Comedy Bang Bang: The Podcast - Jon Daly, Dan Lippert, Ryan Gaul

Episode Date: July 4, 2022

Accomplished actor Kelsey Grammer joins Scott to talk about the new Frasier reboot, his podcast pitch all about The Kingston Trio, and Jon Daly’s new album “Ding Dong Delicious.” Then, the “” Superman stops by to talk about his 4th of July plans. Plus, handyman Tobias Boothby drops by to promote his handyman business.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 milk milk lemonade and in the back is the butthole welcome to comedy bang bang thank you to gherkin thirst trap gherkin thirst trap for that catchphrase submission and welcome to comedy bang bang July 4th edition special independent stay here in the United States of America never been so united we are celebrating this wonderful holiday what better way on a holiday Monday than what better way to what better way what am I trying to say what better what better way to celebrate the independence of this great nation which seceded from the English of course some 200 over 200 years ago then by listening to an episode of
Starting point is 00:01:11 comedy bang bang and we have a great one for you today my name is Scott Ackerbin let me make sure to remind you of that coming up a little later we have a an actual superhero well on a super holiday like today that makes a lot of sense we also have a handyman all right but you know we haven't had a lot of celebrities on the show recently you know mainly because of the pandemic and us transitioning from out in my backyard where celebrities would not go now we're edging back into the studio but we finally were able to land one today you know his gosh his career ever since the early 80s on television he started off
Starting point is 00:01:56 on of course the Cheers show segwayed from that into his own show called Frazier and since then a couple bit parts in movies I don't know it's been a minute but we'll talk to him about what he's up to please welcome for the first time on the show Kelsey Grammer hello hello good to good to see you it's great to see you great to meet you yes what an introduction thank you so much my pleasure it's I you're obviously a legend in the television sphere I am yes we're in you were in movies I could remember I've been in many many movies after Cheers which ones cuz I I'm trying I know there are like a bunch of
Starting point is 00:02:40 Christian movies that you're in but I can't remember like and that brings me to 2023's new movie I play Chuck Smith in a movie called Jesus Revolution okay and Jesus Revolution is what I like to think is happening to America right now people are getting more into Jesus Scott and I think it's really cool I think the studies have shown they're not but is that anything like Dance Dance Revolution or is it it's some sort of video game or is it not it should be a video game made that that would appeal to children a lot more than what it actually is which is a bone-dry psychodrama from a rock-ribbed conservative
Starting point is 00:03:21 that will put any child to sleep and okay virtually no time well a lot of people need their children to fall asleep so this you know it could serve dual purposes it would lead some to the Lord and lead some to Lord Morpheus yes some rock their children and some watch my rockin performances in rockin movies I feel like I saw you in a in a in a Christmas movie recently that my wife was watching and I passed through and I was like oh Kelsey Grammer's in this Andy and I feel like you gave one of me what it was which Christmas which Christmas movie there are quite a few who was in it gosh I feel oh man name any
Starting point is 00:04:01 other person in the movie was it the one where Jesus is playing Santa Claus comes down the chimney and takes it off and it's Jesus I don't think it was Jesus specific but it was about people who are upset of their dad or something like that oh yes well I'm happy to be the heavy giving one of those performances of like I'll do this movie if I can I can sit in a chair the entire time yes well that is the where I'm most comfortable and I do bring my own chair to set do you really yes it's an eems oh it's an eems oh I was gonna ask if it was the that that wonderful recliner from the Frasier show no no no that's in the
Starting point is 00:04:36 Smithsonian oh it is really right next to Fonzie's jacket yes it was right next to Archie Bunker's chair it's in the chair so what other chairs are in there oh we all because so many've got a bar stool from Cheers the legendary show that I was one bar one bar stool the one cliff was on I would matter or nor nor yes and his ass cheeks are well imprinted oh really yes and and what other chairs do they have in that chair yeah let me think Archie Bunker you have the couch for married with children of course Cosby show I would imagine that couch that's been taken out oh everything what's happened to Bill is
Starting point is 00:05:14 just so unfortunate it's unfortunate that that he did that you mean or it's unfortunate did what had consensual sex with numerous women I've done that here okay we all had fun in the 90s I mean this this predated the 90s quite a bit as well but I don't want to get off on that necessarily I want to I want to focus back on your career yes what are you up to now other than next year's Jesus Revolution movie what I mean we haven't seen you on your on our televisions there was supposedly a Frazier reboot happening supposedly is a word that also could mean that it's happening because that is the are we
Starting point is 00:05:56 breaking news here I have yes yes I wow the announcement here and I am allowed to say this previously I was not allowed but now really so now there is a Frazier reboot a Frazier reboot yes I Frazier you I Frazier is that we said I small letter I Frazier I Frazier I Frazier yes like like iPhone iPhone yes I had I Mac I don't know anymore I Frazier and it's it's Frazier with a little twist I live in Seattle with my brother Niles of course of course and David Hyde Pierce is back he is back yes yes we we we got him we got him it was hard to get him I can only imagine I got him okay wow he's back in he's back for more it's it's
Starting point is 00:06:40 very interesting because instead of taking called in advice I have a podcast with my brother okay well I mean podcaster very big right now you have Obama and Springsteen's the rest yes I I wouldn't I don't know if you know this but I am a cool conservative I I've read something about that yes yes I am the kind of guy that I I didn't come out for Trump right away but after he was president that's what I saw what he was up to I saw what he was really up to that's when I came out I'm just saying the podcast I mentioned Obama's not to incite you or oh no but it's what's on your mind well that's you know other
Starting point is 00:07:28 than Conan's slate those are the most popular podcasts in the world right now right Obama and Springsteen's just get into the dirt of their lives they really talk about interesting things don't just gloss over things yeah it gets really deep it's a really it's a really great one yeah no one ever edits those down of like no we can't keep that in obviously yeah can't keep that in yes well since I am like I mentioned before a rock-ripped conservative and my brother and my brother Niles is quite a well he's a bit of a snowflake oh he is on this one of the show he's one of the wokes who will go broke we bring up
Starting point is 00:08:08 cultural checkpoints you might say and we we dissect them okay yes interesting so this is on the show you mean yes we film that we we film it and we we shoot it it's going to be a TV show on YouTube and it's on YouTube it's a it's a legendary it's when it's already legendary okay TV show will be the TV show of the podcast oh so you don't have the old setback in Seattle no it will be a farcical show but it's well it's it's it's we're doing the podcast we're we're we're we're ourselves and we're doing the podcast and you see us the foibles of us try there's but out podcast but it's just set in the podcast studio you never
