Coffee Convos with Kail Lowry and Lindsie Chrisley - Keeping Memories & a Chrisley Gets Targeted

Episode Date: September 12, 2024

CC371: Lindsie shares Jackson's latest homework assignment that has her and Will shaking the heads. Kail and Lindsie have no problem keeping photos of their past relationships for their children and... agree that those photos are proof that there was love at some point. Lindsie gives details about her brother Kyle's recent arrest and believes he was probably targeted. Kail feels like its hard to have industry friends because they are always pitted against each other. Today's Foul Play is so foul we have no words! Check out our Instagram @coffeeconvospodcast for more! Thank you to our sponsor!  Apartments: Visit, a place to find a place.Chomp: Sign up for their email list and get 10% off your first order at Fix: Get started today at Money: Manage your expenses the easy way by going to

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I hate gift giving and receiving. Receiving gifts is so weird. What do you say? Thank you. This is coffee convos with Kale Lowry and Lindsey Chrisley. I really want you to be in your feels Kale. That does not interest me whatsoever. I feel very attacked by you.
Starting point is 00:00:14 A spirited discussion about motherhood, friendship, family and life in the public eye. I'm just not with the fakery anymore. There's a fakery bakery around here. Here's Kailin Lindsay. Good morning and welcome to Coffee Colleges podcast. Good morning. How are we today? Oh, to say unwell would be like tame. Would be tame. Okay, we're having a crazy fucking morning.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Yeah. So can we go back to our president's talk for just a second? Yes. Because that's what Jackson's learning in school right now. And he has his whole mind that laws and regulations, all these things, or for his determination. Okay. So it's what he thinks. And I'm like, no like no like he said there can't be a right answer on these tests Because it's what you think and it's what you believe and I'm like no there's difference between like a law and your belief, right? So as if I was not having the last 24 hours from hell, I go on my email and I see that
Starting point is 00:01:27 he has a graded historical person submission. And I'm going to read this to you. Oh no. His submission was, do you know who John F. Kennedy is? Because today I'm going to tell you about him. John F. Kennedy had eight siblings growing up and he had nine elite private school sailboats, even seven homes. He started going to Harvard in 1836 and graduated in 1840.
Starting point is 00:01:52 After graduating, he entered the Navy. He was famous for two things. He was the youngest person elected as president. He is also famous for getting assassinated in 1963. Here are some facts about JFK and I hope you learned some facts about JFK. My son received a 31 on that and he better be glad that he still has three more attempts. A 31. I mean, that's information that I didn't know about John F. Kennedy.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Well, I'm glad that he could verse us. Also, I sent the photo to Will and I said when he gets home, he needs to resubmit this. The rubric is on there, but please also read what he submitted. The text that I got back, he's an idiot. I will. What was the question again? What was the purpose? What was he supposed to be? He was supposed to be explaining a historical person. So he chose JFK and that's a very Chrisley thing to do. We were all about the Kennedys and still all about the Kennedys. And if I was going to marry any president, it would have been John F. Kennedy.
Starting point is 00:03:03 That man's fine. Well, okay. I don't know if he would be my type, but I really do love the attempt that Jackson put forward. And if he has two more attempts, three more attempts, he's going to nail it. So like, thanks for the laughs, Jackson. We love that. And he is one of eight. So I can't wait to tell my children that. They'll be very happy that they also have a shot of being the next president. I absolutely love it. If you had one child that would be
Starting point is 00:03:29 president, who would it be? Lux or Creed. And why is that because they argue? They are. They are one of a kind. They are very different. But they could be honestly, they could be president and vice president truly, honestly. What did that be? Some shit. Like, years from now, Kailin Lowry from Teen Mom 2's son running for office. Lux for president, Creed for president.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Lux and Creed for president. Are your children diplomatic? I don't think that they fully understand. Actually, I took a video of my kids asking if they knew who the presidents were. I will send it to you so you can laugh. Lincoln is very like, he knows what's going on. I think Isaac doesn't involve himself a whole lot. Lux and Creed are, they're just happy to be here. Truly. We love that. We love happy to be here. You have any updates for me? Yeah, I have an update for you So, um the the barely fucking touring situation has sold out except for Houston Houston is the only show still going because the venue is only releasing tickets and tables of four and six
Starting point is 00:04:37 So don't it doesn't really make sense to me. So outside of that Dallas is the fuck sold out So I just want to just clarify for you how nervous I am, but also for the general public who has tickets, we are at capacity. So we can't add tickets the same way for Houston, the same way for Dallas that we can for Houston. So Houston's setup is very different, but Dallas hit capacity.
Starting point is 00:05:01 So there's not, we can't release tickets into singles. Like they, so I got on my stories yesterday and I was saying how they released an X number of single tickets for Houston and people were like, Oh, add, add more to Ohio, add more to Dallas, add more to Philly. And I'm like, it doesn't work that way. So I just like, obviously I'm trying to, I think I'm explaining this like in a really poor way. Love you guys. Thank you for selling out. I can't wait to be on tour with Lindsay.
Starting point is 00:05:29 I cannot wait for you guys to see my fucking outfits. And this is for you, Lindsay Chrisley. Like these outfits are for you and I hope you fucking love them. Okay. Well, I ordered my outfits yesterday. Okay. Well, I hope they get here on time. I also have your birthday gift.
Starting point is 00:05:44 So I want to film the reaction. I want to film your reaction to the birthday gifts. And I know that it'll be a little bit after your birthday because your birthday is on my first show, the 17th, but I'm going to save the gifts for when I see you in Texas. Well, I do have a surprise coming for you also. It's not my birthday. No, I know. Nobody ever said it was your birthday. You have a surprise coming for you. I'm just saying I have a surprise coming for you.
