Cox n' Crendor Show - Episode 420 - Not One Weed Joke

Episode Date: March 27, 2024

Come see Cox n' Crendor Live! The boys are back and this time Jesse is worried about beverages or at least the way we serve them. Meanwhile Crendor deep dives crazy internet h...ealth gurus and becomes a hacker. Also have you ever considered blasting your dong with sound waves? Now you can! All this and the single greatest scam gone completely wrong on a brand new Cox n' Crendor! Go to and use code cox50 to get 50% off. Go to for 20% off your first order and free shipping.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode is brought to you by me undies. Me undies are the undies that I have on me. Also today, we're brought to you by Factor. Factor's gonna get you those good meals delivered right to your home. Let's jump into this podcast. Hello everybody, it's time for Ghost on Trend Dog. This is Trend Dog in the morning. In the morning.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Broadcasting live, live, live, live, live. In 4-hour recording studios. Recording. Hello everybody, welcome to the Kax and Grendel in the morning! Whoa! Yeah? Are you okay? Did you get attacked by a ninja what happened there no i just jumped into the podcast oh okay i mean that's pretty good you get it you jumped like how i jump in video games and then it wasn't a real jump but i make the noise anyway yeah you gotta make the noise um because i i heard you say make the noise. Because I heard you say, I heard you say, let's jump right into this podcast. And I was like, you know,
Starting point is 00:01:10 I've never really jumped in. Maybe that's your thing. You jump in every week. You jump into the podcast. I don't know if I can do it every week, but. I mean, like, you can build up the energy. You could plan in advance, do a whole thing.
Starting point is 00:01:24 I could. I think I'll just keep it to sporadic. You never plan in advance, do a whole thing. I could. I think I'll just keep it to sporadic. You never know when I'm going to jump in. Right, right, right. I hope it will be every week because it's the whole point. But, you know. Well, sometimes I jump in mentally. Sometimes you need to jump in physically as well.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Right, right. You don't want to do it all the time. Exactly. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Because then you could hurt your knees. Right, right, right, right, right. That's like early onset arthritis. Yeah, you can't be just jumping in all the time.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Yeah. How you doing? I'm doing lovely. I had an interesting week this past week. I went to a lot of events. Oh. Yeah, for a lot of different things that are coming up in the future. One was for an
Starting point is 00:02:12 ARPG that I definitely can't talk about. But it's a popular one that is not Diablo. So I'll just leave it at that. I wonder what it could be. I went to this event and it was super fun. But they had you know if you go to events sometimes, especially in video games, there's food there, and there's lunch and stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Except this was all themed. And so one of the areas with drinks, drinks were in, like, red potion vials or blue potion vials. Oh. But I had no one tell me what was in them. And because most of the people there were drinking, like, Red Bulls and sodas and stuff, I had no indication whether these were props or these were things you could actually drink.
Starting point is 00:03:01 But I really wanted one. But I also didn't have the courage to be like, could I drink this prop? So I just kept looking to see if anyone would get one. And I guess when I turned my back, maybe when I went to the bathroom, I saw that one was gone. I was like, someone's drinking it.
Starting point is 00:03:20 So I went, I looked around the room, like who is drinking this? Who is it? And I went, I looked around the room like, who is drinking this? Who is it? And I saw this dude. I'm going to assume he was like 12. I don't know. I don't know. He looked like a child.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Yeah. And he was drinking one of the blue ones. I was like, yo, hey, hi. What is that? I thought that was alcohol. Maybe it's not. What is that? He's like, it's Gatorade, dude.
Starting point is 00:03:42 I'm like, okay, cool. So it was just Gatorade in a little vial. It looked nice. But then I went and got one. I was like, okay, life is good. But for a moment, I was like, maybe it's like a mixed drink. Maybe it's just colored water. I was like, why would there be so many of them?
Starting point is 00:03:59 But they're not being chilled, unlike the big vat of sodas and stuff that is. I was like, i don't know what this is so i had a little crisis there uh and then i went to another event this week and i guess i don't sometimes i feel like people try to be too silly you know what i mean like they're silly there's cox and crendor silly there's too silly and i I went to this event and it was at a restaurant slash bar and I only stopped in for a few hours. But at the bar, you know how you can get a pint
Starting point is 00:04:32 or a half a pint of beer or whatever? They had half pints. So I was like, I don't know that I want a pint of this because I don't really know what this beer is. But like, I'll do a half pint and be fine. They gave me a pint that was cut in half. So imagine a pint glass, but then the glass was flattened on one side.
Starting point is 00:04:53 So it looked like just the exact half a pint. That's so weird. And I was like, is this a thing that you guys normally do? What is this? This is so silly. And they're like, no, it's just for the event. I'm like, but why is that the case?
Starting point is 00:05:12 You could just make a smaller full circle glass and instead you made a glass where one side is flat and it's a pint glass cut imagine a pint glass cut down the middle and then just glass strapped on that middle bit and so it's like a half a pint. That is.
Starting point is 00:05:27 I've never seen anything like that in my life. And I was like, but why? It's not the theme of this event. It's not like, it's nothing to do with us. Someone just was like, well, we got to get rid of these glasses. We bought them all at Spencer's in the mall. And we just don't know what to do with these. I'm like, this is very cute.
Starting point is 00:05:44 It's cute, but so impractical. None of this makes sense to me. I was like, why don't know what to do with these. I'm like, this is very cute. It's cute, but so impractical. None of this makes sense to me. I was like, why don't you, I was like, do you have two pint glass, do you have like a pint glass and you salt it down the middle and then like welded glass, how does any of this work?
Starting point is 00:05:59 The beer was fine, but it was very strange, like, okay. Yeah, that is really weird. You'd think it would at least be tied into the event in some way i i i don't i don't know i have no clue uh i i was gonna ask but then i got caught up in some stuff and then i left so i really obviously it's not that important to me but it was like a little fun okay sure this exists, great. And then, speaking of bars, around here, there's a bar near me that for St. Patrick's Day was popping. It was going crazy. And outside of that bar is this long white wall.
Starting point is 00:06:41 this long white wall. And every so often, someone comes around and spray paints it, and it will stay spray painted for a little bit until someone spray paints something that whoever owns the wall is like, nope, not today. And so after St. Patrick's Day, someone spray painted just a tag on the wall, right? And then earlier this week, someone had spray painted, I don't remember what it was, it was some sort of political thing and then underneath that someone wrote black lives matter and then underneath that someone in different spray paint wrote all lives matter and within 24 hours all of it was painted
Starting point is 00:07:16 over this guy was like i'm not getting caught up in this bullshit just painted over all of it it's like watching the twitter feed on the wall yeah it just kept getting worse and worse and worse and the guy was like nope which in la most people just leave the spray paint there there's construction going on down the street and they have a bunch of uh like what i'm trying to think what those like scaffolding is actually the term of it they're scaffolding around the building. And they're doing, I don't know, some kind of like plywood, something with the outside, probably to protect whatever they're doing on the inside.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Yeah. And it has been tagged so much that even when they replaced the plywood and put it back up within 24 hours, tagged completely again. And not good tags. Tags that I can't even make out like one said loki doki one said like a real fuel it was like what it was like fuel but then the first part was r-e-u-l real fuel i don't dude i don't know what any of it means. I'm sure this is some guy's cool street art name or whatever, but just cover with stuff. And then some guy came by and put up maybe 50 posters of his own.
Starting point is 00:08:38 I guess he made a tag that's his name, but it looks like a smiley face. And rather than spray paint it, he just glued posters to the side of this thing. Which is probably the most illegal thing because all over it, it says, do not post here. So that guy's the biggest baller of them all. He was like, spray paints for babies. I'm going to print out multiple copies of this thing
Starting point is 00:09:02 and then just glue it to the wall. Dude was going back to the 90s. I have no idea what this building is going to be, by the way. It has been, since I've lived here, it's been a restaurant, a hot yoga studio, a bookstore,
Starting point is 00:09:18 another yoga studio, and now whatever the hell this is going to be. They should just mix them all together. Like a hot yoga bookstore. Yeah, but the hot yoga? Soup. Yeah, they get soup. Yeah, you do yoga in a little warm bowl of soup.
