Crime in Sports - #165 - He Did More Than That - The Historicalness of O.J. Simpson

Episode Date: June 18, 2019

This week, we delve into the history of a man who came from humble beginnings to become an icon, that almost transcended race, while compiling a Hall of Fame football career, starring in coun...tless tv shows & movies, and appearing in commercials for every product imaginable. Under the smiling facade, was a very flawed person, who also enjoyed cocaine, many, many women, and rocky circumstances with his long term relationships. His world crumbles amid early domestic violence, strong arm violence, robbery, and a long prison term. I think that's everything... Oh! And he also had that whole incident where two innocent people were brutally murdered, and he was found not guilty. We will spend very little time on that, because he was even more of a bad person than you probably thought, giving us plenty of other things to talk about! Be a national icon, become a bridge between the races... and be Nordberg with O.J. Simpson!!! Check us out, every Tuesday! We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!! Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman Donate at... or with using our email: Get all the CIS & STM merch at Go to for all things CIS & STM!! Contact us on...  See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Prime members, you can listen to Crime and Sports early and ad-free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Discover all the best in audiobooks, podcasts, and originals featuring authentic Canadian voices and celebrity talent like Brendan Fraser and Luke Kirby's latest sci-fi adventure, The Downloaded. A first listen is waiting for you when you start your free trial at Queen of the courtroom is back. How did I know that? I have crystal ball in my head. New cases. Leave her alone. So, uh... This is not a so. This is a period. Classic Judy.
Starting point is 00:00:52 It's streaming. You can say anything. It's an all-new season. Judy Justice. Only on Freebie. Hello and welcome to Crime and Sports. Yay! Yay indeed, Jimmy. Yay indeed. My name is James Petrigal. I'm here with my co-host.
Starting point is 00:01:28 I am Jimmy Wisman. Thank you folks so much for joining us on another, well we'd call it death-defying, but it's not. It's death-inducing. It's death-enriched. Death-enriched episode of Crime and Sports. Everybody, this is kind of the one that a lot of people have been waiting for. We said we'll get to our house cleaning in a second because we have actually a very important announcement for you guys a crime and sports live show has been booked and we're going to tell you about in just a second but we
Starting point is 00:01:52 have to do a quick explanation of why we're doing this particular episode it's oj simpson first of all so episode one we said we'll never do oj right we'll never do oj and we were like yeah you know because that'll be a funny thing to say but we were recording that in my living room not knowing that anybody would listen to it or that we'd still be doing it in three months so we had no idea and once we got into it we're like well it's kind of what crime and sports is all about no one went to a greater height and then fell to a lower depth no one in our history of fucking sports criminals has done that nobody so we it's what it's all about we have to do it and we're the way we're going to do it is different than everybody else you've heard do it you've seen oj covered a million times and it's all it's you know
Starting point is 00:02:37 a little bit about him and then 80 of it's the murder in the trial we are going to dedicate five minutes to the entire murder and trial. Five minutes. And I promise, five minutes, I'm going to turn my monitor off. You can fire it up now. We are going to stream it on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:02:55 It's at smalltownmurder on Instagram. We're going to stream it through there and I'm going to turn my monitor off and put a timer on and we're going to spend five minutes and I'm going to tell you in great detail everything about that trial from memory in five minutes. That's right.
Starting point is 00:03:10 And then the rest of the episode is going to be a complete classic, because even if that never happened, none of that ever happened, it would still be a crazy episode and a classic, because he did a lot of insane shit that you don't know about, because it's overshadowed by his work. You know, a murder. You know, a couple people people and one of them almost without a head right so that ends up happening but uh first let's house cleaning thank you guys for your reviews this week they really help us a lot on apple podcast the purple icon there they help us a ton so if you haven't done it yet please get on there give us a review five stars doesn't matter what you
Starting point is 00:03:42 say tell us your following instructions following directions It's not for our egos. It just helps drive us up the charts. It helps people notice the show a little bit more, and that is extremely helpful. And you guys do that for us like champs. Thank you guys. The street team. Thank you guys so much, because that's what it is. We're not famous people, and we don't have a giant conglomerate behind us or anything
Starting point is 00:04:01 like that. So you guys are the ones that spread the word. We appreciate that. behind us or anything like that so you guys are the ones that spread the word we appreciate that always get on a follow or go to shut up and give me where you can get merchandise it's all up there and you can get tickets to live shows full slate of small town murder live shows but but just today announced what 10 minutes ago we just made this deal 10 minutes ago we just announced october 19th we will be doing a live crime in sports here it's in phoenix i know if you don't live live in phoenix or whatever get your asses here
Starting point is 00:04:33 we don't know this is the only one we have on the books right we're gonna see how it does and if it does well if you guys jump on these tickets then they're probably going to be more crime and sports live shows but this is kind of test, and we want to see how it does. So please buy your tickets to that. They're going to be available in the next week, I believe. Sometime they're going to go on sale. Follow us on social media. It's at Crime and Sports on Twitter and Facebook, at Small Town Murder on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:04:57 And as soon as those tickets go on sale, we will tell you. And trust me, live Crime and Sports is bonkers. It's so fun. Imagine everything that we're talking about, and I'm showing you stuff, and we're laughing at pictures, and it's insane. And trust me, I've never seen people have a better time at a comedy show than live crime and sports. So we're so excited to bring it to you. I'm wearing that Knobloch jersey. You have to.
Starting point is 00:05:21 You have to. That somebody got us a minor league Knobloch jersey. You really, really have to do that. that somebody got us as a minor league not block jersey you really really have to do that but yeah please do that also if you want to be a superstar wonderful fabulous fantastic person one of our producers who we will continue to gush about at the end of the show in great great detail and by name you can do that excessively easily by going to slash crime in sports or heading over to paypal and using our email address which is crime in sports at and you can also find those links right from shut
Starting point is 00:05:51 up and give me make it nice and easy and we will talk about you and how much we love you but never mind all that shit jimmy it is time great goddamn o Slap it in. Let's do this. Let's do this. And yeah, like I said, you know, this is what we're a crime and sports. And this is the biggest crime and sports guy ever. Crime and sports. Like, how do we not do that? It would be silly. We just have to do it correctly. And we're going to do it so correctly.
Starting point is 00:06:20 We're going to do Arnthal James Simpson. Yes. I'll never forget that name. Let's get into that. Oh, Joe, I've heard of people go. Why do they call him OJ? Really? Orenthal James Simpson. Yes, I'll never forget that name. Let's get into that. OJ, well, I've heard people go, why do they call him OJ? Really?
Starting point is 00:06:28 Orenthal James. They're like, oh, that's his nickname? Yeah, it's his nickname. I found out his name because of the trial when they were like, we the people against...
Starting point is 00:06:35 You made him stand up. Yeah. I have five minutes. We only have five minutes. Nope. Don't waste my time now. But that's when I learned because I'm sitting there in class
Starting point is 00:06:41 and then they said his name and I was like, is that his fucking name? I remember as a kid reading books about football players and going his name is ornthal like that's not that cool i thought he was cool before that stupid fucking name he was nordberg you know is he the first ornthal he's got to be right that never existed before right let's find out you think there's no more ornthal simpsons out there jimmy i think i didn't find any? Come on now. I think you know me better than that.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Born on July 9th, 1947. Okay. In San Francisco. Really? Yeah. He's a San Francisco guy. He grows up in San Francisco. We'll talk about his upbringing here.
Starting point is 00:07:18 He's the third of four children that his parents have. Eunice Simpson is his mother. She works at a hospital she's a technician at a hospital and his father is jimmy lee simpson and he's a custodian at a bank he's not a jazz musician he's not a jimmy lee simpson sounds like a hell of a jazz musician but uh he's not slapping the bass no no no not slapping anything maybe you should have been slapping oj and it would have turned out better or maybe he was slapping him too much i'm not sure but either way uh they
Starting point is 00:07:45 they're the his parents they have four children uh they both work hard but they're not uh they don't have a lot of money and he is definitely uh raised in a poorer environment here he's he's from dirt oj that's the thing that people don't understand oj's from dirt without without all the other shit that happened it's amazing what he did as far as not in football, in terms of society-wise. We'll talk about it. He was transcendent. He was Michael Jackson before Michael Jackson. And I'm not talking Diddler Michael Jackson.
Starting point is 00:08:17 I'm talking 1983 Michael Jackson when he was the biggest superstar in the world. And nobody even thought of him as black, white, anything. They just thought of him as that guy's great. And that's what OJ was to people. There was people who did not like black people who were like, well, not OJ. He's one of the good ones.
Starting point is 00:08:38 That's what they would say about him. Archie Bunker would say he's one of the good ones. A racist person would even like him. He that's he. He really cultivated this image later on. He figured out how to kind of get under the skin of where he was trying to go. And it worked well for him. You think that's because he is such a silky smooth, amazing voice and just behave like outwardly. He looks so fucking professional.
Starting point is 00:09:01 It's football, man. It's football. It's it's he went to. We'll talk about it. But when he went to USC, they put him up on a pedestal because he was so fucking amazing. And he was basically told, look, because USC hadn't had a ton of black players before that. There were superstars and shit like that. California.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Yeah. Well, I mean, that's there's a lot of great football players who come from there, black and white. But I mean, it just they were the the race was still a huge huge issue and this was the late 60s when race was a huge issue i mean 67 is when he went to caught went to usc race was a fucking enormous issue right there and he was a guy who uh basically all the the white people that and all the you know the the people in the school, everything like that, what am I looking for here?