Starting point is 00:06:11 I'm scared. I don't know what a surprise from you entails. So I'm just excited to see you and Kristen and all everybody at Dell. And I know Heather Lohmeyer is fantastic and she's ready for us. She said that she made shirts. Shout out to Heather from the original Kitty Gang group chat because we love you. Yeah, we love you. And I'm just ready to meet everyone. I'm excited. We're going to have a good time. And I don't know. I hope that this is the start of many tour dates, but also, so far, I do not love the
Starting point is 00:06:46 feeling of the ticket sales thing. I don't love that part of it. You know, there's always something that busts up a good time. If anyone sees all of these photos in the backboard back here, that was my engagement photos right there. Are you at Will's or are you at your house? No, I'm at my house today. there are you at will's or at your house no I'm at my house today so are you putting those back up look are you all getting back together or I've got other shit to talk about
Starting point is 00:07:14 hey do you want to see the engagement photo did we need to grab it and show you I absolutely want to see them I didn't know you back then so I need to see bring it closer. Y'all look like y'all were getting married that day. Yeah, but we weren't. That was like back in the day, and I don't know if people still do it or not, but you got like very, very fancy
Starting point is 00:07:37 for like these engagement photos. And it was like a whole photo shoot. A lot of people do the photo shoots for their engagements that you absolutely hate like sitting on a couch in a field. Yeah, I hate those the creatives. Yeah, I didn't do that. We just like made out and took pictures. So here's my question to you. I clearly you still have that. I also keep pictures from
Starting point is 00:08:04 when I was with Joe or when I was with Joe or when I was with Javi or when I was with Chris and I put them in my kids' bins in the garage and I've posted pictures of the bins before. They're like memory boxes. I do keep pictures of anything that I find that's of me and Chris. I'll put it in one of the kids' bins, either Lux or Creed's and same for Lincoln because I do want the kids to know at one time, we did get along and we were happy. It might have been few and far between, but there were good memories. So I do put all of those in their memory bins that when they grow up, they can be like, oh, you guys did make it work for a little while. You know what I mean? Do you do the same then? I have not moved any of my photos to memory bends, but I
Starting point is 00:08:47 would say if you are going through a hard time, contemplating divorce, going through separation, one thing I can advise is to not get rid of any photos, because those are things that you can't get back. A lot of these photos that I have of Will and I were from like either digital cameras that were printed. So there is no backup with those. These types of photos will be saved for Jackson because he should be able to see them
Starting point is 00:09:16 whenever he gets grown. And for anybody who has an issue with me having those in my home, it's not like they're on my wall, but like that was a part of my life. I agree. That kind of thing doesn't bother me at all. I read some hate comments this morning, not necessarily pertaining to the picture thing, but just specifically comments I've made on my podcast and stuff. They're like, this is such a disrespect to Elijah. Okay. Elijah being in my life now does not negate the fact that I had other relationships before him.
Starting point is 00:09:53 And I had children with them. So me saying something about an ex or me keeping pictures of my ex does not change how I feel about Elijah today. No, I 100% agree. And I think that when you have children with somebody, you want them to be able to have those memories. And if they come to you at a later time in their adult life and say, Hey, I want to see what you and dad looked like, I should be able to provide him that. I'm not going to not talk to my kids about their dads or say good things about their dads simply because I'm in a relationship now. If my kids ask me about something involving their father in front of my
Starting point is 00:10:29 current partner, oh fucking well. I owe that to my children to tell them something that they want to know or give them an answer. I think most recently, I think it was Lux that asked me something. I can't remember exactly what it was. And I said something along the lines of like, Oh, like your dad's actually really good at that. I think it was might've been boxing, which is like so random. And like Elijah was right here. I don't life is, I don't understand this whole mentality that like, once you're in a new relationship, the rest of the relationships that you've ever had, just dissipate and disappear into the abyss. Like that's just not howyss. Also, the feelings that I had during
Starting point is 00:11:06 those relationships were very real. Why do I not get the chance to talk about that? That's just so weird to me. Same for pictures. We've cleaned out the garage a hundred times since we've lived here and Elijah has seen pictures. I'll set them usually on top of the memory box before I actually move stuff to put them in. Sometimes there's pictures that I find or I come across and I set them there. If Elijah sees them, oh, well, that was a part of my life. The same way I don't expect him to just forget about the fact that he was married before. If he has good memories with his ex-wife or bad memories and he wants to talk about them or maybe his kids are going to ask questions about, was mom your first partner or were
Starting point is 00:11:41 you married before? He's going to tell them and that's real. And what the fuck do I have to get mad about for do you know what I mean percent agree with that I mean I was a super saver of things like growing up and I had like an accordion folder that I would like save like special memories and like all of my birthday cards or like, I don't know, just like special shit. If I was in the newspaper for like honor roll, saved like all those clippings, whatever. I have all of my letters that Will's written me over the years from the first time he ever wrote me a letter until he stopped writing me letters. Like I have them all and that was a part of
Starting point is 00:12:22 my life and I think it's very immature if you were with someone that can't Understand that you lived before them actually, I know a person that got into a relationship with a girl and she made him delete all of the photos off of his Facebook I my ex did that as well and I was just like You know for me, I just locked the album. Like I went through the pictures and I put those pictures in like a lot only for me, because I don't, I don't have them printed out anywhere. So if Lincoln wants to see them one day, or I want to reference it for something
Starting point is 00:12:57 specifically like my wedding, I had my wedding was at a really cool place. Um, they're just in an album only I can see. Do I still have feelings for that man? No, I do not. But delete them for what? It was real. It was a part of my life. We also have a child. Maybe if you don't have children together, I could see why. Maybe it would be weird. But I also think that in our lifetime, we can love more than one person. And so I just have a different outlook than I did maybe 10 years ago where I would have been like maybe like a more jealous person and didn't want them to think about their exes. But at 32 years old, I very much understand that you can love people differently.
Starting point is 00:13:32 You can love people at a different time. You can still have good memories of them and not want to be with them. And that is perfectly fine. Imagine an app designed to make you use it less. Seems counterproductive? No? Well,'s instant alert feature works exactly that way. Instead of scanning rental listings a million times a day, simply set and forget your search to whatever you're looking for in a place and let do the rest. From pet-friendly apartments to balconies to in-unit ACs,
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Starting point is 00:14:37 right? I don't believe that I had the capacity to love Will in the way that I love Trent because I was in a completely different place in my life at that time. You know? And the same can be said for like, most recently, I think it was on book club where I talked about two exes that I treated really poorly and I wasn't good to them and stuff. That doesn't mean I'm still in love with them. That doesn't mean I want to get back with them, right? Like life is complicated, humans are complicated, all of the things. And so I actually love that you have the pictures of you and Will. I love that. Yes. Actually, if I can find some of my letters and stuff, maybe I'll share some of them.
Starting point is 00:15:14 I would love to know how he feels about you then, how he felt about you then, and how he feels about you now. I need a before and after. I need a comparison. I want to know how the love that's still there, there as co-parents and just people that essentially grew up together and created a child together, how he expresses his appreciation or whatever towards you, how has that changed over the years? You know what I mean? You've sent me really, really fucking hilarious text between the two of you, but have you guys always been that way? It's interesting.
