Cox n' Crendor Show - Episode 387 - How Weird Are You?

Episode Date: June 5, 2023 The boys are back and this time Jesse has a quiz for Crendor! How weird is he? Meanwhile is Jesse over Or is the world just no ready for the party he wants to throw? Then the boys take a jolly trip to Scotland and return just in time to learn that you shouldn't take swords to see the doctor. All this and more on a brand new Cox n' Crendor! Go to and use code cox50 to get 50% off your first box. Go to to get 25% off your first order and free standard shipping. Go to to get PayPal Honey for free.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode is brought to you by Factor. Factor is going to get you that good food delivered right to your home and cooked up real quick. Also today, we're brought to you by Honey. Honey's going to save you money when you shop online. And we're also brought to you by MeUndies. MeUndies are the undies that I have on me. Let's jump into this podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Hello, everybody. It's time for Ghost on Trend Dog. Ghost on Trend Dog in the morning. In the morning! Broadcasting live, live, live, live, live! In 4-hour recording studios. Recording! Hit me! Wake your ass up!
Starting point is 00:00:39 It's Cacks and Crandon in the morning! Hit me, hit me, hit me, hit me! Cacks and Crandon in the morning! Hello there everybody, welcome to another episode of Cacks and Crandon with the buddy! You know, sometimes I feel like making random noises. Other times I don't know what to do. This time, I don't know what I just did. You didn't know what to do, is what you're saying. I guess that is it guess there was a pause.
Starting point is 00:01:06 There was a considerable pause. And I know that in your mind you were thinking and then you were just like, I'm going to say something. Yeah. Yeah. Whatever comes out, it'll be good enough. I don't care. I mean, out of all three hundred and eighty, I guess, seven episodes now, I wonder how many of them are me making a noise and how many are me doing this.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Now, I know there's going to be one person out there who wants to go back through all of them and find that information. I'm begging you not to. Do not waste your time doing that. It's not worth it. Please don't do that. So all that's going to happen is then you'll do that
Starting point is 00:01:41 and we'll be like, oh, wow, that's crazy. Anyway. Yeah, that'll be it. Period. We'll be like, wow that's crazy anyway yeah that'll be it period wow that's that that is a thing that occurred so yeah don't do that please we're begging you anyway how are you doing i'm doing great by the way speaking of great uh for those of you coming to see us live hey you're going to have a great time but more importantly if you think about it and you're still thinking about it and you might go but you're not sure
Starting point is 00:02:10 we are literally down to 20 tickets it is almost sold out the show's in August so you have plenty of time to like plan but you may not get the tickets so just letting you know we're down to the big 2-0 that's it that's all that's left.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Mama Mia. Those went fast. I know I'm shocked, but, uh, I guess when you have a show on the weekend and give people time to plan, it works out. Well,
Starting point is 00:02:33 there's no way you're welcome. Other than that, uh, man, I, I, this week was pretty chill. I had a lot of like,
Starting point is 00:02:44 uh, branded stuff to do, which, which, you business, but I didn't really have time to do anything. However, I was – this says a lot about what people think of you. I was sent a quiz where I was told, have you ever thought about how weird you are? And I said, no. And then was told, you should ever thought about how weird you are? And I said, no. And then was told, you should take this quiz and find out. And I was like, I don't know what that means. I am, should I be insulted?
Starting point is 00:03:13 I don't know, but I'm going to take this quiz. And so I took the quiz, and now I want to give it to you. Because once I took it, I said, if I'm the weird one, Crandor's got to take this quiz. All right. Yeah, I'll take it. Give me the quiz. All right, here we I'll take it. Give me the quiz. All right, here we go.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Okay. This is for you. Is this a long quiz? This is a how weird are you quiz. All right, great. Question one. How would you describe your eye contact with others during a casual conversation? One, no eye contact at all.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Two, it depends on the person. Three, I think I don't have enough eye contact with others. Four, I make eye contact when I think I should. Or five, I make eye contact with everyone. Probably four. When you think you should? Yeah. When do you think you should?
Starting point is 00:03:57 What does that mean when you think you should? Okay, well, first off, it makes it sound weird. This quiz about being weird makes it sound weird. This quiz about being weird makes it sound weird. I mean, I have eye contact with somebody, and then you don't hold it the entire time. You look at something happening, or you look away a bit, and you look back. It's like holding eye contact the entire time is weird,
Starting point is 00:04:19 but a good 80% to 90%. Okay, when you think you should. Yeah. I mean, that's whatever. Words it terribly. How hard is it for you to look someone in the eye when they're talking to you? I can't look people in the eye. People say it's hard for me to look at them.
Starting point is 00:04:39 I think it's hard for me to make eye contact. No, it's easy, but I can improve on it. Or it's pretty easy for me to look at them in the eye. Pretty easy. All right. I don't have any issues. Next. On a scale of one to ten, how much do you value eye contact?
Starting point is 00:05:00 I don't know. I guess like an eight. All right. That's just like a human thing like you make eye contact it's like that means you're connecting right sure yeah look this is your quiz man no judgements here
Starting point is 00:05:16 this is judgment free zone that's not true which one describes your idea of an interpersonal space? I want people to stay away from me. I want some people to stay away from me. I think I violate most people's interpersonal space. I don't really know what that means.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Or I respect everyone's interpersonal space. Oh, that's it. That's it. So what is an interpersonal space? Is that just your personal space? Maybe I don't know what that means, was your answer. Sure, I don't know what that means. Yeah, I don't know what that means.
