Chilluminati Podcast - MidWeek Minisode - AI Necromancers

Episode Date: August 21, 2024

Welcome to our brand new WEEKLY Minisode Installment! Mike, Jesse and Alex tackles some of the weirder stuff in the news. (Minisodes 132 and 133 on Patreon) MERCH - Special thanks to our sponsors this episode - All the lovely people at Patreon! HTTP://PATREON.COM/CHILLUMINATIPOD Jesse Cox - Alex Faciane - Editor - DeanCutty Art Commissioned by -

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wha an episode on a Wednesday could it be true? Why yes? Yes, it is true My little Chiluminati and thanks to everybody over at slash Chiluminati pod We have now been doing mini sodes for years And we love to get a mini so compilation out there whenever we can't get a regular episode out there our patreon ended up Still about a year and some months ahead of where the mini so compilations currently sit We'd like that ideally to be about three months. So moving forward, you're going to be seeing every single Wednesday either one or two minisodes, and this will be happening forever. Ideally we'll be doing about two minisodes every Wednesday until we're about three months behind the Patreon, and from there every Wednesday you're going to get
Starting point is 00:00:39 a minisode. So more Chaluminati in your life whether you like it or not, and thank you to everybody over at slash Chaluminati pod for supporting us and right now if you want like a year and a half's worth of extra mini sodes head over to slash Chaluminati pod And I'm happy to have you all here. Hey. I don't even know if there is someone. There's no Jesse to stop us today. And I'm happy to have you all here. Hey. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome back to the Minizone.
Starting point is 00:01:31 We're out here. It's just you and me, Alex. It's just you and me. That's OK. It's intimate, personable. Yeah, it's kind of a different vibe. I'm going to pause my serial retelling of the sequel to The Green Stone. Good call.
Starting point is 00:01:45 So that Jesse can be here. Yeah, he definitely wants that. Yeah, I wanna make sure that he doesn't miss a single bit of it. And I didn't know that we were gonna be recording in this weird way this week, so it's okay. But I brought a ghost story for you. Oh, okay, I'm ready to hear this ghost story.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Yeah, so this is from, I found it through Mysterious Universe, but it's a radio show called endless thread And it's about this woman in Georgia named Kelly, which is spelled just like my fiance Kelly ke LL IE and she has a daughter a young girl named Madison who's like I think three years old when the story starts and She You know how kids have imaginary friends that they play with? It's just a normal thing that kind of happens and it's creepy, always, but always, always, always when a kid is talking to something that's not there.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Oh, that's just like horror movies were born. Yeah. And so this is years later, Madison, the three year old in the story. She said this about his appearance now that she's older. And so this for you to read. I don't remember seeing him for the first time. All I can remember is just him being there. I remember one time I had a little table and chair sitting in my room and I would make Play-Doh sandwiches for me and him, or I would build towers and knock them
Starting point is 00:03:02 down because he thought it was funny. I remember him being tall kind of like, kind of, he kind of felt like a father figure to me. Kinda he felt like my dad. He had like a beard. He wasn't that old. He was like in his 40s. He was always wearing work clothes like outside clothes. Yeah, so at first, you know, Kelly was feeling similar to how a lot of people probably feel where you're like, is there like a man coming into my house and hanging out with my daughter?
Starting point is 00:03:31 Is there like a molester person coming? But then she realized like, one day she was like, where is he? And she was like, he's here with us right now. And she was like, where? And like, she points to nothing. She's like right there in the corner. And so it gave her like some relief at first, I guess. But basically the things that she started doing started getting so weird
Starting point is 00:03:59 that she couldn't like, like just let it be bygones anymore. Now it's like it's harder and harder to ignore. It started with this song that she started singing that she didn't know what she kept asking her daughter where she got the song or what it was and she said she she learned it and that that that Cal that Callum, Callum had had had taught it to her. So here's that.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Here's another quote. I had never heard the song before this thing apparently dates back to the turn of the century. And one day she started to sing it. And she was so little that I couldn't make out like a melody to it. It was just words. And so as she would sing it, I tried to catch onto what she was saying,
Starting point is 00:04:36 but she really couldn't talk all that well. She was barely three years old. And so she had a babysitter, and I asked the babysitter one day, I was like, hey, can you give me the words to the song? You know, is it on a CD? Or how is she hearing this so that I can help her sing it? And we can sing it together. And the babysitter is like, No, I thought you guys taught her that
Starting point is 00:04:55 song. I've never taught her that song. I don't know what she's saying either. And so I went home later on that night and she started it again. And I said, Maddie, you know where that you are hearing that song from? Where'd you hear it? She's like, oh, Callum taught it to me. He sings it to his baby. It's called Daisy Bell. And I found it years and years later
Starting point is 00:05:13 when a coworker told me about it. Isn't that crazy? That's creepy. That's very weird. So that freaked her out. It's like a song that her mom had never heard that she was playing. And she started to listen in on her daughter on the baby monitor and she would just hear her talking to no one.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Like she would just hear her talking and then there'd just be like a pause as if that person was talking. And just it sounded to her like conversations and she would hear loud sounds coming over the baby monitor. And then Madison would be like, stop it, Kellam, which is like creepy. Even if she's the one, even if she's the one doing it, it's creepy because it's like she's creating this like mischief personality. Right. And so now she's starting to get truly freaked out and as I would be too. Yeah. And so here's another quote from Madison as a kid explaining how it was as things started to get like a little bit more serious with with with what was happening. And like her mom was taking it more serious.
Starting point is 00:06:17 So my mom took the globe off of my light to change the light and she didn't put it back up. And that was when I started noticing the tapping. I could hear something tapping on the light bulb at night in the room. Just tap, tap, tap, tap. Just over and over and over and over again. And then there was the TV, one of the old school ones that had a button you had to pull out to turn on.
Starting point is 00:06:36 I had one of those TVs. Oh yeah, classic. That was when I played, I think I played my 360 on a TV like that well before I ever had an HDTV. That's the dial that everybody's talking about. Yeah, and the TV would literally turn on in the middle of the night. The power button would be pulled out, it would be engaged.
Starting point is 00:06:52 It was either static or it was the star-spangled banner. It was very poltergeisty, it really is. It wasn't until I was older and saw that movie that I was like, oh gosh, I know what's about to happen. I remember trying to explain it to my mom and she just kept dismissing it. She was like, you're just sleepwalking. You don't know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Stop making up stories, you're scaring your cousins. Nobody's gonna wanna come play with you because you're weird. So she kept an eye on her daughter and this imaginary friend basically, and as time went on, her daughter started to get really mean and having tantrums. Uh oh. and she finally got to the point where she was like, what is the deal? What's the wrong? What's wrong with you? And she said, Kellan was keeping her up at night when she was trying to sleep. And apparently, what had happened is that up until now, he'd been nice, but he's become meaner and meaner. And he doesn't want her to go to bed ever. And that he wants to just keep talking at all hours, like he doesn't want to be alone.