Starting point is 00:08:48 go back to the home I mean I loved Frasier was mainly set in the home I mean it was set in a beautiful apartment with Eddie you know Eddie the dog yes of course and no it is in our apartment because it is a home studio oh okay okay we've taken one of our closets and put put in sound pedaling are you did you hang up a lot of sweaters to sort of absorb the sound yes it's a it's a mothball covered sorry sometimes I have a brain fart scrambled eggs in your brain my brain is pure toss salad now I wanted to talk to you Scott oh so we're moving on okay yes please doing well no we're not moving on because you are a
Starting point is 00:09:30 podcaster I am a podcaster yes I am a podcaster and I was wondering on the show we could yes if we could do something like you do with Adam Scott kind of thing like maybe I try to convince you to like I don't know some group like the Kingston trio already like you don't like them enough perhaps you don't like them if you already like them yes name a song by the Kingston trio hang on sloopy hang on sloopy it's not by the Kingston trio it's by the rascals or something give me give me one second to think back to me listening to think back by scrolling down your phone look you clearly don't know the majesty of hang
Starting point is 00:10:20 down your head Tom Dooley hang down your head Tom Dooley okay I admit that I maybe don't know that one exactly so me and you in the studio and you are home studio you are yes possibly or we could do it here at your wolf or wherever look the thing is I'm convincing you you are you want no part of it you don't like this conservative folk music from the 60s and I am here to say you know there are several good especially live recordings of the Kingston trio and I a lot of qualifiers I have to say well well a great group always has some good live performances because they're tight live in the Titan studio okay now this would
Starting point is 00:11:10 be a weekly podcast it's not a special thing like it is with yeah I don't know I have a lot on my plate and when you have a lot on your plate you know it's hard to eat everything well you'd be working with Kelsey Grammar a legend I am yeah you're a legend I don't know that I I necessarily agree with anything you have to say in your personal life but a pleasure to speak to you on this show about show business but I don't know that I necessarily want to sit next to you and put out a dual joint thing we keep it music we don't have to go into the nitty-gritty of the politics it seems though you are almost unable not to
Starting point is 00:11:51 talk about you would brought it up five times already talking about the dust up at the Capitol I would rather not we would not I would I in fact don't want to right now if that's okay it was just a little tourist dust sometimes tourists get a little bit anxious and they have to express themselves okay see this is the this is my fear is that we would be doing a podcast weekly that's the other thing we'd be doing a podcast weekly about the Kingston trio which I don't know if there's that much to cover regard oh there is okay and then I'm 60 stuff and then the 70s it goes okay and then I'm forced to listen to live
Starting point is 00:12:27 recordings of them which I guess are tighter yes your opinion I've never heard a live record be tighter okay they're not a steel drummer I just feel like you you would not be able to suppress your political feelings all that much and I why should I exactly that's that's what that's my problem with Springsteen and Obama you know they're not getting down Obama's not telling you why Guantanamo is didn't close on his watch yeah his first promise to us okay yeah true true I mean that would have been my first question has Springsteen and I would say yes we need a secret hey Obama why didn't Guantanamo
Starting point is 00:13:10 close oh boy would he do that preacher voice that he does well that would be my first question to Obama but I'm sure what and my first question to Bruce would just be to say good job I don't get it it seems like people are not a fan not a fan of Bruce no not his music did you stop liking music at the Kingston trio whenever they disbanded I'm presuming in the 70s from the information you've given me I was a fan of another band a Canadian band bear naked ladies no no no they had a song called look at this photograph time I see it it makes me laugh how did our eyes get so red and what the hell was on Joey's head you know
Starting point is 00:13:56 I don't know I'm thinking where what was on Joey's head that made the picture Joe Joey what are we talking about well the friend of the person in the song now songs are sometimes spoken from Joey was one of the friends is that I mean you Joey was one of the friends it was David Schwimmer you were competing with them so I don't know if you ever felt an affinity for the friends or whether you there was no competition Scott between Frazier and friends Frazier is Frazier and it is a tight farcical comedy with slamming doors sure a lot of that was one thing I didn't really like about it just all the slamming doors
Starting point is 00:14:37 like I'm trying to watch a funny show and you're just here I'd blush it what do you think of Moliere I saw one play of his when I was 18 and I haven't really thought much of him since probably talk to yon might have been I think it was deeper I'm hoping that I don't know if you know this but in the New Yorker article about Hollywood conservatives they're going to a gathering of Hollywood conservatives and I walked into that meeting and I looked around got a little feel for the room and I took the fuck off because I don't hang out with losers really I'm a legend and of course there are some nice people who
Starting point is 00:15:33 are also legends but you know I don't hang out with John Voight he seems like some you know somebody seems like a Confederate soldier he's children just got killed funny in Hanna-Conda though you gotta he's funny he's good yeah he's good he's good right and midnight cowboy I mean undeniably good performance I'm not talking about acting it's just like the hang yeah okay well that's you know good for you I mean yeah like you you're able to hang out with different types of people you seem unable to not talk about conservatism but this country is going this is what I see this I'm criticizing you as wishing that you would not talk
Starting point is 00:16:16 about it this country is leading you in one direction yes one direction are you a fan of Harry Styles Harry Styles look everyone knows watermelon sugar is cool okay Harry Styles can you sing that at all yes what a militia hi what a melon sugar hi watermelon sugar hi is that what he's saying hi hi yes he's saying hello to the watermelon sugar I guess he's got a nice friend called watermelon well I what I had heard about a watermelon sugar is and there's no other more delicate way to say this but it's about the taste of pussy oh good god so he's saying hello to that taste no no I don't think it makes any sense it's
Starting point is 00:17:01 about a summer juice he's drinking sugar with water you're getting it as you're saying it yes it's not a pussy metaphor okay yes well look Kelsey this is I mean a lot of great stuff going on one Christian movie next year and then what sounds like a horrible reboot of Frazier yes the Jesus connection and then what I Frazier I Frazier yes and what it what connection does it have to the iPhone and the iMac or is it just a podcast yeah but I don't know if you remember this show that came about Zach Braff was starring in a show where he was a podcaster yeah I kind of do same creators oh really you got those guys
