Creating Confidence with Heather Monahan - #469: Turn Your HUSTLE Into SUCCESS With Heather!

Episode Date: October 9, 2024

In This Episode You Will Learn About:  How you are always ONE ASK away from the right opportunity Why success isn’t about luck - it’s PERSISTENCE How a shift in your perspective can shift your... life Ways GRATITUDE opens the door to unexpected opportunities Resources: Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at Download the CFO’s Guide to AI and Machine Learning at Want to do more and spend less like Uber, 8x8, and Databricks Mosaic? Take a free test drive of OCI at Get 10% off your first Mitopure order at Get 15% off your first order when you use code CONFIDENCE15 at checkout at Call my digital clone at 201-897-2553!  Visit Reach out to me on Instagram & LinkedIn Sign up for my mailing list:  Overcome Your Villains is Available NOW! Order here:  If you haven't yet, get my first book Confidence Creator Show Notes:  Are you ready to unlock your full potential? Here’s the truth: HARD WORK and DETERMINATION are everything. Whether it's pitching a book 15 times or investing in yourself, PERSISTENCE is your secret weapon. Positive prayer, GRATITUDE, and affirming your desires as if they’re already real will shift everything. Stop settling. WORK HARD, invest in yourself, and HOLD THAT VISION. Everything is rigged in your favor, so show up as the BEST version of yourself and watch the universe ALIGN. And remember, don’t be vanilla—you were made to STAND OUT!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When I started podcasting, an online store was the furthest thing from my mind. Now I'm selling my group coaching on the regular and it is just so easy. All because I use Shopify. Come on this journey with me each week. When you join me, you're going to chase down our goals, overcome adversity and set you up for a better tomorrow. I'm ready for my close-up. Hi and welcome back.
Starting point is 00:00:28 I'm so glad you're back here with me this week. Okay, I got some incredible responses from recent episodes. You guys loved the episode with Ashley Stahl, which I thought was so cool. The Jason Tardick episode, people loved that one. It was so good. He got into how to deal with haters. I thought that was super important. Ashley was sharing with everybody
Starting point is 00:00:48 how to open up any kind of a talk to grab people's attention. And it was so flipping good. I'm actually bringing her on my speaker mastermind to teach my team. She's so incredibly talented. Okay, then I got this amazing note sharing a message from my church and pastor.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Last week really helped somebody who is on a journey reconnecting to God and finding their way and just made me so happy. Like we're all here for a short period of time and to have the opportunity to affect people in a positive way means the world to me. I get so excited. I am so grateful. So thank you for all of your messages.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Thank you for sharing this show with others that you think it can help. Thank you for posting about it. Nobody succeeds alone, including your girl right here. Okay. So I gave a talk this weekend in Palm Beach and it was for a bunch of entrepreneurs. And what's interesting is I wasn't sure exactly what I was going to speak about. I'd like to look at the room ahead of time, you know, get to a handle on the people I'm going to be presenting to. And I don't recommend this for everybody. I've been speaking for, you know, 25 years. So I've got a lot of talks on lock
Starting point is 00:01:55 because I just put the reps in, right? I do. I'm speaking all the time. So I'm able to pivot in the moment because I put the practice in. When I got there, I started, you know, seeing faces and I don't know, I just felt called to share some different stories, which I did. I always story sell facts tell, right? So I always think it's important to lead with a story, but I really got into this idea that I want to share with you today cause I got a lot of feedback about it and people were surprised, which shocked me. I got into this idea, two things, that hard work works.
Starting point is 00:02:31 I grew up poor, and one thing I learned from growing up poor was just out work everybody else. People are mediocre, right? The general masses is general for a reason. My son always says, be grateful for that, right? Otherwise we couldn't be excelling or exceeding at something if other people weren't trying hard, right? So try hard. I am a try hard.
Starting point is 00:02:49 I work really, really hard. I always have. And growing up poor taught me that, like, you didn't have to be the smartest person in the room. You didn't have to go to Harvard. You just had to outwork everybody. Now, I'm not suggesting that be your only strategy, because for a long time that was my strategy, and I didn't have any other strategies and for sure you can get burnt out with that. But today I want to share with you the strategies that are
Starting point is 00:03:10 working for me and I promise if you test them I want for you I want success for you on happiness for you I want you to have everything in life that you deserve and desire. Try it. I always say this to my kid if there's no downside to it like if I'm not asking you to light yourself on fire, like there's no risk, right? If I'm asking you to work hard and put in extra effort for the next month, do it. See how different your life will become.
