Club Random with Bill Maher - Riley Gaines | Club Random with Bill Maher

Episode Date: August 5, 2023

Bill and Riley Gaines on Lia Thomas and the question everybody wants answered, why Barbie is a hit, the true intent of Title IX, liberals and their view of trans athletes, why separating athletes by s...ex is still important, the Left’s obsession with victim mentality, The Sound of Freedom vs. Gilligan’s Island, whether Jeffrey Epstein killed himself, Riley’s career that she gave up to be an activist, and what can be less masculine than not accepting defeat, Mr. Trump? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Clarin' you. Every time I see professional swimmers like you, I just think, the first thing I think is all that chlorine going to kill you. Totally. I hope not kill you, but you do know that chlorine is not healthy and that everything seeps through your skin.
Starting point is 00:00:19 I mean, anything you put on your skin, it's not, of course, exactly like drinking it, but it is a small version of it. So if you spend eight hours a day in a pool, like day after day, I can't believe that it's not going to have a very harmful effect. I mean, I didn't have eyebrows for my whole life until I graduated and finally my eyebrows came back because of the chlorine and the bleach and the pool just stripped them off. I had no eyebrows.
Starting point is 00:00:44 I thought I didn't have eyebrows. Maybe you were an albino. No, I know. I was more apt to believe that in. You're starving yourself of oxygen for... You know, 18 years of my life. You're told not to breathe. It's like that can be good for your brain.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Told not to breathe because you're... Because in swimming, we have to take an oxygen. Yeah, but you're supposed to limit your oxygen. Really? Yeah, like in the hundred free style, you only breathe a total of like... Yeah, I feel breathing does not get the respect it deserves in this country,
Starting point is 00:01:15 like, because the pandemic, I was never down with the masking. First of all, they've studied it now, since, and it really didn't do much. Right. I mean, there are, of course, as everything in it now since, and it really didn't do much. Right. I mean, there are, of course, you know, as everything in this country gets so politicized, you're either like, if you're,
Starting point is 00:01:30 if you're four masks, you're a liberal, who's a good person and if you're a good, it's not that simple. Of course, there are situations where masks are good. Right. Surgery. Right. Like preventing a big gob is not
Starting point is 00:01:45 from falling out of your face, when you're leaning over someone's open heart. I'm so, so, so, yes. And even with the pandemic, I'm sure there are some masks and some situations where it does make sense, but in general, it was a lot of bullshit. And what was never brought up,
Starting point is 00:02:03 except by me, of course, the crazy comedian who knows nothing about it. And yet all my predictions are not to be true about it. Like it's very bad for you to be breathing in your shitty, stale carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide, yeah. Right. All the people who like going nuts as they should about global warming, which is that. Right. Right. like going nuts as they should about global warming, which is that.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Right. Right, CO2. Absolutely. But this CO2 that you're actually, it's like we're standing behind a bus. Where is Greta Fever talking about this stuff? I know. Right.
Starting point is 00:02:36 I know. Do you know her? I don't. You're like the same age. You could be, you could be friends. You can go see partners in crime. You go see Barbie together. Dang it.
Starting point is 00:02:46 I'm in my pink. It's too late to call Greta. Can we get her here? I want that to happen. I want you to get Greta here. No, I want you to two to see Barbie together. So as I've heard, very divergent things about this movie. I've been seeing it.
Starting point is 00:03:00 But like some people hate it and somebody I know said they walked out after 20 minutes. They just couldn't take it that much. I know. I know. I wasn't a conservative person. No, it's interesting. I was just going to say it's both sides.
Starting point is 00:03:12 You hear some people who love it, and you hear some people who detest it on both sides. You have not seen it. Haven't seen it. What do you guess it's about? Like, what do you think? Like, how did they make Barbie? They're interesting.
Starting point is 00:03:27 I mean, because it's a huge hit. They're going to make Barbie totally demean Ken. Right. Demean has masculinity. I mean, that's... Oh, so you think that's the whole joy of it is that it's a big dick slap in the face. Totally. Totally. Poor Ken. Where's Ken's justice? that it's a big dick slap in the face.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Totally, totally. Poor Ken. Where's Ken's justice? Well, but yes, and I saw that the, I thought it was funny actually, the billboard, this is as much as I know about the movie, except of course it's been written about endlessly, but the billboard says she's everything he's just can.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Right. But I take that to be They're in on the joke right there. That's an exaggeration. They're doing on so that makes me think maybe it's hiper than Other people say it's I don't know. It's hard to tell It's truthfully. It's hard to tell satire versus not satire anymore That's a very good so how can you tell if they're really in on the joke? Because if you would have, I mean, take what we went through, for example, I would have thought
Starting point is 00:04:31 when the Insta-Bla said Leotamas could compete with the women, I would have thought they were in on the joke. No way. But they are the joke. The Insta-Bla is the joke. Leotamas is the joke. Okay, let's back up for the people
Starting point is 00:04:43 who don't know who Leot Thomas is. I do, because I've read about her. She is the trans swimmer who beat you. We tied. And then I could beat, I get called, no, beat you in the locker room with a big cock. There we go. And that case. How big is her cock? We've seen her cock, right? We all case. How big is her cock?
Starting point is 00:05:05 We've seen her cock, right? We all did. How big is it? I mean, what kind of a cock is it? Just cry about a cock. Let's see. Well, I don't wanna see it. I just wanted to hear it just for fun.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Well, if I had to see it, you have to hear it. First of all, this is a six foot four man, right? Well, it's Fran's woman. A male. Okay, this is what she would claim. And she does go through life as a woman, correct? Like a woman with male parts. Yeah, we are. Right. I know, I'm just trying to like paint the portrait.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Okay, wait, can I? I'll be Frank here. I don't use she or her pronouns when referring to Thomas, and I call it a male. I think even using the term trans woman is giving Thomas some of our language as women. And I think trans woman is a subset of male. I do not believe trans women are women. And so I'm saying that upfront on of male. I do not believe trans women are women.
Starting point is 00:06:05 And so I'm saying that upfront on the record. No, I'm basically on that page. I think, of course, a trans trans is a true phenomenon. There are some people who are, and I'm sure this is the wrong phrasing, but people know what I mean, born in the wrong body. Right. You know, they really do feel and want to be the sex they were not born. I get that, and those people should be protected and respected. That is my position as a one issue candidate running for governor now. Yeah. Protected and respected. But I also agree with you that it is a different category.
Starting point is 00:06:41 It is the not the same thing as women, and you hear women all the time, and not just conservative women who say, I am being erased. Right. And what I do, and why I have walked through life, is different enough. There's, you know, there's difference in degree and difference in kind. This is a very important thing in epistemology. Difference in degree, difference in kind. When something becomes a difference in kind, we're in a different category. This is, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, different, look, the point of language is, so we know what we're talking about. I know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:07:25 There we go. Let's go point. Let's go point. And I know a wokester who sitting here would say, if they, you know, oh my God, the pronouns are fine. You call it, you know, identify as a cat and shit in the litter box. Totally.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Whatever you want, whatever blows your dress up or your dick up. Whichever, or if you have both? But both. But I forget what the original question was, but I think it's described that cock. I was trying to run away from this question. Okay, six foot four male. Use your imagination.
