Club Random with Bill Maher - Mike Tyson | Club Random With Bill Maher

Episode Date: May 9, 2022

Bill Maher and Mike Tyson randomly riff on why Mike flies Jet Blue, how everybody wants to beat up Jake Paul, pigeon racing, the best punch known to man, and the tragedy of Amber Heard and Johnny Depp....  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Climb right now. Mike, I have to ask you the question, the whole world wants to know, why are you flying on JetBlue? A wife is the same thing. And you said it was your favorite airline. A wife is just not to ask you, why is it your favorite airline?
Starting point is 00:00:15 Why is this the same thing? What are they doing on JetBlue? You know, I love JetBlue, but I don't know why I got to tell the question. Stevie Wonder used to love the holiday in. You know why? Why? Because everything was in the same place.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Well, maybe I just love Joe Biden. It's comfortable. You know, flying in the line. I love him. That's why I'm like, she wants me always in private play. I was like, why don't you you, she has to get it. She can't fathom it. So like one tiger, and you could probably just fly
Starting point is 00:00:50 whatever airline you want. I know. And you got rid of the tigers. You had tigers, right? Yeah, tigers, my life had a bunch of cool giz. Yeah, that's wrong. I'm an animal lover. Oh, that's a little bit of a 100%.
Starting point is 00:01:05 100% but you had tigers and captivity that can't be good for the tiger. No, no, no. They went and kept the pivot. They stepped in my bed with me. What are you talking about? I got 500 pounds in the bed with me. Man, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:01:24 You got to make the time. Well me. Man, what do you tell the body? You gotta make the chain. Well, I mean, you're right. You know, I've always thought about, I don't think. I think it's not the tag of fart. No. You gotta evacuate. I would have had to, what, 15,000 square, I gotta evacuate.
Starting point is 00:01:36 I gotta open up everything. Calls people to blow everything out. Seriously? Y'all meant the worst thing. Because the level of it or the extreme stench of it. Both. LAUGHTER Well, you can't let the...
Starting point is 00:01:53 Well, what were you feeding the tiger that it was farting so badly? Don't you think horse meat? Horse meat. Is that what they eat? Yeah, they love horse meat and check. Oh. So you killed horses and kept...
Starting point is 00:02:04 Hey, stop. I never killed horse in my life. Well, where would you get the meat? I'm paid for it, but listen, somebody killed it. Yes, yes, they're the horses that they send to what you the call the glue factory. Yeah, those guys can't do it. I'm like, where do you stand on horse fighting as a legalized sport? What's my I'm like, where do you stand on horse fighting as a legalized sport? What fight? I'm just making a lot of money. I'm just fucking with shit. What's his do fight?
Starting point is 00:02:30 Remember that horse that the other horse is there? No. No. He didn't have my type there. I was gonna say. He's the other horse that went and made fit in the air time pulling that. But I love this that you love Jet Blue
Starting point is 00:02:44 because I always thought of you as like the attempt pulling that. But see, I love this that you love JetBlue because I always thought of you as like the people's champ, you know, I mean, when you're first, people call you champ and they should just, champ is like, when you're president, they call you president even after you write all of it. Senator Gov. And there was a guy's out of over 20 years governor
Starting point is 00:02:59 and you always will be champ. But I learned something with my last experience, someone playing, I learned I don't belong to me. I've told many people, was it? Was it? Yes. Oh, so my right hand, the guard. Mike, you've been famous.
Starting point is 00:03:14 No, but listen, I never know that my actions affect so many people, they worry. Of course. What else? No, they inspire people though. Might of your actions have inspired people. I mean, you're just the fact that people worry. They see the incident and they just worry.
Starting point is 00:03:30 But Mike, your Broadway show, which I saw on TV, but I don't live in their Broadway. It's fantastic. And it inspired people. I like to continue to do that. You don't know that? You must know that about your life. Sometimes that's my selfishness and not ego.
Starting point is 00:03:50 What is your selfishness? It's when the succeed and be happy, but hey, I want to keep myself to me. What does that selfishness, that's whatever you all want? I mean, you have some obligation. I have the real life that I don't belong to me anymore. You never did since you were 20, because you didn't understand that to now, like when I got into that,
Starting point is 00:04:13 and since so many people called it was running, I'm like, oh, that one douchebag on JetBlue did that after 30 fucking years of being in the spotlight. Anyway, I just want to tell you, you really are, when just want to tell you, you really are, when I see people with you, because the reaction is overwhelmingly in your favor, you are like the people's champ.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Like, remember they called Lady Diana the people's princess? You're like her, but you're fighting. But what am I going to do on a private plane? What are you going to do on a private plane? You can jerk off if you want to be. I know, but look, exactly, but listen to me, and people I know, I'm like one of those guys, I have to be seen, I have to be on the people.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I don't know. Oh, is that right? Yeah, I'm one of those guys. Is he like that? Yeah. He's a great documentary. I can't be isolated. Mike, you gotta see that HBO did a documentary
Starting point is 00:05:06 about bird and magic, like when they were playing to get, you know, the 80s. It's fantastic, because there's such opposite person on it, but they came to quite love each other. Both bad at, though. Yes, he is. And he kept his phone serious. He's like, the least guy. He didn't want the spotlight, legitimate. He really, and magic only wanted the spotlight. And he talks about when they were in Barcelona at the 92 Olympics, remember the Drefers dream team, basketball team?
Starting point is 00:05:36 And he said, we were in the hotel, we were getting mobbed. There was a side door. You could go out that they told us, and no one would bother you. But magic didn't want to use the side door. You know, that's who he was. And that's great. But you don't, you're not obligated to do that. They don't own you.
Starting point is 00:05:54 They own your work because you put it out in public and shared it. They don't own you. You know, your family owns you. My mind is just my mentality is jet blue. That makes sense. And apparently your travel plans also, you know, jet blue. No, I mean, that's not Mike.
Starting point is 00:06:14 I have not flown commercial like practically in this century. The second I can get off. Of course, and I used to hide it because I thought, oh, it makes me look terrible with the environment. You know what? I would say it, but the kids, they have to care about the environment more than me, because it's their planet, their, their inheriting,
Starting point is 00:06:35 and they don't. They worship Kylie Jenner, who never does anything but flies on a private plane. So when Kylie gives up the plane, I'll give up mine. How about that? You have a drink, do you drink? Yeah, some water. Oh my God, you have a bag of, on a private plane. So when Kylie gives up the plane, I'll give up mine. How about that? You have a drink, do you drink? Yeah, some water.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Oh my God, you have a bag of cheese. Jesus Christ. How's the business going? How's the park business? You love it? Hey, listen, right, it gave me a new life. You love it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Yeah. And notice you don't keep that lip, though. I know. It's my friend that they play football in past, man. You told them to join. Yeah. But so how do you go into an office every day with the pot business?
Starting point is 00:07:15 Do you like, are you CEO, Mike, and you sit at the big desk and you're like, and you, and you, and you, and Jenkins, how does Vice President Jenkins sound? If we can get quarterly numbers on, and you, and you, and you, and Jenkins, how does Vice President, Justin, sound? If we can get quarterly numbers on, I'm hands on, listen, I don't look at, I am. I don't look at myself as a boardroom guy, but I am. Right.