Starting point is 00:09:47 The administration. Oh, okay. Those type of people looked at as, he's not very black. Yeah. He's like, because he can come, look at him. He puts a smile on and puts a tie on and stands up straight and shakes your hand, looks you right in the eye. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:10:01 It was amazing to them. They were like, oh, my goodness. Straight up honesty. Yeah, maybe if you treated treated people halfway decent maybe others would act like with some dignity and maybe everybody will act like yeah they basically gave him the jackie robinson speech where like look you got to be better and you got to be this and you got to be missed if someone calls you a name you got to smile at him and just shrug your shoulders and that's the way it's got to be because you're representing this type of thing and And he actually did that. And it really is a different kind of he's just a different kind of guy when it came to that. He his parents separated when he was five.
Starting point is 00:10:31 So he's raised by his mother and her mother. His mother, his mother is a tough lady, man. Whenever I saw interviews with her throughout the years, she's a tough lady. He was trying to raise four kids on her own in the 60s in in an urban environment in san francisco and it wasn't not easy at all a friend of his from in a high school teammate of oj said quote none of us had dads and things weren't easy but we were all raised by strong mothers who instilled in us a desire and drive to better ourselves which that's great just if that's a fantastic if that's true.
Starting point is 00:11:06 You know, they said that, you know, they lived in the projects and his mother just worked long, long hours. She would work double shifts at San Francisco General Hospital to be able to make ends meet. Wouldn't do welfare. Just was just wanted to work double shifts and shit because she had a feeling of she was felt in the 60s. It was a different thing when people got shifts and shit because she had a feeling of she was it felt in the 60s it was a different thing when people got divorced and all that sort of shit because my grandmother grandma that we talk about on the show who's got her own character uh grandma did that
Starting point is 00:11:34 she got divorced from my grandfather just right around this time and it was there was a stigma to it there was like a people looked at you different watch mad men like you're used yeah watch mad men when they watch the woman the housewiveswives, when they watch Betty Draper and the others, when they watch the new woman who's divorced walk down the street. They're like, where's she walking to? What's she doing? I don't know what's going on with her. Look at her outfit.
Starting point is 00:11:53 I can't believe she's like, they just pick her apart because she's different. She's diseased. She can't hack it. They looked at it like the diseased animal. Like, oh no, you know, because they don't want that to ever happen to them. And then there it was crazy time. People people just couldn't if they'd only known how fucking great it is yeah if they'd only know how there's nothing better than a good divorce nothing nothing better it's true so uh he uh he said that the mothers would help each other out
Starting point is 00:12:19 that his friend said that the the other all the mothers would kind of watch over the kids in the neighborhood he said quote this bell guy said if if mrs simpson saw me doing something wrong she'd His friend said that all the mothers would kind of watch over the kids in the neighborhood. He said, quote, this bell guy said, if Mrs. Simpson saw me doing something wrong, she'd slap me quick. So that was that. And if my mother saw OJ doing something wrong, she'd slap him. Neighbors looked after their neighbor's kids. Which, yeah, imagine that now. So many lawsuits.
Starting point is 00:12:49 If you saw your neighbor's kid cutting up and you were like, I've got him hold on a minute hold on it's my job it's he'll be very disappointed if i don't smack his face i've got one friend who actually i wouldn't even mind if my kid my kid stayed the night at his house and he was a dick smack the fuck out of it that's funny figure it out just sounds like my grandfather when my grandfather's barber shop was across the street from my elementary school when i was in second grade. And we had a fire drill. And we were all out front. And then I see my grandfather wander out of his barbershop. And I'm like, oh, no.
Starting point is 00:13:12 And Pop, I didn't know this at the time. But Pop, I mean, this was by noon. So he had to be eight, nine scotches deep into the fucking day by then. So he came out, wanders over in his barber coat and everything. And tells my teacher in front of the entire school an assembled the assembled student body on an evacuation drill i'm in first grade if he gives you any trouble don't don't worry about smacking him around really you know don't take any crap from him i'm telling you you give him a good whack and all the kids are like oh my god what the fuck where do you come from? Thanks, Pop.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Good Italian stock. That's what it is. Thanks, Pop. And then he went back to the barbershop. Thanks. I know y'all are out of school right now learning some shit. But if he's a dick, hit him. Whack him.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Okay. And everyone was like, Jesus. Poor kid. The teacher was like, oh, okay. She didn't know what to say like she's it was not you know the 80s they're not they didn't hit kids in school she was like um sure like she wasn't going to be like oh i'll knock the shit out of him don't worry she's just like okay and then she was very nice to me for the rest of the year because she felt
Starting point is 00:14:20 bad for me every time you come in looking for bruises and shit. She felt terrible for the rest of the year. Jimmy, how's your arms feel? You're such a nice kid. You don't need a beating at all. Man, so. You come in every day and have to lift your shirt up? Yes. Check me.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Are there any bruises? Check me for whip marks and shit. So, man. OJ here said his mother was the best mother a guy could ever have. He said that her mother, his mother even said later on that she never expected that oj would be such a big shot such a big famous guy uh just you know i can understand that she said uh he always had said one of these days you're going to read about me is what she told oh boy and my oldest and my oldest daughter would always say
Starting point is 00:15:05 quote in the police report yeah so and then so they're both right neither of you everybody's right kids calm down he'll be famous and a criminal it's fine neither of you even have to read about it because they'll talk about it incessantly every radio every news channel everything always um he suffered from rickets as a child. What? Which is a vitamin C and calcium deficiency. So vitamin deficiency. And he had to wear leg braces as a child. This was a kid who started out wearing literal Forrest Gump leg braces.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Wow. Because he couldn't walk right and he was so weak to walk. And this guy became one of the top five strongest runners in the history of the fucking world basically so he was bow-legged after that which if you watch him run yeah he runs funny whenever you watch him you look like his knees not work or something why is he so unathletic he's going but he's going so fast and stopping and moving and everything he's doing is super athletic but he looks like he's about to fall down always as he's doing it. OJ looks like he's always just tripping in every step, but it's not. It's just the way he runs. So he looks like he's got this manic, out-of-control style that's so fun to watch.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Maybe that's why they couldn't tackle him. That is why. He was just a bowling ball out there. They don't know which way he's going. Plus, he was big. He put his shoulder in you and knocked your ass down. And we'll talk about it, too. OJ is a mean son of a bitch.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Don't let that smile fool you. And take out the part of what we're going to talk about later for five minutes. Take all that out. Everything else, that smile is hiding way dark shit underneath, and we'll talk about that. He grew up in a really, really tough uh you know he started hanging out with the wrong people uh it was i guess it was a hard housing project on portero hill which was south of downtown which is a shit area there and uh he spent his teen years in a gang he was fighting in the streets and doing petty crime and shit like that talked about stealing slabs of beef from a
Starting point is 00:17:03 butcher's warehouse which is a very old-timey gang crime you would not hear about a gang that like what is it ms 19 13 they're ms 13 they're not going to be fucking uh they they raided a butcher shop and stole 12 pounds of ground chuck today that's not happening jesus christ uh oj a side of beef is so heavy well that's why you need a whole gang so much meat come on guys teamwork well they're learning that's good they're learning to be like a truck on the side of the road twelve dollar steak i guess you carve it up and bring it shit these are people with rickets yeah you know they literally come from a shit area they're probably taking it home i got a slab of beef great fucking dinner fantastic all the iron i'm gonna get non
Starting point is 00:17:47 bowlegged in a minute take these braces off run out of them like forrest gump let's do it man oj said quote i was somebody who didn't care about anything and the best thing you could say about me and trouble was that i was borderline that's what he said so he was he was on he was in a he could go either way he was basically in a point where anything could have happened to OJ. He could have went off the deep end and just been a criminal, never been a football player, and we wouldn't have heard anything, and Nicole would have lived a long life. But that's fine. So he turns out, though.
Starting point is 00:18:20 I don't know, man. She could have pissed somebody else off. That's true. Who knows? You never know. I just had an epiphany, though. He, he likes strong women was trying to get one like mom kind of we'll talk about it let's talk about his other relationships before you get into that he likes he he has a stable relationship and he he likes rocky relationships he likes he come his family
Starting point is 00:18:41 broke up when he was five a lot of people like to repeat whatever happened to them as a child. And I feel like that's what he likes to repeat is chaos and drama in the home and things like that. He was a very good athlete, was the thing. And he ends up, we'll talk about this, but later on he spends a weekend in a juvenile hall. And Willie Mays paid a visit to the juvenile hall, happened to spends a weekend in a juvenile hall and willie mays uh paid a visit to the juvenile hall happened to be that weekend in san francisco and he was kind of taken aback by that shit as meeting willie mays and seeing willie mays and kind of going holy shit you can be willie mays type of thing here but as a teenager he was uh you know he was uh uh people liked him he's always had a magnetic personality he's good with he knows how to smile and bullshit so he would have been a great salesman yeah if he
Starting point is 00:19:31 wasn't a you know a football player and that sort of thing here he was a badass runner and he uh he talks about how they used to steal from factories and warehouses and shit like that and he says quote if you were bored and wanted to make some money, you go hit the pie company. What? The pie company. He said, do it maybe once a month, either sell the pies or gorge out on them.
