Coffee Convos with Kail Lowry and Lindsie Chrisley - ENCORE Based On A True Story

Episode Date: September 26, 2024

CC374: For this week's episode we pull from the vault of Coffee Convos podcasts and revisit Episode CC332... Kail and Lindsie miss being paper calendar girlies but are glad Kristen got them with the t...imes. Speaking of Kristen, did you know there's beef between Kristen and Kail? News to us! Lindsie is flattered (sarcasm) that someone wants to date all of her exes, Kail wishes influencers were more transparent, and we all wonder why there isn't more research and testing on people who have gone through depression in their lifetime. Foul Play reminds us AGAIN to never drink and suck D... oops. Check out our Instagram @coffeeconvospodcast for more! Thank you to our sponsor! Chomps: Sign up for their email list and get 10% off your first order at Visit to learn moreRocket Money: Manage your expenses the easy way by going to

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I hate gift giving and receiving. Receiving gifts is so weird. What do you say thank you? This is Coffee Convo's with Kale Lowry and Lindsey Chrisley. I really want you to be in your feels Kale. That does not interest me whatsoever. I feel very attacked by you. A spirited discussion about motherhood, friendship, family, and life in the public eye.
Starting point is 00:00:18 I'm just not with the fakery anymore. There's a fakery bakery around here. Here's Kail and Lindsay. Good morning and welcome back to another episode of Coffee Combo Swagcast. Good morning, Kail. Good morning. How are we feeling? You know what? I feel like I'm getting my old self back. Well, we were on the phone when you picked up your Elani, so I need to know what flavor you got. Listen, and I think it was a rumor or maybe it's not a rumor. And one day I'm going to go and pick, try to pick one up and it's not going to be there, but it is the mimosa and
Starting point is 00:00:51 it is my favorite one. I don't think I've ever had that one. This one is the new cherry twist. Is it new? I don't know if it's new. I don't like any of those, like any of the like slush, any of like the real, real sweet ones, I can't get behind. So I like the Breezeberry and the Mimosa. Those are my two favorite and the Cosmic Stardust. You like that one too? I do love that one.
Starting point is 00:01:13 I do love that one. I'm feeling good. I can't really see very well. If you don't see me wearing glasses, just consider me blind as a bat because I'm getting lasik in two weeks and I can't wear contacts. So Oh, so it's like leading up to it.
Starting point is 00:01:30 You can't wear contacts or glasses. But I've just gotten so used to not wearing my glasses and the look of my face because it's weird when you wear glasses, you get used to how you look with them on. And so then when I started like getting used to my contacts, I was like, okay, I really like this. And now that I have to wear my glasses again, I'm just only wearing them when I have to drive or watch TV or something. But I have to tell you this, because when I saw this, and it's a little bit of old news, but new to me, your reaction to this, did you know that it's only been since August of 2023, so we're talking five, six months ago, that scientists started using blood to test feminine hygiene products?
Starting point is 00:02:13 Wait, back up. So before, what were they testing? With water and saline. But how would that be an accurate consistency? Also, here's some of my thoughts. Why are we doing some of the other testing that we're But how would that be an accurate consistency? Also here's some of my thoughts. Why are we doing some of the other testing that we're doing that maybe doesn't impact the insides of women's bodies and hormones? Why are we doing some of those other testing and we're not testing feminine hygiene products
Starting point is 00:02:39 with real blood? I will tell you on this topic, I did not know that you were going to bring this up. I have become really, really weird about things that go into my body and tampons are one of those. I have always used Tampax Pearls, I think. Then I moved to Tampax Pearls, I think. And then I moved to like Tampax Sport. Okay. But then I started reading all this stuff about scented,
Starting point is 00:03:09 non scented. So then I moved from scented to non scented. But what's what's in it that can be bad for you? I think a lot of the products in and of themselves are bleached to get that like stark white color. I think there's a lot of other chemicals in them to make the like stark white color. I think there's a lot of other chemicals in them to make the product super absorbent. I don't think any of the products are super healthy for us on a regular day to day basis when we come in contact with them for everyday things. So putting them inside of our bodies, I mean, that's why a lot of people have started
Starting point is 00:03:41 using like the diva cups and things like that because- I just couldn't do that. Yeah. No, I'm not saying they're for everybody. I definitely don't think they're for everybody, but just knowing that they've done studies with period blood and sharks, I literally read a study about how they put a shark upside down and then they're sleeping and then they put period blood, like menstrual blood over where they smell from to see if they're attracted to human blood and things like that.
Starting point is 00:04:10 And women in the ocean when they have their periods. So the fact that they've done that but haven't tested the products that go inside of our bodies is wild to me. That truly is insane. And quite honestly, I'm alarmed. This is something that I had on my list. Like I make a, are you a paper list person? Depends on what we're talking about. I don't put lists on my phone because here's why. I never go back and review them. If I
Starting point is 00:04:38 have a piece of paper and I've like made a list of things that I need to do, I normally will make like a to do list, put it on my kitchen counter and start marking stuff off. It's just the writing aspect of it and the checking off for me that works. But research tampons after my last cycle is on that list. First of all, when it comes to lists and like grocery items to-do list things like that Big on physical paper because I also don't love my phone stuff I mean for Kristen to have gotten me on board with this like Electronic phone calendar and you know the emails like I It I was very very against it for a long time
Starting point is 00:05:20 So Kristen will be the first one to tell you that I am NOT that person it takes some convincing but I it for a long time. So Kristen will be the first one to tell you that I am not that person. It takes some convincing, but I will also be doing some research with you on that because it's, it's kind of scary that we're talking. We're, I'm going on 32 years old and I got my period when I was 12. So we're talking over, we're talking about 15 years almost of putting chemicals in my body that they weren't even chemicals. They're not testing with blood. No wonder I'm fucking leaking out of tampons and pads all over the place and things like that. It's just crazy.
