Chilluminati Podcast - Rotten Popcorn - Fateful Findings by Neil Breen

Episode Date: August 14, 2024

The Chilluminati Podcast boys torture themselves with Neil Breen for your entertainment. Want to watch more movies with the boys on Rotten Popcorn? Then head over to Patreon for even MORE Rotten Popco...rn Watch-a-longs! All you lovely people at Patreon! HTTP://PATREON.COM/CHILLUMINATIPOD Jesse Cox - Alex Faciane - Editor - DeanCutty Art Commissioned by -

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm so excited today gentlemen. Can they see me right now? We're live. No one can see you. We don't do video rot and popcorn. I was mean mugging at the camera because I already know what's going to happen and it's exactly the same reason as you may have guessed that Mathis is so excited. I am so excited.
Starting point is 00:00:17 He's groaning with sexual ecstasy right now. It's the same reason that I was mean mugging the camera that you guys can't even see. I don't know what's happening. You don't know this you I'm surprised Jesse. I don't know how you're a son of a bitch today Today everybody destroyed we're about to introduce Jesse and hopefully a so many more of you to the wonderful world of hang on It didn't hang on. There's gonna be a drum roll. I promise leave this in drum roll leave this part in Dean so you can see
Starting point is 00:00:57 The wonderful world of Neil Breen movies You will oh I was telling earlier Neil Breen is like if David Lynch just like totally sucked. I don't know what that means though. All right, well, you will. Oh! Can you hear the drum roll? No, no one can hear the drum roll. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:01:19 I wish I could. It just went off for me, but only on my side, I guess. Because I love you. That's hardly a drum. But Jesse, honestly, I can't. I don't think you're going to love me after today. I think today may be the first, the true first straw to get the first time that I just need to maybe or to break away. You know what Neil Breen is. So you know what you're getting into, but Jesse might actually want to leave the podcast after today. So the audience doesn't
Starting point is 00:01:39 like get upset when I call whatever about to watch total bullshit. No, no, it's no wait. You have no idea You know idea so this this is not a real thing That's the first thing Film we are watching We're watching a Neil Breen movie by the name of fateful findings you can find it on Amazon for like 13 bucks We're gonna internet archive dot org I got it fucking oh my god You're gonna be glad you watched it
Starting point is 00:02:09 You're gonna be glad you watched it But like in the way where like you're now you like when you were glad you tried like really hot hot sauce for the first Time and you were like okay, what an experience like it's gonna be like that kind of vibe Uh, you can watch this for free on internet archive org has all their movies Which I hope to go through with you one day boys or buy it on Amazon Prime for 15 bucks I'm you can watch this for free on Internet archive org has all their movies Which I hope to go through with you one day boys or buy on Amazon Prime for 15 bucks Well, you know or buy it for way an overpriced amount of money There was a time my understanding that you could only get his movies by mail it mail out like order
Starting point is 00:02:37 He'd mail you a DVD. It's the only worthy way. Yeah, of course. So, uh, yeah, we're gonna do we always do We're gonna count down and go three two one play and on play everybody click play So we rock to the races right now, too Like I know you can't see my face. I wish you can see Jesse's face cuz it's not he's be like he's not high I'm just worried. I'm just worried. I'm gonna like if math is thinks I'm gonna hate him I'm gonna really hate him like it's pretty sure Related this is not alien related. You're gonna laugh a lot. Yeah I'm ready
Starting point is 00:03:15 Here we go interpret this movie You have no idea I'm so excited. Okay, here we go three two one play Yes, the music immediately Should I put on subtitles? Oh, no. I already hate it Time what is time? It already sucks! Time. What is time? Days. Nights. You got an excellent wheel green impression going, you don't even really realize it.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Weekends are... storage. Weekends are storage for our weeks. This is the tone of the whole movie, okay? Get ready. Have you seen this one? No, I haven't. I haven't, but I don't even have to have. That's how you know doors are the weekends of our lives this tone right now that you're feeling that you're already a hundred percent in like 100% right on you're about to
Starting point is 00:04:15 watch one hour and 40 minutes of that oh so cool what is it what is it the end of this hallway what are we zooming in on the pixelation is so life support system No, I don't what a lamp a book a book old book it it's a table It's like a book on a broken lampstand. I'm Shot I'm going like a book that is a table like a table that Like a table that looks like a book. This is written, directed, filmed, and edited by Neil Breen. So this shit is his vision 100%. He flew the helicopter. This is definitely not B-roll,
Starting point is 00:04:57 he just grabbed from somewhere. Friends. Pushing. Playing. Children. You're like not at all wrong. No, this is gonna be perfect. Zero percent wrong. Nature. We'll all return to it one day.
Starting point is 00:05:13 As we have played in it, others will play upon us. There are slugs beneath their feet. Uh... Children. the children but the or a ball oh shit right this is so that you know something is off about this place Yeah, you can the skull didn't do it or the music yeah magic mushroom kids don't know don't eat it That fucking audio quality
Starting point is 00:06:12 It's a mushroom it's dying it's what even a treasure. Oh my God. That weird shot of the girl. Girl just like wow. It's D6. It waited to. It's D6. It waited. It's two. This is a metaphor for the movie itself. What the? I'm not afraid. That's very convenient.
Starting point is 00:06:39 I'll put these shitty beads in here. Yeah, and I'll take the rest. Wow, how nice. We'll leave about two thirds of them though. It's a magical day. Yeah. Now let's cover up the mushroom treasure. The dialogue is like, like when you play those like janky like European horror games that look like PT and they like translate the game like just like by hand like just without real full knowledge of the English and they just kind of say stuff that kind of feels right tonally but doesn't really mean anything dude oh unburied itself no man it was it was a
Starting point is 00:07:20 magic mushroom oh my mushroom wasn't real man. God about dude already Dylan became a mushroom Is a mushroom and everything begins and ends as a mushroom. I love you Dylan wait. Okay. Bye Dylan Wait, what that was a hug from Dylan he backed right out now scene and then some rest of you back into the scene Oh their secret touch oh What a cut It little hitlery. Oh, yeah, I don't like it's not really a good wave. I don't know yeah a little like hi Oh, she's still doing it This This looks like me when I was eight and me
Starting point is 00:08:08 when I was 14 what is he you know like when you make a storyboard and you think and you like just stick to the storyboard no matter what yep I don't. I don't understand. I can't wait to see Neil Breen. That was him. That was him. I don't understand the point of anything we're watching so far. Good. No setup has been made. No plot has been forwarded. He
Starting point is 00:08:42 saw that mushroom with that girl and then that girl had to leave. She had go somewhere move away Maybe the whole family bracelet got my car away Okay, great What it's a one-sided- oh my god. It's so funny that they decided to put him on the screen and that he just didn't- But not have him talk. Yeah, just didn't say anything. Yeah well, it's a- oh, this is a- this is tragic.
