Comedy Bang Bang: The Podcast - Best of 2021 Part 2

Episode Date: December 23, 2021

The Best of Comedy Bang! Bang! 2021 countdown continues as Scott and Paul F. Tompkins countdown numbers eleven through eight of the Best CBB episodes of this year as voted by YOU listeners. Tune in ne...xt week for Part 3!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh boy, welcome to Comedy Bang Bang. That's not a catchphrase, by the way. That is just me saying, Boo boy. That's not a bad catchphrase. A lot of activity here at the studio. As the theme song began, we're getting a little delivery. As the theme song began, we're getting a little delivery. Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang and for another week, or not even another week, another edition, this is Best of Comedy Bang Bang 2021 Part 2. Part 2. I'm going to take you to Part 2. Thank you. Big audio dynamite. Bad. Welcome. By the way, the person who's in the room delivering something to us can make noise and can set things. She's like frozen with her hand in the bag. Let it go. She's like frozen.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Yes, she is. Yeah. Do you want to build a snowman? There's one right here. Do you want to build a snowman? Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang Best of 2021 Part 2. My name is Scott Ackerman. My name is Scott Ackerman as well. Thank you. My name is Paula Tompkins. And we are counting down. Oh, thank you. Oh, look at that. We have some goodies. Are they macaroons? Moran cookies. Moran cookies. What's the difference between a macaroon and a moran cookie? Are they not similar in consistency or? Moran cookies are egg whites. Okay. Moran cookies are egg whites. Moran cookies are egg whites says this mysterious person who refuses to get on to introduce myself. No. It is on. It is on. What's the difference between moran cookies and macaroons? I've never made a macaroon. You've never made a macaroon. That is my... Did you make these? Yes. This is exciting.
Starting point is 00:02:24 This mysterious person is a... Don't say her name. I will never say her name. Even to her face. Let them wonder. You don't know her name, do you? No, I don't know it. She's never told me. She just delivers cookies to me. She said it when we met and then I instantly forgot it. It's too late now. I guess I could read her email address in these emails. She keeps sending me. But it comes from email haver at But she's a wonderful baker and her name is not baker though. That is not a tip-off. I prefer it if that's what people call me. The baker? Yes. The baker? The baker or just baker? The baker. The baker? She has really taken to be on Mac. You notice how quickly she slid into the seat? This is my worst nightmare. She does not like to be on Mike, nor on camera. The few times that I forced you to be on camera, you begged me to take you to edit you out. You did that of your own volition. I did edit you out.
Starting point is 00:03:31 But I played it off like you begged me to do it. Yeah, you did that just now. I was a witness to it. Anyway. Welcome to part two of the best ofs. Thank you so much for this holiday cheer. May I share these with Paul? Yes, please. Thank you. I didn't know that you baked. Make a macaroon in 2022. Will you promise me that? I'll make a macaroon for best ofs 2022. I do not like macaroons. I should tell you that. Why did you ask for that? You don't like macaroons? I don't want them. I'm saying make them. You don't like them? I don't really like them. Oh, I think they're great. You do? Okay, make them. I want them next year. They come in all flavors. I mean, they don't have to be... Did I tell you about the time? I'm sure I have on three of them. Probably. Where I tell all my stories. All five stories. I used to not like Chinese food and then a friend of mine was like, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:04:22 Was it because of that LFO song? What LFO song? I like girls who wear Abacramian vests. Chinese food makes me sick. And you were like, oh, I'm going to stay away from that, of course. LFO is so similar to Elephant, isn't it? It's too similar. Imagine a story about three blind men going to an LFO concert and describing it. What Paul's referring to is that classic tale of five different blind men feeling a thing and one is like, this feels like palm trees. And one is like, this feels like a hose. And one is like, this feels like a tree trunk. And one is like, this feels like a giant elephant's dick. Okay, all right. Scott. Which one was it? They were all feeling an elephant. But because they couldn't see the whole thing. And by the way, the ED wasn't part of it. It's getting bigger and bigger and bigger. Come on now. This is in front of baked goods you do this?
Starting point is 00:05:18 Yes, it tastes like an elephant's dick too. Jesus Christ. How would you know? That's what I said to this blind guy. But he was facing the wrong way. It was the first-hand story. He was facing the wrong way. So he never heard me. You left out a guy. What was the fifth guy feeling? What is- It's a little snake, I think. The tail.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Are elephants' tails curly? No, those are pigs. Those are pigs. Why are they curly? That will do, elephant. Why are pigs' tails curly? Why are pigs' tails curly? I don't know, but speaking of animal dicks, and we were, I don't remember if pigs might be one of those animals that have a twisty dick as well. I think they do, yeah, like their tails and their- I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:08 I guess the tail is to let you know what's coming. It's like, hey, there's no different on the front side. Check this out. Okay? So yes or no? This is the part you're allowed to see. Can't say I didn't warn you. I feel bad for the- for the lady animals. Yeah, I know. To have to sit through that. Like a cat is like- Being- having sex with a pig? Is that what you're talking about? Of course that's what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:06:32 That's what I always talk about. This is Paul of Tomkits. You know he's always talking about cats having sex with pigs. This is my- I'm a single issue voter. Cats having sex with pigs. I'm for it. How can we make it happen? Well, let's do it. When I saw that Black Mirror episode, I was like, yes, but with a cat. 2022, we want cats to start having sex with pigs. Cats, it's up to you. And pigs, I guess. Pigs, you just let it happen.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Pigs, stop being so stuck up. Real Butterface pigs over here. Oh my God, Butterface pigs. Butterballs, turkeys. Am I right? Yeah, free associating. Yeah, you got anything bad? What words does that make you think of?
Starting point is 00:07:15 That's how the show goes. Butterballs? Yeah, butterballs. Yeah, either- either part. Can we- Too long. First thought, best thought. First thought. Here we go. Boom. Butterballs are a cookie.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Butterballs are a cookie? See, she's just got baking on the mind. That sounds good. My mind is clearer now. Is it what I think it's like a round cookie that's- A ball of butter. It's a ball of butter. It's just like a ball of butter that's cooked. And then-
Starting point is 00:07:37 Are there any other ingredients? Sugar, I would- Oh, nuts? I know what these are. And then you roll them in- Would you go on the Great British Baking Show, even though you're not British? Would they have me? I would- Would you tell them to stop doing those skits? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:48 We're asking you, would you please go on there and tell them to knock off the skits? I agree with that. Just- Act like a British person, just so you can get in there. And then episode one, just be like, oh, by the way, I have an announcement. But they have people from all around the world. But are they all British citizens? I think they're all British citizens.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Even the Italian guy? I believe that he actually- The German guy? I think so. Although, who knows? Maybe it's just they're close by. Maybe they have like a certain cap on how much they'll pay for flights. I would think that after Brexit, they wouldn't allow people who were not British citizens-
Starting point is 00:08:22 That's Brent Er. Guys, welcome to Comedy Bang Bang. It's a lot of this. It is. Thank you so much to this mystery person. Thank you, stranger. You are excused. I'll send you the thing for that.
Starting point is 00:08:41 And thank you so much. Are you seeing Reds for the first time? Yes. Enjoy the movie. It's a good movie. Paul's talking about the pill that she's taking. Yeah, enjoy the red pill. Ah, fun stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Fun stuff. One of our first special guests on these best of episodes. I don't think we've ever- Have we ever had anybody else on mic during a best of? I don't know, but that reminds me. I want to talk about Jarls. Classic Jarls. Classic Jarls.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Guys, first I want to welcome everyone. Welcome to the best of Comedy Bang Bang Part 2. Today, we will be counting down your choices for the number 11, number 10, number 9, and number 8 episode of the year. In the count time. Number 9? The Beatles. They're big right now. Get back.
Starting point is 00:09:28 I like that Howard Cramer joke about he saw someone wearing a t-shirt that says the Beatles and he's like, you could just be wearing a t-shirt that says food. Like, you pick the most popular thing. Howard's funny. Howard's very funny. Who Chartered, of course, is one of his many podcasts, a very funny guy. But we're going to be counting down these episodes. These are clips.
Starting point is 00:09:52 This is what you, the people have voted on over the past few weeks to let us know what your favorite episodes of the year are. Everyone picked up to 10 episodes that they could vote on and we're going to be hearing clips this episode. If you've never listened to the show before, this is your first episode, you must go back at least to the previous episode. At least a few days. That will explain to you what the show is and why we're doing this.
Starting point is 00:10:13 I don't know why you would listen to the best of Part 2 as your first episode. I mean, but you know what? I respect somebody that does that. Yeah. You know what? I bet one of the guests maybe on here is someone that they were like, oh, maybe I should listen to this. Sure.
Starting point is 00:10:28 So I bet that happens. Sure. Yeah. And they're like, fuck it. I'll listen. It says best. It says best. It says two.
Starting point is 00:10:36 It's not the fourth best. Well, that's my point. What's the third best? Is if you look at the actual numbers and I hope that you do. Please look at those numbers. Of the show. The best of Part 1 is always the most listened to. It's the worst of the best of.
Starting point is 00:10:44 And it's the worst of the best of. That's my point. Everyone should be listening to Number 4. Do you think people think it's the best of the best ofs? And so they're going to be like, we're counting. Here's what I think. Nobody ever does. I think a ton of people go best of this new show, the show I've heard about and they listen
Starting point is 00:11:02 to the first one go like, not for me. Yeah. And then turn it off. Do you think it's people that are regular listeners to the show and they have some skin in the game? They're like, I want this episode to be number one and they listen to it and it's like, oh, it's number 14. Fuck this.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Fuck this. Seriously. And I appreciate that. I believe there are people who get very upset if something was not voted on, but it's democratic. That's a democracy. It sucks. It sucks. We got to share air with these fucking losers.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Yeah. And of course, they're voted on. There's a sort of electoral college element to it. Sure. Yeah. I mean, that's part of it. Yes. Where you ultimately decide what you think is the best of.
Starting point is 00:11:43 But you take their votes into consideration. Sure. Yeah. I mean, it's a suggestion. Yeah. It's all above board. Do you want to save Jarls for later or do you want to? Let's talk about Jarls now.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Let's talk about Jarls. Let's get into them before we get into the next one. All right. Classic Jarls while he's on our mind. A character sidelined by the pandemic. One of the only, I cannot think of another character that anyone has said to me like, I just don't think that can work on Zoom in the pandemic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:13 But this was a character that you were like, it's got to be in person. Explain. Yeah. The way Jarls came about was I, if I was here at Ear Wolf Studios, if I were here at Ear Wolf Studios to do another podcast. Recording something on your own. Something on my own. Somebody else's podcast.
Starting point is 00:12:27 And I saw that there was a comedy bang bang in process. In process. And progress. In progress. We were making progress. Making progress and they were in the process of doing that. I would just go in there. Unbeknownst to all of us.
Starting point is 00:12:41 As I described it, it sounds like a rude thing to do. But we enjoyed it. But yeah. It was always a treat. It was always in good fun. I would just sit in there and then I would start talking. And I started talking as this guy and he's doing a weird voice. Did you come in with the name Jarls or did you?
Starting point is 00:12:55 I think that came about. I think I was asked who I was. And then I had to come up with something. And you said Jarls. Jarls. Like Jarls with a J. And Jarls is a guy with a very unique voice. Jarls like this.
Starting point is 00:13:06 He talks like that. It's me, Jarls. He's got a very thin windpipe. Is that what it is? He's got a very thin windpipe. That's right. He struggles to get words out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:16 And he's a fencing instructor. Instructor. That's right. And he just passes through the ear. No, he's lost. And he's very devout. He's very devout. Yes.
Starting point is 00:13:25 And he's lost in the building. He's lost in the building. He's been looking for the bathroom for the past five, six years. So it's a character that I've only ever done in that way. He's never done him as like, I'm going to introduce our next guest, classic Jarls. No. Because it would just be weird to have the guy actually meaning to be there.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Exactly. Yeah. And it's only on other people's. But did it start? It started on the commentaries. Oh. Oh. Did it start on the commentaries?
Starting point is 00:13:49 On the DVD commentaries he recorded for the TV show? For Comedy Bank. It probably did. Yeah, you're right. I think that it did. Okay. Yeah. You're asking me a question about the history of the show.
Starting point is 00:13:59 How would I know? You sure talk about it a lot. On these? Not on these, but in general. I think that it did start. And the idea was he was lost there. Maybe it was an episode that I was not supposed to be on or something. I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:14:13 You were talking with someone else? Maybe. I can't remember. But it was the same premise. But yeah. And then during the, I will say that during the quarantine when we were all recording from home, it did cross my mind to ask. Ask someone.
Starting point is 00:14:26 Ask the producer. Or ask the person who was just here that we will not name when I was recording an episode. Yes. Maybe when you would zoom bomb. And then secretly get the zoom link and zoom bomb. But you know what? That something akin to that happens on one of the episodes coming up. And so we'll talk about that.
Starting point is 00:14:43 Now I'm mad that I didn't do it. Yeah. You should have done it. I should have done it. I'm angry with myself. Yeah. And I'm angry with you. And I'm angry with you.
Starting point is 00:14:52 I'm not angry at myself. So that's the one relationship that's still good. How can I get you there? What's it going to take to get me angry with myself? What's it going to take for you to feel some self loathing? By the end of the day. Another three hours of this. All right.
Starting point is 00:15:09 So we're going to be counting down. Three. Yeah. I know. More like four. We're going to be counting down these episodes. Let's just get to it. Let's get to it.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Let's get to it. Let's get to it. Let's get to it. Let's get to it. Let's get to it. Let's get to it. As I struggle to figure out which episode is coming up. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:25 This is your choice for episode number 11. Number 11. Okay. Episode number 11. And the last of the number 11 like that. Yeah. That's the last time you'll hear it. That's the last time you'll hear it.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Well, at the very end of the clip, you'll hear it again. So you have one more time to hear it. One more time to hear it. And then you'll never hear that again. And never hear that again because in June or July, you're going to remind us that it's time to record the numbers. And you'll remind us of wet day as well. Please.
Starting point is 00:15:49 And every time you have lunch, you'll say. You'll say. Do it again. Do it again. Use your three assignments. You understood the assignment. And we will tell you that you understood the assignment. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:03 If you do all of those things. Yes. A lot of people want responses from us. All you have to do is do those three things, prove it. Yes. And we will write back to you. You understood the assignment. You understood the assignment.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Now, that only applies to the reminder for wet day and the reminder for the numbers. The other one, the I did it again after you lunch. That's just yours for lifetime. We don't need to be reminded of that. No. But we will need proof on wet day that you have been doing it every single day. On wet day. Yes.
Starting point is 00:16:30 By the time wet day rolls around. Yes. Please let us know. Have taped yourself saying this. Have taped yourself. Please have taped yourself. Please have taped yourself. I did it again after having lunch.