Starting point is 00:19:53 My favorite was Blackberry. I am fascinated by his choices of theft. Meat and pies. This says what their needs are, though. Yeah. They're not into heroin or they're not smoking crack. They're not doing cars. They're. Yeah. They're not into heroin or they're not smoking crack. They're not doing cars. They're fucking hungry.
Starting point is 00:20:06 They're literally hungry. Either sell them or just gorge out on them. My favorite's Blackberry. Gangs don't steal food to eat nowadays, generally. That's not how gangs work. They usually have a bigger syndicate than that. This isn't the 1300s in somewhere in Arabia. This is Dickinsonian fucking shit here.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Stealing apples. Yeah. Stealing sides of beef and pies. Stealing an apple off the back of a car and end up being like, you know, guillotined by the king for it or for poaching a deer off the king's land. This is insanity. He said they stole sardines from one company. What the fuck is he doing? Anything that's on me.
Starting point is 00:20:44 They probably didn't even like sardines. Like, it it's fucking protein in this shit i don't know what the pies and beef and they should he should have just opened up a little bodega after all this shit we have pies beef hunks of beef and pies and sardines no rhyme or reason to the cut of meat it's just chunks of whatever they got i don't know what is it i'm not sure we cut a big piece of meat into littler pieces so it's a piece of that i'm not positive i'll take that chunk and a slice of that blackberry what the hell that looks like that looks delicious we're throwing in two sardines with that for free jesus christ you know oh and he stole soft drinks from delivery
Starting point is 00:21:25 trucks like it's gotta wash that shit down those and he said but stealing slabs of beef was most that was the most difficult is what he said because it's so heavy he said quote it was a bitch rolling those things down the hill they didn't they didn't have once they grabbed it they didn't go where the fuck are we gonna put it in a big hill in san francisco they'd shove it rather while you get away faster if you roll and then you run next to it you're gonna get away faster i guess i suppose so many times am i gonna drop my that's great he says quote it was a bitch rolling those things down the hill but there was no way one of those guys the butchers was going to chase anyone down into the projects
Starting point is 00:22:03 so basically they'd run and once they got in the projects they were out that was it so they're like they're not gonna know butcher's gonna go chase a bunch of kids into the projects and end up getting robbed worse yeah you're gonna end up with no beef or wallet at that point so he's like fuck it like the lion king you don't go in the shadows that's pretty much it so that's the yeah i guess those projects would be yeah definitely the shadow so the jackals are yeah the jackals hyenas yeah well yeah and just just other poor animals yeah basically it's all the scavengers that steal food and shit just steal sardines so they also formed a social club yeah social club i don't know what it's quote unquote that's the only time i've ever heard that it's like a sex
Starting point is 00:22:42 club or like the mafioso oh that's a social club or weird heard that, it's like a sex club. Or like the Mafioso. Oh, that too, yeah. Social club. Or speakeasies. Or weird religious people. It's called the Superiors, and it was the group of the best athletes in the projects, is what they said. One of his friends here said he had more natural leadership ability than any youngster I know. And he said that they hung out at a community center and they were good athletes and shit like that. They didn't, everybody basically didn't mess with them. This is the 60s.
Starting point is 00:23:10 This is the mid-60s. Nobody's got guns on the street. Like, there's no, gangs don't have guns. They're fighting each other. Maybe a blade's going to come out once in a while. But it's, we're talking like, you know, the outsiders type fighting. So it's that more of that thing. So these were the best athletes. So these were all the biggest, strongest kids.
Starting point is 00:23:25 So nobody fucked with these guys. This was a group of... And OJ is a big, physically imposing son of a bitch. People look at him and, oh, he's limping a little and he's an old man. Dude, that's a strong cat. The type of strength you have to have to do the shit that he did in football is...
Starting point is 00:23:41 And back then, too, it's a different league. Oh, and he's the type of guy that could could play if you take oj in 1973 he could play at any time in football he could have played back when there was no helmets leather helmets and he would have fucking knocked people out of their minds and he could play now because he's big enough and fast enough so it's a there's a few guys who are that good then that could play now you know you'll get jim brown i don't know if he could play now jim brown i mean he was I mean, he was great and he was fast, and he was big, but his thing was he would knock people over.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Defenders aren't the way they used to. He used to be bigger than most of the defenders. Nowadays, defensive linemen go 310 pounds, and you're not knocking them. You're not blowing through them. It's tough. It's a different thing. But O.J. could have been great at any time there was.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Another friend of his, a guy named otis mcgee jr he says the circles in which we all traveled in that time were very very close and uh to the fringe many of us made it but i can think of us as many people who i grew up with who later died or wound up in prison or became drug addicted or fell into some other kind of trouble and he says in 1967 oj says quote i could have turned out bad. This was in 67. He's like a sophomore in college at that point. He thinks everything's going to be fine right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:51 My life's going to be great for a while. So I guess he was arrested at age 16. And there's some some question as to what it was for. People said O.J. said it was for fighting. Other people say that there was i they stole beer for a party they did a beer run some sort of juvenile horseshit basically that he did fighting or beer stealing and he ends up getting arrested and that's when he spends the weekend in juvenile hall that's 16 years old and that's when that willie that's when he met willie and then
Starting point is 00:25:21 kind of figured all that sort of thing out so he did did a few days in juvie and that did it. I'm betting on the beer because he's stealing all kinds of shit that's horrible. Yeah, it's probably. Or fighting. I mean, that could be a thing, too. I just don't know if they picked the kids up for fighting back then or if they just tell them, I get the hell out of here. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Knock it off and go home. Yeah, yeah, that's it. At the time he got arrested, he told the cops that his name was Burt Lancaster. And they bought it? What are they going to do? He doesn't have an ID. If he says he's burt lancaster he's fucking burt lancaster nice let me pull a name of a famous actor from right now george clooney is what i am i'm brad pitt no what's your name what's your name brad pitt yeah, no, straight face. It was on Brad Pitt. Unbelievable. So, yeah, he's...
Starting point is 00:26:06 He tells Lancaster. Yeah, so... I'd have to go Samuel L. Jackson. Something that's just like, obviously fucking not me. Yeah, it's just ridiculous. Yeah, Burt Lancaster, this fucking, you know, like, fancy white actor from, you know... It's fucking not Orenthal. No, it's not Orenthal.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Raymond Burr. No. Desi arnaz you are not desi arnaz sir i'm sorry i am i swear to you not god damn it so he expected to get his ass kicked when he got out of juvie he thought his dad was going to whoop his ass he's like i'm in trouble here and instead the this is when he met willie mays the social workers at the at the booker t washington center where the you know they played sports and shit brought willie mays in to talk to the kids and they wanted especially for them to talk to him because he needed to be talked to because he was the best athlete there and he was fucking off and he just ended up in juvenile hall here uh he said that uh willie took him on a, stopping at the dry cleaners and going to Willie's house.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Make him run some errands and clean my shit? Basically, look at my life and what you could have. Took him to his beautiful house that was a mansion and took him there in the best neighborhood in the city. And O.J. soon said that, holy shit, Willie Mays isn't like this god. He's just a regular dude who picks up his dry cleaning and just happens to be a fucking killing it killing it yeah and he said that because he said he went to the cleaners and the laundry wasn't ready and he's like well he made his laundry he's not ready that's fucking crazy he's gotta wait for his shit they're like asian people don't give a fuck they don't care
Starting point is 00:27:40 at all they don't care about what they say you all look alike and they go in the back room they don't give a shit asian people think everybody looks alike by that is not racist asian ask an asian person that's not obviously one that's born here someone who comes from another country they will say all black people look alike all white people look alike you all look alike i don't fucking know that's a fact actually i've read this really and they believe that john douglas one of his books he talks about not believe that's a that's how they feel the fbi has statistics of where they do this and they interview people the worst identify the worst ids are from race to race and the worst at ideeing anybody are asian people asian people are terrible at ideeing anyone who's not asian and vice versa
Starting point is 00:28:21 black people and white people are terrible at at fucking identifying asians it's a it's an actual statistical fact that makes sense and black people are bad at identifying white people white people are even worse at identifying black people it's just it's a weird thing but it's true it's a statistical fact although i saw the baseline killer i don't know you remember that back in fucking like the early 2000s i saw the guy at a bus yeah you told me yeah yeah you talked about this before and i saw his face and i called the police i was like yo that is for sure the guy that i've seen on tv he was arrested a month or two later it was and i did face on the tv i'm like that's the fucking guy yeah but uh he's pretty
Starting point is 00:28:58 white i mean he he was something else plus they were showing that constantly if you see it a million times it was a great composite we're talking eyewitness testimonies like if you saw a guy who robbed the store out of these six guys good point you don't fucking know if you're you know it's just the other point i was robbed by two dudes i don't know what the fuck they look like there you go i'll never be able to tell you no but if you saw him on the news every night in their picture you go i saw him in a bus stop so oj said about willie may quote, I saw that he was human. A lot of people thought I was good and I realized I could be this guy. I could be Willie Mays.
