Comedy Bang Bang: The Podcast - Reggie Watts, Matt Gourley, Amanda Lund, Katie Rich, Holly Laurent

Episode Date: October 16, 2023

Friend of the show Reggie Watts sticks around after singing the theme song and talks to Scott about his new book “Great Falls, MT”, hamsters, and Superman. Then, Disneyland enthusiasts Cody and Co...di stop by to talk about their love for Disney. Plus, soccer moms Janet and Leanne drop by to talk about their hobbies.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music Hey, what's up everyone? Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang. Let's get into it. Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang. Oh, interesting. Thank you to Sam for that catchphrase submission. Very, very, very metatextual. Thank you so much, Sam. And by the way, Sam is in quotes. I don't know why, but thank you to Sam, if that is your real name. And the sentiments therein are totally accurate. What is up everyone? Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang, let's get into it. We have a great show today coming up a little later. We have a couple of theme park enthusiasts.
Starting point is 00:00:54 We also have a couple of soccer moms will be here. And oh, you know what? Hey, Reg. Yeah. Hey, thanks for singing the song. But I noticed you had a, you have like a book coming out this week. You want to stick around and talk?
Starting point is 00:01:08 Yeah. I'm sorry. Yeah. That's okay. Yeah. Sorry, I was keeping the salad. I know you didn't expect you to run your way out. I was eating a salad and I was just on my way out,
Starting point is 00:01:15 but I took another podcast. Do you want to stick around? We could talk about your book. We could catch up. Yeah, I think that that, I mean, as well, I was going to a rival podcast, but it's gonna be like, huh? Which which one it's a hamsters hamsters. Yeah Just hamsters talking. Yeah talking about hamsters talking about hamsters. Talk about hamsters
Starting point is 00:01:32 Talk about hamsters. That makes more sense because hamsters don't actually no speak English, but they do munch a lot That can translate I think to a podcast. Yeah, yeah, can you tell them you're not gonna come? I'm texting them right now. Oh great Okay, yeah, so I'd love to stay and talk about the book. Yeah, let's talk about the book What do you say? Okay, well, let me introduce him. He is of course my old band leader on the comedy bang bang television show also he was the old band leader on the Most late show in existence. It was later than any other show. It's got the Guinness Book of World Record for the latest. Yeah, I think it was like 1236 or something.
Starting point is 00:02:10 It was start. Oh my God. How did you guys do it? I have no idea. We taped live. It was always live streamed. Yeah, every other minute was live, right? Every, I mean, we had a minute delay just in case there's like,
Starting point is 00:02:23 you know, something going like, for one minute was live, right? Every, I mean, we had a minute delay just in case there's like, you know, something going like, bud, you're, yeah, for a one minute totally straight. Yep. Totally. Yep. Uh, and, uh, he has a book out from what I'm told. It's called Great Falls, Montana. Please welcome back to the show, Reggie Watts. Hello, Reggie. Oh, hey, hey, how you doing? Hey, yeah, finishing that text to hamsters. Oh, okay. Do you need a second to finish?
Starting point is 00:02:41 Uh, no, I actually just, I just, I finished poof. You sent it off. Yeah, I haven't got a response back. So I might need to leave, but I'll see. Oh, wait, if they say you have to leave, you have to leave. Yeah, you can't just say I'm not coming. No, that's the weird thing about that podcast. It's mandatory. Well, it's a rival podcast. Oh, that's right. Yeah, it's completely. I've been hearing about my guests stolen by them over the past like couple of months or something like that. Yeah, it's weird.
Starting point is 00:03:07 And the thing is, they told me that it was a rival podcast. You know, that's how they build it. They, wait, they contacted you and said, hi, we're a rival to comedy bang, bang podcast. Yeah, at first they just said a rival podcast. I was like a rival to what, or do you mean like, I'll rival, you know, and they're like, no, no, rival. You thought it might have been about arrival
Starting point is 00:03:24 the movie, the aliens? Yeah, it's just talking about like yeah How we communicate with other species sure and you're a little tiny blackboard out that you were gonna Was that in a race board or a black? No, it was in a race board. Mm-hmm It was a race board with but but the thing was like I was I got it wrong and they were like we're rival podcasts I was like to to whom I don't even know if that's right, but I said to whom I think you can say to whom in any situation I can't go like oh classy. Oh, okay good. That's what I was trying to do and they were like Um, there's a they're like comedy bang bang and I was like oh the podcast and they're like yeah I was like we couldn't be you can't rival the TV show. He's like yeah, yeah, we know that
Starting point is 00:03:58 Yeah, there was no rival to the TV show other than the late late show obviously That's true. Yeah, the late late so did rival other than the late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late late They have such a great sense of humor. Oh, man, man, man. Well, well, thanks for coming. If you do have to leave, I understand. Oh, no, I just got a text back. It says, actually, it's a little emoji. It's a hamster, like kind of, eating. Wait, there's a hamster room. Maybe I don't have the new iPhone. You don't, you don't have it?
Starting point is 00:04:37 Yeah. Well, let me describe it for you. It's a hamster, and it's like chewing. You know, hamsters are always like chewing, and it looks like they're in fast forward, but that's actually the speed that they chew at. So it's got that. Okay, and then it's like chewing, you know, I have some, there's always like chewing and it looks like they're in fast forward, but that's actually the speed that they chew at. Right. So it's got that. Okay. And then it's got like this. So is it blurry in the mouth area or? It's just kind of like, you know, it has got that frame stutter that looks like something's wrong, but you know, it's a whatever. It's a JPEG.
Starting point is 00:04:56 But it, but so it shows it and then at the end it smiles and puts a thought. It doesn't really have a thumb, but it's like an animated or is this a sequence of like three panels? No, see there's, there's, there's a show in Canada called Hammy Hamster and they would show like, you know, because rodents are always like, you know, chewing on something because they have to, I guess, because they're teeth or something. Their teeth hurt or their teeth, if they don't choose something, they'll fall out. I think that the teeth are like constantly wanting, it's like the teeth are beckoning them. They're yearning. Yes, they're yearning. They think that the teeth are like constantly wanting, it's like the teeth are beckoning that they're yearning. They're yearning.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Yes, they're yearning. They have yearning full teeth. And so they're, you know, so they're chewing on stuff. But in Hamming, Hamster, they would just insert a taxidermy hand. You know, if they were hammering something so they'd be a close-up insert, you'd just see a taxidermy, Hamster hand hammering on something. And so I think that it's just a taxidermy hand that has kind of a, I see. A thumb-like gesture. So it's a, it's a cartoon face just a taxidermy hand that has kind of a I see a thumb like gesture. So it's a it's a cartoon face with a taxidermy
Starting point is 00:05:49 No, no, it's a real face. It's a real face. Yeah, yeah, they don't that's the thing about this podcast What intrigued me about them is like they don't they're not cheap Really it's so they have a huge budge huge yeah as opposed to this show huge well. They have a lot of heart Yeah, a huge budget and a lot of heart. I can't compete with this podcast. No, I know that's whether, yeah, that's why I was scared about it. But they said that you don't have to go. Yeah, no, they're cool. They're totally cool.
Starting point is 00:06:12 I assume that that means thumbs up. Yeah, go for it. So it might be a thumb of like, hey, start hitchhiking your way over here. I don't think they're that clever. Oh, okay. So they're, they're, they have a huge budget. They have a lot of heart. Yes, yes, exactly. Yeah, but I didn't say that. All right. Well, okay. So they're they're they have a huge budget. They have a lot of heart. Not that clever. Yes, exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:25 But I didn't say that. All right. Well, wonderful. Well, Reggie, you can stick around great. Of course. I would love to. Let's get into it. As I said in the catchphrase.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Oh, you have this book. It's called Great Falls Montana, which up till now was just a place. But apparently it's been adapted into a book. Yeah. The whole place has been made into a book. Wow. It's how'd you get the rights? Um, I just I just did it. I just did it because they let them sue you. I'm a yeah, because it's like it's great falls and they probably need it, you know, in some way they need a little pub. They need a little pub. Yeah, because you know
Starting point is 00:06:58 they just they blew up the Smokes back in the 80s. So there's no more tourists for that and you know We got the Lewis and Clark interpretations or interpretive center, which is cool in the 80s. So there's no more tourists for that. And you know, we got the Lewis and Clark interpretations or interpretive center, which is cool in the CMR museum. But how often do you get back there to the Lewis and Clark interpretive center? The interpretive center, maybe, I'd say once. Is that a yearly visit or is that,
Starting point is 00:07:16 do you stretch it out and try to? I mean, it's up for interpretation. It's basically like three, every three years. Every three years, okay. And your mind sort of memory holds everything that you saw there and then you're able to yeah I do a release like I release the the memory of the experience just so I can enjoy it again yeah that's the way to do it like what if you only see something once then you you have to remember it your whole life I know you know and like let it go and then you can see it a million times. 100% and also when I had it, I had it, there was a petition but the museum interpretive
Starting point is 00:07:52 museum, what is it? Anyways, I can't remember. It's like the people that are in charge of it. Basically said curators. Yeah, that's it. CEOs. No, I think it's curators. But like, but they had this idea where they were saying because it's a spiral and you have to like go through the journey of Lewis and Clark, you know, from from the East Coast. I like my favorite saw film. It's going. Oh, wow. I don't know what you're the power for. I have construction film or whatever.
Starting point is 00:08:18 But like, you know, like it was a spiral. You have to follow the spiral and it kind of spirals down and you learned about the story, but they were suggesting they just put a sign at the door that just says Lewis and Clark, they made it. Oh, okay, and that'll tell you everything you need to know. Yeah. And I was like, I don't know, that kind of like belittles all that work that went into Krayo's Veya Ramos. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:39 No, that's, I know, I mean, I guess maybe I'd be interested in how they made it. Exactly, right. Why they made it, where they made it, when they made it, who they made it with. Yeah. The reporter's questions. Yeah, it's like a goal-based mentality. And it's like, I'm in a journey-based mentality. So anyways, but I won out.
Starting point is 00:08:53 And so, yeah, so the interpretive center, go check it out. Grave Falls Montana interpretive center, check out the panel. And how many chapters in your book are devoted to this place? None. Exactly zero. Exactly zero.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Less than zero would be great, but that was taken already. That was taken already. It was. So tell me about the book. I mean, this is incredible. I have to be frank, I don't think I've ever seen you even reading a book, let alone writing one, but like, how did this come to pass? Last book I read was 1998. And I think it was, I think it was the art of motorcycle maintenance or something like that. That was the last book. But I appreciate them. And I get romantic about them.
Starting point is 00:09:32 People give them to me. And I'm like, oh, the potential, you know. You sure you put it by your nightstand. Like about six on my nightstand right now that I'm just like, I'm gonna get to you on these days. Oh boy, would nag you. And then eventually it makes the trip
Starting point is 00:09:43 from the nightstand into the bookshelf. Yep. Never having been read. Yep. And maybe it makes it in the hand of a friend that shows even moderate interest. Sure. So have this. I don't like, no, just take it.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Okay. So that's the future for your future for your book. The future for my book for a lot of people probably that we like, that's a cool cover. That's enough. But yeah, what is it about? It's, it's, it's an auto, it's an auto biography. That's enough. But yeah, what is it about? It's it's it's a autobi it's an autobiography. It's about biography of auto. So like yeah, for versus Ferrari. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a yeah. Lomburghini versus Nissan. Boy,
Starting point is 00:10:16 what about Lamborghini versus Gucci? That would be a new car versus House of Gucci. You know, how they do Freddie versus Jason? Yeah, yeah, yeah, aliens versus predator. Yeah, whoever. Those are theoretical matchups, by the predators. Yeah, but those are theoretical matchups, by the way. Yeah, but Lamborghini versus House of Gucci. First of all, House of Gucci, they probably can't fight and they don't have the big cars to run you over. No, it's a whole house. It is a house.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Yeah, the whole clan. I don't know. I guess I'd be interested in it because like how fashion overlaps the auto industry. Yeah, super competitive. And they're both Italianaps the auto industry. Yeah. Super competitive. And they're both Italian. That's true. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Well, I mean, that may be why I thought of it. And by the way, it is pronounced gutchy. Oh, is it gutchy? I had no idea. Oh, you know, because I watched that House of Gutschy movie. And I guess I missed it every single time they ever said gutchy. Yeah. I mean, I was on my phone.
