Cox n' Crendor Show - Episode 249 - Wendy's Has Phat Beatz

Episode Date: August 3, 2020

The boys are back and this week we've got it all! Burger raps! Carver protocol! And the return of caterpillars! It's time for another exciting Cox n' Crendor! Get an additional 3 months for free with... promo code COX at Check out and use promo code COX10 to get 10% off your first purchase!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode is brought to you by Babbel. If you're trying to learn a new language, there is only one smart way to do so. And that is the Babbel way. We'll talk about that later. Also today we're brought to you by Hawthorne. Smelling good is not just for other people. Do it for yourself too. Love the way you smell, you stinky, stinky boy.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Okay. Okay. Yep. All right, let's do this podcast. Hello, everybody. It's time for Ghost on Trend Dog. Ghost on Trend Dog in the morning. In the morning. Broadcasting live, live, live, live, live.
Starting point is 00:00:44 In 4-hour recording studio. Recording. Hello everybody, welcome to another episode of Cacks and Crendor in the morning! Hello there. Hello there. Hello. Hello Robo Crendor.or hey there how's it going uh it's going all right i am like a little over today was a tiring day today sundays are quickly becoming days where i spend the entire day just like why did i say i do so much on Sundays? So. Why did you do that? I figured because I knew I would be at home.
Starting point is 00:01:31 So at least I know that I'd be able to like, yeah, all right. I guess I'll be at the computer. So, okay. Hmm. There's your mistake. Oh, I'm aware. Oh, I'm aware. I know.
Starting point is 00:01:42 When do you wake up today? 9 a.m. That's way too early. Yep. Just to give you an example, I woke up, did a morning stream, then recorded a Chiluminati episode, then made dinner, and then fell asleep. Not dinner, lunch. And then, although it may be episode, then made dinner and then fellas, not dinner lunch.
Starting point is 00:02:06 And then, although it may be dinner, I don't know. And then like passed out a little bit on the, I like, I sat on the couch, went to go watch TV, fell asleep.
Starting point is 00:02:14 I'm going to say two seconds into it. We woke back up and was like, Oh, I guess probably should go record with Crandor now. Wait, when did you go to bed? Midnight, maybe.
Starting point is 00:02:32 So you still like slept a long time yeah it's just here's the problem my couch upstairs is like a dangerous dangerous couch that couch will knock you out i every time i sit on it i start to fall asleep every time every time and i don't know if that means that i'm now an old man and i like the old men who always fall asleep when they're sitting in the i don't know what that means it might be but every time i'm anywhere else i'm fine if i get on that couch oh my god i don't know if that couch is filled with like sleep dust or something but no matter where i sit i will if i start watching a tv show i couldn't tell you how that show ended because I will always fall asleep every time. That is a great couch. Every time.
Starting point is 00:03:07 It's a great-ass couch. It's a great couch. It knocks me out. As somebody who's slept on that couch, it's a great couch. It will, every time, I'll wake up with, like, my hand crammed under my butt or, like, my shoulder in a weird, because i never plan to go to sleep right so i like i guess what i'm what i'm saying there i'm like oh i'm cold i guess i should put my arms inside my shirt and then i'll wake up two hours later with my arms inside my shirt and i'm like what the hell what was i thinking you could be like hey i got this like super cool guest room
Starting point is 00:03:44 with this awesome bed in it. I'd be like, nah, I'm taking the couch. You and I both know I would never have a super cool guest room. That's why you can easily say that. If I had a super cool guest room, I'd just put the couch in there. Yeah, that's a great idea. But I could never get a guest room. I have too much stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:57 I'm trying to downsize. That's the dream. Oh, my God. Speaking of dreams, this isn't actually a dream. But it kind of pie okay so I've been writing that I've been trying to write down nostalgic memories okay yeah so like are these that you are actively having or memories that you are trying to recall a little both it's kind of like you know how when you have a dream and you write it down yeah I'm trying to recall? A little of both. It's kind of like, you know how when you have a dream
Starting point is 00:04:25 and you write it down? Yeah. I'm trying to do that, but for nostalgic memories. So maybe like, for example, there was one day I was walking down the street and the light was just hitting everything this weird way
Starting point is 00:04:36 and it triggered something in my brain that was just like, oh my God, I remember like these plants and I was like, I'm like 12 years old and like Colorado and so did you did you in my mind this is like those scenes where someone gets abducted by aliens and then they they see a thing and it
Starting point is 00:04:57 triggers a flashback of the abduction okay what what about you what are what about Colorado what What happened? So I was trying to figure this out because I'm like, what do you mean? But then I realized Wait, you don't know what you mean? Well, that's why I was like, why am I getting this memory? I didn't realize, so I wrote it down Then, okay I was trying to figure it out
Starting point is 00:05:18 and then I realized I had like great cousins like, not my actual cousins but like second cousins or something I don't know know and we were at like uh it was like my my mom's aunt's house when i was like 12 or something so it's like my great aunt i have no idea what that is and like the family tree thing uh and i remember her like nephews and nieces were there and they were from colorado and they were talking about runescape and they're like do you play runescape and i was like no runescape is for nerds i play world of warcraft well i think
Starting point is 00:05:51 i don't think wow was out of town i think i played like emu online so it's even more obscure uh and then i remember that was the only thing i had of colorado but that memory was kind of there so i was like it must have been tied into that so I think I just pieced together Colorado and maybe like driving there that day had weird lighting and I just kind of you know Lego pieced it together in my brain or something maybe maybe that's why you didn't have a full
Starting point is 00:06:15 memory because I think so listening to you discuss it I was like how would you not remember having gone to Colorado that is some alien abduction shit like how would you when I'm the one realizing I don't know why I'm realizing that. No, I agree. It does sound crazy. You're right.
