Cox n' Crendor Show - Episode 389 - Too Many Holidays

Episode Date: June 19, 2023

The boys are back and after a discussion about Father's Day, Crendor expresses his dislike of all the "stupid" holidays. This takes them down a rabbit hole which somehow ends with lobsters tasting wit...h their feet. Yep, it's another episode of Cox n' Crendor! Go to and use code cox16 for 16 free meals plus free shipping. Go to to get an extra three months of ExpressVPN free.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode is brought to you by ExpressVPN. Get yourself secure on the internet. Also today we're brought to you by HelloFresh. HelloFresh is going to give you that good food, deliver it right to your home. Now let's jump into this podcast. Hello everybody, it's time for Ghost on Trend Dog. Ghost on Trend Dog in the morning.
Starting point is 00:00:19 In the morning. Broadcasting live, live, live, live, live. In 4-hour recording studio. Recording. Hello everybody, welcome to another episode of Cacks and Creddor in the morning! I'm sorry, what was that? Powering down? What was that noise? That was me jumping into the podcast. Oh, right. Do you have some sort of moon boot on?
Starting point is 00:00:54 What was the... That's me jumping off the diving board and landing and then splash the podcast like water. So you have some sort of like Mario sound maker effect when you move around is what you're saying. I wish,
Starting point is 00:01:07 I wish I had some sort of way to, yeah, at least for a little bit. It'd probably get tiring. Yeah, but it'd be nice. It'd be nice to like everyone. The problem is you couldn't sneak anywhere.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Yeah. Cause every time he's like, he crept around to go like, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop,
Starting point is 00:01:21 boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop,
Starting point is 00:01:23 boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop,
Starting point is 00:01:23 boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop,
Starting point is 00:01:23 boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop,
Starting point is 00:01:24 boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop,
Starting point is 00:01:24 boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, And you couldn't do that. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:01:25 It would get to a point where you're just, you'd probably lose your mind. But I would like to have a theme when I walk down the street. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like, like a cool theme. That wasn't very cool. Yeah, you know. Like a cool theme.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Yeah. People look over like dang that guy's cool yeah well because the song the lyrics were cool cool cool cool cool so yeah who would sing that song or would just be who it's me it would be me singing the song to myself awkwardly walking down the street people be like I don't know if that is cool. I would be one of the people saying, I don't know if that is cool. But it's like I said, I feel like half the time you're cool, half the time you're not uncool, but you're not cool. That's good enough for me.
Starting point is 00:02:20 I'll take it. Yeah. But me, it's even less. I don't know. You got like a cool vibe. You're like a cool kid. What makes me cool? Don't ask me that.
Starting point is 00:02:33 I don't have answers. All right. I mean, you're making me on the spot here. You're saying I'm a cool guy, but then you're like, you don't know anything about it. You're saying I'm a cool guy, but then you're like, you don't know anything about it. I'm sure someone listening right now has reasons, and those are good enough for me. All right, who's somebody you think is really cool? I don't think I know anyone that's cool, I'll be honest.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Look at the field we're in. I don't know any cool people. I mean, what about somebody you think is cool? It doesn't even have to be somebody you personally know. Just somebody you think is cool? Like, it doesn't even have to be somebody you personally know. Just somebody you think is cool. I feel like the closest person to what I think cool is is Matthew McConaughey. Okay, and what makes him cool? If I could give you that answer, I would be cool.
Starting point is 00:03:18 I don't know. I don't even know much about him personally. Just something about that dude, I'm like, yeah, that dude's cool. Maybe it's because he's high all the time. That might be part of it's because he's high all the time that might be part of it that might be it yeah that might be part of it i don't know i don't i think like you know what cool is but i don't think i could ever call someone cool like i don't i work in a field of nerds i don't know that any of us qualify as cool but maybe like there are levels of cool like a spectrum of cool but at the far end is matthew mcconaughey and he's like all right all right all right you know what i mean yeah well i mean but maybe like there are levels of cool, like a spectrum of cool, but at the far end is Matthew McConaughey. And he's like,
Starting point is 00:03:45 all right, all right, all right. You know what I mean? Yeah. Well, I mean, maybe the reason that the high people seem cool like that is because they're
Starting point is 00:03:54 just kind of, they don't care, right? They're not stressed out. They're not like, Oh no, what's going to happen? They're just kind of like,
Starting point is 00:04:00 whatever, man, I guess, I guess. Yeah. I feel like that's part of it. Not caring is always cool, but sometimes caring is cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Caring can be cool. Yeah. So, like I said, I don't know. I have no answers for you. You put me on the spot. I just know that you're cool, man. I know you're cool. You're saying it's a vibe.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Yeah. It's like, listen to you. You're just like, you say it's's a vibe yeah it's like a fight listen to you you're like you say it's like a vibe that's cool listen i'm just trying to figure out what makes things cool what makes them not cool because then cool trying to figure out what make things cool not cool it is in fact not cool so well yes we've uh but i've established i'm not cool so i don't care i think you are cool well but you just said it makes me not, so I don't care. I think you are cool. But you just said it makes me not cool, so I wouldn't be cool right now. You're cool with like a K, dude.
Starting point is 00:04:51 What? It was like an off-brand grocery store cool? Yeah, you're like the royal crown of cool. Like the Aldi's brand cool. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We don't have any baggers here. You got to bag your own stuff. You got to pay 25 cents for a cart.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Yeah, 100%. You're that kind of cool. If you want your 25 cents back, you got to put that cart back. You got to put your Twitch Prime in the slot, and then you can be allowed into the grocery store. You are that cool. Yeah. Yeah. How's your week going?
Starting point is 00:05:26 Great. It's going great. Hey, happy Father's Day to the fathers out there. My goodness. Yesterday, went out with the parents to someplace way far south of the city. I'm talking like an hour and a half south. I'm going to let you know, it might be the most crendor place I've ever been. Let me describe this to you.
Starting point is 00:05:46 So, we get on the highway, stuck in traffic, you know LA, whatever. We finally get there. My mom's like, we're taking your father to go eat at this very very, um it's not fancy, but it's, I don't know
Starting point is 00:06:01 it's like farm to table um, kind of like, the best way I could describe it when we're in the moment was, for some reason I feel like I'm in Florida. I don't know why. I couldn't explain it to you. It was like a little Florida enclave. Now, it could be that it's because there was a lot of old people there at the time. That could do it, yes. But it wasn't that, though.
Starting point is 00:06:23 There was something about the vibe where it didn't feel like California, even the foliage around the time. That could do it, yes. But it wasn't that, though. There was something about the vibe where it didn't feel like California. Even the foliage around the area didn't feel like California. The housing didn't feel like California. It just didn't feel like it. And so this restaurant is in one of those, not a garden center,
Starting point is 00:06:41 but one of those giant nurseries that's plants and different things. And so in order to get it, you have to walk through all the different plants and all the different things they have set up. Except this place was very hummingbird themed. So there were a lot of planters and a lot of flowers that were like lure butterflies to your yard with this giant planter of like 50 different butterfly flowers, things like that. It was beautiful. Very nice. We walked around in there for a little bit.