Starting point is 00:29:32 I don't think I got in any real trouble from that point on. Well, you know, not for a while anyway. I got a little more focused, he said. So Willie Mays did it. OJ had been suspended from school five times up to that point. So he was really just turned into a troublemaker. And at that point point he began to focus more on his studies and really get into school sports and it was his goal to be willie mays he played football at galileo high which had a really shitty football team except for him basically he was great galileo had a ton of people that went
Starting point is 00:30:00 there by the way people famous people mlb players football players but i just saw joe dimaggio and none of the other ones really fucking matter really joe dimaggio went there so everyone else can eat dicks sorry he dropped out really yeah he was the 30s he went and played baseball professionally instead he dropped out i dropped out to go fucking to play baseball get a get a contract his parents were fucking immigrants, man. Incredible. He was an immigrant. His parents were immigrants. He had multiple brothers.
Starting point is 00:30:29 He had to go make some fucking money, period. Dimaggio Ortley or something was his real name? Dimaggio. It's skinny enough, Dimaggio, I think. Do you need to make that longer? Really? Jesus. So, Petrogali, you shorten that.
Starting point is 00:30:42 It was originally 26 letters long. you shorten that it was originally 26 letters long so uh yeah he uh he didn't uh he didn't uh in high school he started uh he was a third string tailback but eventually he ended up uh breaking through and going off and he ends up going to san francisco city college is where he goes at first and he's he's a backup when he first gets there and his first two running backs get injured and he gets his chance and when he does he just breaks all the city college records he scores that year he ends up scoring 26 touchdowns and averaging 9.9 yards a carry that is absurd not that's a first 10 yards is a first down that's the first down so you never do anything else but give him the ball because he averages a first down.
Starting point is 00:31:27 So you have four downs to get a first down. He's going to get a first down in four downs. Always give him the ball and you're going to win. That's why he has 26 touchdowns. Incredible. So he wanted to go to USC, University of Southern California, obviously, as a sophomore. But the school rejected him because his grades weren't good enough. Really? So he considered going somewhere for to go to a bigger school but usc a usc scout uh persuaded
Starting point is 00:31:52 him to not go to another college to stay in city college for another year and get his grades up and then come down to usc so because he wanted him to play there so he sets his sights on that he wants usc because he he told uh he told the uh newspaper a columnist once quote uh usc is quote a place where i can learn which fork to use at dinner so he's not going there for football he's going there because he sees that as the next step up in society got it from the From the very start, that's what he saw. He saw, okay, you can be this, but if you want to be accepted on a bigger level and be a big shot, because he also wanted to be a businessman. He wanted to be a wealthy, important person.
Starting point is 00:32:35 He wanted to be fucking Willie Mays, goddammit. And he needed to know which fork to use because a kid from the projects who steals sardines off a truck doesn't know which fork to eat them with. Don't tell me about the volume of a cylinder sir which one's the salad which one's the salad that's all i need to know jesus so he yeah he he uh that's why he wants to go there to up his everything to up his status to to be bigger in society he marries his high school sweetheart which in the 60ies was very common. He marries a Marguerite Whitley was her name and he'll be married to her for a
Starting point is 00:33:10 while. This poor woman, as he cheats on her with everything that walks, that is not even disputed or debated. OJ was an animal with women. He, any thing that came by him, he was all over it. he was a fucking menace with
Starting point is 00:33:28 the women out there every but that's never disputed he likes the ladies oj and they liked him handsome dude athlete famous everything about him so uh yeah this was in 1967 he ends up going to usc this is when he marries marguerite and uh marguerite just said when she first met OJ, she thought he was a terrible person. She nailed it. Hey, first impressions. You know what, Marguerite? You're a good judge of character. You get a side of beef.
Starting point is 00:33:57 You should have just stuck to it. And he says, quote, he agrees. He said, I didn't have any goals. I goofed off a lot. I was sort of aimless. She met him in high school before he had the Willie Mays focus thing here. At USC, though, he comes in and he is immediately a fucking monster on the field. Well, it's his junior year, but his first year at USC.
Starting point is 00:34:20 He plays in all 11 games. 291 rushing attempts. He rushes for 1,543 yards in 11 games, averages 5.3 yards a carry, which is obscene for an every down back. 13 touchdowns. He had 10 receptions for 109 yards. He was a fucking animal, just an absolute monster. And took the I mean, he ends up he wins the Heisman Trophy. and took the i mean he ends up he wins the heisman trophy they uh the team itself in 67 they go 10 and 1 and go all the way to the rose bowl and win 14 to 3 over indiana and become
Starting point is 00:34:53 national champions as well so he's a heisman trophy winner national champion this he was so famous so fast from this he went from san francisco city college to the most famous football player incredible on earth yeah i mean he was joe francisco city college to the most famous fucking football player incredible on earth yeah i mean he was joe namath and him were the two biggest most famous people just doesn't happen it's that's how big he was he was so so huge for that taylor swift is soaring high her every move captured in the news cycle and devoured by her devoted fans. She's broken billboard records and made Grammys history, not to mention becoming a billionaire in the process. But along the way, Taylor has had to wage war, first by taking on a very powerful,
Starting point is 00:35:37 very famous manager, Scooter Braun, and then by going up against the biggest live events company, Ticketmaster. Hi, I'm David Brown, the host of Wondery's show, Business Wars. We go deep into some of the biggest corporate rivalries of all time. And in our latest season, Taylor Swift will shake up not only the music business, but Hollywood and the NFL. Follow Business Wars wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app.
Starting point is 00:36:08 The wait is over. So far, you're not losing. The only thing you're losing is my patience. Quickly, I see that. Bing! The queen of the courtroom is back. I didn't do anything. You wouldn't know the truth if it came up and slapped you in the face.
Starting point is 00:36:25 I see he's not intimidated by anything. I can fix that. New cases. She wanted to fight me. Leave her alone. Okay, so, um... This is not a so. This is a period. Classic Judy. Did you sleep with her?
Starting point is 00:36:39 Yes, Your Honor. You married his cousin. His brother. That's not him. Yes, ma'am. I would make a beeline for the door. The Emmy Award winning series returns. How did I know that?
Starting point is 00:36:52 I have a crystal ball in my head. It's an all new season. It's streaming. You can say anything. Judy Justice. Only on Freebie. Freebie. only on freebie 1968 he plays in all 11 games 383 rushing attempts just fucking that's a lot man that's
Starting point is 00:37:16 every goddamn down that is grinding well he averages 4.9 a carry so you understand why 800 1880 yards in 11 games is a lot that's a shitload of yards 23 touchdowns also had 26 receptions so he's just killing it 2091 yards from scrimmage that's ridiculous fucking insane he's in college in 11 games that's he's averaging almost 200 yards a game that's he's a superstar nfl player already oh yeah oh yeah with those numbers that's hall of fame stuff already physically you look at him and you go there's no he could crush right now in the nfl in 68 with the trojans here he they're nine one and one and they end up uh seventh in the in the polling that year they go to the rose bowl again but they lose 27 to 16
Starting point is 00:38:03 against ohio state that's when they dropped to uh they dropped to number seven so they don't win the national title coach there's john mckay by the way who is one of the funniest fucking guys he's the greatest quote in the history of sports really the greatest quote there's a book called i think it's called the yucks it's about the first two years of the tampa bay bucks and he's the coach that they took in because he was a national champion USC coach. Oh, what a frustrating team. Oh, my God. And this guy was the funniest fucking guy.
Starting point is 00:38:33 He took that shit in stride? Oh, he has the... No, he made fun of the whole thing. He has the best line in the history of coaching today. They asked him, the team got their asses kicked like 26-0. And a reporter asked him, John, John, how do you feel about your team's execution out there and he goes i'm in favor of it and walks away i'm like that's the greatest fucking line in the history of football they deserved it yeah i'm in favor of it and he just that's all he said didn't laugh and then give a
Starting point is 00:38:59 real answer just i'm in favor of it and he walked away always had a fucking joke answer for everything ah that's hilarious at the end of the first season when they were you know hadn't won and they were awful the zero wins and everything he asked the guys at the end of the season how many guys here are planning on staying in tampa bay over the over the summer and everything or over the spring and the guys all expected they were gonna you know he's gonna say make sure you eat right and work out and stay in shape and he goes all, all right, well, a few people raised their hands. He goes, for you guys staying here, make sure to stop in the office on your way out to pick up some fake nose and glasses so nobody will fucking recognize your sorry asses and left.
Starting point is 00:39:34 That was the big closing speech of the season. This guy rules. A pompous ass, but funny as shit, if you're in the press card just to hear it i was expecting him to say i hope you least or some shit nice make sure to pick up your fake noses and sunglasses nobody to recognize your sorry asses that's like that's the greatest shit ever he's saying that to professional oh yeah just a room full of nfl football players he just said that and then just walked out you're all pieces of shit. But it was literally like this book is just, it's so great.
Starting point is 00:40:09 If just for every couple pages, another John McKay quote that's making fun of his team. It's because they were so bad and he would just make fun of them so often. So that was his senior year, OJ's senior year. So in college and in only 22 games, rushed for uh he rushed for 3423 yards in 22 games so not too shabby the nfl is obviously interested and he's a charismatic young guy he's the guy you want in your franchise that voice and the voice everything and number one pick belongs to the buffalo bills the place the last place anyone wants to go, especially if you live, grow up in San Francisco and you played in L.A. in college.
