Cox n' Crendor Show - Cox N' Crendor Beta: Tuesday, December 18th

Episode Date: December 18, 2012

Attention unaware self obsessed morons! This show is for you! Also Jesse and Crendor delve far to greedily and far too deep into the world of the McRib. Once you hear 10 "facts" about it - you'll neve...r want one again.... or in Crendor's case, go out to buy one right away.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello everybody, it's time for Ghost on Trendog! This is Trendog in the morning. In the morning! Broadcasting live, live, live, live, live! In 4-hour recording studios! Recorded! Wake your ass up! It's the next Trendog in the morning!
Starting point is 00:00:45 Hello everybody, it's Tuesday. It's up next, Crendor, in the morning! Up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next, up next old. So, if anything, it's still relevant. Yes. Good. Hi, everybody. It's Jesse, and that is Crendor, and this is the Cox and Crendor show. As you can see,
Starting point is 00:00:52 we're bad at entertainment. I get nothing. We really are. We really are very bad at this. We are. But we keep doing it because for some reason we are watched on iTunes and everything.
Starting point is 00:01:09 We are honored and surprised. Apparently we're on the front page. Like iTunes made a logo for us for their front page. They took our crappy son and made a legitimate logo. They're like, what if we take these shitty people's logo and like made it good? And instead of Cox and Crandor in the morning,
Starting point is 00:01:28 they named it The Cox and Crandor Show, which I'm okay with. So that's why we're, I'm just going to introduce us as that for a while. The Cox and Crandor Show? It kind of makes a weird sense.
Starting point is 00:01:37 It is a show and we're in it, so it's good. So the main reason we're doing this is to pass Chris Hardwick. We're going to get you, Hardwick. Then one day we'll tell people what to hashtag during The Walking Dead.
Starting point is 00:01:48 You'll be Softwick soon. So stupid. But I bet he got that a lot in school. It's like, it's like Chris Softwick. No, no, because that's really stupid. But people are stupid. Unless he went to a school for incredibly stupid people. Which I'm not putting past him.
Starting point is 00:02:09 He is Chris Hardwick. We're going to get you, Chris Hardwick! So he went to a school in America? Hey-o! Did it. Bang. All right. So we have a lot to talk about today.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Last night, because of my rave reviews of The Hobbit, you went and you saw it. I did. Was it not awesome? It was like you described. I was like, all right, I'm waiting for the slow part. And I could see where people that weren't into Lord of the Rings would feel like it's slow. But who's not into Lord of the Rings?
Starting point is 00:02:40 Douchebags. Exactly. And then there's the people like it's like lord of the rings like exactly that's the point why would i not like if it wasn't like lord of the rings then i'd be the person be like this isn't like lord of the rings this sucks so screw you people that didn't like it it was awesome loved it you right it did the same format as Lord of the Rings, where it just sets it up, and then it starts getting rolling. And then by the end, it's just like, I want more. I was happy that they pulled a next time on at the end of it.
Starting point is 00:03:14 The first Lord of the Rings movie, Fellowship of the Ring, just sort of ended. They split up, and it was like, oh, Mr. Frodo, we've got so far to go. And that was sort of the end of it. And I was like, that was a really shitty ending. But this one was awesome because it was like, yo, that dragon is right there. He's gonna get you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:33 And he's like, yo, I'm waking up. Right? I like that. I liked all of it. I want to see if other people saw this. At the one part, it's at the end when they're up in the trees. His dagger is not glowing blue even though there are orcs around he pulls it out of the wolf and it should be blue because there's there's they are wolf orcs or whatever they are and it's
Starting point is 00:03:58 not blue but then in a little bit it is blue blue. Here's my thing. You're like that guy who's doing Braveheart. The movie was ruined for him because in a battle scene, Mel Gibson's weapon switches three times. Right? And he's like, well, I can't watch that movie now because that's just stupid. You're that guy who's like, his weapon wasn't blue. It doesn't make any sense. Like, how could that be a real thing? This clearly wasn't blue. It doesn't make any sense. I Like how could that be a real thing? I just really wasn't real life. I just enjoy accuracy. Oh, all right Accuracy, I'm not being fully engulfed in the world because I feel the fakeness
Starting point is 00:04:37 Because the giant orcs riding wolves as they chase down little people It's it's not real life. It's not real life. It's a real fantasy world. There's nothing real about that. Just calling it a real fantasy world means it is not real. You are a dream killer. That's what this entire show is. 30 minutes of dream killing.