Starting point is 00:06:33 And there's another one where I would always like these plants, like the weird kind of dried desert plants, and they're kind of like cat tails in a way. Sure. And I was like, why do I like these plants so much but then I realized it's because when I was little I was biking with my grandpa and I remember driving through one area and like we biked by all these plants that looked like that and they just look cool and I get just stuck in my head so I start that's what I've been doing I've been writing down these memories being
Starting point is 00:07:00 like where's this come from and then I figure it out and it's like I solved a mystery so I've been trying to solve all these nostalgic mysteries essentially. Your memory is a wild thing. You're telling me. I love that you have fractional memories. Like you remember for some reason
Starting point is 00:07:17 when you get a trigger of a memory it doesn't pull all the pieces. Like the way a memory works is imagine if your brain had strings hanging out of it and each string was tied to a trigger, like a scent. So you pull on that scent and what it does is as you pull down, you see that that one string is tied to 20 other strings and those unlock the memory, right? And so maybe it is a sound
Starting point is 00:07:48 that you pull on. Or maybe it is a place you pull on. And as you pull, the strings pull the other bits with it. But for you, for some reason, you're like, yeah, so I pulled the string and what I got was a note that said
Starting point is 00:08:03 you've been to Colorado, maybe. And then you had to solve your own brain mystery. Well, it wasn't like been to Colorado. It was just Colorado. So I was like, why am I thinking of Colorado? And then I realized it's because of that. That's even more mysterious. You pulled down one of those strings,
Starting point is 00:08:20 and instead of it pulling down all of the senses, it pulled down just like the name Colorado. That's very funny i that's crazy to me so it's like uh but i also have the ability to kind of go back to different members so like oh okay so like if you wanted to go back in time to like say you're at your friend's house when you're like 13 like what here's what i was doing so like i remember playing warhammer with my friends so i was like oh yeah i'm gonna go back to that moment so i went back and i was like what was his house like and then i remembered like being outside his house and in my brain i kind of walked into his house and i was like what would i see and i was like oh yeah that's what he
Starting point is 00:08:58 had in his house and i essentially did like a virtual tour of his house from back then in my brain and as i did that i could like get different memories popping up because i'd be like oh yeah and there was this pantry and i was like oh my god i know i remember when me and him locked his little brother in the pantry and he was like get me out and we were like woo and then his mom was like what are you kids doing so like all those memories started flooding back just from like doing my own virtual tour of his house that poor boy scarred he can't go get food. If food is in a closet of some sort, he cannot go
Starting point is 00:09:28 get it. He does a lot of drugs now. Well, you did that. I guarantee. It's possible. Do you do that? Do you ever go back to even your own house? I'll go back to houses I used to live in and go through
Starting point is 00:09:44 it and try to trigger memories. Oh, you mean mentally go back? You don't break in? No. Mentally go back. Yeah. Definitely when I think about my old house in Ohio, for example, I have memories of different things that occurred in different places.
Starting point is 00:10:03 And good memories and also weird memories. Like, I remember that the downstairs bathroom for some reason. The upstairs bathroom was the shower that my mom and dad would always use. And they gave me the downstairs bathroom to use. But the problem was the downstairs bathroom, because it was right next. It was, like, I don't know how to describe this. I hated it because it always had bugs in it. Oh, yeah. It was like there was a window that was hated it because it always had bugs in it. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:25 It was like there was a window that was open, but it was open into the backyard. And that's how you vented the bathroom is you would open that window. But the window, like, bugs would just come in and be like, what up, Jesse? I'm like, I'm trying to shower, bug. They'd be like, I don't care. I'm in the shower with you now. I'm like, this is gross, bug. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Maybe that's where I have, like, a disgust of bugs. I'm like, this is gross, bug. Yeah. Maybe that's where I have a disgust of bugs. I'm like, bugs got to go. Even in apartments, I always try to rent the highest place in the apartment that I can afford. But I always try to get the highest place up so I'm not ground level so bugs won't just walk into my apartment. See, look at that. We just did some therapy right there from nostalgic memory walkbacks. Yeah, but I know that, though. I know that about me. I know who I am.
Starting point is 00:11:06 I know that like bugs always disgust me. I'm like, no thank you. Although some bugs I let do their thing. Like if I see a spider, I don't freak out. I'm like, yo spider, kill the bugs for me. And he's like, I got you Jesse. And then he goes off and does it. Yeah, whenever we get like bugs
Starting point is 00:11:21 or like spiders in the house, I'm like, dude, these spiders are going to kill the other bugs. And they do. We had ants and then the ants were gone once the spiders came. Yeah, I got no
Starting point is 00:11:30 problem with it. I see a spider everyone's unless I see a spider and it's like one time I was in the bathroom and the spider kept like trying to come up to
Starting point is 00:11:36 my leg and I was like, don't do it spider. Don't do this. I do not want to have to throw you down the toilet. And he kept doing
Starting point is 00:11:42 it. I was like, fine. So I grabbed some tissue and I threw him down the toilet. I was like, you brought this was like, fine. So I grabbed some tissue and I threw him down the toilet. I was like, you brought this on yourself, spider. You would have just left me alone. Usually if they're crazy spiders,
Starting point is 00:11:52 try to catch them and put them back outside or something. Otherwise, cat's going to find them. He's going to kill them anyway. I guess, yeah. I guess having a cat is also... I know for a fact having a dog is anti-spider city. Oh, yeah. No, cattle kill flies. Like, a fly is going around, he'll like
Starting point is 00:12:07 whack it out of the air. It's great. Anti-fly machine. Every time... It doesn't do this anymore, but at some point, there were like flies just like in the hallway outside my door. Oh, yeah, I remember that.
Starting point is 00:12:23 You know, because it's outdoors right there are flies out there and they would just like hang out outside they wouldn't come in they're just like be if i open the door they would just all be out there like what up and i'm like what the hell that was a few apartments ago but it drove me crazy yeah i remember that that was like seven or eight years ago yeah that was a while ago but i i'll never i I think I know for a fact that if I get sick later in life, it is because one day I got a big can of Raid and sprayed all of it outside my door. I sprayed the whole thing outside my door, down gutters, on the walls. I am convinced that if I get sick later in life it is because of that.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Because I like aerosol the shit out of myself and everything else. I was like I don't even care it's time to go. I was so fed up. Is that also the one where it had the crazy birds? The ones that sounded like they were calling your name and laughed like the Joker? Yeah those were crazy. I didn't realize birds. The ones that sounded like they were calling your name and laughed like the Joker?
Starting point is 00:13:25 Yeah, those were crazy. I didn't realize birds could be like that. Yeah, the ones that if you opened the window, the birds would say shit like, Hey, Jesse! Like, it sounded like they were talking to you? Yes. Yeah, they were like, They were like, They were like,
Starting point is 00:13:37 Freaking out. Then they'd fight each other. Yeah. I was told by the complex that it was actually them having sex. Which is even funnier. Because the noises were like... I like how they even had their like, we've looked into it and done extensive research. I feel like they had to them.
