Cox n' Crendor Show - Episode 390 - The Next Great Pig Movie

Episode Date: June 25, 2023

The boys are back and this time Jesse has more tales of the Intersection of Doom... or at least a street close to it. Then Crendor wants you to know he's still doing noncontent, and it doesn't care - ...but not as much as Jesse. Oh, and a pig terrorizes a town. All this and more on a brand new Cox n' Crendor! Go to to get PayPal Honey for free. Go to and use code COX to get a flank steak for free in every box for 3 months, plus $20 off your first order.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode is brought to you by ButcherBox. ButcherBox is going to get you that good food. Also today we're brought to you by Honey. Honey's going to save you money when you shop online. Let's jump into this podcast. Hello everybody, it's time for Ghost on Trend Dog. Ghost on Trend Dog in the morning. In the morning.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Broadcasting live, live, live, live, and we fell apart there in the morning. Yeah, hi. Hi. Sometimes I start doing the intro, and then I realize halfway through I've said words that don't exist. And I just keep pushing, but that time I was like, I can't. I can't do it. That's pretty much how it feels, yeah. You just hear like,
Starting point is 00:01:06 that's what it sounds like in my head. As it comes out of my mouth. I'm like, did, did I say something? Sometimes when I listened back to the audio, when we put the, our two audio streams together,
Starting point is 00:01:19 sometimes it sounds like words and other times, not so much. Yeah, no, it's, that's part of the, the, the fun of it though. Sometimes you get it words and other times not so much. Yeah. No, that's part of the fun of it, though. Sometimes you get it perfect. Other times, don't know what's happening. It's really because I don't try.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Well, that's our secret. That is the secret. We're never trying on this one. Almost 400 episodes of not trying. Of simply not trying. I realized this is episode 390. We're 10 away from 400. How is this possible? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:52 In fact, let's see. When would we hit 400? One, two, three. In nine weeks? I was seeing if we hit 400 on the actual live show day. What is the live show day? August 26th. That's pretty close.
Starting point is 00:02:09 That's very, very close. What is the, let me see, calendar. So that's 91. And then 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98,
Starting point is 00:02:26 99 is the, Oh, boo. You know what? It's fitting. It's fitting. Yeah, that's true. It is. That is fitting. We put all this effort into 99, and then 400 will be like,
Starting point is 00:02:35 yes, we're back. Things are good for one team. That's very true. We shouldn't have it any other way. Yeah, it's perfect. Can't be special. In fact, there's probably like, I think at least three things I said
Starting point is 00:02:47 I was going to do for this podcast for the next week that I've never done. That is guaranteed. I know for a fact that we have been down that rabbit hole and just like, nah, alright. There was one the other week. I think I was like, I'm going to try this thing. And then I
Starting point is 00:03:03 didn't. I don't even remember what it was. And it doesn't really matter. It'll happen eventually, maybe. We'll remember some... It always comes back around. We say we're going to do a thing, and then someone puts someone on the spot, and then we're forced to legally. Or we'll do a live show, and
Starting point is 00:03:19 someone will say, I remember. Why don't you start doing it? And I'm like, oh my god. It's fine. We'll figure it out, we'll figure it out. Yeah. We'll figure it out. Yeah. Yeah. So, what are you doing? So I wrote a giant note about
Starting point is 00:03:37 again, not intersection of doom, but very close. And I realized that you know how I keep saying I don't visualize things in my head? Yep. I definitely have inner monologue conversations, though, or at least thoughts that seem insane. So earlier this week, what's crazy is I wrote, actually I did speech to text because I was parked in my car, and I was like, I'm not going to write this all down.
Starting point is 00:04:08 All right. So I'm going to try to remember it without reading this because I guarantee speech to text did not say anything correctly here. But driving down the road, it's one of those boulevards, not very much traffic, and in front of me is this big white SUV, and it has its right turn signal on and it is moving in a way that i would describe as erratic not fast just kind of like side to side but in a way that seemed meandering and i i i don't know it i was like what is going on are they looking for something and i'm stuck behind them like oh my, my God, go. Oh, my God, go.
Starting point is 00:04:45 And because it's such a small road, I can't get around them. So I'm like, oh, okay. Guess I'll be patient. And then I see the light way down the end of the street turn green and then turn red. I'm like, oh, my God. So I do like, ah. And the car in front of me slowly pulls off to the left, even though it has its right turn signal on. I'm like, uh, okay.
Starting point is 00:05:06 So I drive around them on the right, and the car stops behind me. And they have dark windows that I can't really see through, and the car kind of, the angle of it, you know, if you're driving down a road, you want to be straight.
Starting point is 00:05:23 The car is now almost at a 45 degree angle down the road. And it stopped with the blinker on for the opposite direction. As I'm driving down the road, I'm not thinking too much of it. But as I get further down the street, I noticed they've completely stopped at a weird angle in the middle of the road. I start thinking to myself, that's their problem. What a weird driver. And then they're there through the entire red light. And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:05:52 okay, what are they doing? And I have this brief flash in my head of what if that person was having a heart attack and you drove around them, dude, like they needed your help right then. And you honked at and you drove around them, dude. Like they needed your help right then. And you honked at them and drove around them. That's why they, that's why they're pulled off that way.
Starting point is 00:06:12 That's why the blinkers the wrong direction. That's why they were acting erratic because they were struggling to live. And you went around them. Dummy. What a terrible person you are. That's what I was thinking. And then as the light turns green, the car reverses, goes back, drives up around the other side of the street, and then parks and a delivery guy gets out. Huh.
Starting point is 00:06:35 And I was like, oh, oh, that person just really did suck at driving. Oh, okay. But for a brief moment, I was like, Jesse, you're a terrible human being. That person could have needed you. I honestly thought, maybe I should go back. Just check. Just to see. That's where I was.