Starting point is 00:07:49 And when he and when she fell asleep, he would like, like, bug her to wake her back up and bother her and that he started to look more like a like mean skeleton look to his face more than he did before. And she was getting more and more afraid of him. And then one night, she woke up to her daughter screaming in terror. And then here's another quote to keep the story moving. Yep. I heard her screaming and not like a bad dream scream
Starting point is 00:08:18 or I need you to come here scream. This was a terrified scream. I jumped up, I opened my bedroom door. She's hanging over the baby gate, trying to get over it as fast as she could screaming for me. Mommy help me mommy help me. I run through the house I go to pick her up. I pick her up over the baby gate and she's just she's inconsolable. She's screaming. I'm scared and I look in the curtains in her room are blowing. And when I say blowing I don't mean they're just kind of like drifting in the breeze from maybe the heater or the AC. They were blowing as if the window were open, a big gust of wind were blowing through the window, but the window wasn't open. She was scared. I was scared. This is not okay. This is wrong. We need to get out of here. So I grabbed her. I'm in my pajamas. I have bare feet. She's in a nightgown. We leave the house. It was freezing cold outside and we had no coats. We had no shoes. It was just that scary.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Yeah. So apparently she said that kelem had got really mad at her and grabbed her wrist and pulled her hair and they didn't go home that night. So she stayed over at her best friend's house. Possessive. Like it becomes possessive. Yeah. And they were in the Bible Belt. So like, they were worried they were going to start getting stigmatized by having like weird unholy shit happening at their house.
Starting point is 00:09:27 So then she decided to reach out for help. And her father-in-law was a pastor. And like I said, she's trying to keep it kind of, you know, low key because he was not into this. He like did not like the idea of this going on. And he would like actually actually preach against it. And so finally she called him and was like, I need your help.
Starting point is 00:09:49 And he was like, do not go back home, not till you hear from me. So two hours later, he calls back and says, you can go home now. You don't have to worry about anything else. Go back, but we need to have a chat. And so she thinks she's gonna go get reamed by this dude like making him get up in the middle of the night or whatever. Oh, yeah. No. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:09 I feel like this is like we got to talk about what happened. Yeah. And apparently the whole house was like the door was like anointed with oil with a cross crosses everywhere. And there was like oil all over the place, which was like she was like freaked out by how like hardcore it seemed for something that she thought was he was going to like not take that seriously. And it's weird, but they never had an issue with it again. And so she started to wonder about kelem and what the hell kelem was about. So she went to And here's one last little quote to round out the tale. I only thought you could look up the family names on, but you can actually do property searches
Starting point is 00:10:54 on that thing too. And so we put in my property, and we also put in property around, probably within, I would say, a good half a mile of my home. And what we found out was that the property that was adjacent to ours in 1941, it was bought by the Beasley family. Pam Beasley's ancestry right there.
Starting point is 00:11:11 The office, yeah, on the television show, the only show. Thank you, yeah, exactly. And the thing that just absolutely made my blood run cold was when we pulled up the property history and we found out that the man who bought the property in 1941, his name was Callum Beasley. But not in the way that she had been spelling it, which is K-E-L-L, but C-A-L-L-U-M. I just got goose bumps. His name was Callum Beasley. Callum. Sounds a lot like Kellum.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Probably even more so to a three-year-old. I just thought it was an odd name, so when I saw, so then when I saw that actual name come up in the search for the property I'd swear I felt every bit of the blood drain out of my face but there's something even more chilling about Callum Beasley he had five children the youngest name was Madeline she died when she was three years old the same age Madison was when Callum showed up and it almost makes me wonder was this his way of connecting to something? Did he just think of this kid was his kid? There was just too much of a coincidence for us not to sit up and take notice as like,
Starting point is 00:12:11 okay, this is a little more than a coincidence at this point. Yeah, and they reached out to some of the family over there. No dice, no, they had no interest. They were like, you're crazy making up stories about my dead relatives like this, what the hell? And yeah, so that's that little ghost story. That's from the show Endless Thread at WBR.
Starting point is 00:12:35 You check that out anytime you want. I feel like your story is going to have more weight to it than even my story. And that's saying something being a ghost story, because I was made aware of this article today, thanks to Tim of Legend over on Twitter. Good old Tim. than even my story and that's saying something being a ghost story because I was made aware of this article today. Thanks to Tim of legend over on Twitter. Good old Tim.
Starting point is 00:12:48 And he was right. The more I read it the more insane it gets. So this comes from town talk, which I've never heard of until this time, but let me read through this. Researcher says there are Sasquatches among us. It's simply a matter of paying attention. All right, Alex. You're just not looking hard enough Okay, let me explain why
Starting point is 00:13:09 This is in Kistachi. I probably pronounced that wrong National Forest No matter where Claude goes he can sense when there's a Sasquatch around He wasn't conscious of it in earlier in his life when he was busy working and raising a family But even then he always knew Sasquatches existed. I like a man of conviction. You know, he knows what he believes in. He knows the truth. He always knew, I like that.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Yeah, that's like you and aliens. Yeah, yeah, well, you know, all right. I don't wanna be lumped in with people like Claude. That doesn't do me any favors, all right? There, he goes, continues, there are signs that Sasquatches are out there, said Claude, a Sasquatch researcher. They live all over Louisiana.
Starting point is 00:13:44 It's a matter of paying attention to your surroundings. And to avoid harassment and ridicule, Claude isn't disclosing his full name or the locations in Kastachee National Forest where he's been conducting his research for the last several years. But he likes to talk about the elusive creatures in hopes that it will be beneficial
Starting point is 00:14:00 in lessening the fear people might have of them. You might be asking, how does he know? Well, Clyde has been a our Claude has been able to communicate with them telepathically. Obviously, just like always, he's able to Yeah, like that's the reason you know, like the Sasquatches, he finds peace and healing being out in the forest where he loves to camp. But they talk about all kinds of things, including who they are, where they're from, and what their lifestyle is like. They are extremely intelligent. That's the one thing that people don't realize just how intelligent these creatures are.
Starting point is 00:14:32 They have a forest sense like a deer does, like a bear does. Huh? I finally feel seen. The PA finally feels seen. But they have a human side that's extremely intelligent, very rational, very practical. human side that's extremely intelligent, very rational, very practical. He's found that Sasquatch has referred to themselves as the people and they don't like being referred to as Bigfoot because they feel that term is derogatory. To stop, you just got to know, you know what? I get it. We can't be referring to them as Bigfeet.