Starting point is 00:05:55 It's so crazy. Back to the list thing, you and I both were paper calendar girlies when we started this podcast. I remember we used to talk about what type of calendars that we liked and where we got our calendars. Never one time up until Kristin came on board, not only for the podcast, but then for personal stuff for me, never one time did I use an electronic calendar ever. And then when she came on board, I was like, wow, she's really with the times and like I'm not and this is going to take an adjustment because I was just so used to writing everything down and it truly helped me remember like when I was writing the stuff down, I didn't always have to go back to look at my calendar because I was like manually
Starting point is 00:06:42 putting it in there. Yeah. And now I feel like I check my calendar more than I check my texts. No, I check my calendar so much. I check it before the next day. I check it several times a day. Also I want to say that since Kristin came on board and she's helped me with responding and coordinating for certain things like meetings, attorneys, other people, other professionals that are like online. She's gotten me so on board with like Google Docs, Google Sheets, spreadsheets, all of that. So when I started working with one of my attorneys on something and she's not with the times on like Google Docs and Google Sheets, I was like a little bit frustrated
Starting point is 00:07:24 because I was like, first of all, it's so easy. I cannot believe it took as long as it did for Kristin to get me to use this. But the fact that everybody, including lawyers, doctors, whoever else is not using them, I'm like, what in the world you need to get with the times? And speaking of Kristin, shout out to my girl, Kristin. You're still my best friend, still the best person I've ever worked with. But I read a rumor that we had a falling out and we're no longer friends. And she works for you now because I wasn't appreciating her enough. Wait, where did I miss this news? Kristin called me and she was like, did you know that we had a falling out and that I
Starting point is 00:08:01 don't really work for you anymore? And I'm not on your podcast anymore because you didn't appreciate me. So I started going on Lindsay's podcast and I was like, Oh, I was like, is that, is that what happened? Wait, what? You guys have to send me this. I just love trolling. She just read it to me, but I was like, wow, I learned more and more stuff about myself every day. I learned. I absolutely love trolling the trolls at this point. But listen, I am kind of in this space that I don't want anybody to troll me. And I'm not going to troll people who troll me back because it's taken such a hit on my mental health that I'm like, you know what? I just need to get off the fucking
Starting point is 00:08:45 internet like that. That would be really, really good for me. I deleted the Reddit app, because this was weeks ago that I deleted it. I've never posted anything on there. Ever, ever. And my name on Reddit was my name. So if I would have ever posted, people would have known that it was me. But I had to delete it. And I remember a long time ago, you and I were in New York City. It's the time that we had Chelsea on Coffee Combos. And she was talking about Reddit and how she had to completely just delete it and not go on it anymore because it was so bad for her mental health and it was causing her to go like in a slippery slope. And why did it take me this long from then, which was years ago, to actually delete it
Starting point is 00:09:35 and not read or not care? I could never get behind the Reddit thing, mainly because I don't know how to use it. I've seen people post like screenshots and I've tried to use it, like not post or anything like that, but just see what's going on. Have no idea. I love the TikToks and stuff that I see of people reading stories on there and getting reactions. So that's why I was trying to go on to do the kind of do the same thing similar. The things that I have seen from Reddit or screenshots of Reddit are worse than every social media platform combined. They are the Reddit threads, conspiracy theories, the, um, the things that
Starting point is 00:10:12 people put together on Reddit are worse than Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, all of them combined. I have never seen or heard of anything like Reddit. It's absolutely feral. And I hate the fact that there is a platform that is out there that you can hide behind a name that does not belong to you. And you don't have to acknowledge the fact that you're on there saying stuff that number one is just a complete lie or number two just so out of pocket. If you're going to say something, say it with your whole fucking chest. But that's the thing. Why are people hiding behind us? When we come on our podcasts, no matter which one it is, we're saying things with our chest and we're saying them whether
Starting point is 00:10:56 people agree with us or not, we're saying them as who we are. Correct. And there would never be a time that I would go on any platform as a burner or some Faco name and say something. People hear me when I say this now. I don't care about the things that I've been threatened with, like defamation lawsuits. Don't really care about that because I can promise you that if I'm going to say something, I'm going to say it on the podcast and I'm not going to go out there and give free stuff to people on Reddit. Like if I have something to say, I'm going to say it with my whole fucking chest with my face so that it can be clipped for whatever I have
Starting point is 00:11:46 to say. I'd rather read a book than go on Reddit. There was someone in the midst of my breakup. That's so weird to say. In the midst of my breakup, breakups don't just really happen. Some people break up and it's like, oh, you get to that point. It's a one time thing. And then you just both move on. That was not the scenario here. This was wait, timeout, timeout, what you've had a breakup where it was just a breakup clean, clean break and never look back. You've had those? Fuck no. I'm saying some people probably have where it's like a clean break and then you go on your way, they go on their way and then you just, I don't know, you like never talk again
Starting point is 00:12:36 and then you just move on. My breakups tend to last a very, very long time. My breakup with Will was going on quite literally for years. I don't think I've ever had a breakup that was like clean break moving on. I don't think I think the final time that we broke up was like that. But mainly all the people that I've been in breakups with are like, back and forth breakup, get back together choppy. And then the final situation
Starting point is 00:13:06 is clean break. But yeah, no, they all take a long time. Yeah. So this was going on for weeks at this point. And I feel like neither person in our situation really knew what the correct answer was. But I think that for me, I'm not going to speak for anybody else, but for me, it's just like, okay, these are my deal breakers. And these are the things that have transpired over the time that we were together. I have to look at my deal breakers and say, okay, I tried to remedy this. There was no meeting in the middle. There was no, it was just, you have to accept this.
Starting point is 00:13:48 I got to a point that I didn't want to accept it. So back to school means back to busy schedules. We all know this. And chomps are the perfect on-the-go snack that you can always fit into the busiest of schedules. Whether it's between classes for your kids or for you, if you're on your way to practice
Starting point is 00:14:05 or you just need a much needed protein, pick me up. Chomps have the protein that your body needs and the flavor that you crave. Chomps comes in 10 delicious flavors, so there is something for everyone. They're made with only the highest quality protein like grass-fed and finished beef and antibiotic-free turkey. The only tough choice is what flavor to try first.
Starting point is 00:14:25 I had the jalapeno one yesterday and it is so good. All the flavors are so good. I've tried every single one. So right now, Chomps is offering 10% off your first order. When you sign up to their email list by going to slash coffee combos. That's C-H-O-M-P-S dot com slash coffee combos. And don't forget to use our links
Starting point is 00:14:45 so they know that we sent you. I need to tell you about this influencing situation. Wait, what? It was this article, it's actually not funny. It's really sad. There was a mother who wanted to be an influencer, like desperate to be an influencer. So she moved herself and her three kids
Starting point is 00:15:04 from Florida to Texas to pursue influencing. And she ends up homeless and calling the police. Wait, that escalated quickly. So quickly, so quickly. So I'm gonna read like a part of the article. It was really interesting to me because people who are influencers, you can do it from your home.
Starting point is 00:15:23 If you have the right, I think there's like a number of following that you have to have for each specific platform. I believe to get paid on TikTok, don't quote me on these numbers. You'd have to look them up yourself. But I think for TikTok to get paid, you have to have a minimum of 10,000 followers. I don't know what the numbers are for Instagram and things like that. So if you start building your platforms from your own home, you could realistically start influencing from anywhere. So I wasn't really entirely sure if
Starting point is 00:15:51 she had like the right guidance on this. But it says Florida mother of three who moved to Texas to become social media influencer now says she's homeless. A Florida woman who moved to Houston from Tallahassee earlier this month to pursue her dream of becoming a social media influencer said she may end up returning to Florida after finding herself homeless during plummeting temperatures. She moved with her three kids to Texas, where she says all of her favorite YouTubers came from.