Starting point is 00:07:07 And then when you go to eat this restaurant, it is apparently it takes a month and a half to get in. So your mom was like planning this for a while. Of course she was, you know, her, she, she planned this out way in advance.
Starting point is 00:07:19 We sit down and right away, I guess every menu is different depending on the day. So they keep switching it up. Because again, it's farm to table kind of stuff. Right. So it's whatever the hell they have. And most of the menu is things like the local pizza or soup.
Starting point is 00:07:37 And you'd have to ask what the soup was, right? Yeah. And my dad was really feeling the soup. He's like, I want soup. I want soup. And we get there and they're like, today's soup is three bean chili soup with cheese and onions. And my dad was really feeling the soup. He's like, I want soup. I want soup. And we get there, and they're like, today's soup is three-bean chili soup with cheese and onions. And my dad was like, I don't know if I want that on a hot summer day.
Starting point is 00:07:51 But my mom was like, so what is the pizza today? And the pizza was, and I'm going to try and describe this the best I can. It was a Sicilian-style pizza, but it had a pesto instead of like a red, you know, tomato sauce. Yeah. Pesto, prosciutto, some cheese that I can't remember what it was, a bunch of green that I can't remember what the green was, and then peaches with a vinaigrette drizzle on top. And you might say, what? Listener, you might say, what?
Starting point is 00:08:24 I'm going to let you know. This is one of those, you know they have a chef who works there because it hit all the angles. It was sweet, sour, salty, spicy. Like it had all the different flavor profiles in one bite. It was great. It was weird.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Delicious though. Delicious. We got some. It was weird. Delicious, though. Delicious. We got some little, like, tosta. They called it a tostarito, and it was a shrimp tostarito. It was a little tiny baby tostada with shrimp and, like, a ceviche on it. That was good. That's so good. Yeah, and then my mom, dad, and I split a apple gorgonzola something salad that had a bunch of stuff in it and a sandwich that was like a steak sandwich kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:09:13 And that was very good. And then we got some ice cream for dessert, and that was very good. And the whole point was it was all fresh. It was one of those places where it was incredibly good tasting, despite not being, you know, crazy. It was just very simple ingredients and absolutely loved it. Big fan. It was the first time I saw my dad go out to dinner and be happy. It was wild.
Starting point is 00:09:35 That man was thrilled. He was like, that's really good. I was like, oh, my God, does he like this? And then he got a beer that he loved. And I was like, wow wow i think we nailed this like good job mom and then um yeah it was like a pretty good time but again one of the things that i noticed was a lot of old people just a lot of old people and oh and also it was a weird crowd a lot of people 70 plus and then a lot of people
Starting point is 00:10:05 covered in tattoos who were like in their 20s very very strange crowd that does sound about right though yeah but i loved it thought it was really cool uh but again it had this vibe that was so florida that sounds like a place i would like as well that's what i'm saying i was like yeah this is a Crendor place. Yeah, 100%. Especially because I'm a little bit of both of those. I got the young 28-year-old being like, yeah, a little bit of hipster in you, and then a little bit of the old person like, I just want simple food. Price point-wise, relatively cheap.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Usually in LA, if my parents and I go out for a nice meal, and we get drinks, and we might get a dessert or something, we're hitting $200. But this place, nowhere close to that. Nowhere even near it. And we got roughly the same amount of food. I got a drink that was called a Voodoo Child, and it was rum, pineapple juice, hibiscus, and something else.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Oh, dang. My oh my. Loved it. Big fan. My dad was like, I'm not going to like that. I don't want to taste it. And then five minutes later, let me have a taste of that, which happens all the time. Every time we go out, he's like, I'm not going to like that, but let me have a taste of that.
Starting point is 00:11:24 And because it's in that sort of, I keep wanting to say Arboretum, but I know that's not what it is. You know, like a place where you buy plants. Oh, yeah. Because it's in the middle of it, you have all these people sort of walking around, looking at different plant things. It's very peaceful. There isn't a lot of traffic noise. It just didn't feel like LA. I don't know lot of traffic noise. It was, it just didn't feel like LA.
Starting point is 00:11:45 I don't know how to describe it. I don't know why it didn't feel like it, but it definitely felt like we hopped on a plane and went to like Boca or something. Well, that sounds fun. It was fun. It was a good time. I was very pleased. I was going to actually, this doesn't really relate to any of the restaurant stuff. It relates more to the day.
Starting point is 00:12:01 All right. Okay. Okay. It's like, uh, you know how people like all the days come up, like Father's Day, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, like all these days, everyone's like, it's a Hallmark holiday, dude. But here's the thing. There are so many days now, right?
Starting point is 00:12:17 I feel like every day now has a day to the point where, like, those days actually feel like they've become special days. Now, you look at, like, some days, they're like, it's corn on the cob day. It's a international handshake day. It's like national apple strudel day, right? Like there's so many days now. I'm going to look this up. Uh, national holidays, 2023.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Oh damn. There's so many different holidays and observances and this is okay it's a lot more insane than i initially thought you're right there are a lot of days wow oh my okay so yeah july we start with independence day then n Nathan Bedford Forest Day? Nope. Nope. I don't like that one bit. Nathan Bedford Forest Day. That, uh, yeah. Nope. That's not good. That is only in Tennessee, though, which says
Starting point is 00:13:14 a lot. Okay. Yep. That says a lot. And then Bastille Day. And then Rural Transit Day. Parents Day. Wait, so there's a Mother, Father's Day, and then Parents Day is a thing that exists. We don't need another one of those. We already have them.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Pioneer Day, only in Utah, which I think is very funny. Yep, yep, yep. Wait, Korean War Veteran Recognition Day, but only in West Virginia? That's not the place I would imagine that. But then in the entire country, National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day is the exact same day. So does West Virginia want its own thing? I don't know. August is, wow, August has a lot too.
Starting point is 00:13:55 August is like, August 1, Colorado Day, celebrating Colorado. August 4, Coast Guard Day. August 4, again, Barack Obama Day, but only in Illinois, uh, August sixth American family day, but only in Arizona. August seventh is purple heart day. August 14th is victory day. August 15th is assumption of Mary. Yep. August 16th is Bennington battle day, but only in Vermont. August 18th is Hawaii Statehood Day. August 19th is National Aviation Day. August 20th is National Navajo Code Talkers Day.
Starting point is 00:14:30 August 20th again is National Senior Citizens Day. I guess they put both them on the same day. August 26th is Susan B. Anthony Day. August 26th again is Women Equality Day. August 27th is Lyndon Baines Johnson Day. August 30th is Raska Badhan.