Starting point is 00:09:15 We all must walk across the street. Oh my god, please get hit. Wait. Oh, drop my phone, hang hang on. No, he dropped his specific sidekick Dude that looked like shit To keyframed it you say start and go she's got legs She's got legs!
Starting point is 00:09:47 Dylan's with me now, bitch. If you didn't know, that's a little kid all grown up. He turned into Neil Breen. Dylan. I don't know what's happening, but I like it. Neil Breen, well, this guy is currently the kid, but all grown up. We've jumped like 30 years. That's not true. Yes, it's very true. I promise you. I guess his's very true. I promise you. I guess his name was Dylan. I didn't yet.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Through story telling through immaculate immersive storytelling and merely using his name, you are now know that he is. Wait, hold on. Is the woman who hit him, the girl that hold on, let me see her hands. Does she have the bracelet? Oh, it might be. Oh shit. It's like he knows he needs to put imagery in the movie somehow, but that he doesn't really think through. Edward Cullen? He doesn't really think through what the imagery means.
Starting point is 00:10:41 It's okay. I still have my bracelet on. I said I still have my bracelet on I said us He's still texting he's trying to ghost text his wife he's twitching So I put him out of his misery You think he's reaching for his phone guys? you think he's reaching for his phone guys what is this like what is this the shoe is like too big for the girl
Starting point is 00:11:10 the mushroom spirit wait did the spirit leave oh the stone oh wow it's the green stone i don't know what that means oh he's fine alright he needs his two face where's that girl who hit me Oh, he's fine. All right
Starting point is 00:11:29 He just to face where's that girl who hit me Yeah, ouch So oh no, just go ahead and It's good. Yeah, get that breather apparatus. I just make sure I put a cell phone right on his chest. Oh, his hand opened but closed again. What happened to the woman? Are we never going to learn who hit him? It's not important. It seems like it is.
Starting point is 00:11:57 What happened to that guy? I call this extra fridge I got use. What am I gonna do with it? Okay, okay. Reaction scene. Yo, this is awful. The sound is amazing. Shaggy from Scooby Doo. Zoinks! Is this or suburban? No one is talking to anyone in this
Starting point is 00:12:30 entire film. No one's had a scene with anyone else. The kids have two kids. Two seconds. Dude. Now, like, now, let's look at the props we use here for uh hospital. Oh, uh is that a scale? He's got a face hugger, dude. All the way.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Oh, yeah. I don't know. It was like a diaper stretched over his face. I don't know how he breathed through that mask. Very good point. I don't know why the mask is even over that. I move the scale out of the way and take a look describe his body. Oh, which is Christ like.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh no. It is my husband. Are you sure? Who is this guy? I was on the phone with him. It's my fault. Who's this guy though? Who's this other guy?
Starting point is 00:13:18 No idea who this other guy is. I'm Ed Begley. I'm here. Who's this doctor? Where'd he get his degree? Why does he look like that? That's not a- that's a pharmacist coat. Nobody said anything to you! It's- it doesn't look good, guys.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Oh no. Oh no. Okay. doesn't look good guys oh no oh no okay come on give it more motion we only have one one take you're not looking at like the same eyeline were they just not available on the same day it was back from that angle kind of like Tim Allen I think that's his real hair I think it is you know what I bet it is I bet you Neil Breen does this case thinks he's clever so that he doesn't have to like worry about reshoots absolutely what what that's all the oxygen he has to be breathing right now. That's impossible.
Starting point is 00:14:28 No, he goes through it. It's too much oxygen for one man. No, that's the only way she's alive. This is a FPS level design hospital. Sure, sure, sure. Oh, they're injecting it with a light. Yeah, well. That's nice.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Well, whoever that is, stop playing that flute. They're all They're all in the same room. We have a take with all of them the same room here and then it's gonna carry Michelle Geller There she is the bracelet Wait, so who hit him then it would be better if the other person hit him Maybe that was her. She's coming dude Harry Osborne, I don't think so I don't think so. The best thing you could hope is to get with his best friend and leave
Starting point is 00:15:08 him. Why do we need the first doctor scene if she's just also going to like reassess this man? The other doctor looks like real angry about that. Also, how is he sending comatose? Where is she going to kill him? I don't know. I don't The other doctor looks like real angry about that. Also, how is he breathing? He's semi-comatose! Where is she gonna kiss? I'm not sure it really matters. Okay, well now we're expected.
Starting point is 00:15:34 I'm leaving you for your friend. I won't be in the rest of this movie. Goodbye, my love. I would be happy if you embraced the girl. Oh my god, they vanished! Yeah, who am I vanishing at? Has time passed I Can't tell do you think those are reloads got them all out of the room. I know it's you Neil I mean Dylan He's like
Starting point is 00:15:56 It's Neil though I It's spooky. It's spooky. It's a ghost. I mean, it's spooky it's spooky it's a ghost I mean it's spooky whoa the concept of the wind no no no the windows are shut every shot is like the same length no matter what happens in it it's like so weird I squeezed it so hard it became coal like he just vastly underestimates how easy it is for us to understand the things that we're looking at on screen. This is he's awake after being diagnosed as semi comatose.
Starting point is 00:16:35 That's because the stones keeping him alive. I don't know what's the power of the green stone. Where's the stone actually? Stone isn't in his hand anymore. It's gone. Is he the stone? Wait, that's you should probably do this in close-up dude we can see like it's not put in you oh this Christ like shit you think he absorbed the needles wait he had two IVs one in each wrist yeah Jesus bro
Starting point is 00:17:00 this is gonna have a scar like in on his ribs. I can't wait to see it like Thank you, it was over that shit How was he breathing? It's not up his nose and no look he's got he's got the nose thing on up on the mask Let me pull this Nothing this is doing nothing for him. What is this? It did nothing for him. That needs to be under the mask, Neil. It did nothing. The Phantom of the Opera is there.
Starting point is 00:17:34 The nurse comes back in and smothers him with a pillow. That is a woman's hand. I'll put you out of your misery. Yeah. Man, this is is what a turnaround. This is the longest 14 minutes I've ever experienced in history of film. This is an hour and 40 fucking minutes long. This is insane.
Starting point is 00:17:55 This is, I've never felt such a waste of time. I can feel it. I can feel it leaving. You can hear the 24 like it shaking the room around me why is this shot in the movie why don't you see his butt crack for like oh one seconds why do I need to look at it for 20 seconds he's caked up dude he's not he's caked up like a fucking cake pan with no cake on it so we pan down to reveal the wheel of the fucking car. No stone a shoe
Starting point is 00:18:29 It's just this foot. It's these feet the feeder thing. Maybe he's like, you know, he decided on feet He decided on feet for this whoa What happened Jesse None of this movie has made sense so far symbolism it will Dude, I think it order for to be something has to symbolize something it will Just I think just like this this scene Got like Pocahontas music going, like little woodwind instruments in the background. What happened to that guy?