Starting point is 00:11:04 I was like my phone. I was like baking something in the kitchen. Yeah, like every time. Yeah, every single time they said, Gucci. Well, the weird thing is, the weird thing is, is I think if I'm not mistaken, Gucci is only mentioned three times in the entire movie. Really? So once at the beginning, like, hi, my name's Gucci.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Halfway through, by the way, my name is still Gucci. Yeah. And then there's like some like, there's like a sheriff, you know, that's seen with the sheriff. Oh, right. I'm gonna get you. Good. You know, there's that. Yeah, yeah. When they're, they're, they're all in a semi truck, right? And they're all like trying to cross state lines and they're chasing them. Yeah, and then they're like, they're like, they go off road. But then it's like, looks like they can't make this river. But then there's like a jump. That's all I love that hidden in the
Starting point is 00:11:42 garden. How neat them did the, the stunts for that from what I understand? I believe so. Oh, I love that. Hidden in the dirt. How neat him did the stunts for that, from what I understand. I believe so, yeah, yeah, incredible. Yeah, it's so cool. It's a really cool movie. And I didn't see it, but I heard it. How many chapters in your book are devoted to how neat him in his stunts? Uh, shhhhh.
Starting point is 00:11:58 None. Oh, none, okay, you're saying. Okay, so I haven't heard what any of these chapters are about. I've been like sort of guessing at this point. And oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, there's like a, as it's, you know, they're cleverly named chapters that I don't remember the names of them are, but like, there's like,
Starting point is 00:12:14 you know, like there's chapters about, you know, doing robotussin, you know, there's chapters about seeing UFOs or UAPs, but I had to keep it period correct. So UFOs. Yeah, the time they were UFOs, obviously, we all called them UAPs, but I had to keep it period correct. So UFOs. Yeah, the time they were UFO, obviously we all call them UAPs now. Of course. But back then we were so fucking stupid, we were like, oh, they're flying objects.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Yeah, totally. This is like, so I just think back at that, I'm like, how are lives would have been so far. How naive we were. Well, now of course they're APs, which we all know what it stands for. Oh my god, so see it. When the idea of identity stays the same.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Yeah, because that's important, because we can't say anything. Yeah, because if we identify them, then we're like, oh, it's a plane. Oh, it's that plane that I saw. Well, you take away the whole mystery of the entire reason for it all. Exactly, or it's Superman.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Yeah, maybe, but I don't think Superman's real. Just a sorry. Yeah, sorry to blow your, wait, this Clark Kent reel. Superman's real just a sorry. Yeah, sorry to start to blow your Clark Kent real he's all these real. No, Clark Kent is really Clark Kent. It's just like he is Delusional. Oh, he's clinically insane. Look at all this stuff because you can go like like if you go to where all the stuff happens that you see Superman doing, there's no evidence. Oh really? Okay. Yeah, so that the Hoover Dam that he put back together. That's I mean, it's back together because it never came apart I think part of the thing is is he's always circling backwards around the world It's trying to reverse time. Yeah, it's trying to reverse time
Starting point is 00:13:33 So maybe I don't know but even that I don't believe because I don't think I think quantum physicists were like measuring like You know super positions and all that stuff, you know all the Can you imagine the scientists going to see that Superman movie and then watching him just turn the earth backwards, which then reverses time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just the like, Steven, okay, who's, well, you're in the old grass ties and obviously, or Michio Kaku. Oh, Michio, can you imagine Mikolai Tesla? An Nikolai Tesla.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Watching Superman. Yeah. He's like, that's all it takes to reverse time. My electricity made this film particular. So tell me about the book. Great Falls, Montana. And here it's an autobiography. I read that somewhere. Yes, it is. And it's an autobiography. Iogography. It's an biography. Okay. It's an biography. And it's of you.
Starting point is 00:14:19 It is of me. And that's why it's called an Iografic. Okay. It's all about you. Could be a U-ography if someone else is referring to it. and that's why it's called an eye biography. Okay. You see? It's all about you. Yeah. It could be a u-ography if someone else is referring to it. Totally, exactly, but I try to keep it more me. And from what I'm told by you, you grow up in Great Falls, Montana, which is why it is called that. That's why I decided, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:39 And it's about the growing up experience, is that fair to say? Yeah, growing up experience. Yeah, it's, you know, I grew up in Montana, I'm a lot older than everybody here, sorry guys, but I went up to Canada to escape the the the weather's calling and I got some grenades and I had a great time and now I'm just joking I'm just joking just joking just kidding Oh We're going to two town No, I was just kidding, but fun to do sound effects. It's so fun. It is really fun. It all takes us just the 60s.
Starting point is 00:15:45 So many sound effects happened in the 60s. Yeah, now the classic ones. The classic ones. Yeah. A door creaking open. Oh my. A coyote. Woo.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Yeah. So many. They're all from the 60s. They're all from the 60s. Because that's Foley. I mean, that was the age of the Foley. The Golden Age of the Golden Age of the Foley. Larry Golden Age of the Foley. But then the 80s and the 90s. Yeah, so a fully less well
Starting point is 00:16:08 as they fully yeah, of course, you know, the wrong guy the wrong guy. He was ready for wrong guy. Of course. No, I grew up in the 80s for reals and and it was fun and it was cool. And I just like I had such a crazy experience and I thought, you know what, I better put it down because no one's going to believe it. And your experience was turned into a previous book called Jurassic Park. Is that right? Which I mean put it down because no one's gonna believe it. And what your experience was turned into a previous book called Jurassic Park, is that right? Which that was turned into a movie? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:30 But I mean, that was based off of like a trip that I went on. Right. Yeah, that's like didn't actually have it. Right, just an acid trip. Yeah, it was an acid trip. Michael Crite and got a hold of you. It was like, hey, do you mind if I base a whole book?
Starting point is 00:16:40 This seems like a good idea for it. But he just finished timeline. And then, and he was like, I want something else. And then he was like, let me just randomly pick a city and then he started asking around the city. And they're like, this kid, you know, had a crazy acid trip, the local sheriff. And so they talked to me about it.
Starting point is 00:16:55 After the sheriff was done chasing the house of Gutsche, of course. Of course. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So you grew up in the 80s and great falls, Montana. And it's all about the crazy stuff that happened to you. And you're the type of guy that, when you would talk about things that had happened to
Starting point is 00:17:11 you in the past, I would sit there mouth a gap, just saying like, oh my gosh, Reggie, what an incredible story. You should write these down. And then we signed contracts. And then you never delivered the book. And suddenly I read, there's a book coming out. What happened? Well, I mean, quite frankly, I didn't think it was time.
Starting point is 00:17:34 I appreciated the enthusiasm from you at the time. This was just a month ago. Well, that's when the contracts ended. They expired. Yes. I mean, we signed them a month ago and it was a 24 hour contract. It was a 24 hour contract. I expected you to write the book in that because it took you about one hour to tell me all the story. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:52 I was like, yeah, you can write them down in 23. I know. I love that you just like way overestimated. And I was like, this is going to be so easy. But I mean, I mean, it worked out. It was great. I used AI. So I mean, it's like, this book by the way, we should say that. It's entirely written by AI. Entirely. What was the prompt you gave it?
Starting point is 00:18:11 I just said, right, I said. Write a book. Well, I was in the cave people at the time. So it was just like, write book about life, Montana, me, born, and have good times there. Right. And from what I understand, it's just a transcription of your Wikipedia page.
Starting point is 00:18:26 It's an expansion. Oh, I see. Oh, really? So they used that as the basis and that. That was the basis. Yeah, it did that a little bit of scraping of other people's accounts and things like that. Yeah, their data, basically.
Starting point is 00:18:35 So it's got a lot of like, it docks as a whole bunch of people. It does, but I do kind of blur it out and change some of the names. So I think everyone should be safe. Right, right. It's mostly about just making up a ton of money, you know, because like books are like, oh, they're so popular.
Starting point is 00:18:49 So popular. This is, it's so money. You sell so many. Yeah, yeah, I mean, it's like my manager who, who, you know, Clippy Glomstars says, she's, she loves. Clippy, she's like, get the ready on the horn.
Starting point is 00:19:03 I'm always thinking. Okay, she doesn't need more encouragement. Okay. But she, but no, she got me Clippy, get the ready on the horn. I'm always saying, okay, she doesn't need more encouragement. Okay. But uh, she, uh, but no, she got me a deal for three million. And I was like, and I was like, that's cool. Yeah, let's do it. Was it, was it worth doing for that little though? I mean, I didn't do it.
Starting point is 00:19:15 The AI did it. Right. Yeah. Okay. How much did you have to pay the AI? The AI, uh, should I say it on air? Yeah, go ahead. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Yeah, live. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We're live right now. Okay. Yeah. I say it on air? Yeah, go ahead, yeah, live. Yeah, yeah, we're live right now. Okay, yeah, I paid it $20,000. $20,000? Yeah. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:19:31 That's a steal. I know. Wow. I know. Was that yearly or is that one time fee? There's one time all in. All in. All in.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Oh my, this is incredible, man. Yeah, I mean, there was a destination charge. It was 16 cents or something. Oh, yeah, luxury hotel charge as well. Yeah, actually, yeah, actually, there's because the AI you have to trick it and they go, I'll get you a hotel room. You'll be like, I know what that is. You know, it doesn't.
Starting point is 00:19:53 So that looks up what it is. And it's like, oh, no, I want one of those. Yeah, but it's too late because it's contract expires. Right. Yeah. Well, this book sounds dynamite, Reggie. It's out this week. It's good.
Starting point is 00:20:04 It's out, it's out this week. It's good. It's it's out It's out this week and I think you're gonna like it. There's QR codes in it that link really music like my old band Music there's like music I composed for the book while you're reading it to the QR codes like because I know you can make them really tiny Yeah, you choose to make them really big just to take up space. I tried to take up as much well I created a font type that's very large and it meanders a lot. So that ends up taking about a third of most of the pages. I see. Now, I've talked to a lot of authors on this show and they all have the same experience, which is they get a deadline. Yeah. And then the deadline is about a month away. Yeah. And they go, I need more time.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Mm-hmm. And then they get a new deadline, which is about a year later. Yeah. And they write the book in the two weeks before the deadline. Yeah. No, you know what? I got it in on time. You got it in on time? Yeah, because they gave me a year and a half to write it. OK.
Starting point is 00:20:52 I input the prompt into the AI. I got it done in about a day, but I just kept like going like, oh, this is so tough. I might not make the deadline. I just can't increase the drama or whatever. Right. And then publishers love drama. Day do. Otherwise, it's like drama equals value or whatever. Right. And then, yeah. Publishers love drama. Day do.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Otherwise, it's like drama equals value for them. You know, it's actually, yeah. It must be toiling. Like, we love putting the pressure on you. And so I just acted like, oh my God, you guys got to stop. Let me do my thing. You know that kind of thing. And then the day was due.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Yeah. That's the Gmail send sound. Yeah. Swing. Swing. Swing. Yeah. And Cret, do you have any reviews yet? Have you?
Starting point is 00:21:27 Yeah. I have some reeps. I have some Christopher's came in. Like I. Some use. I have some use. I don't remember who it is, but someone said it was great. And then.
Starting point is 00:21:36 And. Is that help? And then Apple. It's on Apple's best books of October. Best books of October. Boy, that's a lot of qualifiers. Oh boy. Oh, all Apple. October Apple. Yes. Yeah, I know. It's a lot. And you know, sometimes that's all the people need. Yeah. Well, this is so good. I wish I would have received an advance copy.
Starting point is 00:21:58 That's okay. I would give you a minute. But Clippy, you know, just was like, hey, do you mind if I just like tell you everything that happens? Yeah. Clippy Clippy, honey, I don't have time for this. I think she needs the encouragement. Yeah. I get it. All right. Well, Reggie Watts is here. Great Falls, Montana is the book. It's out this week. We're hoping you get on that coveted New York time. The comedy bang bang slot. Yes. Exactly. Do you think you'll be exactly on the comedy bang bang slot or you'll go up to three or down to five. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:22:26 If I'm within 17, I'm fine. Wonderful. You know, they only publish the top 10, but they tell you if you're in the 17. I want to mean the top 30. Okay. Sorry. Well, Reggie, you can stick around. Can't you? I mean, yeah, yeah. I haven't got I've got to have I haven't got to reply back. Okay. Great. We have a couple of theme park enthusiasts coming up. We also have a couple of soccer moms, packed show Reggie. I was just gonna talk to them, but then you decided to stick around. This is incredible.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I can't wait. That's really kind of honestly why I wanted to stick around. To see these theme park enthusiasts and soccer moms? Yeah, yeah, because it's just like you've never talked to either of these soccer. Well, it's a crazy combo. Because I have friends in both camps and I just never seem to go there.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Wonder if one of the theme park enthusiasts is with one of the soccer moms and vice versa. I don't know. These are interesting times. So I wouldn't put a fast one. These are interesting times and we've been cursed to live in them. We have to take a break. When we come back, we will have more Reggie Watts, more comedy-bang-bang, we'll be right back after this. Woo! Comedy-bang-bang, we're back. Reggie Watts is here. The book is Great Falls, Montana. will be right back after this. Woo. Tumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumum 32 pages is that around? Yes, the reverse of my favorite number. All right, 23. Yeah, good old 23. Yeah, just like the number 23. I remember the credible movie.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Uh-huh. Yeah, right there. Right there on your desk. Right here on this. There it is. Folks at home, take a look at this. Were you psyched when the number 23, the movie came out? Was it, that was Jim Carey?
