Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 585: Illegalize Jesus Christ

Episode Date: July 12, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's show is brought to you by Gumball. Go to right now and you'll get to advertise on our show or find advertisers for your podcast. All you have to do is enter cognitive dissonance and find our show. Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. Recording live from Glorgo Studios in Chicago, this is cognitive wait a minute wait a minute cecil beyond that's just that's just oh i gotta i gotta roll it back yeah you gotta do the and beyond recording live from glory hole studios in chicago and beyond
Starting point is 00:01:00 this is cognitive dissonance every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way we bring critical This is Cognitive Dissonance. Every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way. We bring critical thinking, skepticism, and irreverence to any topic that makes the news, makes it big, or makes us mad. It's skeptical, it's political, and there is no welcome mat. This is episode 585. And Cecil, I've noticed something since the turnover in the administration.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Okay. You know what I've noticed? What's that? Is that typically I would come in and I would have, like I would do the intro and I'd be like, can you believe this last?
Starting point is 00:01:38 Yeah. And the last few weeks I come in and I'm like, well, I guess we should talk about the stories. Yeah. You know? Yeah. Because nobody tweeted'm like, well, I guess we should talk about the stories. Yeah. You know? Yeah. Because nobody tweeted out like kill the Jews or anything.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Or something like that. Right. Like I'm exaggerating, but like. Angie Jackson did nothing wrong. There isn't like the trail of tears was a water park. Like what the fuck. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:00 There's not a new fresh hell. Right. Every week. Every 15 minutes. You know, like I, I do have to contrast that, that if nothing else,
Starting point is 00:02:10 we get a lack of fresh hells. Yeah. Yeah. Although we're going to talk about it later, but there's like a stalling technique that the Republicans are doing that essentially is stalling everything. And they're good. That's what we knew they were going to do anyway,
Starting point is 00:02:24 but we might not get a lot of progress don't get anything done yeah but it's sort of like it's sort of like if if if you're just getting beaten every day and it's like well i'd like to fall in love but i'd settle for not getting yeah i'd like to you know right no i get it it's like i get it on the continuum. I'd like to like, I want to hold hands again on a tandem bike. Right? Like that's the fucking dream. Sure.
Starting point is 00:02:50 But maybe if we stop the beatings, like I'm so traumatized after 2020 and 2019 and 2018 and 17 and 16. And I feel like, like, like I'm just like, I'm like, please, sir.
Starting point is 00:03:05 I just, it's a whole second half of the'm just like, I'm like, please, sir. I just. It's the whole second half of the teens. Right. We're just really not great. They were really not great. It turns out it was not so good.
Starting point is 00:03:13 And then the 2020 was genuinely the biggest shit show of forever. But yeah, it's been, it's been interesting
Starting point is 00:03:21 to see the problems that we have clearly in our government that 100% favor conservatives, right? Yes. Oh, yeah. Our government is literally made to be a conservative government. It is based to be a conservative government because of the filibuster.
Starting point is 00:03:36 And it's just meant to be static. It's meant to never change. And it's been worse and worse and worse and worse since we you know, since we haven't had anything bipartisan in a decade. You know what I mean? Oh, God. More than that, two decades. You know, you want to just jump to that story? Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Why don't you just jump to that story? Because that really is fucking distressing. This story comes from, but it's also fucking everywhere. Mitch McConnell says bipartisanship is over. Believe him. So in this story, there's footage. There's like leaked audio and video footage. There's footage where-
Starting point is 00:04:13 Roy Chip Roy? What the fuck kind of name? Hold on a second. I had to look over the story to remember the representative because it's not a representative I was familiar with. And then I looked over, guys, and the guy's name is Representative Chip Roy. And I want to say this real quick.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Shame on you for voting for a guy named Chip. Chip Roy. What the fuck is wrong with you? The guy's name is a grown man called Chip. It'd be like voting for Skippy. Like, you just don't. Chip and Skippy, those are people you don't vote for. Get the fuck.
Starting point is 00:04:40 That's not a serious person's name. That's a chipmunk's name. He's got a friend named Dale. Dale's got a red nose. They have hijinks. That's not a serious person's name. It really isn't. Anyway, he's a Republican congressman from Texas.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Big fucking surprise. He's caught on a hidden camera, basically saying, quote, honestly, right now for the next 18 months, our job is to slow all of that down until we get to December of 2022 and then get in there and lead. I actually say, thank the Lord, 18 months of chaos and the inability to get stuff done.
Starting point is 00:05:13 That's what we want. Yeah. Do you remember when they said the same thing out loud about Obama? It wasn't even on hidden video. They're just like, yeah, we're just going to stop. We're going to cock block everything that fucking guy wants to do. And whatever, whenever the other side gets in, they do their very best to try to stop we're going to cock block everything that fucking guy wants to do and whatever whenever the other side gets in they do their very best to try to stop it and it's and it's it's the problem is is that we're the the bills that are coming forth are are widely recognized as things the american
Starting point is 00:05:41 people want they're so popular so many of these are super popular. And so I know someone on the other side could look at me and say, well, the Democrats do it too. And it's like, yeah, well, we don't want to like shoot gay people in the face or whatever they want to pass as a law, right? The stuff that they want to pass as a law
Starting point is 00:05:57 is always social stuff. They always want to limit our social ability constantly, but they never want to do anything to help the American people. But when they do, the Democrats are right there to say, yeah, let's do it. Yeah, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:06:10 They did. They threw a stimulus out when Donald Trump was in there. Democrats voted for it. Democrats voted for it. It wasn't a bipartisan bill. It wasn't one of these things where people are like,
Starting point is 00:06:19 well, we're not going to do it. I'm sure there were some, but it went through. It went through because the Democrats, the Democrats went after it. The same thing- Unlike the stimulus bill that Biden passed, which is party line only.
Starting point is 00:06:29 And not a single Republican voted for it. You have to look at that and say, are they in the best interest of the people in general? And the answer is absolutely no. They're not, they're doing what their tiny constituency wants them to do. And that's it.
Starting point is 00:06:43 They're not doing what the American people want broadly. Yeah, and that's the thing that makes me nuts is that we are being cock-blocked and ruled by the minority. Yeah. By a minority based on fucking maps. Yeah. Like, we are a nation ruled by cartographers.
Starting point is 00:06:59 And like bad cartography. Look at Dan Crenshaw's map around, and it's literally a circle around the city that he works for. It's none of the inner city. It's none of the city itself. And there's so many Republicans around this country where when you get into densely populated areas,
Starting point is 00:07:17 those are people who are going to vote Democrat. They will take the ring around the outside and say they're from places like Houston, say they're from places like Chicago. And they're not. And they're not. They're from an affluent suburb that happens to ring the city. And that happens all the time. Yeah. We are a nation ruled by a minority. When you look at the policy proposals that are floated time and time again, look at the last several elections. And you don't even have to go just the Trump elections. Go all the way back to Baby Bush.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Yeah. The majority, the American majority, most people that wake up every day in America as citizens, they don't want Republican ideas. They've rejected. The problem is they live in
Starting point is 00:08:01 these gerrymandered areas. We allow gerrymandering. That's fucking protected by SCOTUS. I am fucking baffled how anybody can look anybody else in the eye and say, that is what we meant by democracy. That is what we meant by all men are created equal. Because when you purposely draw battle lines and redistricting lines in this insanely hyper-partisan way for
Starting point is 00:08:27 this zero-sum political game that we've created, we are no longer paying attention to what people want, and we are emphasizing the vote. The vote of somebody in Wyoming counts more than the vote of somebody in California. It just does. It's a more valuable vote. The vote of some asshole in Pennsylvania, sorry, the vote of some guy in Pennsylvania versus the vote of me here in the suburbs around Chicago. Your vote matters more.
Starting point is 00:08:55 We are not, we are not living up to that ideal of democracy and we're doing it intentionally. Yeah. Because the right has seeded the idea of democracy. They don't want democracy. What they want is power for the right. One of the ways in which they're doing this
Starting point is 00:09:08 is through wedge issues. So they have these wedge issues and the two main ones that they use are abortion and gun control. Yep, yep, yep. And we're going to talk about a story later on where we can see how those wedge issues when sort of fully demonized,
Starting point is 00:09:22 how they play out. And it plays out in the sense that people are literally creating cultish terrorist organizations. The gun thing, we have been living in the same America now. The Brady Bill expired.
Starting point is 00:09:37 I don't even remember when. You can just buy any guns you want. Most places, there's very few. And whenever there's a stipulation or some sort of regulation on a gun, like in Chicago, they took that thing out. They're like, no, it's gone. We can't even decide that we should have universal background checks. Universal background checks are incredibly popular. If you poll, how do you all feel about universal background checks?
Starting point is 00:10:02 Incredibly popular. It's actually one of the most popular political hot topic issues you can poll. And we can't get that accomplished because Congress's ability to accomplish the will of the people is absolutely crushed, absolutely crushed by the Republicans.