Starting point is 00:17:46 yes the Frazier creators are sadly dead all right well Christopher Lloyd and who Christopher Lloyd isn't he one of them yes not the back to the future person oh yes no I've seen back to the future no but you you you worked with this guy Christopher Lloyd event with a modern family yes he died in 9-11 modern family was he died in 9-11 I'm so sorry I look all right we can edit this out I know unfortunately our editing machine is this life oh wow yeah well we used to be able to edit so many so many things but now it's broken well I'm excited about our podcast well that are you talking are you talking to trio
Starting point is 00:18:28 Scott KTT yes yes I don't think so look Kelsey it's it's wonderful to have you on I know when I put the call out to finally have a celebrity back on the show I mean we've been having the worst a blocks on the show recently with just insane people and I said please land a celebrity the earwolf Booker said the well we have Kelsey grammar and I thought it would be okay we could just focus on the Frasier aspect of your career but unfortunately you've broadened the scope of this interview so this is huge for you I mean was it a 50-50 of like should I have much I have not I'm eventually was like all right let's do
Starting point is 00:19:07 it great great yeah well good yes that sounds about right for me right now and maybe after I Frasier comes out you will reconsider reconsider how I felt about this one or no the podcast about the Kingston trio we'll see you let when I Frasier comes out I'll definitely give it a little peep and we'll see exactly how how I want to proceed with that other show what about Ding Dong delicious John Daly's new album oh well you want to talk about that well John Daly's got a new album and I'm rocking out to it oh maybe we should do maybe we should do the podcast about John Daly's music sure I mean John I can't believe
Starting point is 00:19:47 you're talking JD John Daly to me yeah I we could talk about that I mean he's a friend of mine I don't know why you would talk it you you're you've been listening to this between Kingston trio records oh yes it's great it's a great refresher after some deep palace and trio cuts and this is called let's say Ding Dong delicious John Daly and it seems to be new vinyl record new vine it seems to be about 16 tracks or so or 15 17 tracks 17 17 full tracks all music all music all good funny songs and then one dark serious song where serious song one serious song you have to guess it's a game the whole album is it the
Starting point is 00:20:29 first one you have to know it's not the first one no no no the album is a game and if you win then you get to listen to it again oh wow no and you can all talk to your friends and discuss it well that's that's fun so that's in stores right now and is it on Spotify as well or is it just in stores it's on title it's on Spotify it's in record stores there's a record store near you and it's a northern spy records the label that put it out it's our sky blue vinyl a beautiful piece a beautiful slab as they say and it's a crucial slab that you need it's for any collection John Daly ding dong delicious get it well that's
Starting point is 00:21:07 that's very generous of you to talk about another artist's work like this yeah I mean disagree politically but yeah and to be honest I don't know whether he would appreciate you personally coming on and talking about his his record because you know of the other things that you've said on the show but I mean it's very generous of you here's what I have to say wow wow sorry bitch you disappointed oh boohoo I just talked to millions of people about your record millions people are not maybe you don't know that maybe you don't know well break it to you I don't know what you're well told you you have a huge audience and I
Starting point is 00:21:44 think you should accept that maybe not millions but it's quite large okay okay so John Daly fuck you okay listen to great your record but also fuck you not okay Kelsey can you stick around I coming up next we have an actual superhero this is very exciting then we have a handyman yeah I mean that's that's pretty par for the course for the show these days but oh look we're gonna be right back we're gonna have more Kelsey grammar more comedy bang bang we'll be right back after this comedy bang bang we're back we have Kelsey grammar over here of I for the upcoming iFrazier reboot is BB Newworth gonna be out there
Starting point is 00:22:33 I I saw her on Broadway or off-Broadway in Sarah Silverman's musical a few weeks ago yes the bed wetter yes everybody goes see the bed wetter yes is she a part of the show or we reached out to her it's maybe lost in the shuffle but yes she hates me personally okay I mean we'd love to have her on the show is she allergic to money I mean you know I don't know hey oh she might be okay might be allergic I'm sorry I don't mean to make light of her allergies yes well we have to get to our next guest as I said he is an actual superhero this is very exciting on July 4th Independence Day show we have he stood for truth justice
Starting point is 00:23:16 and the American way please welcome to the show for the first time the real Superman wow Scott me I'm so happy to be here hello Scott ockerman hi hello you just walked into the room here yes it's a wow I guess I maybe I haven't seen you without makeup on on television before you know the pandemic eating okay and well just your skin is so pale oh yes yes yellow sun perhaps I have been avoiding me and me have been well it's great to meet you Superman I mean what is that necklace around your it's blocking the s I can't I can't see it from here whoops me was at a red carpet last night and we kept me via VIP pass
Starting point is 00:24:13 oh what to say bizarro number one no no yeah well yes me me was at my enemies new bizarro number one go ahead and finish I mean this is I'm really interested to hear how this sentence concludes okay what finish me I'm going to bathroom in pants go ahead and finish no no don't finish that finish me was at my enemy enemy bizarro's premiere of his new web series oh web series interesting yes bizarro number one enough about bizarro me finally here so great to meet you Superman I guess you know what I I guess I've mainly only read about you in the comic books about your life I didn't realize you had such a kind of Slavic
Starting point is 00:25:06 sounding accent different Superman's red son me in that me landed in Russia or USSR so you know different versions in Russia Superman lands on you yes me favorite comedian Yagov Smirnov really your favorite comedian oh yeah and Yagov Smirnov to you Scott Huckerman thank you and many hamburgers as well to you oh and many hamburgers to you thank you yes what are you what are you yes oh what is what is Superman up to these days I mean obviously it's a holiday it's July 4th you get a is July 4th a day you can just kick your boots up and relax and just you know take the day off or or is a holiday a stressful
Starting point is 00:25:58 time for you you know July 4th me most worried about crime because all the big bad scaries do crazy things on the big holidays really like I like who oh well of course let's see Lex Luthor oh he's one of the biggest yes and the boldest I just feel so excited to be in the presence of Hollywood greatness here oh thank you also Kelsey grammars here haha Scott hello Superman how are you you got me Scott okay this is the kind of rapport we're gonna have if we do our show together it's funny people enjoy it haha Scott catchphrase born before me very eyes yes haha Scott that one's gonna stick if you're trying to
Starting point is 00:26:46 get in on the cuts of a t-shirt oh on the proceeds I don't think I his first person is it like introducing character to sitcom first person who calls out t-shirt it's paid every time it's 10% of it I guess okay well we go try for catchphrase today okay great that's a gold baby oh another catchphrase like Ari gold no no no sorry please not everything that we say don't try to turn into a t-shirt and a catchphrase is born before me very eyes not everything we say don't try to turn the t-shirt how about this shut the fuck up Superman okay hmm I me actually like that okay cool cool oh wait me don't like that yeah
