Club Random with Bill Maher - James Carville | Club Random with Bill Maher

Episode Date: September 24, 2023

Bill and James Carville on: why Bill Clinton is the most talented politician ever, the Democrats deep bench, Vivek’s chances to be President, Bruce Springsteen’s denial of Chris Christie’s fando...m, the toughest room in comedy, how feelings get in the way of good policy, and the one person who can lose to Trump. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At public mobile, we do things differently. From our subscription phone plans to throwing a big sale right now when no one else is. Well, maybe they are, but who cares, our sale is better. And it's on right now, no waiting necessary. You have the latest phone. Now take advantage of a great price on a 5G subscription phone plan. It's the perfect deal for anyone who could use some savings right now. Subscribe today at phone plan. It's the perfect deal for anyone who could use some savings right now. Subscribe
Starting point is 00:00:25 today at Different is calling. I'm an independent. I voted for every Democratic president, but I swear to God, every time I gave the Republican a chance. Is this kind of a bit of a late 60's element to it or something? It's delayed everything. It's definitely late. I mean, that's why we call the club random, because it's definitely random. And everything here is like something that didn't fit anywhere in my real house. I'll gather you, decorator yourself. Decorating is a strong word for what is going on. Oh, you threw it together? Well, throw it is much more close to the truth. Like it was literally thrown in here, but it definitely does not have what you would call a woman's touch. Right. You could see a woman was a woman would say, let's pull this together.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Where this is all coming apart. I'm telling you, if there's, I know you have famous non-believer, but assume that there is a heaven. And the definition of heaven is you get assigned to do what you want. When Mary gets to the pearly gates, they're going to say, all right, we got some furniture to rearrange here. And for all eternity, all you're going to do is move furniture. And let me tell you something, it should be in heaven. Every time I turn around, I have something I have my chair, you know, I watch television, and then all of a sudden it's moved. But I get the feeling that you became a much happier person when you got married. You know, Bill. I feel like you're the guy who you might bitch about it and complain about it,
Starting point is 00:02:20 but you, I mean, obviously you have one of the most famous marriages and certainly one of the most famous cross the political divide marriages. But it's lasted a very long time. Now, it's almost statistical freak. I got married when I was 49. I've only been married once. Right. You know, some people get married for a nine, but it's very... And I never... I really come from a big family, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not a bad boy, I'm not and it was of fake marriage. They said that about the Clintons.
Starting point is 00:03:05 And I always said, it's not a fake marriage. It's a very real marriage. It's just one. I mean, I think she was the one who said he's a hard dog to keep on the porch. Right, okay. And no one did that. That was whoever thought it was a fake marriage.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Lots of people say it's an arrangement. And I always said, it's not an arrangement. And he really does love her. He just also loves strange. Or did, you know, he's an older man now. Yeah, I don't, but what I do know is that to people, I know people that said it was an arranged marriage. Okay, I don't know anyone that really knows them that would say that.
Starting point is 00:03:47 I think somebody from a distance would say that. No, I thought, if you, I mean, obviously, partisans are going to be partisans and they're going to hate when somebody does anything on the other team if they're that kind of person. But if you're, unless you're that kind of superpartisan, you couldn't watch him at, was it the, yeah, her 2016 convention. When he gave her the speech, I met a girl at Yale. Remember that? You know, he went into that thing about like,
Starting point is 00:04:16 I've never seen her go into a situation and didn't make it better, you know. You just got the feeling that this is somebody and I remember when they were going through their shit and and they asked her what she was going to do and she said something like, you know, yeah, I thought about leaving, but he's at the end of the day the most interesting person I've ever met. And the idea of like not having that in my life was just not, you know, tenable. And people like the Clintons, I feel like, you saw that part of it. I mean, that, it was romantic in its way.
Starting point is 00:04:50 He's the most interesting man I could ever talk to. How many people can you say that about? Well, because he is. Because what? Because he is. I mean, he's the most interesting person. I have a, He is?
Starting point is 00:05:03 He's just, He's a stunningly interesting man. She, he's a... But kind of an egomaniac, no? Everyone that you and I know at some levels of egomaniac. Who would get into politics? Yeah, that's not. I guess it's levels of it. I don't know. I don't know. So at one time I used to, I worked a lot overseas and I was doing a very good in Argentina
Starting point is 00:05:34 and then finance minister, a man my name in Domingo, Guvalo. We were having a drink at the Sheraton Hotel and put a medellar of something. The guy comes by and he says, I'm a singer of Rodriguez, Caballo says, this is James Carvelli, the man that elected Bill Clinton. No, okay fine. And he said, tell you the story.
Starting point is 00:05:57 He said, about a couple of three years ago, the OAS had a meeting here in Sheraton and the President Clinton came, and of course I was the manager and that agreed and that you know, you would do. He said a couple years later, the Sheraton people called me and he wanted me to go to Santiago because there was a head-on of thing in President Clinton who could be standing at the Sheraton in Santiago. So it was there and they asked me to come out and greet the president. And President, he looks at him and he says,
Starting point is 00:06:28 I thought you were in Buenos Aires. Did you get transferred? These kind of stories are, you hear them all the time. I have heard them. About his memory. Right. And just his total recall of every detail of every person, and the way he would always stay to the last person in the room, wanted to talk to him about something, I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:50 He could never get it, wouldn't want to leave. He genuinely wants to. So who has that kind of political talent now? Nobody. Okay. I mean, nobody else knows. Well, there's some people to great, the most talented group of politicians I've ever seen in my life in any political party are currently in the Democratic party. You just said the opposite, but none of them were as good as Clinton.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Well, right now, because we don't know, because they're not on the, they're in the war. Who is this dream team that has, I think that Josh Shapiro is about his talented apologizing scene. Okay, he's Pennsylvania. Right. Governor. He's a governor. Okay. I cannot picture him, but that doesn't mean anything because. You're not doing anything. I'm just telling you, you're seeing him. Westmore. I, I did, I, I, I, I, I, West and I did real time with you during the pandemic. And I'm fucking think went down. Right. He's governor of Maryland.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Governor of Maryland. African American governor of Maryland. The, the governor of Kentucky is, it could be Clint Nest Howe. Oh, what's his name again? Andy Bersier. Andy Bersier. Andy Bersier.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Right. Kentucky. See, that, the Democrats need a little Kentucky again. Well, I think we're going to, we got the election coming up. I mean, they should remember that the person who, you know, elected Clinton who had an accent was you who has such an accent that, you know, when they do the kairons, there's a machine that puts the words under podcasts and television shows, they can't do you. Because they don't know what the fuck you're saying.
Starting point is 00:08:29 So it comes out gibberish. But you talk and think like America. That's what the Democrats need. If they do, it's just image that, so you've got a couple of voters from wherever. And you ask them, when you think of the Democratic Party, what do you think? And inevitably, well, they're urban. They kind of look out after the cities, and they don't.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Right. Could you imagine what would happen if we put five people on the stage that could have had like string of sentence together and had original thoughts and energy, but they'd keep you in the dark. Oh, dear, but that's so fucking much talent out there at every level. Talent, so what is political talent? So you're saying these guys are talented,
Starting point is 00:09:22 Bashir and any women in this group? Whitmer? Whitmer. Good. Gina Romaltto. Gina Romaltto is the... She's really talented. The boss of former governor, Rhode Island,
Starting point is 00:09:32 she's not a secretary of commerce. Is Rhode Island a state? Well, really. Come on out. I don't know, but they think they are. I have a lot of friends and I have. It'd be great if we could like snap our fingers and actually have another constitutional convention
Starting point is 00:09:48 where you didn't have to, I mean, because nothing will ever change in this impacted colon of a country because you could never convince enough people who all hate each other now to get behind sensible things. But if you could like just be the king in a constitutional convention, like some of the things
Starting point is 00:10:05 like I would definitely get rid of every state gets two senators and no matter how many people so that California gets two with 40 million people and the decoded territory gets four. That like would go, but you could never get people to agree. But actually it's a big thing on the right to have a new to have a new costume convention That's I want to say like 19 or yes, they've had states. What do they want to get rid of? It's all the four teeth amendment. It's all eight to four teeth amendment really cold god But it most of the constitutions fucked up shit is in their favor the second amendment and the two senators bullshit
Starting point is 00:10:45 Yeah, and they hate the reconstruction of the image. They particularly, the 14th Amendment is equal process. Right. You know, equal protection. And is that because, I mean, they can't. They're not against black basic civil rights, are they? Really? Are they? Really? Are they?
Starting point is 00:11:06 Well, the social civil right that you vote counts and a gerryman that he's fucking in the district and like, and- Yeah, but they would, of course, I understand what you're saying and of course they do that. But are they doing it because minorities don't vote for them? In other words, if minorities voted for them, I don't think it's a race thing. Some of it is, but it's more of a, if you don't vote for us thing, then we're going to try to make it that you can't vote. I think it'd be happy to take this. He said in Wisconsin, some of the folks said, these college kids just row out of bed and
Starting point is 00:11:40 go vote. Well, what the fuck are you supposed to do? All my life. I've rolled out of bed and go vote. Well, what the fuck are you supposed to do all my life? I've rolled out of bed and I've got the vote. What's wrong with that? But they just, the kids in Madison were not voting for Republicans, so they don't, they don't want college kids vote. It literally said they just rolled out of bed and go vote. Everybody vote for them like that. Absolutely. that's so silly. As if you needed like a month to think about it, when you already knew who you're gonna vote for two years before, but somebody in the race currently wants to raise the voting age to 25.
