Club Random with Bill Maher - Sage Steele | Club Random with Bill Maher

Episode Date: October 1, 2023

Bill Maher and Sage Steele on Sage leaving ESPN, the idiocy of defunding the police, the time Sage interviewed Biden on ESPN, Bill’s advice to CNN, the time Bill saw Trump at the Playboy mansion, th...e great thing that Trump did when he was President, why politicians are generally bad, Sage’s view on The View, why Bill never decorates his office, the brilliance of Ken Burns, Bill’s offer to Sage to host her own podcast, and why Bill will never live a stress free life.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At public mobile, we do things differently. From our subscription phone plans to throwing a big sale right now when no one else is. Well, maybe they are, but who cares, our sale is better. And it's on right now, no waiting necessary. You have the latest phone. Now take advantage of a great price on a 5G subscription phone plan. It's the perfect deal for anyone who could use some savings right now. Subscribe today at phone plan. It's the perfect deal for anyone who could use some savings right now. Subscribe
Starting point is 00:00:25 today at Different is calling. The Club Random Merchline is up and ready to go. Get your Club Random T-shirts, hats, hoodies, and glassware at I was screaming at your podcast. Thank you, James Carbel for speaking for all black men and why they're all the same conservative. Are you kidding me? You know what? Watch hockey with Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:00:53 I don't care. I don't think Donald Trump watches hockey. No, but you do and that's great. The way you know. Don't sit down. I'm coming. Hello. I'm admiring Kanye over here. What do you call him?
Starting point is 00:01:08 No, it's not an awesome painting. He just say yay. Great to meet you. How are you doing? Nice to meet you. You look fantastic. Thank you. Yeah, that's was a gift from one of my writers. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:01:19 That is so funny. The first day it was like white and then I saw it's every Kardashian. Oh, love it. Look at her abs. That's not and then I saw it's every Kardashian and all of a look at her abs That's not fair. Well, it's a painting Yeah, it's fake for sure So thank you for doing this. I know I think you're Just here for this or you're on it. Oh, thank you The Republican debate is here in California tonight. So he goes
Starting point is 00:01:43 Well, the Republican debate is here in California tonight. So he goes, you get to the chair, I'll finish quick. No. And we can like drive up to the Reagan library. Oh my god, no, thank you. You don't want to go to the Reagan library? I actually would, actually would do that, but not with the debate there. I went to the, I went to the debate in Milwaukee,
Starting point is 00:02:00 which the one that we just had. Yeah. Why? Random because a friend of a friend, I? Random, because a friend of a friend, I live in Connecticut, a friend of a friend, was going, and I had just left ESPN, and he's like, hey, you don't have to work, no excuse, I have a plane, let's go.
Starting point is 00:02:15 And I thought, you know, because I've always wanted to, yeah. As a journalist, I just wanted to see it. Totally. But one of the things I thought was so cool, like the body language, when the camera's not on them, and that's what I actually really enjoyed it. It's interesting. I enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Yeah. Well, I mean, it is, especially that debate is a sport because it's only pointless to the extreme because Trump is not there. Exactly. So the actual candidate is going to win the thing, who's gonna, in other words, the team that's gonna win the Super Bowl is not there. Totally. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:50 So these guys are just, I mean, I watched it too. I don't know if I can watch the one tonight, but you know, it's just about scoring points. It is. It's just like sports. And boy, the way they do it, I mean, some of them are so clumsy. I mean, they're just not performers.
Starting point is 00:03:11 They're, you know, politics is the only job you can really get in America with no skill. You don't have to have anything, nothing has to really. Almost everything else you do, you have to know something to operate the tilt to world. But politics, as long as you have a clip on time. No, it's a good point. You're right. No, and you can't, you know, there's nobody ever calls you in and say, here's your performance review, except the voters. But, you know, you can fool them.
Starting point is 00:03:39 I saw when you had Vivekan. That. Yeah. In this chair. Yeah, yeah. I was like, oh my. Oh, I know. That. Yeah. In this chair. Yeah, yeah. I was like, oh my. Oh, I know. Oh, my.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Because that was right before that Milwaukee debate, I think. But he's charming. Oh, he's one of those scary brilliant guys. Yeah. Yeah. I said to him, I find you disarming and all arming. I thought that, did you plan that line? No.
Starting point is 00:04:03 The plan. Does any of you here look plan? It was, but you, first of all, you're you, and you just came at him with legit questions. And again, body language and watching him, he always has that big smile on his face, no matter what you're talking about. When it comes to politics, he is born to the matter.
Starting point is 00:04:23 I mean, he is a glad hinder, and he's Mr. Optimistic and energy for days. Well, he's 38. He's a baby. He's like a puppy. He's so cute. Well, he just got so much energy. Yeah, it's not right.
Starting point is 00:04:40 It's actually not fair. Anyway, so. Do I get to do this? Yeah, what do you want? What do you drink? No, I mean, yeah, the red wine. Usually I'm a lightweight and I'm like one and done. However, we'll see.
Starting point is 00:04:52 We'll see. However, I mean, I've been clubbed random. Why not? Yeah, clubbed random. I mean, it is supposed to be a nightclub. It really looks like one. I always say this, but without the music, it's just
Starting point is 00:05:05 like a three-legged stool with two legs. But I wanted to have a place where it felt like we were not on camera. There's nobody else in the room. As close as I can get to what it would really be like just to sit down and talk to you. I'm so sad. So I always thought you were great on ESPN. You watched? Of course. You don't think I'm a sad. I'm so sad. I'm so sad. I'm so sad. I'm so sad. I'm so sad.
Starting point is 00:05:26 I'm so sad. I'm so sad. I'm so sad. I'm so sad. I'm so sad. I'm so sad. I'm so sad. I'm so sad.
Starting point is 00:05:34 I'm so sad. I'm so sad. I'm so sad. I'm so sad. I'm so sad. I'm so sad. I'm so sad. I'm so sad.
Starting point is 00:05:42 I'm so sad. I'm so sad. I'm so sad. I'm so sad. I'm 10 years. Yes, Steve Cohen bought the team years ago. Thank God, because during the pandemic, we lost I lost a fortune. Everybody, all the minority, because we didn't play any games. Exactly. And we had capital calls up the S. But he came in and did very well at that. Immediately. Well, I mean, the meds you kidding? I couldn't believe when they were, they sold 40% of the team in 2011. Not all to me, but to a select, selected, so whoever it was like first come first there.
Starting point is 00:06:10 But I couldn't believe I guys, I said, I give up all the rich and New York city. None of them want a piece of the Mets that comes with your box in a parking spot. Even if it was just that, it's the Trump change. Just to say that you're an owner of a professional. Exactly. Yeah, that's weird. Yeah, so. So do you miss it?
Starting point is 00:06:29 No, because, you know what, there's too much sweating of the money, like the money. Yeah. Like, I mean, Christ, if I was part of what Steve Collins meant, oh my gosh. The most expensive team in baseball, they just shit the bed. Yeah, again.
Starting point is 00:06:44 I would, the capital calls this year would be, I would, I would be, I can't even speak. No. Would not be good. So, no, it's nice to just be a fan. It was a great thing for a decade, but yeah, I'm glad to just be a fan. Unless we were guaranteed money,
Starting point is 00:07:02 plainly we're not. Plainly that team. I mean, to have Verlander and Scherzer, and it just doesn't work, and then they're not, they're both leading their teams to the, of course. You know, they're doing what they were supposed to do for the match.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Nothing, they weren't wrong that those two guys can't still do it. Oh no. They had rough starts for different reasons, and it just, it just, It's, it's jinxed. And listen, I was a Cub's fan. Still am.
Starting point is 00:07:30 But, you know, when you're, when you're covering it, Actually, if I'm Chicago? No. No. I'm, I'm homeless kind of. My dad was military. Oh, you say I'm moved around. So, yeah, I don't, but I literally don't have a home.
Starting point is 00:07:41 I was talking with a friend recently. I'm part-time in Florida, I have a place down there, and within a year I'll be down there full time. Your favorite place, right? I do like Florida. I went Florida. And she's so cute. She had lunch and she had just come from picking out
Starting point is 00:07:56 the burial plots for her and her husband and her son when they all die. Oh, Lord. And I was like, you did what? And she was outside, and she was like, oh, it's beautiful. And they're having some mausoleum, some walkin' and she goes, I'll be buried here. And then my husband and eventually my son,
Starting point is 00:08:08 who's eight, and I thought, wow, and she's excited. She goes, well, where are you gonna be buried? And I thought, I've actually never considered that. And I don't have a home. I have an either, really. Okay, so if I ask you now, I mean, be new. I'll be dead, I don't wanna wanna care. So you don't have a home. I have an either, really. Okay, so if I ask you now, I mean, be new. No, be dead, I don't want to wake up. So you don't care about that.