Starting point is 00:27:32 yes yes me I'm Superman and me don't like that Superman I've noticed you keep saying me uh-huh for your for your pronouns is that on your Twitter Twitter bio me mine me mine I mean mine yes oh Scott and Kelsey grammar me can no keep up the rules anymore what what ruse yes me and can't keep up what rose don't forget punctuation what what is this rules you're talking about you know I'm Superman what me and bizarro superman nemesis really yes now okay now I'm seeing it your chalk white skin the the medallion that says bizarro number one on it crazy dog over here yeah what so what is that is that the dog that I
Starting point is 00:28:34 read about in the comics or is that a different one which comics Garfield oh wait you have Odie over there my best friend how did you land Odie you know jump to bizarro come similar enemy in Garfield oh you're not a Garfield fan either no Garfield is a prick that lasagna loving tabby yes tabby oh is that type of cat Garfield is no is he not I'm not you know no then do they say it he's a tabby yes oh thank you orange yes tabby thank you Kelsey grammar a wealth of information be noticed yes of course sounding more and more watching as we progress well now that we know keeping up Superman the rules you
Starting point is 00:29:20 can hear me full real voice okay bizarre orange isn't your thing where you say the opposite of everything that you actually feel wait bizarre always says like me hate this whenever he says he actually likes really yeah that must be a myth about yeah yes from the comic books me become larger than life you know yeah the story become bigger than the man yeah you know even here I see you impressed when you find out me bizarro you were so excited for Superman I get bizarro on comedy bang bang for eight years I try you've been trying for eight years yes really why not the first five well well no we were trying to get our
Starting point is 00:30:10 comedy death rate the first five that was the first two well so there was a three-year period where you just gave up me time crazy in bizarro world every two years we have five years but history lesson and comedy bang bang history yes two years death ray how many was on the radio 11 11 bang bang wow happy at the 11 year anniversary of bang bang what is that Scott ockerman I who knows but thank you very much and then ten years recently since the television show premiered wow really yes wow leave that no appearances for bizarro even though he emailed funny characters he email what characters do you do oh well me me
Starting point is 00:30:56 thinking um let's see you Bill Clinton oh okay I'd like to hear a Bill Clinton me no have sex baby it's not even close I mean pretty pretty good and in my estimation thank you I mean I mean you have sex baby imagine Scott ockerman you have bizarro Bill Clinton on and he say that and he says baby too and everybody you know Clinton has to say baby sunglasses yeah that's a guy who say baby don't you think Bill Clinton is a lot like if a California raisin became president oh yes and went to little st. James a lot was little st. James it's Jeffrey Epstein's Island oh my gosh where I met Bill Clinton for the first time no
Starting point is 00:31:45 don't even get that on air that bad no but there were no California raisins there oh well okay well that then that's a mitigating factor you have to agree that's good to have on record the California raisins no on the secret list I would hate it if the California raisins were at Epstein Island but I did hear about little st. James through the grapevine honey honey they say that in song honey honey the raisins oh okay yes yes yes you're talking about the sugar sugar song is that the oh no they just say the grapevine honey honey oh they do okay but yes sugar that that that that that that that that that's a great tune
Starting point is 00:32:32 that's right childhood what's happening here a little ockerman trio me think I don't know that I want to be associated with that review bizarro Kelsey grammar and Scott ockerman sing the hits of the grapefruit sweet other raisins I okay now you're trying to wedge in on me and Scott's thing yeah I'm well I'm also worried that you would be unable to sing any of the songs without substituting me for I me for I like like if you were to sing the song I can't get no satisfaction how would you sing it okay me think for second let's see how song go cut to the chorus I'm not asking you this fact show
Starting point is 00:33:20 not that middle part of the chorus the actual how does it I can't get me so confused yes this is what I'm saying you do you you started to you you do better with me so horny oh yeah let's hear you sing that me so horny me feel like son even problematic just to say lyrics now yeah well maybe that's why I brought it up I'm trying to get canceled no one cares Kelsey please no ears about your career anymore I just want the press how about that me podcast Kelsey grammar and bizarro tried to get Kelsey grammar canceled every episode okay this sounds good to me as long as I'm not part of it produced by
Starting point is 00:34:11 Scott ockerman silently produced silent partner yeah you could silent silent part silent produce yeah but perhaps deadly still Scott could be a deadly partner yeah wait till you see his notes not so silent so it seems like the only things that when I read bizarro in the comics the only things that are actually true to your life is he swaps me for I yeah yes me do that everything else seems to be different Superman oh you do Superman ever do you well he get all the credit but we both crazy motherfuckers in what way what are you talking about we both crazy motherfuckers I don't view Superman as a crazy
Starting point is 00:34:55 motherfucker he's saving lives he's out there you know anytime a bridge breaks he lies down on the track so that the train can can roll right on top of him instead of the track the broken track he flies around the world to the other way and he changes history yeah well me wonder than this how come Superman no do that when real bad things happen he do it when Lois Lane die oh yeah then he changed history because he's on the right side of history that's why so I mean I guess it's it's something that was very meaningful and impactful to him and worried you do it all the time I mean the first of all the strain and
Starting point is 00:35:36 physical exertion that it would take would tire him out I think he would you know oh boo-hoo Superman get a little tired to stop 9-11 come on Scott document me try to fly around world but me reverse Superman and accidentally fly around moon oh no what happened did you did you mean the moon landing never happened it turned into a fake well no in your reality moon landing is real but in reality where I fly backwards moon landing directed by brilliant visionary director Brian de Palma oh really yes but yes me and hate Superman all day so what are you gonna do about it I mean you hate him do you just sit there
Starting point is 00:36:20 stewing dirt do you have a psychiatrist you can talk to me go to psychiatrist good good me so tired of living in jealousy and and rage me need to fix that me whole life to find me called bizarro Superman you know what I mean yeah I mean your whole existence is based on a reflection of another person yes and not even a person a Kryptonian what about mitzvillik couldn't you hang out with him yeah you know you Odie mitzvillik oh what a trio almost better than Scott I'm gonna see grammar and bizarro making music but it's mitzvillik yes well I I only know how to say it backwards and I'm keeping that