Starting point is 00:12:18 That's a, might be the fate. He was like, everything that he had a hover degree, it was a tech bro. it was totally fucking crazy. And so they all are right, and he said, look, I'll get in, I'll fix you, Crane. We'll just give Russia whatever they got. You can't keep what they got. And then we'll say, Russia,
Starting point is 00:12:38 you can't have a military alliance with China. Oh, right. I mean, Vivek sat right there and we chopped it up for quite a while. And I said to him, I find you both disarming China. I mean, Vivek sat right there and we chopped it up for quite a while. And, you know, I said to him, I find you both disarming and very alarming because he is unabashed. You know, he insists that he is not running for Beat Trump's vice president.
Starting point is 00:12:57 He would never accept that. He's been the CEO of a company. And I like the guy. But, you know, and he could never go back. He'd go from CEO to vice president of the world. Yeah, I think you could. Anyway, so he, to me, looks like he's running as to for the Trump's vice president because he's, or if Trump, you know, somehow can't run or, you know, has a heart attack or something, he is positioned as the Trump. They're never,
Starting point is 00:13:28 but even hate Ron DeSantis. Who does? The mega base, because DeSantis is done to unforgivable thing. He's, Rob Swarovsky is at least smart. If something happens to Trump, right, the mega, you know, he never attacked him. That's no chance
Starting point is 00:13:46 going up for Mike Pence. No, no, of course not. Well, that was never in the cards. No. Well, I mean, you talk about political talent or just, I mean, he, I always say, he looked like the pilot in the film that they show before the plane takes off, you know, who goes over the safety sheet. And, oh my God, you know, you have to have a little pizzazz, no matter, right? But, you're saying it's because it's all about loyalty. It's all about the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:14:17 So the sanest thing that he can go out in outright winged Trump. That doesn't, that's not what motivates these people. Well, that is kind of what Vivek is doing because, you know, he, when he said, I want to get rid of 75% of the government, that's outtrumping Trump. I mean, Trump never, Trump's going to get rid of any of the government. He just wants to control it. Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:14:41 But I'm saying, if you're going to be that kind of meat throwing, fire breathing, salivating, drooling Republican, the fake is like, you might as well go all the way because that is what, I mean, he was, he won, didn't he win that debate? When I look at a Republican debate, the way that I determine the winner is the one that irritated me the most. Because if you're fucking irritating me, you're winning there. So I score it in reverse order. So who ever tried to do the most?
Starting point is 00:15:17 That's such a hard one. Get the scientists to decide it. You know who irritated me the most? The Borgum, Doug Borgum. Whereas I call him president, Doug Borgum. Just the, you know, I'm sure he's a sweet guy, but like the ego of like, and what is his wife tell him after?
Starting point is 00:15:36 You killed it. Totally nailed it. I think there's gonna be a groundswell. I mean, it's just like, come on man. And the other guy on the end, Hutchinson. Oh, Aiza. You would like, he's a perfectly... I know, man.
Starting point is 00:15:51 What? The only politician in America who looks older than Biden, he's gonna be that... Yeah. And he went into that thing about... The guy, don't give a shit as Chris Christy. He's just gonna barge in Trump to, he'll chase him around to whatever,
Starting point is 00:16:10 the other one for fuck. I mean, ask you this, you know what, good for the ass, this came up in conversation, and then it went with people, somebody was saying that, Chris Christy has been to 150 Bruce Springsteen show. You know, a New Jersey thing.
Starting point is 00:16:27 You can't hear Louisiana thing. Right, right. New Jersey. And Bruce Springsteen is awesome. And Bruce Springsteen is a really good Democrat. Well, that's the point. So was Jimmy Buffett, by the way? Yeah, I know Jimmy.
Starting point is 00:16:40 I remember Jimmy. Yeah, he was a good Democrat. Almost everybody in show business is a Democrat. Yeah, because remember Jim. Yeah, he was a good Democrat. Almost everybody in show business is a Democrat. Yeah, because they know. Well, also, it's just like, you know, I'm an independent. Okay. I voted for every Democratic president, but I swear to God, every time I gave the Republican a chance.
Starting point is 00:17:00 In other words, I looked at the choices. I didn't just automatically vote Democrat, but I legitimately thought, yes, Bill Clinton will be better as a president than George Bush or Bob Dolewood. Then I looked at George Bush and I looked at John Kerry and Al Gore and legitimately said, no, these guys are going to be smarter and more compassionate and more effective. I don't regret that. Then then, you know, Obama with McCain and Romney, I looked at them. I don't hate either John McCain or Mick Romney. There's things to admire about both of them. But I still thought, no, Obama, maybe if it was them
Starting point is 00:17:37 against some lesser Democrat along the way who I didn't like, but I just think that to me is how I do it. I know that's not where you are. Yeah, I mean, look, when I was a kid, it's the only people that wanted to help black people with a national Democrats. And I grew up in a very... When you grew up in another era, it was reversed. Right. It was the Democrats who were the problem for them. My great grandfather, not great, great grandfather. My great grandfather was... Immigrate from Ireland, Wisconsin,
Starting point is 00:18:19 who was a soldier in the Union Army, right at the end of the war, we cannot confirm if the officer any combat. He was a classic carpet bagger. He moved to Louisiana. He ran in one, is in the state legislature. He was a Republican.
Starting point is 00:18:37 He was actually like the floor leader of Governor Pinchback, who was the first black government. Remember Doug Wilder was the first elected black government. He did not write. Jim got right. Right. Yeah. And what is his name, Pinchback? Governor Pinchback was a governor of... I was like a sketch on the old Steve Allen show.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Governor Pinchback and... Really? I said it a filibuster. I have said it a filibuster. What are the best real-time routine for political consultants? It's the Melanie Stanzberry. And how did these negative ads? Oh, you remember that?
Starting point is 00:19:13 Oh, I watch that piece. Oh, the young Kim is in color. I can recite the entire fucking thing. It's one of my favorite things that you've ever experienced. I think it feels so good. But let me ask you, this Bruce Springsteen thing. Okay, so Chris Christie's been to 150 Bruce Springsteen concerts. Obviously a big fan.
Starting point is 00:19:33 And it was just an article, I guess, in the paper that said, finally, maybe Bruce is sort of like stopping from just completely freezing him up. You know, he saw that he wouldn't talk to her I I Just my point of view, but I feel like Bruce Springsteen shouldn't have done that like When Chris was on the show last time I called him and we laughed about it I said you're you're what I call a as good as it gets Republican and
Starting point is 00:20:05 I said, you're what I call a as good as it gets Republican. And this country should get the fuck over itself and realize it's a big place with lots of people that don't think like you. And you can't hate everybody who's not just completely on your page. It's not going to get a lot better than Chris Christie as Republicans go, the things we don't like about Republicans. And to hate those kind of people, no, I will not be your friend. I will not talk to you.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Maybe it would get better by being friends with people like that. Yeah, I'd like, I've done events, so then he's coming up. He's a person. People don't, there's something people don't realize. But he's not a monster who, he could play one in like a movie, but. There's something people don't realize. But he's not a monster who he could play one. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:45 And like a movie, but... Connecticut does not have a culture, okay? I'm sorry. New Jersey actually has a culture. Like they, Bruce Springsteen is too... I mean, he's like a cultural icon. They go to the shore. They don't go to Cape Cod icon. And they go to the shore.
Starting point is 00:21:05 They don't go to Cape Cod. They don't go to Miami. I mean, into the shore, this is Miami-Pringing. And they actually have a culture. They have iconic things. Yes, and we say water. And for some reason, they think that's pronouncing it wrong. I don't understand that.
Starting point is 00:21:20 I don't know either. I just wish people could, you know, get over themselves a little bit about like who they won't fucking mingle with. Mingle. This is so. Right? It's so mingle. It's me.
Starting point is 00:21:35 But it's now become everything is a purity test. It I just, I don't like that. I don't like that. I don't either. I don't like it. I did an editorial once where you and Mary were in it because, and I quoted the thing about you to getting married on Thanksgiving because it was one of these, these pleas I've done to like, look, the people who you don't completely agree with are not the enemy. You know, the most three most important words in a relationship are not, I love you, they're, let it go.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Right? Let it go. And I think, and it was a very sweet thing we said about you and Mary, and I think we quoted her as saying, yeah, our idea of fun, like, isn't to argue about the earned income tax credit. Like, you just don't waste your time, right? You don't waste your time. Here? You don't waste your time. Here's a key to the word relationship.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Kids, don't go there if you know that's not a place where if you do go, you're going to have a good time. Right, isn't that a lot of it? I stuck my finger in that socket. About the fifth time, I said, you know, I'm just not gonna stick my finger in it. I'm a not going to stick my finger in. I'm a slower one. Well, I would say at our age, the key for me anyway, I'm not going to speak for you, but
Starting point is 00:22:53 the key components that I really treasure are acceptance and comfort. When I was 21, I backpacked in Europe and stayed in Hostels. I was okay at 21, I couldn't do it now. And acceptance, you know, it's just like, accept, yeah, we're not gonna agree on everything. And it's okay. It's everybody just has such a fucking bad attitude. But, you know, so many people think that they're defined
Starting point is 00:23:26 by their politics. Right. And I mean politics has taught them about definition. And look, if you're like a racist, I really, we're not going to get along very well. I, I, I, of course, if I see you, I'll tell you hello, but I really don't, I'm not interested in. Of course. If I see you, I'll tell you, hello, but I'm not interested in the author. But if you think different than I do, you have a different view. It of course, living where I live, I probably run into more than a social life as many Republicans as Democrats.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Of course. If you live out here, you don't... Right, because you're in the DC area. Right. Right. I mean, it's the town industry. It's like what show business here, or Detroit with cars, right?
Starting point is 00:24:14 But a lot of these people get along better than... Of course. They think, but they can't. I saw that the first time I did something in Washington in 1995, politically incorrect. Right. Remember that show? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:29 For two years. Right. And I was doing the whatever that dinner is where the White House course was. I think maybe that was it. Anyway, I sat under my breath at one point. I fucked up a joke and I went, oh, fuck it. And the next year, people magazine said, last year Bill Maureen delivered an obscenity-laced monologue.