Starting point is 00:08:29 He's not my job. No, but what about that? Not somebody else left. No, but no, see, that's not fair. I'll leave it for them. For the many people who love you, who want to come visit you. Visit me when I'm dead.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Well, I'm not going to be very good company. True. True. You know, I used to have a bit about they, for a while they were making literally what they call a talking tombstone where they would put a message. You're a voice. Yes. And I remember saying the joke was, you're dead.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Let somebody else talk. Enough of you. But no, I don't really care. I mean, I guess maybe when it gets closer to the time where I feel like it's happening, I'll be like, oh shit, I haven't even really thought about cremation or burial. I don't really want my body to be eaten by worms,
Starting point is 00:09:16 but then again, I'm dead. But you don't care. Do you? I do now. About mine of yours. Or you, of course. Kinda start with you. No, I because I have kids I do I don't want them to feel
Starting point is 00:09:32 obligated to come to visit me mother's day my birthday whatever once a year like I don't want them to feel that so and again I don't have a hometown so you're nice. I am really That's very considerate. I know I like that. Even after nice. I am really nice that way. That's very considerate. I know, I like that. Even after you're dead, you're thinking of people. That's very nice. Before I die, and after that, okay, here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Me, I'm like, fuck you. Oh, dead. No, but here's the problem. It's your problem now. No, but that's not cool, in my opinion, because you're gonna leave them when you have the power to do it now. You're gonna leave them having to make decisions.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Okay, mom. Just do it for them. Okay, stop nagging. I know what that is. I want to be nagged. I get married. But. Yeah, you've never been married.
Starting point is 00:10:15 You're welcome. No, I mean, I take it as a point of pride at this point because for years it was like, oh my god, what a weirdo. And now everybody gives me a high five Because they've all been through horrific divorces. Yeah, you're married. Not anymore. Oh Yeah, I mean It just seems it seems not inevitable. They're certainly happy marriages But it takes a certain kind of person who I think is becoming rarer and rarer in the world,
Starting point is 00:10:47 partly because the world changes. Things move so quickly and there's so many things, hitting your sensory, whatever, sensory things in your brain. It's not like the old days when you lived on the prairie and you only, you know, it was easy to stay with your spouse because you never met anybody else. And now you're bombarded with all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:11:08 And it's very hard to reconcile, I think, this overload of stimulation in the real world and then, you know, I mean, no marriage can stay fresh on the... I know where you're going. I'll be like the looks as it all. What? You're just thinking me that... No, I'm actually looking for the conversation. on the... I know where you're going. I'll be like the looks as it all. At what? You were just thinking, I mean that... No, I'm actually looking for the conversation. Well, I mean, that's true.
Starting point is 00:11:30 I mean, what marriage people, I mean, there's no such thing. I don't care what everybody says. There's no such thing as hot monkey love 20 years into a marriage. It just isn't. There is, I've made my peace with a kind of a married sex life. I've made my peace with it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Or there's lots of sexless marriages that just happens. Or there's cheating. Or there's cheating. Or there's divorce. Those are the choices. So if you're in a committed relationship, there's no difference. Right? So it can still be boring in that way.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Right. If you're in a committed relationship, so your point is why would you sign some piece of paper, why would you have the government involved in something like that, especially if then you have to have potentially an ugly divorce. I mean, but if you're in a committed relationship. You better have a, I mean, if you want to be long term with someone, you better have a plan to stretch it out is my view. In other words, like, I don't think you can see something every day.
Starting point is 00:12:33 It just doesn't work. That's what's gonna kill it. But that doesn't work with like kids and shit. Kids and shit, exactly. You know, it does. It does kill it today. it can't be like, well, but I actually think it's especially for people who travel for work. And then one's home with the kids. I actually think that that probably does enhance the marriage. Yeah, if you're not together 24, 7,
Starting point is 00:12:59 365, totally for the kids and ideally, I mean the statistics that right with two parent households. I mean, here's the problem, it's not a problem. I come from, I mean, I'm so lucky. I'm so blessed. My parents have been married almost 52 years. And they got married in 1971. Mom's white, Irish Italian, small town in Massachusetts, where she's from, my dad's black, Army Brought Himself.
Starting point is 00:13:24 And in 71, interracial couples were not allowed. We're not a thing. I mean, they just recently allowed what they went through. They were legally allowed, but barely. I think it was loving the Supreme Court loving ruling with 67. So it had just been a few years. And aside from whatever the law did or didn't say, just within their homes and my mom's family, like my parent mom's parents disowned her for marrying a black man.
Starting point is 00:13:53 So for them to now be 52 years in. So my bar was here. And think of, I mean, look, you always have to say this in Wilco America. Yes, we still have a lot of work to do. But think of how far we've come. I mean, for them, I mean, to look at TV, I mean, Biden once said this in a speech, of course, you know, he was just rambling, but he wasn't wrong. He went off once about like, turn on the TV, you'll see like every couple
Starting point is 00:14:23 in a commercial is an interracial couple now. I swear to God, he did this. Or two. Oh, I believe it. Yeah, and he's not wrong, you know. So that, I mean, to come from a place in 1971 where it was barely legal, and people were disowning you, to where everybody in a TV commercial looks like you. Well, they've made more of that now for sure and every commercial is so diverse.
Starting point is 00:14:49 That's a long way. But I agree and people want to talk about, and this is the right game trouble, people want to talk about how terrible it is now and all the things that we have gone through, we meaning everybody. People want to big themselves up by thinking like, if I think it's worse than you, I'm a better person. It doesn't make you a better person to be gloomier, be realistic. You know what I love in a person? Realism. Just tell me what it is. Because I don't deny any of the horrible side. They're still horrible in America. Lots of horrible. Sure. Including racism and- But the that's been made is significant. Not exactly, we're not in a these people
Starting point is 00:15:27 who are like, they were deemable and will never change. We have change, I can be like, I live through it. This is the thing with young people. Like, I don't have to look it up. I saw it, we all saw it. We saw it, we saw it, we saw the change happen. And yes, still work to do and places to go. When our whole Obama was elected, I'll never forget the conversation with my dad and his mother who I forgot how
Starting point is 00:15:50 old she was at that. Oh, I racial Obama. Yes, which that topic is so fascinating to me. I hate the guy. Because he doesn't know about. He owns it when it's convenient. He doesn't he doesn't own that and that is that is his absolute right. And I've gotten in trouble for these comments before. It's his absolute right. But on that note, it is, when he won, what my 90-some-year-old grandmother, Black grandmother, said what my father said, it had nothing to do with his policies. It was the fact that this country had gotten to the point
Starting point is 00:16:23 where that could happen. And that was a beautiful thing. And I didn't vote for him. But I loved. You didn't vote for Obama. Who did you vote for? McCain? I don't like it, yeah. Look, I like John McCain.
Starting point is 00:16:34 But I voted for Obama. I mean, you know, John McCain was an honorable guy. He's the only Republican neck and remember that when somebody in an audience, some crazy red neck, said some shit about Obama, and we've seen this with other Republicans who just never denied and said, you know, he's a Muslim who wants to destroy him or something, you know, and McCain didn't go, thank you, man, but he went, no, man, no, man, he's not. He's an honorable guy who just has different policies.
Starting point is 00:17:06 I love that. I love that. So I liked John McCain. I did too. But he was not a better president than Obama. Obama. I just didn't like, I didn't like, you're so lucky, you lost that election.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Because as soon as Obama got into office, the economy crashed like crazy, like it hadn't since the Depression. Yeah, right away. Fucking no drama Obama. He still doesn't get quite the credit he should for that. I mean, this country could still be in a depression. Mitt Romney wanted to let general motors go down.
Starting point is 00:17:40 You know, Obama like calmly got the money. Yes, they all hated him because he bailed out the banks Yeah, but we'd all be wearing regs Yes, the bankers are always gonna win. Here's the thing as I don't disagree with that at all, but to me And this might sound cheesy or annoying to some people, but this was literally how I was raised It wasn't about race as wonderful as it was that we as a country got to that point. And I mean, I was so happy to see him there and his wife and his beautiful daughters. I'm a stage in Chicago.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Like I was so happy because I even at that, at a younger age, obviously, my father, my grandmother, to see that we had come that far. But to me, it wasn't about this because if we're voting based on this, that's racist. Even if it's for the minority candidate, that's the whole Martin Luther King content of my character versus color of my skin. I'm an army brat. And to me, it is not about this. And so I had to put that aside even though I loved seeing him there and respect him tremendously to this day. But I don't care what race you are, and if I do,
Starting point is 00:18:46 then I'm being a hypocrite. Now, that's my politics, too, because I'm an old school liberal, and that's the Martin Luther King liberal. That's the, by the way, the kind of the old Obama, because Obama doesn't sound today like he did when he ran. You know, sounds like Obama in 2008 is Tim Scott. So interesting. So interesting.
Starting point is 00:19:04 It's fascinating. It's different, though, because his delivery is Tim Scott. It's so interesting. It's so interesting. It's fascinating. It's fascinating. It's differently though, because his delivery is quite different than the little part of it. He's not nearly the politician, but he's like, you know, only in America is my story possible. And like racism is real, but it's not the only fucking thing that's Obama, and that's Tim Scott. And Obama, because his party has gone way left on that issue.
Starting point is 00:19:26 I think through a weird place. But that's why I always try to say there's a difference between woke and liberal. Liberal is what we're talking about. Martin Luther King, content of their cat. That's not what the woke believe. woke believe race is the most important thing to see all the time everywhere in every situation. They want to divide. They want.
Starting point is 00:19:49 It certainly has that effect. 100%. Because in my lifetime, we've never been this divided. And it's never been this ugly. Period. Isn't that crazy? Yeah. I know.
Starting point is 00:20:01 So, and I love what Tim Scott is saying. I love what Obama said. Martin Luther King was Republican. Yes. People don't, people don't talk about it. And again, that definition has changed as well. But I mean his, Totally.