Starting point is 00:37:04 in reserve in case he ever gets it comes yeah deal with that I always thought it was mitzvillik but maybe I'm wrong and I don't carry me so plicks something like that it's so plicks yeah it's mr. mitzvill plicks maybe you can hang out with him he's kind of bizarre oh yeah he's from another dimension another dimension mm-hmm another dimension yes we have fun but he no get down into nitty gritty you know oh is that a requirement for you you know get real he's all surface same here all surface yes he's all press yeah just canned yes it always talking about your funny name him appearing and disappearing funny but
Starting point is 00:37:41 the things he's turning into jello you know buildings that he's you know turning into rubber like as a prank hilarious don't get me wrong but sometimes you done with the bits and you want to just talk to a guy about how you don't like being reflection of Superman but if you think about it a certain way just those bits are very frustrating to Superman oh yes that true he turns a building into jelly and and then Superman say how I make sandwich with all this jelly yes yeah you gotta turn one into peanut butter yes it's a problem big too big bread building exactly yeah that's funny okay it's funny I mean yeah maybe me I need
Starting point is 00:38:23 to apologize to mixle playblog yeah just relax and enjoy it yeah that's true but I like I feel real me thinking this is too much for you to handle sorry I'm sorry like multi-verse logic yeah we don't mean this is like the multiverse of madness and we you know we don't want to confuse you I'm sorry about that you're our guest Frasier and my guest I put myself on tape for that you did for multi-verse oh really which yes one of the wizards or something I didn't get it so I didn't but you would you they were considering you for Dr. strange himself no that's a Benedict Cumberbatch but I did put myself on tape
Starting point is 00:39:03 unsolicited and just trying to get into the marvel the MC I mean it's a cash cow right now yes why not why shouldn't I so just some random wizard popping by and going hey I figured I could be a good yeah maybe a good wizard hey I'll help you come here you know here are some good conservative values okay so you're unable to not me trying to get into acting business maybe Kelsey Grammer have auditioned a self-tape tips yeah do you have some self-tape tips I mean like what's the lighting how far away are you supposed to be get yourself a ring light oh get yourself a ring light preferably one that you can adjust the
Starting point is 00:39:44 the tone of the light give it a little bit more yellow here just shoot it on your phone and set it up and it's kind of like doing a FaceTime me kind of was hoping for acting tips these more kind of directorial tips for some you seem like someone who's just yourself like when your movies you're you yeah me no really be able to go deep into character you know me no you know me no bark oh yeah me no stool bark no no no our catchphrase we only play myself wow I mean really good song you should pitch that to weird L to pitch to to live crew okay oh yes for them to do for well yeah I don't know written by him
Starting point is 00:40:42 they've got nothing going on believe me those two live crew guys yeah I was too busy they're still writing mean letters to tipper gore yes yes still emotionally made them she just wouldn't have heard of them without tipper gore just the helms the best they should be sending thank you note to that yeah publicity is negative publicity and a bottle of champagne yeah and to Stanley Kubrick for making the movie that they took it from yeah oh yes your world that happened oh wait you you or Superman or who did me fly around world to change lyrics to me so horny to song taken a different what was it originally what
Starting point is 00:41:25 song going to be you're doing a lot of flying around the earth to make really simple in original universe they say let's see I mean can't follow me on logic you can take a second you can pause the record and be thinking all right we'll take one second all right we'll be right back okay and we're back and you you we took man you took five hours thank you for patience and you said I finally have something and delivery on me I got the Jersey Mike's that on me don't worry oh thank you so much oh wait Mike's way or no oh bizarro's way oh no that's the opposite of Mike's way no thanks I don't eat dog food anyway you
Starting point is 00:42:10 want to hit us with so me was talking about how me so horny taken from a full middle jacket yes but you had changed that fly around the world so a lyric is no longer me so horny this is by the way you don't need to catch the listeners up because it was just an instant for them oh yeah it's been five hours for us I know that we remember yeah so in me fly around the world the song me walk in here me walk in here or taken from car hitting movie oh with John boy yes yes your buddy says oh me walk in here my buddy you and John Voight oh man tell him me love is Cajun accent okay thank you not a friend okay wait it's so it's a
Starting point is 00:42:54 little heavy little bit of a heavy hang so the song the song was called me I'm walking here yes yes and it was about someone who was walking in the middle of the well now in that universe me walk in here what you say when you horny oh so they switched yes what do you say when you're okay you say that when you're someone hit you with a car yeah me so horny because they honking you oh this makes more sense yes but you change that to where now it doesn't make any sense what is horny have to do with an wreck penis I know it make no sense oh really I'm honking you oh really yeah this all makes sense bizarre okay well thank you
Starting point is 00:43:35 for breaking me just had to think and need a little okay yeah well whatever the Mike's Jersey Mike's gets here what did you order for us by the way oh everybody favorite order from Jersey Mike's we do the Cali Club so me talking turkey me talking not what anyone orders from Jersey Mike's what you get from Jersey Mike's you get the numbers with a cap a call don't get anything hit Jimmy John's what I've got a Jimmy John's you go to Jimmy John's why yeah Jersey Mike's disgusts me and I've got a little thing with Jimmy John's I say things and they give me money hmm free smells here free smells here them say that a Jimmy John's
Starting point is 00:44:16 in it all the time no man them have signs of Jimmy John's maybe I'll reconsider my deal free smells you'll see grammar say free smells here baby all right well look we're running out of time for this segment does that surprise you bizarro let's see time on bang bang slow for me because that's right bizarro you could fly around the earth yes go back to the beginning of this interview yeah could you change any of this or you already did this to be this the best version like the 27th version 30 of these oh man all right well we're gonna take a break when we come back bizarre oh can you stick around me me
Starting point is 00:44:59 here baby yeah we'll also be right back with Kelsey grammar and boy we have a handyman oh god all right what is happening with our holiday episode we'll be right back with more comedy bang bang after this comedy bang bang we're back Kelsey grammar of the upcoming i-phrase or reboot on YouTube not a show I guess but something on YouTube coming out soon also the Jesus Revolution not in theaters I would imagine or at least maybe they've rented out one we also have the we have Superman is here I'm sorry no bizarre yes me me taking off the ruse me being raw and real like Gerard Carmichael oh good yes yes get a lot of
Starting point is 00:45:44 headlines for that so yes me want to be authentic two for once good two for ones oh all right well we have to get to our next guest he's a handyman this is he's never been on the show before why would he be other than in this post pandemic world that we're in post backyard era comedy bang bang where you have handy men on the show how you doing Scott hi please well let me say your name before you okay I don't know how this works okay you've never been on any kind of a podcast before no I haven't been on a podcast before no why would you be I