Starting point is 00:03:33 See how much better you will do and how things will start working out for you. Okay, so one strategy is just to outwork everybody. Fact, it works. Hard work works. What's funny is so many people came up to me after the talk And they were saying they had no idea I worked so hard that they had been following me for years on LinkedIn Loved my content but didn't realize I worked hard
Starting point is 00:03:54 What do people think like I just run around with like a lucky Buddha and fall into situations? No, I outwork everybody. I still do and And I don't want that to be my best strategy. I don't think it is anymore. However, it's still part of my game plan, right? It just you got to work hard, you got to show up, you got to put the effort in. The most successful people in the world are still showing up every day putting the work in. Hard work works and try hard because why wouldn't you? Why would you want to be general or average? Gosh, no chance. I want to be the best and reach the potential that I have within me. And every day that's changing and growing and there's new opportunity
Starting point is 00:04:30 providing itself and we've got to grow and go for more. All right. So one, start working hard. Give me a month of hard work, right? Start trying really hard. Put the extra effort in. It's so worth it. When you start treating yourself like you're worth it, other people start treating you like you're worth it, too people start treating you like you're worth it too. Right? So like put that extra effort into you. When you think about businesses growing their sales beyond forecasts, like feastables by
Starting point is 00:05:00 Mr. Beast or even a legacy business like Mattel. Sure you think about a product with demand a focused brand and influence driven marketing But an often overlooked secret is actually the businesses behind the business making selling and for shoppers buying Simple for millions of businesses that business is Shopify Nobody does selling better than Shopify, home of the number one checkout on the planet and the not so secret sauce with ShopPay that boost conversions up to 50%,
Starting point is 00:05:33 meaning way less carts go abandoned and way more sales going. So if you're into growing your business, your commerce platform better be ready to sell wherever your customers are scrolling or strolling on the web, in your store, in their feed and everywhere in between. Businesses that sell more sell on Shopify. The secret's out.
Starting point is 00:05:58 It's no secret. Businesses that want to grow, grow with Shopify. Upgrade your business and get the same checkout that I use. Go right now and check it out on my page. Shopify is the answer. Sign up for your $1 per month trial period of slash Monahan, all lowercase. Go to slash Monahan
Starting point is 00:06:24 to upgrade your selling today. slash Monahan. I asked you to try to find your passion. I was sharing how, you know, I tried really hard to get ready and look nice and, you know, put the reps in and everything before I take a stage and I was reminding people I don't wake up like this right like I right now I'm in my sweatpants because I'm not on video right I'm just in my sweatpants with no makeup on and yeah there's
Starting point is 00:06:54 days like this on a Sunday afternoon but if I'm showing up to do a job I'm going to go all in and try really really hard because I care and I want to be that best version of myself. And for me, when I look good, I feel more confident, right? Like I get my swag on. Like I feel like I got this, right? So you got to do the things that set you up for success to make you the most confident that you can be in any situation. Try hard, put the work in. It works. Major hack, major underrated hack. Okay, that was one. The other thing that I got into for this talk with the entrepreneurs, well, I got into a few different things, but one of them was to hold that vision, right? That good things take time, great things take longer.
Starting point is 00:07:32 I've been talking about this a lot lately because a bunch of amazing things have been happening in my life. Find the right who, find the person that's done the thing you want to do and find a way to get to them. Invest in yourself, hire them, right? Like hire them as a mentor, hire them as a coach because that's how you can really start figuring out the hacks, tips and tricks to get things done.
Starting point is 00:07:51 I was sharing the story around how I landed my book deal with HarperCollins leadership. And again, like I think people forget this stuff but it wasn't a layup. My first book I self-published, right? And I hired an editor. I invested in myself, somebody who had written 19 books to help me write my first book, right?
Starting point is 00:08:11 I hired the company called Scribe Media to help me create the cover and the layout and get the Amazon ISBN. I didn't know how to do those things. I invested in myself. I hired someone who had been where I wanted to go, right? And I highly encourage you to do the same, whatever that is for you.