Starting point is 00:13:57 They're just banging. The windows at night when you kept them open, it sounded like the Joker was outside fighting Batman. It was crazy I almost missed the birds because I have to keep my blinds closed because if I open my blinds they're just another apartment looking at me and I'm like oh hey that's picture you open it up and they're just staring right at you like finally he's opened it up again everyone in our everyone like keeps their blinds closed so if anyone has their blinds open it's like a weird thing everyone's like who's in there what kind of weirdo is that because everyone has their blinds closed. So if anyone has their blinds open, it's like a weird thing. Everyone's like, who's in there? What kind of weirdo is that?
Starting point is 00:14:25 Because everyone has their blinds closed because no one wants to even admit that they can see anyone else. Huh. Yeah. It's pretty sad. That's crazy Los Angelians. Los Angelinos? Los Angelinos. Yeah. I don't know why it's not Los Angelinos. Los Angelinos? Los Angelinos. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:46 I don't know why it's not Los Angelinians. What was this? Yeah, I've been doing that with nostalgic memories. Oh, yeah, that's where we were. Yeah. I've also been playing chess. That's been fun. Normal chess or 5D chess?
Starting point is 00:15:03 Normal chess, but I have had people be like, you should play 5D chess. I mean, good luck. I hate that it's like it's the future and the past as well. I'm like, no, I'm out. That sounds great for me. I'm ready. They're like, the moves you make in the future also were made in the past. And this checkmate is through the past, present, and future.
Starting point is 00:15:26 And I'm like, nope. Nope. You can't do it. You know how to play normal chess? Yeah, of course. I mean, I didn't take you for one to be like, oh, yeah, I know how to play chess. What do you mean? I've said on this podcast that I used to play Mr. Piamonte in chess every day after school
Starting point is 00:15:44 when I taught. I remember the name Piamonte, but I don't remember chess. What did you think we were playing? Like Parcheesi? I don't know. Or like Chutes and Ladders? We played like Checkers or whatever. No, we played chess, and I'd always think I would beat him, and then he'd destroy me.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Dude, we need to play chess. Sure. I love playing chess. me. Dude, we need to play chess. Sure. I love playing chess. The biggest problem that I have is that everyone wants me to play the newfangled chess and so it's like, yes, this is actually
Starting point is 00:16:11 three-dimensional, five- directional, omni- sentient chess. I'm like, what does that mean? They're like, well, the pieces will fight you. I'm like, what? Every turn you make, the pieces will move back one half turn. Why does that exist?
Starting point is 00:16:27 Or the 5G where everyone... It's three chess boards. As you play, new chess boards are created. And they all link. You can get a checkmate between chess boards. I'm like, I hate that. It's already too confusing. All I do,, basic chess, easy.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Easy. I mean, it's, yeah, it depends on how you intend to play. Like, if you're going to play and you're going to try and do, like, moves and, you know, or you could just play chaotically And just do whatever floats your boat Well I mean I play standard chess I don't know Right but I'm saying do you have a plan when you go into chess
Starting point is 00:17:14 Do you have an opener Now I do Now you do Incredible Yeah because here's the thing I got into chess Well I grew up because my dad taught me chess So he would be like My dad used to go to chess clubs Because here's the thing. I got into chess. Well, I grew up because my dad taught me chess.
Starting point is 00:17:27 So he would be like, here's how the pieces move. Yeah. Because my dad used to go to chess clubs and stuff. And he would take me. And I didn't know anything. So I'd just watch people play chess. And then he'd be like, there's free cookies. And I'd be like, whoa, cookies.
Starting point is 00:17:38 So I'd eat those. And then I learned how the pieces move and everything. But he'd always win when we'd play. Because, you know, I'm like, I move Rook this way, bruh. And then, after a while, I'd, like, play him in chess, but I kind of understood what was happening, but then, like, Twitch ended up becoming crazy with chess. Everyone started playing chess, so then Hafu started playing chess, so I started watching Hafu play chess, and she was getting coached by people, and I was like, dude, what the shit? So I started watching Hafu play chess and she was getting coached by people and I was like dude what the shit So then I started playing more chess and now I actually know how to do things Yeah I guess I'm curious what you know we definitely need to play Because there's like as I learned from Mr. Piamonte getting my butt destroyed every single day
Starting point is 00:18:18 There's like levels to how much you know right Like with everything everyone like the more you know the less you know. Right? Like with everything. Everyone, like the more you know, the less you know. That kind of thing. Yeah. A lot of it's just like pattern recognitions too. Like you play one thing, they're like, oh, he's doing the Sicilian defense. It's like, oh, okay. Oh, absolutely. But also it's
Starting point is 00:18:38 then, alright, now I need to pre-plan how to defeat that. Yeah. I look at it like kind of like an RTS game. Like, people try to do the four-move queen win, where they like, they bring out the queen and the bishop, and then they checkmate you in like four moves with the queen. But now, I've learned how to counter that, and it reminded me of
Starting point is 00:18:54 StarCraft, where I would always do that to people with Zerg, and be like, hey, hey, here comes my six pool, or whatever the shit it was, and I would just rush them down, and if that failed, I'm like, well, I lose, and then just quit. There's a lot of those, especially in online things where everyone tries to be flashy. There's a lot of those five, six move things that people try to do. And one thing I've learned is that if you really want to mess with people,
Starting point is 00:19:20 have no, just do things that don't make sense like play chaotically and it'll drive them nuts because they won't be able to tell if you're an amateur or if you're like a mad genius and they'll they'll go crazy yeah oh my god i played against one dude so you can like you have your little avatar and it like shows the country you're from and i played against one old man from england and you could tell he just took a picture of himself and put it as avatar his name was just like uh wallace something but he beat me and i was like you know what i am honored to lose to an old british man at chess it's not where i expected that story to go. I thought it had a point.
Starting point is 00:20:08 It did. I was honored to lose to an old British man. Oh, okay. I thought you were going to talk about strategy or something. You're like, no, I played an old British man, and he beat me. I'm like, oh, okay. I'm also three and though against the French.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Here's the thing. Three and oh. Chess isn't really a French game. There's the French defense.'s the thing. Chess isn't really a French game. There's the French defense. You're right. The Maginot line? Yeah. There's like so many things. There's so many openings.