Starting point is 00:10:19 And I do appreciate, and I want to make sure I say it, I do appreciate a system that has some brakes on the machine. Sure. Right? I think that it makes sense to have a system that is not a fucking runaway train, whatever
Starting point is 00:10:33 the people want, the people get. You know, there needs to be some tension built into the system and some brakes built into the system. The problem is that the brakes in this case don't slow the wheels of progress. They halt them. Freeze them of progress they halt them freeze them they absolutely halt them yeah yeah and we the the filibuster right now that is that is in place um that they're that the democrats probably will not remove um is this this it's not even a real filibuster it's it's a threat of a filibuster it's not a re it's not that it's not mr smith goes
Starting point is 00:11:03 to washington and reads 50 pages of the, of the phone book all night long and falls asleep on his feet. And the kids cheer. Cause he saved a fucking school or whatever. It's 100%. Don't do it. Or I will filibuster. It's that's all.
Starting point is 00:11:16 And that's the end of the story. Dust off your hands. What I would like to see is at least have the, have the guts and the fortitude to do it. Make them do it. So instead of what we have now, which is just a filibuster in threat only, have a filibuster in action. Be like, okay, you want a filibuster?
Starting point is 00:11:35 Great. We're going to do a filibuster. Get out there, Mitch. Stand in your fucking Dr. Scholl's for eight hours out there. Let's see your legs swell up because you're fucking a million years old. There's no way that man can stand for that long. His whole body would turn black.
Starting point is 00:11:48 There's no way. His hands turn black just standing at the foot. He would turn the floor black around him. But there's no way he would be able to do it. And the filibuster
Starting point is 00:11:57 essentially stymies any kind of debate. So what they're basically saying is you can't even debate this on the floor because we will done filibuster. And I just say, put up or shut up. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Great. You're going to filibuster? Cool. We're going to bring this bill. Let's see what happens. What do you think Cecil about just getting rid of the filibuster? The Democrats just go nuclear option,
Starting point is 00:12:16 blow that fucking thing up. It's tough because the way this, the new things have been redistricted and you know, now we know that that's going to stand up in court. And we know that there's plenty of new laws in the country that are restricting voting. That means that the House and Senate are in danger,
Starting point is 00:12:34 in big danger. The Senate, not so much, because those are part of those. I mean, it's a state vote. So it's, but it's not as much as the gerrymandering because that's like blatant, right? The House is blatant. But it's still bad
Starting point is 00:12:46 because you have people who can't vote in these things that might not be able to. Yeah, the voting restrictions are horrible, right? That hurts the Senate. So it's hurt by both. If you take it away and then you have all three in there, they could start ramming things.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Yeah, they'll run a train on you. They can run a train on you. And it can be really, really terrible. Now, the good thing when it comes to that is what you have on our side, which are the people who are now sitting back and saying told you so biden was terrible told you so biden was terrible told you so because he's not getting anything done because people don't understand that he can't it's first off it's not on him it's on congress and he they can't get anything done because 50 is 50 plus one is only
Starting point is 00:13:23 good enough to pass it not good enough to bring it to the floor. And it's, that's not enough. It's amazing that they can't even get debate to create congressional. They can't even start it. To answer your question. I'm afraid. I'm afraid that that's,
Starting point is 00:13:34 that there's going to be some sort of, but, but to finish though, it's, it's the idea that these people are like, he can't get anything done. This might be the one thing. If they come in and just fucking hammer us
Starting point is 00:13:46 with terrible legislation in one term, it could wake enough Americans up to say, oh my God, they really aren't my party. Yeah. Because so far nothing's really happening. So people that are okay and well off, that might be okay. But if they come in and really lay out
Starting point is 00:14:02 some really draconian shit that they want to do, that could be really bad for America on the short term, but it might be better in the long term because Trump didn't have any sweeping anything. I mean, sure, all those people that he wound up letting die because of COVID, those people have long, all those, but there's not been any legislation that has caused people some serious distress. Right. I think we got to blow that fucking thing right off the door. We have a, right now and for a long time, we haven't had an effective, effectual government.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Yeah. And I'm not sure we get past that. And I sort of feel like, yeah, all right, maybe I feel this way because my guys are in charge right now. But if you blew the fucking doors off that thing and the Democrats are in charge for their 18 months, they could bring their big voting rights legislation or federal voting rights legislation to bear. And that would trump the fucking state's voting rights restrictions. Yeah. So you could knock that off.
Starting point is 00:15:04 You could knock that off out of the plate. Now, you still have the gerrymandering problem. That's its own thing. But I think if you were to take that, if you blow the fucking filibuster out the door, you pass the voting rights thing, you pass the big infrastructure bill, all of a sudden in 18 months,
Starting point is 00:15:18 people are having things like childcare credits and pre-K schooling and, you know, infrastructure money is flowing and people have jobs and, you know, they can fucking vote. Man, I think the Republicans are done. And that's what America's asked for. Like, if you pull it, what do you fuckers want? Like, that's what you guys want. Yeah. So I kind of feel like you have maybe one chance because the other the other thing to remember is like, at any time the Republicans could gain control of the house and Senate, they could blow up the filibuster. Sure. And then they could pass all their shit. Yeah. And they've sort of like pinky promise, gentlemen swore, whatever, that they're not going to do it,
Starting point is 00:15:57 but who trusts a Republican? Yeah. I'd rather have an effective government that makes mistakes that we can roll back if that's the will of the people than to have this constant stalling. The stalling is like, to me, it feels crushing. It feels devastating to have problems with solutions and then just look at them like they're on your fucking vision board. You'll never do anything. You just look at it and wait and wait and wait. And we are stuck in a rut. And you're right.
Starting point is 00:16:27 The only way forward, the only way through real progress is blow up the filibuster. But that could also mean one step forward, five steps back. Yeah. And I know, and I want to recognize, easy for me to say on the risk side,
Starting point is 00:16:40 because at the end of the day, those risks won't impact me as deeply as they will many other people. So I want to throw that out there for the audience. Like, I know that maybe that position is something I need
Starting point is 00:16:53 to reconsider. It's very privileged. It's a privileged position. It is. But I think that most of the conversations that we have are that way. Right.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Wow. Heaven's nice. Y'all got a soda water fountain. Yo, God. What it do? You love me, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Then why you ain't give me superpowers like you gave Jesus? What are you talking about? Jesus out here walking on water while I'm just floating in it. I didn't know walking on it was an option. Is that so? Yeah, then he died and came back.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Let me go back real quick. Hold on, go back to what Jesus did. He was like multiplying bread. He had like four or five pieces. Oh, he did the bread and fish thing, huh? Yeah. Jesus! Yes, Dad? So you on earth showing off? i was um i was helping people according to jeff you were showing off super power yeah he stopped three storms hey hey shut up oh my fault my fault sister it comes
Starting point is 00:17:37 from right wing watch lauren witsky uh right wing activist the Equality Act will illegalize Jesus Christ. Illegalize. She looks like the lady who was the anti-vax lady. Jenny McCarthy a little bit, doesn't she? She does kind of have a Jenny McCarthy look. I guess it's the Karen look.
Starting point is 00:17:59 It's 100% the Karen look. But does she look weirdly sepia too? Like she's recording from a ghost town or something? Yeah, this definitely looks like it's from the past, but that's where all her beliefs are. So that makes sense. You guys, this video is like, if you go to our website and check out this video,
Starting point is 00:18:16 at least the still from it. The still, looks crazy. All the stuff in the background is regular color. Yeah, she's definitely a rose color. But she is sepia. She's like rose gold. Right. So this is her on. Yeah, she's definitely a rose color. But she is sepia. She's like rose gold. Right. So this is her on Alex Jones,
Starting point is 00:18:29 which is interesting because we have not seen Alex Jones in a while. Long time. She, I believe this is the same woman. Let me double check. This is the same woman who Milo Yiannopoulos said to her. She had work to do.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Oh, yeah, yeah. She had work to do because her dog still barked at her when she was still satanically gay. She's still thinking about touching boobs. Yeah, she was still 100% satanically gay. So what we have now is her talking to Alex Jones. So clearly that true news boost
Starting point is 00:18:58 really boosted her in the ratings in a way. Oh, man. Is it an up or down to go from true news to Alex Jones? True news has a way worse set. Alex. Is it an up or down to go from True News to Alex Jones? True News has a way worse set. Alex Jones has a baller set. That's true.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Alex Jones has a baller set. That's true. Wait till you see this set on this clip. It's outstanding. Wait a minute. Cecil,
Starting point is 00:19:18 Patreon goal? We need an Alex Jones level set. I want like a big desk. We can... The biggest Patreon goal, though, is if we can get Alex Jones stuffed into the place. If we can get him... I want like a big desk. The biggest Patreon goal though is if we can get
Starting point is 00:19:25 Alex Jones stuffed into the place. I want him stuffed like a fucking old bear. Like an old bear with his hands up like rah! That would be amazing. It is a dream. Now that I have my globe bar, my next ridiculous overly hyper-masculinized
Starting point is 00:19:42 thing that I want to have is a giant stuffed polar bear. Nice. Like Mr. Burns has want to have is a giant stuffed polar bear. Nice. Like Mr. Burns hat in the back of his- Big polar bear. And then you need leather-bound chairs. I think you need that. 100%. 100% leather-bound chairs. I want a den that looks like a fucking joke.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Like that's what I want. I want a den. Human leather. I want a den that looks like an English lord got stabbed in it. And you're trying to find out who's outstanding. You got to have candlesticks everywhere. Oh, absolutely. I want a little bit of blood. I want an old timey rifle. I want cantaloubras. There's a pipe wrench there for no reason. Why do you have a pipe wrench? And imagine I'm living in the set of clue. Fuck off. All right. So this lady's going to talk to Alex Jones. Here we go. There is a war on Christians. They did this. They targeted me, and they made an example out of me.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Okay, so what does it say on the table here? It says... I love this because these are... This is classic Alex Jones. Yeah. It is internet printouts. Internet printouts. Internet printouts.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Internet printouts from Breitbart. This is from Breitbart. Breitbart. Yep. Financial blacklisting. Wells Fargo shuts down GOP Senate candidate Lauren Witsky's bank account. And you know it's true
Starting point is 00:20:53 because you can see the staple at a 45 degree angle in the upper left-hand corner. Yeah. And that's journalism, Cecil. That is journalism. And then above it, I can only see part of it. Witsky, I will be pursuing legal action against Wells Fargo. We're fighting back.