Starting point is 00:07:58 That does not mean a big cock. Cock size is not ever usually, I know from women who... How are you about to? No, I know, but I know girls who have dated like seven footers. Right. And the seven footer sometimes has a very small penis. Just because this person is six foot four doesn't mean they've got a great big Johnson. Well.
Starting point is 00:08:23 But what was it thing? You know, that was a situation I tried to refrain from looking at entirely. Naturally, we all did. You can't unsee it. You're so honest. We can't unsee it. I mean, being in that space with a male, it's like a bad car wreck, right? What space was this?
Starting point is 00:08:44 Our locker room. The locker room. Yeah. Where, the locker room, where, where were you? We were at Georgia Tech. This was our, this was our national championship, which is of course the meat. Is that your home turf, Georgia?
Starting point is 00:08:55 Not my home turf. Oh. From Tennessee, but once University of Kentucky, send your kids to the SEC. That's my plug. But Georgia's cool. Georgia's cool. Atlanta is very cool. Atlanta is interesting as well. What you got against Atlanta? Oh, come on. Really? I will say it. What's going on in Atlanta? You know, like, man, the traffic first of all.
Starting point is 00:09:20 The traffic. Well, we have an LA here. So you don't even try to feel good. Yeah, no, no. I drove up for more in Canada. Traffic means the city's doing well. Yeah, but it also means it takes you an hour. Yeah, if that's the worst thing that you have to face, you're luring a charm life. Well, it takes up, you know, if you spend, let's say on average, three hours in the car every day driving two and from work to for a total of 10 miles You know three hours out of 24 is one eighth and that's one eighth of your life. God. It's the ATL oiled It's a home of I don't know Jimmy Carter
Starting point is 00:09:58 You know Jimmy Carter is you're so young. You know he was that you're aging yourself You're supposed to know who think I'm too young for that. You're aging yourself. I'm just kidding. I know who the president is. You're supposed to know who the president is. I know. You're supposed to know who the president is. I know. I know. Jimmy Carter is.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Who? Who was he? When was he president? Okay. You're about to make me look down here and I promise you. I know there's like got to be some bar joke about a blonde from Kentucky walking into a bar. No, you're just supposed to know this.
Starting point is 00:10:23 I did bothers me that they let kids out of high school without knowing anything. It's not your fault. He was president. He was elected in 1976 after Watergate. After Nixon. After Nixon, correct? Nixon then Ford for a minute and then Jimmy Carter
Starting point is 00:10:40 and then Ronald Reagan. Right, you got it. And so he was late 70s and has been demeaned as this sort of, you know, ineffectual one-termer. He was probably the most moral guy. Like, he lived it. He was, first of all, he was the first like,
Starting point is 00:11:00 I love Jesus president, which is not my jam. But he meant it. By the way, it must have worked. He's like 98, and he's been dying for a long time. He had brain cancer at 94 and beat it. Wow. I mean, this guy, and I'm sure everybody's preparing as a bituary every day for the last year.
Starting point is 00:11:23 It's really stating it. I mean, this guy's taken his hammer and tool belt to the hospice. This guy does not quit. But that's the thing, like he built homes for the poor. He walks the walk. And when he was president, the only president who never fired a shot.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Wow. Never fired a shot of missiles. Like that should, you get some metal, fire to shot. Wow. Never fired a shot of missiles. That should, you get some metal, she gets some metal for that because not that we shouldn't fire shots. Sometimes when we have to, but his, his thing was like, let's we really have to. Yeah. Let's just walk around like shooting people at bombing people.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Right. And anyway, so you're in Georgia, you're in the locker room. There's this guy with a big dick who you're, yeah. Now, when you're swimming, doesn't the dick get in the way or is it workers or rudder? Well, when you, you know, that's a good question. Probably as a motor, right? I mean, it's got to, it's like a fin.
Starting point is 00:12:21 It's like arrowed hydrodynamic, right? But that's something swimming is so much is about, let's make ourselves arrowed hydrodynamic, right? But that's something. Swimming is so much is about, let's make ourselves as like compatible to the water, right? Yeah, I mean, you shave your arms, right exactly. Everything you can do. Your eyebrows, not intentionally. Your eyebrows just happen to disappear.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Yeah, I mean, every little thing you can do, because this is a sport that's measured down to the hundredth of a second, right? And so any little thing you can do to merely shave a 100%. You're doing it. You're an elite athlete. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:52 The level of elite athletes, this is baseball. It is every sport. Football, remember Tom Brady with the flating the balls? I mean, like, if I could take point two percent of a pound out of the ball, I could throw like, if I could take point two percent of a pound out of the ball, I could throw it, but it's always these incremental things because you're all so good at such a high elite level. So I'm thinking, if you've got a big old, you know, kill balls to down there, either it's going to make it better and cut through the water
Starting point is 00:13:20 better or make it worse. I mean, think of a surfboard, right? You have those fins on the underside. Do you? Yeah. And that's why. I mean, think of a surfboard, right? You have those fins on the underside. Do you? Yeah. And that's why? I would imagine. Do you think it's an advantage to have a dick in the water? I do.
Starting point is 00:13:32 No, is it? I mean, truthfully, I mean, the suits that we wear, right? Their skin tight, I mean, it takes you 15 minutes at least to put these suits on. I mean, your nail beds are bleeding by the end of it because you're tucking and poking and prodding and so yeah it's not enjoyable and so um you know maybe that's enough to to suppress the package down there but I can tell you that's not true because I mean it's it's a man and a women's film suit with a bulge. I mean, it's like Twilight Zone. So like, final answer, I guess.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Final answer. I mean, it's probably a disadvantage in all of reality, right? I don't know because I don't know. I mean, it's certainly an advantage in that it went along with being born someone whose muscle mass is going to be so much greater and testosterone. And, you know, I mean, we are so through the looking glass on just this whole issue of pretending that male and female athletes are somehow peers.
Starting point is 00:14:44 They're not. I mean, I may have talked about this on this podcast before, but it just obsesses me because it's my reputation to the people who say, oh, Bill, when you go on about wokeness, it's just a little fringe. It's not a fringe. It's not just a few people, because this was in the Atlantic.
Starting point is 00:15:04 That's what a very major publication, a very mainstream major publication, very respected. And they printed an article, and the title of the article was, separating sports by sex doesn't make sense. But it does. And there was like sentences in this article that you would swear this is just a parody in the
Starting point is 00:15:25 onion. Like, we don't know why. We don't know if men are stronger than women, but if they are, we'd have to find out if it's because of nature or because of socialization. Yeah, that's what it is. They're trying to put through this idea that these differences are not innate. Right. It's very similar to what's going on with gender and sexuality. Like, well, you're born a boy or a girl. Maybe that's not right. Maybe it's how you socialize.
Starting point is 00:15:56 And that's where there's been gender and sexism, there's big debate right there about that. But when it comes to athletics, it's just so plain that we're just different. It's not sexist to say that. No, we should ask the Atlantic if we should separate the Paralympics versus the Olympics, or if we should have heavyweight boxers competing against feather weights.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Are we fat shaming? Right. Are we fat shaming the heavy weights? Right. No, we do this for a reason. Yes, it's... Yeah, I mean, that's the most... That's the craziest thing I've literally ever heard.