Starting point is 00:16:40 After every meal. Yeah. You know how Lily and Tim have those check bits. Yes. People submit the check bits. That's what we'd like to see in your Instagram stories. Please. Every day.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Please record your every day that you have lunch. And you can't just switch outfits and do like 36 costume changes. Because we'll know. We'll know. It's really good at spotting outfits. Yeah. We're in the biz. If you're wearing it different clothes, I'll be like, that dude's wearing different clothes.
Starting point is 00:17:05 If you're wearing it different clothes. I will know that you're doing it and that you're doing it. Different clothes. It takes different clothes. Did you watch it? Did you watch? Different clothes to fool the host. Did you watch the live in front of the studio audience thing?
Starting point is 00:17:17 No. I didn't. For the first couple, it was like these great Norman Lear shows that were like social commentary. And then this year they picked different strokes and facts of life. Like shows for children that suck. Who was in different strokes? Who did they get that was small enough to be Arnold? I thought you were asking me about the original show.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Like what? Who did they get to be in different strokes? I remember reading that script and I thought it was shit. They got Kevin Hart. Conrad Bain? Kevin Hart was Arnold. Oh, come on. And Damon Wayans was Willis.
Starting point is 00:17:47 What are we doing? I mean, there was a height difference. But these shows were just like, I usually, I enjoy these and this time it was just like, yeah, these shows sucked when they came out. Anyway, these clips that we're hearing did not suck when they came out. And in fact, they're so good that people voted on it. Why do people do anything? Why do people do anything?
Starting point is 00:18:08 Here we go. This is episode 721 from August 30th, 2021. Episode, give me the episode number again. 721 from August 30th, 2021. So we have a couple of 21s in there. What could that mean? I don't know. 42.
Starting point is 00:18:29 100 years from now. Will anyone remember? Be alive? Hey, be alive or remember that we did this. God, can you imagine? 2121. Like is this still bouncing off a, no. Satellites?
Starting point is 00:18:41 Satellite? A podcast? I think there'd have to be some sort of signal here on the ground. But servers have to be electricity has to still be going. So I bet everything will be gone. Shit. It's too bad. It's a bright, cheery thought.
Starting point is 00:18:57 It's too bad. Why do anything? I got to get out of here. Yeah, you got to go say hi to your wife. My wife. My wife. Of course. We don't want to say what a president is.
Starting point is 00:19:11 No, we don't. This is an episode called Passion of the Pasta. Passion of the Pasta. Let me say who's in this. We have the improvisers are our good friend Ego Wodum from SNL. That's right. We have from the other two, we have Drew Tarver. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Also from a little show called Bajillion Dollar Properties, which starred Paul F. Tompkins. Thank you. Number one on the call sheet. And the celebrity guest is a person by the name of Phoebe Bridgers. This is a good episode that I enjoyed very much. This is a good episode. And this is maybe who I was talking about who, if you were like best of Phoebe Bridgers,
Starting point is 00:19:47 oh, I'll listen to this. And so that's why someone might be, this might be their first. Sure. Absolutely. Yes. And this was Phoebe's first episode that she was ever on. And coincidentally, the last, I don't know if it will always be the last. As of this recording.
Starting point is 00:20:03 As of this recording is the last. And this is a funny episode. We can talk about it afterwards. Yeah. We don't have to talk about it now. But Ego is playing a new character that she just came up with. And this is her, she's actually was in studio. She was here.
Starting point is 00:20:23 This is in August. So she was not taping Saturday Night Live at the time. So she was here for a couple of weeks, I believe. And so we got a few episodes in. Here's what I heard is that they get breaks when Lorne Michaels, he, he goes into a trance or a spell or something. Yeah. And while he hibernates as well.
Starting point is 00:20:39 That's what it is. Yeah. And so he goes into his little cave. And then they're like, oh, we can, we can live our lives. And then they go do whatever they want. Whatever they want. Yeah. They, I mean, they don't want to be doing that show.
Starting point is 00:20:50 You know, you know, they'd prefer to be like doing what we do. Going out, having lunch. Exactly. Doing it again. Saying I did it. Again. So Ego was here. And then Drew was playing a character that he has played before,
Starting point is 00:21:04 who is a person who drives pageant queens around. Right. So let's hear a few clips from this. This is what you chose to be your episode 11. Number one. One. Let's list your controversies. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Smashing that guitar. Yes. That was a big one. Yeah. On that, on that show that we were talking about. Oh yeah. Now you smashed a guitar and sparks came out of it. Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Yeah. That was, that was a little goofy, but it was. It was planned. Yes. I was kind of upset that I like disrespected. You know, it was upset. Was that dude from, what was he from? The birds?
Starting point is 00:21:41 You know, that, you know, what was their band called? Something. Flap around in the air. Crosby still some shit. Yeah. The titular Crosby. Yeah. The Cros as he's called.
Starting point is 00:21:53 He was, what was he upset about? He was upset about the guitar being smashed or he was upset about, you didn't smash it good enough. Yeah. I mean, I was upset that I didn't smash it good enough, but I. Now, okay. Let's list the guitars being smashed that are good.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Okay. The who used to do it, right? You know, I don't even think I've, it's funny because they sent me, Dan Electro, the company, the guitar company. I was like, I'm going to smash this guitar, just warning you. That's, and by the way, a good musician always does that. Yeah. Warns the guitar company.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Kurt Cobain used to do that all the time. Shoots a little email before. Yeah. This, and by the way, emails were not common back then. Totally. The first email. He invented emails from what I understand. So, so I emailed the guitar company and they said, oh my God,
Starting point is 00:22:40 that's so cool. And here's a video of someone trying and failing to do it. FYI, it's really hard. Because their guitars are built so. Gurthy. Gurthy. Yes. And I didn't even watch it because I was like, I got it.
Starting point is 00:22:53 You know, You're a professional musician. You've smashed guitars before. But anyway, it was super fun. And then I just went to sleep and I woke up and I'd pissed off. Like, there's like some asshole in Nashville. This producer guy said I was a fascist. Is it Kid Rocked?
Starting point is 00:23:10 No. He shooed who she'll not be named. Oh, really? Yeah. Do you have a thing with him? Kid Rock. Voldemort. Oh.
Starting point is 00:23:18 I'd love to piss off Kid Rock. I'm not famous enough to piss off Kid Rock. Yeah. Those days are. I'd love to piss off Voldemort. Have that flat nose after me. Oh yeah. Hey dude, get a nose and come talk to me.
Starting point is 00:23:29 You know what I mean? These are the kind of things that I would say to anyone. Totally. Yeah. In any case, so you smashed it. You went to sleep. How many hours you get after doing SNL? Uh.
Starting point is 00:23:40 It's probably a short time because you're like out there partying until four probably. I can't even remember. No, it was actually sad because they were like, the after parties are normally really fun. Oh, they're canceled. But now we're just waving. Oh no. Yeah. It was sad.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Can you imagine being a cast member during the pandemic and just starting the show right when the pandemic starts and you don't get to experience these cast parties. I can't imagine. Oh man. What a terrible thing. So you go to sleep. You catch some Z's. You go hunk shoe, hunk shoe over and over again.
Starting point is 00:24:10 And then you wake up and there's the crosses after you because, and what was the deal with him? He didn't like the way you, he didn't like your technique. I think he thinks it's disrespectful. To the guitar. To guitars. And so you had to get it out there that you were, no, I emailed the company. Well, also like who literally, who gives a, sorry, can I curse on this?
Starting point is 00:24:31 No. What words do you want to say? Are you going to replace shit? Do we replace shit on this show? I don't know. Shoot. Say shit and shoot. So in case we replace shit with shoot, just so we'll have it clean.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Here we go. Yeah. Here we go. Three, two, one. I don't give a shoot. Thank you. Okay. We'll put that in earlier if in case.
Starting point is 00:24:55 I don't give a shoot about. Do you give a fuck? I don't give a fuck. It was. Neither a shoot nor a fuck. Nor. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:06 It was, it was, it was amazing. Cause I, I think the worst thing that could happen to me ever and knock on wood is that I piss off people that I like. Like, you know, like, like actual people who like. People, your peers, people you respect or even not only your peers, but you're the, what do you call them people you look up to that came before you? Grandpa's? No.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Grandpa's. Boyfriends. Yeah. I don't know where he practices. Is that the right word? Ask me. You could just ask me. I haven't introduced you yet, sir.
Starting point is 00:25:45 I'm sorry. You're not supposed to talk until I say your name. I get excited. I get excited. You are excited. I love that you're excited to be here. Baby, I'm excited. All right.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Well, he is a clergyman and I've said that several times at this point because there's no other information here. Well, what else do you want to know? Just ask me. Well, I haven't introduced you yet. Okay. Well, let's take it back. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Take it back to what? Okay. He's a clergyman. Back to one man of the cloth. Please welcome to the show for the first time. Pasta Pasta. Happy to be here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Hello everybody. Hello. Hello. You know what? There's only say my name again. Pasta Pasta. Say my name. Say my name.
Starting point is 00:26:23 I don't know what is around you. Part one. Say baby. Why Cliff re-mix? No. Well, he on it. He was. He helped find it.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Did he? He helped out. He helped out. With Destiny's Child. With Destiny's Child. Well, but he maybe did no no no. I can't remember. He did no no no.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Yes, yes, yes. He did. Yes, yes, yes, he did. When they asked him to do no no no, he was like maybe, maybe, maybe. And then that maybe, maybe, maybe turned into a yes, yes, yes. And somebody said amen. Okay. Welcome to the show.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Pasta Pasta. Thank you so much. This is Phoebe. Pleasure to meet you. I hear you're not religious. I'm not. I'm not. Not religious at all.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Mm-mm. Okay, that's beautiful. Can you convert her? I could damn try. My hardest. Yeah. Okay, wait. While respecting her boundaries.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Yeah, I want the God Ted talk. Okay. Yeah. Well. Boy, what if God did a Ted talk? I feel like some of her family. This is a good, this is a good sketch for funnier die. No, no, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Oh no. What if God was actually one of us? Oh shit. I never even thought about that. Now y'all got to piss me off today. Let me get to my sermon. I have a word. I have to say shoot.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Sorry. Shoot. Okay, we got a call. And what do I say? Y'all peeing me off? Yes, please. Okay. Now, you are a man of the cloth.
Starting point is 00:27:29 We mentioned that before. I am a man of the cloth. Where do you, do they call it practice? I do practice. But we're talking about practice. Practice what you preach. Are we talking about practice? That's a reference a lot of y'all not going to get.
Starting point is 00:27:38 I don't know. What is it? Phoebe gets it. I vaguely get it. Phoebe gets it. I vaguely get things. Oh, we're talking about practice. Sports.
Starting point is 00:27:46 We're not talking about the game. Sports. Sports. We're not talking about practice. We are talking about practice. Why don't we talk about the game? Come on. Somebody in this house today.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Is it Ted Lasso? He's so nice. No. Do you believe in that 20 Emmy nominations? 20 for one show. What do you think about that? For one show? Is it me off?
Starting point is 00:28:05 Divvy it up and give some other shows. We really should. 20. 20. I saw a billboard that said 20 nominations. Can you follow that? No, there's some shows that don't have none. That's so weird.
Starting point is 00:28:14 And me while a one show has 20, does that make any sense? Me? I need to eat the rich. I'm starving. You got a bill like me getting up at 8.30 in the morning to check to see if I got one. You didn't get one. Nothing. I got a damn text message from somebody talking about congratulations.
Starting point is 00:28:29 And I'm like, are you serious? You didn't get one. I didn't get nominated. A program I watched got nominated. Sometimes I'm on that program. Sure. Oh, you've been on that program? I've been on the program.
Starting point is 00:28:41 I do music sometimes on that program. Well, of course we don't want to talk about that. We want to talk about what you're here to talk about. Okay. Stop being on me. Stop being on me since I got here. Give it a rest. Tell us about your whole, how did I get started?
Starting point is 00:28:55 No, no, I don't want to talk about where you got started. I want to talk about where you're from, what you do, and why you do it. Age, sex, and location. Well, age, a man never tells his age because you want to be able to mess with all types of women. Sex, I'm not having it as I am a clergyman. Oh, that's right. Have you ever had it?
Starting point is 00:29:18 Dabbled. Never took a bleach. Is that what they call it now? When I was in school, we called it fingering, but you call it dabbling. Wait, do you know what soaking is? No. What is that? Nobody?
Starting point is 00:29:32 No. Is it when you put vodka on a tampon? That's not... That makes more sense. No, but Phoebe, you extended your fingers like the old Pamal of commercial. You're soaking it in. No, soaking is like some religious teenagers think they can get away with it, and it's still virginity, where you just enter and then stay and then hang out and don't thrust.
Starting point is 00:29:56 I see. Does anybody ejaculate? No. That's good. This episode is turning blue. I'm sorry, I know you're a clergy person. The fans are going to blame me, and I didn't come in here with that attention. I came to talk about pastor-pasta.
Starting point is 00:30:10 That is who I am. Wait, is it pastor-pasta? Well, depends on where you're from. Oh, okay. For me, it's pasta-pasta. Is it pastor-pasta? How do I spell this? Because I wrote down pasta-pasta like it was pizza-pizza, like the Little Caesars.
Starting point is 00:30:28 Well, it's two different words. You spelled them the same, love, but they're not the same. Can you spell two different words the same? I need to really think about this one. It feels like a trick. Like bird and bird. Two different words. That's the same word.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Can you spell two different words the same? Sure, yeah. What do you got? We do in our language. I know there are words. I dare you to think of one. No. What about that?
Starting point is 00:30:55 No. Two different words. But they're spelled differently, because it's K-N-O-W, and then those are homophones. Yes, because context matters. I went to school, and so there are words that are going to be different words, but I spelled the same. But I didn't come to talk about that on today. Okay, no. What did you come to talk about?
Starting point is 00:31:12 We've gotten your... You did that. We don't know your age. You've dabbled in sex. Yes. Where are you from? I have the terminology for my experience. And that's something beautiful about therapy.
Starting point is 00:31:22 You'll get the words to describe what you're experiencing. So Phoebe, I'd like to thank you on today. Yeah. All right. Any time. Okay, now everybody. She is not a therapist, though. I should...
Starting point is 00:31:33 Not a licensed therapist. She's not a licensed... Well, I'm not a licensed driver, but I drive. Okay. All right. Isn't that a sin, though? It's a sin, Scott. Do you believe in God?
Starting point is 00:31:41 Well... Not G-O-D. G-A-W-D. Okay, I believe in God, yes. Do you believe in God? Of course, yes. You have a relationship with God. I do.
