Comedy Bang Bang: The Podcast - Best of 2022 Part 4

Episode Date: December 29, 2022

Scott and Paul F. Tompkins talk about flashbacks before finally cracking the final TOP 4 episodes of the Best of Comedy Bang! Bang! 2022 countdown as voted by you listeners. Plus, another round of the... Snowman Game!

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Starting point is 00:00:30 Day-o, day-o, day-o, daylight come and me wanna go home. Day, me's a day, me's a day, me's a day, me's a day-o, daylight come and me wanna go home. It's six foot, seven foot, eight foot, butch. We're floating. Hi everyone, welcome to Comedy Bang Bang. Best of 22, part four. We made it all the way to part four. If you're listening to this, you've probably heard parts one through three.
Starting point is 00:01:07 If you're listening to this, you're too close. Yeah. That's not a thing anymore, right? I don't think so. You know, someone we know has a baby on board. I know. You know what? I don't blame you.
Starting point is 00:01:20 You know what I mean? Even if it stops one person from being a fucking asshole. Well, that one person is not me. I'll tell you that much. What do you mean? You mean you don't? I fucking tail those people. I ride their asses, man.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Yeah. Trying to wake up their baby. That's right. I know a lot of times the baby sleeps in the car and the parents are like, oh thank God, I'm gonna drive around a little bit for this nap. And they're like, not on my watch, baby. Get out the bullhorn. Pull the vehicle over.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Well, I thought so many times about buying one of those little, those magnetic lights. You can stick on your. Oh yeah. That the cops pick up. They look so fucking cool because. So cool. You know, policemen earlier in TV, they had the lights attached and then I can't remember what show it was for the first time when suddenly they pulled it out of their car.
Starting point is 00:02:16 It was like Starsky and Hutch or something. Yeah, they pulled it out and just slapped it on the top of their car. Oh my God, it looks so cool. They're like a sports car and it's like, oh yeah, I'm a cop now. Hey, I'm an asshole. Now I'm a cop. As far as those, just a little dick loser. Now I'm a cop.
Starting point is 00:02:31 By the way, ACAB, it doesn't apply to Starsky and Hutch, I hope. No, because I think it's reasonably assumed that they're dead by now. Okay, good. Those characters. One of the actors died. Everyone stops being a bastard when they die. Yeah. Good.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Everybody gets a clean slate. Then you're just being tortured in hell. Yeah. But you're not a bastard anymore. You're a victim. Of your own devices. Well, this is best of Comedy Bang Bang 2022. What a year for Comedy Bang Bang, hey?
Starting point is 00:03:01 Oh my God, when I think about it, there were 52 episodes or so. Could you tell us how to make a flashback? Sort of. Maybe 51 episodes. Flashbacks aren't like that anymore, are they? No. Like on a TV show, it doesn't go all wavy. No, they just do different color corrections.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Yes. Hard cut with different color corrections. Man, I'm sorry. People don't have that anymore. I know. I loved when a flashback would happen. They got tired of too many comedians going. Wayne's World ruined it.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Yeah, Wayne's World. Wayne's World has a lot to answer for. They should be tried in the Hague. That would be so awesome to see. Fucking Wayne and Garth tried in the Hague. Mike Myers and Dana Carvey are like, is this real? Is this really happening? This is not a bad idea for Wayne's World 3, by the way.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Absolutely. I don't know. We are counting down the top four episodes on this episode. And this is voted on four fans by fans. Four fans voted. Four fans voted this year. Record low turnout. No one gave a shit.
Starting point is 00:04:17 No, this is the top four episodes. We'll talk about the stats when they're all done, but we're going to hear the best episodes of the year. Do you think anyone juiced the stats? I don't know. You voted for yourself several years in a row. Did you do it this year? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:04:32 I don't remember voting. I don't think I did. I don't think I voted in the last few years. Yeah, you just let the chips fall where they may. Yeah, Vegas. But earlier, I always wonder that. It's like, if you were enough incoming comedian and you wanted more exposure, you want to be on the best ofs,
Starting point is 00:04:46 you'd vote for yourself every day, wouldn't you? Every day. Can you vote every day? Yeah, I think so. I think you can vote more than once. Really? I have no idea. July would know.
Starting point is 00:04:55 But July is too... Oh, July gave a... July is too cookie stuffed. Oh, DeCambé. He gave it to DeCambé. He's holding up five fingers. No. Five fingers and saying no.
Starting point is 00:05:04 That's the quintuple DeCambé? No, you can only vote for five, right? Okay, five times. You can only vote once, five times. I don't know. Stop DeCambé. You can only vote once, five times. Stop DeCambéing me.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Don't you DeCambé me. I DeCambé you. Well, anyway, we're going to hear the top four this year. I'm Scott Ockerman, the host of Comedy Banging. I don't think I've introduced us at this point. I may as well. Cross for me. Sure.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Cross for me is the mustachioed one. You need more nicknames. You know, in sports, they always give you, like, these great nicknames. Right. Even in announcing, you know, like, what was Vince Gully's nickname? Vin. That's true. You know, he was famously nicknamed that from those numbers on his car.
Starting point is 00:06:02 So he can never forget. Yep. And? But he forgot the number part. That's ironic. Well, no, his original name. We're all those numbers. The numbers to be the nickname.
Starting point is 00:06:12 And they're like, we're just going to call you Vin. And he's like, no, I need to remember. And he was a huge X-Files fan. He loved it. So that's where the Scully came. He was sitting on a Scully poster. John was sitting on the John. His real name is Jonathan Carruthers.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Yep. Classic guy. Classic guy. Doing a voice the entire career. He really sounded like this. The mustachioed one himself, he puts the F in Paul F. Tompkins. How about another nickname for me is The Great Degradation. The Great Degradation is here.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Paul F. Tompkins is with me. Hello, Paul. Hey, it's me, TGD. Hello, it's me. We're re-listening to that. Hello, it's me. We listened to a bunch of versions of it on tour. Yeah, we did.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Why? Yes. To see which one we thought was the best. Because Tony was in the car with us. That's right. We were driving back. There's many versions of that song. Hello, it's me.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Because we heard the Matthew Sweet, the Todd Runger original. We heard the Matthew Sweet and Susanna Hoffs version. We heard another version. Bobby Boris Pickett. Was it Bobby Boris Pickett? No. You fooled me there for a second. No, we heard...
Starting point is 00:07:26 It's all here in my phone. I could look it up. And then we heard... By the way, you've been on your phone this whole time. Yeah. We're three and a quarter now. And on your phone, it's very rude. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:07:38 I just love apps. Oh, the Isley Brothers. I love apps. I love apps. Oh, yeah. That was the best one. That was a really good one. And then we heard the song Hello, It's Me.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Which is not the Todd Runger song. It's an original by John Cale and Lou Reed. And you all hated that one. Well, it's weird because it's to teach safety to kids. And it's about not touching the stove. Yeah. And I was like, why is this a whole song? It was a five minute song.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Yeah. And it's really... It's as simple as that. Like, yeah, don't touch the stove. You can get it done by that. Yeah. Hello, It's Me has never mentioned this song. Songs should be shorter.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Songs absolutely should be shorter. 20 seconds tops. 20... That's very short. One chorus and you're done. What's a song you could think of that would be a great 20 second song? Well, we talked about this on the Red Hot Chili Peppers episode. Oh, well then, why don't I go fuck myself?
Starting point is 00:08:32 I called your bluff. Dude in front of me, in fact. How do I... Paul, I don't want it to end, but we're going to have to crack the top four. I know. We got to crack. We got to get to cracking. We got to get to cracking.
Starting point is 00:08:50 We're the crackers. We're the crackers. I don't like that nickname. We are the crackers. Nope. Let's do it. This is your choice. Meet the crackers.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Meet the little crackers. This is your choice for number four. Number four. All right, Paul, tell me where this lies when I say this is episode number 775. Oh, I'm going to say... We're in the mid-late 700s. Exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Exactly. Mid-late 700s. Yeah. This is from September. People are wearing powdered wigs. Yep. September... That was a Mr. Show sketch that Bob really wanted to do, was the guy who was still wearing
Starting point is 00:09:35 powdered wigs 10 years after everyone stopped wearing them. He's like, I think they're cool. Never got ridden. This is from September 19th of 2022, and this is an episode entitled Operation Double Decoy. Now, this is the companion episode to previously in our countdown. That's right. Jason Manzukas came in and did the Bob Duca episode, and then I think a day or two after
Starting point is 00:10:09 that, the queen died. And Andy and Jason and I and you, right? We all got on a text chain, right? Yeah. We got to get back in the studio, guys, and we got to put out an emergency episode, and everyone made time for it a few days later. The idea that someone dies, and they were like, we got to scramble to do this podcast, making fun of the fact that this person died.
Starting point is 00:10:39 We now have a fresh angle. Well, it can't just occur without getting our take on one. Of course. It can't. Life otherwise. So, you've heard before about how we swapped intros for these episodes. Yes. You heard about the Walrus and me, man.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Sure, of course. The Walrus is Paul. So, this was the second one that we put out, but it was the first one that we released. And we, of course, the Gris is back, Byron Deniston is back. This is Andy Daly, Jason Manzuchus and Paul. And Jason Manzuchus, you know, from How Did This Get Made, and The League, The Dictator, and Andy Daly, a virtuoso performer who does a ton of different characters. I just saw him in a holiday movie.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Oh, which one? Well, I guess it's not a holiday movie. I don't think it had anything to do with the holidays. It was on... It was a battleship. Rihanna was in a holiday movie. That fucking movie. It was like a rom-com.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Alison Janney, Ben Platt. Alison Janney and Ben Platt were involved. Well, you know, let me finish. She plays the mother of Ben Platt and Kristen Bell. And then Andy, in the beginning of the movie, plays her second or third, plays Alison Janney, second or third husband. Then dies off screen. Dies off screen?
Starting point is 00:12:16 You don't like to hear that. You want to die on screen. I was prepared for him to be in this whole fucking thing. I was like, oh, this is fun. And then, like, he's dead after the credits. Dies off screen like that one dude from the West Wing? Who died in real life. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Yeah. Have we checked on Andy? And Luke Perry? Have we checked on Andy? I know. Have we talked to him recently? Andy, did you die in real life or just in a movie? If you answer, I know you're alive.
Starting point is 00:12:43 If you don't answer, then you're dead. So the queen died. We all scrambled and we recorded this. And you'll hear Byron Deniston breaking the news to us supposedly. And halfway through, we mentioned on our previous part three in the number five episode, we mentioned the Zerg. And Paul, that stuck in your mind, I guess, because you come in as the Zerg halfway through the episode.
Starting point is 00:13:15 I must have listened to that. Back to the previous one to remember. Yeah. I know Andy does that too. And Jason and I do not. So we're going to hear two clips. Me hitting you. Me clipping the floor.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Byron coming in and breaking the news to us and then the gris coming in. And then after that, we're going to hear the Zerg coming in, which then forces Andy to join him, which you'll hear. This is it. This is your episode number four. Number four. Jason, now it is, of course, it's Thursday today. We're taping this in advance of the show.
Starting point is 00:13:53 It's Thursday, September 8th. September 8th is what it is. One of the great days. One of the great days. One of the great days. I'm having a great day myself today. Oh, I'm loving it. And I'm loving getting to see you.
Starting point is 00:14:05 I'm loving getting to hang out. It's sunny. Nothing in the world is happening of any consequence. I love those days where it's kind of like just like you can check out. It's a coast day. Gentlemen, gentlemen, gentlemen, gentlemen, stop everything. What? Stop everything.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Everything? Byron. Byron Deniston? Even us talking right now? Stop it. Stop talking right now. Do you want to sit down? Yes, I think I will.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Yeah, please. Stop standing above it. You came in. If you're going to stand, bring the mic up to your mouth. You came in with a lot of effort and then stood well above the microphone. Well, there's just so much going on right now that it's hardly time to sit. I don't think so. But it turns out I did have time to sit.
Starting point is 00:14:44 I don't think so. We were just more out here. We were just shooting the shit over here. Gentlemen, have you not checked in with the news? No. I think we were just going to try and figure out which is better, a Twix bar or a Take Five. Or a Mars bar.
Starting point is 00:14:55 But the news, gentlemen, urgent news. Urgent news of what? What is it? Queen Elizabeth II, sovereign of all Great Britain, has been declared dead at the Castle Balmoral in Scotland at this hour. Oh, no. Are they continuing CDR? Well, I'm not finished informing you.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Prince Charles of Wales has ascended to the throne of England. He shall now be styled as King Charles III. That's all. Isn't that huge? Wow. Thanks. For you, Byron Dennis, and Royal Watcher, this is like... That's huge news to you.
Starting point is 00:15:36 It's... It's tremendous. Do we care? I can't quite... What do you mean? I mean, I could go back to Twix versus Take Five, but like this seems important, so... Yeah, yeah. I don't understand what you're...
Starting point is 00:15:47 I suppose you did not understand me. I'm talking about Queen Elizabeth, the Queen of all Englands. Yeah, we know her. Yes. She's been around for like 96 years or something like that. She is. 96 tears. Precisely.
Starting point is 00:16:00 She... Isn't that 96 tears? Keep going to the singing part. No, that's the only part. I like the keyboard part. I can't believe the two of you can banter about trivialities on such a momentous day as this. Wow. Do you suspect foul play?
Starting point is 00:16:19 I do. I don't speak. Really jumping to it. No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no. There's much more afoot than that, gentlemen. Far more. Yeah, since the Queen has been declared dead at Balmoral Quest.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Well, look, I mean, it's not like that has any effect on our lives. Like, if someone like Ken Starr will, you know, will ever die, which I doubt he ever will, then... Ken Starr? The prosecutor? The special prosecutor? Or did he just die? No.
Starting point is 00:16:42 He'll never die. Oh, I see. Oh, he's immortal. Yeah, this is, of course, September the 6th. The 8th, I thought you said. Yes, that's right. Wait, is it the 6th? Do we know something in advance?
Starting point is 00:16:56 I believe Ken Starr will die on Tuesday, September 13th. No. I believe he will. No. He won't. We're not in... We're not... This isn't that kind of show where we prognosticate about the future deaths of people, but if you're
Starting point is 00:17:11 right, wow. Is this a ripple effect kind of thing? That could be a show. Byron Dennis then predicts your death? It's not a bad idea. Not a bad idea at all. Is this a ripple effect where the Queen's death will then cause deaths upon deaths upon deaths?
Starting point is 00:17:24 Look, here's the first thing I need to show you. First of all, I've just come from England. How did you get here so fast? Just now? Just today? This is what happened. Is this the Phil Collins Concorde? I've come here straight from the Phil Collins Concorde.