Starting point is 00:23:59 Yeah, it was, it was James Carey. I was very, I was, I was excited, and then it ended up not being that great. What? That was your favorite number, and they name a whole movie, I was, I was excited and then it ended up not being that great. What? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Yeah. I know. Oh, I'm so sorry. I know. All right. Well, we need to get to our next guest. They are theme park enthusiasts. This is exciting. Have you ever been to a theme park, Reggie?
Starting point is 00:24:18 I've once. Really? Which one? See, see world. See world. Now that's SEA or see dash world. Yeah. It's just like optometrist everywhere. No, see world. C world. Now that's S E A or C dash world. Yeah, it's just like optometrist everywhere. No, um, C world.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Yes, I went to the C S E A S E world. You see, uh, the orcas there? What do they have there? I saw some orcas, some, uh, jelly, jelly fish and some seals. You look to me like you wanted confirmation that they were called jelly fish. I did. I did because it's something this goes way back to the TV show.
Starting point is 00:24:46 That's the one thing I get confused about. It's like, are they, are they real? Are they called jellyfish because it's weird? Yeah. Well, I mean, it's also it's weird for a fish to be made out of jelly. And jelly without the peanut butter is like, call them peanut butter and jellyfish. Or call them like smuckers. Yeah, exactly. Anyway, it's crazy. But these crazy. But these two are theme park enthusiasts and we'll find out maybe all theme parks, maybe a specific one,
Starting point is 00:25:09 but please welcome to the show for the first time, Cody and Cody. Oh, thank you so much. How are you laughing? Can I ask? Oh, I'm just happy to be here, I guess. Oh, okay. I guess you,
Starting point is 00:25:19 because we didn't say anything funny, I just said your names, and then suddenly you were laughing. Wherever you end up in life, it feels like you're scamming people. Because how could it get so good? It's called inner joy. Yeah, I see.
Starting point is 00:25:29 I see. Well, wonderful. Who's Cody and who's Cody? Yes. Guilty. All right. We spell our names differently. Oh,
Starting point is 00:25:37 but everything else is the same. That's right. We don't differ on a lot of things. We certainly don't own opinions. So everything about your names are the same other than the spelling. Right. Yes.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Good to know pronunciation. Sure. The context. Yes. Whom they refer to. Yes. And wait, one of you has a Y and one of you has an I, I see. And the C O D I C O D.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Correct. Okay, great. That's good for July who writes the descriptions. Okay, well, we still don't know which one of them has those, but we know the difference. Oh, okay. And do you have a relationship with each other? You know each other.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Yes, we met on mouse mingle. Yes, we did. What is mouse mingle? It's a dating side based on our Lord and Savior Mickey Mouse. What, you're Mikey? Huh? Mickey Mouse? Mickey Mouse. I'm sorry, did you say I didn't hear what you said before that say if you're Mickey Mouse. What, you're Mickey? Huh? Mickey Mouse? Mickey Mouse.
Starting point is 00:26:27 I'm sorry, did you say I didn't hear what you said before? I just said Mickey Mouse. You just said Mickey Mouse. Okay, that's what I thought. I mean, yeah. Oh no, that would be a bit of blasphemy friend. Okay. And I see K, E, Y, M, O, U, S, E.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Coffee, right infringement, Cody, though. Let's be careful. I'm so sorry, I'll say a rosary when I get home. Oh, okay. Are you guys are religious? I'm so sorry, I'll say a rosary when I get home. Oh, okay. Are you guys are religious? I'm gathering. Is that... Well, we're spiritual, but not religious.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Okay, do you believe in a big like bearded guy up in the sky just sitting on a big toilet and a lot of clouds? Oh, King Trident. He is good. He is good. He's great. We are Disney enthusiasts.
Starting point is 00:27:06 We don't really have time for any other parks unless they're Disney related, such as Disney World, Disney Sea Tokyo, Animal Crossing. To go on that Star Wars cruise, that they discontinued. They were there. We went on that made and end final voyage. Oh, the first and last. Yes, it was cheaper to live on that cruise ship
Starting point is 00:27:24 at certain points than for us to pay rent, you know, because we don't work in the industry. So I see. So it's cheaper to go. Don't try to pick it apart. Got you. The cost of living is so low because everything's included in the cruise, especially if you get the Tier A package where all the booze and everything is all included in the cruise. Okay. And if you're mainly drinking, we don't drink. Oh, you know, oh, okay. But we do we purchase the booze package because we want to support. And that includes mocktails. Right. Oh, okay. I always think mocktails is like it's such a derogatory name. It's like they're not mocking cocktails necessarily. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:27:59 They're never thought of it. They're making fun of cocktails. Like, aha, look at us. Oh, that's not nice. No, not nice at all. I thought they were making fun of cocktails like, ah, look at us. Oh, that's not nice. This is not nice at all. I thought they were making fun of the drinker, which in case feels about right. So they're making fun of alcoholics. They're like, look at those assholes over here. You can drink it. All right, we're having fun, but let's not offend people.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Let's be nice. Oh, okay. All right, I apologize. That's okay. So you guys like Disney, you know, Disneyland, Epcot, et cetera. Oh, any of it. We've done it all We've been to every single Disney theme park across the entire world. Yes, the world
Starting point is 00:28:29 But the one we frequent the most because we're both Southern California locals. Yes, shame No, obviously Disney land Right, you got there. I I have to say with a wit like that I feel like there's a place for you in a Disneyland atmosphere comedy show. I yeah, what are some of those shows? I've had friends who worked in those. There's the ones in the Old West town or whatever. It's called Pioneerville. Hilarious. Frontierland now, don't, don't, don't, don't, and where they like everyone wears frilly dresses and then they like shoot plates and stuff like that. Oh, no, that's gone now. I think you're talking
Starting point is 00:29:03 about either laughing stock or Billy Hill in the Hillbillies Which was a golden horseshoe review can can show that's exactly what I Big fan. You can watch clips on YouTube. Oh, no, thank you. Okay, what dealers choice Um, so you guys how many times you go I guess uh, oh Yeah, a day I guess we've gone every single day for the last seven years. Oh, we're in second place to beat the record. Let's put it that way.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Oh, okay. There's another couple that's been going a bit longer than us. That's about to beat the record. Well, if we have it, we know. We're about to, well, eventually we'll, we're not giving up. We're not giving place for the record.
Starting point is 00:29:40 We're not giving up. I see. Yeah, okay. And how long have they been going? I think they started around the same time because we used to double date with them when we first met on mouse mingle. Right. And have you gone every single day since then?
Starting point is 00:29:51 Yes. Yes. So then they got there a couple minutes before us the first day. Yes. We've been trying to catch up to them, but it's been an hour. What if you went a minute or two early one day? Well, the park opens. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:30:03 We're going to have to book a room at the Grand California in order to get early entry, but that also is costly. Yeah, rope drop is what it's called. Right, right. Right. And why aren't you there right now? Do you or did you already go to? We actually hired doubles to go for us right now, which is a loophole.
Starting point is 00:30:17 That's acceptable. Oh, okay. Do they have to look like you? They do. Yes. Okay. Like how close are they? Oh, I suppose in the dark
Starting point is 00:30:26 Catarax and all the measurements are exactly the same. Yes, but you were pointing to your Herbrest. Yeah. So that was important to them. We called them house years They're more like goofy years It's not true. It's not true. No, it's not true. So yes, Burkey Burkey house here. I It's not true. It's not true. It's not true. So, yes, Berkey Berkey now's here. There's not true.
Starting point is 00:30:45 It's not true. It's not true. So, they don't really look like you other than in the bust. Right, but that's my most identifiable feature. Oh, I see. Oh, okay. I was gonna say, because you guys both kind of put the ass in enthusiasm.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Oh, see? Now, that's a bit vulgar, but the wit is there. I think you're saying. Save it for Universal Studios. I know. For the Bill and Ted. Oh, you? Now, that's a bit vulgar, but the, the wit is there. And I think you can. They've had for Universal Studios. I know. For the Bill and Ted. Oh, you ever see one of those? Oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:31:10 What do you think of the Notzbury farm show out there for Halloween hunt? They're making fun of Disneyland. They're making fun of the fact that the dragon burned up in Fanta. It won't do. You can't punch up, you know. Disney doesn't talk about that.
Starting point is 00:31:22 I thought you were supposed to punch up. Not now. No, no. Oh, so thought you were supposed to punch up. Not now. Oh, so now you're supposed to punch down. See, this is the thing with like, I'm just gonna say at the left, always telling you, like who we can make fun of. It's like now we're supposed to be punching down at people.
Starting point is 00:31:36 I think the lesson is don't make fun of anybody, let anybody do their thing because we get a lot of flak being adults with no children who are obsessed, enthusiastically interested in Disney. Why don't you have children? It seems to me like it would be more fun to go with children because they would be
Starting point is 00:31:50 more wide-eyed and wonder and Reggie, don't you agree? What? Oh. Thought I'd get you involved here, I feel bad. I feel bad, I've been asking questions. I, yeah, no, I, I, you're a bit, I just heard about the mouse ears and I just like kind of went off. Yeah, you went into a fugue state.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Centrifugal force. Centrifugal force, yeah. But yeah, no, I love everything. You'll have everything. They're good to know. There you go. The children weigh you down and they slow you down.
Starting point is 00:32:18 And so we're trying to get around the park. We have our specific loop that we do and there's certain rides that the children can't go on. So Disney really isn't just for kids. That's a common misconception. Right. That's a good point. They can't go on the Indiana Jones ride unless they're about yay high, is that right?
Starting point is 00:32:31 That's right. So why don't you adopt someone who's that tall? Oh, who's also a child? Sure. Or someone who's tall as a Kanye West. Right. Because... Yeah, tall?
Starting point is 00:32:42 Yeah. Yeah. Some of us just tall as Kanye West with the exact same view point real quick. What what is rap? Oh Boy, we're gonna be here while put on a pot of coffee. Okay Other issue with a child is that you have to pay once they're over to you have to pay for the admission and see We're not annual pass holders, which you might be shocked to hear that. That's so weird Why wouldn't you be? Yeah, the N say in UAP's dance for, by the way. Oh, annual pass.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Annual pass holders. An unidentified annual pass. Yeah. We won't accept any blackout dates. Oh, they have blackout dates, and that's why, couldn't you have the savings of the annual pass and then just pay on the blackout dates? But it's like the booze package, we want to support.
Starting point is 00:33:22 We want to make sure Disney is financially solvent, and we want to give them everything we can. We like what they're doing. Okay. So I mean, you've been there every day for seven years. Do you get bored? It's kind of like you can't see everything, right? No, no. Board. Board how? It's the happiest place on earth. Sure. But I mean, it's really only about what, uh, three square miles or something like that. Oh, don't forget about DCA. Yeah, what's DCA? Disney's California Adventure. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:33:50 I mean, that's even worse, honestly. Oh, come on, friend. Are you taking the P? He's taking the P. That's P stand for. Okay, Disney's California Adventure. There's a little bit more adult oriented, sure. They have cocktails a lot more,
Starting point is 00:34:04 but there's a little sum for everyone there. It's a little skeezy too. Anytime I go there, it's like, okay, you got all these carny rides, there's all this alcohol, and then you look over the bush, and there's just a street with people like drag racing up and down the street. I think you're thinking of Universal Studios Tokyo Drift
Starting point is 00:34:22 attraction. Oh, that's right. I'm sorry. Bulgar. Bulgar, very vulgar. Right. That theme park attraction where one of the extras pats another extra on the ass.