Starting point is 00:14:46 I guess that's a Hindu holiday. I guess. I don't know. That's just September has even more. How is this possible? That's what I'm saying. There's so many. September has almost every day.
Starting point is 00:14:56 What? That's wild. November is just as crazy. December, just as crazy. Here we go. I got 20 weird holidays. So we got January 3rd, Festival of Sleep Day. You know what?
Starting point is 00:15:12 That's not weird to me. That checks out. We got January 14th, National Dress Up Your Pet Day. January 24th, National Beer Can Appreciation Day. You know what? I don't get it, but I appreciate it. That's not to be confused with National Beer Day, which is April 7th.
Starting point is 00:15:33 National Fun at Work Day is January 28th. If any one of these holidays was alive, that would be it. That is very true. I want you to be happy day? What does that even mean?
Starting point is 00:15:50 Hey, baby, smile for me day. That's what that is. I want you to be happy. That's it. Hey, come on. Be happy, baby. That just sounds like something like, hey, be happy. We're not going to do anything about it, but I want you to be happy. Just like cheer up or something. March 20th is National Alien Abductions Day.
Starting point is 00:16:08 That's a mathless one. We have March 26th, Make Up Your Own Holiday Day. Nope, that sucks. That sucks. That sucks. That's dumb. You just run out of ideas. Then they just start filling in like you guys do the work.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Number 8 is April 15th, National That Sucks Day. Nope, that sucks. That sucks. Yeah, that sucks day sucks. That sucks. Number nine, Talk Like Shakespeare Day, April 23rd. International No Diet Day, May 6th. I mean, that's every day, but, like, yeah, I get it.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Yep. June 27th is coming up. National Sunglasses Day. Cool. That's awesome. Great. So cool. July 3rd is Compliment Your Mirror Day.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Yeah, no, we've gone too far with this. This is what I'm saying. Who decides these? Is there a committee? There's one. May 6th, National Explosive Ordinance Disposal Day. I've had this landmine in my backyard for 55 years. I've been saving it for May 6th.
Starting point is 00:17:23 It's, okay. Like, I still want to know who creates these days because like somebody has to create these days and then like solidify them as a day right like they have to be approved some company probably paid some guy to go to washington and pay some other dude to lobby uh to get a day for some sort of reason to sell some sort of crap. It's usually what it is. Wait, hold on. I think I found it.
Starting point is 00:17:51 It says, meet the people behind all those wacky holidays. Anyone can make up a holiday. This woman made up 1,900? I mean, I guess people have to do something with their free time, but you could do anything else. Yeah. Let's see. Do they say anything?
Starting point is 00:18:11 How does she create these holidays? Cooper Smith started creating holidays, or holidays, as she likes to call them, about 30 years ago as a form of therapy after getting mugged in the lobby of her apartment. What the shit? How does one relate to the other? This was an event in and of itself that would change the entire course of my life. Okay. In order to deal with the trauma attack, she started writing and creating cartoons, which she merged with her love of holidays. She thumbed through a book that listed holidays and
Starting point is 00:18:39 thought a lot of them were dull and stupid. Quote, why not do events that are fun and whimsical? a lot of them were dull and stupid. Quote, why not do events that are fun and whimsical? She's been dreaming them up ever since. Dates mean a lot. She doesn't talk about too many events in her life without mentioning the corresponding date, November 13, 1995, the day she first moved into her
Starting point is 00:18:55 first apartment after college. Where does she get all these ideas? From everywhere. Well, yeah, she's just making up days. Uh. Well, yeah, she's just making up days. Uh. Well, yeah, she's just making up days. This isn't even, like,
Starting point is 00:19:11 this isn't answering the question. Like, okay, I could sit here and create days, but that doesn't mean anyone's gonna use them. Like, how is she getting these approved? Is she going to, like, the government? That's what I want to know. Wait, okay. Another holiday another holiday are they real though i don't know if they're real like i mean just coming up here's a great example is to just give
Starting point is 00:19:35 you an example of how absolutely insane this is today is father's Right. But it is also Las Vegas World Martini Day, National Want to Get Away Day, International Sushi Day, World Sustainable Gastronomy Day, National Turkey Lovers Day, Splurge Day, and National Go Fishing Day. Oh, and International Panic Day. What? Why would you want a panic day? The International Panic Day is about finding time to manage and reduce stress. Oh. So we're going to call it International Panic Day? It wouldn't be like International Relax Day?
Starting point is 00:20:19 That's just today. That's one day, and they threw all those in here. And it's Father's Day. Yeah. We already had things on this day. We don't need more things. It's too many things. That's already one was enough.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Okay. I found holiday insights. How to create holidays. International and national days. Okay, here we go. In the past few years, there's been a tremendous proliferation of daily holidays, special, wacky, bizarre, international, and national days. You're telling me. Lately, it seems everyone, especially companies and organizations, want to create their own special day.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Many people ask, just how does one go about creating a holiday or a special day? That's a great question. It sure is. Creating a new holiday is fun and exciting. Yeah, I know. Now you want to share? I don't care. Let's explore how to create a holiday. Okay, here we go. Anyone can create a new holiday, though the tough job is to gain recognition. Here are some tips. Create the name for your holiday. Define what it's about. How should we sell it? Don't just tell me.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Okay. State the creation using all the information and definitions from the above steps. Create a website for your special day. The URL should be the title of the day. Add relevant pictures. Do SEO work. Get your holiday and website recognized. Okay. Lately, new holidays are adding national.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Okay. A truly national holiday is literally an act of Congress and takes a lot of work. We investigated the issue with a company that wanted to create a national day and had the resources to do it. They decided it was too much work. Well, then why do we have all these days? Are they not even approved?
Starting point is 00:21:58 Are these just days people made up? So you're telling me that in theory, I could go back, find the very first episode of Terraria where I mentioned the space butterfly, make that space butterfly day, and then just sell the idea. Like make a crappy website with like geocities and then be like, yeah, space butterfly. It's a real thing. We celebrate it on insert day. And then I just live my life.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Yeah, that's it. I feel like this is problematic. And here's the reason. Tomorrow, these are the four days get ready for this world sauntering day is a thing okay also juneteenth is a thing then it's also world martini day which is a thing and international day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence Day. But don't worry, it's also National Garfield the Cat Day. Yes. Finally. I just...
Starting point is 00:22:52 I've been waiting. Just give it one day. We don't need National Sauntering Day. There's so many days. It makes sense now. None of them are actually approved. There is people doing this just to be like, hey, this is a day.