Starting point is 00:05:51 I know what personal space is. I don't know what interpersonal space is. Hey, do you feel weird or uncomfortable when your friends stand or sit too close to you? Yes. That was a solid yes. Yes. There's a line. There's like sitting normal distance
Starting point is 00:06:13 and then if they're sitting too close, it's like, what are you doing? Then you're getting in your personal space, right? It's like you need some space, but then what's interpersonal space? I don't know. So yeah, yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:25 How often do you take a bath? A bath? Yeah. I guess it's not saying shower. Yeah, but I assume the question is how often do you clean yourself? Oh, once a day. All right. I find it weird that people don't take showers at night.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Look, I take a shower during the day. I find it weird that people don't take showers at night. Look, I take a shower during the day. I find it weird that people do take showers at night. Why? Why? You know, you're under the covers. You're living your life for like eight hours. Then you get up and then you go for another 12 before you shower again. Couldn't do it.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Couldn't do it. If you're getting into bed, so you take a shower earlier in the day. Then you go out. You get all dirty. You go into bed. You're getting the bed all dirty Yeah, but that's fine Because then I change my sheets every week Well, you do that anyway
Starting point is 00:07:11 Yeah, but if I shower, then go to bed Then I'm spending the whole next day not showered Till night time Well, you're going to get dirty during the day Yeah, but I'm already dirty I'm already feeling dirty. I need that morning shower to wake me up and get me refreshed and scrubbed down. I think that's a you problem.
Starting point is 00:07:30 I don't feel dirty. I think that's a you problem. I think there's dirty ass people out there that I have to associate with. My problem is that I'm not dirty so I can take a shower at night and then you also get the thing where you take a really hot shower,
Starting point is 00:07:46 and then your body temp cools down afterwards. You fall asleep easier. Well, if I were to tell you that sometimes I take a shower in the morning and at night, don't judge me. I would judge you less if that was the case. I frequently double shower. Well, that's fine, then. Yeah, no judgments.
Starting point is 00:08:03 All right. Which of the following words describes you better all right oh boy lazy sad stressed hopeful none of those words uh it's got to be stressed ties into anxiety all right stressed Do you say whatever is on your mind with no filters? No. Damn. Hard no on that. That's a hard no. Do you think freedom of speech means being able to say
Starting point is 00:08:34 whatever you want? Well, it's kind of a generic question because there's a lot of things that tie into that do you think freedom of speech means being able to say whatever you want yes no i don't know it's kind of yes and though you know i mean there's yes well they actually they give you yes no i don't know and that would create chaos well i even i don't even know if it would create chaos i'm just saying there's like the freedom of speech is like i can say what i want and i'm not
Starting point is 00:09:14 gonna get arrested for it right like you can shame somebody or say like oh that's you shouldn't say that thing that's bad or like i don't want to be around that person they're crazy but you know you're not going to get arrested like how freedom of speech back in the day be like i think the earth is flat or whatever and then someone's like i think it's round they're like this guy's crazy like arrest him you know like that type of thing well freedom of speech is is to prevent that right yeah it's a governmental thing you're allowed to say what you think without being arrested by the government. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:46 So. But it doesn't make you immune from repercussion for being an idiot. Correct. Yeah. You can still be like, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:54 they have the freedom of speech to be, say something dumb and I have the freedom to say this person's dumb. Yeah. Right? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Yeah. Yeah. So what was the question? Do you think it means being able to say whatever you want? I guess I'd say yes, then. Okay. How easy is it for you to join an ongoing conversation?
Starting point is 00:10:16 Actually, don't back it up. You can't just be like, I'm going to kill somebody. It's too late. I already clicked. You got it. I already clicked. Okay. It's too late.
Starting point is 00:10:24 All right. Whatever. All right. Well,. I already clicked. Okay. It's too late. All right. Whatever. All right. Well, now I want to say no. Because you can't just be like threatening somebody. It's too late. You've already said yes. You're first.
Starting point is 00:10:33 You over thought it. That's your stress coming through. Yeah. That's the stress. All right. Whatever. Next one. How easy is it for you to join an ongoing conversation?
Starting point is 00:10:45 On like a scale one to ten? Well, is it for you to join an ongoing conversation? On like a scale of 1 to 10? Well, is it easy? Is it hard? Is it impossible? Or does it depend on a topic? Depends. Someone's talking about some random shit I don't know about. I'd be like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:00 But if someone's talking about, oh man, Packers just made a big move, I'd be like, oh, yeah, man, I know that. They shouldn't have traded that trail. I can hop into that. Oh, I'm the exact same way. Yeah, exactly. It's got to be something I know about. Well, how do you feel about small talk or chit chats?
Starting point is 00:11:19 I used to hate small talk, and now I actually like it. Okay, I love it. Well, it says I love. It doesn't say I like. Would you settle for I love? Yeah, you know what? I'd say I love it. All right.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Back in early Crandor years, when we started this podcast early, I used to be like, I hate small talk. I want deep conversations. And now I've hit that point where I'm like, I get get small talk because sometimes you don't want to go into a deep conversation with people sometimes you just see like old man jenkins at the store and you're like i wonder how he's doing he's like i'm doing good and you're like that's pretty cool and you're like all right that's enough right maybe you just want to talk about the weather maybe you want to just say something for like two minutes you're like all, all right, you know what? That's all I got.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Move on. You know what absolutely sucks is that I have had so much small talk that I now have pre-programmed small talk. Where if I see you in an elevator, I know exactly what I'm going to say. If I see you at the grocery store or see you at the mall. Like I have had so many small talk conversations it's just i have one-liners that i just rip off like i just go it's crazy yeah that was like today when i was uh we're gonna we were golfing but when we got there to golf it was like i'll be back in five minutes on the door and the lady standing there was just like you know we were like wait are you the person
Starting point is 00:12:46 she's like no i'm waiting for her to get back it's been like 10 minutes i was like oh man i guess they uh i guess they like doubled the amount of time they're gone and she's like you're telling me they better not have tripled it i was like yeah like and that was it like i didn't want to go any deeper than conversation, you know, sharing our disdainment for waiting. But then the lady came back and she was like, sorry, I was gone. And then she like she'd let me have a pull cart for my golf clubs for like free. But it's supposed to be three dollars.