Starting point is 00:16:35 I mean, the same thing. You don't have 18 and unders competing against 12 and unders, right? I mean, these divisions that we have in sports, they're there for safety or for fairness. Now, to go back into history lessons, give it to me. Give it to me. In the 1970s, but just before Jimmy Carter, like in 1972, Nixon was president. They passed something and I'm sure you were aware of it, title 9.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Oh, yes, absolutely. And title 9, again, this is an example of how the wokeness, they have their heads so far up their ass, they don't realize that they're anti-liberal. Title IX was specifically passed so that women would have an equal shot in sports. Absolutely. And that the colleges had to like devote equal resources to women sports. They're just as important as men.
Starting point is 00:17:29 This was like a big liberal victory, as it should be. And then they throw this guy in the pool. And it's just like, so through the looking glass. Certainly, and we've seen this entire original first wave, second wave even feminist movement shifted. I mean, even in the US House of Representatives, we had this fall entirely on party lines when Representative Greg Subi introduced the protection of fairness woman girls in sports.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Now you got to school me. I don't know who this guy is. You got to hit me up on these hearings. Tell me what you're talking about. Representative Subi. He is a congressman from where? Actually, don't recall where he's from. Republican. Yes, yes, yes. Republican. Yes. Okay. Interesting. He's on my side. Because somehow. My side, I mean women. I mean, and I mean truth. He's on my side. Because somehow. And by my side, I mean women. Right. And I mean, truth.
Starting point is 00:18:27 He was on the side of the truth and science and logic and common sense and reasoning. This is right. Yeah, he was on our side. This is why I just want to kick these Democrats sometimes. And you're on the wrong side here. You fucking dummies. I thought you were the party that supports women.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Anyway, go ahead with your story. He introduced on the House side the protection of fairness in women's and girls in sports act. Well, there's a mouthful. I know, totally. And this bill, it passed, but it fell entirely on party lines, meaning that all 203 Democrats, all of them, every single one of them, keep in mind these are parents who have young daughters
Starting point is 00:19:09 and young sons, all 203 voted in opposition of protecting women and girls in sports. So yeah, we've seen this feminist, I mean, think of the Me Too movement, think of the women who burn their bras and the free the nipple, we're seeing this flip entirely on its head. I mean, I just, it's mind-boggling. And I have been, of course, did once or twice,
Starting point is 00:19:37 with someone saying, and I've also heard this many other places, that as a heterosexual man, if I did not wanna go out with a trans woman, that would, I'm so indelved into this topic, I already know what you're gonna say. Well, it would make me a big. You're homophobic.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Homophobic, exactly. Hom what you're gonna say. Well, it would make me a bit bigger. You're homophobic. Homophobic, exactly. Homophobic or bigoted. And again, your heads are so far up your asses. And it's so funny, these are the people who are always complaining about privilege. And it's so privilegey to think that you can dictate what my taste should be in another person, something that personal.
Starting point is 00:20:25 I'm not homophobic. What if I just want the feel of a real vagina? Like the way I want leather in my car interior? Can I have that? Would that be okay? Or should I check with comrade fucking make the rules about my love life? I know.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Fucking Christ. I know. It's not homophobic, it's just my taste. I don't like redheads either. You want to get down there? Ginger phobic, okay. Yeah, exactly. I am allowed to have taste.
Starting point is 00:20:54 And of course, everyone is. And they would not want that right to be taken away from them. No, no. But no, it's, I mean, this movement, the T of the LGBT, the TQ, I don't even really honestly know what Q comp is compromised with. Yeah. Yeah, but like what, like these letters, I can understand LGBT.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Well the whole thing is silly. First of all, it's so funny. Again, these people, they're so mindless. They choose to lump themselves altogether in this, if I was like any of those categories, I would want lesbian, gay, certainly trans is very different than gay in a lot of ways. I mean, gay is all about, we're born this way.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Right. And we fought for that right, by the way they did, and it wasn't an easy fight for the kids who think. And they really wanted equality. Right. What I'm noticing with this trans movement is they don't want equality. They want to take our rights. They don't want the same rights. They want our rights. It's not the same. There is some of that, but I mean, just on the score of LGBTQ+. And I've heard A put in
Starting point is 00:22:18 there, it's like, why would you want us to take everything that isn't heterosexuality? And oh yeah, just lump us all in together in this big soup. It reminds me of the beginning of Gilligan's Island. That was a show well before you were born. And the first year, they just, they went, the Gilligan, the skipper to the millionaire and his wife, the movie star, and the rest. I was only two other cast members and they were like, wait, you couldn't say the professor on Mary Ann. And then the next year, they said the professor on Mary Ann, because I guess their agents called them and they said, this is ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:23:02 I mean, I'm the rest really. And they were just as big a part of the island as the other five people. I feel it's like that. It's like, I'm the rest. You know, just whatever else is, whatever weirdo, kink your it too. We just, we just,
Starting point is 00:23:17 you're just in this room. We just keep adding to the letters. Yeah. And it's just, I mean, we're, again, liberals, I think, always supportive of whatever people want to do, especially with their sexuality. Now, your view that they want extra rights
Starting point is 00:23:37 is not an uncommon view in this country. And I can see it. I think a lot of these people for so long didn't have any rights or very curtailed rights. I mean, even gay, I was just watching this documentary on Rock Hudson. He was a big movie star that you don't know about. But he had to be in the closet.
Starting point is 00:24:01 He was like America. It would be like lean-order de Caprio today having to pretend being gay and having pretend he was always on a yacht with a model. Oh wait, he is always. He's always. That's how it. Oh wait. Bad example. But that's what Rock Hudson had to do. And that was like into the 60s and 70s. Right. And the 80s, he was on Dynastin. And he, when he was, he was the first one to die of AIDS, who was famous.
Starting point is 00:24:27 So it like really changed when America heard about that shit. Okay, I can understand people who have lived through that kind of experience, wanting a little extra. You know, they, like, wait, let's make up for some of the past. It wasn't that far back that we had to go through this shit. I can get behind that. But yes, there is a place, it goes just too far. And-
Starting point is 00:24:52 That's too far. We're here, we're in that place. Now. Yes, no, I agree. We're living it. It's entirely too far. And this idea of that community being oppressed
Starting point is 00:25:08 is silly. I mean, it's silly. I agree. It is. I don't I'm truthfully and this is my beginning a little bit into the weeds, but like people that's this isn't to say there aren't bad apples there's bad apples and every year right people don't see color anymore we're not living in the 1860 that is not certain the certainly not true of every single person it's not true of every single person but I have made a similar point so we're not far off right I always say let's live in the year we're living in right and in the year we're living in it is true we have come such a long way and I wouldn't think that if you saw the media that's why I say live in the year we're living in, it is true. We have come such a long way. But you wouldn't think that if you saw the media.
Starting point is 00:25:46 That's why I say, live in the year we're living in. Yes, absolutely. It's like, is racism still a malady in this country? Absolutely. But it's like we're using the blood work from 1990 to diagnose it. And that's not where the blood work is now. Still an issue, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:26:05 And there's still lots of racist people in this country. Just individuals. But most of it is just, I went into a store and I got a dirty look from the guy. And it's like, yeah, that happens the people of color. And it's wrong. But it's like this kind of dirt off my shoulder thing is required. And that's, I think, what most people do.
