Coffee Convos with Kail Lowry and Lindsie Chrisley - Search History Goes Wild

Episode Date: September 23, 2024

CC373: On this month's bonus episode...Kids just don't have a sense of time and it shows! A wedding photographer's story goes viral for the wrong reasons, a local sheriff kills a district judge in the... heat of the moment, and it gets even more morbid with a daughter finding out she has been carrying around the wrong ashes.   Check out our Instagram @coffeeconvospodcast for more!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I hate gift giving and receiving. Receiving gifts is so weird. What do you say thank you? This is Coffee Convo's with Kale Lowry and Lindsey Chrisley. I really want you to be in your feels, Kale. That does not interest me whatsoever. I feel very attacked by you. A spirited discussion about motherhood, friendship, family,
Starting point is 00:00:17 and life in the public eye. I'm just not with the fakery anymore. There's a fakery bakery around here. Here's Kale and Lindsey. Lindsey, where are you? What are those curtains? This is my office. Welcome to it. Good morning! It's the afternoon. Happy afternoon. I have to tell you, this is the first time I've washed my hair since I got my extensions back in and I felt like a grungy mess this morning. So it was like, you know what? It's happening. I just have to record with wet hair.
Starting point is 00:00:52 You know what? We're just surviving right now. So as long as we're here, we're both present. We're both healthy. Nothing else matters. I need to ask you a question. This is the longest time that I've ever been away from Jackson because on our like- Where are you? What? Where are you? Hell, no, I'm just kidding, I'm home.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Oh, okay, so you're not like traveling away from him, you're just away from, like you're away from him. So like we passed in the wind. So before I came to Ohio, Will got in for like that weekend, then I went into fall break, which was his fall break. So they left to go to the beach the day I came back. So I went and picked up all the dogs from his house. I have the dogs. Then when I leave for Houston, I'll drop the dogs back off and
Starting point is 00:01:40 they'll like will pass in the wind again. Got it. Okay, so you are, but you know what? I think that that's okay. Like you're going to see him as soon as you get home and it'll be fine. Is Jackson handling it well? He was until he wasn't. And now he's texting me like 19 times. He's like, how many days? How many days? Oh, I feel like Jackson and Lincoln finally understand the concept of time. Lux and Creed don't understand the concept of time. So when we were in Ohio, literally I was there for 24 hours and he was like, Mom, you were
Starting point is 00:02:15 gone for three days. I said, Lux, I literally took you to school on Monday. Like I literally was there. And then I think Elijah picked him up on Monday. I go Tuesday, I'm back Wednesday. And he was like, you were going for weren't you at like sports practice when you got back? Literally, as soon as I got home Wednesday, I was like, Oh my god, we have wrestling and everything. So like I was ready
Starting point is 00:02:40 to fucking rock and roll. So I'm thinking to myself, he says this to me. Last night when he put when I put him to bed, he says this to me, last night when I put him to bed, he's like, mom, I don't have enough time with you, you are gone for three days. And I said, Lux, I need you to not tell people this because it's actually inaccurate and I can prove it. So like, please don't make, like, I didn't say this, I didn't say any of this to him, but in my head,
Starting point is 00:03:01 I'm like, oh my God, because they don't have a concept of time, like they have no idea. So I'll be like, Oh, like, on this day, you have this and he's like, So when is that tomorrow? And I'm like, No, that's four days from now. Like, it's so funny you say that because I started letting Jackson stay at home like while I go to the grocery store, like a small errand, it's like close to the house, and then I'll come back.
Starting point is 00:03:21 And he'll be like, you were gone for six hours. On what planet was I gone for six hours? Bro, I was at Kroger. You're having a rendezvous at Kroger. But in other weird knows, Will and I are going to be in Texas in the same time. The same place in Texas? Haven't confirmed. Cannot verbally confirm. Is he going to make an appearance on one of our live shows? Because I would not. Would you riot? No, I wouldn't. I would not riot. I would welcome Will with open arms.
Starting point is 00:03:56 He can pin the bullshit on himself. Imagine he walks into this segment and he's like, what the fuck is this, Lindsey? I can't. I can't. Okay, so then I get home, I let the dogs out the back door, which I never do. I always let them in the front yard and it was dark out. So I'm like, wait, what the fuck is that? And I have the light off.
Starting point is 00:04:17 I'm just like letting them out. They know to go to the bathroom and come right back. I see something that looks like it's like a person hanging from a tree. And I'm like, literally, what the fuck is that? We know that I don't love Halloween. My neighbors are already fully decorated for Halloween and have a 12 foot skeleton like creeping on a tree headed towards the golf cart, like the golf course in the woods. And the way I shit
Starting point is 00:04:41 myself, man, the way I shit myself. I'm gonna take care of it. Where was this? Like where our yards meet in the back, like in the woods. There's a 12 foot skeleton back there. So I wasn't prepared for that. Does somebody like, do you pay Homeowners Association? Don't they like come out and remove stuff like that? Because I feel like that can't, you can't live like that in a
Starting point is 00:05:05 gated community with a golf course and things like that. And then have like a skeleton in your backyard. And one of my homeowners association should absolutely be taken care of that. And then one of my friends was like, I kind of feel like the boo sign is directly pointed at your house. Like it's not for passerbys to see, it's specifically for you to see. And I'm like, do I need to tell them that like I'm not into Halloween? You're like, I'm actually,
Starting point is 00:05:31 I don't wanna be anywhere near a skeleton at all. At all. As I'm sitting on this blanket that my mom thought was a good idea to send, like this Halloween blanket. It makes me kind of sad that like boozy Susie isn't in your life because your kids would get the most random packages of shit. I mean, would they though? Yeah, the way that my mom sends the most random packages of shit,
Starting point is 00:05:57 like it was like a dog carrier to put all of her in and then like this fucking Halloween blanket and Sour Patch Kids. I'm like, can you not? I don't know if Suzy ever would because she really only ever sent one, like since I've been a mom for a hundred years, I only remember her ever sending one package. So I don't even know if she actually would send. Why do I feel like you've been a mom your whole adult life?
Starting point is 00:06:25 Because I have. I've literally been a mom in my childhood. It's wild. Actually, for our next episodes, I posted a little questions box for people to ask us questions. Yeah. I can't wait to ask you some of them.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Well, I'm scared for you to ask me some of them because I don't know, people that are on your Instagram are unhinged. I know. Why are you? Also, this Coffee Convo's episode is going to air before our Houston show on Tuesday night. So I just want to send out a PSA. If you bought tickets and you last minute can't go, go on Facebook, enter the Barely Famous Fans official page. In the Events tab, there is an entire event created for the Houston show where you can find tickets that people are, you know, last minute aren't able to come.
