Club Random with Bill Maher - Mark Cuban | Club Random with Bill Maher

Episode Date: December 26, 2022

Bill Maher and Mark Cuban randomly riff on Mark’s attack on Big Pharma, Mark’s love of owning the Dallas Mavericks, Bill’s distrust of the cloud, inside Mark’s DM’s, gold vs. Bitcoin, and th...e new generation of sports fan.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Club Renew. Help you had other things to do in town. It didn't just for me. But I would. Thank you. I only say, don't keep a billionaire waiting. But what else are you doing in town? I've just got some meetings for Cosplus Trucks.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Just out there just talking it up and just. For what? Oh, the Cosplus company I'm doing. Oh, I know you're big on that. I mean, I'm always going after the pharmaceutical industry. I'm just a drug addict. I'm just a drug addict. I'm just a drug addict. I'm just a drug addict. I'm just a drug addict. I'm just a drug addict. I'm just a drug addict.
Starting point is 00:00:28 I'm just a drug addict. I'm just a drug addict. I'm just a drug addict. I'm just a drug addict. I'm just a drug addict. I'm just a drug addict. I'm just a drug addict. I'm just a drug addict.
Starting point is 00:00:36 I'm just a drug addict. I'm just a drug addict. I'm just a drug addict. I'm just a drug addict. I'm just a drug addict. I'm just a drug addict. I'm just a drug addict. I'm just a drug addict.
Starting point is 00:00:44 I'm just a drug addict. I'm just a drug addict. I'm just a drug addict. I'm just a drug addict. I'm just a drug addict. use this too many pharmaceuticals. It turns to that solution. Don't go, he started on COVID or do. Either way, I don't know where you are in that. Obviously, people needed lots of people were saved by the vaccine and needed the vaccine. And some people didn't need it. And don't want to be told what to do and every medical intervention is a very personal choice about your personal health.
Starting point is 00:01:09 So, you know, I don't know if that's all in your thing. I know you just want to get the cost down, right? Yeah, I mean, you know, the fact that people have to make a choice between rent, food, and medication. Right. It's just wrong. Well, I would always pick medication. No. You know, sometimes it's what works. What are you drinking? Just beer. That's all you drink? Pretty much now, yeah. I mean, I hate beer. See, I'm just like a sip and enjoy and
Starting point is 00:01:39 see my problem is I have two speeds on and off and so if I go I go well then you crash no I just go too hard I'll just do stupid shit you know so you're about doing drinking yeah just drinking right I mean it's not like I'm not just a let's do one shot you know let's have one you wrote that way all your life pretty much really yeah I don't picture you that way. Up until how recently? Up until probably my kids got to be teenagers and it was more about the example. How long ago was that?
Starting point is 00:02:12 My kids are 13, 16 and 19. So it's still going. You are still capable of... Oh yeah, I could go hard. Yeah, I mean, I want to basketball too. Those guys go hard. I know, but they're so much younger than you. That's why they can.
Starting point is 00:02:25 So you party with them. I have. I mean, not as often as I used to. I mean, yeah, I mean, I used to take pride in being able to keep up. Isn't that hard to get close like that? And then you might have to trade them or you don't care. No, I mean, because it's a business. It's like you transfer somebody to another office.
Starting point is 00:02:41 You know, they're still going to get paid. It's not as such an interesting way to put it. Yeah, you're transferring someone to another. You know, they're still going to get paid. It's not as such an interesting way to put it. Yeah. You're transferring someone to another. You're on. Yeah, there's only 450 players in the league at the top level, right? Right. And they know they're one of the 450. So it's not like all of a sudden they're out of the league. They're still getting paid. And it can be disappointing. You're facing people out of the league all the time. Yeah, I mean, yeah. It's a Darwinian very much. That's why we love sports is because it's like everything else in the country seems to devolve away from meritocracy.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Right. For reasons that are somewhat and valid and sometimes very valid, you know, it's all different, right, but sports. But sports, you play to win. There is no, there is not one I never doubt That those 450 are the best for 50 and it's insane I mean everybody's played basketball at some point and what other industry can say that? None certainly not the sociology department
Starting point is 00:03:39 No, no, no academic institution anywhere could say that They're they're really almost any institution. No, for sure, right? I mean, whether it's government, whether it's a major corporation, academic, there's so much bullshit these days because you have to have people who manage people who, you know, try to watch out for people's feelings
Starting point is 00:03:57 and it's just... I have no doubt that those are the best for 50, but the reps. That's been an expensive topic for me. And you know, I could find a lot, but you know what I mean? I find not to make everything political, but like in general, I must tell you,
Starting point is 00:04:18 and you know, I was a minority owner of the meds. I didn't know that for 10 years. Yeah, so I know what it's like to be able to have a box and all that stuff and feel and also lose money. I lost a fortune in this. That's crazy. Capital calls. Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:33 And then made a lot of money from it. Well, that was the owner at the time that got hit by made off, right? Correct. The wheelpons. The wheelpons. The wheelpons. The wheelpons. The wheelpons.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Yeah. The wheelpons. The wheelpons. The wheelpons. The wheel of yours. No, not really. No, it's not like billionaires hang out. That's not my crew. Yeah, they think the same thing about people and jobs. Right. You all know each other. No, fuck no. But I must say sports is too regulated. It's just like I will see somebody make the most incredible catch. And then they'll watch, of course,
Starting point is 00:05:06 the replay like there's a prudofilm. Right. And it's just the ball like jiggled a tiny tenth of an inch and they take the catch away. And I just wanna go fuck you. Fuck this. That could be more of a team anymore because that's this football.
Starting point is 00:05:26 I'm talking about football. Guy makes a catch. Right. And it's an amazing catch sideline. Toe tapping. The pass is perfect. And in the old days when they didn't have replay, of course it would just be like, oh,
Starting point is 00:05:39 I always want to go close enough. You assholes. Close enough. You know, how else are they going to fill the time in football? There's only like 12 minutes of real football in a football game. But I feel like there is a parallel with that
Starting point is 00:05:53 and the feeling of being over-regulated as a citizen, which we know in California. I'm also for intelligent liberal moves, but this state is nuts. Yeah, they do go a little bit overboard. I could not live here as a permanent resident, it's just because taxes in the regulation. Yeah, I love coming out here, but I'm a visitor.
Starting point is 00:06:14 And those are the reasons, taxes in the regulate. That's a big part of it, yeah. Just because, I mean, look what's happening in San Francisco. I mean, an entire industry is getting pushed out. You know, the whole technology industry went from, okay, this is growth, this is, you know, the new thing and now, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:30 it's just about people shitting on the street. I was gonna say, the cleaning up the shit off the street industry is doing it really well. You know, the app to say, where you can go take a shit. Cleaning the broken glass industry. You know, just mastering. I mean, I don't wanna add to the shit on the street and take it up on San Francisco. I
Starting point is 00:06:49 Love San Francisco. I think we all love San Francisco. No, you know, I've never been a big San Francisco fan at all You know, I know what you mean. It's a little clicky Pretentious as fuck right being in the tech industry Everybody is the smartest motherfucker in the world if you live in Silicon Valley. Well, and also too politically correct. I know so much I need more. As for a comedian. But maybe, yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 00:07:12 You know, it's the kind of place that's like, oh, I know you think you're smarter, but you're not, first of all, you're not smarter than the people in Tulsa. Right. Who come to my show anyway. Right. And they're a whole lot more fun. I mean, the attitudes, I mean, it's just like, and that's where tech grows, where tech grows. Of course we're smarter. You know, we went to Harvard, we went to MIT,
Starting point is 00:07:33 we're in tech, you just can't hang, right? You don't know what the fuck is going on. I do all I can not to let any of my investments work out a Silicon Valley. Well, tech is, I mean, just because you're good at tech doesn't mean you're the smartest person in the world. Oh, no. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Yeah. Right, you're good at that one thing, which is very important. It's a vital thing. But there ain't not even that good at it. They're just there to pretend that they're good at it, right? You know, because if it was, look, there's a lot of capital there,
Starting point is 00:07:59 so that people follow the money. I get that, right? But the pretentiousness and the attitude and the expectations and the money, I get that, right? But the pretentiousness and the attitude and the expectations and the arrogance, like it's just a business. And you can be good anywhere in the world. Hopefully you'll come here to this country and make the choice like immigrants used to
Starting point is 00:08:17 and come here and start companies. But I'd rather start a business in Dallas all day every day. I will not. Oh, I know, of course. And or Florida, you know, I mean, this, no, look, I hear this from so many people, I know, who, you know, again, the woke will cast this as some sort of two conservative, no, we're not conservatives.
Starting point is 00:08:36 No, we're not conservatives. I'm sure it's just like, you guys don't get it. Woke and liberal are two different things. They're very often the fucking opposite of each other. Yeah.'t lump and then be like anybody to the right of woke is a concern. No. It's a drive people just want to live freedom should be a liberal thing. The word is that's what Lieber means. Free. Right. And look, we can have different attitudes, but just the idea of people getting classified as woke or non-work or conservative.