Starting point is 00:20:36 So many things. There's Sicilian. There's French, Italian. There's like... That's the whole point. You have to sun-sue the whole thing. It's a fascinating game. There's a reason that it's like you have to Sun Tzu the whole thing It's a fascinating game And there's a reason why it's been around so long And why it's like the game of kings
Starting point is 00:20:51 Yeah It's like one of the oldest games Isn't it? Yeah, I think maybe Go Is the oldest, but Chess is up there Yeah Go is a type of game that I know exists but i've no i've never played don't think i have any desire to because i feel like i'm not cool enough to be that like
Starting point is 00:21:12 you know the white guy who knows how to play go i think it's like uh i've played i've gotten down my like one opening and i know some other stuff but i've like hit the point where i'm like this is about all I need to know that's what I'm saying yeah once I progress towards like to a certain point I'm like I'm not gonna be able to keep up with these people yeah yeah I uh I hit that I feel like that a lot in
Starting point is 00:21:36 video games too sometimes where like I learn just enough of the meta to be able to play but I simply don't care enough to train and get better like look I can play with you but I simply don't care enough to train and get better. I'm like, look, I can play with you, but I'm not like, you're going to have to carry me. I've done League of Legends.
Starting point is 00:21:52 I was like, I know I'm a plat player, and I grinded months to get to plat, and by the end of it, I finally hit plat, and then I was like, I did it. I never have to play again, and I haven't. Actually, no, I've played three times, and I hate it every time, and then I was like, oh, thank God I hit plat and then I was like I did it I never have to play again and I haven't actually no I've played three times and I hate it every time and then I was like oh thank god I hit plat already I don't care and then I stopped you made something of yourself you really did it I did it you really did it mister it's a great moment in history yeah and then I also have been watching Kitchen Nightmares again.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Great show. It's a show that I think if you've never seen it, well, you know, it's both wonderful and sad at the same time. Yes. And also like kind of real, kind of fake. Like there's a lot to it. It's great. Well, I've been watching the like british ones like the season one uk version which is the best ones sure well he's not like you donkey yeah well he is but like he's got like a little more personality and he actually shows that he
Starting point is 00:22:58 like cares and he gives him like some positive feedback and he's not constantly being like while the american one and they don't have all the dumb music like the meow like all that it's just a more it's just a nicer experience then you go to the American one and they're like they have the narrator
Starting point is 00:23:17 who's just like Chef Ramsay enters into the old country buffet looking for somebody to talk to I would love to see the success rate Between the US and the UK shows Yes Because we've looked up the US success rate
Starting point is 00:23:34 And it's like I think out of all the seasons Only two restaurants are still open And that was before COVID Yeah So I want to know what I wonder what his Yeah, what the UK version did Yeah, I don't know what I wonder what his Yeah what the UK version did
Starting point is 00:23:45 Yeah I don't know I'm curious too I know the like first episode ever That place like got bought and sold three times And then it became a place that was actually Like pretty good Apparently for like ten years There's um
Starting point is 00:24:00 The place that was There's one Jamaican episode Where he like goes to the UK And he meets like a Jamaican family Oh yeah Mama Cherie Yeah that's a super fun episode He's so nice in that one Cause I watched it and Mama Cherie has a YouTube channel
Starting point is 00:24:15 Get out of town What is Mama Cherie's YouTube channel I'm pretty sure it's just Mama Cherie I don't know how to spell that Mama Cherie C-H-E-R-R r i yeah i see it i wonder yeah day in the life of mama sherry oh mama sherry looks like she's down the boardwalk dude go all right everybody want to go to her videos sort by most popular and watch her gordon ramsay's kitchen
Starting point is 00:24:39 nightmares my experience it is an amazing video. Amazing video. She talks about being on Kitchen Nightmares, working with Gordon Ramsay. And it's like, it's one of the best videos. Mama Cherie gives her husband a haircut. Oh, my God. Her husband, is he an old British man? He is just an old British man. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:25:00 I love him. They look like they would not go together at all. But I'm pretty sure they've been married like 30 years or something i look at his little goober oh my god he's so he looks like every old british man you could possibly imagine oh my god even the way he like looks at the camera he has that british sort of like snarky like I can't believe I'm letting my wife give me a haircut. He does. Unreal.
Starting point is 00:25:30 He kind of looks like he would do some crazy magic tricks or something. I love his voice, too. Oh, it's old, for all sake. Oh, Mama Cherie, you are great. Oh, my God. Yeah. No, watch her great. Oh, my God. Yeah. Watch her talk about the Gordon Ramsay experience. Then watch all her other videos because they're also great.
Starting point is 00:25:51 But that one's very great. Well, that just brightened my whole day. I'm glad I found out she exists because I keep thinking about that episode. Because it's one of the few times I've seen Gordon love the food, compliment the chef, and then be nice to them for an entire hour. Yeah. And I was like, what a great episode. It's great. And then she's still uploading on her YouTube
Starting point is 00:26:13 and she's got like a Patreon and everything. Amazing. Amazing. Oh my god, I forgot to... Uh oh. Did I show you the old country buffet training video? I got the... Uh oh. Did I show you... Oh no. The... Yeah?
Starting point is 00:26:26 Old Country Buffet Training video. No! Oh my god. This... Alright. So I'm gonna show you this video. Oh no. Oh no. Alright.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Alright, so... You don't have to watch the whole thing. Just kind of skim through. When was this made? This has 800... My favorite part is this has 800,000 views and the description just says description. That's it.
Starting point is 00:27:01 I guess this guy made the video? I don't know. A couple of facts for everyone. I guess this guy made the video? I don't know. A couple of facts for everyone. Whelan600 posted this video. Four weeks ago, he edited this. Wow. Four weeks?
Starting point is 00:27:15 But it was originally posted in 2016. All right, here we go. Yeah. The video was done. The video shoot was done after the store closed for the day from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. So they shot everything at night, which is hilarious. All the people were paid to be in it. When I'm talking to the manager, I'm talking about the weather. I guess there's like a scene where he's talking in the background.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Oh, that is him. This one surprises everybody. It was too late for any children to be there, so I had to talk to the floor. Then the little girl came in the next day And they did a shoot with the little girl that day I was not there The girls were all line servers that worked there It was all scripted
Starting point is 00:27:54 So I did not have a choice of what to say So I do not like the lasagna I do not like the hot fudge sundaes You'll get it when you hear it I really don't like red sauce And don't like chocolate sauce and don't like chocolate. White chocolate I do like. The manager called me five years later when they were going to transform the country buffet to a golden corral.
