Cox n' Crendor Show - Episode 286 - Magical Manuka

Episode Date: April 26, 2021

Crendor discovers the dangers of yogurt, gives Jesse a lesson in tea, and the boys discover the powerful and mystical properties of Manuka Honey...and copper doorknobs. Welcome to another episode of C...ox n' Crendor! Go to to get a FREE plastic dispenser with any refill plan! Go to to get 15% off your first order and free shipping!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode is brought to you by Quip. Quip is here to help you brush better, floss better, and now chew gum better? Also today we're brought to you by me, Undies. The Undies I have on me right now. They're neon green. Hashtag HotJesseSummer. Alright, let's jump into this podcast. Hello everybody, it's time for Ghost on Trending.
Starting point is 00:00:27 This is Trending in the morning. In the morning. Broadcasting live, live, live, live, live. In 4-hour recording studios. Recording. Wake your ass up. It's the next Trending in the morning. Hello, everybody. Welcome to another episode of Gags. Hit me! Wake your ass up! It's the next Grenda of the morning! Hit me! Hit me! Hit me! Hit me! Grenda of the morning!
Starting point is 00:00:48 Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of Grenda of the morning! Hey, how's it going? You know what? It's going gravy. Whoa. Yeah. That's, uh, I mean, how does gravy go? Uh, you know, it's like smooth and a little floury. A little chunky.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Yeah, kind of the gristle from something else you cooked and like a little off brown, you know. You know, gravy. Gravy, baby. That sounds pretty good then. But it's delicious is what it is. Delicious. Well, I don't really like gravy. Out of all the things killing you, not enjoying gravy is just enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Maybe that's your problem. Maybe you're such a Chicago and not having gravy in your diet is what's slowly killing you. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. This guy, he's only 20% marinara and 20% salt. There's a whole other 20% gravy that's not even here. Dude, you're only operating at 85%. That must be it, honestly. I didn't even put that into the equation.
Starting point is 00:01:51 What a fool you've been. Well, I have been feeling a little better. Now, I had to cut out the coffee. Surprising, I know. Wait, so you're done with coffee for good? Oh, no. Wait, what? Then you can't say, oh, I cut out the coffee. I know wait, so you're done with coffee for good. Oh, no
Starting point is 00:02:07 Then you can't say oh I cut out the coffee When I was having all my digestive problems, I was still having like a half cup of coffee a day So I was like, you know what? I'm after I'm gonna have to stop that I can't believe that we're at the point where like I was still having Half a cup of coffee a day half a cup is what got you. I don't believe it Well, I think cuz I don't believe it. Well, I think because I was already so irritated, it was just making it worse. It's kind of like if you sprain your ankle and you're like, I'm just gonna walk like a half mile today.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Like, you know, if it's already sprained, it's gonna be a bad time. You gotta wait for it to fully heal. So, I was like, alright, I need to go full-on healing diet. So I wake up, I have my oatmeal blueberry walnut, right? And then, I have my oatmeal, blueberry, walnut, right? And then I wait an hour or two, have a banana.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Wait an hour or two, have a turkey burger. Wait an hour or two, have probably another banana. So it's like smaller meals are good for your digestive system because it's easier to digest. You just love nanners is what it sounds like. Dude, bananas, good good nutrition helps coat the digestion and stole a pretty high calorie so i get my calories in who told you who told you it helps coat the digest what does that mean it helps coat the digestion all over the internet well bananas
Starting point is 00:03:17 are like when you eat a banana it's kind of like mucusy you know so like when you eat a banana it helps like coat your digestive system like your esophagus, your stomach. Yes, I do know it. Banana? Yeah, yeah. Coats. Not banana coats. Banana coats.
Starting point is 00:03:42 That's why whenever you're sick, they're like, eat bananas. Because they're, like, easy on your digestive system, too. Sure. Use your acid reflux. Yeah. I can believe that. I see that. Bananas.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Yeah. I've also been drinking aloe vera juice. Really? Aloe water is what you're drinking. Aloe vera juice. Oh, all right. Is it a special brand? We got to give them a shout out of this weird what you're drinking. Aloe vera juice. Oh, all right. Is it a special brand? We got to give them a shout out of this weird thing you're drinking.
Starting point is 00:04:11 I got, I don't know, I was at Whole Foods. It's called Aloe vera. I know it's Lakewood. You are one step away from getting celery water. I'm worried about you. No, no, no. I went to Whole Foods to get my aloe juice. Do you even know about the aloe plant? Do I know about the...
Starting point is 00:04:28 I had aloe plants. Do I know about the aloe plant? Well, then you should know all about it. Look, I understand a lot about the aloe plant. I think it's really funny that only recently are people like, aloe juice, you got to have it. Well, you're not supposed to have a lot of it. You're only supposed to have about
Starting point is 00:04:45 eight ounces a day or you're going to actually not have a great time. What does that mean? Like it can give you the runs. Oh, well, I shouldn't do that because as we've discussed, almonds blew out my butt.
Starting point is 00:05:01 I cannot. Yeah, anything juiced. I don't have to worry about I can anything whole but if you juice it there's a potential chance my ass will explode and I'm not I'm not feeling it no thank you no juicing sorry aloe no juicing I usually just take a swig a couple times a day you know probably adds up to about eight ounces i think you should make your way through the bottle is that what you're telling me yeah pretty much so it's uh pretty much everything i've read just like it's good for healing your digestive system i'm like whatever screw it so i've been drinking some of that and uh then later in the day i have my like
Starting point is 00:05:39 my normal dinner of like the chicken ginger, and like some bok choy carrots. Pretty good. And then I'll have like a peanut butter sourdough toast. That's pretty good too. You're doing like a solid six meal a day kind of vibe. Yeah, pretty much. I got to get my calories in. I'm still working out. I can't not get gains.