Starting point is 00:09:09 We don't talk about ideas anymore. We don't talk about solutions anymore. We talk about categories. You do. You do not do it all the time. Yeah. For sure. I mean, but generally, people just want to classify you.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Well, what they know, what they want to do is just hear what they already think they know and root for the team. And they, I always say, people need deep programming and then it struck me, no, idiot, they like programming. They like the program. They don't, of course they don't want to be difficult. Here's what I think, here's what I think. So my generation, I'm 64 years old, I'm a boomer, right?
Starting point is 00:09:43 And we grew up sex, drugs and rock and roll. So it's so disappointing that we evolved to be the Fox News generation, the news nation generation, all these TV stations that dictate to my peers what to think. And thinking about it, it was like, how did this happen? Well we grew up thinking TV was authoritative. TV was the authority in any subject. Right. You know, Walter Cronkite says it.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Yeah. Rather says it, it's gospel. Right. I heard it on the news. How many time do parents say to us? Right. I heard it on the news. Now, that doesn't just leave you.
Starting point is 00:10:18 You know, it's not like all of a sudden you get to be 65 years old and you stop thinking everything you learn for the first 30, 40 years of your life. So when you turn on Fox News or whatever, Newsmax, if it's on the news, it's right. And so they just believe it. Nobody questions it. But that's also true of MSNBC. Well, yes, but they don't have the size of audience, you know, and I don't. Well, but they have a very influential audience because their audience is the media
Starting point is 00:10:47 and the people who... Well, that's the difference. See, the difference there is in terms of influence is one thing, right? But you would hope that media and somebody else is not taking it as gospel. Like, they're questioning it, they may watch it. But there are people who are saying, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:01 this, this is right. What, you know, what Bill Hemi or whoever on Fox says, is accurate. I mean, I hadn't done an MSNBC in a while, but I did a Ramellber show a couple of weeks ago, and I like him a lot. I think he's a big talent who actually could do it at a different kind of show.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Especially with all the hip hop references. Well, not that kind of show, but I realized when I was on there for a long time, the things that they cover, certainly not what I would have considered the most important stories of the day, just the stories that most make their audience go, yes, exactly. He's terrible. Oh, yes, exactly. He's terrible. Oh, yes, good. Something bad happened to him. Great.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Oh, she's great. I love her. And yes, something good about her. And it's like, okay, I mean, I love that these things, it's not about like, it's sort of like when a cop pulls you over for a taillight. Like, cut a cop pull you over all the time for anything and find something.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Yeah, they could. It's what you choose to cover. It's not like these things didn't happen. It's what you it's your perspective. And what you're trying to accomplish. And are you really trying to find the truth? You know, a lot of people send me things and you know a lot of times I just if I said something to them, it would just be like, I get it. You want me to see this. I get it, you want me to see this, but when I check it out, it doesn't look like it was sent by someone who really wants the truth. It's just like your side, you want your side verified. And then when I check it out, it's like, okay, this thing wasn't wrong.
Starting point is 00:12:36 There was one study that said that, you just didn't tell me about the eight studies that said that. That's not the difference, right? Yeah, so this one study is real, yeah. So you're not, you're not interested in the truth. You're not interested in confirming what you already believe. And I'm not interested in that.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Without question, right? And social media, go on Twitter, which is another question for it. But you want to have, you want to engage with somebody who's going to challenge you intellectually, right? You want some, I always call it, yeah. I've called it, question people, that thing. Stop. Opposite of, no, I call it, you know, checking my whole card, right? You want some I was yeah, I'm called question people that thing stuff opposite of well, but no I call you know checking my whole card right and it's just like I want to know if I'm right and so I'll push it on on Twitter
Starting point is 00:13:11 just for the whole point is someone saying no you're fucked up right? But you can't have it especially now you can't do that anymore and with television to your point it's just about getting people fired up on their side. And, you know, how do you fix it? You know, what comes next? I don't know. You're the fixed guy. I mean, I don't know what, I mean, you got enough on your plate with this drug thing. I think, by the way, I do think it's awesomely you're doing that.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Appreciate it. I mean, you know, it's, you know, there were publicans used to say about rich people, you know, like we shouldn't be punishing success. And I agree with that. I also agree that we need to, you know, tax, you know, intelligently and... Yeah, I don't mind paying more taxes. I don't either. Well, I've said it's the most patriotic thing.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Not more. Well, I mean... But I'm paying the limit, right? Yeah, but... I mean, I pay more than half. Yeah, so do I. No, no. So, I feel like half is already a lot. It's a lot, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:09 And like, so like, I don't mind doing it because I do think, I look at it philosophically, I think being rich, no offense, because you're very rich, is like a little bit of a fluke because you could have been born in another time in history. I'm like his mother fucker in the world.
Starting point is 00:14:23 I know. You know? Tell jokes, you know what I'm called. mother fucker in the world. Right. And you know, you know. Tell jokes, you know, I'm cold, whatever. We could sit here and get fucked up, whatever works. Right. But so looking at it philosophically, I don't feel like, oh, I'm old this because I'm, no, it's a lucky thing.
Starting point is 00:14:38 So, okay, so I don't mind paying. But just don't like give me the line of the Bernie Sanders, you know, the rich don't pay anything. Don't pay anything. I pay more than half. I did my taxes. My federal taxes, I pay 38%. Just on federal taxes. Right. Right. Not property tax. Right. Not everything else. I got my California's 13. Yeah. So I'm already over 50. And then there's, you know, you know, you know, lots of, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:03 my fishing and hunting license, I'm kidding. You're rightful, yeah. Yeah, well, rifle I do have. Not a physical hunting license, but, I mean, you live in Texas, you must have guns. No, I don't. No guns? I hire people to have guns.
Starting point is 00:15:17 You hire people to have guns. That's a ball or move, yeah. You know, never, ever gets any respect. Is that? Henshmen. Henshmen? Yeah. Like in movie.
Starting point is 00:15:28 What have you been smoking? No, I've been smoking Henshmen. Henshmen. Like it, well, because you apparently have Henshmen. No, I don't have Henshmen. It sounds like you have Henshmen. No, I have, you just said I hire people to have that. Yeah, but there's only certain circumstances
Starting point is 00:15:42 that I do that, right? Okay, no. How many are we talking about? 73 knowledge. I watch all the time, black away. Look for the best henchmen. It's like the bad guy in his underground volcano where whatever bad guy is taking, he always has henchmen. He always has. Because like the good guy has to kill like all the henchmen and then yeah and then it's to like the bad guys no my god it's like he can't be like comes out fire back you know now they have to like a hundred guys you know John wick and people right right right right so you kill all the henchmen
Starting point is 00:16:18 and then you kill the bad guys main dude he's always got like a main dude right right but and, you kill the bad guy. Oh my God. But no one feels bad for the punch man. And I feel like it's just a job. They're not really bad people. No one cares when they get killed. They're just getting a paycheck, right?
Starting point is 00:16:38 It's like they got a family. It's like they, Somebody's gonna take that job, right? And the world needs handsmen. And they're not cheap. No, handsmen are not cheap. Handsmen are not cheap. It's like they always gotta take that job, right? And then world needs henchmen. And they're not cheap. No, henchmen are not cheap. Hensmen are not cheap. It's good work that I feel like they should unionize,
Starting point is 00:16:50 but no one feels bad when the henchmen get shot, and I feel like that just shows what smucks people are. Oh, my goodness. I have no pathos for the henchmen. Oh, none. Do you smoke pot? Not anymore, I don't know. No, you used to? Yeah, yeah, yeah. What you smoke pot? Not anymore. No, you used to.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Yeah, yeah, yeah. What happened? I just, one, I have a heart condition. I have AFIP, so they told me, you know, none. Really had pots bad for that? Yeah. Not sure. No.
Starting point is 00:17:15 No, just enough for me. I don't think I did none of that. No, but I did. I was never a big pot smoker though. I mean, it was like in college. Me neither. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't have a lot of limits back there,
Starting point is 00:17:27 but I wasn't a big pot smoker. Yeah. Let me tell you about when I quit. Well, anyway, what were we talking about before the henchmen? Oh, you hired people with that. Yeah, yeah. I'm just, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Well, you know what, maybe this is just my paranoia, but a number of world leaders have been assassinated by their own Praetorian guard in Dharagandhi on Warsadot. It's gotta be especially, well, you know, sort of depressing for you to realize that you're own people with the ones who turned on you and you're like, I don't have that many henchmen. And I qualify my henchmen.