Starting point is 00:07:35 On paper, but that's not, I have to be, I have to be in the streets with the people. That's how I'm effective. I'm not effective in the room. Right. That's what you're, and also it's wasting the great ambassador for the product. Exactly. I'm just a street guy. I think the work, I'm a worker.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Yes, you are. And what do you, like when people say, what is it done for you? Like, what is your testimonial? What is your love letter to marijuana that has made you want to actually be in business with it? Listen, you can just, I don't even have to do gold to a big discussion about a dissertation.
Starting point is 00:08:19 You can just ask my family, am I a better guy with it or without it? And they would tell you 100% with it. I'm with it. Oh, man. Definitely with it. I am like, oh, I never knew that I'm a moody guy. You know, I thought I was a great guy. So I never knew I'm a moody. You know, you were famous. And you didn't know you were moody. Well, I know Mike. Well, I always know what's famous, but I didn't know that to that effect, my selfishness is like, I want to love this. I want to be into this.
Starting point is 00:08:49 I hate it. When you're the heavyweight champion of the world, even if you're a non-carrysmatic guy, you're very famous. But when you're charismatic like you are, when you have that, you know, X-Factor, you could also like, you know, you did your turn in the hangover. You know, when you have that, you know, X-Factor, you could also like, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:05 you did your turn in the hangover. But, you know, you could be in movies. You know, you could fucking do what the rock does if you wanted to. Probably do it better. You know, you got not that he's not good, but, you know. And I am good at stuff. We get ready to do, um, you are?
Starting point is 00:09:22 Oh, yeah, we get ready to do my life stuff. We go, you do this without anybody and put all my money out. We get going, do that stuff. We get ready to do, um, you are? Oh yeah, we're going to do my life stuff. We're going to do this without anybody to put our own money out. We're just going to do this stuff. Yeah, you look right, by the way. You're going to grow into your, what are you, 50? 55, 50, double nickel. Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:38 No, you look, the tattoo has grown in nicely in age. I feel. You know, um, I never thought by doing it, I never know I would live to see so many other people with it. You know exactly. Right, when you did it, it was very, very, you had been a hell of a... Right. For being a person or an outright. It was very out there to do that. And you're right. Tattoos, you know, they are moving like a fungus up the body.
Starting point is 00:10:14 And they're on the neck and they're on the face. And they're kind of taking over, I feel. You know, listen, you think about it, two thousand years ago, all of our answers to all tattooed up. They were? Yeah, absolutely. I'm not sure we had the same answers. No, 2000 years ago. What was those guys that the Romans were always trying to go?
Starting point is 00:10:40 They were all tattooed up. The Romans did watch you? No, when they conquered. They were all tattooed. The Romans did watch it. When they conquered? They know, but they crossed the Rhine and they conquered them. Yes. Well, they crossed the Rhine, but then... It was Jesus.
Starting point is 00:10:55 It was Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar conquered Gaul. Yeah, that was Gaul. And it's for Jason Dretrix, the guys who they conquered, they're fine. Well, actually... Cetrix. Jason Getrix. Who is he? Therefore Jason Dredrick's, the guys who they conquered before. Well, actually. Dredrick's, Getsricks. Jason Getsricks. Who is he?
Starting point is 00:11:07 Getsricks is the leader of God, the fort, Julius Caesar. Oh, I don't know that name. What is his name? Getsricks. Are you sure we're absolutely positive? Okay. Okay, so he fought Julius Caesar, but Julius Caesar died and then they tried to go out. The other side of France, Gaulle, is Germany.
Starting point is 00:11:31 They never got to do it. The Roman Empire was halted at 9 AD. 9 AD. The Battle of the Hurt and Berg Ferdinand. Right? Because that's where Herman the German defeated, I think, his valuer. Valence. Valence, correct.
Starting point is 00:11:47 The Roman Emperor, that's as far as they got because when they got into Germany, they found the tribes were super tribal. But they got, in order to do that, they were a warring tribe, but they all, they got to get inside. They got to get inside, yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:02 The only way they can do it. And the guy who defeated him, that Herman the German guy, he had been taken in by the Romans and raised. Yeah, all those got the Romans coming in. Right. They take all the kids and they raise them and they enslaved them and they use them in the army.
Starting point is 00:12:20 So this is your, this is a passion of yours, history, obviously. You obviously read history. I just know it. Well, you must have read it somewhere. Yeah, I used to be always read about boxing history and then it went and I was right from the beginning and then it got involved with gladiated slave. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:39 And then it let you know. Yeah, it got really interesting. All roughly to Rome. Exactly. And do you know there was there was gladiators that one their freedom tenths, 20 times, but they couldn't stop the adrenaline. You mean they wanted to they could have left,
Starting point is 00:12:53 but they won their freedom. Yeah, so many times. Boy, but the kind of addiction of the people, they were like fighters today, it was celebrities, glad they was celebrities. That's like it's still always say that, you know, I did it for the game. Oh, fuck you. I think you did it for the game. You did it for you.
Starting point is 00:13:08 You know, I gave everything to the game. Yeah, nothing, this is what I found that nothing's bigger than the game. The game is a platform for everybody. Well, again, but see your platform is really pre-miss into parties. There's a lot of things, but something very primal about going into a ring
Starting point is 00:13:32 with another man and punching each other in the head is like it puts it above as far as interest level. You know, it's just, it gets to a very deep way. Like, and it's very clear who the winner and the... The fight is the... Look, the fight is look how can I outsmart this guy? It's not everyone that appeared to be like, I killed you to the whole objective.
Starting point is 00:13:55 How do I outsmart this guy? You think that's... It's always about an outsmarting. That's how you... When you're young and you're a kid, you win because you're stronger, but when you're at the top of the game, you only win because you're smarter.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Right. But you have to be smart at the beginning too, I would get. Absolutely, but it's from experience, but I'm talking about the top of the game. And being number one, it's only because you're smarter. Right, I'm sure. But weren't you the one who said everybody has a plan until they get hit?
Starting point is 00:14:21 Absolutely. That's a great quote. Absolutely. Everybody has. Absolutely. And see a great quote. Absolutely. Everybody has. Absolutely. And see, here's even with me, with everybody in life in general, we have to realize that things can happen. What's that happen?
Starting point is 00:14:36 It should happen. It should happen. If it could happen, it would happen. But here's my guess about you. Like, now I know, is it Jake Paul wants to fight you? Yeah, I'm gonna call him sometime Friday and we're gonna talk. And what, no, would you consider actually doing that?
Starting point is 00:14:58 Absolutely. You know, worry about fighting at your age at 55? Check this out. We were talking about Jesus, you see the one doing? Yeah. He's the one there, right? He said 365 days of the year. So before he was born, how did we tell our age?
Starting point is 00:15:18 Is this a riddle? No, no, but really, Jesus, you see the total 365 days of the year. But before he was born, how did we tell that age? By when the sun came back. No, how do you know that? Because that's why we have Christmas. You know why Christmas is December 25th?
Starting point is 00:15:38 Why that? Because the sun was born. That's when Jesus was born, I believe. Well, that's when they said Jesus was born. Okay, even if he even existed as a historical figure, which we don't know. But the reason why Jesus is... Jesus!
