Comedy Bang Bang: The Podcast - Bonus Bang: Jason Mantzoukas, Jon Gabrus, Paul F. Tompkins (Essential Andrew Lloyd Webber)

Episode Date: July 4, 2024

This is part 5 of our Essential Andrew Lloyd Webber series. Jason “Heynong Man” Mantzoukas is back to co-host alongside Scott on this week’s Comedy Bang! Bang! They’re joined by intern Gino Lo...mbardo to chat about exploding breakfast, Winnie the Pooh, Talking Tang, and their favorite Billy Joel song of all time. Plus, Musical; Theater host Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber returns to tell us about his musical theater festival and his remake of The Jinx.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, this is Scott Aukerman, host of Comedy Bang Bang, and we are back with another bonus bang episode. Bonus bangs are, of course, of course we all know. They are prior episodes that we've recorded, that we're releasing from behind the paywall. And we are in the middle of a series right now called The Essential Andrew Lloyd Webber,
Starting point is 00:00:21 featuring Paul F. Tompkins as Andrew Lloyd Webber. And this is an episode, it's episode number 484. It's called Pre-Chowder, Pre-Chowder. And this features Jason Manzoukas, our good friend, The Zooks, Jeffrey Karakterwides. It has John Gabris as Gino, and it has Paul F.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Tompkins, of course, as Andrew Lloyd Webber. This is a classic episode. You're going to enjoy hearing it., of course, as Andrew Lloyd Webber. This is a classic episode. You're going to enjoy hearing it. And of course, if you like what you hear and want to hear the entire CBB archive, you can become a subscriber at where you can find every single episode we've recorded as well as all of the live episodes that we've recorded.
Starting point is 00:01:00 We're going to be back next week with a new episode of CBB. Until then, enjoy this bonus bang! Comedy Bang Bang! Comedy Bang Bang! Comedy Bang Bang! Comedy Bang Bang! Comedy Bang Bang! Bang! In Soviet Russia, Nong Hay's you. Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang. Haha! Hey!
Starting point is 00:01:38 Hello! Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang for another edition. Thank you to Colfax McLiverneck for that wonderful catchphrase submission. Colfax McLiverneck, starting to be a catchphrase superstar. Oh really? Reserved only for a seldom few. Do you go to the same people often? Well you know what, I go to whatever, I don't look at the person before I decide.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Oh you don't look at the name? No, I don't look at the name. I decide on it and then I say, oh that's a good one, and then I look at the name and I say, don't look at the name. I decide on it and then I say, oh, that's a good one. And then I look at the name and I say, oh, it's by that person who's been doing it a lot. Is there somebody who by far has the most? Is there competition amongst the listeners? By far sounds like Klinger's autobiography.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Anyway, I think moving on from this discussion, what we need to do is introduce ourselves. I am Scott Aukerman, your wonderful, wonderful host. Been hosting this for nigh upon eight years. Honestly, our anniversary coming right up. Eight year anniversary. Can you believe it? Congratulations. Thank you so much. I am Jason Manzoukas, co-host for the last four years, I'd say.
Starting point is 00:02:45 In a random, spotty amount of episodes, certainly. Yep. But official co-host and a future host of the show. Possibly. I mean, Jason Manzoukas, we all know from How Did This Get Made, and he plays Rafi or something. That's true. Who do you play? I play Ralphie on the- Ralphie, King Ralph. I play King Ralph in the King Ralph prequel series. Saga, pre-come series.
Starting point is 00:03:12 What? Nobody enjoyed that more than you. Look at you, your face is red. You are having a, you're like having a blast. I have to be honest. I have to be honest with you. I'm contorting my mouth a certain way, because you may have noticed this thing on my lip.
Starting point is 00:03:31 My breakfast exploded in my face five days ago. I had a, it said, the thing said, egg and bacon muffin. Just like a regular muffin. I heat it up in the microwave. This and bacon muffin. Just like a regular muffin. I heated up in the microwave. This is in your home? This is in my home.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Okay. I bite into it. I hear a loud pop. Oh no. It explodes on my face, burning my face. Really? Yes. I didn't even notice. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:59 So, uh, in any case, so my, my words are coming out a little bit differently because it's, it's on the, it's on bit differently because it's on the tail end of being healed. Wow! Check it out. Do you see it? I don't want Kevin to creep in here and take any pictures of this. Okay. By the way, I know what he's into. Creepy mouth wound tumblers.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Wow! Can we take that whole breakfast thing again real quick? Oh no. Are we not rolling? I'm not positive. I was just unplugging and plugging in some stuff over here. Why? Oh, I'm positive. For three things, but not the big ones.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Don't worry. None of the ones that start with H. Oh, okay. Do you know our intern? He's here with us today. I'm so excited. Thanks for having me. I rarely ever get to meet Mr. Zooks over here.
Starting point is 00:04:52 So it's nice. Yeah, I know. You haven't been on the show with Zooks. Christmas, holiday episode. Was that the only one? Yes, and maybe some stuff behind the paywall. Well, if you- Maybe if you are a Howell premium subscriber. If you got the loot, maybe I heard it before. This one's for you.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Free schmucks open up your fucking pockets. Come on, come on. What is it? A measly $1,400 a month worth it. Look, if you would show up more often, you would do them with, with Zooks over here. You're supposed to be here every single episode, Gino. Yeah, well, there's something we need to talk about about that because I just did my taxes. Okay. And my expenses are through the roof.
Starting point is 00:05:32 My gas expenses are through the roof. My accountant's like, how many times do you drive across the country? Well, the commute has got to be killing you. It's killing me. To get from fucking Nassau County just to get on the I-95 is brutal. You signed up for this. You're the one who asked for the job. We gave it to you based upon your qualifications.
Starting point is 00:05:52 We have no other interns other than you. Wampler has been MIA for years now. I worry about her. I don't know what is happening. She seems to have disappeared. Yeah, she might have gotten, what's it called, where you reconstruct your body from a pair into a more human shape Oh, I feel like full body reconstruction She was doing one of those where they put you in a tube and like melt certain parts of you and stuff like that Do they put you in like a cylindrical tube? Yeah, it's like a big long tube Do you think she's a tube person? You think they would like have little sort of domes for the boobs So those could grow out I didn't even think of that tube domes
Starting point is 00:06:24 They can't do to check out the tube domes for the boobs so those could grow out. I didn't even think of that. Tube domes? Yeah, tube domes. Ooh, check out the tube domes on that, bro. That's where the expression boob tube came from. You're telling me. If I don't know that, I don't know that. Gino Lombardo? Yes, that is correct. Ginovani, I believe.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Ginovani, yes. Gino is short for Ginovani. Ginovani, yeah. That's what they cut it at Ellis Island. From? Oh, did you go through Ellis Island? Yeah, on a field trip in fourth grade. And they changed it.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Yeah, and they were like, hi, I'm Ginovani. They're like, it's Gino, welcome to America. And shoved me down the fucking, they shoved me down the entire flight of stairs in the torch. Really? That is quite a few steps.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Oh, it was a lot. Wow. You're bat, you're from Long Island and you commute out here every, yeah, I'm just catching Jason up on all this. Oh, I'm familiar. Of course. I know Gina just from, you know, he's around as an intern. Sure. Yeah. Some episodes you are here and you're not even on mic.
Starting point is 00:07:15 I know. Well, I'm talking the whole time, but you don't let me sit at the table. Right. Which is fair. A lot of people don't know that. You're here a lot. It's like how Reggie Watts used to sing the Comedy Bang Bang theme song live. Right. And then have to run out every time. You're here a lot. Yeah. Oh, I'm here a lot. Obviously, I'm working, I'm not just a Comedy Bang Bang intern. I'm an Eowulf intern.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Sure. So I'm doing a lot of stuff. You guys got me out on the corner of sunset selling socks, selling Whocharted socks. Cool Up Eli socks. And what do you do for Katie Couric? Anything? She doesn't need any help cuz I'm always in there and she just makes me do stuff like Take my shirt off and spin around in a circle for her. Yeah kind of eyeball me and stuff I think she's into like skinny. She's into super. Yeah, but speaking of a Tube by the way, you look like you've been through Yeah, a lot of people call me Johnny pipe cleaners and I'm like my name is Gino and they're like it just works better
Starting point is 00:08:04 If you say Johnny first, I'm right, you know pipe cleaners work You know, let's not get into the Samantha argument. I have a lot of people call me Johnny pipe cleaners and I'm like my name is Gino and they're like it just works better if you say Johnny first, I'm right. You know pipe cleaners work. Let's not get into the Samantha argument. I have a bagel guy Ronnie at Bagel Town Cafe this motherfucker is in your grill when you're trying to say scooped out with chicken salad He's like scoop it out. Come on. You weigh nothing. I'm like, I don't need carbs. I'm looking for protein, you know Are you paleo? I'm going full paleo. Yeah. I eat honey exclusively out of beehives now and it's killing me. Winnie the Pooh style. That explains a lot of that. My face is pretty, I'm pretty rocky Dennis up over here. Have you ever gotten stuck in like a hole like Winnie the Pooh did?
Starting point is 00:08:40 Trying to get some honey stuck in a hole. It wasn't he famously stuck in a honey pot. Oh, it wasn't a honey pot. I forget. He was like, cause there's not a lot of honey in holes. I thought that he stuck in a hole. It wasn't he famously stuck in a honey pot Oh, it was it a honey pot. I forget he was like cuz there's not a lot of honey in holes I thought that he went into all Checking you're taking all rogue holes for honey. I'm like I'm in there just playing a little game I like to call find the honey. I thought he got stuck in like he was trying to get a honey pot I don't know. I think that too yeah I'm sure that guy gets stuck in everything he was dumb Winnie the Pooh is dumb is that also why you're only wearing a top and no pants yes cuz I you're going full Winnie the Pooh I'm pretty sure paleo means you live as Winnie the Pooh live
Starting point is 00:09:19 Pooleo I'm going full Pooleo I am hanging around with a nine-year-old boy named Christopher. A lot of weird looks. I think that's appropriate. I think I should get the answer. And a donkey and a tiger. I have such a long, thin dick that not a lot of people even see it. It's almost like two-dimensional. It's like a fruit by the foot.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Do you feel like your dick is bigger in circumference than a pencil? Yeah, when erect, yes. But not when soft, no. It's very twizzler. We want to welcome our female listeners. What's up, sweethearts? Whip em out! Get your rad-a! Talking dicks. By the way, Jason, getting a lot of requests for the first episode of Talkin' Tang. Oh, it's on its way, don't you worry. It's on its way? What's happening? It's on its way, don't you worry. Listeners.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Is that why you have astronauts come on to talk about drinks? Yep. Yes. About the drinks they drink in space. We just lost one, by the way. Oh, did we? Yeah, you better go. Didn't we lose an astronaut recently, about a month ago, or six weeks ago?