Starting point is 00:31:51 I do have a relationship, yes. Okay, cool. All right. We're not on speaking terms, but... No, you don't talk to them. No, I don't... Unfortunately, I... Them.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Yeah, pronouns they, them. I don't often send the old verbal missive up there. But maybe, you know, every word, deed, and action is a prayer. I do ask... I ask God to damn a lot of things. Oh, you... Oh, okay. So when you say God damn, you're asking...
Starting point is 00:32:17 I'm asking, please, will you damn this thing and send it to hell? It's a curse. It's a curse. Well, here's the thing. I don't really believe in hell. Really? No. This is the kind of religion I like.
Starting point is 00:32:26 It's where it's like, there is something going on afterwards, but you're not going to be punished for anything. No, you're not going to be punished. Punisher in stores now. Punisher in stores. Congratulations, love. Thank you. I think what you're doing is phenomenal.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Thank you very much. Really. You're a music fan. I'm a big music head. Yeah. I mean, we were talking about Destiny's Child earlier. I love the sound of it. I love the sound.
Starting point is 00:32:47 That's like... That's 99% of it to me. Yeah. It sounds so good, music. I really... It also makes me lose control. When it doesn't sound good? But also music makes me lose control as well.
Starting point is 00:32:56 That's true. Yeah. So what did I come here to talk about? Missy. Missy should put out more stuff, don't you think? Missy Elliot. Missy, Mr. Meaner. Yes.
Starting point is 00:33:05 What if I... Maybe you start going to a Missy federal crimes. Yeah. I've been like... This is my tag. That's not working out. No, I understand. I was going to try to help you out, but then I realized I couldn't.
Starting point is 00:33:20 I was watching you drown, and I wanted to save you, baby. You ever see anyone drown? You know, I once, time, did a baptism. Oh, no. In the deep end of a swimming pool. Not the deep end you're going to do with Michelleos. In the swimming pool. As Lady Gaga said.
Starting point is 00:33:34 I can't swim. How did you choose to do it in the deeps? Well, that's what we had. We had a big... When somebody says they want to get baptized, you do it. You don't start asking questions. Sure, but they don't say I want to get baptized in the deep end. Well, no one ever says I want to get baptized in a little kiddie pool either, but I've done
Starting point is 00:33:49 that as well, Scott. Right. Yeah. So, all right. And so, I did go ahead and try to baptize someone in the deep end of a pool. So I did watch... So they were drowning. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:59 You can't... I can't swim. Right. So you couldn't help. I was holding them. Right. And then I realized we was both drowning. You're like, fuck this.
Starting point is 00:34:07 I ain't going. I ain't going. I have shit to do. Shoot to do. Excuse me. Here on Earth. Here on Earth. Shoot to do on Earth.
Starting point is 00:34:15 He is a driver. Oh, he's been on the show before. Please welcome to the show Fred Head. Hey, Scott. How you doing? Good to see you. Hey, I'm doing good. Good to see you again.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Oh, my God. Good to see you. Good to see you. Good to see you. Good to see you. Good to see you. Good to see you. Good to see you.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Good to see you. Good to see you again. I remember you. You remember me. Of course I remember you. You had an iconic appearance here on the show that I would never forget. Very iconic that you must follow up on. Of course.
Starting point is 00:34:43 This is Phoebe, by the way. Hey, Phoebe. What's up? Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. I saw you smash that guitar. That was awesome. It's funny.
Starting point is 00:34:51 I've actually been smashed by a guitar. So you've been on the receiving end? Yes, I have. Wait, were you there at SNL? No. No, no. I just have a weak body and I picked up a Fender Telecaster and it fell right on top of me. Oh, if I hadn't smashed myself?
Starting point is 00:35:07 Yes. Yes. And it kept smashing me. Similar to like the end of a concert. This is like when... It lit me on fire. No. Yes.
Starting point is 00:35:17 Like James. Played me with its teeth. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was tough. Okay, you look good though. Hey, I appreciate that. Yeah, it was years ago.
Starting point is 00:35:25 I mean, I got some bad issues. I can't sleep much at night because of it. You sleep during the day though? Yeah. I'm not... You're just out. I sleep during the night. I hold myself up by my feet from a little pole.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Okay. I bear... Sometimes I use sewn arms. No, I have a question. Yeah, just go ahead about it. This is past the time. And I... Can I say Tagliatelli?
Starting point is 00:35:44 Tagliatelli. Can I say Tagliatelli? You sure can. And talk to me about some garlic with no cream sauce on it. Listen, honey. I will. You guys both want to talk at the same time. How about a traditional...
Starting point is 00:35:55 Is that a problem? No, no. Is that a problem with that? Not on this show. No, of course not. Okay. Well, now... Can you believe he brought us all over here?
Starting point is 00:36:03 He's the one that has talked to us. We like each other. We like each other. We really... I like the spice on the back of your neck. I like the way you look. Dang. All right.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Anyway... Anyway, as I was trying to say... Tagliatell. Tagliatell. Yeah. And you had a lamb ragu. Tagliatell. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:36:21 I love... I mean, sometimes, you know, I used to be chicken beef only. And I used to be like, you know, you had me at... Hello. You lost me at lamb. You know what I mean? You know what I mean? I do know what you know.
Starting point is 00:36:32 You know what I mean? Baby, where are you from? I'm from Gooseneck, Georgia. I thought I heard something like that in here. Yeah, Gooseneck, Georgia. I ain't... I ain't no hoag, baby. You ain't no hoag, baby.
Starting point is 00:36:42 I was born in a field. You were? Damn right. Okay. But no one was disputed, baby. Yeah. My mom laid down behind a bunch of corn and had my ass. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Yes, she did. Come on, mama did that. Yeah. You know what I mean? No play. No... Not an epidural inside. Not an epidural.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Spit my ass out. Kept working. Oh, she's... She's working in those fields. Yeah, she was. You came out her mouth. You a mouth... You a throat baby.
Starting point is 00:37:07 No, she spit me out. No, I ain't no throat, baby. I ain't no throat, baby. But I know that song. We like that song. You a throat, baby. Okay, no. You know about that song, Scott.
Starting point is 00:37:15 I know. You want a throat, baby. Do a little bit of it for him. Talk to everybody. It's throat, baby. Talk about throat, baby. What do you want? throat, baby.
Starting point is 00:37:23 You remember me, Scott. Of course I am. I used to drive beauty queens. I got a 1988 Camaro convertible with a little bath mat on the back and I drive beauty queens. And parades are back. Parades are back. That's right. You would drive them in parades.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Yes, I drive them. Those were protests. I see those were actually protests. I was trying to take a left right into one of those protests and they were like, this ain't no moment for you. Okay. This ain't Little Miss Sweet in this time. Right, exactly.
Starting point is 00:37:50 You know what I mean? Parades. Well, any time people are gathering and marching and screaming, I'm like, hey, can I get the beauty queens? Get the beauty queens in here. Wear the beauty queens. Get them out in the house. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:02 They need to do a slow wave like they're holding a little egg. A little baby egg. But you know, you could try, you got any eggs around here, Scott? I have no eggs, unfortunately, no eggs. That's a damn shot. We have a strict bring your own egg policy. Here you go. A single egg.
Starting point is 00:38:15 At least have an egg. At least have an egg. At least have an egg. At least have an egg. At least have one. At least have a fine with white ones. Anyway. Anyway, of course we remember everything about you, but catch those people up who...
Starting point is 00:38:27 Yeah, I mean, it's been a tough year for us who's driving parades, you know. It ain't been many parades with the whole pandemic. But when March hit last year, I quarantined. You did? Yeah, I quarantined for almost three weeks. And you're saying that like... Almost three weeks. It was about 17 days I quarantined.
Starting point is 00:38:46 I shut shit down. That's on the bad end of two weeks. You can't say 17 days. I shut shit down. Okay. But then you had to get out there. But then we had to get back out there. Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:38:56 You had to get back out there and start. It's your livelihood. Yeah, you know, so my first parade back, you know, I drove Miss Sugar-Free Cereal into Potato Gala, and we had a good time. We had a really good time. I love that parade. Isn't it nice? Oh, it's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Potatoes up. Fancy. You know how you put those little spears and potatoes that will power a lamp? Right. You put those little spears and put them in a little dress. Oh, okay. And they go to a legala. And they power the lights for the gala.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Nothing in the rulebook says you can't put a dress on it. No. Can I ask you how the potatoes is waving? Oh, they're like they're holding a little tinier egg. Like a quail egg. Like a quail egg. Okay. Yeah, I'll drive a potato.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Okay. You'll drive a potato? Yeah. So someone calls you up, say Phoebe calls you up and says, hey, you drive a potato. You got a potato that won a pageant and you want to drive it? Yeah. How do you feel about tendrils on potatoes? Like how does everybody feel?
Starting point is 00:39:48 Oh, damn. I don't know. Tendrils in general. Well, that just means the potato more potato for the gamer, you know? More potato for the beta? Yeah. Are you a beta? Are you a beta?
Starting point is 00:40:00 No. I'm an alpha. Unless you want me to be a beta. Yeah. Because the real alpha can be betas if you want to. Yeah, exactly. Because you're a switch. I'm first.
Starting point is 00:40:10 I'm first. You're a switch. Okay. Yeah. Number one, one. Yes. We listened to the whole thing. We did.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Oh. That was fun. That was fun. We both said that was fun at the same time. It was fun. So I can understand. And that was fun. It's tentential thinking.
Starting point is 00:40:29 It's tentential thinking. Tentative. Tentile thinking. Tentative. So why is Phoebe agreeing to be on this show other than she's just cool? Well, I knew her from the Between Two Ferns movie. I didn't know her before that. Matt Berninger from The National was asked to write a song for that movie.
Starting point is 00:40:53 And he said, oh, you know who I'd like to do a duet with is Phoebe Bridgers. And I did not know her at the time. And she showed up and did a really beautiful song in that movie. A great, great part of that movie. So we got to know each other a little bit, but I just kind of like randomly DM'd her out of the blue and was like, hey, do you want to do the podcast? And she wrote me back immediately saying, I would fucking love to. Is that what she wrote?
Starting point is 00:41:20 Yes, she did. And then she had a really good time. But didn't she also think it was a live show at some point? No. I forget. Did we just hear that on the clip? I can't. I don't believe so.
Starting point is 00:41:34 She got her DMs confused. She was DMing Pete Holmes about doing his Largo show. Right. And DM me and said, like, this is going to be a secret, right? No one knows I'm doing this. That's what it was, yeah. And I was like, well, until it comes out and once it comes out, I guess everyone will know. But you do keep it a secret.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Who is on the show before the episode comes out? I do, actually. Yeah. I like to keep things a secret. And just like once they're out, they're out. I don't like to give too much hype to things. But you're a little, you're a little devious little elf. Nothing better than having like a, holy shit, this person did it moment, which, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:10 like when we put out the U2 episode where we actually got U2 on the show, like that's a total that we kept that, you know, on lock forever and it was such a secret. So I enjoy giving people that feeling of like, whoa, holy shit. Do you think that people are like that when I'm on the show? I think that everyone forgets that you do these best of. So when they see your name on it, they're like, what? Yeah. And people all know that they, on this episode in particular, they can't believe that he
Starting point is 00:42:36 was on it again. Yeah. I'll take it. Yeah. Great. No, no, no. But I will not, this is not a, you understood the assignment. No, no, you will not respond.
Starting point is 00:42:44 You understood the assignment. No, you will never hear anything from me. And Ego and Phoebe had just done SNL together. And so that was a fun reunion for them. And then Drew is so funny doing that. Yeah. That character. Get all around.
Starting point is 00:43:01 And fun time. That was in the studio together. That was, so that was during the summer that was really fun. And I had a good time on that episode. Scott, I'm glad to hear that. Thank you. For once. For what?
Starting point is 00:43:14 You've not been glad to hear that on the other episodes? Yes. That's right. In other episodes, and you say after every episode I had a good time on this one, I was never glad to hear it until now. Until this time? Okay. I don't know what's different.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Why this time? Yeah. I'm a new guy. So you'll be happy to hear it from now on. I assume so. Okay. Great. All right.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Let's take a break. Let's take a break. We still have so much more show to get to. We're cracking the top 10 when we come back. Oh, it's got to be cracked and we're the guys to do it. We're the guys to do it. When we come back, we'll hear your choice for the 10th episode of the year. We'll be right back with more comedy bang bang after this.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Comedy bang bang. Best of 20. 20. 21. 22? No. No. One.
Starting point is 00:44:04 That is right. We're not next year. No one is watching you now. Until Tuesday. What is that from? Until Tuesday. Until Tuesday. Until Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Were they have been as popular? Until Tuesday. What was I referring to? Have they ever said, have they ever come out and said what that band name is referring to? I think if I had to guess, and I'm surprised that I never asked. Was it about, it's about Wimpy and his hamburgers? Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:31 I will gladly pay you till Tuesday for a hamburger today. So Wimpy was offering to pay someone almost a week's worth of money for a hamburger. I'll pay you until, all everything I have up until Tuesday for one hamburger today. I think it's a reference to a British expression, which is more or less like you would add it would be like something, the equivalent of like till the end of time. Oh, okay. Do this till Tuesday. Eight days a week.
Starting point is 00:45:07 What if it was eight days a week? Instead of purely just the five. Ringo, do you not know how long weeks are? I don't know. I'll remember. I'm just guessing. He makes the one little vote when they're in the hall of get back. Oh, when he's like, we'll go to the roof.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Exactly. It's the one time he voices everything. And they all go, Ringo, you're adorable. Thank you. If Ringo wants to do it, we'll all do it. They do. They love him. How could you not?
Starting point is 00:45:38 How could you not? Peace and love. The people who don't love him or the people who want him to autograph things. That's right. He told you. He told you. He gave you a deadline. Why don't you talk?
Starting point is 00:45:49 I'll look up till Tuesday. All right. I'm going to talk for a bit. We're here counting down your choices and we're cracking the top 10. This has never been done on this episode before. Cracking the top 10 episodes. It's never been done, but we're about to do it. We're about to tell you what the next clip that we're going to hear is.
Starting point is 00:46:12 But before we do that, Paul has been furiously typing away with his fingers, trying to find the genesis of the phrase till Tuesday and I believe he's found it. Here's the first thing I found. I'm off until Tuesday is present tense. It usually means I'm off now and we'll be off until Tuesday. I'll be off until Tuesday is future tense. It usually means that I will be off in the future, but not now and we'll be off until Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:46:46 Fucking British people explain what you mean. Yeah, I get it. Till Tuesday means something's going to happen, not going to happen until Tuesday. All right. Well, we'll figure this out and of course, if you know the answer, please don't send us any kind of messages about it, but Paul, you ready to do it? Yeah, I'm ready to do it. You can look it up during the clips, but we're about to get to whatever we're cracking.