Starting point is 00:09:38 That's the hot. And then the books? All cookbooks. Oh, yeah, that's a good one. All cookbooks. All cookbooks. And it's, that's a good one. All cookbooks. All cookbooks. And it's called Chicken Soup for the Soul and Body. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Because you bathe in it. You might just do Chicken Soup for the Body, then. Yeah, but it's yoga, so I feel like that's a soul thing, right? Yeah, that's true. But then you probably get copyright thing. Actually, they probably don't care anymore. You're probably good. Yeah they probably don't care anymore you're probably good yeah i don't know but i mean i guess if you add and body it's not the same yeah although i bet they've already done that you know what i mean like i feel like if you're the the chicken soup for the soul corporation you're like no we're gonna do it and body as well
Starting point is 00:10:19 uh it's speaking okay i was gonna bring this up earlier when you brought the Gatorade, right? Speaking of branding things, why hasn't Gatorade done, like, a branding thing like that where they make different types of Gatorade containers? Like, oh, we're making, like, Gatorade potion, right? And they sell them in, like, little potion things? I feel like it's selling pretty well.
Starting point is 00:10:44 I guess it's dependent on where you're at. I would imagine if you were at like Universal Studios, you probably could if you were in the Harry Potter area. Or I know it's Star Wars land and Disney sells like Star Wars themed containers for beverages that look like little tiny orbs that you drink out of. It contains exactly 50% less beverage, but it looks cool and you get to pay more for it.
Starting point is 00:11:13 So that seems like something that would happen. I don't know. I feel like people aren't nerdy enough to go all in on only drinking Gatorade from like a flask. to go all in on only drinking Gatorade from like a flask. It'd be a fun like promotional thing, like Halloween, like Gatorade does that. I feel like that'd be pretty good.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Instead, Gatorade's doing water now, I guess. Oh yeah, I saw that. Have you seen those ads where it's like Gatorade brand water? I'm like, hold up. Yeah, it's just like electrolyte water. I think that's what it is. Wouldn't it be the same as just the Gatorade that is sugar-free or whatever? I don't know. Yeah, but it's water.
Starting point is 00:11:52 So, I mean, it's inherent. Sure, I mean, you're right. But it's weird to me that you're going to be like, you know what? I'm so brand loyal to Gatorade that I'm going to drink Gatorade water now. I'm like, okay, cool. Well, I can see why they're doing it because it's like Gatorade is the thing that rehydrates people typically in sports. And so they're just being like, hey, we're making you some better hydrating water.
Starting point is 00:12:16 I guess is how they would market it. But yeah, how much is it? Now I got to look this up. I imagine it's way more expensive than it ever should be. Yeah, let's see. Gatorade, water, electrolyte infused for great taste. Wait. Alright, hold on. That's already concerning. So they're infusing it with electrolytes for taste, not for like hydration? Ah, great question. I have no answers for you.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Like right away, you would think it'd be like electrolyte infused for rehydration, but it says for great pace. Okay. Alkaline pH of, I don't even know if that matters. pH of 7.5 or higher. I'm going to look this up. I don't think that even matters. Water pH important? The pH of water may contain certain elements in it, such as minerals and metals, more or
Starting point is 00:13:04 less available to the body. Okay, but that really doesn't... What is it? Why it matters? I mean, you don't... Obviously, you don't want it to be, like, acidic. I'm sure that's probably not. I mean, you can have, like, lemon water, isn't that... I guess that becomes alkaline.
Starting point is 00:13:21 I don't know. I'm not a scientist. What's weird is the pH... I'm looking at a pH scale right now, and it says water is a 7. So a 7.5 is like, okay. It's like, whatever. Yeah. All right. But batteries and battery acid are zeros.
Starting point is 00:13:40 That's acidic as hell. Stomach acid is a 1. A lemon is a 2. Soda is a 3. Tomatoes are 4. Coffees are 5. Stomach acid is a one. A lemon is a two. Soda is a three. Tomatoes are four. Coffees are five. Milk is six. Water is seven. So water is neutral right down the middle. Then alkaline stuff. Blood
Starting point is 00:13:53 is an eight. Okay. Egg whites are a nine. Stomach tablets, like antacids, are a ten. Ammonia solution is an eleven. Soap is a twelve. Bleach bleach is 13 and drain cleaner is 14. okay i didn't think bleach and ammonia are gonna be the most i guess it makes sense i mean i guess having too acidic a water is bad for you but maybe like maybe like a slightly more acidic or no alkaline could be
Starting point is 00:14:28 like a 7.5 means that it's a little more alkaline right yeah i don't it sounds like it sounds on its surface like bullshit however i am actively trying to find a reason for it to be good to have like the ph is this thing you know yeah Is higher alkaline water better for you? The simple answer, Harvard Health says the simple answer is no. Right. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:54 It sounds like, it sounds like some bullshit. You would sell like smart water. There's no way smart water is better for you than normal water. It's like they just marketed it as like, you're going to get brain powers. water. It's like they just marketed it as like, you're going to get brain powers. Yeah, it feels like one of those things where people talk about acidity in the body,
Starting point is 00:15:10 like make your body more alkaline, but really you don't want to be too alkaline because then you become bleach. You want a good balance. This thing right here, Gatorade water, it's water. It has zero calories, zero carbohydrates, zero protein. It's just water, but also
Starting point is 00:15:27 has 3% sodium. There you go. There it is. So they just like throw some salt in there. Just put some salt in there, which, I mean, you need sodium for hydration, but like you can just drink normal water. Yeah, you can still drink normal water.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Yeah, it's weird, but apparently if you're getting a 12 pack, drink normal water. Yeah, you can still drink normal water. Yeah, it's weird, but apparently if you're getting a 12-pack, it's $19. $19? That's a lot for water. That's a lot for water.
Starting point is 00:15:57 That's way too much for water. But again, it's branding. It's all branding. Unless, of course, they want to send us some to test them. Yeah, we'll test it. We'll test and see if it's branding. It's all branding. It is all branding. Unless, of course, they want to send us some to test them. Yeah, unless we'll test it. I mean, we'll test and see if it's worth the $19. Yeah, that's true. We will.
Starting point is 00:16:11 We're like top tier scientific test people. We are the scientific minds of the whatever century, this 21st century. Yep. Don't listen to the fact that I just said I'm not a scientist. I'm kind of a scientist. And don't listen to the fact that I can't count. Yep. Don't listen to the fact that I just said I'm not a scientist. I'm kind of a scientist. And don't listen to the fact that I can't count. Yeah. This tastes terrible.
Starting point is 00:16:32 It is too salty. Dries out the mouth quickly. Product tastes like salty beach water. Would not recommend it for you or your dog, says Mike. That's what I'm saying. 3% of your daily allowance in one bottle of water seems like a lot that's 56 milligrams of salt in every bottle it just seems like a lot compared to you know water
Starting point is 00:16:52 uh i mean i don't know if it's like that much because like you're eating stuff because i'm looking at a great example is the body armor Sport Water, which is roughly the exact same thing. They're doing the exact same, like, except this says it's a 9 pH, which is super alkaline. But it's like, hey, yeah, this is 12 ounce, exact same stuff, zero sodium at all. And Body Armor is doing the exact same branding style as Gatorade, which is like, when you work it out, you need your body armor, bro. It's the exact same thing, except they aren't throwing salt in there. The salt seems weird to me. If you're going to do that, just do the Gatorade.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Yeah. It says, well, there's no drinking water standard for sodium. State and federal agencies recommend sodium levels in water not exceed 20 milligrams per liter. So they've gone over. They've done it. They've broken the state and federal recommendations. Then I guess
Starting point is 00:17:54 that's why they can say Gatorade water instead of other things. You know what I mean? Yeah. Do you think that in the factory they ran out of the flavor? Because it literally says Gatorade water, unflavored, alkaline, electrolyte fused. Do you think they ran out of the flavoring for like the sugar-free versions of Gatorade?
Starting point is 00:18:17 And then zero calorie Gatorade and were like, just make it water. Don't put any flavoring. We'll still sell it. It has to be. Wait, hold on. Because if you go to Gatorade Zero and you look at Gatorade Zero, what are the health things for Gatorade Zero?
Starting point is 00:18:36 Roughly the same thing. It's 10 calories. Actually, it's 10% of the sodium. So it is a little bit better. It's 7% less sodium. Yeah, but Gatorade Zero also has, actually, it's 10% of the sodium, so it is a little bit better. It's 7% less sodium. Yeah, but Gatorade Zero also has, like, the fake sugars in it, doesn't it? Like, the sweetness. Oh, I'm sure it does.