Starting point is 00:10:19 They found him. Oh, yeah. Oh, really? Where was he? He was just in a droid sphere. On that new class sphere. They were just in the troposphere. He was. He was. He was. They were looking in the wrong sphere. Yep.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Yep. Yep. They were looking in Atmos. Yeah, and I'm like, sorry, better check tropo. Yeah. Talk and Tang, drip the milk. Talk and Tang. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Guys, I'm still asking. I want more images. Yeah. More cat. How are people supposed to send them to you? You're not on Twitter, my dear boy. I'm still asking I want more more images. Yeah more market How are people supposed to send them to you? You're not on Twitter my just send them to at Scott Ackerman Oh, thank you. I don't know. I come to your ear and the more sexually explicit Don't turn my feed into just send them right to Scotty ox God, please know and what is the podcast gonna be about? You're gonna talk about your sexual experience
Starting point is 00:11:04 Yeah, I think it's just me, you know talking names. Yeah all name names Please know and what is the podcast gonna be about you're gonna talk about your sexual experiences? Yeah, I think it's just me, you know, talking names. Yeah. Oh, I'll name names. Yeah Guys we fucked or whatever. There's gonna be a segment called smell my finger Love it. Yeah, it's gonna be pretty exciting Let me know if you need a guy to just talk instead of doing any work on the podcast Well, I'll definitely need you to be manning the boards. Oh yeah, I'll be on the boards. How are those boards, by the way? What's going on with them right now? Hot. Very hot.
Starting point is 00:11:28 They're like literally hot? Physically hot? I spilled two full coffees on them. Two venti hot espressos. Why are you getting two venti espressos? Because I got a lot of work to do today, all right? I got to go over to Yo Is This Racist after this and clean up some sort of mess they made in there.
Starting point is 00:11:43 What kind of mess would Yo is this racist make? I don't know, but- That sounds racist. Yeah. Like I'm in problematic territory even just talking about a podcast like that. You know, the culture now, it's just landmine after landmine. You've got to be careful where you're going. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I mean, that's, it's a lot like going to Laos, just, you know, you got to be careful where you're going. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I mean, that's a lot like going to Laos.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Just, you know, you got to be careful upon where you tread. I know exactly what you're referencing, because I also saw that on social media today. I know. They have a lot of landmines there. Unexplored ordinance. Yeah, I saw one too. US dropped a lot of bombs there, left them there.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Got it. Not cool. No bueno, which is not Laotian. I understand that. Not cool. No bueno, which is not Laotian, I understand. Yeah, thank you. And have you ever been to Long Island, Jason? I have, yes. I don't think I've ever actually stepped foot there.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Oh, I've been to Long Island. I've lived in New York for a long time, so there's plenty of Long Island action. What would you do there? I don't know. I mean, mostly, truthfully, I really only went to like the Hamptons-y kind of area Montauk, Hamptons, that's a good vacation spot. Yeah. I grew up going to Ditch Plains, which is a little beach on Montauk. Nice.
Starting point is 00:12:52 But now it's all fucking rich white people fucking it up for the rest of us. Before it used to be poor white people. Yes, at least it was poor white people. You can go down to Gossman's Dock and get a nice fish fry for $7. Ooh, that's not bad. Yeah, now these motherfuckers are in there turning everything in the one oak ten oak I think it's one. Oh, it looks like yeah because of the oh no Exactly 10 a case it's like a terrorist thing. Oh boy insurgents. Yeah, let's stay away from that. Yeah, let's please
Starting point is 00:13:21 Oh, oh boy. Insurgence. Yeah, let's stay away from that. Yeah, let's, please, not again. I got it, that's why I'm staying away from One Oak. I'm on a handful of watch lists, I don't need to be on anymore. Really? Yeah, I gotta stop going on Reddit.
Starting point is 00:13:32 You're saying just a lot of stuff on Reddit, unhinged? Yeah, I'm just out there, I'm on, I'm scared of this pizza thing. Which pizza game? The thing where if you eat a pizza, you get accused of pedophilia or something like that? I don't think you've understood it correctly. Yeah. No, is that not what pizza game is? But considering who you're hanging around with, I think you should be accused.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Go Christopher Robin. I think if it's you and some nine-year-old kid getting pizza, that's actually a bigger problem. That's the problem. the problem is that what I'm getting that's not pizza gate Oh, okay, cuz I mean I've been screaming comey at me, bro What do you know do you have any political leanings? I mean, I don't know. Yeah, they it's a legit pendulum I vacillate rapidly oscillate and vacillate back and forth between huge... Oscillate wildly. Yeah. You know, we all know Morrissey's Oscar Wilde tribute.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Oh, please, we all do, especially us 27-year-old Billy Joel heads. What's your favorite Billy Joel song of all time, would you say? My favorite Billy Joel song of all time is Hands Down, Down Easter Alexa. Okay. Well, Hands Down Easter Alexa. And what is your favorite Billy Joel song, not of all time, but from Downeaster Alexa on? Um, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:50 All the way. So just break it down. From Downeaster Alexa to the present. Wait, what is your least favorite? River of Dreams. Rank them all now. In the middle of the night. That song is terrible.
Starting point is 00:15:03 I go walking, I go walking. I like it. I love that song. So that's your least favorite of all time. And you love it. But you still love it. Because that's Billy Joel, baby. So you're just measuring out a gradient that is love to love.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Yeah, it's from love to mega love. Yeah, and I'm mega love with Down East or Alexa and when the lights go out on Broadway and moving out and all that. Oh yeah, 2017, this is this year. Holy shit. Did you go to Miami by the way for New Year's Eve to see Billy Joel play it? I did not. No, I can't get down to Miami.
Starting point is 00:15:32 I have my car is got a shit ton of miles on it from driving back and forth from here. What do you drive? I drive now. I'm in a Honda Civic. But yeah, but I got it. I got NOS in it. You know, I got nitrogen. You got those injectors?
Starting point is 00:15:46 Trying to get here as fast as possible, yeah. Because I live my life one quarter mile at a time. Oh, certainly. Is family the most important thing to you? Family. Yeah, I love family. Did you see that movie, by the way, that just came out, the new Furious movie? A Fate of the Furious?
Starting point is 00:16:01 It has not come out yet. Yes, it has. It has, because today is April 24th. Oh, son a bitch. I knew it. I told you I wouldn't do it. I told you I would forget. You don't remember just four days ago we were all super stoned celebrating Hitler's birthday. We covered it on how did this get made? How did I forget that? Right, of course. A now famous episode. Yeah, yeah. Infamous, we should say. Huge.
Starting point is 00:16:27 I wish I would have interned. Who was on that one? Adam Scott. Oh, okay. Yep. Love it. From Torque. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Do you mean Adam Quadrero? Was that his name? Do you remember that? He was going to change his name to that when he got into show business. No. Yeah. He was considering changing his name to Adam Quadrero. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:16:47 To try to go ethnic? That's smart in 2017. That's genius. Because if you want to get... This is in the 90s. Oh Jesus, no, that's a bad idea. That was still white privilege back then. And he changed it to Scott instead?
Starting point is 00:16:58 I think his name actually is Adam Scott. Maybe? I don't even know. I think you're speaking at a turn. I don't think this guy needs his aliases ratted out on live on whatever this radio station is. Sorry, yeah. Is this raw dog comedy? Is he on the knock list? He's on the knock list from fucking Mission Impossible?
Starting point is 00:17:12 Yeah, he's from real life. Oh, is it a real list? Yes. Oh, OK. I thought only Ethan Hunt was seeking that list out. Toast. Toast. Remember when Ving Rhames said toast?
Starting point is 00:17:21 Would it be weird if like? That's my favorite part of any movie. Really? Of every movie total is when Ving Rhames says toast. Would it be weird if like... That's my favorite part of any movie. Really. Of every movie total is when Ving Rhames says toast. Love it. He says it like three times. It's really good. Rule of three. Would it be funny if in the next Mission Impossible film Ethan Hunt introduced his brother Mike? And I was like, this is my brother Mike. And just without comment, no one ever... And Gene Renbaugh is like, my cunt? And he holds up a cunt in a jar and he's like, no, I was referring to this. My cunt.
Starting point is 00:17:51 My cunt. Not you, my cunt. Anyway, welcome back, ladies. Precum. Hey, sorry I had a weird breakfast, now I say precum randomly. I'm worried that if you just came into the room or into this podcast, you won't know what we're talking about. Welcome to the room.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Welcome to the room that is this podcast. This is the room where it happens. Yes. Are you a big Hamill head? No. I'm so tired of Lin-Manuel Miranda. Oh, really? But you're a big Hamlin head, right?
Starting point is 00:18:19 He's a nerd. Is he a theater geek, but we all call him like a hip hop superstar? Wait, what is he? is your problem with nerds? I love it. Or with theater geek? I think it's my problem is with the cultural appropriation of 50 year old white rich people in New York City now thinking they know hip hop because they saw a hamilt. Well, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:18:38 You were on the first episode of musical comma theater. I'm a huge, I'm a huge theater nut. Semicolon, semicolon. Oh, okay. No, yeah. I was about to, I'm a huge theater nut. Semicolon, semicolon. Oh, okay, no, yeah, I was about to say I didn't do the colon. I was like, is ALW doing other ones without me? That's bullshit. His spinoff podcast. His spinoff podcast. A mediumly successful podcast. And I know just, you, you, Gino feel this way. Right, me,, Gino, feel this way. Right, because of the way you grew up.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Because the way I grew up, I'm close-minded, and I think a lot of things are bullshit, especially if they're very successful. Yeah, we strongly disagree, obviously, Jason and I. We really enjoyed Hamilton. And support Lin-Manuel Miranda. I've seen it 20 times, and I still don't get it. You've seen it 20 times? I still don't get it. You've seen it 20 times? I still don't get it.
Starting point is 00:19:27 How do you keep getting tickets? Yeah, how do you get in? I'm always out to... You're in the lottery? Well, I could split a seat with someone because I'm so thin. So often I'll stand outside when the skinniest person's coming out.
Starting point is 00:19:39 I'll be like, hey, do you want a mind splitting the seat? I'll give you half the money. So it's sort of like asking someone to buy you beer when you're outside a liquor store. It's like asking for a swipe at the train station. If someone's got that unlimited card, you're getting a free ride, bro. I can't fucking wait.
