Creating Confidence with Heather Monahan - The ULTIMATE Way To Succeed Under Pressure With Heather! Episode 164
Episode Date: November 10, 2021In This Episode You Will Learn About: Managing unforeseen issues WITHOUT losing your cool  Helpful tools for communicating your needs clearly How you can take on a major life change & find ...success   Resources: Review this podcast on Apple Podcast using this LINK and when you DM me the screen shot, I buy you my $299 video course as a thank you! To pre-order Overcome Your Villains NOW and get the bonus bundle click here: Launching on November 16th!  If you haven't yet, get my first book Confidence Creator Show Notes: Everything may not always appear as it seems! Looks can be deceiving, and EVERYONE goes through challenges behind the scenes. Make sure to give yourself a break and go easy on others too! Support can take on many forms, so find ways that work best for you when it comes to supporting others. See for privacy and opt-out information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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I'm on this journey with me.
Each week when you join me, we are going to chase down our goals.
Overcome adversity and set you up for a better tomorrow.
After you've seen you, I'm ready for my question.
Hi and welcome back. I'm so excited. You're back with me this week.
I heard someone talking about a duck in an interesting way and I wanted to share it with you
because it really hit home for me. Someone was explaining how ducks look like they're just gliding along effortlessly, you know,
just everything is well in their world.
But really, if you look beneath the water, their little webbed feet are going a million
miles an hour working so, so hard, but it doesn't appear that way because we're all out
in the world, not under the water
You know taking a look at the whole picture the reason why this resonated so well with me right now given this time in my life
Is that you know some of you already know this most of you probably don't know
But I have a new book coming out overcome your villains with Harper cons leadership and for the past eight months
It's been launched
date is November 9th, 2021. And so I just want to give you a little of insight because I'm
challenging myself to be the duck that shares that my legs are going a million miles an hour
and I'm working so flipping hard and I'm running into so many challenges. And I don't want
anyone to think that I'm just, you know, moving through life easily
and fantastic.
That is not the case at all.
In fact, there's been so many challenges recently
and this is so much harder than I thought it was going to be
and I need your help.
So I definitely have a big ask for you today.
Okay, so here's what happens.
For whatever it is, eight months,
they've been planning book launch for November 9th.
Behind the scenes, just so you understand,
and this could apply to any launch, right?
You're launching a new product or service
or anything that you're trying to promote.
Of course, a webinar, you have to have a target deadline
in mind, right?
There's a call to action for it to alert your community
to get people
to sign up, whatever it is.
Okay, so we've been promoting for eight months, as I mentioned, November 9th is our launch
Well, what happens is you as the author, you go out and schedule tons of podcasts as many
as you can and you beg every podcaster that has you on their show to launch their episode
on November 9th, right?
Makes all the sense in the world.
So that way, there's this tremendous frequency and messaging about your product that's all
happening on the day of launch, which is the day the majority people jump in and buy, right?
A lot of people aren't going to buy it in advance, even if you give all these incentives,
like I've done at, there's my $500 bonus bundle that you get for free,
and it's only gonna be there for one more week,
and then it disappears.
So I'm trying to give people a reason to order now
and take advantage of the bonus bundle
that will disappear, call to action,
sense of urgency, and giving more value
than you're asking for.
So I had done all these podcasts,
I had planned with all these podcasters,
everyone's gonna drop all the promotion
and episodes November 9th.
I have a good friend of mine who agreed
to do a book launch party for me.
I'm so flippin' grateful for that, right?
So you're planning all these things.
I have all these speaking engagements happening
right around the book launch,
and I talked every single one
of them into ordering my new book, Overcome Your Billions for their event so I could stay and
sign the books for all their attendees. So it ends up, you know, being a win-win, I get more
book sold and they get to give value to the people at their event plus have the author there to
personalize the book for them. So it's been, you know, a tremendous amount of work.
The other thing that you work on is you work on reaching out to people who have email lists,
So, this idea of one-to-one is great, right?
That's like me going into my DMs and messaging people, which I do all day long around
the book lunch, saying, hey, I'd love it if you could order the book now, and here's
what you'll get for free. Blah, blah, blah.
But it's always going to be more effective and powerful to scale that.