Starting point is 00:40:49 How about Buffalo? The other side of the country in the maybe the worst city in that area. Probably the worst weather anyway. They're in Green Bay. I mean, it's probably a toss up between there and Green Bay. I would say it's probably worse because Green Bay doesn't get the lake effects now that the fucking that Buffalo gets. That is brutal in the wind and it's just a it's just a rusting hulk of a of an ex-metropolis
Starting point is 00:41:10 it's fucking sad sorry buffalo we will be in pittsburgh and cleveland so you guys can come down and drive and see us but uh so number one is oj simpson he goes like we said to buffalo here number two can you guess no no you can't because it's a guy named george coons yep i would have guessed yeah george coons there he is a tackle drafted by atlanta okay so that tells you a lot and then uh leroy keys who only played 48 games in the nfl mean joe green number four no kidding fuck yeah hall of famer mean joe green drafted by pittsburgh obviously in number four spot uh then from there you get a bunch of guys that you kind of got to be football fans to remember fred dreyer who played hunter no see
Starting point is 00:41:56 this tv show hunter in the 80s no and he was in um you'd know fred dreyer if you saw him trust me he's in a shitload of movies he's an he turned into an actor but he was drafted by the rams then the blonde guy he was kind of balding but blonde kind of tall uh he looks like a cop hunter was a cop he looks like a fucking cop yeah that guy fred dreyer he was uh he played for the rams forever he was drafted then so you know a bunch of guys like that that you kind of have to be more of a football fan to really know who they were but ted hendricks was drafted in the second round, Hall of Fame linebacker, who was a psychopath playing for the Raiders.
Starting point is 00:42:28 And wasn't he? The mad stork. He was ugly as fuck. Ted Hendricks was a fucking crazy son of a bitch. He is hideous, man. That is one of the ugliest men I've ever seen in my life. Him and Otis Nixon would be one and two. Well, they're close.
Starting point is 00:42:41 They are both ugly people. They're not attractive men. You know, Ted probably knows, though. He's got to by now. He has to know. one and two well they're close they are both ugly people they're not attractive men i think you know ted probably knows though he's got to by now he's had he has to know it's he's he's got a weird his forehead he looks like a goddamn prehistoric man yeah yeah he's just a hideous dude and he's red he can play like monsters without any yeah without any makeup makeup any anything just comes in they're like nope you're good well that way a little powder on the there you go you're shiny and then he gets out there no prosthetics the face like that and a
Starting point is 00:43:09 ginger fuck man you poor bastard so man so uh the bills are psyched about oj they cannot wait everyone is excited this is the they landed the grand prize of the country i mean we read off all the other guys outside of mean joe green who nobody knew was going to be a fucking hall of famer he went forth uh oj was the prize nobody else was worth the shit as far as anybody was concerned his rookie year uh he plays in 13 games back then it was a 14 game season plays in 13 games 181 rushes uh 697 yards 3.9 yards per uh per carry now we must tell you the bills were fucking terrible back then they were awful and people just keyed in on oj that's all there was to it it was it was we're gonna hand off to oj a lot and everyone would just stack the box and oj would try to get out of that it was a it was it was a mess 69 uh the bills uh Bills, man, just not a good team at all.
Starting point is 00:44:09 They're 4-10 is their record, which is terrible, obviously, but it's worse than that. It's one of those things. And their quarterback was the guy who was Bob Dole's running mate in 1996. No kidding. Yeah, Kemp was Bob Dole's vice presidential candidate. Yeah, he was a quarterback. That is horrific. He played for the Seahawks.
Starting point is 00:44:31 He played for the Bills forever. Yeah, Kemp was a... That's disgusting. There's a few of those out there. He was almost vice president. Well, not really. It wasn't even close. Nowhere close.
Starting point is 00:44:40 So Buffalo that year... As soon as that dude said he invented the internet, it was over. That was Al Gore. That was later on. And he didn't say he invented the internet. They said dude said he invented the internet it was over that was al gore that was later on and he didn't say he invented the internet they said he said he invented the internet all right not that i was the other one yeah 96 yeah he's the vice president for bush no no it was never anybody's bob dole wasn't a vice president bob dole was a senator he's a senator i think he ran with somebody did he run 76 did he run with ford possibly ran with somebody he might have been he might have been been Ford's vice presidential candidate in 76, I believe.
Starting point is 00:45:07 And he lost then, too? Yeah, Ford lost to Carter in 76. No, I mean, dull then. If Ford lost, he lost, too. It's on a fucking ticket, yeah. I get it. You can't pick one for me. No, you couldn't, like the 1800s.
Starting point is 00:45:21 That would be great. It was just one and two. Yeah, they're going to get along. They used to do the top two vote getters. There's your fucking vice president and president. So it would be Trump and Hillary right now would be your president and vice president. That would be, although, you know what? It's a fucking disaster anyway.
Starting point is 00:45:40 At least that would be fucking, that would be amusing anyway to have them fighting with each other like on the White House lawn. I would, we'd have something. If it's going to be a fucking joke anyway, who cares cares let's at least make it entertaining rather than just sad please what we should do though is put like president and vice president and then pick our vice president and pick our president you know what i mean yeah yeah not just have like one and two like yeah but then they decided maybe we'll try to get people that'll work together just pick a whole thing and you know plus then it was motivation yeah to for people to try to assassinate the person from the other party. So their party, then their president.
Starting point is 00:46:10 So that was the other issue. I didn't even think about that. Back then, that was a big deal because you could assassinate a president. No problem. Just walk right up to him and shoot him. Nobody cared. It's like a death warrant sign. You used to be able to just go to the White House to complain about shit.
Starting point is 00:46:21 Literally, back in the day, you could just walk in the White House and be like, I want talk to the president i'm here to see son of a bitch and then you could yell at him for something and he'd go all right well work on it and then he'd leave it was like having a mayor it's like a local mayor fuck there's too many people now wouldn't it be great to be able to do that that'd be great hey dickhead whoever's president hey asshole i gotta beef the fucking bone to pick with you at best we got twitter and they don't even see that no they don't care about that shit so uh so yeah 1969 he does that 1970 he only plays in eight games he was injured a little bit that year 120 rushes for 488 yards and five touchdowns so he's a 4.1 to carry which is yards per carry is okay but you know he doesn't have a thousand yard season yet and he's supposed to be the savior of the league,
Starting point is 00:47:06 so people are kind of getting a little bit disappointed in him. But Buffalo's 3-10-1, and they're fucking terrible. They're fucking terrible. You really can't expect much out of these people at this point. So we'll talk about a little OJ's extracurricular activities at this moment in time from that time period. Well, I mean, there's pussy. Well, he's in everything, but there's also
Starting point is 00:47:27 movies and TV shows. This guy is every fucking where he's in a TV series here because all he's in Dragnet. He's which was a big series, obviously, in 68. He's in It Takes a Thief, which is a TV series in
Starting point is 00:47:43 68. He played an airline passenger and uh he on ironside with holy shit that's raymond burr yeah we were just talking about that's uh that's impressive on iron who knew on iron forgot forgot about that in the notes but 1968 that he's in that he plays in that he plays a uh a prison guard in a show called the name of the game in 1968 he's in medical center which was a big tv show he plays uh actually has a uh brew wiley is the guy's name in 1969 of a character name got a character name he's in a movie called the dream of hamish moe in 1969 that's what i thought too i said what the fuck is the dream of Hamish Moe? So I looked it up. It's, quote, a team, a lost team of Buffalo soldiers and their captain in the aftermath of the Civil War trekked through the Texas desert on an odyssey to retrieve a comrade they had thought had been dead.
Starting point is 00:48:38 That's some serious shit. That's not like some silly. That's like he's playing like a soldier who's been through a war and has to go weird you wouldn't expect that out of oj but that's that's what he does buffalo soldiers i can think of a buffalo we could get yeah i know one yeah uh 1970 he writes his autobiography which is hilarious because he just graduated from college do anything he hasn't done i mean he's done more than enough we've done but it's you're still not old enough to have any perspective over anything except for jerking off.
Starting point is 00:49:08 He's still got a career for fuck's sake. That's what I'm saying. Wait till your career's over. He just started his career. It's called OJ, The Education of a Rich Rookie. Oh, Christ. So it's trying to be like, you know, oh, teaching him to be, you know, whatever, like a mature person.
Starting point is 00:49:23 It's him coming of age age 255 pages what the fuck that's a pretty big book for a 22 year old kid it's weird uh yeah and night and he he's money comes like crazy for him all these tv parts movie parts he's getting endorsements and deals and all over buffalo he's fucking got his name all over everything. Car dealer commercials, all that sort of thing. His salary is the number one overall draft pick. Sure. So his salary is pretty high also. In 1971, he told a New York paper that he was already wealthy enough to retire.
Starting point is 00:49:58 He said, quote, that he could, quote, retire this week if he wanted to from playing football. He didn't need to play football anymore. What's his number? Oh, God, Jesus. That's what I'm saying. Is it five mil? Shit. Think he's got that by now?