Starting point is 00:15:53 Yes. So you're listening, I'm believing Jesus, like that, and I'm a Muslim, but you don't believe in Jesus. I do not, I'm not atheist, but also... Well, I know what I wanted to say to you. What? I was when you were going, I'm saying, I read about all the greatest conquers in the world
Starting point is 00:16:07 and conquered the world and they still sent in the first year, it's a God that's still something greater than me. Well, when they got defeated, they sent in the world. No, no, no, they defeated them, they conquered the world. Right. And they said, God, it's still something greater than me. Why, why, what would it be if they conquered the world? They feel it. I'm not...
Starting point is 00:16:29 Not enough. No, that's feeling that there's something greater than me. It's just, I'm... You have to believe in something greater than you. Well, I feel like if you're at the point where you've conquered the world, then your ego's in a place where you're not saying there's something greater than me. And they did, many conquerors did, set themselves up as gods on earth. So they thought they were God. You know when they said there's something greater than me when they got their ass kicked? That's pronounced seriously. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Like, did you ever see Alexander the Great, the movie? I know. I know. They have bought out a band of from there. It's a Noah bottom. Okay. Well, I know a lot about it from the Oliver Stone's movie. I'm sure I learned it in college too, but his was much more interesting in Rosario Dawson. It was really great. Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:17 And Angelina Jolie. I know. He was scared of his mother. Yes. Angelina Jolie. That's why he never went back. He was scared to go back. I have a man wanting to go back. He was scared of his mother. Yes, and Julian and Jolie, that's why he never went back. He was scared to go back. And then one of them
Starting point is 00:17:26 to go back, you would stay with his mother. He kept him touch with his mother and he was just a mom and a boy. Yes, that's how they portrayed the movie that they almost had an incestuous relationship. Now she was just one of those first days mother and pulley and mother with the same way. They were afraid of their mother and stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Well, yes, I mean, certainly sexuality in Roman times was quite different. I mean, like the way we talk about straight and gay, and now of course, straight. In Roman, it's a right in the street. Everything right in the middle of the street, right now, you're by schooling, the slay, the shit in the street,
Starting point is 00:18:03 every day right there. Everything in the street is what you say, youay the shit in the street every day right there Everything in the street is what you say you're a man of the street. It's disgusting. It's the right. Yeah, it's a mess Yes, I need you to go over the hill. I need you to go. What? It's not when you're trying to get a picture. Yeah. But when I was just, I'm sorry. No, no, no. I'm a big fan of love letters.
Starting point is 00:18:35 So I read some of the love letters from like before the beginning of the time. They played, I had some love letters. I read some of the love letters. Who's love letters? Played-o. Oh, played-o. That's Greek. Yeah, but from that straight award, I read some letters. Who's got letters? Plato. Plato. Well, that's Greek.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Yeah, but from that straight award, the greatest love letters. And so, you know, you read the letters. Well, I mean, Greek, the love letters could have been to a boy. Yeah, exactly. Okay. Well, not that that's wrong, but I'm just saying,
Starting point is 00:19:00 they had a, you know, the petarast. That was a big thing back then. Someone who took an interest in what today we would certainly say is an inappropriate age. You know, that's what gladiators really know like that. We just fuck boys. They fought, but they were fuck boys. You know what I mean? They give sexually abused all the time.
Starting point is 00:19:19 The guards fucked them all the time, but, you know, they're a kill you, but that's what they were to slay this. Yeah. Sex. Well, and after they have sex with the women, but they'd kill you, but that's what they were to slay this. Yeah. Sex. Well, and after they had sex with the women, you know what they said. Gladdy-Aitor. I think they like men with women back then. Club Miranda, misapported by Signal Wire. If you've been on a video conference recently, you know how brutal the experience is with the current tools.
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Starting point is 00:22:00 So, these are get stabbed in 44 BC, right? He crossed the Rhine, the Rhine. He crossed the... He made himself a cop in the film with Santa Filet. Yes. What was the Filet? Like Grand Poo-Bah, you know, what a big cheese. Whatever it was, dictator.
Starting point is 00:22:17 I mean, this is the theme in many countries. And by the way, it's the theme they ripped off for the end wisely, because it's a great story. But it was the end, if you ever watch Game of Thrones. Game of Thrones. You love the Game of Thrones. You did? Okay. Well, what is the end? What is the plot point? It's the Julius Caesar plot. In other words, the blonde girl who's like, she's benevolent sort of, and then she becomes a dictator, and they got a killer. She's a bad chick though. Right, right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:22:48 She was a bad chick. But she took a knife in the belly the same way. J.C. did. Yeah, she had to go. She had to go because she turned too powerful. Exactly, that's the Caesar story. She was just a humble girl, thinking about sex, when thing and she called her daughter. Right in the thrift. She called the baby and she's got dragon. Yeah, for my dragon. No, she let the dragons go to her
Starting point is 00:23:14 house. Yeah. Yeah. And she's the girl with the dragon tattoo. To the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxicating power of the toxic you're cute. You know, I mean, like Mark Antony, very macho guy, right? Who, part of the cabal that succeeded Caesar, right? I mean, he had, you know, the wife, and then he had the, you know, the concubine kind of mistresses. And then he had like 13-year-old boys. Was it very cool? I don't mean to say, but, you know, the people, you know, the homosexuals conquered the world?
Starting point is 00:24:08 How much sexual is that? Yeah. I know they conquered the West Hollywood. No, I'm forget them. I took my worry to gladiating the very conquered the ancient world. What do you mean? You're saying, you're talking about the world.
Starting point is 00:24:19 They tried conquering the world, went out to conquer the world. Who's tried? The Greeks, went out conquer the world. Who's tribe? The Greeks, the Roman, the somebody. But what you think of the world? Conquer the world. Conquer the world. Conquer the world.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Yeah, they were homosexual, then they conquered the world. But you're saying they're homosexual. And what I'm saying is there wasn't this concept back then. No, that was homosexuality. No, that was homosexuality. No, listen. Right? With Americans are the only, um, full-big people in the family. No, listen. Right? We're the Americans are the only
Starting point is 00:24:46 full-people in the world. That's ridiculous. There's many homophobic people. Not like this place. Are you kidding? America, come on. Why? Every Muslim country in the world,
Starting point is 00:24:56 you get thrown off of a roof. But that's some extreme stuff. Well, that's extreme stuff. That's extreme stuff that a lot of. Listen, as a Muslim myself, I know this. extreme stuff. That's extreme stuff. That's extreme stuff. It's extreme stuff that a lot of people listen. It's as a most of myself, I know this. Everybody is in, everybody is worthy of the mercy of God. I don't care what you did.
Starting point is 00:25:16 I don't think you have to be Muslim to believe that. No, no, but I just what I believe. I am good. It's a good thing to believe. I believe. But that's not what we're talking about. I don't believe nobody should kill someone else. But I gotta correct the record about like intolerance
Starting point is 00:25:29 or homosexuality is very much alive in the world today. It's more probably alive in Muslim countries. I think those are good. I'm talking about it's alive in many countries. I'm talking about a country that takes everybody with fights, everybody's rights, and everybody's equal. Well, I'm talking about that country like that.