Starting point is 00:34:31 And somehow it made it into the final cut. OK, if I can only wear a work in blue, I probably would have stayed with my double, you know. So it would have been the three of you. And you still would be here? Yeah, I could represent. Oh, OK. So it doesn't been the three of you and you still would be here. Yeah, I could represent. Oh, okay. So So it doesn't get bored before you you've seen everything there is have you ever found like an unexplored corner or something
Starting point is 00:34:53 But it's like oh wow we've never seen this before there We were going every day and after three years. I thought I had seen everything But then I was walking down Main Street and I saw there was this one bush and I looked to Cody and I said Cody I never see this much before. I of course had Okay, well one time we went in a person was having a cardiac arrest. That was something. Oh, yeah Oh, yeah, I mean a lot of people have died at Disneyland. Oh, no, you cannot die at Disney. Oh, I think I read a book about Like I think there's like thousands of people have died on the ride. No, this is a problem.
Starting point is 00:35:29 And I also part of what we're here to talk about too is we're here. We're on a bit of a goodwill campaign because there's a new podcast officially. Yes, officially is a rival podcast. It's a well, no, although hamsters is that what you're saying? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Let's just say they tried to poach us today. Well, they're shy, I guess. Well, I think it happened. We're loyalists. And there's this pot. So you're loyalists. Yes. To you and Disney. To whatever we commit
Starting point is 00:35:55 to. Yes. You've been. It's called keys to the kingdom. And it's of it's exploring. It's an eight episode limited series about theme park workers. This sounds like a plug. But no, I'm here. Cause we're at the end. No, this is done by MacGorley and Amanda London and it's horrible. Oh, you're here. You don't like this.
Starting point is 00:36:13 No, we're here to take it down. Oh, okay. Don't listen to it. To eat. To eat. Well, that reminds me, you know our blog, we have a blog. Oh yes, Cody and Cody, Cody Disney. Cody and Cody go to Disney. Go, go, go to go Oh, yes Cody and Cody go to Disney Cody and Cody go to Disney go no go to go to go to go to go to Disney. Yes. Yes. Okay. Cody and Cody go to
Starting point is 00:36:33 Disney right, but no space don't put the air in there. We consulted a professional name or for that title right we paid them $15,000 too much and they are independently wealthier That's too much. Are you guys independently wealthier? No, we are. We are in real trouble. You're underwater. Yeah, because I work as a, I'm training to be a handwriting expert. Handwriting analysis.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Well, I'm training to be an expert. Oh, okay. Not an expert, honey, a calligrapher. Well, I mean, you know, apples and oranges. I'm the, yeah. Okay, and how long have you been training for this? A couple of years now. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:04 I don't have much time. Thank you. A couple of years now. Okay. I don't have much time. A couple of years before we started this. Right, so you don't work. This is yet to turn a profit. What the weblog? No, it is anything. We go there by day and we blog by night. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:13 And you're trying to turn that into some sort of monetary. You're trying to monetize your weblog. Right, like how you've monetized your little podcast. Right. Yeah, I guess so. Yeah. I mean, I've ads, right? A little. Yeah, it's kind of a little. Compared to Amsters. Right. They have I guess so. Yeah. I mean, I've ads right little. Yeah, it's kind of little compared to hamsters. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:27 A huge budget and a lot of heart. That's a lot of humility. I admit that. Yeah. Thank you. Another reason we didn't go to hamsters is because it feels like a bit of a mouse knockoff. Know what I mean? Oh, yeah, I guess a rodents and general Canadian. I don't forget it. It's a Canadian podcast. You're going to Canada, it's me. Well, the remote. Oh, let's be remote Canada. Yeah, we're talking Saskatoon. Um, Saskatchewan. Oh, okay. Yeah, another sass.
Starting point is 00:37:54 That's good to end down. No, that's Canadian Disneyland. That's right. Oh, that would be so good if they had one up there. Oh, they should do it. The amazing. Um, so, and do you work? Ma'am, I'm a crime scene photographer. Oh, okay. It's great because it. The amazing thing. So, and do you work, Mam? I'm a crime scene photographer.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Oh, okay. It's great because it's all at night. So during the day, my schedule is not any person up there. Why is it all night? People at night. Most murders. Most murders, I had no idea. I would have thought they would have been during the day.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Haven't you seen a horror flick? Well, sure, but that's not real life. I would assume that everyone murders during the day because they're weak. Oh, you start, the murders start to roll in around desk. Yeah. Oh, I see. So normally I can make the fireworks
Starting point is 00:38:28 and then I just zoom right on over to it, you know. You're like night crawler. Thank you. Yeah, yeah. Although that must be a big budget for the flashes on the photographs. Oh, bless you. Cody.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Oh, pardon me. I mentioned the word flashes and it made you sneeze. I'm sorry, are you allergic to flash photography? That's true. Oh, wow. Not on the dark right. Not on the dark right. Yeah, no flash photography on the dark.
Starting point is 00:38:52 You know, it's crazy. It's like if someone isolated the audio of the first sneeze that she did and then the second one that she just did. It would be exactly the same. It's crazy. Yeah, sneezes are like fingerprints. They have the real arcs. They really are.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Yeah. That's the sort of thing they do on hamsters though. You know, they take the time to meet and go back and play the clips. Well, that wouldn't know. So, I mean, that's a grizzly job. Oh, it's not so bad. Really?
Starting point is 00:39:15 No. You're talking about handwriting, and I was like, I'm talking to your wife. I assume you're married. Yeah. We had a Disney wedding. It was gorgeous.
Starting point is 00:39:23 But I have a condition with my eyes. They're not wall-eyed, but the world is to me. So I look normal, but to me looking out, the world looks wall-eyed. Right, and you can't wear any sort of corrective lines. Oh, you won't do it. Oh, you just won't do it. Why is that? Because Mickey Mouse and Disneyland haven't put out eyewear line.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Oh, I truly believe that you could get some Disney theme glasses. I think I know, friend. I mean, not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:39:51 I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:39:59 I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. How much brain matter do you photograph per year? Oh, 30% of what I do is surrounding brain matter. The rest is just split open things. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:40:10 I'm sure it does. It does. Yeah. So the head is like 30% of the time, and then the rest of the time is like, I spend most of my time on the toes. Really? Because the toes tell the story of the corpse. Huh, in what way?
Starting point is 00:40:24 The way they're pointing? The way they're pointing, the personalities, the fear drains to the toes. Right. Oh, really fear. The fear is in the feet. That's the first lesson when you go to crime school. Oh, that's where they call them fear footers, the old school detectives.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Yes, yes, exactly. So you get back to the lab, you develop your picture. I'm assuming you develop them yourself. Yes, of course. And you're there in the dark room. And then you have a bunch of pictures of feet. And you're able to send that to the investigators or do you solve the crimes as well?
Starting point is 00:40:58 Oh, no, no. I could solve the crimes. I just go ahead and I scan them. And then I email them out. Or sometimes I'll put them in a drop box. And I'm a I'm CCed on that email for the feed photos. Why?
Starting point is 00:41:11 Why not? He insists. So we don't have any secrets. And in fact, we share an email account. Yes. Cody and Cody go to Gmail. Dot com. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:41:20 So it's not like you're CCed on it. You're just. You just are that person. You're the person sending it as well. I carbon copy of Cody, Cody and Cody, CC. Let's see, CC, carbon copy of Cody. That's exactly right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Okay, so you're looking a lot of feed all day. And this is okay with your bosses? Oh, they love it. Oh, they love it. They think it's important to be a complete person. And so they're really supportive of my Disney hobby. Oh, they love it's important to be a complete person. And so they're really supportive of my Disney hobby. Oh, they love it. Do they let you come and go as you please or?
Starting point is 00:41:50 Oh, yes, no, I'm completely in love. They're like, just get around to it when you can. As long as I'm there and I got the camera and I get the pictures of the feet, then what I do in my free time is what I do. And this is why this is the perfect job for me. If you were there without the camera, would that be a problem?
Starting point is 00:42:05 Oh, no, to the crime scene. No, no, no, because I actually used to be a cartoonist. So I could sketch them Did you have like a Sunday strip or anything like or like a daily anything in the daily? I did actually yeah Call me Cody and it was about Comi Cody like communist Comi Cody like communist or Comi Cody. Yeah. Yeah. No, it was mostly pro-communists sort of propaganda But all sort of under the guise of this cute little peanut who would sort of roam around town Oh, okay, so communism and analogy in the form of an anthropomorphic peanut
Starting point is 00:42:39 Peanut in the shell is it is it legs? It looked like the planners guy. It was in the shell. Yeah, okay I had a little a little You're you're mining so you're to you know what this is a little visor. Oh Viser yeah, yeah, like a little visor. God right Wow did but planners never hit you up about that at all. No the different types of peanuts mine was Communist That's mine was communist Mr. Plankers is obviously he's Capitalist they go right that one
Starting point is 00:43:16 But that's not to say that we're not complete capitalist because we we are we are did you give up on the comic? How long did the strip run that that is ran for 15 years? Yeah, I never ran for 15 years that low ground with the wall 15 years. Yeah, they ran for 15 years. It was that low ground with the wall. Was that local or was that it was a national? No, it was national. Yeah, it was in the LL. That's something weird after it was in the cat, but wow. And so, so, did you give up on the communism when the wall came down or? I did. You know, it was actually after we started going to Disney and I met Cody. Oh, you met Cody. Did you guys meet at Disneyland? No, we met on Mousemen. Mousemen. Oh, but then our first day was at Disneyland.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Yes. Wait, so you were on Mousemen, go even though you hadn't been to Disneyland at that point. Well, I knew the kind of man I wanted. I like to manifest. Okay. So you knew you wanted someone who was just a good solid, kind of weirdly into Disney.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Okay. Not weird. We're having some fun. I get that. So you meet on mouse mingle, you have your first date, it's your first time at Disneyland. It was amazing, it was incredible because the guys I was dating in the past were all communists.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Okay. It's really refreshing to meet someone who just had a sense of whimsy. I showed up with Blue Jeans and Elvis records and Warner over and we've been together ever since. So you singing Billy Joel songs. Okay. I don't know why you're Needling me. I'm not I'm just I mean I apologize. I mean for you to be comfortable. I just feel like I'm just talking to your wife about Where she met you just in your home So and and how long did you get married after your first date?
Starting point is 00:44:43 You proposed was it maybe eight months? Yeah, after and then we consulted with a Disney wedding planner and we had our dream Disney wedding. Tell us about the wedding. Like who was who was the official? Donald Duck and actually there was a big to-do because we spent all of our budget on getting Donald to officiate and serve guests any food. Oh, but there's food in the park so they were nearby. Oh, it worked out. Okay, and there's food in the park, so they were nearby. Oh, it worked out. Okay, and you got married in the park? Oh, in Disneyland.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Yeah, at the castle. At 2 a.m. because if you want to get married in front of the castle, you have to do it after hours. Oh, okay. I see. So it's either two, what are the hours? I think it's like midnight to 8 a.m. It would depend on the season, but typically the fireworks are around eight
Starting point is 00:45:23 after the sun sets and then the park closes at 10 So you're doing it after 10 and we did something a little different where I insisted that I get to show up and Cinderella's pumpkin carriage Oh, okay And just to clarify I'm sorry, but is it pumpkin or is it pumpkin carriage because I whenever I watch Cinderella It's pumpkin what is it pumpkin? Pumpkin oh Cinderella's horse drawn pumpkin because like like a king like kind of are you need a I'm just no no no no no no no no no just forgive me maybe I'm a little sensitive Okay, okay, we take a lot of heat. Yeah, yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no it Disneyland, by the way, but you know everything about Disneyland. And so I'm just coming as an outsider, so it might appear like a needling, but I honestly just don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:10 Well, I appreciate your canter phone. Well, I'd like to take you with us to Disneyland. You see the way that we do it. What's the way that you do it? Yeah, what do you just do? We just have to subscribe. There's systems in place. Like what?
Starting point is 00:46:21 So we rope drop. Alright, you got a rope drop, because you're going to get more done in that first hour than you will all day waiting in those long lines. rope drop. What's that? rope drop means you get there when they literally drop a rope and you get to march on down Main Street. It's the most magical time of the day. And then we race to space and then we dash to splash.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Oh, okay. Have you ever dashed to space and vice versa? Why would we do that? He's added again. I really don't think that I am. But so and those are not the most popular rides anymore. Well, splash mountain is shut down at this point. Yeah. Don't get me started. Oh, no. Oh, it's our subject. Forget it. Go for goodbye communism. Hello, splash mountain.