Starting point is 00:05:06 So today was an interesting day. I had a realization that I don't know if I can say this about everyone in the world, but I'm pretty sure at least the majority of people here in California, if not all the United States, fall under the category of entirely self-absorbed. Yes, I agree. Fall under the category of entirely self-absorbed. Yes. I agree. So, I'm at the grocery store buying juice. Because, as you can tell, I'm a little under the weather.
Starting point is 00:05:33 My nose is stuffed up. I'm kind of out of it. So, I've been just OD'ing on all sorts of, like... What kind of juice did you buy? These, like, real fruit juice ones that are, like... I got another Power C machine made by the nice folks over at Naked Fruit Juices. I have tried those. Those are good. I have also tried
Starting point is 00:05:51 the, whatever it is, Farm Brand. That's also a good one. Those are also very good as well. The problem is they're ridiculously expensive. Just like overly expensive. But this one has five strawberries, one and a half guavas, one and a half apples, one and a half, a half orange, a half a peach and a half a mango all inside. It's very nice.
Starting point is 00:06:11 And so I was like, this should help me get better. And so I got two of those. And so I've been drinking those today. They are the thickest drinks I've ever had in my life. That's, that means it's working. Is that what that means? Yes It's like drinking paste Anyway, while I'm there though I'm trying to leave And there's this woman and her friend Standing in the doorway to get out of the grocery store Right?
Starting point is 00:06:36 And they're talking with their friend Who's inside, further inside And they're like yelling at her Like, come on, come on, come on She's like, no, I'm gonna pick this stuff up I'm like, oh my god And they start talking to each other about how inconsiderate her friend is while they're standing in the doorway blocking it from everyone else getting through
Starting point is 00:06:53 and i say excuse me and they look at me like i have ruined their day oh look at this asshole and so i walk out and i get into my car and as i'm driving away i i i there's a stop sign there. So my windows are down and I roll up and they're sitting on the corner talking about how much of like just a total snob their friend is. And how she only thinks of herself and how she's always just in everyone's way and they have to like always tiptoe around her. And I was like, are you not self-aware? Do you not see yourselves? It was amazing. And the problem is that happens all the time. Do you not see yourselves? People don't look in the mirror unless it's after their plastic surgery.
Starting point is 00:07:26 It was amazing. And the problem is that happens all the time. So I'm driving home, and a guy turns, almost careens into a car in front of me, doesn't even stop. It's like he was going to keep going, and if he hit the car, tough ta-tas. Like, people just don't care. No one seems to care anymore. What is happening to this world? Is that the same grocery store where that Indian dress-wearing lady...
Starting point is 00:07:51 Yes, it's the exact same one. Crennor and I were hanging out a couple weekends ago and we went to this grocery store, the same one, and this woman who was definitely not Native American driving a car with a dream catcher in it, wearing an outfit that was like what you would see in a really bad Wild West show.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Yeah. That was like fake Indian. So basically just a wannabe hippie cuts us off, then drives into the parking spot we were going to park in. So we parked next to her, and I think she thought we were going to kill her. You were pretty angry. I was mad because she did cut us off for, like, no reason. It wasn't even like she cut us off.
Starting point is 00:08:30 She drove into the oncoming traffic lane to cut us off. It was amazing, and the best part was she could have just waited, like, one or two minutes, like we were doing. But no, she had to get there that fast. So we pull up alongside of her, and she gives us this glare of like oh my god please don't kill me like she knew what she did was wrong but she still did it anyway maybe we taught her a lesson well thing is we didn't even look at her we got out of the car and just went inside and then while we're inside she was just walking around with this giant like moccasin out it was amazing i was like this is this is la full of people who are so full of themselves that no one else matters and it makes me wonder if
Starting point is 00:09:13 because i i've experienced that in the rest of the country i know it's not just an la thing but here it's like magnified times a thousand yeah it's horrifying if that's this country no wonder we're doomed i for one, again, welcome our robot Mayan overlords They would set us straight They would The trains, taxis, buses, and subways would all run on time They would run also on Mayan corn fuel It's that ethanol, man
Starting point is 00:09:41 Yes It's all a sign It's all a sign Or It's all a sign. Or as they call it, maize and all. Yes, that's what it'll be. Maize and all. The strongest oil. That's what they run with.
