Comedy Bang Bang: The Podcast - Best of 2021 Part 4

Episode Date: December 30, 2021

It’s finally time for Scott and Paul F. Tompkins to countdown the TOP 3 EPISODES of the Best of Comedy Bang! Bang! 2021 as voted by YOU listeners. Plus, the climactic conclusion of the Snowman Game!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 But the corn. But the corn. But the corn. But the corn. Okay, for the listeners out there. Just sustain talking. For the listeners out there, if you were to hear and you just did, just the lyric, but the corn. What song do you think it's from? Let's set up the scenario. You've heard a thing, let's pretend you've heard a thing that you actually just heard. What do you think? And go. But the corn. Oh, by the way, you texted me the phrase, take care of yourself and each other. I did not see that. And that's why you paused and looked at me like, aren't you going to say the thing I texted you? Yes. I thought we were gonna
Starting point is 00:01:07 say it together and then I was saying it by myself. I didn't know it and then I was like, God, I hope I get this right. But I thought you would get a notification that I texted you. I did not. I. Weird. I mean, I did get a notification. I just hadn't checked my phone when I was in it. No, that's weird too. It's weird. It's weird. But the corn. But the corn. But the corn. What is this song? But the corn. But the corn. We fondly reminiscing about when we played the snowman game. Oh, so fun. And we were singing the song, let it snow, which is what the snowman sings. I was wondering, was the guy who did the voice for the snowman toy still alive? Probably not. The voice sounds a little old. It sounds a little old timey. Not
Starting point is 00:01:53 that the man sounds old. He's not going like, but the corn. He's almost there. You know what I mean? Oh, no, he's like a day away from it. And yeah, like one day he talks like this the next day. Someone punched me in the throat. I'm 59. And so I was singing. It doesn't show signs of stopping. And then Scott picked up on the next line, but sort of jumped ahead with. But the corn. And then stopped. Because it's, but I've brought some corn for popping. Oh, okay. I thought it was right. But the corn will sure be popping. I thought it was, but the corn is good for popping. It is. I mean, you're not wrong. Well, but you're also wrong. It's a great middle ground to be in. Being not wrong and wrong at the same time. But the corn is fine for popping. Oh, now it's fine.
Starting point is 00:02:48 It was good before. You're really downgrading this corn. But the corn is perfect for popping. I like it. Oh, but the corn. So I guess I was not right. If you heard but the corn, you would say that's not a song. If you heard about the corn, you would say that's not a song. By the way, but the corn, good freedom episode title for sure. We should just name one of our freedom episodes, but the corn, even if we don't mention, we should have had Lauren on this. So she could have been on an episode. No, this year. No, she'll never be on this. This is just you and me. But she'll always be on three of them. She'll always be on three. There will never be an episode of freedom without the three of us. And there will never be an episode of freedom with Mary Holland.
Starting point is 00:03:29 I was thinking the other day, we've had scheduling cornflakes. Cornflakes. Yeah, but the corn is flicked. Recently for freedom. And I was thinking like, at a certain point, if I couldn't be there, would you just say like, Oh, that's cool. We'll get no, some like, not that I wouldn't have minded either. I would have understood. I'm sure. Well, I'm sure any of us, even though I'm not the one having the problems. It's true. That's probably why you wouldn't mind. I'm doing my shit. Good luck, everybody. I wouldn't. I wouldn't want to do it with, with anybody that wasn't you guys. And I also wouldn't want you to do without me. I wouldn't want to do it with anyone but you. Come on. What if you were a pig and I was a cat? Yeah, but if I was a pig, if you were a pig, if Bobby
Starting point is 00:04:20 Darren saw and I was a cat, would you fuck me anyway? Oh boy. What are you listening to? You're listening to comedy bang bang best of 2021 part four. We are at the end of our count. I mean, we're not at the end of our countdown, but we're in the final episode of cracking the top three. Finally cracking the top three. This is the most exciting. This is, I mean, I am giddy with anticipation regarding. Okay, Dr. Frank. I caught that. Okay. Little, little Easter egg for the Rocky Horror fans. Halloween Easter egg? Well, I never. I think I'm going to, I'm going to go out on a limb here and I'm going to say and tell me if you agree. Okay. Cracking the top three is more exciting than revealing number one. There I said it. Probably. Right? Because I mean,
Starting point is 00:05:16 by the time number one comes around, you realize there's only one thing it could be. When you get down to number one, it's like this thing you've been building up to and then by the time you get there, it's anticlimactic. I just feel empty. But the top three, it's like, whoa, I wonder what order they're going to be in. These are the three. Obviously, these are probably the three that are the top three, but what's going to be three? What's going to be, but then you crack then you're at number one, you're like, I just heard three and two. There's nothing, there's nothing more to reveal. Yeah. I just heard three and two. Now we're at one. I just heard three and two. What are we doing here? This makes sense, right? Why should I listen to one
Starting point is 00:05:54 when I've already heard three and two? Oh, God. This is what we're doing. We're hearing the top three episodes of the year as voted on by you, the listeners. Every year we put out a poll, you're invited to participate. You can choose up to 10 episodes, which are your favorite episodes of the year. We then tally them, tally them, tally. Tally those bananas. And they are bananas because these are crazy episodes. Gives it a match. Let me say something real quick. Yeah. And this might affect the voting next year. Okay. I don't think people should be voting for their favorites. I think they should be voting for which ones they think deserve to be at which number. So meaning episodes that you, they didn't like, but they feel like they deserve.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Yeah. They don't have to like them. They just say, I'm not sure I understand this content. I hate this one, but I think it deserves to be number 10. And why do they feel like it deserves that if they hate it? Because even though they don't like it, it's clear it deserves it. Yes. Okay. They got to give it up. Understand. It's the rules of they got to give it up. I get it. I understand. It's like Tony Sopranos said, you, you, you may not love me, but you will respect me. Is that a spoiler for many saints of Newark because eventually not seen that move? Eventually it is. All of the Sopranos is spoilers for many saints of Newark because it happened as a prequel. That's the thing. Exactly. Whatever
Starting point is 00:07:17 you do, don't watch the Sopranos. Watch many things first. Oh God. Can you imagine? Can you imagine that being your first experience with the Sopranos? You would never watch the show. You would never see it. No. Oh my God. Speaking of which, this is your first experience listening to this. Good luck. Yeah. And you're never seeing it because it's an audio medium. That's right. You will. If you edit, turn this on expecting to watch us do this. You should have a look. Your SOL. Did you throw this shit up on your Roku or your Apple television or your fire stick? Yeah. I love to see you try. I love to see. Oh my God. I would give anything to be there. Give any amount of money to be in your house right now.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Eating your wife's cooking. I would love to be petting your dog. Please, can I live with you? Please. Please, I need a place to stay. Can I live with you? I'm scared and alone. Oh my God. We have, I don't want to hype it too much, but we have three great episodes that we're going to be discussing. But even more than that, we have the climactic conclusion, something that can only be described as the snowman game. Currently, so we can build the anticipation. The snowman is looking at nothing. That's where we left off. O for three. O for three The snowman has not ended his cycle looking at any one of us, which has never happened before.
Starting point is 00:08:54 We even have an extra person in the booth. It's crazy, but I only anticipate the snowman will be looking at one of us by the end of this episode. I agree. Hey, I want it to be me, but if it's not me, I hope it's you. I want it to be me. And if it's not me, I hope that it doesn't look at anyone. Okay. I just want to go home upset. So we're going to be doing that. And that is very exciting. The most exciting moments in podcasting for the animal kingdom's favorite podcast, comedy bang bang. That's right. This is, you are not going to want to miss a second or a millisecond of this because that is coming up at the end of the show. Don't just skip to it. No, don't. And don't read the episode description where we tell you exactly what's number three,
Starting point is 00:09:50 number two, and number one. Yeah. And who the snowman looks at. We shouldn't put that in there. Well, we did it. We did it. Don't read it. Don't read it. Don't read. Don't, in fact, learn how to not read. Oh, shit. I never thought about that. Can you learn that? I think you can. I mean, if you can learn something, you can learn to not learn it anymore. Yeah. I've heard you can't unsee things. I hear that a lot on sitcoms. I think that's only like, like if you see some eight millimeter film. Oh, right. Of something horrible. Yeah. Right, right, right, right. That's, or if you walk in on someone having sex. Well, that's what's on the film. Oh, right. And someone's filming it. They're filming you walking in on someone having sex.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Is everything filmed nowadays? Yeah, everything. Everything. They shoot it on film. In front of a live studio audience? Yes. The Sopranos? Yes. They should, they should, isn't it weird to think that they shot the Sopranos in front of a live audience and you don't hear them and you don't see them? I know we've talked about this on a show before shooting a drama in front of a live studio audience. They're just silent. And occasionally, you hear them going, I know we've talked about it. I know. I'm sure. I don't know. I'm sure. Still, we should do it. We should do it. This is so exciting, even better than the three episodes we're going to hear, whatever. The Snowman Game is reaching its conclusion. The final time we
Starting point is 00:11:12 will be doing this in 2021. I know. And we know this is why you tune in and we're thrilled that you're here to close out another Snowman Game with us. We're thrilled. And also do these countdowns. We are thrilled. Let's get loose with him. Mommy, me, mama, me, me. Mommy is a sweetie pie. That's a good one. That's a, why can't he be positive? Yeah. My dad is a provider for our family. I respect my brother too. By the way, I'm Scott Ackerman. This is Paul F. Tompkins. Hi, by the way. I don't know if we mentioned that, but if you're hearing the fourth episode of this,
Starting point is 00:11:57 and why shouldn't you be, this is the best one. Yeah. Because it has the top three episodes. Clearly. But we're not doing our due diligence in introducing who we are. And go back and We're not doing our due diligence. Go back and listen to the previous episodes. This is, of course, December 30th when it comes out. Of course it is. On the cusp of 2022, we'll have some final thoughts about the year coming up. New Year's Eve Eve. It certainly is. Yeah. We should celebrate it just like New Year's Eve. Yes. Countdown, everything. Yes. I think from Christmas Eve to New Year's Eve, should be the same party. Every night, there's a countdown.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Every night, there's countdown. I'd love it. I wouldn't mind it. I'd love any party at this point. I wouldn't have a party. I have party. That's our other show. I wouldn't have parties. All right. Guys, we have so much good stuff to do. So much. Why are we wasting time? We got to get to it. Let's hear. We don't mean morally good. We mean fun. Yes. Although it is morally good. I think it adds some positivity to the world. I'll give you that. And it's certainly not to the world's detriment,
Starting point is 00:12:58 I think, other than maybe the energy involved used to create it. Oh, shit. Maybe we should stop. Whatever you do, don't make it a non-fungible token. I don't want to be a non-fungible item. Fungible till I die, which was a while ago. All right, let's get to it. This is what you've chosen to be episode number three. Oh, episode number three. Give me them stats. I want to hear it. All right. Are you ready for this?
Starting point is 00:13:33 691. So high up in the 690s. Yeah. Okay. What date? From February 1, 2021. 2021. That's a lot of ones. Early in the year, but not as early as it could be. That's three ones. What do those add up to be? Three. And? 20 blackbirds. Yes.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Big to the pie. Yes. Would that be good? I don't know. I mean, I guess... 24 blackbirds. I guess it's like... That's a lot of blackbirds. Is it the whole bird or is it the meat of the bird? Probably the meat of the bird. I guess they're stripping the bird for its meat, right? I hope so. But that's a lot of blackbirds for one pie.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Unless we're talking like a giant pie that you dive into off of a diving net. Oh, well, I assumed. Right. That's enough. That's enough meat for... For that. Please don't make a diving board too high. Please. It's a pie. In 2022.
Starting point is 00:14:29 It's not a pool. Let's make it a nice six foot high, seven foot high. In the new year. Any big giant pies that we're going to dive into? Lower that diving board. Lower the board. We're elderly gentlemen. Come on. I'm not the spring chicken anymore. And if you put chicken in a pie, please let me know.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Because I'm diving with my mouth open. Oh, shit. Can you imagine? I guess you should. Yep. Do you want me to hit you with the episode type? Give me that type. Hashtag. One of our only episodes starts with a hashtag.
Starting point is 00:15:05 And is a hashtag. And in fact, starts and ends with this hashtag. Hashtag, no stink. Okay. I have one guess as to who is on the show. Sure. I bet you do. Who is that? Sean Distan. Sean Distan, yes. Making his...
Starting point is 00:15:21 Is this his second? Well, no. He was on one of the big... One or two of the big gang episodes earlier. Yeah. So Sean Distan is playing a character named Mike Ruby, the no stink plumber. That's right. We also have Tim Baltz. Sure.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Is on the show. Is on the countdown quite a bit. Playing Randy Snuts. I would like to give a special shout out to Lily Sullivan. She's also on this episode. Glad I did it. So there you go. So the three of them, it's just the three of them.
Starting point is 00:15:47 No celebrity guest. Nice. This is one of the episodes during the pandemic, where it was just like, you know, less people on the Zoom, the better. Let's just do one with all of us. Absolutely. So yeah, this is really funny.
Starting point is 00:16:02 This is the debut of Mike Ruby, the no stink plumber, who was on the holiday episode. That's right. Which if we can talk about that one, it's not eligible for this year's. It may be eligible next year. But did you both in real time realize you both had characters named Mike
Starting point is 00:16:19 who were in custodial services? No, I had been thinking about it. We actually, this is very rare, but I texted Mike, I texted Sean, I texted Sean the day before, knowing that we would be the first two people on, wanting to see what character he was going to do, because I was thinking about doing Mike the janitor. Oh, OK.
Starting point is 00:16:40 And you wanted to stay away if he was doing Mike Ruby? That was the initial. Well, I didn't even occur to me he would do Mike Ruby. That was not when I was thinking. I was thinking of Rudy. I was thinking of Spray the Whisperer. And then he said he was going to do that. And I was like, OK.
Starting point is 00:17:00 And then I had a couple other ideas of people to do. And then it was at that moment I was like, I'm going to do Mike the janitor. Yeah. Well, it was very funny because it led to the whole like, you know, introducing Mike. It was a great bit. I thought it was really fun.
Starting point is 00:17:14 But it was one of those things where it was just like, not planned kind of in the moment. It was definitely something I was trying not to do the day before. And then you're like, I think this would be funny for both. It was great. Well, this was the debut of Mike Ruby. So we'll hear about his thing.
Starting point is 00:17:30 And we also have Randy Snutz who is a character that Tim does. Tim, by the way, Tim Balz from a lot of people would know him from the Righteous Gemstones. He plays Edie Patterson, whom we've mentioned before, who is the daughter of the gemstones. He doesn't play Edie Patterson. He doesn't play her, but he is Edie's fiancé on the show.
Starting point is 00:17:51 I forget his character name, but that show is coming back in a couple of weeks. And they're both really, really funny on it. And Tim, Tim's very into Randy Snutz. Well, we'll hear, let's just hear the clip. I'm into it. Me, oh, let's just hear the clip we'll talk about after. This is what you've chosen to be your episode number three.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Number three. Randy, remind our viewers why I'm talking to you. Who are you again? So I'm just like a laid back, chill dude, who likes to mix it up with my pals. I've been on the show like five times before. So this is... I know, I remember talking to you,
Starting point is 00:18:32 but I guess this is an interview show. This is, of course, Humanities Podcast, formerly known as the show where we talk to interesting people. And you are sort of interesting, but I'm wondering why a new listener would be interested in... Most of our guests have something unique about them, unique New York. And you can say like last week we had a bus accident victim.
Starting point is 00:18:57 It's like, oh, not everyone in the world has survived a bus accident. But what is it about you? Why did I first talk to you in the first place? So the first time that you talked to me was because I worked at your favorite restaurant, the Domeos. And I used to fill the urinals with ice. That was at your one job? That was my one job at the Domeos.
Starting point is 00:19:21 But I got fired for filling it with ice while people were peeing. It seems to be a hard job to fuck up in that way. But you did it. Yep, I'd be like, excuse me. And then I'd pour the ice into their pee stream. We know exactly how. Into their pee stream. And the fun thing about peeing on ice is you get to watch it melt
Starting point is 00:19:42 and it gives you a sense of accomplishment. Were you trying to do that so it would melt quicker so you would have more to do so there would be more reason to keep you on the payroll? Yeah, exactly. We worked on commission. You'd get paid for however much ice you got melted by people's pee. How would they quantify that? I don't know how they would measure it.
Starting point is 00:20:03 So you were on the show and I found your lifestyle to be very intriguing. Essentially, as you described it, you hang out and chill with your buddies, right? That's true. And I tried to avoid needless drama and scandal through the exploits of my girlfriend who's a known provocateur, Carissa. That's right. Carissa, so you're still with Carissa. Is that true or is that false or something in between?