Starting point is 00:18:11 My henchmen, you just benefits. Just make sure your henchmen don't turn on you. My henchmen, I live like a normal life for the most part. Yeah, yeah. What kind of life do you live in? I see you don't even have socks. No, man, because I forgot. You need some money, I can lend you some money. I literally worked out and then I had, oh shit, see you don't even have socks. No, man because I forgot
Starting point is 00:18:29 Really worked out and then I had oh shit all I got my Yeah, cuz you know I know I'm not gonna count surfing these days. Yeah, you know you guys together Don't you work you could be sleeping the same bed like the three stooges again blowing a feather Blow a feather with your straw. Blowing a feather with your straw. Oh, there, squeeze over, squeeze box. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:18:49 I love it. Did you used to work the three stooges? Oh my God, I saw them in person. I saw them in the three stooges. Yes. And also, Apen Castello. Yes. So, and, and, Laura, it's so funny before the gay era.
Starting point is 00:19:03 But they used to introduce each other like Append Castello as my partner. And yet they were in no specific business. No, oh my God, I used to have watched Mompot Kettle and they had this one little bit where, they all would get into the room and be like, squeeze over, squeeze back. So right, so with my brothers and I would do it
Starting point is 00:19:23 when we were growing up, I have two brothers in one bed. And then with my kids, right, we would all be sitting there watching a movie, squeeze over, squeeze box. We are brought to you by SignalWire. SignalWire powers the future of cloud communications. Built by the tech OGs, the original geeks of software defined telecom,
Starting point is 00:19:42 their mission is to make it simple for you to build whatever you can imagine using real-time voice video or text messaging. The OGs at Signal Wire have spent decades solving the most complex and awkward problems in communications. From broadcast quality video to ultra low latency voice and messaging, Signal Wire has the APIs and SDKs to create unique and intelligent communications experiences from within existing applications or websites or building a new app from scratch. Join the millions of other customers like Amazon, Ring, and Home Depot who are using SignalWire technology to build the communications experiences of the future. And in the spirit of a holiday season, SignoWire wants to give you a gift. Visit
Starting point is 00:20:27 slash random and claim a free t-shirt when you sign up for a demo. Go to slash random and claim your free t-shirt. Go to slash random. So are your kids in sufferably woke? No, no. Oh, fuck no. Because you live in Dallas? No, it's not even that. I think, you know, the 13, 16, and 19, and, you know, my oldest is, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:52 adamantly pro-choice, but we don't talk a lot of politics in our house. I mean, we don't, I don't try to push anything on them. I want them to think. Because all my friends, at least the ones like on the coasts, who are like our age, and they have kids who are usually like on the coasts, who are like our age, and they have kids who are usually like in their 20s and something like that. And they all bitch endlessly about their fucking woke kids. And these are liberal people.
Starting point is 00:21:15 These are not people who are voting for Trump. You know, in a social media era, everybody has to virtue signal in their own way, right? By the clothes you wear or don't wear, by the places you go, by the people you're associated with, because every single person, particularly if you're 13 to 25, you're a brand, you know, and you meet your social media. I mean, we see it in the NBA. These kids come in, you know, with a million followers and they know what to wear, what not to wear. And so when my daughter is on TikTok or either my daughter is on TikTok or my son, there's a way to do it.
Starting point is 00:21:52 And you don't have to necessarily be political, but you're sending messages. Well, I mean, it is a whole different ballgame owning a team, managing a team, coaching a team in this day and age with the kind of kids coming up and how they were raised and so forth. It's, I'm sure, I mean, I'm kind of pulling this out of my ass and you can correct me if I'm run, but I think I've read this and heard this and talked to people who said that, I mean, the coach, it just can't be that old school. No, it's changed.
Starting point is 00:22:23 180 degrees. Do it my way and give me 20 No, fuck you're just push up these guys, right? They just don't stand for it It's not even that they want to be coached right but they they have you have to connect to them right connecting to a 20 year old today You have to recognize who they are because they've told the world who they are in their social media right and if you don't know then You're not being coach, right? You're not going to be able to have a... But what is that in town knowing you from me? To who they are.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Yeah, looking like I follow all my guys on social media. So you know their taste. Yeah, you know what they want. And look, they're not what they do in their DMs is a whole lot different than what they show publicly, but just getting a sense for who they are and what they're into, it's a lot easier today than it used to. What are they into in their DMs? I'm more interested in that.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Oh, just women. Yeah, just women. Oh my God, you know, I'm sure are you on social media? No. No, yeah, I don't remember seeing you. But I'm just telling you, at my age, I get some freaky shit from women. And I can't even imagine what these young,
Starting point is 00:23:24 you know, good looking guys making a lot of money. And just the stories they tell me are just insane. So how do you see the freaky shit? Oh, because they just send it to me in my DMs. Oh, you're hot. Yeah, right, I'm rich. So, wait. But, okay, I don't even understand, I guess.
Starting point is 00:23:41 I thought you had to like, know someone to have the recognition. No, no, no. So the way it went, anybody can direct with it. So you just follow me and, right, to have the recognition. No, no, no, no. So the way it went, or anybody can direct me. So you just follow me and write, I have mine open, so that if you follow me and you want to send me a message, 99.
Starting point is 00:23:50 No, I should, you know, every year I make it a New Year's resolution to get into social media and then I don't do it. And like, so whenever I know about it, just makes me go, God, what a fucking waste of time. And what a minefield. Don't you feel like it's a minefield of potential?
Starting point is 00:24:05 Oh, yeah. Well then, but I guess you have to do it for business, right? I have to do it for business as a platform to promote. It is. But it's also a way to learn, right? Because every year, you're right. You're right. It tells you who they are.
Starting point is 00:24:15 You're right. You know, and you see, I'm just telling you, for as fucked up as TikTok is, it is the best parental tool in the world. Right. Because all I have to do, because you know, the way TikTok works, it's not about who you follow, it's about that, and artificial intelligence that, you know, based off of what you watch it sends you more of it, right?
Starting point is 00:24:33 So if I want to know what my kids are into, I just look at their TikTok feed. Right. And it's like, you know, you and I, when we are growing up, you're like, yeah, dad, yeah, mom, whatever, whatever. Right. And our parents had no idea. None. Now, it's mom, whatever, whatever. Or parents said, no idea. None. Now it's really easy to figure out.
Starting point is 00:24:46 I mean, I talk to people in their 20s. You know, I'm not married. Just leaving it there. I'll drink to that too. I never have. So like, I'm endlessly fascinated. But I need to hear it from the horse's mouth. You know, I'm just not a social,
Starting point is 00:25:05 I just, the first of all, I just think. You would get laid a thousand times more if you were on social media. I don't care. Okay. Well, you would have interesting conversations a thousand times more. And, you know what?
Starting point is 00:25:17 But people, first of all, I don't trust anything that's in the cloud. Like, I just don't, I'm not interested, first of all. I just don't want to put my shit out there. You need to control it. I don't think. What people say about you, they're going to say anyways. When people are going to give you shit, that's irrelevant. I've seen too many people embarrassed. If you do something stupid, right? It's if you just... You know, it just embarrassing to... It's like seeing a celebrity on the subway.
Starting point is 00:25:48 It's like, what the fuck are you doing here? You would take the subway. You would take the subway? I don't want to be... No, subway. Yes, what? Yes! With the rats and bunching on the trucks.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Why the fuck are you doing that? No, the truck's not so much. What would you do? Yes. You a billionaire would take the subway? Yeah, you put a hat on, you know, just nice to people. What a hat on? Yeah, not so much. What would you do? Yes. You a billionaire would take this up way? Yeah, you put a hat on, you know, you're just nice to people. But a hat on? Yeah, it's easy.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Well, good, you do you. Me, I'm like, I don't have your kind of money, so like whatever money I do have, I think of money as like cushions. Like when I started out, I had no cushions. My ass was right on the cold heart. I'm right there with you, I was right there with you. I was right there with you.
Starting point is 00:26:26 And you know what it feels like. And then like at a certain point in my 20s, I feel like, oh, I have one cushion. Yeah. It's not the greatest, but it's a cushion. It's a cushion. Like, you know, I'm sitting on something. One cheek is something.
Starting point is 00:26:37 I'm taking care of it. Right. And then I got two and three. And you know, now I got, you know. All the cushions you need. Yeah, I'm just like lying on a... I got salt in, I don't have a bunch of fucking pillows and cushions, so I forget what that was all about. But for some reason it was very important, right?
Starting point is 00:26:59 To explain that I have cushions. I'm just telling social media, if you know how to use it and you have a little bit of control, right? No, you're so right. It's fun. I totally agree with you. Like when I get these negative pictures, I can't respond to them, right?
Starting point is 00:27:15 I won't respond to them. Make it picture. Yes, but it's insane. You know, these 20 something year old women, and a couple times men, it's just like, it's just like, oh, you're hot. Oh, I think you're so stashable. But, okay.
Starting point is 00:27:28 And you're ignored, but it's fun to get on. Okay. So, you're talking about, you're saying the reason why I don't want to do this. You're saying you can't trust these people. You don't think they're sincere. No. And there's no way you can evaluate sincerity over the phone with just pictures and text. Of course not.