Starting point is 00:25:50 All of the other countries are kind of tricky. Right. But a country that promotes, hey, equal rights and all this crap. Yeah, America has some crazy people. Yeah, America says, it's placed with horrible sins in its past and its present. But, you know, if you look around the world, there is perspectives at that too. I have perspective too,
Starting point is 00:26:15 in America, I think that's the best country in the world. Oh, there you go. But listen, when I perfect, a grade, of course. When I personally, we never will be. I mean, because when I first, it's. And we never will be. I mean, cause when I'm person. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:26:26 We're even still here really. When you think about how primitive and how lizardy our lizard brains are. Listen, we can't anticipate that next breath. What? We can't anticipate. We can get that right in the moment. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Life is for me. I can't anticipate me. That's not the second talk of you. Yeah. Well, hopefully it's going to be a good second. But, you know, sometimes when I get up in the night, like to pay, but no, he's a take something for that band, but listen, I'm, I think it'll be every day. If it's only once in the middle of the night.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Oh, no, I'm like four times. And long till the, long. That's probably his buster, Douglas, that you're in the kidney, the night. Oh, no, I'm like foot time. And long till his long. That's probably his buster, Douglas, hit your in the kidney. I'm million times. He isn't the head. No, what happened? That could be a kidney.
Starting point is 00:27:11 He's taking a beating, which gets me back to the fight. My, here's my thing about the fight. I worry about you. I don't want you to, like, you have a really good brain and you're doing great things with it. I would hate to see, you know, cause here's my guess, hopefully, about where you are.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Like I bet, of course at 55, you do not have the wind to go around the ring like a boxer in his prime does. You're also more brittle than you were at 25. But my guess is the actual punch that you have, it's exactly as it was when you were the jam. I don't think so. But listen, um, know why you believe all the stuff you said you're brittle, because you believe that. I don't believe that. Not at 55, a little more than at 25. You 25 you think your body was a little more
Starting point is 00:28:06 rubbery and after the after the my life different in that perspective but I don't think that I'm brittle and I was no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I saw this movie with Stallone and Schwarzenegger. That they made recently. I mean, they're both punchin' 70 in the mouth, right? And like, it's some escape from prison movie and they're fuckin' hitting each other with lead pipes. I'm like, you could have turned 68. That your body could not, I mean, at any age, but maybe a 25, you could come back from it.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Come on, you gotta acknowledge that time, you know, it's a river, it flows, Mike, it doesn't stop flowing, you know? Listen, it doesn't have to stop flowing, but maybe you, you don't have to slow with it. You know, you just can't give up in life. You can't even say, I'm older, I can't fight. I get up to pee in the night. Like, I don't wanna turn the light on,
Starting point is 00:29:05 cause you know, light is bad for sleep, right? Really? Well, sure. When you're gonna be, I'm gonna piss on the floor and everything. I'm gonna piss on my wife if so mad. Liz, my wife come to go use the bathroom. She's sitting down as a puddle on a thing.
Starting point is 00:29:20 I'm pissing on her. My wife's a poor boy. God. I'm under the mirror. No, I'm serious. My wife's a pro, but God. You're a genius. I'm under meth, no I'm serious. My wife's getting to you, it's a pig. We're gonna piss all over the thing and I didn't pick it up.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Well, okay, we can certainly work on this. I feel like this is not the best thing in any way of the world. Solvable problem. No, it's not. It's a problem. All right. Introduce me to your wife, we'll work on it. But here's the place Alright. You know, introduce me to your wife who work on a TV.
Starting point is 00:29:46 But here's the point of it going for is that like, I want to keep it dark because when you get light in your eye, it tells your body to wake up. So that's why your room should be completely dark when you sleep. And I know what light. So I know where everything is. It's my house. I piss there all the time. So I don't really need light, but I'm doing this
Starting point is 00:30:06 because I want to bump my head on the door, or the door to the bath, or whatever. So I always feel like that's life. When you're moving forward, everything is in the dark. You can kind of see a little bit, and you're using your hands to protect yourself. I'm like, I don't think like that. I can't sleep from time and night. My wife's gonna leave not like, I don't think I can't sleep sometime at night.
Starting point is 00:30:25 My wife's gonna leave me alone. I wasn't thinking I'm just, I'm jerking off. I used to be one of those guys that listen. You know, my mom knows I can't do it. I'm sitting for a moment. I said, hey, just leave me alone, okay? I've got to sleep. I miss, I go to bed at eight o'clock
Starting point is 00:30:39 and wake up at two in the morning, can't sleep. But you like being married. I love being married. Right, I know you do. And sincerely, that's great to see it. Because so many people, when they're married, you know, you say, you know, what's it like? And they're like, well, you know, it's a lot of work.
Starting point is 00:30:53 They go right to sort of the, it's not work. Really, that's not work. You're married just no work. No, I'm talking about from the back to this, the camera button, it's not work. Oh god, it's you, you get me a heart. for it. Oh God, it's usually a male heart. Right. That's fantastic.
Starting point is 00:31:07 It's just, I like how to give me a heart time. Right. I mean, that's what you have a way for. Right. You know what I mean? Right. The mind you that you're a man, you never what? Yeah, the mind you that you're a man.
Starting point is 00:31:19 They do? Yeah. A lot of times they put your balls in their purse though. I mean, so there's also that side of it, you know, I mean this and All the time they do if you have that dependence on a woman like that she got your balls But that doesn't mean there's a bad thing. What was the bad thing? Maybe she just want to comfort my balls or something. Well, that's a different I was in true. Yes, I mean that's landscape landscape. We're always talking about ball. The moment we're from a man's scape,
Starting point is 00:31:46 and we're talking about ball over time. So you do that for your wife, you man's scape, because it's too much. I'm gonna do never, no. I'm not a hairy person. I'm not hairy at all. No, but the man looks very good. You know, he just did.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Yeah, he's like the big. Like the big. Really good. Good luck. So I'm not a hairy guy at all. Right, never worth. Never in the way. That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:32:09 So, okay, so you like being married and you're a Muslim. Is the whole family Muslim? Some of my kids, but listen, it's my wife and my kids have to choose what they want to be. Right. They have to choose what they want. You're okay with that. Absolutely. That is not a point of view that is even allowed And my kid, they have to choose what they want to be. Right. They have to choose what they want to be. And you're okay with that.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Absolutely. That is not a point of view that is even allowed in many, many Muslim countries in the world. There is one religion that is Islam and- Well, we're not- They're not a big on like, hey, you know what? Let's agree to disagree. Listen, I'm not a law. I know, I'm just saying that's something you're allowed to do here as an American Muslim.