Starting point is 00:20:29 Currently, Carissa and I are on a break because she kept breaking quarantine. No, what was she doing? I mean, she was just trying to live her best life while everyone else was staying at home and trying to keep people safe. But what else could you expect from a duplicitous, devious person like Carissa? That's right. For our new listeners, how long have you been with Carissa? Right now, it's probably going on like seven or eight years.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Okay. And what was it two years ago? Probably, well, let's see, seven or eight minus two, five or six years. Okay. I just, I don't know why you said right now is if like, am I asking at some point in the past or the future? No, I'm asking right now. You know when like one person in a relationship has like a hard start time for the relationship,
Starting point is 00:21:10 but the other person is like, I didn't think I was serious for the first four months. Sure. Okay. So you, you, what was, what was your first date though or your first encounter? Our first encounter was hanging out in the backyard of my friend, Mark Patevano's house. Okay. Was he having a party or were, did you guys just hop the fence or what, how did this backyard meet up take place?
Starting point is 00:21:32 He made flyers for what's known as a bags tournament. And we, do you know the game bags? I don't know the game bags. Is it similar to what am I thinking of Donkey Kong? No. What am I thinking of the cornhole? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:47 It's cornhole for people that live outside of Ohio. Oh, okay. So it's, okay. Got it. So you were having a bags tournament. Yeah. We were having a bags tournament and doing a, doing beer bongs off of. Do they call those rips beer bong rips?
Starting point is 00:22:03 Yeah. Beer bong rips. So we were doing beer bong rips. He, he lives in a one floor house. So the beer bong started on the roof and then people would pour multiple beers and we'd be doing rips. And then if you survived the rips, we were doing whippets. And that's when Carissa walked in the back and I had kind of a dream weaver moment.
Starting point is 00:22:21 And then I passed out. Oh, okay. So you, did you pass out from seeing her or the whippets or what exactly happened? Most likely the whippets because she's probably like a seven and a half. Okay. And a seven and a half in what city? Uh, Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:22:40 So a one out here, maybe. Ouch. God damn. Coastal elite laying it down. So, but a seven and a half out there that, wow, amazing. And then when you woke up and you opened your eyes, was she there or was it a different day and your boys were there? It was a different day and my boys were there.
Starting point is 00:23:01 And they were like, you made quite an impression because she loves tragic cases. And I was like, uh-oh, this could spell doom for Randy. And it D-O-O-M. D-O-O-M. Yeah. So, uh, uh, and then when did you actually get together with Carissa? Probably like a week later. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Yeah, a week. So that's not going to affect the seven or eight year thing, just a week. Yeah. But I mean, a week later we hooked up, but then like four months later, she's like, like, why are you acting this way? We've been dating for four months. And I was like, defook. So you didn't know that you were exclusive at this point?
Starting point is 00:23:42 No, not at all. I mean, I wasn't seeing anyone else because my prospects were dim. So, so it was not that hard for you to say, okay, well, let's keep it scluicy from this moment on. That's right. So Carissa got the scluzy and then we've been like seeing each other ever since, but it's been filled with drama shenanigans. List off some of the drama.
Starting point is 00:24:02 We've talked about a little bit of it on previous episodes, but remind us what, what, what exact, I mean, Carissa is scandalous as you say. Yeah, absolutely scandalous, duplicitous, devious as hell. All right. And what are the things that she's done? She poured tequila on my Xbox one and set it on fire. That's a combustible alcohol tequila. She does a really good impression of me.
Starting point is 00:24:26 And she called my mom and said I was in the hospital with lupus. What does her impression sound like? Can you do an impression of her doing an impression of you? Yeah. So it sounds like this. So this, this was what she, she called my mom and she was like, Hey mom, it's me Randy. I'm in the hospital with lupus again.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Okay. That's pretty good. I mean, it sounds like you, you were pinching your nose to do that. Does she have some sort of, uh, uh, is her, are her nasal cavities sort of filled up or why, why the pinched nose? Oh, the opposite. She blew out her septum doing cocaine. So it's just free and clear in there.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Easy breezy. Yep. Easy breezy, but it kind of collapsed in on itself. It's a real, it's a real George W. Bush situation. Is that what took her down from a 10 to a seven and a half? Yeah. Probably her collapsed septum. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:12 So what took her down from a one and a quarter to a one out here? I'm just doing, I'm doing the math. God damn. These left coast elitists shitting all over the heartland. So I'm just saying it's a different scale. That's all. So, uh, uh, so you've been with her for quite a number of years and she's done all these things to you.
Starting point is 00:25:37 And has she flirted with your boys? I can't recall if there was some. Yeah. It's nonstop flirtation with my boys. You know, it's always like she, cause she tries to keep me jealous. She thinks that I'm my best self when I'm just like filled with rage and jealousy and I'm trying to win her back. Do you agree with that assessment?
Starting point is 00:25:55 I mean, it drives me freaking crazy. And then I go like buyer gifts and stuff. So yeah. Okay. So yeah. All right. And it turns me into a voracious lover. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Great. Well, I don't, I don't know that we need too many details about that. But let me give you a couple. Usually I'm just trying to get the job done. But when I'm filled with jealous rage, I'm hitting all the bases. Wait, so, so a kiss, second base, some tongue, third base, hands, groping, consensually, and then home base, the hit and the dinger. I, maybe that's the Sheboygan home run.
Starting point is 00:26:32 But out here, I think first base is the kiss. Second base is the hands. Third base is something else. What is it? Well, it's everything, but if you know what I mean. Give me the deets. I need this stuff. I got to go back to the heartland and use this information.
Starting point is 00:26:55 I'm just saying that, uh, so, so you're kissing her first when, when she's wronged you, and then you're adding the tongue. You're going through all the steps. You're running around the bases. Yeah, absolutely. Out of respect. You know, you're high fiving the first base coach, the third base coach. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Yep. I'm doing the safe sign to the ref at second base when I slip the tongue in. And what is that in the metaphor exactly? Well, it's kind of like a power move where you're kissing someone and then you add the tongue, and then you take your hands away from the person that you're kissing, and they're like, dang, no hands. Okay. So that's the safe sign to the ref.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Got it. And then it, uh, when, once you cross home plate, are all your boys coming out and you're high fiving them? And no, it takes me probably like five minutes after I've ejaculated to calm down. Is that what you mean? To calm down. Oh, really? What did you mean?
Starting point is 00:27:49 So you're hyped up. You're, you're, uh, what are you pacing around the room? What's going on? No, all my brain cells have evacuated my body and I need five minutes to remember who the hell my name, my, who am I? Oh, okay. So you're, you're a blank slate. Oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:28:03 I'm a clean slate. You're tabula rasa. Yep. Wow. So, so we, we've established then what you and Chris, uh, have been up to. So now you guys are on a break and how did that come about? It came about cause she kept breaking quarantine and then we'd come back and I'd be like, so where were you over the last eight hours?
Starting point is 00:28:25 And she'd be like, I was here. I was here. I was here. I was doing shots with my girls. I was at another like, you know, bachelorette party. I was visiting some of my, uh, relatives who are near due wells. So you don't like her relatives? You, her, uh,
Starting point is 00:28:43 yeah. And hopefully a lot of them end up in jail because they stormed the Capitol for sure. Oh really? So she's okay. Her relatives are of that persuasion. Absolutely. They tried to stop the steal and I was not having it. You wanted the steal.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Huh? No. What? Don't turn this around on me. You're okay with the steal. No, I'm not okay with the steal. I respect the constitution. I wanted a peaceful transfer of power.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Okay. And that's what you got, isn't it? At the end of the day, at the end of one day, at the end of January the sixth. No, at the end of a different day, January the 20th. Yes, we did. Yep. Absolutely. We shan't get into those details.
Starting point is 00:29:20 So how did she take the news? I mean, were you guys quarantining together? She took it lying down because I set it while she was asleep and then I ran out with all my stuff. Oh, okay. Did you leave her a note? Did she know where you went? I texted her later. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Okay. And yeah, that's, that's the end of that story. I mean, I could go into detail about what the text was, but it was pretty brief. The thing is, you don't want to awaken a sleeping beast. And in this metaphor, Carissa is the beast. Sure. And the sleep is sleep.
Starting point is 00:29:50 She was sleeping, yeah. And not wanting to wake her is not wanting to wake her. So everything but the beast. He's a one to one. Yeah. So I got it. Yeah. I packed a duffel bag full of my stuff and then a second duffel bag full of like some things
Starting point is 00:30:04 for my quarantine hobbies and some like puzzles and games and things. So now where are you living? At my friend, Mark Padovano's house. Oh, the backyard where you first met. I mean, that's got to be bittersweet. Yeah. He's a good friend. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:19 What's he up to during the quarantine? He mostly shitposts online. He's kind of a libertarian. Okay. But a great friend. Yeah. A great friend. Blood is thicker than water.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Sure. And he's okay with you even though technically you didn't quarantine for two weeks before coming into his residence. He's okay with you staying over there? No, I stayed in my car outside his place for two weeks and then I came inside. So do you have a job? I mean, you haven't been working, right? I mean, if you've been that tight on quarantine.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Yeah. No, I've been working from home. Doing what though? Well, initially I was helping Mark Padovano with his website. Oh, what's his website? What kind of website does he have? He has a website that makes online ads for sports websites that redirects people to Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:12 So if I'm getting this right, you're on a different sports website, like say Barstool Sports or something like that. You click on an ad that then takes you to Yeah, exactly. But it's not an ad for No, it could be an ad for like, are you concerned about your elderly parents? And you'd be like, I'll click on this.
Starting point is 00:31:33 And it's like There goes my afternoon. Okay. So you're making the ads? So how do you, you're essentially tricking people into clicking on things. It's a trick click. I wouldn't say it's a trick click. I'd say it's targeted marketing research that hits at people's deepest fears.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Okay. So what are the types of things? All right. Well, definitely worrying about your elderly parents. Sure. Then sometimes we'll use the Chase Bank logo. And we'll be like, uh-oh, something's happening with your account. And people will be like, huh?
Starting point is 00:32:09 And they'll click on that. And they'll be like, oh my God, I need to bet on this. I need to bet on this December, Minnesota, Timberwolves versus Sacramento Kings game ASAP. What about the one about the cops hate this one trick to get you out of a DUI? Do you make those? Yeah. That was one of Mark Patevano's first ones. Along with the picture of a fat guy and then the picture of that guy skinny.
Starting point is 00:32:35 And he'd say, this guy lost 145 pounds. And here's why trainers hate him. So Mark Patevano is like a pioneer in this field. Oh yeah. He's a devious guy. He has no scruples or morals. So he's devious as well. I mean, he and Chris, it would be perfect for each other.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Yeah, but he's loyal to me to a fault because we're childhood friends. And we've never let sexuality get in the way. Okay. So he's never gotten sloppy seconds off something you've been with or vice versa. Well, not with me. I mean, he's hooked up with Carissa a ton of times every time we're on a break. Yeah. Every time we're on a break, he hooks up with her.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Wait. So he, I mean, to me, that violates the bro code. Oh man, you're right. I mean, he's not loyal to you to a fight. In fact, I wonder if he isn't with her when you're not on a break. And then suddenly when the you're on a break veil is lifted, you know, he's able to keep it out in the open. Oh no, Scott, don't do this to me right now.
Starting point is 00:33:34 I'm going to start spiraling on this podcast. You haven't thought about any of these issues. No, I'm just happy to have a friend during quarantine. Wow. Well, how much is Mark paying you to do this kind of work? I got like, I get $15 an hour. Oh, OK. How many hours does it take?
Starting point is 00:33:53 I mean, sometimes it takes 12, 13 hours a day. Wow. I mean, this is not a bad gig. I'm making really good money right now. Every time I feel insecure, I'm like, hey, that would make a pretty good ad to get someone to click trick. I mean, maybe he's paying you just to keep you occupied. Maybe it's worth the $150 to him.
Starting point is 00:34:13 You know, I mean, you know, it's better than paying for it the other way. Dang. This is devastating, Scott. I mean, I don't want to bring this kind of stuff up to you, but how many times has Mark Petovano has he been with Carissa? Like in the past? Or the future. I don't know why you keep asking this.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Yes. Are we talking about the present? Is he with her right now? Yes, in the fucking past. Dang. I knew I'd get shit on on this podcast. I'm sorry. I do every time.
Starting point is 00:34:46 I'm sorry. It's just my nature to push back on people. Maybe I was hurt myself. I apologize. I shouldn't lash out at you. You're naughty by nature. And you're naughty by nurture. You were raised that way.
Starting point is 00:35:02 That's right. I'm Catholic. We're all naughty by nurture. So how many times in the past then? I mean, I break up with Carissa at least three times a year, and Mark's been with her every single time. Wow. Seven or eight times time.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Seven or eight years. Seven or eight years times three is 21 to 24 times. Yeah. And I mean, that's a, and he doesn't have a girlfriend or a wife, Mark? Uh-uh. He's famously celibate. So celibate, other than when he's with her. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Yes. Yeah, that's right. Okay. Yeah. I don't know. This is very fishy. Was he surprised to see you when you came, came by the house and slept in your car outside his house for two weeks?
Starting point is 00:35:43 Yeah, he was. His words exactly were randy. Daphook, what are you doing here? That's an exact quote. You can quote me on that. He is, I already said he's a plumber, but apparently he is commonly known as the no-stank plumber. Please welcome Mike Ruby.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Hello, Scott. It's me, Mike Ruby, the no-stank plumber. Scott, how are you? I am very good. It's very good to have you on the show. Guy, I'm so glad to be here to be advertising on your show. I don't know that you're advertising as much as you're on the show. I'm going to talk to you if we, if we.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Mike Ruby appearance is an advertisement. You understand me, Scott? Do we need to hashtag this as ad then right now or? Yeah, yeah. We should probably do a quick ad read. All right. All right. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Here we go. Well, I was about to have a dinner party only to discover my bathroom was coveted shit. So I called this plumber named Randy and boy did he give me the run around. He was talking about estimates and he couldn't guarantee his price. But then I called Mike Ruby. Hi, it's me, Mike Ruby, the no-stank plumber. And I guarantee I will fix any bathroom situation with zero stank.
Starting point is 00:37:02 We're not going to give you the run around on whether it's going to stank or not. It's not. And it's the Mike Ruby guarantee. Hashtag no stank hashtag ad, of course, as well. Wow. Incredible. And you like how I kind of Michael Winslow that I do all the voices. I do the sound effects.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Yeah. I don't know that you were fooling anyone with it. Well, I could tell it was you, but just putting on a little bit of falsetto. But I don't know what you're talking about. That was sort of like a fully fledged character. I was sort of usually like, I've seen Michael Winslow in person. And when he does the helicopter, you'll be looking at the sky going, is there a helicopter right above me?
Starting point is 00:37:38 So you weren't looking around going, is there a woman who's ever to date a party who needs a plumber? You weren't thinking that? Not really. No, I was thinking, oh, Mike's doing a funny voice. But that's OK. I mean, I just think comparing yourself to Michael Winslow, that's a high bar that I don't think necessarily you cleared.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Well, you didn't hear my flush sound. So I don't know why you would go ahead and judge you didn't hear my flush sound. So I mean, I was pretty fooled. Like, I thought there were multiple people in the room, and I ran to the bathroom to see if the toilet was stinking. He got up and his hat spun around in a circle as he ran to the bathroom. You may have missed it then, Randy. Mike Ruby over here was talking about a plumber named Randy
Starting point is 00:38:17 that this client called. Yeah, but that's not you, right? Because Randy's sort of a silly name. You know, you think about Randy, you're like, this guy probably smells. Yeah, no kidding. So you agree with him, Randy? I mean, I'm not disagreeing.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Yeah, it's short for Randall. And that's not a name to be trusted. Yeah, well, it could be short for Brandy, couldn't it? Yeah, Brandy, a fine girl. Sure, what a good wife she would be. My wife, I love her, my lady, and the toilet stink. You guys do it a song. We know the song.
Starting point is 00:38:50 We probably know more than that to the song. But we're not going to get into it at this point. Let's not get into the weeds. So, Mike, you promise in your commercial that it's not going to be stank. What is not going to be stank? What do you mean? Because this woman in the commercial,
Starting point is 00:39:08 and I'm being generous when I say that. You mean me? Whoa, Randy, you took off again. No way, Randy, no worries. It's me, it's me, it's me. Oh, OK. It sounded like a sexy lady was in my bathroom. So this woman, what a strange experience for her
Starting point is 00:39:25 to walk into her bathroom and it's covered in shit and she had no idea. Yeah, that's not a worst case scenario. Someone else's then or someone? That's a great question, Scott. You know, those are the kind of things I get into. For me, it's just. You don't care why.
Starting point is 00:39:40 I don't care. I don't care what it is. If you want me to deal with your shitty bathroom situation and you want it to not smell, you gotta call Mike Ruby, baby. So what's not smelling about? Do you clean up the shit that's already there? Do you want me to walk you through my pen to the,
Starting point is 00:39:58 I don't know how many steps, maybe nine step process? Sure, yeah, nine steps. Let's go. I love that you chose the number. And you didn't go double digits, which I respect. Sometimes you say it's like a 30 step process, then you're fucking locked in on coming up with 30 steps. Sure.
Starting point is 00:40:18 No, under promise and over deliver. So Scott, first things first, I got to start at my home, Scott. So you, okay. Yeah. That's, that's where the process starts is your, your house. Somebody gives me a call. They say my bathroom's covered in shit. Don't worry about it, Randy.