Starting point is 00:19:08 I don't know, he's taking a shower in the next room! Gee, where did he go? I wonder where he went. I think I recognized him. The fucking idea that somebody's just walking around with a camera filming the ground like with holding the camera. Is this guy about to jump off a building? Man, I'm not having my fucking 12 p.m. margarita. I'm not even at the hospital. That guy's on the roof. He looks like he's about to leap to his building? Man, I'm not having my fucking 12pm margarita. I'm not even at the hospital.
Starting point is 00:19:45 That guy's on the roof. He looks like he's about to leap to his death. Oh, he went home! He didn't even take a shower in the hospital. He went home. Hey, the wife's still in the movie! Oh, your friend is not here. Honey, is that you?
Starting point is 00:19:59 I want that butt. Yo, that is so much blood. That's a comical amount of blood. Probably shouldn't have left the hospital so fast. Blueberry pancakes, that is so much blood. That's a comical amount of blood. You probably shouldn't have left the hospital so fast. Blueberry pancakes. That is so much. That's like, that's so much blood. Karate man gaping wounds?
Starting point is 00:20:18 Stop. It's like, it's like, it's like House of the Deadcore. Look at him, he's taking a shower with the mask on! He's so close to being naked. Like, is this why he makes these movies so he can cast women and then be like, get in the shower with me? No! There's other ones that have like weird political messages that we'll watch one day.
Starting point is 00:20:39 It's just never enough. It's never, like, David Lynch is like tantalizing, you know what I mean? It's like mysterious when he does things that aren't clear. Like it's it's no it's not. No, it's stupid. It's stupid when he does things aren't clear like David Lynch. You're like clearly this guy's thinking of something. He's following like an artistic feeling this. I don't believe that he's really intending anything. I think he's just kind of I couldn't tell you what that scene was. Yeah. Why he still has his mask on.
Starting point is 00:21:08 And then they boned. I think he's just trying to make it look like there is something going on. Yeah, I don't know why the mask is still on. It's like symbolic. It's like... Dude, four laptops! Four laptops!
Starting point is 00:21:25 Count one of the sticky note on my fucking head. He's a successful author for some reason. That just looks like he's reading. No. Yeah. What's going on? The computers are on. I can't hold books anymore. No, no, no, sir. This is an Ikea. Get up. He's just you're not going to buy anything. Get out of here.
Starting point is 00:22:17 You're fired. I'll call you. Oh, he's autographing all his books. That's not at all working on the next book have novels with the shaggy who is oh shit now shaggy sliding come on though Oh shit, oh shaggy sliding Come on. Oh, oh What the fuck fucking wallowee?
Starting point is 00:22:57 Wow have a drink. Oh man What What Yeah, my wife These titties are so heavy What has it to do with your back? I don't understand what's going on. Is it the daughter? That's the daughter. Oh.
Starting point is 00:23:43 You hear that, honey? Marry someone who will fuck ya! What was that sound? What was that? What was that? What was that? What was that? What was that?
Starting point is 00:23:56 What was that? What was that? What was that? What was that? What was that? What was that? What was that? What was that?
Starting point is 00:24:04 What was that? What was that? What was that? What was that? What was that? God, my parents are so fucking stupid! I'll show them, I'll marry somebody who won't have sex with me. But who is this family? I don't understand what that is. Is that the story he's writing? Shaggy was at the hospital. Yeah, he was worried about his friend. Where are my pills? Why are my pills not in my nipples?
Starting point is 00:24:18 Where are my pills? My pills! My pills my pills I just happen to be right next to your pills where are my pills what the fuck are you doing what one from me one for him she just put them in her pants why is there nothing in there God you stupid woman. Why is she taking them? What happened here? Did she take them all? What is you know why my pills anymore No more pills no more me pills you fired Hey pills you're fired You're fired just give your. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired pills.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Just give your pills to your wife, she's using them. Hey. You don't do that. Question was filmed in Florida. This is strong filmed in Florida vibes. This has like Beach House rental vibes. Oh shit. That Godardian cut.
Starting point is 00:25:22 She's been taking his pills. pills okay well that's probably not healthy luckily he never learns how to flush I tell him all the time dude there's been 30 shots in this movie only. I'm just kidding, but damn. No, it's close. The rock. Computer graphics. Are they? He's definitely on like a green screen he's no he's in
Starting point is 00:26:08 front of a bunch of like plastic bags I think you're right like garbage black garbage bags kitchen or outdoors put your leaves in garbage bags this is like a real guy did this this is like when I like write a little poem this is what this guy does I took your pills. Hell. I was in hell. Every wall was a trash bag. I was naked. That's just from the pegging. What in the hell did you do with my pills? No, I dumped them down the toilet.
Starting point is 00:27:02 You watched them do it. Did I ever tell you about that time that I got approached by a woman who was definitely like Eastern European and was like looking to get married? Did I ever tell you about that? I feel like this relationship is what my life would have been. You're having like a fateful finding of your own. Yeah. If I had gone through, if I'd been like, well, this seems normal.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Is that fucking Rudy Giuliani right there? What is going on? I don't know it was like years ago, and she was just like what if you and I were to get met I'm like No, I'm alright. Hey, you know No, in quantum infinite. What is it quantum? At least pretend like you're interested in me So that like I can you know have the illusion instead of just like you're interested in me so that I can have the illusion instead of just like, you'll get me to America. Like, no, I'm all right. Is this Brian Cox?
Starting point is 00:27:53 Who was that? If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball. We're not hosting an intergalactic Kegger. Ripped horn man. I'm renting. How does he cut again? I feel like I'm missing out on this. It's trying to be a fast-cut montage of him in action, but every shot in this movie is the same length. So no, there's no way to tell what the pace of anything is it's like an actual failing of filmmaking I'll call you when I'm ready also my books don't have covers I have a cover about 16 no one can judge my book by it oh my head oh no it comes it's coming back oh I'm like I knock these books on the ground again. Oh this coffee
Starting point is 00:28:54 He makes when he fucking oh, yeah, I don't want you to finish that thought How did he not spill any of that coffee though, that's all he did he spilled a bunch that was Christ like alright if he... What the fun? The fun got me! Alright, we gonna see this woman? Um, if he sips that coffee... What the absolute shit. I can't, I can't do this!
Starting point is 00:29:24 I'm dying, I gotta go. Just look at this. This coffee is fucking good. I fucking love coffee. Damn. The best part of waking up. He just keeps moaning, dude. There's fulgur in your cup.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Oh. Ugh. You wonder how I got this car? I read it. I read 15 books a day. Oh my god, that ad. I forgot about that ad. 15 books a day.