Starting point is 00:32:48 No, I learned from experience, I'm not going to stop there grills from something that my grills is extending with. Right. I'm growing with it, but that's not their grills. I'm just pointing out that this enlightened point of view is not found uniformly around the world. You know, you said America the greatest. That's one reason why the thing that's still great about America is that you can't have that. You be surprised how many Muslims want to come in and think that we think the way we
Starting point is 00:33:14 think. Oh, I'm surprised. Oh, I'm not surprised. You'd be surprised. I'm not. And I mean, and with this and all those guys in Iran and so you'd be surprised because of the beautiful people. And women who don't want to wear the fucking, you know, whatever the thing that would be a cover of a motorboat. Well, there are some people, some people are more modest than other people. Right. I wish I had the, I wish I had the, I wish I had the dignity to be that modest. Modest? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Why do you say that's modest? Because they believe in covering themselves. Oh. And I'm like, you say, I gotta be, don't have much money. I gotta be in this cheap ass plane with only people and talking to these people. There's one thing, to modest is one thing.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Completely covering a woman, so you don't see any of her. Well, this is modest. That's pathological. Well, suppose she's happy with that. She's not, oh my God, she's not happy with it. I mean, you can brainwash someone into liking anything. That's like, oh, what's that calling
Starting point is 00:34:17 in my kid though, if they ask me with the Stockholm twins? Stockholm twins. The kids say that. My kids and my mother get my wife got stuck on my shoulders. So you're kids, how old are you? They go from 33 to 11. Okay, so I'm sure you have times when you're with all of them. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:37 And I'm wondering what the discussion is. Is it a lot of real shit? I'm sure it is. It's a lot of stuff. It's a lot of stuff. I know, but you talk about, I mean, there's nothing that's all of limits, right? No. You talk about sex with your kids. You talk about religion. Right. And we, your past, yeah, everything.
Starting point is 00:34:54 What do they say? Daddy, I saw you, too. You're with this super live. Not like this. And this is my kid. I have a 13. What was wrong with you, dad? Then why would you say something like that? No, but they must be very proud of you. Yeah, but they're Mike Tyson. They do, but my kid, my my daughter's like one of these intellect kids and she's like, why would you say something like that?
Starting point is 00:35:16 Right. I was curious. She's right. All of you did. But it's just ridiculous that these kids. All of us in our 20s are idiots. You can't... Yours just happens to be on tape and in front of the world.
Starting point is 00:35:27 But we're all that way in our 20s, you know. It's what's so frustrating about youth, but we were the same way. Is it, you want to tell youth, you don't know anything yet, but because they don't know anything yet. I can't understand why that's real. Because people, the youth feel so good, you know what I mean? Right. This is so good. you know what I'm saying? Right. This is so good.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Wow, this is the whole point of my life. Exactly. Club random is supported by masterworks, a few things to know about contemporary art. As investment, art outpages the S&P 500 total return from 1995 to 2020 by 164 percent. Art is stable, when other things tank, art doesn't, art appreciates, it's tangible and mobile, not like the NFTs of the lizard dancing on Molly at Coachella. It's also scarce, so how do you get in? Mestaworks is the answer. With over 400,000 current members and $500 million worth of actual art in their portfolio, they make owning art accessible for everybody. Gold and real estate fluctuate where art just goes up.
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Starting point is 00:37:26 No I was willing to be slow with the person. Even before a prison? Yeah but it glamorized me though to be in Muslim in prison. By the way I never thought you'd committed that crime. Hey listen I appreciate that person. No no it's not that it's important. No but no it is but listen no way I learned. It was the best thing that happened for me.
Starting point is 00:37:43 The great learning experience. But you know what? when back in the day, when this subject, because you're very famous, would come up in conversation and people would want to know my opinion. I don't always say, I don't think that was rape. I think what Mike did was had sex with someone consensually and then wasn't nice enough after.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Well, no, well, listen. And maybe you're guilty of that. Yeah, but no, I don't. And then someone gets angry. I'm guilty because of things I've done and got away with before that was grinding. Right. Sure. No, yeah, that's what happened. That was just a wake up call. I mean, that's things that I did do with bad to women disrespectful. That got away with. That I never got a playboy. And this was one that showed up in the form of... That's kind of karma. Yeah, it's karma.
Starting point is 00:38:26 I believe in karma. So my friends, they're karma's bullets. I don't believe it, I need it. But they believe in karma is my friends. So you can say, little kid gets molested. Why is that karma? But I was telling you, I believe in years ago, why December 25th is not only Jesus' birth date,
Starting point is 00:38:44 but the birth date of many gods in that Mediterranean world before Jesus. They grafted that December 25th onto his biography for a reason because they were trying to sell a new product and it was familiar to people. And it originated that way because the winter solstice is December 21st, right? This is three days after the winter solstice. So what do you say about Jesus? That's all I'm going to say about Jesus, that's pretty much what I'm trying to listen to. It's coming along but it's coming along really intellectually. I'm just going to say why it's December 25th. It's interesting.
Starting point is 00:39:23 It's four days after the winter solstice. Before there was science on December 21st, it's the shortest day of the year. The days keep getting shorter. The people were like, oh my God, life is going to end. Every day gets shorter. December 25th is the first day they can notice that the days are getting longer again.
Starting point is 00:39:43 So it turned into a celebration day. And that's why Jesus is on December 25th. What? Are you glad I finished that? Yeah, but did Santa Claus, but the Santa Claus, the mushroom do? Santa Claus Jesus, it's all the same thing. Anyway, what is my opinion of Jesus? Well, as a philosopher, he did do some revolutionary things. The meek shell and her at the earth was really revolutionary. Of course, bullshit also, because they don't. But what do you define as the weak? The meek.
Starting point is 00:40:17 That was the finest. The meek though. Well, the meek, you know, certainly not the ballers and movers and shakers and egomaniacs and the, you know, the people who run the world, not the Alexander the Great. Alexander the Great wasn't meek. Well, how could he, you're not meek, you know, the meek? Some meek people, the sky's the meek with masculinity. What do you mean? make people, um, disguised them, make with masculinity.
Starting point is 00:40:46 What do you mean? Some people who, um, who we're saying, make, they see their circumstances, so they hide that with masculinity to accomplish their goal. Like, give me a specific example of that. Like, say, say I'm a, say I'm a week out, right? And I'm looking around everybody, they're following this particular lifestyle. This guy has to be a gladiator,
Starting point is 00:41:08 this guy has to be tough. So I'm asking myself in that, and the toughness, I'm a tough guy now. It just goes, let's look at guy like me, listen. Look at me, this is you and this analogy. Yeah, it is. It is, it is me. You see yourself as supposed to meet person.
Starting point is 00:41:25 No, I look at myself as a guy that got my ass kicked in the view that the kid and picked on. And so what do you call that? You call that? I never thought I could fight till somebody told me to fight. I never, I used to get beat up all the time in the views all the time. Yeah, then when they my friends hit fight them.
Starting point is 00:41:42 You got beat up? Absolutely. All the time, to probably 11 years old. Really? Put that in there's probably because you didn't, you weren't big enough, you're being beaten up. No, listen, I was decided 12. You were? Yeah. That gave me 12. See, that's the early change for you. Yeah, everything changed in 12 years. Really? Yeah. So, I remember seeing all those documentaries
Starting point is 00:42:05 and you'd always be up there with the pigeons. And you know, as an animal lover, I kind of love that. This is an interesting. And you, this is an interesting phenomena because pigeon guards, it becomes a part of this soul. We have birth and we don't even know where we have them. We have other people they can get them.
Starting point is 00:42:23 We just have to have our birth. Who does? Pigeon people. Oh, pigeon people, yeah. Yeah. Oh, there's others? All over the world. Is that right?