Starting point is 00:15:49 I think we developed into that relationship. I think it was a lot softer whenever I got with him and I was very delicate. That was my first love. And so he never tried to do anything to like cross any type of boundary that could possibly make me cry. Now, it's just like rogue conversation. And you wonder if we're both mentally not well. No, it's the funniest. Like I wish that I was as witty as the both of you. Also, the nicknames
Starting point is 00:16:19 that he has for his parents are so fucking funny. So fucking funny. Like I, I hope when my children are adults, that they have funny, like funny inside jokes about me and like, Elijah, like, I hope that my kids laugh about like calling me something that's not mom or kale. You know what I mean? So funny, because I didn't have that with my parents, but it was very common in the area that I grew up in, I guess just to be disrespectful. We called our parents by their first names,
Starting point is 00:16:55 but like not to them. Like I wouldn't be like, hey Todd, but if I'm talking about my dad, I'd be like, oh Todd did this or Julie did that. But it wasn't like intentional disrespect. It was like to be funny, though. It's like, yeah, because like my my high school best friend, Ariel, like we used to call her mom, Maggie. We just called her Maggie, we would just be like, like, she'd be like,
Starting point is 00:17:18 I'll call Maggie, okay, get in the BMW, because she was she they were very wealthy. I'll call Maggie to bring the BMW. And so it's just like so funny because I call Suzy now as blatant disrespect. Like it's like true. Like you're not I don't recognize her as like a mother, you know what I mean? But like, I think Ariel was doing that. Like we did that to Maggie to be funny, like not not to be like, actually disrespectful. So I have to ask people who text their parents
Starting point is 00:17:46 and you have their number saved in your phone contacts, is it saved as mom and dad, or is it saved as like Todd and Julie? Cause mine is saved as Todd and Julie. I don't have parents saved in my home. I don't even, I don't think I have any any like I don't have. I don't even think I have like Susie. You know what I mean? Okay, so let me tell you about these nicknames, which is actually hilarious. So Will's mom has very fair skin. So that's where she got the name
Starting point is 00:18:18 whitey. And she goes by whitey or White. Now she got a Subaru. So Will calls her Rue. Rue is kind of cute though. And Jackson's only allowed to call her Baa Baa. I'm like, you're not allowed to like participate in the games, right? Okay. Dad's name's Anthony and he goes by Twan or Twink.
Starting point is 00:18:48 No, because Twizz are my neighbor. That's his nickname, but his name is D-Twan. We also call him Twan. So I just, yeah. So when you sent me the screenshot and it was like, whites and Twan, I was like, what is going on here? Like, what is this on here? Like what
Starting point is 00:19:05 is this conversation? An absolute shit show. Okay, so I have to tell you about another shit show that transpired and why I'm so actually exhausted. Okay, tell me about this. Does it have anything to do with what you started to text me about last night? Yes, it does. Okay. So I received a text from my mom that said Kyle is in trouble, someone came to his house in his garage, he got in an altercation and they
Starting point is 00:19:38 arrested Kyle. He also did this to Ashley's car and they have done nothing to him. Time out. Who's Ashley? This is what her car looks like have done nothing to him. Timeout who's Ashley? This is what her car looks like. Can you send it to me because it's showing up blurry? Yeah Ashley is Kyle's wife. Timeout timeout timeout timeout. So your mom lives in Oklahoma. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Is that right? How does she know what's going on? Because Kyle's wife called her and said Kyle's getting arrested. Okay, so Someone shows up to Ashley and Kyle's home. Mm-hmm Her car was damaged Kyle did it to Ashley's car or someone else did it to Ashley's car This man that showed up did it to her car. So allegedly This man had done repairs on Kyle's work truck, Ashley's car, and Kyle's regular truck. I know it's not bullshit so I'm not going to say
Starting point is 00:20:33 alleged. They paid that invoice in full because I have a copy of said invoice for the work that was done. This man allegedly has shown up for several weeks While their kids have been in the house knocking on the door leaving notes Telling them that their dad needs to call him and that he was going to get money from him Whether he liked it or not. So my brother just said, I'm not engaging with him. Like he's nutty and just ignore him coming to the door. Like I don't owe
Starting point is 00:21:15 him anything. We have paid him everything that he has owed. So last night my brother gets off of his job. He's already taken a shower and his wife's cooking dinner. Someone starts knocking at the door. This knocking goes on for roughly 30 minutes. So eventually my brother goes outside and he then is threatened that he's going to kill him. Correct? That he needs to come outside. So he goes out. This man
Starting point is 00:21:49 comes in a car with no tag, no bumper. He's just literally out there rogue. Allegedly, he told my brother in April that he was eluding the police in Texas for gun charges. So at that point, because he had told him that in April, my brother really is fearful that he might potentially have weapons, could kill them. So this man goes out, starts doing donuts in my brother's front yard, tears up the whole yard in his car, backs into my brother's wife's car, enters the garage, which by the way,
Starting point is 00:22:35 this man has been at their house before because some of the work was completed at their house. Goes into the garage, my sister-in-law calls the police, calls 911, the call is recorded, and says that this man's out here doing this and he's threatening that he's going to run my brother over in his car. So he and Kyle get into a physical altercation, the police show up, Kyle hit him, so I'm assuming that's why he was arrested. He was booked on aggravated assault charge. Why was the other guy arrested as well?
Starting point is 00:23:13 No. How not? How not if he's not like he's harassing, making terroristic threats trespassing, trespassing on property, damaging property. How was he also not arrested? Like, okay, fine. We know Kyle probably shouldn't have thrown the first punch, but if all of that is leading up to the first punch, personally, it's justified in my opinion. He said, or Kyle said, if I'm getting arrested, he needs to be arrested
Starting point is 00:23:41 because I should be allowed to protect myself and my family on my private property. He came here, he damaged my wife's car, he damaged my front yard, he will not stop harassing us. How do we know he's not also under the influence by acting this erratic. We don't. We don't have any information. So my sister-in-law asked the police for the man's insurance because she said I'm going to file a claim against his insurance because if nothing else this is a hit-and-run. Like he hit me and then ran. In my opinion it's damage to personal property personal property on private property.
Starting point is 00:24:26 How can they prove that nobody was in the driver's seat when he did that? His word against your sister-in-law and your brother's word, because at that point, you can't even prove that nobody was in the car. I know. And the whole side of the car is all dented in. I see it. That's crazy. That is absolutely insane. Back to school means busy schedules and chomps are the perfect on the go snack. I don't know if you guys just recently saw my crabbing video, but I was actively eating chomps while we were crabbing. So I just want y'all to know that I fit chomps into my entire day.
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Starting point is 00:26:00 That's slash coffee combos. Don't forget to use our links so that they know that we sent you. So he gets booked on aggravated assault charge and a resisting arrest charge. Okay. He gets out last night. I worked with my sister-in-law on his bond.