Starting point is 00:07:15 They wanna either resell or gift or whatever they're doing. Use that tab to either sell or buy tickets that have already been purchased. And some people are even looking for more people at their tables, the same for Dallas. There's an entire event. It's called barely famous fans official to group on Facebook. If you are looking for a seat at someone's table, or you're looking
Starting point is 00:07:36 at a ticket last minute, go on that and we'll post a link in the description. That is all going. This episode will air before this before those. So go look, I cannot tell you how many people in the comments yesterday were like, we had no idea you were in Ohio. Wait, who had no idea? Like people from Ohio were like, we didn't know you were coming here.
Starting point is 00:07:55 You know what? And this is why I hate the Instagram algorithm. And I had to add targeted to those cities, like specifically to Ohio, Houston, Dallas, and Philly, so that people could see it. They were like, oh my God, we had no idea. You know what? It's going to be really hard to top Ohio. Well, I walked out on stage crying. So if it's anything, Houston's the biggest one, I'm scared.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Was it your nerves? It was nerves. It was gratitude. It was like, just can't believe I'm here. You know what I mean? Isn't it so crazy that your journey started at 16 and pregnant and like, now the fuck you're here. Started from the bottom. Now we're here. Is that not crazy though? Okay. First of all, were you ready for V to pull you up on stage? Like, were you prepared for that? Actually, I had a private conversation with Kristin like after the fact because the game plan was not that I'm not aware of the game plan. So I was going to be like one with the fans like a supportive girly.
Starting point is 00:08:59 So I was like, you know what? You said that was not part of the plan and I had a private conversation with Kristen. I thought you were gonna say you had a private conversation with V and I was like, oh, okay, I'm cracking up. So when I went in the audience and like was like talking to people, I looked at one of the girls and I said,
Starting point is 00:09:17 none of this was part of the script. Like absolutely none of this was part of the plan. None of it and you know what? That makes me feel like we should go into these with no plan. Imagine people would be like, okay, we're never coming back. We need like a loose plan. And that's what we had. That's exactly what it was like a loose, a loose plan. Ma'am, the plan was I was going to either sit on a fan's lap, or I was going to sit next to a fan and I was just going to be a supportive queen.
Starting point is 00:09:48 And that that absolutely didn't happen. And then I kind of was like, Okay, now I kind of have to go with this because I'm going to look like a loser. If I'm like, No, I'm just gonna like sit. Not a loser. You want a loser? Yeah. Hey, loser, get in. Get in. We're going shopping. Get in. We're going live touring. Do you have anything to tell me that will strike my interest?
Starting point is 00:10:12 I do, actually. So there's several things. I'm going to start with Amazon's new return policy because I feel like that is going to be of interest to you as well as interest to our listeners and also myself. So Kristen, if you could kindly play the video and we could discuss, that would be super helpful. Amazon need return policy is bananas. I don't know if I'm the only one who's gotten it because my mom said she hasn't gotten this update on hers yet. So if you haven't updated on Amazon, don't update it. Because now if you wanted to return, you literally have to agree to all of
Starting point is 00:10:42 these things before you can even go through the return process. You literally have to agree the fact that you might get charged a restocking fee, you might get a partial refund, or you might get zero refund at all after you already returned the product. A lot of the time I'll order things for our projects from Amazon, or I'll order a bunch of pillow covers, and then I'll see which one I like best with my stuff and return the ones I don't like. So it's not like I return more than the average person I don't feel. If it showed up damaged, I do the report
Starting point is 00:11:07 and send it back, you know, if that's how it came. But I feel like my mom and I return about the same amount of stuff and she doesn't have us on hers. So if there's an update, don't do it. I'm just confused how Amazon decided that we were going to be a part of their warehouse and like funding that.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Well, and that's exactly what I said to Kristin when she was telling me about it. I was like, hold on. I don't even understand the restocking thing because if it's damaged, you can't restock it anyway. So I mean, I know it's not gonna apply to everything, but to say we might not get a refund at all is kind of crazy, especially for things that are not truly what they were advertised
Starting point is 00:11:46 to be, which I especially with clothes, is the case a lot of the time, or even shoes, I've experienced like, they're just not what they claim that they are. And that's going to put I don't think consumers fall and the whole point of Amazon is supposed to be convenience, right? So if I go on there and I'm like, oh, I love this outfit and I want it for this weekend, I might order it in an extra small and a small, try it on, and then I'll send the other one back. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Because a lot of the things that you can get on Amazon clothing wise, you have to try them on because the sizes are not. If you were to go to a store out here in public and go physically try things on Amazon clothes don't run the same way in my experience. Same. And I have had items show up that look nothing like the actual photo. And so in that case, how are you going to charge me a restocking fee? Like I just don't want your shit. A restocking fee also not getting a refund at all is insane because then at that point I could resell this on Poshmark and go make my money back and get the refund that Amazon might not have given me.
Starting point is 00:12:58 100%. Also, speaking on that, what if I ordered like, okay, for example, I've ordered fake plants off of there before, and I'll get them and they look nothing like what it, I mean, it looks like real on photo and then I get it and I'm like, okay, no, I look like I'm trying to do like that grape situation from like the 1990s. Did everyone's parents have those like on your kitchen or like in a bowl and they like dusted their fake grapes? My great my Nana did that and maybe my maybe my mom but my mom never did it. She my mom
Starting point is 00:13:37 did the potpourri thing and I was just like, I don't know. But potpourri never smelled good. It wasn't hitting the way they thought it was. Okay, so in the fall, I really like to make my own potpourri on the stove. So I'll give you the recipe. I mean, I've definitely I've boiled orange rinds before and like put cinnamon sticks in them and that's actually really good and you can like that smells really good, but it doesn't last a super long time. So I just don't know how to make it last. Are you a candle girlie still or are you still doing like the warmer things? Both. I do both.
Starting point is 00:14:14 I've been burning a fall candle since like way before fall because I'm just, you know, fucking ready for it. Also, I need to tell you this insane story. So what? So yesterday I had some interviews, I got my hair and makeup done and my hair and makeup artists were telling me about this insane story about a makeup artist at a bridal party. She was in New Jersey. She was doing hair and makeup for a wedding.
Starting point is 00:14:42 This shit went viral all over TikTok. They even pulled up the receipts. They had all these videos. Basically, this makeup artist stuck around beyond her contracted job of HMU and was eating hors d'oeuvres and staying for cocktail hour and intruding on bridal pictures and taking a picture with the wedding parties and making TikToks and asking multiple people in the wedding party to do multiple takes for these TikToks to the point that the groom actually had to step in and ask her to leave to what she was crying, leaves the venue, but then decides to come back because the bride allegedly said it's okay,
Starting point is 00:15:28 he's just cranky, which at that point, you're like, okay, he's just she's just trying to be nice. taking all of this behind the scenes content, like of the venue and of the wedding, not even the bridal party at this point, at an unplugged ceremony and is posting them all over her TikTok. The way that I would write it in a situation like that, I need to know if anybody else feels like this. If you're having an event
Starting point is 00:15:54 and people are taking photos of that, I'm not saying just a wedding, but like it could be any type of event. Like your kids have a birthday party. I don't want someone posting that stuff before I do. So could you imagine your wedding that you've paid like all of this money? And so you're saying unplugged,
Starting point is 00:16:10 like everybody left their phones somewhere, like in a box. And she's posting all this content all over TikTok. Yeah, and then she did a three-part story, three-part series on TikTok about her experience and how, you know, the groom was very rude and you know, she went back for more food because there wasn't a whole lot of food at the cocktail hour or whatever. Is there a video, Kristen, will you play the video like the one that's like the full recap?