Starting point is 00:16:17 The mother of three worked at Denny's after moving to Houston and she was able to afford a motel room, but her life became harder shortly afterwards. This breaks my heart because I do feel like there's some level of responsibility on influencers to kind of show a more realistic version of what's going on and the behind the scenes of being an influencer. It is very unreliable, I would say, and inconsistent for many influencers, especially when you get into micro influencers who don't have 100,000 followers or 500,000 followers. Some of these brand deals, you're only getting $500 before taxes when you start off. So yes, those add up when you get several
Starting point is 00:16:59 of them, but you might not get several of them. I have almost 4 million followers on Instagram alone, and I don't get a brand deal every single month. Yeah, I mean, I think that influencers, it's kind of like I've said before, Christians give Christians a bad name. Influencers give people who are aspiring influencers or who think that they can do that, they're almost setting
Starting point is 00:17:25 up unrealistic expectations. And I think that sometimes some people do such a good job to make it look so easy that people think, oh, I can do that. And you can. I mean, I tell people, like, you can do it. I don't know that I would make it my full-time job. I would never be able to survive if I only went off of my brand deals. I would never be able to sustain a lifestyle that way. Also, I have been very honest about
Starting point is 00:17:53 having childcare, having a nanny that comes and stays with my kids Monday through Friday. And previously on the weekends, if I needed it, I just haven't needed it since I've been with Elijah. But I've been very honest about that. I've been very honest about people paying people to do things for me because I have that option. And I think a lot of the influencers who are making it to that level are doing the same things, maybe not all of them, but they're doing the same things. And so, but they're not disclosing that. They're not disclosing-
Starting point is 00:18:21 I was going to say the lack of, there's a disconnect there with the honesty. I think they are making it appear as if their life is similar, more elevated, but similar to the people that they're trying to sell to. So there's a connection there, but they're not being honest about, okay, yes, I do have assistants or I do have a nanny or housekeeper or whatever that may look like. There is a disconnect there with them not sharing that. And I understand why they wouldn't, but at the same time, it is best to just be honest. Yeah. I think there's a lack of transparency. Also I think on the flip side of that, I don't want to just blame influencers and creators because I don't think that they're solely responsible for, not de-influencing, but just having more transparency.
Starting point is 00:19:19 There is a responsibility on the people who are aspiring to be social media influencers is that, you know, is what you're looking to do achievable, attainable and sustainable. So look at what are your, what are your goals within the influencing space? Do you plan to have a full-time job until you take off? If, and when you take off, is this going to be a side thing? I think that there's a lot to be said about influencers who choose to do it full time. I mean, I do follow one, his name is Bram on TikTok, and he is so transparent about leaving his full-time job to pursue social media full-time, but he's very transparent about how inconsistent it is.
Starting point is 00:19:58 I can respect that because I feel like that sets the tone. I just read a book about this, one of the main characters, she wanted to go to college to pursue acting. And the mom of this character was like, you know, this, this is something that you do on the side. And I'm not saying that's the case for everybody. I don't, I'm not saying that I believe that. And what I'm saying is I'm trying to relate it to like the social media thing. It's like, until you know for sure that this is going to take off for you and is taking off for you, maybe have a full-time plan on the side that you're already doing.
Starting point is 00:20:27 But I think that that's the case for a lot of people who feel, you know, we can just take influencing out of it altogether. There's a lot of people who are stuck in jobs that they have committed a lot of time to, but they still don't feel fulfilled. And they want to do like a second hustle or something. I'm all for that. But don't quit your steady and what you've always known. You're just going to have to do, figure out how to do both of those things until the second thing that is more your passion job, you can prove that it's sustainable. So that actually brings me to this next point that I didn't think we were going to take it here, but I was talking to Isaac and we were applying for high schools and things. And so one of the high schools he applied to has a graphic design option and you have
Starting point is 00:21:18 to do, I think the freshman year is exploratory, so you have to do a little bit of all of the options. But he had said, graphic design. And I was kind of telling him that graphic design is essential for all businesses. Everything that you see is graphic design for a business. I said, but here's the caveat to that is if you're looking to work for a company, that's one thing. So you would be hired. But the other side of that is if you're looking to do this full time as your own solo business, you're the owner, you are the, I said, you have to build clientele. I said, so that is a fantastic option. And I have, we have, you know, Christie from Pink Pony, we've worked with other, Tara
Starting point is 00:21:59 Berg, you know, we've, we've worked with several graphic designers who are very successful in the space. I said, but it took time for them to build that. You know, so I told Isaac, like, make sure that you have something else that you're willing to kind of lean on in the meantime, while you're building your clientele book, because that is one of the ones that I feel like can be very, very successful and very lucrative and fulfilling as well. I said, but you need to, you know, make sure that you understand that you're not going to go from zero to 100 overnight. It doesn't work that way. And I mean, there are some people that that does happen to, but I think that we need to be transparent with our kids and with the people who are listening to us. That's not
Starting point is 00:22:37 the norm and it's not the case for most. So you do have to put in the work and you do have to have something else while you are growing that. And I would just hate to see people quit their jobs of something that they've always known to try to pursue a passion, which is great. Like if you're passionate, great. But pursue that passion and give up something else in your life for a short period of time to pursue that. Don't give up what you've always known to try to find something that might not be sustainable for you. Right. It just might end up in disappointment and it doesn't have to if you take the right steps. I just wanted to mention that. I do wish the best for this mother. I hope that
Starting point is 00:23:20 she gets back on her feet. I hope that she realizes the lessons that were learned here and I hope that her and her kids are okay. But I did just want to point that out. I hope that any amount of influencing that I've ever done, I don't consider myself an influencer necessarily. I think it came with the territory inadvertently from being on reality TV. I don't think that I set out to be an influencer, it just kind of happened that way. But I hope that any amount of influencing that I've done doesn't set the wrong idea for anyone. And if it has, I do, I apologize for that. I need to tell you something. And this is like, it's not, I mean, it's foul. It's not like nasty.
Starting point is 00:24:03 This is like, it's not, I mean, it's foul. It's not like nasty. Okay. But it's my own version of foul play. I don't even know how to say this. And I'm like nervous too. Have you ever known someone that has attempted to go after all of your exes. Why? Because I did not know where you were going. And it's really weird. Like I have the heebie jeebies creeped out all weekend long. I have been the FBI with my girlfriend trying to investigate this
Starting point is 00:24:58 situation and wonder if we if we need to get this girl help. So let me just give you a little backstory. So this girl hangs out like in our local area. She's a mom and she's on like to know it. And I think she wants to be an influencer. And the only reason I'm telling you this is because what you just brought up about like aspiring influencers. So I think that she really wants to be an influencer and that's great, like more power to you.