Starting point is 00:20:15 That's the thing people don't understand. I think when they, again, they're young and they don't teach it in school anymore. So they just live in the present and know us older people. We do remember things. And back in our day, they just live in the present. And no, us older people, we do remember things. And back in our day, they taught them in school, yes, until the, the till Kennedy, the Republican party was the party that more supported the rights and aspirations of the African American
Starting point is 00:20:39 population. I mean, Dixie Crats, this is as late as 1948, walked out of the Democratic Convention because it was considering a civil rights bill. The South used to be called the Solid South. They meant the Solid Democratic South because they were the ones who undid reconstruction after the Civil War. They were the ones who put in Jim Crow. Everybody in the South was a Democrat, political wise, until Kennedy came into office and said,
Starting point is 00:21:09 no, we're going to integrate. And then they switched to the Republicans. So, you know. But no one knows any of that history. Nobody does. None of the people who attacked me don't. Yes, exactly. I have five because you know I get to have five.
Starting point is 00:21:21 No, we have a lot in common. Which is insane. Because I never thought, I mean, years ago, I get that. No, we have a lot in common. Which is insane. Because I never thought, I mean years ago, I never thought that we would say that, but I've been watching a ton over the last couple of years, and I think we do. And by the way, even if we didn't, that's the thing that frustrates me the most. Who cares? Exactly, but that's also what we have in common. We both believe that.
Starting point is 00:21:44 To be respectful. That's what I'm always preaching. To be respectful of each other's different of people. Stop being in their little silos where you only want to talk to the people who are just like you and anybody else, I'm going to unfriend you. I don't want to know. It's like, you know what? You have to, it's just like a marriage, not that I would know. But like, I always say the three key words are not, I love you. They're let it go. You just have to let it go. You have to be able to talk to somebody who, and say to yourself, how can this person
Starting point is 00:22:13 be so cool and so smart and so right about A, B, C, D, and then E? They're completely nuts. They want to vote for Trump, you know, or whatever it is. And they're saying the same thing about you. And you have to be okay with going, yeah, okay, ABCD. And I let it go. I can't, I, we're all different. Get over yourself, Pete. But that's what, so that's the hypocrisy I think and where we are today. And in particular, with that woke side, that preaches all of it. Diversity, intolerance, and acceptance, and inclusion,
Starting point is 00:22:49 and to me, and I've been saying this a lot lately, I remember I did a speech at my alma mater, I went to Indiana University, probably 12 or 13 years ago, and there were some things in there, so I don't remember what, but I came up with the title of my speech, Practice Diversity, but me, but mean it. Right. And who knew that all these years later? So that's where it begins for me.
Starting point is 00:23:09 And so when we silence you, no. Because of our opinions and our positions on things, that is so hypocritical. And I'm just gonna say based on my experience, the people who are the most guilty of that are obviously in my position being more center right, definitely more on the conservative side, are from the left. It's not just disagreeing, it's attacks, it's death threats, it's threatening to rape my daughters,
Starting point is 00:23:42 it's another level of ugliness that to me is inexcusable. But here's the thing. What has happened is quite often when those threats come and when it gets super ugly and then you get canceled on Twitter X, that's happened so many times now, I'm like, bring it. Like, I'm so not afraid anymore. But what they expect is for you to be afraid and to just go quiet and run from it. And that's what I did and many people do.
Starting point is 00:24:05 And I see why, because it can be very costly in many ways. But the beautiful thing to me is when you realize, wait a minute, they took me down when they tried. And I'm still here. And I'm back again. And again, they just believe that you're eventually going to go away and be scared away. And I get it because it usually works. And then they don't know what to do when you're no longer freaking afraid.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Another thing we very much haven't common is. It just makes me crazy, but no one will talk about it. And they have hypocrisy in it. Well, I talk about it. Yeah, you do. Not you, specifically, but I will now. Club random is brought to you by the audio marketing gurus at Radioactive Media. The vacations are over and now it's time to get back to work.
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Starting point is 00:27:15 That's code random50 at Slash random50 to get 50% off. I mean, if you're talking about the vaccine stuff, we're almost exactly on that, not just the same page, I think, but also the same history, because you had a show they wouldn't let you do unless you got the vaccine.
Starting point is 00:27:38 And my life absolutely, I would never have been a lot near that building if I didn't get the vaccine or to work on the road doing stand-up in theaters. That was where people were in 2021. So there was just no, and I didn't want it. I didn't, I'm not an anti-vaxxer. I recommend it to people who have comorbidities.
Starting point is 00:28:03 If you're obese, if you're 90, whatever, but it should be your decision with your doctor. We're talking about Obama, his big thing was, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. What fucking good is that? If I can't take my doctor's advice and thousands of doctors descended, many more because they're intimidated from talking out, but even the ones who did.
Starting point is 00:28:27 I mean, it was just a giant case called Missouri versus Biden. I don't know if you saw that, but two doctors, Jay Badajaria and Martin Koldorf, they're esteemed, brilliant people in their field. They dissented on how we handled this and they were the lawsuit which they won in federal court, says, yes, the government colludes with tech companies to silence anybody who doesn't want to put out your version. And we're talking about medical science. It is something that is, of course, debatable. That's what science means.
Starting point is 00:29:06 So it was great that a court finally recognized this. It's disgusting though. And, you know, we should have been allowed to, like, continue our lives and treat our bodies. I mean, we're not, I'm not saying vaccines are evil or I'm just saying that one for that disease for my body wasn't right. It would be like telling everybody to take antibiotics. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:29:31 I mean, we're not wrong. We are. They want to shut us up because they know they're not right. They know that we are right. And they know that now things are being discovered and it's getting out. I remember May of 2020. I always stay up late and listen to podcasts late at night, building laundry, whatever. And I remember I forgot which podcast I was listening to, but there was a doctor on.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Now you can listen to this. From the Mayo Clinic. There's no one that fits better with folding laundry. Obviously. Come on. Mayo Clinic. There's no one that fits better with holding laundry. Obviously. Wouldn't you rather be in club random than be with the penis microphone? Come on, it's better. There's a lot there that you just... Yes, but the good thing is, is now I know where to find you. Exactly. Now I know where to come to club random.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Yes. There's so many good people that we already did to listen to. I know. I've been listening. I saw Steven J. defended you. He was here once. We got drunk. I didn't know Steven A. Steven A. I'm not. I'm doing a biting. You see him trying to say LL.
Starting point is 00:30:40 So you put LL called J and for Steven A. Say what you want about Trump. He remembers its Kanye. Yes he does. He certainly does. I interviewed Biden right after he was elected. Really? Wow. And it was taped.
Starting point is 00:30:57 It was for the 6th and 4th. For the ESPN? Mm-hmm. I was right before the mid-leg baseball all-star game. Well, of course. Which they ended up moving out of Atlanta if you recall because of the alleged racist voting rules which is insane and so sticky. Well, they did have egg on their face for that one because they did polling afterwards.
Starting point is 00:31:21 And I think I'm getting this correct. 0% of people, including people of color, said they had a bad voting experience. Of course. Of course. It's so stupid. And by the way, that could have been because they shown such a light on it that they dared not. No, I don't think so. Give me a break.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Good, good. Argue wisdom. No, give me a break. Good, good, argue with me. No, give me a break. That is so stupid. That, for the people to say, that it's racist to have people to show a freaking idea to vote. I agree. Because we're not as black people are smart enough to remember our drivers like that.
Starting point is 00:31:58 It's so funny when the woke do these things that they think are so not racist that are then really racist. It's actually racist. Yeah, same thing with they constantly conflate. Like black people committing violence with police being bad to black people. Like let's pull the police out. Well, that hurts the people, you know, the-
Starting point is 00:32:18 The people who need help, the most. Yes, who have legitimate businesses. They, it's almost like they're picturing that, oh well, of course who are the black course who are the cops gonna be bad to? The criminals and who are they? Like, it's so racist to do that. And of course they have polling on this too. More African-Americans want more policing
Starting point is 00:32:37 than white people to. This is the great story in Minneapolis. They either fired, I forget, or so many cops quit after the George Floyd murder. Okay. So they were trying to defund completely after that too. So of course, what did the cops who weren't working for the police force do? They hired themselves out as private security, where in white neighborhoods that now felt
Starting point is 00:33:03 unsafe because they weren't enough cops. So again, racism solved. Yes. So honestly, they show their stupidity. They so stupid. Constantly, constantly. And that whole thing in Atlanta was just ridiculous. And so I was interviewing Biden leading up to that.
Starting point is 00:33:20 And I had to ask him if he supported pulling the game out of there. But the story was, and this, honestly, I don't like them. I think it's terrible, President. However, forget that. The human aspect of what we're witnessing right now with him, to me, is heartbreaking and it's inexcusable by the family. When you knew during the election, and that was my point, is, so we're taping it, not live, for my live show, is like, let's tape this. And it is the President of the United States. So that was my point is, so we're taping it not live for my live show.
Starting point is 00:33:45 It was like, let's tape this. And it is the President of the United States. So I was okay taping. Usually I hate taping live, live, live, go, react, just whatever. Same thing with me. I'm better live. It's just the pressure. I don't know what it is.
Starting point is 00:33:56 We're the same person. What thickos is what we are if we like it live better. Be a adrenaline rush. So we had a technical issue. I'm like, really? Like the leader of the free world is sitting here, and it was, it was satellite, it wasn't in person. We're having a technical issue. And so I had to like, BS, I had to chit chat and waiting for us to start to...
Starting point is 00:34:15 To him? Yes. And so... Ask him about cornpop. What? He told, he once this long story about it's never mind. It's corn corn pop. You got to look. Okay, I have to look at it. Google it. Well, what he started to do, of course, he has someone next to him and he, they keep a black curtain over the lens of the camera so you can't see him until the last second, which you can hear and we're chit chatting and protecting him. Maybe they do it with all the presidents. I don't know, I've only interviewed one, but so I could hear him, and I heard him,
Starting point is 00:34:49 and he goes, what is this for? And I'm sitting there going, because my mic's on, everybody's listening, they control room, and he's like, who am I talking to? Oh. Wait, what's her name? I was like, oh.