Starting point is 00:40:32 That's just me. Okay. So receiving the call is the first step. Okay. Oh, we're gonna answer the call as the lady goes. That's going to be part of the steps. Okay. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Let me recalculate. I think we're at an 11 step process. Oh, okay. All right. So I answer the call and then step two, hop in the shower. Okay. You want to make sure that you're not stanky when you go over there. The first step to being a non-stank plumber, Scott,
Starting point is 00:40:58 is to make sure you are not bringing any stank into the stank situation, Scott. You don't want any additional stank in there. So do you rub your- I don't want no additional stank. You have a beautiful voice. Thank you, Scott. That is from one of our radio ads.
Starting point is 00:41:13 Wow. Then I do do all the voices. Of course, Michael Winslow. But yes. So I do shower. You shower, do you rub yourself with soap, essential oil? So I got Garnet Fructis in there. I got Paul Mitchell's shampoos and conditioners.
Starting point is 00:41:28 You know, Scott. And then I also use Tom's of Maine bar soap, Scott. I don't know about that. I think I would switch out. Well, that's just exfoliation, Scott. I get that in the crack. I go deep, deep, deep exfoliation. And I wash my hair a couple of times.
Starting point is 00:41:46 As you can see, I have a flowing mane of hair. It is long. I didn't want to say, but you know, on the zoom, it looks like it was that down to your butthole. Right now, it's down to my butthole because I'm sitting. But when I stand, it's right above my little butt crack. But when you have this much hair, Scott, you got to make sure you clean.
Starting point is 00:42:04 So and, you know, as a plumber who showers all the time, you could tell that my hair is healthy. No split ends. Yeah. You know, if I were you, I would be like a cyclist. I would I would shave my body entirely so that there is never any doubt that I would be stankless. You would think that that, Scott, is a is a good thing,
Starting point is 00:42:21 but actually it's not, Scott. It's true. It's true. The more you shave yourself, the stankier you get. Thank you. Snuts gets it. Once you shave, you start releasing some of the like really stanky understand like the things that get baked into your skin as you sleep.
Starting point is 00:42:36 You know, you shave. It's almost like poking at a dead horse, you know. Oh, OK. I thought it would be trapped in in a beard or in the hair, but no, it just releases the toxins. Well, then you just got you got to clean that beard. So I brush my beard over a hundred times before I leave the shower. By the way, your beard is super long, too.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Is that that's down by the pee hole? I see. So my beard is not only on the ground. It extends like three feet in front of me. Oh, wow. So this is like a princess Diana in reverse. It's it's like a princess Diana reverse. I don't even know what that means.
Starting point is 00:43:06 She had a train when she got married. That was super long. Yeah, it's like a wedding train, but in reverse. I love that. OK, so that's step two. All right. Step three. OK.
Starting point is 00:43:16 I drive there. Now, this is this is a really important part. I get in my car. I put up all the windows. There's a lot of mini steps within this. So if we're doing like an outline, you know, this was like a and now we're down at the I section, where it's like, oh, you know,
Starting point is 00:43:30 you did it a little more. Why do the windows go up because you don't want any of the outside air? Any outside smells, Scott. So not only does the window go up, but I do spray heavy chemicals inside the car. So it smells like that new car kind of thing. New car smell, oseum, bleach for breeze. I spray it all, Scott.
Starting point is 00:43:52 And the windows up and I keep from passing out by holding a small cloth over my face. Wow. Counterintuitive, but that seems to work. It is counterintuitive because that is sort of the chloroform, sort of the way you're chloroform someone. But if you want to make sure that you don't get chloroform, you just have a clean cloth.
Starting point is 00:44:10 So like what's like what is the smell of all those things combined to like make you smell like once you step outside of the car? I call it the Mike Ruby Signature Smell. Wow. And it is, it's trademarked. And I'll tell you, it's not over yet, because when I get out of the car, the final step is I take off all my clothes
Starting point is 00:44:31 and spray myself head to toe with X body spray. Wait, is this step four then at this point? We are at step four. Okay, great. We get to the car, we shower, we exfoliate, we shower. And then we drive there. Drive there, which has a lot of many steps of the rolling of the windows, stepping out of the car, etc.
Starting point is 00:44:50 And now we have sprayed the body with X body spray. And now we are at the customer's home, Scott. So no one is smelling the Mike Ruby Signature Smell other than you because once you get to the doorstep, it's X body spray all the way. Well, the reason I do that, Scott, is I want to train my nose to be, you know, it's trained for a good smell.
Starting point is 00:45:11 So any bad smell, I'm going to pick it out immediately when I walk into the house. Okay, do you have nasal cavities a lot like Carissa there where they're just blown out and you can smell everything? Oh yeah, I did what they call a cocaine simulation with pixie sticks in order to blow out my septum so that I could smell better, Scott. Okay, because you're a strict don't do drugs.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Oh, I would never do drugs, Scott. I signed that dare contract and I would never go back on that. When you were 13. I was 13, but I was still, you know, my parents were there so they did agree if it was legally binding. So, okay, wow. Okay, so we are now at step five.
Starting point is 00:45:46 You should get emancipated from that dare contract. It's really tough, Scott. We could talk about that, but there's a lot of legal red tape to go through. Yeah, at least nine steps. All right, so step five. Step five. Now, I'm in your house.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Step five, I'm going to say, point me in the direction of the stank. Okay, so you just want to, you just want the direction. My customers, yeah. I just want the direction because... North, east, south, or west. Just sort of actually hold out two arms and sort of do it at an angle.
Starting point is 00:46:15 And I don't know that the mess is within that angle, Scott. Okay, so essentially like a 45 degree or at least you could maybe widen it out if you put your arms behind your back to like 190, 200 degrees. Yeah, if you want to really be obtuse with it, you can go ahead and do that. Sure, of course. So, Scott, at this point,
Starting point is 00:46:33 I float off the ground like Pepela Pew. No way. You love the stank? Yes. You love the stank. Well, see, I don't love the stank, but I actually am revolted by the stank. It's just my job is to find it.
Starting point is 00:46:47 So, I have to. I see. So, I float. So, what step number is this that you're floating off the ground? This is six, Scott. Six, this is six. This is number six, Scott.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Now, of course, I float my way. Now, typically, we're getting to a bathroom, Scott. And typically, there's shit everywhere. Typically. So, why? Why? She would be surprised. You know, you're not calling a plumber
Starting point is 00:47:09 for like a simple clog. Like, you're calling a plumber for what like an act of God has gone down. You know, I wanted to say that I think a plumber would, you know, and I don't want to tell you how to do your job, but I think a plumber could advertise as like the no judgment plumber.
Starting point is 00:47:24 You know how like, you know, you're ashamed when you call a plumber because of what they're going to find in there, you know? Well, Scott, I could advertise that because one of my steps is, one of my steps is to disassociate. So, you're outside of your body. I cannot take the smell or like the looking at,
Starting point is 00:47:44 even talking about poop or anything like that. You've been doing it now for the past 15 minutes. I'll puke. So, when it comes down to the time to actually clean, I disassociate. But before we get there, Scott, before we get there, I'm of course going to hop in their shower.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Oh, okay. You want to, yeah. So, that's step, so step seven. Step seven. You find the shitty bathroom. Step six is I float like pebble up you to the shitty bathroom. Step seven, hop right on in the shower.
Starting point is 00:48:10 And of course I'll use whatever they have in there. God, if you tease. You don't bring your own stuff. Yeah. No, no, no. Dove, body wash, you know, even if they have like a sort of like a manlier one that's like an axe, you know.
Starting point is 00:48:21 These are the things that can be found in other people's bathrooms. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, you know that I wrote a magazine article that there's 10 things your crush might have in their bathroom? Oh, no, I didn't realize you wrote that. I don't know why I would have.
Starting point is 00:48:34 It's a real manageable number two. I mean, I don't know that I necessarily want to hear all 10, but we can circle back around if we have time at the end of the show. But we are, we are at step seven. And of course I am reshowering, which is of course rubbing off. To get that axe body spray off.
Starting point is 00:48:51 God, get the axe body spray off. Because you want the axe body spray when you go to the door because you want to smell good for the humans. Right. But you don't want to leave the axe body spray smell there. Because some people might consider that a stank, Scott. I don't know who, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:04 I mean, some crazy people. But, you know, Scott, I shower again. I wash up all those smells. I don't need my smell heightened as much anymore. And I hop out of the shower, Scott. I look down at the shit everywhere. Is this where the disassociating comes? Of course.
Starting point is 00:49:19 I disassociate, Scott. And that's why it's step eight, because I disassociate. That's how I remember it. Oh, okay. So it's hard to remember without that? It's hard to remember that you always disassociate when you do plumbing.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Like, what's step eight? I've just showered. What is step eight again? I disassociate, and then I start looking around and things get blurry. And then I sort of fall over and hit my head on the side of the sink. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:49:45 Wait, is this step nine? No, this is step eight still. No, step eight is disassociate. Step nine is hit your head on the side of the sink. Oh, okay. That's a huge part of it. Okay. Well, that's all the steps there are.
Starting point is 00:49:56 No, but there's 11, Scott. Because we were going to count that. Oh, that's right. I'm sorry. Yeah. Okay. So two more steps. So step 10 is wake up and hope the bathroom is cleaned.
Starting point is 00:50:06 Okay. Well, how often, what percentage of the time is it clean? A hundred percent, Scott. It's my guarantee. I don't know what it is about me, but once I disassociate the bathroom, I'm unplugging drains. I'm pulling out here.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Oh, okay. So you're waking up and you've done the work, I guess. I don't know the work. I thought you meant that when you woke up, you hoped the owner came in. No, no, no, no, no. Like, I do a lot of the work, but I'm sort of drooling and bleeding out of the side of my ear
Starting point is 00:50:32 and I sort of clean things up. And then of course, Scott, in the event that the bathroom is not clean, step 11, I will burn the residents to the ground. Oh, okay. How many times does that happen? Well, you know, Scott, I'd say it happens around, you know, once or twice a month. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Because that's- Is that part of the contract they sign when you- Oh, yeah. If you want the Mike Ruby guarantee, you got to be okay with the chances, the one and ten chance that I will have to burn your house to the ground because quite honestly, it's just too far gone. Number three.
Starting point is 00:51:12 Yes, very good. That was, of course, Sean doing the 12-step process, which we cornered him into. And I guess when I say Tim is into doing Randy, that's his, like, I think that's his favorite guy to do. It feels like to me. Right. Because he just, he's really in it when he does it.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Like, he knows everything about that guy. Yes. That's true. Yeah. I know what you mean. You know what I mean? Like, sometimes when he's playing Darren Matiček, like, he's in it.
Starting point is 00:51:45 I mean, he is, he was in bajillion dollar properties with you, Paul. And there was a, you were number one on the call sheet, but there was another list that I want to bring up, which was the list of, everyone was ranked of who would break the easiest, wasn't there? Yes. The editors had compiled a list of the cast who broke the most to who broke the least.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Right. And was he not the least? He was the least. He was the least, because he is, he's really into it when he does improv. And he does not like to break. And right above him was Mandelman, who I only ever saw break once.
Starting point is 00:52:19 Yes. She is also, she's a great actress and stays in it. And those two are very much like, they know what they're doing is funny, but they are also like, that's their process. Yeah. They don't want to ever laugh at anything that's happened. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, so, so Tim, and by the way, where were you on the list?
Starting point is 00:52:40 I think I was, I was kind of in the middle, I think. In the middle, who and, and was it Ryan was the absolute worst? No, I think Dan, a dude was no. Oh, okay. Yeah, that makes sense. I think Dan and dude was number one. And then Ryan and Tim, Ryan and Drew in some order. Ryan on the between two first movie was definitely the worst.
Starting point is 00:53:01 Yeah. So Tim, Tim is just very, any, any character he does, he's very into it when he does it. But I just feel like Randy is the one that he feels the most kinship towards. Yes. I wonder if it's based on someone he knows very well. I think it might be.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Yeah. We also, we didn't get to her in the clip, but Lily Sullivan was doing Diana deep. Perfect time for a shout out for her. She was doing, Is that her name? Absolutely. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:24 She was doing Diana deep a little later on the show. You can hear, if you listen back to that episode, Diana deep is a character that she originated for her own show, which is called going deep with Diana deep. That's a really funny show and people. It's really fun. Both Scott and I have been on it with our spouses, all playing characters.
Starting point is 00:53:43 And she has a new show called this book, Change My Life, which I've, I've, You were just on it. I was just on it. Yeah. But man, it's really funny. It's really good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:53 So check out her stuff. And wow, we did it. We cracked the top three, but I'll tell you what's left. Two and one. Two and one. I know. But then there's no man game.
Starting point is 00:54:03 Then there's no man game. 00:54:03,600 --> 00:54:03,920 Okay. Okay. Okay. I'm back in. All right. We're going to take a break.
Starting point is 00:54:06 We'll be right back with episode number two, but also no man game. We'll be right back. And we're back. Minimum. Minimum. And we're saying things that we just said off mic, and then we come back and we say them on mic right away.
Starting point is 00:54:26 And why were we even saying it off mic? We don't know, but we said the word minimum. God only knows, Beach Boys. It wasn't like it was the final word of a sentence, we said, a full sentence. No, we just said the word minimum. At some point we just start saying single words, and we say them at the same time,
Starting point is 00:54:42 and we don't know why. We don't know. We don't know where they come from. But minimum. What's weird is a lot of the times, the single words that we say at this stage, I will never say again after I live here. No, I cross them off the list of words I've said.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Oh, for me, it just doesn't happen anymore. I didn't know you actually- No, I make a list. If you'll notice, if you listen to all of these episodes, one after the other, you'll notice that I never repeat a word. That's wild. I just got to chill.
Starting point is 00:55:07 This is the first time I'm saying this one, the. Are you kidding? I haven't said it in any episode before this. That's, I'm freaking out right now. It's crazy anyway. So yeah, I'm kind of a savant. Some would say idiot savant, very funny. But yeah, it's just something I do.
Starting point is 00:55:25 I actually don't think that's funny. I think that's mean. I don't like when people are mean to you. Thank you so much. You're my biggest defender. Scott, I would kill somebody for you. Who? My wife?
Starting point is 00:55:41 They plan to murder on a podcast. A noir movie where someone misinterprets what someone says and gets arrested immediately. He didn't even wait for me to answer it. He just ran out. All right. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:56:02 You pieces of shit. Hey, what's up, pieces of shit? We are counting down your final two best elves of the comedy. Let's throw some pearls before this swine. Here we go. Listen up, piggies. Stop fucking that cake for two seconds. With your crooked ass dicks.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Here we go. This is what you've chosen as your number two. Number two. Oh, OK. Number twoodles. Number twoodles. All right. Let me give you some numbers.
Starting point is 00:56:32 704. OK. So we're in 700s. Yeah. Early on. Pretty deep in the 700s. Pretty steep. I mean four.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Yeah. Four's a lot of anything. If I had four dollars right now. I wouldn't be unhappy. I wouldn't be here. Where would you go with that four dollars? Take a bus somewhere. Somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:56:57 And then not get back. You stay there. Start a new life. As a bus driver. I kill the bus driver. I take over his life. OK. 704 from May 3rd, 2021.
Starting point is 00:57:12 May 3rd. This is when. What does that tell you? This tells me I am almost fully vaccinated. And I'm very excited about it. But when did this show start? It started at 4 p.m. And it's three in the morning now.
Starting point is 00:57:29 No. When did comedy bang bang have its first episode, my dear boy? Oh, OK. The first episode, my dear boy. Oh, probably in May, a while ago. Wait a minute. Yes.
Starting point is 00:57:39 This is a born anniversary? This is the 12th anniversary episode. Holy moly. Number two. Good job, everybody. Wow. Number two. Who are the participants?
Starting point is 00:57:50 Jason Manzuchus. Andy Daly. Paul F. Tompkins. The band Manchester Orchestra. Mancho. Carl Tart. Dan Lippert. Ego Wodem.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Sean Diston. Jessica McKenna. John Gabrus. Lily Sullivan. This is another stacked episode. Definitely Sullivan. Jessica McCain. Jessica McCain.
Starting point is 00:58:13 This was right at the cusp when people were like getting vaccinated, but we still, it's when the anniversary happened to be. No one was comfortable being in the studio yet. Nobody was? I think that I was past my two weeks at this point. Yes. I don't think I was yet. I think towards the end of May I was ready to rumble.
Starting point is 00:58:38 But still this one turned out so great. It's great. It's funny all the way through. Manchester Orchestra, the band. Mancho. They're probably listening to this right now. Hi guys. Shout out to them.
Starting point is 00:58:49 And they're big fans of the show and they did beautiful songs on the episode. And then everyone just brought their A games on it. You have the aforementioned Randy Snutz. And he brings his girlfriend, Carissa, whom we heard from for the first time. Scandalous. Very scandalous. Sprague is on it. Geno, Charles Barkley, Rabbi Bill Walton, Charlotte Hornet.