And that's one to many, right?
So and again, apply this back to your business to your product launches.
You don't want to just go one to one.
You want to go one to many.
And there's so many different ways to do that.
You can do that by being a guest on other people's podcasts,
because then you're accessing their community, their larger audience.
You can do that by asking people who have larger email lists if they be willing to share
and offer that you know, you're extending and then somehow you incentivize them that if
they sell X amount of copies, you know, they get X amount of dollars or whatever it is,
So this is that one to many strategy that is really important.
The other one to many strategy is targeting companies that moving into the end of the
year want to thank their employees, thank their customers and getting them to do a bulk
So I didn't even know about this FYI just a few months ago.
It's so unbelievable how little you can know about something.
This is my second book, and I didn't even know about this whole bulk order thing.
Thank goodness a very good friend of mine who has a book coming out later this year.
He shared with me, we jumped on a call to help each other and talk about, you know, what
are the best ways that you're able to hit these targets?
Because don't forget, HarperCollone's leadership told me day one,
I needed to sell 7,000 copies when this book goes live.
So you want to get as many of those 7,000 in ahead of time.
And 7,000 is a huge, huge number, right?
So while I did have success with my first book,
I never had goals or expectations or pressure
like I do with this one.
My first book, I self published, so I was the only person putting pressure on myself.
This time, I'm with a huge traditional publisher who represents some of the biggest authors
in the world.
And really the only way, you know, I'm just going to share it straight with you, that you
get promotional support or help from them.
You know, they were great with the editing process and giving their advice and direction
on what they wanted for a cover and many different things,
but they don't really put a lot of money behind pushing
your book until you hit certain thresholds,
which I understand.
In their opinion, I've never done a book with them before,
so I don't have any weight or credibility in their mind.
They love the book, they're behind the book,
but they're not going to actually put dollars against it.
Now, as an author, that's the whole reason why you go with a traditional publisher,
right? You want that weight that they have where they can contact Barnes and Noble
and say, we want her to have the front window. We want her to have this or that.
You know, they can make things happen very easily.
However, you have to deliver the numbers they're looking for
in advance for that to happen.
I didn't know that was a thing either, right?
So anyways, my friend teaches me that I need to start using
this website, Portchlight, which handles all bulk orders
for businesses and start contacting every business
in the world that I've ever spoken for and circling back
with them and getting them to do bulk orders.
Now, the good news is this has started working, right?
But I only recently found out about this.
So again, when you're not an expert, when you're a rookie, which I am, this is only my second
book and first traditionally published book, you don't have all the answers.
And I'll tell you, that's so frustrating, coming from a 20 plus year career
where I have so much expertise.
I knew that ends the outs, the ups and the unders,
anything and everything about sales,
generating revenue, leading teams,
and being in the media industry, right?
I had all the contacts.
I was so at the height of my game,
and then to start over as a rookie,
author, a rookie speaker, a rookie podcast host,
and just realized that I have no clue.
Not always it humbling, it's hard, right?
Because you know it can be so much easier,
but it's gonna take some time,
and it's gonna take mistakes,
and it's gonna take meeting the right people,
like my friend that shared with me,
hey, get involved in bulk orders,
it'll change your situation drastically.
So again, anytime you start over,
it's going to be tougher for a while.
You hope that tough part passes quickly,
but sometimes it goes on a little bit longer
than you anticipated.
For me, I thought for sure, I got through book one,
it did well, that book two would be so much easier.
And I guess in some ways it might be, but not really because the expectations are so
much larger and the pressure is so much bigger too.
So I'm still learning, I'm still making tons of mistakes and I want you to know that
I'm the doc that's kicking so flipping hard that maybe you're even going to be able to see
my feet spinning 9 million miles an hour because that's how so flipping hard that maybe you're even going to be able to see my feet
spinning 9 million miles an hour because that's how hard I'm kicking. It's a seven day a week 24,
seven grind right now. So we had planned everything for the last eight months around November
9th launch date. Well, if you already ordered my book, which I so hope that you did, then you got
the notice on Friday that my book
has been delayed one week till November 16th. So, Amazon, and I'm sure all the other retailers sent
out an automated message, basically saying, your purchase that you made on blah, blah,
date was scheduled for November 9th to live free. This re-retion for you, this has been delayed,
and will be sent to you on November 16th.