Starting point is 00:06:53 And I was like, oh, yeah, no, that's just, it's just LA. Never mind. That is. I swear, there are some people where, you know how they're always like, you gotta watch out for drunk drivers and stuff. I'm like, dude, there's some people. I'm like, I hope this person's drunk because if they're not, this is pretty bad. It was terrible driving and I just couldn't figure out what this person, but I guess they were checking their phone to see the address of where they had to park to deliver the food. That's the only explanation I can have, which is something I've seen before many times in this city.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Oh, my God. The amount of people just straight up looking at their phone while driving and being in two lanes in this city is out of control. Yeah, that is. My good-natured, I guess, paranoid, I don't know what you would call that. I'm going to say my empathetic self wanted to help that person but they didn't need it that's my takeaway is that I'm a good person that's instead of being I'm a little crazy and that's unnecessary to think that I'm gonna say
Starting point is 00:07:55 I cared too much yeah that's that's the best way to that's the main point of the stories you just care that is I think. I care too much. I'm a giver, not a taker. I'm a lover, not a fighter. Remember that, ladies. Is that a song quote? Probably. Probably. I legit thought you were quoting a song.
Starting point is 00:08:20 No, I'm quoting a lot of other BS. I mean stuff that I really mean. Things I really am passionate about. Yeah, because you care. Yeah, because I care. Ladies, because I care. Man, that's what I've always said. I was like, Jesse Cox, if there's one word I can come up with, it's caring.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Yeah, I care so much. You can notice that by the intro to this podcast it's really a shiny exemplar of how much i truly care yeah especially the part where he said he's not trying well it's because i care so much that i don't want to make it seem like i'm tryharding you know what i mean oh yeah you're like that guy i don't want to make it seem like I'm tryharding. You know what I mean? Oh, yeah. You're like that guy in the Call of Duty lobby. He's like, bro, I'm not even trying. Like, just wait. Just wait until I start trying. Yeah, he'll be waiting a long time.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Yeah. So how was your week? Let's see. How was my week? Let's see. I've been doing my pointless top 10 editing. That's been fun. Pointless Top 10 editing. That's been fun. Pointless Top 10 is doing pretty well again. We're doing one a week.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Hell yeah. Last year, started up Pointless Top 10 again, and then slowly but surely did one a month, and then two a month. Now it's one every week, and it's been great. What inspired you? Was it because there's so much new content or are you going through old stuff mainly is a combination so pointless top 10 was the thing that's been around for a long time it's been doing it years uh and i started it as a way to make fun of top 10 lists sure because everyone was doing like number 10 and so i was like well this is dumb so i wanted to do like top 10 lists of like really dumb random stuff like grass right so it's a way of like
Starting point is 00:10:15 making fun of it so it's like pointless but in a way it's not pointless and now it's still a top 10 you're still doing it you're still doing it yeah yeah it's like a bit 10. You're still doing it. You're still doing it, yeah. So it's a bit... It's a little irony in there. But now it's kind of... It's a good YouTube-style video because now a lot of people like videos where it's kind of educational. But not like, you know, actually educational. Like, fun educational.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Where you're learning stuff you just didn't really know. Like, little facts. Or need-to-know, really. You know what I mean? You don't really need to know it. So it's that. It's got a good YouTube length.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Because usually YouTube likes videos in the 10 to 20 minute range now. And usually they're about 12 to 15 minutes. They're getting right in there. And they're kind of rewatchable. You can watch them over and minutes. They're getting right in there, and they're kind of rewatchable. You can watch them over and over. They're shareable. There are also videos where you watch one and you want to watch more,
Starting point is 00:11:10 so if you get recommended some in the algorithm, you're like, ooh, I didn't see Pointless Top 10 Turtles. Then you go watch Turtles, and then you go, I'm going to watch Forges, and I'm going to watch Houses in the Middle of Nowhere, and before you know it, the algorithm. The shameless plug is shameless, and I'm here for it. The main point is, I've really enjoyed doing them again too.
Starting point is 00:11:29 So, it's been nice having a YouTube thing to focus on outside of reacting to stuff like, Blizzard just did a thing. Here's my opinion. That's like everybody's videos, but it's been fun to do actual creative
Starting point is 00:11:44 fun edited content you know yeah i i do know and it's uh and plus it has that sort of like you mentioned like an evergreen vibe where a year from now people can still find it and be like oh that was fun yeah and it's nice because even if you don't play wow anymore you can still watch like a video about dungeon entrances or turtles and be like, well, I played in the past, so I kind of get it.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Or you can just watch it and be like, yeah, it's pretty neat. Even though I've never played, like it's still, you can still watch it and enjoy it. What's the one pointless top 10 that is elusive to you? What's the one that you're like,
Starting point is 00:12:18 I want to do it. That's my dream. The one I want to do, but I haven't. Yeah. The one that's like, it would require just a lot of work you know what i mean uh there's a couple that i want to do but i think i'm gonna do but
Starting point is 00:12:32 they will take work one is goblins hammer goblin npcs working on nothing okay yes yeah i know what you mean uh yeah they're just hammering away at like nothing or just meaningless stuff. Probably just ones like that, like very specific weird ones that require a lot of like looking all over and that I'm always going to miss something. I'm actually going to do one called pointless top 10 things that I missed and then go back and do that. I think, and this is just from me to you, pointless top 10 dancing ogres.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Because you know, they always got that one dancing, shaking his rump. And there's a few of them in the world. Now, are there 10? I don't know. But there are more than one, that's for sure. That's true. What I've done now is whenever I see something, I just write it down.
Starting point is 00:13:27 And I just create a list for it. So I'm like, yo, there's some weird penguins sledding down a hill. I'm like, throw it in a document. Penguins on a hill. That could be pointless top ten weird things happening. Right? Anything. So the worst part is you get the people that are just like, you didn't put my favorite thing on the list.