Starting point is 00:35:02 This is like a naked gun movie. Yes, I was going, oh my God. And then he's like, he said sports center, ESPN. And then they told him, he goes, oh, OK. And so I said, you know, what do you say? Hi, Mr. President. Why? Thanks to meet you.
Starting point is 00:35:16 And so I'm trying to just fill time. And he said, you know, I used to play football. And I'm like, yes, I know that. And now I'm, I think it was Delaware. He was a Delaware, I believe. I didn't know that. Hands, yes. And so he started to tell football stories of his greatness. And I just was, again, I can't see him.
Starting point is 00:35:39 You can see the curtain making. And that was the theme of the stories that he was great at football. At football. He was the hero in the story. And that was the theme of the stories that he was great at football. At football. He was the hero in the story. And then he said, he goes, and I had the best hands. And what do you say to that? Well, ironically, Clinton used to say the same thing.
Starting point is 00:36:00 And that's what I do. So if it was Clinton, trust me, you wouldn't have any trouble, Chit Chate. Well, he would have been all over the thing. I would have preferred to keep it via satellite versus in person for Clinton as well. But, and then I said, oh, oh, so you were a seaver and he started to explain it.
Starting point is 00:36:20 And here's the saddest thing. He, his voice just trailed off. He said I was good and then he went silent and he goes, oh, never mind. No, you're laughing. I thought it was so sad because I realized that's why he was in his basement during the whole election cycle. Because even then he couldn't finish his sentences. He struggled. So forget about politics. I don't care. I didn't vote his sentences. He struggled. And so forget about politics. I don't care. I didn't vote for him.
Starting point is 00:36:47 However, that made me sad to realize. So you didn't vote for Biden either? Yeah. Wow. No. And that's okay. Thank you. I still love you.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Okay, thank you. And also, no, no, no. Hell no, I didn't vote for Biden. And look, look, look, look. We've even went to choice being Trump. Yes. But see, that's ABCDE look, even with the choice being Trump. Yes. But see, that's ABCDE.
Starting point is 00:37:07 That's just the E. You gotta accept the E. It's okay. It is. I will never really understand it or him or have the country. But you know what, I love people who have crazy ease. But I also think that everyone, and this is how I've learned to remain, my relationships and friendships and relationships with the family members, is just who cares about the political stuff or else you're going to have those riffs.
Starting point is 00:37:37 But I really think that what we've failed to realize is everybody has a reason why they vote for Trump. They don't vote for Biden, whatever it is. Absolutely. And I think if we don't respect their reasons, which are what? Based on their experiences, then we are being closed-minded ourselves. Well, it's funny you bring that up because, you know, CNN is kind of like having hard times. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:02 And we were doing something on CNN. My real-time show was we do something all over time, which was for the internet. And it's changed now that we've been off and CNN has new leadership and so forth. But we were doing a sort of a lightning round or whatever of real time on CNN. So I kind of got involved with CNN.
Starting point is 00:38:25 And I think the world needs a good CNN. And my advice to them was just what you said. Like the problem with, I feel what goes on in CNN is like trump did that town hall. And the audience fucking ate it up. I mean, they let, they said it was a Republican and I guess Republican leaning audience or maybe they said independent.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Whatever it was, they didn't dislike him from the beginning, but they just adored and he's a good performer. Trip. You know, she looks, it's a thankless job, the CNN. I would not want that job. I would not want that job. I would not want that either. He's just, he's just who he is. He's in, as my friend says, I always quote this,
Starting point is 00:39:11 in sanity photograph, the insane or charismatic. Hitler was insane, charismatic. No, I don't know enough about Hitler to know he was charismatic. I believe he was insane. Yes. Well, he was charismatic. I mean, you, you get elected like,
Starting point is 00:39:25 oh, absolutely mesmerizing. They have the footage. They made the movies, you know, look at Triumph of the Will. He just, look, the country was in a place like this country where there's a lot of resentment that he played on. But to be the guy who can play that fiddle, yes, it takes a certain kind of insane, evil genius. Well, and they're all eagomaniacs and it's all about them. I got to meet Trump, got to. I know you like that. I didn't mean to say that.
Starting point is 00:39:53 I met him too. Okay, what did you think? Well, I met him before he was president once, once, once, once, that's the, oh God, this is though dating of me and him, like he hasn't changed. Okay, but this is probably like 25 years ago, 20 years ago, when I used to go to the Playboy Mansion parties, everybody thought I lived here. Here, right around here.
Starting point is 00:40:15 Right around here. I lived there once. You went there once? Super Bowl party, not like a private Friday like a station. Let me clarify. So you were in half-scareer. Although now I'm single.
Starting point is 00:40:26 What the hell, right? But that was a different era. I mean, I was in a different era. I enjoyed them. But I only went like five times a year. There was like five parties they had there. A Halloween party that a New Year's party. And they had the famous mid-summer night stream
Starting point is 00:40:43 for it. Where your women were. I mean, this everybody does it now. They wear it to fucking Walmart, but I mean, Ben, it was like a big thing for a woman to wear lingerie out at night. Yeah. Okay, so that was the mid-Summer Night's Dream Party, where your men wore whatever, they wore to bed and women wore the lingerie. And he was there and he was in his power suit
Starting point is 00:41:05 with the red top. No, he wasn't. Yeah, he was. And everybody else. And you're wearing what? I was a cool smoking jacket. OK. Because I always loved smoking jackets,
Starting point is 00:41:16 and I have some great ones. And that's what I was wearing. Everybody was in some sort of sleepwear, and he walked around. He did like a couple of lapses, I woke up. I feel like I saw like... Like the laps he did around Hillary on the stage like that? Like a shark just going around the pool. I don't know what. And you know, he was, I've
Starting point is 00:41:36 heard this from everybody who know him. He was charming. You know, he was a guy who really, he did ironically, he didn't seem like an eagle many. I quite the opposite. It was like, you know, he tried, you could tell he wanted to make friends. Yeah. I think he's human, despite, you know, I do. I think they all are even the ones I don't like. Like, even, that's what I mean, that moment with Biden.
Starting point is 00:42:01 He is human, but he is insane, you know that. Oh, I do. I mean, like actually crazy. So, my- So, many of the things he does are just only a crazy person would do. I don't disagree. And I was always thoroughly entertained by Twitter and the craziness that he put out on Twitter. I'll say this, when I met him last summer and it was at his golf course in Jersey Bedminster,
Starting point is 00:42:23 it was with the live golf tour. And it was unexpected to say the least. I didn't know I was going to be meeting him. And I walked in and I had already begun my lawsuit against Disney and ESPN when they punished me. And so I was introduced to him and they said, yes, she's doing Disney and he helps. And I was like, oh, I have a conversation.
Starting point is 00:42:51 And it was quick, whatever. I had a couple interesting stories to share with him. And immediately you only wanted to talk about football. And that's my language. I mean, remember, USFL and Trump. And so we got into a great, I mean, as a sportscaster, we got into a great conversation about Justin Fields in particular, who's now the Chicago Bears quarterback, who was the Ohio State quarterback, who was part of the real push of athletes in college during COVID that pushed for the
Starting point is 00:43:20 sport to come back. And when college football came back, the rest of the sports, the NBA followed. And Trump was responsible for helping bring sports back based on continuing to talk to commissioners and athletic directors and athletes. And so Justin Fields had been one of the kids talking to Trump begging him, giving back. And so I'm just saying that it was cool
Starting point is 00:43:42 that I have a football conversation with him. He brought this board of football back quickly. I'm going to give him a point for that. No, let's go to where he was at the beginning of the crisis. It's nothing. It's not going to happen. He completely fucking shit the bed when it was entering the country, plainly it was going to happen. We got to completely into control.
Starting point is 00:44:07 It'll never happen here. I mean, how the disease originated, that's another... Which he was right about the whole time. You mean talking about the lab? And we ever one denied it and said... Well, look, I, from the beginning, was always on the page. We don't know. But stop saying I can't say it might be the look, I, from the beginning, was always on the page. We don't know. But stop saying I can't say it might be the lab because it absolutely might be.
Starting point is 00:44:29 That was, and of course, as time goes by, it is now at least 50-50. Right now? Yes. It's well beyond 50-50. That's your opinion because I believe that too, but that is not something you cannot get a consensus of people to believe. Well, because we also won't report all the facts. Of course, that's what you and I believe at now.
Starting point is 00:44:49 But the consensus is, again, right, because a lot of this is suppressed, but if you just ask the man on the street, they would not give you that answer. They would, well, it depends on which street. It turns on which street, but. Because here, you're right. I think in many other parts of the country. Yeah. It's right. And I also think well, people then sure, I mean, even me, you'll laugh at some things, you roll your eyes,
Starting point is 00:45:14 and two years, three years, I guess, do you think, back to 2020, have made a massive difference. Here's the thing. I don't, I hate the way all of it was handled. What I do try to do is think back to that time and when everybody said, oh my God, it's coming, shut down. I have a cousin who pays attention to everything. This is in January of 2020, he's like, listen, order has mat suits. There's these masks called N95. Go to home depot. Like, because everybody thought the world was ending.
