Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 577: Vaccine Incels
Episode Date: May 17, 2021Show Notes Listener Messages Tik Tok  ...
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This episode of Cognitive Dissonance is brought to you by our patrons. You fucking rock.
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The explicit tag is there for a reason. recording live from glory hole studios in chicago beyond. This is Cognitive Dissonance.
Every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way.
We bring critical thinking, skepticism, and irreverence
to any topic that makes the news, makes it big, or makes us mad.
It's skeptical, it's political, and there is no welcome at this episode.
577 of cognitive dissonance in Cecil.
The teenagers can now get vaccinated, man.
I know.
Isn't that great?
One step closer.
Adding to that pool of eligibility, buddy.
Oh, it's so great.
And they're starting trials on children, young children, and even babies.
All the way down to six months.
So yeah, man, I think that the bigger the pool,
the better chance we get.
And the thing is, is like,
the good thing about all this is the pool immediately shrunk once we started getting
to the end of the line here.
There's a bunch of people right now
who just have one dose,
who aren't going to go back for that second dose.
There's other people, you know, that
weren't going to get the vaccine.
But there was still
a ton of people with a bunch of kids
in that first vaccinated
group that would have absolutely vaccinated.
So now you can bump that number up
pretty high through
just people that are, you know,
that would have got vaccinated anyway.
And now we can, you can really, I think,
get a larger portion of the United States vaccinated.
And right now, today, they released the CDC guidelines
for people who have been vaccinated
and have gone through that waiting period
after being vaccinated.
They took off the gloves,
essentially can do a lot of things right now
without a mask on.
Yeah, you could do,
you don't even have to wear a condom
if you've been vaccinated.
Like, it's that good right now.
You're waxed and vaxxed
and ready to fax.
Do you know what I mean?
You can just like park anywhere,
just like pull up on the lawn.
It doesn't matter.
Like, you're fucking vaxxed.
You do whatever you want.
That's it, man.
We got a fucking license
to not kill.
That's what we've got.
Oh, God.
Yeah, it's really great though.
And I'm excited. I want to see more and more people get vaccinated
more and more people wind up getting vaccinated as time goes on i have no idea i know that we've
heard a bunch of different things in the past couple weeks whether or not we're going to hit
herd immunity or not and i don't know but but you know the more people we get vaccinated the better
off we're going to be just in general when it comes to this and you know the rest of the world
is going to take a long time to catch up to that. It's going to be
the rest of the world is going to be dicey
in certain places of the world for a long time
because they will not have the infrastructure to do
the things that we've done already.
It's like anything else
with public health. This is
a dollars and cents issue
now more than it is a technology issue.
When the
pandemic first hit, the first thing it was,
was a medical technology issue. And the medical technology issue has been solved. And now it's
like the part of me that is a pessimist, which is growing by the day, I used to be very much
an optimist, Cecil. I used to be so optimistic, man. I'd be like, everything will be fine. Here's Chip. But yeah, not so much.
But this is now a cultural and dollars and cents issue.
And that's the hard part.
That's the hard part to solve.
Solving the technology issues.
Yeah, money solves a lot of problems.
You throw billions of dollars at things
and you put people's personal jeopardy at stake.
You create incentives.
There's carrots and sticks.
And man, humans can do amazing shit.
You see the million dollar thing?
In Ohio.
In Ohio, there's a lottery.
There's a carrot.
That's a big fucking carrot.
Let me tell you.
Five million dollars are given away, something like that.
Five people are going to be chosen.
They're each going to get a million dollars
out of anybody who's been vaccinated in Ohio.
And your name's like, I think, automatically put in.
Oh, that's probably.
Which feels like a HIPAA violation, but whatever.
I don't give a shit.
I don't give a shit.
You know, if you want to send me a million dollars,
what am I going to do, sue you?
Yeah, sue you for the HIPAA violation and get more money.
Yeah, but I think that's a giant carrot, right? We're talking about ways to incentivize.
That's a lot of Krispy Kremes. But you got to incentivize and you also have to communicate
better. We talked about that last week. The communication is key and being able to communicate
with that group of people to be able to get
and reach those people
who don't think
vaccinations are worthwhile
and also to get to people
who, you know,
are having issues
trying to even get a vaccine.
You know,
there's people
that we talked about,
the people that,
you know,
might not like needles,
people who are afraid
of the side effects
that are going to come
from the vaccine.
We need to be doing
drives at people's work.
We need to make it so convenient.
We need to be showing up in the parking lot
of every big factory and every big poultry farm.
And we need to start going to people.
I think step one is people go to you.
And step two is now we got to get out and go to people.
We got to show up.
We got to knock on doors.
And then we need some massive, massive international cooperation.
And we need to do that in places that we're not friendly with.
And that's going to be tough.
And we need solid messaging when it comes to how we should be handling this in general.
And there needs to be no wavering.
There needs to be no difference between this state and the next state and the following state and the other state. There shouldn't be a difference in what Florida does to what Illinois does. It should always be everybody's on the same page, period. There's a consensus on what's right and what's wrong. And we follow what's right and what's wrong.
And we don't look to anything else
as a marker of how to decide what's happening.
So economy doesn't come into play
as much as the science of whether or not
people are going to be injured.
So are you suggesting, Cecil, that the states be united?
Oh gosh, United States. What would it be united? Oh, gosh. United states.
What would it be like?
Whoa, whoa.
Let's not get crazy.
Man, what would happen?
I like that idea so much, Tom.
I'm going to create an insurrection in the capital.
What could it possibly be made of?
Is it some sort of meteor that has fallen from the sky?
A rare rock, perhaps, that is believed to have spiritual powers?
Or is it cow poop that has been sitting in the hot sun for almost a year?
So Cecil, this story is from Reuters.
I got it from Flipboard.
Indian doctors, and here's a sentence that nobody should ever feel like they should read in their lifetime.
Indian doctors warn against cow dung as COVID cure.
So I guess we have to say out loud now.
We're living in a world, Cecil, where you have to say out loud now that smearing shit all over yourself will not fix your problems.
What problem is that ever fixed?
will not fix your problems.
What problem is that ever fixed?
You know, and not to be somehow looking down our nose at people who are doing this.
This week in the United States,
I saw many different images of people filling open tubs
with gasoline and bags, plastic bags with gasoline.
So I'm not looking down my nose at anyone here
because, you know, stupid people live all over the globe.
But in this case, the stupid is drenched in religion.
And the religion sanctifies the cow,
makes it so it's a holy animal,
and they literally dig in buckets of slimy, gross cow shit
and rub it all over themselves. It's literal
animal waste, literal animal waste as a preventative for disease that somehow they think
increases and bolsters their immune system. It's shit. It's shit. The problem is your point,
it's shit the problem is your point like
they believe they have magic cows
religion has taught
a huge segment of the world that like
there is magic in them
thar beef there is no magic
in them thar beef there is beef
in them thar beef
that's all that's in the beef man
maybe that magic's in that big
hump cause they have the humpback cows over there
they do those brahmin cows they. They do those Brahman cows.
They got those big, thick, humpy
cows. Those things aren't fucking around,
man. I'm telling you,
you wait for them to walk away from that precious,
precious COVID-curing dung.
You gotta get away.
There's no way to sell this to anybody
without religion, right?
Imagine any other world where you're like, all right, I know that there's a virus out there.
It's 2021, so everyone knows what viruses are.
Oh, yeah, we know.
Well, they'll make you sick.
Oh, I didn't know that, obviously.
So you got to smear animal shit all over your body while you're half naked.
I have to do what?
Excuse me?
Oh, yeah.
Here, I'll roll in some guano, back guano.
Just fucking lay around half naked and roll in some back guano.
Oh, that way we won't get viruses.
On one hand.
On one hand, you have the mRNA vaccine.
A way to revolutionize medicine.
And that is being distributed all over the globe.
Yep. And on the other, you have distributed all over the globe. Yep.
And on the other, you have people diving into literal bullshit.
Literal bullshit.
Literal bullshit.
Cecil, this week, I watched a video on my telephone of what Mars sounds like.