Starting point is 00:18:54 I always hate those. It just tastes like diet drinks. And I hate the, I just, I hate the fake sugar taste. Like, Coke Zero, like, all those. I hate them. I'd rather just drink water. Like, straight up. up uh they have so here they have purified with reverse osmosis okay but on the website it says what is a reverse osmosis system is a system that uses pressure to force water
Starting point is 00:19:23 molecules through a membrane that removes particles including salt from the water they're very effective at removing water contaminants however there are also disadvantages they use a lot of water that delivers five gallons of treated water per day and may discharge many more gallons in wastewater, and then it is not only harmful, removes not only harmful contaminants, but desirable minerals. For this reason, the system should also add minerals back into drinking water to avoid corrosion
Starting point is 00:19:55 and gain health benefits. So actually, they're removing all their minerals from the water that are good for you. I'm trying to look it up. I don't know where I read this, but I believe that they were saying the best water to drink is mineral water or water that says like from a natural spring
Starting point is 00:20:16 or something like that. But I don't have an example for you. I wish I did. I think one of the waters I buy at Whole Foods is like that. It's this one. I think one of the waters I buy at Whole Foods is like that. It's this one. I was looking at it on stream. It's a product from Italy. It's Whole Foods Sparkling Citrus Blend Mineral
Starting point is 00:20:33 Water. It's got minerals in it. It's got let's see not a significant source of minerals, but it's got minerals. I guess there's not enough for them source of minerals, but it's got minerals. I guess there's not enough for them to list them. But they tell you where it's from.
Starting point is 00:20:51 It's from some place in Italy. So I was like, are they just bottling some tap water in Italy? But they actually show you the place. So I was like, okay. And then this has 10 milligrams of sodium, but 20 for the entire thing. So they are under the limit. So that's good. And then it tastes like Fruit Loops
Starting point is 00:21:09 with their natural flavor. And listen, I like my sparkling Fruit Loop water, alright? Sure. So, I'll drink that. I'm blown away by it. It says that mineral water is the best water you can drink, but structured water is better.
Starting point is 00:21:27 I've never heard of structured water in my life. What the hell is structured water? Structured water, according to this, is also called hexagonal water. And it's water with a structure that has been altered to form a hexagonal molecule cluster it's believed that highly structured water also known as h302 or living water oh all right i've heard that shares similarities living water is the stuff that you see uh crazy ladies buy on tiktok or on instagram and they're like it's's only $35 for a gallon, and I'm like, what the hell? Yeah, but then they don't, like, purify it, so it's got, like, bacteria and shit in it.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Yeah, it says molecules are charged, so they hold energy and recharge and hydrate the body better. It's long-lasting hydration. And then the cons, I love this, the con is needs further study on what it is and if it works. So, like, cool. All right. They're just like, it's definitely like this, but it definitely needs to be studied to see if it actually has any merit to what we're saying. I love that it's H302. That's kind of funny.
Starting point is 00:22:36 That is funny. H302. Yeah. But apparently it is better. Although, based on what I'm'm reading it also could be total BS yeah like they're like oh we need to study it more so I was like okay well that doesn't help me at all
Starting point is 00:22:51 the whole point of like the living waters they're like it's got so much shit in it and then it's but like it also has the like bacteria and the amoeba and the all the shit that's like bad for you and gives you like sure problems so I think I'd rather just have my plain ass bacteria and the amoeba and all the shit that's like bad for you and gives you like problems. So I think I'd rather just have my plain ass filtered water.
Starting point is 00:23:12 It doesn't have any of that. And I mean, a lot of times you're just getting all the stuff you need from food. You know? Sure. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it says right here that besides structured water, which is the thing, spring water directly from a spring source is the best, followed by mineral water, followed by distilled, followed by purified, followed by alkaline water, followed by reverse osmosis.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Oh, never mind. On this one, it says structured water is the last. It says do not fall for this scam. Ah, yes, the internet and water discourse. Who knew we'd be here? Ah, yes. The internet and water discourse. Who knew we'd be here? Are you telling me hexagonal H3O2 water is not good? What? That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Yeah, I can't believe there's so many articles and things about what the best type of water is. Dude, it's crazy that it's water and people are like, no, no, no, no, no. This water's better. I'm like, wow, this is nuts. You think it's better, but hexagon water is the best water. It's the best, yeah. I heard from
Starting point is 00:24:18 a bunch of different people, let me see if I can find it. The best water is, it's one that I see at hotels all the time and it comes in like a metal container. Oh, I think I've seen that.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Yeah, apparently like that's the best one. And I don't know why people say that and I wish I had answers or while going through the internet right now trying to find it could tell you what it was. But it has like a metal, it's like metal and blue, the container. And apparently it's like the best for the amount of minerals to like alkalineness. It's just one of those ones where they found it's like straight from the earth kind of vibes.
Starting point is 00:24:58 But again, I don't know how much of that is true. I just know that I saw a lot of people talking about it. But I can't even find it, so maybe it's not even a real thing. Maybe it's not an American thing. I don't know, but of that is true. I just know that I saw a lot of people talking about it. But I can't even find it, so maybe it's not even a real thing. Maybe it's not an American thing. I don't know, but here we are. Water. A deep dive into the hydro-homy world of water. It is...
Starting point is 00:25:18 Okay. So I found... Whenever I find one of these websites, like, reasons to drink structured water, and then they're trying to just sell you some shit at the end like it's always that's what I'm worried about is if it's like yeah a structured water is great and then it's we sell a structured water product you know what I mean this guy is what is this David Asprey the hell davidasprey. What the hell? Oh my. Okay. You got to go to this main page. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Look at the front page. You know, I'm going to let you know. If your whole online persona is the father of biohacking. He is. He doesn't even look like he's like i'm just super hell he looks like he's a vampire what's crazy is this man must be generationally wealthy because he shows photos of himself as like you know kind of a doughy middle-aged guy and then he's like i've never looked better i feel amazing and then all the images of him are like in bio suits and weird sort of like mechanical like yeah i guess he is a hacker because he's messing with incredibly expensive technology to make his body look better but like of course that would happen
Starting point is 00:26:47 I Just I never trust any of these things and they're always some sort of like similar thing where it's just like exercise eat Well, it's just they try to like take it to another level They're like I need to add four months on to my life You can only tell people to Eat less workout more and you'll and you'll like lose weight, right? onto my life. You can only tell people to eat less, work out more, and you'll, and you'll like lose weight,
Starting point is 00:27:09 right? You can only tell people that so much because it is like, all right, well, that's not going to work for me. That's not what I want to do.
Starting point is 00:27:16 So you have to like package it in a way that makes it seem like you're cheating, you know? Like, oh, I don't, you don't have to do as much work.
Starting point is 00:27:25 It's kind of like how Gatorade Water repackages their shit. Yes, yes! Like it's better than it actually is, when really you're saying the exact same thing everyone else has said. This guy, if you go to his brands, his brands are like Danger
Starting point is 00:27:41 Coffee, and Upgrade Labs, and Home Biotic and True Light. What the hell is True Light? True Light. Achieve peak muscle recovery and anti-aging with True Light. The image for True Light is a man doing a push-up over what appears to be a hot plate. It looks like a tanning bed is underneath the man. He's doing push-ups on it This is okay
Starting point is 00:28:10 I'm just clicking around is his article. He's got here one is Biohacking erectile dysfunction how to get it up at any age and he's got Acoustic wave therapy apparently is the way Just the kind of guy who's like the best thing you can do for yourself is expose your testicles to sunlight guys If we just show our anus to the Sun you will get 90% more vitamin D. Let me tell you I I think it is I I uh, I think it is. I definitely think it is. This, what the shit is this? The downsides to acoustic wave therapy.
Starting point is 00:28:53 The cost, no clinics nearby, taking your pants off in front of strangers. How to do it at home? I don't- Oh dude, if you go to the place you get $200 off if you use code David. Well, that's good. That seems fine. Yeah, that doesn't seem like he promoted it for that code. Right, right. There's no way.