Starting point is 00:21:08 And then something, Wells Fargo shuts down Trump-supporting candidates. Something, leaving her homeless with no money. Holy shit. Hey, you know, that's not how banking works. Banks don't just shut you down and take your money. They may say, hey, we are choosing to close out your account, but they don't close your account and then steal the money that you have. Because I'm an outspoken Christian who vocally opposes the Equality Act.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Listen, Alex, I don't know if you know. That's why no preachers have bank accounts. I'm sure fucking Joel Osteen doesn't have a bank account. I'm sure Creflo Dollar, when he bought his fucking gold-plated helijet or whatever, he had to go look under his mattress. So much about it, but they're about to, they're trying to illegalize Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Illegalize Jesus Christ. Well, the thing is, I guess if Jesus Christ were during the Trump administration trying to file for asylum, then they would be illegalizing him. Especially if he was helping people, they would definitely try to file for asylum. Sure. That they would be illegalizing him. Especially if he was helping people.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Right. They would definitely try to legalize him. If he told people to calm down at the Capitol on the 6th, they'd have fucking
Starting point is 00:22:14 crucified him right there. You know, the thing is like, Jesus Christ came from one of those shithole countries, didn't he? He did.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Absolutely. It's like everything but like Norway and England. I know. There's only like two non-shithole countries. And the scripture and categorized. Absolutely. It's like everything but like Norway and England. I know. There's only like two non-shithole countries. And the scripture and categorized. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Just like in Europe and Canada where they're arresting pastors. Tell folks about it. I love it. Hey, tell people about what you were saying. The thing you were saying, keep saying it. He just interrupts her. Just send it over. What a terrible interviewer.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Yeah, so I'm here making my, Chase, make your point. Are you going to say your thing? I was saying, say your thing. What? She's just frozen because she knows she made a bad decision
Starting point is 00:22:59 being on here. Her eyes are like saucers. Her face is 100% I made a huge mistake. All I can see, Cecil, all I can see is how much i want that desk oh my god and his fucking big giant screen behind him i know it's just a green screen that they pretend that they cut the things in i know it's just a green screen but it looks awesome it looks awesome i want that it looks awesome they did a great job also his info his InfoWars thing is hilarious. It's like the dance macabre. Look at his info.
Starting point is 00:23:27 You guys have to see this InfoWars desk. He's got the dance. It's a video game. It's like the dance macabre with Lion-O in the middle of it, cutting people down. Look at all his internet printouts. I know. He's surrounded. He's surrounded like a semicircle with internet printouts.
Starting point is 00:23:44 There's literally a dozen and a half of them. Just, here's some stuff I printed out. Like an old man, I printed the internet and then I read it. It's like coming home and your mom has printed Facebook, her Facebook post on you, pin it on your door. Everything's a newspaper. If you print the news, you read online. It's awesome. Yeah, absolutely absolutely so what it will do is it will classify scripture uh belief in traditional marriage uh as hate speech if an abortionist chooses not to wants to make the decision to abortionist an abortionist well and i think what she says if an abortionist chooses not to perform an abortion, then you're a lousy abortionist.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Is that what they said? Hold on a second. If you're, I got it. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Uh,
Starting point is 00:24:28 belief in traditional marriage, uh, as hate speech. If an abortionist chooses not to, wants to make the decision to not, uh, perform an abortion. If I go to the abortionist and then I don't get an abortion,
Starting point is 00:24:40 zero stars, abortionist, zero stars. abortionist. Zero stars. I love that word. I came here for a fucking abortion, goddammit. Yeah, no kidding, right? Where's my abortionist? They call him doctors.
Starting point is 00:24:54 But I like that they changed the terminology, right? So instead of saying doctor, because that's a respected position in society, right? So instead we'll change it. That'd be like calling like, oh, the tonsillectom tons of lectomists what no oh the pill prescriber what oh the the palpator that abortionist or that doctor or that nurse that chooses to um take the bib wait is one of those a title? Because you could be an abortionist. Can I get a degree in abortionist? Yeah, I think in this world, it's an abortionist or a doctor or a nurse. So I didn't know nurses could perform abortions.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Maybe they can. I didn't know that. I thought that was a doctoring thing. I thought it was a doctoring thing too. Yeah. I'm pretty confident in that. I guess I could be wrong. It could be maybe nurse practitioners, but like,
Starting point is 00:25:48 then there's like the third category. I just went to school for the abortions. You know what? I skip sees the rest of it. I just do the abortions. That's it. They go to medical school and they've got a potato gun. They shooting those babies right out of there.
Starting point is 00:26:06 They graduate. They have to turn the coat hanger on their thing over to the other side of their hat. On the side of the hat. There you go. I graduated from abortion at school. They come up and you take your diploma and you just suck it up with a vacuum cleaner. It just goes right in there.
Starting point is 00:26:22 It's like one of those teller things. Actually, Dyson has a great school of abortion. Yeah. I mean, it's not as good as the Flobby school because that one cleans and it's a whole process.
Starting point is 00:26:31 It is, yeah. It's way better. ...proach and change their lives. Children who struggle with gender identity. Children who struggle with abortionism. Now it's going to make
Starting point is 00:26:42 them illegal for them to pursue therapy to change their mind. And this is, I mean, it's... Literally nothing is going to make them illegal for them to pursue therapy to change their mind. And this is, I mean, it's- Literally nothing is going to make anybody not be able to go to therapy if they want to go to therapy. You know, maybe what she's alluding to though is that damaging stuff. Like conversion therapy? Conversion therapy.
Starting point is 00:26:59 But I thought conversion therapy was mostly to pray the gay away, not for gender identity issues. Yeah, but I mean, I would imagine that they're going to say like, that because they're banning this practice of conversion therapy, which has been proven to be a really damaging thing. Yeah, right. Horrible. That they're going to say just, they're going to take off that conversion part, call it therapy and say it
Starting point is 00:27:23 and basically use it for a blanket. So it would be gender identity, anything LGBTQ. It's just complete. Not, you can go to the fucking, anybody can go get therapy if they want to go get therapy.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Therapy is problematic when somebody makes you go to therapy. Oh yeah. Like Cecil. Or they make you do a thing, right? They make you do something. If you said like,
Starting point is 00:27:40 Tom, you have to go to therapy. And I was like, uh, I don't really want to go. And then you like forced me to go or I lose my job or forced me to go or like, Tom, you have to go to therapy. And I was like, uh, I don't really want to go. And then you like forced me to go. I lose my job or forced me to go. We're like,
Starting point is 00:27:48 right. You kick me out of like business or like that. That's a fucking problem. Right. And then you're like, and you have to go see my guy. Yeah. And like,
Starting point is 00:27:55 he's going to, and he's not qualified. He's a priest. Yeah. There's no, no one is seeking to illegalize going to therapy, but I do feel like they're they're they're hinging on that conversion therapy thing which has been in several states outlawed yeah and it's outlawed
Starting point is 00:28:11 because it's damaging to people therapy would have many answers this has one answer yeah and that's the difference right which makes it not therapy right yeah yeah right yeah the only way out of this is my way out of this exactly well then that's not great okay absolutely it's basically the cult trying to make it illegal to leave the cult yes exactly um and even just quoting scripture will be classified as hate speech um is what it is going to do it is going to make christianity a crime on a federal level what law is this? Name the law. Right. Syria, they always, people like this always say, this is really, and you want to, every
Starting point is 00:28:50 time I see this nonsense online, I'm like, just send me a link to the actual legislation. Sure. Set what, just tell me. Tell me what it is. I'll look it up myself. Tell me what it is. Tell me the actual bill. Sure.