Starting point is 00:16:38 Ma'am, the way that I would have to call the wall. Why would you come back? Why would you think it's appropriate to like go back and get more food at a wedding that you were not invited to? And she starts crying and goes to the bride and the bride's mother who are like consoling her. And it's like, it's okay. Like you don't have to leave like kind of thing. And like basic, like read the room.
Starting point is 00:16:59 If someone says that to me, it's like, oh no, thank you. Like, I really appreciate it. Like, why are you not leaving as soon as hair and makeup is done? Why are you asking any part of the bridal party whether it be the bride the mother the bridesmaids anybody to continue making tiktoks this is like the summary of it this is her no no no no she's giving a summary a makeup artist in new york that got kicked out of the wedding this makeup artist posted a three part series about how she got kicked out of the wedding. This makeup artist posted a three-part series about how she
Starting point is 00:17:26 got kicked out of this wedding and why and what happened and essentially it's just three videos full, well at least first two, full of content that she shot from this wedding and so it started as her shooting content for her makeup stuff which is totally fucking normal and it, you should get to promote your business and post stuff for your business as well. But the issue became when it went from just behind the scenes content for her makeup to her literally being like the second videographer
Starting point is 00:17:58 at this bride's wedding. I said second because the bride did have a photographer and a videographer. And as you watch these videos You see that she is just in so many places that as a makeup artist she should not be she is Everywhere and I mean everywhere like she's at the first look she's at with the groom She's at the first look with the bridal party she's there helping the bride get dressed.
Starting point is 00:18:25 And listen, I have been married and had a big wedding. And if my vendors were stepping in on my moments, like I was getting ready and my maid of honor and my mom helped me get into my dress. I have pictures of that. It was special. It's a moment. And to think, like in all these different videos
Starting point is 00:18:46 that you see that she was recording, you see the photographer and the videographer in the background, which makes me think that she's gonna be in all of these brides videos and pictures, like she's gonna be everywhere. She is a part of the day at this point. And she's none the wiser of what she's doing, has no clue. She stays for her cocktail hour,
Starting point is 00:19:09 she gets herself some food, she gets some seconds of some food, she has a drink, and then she leaves. And then she comes back, even says she parked in the same parking spot from when she left, went back into the wedding Had been talking to the bride like consistently throughout this at one point She asked the bride and groom if she could finish filming some content for like some to talk and the groom was like no
Starting point is 00:19:37 No, thank you. We're done. That's enough. You're being annoying and she said that the bride was like, ah, don't mind him You're not getting on my nerves and that screamed immediately to me but she's just trying to be nice like he's being upfront and rude and she is like Like let's not be rude But she was probably thinking the same and then someone else called out the fact that I think he said like you're done Like you need to leave that your time is over or something like that I think that's why she left. And she was like, but the bride kept telling me to stay.
Starting point is 00:20:08 And her mom kept saying they wanted me to stay. And she, okay, so she leaves and then she comes back. And then she's sitting with the groomsmen who were like, you look tired. Probably is another hint of like, why are you still here? You should go home. And the assistant wedding planner came up to her and was like,
Starting point is 00:20:25 Hey, can I talk to you over here? And she's like, No, you can say whatever you need to right here. And the assistant wedding planner is like, Okay, well, you need to leave. Like, it's time for you to go, you need to leave. And she gets so upset, starts essentially almost crying if she wasn't crying. It sounded like she said she was almost crying, but I bet she was crying. Then next thing you know, she's saying that she's talking to the bride, and I'm like, you're talking to the bride
Starting point is 00:20:52 on her wedding day. And she has said this multiple times that she was talking to the bride and the bride and her mom at one point were like consoling her and telling her, oh no, we want you to stay. You can stay, don't worry about it. It's no big deal. Yeah. Cause you were crying to them on her wedding day. You were making
Starting point is 00:21:11 a scene at this woman's wedding. She will remember this forever. Not because of the amazing makeup that you did for her, but because of the scene that you caused by inserting yourself into her big day. And y'all, this woman doesn't get it. She's still at the end of it, doesn't get it. She posts like this long video of herself sobbing in the car. She's talking about how these people are dulling her shine or something, and people don't want to see her shine, and she just, she's not getting it. She doesn't get it. It was the most insane thing. So then I obviously had to go back and find the video. So I found the
Starting point is 00:21:51 videos. I'm watching the videos. I don't understand why any makeup artist would be in a position to film any of the content that she filmed. There's absolutely no reason why that should have, I just truly couldn't even believe my eyes. There's a couple of things. Number one, unless you are being hired to like stay for touch-ups or whatever, it's normally like make up and go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:15 That's number one. Number two, what do you think about, okay, if you're paying for a service, what do you think about people who wanna take your photo, do all of this content around the service that you paid for like a regular paying client? No, and I said that to the girls yesterday when they were doing my hair and makeup. I said, first of all, let me stop them right there because the woman who did the recap that we just watched, she says, oh, that's normal, you should be able to do that. No, I don't actually agree.
Starting point is 00:22:45 You don't get to use our faces as advertisement unless you're gonna give a discount on the service or you're doing an exchange, because at that point I'm paying for a service and then you're turning around and saying, oh, can I use this to promote my business? Well, no, I don't agree with that unless I explicitly
Starting point is 00:23:07 am asked and agree to it or I choose on my own terms to advertise your service. I don't agree with that. I agree. And it's so weird that you say that because there's a hair salon, it's like local here. And they always have every girl that they do their hair or extensions or whatever, taking photos. And it's like, okay, they signed up to go to an appointment and they are a paying client and paying your fee, right? That doesn't mean that you get content along with that fee. I understand it is your business. However, it's also their money that they're paying the fair price for that service.
Starting point is 00:23:51 So I agree with you. For me, I just know that like my hairstylist, Taylor and I, like we just do that. Like we're, but like I have that type of relationship with her, so I want to advertise for her. I also think she does a great job. And I know that if I had something, when my tour came out, she posted it for me. We just have that type of relationship.