Starting point is 00:14:57 It's just rough. The people, they want us to call them the people. Yeah. That's what they're known as the people. That's not Google. They have a very strict, I don't know if you know this, but they also have a very strict code of conduct, much more so than even humans do. The dominant male in the family is the lawgiver. His word is law. Period. All answer to him. He said they have no ill will towards humans, but the main rule they must follow is to stay out of human sight. How very convenient. Claude says it was a female Sasquatch who first contacted him. I was just walking through the woods one day in this voice says don't come in here. I heard it just as clear in my head as you and I are
Starting point is 00:15:32 talking. He stopped and heard the voice again. A female was in the thicket nursing her young. That was a private place for her a place place he said. So he compiled and went. Why is it such a like empathetic and like sensual retelling of this tale? Yeah, it's very bizarre. Well, several months later, he went back in the woods and communicated with her again, asking her why she hadn't communicated with him before. Because your mind is too busy. From the time humans wake up
Starting point is 00:16:01 until the time they go to sleep at night, their minds are constantly in motion. She told him, you wake up thinking about what you didn't do yesterday, what you need to do today, and it just snowballs. It gives us a headache. We don't do that. I get that. These people, the people get it. Apparently, there's no complicated agenda involved. I should go back to the forest. Yeah, I agree. I think maybe you should try and see to open yourself up to telepathic communications from the big feet. I should well
Starting point is 00:16:26 There is one last thing. I think you should know People wondered maybe where they came from well Oh, that's for us they communicated to him where they are descended from his space Claude said another female Sasquatch told him that they are descended from the Nephilim Those are the offspring that the angels had with women, as it says in Genesis 6 4. Okay. So they're aliens. That's where they're from.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Those are the children of angels and humans. Bigfoot. Bigfoot. The people. They may have survived the flood or angels could have returned and had more children after the flood. Those who are half human and half angel are considered pure bloods. They have the attributes of angels. If they are pure blood, Claude says he was told by another
Starting point is 00:17:09 Sasquatch. So they can do spooky stuff. That's kind of where I feel like this is going. They sound like they're racist. It sounds like they might be up there with the tall whites. Yeah, they sound a little racist. They can disappear before your very eyes. They can travel in space and time, but they just call it traveling, not teleporting. Some lesser bloods can also travel this way, but all pure
Starting point is 00:17:29 bloods can. And it goes on and on and on. And you know, I'm not going to keep going because this is insane. But if you want to read more about it, Sasquatches are the children. They're half human, half angels. And there's pure bloods, apparently, like in Harry Potter or something. I don't fucking know. Yikes. That goes in there with the zeitgeist of like those other weird aliens. It's all in the same sphere. I like it when they're like granola sex hippies. That's my favorite. And they just want everybody to chill out. Yeah, I get that. I like that. Well, just come down, ask for a little weed want to hang out jerk off, you know, the good
Starting point is 00:18:02 I'll help you do what was the last one? No, thank you guys so much for supporting us here at slash SumanatiPod. That's the end of today's mini-sode, which is me and Alex. It was fantastic. Alex, I'm going to show this on the main episode next time. You know, I'm not going to spoil the true crime. I changed my mind, but it was my birthday last week and my friend's got me something amazing. I tweeted about it.
Starting point is 00:18:21 I think you know what it is. I have yet to name her. Okay. There she is. It's incredible. It's a sexy lady gray. It's incredible. Full lips. It looks like ladies and she's kicked the fuck up. If if Mathis had a B 52 bomber,
Starting point is 00:18:38 this would be on the nose of that of that of that. Yes, absolutely. Fucking Lutely, that thing would be on there. I'd be hoping it was act like a semi symbol for aliens to know. on the nose of that, of that, of that. Yes, absolutely, absolutely. That thing would be on there. I'd be hoping it was actually like a semi-symbol for aliens to know I'm friendly. You gotta call it, you gotta call it Scully, but it doesn't mean anything to you yet.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Yeah, I can't, that means nothing to me other than I, the girl on, the skeptic girl. The girl on the X-Files. We'll get there, buddy. Don't worry, your life will be complete soon. You'll be in the full circle. You'll go full circle, don't worry. Until then, the money you give us here
Starting point is 00:19:09 makes me feel pretty complete. Thank you guys so much for supporting us here. Thank you so much for allowing us to keep doing this nonsense. Have a great week. Yeah, you have a great week. We'll be back with Jesse next week, for better or worse.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Goodbye, everybody. Bye bye. Hello, my little jilluminots welcome back See it's good to see you welcome back Wow We missed you Jesse Hey, hi, hey welcome back welcome back to the mini-soad world where we talk about really crazy things really summing that up I don't want to go first because it's gonna be the the whole fucking episode. So I'll go first. I got like take it away
Starting point is 00:19:53 I'm ready Okay, so um to the audience, but mostly you two as well Do you know about the three-body problem? Do you know what that is? No No, I don't think so. Well, maybe get ready for some physics. All right. Okay. So, um, for physicists predicting the motion of any two massive objects like stars or whatever, simple, easy to do. In fact, predicting the motion of any two, anything is pretty simple. But when you throw a third thing, a third body in, it changes everything and it really
Starting point is 00:20:28 becomes unsolvable. Basically the idea of let's say you have two massive objects and they get close to each other. Their gravitational forces are going to, you know, attract various influences on the paths they take. And, you know, you can describe that like in math, right? It's pretty simple, pretty standard. I think we all understand that.
Starting point is 00:20:50 But when you add a third object in suddenly the interactions between the three objects are just pure chaos. Just too many variables or what? Yeah, absolutely. Instead of following a predictable path outlined by the mathematical formula or whatever, the behavior of the three objects becomes what scientists, you know, call, um, well, it becomes antithetical to the initial conditions of what's going on there. they were in previously, it ain't going to be that anymore. So think of it this way. If you in one scenario have two objects that orbit closely, maybe the third one is flung away in the distance or another.
Starting point is 00:21:34 The third object might come in and eject one of the third two, or they may all collide, or there's so many good models. If you look up three body problem online, there's so many good really cool models of the countless variations and variables of what could happen. And it's pure chaos. It is straight up chaos theory. It is like dropping that water on your knuckle. It is who knows. Right. And so randomness. Absolutely. And that's why it's, it's very difficult and sane for physicists and scientists to think about. Cause it's kind of like we're off the deep end here. There's no math that explains the chaos. This relates to our solar system because the big outer plants, they're doing their thing. They're on their own. They're fine.
Starting point is 00:22:23 But as tiny boys, mercury, earth, Mars, Venus, the inner solar system, we're basically the three body problem, right? Using that, it makes sense. Yeah. When they look at, at the inner solar system, it's baffling to people because using any of the way the three body problem works, we should in theory be in full chaos mode. So is this, does this not lead to the, is this like we leading to the, I used to be a conspiracy, like planet X conspiracy where there's like a planet we can't see that stays out of our, but it's like kind of doing our orbit, make our orbit make sense. It's not leaving there.
Starting point is 00:23:01 It definitely is one of those things that I'm sure is on that path Just like I'm sure you could also end up at this is a DD created. Yeah. Yeah, okay. Yeah Because there's no answer to explain Yeah, so and it because it's so crazy and so out there that People don't really have an answer so they you can take it to the nth degree. And so back in 1989 Jacques Lascar, I hopefully pronounced that last name right, was an astronomer and director of the National Center
Starting point is 00:23:33 for Scientific Research in Paris. He calculated the Lyapunov time. Again, don't know how to say that. 100%. It's basically the time it takes for any two trajectories with almost identical starting conditions to diverge in a specific moment. Don't say that. How to become it's basically the time it takes for any two trajectories with almost identical starting conditions to diverge in a specific moment. And so he calculated that for the inner solar system,
Starting point is 00:23:53 it would be roughly 5 million years, right? Now I just, I literally just copy this verbatim because it's just hard to explain. So I'll just read it. So for example, if the initial uncertainty in a position of a planet is 15 meters, 10 million years later, it'll be 150, a hundred million years. It'll be nine digits more lost. So it'll be like 150 million kilometers, which is the difference between earth and the sun. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And he says, basically
Starting point is 00:24:24 you have no idea where that planet would be And while a hundred million years seems awfully long our solar system is 4.5 billion years old And yet there is a lack of any real evidence for dramatic events planetary collision A planet being ejected into space. We just don't have evidence for that. And this is one of those puzzles that scientists are like, wait, what? Because when they delve into the math,
Starting point is 00:24:53 there are some cemeteries and the gravitational interactions going on, almost like a practical barrier and the chaotic wandering of planets. Like the inner solar system is just functioning like it's protected. And again, this could be, you can take it down any path. That's so open aliens. We're a zoo planet. God is a little barrier. There's another planet we can't see that makes it make sense. Yeah. Yeah. Right. But the thing that I think is
Starting point is 00:25:21 fascinating is they also said in a billion years time, that could definitely change just based on the math. However, the thing that's interesting that I thought about when I was reading this was, Oh, maybe this just goes to show that either one solar systems that operate like ours are very, very rare, or two, all the solar systems that are left are the ones that have something like we have. And anything else that was more chaotic is just gone or destroyed or flown out into space. And so rather than thinking about it like we're special, it's like, wow, there's, we
Starting point is 00:25:58 are special, but in a different way, there's so many, you know, there might be billions of solar systems, but think it could have been way more right. And many didn't make it. And that's just because the numbers are so big. We can't really fathom like, wow, we're special considering you think about how big the universe is. And maybe there's several trillions of solar systems that didn't make it because planets crashed into each other. Sun's flung into space like they who knows and I think it's fascinating the things that you're talking about are so intangible and so like far away and so huge and so inconceivably just like powerful and strong and unbelievable that it's just so psychedelic to just even try and conceive of it it is What did we talk about last week when Jesse wasn't here or the week before where the James Webb telescope also kind of discovered that that space is bigger than we think it might be either.