Starting point is 00:42:32 Yeah. I'm the only one who I've ever heard of was you. No, since the beginning of time. People have found a pigeon. I've heard of Falconers. You know, that's a big thing where they land on that. Well, they use them because that's during the Crusades when they have the messenger pigeons
Starting point is 00:42:46 or the Arabs choose to falcon and they grab the pigeons and they can see where the plans are and they can retract them down and enter the game. But pigeons, what is it about the pigeon as opposed to other flying things that should everywhere? No, and it is, it's just that this is what crazy, they need you to protect them. Most people that fly a pig, they got the image of a tough guy.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Because of you? No, no, as a little kid, if you flew some birds, you'd be in that mess that I got. Most pigs in flying, I was like tough guys. Because if I'm a little kid, I got birth, I can go do it. So you're, so you followed in that tradition? Yeah, right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Yeah. And something it's like, maybe it's like you're this tough guy, but you want to show your gentle side and you can do it with a, would you pet them? You, cause birds are very dirty, aren't they? They're cleaning it enough. That's what I do all day is clean themselves. Burge a cleaner than a? That's what I do with clean themselves. Right. That's all they do all day of clean themselves.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Could you talk to them about this shitting though? Because I feel like it's just so much. This is what you need to know. We're talking about ancient times again. Ancient time, pissing shit with the manure of the world. That's what. I feel it is still in the manure of the world. There's a lot of it. I think of pissing. I don't know. It's a good look.
Starting point is 00:44:09 People that fly pissants can't wait. Their friends come up the first day they get shit on. And we're like, fuck. I'm a people for 10 years, I don't get shit on. You get shit on your first day. They just like they have permanent diarrhea. You know, I mean, it's, I don't know. It's because they eat someone.
Starting point is 00:44:24 You know what, if the shit is like acid, if it goes in your car, it eats right through your cars. Yeah, it's, I don't know. It's because they eat someone. You know what? It's the shit is like acid. If it goes in your club, it's eat right through your car. Yeah, it's like acid. It's like acid. Yeah. Huh. Wow.
Starting point is 00:44:34 You ought to do a science show. Mike Tyson, the science guy. I'm both, I know. No, and a lot of things, you know, do your history. And, but, okay, so the fight. So, who is this guy? Jake Paul. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Who is he? He's sensational. What are you, we don't know who he is. I know the name and I should know more and I apologize. But he's like, he's like an idiot. I don't even look at him the way people say, I can't even say what they call him. He's like, but he's not a fighter.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Yeah, he's a fighter. So he's a fighter. Yeah, but they don't want to credit him as being a fighter. Why? That's fucking, fucking white blue eyes and blonde hair. Okay, I don't know, but it's, you know that. You know, white people, he blue eyes and blonde hair.
Starting point is 00:45:21 They wear what's the kill of, you know, that's just the, that's what he, but he can fight. That's what, that's his thing,. There, everybody wants to kill him. You know, that's just the thing, that's what he's, but he can fight. That's what, that's his thing, you know, everybody wants to kick you that ass. Okay, every nationality wants to kick you that ass. Kick this guy's ass? Yeah, everybody wants to kick you that ass.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Why? Because he's just some pisses everybody off. Because he's the looking and... That's what he's the great salesman. Oh. Great, great, great salesman. Okay. So there would be massive interest to view for them that you're
Starting point is 00:45:46 the great promoting them and know it either natural great and what would the fight look like in your eyes when you picture it it'll be fun it will be fun fun fun yeah it would be okay yeah because why because it would be so easy for you to A fun fight. He's the beautiful guy. Because why? Because it would be so easy for you to... Nothing's easy.
Starting point is 00:46:08 I'll never look at this. This will be either of Giguenano, look at life like that. You know, you know what else I worry about as I talk to you? And I used to see you quite often at our friend Jeff Green's parties. You were always in a good mood, you know, we were at a party. But you seem to have a calmness and a true happiness now. I worry about being this focused, centered, happy in life and then going into the boxing ring, because maybe what helps you in the boxing ring is being angry, right? No. Like I said, that's a terrible theory. The projection that you are angry is the whole objective.
Starting point is 00:46:47 It's all the act. Boxing's the act too. It's just physical. It's all psychological. I can't get on his skin. Maybe I should hit on his wife. Something like that. It's all about physical psychological.
Starting point is 00:47:00 And then after you do all that stuff, you piss them off and it's over here. I love your problem. It's all good. It felt good. It was all strategy before you even getting the right... So, it sounds like what you're saying is like, you know, I know in many sports, if you just compared the athletes
Starting point is 00:47:15 on a strictly physical level, you can't really tell which one would be the real champion. I mean, there were many athletes who could jump as high as Michael Jordan and, you know, do some of the physical things, but he had a mental toughness. The wellness and the termination, this is what we'll see to everybody. Right. The woman is the sacrifice. You only do that by sacrifice. Only sacrifice can make you the best in the world.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Nothing else, you have to sacrifice. Well, certainly in your game. Every game. Yes. But you don't want to go, I mean, you don. Well, certainly in your game. Every game. Yes, but every game. You don't want to go, I mean, you don't want to go into the ring, flabby, you know, you have to be. You have to have an ego.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Like I always, I mean, I'm an idiot. I always just watch the old fight. They're always ripped. I still want to look like the old time fighter. It's always ripped. You look like you're here to fight. You know, I never want to be the flabby guy.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Right, and you know, Muhammad Ali fought when he was flabby something. I remember Howard Kosoah. There's three roles of fat now where there were ones too. So beautifully, the great thing. I know, but he got punched too much. Yeah, I agree. That's in shape. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, but he was tough. He had a tough guy. If he was tough, when you're tough in this sport, this is not a tough man's sport. It's a thinkin' man's sport. And then the career he got tough, he was taking punches.
Starting point is 00:48:36 I think it's both. I think you, I think like the elite level of anything, you have to have like a, after it's like, you know, three lemon, three sevens in a row, like basketball. You have to be smart, high basketball IQ, you have to have crazy skills, and you have to be tall. If you're five-nine and have the first two fantastic, good luck in your backyard, but to be, and to, I think in your, in your game, you have to be very tough, you know, smart and skilled. You've got to get all three.
Starting point is 00:49:09 Look at that. I'm a heavyweight. I'm 5'10, that question. Well, to my feet. It's 5'10? Yeah. Yeah, so that's perfect for a bar. You know what I agree?
Starting point is 00:49:17 I agree. Like, 26, only 5'11, 6'4, perfect. Right. And then your upper cut. It's perfect. It's there. It's perfect. And this perfect. Chin bone into their skull. It's just that it's just short and it's harder to hit.
Starting point is 00:49:29 A big target of the either the hit. So, you know, just as a weekend warrior, I have a basketball thing here. I play every day. There's something about watching the ball, shh, go through your hoop. It's like the likes, you know? It's like I get a like in my brain every time the ball goes in
Starting point is 00:49:46 And like magic How do I how do I my Focusing this boy. How am I navigating this ball and a little hole? I'm not able to do something like that's almost impossible when you think about it I always you know I had the same thought, if you had never seen anyone shoot a basketball and they were 20 feet away, you would think, oh, you can get that at one out of a thousand times. Somebody could do it all day.