Starting point is 00:46:58 So you've gone the other way. Now you're you're severely right winged. Is that what I'm sensing? you're you're severely right wing is that what I'm sensing we want the red head I don't know what that means let's just say I want them to add Johnny Depp to every ride okay and throw a Kevin Spacey in it yes pre-or-post hard attack that he had at this point I don't even know if you're needful in me but I'll take you there well give me boiler room spacey give me house a card spacey hell hard attack that he had. He did his choice. I don't say at this point, I don't even know if you're enabling me, but I'll take either way. Give me boiler room spacey. Give me house a card spacey. Hell, give me a contagion or outbreak
Starting point is 00:47:31 or whatever he was in. I don't want to know. What about seven spacey? Oh, come on. Yeah. What about K-packs? K-packs. Sure, pay it forward spacey.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Yeah, pay it forward. Yeah. Yeah. So I mean, it's very interesting. You guys guys have a lifestyle and it's interesting to learn about you I less so once I heard about the Johnny Depp stuff, but what do you think of Amber heard? Well, let's just say she could maybe play a Disney princess in the parades. Oh, oh, but already she's an aqua man And she plays a red headed mermaid and it's a poor substitute, you know, to substitute.
Starting point is 00:48:09 I never mind. Sorry for Ariel. Have I brought a problem to your doorstep? To be dealt with. Listen, if I go to Disneyland, if you take me to the Bale Star Galactica exhibit, I'll be more than happy. Okay. He's beating you. Okay. Don't take it, honey. There's no battle, star, galactic. I can't help but notice you're signing the table too and you're handwriting. Very interesting. Well, I mean, I just I thought you were only a calligrapher. You're not supposed to be studying. I'm a handwriting. Training to be a handwriting expert. Meaning a play. Yes. No, what? So it looked at my handwriting. What do you think about this? Oh, soft teeth, I bet.
Starting point is 00:48:47 You can tell that just with my handwriting. You can't I tell it. It's practically oozing off the page. How do you chew with those limp little kernels? Honey, a lot of it. Sorry, I just, it's just tough when I'm not in the happiest place on earth by default and definition. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:49:04 So happiest man on earth? We're about a a maybe 70 miles away from it at this point. So the further away you get, the more angry and it's you guys. It's like kryptonite. So when you pass through like onto the five freeway, you start feeling better. Everything starts being good. Keep talking my language. Hardbleble of our. Hey, can I see those feet picks? You're logged into your own email. Oh, no, she won't let me. Oh, really? Oh, no, no. Oh, there've been some trouble in the past.
Starting point is 00:49:32 He doesn't have the passcode. Yeah. There was, there was an issue in the password. He had been corresponding back on mouse mingle. But oh, with someone that, what did you think it was? Were you being catfished by one of the characters? Yes. Which character? The cat figure out. And the fish from Pinocchio. What's the fish? Of the fish's name. Clear. Clear. Clear from Pinocchio. Yes. And you fished. And you thought the two of
Starting point is 00:49:59 them were interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with you. They absolutely were. Well, because Figaro was purring a bit in one time rubbed up on you, but they were just in character, honey. Well, so was I. Was that me? Okay, character as a horny man. Okay, Judge Edo, let's just take a minute. My God. Yeah, you and the dancing Edo's back off.
Starting point is 00:50:23 That's for you. How do you know I even know about that? Well, I didn't mean to bring up some troubles in your marriage, but it seems like everything's all right now. We're living happily ever after. There's no issue that can't be solved by a rope drop visit. First thing in the morning, counterclockwise through the park, coming out of the haunted mansion at dusk.
Starting point is 00:50:42 Oh, wonderful. And putting a passcode on the email so he doesn't have access to it. Perfect. When you leave the park, do you guys always do that by your command? Do you do that? Oh, okay. Reggie, that's the universal studios, the Silon Warriors, the Battlesarco Lactica. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:59 And it's discontinued now. Yes. Long since the disk. How do you know? Oh, because I, wait, have you been to Universal Studios? Have to know your enemies. You have to keep your place. Did you know this code? I, I, we've dealt with this in therapy. So yes, we've worked it, we've worked through it. I've chosen to forgive him and move on. You've been taking unsanctioned trips to Universal Studios to what? Check out the minions
Starting point is 00:51:21 because they're so funny. Oh, those guys will get up to some hijinks. I mean, look, the point is she goes off tonight. She runs off to her little flights of fancy and work. And I've left with nothing. I'm basically abandoned. She went to Universal Studios when she's out there slaving away, taking photographs of brain matter, spat her on the ground. I get back into bed and he wreaks a butter beer. That's good stuff. If you're doing it right. Okay, well, obviously we're just scratching the surface
Starting point is 00:51:50 with your mental problems, mental problems. How do they go hand in hand? I think you have mental problems. Well, normally I think you're needling me, but yes, definitely. Yeah, I think you guys are, yeah, you have troubles in the head department. See, yeah, that's why I said my best is the most the best part about me because your brain doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Is that what you're saying? Okay. You should see this part. Oh, geez. All right. Well, look, we don't have time for that. Please don't take it out. Oh, too late.
Starting point is 00:52:17 It's been out the whole time. Shit. All right. We need to take a break. Can you guys stick around? We have a couple of soccer moms coming on. Oh, we love it. Yeah. They don't play soccer in the park, right? In Disneyland park? Yeah. Oh, no, no. That's not allowed. Right. Could you bring a soccer ball and just
Starting point is 00:52:33 know it's two European. Okay. Yeah. No idea. What about Euro Disney? Yeah. Could you take it to France? Yes. That's your Disney. Just soccer balls everywhere. Football. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. All right. Well, let's take a break. When we come back, we'll have more from Cody and Cody. Regi Watts, you're still sticking around, my man. Haven't gotten a hamster back. That's right. And when we come back, we'll have a couple of soccer moms. We'll be right back with more comedy bang bang after this.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Woo. Ta-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da We have Red Uats here, the book is Great Falls, Montana. And you're on your phone or anything from the hamsters. On my phone is holding it. You're holding it. Oh right, you were tapping it. Yeah. Right. It's not the same thing. Honey, I shrunk the kids and suddenly you're standing on top of a giant phone or anything.
Starting point is 00:53:21 No, no, no. I was just practicing. Oh, practicing what? Just holding it and tapping it. Yeah. That's the hardest part of buying a phone, isn't it? You just don't get used to it. Yeah, you never do.
Starting point is 00:53:30 You know, and because I came from I'm a T9 guy. Right. You know, and so I'm used to real buttons and switches, like a real old school. And these things are not meant to hold things as wide as phones. No or is flat. Yeah, we're meant to hold like liquorish. Yep. And sticks. Yep. or as flat. Yeah, we're meant to hold like liquorish and sticks. Yep.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Churros. Churros. Yeah, it's exactly. Cookie dough. Yeah, cookie dough. Well, perfect example. You know. You know?
Starting point is 00:53:54 We also have Cody and Cody to Disneyland enthusiasts here. And what were you doing during the break? It seems like there was a lot of commotion going on. Something going on at Disneyland or is there a crime scene that you need to get to? Oh no, I was just looking at the live crowd tracker and I can't believe it. Pirate to the Caribbean, only 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Let's go. What? It's going to take you an hour and a half. At this time, I mean, it's rush hour right now to get down there. What would you rather be doing? I mean, honestly, spending time with my family, my child, my child's,
Starting point is 00:54:25 you know, the things that make life meaningful. Yeah. Okay. It's interesting. Yeah. Weird. And Reggie hanging out with Reggie. Well, you guys could come along.
Starting point is 00:54:35 I guess so. Reggie, you want to go to Disneyland after this? I mean, you're sure there's no crimes happening that you need to take photographs? My phone hasn't dinged. And that's all it. And no crime during the day. There's only crime happening right now is the lack of fun in this place, you know. And the lack of a line at Pirates.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Oh yes. 15 minutes. That's pretty good. For this time of day, that's pretty incredible. Yeah, I'm just gonna agree. All right, well, let's get to our next guest. Speaking of incredible, they are soccer moms. It's their first time on the show.
Starting point is 00:55:03 Please welcome for the first time Janet and Leanne. Oh, hi. So sad to be here. Just a chance to be away from the kids. We just wanted a break. I gotta be honest with you. You two have it down the path. Yeah. Oh, those things rip you up and it's not worth it. So we just wanted to take a break from the game. Come over here. Get a get a get a what are you talking about kids? They rip you Oh, no, yeah, shred yet down below. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, I see, I see, but mainly in the vagina area definitely in the vagina and the asshole. I mean it usually goes from oh, to to tank I mean how's it how I I was not allowed in the in the delivery room. Oh, that's the last thing. So I did not see the havoc at it wreaked upon the asshole, but what happens in the delivery room down there? Your asshole tends to prolapse because you're
Starting point is 00:55:50 pressing so hard to get this thing out. And so my asshole prolapse because my baby was breach and then flipped. And then was breach again on the way out. Wow, that's like it did a double flip flop in the canal. Yeah. Yeah. and then she has 580 to 540 degrees. Yeah, I mean, it was like a VR thing. If you had watched it, it would have been really interesting. Yeah, like the spear, you know, oh yeah, yeah, I went there. Already? Yeah, just open.
Starting point is 00:56:18 I know. You saw that? I did. You saw YouTube? I did, yeah, I was there opening night. And? Well, you can hear all about it on my sister podcast. Hamsters?
Starting point is 00:56:27 You talking to me? No, hamsters does not cover it, hopefully. The hamsters were there. I saw some hamsters there. No, they were there. They were there. You're speaking of rival podcasts. I was thinking of starting an rival podcast.
Starting point is 00:56:39 That's a great movie. It was a good movie. It's a good movie. We saw that movie once at a sleepover. We made the kids watch it. And it was all right, but we loved it. I loved that movie. It's a good movie. We saw that movie once at a sleepover. We made the kids watch it. And it was all right, but we loved it. I loved that movie. I loved it.
Starting point is 00:56:49 I loved it. I thought it was about words. It was like words. It was about language and how language is different and things like that. I saw it a long time ago. Basically what happens is aliens come down and then. Well, first of all, spoiler.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Right. Yeah. It's a very generic spoiler, though. I think if you see any kind of media related to it, the poster, the trailer, you'll know that aliens are in the film, but they come down and then Amy Adams is like, hey, how do we communicate with these guys? And then she figures it out and then they were like, hey, we just wanted to say what's up?
Starting point is 00:57:17 Is that well, then she's in the future. She's in the future? Yeah. She gets sent to the future in that movie. Well, she was in the future. Yeah, she was in the future. We're going to have to ask Neil to grasp how that happened. You know, I would rather not I think he is a spoil sport. Is that right? He takes everything me like and says how it couldn't happen
Starting point is 00:57:33 Yeah, Neil deGrasse gas or I say Other than Neil deGrasse because he's in that run exactly, but no you all have it right Yeah, this Cody and Cody, these are soccer moms. You know what soccer is? You gave birth to soccer balls? Well, that would have been easier. I felt like it.
Starting point is 00:57:53 And I had to get the daddy stitch afterwards. On all four of my deliveries. What's the daddy stitch? It's a daddy stitch. Oh, that's awesome. Oh, yeah, that's awesome. Yeah. Well, you know, it's for the daddy's.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Yeah, it's, well, I had four and I had, well, I had a nine pounder come out and done. Nine pounds. Yeah, that did almost rip me from. A full honey baked ham. Yeah. Oh, oh. And so, you know, the doctors, he's thinking about, you know, the male experience the next time the guy's going to be down there and he's like, hey, you want me to, you know, put in some extra stitches.
Starting point is 00:58:24 Oh, that. Oh, right. So yeah, yeah. Like another whole. No, I don't think he makes a new one. No, no, he makes it tighter. If you, I don't know, maybe you would like it bigger. I don't, yeah, that's true. And then it'll hit a nippy.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Maybe Reggie agree with me if this happens. Women complain because your penis is so big and they need a bigger one. Yeah, it's a big problem. I can't believe it. I hope the book address that. You did it really well, Reggie. You did it really well. Thanks. Thanks. So, sort of a daddy stitch. We need a Reggie snip. I'm listening.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Oh, yeah. Okay. But we were just, you know, the park is right over there and we just wanted to. Disneyland or? No, this song. Oh, this song. Oh, okay. So, you guys both, both these couples hang out a lot in parks. Yeah, but you say it like that.
Starting point is 00:59:06 It sounds a little, a dicey. We stay in our room. The needle you get used to this fella. The needle, moving the needle over there. Yeah. Why don't you go daddy's stitch with that needle. See, I can do your comedy. I'd like him to needle my face.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Micro-needling it stimulates the collagen. You can needle my face any time you want. Oh, okay. I think I'll pass on that. Well, needle me this. Yeah. Do you think that getting that stitch is worth it? The daddy stitch?
Starting point is 00:59:32 Yeah. I didn't get it. We didn't have insurance. Oh, you didn't have it, okay. Oh, insurance covers it? Really? Yeah. Insurance covers that, Viagra.