Starting point is 00:29:15 No way. I just like people around. They're already kind of figuring out the big influencer thing where they're just like they're clearly like sponsored by stuff and they're not saying anything about it, which they're supposed to. But I feel like us already in the industry have been seeing this for just years. People just be like, guys, I just it's so crazy how much I love bananas. And, you know, I made this entire video on bananas and just Chiquita just coincidentally gave me a code that you guys can get five bananas for free at my thing and then they like never mention anything about being sponsored and then somebody will be like is this sponsored they're like i was partnered
Starting point is 00:29:56 with them for uh it's like what this i was just having this conversation with Alex and Davis on Friday where I saw an Instagram that was this dude who does L.A. restaurant kind of review-y things. And most of the time, he's pretty like, yeah, I found this place. It's pretty neat. I now question everything this man has said because he was like, hey, there's this place. And I'm not going to shout them out because I don't want to put that out there. But it's a hot chicken restaurant. And they're like, found this place, hot chicken restaurant. It's so good.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Every Thursday, $2 chicken strips, guys. It's so good. This place is amazing. Look at this. It's like a big plate of chicken strips. He's eating them. He's like, oh, my God, it's so good. I have been there.
Starting point is 00:30:41 He's like, oh, my God, it's so good. I have been there. And anyone you ask who lives in the area, who has been there, will tell you it is mid at best. It is not good. The chicken is dry. Everything about it. No one's ever there for a reason. And this dude so clearly is doing a brand deal because he's got angles and he's got – I'm like, this is so sneaky. And in the comments, people are like, wow, can't wait to try it.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Thankfully, there are clearly some people from LA who were in the comments. They're like, you sold out, dude. This place sucks. And I was like, oh, thank God. All right. At least some people are calling him out. Because I was like, I don't want to interact with this, but he is lying to people. It is not a good restaurant.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Yeah, that's... Like, they opened at the, like, summer of last year, and I've never seen anyone there. The fact that they're still open is some kitchen nightmare shit. They're throwing their money away. Yeah, it's and now especially more than ever there's so many people trying to just make money doing like tiktok and like everything because especially like tiktok and things where it's like they don't make ad revenue and they don't have like you know support so they're just like i'll just take a brand deal and they're just like guys as like as soon as i see a thing that's like sponsored product So they're just like, I'll just take a brand deal. And they're just like, guys, as like, as soon as I see a thing that's like sponsored product included, they're just like,
Starting point is 00:32:08 oh, I just picked up. And I'm just like, nope, no. It's so much easier to do that on Tik TOK. Like anytime I see an advertisement thing, I'm like, or if on Instagram, I see something that's like, Hey, here's a t-shirt you should buy. I'm like, nope, remove. I never want to see this again. It's so much easier. YouTube is a little bit sneakier about it. Like, YouTube, you stand and watch a video where it's some guy's big 35-minute essay. And then halfway through the intro, he's like, also, remember, if you want to make your own video about Elden Ring, you definitely should visit John's wedding rings. Wedding rings.
Starting point is 00:32:47 It's like, wait, what? What just happened here? All right. I've located the reviews for acoustic wave therapy for erectile dysfunction. I'm going to say that they're glowing. So this one has five total reviews.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Three of them are one star. One of them is five star and one is four star. I want to hear the people who were let down by acoustics. So we've got, someone said scam. Scam, scam, stay away, doesn't work. Next up, we got this guy who says, it's been a godsend. A great machine for
Starting point is 00:33:34 ED, nothing short of miraculous. 65. I love to blast my dick with sound waves. That's what he's doing. He's got it's been nothing short of miraculous i'm embarrassed that my dick was soundly it's amazing he said i'm back to making love to my 17 year younger wife four to six times a week at 65 god bless dude enjoy enjoy that there's got to be some sort of placebo thing too going on here well i mean i think he just blasts his dog like if you put your dick up next to like
Starting point is 00:34:13 a speaker at a concert do you think it has the same effect it might it might be better that's what we should sell concert wings yeah you get a concert ticket and you get a boner we are helping you out this is like the equivalent of the people putting their ass up to the sun but now we get concert waves going into your dick
Starting point is 00:34:37 there's gotta be some touring bands that we find with that right we could get what's the we could get Kid Rock to do this, I bet. Yeah. Oh, he would definitely do it. Kid Rock would definitely do this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:54 100%. If there's anybody who would do it, it's Kid Rock. I was trying to think of an actual reasonable band, but I was like, you know what? No. Kid Rock would 100% do this. Okay. We got Daniel. He gave it four stars. All right. He says, after I used it, all my female sexual partners said my penis was harder during sex. All my female sexual partners. Bullshit. Bullshit. All of them.
Starting point is 00:35:19 That's like something some like high school kid says like, yeah, of course, I have many partners. It's like those dudes. It's those dudes who do like the bro podcasts like i go on dates all the time it's like where do you meet these girls i meet them on escort websites but i just want to like show them that men don't need them it's like what are you talking about he's like women are trash they don't want you for money i'm like you meeting them on sex sites dude what are you and every one of them said i was harder because I used the blaster. Everyone said I was the biggest dog they'd ever seen. After I paid them, they left quietly. I ain't talked to them again, but I know for sure that they meant it.
Starting point is 00:35:56 But then, okay, he also said I didn't see any benefits besides that. Isn't that the whole point? besides that. Isn't that the whole point? That seems like the entire point of this acoustic sound wave treatment or whatever the shit it is. I didn't grow hair on my head. It didn't come back.
Starting point is 00:36:16 I've been blasting my head with sound waves all day. Then we got the other one star reviews. Questionnaire they give you makes you think that this product will work for you. After months of using, it did nothing. When I called them to return, the agent told me they are not medical professionals. They did, however, issue a refund.
Starting point is 00:36:37 That's great. Yeah, okay. And then the last one is can't even answer a phone. Due to circumstances out of our control. Absolutely. Disgust keeps saying go online, which how can I find lost policy online without a policy number? They don't care about the people. I don't know what's going on with this guy, but I'm going to say I agree. Anyone trying to sell you sound waves to blast at your
Starting point is 00:37:05 dong does not care about you at all yeah that is that is definitely well i mean i figured that out pretty fast if they're like here's your at home dong therapy where you blast it and get my special code for 200 off like you know listen you know david apprey or whatever the shit. He's not blasting his dick with sound waves. You know he's not doing that. No way. I'm looking at some of the other things on here. There's one that's like the glycine deficiency. It's more common than you think.
Starting point is 00:37:35 And it's just a long-ass ad for bone broth. For 100% grass-fed bone broth protein. And it's like, make sure to pick your, at the end it says, click here to grab your grass-fed bone broth powder today. 15% off your first order. And it's like, if I stumbled upon this randomly looking for information,
Starting point is 00:37:58 I would just be, that's why the internet sucks. Everyone's trying to market to you now. Oh my God. I saw there was one girl in this like thing She saw an ad for some ear Some ear thing that was supposed to like clear your ears or like help with migraines And she did it and it like blew her eardrum out like it like she'd shattered her eardrum. She had to go to the ER
Starting point is 00:38:21 so like don't Don't trust these random ass. But like, I get like, people are desperate. They're like, I got to try something. Maybe this works. Seems like it works for them. And then you try it and it just, you're worse.
Starting point is 00:38:35 I mean, the thing is, you just have to like find sources you trust and people you trust and stick with them. This is a shameless plug for both of us. I just want to point that out yeah but um on this show when we get approached with ad deals we say no to so many things oh yeah we could have like three ads a week at the rate we get offered stuff we are constantly like no especially when it comes to things that literally are scams and people and then if we get something and you guys give us feedback about it being like alright we found this stuff
Starting point is 00:39:07 we're like alright we don't want to do this brand deal anymore we'll tell them we are very open to like well we did some research but you clearly did more so we're fine learning from you and then when it comes to just generally on YouTube and things or on Twitch and streaming
Starting point is 00:39:23 the amount of times I get approached by companies that are like, this RPG mobile game, I'm like, delete. Delete. I'm not going to look at it. I could take so much money, but I'm like, I would rather not than have to come before you and be like, guys, have you ever heard of Dragon Adventures on mobile? Have you ever heard of Dragon Adventures on mobile? Right now you can get 15 free coins to upgrade your minions to five stars. I would rather, like, blast my dick with sound waves than do that.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Listen, if they came at us with a sound wave blaster, like, we might, we could might consider it for the memes. Here's the thing. If this guy, Dave Asprey or whatever, wants to send us one to test. Actually, two. I don't want to share. I don't want to share either. Send us two to test.