Starting point is 00:26:29 But as far as, like, what the laws say, and also what just the mainstream of Americans are just not racist like they used to be. No. It's just, you can find it and it's still an issue and there still needs to be redress for, obviously, the legacy of it. It's still lives with this in many ways. Certainly. It's not a non-issue, but I agree.
Starting point is 00:26:49 That's, I think the biggest problem that they have on the left is this obsession with race, chasing phantoms of racism that don't exist anymore because it's a lot of... That one response to be a victim, right? I was just gonna say that. That was just going to say that. It's victim mentality. And that's transcends race.
Starting point is 00:27:10 That's like everybody. That's much more general. That's what I was getting to. Much more generational. That's your generation. Don't want me in. I mean, did we just say we're not going with the whole of the rest thing?
Starting point is 00:27:20 I don't want to be in the rest. No, you're not gender and man. I mean, the professor and Mary Ann. Yeah. I don't want to be in the rest. No, you're not ginger and meh. I mean, the professor and meh, right? Yeah. I wouldn't do an end the rest to you. No, but it is. It has transcended far beyond race, but that was the point I was getting to
Starting point is 00:27:34 because I think it's extremely evident in what we see in the media. But again, coming from the South, I live in Tennessee. And again, not to say there's not bad apples, but I think we can all agree that slavery is awful and terrible and should have never happened. And as we move forward, we most certainly should prevent any situation where we're discriminating in that way.
Starting point is 00:28:01 I mean, that's awful and I think everyone agrees on that. Well, not just that way, but I mean, that's the extreme horribleness of racism, but we need to truck it back way further than just, yeah, is what I'm sure you were trying to say. Yes, of course, the other point that never gets made because, again, there's certain people just don't want to hear what the truth is, and this should be no politics in this, but slavery in general was not a racial thing. It certainly was, of course, in America, but it has gone on all through history. The word slave comes from Slav and their white because Slavs were slaves. People of color had slaves in Africa. The movie they just made about the freedom. The kingdom of what?
Starting point is 00:28:48 Did you want sound of freedom? No, that sounded a little red pill to me. Come on, if we're talking about Barbie. Right. Well, I didn't see that either. You should watch sound of freedom. What is it? It's a movie about... Oh, I heard about it. About human trafficking. You know what? I mean like... What is it? It's a movie about... I heard about it.
Starting point is 00:29:05 About human trafficking. You know what? I mean like... And I don't mean this, like to distort... Tell it. Tell it. Come on. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:14 First of all, you never saw Gilligan's Island. Oh. Now you're diverting. Wait, no, I'm gonna get... I'm gonna get... I'm gonna get... Wait, did you ever see... No, you're diverting. We've neverotanus's sponsors. Did you ever see, we still, we still have been heard about that dick.
Starting point is 00:29:27 You never saw Gilligan's Island. I have never seen Gilligan's Island. Wow. This episode is sponsored by Blu-Chu. Let's talk about sex. Guys, remember the days when you were always ready to go before marriage. Now you can increase your performance
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Starting point is 00:31:29 Plugs that I always forget. August 19th, Evans Auditorium Charlotte, North Carolina, August 20th of the township in Columbia, South Carolina. September 1st at the Moody Theatre in Austin, Texas. September 2nd, Texas, Texas. Trusts to you, theater and grand prairie, Texas. No, I know you, or I don't know, but I think you voted for Trump.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Um, the last election, correct. Okay. Okay. Not in 20 or you couldn't vote then. I was too young. And would you vote for him again? Um, depends on who's the Republican primary. Wow.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Um, yeah, depending on, of course. So, you know, we, here's where we part company big time. But I always, I've been preaching for years. You can hate Trump. You can't hate all the people who like him because it's half the country and some of them are lovely people like you. And Trace Adkins is here after you.
Starting point is 00:32:22 And I love him and I'm guessing he voted for Trump. I'd be very surprised if he didn't. Now, of course, you know you're voting for someone who's a traitor and an insurrectionist who tried to overthrow the government. That's your business. I just bring it up casually. But the point what I'm getting at is,
Starting point is 00:32:38 I feel like this movie that you're talking about, now I could be wrong. I could be wrong about Barbie. And any other movie I haven't seen, but it just feels like it would be kind of an eye roll to me in the other way. Like, I have no compunction about, as you just have seen the last 20 minutes
Starting point is 00:32:55 going after the woke when they're stupid, but I can't take that kind of, if it's about Christ and family, and get more misty about old barns and lighthouses. None of that. There's none of that. And getting mad when football players need a little football game. None of that.
Starting point is 00:33:12 You can shove that right off Ken's ass. I don't want that bullshit either. There's none of that. The only biblical things even quoted in this movie is a Bible verse talking about, you know, you're better off to put a millstone around your neck and drown in the lake than harm children. Of course. And they say, God's children aren't for sale. So there's really not a lot of biblical,
Starting point is 00:33:33 there's not a lot of exposing elites. I think you should watch it. I think you should. So it's about harming children. Oh yes, it's about human trafficking. Human trafficking, which is a real thing. And should be nonpartisan. But I mean, also, I mean, you're crowd and I mean, like, QAnon, if you're in with them,
Starting point is 00:33:50 I don't know. And again, still love you. But, you know, these are, they believe that the Democrats eat babies and are pedophiles. And I don't think you can do both. Because if you eat babies, who are you gonna fucking five years? You know what I'm saying? That's true.
Starting point is 00:34:07 It's so true. You gotta think these things through, Riley. No. Have you ever been to Epstein's Island? Epstein's Island. I wish my life had been that exciting. Or I could have been to Epstein's Island. Maybe you're involved.
Starting point is 00:34:22 No, no. I'm sure. They do say I was because they believed that people who wear red shoes, this is part of the Q&A thing. Red shoes is like our symbol that you're a pedophile. And they had got a picture of me like in the 80s,
Starting point is 00:34:40 I did have a pair of like, they were kind of burgundy, but I think they tweaked it a little. It looked like it was wearing red shoes and they were trying to set up. Well, that stuff is silly. And I have people all the time. I mean, the right. One thing we do have a lot of is conspiracist, right?
Starting point is 00:34:55 Like, I mean, it's... Glad you could admit that. No, there are some people who are so silly in what they say. I get accused all the time. You messed with the wacky weed? I don't. That's all... You've got a conservative thing, you're just not like pot.
Starting point is 00:35:09 You know, a lot of red things. You saw the years of swimming, my lungs... Right. You know... And you're an athlete. I'm a bad influence. My bad, I'm sorry. You're just someone who goes there for your asses in the island. That was terrible. That was terrible of me.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Anyways... I don't mind if I do it. No. I get accused all the time. Okay, in college, where I went to University of Kentucky, right, we were the Wildcats. This was a symbol for Wildcat, and we did it all the time. Our basketball, I mean, our goal. What is a symbol?
Starting point is 00:35:36 It's this, okay. Oh, the white supremacist of some. So we have a lot of pictures doing this. I shouldn't even do it, so it'll get clipped and whatever. But it's a symbol we did at our university all of the time. And people will call me a white supremacist. They will say, I've sold my soul to the devil. They will say, I'm a part of this illuminati.