Starting point is 00:13:45 And I'm like, well, this isn't a real top ten list, number one. All right. And number two, I don't care. Go make your own list. Yeah. Go make your own pointless top ten. This one's pointless. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:56 And I also really enjoy finding the little things to point out is another fun thing. Definitely, you got to do the most supreme pointless thing like yeah pointless top 10 i don't know like mailbox like something real stupid like real stupid i did mailboxes already god damn it well stupider than mailboxes all right this top 10 uh mugs of ale that's a good one yeah like you know there's mugs of ale. That's a good one. Yeah, like you know there's mugs of ale everywhere. They got to be in goofy locations.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Yeah, that's a good one. See, that's what I'm looking for. But then everyone's, I like mixing it up. You do like one of those, then you throw in like an animal, like boars or turtles or something. And then maybe like an object, like statues, right? And then just kind of murlocs already yes okay i have a feeling some of them are older like some of them i made like six seven years ago so they don't have the same format back then i tried to make it real fast i'd be like well
Starting point is 00:14:56 but now i kind of just chill out and i get more like educational with it and like this guy was created by the thrall and the great murloc summoning or whatever so yeah it's uh it's fun I enjoy it uh it require I don't even have to play the game I just fly around or like go
Starting point is 00:15:19 into places and just have you done hold on hold on pointless top 10 great items I think i have that on the list i haven't done it though that's like the greatest that's the greatest one that that's the one that requires actual research that's true but it started that's bordering on like what some other youtuber would make for like a top 10 thing true that's like mugs of ale they're not gonna do but gray items they might do pointless top 10 this is rough it's harder than it sounds yeah it's pretty tough i don't you know this whole pointless thing is new to me yeah yeah i don't know that's rough yeah it's a hard job clearly
Starting point is 00:16:03 yeah i uh yeah it's been fun i've actually for the first time in like a long time been I don't know. That's rough. Yeah. It's a hard job, clearly. Yeah. Yeah, it's been fun. I've actually, for the first time in a long time, been gaining YouTube subscribers. Yo, congrats. Yeah. In fact, I think it was the first time since we did our chicken sandwich Popeye's reactions that I've been gaining subs. Amazing. So that was fun.
Starting point is 00:16:24 So yeah, it's nice uh because i i do like doing youtube uh you know in addition to all our other stuff but it's nice which by the way i was gonna mention i saw you're working on some youtube thing i am uh it's very Final Fantasy related and inside baseball, but lately, because Final Fantasy 16 is more of an action RPG, right? Not like previous Final Fantasy stuff. A lot of people are just given that whole like, it's not my Final Fantasy. And I'm working on a video that is straight up just like, what are you freaking talking about? Every Final Fantasy has been different. Every single one. And people are like, I miss the active time battle system. The last time a game had that was 2001.
Starting point is 00:17:12 What are you talking about? And I think people have just formed a mental image of what they think Final Fantasy is or should be. But it's never been that. Every single game has been different. Every single time it's been different. Even the setting of the story is different like even the the like character designs and look and feel like i watched a review where one of the reviewers said it feels like final fantasy in order to get new players is leaving old players behind and i was like that
Starting point is 00:17:41 is nonsense like i don't know. Every Final Fantasy has done that. Every single, like, the reason you fell in love with the Final Fantasy is probably because they took a chance and tried to lure you in with something new. And that's why you loved the one you love. Because every single one, it's like that kind of video where I'm just like full on rant mode, but
Starting point is 00:18:00 at the same time trying to be very civil about it so that people just don't jump on me for my attitude rather than the message I time trying to be very civil about it so that people just don't jump on me for my attitude rather than the message I'm trying to convey. Jesse Cox, the most caring man. I don't want to offend people and be like your opinions are shit so I'm just like trying to walk a
Starting point is 00:18:16 fine line because I don't want my comments. The point isn't to try and offend people. The point is like I'm here to educate. You clearly just, you're allowed to hate a game but to say it's not what it clearly has always been is just a wrong take so it's that kind of thing you know it's it's already spurred the twitter comments like half the people are like get them jesse and the other half are just like you're an idiot and you're a bitch stupid. I'm like, okay, all right, yeah, I get it. That sounds about right.
Starting point is 00:18:47 I'm curious, like, what changes? Because, like, I'm somebody where I don't play Final Fantasy. All right? Sure. So I have absolutely no idea what really any of it's about or, like, how it's changed or what's going on. So, like, explain to me as, like like a kindergartner learning about Final Fantasy. So the start would be that,
Starting point is 00:19:11 and even though I think if you were to ask Japan, they'd probably be like, don't call it that. But at least here in the West, the difference is Western RPGs versus Japanese RPGs, right? And in Western RPGs, for us, it's all about, you know, we make our character and we build out our stats and it's like D&D-esque, you know what I mean? Like it's you are playing the character,
Starting point is 00:19:33 you create your character. We spend a lot of time making it so we can do the facial features and shit, like that kind of stuff. Yeah. And most Japanese RPGs, it is entirely about a story that they're telling us, and we are experiencing this story of these characters, and we have very little in the way of say as to what actually happens in the story, right? Like, I think when people think Western RPGs, they think something along the line of, like, Bioware and how you're romancing and choosing and doing all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:00 In a JRPG, you're experiencing the story and it's about that kind of adventure going on, but it's a set path, right? And JRPGs are all about killer music, amazing graphics, and usually some sort of unique, fun combat system. That's pretty much the difference. And so
Starting point is 00:20:19 Final Fantasy has always been that forefront of each game they try to do something a little bit different and try something out. If it works, it works. If it doesn't, it doesn't. And they'll just make a new game eventually anyway. And so this time, take a lot of cut scenes, great music, cool visuals. And instead of that turn-based combat thing, a lot of people mentally think of,
Starting point is 00:20:46 this time around, they have the Devil May Cry combat guy doing the combat. So it's action combat. It's fast. You're doing a lot of dodging and parrying and there's combos and things like that. So it's very clearly, and the producer of the game said, we're trying to get new people to play. Final Fantasy is a 30-some-year-old franchise. We want new people to enjoy it. So we made something different. And they're allowed to do that because every damn game they make is different. The whole point is they're trying to keep the franchise alive and they have to change.