Starting point is 00:40:16 We'll test them. It doesn't mean we'll like them, but I will sit there, balls open, like spread eagle, getting sound blasted if it's what we need to do to prove this is nonsense there's plenty of people I've seen where like even after their viewers or whatever
Starting point is 00:40:36 just like hey this company kind of sucks you should probably stop working with them and then we're like oh yeah that seems bad we'll stop there's plenty of other people that are like nah I'm making money. They just keep going and act like nothing's happening. That's because it's a minority of people who actually speak up about that stuff. Most people just ignore the ads completely, if we're being honest.
Starting point is 00:40:57 They skip, so they don't listen to them. But the people that do, you should probably listen to them because they're probably the people who are going to be like oh well i'll listen to future ads as well so if someone says this is a bad thing you know it's the reason why we don't do gambling ads and things like that or tell you about banking information because i don't want you guys in debt you know yeah no there's especially if there's like you know they're trying to help you for the better you know for yeah yeah the company's like you know those companies like yeah i mean we didn't add for them and i was like all the stuff people are sending me doesn't seem great and so we stopped like it was that easy i was like drop it we don't want to do this anymore so it's like initially
Starting point is 00:41:36 you're like oh that's cool and then you learn about it you're like oh never mind yeah and that's fine like i'm i'm always willing to be like yeah all right this was our bad especially because like we're we've been in the industry long enough where i think a lot of newer people are just like yeah i gotta make money i gotta do this way like i'm here for the long haul all right yeah i want to protect my integrity right just everything it's like hey if something's bad like whatever i'd rather be trustworthy and like real and just stick around then you know try to make quick money yeah we're not um the best way to describe it is we aren't the pop-up shop that's going to charge you too much money to come take photos and eat weird foods we're the restaurant down the street
Starting point is 00:42:23 that's been open for 35 years and we're're just, we hope to be open another 35. Yeah. And we're blasting our dicks with sound waves. It's just what you got to do in this economy. We sell decent food at reasonable prices. Yeah, exactly. Which, by the way,
Starting point is 00:42:50 this is probably a perfect transition into the advertisements, but I wanted to mention that I went to Adepticon, which was the miniature convention this week. Yes, yes, yes. It was a lot of fun. I walked around.
Starting point is 00:43:06 I looked at stuff. I didn't buy anything. I thought about it. What does that mean, I looked at stuff? What is there? Besides 40k stuff. Well, they got 40k, they got Sigmar, they got all the Warhammer things, but then they also have offshoot games.
Starting point is 00:43:22 One was Conquest. One was Star Wars miniature game. I forget what it's called. It's like offshoot games. They got like one was Conquest. One was like Star Wars miniature game. Sure. I forgot what it's called. It's like Legion or something. There's like they got a whole bunch of miniature stuff. There's people like 3D printing and making things. People making like like terrain.
Starting point is 00:43:38 People making like mats for playing numerous games. Like there's a whole bunch of things like related to it. And it's all about just miniature stuff. It's essentially like walking around PAX. It was like PAX Southside, but just for miniatures. So it's pretty neat. And then they have an area where everybody did their painting
Starting point is 00:43:55 award stuff. So it's like all the top tier painter things you look at and take pictures. Were people playing there? Oh yeah. It's like half the place is just people playing. Like, you could walk around, just look at games happening. Like, there's hundreds, if not thousands, of people playing. That's fun.
Starting point is 00:44:14 That'd be interesting to watch people, you know, actively engaged in playing so you can just sit there. It's like walking around a park and watching dudes play chess all of a sudden. You're like, you know what, I'm going to sit here and watch this yeah so you can like walk around you can look you can like stay and be like oh that's pretty neat and like so that's fun to do i did that for a bit and then uh i got recognized a few times one guy was like you're cred door and i was like yeah and he's like cool and that's it i was like nice and then another person was like, yo, you got me into Warhammer. And I was like, dude, nice.
Starting point is 00:44:47 And then he's like, I'm losing money. And I'm like, yep, that's Warhammer. So yeah, you know, that was pretty neat. I always enjoy going to that. And then I went to the Cool Kid Warhammer creator meetup where they have all the influencer people. And then they're like, hello, we're from England. And I'm like yo i was gonna say
Starting point is 00:45:05 we're most of them british because i feel like most of them would be all the like primary games workshop people are british yeah uh however the one guy i work with he's a he's an nfl fan and he likes the arizona cardinals so i was i talked to him about football because like most british people like oh he's football and they mean like soccer but he actually likes NFL football so that was neat and I talked to a few other people but it was pretty great I had fun and I did that this
Starting point is 00:45:34 weekend that sounds great one I love going to conventions where you can just be chill and not have to work and two I think the idea of smaller conventions always appealed to me. It's why I like Play Days that they have downtown
Starting point is 00:45:49 instead of E3. It's super small comparatively, and I get to do roughly the same thing, except I'm in no rush, and I don't have to run around because everything's in the same room, basically. I love that stuff. I think it's so much nicer. Plus, if you do it and it's like a day, then you don't have to really overthink like how am I going to entertain people for X number of days.
Starting point is 00:46:10 You know what I mean? Yeah. It's just very simple. People can come in and leave whenever they want and they can have, you know, a good four or five hours and then leave and not have to be like, well, I paid for three days, so I got to make the most out of this. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's very nice especially after seeing all the other conventions over the years it's uh it's just a nice small fun miniature convention
Starting point is 00:46:32 so that's pretty neat that's cool that's very cool yeah and you know what else is cool hey there it is me undies the undies that i have on me You see, the thing about being a guy Is, oh man We're pretty much stuck with what we've got Appearance wise, we don't really have any Fancy Meggings to make our butt look good Or any type of
Starting point is 00:46:58 Like, you know, male Makeup, aside from powdered wigs Which were a thing, and shout out to powdered wigs Finally though Me undies is unveiling their latest gifts to help men feel a little bit better and maybe a little bit bigger. Instead of blasting yourself with sound waves, what about a contoured pouch and ball caddy? That's right. We're talking underwear.
Starting point is 00:47:21 The micro-modal sling keeps it all separated and lifted. Nine out of ten women swear this sophisticated brief technology will make you look enormous. That's right. That's right. That's the promise of nine out of those ten women. And really, that's all that matters. Am I right? MeUndies, of course, really is just some of the best underwear out there,
Starting point is 00:47:48 from black classics to fun and expressive prints. MeUndie has a look for everyone. I have MeUndies on right now. They are, which one did I wear? I have mine on. They are raccoons. Ah, mine is red. Actually, mine's purple with red hearts or pinkish red hearts.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Yeah, mine's purple with raccoons on it. I mean, basically the same thing. Yeah. And you can get them in sizes from extra small to 4XL, guaranteed to flatter every body type. They also have versatile loungewear. You can get things beyond underwear like joggers and hoodies and onesies and t-shirts and bralettes and all sorts of stuff. And the best part is they all feel so good. They hug you warm, they keep you cool. It's breathable. It's stretchy. It's oh so comfy, making it the ideal all day
Starting point is 00:48:40 wear. And they're responsibly sourced from, again, micro-modal magic. It's wonderful. The best part is, if you're not happy with your first pair, it's on me undies. They will just straight up let you have it. And it's fine. It's all good.
Starting point is 00:49:02 And if you want good things that will come to you and make your life a little bit better, me undies is here with 20% off your first order plus free shipping at slash Crendor. That's me. That's slash Crendor for 20% off plus free shipping. MeUndies, comfort from the outside in. Also, today we're brought to you by Factor. from the outside in. Also, today we're brought to you by Factor.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Factor is going to get you eating better meals easier than you've ever had them before. Every fresh, never frozen meal is chef-crafted, dietitian-approved, ready to go in just two minutes. You have over 35 options every week, including Calorie, protein plus, and keto to help you look in your best, feeling your best, and actually being full. Also, there are over 60 add-ons that you can have to make it a little bit bigger and better if maybe you want some more, or you want some juices, or you want some smoothies or things to supplement what you're eating during the day, or you want a delicious breakfast. They've got those too, and those breakfasts slap.