Starting point is 00:29:58 So bold to say. There's so many fucking books. Come on, bro. Say two! That's amazing! I wake up at 2am and I'm done with 15 books. Hey can we have sex? Well at least we have a fucking extra parking space so don't complain.
Starting point is 00:30:21 I wanna bang you and won't let me. Yeah the two of you have poor communication skills. He wants to have sex with you. You want to spend time with him. This guy, this guy thinks that he's in a porn. Like he doesn't, they cast him. He doesn't know he's about to like not have sex with that girl. Like he's just waiting for that scene to come and they just keep shooting more scenes.
Starting point is 00:30:41 All right, Johnny, we're done. You can go now. Wait, what? more scenes all right Johnny we're done you can go now wait what does she have a phone in her hand not her but the what she's not holding a phone right yeah whoa she's not she's holding nothing isn't it crazy we both delicious have such great families pretty much what she said now that we're all seated I'll go get the meal let me drink my beer everybody finish their drinks I'm about to try your wine. Oh wow, it is wine. Look at me, I healed so fast.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Normal friends hanging out. Bunch of people that make sense together hanging out, suggesting a scene in a culture and a world and a place, sense of place, that's what we're talking about. You are semi-comatose. Just a chill normal scene with friends, caring about each other, how they're doing. I can't believe this daughter is at the table. I was so hungry. Oh my gosh, she's on the side right now. She's hot. Yeah dude. Can't believe this daughter is at the table She did some Molly and she was like
Starting point is 00:32:26 I'm a drunk man right now. We just talked about the fact that there was four slices of bread on that plate Ready for beer has to party. It's ready for beer and bread dude. I'll have wine Here and just what just bread- untoasted bread slices? wheat? whoa oh I'm gonna go play with the other ca- oh he's gonna solve their marriage right now you guys just need to talk to each other
Starting point is 00:32:59 no more pills dude we get- we get it dude I don't need to see one more scene of you not feeling well at your desk I swear to fucking god. Screw this piece of paper. If nothing else happens do you get a headache right now? Fuck my notes. If you just get a fucking headache. Whatever that was. If this is just you getting a headache. Damn it if you just have a headache I'm gonna kill you what you ask it you receive yeah this is what he's been doing the whole time oh she's dead what is happening he's happy This is Barbie and Ken dude They're just ready for whatever
Starting point is 00:33:47 I'm gonna let you know That is the craziest way any two people have ever slept Ever They just both want to suffocate tonight Ever They aren't even like Using the pillow for suffocating Literally face first in the pillow
Starting point is 00:34:01 Like fucking crazy Since they don't Their face is just flat on the front and not then doesn't have a nose on it Law damn back to bed that's Mac. She's so naked Damn it. When is the sex gonna happen? What is this movie? Why why was I hired I at least he promised he's gonna pay me really well Why why was I hired? I at least he promised he's gonna pay me really well Think he lied these people are not looking at each other the lights are on here's no sex happening
Starting point is 00:34:41 Who is your talking to? I started. Dr. David S. Lee, psychotherapist. So she's been addicted to the drugs is what that scene meant. I think, yep. We could have just had this scene right here. We could have just had this scene. Why does she want the meds? She's taking them, she's addicted.
Starting point is 00:34:59 They're pain meds. Right, but why does she what's with the angelic choir like singing in the background it's like kind of Scientology like Scientology II I refuse. Touch. I remember touch. That is the same. You're now.
Starting point is 00:35:41 It's the same piece of furniture that was on the middle of the dinner table. You know what? If you would have told me that pills were the reason they'd break up. She wants to be on them. I don't know who I'm supposed to root for. I don't know if that's a lamp or a speaker. Back to hacking into the government. This guy is so busy hacking into these mainframes, man. What is it? Where is it?
Starting point is 00:36:42 Who are they? Please just get out of here. I'm hacking into the database. Let me do my work. He doesn't even really understand how to use the word hack. back. No. I would call the police right now. The bank is failing. So pills help. Oh, she works at a bank. She didn't say that earlier. The bank is failing. Because and so she has to do does she own the bank No more pills I'm so supportive. So supportive. Oh my **** god. Are you **** serious?
Starting point is 00:38:21 just like she's like I love being on drugs I love being addicted to drugs I love the drugs this is my choice I love being on the drugs I'm a better person on them what the fuck guys guys guys fucking sucks oh yeah give me that kiss what happened to is I'm hacking the government this is the most important thing in the world let Let's flash to him Let's just flash to them after this I Don't want to see this close. I want to see this anymore. The bank is failing. We gotta get back to the bank You can't afford to know what it probably was You know what it probably was she just decided not to be on the drugs anymore Come on!
Starting point is 00:39:26 It just hit the floor! Come on! This is such ass. That's as much as she was willing to ever give him sexually. Oh, nope, the shirt's off, baby. You know what that means. Oh, and the pants fell off too, even though they were both wearing pants. One more kiss.
Starting point is 00:39:49 She closed her eyes like, alright, get through it. A paycheck's a paycheck. Can you imagine being the director of this movie? And being like, yeah, this is more than, this is what we need. We need one more kiss. One more. One more. One more. Shirt off. One more. We're out. Thank you for that.
Starting point is 00:40:14 This I don't ever want to see that again. In the wind. Okay guys, I'm going to stop you right here. I just want to ask you some questions about your motivation here as actors. Oh my god. Jesse is dying right now. Shhh, shhh. Best case scenario is I see a boob and everyone dies and I'll be fine. At this point, like, I saw half a boob so we're already halfway there and- Whoa!
Starting point is 00:41:16 Special effects! He walked away from his own reflection. Incredible. And now he's being reflected in the mirror even though he's standing to the left of the mirror. Wait, so she has drugs now? She's poppin' them. I wish I wasn't addicted! But I love being addicted! It's so fucked up because he is like a fucking alcoholic. And they're like, bro-ing down over being addicts.
Starting point is 00:42:07 I'm beyond that now! Okay, cool. Alright. Well that's good. You know I'm right next to you, right? I'm literally... Yeah, no. You don't even have to... I am. I'm gone. Ohhhh.
Starting point is 00:42:37 Yeah, no I am. I'm in the same fucking room as you! Uh oh. The feet. Mr. Feet! the same fucking room as you oh the feet mr. feet good night it's oh my god what's happening oh my god someone better do something. What do you mean? Everybody's off drugs. This is the same carpet as the apartment I lived in 10 years ago. It is tripping me out. So there was no establishing shot. Is that his house that dude showed up in?