So gosh, that was hard because Harpercombs have been telling me about all these supply chain
issues, right?
And that we're running out of paper and books aren't getting printed and they're shipping
And I'm sure you've probably seen it in the news.
There's all these containers that can't get into the port to unload. And so all these products are just sitting out in the ocean
off, you know, in California.
And the water just waiting to be unloaded.
And then where houses are being shut down
because of COVID.
And then they can't find warehouse workers.
And I mean, I was like,
please let me go unpack the truck.
Let me go into the warehouse and make this happen.
We've been planning on,
I've done so much work around this November 9th date the warehouse and make this happen. We've been planning on, I've done so
much work around this November 9th date. It can't not happen. And so they kept saying to me, well,
we haven't gotten confirmation, but we are letting you know it's not looking good. That's been in the
last two weeks. And so again, there's just so many ripple effects from this and that I had pre-sold people
the book and that the books would be at their events and that I would sign the books, the book launch party, all the podcasts, all the people that were sending out emails for me,
social posts. There's a huge ripple effect here. And just frustrating. I'm trying to look at it,
you know, in the best way possible. Maybe this is a blessing and I don't understand. Maybe there
were some book launching November 9th and my book would have never been able to compete.
And now that it's going to launch on the 16th, it'll do better.
I don't know.
Maybe so.
We hope so, right?
So it's just been a really hard week and I'm still trying to unravel all of the challenges
that are now happening.
I have to beg these podcasters.
Can you delay it?
Can you move it up one week?
And a lot of them can't.
And I get it.
It's not their problem that my book was delayed because it's supply chain issue problems.
I get it.
I so get it.
And my friend can't do the event one week later.
It's not going to work.
So here's the thing.
Things are not always going to go as planned.
And things might look like they're going really well for people on the outside.
And I'm sure there's probably people who don't listen to this podcast that see me on social
media and think that I'm the duck just, you know, going along swimmingly and everything
is easy and wonderful.
And I just want you to know it's not, it's really, really hard.
And there's constant challenges and constant problems being a rookie and not knowing.
I couldn't forecast any of this stuff.
I didn't even know these were issues.
When I self-published my book, it happened so much faster.
The whole process took me from the day I picked up a pen until the day my book was out,
it was five months.
This process with Harper Collins is over two years now.
You know, so it's so much slower, and then, of course, put the pandemic in the middle,
and all of that has been really challenging.
So, cut to today.
Here's what I wanted to share, is that behind the scenes, things are a lot uglier
than what they look like on social.
So, the next time you think you're looking at a duck just going along swimmingly,
know that you don't have half the idea of what somebody could be going through.
This is what brings me to what I want to talk to you about today,
is that I have a lot of people that,
you know, mean well in the world that will reach out to me and send me notes.
I think these are the people I'm assuming.
These are the people that think I'm just,
I have it so easy and things are going so well.
And so they'll send me notes like,
oh my gosh, congrats on your book.
I have to tell you I get those messages all the time,
which is nice, but as a first time
traditional published author to have people
sending you notes saying congrats,
it doesn't feel great.
And I'll tell you why.
And I thought to myself, maybe people just don't know.
And that's why I should share with them.
Because I wouldn't have known if I wasn't in the publishing world now.
So here's what I mean is that, yes, it's nice to say congrats to people.
Here's the right time to say congrats to someone.
If their book ends up on the Wall Street Journal bestseller list, it's live and they're killing
That's when you send congrats.
So happy for you, right?
When you haven't launched yet, when your book is being delayed,
when everything is upside down,
that's not really the time to say congrats yet, right?
Something, you know, so funny because two different people
sent me DMs on Instagram within minutes of each other.
One person said, congrats on your new book launch, right?
Which just feels really frustrating to me, because it doesn't feel helpful, a gram within minutes of each other. One person said, congrats on your new book launch,
which just feels really frustrating to me,
because it doesn't feel helpful.
It doesn't feel like there's anything
to be congratulated on yet.