Starting point is 00:45:45 Washing the mail. Correct. Leaving your packages on this front step for a week, like stupid, I didn't do that. I wanted the package. I needed my Amazon stuff. But point being, no one knew. And at that point, we all said,
Starting point is 00:45:58 fine, we'll flatten the curb. Let's stay home. I left work. I had just gotten divorced. I had my three kids at home. Oh. So it was all new and we're shut down and freaking Connecticut, New England, because the rules there are a lot different than in other states, certainly.
Starting point is 00:46:10 So you just got divorced? I had just gotten divorced. Well, that's better than if you were about to get divorced and you'd have been trapped with the enemy. Okay, everyone talk about how many people's, people's questionable marriages were solidified, like we're done with things to COVID. Right. Or maybe went the other way. I, we had just finished it.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Right. My point is, at that time, nobody knew. We didn't know what we didn't know. And it was something unprecedented. Well, I try not to judge, because it's easy to Monday morning, quarterback and go back even with Biden. I was never afraid of it.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Of what? COVID. I was for two weeks, and that's it, and then I wasn't either. I was COVID. I was for two weeks and that's it. And then I wasn't either. I was never like those first two weeks when they said if you go inside. I knew people had already had it like people. I remember I got sick. The Thanksgiving I was going going to go someplace I was really looking to go forward to going on Thanksgiving 2019 and now maybe it was just a cold, but many, many people got it.
Starting point is 00:47:11 We had known that even in the beginning, or we were suspected it, and we're not affected at all. Right. And that's still true today. I mean, these people are not like talking about a lot, but there are people who are just very healthy with very strong immune systems. And all COVID for them was just one day they got up and they felt a little off. A little off because your immune system is, you know, that's the police force.
Starting point is 00:47:36 And the bacteria and the fungus and that's the criminals. And, you know, it depends on what state your police force is in. I like that. And there are police forces that just like Beverly Hills, they don't. When we had the riots here, they asked the Beverly Hills belief chief, what would he do if the riot got to Beverly Hills? And he said, we simply wouldn't allow that. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:48:02 It's like, I want to live there. I love it. Hello, that's exactly where I wanna live, you know? No, I wasn't, I was never afraid, I was concerned. And again, all we had was what was being reported. But then after a couple of weeks, first of all, I wasn't, I was getting on planes the entire time. I was, I, the entire, I was going down the floor to the beach and I'm like, I'm out of here.
Starting point is 00:48:28 I'm not staying in this. I will not go into specifics, but my friends thought I was trying to get it. Can you give me one specific? No, I cannot, but look, and I'm not, this could possibly just be coincidence, but I was fine for the 14 months when it was out there, when I didn't have the vaccine, then I got the vaccine, and I got it like a month later. Oh, me too. Of course, it wasn't serious when I got it,
Starting point is 00:48:56 and I always say, perhaps the vaccine spared me from a very serious bout. I don't think that's the case, but it's possible. We just don't know. And anybody who says they know the definitive answer to that question is lying. And this was always my thing with vaccines was, I'm not against them. It's just that there's so much we don't understand about the human body and the vaccines roll in that. That I'm more afraid of cancer than I am of COVID. So, am I saying COVID causes cancer?
Starting point is 00:49:29 Of course not. I'm saying we don't know what causes cancer. We don't know what consequence of things that affect us, especially in the modern world in a way that stuff never did before. So many thousands of chemicals that were never in our system before. Mercury and lead, the metals in our body, electromagnetic energy that cell
Starting point is 00:49:49 phone doesn't happen from magic. Of course. You know, all of that, there are people who like are driven mad, you know, this by the waves from cell phones. And there's like one little place. I saw a documentary in this, like what's for junior, where there's no, like fucking signals, you know. Normal times, never anything like that.
Starting point is 00:50:11 And they all, they like live there, like in the woods to get away from it. I really like it. And now the several companies are like, no, every place has to happen. They're just, they're literally gonna drive these people crazy. So I'm just saying we don't know what causes cancer, Parkinson's, a million things.
Starting point is 00:50:29 They just haven't figured out. So don't fucking tell me that you have, you people who haven't figured shit out, how I should treat my body. Especially considering, I know, I'm like, I'm, I'm so grateful that you've said this for all this time because you've been consistent with it. And so few people have.
Starting point is 00:50:50 And I, I wanted to hug you, I'm sorry. Sounds like you faced even worse things than I do. Oh, it's insanity. These threats to your children. Why? That is so unconscionable, especially from the people who see themselves as the good people.
Starting point is 00:51:04 We just assume Trump's bad. And by the way, Trump is bad. But okay, but yeah, he is bad. That doesn't make you the good people. If you do things like threatened children. No, they're exactly, they're hypocrites. Children? When they go on social media to find my kids. You know, the fact that they're willing to drag children into all their political squabbles, the fact that a lot of the LGBT
Starting point is 00:51:29 battles are being fought because, well, we want to do this with and tell children about this, at this age. We used to leave children out of the battle. Forget who's right or wrong on which side of the battle. And by the way, like everything, I think there could be a sensible middle position, like, of course, trans is a real thing. But it's also trendy right now. You know, like both things are true. If you're a reasonable person, you get that. Of course. We didn't, you know, one of my daughters, my youngest, this is probably two years ago. How old is she? She's now 17, they're 17. She's 17, you have a 17?
Starting point is 00:52:09 Oh. 17, 19, 21. When are people going? I have a legal drinker, a 21 year old. Just one more thing on the biracial thing. When are people going to realize, especially the people who like want to divide us even more? That almost always the biracial people are gorgeous. I don't know about that.
Starting point is 00:52:29 Like it's, I name one bad one. Derek Geter, Mariah Carey. I mean, I could list like so many people. You, I can't get it. Yes, they're, Obama, that just because nature wants us to fuck far apart from anyone who like we could be related to. Oh my God, I can't, I can't.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Well that does happen in royal families. I mean the Egyptians, that dynasty fell. Yes. Not that I have to tell our listeners. Partly because they were so royal, they talk about privilege. They were so royal that they could only like fuck their brother or sister. Stop.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Like nobody else got into the VIP. I swear to God, so they were like sister fucking. And of course, eventually the Egyptians were being. Come back to Beijing. Yeah, being ruled by slavering fools, like Trump. Oh my God. If you're committed to your healthy routine this year, you need, slavering fools, you know, like Trump. Oh, oh my God! If you're committed to your healthy routine this year, you need Z-biotics.
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Starting point is 00:55:16 I love it that you love Trump. I do. I do. It's so much more interesting. And it's on... What is interesting about it, though? It's honest. It's, and it's, I'm right. What is interesting about it though? It's honest. It's honest and also what I, what I was saying.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Wait, can I correct one thing? I don't love him. There's a big difference in voting for someone and loving them because, by the way, well, you don't hate him and I do. I don't love any politician. Right. I think they're all, there's always a screwless with all of them because who would want to do that? And we're grateful because somebody needs to
Starting point is 00:55:49 but the way that it has been done I don't care on which side is despicable in most ways. Well I don't love them. I don't hate him. I know you made that clear. I've been wanting for so long. It's okay. But here's and no and here's the thing though. What I have been able to do, well, I forced myself to do, no matter who it is, separate, who there is people, and whatever they've done in the past or track record as my dad used to say from their policies. And I literally try to vote based on what they believe in, what they're saying, hopefully we can believe what they're saying, right?
Starting point is 00:56:26 And making my decisions based on that, because I think most all of them are crappy human beings. Well, some of them, yes, I mean, crappy, it does attract crappy because power. 100%. And again, that thing I said before, you don't have to actually be good at anything. You just have to want it and get elected class president. It is kind of an amazing thing. It's like- I just think it's important and I don't think most people
Starting point is 00:56:54 can separate and they go with their feelings and our feelings don't freaking matter. Sure. So no matter how much you hate or love someone, like what are they doing that is not just best for you and your family, but for the country and our national security and our economy. And so I just try to separate and not look at the crazy. I have a habit on this show, not on it, that it's really a show.
Starting point is 00:57:20 It's a show. It's a show. It's like getting ideas for people in their career, but I swear to God, I just's a show. This is a show. I'm getting ideas for people in their career, but I swear to God, I just had a brainstorm. You should be on the view. Hell no. They should pay you, they should like. I've been on the view and it didn't go so well.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Cause you know what? At the view. They don't want your view. They only want theirs and they're shit. But. And the problem is they've never had anybody who's smart enough to actually say it the way you're saying it. I disagree with that. I don't who.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Elizabeth Haslubek. I love her. And she's smart, but guess what? When you're four on one. No, they... Yeah. You're four on one. And I experienced it.
Starting point is 00:58:03 I felt it. And they were nice to me relatively speaking. Whoopi was very nice to me. Jenny MacArthur, this is whoopi Jenny MacArthur, the Sherry Shepherd and Barbara Walters. And they were great to me. Barbara, whatever, the other three were great. And what I know for a fact, I did it four times.
Starting point is 00:58:22 And then they had me audition when they were making changes again. They 100% are full of it. They don't want to hear your view if you think differently than they do. And they are fine telling lies on that stage and that set. And because they know that if someone calls them on it, then they're just going to talk over them
Starting point is 00:58:37 and have the audience clap and go to break. So the show to me is despicable. And it makes me sad because the potential for 20 some years, I respect the length that they've done it, but the potential is incredible and they ruined it. But I think you could have it. It's exhausting. Like, do we want to walk into that every day?
Starting point is 00:58:58 And I think that to me, I'm trying it. Yes, because it's like, they don't want me to do that. I'm telling you, but you're... I worked for ABC, I worked trying. Yes, because it's like, they don't want me to do that. I'm telling you, but you're. Look what I've worked for ABC. I worked for them for 16 years. They didn't want my view. I was under the same umbrella of Disney. They easily could have called me,
Starting point is 00:59:13 especially the last several years, when these conversations have to take place. No, you're so right. They won't call me why. Right. Because they know, they know that I'm not afraid. They don't want that. I mean.