Starting point is 00:59:16 But we're going to hear two clips. We're going to hear Jessica McKenna is the second clip doing Marjorie Kershaw, who is the park ranger character that she does. One of the most wholesome characters. Extremely wholesome. Jessica is a big practitioner of wholesome comedy. 100%. And it's a delight to listen to.
Starting point is 00:59:37 And a refreshing change of pace from the usual filth of this show. So that is the second clip. But the first clip is the follow up to an episode that we heard in our last best of. I remember. And I'll just recap it a little bit. In the in the previous episode with episode 700, which was just four episodes previous, Jason Manzuga, Sinai and Andy Daly, we hit upon the Scrooge gang where Prince Philip was going to die and everyone is going to be dressed as the characters from Christmas Carol and Rob the Bank.
Starting point is 01:00:16 You heard that. And then Prince Philip was going to die. And so then what happened was I think literally three or four days after that episode, Prince Philip actually died. Right. And suddenly one day on my phone, everyone started saying, you guys did it. You guys. The plan went off without a hitch.
Starting point is 01:00:41 This 100 year old man suddenly died. So we realized that we had to address this somehow. And thankfully, the 12th anniversary episode was coming up. And so this is what we're going to hear. And we'll talk about the behind the scenes of the other part after the clip. How does that sound to you? Okay, so let's hear it. This is what you've chosen to be number two.
Starting point is 01:01:09 But here's where things went up. Gentlemen, I'm afraid. They weren't air shaped. Yes, exactly. The person who we had hired to play Scrooge in the gang simply didn't show up. But it was fine. We went ahead with it anyway, not realized. We waited for like five whole minutes.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Well, yes. And I had argued for giving him the more traditional 15 minute grace. But a bank robbery is a more precise thing. In show business, you have to be five minutes early. And that means on time. So the fact that he was five minutes late. We just walked away. I have a question, Byron.
Starting point is 01:01:45 In setting this up, did you hire bank robbers so as to make the bank robbery feel real? Or did you hire actors to play bank robbers? Jason, were you not paying attention this whole time? I wasn't. I forgot. What did we do? We were there every day of this. We were?
Starting point is 01:02:01 We were part of it. I so forgot. We wrote the script right after the episode. Oh, right. I'm so sorry. Damn it. And so as you know, cut that out, Devin. I'm not going to redact it.
Starting point is 01:02:13 You just redact it. I demand the rule is if you say I want it redacted, it has to be redacted. If you want it redacted, it has to be enacted. Yes. If you and so I'm enacting redacting. Well, anyway, it was a bunch of actors who had starred in the production of the Christmas Carol. And we had got this great guy for the ghost of Christmas yet to come who all he had to do, you know, in Christmas Carol, all he does is point at a grave.
Starting point is 01:02:41 He's wearing big, long robes. All he had to do was just show the teller the note. He didn't have to say anything. Yes, yes. But somehow we got this chatty catty. Chatty catty. Chatty catty. We got a chatty catty actor out there who wanted to like beef up his role or something.
Starting point is 01:02:59 He was crazy. Well, and of course, they did not realize that they were going to be shot for real by. Right. Well, that was, we didn't tell them. Dressed as Prince Philip. And so that was that ended up being. They kept saying like, hey, where are my squibs? I see Prince Philip has squibs.
Starting point is 01:03:15 Where are my squibs? And we kept saying like, yeah, don't worry. We also told them that the police that we're showing up were also actors. Sure. Yeah. And everyone in the bank was an actor. They would be totally safe and they should feel free to. We told them actually that we had built an 11 to 10 scale Lloyd's bank around the real bank. So the whole thing was a set.
Starting point is 01:03:36 So it may be that the Scrooge fellow was suspicious of some of that. And therefore did not show up. The rest. Can we just say who he was? It was Patrick Stewart. Yes. All right. Good. We were going to kill Patrick Stewart.
Starting point is 01:03:51 Yes. The plan was to kill Patrick Stewart and everyone else who started with him. I mean, that didn't start out as the plan. The plan was to get Prince. Sure. Get the public to believe that Prince Philip had been killed foiling a bank robbery. That was just a side benefit. The benefit on the other side of it was that we could get rid of Picard.
Starting point is 01:04:07 Sure. Right. Right. That was just incidentally. But as it turns out, gentlemen, because there was no Scrooge in the Scrooge gang, when the police got to the scene, they saw the dead body of what was meant to be Prince Philip, this body that Dalton Wilcox had. With the prosthetics. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:04:27 And they assumed that this was the Scrooge and that this was a bad guy. And then when they determined it was Prince Philip, there was this terrible panic inside Buckingham Palace that Prince Philip had joined a bank robbing squad. Wow. As Scrooge to the Scrooge gang. Now, it didn't help that he was wearing like one of those night caps that Scrooge has when he throws open the windows and goes down.
Starting point is 01:04:49 That was a blunder. That was the real blunder, yeah. Well, because we had thought that perhaps Prince Philip would have heard the gunshots and jumped out of his beard and all that. We thought that made it more heroic that he like jumped out of bed just to go down to the bank. Just to go foil this bank robbery. Yes.
Starting point is 01:05:06 But instead it looked like he was, if anything, the ringleader. Which is a very compelling narrative, I'm sure, that the tabloids picked up within Randwith. I mean, it's a thing. We've never seen anything like it in London. This was the greatest clamping down of a news story you have ever seen in England. You've never seen such a message discipline on the part of the royals or such cooperation on the part of reporters.
Starting point is 01:05:33 Anyone who came within a mile of it was threatened with their lives and ran away. Probably a kilometer. Within a kilometer. Probably within a kilometer. Which is how you would say. I know that's so polite of you to translate into miles for us. You don't have to say for our sake. No, I assume that Americans are far too stupid to even understand that word
Starting point is 01:05:53 and that it is a unit of measurement. This was the biggest clamp down on a news story since Princess Di was abducted by aliens, wasn't it? Yes, exactly, exactly. And even bigger because apparently you've heard of that. Well, sir. Pierce Morgan told me. I mean, I think The Clash wrote a song about it.
Starting point is 01:06:11 About the clamp down. Oh, well, anyway. And also I thought the law was vaguely about it, tangentially. Absolutely. And London Calling because... Yeah, they had to, yeah. There was a lot of calling in the city of London. Long-distance calls are very expensive.
Starting point is 01:06:29 That whole song is just... When people realize that Prince Philip... The long-distance rates. Yes, to space. To space, yes. Anyway. Buckingham Palace put out the story that Prince Philip had died peacefully surrounded by family.
Starting point is 01:06:43 And of course, that's what everyone thinks happened. And I'm furious because all of our wonderful efforts have gone to notch. They've been sort of sewn up tight by the palace. Well, it was unfortunate because we had an airtight plan and we had the branding of the Scrooge Gang that was going to be just dynamite and take over the world. And it's unfortunate. It's unfortunate it went down like this.
Starting point is 01:07:09 This also really, like completely interrupts your entire plan to get on that spaceship to escape Earth. Were you able to go to the funeral though and cozy up to one of the royals? Well, the funeral itself was a rather small affair but there was an after-funeral party which was very... It was huge. Was that in the hotel lobby?
Starting point is 01:07:30 The lobby of Windsor Castle, yes. And it was really... It was like a three-day buck-and-all. But here's where things get only more complicated. Okay. If you remember, Lady Amelia Spencer, right? She is single. Right.
Starting point is 01:07:48 Single ready to mingle Is she the one that's engaged to the gris? Yes. Okay. Well, when I asked Dalton Wilcox, where did you get the body to swap, he said, this is the gris. What?
Starting point is 01:08:03 Yes, Dalton Wilcox. And this is one of the things... Of his own volition. Well, he came to feel that this was a Dr. Mallet Mr. Grizzled scenario. Right, that's right. And so... That's right. And it was his duty bound to kill a monster.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Yes, yes. And so he shot the gris through the heart with a silver bullet. And just to be safe, also shot up in the left thigh because... Sometimes people's hearts are in there. Yeah, people's hearts can be moved. Yeah. Yes. Wow.
Starting point is 01:08:33 So, Grizz is gone. So, Lady, what's her name? Amelia Spencer. Amelia Spencer, she's... I mean, the Grizz has dropped off her radar. So maybe she's ready to party. The Grizz is buried in Prince Philip's grave covered in prosthetic makeups. Wow.
Starting point is 01:08:52 Yes. That's what's going on. Crazy. So how does this affect plan one and you getting out there? Well, now, how it affects it is that I now am trying my best to woo Lady Amelia Spencer. And to become her new husband. Well, it's been difficult because she doesn't accept that the Grizz has gone. She says, oh, no, that's just the Grizz.
Starting point is 01:09:13 He disappears for a while, you know. He goes off the Grizz. Yes, he's that kind of guy. The Grizz goes off the Grizz. You know, this is typical Grizz biz. Right. So she's, you know, I mean, all of my... There's no Grizzness like show Grizzness.
Starting point is 01:09:34 Sure. So she's not receptive to your charms as of yet? No, she keeps saying, I'm engaged. I'm engaged. Well, what would the Grizz say and all this? Of course, I have this inside information that he's been buried. He's dead and buried. At what point do you just drop this information in her lap and say,
Starting point is 01:09:53 look, I know what's really going on and I'm your best bet right now. That's what I'm trying to figure out at some point. Yes, just take her aside and say, listen, your fiance has been murdered. Don't just take her aside. Take her to the grave itself and exhume the body and take off the prosthetics. You know, you might have to show her. Oh, don't just tell. Show.
Starting point is 01:10:11 I have to bring along some alcohol swabs to get the prosthetics off. That's probably the least of your concerns with exhuming the whole body. Oh, not at all. Can you imagine going... And also prepare her. Tell her there's going to be quite a lot of spirit gum you're going to see. Yes, yes, yes. And don't worry, we're going to be able to take that off and you'll see the Grizz underneath.
Starting point is 01:10:30 Can you imagine going through all the effort of exhuming a body and digging it up and then being unable to take the prosthetics off and prove what you wish to prove because you didn't bring along alcohol to get through the spirit gum? Well, if you could, perhaps, have you could bring like a a thermos of drinks, like a slow gin fizz, Grizz, which is which you could be drinking while you're exhuming the grave, you know. Oh, yes, there would be drinks involved. Yeah, this is a this is a nice little date, you know, out there in the cemetery.
Starting point is 01:10:58 This could be romantic. Yeah, I suppose so. And prompt some closure for her and then boom, you're right there to be the shoulder. She cries on next thing you know, you're an outer space. Yes, yes. Well, that's the end game, right? Being an outer space. Being an outer space is the end game.
Starting point is 01:11:17 Well, I think the end game is killing Thanos. I'm getting people back from the blip. Of course, yes. Well, this is this is I mean, when is plan one happening, though, because it was supposed to happen this week? Well, yes, it seemed very imminent. But I gather that the funeral rather sort of threw things off a bit. And and and now I wonder if perhaps they're considering
Starting point is 01:11:41 they're wondering what will happen with the the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, you know. Oh, so they're waiting for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame to see if Sean Arnaugh legally changes their name and gets to the stage before Tina Turner. Is that what it is? Yes, because if in fact Sean Arnaugh does not make it into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, then they're in the clear. Maybe plan one would be called off.
Starting point is 01:12:02 All right. Well, I mean, this all just depends on, of course, the gris being gone and the gris being. Someone mentioned my name. What? Wait. Well, well, well. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:12:17 Why aren't Deniston as I live and breathe? Who's Deniston? Oh, you know, it is me, old China. Sir, announce yourself. Who are you? It's me. The gris. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 01:12:34 What? How can this be? We've just been told you were killed. Don't Wilcox murdered you with a silver bullet to the heart and the leg. No one kills the gris. Oh, wait. So you're unkillable or he just didn't. Are you some sort of immortal?
Starting point is 01:12:51 How do you mean? I mean, I don't I don't think I'm unkillable, but that that blow didn't kill me. Oh, my God. So far I'm unkillable. So that was you then with the prosthetics. Oh, it was me with the prosthetics. So was it also you who was buried in Prince Philip's grave? Did you have to?
Starting point is 01:13:12 Were you buried alive? Not the first time, Deary. And it won't be the last. Oh, my God. So are you here for revenge? I'll tell you what I'm here for. I'm here to defend the honor of my girlfriend, Lady Amelia. Wow.
Starting point is 01:13:32 This is what you did all of this for love. For love and for sex and for money. Where's the money coming? Oh, I guess she's got a lot. She's a Spencer. Yes. Money. She's a Windsor.
Starting point is 01:13:47 So you you know everything you know about the Scrooge gang? Everything I know every the Scrooge gang is not going to work. Wait, did you listen to episode 700? Me and Byron like it. Anytime, anytime I'm spoken about. I've managed to hear it. I watched the world with the eyes of little birds. Well, Grizz, it's a pleasure to have you on the show.
Starting point is 01:14:12 Welcome to the comedy bank. Dee Grizz. Dee, I'm sorry, Dee Grizz. And by the way, I would like to thank you, the Grizz, because I also was against the name of the Scrooge gang. I thought I especially thought it was a tie. And you're not even part of it anymore, the Grizz. It's a bit whimsical.
Starting point is 01:14:29 No, I'm not part of it. And am I? I never was part of it. This is all a fantasy of your making. Just so I understand, Dalton Wilcox did shoot you and did cover you in prosthetics to look like Prince Philip and did lay you in the street in front of Lloyd's bank. And and and you were buried in Prince Philip's grave.
Starting point is 01:14:51 But none of that had killed you and you managed to claw your way out. Now here you are. That's right. Nobody beats the Grizz. The Grizz is shocking. This is a shocking development. Nobody beats the Grizz.
Starting point is 01:15:10 Nobody beats the Grizz. Are there t-shirts? Because I'd love to make some t-shirts. That's gotta be a t-shirt. That's gotta be a t-shirt. Well, the Grizz, this is incredible. Did you claw your way out of the grave? What exactly happened?
Starting point is 01:15:25 The easiest thing in the world is to escape from a coffin. Must be buried underground. Are you some sort of David Blaine-type illusionist? What, no. The guy that goes in a glass box says, I'm going to go in a glass box for a while. Yeah, I mean, so you you have no aspirations to be any kind of magician or-
Starting point is 01:15:48 Why do I don't do for show? He's engaged to a royal. He doesn't have time to be doing magic. He's engaged to a royal. You have nothing but time to do magic once you're engaged to a royal. Once you're married. Okay, so you have no time right now.
Starting point is 01:16:04 No time right now, sorry. No time for magic right now, mates. I've got to be on it. I've got to survive to make it to the royal wedding that I've got to have. Have you announced your presence? Have you returned back to your fiancee at this point? I've been communicating with her through a series of birds.
Starting point is 01:16:27 Through a series of which birds? Which series is this? Do you mean actual birds? Are you in the in the sense of like in Game of Thrones, like the little street urchins are your are the gossip network, those little birds? Both the little street urchins carry actual birds. That's like a waste of the bird's natural talent to fly.
Starting point is 01:16:49 These birds is all wounded, Byron, that is then. They can't fly no more. Look at this cruel prick. Think birds should just be put to death, summarily executed if they ever get an injury, Byron? What are you the producers of luck but with birds? You're saying you've written little notes to your fiancee and tied them to the legs of birds who are injured
Starting point is 01:17:13 and cannot fly and handed them to street urchins who then carry them to Lady Amelia? Did I stutter? No, you didn't. Honestly, I think it would be more merciful to kill the birds. Oh, you would, wouldn't you? I do. Well, that's you, is it?
Starting point is 01:17:30 A posh toff like you. All you think about is, is it lower than me? Kill it. I mean, Byron Denison, I have to say, this is like, this is as a royal watcher. This must be huge news for you. Not only that the Grizz is alive, foiling the world. The Grizz is alive!
Starting point is 01:17:50 But also hearing about like a specific royal method of communication here too for unknown. Oh, it's not a royal method. It's a method from the streets. I'm a commoner, you might say. Oh, interesting. Oh, okay, got it. Had no idea.
Starting point is 01:18:04 Grizz, the Grizz. Oh, you didn't. Did I sound like I come from Oxbridge, mate? Your accent is British, so very posh. The Grizz, what's your background? Where did you come from? We don't know anything about you either. I come from the gutter!
Starting point is 01:18:20 Are you some sort of like Oliver Twist or Fagan-style con artist out there on the streets who's ingratiated himself? First of all, Oliver Twist was not a con artist. He was an orphan, wasn't he? And Fagan was not a con artist either. He was a pig pocket. And he ran a ring of little kid pig pockets.
Starting point is 01:18:40 I beg your pardon. Nobody was conning anyone. People were just taking people's wallet. So would you say are you a con artist, kind of like a Danny Ocean? Or a, I can't remember what Brad Pitt's character's name in the Ocean was. But the Adelaide, he certainly was always eating something.
Starting point is 01:18:59 I think his name was Shrimp Cocktail. His name was Shrimp Cocktail. It's not a bad name. Brad Pitt played a character named Shrimp Cocktail in the Ocean's 11th movie. Oh, Danny Ocean. This is my best friend. This is my best friend.