Starting point is 00:19:53 I think you're referring to Hey Mister, which is a little game we used to play in my high school, where you stand outside of 7-Eleven, outside of Sev's, if you will, and you go, hey mister, would you like to buy us some beer? How many times have you done that in your life? 40. I can count? 40.
Starting point is 00:20:05 How often was it successful? I've done it twice and it was successful both times. Really? I straight up, this is going to sound like I'm talking about a deleted scene from Superbad. But a friend of mine who owned his family on the pizzeria. Your whole life, by the way, seems like deleted scenes from Superbad.
Starting point is 00:20:22 By the way, that's a show you should do. It should be, like any scene I would be in Superbad should have been deleted, because it's too offensive. Right, yeah. Go on. Someone haymistered a guy who was formerly a high school Spanish teacher, currently the middle school principal.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Oh. It was like, hey mister, and we were literally in the back going, no, X-Day, and asked Mr. G, who was the element? G-E-E? No, Mr. Giadano. Giadano. But we called him Mr. G. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:20:53 And he was a... I should call you Mr. G, by the way. I would love that, but you can call me Mr. L, because my name is Mr. Lopato. Why not? Because it's G-to. Oh, because it's G-no. Oh, right. You dumb shit.
Starting point is 00:21:04 You don't call someone Mr. G the initial of their first name. Unless they're like an Asian character from like a 50s movie. Sorry Mr. Scott, you know? They say stuff like that. So go on. The story certainly doesn't end there. Oh well it did, but I can tag something real quick. Mr. G goes, I'm sorry Michael, but you might not remember me, but I taught at your high school last
Starting point is 00:21:28 year. Wow. Oh, and he's like, and I'm calling your parents. Oh no. And it was like, fuck. And then he said he wouldn't if we laughed and all that, but we had to like. If you laughed? If we laughed and we all turned around.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Jinks. It's like a joke he said. Robert, there's the jinks. I meant to say left, but we also had to laugh. He made us laugh. He tickled all of us. He's like, I'm gonna call your parents unless you hear my stand up and laugh. Yeah. And then he did like 45 minutes.
Starting point is 00:21:52 He did 45 minutes and 15 of it was on like how uncomfortable flights are. And we're like, we get it comics, you fly a lot. It was, he read a lot of jokes from his Twitter feed and they were all like at Delta. He was on Twitter? Oh yeah. When was this? This was the early to mid 2000s. Oh yeah, you're only 20.
Starting point is 00:22:15 I was only in high school and I was in high school until I was 21. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, because I kept red-shirting so I could try to play volleyball. Yeah, and they wouldn't hold you back, right? They added grades for you? Yeah, they added grades. I was in 15th grade when I could try to play volleyball. Yeah, and they wouldn't hold you back, right? They added grades for you? Yeah, they added grades. I was in 15th grade when I graduated. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:29 What did they call it? I know we have, you know, freshmen, sophomore, junior, senior. It was Magna Cum Senior. Magna Precum Senior. Oh! Hey! Hello!
Starting point is 00:22:38 Hello, threes! Calling it back. Yeah, that's right. Scotty Ock's getting that pre that pre come in there. Come on Come on that pre come. Okay. We're all hooked up now. We're ready to We haven't been recording. No, so we could just whenever you're ready do the whole thing Well, hopefully we have a secondary recording because I thought some of that was good Let's we'll try to put it out, but we do have to take a break. Oh, thank God. I'm exhausted
Starting point is 00:23:01 You've been pacing around the room by the way. No way. I know. I'm making sure all these mics work. All of these mics. We need to take a break. Jason, can you stick around or do you have to leave? Of course I can stick around. I'm the co-host of this goddamn show. The whole thing will fall apart if I leave. Don't ask goddamn this show! Ouch. Live wire. Yeah! God loves this show. and he loves you, Jason.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Is he mad at you? That's why he sent an egg sandwich to explode on your face. Oh my God. An egg-surgency. All right, we need to take a break. Can we come back? I egg-dee. An improvised explosive device.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Okay, when we come back, we'll have more Comedy Bang Bang after this. All right, roll commercials. Comedy Bang Bang. We're back here. Gino Lombardo is here. I'm done talking, but I'm here now. Okay, you're done talking? Yeah, you don't need to introduce him like he's a guest.
Starting point is 00:24:00 He's just running the boards. Yeah, okay. Well, I like to be polite and always introduce whomever is engineering. Really? When you come back from break? I mean, by the way, engineer Cody Sam is here. He's actually like literally pressing the buttons and stuff. When you say you're running the boards, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:24:13 I'm all about that treble, no bass. Okay, you're the anti- Very- Meghan McCain? Is that what it is? Yeah, what if Meghan McCain- You know Gino's got a sickness for the thickness. You like things that are opposite of you?
Starting point is 00:24:28 Oh, yeah. I love a nice, thick woman. Oh, is that, yeah, that's your type? Oh, that's my type. Because you're such a skinny pencil kind of guy? Don't say to a woman that you like her because she's thick, though. They don't like to be called thick.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Really? At least not yet. It's coming back, though. Mm-hmm. I mean, back during the Renaissance, that was our standards of attractiveness were because it because it showed that they were rich. Of course, it symbolized wealth and yeah. Yeah, but they had access to all that luxurious food. Plus they probably had them big floppy's.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Oh yeah, those big hangers. Heavy hangers, these big natures, big natties. Okay. Welcome back. Again, I am sorry. This is your fault. You know who you're sitting across from. Then heavy hangers these big naturals big Maddie's You're talking to talking tang I know most your indulged by sexual intern you have I Apologize greatly and Jason, are you still on Ashley Madison? I am still on Ashley Madison. You're not married. What are you doing? I'm looking to wreck homes I am still on Ashley Madison. You're not married. What are you doing on there?
Starting point is 00:25:23 Well, I'm looking to wreck homes. Look at it just get in there and destroy some people's lives. I have a very specific fetish where I like to be fucking someone and have them accidentally call me their partner's name. It's very difficult to arrange. Is this due to your home life growing up with your different dads and all that?
Starting point is 00:25:40 Growing up with just a home, in a broken home. And your home was literally broken. Yeah, it is. Like physically broken in half. Lightning struck the middle and it opened up, and now I live in a giant V where you have to leap across a chasm to get from my bedroom to the bathroom. Chasm. Chasm. Is that how you say it?
Starting point is 00:25:57 That's how you say it in Long Island. Oh yeah, it's a chasm. You get it. It's a schism or a chasm. And we have another guest on the show. This is a unique opportunity. I believe the two of you know each other actually, Junior, so you can continue to talk during this segment if you'd like. Okay, that's fine. We know each other. I won't talk because I'm an intern, but we'll see.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Right. The aforementioned podcast musical semicolon comedy is... Musical semicolon theater. Theater, sorry. Although, that's a good spin-off too, musical semicolon comedy is... Musical semicolon theater. Theater, sorry. Although that's a good spin-off too, musical semicolon comedy. Stop giving them ideas that don't feature me. Why, how do you know this wouldn't feature you?
Starting point is 00:26:33 Oh, that's fair. It could. It could, I don't know much about comedy. Do you need to yawn? Sorry, I was directly into the microphone. I thought I was going to and then I didn't. Oh, that was a contagious. My sincerest apologies.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Oh my God. Oh boy. He sincerely apologized. Comes in fucking slack. He is the host of that podcast, which I just mentioned. And that's what he's most famous for. And nothing else. And he had a birthday about a month ago as well. He shares a birthday with Stephen Sondheim.
Starting point is 00:27:01 And the aforementioned Lin-Manuel Miranda was celebrating it on Twitter as well. Oh, I gotta check it out. Yeah, so please welcome Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber. Yeah, hello, hello. Scotrick, why did you have to mention Stephen Sondheim? Well, I just find it interesting. You are both very accomplished in your certain field of work
Starting point is 00:27:22 and you share a birthday. Yes, one rightfully so accomplished, the other accidentally. Just because we share a birthday doesn't mean you have to bring it up at every last intern. I'm so sorry, but I just wonder if there's anything about March 22, 322 that lends itself... Do you mean 22-3?
Starting point is 00:27:42 Sorry, sorry, yes, of course. British. That lends itself to being you mean 22-3? Sorry, sorry. Yes, of course. It is. That lends itself to being good at the art of musical semicolon theater. Well, let's see. You have two examples of people who've gone into the theatrical arts. One, very good. One, considered good by some. So I would say the jury's still out there, boy.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Which are you? Which is which? How dare you! Which one's a lord, is what I would say the jury's still out there, boy. Which are you? Which is which. How dare you? Which one's a lord, is what I would say. Hey, hey, hey, Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber, please put away your sword. I don't know which. Well, why do they give me the blasted thing?
Starting point is 00:28:16 I cannot hear myself at all. Oh, is that true? I can hear everyone but me. Well, that's very odd. Why don't you? I turn the volume up and there's me. Perhaps you could switch channels or. Perhaps you could switch channels or... Perhaps you could switch channels.
Starting point is 00:28:28 I'm sorry. Also, where I come from is a switching channels. British. Is that like the chasm chasm? Yeah, I should have said Long Island after I said chasm. By the way, you're running the boards. Why aren't you helping him? Yeah, figure it out.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Why aren't you helping me? Do you want to hear it in your ears, you said? Genosaf way, you're running the boards. Why aren't you helping him? Yeah, figure it out. Do you want to hear it in your ears, you said? Genosafat, please. Are you for real good though? I don't want to fuck with you. Does someone need to fuck with this? Do you want me to actually try? I hear everyone quite clearly, but I feel as if I'm... Check. Check.
Starting point is 00:29:00 I hear myself. Check. One, two, check. We hear you clearly. You sound great. Do people listen to this show for basic mic checks? I think, do people listen to this show? Question mark. Yeah, yeah. Semicolon. That's very good.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Thank you. Now, we haven't seen each other in quite some time. I don't think, I don't know that we've ever met. I do believe we have met in the past. Maybe in a big one. Well, perhaps you met, you may have met someone the past. Okay, maybe. Maybe in a big one. Maybe in a group. Perhaps you met, you may have met someone dressed up like me, who wasn't me. Oh, really? Oh, wait a minute, do you mean the janitor? Yes, that janitor, that custodian.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Yes, what was his deal again? He impersonated me. Mike the janitor, yep. I was hit on the head by a chunk of masonry. This fellow, he put on my topping hat and my ermine cape and my medal. The cheek of it. The very idea. The cheek of it.
Starting point is 00:29:53 He has a fascinating life. Oh does he? A full life swap with someone else. Full life swap, life swap. And impersonating you. He can't live his own life. I would say the life swap part would be the most important thing. I think the impersonating you. Like he's, he can't live his own life. I would say the life swap part would be the most important thing. I think the impersonating you.
