Cox n' Crendor Show - Episode 283 - RAVENS!!!

Episode Date: April 5, 2021

The boys are back and this time Jesse's got problems! So many problems...or one problem? Who knows?! Crendor only have one - the guy in line for a burger. We also visit the Ugliest Town in the UK! AND..., RAVENS!!!! Visit to get Honey for free. Go to and use code cox12 for 12 free meals including free shipping!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode is brought to you by Honey. Honey is here to save you money. Also today we're brought to you by HelloFresh. HelloFresh, actually, I got a new HelloFresh order coming and I want to talk about it because I'm like really excited. Anyway, we're going to do that as well. Now let's jump into this podcast. Hello everybody, it's time for Ghost on Trend Dom.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Ghost on Trend Dom in the morning. In the morning. Broadcasting live, live, live, live, live! In 4-hour recording studio. Recording! Hit me! Wake your ass up! It's Gags and Crendor in the morning!
Starting point is 00:00:38 Hit me! Hit me! Hit me! Crendor in the morning! Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of Gags and Crendor in the morning! Yes! Crandor in the morning! Yes! Crandor! I think I'm stressing, I think I'm freaking out, I think I'm freaking out! Why are you freaking? I don't, I've never experienced, I don't know that I've ever experienced anxiety before,
Starting point is 00:00:59 but I feel like this must be what it feels like. Because I, I have this constant, I'm like very tense as of late and I constantly feel like I'm forgetting something. And I know I'm not, but I always feel like I'm one step behind where I should be. And then today I realized I'm just, so I got, I got a letter in the mail that was like from the U S government. And it said, Hey, we noticed you haven't, uh, cashed or used your stimulus card. Like we noticed you haven't used it. I was like, wait, what? They sent me a card. They didn't just direct deposit it. So I had to go to my bank account. So I went to my bank account look there. No direct deposit I was like wait, I thought they wrecked deposited it. So I thought everything was fine
Starting point is 00:01:48 I don't so now I was like, alright, so I got a card at some point and this was not the most recent one We're talking about the OG one. Oh the one that was like months Yeah, like the like 600 buck one and so I was like what and they're like, yeah Your new one will be put available on that card. I'm like what and they're like yeah your new one will be available on that card i'm like what so i went through piles of paperwork that i had set aside to like file later after the move i was like all right because i've um i've been very good about keeping paperwork but the problem is is that as i keep it i discover like you, you know, I have things from 2012. And I'm not sure I need them.
Starting point is 00:02:27 So I pulled a bunch of, like, all the paperwork out and started separating it. It's one of my many tasks I'm doing. And I'm trying to figure out what I need to actually keep and what I can just get rid of, right? I imagine 2012 I'm safe from having, like, taxes-ish. Like, the IRS can't come for 2012, right? I don't know. So I'm, like, to like Taxes The IRS can't come for 2012 right I don't know So I'm like going through all Now I have piles of paper
Starting point is 00:02:50 And then this morning I just destroyed all those piles Trying to find a card And I'm like I don't see a card So now I'm stressing about a card I've never seen Don't know what it looks like Except for the photo they sent in the letter So now I kind of have an idea that it looks like a little credit card thing I'm like, of course, it has to be around here somewhere
Starting point is 00:03:08 I'll just find it I've been going through, ripping apart my apartment trying to find this damn thing I don't know where it's at So now I'm adding that compounded on top of all the other things I'm trying to do I've got so much, you know, just normal daily work. Add that on. Plus, now I, again, let me just stress. I feel like I'm always a little behind where I need to be.
Starting point is 00:03:34 And that just added to it. So now I'm like, all right, well, I'll get to that later. And what that means, I did one search today. When me saying I'll get to that later, what that means is two weeks from now, I'll remember that it was a thing I needed to find. And I'll be like, oh, no. And then I'll be totally lost again and stressed because that's how my mind works. I am like that dog.
Starting point is 00:03:59 I focus on the squirrel in front of me. And I'm like, all right, I got to get this squirrel finished. And I go squirrel, squirrel, squirrel. And I move from thing to thing to thing. And I need someone to literally just be like, uh, actually you need to do this first or do this first or do that. I will be like, yeah, all right. I'm going to work out later today, but first I need to work on this thing. And then 15 hours will go by and I'll be like, it is 1230 at night. I don't know that I can work out this late. I won't be able to go to bed. And then I'll be, I'll work up first thing in the morning and
Starting point is 00:04:31 I'll wake up in the morning and be like, all right, I'm going to go work out. Then I'll go upstairs and make coffee and I'll like get ready to work out. And then something will happen and I'll squirrel and like get distracted by something else. And then a whole day will go by. And I'll be like, well, you know, that was a mess, I guess. And that is constantly my life right now. It's only gotten worse. I'm just distracted by everything. And I think it's in order to keep my mind focused on something so I don't go crazy.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Is that anxiety? It does sound like at least a strain of anxiety. Because, I mean, there's different types of anxiety. It sounds like you just have work anxiety as, like, your number one thing. Because it's like you always have work as your like priority like you're like i can't work out i gotta work i can't do this i gotta work there's work to be done like me i don't do that i'm like uh there's work but like i gotta work out man yeah look i get it i get it but you're always that like hey it'll get done dude i'm not even worried
Starting point is 00:05:43 i'm a person i don't think it'll get done if i don I'm not even worried. I'm over here just like, I don't think it'll get done. If I don't do it, it won't happen. I was the person that did everything last minute in school and then some things I wouldn't do and then I had to do them after the deadline for half credit. That was me.