Starting point is 01:19:13 Shrimp Cocktail. And at precisely 11.45, Shrimp Cocktail, you're going to move to the Blackjack table. How long does it take to sing the song God Save the Queen? I mean, Shrimp come from the ocean, so it's not that big of a stretch. As do we all, mate. As do we all.
Starting point is 01:19:31 That's true. So say we all. So say we all. Battlestar Galactica. Oh, are you a sci-fi fan? I'm a sci-fi fan. Oh, really? What's your favorite?
Starting point is 01:19:40 You an SD1 guy? Any recommendations? I'm looking for something new to watch sci-fi wise. Blake Seven, of course. You've got to watch Blake Seven. Well, okay. Doctor Who. Yes, Doctor Who.
Starting point is 01:19:51 That's the only sci-fi that really matters in it. You guys are really getting along. On this, we agree, Byron. That is the rule. All right. Good, good, good. I mean, do you have a, I guess, you don't have a problem with Byron here.
Starting point is 01:20:04 I mean, the guy who shot you is Dalton Wilcox, right? Oh, I've got a problem with Byron. What's your problem with me? Dalton Wil- You're full of questions, aren't you, Byron? All I'm trying to do is steal your fiancée away if, and if killing you to do it is what's needed, I'm perfectly willing.
Starting point is 01:20:22 Do you hear yourself, mate? Do you hear yourself? You're shouting. Are you even aware of the breeze? I actually can't hear myself that well, and that's why I do tend to shout sometimes. Oh. I do, mates, let me just say,
Starting point is 01:20:36 I do have a bit of tinnitus, and so I often cannot hear myself that well, and so sometimes I will speak more loudly than I realize I'm speaking, so if that does happen, I do it. This makes sense to the Gris. But there is also anger! Are you even aware, the Gris,
Starting point is 01:20:52 of the plan to take you up into space? Do you even know that that's happening and that that's one of the side benefits of marrying a royal? Are you even aware? Indeed, I am aware, and no one's going to keep me from marrying Lady Amelia
Starting point is 01:21:07 and go into space or deep under the ocean or whatever she wants to go, because I'm in love with her, and that's the truth. What are you going to do out in space, the Gris? I don't know, space things? I mean, I can see it. Collect rocks?
Starting point is 01:21:24 Does it sound that exciting? I don't, what's exciting to me is being by the side of my lady love. What's kind of wonderful about being able to, because previously when we were speaking to Byron a couple of weeks ago, we got this whole story, and I got really wrapped up in Byron
Starting point is 01:21:44 surviving the apocalypse on Earth and living in space, but now that I'm talking to the Gris, what I realize at the heart of this is a love story. At the heart of this is a story about Lady Amelia and the Gris, and that their love is true. It's true.
Starting point is 01:22:01 Well, he did mention money and sex. That money was number three. And also survive. Love was number one, sex was number two, and money was number three. Yes. For me, space is number one. You have finally a romantic ranking.
Starting point is 01:22:20 What are you going to do with money out in space? Are you going to turn it into space bucks? Buy rocks. Can I ask? Hey, that's not answered. Now, here's an interesting question. Well, we'll be the judge then. Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 01:22:34 Byron, knowing that you had faked Prince Philip's death using what you believed to be the corpse of the Gris, have you been trying to woo Lady Amelia as a new suitor or as the Gris? Have you been impersonating the Gris? And if so, I'd like to hear how that's going. Well, no, I have been a new suitor, but rumor has reached my ears
Starting point is 01:23:01 that Dalton Wilcox has been impersonating the Gris, the man that he believed he killed to try to approach you. Why would he do that? Because don't you all want the Gris out of the way? We got to get through. Is Dalton available? I have no idea. I have no idea where he is.
Starting point is 01:23:16 He has Dalton around. Can we call him or...? I have been trying to present myself as a new suitor, but Dalton, who believed up and said, well, it still believes that he killed the Gris, has sort of stepped into his shoes and tried to take his place to marry Lady Amelia. He literally stepped into my shoes.
Starting point is 01:23:31 And you know what's funny is that my shoes is bigger than Dalton Wilcox's shoes. And so he's had his stuffed newspaper in his toes. Wow. It is very funny. Wow. You can tell they're not his shoes. His feet are...
Starting point is 01:23:45 They look ridiculous on his body. That must infuriate Dalton Wilcox because newspapers are usually from the city. Yeah, you must hate that. He must hate that all that city type. He would prefer just manure-strewn rags instead of newspapers, but that's all he could get. Kerosene-soaked shirt.
Starting point is 01:24:04 You feel like the equivalent of newspapers for cowboys. He's manure-strewn rags. They get delivered on your porch every day. I mean, like, they have wanted posters and such in the old West. Well, did you see the manure? Did you see the manure-soaked rag today? Yep.
Starting point is 01:24:20 Looks like it's going to rain. Well, look, this is an astounding development in the Byron Dunniston story and the Prince Philip story. And unfortunately, we have to take a break. And the Gris' story? Well, the Gris' story continues on. That's perhaps the most astounding development of all.
Starting point is 01:24:39 This, I will say, based on the theme, this is a bit of a Grismis story. That's true. I mean, the Scrooge gang is ready. A Grismis carol? A Grismis carol? Are we in the Scrooge gang? A Grismis carol.
Starting point is 01:24:49 Well, we have to take a break. But can you guys stick around? Is that a...? Oh, I'll be sticking around. Okay, wonderful. I do have a tea later with Lady Amelia, but I can give you a little more time. Oh, I regret to inform you, your lordship,
Starting point is 01:25:07 that tea has been canceled. She is a park ranger. She's one of our wonderful park rangers out there in our national parks. And last time we talked to her, she was up in the St. Louis Arch, which Byron and Jason, we mentioned, I believe, the last time you were on the show.
Starting point is 01:25:29 And we'll see what's going on with her now. Please welcome back to the show Marjorie Kershaw. Hi, Scott. Thanks for having me. Happy anniversary. One, two, one, two. Yeah, check one, two, one, two here. Thanks so much for being on the show.
Starting point is 01:25:42 You remembered. Jason, I don't know if you've ever met Jason. I don't think we have ever met. It's lovely to meet you, Marjorie. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. And of course Byron Deniston, who's from Mary Old England. Yes, indeed.
Starting point is 01:25:54 Hi. You know, the sheriff of Nottingham, et cetera. Yeah, yeah. OK, great. Hi. Nice to meet you. Pleasure, pleasure. Famous Denizens of England.
Starting point is 01:26:01 I'm lumping you in with. I've never been to the St. Louis Arch. But now I'm excited to visit it. Now that it's a national park, I wouldn't go if it was simply a thing. Oh yeah, Gateway to the West. And of course, we have the Gris here. I don't know if you've ever met the Gris.
Starting point is 01:26:17 Have you ever gone to the St. Louis Arch? Never been. But it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Nice to meet you. Well, Scott, I'm actually not at the Arch right now. No? Where? What's happened to you?
Starting point is 01:26:27 I'm at arguably the jewel of the NPS Yosemite. The national park system. That's right. You're in Yosemite? I'm here. I'm here. Dinkett transferred, not working here. Just took my personal time to come out and look at it,
Starting point is 01:26:43 because you know, it's been my dream for a long time. That's where you want to get to. That's where I want to get to. That's the big show. That's the game. I thought you'd been called up. But no, you're just there on the... That's the big leagues?
Starting point is 01:26:54 That's the big league. That's the old... So the Arch is kind of AAA baseball? If that. Well, yeah, you know, I've been sort of... I've been making a name for myself through some of the lesser parks, Jason. So I started at Pinnacles in California,
Starting point is 01:27:09 as I call them, the Jazz Hands of Central California. Sure. Then I was moved up to the Gates of the Arctic, Lease Visited Park in Alaska. Dry Tortugas in Florida, which is just a big fort. Then the Arch, during COVID, where you couldn't go in the elevator. But I'm here on my personal time at,
Starting point is 01:27:27 well, I would say the best park in the system. The Crown Jewel. The Crown Jewel. This is where you want to get, but you're just there on PT. Yep, yep, yep. And unfortunately, Scott, I did suffer a mild ankle injury, just as I was going through the South Gate
Starting point is 01:27:41 at Wawona Campground. You know, I say, don't ever take a social trail, but there was a gum wrapper I wanted to get. And... Oh! No! So you bet... What happened?
Starting point is 01:27:52 You stepped on a pebble? Yeah, I just took a... I took a route the wrong way, and Tim Burton, did I go? Just like a big, old, general... Tim Burton? Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. Tim Burton?
Starting point is 01:28:04 Yeah. Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland took me down. Started off great and interesting, and then was terrible at the end. That's right. That's so far my experience here at Old South Gate, but... You didn't like the Fraptious Day? Oh, Kalu Kalei.
Starting point is 01:28:19 It didn't work out. I chortled with my not joy in this situation. You didn't like the Flahawagin? No. Twas Grillig and the Slivy Toves did. Oops, here I trip, I go. That'd be a fun prank for lumberjacks to play. They would be like, Tim Burton!
Starting point is 01:28:37 And then suddenly Tim Burton walks in, everyone's ducking and turning the other way at trees. And instead of a lumberjack, it was Edward Scissorhands cutting down the tree. That would be funny. That would be funny. Oh, well. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:28:50 Better than the Scrooge Gang? Wait, so Marjorie, are you down? Are you out of commission? Do you need us to send help? Oh, wow. Well, that would be... Are you broadcasting from within the actual park? Do you need help?
Starting point is 01:29:02 Well, just barely within the park. I didn't make it to Tunnel View, haven't seen LCAP or Half Dome yet, haven't gone on a hike to the Cathedral Lakes. Nope, just sitting here. Just can almost see the Grove of Sequoias. Just can almost barely glimpse it for where I am. But you can't see even an inch of it, can you?
Starting point is 01:29:23 Because you're just still just in the gate. Just right within the gate. But the promise of it makes you happy, I can tell. Oh boy, oh boy, I'm almost there. Mrs, is it true that Americans drive through trees there? Oh, well, not within the actual park. They have a drive-through within a tree? There are drive-through trees,
Starting point is 01:29:43 but none of those exist within park boundaries. Is that good for a tree? No, no, certainly not. Certainly not. Oh, look who cares about living things all of a sudden. Yeah, birds are in trees. Do you care about them? Byron?
Starting point is 01:30:00 I like birds as long as their wings work and they don't. Snap. Got a lot of rules. Just that one. So do you need assistance to have any of the rangers come by and see me there? Oh, I've been trying to make some inroads. You know, I'm connected with all these folks on LinkedIn,
Starting point is 01:30:20 but I just... Sure, but are they not refusing? Well, you know, Scott, I don't want to, you know, I don't want to spill any tea, but they are Yosemite park rangers. So, you know, they're a bit of, you know, it's sort of like they're seniors and I'm a freshman. You know, they're a little bit untouchable.
Starting point is 01:30:39 Okay. So if they came by, would you even let them know that you were hurt or would you try and be cool and play it off like everything's fine? I have so far, I've been trying to keep it very cool. Have they swung by? Have they driven by you? Couple people have driven by and say,
Starting point is 01:30:55 hey, do you need any help? And I, oh no, just getting rooted to the ground, just trying to... You should tell them you need assistance. Getting rooted to the ground? Just connecting, just, you know, just trying to reconnect, just trying to surf those frequencies.
Starting point is 01:31:07 How long have you been out there? About 18 hours, but I have, you know, always carry water, so I'm all right so far. And to be clear, you're not stuck. This is, you know, a 127 hours type situation. No, you're at about an 18 hours type situation. This is just frozen by my own anxiety and pride, just trying to make a good impression
Starting point is 01:31:27 on these Yosemite rangers. How far away are you from the car that you arrived in? So, well, I actually just got dropped off on a bus. Didn't splurge for renting a car. You know, just trying to make the most of my time out here. You can't afford that on an elevator operator salary. No, no, no. Well, this is terrible, but...
Starting point is 01:31:49 Oh no, I'm in the park here. We're mere, camped with Teddy Roosevelt and said, hey, ain't this a great idea? I mean, I'm right there. I'm almost at the valley floor. That famous John Muir quote. Hey, isn't this a great idea? Isn't that on a plaque at the beginning of the park?
Starting point is 01:32:09 The mountains are calling and I must, hey, ain't this a good idea? How far away are you from the gate? Are you just on your feet? There's three gates, so I am just within the south gate at Wawona Campground, so I'm technically in the park. Just haven't seen any of its more resplendent views. But if you were to scooch back even like three feet,
Starting point is 01:32:28 would you be outside of the park? Okay, so you just made it right in. Just there. Number two. Yes. So let's talk about the gris. Okay, so a little background. Again, Andy, you know, when I reach out and I say,
Starting point is 01:32:51 hey, you know, Prince Philip just died, we should address it. That's about as far as our planning goes. Like Andy usually then takes it. This is what's true on the Andy episodes. Andy usually goes, yeah, we should. And then he goes off and thinks about it for a little bit and comes in with something and surprises us with it. Okay, so, but all of the stuff about the gris and all that
Starting point is 01:33:15 was all in the moment. So then how did you come? And based on real things. Yes, that's Jason looking it up on Wikipedia going, big news, the gris, all that kind of stuff. So then Paul, you were not planning on playing the gris, is that correct? That's correct.
Starting point is 01:33:31 I don't remember who I was going to play. I do. Because I would have told you, right? Well, also something else happened. You were playing Shevil Knievel. Yes, that's right. So here's how the Zoom episodes are put together. Everyone separately and on a show like this that has 10
Starting point is 01:33:52 people on it plus a band. Everyone is recording their own audio in their own house. Right. And the geniuses here at Earwolf, Devin and Ryan and everyone. He means it in the good way. Yeah, I actually was being sarcastic. Yeah. Oh.
Starting point is 01:34:06 The geniuses over here. Oh, I misread the situation. I apologize. No, they then have to stitch together 12 pieces of audio and make it sound like they're all happening at the same time. And everyone's audio is kind of, everyone has a different mic and a different room. And so everyone is like, is of varying qualities.
Starting point is 01:34:27 And then they all make it all sound like, as close as possible to the, to us being in the same room as possible. Right. Now, everyone presses record at different times. And you, because you were one of the first guests on, you knew you were coming on right after Jason and Andy. You had pressed record before your entrance.
Starting point is 01:34:46 Yes. And I muted my microphone. You muted your Zoom. So you guys couldn't hear me. Yes. I muted my Zoom. So you guys could hear me. So we could not hear this.
Starting point is 01:34:53 You, you, you were not on camera or anything, but you were warming up doing your voice. Yeah. Cause I hadn't done it. I'd only done it once before. Once before. And so you were. So I listened to it.
Starting point is 01:35:05 I went back and listened to a little bit of the episode so I could get the voice. And then I was practicing it out loud. And what is your catchphrase that you were saying? It's, you're rude, you're bad. Yes. So you, you were like kind of going, you're a rude, young man. And you, you were like warming up your voice.
Starting point is 01:35:21 And none of us could hear that while we were doing the show. Right. So that was the character you were going to do. I bring that up simply because this is one of the few snafus, AKA situation normal, all fouled up. Oh, my big part. I apologize. That happened on the show where when, when the guys put it
Starting point is 01:35:43 together, they'll, they'll lay out the starting point for everyone's audio and they'll, and they'll like mute certain sections of it. But the episode got put out accidentally with your warm up unmuted. Yeah. And so the first people who listened to the episode right when it comes out, um, before we caught it about an hour
Starting point is 01:36:05 in or something like that, um, an hour in, I started seeing people mentioning like, why are we hearing Paul saying you're a rude young man while the other people are talking. And then I didn't play that character. Yeah. It was, it was very, I mean, I felt embarrassed. I'm glad that you had a sense of humor about it, um, to see like your warm up being revealed to the, I mean, you know,
Starting point is 01:36:25 it doesn't sound any different than what I do on the show. Yes, exactly. Anyway, so we, uh, thankfully about an hour, uh, into it, we took that version down and, uh, re-up to the one where you were muted on it. But then let's talk about what actually happened. So we were, you were planning on doing that. And then we talked about the gris and suddenly while we were
Starting point is 01:36:50 talking, I get a text from you that says, Hey, should I just play the gris? And I love those kinds of surprises on the show. Um, neither Andy nor Jason had any idea that was going to happen. So I immediately rubbed back and said, Yes, you should. And I said, just come in whenever. And you found a perfect moment.
Starting point is 01:37:10 I mean, just listening to it back, it is, it's, it's, it's, the whole thing sounds planned. It's like you picked a perfect moment to enter. It takes Andy listening back to it. It takes Andy by surprise. Hey, man, that was such, I remember his face when I started doing it. He doesn't quite know how to handle it.
Starting point is 01:37:26 He's such a great improviser, but he is surprised to the point where he's a little like, Oh, wait, what now? What is it? What is this happening? And then your voice is great. And, uh, it's just one of, one of the best moments. I also don't think I turned on my camera right away. Oh, I think I, I think I unmuted my mic and started talking.