Starting point is 00:17:36 The French of it is, gentlemen, that when the Queen was declared dead, I knew that Harry and Meghan would be in Europe there to attend the festivities, and I thought this is a perfect time to break into their home, well, to go to the house, to be on the estate of Montecito, to just see two of some things I need to do there. But whilst in England, specifically at Balmoral Castle, I became privy to various plans and things and all sorts of things that I can exclusively report to you. Wow. Are you?
Starting point is 00:18:07 Okay, so you witnessed the Queen's death? Is that what you're trying to say? No, no, no. Right when they decided that today would be the day that they said that she died, gentlemen. Whoa. Yes, indeed. So does that mean are you insinuating that she is alive and we're just being told she's dead?
Starting point is 00:18:23 Or that she died previously? Or that she died previously. I am not insinuating. I am reporting that Queen Elizabeth is alive and well. What? What? Just like Ken Starr? Yes, just like Ken Starr, although he will die on the 13th.
Starting point is 00:18:37 I doubt it. But if he does, my God. Queen Elizabeth. What's my wedding anniversary? Queen Elizabeth is a... Is it really? Yeah. I wouldn't want to celebrate two things.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Happy anniversary in advance. It's frequently on a Friday, I imagine. Well... Sure. Do you remember the last time? The 13th is very lucky day, isn't it? Terrible day to have an anniversary. But it was a Saturday when it happened to us.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Yes, yes. But some of the anniversaries will be Fridays. When it happened to us? A lot of people like having their marriage described as having had something happen to them. The last time I was here, I reported that the Queen had a plan to blow herself up on a throne rigged with dynamite on June 5th, the final day of her platinum jubilee. That's right. Oh yeah, and I was going to have you back on the show and we ended up not having you on
Starting point is 00:19:30 the show because it didn't happen. It didn't happen. And also you drowned. Wait, didn't you fight to the death? Didn't you drown in Scott's pool? No, no, no, no, no. Well, yes, but I only pretended to drown, gentlemen. Oh, that was pretend.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Why did you pretend to drown? Because I thought it was very unfair that I should be pitted against a polo instructor, a water polo instructor in a game of water polo without any time to prepare and train for the game. So I felt it was very unfair. So you just drowned right away? No, I did not drown. I said, why didn't I pretend to drown?
Starting point is 00:19:59 I took in a big group of air into my lungs. I mean, you were taken out on a stretcher in a body bag. Yes, I know. It was very uncomfortable. Paramedics came, declared you passed. Were these fake paramedics? Yes, I swear. These were bad ones anyway.
Starting point is 00:20:13 These were bad ones. I think they were just incompetent. It could be both. They did load you into a replica of the Ghostbusters. The ectomobile. The ectomobile. Thank you. Yeah, what was that about?
Starting point is 00:20:26 Yeah. Listen, I really don't know. They couldn't get the actual ambulance. All I do. You called them. Didn't you call them? I only appeared to drown. But now I'm realizing you routed my phone to a fake 911 number.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Just so you could have actors come and declare you dead, only to come in today as if none of that happened. And to be talking about the Queen dying as if that's the major news when we should be talking about you being alive. You producing an incredible proof of death scenario. Dan Aykroyd is a dear friend. And I can get a hold of him anytime. Wait, was that him as one of them?
Starting point is 00:21:04 You didn't recognize Dan Aykroyd as one of them? No. Oh, yes. Danny Ayk. Oh, man. That's why he's an Oscar nominee. That's why there was so much blues music coming out of that ectomobile. Yes, there was.
Starting point is 00:21:15 There certainly was. And all the IV bags they were trying to hook you up to were shaped like crystal skulls. Like his vodka brand. Like his vodka brand. Yes, yes. And he was covered in badges. That's right.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Dan Aykroyd loves a badge. Yep. Screaming. We don't need no stinking badges. I know. I know. But yes. So that's that.
Starting point is 00:21:38 I mean, we both mourned you. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, we're in the studio today, but if we went to Scott's backyard, there is a headstone for you that he put in. Really? I erected, yeah. That's very nice.
Starting point is 00:21:50 What does it say? Something very touching and lovely on the house? No, I mean. We couldn't remember it. It says Byron British Guy died here. Yeah. It also, it's one of those Halloween ones that you buy at the Halloween Superstore. Made of styrofoam?
Starting point is 00:22:01 Yeah. I see. So it just says David has pumpkins. Okay. Well, that not being my name, it really doesn't seem to me that it is. Yeah, sorry. I just thought it was funny. But we did place it right there at the spot where you drowned.
Starting point is 00:22:15 Yeah. In the pool. In the pool. You have a styrofoam gravestone floating around in your pool. Yes, it's 10 feet high. How come there aren't more styrofoam, more floaties in pools that are the shape of gravestones? Yes, there should be. That's a good question.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Well, anyway. Anyway, welcome back. Yes, thank you. It's good to be here. You say the queen died? Sorry. What? No, she isn't dead.
Starting point is 00:22:38 No, the queen is dead. Smith's style. This is what happened. No. No. She was going to blow herself up on the 5th. But she found that her nemesis, King Harold the 5th of Norway, had constructed a throne. Remember, she was going to blow up the throne of England.
Starting point is 00:22:53 And whoever got a throne first to the throne room of King Harold's would become the king. She learned that King Harold, who she despises, had built a throne and hidden it somewhere in Buckingham Palace. And so she said, well, let's scrap the whole plan. So that was all scrapped. And then now she's just been carrying on living with Jim Broadbent and Jim Belushi, her two husbands. Wait, hold on. Did we talk about this? Oh, yes, a couple times.
Starting point is 00:23:18 She's in an according to Jim scenario. Oh, that's right. Yeah, I forgot. It's an according to Jim Thrupple. It's Thrupple and it's far more trouble than it's worth. And so she simply decided she was done with the drama. So she wanted to fake her own death? She has faked her own death.
Starting point is 00:23:34 I know a guy who could have helped her with this. Who does that? This guy, Al, that I know. Oh, really? Yeah, he fakes people's death all the time. Well, maybe she did use Al. I have no idea. Wait, let me ask.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Is her entire body shaved other than her anus? I don't think we can ask that about the today deceased queen. No, you can't answer that. Okay, but give me a little nod if that's the truth. Well. Okay, so maybe I'll have something to do with it. Perhaps. But also, it was a long range plan that she and her dear friends,
Starting point is 00:24:08 Ivana Trump and Olivia Newton-John and Mikhail Gorbachev, they called themselves the riches with bitches. And they've all decided. All of whom recently passed. It was reported. Indeed. Allegedly. Trump has one of those David S. Pumpkin's headstones in his golf course.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Just like mine. It's just full of documents. Yes, for Ivana. But yes, anyway, they're all yachting around the world. Wow. And having the time of their lives. So you're saying that Olivia Newton-John has faked her own death the same way that her ex-husband faked his own death.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Yes, exactly. So they're a double death faker couple? He could go right around with a yacht. That's right. Well, that's where the idea came from. That's where the idea came from. She said, you know what my husband did to get out of paying someone $10,000? When she, the queen, was making...
Starting point is 00:24:57 That was it? Because $10,000? Yes, apparently. She doesn't have that light around in her dresser? I guess not. He had debts of $10,000 and said, I'm faking my death. But they're back together now, Olivia and her husband, you know.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Now they're on the run. Yes, they're both on the run, having faked their deaths. And they're all just having the time of their lives. But you know what, though? You know what I've been up to, by the way? I have been... Did we ask that? No.
Starting point is 00:25:21 I have been aggressively wooing Lady Amelia Spencer. Still? Because you remember, in that polo match in the pool, I was competing against the gris, you know. Right. And I pretended to drown. Who is a professional or a celebrated water polo? Water polo, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:36 And this was to the death and whoever won... Yes, yes. ...would get to woo Lady Amelia. Is that right? Yes, that's right. And we have been told that nobody beats the gris. Yeah, but you both lost. You both drowned.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Well, evidently, yes, we both drowned. Well, but I was only pretending, but he really did. And so now I... We had a separate bunch of paramedics come for him. Well, yes, Ackroyd wasn't going to take away the gris. He was part of the plan. It was very strange that first paramedics came and only looked at, treated, bagged, and left with you.
Starting point is 00:26:07 And we said, what about this guy? And they said, that's not our problem. We're like, okay, do we need to call 911 again? And they said, yeah, sure. And so we called 911 again and now I'm realizing this must have been the real 911 and they came and got the gris. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Who has unfortunately passed away. He has unfortunately, yes, passed away. Unfortunately, not really. Because, you know, I now have free reign to woo Lady Amelia. Well, this is great, Byron. I'm so happy that you're able to unimpeded to go after Lady Amelia.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Yes, I can do that. Because I think the two of you are a great couple and the gris is out of the picture. I'm madly in love with her. I'm madly. What's that sound? Sorry, is that my stomach? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:48 You do? You did say beforehand that you were starving. What is that sound? Look out below. What? What? Well, well, well. No, this can't be.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Byron Deniston, as I live and breathe. Byron Deniston, as I live and breathe. What's that you're doing? What's that you're doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? I'm afraid, gentlemen. I'm afraid.
Starting point is 00:27:14 This is the gris. What? Obviously, this is the gris. How is this possible? I came down through the sprinklers, didn't I? Yeah. You heard him say, look out below. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:27:24 And then he simply appeared. But yes, now I see you somehow force yourself through the sprinkler system. I can fit through any pipe or drain. There is no water polo? There are so many characters stuck in the walls of this building. I thought you died, gris.
Starting point is 00:27:41 What happened? Of course you did. We called the paramedics. It's what I wanted you to think. We grieved. Is what you don't know about the gris is. What? I see.
Starting point is 00:27:53 It's a good catchphrase, too, by the way. What you don't know about the gris is. I see. In a tiny pocket in my swimming costume, I keep a watertight capsule. And in that capsule is one of those sponges. No. When you add water to it, it expands.
Starting point is 00:28:09 What? And that little sponge. My gas is getting even bigger. When are you going to be done? I can't keep this up. Be careful. That little sponge is shaped exactly like me. The gris.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Whoa. In case I ever have to fake my own death. So what I did was I released a sponge from the capsule and I swim through the drain in the pool. What? Holy cow. I've spent so much time in swimming pools. I can flat my body to fit through the drain and the
Starting point is 00:28:39 filter if need be. Wow. So we. What an elaborate death faking plan. I only called Dan Akroyd. Well, I mean, we called the paramedics. You think having a sponge is more elaborate than calling Dan Akroyd?
Starting point is 00:28:52 Having to bring the actomobile around? You watch this? Of course I did. Where were you? From the pipes. From the pipes. I was in a grate. You were in a grate.
Starting point is 00:29:03 A little ways away. Pennywise style? I don't like that comparison. Sorry. Sorry. You're not a pennywise. I try not to appear in grates. Sometimes it can't be helped.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Why are you carrying this red balloon, by the way? I just come from a carnival. Okay. See, this is not helping your pennywise thing. And now, Zurg. Too much water to swim. Zurg, are you. For a land swimmer.
Starting point is 00:29:28 I know you're a land swimmer, but are you also affiliated with the royal family? You're a royal. Oh, yeah. Self or you? Okay. Well, I got related into it, didn't I? I became adopted by this young lady.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Who's... Her name is... Alemia. That name's Alemia. Lady Alemia. Lady Alemia. Yeah. Rent spent.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Wow. So, you started... She adopted me. No. No, she adopted you. Yeah, I was dating my own mother. And then this lady adopted me. Wow.
Starting point is 00:30:10 No. You know, is that just how it's done there? That's how it's done, mate. And did you guys have a meet cute fall in love, and then she just adopted you at first sight? Me and my mother, yeah. Oh, sorry. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:30:24 I meant Lady Alemia. My mother is very cute. Yeah. In the hospital, you know. Yeah. Coming out of her body. That's right. But, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Stop everything. Stop everything. I don't think we can have even more people on the show. Who is this? It's me. It's Norib. Norib. How you going, mate?
Starting point is 00:30:46 How are you going? It's good to see you. It's good to see you. Norib. I thought I could. I can't really, though. Can I? It's okay.
Starting point is 00:30:57 We found a weakness. I think if you stick with it, you'll figure it out. Yeah. You just got to plow on through, mate. No, mate. I don't think so. I might be a little bit there.
Starting point is 00:31:05 It's all right. Wait a minute. All right. Yeah. Just keep going. Just keep going. Don't think about it. Just plow through it.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Just find it. Just get there. Well, I've stopped by to tell you. Who was? Jason and I? Yeah, right. Why don't all these people care about us? Just let him go.
Starting point is 00:31:23 I stopped by. Is there anything new you ignored about the rules? Let these two talk to each other. I stopped by to tell you, it's getting harder and harder to ignore things about the Royals in the real Australia. Oh, no. It's getting nearly impossible.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Oh, no. Oh, no. Yes. And so I've had to leave. I've had to leave there. So you packed up and left? I packed up and left. So you're here now?
Starting point is 00:31:47 Right. Now I'm here. Okay. Because my dear friend, the Zerg. So you guys are friends. That's him. Yeah, we're best friends. It's opposite of here.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Yes. He was coming here and I said, I don't know how to ignore all this nonsense. Okay. Now that our Queen Elizabeth has become immortal. Yeah. His mom is Lady Elimia. Oh.
Starting point is 00:32:11 And he was trying to get me adopted by her. And I was like, I don't feel human, mate. I can't do it. And then finally I did it because we're mates. Wow. So that's great. So you guys get to live together now? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:24 That's right. We're the very best of friends. Best of friends. Well, this is great. This is a real happy ending. Boren, who are you? Noorib. Noorib.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Noorib. This is Byron. My best mate. No, that's not a good idea. Number four. Ah, boy. Huh? That was so much fun.
Starting point is 00:32:49 So funny. There's a good blog post that Andy put out. About doing this episode. Oh, I saw that. Yeah. Where he talks about how he was cornered into doing the Australian accent without really knowing how to do it. It's very funny to listen to him struggle because he barely struggles with anything in life.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Let me tell you something. He's a man of privilege. I really like to do voices and accents. And I think I have a pretty decent ear. But Australian is really hard. It's very specific. And that's certainly the longest I've ever done it into a microphone. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:22 Like more than a word or two. And I was so self-conscious about it immediately. And then I was like, I just got to let it go and try not to think about it too much knowing it's not going to be perfect. Right. I'm not going to be fooling anyone. Yeah. It was just fun.