Starting point is 00:08:25 But when it came time for me to try to get a book publishing deal, I remember Googling the number one female nonfiction author. And at the time it was Rachel Hollis and I found who her agent was. I put myself in the agent's shoes, right? This is what selling is. And I thought, what could be appealing or desirable to her about me? And I realized Rachel Hollis writes pretty exclusively about her Christian faith. That's what she really leans into. Her past is, you know, all around the church. And for me, my past is all around business. I write so much about business and my experiences in business,
Starting point is 00:08:59 what I've learned. So I thought, listen, I'm going to reach out to this woman. She already has a roadmap for success based on what Rachel's done. I'm not competitive with Rachel because I'm talking about business. She's talking about the church and her Christian faith. She can very easily use that same roadmap for success for me. It's not competitive. It's not going to take away at her existing client. It's going to be additive and it's not going to be any more work for her. So that was the way that I set myself up to approach her.
Starting point is 00:09:25 And of course she was interested, no additional work, new revenue stream, and solving a problem, right? People are always looking to grow revenue. So put yourself in their shoes, find a way to solve a problem that they have, make it very little work for them. Cause reality is nobody wants to work hard, even though I'm always advocating for it. That's the irony there. So she said, yeah, yeah, I'm super interested. Send me your book proposal. And I didn't know what a book proposal was, right? Like I'd only ever self-published. So I said, I don't even know what that is. And she said,
Starting point is 00:09:51 well, our conversation's over then Heather, I can't talk to you without a book proposal. I said, well, let me ask one more question. If you had a daughter or a special friend that you love so much that wanted to write a book proposal and didn't know how, who would you send them to? And she said, well, Peter economy. And that's all I needed. I said, you're going to hear from you soon. So I tweeted at Peter economy and I said, Peter, you're not going to believe it. Jill wants us to work together, blah, blah, blah. He tweeted back at me and I hired Peter economy and it was a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:10:21 I invested in myself, right? I hired someone who had been where I wanted to go. You're going to see through my journey. That's so much of what I do is just finding that right who and hiring them. And I promise you, that's how you can move a lot faster too. So I hired him. We worked on the book proposal. We wrote and rewrote that book proposal 15 times, one five, 15. It was almost a year in the making just to do the book proposal, not the book. On the 15th time I said, Peter, I think I'm done with Jill. Like I just don't think that she likes me. I don't think she gets me. Like 15 times we've rewritten this thing. It's freaking awesome. Like what's wrong with her? He said, all right, send it this 15th time. And if she doesn't say yes, let's go find you another agent. Maybe she isn't the right fit for you. Well, on the 15th
Starting point is 00:11:03 time, she said yes. I shared that story with you because again, and I shared it at the event this weekend, here's why people think like I just fall into book deals. No, this was like a year out of my life and like failing and failing and redoing and investing in me and hiring and like not knowing if it was ever going to work out. Right? So often success looks easy on the outside, but when you see what's really happening on the inside, it's a series of fall, get down, get back up looks easy on the outside, but when you see what's really happening on the inside, it's a series of fall, get down, get back up, fall, get down, get back up. Like keep grinding, keep trying, keep changing,
Starting point is 00:11:30 keep improving and keep swinging, even not knowing if you're ever gonna connect and hit it out of the park and just praying that you do. Right, having enough faith that, okay, good things take time, great things take longer, I'm gonna stay on this path. So I ended up signing with her. Then I signed with her and
Starting point is 00:11:48 wouldn't you know that we were in the middle of a pandemic and it was the worst time in the world to be pitching a book deal. And the first six companies we pitched said no, the next seven said yes. But again, I'm setting you up to understand, like I get noed all the time, all of the time But I just don't go away right like I reinvent myself. I Regroup I take a different approach. I reach out to somebody different. It's a numbers game like listen You're always one ask one person one idea away from the right deal right place right situation right date, right?
Starting point is 00:12:22 Like it only takes one It doesn't take nine million. It takes one yes that you need to get. It takes that one right person that you need to meet. And when you approach things with that attitude, I promise things just start working out in your best interest. They certainly do. Okay, so a couple other things that I didn't share
Starting point is 00:12:39 at the event, but I want to share with you that I was thinking about, you know, over the last couple of years have made a big difference in my business and in my success. And I want you to try it. Please try it. It's wild. One of the big things that opened up like a vortex of positive energy for me was clearing out and decluttering my last house when I was selling my home.