I hope to gosh after the 16th that the book doesn't
credibly well and makes the list that we want to see
and hits the sales marks that we need to and then Harper
cons puts money behind it.
And the book takes off, all this work
from the past couple of years. but we don't know that yet.
So one person sends me the note, hey, congrats on the book launch.
And I think, oh my gosh, it's hard to hear.
And the next DM I look at is a friend of mine.
And it says, hey, I know you're getting close to book launch date.
How can I help and support you?
And that is the message you want to get, right?
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And again, this is people, I don't think people know this because I don't think
anyone's doing it maliciously, but you know, the writing process is
challenging, the publishing process is challenging.
Now to have these supply chain issues and delays, it just kind of throwing
a bomb into the whole launch.
It's, it's not a moment where I feel like congratulations are helpful
because there's nothing to
congratulate, right? So it's super helpful when someone instead says, hey, how can I help? How can
I help to support you? So I want to tell you, and this isn't just for me, but this would be for
any author, but I figured I can't assume everybody knows this because if that's the case, then I'm
just frustrated that if people know this and they still send it, congratulations
before your book launches and when everything's in turmoil,
that is not fun.
Oh my gosh, please save that message for a later date.
But thank you and I'm gonna give you a little insight
into what actually is super helpful for an author
or anybody really going through product launch
or a new business launch or any type of a launch.
This would be helpful.
Okay, number one.
Well, first, what's most important is I need to ask
for what I want and I need to share the insights, right?
Because like I said, I was getting frustrated,
reading a lot of these notes.
And then I thought to myself, it was funny.
It became clear to me yesterday I was at my son's basketball.
They launched their basketball season
and the head coach for the whole school
brought all the parents in.
And I don't wanna say he gives a lecture,
but he set expectations.
He was, he communicated so clearly,
doesn't mean you had to like everything he had to say,
but he was super clear and then, okay,
here's what I need from you.
And he went down a list and also,
not only did he have the verbal conversation with all of us,
he provided it in writing, he provided it in digital links,
he was so thorough and clear on expectations and communication.
And that really landed with me the whole ride home.
I was thinking in my mind, you know what,
maybe I'm not doing a good job asking for what I want.
Maybe I'm not doing a good job communicating things and maybe want. Maybe I'm not doing a good job communicating things
and maybe I can show up differently
or try it a different way and see if that can help my initiative.
So that's what I'm trying to do today.
I'm trying to be like the head of basketball
and my son's school is to communicate clearly
what it is that I need or what it is I would wish for,
hope for and want and then you know see if that might
be helpful to those that do want to help right and again I get it not everybody's in a situation
right now to help and that is I feel you I've been there done that so for me I love to help other
people I love to jump in and do anything I can in the windows of time where I can, meaning right now I'm 24-7 in on my book
launch, probably not the time. I'm going to be able to jump in to help people with different things,
or you know, give a lot of time to things that would take me away from the book. So I get it,
right? Right now, it might not be your time, and that is so okay. And I'm still here for you for
that, and I still support you and send you love and encouragement and thanks. So that's okay. And I'm still here for you for that. And I still support you and send you love and encouragement
and thanks.
So that's okay, that's nobody's fault.
But if you are in a window where you're thinking,
yeah, I'm in a good space right now.
I'm on top of things that work, things are going okay.
I could help, in my opinion, that's great karma,
great to do to lend a hand to others.
But if you can and you're not in that window,
don't feel bad at all.
Everybody's been there. I'm there right now with you, right? So keep it moving. You know,
silent cheers to you and shout out to you and, you know, there'll be another time. So it
was funny because I got a note from someone who works at Forbes today on LinkedIn and
the person wanted to connect with me and she was asking me for, you know, a small favor. And I said, yeah, sure.
And PS, is there any way you can help
to get my new book featured in an article in Forbes?
And she wrote right back, okay, send me
an advanced digital copy of your book.
Let me re-through it if I like it and see if it, yes,
I'm happy to do that.
And then she responded, but at the same time,
would you be happy to support my book launch next year?
Well, heck yeah, right?
So again, it just goes back to clearly communicating,
asking for what you want, and not feeling bad
when it isn't the right fit, you know?