Starting point is 00:23:10 And then a bunch of people go, yeah, it is. And that's it. They just have a bunch of people celebrating it, so it just becomes a day because the amount of people celebrating it makes people recognize it. I guess. They said the only requirements to be a true national holiday are
Starting point is 00:23:29 the president issues a proclamation an act of congress which requires a legislator to propose the day in congress to vote approval in other countries the president or head of government or the national legislature declares it to be a national day. That's it. But how on earth? Alright, June 1 is somehow both World Milk Day, World Narcissistic Abuse
Starting point is 00:23:55 Awareness Day, and National Nail Polish Day. Why is, like how? How are we allowing those three to happen at the same time? That is a lot. That is a lot. I guess you can, I don't know. It's too much.
Starting point is 00:24:11 It has to stop at some point, right? Because there's going to hit a point where we just have too many days to celebrate. Or at least 800 things every day. Make the days relate. Like, here's a great example. On June 2nd, this checks out. National Rotisserie Chicken Day. National Bubba day to celebrate all the bubba's out there okay and national donut day and national rocky road off-road day and national leave office early day all those connect to me
Starting point is 00:24:38 for me all those relate i can see that yeah you just start tying them all together see that makes sense yeah that's what we got to do. Like, yeah, if you have, like, national, there we go, we have National Relaxation Day. So, like, you know, you can mix in, you know, what are some relaxing things to do on that day, make it those days as well. It makes perfect sense to me if you just put it together, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Yeah, like, if you have National Relaxation Day, have, like, National Sit in a Chair Day. Like, wow, just sit in a chair. Like, National Eat a Junk Food You Want a chair day. Like, wow, just sit in a chair. Like national eat a junk food you want to eat day. Like, okay, boom. Yeah, you're doing two things. That's double celebration. Yeah, but here's the problem.
Starting point is 00:25:15 People are trying to make this like every day is a celebration. But when you're celebrating every day, it doesn't become special. There you go. Damn. Damn. It defeats the whole purpose. And you say that, and I might tend to agree that if you make every day special, then no days are special, but the pushback
Starting point is 00:25:32 would be, we're both wrong. Every day is inherently special. That's true. I mean, the people saying every day is special, they still have days that are more special than others. Sure, but that doesn't mean that every day isn't special. Like National Megalodon Day. Okay, well, still, it's these people just like, everything is a blessing, every day is special. But yeah, there's going to be a day you enjoy more than another day, and you're going to rank that higher on the it was more special scale.
Starting point is 00:26:06 All right? So that means it is more special, which means certain days are more special than other days. All right? Checkmate, atheist. I mean, you're not wrong. I do like National Chocolaty Claire Day a little bit more than International Widows Day. I'm just going to say one of those I think is a little bit more fun.
Starting point is 00:26:22 I would say, yeah. of those I think is a little bit more fun. I would say, yeah. It's so listen, I don't care if people want to celebrate all the crazy days. Maybe there might be somebody like every day they wake up and they're like, what's today?
Starting point is 00:26:35 Is it National Lemonade Day? I'm gonna go get a lemonade. That's cool. But I'm saying it just, it feels like too much. It feels like we're going a little crazy. We gotta dial it back. Yeah? What would you, what rules would you institute in the world of holiday celebration? I would say, I don't mind having, like, National Popcorn Day, but, like, they start kind of crossing over at a point.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Well, what is the point? What is, you know, if popcorn is in, what is out? Well, what is the point? What is, you know, if popcorn is in, what is out? Like, okay, instead of having National, like, Barbecue Chicken Day and National Ribs Day and all these sides, just have National Barbecue Day and just combine them all into one. But chicken is different than ribs. Sometimes you want to honor barbecue chicken.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Barbecue both. But then what if, you know, you want to cook out and not barbecue? Too bad. You had to pick one. Your totalitarian regime is off the rails. And then go, oh man, I'm glad I ate barbecue chicken this year. Maybe next year I'll go with the ribs. You have a new appreciation that after that you're like, man, you know what? Maybe I'll go back to the chicken.
Starting point is 00:27:44 I guess. I don't know. I feel like now you're restricting what people can enjoy. Where's the freedom in that, man? People are trying to enjoy too much. There's the problem. You can't have too much enjoyment. It's like what I said with the, if there's somebody
Starting point is 00:28:00 that seems too happy, they're not happy. There's something going on there. Can't people just be happy? They can, but I'm just saying there's being happy, and then there's people that are just constantly too happy. You're telling me that if I proudly and happily celebrate National Barcode Day, there's something wrong with me? Well, National Barcode Day, There's something wrong with me. Well, National Barcode Day, that's... I can see why you're happy.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Right, I mean, thank you. I'm glad you can, because when it goes boop, boop, you know, I love that. It really speaks to me. I mean, when you think about barcodes, we use barcodes constantly. Yeah, yeah, we do. What would we do without barcodes?
Starting point is 00:28:44 You'd have to type in numbers on everything you buy. Dude, our DNA is like a bar code. Damn, dude. Damn, dude. See? Bar codes. That deserves its own day. Okay. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. This is important.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Starting with Sunday, June 25th. I'm going to let you decide what we're keeping. Do you keep Day of the Seafarer? I mean, if you are a seafarer. No, no, no. You are in charge. Day of the Seafarer.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Keep it or no. Okay, but there's questions. Because you could probably celebrate this in a local area where there's a bunch of seafarers. No, no, no. You're the one in charge. This is national holidays. Day of the Seafare. Is it in or out? It's out. Alright. Global Beatles Day. In or out?
Starting point is 00:29:33 I'd put it on a maybe. We'll approve it again next year. Damn. Alright. National Strawberry Parfait Day. That's a little too specific. So that's out? No strawberry parfaits? Okay. Have a dessert day. National's a little too specific. So that's out? No strawberry parfaits? Okay. Just have a dessert day. National catfish day.
Starting point is 00:29:49 See, I feel like these are fine local celebrations. No, no, no. But I don't think these are national celebrations. Mr. President, we need the answer. We only have so many spots. I don't think we can. Alright, National Onion Day, Mr. President. National Onion? Like, again President. National Onion Day?
Starting point is 00:30:06 Again, we'll have National Vegetable Day and National Fruit Day. Okay. We're going to have National Tubers Day as well. What day is the right day for National Tuber Day, sir? It's got to be on a Tuesday. Tuber Tuesday. All right. In what month, sir?
Starting point is 00:30:24 Let's see. What month do tubers grow or get harvested? I guess in the fall? Sure, sir. I'm not quite sure. I just work for you. All right. Yeah, hold on.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Tubers are produced during the short of the harvest, mid-November. November. All right. I'll mark it downNovember, November. All right. I'll mark it down on the list, sir. Thank you. International Body Piercing Day. You know what? I'll allow that one.