Me too.
I saw that too.
like. Yep. Me too. I saw that too. In my left hand, I looked at a screen that showed me what Mars sounds like. And in another part of the world, we're smearing shit on ourselves
to prevent ourselves from getting sick. We don't all, this is like, we don't, to my point about
international cooperation, we don't all live in the same world. We don't all live in the same
world here in the US. The first world isn't the first world everywhere you go. Go to many parts
of the quote unquote first world, and it's indistinguishable from the third world. Go to
huge parts of the world now, and they're not reaping the same rewards from the technology
that you and I reap because of just sheer chance, right?
Like you and I just got fucking luckier than other people. It's not fair, but religion makes it worse,
right? Religion means that people will smear cow shit on themselves in true sincerity, and they'll try to convince their friends and neighbors to smear cow shit on themselves with real and honest determination and sincerity
because the magic cow will heal them.
No other thought system could possibly sell us that in 2021.
And to be honest,
India has had a messaging problem
just like us from the very beginning.
India's messaging,
some of the different Twitter,
official Twitters for India,
were messaging out
how you should drink hot milk
with turmeric to prevent COVID.
They were talking about doing yoga.
They were talking about doing homeopathy.
So there's been-
Cow urine, drinking cow urine.
Yeah, drinking cow urine.
There's also been some of these,
I don't know if I'm pronouncing it right,
Ayurveda doctors over there
ayurveda yeah the doctors over there who go and they do their it's like medicine from old-timey
religion and they go over there and they do these kinds of uh they they make their own sort of
potions and alchem alchemic tinctures and things that are just at one point one one couple just
they they thought they made a COVID cure. They
made caustic soda and one of the guys died. And so there's just been these bad, really bad messaging
over there from what should be a pretty, you know, a large government that clearly understands
medicine. I mean, how some of the fucking larger groups of vaccines are even made over there.
So it's not that they don't know or understand this stuff.
No, not at all.
And they should have better messaging.
And the problem is that there is this sort of cushion given to religion that they sometimes don't want to push on,
although there are doctors coming out right now, doctors in India that are saying, please don't do this. Yeah, well, you know, part of the issue particularly there is that religion for a long time has been used to perpetuate the caste system.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
And the caste system relies on a lot of religious underpinnings in order for it to continue.
And we have similar structures here.
Religion plays this role very nicely all across the world, right?
It has explanatory power for why some people are made to suffer and why other people are made to
succeed and to have and to gain and to have advantage. For sure. So it has explanatory,
but it also has perpetuating powers to keep certain people in their fucking lane,
socially and economically
and otherwise.
And, you know,
at a time when you've got
a goddamn international crisis,
that is even more abhorrent
than usual.
Because now you have
a whole group of people
you've sold them
for generations and generations
on magic cows.
Well, what are they going to turn to?
They're not going to turn to mRNA vaccines.
They're going to turn to what they and their grandparents
and generations and generations have sold each other on.
Yeah, they're going to go to a different cow.
I mean, like, this is magic beans to solve your problems, man.
100%, 100%.
Do you call Jewish juggalos, juggalos?
I've heard it before. Maybe Jesus was a juggalo. I know he was. Are juggalos, juggalos? Nah. I've heard it before.
Maybe Jesus was a juggalo.
I know he was.
Are juggalos hated?
We're fucking hated, despised, spit on, pissed on, fucking shit on.
You're the most hated people in America right now.
Yeah, we're up there with Bloods, Crips, and everything else.
I know my constitutional rights.
I can be a juggalo if I want to.
This is fucking America.
I'll fight to the death for my rights.
That's just what it is, man.
We're here.
We drink Faygo.
Get used to it.
So, Cecil Lister, it comes from the friendly atheist blogs over at Patheos.
Conspiracists, the unvaccinated, are being treated just like Jews in the Holocaust.
Well, you went there, huh?
You went right there, huh?
All right.
So before we get into
that point of comparison,
let's go ahead
and listen to what
she has to say.
Yeah, sure.
Now this is
Deanna Lorraine.
She was,
wasn't she running
for an office
and she didn't get it
or something?
I think she was.
And now she just does
a Patreon
with like
six poor people yeah she's the one i think we had her on the show when she said she wouldn't get the
vaccine even if jesus got the vaccine and it's like that's right even if jesus got it so so now
we're stuck with uh deanna here's deanna and she's on a different show now they They're going to start doing divided, dividing up their sections of sporting events,
churches, and other areas of public interest. And it's going to say vaccinated people or
non-vaccinated people. Yeah. So when you walk in, like the hostess used to ask you smoking or non,
now it's going to be this. Now it's going to be vaccine. Cecil, I love that they're upset about
that. Cause when I, when I first started listening to this clip, I thought it's just like the smoking section, right?
Like there are people who want to choose to take risks.
And then there are other people who want to not take those risks.
It is actually a good comparison, just not for the reason that they're thinking.
It's a very good one.
Like, yeah, not exactly.
Vaccinated or non-vaccinated.
And of course we know because there's so
many mindless sheeple out there
that the vaccinated section is going to be
a hell of a lot bigger than the non-vaccinated
section, but that's how it's going to be.
Well, why would it be bigger
though? I mean, at this
point, what are you saying
about the people who get the vaccine?
Are you saying, because
wouldn't your contention be
not to get it because it's dangerous
and therefore it's more dangerous than
say COVID or something and shouldn't
they be dying from the vaccine? Wouldn't there
be fewer of them if they're
because they're vaccinated, they're more
dangerous in some way. It's more
dangerous because I know that in a few minutes
they're going to be talking about, I guess, a fucking virus shedding off people with the vaccine.
They're going to talk about it in a second. But the idea, what you're saying is that those people
are being reckless. And I don't want to associate with the people that are being reckless. And she
is claiming that the people being reckless are the people with the vaccine. Well, wouldn't there
necessarily be fewer of them? I don't get it. I don't understand. Like if you just expect them
to live a better life and have more freedom, where's your pitch for not getting the vaccine
here? I'm missing it. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you. I thought the same thing. It's like,
all right, well, they, you know, we don't want to get the vaccine. We just want to, well,
their lives are better and
they're not dying and they get the better part and the bigger part of the restaurant. It's like,
it's like being the non-smoker. It's like this part of the restaurant doesn't stink.
Well, I'd like to sit over there where it doesn't stink. Are you fucking kidding me?
It's better. Like make better choices, get better results.
Sporting events. If you go to a baseball game, a football game, et cetera,
you can expect to be put in a different section,
whether you've been vaccinated or not.
Same thing goes with churches.
And I think that's even more sinister, honestly.
Cecil, why would the same thing go for churches?
Nobody is mandating this from on high.
Certainly hasn't yet.
Yeah, and it certainly hasn't yet in any of the other churches unless you're just saying that there's some churches
that will definitely be unvaccinated because there's plenty of those but also any segregation
of the public by vaccinated or non-vaccinated it's not coming down from on high it's not this
is not being driven literally from on high.
Wherever you go, you have to walk in,
and Biden is the guy who puts you in your seat.
What do they call it?
An usher?
He's the usher.
Oh, you got good seats here.
You're down in B6.
You're down over there.
You got good seats. And weirdly, he's actually also touring with usher.
So he's the usher with usher.
So it's like a double usher.
It's a whole thing.
so he's the usher with usher so it's like a double usher
it's a whole thing
Biden just rolls in and it's getting hot in here
you know this is a place where
there should be no division
you should be bringing people together
but they're going to be pushing that
unless you don't belong to that church
there should be no division
churches are the most divisive how did we let that one slip through yeah i can't think of anything more honestly like more
like weirdly socially divisive actually than a church it's not even it's a well it's like
christians and the muslims don't go and the jews don't go and the hindus don't go and then
if you're christian it's a lot of catholics go to their one and the lutherans go and the Jews don't go and the Hindus don't go. And then if you're Christian, it's a lot of Catholics go to their one and
Lutherans go and the Baptists go.
It's super divisive. What do you mean
it brings people together?
It's like saying like my family reunion
brings, it only brings people together
from my family.