Starting point is 00:27:48 It's designed to be opaque. So why would I want to enter into that? Because it's entertaining. You're right. I should. No, I'm not. I'm not really like that. You don't have to, like, you don't have to, like, oh, wife potential number one.
Starting point is 00:28:04 No, I like you don't have to like you don't have to like oh wife potential never like you know It's I never defend the things about me that I feel are deficient. I want to better them. Yeah, I want to do the same I'm not the same way. I'm the same way. Yeah, I really do like we were talking before about like I love to say I don't know because then I learn something. Yes, okay to be curious and I don't want to be like no I do everything great. No, I do this horribly, and I wanna be better. Yes, yes, yes, I mean, because just, that's what keeps you going, right?
Starting point is 00:28:32 Just that curiosity about life. That's what gets me all jazz stuff, right? Because, you know, and then sounds corny and cheesy and everything. Maybe you'll mentor me on social media. No, oh, on social media? Yeah, for sure. Really?
Starting point is 00:28:44 Yeah, for sure. Really? Yeah, for sure. I'll take a day out and mentor me. It'll take about 16 minutes, and that's about it. It's really, it's not that tough, you know? You're so right, it's just willpower. It's just afraid of it, and like, again, I feel like it's a bunch of phony, doobstab. You stand up and do comedy in front of people that you don't know, and you literally
Starting point is 00:29:04 open up yourself to that. They know me. Yeah, but still they bought a ticket, they know me and they're coming to have a good time and they right. And they social media is the same way. No one's going to DM you or reply to you because they don't know you. Hey, and it's funny as fuck when I get those, right?
Starting point is 00:29:20 You know, I never knew who you were, but you look really interesting. Really? Yes, and it's bullshit, obviously. So you just read it for amusement, but you certainly with all your resilience of followers, you can't possibly read all of them. No, no, no. But it's really easy.
Starting point is 00:29:34 So you just sample them? Yeah, and it's really easy. Like you can tell sometimes if it's a kid and they have a question about something, then it's really nice to respond, you know? Kids around it? Yeah, like little kids. Yeah, 13 and old, 15, 16, 18 year old. But you know, it, like little kids. Yeah, you know 13 and old 15 16 18 year old
Starting point is 00:29:46 But you know, it's like you get questions about being in media or doing comedy right how'd you get started and I you know most of the time it's hard to like deal with everybody to respond to those But it feels good every now and then hey, I'm looking at starting a business. You help me. I always tell kids the same thing I got started the old fashioned Giving blow jobs under a bridge. Yeah. Oh, okay. And you should too, kids.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Don't be too proud to blow people under a bridge. Jesus, these kids today. They won't do what they need to do. So, I know. Right, won't do what they need to do. No. Well, funny. So, I was something I wanted to ask you,
Starting point is 00:30:28 as you can tell, this is like zero agenda show. No, I love it. I love it, right? It's not great. Yes, I mean, notice I'm cracking up half the show. I know, that's what I said. I, you know, there was a million podcasts, and I said, yeah, but there's a big hole for one
Starting point is 00:30:46 that's like not looking like a shot in the day, you know, with big penis microphones and funny or funny, you know what I mean? I know exactly. It's like, it's a little like, can't we just be like, I really am off camera? Like imagine if political debates, you had to take a shot between every question. Right? You know, you get the truth. Nobody else here, but the cameras are built into the walls. We're just two guys.
Starting point is 00:31:11 And that's like, rock and roll. You're a guy I always wanted to know. Well, I appreciate that. And like, it's so a little sad that people like us, we only really get to know each other when we work together. Yeah, it's true. It's really true. Our work is so, you know, I've said to people before, like I never married, obviously, at Hight Kids.
Starting point is 00:31:31 My show is my kid. Yeah. So, that's not a bad thing. It's not a bad thing. No. And, you know, we're so fucking lucky because we get to... This shows my mistress. We get to make our own choices.
Starting point is 00:31:45 People are like, what is the best part about being rich? Freedom. Freedom, right? Money is another word for freedom. Time. I get to control my time. When I was poor, I did not even have the freedom to eat what I wanted.
Starting point is 00:31:58 And many poor people don't. I used to go to the grocery store at midnight because they lowered the price of chicken and these big french fries right to a buck 29 That's a great story. And I would buy a bunch of them. I was thinking I was I would walk down and we'd have my friends and it'd be like okay Stay in there and I take the cheese whiz open the top. Oh My god, yeah, just don't try to add I when I was at Cornell
Starting point is 00:32:21 Oh my god. Yeah, just dumps like that. When I was at Cornell, the Cornell bookstore where you bought all, you know, was used text books. That's how college works. But they also had like just tons of books and they had a system where they were tables with books. What was on the tables on Monday cost a dollar and it would go down every day. So that by Friday it was 10 cents
Starting point is 00:32:47 if the book was still there on Friday. I would go in on Monday. Hide the book. Many books, many books. Notice I knew exactly, you know how I got my first car in Dallas? The way I got my first car in Dallas, I had, when I drove from Indiana to Dallas,
Starting point is 00:33:02 I had hauled my floorboard, right? So I knew it was- Obama had that. He told the story in 60 minutes. There was a hole. Yeah, I could see the line. Michelle goes, yeah, remember we could see the road. It was, you know, I had to put in oil every 60 miles, whatever. And so that car was dead. And so I was driving around with my buddies and I was used, I had credit cards cut up. I had, you know, bill collectors and I saw a car on the side of the road and it wasn't fucked up. I told my buddies to stop.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Stop, right? Because I knew from my own personal experience that someone had abandoned that because they couldn't make the payment. So I sunblocked and right on the, I'll never forget right on the seat, there was a little envelope that was a little bit thick, right, meaning there was loan papers in there.
Starting point is 00:33:44 I called the bank the next day and I said, I found this car for you because I know you were looking for it. Can I take over the payments? And they said, since you got it for us, yes. And that's how I got my first job. I said that would never happen today. It would be jacked. No, but because you'd never get a human on the phone.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Well, that's true, true. Yeah, that's true, too. But I called right to the bank. Yeah. You never get a human who could like actually make a decision. Yeah, it's true too. But I called right to the bank. You never get a human who could like actually make that decision. Yeah, it's true. And we seem to go to this, everything is moving toward this unhuman place. You know, we're dating is just by, you can't date that way.
Starting point is 00:34:17 You have to look in someone's eyes. You have to feel their presence. You know, you can't do it over an app. Yeah, I'm outside the app range, right? Because, you know, being married and everything, but... What? My wife is hot, so I like to fuck my wife, so I'm good there. Hey, yeah, what's your name?
Starting point is 00:34:37 Hey! But, yeah, I mean, but that's your social media thing, right? You've got to just connect to that. I'd say, I like online. I really, really do, because it gives you access to every such and every... No, never such an end. I mean, this is where the world has moved.
Starting point is 00:34:52 You have such an advantage if you have such an advantage, like over me, not that we're in competition. Right. We're like in the Godfather. Your business doesn't conflict with mine. So go ahead, get into heroin. Get into heroin. I don't give a fuck. I'm the Godfather. But no, our business don't conflict with mine. So go ahead, get into heroin. Get into heroin, I don't give a fuck, I'm the Godfather.
Starting point is 00:35:05 But no, our business don't conflict, but you have such an advantage because you naturally acclimated to this. And we're basically the same age, right? You nut, but some people do. And some people don't. I'm into you shit, right? If you can.
Starting point is 00:35:20 But funny thing is I am too. Even more than almost everybody, I know because I never got married, because I never had kids. You know, I never got stuck in like the, okay, I'm now the past paradigm. Like, I'm not young, but I'm also the latest version of me. Which is cool as fuck, right?
Starting point is 00:35:36 And I never really changed my life. But that brings up another question, right? You know, we're at that age where in your mind, you're like, okay, am I supposed to act my age, right? What is acting my age? And I fight that shit. I fight my friend has a great saying. It's actually quoting somebody I forget who don't let the old man in. 100%. Yeah. And it's so easy not to. Well, I mean, not easy. You have to like work at it to a degree, but it's so easy to fall in it, like because everybody expects you to, right?
Starting point is 00:36:07 How you dress, where you go, what you do, what you drink, what you look like. Exactly. How you do your hair, what clothes. What you wear. The one thing you can't control is how you look. You're going to age. Well, people in Beverly Hills will tell you different.
Starting point is 00:36:19 But the other time is undefeated. The difference between how people took care of themselves. The way it shows up at people who are... Now, you could take care of yourself horribly in your mid-30s. You probably don't look that different than somebody else in their mid-30s. At our age, it can be... Normus. I mean, they're people who can't walk.