Starting point is 00:25:39 But at the point that you're going or attempting to go after all of my exes and a period of a couple of months. I'm just really weirded out. Like, okay, I'm not going to identify what exes these are, but you guys can do process of elimination. She hit up one of my exes on an app. She hit up and you guys can decide if it was like dating apps or whatever. She hit up one of my exes there. When that didn't pan out for her, she hit up another one of my exes on Instagram. And then when that didn't pan out for her, she hit up another one of my exes on Facebook. So now let me ask you this. Is it pure coincidence that she's doing this or she wants to be you?
Starting point is 00:26:31 Because I've had- That's what we've been trying to investigate. So I've had two situations where one of them was pure coincidence that she had slept with two people that I slept with. Okay. Pure coincidence. Her and I are nothing alike in any way, shape or form. It's just pure coincidence. And I was actually shocked when I learned that situation. The other one was purely, in my opinion, was purely out of spite and potentially just to say she did. I don't think that she wanted to be me, but it was just more so like, ha ha, let me do this to spite her. So it was just more so like, haha, like, let
Starting point is 00:27:05 me do this despite her. So that's really interesting. Does this girl look like you? Like would she stand a chance? Because I feel like every person that you've been with that I know of has a very specific type. So I feel like in order for her to actually have these situations pan out for her, she would have to look like you or similar to you.
Starting point is 00:27:26 That is correct. Every person that I've been with definitely has a type and evidently I do as well. And I think my type is more, because I don't think all of my exes look alike. There are similarities there, but it's more personality. Yeah, I don't think, the exes that I. Yeah, I don't like the exes that I know of. I don't think look alike, but I could see common themes,
Starting point is 00:27:52 if you will. And so, yeah, no, looking like no, but I think that there's like a theme, so yeah. Coffee Convo's podcast is brought to you by Progressive Insurance. Hey, Coffee Convo's listeners, whether you love true crime or comedies, celebrity interviews, news, or even motivational speakers, you call the shots on what's in your podcast queue, right?
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Starting point is 00:29:04 that like whatsoever. All of my exes have come forward with his information and I'm just very alarmed. I don't know if it truly is coincidence. I couldn't imagine it being coincidence because it was three men in the matter of like three months that this happened. And she started one place and like went through. So let me ask you this. And she's an aspiring influencer.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Do you take that as a compliment or are you offended? So my parents always told me growing up that imitation is the finest form of slavery. Yeah. They always told me that. And I always used to get in a fight with my dad all the time about this. And I would be like, I don't fucking care. Like stop copying me. And this started happening in kindergarten with my jelly shoes. Like my dad's been telling me about this since kindergarten. There was a girl in my kindergarten class that went to Payless the next day when she saw me show up with the jelly shoes. She went to Payless and got the exact same jelly shoes and showed up with them. So I started prank calling her.
Starting point is 00:30:19 You were a bully. No, I was just like, I prank called her and I was like, why did you copy Lindsay's jelly shoes? And it was just like this whole ordeal and our parents had to talk and my dad really taught me a lesson. At that point, he was like, listen, like if somebody wants something that you have, you're not the only person that can have this Lindsay. Like it wasn't custom made. These were from Payless. Like it's okay. And she just really liked them. And you should take that as a compliment. I don't take this as a compliment. I take this as I'm alarmed. Because it's not products and it's people, it's a little alarming because it's like,
Starting point is 00:30:58 what are you going to do next? Invade my home and like kill me in my sleep. That is a lot. I read too many thriller books. So yeah, that part is alarming. But to your point about things, I feel like I'm guilty of that because for example, I think though, like one of the people that I think of is like Taylor, my hairstylist. I love her style. I love like the things that she wears and like some of the products she has. And, and so like's cool, but I'll be like, hey, send me the link for that. And so I'm very honest about, hey, I'm going to copy you. And I sent her two links to shoes that I had that she wanted to order.
Starting point is 00:31:35 And she's like, do you care if I order these? And I'm like, absolutely not, because our styles are so different that, of course, like, get it, like, I love that we're able to share those types of things. But because it's people, it is like, there might be something like she has to, whoever this woman is, needs to like do some deep diving and soul searching because I feel like that is like next level. Just based on what I've heard, I do feel like it's a little bit next level. So one of my exes sent me a text and was like, this is absolutely disturbing behavior. And I was like, yes, it, it in fact, yes, it is. I just can't really believe that it happened.
Starting point is 00:32:18 And me and my girlfriends this weekend went down like this long deep dive rabbit hole. And I was like, wait, so like that girl's baby daddy looks nothing like any of my exes. So very clearly she does not have a type outside. Hold on. No, no, no, because I disagree. Your taste and your type can evolve over time. I had no standards and now I have some standards. So I will say with time and maturity comes types and standards. I mean, yes, I would agree. What about Joe and what they work on now? Except this person was with that person like less than a year ago.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Okay. So yeah. And again, that was- And it has a baby. I need to clarify that I'm not shading Joe by what I just said. I feel like that what could have came off really wrong. But I'm just saying like, him in high school, Joe in high school versus Elijah now are so different that I that's right. Yes, I agree with you. Within the year, it's like, I mm. I'm just a little taken aback
Starting point is 00:33:26 and I don't feel well about this and honestly, I've been keeping my garage down. Well, honestly, maybe you could write a novel about this. No, I was just telling- Based on a true story and make it a thriller, a psychological thriller. So based on a true story, we have this girl who's obsessed with this other woman
Starting point is 00:33:43 going after exes and things of that nature. But then at the end, you have to make it so that there's a twist and turn and then boom, she tries to kill you. Oh, I'm sure there will be a twist and turn. I feel quite confident that there will be. So stay tuned. It is so weird that you just said that because I just told someone last night after dinner, I said, kill, sent me a text,
Starting point is 00:34:06 this has happened multiple times, but I'm pretty sure it's been like twice. You were like, you need to write a novel off of your love life. I absolutely do, because it would be a best seller. But do it, why don't you? I don't know, because I'm just like in the midst of living it, you know?
Starting point is 00:34:24 Write everything down for nothing If nothing else you could always write and publish them later But when I tell you just keep a notebook a journal something and write down these crazy thoughts these crazy things that happen So you don't forget anything so that in the event that you do decide to write and publish it and put it in order and do Whatever you already have exactly what happened because over time, I feel like, not saying this always happens, I feel like over time, you remember things differently or you have different perspective on how things happened.