Starting point is 00:06:00 It's probably not good. It's not good, but it's no better than me who would know what needed to get done, but had so much stuff built up before it that I had to save it for the last minute because I had other things to do beforehand. The other day, Kristen posted a thing about you should take time off of work. And not being at work is important. And having life is important.
Starting point is 00:06:24 I was like, are you saying you're not working hard enough i was like kristen what are you trying to tell me do i need to make you do more things that's where i that's where i'm at mentally like when you when you say like work stuff are you like is this something you have to like like when you say like i sit down and do something for 12 hours. Like, are you just editing a video? Are you like, like, what are you doing? I will know I need to do a thing and I'll get caught up in one thing and then something else will happen and then something else will happen. And then I'll like, maybe, you know, I'll take a break and like eat lunch and like reassess
Starting point is 00:07:02 the day and be like, okay, I need to do this to do this, this. And I'll get my lunch. I'm like, all right, great. Let's go do this thing. And I will start on the task that I, that I think is like the one I can get done immediately. And I'll finish it and be like, that was awesome. All right. What's next? And then I'll try to move. I'll like try to move on through things during the day. But, like, other things will happen. Other things will pop up. Like, I'll get a message from Crendor. Hey, do you want to do the podcast tomorrow?
Starting point is 00:07:31 And I'll be like, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. And then the thing that I planned for tomorrow, I'll totally forget until right before. You know, like, that kind of stuff. I see. I got you now. All right. There's just so many. It's a spider web of a million things that I have two different calendars. And I have to keep updating the calendars all the time.
Starting point is 00:07:52 And I think, you know, I think like, okay, I'll do this and I'll work on this and I'll fix this. Right. But also then, for example, I'll get a video edit from a big project. And I'll have to watch that video and then give notes. And that could take who knows how long. And then I'll send that off. And then I'll be doing something else. Then suddenly I'll get like a thing for this video game I'm working on.
Starting point is 00:08:19 And then I have to start planning, you know, review stuff. Just there's so much things that come in during the day. And it isn't just like, you know, the old days where we were just, yo, what brand deal do I have to do? I'll do that brand deal. Okay. That was great. And move on. It's like every day there's something new. And I think it's fun and fascinating and no day is boring, but I'm always one step behind and it's slow. And it's a constant wait. And I'm always just like, alright, today is the day I clear my email. And I'll go to my email and I'll clear my email. And then I'll be like, oh no, I forgot the eight other things I have to do today.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Oh my god. So like that. It's just there's so much. There's so much. I mean, it sounds like it's too much. I would ask some of those some great things you be correct. It's why I don't do daily. Let's play videos anymore I Guess that's true. That's why you got rid of it, but then like I
Starting point is 00:09:16 Don't know there's like I feel like I don't know enough to like Understand like to me. I'm like A real talk in a perfect world I just need Like a girlfriend Who is also That's a weird way to start that Who is also Who is also like in charge of my shit
Starting point is 00:09:36 Right like a Like a really strong dom Someone just come in and be like Do this do this do this And I just do it and I don't have to really think. You just don't want to think. But, like, I compartmentalize. And not thinking is very easy for me.
Starting point is 00:09:53 I can shut that off. I just, when I think about work, I become a ball of stress. That's the problem. Welcome to my life. Except not about work, just about in general. But, it's one of those things where I can't relate. I get spurts of that, but I'm definitely a complete opposite. In what way?
Starting point is 00:10:16 I don't know that I believe you. I don't know that I believe you. If I had multiple things to work on And they didn't have to get done right away And someone's like Hey uh Can you get these numbers for the thing I'm gonna be like
Starting point is 00:10:35 Yeah I mean I gotta work out And then I probably gotta stream Uh maybe I'll work on a thing And then I'll do the numbers And then I just don't And then I guess a a stream. They all work on a thing. And then I'll do the numbers. And then I just don't. And then I guess a few days later, I'm like, oh, yeah, the numbers. Yeah, I was about to say, if anything, we're the same person for different reasons.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Yeah. But at times, I'm like, I'll get like, I like flip the switch. I'm like, all right, now I really got to get stuff done. And that's where I go like full work mode. And then I get it all done. And I like flip the switch. I'm like, all right, now I really got to get stuff done. And that's where I go like full work mode. And then I get it all done and I like flip the switch back off. And I'm like, all right, back to normal. But like your normal is different from my normal. My normal is me and then people who I employ.
Starting point is 00:11:19 And I'm always worried like, am I giving them enough to do? Is the project they're working on fun? Am I paying them enough? Is? Is the project they're working on fun? Am I paying them enough? Is anyone going to leave for any reason? Just. This is why I don't hire anyone. There's people being like looking for editor, looking for this, looking for that. And then every time there's like, God, the editor is just not doing things on time.
Starting point is 00:11:39 They're not doing it right. I'm like, listen, the amount of time it takes to look for an editor, do this shit. I'll just do it myself. I don't care. Plus, then it keeps my style. If you hired an editor, I don't know what that would look like. That's what I'm saying. I can't do that.