Starting point is 00:50:08 They are very good. Plus, they're flexible to your schedule, so you can get as much or as little as you need every single week. You can pause. You can reschedule. You can do whatever. And I cannot stress this enough. I have now met more of you listening who have been eating Factor,
Starting point is 00:50:22 who have lost weight and are killing it right now, then I can even, I, I, it's more than on my hands, right? I could at least, at least 12 people and all of you are just looking so good. So I'm so pleased. And when I hear from you, I'm blown away. It's, it's just like a side effect of eating some good food, whether it's mushroom chicken thighs and wild rice or jalapeno lime cheddar chicken, right, which is all good. I'm a huge fan of the chicken dishes. I think they have a sun-dried tomato chicken as well. Or you want to get some spicy poblano beef bowl.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Or maybe you want some sort of spicy sweet potatoes in a peanut sauce. There's tons of stuff there for you. All of it is designed to be healthy, and that's the point. And it's more importantly designed to be delicious. Head over to slash cox50 and use code COX50 to get 50% off. That's code COX50, C-O-X-5-0, at slash COX50 to get 50% off. All right, Crandall, let's go. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Let's go. Oh, boy. Today, check out the 805. That's going to be your best way of getting off the 306. Taking on the 52 is going to be not too great either. So, you can also take the 20. I personally would take the 20. There's not much traffic there.
Starting point is 00:51:48 But again, avoid those other numbers I mentioned that I already forgot. Back to you. I will say, hilariously, this past week I was having a conversation about how insane it is to drive across the city. how insane it is to drive across the city. I was like, dude, I had to take the 90 to the 405 to the 10 to the 110 all the way over to the 2. All I did was zigzag across the city. It was insane. Yeah, that's a real thing that people have in L.A.,
Starting point is 00:52:17 and it comes up in conversation all the time. Yeah, no, I always hear people say stuff like that. I mean, I guess everybody's got their highways but LA's got like a billion of them and everybody's driving when I lived in in New York the only like the only highway people talked about was like yeah I gotta take the 90 and that was nothing and I believe the 90 would just take you all the way to Chicago as far as I remember I think it was just I think it's the highway that goes along the Great Lakes. And so it was like, yeah, the 90. And when I was in Ohio, it was the 71
Starting point is 00:52:47 and the 75, I believe. Or like the I-70, something like that. Oh, yeah. But it wasn't... You'd be like, yeah, you take the 70 up. This is what I'll say. If you want to go from Dayton, Ohio to Kings Island in Cincinnati, it took exactly an hour every single time.
Starting point is 00:53:03 You could plan it. You knew how long it would take. It was a 60-minute drive. If I were to tell you how long will it take to get somewhere in L.A., I cannot give you an answer. There could be a day where it would take you 30 minutes. There could be a day it would take you 15. There could be a day it would take you two and a half hours. There's no rules.
Starting point is 00:53:21 It is madness here. Yeah, I mean, that's probably some of the worst traffic you're gonna find although i've heard uh like washington is bad or like washington the dc oh the like the loop or whatever it is outside dc i mean that seems pretty bad but also because i imagine a lot of traffic is blocked or cut off or – because there's political people. I'm sure they have entourages and security and stuff. So they probably shut things down because it's the capital. I mean that makes sense, but I also have to imagine it's not as nonsensical.
Starting point is 00:54:01 Like in LA, you'll be stuck in traffic for two hours, and you'll get to the point where traffic frees up, and there's nothing. There's not a crash. There's nothing. Just people have... The slowdown backed everyone up so much that when they finally get to where the slowdown started, there's just nothing there. The slowdown might have ended
Starting point is 00:54:20 a day and a half ago, for all I know, but the traffic is so... There's so many people that there's jams where there's no jam. There's nothing happened and I imagine in DC they probably something probably happened that caused it. In LA it just
Starting point is 00:54:36 occurs. Yeah. I know here we have like the name like we got all the I whatever's, but we also got the Dan Ryan and the Kennedy. They have like the names. Like, yeah, you take the Dan Ryan. Are those streets or bridges? Or are they just the Dan Ryan Highway?
Starting point is 00:55:01 Yeah, it's the highway. Or the Dan Ryan Highway. Yeah, it's the highway. Or the Dan Ryan Expressway. But what, but is it like, that's the I-14. Yeah, it says Dan Ryan is an expressway in Chicago that runs from the Jane Byron Interchange with Interstate I-290. Ah, so what I'm seeing here is that it is less. It's also a toll road. Yeah. Well, that might be because it was built for tolls.
Starting point is 00:55:33 So it isn't necessarily a highway? Question mark? I guess that it's an expressway. Right. So this is the Dan Ryan Expressway, which makes more sense because it's not numbered. Yeah, because then there's the Kennedy Expressway. It's also the Kennedy. So every time you hear the thing, they're like, it's on the Kennedy and the bad ride.
Starting point is 00:55:49 They always say that. But then they have the 90, the 94, and then the 190. Probably 294. They got the 290 and the 190. And those are just for people who don't understand American highway systems, basically a 90 would be an interstate route. And then a 190 and a 290 would be the in-the-state version of it. So maybe the 290 goes around the city of Chicago one direction while the 90 goes a different direction. Or they become the same.
Starting point is 00:56:21 And then when you get outside the city, it turns back into the 90. Yeah. And then they got like east and west for each get outside the city it turns back into the 90 yeah and then they got like east and west for each one yeah and the or north and south like they uh or they got 290 west eisenhower expressway so i think 290 is just the eisenhower but they always just say the eisenhower in in new york for example there's a 290 right yeah And the 290 is in Williamsville? Trying to remember where this is exactly. But it's in Buffalo, right?
Starting point is 00:56:51 Yeah. So, you know, it's the same thing that there could be a 290 in New York and a 290 in, you know, Illinois because it's state. And then the 90 is the thing that goes between, you know, Buffalo. It goes Buffalo to Cleveland to up into Chicago. Mm-hmm. And that's, you know, now you know. Now you learn something about the United States.
Starting point is 00:57:14 There you go. And that's the traffic. All right, let's go to sports. You mean weather. Weather. So that's what happens when we actually talk about traffic in the traffic segment. Yeah, we get all messed up. Yeah, all messed up.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Let's see. We got a few weather requests here. So I'm just doing the old control F weather. And then I hold down enter. And then I let go. Uh-oh, it's still going. It's supposed to stop. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:57:41 It's going to stop any second. Uh-oh. We got one for rock sweden uh jesse will like this one tiny swedish town that has the greatest runestone in the world at least the one with the longest text the place name comes from the old norse word rauch which just means standing stone go on well i mean when you first look up, the first thing you see is the stone. Ah, yeah. Like, every image is of this.
Starting point is 00:58:12 And it looks cool. It looks cool. It looks like something you would find in, like, a Diablo game where it summons you home. It looks cool as hell. This is neat. Well, in the Roke. Wait, is it Rokey or Weather. It looks cool as hell. This is neat. Well, in the... Vrook. Wait, is it Rokie or You need the...
Starting point is 00:58:28 It's R-O-K, but with an umlaut over the O or something. I'm not sure what that is. It's not an accent. It's a Rook. Rook. Yeah, Rook. Rook. But it's not popping up on the old, you see. They got Rokia, and they got
Starting point is 00:58:43 something else. I don't know know we're gonna have to go to maybe because it's so tiny maybe you have to look because it it appears to be just one road as far as i can tell it is a road there's rook stennan which is the runestone, Stenen runestone. And then there's a church. Oh, yeah, I see. And that's it. There's very little here. I would say maybe try Kolstad or Ingvaldstorp.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Yeah, I think Ingvaldstorp is the closest. All right, let's go. Ingvaldstorp? Sweden? Ingvald Storp Sweden Ingvald Storp Again, Ingvald Storp appears to be exactly two roads Yeah, Ingvald Storp's not
Starting point is 00:59:35 There's gotta be like a bigger Okay, we got, let's go to Odes Odes Hog Odes Hog I see it, I see it There it is Oda's hog. That's got to be there. Oda's hog? Oda's hog. I see it. I see it.
Starting point is 00:59:47 There it is. All right. We got close enough now. Over in Oda's hog. 35 degrees with snow showers right now. Uh-oh. Projected less than an inch of snow, though. So not too bad.