Starting point is 00:34:52 But if you have like your feelings and exactly how you felt in the moment when you heard your ex tell you that this is like disturbing or like the text, the exact text, so good for a book, so good. It is so good. And I'm like, you know what? I don't want to be a gatekeeper. And I feel like everybody needs to know this stuff because, I mean, listen, it is pretty interesting.
Starting point is 00:35:14 When you said that I needed to write a book on this, Kale was just living for the tea for the next half. Oh, I was. I was like, wait, I'm on the edge of my seat. Can you fill me in? Like what's the team now? Like where are we at? What chapter are we on? What chapter? Oh, shit. I forgot to tell you that I watched season two of Dr. Death. Oh, I watched.
Starting point is 00:35:33 No, I need to tell you. I watched season two of Dr. Death. I have a lot of thoughts on it, but I've also been watching Love on the Spectrum. Okay. I love Love on the Spectrum. You've watched it? Yes. been watching love on the spectrum. Okay, I love love on the spectrum. Elijah. Yes, I also we've been watching married at first sight and we also watch the Swedish version. Elijah loves it.
Starting point is 00:35:52 I think it's so funny because he's a grown man and you just don't think that he he I walked in he had love on the spectrum on another time I walked in and he had married at first sight in the Swedish edition and I'm just cracking up because I'm like, this is so funny to me. You don't expect like him, you know, he does like hungry, dirty hands, rough hands and so him to watch this stuff. But yeah, we actually watched Dr. Death season two together and I'm dumbfounded. Like absolutely what the fuck. Can we just talk about how obsessed I am with Mandy Moore? No, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:36:26 And honestly, the doc, not my type, but I feel like they did a really good job casting for season two. He's my type. Yeah. I think, I mean, he's very handsome. He's very charismatic. He is all the things in a doctor that I would have expected. Dr. Sorry, I was confusing the surgeon. Was it Dr. Dunge?
Starting point is 00:36:47 Dr. Tyra Sellers Dunge. That was season one, right? Not the book I read? Yeah, season one. Yeah. Okay. So I didn't get the whole how he got away with this for so long in season one, because I didn't feel like he was all those things. Season two with Mandy Moore, and I don't even know how to pronounce the doctor's name. I don't know how to pronounce it either. I felt like he was all the things that you are that you would be to get as far as he
Starting point is 00:37:12 did with what he was doing. And so I can tell you I when I was watching it, my biggest takeaway was I could be bamboozled by this man. Absolutely. I also loved that there was way more diversity in season two because that felt more real life to me. Not saying that there wasn't in season one, but I feel like season two just felt to me more real scenario.
Starting point is 00:37:36 I know season one happened, but I'm just not used to that setting, I guess. And so season two, I could see myself being bamboozled and being in a situation like that and just falling for the bullshit. When I saw that he had biological children and a whole fucking family in another country, I about shit myself. Oh, yeah, I did not. The weird thing is, is I did not see that coming. No, I didn't either. I definitely didn't see that coming in any way, shape, or form. No, no.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Which is why I think I could have been so bamboozled because I am a sucker for, I hope no man are listening to this and then try to bamboozle me, but I am a sucker for a true love story and just all the facets of the notebook. I don't know. I'd see myself being fully bamboozled by a man like that, 1000%. And I would have married him. I've never seen the full notebook. So I'll have to get back to you on that. Secondly, the scary thing about being like us knowing we could be bamboozled by someone like that and marrying them is one of those things where it's like, is it a legitimate marriage because he's out here like stealing identities and like just being a complete fraud. Would it hold weight if we were married to them? Like would we be at risk for crimes and things like that? Would
Starting point is 00:39:11 we have to prove that we didn't know? All of those things. What is it called when you're implicated in someone else's crimes? Is that what it's called? Like being implicated? Listen, you got to be careful talking to me about shit like this because yes, a co-conspirator. But can you be one without knowing? Yes, evidently. And then is there a way out of it? Or do you still get charged if you don't know? If you can prove that you didn't know, can you still get in trouble because you still
Starting point is 00:39:39 did it? Because if you get paid over- No, no, no. In the United States, I think it's one of two countries that you can be charged with conspiracy. I'm almost certain, so you guys correct me if I'm wrong, it's what you should have known. So that's what I was about to say. If you get pulled over and you don't realize what the speed limit is and you're like, oh,
Starting point is 00:40:02 I didn't know, or you have 10, I'm just giving generic examples. You have 10 on your car that you're you're like, Oh, I didn't know. Or you have 10, I'm just giving like generic examples. You have 10 on your car that you're not supposed to. Well, I didn't know. That's not an excuse for you to have them. They're not going to just give you a pass. Right? So I didn't know if it was the same for like conspiracy type crime. So you can get charged without knowing because you should have known. Because you should have known. Yeah. And it's insane. I hate the fact that that exists in the United States. I wish it didn't. It is truly a way that in the event that a case is ever moving forward and they want to make sure
Starting point is 00:40:40 that they're going to convict you, they will tack on a conspiracy charge because they don't really have to prove it. That's foul. make sure that they're going to convict you, they will tack on a conspiracy charge because they don't really have to prove it. That's like guilty by association. Guilty by association is, and it's true, it's form right there. It's like you might not have known, but you're guilty for knowing this person because you should have known, you should have seen the red flags, you should have been aware. And it's like, how the fuck can you do that with? But then on the flip side of that, do you know how hard it is to prove mental, verbal and
Starting point is 00:41:09 emotional abuse in court? Like, do you understand? Like you cannot go to a judge and be like, this person's a narcissist. They will, they will throw it out like nobody's business. They do not give a fuck because you can't prove that. If you guys are wanting to do a cleanup before we hit January of 2025, I highly suggest using Rocket Money because this will truly change your life. Rocket Money will do the work for you with canceling subscriptions that you've forgotten about or that you've paid twice for and didn't realize it. And Rocket Money has canceled so many subscriptions for me that I just wasn't aware of and completely
Starting point is 00:41:42 forgot about. Rocket Money is a personal finance app that finds and cancels your unwanted subscriptions, monitors your spending and helps lower your bills so you can grow your savings. I love it, Kale loves it, Kristin loves it. And I just feel like I have full control over all of my subscriptions
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Starting point is 00:42:36 money on the things that you don't use cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to slash coffee combos. That's slash coffee combos slash coffee combos. That's slash coffee combos, slash coffee combos. The crazy thing is, is those are things that I feel like you shouldn't, should you have to prove if somebody's gonna get like charged with something, should you have to prove whatever you're saying?
Starting point is 00:42:59 Yes, but there are certain things like, how do you really prove mental abuse? Like, how is that provable? But there are certain things like how do you really prove mental abuse? How is that provable? Well, that's why a lot of victims of those types of relationships or even physical abusive relationship, there's also a mental game behind why you go back. And so when prosecution will be like, well, was she really scared because she went back five or six times?