Starting point is 00:24:49 But anyway, I saw Newt Gingrich and Clinton backstage and they were getting along fabulously. And that's when I knew, okay, this is a big show. I remember that so vividlyly seeing them in the wings, talking, laughing, you could tell just by the eye contact, they didn't hate each other. You know, one of the things about Washington, it's a very prudish place. Yes. I mean, in like, they believe that there are the upholders of some morality, sexual standard for the rest of the country. And they're full of shit to just like everybody else.
Starting point is 00:25:32 I remember they had I'm a Swinclink Ms. President. Yeah. And like, well, if you fucking invite, I must see if you invite a snake, it don't be surprised. It'd invite you. That's what the guy does. You know, all like a gas. And I went on some show and I said, everybody needs to calm down. Don't get mad at him. Get me the people I'd invite him. If you invite Bill Maher, he's gonna bite you.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Yeah, I don't think I even bit anybody that day. I don't remember. I mean, it was so long ago, but... Oh, when Dernab, the scandals, the, oh my God, people were like, sainting in the slums. I mean, the problem with a room like that for a comedian is that there's almost nothing that isn't somehow offensive to somebody.
Starting point is 00:26:22 And if you try to rise above that to the degree of their sensitivity, what you'll be saying will be so bland, which is why they really shouldn't ever hire a political comedian in that place. Anyway, nobody ever succeeds, really, very few. Stephen Colbert did awesome, I have to say, with Bush, that was a brilliant moment. I got to give him that. But usually that is just they should have a fucking juggler or You know a ventriloquist or something because that we everybody can just enjoy together. It's all about So this is the way the White House cost on us in the words So everybody they want someone because they take their advertisers. Because they what? They take their advertisers.
Starting point is 00:27:06 So the Washington Post has a table. Oh, yeah. And so they want to have somebody that that sorry, tyron operator. Lisa, like, like, it's the same thing with ABC. It's a, it became the first celebrity. Would remember Fawn Hall. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Fawn Hall was, who's. Fawn Hall was who's? It was right, you're doing a regular administration. What was she? She was somebody's mistress. Yeah, somebody. Yeah. Did somebody bought her to the White House correspondents? Was it scandalous?
Starting point is 00:27:39 No, but it started a trend where they would have Kobay or I'm a subilmar I feel like phone hall. I know. I'm sorry for on if this is a memory. She was sent some dude. I really know I feel like yeah Yeah, maybe I'm just trying to make this hotter than it was But I love that name and somehow I feel like she was hot and was fucking somebody But again, that just could be my mind trying where it wants to be. And she was, everybody was in somebody else. She was selling missiles to add down Kishogi.
Starting point is 00:28:11 I mean, I don't know. Right. But it's amazing the mist of time, right? Like there was a time when Fawn Hall we both would have known exactly who that was. I remember Donna Rice. The Donna Rice, of course, was Gary Hart. Right. Mr. Smith.
Starting point is 00:28:27 The Pepples. I don't know. The Pepples of God, Louisiana, Bill brought her. Pimp. Well, he was the God of Bottom Together on the boat with it, with the famous picture. I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:37 I mean, he said, she asked if she could sit on my lap or something, and I chose to be a gentleman. And I, but then when she started twerking, asked if she could sit on my lap or something and I chose to be a gentleman and But then when she started twerking He started putting 20s in her G string. I was like, come on. I mean now we're gonna get suspicious But he was the one who famously said to the press Follow me, yeah, right and I mean you call Taylor was a reporter First of all, you don't even have to invite the press these days to do that. But you couldn't even imagine baiting them like that because they were like,
Starting point is 00:29:10 of course we're going to follow you already, Amoran. Is it Paul Taylor was afforded, broke that story to watch him post? Do you think they really were having an affair? You know, I assume that everybody's fucking everybody else. And then if I'm wrong, I'm willing to revive. I agree. I'm not going to go with you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Fucking unless proved otherwise. Right. I just assume, and then somebody says, no, actually, OK, I mean, I don't care. Yeah. Following me. It would be a tragedy if we were losing one person to drug overdose every day.
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Starting point is 00:32:45 Well, Trump just blew past. He just drove. That, the one thing that, that we'll have to say about him is he, he, he said, I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and my people didn't give a shit. He actually is an adjudicated rapist on Fifth Avenue. A court of confident jurisdiction, a judge said by any common definition or the word right, you write that woman. This is the dressing room one? Yeah. Okay, I mean, that may have happened, but I mean, a court, a jury and a court said it did. That fucking means nothing to me, because I know what they know, which is nothing.
Starting point is 00:33:25 They know two people said two different things about something that happened in the 90s and where there's no witnesses or tapes. So I can't, look, I hate John on Trump as much as anybody. I understand. But I can't say for sure I just know that, just because nine people said they think that, I can't, first of all,
Starting point is 00:33:44 but yes, they had more evidence. They did. because nine people said they think that I can't. First of all, yes. They had more, and others said, yes. So she told me this happened. What was the evidence? Other people that she told contemporaneous with it. Well, you know, whatever, juric said that he did. You know more about this case than apparently I do.
Starting point is 00:34:03 And maybe if I knew everything, I would be completely free. I know that a jury, I tend to have more faith in most people. In juries, I think most of them are really trying to weigh what's there. And I do know that a jury, but now I get to technical here, but by a preponderance of the evidence. It's a little bit of a different standard in a criminal case, it's beyond a reasonable gap.
Starting point is 00:34:31 I'm admitting. I didn't know that there was like evidence. I just thought it was he, she said. No. Okay, so, but like the way he has been able to have the hush money, he's got a porn star, a rape, I grab pussies like when you're a celebrity, they let you do it. There is a genius to his madness, and I always, the thing I always say about Trump, you have to remember, he's stupid and crazy and there are two completely
Starting point is 00:35:05 different things. This is like the crazy part is works for him because he's without a mechanism to edit or to pull back. My friend Jimmy Oyes says, insanity photographs. You can't take your eyes off him. Obviously, whenever they put him on TV, the ratings go through the roof. And that's why insane people are charismatic. You can't look away. So, when he does all this, I mean, not just sexual stuff, but certainly the sexual stuff, it's like, I'm going to own, and no one else in the
Starting point is 00:35:45 world would even think of this as a strategy. And he has no strategy. It's just what he feels. He's all id. But to own that, to own being this kind of guy and have the country like it, or at least it's not a deal breaker, because they feel like it's honest. At least he's honest. He says what he thinks. I said, well, yeah. Had I not have to, and when he likes,
Starting point is 00:36:11 is he tells you it's okay if you hate other people. And he tell, he belidates, but that guy says, I like, because he says what I think. Well, he plays on the fact that his people think that your people hate them and look down on them and see them as deplorables. I mean, I think they take... Did you know?
Starting point is 00:36:40 There's some truth to that. Oh, there's a lot of truth. And I, it's good to Democrat. Yes you are. But you hear this shit, so I don't know if we ever talked about this before. The best example I've ever seen was in early 2020, before the pandemic, L.S.C. played Clemson in the Superdome in New Orleans for the National Championship. A guy, Benjamin, the New York Times editor, told a writer, said that the Sanders Warren student loan thing applied to real schools or schools like L. that the cold off classes the day after the
Starting point is 00:37:27 National Championship game. Like, okay, so it's 80 miles away. You got 20,000 kids going to the football game and the president universally wisely says, we're not going to have class tomorrow. And like, this is not a real school. This, well fuck you. This is real school, like in any other place. The way that people look at, there is a certain coastal arrogance in this country, and people
Starting point is 00:37:57 feel it, right? They just do, and then you can't tell me that it doesn't exist because of the note that it does. I feel it. I feel it all the time. Yes, there is. Yeah, it's a lot what we're just saying before about people have to be able to talk to each other. Even if you don't completely agree, the other person is not a deplorable.
Starting point is 00:38:20 I get it. I would never... Some of them are. Of course they are. Some of them are., okay, but yeah That's true and some people in the left are deplorable. I'm sorry. I find The left to be just annoying Exactly, they're more than just not for just annoying
Starting point is 00:38:40 Exactly in the western fall left is habitually the most stupid naive people you're going to have. And they come up with these really goofy constructs and it's all about feeling, feeling good about yourself. Yeah, just feeling as opposed to like free speech. Like if your feelings are hurt, that's more important than free speech. You know, I told my students, I said the only reason that I have not invited David Duke to this class is I am a fucking moral coward. I just, I don't want out of the present universe to crap a upon Apple. I don't want to, well I would have no zero philosophical problem.
Starting point is 00:39:30 If I'm your teacher and this son of a bitch comes and change your mind, then shame on me. I'm not worried about it, but I don't understand, I literally don't understand it. No, and by the way, I think it would be quite interesting to see something like you talk to him because like,
Starting point is 00:39:55 we don't really see in our normal lives, and this is a point of progress, racists, you know, we, people who are like very overtly racist. Yeah. What do they do? Where do you see them? Thought, you know, come up, but we could just tell. I mean, some people, yeah, that's right. What do they say? Well, still one's going to like say it to me, but I know people would, yeah, you just get't get, come on. And then they're everywhere. You kidding me? Well, they are definitely there. I don't know. I don't know if they're
Starting point is 00:40:31 everywhere. Like when somebody says, you know, I like what Trump says. I get it. Yeah. If somebody that is not fun or flag on the back of a fucking pickup truck, I know what you're saying. Okay. I'll see him all the time. A Confederate flag, yes. Two all the time. Okay, I like what Trump's saying. No, that's too big a stretch. There are plenty of people who like Trump who are not racists.