It brings like
people together. I mean, I guess a clan
meeting brings people together too.
Well, vaccinated section and then non-vaccinated
pews. I'm actually okay with it
because I don't really want to be hanging around
these vaccinated people. I think so, too.
Talk about transmission and shedding
and all of this other stuff. I mean, this is a
contagious vaccination. It's a self-spreading
vaccination. They started talking about this.
That would be amazing, Cecil.
How fucking baller would a self-spreading
vaccination be? That would be outstanding, Cecil. How fucking baller would a self-spreading vaccination be?
That would be outstanding.
You only have to give it to like two people.
You give it to them and then you send them down to spring break.
But you got to do, you know, like order one of these churches, you know, one or the other.
No, but seriously, this is so, again, here it is.
They're going to be shedding on you.
What will they be shedding on you. What will they be shedding on you?
What could they shed on you?
The thing is, it's like, what are they going to be getting that could possibly hurt you?
Vaccine droplets.
Well, just get the vaccine then.
I just don't understand what's happening.
Like, you think you're going to get COVID from people who already had the vaccine?
That's a possibility because people who had the vaccine can can still have covid without
any symptoms right they can be asymptomatic and they could be spreading it to you but that's on
you to get the vaccine to protect yourself right man yeah i the other thing is like if i get a
disease and i didn't know what happened that's a tree that fell in the forest man exactly like i'm
okay with that i the likelihood is that we get lots of diseases that we don't know that we have.
It's just not a fucking problem
because you didn't know you had it.
They're just afraid.
I think what he said, like, good, I don't want to sit by him.
I think it actually threw her for a bit of a loop.
I think her original thing was like, that's unfair.
We're second-class citizens
because that's kind of where she goes in a minute.
So I think when he's like,
I don't want to be next to those vaccine shedders,
I'm not 100% sure she was sold on what she was going to say next. Yeah, yeah. Maybe she
you're right. I think you're probably right. Years ago, and it's now coming out, it's being exposed.
They knew exactly what was going to happen, but yet pushed it on the American people anyway.
Okay, so I just want to tell you what happened on screen just right now. So what happened on screen was he just made a claim.
And the claim was is that this has been happening for years.
And so now it's just coming out that this has been happening for years.
They didn't put anything on the screen that had like a link or here's the study that this came from.
They literally just had a graphic come on
that showed the COVID-19 vaccine up close
and then it went off screen.
That's what happened.
To try to scare you.
While they were making-
But there's nothing, no link.
There's no link.
They didn't link to a study or something.
No, they didn't say anything.
When they made the absolutely bonkers fucking claim
that this shit's been around for years.
For years. COVID's been around for years yeah they have for years covid's been around for and we just what we just now got around to it being infected by it yeah
infectious yeah sure okay well i mean time you're forgetting about covid 1 through 18 i mean let's
be i forgot about that shit cecil oh my god right exactly yeah don't shed. Yeah. Don't shed on me. I don't shed on me.
Instead of having don't, we need to start having don't shed on me flags.
Yes, exactly.
That's the new freedom.
So I don't want to be hanging out with the Vax anyways, but just imagine a year ago,
did we ever think that this was going to happen?
If we did think that it was going to happen, we were labeled conspiracy theorists with
tinfoil hats.
But imagine what the Jews experienced, right?
Again, we go back to the Holocaust.
What are you talking about conspiracy?
What conspiracy are you talking about?
To have only vaccinated people.
I think, I don't know.
I tried, Cecil.
You tried.
You gave it out, pal. Good for you. I thought I had it for a second. Good for you. I thought I didn't have it, though, because I don't know. I tried, Cecil. You tried. You gave it out, Tom.
Good for you.
I thought I had it for a second.
Good for you.
I thought I didn't have it though
because I don't know.
You didn't have it.
I don't know.
I got nothing.
The thing is,
what's the conspiracy?
Is the conspiracy that all along we knew
that as regulations got released,
the people that had the vaccination
would be the more free
because we knew that going into this. Yeah. We knew that had the vaccination would be the more free because we knew that
going into this. We knew that at the very beginning of this. We knew from the first
communications that were coming from viable, actual, authentic, official sources that vaccines
were the way out of this. We knew that from the very beginning.
There was no equivocation.
Yeah, sure.
Was the president saying other things?
Yeah, but he seriously thought it was going to fucking go away like magic in April.
So you can't take anything that that guy said for real.
But seriously, from the beginning, Tom,
we knew 100% that what was going to happen was
people were going
to get vaccinated and then they would start to open things back up. And that's, and the people
that were vaccinated were going to be the ones that would participate in a society more fully.
That was a hundred percent the expectation. No one thought that was a conspiracy.
No, but I do think it's the second part, Cecil. I think the second part is,
here's what, here's what I really think. I think these guys are upset that they can't have their cake and
eat it too. I think what these guys want is they want to not take the vaccine and then let a whole
bunch of other people take the vaccine, but everybody gets to enjoy the same results of
the vaccine, right? Like I want 90% of the world to take the vaccine
and then I want to reap the rewards of that herd immunity
and I don't want to have any restrictions as a result.
I think that that's what they want.
I think the conspiracy is,
well, geez, we always said from the beginning
that this is going to turn into
you have to get the vaccine or else.
I think where they're upset though
is that the or else is coming from the private sector.
The or else
is coming organically.
It's coming grassroots.
It's coming from,
I want to go to the baseball game
in the baseball stadium,
not the government,
but the baseball stadium
is saying,
go sit over here
with all the gross people.
go sit over here
in the infected zone of,
I don't even,
and the thing is like,
I think they're making that up, Cecil.
I don't think that if I were running a ballpark,
I would not segregate vaccinated and unvaccinated.
I just wouldn't let unvaccinated people
into the ballpark.
I wouldn't segregate them
to a different section.
Yeah, they wouldn't even get a chance to play.
You can't even show up.
Because how do you...
What, are you going to fucking hall monitor them
the whole time they're there?
Yeah, no, it's stupid.
What, do you got a guy with a fucking pugil stick standing as a fucking bouncer, as an usher in between the fucking lines?
Sorry, this is the unvaccinated section.
You got to stay over here or I beat you with this fucking American Gladiators pugil stick.
Get the fuck out of here.
You're not going to pay anybody to do that.
Nobody's going to do that.
Cecil, I'll do that for free.
I know, I would too.
100% for free.
I will do that for free.
I will American Gladiators any unvaccinated
person for free. Absolutely. Oh, that would be amazing.
Right? We had to show their papers.
They had to wear the gold star. Isn't
this eerily familiar to that, Stu, where
we have to show our papers. We have to
show proof of vaccination.
Oh, look at this.
Look at this.
Okay, guys.
Okay, hold on a second.
So, Tom, what is on the screen right now?
On the screen is a fat man in a green army uniform sitting in front of a typewriter.
An old-timey typewriter.
An old-timey desk with a bunch of old-timey stamps.
It looks like somebody playing like World War II reenactment game.
This is also back in the day
where racism was paramount
and they had separate water fountains,
separate schools,
separate eating areas
for blacks and whites.
How is this any different?
First of all,
there are no water fountains right now.
So there's no segregating the water fountains.
They just turned them all off.
They're all turned off.
Who wants to dip your face into a water fountain?
We are a society that cannot, at this point,
responsibly handle the water fountain.
We've had to stop water fountaining.
We had to give that up.
That's it.
That's just, you can't.
Yeah, we got all the guns in the world you want,
but we can't handle a water fountain because America.
I love too that they're like, well, you know, it was just like the Jews. They had to show their
papers. It's like, okay, but there's a second half of that that's different. I have to show
my papers or I don't get to go to the baseball game versus I have to show my papers or I get
loaded onto a box car and sent to an extermination camp. You see how they sound different, Cecil?
It's a little different.
When you get to the second half of that, Tom,
it sounds a little different.
There's just a little...
You know, once it sort of diverges.
It's like two paths diverge in the woods, right?
One is the road less traveled.
I took the one less vaccinated
and it made all the difference.
Less vaccinated, yeah.