Starting point is 00:28:13 He wanted me to be the meat grilled chief carver. I declined. I was too busy with my life. It was fun to work there. His daughter is 15 years old. His mom was a line server. This is actually a true story. A lot of other employees I still keep in contact with.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Thank you for the comments. This is crazy. Okay. All right. So the video is four by three. Looks like it was recorded in the mid-90s maybe. Oh, this is definitely early 90s. Let's do this.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Your other shift duties. We's do this your other shift duties We'll begin with your second shift duty greeting and serving guests the music Yeah Your second shift duty if your carver is greeting and serving guests You can tell this was a 90s buffet because it looks like people actually cared oh yeah without a doubt good evening fight enough to eat today boy i'll say well that's great would you care for hammer beef a little both i think all right making friendly conversations like this is a big part of greeting and serving gas making friendly conversations like this
Starting point is 00:29:24 oh my god keep watching it gets better all right that other buffet style oh my god guests often feel they're on their own all right once they've paid for the meal no one pays much attention to them every conversation you hold with guests should begin something like this. Good evening. Or, hi, how are you? It's so crazy to me that every conversation you should have should begin with, good evening, or hello, how are you? It's going to begin somewhere else. It's a conversation.
Starting point is 00:29:56 What up, bitch? Welcome to the buffet. Like, what? That's never happening. Don't forget to hold quick conversations with our younger guests, too. Children often play a big part in deciding which restaurant their parents visit. We want them to feel welcome and special here, too. So start conversations with children by saying something like this. What grade are you in at school? Or this.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Have you decided what dessert you're going to have? Or this. Do you like what dessert you're gonna have? Or this. Do you like hot fudge sundaes? One minute of deep conversation. It's time to move on to the second half of this shift, Judy. Oh my god! That one is so good! What grade are you in in school?
Starting point is 00:30:37 That is the creepiest shit! What grade are you in in school? What are you doing here on a Sunday? Are your parents around? Do you like hot fudge Sundays? Like, how creepy is that shit? Who wrote that at the old country buffet to be like, this is how you interact with children. They are little humans.
Starting point is 00:31:00 I like the lasagna. It's my favorite. Oh, that's what I keep saying to everyone. I'm just like, try the lasagna, it's my favorite I love that he had to write In his, now it all makes sense I love that he had to write like, I do not like lasagna I do not like hot fudge sundaes
Starting point is 00:31:13 Who would even get lasagna At the old country buffet You know what, someone did at some point Sounds awful Wait a minute This video keeps using the same clips over and over again to demonstrate different things. Oh yeah. Greeting the guests and serving the guests is the exact same footage of the same girl approaching the same time every time.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Well they gotta reuse everything. If a guest asks you... I'd like a half-inch slice of that roast beef please. Say something like this... I'd be glad to carve you that. Thinner slices are more tender, though. Would that be all right? I'd like a half inch slice of that roast beef, please. And then his response is, well, are you sure you don't want a thinner cut?
Starting point is 00:31:58 Because it's more tender. All right. That sounds dirty to me. She's like, can I get a half inch? She's like, I sure don't want a thinner cut because it's more tender. What? She's just like, can I get a half inch of roast beef, please? These were all definitely actually employees.
Starting point is 00:32:20 There's no enunciation. She isn't speaking up. She's like, can I get a half inch of roast She's like, It's like green cheetah levels almost. If a guest asks you, Say something like this. I'd be glad to carve you that. Thinner slices are more tender, though. Would that be all right?
Starting point is 00:32:38 And then she even smiles. She even does that thing where she's like, Okay. It's a little flirty smile. That was – do you think that's his wife? Do you think they got together at the end? I hope so. I hope that's what happened.
Starting point is 00:32:50 They look like they'd go well together. What's weird is that during the footage, as the VO's talking, he hands her the food, and then they continue to talk for, like, another five minutes. Oh, yeah. He hands her the food, and they keep keep talking and it's like wait a minute that she would leave i would leave i was like i got nothing else to say to you man yeah no it's uh i don't get why he just keeps talking i guess that's like what they tell him to do like you gotta keep having conversation is this the only thing i thought for sure we'd
Starting point is 00:33:22 see like how to be a server well, this is specifically for carving. I see that yeah, I wish I had the server version I Want to know more about that girl who was like I hope she's in the rest of it. I hope the rest of the video She's like there and she's, you know, around. That'd be nice. I started watching the other old training videos. Like, they had a Pizza Hut one. It's pretty much like Dodger training to work at Pizza Hut.
Starting point is 00:33:52 All right. You got to see the Wendy's. Wendy's training video. There it is. Now it's just popping up. Wendy's Grill Skills. Grill Skills. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:01 This one's a classic. Wendy's International. Dave Thomas. Yay. Hi. I'm Wendy's founder, Dave Thomas. From the day I opened the first Wendy's, my goal has been to serve the best hamburger in the business,
Starting point is 00:34:19 a Wendy's old-fashioned hamburger. So did I tell you that I, for a while when I taught in Ohio, lived in Dublin, which is Dave Thomas' like, this is where the first Wendy's was. So right near my apartment was the very first Wendy's, and they always had, like, test things. So they would always have food at Wendy's that you
Starting point is 00:34:38 would never find anywhere else. It was great. That is pretty cool. It was so much fun, but it always reminded me that I was like, I'm Dave Thomas. We all was fresh, never frozen. My favorite story is that Colonel Sanders was the one who told Dave Thomas to go make a business. Oh, I think I heard that. Yeah, I guess Dave used to work for Colonel Sanders.
Starting point is 00:35:04 And Colonel Sanders was like, my boy, you guys should go make a business for yourself. So Dave Thomas was like, all right, Colonel Sanders, I'm going to go make a business. Just go to, okay, in the Wendy's, go to 525. That's all you need to see. I'm going. I'm going. Yes. I'm going Yes Don't wait too long, I emphasize, or the meat won't reach the proper size. When things start to sizzle, you're ready to go. Gently turn the meat, but don't be slow.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Just turn them over easily. We don't want a broken patty, that's a guarantee. Press out the corners, one, two, three, four. Rock it a bit, are you keeping score? Top and bottom, left and right. And you'll get a patty that's out of sight. I can't believe there's a wrap. I can't believe there's a wrap. I can't believe there's a rap.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Amazing. The hamburger patties are shrinking. I have no words right now. Animated hamburgers are singing to this guy. And he just wiped his eyes because I think he's high right now. Oh, no, Dev. He is high as shit. Stage one, I'm raw.