Starting point is 00:40:56 You think every, so these, you think- No, of course I'm not gonna, you're not gonna trap me in this end. Every person that likes Trump is a racist, but they put this way. Not all Trump as a racist, but they put this way, not all Trump people are racist, but all racist are Trump people. That's true.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Okay, so I'm gonna be so stupid. But you have a certain level of comfort. He's doing better with minorities than that. Because they, we, because if you're, think about it. So you're a black guy. You work at a prior repair shop in Gulfport, Mississippi. And you know, you like to smoke weed, to measure woman, watch the football game, scratch ass.
Starting point is 00:41:44 And you got all these preachy people telling you what you should do, and people don't wipe preachy people. They don't want to be told at the AMR, of, you know, the fact that you'd like to smoke dope and, you know, watch them all football games. Yeah, there's definitely a feeling in the country that the Republicans are the daddy party and the Democrats are the mommy party. For some good reason, Democrats certainly are more the party of compassion and that you very often associate more with your mother than your father.
Starting point is 00:42:17 And fathers are the party of discipline. We did an editorial about this one. I think it was pretty funny about the Republicans are really the deadbeat debt party because they're like they're supposed to like they used to be like the ones who were like fiscally responsible in this household, we watch every penny and that went out the window and lots of other things where they kind of like oh their full thing there is nothing so they were you know when I grew up they were like square-jogged people, they wore suits, they showed up the meeting time, they had briefcases, you know, when I grew up, they were square-jard people. They wore suits. They showed up the meeting time. They had briefcases.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Right. You know, they talked about... Yes, they were bankers. The party of business. Right. Yes, yeah. They were business oriented. Right. There was some more patriotic.
Starting point is 00:42:57 There was the guy at the hardware store that coached the little league team and, you know, gave money to the, you know gave money to the Christmas, present, and triumphable. It's Trump just blew that whole thing up. How does it not? Right. You think Trump is is anti abortion? Come on, how many abortions they trust? Oh, Maureen Dowd once asked him about abortion in his life. And I think his answer was,
Starting point is 00:43:26 what's, what an interesting question, like what's your next question? He just, you know, and again, he gets away because he's insane. I'm telling you, they talk about the narcissism, like it's a personality quirk, it's not. He's a nut. He's a fuck. He really is a fuck.
Starting point is 00:43:48 The fact that he commits his crimes in public and confesses to them. And like I go rid of the FBI director because a lot of pressure on me, like yes, that's your interior monologue. There's a lot of pressure on me because the FBI is looking into me for good reason. You don't say, so I invited the Russians and I mean, like, it's so beyond. This is not the Russian ambassador showing them top secret. Chetty was showing a guy. It's bad men are still looking at these. But I mean, he does want a day or he did when he was president, like something that only a nut we do. It's amazing to me that we lived through
Starting point is 00:44:25 those four years because when I look back on it and of course the Trump people say, oh, you know, you have Trump to range from syndrome and yeah, he blew up the world, right, Bill? I don't think, you know, you're right. He didn't blow up the world. I still think he could. Okay. Is that completely crazy that I think a crazy person could blow up the world? No. The shit that he did, it's like stunning. And then I'm saying it. No. The document's case, if you stop it and you think about it.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Like one time, like I could read a thousand tweets that are just insane, that just went by. I remember there was one that said, he was mad at China, and he said that just went by. I remember there was one that said, he was mad at China and he said, I hear by. He's thinking, I hear by order all American companies to immediately work on a plan to change your, it was like ordering them to get out of China.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Oh my God, I hear by order. And again, that's just insane. That nobody else would even think to do that. But he doesn't think. That's, let me ask his insanity. And the attraction. Let me ask you a question. Okay, history eventually finds out.
Starting point is 00:45:39 They find us asopias to 12. They found the letter. What are you telling me, they will guess it. The Pope during World War II. Yeah. All right, we know history, he's been outing, I saw Pius XII, they found the letter, when they were telling they were gassing. The Pope during World War II. Yeah. All right, we know from history he's been outing, I guess, is what you would say, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:45:52 Do you think that all his history is known? Would you guess that the Russians have compromised on Trump or that's just liberal factors? No, I have always said that the Russian hoax theory is a hoax. It plainly, there was something going on between Russia and Trump. It was not perhaps, first of all, I always thought Mueller blew it. He could have totally done it differently. They got a guy who was past his prime and boy,
Starting point is 00:46:26 he just, he was two by the book, and history could have been very different. But okay, but yes, that mean. But I would, if you gave me three to one odds, didn't they work, girls are not gonna improve. I would be surprised, he has a PT. No, I'm sure. I don't think it's a, well I don't think it's a, well, I don't think there's a,
Starting point is 00:46:45 well, yeah, they could have had. I don't know that. Absolutely, right? But it was in stock. But it was in stock, right? No. Of course not. But here's what we do know about Russia.
Starting point is 00:46:53 It's like there's a few things we do know. I don't think it's a giant mystery. I think we know what it was. First of all, his campaign manager was sharing campaign information with a GRU agent. Okay, that's a real thing, that calimnic dude. Okay. That's a real thing.
Starting point is 00:47:12 And he said what we heard him say, publicly, Russia, if you're listening, no, I didn't how he didn't, like, offer a Brazil or some country to fuck with our elections. Again, the insanity of doing it publicly. And it just, it's like the guy who was fucking around, so he gets the center table at the hottest restaurant in town with the girl, if I was going to fuck her, would I be a hero then, would everyone can see me? It's hiding in plain sight. And he does it. He gets away with it. And he's going to, you know, I think he easily could be the president and can.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Right now, right now, if Mr. Simmel election was November the third of this year, and they said to candidates of Joe Biden, the Democrat, Donald Trump, the Republican Joe Manchin and Larry Holt of no labels in Corn L West. Trump would be a betting favorite. If I told you, I would give you even money, you would not take that bet. All right? And so somebody better wake the fuck up. All right.
Starting point is 00:48:16 I might take even money, but you're right. I'm totally on the same page. And I think I talked to Paul Begalla today. Did he tell me I saw him? I'm going to up a plan. I think we're on the same page with Biden. Did a great service. But whereas in 2020, maybe he was the only one
Starting point is 00:48:33 who could have beaten Trump, I think now he's the only one who will lose to him. He did great, not just because he beat Trump, but a lot of stuff he did. Afghanistan, Ukraine, he handled right. Everybody else's economy was worse than ours after the pandemic. These are some pretty big things, but he will lose
Starting point is 00:48:52 because at some point perception becomes reality. And look, do I think he can do the job? Absolutely. Government, as you well know, better than anybody, is done in small rooms like the Oval Office where people are talking quietly and decisions are made. I think he still can do that fine. He cannot run for a president.
Starting point is 00:49:12 He'll look bad in the debates. It's too much. And I think going to lose, he will be Ruth Bader Biden, the Ruth Bader Ginsburg of the presidency, it's not a good look and any 50-ish, not stupid woke Democrat with a D by their name. People just vote D and R. That person can win. It's been easily. If we took any, if we had somebody under 60 and ran against Trump, it gets 55%. Right. I mean, there'd be numbers. But by the way, if you look at, I don't like when people take one poll and they extrapolate
Starting point is 00:49:58 too much on them, but I've seen the last eight polls are all the same. 70s, three to 77% of the country does not want Biden to run again. I'm just round after 75, okay. Hey, big fucking number, man. That's a big number. It's a very big number for something this official. It's ridiculous. So, if you look at the last poll I looked at,
Starting point is 00:50:24 in a poll has a rhythm. So they said if it's Biden versus Trump, 47 and a half to 47, you know, the same thing, 47, 47, 48, 48, everybody versus the Sanders, 48, 48, 46, 48, 49, Biden versus Nicky Haley, 49, 43. 40, 49, 43. I have never seen an incumbent president at 43. The people actually know Nikki Haley's position on anything. No, I know. But it's just a new name, and it might know that she's can fall in the mirror. Right. But you can just feel... What are you thinking, Nicky? Because, like, again, I feel like this is... I know they hate this term.
Starting point is 00:51:12 I don't mean it to be insulting Republicans, but she's another as good as it gets Republican. It's not going to get better than these kinds of people. There is no imaginary Alan Alder from the West Wing Republican. That exists. Am I right? You're right, and reason is that they have stupid voters. They're going to produce.
Starting point is 00:51:38 Yes. You don't remember less than that for the governor of Georgia. And he said, the problem with Georgia prison is the quality to invade. We're facing the general of the invade. But see, this is why they hate you because you just said stupid voters. And let me just, I like to channel everybody's side. When they hear that, stupid voters are like, you know, okay, maybe we're stupid, but you think you're doing some stupid things in your own way, like pregnant men.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Cool. Coffee. Right. That's what they say. And I get it. I would never vote for Trump, but I get it. I get this is my, this is my problem. You and I. the problem is, of the Democratic Party, the percent of Democrats, and we notice over a few journalists. So if we're to use about 10 or 11 percent of Democrats describing themselves as progressive level, whatever that means. That's right.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Yes. That means. That's right. Yes, it's a very, and this is survey after survey. And these people are annoying, silly, but they come to you because you live here, you work in entertainment, the identity left is all around you. Yes. Most people don't even know what they're talking about. I know.
Starting point is 00:53:06 But by the way, the number of mega people is 65%. We pay a greater price for 10% of our party. Then they pay for 65% of their party. And our people, the identity left are silly. They're not evil. They're just goofy. They have to, the original word woke, and I did some research on this. The first time that people think it came up was a black jazz musician who was born in
Starting point is 00:53:44 round three, pooror, Died in Jail in Houston. In the word was to note that black people need to be woke in the interactions with the police. I've heard that all the time. But you seem like a good idea. I'm sure. That's what they call in the military. I'm sure. Situation aware. Absolutely. And then what happened was overeducated coastal white people, got a hold to the word, and as they do everything else, they completely fucked it up,
Starting point is 00:54:09 and pissed everybody in the country off. Now you're speaking my life. And if we just could get the humanities faculty at Amherst to shut the fuck up, would be a lot better off. You know, it's so funny, my friends, who are around my age, 40, they're always bitching about their like kids,
Starting point is 00:54:30 you know, who are their 20s, because they're just like out of control, super well, can they drive them crazy? And it's like, it's old thinking mom, you don't get it. And I said to them, just tell them, get what? Like abolish the police? No, you got me, I don't get that. Things like that, legalizing shoplifting.