Starting point is 00:09:56 In essence, we've been creating the robot overlord's power source. Oh, my God. It's all been a conspiracy from the beginning. I knew it. Barack Obama, I bet in his name it spells robot somewhere without a T. Alright, let's take a look at this. Barack Obama.
Starting point is 00:10:15 It clearly doesn't. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. There's 11 letters in his name. If you take... How many letters are in robot? R-O-B-O-T.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Five. Which is five in Obama. So we're already halfway there. Wait. There's five letters in Mayan. But the C and the K could be combined. And it could be Mayans. It could.
Starting point is 00:10:47 The Mayans. And so that means... Robot Mayans. Barack Obama. Oh, my God. It's all coming together. He paved the way for our robot masters. They've been planning it since the collapse of their empire.
Starting point is 00:11:06 It's revenge. Montezuma's revenge. Alright, enough of that. Let's go to Crendor in the Sky in Chapter 7. Crendor, how is the traffic looking outside? Uh, the traffic today is like it is every day it's moving if it's not moving then something's wrong kind of like your great uncle jason who is suffering from five broken legs and a heart attack anyway you can take the i-54 loop around to the back entrance of the
Starting point is 00:11:42 waffle house that's a good direction to go. Really? Five broken legs? I'm pretty sure the problem isn't that they're broken, but that he has them. Well, he's special. Well, you know what? Everyone has a special uncle. Yours might as well have five legs.
Starting point is 00:11:59 We all have our differences. That's what makes us unique, and that's what makes us human. Some of us are comedians. Some of us are great at piano. Some of us have five differences. That's what makes us unique, and that's what makes us human. Some of us are comedians. Some of us are great at piano. Some of us have five legs. Exactly. And some of us are extremely untalented radio show hosts.
Starting point is 00:12:16 All right. Now let's go to Krendor at the weather desk. Krendor, how's the weather out there? All right. Well, today's weather is going to be from the amazing city of Mount Marion, New York. And it's going to be- I want to know the Twitter feeds from there. I'll be honest with you. I don't really care about the weather.
Starting point is 00:12:34 I want to know what's happening. I want to know what's happening on the ground in Mount Marion. But we'll do the weather. It's 41 degrees there, Fahrenheit, and raining, light rain. There's a lot of rain. So trending is rain. Also's a lot of rain so trending is rain Also trending is raining and then snow and let's take a look at some local tweets Elmer says there is almost nothing worse than walking home from the library alone in the pouring rain at 2 30 in the morning
Starting point is 00:12:59 That was 19 seconds ago. That is a late library That was 19 seconds ago. That is a late library. That is a very late library. What kind of library stays open that late? I don't know. The best damn library ever, that's what. Camore05 says, I love the sleeping to the sound of this rain. A, weird symbol, weird symbol, weird symbol, A, weird symbol, question mark, weird symbol, VF.
Starting point is 00:13:24 What? I don't know she was she sleeping when she wrote that because that sounds like gibberish i think she may be a mayan robot in disguise spying on us it's a signal yeah crazy white boy says i wish i had a blunt vending machine in my house so i didn't have to run to the store in the rain. What? I wish. That is borderline honey boo boo talk. I wish I had a blunt vending machine in my house so I didn't have to go to the store. Of all the vending machines you could want in your house, a blunt vending machine. I don't even know what that is. Well, there's many different types of blunts, but I assume he's referring to those really awful cigarettes that are like 40 cents a piece,
Starting point is 00:14:09 and they only sell them by themselves. Oh. And they're flavored like cherry flavor. You know, because that's a thing people need. Oh. I'm not saying it's very white trash, but it's definitely a white trash thing. Well, we've now learned about the people of mount
Starting point is 00:14:25 mary in new york and that brings us to sports what's happening in the world of sports well yesterday there was a player on the st louis rams named danny amandola and he managed to score a touchdown for the st louis rams who are really bad actually there's they're not terrible but they're is that the news story a guy scored a touchdown for the rams like are really bad actually there's they're not terrible but they're is that the news story a guy scored a touchdown for the rams like that's newsworthy but he spiked the ball and the ball hit the sideline ticket guy uh-huh in the face uh-huh and he stood there in pain and so a little while later he went and gave the ball to the guy but it wasn't the same guy because that guy had left. He didn't even recognize him.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Yeah. He shows you how much you're appreciated. Mm-hmm. You're a guy. Here, have a ball. Yep. And the Jets lost, and they're out of the playoffs because they're the Jets. What about the Sharks?