Starting point is 00:30:55 That's kind of specific enough, but not too specific. See, if it was like International Belly Button Piercing Day, it's like, nah, I wouldn't want that. But like body piercing, it could be like earrings. It could be literally, it was like, it was like international belly button piercing day it's like no i wouldn't want it but like body piercing that could be like earrings it could be literally i was like sure fine so the vague the vagueness is the point yeah it has to it's got to have some vagueness when you start
Starting point is 00:31:14 getting too specific that's when you start having a problem of too many days because we're at first you give the catfish a holiday then you'd be be like, what about tuna day? What about cod day? Like, everybody wants a day at that point. What about national camera day? That's a maybe. I can probably see a camera day. But using your own logic, shouldn't it be national electronics day? Yeah, but I guess a camera
Starting point is 00:31:38 is in your phone at this point. This would be like for old cameras. No phone cameras. Ah, so national antique camera day. day yeah national non-phone camera day gotcha gotcha there you go what about um international asteroid day uh you know what we need to learn more about asteroids all out okay yeah okay Yeah. Okay. And then, sir, what about national beans and Frank state? That's an American staple. That's a lot.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Right. We have to keep it. Yeah. I know you're against specific days, but how do you feel about national yellow pig day? I mean, if there's a yellow pig, are there yellow pigs?
Starting point is 00:32:26 I looked it up. I'm still not quite sure what this means because it says National Yellow Pig Day is July 17th. It honors the unique attributes of the number 17 and its significance to mathematics. The number 17 is a premium number in the arena of prime numbers. Add the first four prime numbers together, and 17 is their sum. The average school bus weighs 17 tons. Each of the following words has 17 letters.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Interdisciplinary telecommunication, misinterpretation, commercialization, electrophotometer, photometer. The atomic number of chlorine is 17. Pebble Beach is known for its 17 long 17 mile long drive the 17th amendment of the united states constitution how to observe it i don't understand this at all oh yeah that is this is too much math for me i don't understand this one
Starting point is 00:33:18 i don't see any like actual yellow oh what, apparently, two mathematicians this is why national holidays are a mess. So, two mathematicians in the 1960s were analyzing the random properties of the number 17 and a mysterious yellow pig. It seems the process became excessive and professional. David Kelly, who's one of
Starting point is 00:33:40 the two, gave lectures and taught class around yellow pig and Michael Spivak made publications around what is the pig though yeah i don't understand i don't get this holiday and now i'm more fascinated by it and i gotta be honest i'm it's a keeper for me all right yeah oh yeah i don't just fascination. We can keep that one. Yeah. If we're going to keep that one, we have to also keep National Hammock Day
Starting point is 00:34:10 and National Rat Catchers Day. Uh, yeah. Alright, see, this is what happens. It starts dominoing. And before you know it, we're back to square one. Here we are. Back at square one.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Moral of the story is too many days. And before you know it, we're back to square one. Here we are, back at square one. Yeah. Moral of the story is, too many days. Yeah. Too many days. I believe that. Some days, you know what? Just wake up and go, you know what? It's a Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:34:36 That's fine. Some days it's fine to just be a Wednesday. We don't need it to be anything crazy. Yeah. It's Wednesday, my dudes. You know what? It is also today. Ooh, that's a stretch.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Oh, boy. It's the day where I tell you about HelloFresh. HelloFresh. National Advertisement Day. I'm sure it exists. It's got it. HelloFresh is the best way to get farm fresh. Pre-portioned ingredients and seasonal recipes delivered right to your doorstep.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Skip all them trips to the grocery store and count on HelloFresh to make home cooking easy, fun and affordable. That's why it's America's number one meal kit. The summer it's here. And I know you're all out there trying to eat better, look better, feel better, get that farm to table quality. HelloFresh brings it all to you in a box with seasonal ingredients picked at the peak of ripeness. And then it travels from the farm to your doorstep. Seven days. You can taste the flavor in every bite.
Starting point is 00:35:41 It's delicious. Figuring out what's for dinner. It's for the birds. You can get any of their foolproof recipes that come with instructions and high quality proteins and veggies. It just brings out your inner chef and you just sit there preparing a meal. It's so simple and the best part is it's cheaper too. It's 25% less than takeout.
Starting point is 00:36:02 No matter what your lifestyle, you'll always find something delicious on the HelloFresh menu, like pescatarian or veggie or just like food for the whole family. And you can swap proteins and sides to make the recipe how you want. Crandor and I both use HelloFresh and every time I'm so impressed,
Starting point is 00:36:19 mostly with my own skills in the kitchen. It blows me away how truly simple it is. And because everything's pre-portioned, you don't have to sit there and measure. You know, like cooking is a little bit of math and science, right? It's about temperatures and about quantities and whatever. It's all done for you.
Starting point is 00:36:36 You just do what the recipe says and you don't have to figure out how to measure anything. It's just there. It's so nice. It works every time. And you'll always be surprised like, Oh my God, it looks just like the picture. I just, how's that possible? And it gives you the confidence to do it again. HelloFresh has a great deal for you. If you want to give it a shot,
Starting point is 00:36:55 go to slash Cox one six and use code Cox one six for 16 free meals plus free shipping. All you gotta do is go to slash Cox one six use code Cox one six for 16 free meals. Get that free shipping. Hello fresh. It's America's number one meal kit. Also today we're brought to you by express VPN. It's like a, a first aid kit, but not really needing to stock it up. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:37:25 Most of the time, you'll probably be fine, but suddenly, if you get in a horrible accident, it's there and ready to help you stop the bleeding. That's the best way I can describe ExpressVPN. Anytime you connect to the internet on an unencrypted network, cafes, hotels, airports, whatever, any hacker on the same network can gain access to your personal data, passwords, financial details, et cetera. So if you have a laptop and you're roaming the world, you're doing whatever, having ExpressVPN
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Starting point is 00:38:26 bit more fun. You know what I mean? If I'm watching a movie, let's say Dodger and I want to watch a movie. It's on Netflix. The UK version of Netflix and the US version of Netflix are different. So watching the same show can be a problem. ExpressVPN can help with that. Secure your online data today by visiting