Starting point is 00:54:51 No, I don't get it, bringing back communism. I don't get it. And so it's not that I'm old, it's that your ideas are stupid. So the day that had had to learn bobert. Incident in Denver, political ran a story that's Washington, she'd become a Washington insider. It's like, I tried to work at a system. The Washington loves a story that they're civilizing effect. And man, when they, when they send a redneck to Washington, they do not fuck around.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Don't you love when it goes and interview these people at a Trump rally? I shouldn't, it's not a boy that a human being should feel. But it's amusing. Of course they have somebody who would grab my person and you look at him. Oh boy, did a human being should feel. But there's, it's amusing. And of course they have somebody with a Trump grabbed my pussy and you look at it and they ain't nobody to roll it without a mile.
Starting point is 00:55:51 You pussy. Don't worry. And my wife's gonna grab that. And they get through the fat break-old to get to it. They would be. I feel like the people who go to the rallies are the worst. These are the people who, when you said before, some of them are deplorable. Yes, at some of them are.
Starting point is 00:56:12 I feel like those are the types who, if you're actually getting your ass out to go to a Trump rally, I mean, what, you don't have the grades to get into the tractor pool. I love these when I see it on doing it like somebody goes and they interview people. Yeah. I got it, it gives me, I shouldn't do it, it's not, I do, I should never do it in my business. I actually feel superior to these people. I do, you should never do it in my business. I actually feel superior to these people. I mean, I'm fucking stupid. That's it. It's like, where is the obnoxious left?
Starting point is 00:56:51 It feels superior to you. But I laugh after obnoxious right. I find them humorous. I find them obnoxious right. Left, they believe that they actually want Trump to win reelection because they always believed, you know, German communists with March and the streets of Berlin and to say, the worst, the better, after Hitler us. And the left, if you read these really left-wing things, they believed that they're sleepers out,
Starting point is 00:57:27 all around the country, and once they're exposed to the real thing, to real distribution and state ownership, they're going to rise up and working people are gonna seize the proletariat. Oh, my favorite, but you get all the politics, is the dictatorship of the proletariat. My favorite is to get all the politics. It's the dictatorship of the proletariat. This is, what?
Starting point is 00:57:51 There's a communist that left for you back in the 19th century to call it the dictatorship of the proletariat. And what they would say to you and I, free speech, the oppressor cannot have free speech. The oppressor. Who is the obvets of the oppressor cannot have free speech, the oppressor. Now, who is the object of the oppressor, the oppressor? I have no fucking idea who makes that determination. It's a very scary time as far as like people who, on both sides, think that they, that the
Starting point is 00:58:20 other side is such an existential threat that anything is justified for winning. This is where the Republicans already are. To the Democrats, great credit, they are not there yet at all. The Republicans are the only ones who think these people are so nuts. And sometimes they are nuts. We've been talking about it. They're so nuts that we can't let them take over because it'll just be all pregnant men all the time, that kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:58:51 So they're like, if it takes a right wing coup and nullifying elections, okay, that's where they are as a party. That's why Christie's the only one that's going against Trump, and he's not going to win doing that, you're right. You cannot block that idea that the Democrats are a bigger threat. That's the philosophical underpinning of all of it. The Democrats are a bigger threat or liberal thinkers, that whole, our whole side. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:24 Is a bigger threat than Russia, than Russia, than anything, than our own democracy. Like you can fuck with elections to keep them out of power because they're nuts. And even if we are nuts, you can't do it that way. We gotta sit. Come back. It's 10% of the Democratic Party is opposed to 65% of the Republican Party. Do you think Joe Biden, if you tried to explain to Joe Biden what woke is, do you think you could even explain it to him? No, he's like, he's like, I'm going to get to
Starting point is 00:59:59 straight now. He's like, sorry, he's like the dad who, you know, he, he doesn't really understand what the kids are into, but he doesn't want to fight about it either. So the wife is like, honey, the kids want to cut their dicks off and tear down his tattoo of Lincoln. He's like, um, whatever. I'm watching the game. You think Chuck Schumer is won't it? But it's counting votes. What them make them laugh. You know, get them, be careful. We don't want to get primaried. Right.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Uh-oh, okay. I mean, most of these guys, they have no, they don't even understand it. They don't even understand what they're talking about. Right. Well, we did a thing once on the fact that the job in America that you can have that gives you the best prestige and the greatest perks while having zero qualifications is Congress. Like, almost anything else, you need some sort of qualifications. But you can be, as Marjorie Telegram was, stacking the weights at CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:01:11 So you can get elected from prison? You're perfect. You can go prison. You're perfect. You can go prison. You're perfect. No, no, no. Qualifications.
Starting point is 01:01:21 And yet, if you get it, you have a corner office. You have the good table at the restaurant. You have people asking your opinion like you know something. You go on talk shows. People blow you. Lobbyists blow you. So okay. So how would you, but if you would, if you would change it, if you did a costume as you
Starting point is 01:01:38 convention, all right? And I'd say, fuck it, the, know it in a vote form, what do you want me to do? No, no. Well, as Churchill said, it's the worst system except for all the others. Right, I mean, I'm not saying we get rid of elected government, but as long as you bring up
Starting point is 01:01:56 my constitutional convention, like, we do need to straighten out the way. I mean, just because the system barely held last time and barely it may not right way and we're one shit What is this we're still in jeopardy? So so jeopardy. Yeah, you talk about the nature 18% of the people in the United States elect 52 senators. Yes, if that's not gonna change no, that's not gonna change That's what I was saying about the you'd never get to enough people to just
Starting point is 01:02:29 sensibly give up their Whatever shard they're on and do the right thing for the country and I don't know I don't know what that forboats for our future if you can't really get people to Do this you know and yet you know it's amazing about this country. The economy never stops. They don't stop. Never fucking stops. That's the one thing Americans are good at, boy. We fucking work and love fucking money. I'm spending money and making money and money. and making money and money. I flew out here. You know, I went to Delta, and if you have a American Express
Starting point is 01:03:10 card or a day ticket, you can get into the club. I could not find a seat in there. And these motherfuckers were like, I went to the sundry shop to get a bottle of water and take on a plane. They were spending 90 a hundred dollars I'm like put that fucking credit card back in a body shit. He had cost That they spend I cannot stop people from spending money. I always think the same thing when I'm out like where does everyone get all this money? I know I think they have money. I know. I think they have it.
Starting point is 01:03:46 I think the pandemic so traumatized people like, fuck it. I got to wait around and be traumatized. They loved it. They sat home most of them and got money sent to them. It was fantastic. They stopped going to work. By the way, kids now, another one of the great repercussions of their brilliant pandemic policy, kids now.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Did you see this in the paper? Don't go to school anymore. Oh, not nearly the rates they did. And truancy levels, just people who go, yeah, I don't feel like going today. That's just like through the roof. So, I mean, how can a country continue? Already, kids come out of high school,
Starting point is 01:04:26 they do not know anything. I mean, anything. Like, they, for a lot of kids in this country, who are 18 who can vote, watching this would be like, we were speaking in Chinese. We mentioned people they never fucking heard of, or don't care about, and never will.
Starting point is 01:04:44 We mentioned things that were going on, have no idea. I don't know how a country can really move forward successfully. So, that's provost to like tell me, so as you remember, there was an uproar at NYU in pre-mad, there was a chemistry teacher. in why you're in pre-med, there was a chemistry teacher. And we have a test in like three quarters of a pre-med student and why you fucked it. So they got rid of it and teach it. You know the interesting thing about that is
Starting point is 01:05:15 that God has been there for 25 years and given the same test for 25 years. Now I asked Bernie Sanders when he was on or I think it was the over time thing. What's the difference between equity and equality? And I remember he had a hard time entering. I was like, I'm a surprise he hadn't thought about that. But I've become honestly, I've become more liberal.
Starting point is 01:05:39 Most people say that there's you age, you become more conservative. I should think I've become more liberal. I would like an unwanted issue or you more. I'd give you one daycare. I never thought about daycare. Really? Well, right, you didn't have kids, and I was in my 50s and I was working on it. But in the Asa political issue,
Starting point is 01:06:04 you must have been an issue with Clinton. It was somewhat, but it's, it daycare. I thought that's a huge issue. So I have a grandchild. And my daughter is in graduate school at LSU, and she comes to other Asmr thing. Since then, we've got to get him in LSU daycare. If you think about it, all these universities have to have daycare and they have childhood development teachers and students.
Starting point is 01:06:29 Okay, sure. And it cost very little. If you, we're talking about this, on coming to Calmington, he pays more for daycare than his mortgage. Every other country has free daycare. All of these people complaining we can't get enough employees. Well, do a little before and had federal daycare. It's the best idea we ought to have that. That's not the federal government getting them. You can take your kid. They can get nutrition. They can get interact with other kids. They can do that, mom can work and come back and pick up after work.
Starting point is 01:07:09 You just ask people what they care cost for ordinary people, and if you can get it, it's stunning. is a block of you want to have equality for women. You would start with free or very inexpensive high quality daycare. Yeah, I think you're right. I've just become like fanatically liberal on that. I don't think, seem to me, that is the definition of not fanatically liberal. That's the definition of classically liberal.
Starting point is 01:07:47 That's when I say to people, I'm mostly an old school liberal. That's the kind of stuff I'm in. It's practical. It's not just catching you at something. It's actually trying to fix something. Now, it all depends on how you do it. I mean, I also am very skeptical of how we fucking spend money because the amount we waste is astronomical. I was just shocked at how much of COVID money was just flat out stolen or given away to fucking rich people.