Starting point is 00:36:43 No, it's crazy, right? And they're decrepit. And so they... Now. Who can't walk? No, it's crazy, right? They're decrepit. And so they, they're the, Now we have friends who are dying and it's fucking serious. And dead people. Fuck, right? Because you get the sense of your own mortality, not to get more bit in all this,
Starting point is 00:36:54 but it's just like, When people die, you feel bad for their families. And look, I'm not people who are saying, well, it's easy for you to, yes, you're right. It is easier to be healthy and live longer when you're doing well, absolutely, not just materially well, but feeling good about yourself, which materially well is part of, yes,
Starting point is 00:37:13 but it's not the main thing, but it's just like, it's not the money itself, although that's good too. But it's the mindset. Yes, it's like, you don't have to be rich to fucking just say, let's go out and dance. Right, right, or just, you know what, it's great to listen to 70 music, but I'm gonna put on Taylor Swift,
Starting point is 00:37:29 because I wanna know what the fuck this is. You go to the subway. You're right, I think, because I wanna- I don't know why I'm doing it. When I go to New York, I will, you know, I stay up right around Columbus Circle.
Starting point is 00:37:38 I'll walk right down to the alphabet street, straight shot and just walk around. Well, walking in New York, I agree. That's beautiful. Okay, but the subway- I don't mind, I agree. That's beautiful. Okay. But the subway. I don't mind. I don't mind.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Did you ever see the taking a pill in one two three? Yes. I saw the original motherfucker. I just went again. It's fantastic. Oh, that was fucking crazy. You know, put aside, wait, whoever, it was John Travolta or whoever.
Starting point is 00:37:57 That was the remake. Yeah, that was okay. But it was the original. I saw it in a theater, right? You're right. Yeah. Oh, that was a colossus. Robert Shaw. out. Yes. Oh, that was a classic. Robert Shaw.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Yes. Straight from Jaws. That was a classic. I saw it with my dad. Yes, it was a classic. Yes, it was a classic. You remember the ending, the sneeze? No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:38:15 The bit of all spoiler alert, because none of you kids are going to watch this, but you should. It's awesome. The four guys hijack a train. Martin Balsam the whole time. He's one of the hijackers. He's on the radio. Yeah. Because in tight says Walter Moutho who works with the subway.
Starting point is 00:38:33 He's the subway cop. So he knows he's got a cold, you know. And then they go at the end of the movie. They catch the guys. One guy gets away. They don't know who it is. They're checking all the people who used to work for the subway system. And he goes to Martin Balson's apartment.
Starting point is 00:38:46 He interviews them and, okay, we can't do anything. It's probably not you. They live, and he sneezes. Bam! And then the last shot, and says Walter Rattham. Bam! It's head through the door. See, okay, that brings up another point, right?
Starting point is 00:38:57 It's just awesome. Because you can't fall into that trap while it was great back then and it sucks now. Now this one is good. This one's good. No, that was a great movie. But you know what I'm saying, man. Like movies do not hold up. But it's not even then and it sucks now. Now this one is good. This one's great. But you know what I'm saying? Many movies do not hold up.
Starting point is 00:39:06 But it's not even about the movies holding up. It's just us and personally how people approach aging, right? And if you get into that mindset, what was great back then and it sucks now, you're fucked. But you know what, never changes in movies. What's that? Hedge mint. It's not always.
Starting point is 00:39:22 Tension mint, yeah. They're all just fucking killing him. Always killing your kill. Nobody gives a shit. Oh, I remember. What? There was, like, I was saying before, obviously this is not a show I put any thought into,
Starting point is 00:39:40 which is the way I want to do it, because this is not... Because again, I wanted to do something that was exactly like my life. Who puts thought into like, Oh, for the human for dinner? which is where I want to do it. Because this is not, because again, I wanted to do something that was exactly like my life. Who puts thought into like, oh, we're not gonna meet Mark Cuban for dinner. Why don't I take notes? But there is one thing, but I might say to myself,
Starting point is 00:39:52 there's one thing I really wanna ask him about, which is Bitcoin, because I've been very anti-Bitcoin, and I don't think you are, and then Luis can recently, which is a Bitcoin- It's everything's getting fucked, and I must tell you, I'm rooting against Bitcoin.
Starting point is 00:40:06 And that's okay. No, that's okay. I'm not even more now. No, that's okay, right? I know you. I'm rooting against Bitcoin. I want Bitcoin to go down a lot further so I can buy some more, right?
Starting point is 00:40:15 Wow. Because if you ever buy gold, what do you think about gold? What do you think about gold? I think it's good. I think it's good when you're trying to get late. But no, not when you're wearing gold. Come on baby. No.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Like would you buy gold as an investment? I've gold. Everybody likes to. You know what, if you have gold, you're dumb as fuck. Well, I mean, it never, it's a small part. It's like a hedge against everything else. It's a hedge made against everything, but yes, it is. It's in what I be called.
Starting point is 00:40:43 But it's not a hedge. No, but it's not a head against anything, right? What it is is a store value, and you don't own the physical goal, do you? No, no, of course. Well, I know who the fuck knows. What I know is that it never goes away. It's always worth something. You can always sell it.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Just Bitcoin. Bitcoin gold is a store value. And so is Bitcoin. That's not that that is an apt analogy. Because you don't hold the gold. But the world is not run by gold. No, it's not. It's not that's that is an apt analogy because you don't hold the gold but gold but the world is not run by gold no it's not it's not run by bitcoin either it's it's it's but it's yet you're I mean
Starting point is 00:41:12 I can't deny that it's it's it's about it is based on actually mining something which is crazily that's why we got off the gold standard because it's crazy to hook a currency to what you can find in the ground. But you and your ownership, you don't own the gold bar. And if everything went the hell in the hand basket, you had a gold bar, you know what would happen?
Starting point is 00:41:35 Someone beat the fuck out of you or kill you and take your gold bar. And then they can use the bar to hit me. And it's somebody and that's it. You got to shave a little piece of gold so someone waves away. Well, I mean, look, the idea that currency is a state of mind, this is in, by the way, you ball Harari's great book,
Starting point is 00:41:52 Sapience about humans are different than apes because humans can organize in great numbers just about an idea. Now, the idea could be, we gotta go kill everybody who is in a Christian, or we gotta go kill everybody who isn't a Christian, or we got to go kill everybody who isn't a Muslim. Those ideas, bad ideas. But like the idea that money is an idea, it's not wrong.
Starting point is 00:42:13 No, it's right. But we tie our money to, I mean, Apple makes something. A phone is something real that you're dropping the toilet. You really need gold jewelry. The world that gold jewelry is. No, but you're going to have to go. No, but the point of the economy is iPhone, which is a real that you're dropping the toil. You really need gold jewelry. The world that gold jewelry is. No, but your goal is with gold. Most of the economy is not gold. No, but the point of the economy is iPhone,
Starting point is 00:42:28 which is a real thing with real value. But we're talking about it. And it's been valued at a thousand dollars. But we're talking about it. We're talking about Bitcoin. And Bitcoin. It's just pegged to nothing, which is neither is gold really, right? Again, gold, if gold was controlling our economy right now,
Starting point is 00:42:44 I would say you have a good argument. Gold is not. We got off gold in the third century. No, that's making my point, though, Bill. You're making my point. When you own gold, all you own is a digital transaction. Which is why we're not mostly in gold. And that's fine, right? I'm mostly a Bitcoin, right? It's just something that I own. Okay. But it's just, it's just digital transaction and it's a store value.
Starting point is 00:43:07 That's the term for it, a store value. So people perceive that there's value associated with gold and there's value associated with Bitcoin. And Warren Buffett said, it's just really about having something that you can sell to somebody else that has absolutely no value. And then it's their problem.
Starting point is 00:43:24 So it is, but that's the fair stock in like 90% of the companies out there, right? you can sell to somebody else that has absolutely no value and then it's their problem. So it is- But that's the share stock in like 90% of the companies out there, right? You think that? Yes, yes. You know, I can go on for days about this shit, but look, when it comes down to crypto- You think most companies are shit? It's not that the price of a share stock that doesn't pay a dividend is worth what somebody
Starting point is 00:43:42 will pay for it. That's it. Do you have a big hit with that shark tank thing though? Yeah. It's 14 years. 14 years? 14 years. 13 for me.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Oh my God. It's insane, isn't it? All right. I know you're not the guy who wants to come and just have drinks with a friend and he has this. I do. Let's get on top. I'm just going to put it out there.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Sound proof underwear. Okay. So, Bitcoin I think is a good investment. Soundproof underwear, not so much. And I'm not telling people, I'm not saying to tell people to buy a Bitcoin. I think I who fart a lot. You smell, you tell it, you know.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Think about the guy. Well, but if it's soundproof, you can't prove it. That destroys the whole purpose of a fart. I'm just saying, I'm just thinking about it. I'm just saying, think about it. Do you like that? I hate to be that guy at the party. He was like, oh, Mark Cuban.
Starting point is 00:44:33 I'm gonna pitch him my genius idea. Soundproof underwear? No. I guess I am. No, yeah, it's gonna take a lot more alcohol for that to be good. Well, I'm glad you drink. I'm sorry you don't smoke, but I'm not sorry. I mean, it's personal.
