that? To the Federation.
Starting point is 00:51:57 Yeah, like, I figured it out. Come get me. Here's that. Yeah. Well, last question. We figure out immortality. You taking it? It depends. I have a feeling that if we do crack immortality, it's still just gonna be for the super rich and everyone else is gonna be like a grunt. And I would rather go out in a blaze of glory taking one of those assholes with me You know what I mean? Like yeah, I want to Elysium that shit like if I had a choice Yeah, I'm gonna kill you and me at the same time
Starting point is 00:52:35 Although that's in theory I could be one of those soup like what if I became one of those wealthy guys Then I would drape myself like an old Egyptian King wealthy guys then I would drape myself like an old Egyptian king. Like a pharaoh of old. Like I was the dude in Stargate and I'd have homelanders. Oh yeah. You'd be homelander? No I'd be I'd be kind of like a raw from Stargate and I'd have like a mask and I'd like touch kids heads and shake them till their brains melted. Oh yeah that, that'd be great. I'd be like, you defy me. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I'd be a villain, obviously. And I'd expect one of you two to be like, I got to take him out of leasing style, which is fine. I see him, Jesse guys. At least you understand right now that you've said those words. So if and when it happens,
Starting point is 00:53:20 you will not be surprised. That means you'll be prepared. prepared and if anything I would be I'd take off my mask and be like finally Someone has come to end it right cuz I've lived for like a thousand years and I'll be like Take me To the death and I'd be like if you kill me you deserve to kill me It'd be one of us it's a win-win really for you because if you die you want it and if you don't well I get to be keep the most powerful person in the world And if we have some sort of apocalypse situation I could do like, you know my New Vegas vibe where I'm like Welcome to the greatest broth of all Cox's live show it gets freaky over here
Starting point is 00:54:00 For some reason why do you have Brain how often do you think about this? Often I'm ready for any end-of-the-world situation In reality, I'm a pirate. I thought about that. I'd be a pirate in one of them like an ocean one We're gonna be way closer to Mad Max though. So like have you thought about what kind of mad max I'd be Demented would you be Dementus? No, I'd be more like That one dude people eater whoever's name is who has the fake nose like a nipple clamps. Yeah, I'll be like that guy Eater all right. Yes his name
Starting point is 00:54:31 Fury Road on a plane I've seen that movie, okay But the only time I've seen it as well is just on the plane The absolute best way to experience I have thought about this. That's not even a joke. I'm ready. If you were like, what will make Alex furious? How, how will I make him furious in viewing the movie? What way should I watch it to make it as bad as possible? Is it better or worse? They were like through skull candy headphones. I mean, actually I like cause I think that's the logo of the steering wheel in that movie it's a skull yeah so I feel like that's fine the
Starting point is 00:55:10 skull candy logo I'm pretty sure that's it all right as long as we do this I will forever torch you with how I've seen movies in the past all All right. Aesthetic is so strong without even he doesn't even really know what the aesthetic is. And yet he's so on brand of himself every time. This is how I've lived my life. All right. I'll see you guys.
Starting point is 00:55:40 We'll see you guys next week. Thank you so much for supporting us. Was that a question? You're like, I'll see you next week. I guess I might. I don't know, Alex might be like, yeah, he might not come back. He might be too offended. At least I'll get to see Fire in the Sky soon with you guys.
Starting point is 00:55:54 So that'll be a lot of fun. I'm here for that, yeah. Alright, thank you guys so much for supporting us here. is our true mind pod. We love you, we'll see you next week. Bye. Bye.

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