Starting point is 00:36:40 You just laid me down. I'm stage two and I'm getting ground. You turn me and press me just one time. But there's two more stages before I'm fine. I'm raw, you just laid me down. I'm stage two and I'm getting ground. You turn me and press me just one time, but there's two more stages before I'm fine. I'm stage three, you press me twice, just one more stage before I'm nice. Stage four, I'm hot, I should be done, looking good like I should so you can serve me, son.
Starting point is 00:36:57 I'm stage five and I'm still alive, but serve me soon and don't be slow. I've only got one minute to go. The projection game is simple you see it's just common sense that's the way it ought to be when you know a lot of people will be coming around don't hesitate start laying them down when things slack off do the same or you'll be wasting meat and that would be a shame i krendor i have to stop this video you'll be wasting meat and that's just a shame i don't know how to i don't just a shame. I don't know how to respond. I don't know how to respond to any of that.
Starting point is 00:37:29 That is a top-quality video. It is certainly a something, all right. Well, if we're going to shamelessly plug things, we might as well do it for ourselves. That's a truther. Today, we're brought to you by hawthorne hawthorne is the company out there trying to make you smell your best it's the website that allows you to discover what scent is right for you you take a quiz you answer some
Starting point is 00:38:00 questions you find out where you stand on the old scent-o-meter that's not what they have at all they use actual scientific algorithms to find out what is the right smell for you i know that every time i get a new scent from them it is great smelling and always something i'm like i would wear this and i do. In fact, I am wearing some right now. I'm wearing some of that new summer scent. Why? Because even though I'm indoors, I still like to smell good. I can't help it.
Starting point is 00:38:31 What if, what if a lonely, mysterious woman shows up at my door? That works at Old Country Buffet. Yeah, and she's like, I lost my job at the Old Country Buffet, and wolves are chasing me Can I stay here the night I'm like sure you can sleep on my couch It's extra comfortable And she'll be like thank you Jesse
Starting point is 00:38:50 I'm like thank you stranger And she'll come in and she'll be like you smell so good Also did I mention I'm secretly a millionaire And I'll be like what She's like I've always depended on the kindness of strangers And then we smooch the end That's what I'm counting on. Yep.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Anyway, it is one of those things where it makes, especially these days, getting a scent right for you so much easier. I mean, you're not really going out that much anymore to hunt for a cologne. And come on You're too old to have your parents buy you some like where something you'll enjoy That's the whole point and Hawthorne does that for you? That's the idea is you take a two-minute quiz? Super quick. It's actually very fun because it kind of like you know isn't it isn't an overly complicated quiz It's like yo, are you a beer wine person like that kind of thing? It isn't an overly complicated quiz.
Starting point is 00:39:43 It's like, yo, are you a beer or wine person? Like that kind of thing. Then it'll tell you what two colognes are best for you. One for work, one for play. And then you have two colognes. And one is like, this is my day time. I'm all business. And then you have one that's like, let's get ready to rumble.
Starting point is 00:39:58 It's like your night time. I don't know why I said rumble. When you're out in the wrestling ring. And the best part is totally risk free with free shipping, free returns it is great and you can try it right now, just go to the website go to
Starting point is 00:40:16 take all the quizzes, do all the things learn about what you like you can get deodorant, shampoo, body wash face cleanser, lotions, all sorts of stuff there. It isn't just cologne. And when you check out, use promo code COX10 to get 10% off your first purchase. That's Hawthorne, H-A-W-T-H-O-R-N-E dot C-O. Code COX10 at checkout.
Starting point is 00:40:42 If it's your first purchase, you get 10% off. It's that simple Go there right now Check it out If only to take the quiz And see what your scent would be It's fascinating to look at When I saw the scent I was like
Starting point is 00:40:58 That is exactly what I would want to smell like So go check it out Code COX10 Also today we're brought to you by Babbel Right now I would want to smell like. So go check it out. code Cox10. Also today we're brought to you by Babbel. Right now. I've said this before. I'm going to say it again.
Starting point is 00:41:11 People keep asking me, Jesse, what should I do if I'm stuck at home? If I have all this BS in regards to, you know, like I can't go look for a job. This sucks. What do I do? Take the time right now to learn another language it always looks good on a resume plus another language is a good life skill right it is the thing that will help you
Starting point is 00:41:32 and and one day when we're all allowed to travel again wouldn't it be great to go to a country of the language you just learned and speak it there and you know get along in that society well and and relatively easy that be such a life experience and be well deserved after all of us being stuck inside learning a language is something that uh you know i i did at one point in time and never kept up with all right i i learned spanish and now i just speak spanglish right i wish i had and babble is the way to sort of bring that back if you were like me if you took french in eighth grade or whatever it can help unlock that again for you or if you have seen something like man i always want to go to japan but you don't know any japanese maybe this is your gateway to be able to do that, right?
Starting point is 00:42:29 Babbel makes it so that you do it in the same way that you would if you lived in the country and you learned to speak it over time, except this is done within a few weeks. Babbel designs their courses with real-world conversation in mind, letting you learn everyday practical conversations that you will actually use. The daily lessons are 10 to 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Start by teaching you words and phrases, then sentences, and then it gradually becomes more complex. And soon, you're doing short conversations. Lessons are thoughtfully created by over 100 language experts. And their teaching method has been significantly proven to be effective across multiple studies because it uses real world, like how you would do it if you were in a place it's brilliant they even have speech recognition technology to help you improve your pronunciation and accent uh a great example is umbrella academy 2 just came out recently and there are swedish guys in it and one of the americans speaks swedish and everyone from sweden was like giving them crap because like that's not how they sound
Starting point is 00:43:23 that's not i couldn't understand that person like that. Right. And they're like, they were speaking Swedish incorrectly. Uh, this will help you not do that with Babbel. You can choose from 14 different languages, including French,
Starting point is 00:43:37 Spanish, Italian, German, and Babbel is available as an app or online and can be synced between the two. So you can be on your computer or go to your phone and you'll be right where you left off. Right now, when you purchase a three-month subscription, Babbel will give you, our listeners, three additional months for free. That's six months. You will be adept at a language by then.