Starting point is 00:24:15 But I don't love when people have asked me, oh, can I just take, no, you can't. And then it puts you in an awkward situation because you don't want to be mean. So you don't want to be like, no, you can't. And then it puts you in an awkward situation because you don't wanna be mean. So you don't wanna be like, no, but also no. Right, it like puts, yeah, I would, I wholeheartedly agree with that. Like there's people that you, and like again, if you choose to do it on your own and you're allowing them to do like whatever,
Starting point is 00:24:38 but like for me specifically, no, the answer's no. I also like wonder how many other people feel this exact same way. I don't think that a lot of people think about it the way that we do. Maybe now as times grow with social media and influencing and things like that, maybe they're starting to realize it from our perspective. But I think because we're in a unique position, we realized it sort of sooner. That like, if I'm paying for a service, why do you get to turn around and not pay my advertising or like marketing? Like, do you get what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:25:13 Or does that not really make sense? No, it makes total sense to me. And I'm just like, that has, and it's never going to be a dollar for dollar exchange. Like that's the other side of it too. It's like, well, you're paying, we'll say $500 for this service. It doesn't have to be hair or makeup. It could be literally anything. Like you're paying for this $500 service. Okay. Well, then you're turning around and asking to use my name and likeness for your business. And no, it's, you're not going to, you may not collect $500 or it may not be my, my fee might not be $500, but it's not a dollar for like, it's never going to be an even trade, but it still needs to be taken into consideration that it is a trade. You
Starting point is 00:25:50 know what I mean? Like don't ask me to tag something on a, on an account that has 5 million followers when I'm paying for this service. Like that's just, you can't, they're not. Because nobody would do that to any other paying client, I don't think. We're in a unique position where it's like, okay, I can get them to pay exactly the fee. And then they're also going to get the free advertising on the backend. No. No, like it doesn't work like that. I have to tell you this crazy story that I saw this morning.
Starting point is 00:26:19 It says Kentucky sheriff charged in the killing of judge at courthouse. What? Yeah, it says, Frankfurt, Kentucky, a judge in a rural Kentucky county was fatally shot in his courthouse chambers on Thursday and the local sheriff was charged with murder and the killing. The preliminary investigation indicates the sheriff shot the district judge multiple times following an argument inside the courthouse and that was according to Kentucky State Police. He held his judgeship for 15 years and died on the scene and the sheriff surrendered without incident. So it says that the fatal shooting sent shockwaves through this tight-knit town, and it's close
Starting point is 00:27:07 to Lexington. It says it's about 145 miles from Lexington. The Lee County prosecutor described an outpouring of sympathy as he recused himself and his office from investigating the shooting, citing social and family ties to the sheriff. So do we think that the social and family ties were what caused the sheriff to shoot the judge? Like there was some sort of beef or like unknown, you know, beef? Or do we think it was like a situation of like psychosis? No, I think it, I think this probably would be a situation of,
Starting point is 00:27:48 probably would be a situation of, like I'm reacting in a situation that has presented itself to me and like I'm unhinged at that moment. And I believe he probably, because he was a sheriff, had a weapon on him and did it. I just don't, I don't have any words. Like I don't even, I feel so much shock and also just sadness for the judge's family because I would, and I would imagine that being a judge, no matter what kind of judge you are, you are in a dangerous position because people get very upset about, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:19 the decision-making, but I think that that's terrifying. I'm so sorry to that judge's family. But what do you feel about anybody going into a public place, regardless of what position that you hold? I feel like the rule should be the rules. If he was in the courthouse, I don't know if he was the actual, you know how there's a sheriff or a marshal
Starting point is 00:28:45 that's like in the courthouse. I don't know if the situation was he was like acting as that, which would be understandable why he would have a gun. But if not, if it was another situation, like why would he be allowed to bring that in there? And like, how could you get into such a heated situation to where that would happen? I just, I guess I'm not, I've been through the court system more times than I would like to admit and both for criminal, PFAs, family court, all of the things.
Starting point is 00:29:19 I personally don't remember seeing the bailiff. Is it called the bailiff? Yeah. I don't want to get indicted for pronouncing any other words wrong. I don't remember them noting whether or not they had a gun. I think if I had to guess, maybe family laws, like tasing, I'm not entirely sure. So don't catch me lying. I don't remember ever seeing near the courtroom itself when you walk in, maybe in the front of the courthouse, an officer would
Starting point is 00:29:49 have a gun. But I also, it's really interesting to know if the sheriff and the judge had family and social ties and there was any sort of beef, how, how nobody saw this coming. Like there was no, there was no signs leading up to this because this feels like a very preventable situation. It also says that the police have not released a motive for the shooting. So I'll be interested to know. I mean, not that it justifies it at all, but I will just be interested to know what the motive was
Starting point is 00:30:23 and like, what the fuck were you arguing about? That's what I'm saying. So I'm wondering like what that what that's about. It's so crazy. I'll keep you updated if I hear anything else. Please do. I also read it says San Francisco officials admit what woman's father is not dead three years after she was given his ashes. I'm sorry, say that again? San Francisco officials admit woman's father is not dead three years after she was given his ashes. Okay, how did she get bamboozled?
Starting point is 00:30:53 Like what was that? I don't. Like what the fuck is wrong with this world? Everything, actually. So it says a shocked daughter says that San Francisco officials have admitted that her father is still alive three years after he was mistakenly declared dead and the family had a body cremated. She
Starting point is 00:31:12 was told... Whose body was it? Whose body was it? I'm unsure, but it says that she was told by the medical examiner that her father had overdosed in a hotel room. And she then organized what she thought was her father's body to be cremated along with the funeral, along with a funeral, post a GoFundMe, like celebration of life, like all of these things. And then three years later, after grieving and mourning, and she said that she takes the ashes with her everywhere, that it's actually not her dad.
Starting point is 00:31:47 So a friend- Wait, so does that- Spotted him alive. So did he fake his own death? I don't know that he faked his own death. I think maybe- Because he hasn't talked to her in three years, so they had to be, I mean,
Starting point is 00:32:03 if she takes the ashes everywhere, she has to have some level of relationship with him. So why is he not letting her know that he's alive? Why had they not had communication? And I'm sure if they had the body cremated, there was also a death certificate. So please explain that. So I'm thinking, and this is completely speculation,
Starting point is 00:32:21 that maybe her dad had substance abuse issues of some kind. And so maybe he lived on the street. And so maybe she thought that the story was like, plausible, that it could have been him. And maybe she just didn't have that type of contact with him. But a friend spotted him alive on the street. And it says that the identity of the man who overdosed in the hotel room of ashes that they had been carrying around for three years, their remains are still unknown. So what's crazy about that is they'll never know who that was.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Yeah, because like once they get cremated, you can't get any information, right? And I'm pretty sure, don't quote me on this, but I'm 99% sure that when you get cremated, you're actually not being cremated alone. You are being cremated with several people. What do you mean? Like, I think that you have to request like a private cleaned out cremation if you want
Starting point is 00:33:16 to be the only ones ashes. Like I'm pretty sure cremation is several bodies. You're kidding. I don't think so. Hold on. So I could just be, if I got somebody cremated, I could just be walking around with like remnants of somebody else. Is that what the fuck you're saying? Hold on.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Okay, it says this is actually a common misconception. So I was also bamboozled. It's a misconception that people get burned with other people. Okay, so I'm just out here spreading rumors on a random Monday, so you're welcome. I just scared everyone who's lost a recent loved one. You absolutely did.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Yeah, I just made everyone shit themselves, so sorry about that. It made me think like anybody that I know, if they wanna get pre-mated, if I'm in charge, you're not. My son, Lux Russell Lowry, asked me yesterday and I recorded it. I don't know what I was recording.