Starting point is 00:47:10 I have to listen to the clips. I know. We're cracking the top 10. This is your episode 10. All right, Paul. Number one, zero. I think we have a 10. Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:47:21 Okay. I don't think there was a zero. Number zero. A very wide area of distance, all over the place over a very wide area of distance. Good luck escaping Aunt Louise. She could talk from here until next Tuesday. Till next Tuesday, though. I don't know, but that does make sense.
Starting point is 00:47:38 You fucking... What's the see you next Tuesday? All right, Paul, let me hit you with some stats. This is episode 688. We're in the 600s. Everything up until now has been in the 700s. So this is before then? This is before then.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Shall I give you a date? Of course. January 11th, 2021. Yes. So this is early in the year. Very early in the year. Almost as early as you can get. Probably the second episode of the year.
Starting point is 00:48:21 I think it's 10 days shy of the earliest in the year you can be. Probably. I haven't run the numbers on this. Run them and crunch them, my friend. Run them, gun them, and bun them. I need those numbers, run and crunched. Runched and crunched. Runch.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Runch them. I'm in a movie where people would rhyme things and it would not make any sense, but it would sound official. Like I know in Die Hard 2, they're like, rack them, pack them, and stack them, gentlemen. It's official stuff. That's like serious business. It's very simple. If you do all three of those and they run.
Starting point is 00:48:54 I'm not sure what he was talking about. He was talking about maybe like, hey, go grab your guns out of your apartment. Get your guns out of your apartment. Stack them on top of each other. To make one super gun. Oh, rack them. Put a rack in. A rack of bullets.
Starting point is 00:49:09 Please. The lady will have a bowl. And then you stack them on top of each other and that's very intimidating to anyone who wants to do you harm. Yeah. When you see a stack of guns. Ooh. That would make even John McClain blush.
Starting point is 00:49:27 John McClain the Maverick. He should have been in the movie Maverick. Can we go back and erase people? You know how they erase Kevin Spacey. Yeah, erase him. Can we go back and erase him? Erase. Erase out of anything?
Starting point is 00:49:40 You got erased out of all the money in the world. We got replaced. They had to. First you erased. Then you replaced. Did they have Christopher Plummer on a green screen? Yeah. And they just shot all this shit?
Starting point is 00:49:52 Yeah. They didn't do reshoots? No. They, I think they did a couple of reshoots, but every once in a while they just did them on a green screen. But they did reshoots because Mark Wahlberg wanted like a million dollars or whatever. Oh, when they gave it to him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:06 Because he was a dick. Yeah. You're contractually obligated to do reshoots. Anyway, watch his documentary about his life as I did one night for inexplicable reasons. Boy, oh boy. And then who, did he produce this? Yes. I'm going to assume there's one incident that was not mentioned in the documentary.
Starting point is 00:50:26 I'll have to ask you about that. He did go to Wahlberg's corporate offices and looked around and said, why are there so many TVs here? Like he was, he had never been, first of all, it's years into the business. And he's like, then he goes in the break room. He's like, why is there a TV in the break room? Why is there a TV in the break room? People are just going to be watching TV when they should be working.
Starting point is 00:50:52 The break room. Why aren't people working in the break room? I have a revolutionary business concept. People working on their breaks. No one has ever thought of this before. I went to people's houses. There's beds in the room. There's full room at beds in it.
Starting point is 00:51:08 There's rooms just at beds in it and some of it close. You can't work and you sleep. You can't work. You say that. All right. You want to know the title of this? Yeah. I mean, I think I know what it is, but give me this.
Starting point is 00:51:19 What do you think it is? I mean, I know what episode it is. Oh, okay. But give me the title just for the health. This is one called the Sugar Hill Gang Museum. Sugar Hill Gang Museum, yeah. Sugar Hill Gang Museum. Is this ringing any bells?
Starting point is 00:51:33 Of course it is. I remember this very well. Do you really? Nope. Okay. Let me tell you about it. Okay. This is two people and two alone.
Starting point is 00:51:45 This is Edie Patterson and yourself. And you weren't there? No, I was there. Yes. I wish I wasn't there. This was a Zoom episode. This was a Zoom episode. This is right when the year started.
Starting point is 00:51:58 I believe we had a guest who dropped out, yes, because they didn't have the proper recording equipment, or they couldn't figure it out. We just couldn't figure it out. We were on the Zoom together and we were like, we can't figure it out. And I was like, let's just do one of the two of us, or the three of us rather, the two of you and myself. And this was really funny. Edie Patterson, people may know from the Righteous Gemstone.
Starting point is 00:52:20 She plays the one daughter in the family, and it's so, so funny on that. And she is playing a character that she's done for a long time called Bean Dip. Bean Dip. And she's sort of my sidekick on this episode, although I believe we did 20 minutes up at the top together, just saw you at Bean Dip and her weird stuff. And then, Paul, you are playing a character. You can let us know who that is. I would bet it's Cal Solomon.
Starting point is 00:52:45 It is Cal Solomon. That's right. Yes. Cal Solomon, explain what Cal Solomon's thing is. Cal Solomon is an older gentleman who says that he is one of the founding members of the Sugar Hill gang. But when you get into the legendary rap group from the 70s, but when you get into his story, it seems like he really wasn't.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Yes. He seems like a sad, lonely person. Not even but cheerfully lonely. I don't know if he sees that lonely. His life, I guess his circumstances seem sad, but he seems very upbeat about it. He's also very weirdly self-aware that he knows he can't rap, but he keeps trying to do it. And he knows that he didn't quite fit in and that's fine with him.
Starting point is 00:53:30 Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Absolutely. He understands why he's not in the group. Sure. But at the same time, it hurts to be kicked out. And an interesting fact, I recently put together a Cal Solomon costume because I'm doing these live shows again in Los Angeles and I'm doing some of my characters on them.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Okay. This would be a fun one to do live. Okay. I got to know what is in that costume, but don't spoil it because people may be showing up to the show and wanting to see it for the first time. I won't spoil it, but I will tell you this. It was very... There are pants involved.
Starting point is 00:54:02 There are. He doesn't wear pants. He wears a shirt. It was more difficult. Let's just say fans of shoes will not be disappointed. It was more difficult than I thought to find a Sugar Hill gang apparel. Okay. The year 2021.
Starting point is 00:54:17 Too bad. Too bad. But I did... I put something together that amuses me greatly and I think people will enjoy it. Okay. Do you have one of those LL Cool J bucket hats? I thought about that and decided not to. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Yeah. The Kangol. Kangol. This is a really funny episode. We'll talk about it a little more specifically, but the title of the episode is what you're going to hear, the Sugar Hill Gang Museum. Let's hear it. This is your choice for number 10.
Starting point is 00:54:44 Number 10. Please welcome Cal Solomon. Hi, everybody. Hi, Scott. It's good to see you. It's great to see you. It's a happy new year. May I be the first to say this to you?
Starting point is 00:54:55 You are not the first. I'm sorry to say. I've seen other people since the last time I saw you. So yeah, some other people have said it, but you're still getting in there pretty early. Were people saying it to you last year? I mean, since the last time I saw you, that was like five months ago. Some people did say happy new year when it was getting close to New Year's Eve. I had the new.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Because they want to be the first. I hate that. I think just as a pleasantry, and they knew they probably weren't going to see me between New Year's Eve and the new year. And so it sort of became like a happy new year because the new year is coming up. Oh, I see. So like if I don't see you happy new year kind of thing. Yeah, it's like a shorthand.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Sure. I understand. Speaking of shorthands, how big are your bad boys there? Hold them up to the camera if you could. You know, I have very long hands. Whoa, those are really, those are like E.T. size. Oh my God. Oh, hi, you never look down at your hands any time we've ever done a show together.
Starting point is 00:55:50 I keep them hidden because I know they're distracting. I mean, how come it's got knobs on the end of the fingers just like E.T.? Oh, hello, young lady. This is Bean Dip, by the way, Cal Solomon. Hi, Bean Dip. It's nice to meet you. Hi, Cal. Nice to meet you.
Starting point is 00:56:06 Happy New Year. Happy New Year to you, dear. Shorthand. Shorthand. It looks like you have 10 of like Uma Thurman thumbs. Here's what it is. Are you talking about from that one movie? Yeah, from the, no, from all movies.
Starting point is 00:56:18 You and Cal girls get the blues? Sure. Um, my favorite, Tom Robbins adaptation. Uh, I have, I do have very long fingers and they're so long that at the very tips, another knuckle started to grow. Oh, no. So is that, does that come in handy at all? Is that a good thing?
Starting point is 00:56:44 No, it's actually a hindrance in many ways. Because now you can bend your finger in, I guess, three different places. Well, no, it's just, it's just the knuckle is right there and there's nothing to bend because it just stops at the knuckle. Oh, it's at the tip? It's at just the tip. So where are your, where are your fingerprints below the knuckle? My fingerprints are below the extraneous knuckle, which makes it very difficult to operate anything
Starting point is 00:57:10 like a touchscreen, you know, things like that. It's something that requires a fingerprint identification, although, although you can now probably not leave fingerprints on things when you're pressing buttons and murdering people. I would imagine. This is quite news. Well, I mean, I'm not so much of a murderer. So it hasn't come in handy in that way.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Have you ever, have you done anything, uh, let's say I have, okay, but let me be a little more. Oh, okay. Have you done anything in 2021 or 2020? Sure, I have. Okay. But again, I'm going to narrow it down slightly. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:57:51 I'm sorry. I keep jumping the gun that you didn't want the police to know. Sure. Oh, there was more. Wait, you were going to say sure after that you didn't want the police. No, I didn't. I don't want the police. Um, but, uh, no, I'm CAB, of course.
Starting point is 00:58:05 I mean, I'm, I'm a pretty American cucumber's a bountiful. I'm a, uh, I'm a, I'm a pretty, I'm a pretty. Pretty law-abiding guy, you know, I don't really get into too much trouble. Uh, so, uh, you know, the, the having the fingerprints be hard to get on stuff hasn't been something that's worked in my favor. Yeah. Yeah. I can only think of, uh, you know, one or two examples of it being a bummer, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:30 like, uh, trying to turn on your phone, but, uh, I can think of a lot. Yeah. Or maybe like when you're picking up food at a restaurant, when I'm picking out food at a restaurant. When you're picking it up like you got a to-go order, you're not trying to get your fingerprints all over the to-go order. That's true. I know that's a pet peeve for a lot of people when they go get the to-go orders and by the
Starting point is 00:58:51 time they get it home, it's covered with fingerprints. Yeah. It's just covered with smudges. Nobody wants it. Uh, we need some sort of way to fix this. Don't you hate when you're taking your trash out and you have that rap, you have that nice, oh boy, I hadn't thought about that, but this is quite akin to your previous rap. Is it not?
Starting point is 00:59:10 Have you ever been in your own house and you have to take the trash out? I mean, the bag is shiny. It's black and sleek and it makes you want to shout. So you pick up the bag, but don't you realize you got fingerprints all over the bag and now it's smudged and it doesn't look like new anymore and it looks like trash, which I guess is okay because it's the trash. You're taking the trash out. Oh boy, you lost it right there at the end.
Starting point is 00:59:38 It got away from me. So how long did you think you were in the group? This is what I'm getting to. Did you go over to, to one of their houses the next time they got together, assuming that you were in it or what, at what point did you find out you were not? No, I didn't really see any of those guys together or separately, or even your neighbor. I would see him. I would see him like as he was going in and out the door, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:00:03 But I didn't see him for any meaningful amount of time. I, gosh, I hope not. I hope not. I would, I would say, hi, Wanda Mike. So at what point did you figure you, you never saw them again? At what point did you realize to yourself, oh, I'm probably not in this group? Was it when the record came out? Yeah, I think when I heard the song on the radio and I said, why does this sound familiar?
Starting point is 01:00:27 And then the more it went on, the more I, I, you know, I'm recognizing the voice is Wanda Mike, Big Bang Hank. Master G and the rest. And then I realized like, oh, they made it a thing. They were a real rapping group and I'm not in it. And at what point were you listening to, to like hip hop state? I don't even know if they had hip hop stations at the time, but I guess it was played on pop radio or was this.
Starting point is 01:00:55 It was played on pop radio. I heard it on top 40 radio. Wow. Yeah. And, and at that point you're still living next door to Wanda Mike or still living next door to Wanda Mike. Did you go over to his house and demand answers or what happened? Uh, no, I, I did send him, I slipped it, I, I did send him a note.
Starting point is 01:01:14 I slipped a note under his door saying, Wanda Mike, congratulations, I heard you song on the radio. I'll never forget that great day at the barbecue that Big Bang Hank threw at your home. How much fun we had creating rap music. So you were trying to get in, you were trying a complimentary note, but also you were trying to get in good Cal, right? Well, I mean, I didn't, I don't try to be too devious about things, but I, I wanted to leave the door open.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Like if you wanted to record with me, of course, I'd love to record with the sugar held gang, but I didn't want to be too pushy about it. But he moved about a week after that. Did he put up a for sale sign like an hour after you left the note or not? Not, not, not an hour after I left the note, but the next day. So that was a quick, it sounds like a quick close, quick escrow. Yeah, I mean, I, I chalked it up to, I mean, it was a great house. I mean, I'm not surprised that it went that quickly.
Starting point is 01:02:11 Well, sure, a three bedroom with the two and a half baths. But have you checked back in on Zillow with this house and seen, do you still live there? I still live in the same place. So what are, what are the houses in the area? Like, what are they worth right now? Um, what's it going to take to get you out of this house is what I'm. Oh, I'd like to buy your house. It never occurred to me to check.
Starting point is 01:02:33 Well, Scott, why? Why do you want to buy my house? Don't you? It sounds like a great area, the Sugar Hill. Sugar Hill is a great place to live. I love it. I've been living there all my life. It never occurred to me to look at the prices of the houses.
Starting point is 01:02:48 I mean, I, I, I didn't, what, what, what's your question? Maybe I was about to answer it. Did you inherit the house or did you, did you buy it? I was about to say I inherited the house. So I've never known what it cost and I've never known what the houses around me cost. Who do you inherit it from, Cal? I inherited it from my parents. They had deceased now, but when they were, when they were alive, they lived in the house.
Starting point is 01:03:10 And did they inherit it from someone like a millionaire who left them it in their will or what, or did they buy it? Yeah. Did they, did they buy it or did they like get it from a vampire who died? I'm trying to think back my, I don't remember hearing any stories like that. So I would, I would imagine they just bought it and didn't inherit it from the vampire. Maybe they were too young and they didn't want to scare you. Hey, that could be.
Starting point is 01:03:36 They were very loving parents. So, so the house has been in your family for a general, well, at least two generations, but decades. Yeah, that's safe to say. I'm decades old. Have they passed on at the time of the party or? Yeah, they were gone by then. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Yeah. Cal, will you give up giving the house to anybody who you like? Well, I mean, I don't have any as I'm not married. I don't think, right? And, and, and, and, you know, I, I don't know who I'd leave the house to. I mean, what about the Big Bang Hanks family? To the, to the best of my knowledge, Big Bang Hanks family is doing pretty good. I think all of the guys ended up doing OK, Master G Corio.