Starting point is 00:59:40 That's about it. Those are the two things that men are in charge of. Exactly. That's not. No, we didn't have insurance. so I'm going to eat my, Don doesn't care. So you guys, Janet and Leanne, you guys are friends. The best of friends?
Starting point is 00:59:49 Since I was a little. And your children are the same age I take. Yes, we planned it. Yeah, I just had the one. Oh, I had to do a brutal round after round of IVF. Oh, I'm so sorry. No, it was fun. And were you holding off until, to get pregnant
Starting point is 01:00:03 until the IVF was finally took? I'd already had three, I was way ahead. I was fun. And were you holding off until to get pregnant until the IVF was finally to? I had three. I was way ahead. I was miserable. But once I thought they were about to get out of my hair, then Leanne ends up pregnant. And so I had to. You just had one more. Just had one more so that we could be on the same path. And now we are. We got, we got some like KSO dip that we keep in a car charger. We have a small crackpot that plugs right into the cigarette lighter. We have hot cheese. Hot cheese in the out of every soccer game.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Hot cheese snacks. We got healthy things to put in our hot cheese. What would you want to be thriving with hot cheese right next to my hot? We have hot eggs. We have. You don't want to see my thighs twist. It's a few reasons. I keyloids scar.
Starting point is 01:00:38 So that's kind of, it's rough. Oh, okay. It's rough, though. But yeah, we were just so happy to see that we could have a little break from. I mean soccer I agree with you about the soccer thing. They're not high scoring games. No. Yeah, I don't think I said anything about it But what would you want to say? No, then the Disney phone. Oh, I just want to say I haven't understood a single word That's come out of your mask really? Yeah, not a one. Oh because it's parenting stuff
Starting point is 01:00:59 It's you're lucky. I mean, that's what it is and so we try to stick around each other so we can talk about things other than our kids, right? We should just be soccer people Not just soccer moms. Oh, yeah, I like that. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Why why put gender into the fact that you I'll tell you why What honey? Cody you want to say something? Cody. Yeah, Cody. I feel like Needle or needle they sell Okay, all right. Well, I defer I'mler needle they self. All right, well, I defer I'm not going to go there. I'm not going to go on your level.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Here, honey, do you want me to set up Moan on the phone? Yes, so you can take a look. Oh, God, I've got to calm it down. So many get down. When take out goes to take feed. Oh, anyway, so they're playing soccer right now and you decide to come on. Guess what the score is? Zero zero zero. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no but I'm on antibiotics. Oh, so you can't drink the beer or? You're not supposed to, they make them less effective.
Starting point is 01:02:05 But you do. I don't drink as much. You can drink about half as much, take twice as many pills, evens it out. Thank you. Yeah. Anyway, so it was just, it's just nice to get a break and talk to some adults. Yeah, well, it's great to talk to you guys.
Starting point is 01:02:19 It seems like you don't like soccer. You don't like being a parent. Wow, you're very perceptive. So we don't not like being parents. It's just when you're a parent, it becomes apparent that that's all you are. Yeah, it's all consuming, and. Yes, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:34 But I feel like female friendships kind of keep each other alive. I'm better with my husband because, you know, I've already talked that day to my best friend. Talk about, you know. My husband is not my best friend. Your husband should not be your best friend. No, people say like, oh, I married my best friend. I'm like, my best friend. Your husband should not be your best friend. No, people say like, oh, I married my best friend. My best friend's name is Steve. Thank you so much. I go down there and we watch sports and we play hot wheels. And that's your best friend. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:02:53 yeah, you don't want to have, you don't want to be amorous or romantic. No, nothing going on out of me. Steve. No, there was. No, you know, your husband, your spouse, your partner, your person, you know, you don't want that to be your spouse your partner your person you know You don't want that to be your best friend. Oh, you want to fuck them and that's right And that's another reason why it's not to be in the delivery room because they say that when the male species sees His seed come into the world. He's ready to move on. He's got a plant to seed in another Interesting, huh? You don't let him see it. Yeah, Don was working when I had my kid. Yeah, he couldn't get there He tried in what does Don do for a living? He's a demo guy
Starting point is 01:03:27 What did he make span demos or no? He looks shows things off. Well, no, but all these are all right. That's made good. The hominim play was fun He does make good mix takes. He does make a good mix tape, but no, he knocks stuff down. I don't know that they're hominims as much as they're Different definitions of the same word homophones homophones are where they definitions of the same word? Homophones. Homophones are where they're spelled differently. Homophones? Homophones?
Starting point is 01:03:49 I don't know. How about you? That's the book. How many names are like weekend and weekend? How do you feel about being that? Like the weekend? No, no, no, not like the singer. Is the singer?
Starting point is 01:04:02 Like a weekend by debilitating illness and also Saturday and Sunday. Yeah, that's a homophone. Those are homophones. Okay. Hey, how about this? I Thought of a joke based off of your conversation early Nill Degrass not enticing see Now that's a good Halloween costume. That should also be the team name, maybe. No, they're the burgers. The burgers. Oh, it is a burger joint sponsor.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Yes, they're the burgers. We had to do it. And today they're playing Smash Burger, which is weird. So it's the Smash Burger. Burgers versus burger. They're all sponsored by burgers, because you can't be sponsored by taverns anymore. Hot dogs are for baseball.
Starting point is 01:04:42 Oh, hot dogs are pure baseball. Yeah, no, no, but, but yeah, it's, again, it's nice to not talk about my kids. Yeah, are they gonna, well, I mean, I feel like we've been talking about your kids a lot. Well, it's because I was told to introduce you as soccer moms. Yeah, well, that's on us. That's our picture.
Starting point is 01:04:55 Do you want to talk about your hobbies or what do you want to talk about? Sure. Oh, yeah. What are your hobbies? I hide my discover card and all those purchases. I mean, that's a full on hobbies. She's got a secret discover card. I have a secret discover card. I think it's a secret to a happy marriage. You know, that's a full on how to use it. She's got a secret to discover card.
Starting point is 01:05:05 I have a secret to discover card. I think it's a secret to a happy marriage. You know, because if I'm gonna buy him a gift, I have to be able to do it without him noticing and any other things that I want him to not know that I'm paying for. I know one thing. Both talks stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Right. I don't want him to think. Your husband would not like the fact that you're paying for Botox because of the money or because he wants your face to naturally be this way. The money, I think he likes it. He likes how you look. Well, Lee Ann says that people can tell I've had Botox
Starting point is 01:05:29 because my forehead looks like it's covered in saran wrap. I think you look like the glaze on ham. Thank you. You've got a little heavy with it, I have to say. They use the heavy, heavy thumb on the scale. Well, my eyebrows are going straight up right now. It just sometimes, which is better than if they droop. Sometimes if you get a Botox in fraction, you end up, you know, kind of
Starting point is 01:05:47 with a droopy. No, I personally usually horizontal, user vertical. I just realized that's your face. Oh, what did you look at it? I didn't know to be honest. And by the way, you don't have goofy tits. If you want to see goofy tits, I got Pluto tits. No, I can't listen. I'll whip them right out and throw them on the table right now.
Starting point is 01:06:04 I look at you already as penis out of it. I prefer preferred you guys just keep every party your body inside your club. I understand the Donald Duck costume But like you should wear pants Me personally. Yeah. Well, that's just it. Winnie the Poo Donald, you know, they don't have to L.R.F. Exactly. Well, no, that's okay. He doesn't We're going over to Warner Brothers here. Oh, sorry about that. Let's be careful. Let's just Take a moment and be careful. Okay. Sorry. We'll we'll try to keep it to how's Moana going by the way? Very good Very good. Yeah, the rock singing you're welcome yet. Oh, no, no, she just got beyond the reef. Oh, okay, wonderful
Starting point is 01:06:38 So yeah, what what hobbies do you have? I don't know which one you are Leanne? Yeah, it will answer to either of them Oh, okay. Yeah, either Janet or Leanne. Yeah, I'm sure what are your hobbies? I don't know which one you are, Leanne. You will answer to either of them. Oh, okay. Yeah. Either Janet or Leanne. Yeah, I'm good. What are your hobbies? I got really into my soda stream. Oh, that was a good one.
Starting point is 01:06:51 You have a gun, like a top of the line. Is that a hobby? It's as much as just bought something. Well, that could be a hobby shopping. Sure. And a hobby lobby. I don't go there anymore. Yeah, we don't go there anymore.
Starting point is 01:07:01 But I haven't been able to cut out Chick-fil-A. I haven't told you that, but I have driven through. Oh, we're not supposed to. But only on some of the standard dogs. That's right. That's trying to say dogs. Yeah, because of Chick-fil-A's stance on dogs. What's their stance on dogs? I can't be gay. Dogs can't be gay these days. No, okay, dogs. But we're supposed to be punting down. Thank you. Oh, punting, I wish my kid played football. I have a female Humper in my house. I've got corkies and I've got Frenchies.
Starting point is 01:07:30 And one of my Frenchies is a real Humper. And she hums me. And they say it's not about sex. It's about status. It's about power. Power. Yeah. But they say that about everything.
Starting point is 01:07:40 Don't they? They say, oh, you know, this is about control. Everything's about power and control. Sometimes I think sex is about sex. Yeah, it's about like making your genitals feel tingly and good and stuff. Yeah, just just the just them. Yeah, you don't want to spread anywhere else.
Starting point is 01:07:56 No, gosh, no, I will. I feel like I have very genital sex. I don't have all body sex. It's just just the genitals. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, and I'm fine with that. Like when I have sex, I leave thinking, my penis felt good with that. Well, when I have sex I leave thinking my penis felt good during that Yeah, that's what you're supposed to do. I mostly honestly often find myself thinking during sex
Starting point is 01:08:11 I think well, this is nice. This is nice. I didn't really want to be here get here do this But once I am I'm like this is fun. I should do this more having sex is like go into the gym The hardest part is just getting there and the You go home have right and you're like, you go home happy. Right. And you're like, oh, I should do this more. And then it'll be just months. And then six months later. You realize that you're at aversary.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Suddenly it's time. So are you are both married then? Or are both very much so congratulations. Oh, thank you so much. I guess congrats to you. Thanks. What was the theme of your wedding? Yeah, where did you have it?
Starting point is 01:08:43 Oh, well, which land? I'd say the theme was shotgun and we had it at the courthouse Yeah, well pretty much yeah, no, no, no I mean my mom is a pioneer woman. She processes all information on the same emotional frequency You know everything that comes out of her mouth should be like oh, did you hear about Don P. Cock and his regular card game Friday? His brain slid down the back of his neck He He might not make it. Maybe you took a photo. And then in our next sentence, she's like, hey, I was thinking of sliding some intomans into the oven. And that sound good. Hot coffee cake. Yeah. I guess, you know, the connective tissue is the sliding aspect of it.
Starting point is 01:09:17 The brain is, and then it is, you know, into the oven. That's right. Yeah. Maybe so nice to them. Because they're not pains my fucking ass. Oh, Cody. Here we go. And they haven't whipped their dicks out because they don't have any. Okay, thank you. That's not their fault.
Starting point is 01:09:33 Why don't see it as a negative? Yeah, I mean, you guys are proud to be the soccer moms. Yeah, proud to be soccer moms. Proud to be soccer moms. Oh, now it's moms. How many hours. Right to be soccer moms. Yeah. Right to be soccer moms. Oh, no, it's moms. How many hours a day do you spend kind of totalling the kids around to these various soccer games? Oh, 12 to 16 at least.
Starting point is 01:09:54 That's a day. Yeah. Because they go, you know, they're traveling on different teams and things like that. You can't, when you have a kid now, they can't just be on one soccer team. Yeah. Because they'll be ostracized at school. They need to be on multiple soccer. Yes, it's like Pokemon's and so they have to be on all so they're on like Burbank, Glendale, Pasadena, Play Blow. Wow. Yeah, there are various towns in anywhere. Sure. It's just nice. But yeah,
Starting point is 01:10:21 so they're on multiple teams. So we're carton everywhere. But we split it. I mean we carpool and we're on the phone with each other most of the time Yeah, it seems like you go there together a lot because you're making all this food together and drinking beer together Yeah, yeah, you know, Pueblo was my word of the day today. I do a word of the day. I do word of the day What does that mean? It's it's like a stucco building and and when you do a word of the day What do you mean you create these? I send them out to people I just get them. I get them in an email. It's a word of the day, what do you mean? You create these? And send them out to people. I just get them, I get them in an email. It's my word of the day.