The more I thought about it, maybe I was just getting
frustrated, but the person I should have been frustrated with
was me, right?
I'm getting all these congratulations,
but I'm not clearly sharing what's really going on.
Because remember, people might think we're the duck
when really they don't realize the duck is the one
with the legs going nine million miles an hour,
working so flip and hard.
So people perceive things differently,
people see things differently,
and 90% of people aren't seeing the whole picture anyway.
So that's what I wanted to remind you of today,
and that's why I'm going,
I'm painfully going through this today.
Okay, so here's the thing that authors would want, right?
If someone's got a book launch coming up
and it's so funny because for years,
there's a really big author that I'm friends with,
have been friends with for years.
We used to be on a board together
and he's incredibly famous.
Has, I don't even know, probably 50 bestseller books out there.
And it's funny because I used to wonder,
why does he send so many messages,
always asking for a review, asking for a pre-order,
asking for this, asking for that.
And I thought, gosh, when you're just working
in corporate America at your own job and your own career,
you don't do things like that, right?
It just, he wouldn't have been able to help me in my job.
He wasn't going to go buy a big media campaign, right?
That's how people could help me back then, or that's how I thought about it.
So it's funny that now I'm sending out the emails.
I'm sending out the ass, right?
The shoes on the other foot.
And it's just interesting to see you never really know what it's like until you're in
So here's the things.
Here's the things he would have wanted,
and I didn't know this back then,
but I hope this helps.
If you do wanna help, and I'd love to have your help,
if this isn't the right time, then maybe in the future,
you'll be able to support another author
or maybe it'll help teach you a little bit
and you're thinking about doing a book launch
someday yourself or product launch or any kind of launch.
Number one, post on social media about the book,
the hashtag is overcome your villains and tag me. That's super helpful. It just reaches a larger
audience. It gets the message out there that the book's available for order, that their bonus
bundle is available only for one more week. So maybe if you're saying, I don't have a lot of
challenges, I don't face adversity, maybe you know someone in your life that does,
and this is the perfect holiday gift, right?
This is November.
We're so close to the holidays.
And one thing is for sure, with the supply chain issues,
things will not arrive on time.
So definitely order now so that we can guarantee
you get things in time for the holidays.
And again, that goes for more than just my book.
Everything is gonna be delayed, guys.
Okay, so hashtag OvercomeYourVillains,
tag me and put social media posts up.
If you can communicate this in text messages,
in email to anyone in your community,
and ask them to order the book, super, super helpful.
When the book actually goes live,
now on November 16th, used to be November 9th,
formerly known as the 9th, now the 16th.
Can you tell them a little annoyed?
All right, if you can leave a review that day, day of,
that's huge, you know, the reviews that,
and I didn't know this yet again, I had no idea,
but it really impacts the sales on the book
when people go to Amazon or Barnes and Noble
and see all the reviews on there,
or goodreads is another great one.
When people see that, that gives them that credibility
and sense of safety that they wanna buy the book
and they should buy the book or gift the book to someone.
Okay, again, the bonus bundle's disappearing in one week.
So if you're thinking about getting it,
you're thinking about getting it as a gift for someone,
do it now before you lose that bonus bundle.
There's a lot of value there, my $299 confidence video course,
my new workbook that I created.
There's so many, my email accountability program.
There's a lot to help you reach bigger goals,
overcome challenges, and really go for more.
Okay, companies that might be willing to bulk order.
Let me give you some examples.
So far, some of the companies that now that I know
to do this, didn't know to do this a couple of months ago.
Oh my gosh, crazy.
Okay, so this is the one to many strategy
and apply that in your life too,
is how instead of going one to one,
can you go one to many?
And there's so many different ways
because I didn't even know about this one
and I just learned, gosh, it's crazy.
I just learned about this.
All right, so I've been pitching companies
that I've spoken for before
and what you do is you go back to them and say,
hey, I know that I did a virtual event for you last year.
I would love it if there was any chance with the end of year coming that maybe you do a
bulk order for 100, 255, 500, whatever it is so that to give back to them and I can personalize
it, I can sign bookplates for you, I can do personal video messages or if someone can
do a large enough book order,
then we could do a live Zoom book club Q&A
or customizing different ideas.