Starting point is 00:43:24 And it's like, are we just going to ignore the fact that there is statistics about how many times they go back? Or are we going to ignore the fact that there is a mental game where he's charming her and crying and charismatic about, you know, never doing it again? Like, are we going to ignore those things? Or, but I guess in the eyes of the law, there's no way to prove that psychological. Like, yep, because a psychiatrist and a psychologist, there's a psychologist or psychiatrist on both sides, defense and prosecution. So they could have the same exact degree and they and argue different things. And so I feel like it's almost one of those things where kind of like you can bring up a lie detector
Starting point is 00:44:01 test, but it might not hold the same weight because it's kind of inadmissible. Same thing with like psychiatrists, with like the mental games and the cycles and things like that. But so that's really scary. I, I said it before, but Mandy Moore is fantastic. She plays this role effortlessly. I would love to see her in more acting roles. I'm not familiar with a lot of her stuff. I know that Kristen had told me she was on This Is Us and I haven't seen it yet. I love This Is Us and I mean I have loved Mandy Moore since A Walk to Remember. Like I love her. I fell in love with her on This Is Us. I
Starting point is 00:44:38 refell in love with her watching Dr. Death Season 2. I just think she is phenomenal and she plays a role so well. I never really listened to her music, but- Wouldn't you be scared to be in a relationship with someone like that though? Lindsay, if they're capable of all of the things that he did, I would be afraid for my safety because he's going to come kill me. Because I know- And I'm not going to see it coming Because I know I'm not gonna see coming. No I'm not gonna see it coming because you bamboozled me all the way up until this point.
Starting point is 00:45:10 And there's kids involved like you have bamboozled not just me but now my child and that's not your biological child which is even scarier because once you fuck with someone's kids and my kid, the guilt that you feel when you like play everything back and it's like, did I do everything in my power to protect my children? Did I do everything that I could? It's just crazy. I also feel like he kind of preyed on her because he knew the emotional and vulnerable state that she was in with her own ex and the father of her child. So I feel like she may not have realized how vulnerable she was, but he did. He did. And I think that that's what you've got to be so careful about.
Starting point is 00:45:50 There are a lot of people out here that are going to try to bamboozle you and they are going to, you're going to feel safe with a person that is like this and they are going to find out everything about your life. And then they are going to use that as a predatory mechanism to get what they want out of you. Like you have to be so freaking careful. And at this point, I sent a text to somebody two days ago and I said, I don't have any ill will at all. I don't want anything bad for you. But out of this entire situation, one thing that I have learned that I wish I learned before I got in this situation is that I need
Starting point is 00:46:33 to be much more aware of my surroundings and not be putting myself in situations that could harm me. I feel like I should have also learned that lesson a couple of times, but sometimes it just takes the same lesson over and over before it fully sinks in. And that's the scary part of life, I feel. Well, since we're talking about crazy stuff, I saw on the news, it says, reign of terror, motive remains a mystery and ate, is it Juliet, Illinois killings? And it says that the suspect is dead after a manhunt in Texas.
Starting point is 00:47:08 He was 23 years old. And this situation went on for days. It was a homicide investigation. And then it ended with his death from a self-inflicted gunshot wound outside of a gas station. There were four separate shootings and all took place on the same day. This man was related to most of the seven victims and then the eighth was himself, fatally shot them. And they don't know what the motive was. Police were saying they couldn't even imagine getting inside of his head. They don't have any clue why he did it. They identified all of the victims, but then he unfortunately unalived himself. At 23 years old, it doesn't really even matter how old you are. I don't understand these mass shootings and what would get in somebody's head for
Starting point is 00:48:15 them to do that and then took his own life and nobody knows why happen. I had a pretty rough childhood. And I can honestly tell you, it never crossed my mind in my entire life to physically harm people around me, let alone with the level of violence of gun violence. So I can't understand that. I completely understand that there are people who've had worse childhoods than me. And so I can't necessarily put myself in their shoes to know what they were going through. But we've seen people that have been through worse than me that don't have that. So I have to wonder if that is like a mental health disorder, like not just a depression,
Starting point is 00:49:03 not just a, you know. I think this all the time, every single time there is some type of situation like this, I think about what could have possibly triggered this person to make that decision? Like what mentally was going on with these people? Well, and then I feel bad too, because we don't know it. Like, where did it go wrong?
Starting point is 00:49:31 Right? Like who failed him? Did he not have proper parenting? Did he have parents at all? Did people see warning signs and miss them? Kind of like the situation where I told you about the six year old who shot his teacher in school and every like the administration was warned about it and they ignored it. Was it something like that? Or did he literally fall through the cracks
Starting point is 00:49:54 and nobody noticed? Because I do think kind of similar to on aliving yourself sometimes, there are no warning signs. And you can tell someone who is suicidal to ask for help and you know, until you're blue in the face, but they sometimes they can't and they don't and they won't. So it's hard to pinpoint, I guess, in situations like this where it could have gone wrong. Or how we could have stopped it. Because it seems that it's become more common that these types of things
Starting point is 00:50:27 happen. There would have to be some type of undercover, underlying thing that people aren't recognizing. Because if you look at news reports from where these types of situations have happened, majority And majority of the time people say there were no signs, this was completely random, stole a firearm. I'm thinking of the time that that guy went into the bank and was on the run, remember that? And he shot those people at the bank. There were no warning signs.
Starting point is 00:51:02 So are these people just so sick that maybe they're in some type of state of depression or something and they're just not communicating and then something like this happens? Like, I don't know. I wish that we did know more. I wish that there was more taking all of these situations and like linking them and trying to come up with a definitive answer of like why this stuff continues to happen. This is probably really ignorant for me to suggest, but I'm going to do it anyway. I have suffered from severe depression. I would be willing to go get a brain scan or something to see-
Starting point is 00:51:40 That's what I was going gonna say about the brain. If you go if it might not help all of the cases disappear or you know, subside, but it might help us get gain more information on different types of, you know, research and what is the word I'm looking for, just get some different perspective and answers like I would be willing to go get a brain scan to see what exactly is wrong with my brain that I did in fact suffer. You know, I was very open and honest about my year long depression, you know, with while I was pregnant with Rio, but also I do think that I suffered suffered from some level of depression from the time that I got pregnant with Creed truly. So from the time I got we're talking three years,
Starting point is 00:52:22 I think some of it went undetected or I felt like it was manageable and then got worse, you know, within the three years. Truly, I've never felt better now, but that's, there's a possibility that between now and the time I die, I could go through depression so severely again, you know, but I would be absolutely willing to go under like brain scan testing of any sort to kind of try to get answers to try to, you know, prevent these things from happening. I just feel like some of the research, like the shark situation with the blood,
Starting point is 00:52:51 bringing it back to the beginning of the episode is like, we hold off on that type of testing for a second and maybe focus on like human research. Just made me think of like brain testing, how they're doing tons of testing on CTE with football. And people are donating their brains for the research of this. I feel like there should be these brain scans when stuff like this happens to just see exactly what can be identified that was going on that caused it. There might
Starting point is 00:53:25 be not an exact link, but there could be some linkage there. I feel like if you, you know how, when you go into a psychiatrist, why don't, have you been to a psychiatrist before? No, I've never been. So I've been to several, go figure. I've been to several and you have to, some of them will have you fill out out an extensive questionnaire, an extensive intake appointment, depending on where you go. And I'm sure that's not everybody's experience, but I did have to do one for when I signed
Starting point is 00:53:54 contracts to initially get on 16 and pregnant and then teen mom. We had to go through extensive- Oh, wow. I didn't know that. Yeah. And then, so we had to go through all of that, but why not do a brain scan along with this? If we're going to put in the effort and you have to show up 20 minutes early to the appointment to go start filling out all this extensive paperwork and things like that.