Starting point is 01:10:48 I open it up and I say, ooh, um belt. Ooh, I got to figure out how to use um belt in a sentence. Oh, go ahead. Yeah. This is your opportunity. Oh, okay. Hey, look at that um belt. There is a-
Starting point is 01:11:00 Oh, wow, so you know the word. There is a bear penis in our um belt right now. Hmm, okay, there we go. It's an environment, but more specifically an environment that is limited to the extent of your perception. So, you know, your own belt is what you can perceive, but you know. That'd be very difficult for you, Cody, because of your vision. Your vision problems.
Starting point is 01:11:19 And what is, so you have reverse walleye? Wow. So I want that. So you have I want. That I won't do that. Huh? I won't I won't I won't that's I'm severe I will wow and you never wanted to correct it well. I can't what I don't understand that you said you don't want to with the glasses You could have lenses look. I don't know why we have to go through this second time. We're trying to help you Oh, are you sure seems like the third degree? You know, it seems like he would rather we just be empathetic to his problems and listen rather than trying to solve them for.
Starting point is 01:11:48 Now I don't know what to do with code. I can tell you this. We're very sympathetic. Leanne one time got bit by a tick and had a French accent for a solid year. That's the habit with line. The line does. Wow.
Starting point is 01:11:59 You would have fit right in an orlean square there. I guess I would have a stop shave. My armpits. Okay. Came a coward. You can't really do that because there's a strict grooming code at Disneyland at all. Oh, is that right? I think Yankees.
Starting point is 01:12:10 They've changed it recently and boy. Yeah, let's just say you wouldn't fly there, friend. Oh, no. Well, they changed it maybe. It's ours? Well, yeah, you can, I mean, you can have tattoos now. You can. And I saw a gal with purple hair the other day.
Starting point is 01:12:24 I almost threw up. And it wasn't Ursula the Sea Witch. Excuse me Ursula. I was gonna say, that was a really an egregious error there. I was gonna, I was gonna, I was gonna come home. Stanley touchy. Or the house of Gucci. Well, so you guys hang out a lot. Yeah. Uh, 12 to 16 hours a day, toting these kids around. A lot of fun. I mean, soccer takes a long time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:50 The games are long. Yeah. What, how long are soccer games? Because baseball games are like three and a half hours. Oh, they feel like three and a half hours. I would say what are they? Four hours for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Isn't it a timed event? Because I think baseball, the problem of baseball is, uh, they have to put a pitch clock on it now to make it faster because because it's just like hey whenever these things are done We're done. Well time so now kids don't we they don't want to put time on things that kids do Oh, this makes it just you know, right cuz it's just like an oppression to make people feel late It's a reminder of mortality and and they don't need that then so there's no time It's just when the kids decide that they're done. Oh, okay They feel late. And it's a reminder of mortality and they don't need that then. So there's no time. It's just when the kids decide that they're done.
Starting point is 01:13:27 Oh, okay, so whenever the last kid just goes like, it's Montessori soccer. Oh, okay. It's a lot of conscious parenting over there. We have a lot of gals telling us about conscious parenting, but Leanne and I do honest parenting. Yes. What is conscious parenting and what is, what you do?
Starting point is 01:13:41 I would call conscious parenting really coddling, right? Yeah. It's when the kid says, I'm the worst one on the team You say no, you're not and you know, I tell my kid well then what are we gonna do about it? Yeah, you know what I mean? I see you gotta be bad at it And you can quit nobody's making you be here believe me. I don't want to be here Although now we have the case so yeah If if you guys though if your kids stop playing soccer would you have any reason to hang out with each other?
Starting point is 01:14:04 Absolutely we would anyway, but then we're also going to be at the gymnastics. Whatever they're going to do to you. Gymnastics moms. Yeah, we can do gymnastics moms. I know that they don't get their periods, but that's nice. That might be nice. That is true. You don't have to have the talk.
Starting point is 01:14:19 Exactly. You don't have to schedule that talk. Oh, I know it. Oh, one of the talks. One of the talks. What talks? What talks? About menstruation Oh, I know it. Oh, the one of the talks. One of the talks. There's a few talks. What talk? About menstruation.
Starting point is 01:14:27 Who? Oh, don't, don't, oh really? You perk up when she said men. Yeah. You seem like when she said, I thought she was going to say men's rights. She did. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 01:14:36 Oh, I see. Yeah. I see. Okay. No. I guess, Janet Leanne, I'm just saying that if your kids, you know, if they became soul and teenagers who just wanted to hang out in the room all day, weren't social, then like maybe you guys wouldn't have a relationship anymore.
Starting point is 01:14:49 Oh, no, then we could start doing edibles. Yeah, but really? Together, yeah. You guys don't do edibles already? Well, I make sure it doesn't kick in till I'm home. Or at least halfway home. Smart. I do have to drive that I'm good at.
Starting point is 01:15:00 Yeah. Yeah. I do Delta 8. I do Delta 9. Wow, and you're just fine. And I'm just fine. Delta 9, it do Delta eight. I do Delta nine. Wow, and you're just fine. And I'm just fine. Delta nine. It's feeling fine. I love it. Are you on them right now? Is that well, I don't think would you say it's kicked out? I don't think it's kicking. I don't think it's. Okay. Will you tell us when they kick it? Yeah, we tell it out. You'll know.
Starting point is 01:15:18 Okay. If we've known there'd been drug use here, we wouldn't have come out. No, it's not really drugs. What are you talking about? Well, what do you take anything for your arteries or your... Yes. Are you on a spire or your colon, a little... I'm sorry, you take a little... A little teaspoon of crisco. So there you go. So that's a medicine.
Starting point is 01:15:35 A cancer oil. Yeah, a cancer oil. You mean for your... When I was a kid I was so terrified of being made to drink castor oil because it was in like every piece of media. Every book, every comic story. Little assholes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:48 And then I don't think I've ever drank it once. Or album. Did Tommy Cody ever drink castro oil? Oh no, no, no. I have a castro oil. They could. I have a castro oil. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 01:15:58 You're like, you put it back. You got to write another book. Come on. Okay. I'm going to start. I'm serious. Just put castro oil-A-I. Generate, oh sorry, I'll do this. Yeah, okay. I mean, you know Scott, you did,
Starting point is 01:16:10 you are bringing up something interesting, you know, kids do, yeah, kids do keep you together sometimes. I guess with your friends. It doesn't seem like you have a lot of common interests. Yes we do. Oh yeah, a lot of times we're in a bathing suit when you run out of laundry, bathing suit is spanks. Most of our wardrobes from Walgreens you can get a pack of leggings and it's a three. Most of what I wear are either got for free or is for Walgreens. I'd say bogos is a
Starting point is 01:16:39 big thing we have in common. We love a bogo. We like to come on by one cat one. Oh, oh, okay. Yeah. haven't come in. We love a bogo. We like to come on by one cap on. Oh, oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So anything you just, uh, sales, sales, right? Anything's a bogo if you steal one. And that's true too. That's true. And that is. I wouldn't say maniac. No, but sometimes I like to do it just for fun. You know, put a few greeting cards in the top part of the cart, you know, where your purse is and then you push it out. You've paid for everything. I'll see that's the thing. When you get a bogo and one is just because you swiped it, is that they don't think you're going to steal when you're buying one. Right.
Starting point is 01:17:11 And also when you look like us, these middle-aged moms, you can kind of do anything. Invisibility is nice. Because no one notices you. That's right. Right, even your husband's. That's right. That's right. And which means we get to be together more, you know?
Starting point is 01:17:24 Right. Exactly. I mean, it's really kind of sad and dispiriting when you think about your existence. It's all predicated on what your kids do and shopping. You know, it's like. Well. And you seem invisible to everyone around you. Well, everyone always dreams of flying or invisibility. Flying or invisibility. All you have to do is be female and live to live enough and then you get to have one of them You know what I mean? Visibility superpowers. We have super power of invisibility. I mean we should be drug mules. Oh, you're TSA now that's the fantastic for you have the invisible woman. I think she should just be called the woman
Starting point is 01:17:59 That's the forty five-year-old woman. That's right. And then otherwise it's redundant. Yeah. And then she's going to deal with the thing. That's right. Yeah, boy. Well, very sad stuff. And think about what kind of drugs we could be drug meals with, with what's happened down below. Oh, yeah, I think I missed the whole drug-nualist situation.
Starting point is 01:18:18 You guys want to be drug meals or you? Well, we're saying no one would suspect us. Right. No one would suspect us. And once you become a mom, you got some extra space down there. You can pass some kilos in there for sure. Yeah, especially fresh moms, right? Because, you know, it's still like resizing and thinking about that.
Starting point is 01:18:33 Yeah. I guess that's an argument against the daddy stitch. Fresh moms? Fresh moms, yeah. Yeah. Is that your kink, by the way, fresh moms? You like a fresh mom? Yeah, but they have to be like, yeah, you know, like barely mother.
Starting point is 01:18:45 Like, but I'm like fresh fresh. You know, I mean, oh, like they're fresh. Yeah, they're sensitive style. And that's a homophobic homophobic. Is that what I'm doing? That's a homophobic. That's a homophobic. Yeah, that's a homophobic.
Starting point is 01:18:56 But like, yeah, fresh and fresh is a homophobic. I think it's just two different definitions. Is a male for mom, I'd label fresh. Yes. Exactly. Exactly. It is. Thank you for getting that. Where did you see that term in the email account?
Starting point is 01:19:07 Oh, okay. All right. Was that on a mini? What is it called? Mouse, mango. Mouse, mango. I love that. I love that you found a dating site.
Starting point is 01:19:16 Oh, it's wonderful. That is cool. You guys should get on. Oh, no. Wow. Yeah. We're best friends and we're married. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:24 But maybe Cody, you'd like to be friends with these guys. We would love it. Oh, I don't question. Yeah. We are best friends and we're married, but maybe Cody, you'd like to be friends with these gal. We would love it. Oh, I don't do well with... Oh, female friendship. Female friendship. You can go and find us. You don't have to get a kid, adopt a pug.
Starting point is 01:19:34 Come on. Look at Lily Tomlin. Look at Lily and Jane. Jane's been married several times and she's now, she's like, you know what, it's my female friends for me. And I saw her at the LA. game and she was kissing women. Well, it was awesome. They hear us from the B-52s, you know?
Starting point is 01:19:49 Yeah, we can all change. I tried. Another great topical reference. Yeah. What would we do? I mean, I don't want it to cut into our Disney time. Well, there's about three hours left in the soccer game. Yeah, we sit and we chat.
Starting point is 01:20:01 I think what happens is while the soccer game is happening, you guys are a Disney Yes, then you do your crime scene. Oh, we'll have to quit our work. Oh, yeah, maybe you quit your work I actually just got an alert that there has been a murder, but I told them I'll be there in 20. Oh, okay It wasn't at the soccer field was it oh should I check? Yeah, yeah, just check Just about two miles from here. Oh, no I wouldn't be surprised at all. Really there's already been a murder It's always the rap and all the time. They can't take it and they mudwire themselves. So it's not a murder
Starting point is 01:20:33 It's a self-murder. Yeah, there's a sort of murder. It's still against the law Yeah, no way to prosecute So it's a victim was crime Well, I'll send you the pics victim was crime. Boss, I'll send you the pics. That would be cute. That's another thing we can talk about. Yeah. Do you have a mother-in-law? We can bitch about that with you. Oh, shit. Yeah. Nothing about mummy. Mummy? Mummy. Oh. Your mother is still with us? So on the surf? Yeah. And a visit regularly? I can take it. Really. And Cody, how do you feel about this? I see a sense of like, no, no, no, Regina is a wonderful woman and she is very, she's always been just a horrible bitch. Oh, two sides at the same coin. Right. Yeah. So we just, when she comes, we, you know, we take
Starting point is 01:21:21 her with us, we haul her along. What's great is that we can get her in a wheelchair And she has debilitating anxiety so we can get the front of the line pass. Oh the dream So yes, so then we're able to it's fine But she has debilitating anxiety. She enjoying it You're not telling the toll tape we're keeping her alive so we can get to the front of the line Okay, she technically has passed. Is this against her wishes? Does she have a DNR? She does not have any wishes anymore. You're you're hauling a dead woman around Disneyland. You're weekend the Friday and Saturday. Thank you so much. You're weekend in Bernie's. We're Monday through
Starting point is 01:21:56 Tuesday. Bernie's. Okay. Wow. Weak day at Bernie's. Yes. The weekday at Bernie's seeing this woman around Disneyland in her weekend state. Yes. And I mean, this is a terrible thing. I mean, be honest with you, I will pretend to be in a wheelchair if you need that. I mean, I do that on Southwestern. I mean, it's not pretending if you're in one. That's what I'm saying. You just have to see.