Starting point is 00:05:59 But you got to like, you got to feed yourself. But you can't eat those big bulky fatty meals now. So I just have like, you know, I got to spread my peanut butter out too. You can't have it all at once. So I spread that peanut butter out. Right. You don't want to like OD on butter. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:06:14 You want like a little bit of peanut butter here, a little bit of peanut butter there. You got a whole system down. You're really taking care of yourself. I can tell. So ever since I started doing that, that was about three days ago. I have gotten progressively better. And I'm on, you know, I feel like from where I was last week. Well, I guess we record like four days ago.
Starting point is 00:06:34 From where I was like then, I'd say I'm probably like probably a solid 40% better. I mean, yeah, no, I'm so proud of you. You're doing great. I had two grilled chicken sandwiches from Chick-fil-A today. But they were grilled so I can feel better about myself. Well. Oh, that's the other thing I found. I think yogurt in general is bad.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Whoa. Wow. Wow. What would past Eric say? Here's the thing. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What would past Eric say? Here's the thing. The probiotics of the yogurt. Good.
Starting point is 00:07:14 I think, oh no, I think you are on. What podcast are you listening to? You're on like the crazy podcast train. What are we listening to? This isn't even, this is just food law. I'm MoMA Gerk, and this is my fitness podcast. You know what really makes you gay? Yogurt. Is that what you're doing now?
Starting point is 00:07:29 Don't be that guy, Crandor. Well, no, I read this. Don't be that guy. Don't listen to those people. I'm going to tell you. You know, Crandor, I think they're bad people. Don't do it. I read this in the comments of our podcast.
Starting point is 00:07:44 So, you might be right you're right i wanted that i saw some people being like yogurt can be pretty acidic honestly and so i was like i'll get the low fat yogurt right but that's got like higher sugar in it so i was like but maybe it's not as bad and i swear to god two days straight i was getting better than last night had a little bit of yogurt got a little irritated and i was like dude i think it's i think it's the yogurt i think yogurt's doing it so i wrote that down maybe bad yogurt maybe bad can i ask you a question yeah all the stomach irritation that was happening to you yeah when did it first start Well, I kind of felt it ramping up a bit, like a week or week and a half ago.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Maybe two weeks. I mean like in general, in your life. Oh, in my life? 24, 25. And how long have I been? Well, IBS though, colon, that's been like since second grade. Oh, never mind.
Starting point is 00:08:42 My hope is that we could link this all back to the fact that you were like, I eat like eight gallons of yogurt a day, dude. If we could somehow prove that too much yogurt was a problem, then us being that weird podcast that's like, yogurt's awful for you would make sense, but
Starting point is 00:08:59 I can't go that far. If I had to add it up, I would say it was probably more the Chipotle and the beer. But there's no overeating. Big meals all at once instead of splitting them up. That's probably more of those things. But I think once it's like I said, once you're irritated, you kind of find the foods that actually do irritate you. Because like when I was eating other stuff, I'm good to go.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Then, oh, I forgot about my tea. So I've been having tea and it's been uh ginger turmeric ginger turmeric tea and then i swirl in some manuka honey yo turmeric i don't know what's going on turmeric is that it crept up on me like i need this in everything i love turmeric it's great yeah i want it and if i could find ways to put it in more things i would so it's a it's a nice like it's got a zing to it with the turmeric and the ginger and then the manuka honey. That's some crazy
Starting point is 00:09:50 honey. I'm gonna tell you right now. I mean, besides the name, why is it crazy? It's, like, apparently it's one of the more, like, healthier health benefit honeys. It's from New Zealand. Google manuka honey. It's native to New Zealand, I think.
Starting point is 00:10:06 And pretty much honey in general is pretty good. But a lot of honeys you buy in the store are just kind of like sugar. But Manuka honey is like straight up. It's like those bees. This sounds like some quackery. First off, when I Google Manuka honey and everything I see doesn't look like a little honey bear, but instead is like Manuka doctor, Manuka honey or activist honey or Manuka raw honey. And it comes in a black vial and looks like it says like 850 milligrams. Like, what are you?
Starting point is 00:10:40 What are you into? None of these look like actual honeys. They look like something you would get at the doctor's office. All right. Well, that's because this is like crazy New Zealand honey, essentially. There's... What is... All right.
Starting point is 00:10:55 I need to know what this means. So there's Manuka honey, right? Right. Then there's Manuka MGO 850. I have no idea what that means. Well, look, I mean, here's the thing. I think we've stumbled on some, there's some drugs going on here, my dude. This is Manuka Honey certified UMF 10 plus.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Don't know what that means. But that's 15 bucks on Amazon. Then there's Manuka Honey UMF 20 plus MGO 850 $69. Then there's Manuka Honey MGO 1200 plus UMF 25 plus $299. All right, that's getting in the scam territory. What does that mean? All I did, I went to the grocery store and I saw the Manuka honey. I was like, oh, 15 bucks. It's a little pricier,
Starting point is 00:11:48 but I was like, I'll try it. Like, I'm not paying like 50 bucks for honey. This is, I can't, the fact that this Manuka honey, you need to use, it says you can buy through PayPal. So, what does it mean? MGO certified,
Starting point is 00:12:04 UMF, limited edition batch has been collected from single hives in very remote locations of the New Zealand wilderness, making it pure and highly active. It has been carefully aged up to two years to develop at least a 1,200 milligram of dietary methoglossal per kilogram of honey. This honey, Crandor, this honey comes in a black box. Crandor,
Starting point is 00:12:28 I, am I about, am I about to buy $300 honey? One of us has to figure out what this tastes like. That's true. One of us has to do this. Manuka honey already tastes a little wacky. What do you mean it tastes a little wacky?
Starting point is 00:12:45 You know how honey, you're just kind of like, yum, yum, yum, honey. It tastes kind of sweet. Manuka honey doesn't really taste very sweet. What does it taste like? It tastes a little more waxy. Ew, why would I pay $300 for wax? Oh, never mind. Because it's healthier.