And if you know of any companies like this
that you think might be interested,
please send me a DM.
I'm happy to jump on a call with you or with them,
and see how we can add value and work with DLO.
And again, the bulk orders are at a reduced price. So all the incentives are there.
They're not paying that retail dollar amount
that everybody else is paying.
So some of the companies that have already ordered
my book and bulk, which I'm so grateful for,
right, because to sell 500 copies of a book to someone
that just takes off instead of sending 500 DMs,
you know, one to one, it's a one and done situation.
And gosh, it's really game changing.
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So I've had MLM companies, network marketing companies.
I've had sales groups.
I have media companies, digital media companies, banks.
It's been amazing, the different companies that have stepped forward
to support me and to offer a gift for their employees and for their customers for end of year.
So it's been huge. If you have any in mind that you think might be interested, please send me a
DM like I said, I'm happy to jump on a call with you or with them and see what we can work out.
Intro me to different women's groups. Intro me to book clubs that you know,
book clubs are huge.
I just had one of my good friends added me to a book club.
They they're all buying the book.
And then I'm gonna do some live Zoom Q&A for them
on the book.
Okay, so you know, features, promotion,
any type of email list or publicity,
all of that helps.
So any intros you could make,
anyone that you know that might be willing to give some press
or share some press on the new book would be huge.
So those are some of the different ways that people can help
an author or anyone in a product launch or me,
maybe me, with overcome your villains.
And again, I am not beating anybody up.
I don't know if you saw this, and probably shouldn't even say this,
but on social media last week,
there's beyond a famous author,
millions followers, New York Times best-selling author,
and it looks like it appears.
And I won't say his name, but on social media,
he had a nervous breakdown,
and he started saying to people,
if you're following me and don't buy my book,
unfollow me. Oh my gosh, it was harsh to watch. I watched it.
The sad thing is, I get the pressure, right? I'm not going to do that.
That's not my thing, but, you know, I felt bad for him that I can see how people
crumble under the pressure of this. He's definitely got more pressure than I do
because he's a better established author, you know, who's already hit the New York Times list and all the Wall Street Journal
lists and all these lists that I haven't even been able to compete for yet.
I was just doing self publishing prior to this.
So, you know, again, it's just there's a lot of pressure out there.
And I definitely saw him as the duck, by the way.
I saw him just swimmingly going along.
Everything looked easy for him until I saw this Instagram
live story that has gone viral and thought,
wow, he was probably kicking so hard
and he's not getting the traction he needed
and the pressure's on, he snapped.
So I want you to know, I'm not gonna snap on you.
Yeah, I'm under a lot of pressure,
but we're gonna make it work by hook or croak one way
or another, we'll find ways. And I've
been so excited. Some of my older friends have been showing up lately out of nowhere. My good
friend Cindy just showed up out of nowhere and said, Hey, I want to get press for you on the new
book. I'm going to intro you to five different people. I've got a shoot we're doing on Monday. I
want you to show up. We're going to get you coverage here there. I'm going to pitch you to all the TV
stations out of nowhere just to help out. Right. So she had to show up. We're going to get you coverage here there. I'm going to pitch you to all the TV stations. At a note, we're just to help out, right?
So she had a few minutes and she said, gosh, I don't know why I haven't thought to reach
out to you sooner.
Let me jump in and help you.
So there are plenty of good things that show up too.
And I'm super grateful for them.
And I'm grateful for you being here.
I'm grateful for you sharing the podcast, listening.
And if you can't order the book, please do.
The book will also be in libraries.
So if you don't have the funds to invest in the book,
don't worry, you'll be able to access it
for free at different libraries.
Then I'll tell you, this was so crazy.
I had someone commented on one of my posts on LinkedIn today
saying, Heather, I tried to order your book.
I've been calling all of the book stores in my area.
I don't like ordering from Amazon, which is fine. I get it. She said, and I was only able to find one that said they
were going to have it and they're only bringing in one book. Okay, this goes back to me being a rookie,
not seen as an established credible, you know, blah, blah, author or whatever. And I guess it's
based upon numbers, right? That once they see, if you hit the 7,000, author or whatever. And I guess it's based upon numbers, right?