Starting point is 01:08:13 That kind of stuff pisses me off and it doesn't, you know, make me lose my liberal card if I go, you know, there's a certain amount of money that if you waste, I'm gonna notice. I get it and you can't transfer money except for the leaky bucket. I get it. I'm not asking for a completely unleaky bucket, but what you got there is a handle because it's all going out. But daycare, something like daycare, I get that one. That's like a classic program that, like, because it probably would fix like so many other things down the road. It would there be shady operators getting into it with some fucking private equity people who decide that, yes.
Starting point is 01:08:56 You know, it's like people say, well, you claim there's corruption among the region. The oldest profession in the world is prostitution. The second oldest is war. And the third oldest followed by about three seconds is war profiteering. Yeah. All right. Yeah, how much war profiteering there was in the union during the Civil War? Or Iraq. Or Iraq?
Starting point is 01:09:17 Iraq? Yeah. War war two, I mean. Yeah, but World War two, that's the one they were pretty good on. They had a good, they were, World War II commissioned. They did. People were in line.
Starting point is 01:09:32 They were scared. I mean, there was a, there's something people did well, but in Civil War, they really did well. There was a year or two when American car companies made no cars because they were only making war. It's just true, making normal. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:47 Yes. The only cars they made were like the big fucking thing they got. But the car companies, it's great, but they got paid for it. Oh, of course. Yeah, I don't know. As a shit, I mean, I don't have them. No, no, no. People that make bullets, that pay for.
Starting point is 01:10:05 But it is amazing, like, as shitting as it seems, everything is going. Like, you're right. People are just out there living their best life and spending a lot of money. And it just doesn't have the feel that we're at the end of the empire. And I'm sure there are people who look at us talking in this way about, oh, it's wherever on the edge. But we kind of are. You know, certainly politically.
Starting point is 01:10:31 I like always kind of think I've had a kind of optimistic view of the world. I don't know if I did. I mean, first of all, this climate thing. Okay, and we gotta respect everybody. Everybody is in Tiles in the opinion. We should be, we don't have to agree with people. I'd like to haul off and punch somebody's fucking people
Starting point is 01:10:55 right in the mouth, okay? Are you looking at what's happening in a world? I know. And telling me, does is some kind of, you guys, you got to see that? My guy. The vague. The vague.
Starting point is 01:11:11 He said it's a hoax. Okay, you got to learn his name. The vague, Ramos Womens. Okay, all right, I'm terrible at names. At the Republican, I know. They're at the Republican debate. They all purposely fucked up his name to like, you know, that's the way they their Republican debate. They all purposefully fucked up his name to like, you know, that's the way they do a debate.
Starting point is 01:11:26 Like, his subtle, you know, dog whistle, he's far in because I can't even say, and the one who really I thought showed me she wants it badly, Nikki Haley fucked up his name. And she's also. Yeah, I was like, it's too neckie she's that really come on come on you know she don't get to be governor south carolina but yeah that the end of number one but I mean isn't that great that like um you know even south carolina
Starting point is 01:11:59 and I say even I'm sure that's insulting to the people of South Carolina. But come on, pretty Southern, a lot of history of racism's date. Oh, really? Yeah. So for them to have a governor who's not white, it's like, yeah, we send. Well, I'm not impressed by that. Tell you a story about South Carolina. This is, I don't mean 10 years ago, maybe a bit more.
Starting point is 01:12:24 It's get a call, it's a sentence to Lindy Graham, wants to talk to you. It's a great, so call. James How You Door, as far as I know, he said, that's a thing in Charleston called the Hibonious Society, and they don't ever have Democrats, but they won't know if you'd come speak to them. Okay. You know, it's said, well, you'd come speak to them. Okay. You know, Senator Carlson is chosen.
Starting point is 01:12:48 It was like during spring time. So I go there, and these ones were like in tuxedos and they wind up. And so I'm sitting on a podium and the guy that bought in Sanford, Mark Sanford. And it was during the whole thing in the whole town. So I look under my chair and there's a fifth of Makers Mark. And I said, well, what is this for? So we put it as he could drink before. I said, well, I can't sit here.
Starting point is 01:13:23 You said we're going to go for the barber drink the whole thing. I said, well, go for the barber. It's a better man than I am. And so I went to Sanford and I said, look, I got a tag. Okay, I just can't sit up here and crack jokes for 10 minutes and act like this. He said, find, understand. And he wrote me a nice note out. So we're saying there, and all of a sudden everybody starts standing up
Starting point is 01:13:49 and singing Dixie, and I'm like, fuck, what am I gonna do? I'll be there. Really? And so the moral coward that I am, I decided that I would stand up and I wouldn't sing. It would not tell you. And there was a...
Starting point is 01:14:09 Since the Hollins were still alive, he was there. Joe Riley was mayor Charleston, for the Democrat, for the mayor Charleston. Do they still sing Dixie today? I don't know. I'd be interested. I'd like... See, that's what I mean. Like, I'm always just trying to...
Starting point is 01:14:24 I just want the truth, you know? I just want the truth about what's going on in this country. And say, that little things like that can help you know, okay, we made this more a little bit of progress. They don't fucking sing Dixie yet. I would love to know, and maybe somebody will see this, and there's no need to do this still sing, dixie at the habanhas society.
Starting point is 01:14:49 Right. And if they do, that tells us something, and if they do, that tells us something. But as generations age out, it's the people are age, who are the problem, I'm sure mostly, you know, people of a certain age, white people, who just grew up in a different time, and their lives have been perhaps not perfect and frustrating, and so they kind of take it out by having that racist strain in them. But these people, you know, that's not the future. It's not even the present. It's not even the people. They're retired.
Starting point is 01:15:26 I mean, when I think of that kind of guy, remember there was that guy who like shot somebody who came to his door? Oh, yeah. That happens. Gordon is in Kansas City. Yeah. Yeah. That happened.
Starting point is 01:15:38 That's happened. Gordon, what? And, you know, I think the most consequential event, maybe of my lifetime, and I'm serious, I thought about it a long time, was Bush v. Gore. Do you understand if they would not stop that vote count, we would have an entirely different country today, a different world? An entirely different world, okay? I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:16:08 And you see, you know, people forget this. From 1994 to 2004, you could not buy an assault weapon. You could not. It was against the law. How many people, I've had since the Murphy's, Chris Murphy on my podcast, there's another guy. Jesus Christ, this guy was the Democratic nominee for president, we get 55%. Chris Murphy.
Starting point is 01:16:33 Yes. Remind me? He's from Connecticut, that's okay. He's in Central Connecticut. He's a very big American. You're a genius, yeah. Blument always. I think Chris is an artist, but I don't know, but I bop.
Starting point is 01:16:45 I think Chris Murphy is a Irish. Yeah, Christopher is a kind of ultimate Christian. So how old is he? 50th? Yes. Look like he's done. But I'm just saying, Chris Murphy, if he's sold anything, take it, I'll take it.
Starting point is 01:17:02 I'll take it right now. I can Chris Murphy, I fucking love it. It's like, the people would come out of the woodwork. Absolutely. I don't even know who the fucking guy is. It's fine. It's okay. Other people, dead would be, and you know it's great.
Starting point is 01:17:20 And I told this to Chris Christie once about timing is everything. And you got to go early. Like when Obama ran, they were like, oh, he's barely been a senator. And Obama was like exactly the point. Now you don't have like a whole lifetime of bullshit to like comb through to try to get me on something. You're right, I'm new. And that's what works in America.
Starting point is 01:17:41 I'm new. You don't have much on my past. And I'm new. America likes new. much on my past. And I'm new. America likes new. It's like strange. So Chris Murphy, whoever you are. There you go. I'm on the diet.
Starting point is 01:17:51 I'm on the diet. We don't know anything about you. And let's keep it that way. I'm sitting there interviewing this guy, saying, Jesus, get out there and fucking run. What? What? You know, well, he's a white man. For the conneder, I could say, well, we can't nominate some
Starting point is 01:18:10 arcanetic, we can't write a white, we can't nominate a male. Old, straight. I think so. That's not asking. Yeah, he, he looks, I don't know how you like a person, wife and kids. I think he does. But I, you know but I didn't get around to ask him. All right, well, as long as we don't have to press Murphy's. You don't know nothing about him.
Starting point is 01:18:32 Can we make him gay? It would help so much in the primary. It really would. Well, maybe he's ambitious in offer. A glass? You turn, but he is a hard to think to pull off. Big by yes, Chris. You want to be president? You can turn, but it's a hard thing to pull off. Be my guest. Chris, you want to be president?
Starting point is 01:18:47 Just one little thing. Maybe he can be him. You know what? It is humor. It is exaggerated and there is an element of truth to it. To what? If he was gay, man. Let's go with that. Oh, there's a big, big.
Starting point is 01:19:07 That's the bad thing about Democrats being so locked into identity politics. I've talked about this on our show. It's that like the box checking, it's almost the way they write certain scripts these days. Like the box checking comes first. And then we write the show or go for the candidate. I mean, you cannot imagine a Democratic ticket that was to White
Starting point is 01:19:34 Men. Now, maybe that's the way it should be. I'm not saying it shouldn't be that way, but the fact that it's not debatable or the fact that if there were two great white men, it just wouldn't like, oh, we know this ticket of Clinton Gore, you know, they were like neighboring states even, like that could never happen. And the fact that it could never happen, that bothers me, you know. I'm all for diversity. I guess I'd say it probably, it probably wouldn't be wise. And I mean, look, we're the first party. But the limiting.
Starting point is 01:20:13 We nominated and elected a black president nominated of the mail. I mean, I think that's, that makes me proud to be a Democrat. And honestly, it's fine. Right. Well, I'm all for the... Don't make me the diversity villain. I'm all for it. I'm just saying I don't like things that are limiting like that.