Starting point is 00:13:00 You know what? I'm fine. I'm fine with normal honey. You know what? All right. You know what? I'm fine. I'm fine with normal honey. You know what? All right. MGO means metagloxal.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Stands for metagloxal, the naturally occurring compound that makes Manuka honey so special. Our research partner, Professor Thomas Hennell, University of Dresden, and his team discovered MGO as the magic ingredient in Manuka honey, a discovery long sought after in the science world. Sounds like bullshit to me. We've long sought the Manuka honey. Sounds like BS to me. What's crazy is that... I believe in it. I just think you can probably buy a $15 bottle. It's just as good as the $300 bottle. What's crazy is that I'm looking at this website,
Starting point is 00:13:44 and all of it is 5 stars All of it Not just one brand Every single one is 5 stars I refuse to accept that all Manuka honey Is 5 star It can't be true That's true it can't be true
Starting point is 00:14:00 When I click on the thing That says 120 people get this 5 stars Nothing pops up. I'm starting to think 120 people did not give that five stars. Now, on Amazon, a lot of people give it five stars, but one person gave it one star because the texture was different from the previous times they ordered it. Well, I guess if it's natural, there's a chance that will happen, right? That's the whole point, is that sometimes it will be different.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Oh, shit. This guy ordered the 850 MGO, but he's not happy. He says, this isn't like the Manuka honey I've ever had before. It looks like regular honey. Manuka should be creamy. Its smell and taste are so similar to regular honey.
Starting point is 00:14:43 I was using a New Zealand Manuka for diverticulitis I did not ever get sick with it. I switched to this product because it was 850 but a week later I ended up hospitalized What the shit I switched back to Manu Cora and I feel great again. I will never buy this product again Has an 850 I'm looking at right now Cora has an 850 I'm looking at right now Manu Kor has an 850 I'm actually on their website Looking at their stuff
Starting point is 00:15:09 I want to find reviews for the one that's I want to find reviews for the $300 one Manuka by price Amazon help me out here There's got to be Someone had to have bought this expensive one People be crazy like that Manuka honey
Starting point is 00:15:24 This one is Three bottles of this Someone had to have bought this expensive one. People be crazy like that. Manuka honey. Definitely did. This one is three bottles of this is $700? Oh, my God. Oh, yeah. No. Here we are. We're in the crazy town. I got to find reviews, though.
Starting point is 00:15:39 $264 for this Manuka honey. 85 reviews. Most of them very, very positive. Here we go. What is the vibe i need to know what people are thinking when they were the caviar of manuka honey the only negative review is this bottle came leaking so i guess that makes sense but that's not a review of the honey that's just of the packet um what the shit this can't. First review, the caviar of honey. This purchase was a very special gift for my employer who loves honey.
Starting point is 00:16:10 She states it has totally relieved her severe allergic retinitis. Rent-titis? Oh, boy. Compared to non-sedating antihistamines. As per feedback from her yesterday, she was impressed with the creamy taste and texture, even exceeding that of the UMF24 grade. Don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:33 This is like I've entered a cult of crazy people who speak a different language. This guy says worth every penny. I've been researching manila honey for years, and I've struggled with acne my entire life. I became allergic because of an antibiotic that I took resulting in horrendous breakouts. I would use this honey every day to exfoliate my skin. What? I couldn't be happier.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Apparently it's good for your skin. Having such horrible acne is painful and emotionally draining, especially self-esteem wise. I started with eight ounces when it was on sale at Works Wonders. Even better than the Kiva? Don't know what that means. Now I just recently ordered the eight ounce. They're putting it on their face. This person says, great.
Starting point is 00:17:23 This person says Healed my hand I fell I fell with the plate And a piece of the plate went into the palm of my hand It was very deep I put the honey on Which slowed down The bleeding
Starting point is 00:17:39 Wrapped it Changed it every couple of hours within a week My hand was almost completely healed today It is healed with no scarring unbelievable. It was worth every penny What? well What is it? What is this magic you've discovered over four thousand years ago honey was used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine where it was thought to be effective in
Starting point is 00:18:05 treating indigestion yes uh before its use by ancient egyptians honey was rubbed onto the skin to treat wounds and has been found in medicinal substances from 5 000 years ago they were using honey 5 000 years ago in egypt i mean i can't i argue with that. It's true, but it's just this is like, I can understand eating it for like IBS problems or I want to put it in my tea or I want to do something with honey, but these people are like
Starting point is 00:18:35 Barbie Johnson wrote miracle purchased for its medicinal use on our pug ordered and delivered within 24 hours. OMG. Been battling perpetual hotspot for three years. Within 24 hours of applying the honey, every bit of the flaming redness
Starting point is 00:18:51 was gone. Within about 10 days, it was healed. The skin the skin's black pigment caused by this constant wound is almost back to pink for the first time in two years. This is just they put the honey on their pug and their pug is now more puggy. I mean, it's crazy to me.
Starting point is 00:19:14 It seems, all right, here we go. Here we go. One star. My daughter and I tried this honey on two separate occasions. It became extremely ill, I assume they mean mean ill with multiple trips to the doctors. Initially, we thought we were just having a severe stomach virus that lasted the first time.
Starting point is 00:19:31 13 days was well for two days with no honey. Then my daughter and I had some honey with our coffee and both felt ill again on antibiotics. Again, looking to have the particular honey tested for listeria salmonella, possibly botulism too late to have the particular honey tested for listeria salmonella possibly botulism too late to return the product so that's what i need to hear i need to hear there's something wrong with it did you know that honey can be it like never gets old it never expires this one says i got
Starting point is 00:19:59 diarrhea the first see this is why i can't see i can't buy in this is like what everyone was like dude try almond milk and i I was like, all right. And then I crapped myself everywhere. These people are saying I tried one spoonful. I had diarrhea for hours. This is what would happen to me. You're over here like, this will cure your warts and make your hair grow back. And I'm like, okay, I'll give it a try and i'll lose all the insides will come out my intestines will be outside my body i know it i mean you're probably
Starting point is 00:20:34 right did you know that uh honey doesn't expire though i mean technically it's not supposed to yeah sometimes it gets crystallized which is like you funky. But they said you can go back to 3,000-year-old honey from the tombs of pharaohs and still eat it. Did you ever see that guy who, did he find cheese? They found something. They found like a primordial soup. Something that was in like a pharaoh's tomb that I think was supposed to be cheese. And everyone was like, are we going to try that? Hold on.