Starting point is 00:44:03 You get that with promo code COX. That's three additional months free if you go to, use promo code COX on your three month subscription. That's B-A-B-B-E-L dot com, promo code COX.
Starting point is 00:44:21 That's you. Alright, Crandor, let's go to chapter 7. How's that? Cox. That's you. All right, Crandor. Let's go to chapter 7. Scott the Crandor.
Starting point is 00:44:24 How's that? Crandor. Now, today, the chapter captor, I am holding a jar. And in this jar is the weather. Boo. You get it? It's the David Lynch weather. I'm aware. It's a great aware great thing great thing i love it um i mainly wanted to do that so i didn't have to you know
Starting point is 00:44:52 do the traffic i thought you would save it for weather i thought for sure that was being saved for weather that's where you gotta throw it off everybody's expecting it during the weather but i bring it up during the traffic back to you all right crendor let's go to the weather desk how's that weather welcome to the weather desk how's it going I mean it's going great I thought David Lynch would show up here I wish imagine if we had like David Lynch to our weather that would be I'd be so honored if every week we just
Starting point is 00:45:26 Said hey David Lynch do our weather Do a weather report If David Lynch would take not a lot of money I'd pay him To do it I'd be so honored if he was just like Today I have a jar And the weather is
Starting point is 00:45:44 And you're like, why did he say that? I love showing that video to people who don't get David Lynch. And they're like, what does that mean? What was in the jar? And I'm like, that, I think, is the point, y'all. That is the point. What is in that jar? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Why do you paint it that way? Yeah. I'm so excited that one day I'm going to figure it out. Yeah. Maybe'm so excited that one day I'm going to figure it out. Yeah, maybe. Maybe. Well, speaking of jars, let's go to jar. Jar. Jardim Helena District, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Starting point is 00:46:24 All right, let's go to Brazil. Brazil. Brazil. Jardim, Helena District, Sao Paulo, Brazil weather. 58 degrees. Fahrenheit. Fair. 10% chance of rain.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Today's forecast. You've got... 58 degrees. Feels like 58 degrees. Did you have to switch it to Fahrenheit? Oh, yeah. I was wondering. Today's weather is...
Starting point is 00:46:53 Conversion was happening there. Humidity, 84%. Pretty high. So you got rain. Yeah, you got some rain going on there. Not surprising over in South America. I'm pretty sure you get a you got rain. Yeah, you got some rain going on there. Not surprising over in South America. I'm pretty sure they get a lot of rain. Is that like a South America rain roast?
Starting point is 00:47:12 I'm pretty sure they get a lot of rain. Not surprising for the rainforest. Got them. That's what I'm saying. They got the rainforest. Obviously they get a lot of rain. South America get a lot of rain. Does South America get a lot of rain? I just clarified.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Heavy rainfall, well distributed throughout the year, averages about 100 inches annually in Brazil, 110 in Peru, 70 in Manaus. In the Amazon regions, rains do not fall evenly over the basin. Yeah. The rainy season in Brazil um when is that I guess it would be probably May right oh my god yeah so like I looked up let's see how much rain is Illinois get 48 inches on average
Starting point is 00:48:00 they get a hundred and they get 110 in brazil yeah but how much rain does korea get because i know exbc when i watch them they get a lot of rain uh let's see country generally no rain really does the rain about 40 inches oh all right how much rain does florida get here we go All right, how much rain does Florida get here we go Florida gets about 54 inches all right how much rain does London get 23 inches What the dingus Yeah, Brazil blows my way
Starting point is 00:48:45 Yeah, I don't know why London Why everyone in the UK is like It always rains here When it doesn't sound like that's a lot Yeah I think it's just gloomy there A lot of times it just gets gloomy but it doesn't rain Sure Brazil I think the reason why it rains so much there Is it has to do with like
Starting point is 00:49:01 The mountains right You're asking the wrong person wait isn't it the andes the andes and then something i don't know you're asking the wrong person okay i'm just gonna keep repeating it until you figure that i feel like it has to be the reverse of la right la doesn't get a lot of rain because the mountains surround la yeah and. And so I imagine Brazil is like the reverse. We're like, it gets all the rain, and then the mountains are like, uh-oh, you're not coming on this side of South America. I don't know. Maybe I'm totally off.
Starting point is 00:49:33 I don't know how it all works. LA gets about 14 inches of rain a year. So it's the lowest one yet. And when it rains, it rains for eight days straight and then never rains again. Precipitation episodes in Los Angeles, with a few notable exceptions, are largely caused by extra-tropical disturbances approaching California from the west or northwest during the winter season. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:58 So I guess that's it. Yeah, we don't get a lot of actual rain rain. In fact, when it does rain, it's crazy. The first day it rains, the streets, you can see all the oil and stuff on the streets. And every street looks glistening. You're like, ah, that's right. We don't have regular water on our streets. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:21 I don't like that. I like the changing seasons. I miss seasons. I miss seasons, but I also like the ability to just go outside whenever I want and not have to put on a coat. That's real nice. It's very nice to just go do that.
Starting point is 00:50:36 You really don't need a coat unless it drops below like 45. I haven't experienced that. That's why in that one video with you, I'm like dying. Because when we were like in the snow and people were like, is Jesse okay? I'm like, no, I wasn't. I was freezing.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Oh, yeah. I had my winter coat and I forgot about that. It was freezing cold. People were like, seems like Jesse's dying. I'm like, I literally had my boogers freezing in my nose i was like no thank you i'm not a fan of this so anyway tomorrow 74 degrees fahrenheit tuesday 75 wednesday 76 thursday 76, Friday 77, Saturday 77, Sunday 73, Monday 75, Tuesday 78, Wednesday 80, Thursday 81,
Starting point is 00:51:28 Friday 82, Saturday 81, Sunday 81. The funny part is no rain on any of these days. So that's... But it's... Here's the thing. There's no rain, but there's high humidity. It's probably just sticky. Yuck. No high humidity. It's probably just sticky. Yuck.
Starting point is 00:51:46 No, thank you. It's just very sticky. I'm not a fan of the humidity. I prefer the dry heat. I like being in the sun or something. Yeah, I'm a big dry heat fan, unless it's Vegas. When you're in Vegas, when I went for Evo in the past, now I don't know if that's ever happened again. When I went for Evo in the past, now I don't know if that's ever happened again.