Same amount of death on that less vaccinated path, though.
Yeah, I fucking love it when they want to do this, but at the same time, not only do they want to have their
cake and eat it too, when it comes to whether or not they can hang out with the vaccinated people,
they also don't want to associate with vaccinated people, but they want to associate,
want to force them to associate with them. So they, like they, they don't want to associate with them. He just said, I don't want to. They don't want to associate
with them. He just said, I don't want to hang out with any
vaccinated people, but I want them to
want to hang out with me.
I just realized what they are, man. They're vaccine
They're totally vaccine incels. It's like,
man, I hate girls.
They won't date me.
And I hate them and they won't date me and they should
all date me. They should have to date me,
but I hate them.
But I hate them.
It's their fucking vaccine incels.
I don't want to be by them.
But they should be by me
and I...
But I don't want to be near them,
but I'm sad that they won't hug me.
What the fuck?
You know you're going to love my clowns.
Come on!
I breed them myself.
These clowns come from Donnie's.
Why try some other man's seed?
My seed's fresh.
I keep my seed in tubes and plastic bags.
Put it in your wife, you get a clown in nine months.
The women I breed with are clean and have real clown traits.
Look, I'm a clown breeder.
It's in my blood, it's in my balls.
This is a real interesting story.
It's from my blood. It's in my balls. This is a real interesting story. It's from the BBC. The volunteers using honeypot groups to fight anti-vax propaganda. And so this is a story
about a group of people, a couple of guys really, who started creating social media pages on
Facebook. And they started creating social media pages that were on their face, anti-vax social media pages.
And then once they sort of get people to sign on to the page, then the moderators to the page, two dudes, would basically send them private messages and say, hey, you know, here's some actually very pro-vax information.
And they were able, Cecil, to make real change and to convince some people
that their stance was the wrong stance. They had managed to move the needle on some anti-vaxxers
with it. Unfortunately, they also got caught up in some of the algorithms that Facebook has
for disinformation. So it's actually a pretty complicated story.
Yeah. And we did talk about this a couple story. Yeah. And I, you know, we did talk about
this a couple of weeks ago when we said, you know, what you could do is send out one anti-vax thing.
And then once people share it, you could then switch it because you could change the post in
Facebook share and change it to a pro-vax thing. But the problem is, is that all the anti-vaxxers
already shared it and they probably won't go rack and revisit it. But in this case, what he did was
he created a group that seemed like it was going to be a whole group of people that was going to be sharing
in the same mindset, which is anti-vax, anti-vax, anti-vax. And then the moment that they come in,
this guy starts saying, hey, you know, there's some really interesting things you should look at
then make them pro-vax. And also, like you said, reaching out to each person very individually. We're finding more and more and more that the way to deprogram people is not to do mass information
because people just don't pay attention to mass information as much. They tend to pay
attention to mass information that already is attuned to their preconceived notions.
So they pay more attention to that because of confirmation
bias, and then they throw the rest of it out. So if you were to have something that were against
vaccines, they would be fine with it and they would somehow start to absorb it. But if they
see anything that is pro-vaccine, they immediately discount it and it gets thrown out of their
circle and they don't even pay attention to it. So you need to have that one-on-one communication, one-on-one connection with those people so
that they have these connections that then start to make them realize that the other
people that are trying to communicate this are human and they care about the same things
that they do.
So from the article, I want to read this part.
He said, Richard talked to them about the personal difficulties
that had left him vulnerable to the easy explanations of online pseudoscience.
And he also explained how the algorithms of social media sites
work to reel people in with emotion
and by serving up content similar to that which the user has seen before.
So to your point, he had to really connect. He had to connect. He had to
explain. He had to make people understand the rabbit hole effect. He had to make people understand,
hey, just because you've seen something a hundred times doesn't mean that you've seen
a hundred true things, that repetition does not make things more true. There's so much
deprogramming. I know we talked about this a few shows ago.
There's so much work in that individuated deprogramming.
And while I look at this, C-San, I'm really conflicted because it's like, that's great work.
And then I thought, he shouldn't have to do it.
My first thought was, that's amazing work.
My second thought was, we need to build sites.
We need to build these social media sites in such a way
that people don't have to try to swim upstream against the structural problems that these sites create.
These sites have a deep, deep responsibility.
And their responsibility and their lack of action on that responsibility have cost hundreds of thousands of lives.
And they need to get with the fucking ball.
Like, this is more than just like,
oh, I look at my phone too much.
You know, this is a lot bigger than that now.
And it was always trending toward this.
And it's like, Richard's doing great work.
Baller for Richard, man.
But how many Richards do you need
to swim upstream against that?
You need a lot, man.
You need a lot.
You need a lot.
And the problem is that it's so individual
that you absolutely need a lot of people to do this,
to be the person who can try to grab these people
and pull them back to reality.
And they're also fighting against Facebook's bots
because the algorithms are now starting to crack down on this stuff.
But now they're cracking down on these people
because they are initially posting these things
to lure them in, what they call the honeypot.
So they lure them in with stuff that is bullshit.
And then they crack down on them and say,
you can't post that stuff anymore.
And while that is a positive,
it does not give them any leads anymore.
They can't get those leads.
And now I don't know where you go to get those leads
because if Facebook isn't those place
where do you go to get those leads?
Hopefully if you turn off the spigot completely
and the whole spigot's off
that things start to trend back to normal.
But I don't know if that's the case.
I suspect they're probably going to go to Telegram
and other places and share this stuff
and keep sharing this stuff no matter where you go.
And you can't take it off the internet.
It's always going to be on the internet.
Do a vaccine search on the internet.
You're going to find, if you scroll deep enough,
depending on who you are, it could come up right away.
But if you scroll deep enough,
you could certainly find anti-vax stuff
if you do a search on the internet.
You can't take it all off the internet.
No, no.
I think it's like a lot of things.
I think you minimize the amount of information
that is seen accidentally, right? If you're looking for something in a purposeful way,
you're going to find it. But a lot of how people are influenced is when they're not looking,
is when they're just scrolling through when their guard is down. That's a lot of how information
bleeds through and colors our perceptions. Then you get curious and you click on something.
And before you know it and you click on something.
And before you know it,
you've radicalized yourself in some form or fashion.
And it seems like what Facebook or these groups could do is they could give guys like Richard
an opportunity to register,
to register as sort of reality checkers
and register their little honeypot site, you know?
And so these groups do exist
and they can continue to do good work.
There needs to be a combination of human beings
plus algorithms because the problem is
costing us hundreds of thousands of lives.
My vaccine is the vaccine for conservatives.
You storm the Capitol,
let my vaccine storm your capillary.
We'll give you one dose of my vaccine
and throw in another dose 21 to 28 days later for free. I love this story.
It's from Gizmodo.
Why won't Tucker Carlson say if he's taking the vaccine?
We're just asking questions.
I just think that's great.
So Tucker Carlson has been, I mean, he's just the worst.
He's just the absolute fucking worst.
He's the worst and he's the worst.
And he's been yammering a bunch of anti-vax shit,
calling into question just a week or so ago,
badly interpreted data submitted
to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.
The implication being that thousands of people have died
when in fact that's not the statistical reality
of how this process works.
It's not, it just,
he's a horrible person with an agenda.
Every single thing that that man does and says
is dishonest
and angling. He's constantly, constantly angling at some horrible, mean-spirited,
ethno-state, white nationalist awfulness, right? He's just a terrible fucking person.
But he's not talking about what he's done personally. He hasn't come out and said,
I'm not getting the vaccine. And he hasn't come out and said, I got it either.
Like he's been really mum on that topic himself.
I, I feel the same way about Trump too, who did get the vaccine and that's known that
he got the vaccine, but he got it really fucking quiet.
But then he also still wants all the fucking accolades for it, but he got it really fucking quiet. Yep. Right. But then he also still wants
all the fucking accolades for it, but also is sort of giving the message that you don't need it. So
on one hand, oh, I'm the guy who got it for you, but also you really don't need a vaccine. It's
going to go away in a couple of weeks. Who cares? It's not a big deal, but I did make that vaccine.