Starting point is 00:21:04 I got to look this story up because it's incredible. Ate Pharaoh's. I don't know what that would be. Ate Pharaoh's food? That's going to be the weirdest. Who ate Pharaoh's food? Who ate Pharaoh's food? Ate Pharaoh's food in tomb?
Starting point is 00:21:26 This is not helping me at all. Uh, um, old Pharaoh's food in tomb. Maybe that's what we'll look at. This is not, this is not, basically the whole premise is, is that, you know, as they were like, enjoy your trip to the afterlife, they would cram like all the food and then eventually all the slaves and stuff in the tombs with them and, you know, when the tombs
Starting point is 00:21:54 opened, they would discover the food there and it would be like, you know, 2,000 years old, but some of it they found like a cheese and they were like, well, technically the cheese is fine. And everyone's like, what? And they were like Well technically the cheese is fine And everyone's like what And they're like yeah
Starting point is 00:22:08 It's really well preserved you can eat it And everyone's like eat it then And I think some guy somewhere ate it And I want to know what happened to that guy They were like it is literally like A gross soup And they're like it's fine And I was like that guy is a zombie right now what happened
Starting point is 00:22:26 to that guy i don't know but that's the vibe i get from this this uh honey that you're like trying to just all these people are like don't do it don't get this don't do it you gotta have a bad time the worst part is as many of the people giving bad reviews are like i bought it twice loved it third time i bought it tasted different looks like normal honey not worth it won't work with this seller again i'm like wait what i don't even know like working on reviews is just like the worst because you're like oh this seems good and there's someone like this is the worst thing ever and someone's like this is the best thing ever and you're like which one it is which one is it none of it's helpful my mom shops she looks at reviews for things and i'm like that's the least
Starting point is 00:23:12 helpful way to find out information especially online reviews because those are only posted by people who either love it or people had a bad experience anyone who just got their product and like moved on you'll never, you'll never know. You'll never know. Yeah. No, it's crazy out in the shopper's world, dude. It's crazy out there. It is crazy out in the shopper's world.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Yeah, you're right. You're right. Oh, yeah. I saw a while ago. I meant to bring it up on the last podcast, but you actually were exercising. You were like, I decided to exercise, and I felt i decided to exercise and i felt great have you continued that or did you stop so i have been trying to work out every single day um i did some earlier today and it wasn't enough i don't think so i'm gonna try again later tonight i just like ran out of time because i was like i got stuff to do uh basically i didn't plan my morning correctly, as if you must know.
Starting point is 00:24:07 So I'll try to get some done later, and then I will try and get some done. Are you just like cardio? Are you like lifting weights now? What do you do? I have weights. I have weights and cardio in my own apartment, so I'm good. What weights are you doing? What now?
Starting point is 00:24:24 What weights are you doing? Well it's these like both So I'm trying to describe it to you It's basically like dumbbells But not In that you can like turn the knobs on them And it gives you different weights Oh yeah I've seen those
Starting point is 00:24:39 Yeah and so I have those And you can do them laying on your back On the little bench You can do them, you know, laying on your back on the little bench. You can do them one arm at a time. You can do like different positions and stuff, you know, like that kind of, you know, that kind of vibe. Do I know the technical terms for any of those? Absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Absolutely not. My dad will be like, Jesse, that's called a fly press X. And I'll be like, whatever. I don't, I simply don't care. Yeah. No, you gotta, you gotta hit all the things. Like I've gotten to the point. I work like I do leg day now and then I do upper body day.
Starting point is 00:25:09 And then if I miss anything on upper body day, I do it on leg day. You know? I mean, usually I do cardio more on leg day too. I do, uh, whatever will not bore me the most. I prejudge when I go, I look at it and I'm like alright what can I tolerate today and then I go from there see now let me give you a good routine alright first up
Starting point is 00:25:30 you know I'm not going to do this but yes alright upper body here's what I do alright I start I do some warm ups some stretches then I do like what are your stretches how do you stretch usually just like I'll do like twist your back a bit and and then left and right.
Starting point is 00:25:48 And then I do some arms, where you take your one arm, and you put it across, and you stretch that. And you do the over-the-head arm stretch. Then you do the behind-the-back arm stretch. And then both your arms forward stretch to get your back done. All right. Then, usually after that, I pick up two 30-35-pound weights each side, dumbbells or kettlebells usually. And then I do farmer walks. Do a couple of those.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Then I'll usually do five to ten pull-ups. I usually do like four sets of those. I'll like randomly just do pull-ups whenever I'm feeling it. Then I usually do bicep curls. I got like 20, 25 pounds on the bicep curl now. Then shoulder press. Then I do bench press. Then I do lat pull downs.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Then I do, oh God, what's it called? Where you like push yourself up. Is it your deltoids? I guess for the deltoids. I forget what it's called. Then you do the bilateral circumferential motion pool. Yeah, no, I get it.
Starting point is 00:26:56 I do that all the time. Then you just keep throwing in pull-ups in there. That's like, those are my main upper body workout. Then I'll mix and match here and there. There's probably some stuff i'm forgetting uh i don't do half of those all right all right mostly because i don't know what half of what you said was my thing was i got a bunch over the years i've gotten like four personal trainer workouts and they like show me what to do and they're like wow you're doing it right now and i'm like all right and they're like do you want to do any more and i'm like nope
Starting point is 00:27:27 and then i just keep doing it and then when i want to learn something else i get another personal trainer thing for one session and then that's all i need and i'm like all right i know what to do now uh question these personal trainers when you are done with them and then they see you around the gym is there any like what is their your relationship to them do they recognize you are they like wait i thought that guy didn't need help no some of them well like it's one of those things where i'm like uh you know i'm not like see you later idiot i'm just like oh yeah if i got any questions or i want to get another training thing i'll uh i'll talk to you it's one of those things and they they're like, all right. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:28:05 I might need to do that. But yeah, you know, they're usually pretty cool. And then some of them leave and you don't see them again. One of those. So then, yeah. I just didn't know if it was awkward if you worked with trainer A and then quit. Then you work with trainer B and then trainer A sees you with trainer B. Ah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:22 And they're like, what are you doing? I thought we were a thing. Are we not a thing now? That trainer B. Ah, yeah. And they're like, what are you doing? I thought we were a thing. Are we not a thing now? That would be pretty awkward, yeah. I haven't had that happen. Do you prefer guy or lady trainer? I've had both. What is your preference?