Starting point is 00:34:08 I was recording something and all of a sudden things take a deep dark turn. And he says to me, mom, if you were gonna die tomorrow and all of your kids were still alive, whose house would you go to before you die? And I said, Lux, I would send everybody to your house, and I would come to your house to see all my kids in the same place. And I was just like, why are children thinking about these morbid dark things? Because the state of the world. That's probably
Starting point is 00:34:39 why. But that's so crazy. Yeah, like, what would you do? What if you have, you have seven kids? What if in the event you're like 90 and they're living like all across the United States? Like who are you going to? No, they have to like, why are you not all flying together? Like, why are we not all? First of all, take me out way before I hit 90 because I'm not, I don't want to suffer that long. So like, please just take me out, keep all my money. Like I don't want you, like don't spend, don't put me in a nursing home for 30 years. Like grow up. I just really need, I just, why is my seven year old worried about that?
Starting point is 00:35:21 And so then I come home and I'm telling Lux and Link, I come home and I'm telling Elijah and Isaac and Lincoln, like what was said. And Isaac like looks at me and he's like, he's like mine, right? And I'm like, oh my God, why are you all doing this to me? It's so funny that you say that because when we were growing up, my dad would always tell each of us like, you're my favorite, but like, don't tell anybody else. But like he would say it to all of us, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that's just, that reminds me of that. That's so crazy.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Do you want to be cremated or buried? I'd be cremated. Why? Well, I feel like all of my kids could have a piece, a little piece of me if they chose to carry the ashes, like they would be able to take them on a necklace or something like that, or like put them in a box
Starting point is 00:36:05 at their house, like sort of have a piece of me. And also, I feel like our roots are sort of all over the place. So like my family's in Pennsylvania. My family's in Pennsylvania. Javi's family is somewhere in Pennsylvania, some in Guatemala, his brothers in Maryland, like there's just it's just all over the place. And I feel like I would not want my kids to feel like they, I'm buried somewhere where they have, they aren't. I don't want my kids to be like, okay, well mom's buried in Delaware. So if I'm going
Starting point is 00:36:33 to be California, I can't like go visit my mom. You know what I mean? And like, I know that that's like not necessarily how people feel. It's kind of like, they know that, you know, their, their deceased loved ones are with them wherever they are. But I also feel like, like I feel a special closeness to my hometown knowing my grandparents and my great grandmother are buried there. And so like I go see their graves when I go back home, but I can't do that on any given day. You know what I mean? And so I just feel like they'll have a piece of me wherever they are if they don't end up in Pennsylvania or Delaware. Okay. That makes a lot of sense to me. But then you brought up another point. You're
Starting point is 00:37:07 a grave visitor. I am a grave visitor. I'm not. You're not? Like death freaks me out more than anything. And like they're not there. They're not. Yeah. I mean, I have to be honest. I don't love going to the cemetery. I think I more so do it to my kids to explain, because my kids never got to meet my grandparents.
Starting point is 00:37:28 And because we're going to my hometown, I think I've taken the kids three times now, letting them ask those questions. Lux specifically has an interest in what a cemetery is. And unfortunately, his baseball coach passed away. And so he was his coach for two years in a row. And so he has a cemetery right next to his school and like is asking questions like, is that where my baseball
Starting point is 00:37:49 coach is buried and things like that. And I, because he's asking those questions for the past two, like since his baseball coach passed away, I feel like it's like good for conversation and also to kind of know what that is. And so he asked me like, are you going to go in one of those? Am I going to go in one of those? And so it sort of like starts that conversation. But outside of like those family members, I can't tell you that I've ever visited like friends that have passed away from high school because I don't even know where they actually are buried. Like, I don't even know. It's so crazy. Like death to me is the craziest thing in the world. It's it. I don't. I wish I knew more about it. I wish there was
Starting point is 00:38:27 a way to like, I don't even know. But do you believe somebody who is buried? Like you feel their presence when you visit the grave? Or you don't know? No, because your soul is somewhere else. Like that physical body. Well, so what's interesting is I believe, and I'll double check with my uncle, but the tombstones that my grandparents have, I'm not sure about my Nana, like my great grandmother. I loved that woman to pieces. She was truly an angel on this earth.
Starting point is 00:38:56 But my grandparents and my mom's sister who passed away when she was 16 years old, they all are cremated, I believe, and have headstones. Oh wow. Okay. So because they already had the plots. And I'll double check with my uncle on that, but I'm 99% sure they have headstones, but were cremated. So my biological mom's parents are very religious, and I don't believe they believe in cremation. I've heard that too. So I'm sure they will be buried. But my dad's parents, my nanny has a plot next to my papa, but it's in a mausoleum.
Starting point is 00:39:32 I believe Kristen's dad is also in a mausoleum. But not to be morbid. If you're not in a wall and you're in the ground, your body they do grave turnovers. Wait, what? Yeah, they turn over turnovers. Wait, what? Yeah, they turn over graves. What are you saying? Hold on. How often do they turn over graves?
Starting point is 00:39:54 So they, in some cases, they're essentially recycling. Each individual grave gets recycled. So they don't necessarily remove people from their burial grounds, but sometimes they recycle, which means cemeteries may reuse plots by placing new remains and a new headstone on top of existing graves. See, that's even more reason to go to a mausoleum. What are they going to do with you in a mausoleum? Well, I don't know if you noticed this, but they're like not making new cemeteries.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Like you can't, you don't just see them popping up anywhere. And what's really weird, when my girlfriend, Toni, has come to Delaware, she's like, Kale, all I see is cornfield cemetery, cornfield cemetery, the amount of cemeteries that are here and like next to the schools and like next to stores and like random ones with like only 10 graves on them. It's so bizarre. This one says some some cemeteries run out plots, which allows people to lease a space to up to 100 years. Oh, wow. Okay. So it's like a lease. So that's only some. So I guess the ones that are rented would be 100,
Starting point is 00:41:05 like up to 100 years. And then these other ones are saying that like, they just put them on top of each other with like new headstones. So that's probably why you see some like overlapping and like staggered and things. Yeah. It just, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:41:19 I don't know what. That's so insane. Okay, let me ask you this. Would you ever, and then we can like move on to something Not so morbid would you ever buy a house that was next to a cemetery? Um in the past I probably would say no Now it would be a maybe and it wouldn't be because of the cemetery
Starting point is 00:41:38 It would be because of the visitors to the cemetery. Does that make sense? Mm-hmm. I don't necessarily of the visitors to the cemetery. Does that make sense? I don't necessarily think that it would be the death necessarily that would bother me the way that it has in the past. Before I would be like, I would never buy a fucking house with a cemetery in my backyard. But today, yeah, maybe it would just depend how far, what is the view from my house into the cemetery. If there's a line of trees or something that would prevent, you know, just overlooking while I'm washing the dishes, I might consider it but it's, I don't know, I feel like the frequent visitors to the grave site would be the more turn off for me.