Starting point is 01:00:00 28 is what it feels like. Humidity at 97. Pressure 29.48 inches. inches visibility 1.5 miles an hour 5 47 a.m sunrise 6 28 p.m sunset winds at 9 mile an hour is going west dew point 34 uv index zero moon phase full moon 10 day beep beep beep uh monday p.m snow showers, 36 degrees. Tuesday, 42 and cloudy. Wednesday, 50, partly cloudy. Thursday, 50 with showers. Well, we get rain after getting snow.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Friday, 46 with AM showers. Saturday, 49 AM showers. Sunday, 51, mostly cloudy. And then it goes back to being in the 40s with some snow slash rain. I must say, the amount of bus routes on these small roads is so impressive to me. As an American, I'm like, you can take a bus out in the middle of nowhere and there's like multiple bus stops the entire way? It's crazy. It is crazy.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Oh, I see the runestone. There it is. Yeah, there's not much near it except there is Rooks Lafandle, which appears to be... Cafe? Yeah, a little cafe. Or like a gas station or something. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:01:13 It looks beautiful, but it's also just a cafe with chairs that look like they're from 1428. Yeah. It looks like an old church chapel or something that they made into like a cafe yeah i don't know it's gorgeous all the images are of the stuff that's there and not necessarily stuff to eat yes although they do have a photo of a shelf of milk question mark
Starting point is 01:01:38 oh yeah i see that looks like a convenience, and I guess people go there to ride bikes? I don't know. But okay. Meanwhile, I want to go check out, what was it? Ogles? Ogles? Yeah, you go southwest to Otis Hog. Otis Hog.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Right, right. They have a chocolate factory thing, a chocolate shop, that looks delicious. I don't even see that. Where's that at? that looks delicious. I don't even see that. Where's that at? It's NAR Confector AB,
Starting point is 01:02:12 and you can see all the things they use to make the chocolate. This place looks awesome. Yeah, this place does look awesome. Yeah, I would go there just to smell it. I bet it smells delicious in there. Oh, it definitely does. Yeah, you can look at it. They got the brass walls and everything.
Starting point is 01:02:28 They have tastings? Oh. Like chocolate tastings? I think so. I'm looking at some guy. I think that's what they're doing. I mean, it would make sense. Solid vibe. An actual chocolate factory.
Starting point is 01:02:41 Mm-hmm. So that, I mean, that's kind of cool. That's on the outskirts of town. There's also Rasta Otis Hog, which is a restaurant with three stars. Never mind. Yeah, it's not looking great. There's a McDonald's. That's, I mean, like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:57 Although I'm getting the vibe that this area reminds me of the Midwest. Yeah, yeah. It's like, you get what you get. Rasta Otis Hog looks like it's an Ikea cafe if you look inside. That makes sense. There's a Thai sushi place. Oh yeah, I see it.
Starting point is 01:03:14 Thai sushi. It's weird that there's exactly three restaurants. Oh wait, Lysings Condit... Okay, I don't know what this is.ings Conditory. What? Okay. I don't know what this is. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Lysings Conditory. It's a bakery. Oh. It looks like it's a bakery. And that looks delicious. Yeah, it looks pretty good. Yeah. But I've come to determine that every bakery we see that's outside the U.S. always looks
Starting point is 01:03:39 delicious. Every single one. It does. There's a diner. They've got a lot of diners. Maybe this is one of those towns that's like on the way to something. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:49 And so they expect people to stop by because the chocolate shop has the vibe of if you're driving from the east coast to the west coast and you end up in a small town in the middle of America. But like their fame is their chocolate shop. Yeah. And it's like a roadside attraction. I feel like that's probably the case because odysseag is it's just like a kind of in the middle of nowhere apartments or something yeah i don't know i don't know if it's a big it's just basically almost the exact middle between stockholm and copenhagen yeah there's there's a place called Dinners and it looks... Yeah, that's the diner. Dinners Otis
Starting point is 01:04:29 Hogg. Oh, yeah. Yeah, 3.6, not the greatest. I mean, it just looks like a diner and they're selling diner food. It's a lot of potatoes and meat and diner food and I'm fine with that. A diner is a diner.
Starting point is 01:04:45 If it's late and I'm like, dude, I'm hungry, I'm going to go to a diner. Yeah. I just like how it's called dinners. The dinner diner. Right, you know, this is the dinner diner. Yeah, the dinner diner. I will say, though, looking at the food they're serving, it looks much more fresh than any other American diner, that's for sure.
Starting point is 01:05:03 It does. I just assume that everything's just fresher there anyway. They have a whole area of just like fresh fruits and vegetables and vegetable based stuff and fruit. I'm like, where are the American staples? I'm like, oh, right,
Starting point is 01:05:18 right. No one would do that. There's not going to be like a counter of tater tots next to General Tso's chicken. It's not going to be there. That's the leather. like a counter of tater tots next to, you know, general South chicken. It's not going to be there. Yeah. Um, that's the weather. All right.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Now let's go to sports. Now we got sports. Uh, currently we got March madness happening and it's mad. Mad in March. Uh, let's see. We got the guy.
Starting point is 01:05:44 I just want to see view bracket. There we are. We got the... Okay, I just want to see. View bracket. There we are. Currently in the bracket, we got Houston's going to be playing Texas A&M. We got UConn's playing Northwestern today. San Diego State's playing Yale. Yale beat Auburn. Moved on pretty crazy.
Starting point is 01:06:00 Duke is destroying James Madison. NC State beat Oakland. So they're going to go take on Marquette. Illinois will take on Iowa State in the Sweet 16. We also got Creighton versus Tennessee, Purdue versus Gonzaga. North Carolina will be playing the winner of the Alabama Grand Canyon. Dude, I hope Grand Canyon wins. And Arizona playing, they beat Dayton. Dayton, Ohio, done for. for yeah, oh the Flyers rip
Starting point is 01:06:29 they won their first round I'm aware, I got so many messages because that's where I grew up, I got so many messages asking for donations and support like help Dayton Flyers, continue to be I'm like okay I'm not going to do that
Starting point is 01:06:44 your donation will help us win this basketball game Help Dayton Flyers. Continue to be. I'm like, okay. I'm not going to do that. But like, okay. Your donation will help us win this basketball game. No, I'm all right. I'm fine. Clemson Baylor playing right now. Clemson's up at the half by 10 points. Uh-oh. And then we'll see what happens after that. But that's the old March Madness.
Starting point is 01:07:01 We got baseball starting their regular season this week. By the way, real quick, for anyone who was curious, did the funny name teams that we loved in March Madness. We got baseball starting their regular season this week. By the way, real quick, for anyone who was curious, did the funny name teams that we loved in March Madness make it? No is the answer. It's all like one and two seeds, three seeds. So, you know, what can be expected? Except Gonzaga, which keeps doing it. Yep, Gonzaga keeps doing it.
Starting point is 01:07:22 Every March Madness, Gonzaga shows up and is like we're also here yep they they do somehow then they always lose but yep yep I'm I think they go against Purdue right so they're gonna lose yeah they're probably gonna lose but the Grand Canyon still holding out hope for the Grand Canyon I feel like who's the Grand Canyon's playing uh Alabama yeah no dude no they're probably gonna lose if probably gonna lose but if they win then they can lose to North Canians playing Alabama. Yeah. No, dude. No. They're probably going to lose. Probably going to lose. But if they win, then they can lose to North Carolina in the next round. Yeah, they can use the...
Starting point is 01:07:51 Yeah, UNC will definitely... Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But, you know, and then I guess Yale. But, like, it's Yale, so, like, whatever. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:01 Then we got football, NFL football. Nothing's happening. Just waiting for the draft now. Over in hockey, I believe we're getting to the end of the hockey season now. Let's see. The top teams are currently the Vancouver Canucks, the Colorado Avalanche, the New York Rangers, and the Boston Bruins all up at the top. And then baseball again starting this week.
Starting point is 01:08:25 Regular season baseball is upon us. And the Boston Celtics atop the East and the Thunder and the Nuggets tied atop the West for basketball. And that's sports. What is our fact of the day? Fact of the day. Fact of the day. Back to the day. Back to the day.
Starting point is 01:08:48 All right, we got a fun, fun fact today. Snails have teeth. You know, of all the things I thought you were going to say to me today, that is not one of them. That's right. Between 1,000 and 12,000 teeth. And they aren't like ours. Oh. Okay,000 teeth. And they aren't like ours. Though, so you don't be thinking about snails with crazy toothy grins.
Starting point is 01:09:10 You'll find snails' tiny teeth all over its file-like tongue. What the shit? It's kinda like cats. Is it like, uh, the stuff that whales have when they eat krill? Or is it actual teeth? Like, when you say teeth, is it teeth teeth? Like, or, what is it? Maybe it's like the say teeth, is it teeth teeth? Like, or what is it? Maybe it's like the same thing that teeth are made out of?
Starting point is 01:09:30 Mmm, okay, sure. If I had to guess, I know camels, they got like some crazy shit for teeth because they eat cactuses. So I know they're like, the insides of their mouth are made up of things that teeth are made of, so it's like they can just crush cactuses and shit. It's crazy. I'm looking now. Oh, God, I wouldn't look at this if you got that whatever phobia. I will not. Nope, I'm not going to look at it. That weird, like, everything with teeth phobia?