Starting point is 00:59:24 So no, thank you. I've had the most amazing run with HBO and I love them dearly for it. Yeah. You know, the show wasn't that good the first year, they stuck with it, things like that. And you know, I'm not somebody who's ever gonna win them and Emmy, I mean, that's just,
Starting point is 00:59:43 and we've made our peace with that. But I always, you know, live under the sort of tamically as also. I feel like when you say the things that we're saying, which are ironically not really always conservative. I mean, maybe you are a little more than I am, but just sort of like common senseical and how can you argue with that shit? They don't want to hear it. They don't. And I always, I never decorate my office because I always think, I mean, I've been fired once by a network. I always think tomorrow could be the last thing.
Starting point is 01:00:14 As long as I'm going to do what I do, not so far, it's working, but yes, it could just, but you got to get back on because this is exactly what the country needs. It's like somebody who you can't like say they're a heck or they're dumb or they're, you know, it's like, come on, man. Can you just listen to everybody? Maybe they have a point. So I still think, and number one, thank you because, anyway, that means a lot for me. You'll do real time, please.
Starting point is 01:00:45 I just... Will you? You'll be great on a real-time path. Really? Of course. You'll have me. It's all... Yes, you're doing me a favor.
Starting point is 01:00:54 I'm always lucky. I mean, it's hard to find good panelists for real-time. It wasn't for my old show, the Policeman Correctional, because, you know, the whole point of it was... Let's mix the idiots with people who know things, and it'll be funny. And it works. Yeah, it did.
Starting point is 01:01:08 It was funny. Some people, I, people of this day say they like it better than the one I do now, which is way better, but that's what they see. That's what they see. But no, but real time, we need people who know their shit, know shit, no things, that old thing that people used to do, no things, and can speak in a way that's not conventional.
Starting point is 01:01:35 It's what I'm always looking at, it's called real time for a reason. You know, people who just, I do not wanna hear the talking points on the left or the right. I have, you know, my little group of people were going back Friday and, you know, with Sam Harris, DeSantis is at the top of the show.
Starting point is 01:01:51 You see? Yeah. Awesome. Yeah, it's not awesome. Wow, that's awesome. I have a lot of things I don't like about him and I love the COVID shit. And he wasn't wrong.
Starting point is 01:02:02 I said it then, my audience, who, it's like, yeah, you know what? He read a lot about it and he handled it way better than the guy in New York. That was a disaster. And the New York Times did a hit job on him that was so disingenuous. But see the fact that you're saying this. Okay, let's name one other person saying this. Okay, let's name one other person in your industry and Hollywood, who is okay, pretty well known for being more on the left, right? Yes. Correct, not right. I was still get attacked for being crazy liberal. No, yeah. Sure, but for looking at each situation independently. Yes, and issue, by issue. I don't agree with, yeah, I don't know like a lot of what Desantis has done.
Starting point is 01:02:49 He campaigned for election deniers. That I did not forgive. I'm worth it. Sorry, I go into the Godfather, but yeah, but on COVID, why can't you admit this New York Times article was so disgusting? Because they ran a headline saying, basically, I don't remember what to say, word for word, but it was, you know, he fucked up the pandemic. And then way at the end, it says Florida did better than most states in America. It's like, if that's the, if that's in the article,
Starting point is 01:03:26 shouldn't that really be the headline? Of course it should. And that's a break from my heart. They cherry picked like a three month period during like the Omicron or whatever, or there was so many. But does it surprise you though? Like this doesn't surprise me one bit.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Well, the New York Times didn't used to be that newspaper. Correct, they didn't used to, but I feel like a blast. They did. So really, honestly, since 2016, that's when everything has kind of gone south. Yeah, correct. Because of Trump. Because of your guys. Because when one poll is insane, it's going to generate insanity in a mirror image. But how about we act like adults and control ourselves and not allow that to happen?
Starting point is 01:04:04 Well, okay. No, like again, just talk about the eye. How about we act like adults in control ourselves, not allowed that to happen? Well, okay. No, like again, just talk about the facts. You're right. One of the things, and with DeSantis, I mean, did anyone actually take the time to read the don't say gay bill? Right, it does. Those words were not in there.
Starting point is 01:04:20 This is nothing to do with not saying the words gay. And what did everybody do? The media tapped at that. Look at what ended up happening with Disney, which is ongoing. And those words were never once uttered. What he was doing was what every parent, my kids are old now, older, whatever,
Starting point is 01:04:39 is to say, you know what, maybe we don't need to be talking about this in third grade. Right, now I... And so they turned that bill into something Now you know what, maybe we don't need to be talking about this in third grade. Right. No, I... And so they turned that bill into something completely political and it was BS and no one stopped and called them on it. And the New York Times and all of those wraps that should have done it, that we had our
Starting point is 01:04:58 conference for all those years. So now they wonder why we don't trust. Exactly. Because read it. I said the same thing. I said, they could have called the Don't Say Gable. Let's go back to what we were doing five years ago, Bill. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Yeah. I mean, it wasn't that. They act like it was the, you know, post-civil war period when we were so primitive, when we didn't think every baby was a jump ball as to what. Okay, look at this sports analogy coming in. Exactly. Well, I love sports. Oh, I know you do.
Starting point is 01:05:29 I love it. Well, the big three. I do not have- No hockey. No fucking soccer. Why did that make you angry when I- Because I'm an American. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:05:39 American. Yes. Okay, I can say this though. Baseball, football, basketball. Those are sports. Not soccer. M-E-R-M-I-C-A-N. I'm a American. Yes. Okay, I can say this though. Baseball, football, basketball. Those are sports, not soccer. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:49 The hockey players though, the NHL players. And tennis. What? Tennis. You like tennis. Well, I watched the finals of like Wimbledon and the big ones. Okay, so that's not American then, if it's Wimbledon and Australian Open. No, but it's not even an American sport, right? It's British.
Starting point is 01:06:09 I mean, now it's Donald's certainly. So it's baseball originally. Well, and now certainly with the Latin American influence on baseball. So you were always a sports nut like when you were good. Yeah, wait, let me tell you this though. NHL, those guys, by far, of the four professional sports in North America, the best to deal with. Yeah, let me clarify. The best, I know what you're doing.
Starting point is 01:06:32 No, no, you just said the best. I know, at what? The best to deal with, the most kind. Who? Hockey player? Hockey player. They're so accommodating. They're sports socks and it's boring. They're not sock.
Starting point is 01:06:44 They're such incredible hats. You know what? Watch hockey with Donald Trump. I don't care. I don't think Donald Trump watches hockey. No, but you do and that's great. I actually don't watch that much anymore. I really don't spend kind of night.
Starting point is 01:06:55 Okay. No football and I agree because I've never been big into soccer. I haven't. I knew enough to do my job. Yeah. And I appreciated it. Soccer is another one like hockey. No, but I'm football basketball like job. And I appreciated it. So I could say no to one like hockey.
Starting point is 01:07:07 Now, but I'm football basketball, like you. I'm the same. Yeah. Come on, man. Did you watch, did you ever watch the Ken Burns? Oh, his amazing documentary. Did you watch that? Yeah, I watched, well, not all of it.
Starting point is 01:07:21 Really? Yeah, and it's a shame, because I know, I know the hitch to, well, it is, because basically, I was having, I was having too many kids. I was literally like, I wasn't survival. I wasn't accusing you. No, because for me, it was one of those things like,
Starting point is 01:07:37 as a sports lover and a baseball lover, the historical part of baseball, you have to have watched all that. So it's on the list. It is interesting. Yeah. I mean, it really is a story of America at that time, you know, the whole racial aspect to it. I mean, it, and, you know, Ken Burns, he's pretty amazing with it.
Starting point is 01:07:56 Oh gosh. Brilliant. And think about it, there's very few, well, there's no other sports that have had that done, that kind of a historical look back at how it began and how it's evolved. No other sport has that. Really? I mean, what other doc do you have? You have the NFL films that does great pieces, but no one else has taken that kind of a look at it. And football doesn't go back that far. You're not compared to, yeah, not compared to baseball. I mean, really just in
Starting point is 01:08:22 1920s. Right. You know, that's a century. Yeah, that's it. Yeah. But the history within that is really awesome. I'm sure Netflix will be working on it now. It should. So where are you going to land? You have to be on TV.
Starting point is 01:08:37 You're really too good at this. But, you know, I would never, if I didn't sit down and talk your day, I would never have guessed that you had this breadth beyond sports because that's what we saw you do. Well, no, thank you. Here's the thing. I had a job. And my job was to talk about sports,
Starting point is 01:09:00 to interview athletes and analysts, and to have those conversations. And I think when you're on ESPN, or your job is a sportscaster, I'll stay in my lane. I think it's important to do when we got out of our lane. That's when I had a problem with what our network did because then you'd start to divide.
Starting point is 01:09:17 So I thought it was super important to stick to that while at work and to go deep on those stories and interviews and we did two hours live every day. It was and we write everything that we do. It's a real grind but I loved it and so my I shouldn't have inserted my other beliefs about other things into my job. I think there's other platforms not to do that. But that gets a little bit. What about a club random podcast? Wait, are you offering me a?
Starting point is 01:09:47 Absolutely. What? Yeah, we're going to start having other podcasts under the club random. Well, to talk about what? This everything. What's in the news, not just sports. They're that's because I don't want to do just sports. I love it.