Starting point is 00:21:19 It's just like you and I, like you were just talking about, changing up what you're doing on YouTube, changing up how you create stuff. Because we've been at this for 12 plus years at this point. And being able to change that is key. And sure, sometimes people are going to be like, that sucks. I want more Let's Play, Jesse. I hate what you're doing now. Like, that's fine. But the change has caused me, and I think you doing more YouTube videos and putting out more of your
Starting point is 00:21:45 content it's we're growing right and it's the numbers speak for themselves it's not a bad thing to change you're gonna piss some people off sure and that's what happened here um there's just like a lot of people online who are like really pissy that it's different and not what they wanted and at the same time I think because it is a very action-oriented game, a lot of people who were in that sort of action mindset went to play, forgetting it's straight up an RPG. So there's a lot of people also at Well who are just like, oh, there's so much story. But that's like the point. It's an RPG. And so, yeah, that's kind of the vibe.
Starting point is 00:22:21 But also there's some people who are saying, well, it's very Game of Thrones. And that's like saying something's Dark Souls-y. You know what I mean? It's not Game of Thrones. You just see it being adult fantasy. And you're like, Game of Thrones hurt me, so I don't want to deal with this. And that's whatever. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:22:38 If you don't want to play it, it's chill. And that's kind of the vibe. It's a whole new experience. It's very adult and the stuff I just recorded a few days ago literally had to go like meet the woman who runs a
Starting point is 00:22:53 brothel and like help her whores out like that kind of stuff and so people were just like it's too adult Final Fantasy was never this way the difference is is that Final Fantasy back in the day and even in the last 10 years, the genre and the player base has changed, right?
Starting point is 00:23:14 Role-playing games have become more adult. This is, you know, thanks to Witcher and Bioware and all these different things. And they become more adult. And in the past, Final Fantasy was adult as shit. Like, there's a lot of examples of adult stuff in Final Fantasy. But because they had to sell it to American audiences and a lot of American audiences and whatever they thought were young, they would just candy coat over it or have a translator change the wording.
Starting point is 00:23:38 There's so many examples of it. And it just seemed like it was a little more kiddy than it actually was. it uh and it just seemed like it was a little more kiddy than it actually was but i mean everyone who played final fantasy 7 remake or played the original final fantasy 7 there's straight up a scene where an old horny ass like don is trying to bang one of the three main characters and you have to like get into his room and seduce him and he's like i'm gonna fuck you tonight like it's crazy it's it's it's in there and so but it's goofy right because they made the character look goofy and then and this one is not doing goof this one it's funny yeah but it's serious it's more adult and i think that turns some people off as
Starting point is 00:24:17 well and it's that kind of thing frankly i'm having a great ass time um because i think a lot of people forget that the average gamer age is like 33 right now. And so they're trying to make things for adults. I don't see the problem with it. But yeah, apparently a lot. Not a lot. That's a lie.
Starting point is 00:24:36 A very small but very loud minority of people are just like throwing up a stink. So yeah, that's where I'm at mentally at the moment. It always ends up being the loud minority. Every time. And the problem is they're so loud, you see them everywhere, so you think it's more people than it actually is. When in reality, most people I see
Starting point is 00:24:56 seem to be enjoying it a great deal. And, you know, I want to be that person who's like, I'll focus on that. But sometimes loud people is so so intolerable i'm just like i gotta snap back i gotta do it jesse so here we are well that's fun i'm sure this video will get great reviews from everyone and nobody will be mad and you know what if they're mad if there's one thing i've learned mad equals views so like whatever they can be mad if i hope they share it with all their friends and hate it so much.
Starting point is 00:25:26 That's what people do in all the spaces. Twitch, everything. You just start bashing people. Then you get all the publicity. Man, it's like the grift is real on the internet right now. The amount of people that I see who just
Starting point is 00:25:41 have truly awful takes but a big platform. And then people just yell at them because they, their take is terrible, but they're like, I don't care because I'm making money. And you're like, oh, I hate you. Yeah. It's a, there's a lot of that because then, I mean, they just, you know, even if they're getting yelled at, people hate them, they're still making money.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Yeah. And that's, that's one of the things that i keep thinking about is there are some people who don't care about their long-term reputation or how people view them because they're like i made two million dollars and got out so what do i care you know what i mean and that's like i i don't know how people live like that but i understand it i get it like if i didn't give a damn and I was just like, I'm going to get mine. I can understand how people would just, you know, say some truly awful stuff,
Starting point is 00:26:31 get views, be it outraged views or like other people who are equally awful and then just make some bank and that's it. Yeah, no, but I feel like I would enjoy, I think I enjoyed doing this too much. Like, not even from a making money aspect. Like, I just enjoy making videos and, like, entertaining and doing stuff.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Yeah, well, I think that's the difference. There are people, I would say, like us, and there's a lot of the friends we have are straight up just, like, creative types. Where if they didn't have this, I don't know what the hell we would do for a job. Right? Like, when I was a teacher, the way I saw it was I have a captive audience for 45 minutes at a time, and these kids have to listen to my song and dance about whatever the hell I'm going to talk about.
Starting point is 00:27:15 And that's why I enjoyed it. Just like with this, I enjoy putting on a performance and doing a thing. And that's why I love live shows. And I think there's just some people who aren't about that, where they're just about like making bank and getting money. They just have a different mindset where I think for you and I and many
Starting point is 00:27:32 others, it's just like, I like this and this is what I want to do. And there is no retirement in my mind. I just want to like be here until they drag my ass away. Yeah. That's how I feel. I'm like, when people people like what's your retirement plan i'm like i'm not gonna retire i literally feel like i'm retired already like i feel like an old person i'm like i go get my breakfast then i go to gym then i go live stream
Starting point is 00:28:01 and work on videos and i feel like even if i didn't do that, I'd still want to do that. No matter what. I'd be the person just working nonstop because I just want to keep working. Yeah, I mean, you're happy. And I think, sadly, a lot of people associate happiness with dollar amount and earning a lot of money. And that money is what fills the void well for me um like this fills the void like this you know i feel like all entertainers have some sort of like we're doing this for a reason and i got a big hole in myself like for me this is it this stuff
Starting point is 00:28:39 like this makes me feel good and i like doing this but there's some people who fill that void with like i got dollars i got a big house, I got a fancy car, my life is great, but it could get better if I had more money. So they just chase that. And yeah, I don't know. I definitely see it. I see it in some friends sometimes too, where I'm just like, oh, let it go, man. You're doing so well, you don't need to work as much. You can calm down. And people still do it. It's just everyone works a little differently.