That once they see, if you hit the 7,000,
the retailer, Harper goes back to the retailers
and pushes more on them, but until then, they don't.
And gosh, these are, it's crazy
because one of the biggest reasons
you go to a traditional publisher is to get
the distribution that, you know, they're in Walmart,
they're in Target, they're in Barnes and Noble, they're in books and books, they're in Walmart, they're in Target, they're in Barnes
and Noble, they're in books and books, they're in every retailer and you assume your book
will be in every retailer in mass, quantity. And what I'm learning is that's not exactly
the case. So things are often very different than you anticipate that they will be, I'm hoping in the end that it all comes together,
which I'm sure it will, but I do need your help if possible. And again, if not, no problem,
we keep it moving, we work together on something else in the future. And again, I get it because
I'm not in a situation right now where I have a lot of free time to help other people myself. So, okay, one of the things that I wanted to do today, while I have you, is to read you
a few reviews.
Now, here's, and this is my opinion, but I believe we live in a review and recommendation
of the world, right?
And so often, it's more powerful what others say about us versus just what we're saying,
Because some people might think, oh, yeah, of course she loves her own book.
She wrote it.
It took her two years, but do other random people that don't know her love it?
Well, let's just see about that.
Okay, again, in publishing, apparently, they have these advanced digital copies that they
send out to random people.
The site is called NetGalley, which I had never heard of before, shocker.
I have no idea.
And there's all these members, and they download the book for free.
They get these advanced copies, and they leave reviews, you know, just whatever they
think of your book.
So I don't know these people.
Here we go.
Carolina B. reviewer.
What a great read.
Heather's story in the way she tells it is so inspiring and entertaining.
I really enjoyed reading it and listening to her podcast as well.
I recommend this book to everyone. Carolina, thank you so so much. Yes, that review is helpful. Okay, Amy G,
reviewer. Wow. Just another mind-blowing example of how believing in yourself and taking charge
of your own life can really change it for the best. Taking steps to move forward, launching ideas
before they are perfect, how there is an example of how a strong woman can transition from one career to her life's purpose in just a few short years when you
are pushed out of a career that is not for you.
Was this review helpful?
Thank you so much, Amy G. Vanessa S. This book is an amazing resource to help you tap into
your personal greatness.
Heather's actual guidance is a game changer for anyone looking to live their best life
both personally and professionally.
Thank you so much Vanessa S.
Okay, Daniel L, a few years ago,
I went through some transitions in life
and stumbled over a podcast with Heather Monahan.
That was a defining moment in my life.
Her message about how she was treated
when she lost her job helped me a lot
because I had a similar experience.
With overcome your villains,
Monahan is brutally honest and authentic and her warm heartfelt writing.
That makes me so happy.
Her story speaks volumes and sodas,
her conclusions, and the lessons she teaches.
I'm so proud of her for sharing the journey
with the rest of us.
Anyone that has had a tough time in life
and wants the winning mindset back should read this book.
Thank you for writing this book,
the world needs this message now.
I would give it a 10 stars out of five if only I could.
So, okay, so the reviews are going really well.
I'm super excited.
We know the haters will show up on the 16th
when it is out publicly.
I know that's coming.
Of course, I'm not looking forward to that,
but you know, this is my second book,
so I do know that is Alma Horizon
and I will chalk it up to if I was vanilla,
everyone would like me, I am not vanilla.
And neither are you.
I wasn't born to be ordinary and neither are you.
And yes, there's moments, it gets a little stressful,
feels a little scary and we just remember
that we've been through hard things before
and we can get through these hard things.
So thank you so much for tuning in today.
If you can share the podcast with just one person or on your social tag me.
I appreciate it so much.
No one succeeds in this world alone and that includes me, my friend.
All right.
So go to right now.
Get that bonus bunzel, please.
And if you don't want it for yourself yourself do it for someone for a holiday gift
I promise you I'm not letting you down on this one this book delivers massive value and it's changing people's lives already
And for that I'm eternally grateful until next week keep creating confidence. You know I will be This episode is brought to you by the YAP Media Podcast Network. I'm Holla Taha, CEO of the award-winning Digital Media Empire YAP Media, and host of YAP
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