Starting point is 00:52:11 When I went to Evo, it was like middle of summer, 110 degrees. It wasn't like an oppressive heat, but if you went outside, your body was like, this isn't natural. And your skin would start to dry immediately. It's like an actual desert though yeah yeah um so yeah that's uh that's the weather all right let's go to sports sports uh sports are all happening again nba uh baseball hockey Baseball's had some COVID things happen. Yes, that's true. Not as fun there, but NHL and basketball got their little bubbles they've made,
Starting point is 00:52:51 so they're safer than baseball. And, yeah, sports are going. I don't understand how that's possible. I guess because maybe baseball teams and companies have more people involved. Yeah, I guess so. But it also seems like they play outside. Should be the easiest people to keep safe. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:13 I don't know. Well, apparently some of them are going off and partying and things like that. Look, I believe that. I just today read about Jake Paul throwing mansion parties, and his city is getting mad at him because about, like, Jake Paul throwing mansion parties, and his city is, like, getting mad at him because he won't. He's like, look, bro. In the article, they interviewed him, and he's like, look, just because there's a virus going around doesn't mean I'm going to stop living my life.
Starting point is 00:53:36 It's like, you may stop living your life permanently, Jake. You dummy. I mean, listen, it's Jake Paul. Yeah, and the best part is the image they used for the article It said One of Jake Paul's many parties And it literally is an image of three girls Hanging from a crane
Starting point is 00:53:55 And like a bunch of people Standing around watching them And I have no idea what's going on in the image It looks like a human sacrifice It's the craziest thing I've ever seen It's three girls like hanging from a bulldozer or some crane, and then everyone's standing around looking up at them. And I'm like, is that what happens at cool people parties?
Starting point is 00:54:14 Because that's weird. Huh. Well, that's sports. Yep. All right, Crandor, what is our big news story of the day uh big news story of the day man finds caterpillars in supermarket broccoli and raises them as his own what that's what i'm saying i don't like this i hate this story already most people would be bugged to find a caterpillar In their supermarket broccoli
Starting point is 00:54:47 But not Sam Darlastin Instead the British media personality Decided to raise it to maturity And six others he found among the broccoli What the hell is going on With broccoli Every person I know overseas Has like horror stories
Starting point is 00:55:04 About finding weird bugs In their fruits and vegetables. Meanwhile, in the States, if you do, it's a rare occurrence. We spray them down with chemicals. I guess you're right. I guess we're slowly killing ourselves. They have bugs. Here's the thing. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:20 I feel like I'm fine not seeing bugs on my food. Yeah. I feel like I'm fine not seeing bugs on my food. Yeah. Our last was shocked at first. That feeling soon turned to joy when he realized he had a new pet to enjoy during lockdown in his London home. I did my research initially and discovered the exact type of caterpillar butterfly we were dealing with. A cabbage white.
Starting point is 00:55:44 I then decided to build him a little home in my lounge with all the broccoli he wanted. He gave the new companion the name of Cedric. It's very cute. It's very cute. Pesco refunded him the $1.37 for the cost of the broccoli. He used it to purchase more vegetables
Starting point is 00:55:59 and unexpectedly got more caterpillar. That is so gross. How do you get more caterpillars? I don't know. That is so gross. What do you mean? He bought more and there were more caterpillars? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:16 I hate to break it to you, but I feel like Tesco, their shit is spoiled. It sounds like it. He said, I got broccoli I got as a replacement contained five more. That sounds like it. He said, broccoli I got as a replacement contained five more. That's so gross.
Starting point is 00:56:28 Then a third broccoli had another one. So he's got seven caterpillars. I don't even know how you would... I would never buy broccoli again. I would never eat broccoli. You couldn't get me to put it in my mouth. I'd be like,
Starting point is 00:56:43 there's caterpillars in it. Never would. I love broccoli. This couldn't get me to put it in my mouth. I'd be like, there's caterpillars in it. Never would. I love broccoli. This story alone is making me be like, what if I never eat broccoli again? Broccoli harms my IBS fight too much. Y'all watch out there. Well, you know, maybe if you mix in some worm guts or whatever the hell, caterpillar guts, you'll be fine. That's possible. Yeah. He says, I'm a firm believer in, you'd be fine. That's possible.
Starting point is 00:57:05 He says, I'm a firm believer in not harming any animals or insects if possible. He named the other members of his buggy brood Brock, Ollie, Carlos, Croc, Janine, and Slim Eric. Hey, that's me.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Well, not anymore, Slim Eric. Along the way, he has faced challenges, especially when they started evolving toward their mature state. Biggest challenge I faced whilst raising the caterpillars was their love of escaping, especially when they are about to cocoon. One day, we found one on an ornamental vanilla stick, one under a table,
Starting point is 00:57:43 and one under a candle holder cocooning. Wowee. So what do they do with them? Do they de-cocoon them? I don't know how it works. I don't know. Or do they just let them do their thing and they were like, now you're about to fly, go!
Starting point is 00:57:59 And then they got bigger, they got a cocooning stage, a bunch of photos, and then they got bigger. They got a cocooning stage. A bunch of photos. And then they became butterflies. And now there's like a picture of the butterflies on his hand. And he said, thanks, Tesco. I guess I would be like, Tesco, wash your damn fruits and vegetables.
Starting point is 00:58:22 The hell? Yeah. So gross. Check your broccoli. Yeah, I'm going to check everything now. I'm warped now because of this story. Yeah, that shit's great. They're like, it's so cute.
Starting point is 00:58:35 I'm like, there were multiple bugs on his fruits and vegetables. Yeah, no, that's no thank you. Yeah. All right. Well, that horrifying story that was supposed to be cute ended my appetite, but that's it. It also ended this podcast.
Starting point is 00:58:53 Thank you so much for listening. However, you are enjoying this. Crendor, hit them with the socials. We've got so many socials. We've got slash coxandcrendorpodcast where you can listen to all these podcasts. We've got slash Cox and Crandor podcast where you can listen to all these podcasts. We've got
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Starting point is 00:59:23 slash Jesse Cox, slash Crandor, slash Jesse Cox, slash jessicox slash creditor slash jessicox slash creditor slash jessicox slash jessicox slash notoriouscox slash creditor was taken That's it for us
Starting point is 00:59:38 We'll see y'all next time And as always I want some hot chocolate.

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