Starting point is 00:15:22 Did the Sharks win? The Sharks? I know their rivals. The Sharks? That the Sharks win? The Sharks? I know their rivals. The Sharks? That's a musical joke. The ladies got it. I don't watch musicals except for Les Miserables. Wait, so you'd watch that,
Starting point is 00:15:35 but you wouldn't watch West Side Story, huh? Oh, I've seen that in, like, fourth grade. Let it sink in. You'll get it. I saw one of those in fourth grade, and I saw Les Miserables in like seventh grade. I don't really remember anything about them. Les Miserables. I like your...
Starting point is 00:15:53 Les Miserables? I said Les Miserables. Miserables. That's what you got to do with all the French things. Right. Right. Pronounce them incorrectly. Done and done.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Like if it's, uh, hello, how are you doing? It's hello, how are you doing? You just make it sound French. Perfect. That's sports. All right, now let's go to our big new story of the day. What do we got? Okay, this is an amazing story I found.
Starting point is 00:16:23 11 amazing, 11, I'm so excited I can't even read it. What do we got? Okay, this is an amazing story I found. Eleven amazing... Eleven... I'm so excited I can't even read it. Eleven amazing facts about the McRib. Yes! Oh, thank you, God. I knew one day something this amazing would come in front of us. Mm-hmm. I was so excited.
Starting point is 00:16:42 The McDonald's McRib is back, hitting restaurants nationwide today. The legendary boneless pork sandwich famously molded to resemble a rack of ribs. This is both a feat of modern engineering and shrewd marketing. What? It is neither of those things. It's a horrifying example of what people will eat when they have nothing better to do and spend their money on. It's a Frankenstein sandwich. It is.
Starting point is 00:17:04 It's the Frankenstein of sandwiches. It garners almost as much attention for its pseudo-meat shape as its impermanence on restaurant menus. The barbecue sauce smothered sandwich was supposed to return at the end of October, but was pushed back to help boost end-of-the-year sales. Better late than never. Here we go. Number one. The McRib came about because of a shortage of chickens.
Starting point is 00:17:30 In 2009, in an interview with Maxim, Rene Aron, McDonald's first executive chef and inventor of the chicken McNugget, explains that the McNugget was so popular when it was first introduced in 1979 that demand quickly outstripped chicken supply.
Starting point is 00:17:47 The legendary pork sandwich was developed out of necessity. Franchises that didn't have the Chicken McNugget needed a new hot selling product and that's when RN scrambled back to the test kitchen. Chicken mash into a nugget form was outselling everything else. So then they said what else can we mash into various forms let's get pork byproduct sure okay exact I like how this guy is the executive chef of McDonald's like what kind of a track record is that like where were you chef at I was the head chef at McDonald's I invented the chicken McNugget? He really didn't invent anything. Really.
Starting point is 00:18:26 He pretty much was like, hey, what if we got some crappy meat and diseased chickens and kind of just smashed it all into some fatty, salty, deep-fried thing? Tastes delicious! Number two.