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Starting point is 00:39:03 That man is losing it. I was i was like tripping over my tongue there yeah you can't do that you gotta watch out i can't do that tongue's trying to cross the street you trip you're run over by mouth traffic uh but out here we got real traffic and uh it's pretty bad it's uh all backed up everyone's going places vacationing uh it's pretty bad. It's, uh, all backed up. Everyone's going places, vacationing. Uh, it's, I wouldn't want to go anywhere right now, but if you gotta, just be prepared to wait. And, uh, if you're good at waiting,
Starting point is 00:39:33 then that's good. Thank you. Thanks, Crandor. Now, let's go over to Crandor at the Weather Desk. How's the weather? Weather. We got a weather request for, uh, let's's see we've been going all crazy overseas we're going to green bay wisconsin oh boy yeah here we go green bay wisconsin my favorite for football it is currently 73 degrees fahrenheit uh humidity 51 percent 28 point or 29.81 inches of pressure
Starting point is 00:40:06 9 miles of visibility winds at 5 miles an hour 5.06am on the sunrise 8.40pm on the sunset dew point 54 0 of 10 on the UV index and a moon phase of a new moon fresh moon coming out
Starting point is 00:40:20 take a look at the old 10 day we got 85 mostly sunny on Monday, 82 sunny on Tuesday, 85 sunny on Wednesday, Thursday 86 mostly sunny, Friday 86 partly cloudy, Saturday 85 partly cloudy, Sunday 80 PM thunderstorms, and Monday
Starting point is 00:40:37 77 PM thunderstorms. Pretty nice up in Green Bay, Wisconsin. I am... None of this makes sense. Maybe it's because I have to have a layover. The first thing I saw when I loaded up Green Bay, Wisconsin was it said a flight from Green Bay
Starting point is 00:40:53 would take eight hours from LAX to Green Bay, which makes no sense to me because a flight from LAX to New York is five hours. So maybe that means that there's layovers, like a bunch of layovers? There must be, because like Chicago... Yeah, there's
Starting point is 00:41:10 connecting flights. Okay, I was about to say, there's no way it would take eight hours. Yeah, it would probably be like slightly more than Chicago. It would probably be like four hours. Yeah, that's... Okay. I was like, time out! Don't lie to me, Internet. Yeah, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:41:28 But hey, you can go to the National Railroad Museum when you're there. That's fun. There you go. You got numerous Culver's. Yeah, yeah. I mean, that's true. You gotta have your Culver's. Yep. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Although they got some interesting places. They got Zesty's Frozen Custard and Grill. That is... This is like some 80s vibe. interesting places. They got a Zesty's frozen custard and grill. That is, this is like some 80s vibe. Dude, look at Zesty's. Hold on. You think that's an 80s vibe? Here, not only is Zesty's,
Starting point is 00:41:56 I have a feeling the whole town's an 80s vibe. Here's another restaurant called The Sardine Can. I think it's a bar. Oh, that's, oh yeah. The whole thing is just like yeah we just oh my god yeah no zesty's frozen custard is definitely like 1994 oh yeah 100 it has the chairs the booths look like they are 100 from the same company that makes those cups that you would always those like solo cups or whatever the ones you put coffee in
Starting point is 00:42:25 yeah I know what you're talking about uh oh my god yeah the sardine can it's got some people there yeah it's got a vibe I'd probably enjoy myself oh I probably would too they're probably watching the Packer game I'd love that stop
Starting point is 00:42:41 stop this here's the winner this is if I was in green bay this is the place i would go it's called our place and it looks like a diner that i don't think has ever been updated since it opened none of the chairs are the same the food 100 looks like it is like it hasn't the recipe hasn't changed in 45 years yeah that is that is some diner food yeah and the building itself holy shit it looks like that's why i know it's good the building looks like it should be condemned yeah like there's this picture of there hold. That picture straight up looks like a school cafeteria. That's what I'm saying. But like a teacher's lounge cafeteria.
Starting point is 00:43:30 But then what's crazy is in other pictures, it's a different room. Oh, yeah. Like, if you go to that... Oh, that's the reason. The one photo that you showed me is 2017. The photo I'm looking at is 2023. Oh, are they updated? They updated.
Starting point is 00:43:49 Oh, all right. Oh, yeah. Look at this. They brought in some new stuff. It looks better, admittedly. Look at those menus. The menu of our place looks like if a lady with no graphics acumen at all working in a nursing home made a menu for the old folks to tell them they're going to get like pancakes, soup, omelet. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:14 I love this. And you got like the pancake. I think it's an egg or a pound. You know what it is, but he's got four pancakes, man. It's a perfect circle of a man and his coffee friend. He's got four cans and then happy coffee friend. Yeah, it's like it's a perfect circle of a man and his coffee friend he's got four cans and then happy coffee friend yeah it's like it's like cuphead but like you know cuphead's caffeine addicted brother like cuphead like this coffee man he's got steam coming out so you know it's
Starting point is 00:44:36 hot coffee but like does it does it stay hot in there does they have to keep filling them up this is how i know i would love this place. Oh my god. Side orders of food. If I want onion rings, how much do you think onion rings, if you were going to pay onion rings, how much do you think that'd cost? At this place? Just in general.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Well, it depends. If you're... LA onion rings are probably like $8. And how much would you spend in Chicago? Probably like $6. Onion rings, $2.50. Oh, yeah. Dude, this place is a steal.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Yep. Chicken breast sandwich, $4. Yeah, oh my God. These are some early 2000s prices these are some and this is the image I'm looking at is from 2021 and I can get a Denver
Starting point is 00:45:33 sandwich which is scrambled eggs and green peppers and onions breakfast sandwich $4.50 oh my god that's insanely cheap this place is great. And when we go to breakfast, I got like a side order of ham costs like $4.50.
Starting point is 00:45:50 That's what I'm saying. This place... This is our place. This is amazing. Oh, what the shit? Okay, I didn't expect to find this here. This is the Fall Lodge. It's got a big-ass elk logo. And it's got a big-ass elk logo.
Starting point is 00:46:06 And it's got elks inside. I love Fah. This is, wow. I did not expect to see Fah mixed in with, like, Green Bay hunting culture. You know what? We should have, admittedly. Yeah, it looks good. It actually looks really good.
Starting point is 00:46:21 What's crazy is the prices here are crazy, too. Yeah. Yeah, oh, my my god even these look good man we live in too expensive of a place this is wild oh yeah look at these owners those definitely do look like people that go hunting but also
Starting point is 00:46:40 they feel like they came from LA and were just like yo if we go hunt here but make like really good food. They do have like kind of like a bro look. It's pretty fun. This place looks great. I don't even know where Lambeau Field is. I'm trying to find it.
Starting point is 00:46:56 The Tundra Lodge up. We're getting close. Yep. There it is. There's Lambeau Field. The Tundra Lodge. I'm still obsessed with our place. I'm not going to.
Starting point is 00:47:05 I'm not going to gonna lie I love this place uh yo they got hold on what is dude three egg omelette ham potatoes onion four bucks actually
Starting point is 00:47:21 $4.50 oh my god yeah all this stuff's under $5. This is better prices than Subway. Yeah, Subway in L.A. is trying to charge you $12 for a footlong. Yeah. I'd just go get a real sub at a real restaurant. Why the hell would I go to Subway? Yeah, it used to be $5 footlongs.