Starting point is 01:20:34 I don't know if the, you know, like our governor, I think would be a very good candidate. He's talented. He's talented. Look, California's a little too well-c for me and everybody, quite frankly, out here. But... It's lost. A family hell is this too well for you.
Starting point is 01:20:52 If you go to fucking San Bernardino or Riverside, there would know what you're talking about. You can just wait in this... Okay, but I'm not gonna move to Riverside. I know. You said so, you can win the award. You just got to deal with it. Maybe 11 fucking paradise.
Starting point is 01:21:08 That's not a bad word. It's 70 degrees and- No, you know, when if you lived in the state and you ever tried to cut down a tree in your backyard, you know, or my solar took three years to hook up, this state is maddening. Please, I live here. Okay. Even still, I think Gavin Newsom would be an awesome game.
Starting point is 01:21:29 That'd be a great time. I've been trying to get him to run since he was Lieutenant Governor. Sean Pan and I were at his house. Of course, Sean. Or not his house. I guess Sean's house for a fundraiser some years ago, not that long ago, but and I remember we said to him, run for president while you still look like a movie star. And I don't think that's a bad thing in America. And he's, you know, he's got a pair of balls. It does.
Starting point is 01:21:53 He's shown that. He kicked a shit out of Sean Howard. Yeah. He's got, he certainly has the credentials to win the primary easily. And then, hopefully, he's a good politician. He can tack to the center a little more as you do. And I think he would win big. But I knew some is a very good communicator.
Starting point is 01:22:16 And if I'm sorry, I wish he did a debate with Ron DeSantis. You wouldn't even, yeah, he's dead. I would love to take a make-book on that. This is America. It's politics is show business. He just has a leading man kind of thing going on. And California is kind of a big state.
Starting point is 01:22:35 I mean, I know it's in the bag no matter who the Democrat is. But this, yeah, there's just a lot to thinking about the candidate. I'm sorry, I know it's wrong, but it is kind of like reality TV. I mean, the primary process, I mean, that republic in debate. What was the point of it? The guy who's going to get the nomination wasn't even there. So it was just theater. It was just, you see them landing.
Starting point is 01:23:01 They had 12 and a half, it broke, but 12 and a half being views. I know, but it was, it was, again, it's theater. It's just watching them, you know, hit their points with each other and drive a score. It's a game. So, you know, you want on your side, like something that's like, yeah, has some show business appeal. I'm not saying some of the other candidates don't, but I'm going to go for charisma, overdol, if all things are other sort of equal.
Starting point is 01:23:36 And I think the Democrats say, oh, I'm kind of on the same page. I mean, is there a lot of light between what Gavin Newsom thinks about stuff and what Gretchen Whitmer does? No. Wow. That's that, you know, honestly, most of the stuff that the identity left wants probably stuff about pretty, pretty in agreement. What, you know, for the most, I don't be, but take, but don't fight amongst themselves.
Starting point is 01:24:05 Like, say the ticket is Gavin Newsom Gretchen Whitmer. It'll be like, why is she the vice president? Why not? And that's a good point. Because she ran and got more delegates. I don't know what I'm looking at. I said, yeah, well, you know. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:24:24 Leave it to the voters. Right, you don't even have to say. I didn't ever, people know that he's a white male. They know that she's a female. Let me tell you, I'm saying, Gloucet, when are you not gonna confuse her? I'm gonna do it. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, hey,
Starting point is 01:24:38 hey, you know, how you're doing? It's good. Yeah, she's a female. You know, you knew something. There's a, so what do you think is going to be the next two years now? Let's say, except the election is like you were saying before, like, imagine it this November. So we have a little more than a year.
Starting point is 01:24:58 A little more than a year. And the candidates will be decided by the summer, right, that's when the conventions are, and the primaries are over. So it'll be Trump for the Republicans for sure, right? No. No? How do you, first of all, the guy is overweight
Starting point is 01:25:20 in T17's a lot. If he's a lot, if he'll be a lot. I, if some jury comes back, I don't know, certainly he would, he has the probable nominee. But why are you so careful about this? I mean, it's true. Because I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 01:25:39 it's gonna be true. But some chance he could not do that well in Iowa. And if he ever gets people like, I don't, I don't think it's a big chance. I don't think he's definitely the nominee. No, he's Hitler. I don't mean that in the wrong way. He's not going to lose this nomination. He wants this Ali Frazier rematch badly. So people say you should never compare and talk about Hitler.
Starting point is 01:26:19 No, you should. But so we just must do this terrible thing in the world. If we're not going to talk about it, we're not going to act like it ever happened. That day wasn't this sort of extreme. And you should be able to compare someone to Hitler in a certain way. Like, no, Trump is not Hitler, Hitler was evil, and what he wanted to do, Trump is not. So anybody that wanted that, did me a favor. Go on your computer, try and put the wheel and just watch the first 10 minutes
Starting point is 01:26:50 and tell me that we shouldn't be talking about this. It's literally the airplane, the clouds, descending to the masses. All right. And when Germany was a great country, we're going to bring back what it's all nostalgic for, you know, James, this is not the same country we grew up in. Yeah. And it's not going to be the same country 20 years or now.
Starting point is 01:27:24 I mean, there's nothing I can do about it. It's changing, but that was the whole appeal, was he was swooping down to the masses, and I just found it, and I always showed, used to show it to my co-assists. There's not much new here, people, it really isn't. Well, there's certainly nothing new in human nature. That's what, you know, I mean, I know we're all like completely in the modern era now where we're fluid and we're all trans and on this factor of another.
Starting point is 01:27:59 But really, I think people are based, I don't think people evolve as quickly as the younger generation thinks they can, like two completely different kinds of humans. really I think people are based, I don't think people evolve as quickly as the younger generation thinks they can, like two completely different kinds of humans. We're still the same kind of lizard brain people. We have an advanced in a hundred years, maybe in a thousand, a little bit, we will, but evolution doesn't work that quickly. And we're just going to make the same kind of lizard brain decisions we always have. So the foreign affairs, which is a kind of Tony journal, it's got like a gray cover. And they do, so they call me and they ask me to do a, it's Cicero's brother wrote a memo. Cicero.
Starting point is 01:28:42 And my conclusion was we have a thought of a fucking new thing. He was talking about filing fake lawsuits against people that are you go negative early and shit. This is like it yeah oh my god it was the Clinton 92 campaign. It's the economy stupid. It's the war room. It's the same shit to head back and say, oh, brother, I mean, the Greeks knew it. Well, that's what's so frustrating about, you know, people who want to like bring back communism and stuff and think that might be worth another try. Because like, you know what, I know we're old and that makes us stupid because we know stuff. But like, we've seen people try this, this communism thing. Trust us.
Starting point is 01:29:30 Trust, I know you don't want to read about it. Maybe that's too complicated. And Shagu Rivera makes a great t-shirt. I don't want to upset you. But it was a giant disaster, this communism thing. And so, like, let's just put that one off the table, because we like, didn't try it, and it wasn't that fucking long ago.
Starting point is 01:29:50 Because we were alive for it. So, the most effective, any communists were actually the liberals. The ADA, which is like the oldest, because they thought, hey, this looks kinda like not a bad idea. Right. And then they went and actually saw it and came back and said, it's a really bad idea.
Starting point is 01:30:14 Most of them yes. Yes. I mean, there were, Stalin had a lot of fans on the left in the 1930s. He did. You know, they told Stalin about the night of the long lash. Sure. You know what he said? What a guy.
Starting point is 01:30:29 How do we know that? What a guy. Oh, I mean, I think that's a recall. I think that's pretty accurate. It just doesn't sound like the Stalin. Well, I don't know. He said it in Russian. What a guy.
Starting point is 01:30:40 I mean, it wasn't that kind of deal. That's not a deal. It's not a deal. It's not a deal. It's not a deal. It's not a deal. It's not a deal. It's not of deal. That's not a good deal. It did everything to these. What the guy. Yeah, it's about. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:30:49 Stalin's, this is a lot of history. It's Stalin's dominant figure. Where I was. Well, first of all, Stalin killed so many more people than Hitler. Oh. And does not get the credit. Right.
Starting point is 01:31:02 In Hitler, like, need a reason to kill you. Stop. I tell you, I'm gonna need a reason. A terrible reason. Yeah, no. But a reason you're right. No man, no problem. That was Stalin.
Starting point is 01:31:14 Yeah. And you know who adopted that. Saddam Hussein. I'm sure he did. He did. He did. He didn't have enough people to kill. No person, no problem.
Starting point is 01:31:23 Right. He didn't have enough people to kill. I. No, no person, no problem. Right. I mean, he was like, you can't argue with it. I can't, you know, I can't get enough of Stalin. Good, I God damn man, this guy is. Well, again, if people think that Hitler was the biggest mass murderer of the 20th century. He was not. What about the Chinese guy? Yes, Mao. What about the Japanese in World War II? Did you? Did we? So brutal. Well, especially before World War II,
Starting point is 01:32:00 invaded China. What was that view of 1931? You were? World War II, an invaded China. What was that view of 1931? You were? Yeah, you asked the American when World War II started. We'll say December 7, 1941. It's shit. Well, again, I promise you, the vast majority of the kids in this country couldn't tell you that if you had 1,000 guns
Starting point is 01:32:19 to their head, they don't know what, they don't know what century it was in. Some of them, you know, just still, some people being educated. But I mean, when you look at, like, it's just on reading, it's like, we're below like 30%. No, but I had some just, you did on real time, we had go out and ask people, where's Queen of Los Batrothers in Los Angeles? I showed a video, I know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 01:32:47 Yeah, it was like a J-walking thing where they asked people on the street, you know, questions and I mean these are real, I mean you could tell that they're real. And the level of ignorance is like way beyond what I thought, the first one was, who was the first person to land on the sun? Right, and the answer, of course, was land's arms strong. If they look in the private, they didn't look like stupid people. They look like regular people. That's what's scary.