Starting point is 00:30:07 I beg to differ. Yeah. He swapped his life with a professor. Who could care? We haven't heard from him in a while. Good. And of course, you know, Genovani over here. Genoeseved, what a pleasure to see you again. Good to see you Andy. Good to see you, Andy.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Have you guys not seen each other since your show, Musical Semicolon Theater, which you can hear on the Howl app? It's been quite a while. Yeah, we haven't gotten around the record in episode two yet. That's right. What did you discuss on episode one again? We answered musical theater questions from Twitter, is what I remember.
Starting point is 00:30:43 People, are you familiar with the social networking platform, Twitter? Yes, of course. It's where I go, I'm so sorry. Yes, of course, he says. It's where you go to get notes on each episode, right? Right. Yes, continue, Twitter. Well, we took questions from Twitter. It was like a Twitter Q&A?
Starting point is 00:31:03 And then we were answering them live right on the air. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Recorded. I guess. To be downloadable as a later date. OK. And it was successful. Very.
Starting point is 00:31:14 So you didn't do it again. Was it? I'm not positive. My guess is no. It feels, you know, it feels that- People not clamoring for episode two? It feels as if we did that one million years ago. I agree.
Starting point is 00:31:27 I remember very little about it. I remember, the one thing I do remember is that it was fun. I don't remember if I was the only one having fun. I remember listening to it. I don't remember the content. That's a good sign. That's a very good sign. Well, do you know, do you know these things are often, they're made of gossamer.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Yes. And they, and they disappear. They're ephemeral. Are you writing lyrics right now? lyrics. They're a funeral am I no because I'm awake as you know, that's right I do all of my composing in my dream. That's right That explains so much is there a way to yes, but my musicals are very fanciful. Exactly Can you imagine such a thing as a speaking train? Do you and do you sleep right as well? Like literally, do you go to sleep with a pencil
Starting point is 00:32:08 in your hand, and then when you wake up, the lyrics are written there by the bedside table? I do sleep right. That's not what I end up writing. Oh, what do you end up writing? Well, sometimes it's very disturbing. I look at the tablet, the paper tablet, next to my, you know, on my nighttime stand.
Starting point is 00:32:26 And describe your whole bedroom, by the way. Yeah. Obscuredly. Curious. Paint a picture. It's roughly seven times the size of this room. Wow. And we're in a pretty big room for the listeners.
Starting point is 00:32:36 How many square feet would you say? We're talking like... Feet, what? Oh, uh... I don't know what that is. Yeah, square meters. Square meters. Oh, uh. I don't know what that is. Square meters. Square meters. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Well, you see, I'm a member of the nobility. We don't measure things in those terms. How many sword lengths? How many furlongs? It's a king's acre. Ah, I see. It's a king's acre. And so-
Starting point is 00:33:01 Is there a coat of arms? There's several coats of arms. Great. Can you have more than one? It depends who you know, okay What are you going to be my status dear boy when when the Queen has has touched you with a sword? She could have killed you could have spared your life. Oh, is that what that the whole ceremony is about is sparing the life She kills like one out every four guys It's about the decision.
Starting point is 00:33:26 She is permitted to lop off the head of anyone she pleases. 25% of the time, you may be not even leaving that room. That's why Phil Collins won't get knighted. Yeah, really. He thinks she's coming for him. He's trying to set Peter Gabriel up to get knighted. Do you know it drives her crazy? It drives her simply mad.
Starting point is 00:33:44 She wants tonight. I personally, I think she's a fan of Phil. Sure. I think she might have seen Tarzan. As a drummer. She doesn't like him as a fronting man. She thinks he should not sing. She thinks that no jacket required was a mistake
Starting point is 00:33:58 and he should have kept playing drums. Does she think if she lops off his head he'll continue to play drums like a chicken? Perhaps. Well, do you know the one thing she has against him is that, you know, he was doing a royal command performance. And when he got to the song, In the Air Tonight, all of a sudden the spotlight was shining on Her Majesty.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Mm. Oh, and he sang it straight to her? He sang it straight to her. Oh, no. He'd seen her drown some. Oh, wow. That song is about the queen? Who did she drown?
Starting point is 00:34:26 She drowned Margaret Thatcher. Wow. This is big news. This is huge. This is a huge spluce. I don't know if she's, well, I mean. Who says that this isn't a news program? One can be dead for seven or eight minutes
Starting point is 00:34:39 and she can come back to life. Well, do you know the Margaret Thatcher that lived well into, the 21st century was not the Margaret Thatcher that was the Prime Minister that was, of course, the Queen drowned Margaret Thatcher, installed a robotic replacement. It's like a moon over a parador type. It's completely a moon over a parador situation. It's sort of moon over aador situation. Oh, totally. It's sort of moon over Parador
Starting point is 00:35:05 crossed with a small wonder. I'm not joking. Are you please? No, no, no, no, no. Don't. I'm so sorry. I thought you were making fun of iRobot. I beg your indulgence on this matter.
Starting point is 00:35:15 I was not making fun or even joking about iRobot. Do you know, we have a song, there's a famous song that we sing around Christmas time in England. In England? I think I know it. Please, this Christmas, don't take the piss out of our robot. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:35:29 OK, well, we have an American version. What? The devil you say? Yes, it's sort of like, oh, Tannenbaum and oh, Christmas tree. That's right. Oh, come all ye faithful, ad est, e fidele. Yes, of course. Welcome back to the show.
Starting point is 00:35:44 All I want for Christmas is you. All I want for Christmas is you. All I want for Christmas is two in Spain, they do that. Interesting. And Jason, do you have one? I don't. Okay. Welcome back to the show, Lord Webber. It's so great to see you.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Fabius Godric, it feels as if quite some time since I've seen you. It has been quite a while. How long would you say? And why haven't you asked me to be on the program in all that time? I am so sorry. Who has been here in my absence? We've had so many. We've had a gentleman
Starting point is 00:36:12 who's a rapper. We've had... Oh, this guy Big Chunky Bubbles keeps coming back. The entertainer? Oh, I adore him! You do? Yes, of course! Haven't you ever seen his act? No, he just describes it. Please, he makes these, there's no other way to describe it,
Starting point is 00:36:29 big chunky bubbles. Yes, we know. Out of soup, stews, and chowders. One wonders when he comes on the show why he doesn't actually make some of them. He's never done that. That sounds amazing. He just described them.
Starting point is 00:36:40 It's a visual medium, dear boy. Why would he? Well, I have eyes. Is that why I had to run out and buy all that chowder the other day? No, I think that was a different reason. OK, that's the Yo Is This Racist guy just slamming chowder at his thirdest podcast.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Because what's better on a hot day than some hot chowder? Oh, yeah. Hot, thick, clam chowder. Nothing like nuking a can of chowder and then holding it in a glove because it can get so hot. Comedy Bang Bang, brought to you by pre come and chowder. You like that one? Andrew?
Starting point is 00:37:08 What? Whatever. Pre chowder. I'm not immune to the job of clam come chowder with the boys. What if before you made some chowder, there was just like a thinner layer of chowder who's some chowder, there was just like a thinner layer of chowder. It was pre-chowder. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:37:28 All right, that will do. It's pre-chowder until you add the clams and then it becomes... And don't get me wrong, there's clams in the pre-chowder. So you gotta be careful. If you eat the pre-chowder, it has clams. Be careful. If you made a batch very soon before, there may be a little clamp. Oh, there's definitely still some clams in there. So hello, Andrew, Lord Webber.
Starting point is 00:37:48 You don't have more? No, I don't have more. Are you certain? Yeah. No, we're done on this. I can keep going, but it seems like Scott wants to stop talking about it. We're done. We're done. Lord Webber, what are you... Sometimes you have to fill the can up with piss to wash all the chowder out. With piss.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Sometimes you need to fill the can up with piss. If this is your first time listening. Goodbye. Welcome to the best episode of this show. Oh, I'm gonna check out this show. I wonder what episode 499 is like. What, Weber, what are you up to? What are you doing here?
Starting point is 00:38:22 Well, you know, it's a bit embarrassing. I didn't realize that What's that? I'm sorry Contrary, you're in this mode where you're being body with your with your young boyfriend Oh, you missed it. He a muffin exploded in his face So it altered his big up yourkkake by breakfast earlier in the week. And it's now real, trying to really overcompensate. Under no circumstances, tell me the story.
Starting point is 00:38:54 What's going on with my lip here? I don't see any... You grimaced at me like a sickly wolf. That was legit a snarl, I believe. It was a snarl! It's a face, when you do it, it's a face you otherwise never make. Which is interesting to see someone make a face that they otherwise never make. That's true, who would ever make that face?
Starting point is 00:39:14 I agree. What face have I never seen you make? I don't know, let's see. I've seen that one. I've seen that one. That was when you were trying to make a bunch of pancakes in time for the kids who were visiting. For the pancake festival?
Starting point is 00:39:28 The pancake festival you throw in your house. Honestly, that got shut down. Yeah, I make that. It was a real Christopher Robin situation. Did you have a comedy tent going on in there? Yes, I had a comedy tent. It was poorly run. But it was close to the music tent, at least least so that everything was nearly inaudible.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Which is what I want in my comedy. I want to be outside, uncomfortable, hot, and not able to hear it. Lord Webber, you ever do a music festival? I've done several music festivals. Which ones? Well, let's see, Coachella. Are there musical festivals? Are there festivals where multiple musicals are going on on multiple stages all the time?
Starting point is 00:40:04 That would be amazing. Like, Hamilton is top build on Saturday. Are there festivals where multiple musicals are going on on multiple stages all the time? That would be amazing. Like, Hamilton is top build on Saturday. But if you get there early enough, you can see Miss Saigon and then all the others. All the others. All the others. We did do one on the Isle of Wight and it was a very ambitious idea. And the main problem was we had several stages set up with musicals happening concurrently. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Sure. The noise was deafening. I would assume so. You could not, it was unpleasant to attend any singular performance. And there was so much noise, it killed all the birds. No. Yes. Was this during something like Stomp?
Starting point is 00:40:46 Was Stomp there? Of course Stomp was there. Was Bloomin' Group there? Bloomin' Group was there. Bring in Da Noise, bring in Da Funk. What about Da Funk? Oh Da Funk was there. Both were there.