Starting point is 00:50:10 No, fuck no. Back then? But think about back then, one million was like having 10 million now, so it's a different case. This is pre-'70s inflation and everything else, so it's a different thing. 1971 for Buffalo. He plays in all 14 games. He has 183 rushes for 742
Starting point is 00:50:28 yards 4.1 to carry so it's not too shabby either the bills that year are guess what they are what i'll give you a guess terrible yeah they're 1 and 13 they won one game one fucking game so you is that the only team that had won only one lots of teams in one game one game was very common really yeah it's no games that's not common that was just tampa and detroit yeah that and john mckay team that he's in favor of their execution at least you didn't hear detroit's coach say that yeah he was just joking about he's like rather terrible jesus i don't know it's an expansion team detroit's coach was still trying to get another job. Well, yeah, because that was an established team.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Well, they told McKay. McKay came in, and the owner hired him and said, with the Tampa Bay, McKay said, I can't do anything for five years. They will be terrible for five years. So this owner said, you got five years, so be as bad as you want, and in five years, make the playoffs. So McKay didn't give a shit. He was under no pressure in year one and two.
Starting point is 00:51:26 So he was just like, they're awful. I told you they'd be awful. They're pretty bad, right? Worse than I thought. Okay, moving on, which is fucking great. Hilarious. So good. So 72 is when he comes into his own.
Starting point is 00:51:38 72, he plays in all 14 games, 292 rushes, leads the league with 1,251 yards, six touchdowns, has a 94 94 yard run that really it's a famous run it's a it's man is it wild him going back and forth and knocking people down and then just fucking gone it wasn't like going through a hole and then going 94 yards it's no no this is actually earning bang bang bang drop a guy hit a guy juke a guy and then take off with your speed it's incredible strength agility and speed all displayed in one run pretty impressively. He's an all-pro.
Starting point is 00:52:09 He's a pro bowler this year. First team all-pro. He's nasty as shit. The Bills are only 4-9-1, so they're still terrible, obviously, because they're the Bills. They suck. 73, though, that's his year. 332 rushes for 2,003 yards. This was the record.
Starting point is 00:52:28 He set the record for rushing in a season with the 2,003 yards in only 14 games, mind you, which is fucking crazy. That's so much harder to do. And then back then, too, they were so much stronger. The defenses could fucking pop you and make you think about running again. They were allowed to clothesline you. They were allowed to do terrible things. They were allowed to clothesline you. They were allowed to do terrible things.
Starting point is 00:52:47 They were allowed to... Yeah, spearing you doing shit in the file. Oh, they could do horrible shit to you. Poke you in the eyes. Everything was allowed. They could head slap you, clothesline you, you name it. Punch you in the face. It didn't matter. Anything.
Starting point is 00:52:59 The Bills were 9-5 that year. So OJ carried the Bills to be decent. He averaged 143 yards a game, which is fucking five that year so oj carried the bills to be decent he averaged 143 yards a game which is fucking insane that year 1974 also wait 73 speaking of 73 he also won the nfl mvp so he's the nfl mvp in every type of way uh every voting possible the newspapers newspapers, the AP, the NFL. It's unanimous here. He wins the Burt Bell Award for the Player of the Year, the AP Offensive Player of the Year, the whole deal. He's a bad motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Also, 72-73, more TV shows. He's in Cades County, which is a TV show. Now he's got character names always. Now he's not just Onlooker. Now he's Jeff Hughes. So, 1972-73, Owen Marshall, Counselor at Law. Now he's got character names always. Now he's not just onlooker. Now he's Jeff Hughes. So 1972, 73. Owen Marshall, Counselor at Law. That was a TV show.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Counselor at Law. I don't know. He plays Sims in that show. He's on Here's Lucy, which is I Love Lucy. This is Lucille Ball's third TV show that I used to see. I've always been an insomniac. And in the 80s, when I'd wake up at two o'clock in the morning and turn on my shitty 13 inch black and white TV in my room, here's Lucy would always be on in the middle of fucking
Starting point is 00:54:15 night. And it's about Lucy being like this, like, I don't know, this old rich lady who's got a real raspy voice and she yells at everybody. And I used to watch it all the time. But he plays himself on that. And then he's in a movie called Why. It's called Why? It's called Why.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Like W-H-Y. Why, goddammit, why? Why, I ask you. Why? Why? So, yeah, it's called Why. So he's in that there. Now, 74.
Starting point is 00:54:44 We'll talk about it. Then I got something very funny to discuss here 74 270 rushes for 1125 yards three touchdowns uh 75 these are all all pro and pro bowl years too 75 he is uh 329 rushes for 1817 yards 16 touchdowns the league. 5.5 per carry that year in 75, which is fucking ridiculous. He's just maintaining the whole time. You just give him the ball always, and he'll get a first down. Eight and six, the Bills are, so they even get better. Even the Bills get better.
Starting point is 00:55:17 Holy shit. So that's not bad. Around this time, I found there's this book called three bricks short of a load and it's about the pittsburgh steelers from 1974 it's a reporter that is embedded with them and it's really just a more it's less about on the field and more about just the guys off the field team dynamics and how people are and shit like that and one of the guys in this book talks about oj and he says there's only one guy in the nfl that i'm afraid of and that's oj simpson and the guy's like what the fuck are you talking about
Starting point is 00:55:50 there's guys twice the size of oj simpson and he said no no he goes oj and this is in the mid 70s this is in retrospect he said oj is a killer he said he has the eyes of a murderer he said when that guy he goes everybody else when you tackle him they might give you a look like they're pissed or whatever he goes when you tackle oj he said he makes my blood chill the way he looks at me he looks at you like i could kill you right fucking now and i would love to and if there wasn't a hundred thousand people here i fucking would he said that literally like he said he scares me as a human being how about that he told me he has the eyes of a killer that fucking guy scary as shit and i was like that is fucking
Starting point is 00:56:30 hilarious unbelievable the anger in his eyes when you tackle him is like how fucking dare you hold me back i would murder you if i could that's so funny i've never heard anyone describe that in football like anybody like that before at all uh so at this point too he's also in a movie called the klansman in 74 what i had to get the description of this one also the klansman i was like pardon i doubt he's the klansman that's not his role probably i'm thinking this stars lee marvin richard burton these are big movie stars. Cameron Mitchell, who turned into an amazing B-movie star later on and on many, many movies. There's this show on YouTube called Best of the Worst. These guys in Milwaukee do it.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Red Letter Media. They're fucking hilarious, but we very rarely recommend comedy. These dudes are funny as shit, and they watch these terrible, terrible B and C movies and try to make sense of them. Really in a hilarious way. And Cameron Mitchell's in like three quarters of these fucking movies just in the ages love him he's in no he's just he did every shit b movie like if you had a shit b movie and you needed like a you know some name actor and you had five grand cameron mitchell would do it he'd show up for the day and you know mail in a fucking phone in a performance basically and that was what it was so uh the the description of this movie is quote a local sheriff tries to keep the peace as racial
Starting point is 00:57:51 strife hits his out small alabama town as tensions boil over when a black man is accused of raping a white woman oh jesus is that oj i i don't know oj did you OJ, are you the rapist here or what? I'm not sure if he's the rapist, but yeah, I haven't seen the actual movie. At this point, he's also in The Towering Inferno, which is a very famous movie about a building on fire, which was a very famous movie. It's kind of when people noticed he was an actor at that point. The Diamond Mercenaries, he's in that. He plays Bopper Alexanderlexander i don't know uh he uh he's in the cassandra crossing he's also god his imdb is deep oh it's way deep uh he's in
Starting point is 00:58:34 fucking roots in 77 he's in roots man yeah oh yeah i remember him in roots i've seen roots he's only seen that movie maybe twice he's he's in roots i mean jesus christ so that's in part one of roots he's like he's shit that was his everybody he's in roots i mean jesus christ so that's in part one of roots he's like he's shit that was his bit everybody watched fucking roots so i mean everybody saw him he's also in a tv movie called a killing affair uh there so he really has like in society he is there i mean he's a everyone knows who oj simpson is period there's a nobody that doesn't know who he is in terms of that. He's as famous as Muhammad Ali probably in the United States at this point,
Starting point is 00:59:09 which is saying something here. 76, he had 1,503 yards and eight touchdowns. 77, he only played in eight and seven games. He was injured a lot. He had 557 yards. And then after that, he's going to go to San Francisco. He's going to end up going to San Francisco to finish out his career his career i don't know we'll talk about that in a second here in 1975 people magazine described oj as quote the first black athlete to become a bona fide lovable media
Starting point is 00:59:37 superstar he he was he was the first athlete that was black that transcended race that nobody just white people would see him on a commercial and be, I'm going to buy that Chevy now. Fucking OJ, man. He's a good guy. Everybody liked OJ. From 75 on, he started appearing in the Hertz rental car ads. Yes, I remember that. That he was so famous for that whenever anybody makes fun of OJ, they just show him running through an airport and jumping over suitcases and all that shit.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Suitcases and bags and all that shit. Helping an old lady. old lady oh hold on all that crap uh so he did that started in 75 so he was doing that for fucking years he did that's how good he was at bringing business in that they kept him around for 10 years outside of the progressive flow chick nobody is on a commercial for anything for 10 years they get tired of people and you get rid of them even the verizon guy went somewhere else. He went over there. Maybe the cavemen or some shit, but they're not even like a real person. Or the guy for Toyota.