Starting point is 00:44:50 No, it is. Yeah, it's personal choice. I mean, I probably should quit, but I can't think of a good reason why. Be you, right? Whatever. Yeah, I need it for everything I do that I value. I don't give a fuck. I need it.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Be you. No, I know. I mean, it's probably. I need it. It'd be you. No, I know. I mean, it's probably not great for my lungs, but, you know, I'm not obsessive with it. I save it for when I'm wanting to really have a good time. I'm very circumspect. I feel like you're probably the same way. Your life is too good. You don't want to fuck it up.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Isn't that the scariest thing of everything? Right? It's like something's got to go wrong. Of course. Yeah, it's just like, and in real life, no one dies healthy, right? But it's like, you shouldn't know that.
Starting point is 00:45:34 It's great. No one dies healthy. Exactly. It's so simple, but so true. So true, yeah. But it's like when things go so well, it's like, what the fuck? Something's got to happen.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Yeah. Did you obviously broadcast news? Yeah, of course. Remember that movie? And William Hurd is the news anchor and he has that great line. He says, you know, what do you do when everything is dreamed of comes out better
Starting point is 00:45:56 than your expectations? And Albert Brooks is like, keep it to yourself. That in the next day. You know, I'm jealous of you because you remember movie lines. I wish I could. I don't remember that shit at all. I can do like, I'm going with the wind. Oh my god. Godfather. That's insane. They've been looking to impressions. I actually, you have to do the impressions for the movies.
Starting point is 00:46:17 But um, see to me, that's a talent that I wish I had. Well, yeah, I mean, your talent did pretty well for you. But that's not the point. Like you said, you know, I know, but like we all look, there's a, there's a, a smorgasbord of things out there that would be at the entages, you know, as they're making you up in heaven, win, quink, you know, they're, you get this one and this one and this one and know, you get this one and this one and this one, you don't get this one and this one and this one, what I have liked to be six foot two, I would,
Starting point is 00:46:49 but God fucked up and made me five eight. You know? Like there's a lot of things that, but like in general, the ones that I did get worked out very well as they did for you. So you know, you would not go back and pick a different. No, I hell no.
Starting point is 00:47:07 It's like you get that question right, which I hate. The one question I always say, what would you do differently under 20s? And I always tell people the same thing. Absolutely fucking nothing, right? It turned out perfectly. Not 20s?
Starting point is 00:47:17 No, you know how people have to do everything different. I wouldn't. You're 20s? No, fuck no. Really? Oh, I had a great time. You must have, I didn't. Oh, I would be much smarter than me because I don't shit left and right. Oh, but why would we
Starting point is 00:47:31 do it again? Because it was dumb and fun. Yeah, he was like, give the fuck your mind. Mine was more dumb and painful. Yeah, it wasn't so much painful. I did don't dumb shit. Yeah, dumb shit. But were you popular with girls when you were young? When I was young? No, when I was like my high school age. Well, high school college early, early. So I started the blossom. Wasn't that painful then? Well, when I got to high school, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:53 I mean, literally, I was, I'm six to now. I was probably five, 10. You're six to? Yeah, probably six to and a half. Yeah, you know, but I was probably five, 10 and a half up until I was 18 and I would wait more than I do now. And I had glasses.
Starting point is 00:48:10 This was pre-contacts and my parents didn't have a lot. So literally I was playing baseball one day and running after a ball, bike came this way, smacked me in the mouth and I had to get caps on these two teeth. Only my parents can only afford stainless steel caps. So imagine being 16, 17, and 18 years old. And every time you smiled, these two teeth were stainless steel. Wow.
Starting point is 00:48:32 It was brutal. Nowadays, it would be great. Yeah, you'd be cool, right? It would be a grill. You know what, I've been selling them. Check out your grill tubes. Yeah! On your back, you'll be a head with your teeth.
Starting point is 00:48:42 No shit, right? Like most of the guys on the... But I blossomed right, and so all of a sudden, you know, I had cute girls interested in me and I was like, fuck, let's go. So who's your big guy now? Obviously, it's mostly Luke and Don Chish. Yes.
Starting point is 00:48:56 He's the real deal. Yeah, that was smart. Did you lock him up for a long time now? Yeah, yeah, five years. Five years, yeah, that's good. That's as long as we can lock him up, yeah. Well, also like it's a young man's game, not that he's gonna be bad at 28.
Starting point is 00:49:10 No, he's 23 now. Right, he's gonna be still, you know, he's gonna be great for 10 years, at least. But, yeah, you need a leading man. You need a star, right? The hard part starts. The hard part starts. You need a front man for the band. Absolutely, right? The hard part starts. No leading man, you need a front man for the band. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:49:27 The hard part is getting the right band members around them so that you compliment the start. So you can win a championship, right? So it took time for Steph Curry to get the right people around him. Right. The hard part for me. Michael Jordan.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Yeah, it took Michael Jordan eight years to win a championship. Oh, yeah. So you feel like you have the... I think we're there. We need one or two more pieces, but we have a path to get there. Yeah. I think we, I mean, we have a shot.
Starting point is 00:49:51 We can't really close last year. We have a better team this year, but the whole league is better. And what? And we don't have to talk about basketball. I'd rather talk about alcohol. I'd rather talk about whatever else you want to talk about. I swear to God. The idea that I have any agenda about. I swear you're right.
Starting point is 00:50:05 The idea that I have any agenda about, I don't know why that came up. I don't know. But it does interest me. I mean basketball does, I'm in basketball fan. Good. Okay, and then we can talk basketball. We're not, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:50:20 I mean, I also don't care. But I do love, I mean, like I don't care. But I do love, I mean, like, I don't watch during the season, because it's like, you know, I feel like sports in general is too important to people, especially American men, too important to be though. You know, when I see people, not, I believe me, I'm one of them. Again, I bought into a team.
Starting point is 00:50:41 Yeah, I literally bought them. And it's baseball ball team. And, well, it was the New York franchise. How about this? How about this? Everybody told me not to do it. And talking about my money people, even. And I said, this is sports.
Starting point is 00:50:59 It always goes up. This is, and also this is not, I knew what the whole, this is not Kansas setting. Oh, I know it's New York. I would look at that. New franchise. New York. Why didn't everybody else do this? This is the baseball franchise in the National League of New York. They're not making any more of them. This is the last one. No. And it was valid at 700 million. And crazy. Look at it now, you know? Well, I mean, like we talked about timing, right? Sometimes, you know, shit happens. But I just feel like sports in general
Starting point is 00:51:33 occupies too much of people's psychic energy and they know more about sports and they do about things. But you always changing so much. And I get to see it with my kids, right? I don't a fucking team. What is changing? Just how kids perceive sports and connect to sports.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Like, my kids are more interested in the players and the team. Like when we grew up, our family sat and watched a game, right? Your dad was there watching Saturday afternoon baseball. We all watch baseball. Football on Sundays. My dad was screaming at the TV, stealing his games, right? Go, the TV for Steelers games, right?
Starting point is 00:52:05 Go, go! I'll never forget, right? That's not what kids do now, right? Unless it's on their fantasy team. Like my son will yell at the TV for his fantasy team. I'll show it to all individuals. It's all individuals. Yeah, there's like their Luca Doncic fans,
Starting point is 00:52:18 there's stuff Curry fans, they're not team fans like they are. Not that the nobody is. That's interesting. We got die hard Mavericks fans that I loved death, right? Right. Love the death because they're their screaming and chanting and yelling, defense, defense, defense, but just kids in general, because think about just television. What happened in media, right?
Starting point is 00:52:37 So that most people can't afford old school television. You can't afford direct TV or whatever. So like the guy, I think you lost a guy to my nicks. Yeah, Jalen Brunson. Okay, who was good, right? Yeah. So the people who are following him and are his individual fans. Are gonna follow him wherever he goes.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Much more than that. It's not like good riddance, you know, other than Mavericks is more like, Hey, we're still, you know, J.B., I follow you on social media. So interesting. So different. So interesting. My son is like, he'll never hurt anybody talk about it. That is really interesting. And it's like every not positive. I don't feel like it's much more like it's all in our silos and our divisive. It's heartbreaking because the one thing, one thing that kept families together in a lot of respects that was really unifying was sports. You know, it's just like when everybody was just disagreeing on everything and then the
Starting point is 00:53:32 Olympics came along. I was just hoping that there would be an underdog American team that just went on a run because that would bring us all together and that didn't happen, right? Because during the Olympics, when it's us against the world like 1980 with hockey and whatever, right, where it's an upset, everybody comes together and puts aside everything else. But you know what, it's still sports though, even with the changes because of social media when the team wins. When you win, everybody loves a winner. Right, plus think about it, right? If the Metz had won, this year, then what kind of parade's going to happen?