Starting point is 00:29:12 I think a lot of people, once they get that big, too, they start comparing themselves to other big people. And they're like, it's the classic, like, the keeping up with the Joneses thing. Or it's like, well, my neighbor got three yachts and I only have one. Like, I got to get two more yachts. What am I doing? Oh, my God. I was speaking of yachts. I was watching Chopped. And it was an episode of chopped.
Starting point is 00:29:26 I think it might be the most recent one. So you probably could find it if you're listening right now, if you have like a, I don't know, a DVR or some sort of thing where your cable company saves old episodes. It was four chefs who all work on private yachts. And they were like, we work in high intensity kitchens on boats where all of the people that we cook for
Starting point is 00:29:46 are billionaires and it's amazing and I have the best ingredients and I have nothing and I'm just sitting there just like, I gotta sit here and watch four people who I'm sure are great but their cooking experience is yeah, wealthy people let me buy whatever ingredients I want and then I make them a meal and it's like whatever, but I got, it's like really demanding
Starting point is 00:30:02 because they're rich and I'm like, okay alright, okay, so you work for assholes, that doesn't mean it's like whatever but I got it's like really demanding because they're rich and I'm like okay all right okay so you work for assholes that doesn't mean it's demanding all right it was one of those alien versus predator things where it's just like it doesn't matter who wins because I lose like this episode does like this episode sucks everyone here has that kind of like well I'm very important because I cook for a billionaire i'm like okay all right of course it's i don't know there's even just like watching some people online i'm just like i don't know how anyone watches this person like they're just they'll be loud or crazy or like you can tell they don't care about what they're doing maybe i know they don't care just because i've i've done this long
Starting point is 00:30:40 enough to spot those people but like i don't know i'm just there's like a select few people i'll watch and uh on youtube i don't even there's i don't even watch a lot of gaming stuff we already went over that but on like twitch if i watch live streams either like watch my friends for a bit or there's like a couple people i'll watch but like that's it yeah i barely watch youtube or live streams or internet content because i've realized i think my tastes are very specific i don't know what they are specifically but i do know they're specific and i know what i just said is insane sounding but it's one of those things where i will watch maybe i watch you or octo or people that i enjoy watching because i find your humor
Starting point is 00:31:22 funny which is why i like doing stuff with you. But for the most part, the vast majority of people, even some of my friends, I'll watch their content and be like, yeah, I don't get it. It's not a knock on them. It's just that yeah, I don't even understand why people give a damn about my
Starting point is 00:31:40 content. So hopefully people understand why I don't understand other people's either also the problem is a lot of people lately in the last you know three or so years have gone real hard into outrage content where they're always trying to pick fights or be involved in a fight that they're not even involved in it's like the drama baiting yeah Yeah, yeah. This whole, God, this whole everyone going to kick thing. Oh, yeah. And then Pokimane saying, well, I don't want to give up my morals to go to kick because it's all gambling sponsored.
Starting point is 00:32:17 And then everyone who went to kick jumping on her. And then it's just y'all are feeding into the own drama cycle. You're all, like, you all know you're doing it. And you're all doing it on purpose. And you're all trying to, like, I'm sure that you all have good intentions. That's a lie. I'm not sure about that. But I want to believe that you're all good people.
Starting point is 00:32:39 But it's very clear that you're all doing this sort of, like, circle farming of content. Like, when you and I, as a goof goof did the react stuff and just kept going it's the same thing and so what ends up happening is you know one person will comment and another person will react and another person react to that reaction those comments and then a third person like a fourth person will come in and just keeps piling on and then news articles are talking about it and you're like this is news what is happening it's insane to me and it's just it's it's drama but not entertaining like i guess if drama is like you eat it up like you live in the twitch show sphere and you gotta like oh i love the but it's not it's manufactured it's it's bs i mean
Starting point is 00:33:27 people don't care people love manufactured droll look at reality shows yeah i know i look i watched milf island so i get it yeah or milf man or whatever the hell that show is called i get it i understand but i watched that because that was messed up right like if we found out that like a streamer slept with another streamer's mom i tuned in for that i'm not gonna lie i tune in i'm a hypocrite i know what i am let's see that's what i mean and it's it's easy to take advantage of that but there becomes there comes a point where people and they just start burning out because it's like man this is just there's no creativity you know there's no fun there's just people trying to farm the drama make money and all that and i think that's what i hate about it yeah yeah it's um i don't know it's kind of
Starting point is 00:34:15 depressing when you think about it just because the amount of people we know who have straight up fallen off onto this drama bandwagon grows every year. And it's so depressing. In fact, there's a certain someone that I think both of us know, and she has gone truly, truly vile. And it is upsetting to the nth degree. We're now finally other streamers and YouTubers are picking up on her and posting it around social media, the just nasty stuff she says. Shit's crazy.