Starting point is 00:29:01 That I can look up. There's nobody floating this bill. There's never anything behind any of this. It's all just, all it is is scare mongering. It's a moral panic. That's all it is. Yeah. Cannot allow this to go any further. We're going to lose everything. If we give our enemy an inch, he's going to take the whole thing. Caliente, that's all I'm saying. You've seen Alex, you know, you've watched as this slow fade has happened and we have allowed it to happen. And it's gotten to the point now where we're all going to end up in Kamala's gulags unless we all stand up together. Kamala's gulags. Okay. First
Starting point is 00:29:30 off it's Kamala. Okay. So let's get that out of the way. These motherfuckers struggle so hard with that name. She's gone out of her way to educate people. Right. And now it's now they're just like, like actually not do it. Like they're going out of the way to mispronounce it, to be rude. Yeah, it's an intentionally, they're intentionally exoticizing her name in order to otherize her, right? And the amount of like fear mongering that they are trying to do around our vice president is not sticking. Like for the most part, you know, oh, she's a Jezebel. Yeah, it doesn't stick. None of it not sticking. Like for the most part, you know, oh, she's a Jezebel.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Yeah. It doesn't stick. None of it's sticking. Yeah. I don't get a sense that any of this shit is sticking. It just feels like trying to be purposefully hurtful. It is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Yeah. Yeah. But that's, that's it. But I don't, I don't feel like I'm with you. I don't feel like it's one of those stuff. Cause I mean,
Starting point is 00:30:21 you want to see something that stick, the birth certificate thing stuck. And like, like the slander, the Hillary slander. Yeah. Right? That shit stuck. Right?
Starting point is 00:30:29 And it had legs and it really, like the hatred around Hillary, I mean, it galvanized people. We're all going to end up in Kamala's gulags unless we all stand up together and fight back as Christians. If only there was like 70% of us. I know. And if only we controlled every hall of institutional power. But that's loving her by calling her a coward. Really? You can shut the fuck up because they're making the best decision that they can in their situation
Starting point is 00:30:57 and you're trying to make them feel bad about it. So go off, Jennifer. Is that the validation you want from Sky Daddy? Calling people a coward? This story you referenced earlier comes from The Guardian. It shakes you to your core. The anti-abortion extremists gaining ground on the right. Operation Save America opposes COVID vaccination, women in power, and same-sex marriages.
Starting point is 00:31:18 And allies are making inroads among legislators. So the anti-abortion movement is not just the anti-abortion movement, because of course it's not. Because it's not really its own grass-fed, grassroots effort. It is part of a larger, well-funded effort that is organized around the wedge issues that you mentioned before. And as a direct result of exactly the kind of people that you're fucking organizing, it's also all this other shit. And this other shit is whatever the right needs it to be.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Yeah, yeah. Whatever excites, whatever is the fucking cause du jour in the culture crisis that the right distracts everybody with rather than providing solutions to the American people for our problems. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Yeah, yeah. And it's a great, easy group to mobilize. And the way you mobilize them and the way you make sure that they stick with this issue constantly is that you use language that demonizes the people who oppose this. So anybody who's on the other side of the fence
Starting point is 00:32:22 is demonized. And then you use sort of vicious language to talk about them. And what it does is it dehumanizes them to the other side. But that side effect is that these people start to get farther and farther right. Yep. And they become extremists, right? So it's not just that they're... Because you've done all the programming on these
Starting point is 00:32:46 people. They've let you program them to believe horrible things about these other people. It's no longer this conversation where we can disagree on politics. There's no disagreeing on politics anymore because the politics have to do with wedge issues. We're saying things like, because the politics have to do with wedge issues. We're saying things like, we should be pro-choice. There's no reason to force women to choose to have a child if they don't want to have a child. And to other people, that is literally the most evil thing you could possibly say in the world.
Starting point is 00:33:19 So there's not even a chance. You can't even have. No. You know, there's never going to be a bipartisan anti or abortion bill, right? There'll never be, that'll never happen. No, it can't happen. It can't happen. Because the way the language is used
Starting point is 00:33:33 just basically poisons that well. There's never a chance for you to have a conversation about this in any meaningful way with any, I would be- How could you? I would be very, very interested to hear if anyone has ever had a conversation about this sort of thing, like that with someone who believes the exact opposite of them.
Starting point is 00:33:55 And then they had some sort of back and forth that was, that had some sort of, that was mutually productive. That was fruitful. Yeah. Cause I can't imagine. I literally cannot imagine talking to someone with an opposing view and having anything come out.
Starting point is 00:34:08 But because they dishonestly framed the abortion issue as killing a baby, right? And as soon as you say, wow, Tom thinks we should kill babies, and you're like, fuck, Tom is evil. And the thing is,
Starting point is 00:34:23 I would agree with that, right? If I thought it was an action, if you had a position where you're like, yeah, my political party believes we should kill six-month-old babies. Just whenever you want to, you could just, you know. You get a mulligan. Chuck them in a river. Get a mulligan. I want a new one. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Yeah, mulligan time. Just fine. We'll just chuck them in a volcano. I would be like, holy fuck, we don't have moral things in common. Right. Sure, sure. But they ignore the reality, the complex moral reality and scientific realities of what a fetus is. And the very obvious biological differences between a fetus, and they do it intentionally, right?
Starting point is 00:35:04 Sure. That's what the heartbeat build is for. The heartbeat has literally nothing at all to do with personality. With its development. Right. I mean, other than, other than its physical development.
Starting point is 00:35:14 But we think of the heart as the center of emotion. Sure. And it's not. It's a fucking pump. It's a water pump. It's a muscle. Right? That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:35:22 So it's, yeah, it's a muscly water pump. Yeah. So, but we think of our hearts as something else. And it's intense. It's not like they said, as soon as the spleen is detected. Sure. Right? It's intentional.
Starting point is 00:35:33 All these things are intentional and they're designed to dishonestly frame the conversation to, to your point, to demonize the guys who are killing babies. Sure. And now, as soon as I see the other side is people that kill babies and they're also telling me to get a vaccine. Yeah. You're a baby killer.
Starting point is 00:35:50 The thing is like, if my neighbor was in my front yard murdering somebody and then he was like, I have some good life advice for you. I'd be like, I don't take life advice from murderers. Sure.
Starting point is 00:36:01 And that would be good moral policy. Yeah. The problem is that an abortion is not killing a baby. But when they dishonestly frame it. You set the standard. It's actually a straw man. It's a giant
Starting point is 00:36:14 straw man. And now there's no bridge too far. To your point about radicalization, that's the thing that scares me is, holy shit, there's no bridge too far anymore. And they're doing the same thing right now around the election. They stole the election.
Starting point is 00:36:29 They stole the election. Look at the rhetoric you hear about that election. Look at what they say about it and listen to how they call people criminals and they use language that's insightful and they do it purposefully. And they do it because it incites the crowd. It incites that group of people
Starting point is 00:36:46 and it makes them feel like they were ripped off or they were stolen from. And that motivates them through anger. Yeah. And so, but the problem that they didn't realize was, is that that anger will eventually boil over. Yep. And it's not something that the right has never learned
Starting point is 00:37:05 because they're willing to, you know, do all awful sorts of awful people, awful things to everybody and they don't care. And whenever anybody rises up, they're immediately like, wow, who would have expected that to happen? Oh my God, it would have. But in this case, they actually,
Starting point is 00:37:23 instead of just being oppressive, they fed the lies. Yeah. They fed it. And so you have a January 6th that happened where people are just, they're, I mean, they were viciously angry. They were upset.
Starting point is 00:37:34 They wanted to, they wanted, they wanted to hang Mike Pence. Listen to them. They said all those things out loud. They said it all out loud. And you're like, okay, well, we know why you're here. And they were, it wasn't just a small contingent of people, one or two people that were mad. It
Starting point is 00:37:49 was a bunch of people, bunch of people were upset. And listen, you know, another way you can know that they're upset, look at how they talked to the police that day. You know, these are their, this is the back, the blue guys. These are the guys who are wearing blue lives matter flags and flying blue lives matter flags all over the place, constantly sort of venerating the police all the time, constantly, oh, the police, the police, the police. But when the police were there and they were the ones who were stopping them from doing stuff, listen to how they speak to them. Their rhetoric was vicious. Yeah. Listen to how they speak. Vicious. They called them traitors and pigs and everything else. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. And the thing is,
Starting point is 00:38:21 is like, don't get me wrong. I'm not here to defend the police on this. It's not for me. No, but it's that switch. But it is a switch. It's a hypocrisy. As we move deeper and just think about like the relationships you have in your life with people that are like on the right versus like on the left. Like, do you think there's any real healing? Do you think there's any bridging this? You know what I mean? Yeah. We're so divided. We're so divided. And I struggle so much. And I will raise my hand and say, like, I struggle so much with the idea of really feeling like morally connected to somebody
Starting point is 00:38:55 who's supported, you know, like Trump's immigration policies. And, you know, some of the horrible, like the death of 600,000 people from COVID. And I look at that and I'm like, I don't know how to bridge that. Yeah. I feel like I've interacted with people that I know are Trump supporters since, you know, for the last several years. And I do it by trying to 100% never talk about the things that I think I would immediately be very upset about. So I try to make sure that I talk about bullshit because if I don't,
Starting point is 00:39:26 I'm going to cause waves and make a problem. Yeah. And I don't want to make a problem. So I just try to stay, because it's not my family. Yeah. So I don't want to do that. That limits the connection you can have with them.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Sure, absolutely. I think like the ability to like really be open and connected. How connected can you be to somebody if you just talk about the weather all the time? Yeah, not at all. Not at all. Yeah. And I wonder, we talk a lot about healing this nation and healing that partisan divide.