Starting point is 00:26:22 He gets out. I call the sheriff's department because I wanna know where the hell this guy is. And if he showed up multiple times saying that he's going to kill them, then he did what he did tonight. Somebody needs to talk to this man. And if he allegedly has gun charges
Starting point is 00:26:41 that he's running from, from the state of Texas, why can't they look that up to see that he has pending charges that he's running from from the state of Texas, why can't they look that up to see that he has pending charges? He told my brother that he had pending warrants that he was running from. Well, also, I just saw I guess I don't understand how he's just able to get away with all of this when there's so much proof. It's not like, in my opinion, it's not like there's not proof of everything that he just did. Also, where, if you had a copy of the invoice, the paid invoice, how does that guy not have a copy
Starting point is 00:27:10 of the paid invoice? Like why? I don't understand. I'm sure he does. I'm sure he does have a copy of it. Like I'm literally looking at the invoice right now. This is the invoice. Zero dollars at the bottom. Balance due, zero dollars. So I call the sheriff's department. I'm waiting on a call from the lieutenant and the sergeant because I want charges taken out on this guy. You can't just show up to someone's house and do what you did, someone defend themselves, and then think that you're just going to run off. They wouldn't even give the police would not even give my sister-in-law a copy of his insurance
Starting point is 00:27:50 for her to be able to file a claim against his insurance for hitting the car. Do they happen to have like a ring camera of any sort or any sort of camera system? They don't, but the neighbors do. So I said, you guys need to get in touch with the neighbors this morning to get whatever type of footage, if anybody was outside, any witness statements. So it's just turned into a complete mess. 100%. But I think that they'll be able to subpoena that evidence. Also, but how does it work? So you obviously can't press charges, but your brother can. And so can the state. So at what point, but
Starting point is 00:28:30 also the fact that you guys are even going to have to get an attorney for all of this and it's none of it was really your fault is insane. I, so now is Kyle out and what happens from here? He waits a court date or what waits for a court date. He's out and he's on his job. So he's just waiting for his court date in December. So he got charged for aggravated assault for someone essentially trespassing on his property and him punching them. The police also said that it wasn't trespassing for him, for this other man to enter their garage because it was open.
Starting point is 00:29:06 I said, explain that logic to me. I said, that's like saying because my front door is unlocked, it's an open invitation for any rogue idiot out there to walk through my front door. At the point that he stepped onto the grass on the parcel of land that his house is on that he owns or rents that is trespassing. Correct. And I said he went there with the intent to harm. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:35 And I don't take threats lightly. If you say that you're going to kill me or you're going to kill my family or you're going to kill my child, I'm absolutely calling the damn police on you. And I'm going to defend whoever is there. 1000%, 1000%. So is Ashley okay? Or is she like shaken? Oh no, she's fine, but she's upset.
Starting point is 00:30:00 She should be, they both should be upset. They really both should be upset. He's like, why did the police not arrest this man? He also said that Kyle had a machete type knife. So the police come back and say, Do you have a knife at this house? And Kyle said, Yeah. And they said, Is it a machete? And he said, yeah. And they said, is it a machete? And he said, no, who the fuck has a machete? Like who was just fucking hanging out in their house
Starting point is 00:30:32 with a machete just like chilling? Like nobody just has that, I've never even seen one like in person. Like I don't know of any like normal folks that just have rogue machetes. So he's like, no. And they said, well, can you show us the knives that you have rogue machetes. So he's like, No. And they said, well, can you show us the knife that you have? No, you know, why am I showing you that? So because someone
Starting point is 00:30:52 alleges that I have a machete, you guys get to come in here, and you want me to show you my things, but you're doing absolutely zero nothing zilch nada, to see what this man has done to my property. And you're basically saying that he can walk into my garage because it's open. No, why don't you go investigate that before and actually show up with a warrant at my house if you wanna see what's in my house.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Well, so that's the issue that we're dealing with today because they came back and asked about this alleged machete and Kyle's like, no, I don't have a machete. And they're like, well, can you show me what you have? And calls like, Yeah, in that toolbox over there, there's like a knife. So he shows no, absolutely not. And you will not ask me what I have in my house until a lawyer is present. Thank you. That's what should have actually happened. And had I been there, that's
Starting point is 00:31:41 exactly what would have happened. But Kyle didn't pull a knife on him. So he's like, yeah, like I have this. Even if he did, Lindsay, even if he pulled a knife at his own house with someone trespassing on his property, I don't care. You showed up on my property, you walked into my home, you had torn up my lawn, you have scared my kids,
Starting point is 00:32:03 you have scared my wife, you have shown up unannounced with the intent of harming me and made active threats against me. I don't give a fuck if he did pull out a knife. At that point, it's justified in my opinion. It's, but they took the knife. The police took the knife. He never used that knife. Okay. So here's my next question. And I don't know if this is political or not. I don't know if this is like a conspiracy idea. I don't know. Do you feel like this case specifically could get twisted based on your family's name, your parents being in prison right now? Like, do you think that you sort of have a target on your back and they're going to misconstrue or twist up all of the things that have actually transpired in this case specifically?
Starting point is 00:32:45 Yes. And I think that also because Kyle had a previous aggravated assault charge that is still not settled, I think that that man knew that because if I had to guess, this man told him about his alleged gun charges in Texas. Kyle probably told him, I'm pending charges on aggravated assault. That man probably looked into it and it sounds like to me that that man is saying what he knows happened in that case, which is the knife. Okay. They took a knife that was never even out of a toolbox. When they asked Kyle, he willingly provided what they asked for.
Starting point is 00:33:31 He was like, I didn't use this knife. Like it's, he had to go all the way in his toolbox to get it. I'm just frustrated because I do feel like when people listen to this, they're going to be like, oh, well, Kyle shouldn't have had a rap sheet to begin with and he wouldn't have to worry about this. But I would beg to differ because I think that regardless of his rap sheet before or after this is like your parents being in
Starting point is 00:33:53 the media and being in prison and their whole case, I think that it already puts a target on their back and people are committed to the narrative that they believe to be true anyway. So they're going to believe that Kyle was the aggressor or the problem anyway. Right. But the other part of this is frustrating because I don't necessarily think that just because this is me personally, my own personal opinion is that even though Kyle has fucked up before doesn't necessarily mean that he was in the wrong this specific time. Like, sure, did he, maybe he punched him in the face and there was an altercation, of course. But at the end of the day, does that mean that he was the one that inflicted all of this? Is he the one that initiated all of this? No, probably not. So I hate that he's going to have to face that part of it, because he has a history with, I don't even
Starting point is 00:34:42 know what to call it, violence? I don't even know what to call it. It's not really fair to hold his past against him when he has pending charges. It sounds to me, in my opinion, like this was unprovoked and he acted accordingly, because I don't know how I would act if I had a wife and children in my home and somebody acted like this in my yard on my, I don't know how it would act. So I just don't feel like that should be held against him when this man came onto his house at his property and all of that. So that needs to be accounted for. That needs to be really, really looked at when looking at the bigger picture. So I have requested through the sheriff's department access to the body cam. So I'm
Starting point is 00:35:23 probably going to have to do that through open records request because this man, one of these officers, one of the responding officers also had his knee and Kyle's back and his wife was saying he can't breathe. He can't breathe. He was not resisting arrest. If he ever was resisting arrest at that point, he was not resisting arrest and his knee was in his back and we have photo evidence of that. I need to know what the reasoning was for not arresting the guy. Correct. Also, if nothing else, why was he at least not ticketed for driving without
Starting point is 00:35:58 a tag? If nothing else. If nothing else, why? He's still trespassing on property and making like terroristic threats like what? Like, bitch, you tell me that you're gonna fucking kill me. Then I don't care if he came to the house and didn't say shit to your brother and his wife. Do not show up at my fucking house. At that point, you were trespassing anything that you say or don't say, get the fuck off my property. that point you were trespassing anything that you say or don't say, get the fuck off my property. Get the fuck off my property.