Starting point is 00:26:55 It's expanding faster than we thought it is because they're seeing galaxies that shouldn't exist far away. So fucked up. Due to the time they think that that the galaxy ages is so now they're like, well, maybe the galaxy is no Good night the galaxy. I mean, I'm in universe. Sorry. The universe is older than what they think it is Or no idea what the fuck we're looking at is basically the point. Yeah, no, they don't they'd really went down to okay We're kind of like oh shit. Okay. Well the universe isn't Expanding at a slower rate. It might just be forever. I don't know. I mean, but that's that's one of those things where the scientists have for a while now thought that the universe was expanding.
Starting point is 00:27:29 But the question was it's getting faster, which didn't seem to make a lot of sense because an explosion over time you think stuff would slow, right? But no, it's getting faster. But then the question is, and this is why science is so cool and why, you know, physics and just like quantum mechanics, like just put it in your brain for a minute. Imagine there's a big bang. It doesn't like,
Starting point is 00:27:52 it doesn't matter how it started. Guy could have flicked a penny, whatever. Doesn't matter. But imagine there's a focal point boom. And then over the boom reality and everything we know forms, but it's expanding and it's expanding rapidly further away from that starting point faster than what it initially started. Great. All right. That's fascinating. Don't know how that works. But then the next question you should have is, yeah, the next question you should have is expanding into what? Yeah, exactly. What exactly? And so, and then like, once you hit that point now, you're like out there
Starting point is 00:28:26 You might as well be on shrooms because now you're just like, okay now that we're standing in the world. What does that mean? That exactly what is that fucking point where we can't expand anymore or do we or space the concept of space? literally just It's it is it every thing so interesting. Yeah. And that's what I think now, not only is it expanding faster, but now we are seeing a galaxy should not exist at the age of the the universe is and like that's what baffling them is like those shouldn't exist.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Those should be either like long gone or one supermassive and it's not and it's like wait what but also time, right? We are seeing things and that galaxy could be gone. It might be, but they they're saying they shouldn't be able to see it now. They're saying like it's gone. Sure. Sure. Sure. But I'm saying like that just goes to show we're babies in the gala. Like we are little space babies. We are 2001, a space baby sitting there barely finding our place in the universe. And I think that's what's fascinating. And it's if, look, if we could all stop fighting and kill each other for like, I don't know, give it a year and just focused on like some cool shit like this, dude, boy, I bet we'd
Starting point is 00:29:43 be way better off. I'm just saying like if we look to the stars, I did shit. Yeah, this is like some next level. Yeah, light being type shit. Yeah, I feel like the past year has been some of the most fun like discoveries in space related and they all all the discoveries in space have only educated us and that we know nothing like all the discoveries have like shattered these people's understandings of how space fucking works. And that's
Starting point is 00:30:09 awesome. That's what's both awesome and upsetting because if you're on the like, I like my people dumb side of the line. Yeah, boys it upsetting when you hear people say, oh, so the science was wrong. Like dude, science is wrong all the time. It's about point of science. Yeah. Yeah. It makes me so mad.
Starting point is 00:30:28 It's like, that's the point. Like, they get it wrong and we go based off what we know. And then we figure it out along the way. That's the whole point of it. Exactly. Oh, that's so cool, man. It's like, it's crazy. Science right now is in such a weird place, especially with
Starting point is 00:30:41 the like real emergence of quantum studies, like the past decade, probably has really just pointed that we just don't know shit. We just guess, and it just kind of works well enough for now. We don't even know how our planets don't crash into each other. That's where we're at. We just learned, like, guys, we can't figure it out. It's more evidence that we don't understand space, time.
Starting point is 00:31:01 We don't understand what it is. It's crazy. What I want to talk about segues nicely, but I would rather have given to Alex first. No, no, no, go for it, dude. Trust me. Okay. So this kind of goes into it just because like in terms of like news and of UFO and UAP, the past four, three, four weeks have been very like active. Even for those who are maybe on the outside of things, people are starting to notice there's a lot of things that are starting to pop up.
Starting point is 00:31:30 You know, I don't wanna talk about these too long, but Jesse, the Sphere video you sent us, which we learned was actually a two year old video that was shown to Congress of this distant thing. So I actually showed it to my Marine buddy, shout out to Jeremy, he's one of my best friends. Um, I showed it to him and he's like, so what he was like translating, what all the, are the dudes were saying to me, basically he's like, well, that just
Starting point is 00:31:51 means distance and that just means this. Uh, but he's like, what we're seeing isn't the shape of the object. What we're seeing is the heat it's emitting and it's miles away. He was actually is miles out. So we, that's not the actual shape. Uh, and in fact that it's moving like that miles away means it's moving at a high speed. So, and then, and then he goes in and then he, uh, he goes, when it goes underwater, he's like, I don't know. I don't know what that is.
Starting point is 00:32:13 I don't know why it went under the water. That doesn't make any sense. Is there anything that does that? They're calling out the location and the distance in that video in a way that would be if a chopper needed to get over there and like reclaim something or get something out of the water. That's what it is because that's just the way he knows how they're describing it because that's how he was educated to listen for. So that's why he knows what we're he's hearing. So yeah it's miles out it's moving and it splashes down disappears we don't know I've heard a million different reasons from people who are super confident. That's a buoy to other people saying it's like something, some
Starting point is 00:32:50 like animal or whatever. But from what my what I have in like my secondhand information doesn't seem like it fits that it's it's fucking weird. We also have like the UAP just really quickly to describe it. So I went back to watch it again knowing what I'm going to try and knowing what you were just saying because I was like does the heat seem because you never really talk about like UFO heat, you know what I mean? Yeah, so I'm looking at it again like the heat signature. So I'm following along and Again, this is a video shown to Congress. Mm-hmm, and it is straight up like a little black kind of overly looking thing covers move above the water and it's being
Starting point is 00:33:29 tracked and then it after it is done moving a little bit. It's just slowly descends hovers over the water and then right into it and you hear the guys go. We have splashdown splashdown. And they're just like, yeah, it's gone, but it doesn't really a crash at all. It looks like an intentional slow descent straight down a pause Like they're fishing off the edge or something and then right in the water and it's super interesting
Starting point is 00:33:54 But yeah now that you're talking about heat signatures. Mm-hmm now. I'm just kind of like I've never once been like I wonder what that kind of engine that damn things running on. And you got, where's the exhaust go? You know, that's the problem is like, there's never an exhaust trail. The way it moves doesn't see any visible propulsion system. So what could that even be? You want me to talk about some of the wilder theories? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, around it which is the ability which is why it can move in the way it does but why would that put off heat why would it put a feet I don't know I'm fucking put off heat I don't know how that works I'm just telling you what I'm gonna fucking nuclear bomb in there bro yeah I mean it could be like they could be
Starting point is 00:34:32 really I don't know what kind of power they're running on could be whatever machinery is on it I want to know what a radiation looks like when picked up via oh yeah true that's another reason why is the video so shitty it's fucking thermal IR vision catching something miles out like that's why it's so garbage like that's what it is But if it's gravitational would help explain how it's able to go under the water and out of the water effortlessly Like without any resistance and move around just as quickly But we don't know we like we don't that's part of the problem is the army has the government has no fucking idea how they move No idea and then we had another video released of a of an orb
Starting point is 00:35:07 re changing course. I'm going to link this to you changing course and following a jet from 2021 over Arizona. Is this is new to us or new new to us, actually, to new to well, new to new to the Internet. Is this like just today kind of thing? So you're going to see it being followed. There's a description of like the camera that's following it is like a camera to track it and make sure it's going where it's supposed to go, whatever.