Starting point is 01:04:32 I think that I think they're all right, you know, although in the streaming era, you know, maybe they could use some, you know, I mean, you have to stream a song a thousand times for it to count as a, as a sale. You know, I see, I see. This music business accounting, I tell you, you feel like the advent of streaming probably the Sugar Hill gang took quite a hit. I think so. They could maybe use some property.
Starting point is 01:04:57 And you never know me. Oh, I know what I could do. What? I could turn into the Sugar Hill Gang Museum. That sounds great. I can have a nonprofit. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Nonprofit for profit. Well, I mean, this is this is after I'm gone.
Starting point is 01:05:12 So I can make the plans now and it could be a nonprofit thing and just be a place in Sugar Hill where people could go and they could see the origins of the of the gang. And I could what would be in the museum? Would it be like I can only imagine a very large window overlooking Wonder Mike's backyard where it all goes down? You've got to have that. I maybe even want to knock out a wall to make the window even bigger. You know, so you could you could like it would be like you're walking into
Starting point is 01:05:44 an environment like a terrarium, you know, looking out. And then you feel like you're a bug trapped in there. That sounds great. Awesome. So, yeah, what else could you I mean, it's look, if I were to go to the Sugar Hill Museum, can I say something? I'm really hung up on this idea of knocking out that wall and making it all glass. So you feel like you're a terrarium, a bug in a terrarium. And I think you can do it even without the museum idea.
Starting point is 01:06:10 Well, yeah, I think what I want to do is just create an environment where people feel like the bugs in a terrarium. This sounds right. Yeah, like a nature museum kind of thing. Instead of, see, if I were to go to a Sugar Hill Gang Museum and there was no gold record, right, no old furniture and all there was was a window overlooking someone else's house. Can you imagine the disappointment?
Starting point is 01:06:32 If you show up to the Sugar Hill Gang Museum, there's no old furniture. I'd be so mad. I would think I drove across the country and there's no chairs. There's no built in television. I would be furious. So instead, do a nature museum idea where people can go inside, feel like they're bugs trapped in a terrarium. Right. Like sort of do a bugs life kind of thing,
Starting point is 01:06:58 you know, get giant things and put them in your house. Giant things. Sure, like a big shoe or something. And Cal, while people are being bugs in a terrarium, you could play Sugar Hill Gang Music and your music. Here's what I'm thinking. First of all, they walk in. They think it's just a nature museum with their bugs.
Starting point is 01:07:20 Scott, I don't mean to shoot down your idea, but I think a big shoe is the last thing you'd want to have in there when you try to make people feel like the bugs. So I would have giant blades of grass. I'd have like a big, a big dime. How often do you think bugs encounter a big shoe, though? I would say more often than a blade of grass or a dime. Than a blade of grass?
Starting point is 01:07:42 More than a dime. They live in the grass. They do live in the grass. So they go in the living room. That's the that's the entrance. And and that's so I have like, you know, like a just a light that's pointed at them to say, now it's time to shrink you down to bug size.
Starting point is 01:08:01 And then there's a noise like people, people, people, people, people, people. And then I say, now you're bug size. When you go in the next room, that's you can be the size of a bug. And then they walk in there and it's the blades of grass and it's the dime. And maybe the shoe. No, I. Scott, I'm sorry, I got to put my foot down about this. No pun intended. Scott, stop. Stop trying to be the CEO of the insect place.
Starting point is 01:08:28 Thank you, being just saying, I think I got it. I got to say the shoe doesn't feel right to me. So if the shoe doesn't fit, I must admit, I must admit, I don't like it. If the shoe doesn't fit, then don't add it to the bug museum class. There we go. That now that I can get behind. So then there's like, I do, I record like a voice over the thing. Now you're a bug. Look around. Why not do it live?
Starting point is 01:08:56 Well, I'm just like Bill O'Reilly would because I'll be I'll be I'll have passed on, Scott. This is the. Oh, I thought that you were doing this while you were still alive. No, no, no. This is this is once this is when I this is my this is my legacy. Oh, I that when I die, since I don't have any ads to pass the house on to, it will become this nature museum and a little surprise coming up. Yeah. Would you then on the voice over, introduce yourself as the the recently deceased Cal Solomon?
Starting point is 01:09:25 Hello, I'm the recently deceased. Well, I wouldn't say recently. I think that's going to bump people out. And I might not mention that I'm deceased. I might I might just say hi. This is Cal Solomon, one of the one of I thought the founding members of the Sugar Hill gang. Cal, I know what you could say.
Starting point is 01:09:41 You could say, hi, this is Cal Solomon. I am not deceased. Oh, that was definitely no one would be bummed out by that. They would be although I feel like it would raise some questions. Like people might be saying, why did he say that? It makes me think he is he is deceased. And he's trying to pretend like he's not number 10. Ah, we listened.
Starting point is 01:10:06 Yeah, that was a good clip we listened to. I liked. I mean, what I enjoy this kind of encapsulates what I enjoy doing about the show. Fun, which is none of the museum stuff was planned. It always just like discovered in the moment and just us saying like, oh, what if this? What if that?
Starting point is 01:10:25 And the whole museum part of it came out and everyone sort of had their game like, you know, I had the big shoe stuff that I was trying to fit in there. You know, so any opportunity trying to get the big shoe thing. It just is really like what I what I a free flowing conversation that's always funny, never boring and includes big shoes and includes big shoes. Those are my three. I'm a foot guy.
Starting point is 01:10:49 I like things to be always funny, never boring and have a big shoe. I think you're going to find that for 2022. Your Wolf Podcasts are all going to be about feet. Because I'm a foot guy. I've always said it. It's fun to be a foot guy. You could be right out front about it. Yeah, it's not weird.
Starting point is 01:11:08 No, it's not. It's not private. No, it's it's. It's something everyone should know about. I love it. A little bit of trivia about this episode. A little bit of luck, starring Brett Killman. That's true.
Starting point is 01:11:23 Do you remember what was going on in the world during this episode when we taped this episode? I feel. Oh, love is the date again? Well, the date that it came out was January 11th. Yes. OK, so here's what happened. We did this episode and from the we taped it in the morning
Starting point is 01:11:43 and from the half hour we spent trying to get the other guests stuff to work and it didn't work and and then, you know, us taping and it was about a two and a half hour process of us being on the thing. Right. And when when I was taping at home and this was on on a Wednesday, I believe our gardeners usually come on Wednesday and I have my co-worker. I have them her communicate with them about when they should not be,
Starting point is 01:12:19 you know, in advance, like, oh, Scott's taping from this time to this time. So please don't do the the leaf blowing and all that. So because it took a little bit longer than necessary, I had been texting during the show of like, hey, we're still taping. We're still taping. Can they hold off? And so she she had been texting me, well, let me know when you're done because they're waiting to go.
Starting point is 01:12:40 And so the minute we were done and we press stop on the zoom, I texted and said, OK, we just finished and I got a text back. OK, I think you should turn on the news now. And I said, Paul, she's saying we should turn on the news. And I've I've I've not asked you about the particulars of this. And you said, oh, yes, it appears there is a huge insurrection going on at the capital. Now, had you been clocking that during the episode?
Starting point is 01:13:12 Had you been watching out of the corner of your eye or had been someone telling you about this? Janie was texting me because I was I was Janie said they had a gun. Whoa, she texted me. I think she started texting me right before your co-worker was texting you. OK. And this is a mysterious stranger. This is a very mysterious person that we don't want to name the baker. So you were talking to the baker.
Starting point is 01:13:42 And I think like five minutes before my wife, Janie, had sent me a couple texts like saying there's something weird is going on. And then these guys, like they have breached the capital. It's not funny, but the situation is. Text again, like so crazy, so crazy to be because we're so connected to our phones where like anything weird happens. We tend to know pretty soon. But but we put our phones away during when we do this.
Starting point is 01:14:12 And so it's just like crazy that for two hours, we the two hours it was happening, we were out of commission. Yeah. But it also proves that we were not there. That's true. We have an ironclad alibi. He do. I like some people we know. True. Look, I was on Mr. Shona and proud to say I was not at the January 6th.
Starting point is 01:14:34 It's a reaction. And then we'll go around the room and we'll see who else can say such a thing. Who else can make the claim? Oh, but that was really fun. Edie is so funny. That was a ball. Yeah. And that's just I was like listening to that clip. It's so funny. So great episode.
Starting point is 01:14:55 And Kalzalman also, notably one of the characters that is very nice to Scott. Yes, one of your only your your characters are 99 percent of the time really annoyed with me and give me a lot of pushback. Sure. And so it's always fun to have one on who's nice. Who's the one that likes you the least of my characters? Oh, God. I know who I think bubbles. That's exactly right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:18 Big chunky bubbles. Yeah. But he's mad at the world. Yeah, I don't take it personally. What's he been up to? You know, we haven't heard from him in at least a year at this point. I don't know. He'll have to come back. He'll have to come back. We got to have him. He's got to come back. All right.
Starting point is 01:15:31 But speaking of coming back, we want you to come back because now we're going to be in single digits when we come back. We have your choice for episode number nine. We'll be right back with more comedy bang bang after this. The comedy bang bang. Comedy bang bang. Yes, sir. Reba three bags full.
Starting point is 01:15:52 That's a lot of love. I'd love to have three bags of wool. Which in this economy, I'd trade it for gas. One gallon of gas were practically there. Oh, my God, when you go past these gas stations, you're like three bags of wool for one gallon. Thanks, Biden. I had to fill my car up now. I'm shivering.
Starting point is 01:16:21 Well, seriously, when we get to the barter economy, which is going to happen. Sure. Well, crypto, hopefully, before that. Oh, God, damn. I just saw a thing, a tweet where some artist was like, yeah, hey, I just saw that my stuff was being made in NFTs. Yeah, and that they have to spend. They could spend all day filing copyright. Flames like people are just out there stealing people's artwork and making NFTs out of it.
Starting point is 01:16:47 It's just what are I want to see those NFTs because maybe they're better than the ones I've seen, which all look like shit. Should this be an NFT, though? What we're doing right now is absolutely. Yeah, of course. Yeah. I can't fudge this. I'd love to see you try to do this, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude.
Starting point is 01:17:02 Can't fudge this. That's an NFT. That is it. That's the one we'll do. That's the NIFT. NFTs. I saw one about Stan Lee. Excelsior.
Starting point is 01:17:20 Please don't make me cryptocurrency. Please don't make me an NFT. My one wish, true believers. When I died, let me be a corpse and not a non-fungible token. He saw it before anyone did. All right. Let's get to it. We're cracking the top 10, Paul.
Starting point is 01:17:42 No, I mean, we already cracked the top 10. We're now in single digits. We're continuing to crack it. We're in single digits. This is your choice for episode number nine. Number nine. All right, Paul. Let me hit you with some stats.
Starting point is 01:17:55 All right. Episode 705. So we're back in the 70s. So early in the 700s. Pretty early. Not as early as you can get. No, but like the mid-710s. Probably closer to 701 than 710.
Starting point is 01:18:13 It's an interesting way to look at it. You're a pessimist. Yeah, I think I am. This is from May 10th, 2021. OK, May 10th, this year, springtime. Would have been one week after the anniversary show, because the anniversary was always the first week in May. And everybody's exhausted.
Starting point is 01:18:35 Everyone's exhausted. In fucking. Yep. From partying in fucking. A lot of people don't know, but the minute this show ends, we just fuck each other. We fuck. Hey, are you missing Samantha on the new?
Starting point is 01:18:46 Just listen to us. We like to fuck. We like to fuck. For podcasting. Podcasting, I call that foreplay, for fucking. Yeah, I don't know. Don't know. OK, let me hit you with a title.
Starting point is 01:19:01 Better call, Bed Bath and Beyond. OK, OK, I think I know one person who was on this. You should know two from that title. Well, the one. Yeah, OK, I think I know two. Can I name them? Yeah, name. I'm going to say Bobo Denkirk.
Starting point is 01:19:18 Bobo Denkirk. Bobo was on this. Bobo was on this. Mr. Denkirk himself. Yes. Bob O. Well, it's a postory. It's O apostrophe. Bobo Denkirk.
Starting point is 01:19:29 Bobo Denkirk. Oh, and would you ever see Bobo Denkirk on the silver screen? And Lily Sullivan, not hard. Yes, there you go. You got them both. Also, Griffin Newman is in this episode. We're not going to hear his clip.
Starting point is 01:19:46 Griffin, sorry, I know you're a loyal listener, but we're not playing your clip on here. Sorry, you little cuck. He's a beta. He knows. He knows we won't. This is a funny episode. This is a funny episode.
Starting point is 01:19:59 I don't know if people are aware that I listened. I'm a fan of the show. I listen to the show every week. Every week? Every week. Maybe one or two, I don't listen to. I understand. I look at the lineup.
Starting point is 01:20:10 Not me? Guess I'll pass. I mean, there's a good amount of episodes every year, but not all. This is a fun one. Bob, of course, is our old friend from the aforementioned Mr. Show, which was just a breeding ground for a few things.
Starting point is 01:20:33 But gave us certainly our starts in show business. For sure. And Bob, some might say, and I would be chief amongst them, that's sort of a mentor to me in my early years in comedy. And always on the Comedy Bang Bang TV show, showed up any time I would ask him and had a very special part on the final episode, which I wanted to make sure he was a part of.
Starting point is 01:21:03 And he, of course, people know from Better Call Saul, where he plays I-Cal Sal on the show. And he had a movie, and you'll hear him talking about it a little bit, a movie called Nobody, which came out right around this time, which is a great movie. I believe it's coming to HBO Max or something in a couple of weeks, if you haven't seen it.
Starting point is 01:21:27 I really enjoyed that movie, almost, and watched it because of the title. And I thought, well, nobody's in it. Well, no, I'm somebody. I should be watching this. Oh, that's the way you took it. Yeah, like nobody should watch this? I took it to mean nobody's in the movie.
Starting point is 01:21:39 Right, and it would just be pictures of empty fields and stuff? Yeah, it's like, I don't need that shit. No, why would you watch that? But no, actually, he's the only person in it. He's the only person in it. It's just him eating lunch. They should call it one body. One body.
Starting point is 01:21:53 Of course, after this, Bob had some troubles, well-documented troubles. That's true. He seems to be OK now, and we will hopefully. He's got a trouble. He has a gambling problem, and he was arrested and beaten. In the face. About the face.
Starting point is 01:22:10 He was beaten about the face, let's be honest. We can't say we beat you in the face. We beat you about the face. But yeah, so we're going to hear him talk for a bit, and then we're going to hear Lily, of course, a great comedian. She is playing her, probably, her most recurring character, character. Character.