Starting point is 00:54:08 There is no other business where they throw a, when Apple sells a zillion of those products in Cupertino, they ain't throwing a parade, right? When the Metz win, when the Maps won a championship, the parade, and there's hundreds of thousands of people, even when it's 100 degrees outside, the city's on fire. The city is like the high school, and the team is like the high school team. And then everybody loves life.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Right. And the team what? That feeling there's nothing like. There's no other industry where like, I'll get an email. My son has cancer. Can I get, you know, can I get a sign Jersey from Luca? Where my son got, you know, died and we want to bury him in a Jersey. Can you get Luca to sign it?
Starting point is 00:54:44 That doesn't happen anywhere else. No. And so there is that emotional connection still, but it's different. So then you pay them to sign it? I don't pay them to sign it. They're good people though. These kids are good.
Starting point is 00:54:56 I'm fucking with you. Fuck you. Well, come on. It's like you said, it's a business. No, I'm sure they're good people I mean, they're really are because their brand is now they can't be fucked up people Right it's harder because everybody knows they're fucked up right We think about this kind of earring thing or is that too political for you? No, it's not at all. I mean look
Starting point is 00:55:19 What he says is that does that right are you with you? Yeah, I'm Jewish yet Yeah, I'm a year yeah. Yeah, yeah. I'm a year, right? I didn't mean to say it like a Gestapo. Or just don't say the Jews, right? Are you with you? Yeah, just don't say, are you one of the Jews, right? Yeah, I'm a year.
Starting point is 00:55:34 We will see you in the prefix office till on the morning at 10 a.m. Let us call it a request. Yeah, no, I'm Jewish. And so we both dealt with the American. I think American, or so. We're just gonna Wikipedia, yeah. But it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:55:49 I mean, you know, they like you. I mean, if you're on the air and I've been on 29 years, if you're on 13 years, they like you. Yes, something's going right. They like you. Something's going right. People just don't watch what they don't like. No, not really.
Starting point is 00:56:05 I mean, look, the average age on television keeps on getting older, but people keep on coming back. And I love the show because kids watch it. We're like the number one or number two show watched by families together. Is that right? Yeah. And that's what's special.
Starting point is 00:56:17 Because now we got people coming on Pitch and Esteeles that started watching us when they were 12, 13, 14 years old. I've heard it compared to Trump in that, like, oh, he's a billionaire businessman. He's on a show on TV that advertises, wait, I'm just saying what I've heard, what the advertiser... It's from the Trump himself. What a smart businessman.
Starting point is 00:56:38 No, no, it's not a crazy analogy. So, let me tell you. America did get used to Donald Trump. So Trump did get used to Donald Trump as like a Businessman who's like smart and make smart decisions in the boardroom If you only had that in the So I'm at the White House for a health care thing. And Trump, I didn't expect it, but he's like, oh, come on into the West Wing right now.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Just, you know, because I've been shitting on him the whole time and he didn't care. And he's talking and he's talking nonsense about a lot of different things, you know, 10% legit and 90% nonsense. And I'm getting ready to leave and, you know, I'm standing up, he goes, that's a good looking suit you got on there. I'm like, thanks. He goes, are you still on that show, Shark Tank? I'm like, yeah, he goes, Baron loves that show. He watches it all the time.
Starting point is 00:57:34 I'm like, there you go. Thank you very much, Tom Baron. I said, thank you. You liked him for a minute, didn't you? Yeah, for sure, because I didn't think he was going to win. So I thought I said literally when he announced, it was the best thing that happened to politics because he's not a step for king. Well, I think the same thing is going to win. So I thought I said literally when he announced, it was the best thing that happened to politics because he's not a step for king.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Well, I think the same thing is going to happen with the unbid coin. Anyway. I don't know. Shot fired. No, no. Well, anyway, I think you'd be a fabulous president. I'd be awful.
Starting point is 00:58:03 Really? Really? So bad. I have no patience for that bullshit. No, no, no, I know that you couldn't run. Like I'd be awful. Really? So bad. I have no patience for that bullshit. No, no, no, I know that. You couldn't run like I couldn't run. I also think I would be a fabulous president. I think you would be too. Yes, because, but it's what you have to do to get to the job.
Starting point is 00:58:16 It's like the rivers and the field of glass, you have to call for. Yes, and for your family, if it was just me, fuck that, right? I'm not a family. They'd hate it. Yeah, she has to be adequate. I mean, I, oh my God, I don't, I don't, right. Every story, everything you've ever done,
Starting point is 00:58:31 every picture that's ever taken about you, no, there's no fucking way. So I am not even on it, not even. But I'm telling you, I know you are. I'll give you my 60 minutes. Oh, no, no. I definitely want to do this, but I I'm happy. I need a mentor. I got you.
Starting point is 00:58:46 I do. It's great that you can be 66 years old and admit you need a mentor. I do. But I'm not going to get someone like 32 who doesn't maybe 22. Who doesn't really cute. I've tried that a million times. And we're looking forward to a million times. I know, I think I need someone who knows how some are mine.
Starting point is 00:59:09 I got you. I got you. I got you. Don't go there and say some of my age, right? I need a peer. I got you. I need a peer. It's not so long.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Because you know both sides. You can do it. You're native to it. Or you act like you are. No, I'm not. And you both know. We also know who I am. Yeah, that's the guy from the 1960s.
Starting point is 00:59:27 You would have a blast. You would have a blast. Because you just use it however you want to use it. You know what my other big complaint about social media is that it has supplanted reading. And reading kids is a really good thing. It's an actual book, and I just think of so many people, especially anyone like under 40 who I would, and some people who I do not think are stupid at all.
Starting point is 00:59:53 They're not stupid, they're intelligent people, but I could not imagine them reading a book. Okay, so two sides here, right? I'm gonna take both sides, right? Somebody 40 and over, even 30 and over. If you're not reading, you're fucked. A book. A book, anything. A whole book. A whole book. All the way through. All the way through. You're fucked, right? Fuck because. Because you're not expanding your mind. I tell my kids. It doesn't always work. You know, somebody who doesn't read lives one life. Somebody
Starting point is 01:00:20 who reads lives an unlimited number of lives. But they don't read, they scroll. Well, scrolling is not reading. So let me just tell you. So here's what I learned. My son, my 16 and 19 year old, we bribe them to read by saying, okay, you read this book, or X number of page books, and you get shoes or whatever you want. So we bribe them. And they do it.
Starting point is 01:00:42 And then we have conversations about the book, and I like that that's good. That's cool. Yeah. But my youngest, my 13 year old son, he's like, I don't like to read. So I'm like, thinking to myself the same thing you are, that's just wrong. It's going to hurt him long term. And one day he comes up to me, he goes, Dad, why do you not do royalty deals? I'm like, you know about royalty? He goes, yeah, Kevin does a much shark tank and you don't want it? I'm like, you know about royalties? He goes, yeah, Kevin does a much shark tank and you don't want it. I'm like, because they use up a company's gross margin.
Starting point is 01:01:11 I'm like, do you know what gross margin is? Yeah, I know what gross margin is. And he's like 10 at the time. I know what gross margin is. It's a difference between what you sell it for and what you buy it for, what's left over is your gross margin. I'm like, how do you know this?
Starting point is 01:01:25 Just tick-tock in YouTube? Yeah. That's how we learn. And so the challenge isn't... To get the right stuff on. Right, it's the challenge. Yeah, getting them to look at the right stuff. But they consume a lot of information,
Starting point is 01:01:38 TED Talks or whatever, that are really informational. So the challenge wasn't so much, are they learning, right? They are. The challenge was me understanding how they learn. And that was the hard part for me. I think the challenge is also, I mean, even if you can get them to look at something
Starting point is 01:01:55 like say from history, because kids don't know history, and it's a disaster. Okay, so that's another topic, right? So you got me rolling, you know, give me a couple cocktails and watch out. Bam! So I have a rolling, you know, give me a couple cocktails and watch out. Bam.
Starting point is 01:02:07 So I have a conversation with my daughters, because if I only got two, but if I mentioned which one should you get really pissed. And there was a thing that came up on TikTok that I showed her. It was one of these things where they go up to random people and they say, you know, what year was the war of 1812, but yeah, I explained them on my show. Yes. Exactly. You would think just dumber than a box of rocks, right? I can't even. But.
Starting point is 01:02:30 Not just can't. I can't even. But. But. When you carry around a phone 24-7. Yes. And you can search for anything. You're an idiot.
Starting point is 01:02:41 You're not, though. Well, you could be smart, but those... But no, the question is, the question is, what are you smart about? Okay, but those men on the streets proved, this is what people, I mean, I've shown them. Some of the, some of the first question was, who was the first man to walk on the sun? Wait, wait for it. Answer? Cause she did answer it. Landstorms. Oh my God. It's just like no, it's so many of these.