Starting point is 00:28:36 Who do you like berating you the most? That's what training is, right? They yell at you and say that you're weak? I'd say it's pretty equal. Faster, stronger, are you weakling? They step on you a little? is right they yell at you and say that you're weak uh there's about they say do it equal faster stronger you weakling well they step on you a little how does it work what is it the first uh the first trainer i ever had uh she was like this one girl about my age and your descriptor was incredible the first trainer had she was about like she was a girl that was about my age That's back when I was like grandma strength
Starting point is 00:29:11 So like I was like here we go I was like doing my like five pound weights and stuff and I was like what she think was she like you can do it Well like they work with a lot of old people too. So like they're probably used to it by then she's just like alright Good job. You know what? I i keep forgetting you're not at like a gold gym you're at like uh one of those places where they help people get better like medical gym yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i've been to those my parents used to go to those yeah yeah it feels good because you work out with like old people but there's like young there's like everybody of all ages so it's not sure like a variety and not just like yo bro i'm here again i keep forgetting that you're not like
Starting point is 00:29:49 with the bro dudes yeah i was like i got so everyone there's probably like really nice i was hoping we'd have a story of you being like yeah so chantelle she was my trainer and she she told me to go run a couple miles and then left and I couldn't find her. No, they're pretty good. And then after that, I didn't get another trainer for like a year. And I got this other girl and she was pretty cool. She was like all about form and like, just tell me what you want to know. And like, I'll show you how to do it. Because she was like bored.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Because usually I'd be there late at night. Like nobody else is there. So she's like, I got nothing else to do and then uh she ended up quitting I mean that's how I get most of my girlfriends I got nothing else to do perfect you're in so she ended up quitting because COVID happened uh and then right when the gyms reopened I got this one dude who I swear to god he was like a marvel superhero there we go he was like jacked he like ran marathons he was like yeah dude like i could only run like six miles after covid like because i wasn't in shape but now i'm getting back to like 15 20 and i'm like oh
Starting point is 00:30:56 that's cool uh and that dude i was swear to god i was like Working with him was Like I was prepared to get like Dizzy it was like He'd be like alright how much weight do you normally do I'm like usually I do like 30 35 he's like we could do like 40 45 Then and he would just like push Everything he's like yeah we could do That by the end of it I remember the next day
Starting point is 00:31:20 I like couldn't move I was like oh my god That sounds like a personal trainer to me That sounds like a personal trainer Is me. That sounds like a personal trainer who's like, I'm here to destroy you. That's what I need. I'm fine with getting destroyed. I can handle it. I just need someone to come destroy me. Yeah, that would probably be great for you.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Don't take that out of context. Don't take that out of context. But I need someone to come destroy me. Yeah, I mean, he definitely would. I mean, then by the end of that, he's like, so you want to book any more sessions? I'm like, nah, I think I'm good for a while. I don't feel like falling over anymore.
Starting point is 00:31:54 But that was also when I was out of shape a bit too, so now I'm more in shape again. It probably wouldn't be as bad, but it would still be pretty bad. It's, you know, but sometimes, you know, it just depends what you need. You guys, it's uh you know but yeah sometimes you know it just depends what you need you guys it's kind of like anything like you find somebody that works best with you and then go with it and then once you learn how to do everything you're kind of like hey now i can do everything so now i got my routine down i do it well that uh is is great um I don't have a routine. I just do it whenever I, like, do it.
Starting point is 00:32:27 I guess I should have one. I guess just to start with, everyone needs a good routine. I don't have one. That is true. Once you, like, once you get into the routine of just working out, it just, like, that sounds like such a, like, bro thing. Like, dude, once you get in the routine, bro, I'm going to the gym. But, like, really, like, if I miss a gym day, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:32:46 I gotta get back. It just makes you feel good. You get those brain chemicals flowing. I want brain chemicals, man. I want brain chemicals, let me tell you. It's dusty up there. It's been dusty up there of late. Well, well,
Starting point is 00:33:03 speaking of routine, here we go. Nice, Jesse. Well, um Speaking of Routine, here we go Nice, Jesse Speaking of routine, did you know Adding a good chewing gum To your oral health Routine Is
Starting point is 00:33:19 Something you should do Alright, it fell apart there at the end It was only a few Short years ago that Quip is something you should do. All right, it fell apart there at the end. It was only a few short years ago that Quip reinvented the toothbrush for the modern age, and they've done it again, this time for chewing gum. They've launched a new gum that is actually good for your oral health and comes with a dispenser.
Starting point is 00:33:42 I literally am holding it in my hand right now. It's been on my desk every day. I have a piece of gum when I'm just sitting here working. And it is one click away from that candy you loved as a kid. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Quip gum can help prevent cavities and freshen breath when chewed. For 20 minutes after eating, it's sugar-free, has tooth-friendly xylitol with zero calories, and to satisfy your taste buds, Quip added a long-lasting mint flavor crunchy tri-layer design,
Starting point is 00:34:18 which I love. I love when gum has that little crunch at the beginning. I don't know why. I just love it. And it's stamped with a classic quip tongue. There's like a little tongue design. The slim travel ready dispenser. Comes in five colors, metal or plastic.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Protects up to ten pieces of gum at a time. And then, you know, you can just order more and refill. And it's amazing. No wrappers. No hands. No hassles. It's that easy. And it has a gum refill plan. That is pretty much just the gift that keeps on giving year-round.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Customizable subscription lets you chew and share at your own pace. And you don't have to worry about running out. Plus, the more you buy, the more you save with bulk discounts. So, in addition to gum packs, Quip also delivers your fresh brush heads, floss, toothpaste refills every three months for $5. Shipping is totally free, so you can save money and skip the misery of an in-store shopping trip. Over 5 million mouths are already happily using Quip and chewing gum for less than $2 per pack of gum. If you go to slash Crandor right now, you get a free plastic dispenser with refill plan. That's free dispenser with slash Crandor.