Starting point is 00:40:55 A musical theater festival, that's a lot of massage circles. I feel like that show, if it were just like, bring in both Da Noise and Da Funk, it would be a better title. Well you can't have them brought in at the same time, dear boy. Really? You must bring them in one at a time.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Yeah, separately. Oh yeah, they can't be together. I see, I see. If you've never seen the show, in the first act they bring in Denoise, and then they take an intermission and this. And they say, by the way, come back. Come back, because we're bringing in Defunc.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Denoise will remain. They, in the old, when the show first opened, Denoise had to vacate the building. Wow. Before Defunct was brought in. Really? Yes. Due to zoning or?
Starting point is 00:41:33 Denoise, I had read, there's a book, there's a great book about this. I had read that Denoise thought that he was the star of the show. Ah. And when he found out that Defunct was coming in after him. Was the headliner. He was not happy. Denoise was told that the name of the program was And when he found out that Da Funk was coming in after him,
Starting point is 00:41:45 he was not happy. Denoise was told that the name of the program was Bring in Denoise, full stop. Correct, and it wasn't until he saw a poster on the subway that he realized he'd been duped. And the person said, you didn't let me finish. That's exactly right. That's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Bring in Denoise, semicolon, bring in the funk. What was this festival called, Lord Webber? It seems so interesting. I mean, a festival like that, I would love to go to it. It was called. On the, you said it was called Isle of Wight. Isle of Wight. It was called.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Yes? I get emotional when I think about it. Oh, of course. I can see you recollecting. It was such a wonderful idea. Pardon me. It was your idea as well. It was not my idea. Whose idea was it?
Starting point is 00:42:32 It was the idea of every one of us who composed musical theater. We all banded together. The first time. Yes, he was there, of course. Stephen Sondheim, Kander and Ebb, Rogers and Haversine, every surviving person at that time. And if they had not survived to that point, their robot doubles were there. So you've got like a...
Starting point is 00:42:57 Moon over Peridot. Yes, this was 1975. A robot Georgian Ira Gershwin. That's correct. Jerome Kern. Irving Berlinbot was 1975. A robot, George and Ira Gershwin. That's correct. Jerome Kern. Irving Berlinbot was there. Did you guys do Moving Out, the Billy Joel jukebox musical? This predated that. Also, there were no juke-ing box musicals present.
Starting point is 00:43:19 You don't like those. Oh, interesting. I do not. Oh my heavens. You can't, you cannot just cobble together. Cobble together. Like a common cobbler. I said this on the record.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Which record? The record where I give my thoughts and feelings. Haven't you purchased that album? I have no prejudice. It's called Andrew Lloyd Webber himself. It's a 45. That's correct. Is it a 45?
Starting point is 00:43:42 It's, oh no, it's double albums. It is. Double LP. By the way. It's called Andrew. That's correct. Is it a 45? It's a, oh no, it's double albums. It is. Double LP. By the way. It's called Andrew Lloyd Webber himself. I sit on a chair on a stage alone. Is it like three sides live? Three sides live.
Starting point is 00:43:55 I just talk about whatever comes into my mind, my feelings on things. By the way, you should do this. We should sell this. You should do a double album. Of just one side. I'm saying I've already done it. You have done it. Perhaps a bit. You have done it. It survives somewhere. I don't know if the entire thing survives anywhere. We really should put out a special edition of this. 180 gram vinyl, come on. What? Just very high quality vinyl. He's a cokehead.
Starting point is 00:44:23 You just give me that, you give me that record and we'll listen to it. I didn't realize you were a cokehead. Oh yeah man, I'm super into cocaine now. Oh well. Yeah, it's brand new in my life. Oh that's so crazy. I just discovered it. How are you finding it? It's terrific. I'm getting a lot done. It's wonderful isn't it? Wow. I'm getting a lot done. I've registered a whole bunch of new domain names. Oh, that's smart. That's a good money maker. Take us through at least 15 of them. OK, Oh, no. I don't want to hate this. You can get now. Really? Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:57 a thing? .ninja is a thing. I heard it on Reply All. Oh my god, of course. I think I also heard you there. That's probably true, Gina. So Andrew Lloyd Webber, what was the name of this festival again? The name of the festival?
Starting point is 00:45:12 You'll forgive me. You're forgiven. It was called A Perfect Evening Surrounded by Water. Wow. By the way, that sounds amazing. That's a great festival. It was an aspirational title, sounds amazing. That's a great festival. It was an aspirational title, of course.
Starting point is 00:45:26 That's what we thought it was going to be. You thought it was going to be a perfect evening. A perfect evening. It's almost like you jinxed yourself. And then the birds. So, every one of the shows started at the same time? We've used two. Are you okay?
Starting point is 00:45:38 You mentioned Robert Durst. It's a trigger for me. Oh, sorry. I burp any time I hear, I do apologize. We've used two usages of the word jinx. Yeah. Oh, sorry. I burp any time I hear, I do apologize. We've used two usages of the word jinx. Yeah. Oh, wow. You jinxed yourself and a jinx.
Starting point is 00:45:50 And we had a jinx. You had like a classic thing. Sorry, sorry, sorry. God, I've never heard you belch before. It's never happened in public. You did it, Gino. They figured you out. Killed them all, of course.
Starting point is 00:46:04 So you thought it was going to be... Are you guys still doing your Jinx remake? We are writing the... Shot for Shot fictional Jinx remake. Taking the documentary and turning it... The unlucky documentary, we call it.
Starting point is 00:46:20 That's really... I love that as a move. Gus Van Zandt's gonna direct it with me. Perfect, he's the shot for shot guy. When you see Genoza Fat as the titular jinx. Oh my, excuse me. As the jinx. Why are you working on something
Starting point is 00:46:35 that makes you belch this much? He's the jinx. Gee, because it's worth it. I do it for the artistry, art must be challenging. ALW, are you writing songs into this jinx? Yes. I have... Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:46:51 I'm sorry. This is the line that's been crossed? Yes. Why are you wanting him to stop? We're having a great time. I know. Did you want to talk about pre-come again? No, I'm enjoying, I mean.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Do you want to talk about getting a hot load of egg on your face? You've turned this now into something that it was not. Mission accomplished, George W. Bush. You weren't blowing an egg sandwich until it exploded all over your face and burned you? You shouldn't have told us anything about your personal life. I'm sorry. Next time I'll just keep it close to the chest, as they say in Dark Knight. Twice. Do they?
Starting point is 00:47:24 Two different characters. Yes. Misuse that. I don't know as much of misuse as it's just not as common and odd to hear it twice in the same movie. I think both can be true. Is it play it close to the vest is the expression? Well, that's the one that is more commonly known.
Starting point is 00:47:40 That's correct. But close to the chest? I mean, believe me, I'd much rather be close to some chest than some vest. Alright. If you know what I'm saying. Okay. I slapped a woman at the bagel store for saying,
Starting point is 00:47:49 chomping at the bit. I had to explain to her it was champing at the bit. Chomping. And then I was thoroughly, I was arrested right after that. Well, I think that sounds right. Chomping. And then you went outside and started digging around in holes looking for honey. You know me. What?
Starting point is 00:48:04 Trying to find them underground bees. So, the bees. And then you went outside and started digging around into holes looking for honey. You know me. Trying to find them underground bees. So, you think it's a perfect, it's a perfect, oh yeah, we're back on the jinx thing, yes. So, okay, please stop saying it. So, it's like Macbeth. It's like Macbeth. We shouldn't be saying. Yes, that's why I said it's called the Unlucky Documentary.
Starting point is 00:48:25 Yes, right, right, right. Much like. Bases covered. Scottish play. Much like that, yes. Macbeth. Show me, please, Scotchric. Macbard, can we say Macbard?
Starting point is 00:48:36 Mac what? Macbard. Don't people say that instead of Macbeth? Shit, I did it. I jinxed myself. They do now. Oops. I was kidding. You tell them what you do. See? I'm gonna make bad shit I did it I jinx myself they do see it's contagious like Jason's yawn you guys I love that you guys are both so committed to this character Robert Durst and the jinx I don't know if I can take this I
Starting point is 00:49:03 certainly got I'm sure the listeners are enjoying it. Have they enjoyed up to this point? Can we get back to your... Is it about them at all? Can we get back to the perfect evening? You think it's a perfect evening. A perfect evening surrounded by water. Suddenly the birds start dropping. Were they dropping from out of the sky or were they landing on the ground in a daze and then sort of and pulling around? It was a bit of both. I'll never forget seeing Jonathan Pryce singing. From Miss Saigon? Yes, he was.
Starting point is 00:49:33 From Brazil? See, he was singing. You got some waters for us? Fillin' up some waters, sorry, was that close to a mic? Make that as loud as possible. Sorry, just want to make sure everyone's hydrated for the rest of this. Thank you. You can start the show with that by the way. Okay, fair enough. I was wondering why all these empty cups were here with a water bottle.
Starting point is 00:49:54 Now I get it. Because it's your job. Alright, go ahead. Jonathan Price from Game of Thrones. That's correct. Or Taboo, is most recent IMDB credit. Oh. As of this recording.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Written by Chips Hardy. That's correct. Who is Chips written by? Chips? Dex Shepard. Okay. Austin Olson? There we go.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Way to shut down a bit. Chip happens. Anyway, go ahead. What? What? How could he have furthered that bit? Yeah. By saying like, Taboo Hardy or something like that. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Oh, okay. Yeah, now I understand, bits. Oh, boy. Now I get bits. I'm sorry, I didn't. That's actually very good. You're not reading my mind? I'm sorry, I couldn't read your mind,
Starting point is 00:50:40 Taboo Hardy. More like... More like what? Thumbs down? All right, go ahead. Are you okay? Jonathan? Yes, taboo Hardy. More like, More like what, thumbs down? All right, go ahead. Are you okay? Jonathan, yes, I'm fine. I'm not accustomed to being spoken to in this manner. I tolerate the interruptions for whatever reason,
Starting point is 00:50:57 I continue to appear on this show. But Scorshrick, all right, go ahead. Go ahead, go, go. Do your thing. He's given up. I shan't. I think I'm this. You are, go ahead. Go ahead, go. Go. Do your thing. He's given up. I shan't. I think he's given up. You are denied the pleasure of hearing the story of this musical.
Starting point is 00:51:11 No, I ban people from the show. People don't ban- Who's banned from this program? Yeah, who's banned? Brett Gellman, obviously. Willie Mapleton, oh God. Have you banned him? I mean, I'd like to.