Starting point is 01:33:21 Right, it's not like, every time a tornado time a tornado hits it hits a trail of pumpkin. I got James somewhere along the way, the educational system in this country really fell apart for all kinds of reasons and all kinds of districts. And I think the Democrats can have to own a little bit of that because they are the part. I mean, what is the Democratic convention? It's all teachers and my sisters the teacher. I love the teachers. I always defended them, but our schools are turning out idiots.
Starting point is 01:33:53 It's not, but the Republicans said, I never met a book burner that I like. Oh, I just want for you. I'm not. What bragging. Well, I know. But you have these people at the schools have become such a cultural battleground. Yeah, you know, there were some. This is new on the left. To use children sometimes as cannon fodder in your culture wars. That
Starting point is 01:34:27 seems... Well, go to a right there. I mean, give way to. I have a lot of poverty to do with extreme well. But I'll keep coming back to the same thing. It's not the majority of our political party. I know. I'm just... But just because they're not the majority doesn't mean they don't have the bull whip. If that's the, you know, what am I trying to say? I don't have the, whatever, the writing crop.
Starting point is 01:34:57 They don't have a thing that makes the horse go. Yeah. So, 11% can be unfortunately dominant. They're strategically located. Okay, they're in academia. In the media. In the academia, media, yes. In a time when this place is overrun with them.
Starting point is 01:35:18 And their mean girls, they know how to like bully people. They hate bullying, but that's what they do. And so it just, it doesn't really matter the 90% or whatever they are. Well, what they do is, if you're the adjunct art history teacher at some under-attended over-priced college, they go get ready to ask them, they're not gonna fuck with you and me. All right, they actually pick and target vulnerable people, which is the opposite of what a liberal should, like be willing to stand up for the power,
Starting point is 01:36:00 but boy, let me tell you, you know, if you're the civics teacher at Harvard, West Lake, you say, you know, you need the job, you got a family at Elmer and you're ass right out of town. I mean, this is like a frustrating thing for me that I read so many stories about insanity that's going on at some college, like Europe's title. Absolutely. And I realized that like, but the Democrats, the Liberals, they don't see this shit because like, the media does not give them stories that would upset them. And they don't want to think that the problem is academia,
Starting point is 01:36:39 but it is. And there's just, every week there's a story about some professor at some college who had to quit or was fired for, these are liberal colleges with liberal professors making war on other liberals because they're not quite liberal enough. And the statement, their anti-racist statement, that did you read that story in the Times about the DEI statements?
Starting point is 01:37:03 And if you just say, I think all people should be treated equally, you're considered a right-winger. Now that's a migration of thought that is not healthy. It's not helpful. So right now, the census is trying to dismantle the system of higher education in Florida. The University of Florida, most people don't realize, it's like
Starting point is 01:37:25 talk on nobody ever got educated Florida University of Florida is ever it's a top right is a top right public university it's a party state it's not okay that's all right that's such a that there are more people that go to the university south Florida and go to Ohio state woo okay but I'm just saying
Starting point is 01:37:44 we're right we, we go after, they go after the whole fucking system. All right, it's Harvard. That's what I meant to say. Florida. But the San Francisco going after a real treasure, how are it in Florida? It's good. They're like trying to dismount the whole fucking thing. Yeah, he turned out to be a pus.
Starting point is 01:38:08 And I'd tell you, I hadn't seen him before I saw the debate. Right? And wow was I underwhelmed. Like, I thought just like following him in print or on the computer, but terrible. Like you're talking about political talent, he seemed to have none. I like the way he handled the pandemic. And they've been very disingenuous about the way they characterized his success.
Starting point is 01:38:42 Times did a big story, front page, he fucked up the pandemic, and then buried in the story, you read the line that should have led, which was Florida deaths better than the national average. And I remember being there, and it did not feel oppressive like it does here. It did here.
Starting point is 01:39:05 This was like, you know, I don't know. So, but it doesn't matter. He's not going to be present. He's terrible. He's terrible. Oh my God. I was shocked. I thought he was going to, at the debate,
Starting point is 01:39:18 I was like, oh my God, this guy. You know what you reminded me of Scott Walker? Do you remember Scott Walker? Yeah, I'm Scott Walker? Do you remember Scott Walker? Yeah, Scott Walker's actually a more personable guy. Well, that's saying a lot about what a drip visit. But I've actually had a couple of social encounters with Scott Walker. I did.
Starting point is 01:39:41 He was going to be like the next thing for a minute. But if you, he was a very much of a political guy, and if you talk to Scott Walker just about politics, I remember, I think it was Tammy Baldwin, was in a general election, I said, how are we going to do it in the Senate, right, yourself, you're going to win it. I mean, you, how are we going to do it in a minute, right? He says, oh, they're all going to win it. I mean, you, you, the Santas, you, you, you, you, so you're saying there was a human there?
Starting point is 01:40:11 Yeah, I mean, Scott Walker was a total political animal, but if you've met him, you can see how he was successful. Whereas the Santas is a, a Tom and Tom? Well, the Santas made the person that ever, this is acknowledged. The woman named Susie Wiles. She'd actually Pat Somaral's daughter who was a big sports broadcaster. I remember Pat Somaral. And she was DeSantis's operative.
Starting point is 01:40:40 She's a public operative. And she was, she's made him in the congressional race, Randall's governor's thing, and Mrs. DeSantis knocked her off. Big era. All these stories that are coming out, so she went to War of Lago. She was working with Trump.
Starting point is 01:41:01 All these stories you hear about him meeting, putting with his fingers and all the use of private airplanes. That's all cheesy-wise. Wow. In politics, everybody thinks the most important thing is the friends he made. Let me give you a clue. The enemies he make. Don't make any enemies that you don't have to. Some people are by nature. My guy wants to say, your guy wants to say, we're enemies. But that's it.
Starting point is 01:41:34 That's an enemy of necessity. Make very few enemies of choice in your life. And they knock that woman off and she's sitting there sticking pins in that freaking doll every night. And they showed these pictures of her with Trump. And all of these in every reporter I know has her own speed dial and she's got every reporter on speed dial. These are just the way that American politics works among political people. And you just see the knives and the sanders, and you go holy shit. And what about these pockets?
Starting point is 01:42:29 Democrats, you know what, you think, when they go after each other, shit. They don't hold back. They don't make a civil attack. And I agree with, you know, my opponent made a good point, but it kind of amplified all that to know? No, my opponent's, this is shit. It's shit, let me tell you. But they slay them bodies, too.
Starting point is 01:42:55 They really do. Do you miss like being in the trenches like that? You look like it's seed where you're getting, yeah, I could, and you know what? You haven't lost one fucking step as far as like, you're the exact same guy. I don't know how old you are, but thank God it's older than me, somebody.
Starting point is 01:43:15 Yeah, you know, I feel like you could do it tomorrow and you could do it better. It is a shame that we're such an ages country that we really don't look to like, you know, it's like, no, that's AOC's view, he's old. Like, yeah, but maybe he knows something. Maybe he's good at this. Do something, just to walk back in a campaign headquarters,
Starting point is 01:43:38 like just running to high that I would get working in campaigns. And I've got President's Arrays of course. But you know, I've worked in 22 different countries. And I used to love. I'd go to Israel there. I just picked up the airport. You had to go to work.
Starting point is 01:44:00 I used to do in Argentina, what they call a turn in burn. I would fly it out in one night, work all day, and fly back to the next night and sleep on the airplane. But I love to smell of a head. I like, I actually like politicians. It is a group of people, if you tell me out, you got to spend two hours with a bunch of bankers, a bunch of baseball players, a bunch of
Starting point is 01:44:29 welders, a bunch of politicians. I don't think like, of course, that fine-laws, I actually like politicians. People like us, we like politics. We're a little bit like out of favor in culture because people used to more broadly, I think, follow politics closely. And now, they do. They argue about it a lot. But there's a million other distractions.
Starting point is 01:44:55 But we're like that generation. Some people, we just like, it's, there's nothing quite as interesting as people vying for the most powerful job in the world. It's like, you know, tribes watching the two dudes fight for, you know, who's going to be the leader of the tribe. It's our version. And I don't know. I don't know why any, it frustrates me when I know people who are really smart, but
Starting point is 01:45:27 they don't follow politics. You know? They think it's kind of what makes it. It's like it's impure. You know, like, yeah. It's really? I know, but it would be less impure if you would follow it. You know, that's what I want to say.
Starting point is 01:45:41 It's like if you would follow it, then, you know, you'd be a good voter next time. You know, you'd understand what the issues, but, you know. I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, real, understand, we talked about this earlier, the real levels, the real leftists, they liked to idea-loose it. It makes them feel better. They stupid fucking people. I'm serious. And they don't like politics.
Starting point is 01:46:21 They think it's a, and I loved it. I've literally had as much fun as... Well, you know, this is me too. This is like such a holiday for me. Not that I haven't loved every guest I've had on Club Red. But I never really had one. But the whole point of this podcast was kind of to get away from politics. But, you know, I miss it. So like, podcast was kind of to get away from politics. But,
Starting point is 01:46:45 you know, I miss it. So, like, why do you want to get away from it? Because I have the, because I have real time on HBO, that's about politics, that show. This is something different. I think there are times about culture, but I already don't, I'll, I'll, you know, there's a show, so I'm not telling you what to talk about. I'm just saying to somebody who was a fellow political junkie who I could just talk to for two hours About politics was the big treat for me. That's a big treat. Yeah. All right. I love talking about I know you I can do it all night, but I've had to have for two fucking hours. Oh, no, I like I love politics. Oh, me too.
Starting point is 01:47:25 And I actually like politicians for the most part. I mean, so much. Yeah, I like politics.

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