Starting point is 00:43:38 It's just happening somewhere. Do you ever notice how all their clothes are the exact same shape but just different colors? Gotta go back to hacking. This is gonna be so goddamn huge. Whoa! You just said the same line twice. I need to go away now. I've got so much to do. Go away. Like pretend to read and type. I had to read my own book. Was that him communicating effectively? Wait, I don't what's the timeline here? Bro what? I'm watching Jesse fight for his life right now trying not to fucking like zone out. Like what? We know! It's gonna be huge And you crazy
Starting point is 00:45:29 See only new piece of information I've gotten in five minutes and now we just said it twice oh Oh the nuzzling I think I'm like accidentally ahead of you by a second cuz I can't hit the keyboard I think I'm like accidentally ahead of you by a second because I can't hit the keyboard. God damn it. What in the fuck is this? Time just freeze. Did time freeze at the end of that shot? I genuinely hope.
Starting point is 00:46:05 The Reddit eats you alive for this, Matt. Oh, they, so many people on Reddit knew this was coming. I hope they eat you alive for whatever the hell you're forcing us to watch. Dude, the book, it's like a book, but also it's a nightstand. We are 43 minutes in and I still don't know anything. Anything at least with with David Lynch. I be entertained to see. I told
Starting point is 00:46:36 you he's he's acting international and corporate secrets. I was having a normal barbecue. Call Amy. Does he have like a big water stain on his shirt? I think that's supposed to be a shadow, but I'll be honest, I don't know. Also, what's going on with this kid? I don't know. She's over there. Hey dude. Alright well we won't talk to each other. This party's poppin'.
Starting point is 00:47:30 There are five people at this party. Five. They see all the background chatter. What do you mean? They just walked by each other and then walked back? This is like just a circle. There's nothing back there. No one would ever... Wait hold on. There's a whole other group there now. Nobody would ever hang out behind the pool. Nobody would ever go back there.
Starting point is 00:47:50 There's no reason to go back there. This is my husband. There's no reason that would be the most diverse part of the party. Now does the doctor and the man guy know that they're friends from being kids? That's never been established. She kinda like seems like she does, but I don't know. I'll be one second. Don't pause obviously. Oh no. I think my box of nails fell down. Wait, was that from the grill? I don't know what it was. It's a magical day. No date, no information Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Dude. He wrote the same line three times and left all the drafts in the script. Dylan. It's you Dylan. I didn't know you were Dylan. Look at this. I just what never thought to look at the name on the chart I am so upset what was that like we shouldn't he's never forgot What was that? Like we shouldn't.
Starting point is 00:49:45 He's never forgot. They just showed the same scene like four times. Yeah, pretty much. Dude, that's the coolest fucking guy I've ever seen in my life. What an entrance. Whoa. We know, bro. Uh-oh. The one lady just took a bite of nothing. That was great. Just picture yourself in the FOV of any of these people right now. How insane this is.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Imagine walking into a party and everyone at the party is in this corner like this she's so angry what the hell what she has to be angry about oh stank face I burnt this piece. Uh oh. Oh, jam you piece of **** So, one thing that I've learned about Neil Breen is that he thinks that drunk people just like knock **** over with their hands mostly yep wait so none of that mattered he knocked over all the food none of that mattered oh he's touching there him Was that his cash register? Who is this?
Starting point is 00:51:54 I think it's the daughter? It's pretty low res. Why is the daughter here? It's pretty low res. I can't tell. Where is everyone else at the party? Is she gonna like die right now who let her do this oh god where's her home I think that's just his daughter at this
Starting point is 00:52:15 party and he's in the house at was the party at their house the party's there why is she stripping down at his house? He's checking out the daughter? Yeah. I can't believe I just looked at that little girl. What's wrong with me? I can't believe she just said my name. Oh, now she's putting her clothes on.
Starting point is 00:52:42 I heard her through the wall. Do I have super hearing? I have to go back to hacking. What was she doing? Why'd she take her top off? Why'd she stand in the water a little bit and then stop standing in the water? Why's she making a bubble bath? Why's she pouring bubbles when the drain isn't plugged? What an insane thing to do. What? What? What?
Starting point is 00:53:38 To what? Lines? Line? Stare at him. Stare at him. Stare at him. What? To what? Lines? Line? Stare at him, stare at him, that's all you gotta do. Line?
Starting point is 00:53:54 They just kept two takes in the scene. If he says it again, say it again. Is there a Christmas ornament in there? I have to be ready for you. That's what this was about? He was just offended because she didn't call? That's why he told her not to do this anymore? This is gonna be so bad. I thought somebody started playing synthesizer outside of this room, in my real house. This guy still thinks he's going to
Starting point is 00:55:11 get it in in this movie. They're just both like addicted. This is the part where we have sex, right? Finally. That's just so insane of a thing to do. Everything that just happened is like what sociopaths do to each other. It's like insane behavior. Oh. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:56:08 Oh. What's about to happen? Good trigger discipline. What a way to walk out of a scene. No. I'm sorry, what? I'm gonna show this damn car a full of hoes! I'm gonna shoot this damn car full of holes! Jim! I heard gunfire!
Starting point is 00:56:52 What? Now finally quick, twinely like fast shots no yeah it's a down finish the job dad that that the perfect crime what what the bloods
Starting point is 00:57:49 It's blood dripping on him from off camera. Yep. He's calling 911 already. Jim, why did this guy heal from his injuries? Jim. If this is just like a movie about substance abuse, why did he heal from his injuries at the beginning? Jim. If this is just like a movie about substance abuse, why did he heal from his injuries at the beginning? Jim. Why did he get hit by a car and healed from his injuries? Dad. Oh, no, no, no, Dad. He had an itch on his mouth. I cannot believe it. How? Yeah, you're dead oh my god it looks like he's gonna wake up stop doing that man that's so gross why did you get his blood all over your face
Starting point is 00:58:43 like a fucking freak? Well moved on from that pretty quick. Is the daughter dead now? She's gonna come over and use the pool again and then this time they're going to have sex and he's going to and she's going to tell him you should hack you should hack what you call the head that time. That's why police I'm so tired, I'm so exhausted. I need a coffee.
Starting point is 00:59:40 My stamina is replenished. This is exhausting. Down he goes goes once again. Plastic bags? Yep. Mm-hmm. Maybe it's just a bunch of jeans. Like rubber pants?
Starting point is 01:00:00 Just like denim, like black denim. Definitely looks like plastic. Why can't we just rip our clothes off like we used to? Anything. Why would it be her fault? Because she told him to get away from the barbecue when he was wasted. Where'd you get those? Such excruciatingly long shots.
Starting point is 01:00:46 I don't think so, man. It seems self centered. It's crazy. Clearly was like an alcoholic. Also he was murdered. What is that? What is, what is that? You're mad.
Starting point is 01:01:11 You think how could you draw those conclusions? No human being would draw those conclusions. He tried to touch my butt. I pushed him away so he killed himself. It's my fault. Also we have problems at home. What line of thought? Like there's no train of thought there oh my
Starting point is 01:01:26 god you are honest to God you are my man And I will not show emotion. No, no, no, don't. Don't do that. I will try to remember the three lines I wrote myself to say over and over again. I was able to recover from my injuries magically. Hey, we're officially past the halfway point. Oh my god. I'm very working.