Starting point is 00:13:19 I was like, nice. See, patience. Well, the next question for you. Do you find it challenging to make new friends? This one is just yes or no. Actually, it's yes, it's pretty easy. Or no, I can't make friends at all. And then there's one in the middle that says,
Starting point is 00:13:40 I think I suck at making friends. I'd probably do that. I think I just suck making friends. I'd probably do that. I think I just suck at it. Cool. Do you insist on talking about things that you're interested in no matter what? This one has many options. Yes, I don't want to talk about other stuff. That's probably weird.
Starting point is 00:13:57 People think so, but I'm not like that. I think that's true. Not sure. I like to learn how to take an interest in others. Or, no, I like talking about different topics. I'd say the fourth one. I like hearing other people's topics or whatever.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Okay. I actually, whenever people start talking about themselves, I usually know that's what they want to talk about. And I just let them go. And that's usually the most fun because then there's the people that like you always know when there's like two people that like talking about themselves and they like talk to each other you know they hate each other right because one of them's just like so me and my daughter went to the thing the other person's like aha aha yeah yeah me and my son me and my son did that too and they they're
Starting point is 00:14:41 just like i can't talk over this person this This is unbelievable. I do a lot of that kind of listening too. But only when I don't know what the hell people are talking about. So rather than pretend like I even have any interest, I'll just sit there and watch. And then wait for the conversation to end. The problem is, it never does. Most of the time, I could be there for two hours so people are losing their minds over something and I'm like hmm all right well I'm gonna go yeah it's a it's a thing I like listening to other people I like learning about I'm doing
Starting point is 00:15:20 all that but there does hit a point where I'm like, all right, I've had enough. Yeah. So yeah, I did it. Wait, I answered it right. You did. Next question is, which one describes your reactions to a person you're listening to? I don't react to them. I try to fake emotions. I'm constantly thinking about what to say next.
Starting point is 00:15:41 I try to copy their reactions or I show my interest with my body language. I don't know if I'm any of those. I'd be one of them. I guess I'd try to copy their reactions. I don't know. That's probably the closest thing I could guess.
Starting point is 00:16:01 But it's not even really what I do. I guess I can't go back. I already clicked it. It's too late now. But the thing is, I don't know. There's no good one, which is, like, the question was, how do you show you're listening?
Starting point is 00:16:18 It would just be, like, I respond in, like, inquisitive ways. Yeah, because you read that one book book and now all you do is, yeah, you question people and you destroy their mental state or whatever. Yeah, not even destroy. It's just like active listening where they're just, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:34 like destroy your mental state and you're like, destroy their mental state. And they're like, yeah, you know, they just keep going. Next question. Do you think it's easy to understand others' emotions?
Starting point is 00:16:46 No, I don't get people. I don't understand. I think I don't understand. It's easy, but, you know, I can work on it. Or it's easy. I understand everyone's emotions. I'd say it's easy, but I can work on it. Because a lot of times I understand people's emotions.
Starting point is 00:17:02 But a lot of times I'm also like, I don't get it because I can never feel the way some people feel. That's very adult of you. Okay. Well, what about speaking of what would you do if your friends suddenly burst into tears when talking to you? A, I don't know. B, I'd feel guilty, I guess. C, I'd panic. D, I'd try to calm them down.
Starting point is 00:17:24 And then E, I'd try to calm them down. And then E. I'd hug them and console them. I'm actually terrible at this. I'm like Toast Woman said I'm like an Animal Crossing character. Where? In what way?
Starting point is 00:17:39 I just kind of like stand there and I'm like uh, I don't know what to do. It's like emotions. And I just kind of like b there and I'm like, I don't know what to do is like emotions. And I just kind of like bop, bop back and forth like, like, you need me to do anything? That's that's I'm not I'm not good at that. So I don't know is your answer. I don't know. OK, almost done.
Starting point is 00:18:01 How do you react when someone invites you to a party? I know the answer is i say no immediately i probably have to ask for permission before saying yes i'd probably say no i'm not sure i'd like to say yes but it depends or i'd say hell yeah well it it depends on certain things. It depends on, is this like a party where I know everybody? Is this a party where it's just a couple people there? I guess that wouldn't be a big party.
Starting point is 00:18:34 I don't know. It says you're invited to any party. Hypothetical party. Yeah, but there's still more that needs to be sorted out here. So you're saying I'd like to say yes, but it depends? Is that your answer? Yeah. Because, I mean, I don't mind going to a party if I know people
Starting point is 00:18:46 or it's just a chill thing. But if we're talking like crazy party, then I'm not going to that. All right. So, yeah, it depends. Okay. How open do you think you are to new relationships or friendships? The options are I don't like new friendships. I'm afraid of new friendships.
Starting point is 00:19:04 I'd like to have some new experiences or 100% down. I don't like new friendships. The thing is like I already It's such a pointed like I don't like them.
Starting point is 00:19:22 I feel like that's like where my old person comes in. Like I've just hit the point it like I don't like them I feel like that's like where my old person comes in like I've just hit the floor like I have I already have enough friends you know I don't need anymore I don't like I struggle to maintain my current friendships let alone add in more friends like you kidding me oh yeah that's such a good that's such an adult answer. I ain't got time for that. What am I, 12? I ain't got a job to do. It's more stuff than someone's probably going to talk.
Starting point is 00:19:52 I don't know. It's too much. I don't need it. All right. Here's another question. Why did you decide to take the test to see if you were weird? A, I feel like I'm a weirdo. B, people say I'm weird.
Starting point is 00:20:07 C, I can't stop thinking about it D. I needed to make sure Or E. Someone else made me take this quiz Yep, there it is Okay Next Final question How old are you? Oh, and this is
Starting point is 00:20:23 It's 16 or younger 17 and 20 21 25, 26, 29 or 30 and older, which just. Oh, Jesus. Well, just ouch. 30 and older. Sign me up. Category. That's like when you make a thing on the Nintendo eShop or whatever. And it's like, are you old?