Starting point is 00:35:53 It's a piece. I'm like, y'all are crazy. One of the things I hate about what the left does, they just, they're not, liberals, we're about fixing things. These assholes are just about setting traps. You know what? You can't have this. You know why? Because on my first tonight show, I got one of these from Johnny Carson. And you're not going to take away that memory. No. And I don't think Johnny was saying, let's go to the clan meeting
Starting point is 00:36:18 after a clan. So you've been a Jeffrey Epstein's island and you're part of the KKK. You know, I have no idea what a good, Johnny Carson impression that was. Because what are you 23? 23. What a great age. You're very mature for 23. You're very well spoken. Are you gonna like pursue like activism now
Starting point is 00:36:39 that you're like, you threw your clip into the pool on this big issue? I am. So I graduated with my degree in human health sciences You threw your clip into the pool on this big issue. I graduated with my degree in Human Health Sciences and Health Law, and had every intent upon graduation to go to dental school. Georgia. Kentucky. Same thing, right? Jimmy Carter.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Gilligan's Island. It's all the rest of us. Just the rest of us. I mean, yes. Had every intent on going to dental school, actually what I wanted to do was be an endodontist, which is someone who does root canals. What?
Starting point is 00:37:11 Yeah, I know. Why? Why pick that up? It's just always what I wanted to do. The one. You know, I knew I wanted to work in a position where you're helping other people, right? But I didn't want to be, I don't want to go to...
Starting point is 00:37:28 But root canal, I mean, next to proctology, it's like the least liked thing. Comedians literally use the term root canal, you know, to like, I mean, the thing, you know, I'd rather have root canal and some malle that, you know, Well, maybe I just like to like, inflict pain, honestly. How old were you when you came to this realization that you wanted to? I mean, I knew ever since high school,
Starting point is 00:37:54 I mean middle school, I knew I wanted to be a dentist. I didn't necessarily. A dentist. Yeah. And you're not even Jewish. I don't know how to even Jewish. That's a, not even Jewish. Not even Jewish.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Downing. So got my degree there. I had already put my deposit down, accepted my C. I took the dental admissions test, which is the test to get into dental school, score in the top percentile, which was miserable. So you might be quizzing me on my history. I promise you. You know your teeth.
Starting point is 00:38:22 I know my teeth. Oh, bet you do. I know bet you know a lot more. So you don't have to go to like medical school first. I know my teeth. Oh, I bet you do. I know I bet you know a lot more. So you don't have to go to like medical school first. No, dental school. It's its own thing. That's its own. How many years is it?
Starting point is 00:38:32 Four. Four years. And then you can learn all in six months. Yeah. What you actually... You say just one money. It's like the karma. But in school.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Don't get me started on what it's say. We have an administration though. Maybe it'll be free. No loans. But higher education is such a scam in school. Don't get me started on what to say. Maybe, hey, we have an administration though. Maybe, no, that'll be free, no loans. Oh, but higher education is such a scam in this country. They do. They charge you just because they want the money and to keep you around. Of course.
Starting point is 00:38:56 And you're what they learn if they learn anything. I mean, all they do now is turn out these America hating. I hate to sound like one of you people, but it's so true. One of us people. It's just that they have turned these America hating, I hate to sound like one of you people, but it's so true. One of us people. They have turned these kids into, I just read this story that like 70% of Gen Z, the question was, is America worse than ever, or worse than 50 years ago? And I think most of them said, you see the one or the other, maybe both for some of the questions,
Starting point is 00:39:25 but definitely they thought it was worse than it was 50 years ago, which is just preposterous. I mean, it's just ignorant, you know, it's just ignorant. And the fact that the parents don't slap their little brats and say, you know what, can I tell you how thin, because that's what my upbringing was. Maybe it was too much back then. It was a lot of, you know, oh, you're crying. I'll give you something to cry about. Why, when I was a then. It was a lot of you know, oh you're crying
Starting point is 00:39:45 I'll give you something to cry about why when I was a kid bread was a nickel, you know Yeah, there was a lot of that we could use a little more of that I agree it's Yeah, we we have and this goes back to you know The movies and stuff we were just discussing, whether that's Barbie or Santa Frida, we've just lost this sense of masculinity and we've deemed masculinity as toxic and bad and undesirable, but I think we need masculine men. Not in my hot tub, baby.
Starting point is 00:40:18 There's nothing wrong with it there. Let me tell you, we do not demonize it. We need masculine men. We need it. We need masculine men. We need men. We need more men. Yeah. We need men to protect and provide, which is what we were, I mean, that's,
Starting point is 00:40:33 well, you sound, you're a tough cookie. I don't think you need any men to protect and provide for you. Well, do you? I want a man to provide for me, right? I mean, that's, you're married. I'm married. I've got a phenomenal husband. I'm very fortunate. But you don't need him. You love him, but you don't need him.
Starting point is 00:40:53 I think man and woman work hand in hand. Well, that's different, but you don't need. Need is different. Okay, maybe I won't say I need, right? I mean, I don't need a man to provide and protect, but I do believe that we compliment each other, man and woman in that way, to where women typically, again,
Starting point is 00:41:15 I'm not gonna try and reinforce. The purpose of a man is to love a woman. The purpose of a woman is to love a man that was an old song. I call the game of love. Yeah, I mean, we've lost my tyranny. And speaking of higher education, especially the Ivy Leaks, right? I mean, these are supposed to be prestigious schools. Oh.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Listen, you would die. I went to one, but it's not different today. Where did you go? Cornell. Oh, you would die if you... you would die. I went to one, but it's not different today. Where did you go? Cornell. Oh, you would die if you didn't. I would die. They won't even call. I wouldn't die, I'd kill.
Starting point is 00:41:51 They won't. I would kill. I would strangle people. I know, it would just be. It's your masculinity, I don't know. It's just my reality coming out. We at University of Pennsylvania, which is where Thomas went, they won't even refer to freshman as freshmen because it's gender exclusive to women.
Starting point is 00:42:12 I know. They have now called them, they now say first years. I mean, it's crazy. That's my thing. I said it once on my show. Like, when you're doing stuff that sounds like it's in the onion, stop. You know, when you're doing stuff that sounds like it's in the onion, stop. When you're doing stuff that sounds like a guy is parodying you, making fun of you, like this Atlantic article,
Starting point is 00:42:32 it's like it reads like something that is a joke, and they're not joking. And again, I got to go back to bad parenting. I just think this is all because parents just treat their kids like little geniuses, not all parents, but a certain type of parent. The kind that sends their kids to Ivy League colleges. You're a parent. Spoiler alert. Not my parents. Oh, not my parents were in World War II, baby. And that was the last time we had strong men. That's the same thing about this, think about this. And that was the last time we had strong men. That's the same thing about this, think about this.
Starting point is 00:43:05 1940s World War II, we men lied about their age to enlist. And now in 2023, we have men lying about their sex to get into women's sports or women's prisons or domestic shelters or sororities or bathrooms. I mean, it's crazy if you think about it. But here's where there's hope though, because it's incredibly interesting. You can see this play out throughout history, and it's strong men or hard men, oh my gosh,
Starting point is 00:43:37 hard men. I think I'm like, those, it's a Freudian. Hard times create strong men. It's a Freudian slip. We all do it. Hard men. Hard times create strongian slip. We all do it. The hard men. The hard men. The hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times.
Starting point is 00:43:51 And it really is interesting because you can see this play out throughout history. What creates hard arms? That's a hard men. My interest lies. My interest lies. I don't know if they're getting the pool for that, do I? My interest lies. My interest lies. My interest lies. My interest lies. My interest lies. My interest lies. My interest lies. My interest lies.