Starting point is 01:03:09 So well, how many states? And what, like what city is France in? You know, the, just, Oh, how many states are there? How many? Beyond, way beyond that. But, but okay, so maybe I'm an overly optimistic, right? But the shit that is easy to find
Starting point is 01:03:27 with just one line in a search engine, I can see not putting any brain cycles to that. If you're using your brain for something else, right? If you are learning other things, because you can't, I never took chemistry in high school. So if someone asked me about the periodic table, I don't fucking know. I took it and I've forgotten it, so we're even.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Yeah, so to somebody who's a chemistry teacher, if you said, you know, what's the symbol for, you know, water, H2O, right? You would think everybody knows, but if you can't see aluminum and all the other things, your chemistry teacher thinks you're a moron. Right. Gold is AU. The one you're interested in. Yeah, right. Bitcoin is BTC.
Starting point is 01:04:06 Bitcoin is not on the periodic shape table. It's not on the periodic table. It's on an element. Bitcoin, you think it's an element? I'm just talking about it. Oh good. I'll thank I was just going to say like how much money can I get from this billionaire right now if I make him a bet? If this fucking idiot thinks that Bitcoin is in the periodic tape. Oh my God. Damn, I have to see my pants, little one. I have to.
Starting point is 01:04:38 Oh, this is a gold, gold. Oh, see? It's so much fun to talk with you, because it's not hard. You've got to come back to Club Random. Oh, please have me back, man. This is the blast. I knew I would like to.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Oh, this is so much fun. I never had anybody here, I don't like. Oh, man. Because like this is not my job. Again, my job, which I'm going to have to go back to shortly, is writing real time with Bill Marr every week. And it takes all my time and my effort. It's hard, that's a hard show.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Those are my kids. Yeah, that's a hard show to do. It is a hard show to do. And it's a once a week show on a premium channel. I got, it's like a football game, versus basketball or baseball, which they play every night or every day. Football's once a week, I'm once a week.
Starting point is 01:05:20 I gotta make it perfect, or it's perfect as I can. Yeah. So like when I asked them HBO if I could do this podcast, I first said, like, I will not take one minute away from what I really do. Because tonight I'd be getting high anyway. Taking a break. Because why not?
Starting point is 01:05:37 I just would rather do it with you. No, I really appreciate you having me. Yeah, you have me. This is the last, man. This is just too, dude. You're on this tune. This tune, little, this tune, little in the dude, just fucking, I'm not doing this. This is too little, this too little in the world of just sort of like, can we drop what we have to pretend?
Starting point is 01:05:51 To talk about henchmen. Okay. You know, but you know what I mean? Like, everyone has to pretend so much or else you get shit. Like, I'm sure you've gotten into trouble. I remember it, but I don't even remember the insatives and I don't care. Always and always and always, because if you open yourself up to
Starting point is 01:06:10 sit. And it's just like, like, I'm a basic liberal, but they piss me off so much when they just cop this attitude. And it's like, just don't gaslight me. You know, I've always been an ally. Don't pretend, don't say things like, you know, racism has never been worse. Plainly, that's not true. But we all have to pretend things like that or... Everybody's got a virtue signal to find their brand. Exactly, exactly.
Starting point is 01:06:39 And that's what fucks me up. And I've never been a guy who could play along with bullshit from the left or the right. I'm the same way, right? Yeah, I'm independent, right? I think for myself. Fuck you if you think I'm supposed to say this, or supposed to think that, or supposed to be on your side.
Starting point is 01:06:52 So if you had to run for office, what party would you run on? I'd run Republican. You would? Yeah, because I can fuck with them more and just... Well, they're all, I think, they're more pragmatic. You know, what also I was bringing myself up. I think Democrats are smarter. I was bringing this up. I think Democrats are smarter. I was bringing this up on my show Friday.
Starting point is 01:07:07 The Democrats are very boxed in to identity politics. So Republicans though. Wait, wait, wait. But my point being Democrats being so boxed in by identity politics. There's only two slots on the ticket. It can never be for the Democrats to white men. No, that's true. So you're, you as a white man, are already saying shit.
Starting point is 01:07:31 They're talking about Carrie Lake and Trump, right? They do, they play the same thing. Right, no, of course, but I'm saying like, you can easily imagine the 2024 Republican ticket being to white men. And I bet you it will be. You cannot imagine the Democratic ticket being too know there's no chance now i'm not saying that
Starting point is 01:07:47 but i get your point i'm all for diversity what do you think about raint choice was just when we put it up against merit there's a the work we're having battles that sometimes are but but this is we're not a do opley there is no there's no world of republican and and group republican and Democrats where they come up with the best candidates. There's just no world with that exists. That's why I'm all right. Because of that crawling over glass to get there. Just because, you know, it's the power structure. It's about power structure first.
Starting point is 01:08:17 If we could just get a, like, program a computer to put in all the data and figure out who are the two smartest guys to run the country. So what do you think about ranked choice voting? We would come out of the computer. It would be like, yeah, Bill Martin. Bill Martin. Bill Martin. And then we have to flip a coin. You see, which one of us president? Bill Mark's excellent adventure, right? All right. Oh, we just like direct the movie together, like the Cohen Brothers did.
Starting point is 01:08:39 We have co-presidents. Okay. But I got to ask you before we keep... But that's not our system. Before you kick us out, speaking of systems, Rank Choice Voting, what do you think? I'm really curious what you think. I think it's good, I think. But like, am I a big expert on Rank Choice Voting?
Starting point is 01:08:53 No, I love it. I love it. Yes, because it eliminates the extremisms, right? Yes. And that's what makes the money out of it. That is our number one job one thing. Eliminate the extremism. In primaries particularly. Primaries particularly, that the extremists
Starting point is 01:09:08 are controlling both sides. And it's just a big like. Fucks up everything. Fucks up everything. So if you look at like, remain in Alaska where they have ranked choice voting for Senate, those are the two who voted against Trump. Those are the two who actually vote against Trump.
Starting point is 01:09:24 No, we know what I'm saying. If we're impeachment and everything else, right? Oh, right. Right. You mean, you're casking in Alaska, right. And so Collins and Maine, right? And I think that's it. Right, you're right.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Because the ranked choice voting. Right. They don't have, you know. Right, you don't have to cater to the crazies. No. That is the difference. And so I've been a big advocate of ranking. You must get what I get a lot. People coming up to you and think, you
Starting point is 01:09:47 know, we want this common sense that you seem to, you know, like that we just we bring back common sense and like as long as we agree with them, it's common sense. Well, I mean, you know, we're left leaning at least I feel like I am. Yeah, I mean, I'm a business guy through and through, but at the same time, I'm a, I'm a numbers guy. I'm a, you know, I look at the effect, I'm pragmatic, right? And so I'm not against something just because I'm support, I'm not dogmatic about anything. But I mean, I'm just left like, you don't question
Starting point is 01:10:15 how great it is that we have gay marriage. You think that's a great thing? Of course. Exactly, okay. Well, this is not what they would say on the Republican side. So, I'm just saying it's always bothered me to change things. You've got to go, I agree.
Starting point is 01:10:30 No, no, no, no. I'm for, I don't have a team. I don't have a team. I'm the same way. I don't have a team at all. And it's rough because this is a team error when people just want to hear what they believe. But I think Trump has been political chemotherapy, meaning he was such a mess, right, that he changed the system.
Starting point is 01:10:48 Maybe. So we had those, you know what happens to people who get chemotherapy? Right, a lot of them die. Right, a lot of the system may change. I'm not mad. Yeah, that was the play. You're right.
Starting point is 01:11:00 Yeah, Mrs. Lincoln. But, you know, it's been 2016, let's say, to 2022, six years in the big scheme of America, like my kids, when they're 60 years old, are gonna look back and say, hopefully, say, look, the country went through the shit when I was a kid, but we learned from it. And I think we're starting to learn from what happened
Starting point is 01:11:20 because seeing them throw them under the bus. This, it's starting. I mean, the poll was out today. He's still beating DeSantis for the nomination 14 points, among the public. Really? I didn't see that. Yeah. No, the tide is absolutely turning.
Starting point is 01:11:36 I mean, since the election, absolutely. You see major pundits. You got housed. You see certain political people. We'll see. I mean, we've seen this work is throwing a lot of money but he did that a while ago no he started to right but he was just right right he's starting to do it now I mean you saw the New York Post headlines today yeah Florida man
Starting point is 01:11:57 yeah that I must say the genius like if people don know, it's a big headline about something else. And then just on the bottom, in smaller letters, Florida man makes announcement, Florida man. That is just fucking genius. It's fucking genius. So, all right, well, I'm going to release you back into the wild, Mark Cuban. I'm going to go back to what I do for a real living. But I'm so glad I to what I do for a real living. But I'm so glad I got to know you.
Starting point is 01:12:28 Oh, man. All right, so, to do it again, you'll mentor me? Yes, that's a deal. Climb. Thanks. I'm gonna see you on my HUD. Yeah, please. Throw it out.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Me too. I really do. I'm going to throw it up. Me too. I really do.

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