Starting point is 00:18:42 The McRib was inspired by Southern Barbecue. Renee R.N. modeled the McRib was inspired by Southern barbecue. Rene Aran modeled the McRib after the... What else would it be inspired by? Well, he modeled the McRib after the barbecue sauce slathered pork sandwiches he ate during a visit to Charleston, South Carolina. Oh, of course. The decorated French-trained chef who once whipped up a fancy culinary creation
Starting point is 00:19:02 for the Drake Hotel is also credited with coming up with the unique shape of the sandwich. You know, this is mildly like that story of that woman in, I think it was Spain or Portugal. There was a painting of Jesus, and she took it upon herself to touch up that painting, and it just was ten times worse. And look, a little kid had drawn it. It's just like that. He's like, I'm going to create a pork sandwich,
Starting point is 00:19:29 but it will be the most horrid thing ever. It's the equivalent of, like, making a burrito. Being like, I'm going to make a burrito. And then instead of, like, rice and beans and, like, good ingredients, you use, like, cornstarch, like, raisins. What? This is horrible.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Even my stretch of a Jesus thing was better than this. Well. It's like you make a burrito and you put cornstarch and raisins in it. What the hell does that even mean? Cornstarch, raisins. Have you ever had a bucket of cornstarch where you like... Raisins? No. No, I haven't. Well.
Starting point is 00:20:14 That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. Like a bucket of cornstarch and raisins. Oh, have you ever had cornstarch and then you hit it and then it doesn't, like... What? No! No, I've never done this! That's a science thing people do.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Where, like, if you put your hand in it, then it lets you... It's like water. But if you try to hit it, it's like a brick. Oh, I do know what you're talking about. Yes. I don't know how that applies to what we're talking about, but I know what you're talking about. I don't know. Cornstarch made me're talking about, but I know what you're talking about. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Cornstarch made me think of that. That's good. All right. Next. Number three. The McRib is a product of restricted meat technology. This should not be a thing. It is.
Starting point is 00:21:00 It's the Franken-sandwich. It is. This should not be a thing. Rene Arend came up with the idea And design of the McRib But it's a professor from the University of Nebraska Named Richard Mandingo Mandingo? Holy shit Only someone named Richard
Starting point is 00:21:20 His name is Dick Mandingo Are you kidding me holy dude is named dick dick mandingo designed a guy named dick mandingo designed the McRib. I just want to put that out there. Well, he didn't design the McRib. He developed the restructured meat product.
Starting point is 00:21:56 I bet he's used to handling meat. According to an article from Chicago Magazine, which cites a 1995 article by Mandingo, restructured meat product contains a mixture of tripe, heart, and scalded stomach, which is then mixed with salt and water to extract proteins from the muscle. The proteins bind all the pork trimmings together so that it can be remolded into any specific shape, in this case, a fake slab of ribs. Okay, so one, you're not eating ribs. Two, you're eating tripe, stomach, and what else?
Starting point is 00:22:30 Heart. Heart. So for people who say that they've never eaten heart, tripe, or stomach before, and they're like, ooh, that sounds gross, you've eaten a McRib, you've eaten that. Mm-hmm. So technically, you're more... Cultured. That's it. You're more cultured. That's it.
Starting point is 00:22:46 You're more cultured eater than everybody else. Eater? More cultured eater. You're more cultured eater than everybody else. Number four. The whole process from fresh pork to frozen McRib takes 45 minutes. Director of McDonald's U.S. supply chain Rob Connell explained how regular pig gets transformed into the famed McRib in an interview. The McRib is made in
Starting point is 00:23:16 large processing plants, lots of stainless steel, a number of production lines, and these long cryogenic freezers. The pork meat is chopped up, then seasoned, then formed into that shape that looks like a rib back. Then we flash freeze it. The whole process from fresh pork to frozen McRib takes about 45 minutes. Is this article supposed to make us
Starting point is 00:23:38 want a McRib? It sounds like the single most least appetizing thing in the world. I kind of want one right now. Like if there was a McRib in front of me right now. Nothing makes me more hungry than hearing the words stainless steel, cryogenics, and flash freezing when talking about a meat byproduct. So hungry. If there was a McRib in front of me right now, I would eat it.
Starting point is 00:24:04 The entire McRib, this is number five, the entire McRib sandwich contains about 70 ingredients, including a flour bleaching agent used in yoga mats. What? So at least you can say you're doing yoga when you eat a McRib. That's true. You're doing all the yoga. You're doing yoga so much you're eating the mat. Exactly. That's how dedicated you're eating the mat. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:24:26 That's how dedicated you are. Very dedicated. Coming soon to McDonald's, the downward-facing dog sandwich. Whisperer. All yoga mats are in that sandwich. Every yoga mat, especially used ones. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:24:44 As it appears out of the box, the McRib sandwich consists of just five basic components. A pork patty, barbecue sauce, pickle slices, onions, and a sesame bun. But, as recently reported by Time Magazine, a closer inspection of McDonald's own ingredient list reveals that the pork sandwich contains a total of 70 ingredients.