Starting point is 00:11:53 But I feel like just in general, like the people that hire editors, it has this sort of soulless kind of formulaic appearance to it. Here's what I'll say. I challenge a listener. Because one thing I'll say, hiring editors is one of the best things I ever did. Well, you do like, you're like, I play this game for 10 hours.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Here's footage. It's like, I feel like it's different. I challenge our viewers, listeners, whoever you are, whoever you are. Will you give them permission to go to one of your streams and edit a stream into a video? Sure. Great.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Done. I challenge the people of the world. If you want to go edit a video together upload it to youtube link it to myself and crendor on twitter like i want to see what people think your style is i mean yeah i'd like to see that i would love to see that you know what i uh feel like that's a great contest for us it is a good contest is i've got a bunch of stuff I can just give away. I just would like to see what people would create for you in your style. Like the Crendor editing challenge.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Yeah, I like that. I think that's good. I'm on board. We'll work out the details later, but you guys should definitely get on that. Yeah. Go to one of his videos and just, you know, edit a video together and do it in a way you think is just like Krendor. And who knows what could happen? Who knows? Probably nothing, but we'll watch them.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Most likely nothing, but they will get watched. Possibly. Yeah, we'll watch the hell out of them. So, yeah, i don't know it's uh there's like usually what i do schedule wise my best way of getting things done is i have like an open-ended schedule and so i'm aware i'm well aware so like what i do is i write down all the things i have to get done on like a whiteboard and then when i do it i check it off and i can do it at any time in the week and then i'm like all right got that done for the week and then also on my phone i just like will write down little like
Starting point is 00:14:16 things i gotta do like get groceries do this thing it's like a things to get done for the day type of thing so i got like two, but they kind of just constantly are changing. And I'm just, you know, if I get to like some day in the week and I haven't done enough, I'm like, all right, I'm going to have to do some more stuff today. And then I get them done. I'm like, nice. All right. Or I can get them done early.
Starting point is 00:14:35 And I'm like, all right, I don't got as much to do. But you're also kind of like an island. You're like, you're like a, I don't know. You're like the Fiji of of entertainers but you don't really like you don't need anybody else really you can just do it all by yourself if you wanted to i mean that is true you know you know you've got uh you've got your water that you sell and that's it well what are things you need other people for? Is it strictly just like video series? No, I mean, so I do, I have an inherent problem saying no. I'll just get caught up in things over the course of the week.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Just, I'll have my schedule, I'll have all these other things I say yes to, I'll try to incorporate into my schedule, I'll realize I'm low on time, I'll feel like I have responsibilities to get X video up or stream this game, and I'll just try incorporate into my schedule. I'll realize I'm low on time. I'll feel like I have responsibilities to get X video up or stream this game. And I'll just try and do them all. And in the end, I'm doing everything for everyone else. Me, it's like two to three hours I'll stream. Maybe four if I'm going crazy. But that's usually it.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Honestly. Again, you are like an island. You're an island nation nation a small island nation you function in ways that i simply don't know how to but like what if instead of streaming three or four hours you stream two to three hours and then you just exercise look i i i agree i agree but you don't agree i actually no you're right you it. I actually, no, you're right. You're right. I, but I'll, I'll, I'll plan it.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Like I'll plan it. I'll be like, okay, so I'm going to stream till five. And when I'm off streaming, I will go exercise and then I will stream. The minute the camera goes down, I will literally slump down in my chair. Cause I, when I stream, I have i have like i'm gonna say excellent posture except sometimes i lean forward to speak into the microphone but like my back and everything i am up straight my chair is is like it has no lean going on it is designed i'm just like bob and brad would be proud exactly trying to you know trying to keep good posture for that stream because i know that if i slouch i'll be a mess
Starting point is 00:16:46 and so i will uh when it's done i'll just go oh and like decompress in my chair and just like sink into it and i don't know there's there was one time Recently I just like Fell asleep at my computer desk for like 20 minutes and popped awake Like oh what happened Sometimes I don't know man I uh I will be like yeah yeah I'll definitely do that And then just not
Starting point is 00:17:17 Before you stream these exercises I would love to do that too Uh there's look I'm full of excuses of why i'm fat but like it's not something that i don't understand it's just that every time i want to i'm just like oh there's so many other things i have to do and in my mind i'm like if i could clear those other things off the plate then i would have that free time in my life to get that stuff done plate then i would have that free time in my life to get that stuff done but every time that i um feel like i have free time for something it turns out i uh am missing my stimulus check
Starting point is 00:17:54 or some nonce like something else will happen and i'll be like no it's just it's never ending crendor it's never ending can i tell you I tell you? Let me just explain this to you. I have a note on my desktop right now. 1 to 4 p.m. Gallery 1988. Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles, California. Phone number. And it's like, hey, you can come pick up this thing from 1 to 4 p.m.
Starting point is 00:18:22 That note has been there since last july i don't know if that thing's still there it was like a poster they wanted me to get and i was like yeah all right i'll come check it out that was last july but they couldn't tell you it's there anymore so it's like but that's still like a priority. I like didn't I was like I don't prioritize this over anything but I wanted but like it exists and this all stems from the fact like I always feel like
Starting point is 00:18:53 I need to complete everything once I set out to do a thing. Like if I say I'm gonna do it I want to complete it. But I feel bad being like you know what? Nah. Right? Like I don't want to like I don't need to go to gallery 1988, but I have the notes still on my desktop saying that like, you should go there. Check it out.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Still there. Still there. I should delete it. But I'm like, what if one day I need that information? This is why I'm getting rid of physical things in my life. My mental stuff is like too much. It's too much. I can't deal with it.