Starting point is 00:51:21 I hope he never comes back. So you haven't banned anybody. Right. Well, there was someone on the show recently was... Yes, please. Look in your phone to see what your strong feelings are. This is great. Taluka Graves. Taluka Graves? The celebrity photographer? You know Taluka Graves.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Of course I do. Oh, God. Some people I just can't stand. Oh, in big chunky bubbles, I wish. Why would you ban? He's delightful. This is bullying. He's delightful. I do. Oh god, some people I just can't stand. Oh, in big chunky bubbles, I wish. Why would you bathe? He's just like- This is bullying. He's just like-
Starting point is 00:51:49 Now you're just threatening people. When I'm running this show, all are welcome. Are you taking over the show? Yes. When do you want to take over? You want to take over? You look like, you are acting as if you do not want
Starting point is 00:52:00 to do this show anymore. Why don't we take a break? We'll take a break. You take over. We'll see how bad you are at it. Are you killing yourself during the break? Yeah, no, I'm going to be here sitting around pulling a Jason, meaning just sitting around being an asshole, commenting
Starting point is 00:52:13 on everything that you say. Wow, we are trying to have fun. Oh, yeah? And you're being a real Burt face about it. Burt face or Burt? Burt. Because if I were a burnt face like Ernie and burnt is that what you're trying to say? No like burnt because your face is burnt. He looks like his face could be burnt. He looks like he came out of one of those tubes.
Starting point is 00:52:34 One he came out of yeah or a real narrow vaginal canal and cute commercials. All right let's go to a break. When we come back our host Jason will be taking us through the last segment. Here we go. We'll be right back with more Comedy Bang Bang. When we come back, our host Jason will be taking us through the last segment. Here we go. We'll be right back with more Comedy Bang Bang. And sound speeds. You give me the sign, Gino. All right. Seven, six, five, four, three, two.
Starting point is 00:53:02 And welcome back to Comedy Bang Bang with your host, Jason Manzoukas. I'm here with Andrew Lloyd Webber. Hello. I'm here with my intern, my bro, Gino, and Scott Aukerman is still checking his phone. How are you Scotty? As the guest, I'm allowed to do that. Absolutely. Scott, what are you here promoting?
Starting point is 00:53:22 I wish not you to host. I wish not you to host. You wish not me to host. Yeah, I wish not you to host. I pretty much filed that. What a burnt face. Now, before Andrew Lloyd Webber, we were talking about the- God, you're bad at this. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:53:42 If you're just going to sit there and snipe? You're terrible. Levels sound good, Jason. Thank you. Thank you're just going to sit there and snipe. You're terrible. Level sounds good, Jason. Thank you. Thank you, Gino. Thank you so much. And Scott, as a guest, could you just keep it quiet while Jason trying to get his audio clean?
Starting point is 00:53:55 I can see why Paul does this on his show. Oh, yeah? Mm-hmm. Andrew, it's Andrew Lloyd Webber. Paul Provenza? Are you still working with Paul Prevenza? I like Paul Prevenza. Because you were doing that new show with him and Elaine Boozler,
Starting point is 00:54:10 Prevenza and Baby Booz. Is this the kind of show that you're going to do? Yeah, yeah. Except I'm going to have people who want to participate. Hey, I want to be here. Let's do it. Okay, great. Scott, what are you here promoting? I'm not here promoting anything.
Starting point is 00:54:25 You said you wanted to talk about the thing you're promoting. I'm here to promote Comedy Bang Bang, a show that I will be doing as a host for... Silence, Scott. Silence. You know, Jason, what I like is your hosting style. Thank you. It's very direct. What are you here promoting? That's what I...
Starting point is 00:54:39 Question one. It's seamless. What are you here promoting? Question one. What are you here promoting? What? What are you here? What's your one? What are you here promoting? What's like a buyer? What are you here? Sit the fuck down? Don't you get in my face? Be careful with Scott's face. Oh, yeah. Yeah, we gotta be what are you? What are you an egg?
Starting point is 00:54:56 No, I know you're not cuz you're fucking alert Did you just put me on egg blast? Yeah, what I was on. Shit, that is, I've been humiliated. Oh fuck! Man. This is fucked. I don't know if I can continue. Scott Scrappy went cornered.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Yeah. Yeah. I feel like, you know Yeah. I feel like... You know what? I feel like in wanting to be the host, I jinxed myself. Oh. Why? God damn it, why? So many other words you could use.
Starting point is 00:55:41 I unluckily backed myself into a situation that is difficult for me to succeed in, which is essentially a jinx. Right. Oh, God, essentially a jinx. Right. Oh, God, I'd start now. Scott's got it now. Oh, geez. That only makes me want to do it more.
Starting point is 00:55:54 When do I use these mics next? Are you saying, Jason, you want to abdicate your duties to me? Of course, of course, Scott. Did someone say abdicate? Yes. Now you're talking my language. Wait, are you hoping that the Queen abdicates the throne? Are you in line? Is there some sort of succession?
Starting point is 00:56:09 The line of succession as pertains to the nobility. It takes quite a long time. It would take many, many... Are you like designated survivor? Is that why you're here? On some days I am, yes. Whenever you're here, does that mean something big is going on where everybody else is in line and you're safe here? Well, the way it works is the Queen, whenever she leaves Buckingham Palace, her life is in danger.
Starting point is 00:56:36 Who knows what could happen? And so someone is asked to stay behind in Buckingham Palace, who is not a member of the royal family. I see. Just in case something should happen to all, just in case of a, what we call a King Ralph situation. Sure. Sure, sure. Yeah, we mentioned that earlier. Weird that we mentioned that when you weren't here.
Starting point is 00:56:58 What's that? That is very strange. I beg your pardon. How could that be? Why would you? Why would we indeed? So, uh... So sometimes, silence!
Starting point is 00:57:11 Sometimes, I am asked to stay in the palace, which is a wonderful privilege, of course. Where do you stay? Well, you have the run of the place. That's what's so wonderful about it. Do you try to sleep in every bedroom? It's like being a babysitter, where the royal family's saying, help yourself to anything, Do you try to sleep in every bedroom? It's like being a babysitter, where they're all
Starting point is 00:57:25 rummaging through things. Help yourself to anything. And of course, I go straight to that fridge and see what good I have. Are you a babysitter as well? I have. I have looked after many an infant and young child in my day, yes.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Really? Just ones in England? I would do it for extra jewels when I was a lad. Princess Di? Scuff her. I... Wow. Can you not mention someone just because they passed away?
Starting point is 00:57:53 He is... Sorry. Wait, you burp when princess Di? Princess Di, sorry. It's complicated. Should we be calling her Diana because of what happened to her instead of Di? Because you think Princess Di is almost like a command? I think it was a self-fulfilling prophecy when we started calling her that.
Starting point is 00:58:11 This is bang out of order. I'm sorry, are we not supposed to ever mention someone who's died before? Of course you can mention them. Should I say something like the late great or? The late great. The late great princess Di. The late great princess Di. As if she were a beloved unit. The late great princess die.
Starting point is 00:58:25 As if she were a beloved disc jockey. She did do drive time on K-Rock for a while. I'm sorry to bring up someone that maybe you were close with. We were all close to her, don't you see? She was all of our princesses. She was America's sweetheart. I'm sorry to bring up someone that maybe you were close with. It's a very, we were all close to her, don't you see? She was all of our princesses. She was America's sweetheart. The second candle in the wind.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Yes, that was a bit of a rush job. Well, you know. No, totally. He did a weird owl of his own song for someone else's death. His eighth candle in the wind, the Hanukkah song he did is good though. I like that. But now that we brought her up and now that you've mourned a little bit, did you used to babysit her?
Starting point is 00:59:21 Well I may have. She was just a little nobody at the time. Sure. Well, she wasn't engaged to Prince Charles or anything like that. By the time she was, she did not need to babysit her. Sure. Did Charles meet her through you? Yes.
Starting point is 00:59:38 And I was very happy that they ended up getting married. This is good stuff. This is good stuff. I'm in level two at the magnet, so I... That's really great, man. I'm sorry to bring her up. I'm sorry. You obviously don't wanna talk about her? I... Do you know, it was such a sad thing. Where were you when...? I'll never forget where I was. It was in Arby's...
Starting point is 01:00:05 Do you mean Arby's A-R-B-Y apostrophe S or our period B? What would that be? The Richard Branson's house? Oh my God. The very insult to injury. I'm sorry, I don't know if we're close to Richard Branson. How dare you? I am not, you know that I am not close to Richard Branson.
Starting point is 01:00:26 They are like enemies. He's only a sir. Has he gotten laid yet? Did he not get laid? I don't know this stuff. He's a virgin. Oh, I understand. That way to hammer a bit, Scott. I did.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Shoes on the other foot, Ackerman. Damn it. I got to start wearing my shoes on the right feet. I have heard, I have heard that on his airline, such as it is, the safety video that plays. I've never seen one of these because I haven't flown commercial in approximately 50 yards. What was it like back then? Dreadful. You could smoke on it.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Yeah, everybody smoked. Everyone, you were required to smoke. That's how they kept the plane moving. That's how they powered the plane. They told us it kept the plane in the air. Smoke rises, so we need some. We need the buoyancy of the smoke to keep us safe. There's too much oxygen in this plane.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Somebody light up! We're going down! In those days, you were required to bring a pack of cigarettes, a full packet of cigarettes, and four helium balloons. Oh my gosh. And we were all smoking and blowing up beaching balls. And everybody wore suits and dressed up for the flight. Everyone was wearing a tuxedo or a ball gown.
Starting point is 01:01:37 I feel the same way, by the way, when they say that we have to move in order to have the plane feel balanced, like that's gotta be something to... For weight distribution? For weight distribution, I feel like that's something that they're gonna disprove in like 10 years. I don't like...
Starting point is 01:01:51 It's just a way to fat shame people. Yeah, it really is. It's never happened to me. Yeah. Why would it? Exactly. A slim trim man such as yourself, Gino? I never have to worry about where I sit on a boat
Starting point is 01:02:02 or a plane. I also have no trouble getting onto and off of planes. So who would you, what airline would you rather fly on? Trump airlines or Richard Branson's Virgin airlines? Oh, duh. Can you imagine? This is almost a would you rather. It is. What, should we? Can you imagine? This is almost a would you rather. It is.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Should we? All right, let's play a little game that we like to call would you rather? Oh, I say. Who's the host of this podcast? This is a Sondheim song, by the way. No other I don't like it. The frogs. Do we talk during this now?
Starting point is 01:02:44 It's just as aimless and tuneless as everything he ever writes. Wow. If you had to pick one Sondheim song that's a good song though. Well, let's see. There's this one song from Assassins. Keep it going, keep it going. Where a number of people are singing, the chorus is singing, in ten terms, talking about how they saved the life of President Roosevelt. Sure.
Starting point is 01:03:15 And what I like about it is that it quotes existing songs in its melody. So you like the original songs. That's my favorite Sondheim song. If I had to pick one. All right, well it's time to play Would You Rather. This one came to us from me. Would you rather fly Trump Airlines or would you rather fly Virgin Airlines?