Starting point is 00:35:29 By the way, shout out to the r slash UFOs on Reddit. They like not that kooky. Yeah. In the real work of being like fake real like they do a good job. Another thing they were doing announced on the subreddit is they skyrocketed in people and they're almost at a million people in that subreddit now, which is huge. That's never like that's crazy. But what we're seeing is more military like looks like military footage following a jet in the sky and it follows
Starting point is 00:35:51 what looks like a little tiny black orb and as it flies by it, the orb is going the other direction and you can see it stop and fucking turn its entire course and just follow the plane. 100% and it's following the plane within distance. Like it's keeping up with it. Very close to it. Yeah, you watch it stop on a dime and just immediately is
Starting point is 00:36:13 able to keep up with this thing. It is even a stop on a dime. Like the plane is no, it just immediately matches its speed the other way. Yeah. And this is again, another one of those heat signature things. So it's super interesting to see that you can see the telemetry on this thing, too, which is great Yeah, you can see the heat coming off the plane. But yeah, this little
Starting point is 00:36:31 black orb looking thing I just imagine one the plane coming left to right and the orb coming right to left and They kind of one crosses over the other the orb crosses over the the plane and then about as it does it within seconds it doesn't even like a stop it's it's as if it's reacts with intelligence even turn around it just saw the plane and then the match trajectory was killed automatically if there was a human in there would splatter their brains against the fucking back where it went and like change what it was doing Right. Yeah, what I like but isn't like it isn't like a goofy like It looks it's straight up. It's going and keeps going just following it
Starting point is 00:37:14 It's casual perfectly following it and I at first I was like, oh, maybe it's a drone, but that's a jet There's no drone. That's jet. Yeah, like that's small. That's flying the same speed No way, the details we have is this is from April 21st in Douglas, Arizona. It was filmed by a mobile scope truck chasing an a 10. This incident was then reported to the AFB AF personnel copied the video. You're about to watch this comes from a leaker inside the AF AFB from from what we understand and this is from 2021.
Starting point is 00:37:44 It's crazy looking. It's just it matches that one that you linked us, Jesse, like in a way of like just weird, weird, almost nonchalant behavior in what it does. And then it just kind of goes about its day. The thing that's interesting, I'm trying to figure out like what it could like. Again, I'm not sitting over here being like aliens. No, but that's you need to critically think you have to. Yeah, I'm trying to figure out what this could be.
Starting point is 00:38:03 And at first I was like, oh right, maybe it's the camera system, but that doesn't check out because it's doing its own thing. It's not like moving with the camera. I'm like, okay, maybe it's something closer to the lens. And it's just like some sort of accidental thing. But then there's cloud cover. I and then the only interesting thing is at the very, very end, the jet
Starting point is 00:38:31 Ascends and this thing doesn't follow it then and I've been that makes me wonder can it only go up so high like that Kind of thing. I don't know. I don't know what this is, but it is we don't even know the nature of it We don't even know if it's an object. We don't even know if it's like yeah like a like a we know nothing energy You know, I don't know. It's it's crazy crazy It is a bunch of other videos that have dropped this week again It really feels like things are very busy on the UAP UFO front Which I obviously love but the thing I want to talk about good and bad because it's like excited stuff that's fake and well Yeah, you have to obviously like I said have to critically think you've got to be able to parse what's questionable What's not yeah, but what I want to talk about too is another potential leak that came out of somebody who works But what I want to talk about too is another potential leak that came out of somebody who works
Starting point is 00:39:10 Supposedly a leaker in the Department of Defense and is able to answer is basically trying to get information out there We have I'm going in here knowing take this with a grain of salt if this is entirely fake It's at least a fun thought experiment and it doesn't go into like the weird Psychedelic realm I'm down for a fun thought experiment. We're gonna talk a little bit about this. I'm gonna go through the questions and the answers. For those of you who go to look at that UFO that Mathis sent, in the chat below it, there is an absolutely comical chain about how one person, this fixer Vince wrote,
Starting point is 00:39:43 the mighty ships tore across the empty waste of space and finally dive screaming onto the first planet they came across, which happened to be earth. We're due to a terrible miscalculation of scale. The entire battle fleet was accidentally swallowed by a small dog. And then the next person is like, you know, they add where many a tale would certainly may certainly end the fall of humankind was only beginning Inside of an unassuming canine the visitors took advantage of their unassuming position and seized control of the host body and then some dude wanted to An AI and had it write the synopsis for review of this movie
Starting point is 00:40:21 The AI wrote underdog overlords is a comedic yet thrilling. And that's the best title I've ever heard. Underdog overlords. That's hilarious. I love that. That's like done. You can read the whole fake review is just. Bless the internet sometimes, man. Straight up done deal. Sorry to interrupt. No, no, you're fine. Before we jumped into this again, I want you to take this information with the understanding that one, this guy claims to be something there's really no way to prove without him
Starting point is 00:40:47 outing himself in a way that could get him in big trouble if he's truly part of the Department of Home Defense or whatever. And two, take it both equally silly as hell and how you would feel if it was realistically happening. Just curiously your thoughts. The things to know is that before we go into this, that they've been only able to like know what the government only knows what it knows by the crash site studies it's been able to do. And even with that, what they know has been very, very little. And some of the questions are like, do other
Starting point is 00:41:15 countries know of its existence? The same way we do. They've been looking at crash sites as long as we have. He also claims that it's mostly coming from underwater going into this. That's so fucked up, man. That's the thing that's freaking me out the most. So I'm just going to read you a question and an answer for a little bit here because there's a lot of interesting information. They said, I know you said it's an all hands on deck situation if crafts start messing with our newts. And he says, correct. How often does that happen? About once every 10 years for the US, we suspect other countries have had similar issues
Starting point is 00:41:45 and reactions. What kind of reaction is there when these events occur? A higher up joke months after the last one, I saw that, quote, the phone rings everywhere but the president's office. In the same instance, I mentioned above, they deployed multiple aircraft and a sub with serious intent.
Starting point is 00:41:59 The sub didn't arrive in time. Fighters probably never saw the end coming. Is this related to the underwater structure that Gordon Cooper cited in Discovery Channel had to cancel that show for season three? I don't know what that refers to. And he says nothing of those pictures. It's just like a theory.