Starting point is 00:20:40 And it's like 25 plus. I'm like, oh, my God. It's crazy because like when you're growing up like you do like when you're like in your teens you look at me like oh yeah those 30 years old 30 year olds they're like ancient and then you know you get in your early 20s and you're like all right you know and then you know mid-20s like all right you know i know some 30 year olds i know some like you know early 20 and then you start becoming the 30 year old and you're like i'm not that old and everyone's like you're old you're like what but then the older people are like they're ancient like if
Starting point is 00:21:10 you're like over like 50 you're prehistoric at this rate yeah i mean you're not gonna like uh end up hanging out with 20 year olds yeah i hate to break it to you yeah unless you're leonardo but even then leo just wants to hang out with 20 year old women yeah i'm sure he doesn't have 20 year old guy friends that's very true yeah he does not all right let's find out let's find out the answer to this all right shall we here we go yeah uh hey this is this is again very pointed so the answer i got was you're not weird you sound like a lot of fun yours is you're not weird you just need more social skills that's probably true honest to god this is so funny it says you're not weird you just need
Starting point is 00:21:58 more social skills well you may just be socially awkward but that's not weird at all not everyone needs to be master of social skills, and many of us actually lack the basic skills to deal with casual chit-chat. If you don't like being socially awkward, practice socializing by small steps at a time. Make new friends. Exchange some new words with your neighbors, which you said you don't want to do, but whatever. Yeah, I said I don't want friends.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Dude, I cannot express to you how funny it is that he just said, you're not weird, you just need more social skills. that it just says, you're not weird you just need more social skills You're not weird you're just kinda weird It's so funny I will say comparatively, if you go back and watch like BlizzCon 2011
Starting point is 00:22:37 Crendor interviews and then you like watch me now there's quite a difference, I've picked up quite a few social skills over the years but, know i would say i went from like f tier social ability to like i'm at like a c plus b minus i mean admittedly that was 12 years ago that was actually 13 years ago at this point jesus so you, you have to imagine we've all grown. Some for the better, some for the worst. You know, we've all grown.
Starting point is 00:23:10 So we all got a little bit better at this thing. That's true, yeah. Oh my goodness. I can't believe it just was like, yeah, no, you're fine. Just a little strange. That's such a good quiz result. Well, here's the thing. What is the point of of this quiz to determine if you're weird or not i don't know what is the point of any online quiz of like rando sends you yeah but like what they're just like you know you
Starting point is 00:23:37 got to improve your social stuff and do all this it's like uh yeah but i already i have friends i'm happy where i am i'm married know, I'm having a great time. Yeah. I don't want to do anything. You're fine. Yeah. Yeah, you're fine. You're just a little socially awkward. Don't tell me how to live my life, Quiz. All you gotta do is find more friends, even though you specifically said you don't want friends.
Starting point is 00:23:59 And I have friends. I just don't want more friends. I love that you've reached your friend quota. I have friends. I just don't want more friends. I love that you've reached your friend quota. I have. Okay, some people, I swear to God, they have like a billion friends, but they also at the same time are close to like none of them. Sure. Because it's like impossible.
Starting point is 00:24:18 It's like those people used to have like 8,000 friends on MySpace or Facebook or whatever it was. It's people where they just... Sam's a good example. He can make friends with anybody. And they're just like, I love Sam. And Sam's a great guy. But Sam knows everybody.
Starting point is 00:24:36 And everybody likes him. And then everybody wants to hang out with him, but he can't. And so it's like you spread yourself so thin to a point of like everybody you know is just like a surface level friendship type thing. And then everyone's just like, hey, but you need some deep friends, you know? I mean, I agree completely. And I feel like most of my friendships at this point in my life are people I know and hang out with regularly. And anyone else, you know, I'll be an acquaintance and I'll, you know, we're working on a thing together. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:25:16 That's cool. But, like, I, honest to God, just don't have the social bandwidth to talk to people and hang out with people and meet with people. And I want to be that guy who schedules lunches with people that are like, oh, yeah, they're good friends. And we did this one thing together three years ago. I want to get back and talk to them and see what's going on in their life. But I just don't have the bandwidth in a day to do all that. And so I just don't believe humans have that capacity anyway yeah no there's just there there's definitely a limit of what you can handle and like that's fine you know and then
Starting point is 00:25:53 there's some people that's like there's one of my friends we just get food with them every like couple of months and then they go like how you doing then we get food we hang out a bit like all right see you in a couple months right like it's that type of thing especially when people get older because like when people are younger they're just like yo we're hanging out at ricky's we're hanging out at jenny's we're doing all right and they like everybody's no carefree doing whatever you got school whatever but you get older you're just like yeah i gotta work and then uh yeah oh you gotta work too yeah we gotta make that oh you got kids so yeah you gotta work and then uh yeah oh you gotta work too yeah we gotta make that oh you got kids so yeah you gotta like yeah we're going to the beach and like all
Starting point is 00:26:28 right yeah i can't do it that that like everybody's got so much shit going on when they're older and this is actually one of the things i've had to teach myself mentally is social media one of the biggest problems is that i'll see people in our space, right? Hanging out together, like big house parties and doing all this stuff. And like, oh yeah, we got this club. We're doing stuff. We're on vacation. And I see all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:26:53 And in my mind, I'm super FOMO. I'm just like, man, it's not that I want to be there, but I want to be doing something similar. You know what I mean? Like I want to have a party and I want to have friends over and I want to do stuff. but then it clicks in my brain. Jesse, all the people you're looking at, they're like 24.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Yeah. They have different wants and needs and worries and things going on in their life that when you were 24, you were on the same wavelength. You would go out and party like crazy. Hell, I was doing that in my early 30s. But right now, my version of me is one that runs a business and is trying to do 50 million things and be creative. And a lot of that means giving up wacky parties
Starting point is 00:27:38 where you stay out till 4 a.m. and drink way too much. Even then, a bunch of those people, they're just hanging out because they want the social clout or like the youtube twitch clout and all that right and they're just like yo if i know this guy then i could work my way up the ladder of all that stuff like that's very common in all those parties and stuff i mean that's why the people who are successful uh have friends who are also successful because it isn't like they're good friends. It's because they're like, well, my numbers are equally as high as his, so I know he's not going to use me.