Starting point is 00:46:22 mean you're just a simple handyman just a handyman how the fuck are you doing I don't appreciate that kind of language I'm sorry I'm no how are you doing I had a rough day excuse me if I get a little bit we'll talk about your rough day let me say your name though because people want to imagine you however you do things okay how I do it as I say your name and then you talk well let's do it that way okay well it's a little too late to do it that way but I will say your name right now if that's okay rocket your name is not rocket I want to clarify that for now rockets this is saying no like Charles rocket not like
Starting point is 00:46:54 push forward with your push forward with the plan I will okay and I'm gonna go for it it's it's certainly the plan has changed because you jumped in way too early but it certainly does everything changes in life so adapt that's the number one that's the number one way it's success happens that's how success is birthed if you if you're able to adapt and be flexible I've learned that trust me I have four cats you have four cats I have four cats for why kids four kids oh that makes more sense cats okay look let me just say your name and we'll get to how many cats or kids you have me with Tobias Boothby is here Toby call me
Starting point is 00:47:38 why then why write down Tobias I guess that's my full name I don't know how these things this isn't a court of law or the driver's license I'm DMV but that it's my god-given name I don't care I don't either honestly I didn't even give a shit about my name for the longest time I used to give my parents so much shit about naming Tobias I'd say it's a nice name because it's I mean honestly it's not the best name think about how that Tobias it's not the best name well I mean Tobias Boothby Toby I'll take Toby Booth Toby Boothby is harder to say than Tobias Boothby yeah Toby Boothby that sounds much better
Starting point is 00:48:19 Toby Boothby can we get to the point yeah please you know what is your point what are you doing here I don't know why I have a handyman on the show I'm a handyman and I'm trying to push my business a little bit I've been a little bit slow I've been trying to get some business on and somebody gave me your number and said maybe maybe I could me I don't know what honestly it was on my recording machine when I got home one afternoon someone left my number on your yes yes and I was like okay great and it cut off right before they said who they were oh oh weird okay well whatever but you called anyway yeah
Starting point is 00:48:58 well what am I gonna do scratch the ticket see if you win so I get I called I called and they set me up they said if you want to fly yourself up you know go for it our producer does I hopped so we really need better guests on the show anyway I Toby yeah Toby so I hope Toby or not Toby you ever hear that before well the Immortal Bard is a play on the Immortal Bard's works no no I've never heard that I don't know what you're talking about the collected works of William Shakespeare no no no I dropped out of school which which grade second grade second great that's too early no no I feel like I pushed hard and like I rocked it at an
Starting point is 00:49:41 early level so I'm doing fine I feel good listen I don't know your references sometimes well yeah schooling isn't important if you can play a character who went to good schools that's excuse me who are you Kelsey Graham ever see the show look familiar Frazier or cheers perhaps you ever see any of those I just yeah I'm from Medford not here that's about the cheer no no no oh then I haven't seen okay here is about the cheerleaders you know cheers is about the alcoholics oh no just slamming beers my grandfather was an alcoholic it was rough I'm so sorry no it's alright it is but he's alive he's always he's still
Starting point is 00:50:24 an alcoholic he used to drink I without exaggeration he would drink I would say 85 beers he would drink 85 beers how a day yeah that's that's impossible I don't think that's no it wasn't I'm very illicit you don't have to believe me I'm not here I don't like the the truths of my grandfather I'm here to push the I'm a handyman I go into people's houses I I help him out I can do anything and I'm really I'm disappointed right now because I'm not getting my chance to get into people's houses and and fix them up I can take wood and fix it I can push things around I can fit wood and fix it I can take what and push things around
Starting point is 00:51:10 yeah what are we talking about I can put I can own I can baby say you can own I can own your stuff I can return this is one old lady up the Mrs. Ruth of it had me return all the Amazon shit and I did that okay she hasn't paid me yet but I'm saying like I'll do anything you're a jack of all trades and I'm a real Renaissance man okay so do anything so how do people hear about you first of all I mean I just show up I'm like the A team of handyman but I like they ever find out about things how for a while they traveled with that journalist right Amy was she only on season one yeah it's for some reason somebody was like that's
Starting point is 00:51:56 not working let's get rid of her what a terrible situation to be in to be on a show where people were like that's not working I did be kicked off I think there was some producer was like let's go back to mostly white guys and one black guy I mean you know about this kind of thing usually like being on a show and then being fired yeah because you're not a performer but listen I just because I don't know about it doesn't mean I don't read variety I've been in that situation where I've like I like directing a movie and there was someone who I was like God I this is not working out you should have fired him
Starting point is 00:52:28 yeah we were too far too far down the road well when you get once you get invested you got a stick with it right maybe they surprise you and they're okay by the end I guess maybe I mean well days well 12 days it's you 12 days in they can't cut you out that's when you start acting like a king is that yes that's when you drink all you want 12 days there's no way there's no way that they can go back and shoot all on a decent budget movie yes 12 days there's no way they can bring it all that work day and if it's not 12 days you find out that number and that's when you start acting like a king clear weekends no
Starting point is 00:53:06 no shooting days shooting days well you can shoot weekends I heard about that you can shoot weekend sometime are you interested in show business no I hate it it won't do anything about it same here no I can't deal with it now all these actors do you do you hate the product or do you hate the every single aspect of it okay every single aspect of it I won't I'll watch TV but only cheer and you love that the documentary about the yeah cuz it's just that's that's stuff we all should know right you know let's get back to the process you just you arrive at people's houses I will show up at a house I'll get a feeling and you
Starting point is 00:53:47 get like an itch in your in your brain like I need to go yeah I sort of something like a little bit of an itch in my brain and I'll show up at somebody's house and I'll be like hey you know what I'm here I'm here to help let's see what we got to do and somebody else they like I don't really need anything I'll be like yeah I take care of that I'll go in I'll look around maybe I'll push around things fix some wood clean up that clean up the kids wipe down the kids clean up the kids yeah I'll push things around and and then I'll leave and give them a bill and they're hot sometimes they're angry about it but
Starting point is 00:54:22 for them for the most part I'm like listen you're the one with the problem I came and fixed it let's let's work that I'm the handyman you're like an unwanted handyman in other words you're not expected it's it's not like your Santa Claus where people think like oh the 25th of December that's when Chris Kringle drops by your you funny bring up Christmas because I will show up on Christmas to I'll go house to house on Christmas and I will open all the presents I can get into any house and I'll push my way through a door and I'll push your way through I will fucking rip through presents like you wouldn't