Starting point is 00:42:14 Yeah, probably like a show talking about it. And he goes, nothing of those pictures ring a bell. If you can see construction facility, you know, you can't miss it. Because he's saying there's a giant construction facility under the water. And the way it works is we'll talk about it here as we go. Yes, I what we're going to talk about. I don't want to I'm going to want to jump ahead too far. I'm getting excited and like talking about things that we're going to cover in a minute. It says the tools you found on vehicles from crash sites makes you seem like you are faking it. There must have been more advanced and intruding tools than fucking toothpick. He said like, the ships are seemingly like smooth metal, like no tools,
Starting point is 00:42:49 like there's really little for them to use. And he said, I had to think a bit about this one for multiple reasons. And I think I'll cover the abduction tools in greater detail. There are tools that induce a childlike state or something akin to having a stroke. We covered that he's talking about abduction scenarios and what he semi knows. The tools I didn't talk about are ones that are designed to take objects the size of pills and push them deep into your tissue and stomach. These tools aren't friendly and don't account for extreme pain and don't account for extreme pain. There's also another tool that looks like a circular battery you would find in a key fob designed for keeping your eyes open when deployed. It also stops the eye from
Starting point is 00:43:25 moving almost perfectly. Then continues, how on earth would it be possible to maintain a secret with such a large amount of people constantly in the know? Not just over the years, but literally decades. And I think that's a great question. He goes, that's just it. They haven't been able to maintain secrecy. That's a major reason the previous management didn't mind us being so open with each other. If you mean more historically as in the past 20 years or more, now you know why I find references to MJ-12 funny. Secrecy is all but gone. Now it's just about obfuscation and misinformation.
Starting point is 00:43:55 And I can see that because it's kind of out of the bag that there's stuff in our skies at the very least and the government we've watched slowly pivot. It's so crazy how much stuff is like generally accepted now. Yeah. What extent of contractor or third party involvement in your work? And I think that's an important question, too, because that's what Bob Lazar says. He was a contractor out of MIT to look at a very small piece of a potential crash vehicle. And he simply says, not as often as you imagine. We do use them occasionally, though. And Anon mentioned Lockheed last thread.
Starting point is 00:44:23 Such a great company, aren't they? Definitely wouldn't be the type to try to leak things to the public. you imagine we do use them occasionally though. And Anon mentioned Lockheed last thread. Such a great company, aren't they? Definitely wouldn't be the type to try to leak things to the public. Are there contracts that go out for UAP work? You normally have to sign and agree to a contract. What kind of language is put out in the government's acquisition channels
Starting point is 00:44:37 to indicate a project is UAP or UAP adjacent? He goes, none. They show up and tell you where you'll be and what you'll do. You have to be top tier in your field. You also have to be clean So you've never seen a speeding ticket like you have to be like a perfect record Why in case the aliens use it against you? Yeah, why? No for the government so they can trust you the government can trust you for whatever I understand the concept of having a clean slate. So you nothing like the government can trust you because
Starting point is 00:45:03 Nothing can be used against you. Yeah, that's why they do that stuff. So my question is like, are the aliens like it'd be a shame if anything were to happen to your permanent vehicle. Yeah, I guess. He also says, why is there so much activity happening in Mexico right now? They said they just avoid certain parts of the world because there's often crashes that happen there. What do they do with one of the drones once it is finished its task? They're not exclusively drones. They return to the construction facility. The construction facility sits under the water and ends up constructing drones for specific
Starting point is 00:45:38 needs and purposes. When you see a drone come out, it is constructed for that reason, whether it go look at a site, follow a plane, go look at this. That's why you see them so often and they come out of the water because there's a base under the water that apparently ends up just crafting these things. If it's under the water, can't like people go look, dude, I don't do they can fucking float dude. Who knows? Well, they go. So they say they stay sent jets and subs toward
Starting point is 00:46:06 it. They have said in the answers. He says they sent jets and subs and once they get anywhere remotely close, it sinks as quickly as possible disappears. They've been able to engage it once and ended up getting shot down incredibly quickly. They said that it's defenses are almost reactionary. They believe it may be AI or machine driven. That's another thing. They said because of the way it reacts and how quickly it reacts. It's just instantaneous. Right, right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:46:30 But that's like the military. What if like Captain Stu and his I don't know, trawler went out there with a six pack and we're like, hey, welcome to Earth. That's a normal person go out there like where it may. I don't know. I feel like you never know. Like, hey, aliens, I brought you some brewskis. Let's chatter up. Yeah, let's go a little bit more into that.
Starting point is 00:46:59 They say he also said all Muamua was not part of whatever is happening under the water. It's not the same thing. He has no idea what allumuamua was, and he didn't even bother to guess. So he's like, there's two races, the sea people and the sea people. No, yeah, he definitely went into the two race theory. So they go, is there a working theory on the origins? He says, quite a bit, but we think the construction facility has been around since at least 4000 BC. What? Has any form of intelligible? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And he says there... 4000 BC? He says,
Starting point is 00:47:29 see sightings of paintings from the early eras of history. That makes a question. Exactly. I feel that way too about that answer. Trust me, I do. So again, take it with a grain of salt. You know, any little answer can be the giveaway that it might be fake. That might be it. Has any form of intelligible communication been established? He goes, it depends on your viewpoint. They mostly want very little to do with us until we start to talk about war and nuclear options. It's one of the reasons why you see them so often at critical events. Do they know who or what is creating these craft? Yes, as mentioned earlier, the mobile construction unit is responsible for the deployment and construction.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Any potential that they are made by a higher branch of US government? Absolutely not. What allows them to fly so fast? What technology? Gravity manipulation and the materials they are constructed from, because they don't know what the materials are used, what they're made out of. We think the construction unit is AI driven. The response time to threats is almost instant and usually very calculated and well thought
Starting point is 00:48:24 out. The majority of UFOs, as I mentioned previously, are built to spec and purpose. This is why they are always different sizes. The contents and equipment usually mimic the intended purposes too. So whatever's being made is being made for that purpose. And he says, whenever the they usually just try to avoid and disappear. They don't usually try to engage with like violence in any way. Jesse, you look a little skeptical. Yeah, I mean the more we get into like the catch-all theories where it's like, well, it's AI and everything is connected and they're all the more we hit that. I'm like, all right, this is that one answer alone.
Starting point is 00:48:58 That one answer alone made me feel fucking weird. There's one more. I don't know what makes me also feel a little bit weird about it. And it makes me wonder. We're almost done. Don't worry. Says to the UAPs returned back to the manufacturing unit. Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Some and come in and leave the planet, but very rarely. Usually the same number that comes in goes out unless special circumstances arise. Feels more like a carrier, but with construction capability. What are the purposes of them? Surveil us? The US believes that they are not here to harm us. They only seem interested in us once they realize we are destroying things around us, including each other.
Starting point is 00:49:32 One of the officials in charge said something that stuck with me, quote, they act like keepers of a zoo, uninterested in the daily life of wildlife until there's a problem. Last, he says, someone asked about Skinwalker Ranch, he goes, no idea, not my project, I know nothing about it.