Starting point is 00:39:51 But as long as conversations continue to be framed in these sort of dishonest ways, where the other guys think that I support killing babies, for example. Right. Well, I don't want anything to do with somebody that would look at me. Sure. If somebody were to look at me and say like, look, man, I know something about your heart and in your heart, you support killing actual babies. I'm like, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:40:15 We don't need to talk. Yeah. Do we, does this continue to spread apart or do we, because I would have thought COVID had an opportunity, I think, to bring us together. After 9-11. It really did. It really did. Under the right administration and with the right leadership,
Starting point is 00:40:32 COVID could have healed some of that. It really could have. I said, do you want to fight me? Do you want to catch his hands? Bitch, I'll catch you in the street. Some with that beef. Bitch, I'll catch you in the street. Some with that beef. Bitch, I'll beat your ass. So this story comes from Business Insider.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Marjorie Taylor Greene compares Biden's vaccine push to Nazis week after apologizing for comparing mask mandates to the Holocaust. I mean, in her defense, I think that she doesn't know that the Holocaust and Nazis were in the same war. Oh, God, you're probably not wrong. They didn't cover that in her defense, I think that she doesn't know that the Holocaust and Nazis were in the same war. Oh, God. You're probably not wrong. They didn't cover that in her. I think in her defense, she thinks they were World War I and World War II.
Starting point is 00:41:10 They were two different things. I'll bet you. I'll bet you. She doesn't have no idea that they're connected. Let me read you what she actually wrote, just so that we're not misquoting here, because it's, you know. Biden pushing a vaccine that is not FDA approved shows COVID is a political tool used to control people. People have a choice. They don't need your medical brown shirts
Starting point is 00:41:29 showing up at their door ordering vaccinations. You can't force people to be part of the human experiment. That would be stupid. Medical people wear blue shirts, not brown shirts. It's stupid. Look, I was just watching Scrubs the other day. It's blue if it's medical. It's green if it's surgical.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Oh, okay. I didn't know. I didn't know. Brown is custodial? I don't know. Brown is the national park? That's in the park range. Brown is UPS.
Starting point is 00:41:56 So just a few weeks ago, she got in trouble for basically the same shit. Same thing. She's just too stupid to know what she's saying. And there's a great quote from this article. The American Jewish Congress released a statement on Wednesday addressing Green's tweet, saying that the Congresswoman, quote, continues to prove that there is no limit
Starting point is 00:42:13 to her brutal trivialization of the Holocaust for her own personal political power. And I love this next sentence. The Holocaust and Jewish suffering is not a prop for her delusional views comparing efforts to save lives through vaccines with the most heinous, systematic, state-sponsored slaughter of millions of innocent victims. Yep. And I read that and I thought, man, how fucking true is that? People use the Holocaust and Nazis and Hitler as a fucking prop.
Starting point is 00:42:41 All the time. a fucking prop. All the time. And every fucking time you do that, that is an insult to the people, some of whom are still alive, who suffered and died as a result of that horrifying system of oppression and genocide. Yeah. And to use that shit as a prop for your fucking
Starting point is 00:42:56 straw man, literal horrors? It just, god damn, man. But then it's insult to injury because now it's anti-vax. Right? Right. So it's not to injury because now it's anti-vax, right? Right. So it's not only a shitty thing to do just in general, but it's a shitty thing to do while you're trying to dissuade people
Starting point is 00:43:15 from getting a vaccine. Yeah. Man, it's double plus extra worse. And it is- Because it's not just a rhetorical tool. It's crazy to me that we're still at this point where there's so many anti-vaxxers in this country. So many.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Because I remember when we started this show years ago, they were a fringe group. They weren't very large. We didn't have measles for many years because many people still vaccinated their kids. Yep. I mean, I knew a couple of anti-vaxxers, right? I knew a couple that were on the fringe of my life
Starting point is 00:43:47 for a while. And, you know, there were, even for a little while myself, I even wondered because I had people I knew. Yeah, same. That I trusted that had said some things that I was like, oh, maybe I should look into that. And when I did, I was like, no, that's bullshit.
Starting point is 00:44:03 It's literally all bullshit. There's nothing there. And the only thing that anybody who was on the other side could ever refer, retort to is just character assassination of the people that you got your information from, right? Like that's the only thing. Like if you went to Quack Watch, there was like,
Starting point is 00:44:19 oh, well, let me tell you about Quack Watch. Let me tell you about that guy. So it would be like ad hominem against the guy instead of actually like- The many, many studies and everything that are cited right just even the argument right um but i remember i remember for a little bit i was i was i actually wondered about it because it was it was it was actually kind of popular but the moment i thought about it for a second or read anything about it was just no that's stupid like it because none of it makes any sense when you stop
Starting point is 00:44:45 to think about it. Right. Especially when you're talking about like how many people are getting it and how many people are that are getting it on camera and how many people are getting it that are, that were a first in line to get it. You know, if the doctors are the first in line to get it and excited to get it, you should be thinking, yeah, you know, maybe this is okay. You know, maybe this is something I should probably want to do myself. Look at, look at how many doctors were, were, you know, chomping at the bit immediately to get this thing. Yeah. But it's that mistrust of expertise. Yeah. You know, we've, this is, this is this horrifying culmination of all these terrible things that we've sown over the last, however many years, maybe 10 years, 15 years.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Yeah, yeah. You know, and I think the same thing, Cecil. It's, you know, there was a hot moment, same thing, where my whole life I'd heard vaccines were good. Never even crossed my mind that vaccines were not a net medical and social positive. I didn't understand that. And then a handful of people in my life were like, no, they've got all this evil shit in them and it corresponds with
Starting point is 00:45:47 these rates of autism and all this stuff. And I was like, wait a minute, I've got to read about this. And then I did and I was like, no, it doesn't make any sense. Yeah, it's not true. But like, yeah, absolutely. I think when you are presented with that information, you gather the information, you gather
Starting point is 00:46:02 data around it and you look at it. But we should be well past that shit. Because ever since Wakefield and ever since the rise of that vaccine movement, or the anti-vax movement, the pro-vaccine forces have been loud. And they've been voluminous. And they've done study after study and big studies, studies with hundreds of thousands of participants. We have historical data.
Starting point is 00:46:28 They've, you know, they have advertised and they've gone through great lengths to prove the efficacy and safety of these life-saving vaccines. We're also at a place where two things that are, I think, really important are happening. One, we have new technologies that could eradicate a host of diseases we've never had any treatment for or any opportunity to avoid. And that's extraordinarily exciting. But we're also at that same place where antibiotics are becoming less and less effective. Yeah, that's true. We have a choice to make. We can either choose to avoid disease
Starting point is 00:47:09 or we can choose to die of disease. And maybe this is more on my mind because my wife got an antibiotic-resistant disease, right? So a C. diff, you get it's an antibiotic-resistant, like MRSA, it's in that category. But I read and I look at this and I'm like, we've been told for years that antibiotics are becoming less effective and that antibiotic resistant diseases are becoming more and more of a problem. There are antibiotic resistant
Starting point is 00:47:36 forms of tuberculosis. You get it. And you've got consumption like it's the ye olde times, man. We can choose to die of diseases that we had cures for and the cures are waning. The efficacy of those antibiotics is waning. Or we can choose to just not get sick at all. And to me, that's the easiest choice in the world. Put every vaccine in my arm, man. Put them all in my arm. Fucking fill my bathtub with vaccines and let me roll around naked like a pig in that stuff. Like, I don't want to get sick. And I don't want to get sick with stuff
Starting point is 00:48:13 that as time goes on, we'll have less and less opportunities to cure. You know, when penicillin was first introduced, penicillin killed something like 95, 99% of all the bacteria that we were, you know, and that, that number, and I know that's not an exact number, but that number changes and it gets less every time. Yeah. And it gets less every year. And now your doctors are like, I don't want to, you know, give you back, I don't want to give you antibiotics for stuff. Why? Because
Starting point is 00:48:38 they're less effective. Yeah. So we're at a confluence point and we have a choice to make socially. And if we don't choose vaccines, we don't have another option to not get sick. Yeah, I mean, isolation, but we did that for a whole year. That sucked. How great was that, huh? That was awesome, huh?