Starting point is 00:54:16 And yes, I understand that things cost money, but we can't continue having the same problem and not be solution oriented. Yes, it costs a lot of money to do this research and probably do the brain scans, but the cost and the outcome and hopeful solution would be to minimize, you know, untreated, undiagnosed, unmonitored mental illnesses, I feel. And maybe that's just wishful thinking. Maybe that's just, you know, me living in a fucking delusional world, but I feel like it makes sense. What if I told you that I just walked away from a wonderful and very high profile fitness
Starting point is 00:54:51 brand to pursue bigger dreams? And I broke away from my own golden handcuffs to pursue a more artistic life. What's up? I'm Kendall Tool. And I'm Gaylee Alex. And we are so excited to share our new podcast wholeheartedly with Kendall and Gaylee. The two of us have taken the uncharted path and felt we were at a great place or at least at a pivot point in our lives to share our biggest tragedies and triumphs. So that everyone here with
Starting point is 00:55:13 us can learn from our battles victories and our total f-ups and that's from two people who have really been through it. Good lord yes. We're both still navigating life and we want you to come along on the journey so we can stay in the fight to overcome whatever BS is thrown our way. It's not easy out here, but we'll be walking and talking with you through building careers, self-worth, relationships. Oh, and get some good laughs, please. Or tears. There's tears. That's true. There's always tears. That's true.
Starting point is 00:55:39 All with our hearts on the line. So if this sounds additive to your journey, we are here for you. Join us every week on Wholeheartedly with Kendall and Gaylee. Wholeheartedly will be available July 17. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcast. Just in full transparency, I am going to see a psychiatrist. Good for you. Because even if you end up, it's not helpful. It's you tried, you knew that you needed to go check it out and see if you could get, it's not helpful, you tried, you knew that you needed to go check it out and see if you could get answers for whatever it is you're struggling with.
Starting point is 00:56:10 I feel like everyone should see a therapist if not a psychiatrist at some point because ... My therapist ran through this whole scenario with me, obviously with the breakup happening and then just other things that I think. So when I started dating Trent, it was less than a month after my parents reported to prison. And so I think there were just a lot of things that I thought that I had processed that I really hadn't. I think I was just living and surviving through the situation without fully processing the situation in the way that I needed to process it. And
Starting point is 00:56:52 I had happiness in that relationship. So I think that it just helped, you know, like when you're doing other happy things, it's like a, I don't want to say a distraction, but essentially like a distraction to what you actually really need to be working on. So I think just like the combination of all of those things. So when I had my therapy appointment last week, she asked me some very, you know, pinpoint targeted questions and she said, you know, the signs are, are there for possibly early onset depression. However, there are also events that have led
Starting point is 00:57:30 up to this. So I would hate to diagnose you with that prematurely if this is just like a depressive state, not a state of depression. Correct. I had this happen. I think I went on the doctors, I believe it was, where they essentially undiagnosed me with bipolar disorder because this psychiatrist specifically did a deep dive and was like, you were a child going through a very traumatic childhood. You did not have bipolar disorder. You do not have bipolar disorder because how I am now is night and day from how I was as a child.
Starting point is 00:58:11 It was you rebelling, acting out, having all of these unmanageable for me. I didn't know how to manage these feelings or work through them. And so it was coming out. And I also don't think that today we have the same knowledge or maybe it was. And so it was coming out and I also don't think that today we have the same knowledge or maybe it was, we were just, we're talking about it more. And so when I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, people were like, in my adulthood were like, oh, she's, you know, using it as people were saying like, oh, she has bipolar disorder. That's the reasoning. But it's like, no, I just had so much trauma. I never got to digest what happened to me as a child before I became an adult and became a pregnant teen and then became
Starting point is 00:58:50 an adult and was married and all of those things. So the psychiatrist was like, yeah, I don't see bipolar disorder in you whatsoever. So I feel like now you're right. You have not processed anything that you've gone through. And I think that you probably still have some childhood stuff that you're struggling with as well, because you didn't have the tools to manage those things. And I think once I got into therapy and I started identifying those things, because I think that at some point of my life, my parents said that I was the easiest child to deal with through divorce because I never gave a problem. And my brother was exactly the opposite. He very much struggled
Starting point is 00:59:31 and he gave problems all along the way. But I think that I had just repressed all of that stuff and just in survival mode. And I think that I learned how to do that at a very early age, as young as six years old, I learned how to do that. And so I just try to say, okay, this is life. This is something else that's happened and it's going to be okay. And I'm just going to distract myself with all of these other things. And I don't have to deal with that. I'm going to put it in my body. I'm going to stuff it deep, deep down and I never have to revisit that situation again. And I'm going to find these other things that make me happy and I don't have to focus on that." And then I think all of it eventually started coming up and there were situations that through that relationship, that through that relationship, things were targeted at me by a third party. One of those things being about my parents and it was said that my child did not have grandparents until
Starting point is 01:00:34 he was out of high school and that my parents were felons and all of these things. And I think that triggered something in me that I could not shake at that point. And it made me actually face the reality of the situation. And so I think that's kind of when it started. That was back in like August, I think. And so very much started struggling then. And I think I just reached a point of everything felt so heavy and I no longer could just show up and fake it anymore.