Starting point is 01:22:32 Francesca Bolognese, which is a fan favorite. So let's hear this clip. This is what you chose to be episode number nine. Number nine. Scott, I really, it was a weird thought that I could do this, and I can't believe I went down. No, I read an interview, and look, I don't just sit around reading interviews that you do, Bob.
Starting point is 01:22:53 Don't get that impression, you know? Like, I could have just called you myself and asked you all these questions. You have other interviews to read. Sure, of course. But I did read an interview about how this film got made. You took a look at how well the TV show was doing in foreign markets, is that what it was?
Starting point is 01:23:12 Yeah, yeah. And you said, hey, what if I made a movie that did well in foreign markets as well, which are mainly action films, because they translate well. And you just got it together. And you did it. Yeah, I mean, it took a long time, took years. And I think I was more surprised by the fact
Starting point is 01:23:31 that when I first suggested it, people didn't say, you're crazy, or that could never happen. Most everybody who heard it, the pitch, which was basically that you know me from Mr. Show and all this comedy that I did. But around the world, nobody's seen any of that. They've only seen Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, The Post. These kinds of movies. And I play it in, especially in Better Call Saul,
Starting point is 01:24:00 I play like an earnest guy who's like kind of devious. And he's very widely. It's an earnest film, almost. Like earnest goes to lawyer school. Well, we wanted to call it earnest is nobody. But there's some legal thing where you can't just use the earnest name. The lawyer, and you're a lawyer on that show.
Starting point is 01:24:21 Couldn't you have like figured it out? Actually, to become a lawyer in real life, I have to do like 10 more episodes. OK. And then that will make me an official real lawyer. You have to do, you either have to go to law school and pass the bar, or you have to do 60 episodes of a TV show that is based in the legal system in some manner.
Starting point is 01:24:44 All the people on Night Court are all lawyers and judges now. John Larriquette represented me when I had a misdemeanor. Misdemeanor. Misdemeanor. Yeah. By the way, she's a lawyer. She's a lawyer, weirdly enough. Misdemeanor.
Starting point is 01:25:01 Yeah, it's crazy. And they just said, you know what a misdemeanor is, clearly that's your name. You clearly have a basis for legal thinking and thought and the structures and strictures of legal law. And we want you to please be a lawyer. And Missy Misdemeanor, Italy, had said, please thank you. I would love that.
Starting point is 01:25:19 That's very honored to be me. And I appreciate you and the together. Together, they came to an agreement where. They came to an agreement. That's why at the Supreme Court right now, there's only one justice, Missy Misdemeanor Elliott. That's right. So she's a social media expert.
Starting point is 01:25:40 Please welcome back to the show Francesca Bolognese. Hi, no, Scott, I'm not a social media expert. You always get it wrong with your team. I don't know who had your team say the wrong thing, but I'm not a social media expert. I beg your pardon. I don't have a team necessarily as much as. Your big team of people that you work with,
Starting point is 01:25:59 they get it wrong every time I come on. Look, I know that I have 20 people standing behind me right now, but they don't work on the show. They're just watching. So I'm not a social media expert. And I know last time I come on, I work for Bitbitten Beyond, In a Best Buy Beyond. I don't work for them anymore, Scott.
Starting point is 01:26:16 I get a new job. You have a, as Rudy North said, you have a new job. I have a new job, yes. This is incredible. Bob, I don't know if you have ever listened to the show before. I'm doubting that you ever have, but Francesca here, what would you do? You were working for Bitbitten Beyond,
Starting point is 01:26:36 and you would go on to Instagram posts that they would post and argue with the clients? Is that essentially what it was? Let's say somebody commented on a picture on, like, I don't know, Twitter of Bitbitten Beyond product. And they say, oh, I went to Bitbitten Beyond, and I buy myself a VCR. And inside the VCR, I find a lot of little hairs.
Starting point is 01:27:02 Well, that, for me, then I commented, no. You a piece of shit. Why you not take your VCR? I didn't go sink to the bottom of a pit of mud and die. But so I get fired for that. Wait, you got fired? I thought you got hired for that. I thought that's what they wanted you to do.
Starting point is 01:27:21 No, they didn't know that I was doing what I was doing. Oh, no. And you confessed it on this podcast. Well, yes, but mostly because I comment on the Bitbitten Bodywork, Bitbitten Bodywork post, and I say, why you not take your body wash, cucumber scented body wash, shove it up your stupid butt in a drown with a body wash in your body till you die?
Starting point is 01:27:50 Oh, no. So you're not only responding to complaint posts that people do for your own company, Bitbitten Beyond, but you're out there trying to snipe other companies and tear them down? Yes, and so then Bitbitten Bodywork, they sue Bitbitten Beyond, and then they fire me, and I say, what do you want me to do?
Starting point is 01:28:12 Where am I supposed to go? Yeah, yeah, when people are fired, you should be given like where you should go. A different job. Yeah, yeah, you should be, you're fired from here, but now walk down the street. It's like take a penny, leave a penny. Like, you know, get fired, you know,
Starting point is 01:28:28 but also you get hired here. Yes. And that didn't happen, and that didn't happen. No, that didn't happen. I have a son. I have a son in the neighborhood. What? When did you have this son?
Starting point is 01:28:39 Before you were fired? He never talked about this. Did you, is this new? Did you just have a baby? No, no, no, he is, he's 17 years old. I had him for a long time. You just had it, 17 years. How long have you had it?
Starting point is 01:28:51 About 17 years? I got him, I got him about, yeah, I don't know, 15 years ago, I got him. Okay, he has somewhere in that range. But he, so I said to Beth and beyond the CEO, named Richard, I said, Richard, what do you want me to do with my son? Where do you want me to go?
Starting point is 01:29:15 And my husband, Ryan. Ryan. You have a husband too? Does he work? Does your husband work? My husband, he work, he make the blades for razors. He makes those? Like he works at the factory?
Starting point is 01:29:33 Yes. Or he doesn't want it at a time? He work at the factory, but he make each blade by hand for Gillette. Wow, handmade artisan. Has he ever cut himself, everyone asks. All the time, he's constantly on medical leave, which is why I need to work for both of us.
Starting point is 01:29:54 So I, I bet in that plant, they have one of those days since the last time accident, but it says hours or even minutes. Seconds, maybe, or... Yeah, so. Moments. So I say.
Starting point is 01:30:08 Anyway. Yes. I'm sorry to take you down this side road. I know you're trying to express something important. No, obviously, but Francesca, you've never mentioned your family. I've never even brought it up by apology. So you've been fired because you willfully
Starting point is 01:30:24 and on your own offered critiques of some of the commentary on social media of your own company. You were trying to defend your company, and then you started making snipey comments about other companies. So you are almost a lawyer, Bob. Well, I think the word,
Starting point is 01:30:40 the term snipey comments gives it away. Of course, yeah. I've obviously studied for the bar. What would Sal say about this? I can settle it for you, just give me a lot of money and I'll lie. Yeah, that sounds about right, that guy. That character.
Starting point is 01:30:58 Wow. Now, listen, what are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? You have a son, you have a husband, neither of them. This is what, yeah. So what are you gonna do? No, that's us asking you, what are you gonna do?
Starting point is 01:31:10 You can't just say, yeah. So I say, I'm CEO, I say, what do you want me to do? He says, you know what, bed, bed and beyond open high school in Chicago. Why not go work for the high school? What? Wait, bed, bed and beyond open to high school? Yes.
Starting point is 01:31:34 So it's like a branded high school? Yes, everything, bed, bed and beyond. Really? This is incredible. I mean, I wonder, I've always wondered, Bob, and I'm sure you have, why don't more companies open high schools? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:31:48 Like Subway, okay, it's a sandwich shop, but why don't they open a high school? This I don't know, Scott. People just have a, well, there's a dearth of imagination in some of our boardrooms. So they opened a high school in Chicago and they said, why don't you just go work there? Is everything in the high school bed,
Starting point is 01:32:08 bed and beyond, like you can find it in the actual bed, bed and beyond stores? Yes, every product is there. The mascot is one bed and one bed. The school mascot. School mascot, yes. One bed and one bath. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:32:30 Okay, wow. So I had to move to Chicago. Oh, no, the worst. So I go to Chicago, I'm like, what the fuck is this place? Everything's so, everybody's so drunk all the time, Mary. Everybody tells me that I should know where the lake is because that's how I know where I am in the city. That's all they care about there.
Starting point is 01:32:59 Everybody tells me I need to eat a pizza. I go to a stupid restaurant. Yes, I wait eight hours, nine hours. Nine hours? I can fit in three gym sessions. Out comes a lasagna on the bike rest. Wait a minute, are you just doing your stand-up chunk about Chicago right now
Starting point is 01:33:23 or is that what you're working on? Yeah, so that's another thing, I get into comedy. Oh yeah, everyone in Chicago is into comedy. I mean in improv, I take a second class. Yeah, everyone is there, yeah, it's mandatory when you move to Chicago. So it's just been really a lot of trauma and trouble for you.
Starting point is 01:33:42 The two TRs. Since you were fired, but you do have a job at the Bed Bath and Beyond High School. Yeah, what do you actually do there? Is it high school or junior high? It's a high school and work is a guidance counselor for the kids to get into college. You're a very critical thinker and I think
Starting point is 01:34:00 that's kind of good for a guidance counselor. You can analyze things. Yeah, so have you, do you feel, is it working out? Is it a good job? Cause you sound like you're very unhappy with Chicago. All the things that you have to do there, eat at Greek town, go to the Cubs games. Oh, go to sluggers.
Starting point is 01:34:22 Every CUB game you have to go to? I have to go to every CUB game. I have to go to the Cubby Bear Bar after word. Oh yeah. I have to go to sluggers and hit a ball with a bat. No, every day? Every day. Scott, you've never been to Chicago.
Starting point is 01:34:37 I've never been. I will never go. Every day they want me to eat mozzarella stick at the 1 a.m. Oh jeez. It's a burden. Number nine. Oh yes.
Starting point is 01:34:51 Good stuff. Why didn't they use that Sheena Easton song? Which one? Sugar Walls? Was it a Sheena Easton song? No, it wasn't her. You got the look? Was it Juice Newton?
Starting point is 01:35:01 Angel of the Morning? Your nobody called today. She hung up when I asked her name while I wonder. Maybe because no one has ever heard it before. Including me? It was a top 10 or 40 hit. Maybe not even 40. I wouldn't listen to a top 50.
Starting point is 01:35:21 Not even when you're 50? I treat myself. You just turn your nose up at any song that didn't make the top 40. Oh 41, no thank you. Not popular enough. Lily's so funny. She is so funny.
Starting point is 01:35:33 It's always fun to have Bob on the show too because he, for as little patience as he has for stuff, he also asks really interesting questions and is able to yes and the bits in a really good way. Yeah, it's fun. Which a lot of just regular celebrity guests, sometimes when they come on, they're just like, oh my, this is so weird or whatever.
Starting point is 01:35:53 But Bob is always great. It's weird how many of them say oh my. Oh my heavens. I'm about to faint. So many people faint during this show. It's just like, come on, it's not that weird of a thing. That's why, if you've never seen Smelling Salts before, come on down to Irwell Studios
Starting point is 01:36:09 and you'll see like a wall of them. I mean, we talked on a previous episode about how you just see salt everywhere. Didn't we talk about that on a show? Okay, just piles of salt everywhere. But oh, you listen to the show every week. In West Side Story? No.
Starting point is 01:36:27 Well, that was really funny. Thanks to Bob. Hope he's doing okay. Hope he can be on the show this year because he's got that book coming out where he says that he mentions me three or four times. So that would be nice to, maybe I'll read that book. Instead of Casey's.
Starting point is 01:36:42 Bob was a, speaking of that book, he was a very good sport when I was on the George Lucas talk show over the quarantine, and which is a really funny show, a live show for many years in New York. Griffin Newman plays Waddo on it. And it's a great time. I'd never been on the show before.
Starting point is 01:36:58 They were doing live stream versions of it. And so I got to be on. And somehow we got to be talking about who was maybe in my phone, like famous people that I could call. Oh, I remember what it was. It was people that, that listed me in the special thanks of something.
Starting point is 01:37:15 Oh yes. And did I ever say you welcome to them? And so is Patton Wyatt Snack. I forget the other, Oh, David Cross and Bob Odenkirk. Okay. And so I called everybody who's number I had. I did not have David's number for some reason.
Starting point is 01:37:28 Right. And Bob like answered, I didn't expect anybody who answered his phone call. He picked up. He picked up. And he was such a good sport. This was like right after his, he was recovering from his heart attack.
Starting point is 01:37:39 This was his first appearance. Oh, he probably wanted to hear from you. Maybe. Like he thought you were calling to wish him well instead of you doing a comedy bit. But he was in the middle of recording the audio book. Oh, wow. When I called.
Starting point is 01:37:52 Okay. So not even taking a break as he's recovering. He's doing the audio book. Okay. Well, I, we wish him well and hopefully we'll hear from him. And thanks to Griffin as well. And yeah. Hopefully we'll hear from Griffin. I did the George Lucas talk show as well.
Starting point is 01:38:09 And I, they were, they were, they started warning me. They're like, oh, well, this can go on kind of long. So if you, if you ever need to leave during it, I was like, I'm not going to leave during it. Assuming, assuming that a show,
Starting point is 01:38:25 here's what I'll give. If a show is just people fucking around and having a good time. Cause this show can tend to tape long sometimes. I'll give someone a good two and a half hours. Sure. You know, like that's about, that's where I top out a little bit of like,
Starting point is 01:38:37 and so when I heard, they're like, no, no, no, you don't understand. It'll go at least three and a half to four hours. I was like, oh no, I will be saying that I need to leave. I think I did two and a half. I wanted to, I wanted to do the whole thing. I wanted to do the whole thing. But honestly, I had to eat dinner.
Starting point is 01:38:54 I got hungry. It occurs at a time when dinner happens here on the West coast. We call it dinner time here. But yeah, that show is really funny. Those guys are really funny. I think they have some up on YouTube still. If you want to go check them out, it's really funny.
Starting point is 01:39:10 It's so funny. And Connor, we should talk about Connor as well. Connor Outlet. He's really funny. He plays George Lucas. They both were on an episode. It's not appearing in the countdown, I'm sorry to say. But they both were on, right after I did
Starting point is 01:39:23 the George Lucas talk show, I said, hey guys, you know, since we're doing these shows on Zoom, you could, you know, cause they are in New York and they don't have a chance to be on the show all that much. But I think they're really funny. Connor had done one when I was visiting New York a few years back. And I was like, guys, since we're doing this on Zoom,
Starting point is 01:39:39 why don't you both come on? But the only thing is, is like, after two and a half hours, I think I don't have anything more to say to George Lucas and Wato. So can you play something else? And so they played James Cameron and one of the avatars. People, it's like, they just want, that's their zone.