Starting point is 00:19:29 It's like I got anxiety about stuff, but like not the things you get anxiety about. You've got like full-blown like schedule, work, productivity, anxiety. Every day I get messages like, dude, when are you going to do another Star Wars New Canon book club? And I'm like, I literally don't have the time. Plus I have to schedule around Alex's schedule and Davis's schedule. And Davis has gone three days a week.
Starting point is 00:19:55 And Alex is working with Gerard most of the week. So our time frame is very small. And if I schedule with them, then I can't schedule Scary Game Squad. And like, it's that kind of thing where i'm just like constantly managing flows of information and and and then i am all these people on the outside like where's this what's happening with this why didn't you finish skyrim i didn't finish i literally uh and this is why i never finished games i can never finish games because i'm like i, the amount of time required to get. I mean, listen to me, Crandall.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Listen to me. I'm going crazy. I'm listening. This is like a therapy session. And then, oh, my God. And then, let me tell you. See, this is another thing. All right.
Starting point is 00:20:41 In the parking garage of my apartment complex, to another thing all right in the parking garage of my apartment complex this dude parked his two skidoos on a big skidoo trailer next to the wall right and that wall is like the parking spaces are not big enough for this trailer that he parked so every car next to his has to park a little further over, which puts them into the next parking space. And it's created a domino effect all the way down to my parking space. So the person who parks next to me parked so close for two days, I couldn't leave the apartment complex. I had to call the apartment people and be like, someone tow something because I can't get in my car. And finally they resolved it.
Starting point is 00:21:29 It's like that kind of thing. Like those little, like that, right? Like the little, just driving me, oh, just poking me. And I'm just like, I'm going to snap. And this is, I understand why people are like At Popeyes Fist fighting with other people Over a chicken sandwich right now I get it I understand why there's like
Starting point is 00:21:50 Freakouts in the middle of the street I get it I get it I would go freak out in the middle of the street But I can't drive anywhere See Now My
Starting point is 00:22:04 Let's see What have i been doing i think uh what have you been doing uh this week i made a video that parodied other videos uh i hadn't even seen anyone do something like you know there's all those clickbaity titles like 25 things you need to know about this thing. So with Burning Crusade Classic, there's a lot of like, you know, like 10 tips to figure out how to play Burning Crusade Classic, get back in the blood. And I was like, what about things you don't need to know?
Starting point is 00:22:41 And so I made 14 things you don't need to know about Burning Crusade Classic. And give me number one. Number one was that... Here you go. Here's a little teaser here. Number one is that the horde skinning trainer in Thromar is named Murutu. You're right. You're right.
Starting point is 00:23:03 That is the least worth knowing. Exactly. There's 14 more, 13 more of those. I mean, if anything, you have that corner of the internet on lockdown. You really control that. Things you don't ever need to know. Segment of the internet. Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:21 I mean, my plan. I already forgot his name. Magutu? What the hell is his name? Murutu. Oh, is hell is his name? Mu. Mu-ru-tu. Oh, is he a tauren? Yes. Do you think that's offensive to taurens when their kids are named Mu?
Starting point is 00:23:36 I don't know. That'd be like calling you like a human Eric. I mean, they're the ones that name their kids. That's what I'm saying. It's weird, though. Well, it's like a sound they make. Yeah, all right. That would be like calling you,
Starting point is 00:23:54 hey, Eric. That would be more like, ah, Eric. Eric. There's probably some people who would be like, ah, Eric. So yeah, I made that. That was fun.
Starting point is 00:24:09 And I played some Blood Bowl, played some Banjo-Tooie. Almost done with that game. Couldn't beat the final boss. Got to do that next Tuesday. Got to schedule my shot for Tuesday. So I'm getting that. And then, oh my God, I forgot about the Five Guys guy.
Starting point is 00:24:29 What? So, after the gym one day, I was like, I'm gonna get a Five Guy. Because I've been eating at home a lot. So I'm like, alright, you know what, I'll eat out. Because I looked at the thing, didn't get any fries, just got the
Starting point is 00:24:43 burger. no grilled mushrooms that's a lot of sodium in there right so I was like alright mushrooms yeah 150 milligrams of sodium in the grilled mushrooms what did they just salt the mushrooms and throw them on the grill I guess
Starting point is 00:24:59 but the grilled onions only had like 10 so I don't know what they're doing to those mushrooms. I would never. Maybe the mushrooms are like in a salt brine. I don't. I would never get the mushrooms anyway. But like it's weird that the mushrooms are the ones that are going to get you. So anyway, I'm like, all right.