Starting point is 01:37:47 And start talking. And so he was very confused. So he didn't even know it was you. Maybe. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, just a great, great moment. And, um, a funny, I mean, it reminds me a little of last
Starting point is 01:37:59 year's countdown when, um, Sean, as Rudy, I think was talking about being a kick boss, being his sponsor. And then I, I, I too, surprised in my text to do like, can you, can you hop on this zoom right now and be a kick boss? And you surprised him as playing kick boss. So it's, it's, there were, there were little funny things that we could do like that over zoom where that we couldn't do in the studio where if you had been sitting here in the room,
Starting point is 01:38:27 your communication of should I play the gris would have been apparent to Andy, but it truly was a surprise to Andy. Maybe, maybe not. That's true. Actually in the studio, I probably would have just done it without asking you. Yes. Which would have been fine too.
Starting point is 01:38:40 But, um, but he at least would have known you were there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like about to do something or whatever. He wouldn't have thought as he clearly did that the real gris was somehow on the zoom. Well, that was great. And then Jessica, obviously doing Marjorie stuck there. That's right.
Starting point is 01:38:57 Is really funny. And so yeah, great choice for number two guys, but there, it's, there's another one still to come. There's an even better episode. Yeah, I know. I mean, technically it's the best one according to the people that voted, but it's number one. It's number one.
Starting point is 01:39:14 Like I just listened to three and two. What? I'm going to listen to number one. But look, we also have the snowman game. We have the snowman game. Don't lose heart. You know what, Scott? I'm going to up the end.
Starting point is 01:39:22 I'm going to say once again, we will in unison sign off with Jerry Springer sign off. That's right. We, so that is coming up as well. And do you want to up the ante? Do you want to raise the stakes for the snowman game? Okay. Keep talking.
Starting point is 01:39:36 Monetarily. Yes. Okay. Whoever the snowman looks at, I will, I will personally pay $100 to. And if the snowman looks at no one, you give everyone $200. Oh, shit. If the snowman looks at no one,
Starting point is 01:40:02 it's more likely to look at no one. Yeah, it is. Frankly, it is. But if it doesn't look at no one, it's, if it does look at someone, that's so exciting. Shit. I got to, okay. If the snowman looks at no one,
Starting point is 01:40:19 what's the better way to do this? If snowman looks at no one, you donate $100 to charity. Fuck, I don't want to do that either. If the snowman looks at someone, you give that person $100 and then $100 to donate to charity. Okay. If the, if the, if the snowman looks at no one, I donate $100 to the snowman's charity of choice.
Starting point is 01:40:43 Absolutely. Which will probably be to like extinguish the sun or something like that. Exactly. Something like that. Oh, God. If the snowman looks at someone, I'll donate $100 to charity and to that person. Okay.
Starting point is 01:40:55 And if it looks at me, I'm doing none of it. That makes sense. Okay. Yeah, I can't argue with that. All right, when we come back, we'll have your episode number one. And the snowman game conclusion. We'll be right back.
Starting point is 01:41:12 Comedy bang bang, we are back and Paul. Come out and play. Come out and play. Do you think there's people that think that's a good movie? I still haven't seen it. It's adult. It's, it's a reference that I've known my entire adult life. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:41:30 And yet I have never seen it. I saw it, I think, within the last five years. Oh, really? Maybe 10, but, but as an adult and it's. It's not good. It's not good. Movies generally. But you know what, I will say this.
Starting point is 01:41:40 It's worth seeing because it's weird. Yeah. Okay. It's weird. It's worth seeing. Movies pre. 2013 are pretty bad. Movies pre 2013 are pretty bad and I don't like them.
Starting point is 01:41:55 Go. Movies pre 2013 are pretty bad and I don't like them. And I wish that everyone who's in them were dead. Movies pre 2013 are not good and I don't like them. And I wish that everyone that was in them was dead. That's what I said. Yeah. You just repeat the right thing.
Starting point is 01:42:20 No, but I have to add more onto it. And I hope someone pisses on their graves. Movies before 2013 are pretty bad and I don't like them. And I hope everyone that was in them is dead. And I hope someone pisses in their graves. And I wish that someone was me. Movies pre 2013 are not good and I don't like them. And I hope everyone in them is dead.
Starting point is 01:42:54 Oh no. And I hope someone pisses on their graves. And I hope that person is me and it is. I'm doing it now. Oh no. Shit. You're making a mess. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:43:06 Why do we keep graves in here of all these people? It's scary. I meant to say this to you. We've been doing it over years. It's terrifying in here. Why are we doing this? It's freezing cold. There's cobwebs everywhere.
Starting point is 01:43:20 Oh god, Paul, we're here. Yeah. You believe it? We knew this would happen. We knew it would happen. I did it again. Lunch. Oh, you know what?
Starting point is 01:43:32 I think that will help people. If they say lunch, I did it again. Like, oops, I did it again. Lunch, I did it again. Because it's like I finished lunch, lunch, I did it again. What about? I did it again. Lunch.
Starting point is 01:43:45 Which do you think is going to be easier to remember to do every single time you have lunch? Well, I guess when you hear the word lunch, you'll think, I got to say lunch, I did it again. I think also when you think the word lunch, we want people to think the word. Because it's always going to be announcing, I'm having a lunch now, like a king.
Starting point is 01:44:00 I think that we want them to get to the point where they're thinking to themselves, I'm going to eat lunch. Like final bite, they should say to themselves, what did I just do? Oh yeah, lunch. I did it again. Here's what you need to do. You need to think to yourself, what did I just do?
Starting point is 01:44:16 But don't like. What did I just do? Lunch. When did I do it? Yeah, then. You don't have to, again, you don't have to, you don't have to think the words, what did I just do? You should feel that.
Starting point is 01:44:27 You should feel it. It's emotional. It's like if we could remind, it would just be a jumble of like, want this beer, pussy. That was my dog. Once this beer, pussy. I was like once saying, oh, I wish my dogs could talk
Starting point is 01:44:47 because I would love to hear what they had to say to me. You know, and my dad was like, all it would be is a bunch of random just like, food, food, food, food, food. What do you, hey Gary Larson, take it easy. He should collaborate with Morrissey though. I think, Gary Larson, if you're listening to this, and I know you are.
Starting point is 01:45:04 And I know you are. You have nothing but time on your hands. He would be who could make Morrissey good again. You guys are perfect for each other. Don't you see you fools? How surprising would it be if they- If they got married? Well, if they got married, yeah, all the time.
Starting point is 01:45:22 I mean, that would be- He's famously celibate. Is Gary Larson married? I don't know. Is he still celibate Morrissey? Yeah, well, probably, yeah. I mean, no, no, no, no. I thought there was a song where he was like,
Starting point is 01:45:36 I'm not celibate anymore, I'm having some sex. And heaven knows, guess what, hand jobs count. Okay, we gotta get to it. Yeah, let's eat our vegetables. This is your episode number one. Number one. Okay. Okay, I gotta know.
Starting point is 01:45:59 Episode- Gotta know the stats and the dates. What do you think? Is it in the 600s or the 700s? I think it's in the 700s. Would it surprise you, then, to know it's episode 696? Yeah, I guess so, because I said fucking 700s. Now I look like an idiot, thanks a lot.
Starting point is 01:46:13 Sorry to embarrass you like this. Fuck off! Fuck off! Logan Roy! Why does he say his own name so much on the show? Logan Roy! Logan Roy! This is from March 8th, 2021.
Starting point is 01:46:29 March 8th. So it's only been March for like a week and a day. Yeah, I can't... Is that right? Yeah. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Yeah. Nine, ten, eleven, twelve.
Starting point is 01:46:42 Twelve. This is... Do you want to know the title? Yeah, I do. This is an episode called Rather Good. Okay. Yes, that is our number one episode of the year, the episode called Rather Good.
Starting point is 01:47:01 Let us name the participants. This has the aforementioned Gillian Jacobs. Correct. Finally, in a number one episode. Hey, yeah. She's been in some great episodes in the past, has never been number one. She's been in some great episodes, but this is exciting.
Starting point is 01:47:14 She is in the number one episode of the year. This has Deanna reasonover. I've been off more than I can chew with that one. I ran out of breath very quickly in that. Deanna reasonover is in this. This is her first time on the show, and she gets in the number one episode. Imagine that.
Starting point is 01:47:32 This has Paul F. Tompkins. Me. And this has Neil Campbell. That's right. He of the Rather Good. The Rather Good catchphrase. Okay, so little background. I guess all you really need to know is Deanna and Gillian
Starting point is 01:47:47 have a podcast together called Periodic Talks. And you brought them in after a little background dropped out. Yep. I did a background check on them as well. Deanna is on NCIS. That is germane to the clip we're going to hear. Navy, criminal, investigation services. We talk about, I think you hear this in the clip,
Starting point is 01:48:10 we talk about what she plays on NCIS. And this episode, I'm glad it's number one. It is, it's one of the few, especially during the Zoom era, when I would have to listen to them in full. There's a lot of times I don't like to listen to these back. But during the Zoom era, I had to dutifully listen to them all so we could edit them together correctly and make them cut out any of the weirdness of like, what'd you say?
Starting point is 01:48:37 What'd you say? Right. And this is one where after, but after I was done, it was like, don't want to hear it again until I have to do the best ofs. And this is one that Coolop started playing. And I, like about three days after it came out, and she was wandering around the house playing it.
Starting point is 01:48:59 And I just found myself engrossed back in it again. And I listened to the entire thing with her. And we just sat there laughing at it. It's so funny. The interview is fun with both Gilly and Deanna. And then you come in, you have a great character. And then Neil comes in with another great character. And we're going to hear a little sections of all of it in these clips.
Starting point is 01:49:20 I mean, it's number one. It deserves to have sections of all. Yes. You play, do you remember who you play? Was I Alemone Tony? No, you were Ale Peterson. The smooth criminal. Very similarly named.
Starting point is 01:49:32 He's the smooth criminal. And we talk about that for a bit. And then Neil plays Alistair Brown, who I don't want to spoil for you, but he plays Alistair Brown. So we're going to hear a good chunk of this and great episode. You chose it. So let's hear it. This is what you wanted.
Starting point is 01:49:49 This is your number one. Number one. And Deanna, we have seen you in NCIS recently. Have you? Well, I mean, I'm not 80 years old. This is a show that deals with naval crime. Is that right? There's apparently rampant amounts of naval crimes happening.
Starting point is 01:50:14 Are there standards of acceptance into the Navy so low that they just are taking wanton criminals? It's not the Navy. It's never the Navy. It's always surrounding the Navy. Well, where does the Navy have jurisdiction? Is it just like within 50 yards of a boat? What is this?
Starting point is 01:50:31 I'm pretty sure they have land and sea jurisdiction. Just land and sea. Oh, yeah. The Army and Air Force and Marines, they only have the land. Oh, yeah. Oh, that's the great thing about the Navy is that you think you can dive under water and commit crime. You can because we've got sea jurisdiction as well.
Starting point is 01:50:47 Seems like there's a lot of scenes that take place on docks. Is that fair to say? Not as many as there used to be. You know, COVID has really wreaked havoc on our dock work. It's been very difficult. Is everyone just taping it in their houses and splicing the footage together or what? I would love that.
Starting point is 01:51:03 I would absolutely love it. I have a cat who's constantly begging for attention, so I would love her to appear on screen. And what parts do you play on the show? Okay, so let's list the kinds of parts that are on the show. You have the brash investigator who thinks first. No, acts first, acts first, thinks later. Yes, not that, not me.
Starting point is 01:51:23 Not you. Okay, you have the rye sarcastic co-star who's there to kind of add a quip or two whenever a dead body turns up. Ooh, very close, but also not me. And then you have a computer nerd. Ding ding, you found me. There we go.
Starting point is 01:51:41 Did the glasses tip you off? Yeah, absolutely. Real life nerd in other ways, fake TV computer nerd. I see, so it's essentially you staring down at a computer for long stretches of time and saying like, the guy ripped off the naval handker chiefs is outside of the area where we can track him. Is that essentially what you do?
Starting point is 01:52:04 Well, I feel like, okay, so she does do some computer work. I feel like I short changed her and NCIS are going to be, fans are going to be really mad because they're going to say, McGee's the computer nerd. So I feel like I should have you let you have another guess at exactly who I am. Oh, okay, so wait, there's already a computer nerd.
Starting point is 01:52:22 Yes. And you thought you were a computer nerd, so you are on a few computers every once in a while. Yeah, I need computers to do my work, but I wouldn't qualify. Okay, IT person? Computer technician? Guy who comes in and fixes?
Starting point is 01:52:35 Nope, not yet, not the fixer. You usually have like a brainy person in the lab who's looking at evidence? Okay, that's me, yeah. That is you. That's me, yes. Okay, so you're like pouring vials out into the sink going, oh, this DNA is old.
Starting point is 01:52:52 Yeah, this DNA is so old, I can't tell what it is. It's too old and corrupted. Someone call bones. You know what, one of our writers actually used to work for bones and I did- The real bones? The real bones and I several times have asked him to please put a bones joke in the script and he won't do it.
Starting point is 01:53:12 Isn't it weird that David Boreanas, if you take out a bunch of the letters in his last name, it spells bones, but he didn't play bones. Oh, I just had to pause because you blew my mind. I never thought about that. Isn't it weird? Do you think about this a lot? Hell yeah, this is the first time it's come up on this show,
Starting point is 01:53:31 but it's a daily thing for me. Anyway, Gilly, you ever be on that NCIS? Not yet, emphasis on yet. Your offer only, I'm imagining, when it comes to something like NCIS. What kind of part would you accept on that? This is such a great question, Scott. I think that perhaps I would like to play-
Starting point is 01:54:02 Hmm. Ooh, maybe, hmm, I could be a witness. Gilly, by the way, is looking around like it's a beautiful mind, just like looking at the possibilities flashing in front of her face. So many different types of roles. You couldn't see the thought bubbles?
Starting point is 01:54:22 Perhaps a witness. A witness, a witness to what? A naval crime. Hey, that's right in their wheelhouse. Witnesses only get like one scene. We could start a spin-off with you. Usually a witness, okay, here's, I think, the formula for these shows.
Starting point is 01:54:42 Go to the obvious culprit first. They say, I was never even there. Find out a piece of evidence that places them at the scene. Go back to the person, they say, okay, I was there, but not for the reason that I lied because I'm actually having an affair and I didn't want it to come out. I was there, but I didn't do it.
Starting point is 01:55:04 Then it's pointing towards someone that all of the evidence finally points to and then it comes back around the first person actually did it. Oh, really? Yeah, actually. You can do NCIS Burbank. I think that you can officially write that if you want.
Starting point is 01:55:18 So who am I? Am I the person? Yeah, you're the person. Look, you're gonna be the biggest star on the episode and whomever is the biggest star on the episode always did it because they want that juicy scene at the end where they're like, oh, of course I did it. You got me.
Starting point is 01:55:34 Okay, I'll do that. Sure. I thought all I thought the ocean would wash all the DNA away. Yes. Great. That's me. That's me.
Starting point is 01:55:43 That's totally you. Can I hear a little bit of that monologue? Okay, sure. Is this my, this is the final monologue, third act? Final monologue where they're about to slap the Navy cuffs on you. I don't know whether you have different equipment. Yeah, water cuffs we call them.
Starting point is 01:55:55 What I was gonna say. They're ice. They just freeze them. All right, you got me. Thought I could get away with it. Thought the water would wash away the evidence. Thought you'd never figure it out. Thought I erased all the tapes.
Starting point is 01:56:13 But those darn forensic scientists got me. Just when I thought I got away with it. Is that it? Yeah, that was pretty good. All right. Not bad. That was it. What if we added a level to it where,
Starting point is 01:56:30 I'm not quite sure who your character is. Not McGee. McGee adjacent. Deanna, who's, what's the name of your character? Casey. Casey. Casey. Is that a K and a C or is that a C-A-S-E-Y?
Starting point is 01:56:42 That's K-A-S-I-E. Okay, they're just getting tricky with this. Okay, but say your, say your Casey's best friend. Oh no, betrayal. Betrayal. All right, try to add that wrinkle there. Now you're talking to, Casey is the one who actually uncovered the crime
Starting point is 01:56:58 because she was in her lap. She like was in her home lab. And you left a piece of evidence in your room or like in the fridge, in the common area. You want, you want a little lead in for you? Please, please. Yeah, great, okay. Marta, how could you do it?
Starting point is 01:57:16 Casey, I can't believe this. I knew you were a forensic genius, but I didn't know you were this smart. I had to. You don't understand. I had to. They were after me and they said, if I didn't do it, then they were gonna get me.
Starting point is 01:57:31 And I thought, I've learned so much from you as my best friend that I knew all the tricks, how I could get away from it. But I didn't realize that you had new forensic technology that would catch me. Oh no, oh no. Take her away Poseidon. And then he rises from the deep.
Starting point is 01:57:51 Of course, yeah. He has the ultimate jurisdiction over the sea, of course, as we know. Stabs you in the butt with that little pitchfork. Oh, ow. He is more commonly known as the smooth criminal. Please welcome back to the show, Allie Peterson. Scott, thank you for having me back on the show.