Starting point is 00:36:26 I swear I swear to you like get the fuck off. Do not step foot on my property. Don't do it. Don't fucking do it. I asked the sheriff's office I said, so you're telling me that if I lived in that area and somebody just rogue came on my front porch and started busting my windows out with a baseball bat. I've got to file that on my homeowners because that is a criminal act. No, it's not. So is this also Georgia or is this another state?
Starting point is 00:36:55 No, it's Tennessee. Tennessee. Okay. I'm not super familiar with any of the laws, trespassing, anything like that. So I don't know. Also, I'd be curious to know like what is what falls under the category of self defense, right? Like, if he pulled out a knife, or if he punched someone in the face, is any of that self defense? Because what does fall like you could only shoot someone in self defense? Or can you do other acts in self defense? Based off of what I know, in this particular case, it's
Starting point is 00:37:23 whatever the police decide on that day. That's not sufficient. That's not okay. So I will keep you updated. Thank you. And I hope that Ashley and Kyle are okay. I hope that the kids are okay.
Starting point is 00:37:37 And I hope that they didn't give your mom a heart attack because your mom's in another state, not Tennessee. And she'd probably, no matter how old Kyle is, that's still her baby. So that has to be just so frustrating and scary for her. Oh, I was up until three o'clock this morning. I bet. With multiple people texting me.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Cause I know you guys are not twins, but you're very close in age. And at the end of the day, that's your brother. That was like your right hand growing up. So I just can't even imagine that feeling. I don't know what I would do because you're also in another state. How the fuck do you handle that? You know what I mean? Oh, I was so fucking upset.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Well, I'm sorry. I hope that your day does get better. And I hope that through the body cam footage, that it all turns out to be a misunderstanding on the police department's behalf. And they come to Kyle's defense here because they fucked up. It sounds like everybody fucked up. 100%. I want to talk about rocket money really quick because I had a girlfriend text me last week and she was like, hey, do you really use rocket money? I want to recommend it to my friends. And I was like, no, I absolutely use Rocket Money. And it doesn't matter what your goals are, right? If you're just trying to save
Starting point is 00:38:48 money, if you're trying to save, if you want to manage your credit score, all of those things, Rocket Money is a personal finance app that helps you find and cancel unwanted subscriptions, monitors your spending, helps you lower your bills. It does all of the things and you'll get the most benefits when you use all of the features. I absolutely love Rocket Money and it has helped me so much because I am the queen of signing up for free trials and then it becomes not free because I forget to cancel them.
Starting point is 00:39:15 So that's where Rocket Money comes in clutch for me. You can see all of your subscriptions in one place, know exactly where your money is going and for anything that you don't want anymore, Rocket Money can help you cancel them with just a few taps. Rocket Money's dashboard gives you a clear view of your expenses across all of your accounts. So you can easily create a personalized budget
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Starting point is 00:40:35 I do have some furniture coming today. So I'm excited about that. Okay, let's get some rugs in there too. Yeah, my rugs are in the garage. Those are going in today. Period. I have multiple other furniture pieces going in today. And then, oh, I almost told myself about what I was doing. What did you say? I was surprised. I almost told myself about what I was doing. You're surprised. So I'm going to shut the fuck up now. Okay. Well, aside from that, then, I'm happy that you get furniture because your bookshelves are coming together nicely and I'm excited to see the whole. I love that I got calls last week from you and Kristin, like, hey, how do you do this and what do you do here?
Starting point is 00:41:17 And what about the rug and the placement? I was doing my best to go to give you guys advice that was not in front of my eyes, right? But I hope it turned out nicely. Did you get everything ordered? Well, not everything, but everything that I could get ordered thus far has been ordered. And I'm just patiently, but like very impatiently waiting. Yeah, I get that. I get that. I also love that, you know, so much about home design and how to do rug placements and like all of these things because no. I haven't always been this way.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Like I have not always been this way. I feel like you've been this way since I've known you. Like your style has changed like a million times over and over. Maybe that's why I know a little bit. I mean, I would never call myself an expert or like give design. Like I would never be able to be an interior designer for like paid income. Like that would never be a thing for me. We talked about that before because you said you didn't want like the stress of it, but
Starting point is 00:42:15 you like doing it. Yeah, I like doing it. But I don't want to like just because I like something. I don't want to present something and get my feelings hurt by someone who doesn't either A tells me they don't like it or B tells me doesn't tell me they don't like it and then goes along with it but actually secretly hates it. Like, I don't want that stress and pressure ever. Okay, Kristen's probably about to off me. With all of the knowledge that you and I are gaining through these design processes, I feel like we should have our own design firm.
Starting point is 00:42:48 I mean, that could be cool. But Kristin would also be like, what the fuck? I also, I don't want to be compared to Chelsea one more time. Like I love her. I don't have any issues with her, but like HGTV is her thing. And so hate, it's so weird. And I actually had this as a topic. I was going to talk about it on Baby Mamas, but now that we, you've brought this up, I feel like it would fit really well here. It is so hard to be friends, in my opinion, I'm speaking for myself. It's hard to have friends, good friends in the same industry, in the same corner of the internet, in the same corner of business as you, because I feel like even though I will still strive for like you, for example, did not give one single fuck that I was going on tour was so happy for me didn't really think about Southern tea going on tour if I had to guess like that just like not it's
Starting point is 00:43:40 like you think it's cool, but it's like not your thing maybe like you would maybe entertain it but like not necessarily and so you were happy for me right like you think it's cool, but it's like not your thing, maybe like you would maybe entertain it, but like not necessarily. And so you were happy for me, right? Like, I think that that is an anomaly in a lot of industries. I feel as though so many people don't want to see other people in the same industry or corner of the internet as them succeed. And so you have the public pitting people against each other, right? Like if I wanted to get into interior design, they'll immediately compare me to Chelsea, right? Or if I, oh, my friendship with Matt works because he's in comedy, right? So like, he's never going to not support what I'm doing because it doesn't directly impact what he's
Starting point is 00:44:23 doing, right? So he's posted about my podcast tour because it doesn't directly impact his sales or anything that has to do with his comedy tour. They're so different. And so I can clap for him loud and clear and he claps for me loud and clear. We push each other's stuff on social media and it works, right? Like we're really friends in real life and then we're friends in the public. But I feel like so much people in the same exact corner of the industry do not cheer for each
Starting point is 00:44:50 other. I don't necessarily know that that's true for all cases, though. I think it is personalities. Because there's a lot of bloggers that I follow. We all know that like, I love the blogger girlies. And they all support each other. If one of them does a collab for like pajamas, or their clothing line comes out with something, you see all of them collectively posting and supporting for each other.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Do they? Do they really though? Like I'm being on that's a genuine question. I'm dead ass serious. They do that. That's so interesting to me because most recently, and this is why I was going to talk about it on Baby Mamas, and this is like, you can hear my tone. There's no shade here. A company that represents me reached out to V about representing her. Not only did they name drop me in the email, but V also lives in my town, right?