Starting point is 00:25:17 I order online. I go pick it up. I walk in. There's like another guy waiting and people making the food. The guy waiting, he reminded me of like, do you the people making the food the guy waiting he reminded me of like do you remember the guy that ate the five guys burger years ago and was like damn damn how could i forget he looked like that guy but like 75 and so could have been that guy it's been a rough year so yeah like all right and then he goes they're like uh here's your order sir and he's
Starting point is 00:25:45 like give me ketchup i need a lot of ketchup and they're like all right they just put a bunch of ketchup and they're like is that good and he's like napkins too i get messy and they're like all right so they put a bunch of napkins in and he looks to all of us and goes wait a second how many burgers is you is you making and then the guy was like uh these are just for like a pickup order it's like it's like five burgers he's like tell you what if i ate all those burgers i'd look like wimpy from popeye i mean accurate i was like all right and then he like he like poked me in the shoulder and he goes he goes you remember popeye are you too young and i was like no i in the shoulder and he goes, you remember Popeye or are you too young?
Starting point is 00:26:26 And I was like, no, I remember Popeye. And he's like, all right, you got the taste. You got the taste. And I was like, thank you. And then he looked behind the counter and he's like, see the kids these days, they got these weird cartoons. Back in my day, 70 years ago, it was a long time. I don't even remember. We had the good cartoons. We had wimpy from popeye and then we were like yeah yeah and then he uh then he's like
Starting point is 00:26:55 all right you guys have a good day and we're like you too and he just he a trucker he got into like a big truck i can't eat uh i was i don't i like that he's poking you and he's like harassing people i don't know he like poked me like you got those cartoons i was like i don't know i think so i just the worst part is is knowing that i wasn't there to witness this because lord i know how you handle things like this. The look on your face must've been ridiculous. Oh yeah. Poking you. I can't even imagine what that would have looked like. If that guy had a YouTube channel where you reviewed fast food,
Starting point is 00:27:34 I'd watch it. I'd be subscribed. No doubt. Let me tell you about Wimpy. Now Wimpy could eat a burger. Just him driving to the truck, talking about like old cartoons and eating fast food. He wouldn't pay for it, but Wimpy could eat a burger.
Starting point is 00:27:53 That was pretty much my week. Amazing. Amazing. I'm glad we had two very different weeks. We did. Very different weeks. We did. Very different weeks. Yeah, I get my first injection on Tuesday, so it'll be good. Yeehaw.
Starting point is 00:28:17 I just remembered, we keep promising to watch this Nick Cage movie, and we have to watch it. Hell yeah. We have to watch this thing, Craig. We have to watch this Nick Cage movie. And we have to watch it. Hell yeah. We have to watch this thing, Craig. We have to watch this thing. I gotta drink that Snoop Dogg wine. Yeah, we need to set up a schedule. We need to set up a time to watch. We need a time.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Oh, man. Alright, we'll talk about it. I was about to say, what is your Friday? But I don't know what my Friday looks like. I was about to say, what is your Friday? But I don't know what my Friday looks like. Yeah, we'll see. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:28:52 We'll figure it out. We'll see. We'll figure it out. We'll tweet out. We'll tweet out. Like a Saturday might be good. Saturday's more like people are available and not doing anything. And we can watch it during the day.
Starting point is 00:29:02 We can get day drunk watching it. Yeah. That's better. That's more fun That way we can spend the rest of the day Wondering why we watched it That's a great point Sounds good Alright
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Starting point is 00:31:14 Also, today we're brought to you by HelloFresh. Speaking of promo codes, we have got one for you for HelloFresh. HelloFresh is the best way to get fresh, pre-measured ingredients and mouth-watering seasonal recipes delivered right to your door. It lets you skip the grocery trips. It lets you cook at home in easy and fun and affordable ways. It's America's number one meal kit. HelloFresh cuts the stress out of meal planning and worrying about what you're going to find at the grocery store, especially right now. You can sit at home and enjoy cooking with the family, or let's be real, if you're like me, just yourself. Get food to the table in less than 30 minutes. It offers
Starting point is 00:31:59 now even 10 20-minute meals, low prep recipes uh, breakfast, lunches, all those things. And what's incredible about HelloFresh is the number of recipes they allow you to choose from each week. Crandor and I have talked about this before, about how even once you get those recipes, now you have like all these new ideas with how to cook. And when you do end up getting different foods, you can like mix and match and change. And you know, you have recipes that you love in your head. So if you know, you don't see that recipe on their list, you can just go out and make it yourself if you want to real talk. And you are becoming a better cook in the process. So a great example is one of the ones I got is an oven ready walnut crusted chicken. Ooh, it has broccoli.
Starting point is 00:32:46 It has, it comes with some bread to add to the, it's like got a whole little thing set up. Right. But also I was like, what if I got a pub style shepherd's pie? What if I got a shepherd's pie? And I was like, done easy. Yeah. I want that too.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Mostly because I never made shepherd's pie before. And I just kind of want to. If you want to jump in on this, go to slash cox12 and use code cox12 for 12 free meals, including free shipping. Repeat cox12 for 12 free meals. It's over the course of, I believe, of four weeks. slash Cox12 to get your meals today. Get food. Alright, Grendel, let's go to chapter number seven.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Grendel, I was like, copter. I forgot what the word was. Out there. Uh-huh. I feel like you're just getting worse and worse at these. Just need a week to go on. Just need to be like, uh, go up to cop third. Cop.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Yeah, I don't know. Weather's getting warmer out there. So, you got more cars. You got more boats. You got more planes. You got more everything. You know, it's a little crazy. So, you know, just keep
Starting point is 00:34:08 your distance. Be safe. Get the old zip zap. And, uh... Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, oh, how dare you? How dare you?