Starting point is 00:42:17 So I found this house before I bought this one. And I love the house and I loved where it was I go Do the tour everything look out the master bedroom window and there's a cemetery right there And I was like for these reasons alone. I'm out So I just completely marked off my list like that was like a no like I feel like this is bad juju and I should not Be participating in this and why they disclose. Also, the machinery to dig new plots to like, even though I would hope that it wouldn't be super frequently, that would also be a turnoff. So like I said, it wouldn't be like this
Starting point is 00:42:56 cemetery itself. It's just like all the things that come with that. And then they also have to like maintain it and then it's loud and there's like weed whacking. there's weed rocking. I don't know. I don't know. In other news, want to talk about Deshaun Watson? Yeah, I do want to talk about Deshaun Watson because I was sickened by the news that I saw. In this news, basically they were saying that Deshaun Watson was accused of sexual assault for the 27th time. And essentially, the NFL is basically ignoring it. And I'm going to say this is
Starting point is 00:43:32 all alleged because Deshaun Watson is in a relationship and is actively denying these claims. However, I just feel like if 27 women have come forward and said that this occurred, I'm going to go ahead and guess that it's probably true. So it says the Browns, Deshaun Watson denies new sexual assault allegations and he still started on Sunday versus the Jaguars. Well, it's kind of like if you're charged with something, you're innocent until you're proving guilty. So they can't really, I mean,
Starting point is 00:44:07 he would have a complete lawsuit against the NFL if they didn't let him play. And then it came out to be untrue. But what about the 26 allegations before? I don't know, but I heard a rumor that like, some of those were settled and then some were dismissed. But if they were settled, does that not mean that you are guilty of that?
Starting point is 00:44:26 Well, so I also heard a rumor, and I'm going to say allegedly. So he played for the Texans when he left Clemson. He was drafted by the Texans. Played there, and that's where the initial like 26 allegations came out. So then I believe he was released from the Texans roster and then the Browns picked him up. And I think a part of his contract was that he had to disclose any potential other findings
Starting point is 00:45:00 that were separate from what was already alleged. Okay. And that was a part of his deal. So his deal was contingent upon, like, if nothing else comes up and there is nothing else outside of these 26, then it's like a guaranteed deal. If something does, it's not guaranteed money.
Starting point is 00:45:23 But here's what... $500-and-something million. Here's my problem. If something does, it's not guaranteed money. But here's what 500 and something million dollars. Here's my problem. Who is gonna stick up for these women? Who is, I don't care if they were settled. I don't care if they were dismissed. At what point does it become the NFL's responsibility to say we cannot support this?
Starting point is 00:45:40 This has come up too frequently or I'm gonna take it a step further and say, why are the players that he's playing with not saying like, we're going to be in together and we're not going to support this because if it was me, I mean, look at when the team mom cast banded together and we're like, we're not going to do this with Farrah if she's going to be in the adult sex industry. You know what I mean? And it's like, that was legal. You know what I mean? Like what she was doing was legal and people banned together. And I think I was one of them that was like,
Starting point is 00:46:09 we're not supporting this. You know what I mean? Like, I don't think I said I was gonna quit, but I was not happy about it. And we, I'm gonna include myself in that, but we all spoke out against it. And so at what point does it become big enough that people actually stick up for what is right
Starting point is 00:46:26 and what is wrong? Well, I think there's two sides of this, right? Do I think that there is potential, and I know that you've seen it and I've seen it. Do I think there's potential that some of these things happened? Yes, 100%. I believe that they did happen, right? Do I believe that it would give someone ammunition that was looking for a paycheck to come out and say something happened
Starting point is 00:46:52 and he maybe never met the person? Do I think that's plausible as well? Yes. But when you have so many women saying the exact same thing, and giving details and timestamps and dates, more so than the teammates, I'm upset with the girlfriend. Because why are you standing by in that situation knowing that he's doing this to other women, doing this behind your back, and you're not standing up and saying anything?
Starting point is 00:47:22 Unless she's a victim, because then she could be caught in this very toxic cycle of an abusive relationship whether it be sexually abusive, domestic abuse, mental, like that whole thing. I don't know. Like I just, I get it. I understand and I know that the NFL is a business. I get that and there's a lot of money at stake, but football is cutthroat and you can't tell me
Starting point is 00:47:49 that there's not another athlete that can perform on the same level, if not better than Deshaun Watson. I mean, I would agree. And I think that at the point that this information came out the first time and the Texans released him, I believe it should have been a wrap, right? It's like you can't expect to be in the high places where you are and be doing the types of things that you're doing. But the NFL is condoning it, you know, so
Starting point is 00:48:15 but that's what I'm saying, like, the all because what are they going to do? They're going to find every single one of the players that bands against someone who's standing up for domestic standing up against sexual assault. I think the fuck not that's not a good look for the NFL. Oh, 100%. And what's so sad is, I knew him from college. And like the nicest guy, the nicest guy. It's always the nicest ones because they have to bamboozle
Starting point is 00:48:40 the fuck out of you. They have to, they have to swindle their way into a position where they can. And like, I remember when he first signed his NFL contract, I believe he was a senior then eligible for the draft, you know, whatever, played at Clemson. He bought his mom a car, bought her a home, like all of these things that you would hope to see if
Starting point is 00:49:08 you know that people have struggled like their whole life and have supported their child to be able to like go out and live his dream, right? It's like, wow, I would be a really proud mom if my son did that. Yeah. And you see all of that type of behavior. But then these allegations come out, it's like you really don't know people. Oh, I just, it's infuriating, I think.
Starting point is 00:49:32 And I just, I feel like this is, the NFL is handling it as if men, like as men would. I feel like if there were, it's so male dominated, I feel, that it just keeps getting swept under the rug. And like, when it starts to come back out, just sweep it back under the rug were, it's so male dominated, I feel, that it just keeps getting swept under the rug. And like, when it starts to come back out, just sweep it back under the rug again, it's fine. No one's gonna be in together. All the men on the field are like,
Starting point is 00:49:52 I get that they don't condone it, but like staying silent, it speaks volumes, truly. Oh, a hundred percent. You have to, you just have to watch how the NFL has moved. Look at Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey, right? Like the amount of times that they put her on the screen, they're trying to tap into that demographic because it's a money making machine. OK, and guess what?