Starting point is 00:33:38 And it's funny to hear Andy try and then slip in and out of it. And then kind of walk in. Yeah, absolutely. And then I love the part where, you know, and you all heard it where it's like, hey, this is Byron Denison. But I was like, this is not a good idea. Because the minute he has to do English again, he can't lock into the Australian. It's a tall order.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Switch back and forth for sure. On the topic of the Australian accent, there's a podcast I listen to. And I get mad every time I have to say the name. It's called bigsofttitty.png. Oh, dude. And it's two comedians, Demi Lardner and Tom Walker in Australia. And they're very funny and silly. And there was an episode where they were making fun of people doing Australian accents.
Starting point is 00:34:25 And when they were doing it, I was like, it just sounds like you guys. That sounds exactly like you. I couldn't tell the difference. Yeah. That's so funny. But meanwhile, like you're doing Dr. Strange, you know, like, hello, I'm Dr. Strange. I got to bring that back. I really enjoyed doing that.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Have you heard of that in one of these clips? I'm not sure. I live in Greenwich Village. Definitely. It was in the Tatiana episode. Yes, we did hear it. I love a hot dog from the street. Extra mustard plays.
Starting point is 00:34:51 I'm from the Bronx. That one bit of trivia during the show, the reason. So the conceit of that was we're doing it on the day that the queen died. And Jason and I didn't know it. And Byron Denison comes in to tell us the thing that happened right as we were beginning the show is I get a New York Times text alert that Ken Starr died. And so that's why. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:35:19 That's why I, the guy from the Lewinsky stuff. I had no idea he died. Oh yeah, it happened during the episode. This is how I'm finding out. You were there. I don't remember you saying Ken Starr died. Oh yeah. Well, that's why the runner like, that's why I bring it up.
Starting point is 00:35:34 I go, well, the queen died. Surely this will never happen to Ken Starr. And Jason looked at me like, what? And I showed him the text alert and that's why that runner was like, oh, and that's why Andy was saying like, oh, I have a feeling he's going to die in five days or whatever. That was why that happened because we got the alert in the middle of it. Don't remember that at all. Now we've never followed up on LA Peterson faking the queen's death.
Starting point is 00:36:00 That's right. So I feel like that's a thread we need to follow up. Well, because we don't know if that's true or not. We don't know. We don't know if the gris is lying. That was Byron Tenniston who mentioned it. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Yeah, because he said that she faked her death. And we just heard it, of course. He said she faked her death. And I said, wait a minute. Was a guy named Ali Peterson involved? And was she shaved entirely from head to toe except for her anus? And he said yes. So I think Ali Peterson did this.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Okay. I guess I have to listen back to that one now. And we heard some good oi noise in there as well. The ear of oh no continues. Yes. All right. We're going to take a break. When we come back, we're going to crack the top three.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Is that even possible? Fuck. Damn. Shit. All right. We're going to do it. We'll be right back with more comedy bang bang after this. Crumbs.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Comedy bang bang. We're back. And it doesn't, I don't think we should do this anymore. Scott, what do you mean? I'm too scared.
Starting point is 00:37:07 I've cracked the top 17. I've cracked the top 16. You're scared you're not going to be able to crack the top three. I don't think I could do it. I'm weak. Scott. I don't have the fortitude. Think about all the ones you've cracked already.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Yeah. I cracked four. I cracked five. Seven. What's three but another number to be cracked? I guess you're right, Paul. What is grief but love persevering? It's like feeling shitty.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Yeah. You nailed it. That's what it is. Sorry. I thought you were asking me that. I was and you answered it and you were right. Okay. Good.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Yeah. Congrats. Yeah. Being sad and shit. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Great.
Starting point is 00:37:52 All right. Well, let's do it then. I feel like I could do it. Let's get to cracking. Let's get to cracking. We're going to crack it. This is your choice for number three. Release the crackers.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Number three. All right. This is episode. This one is episode 759. This is in the, I'm going to say the early late mids. Early late mids. Yeah. Definitely.
Starting point is 00:38:17 I think you're right about that. Thank you. Thank you. Pretty sure that you're accurate about that. This is from May 30th of 2022. And this is an episode called hot sauce reunion. I know what this is. Do you?
Starting point is 00:38:30 It's a reunion of the group hot sauce. And we all know who hot sauce is. Everyone knows hot sauce. The cute one. The dumb one. We are describing Ben right now. Yeah. That's right.
Starting point is 00:38:44 And the other two. And the rest. All right. This is Ben Schwartz. Adam Pally. Ben Schwartz? Bench warmers is what I said. The Bench warmers.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Oh, I think so. This is the cast of the Bench warmers. I think you said Bench warts. No. Bench warts. Bench warts. When you warm a bench. Oh, you warm the bench.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Don't you get Bench warts? Bench warts, yeah. Bench warts and Adam Pally and Gillo's area. Okay. Now all three of these guys were in a comedy group based in New York, back in the, I want to say 2010. 2010 90s? Oh.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Probably late, late 2000s, maybe pre 2010. I don't know. But they were all basically they were like a three man comedy group at UCB in New York. They did sketches. They did improv. And so how did this come about? I know Adam was in town. I think what happened was Ben wanted to do an episode.
Starting point is 00:39:41 It's a backyard episode. And he said, Hey, Adam's in town. Can I try to get Gil and all three of them got booked. They were all available on one day. And so we decided to turn into a reunion of this group. No one had ever heard of and ask like, I was doing sort of a bit where I was asking like loving like these kinds of stories you would see at a festival where it's like a group you like the state or whatever getting together and a moderator asking loving questions.
Starting point is 00:40:14 And these guys were taking them seriously and actually answer them. And so I started just dropped the bit after a while because I thought they would latch on to them understanding that I wasn't serious. That was very kind of you to drop that bit. Do you know to this day, I've never seen a single second of the state. Oh, really? I don't know why I missed it at the time. I don't know why, but I've never seen any of it.
Starting point is 00:40:42 I feel like I caught on to it late when it was on TV and then I bought the DVDs and I don't know that I opened it. But on, I think they're all on Paramount Plus right now. So I started watching a little bit of them recently. There you go. Check it out. The big thing that you just missed out on? The Bible.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Oh, my friend, I have good news for you. What's that? Spoiler alert, he's risen. Want to know what that means? No. Read this, my copy of the Bible. Your copy? Yeah, even if you don't know what it means.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Why'd you zerox the Bible? I don't have money to spend on two Bibles. There is a bit. Sear Hux, the Bible. There was a bit in the Between Two Ferns movie with Ryan Gall, where one of his character traits was along the road trip. He was trying to raise money by buying online books, by buying e-books, and then zeroxing the pages and trying to sell them as books.
Starting point is 00:41:43 It was really funny. Everything got cut out other than the story, but it was really funny. Him doing interviews about why he was doing it, and then us filming him at night secretly doing this. It was very funny. This is Hot Sauce Reunion. We're going to hear one section of this. Earlier, I talked to them all as themselves.
Starting point is 00:42:08 It was very funny. We heard really funny stories about them trying to get into Canada and Gil just bringing produce to try to fuck them up and stuff. It's very funny. Then Adam did his character Bro, which he hasn't done in maybe seven years, I think. His character? Yeah, if you can call it a character, which is my weed dealer, supposedly. We won't hear those, but let's hear this.
Starting point is 00:42:39 This was before he did Bro, which was Gil Ozeri. This is his second appearance on the countdown. He once again brought some tech, and he brought an iPad again. We're going to hear from Gabriel Sardinus' grandson. This is your choice for episode number three. You all know that he's Gabriel Sardinus' grandson. Do you know who Gabriel Sardinus is? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:06 I haven't been informed of that. Have you heard this name before? No, I just know he has a long lineage. Well, I mean, he certainly has a father who was the son of Gabriel Sardinus. Yes. We know that much for sure, but we know that he's Gabriel Sardinus' grandson. Please welcome Gabriel Sardinus' grandson. Hello.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Hey, what's going on? Hi. Thank you so much for having me to talk about my grandfather. Oh, was that what you're here to do? Talk about your grandfather? Well, I mean, you know. We were wondering who he was. Oh, this is great.
Starting point is 00:43:33 This will be very instructional, too. Very famous guy. Should we Google him? I'll Google him. Yeah, you could Google him. What was he? I can't reach Google right now. He was a scientist, a physicist, a Nobel Prize winner.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Oh, that's the biggest prize you can get. I mean, it's not an e-got. No. Poet Laureate. Poet Laureate as well. Poet Laureate. Yeah. He was a child educator.
Starting point is 00:43:55 He was a teacher. I can't find him online. Wait, he was an educator as a child, or he educated children? Both. Yeah, I taught children, and I was smart enough. When he was a kid, he was a teacher. That's correct. And how old are you, sir?
Starting point is 00:44:07 I'm a kid. I'm 19. 19, wow. You sound a lot younger. You sound a lot younger. I do. I sound younger. Yeah, you do.
Starting point is 00:44:15 I'm 19. Wow, you have this almost like children's gravel. You have a child like innocence. Yeah. Were you close with your grandpa? You know, I was his caretaker for a bit, but he never got better. He never got personal with me, you know? He always kept himself at a distance.
Starting point is 00:44:31 At a distance from me. Well, families are difficult. You know, he just recently died. Oh, I'm sorry, buddy. How old was he when he passed away? We know nothing about Gabriel Sardinas, by the way, other than what you just told me. It was all over the news. I just Googled it.
Starting point is 00:44:42 I couldn't see it. That's weird. But he was 93. Okay. He was 93 and you're 19. You're 19. I mean, that's a 73-year-old difference, which means that your father had you a very late life.
Starting point is 00:44:54 No, it means that he was fathering late in his life. Okay, so how old is your father? My father is 42. 42. That's correct. Okay, so... I'm more hot. So he was fifth.
Starting point is 00:45:04 That's too old to be a dad. That's not what I was talking about. You can have babies. Scott, that's not what I was talking about. Adam, come on, Adam. Don't... Adam, come on. What I was talking about was more that you said that you were...
Starting point is 00:45:12 I was sorry about it. No, I didn't. I know, but what I was saying is not that. Sorry. Well, say what you're going to say. I am going to say it. I'll say it. Adam, you're fine off the handle.
Starting point is 00:45:20 You're really good for a day. Just got it. What I was going to say was that, well, it's not shocking for you not to have a close relationship with a man who's in his late nineties. Well, he was a pretty... He was also... Do you consider 93 to be late nineties? A brilliant guy, you know?
Starting point is 00:45:36 And I did... When he died, he passed on some of his belongings, and I was looking through his belongings, and I come across... This is a treasure trove, I can imagine. I mean, spoils. Exactly. This man's papers, his ruminations. Well, I found his phone.
Starting point is 00:45:52 Oh. And... What do you mean phone? Like an old-timey Alexander Graham bell, Watson. It was like, right, right, right. I need you. Ahoy. If you could believe it, it was an iPhone.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Oh, okay. Was it the first one? No. It was a recent generation? It was a recent generation, and... Did he have a new one? Uh, I think it was a... I think it was a 12.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Was it important? I knew it. No one came out about, like, two months ago. Was it a pro? It wasn't a 13. I just know that he had a sponge. This is a new... Is it this side or is it that?
Starting point is 00:46:20 It looked like that, yeah. Did it have a case on it? So he had a 13 pro. Well, this isn't right here. Oh, that's it. He got one of the new ones right before he died. This is his phone. Look at that, and it has, like, a case-ify case.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Well, you know, I... Yeah, I didn't even know he had this phone. Yeah. He kept so many secrets. He had a secret phone, wow. And he got... He kept so many secrets, and he was such a brilliant man. And the thing is, I go...
Starting point is 00:46:39 I'm looking through his phone. Okay, you're spending a bit... And there... I'm a little... Yeah, what's going on? There's a ton of voice memos. Oh, from famous people? No, from him.
Starting point is 00:46:47 What do you mean? That doesn't seem uncommon. He recorded a bunch of voice memos. Okay. Maybe that's... And here's the thing. That's why he bought the phone, maybe. He's like, you know, instead of a tape...
Starting point is 00:46:55 They don't sell tape recorders anymore. Very smart guy. I can't even... I can't even find a radio check. I don't know if this is going to ruin what you plan to do, but I don't want to hear them. I rather not either. Yeah, I don't want to hear any of this.
Starting point is 00:47:04 It's secret, it's for your grandpa. I don't want to hear it. Your grandpa died. I got the same thing, but I feel like... This would give us an insight... Oh, in that case, yes, I do. Into the brilliant man. Are you sure?
Starting point is 00:47:15 Are you sure? I mean, I don't... I mean, I don't want to hear that we don't have... I don't want to hear them. I don't want to hear it. It's an intrusion. I mean, first of all, let me say that... I'm...
Starting point is 00:47:23 Did he give you permission? I swore... I worry that... That I would play these. I worry the phone is haunted with this thing. Two seconds ago, you said it was a joke. I also have a grandson as well. You're 19!
Starting point is 00:47:35 I know, he's just born. I fathered when I was 12. Whoa! And then that's seven? There's a gun to my grandson's head right now. I don't play these voice memos. He will die! It's on you!
Starting point is 00:47:50 Who's holding the gun? Who's holding the gun? I don't want to hear it. Who's holding the gun? My son. Your son is holding the gun to your grandson. Your son is holding the gun to your grandson. He wants to hear what his great-grandfather had to say.
Starting point is 00:48:00 So why don't you let him listen somewhere else? Why? Come on. I just want to say that... I'm okay with a very late-term abortion. Pali is fine. Pali is fine. No, I am fine.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Oh, now is not the time, Pali. I'm pure choice until up until 10 years old. If you don't want to hear them, that's fine. Is it fine? No, it's not. It wouldn't be very sad for me because I feel like... If you cry real tears, we'll let it suck. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:48:22 I just think everybody would want to hear it. He's just such... Have you heard them yet? This is going to be a surprise. I haven't even heard it. This is a gift to me, too. So, but what happens if they're negative? You don't want the world to hear them.
Starting point is 00:48:30 They're probably just going to be regular nice old messages. Would it bum you out if we didn't hear them because of, like, all the time and effort it took to find them? Yeah, and also to set up this jam box. Yeah. You know what? It didn't take any time at all. No sweat off my back.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Sure, my grandson will... You know, his brains will be all... But it has nothing to do with... Did your son lay down plastic or... I have no idea. This is a lot of cleaning. Did he think about this? My son's not a good guy.
Starting point is 00:49:01 All right, you know what? Let's listen to some of it. I'll share it. What was in a one? Okay. If this was a surprise for you, tell us what it feels like to hear these. I'm very excited. Ben wants to hear it.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Because my grandfather was so... Mr. Sardinus was so brilliant. Yeah. And I could play any one of these. This one, let's see this one. But you haven't heard any of it. So you're playing them at random? I'm playing them at random.