Starting point is 00:48:55 Yeah. Super great. Hello, everyone. Welcome to the ad portion of the show. Now, you may have noticed that we've had a new advertiser recently on the podcast. Well, that's all thanks to Gumball. Previously, we've had a hard time finding additional sponsors for the show, but with Gumball, it's way easier. Gumball is a great way for podcasts to connect to sponsors
Starting point is 00:49:15 and brands. It's like magic, except it's real. Advertisers now come to us and we decide whether we accept them or not. This is different than other podcast ad systems where they insert any random ad into our content. The short and the sweet of it is Gumball makes things easier for all of us. So if you're a podcaster, it'll help you monetize, choose to work with brands that fit your audience, easily keep an ad schedule, and transparently see when you're getting paid. And if you're a potential advertiser, there are powerful demographic filters to find the right show for you. Scale and build campaigns and keep track of air checks. And since we are on Gumball, you can buy ads on our show by going to
Starting point is 00:49:58 and searching for Cognitive Dissonance. Whether you have an Etsy store or a Fortune 500 cookie business, or maybe you sell artists in bouquets of chocolate-dipped watermelon. No, we won't be reading that ad. But for all others, have a look at Browse shows, discover new advertising options, or list your own podcast today. I'm running for president. I'm going to be a single issue candidate. When I become president,
Starting point is 00:50:28 I will make golf illegal. All golf courses will become public parks. All country clubs will become low-income housing. We take all the water that we would have used to water the golf courses and we drink it. Now we're like the best hydrated country on the planet. We all have gorgeous skin. And anyone caught golfing gets eaten. Are you still here? Just making a salad. Nothing crazy, just a Caesar. It's just going to put the rich on top. So there's a whole host of stories coming out
Starting point is 00:51:00 in the last week about the Olympic Cecil. This first one is from The Guardian. Swimming caps for natural black hair ruled out of Olympic games. I did see this morning that they are maybe going to reconsider that position. Thank goodness, man. Gosh.
Starting point is 00:51:13 There's also a story from Olympics banned black female athlete for five years after having an abortion. A story from CNN, black women athletes are still being scrutinized ahead of the Olympics despite their successes. And another story from ESPN, Namibia female runners banned from Olympic 400 meters over high testosterone levels. Man, fuck the Olympics. The Olympics have a racism problem and they have a women problem. For sure. And I haven't seen a single
Starting point is 00:51:41 fucking story where dudes are getting fucking kicked out of the goddamn Olympics. And I haven't seen a single fucking story where dudes are getting fucking kicked out of the goddamn Olympics. And I haven't seen a single fucking story where white people are getting kicked out of the Olympics. All it is is black people, women, black women. Yeah. Fuck the Olympics. That is a racist organization. You know, what's interesting is that there's this fight now in our culture
Starting point is 00:52:01 to talk about hairstyles, black women's hairstyles, right? There's a common thing in our culture to talk about black women's hairstyles. There's a common thing in our culture where people are trying to normalize black women's hairstyles. Because many people in the business world traditionally would say that's not a work hairstyle. You're not allowed to work in that hairstyle. That's not a work hairstyle.
Starting point is 00:52:20 That's a racist, shitty thing to do to somebody. It's like your natural fucking hair. People are like, that's not a work hairstyle. It's like, I'm not a work person is what you're saying. You're saying I'm not business attire. Your culture renders you unacceptable for view. For white view. For white view.
Starting point is 00:52:35 Right. And so there's a conversation being had now about normalizing all hairstyles, right? Normalizing them all. And so we don't have to worry about this dumb thing that sort of disqualifies black women from office space because it essentially disqualifies them. And that's leaked over into the Olympics, man.
Starting point is 00:53:01 Like these people won't, they won't allow, there's a cap, a specific cap that was made by a company to help black swimmers, black women swimmers, because the other cap is made for wispy
Starting point is 00:53:15 white people hair. It's made for hair that falls flat against your head when it's wet. But black women's hair doesn't do that. And so they need a cap that actually covers their
Starting point is 00:53:27 head so they can swim and have the same amount of resistance as the other people and have the same chance of winning as everybody else. Because it's all, the Olympics is a game of millimeters, man. It's all shave everything off of your body to get that fucking perfect aerodynamic thing. Everything is just millimeters away from the guy before you and the gal before you. It's all it is. And they're hamstringing these women by making them wear these things
Starting point is 00:53:56 that don't cover all their hair or to swim without anything on. Or to force them to cut their hair. Or to cut their hair. To conform to white standards. Exactly. You have to be bald in order to do this. And that's outrageous.
Starting point is 00:54:08 It's an outrageous thing to do. But they're not doing it to anybody else, right? It's only to them. And I'm glad to hear that they might be pulling that back or at least reviewing that ruling and try to change it. But something else happened recently. There was a woman who smoked pot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Which again is perfectly legal in many places in this country. They need to really start to think about this as a federal thing so that they can just pull that out. And that's not a thing anymore because if somebody is going to smoke some marijuana, it shouldn't be an issue, especially if it's legal where they're at. But even still Phelps did that. And that
Starting point is 00:54:46 guy's got so many fucking gold medals that Michael Phelps. Yeah, I remember that. Like there was a video of him smoking bongs and shit. I forgot about that. Nobody gave a fuck. Yeah. That dude's got more medals than anybody. I mean, he's got an insane amount of medals. So we let that happen. What? It's not like Potts performance enhancing. Pot's not, it's not like a fucking sprinter. Right. Yeah. Right. I mean, look, listen to Noah's show.
Starting point is 00:55:10 You think that enhances performance? I love him. But seriously, this is, this is, but again, there's, there's more of this too. When we're talking about, we're talking about these, these women that just have high testosterone and they're not allowed to compete in certain events because of it. That's fucking ridiculous. The Olympics is policing women's bodies and deciding what bodies are the right kind of woman's body. The Olympics are policing black bodies to make black bodies conform to white standards. Look. It's, look, you can't support the fucking Olympics. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:45 You just can't do it. It's a shitty, it's always been shitty. The thing is that the Olympics have kind of always been really shitty. Sure. And a lot of the sports
Starting point is 00:55:53 that, even the sports that get chosen versus other sports that get chosen to be Olympic sports, it's always been classist as fuck. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:00 It's so fucking classist. Now it's just openly fucking anti-woman. Now it's misogynist and racist. Right. Get the fuck out. The thing is, guys, it's not exciting to watch anyway. The Olympics is fucking boring. It happens. Remember when it was cool because it was every four years and you had to wait
Starting point is 00:56:15 like a really long time until there was another? It's every two years there's an Olympics. It doesn't even matter anymore. You don't care. You don't watch these sports all the rest of your life. You don't watch them. That's because you don't care about them. They're the worst sports too.
Starting point is 00:56:30 They are. But I will say this though. And this is, this is again, you know, going back to these women, this is, this is what some people, they literally, this is their job, man. This is it. This is what they train to do constantly. And to, you know, I'm never going to be fucking interested in a dash or a run or whatever.
Starting point is 00:56:49 I'm not going to be interested in a jump or a vault or a hurdle or a shot put or any of that stuff. I'm never going to be interested in it. But that being said, there are people who, this is their livelihood. This is, they spend their entire-
Starting point is 00:57:03 It's their passion. It's their livelihood. They spend their whole life throwing that shot put as far as they can throw that shot put. And so, you know, you're basically taking away their dreams because of your weird thing that they have to conform to you. And, and there's another story in here too, that's just horrible. Olympics banned black female athlete for five years after having an abortion. This poor woman, you know, she had an abortion and they, and they,
Starting point is 00:57:27 she said she had to sit. She tried to appeal it. She had to sit around with all these white guys, older white guys trying to justify her position as a black woman getting an abortion in front of all these guys. And they were all just like, well, I've never been in that situation in my life.
Starting point is 00:57:42 So no, fuck it. No, sorry. She missed, she missed one drug test. She didn't touch. So no. Fuck it. No, sorry. She missed one drug test. She didn't pop positive. No, she just missed the drug test.
Starting point is 00:57:50 She missed the drug test. She had a scheduled drug test. They showed up at her house. She missed the fucking call at her house. She tried to reschedule it. They're basically like, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:57:59 No. Yeah. No. She's recovering from a fucking abortion. Yeah. The thing is like, I think if it was
Starting point is 00:58:04 any other medical procedure, if it was any other medical procedure. I think you're right. If it was any other medical procedure. I know that's conjecture, but like. But it's specifically a woman procedure. Yeah. And you're just like, yeah, okay. Of course.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Right. And why is the review board all old white dudes? Well, because of course it is. Because of course it is. Because of fucking course it is. Because the Olympics shouldn't even be happening in the middle of a pandemic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:27 How crazy. That's the other thing that makes me nuts. It is so wildly irresponsible to hold an Olympics in the middle of a pandemic that in most of the world is still absolutely raging. They had to close some of it down this week. Did you see that? They closed up down the in-person stuff.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Right. Because they're getting an outbreak in Japan. Why are we having it at all? Yeah. It's games. They had to close some of it down this week. Did you see that? They closed up down the in-person stuff. Because they're getting an outbreak in Japan. Why are we having it at all? Yeah. It's games. Yeah. Games.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Just say the word games. Games. When you say it out loud, maybe it's not that important. Maybe it's a game. Put that shit on pause in the middle of a pandemic. If you play on your phone the game Plague Inc., one of the things that comes up is Olympics suspended because of global outbreak. Game designers for a fucking phone game understood that you don't gather people from hundreds of nations together in the middle of a pandemic. There is a blueprint model for this that last year the NBA did, which was brilliant.