Starting point is 00:13:01 My realtor said like, we got to get some stuff out of here. You've lived here a long time. I literally gave away and threw out so much stuff. It was incredible. Not only did I feel lighter and happier and loved my home so much more after I did that, right? I did it because I was moving, but I loved my home when I did it. I was like, why didn't I do this sooner? Amazing miracle started showing up in my life. Now what's so wild is this past week, I interviewed Marie Diamond from The Secret. You're gonna hear, she's coming up
Starting point is 00:13:28 in the next couple of weeks, I'm going to release the episode. I'm so hyped for you to hear it. It's so fricking good. And I'm implementing like everything that this woman taught me. It's incredible into my life because that whole declutter thing
Starting point is 00:13:41 is part of Feng Shui, right? Which she did not make this up. It's an ancient Chinese practice that's been around for thousands of years. And again, there's no downside to it. Like decluttering, what's the downside? You're not going to get hurt. The worst that happens is you have a cleaner house with more space. But what she says and teaches around Feng Shui is that it creates space
Starting point is 00:14:03 for miracles to start showing up in your life. And it truly worked out that way for me. I literally emptied out my house, decluttered my home. Within two weeks, I got a phone call from the Dr. Phil show to come on. Like so many wild things started happening out of left field. Not things I was working on, not things I was planning on, things that just started showing up for me. So declutter. I'm tasking with that today. I'm going to do it to my bedroom now that I've lived in the condo I'm in now for a couple of years, I need to declutter again.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Like it's never over, right? Why not always be creating space for miracles to show up in your life? Okay, then back to her feng shui. I really went down the rabbit hole. Like her whole idea, and again, I'm gonna get into the detail on the show on that episode so you'll hear it,
Starting point is 00:14:43 but I'm prepping you for it now so you can start getting in the mindset. Cause I want to set you up for success so bad. Her whole concept is like, we all know what a vision board is, right? Like putting the spouse that you want on there, the book deal that you want, the millions of dollars that you want, the home that you want, the child that you want, whatever it is, right? Like all the things you want, you desire your vision for your future.
Starting point is 00:15:03 You map it out, you put pictures against it, you visualize it, but her idea is go even further, make it part of your home. So for example, she says like, don't put pictures of yourself alone in your home. That's sending the message subliminally that you're alone. If you wanna be in a relationship, put pictures with you and people you love in it
Starting point is 00:15:22 so that you are always seeing, I'm always surrounded by love, I'm always surrounded by people who love me. Right, like share the message and the vision board, not on just the vision board, but everywhere in your home. So declutter the table, declutter the desk, declutter the bedroom, and have pictures of two hearts together. Have pictures of you and your best friends hugging together.
Starting point is 00:15:42 You know, have pictures of you on amazing trips that are super expensive that you know, like you need to be making millions of dollars to go on again, right? That's all sending this message that you're succeeding, that things are going well. Start living out your vision board in your home. And that can be done through the colors that you choose,
Starting point is 00:16:00 that can be done through plants. Oh, here is another great one that she shared with me. Get rid of done through plants. Oh, here is another great one that she shared with me. Get rid of all fake plants. Fake plants stagnate energy and stop flow. So I chucked, I had these beautiful fake plants, got rid of them, put real ones in, like bring things to life, bring energy into your home and create movement and energy.
Starting point is 00:16:21 I have a fountain now in my house. It's very small, it's cute. So cute. But like it shows that water's always moving. Like money's always moving into my life. Like energy's always moving, positive things that miracles are always coming into my life. It's all about setting your home up to literally like be a vortex for good for you. So I'm so hyped for you to hear this episode. I can't wait. And ironically the same day I interviewed Marie,
Starting point is 00:16:46 which is so crazy, I interviewed Michael Beckwith. He was in the movie, The Secret with her. And I say ironically, no, it's serendipitous. It's a miracle, right? Like these are people who I've watched that movie a million times and I think it's incredible. And now here they are coming on the show, right? Same day too, which is so wild.
Starting point is 00:17:04 I don't know to me That's like gets my attention. There's miracles happening all over anyhow when I was on with Michael such an incredible spiritual individual Amazing energy like so vibing high like he's all about getting your vibration to the next level to attract the right things into your life And the right people is so much good But he also shares right like's first connection to God source. You know, I say God for sure. Some people say universe. I say God.