Starting point is 00:49:21 This one is called January 11th, 2007. January 11th, 2007. And was it recorded on January 11th, 2007, or he titled it that? No idea, Scott. I have no idea. He hasn't played it. Interesting. All right, and here we go.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Are you guys ready? Here we go. January 11th, 2007. I found another little bone in my duty today. Don't ask me how, don't ask me why. Scares the shit out of me, too. Call Dr. Civio. Civio?
Starting point is 00:49:56 Ask him how this could have happened, how I could have found another little bone in IBM. What? Oh, God. Okay. Jesus. I'm not sure what that was. Jesus Christ. Weird title to put on.
Starting point is 00:50:14 I would have called it bone in duty or something, but he called it January 7th, 2007. I'm not sure what that was. He's a brilliant guy. That's what it's called, fish under the couch. It's so interesting. I'm not sure what this was. So he actually was titling that previous one. I guess this one's called fish under the couch.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Wait, wait, wait. Before you do it, are you sure you want to? The first one was kind of negative and weird. I think there's going to be a gem in here. All right, here we go. He's a brilliant guy. He refers to number two in such a duty and B.M. It's a very brilliant man.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Brilliant man. Get out from under there. Fucking fish under the couch. Get out. I can't fucking lift this goddamn couch. Fucking. Can't fucking hit it with a broom. I can't fucking do anything.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Fucking sticks in here. Fucking reeks like fucking trout. God damn it. Get out, you fucking fish. Get out from under my couch. Oh my God. Why did he record that? What is the intention?
Starting point is 00:51:17 Why would you want to remember that moment? I have no idea. But not only did he record it, he then titled it what he wanted to remember it as. I guess maybe because it is so odd. It's like, if you had a fish under your couch, you'd be like, I got to remember. Remember that time that that happened?
Starting point is 00:51:31 Yeah. What mental state I was in. What mental state I was in. Wow. That's unbelievable. I mean, he was such a brilliant guy. Did you hear stories about that fish? Why do you think that fish was under there?
Starting point is 00:51:39 I don't know. But that happened before he won the Nobel Prize. Oh. What did he win the Nobel Prize for? For big science. Oh. Okay. He was involved in big science.
Starting point is 00:51:49 He wouldn't. Yeah, I didn't really notice. He must have won that Nobel Prize pretty late in life. Yeah. He did. This one's called. If his voice memos are after. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:58 I mean, that makes no sense. But this one's called. What is this one called? But this one's called. Yeah, what's called? You're playing another one? Do you want to hear best meal I've ever eaten? Big reminder or description of my broken penis?
Starting point is 00:52:09 Big reminder. That's what I want to hear. Remember to steal your daughter-in-law's underwear and shove them up your fucking ass. Jesus Christ. Okay. I didn't know what that slipped into. I didn't know my grandfather and obviously he had some dementia. I mean, can you imagine forgetting that was a thought?
Starting point is 00:52:34 Seeing the reminder, clicking it. And going, oh, I have to do that. Oh, I got it. Oh, she almost left without doing that. Well, it seems like you can't get any worse than that. Yeah. Description of. What about this broken penis?
Starting point is 00:52:48 This is a description of my broken penis for Dr. Civio. That's a doctor. I have a very bulbous tip. It's almost like a fat pillow. I'm always erect, nonstop, 24-7. But my penis is pointed right down to the ground like an arrow. It's purple, very purple. It's violet at the tip, I should say.
Starting point is 00:53:11 And the base is more of a gleaming red. My penis is pulsating at different times. It's pulsating at different rates. Probably really new as heart rates. Obviously the back of my penis is very white. And it's going up and down my shaft. But here's the thing. It looks like there's three or four little bugs that can be seen inside it.
Starting point is 00:53:39 And they're using the vein of some sort of elevator. I'm not sure. That's Dr. Civio about the bugs. How's the doctor for, the doctor is like a wide breath. He does every type of menopause. He's more than just an ENC. It seems like a family doctor. It seems like it.
Starting point is 00:53:55 The elevator. Now here's one that I don't even know what it means. This just says FAR. FAR, F-A-R. Okay. Here we go. It's a long one. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Oh, good. Short title. All right. Hold on. This is FAR. This is FAR. It's a far. It's a far.
Starting point is 00:54:20 It's a far. He misspelled FAR. He spelled it wrong. He spelled FAR wrong. Genius. Maybe he's auto correct. Genius scientist spelled FAR wrong. And had to remind himself that he farted a long one.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Okay. How would he know? How much longer is on this one? It's 35 more seconds. It's amazing. It's amazing that he had the foresight at the time. To actually pick up a phone and to be like, this one's going to be enormous. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Oh, man. Oh, it's still going. Wow. How many more seconds we got? 25. 25 more? I'll stop it there. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:54:57 He's not the genius you thought he was. No, he seems like a big W. He's a very purile sense of humor. I mean, he does sound like that. I don't know. I think all of these voicemails have the same value. Oh, that's interesting. Which value is that?
Starting point is 00:55:08 Nothing. Nothing? No. That's absolutely not true. It feels like it has none. I mean, just to know about my grandfathers, look, he's a brilliant guy. Looking into his light. You don't think he could be pranking you?
Starting point is 00:55:22 No. From beyond the grave? Why would he prank you? He left the phone for you. This one says usual Starbucks order. Do me a favor, honey. Let me get one hot latte, but put a ton of ice in it and do me a favor. Just do me a goddamn favor and stir it with your fucking finger, please.
Starting point is 00:55:49 Stir that goddamn latte with your finger. Will you do that? And don't wash it. You don't think that he's messing with you? It feels like something he just recorded earlier this morning. He has a folder called Great Songs I Made Up. Would you like to hear that? I would love to hear one of those.
Starting point is 00:56:12 This is called Made Pee Pee. Here we go. Made Pee Pee like a good boy shoot. You're mouthing the lyrics so well. You've never heard this so far? He heard that. And you're not mouthing. And you're not proud of it.
Starting point is 00:56:28 You're not proud of it. It wasn't too thin. It wasn't too thick. It didn't splash anywhere. But in that porcelain, it was a beautiful pee pee. My grandfather was a genius. Gabriel Sardinas' mouth and he was just silently saying pee pee along with it. Can I ask you a question about the lyrics in that song?
Starting point is 00:56:53 His name is Gabe, though, by the way. What is your name? You haven't said your name yet. It's Irving. Oh, I assumed that he was a junior. Irving Sardinas. And this is actually, I've heard of this song. This one's called Sparcolonius.
Starting point is 00:57:07 I really do have a question about the lyrics. Sparcolonius needed you. Sparcolonius wanted you. Sparcolonius asked for you. Sparcolonius demanded you. Sparcolonius begged for you. Sparcolonius screamed for you. I think we got it.
Starting point is 00:57:29 Sparcolonius wants you to lose my love. You're mouthing the words. Not true. I don't remember. Sparcolonius. You just said one second ago this one is great. Sparcolonius called for you. That was Sparcolonius.
Starting point is 00:57:47 I mean, this is not that far off from an Andrew Lloyd Weber song. I think the craft is over there, by the way. This description of a young neighbor with red hair. Gorgeous red hair, just so beautiful. Goes right from the head down, down to the toothless. That was a Jewish guy? Do you think some of that gorgeous red hair curls up at the end when she's nude? Curls right up into the tooth.
Starting point is 00:58:20 Yeah. That's a fucking creep. I think it does. I think that red hair curls up. It tickles the tush, tickles the little asshole. Oh, come on. Jesus. That's what I want to know.
Starting point is 00:58:35 All right. I don't. All right. Look, I like Sparcolonius. I'll give him that. Sparcolonius. There's a whole other folder called mediocre songs I made up. Let's hear one.
Starting point is 00:58:45 Let's hear one. That was the creep of the crop. I'll give you the choices you tell me which one. And big, because we have to go to a break. This is the last one. Pick your favorite one. I got to tell you. I knew we should not have listened to any of this.
Starting point is 00:58:56 That is true. Adam pleaded. Pick your favorite thing that I know you haven't heard any of these, even though you're mouthing along with them. I mean, they're all terrible. There's also more descriptions of my broken penis. Oh, no. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:59:10 What's this one? What's this one? This one. I fucking hate my grandson. I hate him. Oh, no. I hate his fucking face. I hate the way he speaks.
Starting point is 00:59:21 He smells like absolute fucking shit. He's a turd. He's a fucking turd. Oh, no. He'll never be a mountain. He'll never be anything. He'll never amount to anything. He's a shit.
Starting point is 00:59:31 I wish he would just die. I wish he would die. I wish a fucking car would run over his head. Wow. I'm sorry. Run over and over again so I could see his brain. No. Splooge out of his fucking eye sockets.
Starting point is 00:59:43 And then you know what I do? I'd fucking eat them like oysters. Fuck him. Fuck my grandson. He sucks. He's an awful, awful. Okay. I can't.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Oh, my God. Irving. I'm so sorry, Irving. This is horrible. I mean, there's one more after. One more. This is the very last thing he recorded before he passed away. I gotta say, I don't care if this last one ties up any loose ends.
Starting point is 01:00:05 I don't want to hear it. You don't want to hear it? Yeah. March 15th, 2007. So long time ago. I found another little bone in my duty today. Okay. Don't forget to call Dr. Civio and ask him about it because.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Right. Fuck, there's been several bones in my duty every time. Right. IBM. She really thought it was going to wrap up the storyline. Right. I mean, it's got full circle. And I'm not talking some small chicken bone in my duty.
Starting point is 01:00:32 I'm talking about a ball and socket joint. Joint. Can you find in your shoulder or your kneecap? That's too big. I gotta stop finding these bones in my duty. I gotta stop. Okay. I thought maybe there'd be one where he said, no, I was just kidding about hating my grandson.
Starting point is 01:00:52 No. The bone in the duty back. Jesus Christ. Well, Irvine. All these tomatoes, they fall away. Okay. Look, we have to go to a break if that's all right. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:01:07 Number three. Yes. Number three. Number three. Very funny. Gil, just insane. You should all listen to the CBB Presents episode. It's Sparkleonius, the Lost Memoir of Gabriel Sardinus.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Memoir. Memoir. Memoir of Gabriel Sardinus, which Gil recorded and produced himself and just sent it to me. I was like, hey, do you want to do a CBB Presents sometime with one of these things you do? And he goes, yeah. He took you literally. A few weeks later, sent it to me. The entire thing totally produced.
Starting point is 01:01:42 And then drew cover art for it. Wow. Yeah. He drew that. Oh, boy. Very talented, man. David Casp, the happy endings creator, also created Black Monday. He tells a lot of funny stories about Gil in the writer's room doing weird pranks and stuff.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Very funny guy. What a strange person. Strange person, but that very, yeah, really good. That was a fun episode. And just those three together, they have great chemistry. Is it any wonder that hot sauce is the name synonymous with comedy? It's a terrible date. All right.
Starting point is 01:02:21 We're going to take a break. When we come back, we're going to crack the top two. We can do it. Oh my God. Here we go. We'll be right back with more comedy bang bang after this. Comedy bang bang. We are back.
Starting point is 01:02:37 And guess what? What? We're about to go crackers. I like that better than calling ourselves crackers. Okay. Crackers for synonymous with being crazy is slang for being crazy. In Britain, yeah. It's crackers.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Yeah. Oh, that's crackers. I think about things like that where the person has to explain it the first time. Yeah. Oh, I'm going to call this crackers. Why? I think he's crackers. What?
Starting point is 01:03:03 He's out of his mind. Okay. So you just started saying that? And I'm supposed to say it now? You can if you want. I'm just saying I think he's crackers. What's that mean again? It means he's like crazy.
Starting point is 01:03:15 He's out of his mind. Crackers. I think you're crackers. Wait. I just said it's catching up. Yeah. That's probably how it went. That was eerie.
Starting point is 01:03:25 You and I should come up with more words because like all these new words, they get added to the OED every year. It's like. But here's what I like is that is taking a word that already exists and then using it to mean something else. Yeah. Like what? Car.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Hey. Don't be such a car. What just happened? How do we get to car from automobile? I know. It's like auto I understand. Auto car I guess at one point? Why?
Starting point is 01:03:57 Maybe. I don't know. But I think someone just got tired of it at one point. It was just like call it a car. Car. Can we shorten automobile to what? Car. How did we get from automobile to tar?
Starting point is 01:04:11 I don't know. Boy, that's a good question and I love that movie. Did you see tar? No. I would say. It's pretty good. I've heard it's good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Did you see Ava tar? Oh my God. She showed up in avatar. To return to the world of the Navi. Hashtag squad goals. What does she say in tar? No. I haven't seen it.
Starting point is 01:04:31 Hashtag rules of the game. It almost made me not want to see tar because it's in the commercial. Oh no. Hashtag rules of the game. Anytime somebody in a movie says hashtag out loud. It's an impossible movie to pull clips from. So they must have like the one thing that she said, which kind of sounds like a saucy thing. They're like, oh thank God.
Starting point is 01:04:48 Did somebody say hashtag out loud in Birdman or the unexpected virtue of ignorance? I hope so. Hashtag Birdman. I know Birdman was like. When they tweet about this movie. You're obsessed with going viral. Was he? I don't remember anything about it.
Starting point is 01:05:00 No, he wasn't. He was saying that about the younger generation. Yeah. That's all they care about. But to be fair, they do. That's all I care about. Oh my God. Do you think we're going viral right now?
Starting point is 01:05:11 Fuck please. Let's go viral. We want to go viral. Please. Hashtag Birdman. On one of our text threads, whenever Tim Kalpakis tweets something funny and somebody shares another thread, Tim's response is, oh no, did I go viral again? It makes me laugh every time.
Starting point is 01:05:35 Well, if you want us to go viral, tweet about the comedy bang bang best ofs, hashtag Birdman. Hashtag Birdman. And please tweet about the comedy bang bang best ofs with the hashtag Birdman. Hashtag Birdman. Please. I beg of you. We need to get the word out about these. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:52 Hashtag Birdman. Even if it's just you write out the words comedy bang bang best ofs, hashtag Birdman. Fine. Done. You don't have to comment on anything? No. Just say that name with that hashtag. All we want.
Starting point is 01:06:06 All right. It's time, Paul. Time to crack the top two. Shit. Wow. Are you excited? Yeah, man. All right.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Here we go. This feels comfortable. You know what I mean? This is about where we should be at this point in the countdown. I'll admit that I was scared when we were cracking the top two. First, I was afraid. I was petrified. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:24 Oh, you were petrified? I was just afraid. I know. She amends it. It's like, okay, we got it when you said afraid. First, I was afraid. I was actually petrified. It's like, hey, dude, we got it just from saying afraid.
Starting point is 01:06:37 You can just end there. But as I'm telling you, I'm realizing I was more than afraid. I was petrified. Well, why don't you just say, first, I was petrified? Jesus Christ. At first, I was petrified. I don't like it when in the middle of songs, the writer amends something that they said, like the worst is, of course, your song.