Starting point is 00:34:23 This hurts so bad. How dare you? Back, dude? This hurts so bad. How dare you? My poor, tired arms. All right. Let's go over to weather. How's that weather? Weather time. Let's see. We got a...
Starting point is 00:34:36 Let's go to the old YouTube podcast. slash Cox's Grindr podcast. If you want to listen on YouTube. And take a weather recommendation uh we've got due weather for hemmel hempstead in england we have a big weird round about in 2005 an oil deport here exploded apparently biggest explosion in Europe since World War II, and I think we were named one of the ugliest towns in the UK. Damn. And a friend of theirs got a gold archery at the Paralympics.
Starting point is 00:35:13 I mean, that's neat. Yeah. All right, this is Hemel Hempstead. Currently in Hemel Hempstead. You got 40 degrees Fahrenheit. You're looking at a 36 degrees is what it's feeling like. You got pressure 30.48, 10 mile visibility, 7 mile an hour winds. You got your 32 dew point.
Starting point is 00:35:35 You got your zero on the UV index. And you got your moon phase bopping up at a waning gibbous. Over on the old 10 day, you got 59, 42, 43, 47, 52, 53, 50, 54, 55, 58, 59, 58. That's more than 10 days. Wait, what? Yeah, that's more. You're right. That's more than 10 days.
Starting point is 00:36:00 More than 10 days, That's more than 10 days there. It's more than 10 days, It's more than 10 days there. With a lot of clouds and rain and a couple partly sunnies mixed in there. Wow, it's actually warmer here than it is in England. Well, at least in Hempstead. I think because they're a little bit... Yeah, is Hempstead like northern England?
Starting point is 00:36:20 I don't know. Actually, let's see. It's like here in Chicago. It's like 60s. It's great. No, it's see. It's like here in Chicago. It's like 60s. It's great. No, it's like right north of London. Huh. Well.
Starting point is 00:36:31 I'm trying to look at pictures. I don't know. It doesn't look like. I'm looking at a beautiful garden. Who said this was the ugliest city? That's probably like they voted at their own ugliest city or something. I mean, I guess. You know, I guess America has some pretty trashy cities. Maybe I'm comparing the wrong thing.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Yeah, I think so. It looks like an old seaport town or something. Except, you know, it's not. Except it's not. Maybe that's why. This looks like a seaport. Maybe because the industrial estate there's an industrial estate that looks very uh like industrial like an
Starting point is 00:37:12 industrial park that's probably why the explosion thing happened because they're near the industrials yeah i don't know i mean out of all i will say out of all the towns and things were sent to this one looks the most normal but also the most bland if that says anything that's that's probably what it is yeah most of the towns are like old fart minnesota and you go there and it's like nothing's going on but so little's going on it's kind of quaint this just looks like a normal town yeah just looks so normal that it's like I don't know Yes you know what We don't think you're ugly I'm trying to I'm looking up top 10 things to do
Starting point is 00:37:51 Oh here we go top 15 Oh there's 15 Alright So The number one thing to see in Hemel Hempstead In the UK The Buddhist Monastery. All right.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Well, there you go. That's number one. That says a lot about the entire area. Yeah. The most interesting thing is the Buddhist Monastery. There's a park, a church, a Sunday market. Oh, no. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:38:22 This is... Oh, no. Yeah. No. Here is... Oh, no. Yeah, no. Here's what I'll say. When the top 15 most interesting things to do in your town include Cinema World, Cinema Hemel Hempstead, that's a problem. And the review is very comfortable seats,
Starting point is 00:38:39 clean and good views. All right. All right. All right. Best things to do. Go see a movie. I mean, like, okay. Can't fight that.
Starting point is 00:38:50 That's the weather. All right. Let's go to sports. Sports time. So in the world of sports, we've got baseball happening again. I'll give it some baseball facts. We've got Orioles 2-0, Rays 2-0, Tigers 2-0, Royals 2-0, Astros 2-0. Over in the NL, you've got the Phillies 1-0, Cardinals 1-0, Brewers 1-0, Cubs 1-1, Padres 2-0.
Starting point is 00:39:22 So there's your undefeated team so far. Over in the NBA, I watched the Bulls lose last night. That was fun. But they're pretty competitive against the Jazz. I mean, you know, Jazz is the best team in the NBA at 37-11. So, I mean, even if you're competitive, that's pretty solid. Then the Suns, 34-14. Clippers, 32-18.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Lakers, 31-18. Nuggets, 30-18-18 Trailblazers 29-19 Mavericks 26-21 Spurs 24-22 which is a lot better than the East the East is the Nets 34-15
Starting point is 00:39:58 Bucks 31-17 and then it falls off Hornets 25-23 Hawks 25-24 Heath 25-24 $15, $31.17, and then it falls off. Hornets, $25.23. Hawks, $25.24. Heat, $25.24. Knicks, $24.25. Celtics, $24.25.