Starting point is 00:35:33 That's G-E-T-Q-I-P dot com slash Crandor. Also, hey, the Quip electronic toothbrush, refillable floss, and more is available in your oral care aisle at your local Walmart. Check it out today. Quip the Good Habits Company. Also today, we're brought to you by MeUndies. MeUndies. I'm wearing them right now.
Starting point is 00:35:52 And I will continue to wear them because they are super comfortable. It's all I've worn for the last, like, four years. Five years? I don't know. That's what I'm saying, dude. I'm saying. The new pair I just got, I love the design. It's so neat. i don't know i don't
Starting point is 00:36:06 know it looks like like a 1970s jazz of album cover i don't know how to describe it i got those two i love those they're so good cool they also sent me sloth ones i'm happy a little jealous about that whatever and they come in sizes extra small to 4xl and you can express yourself every day, every way in limited edition prints that are designed to be both empowering and show the outside world who they're messing with. I don't know why you're gonna want to show everyone your underwear but if that's your thing I'm not judging. Never run out of MeUndies y'all or worry about skipping laundry day again with a MeUndies
Starting point is 00:36:43 membership each month. Replenish your basics and build your collection with styles that are anything but basic. Styles that let you be the truest version of yourself right down to your core and no pressure. You can always skip a month if you want. Plus, enjoy discounted pricing, controlled shipping, and exclusive early access. Love your butt and get the membership people. Me on these has a great offer for listeners right now. If you are a first time purchaser and you just want to try it out, trust me,
Starting point is 00:37:14 you're going to want to, I was just talking with Davis the other day and Davis was like giving me a goof for ads. You know what I mean? And I was like, cause we were joking. He was like, I bet you have a code for that.
Starting point is 00:37:24 And I was like, I probably do. And then he, and I was like, but you use my me undies code he's like you're right i did and i love him so i got him he's right he did use it and he got me hooked yeah we got him we got him and you can get them oh man i'm good today for 15 off and free shipping go to me slash crendor to get 15 off your first order and free shipping they have a problem free philosophy if you're not satisfied for any reason with any product they'll refund it or exchange it no caveats no questions% off your first order of MeUndies. Free shipping. slash Crendor. All right, Crendor.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Let's go to the driver's door. Traffic out there is crazy. The MeUndies truck is dropping MeUndies all over, and people are ski-battling out of their cars to go pick them up. Battling? It is insane. They are battling out there. It has become a Roman Coliseum.
Starting point is 00:38:24 They are all putting on MeUndies. That's what they get for driving that truck in Roman Coliseum. They are all putting on me undies. That's what they get for driving that truck in a Coliseum. I mean, that's their problem. That is a weird route to take if you're a truck driver. These gladiators have thrown down their loincloths and are picking on me undies. It's madness.
Starting point is 00:38:39 They are making intense madness. I don't know what I'm saying. I got to end this now. They are making intense madness? They're making intense madness. I don't know what I'm saying. I gotta end this now. They're making intense madness? They're making intense madness out there. They're making intense madness. I already said the thing. I said the thing.
Starting point is 00:39:02 All right. I said after I said make an intense madness I said I gotta stop But you were already too busy Laughing about the intense madness Whatever Alright then Let's go to weather
Starting point is 00:39:19 Weather time Let's see We haven't taken a weather suggestion a bit here let's go to the old episode it's a lot of people's giving diet advice uh that's not helpful. Come on, come on. Here we go. Croissants. Good morning. Do the weather for Loveland, Ohio. Ooh, Loveland.
Starting point is 00:39:52 It is home of the Loveland frog cryptid. What? Hold on. Loveland, Ohio. Loveland, Ohio. Loveland, Ohio frog. Well, Loveland frog. A Loveland, Ohio. Loveland, Ohio frog. Well, the Loveland frog. A legendary humanoid frog?
Starting point is 00:40:09 Yes. I want to meet that frog. Crendor, look at this. Look at this shirt. We need to get this shirt. Loveland, if you love us, by the way, can I just say, everyone needs to step up their game I didn't want to spoil this yet, Crendo, but I'm going to spoil it now
Starting point is 00:40:28 You'll never guess what I got in the mail today Oh yeah, I got that too You sent me the thing Yup We got shirts from the Ireland place we can't say Sligogarda Sligogoodie.
Starting point is 00:40:45 The place we can't say Ireland sent us stuff. Now we have jackets. Ireland sent us stuff. I'll tell you one thing. You all got to step up your game. Cat has been laying on that jacket nonstop. It's a comfy jacket. He loves it.
Starting point is 00:41:00 He loves it. Cat approved. This shirt, though, I think, open image and new tab. This shirt we need. You and I need to. Loveland, I want a I saw the Loveland frog shirt. And the fact that you're not automatically sending it to me. Look at this man.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Look at this frog man, Crandor. I want this. He looks like he's ready to battle in the arena for me, Andy. My favorite part about this shirt is if you look behind him, I know it's supposed to be like water or something, but it looks like he's taking a shit. It does. It looks like he's like farting poops as he walks along.
Starting point is 00:41:45 I like how the Loveland frog man also just looks like a frog that's just walking on his hind legs. I think that's what it's supposed to be. I'm looking at the story and it says it's an upright walking frog. That is. Honestly, I do want to see that frog. Yeah, right. I want to see that frog now. i want to see that frog now just like a frog that walks like oh hey what's up um the loveland ohio weather uh let's kick the woppy woppy activated loveland ohio weather 52 degrees partly partly cloudy Frost Advisory Actions recommended Make preparations per the instructions
Starting point is 00:42:28 Issued by Cincinnati, Wilmington, Ohio Affected area portion of East Central, Southeast Indiana, Northern Kentucky, Southwest and West Central Ohio Description Frost Advisory in effect from 1am to 9am Eastern Standard Time Friday What? Temperatures as low as 34 What? What? What? Where? Kentucky, South and West Central, Ohio. When?