Starting point is 00:47:40 I think it's like $8 or $9 here. What the hell? That's dumb. You guys were selling us fake bread up until a few years ago. Yeah. That's the whole point. It's like cheap fake food, but then they're charging you normal prices. I'm going to go somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:47:53 No thanks. That's like McDonald's around here. If you got a meal, let's say you got like a Big Mac meal. Yeah. How much do you think that would cost? Let's see. I think the last time I got a Big Mac meal, it was like $12. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:48:08 $13.50, something like that? Why would I get a big... I just go literally anywhere else and get a real hamburger. Yeah. Yeah, that point. The whole point is fast food isn't supposed to be cheap, and I get it quick, and now you're charging me $13? Get the hell out.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Yeah, that's stupid. That's dumb. they do have yeah i don't here we go 4.8 stars from 1000 reviews the cheesesteak rebellion now that's a place so many people died it was a dark time for this nation the cheesesteak rebellion oh my god what's crazy about this is it's star wars themed It was a dark time for this nation. Cheesesteak Rebellion. Oh, my God. What's crazy about this is it's Star Wars themed. Yeah, they just have a bunch of Star Wars stuff. So it's like Han Solo fought for the Cheesesteak Rebellion.
Starting point is 00:49:00 What's actually crazy about it is the outside looks like an old sort of like veterans of foreign wars bar you know what I mean it does it does not look at Star Wars themed at all and then you roll in and it's all Star Wars stuff that's so funny that is
Starting point is 00:49:20 not what I expected I don't know what their slogan means. Cheesesteak Rebellion Established 2019. Rebellions are built on OPE? What is OPE? Is that a thing? That's a Midwest.
Starting point is 00:49:35 What does that mean? What is OPE? OPE is like, say you're walking in the store, right? And somebody is like, you're walking out of an aisle and someone's walking and you like bump into each other you go oh oh i do that every time every time i didn't know it had like a thing every time i am waiting for an elevator i've done that for years if i'm like waiting for an elevator and then the door opens someone walks out instead of like you know making sure no one's standing there i go oh yeah you go and the more north you go i've never seen it spelled ope i just thought it was a noise yeah and the further north you go you go like oh sorry that's amazing oh i do that i do that
Starting point is 00:50:14 all the time yeah that's that's my go-to like every time you're like oh yeah oh and uh yeah i don't know if they do it anywhere else like east East Coast, West Coast, but yeah, it's very Midwestern. That's, yeah, I definitely am the only person in this city who does that. There might be other Midwestern people, but I don't know. I don't have any friend who, when they almost walk in, the first person goes, oh, oh, oh, yeah. Now I get it. Rebellions are built on, oh.
Starting point is 00:50:41 Yeah, exactly. And that's the weather. All right. What's going on, sports? Sports. Oh, boy. Sports. So we had a few big things happen in the NBA.
Starting point is 00:50:55 The Denver Nuggets won the NBA title. They're the champions. And in NHL, the Las Vegas Golden Knights won the Stanley Cup. They did. And frankly, here for it, the Golden Knights put Knights won the Stanley Cup. They did. And frankly, here for it. Golden Knights put on a show every time. Yeah, they do. So congratulations.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Those are done. And now it's only baseball and Ray and the Mother Sports. I just discovered this past weekend that my mom loves the Dodgers. I had no clue. Really? Did she watch all the games? That's a great question. She was like, do I go to a Dodgers game? I love the Dodgers. And had no clue. Really? She like watch all the games? That's a great question. She was like, do I go to a Dodgers game? I love the Dodgers. And I was like, sure. So I got a
Starting point is 00:51:30 message today. She's like, in September, we're going. I'm like, okay. Alright. Yeah, I want to know how diehard of a fan she is for the Dodgers. My dad's a Pirates fan. I think my mom just like got swept up in like, you know, it's LA. If you're in LA, you're here for the Dodgers. And so I think she's like got swept up in LA. If you're in LA, you're here for
Starting point is 00:51:45 the Dodgers. I think she's got swept up in it and I'm really curious. I don't know. This is brand new information for me. I found out in the car ride yesterday. You'd think she would have tried to get the Pirates-Dodgers game then. She didn't want to go there because she was afraid
Starting point is 00:52:01 my dad would get beat up. He showed up in all Pirates gear and then we attacked. She's like, we don't want to go there because she was afraid my dad would get beat up. Ah, yeah, that probably would have happened. Because he showed up in all Pirates gear and then we attacked. She's like, we don't want to go to a Pirates game. Just like after every pitch, you'd be like, Dodgers suck. I know he would. I'm well aware he would pick a fight, yes. Yeah, that makes sense. Well, that's it.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Yeah, maybe she just randomly likes the Dodgers from being in L.A. now. I don't know. I have no clue, but I think that must be it. But, yeah, I love it. I was blown away. I was like, I would love to go to a game. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Baseball's fun. Yeah. Just go there. You have a beer, a hot dog. Watch baseball and leave. I mean, yeah, there's no way that I would expect it to be an exciting game. But yeah, I'll watch. I'll have fun. Yeah, I've been to quite a few baseball games, actually.
Starting point is 00:52:58 I think I've been to like five, four or five. Yeah, they're always fun to go to, but the baseball is the least fun part. That makes any sense. Usually you're like whoa thank you yeah then you're like hey another beer over here a hot dog too and then you watch the weirdos in the crowd and the people who get like really worked up and there's always one couple that's fighting for some reason yeah there's always there's always something to see in the baseball game and then And then every once in a while a pitch happens. We're like, oh, that was neat. That was like back in when my friend Nick came to visit because he wanted to see a Cubs game.
Starting point is 00:53:31 He's like, got to go to Wrigley Field. And then we went and they were playing the Royals from Kansas City. And there were some big Royal fans there. And that was when the one woman had the Namaste y'all shirt on. And she was right next to us. We were just like, yep. And then she was like, hey, you guys aren't cheering for the Royals? And we were like, yeah, because it's Chicago.
Starting point is 00:53:54 It's like, all right. So were you in the away section? Is that where you were? No, we were literally just sitting in the stadium. There shouldn't even be an away section. I guess they might have just... I guess they might have just claimed that as the away section.
Starting point is 00:54:09 We are going to this section. That's their section. You were just with all the Royals fans and they were like, what are you doing here? And you're like, I live here. What do you want? I guess because they're in the American League. So their rival Chicago team is the White Sox.
Starting point is 00:54:23 I was just like, listen, I don't like the White Sox, but I'm not going to cheer for the Royals. They're like, hey, that's good enough. All right. Yeah, you take what you can get. I understand. I get it. So speaking of baseball, we got the Tampa Bay Rays in first
Starting point is 00:54:40 with the Orioles in second place five games behind. Just kind of funny because the Yankees are in third, ten games back, and the Red Sox are in last place. So you got the Rays and the Orioles up top. Twins in first in the Central. You got the Texas Rangers in first in the West. Then the National League. You got the Atlanta Braves up top in first.