I was the one who did it at warp speed. That's all me, but you don't really need it. So it's on the one hand, it's this weird,
we want to give Trump the accolades.
We want to make sure that people recognize that.
But at the same time,
there's also this downplaying of the vaccine
that it's almost unnecessary.
But then you just have the hypocrisy of these people
who will go out and spread all this vaccine misinformation,
all this COVID misinformation, all this COVID
misinformation, but they are still following all these rigid scientific ideas that are coming out
from people who understand the way this works. These guys like Tucker Carlson is a lot of things,
but he's not a stupid man. He's a bad, evil, mean-spirited, awful fucking person,
but he is not stupid.
And so the highest likelihood is he wouldn't got his fucking vaccine, man.
Like this guy's not playing Russian roulette with his life any more than Trump.
He got COVID and he also wouldn't got the vaccine.
He wouldn't got the fuck, but he also knows that he can weaponize and politicize the vaccine.
knows that he can weaponize and politicize the vaccine because vaccines are a heavily contested issue in America. For whatever fucking reason, they've always been this heavily contested
technology and heavily contested public health program in the States. And they were before COVID,
they will be after COVID. And I think guys like that see an opportunity to polarize,
to create a culture war.
You know?
Yeah, exactly.
And he's never been anything
but a provocateur.
So this is a perfect wedge
for him to wedge himself in
and plant himself on one side,
even though he's an absolute hypocrite
and almost certainly got the vaccine.
I'm vaccinated. Shout out to the
vaccine. Shout out to being socially aware.
Fucking shout out to whippus.
I'm on a sick one, baby. Shout out to
the vaccine, dude. Get vaccinated.
You guys are going to do heroin, but you're not going to take
the vaccine? Does that make sense? You know what?
I used to work for fucking Disneyland. They fucking
laid me off. Fuck Disneyland.
Fuck Magic Mountain.
So this story comes from ABC News.
Florida reports more than 10,000
COVID-19 variant cases
surge after spring break.
So Florida had opened up.
Florida, DeSantis,
Governor DeSantis down in Florida
from the very beginning of this thing
was as fucking loosey-goosey
with the fucking rules
as you could have possibly been.
Spring break in 2020 in Florida was on.
Spring break in 2021 in Florida was very much on.
It actually got way out of control and out of hand.
Like, damage was caused.
It went all crazy.
So Florida is just about the fucking cash.
Like, those motherfuckers,
they are running that state to the cash.
That's all they are doing.
And you gather these people in groups
and what do we have now?
Well, now you've got the B.1.1.7 variant.
That's the variant from the UK.
You have the P.1 variant.
That variant's a pretty scary variant.
That's the variant that comes out of Brazil.
That variant incidentally shows a pretty good ability to infect people that have already had COVID. So it ran roughshod over
Brazil, even for people who already had COVID. Jesus. Yeah. So having had a natural infection
of COVID didn't do shit to protect you against the P1 variant. You enjoy COVID the second time. And then also the B. variant,
all present in Florida.
And this is exactly how these things circulate.
Just totally irresponsible governance.
Yeah, and like you said,
he's been like that since the very beginning.
It's been a fucking T-shirt gun full of COVID down there
since the very beginning.
A wet T-shirt gun? Nobody COVID down there since the very beginning.
A wet t-shirt gun? Nobody gives a fuck. Yeah, nobody gives a fuck. Well, I mean, at least in this case, you can go home with a different disease than a venereal disease from spring break. So I
mean, I guess variety is the spice of life, Tom. So you go down there and get a different variety.
I got the Brazilian. I got a wax and I got the Brazilian COVID while I was there. You know, I can see why if you're in Florida, COVID wouldn't be as scary
though, because one of the effects of COVID is losing your sense of taste. And if you live in
Florida, you already have no taste. So true. So true. So true. It's like that entire state is
just a fucking carnival cruise ship. That's all it is.
It's like you expect to walk out somewhere and everywhere to just be tacky carpeting.
No matter where you go,
it's just tacky carpeting
that you can never see a stain on.
Florida is not...
Florida is one of those states
where you always want to wash your hands,
but you can't get them clean enough.
No matter where you're at or what you do.
Can you imagine...
when was the last time you were in Florida?
Two years ago.
What were you in Florida two years?
Oh, you had a buddy down in Tampa. I went to go visit a friend of mine.
I had a buddy.
I drove down.
A buddy.
There was a buddy of mine in Tampa.
I drove to Tampa.
I stopped on the way back to visit Heath on the way back.
I stopped to see my brother on the way down.
I remember that. I stopped to see Heath on the way back. I stopped to see my brother on the way down and then stopped to see Heath on the way back.
But on the way there,
I remember getting into Florida.
I crossed the state lines,
like welcome to Florida.
I stopped at a rest stop.
And the first thing I said is said,
watch out for venomous snakes
was the first sign I saw in Florida
other than welcome to Florida.
And then a half a block from there
was the biggest rebel flag
I've ever seen in my entire life.
It seriously was stories tall, hanging from the giant flagpole.
And it was right on the state line.
And I was like, well, here I am, folks, in a place I don't belong.
There's either snakes or rebels, and I don't like either one.
Florida is a state so disgusting, it makes you long for Georgia.
Like, when you drive, you're're like I wish I was back in Georgia
nobody says that
nobody with
choices says that Tom
yeah god it is
on my top like three list of places
I don't want to retire like if the
rest of the country was on fire
maybe I might.
It is a, I lived in Florida
when I was a young person.
I lived in Florida.
I can't, it's a disgusting state.
The leadership down there
is absolutely disgusting though.
And this guy has been,
since the beginning,
poo-pooing every single restriction.
And it's not been,
it's been a wide open state
for the, since the very beginning,
how they they
they wanted to have all kinds of different things there i remember they were they were going to have
before they closed it down and they had that weird ladies scream the best is yet to come
they had fucking they had planned to hold it down in florida in jackson yes because initially they
were going to have it somewhere.
Then they moved it to Georgia
and then Georgia closed down
and they said, well, fine, we'll go to Florida.
Because Florida was like, fuck you.
Door's open.
Show me your tits.
Like that's Florida.
Florida, they moved something intentionally to Jacksonville.
You don't move to Jacksonville.
The goal of Jacksonville is to move out of Jacksonville
no you never go into Jacksonville on purpose
that's where dreams go to die
get the fuck out of here
I've gone to Jacksonville a few times for work
I remember I was at an event
I was at a work event and I had a few hours to kill Cecil
and I left my hotel to just wander around.
I had a couple hours.
I'm like, I'll just go walk around.
Just walk and see what's around.
Maybe grab some lunch or cup of coffee, something.
This is a perfectly normal thing to do in almost any city, right?
Like, oh, right in the heart of the downtown,
right in the heart of the business district.
It's the middle of the day.
It's not nighttime.
It's the middle of the day.
Cecil, I couldn't find a cup of coffee.
I wandered around. It's just empty buildings, shuttered shit, Greyhound station. That's
Jacksonville. That's Jacksonville before the pandemic. What in the world would Jacksonville
look like now? Didn't you get told to like while you were there, don't go out again?
We were told explicitly not to go wander around.
We were told explicitly that it was unsafe.
Don't go wander around.
Stay in the hotel.
The shuttle will take you to and from events.
The shuttle will take you to and from dinner.
And my first day when I got there on the second trip to Jacksonville, like I was in a cab
and then the cab had to stop and take a detour.
And there's all this police lines and like three people had been shot.
And I found that out later from the newspaper,
like three people have been shot and there's all these police cars and
I was like,
holy shit,
I must be in the bad part of town.
And Cecil,
that cab drove around the corner and right into my fucking hotel.
And I was like,
everything's the bad part of town.
Oh, come on. What are you waiting on? Let's go. hotel and i was like oh everything's the bad part of town oh so cecil we got we want to talk a little bit about um the uh Hike the planet! Hike the planet! Shut up and get in the car. Hike the planet! Hike the planet!
So Cecil, we want to talk a little bit about the pipeline attack.