Starting point is 00:44:07 My interest lies. My interest lies. My interest lies. My interest lies. My interest lies. My interest lies. My interest lies. My interest lies. My interest lies.
Starting point is 00:44:15 My interest lies. My interest lies. My interest lies. My interest lies. My interest lies. My interest lies. My interest lies. My interest lies. My interest lies. My interest lies.
Starting point is 00:44:23 My interest lies. My interest lies. My interest lies. My interest lies. My interest lies. My interest lies. we've seen it play out throughout history in the same. Oh, we still have strong men. Yes, we do, but we don't have a society full of them. No, they're mostly in the military. Certainly. That's where they tend to go. But again, go back to the world war two when we had men literally lying to get into that position. Yeah. They would give their life for the century. Just as you mentioned. We don't have we had lots of people With that same spirit. I don't know if they literally lied, but right after 9-11 Right. I mean, you know Pat Tillman is yeah, yeah, Pat Tillman. Great example
Starting point is 00:44:55 Atheists by the way they tried to present him as some big Conservative icon, but he actually was more like one of mine and he What is one of yours? What are you? I'm a unicorn. I'm not, I'm no, I don't have a team. That's fair enough. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:13 But, I mean, I don't know, you know, my heart is usually with the Democrats, but then they just become so different than, like I keep saying, traditional liberals, so they just make it hard. And what do you think? But it does not a hard choice when the other side does not believe in democracy and is in love with the psychosotheopath that you like. But again, that's your deal. Okay, so who did you vote for last election?
Starting point is 00:45:43 Biden. There were two choices. Who do you think I voted for? I guess. Okay. I voted for the same guy, imperfect, but not a- Okay, so this next election. Insane psychopath.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Yes, that was my crazy choice. The one who accepts the outcome of elections. That's the one I voted for. Okay, that is a major round for you. When you're talking about masculinity, what could be less masculine than not accepting defeat? Just being a little fucking pouty, so loser who can't say, yeah, you know what, you don't win them all. Trump is not good.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Sometimes you lose them, you don't win them all, but as a man, I just own up to that and say, you know what, I'll get them next time instead of just lying and pretending you want something you didn't at the expense of the country. I just own up to that and say, you know what, I'll get him next time instead of just lying and pretending you want something you didn't at the expense of the country. You're still like him, really? Here, Trump is not who I have endorsed for president in 2024. First of all, okay.
Starting point is 00:46:36 He has had a lot of his true color shine, I think, in terms of... And again, I do still like Trump. That was like a courtroom drama with a lawyer trying to get them to break down on this. I do still like Trump. And by golly, I would vote for Trump over Biden. And if we're... You would.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Trump over Biden. Donald Trump. Donald J. Trump over Joe Biden. How do you think he'd do in the pool? He's got a body like a melting portaparty. I saw a picture of Biden today at the beach and that could the same could be said. Yeah, no, I mean, we're gonna wait a second. Wait, you Trump Biden. Biden's not fat. He's old, so I don't think, I don't think Biden is necessarily fat. He's not.
Starting point is 00:47:32 You know, he's got a very, I could, very, if you didn't see, I won't be- So you went to Epstein's Island with Biden. That's what you did. Oh, that's a bunch of Malarkey. Oh wait, that was a sex act we got involved in. Malarkey.
Starting point is 00:47:47 Oh yeah, that was kind of fun. Anyway, you need a monkey and a parrot, but I digress. Well, look, I think these kind of... Okay, so what, you never answer next election? Biden. Over every other candidate who's running. Well, unless I said, well, no, I mean, it's possible Trump is not the nominee, although
Starting point is 00:48:11 it's in the paper today. He's ahead by 37 points. You know, he's got a rape trial. He just finished. He's got a porn star hush money trial. He's got a, I tried to ask somebody for 11,000 votes in Georgia Trial. He's got a, a tried to overthrow the government trial. I mean, even if you're a big fan,
Starting point is 00:48:34 I gotta say that's a lot of trial. Okay, but do you not sense any sort of corruption in terms of how they're undying Trump and not Biden? Well, everything he's ever been up for, the two impeachments and all these trials, he absolutely did it. He'd everything you could think that he did. Okay, but like back to the corruption stand.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Whether it was smart to actually go through with an indictment, presidents do shit while they're in office, not as bad as him. And with the general rule has been, once they leave office, we can't get into that place that other third world countries have. office, not as bad as him. And with the general rule has been, once they leave office, we can't get into that place that other third world
Starting point is 00:49:08 countries have. We're as soon as the guy leaves office, now he's a criminal, who's going to want the job? So you think the Democrats are scared of him? Scared of who? Donald Trump. I'm scared of him. What do you mean the debt?
Starting point is 00:49:19 Yes, Trump phobic. We're all scared. It's phobic. No, phobic, when you say phobic, it means it's in irrational fear. My fear is very rational. OK. We're all scared. It's phobic. No, phobic, when you say phobic, it means it's irrational fear. My fear is very rational. Okay. It's a psychopath who won't concede elections. Again, you're a real man.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Okay, so do you believe that election wasn't entirely? I can't ask you something. Okay. Have you ever lost a race where you lost the race and you knew you lost not to someone with a penis. You lost the legitimate race. That's a real woman, okay? And you got out of the pool and went, this is rigged.
Starting point is 00:49:45 I won this race. People know it. A lot of people are saying it. And I won the race. I think everybody knows that. It was rigged. Would you do that? You're pretty good at impressions.
Starting point is 00:49:58 I'm really not good. No, I would never do that. Which is one of his downfalls, right? And we've seen, I mean, that whole thing needs to be dropped. But do you believe the election was entirely? Not only do I, it's not a belief. It has been vetted by Republicans. Have you?
Starting point is 00:50:16 By every secretary of state, it went to the courts, it went through every organ of government. So you think the state of Pennsylvania, really nominated. You know what, let's not get into the weeds on the 2020 election. No, no, the midterms out. Oh, the midterms, okay.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Federman. Federman, yes. You think? No, should be a senator? No. No, no, I don't even think. He's not up to it. No. Of course, that's okay. So what, What is it?
Starting point is 00:50:45 No, no, but I'm saying, I don't, like, the hope in my heart is that people in Pennsylvania, I mean, I can't believe that that election was not with. Okay, but the stakes are not comparable. This is Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania doesn't negotiate with Putin. Okay, the other thing is America, Pennsylvania doesn't negotiate with Putin. Okay. The other thing is America, the whole country and the presidency. So yeah, John Federman shouldn't be the senator, and it has nothing to do with this other giant elephant in the room called
Starting point is 00:51:16 not believing in democracy. But it does when it, it, it relays how it pertains to election integrity. And I don't think we as a country are... The only election integrity problem is Trump saying the election was rigged. Your own Republicans at all these states are the ones who certify these elections. People with integrity, enough integrity. One reason I still believe
Starting point is 00:51:43 that there should be a vibrant Republican party, because there still is that rump version of it that were these guys stand up and say, yeah, I want a Trump to win. I'm a Republican. I voted for him, but we counted the shit three times. He lost. Take it like a man. And I think that's very fair.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Take it like a man. I think that's very fair. Take it like a man. And look, what I've been fighting for this past year is integrity and any capacity of whatever that looks like. And so if we have deemed everything. It's not an issue on the other side. That was one of 2020 was one of the most safe issues on the other side because there's too much to achieve. And efficient elections we've ever had.