Starting point is 01:10:03 Once again, we're in a green. Because I feel like, but I do feel like sports does. This is what I wanted to do as a kid, brings us together. You know what, when Aaron Rogers was here, we had, I thought the most lovely talk about that. And he was always charming and truthful. He's great. And I said, you know, sports is a place where we really see races together because the
Starting point is 01:10:31 players are black and white. And certainly in two of them, majority black, baseball, they're always like trying to make an issue out of like there's less black ball play baseball players. It's like so what This would be an issue if they were less black ball players than know we're 20 years ago because we were barring them But we're not barring them. They're choosing to play other sports or no sports at all. They're not into baseball This is not an issue. It's not we are right. They're not into baseball. This is not an issue. It's not. We are, right? We, not we, they are creating it.
Starting point is 01:11:09 Right. Again. Okay, so this is the kind of common sense stuff. Mm-hmm. I'm telling you, the American needs to hear, and I think there's gotta be an audience that's enormous for this, because so many people come up to me and say,
Starting point is 01:11:24 you know, just the common sense. I appreciate you just, you know, the, that, like, the people who are sick of the liars on the fringes, both fringes. I truly believe that more people think like we do. Even if you're on the right or the left of, you know, of the middle, for the most part, I think the vast majority of people
Starting point is 01:11:46 agree with us and that you can have different opinions, but let's have calm, profession, not even professional, just kind, leading with kindness with our discussions. And you don't have to freak out and scream and yell, and oh, by the way, okay, I might be able to talk, I have a lot of things about football, but you know, I'm a mother. Right. I'm an army brat. I care so much about our country.
Starting point is 01:12:12 I just got along well with army kids. Why? Because they're not spoiled little pictures, you know, because they grew up with a military father and they just have a... So we're down to earth. DeCorum, you know, there's a few institutions left, I hate to say this, but the Catholic schools.
Starting point is 01:12:35 I can usually tell if someone went to Catholic school, because even though it's the religious school, ironically, it's the last one that like teaches kids actual shit and doesn't put up with nonsense. So kids like no grammar and spelling and they can form a set. God forbid. The old stuff that they used to do in school
Starting point is 01:12:52 when I went Catholic schools. Funnily, ironically, the last place. That's why lots of people who aren't Catholic try to get their kids into that school. Because they're like, yeah, they'll treat their kids that we kids should be treated Yeah, and guess what you're not gonna be a furry and pee in a litter box outside the classroom either and One of my kids I was saying earlier like the pronoun thing and she she said about her one of her friends
Starting point is 01:13:17 I won't say the name and she said well mom. She's a they now And I about pulled the car over. I'm like, you didn't even know what a breathing pronoun was until a year ago. Like, stop. We're not doing this. So in Catholic schools, you're right. It's not what it is. They are based more in reality. And oh, by the way, which is ironic since they're not based in reality because they're religious. It's so ironic. I forgot. Oh, yes. I'm an atheist. You're a Christian. You're a Christian.
Starting point is 01:13:48 I'm a Catholic. Yeah. Oh, Catholic. Me too. I was raised Catholic. But then who was Jewish? My mother. Your mother was Jewish, but you found out late.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Correct. And not until I was 13. My mother didn't go to church with us, and I was just so, I think, traumatized by the experience of having to go and catechism that I never thought why doesn't she go? Because she just didn't go to church with us. And I was just so, I think, traumatized by the experience of having to go and catacism that I never thought, why doesn't she go? Because she just didn't always go. It's funny with kids. Like, if you don't point out something specifically,
Starting point is 01:14:13 that you just think that's the way it is. Mom's don't go to church. I never asked. Isn't that funny? You were raised Catholic. Catholic in what way then? If you went to fucking catacism in church, it was a nightmare. I'm sorry. So you went to fucking Catechism in church, it was a nightmare.
Starting point is 01:14:27 I'm sorry, so you went to church, but you did it. With my father and my sister. And why didn't she go? Because she's the Jew, we left it home. Because, since Fony, here's something we have in common. When my parents got married, even though it wasn't an interracial marriage,
Starting point is 01:14:40 it was almost as controversial. Sure. They got married in 1951. Same thing. Both families did not want to have anything to do with the other family. The Catholics were like marrying a Jew. You mean the people who killed our Lord? And the Jews were like, what?
Starting point is 01:14:57 You're bringing the goyum into. I can't do a Jewish action. But I mean, it was not considered. If you do it, that could be racist. Speak careful. We know we, well, we're not the types to get into trouble. Are we? No, I used to be that person. He used to be good at two shoes.
Starting point is 01:15:16 And now that's very, very boring life. I am telling you, you would afford me some credibility, right? Okay. I'm telling you, just talking sports is a waste of your talent. You really have to get on this tip. Well, I honestly don't want to do just that anymore, because here's the thing. I am so, I'm not just saying it.
Starting point is 01:15:44 I was 11 years old when I told my parents I wanted to be a sportscaster. And then I got in high school, I wanted to be a DSPN. I literally achieved my childhood dream. And then some and did things I never dreamt of of hosting our NBA finals or Super Bowl coverage and the masters where me, at the masters, and no women who look like me, were at the masters.
Starting point is 01:16:04 Just the name, the masters. So I've done things, which apparently that's okay, but fine. I've done things I never beyond what I dreamt of. And I now know that there's really nothing left, and oh, by the way, I don't work 30 more, it's over. And, you know, so I can tell you this, because I've had some time now. I've been gone for me as a fan for six weeks.
Starting point is 01:16:27 Even though I knew it was coming, it was still traumatic almost in their stomach. A lot of years, right? How many years? 16. 16. That's a chunk. And I gave my life as a mother too. But I have zero regrets and I wouldn't change a thing even the crap.
Starting point is 01:16:45 But I do know now that the ups and downs and the more recent downs prepared me in many ways for what I hope is next and that is being the next Bill Marr. And doing conversations. I'm telling you, you have to do a part. Because I'm not afraid. Like I don't care anymore because I know You've said it. Yeah, I'm not a patient. What I'm looking for in this casting situation. Yeah, that's That's what I strive to do and be
Starting point is 01:17:18 That's what I want that's my brand And you've proven that yes, I have But I don't know anyone else who has. Well, no, there are people. Well, yes, I know. I don't want to say, well. No, because it's a compliment to these people. Yes, it is a compliment. I mean, I think Howard Stern speaks his mind,
Starting point is 01:17:41 even though I often, not often actually, but COVID stuff, we did disagree. Very much so, yeah. But I think he's a voice that matters. He does not pull a punch. Correct, yeah. He just doesn't care. Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:54 Yeah, if we're talking about what we're talking about, which is like challenging conventional wisdom. Yes. That, the field narrows. But I'm sure there are, no, there are. Let's, I have them on my show, I'm sure. I just, most of the ones that I have been around aren't willing to do this.
Starting point is 01:18:18 Barry Weiss started a, yes. Based on what though? Based on, based on, based on, based on, based on, based on, based on, based on, based on, based on, based on, based on, based on, based on, based on, based on, based on, based on, based on, based on, based on, based on, based on what though media company called free press and They they are writing things that that are sound like the way we're talking. I totally agree like let's just get the fucking truth out Yes, based on what happened at the New York Times and and being like me Yes, yes, yes, yes, and it took her being beaten down
Starting point is 01:18:44 To say right right right right that op-ed and say I'm out and take a chance on herself and Very I've got a matter. I hope to meet her someday because when I saw Barry do that And it was a different situation, but when I saw that it made me emotional especially when I read Was it the op-ed that she wrote or whatever that was because Right. Because I thought, oh my gosh, that's me. But then you have to actually pull the trigger when you stand up to your company. And yeah, especially that one. Devastating. Especially that company.
Starting point is 01:19:18 The Times? Yes. I mean, that's a behemoth to stand up again. Your Times. No, no, no, yeah. Yeah, it says, but she, no, no, yeah. Yeah, it's this. But she, she inspired me, and not that I needed, for me it was I had just,
Starting point is 01:19:31 been inspiring. I had a wall of being beaten down in silence, to silence, to silence, and then made an example of when I was just being me. Oh, so they can all be themselves, but then I can't. And that's when at some point you go, screw you, I'm done. And if I don't do this, not only are my three kids watching when I preach to them about
Starting point is 01:19:57 standing strong in their values and not hiding under the table even when it's scary. But other people and not just women, other humans, especially during this era, who are being forced to do things they don't want to do, whether it's to their bodies or just keeping their mouth shut because they'll get canceled and lose their job. And I thought, I'm a being, I'm being a total hypocrite if I continue to stay silent. Because what they did to bury to me, to others, Disney, is wrong.