So there was a cyber attack, hit a major pipeline.
Everybody at this point knows about it.
It's the reason you've got a duffel bag full of gasoline in your closet right now.
It's the reason why you took your camel back and filled the thing
that you've been drinking.
You're slowly drinking gasoline.
It's the reason why Furiosa
is driving up and down
everybody's road right now.
the best video,
and I think everybody's seen it,
is the lady filling
like one of those
like one single-use garbage bag
or like plastic bags
for your groceries.
Plastic bags?
Like a grocery bag.
Those aren't even, those ain't even water tight.
Are you kidding me?
Let alone gas tight.
Those are, I can't.
And then my favorite part of that video,
and I'm sure everybody is that she fills it up and she sets it on the ground.
And then she kind of looks at it and then she gets another bag and she double
bags it.
And I was like, safety first.
That's a good idea.
Safety first.
That lady's a thinker.
She's using the old nougat up there.
Good for her.
When you get home.
Double bag.
Safety first.
What do you do with a grocery bag full of gasoline?
You know what you do, Tom?
You know what you do?
You walk straight to the days without an accident and cross it off. That's what you do, Tom? You know what you do? You walk straight to the days without an accident and cross it off.
That's what you do.
How do you even put that in your car now?
How does that not just spill everywhere?
Like, what is the tool that you use?
You would be better off with a big gulp cup.
You would?
You really would?
At least it has a top.
I mean, it's just all of this doesn't make
any sense and the worst part is is that that gasoline eats through plastic it eats through
it eats through plastic like the plastic grade they have to have for those containers
is a different plastic grade than the stuff they make plastic bags out of let alone is it thicker
right it's not just that it's thicker. It's that it's also a
different type of plastic and plastic essentially melts in gasoline. So that bag has a fucking
half-life of about seven minutes and then it's just fucking toast. Then it's toast. You have a
floor full of gas. There was a dude who had a Hummer supposedly. And I don't know, again,
I saw this as a picture and it was one of those memes that's really fast, so it's short.
So, again, I'm not sure how true this is.
But it certainly rings true that there was four giant gas canisters in this guy's car.
And then he lit a cigarette once he got into the car.
And it lit his Hummer on fire.
Because when you light, now the cigarette itself won't light it, but a lighter will. If there's a spark, it will. Yeah, so it'll light that vapor. And it lit it on fire because when you light, now the cigarette itself won't light it, but a lighter
will if there's a spark, it will. And yeah, so it'll light that vapor and it lit it on fire.
So it was like, I don't, again, I don't know how true that is. It's something I saw in passing. So
please don't, don't take that as gospel. But I, there was a lot of people doing very unsafe things
with gasoline this week that people took pictures of. I saw one where a guy had clearly
a container that was made for lots of water
and he was filling it with gas
and it was a giant like thousand gallon container,
but it was on the back of a trailer
that was only rated for 1800 pounds.
Well, Tom, 1800 pounds,
that's only 225 gallons.
So 1800 pounds, if you have a thousand gallon thing that you're
filling up, you only could do that a quarter of the way up, less than a quarter. Cause guess what?
You're not going to be. And also like the car itself wasn't even rated for pulling something
like that. They were saying, cause somebody had looked at the thing and saw that the whole
contraption was just a disaster, but people were doing crazy shit because they thought there was going to be a shortage.
That would have been fine if they wouldn't have gone crazy, but there was a shortage
because they went crazy.
And we'll get to the Russia connection in a second, but it also amuses the shit out
of me, Cecil.
Like gas doesn't store very well.
No, you can't.
No, they said that. Yeah. Or if you stock up on gasoline at home,
you stocked up on like accelerant to burn your house down.
That's pretty much what you stocked up on.
You didn't stock up on something useful for your car for the next three months.
That's why you have to put like stable in your fucking lawnmower,
like your lawnmower is not going to start next year.
Yeah, yeah.
Exactly, right?
And the fact is, it not only doesn't store well,
but it's also very, very dangerous,
and they're not putting it in containers
that are even close to recommended.
So people are just doing really dumb shit with gasoline
in the last couple weeks
because people are stupid, man.
People are just stupid. Like George Carlin said, average intelligence, half the people are stupid.
So it is worth noting that these attacks, according to Biden and security officials,
these attacks originated from Russia. Now, Biden and other security officials have been very clear
to say that they don't believe that the Russian government was involved in these attacks.
It appears to be a gang called DarkSide, like a cyber criminal gang called DarkSide, for real.
And they demanded five-
DarkSide's a villain in the DC universe, too.
So they demanded $5 million worth of Bitcoin.
I don't know if they specified whether they wanted like Dogecoin or if they wanted-
Dogecoin, Dogecoin,
you want some Dogecoin?
Real quick,
and I know we will eventually get to the point.
Man, when Elon Musk
was like, I'm going to
go to the Mars with
Dogecoins or whatever, I'll be the
first meme off the planet.
I was like, I just,
I've got to be making this up at this point. Like, I've, I just, I've got to be making this up at this point.
Like I've got to just,
I've got to be in a coma.
And this is just like the fucking fever coma dreams
that are making up the new reality.
Yeah, exactly.
You're making up all of this, Tom,
and I hate you for it.
I know.
There is a tiny part of me, Cecil.
In my bedroom,
I have a light fixture that looks just
like the images of what a coronavirus looks like. And every once in a while I look up at it, I'm
like, I'm in a coma. I'm in a coma. And I'm just making all this shit up. I'm making it up.
I'm going to wake up like a bad soap opera at some point. That's all going to be over.
Thank God. When you wake up, I won't exist
anymore and I won't even care. I won't even care. So the cyber attack, again, it came from a criminal
gang coming out of Russia. And it just got me to thinking, Cecil, about everything else that has
been happening from Russia over the course of the last year and a half. Now, again, this attack does
not appear to be state sponsored. Whether or not it wasenabled or not, I don't know. I don't know, and I don't even want to speculate.
And we should mention that. And we should mention that, right? Yeah. But it is originating from
Russia. And there's nothing to say that it wasn't state-enabled.
And if it were state-enabled, it would be in keeping with the current war that we are in with Russia.
And this is something that I've been thinking about, and I'm at an absolute loss as to why we don't seem to be open about what's going on.
We are at war with Russia, and we're losing, like real bad.
We're in a cyber war.
Like real bad.
We're in a cyber war.
The SolarWinds attack,
the hack that happened by the Russian government
where the attack
against our election integrity
that happened in 2016
and then it continued in 2020
and continued in 2018 as well.
The 16 one would, by the way,
laughed at by a lot of people
and still poo-pooed
by many different people now. Many journalists
still will not get on that train. Glenn Greenwald's one of those who keeps calling it a hoax.
It's verified now by every national security agency in the United States. There is a
systematized and concentrated social media attack and campaign that Russia is very much using
to sow divisiveness within our country.
And like, where has that led us over the last four years?
Because it's stepped up in 24,
according to everything I've read,
it really stepped up in 2014 in a big way.
It started to reach a zenith in 2016 and beyond.
The social media divisiveness campaign
led by Russia, what has that gotten us? Well, how about the politicization of our public health
response to the pandemic and the 500,000 deaths, plus deaths, that have resulted? We stormed our
own capital as a result of our political divisiveness, all of which is egged on daily, daily by Russian
This isn't stuff Tom is making up.
This is stuff you can read about in the Washington Post.
This is stuff that you can read about in the New York Times.
Russia is openly attacking us, and we are losing.
And weirdly, Cecil, we're not open about the fact that we
are currently at war with Russia. It is a cyber war and we're losing it real bad, real bad.
What is also more bizarre is that the people that are in charge of making these decisions
to try to stop this thing or to try to create some sort of counter, some counter creation
of some sort. You know, I'm not going to say that that stuff isn't happening. I'm sure it is on some
level. I know for sure that there was a lot of people that were worried because Trump was not
really doing a lot. Hopefully Biden came in and, you know, hit the ground running and started to
work on this right away. But the people who are in charge of this nation by and large are the boomers.