Starting point is 00:34:46 heard posting it around social media that just nasty stuff she says shit's crazy and that's why i just keep making my pointless top which are somehow equally crazy though yeah they are equal crazy but they're like fun crazy true true true yeah and uh you know what else is fun crazy? Oh, boy. Yeah, I do know. Saving money online when you shop with honey. Because today's episode is sponsored by PayPal Honey, the easy way to save when you shop with your iPhone or computer. But did you know it only takes a few seconds to get? This isn't a hassle. This is one of the easiest things you can do for your desktop or laptop or iPhone. You can do it right now. All you got to do is just get honey. It's totally free
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Starting point is 00:36:57 Of course. Of course you're getting that. getting pork raised crate free, free range, organic chicken, wild caught seafood, free range, Turkey, 100% grass fed bison. Plus it's all done with trusted partners and fair labor practices. It's just a great way to get good meat delivered to you with all the, all the hassle of going to the store, figuring out which cut you want. They got it done for you. I can say specifically, and I'm sure Krender could back me up on this.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Every time I get a box, I honestly, even though I love the beef, I'm going to, I got to get the chicken because the chicken, I make so much peri-peri chicken. It's out of control. I love it. I'm trying to, you know, I'm trying to watch my figure, baby. I couldn't ask for anything else when it comes to having it delivered right to your doorstep. That's just simple, simple, simple, simple. It also comes with inspiration guides and tips and hacks on how to cook the various
Starting point is 00:37:53 meats. If you're kind of curious, like you're like, what is the deal with bison? I kind of want to know. They got you. All you got to do right now, just to try it and get a special deal from us to you. Just to try it and get a special deal from us to you, sign up today at slash Cox. Use code Cox to get flank steak for free in every box for three months,
Starting point is 00:38:15 plus $20 off your first order. That's slash Cox. Use code Cox to claim that deal. All right, Crandall, let's go to the traffic. We have something to tell the guys. Crandall, how's that traffic out there? Oh, oh boy that was actually a pretty good intro into the traffic it didn't sound it to me but bless bless yeah that was solid uh just like the traffic the traffic's solid right now man it is just backed up everywhere every week feels like it's backed up even more now people are going on
Starting point is 00:38:42 vacation even more they're going. It's nice outside everywhere. Man, it is just a lot of traffic. And there's a bird. I don't know what kind of bird. I think that's the toucan Sam. Oh, yeah, there he goes.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Alright, well, he's following his nose. Let's follow him and see where he goes. Alright, it appears There he goes. All right. Well, he's following his nose. Let's follow him and see where he goes. I love Froot Loops. All right. It appears he's just flying in circles. I think he's trying to form some sort of Froot Loop in the sky, but I think he's actually kind of lost his mind.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Oh, no. The propeller. Uh-oh. We're going to hit him. Back to you. Thanks, Crandor. Hopefully, he's okay. That sounded bad. We're gonna hit him! Ah! Uh... Back to you. Thanks, Crandor. Hopefully he's okay. That sounded bad. Nah, I think he's fine.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Oh, okay. Good, good, good. Alright, well let's go to weather! Weather! Yeah? Weather! Here we are. It is time for the weather. We got a weather request for
Starting point is 00:39:48 Salala, the Sultanate of Oman. It is a desert in the Middle East that turns into a lush forest with flowing rivers, waterfalls, and geysers during the summer. We also have camels that eat fish and go swimming in the sea. The Book of Mormon mentions that the prophet visited a land called Bountiful, which is widely believed to be located near Salalah. Just want to clarify that I do not work for the tourism board. Good enough for me.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Yeah, it works for me. Let's see. Salalah. All right. Salalah Oman. Yeah, this is it. All right. Yeah, it works for me. Let's see. Salala. All right. Salala Oman. Yeah, this is it. All right, we got it. We got it.
Starting point is 00:40:29 We'll let Woppy do this one. Woppy activated. Salala Oman. 85 degrees. Aaronite. Mostly cloudy. Day 89. Feels like 99.
Starting point is 00:40:44 High. Low. 82. Humidity, 86%. Pressure, 29.53 inches. Visibility, 6 miles. Moon phase waxing crescent. 5. 5. 2 a.m. sunrise. 7 p.m. sunset. 10 day. Monday. 89. Partly cloudy. Tuesday. 87 a.m. light rain. Wednesday. 86 a.m. Thunder showers. Thursday, 85 a.m. Thunder showers. Friday, 85 a.m. Thunder storms. Saturday, 85 a.m.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Thunder showers. Sunday, 85 a.m. Thunder showers. Monday, 86 a.m. Thunder showers. Sounds like he's broken again. Yeah, it happens. All right.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Well, if that's the weather, let's talk sports. Sports. All right, sports. Fun fact today, there's a baseball game in England, and the Cubs and the Cardinals playing in England. The Cubs won this one 9-1. They play a second game tomorrow, and then they come back home. Cubs are pretty hot right now, including the Reds also hot.
Starting point is 00:42:15 They've won like 12 in a row or something, so that's pretty wild. And take a look at the old MLB standings. You've got the Rays in first, the Orioles 4-1⁄2 behind. You've got the Twins in first with Cleveland right behind. One and a half games back. You've got the Texas Rangers in first place. You've got the Braves in first, the Reds in first with the Brewers
Starting point is 00:42:34 a game and a half back, Cubs three games back, and the Diamondbacks in first with the Giants a game and a half back and the Dodgers two and a half back. And then the NBA draft happened. The San Antonio Spurs took Victor Wembaniano, who's supposed to be the next greatest player in NBA history.
Starting point is 00:42:53 He's seven foot five and good at everything. So pretty much as long as he doesn't get hurt, he should be good. But everyone gets hurt. Yeah, we'll find out. He also literally looks like he's built like me he's like a stick so but he's just very tall like a very tall it's literally like if i was seven foot five it's crazy but you know maybe he'll bulk up or something it's insane antonio they got a bunch of barbecue, right? Yeah, I mean, you're not wrong.
Starting point is 00:43:25 Yeah. And then NFL still waiting on a hard knocks team. I don't know if you know about this. It's kind of funny, but they don't have one yet. Nope. There's four. Usually they pick them by now. And there's like four teams eligible for hard knocks.