Starting point is 00:52:25 This has been. This is the... America, the county. Even Trump's own commission. They, you know, it's, it's just not an issue. To cling to this, it's just sore- Look, I'm not clinging to it. You are clinging to it. I'm clinging to the idea that maybe the 2020 election,
Starting point is 00:52:40 just maybe. There's no maybe in there. There's maybe in almost anything out. There's just no maybe in there. Most of what I'm referring to is the midterm elections in 2022. Well, what happened there? Oh my gosh, in Arizona, in Georgia, in Pennsylvania, there was a billion states. What happened?
Starting point is 00:52:56 Nothing. Nothing. Sir. We don't, we, we both sides have this, the monitors, they, they both sides are all eyes on this all the time. And the people who do these elections are generally not trying to hide anything or fake anybody. It's one of the last things we're actually doing okay in this country. We actually are counting the vote because they know there's so much eyes on them. But when you control the eyes, you don't care to be corrupt.
Starting point is 00:53:24 But they don't control the eyes, you don't care to be around. They don't control the eyes. There's more Republican state legislatures that control elections and they're our Democrat. Yes, we shouldn't have elections run statewide. That's true because it varies from state to state. It should be national. But you know what, that's our system. And each side gets to look at what the other side is doing. They do recounts. They have checks and balances. Is it going to ever be perfect? No. But people accept elections, especially ones that are run this efficiently.
Starting point is 00:53:54 You're just clinging to something that is so tangential to whatever is going to solve our problems in this country. It's not going to be solved because people are cheating at elections. Your side tries very hard to stop certain types of people from voting, but even they do it through sort of legal means. Oh, we pass the law. There's only one ballot box now in Houston County, it's for two million people. Well, okay.
Starting point is 00:54:20 You know, but at least they're doing it on the up and up. But this just theorizing that these elections were, not just, we just can't believe that they're real. If you're just- I'm clinging to nothing. That being said, I think we do have to be realistic about what is actually happening, because if we're not, that's how we got here,
Starting point is 00:54:41 where we're at right now, with men, addressing in our locker rooms. Wow, that's quite it. I'm just saying you have to do. I need the red string on the drawer. You have to see how that connects those two doors. No, I know what you mean. You have to be realistic about things
Starting point is 00:54:57 and if you're not and you don't hold people accountable on either side, it's how we get here. And we allow the minority to control the entire public square. I think where Trump and the locker room are connected is that there is a lot of normal, reasonable, common sense people. I agree.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Who see the penis and the locker room and the girls of the locker room and they say to themselves, you know, I don't really like this Donald Trump guy at all, but I'm going to vote for him because he seems to be the only thing that stands between that kind of insanity and, and look, I think his kind of insanity is worth, I do, but I totally get the Trump voter. I totally get the person who says, I don't like him either, but he is a bulwark. He's a bulwark.
Starting point is 00:55:50 He's not afraid to call out crazy. And this is what Desantis has been trying to do. Like Desantis's whole campaign is predicated on this. I'm going to be the anti-wulk bully. Like I'm going to win there. I'm just going to fucking punch every woke thing and write in the nuts as soon as I walk in the room. And he just doesn't do it like Trump.
Starting point is 00:56:11 Right. He's not Trump. Trump is, you know, as my friend always says, insanity photographs. He's insane, but it makes him a star. Insanity makes people stars. And he's just a star. He's 37 points ahead.
Starting point is 00:56:24 You do not have to worry about your boyfriend getting a nomination. He is going to... He's not even who I've endorsed for president in the cycle. You're going to get him. So if you want to vote for him, you're going to get your opportunity. Phenomenal. Yeah. I think I'm the least qualified person to talk about. And it's going to be Biden and him again. Because the Democrats are gonna nominate Biden. Everyone's too scared of a wild card who can't win. And this guy is one and Trump is one, the each one won.
Starting point is 00:56:53 It's like Ollie Frazier-3, you know, the each one won. And now we gotta go to Manila and the bash each other's brains in. Well. Well, I mean. It'll be interesting to see. I do believe I'm the least qualified person. You are not the least qualified person. You're very smart.
Starting point is 00:57:11 Yes. That's why I'm trying to talk you out of Trump. But look, I also. When the alternative is Biden, no. I also, well, again, Biden, do I love everything? No. But, you know, it just doesn't compare. He's just a normal guy.
Starting point is 00:57:29 Who has? I agree. One of the things I hate the most about Biden is that he never stands up to woke nonsense in his party. And I think he's like a lot of guys that age. He doesn't even understand it. What, the gals are boys now? And the, what, the gals or the gals are boys now? And the, wait, the gals can just take the vagina.
Starting point is 00:57:49 And so, but he also doesn't want to fight that wing of his party. He knows that's where a lot of the energy is in the party. So he's like that husband who, you know, he doesn't understand what the kids are into but he doesn't want to fight about it. So when the wife comes in and says, honey, the kids want to cut their dick off and tear down a statue of Lincoln.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Is that okay? He's like, I know. Right. I'm trying to watch the game. So I agree. It's not a great choice, but to me, it's not a hard choice. But what I love is that we, this country's like 50-50. We have to be able to be complete friends with somebody who we can't convince to be on
Starting point is 00:58:36 our side. And that's where... And that's cool. That's totally. I love you no less because you like Trump. And I love you no less because you've been to Epstein's Island. I have, and let me tell you, I was there with Gilligan and the skip. And all the rest.
Starting point is 00:58:51 It was a three-hour tour. The fact that it landed on this island was a huge upgrade from the island that Gilligan originally landed on. That's the thing. And Mary Ann, oh, well, she was immediately sold in just labor, sex labor. Yeah, that's kind of a downside to the trip, but that's what he was.
Starting point is 00:59:07 That's Jeffrey Epstein. And here we are. No, I mean, I always thought that when that scandal broke about Epstein, which is real, it was unfortunate for the people who had been trying to convince the QAnon people that the pedophile stuff was just a conspiracy theory. It is mostly a conspiracy theory.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Democrats are not baby eaters or pedophiles by nature. But the fact that this guy with a lot of democratic connections and those kind of people, Bill Clinton was on the island in Derserwoods and, you know, Bill Gates. And it just, you know, it just looked bad that, okay, wait, there is a pedophile ring? Wait a minute. Wait, so do you think I've seen Kild himself? It's so interesting, you know, when a guy goes to prison who's a child molester, they always say he's not going to last because
Starting point is 01:00:06 the other prisoners kill the child molesters, which by the way, I love that about prisoners. I think that is so charming that they have standards like that. But I do, yes, I think he killed himself. I think usually in situations like this, the simplest explanation is the truest. And the simplest one is that guards in places like prisons paid minimum wage and don't want to be there. They don't do their job. So the idea that he was watched every...
Starting point is 01:00:38 No, he wasn't. He was supposed to be watched. And they were fucking jerking off to porn hub in the break room. And yeah, and if I was Jeffrey Epstein, I would have killed myself too. I mean, to go from his life, to go from sex island to Rikers Island. Hey, there's a- Sounds like a blast.