Starting point is 00:25:00 This includes azodicarbonamide, a floor bleaching agent often used in the product of foam plastics. Oh, wonderful. The sandwich packs a whopping 500 calories, 26 grams of fat, 44 grams of carbs, and 980 milligrams of sodium. That sounds delish. Mm-hmm. Mm-mm. I need me one of them.
Starting point is 00:25:24 Six. Delish. Mm-hmm. Mm-mm. I need me one of them. McRib debuted in 1981, disappeared in 85, and has resurfaced from time to time since 94. Depending on where you read McDonald's. Wait, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. The McRib 81 you said?
Starting point is 00:25:36 Debuted in 81. I did not know that. I guess because it disappeared for so long, I thought it only came out in the 90s. Nope. Disappeared in 85 and then 94 came back. Wow. Yep. That's definitely a thing.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Learning things here. I guess. I'm not sure this is something you should learn. I think this is taking up valuable brain space, but okay. Number seven. Individual restaurants can actually order the ingredients for the McRib at any time. The McRib pops up at McDonald's locations across the country sporadically. It's so random because the individual restaurants are able to offer the McRib whenever they feel like.
Starting point is 00:26:12 The practice has even inspired websites devoted to tracking McRib availability across the nation. Otherwise known as Lonely Men websites. Well, I gotta look at this McRib. You are not. Tracker. I bet it's. McRib gotta look at this McRib. You are not. Tracker. I bet it's. McRib locator map. McRib earrings.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Oh, no. Oh, wow. It's everywhere now. It's kind of like Santa when Norad tracks Santa at Christmas Eve. It's just like that. It is. Norad has an entire division devoted to just tracking the McRib. It is.
Starting point is 00:26:44 NORAD has an entire division devoted to just tracking the McRib. It has a little thing you can fill out to say that you've seen the McRib location. Oh, wow. Well. And if you want, you can look at their blog about McRibs. Oh, my God. Hold on. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Read us a blog entry about the McRibs. How about 101 reasons to eat a McRib? Taste infinity. Not just pork, real pork. Not just real pork, tender real pork. Not just tender real pork, juicy tender real pork. We could do this all day. That's not even true. We just learned that wasn't true.
Starting point is 00:27:21 That was number 69 on the list. Hey-o! Number 8. McDonald's keeps the McRibs scarce. Oh, wait. Scarce! I even know what it is. Is this the same guy that used this word in the last article?
Starting point is 00:27:40 It's the same guy. Damn it. Oh, God. Keeps McRib scarce because the sandwich's entire brand relies on it. McDonald's has always known about its customers' weird obsession for the sandwich, and its marketing completely leverages the McRib's scarcity. Take its Save the McRib campaign in 2010, where it encouraged McRib fans to go online and sign a petition to keep the sandwich around longer.
Starting point is 00:28:06 But a strategy like that only works with something that's a popular as popular as McRib. That is so weird. So weird. I do not understand the fascination with this sandwich. I've had it once and I've never eaten it again. It is borderline disgusting.
Starting point is 00:28:21 I mainly just like the barbecue sauce I think. Like if they put that barbecue sauce on a McChicken, I would just eat the McChicken. I'm sure you can get something like that. I hope so. Can I just go there and be like, hey, can I get McRib sauce? Having worked at a McDonald's for a year in high school,
Starting point is 00:28:40 I can tell you exactly how they're made. The McRibs, once you get them out of the package, they're the frozen patty things, right? Mm-hmm. In order to cook them, they just have a vat of barbecue sauce and just dunk them in there and let them cook in the barbecue sauce. I see. Which means that the barbecue sauce you got would have McRib flavor in it.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Oh my, I need to try getting this. You would have a chicken sandwich flavored with McRib barbecue sauce. That is American. I'm just saying that is American. If you could make some sort of Oh man. Okay. Okay. Are you aware of the existence of the McGangbang?