Starting point is 00:54:57 believe I'll gain those kids at little little shitheads they get so pissed about it and they're so entitled and they're like no those are our presents and the parents are you doing this in front of everyone yeah I'll do it this is not before people wake up now I wait till they wake up everybody on the goddamn couch and I'll line them up on the couch and they'll think like what the hell's going on and I will one by one ripped I'll just shred those presents and then once I get them all open the kids will be like well at least we have a toys he open on that sucks that's what they're thinking in the head as far as they
Starting point is 00:55:37 think they're not saying that they think that someone broke into their house to open their presents I think for the act of opening I think so they don't think you're gonna take a scond with them no no no no and I don't take them I'll just break everything and push it around into piles in separate piles and then on the way out I'll go like well we get what we deserve and then I'll exit question me yeah bizarre gently me in me very silent you've been wrapped in attention I appreciate me looking at how far away post made is me following post me what's going on with it because you ordered it four hours ago I can go get that for
Starting point is 00:56:12 you me accidentally put in opposite bizarro address oh no did he go to the other end of the earth yes post made another end of earth you need me to go get it no no me just order again this guy fucked me me in me layer me bumping me head on me kitchen all day long me curious about perhaps what are you bumping your head on me kitchen cabinet me kitchen too small but you're bending down to grab like cereal or something yes I will come in to your apartment and I will fix your cabinets oh I have no problem doing that I don't know what I'm gonna have to take a lay of the land I'll have to come in push that's around bizarro
Starting point is 00:56:58 tip for him to fix them maybe fix me need more space perhaps you are a huge man yes kitchen don't know you and me thought me move into there and then me get a little more successful and get a bigger place but me fucked my housing market right now do you need a realtor or you need trying to make best of me current space okay so you need me would be happier if guest was realtor but that no such situation you're not a realtor in your spare time are you I I mean I handyman of course I can sell you anything you want you want to buy a place yeah I can find you something no problem I'm totally fine I can let I got
Starting point is 00:57:37 a look at a date that I can come by maybe we could have a meeting and yeah yeah we could have you with someone yeah I have Susan my wife she's a big girl a big girl what do you mean by that like she all grown up now she's all tipped meat but what do you mean she's a big girl she's not worried about a diet or anything she's a big girl I like that about her you like you love your curvy wife I think she's a big buxom woman okay you want me to describe her you like that thick I love it dick I love I love she's honestly she's a she's got to be she hasn't been out of bed in 12 13 years what really what she I know and I
Starting point is 00:58:18 love it turns me on I don't know why I mean you know that's where people have sex so I mean it's we're well we don't have the connection is there a connection is made yes yes that played at the closing of the freezer that was the last song I danced to with the last I love that I honestly I I don't know that song I don't listen to a ton of music who's your favorite band of all time favorite band of all time yeah that's seeing the the question I asked out of all the bands of all time my number one yeah favorite yeah that's what favorite me you
Starting point is 00:59:01 allowed to be find out you allowed to take long break to decide on answer yeah we take a five you need a five hour break I wouldn't mind a break just so I can figure out maybe the postmates will get here by the okay we're gonna take a break all right we'll be right back okay and we're back I got it that was eight hours the Jersey Mike's is still not here I'm starving me too me I'm thinking maybe just order saw I ate at my house I'm fine oh but but that was that was over 14 hours ago yes I did I eat once a day oh really yeah in the morning yes I eat one meal one meal makes you satan yes satan yes
Starting point is 00:59:41 Chuck grammar Chuck man Geo ask grammar that's another podcast oh I'm sorry we got the answer that we've been waiting for Chuck man Geo Chuck man Geo and it's my favorite band okay he's my favorite band well yeah he was a band leader yeah but he played all the haunts he played one horn he could play several horns yeah he could but he didn't know he could play a bunch of haunts right well Chuck man Geo is the one point of interest that I agree with this scruffy Rube I walked on the aisle today my seventh wedding oh hey seventh seven yes good for you yeah nothing's permanent I tell Susan that all the time well why
Starting point is 01:00:34 lucky to have me oh yeah I mean it sounds like she is actually she hasn't gotten out of bed or she's very unlucky that's what's causing her to have me because she'd be she'd absolutely be you're good for each other we'll just say that no I'm not gonna just say that why would you put those words in my mouth I don't want to put anything in your mouth let alone words but I what would you get offended and you just told me you don't want to put anything in my mouth your mouth of mine that's I mean that's a little pervy too this whole atmosphere is getting a little weird I beg your pardon I'm sorry about any
Starting point is 01:01:10 complaints about bizarro over here or no I but that bizarre I'm gonna I looked on my calendar I can come over and meet with you and we can discuss things I have Christmas open oh me and no plans for Christmas me celebrate Christmas on March 25th on Easter the death of Jesus very good yes deal deal around me said Easter right away but me flew back around earth to give Scott you're so generous thank you so much perfect I'll be there I'll be there with this guy say we can fix your cabinets we can look around your house push them stuff around see what's going on how do you bizarro if you all me
Starting point is 01:01:51 excited to get to chop it up with somebody did on December 25th usually December 25th you could only chop it up with you know Jews so you don't seem like Jewish by the way you're Jewish so you can say this right yes I converted for the jokes wait does that mean you are Jewish or you are not Jewish you're saying you Jewish oh yes back to reverse logic that's a part of bizarro lore he didn't seem to remember so at this point well me the only thing he knew about was the me I think a question on identity is do bizarro know when he talk who he be me mm-hmm that he am saying opposite or in his mind he is
Starting point is 01:02:42 truth in his mind he's saying truth and it's always the opposite yes me wonder about me why are you saying he well what you've caught me it's it's actually me Superman what holy shit a double ruse oh my god I did the podcast today to ruin bizarro's reputation what this is unprecedented on a holiday I know why am I spending my July 4th being this petty because I'm a bitch Scott on command and yes a bitch you're always one of my heroes oh well and likewise that's a fucking but bizarro is a better guest huge bulge oh well let's see you haven't heard my bill Clinton yet okay well I mean let's judge your bill Clinton all