Starting point is 00:50:12 All day. Larry Berger could do it all day. Oh, lots of guys. I think the record, the number of free throws in a row is something like 1400. Not in games, of course. This is like somebody, but they still did it. But I'm chaining to the 101 game.
Starting point is 00:50:30 But at that point. When you land a good punch, is that the same as when the ball goes through the hoop? It's just like a, oh, I must feel good. The best punch in the world is when you don't feel it You don't feel it when you feel like you missed the guy and the guy's out dead. That's the best I'm not gonna miss dad you mean no, yeah, he's tired. He's no he's out cold cold. Yes We got a thousand that getting I'm just saying you're not wishing you that he's down. No, no, I said box and terminology.
Starting point is 00:51:06 You're not Johnny Depp and ever heard. That's painful to see, right? That trial? Yeah, very. No, serious, very serious. Very serious. I was talking about it on my show last week and I said it's literally the definition of a tragedy because a tragedy is when the tragic character has this tragic flaw.
Starting point is 00:51:26 And because of the tragic flaw, it's inevitable that he's going to go to his dreams. Exactly, but for even, you know, people are beaten up on the girl, right? But I understand her too. Who knows what happens inside that relationship, but what do you understand about Amber? I understand she's defending herself. She's fighting for a life. Well, and she think everybody's against it because she's not getting the good rep. She's not looking good in the press.
Starting point is 00:51:57 Well, I mean, and there's also we have to acknowledge the possibility that she could be flat outlying. People do lie. I mean, but like you said, it's tragic, right? Traject, yes. I see love coming to that. Well, it's tragic because what love is I guess supposed to be. He must have known. He had one trial already in London, which he lost.
Starting point is 00:52:20 He must have known that a second trial would completely ruin his career forever because it's just too much in people's heads about this now and it went on too long and he wasn't at an age where you want to start new and yet he couldn't stop himself from pursuing this because he had to clear his name. Check this out. He does not, I don't think he possibly... My life is, my mom, what do you want? What? My relationship, what do you want? Take it all.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Are you mean if you were in a divorce? No, no, I'm not. Take it all. Take it all to who he is. Whatever, the finances, whatever you want, you take it all. You're saying when you get into a discrepancy, that's your... If you're going to get into a divorce, you're going to be good. Take it all. Right, because you just, you take it all. You're saying when you get into a discrepancy, that's your,
Starting point is 00:53:05 your go-shedding relationship, let me get you to take it all. Right, because you just don't wanna fight. Well, it's just, I don't like that tragic stuff when two people love each other now, they hate each other. Right. If it is like, let's do that privately.
Starting point is 00:53:19 That's not, you know, oh, that's what I believe. And that's what I'm saying, the The tragedy is neither one of them is gonna work because she will always be the girl who pooped in the bed. I mean, she could be the greatest actress in the world. It doesn't matter. It's like you can't, when she comes on screen, you'll think poop in bed.
Starting point is 00:53:40 All you'll see is your amber- Oh, a malicious bed. That's just, don't wanna cry for them, right? No, I don't. I don't. All you'll see is your amber- Well, this is a bad- You'll see the- You'll see the- You'll see the- You'll see the- You'll see the- You'll see the- You'll see the-
Starting point is 00:53:50 You'll see the- You'll see the- You'll see the- You'll see the- You'll see the- You'll see the- You'll see the- You'll see the-
Starting point is 00:53:58 You'll see the- You'll see the- You'll see the- You'll see the- You'll see the- You'll see the- You'll see the- You'll see the- You'll see the- You'll see the- You'll see the- Look, he was married for like 15 years or not married, you know, effectively married to someone who they lived in France, that's two kids. They seem very happy.
Starting point is 00:54:11 And then he did a movie in 2009 with Amber. And you know, a movie set is like Temptation Island. Did you ever see the show Temptation Island? I've been on bunch of sets before. But Temptation Island? I've been on a bunch of sets before. But temptation island? No, it's a set. I've been on a movie sets, and I see what happens on movies. Right. But I'm saying in temptation island, they have like couples who have been together for four or five years, and then they put them with all these other singles on an island
Starting point is 00:54:36 away from each other because they're tempted. And a movie set is just like that, except not only is the wife a continent away, and now you're on this. And a movie set is just like that, except not only is the wife a continent away, I know you're on this island, a movie set with this hot person, but they're actually writing a script for you to fall in love with her. You don't even have to do the work. It says right there.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Tuesday, kisser, all day long. You know, listen, other group of it all comes back from that Roman stuff. A group of persons is all sex, you know what I mean? If sex inspired, that's who we are. Everything does come from Rome. I mean, a lot from Western civilization. I mean, that was Rome and Egypt.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Egypt, let's say. So, but, well, listen, count and find out how many pyramids in this country. Pyramids? Well, there's the one in Vegas. Tons of them. Really? Pyramids?
Starting point is 00:55:31 And the one in Vegas still not bigger than the one in G either. I know, but the pyramid is not something that you'd have to be Egyptian to think of. I'm sure people all over the world thought, oh, look, pointy at the top and figure at the bottom. That's not like pyramids in Mexico. That's pyramids all over the world. That's what I'm saying. It's in Bosnia.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Yes, because everyone thinks of a pointy thing with, you know, bigger at the bottom. It's like a natural... I think it's something at the House of Warship. Bullet bras. What? I think they always think it comes down to a House of Warship. What comes down to a House of War?
Starting point is 00:56:02 Permanent. Well, I mean, it certainly has been used in worship. You know, the people do think there's something mystical. It's on the back of one of our dollars, eh? Dollars, doesn't it? Like, what's it doing on American money? You're right, it's everywhere. Because we believe our power system
Starting point is 00:56:20 believes that's the way life should be. Roman and Egypt, we have a fixation with that. I mean, there is another, I think there's another Egypt, you're right, Egyptian thing on the money. But a lot of this is because, you know, all these cultures, I mean, we did come, I mean, Roman culture then spawned European culture, which then spawned America. So we do trace more back to Rome, but they were all mingling with each other.
Starting point is 00:56:52 I mean, look at Mark Antony married Cleopatra, right? And Caesar fucked her too. They were like the Kennedy, sharing Marilyn Monroe. But it all comes down to the power of her. They're all fucking clear-pasture. That's the power, though. Everybody say, oh, she's getting fucked, but that's the power. Do you think she had the power?
Starting point is 00:57:16 Absolutely. She had the strongest men in the world at a feat. What do you think? You think Cleopatra was like great-looking or something? She was horrible-looking. Cleopatra was horrible-looking her with something? She was horrible looking. Cleopatra was horrible looking. Look at the monster. How do you know this? They don't want to get Cleopatra.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Well listen, what's wrong? She had a tomb. People looked at her through the things. She was actually a bent nose. She really had an attractive. So what, you just gave the most amazing head? No, she was the most intelligent. Intelligence? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:48 And you think when she came to Jesus, she was in a rug and she boomed. Yeah. She was smarter than herself in the rug. She was smarter than anyone else. So you think she wasn't, how's she get the two strongest men in the world at her feet? I bet you she was good looking. No, she was horrible looking. Well, we don't know to our standards. But we don't, but look at it. Look at it in your phone. They were, look at it in my phone. You two days. What? Oh,
Starting point is 00:58:17 took a selfie of a clear pattern. It was all over the world. B.C. Listen, one of the, it's looking like a fanfamination. You can all over the world. It's all over the world. It's all over the world. It's all over the world. It's all over the world. It's all over the world. It's all over the world. It's all over the world. It's all over the world. It's all over the world. It's all over the world.