Starting point is 00:50:13 Then keep doing that. And while you're doing that, keep in mind that all of these these new funds that are coming in from Swifties and, you know, Travis Kelsey and and Kylie Kelsey and Taylor Swift specifically, we know, Travis Kelsey and, and, and Kylie Kelsey and, and Taylor Swift specifically, we're not going to, like, I don't think that they're going to stand for that. And I also think that Taylor Swift, she, she holds weight at this point. Like she holds weight in the NFL. Like we can't just keep it. We can't do that and, and want to bring in a female demographic and then turn around and allow people like Deshaun Watson
Starting point is 00:50:45 to continue playing. 100%. So that's my take on it. Things that have been going on around the internet, did you see that article that came up about a man fatally stabs himself while trying to separate frozen burgers with a knife? Like this is some shit I would do.
Starting point is 00:51:01 No, I mean, he died. Yeah, it says a UK man accidentally fatally stabbed himself while trying to separate two frozen burgers with a knife. Freak accident that initially puzzled police. He was 57 years old and he accidentally plunged the blade into his abdomen at his home. Insane. I hope he rests in peace. Truly. This is honestly some shit I would do. The amount of things I've caught myself trying to do something with frozen shit. Well, frozen meat specifically, that's like, do you remember that show A Thousand Ways to Die? No. Where was that?
Starting point is 00:51:40 You don't remember that show? I don't remember what network that was on. Oh my god. I'm Googling so many things. Do you remember at the live tour when Kristin asked us to look up our Google history and I had just deleted mine the night before and now I'm on this episode of Coffee Commons podcast and the amount of things that I have Googled in this episode alone is truly unhinged.
Starting point is 00:51:58 If anyone came in here to do a full investigation and looked up these Google searches, they would be like, why is Kale looking up? We would be addicted. I would get addicted, also addicted. Okay. So wait, what am I looking?
Starting point is 00:52:13 Can you tell me though, explain why you clear your Google history? Hold on. The A Thousand Ways to Die was on Spike TV. That would probably be why I never saw it. Why do I clear my search history? Well, before I learned, effectively Wednesday, which was today's Friday, the 20th of September, I learned that a lot of the porn that is on websites are rooted in pedophilia. I did not know that.
Starting point is 00:52:49 So I will no longer be supporting most of the porn industry. I was watching porn. You're a porn media. Yes. Not for the same reasons, but actually Alessandra from Vibin was telling me that a lot of like the everyday porn sites that are free are rooted in pedophilia because it's like this fetishizing women who are young, like teens and things like that. So it's like 18 year old, 19 year old, like they're still children. So it's like rooted in pedophilia. Also just the idea of like having a bald cat is also rooted in pedophilia, which
Starting point is 00:53:26 I didn't think about. Yeah, like, not having hair down there is like, just expecting women to shave is actually rooted with, like in pedophilia. So you were watching porn. Yeah. But I was watching porn before I learned that. And so now that I know that I will not be supporting and I guess there are, she was explaining to me that there are websites that you can pay for that are ethical and like people that are not trafficked, they're not teens, they're not any like it's, you know, people that are,
Starting point is 00:54:01 what is it? Consented. What is the word I'm looking for? Like they are ex-workers, like they, by choice, like that's what they wanna do, and that's okay if that's what they wanna do. But those websites that you have to pay for. And so a lot of the ones that are free are also, she was saying, sometimes filmed without their consent. So she didn't, I don't know if she said Pornhub specifically, but she did say
Starting point is 00:54:27 that sometimes there are like, you know, one of the parties in the sexual situation are being recorded against their will. And so I don't know that you can prove if you're doing doggy and that person never looks up and you can't technically see their face. I mean, I still don't think that's, I personally don't believe that that is still okay to do. Because if they don't know and they're face down, just because you don't see their face, that's still a violation. So long story short, I had looked at porn the night before, cleared my history immediately because my kids go on my phone sometimes, you know what I mean? So like, I don't need them to see that. Long story short, it's now Friday. I will not be participating in any sort of porn viewing, watching any of it because one,
Starting point is 00:55:06 I'm not going to budget for porn websites to do the ethically done ones. And two, I don't want to support trafficking or pedophilia in any way, shape, or form. So you need to go back and look at the archive of the Southern Tea. I had a woman come on. She's an author, wrote her own book. And it's, I think it's called something like taking down Pornhub. And she gave me like the whole backstory of exactly what you're talking about. And it's wild.
Starting point is 00:55:33 I had no idea. I don't know why I never thought of things like that. So Alessandra really put it into perspective. And I was like, Oh, wow, like, I'm absolutely not going to participate in this. Wow. So you were you were watching porn when we got to... Yeah. Yeah. I wasn't like actively watching it there.
Starting point is 00:55:57 I was, it was probably the night before and I was like immediately, I know it's just always what I've done, delete it right away, but that's, yeah, I won't. Fucking cannot. What do you think about the Linkin Park News? I don't love the Linkin Park News. Isaac actually told me that they were going to be going on tour. And I don't remember him specifically saying they were replacing Chester. But I just Linkin Park was such an anomaly
Starting point is 00:56:25 compared to every other band or artist, you know, during their time and in their peak, I feel like that was just such it didn't matter what genre of music you normally listen to. Everyone knows who Lincoln Park was. And it's like, it doesn't matter if you were a pop girlie or a country girlie, like you knew the songs to Linkin Park and you recognized their unique sound no matter what. And I just feel like that can't ever be replicated or reproduced in any way. So I personally won't be entertaining this new genre, this new, no, not this new genre.
Starting point is 00:57:01 I won't be entertaining this new era of Linkin Park. But I also feel really sad that Chester's mom came forward and was talking about the, you know, the rest of the band had said, like, if we ever decide to go back on tour, like redo Lincoln Park, or, you know, whatever that they would give her the respect of letting her know and they didn't. And that makes me even more sad about it. I just don't I don't it's never going to be the same. You can't reproduce what they once had in my opinion. It's so crazy because when I read this article, I've often thought if something happened to
Starting point is 00:57:35 one of us, like what would happen to coffee combos and like what our kids have a say in that. That's a really good question. I will say this You heard it here first if anything happens to me I want you to replace me, but I also want my kids to get a royalty of some sort like I want you to I thought like What the royalties would look like to our children in the event of a death, and there was a replacement host, how that would look. Okay, so Kristen said the short answer is yes, our kids would have a say because each of you own 50%.