Starting point is 00:45:40 And so I want to see her succeed and I want to see her have collabs and I want to see her have brand deals. But that being said, we have the same demographic overall. I think most of her following stemmed from my following. So the industry in and of itself is essentially pitting us against each other by doing that because by reaching out, by representing me, they reached out to her. And then with that being said, even if she had the same exact brand deal six months from when I do, and then I have it six months from her, that's still pulling from an audience
Starting point is 00:46:14 member that would have bought it from me and vice versa. If she had a brand deal and then they came to me and was like, here, Kay, we want to offer you this. Well, not only does she have an extension of my following, but she also has lives in the same fucking town as me. So like, we're just by nature, I feel like pitted against each other. And then we're just trying to survive. Same way for like you. I would I love to have worked with brands that you've worked with. Yeah, of
Starting point is 00:46:39 course. But at the end of the day, I don't want to pull from anything that could benefit you. First, does that make sense? I don't want to pull from anything that could benefit you first. Does that make sense? It's so weird to how in this industry Like for example, you have worked with Stanley for a long period of time If Stanley came to me and said we want to work with you on this collab Because I work so closely with you. I would tell you about it. And I would say, Hey, they reached out to me to do this. Like, can you please tell me how your brand partnership worked with them? And would you be offended? 100% I don't think that everybody operates like that. And I also don't
Starting point is 00:47:20 think that everyone claps for their friends. And that's what I'm saying. And I think that's really what it boils down to because we're already pitted against each other enough as it is like in the example I just gave with V and like obviously no shade, like if she's gonna go get, that actually happened. The example that you just gave happened with V. I've worked with Stanley for a long time.
Starting point is 00:47:40 So when they went to her, it's like, I get what they're doing, but also we're already, it's just, it's just like a weird thing. Same thing with, there was two specific examples I can think of with Chelsea, right? And I reached out to her both times and I was basically like, Hey, like, how do you feel about me doing this kind of thing? And the first one she was like, Oh, absolutely. Like, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Like, no worries. And, and I think that one was a little bit different because they had reached out to me before hers, but I didn't see it. So I missed it. And then she did it first, which is fine. Like, I don't give a shit. Like, I'm happy for her. And then the second one, I reached out to her and I was like, Hey, like, how do you feel about me doing this? And she was like, eh, probably not. And so I was like, okay. But at the end of the day, I'm still going to clap for her no matter what. I'm still going to clap for me no matter what. I'm still going to clap for you no matter what. But I think this all goes, like this boils down to even just like traditional jobs, you know, working in corporate, any of that. I think it's the
Starting point is 00:48:36 same. It's not just exclusive to like content creators and influencers. I think this happens in in traditional workplaces as well. Like they're not clapping for people outside of themselves because they never want, they want to see people succeed, but they never want to see them doing better than themselves, which is weird to me. My nanny's told me that my whole life. She said, everyone's your friend until they feel like you're doing better than them and you'll see your friends drop off. I wonder why that is though, because even if I am, this is going to sound weird and it's not fake to me. I don't think it is. Say you got a deal that I was dying to have. I'm still clapping for you,
Starting point is 00:49:18 no matter what, because at the end of the day, that is now inspiration to me, not jealous. I might be like, oh damn, I could have done that, or I should have done this to get that, or something like that. But not from a place of jealousy, more of a place of what can I do to be better to get that? Does that make sense? Mm-hmm. But where you and I are very, very different, And I don't think that people would think this
Starting point is 00:49:45 about either of us. I never have FOMO ever, because I want to miss out. I genuinely want to miss out. I absolutely want to miss out. Like you don't, sometimes I want the invite, but like now the older I'm getting, I don't necessarily even want the invite, but now the older I'm getting, I don't necessarily even want the invite anymore. And if you got a brand deal or an opportunity
Starting point is 00:50:13 to do something that I didn't get, I don't have FOMO and I'm not jealous. You're like, more power to you. Good for you. Good for you, keep running it. I love that because I don't think that's I think that's the in real life. Like, I'm not talking about influencers, like just real life, not social media, not content creators. That doesn't happen in everyday life, let alone
Starting point is 00:50:38 in an everyday world, right outside of content creating, influencing, public figuring, like whatever. If one of my friends got a new home or got a new car or got a job promotion, I am celebrating with them. Good for you. I am not jealous of you. How can I help you? Okay. I think this is a common misconception that people think that I like to shop. And the fact is, is I hate shopping and I have a really hard time figuring out sizing. Stores a lot of times don't have the size that I need that is in stock. And I hate going into a dressing room more than anything. I don't think I've been in a dressing room in years. It just feels truly like a personal attack. And that's why I love Stitch Fix.
Starting point is 00:51:30 We also love Stitch Fix over here. And I also just love that everything is shipped directly to my door. I have too much going on. Whether you have one kid or seven kids like me, it's just a game changer when things get sent directly to you. And it's like having a personal stylist, right? Like put everything together and I absolutely love that you can select your budget preferences. You have a stylist that will have your sizes, your style, and your budgets and when you order boxes you'll know what you like, what you don't like and the game changer here, now listen closely, is that there is a prepaid shipping label that is included with your Stitch Fix that you can send back anything that you don't love or that doesn't fit you and it's already done for you, just put it in the mail.