Starting point is 01:03:41 I've opened the floor for questions. I have a question. Yes. Virgin Airlines. I've opened the floor for questions. I have a question. Yes. In this scenario where I am forced to choose between these two allies.
Starting point is 01:03:51 Yes, you have a gun to your head. Yes. You have 10 AKs to your head. Not as wonderful as a sword to one's neck. Mm-hmm. About to receive the greatest honor an Englishman can resume. If you had died that day, by the way, would you have said,
Starting point is 01:04:06 -"It's worth it"? -"Of course." I would like to think... Silence. I would like to think that as my head rolled to the royal carpet, it would have mouthed the word, -"Thank you, Your Majesty." -"Do they have a basket or anything like that?" -"Or is it just on the carpet?" -"Nope. Just falls right on the floor." Amazing. Who picks it up? Is there a dog or something? There's various.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Is there a dog or something? There's like a couple of bullmastiffs that come grab it like they're trained on soccer balls. Please, gentlemen, of course there is a footman, a powdered wigged footman who picks it up, who throws it to the Queen's corgis to devour. So Phil Collins. You're about to be corgi. She wants to knight him. She wants to... You think so? You don't think, you don't think he's gonna get there.
Starting point is 01:04:52 He's afraid. She's gonna be like I didn't care for Susu's studio and chop chop chop. No way she says that. Really? That's the best Phil Collins we've had. Really? What about Tarzan? He, because she thinks trash in the camp. she's the girl that's been on his mind. Really? She thinks it's about her. Oh, that's absurd. What about Easy Lover? Does she think that's about her?
Starting point is 01:05:14 No, she thinks she. Or is that about Princess Diana? She knows that's about Queen Beatrix of Holland. And she hates the way he walks, right? Wait, does Phil Collins only write love songs about the royalty of different countries? If you ask the royalty, he does. Do you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:05:32 I appreciate you covering your mouth, by the way, because I couldn't hear that. Oh, good, I put my hand shield up. I have no idea what you're saying right now. No one can hear. I'm shielding my mouth from Scotrick. He has no idea. Having to clue. So now, yes, you have 10 a case to your head in this scenario. Right. So what's your question? Have all other airlines
Starting point is 01:05:54 gone out of business? Yes, every other airline has had their airplanes crash into each other head on. Oh, no. Oh, that's a very specific way to go out of business. I have another question. Will I encounter the owners of these airlines on this aeroplane? Yes, they'll be flying the planes and occasionally... Flying the planes. They'll be flying and occasionally coming back and serving drinks. Who's flying the plane while they're serving the drinks? Autopilot.
Starting point is 01:06:23 Autopilot? Who is this autopilot? Come on, guys. You know what I'm saying. Are the drinks free? Drinks are $5, and it's a cashless... You gotta have debit? So you gotta have your debit card.
Starting point is 01:06:35 Oh, God. Oh, then I have an important follow-up. What's that? You don't know what cashless is? Well, I know. I don't carry cash, of course. But I don't know what a debit card is. Oh, a, a credit card?
Starting point is 01:06:49 A bank card. A what? I believe they call them bank cards in England. Bank card. The Bank of England, do you know that? I know the Bank of England. Do you keep money in there? I keep some money in there, yes.
Starting point is 01:07:01 Where do you keep most of your money? In, well, I convert it into jewels and gold. Do you... oh, so at your house, do you have a treasure room? Yes, I have a sort of a... Like a Scrooge McDuck style... Or a smog? It's like a dragon's hoard, yes. A smog, if you will, yes.
Starting point is 01:07:18 A dragon's smog just hanging out. Are you turning into a dragon? Oh, tis a consummation devoutly to be... Watch yourself, counselor. I would worry more that you would suffer dragon... Dragon sickness. Dragon sickness, more so than turn into a dragon. You would have to have...
Starting point is 01:07:37 That's the first stage of turning into a dragon. The madness. The madness that accompanies it. At the risk of sounding immodest, yes, I do quite well, thank you. But you would have to have so much treasure, so much treasure to come to Dragon's Sickness. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you have a lot of treasure. I have.
Starting point is 01:07:54 I do all right. Dragon's Sickness makes me think of my next question. Can you use gift cards? To buy drinks on the plane? Yeah, can you use like a Visa gift card? Oh, yeah. Like a $100 Visa gift card that you get for signing up for Amazon Prime or something like plane? Yeah, can you use like a Visa gift card? Like a hundred dollar Visa gift card that you get for signing up for Amazon Prime or something like that?
Starting point is 01:08:09 Yes, exactly. Sure. Go ahead. Wait a minute. I know your Trixies got trick. Yes. Wait, are you saying Trixies because you have dragon sickness? I can't get quite a read on whether you're like a golem kind of thing or golem.
Starting point is 01:08:23 Is that not a golem? I beg your pardon. I didn't mean to say that. Now, how do you, what do you think, you know, Tolkien, he just nicks the word Golem and switches the pronunciation. I know, it's sort of like a Harry Potter kind of thing, like Snape is like Snipe. Yes, that's why I have no sympathy for him
Starting point is 01:08:44 that Led Zeppelin just stole all of his stuff and made it into songs. It set it to music. Do you like Led Zeppelin? How was that allowed? Imagine a band came out now that just did like the Avengers thing and stuff. Or just like did Dick Francis songs. The horse?
Starting point is 01:09:00 Yes, the horse. That's who I'm talking about. Yes. Any other questions? I was going to say. I was in the middle of my question. Oh, yeah, sorry. Oh, you got a question in the middle of your question. You said the owners...
Starting point is 01:09:12 That's Gino. He's in the middle of his third question in a row. Well, you got to play the game. You have to ask questions to play the game. Early and often. You said the owners of the respective airlines are on the plane, they're flying the plane, but is Branson on Trump's plane and vice versa? Yes, they did a vice versa,
Starting point is 01:09:32 they did a plane switch or plane swap. Oh, wow. Wow. Do you think it's gonna become permanent? Not a Fred Savage, Judge Reinhold situation? It wasn't, yes, a vice versa. I've closed the floor for questions. What? There was no warning.
Starting point is 01:09:46 I'm sorry, there's no warning. Wow, I didn't even ask a question. Yeah, let's see how we're going to vote. Jason, how are you voting? Richard Branson. Richard Branson, meaning you're flying Virgin or you're flying the plane that Richard Branson is flying? Oh, that's correct. Yes, you're right. Oh wow, that really mixes it up. Oh man, I wish I'd asked a question.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Okay, then Richard Branson. Again, I'm going to ask. You have my answer. Okay. All right, Gito. Um, so on Trump's airline... Yes. Are you asking a question? Because that's not allowed. No, no, no. Okay. So I'll choose...
Starting point is 01:10:23 I'll choose Trump's airline. With Richard Branson flying the plane. With Richard Branson on it because Trump's airline will probably show the film Bloodsport. Okay, great. And Lord Webber. This is very difficult because on the one hand... The money you would be spending purchasing the ticket would go... Oh, I have to purchase the ticket as well? That would go to the person who owns the airline.
Starting point is 01:10:50 So the people pointing the AK-47s out of my head, they are forcing me to purchase a ticket. Yes, they're forcing you to go to your treasure, pick out a couple of gold coins. Well, this makes things somewhat easier. Do you keep your treasure in like a chest? Like a treasure chest? Do you keep your treasure close to the chest?
Starting point is 01:11:14 There are several treasure chests that I keep close by. Yeah, of course. As you can see, I have two chestlets with me right now. Two tiny chests. Is that kind of like your wallet? Exactly. Is that like what your wallet is basically? If it pleases you, yes.
Starting point is 01:11:26 I believe they're called pecs when you have to hold them. Nice chestlets. Scotch. Please vote. The most, what are you, Jeb Bush? Plative, please vote. I would fly on the Trump airplane knowing that it would kill Richard Branson to have to fly a plane that is not his and that is so disgustingly tacky, it would drive him
Starting point is 01:11:57 mad. And he would have to serve you because he would have to be forced to get you drinks. Exactly. All right, let's see. We have one vote for Trump airline. No, you voted for drinks. Exactly. All right. Let's see. We have one vote for Trump, no, you voted for Trump. Okay. So two for Trump and Jason's vote doesn't count. So because he would not clarify.
Starting point is 01:12:13 So Richard Branson. Let's tally up the points. It's one to one. Looks like we have our first tie ever. And would you rather? Congratulations, Ginovani and Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber. You both win. Is that true?
Starting point is 01:12:25 The first, I don't think it's the first tie. Maybe, who cares? It's another tie or the first tie, either way. That's how we play, would you rather? When's the last time this got played? I don't know. What excitement. We should do it more often.
Starting point is 01:12:37 Remember games? Yeah, remember. I do remember the games. I used to quite enjoy the games. Yeah, let's play them more often. I think it was the reason I came on the show. Tell you what, in our ninth year, let's play them. All games. I used to quite enjoy the games. I think it was the reason I came on the show. Tell you what, in our ninth year, let's play them. All games. All games. All games. All games all the time. Why don't you make year nine the year of games? All games all the time.
Starting point is 01:12:54 That would be amazing. And then each maybe month, retire a game and bring on a new game. Think of a new game? We can barely Rafters. Let's, yes. Well, what, there's fortunately, unfortunately, there's what am I thinking? Riddle me this. There's riddle me this, the rap battle. That's true. All right, let's play some more games next year. Let's not do rap battle.
Starting point is 01:13:16 Why? You're good at rap battle, right, Andrew Lloyd Webber? I mean, you're a songwriter by trade. Of course I am. Let's hear a little bit of it. It's time to do a little. Be careful when you ask. A little rap battle. Looks like we jinxed ourselves.
Starting point is 01:13:26 Here we are. Rap battle. Andrew Lloyd Webber. Solo rap battle. Scott Aukerman. That's the battle. Scotty Aux versus Andrew Lloyd Webber. Alright, Lloyd Webber, start us off.
Starting point is 01:13:34 I will. Waiting for it to come back around again. Here it comes. Here it comes. Here it comes. Well, I like to rap. I like to rap. I like to rap.
Starting point is 01:13:42 I like to rap. I like to rap. I like to rap. I like to rap. I like to rap. I like to off. I will. Waiting for it to come back around again. Here it comes, here it comes, here it comes! Well I like to rap and I like to battle. How did you hear this? Did someone tattle? I'm the one who told you.