Starting point is 01:01:09 And so my therapist was like, you know what, it's probably a good idea for you to see a psychiatrist to really just see if it actually is depression or it could just be severe anxiety. But going through that whole process and really using your resources the proper way and seeing what it is that actually is going on, I can help you better in therapy if you do that part of the work. Facing the music is never easy. And I would be lying to you and doing you a disservice if I told you that this is going to be an easy process and a fun one and you're going to get all the answers. It's going to be
Starting point is 01:01:47 probably a journey just like therapy is, not in the same way, but I think it'll be a little bit different. But regardless of whether you have depression or not, it'll be good for you to get some insight on what you're going through. And again, to your therapist point, it's just more information to help you better understand the things that you're feeling and doing and things like that. It's so crazy though, because when you get in these states, which I've never felt myself in a state that I'm currently in before, I guess maybe never just identified it. I maybe have been, but just never acknowledged it.
Starting point is 01:02:25 identified it. I maybe have been, but just never acknowledged it. I didn't realize how much of a toll it can take on your mental health just like overall, but your physical health to the point that my face was breaking out, my weight, my sleep. There's so many things that it affects. And I'm like, I truly cannot do this. And I finally woke up this morning and wash my face for the first time, because I have rid some of the stressors. So I do think that that's helping. And I don't want to say that I'm better because that would be a lie. And that would be misleading. But I feel like I am on the right path. I don't feel better, but I'm on the right path. I washed my face for the first time this morning and I only had one blemish
Starting point is 01:03:10 on my face. And this is after weeks and weeks of just breakouts all over. My chest was breaking out. My entire face was breaking out and I've never had that before. And it stresses you out even more because you're like, I'm not used to breaking out like this. And now my confidence is being tested. My, you know, my yeah, all of that. I cannot tell you how bad it stressed me out when I would break out more because I was stressed out. It was like, it's just like a repeating cycle, you know? It's so weird too, because now that that has happened to me, I know that you did your
Starting point is 01:03:48 whole Accutane journey and whatever, but I just wonder if some of that was onset by the emotional state that your body was in. I was just constantly in fight or flight at all times, which is so interesting. Before we run out of time, I want to do a foul play. This one's a long one. Did you already read it? No, I didn't read it. Here is my foul play. Please don't say my name if you read it on the podcast. I just be a Kansas fluffer. Sorry, I can just be a Kansas fluffer. I was recently divorced
Starting point is 01:04:23 and had been seeing this guy and having tons of fun. My ex cheated while I was pregnant, lied and was overall shitty to me, so I really needed the fun. We went out drinking one night and his friends and I drank so much. I was drinking strawberries, which were— I was drinking— Strawberry-ritas. I was drinking strawberry-ritas, which are basically canned strawberry margaritas among other beer and liquor. We got back to my house after a long evening slash night and we jumped on the couch, took
Starting point is 01:04:50 our clothes off and started messing around. I went down on him and started giving him head. I also need to add this guy was larger than average. Being the determined drunk bitch I was, I told him I was going to take it all in my mouth. I did in fact take it all in my mouth, followed directly by me throwing up on his dick. Unfortunately, all of the jiggling around and acidity of what I was drinking caused some major reflux. That was made worse by a long schlong in my mouth. He laughed and was proud. I was mortified. We are still friends and joke about it to this day, but I'm fairly sure that him and his friends still talk about it. Thanks for doing what y'all do and being so real.
Starting point is 01:05:27 That would be the worst to throw up on a dick. I did that before. You did that? Wait, this is so funny. I saw it's in relation to this, but my girlfriend sent me this yesterday and I was like, Oh my God, are you okay? And it was this. Oh, this is why 90s girls are so good at goodbye. Good bye. It's like, listen, why did our parents allow us to do that as girls?
Starting point is 01:05:59 Let me just suck on this long, long lollipop. And there's just it all down my throat. I can get it up like it's not. I have an embarrassment. No, but like who that company is just pervs. Like, is it the same company? They're just straight pervs? What push pop? Yeah, they probably are. Yeah, I think, I don't know. I don't know like who owns what, but listen,
Starting point is 01:06:29 can you just think about us as like kids and we're just out here, you know, sucking on those popsicles that, the ones that are the different colors and they're in that white wrapper and you try to like peek through the wrapper to see like what color it is. Remember those? And it's like all the different color flavors.
Starting point is 01:06:47 What? You never had those growing up. I need a picture because I don't know if you're describing. So they're like in these white wrappers and they come like two stuck together, but you never know what color you're going to get. So you like try to peek through the wrapper to see, okay, is this orange? Is this purple? I've never heard of it. Oh, you're talking about the ice pops?
Starting point is 01:07:07 Not, no, no, no, those are clear. You very clearly know what color those are. These are like a popsicle. Yeah, the popsicle that have the white wrapper on them and there's two and you can like break them off. Yeah. Okay, I know what you're talking about. I know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 01:07:23 Yeah, it's like, I just don't know. It makes me not feel comfortable now, what I know I know what you're talking about. Yeah, it's like I just don't know it makes me not feel comfortable now What I know sexually and I didn't know any of this stuff growing up obviously But it's like do you think that our parents thought it was weird that we were just like walking around taking it to the neck Like do you think I mean ever like do you think of that when like our kids? I don't think of those things when my kids have them No, but I'm just wondering if like our parents were like, why she in that popsicle like that? Like, like she's taking that thing straight to the neck. Like, that's just very alarming.
Starting point is 01:07:56 I would be mortified if I ever threw up on someone's shlong. Yeah I was. I mean, it's embarrassing, but some, I feel like you did that. But I feel like some people don't care. Like you have like those writers that like really don't care. And like this guy was like proud of it because he was like, Oh, okay. I know I have a big one if she threw up, you know what I mean? But you have other ones who are like germophobes that probably would be like, that's disgusting and never want to talk to you again. Well, I mean, could you just imagine as a female, like someone throwing up in your vagina, I would be fucking pissed.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Yeah, that would be, I mean, that's because you're like, am I dirty? You're like, am I like, did she throw up because it smells bad? Yeah. So it'd be like more about the ego, like cleanliness thing than anything. We love you kitty. And on that note, um, I don't really know what I have to do because going back to the conversation that we had about the calendar, I have only checked my calendar one time today. So I'd need to check my calendar. I have only checked my calendar one time today. So I need to check my calendar. If you guys have not followed us on at Coffee Convo's podcast on Instagram, make sure you follow us there and also make sure that you join our Facebook group to connect with us
Starting point is 01:09:17 and our community. Just want to say thank you guys for always supporting our show. Please subscribe and review on the Apple Podcast app. Follow it and rate Spotify, or listen wherever you get your podcasts. See ya. And it's free. I love free. And I love Jersey Shore. For me, it's the Godfather. SpongeBob SquarePants, I am Patrick. Patrick is me. Oh, Forrest Gump, come on. Criminal Minds, solving crime after bedtime. Whatever you love to watch, Pluto TV makes it easy with thousands of free movies
Starting point is 01:09:58 and shows. Pluto TV, stream now, pay never.

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