Starting point is 00:43:43 The Saints, the Bears, the Jets, and the Washington Commanders. and there's like four teams eligible for hard knocks the saints the bears the jets and the washington commanders and apparently nobody wants to do it uh and so they're gonna have to just pick somebody at some point they why what is the reason they don't want to do it they just don't want the distraction of it oof and so they reached out to the lions to see if they wanted to do it again and they said no so they're just gonna hit a point where they're like all right we just got to pick somebody um do you think it's because like i understand the distraction but i wonder if it's because bad experiences like after a while word would probably get around like
Starting point is 00:44:22 you know what it's not worth it it's it's got but i feel like at this point you just gotta you just gotta pick somebody like just do it and be like hey you know what you have to do it you know if nobody wants to do it you just gotta you know do they have to do it like is it does the nfl make them do it yes interesting if nobody wants to do it they will pick somebody like that's just they have to the reason i want the jets because they have aaron rogers now and that they're like whole new thing and i want to see his like off the field like behind the scenes you know him being like ayahuasca drugs man you know like i want to see that the problem is there's only four teams eligible oh oh boo yeah and it's the jets saints bears and commanders so the commanders are boring yeah the saints are pretty
Starting point is 00:45:11 boring yeah the jets are probably the best one with aaron rogers i'd vote the bears just because i don't like the bears and it'd be funny having them have to do it so that's kind of what i want so wait how did they arrive at these four how did they whittle them down from all the teams so the way it works is the teams that haven't made the playoffs in the last two years that has to be one of the things then you have to not have a new head coach so if your coach is in their second year then you're eligible and uh there's like some other thing i think it's like you don't have a rookie starting quarterback or something it's something like that but it's like and if you meet those three then you're eligible the only eligible
Starting point is 00:45:54 teams are those four uh and it is said that they've apparently opened it up to teams outside of those four to see if anybody would agree to the terms. But yeah, time's running out. Usually... We need the Jets. We need the Jets again. Jets already did it once, right? We should do the Jets again. They already did it once, and it was funny. Yeah, we should do the Jets again. I think
Starting point is 00:46:17 that was good. Because usually they start filming in like the end of July, so like we're about a month away. Yeah. They're running out of July. So we're about a month away. Yeah. They're running out of time. They've got to pick somebody. I didn't realize this show has been going on since 2001. Yeah, it's been over 20 years they've been doing Hard Knocks.
Starting point is 00:46:33 I can't believe that. Yeah, that's a long time. Well, admittedly, they took some time off between 2001, 2002, then 2007. Oh, yeah. Okay, interesting. I said... Yeah, the Jets season was, oh my god,
Starting point is 00:46:58 13 years ago. Bring the Jets back. Let's go. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Bring the Jets back. Let's go. That's what I'm hoping for. I watched that and that was... I'm old, Crandor. Let's go. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Bring the Jets back. Let's go. That's what I'm hoping for. I watched that, and that was... I'm old, Crandor. I'm old. Yep.
Starting point is 00:47:11 That's what happens. You start being like, what was that? Like five, six, 13 years. No, 13 years. I also feel like we lost a good two and a half there, though. That's true, too. 10 years, I'll allow it. I'll allow it.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Yeah. And that's sports. Okay. what is our fact of the day back to the day uh let's see looking through here uh i feel like some of these i've done already but i don't remember great uh definitely did that one we did that one. We did that one, I remember. You don't have any way to mark these? What are you... We just talked about how we don't try on this thing. You think I'm going to keep a marker for the amount of things I've done for this? I guess you're right.
Starting point is 00:47:59 No, we did that. Okay, no. There's got to be one. There's got to be one. We did that. Okay. No, wait. No, we did that. We did There's gotta be one. We did that. Okay, no, wait. No, we did that. We did that. We did that.
Starting point is 00:48:08 We did that. Oh my god, we're running out of facts. There's gotta be more facts. Wait. Okay, we got one. A meteor exploded over Earth with the force of ten atomic bombs and everyone missed it. Wait, what? Yep.
Starting point is 00:48:24 You'd think if a spatial body met a phenomenally fire fate right above our heads we'd notice but when a meteor hit our atmosphere on december 18th 2018 and exploded with a force that was n times the energy of the hiroshima atomic bomb it wasn't discovered by nasa until after the. Turns out it went largely undetected because it took place over the Bering Sea in an area that was close, but not directly on the path of commercial planes flying between North America and Asia. I love the fact that if you really ask scientists, if a meteor is coming to hit us, could we detect it? Every single one of them is going to be like, no, bro. like, if a meteor's coming to hit us, could we detect it? Every single one of them's gonna be like,
Starting point is 00:49:04 no, bro. We wouldn't. Unless it comes from, like, a certain angle at a certain time, or we see it coming from far away, there's some angles, like, it could come out of nowhere, and we got nothing. It's like, oh, cool. Alright. Great.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Hell, this one. Just ten atomic bombs coming in. Just like, bam. And we were like, oh, yeah, we didn't even see that one. I guess it didn't matter though. Atmosphere took care of it. Get it, Atmosphere. Good job, Atmosphere. Yeah, we might be the only people in history who ever said good job, Atmosphere.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Coined, trademark, Cox and Krendor, 2023. Good job, Atmosphere. It's like God saw with signs. Like, I got like defense. It's like,. Good job, Atmosphere. It's like God saw his signs. Like, I got, like, defense. It's like, Atmosphere. Atmosphere. I'll bring the weird fence symbol that people carry around in games. The Atmosphere is our defense.
Starting point is 00:49:55 It's a fence around the earth. Like, yeah, get them. That's our defense. The Atmosphere. Hell yeah, Atmosphere. Keep it up. That's your fact of the day. All right. What is our's your fact of the day. All right.
Starting point is 00:50:06 What is our big news story of the day? Loose pig squeaks past police with hog wild moves in Pennsylvania. You know what? From time to time, these crappy headlines are amazing, and I don't care. I just don't care. That's true. That's a good ass headline. A speedy pot belly pig on the run caused mayhem in Pennsylvania communities
Starting point is 00:50:27 as he dodged captors for days last week. Days? Days. The 200-pound pig ran loose in the streets and nearly got hit by a Tesla and outran Mannheim Township police who said they were, quote, fairly certain he's the fastest pig alive. I want to point out for the record,
Starting point is 00:50:50 that Tesla nearly got hit by it. Let's be very clear. That Tesla would have been destroyed. No doubt about it. The pig, named Hamilton, for the Hamilton Park neighborhood in Lancaster Township, where he was first reported eventually caught snoozing
Starting point is 00:51:07 under a backyard trampoline and was herded into a dog crate. Then he was hauled off to an animal sanctuary for a happy ending. Nobody knows where he came from. What? He just appeared? Yeah, he just appeared.