Starting point is 00:28:10 And if his audience decides to choose to become my audience, all the better. Like, that's absolutely what it is. Yeah. Yeah, so it's it doesn't, you know, maybe back then it was fun because you didn't really know much about what was going on and it was all new and but now looking back, you're just like, yeah no i don't want that yeah like my my
Starting point is 00:28:28 socialization i like played warhammer with other people yeah no i mean like i guess that goes to the you're not weird just socially awkward kind of thing yeah yeah some people might say that's weird playing warhammer but i guess it's more common though no it's not weird playing something that's like entertains you is never weird that's you know if it's something you enjoy and doesn't hurt other people it's never weird yeah well plus there's like when you're hanging out with people or talking a lot of times nobody's really socially awkward especially you don't if you know everybody yeah socially awkward a lot of times just being too shy to talk or not wanting to say something or getting anxiety and then like going like ah so that's why i used
Starting point is 00:29:11 to get real bad anxiety about talking because i didn't know what to talk about or how to respond or everything but now i've like learned social skills to handle situations plus just being thrown into the fire doing shows and podcasts and conventions the first step is the hardest and then sticking to it is also you know trying it again if it doesn't work out immediately like all right let's try it again and see what happens you know not cutting yourself off from from life yeah it's like that song if at first you don't succeed pick yourself up and try again that's right that's you know what? I'm very profound. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Right, right. It's a destiny's child. Oh, I'm aware. Oh, I'm aware. Yeah. That's it. At the end of the day, all in all, in conclusion,
Starting point is 00:30:06 I don't know. You're not weird is what I learned today. You're not weird. Yeah, I'm not weird. Despite what the comments are going to say in this podcast, despite what they're going to say, you're not weird. Yeah, no, I'm not weird. If anything, the quiz writer is the weird one. If anything, society is the weird one, man.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Yeah, society is weird. We got ads. We got ads to read. Yay! Yes, we do. As we get into summer and you start to get more active and get more out there
Starting point is 00:30:39 and spending more time outside, you don't want to spend your nights cooking, getting all warm and nasty at home. You want to go be with friends. You want to go not get weird on quizzes. If you're too busy to cook, Factor will help you skip the trip to the grocery store, skip all the chopping, the prepping, the cleaning up,
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Starting point is 00:32:40 MeUndies are the undies that I have on me, and I'm going to let you know right now. Ooh, boy. The ones I have on me And I'm gonna let you know right now Oh boy The ones I got on are Like little sloths Love them Cutie pies It wasn't in honor of you but you know what I'm gonna say it was
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Starting point is 00:35:50 That's slash cox. All right, Crendo, let's go to Travis. Crendo has a traffic out there. Oh, boy. Traffic is crazy. Are you kidding me? It is backed up all the way from the 88 all the way to the 188 and don't tell me about the 288 because that thing is backed up even further uh yeah it is
Starting point is 00:36:16 hot there is pollution there is the just oh man i would say stay inside turn on that air conditioning and uh stay socially awkward. Back to you. Question. I'm going to look this up real quick. Interstate 288. Where would that be exactly? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Wow. You know what? Holy shit. You might actually have made a real prediction of traffic. Oh? That is the loop outside of Richmond, Virginia. Okay, wait. The VA-288 is a loop.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Oh, wait, never mind. There's also a Texas State Highway 288. And that goes from Houston down to the coast. What about a 188? A 188? Yeah. Whoa, there's a California at 288. That's Sacramento.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Oh, okay, okay. 188, you said? Yeah. California at 188. That is literally the last road before the Mexican border in the middle of nowhere. It is straight up right above tecate and yeah it's to get to his straight up at the road to tecate which i hope is where the beer is from oh yeah but it is like in the middle of nowhere road usually i'm i'm thinking of san diego like south of san diego but no this is like next to a national forest kind of border crossing.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Well, it's backed up. The Tecate. What's Tecate? Yo, anyone in Mexico? What's Tecate like? Is it a chill spot? What's the vibe? What's the vibe in Tecate?
Starting point is 00:37:59 It's backed up. It's no Tijuana, that's for sure. But like, what's the vibe? Yeah, I don't know. Then there's... 88. 88. Just normal 88? Interstate 88.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Interstate 88 is you. Interstate 88 is from Chicago out to Davenport. Huh, interesting. I... Let's see, yeah, I-88. to Davenport. Huh. Interesting. I see. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:26 I 88. Oh yeah. Change from the I five to the I 88, I guess. Oh yeah. It goes West. Yeah. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:38:35 The real one, the real king of the road, I believe is the 90. I think I remember taking the 90 when I lived in New York. Um, I dated a girl who her, she was from Chicago. And so one summer she went home and I was like, yeah, baby, I'll come out and see you. But I didn't have the money for a plane.
Starting point is 00:38:58 And so I thought, oh, I'll take a bus. Worst mistake of my life. Oh, I'll take a bus. Worst mistake of my life. I went from New York on the 90, which goes all along. It goes through Cleveland. It goes through all the lakes. It goes through Cleveland, Toledo. And so past, it just keeps going.
Starting point is 00:39:18 It just keeps going. It goes under Michigan to Chicago. And so I was like, this will be fun. It took me 14 hours dude it was the worst i was myself and uh i'm gonna i'm gonna say like maybe the smelliest people on planet earth wait so you're what happened on the bus you just like sit there then did you sleep yeah well the thing was is we had to stop at every major terminal along the way so we left and then we would we stopped in erie and then cleveland and then toledo and then south bend and then finally twice in chicago before i got to where I needed to.