Starting point is 00:17:30 He says God as well. So it's your connection to God and prayer to God, right? Super super being aligned with God and what your soul purpose is, getting clear on that. And that can be done through prayer. That can be done through journaling. That can be done through religion. Like there's so many different ways, right? For me, a lot is going back to the Bible and reading the messages from the Bible. Gosh, they're so powerful. Like, you know, the power of the tongue
Starting point is 00:17:52 is stronger than that of the sword, right? Like there's all the power resides within you through Jesus Christ, right? Like there's so much truth and power in the Bible. It's incredible. And just so wild to me. It's thousands of years old. Like all of the information we ever needed was already there. It was the last original piece of artwork that we've ever seen created. Okay, so he's talking about first, God first, and your relationship with God first. Next, he's talking about positive affirmations, positive prayer, meaning I don't know that I'm saying it correctly, but I'll teach you the right way. Instead of when you pray saying oh god Please I would like to have a new car in my life
Starting point is 00:18:29 You thank God for the new car that you already have in your life, even though you don't have it yet, right? It's all about like you're so expectant and this is back to the Bible You're so expectant for what it is you're asking for that. It's already here. You're already showing gratitude for it so gratitude love like joy, being on that super high vibe and speaking it into existence, because the power of the tongue is so incredibly powerful. Like, thank you so much
Starting point is 00:18:53 for these incredible miracles in my life, God. I'm so incredibly grateful and thankful I received them today and every day with so much gratitude, right? Like this positive, affirmed prayer, instead of like begging for something, you're thinking that you already received it, even though you probably actually haven't yet.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Okay, so that was super important that and he was reminding me of that living your life's purpose and like the more that we can come into alignment with what we're really meant to be doing. So meaning don't live your life for your parents. Don't live your life because your spouse told you, you should do this job. Live your life because of what your higher calling is and what you call to do. The more you step into that, the more miracles are going to show up for you. Make space for them, right?
Starting point is 00:19:32 Start vibing high and expecting them and watch how your life unfolds. I swear to you, in the past two months, I can't even like, I have my new partner in LA and, you know, this amazing company that we're growing together. I have my new partner in LA and you know, this amazing company that we're growing together. I have my new partnership with Dean. I have, you know, so many incredible brand deals that have come to me in the past month alone. I just,
Starting point is 00:19:57 as a result of this event that I spoke at this weekend, have a new incredible brand partnership that just came out of nowhere. I mean, it's wild because I've been thanking for these things and asking for them and thanking it and feeling as though they've already come to be and now they're materializing. And it is incredible and so exciting to watch. And I want you to have that too. I want you to have whatever it is that you want.
Starting point is 00:20:19 I want you to know you have the power within you to activate it. I bet some people are going to think I'm crazy. My son, I will tell you, thinks I'm crazy for sure, but that's okay, I can handle it. And I don't wanna be vanilla, right? Like I don't wanna be like everybody else. Like I wanna be uniquely me. And to be a disruptor in the world,
Starting point is 00:20:34 you're gonna have to do disruptive things and say things differently than what other people say, even if it's not conventional and that's okay. Not everyone has to like me, right? Jason Tartick got into this whole thing about haters and how, you know what? When they engage on the feed, it helps the feed, it helps the post, it helps me reach more people.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Thank you, haters. Like start looking at it as, I don't wanna be like everybody else. I'm different, I'm unique, I'm me. In a category one of one. And so are you, my friend. I meet a different guest each week. I'm playing on a detainer. Confidence cleared. my friend.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Fall is finally here, which means we are going to be breaking out our best wardrobe time of the year. That's why I'm so thrilled to hear from one of our favorite sponsors, Jenny Kane as the experts in classics, elevated wardrobe essentials, especially iconic, super luxurious sweaters. Jenny Kane is a California brand through and classics, elevated wardrobe essentials, especially iconic, super luxurious sweaters. Jenny Kane is a California brand through and through, and their staples make getting dressed effortless, comfortable, and gorgeous. Think minimalist and refined with pieces like cozy cashmere sweaters, noteworthy accessories to elevated versions of your everyday basics. Jenny Kane has everything you need to take the guesswork out of getting dressed.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Not to mention the most incredible home essentials too. Jenny Kane is here to help you live your best season yet. And for a limited time, our listeners get 15% off their first order. Go to and use the code CONFIDENCE15 to get 15% off. The sweaters are the quintessential must-have item. I absolutely live in them in the fall.