Starting point is 01:06:59 Yeah. Which is amazing. Yeah. But then again, no. Do a second draft, asshole. Yeah. I would love to know the decision to leave that in. I know.
Starting point is 01:07:11 If it was a plan from the beginning. Or he just, maybe it was an actual mistake. Maybe he was dictating to a parent. Polly, take this down. Fire sculptor. Fire sculptor. Wait till I say it. But then again.
Starting point is 01:07:26 Fire sculptor. No. No. Quack. Quack. Wait till I say it, parent. And that parrot's going to outlive him. Isn't that sad?
Starting point is 01:07:40 Precog parrot. We got a red ball for this pre-cog parrot. Wait, that's got to be a murder. That movie's a waste of time, isn't it? I feel like people like it. I watch part of it again. For some reason, I feel like in the last couple years, I've heard it referenced so many more times than I ever had.
Starting point is 01:08:01 I like these things which are like all about science of like, science that doesn't exist by the way. But wrestling with these moral quandaries of should we do this science and then the end result is no. No, we shouldn't. All right, let's do it. This is your choice for number two. Number two.
Starting point is 01:08:20 All right, number two, Paul. This is episode 752. You're telling me. Yeah, two after 750. This is the very early mid to late. Nailed it. This is from April 11th of 2022. And this is an episode called Wet Day Special.
Starting point is 01:08:47 Now listen. Yeah. You're knocking over that step stool. I want. What is Angela going to do without that step stool? We've admitted that we dropped the ball. Oh my God, he admitted. Oh my God, we admitted.
Starting point is 01:09:00 Oh my God, we admitted. That we dropped the ball on recording. On recording the numbers for the best of. Sorry. Even though we asked people to remind us and they did. Hashtag sorry, not sorry. But let me tell you something. We asked people to remind us about Wet Day.
Starting point is 01:09:15 And we fucking did a Wet Day special. We came through. We came through. That's right. Last year on the best ofs, we came up with the concept of Wet Day. Neither of us knows what it is. No, we didn't flesh it out any more than that.
Starting point is 01:09:30 We don't remember this conversation, why we said it. We just asked you all to remind us about it. And what day it was. Because we had decided a day. Yeah, we decided it was in April. I don't even remember what day. I feel like April 12th. I could be wrong.
Starting point is 01:09:43 Yeah. It was either that or April 10th or something. We don't know. I don't look up when it's Wet Day. Keep talking. We came up with the concept of Wet Day. We don't remember. We currently don't even remember what it is.
Starting point is 01:09:54 Nope. We asked you all to remind us maybe a month beforehand. You all did. And we made this episode called Wet Day special. Let me tell you something. I put in when is Wet Day, the first two searches, or the first search, the first thing that populates,
Starting point is 01:10:11 when is Wet Day comedy bang bang? Great. So we've made an impression. So you know we're on the right track. And it fucking comes up like it's an actual holiday. There it is. Wow. April 10th.
Starting point is 01:10:21 This is so weird. Wow. Thank you, Google. Google knows when Wet Day is. April 10th. Yes. April 10th. All right.
Starting point is 01:10:29 So April 10th is Wet Day. April 10th is Wet Day. April 10th is Wet Day. By the way, April 10th of 2023 is a Monday. So we're going to be celebrating Wet Day on the day the episode is actual. Yep. So if you listen to this episode,
Starting point is 01:10:43 you will hear us trying to ascertain, trying to discern what Wet Day is from our memory and what could possibly happen on Wet Day. Yes. We're not going to hear that episode, or that clip, rather. We are going to hear from two people. It was their first appearance on the show.
Starting point is 01:11:02 Mike and Ike Mink Salmon. That's right. Do you want to talk about Mike and Ike Mink Salmon? Yes. Because the people involved are Paula Tompkins. Hello. Drew Tarver. And Ryan Gall.
Starting point is 01:11:13 Who? Trying to find his voice. Yeah. Exactly. Who? Who? So Drew and I discovered that we both liked doing impressions of Mike Ehrman Trout
Starting point is 01:11:27 from Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. And so I had done one just like around the house for Janie, which always got a good laugh out of her. One. One more? No. And I really enjoyed doing it. He's got a fun voice and, you know,
Starting point is 01:11:48 talking about his granddaughter and everything. And then I heard Drew do it on the Teacher's Lounge podcast, and I texted him and said, hey, I do that voice too. Can we do it together on Comedy Bang Bang sometime? And then I think it was like a year later or something. It was a long time. All I knew was if you didn't tell me that,
Starting point is 01:12:07 he asked if he could do it. I think I was reaching out to him. Hey, are you around? Can you do it? And he goes, hey, Paul and I want to do this thing. So this is the first I was hearing about it. I could be, I mean, I can't keep track of how long or short time is anymore at all.
Starting point is 01:12:24 So it could have been a day later. One second. Oh, fuck. You're right. That's a good scale. Yeah. It's pretty trippy. It's a one to one scale.
Starting point is 01:12:33 And so this was that we finally decided to do it. This was the first time. Yeah. So we're going to hear these characters. Mike and I can make mink salmon. They became fan favorites. This is, I mean, it's all the way up to number two. This is it.
Starting point is 01:12:47 We're going to hear it. This is your episode. Number two. Number two. All right. Well, we have to get to our next guest. This is exciting. They are the aforementioned two grandfathers.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Please welcome to the show. Spike and Mike. Mink salmon. Let me tell you. If anything happens to my granddaughter. I'm going to visit you and you're not going to be happy about it. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Don't look at our grandkids. Okay. Sorry. Wait. Oh, you share a grandchild? We each have a granddaughter. We each have a granddaughter. And don't go near her.
Starting point is 01:13:20 And is it the same granddaughter? If we see you near. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. If we see you near our granddaughter while she's swinging on the playground. You'll have a problem. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:34 All right. If my granddaughter is coloring and something makes her go outside the lines. I'm going to come for you. Okay. We'll have to get it taken care of. I doubt I'll be even coming into contact with your granddaughter. Just stay away. Is it the same person?
Starting point is 01:13:51 I do need to figure that out because like you seem to be related. How would that be possible? All right. Well, I mean, you have the same last name. Are you related? Yes. We're brothers. Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:01 So, or you could be, you could be married. We could be. But we're not. But you're not. Okay. So your brothers. But if we were going to get married and our granddaughter was at our wedding, you don't need to get near the wedding.
Starting point is 01:14:14 Okay. If our granddaughter is the flower girl at our wedding, walking down the aisle sprinkling rose petals and you show up there, you're not going to like what happens. We'll have to take care of you. You'll end up in a Chicago overcoat. Yep. What is a Chicago overcoat? A coffin.
Starting point is 01:14:32 A coffin? Really? That's right. They call that a Chicago overcoat? Even outside of Chicago? That's right. Everywhere around the country, they call it a Chicago overcoat. Everyone knows it's a Chicago overcoat.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Are you guys from Chicago? No. Yeah. I can tell you're like from back east and you're from the south. Is that right? We're from the same place. Exactly the same place, sort of the southern part of Philadelphia. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:14:57 South Philly, some people call it. South Philly. Okay. That's right. Okay. And you guys are brothers. We're brothers. And you have a, one of you has a granddaughter and one of you-
Starting point is 01:15:06 I have a granddaughter. And I have a granddaughter. And you better stay away. Okay. I'm not going to come into even contact with your granddaughter unless I already know her. You'll end up in a Brooklyn shawl if you come near her. Let me guess, a coffin?
Starting point is 01:15:21 Is that another? Everyone in the country calls it that? Everyone, everywhere calls it a coffin. Who is your girl? Who is your girl? You mean the Brooklyn shawl? A Brooklyn shawl. I made a mistake.
Starting point is 01:15:34 Everyone makes mistakes. It happens. If you bring up that mistake one more time, you're in trouble. All right, but- And my granddaughter will know about it. It happens that people make mistakes, but what if I make the mistake of getting too close to your granddaughter? Listen, I'm not going to tell you again.
Starting point is 01:15:51 My granddaughter is off limits. If you go near my granddaughter, you're going to get a St. Paul slacks. St. Paul slacks. That's right. That's right. Let me guess, a coffin? It's a coffin. You're right.
Starting point is 01:16:06 And everyone calls it that? Everyone. Everyone calls it a coffin. I mean- Everyone. So yeah, you have- Take this coffin, glossary. It shows you all the different states and all the different coffins.
Starting point is 01:16:17 Okay, Arkansas. Left sock? Okay. That's right. Interesting. Okay. New Mexico. Or did you- did you guys already say New Mexico?
Starting point is 01:16:28 No. No, we have a brother in New Mexico. We do. You stay away from our brother. Don't get close. Who's this brother? Leave his granddaughter alone. Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:38 Look, everyone is a granddaughter. Pretty much, right? No. That math doesn't check out. But about 50% of the world is a granddaughter. Yes. Right? I mean, it's almost impossible to not be a granddaughter.
Starting point is 01:16:50 50% of the world are grandparents. You have to try not to be. 50% of the world aren't grandparents. I'm saying 50% of the world are granddaughters. And yet you were right. 50% of the world are grandparents. Grandfamily. Grandfamily.
Starting point is 01:17:07 Grandfamily. So what are you guys here to talk about? Maybe you saw the bumper sticker on the back of our car. No, I did not. I love my grand family. You have the same bumper sticker, but separate cars? Yes. Separate cars, same bumper.
Starting point is 01:17:20 We have to drive right next to each other. Oh, because one bumper sticker has half of it and the other bumper sticker has half of it. And unfortunately for us, it's perforated. So it could tear very easily. They didn't tell us that till after we bought the bumper sticker. Oh, no. How much is this bumper sticker? $20.
Starting point is 01:17:38 $20? And you couldn't just say, oh, that's a lot. $20,000. I mean, it is longer than normal bumper stickers. The part that's not perforated is very strong. Once he took a left and I dragged him. I still have the scars. Scars like you're going to have if you touch my granddaughter.
Starting point is 01:17:58 I'm not going to touch your granddaughter. Do I know her? Do I know her? You better not know my granddaughter. You don't want me to know her? You know her well. But I do know her? You know her too well.
Starting point is 01:18:09 A little too well. You get a little too close. Who is this granddaughter? You better stop asking questions about my granddaughter, whom you already know very well. Are there eight simple rules for knowing your granddaughter? There's 11 rules. There's 11. That's right.
Starting point is 01:18:26 Can I know those? Yes. Okay. Let's hear them. One. Starting all the way at the most important. Wow. No.
Starting point is 01:18:35 The higher it gets, the more important. Yes. One is the easiest one. Okay. Don't go near my granddaughter. Okay. Now, these are rules for getting near your granddaughter. Yes.
Starting point is 01:18:45 Number one is don't get. That's right. Don't call her by name. Okay. Don't even look at her. Okay. Keep her name out of your mouth. Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:55 Number five. Keep her name out of your fucking mouth. Okay. Very similar to the previous rule. Don't buy her anything. Buy her anything. Okay. Like, what are we talking about?
Starting point is 01:19:08 Gifts. I guess that is buying something. I think anything covers it. Don't buy her anything. That means there's not a thing you could buy accidentally. That's okay. Don't buy her anything. Anything.
Starting point is 01:19:24 So like from a spark plug, the tiniest spark plug. Leave her on the side of the road. We're not going to know his arctis with you. Don't buy her anything. A zebra? Okay. That's number seven, I think. Yes.
Starting point is 01:19:39 Number eight. Turn around and walk away. Okay. Right now or? It's in the rules. I'm in the middle of the show. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:19:52 Number nine. Do not under any circumstances. Circumstances. Some of these rules have their own words. That's okay. Now it sounds tricky, but it's intuitive. Is it like the English word circumstances? Exactly.
Starting point is 01:20:08 It relates to that a little bit? It relates to that, yes. But it's a totally different definition? Not totally. Not totally. Not totally. Not totally. Some of the words are the same.
Starting point is 01:20:17 Totally, not totally. So under any. Do not under any circumstances. Help her get out of a situation. Of any situation. Any situation. Any situation. Any circumstances.
Starting point is 01:20:35 Under the Circumstances. Under the Circumstances. Don't help her get out of any situation. Okay. All right. Ten. Watch your language and be polite. Okay.
Starting point is 01:20:48 Okay. Just getting further and further away from the English, I know. And then there's got to be one and the most important rule, number 11. This one you better remember. Okay. Don't look at her. At her? Okay.
Starting point is 01:21:04 I think I can remember the gist of all that. Read them back. Don't have anything to do with her. Don't go near her. Don't buy anything for her. Good. Keep her name out of my fucking mouth. Proceed.
Starting point is 01:21:26 Keep her name out of my mouth without the fucking. Good. And don't go near her. Yes. And under any circumstances, don't help her out of a situation. I think I got him. That was only four. That was only four.
Starting point is 01:21:39 No. That was way more than four. Look, I don't even, I don't know your granddaughter. Why do you love your granddaughter so much? Let's keep it that way. Yeah. We'll keep it that way. Although apparently I do know her, but why do you love her?
Starting point is 01:21:48 Did you really ask us why do we love our granddaughter so much? Why do you love your granddaughter? They're a pain in the ass as far as I'm concerned. Have you ever been on the other side of a seesaw with your granddaughter? Have you ever been at the park sitting on a bench watching your granddaughter on a swing? And then every once in a while she says, look how high I go pop pop. And you say, I see a kid, you're flying. Have you ever got your granddaughter for the last half of the day and you take her out
Starting point is 01:22:15 to get food and ice cream and she wasn't supposed to have ice cream? Have you ever yelled at your granddaughter so bad you scared her into tears and then your daughter-in-law of your dead son gets upset? This sounds very specific. No, I have not done any of these things. Did you have one more? Do you drive a late 80s Chrysler? Have a friend named Salamanca.
Starting point is 01:22:41 This sounds pretty specific. No, I don't have either of those things. Are you the enforcer for a secret drug lord who fronts a chain of chicken restaurants? No, unfortunately I'm not. No. Like, you're going to have to be put into a Washington, D.C. mini-T. Washington, D.C. isn't even a state. Wow, they made it in there.
Starting point is 01:23:05 Taxation without representation is tyranny. Oh, are you political? Just on that score. Just on that? What do you think of taxes in general? I don't like to pay them, but if you want to stay legitimate, you got to pay your taxes. You got to pay a few of them. It's nice that we have nice roads to drive on to do our business.