Starting point is 01:58:13 It's a pleasure to see you again. It's a pleasure to have you. What a voice. Whoa, whoa, whoa. This is Gillian, this is Deanna. Hello ladies, how do you do? Ooh, that's better now, thank you. So, hmm, so those low rumbles are having an effect
Starting point is 01:58:29 on my other guest cell. People do enjoy my voice, it's true. They don't, I think it compensates for my appearance, which of course is somewhat grotesque, as I am completely hairless. What? That's, well, Allie Peterson suffers. Let me step into the light.
Starting point is 01:58:46 Yes, as you can see, I am completely hairless. 01:58:49,360 --> 01:58:52,720 You'll have to take my word for it to prove my point. Okay, well, you've proven it. Please put on some cargo shorts. All right, I will put on, at your request, some cargo shorts. And a tank top, maybe at least. I do not have a tank top, I can put on this hoodie.
Starting point is 01:59:09 Thank you very much. Al, you suffer from the ailments, commonly known as alopecia, is that correct? Well, that is actually not true. If you'll recall, Scott, I faked alopecia to get out of a long-term relationship. I'm sorry, I've forgotten already. So I have shaven myself from head to toe,
Starting point is 01:59:32 and I continue to do so out of respect for a love lost. So there's no current reason why you should be doing this, because you faked the relationship with, what was her name again? I did not fake the relationship. Faked the illness to get out of the relationship. Yes, a quick summation, I know that Scott, you need this every time.
Starting point is 01:59:56 I was in a long-term relationship with my college sweetheart, Carlefer. I got cold feet when it seemed that we'd been together long enough that the marriage question was going to come up. And so in a terrible, terrible fit of misjudgment, I assumed that she would break up with me if she discovered I had alopecia. But I misjudged Carlefer.
Starting point is 02:00:24 She is a bigger person than that. She's not a shallow person. I had to face my own stupidity, frankly, and leave the relationship with, unfortunately, her favorite hoodie. And she has been hunting me to this day, but in the meantime, I have helped other people get out of tricky situations by means of my business, which is, of course, to help you fake your own death.
Starting point is 02:00:58 So you help people fake their deaths, not alopecia. Did you start having people fake alopecia first? No, but if you'll recall, step one in faking your own death is you shave your entire body. Except the anus, is that right? Except you retain the hair around your anus to keep some sense of your own identity private to yourself. Yes.
Starting point is 02:01:21 So that is step one. And then step two and three at everything we've gone through many, many times. Fake passports, fake driver's license, all that stuff. But you must, must, must shave your entire body first. Right. Can we go backwards a little bit to the romance with Carlefer? Do you have any questions about that, Killian or Deanna? You're currently wearing the hoodie without a shirt on underneath.
Starting point is 02:01:42 That's right. I just want to ask the feeling of... Doesn't feel like I'm having her on my flesh. Yes, of course. No, no, no. I was going to ask the feeling of a zipper. I really jumped the gun there. Do you dislike the feeling of a zipper just on your sternum without a shirt there?
Starting point is 02:01:59 I like, I actually enjoy the cold sensation. I enjoy the warmth of the hoodie with that one thin line of cold on my sternum, especially because I'm hairless. It's the sort of pleasure pain principle. Aren't you worried that, you know, the smell of Carlefer is no longer going to be on the hoodie if you wear it, you know, next to your bare skin? Oh, you're... Oh, I see what you're saying, Scott.
Starting point is 02:02:26 I see what you're saying, but you're wrong. Your scent. Because, because I am completely hairless, her scent is retained in the hoodie. Oh, smell is on the hair. Smell is on the hair. As the lady in this gear once sang. I'm a little confused about timeline here. So you were in the relationship and then you started faking alopecia?
Starting point is 02:02:50 Yes. That's what... Did you do it suddenly? Did you gradually shave? Was it a subtle? It was extremely suddenly. I shaved one night, she was asleep, crept into the bathroom. I shaved my entire body, standing over the toilet.
Starting point is 02:03:06 So all the hair would go down, I could flush it easily. And I crept back into bed and waited for her to discover, well, she's a heavy sleeper. And so in the morning I had to shout, oh no, I seem to have contracted alopecia overnight. This woke her up and she... Oh, it woke her up. It woke her up and she immediately profess sympathy and wanted to take care of me. And I realized, oh no, I have made a grave mistake. And so she went into the bathroom to see if there were any sort of
Starting point is 02:03:40 anti-alopecia, unguents or salves that we had in the medicine cabinet. And I took that opportunity to grab the first piece of clothing available, her hoodie, and jump out the window. So you defenestrated? I did. Oh my goodness. I used the hoodie as a sort of parachute. Did you wrap it around your fist to break the glass open or did you...
Starting point is 02:04:05 I'd just open the window. Why would I... Oh, I see. Oh, yeah. I don't want Carlefer to knock in the deposit back on the apartment. Have you ever found yourself in another relationship? I have forbidden myself to be in other relationships. I've come close and of course I've had one million one-night stands.
Starting point is 02:04:25 One million? I mean, that's a rough estimate. It's a guesstimate. How long have you been away from Carlefer? Well, let's see, that happened when I was 25. I am now years old. Forgive my vanity. But about 50?
Starting point is 02:04:41 About that, yeah. Can I ask, where do you advertise your services? I advertise my services, of course, on the dark web, the Silk Road, the Penny Saver, misconnections, very carefully worded misconnections. Have you ever gotten any of those one-night stands out of that accidentally? Most of my one-night stands are people misreading the artfully worded misconnections. Can we hear one? Can we hear one of you?
Starting point is 02:05:11 Sure. You wanting to fake your own death, the guy who could do it. I mean, it's intriguing. As far as I'm concerned, I would call it up. Suddenly, just things happen and your bodies are tangled up. I get it. Oh, yeah, yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 02:05:34 One time, I was able to have a one-night stand with a woman who was also completely hairless by choice, and it was a magical night. I just want to say that, two completely hairless, mole-rat-like bodies are sliding together. It seems aerodynamic. It was aerodynamic. It's the fastest sex I've ever had. Like three seconds and you're done?
Starting point is 02:06:04 It was extremely efficient. Cucumbers mingling in a bowl. That's, please, Yana. You're going to be all worked up over here. Wow, and Carlefer, how did she get that name? Aren't you interested in that, Gillian, in the auto? I think I may have told you this before. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 02:06:27 It's not ringing any bells. Carlefer, the name comes from both her parents' names, Carl and Jennifer. They named her Carlefer. And I thought it was a, although I loved Carlefer to the moon and back, I thought it was a clue. But did you, though? I did. The problem was, Gillian, I didn't love myself enough.
Starting point is 02:06:54 Have you ever written a song about your feelings of guilt and remorse? All the time. I don't know. Gillian, I feel like we were going to get to the bottom of this Carlefer thing. So sorry. Which might be my favorite part. It's funny. It seems that most people are not as interested as you are, Scott, in the origin of Carlefer's name.
Starting point is 02:07:15 I feel like we figured it out, though, right? Combining the parents' names. There you go. Carle and Jennifer. That's it. That's a clumsy poor manto. And you told them as much. Well, I told Carle, Carlefer's father.
Starting point is 02:07:30 This was earlier. And please, Scott, stop me if you've heard the story before. This was early in our relationship. And Carlefer invited me to her parents' house for dinner. And I was meeting them for the first time. Carle was a spineless, sniveling worm. Jennifer was a vermouth drunk. She was an alcoholic, but only with vermouth.
Starting point is 02:08:00 She was in the kitchen probably on her third bottle of vermouth of the night. May I ask, I'm sorry. What is vermouth? I don't know. Vermouth is a mixer commonly used in martinis. You pour it out a lot. It has a low amount of alcohol. OK.
Starting point is 02:08:13 So you have to drink quite a bit? Quite a bit to get drunk. But she developed a taste for it. She certainly did in the most terrible way possible. Dry or sweet? I think for her, as long as it ends in mouth, put it in my mouth. Ver truth. Mouth, mouth, truth mouth.
Starting point is 02:08:40 So I was stuck in the living room with Carle, as Carlefer was upstairs getting ready for dinner, making herself even more beautiful as if that were possible. And I remember saying to Carle, shaking his hand and saying, Carlefer is a clumsy portmanteau. As I was doing so, I was forcing him to crouch before me by the sheer force of my handshake. And he thanked me for telling him it was a clumsy portmanteau. Like the sniveling worm he was. Like the sniveling worm he was.
Starting point is 02:09:22 But we do need to get to our next guest. He is an art critic. Please welcome for the first time on the show, Alistair Brown. Thank you for having me, Scott. My pleasure. This is Gillian. Oh, wow, you're getting a round of applause. I guess critics are not used to that.
Starting point is 02:09:38 Not really, no. You're used to giving those out, though, to art that you like. Is that right? Sure. Yes, I offer kudos. Great, great. And if you were to go see a Broadway play, it's customary to clap at the end of those.
Starting point is 02:09:52 Certainly, yes. And that act breaks as well. Sure. I don't know if that's the type of art that you cover. No, I specialize in the visual arts and painting. And I thought maybe I'd come on your program and talk about some of my favorite paintings. And some of your listeners could learn a thing or two about art. All right, so we've cleared the table.
Starting point is 02:10:13 And now we're all set for the meal that is Alistair Brown. So I'll describe a painting. Your listeners can Google it, look up an image, and I'll sort of talk about it a bit. Oh, OK, sure. So do you want us to Google things while you're talking? Sure, yes, unless you're driving. OK, and if you're... OK.
Starting point is 02:10:31 So if you... First, let's give this a try. Paul Cezanne's a boy in a red vest. I'm picturing it right now. If you could just picture it as a boy in a red vest. I'm picturing a little boy and he's wearing a red vest. And if you look at this painting, one thing you may notice about it is that the use of color is rather good.
Starting point is 02:10:57 Yeah, I mean, it is very striking. He's using some brighter colors that one does not normally see. Yes, it's rather good. I agree, yes. Moving on, perhaps we could talk about... Moving on to a different painting. That's it? That's it?
Starting point is 02:11:15 Yes, I was going to talk about Van Gogh's wheat field with crows. So if you look up wheat field with crows, one thing... And not many people always pick up on this, but if you'll notice the brushwork in it is rather good. Okay, the meaning is strokes, how long they are? Yes, the brushwork is strokes. There's no other way to put it, rather good. Okay, hold on now.
Starting point is 02:11:51 Wait a minute. Now wheat field is actually a series of paintings. It's not just one. Yes, but the first one you see, the brushwork is rather good. Okay, should we compare Van Gogh to Cézanne? I mean, Cézanne had a much different style because he was a post-impressionist. That's true. That's true.
Starting point is 02:12:11 His use of color, well, that has one thing they have in common. His use of color and his brushwork are both... Can only be put as good, rather. So they don't have it in common. Their brushwork is not something they have in common. No, just think of the quality. Of their two things. Much like in a Frida Kahlo's girl with a death mask.
Starting point is 02:12:36 Her use of symbolism is rather good. Like what? What symbolizes what in that? Oh, the amount and the specificity. How much, if you had to quantify it, how much symbolism is she using in this painting? Yeah, percentage-wise and then by volume. I would say 97% and I guess that puts it at seven liters.
Starting point is 02:13:07 All right, this guy knows what he's talking about. I don't want to sound nitpicky and I'm not an expert in anything, really, but it feels like these are a little bit of surface analyses. I mean, maybe I don't know anything about art, but this is opening my eyes. Yeah, I can describe some more. Please. Oh, yeah. Sorry, I'm chuckling.
Starting point is 02:13:31 I'm thinking of Andy Warhol's soup can paintings. They do make me laugh. Why? Why? Well, the use of humor is rather good. What was it if you could say, what is it that's so funny about these soup can paintings? Oh, it's a painting.
Starting point is 02:13:57 Uses humor. Just the quality of the humor is what makes it so funny. The quality shines through much. Because if it were a bad quality of humor, that would not be funny. No, it would be grim. You'd be crying, perhaps. Yes, yes. Much like when I watched a grim, I would be crying.
Starting point is 02:14:18 The TV show grim with two hams? Yes. Why were you crying during grim? I was worried the monsters would win. Did you cry for every episode? Most everyone, yes. What about the finale, the series finale? I mean, the monsters didn't win in that, did they?
Starting point is 02:14:37 No, no. But again, usually at the second act break, I'm in tears. But even after repeated episodes where the monsters did not win, you were still concerned. That was the genius of grim. But always. But I'm saying eventually you would catch on that the monsters are not going to win.
Starting point is 02:14:54 Were you worried that just like 12 minutes into one of the episodes they would win and the entire show would be shut down? Yes, frequently. I would always check the TV guide listings to see if the next show is beginning at 8.12. How did you get into art, into your appreciation of art? I don't know. Just always been a fan, I suppose.
Starting point is 02:15:27 What do you remember the first? I've been to a museum. But you've never been to a museum? Oh, no, I've never been to a museum. Oh, where are you seeing these pieces at? JPEGs. And why can I ask, why have you not gone to a museum that I did? I do not live near one?
Starting point is 02:15:45 No, no. Yes, I live on the Washington, Idaho border. Oh, there are museums there, actually. A new port. Washington? Where my street address is? Or an old town, Idaho, where the back of my house is? There's not a museum anywhere around.
Starting point is 02:16:04 Well, I mean, maybe you don't live next door to one or inside of one. But I mean, just a short trip, you could actually get to one. Should go to Spokane if my dad would drive me, but he won't. Wait, how old are you? 27. And you can't drive? Hmm? I know.
Starting point is 02:16:24 I've never learned how to drive, but they didn't offer it at Newport High School. Go Grizzlies. But you could learn, as an adult, you could still learn how to drive. Sure, but I don't have a car anyway, so it's a moot point. But your father does have a car? My father has a car, but he uses it for his business. What's his business? Do you mind?
Starting point is 02:16:46 He's a house painter. Oh, so he doesn't use it during his job. He just uses it to get back and forth. Do you have a car or a truck? A truck with ladders and paint cans. Right. Oh, the usual accoutrements. The usual accoutrements.
Starting point is 02:17:01 Did those cost extra? Factory standard. The cans? Okay, never mind. If you were to learn to drive, maybe your dad would maybe gift you a car or you could buy your own car? I don't think so. He's rather upset with me.
Starting point is 02:17:21 Well, why? Yeah, because I haven't joined the family business. Oh, he wants you to be a house painter. Yes, but I, you know. But you said bad eye and then you just kind of trailed off. Well, I was upset. At what? The name of my father has a business, Brown House Painting,
Starting point is 02:17:42 after our last name, but people get confused and they think you'll only paint your house one color. I always say you should change. You change the name of the company. But he won't do it. It's the list and we have terrible rows. Are there any people that think that he will only paint brown houses and paint them in a different color?
Starting point is 02:18:06 Paint them any color? Yeah. Another misunderstanding that could prevent business. Yes, there are several different misunderstandings, but none of them leave to customers wanting to hire them. They're, yes, he'll only repaint a brown house that he'll only paint, oh, different colored house brown. What is his first name?
Starting point is 02:18:26 His first name? Guthar. Guthar, okay. Guthar. Guthar Brown. But he could literally paint a house that was brown and he could paint a house brown. And he does get a little bit of work doing that.
Starting point is 02:18:40 Sure. He always shows up because what color do you want to? They laugh, they go, well, brown, obviously. Has he thought about any sort of advertisement or even painting something on the truck that says we do all colors? Yes, I mean, he hired a town crier once, but who walked through the town square bringing a bell. Bringing a bell, let's say.
Starting point is 02:19:03 Through Old Town, Idaho? Through Old Town, Idaho, right into Newport, Washington. Now let me ask you something. Across the Ponderay River. Alistair. Just walked across the river? Sorry. Go ahead.
Starting point is 02:19:16 Well, he was on the Thompson Memorial Bridge, but yes. Oh, of course. Are you crying Al? I love detail. I would give you a little emotional thing walking through the bridge with Carlyfer. Let me ask you something, Alistair. I hope it's about the works of George Sera.
Starting point is 02:19:32 It isn't, but may I ask the question anyway? Yes. Yes. You said you haven't gone into your father's painting business and this is not to impugn your art criticism, but how do you make a living? I was going to ask that as well. Do you earn any money from your criticism?
Starting point is 02:19:51 No, I've earned zero money. I'm a dependent on my father's tax forms. Have you shared your views with any other people or are we the first people to hear your views on this art? I've published quite a few Facebook posts. Oh, okay. Analyzing the works of various artists. How many friends do you have on Facebook?
Starting point is 02:20:12 Let's see. My dad. That's nice. My aunt. Oh, your aunt. What does she do? She runs a business that ferries people across the Ponderay River in a rowboat back and forth
Starting point is 02:20:26 if they don't want to use the bridge. Sorry. Sorry, what? You know a rowboat. She takes a rowboat and gets people from one side at the river to the other if they don't like using bridges. How popular is her business? It doesn't seem like there'd be a lot.
Starting point is 02:20:40 Oh, hun. Oh, hun. So does that lead to arguments with her? No, I don't want to forsake any birthday or Christmas gifts. So I say, I hope it's going well. I have a question. Yes. Seemingly unrelated.