Starting point is 00:54:58 You got the Brewers in first in the Central. Tight race. You got the Reds half a game back, Pirates two and a half back, and the Cubs four back. And then in the West, you got the Diamondbacks in first with the Giants in second three and a half back. And the Dodgers four games back. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:55:14 And that is sports. Oh, yeah. All right. What's our fact of the day? Fact of the day. Yeah. Yeah. the day fact of the day yeah yeah our fact of the day is lobsters taste with their feet what that's right tiny bristles inside a lobster's little pincers are their equivalent to human taste buds meanwhile lobster's teeth are in one of their three stomachs. Lobsters
Starting point is 00:55:46 are one of these foods some professional chefs cook in the microwave. What the shit? I'm more shocked that people are cooking lobster in a microwave, but more importantly, they have their feet I just learned that their feet taste and they have a stomach with teeth.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Yeah. That's all new information to me i'm like whoa what yeah that shit's crazy although i've heard lobsters are like insanely smart yeah i i guess i mean we catch them and eat them so they're not that smart oh it says lobsters are one of the smartest animals in the ocean. They have a complex social life and maintain strong relationships with their fellow lobsters. Okay, we'll see. Sight can't be reached. Okay, let's see about that.
Starting point is 00:56:34 It says sight can't be reached. I think the lobsters took it down. Or the lobster haters took it down. Yeah. Big lobster was like, no, thank you. I'm not liking that one. Yeah. Either way, now like, no, thank you. Big Lobster's not liking that one. Yeah. Either way, now you know.
Starting point is 00:56:49 All right. Well, what is our big news story of the day? Big news story of the day. Mm-hmm. California family finds one million pennies while cleaning out old house. I saw this for some reason. Yeah, okay. I mean, that's incredible.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Good on them. I don't know how they're going to cash that all in and get the money, but like, okay. I don't know. Let's see. When California real estate agent John Reyes went to Los Angeles to clean out the former home of his father-in-law, he expected to find some trash. Instead, he found some cash. More than one million. I hate these articles so much.
Starting point is 00:57:32 I've come to expect it at this point. Yeah, I hate it. More than one million copper pennies. Reyes, a real estate agent in Ontario, California, found the massive amount of moolah worth at least $10,000 last year in a crawlspace under a home that once belonged to his father-in-law, Fritz, who'd lived there with his brother for decades. Wait.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Oh, he found it last year. Okay. Wait, why is it coming out now? Reyes, his wife, Elizabeth, and other family members have spent the last few years cleaning out the home in hopes of renovating it. But it was a daunting task for one simple reason. They kept everything. Reyes says the crawlspace was so
Starting point is 00:58:10 tight that family members had to get on their knees to reach some of the corners. We were trying to do a thorough job, Reyes said, and as a result started finding a bunch of loose pennies before discovering boxes and bank bags filled with pennies made before the U.S. switched from copper to zinc in the 1980s.
Starting point is 00:58:28 So that's a million pennies, but technically it would be worth more than a million dollars because it's the copper ones, right? Yeah, they're like the rare pennies. Yeah, okay. So that's pretty crazy. Yeah, that's neat. After weighing the bags and determining the approximate amount in each bag,
Starting point is 00:58:43 family figured there were at least one million pennies in the crawl space. But the answer to that question brought up another question. What do you do with all the pennies? Reyes figured they'd take the coins to a Coinstar machine, but that idea was quickly nixed. We didn't want to pay 8%, and there's no way we could take these all the way home to Ontario. They tried to exchange the pennies at a nearby Wells Fargo, which didn't have enough space. Reyes and family then transported the pennies in two trucks to a bank closer to their home, only to have that bank refuse to take them as well. But after bank employees suggested combing through the pennies in search of particularly rare coins, the family decided to put the whole copper kit and caboodle on offer up for $25,000, which is admittedly more than face value of the pennies.
Starting point is 00:59:25 Quote, we want to sell them, but we want to know, but what we know is there's some craze on the internet of people looking for a million dollar penny. We just want to sell them to someone who knows they can sell for more than penny value. Since OfferUp is set up as a bunch of local sites, Reyes is asking anyone else who may be interested in the pennies to message him via Instagram. However, as KTLA notes at the bottom of this article, you'll have to figure out how to transport the pennies yourself. Well, all right. Yeah, I mean, I figured that's the biggest problem is
Starting point is 00:59:58 how do you then turn that into actual, like, real currency? You know. You gotta, like, go through all of them. You have to like go through all of them you have to know about coins but then you have to know about coins while going through a million pennies though a million pennies that's i i wonder if you could just go to one of those uh one of those damn things called the star things where you put the money in the grocery store yeah well if you're just like f it put it in a bin. I don't even care.
Starting point is 01:00:25 Well, that's what they said. I think they said they were going to do that. Oh yeah, Coinstar. But he said they didn't want to pay the 8%. Right. Well, you shouldn't. But I can imagine someone just being like, screw it. I don't care. That'd be me. I wouldn't care. But again, because they're special.
Starting point is 01:00:42 Pennies we have now aren't even worth one cent. Yeah. No. So there could be some rare one in there that's worth like $20,000 by itself. Yeah. It seems like a new lifelong like, all right, well, this is it. This is what I'm doing for the next year or two.
Starting point is 01:01:00 It's just going through these pennies. That's like you got to hire people to look through the pennies. Oh, my God. You know what they should do? They should sell it to like, what's that show where they find shit in the lockers? Storage Wars. Sell it to Storage Wars and then have somebody find it like Dave. And he's just like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:19 And he's like, a million pennies. One of these got to be good. He'll have like his like hundred workers like sort through the pennies or some shit. Yeah, I would be really curious. Yeah, that'd be great. There you go. Look at that. Look, great ideas. What a great idea. Well, speaking
Starting point is 01:01:36 of great ideas, you should go check out all the other stuff we do. Hit them with the socials. Yeah, first go to slash cox and crendor podcast. That's where these get uploaded to youtube and uh subscribe hit the bell be notified when they go up also leave your weather recommendations so we get weather stuff uh also we're on spotify itunes soundcloud we're all over uh we're also on our main stuff we got jesse cox slash crendor twitter jesse cox twitter crendor instagram notorious cox instagram crendor was taken stuff. We got, Jesse Cox. slash Crendor. Twitter, Jesse Cox. Twitter, Crendor. Instagram, Notorious Cox.
Starting point is 01:02:06 Instagram, Crendor was taken. TikTok, Jesse Cox. TikTok, TikTok, Crendor. YouTube, or wait, I already said YouTube. Twitch TV, Jesse Cox. Twitch TV, Crendor. YouTube, Cren Clips. YouTube, Cox Clips. Facebook, Crendor. YouTube, Warhammer, Crendor. Facebook, Jesse Cox.
Starting point is 01:02:24 This probably just sounds like jumbled stuff at this point. You know what? Probably. So yeah, just whatever. Or just go to All my links are there. Look how easy that is. I could do that, but you could just go watch my new pointless top 10 and like it.
Starting point is 01:02:41 That's good enough. Hell yeah. That's it for us. Thanks so much. We'll see you all next time and as always, shake the rhino. To be continued.

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