Starting point is 00:52:09 So that is super, super convenient and I'm all about convenience. There's no stores, there's no crowds, no stress, just personalized looks that you love. And they have a little style guide in each of the fixes, which is really nice. Shows you exactly how you can put your outfit together. And something that I love is you can order boxes when you want to, how you want to, and there is no subscription required. Personal styling for everyone get started today at slash coffee combos that's slash coffee combos. I don't get that mentality and I also don't like competitive culture in the workplace to the extent that it's detrimental to your own self. Well, I think what happens a lot in corporate
Starting point is 00:52:53 or MLMs even or any other situation like that is like, you'll do your friends fucking dirty to get a promotion, you'll do a coworker that's more than just a coworker, but an actual friend dirty to advance yourself up. I get it. We were programmed to do this from a very young age, but at what point does it end? How do we end that? How do we evolve from that? I don't know because I think it truly is
Starting point is 00:53:25 ingrained of personalities that are ingrained, right? And my parents always told me growing up, the worst part about you, Lindsay, is that you don't give a fuck and you need to start caring. And I said, but I'm never going to because I genuinely don't care. Like I don't care that whatever girl valedictorian or whatever you call it, dictatorian, I don't care that Rose Kim, you know, got into friggin Harvard and never got to be good for her. I graduated with a 2.0. Nobody gives a shit. Why do I care? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I just, it just, I had to say something because
Starting point is 00:54:17 I interior design would be really cool, but I don't want to be compared to people. And I don't care that much to like do it anyway. You know what I mean? Like I'm not, I just don't. I don't want to be compared to people and I don't care that much to like do it anyway, you know what I mean? Like I'm not, I just don't. I don't know. But the thing is, is people do not understand genuinely how much goes into the process of putting a home together in the way that I'm putting this home together, the way that your home's put together. I think that people can't see a vision without like
Starting point is 00:54:48 Tangibly being able to see it or going into like a rooms to go or You know what now that I think of it Kristen's furniture. She said most of her furniture was from Ashley furniture, and I'm like, you know what? That might have been the way to go because this part of the process of doing custom furniture is absolutely hell. Oh, I would, I mean, you could get, you could go to like certain stores and get like that specific couch in like a custom fabric.
Starting point is 00:55:17 That's, I'm like more of like a semi custom girly. The new house will be custom, but like furniture wise and things like that, like too many options overwhelms me. I also just like the thought and decision fatigue that I would get from just anything, not even house building, interior design, but just like in general, I don't have the capacity for that. Like I just don't. Like none of my bedrooms are like sets or like my living room isn't multiple pieces from the same brand. It's all different brands source put together from whatever. And that's a really hard job
Starting point is 00:55:54 to do. So basically we should be interior designers. That's really all I can say. Well, maybe Chelsea will subcontract us for a design project. Could you imagine? That would be an absolute shit show. Absolutely. So we have a couple of listener topics that I want to be able to get to. This woman says, all right, mamas, I need your opinion. My daughter wants to have her birthday celebration at an indoor hotel waterpark. As you know, it's expensive for any parent, but especially for a single parent. What is the right thing to do? Do I let her invite some friends and let them know that I can't pay for them?
Starting point is 00:56:28 What is the right thing here? I have always had parties like at a park or at my house. I think this takes it back to the conversation about sending money for play dates. It's just something that I don't do. I'm not going to have someone in my home if I can't provide them a snack or I'm not going to take them to do something if I can't provide that for them because I think it just creates an awkward conversation and I hope that it's reciprocal. So the people that Jackson hangs out with, if he happened
Starting point is 00:57:03 to go with them, I would hope that anything that I've done for their children would be reciprocated to mine. I don't think that you can have a birthday party and ask other people to pay for a birthday party unless it's in lieu of the gift, but then your child's robbed. This particular situation, I feel like I would suggest that you let your daughter invite one friend and it's more of like a birthday experience with one of her friends than a party. Obviously, we don't really have a whole lot of context here with age and things like that. But I mean, I've told my kids numerous times that like, there's not going to be very many like, parties anymore, if any at all, it's going to be more of an experience. And like, for example, for Lincoln this year, it's like, maybe we'll invite a
Starting point is 00:57:53 friend or two friends to go do something, but there's going to be no party. So I don't, for me, if this is an indoor hotel waterpark, it sounds like it's something that you could do with just your daughter and a friend. I feel like that's a happy medium. You get to do something for her birthday and she gets to invite somebody. I think that when you're talking about budget for a birthday party,
Starting point is 00:58:14 that you should be forthcoming with your children and say, you know what, that's really not in our budget. There's been several things that have come about since I've moved that I've told Jackson, hey, like right now I have not budgeted for that. So we're not just going to just get whatever we want when we want it because I have not budgeted for that. And I think that's an okay conversation
Starting point is 00:58:37 to have with your kids. Depending on how old they are, I would say. Cause you also don't want to put adult problems on kids and give them stress that they don't need to worry about. But for something like this, maybe. I mean, I knew growing up my mom didn't have any money. And I don't know if that affected me in any way, shape or form. But like now I'm more conscious. I also overcompensate a lot for that. So I don't want I also wouldn't want that to happen either. It's like, I didn't have anything. So now I buy my kids or I was buying my kids anything and everything. I don't know, just say, Hey, we're not going to have a whole
Starting point is 00:59:09 party there because it's super expensive. You don't even have to say like, you don't have the money. You can just say it's like really expensive, but we can invite one friend. You know, I think there's a way to do this. Also, if it's not in the cards, it might not be in the cards. So unfortunately, that's just a part of life. And I don't think that that's going to cause trauma, which leads me to something that I wanted to mention to you. Oh, wow. I need everyone listening to this podcast to stop referring to everything as a trigger and everything as a trauma. Everything is not trauma. Everything is not a fucking trigger. You can be annoyed by something that doesn't make it a trigger. You can have something
Starting point is 00:59:42 happen to you that is not necessarily a trauma. So this mother, obviously as a single mom, you want to provide everything and everything, anything and everything to your child. And I get that, but you telling her that that's not doable is not a trauma. It's not a trauma. So this trigger and trauma, who set you off about trigger and traumas? Well, I just feel like over and like, I've probably been guilty of it too. Like just saying like I'm triggered or like I'm traumatized. No the fuck we're not like not everything is that right? And like every single thing when I'm scrolling on TikTok on Facebook on social meet, like this is why I read map now because when I get online, it's like every other like video
Starting point is 01:00:22 or post is about like being triggered and traumatized. No, you having a minor inconvenience was not a trigger. It was just an annoyance. Can we please stop? Can we stop? Can we fucking stop? Do you have anything else that you would like to provide? Truly, no. Let me think. Do you have anything else that you would like to provide?