Starting point is 00:49:45 He says, there about skinwalker ranch. He goes no idea not my project. I have nothing. I know nothing about it He says there were two rare elements found fused together that were found under a mesa and I'm very curious What's going on there? He says I know I have no idea He really does like he doesn't pretend to know other things on the lap But the last thing there's like where does this thing typically stay and he says the best they could pinpoint it too Is is it seems to stick around the Bermuda Triangle area? Okay, that's that's the yeah, that was like my aunt. I mean, it might make sense in terms of like UFO sightings. We do have a map to see where there's heavy UFO sightings still, but still exactly. You know what? Screw it. Screw it. We sat here and poo pooed the rear triangle and honestly everyone kind of forgot about it. Just like quick sand.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Everyone forgot about quick sand here. Here's what I'm saying. You're trying to need to come back. I'm here for it. I want this to be the comeback. You know what? Alien orb factory Bermuda triangle. You thought I'm here. Those pilots were flying over there in 1942. Yeah. Yeah. Alien orbs. Yeah. I mean I mean maybe maybe I'm here for it. Let's do it He says like, you know like it or like they're mostly on man drones now from what he understands from like the people that he works With they were more manned early on but we kept crash They kept crashing we kept taking for whatever reason and we kept like taking that and they killing them taking their bodies away So they they've slowly moved over to like why would it be manned early on?
Starting point is 00:51:06 I don't know. Maybe they didn't think we were maybe they didn't think we were as dangerous until we fucking fucking started splitting the atoms. Sure, sure, sure, sure. But wouldn't it be more effective to just AI it from the beginning? Maybe their tech, maybe they didn't have AI, you know, maybe maybe AI is new for them too. They didn't have AI, but they made it to earth and live underwater and create. They got Chad GPT-6
Starting point is 00:51:26 Maybe it's not that far beyond us. What if instead What if instead my theory is better? Look this dude, whatever, ignore him, but my theory is better What if this? I have an answer. Oh shit. I have an answer. I'll continue. This is us from the future Oh, yeah, and we created this AI thing to come back and ensure that we have a future to get to. Maybe. Maybe. I would love that. That'd be better. Less scary. When you say like they crash sometimes and stuff, like he goes, they goes like, uh, how, how have they come to the conclusion that UAP are being released by our ET? Uh, if they don't know what the UAP are to begin with,
Starting point is 00:52:03 or if there's nothing inside of them, he goes, they crash sometimes. Parts fail and gravity engines near the surface of the planet can be like crossing an intersection. We recover these and sometimes find passengers. We mostly see drones now, but in the earlier days we saw a lot more piloted craft. So there's the answer I was referencing is what he's saying is like, I guess coming into earth can be weird. In the early days, what does the early days mean? I'm assuming the early 40s and 50s when the UFO event started happening. In the last 70, 80 years, they decided to just not do pilots anymore?
Starting point is 00:52:38 The aliens were like, bro, that's getting crazy out there. He actually elaborates, he goes, usually when we find a thinner model, for example, it would have no pilot and a lot of sensory hardware. My favorite is finding one that is fitted for research. If we are lucky, we find things we have never seen before. Before I left, we were looking at what we thought was a lab for some kind of genetics. He hasn't been he's left the program two years ago.
Starting point is 00:52:58 He's not there anymore. So bold to say things like that. I know. I know. It's just like, you know, you can take it with a grain of fucking salt. You know, it's some random. I am. I know. Now, you know, don't worry. Here that with what we now have seen in video form. It's interesting. Some of those tickle, but it's somebody who could also have seen those videos
Starting point is 00:53:18 and then easily elaborated on his own for. Oh, for sure. I mean, that's so all you have to do is be in the world of entertainment yep and care about stuff to know like every time a new game or new movie comes out there's always some dude who pieced together like eight trailers into what he thinks the movie is yep and because there's some like oh dude that was in the trailer people buy it easily I mean it happens people do that stuff just cuz get their kicks it's so it's easy to stuff like that. But the videos like the one I showed you today, the one you showed me a few days ago, Jesse, those are the creme de la creme stuff that
Starting point is 00:53:51 makes you go, I don't know what the fuck that is. And then it's wild. So that's it. More, you know, UFO news has been crazy. I'm very excited for the NASA public hearing in a couple of weeks. Alex, are you good? I'm so good. And in fact, I'm better than good because now we're going to do this and I'm so sorry to everybody who likes these to be short. I'm really sorry. Are you about to do another hour? Yeah, I'm going to do a full episode right now.
Starting point is 00:54:16 No, that would be it's not everybody. But you got 100 minutes now. slash to my body part of the makers of the Greenstone series on Chiluminati present our new show. Get ready for the name. Here, slash Chiluminati pod and the makers of the Green Stone series on Chiluminati present our new show. Get ready for the name. Here we go. Giuseppe La Rosa and the order of Mionia part one, white lady, red stone. Here we go. So last we left our story, we met our new audience insert character and narrator chronicles of Mioniaaya author, meonia author, Giuseppe or Joe, as he likes to be called La Rosa, who at the time was a new inductee to the
Starting point is 00:54:51 order of meonia as they call themselves, even though in reality, they are merely the latest version of the nine who are in ancient order. The story starts back up. I have my brain fogs. I'm moving through a weird foggy forest and I open my eyes and it's just chaos and like Yeah Just hit forever they keep the forces of darkness and light and balance they correct the mistakes of the past Joe
Starting point is 00:55:18 That's the UFOs right there. Yeah, it could be a green stone is the reason for everything just just wait we we can look at Joe, our new character, as kind of like the Trevor Belmont to the Simon Belmont. He's like the new class. Right. Sure. Sure. He's the next. Yeah. He looks to Graham Phillips and the heroes of the order who were around for the Green Stone saga as role models. I don't know if it's because he wasn't actually as close to everyone as he claims or whatever, or if he really was just like a really dedicated part timer, but I think it's funny how he tries to do his Indiana Jones-ing type stuff while he has a good work-life balance, and you'll see what I mean more about that.
Starting point is 00:55:57 He needs to have his own solo career. It's true. But anyway, to get us started, Gaynor, the UFO child, has a vision of a red stone, just like the green one, and witnesses one of the previous leaders of the nine being killed in 1865 by a huge, imposing black magician called John Lang, or by some accounts, John Langley. And this woman is succeeded by Mary Heath as leader of the order, who lived and operated the society out of that weird Egypt manor house thing that I showed you called the Big Grave.
Starting point is 00:56:25 Beautiful hedges around it though. Yeah, really, really crazy. That's in Staffordshire. And then 10 years later in 1875, when Lange is about to destroy them again, Mary Heath hides the stone for safekeeping, the red stone that is, with only a bell hidden at a place nearby called Rant and Abbey to point the way. So now we're looking for the bell. Mary Heath used the power of the stone
Starting point is 00:56:47 to put a potent protection spell on the bell so that only the person she chose to carry on the legacy of the nine could use it. But that person died before they were able to get the red stone. So they, which left the order to deal with a malfunctioning, cursed spirit beast with glitched out programming that they have to deal with
Starting point is 00:57:08 if they ever wanna see the red stone again, better known as the Eye of Fire, much less trying to stop it from following the wrong path. The Eye of Sauron watches you wherever you are. This is honest to God. It just sounds like you're reading us the Wikipedia summary of a fantasy novel. This is insane.
Starting point is 00:57:25 And yet it's all unfortunately true. And again, according to the book that I read, it is true. Again, I'm not saying I'm not saying our guy Joe isn't being fully honest about his role and everything that went down. But here's a quote from him that made me laugh. This is for Jesse to read. I'm dropping in the chat. The excursion was planned for Saturday, the 24th of July.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Unfortunately, due to prior commitments, I was unable to go with the rest of the group. I like how it capitalized group. Yes, group. G group. But over the phone, I vowed to Terry that I would drive over to his house later that day. Feeling bitterly disappointed, I was determined not to let my friends down in the future. So like for the first like four things that he talks about, he's like, it was so cool, but I couldn't go. It was so sad that I couldn't go. So then, so basically he doesn't go. A bunch of the OG Greenstone crew go out to Ranton Abbey looking for the bell. It's a
Starting point is 00:58:18 Ranton Abbey has also got a hunting lodge attached. It's all overgrown and crumbling. And as with a lot of things in this tale, it's down to the wire on time. They're just wandering around the property in little groups, relying on Marion and Gaynor's psychic hunches to guide them. There's minutes to go. Things suddenly get screwy. People start to get confused. They see things from far away.