Starting point is 01:39:58 That's their lane. Anyway, really funny stuff. Connor's podcast, Dead Eyes, is also really funny. So people should listen to that. Okay, and Lily, of course, you know, we'll talk about her a little more later. Let's take a break. Can I just take a moment to say a big shout out
Starting point is 01:40:15 to Lily Sullivan? No, you cannot. No, I'm sorry, we don't have time right now. We have to take a break. When we come back, we're gonna have the final clip of this episode. We're gonna be hearing what you chose as number eight. That is so exciting.
Starting point is 01:40:26 And then also at the end of the show, we have the most exciting moments in podcasting. That's right, we'll be playing the Snowman Game at the end of the episode. You do not wanna miss this. I fucking can't wait. Boy, packed show already. But we're gonna have to come back to hear the rest of it.
Starting point is 01:40:41 We'll be right back with more comedy bang bang after this. Comedy bang bang. I found the song. First, there's an ad for Google Fi. This is my cover song. Oh, this is the song too. This is so beautiful. I love these lyrics.
Starting point is 01:41:03 Hello, Billton, VBS. I think this is almost as good as the Jill Scott nationwide insurance commercial song. Almost as good as, seriously, this is about as good as Piano Man. We're not fucking around anymore. This is as good as Billy Joel's Piano Man. Like this is about the level of quality of Piano Man,
Starting point is 01:41:21 isn't it? You know, I think Piano Man is a good song, actually. I do. I love Billy Joel, obviously. Billy Joel is somebody that I think a lot of people that our age maybe like to turn their nose up at. Because of his late 80s career, yes. But will you agree that Lifetime VPN
Starting point is 01:41:41 is just as clunky of a lyric as Megan Love to his tonic and gin. Lifetime VPN. That was one of the lyrics on that song you just played. They're about equitable, are they not? Well, at least Lifetime VPN, if it was VPN for Lifetime, I would say it's as clunky as tonic and gin.
Starting point is 01:41:58 So Piano Man is more clunky. Yeah, sorry to say it. Sorry, Bill. Sorry, William. Sorry, Bull. I'm not even going to give you the lean. Bull. Sorry, Bull.
Starting point is 01:42:12 Who's playing Bull on the new Nightcourt? Oh. I like the bass sound. Does this sound familiar in a general 80s way? Not really. I mean, it sounds like a TV theme song. It does sound like a TV theme song. Making a way in the world today takes everything you've got.
Starting point is 01:42:37 Taken away from all your worries sure would help a lot. Wouldn't you like to get away? Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name. I got to look up at how I discharged it. What's it called again? I think it's called You're Nobody. You're Nobody Called by Crystal Gale. You're Nobody Called by Crystal Gale.
Starting point is 01:43:23 Wait, then people put pictures in here in this YouTube video? Oh, people made their own YouTube video and they. But it's like, here's my husband that cheated on me. I don't know what these fucking pictures are. Weird. You're Nobody. Oh, it's one woman and she keeps posting pictures of her own. Of this guy.
Starting point is 01:43:45 This guy is on blast. Comments. Okay, I'm finding it here. You're Nobody today. Crystal Gale has a shit ton of singles. It's not even one of her main singles. Fuck. As a lead artist?
Starting point is 01:44:06 No. She never released it. What? What about Sylvia, who was the original person who did it? Okay, that makes more sense. Okay, Sylvia, you say? Yeah. Sylvia.
Starting point is 01:44:22 Just a one name performer. Sylvia, you say? That's so funny. Sylvia. Hey, you know what? My stage name is going to be Sylvia. My stage name? Phyllis.
Starting point is 01:44:31 She called it Just Nobody. Okay, sorry. Okay, it was released in June 1982. It was the second single from the album, Just Sylvia. Wait, she's tired of talking about it already. I don't know how else to explain this to you. It's just Sylvia. Okay, on the Billboard Hot 100, it peaked at number 15.
Starting point is 01:44:51 The same amount of episodes we are counting down on the comedy bang bang best ofs. But let me tell you this. It was recorded in 1982 by Sylvia, who was already a country music star achieving a number one hit and two other top 10s in 1981. Nobody was her second and final Billboard number one country hit.
Starting point is 01:45:08 And then it crossed over to the Hot 100. Well, the year-end charts, of course, it reached number 56 in the Cashbox Top 100. What are we even talking about? Okay, let's get back to this. The Cashbox Top 100. Where are we, by the way? Are we back in a segment?
Starting point is 01:45:30 I don't even know. Yeah, we're back. We came back, right? We talked about Bob Odenkirk. Yeah, but that was... Yeah, no, no, we're back. Yeah, we're back. Okay, good.
Starting point is 01:45:39 All right. I didn't say we weren't back. We sometimes get lost in the middle of doing this. We don't even know, like, how many breaks we've taken. Isn't it fun? What episode we're on? We are still in episode two. Okay, so...
Starting point is 01:45:55 I'll tell you where we're at. This is what you've chosen as number eight. Number eight. Number eight. Paul. Paul. Two bags full. All right, this is...
Starting point is 01:46:12 Robert Wool? Yeah, two bags full, I am. Yes, sir, yes, sir. That's a good Robert Wool. That's a good Robert Wool. Two dollar signs in Harleys. That's true. What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:46:25 Okay. All right, this is episode 725. Oh, shit. From September 27th, 2021. So this is right before 726. Yeah. Right after 724. But on 927.
Starting point is 01:46:39 On 927. Okay, so that's why it's confusing me. Yeah. And what's the title? Blitz and Denofrio. I'm not giving you anything. No, no, no. All right, this is Jason Manzuchus,
Starting point is 01:46:52 Andy Daly and Tim Baltz. Okay. Okay, this is another one of our Zoom episodes, even though we were back in studio. This was by request, this group of people, by request from a man named Jason Manzuchus. Sure. Who was, who, he's been in his home
Starting point is 01:47:12 and he requested to do an episode with Andy and Tim. He said it would be really funny to do an episode with those two guys. Sure. And now he's told everyone he has some sort of terminal disease, right? And that's why he gets to make these requests? Yes.
Starting point is 01:47:23 Okay. He's the only one who gets to do these. Fans out there, you're not able to make requests of what you want on the show. But of course, he is a Make-A-Wish child who accidentally grew up. In a stunning twist worthy of M. Night Shyamalan, this Make-A-Wish kid is now in his 40s.
Starting point is 01:47:46 By the way, he just had a birthday, happy birthday to him. Happy birthday M. Night Shyamalan. I mean, Jason. I don't know when M. Night's going to listen to this. It's true. Happy birthday, buddy. This is a funny episode.
Starting point is 01:48:00 First, we talked to Jason for a while. This, by the way, also was the episode where we were debuting the information regarding CBB World and Andy. That was a fun information debut. Information drop. It was almost an NFT. And Andy Daly, who's been on the countdown before,
Starting point is 01:48:20 he has a weekly show over on Comedy Bang Bang World where he does whatever he wants. Usually it's Bananas for Bananza, where he's playing one of his characters, Dalton Wilcox. It just almost sounds like a Make-A-Wish situation. He does whatever he wants. And so we wanted to do an episode to hype that, but then also we wanted Tim Baltz on it.
Starting point is 01:48:43 So Tim is playing his character, Darren Metichek, who is the owner and proprietor of the National Bobblehead Museum and Hall of Fame, which we'll talk about on this. To hear it, this is what you chose to be number eight. Number eight. Dalton Wilcox is here. Hello. Yee-haw!
Starting point is 01:49:05 Hot damn! How's it going? You say yee-haw, I forgot about that. Oh, he does. Is it yee-haw, hot damn, or is it just the yee-haw and then you added a hot damn? I tell you what, I'm glad you asked me. It's yee-haw and then the hot damn is purely optional.
Starting point is 01:49:23 You can do it sometimes and other times you don't have to do it, but the yee-haw, that should be considered compulsory. Okay, fantastic. You understand? It's great to see you again, Dalton. It's great to be here. You've been on this show before I'm reading
Starting point is 01:49:39 and it's great to have you on. I'll take your word for it. Hey, you insulted me a moment ago. I heard you talking about it. Maybe he doesn't only write poems. Jason, why would you do that? If he writes anything other than poems, you're about to hear the title of both of my books.
Starting point is 01:49:55 Here it comes. You must buy your wife at least as much jewelry as you buy your horse, and other poems and observations, humorous and otherwise, from a life on the range. So there's observations as well as poems. But there's also a third thing that you write,
Starting point is 01:50:11 which is titles. Yeah, titles. That's true. I wrote that title all by myself. Some people say to me, you must have had help. And you don't want a ghostwriter, right? I'd never have a ghostwriter. Terrified of a ghostwriter. If there was a ghost around,
Starting point is 01:50:27 Dalton, I seem to remember you having a real problem with the things of supernatural nature, Frankensteins, werewolves, vampires. I'm assuming ghosts fall into this category. My friend would be more accurate to say that they have a problem with me. Because when I show up, they've got a problem.
Starting point is 01:50:43 It means that I'm going to kill them. Oh, thank you for explaining that. So their problem is that you're going to kill them. Before you said that, I was like, what kind of problem would they have? What I mean is, they've got a problem with me and they've got a problem with me
Starting point is 01:50:59 and it's that I've got a problem with them. This is like a snake eating another snake that's eating its own tail at this point. I've seen that many times. Is that what you say to them right before you kill them? I say to them, man, you've got a problem with me in particular in that I
Starting point is 01:51:15 have a problem with you and that's your problem. How often do they reply with, huh? All the time. 100% of the time. 110%. Wait, I got to tell you the title of my second book. My follow-up book to the book I just told you about
Starting point is 01:51:31 was titled, The Fast and the Furious Presents You Still Have to Buy Your Wife At least as much jewelry as you buy your horse and even more poems and additional observations, humorous and otherwise from a life still being lived on the range by Dalton Wilcox, who also wrote the last book
Starting point is 01:51:47 by Dalton Wilcox. How did you get The Fast and the Furious franchise to present that? We've been talking on this show about they had a perfect, they started with Hobbs and Shaw presenting movies. They had a perfect opportunity to present Fast Nine and then they didn't do it. The Fast and the Furious did not present
Starting point is 01:52:03 If Nine. No, they didn't need to because it's a mainline movie. It is The Fast and the Furious. The only reason it's in front of Hobbs and Shaw is because Hobbs and Shaw isn't called Fast and Furious. I've seen the billboards though. Wasn't it John Wick presents F9? No, John Wick had nothing to do with
Starting point is 01:52:19 The Tick Tock Man, Tick Tock, Mr. Wilcox. I think other movies should get into naming rights, much like stadiums and stuff like that, you know, because like it's a perfect opportunity to hype your upcoming film. John Wick 4 presents. Why aren't we going to see
Starting point is 01:52:35 games at the Yoshinoya Beef Bowl Stadium? Exactly. That's a good question. Nothing but Yoshinoya served. Bowls of hot beef being walked up and down the aisles. They should serve a hot beef injection. That should be their next product, don't you think?
Starting point is 01:52:52 Oh yeah? How does it get delivered? Big syringe up the butt. Jesus Christ. If you inject this into your butt, does it come out the other way? Hey Scott, this is not that kind of show. Alright, I'm sorry, I apologize. But back to my original question, how did Fast and Furious
Starting point is 01:53:12 get involved with you? Well, I called them up. I just looked them up in the yellow pages. Really? Under Fast and Furious? Or under Diesel? I tried looking them up under Fast and Furious. I couldn't find them there. I found them under Fast Lube, which
Starting point is 01:53:28 was a, I don't know, it turned out to be a car, some kind of a car outfit, but I asked if he Lube competitor, I would think. I think that must have been it. I said to him, hey, do you mind if Fast and Furious presents my book? And the fella said, no, it's fine with him.
Starting point is 01:53:44 So that's how it came to be. Now I have since received numerous letters of this, you know, from lawyers and bullshit like that. And I just write them back. I say, I fucking cleared this with Omar at Fast Lube.
Starting point is 01:54:00 You got an issue, you take it up with him. Is that what happened to Omar after the wire? He went to go work for Fast Lube. RIP Michael K. And that's very sad. That's a very sad story. Very sad one. Yeah, of course. Yeah, we've been losing legends.
Starting point is 01:54:16 Him and Norm MacDonald. Very sad. You didn't have anything to do with that. Did you, Dalton? Oh, look, I usually wait a few much before I discuss anything like that. Too soon at this point. It's too soon for me to admit that Michael K. Williams
Starting point is 01:54:32 was a Frankenstein. Oh, wait a minute. Is that what the K was for? That K in the middle of Frankenstein? Yep. The K stood for Kenstein. Because that's what Frank Kenstein.
Starting point is 01:54:52 He has been on the show many times. He is the owner and proprietor of a place called the National Bobblehead Museum, I believe is what it's called. Maybe it's not. He'll correct me if I'm wrong. Please welcome back to the show Darren Maticek. Bobblehead Bowie, Bobblehead Bowie.
Starting point is 01:55:08 Yes, thank you. I got you good again. You got me again. I did. It's actually the National Bobblehead Museum and Hall of Fame, Scott. That's right. So it's a Hall of Fame, not for Bobbleheads, but for players
Starting point is 01:55:24 of sports. Is that right? No, it's a Hall of Fame for Bobbleheads and also a museum for Bobbleheads. When we were coming up with the name, we had a huge fight and finally everyone was like, fuck it, call it both. So, but there is a portion of this place that serves as a Hall of Fame.
Starting point is 01:55:40 So there are some Bobbleheads that are just regular Bobbleheads in the museum, but some of the Bobbleheads are Hall of Fame Bobbleheads. Is that right? Yes. Are they Bobbleheads of Hall of Fame players? It can be anything. Whatever we consider, Hall of Fame Bobbleheads.
Starting point is 01:55:56 The best Bobbleheads that are there. The best Bobbleheads. So recently there's only one that overlaps between the two at any time and we rotated out based on the vote of all the board members. I would have thought you would have it right in the middle
Starting point is 01:56:12 with like a big line going down the middle like the apartment in the odd couple. That's great. I'm going to take that idea and redesign our entire Bobblehead museum in Hall of Fame. Yeah, I'm not going to do that. Hey, don't curse at me. Wow, this guy gets it.
Starting point is 01:56:28 Hey, what the hell is a goddamn Bobblehead? Oh boy. Oh, this is great. Oh, this is my this is my hot zone. I get to give my money shots in the hot zone. So a Bobblehead is a commemoration of any kind of figure in history, sports,
Starting point is 01:56:44 whatever. What about the future? Yeah, it could be the future. I mean, this could be fictional and then you shrink it down, but the head is a little bigger than the body and the head. Proportionally. Yeah, proportionally. The head is about the same size as the body. You telling me you're shrinking people down?