Starting point is 01:00:32 That guy's been around forever, but nobody knows who he is. Nobody knows his name. He's just a guy from Toyota. Random, chunky white guy who looks like everybody else. Random white dad. Yeah, random white Midwest dad. That's who he is. Hey, guys.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Sell cars. Look at me. I love Toyota. Hey, Toyot Midwest dad. That's who he is. Hey, guys. Sell cars. Look at me. I love Toyota. Hey, Toyotas are wonderful. They pay my mortgage. Hey, wonderful. Look at that. So, yeah, he would do that.
Starting point is 01:00:54 They said that the ad campaign raised the recognition rate of OJ. He says that people he knew, like people he met, people recognized him from the Hertz commercials. He said it went from people, about 30% of the people he met recognizing him and knowing who he was to 90% of the people because that commercial was on constantly. So he said after that, everyone on earth knew who he was and he couldn't get away from anything. Also, TV. He's on a ton of these TV shows dating back to 67. He's on the Ed Sullivan show, which is like where the Beatles came out. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:01:28 Not came out, but in America. That's where they were exposed. That's where they were exposed. The Rosie Greer Show. The Joey Bishop Show, which was like, you know, Joey Bishop. Frank Sinatra and those guys. That was a real middle of white kind of thing. The Joe Namath Show.
Starting point is 01:01:43 He was on the Mike Douglasouglas show which was a big talk show the sunny and share comedy hour he appeared in 74 the flip wilson show he appears on he's all these tv shows and doing comedy people think he's funny they think he's he's friendly and sharp he did the uh the tv movie documentary in 74 oj simpson juice on the loose because they call him juice by the way if you don't know because oj is yes the mac davis show he presented at the 47th annual academy awards in 1975 he gave out a fucking oscar to somebody somebody has an oscar on their shelf that was handed to them by oj fucking simpson that's hilarious how strange is that shit he was on the bobby Vinton show.
Starting point is 01:02:26 That's him and Bobby Vinton sitting there is a weird combination for some reason. He's on the Captain and Tennille show. Come on. Sitting between the Captain and Tennille. That's the weirdest goddamn thing ever. And also the celebrity challenge of the sexes where he played ping pong against a woman. Really? For some reason.
Starting point is 01:02:43 I don't know why. I don't know what that proves either way. I don't feel like that proves a dominant sex in ping pong do you think that was his choice they're like we're gonna have you play ping pong he's like only if it's down to a woman he goes i'll beat a woman's ass in ping pong matter of fact i'll just beat a woman's ass you can give me a weapon against a woman all right oh there's a ball too i don't know about that a paddle okay now in the mid 70s here this is what we'll talk about uh an excerpt from a book and i mentioned this once before jesus a year ago but i didn't get into that much detail there's a guy named john roberts john
Starting point is 01:03:17 roberts is one of the cocaine cowboys guys if you've seen on netflix they have cocaine cowboys cocaine cowboys too they have all these documentaries about the cocaine cowboys people who brought you know coke in by the ton through pablo escobar into florida if you've watched narcos it's the other side of of that of narcos so john roberts was kind of the guy kind of at the head of this and cocaine cowboys he's the guy who oh they he talks about basically paying uh playing bumper cars with brand new mercedes with his wife in the driveway while they were fighting because he had so much fucking money lord that they would smash up two brand new mercedes in the driveway
Starting point is 01:03:54 and they had millions of dollars in cash buried all in swamps and shit because he called me an asshole yeah well they were coked out of their minds too and you know it was the 80s in the 80s you just did that was considered you do wild shit hey you know we'll do that then we'll listen to the new phil collins and you know it'll be all everything will be fine some golden earring on the radio put some susu studio on and smash any with my goddamn mercedes it's gonna be fucking fine buddy hit that twilight zone yeah that was a great song i'm thinking more 80s. I'm picturing her like... That song is super 80s. That Twilight Zone song?
Starting point is 01:04:29 That's like 81, though. Was it? Yeah, that's early. I don't know how it came out. 82, maybe. So you're looking for like... I'm looking for like 85. Blazers with rolled up sleeves.
Starting point is 01:04:38 He's got his sleeves rolled up on his silver blazer. He's got coke all in his mustache. You know what I mean? He's got coke in his mustache he's got a flat mullet that's what i'm picturing right now she's got like her dress is like got big puffs in the shoulders and it's got like parts that are like looks like silver foil and the rest of it's black it's weird and her left arm sleeve is much longer than her right yeah you got me you see where i'm see where I'm getting at.
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Starting point is 01:06:54 well every week the parkast original espionage tells the story of the world's most incredible undercover missions and how these covert operations succeeded or failed, which sounds pretty awesome. Find out the real world spy tactics required to impersonate, exploit and infiltrate the most confidential places in the world. You'll be fascinated by the story of George Trofimov. Trofimov, I actually think I pronounced that right. A high ranking army official who was arrested after allegedly accepting money from a Russian intelligence agent who was actually an undercover FBI agent. That's interesting as it can be here.
Starting point is 01:07:30 And you'll be astounded by the lives of the Coens, a seemingly ordinary couple from New York City who actually spent years stealing American military secrets for the Soviet Union. Episodes on British codebreaker Alan Turek, as well as triple agent Henryry derricourt are out right now own search for and subscribe to espionage on spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts again search espionage or visit slash espionage to listen now and now back to the show now john roberts wrote a book called american desperado and it's a fucking great book
Starting point is 01:08:10 by the way it's this guy's story from growing up in new york city to becoming like the biggest fucking coke kingpin in south florida and and the whole thing and he's not in prison or anything like that now so he he led an extremely interesting life like you know he got bullied by the cia and all that shit into selling shit he was making runs for yeah this was all very everything you that's interesting about our country and the drug war and all that shit is in this book right now it's all in that book so he talks about being in miami and being a big time coke play coke dealer and he had a lot of famous people that he knew and uh one of a guy one of the guys he knew uh was a guy named mercury morris yeah now if you don't know who mercury morris is you will because
Starting point is 01:08:51 we'll do an episode someday undefeated dolphin he's one of the one of the championship undefeated dolphin players so that means he's got a name forever and he also got busted with a shit load of coke at one point he's very much into Mercury Morris. Nowadays, he's turned his life around. He's been clean and everything for 25 years. And still toasting every year. A mess back then, though. So he knew this John Roberts guy, Mercury Morris did. So this guy says one day the Buffalo Bills were coming to play Miami into town, into Miami to play the Dolphins.
Starting point is 01:09:23 And he says that Mercury Morris called him up, John Roberts says, and he said, quote, John, I'm going to bring a guy to your house. And he said he told Mercury Morris, Merc, you're my man, bring down anybody you want to bring. He's a famous dude. So he says, I'm in my house, and in walks Merc with O.J. Simpson. So he was like, he says, I was taken aback. Here was O.J. Simpson, Juice, he says i was taken aback here was oj simpson juice when he says i'm quoting him here
Starting point is 01:09:47 one of the best running backs in history in my house so like he was blown away by a celebrity of oj and this is a guy who's a big coke dealer he doesn't care about anybody but he was blown away he said they sat sat down immediately everybody started doing a shitload of coke. By the way, if you don't know, OJ loves cocaine. Does he really? Holy shit, he loves cocaine. Oh, my God. Every story about him extracurricularly is fucking coke and coke and more fucking coke. He is a big coke guy.
Starting point is 01:10:19 So I'm super into it. So he says they're putting shit up their noses. He says everybody's high as a motherfucker. Everybody's laughing laughing having fun he says oj turns to him and says quote hey man if you ever if you're ever in buffalo look me up yeah so this is great he says i said quote ever in buffalo juice are you out of your fucking mind i ain't never gonna be in buffalo unless they blow it up and put the pieces on a barge and bring it down here where it's nice what the fuck is wrong with you that's essentially your quote that's pretty much my quote yeah what the fuck do i want to go to buffalo for jesus christ so what the what the fuck is wrong with you is what he says bring it down here where it's nice where it's nice put it on a barge and bring
Starting point is 01:11:02 it down there i love that oj OJ was just like, okay. All right. I was trying to be friendly, but cool. I was hoping he'd bring me Coke. Guess not. And he says, quote, I don't know what came over me. I guess OJ rubbed me the wrong way. After an hour in my house, it was tiring to be around him.
Starting point is 01:11:18 Even though all of us were doing Coke, OJ went beyond. He was a Coke fiend. He was crazed. So this guy says, and he says, quote, talking to OJ, the other impression that I got was he was very fortunate he had talent as a running back. Without that, he would have been lucky to work flipping burgers. I'm not saying OJ was a dummy. He told a lot of funny stories, but he was very stuck on himself, and I didn't see that
Starting point is 01:11:39 he had the brains to back that up. Interesting. Then he says, quote, when OJ left my house that first night, I was glad. So that's the one meeting of OJ comes over. He does a shitload of coke. He's super annoying. And then he leaves. Washed his hands of him.
Starting point is 01:11:51 Who cares? Right. Then he says a few weeks later, he shows up again. OJ does with Mercury Morris. Hey, where's that coke at? I got Christ. I got this asshole in my house again. So he says after a few hours, Merck had to go home to see his kids.