Starting point is 00:42:55 From 1 a.m. to 9 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. Impacts. Frost could kill sensitive outdoor vegetation if left uncovered. Precautionary preparedness actions. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. Take steps now? Take steps now. Get out there.
Starting point is 00:43:14 52 degrees Fahrenheit. 47 degrees feels like high. Low, 33 degrees Fahrenheit. Humidityidity 36%. Pressure 30.13 inches. Visibility 10 miles. Wind 13 miles per hour. Dewpoint 25.
Starting point is 00:43:33 UV index 1 of 10. Moon phase waxing gibbous. Sunrise 6.49 a.m. Sunset 8.21 p.m. 10 day 33., frost advisory. Friday, 61. Saturday, 56, rain. Sunday, partly cloudy, 64.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Monday, 74, mostly sunny. Tuesday, 83, partly cloudy. Wednesday, 79 a.m. showers. Thursday, 72 showers. I was about to say, he was going on a long time there. Usually he breaks way before then. Yeah, I think he's just, he hasn't done the weather in a while. He's really been getting into it.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Makes sense. That checks out. Yeah, it all checks out. That's the weather. All right, Grendor, what's our big sports story of the day? Gotcha. Trick you. Fool you.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Big sports story of the day. Really not much has changed. The Cubs won a few games. The last four days, yeah. As Bulls lost. Seahawks bring back Geno Smith for third season. Seahawks bring back Geno Smith for third season ah
Starting point is 00:44:45 uh hockey playoffs getting close yep yep so far so good hold on of the Sabres let's see if they've won let's check Sabres lost that's sports
Starting point is 00:45:02 all right Crandor what's our big news story of the day Sabres lost. That's sports. All right. Crendor, what's our big news story of the day? We're not there yet. We're at the random fact of the day. One of these days you're going to slip up and I'm going to get you. You're not going to get me. I know my random facts.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Copper doorknobs are self-disinfecting. I'm sorry, what? Copper doorknobs are self-disinfecting. Copper and its alloys, such as brass, have long been popular materials for manufacturing doorknobs are self-disinfecting. Copper and its alloys, such as brass, have long been popular materials for manufacturing doorknobs. It turns out this may not just be for the metal's hue, but makes it look nice. In fact, the material has been found to kill bacteria. According to one study from the National College of Kathmandu in Nepal, the metal ions denature protein of the target cells by binding to reactive groups resulting in their precipitation
Starting point is 00:45:48 and inactivation. The high affinity of cellular proteins for the metallic ions result in the death of the cells due to cumulative effects of the ion within the cells. In other words, brass sterilizes bacteria that can build up from all the hands that touch it.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Yeah, that checks out. I think that's neat. That is pretty neat. Yeah, all right. That's a pretty all right fact. I'll take it. Yeah, that's a pretty good one. Look at that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:13 So I guess that would explain why there's a lot of old brass doorknobs back in the day. Maybe they were like, when you touch my door, if you come into my house, you're going to have a disinfected hand. Yeah, but how'd they figure that out maybe they're just like jimmy licked that doorknob he got sick but jimmy licked that doorknob but he didn't that sounds like the 1800s for sure it's gotta make sense put those in every house jimmy come here i like this doorknob that's the thing is like when people are like man how did people find out this is poisonous it's like well someone ate it and they died they're like don't eat that one yeah there you go is that it really was that simple my the one the one that i'm
Starting point is 00:46:57 interested in the ones that are like this underwater plant that when you cut it open and squeeze out the goo inside that paste when combined with some other weird thing makes a delicious meal and you're like who figured this out yeah that's a weird one that's the one i need to know like who thought like this thing that looks like uh like eggs like little like who the who thought who thought let's take a fish. And then instead of just eat the fish, we're like, squeeze out the eggs inside the fish. And then we eat those eggs.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Who thought that for, who was the first person was like, look, we got to use everything. Yeah. That's, that's a good point. That's like getting into cray.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Cause I know I've seen some memes where they're like, you'll see a cow. And some people were like, what if we squeeze those and drink the stuff that comes up? That's not even that weird. Cause like people make milk. So like they probably just looked at a cow and go like, oh,
Starting point is 00:47:50 we make milk. They probably make milk too. We could probably drink that. The cows are literally drinking from those udders. Yeah. So it's like, it's the same. It literally is the same damn thing.
Starting point is 00:48:00 We're all mammals and we're, we can watch them do it. It's weirder when it's like, what do you say? It's like, what if we cut open this fish and squeeze this specific thing And drink that Because that's the only thing you can drink
Starting point is 00:48:09 Because the fin parts are poisonous What if we take this Sea urchin Covered in spikes Cut it open and eat it's like eggs Inside of it or whatever And you're like who thought this Who was the first person Cause I understand
Starting point is 00:48:26 Like once an idea Gets around Everyone's like Oh But like who's the first person Who was like You know what I'm gonna cut that shit open
Starting point is 00:48:33 I'm gonna eat what's inside Yeah Yeah Because you know There's a trial and error there You know there was another guy Who was like I cut this whole thing open
Starting point is 00:48:40 And my face melted off That's the random fact of the day. Brave-ass people is what they are. All right, what's our big news story? Big news story's a good one. I was going to T-bone him. Tractor driver helps end police chase. The voice is already good.
Starting point is 00:49:01 I was going to T-bone him. Union County, North Carolina. Yeah, boy. Long and dramatic police chase in North Carolina ended after police corralled the suspect into a tight spot with the help of a man on a tractor. Buzz Palmer was still in his garden. His name's not Buzz Palmer.
Starting point is 00:49:20 Buzz Palmer. All right. He was still in his garden using his tractor Wednesday when a police chase came roaring down his gravel driveway. Wait, what? It went down his driveway? They went down his driveway. I knew when he came by that fence we had a problem. How many police cars ain't getting a donut truck or a ticket violator?