Starting point is 00:40:13 So you've got some below 500 teams in the East at the bottom slots and in the West, that's not the case. The Buffalo Sabres stopped losing, so that's pretty neat. I believe it's because we complained about it, I think. I think so. Is what happened there. They are now 1-7-2 in their last tens. They had a win and a couple ties, overtimes mixed in there. Good for them.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Yeah. Change is coming. Believe, Buffalo. Yep. Believe. Lightning at the top, Capitals, Avalanche, and Maple Leafs are your top teams in the NHL. Capitals, Avalanche, and Maple Leafs are your top teams in the NHL. And I know there's the Summer Olympics check of the week.
Starting point is 00:40:53 I believe they said it's going to happen now. I heard this. I don't think anybody's been able to watch. They were just talking about running the torch. Oh, were they? I didn't see that. Yeah. They were talking about setting up the torch runs. I mean, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Yeah. I'm excited. Here's the thing i think i mentioned it before but like i like the olympics it's just a background thing while you're doing other things sure like uh especially when i got my gallbladder out that's when the winter olympics were happening that was great i was just on the couch being like, and then I'd be like, ooh, curling. I feel the same way. I would watch the Olympics late at night in order to fall asleep. If that says anything. It's upside. It's great for that.
Starting point is 00:41:44 And of all the Olympics, we got to see this one. This is the Tokyo. This is the tokyo this is the super mario olympics right they're supposed to have like i hope i hope that's what it is i hope that's what it is i hope so too like this is with like robots and shit going crazy right yeah the opening the opening ceremony i imagine has to be like, domo, domo, domo. And then, like, the robots come out. And then it's like, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo. Right? You know, like, every color is some mixture of purple, pink, and, like, neon green. It's like, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo. Right?
Starting point is 00:42:20 I just love that. I remember, like, a year ago or so, we talked about the Tokyo Olympic, like, mascots for two years. The mascots are crazy looking. I want that. I remember like a year ago or so, we talked about the Tokyo Olympic mascots for two years. The mascots are crazy looking. I want crazy. I want crazy. That's what I'm here for. I'm glad it's happening because I want to see the crazy. And that's sports.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Don't we all? Okay. Crandor, what is our big news story of... I forgot we have to do this. You forgot the fact. Cool. Alright. You have forgotten the fact of the day. Here
Starting point is 00:42:52 we go. I guess it's more like a fact of the week. Allergy season is getting longer and more intense each year. You don't say. If you're one of the millions of Americans who suffer from allergies, we got bad news.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Allergy season's getting longer and more intense each year. According to a 2019 study, another unfortunate result of climate change, scientists have found that pollen counts across the northern hemisphere have increased over the last 20 years and that pollen season is increasing 0.9 days a year worldwide wait so it's just one day yeah but that still sucks especially if you have allergies that's true i got some oh my god some grass pollen allergies oh my eyes the last month have been
Starting point is 00:43:39 if anyone watches my streams i i'm like help help, my eyes. Yeah, it sucks. Yeah, no, I get that too. I'll just get the post-nasal drip. It's a bad time. Not a fan. Agreed. Zero fan. You know what? I'm going to throw in another fact just because I'm feeling crazy.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Did you find a better one? Is that what this is? No, I just want to throw in another one. Okay. Kentucky has more bourbon than people. I believe that. I believe that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:12 If bourbon is your drink of choice, you might want to plan to go to Kentucky. That state is not only responsible for 95% of the world's bourbon, but there's also so much of it that 4.7 million barrels in the state distilleries outnumbers the 4.3 million people living in the area. That sounds really accurate. No, it definitely does. Wait, is bourbon whiskey or is it its own thing? This is one of those like yes and no answers. Both bourbon and whiskey are brown liquids.
Starting point is 00:44:43 They look about the same. And to add to the possible confusion, if you just refer to bourbon as whiskey are brown liquids. They look about the same and to add to the possible confusion if you just refer to bourbon as whiskey you wouldn't be wrong. Bourbon is a type of whiskey much the way that champagne is a type of wine. So all bourbon is whiskey but not all whiskey is bourbon.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Yeah, pretty much. Interesting. That's another fact we just learned. Look at that. We got three facts. We're just dropping fact bombs. That's another fact we just learned. Look at that. We got three facts. We're just dropping fact bombs. That's how we roll. Those are your facts. All right. Big news story. Hit me. This one's big. You ready?
Starting point is 00:45:14 I'm waiting. Take a breath. Ravens. Accused. You came out the gate strong with that one. I did. Ravens. Ravens. Accused of stealing groceries from Alaska Costco customers.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Why? For what purpose, Ravens? They know what they're doing. It's not their first time, one customer said. They're very fat So I think they've got a whole system there I need to see What just a fat raven looks like
Starting point is 00:45:56 I need to like I'm about to steal I'm about to steal groceries God I'm about to steal them. I think it was just a stock image of a raven. He doesn't look like Superfight or anything. I need to see
Starting point is 00:46:10 the raven that they noticed was fat. They just noticed. They were like, it's noticeably fat this raven. Anchorage, Alaska. Some Alaska Costco shoppers said that their groceries have been stolen by Ravens in the parking lot. Matt Lew Allen said he was packing his groceries into his car. And when Ravens swooped in to steal a short rib from his cart.