Starting point is 01:03:31 right okay let's see here we go this is Superman and this is Bill Clinton but let's just say he's ordering something a little unusual I've actually been told this is not what you should do for a character the premise shouldn't be the biggest laugh but you know here we go all right okay this is Superman and he's ordering something a little unusual no wait I'm Superman let me fly around the here we go okay this is Bill Clinton ordering something a little unusual okay I'll have the moniker oh good good I've got a bill Clinton impression okay here we go hey you might want to clean off your blue dress
Starting point is 01:04:25 if you're taking notes from Superman I would have loved some sort of intro to know who you were talking to and what was unusual okay I think it's pretty well known I got a bill Clinton impression as well if okay yeah if I can do it yeah hey okay this is Bill Clinton ordering something crazy hi how much extra for that the large fry okay remember bill cut famously liked to big McDonald's yeah okay yeah can I try this is Bill Clinton at a fast-food restaurant ordering something a little unusual I'll have the number three hold the cigars
Starting point is 01:05:14 that was legitimately good actually I apologize I couldn't resist it was right there yes you got a picket well look Toby yeah we're just getting sad no this is a surprise you didn't realize we're wrapping up oh Jesus all right well I get this a lot so I don't know that we have a full grasp on what it is you do but oh I meant to ask you yeah please I did I listened to one of your episodes when just to figure out and it said you had a broken toilet is that yeah and I'd love I don't know it broken I just know that there's a sign next to it saying don't flush any toilet
Starting point is 01:06:10 paper no that's normal yeah so have you ever taken a crap here and what do you do oh no no I know wait sometimes you can't control it and you like hey it's time what do people do there's no way that somebody here I hasn't taken a dump I guess so but I it's you're not even curious in when the second offense it was not me when you go in that bathroom and you are people in the the circling the people that's what you're miming right now running around the bathroom isn't there like a trash can is it full of like shitty things I would assume so or they just expect you to love that you love that's the way it
Starting point is 01:06:53 should be okay it would be less less things to clean up all right good yeah bazaar a Superman actually a man who's traveled the world that's not incredibly unusual for other countries who don't have as good of you know in Perry or Italy or Greece you have a bidet at least next to it oh yes yes in America you just have to hope the sink has enough power that's what Superman does well Superman when you fly around the earth I would imagine that shit crumbles just kind of fly off your butt it's a huge issue you must clean but before you fly around the earth if you're Superman all right well look guys
Starting point is 01:07:34 we are running out of time and we only have time for one final feature I hope that's okay and it is of course a little something called plugs we're here to open up the plug bag and see what you're selling maybe it's a book or a show or maybe you just jealous please don't ever close the plug bag keep it open for all eternity if you close the plug bag someone will come to your house and open it back oh okay that was keep it open by Malsha Malsha thank you so much to Malsha and what do we want to plug Kelsey Grammer aka Frazier aka Frazier Crane to be more specific is here do you want to plug anything earlier you were
Starting point is 01:08:19 talking about you like I'm John daily and I am going to plug oh no album this is even worse than the Superman reveal this is you're not actual Kelsey Grammer really bad where are you still talking like that I am John daily I know I'm probably plugging my album please buy it on vinyl ding dong delicious it's a very stupid funny album and thank you so much Scott of course all right and Superman aka bizarro aka Clark Kent oh maybe I shouldn't have said that oh I don't know if your spot fuck oh fuck oh no oh this has never happened before I'm so sorry lowest as fucked if bad guys find out about no I'm getting a text
Starting point is 01:09:04 alert on my phone lowest lane is dead oh I gotta go fly around the earth again brains will go right back into our skull I just got to go really quick do you have somewhere I could just get the poop out of my butt before I fly around the earth out of respect for everybody I'm sorry sorry everyone I do you want to plug anything yes of course I do let's see the daily planet is always doing hard-hitting news and work there what's that you work there well that's what people do people ever plug so you don't deserve any of those Pulitzer prizes either oh really because people knew you were Superman just writing these I know yeah
Starting point is 01:09:41 I guess that is a bit of a hoax like the Valerie Plame affair yeah I guess I'll plug big grande it's a place where you can get all things from the comedy group Big Grande including four episodes of a live improvised show done all in full wardrobe makeup hair and on real sets I think those were sent to me yes perhaps over the electronic mail yeah and did I watch them you're a busy guy Scott Ackerman yeah before every episode of the podcast I watch every episode of every episode of comedy bang bang yes so yeah that's where I'll leave the plugs okay great and then Toby Boothby Toby Boothby you said okay do you have cats or
Starting point is 01:10:29 kids by the way kids yeah I still don't know okay go ahead what do you want to plug I I just want to let you know don't worry about looking me up I'll find you if there's a if if you have a problem in your house I will find you and I will I will budge my way in and fix it and then I guess Chuck Mangione late July at the melody tent on Cape Cod check it out okay great I want to plug hey we're going out on tour we're doing the comedy bang bang tour in one month from now actually in literally four weeks we are starting the tour all of August gonna hit everywhere in the United States and parts of Canada and Paul if Tomkins and
Starting point is 01:11:16 I are and various special guests we've been setting the special guests over the for all the episodes I think you're gonna be enjoying them so head over to slash tour and you can buy tickets some shows are very close to being sold out so make sure you get over there as soon as you can and while you're over there it's go ahead and check out any of our other shows the full archives of this show as well as ad-free episodes and we also have CBB presents over there and Scott hasn't seen so much stuff all right let's close up the old plug bag
Starting point is 01:12:02 take the other it's time to start to close it but don't close it too much open up the plug bag we're opening up the plug bag and when you open up the plug bag you open up your heart for the rest of the world I'm talking open up the plug bag open up the plug bag open up the plug bag
Starting point is 01:12:43 and when you open up your heart for the rest of the world open up the plug bag just to sell the record just to sell your record Superman I wish you hadn't come here first pretending to be yourself and then pretending to be bizarro I feel like an idiot I'm disappointed but at least Toby Boothby you're who you say you are right
Starting point is 01:13:21 I am who I am and I'm never gonna regret it ever three cats you're not Toby Boothby now that I'm getting a good look at you who do you think I am you're Bill Clinton listen
Starting point is 01:13:39 this is real this is real embarrassing were you here just to hear us do impressions of you earlier I gotta tell you I was just I'm a little bit bored and I came by and I was over at the McDonald's next door was that a dunny I don't know but I did I will say I did not have sex with him perfect Bill Clinton
Starting point is 01:14:05 alright we'll see you next time next night

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