Starting point is 00:59:26 They created the bubble, what they called the bubble. They picked several teams because they hadn't finished their year yet. They picked several teams that were in the top portion of their thing. They were going to play those teams and figure out who's going to go to the playoffs then. Everybody there had to get COVID
Starting point is 00:59:41 tests and go into isolation at Disney. They sent them down to Disney and they put them up and they had to get COVID tests and go into isolation at Disney. And they put, they sent them down to Disney and they put them up and they had to be isolated from everyone. So they were isolated. They couldn't go out.
Starting point is 00:59:52 If they went out, they had to go on isolation protocol on their own for 14 days. They got tested constantly and they had no breakouts. They had no, and they were able to play. There's nobody in the stands.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Right. But they were able to play games. But they were able to play. There's nobody in the stands. Right. But they were able to play games. But they were able to play the games. And those NBA games were a lifesaver to so many people who were just looking to fucking tune out
Starting point is 01:00:12 the news for the evening and watch the fucking basketball game. They were amazing. And there's a blueprint out there to make it so it's safe. There's a blueprint right now. And that could be used for all people all over the world.
Starting point is 01:00:23 You have plenty of space to do it, and then you just put up, like the NBA did, put up Skype faces on the walls, people watching it. You can have audience interactions. It just happens to be Skype or whatever. You can do it, and I don't think anybody would have been upset by it. I don't think anybody would have said,
Starting point is 01:00:38 oh, well, we can't do that. But the problem is that everybody just wants to forget that everything happened because it was a shitty year. So everybody just wants to go back and be like, nope, nothing happened. Let's just go back to normal. Well, now they're locking Japan down again. Yeah, well, I mean, the thing is like with the Delta variant,
Starting point is 01:00:53 I mean, most countries have very poor vaccination rates. Most of the world still has really poor vaccination rates. Australia is locking Sydney down right now. You know, Australia's vaccination rate is like under 20%. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:07 Huge parts of the world are totally or mostly effectively unvaccinated. We're going to hold the Olympics. Yeah. And then in the middle of holding the Olympics, we're going to look at people who are saying, I'm willing to take that fucking incredible risk in order to do this thing that I'm passionate about.
Starting point is 01:01:22 And we're going to fucking judge their black female bodies and kick them the fuck out of the games because they're not the right kind of woman or because they had an abortion or because they want to wear a fucking hair cap that actually covers their fucking hair properly. It's fucking the erasure of women. It's the erasure of black athletes. It's fucking ridiculous. It's outrageous. This doesn't count as an advertisement because we are promoting our own stuff. So there. Love you patrons. So this next week, Tom and I are going to sit down and read
Starting point is 01:01:53 Demon Haunted World. Tom and I were talking about rereading this book and we wanted to do a sort of Cogdes book club. So what we're going to do is we're going to read the first chapter of Demon Haunted World. The first chapter is 20 pages. Tom is actually going to read it aloud and we're going to post it for our patrons. So if you want to listen to it instead of read it, Tom's going to read it to you this week. And we're going to post that this upcoming week. Hopefully we can have it
Starting point is 01:02:18 done before the weekend, but it might be posted on Monday or something. But Tom's going to be able to read that for you. If you want to join in with us we're going to essentially just have a we're going to try to read this whole book chapter by chapter and go through it and chit chat about it for a few minutes every week so if you want to join in and you want to play along
Starting point is 01:02:38 you can go pick up the book or if you're a patron you can just listen to Tom read it to you and then we'll post something on Patreon too for people who want to comment about it and talk about the book. Um, but we're open to start like a good book club, a book club. It's not because we've tried to read books in the past and they've been garbage, bad books that nobody wants to read anyway. Um, but we want to read something that we think is both uplifting and smart and skeptical. And so we're going to start with this and then we're going to move on. Hopefully if this works well and people enjoy it, we might move on to other books.
Starting point is 01:03:08 But this week, if you're interested, you can join us for the first chapter of Demon Haunted World. The first chapter's title is The Most Precious Thing. So we'd like to thank our patrons. Of course, we'd like to thank our patrons. Of course, we'd like to thank all our patrons. We'd like to thank our newest patrons, Trevor and Nicole.
Starting point is 01:03:32 And we'd like to thank the people who upped their pledges, Krista, interview Voush on Cognitive Dissonance and Uncle Piss. I'll tell you, I'd love to get Voush on our show, but he's a pretty big streamer and a pretty big YouTuber. So it'd be a hell of a coup if we could get him on our show. If you got a connection. streamer and a pretty big YouTuber. So it'd be a, it'd be a hell of a coup if we could get him on our show. If you got a connection.
Starting point is 01:03:48 Yeah, if you got a connection, hook us up. But I highly doubt that we could get him on our show just by saying, hey, Vouch, will you come on our show? That's going to have a lot of play.
Starting point is 01:03:58 But thank you for the vote of confidence. I'd love to talk to him though. He seems like a really interesting guy. We've got a bunch of email we'd like to talk about. We got a message from Brian and Brian says, he says, I love the show. And I want to just want to let you know, my son was born this past weekend, five weeks premature. And we wanted to just say, wow, that's, that's a very difficult place to be. We know this personally. Yeah. My, my little guy was about five. My second was about five weeks premature.
Starting point is 01:04:25 He was born 34 weeks. So congratulations, Brian. It's scary, but everything turned out all right for my guy. I hope everything turns out all right for yours, guy or gal. And certainly thank you so much for listening. And it's stressful. It's a stressful time. So I hope that you have loved ones around you to support you.
Starting point is 01:04:49 They're little at that age. They're little babies. Yeah, Eamon came home. He was four pounds. They're little babies. Those are little tiny babies. I have a picture of bringing Eamon home, and I laid him next to my watch.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Yeah. And he's about the length of my watch. Yeah, he wasn't even a bag of sugar. No. He was that, like not a bag of flour at that point.
Starting point is 01:05:09 Yeah, I wanted to put him in the car seat to take him home. I had to then pack receiving blankets around his body. Gosh. To fit him in a car seat
Starting point is 01:05:18 in a way that was snug enough for me to white knuckle my way home because he, he's in there because he can't move, he's in there. Cause he can't move.
Starting point is 01:05:26 That's the, that's the other thing. Gravity and a lack of his own personal. Yeah. They don't make stuff for babies that day. No, he's too little. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 01:05:32 good luck. Good luck, man. It's, it's stressful. We got a couple of messages from Chris and Chris had posted these on our fan site, I think.
Starting point is 01:05:41 And he posted this one. I think this one, it's old timey Tom and Cecil. This one is okay. This is pretty good. Pretty close. I he posted this one. I think this one, it's old timey Tom and Cecil. This one is okay. This is a pretty good one. Pretty close. I mean, pretty close.
Starting point is 01:05:48 The guy definitely has, the guys definitely have sort of our face shapes. Yeah. And our heights too, I think. It looks like our heights as well. And the difference in hair color
Starting point is 01:05:57 is pretty good. Difference in hair color is pretty close. And the me picture has soulless white eyes. Soulless dead eyes like you. So it's very close to you. Very likely.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Very close to you. Yeah. Tom has to kill someone every night and pour them into his eyes. And that's the only way his eyes get color. You should see him on the days when he doesn't kill anybody. It's rare.
Starting point is 01:06:17 I almost always bag one. It's terrifying. Yeah, but it does kind of look like us because we're all white guys with beards, it turns out. But we're going to guys with beards, it turns out. So, but we're going to post this on this week's show notes. I will not post the second one though, Chris, because I don't think this one looks like us at all.
Starting point is 01:06:31 It's not as close. Doesn't look like us at all, really. So I'm not going to post this other one. But the first one we will post, we got a message from Mike and Mike said, I've never emailed a podcast before, but I wanted to say great work. I started listening last summer during the pandemic
Starting point is 01:06:46 and have been an addictive listener since then. He said, also said, and I want to say this too, because I really enjoyed it. Also last episode is probably Ian's best work as far as editing and ads. He did a great job. He did a nice job. He really did.
Starting point is 01:06:57 Last week when he broke in a couple of times, it was very funny. So I corrected my pronunciations and everything. Your pronunciation was funny too. That was funny too. He did a great job on that. So yeah, we agree. Tom, I want to read this.
Starting point is 01:07:08 We got some facts wrong. We did. I got them wrong specifically. Yeah, it says, this is from Robert and he's correcting on what happened during the good guy with a gun scenario that you broke down for us last week. He says, here's how it went down.
Starting point is 01:07:21 Dipshit sneaks up behind a cop and shoots him with a shotgun. Dipshit goes back to his truck to exchange shotgun for ar good guy with a gun pulls a pistol and shoots and kills the guy with the shotgun good guy with a gun picks up the ar in case the dipshit isn't dead cop two kills good guy with a gun now i'm not sure that that changes much of what you said. No. But it definitely does add a different gun. It does. It does.