Starting point is 00:46:44 In the plastic and all the whole thing? Just like... One short rib. Amazing. I literally took ten steps away and turned around. Two ravens came down and grabbed one out of the package, ripped it off, and flew off with it. Oh my god, they like went into the packaging and just took the short rib. Yeah, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Amazing. Llewellyn said the piece of meat was about four by seven. A sizable meal for a sizable bird. They know what they're doing. It's not their first time. Once he got back home, he noticed that one of the Ravens had taken a poke at another rib, but did not rob it. I cut that meat out and I started marinating it
Starting point is 00:47:25 and my wife said, that's gross, we should take it back. Costco actually took it back even after we had started marinating them and gave us a full refund. That says a lot about Costco. It does. I mean, you know. They're just like, oh yeah, the ravens.
Starting point is 00:47:40 It also says a lot about that guy who was like, it's just a raven, honey. Additional raven thief sightings have emerged on social media. My parents were minding their business after a shop and made it home with one less steak, Kimberly Waller wrote on Facebook. The bird snatched it right out of the pack in the parking lot. Oh my God. Anchorage resident Tamara Josie replied to Waller's post and referred to the Ravens as calculating.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Ravens hovered her in an attempt to steal her groceries. I had two Ravens, one that was on the car next to me and he kept squawking real loud. Josie said, He would sit on the car and stare at me, then hop to the next top next to the bed of the truck on the other side, and he kept going back and forth. The other raven was on the ground. He kept trying to pull. I had those little mini melons you have in the mesh baggies. He kept trying to grab the
Starting point is 00:48:33 netting and pull my melons off the cart. This is like a really lame version of Jurassic Park, where the one raptor, they're like, clever girl, and the other clever girl stealing the melons yeah a Raven started to fly in a circle around Josie until she got them to scram he was waiting for another opportunity to grab the melons off the cart but they never deterred they just stayed posted waiting for their next
Starting point is 00:49:01 opportunity to steal something out of my cart. They're very dedicated to their mission, she added. Yeah, they're like the gone in 60 seconds of, uh, alright, let's ride. You know, they do the whole bit and they go out to... Raven 1 to Raven 2. Raven 1 to Raven 2. Are you weird? I'm going in for the rim.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Fast and furious. With ravens. Are you weird? I'm going in for the Raven. Fast and Furious with Ravens. A manager at an Anchorage Costco declined to comment to the newspaper about the Raven thieves. It's like, I'm not talking about this shit. This is crazy. These Ravens will get me next. Yeah, the Ravens are probably in on it with them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:41 We'll give you some of this steak. He's like, yeah, okay. You don't talk about us, we don't harm you or your family. All right, that's fine. Yeah. Well, that's a nice steak you got there. It would be a shame if something would have happened to it. The Anchorage Autobahn Society tallies the raven population every December.
Starting point is 00:50:02 The group reported 923 common ravens in 2018, 621 in 2019, and 750 in 2020. Rick Sano, a former wildlife biologist with the State Department of Fish and Game, said hundreds of ravens fly to Anchorage in the winter for food. After winter turns to spring, most of the ravens leave. But before they do, the ravens stick around to pluck assorted meats, fruits, and vegetables. For years, they've watched people in the parking lots of grocery stores with all this food, Ceno said. They know what a piece of fruit looks like in a grocery cart because they've seen it on the ground or seen it in a garbage can.
Starting point is 00:50:39 That's it. Amazing. They're learning. They're learning. They're adapting. They're changing. They're adapting. They're changing. The Ravens. Starring Nicolas Cage
Starting point is 00:50:52 coming in 2022. I bet that'd be a good movie to drink to. He just comes out. He's the owner of the store. He's just like, he's goddamn Ravens. Get out of here, Ravens! They'll be back. Get out of here, Ravens! They'll be back. Get out of here!
Starting point is 00:51:08 I'd watch it. Yeah, I would too. Alright, well, that's it for this episode. Thank you so much for tuning in. Listen and watch however you're enjoying this podcast. Crendor. Hit them with the socials. Sash podcast. Crendor. Hit them with the socials. slash Cox Crendor podcast.
Starting point is 00:51:28 That's where I upload all these to YouTube. We also got them on Spotify, iTunes, SoundCloud, other places. You probably know them. You can cut off the slash Cox Crendor podcast and just do Cox and Crendor. You'll find all the animations on YouTube. Funny ha-ha animations. Also, check out ourrandor. You'll find all the animations on YouTube. Funny haha animations. Also, check out our own stuff. We got slash Jesse Cox.
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Starting point is 00:52:01 Instagram, Crandor's taken. Patreon, Jesse Cox. Patreon, Crandor. There's probably more. Warhammer Instagram Crendor's Taken Patreon Jess Cox Patreon Crendor There's probably more Warhammer Crendor Goodnight Crendor Jesse Makes Games Yep Yep
Starting point is 00:52:17 So far so good I think that's all I got Alright well that's it Thank you so much Hey leave us a review On whatever platform you listen on Make it a good one Don't make it like one of those crappy reviews
Starting point is 00:52:32 Kiss our butt a little Thumbs up a five star A subscribe A playlist listen And be like Man if there's one thing I love it's Ravens. Yeah, the Ravens won't come get you.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Yeah, make that your review and then people will be like, this podcast about Ravens? People will be like they're suspiciously pro-Raven. That's so Raven. Yeah. Alright, well that's it. We'll see y'all next time and as always To be continued. Still raving. Yeah. All right. Well, that's it. We'll see y'all next time. And as always,
Starting point is 00:53:06 To be continued.

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