Starting point is 01:02:11 I'm busy. Shit. I am done hacking. You don't even get to find out what happens. No obligation. You. Damn it. This is a development. This is not bad. What is that? Which woman is that? I don't know. Genuinely, I don't
Starting point is 01:03:28 know. I can't tell. I think it's the doctor, but I don't know. Alright, fine, leave! You guys probably should not be together, I'll be honest. Every five minutes you're arguing over what you should be- just go! Who cares? Good! Then go! You smack addict? Get out the house! Jesse's had it you guys. He's done. We found the line. If this movie ended right now, Jesse would shoot out of the ceiling like a rocket ship with happiness.
Starting point is 01:04:30 There was a child! She was nine! I got this rock Zim on your music playing what? What What that's how far away he's sitting? Oh my god, what the f- What is this? He went from one doctor to another doctor and it's just the same guy in two different jackets. He needs a second opinion.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Yup. Is this brother? Is that what I, did I miss that the first time? No, the first doctor is the lady, the second doctor is this guy. But he just re-did an establishing shot at the same guy's office and it's a different day? Yes. You know what? Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Yes. I'm not actually sure. Like why did he have to say it like four times? He is human.
Starting point is 01:06:23 He knows how to speak. Is it a flashback? Stupid cats. What is going on with the audio in this shit? It was a flashback. Do you think the government's giving her pills? at the Springs in Tallahassee, Florida. Oh, hey. It's you. Are we the same age? I just don't know. They're not going to continue speaking to each other.
Starting point is 01:07:33 Oh my god. I thought they met their specific purposefully. I know, right? Why did he touch her? I hope they kiss because that would be real. That would be realistic in what people do. That's what she would be thinking and that's what he would be real. That would be realistic in what people do. That's what she would be thinking and that's what he would be thinking. I hope it cuts them both in a naked cube somewhere. Yeah. Like a black plastic. And naked in a cube. So they didn't go there to meet each other. They just saw each other. He rubbed her face and they are hanging out. They're married now. Husband and wife. The engagement is off. Wow, it's almost like everything's coming back together. She touched his lips. I love you.
Starting point is 01:08:35 They're in the cube. I just put it together. The black cube that he keeps seeing is the cube that they're inside of. I didn't realize that till this moment. No, that's not how childhood love stories go. You're my childhood love story. Most of those don't have black cubes in them. I'll be honest. Do you look in the camera? I am so on pills.
Starting point is 01:09:09 My strap is down. Things are fucked. I don't understand what the story with the other family has to do with any of this. The story is that they rented this house and they can't get anything on the sheets or anything like that and they can't change anything, so they're having to be very careful. Right, but what is the other... what do the blonde woman and the husband she shot and the daughter have to do with any of this plot? It's like our town. It's just going on. It's just what's happening. I don't understand, bro.
Starting point is 01:09:37 It's a four-legged cowboy. Come on, let's go back to where we found the mushroom box. Back to Magic Mushroom? There better be 25 minutes of credits. What is this is taking so long? What was that effect? From the day we arrive on the planet. Is he gone? Oh fuck. What the shit well I'm gonna put this back in now the hardest part I believe is that they're
Starting point is 01:10:58 supposed to be the same age what was the point of any of this dude? If he puts that back I will die not knowing what that meant. Just wait dude. The ghost light. What do you think the government secrets are? I bet you they're about mushroom people. people. What? I don't know what I'm looking at. The actions that they're doing aren't like commonly recognizable actions of what people are. Yeah, like this doesn't translate to symbolism at all in any way. Or just even like narrative. Like I can't tell what I'm supposed to be, like what information this is supposed to give me. I get that she's sad and that she's like, I get that she's sad, but I don't really know beyond that why she's sad exactly or exactly what she wants. It's a magical day. Remember? I aged 10 more years than you
Starting point is 01:12:02 did in the time that it was since we were both children. At least it's generous. I don't know what that rope means. I don't know why that's there. Don't know what he did exactly. Don't know why you did it. Oh, the drugs
Starting point is 01:12:23 killed. Thank god. Now, the two people can be together. Her husband's dead and his wife is dead. So what happened to the other? What happened to the blonde woman? None of this makes any sense. Also, I like how he's making out with her, not knowing that his wife is dead. Who cares, honestly?
Starting point is 01:12:39 Oh, nope, she's fine. And the glass is there. And she's not fine anymore. Nope, nope. Wait, she picked fine. And the glasses is there. She's not fine anymore. Nope. Nope. When she picked up the glass, she spilled just to say goodbye. I'm sorry. I feel like this blonde girl who's like a smooching up on. This is just on lips.
Starting point is 01:13:00 I said no laps. I said this before, but it's so true. It's like the reason these things hurt so much. It's like not even like Necessarily the bad writing or the bad acting or the bad like filmmaking It's just simply just the one thing that it's just the shots are so Fucking long this movie could be 20 minutes long And it would be like oh he was such a gentle version of the ribbon. You know what I mean? He still thinks this is what sex is
Starting point is 01:13:33 is just like taking your shirt off a little bit and kissing but at least it's gentler. Oh no, he's ripping her like Frankenstein grips a child something he's never done before like he's new to life all right so why did they just strip a little bit but not all the way and then keep continue to kiss and then nothing she wouldn't agree to anything other than topless all right never mind they're gonna do it under the tree the mushroom tree that's a magic mushroom tree is where they're gonna bang why did he recover from his injuries at the beginning of this film Emily I was cheating on you I'm sorry Emily I just have to wait a cheat on
Starting point is 01:14:10 you for a minute Emily Emily! Emily! Emily! Come on baby! Come on baby! Emily! Emily! Emily! Emily! Emily!
Starting point is 01:14:40 Oh! Oh Emily! I know it was you. What does that mean? You know, is you what? Why? Good question. I could just look at how much time is just wasted. Like, how long been focusing on the information his wife died and he's sad about it? What does I know it was you mean? It's so unclear.
Starting point is 01:15:11 What? Like, did you see that? You see that? It's like he's a supervillain who's plan is to take away all my time. Who did he call? What? I think he just left a reminder on his own. Oh, oh, oh, oh, back into the cube. I go. My name is Peter McAllister. I'd like a large cube. You know what? I don't even care anymore.
Starting point is 01:15:58 Did I jump back into the film? Did I accidentally touch my keyboard? Are we really watching this fucking scene in real time again? Yeah, we're watching it again. Oh, whoa! Man. It's the most intimate gesture he knows. His arm is just in place to touch the booby. It's the most intimate gesture he knows. Honestly, I don't think that's what he's in it for. No, he it's the most intimate gesture he knows honestly i don't think that's what he's in it for
Starting point is 01:16:27 i think he might be that boring he just wants the little smooch it's a manifesto.. . . . . I'm sorry. Anything to destroy the set again. God, it's just the awkward smiling back and forth.