Starting point is 01:57:00 No, not real people. I don't mean to alarm you. These are usually made out of plastics. The originals were made out of ceramics. The fictional ones, you're actually shrinking down. Oh, yeah, yeah. The fictional ones are shrinking down. We have that technology. Sure. So does it does this answer your
Starting point is 01:57:16 question or I guess my question would be like, why does anyone like these? What the heck? Scott, have you ever walked around your own house? It's full of bullshit that no one else likes. You've been my host. I've seen pictures when you go live on Instagram with your pals. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:34 I'm curious, Darren, how many Bobbleheads are in the museum and Hall of Fame? Like, what is the, like your collection, I'm assuming, continues to grow. Are you like the... Unless you're, are you culling the herd at certain points?
Starting point is 01:57:50 Does that make sense? We haven't got to that point. That's more of a thing for Dalton. Yeah, sometimes you do have to cull the herd. If you're doing a cattle drive and you've got some cows that are just not up to the journey. I don't know if that's the case with Bobbleheads. Do you ever have to drive your Bobbleheads
Starting point is 01:58:06 from, say, Wyoming to Nevada? Nope. Sometimes we have to move them from one room to another. Okay. And that's if they're in the Hall of Fame or not. Yeah, if we want to move them over to the museum, then we have to put them in a box and walk them over. Well, I'd not reckon there'd be some culling there.
Starting point is 01:58:22 Well, so far we haven't, but we have over 10,000 Bobbleheads and if you want to become a member, we sell memberships now. So you have to be a member to walk in? I thought that anyone could just walk in off the street. Anyone can walk in, but we have membership tiers that allow you
Starting point is 01:58:38 benefits. Oh, this is a lot like... What are those Benny? Tell me about those Benny. Let's drink membership tiers. Wow. Okay. I don't know what that means, but what are the... Those salty membership tiers? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:54 What are the levels? This is a lot like the CBB World Patreon, by the way, with the levels of membership. Anyway, I'd love to hear about these. So there's a rookie membership which is $20. There's a major league membership which is $50.
Starting point is 01:59:10 Hall of Famer membership, $100. And lifetime membership, $1,000. Whoa. Wait, so the others aren't for lifetime? No. What are they for? So are those per year and then lifetime is for life? Yeah, lifetime is definitely for life.
Starting point is 01:59:26 But do you have to pay that every year? No, that's $1,000 and that's for life. Okay. So basically, if you do the math, the lifetime membership is really good because you have the rookie membership, but you plan on living, you know, more than... 40 more years?
Starting point is 01:59:42 Yeah, 40 more years than lifetime membership makes sense. But if you think you're going to die soon, rookie membership makes sense. How many people think they're going to die soon and are spending their last moments on earth going to your place? You'd be surprised. It's like a cruise ship.
Starting point is 01:59:58 There's a hospice wing. People just come to die while looking at bobbleheads. Wow. Does your museum operate as like a bucket list place for a lot of people? Is it one of the places that are on... Some people are like, I want to go to every major league stadium
Starting point is 02:00:14 and see a game get played or whatever. Is the bobblehead museum like a bucket list place for people? You know, I never thought that it would be, but so many people on their way out... You gotta have confidence in your own product. You know, I love bobbleheads, but they're not for everybody.
Starting point is 02:00:30 But so many times I've heard people... What's weird about... There's a quote of you saying that out in the front of your business. Yeah, we hung it in a banner. It's in the same font as the Halloween stores that pop up every year. These, by the way, are stores near your place
Starting point is 02:00:46 that just celebrate the movies of Halloween. Yeah, that's right. Including the David Gordon Green ones that have come out. Yeah, there's another one. They're going into production in the month for that one. How do you know this? I'm a big horror fan.
Starting point is 02:01:02 I love horror. Can I just say, judging by the reaction, it sounds like all the rest of you already knew that cruise ships have hospice care. I didn't know that before now. I didn't know that either. I just rolled with it.
Starting point is 02:01:18 Okay, alright. I'm not surprised because cruise ships have become floating death traps in the last few years, so I'm not surprised that they provide hospice care. So many people are actively dying on cruise ships in the last few years. Sometimes non-floating death traps
Starting point is 02:01:34 as well. Correct, yes. Hey, I got a question. A lot of times when you go to a museum, they tell you you may not touch any of the stuff here. Can you touch the bobble heads and make their heads bobble? Yep, we've got signs everywhere
Starting point is 02:01:50 that say you can lightly tap the bobble head. Oh, okay, because otherwise you'd have to wait for an earthquake, which I don't know if they occur there in your area. Or I guess you could mount it on some sort of thing that provides a little bit of a jostle or something. Wobbly shelves.
Starting point is 02:02:06 If you go visit the barbed wire museum, they tell you they've got to sign up. It's funny as hell. It says, feel free to touch the barbed wire, but you might get cut. Did you write that? Are you writing signs now? I didn't write that. No.
Starting point is 02:02:22 Wow. So it works out to be about three visits for the $25 tier. Yeah. It's a great deal to go for the tier. How many people ever come back after they go through once?
Starting point is 02:02:38 Tons of people. Do you sell a lot of merch? Do you sell a lot of t-shirts, baseball hats? Do you have bobble heads? Do you have bobble heads of the museum? Yeah. Scott, last time I was on, I was talking about custom bobble heads
Starting point is 02:02:54 and how you can send in pictures of yourself or a friend and then make a custom bobble head. There's all kinds of different figures. You could have a businessman bobble head that you base it off of. How many people are just sending you weird nude pictures? Tons of people.
Starting point is 02:03:10 Those are for bobble heads. Do you sometimes make the bobble head thinking that it's a real request and then you're like, oh no, someone's just pranking me sending these nudes? Everyone's pranking me sending their hot nudes. And then I'm like, oh, I got pranked. Time to 10-4.
Starting point is 02:03:26 I gotta 10-4 all over this prank bobble head. I gotta go 10-4 all over it, good buddy. Do you have a Tony the Tiger bobble head? Because he's due. Yeah, it's great. Yeah, lots of those cereal mascots, I think like snap, crackle and pomp bobble head.
Starting point is 02:03:42 Two can't do that. Yeah, Captain Crunch bobble head. A lot of snacks. Frank and Barry or Boo-Berry don't do them because they romanticize monsters for children. Wow, now that's interesting. Irresponsible. How do you feel about somebody like the Hamburglar
Starting point is 02:03:58 from McDonald's? He's a criminal though. Do you have criminals? Do you have a Bill Cosby bobble head and do you have a Pete Rose bobble head and other criminals? We have a Pete Rose bobble head from 1996 where he's at the ballot box voting for Bob Dole.
Starting point is 02:04:14 That's one of the latest ones we got in. We got a Bill Cosby one where he's yelling at Hannibal Burris and saying, I don't appreciate that. Did that happen in real life? Or is that fan fiction? You also have a Hannibal Burris bobble head then. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 02:04:30 We have a lot of... I was just going to ask, since I'm trying to find my ex-wife who turned out to be a vampire, would you be able to make a bobble head like essentially a missing person's bobble head just to make the same thing like a missing person's bobble head
Starting point is 02:04:46 just to make the search for this person more fun? Now, before you answer this, Darren, hold on. You don't want this bobble head to be life-sized with, like, working parts, do you, Dalton? Well, I'm just saying it could... Yeah, if it's life-size
Starting point is 02:05:02 and light enough that you could sort of... Put it on the back of a horse? Put it in different positions and things like that and bring it out. All right, let me get this straight. A life-size bobble head of your ex-wife who's a vampire that you can contort in the different positions.
Starting point is 02:05:18 That's right. And has perhaps some openings for a certain Yoshinoya product. A beef bowl? Think about the H.B.I. Yeah, it's going to have to have at least three openings. Because Dalton's used to digging holes
Starting point is 02:05:38 in the ground, so anything's better than that. Well... No, that's a beautiful thing. That's very beautiful. Sure, sure. I'm not going to make a way from your relationship with Mother Earth. Yeah, this would be like a side thing.
Starting point is 02:05:54 Yeah, that's right. Yeah, and by the way, if you're going to have sex with something that's not the Earth, you'd better get the Earth's permission. And she's usually cool about it. But you... You just got to make it.
Starting point is 02:06:10 Would you do this, Darren? Would you make a life-size bobble head? And if so, would it have to have a bigger head than normal, and would it have to bobble? Or could you make the head life-size as well? And you'd need a pretty big spring. Yeah, you'd need a huge spring. So basically, I'd have to get a sex doll
Starting point is 02:06:26 just to be at first. What? That's not what we're talking about. Just as a starting point? Just as a starting point, I'd have to get a sex doll. Realistic pussy and anus. And then I'd get a huge bobble head. Thank you for being clinical when you said anus. I maybe would have preferred you be clinical
Starting point is 02:06:42 about the other one. Oh, vagina, my fault. So realistic vagina and anus, but huge bobble head. Now, the bobble head would also shake its head no for consensual reasons. Hell no, I don't want that. Is there a way to make the bobble head
Starting point is 02:06:58 where it only tilts up and down? Is it saying yes? I mean, yeah. But, you know, if you say that this guy, if you say Darren Matiček made this, I'm going to disavow it. You can renounce it. You can walk around three times in a circle around.
Starting point is 02:07:14 All right, well, if the price is right, I'll make this. Oh, okay, I have no money. I thought you said you had cryptocurrency. I only have, like, the equivalent of $4 billion in cryptocurrency. Is that enough for this? I don't even know when it comes to crypto. It's going to be a pretty big bobble head.
Starting point is 02:07:30 I'm not sure. So what are the new bobble heads that are out there sweeping the nation right now? Obviously, this is our back-to-school month and kids are back in school. A lot's been going on in the news. In these bobble heads, they come out fast and furious, speaking of the presenters
Starting point is 02:07:46 of Dalton's book. Do you have any of the fast and furious characters? Yep, we only have Hobbes and Shaw characters right now. Oh, no. So you got Hobbes' brother? Yeah, we got Hobbes. Has anyone got a brother? No, Shaw has a brother.
Starting point is 02:08:02 No, Hans has the brother, too, over there on the island. Oh, I'm sorry. Yes, he does. He has a whole family that they go and see. But I thought you meant the... No, Shaw definitely Deckard has a brother. And a sister. Yeah, Deckard, Shaw, and the sister play. You got all these people, right?
Starting point is 02:08:18 Everybody's got a family. Everybody's got a family. It's fast and furious. All their family members, even if they weren't in the movie, we built them out. The whole family tree is represented. Shaw's father-in-law, Hobbes' niece. This is the movie I want to see. Fast and Furious presents
Starting point is 02:08:38 Hobbes' father-in-law. It's just extended family. Fast and Furious presents Hobbes and Shaw family reunion. I'd see that. And then it's the rock and Jason Statham playing each character like the clumps.
Starting point is 02:08:54 This is a recipe for success. I gotta see this right away. Oh, yes. That was a good clip that we listened to. Great clip. Great clip. Yeah, that was fun. It was fun. The Zoom episodes,
Starting point is 02:09:14 they're hard to do with any more... I don't know if you found this, because you did your share of Zoom episodes. They're hard to do with any more than three people. Yeah, that's true. They're really difficult to do with more than that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This one was four.
Starting point is 02:09:30 And this is also a show where it is... you're having people on that kind of know what the deal is. For like a segment or two, they don't talk, they don't interact. Right. And it still can be difficult
Starting point is 02:09:46 when everybody gets in the mix. But then there's other shows that have a bunch of people on, and it's just like chaos over Zoom. Yeah, because everyone has their own different lag. I'm not even talking about what the guys here do to put the show together. I'm just talking about the timing of it all.
Starting point is 02:10:02 It can be very difficult, but that was a fun one and a good group of people. Timing is crucial to comedy. I don't know if people know that. You'll see Martin joke. The most important thing in comedy is timing. He's kidding around. He was joking, and that's what we're talking about
Starting point is 02:10:18 is jokes. Please, let me remain fungible. Please, true believers. Item. Me. Not item. Fungible. Not item. Do you ever do any not items?
Starting point is 02:10:36 Not item. That's all I got. All right. That's going to be the end of this particular episode, but we still have two more of these. Not the end of all things. I don't have that power. Oh, my God. What? I never do this about you.
Starting point is 02:10:54 That's what you want? Yes. I went to end everything. Why? I'm Thanos. Thanos. He only wanted an half of everything. I know. I'm a double Thanos. Oh, shit. I didn't know that was possible. Listen, I have my fingers twice. In Z-Formation.
Starting point is 02:11:10 You've won a no prize for your desire to exterminate the universe. No prize is just as similar as no item. It's true. Not item. I want a no prize. All right. We're going to be back on Monday. Yeah. And we still have seven episodes to countdown.
Starting point is 02:11:26 So we better go home and rest up. Rest up. Eat lunch three or four times. Yeah. Always say, you know what to do. I did it again. I did it again. You clever son of a bitch. But when on Monday
Starting point is 02:11:42 we're going to be counting down seven, five and four. So we're getting up there in the real juicy part of the countdown. We're getting up there by going down there. Yes. And that's a lot like life. The way you climb a mountain, you go down it. Eventually.
Starting point is 02:11:58 Makes sense. You haven't climbed the mountain until you go back down. Yes. Once you go down, people are like, yeah, he climbed. If you go up there and you make a little house, no one's going to count it. No one cares. You can climb one.
Starting point is 02:12:14 You moved to a mountain. I hate you. Get the fuck out of here. Fuck off. Okay. We'll be back on Monday. Until then, by the way, have a very, very nice Christmas
Starting point is 02:12:30 if you celebrate. Until then, by the way, have a nice Christmas. Until then, by the way. Until then, oh wait, oh wait. Oh, by the way. The most exciting moments in podcasting. People right now have been screaming. You didn't play the snowman game.
Starting point is 02:12:46 You didn't play the snowman game. Well, guess what? We're playing it. Fuck off. Here we go. Everyone knows the snowman game. Everyone knows how it's played. Go back and listen to some shit. Here we go. It's staring right at me this time.
Starting point is 02:13:02 Last time it was staring at Devin, but now it's staring at me. So we'll see what happens. Paul is pressing the button. It's spinning around. For its first time and now it's staring where? It's staring at Ryan. Oh, it's staring at Ryan's in the booth now. It's staring at Ryan.
Starting point is 02:13:18 And Ryan had a look of delight. It's staring back at Ryan. He's got a look of delight on his face. I've never seen him happy. No, not really looking at me. Over my right shoulder. Here we go. No one. He's looking at no one.
Starting point is 02:13:34 He's got his back to everybody. No one called today. Alright, we'll see you next time. Bye.

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