Starting point is 00:22:06 You need the cocoon. It's a perfect cardigan. Oversized, soft, and goes with everything. Nobody does fall like Jenny Kane. They're known for their luxe, cozy sweaters. You will live in them. And I'm already eyeing brand new ones that I need in new hues for my fall and winter lineup.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Another sweater I'm eyeing for fall is the cashmere half-sip. It's so cozy and perfect layer to dress up or dress down. Find your new uniform for fall at Our listeners get 15% off your first order. When you use code CONFIDENCE15 at checkout, that's 15% off your first order. Promo code CONFIDENCE15. Let getting dressed be one less thing to worry about.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Embrace your fall aesthetic with Jenni Cain. I ask you to try to find your passion. Okay, so I want all this greatness for you. I want you to have all the magic that you have the potential to access. And I want you to treat yourself as if you deserve it all because you do. And the more we act as if we are deserving, the more we can receive and be grateful for what it is we're asking for. So start showing up as that best version of you.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Start owning and rocking who you really are. Get excited about what's happening this week because it's coming and it is going to be incredible. I am so hyped. I am so grateful. And another key that I'll add to this, your I am statement, super powerful. I am healthy. I am blessed.
Starting point is 00:23:38 I am highly favored. I am loved. Own your I am statements and say them often and with conviction. Also, you know, just be expecting all greatness to happen, all good things to come. Like everything is rigged in your favor. Of course it is.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Why wouldn't it be? You're highly favored and so why? And I'm so excited for that. So be expectant, get excited, do things that make you feel uplifted and happy, take care of yourself, like get enough sleep. All these little things make big differences in how you feel and then how you vibe and then how you show up, right?
Starting point is 00:24:11 How you show up matters. It really, really does. We all have the chance to impact people in a really positive way each day. Why not be that difference maker for somebody? You need to be it so others can see it. I'm constantly reminded about that. Okay. So pray, be expectant,
Starting point is 00:24:26 realize everything's rigged in your favor. Know that anytime anyone did something, it was just an idea, right? And they had to take the steps to actually materialize it and allow it to become something bigger. You can too. Like we're all creating, we're all constantly creating, whether it's a building or a car or a flower or a card,
Starting point is 00:24:51 everything is a creation and process. And you're the master of your life and you're the one creating it. And it's just, gosh, it's so, what an awakening like to start seeing this and realizing this everywhere. I feel very, very grateful. I'm so grateful for all the support that I get. I'm so grateful to you for this and realizing this everywhere. I feel very, very grateful. I'm so grateful for all the support that I get. I'm so grateful to you for being here on the show. This show doesn't exist without you. I'm so, so hyped about that too. I just interviewed Seth
Starting point is 00:25:15 Godin this week. We have so many incredible guests coming up and so many incredible episodes that are going to help you so much go to the next level. I can't wait to listen to that again. I learned so much from the guests. I learned so much from you. Please give me more feedback. Let me know, leave a review for your girl, share the show with somebody you think it could help. And I promise you, I'm on this journey with you.
Starting point is 00:25:36 I don't have it all figured out, that is for darn sure. But we get closer every single day because we test and try and keep stretching ourselves to go for more. All right. So do good. The world needs you. Turn your light up, my friends.
Starting point is 00:25:49 The world's dark. We need some more light. We need some more of you. That category one of one. Turn it up, dial it up and bring it forward. And just remember, don't be vanilla. Vanilla is way too plain. You my friend are not vanilla.
Starting point is 00:26:03 All right. Until next week, keep creating your confidence. You know I will be. Hey team, if you're enjoying this podcast where we delve into high achieving people with transformative lives, then I have an exciting recommendation just for you. Introducing the Tyese Gibson podcast, a show that dives into creating long lasting change by starting at the subconscious level. Did you know 95% of our conscious decisions are actually determined by our subconscious?
Starting point is 00:26:52 Tyese, an expert in attachment theory, is the creator behind this podcast. She uses her expertise to help you transform your relationships, health, career, and every other area of your life by leveraging the power of your subconscious mind. So if you're ready to break those limiting patterns and create the life you truly desire, tune into the tie East Gibson podcast. You can find it on all major podcast platforms. Trust me, you won't want to miss it.

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