Starting point is 01:23:25 And that's what taxes do. Interesting. So that must take up a lot of your time. Yeah, it takes a lot of our time. But also, we are those guys at the boardwalk who dress in silver paint and be still, but we have trouble being still. Yeah, you guys are really squirrely. It's hard because I see people thinking about going near my granddaughter and I ruin the
Starting point is 01:23:48 illusion of being a silver robot. Unfortunately, our granddaughters are nearby and unattended, so we can't be still. Are those guys supposed to be motionless to fool you into thinking they're statues or robots because I would assume a robot moves? Not all robots move. A coffee maker's a robot. It doesn't go anywhere. It's it.
Starting point is 01:24:09 Here's my thing about robots, and let's see if you agree. Okay. Everyone's like, oh no, we can't create robots because they're going to take over the world. Don't give them thumbs. Case closed. We're going to call our granddaughter and see what she says. Oh, okay. Yeah, call her up.
Starting point is 01:24:24 You've actually asked this to our granddaughter because you know her well. Yeah, I've talked about this with your granddaughter already. And we were furious. All right, let's give her a call. Here we go, dialing the number that you guys gave me. Hello? Hello? Hello?
Starting point is 01:24:39 Why did I say hello first? I don't... Mom? Hi, this is Scott Ackerman of Comedy Bang Bang. Who? Scott, uh... It's okay, honey. Hi, pop-up.
Starting point is 01:24:50 You can talk to this man, but don't let him talk to you for too long. Okay, I'm playing. I love you. I know you're playing really good. I love you too, thanks. What do you play? Do you mind me asking? Is that okay to ask?
Starting point is 01:25:03 Easy, easy. I'm separating my Halloween candy into piles. Oh my God. This is really late to do that, I gotta say. It's wed day already. Thank you. Don't criticize my granddaughter. She, we let her eat all the old candy that she wants.
Starting point is 01:25:19 Okay, that's all right. So what are the categories you're separating? All candy is Halloween candy, because candy is sold year round. I put them into piles of all their different flavors. Oh, look at that. Wow. You're so smart. Reese's peanut butter cups, Reese's pieces.
Starting point is 01:25:37 Do you have piles of... Now I'm late. I'm not done. She's not done. Okay. Don't interrupt my granddaughter. Or... I'm gonna give you a trophy.
Starting point is 01:25:46 Okay. Stop there. Stop there. I'm good at that. Now and later, whatchamacallits, Peppermint kids, Peppermint kids. Peppermint kids? Is that the... What's that?
Starting point is 01:25:59 Which one was that? Come from Peppermint kids? What do you mean Peppermint kids? Is somebody messing with you? What's Peppermint kids? That's when you mush together Peppermint, Patty and Sarah Pats kids. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:26:12 That's not one of our code words. Everything's fine. Everything's fine. Wait, you have code words and what happens if the granddaughter says one of the code words? You get a trophy and then you're presented with a Pennsylvania patio set. But do you guys have go bags or anything? Or like I would imagine your granddaughter's go bag is just filled with Halloween candy?
Starting point is 01:26:34 Is that... Don't imagine things about my granddaughter. It's got a lot of candy and a lot of gravy. Staxa, five pennies, apples. Staxa, five pennies. Floss and watermelon suckers. Okay. Okay, are you done honey?
Starting point is 01:26:56 Okay, see she has floss. That's a good girl. Good girl. Thank you. Okay, say goodbye. Bye. No, we haven't asked her about... So see, you knew her.
Starting point is 01:27:09 You're creating thumbs on robots yet. Sounds familiar. Yeah, creating thumbs on robots. Hey. Oh, she's still there. Uh, Scott, are we gonna... are we meeting up again today? Uh... You better stay away from my granddaughter.
Starting point is 01:27:25 Don't you dare. Who are you? They say I know you really well. Who is this? You know my name. Who? Don't tell them honey. Don't say it.
Starting point is 01:27:33 You already know it. What is your name? We work together all the time. Who? What? Yeah. Where have I seen you? Where have I seen you?
Starting point is 01:27:43 You see this person every day. Every single day. Cool up? You better stay away. Don't you dare. Don't tell your granddaughter. Be careful. You're on thin ice.
Starting point is 01:27:55 We're gonna drive side by side over to your house and then put you in a New York grill. Grill? This is the cookware. That's right. Cookware portion. Okay. That's the kind that was advertised on podcast there for a while. Hey honey, what do you think about the Thumbs on Robots?
Starting point is 01:28:15 Are you still there? I'm here. I was just, I was playing a new game. Oh, what's the game honey? I was counting letters. How many are there? 26, right? Yeah, but not, you can count.
Starting point is 01:28:26 I figured out you can count different letters multiple times. So like, counting's good. Oh, that's amazing. So like, B for instance, you could count it how many times? I've counted B a hundred times, a hundred and fourteen times so far. Wow. That's a lot of times to count a B. I'm coming over.
Starting point is 01:28:47 Don't condescend to my granddaughter. Hey, I'm coming over Scott. I want to play games at your house again. I don't think you should go over. Honey, honey, listen to pop pop. Don't come over here just yet, okay? Because Scott might not be here by the time you get here, alright? I might have a trophy by the time you're here.
Starting point is 01:29:05 Might be wearing something. B, one. Okay, say goodbye, honey. Say goodbye. Two, F, F. You skipped a few. Okay, bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:29:20 So, what have you learned? I'm not placing the voice, I have to say. I mean, someone I see every single day. Every single day. The majority of the day. I think it's just cool. You spend nine hours or more with this person every single day. Definitely got to be cool, but she doesn't have any Halloween candy.
Starting point is 01:29:45 She doesn't talk like a little baby, I don't think. And I don't think either of you are a grandfather. Don't insult my granddaughter. If you say we are lying about having a granddaughter, we will come over there. Very weird you would say that. Any time someone says like... Who would lie about having a granddaughter? You better watch your step.
Starting point is 01:30:03 Be careful. Be careful. If you think we are just boardwalk performers that are lying about our granddaughters. Just to get on this show? Yes. And don't even have a Dairy Queen franchise. Look, I would have had you guys on just as the boardwalk performers. That's, I mean, maybe even more interesting than having granddaughters.
Starting point is 01:30:24 We said to your producer that we were a huge fan of Wet Day. And we washed off all our silver and we got sopping wet and we came down here. We came right down here. Okay, but why the... I'm assuming you guys are lying. Is that... If you say we're lying about having granddaughters, then you might be a redneck. Okay, I might be.
Starting point is 01:30:52 Number two. Yeah. Yeah. So, Ryan Gall was waiting in the wings in my backyard, waiting to do Doug Gropes, which he does in the next segment, but he did the granddaughters voice for that when we were taking calls. We could not remember her name for the longest time. Kayleigh. Kayleigh.
Starting point is 01:31:16 Right, right. Yeah. I think we looked it up when we did it live. Right. You did it live up in Portland. Is that right? Up in Portland Way. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:24 And that was really fun. Yeah. I mean, you added some stuff to... Oh, it eventually got to the point where... You realized you guys knew your... We murdered our own son because he was getting too close for our granddaughter, which was his daughter. Right.
Starting point is 01:31:39 So funny. All right, so we'll see you next Wednesday and please remind us. Remind us. When do we want people to remind us? No. No, but maybe six weeks before... I tell you what. Yeah, six weeks before.
Starting point is 01:31:54 I'm going to put it in my calendar right now. Okay. And then hashtag Birdman as well. Yes. Comedy bang bang. I love the comedy bang bang best does. Hashtag Birdman. Birdman.
Starting point is 01:32:05 I got to put it in mine as well just to remind myself that it's going to happen. And maybe we don't do it. Okay. April 10th. April 10th. Yes. April 10th. Wet Day Special 2.
Starting point is 01:32:18 I'm going to call it. The second annual... The second annual Wet Day Special. Part dual. All right. So that was number two. That's pretty exciting. Pretty exciting stuff.
Starting point is 01:32:33 I mean, it's exciting because we're about to go to number one. Oh man. Can you imagine being at number one and then hearing that clip? Guess what? Guess what? We're going to do it when we come back from this break. It's great. I have six minutes, by the way.
Starting point is 01:32:48 Oh, okay. Shit. I didn't know you had a time constraint. All right. We'll be right back. Comedy bang bang. We're back. I'm so sorry, Scott.
Starting point is 01:33:01 Yeah. What's up, Paul? Devon, do you know who Shields and Yarn L are? I do. Okay. Yeah. Good. We're glad.
Starting point is 01:33:09 We just wanted to get the word out about Shields and Yarn L. Have you heard the good news? Shields and Yarn L are husband and wife. My I'm duo. Oh my God. Welcome back. Paul, it's been four days since we took a break. Paul said he had to go and he did.
Starting point is 01:33:26 He disappeared. You went off the grid for a while. But I did come back. I was completely off the grid. Well, you only came back because I tracked you down with a private investigator. Okay. But I came back. It's the important thing.
Starting point is 01:33:37 You're back now. How did that guy find me? Credit card receipts. You got to go cash list. I forgot when you go off the grid you shouldn't use your credit card. And I mean, I was buying shit like crazy. He had Amazon deliveries. I had Amazon deliveries every day all day long.
Starting point is 01:33:55 Man, this is our final segment on the show. It had to come to this. We've taken our final break and we're back from it. That's the last break we'll ever take for these best of you. Oh my God. I'm getting so sentimental. We're going to hear the top episode of the year now. It's impossible to believe.
Starting point is 01:34:16 I can't believe it, but we're going to do it. You voted on it. This is it. This is your number one. Number one. All right, Paul. All right, Scott. This is episode 738.
Starting point is 01:34:35 Oh, this is fucking squarely in the early... The late? The late early mids. Yep. Of 700s. You did it. Wow. And this is from January 3rd of 2022.
Starting point is 01:34:54 That seems like the beginning of the year. Maybe the first episode? The first episode and the first episode of the backyard era. Of 2022, the great backyard era of 2022. Yeah, exactly. And Paul, you wanted me to alert you to it. This was the first oh no episode. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:35:08 What do you think? Did you want to guess or something? You just wanted me to alert you. I think... I would like to hazard a guess. Okay. Do you want to hear the title or do you just want to hazard the guess first? I want to hazard the guess first.
Starting point is 01:35:20 I think that this episode involves a certain MD. Michael McDonald. Whose talk is a bit on the non-safery side? The sweet variety. That's right. This is an episode called Three Doctors Oh No. And it's number one and the people involved are Ben Schwartz. We heard from him a couple of episodes ago.
Starting point is 01:35:46 Ben Schwartz. Katie Dippold. Dippold. I think this is her first and only appearance on Comedy Bang Bang to date. Yeah, she'll never be on again. Oh, to date. I'm sorry. To date.
Starting point is 01:35:59 She really wants to do it again and I keep asking her and she's a busy Hollywood screenwriter. It's very true. She's written such movies as The Lady Ghostbusters. Lady Runnington. What was The Heat, I believe, with Sandra Bullock? Yeah. And she also did the Amy Schumer Goldie Han one. Which I thought was very funny.
Starting point is 01:36:19 Amy Schumer Goldie Han. And then Gillo Zerry, who this is his third of three appearances that he made in the year. All three made the top 10. Dang. Nice work. Top six, in fact. All three. Nicer work.
Starting point is 01:36:40 He came in very prepared and this is the first one that he did. He understood the assignment. So this is a backyard episode. This is the first episode of the backyard era. This is our first episode back in the new year. And you know, some people say like, oh, why occasionally we would get messages about like, oh, why are you doing backyard episodes? The pandemic is over or whatever.
Starting point is 01:37:08 Because performers request it. That's why. Yeah. Or whoever requests it. It doesn't matter. Not everybody is you. Yeah. Some people have certain situations in their lives where they need to do it outside.
Starting point is 01:37:21 Let's be cool about that. It's also like, it's free. Yeah. But I mean, what's funny to me about that is, every once in a while, I would see complaints about it being outside or something. And to me, it didn't bother me at all. As a listener, it didn't bother me at all. We were just having fun.
Starting point is 01:37:39 The sound was still good. And guess what? This is your favorite episode of the year. So everybody, chill. Shut the fuck up. Sit the fuck down. Get the fuck out. So the background of this episode is Ben always does the first episode of the year.
Starting point is 01:37:57 And I asked who we wanted to do it with. And he does improv a lot with Katie and has known her for a ton of time. So she has time for him. So she was available. She is no spoilers. She is not available for the first episode of next year. And neither is Gil. But Ben is, of course.
Starting point is 01:38:17 But so Katie did it in Gil. We've talked about it on the Hot Sauce episode. They're really close. And so Ben lives relatively close to me. He was walking over. Now that's close. It's pretty close. He was walking over and on the way, he got a text from Gil.
Starting point is 01:38:36 And the text said, tell Scott that I'm bringing something I need to hook into the sound system. And Ben read that. And like a psychopath assumed it was a joke and didn't tell me. Because what would be funny about that? I don't understand. So let's say it is a prank of some kind. And Ben tells you, I have something I need. Gil says he has something he needs to plug into the sound system.
Starting point is 01:39:07 And then Gil gets there and either does or doesn't. Either way, it maybe adds three minutes of stress to my life. I don't know how it's a prank to say. So by the time that Ben then got there and Gil showed up. By the way, Ben got there 10 minutes before Gil did. He got there 10 minutes earlier because he was walking there. Didn't say a word about it. By the time Gil got there and set and had this whole big like jam box set up that he needed to plug in.
Starting point is 01:39:35 Everything was already set up. And I was like, oh, I could have figured that out. Or I could have called Devin to come bring a part I needed for it, but to plug right directly into the system. Or I could have canceled this recording. Throwing the table over in disgust. But everyone had to go within like everyone had hard outs and needed to go. So we just had to do it. So basically what Gil did was he had this jam box connected to a keyboard.
Starting point is 01:40:02 And so we just put a microphone next to it, hoping that it would pick up and. Oh wait, a jam box is one of those Bluetooth speakers. Portable speakers. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And we just hoped for the best. And it was practically unintelligible, which makes it even funnier because we are dying laughing. And Gil doing this incredible production to do this thing.
Starting point is 01:40:31 That is not working. It's not working. Only due to the setup that Ben just blew him off about. Right. It's very funny. Now here's what I have to ask. Yeah. Why did Gil not tell you directly?
Starting point is 01:40:48 I don't know. That is a good question too. Because Gil has my info. Yes. But maybe he and Ben were talking. That's what I said. I think they talk all the time. They're really good friends.
Starting point is 01:40:57 And maybe Ben said I'm on my way over there. Yeah, that's probably what happened. And he's like, oh, hey, by the way, can you tell Scott that I have this? And I mean, Scott, you know what happened, right? It's as obvious to you as it is to me. What's that? Ben's sabotaging Gil. That's what it is.
Starting point is 01:41:10 He didn't think that was a joke. He knew it. And he wanted him to fail. But then it backfired on Ben. That's right. Because it's the top episode of the year. Sixth Emperor Tyrannus. Wow.