Starting point is 01:00:57 There's a country song for you. Interesting. Yeah, who knows? But you were there, so you might know. If anyone does, it's you. That's true. But let's talk about Katy Porter. Oh, why you have to say beef. Oh, that's right. She was on my show talking about you. Yeah. Is that it? And so I think it's only fair that I come on your your podcast. Absolutely. And talk about her. Yeah. I'm not. And I actually don't even have anything to say about her
Starting point is 01:01:25 because it's not worth talking. I don't want to talk to it. Towards coming out of my mouth. Katie and I are not giant mutual fans. So we can speak freely here. I mean, I wish her well. But the first time she was on my show, she was, I thought, very insulting and condescending to me personally.
Starting point is 01:01:46 She's very personal. I mean, she knows how to get a laugh, or she did that night. And so, but I had her back. I don't hold grudges. And it's like, it's a free-flowing debate show. People don't know exactly where the boundaries are. I've crossed the boundaries sometimes. So, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:02 But when she was on this last time, and she's been on a few times since, when she was on this last time and she's been on a few times since when she was on this last time, yes, I thought she did not acquit herself very well because I thought she walked into some traps that made her look silly. Yeah, it wasn't a good look because it's over but remind me what happened. That's all I remember only that. She who is she? So you and Pierce Morgan Pierce Morgan was the okay. And so we're talking about this whole debate in sports, right? Right. And so Pierce, you know, back and forth, basically Katie then says, you know, this Riley Gaines girl, you and Pierce are like,
Starting point is 01:02:39 oh Riley so brave, thanks by the way. Riley so brave, you know, she's single-handed, leaf fighting for women. Right. Essentially in terms of, you know, she's single-handedly fighting for women. Right. Essentially, in terms of, you know, there's not a lot of present athletes, especially professional athletes, who have taken a stand against this. And so then Katie goes on to say, you know, well, I disagree with everything Riley's doing. To what you guys press back, you know, what does it you disagree with? She can't, she doesn't actually have anything she disagrees with, but she says, you know, I just think she's doing this for clicks and likes.
Starting point is 01:03:08 No, she's doing it because she knows when you're in the Democratic party, you have to say that. It's like, that's what our, probably our politics is. I have to, that's why you got no votes. Right. And this thing, because you have to like choose one side, and these issues are not simple like that. And you can't just say the truth. You have to set down your marker down. Okay, this is where the party says our position is. So, yes, I'm with this.
Starting point is 01:03:36 And then when you have to like make an argument, you got nothing, because there is none. Because there is no... But to say I'm doing anything for clicks and likes is the most disingenuous thing I've ever heard. And also it's same thing she did to me. It's personal. It's making it personal in a way that you...
Starting point is 01:03:52 No, because you can't dissuade from what I'm actually advocating for. Correct. But anyways, it's went on to say, you know, whatever. And... But right, either before or after that, I can't remember what was talking about how brave Dylan Mulvaney is.
Starting point is 01:04:03 And I'm like, if you're gonna say, I'm doing this for clicks and likes, can we at least acknowledge that Dylan Mulvaney, you know who that is? Of course. Can we at least acknowledge that Dylan Mulvaney is doing this for clicks and likes if I am? I mean, it was the silliest thing ever, and so.
Starting point is 01:04:19 But I find her adorable. I do. I'm not usually down with this kind of stuff. I will say. But there's just something that she's just so happy to be there. I bet. I'm not usually down with this kind of stuff. I will say. But there's just something she's just so happy to be there. I bet you might Katy Porter. No, not Katy. No, no, no, Dylan Mulvaney. You find Katy Porter adorable.
Starting point is 01:04:32 No, no, I don't. Okay, no. Dylan Mulvaney, I do. I find her adorable. And I think it's so sad that like, okay, you guys can't have Bud Light and we can't have Chick-fil-A. You know what, fuck all of you.
Starting point is 01:04:44 I will make fucking beer can chicken with Chick-fil-A in a fucking Bud Light can if I want. This whole country is so fucking annoying. Okay, but do you think Dylan Lennon is qualified to talk on charge his speaking fee for speaking on women's empowerment is $40,000. Do you think Dylan Lennon is qualified to speak on women's empowerment for $40,000? No. Answer that. No.
Starting point is 01:05:11 While you might think he's adorable, can he speak on women's empowerment? Women's empowerment. I mean, it's such a person, what it means, the different women, to some women empowerment. I mean, there are women who will say they're wearing the burka, and they're like, this is my way of being empowered. In any way, Dylan Mulvaney is talking about it. Do you think he's qualified to talk about it? In any way, it could be about a burka, it could be about wearing a tutu.
Starting point is 01:05:36 But sweetheart, if you're going to start making a list of people who get to talk about something without being qualified for it, you're going to be here for a very long time. But no, I mean, very few people are qualified. This country has passed that point where we care about who's qualified. Clearly. Yeah, clearly. So, you know, I don't...
Starting point is 01:05:55 Katie Porter, I'm getting back to this. Anyway, I saw this clip. I watched your show. I watched this. I saw it, and I thought thought if I ever see her, I'm addressing this naturally. Like, she can say this on a screen, but I actually want to know what she disagrees with me on. She just made this claim she disagrees with me. So I was in DC. I see Katy Porter across the way. Why? I see her. I'm like, we were like in person.
Starting point is 01:06:22 In person. Oh wow. And so we make eye contact. Will you stalking her at the Capitol? I was stalking her. No, where'd you see her? Where were you? How's NDC? I do a lot of work in. Like on the street?
Starting point is 01:06:33 Walking into the Senate building. Really? Oh, I see. Cause you were testifying. Yeah, or maybe the congressional bit. I don't remember. But I see her. And we make eye contact.
Starting point is 01:06:44 And I'm like, Bill Marr, Pierce Morgan, I have to say something. We make eye contact. She puts her phone up here here, like she's on the phone. And she turns, and I know the strategy, I'm like, I'll just wait for her. So she tries to turn and walk away. And so I'm like, weirdly lingering.
Starting point is 01:07:02 It's like uncomfortable, but I'm like, I still have to say something. Anyways, she has to get into the building. That's where she's going. And so I'm like, waiting outside the door, and so finally she puts her phone down, and I walk up to her, and I'm like, Katie, it's so nice to meet you. My name is Riley Gaines, and she said,
Starting point is 01:07:18 oh, I know who you are. The only thing she could say, I thought this was so weird. She said, congrats on being a competitor and walked away. I'm like, did she just call me a competitor? That's really bizarre. And so turned and very quickly tried to walk away, but I wasn't done.
Starting point is 01:07:34 Politicians. A competitor? I'm like, what a weird thing to con- I guess having that job makes you into an asshole like that. I mean, it's not just her. It's just, yeah, they're just always having to like, find a way to like, defuse something that they could use against me.
Starting point is 01:07:52 And I mean, I don't blame them all for it, but Jesus. I mean, I would rather fucking do root canal. Anyway. Me too. I have to kiss you off, because Trace out gets this here. Amazing. I have to kiss you off because Trace adkins is here. Amazing. I really enjoyed this.
Starting point is 01:08:08 I always enjoy it with some guests who have fundamental disagreements, but we still have nothing but love, right? Climb, climb, climb. I'm rooting for you. You should be doing your thing. Absolutely. And I don't mean dentistry. I mean, it's for me without eyebrow.

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