Starting point is 01:22:20 That's because you always get the, if you just need a break. That would be amazing. And then you get to kick your feet up. Well, a lot like your kids. Oh, no, no, mostly headers. They're all, you do in the headers. You do in a lot of headers. These kids are bad at something.
Starting point is 01:22:34 It's rough. Lot of, they try to use their hands all the time. That's the one thing that's against the rules. I know it. Here's my, here's my thing. Okay, every sport is like, hey, in this one, you, you can use your feet, but you can't use your hands. Right. In this one, it's like you use your hands, but you got to bounce the rules. I know. Here's my here's my thing. Okay, every sport is like, Hey, in this one, you you can use your feet, but you can't use your hands. In this one, it's like you use your hands, but you got a bounce to the ball. Yes. Yep. One sport. And you can do anything. Rugby. Running. No, just one sport. Like, we don't, and we, there's only one sport allowed. Okay. And you can do
Starting point is 01:22:58 anything you want. Oh, there's one ball, one sport, and it only happens once every four years. Oh, it's a purge. Everything ball. Yeah, and you can do whatever you want. It's a purge of rules. Yeah, I'd like that. Is the point that you have to get the ball into a net? Still hurt?
Starting point is 01:23:14 Sure. We have a net, we have goal posts, we have everything. Oh, so it's all of them. You can do a field goal. You could do it. And you can take any of the balls. You have the hoop. You have everything.
Starting point is 01:23:23 You have all of them. So cool. And take any of the balls and as many as you want. And then just like there's judges just sitting there going, with like a clicker. There's a point, there's a point. There's a point. Is there Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blaster where you get a high score?
Starting point is 01:23:35 Sure, let's put it in there. Yeah. Like when you go to get a refreshing soda pop and you do, you hit every single one along. Yes. What does it call it? It's a superman. It's a Budweir at the suicide. That's a, it's a, it's a budwara.
Starting point is 01:23:45 It's the, that's right. So that's right. Again, a victimless crime. Sure. You've got a sweet drink. Well, I do, I code, we would love for you to accompany that. I'll be coming along. Oh, as a chap around that, this is one of the ladies.
Starting point is 01:23:58 It's kind of a, you know, again, we're sort of sucker mom. You could have some mom and some time with Regina. Yeah. Oh, well, there's enough of that. What do we get together the four of us? And we'll try it out and we'll give it a trial run. You can think of it as sort of an audition. An audition?
Starting point is 01:24:13 Excuse me? Oh. It's Cody, forgive me for saying this, but it seemed Cody, you lit up when it seemed like you were gonna be able to get out of the house and have a female friendship here. No, I mean, Disney is great. I loved, I loved Disney. I hate it. It's just it's great. I think Dr. Freud, I think someone showed their slip.
Starting point is 01:24:34 I don't near it. I didn't. No, no, I love it. I love it. I love going every single day. We're spending $120,000 a year. It just seems to me like you didn't even go to Disneyland until your first date with this guy. There's so much more out there in the world. Honey, have you ever heard of Troulee? Troulee? It's a beverage that makes all the sad go away.
Starting point is 01:24:56 Really? We'll sit down, we'll have a Troulee. It's always on sale. We can put on a Disney movie. That's where we park the kids anyway. So we can have some gab time. And they'll be Disney in the background. You'll be putting down it truly. And the next thing you know, it'll be like truth, Saramon will be
Starting point is 01:25:10 sharing from our souls. It sounds really fun. I love that. I mean, the high the odyssey is big. Time what time? Again, Cody, I don't think you're invited. I hate to be the interjector here, but well, the mediator but I really don't, I think they're talking about just the three of them. Oh, but if I didn't know, I'd be lonely. Well, you have your mother. Maybe you could embrace that.
Starting point is 01:25:31 Yeah. You know, I mean, instead of spending your life just with these distractions to take your headspace away from the fact that your life is incredibly sad, you have no job. You have a job. You are training for a job that you don't even seem to know how to do. Oh, you think you're a handwriting expert but it seems like you're training to be a calligrapher. I just think that maybe you should embrace that
Starting point is 01:25:57 and actually embrace it head on and deal with the fact that your life is incredibly sad. Well, if it's sad, I need to be happy. And there's only one place I can think of. If I'm going to go for happy, I might as well go for the happiest place on earth. And then I'm back to square one again. So your logic is flawed. I think go see a psychiatrist.
Starting point is 01:26:15 Maybe that could be the happiest place on earth. Yeah, maybe. Maybe. Maybe. Yeah. Is there a psychiatrist character in any Disney movie? Oh, yes, there's Donald Duck psychiatrist. What? Maybe he'll practice at the park, so I'll tell you what I'll do it.
Starting point is 01:26:29 Really? Sure. So during your sessions, these three can get together. Okay. And you know, this will be great for everybody. Well, I am loving this. And you don't always have to be happy. No, you can, you know, there's no summertime without winter, you know, you can have other
Starting point is 01:26:47 experiences besides happy. You can, you can have moments of bliss. You can have moments of whimsy. You can have moments of nostalgia. In Arnie, there's no, oh, oh, oh, oh like winter because I'm a sweater. Oh, yeah And I like summer because I like wearing bikini bottoms. Yeah, it's a undies. Yeah Well great. I think we've worked this out this is so Scott. This was I mean, I tried every episode to try to work out some sort of agreement between all of our guests It hardly ever works out. So this is wonderful.
Starting point is 01:27:25 Everyone seems to be happy coming out of this. Ready? You're just a Reggie. How are we going? I feel great. Okay, so that worked too. That worked. That was good.
Starting point is 01:27:34 I feel really good. All right, great. Scott, I just did what Amy Adams did with the aliens. Yes. Yeah, I still don't know. Speaking the same language and it's the future. Wow. All right.
Starting point is 01:27:44 Well, speaking of the future, this present is running out. We only have time for a little bit more's the future. Wow. All right. Well, speaking of the future, this present is running out. We only have time for a little bit more on the show. It's one final feature and that is of course a little something called plugs. I'm not gonna write you a plug song because you ask for it because you need one. You see, I'm not gonna write you a plug song Cuz you tell me it's they could break in this if you're on your way I'm not gonna write you To stay if all you're doing is some reason gonna need a better reason to write you A plug song today I wrote a fucking plug song. Oh, man
Starting point is 01:28:22 Wow, all right. Well, that was a plug song. I mean it's right there in the title So you should know that you wrote a plug song. It's good hold a plug song. Oh man. Wow. All right. Well, that was a plug song. I mean, it's right there in the title. So you should know that you wrote a plug song. It's called a plug song by trendy dad. Thank you so much, trendy dad. If you have a plug steam head over there to slash plugs. And you can be famous for a week. And thank you, trendy dad.
Starting point is 01:28:37 You are famous for a week. All right. What do we plug and read you the book? Great Falls Montana. Out this week. Everyone should buy it this week. Yes. Trendy dad and the big. Yes. I have a, I week. Yes, Twinny Dad and Tobago.
Starting point is 01:28:46 Yes, I have a, I have a, I'm just just trying to call her who did that song. I, yes, I have that coming out. Oh, I have a book coming out as well. Yeah, right. I think we talked about it. Yeah, great Falls Montana. Yeah, yeah, great Falls Montana.
Starting point is 01:28:58 Yeah, that'll be out this week. Yeah, you can come, you can come on out and check it out. Have it. And then, yeah, and then that's that's basically it Now I'm gonna be I'm gonna be around so just hang out. Yeah, yeah Yeah, so it comes see me and if you buy the book you own all the ideas in Yeah, most yeah most of this books are expensive. It's like you should own all this IP, right? Yeah books are expensive Yeah, exactly
Starting point is 01:29:21 All right, wonderful and Cody and Cody, what do you guys want to play? We have a not plug. Yeah. So whatever you do, do not listen to the new podcast keys to the kingdom. Wherever you find your podcast. Now I heard about this podcast. It's out this week. I think I appear on it, actually.
Starting point is 01:29:35 I'm so sorry. Oh, God. Now if I'd known that, I mean, come on. There's so many things you didn't know before coming here. Yes. But I'm glad you're here. This podcast is out today, as a matter of fact, do not download it right now on Spotify or Apple
Starting point is 01:29:51 or wherever Fine Podcasts are downloaded. And currently at one episode because it just debuted today. To today. To today. Can you believe they dropped two episodes? How dare they? I know. To try to hook people in.
Starting point is 01:30:03 It's the first episode is about princesses and the second episode is about fuzzies, which I believe you are on. Oh, interesting. All right, I got to hear how I bet I got a terrible edit. Oh, yeah. I'm going to be mad at those producers. They've made you sound like a right piece of film. All right, and that's called again, what is it called? Keys to the Kingdom. Keys to the Kingdom. Keys to the Kingdom, it's a podcast out right now. I'm Janet Leigh-Anne, what do you want to plug? Ooh, well I have a, in another life,
Starting point is 01:30:32 I really love a podcast called Mega, the podcast, and provides, I think I've been on that too. You've been on that too, so has Gourley, so has, so has, so has, so has, so has, so has, so has, so has, so has, so has, I gotta get Reggie and Amanda on there, but oh, mega, it's an improvised satire from the staff of the fictional mega church, I'm talking about it. So what are you podcasting? I gotta get Reggie and Amanda on there, but mega. It's an improvised satire from the staff
Starting point is 01:30:46 of fictional mega church and we have a good old time. And I would love if you would watch a program called Kite Man Hell Yeah that will be coming out on mad. They changed that title. Did they not? Yes, it used to be called new nons. I think I talked about this with a previous guest. I don't know who it was, but I bet she's great.
Starting point is 01:31:05 But Kaipman Hellyab, much better title. When it was called, new Nens. No one knew who it was. So it's been a proof. No one knew what it was. Exactly. But now it's called Kaipman. Hellyab, and that'll be coming to Max next year.
Starting point is 01:31:18 And that's set in the Harley Quinniverse. It sure is. The Bat first. The Bat first. Yes. So it is in Canada. Does appearance. I can't tell you that About war I'm sorry. I'm talking Warner brother. Yeah, we'll discover it Warner brother discovery. Okay. Yeah That would qualify I bet you'd like the discovery part of
Starting point is 01:31:40 It expensive you could do some self-discovered I see we have to have known a laugh. Okay. Well, unfortunately, I'm going to plug things. So we're not going to have known a laugh. I do want to plug. Hey, CBB World, big announcement. We just got the neighborhood.
Starting point is 01:31:55 Listen is coming there. So all of the previous episodes will be there as well as some new ones, as well as some special content. So many great shows over there. We have Scott Hasn't seen. It's's our Ockingtober, Shockingtober, frightening fest going on right now, where we watch scary movies. And we have a very interesting guest coming up
Starting point is 01:32:13 this Friday, I believe. And so many great things over there at CBB World, head on over there and check it out. If you subscribe for a year, you get two months free. I will not tell you which months though. All right, let's close up the old plug bag When you're feeling really down take your key and turn it right When you want to make everybody free shut them tight Open up the plug bag
Starting point is 01:32:44 Open up the plug bag Open up the plug bag Open up the plug bag Back you look at her butt Those are made for locking So we take a key and make it right Time to open the plug back Open the plug
Starting point is 01:33:09 Everybody loves it Take your key and turn it to the right And set the plug back free Let's find out Oh my god, Becky look at her Blah, blah Would it surprise you to learn that that was under 60 seconds Just made it at 58. Thank you so much. That was
Starting point is 01:33:36 Let's my love close the plug back by Dale Berglund. Thank you. So I was sounds like one of your soccer teams The Berglins. Oh, yeah. They cheat. Oh, I bet. They're in first place. Are they the Astros of the... They have cameras and signs and they won't take away their title even though they should. Oh, my goodness. Well, guys, I want to thank you so much, Reggie.
Starting point is 01:33:55 Always great to have you on the show. Mine pleasure. Continue to success with the books. I'd love to see you branch out into other mediums sculptures. Thank you Fantastiche, okay, we'll catch back up with you later and Of course Janet and Leanne and Cody a wonderful friendship here I'm gonna take them to the murder scene tonight. Oh my girl. I would love really well I've had I'll solve it and we should do some of those edibles. You got it. We got
Starting point is 01:34:28 Delta eight. I think it's kicking in Scott. Oh, okay. Oh, finally. All right. Everything went wall-eyed. And Cody, you have a single tear running down. Yeah, I don't drive. So I don't know how I'll get home. Oh, well, okay. Okay. You know what? I'm in your camp fuck me. I was the next time. Thanks bye.

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