Starting point is 00:58:31 It's all over the world. It's all over the world. It's all over the world. It's all over the world. It's all over the world. It's all over the world. It's all over the world. It's all over the world.
Starting point is 00:58:39 It's all over the world. It's all over the world. It's all over the world. It's all over the world. It's all over the world. It's all over the world. It's all over the world. It's all over the world. It's all over the world. It's all over the world. It's all over the world. After you denigrate Cleopatra, I can be sure I can be sure I can be sure. And she used to lay down to the great too. That was the bloodline stopped. What's this?
Starting point is 00:58:51 She had the bloodline of Alexander the great too. She had the bloodline, how did she get Alexander's blood in her? Greeks. Greeks called them the same word. What is your anything, Greeks? You really know the Greeks. She used Greek too. Who was the Greeks. She was Greek too.
Starting point is 00:59:06 Who was? She was part Greek too. We're part. We're part of yeah. Well, I mean, Greece and Rome, of course, grew up in Macedonia. They ruled everything. Macedonia did not... Well, Alexander the Great of course was Macedonian.
Starting point is 00:59:23 But Philip II. Yes. Yes, but Macedonian, even today, it's disputed as a sort of a province of Greece or its own separate country. It is. It is. But people don't all agree with that. And the Greeks could say that it was barbarians. Yes.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Yes, there were warriors. I mean, there were a lot of sort of like Spartans of the North. Look how many things were named after him. I like vandered this. I like vandered this. Yes. I like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:55 No, I mean, he conquered the world, but he was dead by 33. 32, yeah. 32. You know, I think his men wanted to go back and they poisoned him. He didn't want to go back. You wanted to keep conquering the Congress. Yes. Because when he got to India and all of the armies got together, his men would say, no, let's not do it. Right. And he's and he wanted to cross the river. Yes. He kept walking down the river,
Starting point is 01:00:19 but they kept falling. That's your saying river.'s what they were about. It's never enough. Yeah. That's what you were saying about conquerors. Never enough. Never enough. So listen, I got to go, but. Go man, come on man, this is bullshit man. I know.
Starting point is 01:00:38 I agree. But I know what seems like we're just sitting here, but they were actually taping it. That's the problem. Oh, okay, sorry, my God. Forgive me for my language, I just can't help you. You don't shit for good. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:00:51 I can't tell you how appreciative I am that you would think enough of me to do this, because you're the very hot property in media, and you know, I just really thank you so much, Mike. When I see you, I think I'm good. I think I'm really just, I'm really having a good time. And that's all respect.
Starting point is 01:01:11 We can do it again. Yes, I do agree. Right? Yes, I'm going to see Jeff, next month anyway. He really moved to Boca. You might? Yeah, my kids have been playing tennis
Starting point is 01:01:23 and golf and moved to Boca. We had to house and maybe that's the house. Oh, my kids would be playing tennis and golf and move the bulk. We had to house and even that sort of house. Oh, you already did it. Yeah. Because Florida is attractive now. I mean, I go back and forth on Florida. Yes. I almost, I literally took a virtual tour of Homes and Miami.
Starting point is 01:01:40 I, look, I, suddenly I have to look reality stark in the face, and I was scared about and still am, about the fires out here and other things, but mostly the fires. And I thought, maybe I should go someplace and people said, well, Miami, they'll have hurricanes. And you know, I'd rather drown than burn. But not Miami, you gotta be in both places.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Well, whatever it was, you could, you know, and there was a sense of freedom there. I mean, especially during COVID, you know, people, I liked it better in Florida, and I was not a COVID-paradise. I was in St. Boston, everybody was hugging and kissing each other and they were like, yeah, hell, yeah, if I didn't have COVID,
Starting point is 01:02:17 then I'm never gonna catch it. Well, I was in St. Boston, if I didn't catch it, then I'm never gonna catch COVID-19, if everybody was hugging and kissing everybody. Oh, I mean, the inconsistency of it was insane. But I thought about Miami and then I realized, no, actually at my age, by the time I felt like I was at home there, I would be dead.
Starting point is 01:02:42 This is, I've been here 40 years in California. You got my hand, that one and I'm gonna die you. No, you let my hand me, whoa, I'm gonna fly you to the end of the life. I'm too old to be energized. I don't believe that's what you believe. I'm just gonna leave, I'm gonna leave. I'm brittle, no, I'm not, I'm not brittle at all.
Starting point is 01:02:58 I feel fucking great. And but I'm just saying, you can't deny that, you know, as you go down the path of life, you do get a little diminished in certain ways. If not, you'd still be the champion of the world. I mean, so you can only be, as I always say, when people say, you look great for your age, it's the part they don't say. You look great for your age. We don't look like we didn't. We were 20.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Now we're being serious now. So life is just, look at, do anything, but it's a beautiful process of dying. Soon as you're born, it's a very poetic, a beautiful process of dying. Did you just make that up?
Starting point is 01:03:41 Yeah, that's really profound. But that's what it is though, right? It's a fucking great way to look at it. Can I get my pessimistic head wrapped into it? Maybe. I mean, like this joint. I think we can. I mean, this club cigarette.
Starting point is 01:04:01 You know what they're putting in these clubs lately, Mike? But it's fantastic. Anyway, all right. Don't leave me. I can't. Because I did. Oh, no, what they're putting in these clothes lately Mike, but they're fantastic Anyway, all right This is how we man down is here. It'll be rude. Oh Yes, we just watch them on television this day to remember how we never touch the cow. We're staying in hangout I would have still the same guy that he doesn't touch people watch how, and then we'll get together after. Well, well, I gotta get home over here. And now we gotta get, that sounds like good. No, no, no, no, I gotta get home.
Starting point is 01:04:31 20-year-old guy, stop, hey, this is chill out. Right. Quentin Taranjino, he stayed. We partied all night in my house. God, it was beautiful. Well, some night, but you don't drink. No. But you got the weed. That's a no, David. We thought, well, we love it. Yeah you don't drink. No. But you got the weed.
Starting point is 01:04:45 That's enough, David. The weed. Well, we love it. Yeah, look at that, fuck. Mike, you see what it is. That's, you're not going to do that all night one night. Well, hopefully I don't, but I will attempt to do it. Look at the airs.
Starting point is 01:04:57 Look, come on, man. You got to look at the Tyson mic bites. You got to show that to the world. Oh. I can't keep them in the store. Mic bites. I brought you a bunch of stuff, man. I don't know what.
Starting point is 01:05:07 I rubbed them into my belly, and I stuck them up my ass. They're that good. Mike Bites. But you stick them all your ass, you probably feel the high effect. Yeah, probably wouldn't work. Now you feel good.
Starting point is 01:05:24 No, I'm telling you. I think the punch is the same. You can't run around. But if the guy just stood still... Yeah, and I'd be proud. I'm just thinking, yeah, that'd be great, man. Would that be great?

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