And the boomers for my whole life have hated Russia.
Hated everything about Russia.
Have constantly throughout my entire life
have literally said Russia is the antichrist.
They're the evil one.
They're the worst thing.
And they should be hating Russia more than Generation X,
which is what I'm part of,
or the millennials or whatever. But instead, what's happening is there's this weird turnabout
where they're starting to see Russia as not a threat. The cyber war is real. It's a real thing.
And we need to be on the cutting edge of that. To pretend that the cyber war is a lesser war than the Cold War, or that it
has a lesser impact, or that the stakes are lower. At the same time that this is happening, at the
cyber warfare that we are engaged in with Russia, and I believe we are losing badly, at the same
time that's happening, there is also a massive stockpiling of new technologies and weapons
from Russia. They introduced hypersonic
missiles over the last couple of years. These are missiles that go like Mach 7 and 10 and 11.
These are incredibly fast technologies to deliver warheads to the United States or anywhere around
the globe in minutes rather than hours. They've created a host of new submarine technologies. They've created a
host of other militarized technologies. They're moving up into the, as the polar ice caps melt,
they're taking over the water channels that are created up in the Arctic and laying claim to
parts of the world up there. They're getting- I will point out too that their vaccine was
faster than anybody else in the world. Yeah. They rolled it- I will point out too that their vaccine was faster than anybody else
in the world. Yeah, they rolled it out and then they used their vaccine to try to gain influence
in the world stage. Yeah, of course. Pretending that we are not, how is this different than the
Cold War? What was the Cold War marked by? It was defined by a mostly clandestine series of attacks between the United States and the Soviet Union
at the same time that a massive arms race ramped up, right?
And as a result, we were in constant existential threat
of nuclear war with Russia.
I literally don't understand the difference,
except for that we're losing so badly
that they have convinced a huge segment of the boomers
to become pro-Russia.
All that tells me, Cecil, is their propaganda is working.
It's working.
We're losing this Cold War.
And it has worked.
And sowing a division is a real thing.
It's something that happened.
It's something.
Now, I can't tell you.
I can't measure it for you.
And that's the problem.
I can't measure it for you.
And that's the problem.
If you can't tell impact and definitively show impact,
then you have a problem showing whether or not it's a problem.
That might be the issue because there's no way to measure that impact,
but we know it happened.
We know it happened.
And so we've got to be,
I think what we should always do is err on the side
of it was the worst that it could possibly be.
The impact was the worst thing ever. And we need to change the systems that we have in place to try to protect
ourselves in the future. What in the hell do you think you're doing here? This is a closed set.
Piss on you. I'm working for Mel Brooks. Not in the face.
Thank you.
Come on, girls!
This story comes from CNN.
A man who claimed Fox-itis prompted him to rush the Capitol says he believed America was being robbed of a president.
So this is specifically talking about Anthony Antonio,
whose name seems super redundant.
He's charged with five...
He's Tony Tony. I mean, if name seems super redundant. He's charged with five, right? He's Tony Tony.
I mean, if his middle name was Tony, he'd be Tony, Tony, Tony.
Tony, Tony, Tony.
So Tony Tony is charged with five federal crimes related to the riot.
He told Chris Cuomo on primetime that he, quote,
got wrapped up in what was being told to
me and what was on TV. And as a result, he, quote, truly believed that former President Donald Trump
won the election. As of right now, I acknowledge, I know that Joe Biden is our president. That's not
a mystery. That's a fact. But I felt like maybe I believe that America was being robbed of a
president. And I now know that that was a lie. You think he's saying that because he wants to
get out because he doesn't want to go to jail? Yeah, I don't know, man. He very well might.
If he's not, can you imagine that moment of like sober self-reflection where you're like,
oh man. You know who had one of those, Tom, was that dude who donated millions of dollars to
Trump's legal fund and then found out that
he pocketed it. There was a millionaire
recently who came out with
oh, man.
Now he was suing Trump
because Trump
was not using that money
for the legal. They just gave up.
They released the Kraken. Kraken bounced
off the wall. It was a tiny little squid,
it turns out. Couldn't find
its own pants. And then they just said,
okay, well, great. We're not going to do that.
I guess I'll just keep all this money.
And he did.
So, yeah, I mean, there's a lot
of people I think that woke up, but
not enough. Not enough.
I think there's so many people that
saw what he did and still think that it's a,
and the worst part is Tom is that now it's a narrative to go on and fight against any voting right things that the Democrats are going to do
and fight for voting regulations and removal of people from roles and taking the vote out of people,
removal of people from roles and taking the vote out of people, basically disenfranchising people that the Republicans plan on doing for the next several years under the guise of this is, that
was, that was vote manipulation before. We're not going to lose the vote again. We're going to make
sure it's secure. And they're going to, in the name of security, put more loopholes in for people
to have to do stuff, even though the election was perfectly secure.
It's crazy the gaslighting that is going on. Kevin McCarthy this week said something to the
effect, I'm paraphrasing, but only a little bit, like, I don't think anybody is at this point
contesting the election. He said that the same week that they ousted Cheney from her leadership position because she
refuses to concede to the Republican narrative that the election was a false election and that
that Trump is the rightful president he's the he's the leader the leadership is saying one
thing and then literally voting in a different direction he he the same he's the lead of the leadership is saying one thing and then literally voting in
a different direction. He, he, the same guy gave a speech condemning Trump and then voting against
impeachment, like the constant flip-flopping and gaslighting. And the only thing that these guys
can do is voter suppression, right? They know the writing is on the wall. But I think that the strategy on the right right now
is a combination of align with the crazies because they're all fired up. And if we keep the fire on,
they might show up again and then suppress the vote on the left. I think that's the only strategy
they have. What they don't seem to have is a single fucking policy position or solution to anything. Not a single one. Not a single one. It's just opposition. Everything is anti. It's tear
down or nothing. Those are your two options. Do nothing or tear it down. Those are your two
choices. And Cheney gave a speech to try to defend herself and everybody but one of the Republicans
left the room. They walked away. They left the room. They wouldn't even hear her speak.
This is, and she was asked directly
afterwards, what will happen if Trump
runs? And she said, I literally will not
stop. I do not want him near the White
House in 2024. I will do what I can.
I will do everything I can to stop him from getting in the
White House in 2024. I think
that they made a
really bad enemy in Cheney.
I think that she's just as politically devious as her father.
And I have a feeling like she's going to do some...
If she doesn't get completely stonewalled,
she's going to get in and be a little insidious in that party
and change some people's minds.
They're talking right now about, you know,
there's about 100 different people.
They're not powerful,
but there are about 100 different Republican leaders right now
that aren't in power positions
that think that they should split off.
Yeah, they want to call themselves
the rationals, right?
And they want to create a new,
a new conservative party
and split off from the,
yeah, I don't think I want
to piss off a Cheney.
I'll tell you what, man.
I know.
You'll get shot in the face
and waterboarded and forced to
apologize for it.
So we want to thank our patrons. Of course, we want to
thank all our patrons. We want to thank
our newest patrons.
Gail, Jeff, Wendy,
George, a.k.a. God,
Daniel, John, Samantha, William,
the nine-fingered lesbian,
and Woo Free Midwife.
We also got some upped pledges
from Keith, Jacob, Christina, and Angela.
Thank you so much for your generous contributions
to our show.
You guys make sure that Ian gets a salary
and that we're able to keep Glory Hole Studios.
We're able to pay all the various bills
that this show requires.
So thank you so much for being patrons.
We got a TikTok,
and this is from Far Harder sent this in.
And it's,
nobody cool likes Tucker Carlson.
It's a song.
We're going to post it on this week's show notes.
I love this.
And it is,
it's adorable.
It's just cute.
and it's,
and it's true.
Cause nobody,
nobody does like Tucker Carlson.
Got a message from Holly and she sent in an image and the image is of a cross-stitched
version of that stuttering kid who says,
have you ever had a dream that you,
you had,
you could,
you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, Very, um, had you had you, you could, you, you, you, you'd want to, you could do.
And it goes on and on and on and on.
Very, very funny.