Starting point is 00:51:23 I think this is one of those things where, like, the pig was sent there to unite the town. He might have. And he did. And he went off to the farm, but really he, like, disappeared. You know what I mean? They're like, they had to make a story like, oh, we sent him off to a farm somewhere, but you can't go there. Really, he was just like, my work here is done. And then, like, disappeared.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Maybe he's trying to take that tesla out after after the first fruitless attempts to collar the pig a retired officer suggested seeking help from a lancaster farm sanctuary uh which shared footage of the pig darting around the yard but even the livestock experts were daunted. A foot pursuit of the escaped swine ensued, and yes, we see the irony in three cops chasing a pig, the police department said. As it turns out, Hamilton wasn't as tired as we thought
Starting point is 00:52:17 because we're fairly certain he's the fastest pig alive. Yes! Once caught, Hamilton went to the sanctuary's farm where police said he will live out his days telling stories to other rescue farm animals about how he was saved from life on the streets. That's a lie. Why would you frame it that way?
Starting point is 00:52:35 You know that pig is like, I was out there living my life, roaming free, eating what I wanted, sleeping where I wanted, and now I'm in here with yous's locked up force-fed terrible food you ever steal a pie from a kid it's beautiful yeah and then they'll make a movie about it i hope so i hope the pig talks the movie oh 100 i hope he's voiced by chris pratt chris pratt that guy needs work yeah it's like uh there's like a couple other animals with him
Starting point is 00:53:06 right kevin hart is definitely one of them yeah oh yeah kevin hart and then uh nicholas cage just throw him in yeah nicholas cage plays the old wise horse it's like you guys trying to escape when really the best place to be is right here at home. Don't you understand? We're a family. You're out there trying to find your own, but got one right here. Then Adam Sandler, like monkey or something, is like, I'm a monkey. I'm running around. Yeah. We have made a movie that would be great in 1996.
Starting point is 00:53:44 100%. That would be fantastic. That would be a terrible movie. I mean, I'd watch it. Yeah, but it's got to be one human in it. And it's got to be like the it actor. What's that one girl who was in a bunch of 90s movies? 90s movies? Yeah, 90s woman actresseses that's what you're looking up
Starting point is 00:54:09 they'll pop up uh be here all night no no she's gonna she's gotta be here uh her name starts with a uh c i think c yeah who am i thinking of uh C, I think. C? Yeah, who am I thinking of? C? I don't know. What's her name? Cameron Diaz. Cameron Diaz.
Starting point is 00:54:36 I can't believe I thought that. I can't believe I was in my brain like, what actress starts with a C who was in a bunch of stupid-ass comedies in the night? I was like, Cameron Diaz! Yeah, yeah. She's the owner of the lot or farm. Right, right. She owns the lot. And for some reason,
Starting point is 00:54:50 the guy who feeds the animals is Seth Rogen. Yeah. And he's like, the entire movie. And the cop that's chasing the pig, the three cops are, um...
Starting point is 00:55:06 Kevin James. Why do you know it's Kevin James? Well, he was a mall cop. Sure, all right, Kevin James. He'd be a normal cop. Then he has to have two cops that, like, you wouldn't expect. Like, um, old actors. Oh, Tom Hanks.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Famous old actors. Yes, Tom Hanks. Yes, yes. oh famous old actors yes tom hanks yes yes and like uh oh my god throw a sinbad in there yes that's the winner sinbad sinbad's back and better than ever it's sinbad what's the deal sinbad it's sinbad the god i hope he's still alive sinbad i hope you're still alive he's still alive. Sinbad, I hope you're still alive. He's doing good. Alright, good. Sinbad. Actually, oh my god, he had a stroke. Oh, Sinbad. Oh, jeez. Oh, Sinbad. What was the last thing he did? He did
Starting point is 00:55:51 a TV series Atlanta in 2022. You know what? He's still around then. My man. My man. Here we go. You make terrible choices in casting. I feel bad. I think you would do extremely well. Extremely.
Starting point is 00:56:10 I think it would be great. I think it would be a great show. We've made a phenomenal, phenomenal movie here. Yeah. And that is the news. All right. Well, that's it for us. Thanks so much.
Starting point is 00:56:21 Crendor. Hey, I'm with the socials. We got socials. slash Cox. Crendor. Hey, I'm with the socials. We got socials, slash cox and Crendor podcast. All one word. That's where you find this podcast. Give it a like. Give it a comment. Give it a subscribe.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Hit the bell. Be notified when these go up. Give us a weather request if you want to request a weather place. Yep. You can also go to slash cox and crendor for all the animations you can also go on spotify itunes soundcloud and various other platforms where we are hosted uh and you can follow us on our other things go watch our youtube stuff we just talked about slash crendor says jesse cox twitch tv crendor twitch tv jesse cox
Starting point is 00:57:03 uh twitter jesse cox twitter crendor uh instagram notorious cox instagram crendor was taken says Jesse Cox. Twitch TV, Crendor. Twitch TV, Jesse Cox. Twitter, Jesse Cox. Twitter, Crendor. Instagram, Notorious Cox. Instagram, Crendor was taken. TikTok, Jesse Cox. TikTok, Crendor. If you missed it on TikTok, I found a stick that looks like a bird. It's a good one.
Starting point is 00:57:19 Great. Great. Fantastic. And the Cox clips on YouTube, Crend Cox clips on YouTube Crenn clips on YouTube for stuff and Warhammer Crenndor on YouTube if you like Warhammer and yep all right well that's it thanks so much we'll see y'all
Starting point is 00:57:36 next time and as always whoa do we continue to new.

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