Starting point is 01:07:48 So forgive me. I didn't get, and I wasn't going off, deciding to have the story in front of me was going off of memory when I relayed it. I think the important part and the point and the commentary was the guy who was lauded as a hero, the guy who killed the guy who killed the cop was executed by the cops
Starting point is 01:08:07 with extreme prejudice and no opportunity to surrender. Sure. That was my fucking point. And that's the point. And that also shows you too that there's no real benefit in being the good guy with a gun
Starting point is 01:08:21 in a situation where the cops are being shot at because they are going to indiscriminately shoot until everything stops moving. Right, yeah. Obviously,
Starting point is 01:08:30 they didn't give this guy an opportunity to surrender. That was what I said last time. They'd given this guy an opportunity to surrender since he wasn't a murderer or a bad guy to start with,
Starting point is 01:08:37 so to say. And I hate using good guy and bad guy. I know, it's terrible. But we know what we're saying. We're saying it in quotes. Just imagine we're saying it in quotes.
Starting point is 01:08:45 But like, you didn't give him a chance to surrender. We got a terrible reduction. But we know what we're saying. We're saying it in quotes. Just imagine we're saying it in quotes. But like, you didn't give him a chance to surrender. We got a message here. This is from Phoenix. And Tom, you wanted to read part of this. Yeah, case in point, it's talking about people leaving religion due to Trump. They think this is a significant phenomenon. Case in point, my 81-year-old grandmother
Starting point is 01:09:02 who has gone to the same Catholic church in Louisville, Kentucky for over 60 years. She's never someone to cause a scene, hates attention. Last year, they told people from the pulpit to vote for Trump and she got up mid-sermon and walked down the aisle and out the doors in front of everyone and hasn't been at church since then. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:09:18 60 years. Insane, man. I can't imagine somebody saying that though right like just say because I know that there's no teeth in anything that we say and I know that they said
Starting point is 01:09:30 that they were pulling that Johnson amendment or whatever so it doesn't matter anyway but god just the amount of poll you have as a religious organization
Starting point is 01:09:37 anyway yep because they can they can make you lean any way you want they can tell you what position you need to vote on
Starting point is 01:09:43 yeah here I'll just I'll just pick these key wedge issues, bring them up over and over and over and over again. So you don't even have to say it. You can say every talking point. But just to say out loud, vote for Trump, and then they're like, I mean, at this point, it's just not even pretending.
Starting point is 01:09:56 Nope, not at all. We got a message from Pete. This is a good message. He says, I want to let you guys know that you're more than entertainment and content. I know from my own experience and my comments made by others, you guys actively contribute to the quality of life and the content you provide us. My life is far better with you guys.
Starting point is 01:10:12 And I know your listeners who feel the same. It can be a lonely thing to be an atheist in North Texas. So I recognize that. And we've known that for a long time, that our friendship that is very free about talking about certain issues that you just can't talk about feels freeing to other people. And it makes them feel like
Starting point is 01:10:29 they're involved in the conversation and they can have these conversations even if they could never have them with the people that are around them on a day-to-day basis. And so we know that that is one of the values of the podcast and we're happy to be the sort of outlet for that for people
Starting point is 01:10:43 who can't have those conversations. Well, that's part of why we started this thing all those years ago. It was really to open our friendship up to other people, to open this connection that you and I have up and let other people experience it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're glad that it matters to people.
Starting point is 01:10:58 Yeah, for sure. We really are. Oh, this is depressing. Eric sends a message. He says, this is amazing that more likely these QAnon believers are more likely to get elected to Congress than us atheists. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 01:11:11 That's true. It's just true. Ask how many out atheists there are in Congress. And then they said there was like 24 fucking QAnon people. And so, yeah, it's just, it's easier nowadays to be a fruit loop. Tom, this is a message from Jen about vaccine hesitancy.
Starting point is 01:11:29 This was upsetting. I recently worked in a nursing home as a member of the management team. We were eligible for the vaccine in early January because we were with a highly vulnerable population. Nearly 100% of the residents got the vaccine. Only 37% of the staff got it. Staff still get tested at least once a week. And every time a staff member tests positive, the whole building goes on lockdown.
Starting point is 01:11:49 Residents can't leave their rooms. Activities are canceled. Visitors are banned. Meals are in room. Lockdown continues until the building is COVID-free for two weeks. Since January, there have only been four weeks the building has been COVID-free. Since January. Because staff keeps testing positive.
Starting point is 01:12:06 Corporate will not mandate the vaccine. They don't mandate the flu vaccine. It's infuriating that staff selfish is impacting the health and well-being of these residents who have very little say in what happens to them anymore. That is so stupid. If you're in a nursing facility, you're in a nursing facility, you are in many ways under the, it's almost prison-like in your inability to exercise agency to leave, right? And to have the staff care so little about your health, your wellbeing, and not just your health in terms of COVID, but your mental health. And because, you know, having all of your activities and connections to other people, your visitors, just to take a group of people that's already isolated and to isolate them even more. There's a level of just selfishness to that decision, which is cruel.
Starting point is 01:12:59 You shouldn't be in that industry if you're not willing to protect yourself, to protect because you wouldn't, you wouldn't let somebody who just happened to have like knives for hands be one of the people there. Hello, I'm Edward Scissorhands. I will be your new CNA. Like you wouldn't, you wouldn't let somebody
Starting point is 01:13:19 though that is, you wouldn't let somebody smoke around the patients for instance. Right. You wouldn't let somebody do that. So, but we somehow think that it's okay for people to make these other decisions
Starting point is 01:13:30 that can make them dangerous around these patients. You do, probably do a background check on those people to see if they have any violence in their history, I imagine.
Starting point is 01:13:39 I don't know, but I imagine. I would think so. So they probably check to see if they have any violent crimes or anything in their history. We do these things to make sure they're safe. If there's other requirements for you to be in there,
Starting point is 01:13:52 then medical requirements are just as on the table as the rest of those requirements. Absolutely. I can't imagine being in a, and spending all the money you spend for the privilege of being in a nursing home facility. I know, I know. It's $8,000, $9,000, $10,000 a month to be in one of those places.
Starting point is 01:14:07 And they have to be like, yeah, you're locked in your fucking room. Yeah. Why am I locked in my room? Oh, cause fucking this fucking CNA or whatever. Didn't want to get a shot.
Starting point is 01:14:16 Yeah. I got to be blocked in my room. I got my shot. It's stupid. It's so, it's so stupid and it's selfish. It is. So, uh, join us next week on stream.
Starting point is 01:14:28 We'll be on stream on the evening of the Thursday. It'll be 9 p.m. Central time on Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook. And you can come hang out with us. This last week, we looked at Mike Lindell's crazy weird drawing. Vision board. Vision board that he had. And we also covered some stuff about the Catholic church. So you go check that out on the stream right now.
Starting point is 01:14:49 It's the video lives on. So you can go check it out or you can listen to it if you're a patron. And also join us for our Cogdiss book club. We'd love for you guys to join us and talk to us and send us messages and talk to us about Carl Sagan's Demon Haunted World. And remember, Tom's gonna be reading that for patrons,
Starting point is 01:15:09 but anybody can join in and send us a message. And they can also grab this book pretty much anywhere. I know half the audience, probably if not half, three quarters of the audience probably already own it. It's one of those handbooks. It's one of those books that everybody's got. But we hope you guys join us for Demon Haunted World. We're going to try to read it over the next several weeks here. However many chapters are in it, that's how many weeks it's going to take. Let me look here real quick. Hold on. It'll be about 25 weeks. That's nice though. It'll take about a half a year to get through it, but I think it'll be worthwhile. And if it's going slow, maybe we'll skip up to a couple of chapters a week. All right. Thanks for joining us guys. And we'll catch you guys next week. But until then, we're going to leave you like we always do with the skeptics creed credulity is not a virtue it's fortune cookie cutter mommy issue hypno babylon bullshit
Starting point is 01:15:51 couched in scientician double bubble toil and trouble pseudo quasi alternative acupunctuating pressurized stereogram pyramidal free free energy, healing, water, downward spiral, brain dead, pan, sales pitch, late night, info, docutainment. Leo, Pisces, cancer cures, detox, reflex, foot massage, death in towers, tarot cards, psychic healing, crystal balls, Bigfoot, Yeti, aliens, churches, mosques and synagogues. Temples, dragons, giant worms, Atlantis, dolphins, truthers, birthers, witches, wizards, vaccine nuts, shaman healers, evangelists, conspiracy, doublespeak, stigmata, nonsense. Expose your sides. Thrust your hands. Bloody.
Starting point is 01:16:40 Evidential. Conclusive. Doubt even this The opinions and information provided on this podcast Are intended for entertainment purposes only All opinions are solely that of Glory Hole Studios, LLC. Cognitive dissonance makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability,
Starting point is 01:17:13 or validity of any information and will not be liable for any errors, damages, or butthurt arising from consumption. All information is provided on an as-is basis. No refunds. Produced in association with the local Dairy Council and viewers like you.

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