Starting point is 01:09:57 No. Yeah, like the little dots or circles where it looks weird. Ah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. But there you go. They got teeth and they, then they like eating stuff. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:10:10 But what, what do they eat? I don't know. Yeah, what do snails eat? What are snails eating? Snails and slugs. I thought it was like
Starting point is 01:10:18 dew drops and rainbows. Like, what do snails eat? Snails and slugs have evolved to eat just about everything. They are herbivorous, carnivorousils eat? Snails and slugs have evolved to eat just about everything. They are herbivorous, carnivorous, omnivorous, and detrivorous. The hell is that? Oh, decayed stuff.
Starting point is 01:10:32 Oh, I see. Eating decaying waste from plants and other animals. There are specialist and generalist species that eat worms, vegetation, rotting vegetation, animal waste, fungus, and other snails. Damn, they really do eat everything. Interesting. Wow. Okay. I mean, I guess there have to be animals that will just eat anything.
Starting point is 01:10:51 You know what I mean? Yeah, they clean it all up. They're the garbage men. Hell yeah. Alright, snails, live your lives. You slimy little bastards. There you go. Snails. Okay, what is our fact of the news story? Oh, boy.
Starting point is 01:11:09 I'm a mess today. What's our big news story of the day? Yep. The factual news story of the day. That's what I'm here for. Factual news. A Nebraska woman accused of using pump glitch to get $27,000 worth of gas. I don't know what that means.
Starting point is 01:11:29 I hope not all at once. Otherwise, that makes no sense. That'd be a lot of gas. Glitch. I feel like sharing this probably, you know, they probably fixed it. Never mind. Share away. Don Thompson, 45, allegedly pumped an estimated 7,413 gallons of gas at a pump and pantry station
Starting point is 01:11:48 over six months that seems like a lot of gas for six months she just telling her friends like give me your car i'll go get you some gas she might have been i don't know that's because yeah that's insane that's uh six months she filled up 500-plus times at the Pumpin' Pantry. Yeah, like, what? In six months? That's how much driving is she doing? That's crazy. A woman in Lincoln, Nebraska, facing a felony theft charge
Starting point is 01:12:16 after she allegedly took advantage of a gas pump glitch to get more than $27,000 worth of free fuel. Don Thompson, 45, was arrested on march 6th and charged with one count of theft by unlawful taking of five thousand dollars or more investigators alleged that thompson pumped an estimated seven thousand four and thirteen gallons of gas over six months for twenty seven thousand dollars eight hundred or seven twenty seven thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars thompson was allegedly able to access the free fuel because of a glitch that arose after the gas station changed the order in which customers swipe their payment and rewards cards. The glitch allowed people to use their reward card instead of a debit or credit card.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Thompson allegedly figured out that when a rewards card was swiped twice, the pump switched into a demo mode that let a customer get free gas. What? Dude. That's like when the speed runners figure out all the crazy skips. Yeah, that's like if you hold this dish and you're walking to the wall, you're at the end of the game. It's the same level. I want to know
Starting point is 01:13:19 was she sitting there and what made her swipe it again? An accident? Or was she being goofy and was like made her swipe it again? An accident? Or was she being goofy and was like, what if I just put this in instead of my credit card? Like what was the impetus? This is like when you think about like, who's the first guy who decided to eat a clam? How did that happen? What was this?
Starting point is 01:13:40 It's the exact same thing. What was going through her head when she figured this out? Because this is actually genius. Police said Thompson first received the rewards card she used from a man who needed to pay off a card debt. According to police, the man could not be contacted because he is now deceased. Wait, what? Hold on.
Starting point is 01:13:59 She received the rewards card she used from a man who needed to pay off a card debt? But isn't it a rewards card she used from a man who needed to pay off a card that. But isn't it a rewards card? So why would he be like, here's a rewards card? Like, because he's given her his rewards. Yeah, maybe the card she was using wasn't her own because it was this other person's card. Because people share rewards cards all the time. I guess that would make sense.
Starting point is 01:14:32 And then she just kept it because dude died yeah and it probably had a bunch of rewards on it and she's like sick yeah uh thompson didn't just get free gas for herself ah there it is police said another woman told them that she paid th paid Thompson between five to seven hundred dollars for discounted fuel. So she was just selling people discounted gas. This almost sounds like that episode of Always Sunny in Philadelphia, where they make the plan to sell gas outside the gas station for cheaper than the gas at the gas station. This is great. Yeah, she was just going around town being like, yeah, I'll get you gas for cheaper. But then she was just getting it for free. So she was making a shit ton of money. That's incredible to me.
Starting point is 01:15:15 I mean, like, if she was doing it herself, she could have got away with this. Yeah. Because you wouldn't go enough for them to notice. Yeah, exactly. The fact that she started showing up all the time, she set herself up for failure. This could have been a scam that lasted her entire life, or at least until they changed the system. But people always get cocky. Yep.
Starting point is 01:15:36 You get too caught up in it, and they're just like, nobody will take me down. Spider-Man. The heart, Osborn. The gas. spider-man uh the gas the woman also told police that thompson sold the rewards card in june 2023 right around the time the glitch was fixed so she just jacked up an insane amount of rewards on that card got free gas and then just sold the card like Like, who wants a bunch of rewards? Thompson was released from jail after paying $7,500 bond. She's due in court April 12th.
Starting point is 01:16:10 That's why. Man, she could have got away with this. I'm so upset with her. She could have got away with this. She really could. Because if there's one thing I approve of, it's not helping out big corporate gas. I'm, like, fine with you screwing them over.
Starting point is 01:16:24 Like, it does not affect me at all. But like, she ruined it. She ruined it. She got cocky. She brought her friends in. So many loose ends. And as we learned watching our Nick Cage movie this past weekend, no loose ends. You gotta take those people out.
Starting point is 01:16:41 Snake eyes. It looks like you got snake eyes. That like you got snake eyes that was that was a that was a fun movie yeah that's a solid that's like a solid six is a i think it was like a 6.1 on imd so i was like yeah that checks out that was a solid 6.1 yeah it was it was a goofy movie but a lot of it was fun yeah you also figured it out very fast. Immediately. In like the first 20, less than 20 minutes.
Starting point is 01:17:09 I was like, here's the murder mystery. This is what this is. Yeah. I think that's what you do anyway now at this point. I love a good murder mystery. So, yeah. I love figuring it out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:20 Well, that's the news story of the day. All right. Well, that is it for us. Thanks so much for listening or watching or ever join this podcast. Crandor, hit up the socials. We got socials. You can find all these podcasts over at slash Cox and Crandor podcast. All one word.
Starting point is 01:17:36 We got all of them, playlists for each year. They got a whole bunch of stuff. You can see them all. Also, you go to slash Cox Crandor if you want to see the animations of our funny moments. We also have YouTube or Spotify, iTunes, SoundCloud. We're all over with
Starting point is 01:17:53 this podcast. Wow. You can also leave your weather requests on the YouTube Cox and Crandor podcast. You might get us judging your restaurants. Also, find us on our main things. We got slash Jesse Cox.
Starting point is 01:18:11 You're putting Geekender things up there. We got slash Crendor. I just made pointless top 10 giants in World of Warcraft. There's some great giants. They're really good. So giant. They're big. They're so giant.
Starting point is 01:18:25 There's also Twitch, Jesse Cox. Twitch, Crendor. Facebook, Jesse Cox. Facebook, Crendor. Twitter, Jesse Cox. Twitter, Crendor. Instagram, Notorious Cox. Instagram, Crendor was taken.
Starting point is 01:18:32 TikTok, Jesse Cox. TikTok, TikTok, Crendor. Patreon, Jesse Cox. Patreon, Crendor. Shouldn't you just have a list at this point? We've been doing this so long. Shouldn't you just have a written list? point we've been doing this so long shouldn't you just have a written list no nobody will pay attention to that and then uh warhammer friend or on youtube if you want my warhammer opinions that's it great well i just want to say before we go this was episode 420 and we as adults didn't make a joke
Starting point is 01:19:01 not because we forgot which we never would. Yep. But because we're adults. Yeah. Definitely not just because we forgot. Right. Because we're. All right. That's it for us. See you all next time.
Starting point is 01:19:11 And as always. Do be continued.

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