Starting point is 01:13:56 Never forget that's what you get when I say that I like to rap. I'm not kidding. This isn't a trap. I'm rapping. I'm not kidding. This isn't a trap. I'm rapping. I'm rapping at you. Does that make you happy or blue, are you sad? Because I rapped around your head, which is down in the ground and you're dead.
Starting point is 01:14:16 I've killed you. I've killed you with my raps. Murder. Oh wow. That's some hardcore gangster rap. Wow, I fucking love that. Why don't you ever have that kind of hard edge in your other stuff?
Starting point is 01:14:31 I like to entertain people I don't really think that are about to be murdered. Wow, that was great. I can only rap about murder. Oh my gosh, the music's fading out. Unfortunately, I won't be able to. Scotty, don't you think you're gonna go a cappella? We are running out of time, guys.
Starting point is 01:14:45 We do, unfortunately, we only have time for one more thing here, and that is a little something called Plugs. Oh, no. If you're gonna go, you should say it. We can see you on another show. Oh, my. I think I might cry.
Starting point is 01:15:03 Don't worry, I'm not a weirdo. It's just something in my eye. Wow, that was sort of like a Strokes guitar line there a little bit. That was really I'm Not a Weirdo by KevBot4000. Thank you so much to KevBot4000. I wonder if Kev maybe died and was replaced by a robot. It's entirely possible.
Starting point is 01:15:24 He's clearly not trying to hide the fact that he's now a robot. Very upfront about it. How many robots don't even bother to hide it? The ones that call themselves 3000 or bot something, right? Like those guys are just flaunting it. Yeah, anyone that's just like, that's call letters, you know, your R4E1s and it's... KRS1? How long do you think until people start asking for themselves to be referred to in public
Starting point is 01:15:47 by their screen names? Yeah, that's true. Don't you feel like that's coming? Hey, what's your name? At Scott Aukerman. Yeah, or something like that, or whatever corny name they are. I feel like that's coming. Yeah, at Colfax McLiverneck.
Starting point is 01:15:59 Yeah. Call me At Drill. At Drill? At Drill. Yeah. What does that mean? There's someone on Twitter. His name is at drill. I'm assuming All right guys, what do we plug in Jason? Obviously you have some stuff coming out You always you always have your fingers and various pies
Starting point is 01:16:18 I was I'll be watching a movie and suddenly Jay dog pops up boom there. I am Let's see Gilmore girls. Oh, there I am. Um, let's see. Gilmore Girls. Oh yeah, I snuck right in on that one. Yeah, you did, right under the wire. Very excited for that. Got in on the final three. Um, I, I, what is it, April something? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:36 Um, I think probably if you wanted to watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine, that wouldn't be the worst idea. Oh, me too, by the way. Oh, nice. Yes. I like that. I'll be on the season finale. I will be on the penultimate episode.
Starting point is 01:16:49 Jason, you've already appeared on that program. I have. I have. So they brought your character back? They have, indeed. So that is a thing that they can do? They can bring a character back. If a character has appeared on the show,
Starting point is 01:17:00 they could bring the character back if they so chose. So a character like... Could be anything. Have you ever been watching that show? Could be the captain of a cruise ship. Wait, they've brought quite a few characters back. Oh, have they? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it's a common practice.
Starting point is 01:17:14 Oh, it's like one of their biggest things is to have a stable of characters that recur regularly throughout the season. What about a character who hasn't been on the show yet? Could they have one of them on? Sure. Like a new character? Like a new character. Absolutely. Yeah yet could they have one of them on sure like a new character like a new character absolutely yeah do they have any you know skinny I'm willing to play anything I'll play a fat janitor a fat
Starting point is 01:17:32 you know I'll play Scully Sully son or whatever yeah they should do Scully and Sully. I'd love to see Tom Hanks and Gillian Anderson in something again. Oh man. I wouldn't mind seeing them. The two teaming up. It's an X-Files episode where Scully is like, I don't think you really landed that plane. Like a ghost took over him. And that's how he was able to do it. Oh, so they're not partners.
Starting point is 01:17:58 No. The one is investigating the X-Files is an episode about the Sully landing. It's like a Frost v. Nixon. Because they get to the plane and what they realize is the plane is from the past because everybody's wearing tuxedos, smoking cigarettes, and there's helium balloons everywhere. But like Batman v. Superman, they team up at the end. Oh, what a good movie.
Starting point is 01:18:16 What a good movie. Do you think it turns out that Sully and Scully, both their mothers have the same first name? Yes. That would be amazing. The only thing that could stop a fight. Wait, why did you say Esther? Esther.
Starting point is 01:18:29 All right, Gino, what are you plugging here? I've been listening. I've been doing a lot of driving lately, so I've been listening to a lot of these DVR radio things that you guys do here. Sure. And there's one in particular I like. It's called High and Mighty.
Starting point is 01:18:42 It is High and Mighty. Is it High and Mighty? Oh, wow. You know, it's called. Not High and Mighty. It is High and Mighty. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. You know, there's only, I would love to be plugging TV shows. But, you know, it's been slow and we're giving diverse people a chance this pilot season. That's great. A lot of people missed out on the white privilege window.
Starting point is 01:19:02 Yeah. I was the last talk show. Where were you like five, six years ago, Gina? Oh, trying. Yeah. Well, check out high and mighty. It's a podcast. It's great. Also, I'm a big fan of how did this get made and Hollywood handbook to keep
Starting point is 01:19:18 it in the family a little bit. Nice. I would also like to promote, uh, uh, uh, how did this get made? Okay. Sure. Hosted by Paul shear. Sure. And June, Diane Raphael and myself, uh, uh, How Did the Skin Man. Okay, sure. Hosted by Paul Scheer. Sure. And June Diane Rayfield and myself, Jason Manzoukas. Well, but he's really the host.
Starting point is 01:19:29 I might be the only person who hosts two different earwolf podcasts concurrently. Nope. I, first of all, I have you talking you two to me. Does that still exist? Sure. When's the last time you did an app? A couple years ago, but you never know. Yeah, so that's so that's DOA.
Starting point is 01:19:46 Interesting. ALW and Sondheim have the same birthday, which is two titans in the industry. And then my favorite comedian, John Gabras and Paul Scheer, the host of How This Get Made, have the same birthday. Really? So they're very good at something? When is that? What is that day? That is January 31st. Ah, too late.
Starting point is 01:20:02 I don't know why I know my favorite comedian's birthdays. Yeah, it's a little creepy. Why not? I like to tweet at them and say happy birthday. I love you. What's your birthday? My birthday? Yeah. April 20th, 1991. 420? Yeah, 420. So it was, I think it was a couple years before Columbine. I remember my birthday party was interrupted by, because we were watching Cable News for my birthday party. Sure. That was the party? Yeah, my family had all my friends over to watch cable news and then, uh, kind of. Cause it was so new? Cause it was a big thing and it was like, this is definitely going to be on. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:32 You know, and. It was like when we used to watch MTV when it first came out. Right, right. So we were watching cable news. Well, your generation was the generation of I want my cable news. Yes. Right. I want my CNN. We would have like award shows where Spider-Man would kiss a girl and we'd get a CNN award.
Starting point is 01:20:49 Is this still plugs? Yes, please, plug something. Well, I'd like to plug another podcast called, it's a whimsical name, Spontaneo Nation. Ooh. Scotric, I believe it comes out the very same day as your show. Oh, so it's out today. It is out today. Oh. Scodrick, I believe it comes out the very same day as your show. Oh, so it's out today. It is out today.
Starting point is 01:21:08 Oh, amazing. Why am I here? I don't know, you instead of listening to it? I should be listening to that. You could do both. It's probably only an hour, and this is an hour and a half or something. Yeah, I'm listening to a different podcast
Starting point is 01:21:18 in my headphone. What, you are? Oh, so am I. Which ones? I'm listening to 99% Invisible in my cans. What? Yeah, oh, I'm listening to Reply All in mine. Also, people should look forward
Starting point is 01:21:29 to one of my favorite television programs, spelled P-R-O-G-R-A-M-M-E. MME, do you like MME? I love it. Oh, wow, really? I love MME, I love MDMA. I love... MMA. What else? MAGA.
Starting point is 01:21:50 I love MAGA. I love them all! Oh wow. bajillion dollar properties. Watch bajillion dollar properties on the Seaside Streaming platform. I believe season 3 will be coming out in about a month or so. I believe that's true. And if you live in the New York area, November 12th, November 11th and 12th,
Starting point is 01:22:11 at the Bell House in Brooklyn, I understand there's live entertainment that's happening. My goodness. Something called Super Ego and the aforementioned Spontaneous Nation doing live programs. That sounds like quite a night or concurrent night. It's a weekend, dear boy. Quite a night or concurrent night. It's a weekend, dear boy. Quite a weekend at the theater. A weekend. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:22:30 A theater after a fashion. Sure. Folding chairs. I'm so sorry, I don't mean to impugn theater. Will people come dressed as their favorite characters from the shows? I think they should. I mean, it'll be so quickly after Halloween
Starting point is 01:22:42 that they will probably keep their costumes. They should let these costumes do double duty. Yes. Someone's phone ringing? No. Are you okay? Are you all right? Oh my gosh. His eyes are rolling back.
Starting point is 01:22:56 Oh my God. Let me get my plugs out. Speaking of New York, we're going to be doing a live comedy bang bang out at Vulture Fest on May 20th. So, coming up. So so come on out for that and I'll be on the season finale of Brooklyn Nine-Nine in May along with the my former girlfriend whom I married and Eugene Cordero we all have a scene together that's fun and let's see anything else I wanna plug? Nah, fuck it. Oh, bajillion dollar property is in a month. Yep. Alright, let's close up the old plug bag.
Starting point is 01:23:28 I'm talkin' bout bags and bags I'm talkin' bout opening bags I'm talkin' bout bags and bags I'm talkin' bout opening bags I'm talkin' bout bags and bags I'm talkin' bout opening bags I'm talkin' bout opening bags I'm talkin' bout bags and bags
Starting point is 01:23:44 I'm talkin' bout opening bags. I'm talking about opening bags. I'm talking about opening bags. All right, guys. Thank you so much for being here with me. So fun. The Jinx. Ugh. Oh, god. Oh, jeez.
Starting point is 01:23:56 Going out on a low note. All right. Jason, Gino, Lord Webber, thank you so much for being here. Always a pleasure to see you. Stick around for our eighth anniversary next week, I believe. Coming up next. Yep.
Starting point is 01:24:10 Save. Stay right where you are. Stick around. Just change that channel. Just keep playing this, and eventually you'll get there. All right, we'll see you next time. Every podcast turns into the next one. All right, thanks.
Starting point is 01:24:20 Bye. And fade out.

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