Starting point is 01:00:45 Truly no. Let me think. No, I have nothing else I would like to provide, truly. Okay. I love that. So on that note, foul play. Foul play. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Apparently your foul play is my personal bad time diary. You've read a couple before, but nothing compared to this one. I will try my best to make it brief. My ex and I were living together, but things were falling apart. This man was on thin ice with me. I started staying with my parents half the week, trying to decide whether or not we were going to stay together. This is the story of the last straw and it was a big one. He had been prescribed ketamine for his depression. Just a side note, this is not in the foul play. I don't know what the fuck ketamine is. So I hope this explains it. I have my own thoughts on him being given this medication to use at home, but that's another story. His prescription was to
Starting point is 01:01:29 take the ketamine orally. Hang on to that for a moment. One day when I wasn't planning on going home that night, I get a text from this man saying, emergency, please come shit everywhere, literally. I was on my way to visit a friend, but I started to go to the house against my better judgment. I was trying to prepare myself on the drive for him having a stomach bug or something. I get there, brace myself and go inside. It was worse than I could have imagined. This six foot seven, 250 pound man is buck ass naked laying in the doorway of the bathroom attached to our bedroom.
Starting point is 01:02:03 There is shit everywhere in that bathroom, all around the toilet, on the floor, on the bathroom attached to our bedroom. There is shit everywhere in that bathroom all around the toilet on the floor on the walls on the sink. It's all over him. It's caked on his feet and legs. I am like, I now I'm traumatized by this for her. So I just got done complaining. This is disgusting and so foul. Okay. It's worse than I could have imagined. This man cannot stand. Come to find out he decided it would be a great idea to use his ketamine. No, no. This man thought it was a good idea to use his ketamine anally. How did he get it in there? Is it liquid? Is it? I don't know. Like, did he use it as a suppository? It says a small amount was amplified because he took it up the assository? It says, a small amount was amplified
Starting point is 01:02:45 because he took it up the ass. This caused him to lose all control of himself and be fucked up for hours. I literally shut down during all of this. I put my rubber boots on and cleaned up as much shit in the bathroom as I could. I then get him to sit on the toilet and clean him up. He wasn't steady enough to even get him in the shower.
Starting point is 01:03:02 I managed to get him into bed and he asked me if I'm staying. Oh, hell no. I had to get out of there. I told him I would text him later to check on him. That was the last time I went back to the house other than to move my stuff out. The best slash worst part of the story is that he recalls this as a near death experience and was the eye opener he needed to see what a good person I am. And that finally after five years together, he wanted to marry me. He tried to guilt me into staying with this aha moment and he had and I made sure to let him know that marriage was taken off the table from me years ago and that and this disgusting moment wasn't the one that made me fall back in love with
Starting point is 01:03:36 him. I was I was 100% done. If it took me cleaning up a grown man's shit to see my value, I don't want you. The moral of this story is leave that loser before shit hits the fan literally. I'm happy to say I've been single since this disaster and the happiest I've ever been. I'm currently in the process of building my own home. I went on a solo vacation in January and I didn't need a man to do any of it. Can we please normalize being single until there is someone worth getting into a relationship with. Men are no longer competing with other men for me. They're competing against the peace I have when I'm single. Love you all, foul play is cheaper than therapy. Even though I still do love, I still do therapy too.
Starting point is 01:04:14 No, because I need to know, I don't know what ketamine is. I heard that ketamine was like a horse tranquilizer. Is that wrong? What is ketamine? And why, what would possess him to do it anally, I guess? Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic used medically for induction and maintenance of anesthesia. It also is used as a treatment for depression and pain management. Ketamine is an NMDA receptor antagonist, which accounts for most of its psychoactive effects. That's really interesting. I have no idea.
Starting point is 01:04:49 I'm pretty sure there's a federal case going on right now with Matthew Perry, who died of a ketamine overdose, I believe. Okay. So I didn't know that. I had no idea. I don't know. But at the moment that you thought it was a good idea to put medication that's like, at the moment that you thought it was a good idea to put medication that's like at the moment that you thought that the oral medication would be good, Annali is at the point that I would have immediately. No, because I've never I can honestly tell you that never in my life have I ever thought to use oral medications through my asshole.
Starting point is 01:05:22 No, ever. So like, already messed up on something else before he made that decision. That's my number one question. Number two, I would have called a hazmat team, like the amount of shit that is described in this situation sounds like too much shit for me to be cleaning up. I also want to say I absolutely love what she said when she said normalize being single until there is someone worth getting in a relationship with. Men are no
Starting point is 01:05:50 longer competing with other men for me. They are competing against my peace that I have when I'm single. I love that because that's where I'm at. No, I love that so much. I love when people are at peace being single. It actually irks my soul when I know people that are just like actively seeking out a partner and that's all their mind goes to. Like you've now forgotten very important things in life when all you're trying to do is seek out a partner. Yes, I understand wanting companionship. I understand wanting to be in a relationship.
Starting point is 01:06:21 But I think if you're actively constantly seeking that out, that is the biggest sign that you need to be by yourself and you need to figure out how to be by yourself without seeking the man, right? Because I think so many people, women specifically, are talking about, oh, they love being by themselves, but then 99% of their time is spent trying to find someone to be with. No, you're not content and happy by yourself then. No. Like after my breakup with Suburban Dad, I was truly fine being by myself. And it just happened to fall in my lap, my next relationship.
Starting point is 01:06:57 I was at a trampoline park. Like, that's it. But I think that you have to get to a place where you are comfortable with being by yourself and have a desire to do things by yourself. And I think that's when situations like what happened to me just like find you and fall in your lap. I think the same about me and hot neighbor. Like I had no intentions of being like, absolutely not. I absolutely was content by myself. That was the whole reason why I broke up with Malik in the first place was like, I just was not, I mean, I wasn't good to him. I recognized that I needed to be by myself. I wanted to be by myself. And so I think that Elijah truly like fell in my lap and I would agree. Like I, and sometimes that happens
Starting point is 01:07:38 too and I get that, but like, can we just stop actively seeking out and obviously don't come from my neck and say, well, like I'm in a good place. I've been in a good place for a long time. Now I'm ready. Okay, I'm not talking about you. If this doesn't apply to you, then don't let it apply. Let it fly. Right. 100% If it doesn't apply, let it fly. A couple of closing things. Kale wants us all to watch Monsters the wild and Eric Menendez story on Netflix and cover that on an upcoming episode. So
Starting point is 01:08:06 I'm really excited because I already watched the trailer for it. So I was already going to be watching it Over the weekend. I actually watched taken together who killed lyric and Elizabeth and we're gonna be discussing that on an upcoming episode this is available to watch on Prime Video and HBO Max. And we potentially were considering watching the perfect couple on Netflix. So we'd love to know from you guys if you would like us to watch and also have conversation about that.
Starting point is 01:08:37 Thank you guys for always supporting our show. Please subscribe and review on the Apple Podcast app. Follow and rate on Spotify or listen wherever you get your podcasts. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram and join our Facebook group to connect with us and our community. Full video episodes are now available on Kale's Patreon. To join visit slash Kale Lowry. Hope you guys have a great week and we'll talk to you soon. See ya.
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