I'm so happy that somebody took the time to cross it.
So great.
Post the image on this week's shout outs.
Really amazing.
We got a message from George who finally became a patron.
He says in the last two and a half years, since my last message, I quit my job,
traveled internationally
for six months
fled Thailand
when coronavirus
broke out
and then twiddled my
thumbs for six more
months trying to
resume my career
during a pandemic
so it sounds like
you had a lot going on
we just came out
came back to
to become a patron
so thank you so much
thank you
for joining the Patreon
we also got a message
from Zach
who's going through
a tough time
we just want to give
you a shout out
Zach we read your message we're really sorry that all bad things are happening to you we hope things turn around for you Or join in the Patreon. We also got a message from Zach, who's going through a tough time. We just want to give you a shout out, Zach.
We read your message.
We're really sorry that bad things are happening to you.
We hope things turn around for you.
Yeah, man, Zach, thanks for listening.
We hope things are better very soon for you, buddy.
We got a message from Marshall,
but we got a bunch of messages,
a bunch of different people talking about nurses
and essentially saying like,
there's plenty of nurses in the nursing field
that are anti-vax, that are even anti-medicine.
You know, I think it occurred to me, Cecil, that, you know, I got a degree in English lit.
You got a degree in philosophy and a few other things, but none of them are hard sciences.
Your degree doesn't tell you whether or not you've got a respect for science.
One would think that science adjacent degrees like medicine, which rely upon science to exist, would impart that kind of thinking and that kind of respect. But I think the reality is that they don't necessarily.
And that's something we through all his old emails
and he found a picture of Tom and I with him.
And it looks like ReasonCon.
We're at ReasonCon there.
That might be the first one.
First ReasonCon.
And it says, and he said that he bought us the whale cum sign.
Oh, that's awesome.
He sent us the whale cum sign. That, that's awesome. He sent us the whale cum sign.
That whale cum sign is still in the fucking view
when we do our live stream.
So thank you, Jeremy.
Cecil loves that whale cum sign so much.
Love it so much.
Ryan sent a message.
He said, I just want to, you want to hear some dumb shit.
I'm part of a group where a lot of these guys
are having forged vaccine cards made up. They're making fake vaccine cards. That is crazy that that's happening.
Got a message, another about nursing. This is from Regina. And she says, the reason why you're
getting so many COVID-deniers and anti-science people is because that stuff is cultish and that
stuff doesn't wash off depending on what job you have. They sometimes will just be still in the
that same mindset and still be part of that profession.
That's the right phrase for it, man.
That shit is a cult.
Got a message from Tim who said that, you know,
we're wrong.
We're pretty much wrong about Biden
and that he did not show the left really anything at all.
He says at the bottom, he says,
I can tell you Biden has been
exactly what we expected, a moderate Republican. Nothing has fundamentally changed. I can't disagree
more with you on this. You did point out a couple of things too that I think are incorrect in this
message that you sent us because you did go through a laundry list of a lot of things that
you claim Biden didn't do. You said that people are still, that kids are still in cages.
Biden didn't do. You said that people are still, the kids are still in cages. A lot of the people that are in cages that are coming are not, it's not the same thing that Trump was doing. Trump
was splitting up families at the border. And these are people coming in from a surge and they are
unaccompanied, unaccompanied minors. And that's why those people are being held and detained,
but they're not being held and detained for very long. In fact, they're being rushed through much quicker, right, Tom?
They are. As of the end of March, there were 5,000 children held by CBP,
and they've done a lot of work. They've got that number down to 600, and people are spending 75%
less time in processing and detention than the same time period at the end of March.
It's pretending that this is magic wand shit, that Biden can just be elected in 125 days or whatever it is into his presidency.
He can just change the entire face of the country.
That's silly.
That's just silly.
A lot of this is work and it's work
that requires legislative solutions, bipartisanship. It requires other people and other agencies to
just actualize it. So, but I think if you take a look at the work that he has done when he has had
the authority to do it and the work that he is aiming to do, and the proposals that he's put forward,
and the efforts that he's made,
they're far further left than any other president we've ever had.
So, like, I mean, it might not be as far left as I am,
but, like, I'm not going to shit on that.
That's insane to me.
And I do want to point out a couple of the things in here
really do point to a Congress
that he doesn't really have control over.
You say a $15 minimum wage.
He did get a $15 minimum wage to the federal workers,
to the federal contract workers,
but he wasn't able to do that across the board,
nor was he able to get a $2,000 stimulus.
But I will point you to two people
that did stop all that.
Manchin was fighting that like crazy.
And do you remember Kyrsten Sinema coming down and doing the big thumbs-y down thing?
Like that wasn't Biden who did that.
That was somebody else who came down and voted against it.
That's a Democrat.
So he doesn't have the ability to just, like Tom said, wave a magic wand.
I do think there should have been $2,000 given out. I think they should be giving you a Democrat. So he doesn't have the ability to just like Tom said, wave a magic wand. I do think there should have been $2,000 given out. I think they'd be giving you a BI. I think
all these things, but I don't know that any of that stuff gets past the far right people that
are in that party that are stopping these things from continuing on. I just don't think that
they're going to get a chance to go past. I disagree with the escalation
in Syria. I also disagree with giving our military more money, but he gave the military less of a
bump than he gave anything else. And Trump essentially dropped all kinds of funding
throughout his entire presidency and gave the military a bump. Biden came in and gave it a bump,
but he gave a bump to a ton of other stuff. And that's the lowest bump the military has gotten in a very long time.
So I realize that you're upset by that, but you've got to also put it in context. And yeah,
I'm with you when it comes to him removing the police reform commission. I'm 100% with you. I
don't want to see him do that, but Biden's always been a tough on crime guy. And there's going to be some things that I'm going to hate that he did. And if he's not going to
defund the police, I'm going to hate it and I'm going to be mad about it. But I know for sure
that there's going to be some stuff that he's just not going to do. But being mad about that other
stuff shouldn't stop me from experiencing joy when he does get it right. Oh, we got a message.
This is from Justin. And Justin said he was
given, he's a pharmacy tech
at Walgreens in Oregon.
And he
wound up giving a vaccine and someone
the other day wound up having a
reaction, basically fainting right there.
And he still
knew he wasn't going to do it.
He thought he might faint, but he still
did it and he still got
the vaccine. This also happened to me too. When I got my vaccine, there was a guy who had to lay
down on the ground after he got it. He wound up getting it. And then he stood up, he said,
I need to lay down. And they said, you go ahead and lay down on the concrete. And then they
stretchered him out, but he fainted from the needle. He wound up getting a fainting from the needle
because, or at least coming close to it,
but he still went out and got it.
And so there's people who are forging ahead,
even though they know they're pretty adverse
to getting shots and they still go out and do it.
So that is gonna wrap it up for this week.
We wanna let people know that tomorrow
releases a Godawful Movies number 300.
And Tom and I joined
Heath and Eli
for their 300th episode.
We had a lot of fun. Go check it out
on their podcast feed.
It's going to be releasing tomorrow.
And that is if you're not a patron.
If you're a patron, you heard this already, it'll be releasing Tuesday.
But for everybody else who's not a patron,
we release on Monday, they release
on Tuesday. So you can check it out there.
So that is going to wrap it up for this week.
We are going to leave you, like we always do, with the Skeptic's Creed.
Credulity is not a virtue.
It's fortune cookie cutter, mommy issue, hypno-Babylon bullshit.
Couched in scientician, double bubble bubble toil and trouble pseudo quasi alternative
free energy
water downward
brain dead
pan sales pitch
late night
info docutainment
leo pisces
cancer cures
foot massage
death in towers
tarot cards
psychic healing
crystal balls
bigfoot yet yeti,
aliens, churches, mosques, and synagogues, temples, dragons, giant worms, atlantis, dolphins,
truthers, birthers, witches, wizards, vaccine nuts, shaman healers, evangelists, conspiracy,
double speak, stigmata, nonsense.
speak stigmata nonsense.
Expose your sides.
Thrust your hands.
Bloody, evidential,
Doubt even this.
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