Starting point is 01:17:57 That's a shot from the opening of the movie. Oh my god. Oh my god. I would love to just know one detail about the nature of what the fuck you're doing. doing it's so so vague it's so vague Okay. I'm not sure. I can't wait any longer. He's not actually turned on a computer once this entire thing. What if four computers- I don't know where he got these from, but he just throw books at them. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Starting point is 01:19:48 Like, like. Why do we need to look at this this long? What is it? It's not even a moving image. It's like a **** It was like a **** photograph of the side of a wall. Hopefully this person kills him because honestly I can't roll credits. Roll credits Whoa
Starting point is 01:20:25 Don't you hate when that happens you're trying to commit a crime and like a secret handwritten note falls out of your fucking pocket? Wow, that's the longest chloride. I've got your wife. Oh, yeah. He didn't realize he wasn't on the phone with her? He didn't realize he wasn't on the phone with her? How long was she? How long was he talking? Leah for God's sake pick up the phone Who's he actually talking to? Is this a message? It's just no one. If he's still on the phone. I'm gonna be furious
Starting point is 01:21:48 I'll find you. I'll find you. You're not at the warehouse Can you hear me still good? I'll be there soon. Just tell me where you are Leah Leah pick up Leah. Are you there? Leah Leah, how would he know to come here? He walked? Besides the establishing, I guess he found that note. I guess.
Starting point is 01:22:11 He walked directly. He walked directly to it. Batman time! Yes! This fucking, this bash just faced him! Oh, the fact that he's like standing in front of the door and phased away. I'm magic remember it's Dylan who smooch me smooch me We're almost there. We're approaching the finish line. Yeah. So cool. It's going to be worth it. It's going to make the whole movie worth it.
Starting point is 01:23:49 Trust me, dude. You'll see. Trust me. The whole movie will be worth it. Why do you need to put the gang back in? Why did you put the gang back in? What if this movie has like a like matrix level Like lobby shootout scene in it starring Neil Green. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:24:21 Bye! Huh? Whoa look at that. Oh Whoa, look at those effects! Huh? Wait, what? Why are we here? Don't you like underage girls? You look like you would be a pedophile. There's been no establishment of him being like tempted at all. No, she just turned around it was like
Starting point is 01:24:46 Dylan So let's bang I'll tell you more if you let me suck your dick What the fuck? God, look at the face she's making is just like terrified. God, every time they're naked. It's the same bed? I think it is. The bed that his wife OD'd on.
Starting point is 01:25:36 Hey. Remember the contract said no kissing? You up? Emily. you were the contract said no no kissing you up Emily there's that that hallway with that rug again he definitely instructed all right so if you're a woman I'm gonna need you naked but like I don't need to show anything but side I just want to know you're naked and like actually see some stuff on set yeah I want everyone to know you're naked, but you don't show anything so lay exactly flat down on the ground Why are we watching these laptops? Oh, do you think the same demon that possessed that?
Starting point is 01:26:13 Skull at the beginning is moving the laptop to maybe he opened the drawer, too He's really doing so vague it's so unclear what's happening. This is like the ghost footage you see on TikTok. It's not bad. I'll admit. It's not bad ghost footage. That's true. It's about as good as anything else. Yeah. I don't know who this person is supposed to be at all. Oh shit. The mist from the mushrooms is back? What was that musical sting? It's played every time that thing comes on the screen.
Starting point is 01:26:52 I think it's part of the same after effects file. Also why did she change the way she's sleeping and then pull up the covers if I don't... No idea. How long is this? Alright, something has to happen. See what I'm saying? Something has to happen. It's taking minutes away from us.
Starting point is 01:27:14 You were right, I'm genuinely upset. It's taking away my minutes. Maybe the ending will really fix it for you. If something happens, I'll be like, all right. All right. Information, right? Yo, if the house is a rockin, don't know what this means. It's ghost shit I guess? Mushroom ghost? Mushroom ghost?
Starting point is 01:27:53 Sweet lord. Who is playing that flute? This is the longest of all of his movies to be fair. This is just a minute, a shot of a minute passing in real time on a clock. If it cuts back to that clock and it's still 29, I'm gonna lose, or 59, I'm gonna lose my mind. It was like grandpa jumping out of bed. Oh my god. I can't believe we're the same age. Do you see her side titties? Oh my god! I can't believe we're the same age.
Starting point is 01:28:27 You see her side titties? This? Babe, the paintings are moving. Babe. Babe, get up. The mushrooms are moving the paintings. Get up. Babe, the mushrooms are moving the paintings. Babe. I've always loved you. Hey, only 15 minutes
Starting point is 01:28:49 left. Out. Hey, I'm gonna sneak out of here. Okay. Oh, goodbye. made it way worse okay hey sure to put the noodles in one thing together I love that we're getting an answering machine shot Leah shot. Leah. Dude. What the fuck? Oh, Gran Torino. Gran Torino Gran Torino Oh my favorite car, I'm not racist anymore Man Why do we need to watch him drive? We know where he is, we know where he's going, we know he's doing it in a car, we get that he's going in a straight fucking line through the desert.
Starting point is 01:30:13 Let's just move on. We've got it. This is not a scrap of footage. We know it's the desert. We could have actually just cut to this shot even. We didn't really need to see him drive to the desert because nothing happened while he was in the car. I would have understood how he got here. I would have put it together. Instead of cutting we just pan. Arizona.
Starting point is 01:31:12 It's that fucking book, bro. The one from the storage unit. I know. We're gonna find out finally if it's a book or a table or a table in the shape of a book yes we're at the back rooms now did you Did you find my book? Bwahahahaha! Dr. Algebra is left over. What did it say? I have no idea. Whoa! She's not real?
Starting point is 01:31:54 She died? She's not real! And they're naked again. Got about 10 minutes left. No worries. I'm gonna need this guy to get in bed next to them in that space that's open. Making a threesome. I don't... none of this means anything to me. What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:32:17 None of this means anything to me. How could it not? None of this means anything to me. I've no there's no stakes. I don't know who this person is in any way. I don't know what they want. His psychologist was a ghost. The book brought him to the desert. And no, no, he went to the desert and the book was there and then shadow people too. And desert the book was there and then shadow people too and then they all vanished and then he was home again and time it yeah my god if you can explain to me what the story of this fucking movie is
Starting point is 01:32:59 this author hacked the government and corporates for all their secrets meanwhile the magic mushroom friend that he made and him went separate ways but then they came back together and then his wife died of a drug overdose while he was cheating on her and the husband got shot because she was trying to shoot the car actually shot him and then made it look like a suicide There he goes and the blood too cuz it's all the same layer So, what was the point of him going out to the desert for a day? I was gone for 24 hours, did you notice? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:33:57 Nipple tassels. I have no idea. Wear them. No idea. I'm not actually sure. It was some kind of book or like a table in the shape of a book. I don't know. I'm not actually sure It was some kind of book or like table in the shape of a book. I don't know. I'm not sure I'm not honestly clear Here it is. Where is the capital?