Starting point is 00:40:07 And that just sucked. Her family lived in Lincoln Park, which is interesting, because that's kind of where our show was. Yeah. But, yeah, it was just one of those things where, yeah, not worth it. Yeah, that does not sound worth it at all. No, not worth it. It's all right. sound worth it at all. No, not worth it. It's all right.
Starting point is 00:40:25 It wasn't, the relationship wasn't worth it either. So it's fine. Yeah. Well, that's traffic. Okay. Let's go to weather. Weather. I thought you forgot where you were for a minute.
Starting point is 00:40:43 I did. You were like, ooh. I was like, uh-oh. This is going on way too long. I don't know what's going on here. Ooh. I was like, is he all right? Is he?
Starting point is 00:40:53 Ooh. We got a weather request for Aethelstainford, Scotland. The birthplace of Saltire. I don't know what that means. Just spelled salt with I-R-E? S-A-L-T-I-R-E. Saltire. At first I thought you were trying to spell solitaire,
Starting point is 00:41:18 so that's why I was like, wait, what are you trying to say? But I guess maybe it's the, isn't it isn't the Scottish flag symbol well yeah I did I just googled it so now I know okay okay I don't know what it means but I know that it's the Scottish flag I think the Scottish saltire flag the white diagonal cross on the flag is known as a saltire which means a cross with diagonal bars of equal length. This stems from the old French word saltoir or salture,
Starting point is 00:41:51 a word to describe a type of style constructed from two cross pieces. Interesting. Wow. So, did you ever, by the way, do you know this about the UK flag? How it's combined?
Starting point is 00:42:06 How it's the combination of flags? I feel like I did, but I don't. Like how, so the UK, the Union Jack is the English flag with the Scottish flag with the Ireland, or I guess like Northern Ireland flag. Oh, interesting. Combined together. That's pretty cool. Yeah, I'm not sure why flag. Oh, interesting. Combined together. That's pretty cool. Yeah, I'm not sure why or how that all works. I'm going off my memory.
Starting point is 00:42:32 I'm sure we'll get someone who's like, actually, Jesse, you're probably right, internet. Oh, yeah, we get those all the time anyway. Yeah, but apparently it's like a mix of them, which I think is pretty creative, no lie. Yeah. So in Aethelstanford, Staniford, it's probably like Athelstanford or something like that. That's actually probably correct.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Yeah. It is 49 degrees Fahrenheit. Feels like 46. You had a high of 49 and a low of 48. That doesn't seem right. It's probably because it's nighttime. Humidity, 87%. Pressure, 30.36 inches.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Visibility, 10 miles. Wind coming in at 7 miles an hour. Sunrise, 429 AM. Sunset, 950 PM. Dewpoint, 46. UV index, 0. And a moon phase of full moon. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Checking the 10-day. We got Monday, 59, mostly sunny. Tuesday, 60, mostly sunny. Wednesday, 62 and sunny. Then the clouds hit. Thursday, 59, partly cloudy. Friday, 57, partly cloudy. Saturday, 60, mostly cloudy.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Sunday, 64 with showers. and Monday, 65 showers. So pretty, pretty temperate over there with sun and some clouds. Not bad. Where is this place exactly? It feels like it's in the middle of nowhere. Usually they are. And usually I keep thinking to myself, does anyone actually live there or do they just pick these places to get us to see what we think? Because, yeah, I'm looking at the map right now.
Starting point is 00:44:11 There is there is it is open fields in like three houses. Yeah, there is the Aviator Cafe. Is that in the National Museum of Flight? That would make sense if it is. Oh, yeah, it is. All right. Well, I got that. Oh, there's a place called the Linton Hotel and Steakhouse.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Hold on now. Okay. Hold on now. This is five stars. Oh, what? The Crandor? Yeah. I'm going to send you this link.
Starting point is 00:44:44 I don't know what this person just said it's a video of this guy looking at his steak and he says something but i don't it's scottish as hell is what it is all right let's see that man that man said words that i don't even know what he was but the best part is is the steak it looks like it's a steak with fried fish on top and then chips. Yeah. This is like a fajita. All right, live your best life, dude.
Starting point is 00:45:12 It's like a fajita steak. I do like a nice sizzling steak. I'm not going to lie. But also, this hotel, looking at this hotel, I'm pretty amazed. The bedrooms look pretty great. But the food's insane to me. Like, I'm looking at this one plate. It is two, maybe three giant onion rings, one massive tomato slice, and then meats.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Various meats. Yep. Those are various meats. Also, I figured it out. He's saying literally sizzling. Oh, okay. Sure. It took me like eight playthroughs, but I got it. Oh, no. Here we go. Let me show you. Check out this place. This is the veg shed. The veg shed.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Yo, the veg shed looks like the spot, though. What the hell? It actually does look pretty cool. They got a cool potato bag. They literally have a place where you can go up to. This is madness. I love this. Let's say you're in Japan, and there's walls of food you can put money in,
Starting point is 00:46:22 and it opens a thing, and you pull out a sandwich, right? This is that, except you open it open it you pull out a sack of potatoes western european thing i think i've ever seen i love this fed shed car park potatoes range free eggs yeah that. Yeah, so they have one side is eggs and the other side's potatoes? Hell yeah, it is. That's all you need, I guess. Egg and potato. That's all you need.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Honest to God, the sign says for sale, potatoes, vegetables, eggs. That's it. That's, I guess, all you need. Yeah. The Crown and Kitchen, that's another one all you need yeah no that's actually crown and kitchen that's another one of these uh oh what's bostock bakery what's going on here oh oh bostock looks like it's it's fancy shit okay this is one of those places that even though it's in the middle of nowhere
Starting point is 00:47:19 they were like welcome to our fancy pastry. Look at this. This place, I would thrive here. This place looks delicious. Oh yeah, that looks great. That looks fantastic. Hell yeah. I'd be real happy
Starting point is 00:47:38 here. They also are doing some sort of ice cream sandwich thing. Oh yeah, I see that. Handcrafted sourdough. Come on now. Oh, yeah. I wouldn't know how to order because they'd be like, what did you say with that very American accent? Like, can I have a croissant?