Starting point is 00:58:38 They hear weird voices. And before they can find the bell, Gaynor and Marion realize that they've triggered the Guardian spell entity and that it's going to come after them. They don't know what to expect, but they try to team up and hold it off. And it turns out that it's actually much worse than they thought. It's an invisible monster that can toss things around, make you physically ill. It can drain everyone's energy. They're no match for this thing. It plays with them like Silly Putty. It seems really dire for a second. And then here's a short excerpt of what happens next for Mathis to read.
Starting point is 00:59:10 The exact amount of this type of stuff that you want before I'm done. Where's that bloody bell? Thought Terry, his tortured mind reeling at the horrific sound of the guardian. In front of him he saw a light switch. An intuitive flash made him tap the plaster a few inches above it. A dull sound emanated from the wall. Terry instinctively knew there was a light switch. An intuitive flash made him tap the plaster a few inches above it. A dull sound emanated from the wall. Terry instinctively knew there was a cavity there. Pounding on the wall with his hammer,
Starting point is 00:59:30 a chunk of plaster came crashing out, scattering a pall of dust over him. I wouldn't use that word, that's very confusing. Terry stood back for a moment of disbelief. There, lodged in the narrow recess, sat a small bronze bell. Hardly able to believe what he was seeing, Terry reached out and definitely removed it from its hiding place.
Starting point is 00:59:50 I've found it! he shouted, his voice almost trembling with emotion. I've got the bell! So they got the bell and as they left the Guardian screamed in anger and they drove away and they knew that things weren't over and that the Guardian was not fucking around. Next thing that happens, Graham and Marion both have a simultaneous vision of Guevara, the lady in white, prying the eye of fire from the hilt of a mighty sword, possibly Excalibur, near two white pillars of stone and a cave. They deduce that the next step is to go find that cave. And after looking at a bunch of pictures, they decide that's actually a place called Islem Rock, which is in Derbyshire along the Dove Valley.
Starting point is 01:00:30 And they have crystals to mine there for. Your lightsaber, dude, I know, right. It's like, I don't for I got. Come on, he's got a survivor on the minds. He's got a survivor on the mind. Forgive me. I do. It's true. It's true. Yeah. The first time they went out there to the cave and they rang the bell, it was really anticlimactic. So they decided to try again the next weekend since it was Sunday, August 1st, which made it Lung Nassad, which is some kind of a fire festival, which, you know, Eye of Fire,
Starting point is 01:00:59 ancient Celtic fire festival, kind of some synergy going on there. So that's their plan. In the week between, one of the group, Susan, has a vision that she needs to perform a sacred rite known as the Charge of the Lamb before ringing the bell, which she needs a big fire and nine flat stones for. Everyone was happy to help her get prepped while they're out there at the cave, since apparently the last anyone was on record as trying the charge of the lamb was on July 31st, 1316 when Charlene Fitzwarren, the wife of a quote, certain gentleman called Robert Fitzwarren did it and she died doing it. So this is a serious ritual that charges the energy that they need to communicate.
Starting point is 01:01:37 It better be serious if she fucking died. Yeah, it took her about an hour to do it carefully. It involved a white handled knife and the sword and the bell. And she filled some bowls with water. And she drew some symbols near the cave entrance. I'm taking notes from my D&D campaign. Yep, she went around arranging everything with eight colored stones.
Starting point is 01:01:54 And she called out to the spirits. And she did some chanting. And in the end, the bell was charged. And she tried to ring it a few times. They realized that it was Terry who needed to ring it, because he was the one who found the bell and the guardian was attached to Terry. All rituals need to have some sort of orgy involved.
Starting point is 01:02:12 And if it doesn't, there's no real magic happening. Is it really a ritual? Yeah, good point. You're right. Solid point. You're right. Maybe they just excluded that because it was too body for the general audience.
Starting point is 01:02:22 But basically he strikes the bell with his pen because they lose the knocker. And there was wind and the sound of a choir singing far away. And they follow the sound and it leads to a vision that they all saw together of the woman in white up the trail. They follow her, they see her, the woman in white is up the trail.
Starting point is 01:02:42 She looks like a Celtic warrior, female warrior with red hair. She leads them out of the cave back to the place they saw in the vision with the two big white stone pillars, the Islem rocks, and they go in another cave and gives them the message that the stone is not there, but that now she's bonded to them and that she's going to be their guide going forward. And they go their separate ways after getting back to the car and driving home. And while some waited for further instruction, Mary and Sunderland, Gaynor's mom, was at home trying to make contact with Guevara. And ever since they'd found the bell, she hadn't been feeling well.
Starting point is 01:03:21 And after being tired out from a particularly taxing psychic section, she suddenly awoke to a presence just down the hall, creeping through the house with dull thuds, making its way slowly towards her. And to close us out with a little cliffhanger here. Here's the last excerpt from Joe's book for today for Jesse to read about what happened next. Here we go. Of course. Okay. He said to me, do you want to stop Snape from getting that stone and not? Who is it? That's not what it says. That has to go on. I know it. That's not what it says. Not me, not Hermione, you. That's not what it says.
Starting point is 01:03:57 Oh, sorry. You mean from this very real story. That's not what it says. Right, right, right, right, right, right, right. That's not what it says. The room was icy cold, the air still and deadly. An ideally deadly silence was saved, baby. A deely silence like a heavy pall and shrouded her. Marion held her breath as the handle began to slowly move. The door began to open, unable to move, Mario sat helplessly. Oh no!
Starting point is 01:04:28 The door is open! These are copy pasting. Mario, Marion I assume, sat helplessly, fear like she had never known, gripping her mind. She wanted to scream, but was unable to do so. A frigid blast of air struck her as the door was pushed completely open. Marion stared in horror at what confronted her, her eyes wide and uncomprehending. No horror movie could have prepared her for this living nightmare. The mind screamed in silent terror. In the doorway was a naked corpse like figure,
Starting point is 01:05:11 two cold emotionless eyes staring directly at her. What is it you think he means by corpse like figure and not a corpse like it's still alive. Well, you'll see in a second. Okay. Great. But the face that she was looking at was her own, her doppelganger. Now too late, she understood the power of the Guardian, capital G. No one was safe. Well, she knew that all would be destroyed. Marian's senses began to swim. At last, she was able to scream as an unearthly whale rose from the depths of her being.
Starting point is 01:05:49 A tide of darkness washed over her and Marian's deathly double melted from view as her mind slipped into unconsciousness. Don't be mad. This just sounds like high schoolers first creative writing class happened. To be continued on the next mini-sode, class happened. To be continued! On the next mini-sode, this thrilling tale will be continued. An unearthly whale swelled from beyond all! Run! No! See you next week everybody!
Starting point is 01:06:14 Have you heard of the green stone? What is the red stone? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo so I stepped back inside and after a few moments I hear my wife go, Holy shit, get out of here! So I quickly dash back outside, she's looking up at the sky and I'm awed. I look up too, and there's a perfect line of dozen lights traveling across the sky. So Thanks for watching!

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