Starting point is 01:34:44 Shit. No one is here watch watch this is the reveal okay okay what is it what is it What is it? Oh! They all are? The business people? We're from Congress. In the cube?
Starting point is 01:35:30 What in the fuck is it? F099 Okay? Wait, just watch. Okay? No. Yes! No! No! No! No!
Starting point is 01:35:51 No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No!
Starting point is 01:37:11 President of the bank Just the explanation of what he thinks goodbye would be good is like Are you kidding me? Why do they have guns? He just took it off the dead guy did they know what he was gonna say is that a mag light why you really didn't need to show all of these also we got it after the second one Oh, oh, look how she's killing herself in her car. That's not how it works, Neil, but okay. She killed herself. Carbon monoxide poisoning.
Starting point is 01:38:02 Oh, he's ODing on a green screen. What drug is that, bro? Let me get some. Dude, look, hype. Is that Will Wheaton? I can't believe that I'm still watching this scene happen. I've like checked out three times and it's just still going on. I've like migrated to like other thought processes.
Starting point is 01:38:38 And it's just like, why did you film this? Why do they all live in apartments? Oh, okay, goodbye. Why do they all live in furnitureless apartments? Oh. This was Neil Breen's warning to the government. This is what he's working on. We get it!
Starting point is 01:39:19 In his mind this is like the- OHHHH FUCK Plaza dude why do they mic this guy it's not even in the center What? What? What? What? What is the truth? What is the truth? What is the truth?
Starting point is 01:39:54 Are there time jumps happening during the speech? Are there time jumps happening during the speech? Oh yeah, when they were all killing themselves at home. Oh yeah, when they were all killing themselves at home. But then they jumped back. But then they jumped back. but then they jumped back. Back to the magic mushroom. It's like a minute or two left is gotta just be like this.
Starting point is 01:40:33 sucks. I still don't know what any of this means. I don't know what's happening. This doesn't make you wanna like I don't know what to go against the man and I'm fighting the government. I'm just fighting. Why why did the mushroom wanted to fight corporate government if that's what this is about I'm honestly just relieved right out of that scene. I walk up to him then then stab himself or something Why did he bleed why did a man think it was house to bleed? I? Couldn't tell you cool. It was like oh, man with the shoes that keeps disappearing Who's the man with the shoes that keeps disappearing?
Starting point is 01:41:09 Sasquatch? OOOOOOHHHH! The whale of the mushroom queen! It's the ghost! Don't know what that means. I don't know what that means. I don't know what any of it means. Maybe you do. I honestly don't feel like I watched anything You I feel like you know when people say they black out and like time disappears, that's what I feel like I Know what we saw Neil Breen, baby. That's what we saw what that was. I told you it's like David Lynch except he sucks
Starting point is 01:41:45 That's all it is at least when it's done. I'm like, okay, I understand what he was trying to say there. It's weird, but I get it. You get an essence, or you get a unique feeling, or you get some sort of poetic imagery. I am numb to this film. I learned nothing about anyone. I don't know the plot about the husband and wife, or the wife killed the husband, let alone the kid. I don't understand what the hell any of the people giving him drugs, what that was supposed
Starting point is 01:42:04 to mean. I don't know why. It's a message about giving him drugs, what that was supposed to mean. I don't know why. It's a message about the corporate system and getting people addicted to meds, man. Did the stone want him to take the government? Why did the stone leave sometimes? When was the stone really there? What was it ever there? What was the garbage bag?
Starting point is 01:42:15 Who was the man that teleports into his home? Was he the man? Why did that guy kill himself? No idea. How can he teleport? He teleported to save his girlfriend? No idea. Why did that girl get kidnapped in the first place?
Starting point is 01:42:24 I have no idea Genuinely, what's the book dude? What's the book? I genuinely don't interpret man. It's all there's nothing to interpret. There's nothing to interpret Symbolism requires it be a symbol of something now you guys need a full year before we do another Neil Breen movie It's a really no full ten years of something now you guys need a full year before we do another Neil Breen movie to full ten years I'm very eager to see how this is gonna be received by the paint. No one's gonna like this This was the worst thing I've ever seen my entire life talking about Any of the above-lucid companies in the credits with an N or a B in their name are fictitious
Starting point is 01:43:01 This work was actually done personally by Neil Breen the characters locations in locations, and situations in this film are fictitious and not based on any actual people's lives. No one actually killed a senator. How many of the names? Well, everybody, there you go. That is Fated, Fated which one? Was that Fated Pair? Yeah. Yeah, Fated Find, Fateful Findings. That's what it was, Fateful Findings. Yeah, Twisted Pair has findings. That's what it was. Fateful findings. Yeah. Twisted Pair. Twisted Pair has a sequel
Starting point is 01:43:27 that's out this year. Dude, we have to do Twisted Pair because that's when he plays his own twin. Yeah, that's the that's the craziest one. I'm trying to see how many companies in this are NB. NJN Sound Associates and Brian Mills. Is that Neil Breen? Casting N Entertainment. Is that Neil Breen? Casting N Entertainment? Is that Neil Breen? Cine N collaboration, lighting N films, the B&B effects studio, BB location management, NNN Entertainment partners, Eats and Eats film. That is insane. Is this so that when he gets people to come to their auditions, he looks legit as hell?
Starting point is 01:44:05 Yeah, that's fucking so funny dude. Oh wow. Well thank you boys for letting me drag you through on Neil Breen film. I enjoyed it a great deal and I appreciate you coming along for the journey. Another piece of classic Americana just completely digested by this Shilluminati podcast. Thank you for your support. X-Files next, right? Yes.
Starting point is 01:44:27 Fuck yes. So I need you to know that I just started I Am Here, dot dot dot now, the next movie on this list of movies. And all I know is it's in the middle of the desert and there's like, again, a woman who like has a little bit of boobage showing and like a dude and then Neil Pierce goes
Starting point is 01:44:45 I'm disappointed with your species and they go run and then it kills them. I don't know what I like I just Can't fan for life a new fan for life. Are you are you saying you need another one sometime in the business? No, I'm saying the best it ever gets think I hope that next time Maybe the better. I'm gonna to be like, no, Neil Breen or whatever. I'm like, no. I don't know who that is. I forgot. I blocked it out. Do you remember B&B or Eats and Eats catering? Oh my god, dude.
Starting point is 01:45:12 Alright. Thank you guys for supporting us. Alright. We'll be back with X-Files next time. We love you. Thank you for this. Goodbye. Goodbye.

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