Starting point is 01:20:28 And here's the thing, just be consistent with your rules. Either you can speak your mind about things or you cannot, but you can't pick and choose. And especially if your job is, you know, you're a speaker, if you're given the assignment of talking to the president of the United States, we assume you have thoughts. We're hiring a smart person to do this. So yes, I mean, the idea that you can say something that is so verboten, that we can't even tolerate hearing it. You know, we don't have to agree with it, but we can't even be tainted by this idea wafting into our head. But the difference is, and I do think it's legitimate. If you are hosting your show on CNN, on Fox News, on ESPN,
Starting point is 01:21:14 and you have a job as a journalist, my opinions in that moment don't matter. And I think that that is important. My opinions were said on someone else's podcast on an off day of my time. And to me, that's a safe space and apparently not. But the key was, is that many of my peers were allowed to say all their opinions on our airwaves. And it was okay because it followed the narrative at this company. And so all I ask for, and it goes back to parenting, and it's my dad's fault, the army, the West Point grad,
Starting point is 01:21:48 where it's just about consistency. And if this is your rule, fine, you're clear with it, but you can't pick and choose. And at some point, it's so much bigger than me. Like, this is so much bigger. I'm gone now, I'm gonna figure it out. But this is how millions of people feel, afraid, afraid to just be themselves because it doesn't fit the narrative. And that breaks my heart. And I
Starting point is 01:22:11 feel like if I don't talk about it and have conversations with people, then shame on me because I have this platform. I don't know for how long, but it broke me for years almost. I came in. And I just, But it broke me for years almost, I can't even, and I just, if we stay silent, like it's our own fault when this country continues to do this, we just can't afford it. Yeah, it's such a hobson's choice. I have the same thing in my life. Like, as long as I, I'm going to say the things
Starting point is 01:22:42 that I really think are the truth, about whatever issue it is. I'm not going to be a person who's going to be able to live a stress-free life. Yeah, and that's okay. I accept that. Well, yeah. I debate whether I should. It's too late, Bill. It is too late, exactly.
Starting point is 01:23:03 It's too late. I constantly say to myself. That's the thing that you're doing such good. Yes, you know. It is too light, exactly. It's too light. I constantly say to myself, I don't think you're doing such good. Yes, I do. But that's also, you know, comes with that price. I mean, I'm constantly saying to myself,
Starting point is 01:23:15 boy, you know, you pick the wrong job, son. If you wanted a liver stress for your life. But what's the alternative to just? Right, there is no middle ground. The alternative is not, or do something trivial or retire. And then you're right. Your voice is too low. Especially now, your voice is too important.
Starting point is 01:23:40 And we've been doing it to service. Okay, thank you. I appreciate that. You're not going to accept it, Colin. No, I do. I very much appreciate it. I just feel like, no, I mean, that's it. I'm doing a disservice. Okay. Thank you. I appreciate that. I really you're not gonna accept in common No, I do I very much appreciate. I just feel like no, I mean that's what keeps me going a lot of times is just knowing a lot of people feel that way These rules I can't It's ridiculous. It's it's ridiculous um
Starting point is 01:24:03 How about this rule? That if you're Black, if you have skin color like mine-ish, well then you have to be a liberal. Right. Don't you? No. I mean all of these rules are actually racist. There is a lot of black conservative. But they're just not allowed to be on like mainstream sites,
Starting point is 01:24:29 but they have shows, excuse me, they have shows, and they're good, and they're funny, and they keep it real about stuff. There's one that twins, if you see these two. Oh, two guys. Two guys like. Hodge the Hodges twins. I think that's it.
Starting point is 01:24:48 They're very funny. They are. And but God forbid, there's a couple of black conservatives out there. But the point is that through the mainstream media and through social media, if you're not silenced, then you're just considered completely crazy. It's just because I have certain views.
Starting point is 01:25:06 I'm immediately, oh, she's Candace Owens. You know, because, you know, you can't be an individual person. I had Candace Owens here. And you know, that's another ABCD. With her, I might ABC and I don't agree with you. No, don't, don't do it. But'm not doing it. And don't do it. But it's still okay. Well, it is, but I...
Starting point is 01:25:28 I gotta talk everybody. Yeah. She's really smart. She's brilliant. She's quick. I told her, I said, when you get on a subject that we agree with, I love watching you, because she's puts the shiv in.
Starting point is 01:25:40 Oh, she doesn't stop. She is smart and relentless. Oh. And, you know, she wants to carve you up, debate, and she's right, and she's got right and common sense on her side. Yeah, you don't want to. You're done. Like, you are done, exactly.
Starting point is 01:25:57 I just, I don't really get offended by much. I really don't like that word of everybody is offended. And that's something. The one thing probably that is somewhat offensive because the hypocrisy of it is people saying that you have to think a certain way based on your skin color. And oh, by the way, that's coming from black people as well. It's not just white people.
Starting point is 01:26:21 It's more so black people. And to me, that is a bigger issue. But it's changing just white people, it's more so black people. And to me, that is a bigger issue. But it's changing. It's changing. There's, it's slow, but like Trump's actually doing better with minorities. Black unemployment was at historical lows when he was in office.
Starting point is 01:26:38 Like numbers, facts. So, so there's a reason why. Yeah. There's a reason why they like him. By the way, I think I saw who was on, who said this? Was this, oh, it was Carville on your show. Okay. And I think you asked him a question about why more blacks are siding with Trump.
Starting point is 01:27:03 And he gave, I was screaming at your podcast when he said this. He said, well, I mean, think about it. You go down to Louisiana where he's from, right? And there's a black guy and he's working as a mechanic. And you know, scratches his ass every once in a while and he smokes some pot. I mean, like the examples that he's flat out gave,, like, you know, and he sees that his paycheck's
Starting point is 01:27:28 a little bit lighter and so he's going to like Trump. Like, thank you, James Carbell for speaking for all black men and why they're all the sudden conservative. Are you kidding me? Like, liberal left wing, liberal open mind to thinking Carbell is saying, let me tell you why black people like Trump. Get out of my face. Like, what is that? Tell me tell you why black people like Trump. Get out of my face. Like, what is that?
Starting point is 01:27:46 Tell me how you know that. Have you spoken to the guy that you just described who's the mechanic scratching his ass? No, like, I can't, when people try to lump everybody together, whether it's us, whether it's Jewish people, whether it's women, whether it's Gays, when you lump people together and say, this is why they do this or believe this,
Starting point is 01:28:04 you are guilty of what you preach against. Mm. See, you preach something. I'm mad. I was mad at Carbals for that. You're really, this is your calling. Really? It's not what I ever, ever, I'll say this. I never thought, first of all, I never thought
Starting point is 01:28:20 Bill Maher would invite me on a show. I'll pay for the wine. I do like Red Wine, and I'm talking too much. I haven't tried it. Yeah, that's good. That's what we want. We want people talking. I just want to get on that level that's
Starting point is 01:28:33 realer than the next guy. But that's why you can never stop. Because you've allowed people like me to be okay to stop now. To be okay with it. Because my show's back in production. It's like, this is our first day back. We had a Zoom meeting. And we hadn't seen each other in six months. It was wonderful.
Starting point is 01:28:57 But we're scrambling the jets to do a show on just a couple of days work time that I usually have the whole week. Oh my gosh. But you're starting off with DeSantis. Yes. That's amazing. Yeah, that's a great for me. That's good timing. Yes. Are you going to go you're going to go hard on them? No, no, not hard. No, hard in a good way. Like you did Vivek. Both. I'm going to, you know, what would I say to dissent is probably like, Governor, um, you want to, the part where I don't like you? Right, do like you, you know, can you have Kamala on? She would never do it. She couldn't. Well, Democrats, it's so funny.
Starting point is 01:29:39 Democrats should want to do my show more than Republicans, but they're the ones who are afraid. What is that idea? AOC would never do real time. That would be a waste. Kamala Harris would never do it. I mean, Kavan Newsome used to do the show all the time. He's in our, you know, 25th anniversary show. He was almost like a friend of the show and then governor.
Starting point is 01:30:00 You know, I understand, you know, it's a Y risk and it, you know, but it's the Republicans who are almost always willing to come. So that's fascinating to me. Yeah. What does that say to you about the liberals who won't? Because I'm surprised too. That they're sheepish about being contested about anything. They're so used to going on MSNBC where it's just roll out the red carpet and, you know,
Starting point is 01:30:29 I couldn't agree with you more. And it's just that one point of view, it's not always the wrong point of view. It's probably likely, again, old school liberal, very often I think they have the right point of view, but the fact that it's the only point of view. And that you never contradict, or at least challenge someone, but I do challenge. And if I hear something that sets off my bullshed meter, I will say it.
Starting point is 01:30:59 I love it when you get hot like that. Well, they know that. I mean, I've been around a long time. You know, this tape on this. So- But the Republicans know that too, but they still come on. Not all of them, but yes, many of them do. And even more.
Starting point is 01:31:13 Because they are braver about it. They just fucking are. And also, they're happy warriors. That was always what Republicans were happy warriors. So like, even if the crowd is against them, and that's the attitude and that's the attitude you have to have when you do stuff like the view, but don't do the view. Do club random. I will never step foot.
Starting point is 01:31:34 And again, by the way, we're going to sue the company. They're not going to have you back on to do it. I don't know why I was trying to get you on the view when I really want you to do this here. No, this would be not- Yeah, this- Does that mean podcast? What? just trying to get you on the view when I really want you to do this year. No, this would be... Yeah, this one. Does that mean Cal? No, no, you can do it anywhere.
Starting point is 01:31:50 Because your state's crazy. Well, you live in Florida? I'm Connecticut and Florida, but eventually all Florida. Yeah, we could build a Miami or a Florida, I don't know, studio, with all the colors. Well, I don't think... There's only one club or a four-lettered studio with all the colors. Um, well, I don't think... There's only one club random. No, you're right. I would come to that.
Starting point is 01:32:10 But, like, some... I do think that it should have the same feel, like, there's nobody else in the room. It's just us. I love it. All right. Well, I am sure this is like the first of many times we chat. Do you know how much this means to me? Well, I'm sure that you had me here.
Starting point is 01:32:28 I'll please. It is really awesome. We are. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And once you was part of the club, Brandon Famelis. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:32:34 Club. Thank you. Brandon. Thank you. Thank you. One of us, thank you. OK. Wow.
Starting point is 01:32:42 That was so much fun. Club, right now. Okay. I love it so much.

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