Starting point is 00:47:59 Croissant. Give me a croissant and some bread, please. This place looks pretty cool. It looks like an old-timey looking restaurant. There you go. The water side. You know what? Bless old-timey looking restaurants.
Starting point is 00:48:19 This place looks so good. Yeah. It's got that old wall. It looks old as shit. The building looks like it is from 1428 yeah probably my god it's beautiful beautiful view and the food looks just like yeah okay the burger looks insane it does not look good yeah uh the burger looks burnt to shit but the steak looks delicious everything else looks good yeah that's not bad not bad
Starting point is 00:48:48 yeah not bad at all oh yeah oh hold on i found another burger and that burger looks pretty good okay yeah why would i get a burger when they got like steamed clams and shit come on yeah i'd get the i'd get the fish and chip no you're kidding me they got like good yeah there's this lady she's eating her fish and chips she looks so happy yeah that was good it's just fish chips and peas that's really all you need in the world that's all you need fish chips and peas yeah this also seems like the place where like yeah we're going out to eat this evening charles oh it definitely does it's like is, I'm going to say 55 plus. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:27 It's a little more casual. Then they find this place. Boom. But now I want to know, man, I'd go to Scotland in a heartbeat. I think I'd thrive in Scotland. I want to go to Ireland too. I want to go to Dublin. You really just want to go everywhere. Yeah, I want to go see places.
Starting point is 00:49:43 I'd go to Iceland. I'd go to Reykjavik or however you say that. I'd do that. Reykjavik. Reykjavik. What the shit? All right, so those hotels that we were looking at, 75 bucks a night. I scrolled all the way out to planet Earth for some reason, and I see that in the middle of nowhere, the Northwestern Passage in an area of Canada
Starting point is 00:50:06 with no name is a Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park, and there are multiple hotels. The cheapest one, $215.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Oh my god. This is the middle of nowhere. There's an airport and then a bunch of hotels. And I don't know what you do here, but it's got like an Arctic college. And what is this place? Is it a research area? Why do they have hotels? And why are they expensive expensive why are they so expensive
Starting point is 00:50:47 303 dollars what the hell 285 dollars what oh but this is at a conference center what are the conferences that happen here also it looks like it's dark half the year what it's so close to the arctic this is madness i love this. I don't know What? There is a hotel in the middle of No, there's a hotel One lone hotel in the middle of Greenland In the middle of nowhere $245. $422
Starting point is 00:51:15 What is happening? What is going on? This is insane This is a Best Western Plus $422 What is happening there? I'm This is a Best Western plus $422. What is happening there? I'm looking at this Best Western.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Look, all right. This is in the middle of Greenland. Look at this hotel. Describe it to the people if you'd be so kind. All right. Let's see. You got $422 a night. Oh, what the shit? Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:41 $122 a night. Oh, what the shit? Okay, so this is... This is like when they decide to build a random-ass building that doesn't fit in with anything in the middle of the town. And it's just like this curved monitor-esque hotel shape. And it is very modern. Very, very modern. The town itself is from, like, the 17th century.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Yeah. The town looks like maybe 1852. I'm just looking at the photo. Just look at the photo of this town. You have this giant hotel in the middle of the town, and then next to it multiple one-story houses. I'm going to say
Starting point is 00:52:34 maybe a total of 50 homes total. There's like beach houses. And then snow, and that's it. Yeah, it's like a bunch of beach houses and shacks, and then this thing. Except there's no beach. It's just snow.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Yeah. It's absolutely crazy. 422. It has to be because you're looking out at ice flows. I don't know how they can sell it for that much. Yeah, I don't get it. Actually, I kind of do. Never mind.
Starting point is 00:53:07 I get it now. Look at this photo. photo this is the summer which it is now ah yeah there you go it's very beautiful it's very like hobbit-esque you know what i mean yeah like the greens are very green yeah no that makes sense it's what it's the class i can get that now it's the classic place it's like kind of here where the summers are really great and then the other parts of the year not yeah looking at it in winter i was like why on earth wouldn't anyone visit this but seeing it in summer i it's beautiful so i get it still 422 bucks is so much money for like the middle and what would you do i guess they're well, you spend a lot of time in the hotel room. That's what you'll do. Yeah. No, I'm good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Damn. All right. Well, that's the weather. That is the weather. Okay. What is our sports? What is our sports? Currently, sports.
Starting point is 00:54:00 You got the NBA Finals occurring right now. There's eight minutes to go in the fourth quarter with the Miami Heat up 92-87 on the Denver Nuggets. But the Nuggets are currently up 1-0 in the series. So if Miami wins that, it'll be tied at a game apiece. In the NHL playoffs, the Vegas Golden Knights are playing against the Florida Panthers. And they are up 1-0 in that series after winning yesterday. And then in baseball, we've got the Tampa Bay Rays in first place in the East, Twins first place in the Central, Rangers first place in the West,
Starting point is 00:54:33 the Braves first place in the NL East, the Brewers first place in the Central, and the Diamondbacks first place in the West, tied with the Dodgers, actually. So that is your sports. Okay, what is our fact of the day? A single strand of spaghetti is individually referred to as spaghetto. I'm so disappointed. I was hoping you were going to say spaghet. Spaghetto is good, but one spaghetti is called a spaghet,
Starting point is 00:55:05 but it just made me so happy. Spaghetti is a plural word in Italian. Most pasta fans are surprised when they find out about it. Were you one of them? I guess. I mean, yeah, not really surprised, but just hopeful that it was. We could just drop the O. That'd be nice yeah uh
Starting point is 00:55:27 spanget spanget one spanget please also they say pasta fans like when i hear that i just think of like pasta fanatics like they got pictures of pasta on their wall like oh man i love fettuccine you know there's an old grandma out there who does have a picture of pasta on her wall. Dude, I hope there is. I would love if somebody just found at their grandparents' place a picture of pasta on the wall. What's the vibe right now? Like, so, you know, when we were younger, grandparents would have, like, spoons. You know, like they'd have a giant wooden spoon on the wall.