Starting point is 00:58:13 I have a trust and all of my stuff is in the trust, but I would hope that whoever you replace me with is a good fit, obviously, but I would want my kids to get some royalty of some sort because I want them to benefit from what you and I started. We started it, we created it, we built it, and then just because I passed away, it's still, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:58:35 Like I feel like my kids still should have a piece of that. Well, let's be clear. If something happened to you, no one's ever getting 50% of that business that we built together. They would have to come in as a very low percentage situation. Okay. I appreciate that. I respect that. Because our children have also gone through this journey with us as well. And they're
Starting point is 00:58:59 deserving as well. I would agree with you. And they know what CoffeeCamos is. They know what we do for it. My kids ask me all the time, are you recording today? Are you done working? Like, they ask me about it. So they there, I mean, they might not know the ins and outs, but they do know that it exists. They know who you are. And so I personally wouldn't want to see them not have at least a little bit. I mean, I don't know exactly how much money they would be getting, but I mean, if it's enough to pay their fill their gas tank, I'd be happy. You know what I mean? Like as long as they get something I would be thankful and appreciative
Starting point is 00:59:28 Yeah, we should definitely have that conversation not on the podcast Also, how many of your kids say coffee combos All of them because you said it like that for years Actually, my kids get my 50%. So, so Isaac might be your new cohost or he may just have like a say in who is your cohost. So when kids get 50% perfect. Love that for us.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Love it. Tell Isaac sign up. Right. He's like, Lindsay, I hope you're ready. Buckle up. Okay. Foul play. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:03 One night I met up with a tender boy at his apartment to have a movie night. We ended up getting down and dirty seven times and I stayed the night bedtime comes and we were both fully naked and I fell asleep spooning and fell asleep spooning me being a little spoon I fell asleep first. Fast forward a couple months and my Tinder date and I are still hanging out every day. He tells me he needs to tell me something and I fear the worst. He proceeds to tell me on the first date and night we met, I tooted in my sleep. Not only did I toot in my sleep, I did the act while spooning him so I farted right on his bare
Starting point is 01:00:40 dick. I don't know why this man didn't go running for the hills, but we are now married seven years later and joke about this all the time. I love it all and I love the podcast. Okay. This person unlocked like one of my biggest fears is starting in your sleep or in your sleep. Yeah. Also, I hate that like I because I don't huh, you catch yourself doing it? Oh, I've absolutely woken up. Like it's always when I just like,
Starting point is 01:01:13 I'm sleeping over with someone for the first time. It's never, it's like that weird, like you can't sleep. Do you know what I'm saying? Like the newness of the relationship is always then It's nervous tubes. Like that's what it has to be because I am NOT typically a gassy person Which is very it might be shocking to some because I am having gastrointestinal Intestinal what am I saying? Gastrointestinal issues. I'm not gassy. I just shit a lot. So I it's I mean, not anymore. Actually, I haven't had a crazy bowel movement in a
Starting point is 01:01:50 moment. But I, it's always the newness of a relationship where I'm waking myself. It's like that like half lucid half not. I don't know. And it's the worst. Like I have waking up like, oh my god, I just farted. Yeah. And you're like, wait, did everybody and by everybody? I mean, did he hear it? Because I really hope it was only fucking me. Right? I hope it was not like an almost silent but very deadly.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Oh, god, I hope they're never deadly. That's embarrassing. It's so embarrassing. It's like, please, like, I hope your nose is not working and I hope your ears aren't either. I can imagine. I could not imagine meeting up with Tenderboy and having sex seven times in one night. No, that's a lot.
Starting point is 01:02:44 That's a worn out cat after that. No, 100%. Like you are raw and may or may not need, I might need Desitin surrounding the the bleedy parts. You know what I mean? Desitin. Bitch, I hadn't heard about Desitin in a long time. Why have three babies that use it? So it's not going away anytime soon over here. Okay, next person says, A few years ago, I got together with a new fella and things were going great. We were pretty freaky in the bedroom in the beginning, as most people are in the early stages of a relationship.
Starting point is 01:03:18 During our times in the bedroom, we would change positions quite a bit. One time in particular, we were in missionary and he flipped me over into doggy. This man had quite the large equipment that he was working with, so I'm not alone in this, but sometimes in doggy position I get filled with air and queef after the job is done. So embarrassing. Anyway, after we were doing doggy, this man decided to start licking my kitty while I'm still bent over. Guess what happens.
Starting point is 01:03:47 I let out a mega queef in this man's face. Scared the shit out of him. He instantly threw himself backwards into a wall and then asked if I farted in his face. I said, no, I swear it's just air from my cat. He said, oh yeah, okay, because it doesn't stink. Fuck my life. We were both laughing, but I was so embarrassed. Anyway, it wrecked the mood. And sadly, he never finished and neither
Starting point is 01:04:11 did I I was fucking mortified still am. The next day I went to his place to watch a movie and he was telling me that he told his friends what happened in the group chat and that they all laughed that weekend he had me and his friends over to watch a hockey game and I could barely look anyone in the eye I I swear I swear I would never tell a soul this story but I thought that you guys would appreciate it. Love you both and Kristen of course Kitty Gang forever. XO. Kitty Gangs unite because oh my god. But like I feel like this is happened to a lot of people and by a lot of people, I mean, I could see this happening to me.
Starting point is 01:04:45 I could absolutely see this happening to me. She couldn't have prepared for that. That's like... Because you know when you're in missionary and your legs are like that? Yeah. And like air gets in it. Remember me telling you that time that I was having sex with someone and I queefed and I was like, well, you're filling me with
Starting point is 01:05:06 aeronautic. Yes, literally. Like, don't, don't pump me with air. I'm not a basketball. No. And then he didn't talk to me for like 24 hours. Well, maybe he shouldn't, maybe he shouldn't pump you with air then. It was funny, but then you get flipped over into doggy and it's like completely different. The aerodynamics are just like working differently, right? Not the aerodynamics. A queef is very plausible in that situation. Thank you guys for always supporting our show.
Starting point is 01:05:36 Please subscribe and review on the Apple podcast app follow and read on Spotify or listen wherever you get your podcasts. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram and join our Facebook group to connect with us and our community. Full video episodes are now available on Kale's Patreon. To join visit slash kale Lowry. We love you guys. And for those of you who are going to Texas, we will see you there. See you there. What if I told you that I just walked away from a wonderful and very high-profile fitness brand to pursue bigger dreams? And I broke away from my own golden handcuffs to pursue a more artistic life.
Starting point is 01:06:14 What's up? I'm Kendall Tool. And I'm Gaylee Alex. And we are so excited to share our new podcast wholeheartedly with Kendall and Gaylee. The two of us have taken the uncharted path and felt we were at a great place or at least at a pivot point in our lives to share our biggest tragedies and triumphs. So that everyone here with us can learn from our battles victories and our total f-ups and that's from two people who have really been through it. Good lord yes. We're both still navigating life and we want you to come along on the journey so we can stay in the fight to overcome
Starting point is 01:06:42 whatever BS is thrown our way. It's not easy out here, but we'll be walking and talking with you through building careers, self-worth, relationships. Oh, and get some good laughs, please. Or tears. There's tears. That's true. There's always tears.
Starting point is 01:06:57 That's true. All with our hearts on the line. So if this sounds additive to your journey, we are here for you. Join us every week on Wholeheartedly with Kendall and Gaylee. Wholeheartedly will be available July 17th. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcast.

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