Starting point is 00:49:41 Palmer said. Retired law enforcement driver. Did he just roast the police in his statement? I think he did. There ain't no donut truck. He's also a retired law enforcement driver. Or a diver. Law enforcement diver?
Starting point is 00:49:57 Yeah, diver. Alright, sure. Maybe he was the guy who found the sea urchin and started eating him. That looks good. That's a good answer. The retired law enforcement diver threw his 17-year-old orange Kubota tractor into high gear and parked across the driveway to block the car from getting past him.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Was going to T-bone him, put it in high gear, got my RPMs up, and turned facing that way to block this where he wasn't coming through. Got my RPMs up. up and turn facing that way to block this where he wasn't coming through got my rpms up there is there is a very specific type of man in the united states who says a phrase got my rpms up there's that's like it's like you know that's a specific class there's not many dudes out there got my rpms up gotta get the rpms up i was ready to t-bone him got my rpms up that is that is uh i don't know that's you like can almost imagine what this guy looks like without even seeing him oh yeah uh well i have seen him he's right here uh once, once he passed there, he was trapped.
Starting point is 00:51:05 Oh, I read that. Uh, oh wait, did I read that? Oh God, where am I? Oh, here. The driver was able to maneuver around Palmer, so he chased after the car. Once he passed here, he was trapped. There's no way out. There's nothing he can do but go back out.
Starting point is 00:51:19 I knew they were all behind me. I just had to rodeo him up to keep him going. Without anywhere else to go, the driver crashed through a fence into a pasture filled with goats and eventually drove into a pond. This guy! I almost
Starting point is 00:51:35 killed him. Got my RPMs up. Deputy swarmed in and arrested the driver, 48-year-old Ward Baxter Wayland on several charges charges including felony speeding to elude and driving while impaired they also arrested a male passenger 62 year old armin duane douglas on outstanding charges unrelated to the pursuit a female passenger was released and does not face charges as for palmer he says stopping the driver was the right thing to do
Starting point is 00:52:03 he needed to be taken off the road, Palmer said. I had equipment, which was my tractor, and I had an opportunity since he was coming at me, so that was simple. If everybody stood up and did what they had to do, life would be a lot easier. Sometimes you just gotta step in. Police say the chase began after the driver failed to stop for officers who tried to pull him over because the vehicle had a stolen tag. There was no injuries. There's stolen tag. There was no injuries. There's no injuries. There's no injuries. Hold on. Here's
Starting point is 00:52:29 Buzz. Buzz Palmer. I, um, very much. He is both exactly what I thought and not at all. Yeah. No, I feel that. The tiny, like, assassin's glasses
Starting point is 00:52:44 really threw me for a loop. The tiny, like, assassin's glasses really threw me for a loop. His tiny, like, apothecary glasses. The glasses the guy who would cure you from the plague wears threw me off. Yeah. I just want to know about him diving. Can I tell you something? Oh, no. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:05 Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Grendor, take off his glasses. Just like in your mind, take off his glasses. All right. And make his beard red. Yeah. This guy is definitely a cocks.
Starting point is 00:53:17 You know what? I think you're right. This guy is in my family. The more I look at him, the more I'm like, this guy is a cocks 100%. family. The more I look at him, the more I'm like, this guy is a cocks 100%. He looks like if I put him next to my dad, I'd be like,
Starting point is 00:53:30 they definitely are cousins. For sure. Oh my God, this is... This guy is 100% of my family. I am very close to being a relative of this guy. If I were to show you this guy and then my other cousin, and then my dad, you'd be like, you're all the same people same people i mean they probably just branched off from uh somewhere
Starting point is 00:53:51 in there yeah buzz is his own is his own thing but oh yeah oh the when i look at this guy he even has even has the like soulless patch oh yeah he just like it. He trimmed it down but like you can see there's no space there for any hair to appear. He's got the Cox balding going on. It's happening. Yeah except for his crazy glasses. He has a solid. He looks like he looks like my dad when my dad was like
Starting point is 00:54:17 50. Yeah. I feel like your dad would try those glasses for at least like 5 months. Oh for sure. There was a time period when my dad had a ponytail a ponytail he'd try anything so oh yeah but this guy he looked yeah this guy looks like a cox family member except he decided like at some point to buy his glasses at a renaissance fair there was there's probably a time like hundreds of years ago where your family came here and they just like split off they're like you take cox and i'm taking palmer fine you take that name i'll take this name yeah yeah because no matter what having a name
Starting point is 00:54:51 jesse cox or jesse palmer it's still just a little innuendo either way the cox palmers the palmer coxes either way it works it all ties in they stayed on the east coast yep the east coast The east coast Cox's They're known as Palmer's It's like the difference between Checkers and whatever the other one's called Rally's Oh yeah that one
Starting point is 00:55:14 It's the exact same thing Checkers and Rally's they're the same But it depends on where you live Palmer's Cox's They're the exact same thing There's nothing different about them They're the exact same thing. There's nothing different about them. It's the exact same thing. Alright. Well, speaking of the exact same
Starting point is 00:55:30 thing, we'll see you for another podcast next time. Crendor, hit them with the socials. Socials. Go to our socials. slash Cox and Crendor podcast. Get all the episodes. All the episodes on slash Cox and Crendor podcast. Get all the episodes. All the episodes on slash Cox
Starting point is 00:55:45 and Crandor podcast. All one word. Leave a comment. Like, subscribe, all that good stuff. Hit the bell. Be notified when things go up. Also, go to slash Cox and Crandor. That's where all the animations are. Do the same thing over there. Also, go to our stuff.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Jesse Cox. slash Crandor. Jesse Cox. slash Crandor. Jesse Cox. Jesse Cox. Jesse Cox. Jesse Cox. Jesse Cox. Instagram. Notorious Cox. Instagram. Crendor was taken. And YouTube. Warhammer. Crendor. I put Warhammer stuff there too. Okay. That's it. Thank you all for tuning in and doing whatever it is you're doing while we're listening to this. We'll see you all next week. And as always,
Starting point is 00:56:33 to be continued.

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