Starting point is 01:41:21 Well, this is the first episode where we hear 2022's catchphrase. And this was the episode where our plugs theme. This is the first year long catchphrase. Is that correct? Yeah. Yeah, we've had this catchphrase all year. I don't think it's ever happened before. I don't think it has.
Starting point is 01:41:36 This is amazing. So we're going to hear this entire segment with Dr. Sweet Chat, the small talk robot. This is your choice for episode number one. Number one. I don't know anything about what this is, but please welcome, for the very first time on this show, Dr. Sweet Chat, the small talk robot. Thank you, Scott.
Starting point is 01:41:59 Whoa, doctor. How are you? I am Dr. Sweet Chat, the small talk robot. Oh, thank God, because I introduced Dr. Sweet Chat, the small chat robot, and then you started talking and if you weren't... Are you going to tell it? Take us through what you are. So I can't...
Starting point is 01:42:19 I don't want to... You explain what you look like. You're a flesh-covered cube. You're a flesh-covered cube. I was built. I was built. I was built. I was built.
Starting point is 01:42:30 I was built. I was built. I was built. I was built. I was built. I was built. I was built. Okay, so you were built by a widower?
Starting point is 01:42:38 You say, why is that important? Why is that important? Oh, okay. So you... This person had nobody you were the person to do the small talk with because he was so bad at it. Wow. So he was a widower.
Starting point is 01:42:59 How old was he when he was widowed? He was in his fifties. Oh, wow. Late fifties, early fifties, this is important. Early fifties. And then how long have you... Is he still around? I don't know how long you've been alive.
Starting point is 01:43:18 Well, that's great. Can I ask you... He lets you out of the house. How do you get around? Because you're just a flesh-covered cube. You're a flesh-covered cube. You don't even have wheels. One roller skate?
Starting point is 01:43:29 That's great. And by the way, I see the roller skate now. It's to the left of you. It's one of those old, like, 70s roller skates that you would strap to tennis shoes. You're always blissed on it? Placed. Oh, so when you leave, we have to place you on it? Of course.
Starting point is 01:43:55 Although I'd love to have you. I mean, you're excellent at small talk, I've noticed. What is it? Oh, let's do it! Start, start, start up. Can we pretend that Dr. Yvette... Sorry, Dr. Yvette Victor. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:44:12 Let's pretend we're at a party. Have you ever role-played before in any of your sessions? I have, yes. What kind of role-plays do you normally do? I always play a mother. Oh, okay. Do you want to play a mother? Are you a mother?
Starting point is 01:44:23 I have three beautiful children. Hey! With your first husband? With my first husband. They don't speak to me, but... Oh, okay. I could role-play a mother. Okay, well, that's just you being yourself, though.
Starting point is 01:44:35 Right, I could role-play... This is something totally different than what you are. Okay. Ooh, this is exciting. Good. An Olympic swimmer. Oh, okay, great. All right, and we're at a party celebrating you.
Starting point is 01:44:47 You got the silver. Sure, okay. Would you prefer the gold? I would like the gold. Okay, let's give her the gold. All right, why not? Why wouldn't you? We're at a party.
Starting point is 01:44:57 Hey, Ben, do you see her over there? Holy shit, is that that Olympics swimmer? That Olympics... I didn't watch any of the Olympics except for her... Her final race was unbelievable. She was going so slow, but the other people were even slower. I know. I've never seen anything like it.
Starting point is 01:45:12 It was like... What do you mean, Spiders? I haven't even gotten to the Olympic swimmer yet. What do you mean, Spiders season is over? I guess there were a lot of Spiders for a little bit. It feels like it came and went. Yeah, well, we got our first rain shower in a while. Well, I've never really judged the heat of rain.
Starting point is 01:45:50 Yeah, I guess when we go outside, you don't really feel it. Right, right, me too. Are you agreeing or this is a program? Anyone here love what? I don't think that's a thing. I think it has to be downhill skiing. Because cross-country skiing is level. You can't ski up.
Starting point is 01:46:08 The gravity will push you down. Why? Because Snow is very slippery. He's learning. He's learning. This is learning to not ask the same question. Snow is very slippery and anytime you try to go up, you'll just end up skiing backwards.
Starting point is 01:46:22 That's closer. You're in that ballpark, which if you're playing baseball, that's where you want to be. It means you've arrived to work. Pointy ball? Pointy ball? What is he saying? I don't think it can be a ball if it's pointy.
Starting point is 01:46:41 A ball? Whoa, Jesus. Christ. What did he say? He said, what about football genius? Oh, wow. My gosh. Jesus.
Starting point is 01:46:54 That's not small. It's off the spewing rude. Please, but no, you're doing an ad right now. What? We can't understand what you're saying. Go slower. Professor Kruppi's experiments. We're funded by Banana Republic.
Starting point is 01:47:27 Why? That's not a part of a small talk. Okay. Wow. Okay, God. Yes, professor. Yes, doctor. Oh, this happens to be a belt from Banana Republic.
Starting point is 01:47:45 Yeah. Should we pretend that we're on an elevator together? Yeah. Do you still want to be the swimmer? This is a small talk. Because I feel like you didn't get a chance to weigh in. That's okay. That's okay.
Starting point is 01:47:55 Yeah, it was fun. I mean, we were talking. We kind of expected you to enter at some point. I was just enjoying the scene. Yeah, I mean, it was a pretty compelling scene. It was, but this is beyond small talk. You've overtaken the conversation and you haven't allowed anybody to really talk back to you at all.
Starting point is 01:48:14 That'd be great. Yeah. Are dogs uncomfortable underwater? I mean, underwater. Stop coming. Stop yelling Victor. That's a doctor. Oh, I see two doctors.
Starting point is 01:48:42 We've never had two doctors on the show before. Maybe this is what happens when... So do you find this doctor attractive? Oh, let's hear your romance. Do you mind, doctor, if you allow him to romance you? No, let's pretend I'm on the elevator. Yeah, you're on the elevator. You're the swimmer and you're unmarried.
Starting point is 01:49:06 Yeah. Just to give it more time, let's say I've just hit floor 203. Do you mind if I... Cross your foot? Oh, that's true. To be honest, I wouldn't want it to be... I would try something that's less damaging or sounds physically painful.
Starting point is 01:49:31 Under the bed? Under the bed? Did you say blood or bed? Under the bed. Flavortown? You said Flavortown? Yeah, Flavortown. The fuck is Flavortown?
Starting point is 01:49:44 Oh, doctor, you're flying off the head. Now, doctor, why does this make you feel so unhappy? This is good for you to look at yourself. Flavortown just sounded... I didn't know what it meant. Yeah, I think he's intimating that he'd like to eat... There's no other way to say it, but... There is.
Starting point is 01:50:00 You've already made a mistake. Don't start with eat. No, no, no, no. Oh, that's what he meant. That's fine. Oh, that's okay. That's fine. Okay, sorry.
Starting point is 01:50:08 I misunderstood. It's not working, doctor. Do you like that? Do you like when I put all my weight on your stomach? Wow. All my weight on your stomach. All the weight of a flesh-colored cube. By the way, what are your dimensions?
Starting point is 01:50:22 I am a three inches by three inches by three inches by way of four hundred dollars. So you're like the size of... The size of, like, what? A matchstick case, but if it was totally a square genius. And then you're way four hundred... Easy. I'm trying to think of something that's three inches by three inches by three inches. During the break, of course, you were comparing everything to matchbox.
Starting point is 01:50:49 Have you practiced small talk when someone throws it at you? Oh, please. Okay. Doctor. Oh, yeah. We're outside a bank. You don't have to keep saying where we are. Okay.
Starting point is 01:51:01 I stepped aside. It's hot out today. Did you say let's lose the phone? Let's lose the phone? Phone? Yeah. I think it's funny that we can't understand him. Because he's a small talk robot.
Starting point is 01:51:17 So half the small talk is about how we don't understand what he's saying. Just so I understand. I went up to him and said, how about this warm weather? That's great small talk. And he said, let's lose the phone, lady. Were you on your phone? You know what? I bet the phone was in my hands.
Starting point is 01:51:31 Keep going. That's how you got the information about the weather, though. Sure. I am coming from the bank. That's actually really good. Very good. That's the first good small talk thing you've said. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:44 Oh, no. He's a crypto guy. Oh, God. Okay. Okay, but I understand. Yeah, there you go. That's a small talk thing. This is a flow.
Starting point is 01:51:57 Yeah, this is good. Great. I was going to say a piece of paper. Oh, my God. Wow. This is working. This is working. You guys are kind of hitting it off, I gotta say.
Starting point is 01:52:20 That's so interesting. I do like music. This is good. God, I guess I like a little... I guess people describe genres of music they like more than what kind of songs they like. But go ahead. Yeah, rock and roll. Yeah, I would love to hear your favorite.
Starting point is 01:52:42 That's the song, the title of the song. Oh, is that the sound? So your favorite song is an old man sipping seltzer. What? What? I don't understand what are you talking about? You're frustrating him. Yeah, he wants you to leave him alone.
Starting point is 01:53:04 I know, I want to see how you handle antagonism. I want to see how you handle conflict. I've never seen a flush cube sweat before. Yeah, it's perspiring very heavily. It's such a small cube. It's like a matchstick. Hey, sir, get out of my seat, sir. That's my seat.
Starting point is 01:53:23 I paid for it. We're at Madison Square Garden, and I want my seat. Get out of it. Okay, that's not common. That's a good way of dealing it. Here you go. What? What was that?
Starting point is 01:53:38 Do you have a friend with you? Your friend Siri is enabled. The hell is going on? It sounded like a regular human. Why don't you sound as good as Siri? You know, you sound like a robot. Oh, I'd love to hear it. Please, I can't believe you're packed with so many things.
Starting point is 01:54:03 You go from one to the other so quick. Yeah. Well, I mean, that's a robot for you. Just robot brains move quicker than our brains. That's true, ones and zeros. What did the razor say to the umbrella? Raisin. Raisin?
Starting point is 01:54:17 Okay. What did the raisin? I'm usually pretty good at these jokes. It's great that we have to repeat everything that you say, and we get it wrong half the time. It's really filling up the time. All three of us seem to be pretty, we know jokes, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:31 What did the raisin say? Well, this is the riddler, which we used to do. Riddle me this. Oh, riddle me this, of course. Yeah, of course. What did the raisin say? Let's all take a guess. What's the question?
Starting point is 01:54:40 What did the raisin say to the umbrella? It's a joke. It's a joke for us all. Okay, so let's all take a guess and do a joke. What is he curious about? What is he curious about? I don't think he's curious at all. Jesus, stop shitting on the doctor.
Starting point is 01:54:56 All right, everyone take a guess. What did the raisin say to the umbrella? I'm happy we're both dried up now. Okay. Okay, that could be it. Hey, I could have used you because before I was a prune. There you go, that's good. Okay, what do you got?
Starting point is 01:55:15 I guess he's wondering, wow. You're trying to figure out his psychological analysis? He am. Well, let's hear it. Fine, what is he wondering? Raisins and umbrellas. I mean, that's obvious. What is it?
Starting point is 01:55:27 I mean, obviously a raisin, he feels small. He's tiny. You know, this is obviously, you know, an umbrella goes large. It's like 60 matches. Okay, okay. But it also can protect him. Wow.
Starting point is 01:55:41 Okay, interesting. So what did the raisin say to the umbrella? I think he said, protect me. Okay, interesting. You're very good at your job. Yeah, oh my God. So what did the raisin say to the umbrella? Is that the joke?
Starting point is 01:55:57 Oh, no. Or oh, no, you forgot the answer. Yeah, I would. I guess, yeah. What did the chef say when the book fell on his toe? We're getting better at understanding. Yeah. But we're still repeating in case the audience.
Starting point is 01:56:19 Of course. We're able to read. His lips. And then you have like, yeah, like a little slit in your cube. Okay, so what did they say? And that's your mouth, by the way? Or what? Do you eat?
Starting point is 01:56:33 Do you eat? What do you eat? Baby carrots. Was that the answer to the joke? Oh, I don't think so. Yeah, that's what I thought. All your punch lines are oh, no, I guess. You know, like, why do you think these are funny?
Starting point is 01:56:53 These are jokes to you? Where did the brick get his diploma from? Okay. You should have guessed that. What does that mean? Repetition doctor. So much repetition. I mean, he knows the rule of threes in comedy.
Starting point is 01:57:11 Well, let's see. Do you have another joke? That was the third one. Yeah, but now he has four. You want to do that? That's how he is. Oh, no. I know.
Starting point is 01:57:20 We know this one. You know, it's interesting repetition and therapy is a lot of times people keep doing the same thing, hoping for a different outcome. Yes, of course, by the way. Oh, Jesus Christ. I know. That's not negging.
Starting point is 01:57:36 You're not dissing her. You're threatening her. That's a problem to me. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 01:57:44 Yeah. I know. I know. I know. I know. Why are you smoking right now? Listen. I have to be honest with you.
Starting point is 01:57:57 Oh, yeah. I was programmed through a small talk, but I really want something deep to me. You want large talk? I want deep talk. Oh, okay. Okay, well, that's good. Well, you're with a therapist and two people were
Starting point is 01:58:08 pretty open. Can I tell you, I really see you. Absolutely. I'm going to start putting my coat on while you're here. Yeah. Yeah. She stood up in the salmon just spilled all over the
Starting point is 01:58:18 ground. I know. What? Oh, no. I thought he created you because his wife was dead. And that doesn't make any sense. He died.
Starting point is 01:58:41 He built you. You went back in time and killed her before she died. Yeah. Wow. Okay. This makes sense to me. Wait, is it a joke or no? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:50 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:58 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:07 Yeah. Sure. Why did the, what did the chef say when the book fell into... Oh, no. Oh, no. Number one. Well, there we have it, huh?
Starting point is 01:59:20 One more needs to be said. And now clearly, can it be said? Now, here's what I reveal to you. Yes. I have not heard this episode. Whoa! Never listen to it. But every episode that I've done, since then, since that
Starting point is 01:59:39 episode dropped, I believe every single plug theme has included samples of Dr. Sweetchat. This is going, oh, no. Oh, Dr. Sweetchat. Very funny. He was just on our holiday spectacular and was even less audible. How is that possible?
Starting point is 01:59:58 I don't know. Did he do the set up the same way? I think so. I don't know. I don't know what happened. I mean, we could tell what he was saying because we're reading lips as well. That's the other thing.
Starting point is 02:00:09 So that's why we're repeating it. Oh, sure. So much. Sure. You know, and we're hearing like this and stuff like that off mic. Snakes. We're hearing snakes.
Starting point is 02:00:20 Plenty of snakes in the backyard era. Well, that was, that's, that was number one. That's incredible. There we go. I had a feeling that was going to be number one. I know that it is much beloved. And I want to say congratulations to that episode. Congratulations to that episode.