Starting point is 00:56:04 What's the vibe currently with my 80-plus what's it like in your place you got like a thing that hangs up and you know i'm sure there's a cultural thing i'm curious and you know your family listener listening right now what is the thing that you have that that you know nana has that Nana has hanging up in the wall? What is it? Yeah, that's a good question. So let us know if there's anybody that's 80 plus listening. Or tell us what your grandparents or parents or whoever that age has on the wall. Yeah, let us know. It's important. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:48 So that's your fact of the day. Okay. What is our big news story of the day? Big news story of the day. Day. Day. Day. Uh. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Man carrying a concealed sword inside of urgent care waiting room faces charges. I'm trying to figure out if you brought it with him or if the injury is the reason why he needed to go to urgent care was because of the sword. Guess we'll find out. Okay. A man is charged with carrying a concealed
Starting point is 00:57:20 weapon after medical staff discovers him sitting in an urgent care waiting room with a sword. On May 19th, Coral Springs Police Department officers were dispatched to the Broward Health Urgent Care in Westview Drive in response to a staff member who called claiming a man was sitting in the waiting area with a sword. According to records, upon arrival, officers were met at the entrance by a woman who claimed to be the man's wife, who confirmed her husband had a sword in Why does he have the sword? Okay. Subsequently, Record show officers approached him and inquired about the object, which he proceeded to uncover to reveal a sword. Why does he have the sword? Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:08 Subsequently, the officers instructed him to place the sword on the floor and return to his seat, which he complied. With the sword secured on the waiting room floor, the arrest report indicates the officers took possession of it to identify it correctly, unwrapping it from the cloth, confirming it was a two-foot bladed sword with indiscernible symbols on the blade's bottom portion. I love that they just said indiscernible symbols. Like, what kind of runic weapon did this guy bring? I have forged these runes in the
Starting point is 00:58:36 blades. In the blades? I don't know what I'm saying. After the discovery, the man was arrested and transported to the police headquarters for booking procedures. I mean, why'd they arrest him? He just had a sword. He didn't threaten anyone or do anything. During his interview at the police station, he stated that he had purchased the sword from a pawn shop just two days prior and had not brought the sword out in public until that day.
Starting point is 00:59:00 He went on to tell officers he didn't want to leave his sword and his vehicle due to the fear that someone would steal it, that he did not have any intention of harming others with the sword and was unaware of the illegality of bringing it into the healthcare facility. He was transported to... How would you... Who didn't tell him, don't bring it... Like, no one in his life said, maybe don't bring a sword. But his wife... He said his wife was there right like she said uh a woman who claimed to be the man's wife confirmed he had the sword and said he has a
Starting point is 00:59:35 mental illness well wouldn't shouldn't she be like we're not don't bring the sword into the yeah i mean what did he say to her to be like, look, honey, you're going to thank me for bringing this? Yeah, and she's like, all right. Like, you would think she would be like, hey, we really do not want to bring this sword in here. Like, I don't know. I don't understand. There's still a lot of questions. Some might say too many questions, like just a lot of questions. Yeah, no, there's a lot of questions here.
Starting point is 01:00:06 But at the same time, I mean, he didn't hurt anybody, but he had a sword. Yeah. I mean, like, yeah, again, this is one of those. Did nobody say anything? You feel like somewhere someone would say, don't bring weapons to places. But I guess that's a thing people do now, I guess. I don't seem so. Can you imagine?
Starting point is 01:00:36 You're just like, I got to go to the urgent care. Like, I got some stomach pain or something. You get there and some dude's just sitting there with a sword. And you're like, oh, God. Why? Yeah. Why me? I wouldn't be worried. I'd you're like, oh, God. Why? Yeah. Why me? I wouldn't be worried.
Starting point is 01:00:46 I'd just be like, oh, boy, one of these. One of these days. I got to deal with this guy now. I'm sure he's going to say something crazy to me. Yeah. Maybe we'll find out more, but I doubt we will. You know what? This is one of those stories where I hope we don't.
Starting point is 01:01:02 I hope that's it. Man had a sword. They were like, don't bring a sword. And he's like, okay. The end. The end. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:09 That, that should be the end. We don't need more. Yeah. We, that should really be the end of it. Just like, just don't bring the sword.
Starting point is 01:01:16 Okay. Just leave it, leave it at home. Nobody's going to steal it. It's going to be fine. All right. That's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:23 All right. Well, that's it for us. Thanks so right. That's it? Yeah. All right. Well, that's it for us. Thanks so much. Hope you're doing well. Thanks for listening. Crendor, hit them with the socials. We got socials.
Starting point is 01:01:34 slash Cox and Crendor podcast. All one word. Type it in. Go leave a comment. Like, subscribe. Hit the bell. Be notified when these go up. Leave a weather request, and then we might browse your weather requests restaurants and criticize or praise them uh also we're on spotify
Starting point is 01:01:52 itunes soundcloud we're all over we're also animations over on such cox and crendor we also got our stuff we got jesse cox slash crendor twitch jesse cox twitch crendor patreon jesse cox patreon crendor facebook jesse cox facebook crendor stuff. We got, Jesse Cox., Twitch, Jesse Cox. Twitch, Crendor. Patreon, Jesse Cox. Patreon, Crendor. Facebook, Jesse Cox. Facebook, Crendor. TikTok, Jesse Cox. TikTok, Crendor. Instagram, Latourius Cox. Instagram, Crendor was taken. You hit it, YouTube, Warhammer, Crendor.
Starting point is 01:02:15 YouTube, Crend Clips. YouTube, Cox Clips. Yeah. Owee, owee, owee, owee. Yep. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. All right. Well, that's it for us. We'll see y'all next time.
Starting point is 01:02:29 And as always, to be continued.

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