Starting point is 00:29:18 Mm-hmm. Where it's it's you take a double cheeseburger you open it up and stick a fish sandwich inside the double cheeseburger. Yes? I up and stick a fish sandwich inside the double cheeseburger. Yes? I thought it was a McChicken. Oh, yeah. No, no. You're right.
Starting point is 00:29:29 It's a McChicken. The fish one is chicken and fish, but I don't remember what that one's called. No, you're right. You're absolutely right. What if you took a double cheeseburger, put a chicken patty in it, and then in that chicken patty, put a McRib. And then covered it all in barbecue sauce. Wow. I feel like that's a challenge.
Starting point is 00:29:50 And then deep fry it. Oh, my God. Then deep fry it. I feel like we would get arrested. I feel like they would call the cops on us because they thought we were joking. But I feel like this is a mission for us. They would arrest us. They'd be like, we're not going to allow you to eat that.
Starting point is 00:30:05 That's a crime. No, they wouldn't. That's like an attempt at suicide. If anything, McDonald's would promote that. They would. Get the new all-American meal. Oh, my God. When I went to the movie theater tonight, they gave me a small drink and it was like a big gulp.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Right? The medium is like a bucket. And then the large is just a bat. It's a swing pool. They let you swim in a pool of soda while you watch the movie. It is. Yep. Number nine.
Starting point is 00:30:45 It'd be incredibly difficult for McDonald's to create more McRib-esque products because that cult-like following is so hard to replicate. McRib lovers are mad at them. So they just stopped creating new stuff. Like, look, the McRib was the pinnacle of what we can do. They just start basing things off the McRib. Like, McRib with chicken. McRib McNuggets.
Starting point is 00:31:04 It's like, hey, you want chicken nuggets, but McRib inside of it instead of chicken? Oh, I thought you were going to make, I thought you were talking about making everything in the shape of a McRib. Oh. Just as effective, I'm just saying. The chicken McRib. Nothing's more delicious than chicken ribs. Made of chicken heart, chicken beak, and chicken testicles. Oh, chicken beak and testicles.
Starting point is 00:31:26 My favorite. Mm-hmm. That's what they call cock and balls. Hey-oh! Oh! Well-timed, sir. Well-timed. Well timed. Thank you. Number 10.
Starting point is 00:31:48 There's also speculation that the McRib is really just a big commodity trade by McDonald's. What? The all-Willy Staley argues that whenever the sandwich springs up, hog prices are almost always in a trough. Trough? Trough. Here's more of his argument on why McDonald's behaves like a traitor. Fast food involves both hideously violent economies of scale
Starting point is 00:32:11 and sad, sad end users who volunteer to be taken advantage of. What makes the McRib different from this everyday whore is that A, McDonald's is a huge, to the point... What the hell kind of writing is this? Go on It's made of pork which makes it a unique product in the QSR world And see it is only available sometimes but refuses to go away entirely And they show a graph of what I think would be pork availability
Starting point is 00:32:43 And it seems the McRib gets sold when there's low pork availability. Well, that's because they have to use what's left of the pork. Yes. They sell it to McDonald's, and that's all. Yeah, it makes sense. It makes sense. Oh, we're learning things. I've learned nothing.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Number 11, animal rights group sues McRib meat supplier over inhumane treatment of pigs. Not everyone is ecstatic about the return of the McRib. Last November, the Humane Society of the United States filed a lawsuit against Smithfield Foods, the pork supplier of McDonald's McRib meat, claiming that the meat distributor houses its pigs in unethical farm conditions. What? Are you saying that pig product that's sold to you for like 99 cents
Starting point is 00:33:23 is farmed unethically in a way that wouldn't be cheap? That makes no sense at all. But all their other products are treated so well. Yes, those chickens that are born without beaks and wings certainly are created very well. A 2010 undercover investigation by the Animal Rights Group shows pigs crammed into a gestation crate covered in blood and baby pigs being tossed into carts like ragdolls. Wow. That is a thing.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Yup. That's how we're going to end this? No. The top comment is, can I pay with restructured money? Or eat the box. It's better for you. And that is disturbingly the end of this episode hooray thank you guys for listening and we will be back tomorrow for another cox and crendor in the
Starting point is 00:34:14 morning i'm jesse that's crendor and as always to be continued Dude.

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