Starting point is 02:20:59 Do you believe monsters are real? Is that why you're so afraid watching Grim? I didn't until I began watching it. And then I thought there's no way those could be special effects. Hmm. So you are aware of the concept of special effects. Yes. But you feel that the special effects on Grim
Starting point is 02:21:15 are so good that they must be real monsters. Exactly. I couldn't have put it better myself. That was rather good. It's visual art. So do you hope to be paid for your criticism? Oh, yes. Yes, I'm writing a big paper on Jacob Lawrence on his works.
Starting point is 02:21:33 And what would you say about his work? Oh, Street to Emberia. Just the use of paint is rather good. To the fact that he used paint. Yes. I have a question. I kind of want to dig a little bit. I'm an actor.
Starting point is 02:21:49 It's interesting to me that you are an art critic, specifically painting. Have you ever criticized your father's painting? Yes, I must admit that I have. What was your criticism? What did you say about it? Well, I once looked at one of the houses he painted, and I said, and he said, well, what do you think?
Starting point is 02:22:11 You know, he asked the question. He opened up. Why were you there? And I said, I was just doing my afternoon skip around the neighborhood. I happen to have a house. That happens every afternoon. Every afternoon I do a skip around the neighborhood.
Starting point is 02:22:28 And how long does that take usually? Oh, I would say about half a grim, so 30 months or so. And I was doing half a grim with commercials. Right, half a grim in real life, or half of you are afraid it's 12 minutes grim. No, no, no, half of a full grim that I've kind of endured the entire thing. And I came upon a brown house he was painting.
Starting point is 02:22:54 Did it used to be brown, or this was a brown house he was painting? It was, it used to be snow colored, and then he had painted a brown. So white. And he did the final. Did you say snow colored out of your love for the show, grim? Yes, I said, this is akin to snow. And he said, he had finished his final stroke,
Starting point is 02:23:19 and he said, well, what do you think? So you happened to skip by on his final stroke. On his final stroke, I said, what do you think? And I said, I would not describe it as rather good. Oh, oh, that must have cut him to the quick. Yeah, so we had quite an argument and stuff. Oh, so an argument followed? You know, yes, yes.
Starting point is 02:23:42 It did not precede my harsh words, it ensued. What would you say disqualified your father's house painting job from the rather good category? Too much paint on the window panes. How much? That's fair. What percentage in by volume? Percentage rise.
Starting point is 02:24:05 I'd go 74. Oh, that's too much. That's too much for a window. Even one percent. He doesn't use tape. He just has pain in his ladders. He just eyeballs it on a window? Oh, God.
Starting point is 02:24:22 Oh, by the way, I just got an email, and it's from both Gillian and Diana's parents. What? My mom? Yeah. My mother? Yes, yes. It says that you guys are like Surah.
Starting point is 02:24:44 Huh? Yeah, what does she mean by that? Each of you is a wonderful daughter. Oh, I get it. I got it. Pointillism. Interesting. Rather good.
Starting point is 02:24:59 Number one. Okay. Okay, let's get something out of the way first. Yeah. This was number one. And you chose it. Then you chose it. This was on Zoom, and yet still was episode number one.
Starting point is 02:25:19 And how about it? It doesn't feel like a Zoom episode to me. It really just feels like. I'm going to say, I'm going to say that most of the Zoom episodes do not feel like Zoom episodes to me when I would listen to them. That's good. They felt like the show. They didn't feel like that much different.
Starting point is 02:25:35 I know that other people, maybe it felt more different to them, but I wonder how much of that is just knowing that. Do you know what I mean? And projecting onto it. Well, even now when we do the episodes with Jason and Andy over Zoom, they still, they don't feel like Zoom episodes to me. 02:25:49,280 --> 02:25:49,760 But.
Starting point is 02:25:49 And that's a tribute to not only the people on the show, but also to the tech teams here, yes, the producers and the engineers. Yeah. Yeah, and we'll break down some stats about that a little bit later after we. Oh, fuck yes. After we talk about the episode.
Starting point is 02:26:02 Oh, I can't wait to break down those stats. But yeah, just constant laughs throughout the entire episode. And then Neil's character. We should talk about Neil's character. So Neil comes in with these. He's very expert at these emotionally stunted weirdo characters. We're a little too expert if you ask me. And they tend to have, if I may be bold to say.
Starting point is 02:26:32 Fortune favors the bold. They tend to have very thin premises. But that said, he is very expert at then coming up with escalations and building upon them. And then he has, you know, these escalations in his back pocket sometimes that he trots out like halfway through, you know, the whole painting, his dad painting houses, the brown house painting stuff. I truly should ask him, but I don't know whether that was just in the moment or that was something that he was like,
Starting point is 02:27:07 okay, if I run a steam, I can bring this up. But most of his characters have some sort of weird little thing. Like the one we did with Andy Sandberg a little later in the year where he's the question seeker or the answer seeker, he had the escalation of working at his bullies business. And you listen back and you notice he's seeding it throughout earlier because he's mentioning this certain product several times early in his appearance. And then he trots it out of like, oh, well, I actually worked there.
Starting point is 02:27:46 So wouldn't surprise me if the brown house thing was something that he had planned out, but it also would knowing him, it would not surprise me if that was something that he just came up with in the moment. He's great. One of the things about Neil's characters that's, I think, interesting in comedy is that they are guileless. Yes, like they don't have an agenda. They're never cynical.
Starting point is 02:28:11 They're just like, they're all these dudes who are like, I am presenting my thing, which I think is nice. What do you think? And then they always have some weird thing. They're not angry. They're just purely like, this is my deal. And I also don't think like a lot of people doing these types of characters would know their weirdos and would have been made fun of a lot or something that would affect them.
Starting point is 02:28:37 And Neil's characters are usually like, they're just very into their thing. And yeah, so that, I mean, this whole episode was great. And that was, you just heard a half hour chunk of it, but the whole thing is really good. So great pick for number one. Guys, you did it. And that was pretty much at a certain point in the countdown, the number two was number one. The 12th anniversary, at a certain point in the voting, it edged up over rather good.
Starting point is 02:29:07 But for most of the voting rather good, just kind of ran away with it. Congrats to rather good. Congrats to rather good. All right. Do you want to break down some stats? Yeah. First, I just want to say to everybody who voted for number one, congrats. It is obviously the most disappointing part of the countdown, but I hope you're happy.
Starting point is 02:29:27 Neil, by the way. Okay. Is this a different guy now? Neil, by the way. Yes. Neil, by the way. Who's this? Neil, by the way.
Starting point is 02:29:37 He can kill us if you have the chance. So that is Neil's only appearance on the countdown, but he almost had three on the countdown because the other two episodes he did this year were episodes 16 and 17. Wow. Wow. So he almost had three, but let's break down the stats of who appeared on the countdown. Oh, yeah. So the people who had one episode were Neil, Edie Patterson, Ben Rogers, Jamie Lee,
Starting point is 02:30:03 Phoebe Bridgers, Drew Tarver, Bob Odenkirk, Griffin Newman, Phoebe Robinson, Casey Faye, Mike Canford, Lauren Lapkus, Deanna Reasonover, Jessica McKenna, Casey Wilson, Katie Rich, and Manchester Orchestra. They all appeared in one episode in our countdown. Appearing on two episodes, Will Hines and Gillian Jacobs. Will Hines could have juked his stats up, but he didn't appear on any of the anniversary episodes for whatever reason. He was busy during those.
Starting point is 02:30:33 And I actually looked at them again and was like, Will wasn't on those? And no, he was busy when we recorded those separate episodes. Busy not getting on the countdown. Exactly. With three episodes, we have Carl Tartt, Tim Baltz, Dan Lippert. Dan Lippert, very strong showing for Dan this year. Very strong showing for Dan. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:30:52 Relative newcomer to the show. Relative newcomer. Very good stuff. You can hear a lot of his stuff at So funny. Absolutely worth it. Absolutely worth it. Worth your time.
Starting point is 02:31:07 Worth a peek. Appearing on four episodes in the countdown, we have Ego Wodum, Lily Sullivan, and Shawn Distan. Shout out to Lily Sullivan. Perfect time to do it. Appearing on five episodes of the countdown, we have Jason Manzukas, Andy Daly, and John Gabris. And appearing on six of the top 15, we have Paul F. Tompkins as our champion this year.
Starting point is 02:31:33 Suck it. All of you fucking pieces of shit. You know, he always says it every year. We're just waiting for it. Just a little tradition. That's all. Okay. So when the voting came in, I was interested of like, because it was pretty, the year was
Starting point is 02:31:52 split into two halves, a half on Zoom, half off Zoom. And when we were off Zoom and back in the studio, a lot of the fans were like, breathes a sigh of relief of like, oh, finally they're back on studio. It feels more like the show again. So I hope they all get COVID. So no one said that. A lot of people said it to me. A lot of people said to me, I hope you all get COVID now that you're back in the studio.
Starting point is 02:32:17 So I was interested in like, oh, what's the, surely most of the ones they voted on are going to be studio episodes out of the 15, six in person, nine on Zoom. There you go. So there you go. Unlike most years, every month was represented. Oh, wow. That's interesting. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:32:39 There were certain months that were in previous years, there'd be like one or two months, you'd have none on the best of and you go, oh, we had to slump that. I'll say. But yeah, and, but yeah, and, uh, that's about all. But yeah, I meant to say, oh. That's about all the stats I have. I looked down saying, surely I have more stats. No.
Starting point is 02:33:01 And before I forget. I think that proves that even a pandemic cannot stop Comedy Bang Bang, man. Cannot stop, will not stop. Um, let's, before we play the snowman, uh, just a few words about the show this year. Uh, first of all, I want to thank our producer, Devin Bryant, who just started, uh, with us, I believe in January. Was that your, yes. Okay.
Starting point is 02:33:27 So thank you so much for coming on board of, uh, obviously we knew each other beforehand, but you worked on other shows. So obviously. But thank you so much for coming on to produce this. I also want to thank Ryan Connor. He's over there as well. He is, uh, putting together, uh, the show every week and editing it and, uh, putting filters on and putting funny sound effects in.
Starting point is 02:33:50 Sometimes we don't want him to. We're like, can you take all the boing sounds out of- A lot of boings. He's like, I think every joke should have a boing sound. And we're like, no, man, come on, take all these out. I do agree with that. I think it's just the boings when you go to break that I don't like. Uh, also want to thank July Diaz.
Starting point is 02:34:07 Because he writes all the, uh, descriptions for us. And he listened, he listens to every episode. What is he doing with his life? Come on, July. Get your shit together. Come on, come on, July. Stop listening to this. Uh, I want to thank Colin and everyone at Ear Wolf, uh, and, uh, very excited that we're
Starting point is 02:34:26 still here at Ear Wolf, um, so many years later, um, 11 and a half years in, I believe. Dang. Something like that. It's a long time. I feel like we were the first Ear Wolf podcast. I don't know why I would think that, but it feels like it's true. Wasn't Adam Curry? That's right.
Starting point is 02:34:42 Adam Corolla. The Curry and Corolla together again. Um, also want to thank Brett Morris over at CBB world. We started that, um, in October and, you know, check the stuff that we're doing. Before you wreck the stuff that you're doing. Before you wreck the stuff you're doing. Um, check out that stuff over at CBB world. There's a lot of, if, I've talked about it enough on, on this, but, uh, if you like
Starting point is 02:35:09 what you're hearing here, we go even deeper into it over there. I mentioned the speed force Thanksgiving special, um, Lily Sullivan show, Lily Sullivan show. We have Andy Daly has a weekly show. Man, that show is so great. Sprague the whisper and I do a movie show every week. Also great. And we have a lot of stuff coming out.
Starting point is 02:35:26 So check that out over there. I want to thank all of our guests. And like I mentioned earlier, uh, especially during the pandemic, it got to be a very like sort of tighter knit group of people who were, uh, available to do the show. And I appreciate them keeping it going, uh, the entire time and agreeing to do more episodes than I think they would normally do during the year. And, uh, that of course extends to you, Paul. Thank you so much for, for being, uh, the most important guest.
Starting point is 02:36:01 That we have, I don't know, at least, uh, to me, maybe, uh, let's see what else. Yes. And some of, I want to thank the listeners. That's right. I was like, where the fuck did I leave my place? Thank the listeners. Um, some of you have been listening for 12 years. Some of you have been listening for 12 minutes.
Starting point is 02:36:20 I don't know why you started 12 minutes ago in the, yeah. So you fast forwarded to 12 minutes ago. But, uh, the last two years, I definitely think the last two years have probably been the most difficult to do the show in and probably, uh, even when I was doing the television show and only had, uh, an hour to do it every week, this still feels more difficult for us. And I'm sure it feels more difficult for you in your life. So, uh, hopefully this has provided some sort of solace to you. Uh, and yes, thank you for your enthusiasm for the show, uh, uh, you know, from the fans
Starting point is 02:37:01 to the performers, uh, it really does keep it going. Uh, and I know we said this last year, I'm sure we did, but the next year will be better for everyone. I really hope. It will. We'll keep saying it until it comes true. And then we'll be right. Uh, Scott, I just want to say for my part, uh, I love doing this show and I've said it,
Starting point is 02:37:21 many times before, and I'll say it many times again. I count the hours that I've spent, uh, doing your show. Decades. Among the happiest of my life. So thank you for having me and thank you for being such a good friend. Thank you so much. We are going to end the show in a second, uh, and, uh, I do want to play one of Manchester Orchestra songs because they made it to the, to the countdown.
Starting point is 02:37:45 So we'll end the show with that. But before we do that, boy, it's time. And there's money on the line at this point. This is, this is a snowman game, like none we've played before. And whatever charity is out there, hoping to get $100, it's on the line right now. Oh man. Can you imagine giving a charity $100 at Christmas time? Can you imagine?
Starting point is 02:38:10 They're going to be so excited. Have you ever seen a charity say, thanks before? All right. Now we left the snowman in his previous position. She's looking over Ryan's. Looking at the monitor in there. The, the, the switcheroo gang did it again. They did it again.
Starting point is 02:38:29 Was this because of the bet? Okay. They switched seats, maybe trying to game out where he's going to look. And I mean, they're actually, they're sitting pretty close to each other considering like it's, you know, I, I, we never know. Well, it's got to be direct. It's got to be direct. It's got to be direct.
Starting point is 02:38:45 So even if it splits the diff between them, it doesn't matter. Exactly. It's got to be direct. All right. All right. Where's his fat little hand? His fat little hands over there. This is exciting.
Starting point is 02:38:53 Remember $100 goes to whomever the snowman looks at. And if he looks at no one, 100 goes to charity. And if he looks at someone, 100 goes to charity as well. And if he looks at me, I'm not given anything. Nothing happened at all. Here we go. Here we go. This is exciting.
Starting point is 02:39:08 Here we go. He's looking. Butt the corn. First spin. First spin. He is looking right at Devin. Looking right at Devin. Right down the barrel.
Starting point is 02:39:22 Now he's spinning again. He's looking at no one. He's looking at no one. OK. Third spin of four. He's looking at no one again. But that usually means he's going to look at someone. Fourth spin.
Starting point is 02:39:36 Oh, you son of a bitch. Son of a bitch. OK. So you know that that's not us. That's the snowman that doesn't want $100 to go to a charity. No, it's going to. He doesn't want $100 to go to one of them. Oh, you fucking asshole.
Starting point is 02:39:56 All right. That is disappointing. That's really disappointing. As Kevin Sorbo once said. Take care of yourself. Wait, no. Oh, no. You're a springer.
Starting point is 02:40:06 What you said as Kevin Sorbo once said? Kevin Sorbo once said disappointing. Oh, it's disappointed. Why would I? If we're going in a Jerry Springer catchphrase, why would I say as Kevin Sorbo once said? I have no idea if he ever said. I have no.
Starting point is 02:40:20 He's probably a big fan. He's probably a big fan. Cramer. He's sorry about me. He's sorry about me, Jerry. All right. We're going to. We'll hear the Manchester Orchestra song.
Starting point is 02:40:31 Thank you, everyone. This has been a delight. Thank you so much, Paul, for doing the best of. Thank you, Scott, for having me. And as always. Take care of yourself and each other. One, two, three, four. One, two, three.
Starting point is 02:41:17 Do you want me? Baby, do you want me? No, no, no. Well, in your mind, this is a new and glorious morning. You ain't never going to let nobody take that light again. Everyone I know is slowly falling in the ocean. I don't want to be the next to know I never learned to swim. Baby, do you love me?
Starting point is 02:41:55 Baby, do you love me? Baby, do you love me? No, no, no. Well, in my mind, you are the road I chose to travel. Might as well have been the very last thing I decided. Half the time I'm lost, afraid did you swallow. Don't matter much to me, man. I'm not afraid to die.
Starting point is 02:42:31 Baby, are you with me? Do you forgive me? You're the one I want. I want when I'm old. Baby, are you with me? Do you forgive me? You're the one I want. I want when I'm old.
Starting point is 02:42:51 When I'm full. When I'm full.

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