Starting point is 02:00:35 Should we run through some stats? Oh man. This is the part I live for. All right. Here we go. All right. We're going to do it by month. How many episodes?
Starting point is 02:00:44 Oh, I'm sorry. When you said stats, I was thinking states. Oh, we're not going to run through the states. Arkansas. Arizona. Okay. Now you got my attention. Alabama.
Starting point is 02:00:54 Okay. So by month, November of 2021, one episode. December of 2021, one episode. January two episodes. February one. March one. April one. May three episodes from May.
Starting point is 02:01:08 We're on a hot streak that month. Zero from June. Oh. Oh, immediate cold streak. Goose egg in the summer. Yeah. July two episodes. Pick a backup.
Starting point is 02:01:20 August one episode. Going back down September two episodes. Picking back up. October. Oh. Zero. Now that's scary. That's scary.
Starting point is 02:01:30 And the O in October is kind of like a zero. Yeah. Zero October. November two episodes. Maybe that's recency bias. I don't know, but so pretty spread out over the year. Yeah. Not bad.
Starting point is 02:01:44 Ten studio episodes, seven backyard. Wow. Which is pretty much the ratio of months that we did. So, you know, not too bad. You got ratio. All right. So these are the people who appeared in two episodes in the best of. Andy Daly, Sean Diston, Tim Baltz, Lisa Gilroy,
Starting point is 02:02:05 Wil Hines, Carl Tartt, Mary Holland, Ego Wodem, Ryan Gall, Ben Schwartz, Dan Lippert, and weirdly enough, Adam Pally, being in two episodes in the best of. If you had told me that that was happening in 2022 and not 2012. I would have said you're crazy. You're fucking crazy.
Starting point is 02:02:22 Okay. Here are the people who did three episodes. Jason Manzuchus, Lily Sullivan, and Gilles Airey. All three that he did were in that top six. Three timers. And Paul, were you keeping track? Do you know how many episodes you were in? No.
Starting point is 02:02:36 Ten. Ten of the 17. Really? Yes. Jesus. Including Charles and Jimmy being in the Zooks episode. You were in ten of the. Including that.
Starting point is 02:02:45 You were in ten of the 17 and you were in the bonus clip that got that one. Dang. You were in the lion's share of everything. Am I just in more episodes than most people? I think so. But also, I think you probably did 12 episodes, I think. And ten of those turned out to be in the top 17. So Yeoman's work from Paul F. Tompkins.
Starting point is 02:03:07 Yo, man, let me tell you something. I am most gratified in what a pleasure it was. I had so much fun. Yeah. This is a fun year. Yeah. The first year where the first episode eligible and the last episode eligible made the countdown. Congrats.
Starting point is 02:03:22 We had over 50,000 votes from the USA to Canada, the UK, Australia, Sweden, Germany, Ireland, New Zealand, Finland, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Norway. Wow. France, fuck off. France, fuck off. Italy, fuck off. Italy, why you no listen to comedy being made? Spain?
Starting point is 02:03:46 Espana? Espana, man. Fuck off. How do you say fuck off? Why you no listen to comedy being made? Why you no listen to comedy being made? Why you listen to the Mario movie and not to comedy being made? It's me, sad, because you no listen to comedy being made.
Starting point is 02:04:04 So incredible. Thank you, everyone, for voting. And I want to thank you, Paul, for not only being on the show so much, but for doing these best ofs. This is always, the lead up to it is my least favorite time of the year. Listening to my own voice for weeks on end pulling these clips. But the day we do it is one of my favorite days of the year. Well, Scott, I agree. It's the same for me.
Starting point is 02:04:33 I love doing these best ofs. And I've said it before and I will say it again. I count the hours that I have spent in the studio with you among the happiest of my life. Well, speaking of the studio, this is the final episode. You teased this in the first of the best ofs. This is the final episode in the Earwulf Studio. It's wild. We've been here the longest of any place that we've done the show.
Starting point is 02:04:56 Yeah, of any studio. Yeah, we did the radio station Indy1031 for a year. Then we moved into the place next to the alley and next to the marijuana dispensary. Yeah, the drug den. The drug den. And that was for a year, year and a half. Moved over to the place on the fourth floor of that big fancy building. Maybe there a year and a half, maybe two, I don't know.
Starting point is 02:05:20 And then moved just upstairs from here for a good chunk of time. Good chunk of time. But then in here for a while and the Earwulf Studios are closing down. So this is the final Comedy Bang Bang episode ever to be recorded in here. Let me ask you this because I haven't asked off mic and I don't know what happens. Where do studios go when they die? Where do shows go when the studio dies? Nowhere.
Starting point is 02:05:49 They go to the new Sirius XM Studios as well as some other places. I don't know where we're going to be recording. Okay, you haven't decided yet. I haven't decided yet. Okay. But we will find it. This is the very last one in this room. We've had the best ofs in this particular studio of the studios every year for the past several years.
Starting point is 02:06:08 The studio of studios. Oh, yes. So thank you to the studio. I want to thank all the performers. Thank you, Building. Thank you, Building. Thank you, inanimate object. And now on to people.
Starting point is 02:06:23 I want to thank all the performers who were on Comedy Bang Bang. Obviously, I don't think anyone would listen to the show if it was just me talking for a long time. The show is all these performers who give their genius talents to make the show as funny and as fun as it is. So I want to thank everyone who's been on the show this year. I want to thank all of the fans. I mean, obviously, if no one were listening, no one would give a shit. Well, that's a good point. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:06:53 I also want to thank everyone who came to see us on tour. That was really fun. We did all of August. We did over 25 shows, I feel like, and they're all up at You can hear all of those, and they were super fun. Super fun. All the people who came to see us. I want to thank everyone who worked on the show.
Starting point is 02:07:11 Several of whom, oh, they're all over here right now. You got July over there. July, who listens to all these episodes. Do you still listen to him, July? He does, and he writes all the descriptions for them. And an incredible amount of time he's spent listening to my voice. Can I tell you this? Good descriptions.
Starting point is 02:07:28 Yeah. That's a very specific thing. Some people are not good at it. Would it kill you to describe a naked lady once in a while? Ooh. You know? DiCembe. DiCembe.
Starting point is 02:07:40 He's giving us the DiCembe. Thank you to Kimmy as well, our new producer. And we want to give a special thank you to our producer, Devin Bryant, who this is his final episode of Comedy Bang Bang. He is moving on to, I don't know whether they're greener pastures, but they're pastures nonetheless. And Devin, you can get on mic for the first time. I'm going to allow you to get on mic.
Starting point is 02:08:04 What a character arc. Can you believe it? This is incredible. Your first episode you did, I begged you not to get on mic. You did. Yes, you said, don't touch that fucking fader. Get your goddamn hands off that. Something like that.
Starting point is 02:08:16 It's a Max Sylvesterie app. That was my first one. Oh, really? Yeah. The 10 minute set. The 10 minute set. Devin, thank you so much for all of your work. Not only this year, but to the past few years.
Starting point is 02:08:30 How long have you been doing the show at this point? I've been producing it for two years. But before that, I was doing things like I did the 10th anniversary app with you, the 10 hour episode. I'm the guy who edited it all together. And so yeah, I was always taken on the big projects. Anytime you would hear like a little shk, like the sound of scissors cutting during that episode, that was you.
Starting point is 02:08:48 That was me. Yeah. Why did you dub that in there? So people knew some work had been done. You don't want to show the scenes. It was distracting. I think people understand. Devin, you're moving on.
Starting point is 02:09:01 You can say where you're going. Yes. So people can follow you or you can plug whatever you want to plug. No, for sure. Oh, thank you. That's really nice of you. Yeah, I've been hired on as a senior producer over at Smartless Media. They're starting up a whole network over there.
Starting point is 02:09:13 And I'm their first hire producer. So I'm going over there to build a whole new slate of shows with them. And they've already got some cool stuff in the pipeline. And yeah, I'm really, really excited about it. Can we have shows? Yeah, yeah, yeah. We'll talk. We'll talk.
Starting point is 02:09:24 We'll definitely talk. Damn. Hook us up. Hook us up with one of those Smartless deals. Jesus Christ. I bet they have money. Yeah, seriously. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 02:09:33 Devin, thank you so much. It's truly my pleasure. It's been great working with you. Yeah. And I mean, just to say a couple of the crazy things that we have pulled off together, Scott, I won't even say each of the things, but there are certain episodes that you know. We've even brought them up occasionally where we just pulled some shit off
Starting point is 02:09:48 that shouldn't be possible. Shouldn't have been done. Yeah. And typically those episodes end up in the best of since like, wow, we really fooled them. And I'm so proud of that work that we did together. Yeah. There was the episode that where the recorder turned off.
Starting point is 02:09:59 Yes. The whole last 45 minutes didn't get recorded. Exactly. And we re-recorded it all from memory. Yes, exactly. There's that. It was Jamie Loftus, right? Who lost all of her audio.
Starting point is 02:10:10 Not Jamie Loftus, but... Jamie Lee. Jamie Lee. Jamie Lee. Yes. Exactly. Who lost her entire episode audio and then hopped on with, on a Zoom with me on a Friday.
Starting point is 02:10:24 And you re-recorded her entire... Every single line that she said in an improv all the way through and flew it all back in. Yeah. I mean, yet. But it's truly been a pleasure because not everybody asks you to pull off these kinds of things. And that's what makes it a really great show.
Starting point is 02:10:37 Some other shows are easier. But you like this one more. Yeah. Weirdly. And you also do music. You've done the theme song to our TMNT show. And also Scott hasn't seen. And Scott hasn't seen.
Starting point is 02:10:47 I did the theme for that. And people may know if they listen to Get Played, Apodaka and Heather and Campbell show that I did 137 discreet theme songs for that show. They were discreet? They're all different. Or distinct. They're all completely different.
Starting point is 02:11:00 So they're just... That's distinct. They're discreet from each other. That's a thing too. No. Yeah. So you're going to bring to smart room? E-T-E.
Starting point is 02:11:08 Not E-E-T. Oh. It's a different verb. All right. Hashtag, David, your bafflegabs on Twitter. Bafflegabs on Twitter. Yeah. If he's right, hashtag, you know.
Starting point is 02:11:21 Birdman. Birdman. Obviously. And I explained bafflegabs. Where does that come from? Well, so you know the phrase techno babble, right? Sure I do. I live it.
Starting point is 02:11:32 In sci-fi, exactly. That's what you say. This is the British version of techno babble. It's what they would say about Doctor Who. We'll write a bit of bafflegabs for that bit. I've never heard that before and I really love it. I know. Interesting.
Starting point is 02:11:45 Devon, do you want to come in here and be part of the snowman game? Yes, please. Okay, come on in. Sit in this chair. We're going to do the snowman game. He's fucking right. I've never heard this usage before. D-I-S-C-R-E-T-E.
Starting point is 02:11:57 Individually separate and distinct. Okay. Wow. He's better than us. Discrete. So chic. Say a swell. Where did he go?
Starting point is 02:12:10 Oh, okay. He's back. Well, that's... Discrete. So chic. All right. All right. You ready?
Starting point is 02:12:18 Yes. This is the end of the show. We have the snowman game. We played it in part two and I'll describe what happens in the snowman game. All right. This morbidly obese snowman. You pressed his little hand. Looks like something out of Brendan Fraser's The Whale.
Starting point is 02:12:34 You pressed his fat hand and then he spins around and sings, let it snow. He stops periodically and sings and then if he stops his song, if the song ends and he is facing you, it feels like a million bucks. And I'm going to raise the stakes a little bit more. Are the T's? Whomever he looks at, I will donate $100 to the charity of their choice and it can be themselves. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 02:13:06 I like it. But you have to say who it is on Mike. Hold on. Hold on. And if he doesn't look at anyone, I'm not giving $100 to anyone. I mean, that's fair. That's fair. Reasonable.
Starting point is 02:13:20 All right. Here we go. Three. Two. Two. He's spinning. He's spinning. He's looking over my left shoulder.
Starting point is 02:13:31 And now he's spinning again. He's spinning. He's looking again over my left shoulder, not right at me. He's spinning again. He's spinning again. Looking over Paul's left shoulder. It's not going to be me. His final spin.
Starting point is 02:13:47 Oh, so close to Devon. God damn it. He's splitting Devon and Paul. One more? One more. One more. Here we go. But only $50.
Starting point is 02:13:58 Come on. You can't go twice. Oh, that's fair. All right. He's spinning around. He's looking even. He's looking at Kimmy. Is he looking at Kimmy?
Starting point is 02:14:06 Okay. Yeah. All right. Here we go. Looking pretty straight at Kimmy at this point, I would say. But this, I think he has two more spins. He's splitting Paul and Devon again. This is his final spin.
Starting point is 02:14:19 But it's no. Same place. All right. One more for 25. One more for 25. Okay. In an apple gift certificate. Should I adjust him?
Starting point is 02:14:32 We could. Because I'm afraid he's going to end up in the same place. Let's tell you what. You turn around. Oh, right. Right. And you say spin. Okay.
Starting point is 02:14:43 And you close your eyes and say spin. And then I'll stop when you say stop. You didn't say spin. But I'm spinning. I could hear you spinning. Okay. Stop. Okay.
Starting point is 02:14:54 It's almost pretty much the same place. But looking right at Devon. Looking right at Devon. Okay. Here we go. That side is frightful. But the fire is so delightful. He's spinning.
Starting point is 02:15:05 He's now looking. Is he looking in July? Maybe in July. He might be looking in July. All right. And he's spinning again. Right at Paul. Right at Paul.
Starting point is 02:15:16 Oh, it's electric every time. He's spinning. He's looking over my right shoulder. This is the last one. Last spin. Oh. Over my left shoulder. Nope.
Starting point is 02:15:28 Nope. Didn't happen. Nope. At least he looked dead at someone at one point. That's true. Yeah. And it happened to be you. When he's looking at you, it feels so good.
Starting point is 02:15:37 It feels like God's light has shined upon you. It feels like he is choosing you. It truly, truly does. And you know what? We want to thank you for choosing us. We know you have many choices. We know you have a ton of podcasts you can listen to. And the fact that you still listen to this one 13
Starting point is 02:15:53 and two thirds of the year. Is flabbergasted. Is the definition of insanity. You really should stop listening to this show. If we can do anything in 2023, it's to beg you to stop listening. So we can stop this and die. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:12 No, we really do want to thank you. And guys, thanks to you for being here. And we'll see you next week for our first episode back of the year. Ben Schwartz is doing it and some other people. That's all I can say about it. And until then, six Simpers. I have no kids raised.
Starting point is 02:17:29 Yeah.

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