Starting point is 01:12:04 So he says, so he liked Merck. Merck was to see his kids so he says so he liked murk murk was a good guy so he's like that's fine but he left oj there what so he leaves this fucking guy in my house great i'm stuck with oj for the so he says now i'm alone with oj he came on a thursday night and the next day he's still in my living room he says blasted out of his mind still doing coke so he just sat in his house doing Coke for a whole entire fucking day. He said he was so wasted, he didn't even know what he was doing, OJ. He says, quote, suddenly I'm his babysitter. Outside of doing my Coke, OJ's only other interest was, quote,
Starting point is 01:12:37 he wanted to fuck any white girl there was. Which, you can take that as racist, but it's also just observant. This is beautiful. Because he just, OJ liked white girls. Sorry, that's what he was into. And he would fuck any white girl that crossed his path. Well, that's a lot of white shit here. Not a racist thing.
Starting point is 01:12:53 He likes white powder and white girls. That's all there is to it. This, by the way, still married to Marguerite. This is, you know, who was not white at all, but he likes white, whatever. So just John Robertsts i don't know if he's racist or not who the fuck knows what some old coke dealer's racist or not but this sounded way more like an observation than a judgment yeah of you know i didn't want him to
Starting point is 01:13:14 fuck the white girls he just was like yeah that's all he was interested in whatever he says quote but he was too crazed to leave the house that's how fucking how fucked up oj was he said the easiest thing was to put him in the guest room and bring in a bunch of hookers how about that when you've got somebody that won't leave your house you're like fuck it go to the guest room i'm just gonna get a bunch of hookers fuck it because that's all he wanted to do man i gotta get some girls i gotta get some girls but i'm too fucked up to leave the house he's like fine just go in there and i'll bring i'll just get you hookers if it'll shut you up so now oj's in the guest room and a day and a half cocaine binge out of his
Starting point is 01:13:49 fucking mind waiting on prostitutes so he said this is the quote from john douglas quote they could be ugly as long as they had bleach blonde hair and were white that's it he didn't give a shit what they look like he that's what oj told him. That's his type. He said he'd party with one or two girls for a couple hours, then he'd want the next ones. My God. He's insatiable. He said, for coke, he said, I kept a small herd of whores in my living room. Not my words. Quote from a book.
Starting point is 01:14:15 I kept a small herd of whores in my living room, feeding them booze and blow so they could be on call for OJ. Unbelievable. So now this guy's like a harem tender yeah to this fucking guy now he's got to keep all these women on a got a good balance of coke and booze so they're ready to go service oj when he's ready to fucking do so this is crazy and uh saturday night so he came on a thursday and it's now saturday night yeah mercury morris never came back no he just left OJ with
Starting point is 01:14:45 him right he said Saturday night I go into OJ's room and say quote look man don't you got to go to practice with your team isn't there a curfew what the fuck are you doing here man it's fucking got a playbook to memorize it's Saturday what are you doing and he says quote curfew I'm OJ I do anything I want that's what he said that's what he said i'm oj i do anything i want what do they get to suspend him he's oj so that's what it was and he says juice you got a game in buffalo tomorrow he tells him tomorrow tomorrow you have a game in buffalo i'm a gambler trust me i know when the fucking it was that too we're six hours away from fucking kickoff man he says quote oj says quote as long as you get me
Starting point is 01:15:26 on the first plane in the morning i'll be fine unbelievable so he's gonna go do that and he's gonna stroll in and they're all gonna go oj he's gonna put his pads on and rush out there by sunday morning the man is totally totally gone oj didn't say i better chill out and get some sleep and wake me up in the morning and take me he goes so i got till morning the party that means so he is still how do you live like that who knows he says quote he's burned through so much blow so many whores his eyes don't even focus no more that's his quote uh he's awake but his head is rolling on his chest yeah he's just in this like he's in a fucking and he's about to play football. NFL football. Yeah, with prostitutes spit on his dick and Coke remnants all over his nose.
Starting point is 01:16:13 And he's going to be great. Well, maybe not. This was toward the end here. He says, John Roberts says, quote, I call a friend to help me carry him to my car. By the time we get to the airport, OJ's in another world. I slap him in the face and shout, juice. I'm going to give you a big fucking line to try to wake him up yeah uh i spoon fed a mountain of shit up his nose what is happening what is happening here this is amazing this is a great story i believe every every word of the story because most of his stories he just goes off
Starting point is 01:16:43 they do the one thing in this book is the author that works with him they have a whole like they'll have a page and then they'll have a separate page for fact check yeah uh this case where he said this happened was actually a case of this and that and he did that and record show this and that yeah to try to make sure what he's saying is true because he's got these fantastical stories that are fucking true they're all true so uh he says i'm going to give you a big fucking line. I spoon fed a mountain of shit up his nose. I thought it would wake him up,
Starting point is 01:17:08 but it works the opposite way. He goes out cold. So he said, he's almost in a coma when we carry him out. So now there's like the most famous man
Starting point is 01:17:18 in America. They're basically, he's a Coke dealer who's dragging him out of his car in a Coke coma. This is not good for optics, for public indulgence here. So he says, a sky cap gets us a wheelchair and we roll him into the airport.
Starting point is 01:17:35 Oh, my God. Yeah. So he talks about how OJ was famous for the Hertz commercial, which wasn't exactly this run through the airport on a wheelchair. which wasn't exactly this run through the airport with on a wheelchair he says quote as he rolls him through the airport my friend is goofing on the ad and the ad shouting go oj go this is buddy dive over some shit because people because that old lady the little white lady goes go oj go and so that's the friend go oj while he's comatose with his head on his chin drooling and shit smelling like 18 different fucking street women so he says quote we push him right up to the gate i find a stewardess and say ma'am mr simpson drank a little too much last night can you pour some coffee down his
Starting point is 01:18:19 throat and make sure he gets on this flight to buffalo he's's got a game today. And he says, at that point, O.J. finally opens his eyes and says, hey, man, where am I? To which he says, you're getting on an airplane. And he says, John, I left my rental car at your house. And John goes, don't worry, Juice, I'll return it. And O.J. says, just leave it there until next weekend. I'll be right back. And O.J., John says, what do you mean next weekend? And he says, I'll be back, man.
Starting point is 01:18:45 We'll party some more. No. John says, juice, man. I'm going out of town. That's what he told him. Like, no. I am retired from partying after today. He said, obviously, I was lying.
Starting point is 01:18:55 Next weekend, I was going to take some quiet runs on the beach and work on my fitness, not hang out with O.J. Simpson. That weekend changed his life. That weekend, he's like, Jesus Christ, I can't deal with OJ. I got to get myself in shape. I can't live like this anymore. I just can't live like this anymore. So yeah, OJ is a mess here, obviously.
Starting point is 01:19:15 And it shows, too. That's him. Nobody knows that shit. Nobody saw that. He was still the guy in the Hertz commercial. Just saw a big smile and not coke comas. at home this was taking a toll on him at this point he's got three children and uh marguerite is he's with marguerite but their marriage is falling apart because he's i don't know fucking dozens of prostitutes in one night maybe that's a good reason here uh that'll
Starting point is 01:19:42 make married sex a little fucking boring. That's what I mean. Yeah. It's like that fucking Jake the Snake quote. When we did the Jake the Snake thing, it goes, first it's one, then it's two, then it's three, then it's three with toys, then it's this and that. And then when you get home and it's just you and your wife. What the fuck is this? You can't do nothing.
Starting point is 01:19:59 He's like, you know, I'm used to. This ain't fun. Three and toys and a crack pipe and a thing. So, man, it's crazy, man. So they said with Marguerite, women just treated him as if he wasn't married and climbed all over him, is what a friend of his said. He was pursued in hotels. Women would send them their panties in the mail, that sort of stuff. You got to be a strong woman to deal with that.
Starting point is 01:20:24 And finally, though, Marguerite and him, they separate in about 77. male that sort of stuff you got to be a strong woman to deal with that and uh finally though marguerite and him uh they separate in about 77 and so that's kind of the end of that and in 78 he ends up going back to play for he goes back to san francisco ends up playing for the 49ers for the last two years of his career and uh it's not terrific there the 49ers are 2 and 14 in 1978 and they're also 2 and 14 and 79 this is right this is 79 is joe montana's rookie year oh so he wasn't even the starter it was steve deberg playing and uh two years later they won the super bowl okay so that's the that this is the beginning of that but oj played with joe montana incredible isn't that weird you never knew their paths crossed you You wouldn't think that.
Starting point is 01:21:05 That is fascinating. The six degrees of separation from OJ is way better than Kevin Bacon any day of the fucking week. Just based on his fucking IMDB. Well, when I read his IMDB and his TV appearances and sports and everything else, no one has touched more places. It would be like if Kevin Bacon also was an NFL Hall of Famer. And he's not, obviously. He might be. I don't know. He might be great. I'm not sure. He seemed shitty
Starting point is 01:21:32 at basketball in that one movie, The Air Up There. seemed to have a crossover. Was he in Teen Wolf also? He was not in Teen Wolf. He was in Footloose. Yeah, but who was the bad guy in Teen Wolf? The bad guy? He was not in Teen Wolf. He was in Footloose. Yeah, but who was the bad guy in Teen Wolf? The bad guy? It was on the other...
Starting point is 01:21:47 He was Johnny from Karate Kid. It was that guy. Okay, all right. Yeah, you're right. Standard 80s bad guy, Johnny, blonde haired. Hey, man. Yeah, yeah. I'm cool and have pecs.
Starting point is 01:21:57 I'm cool. Look at me. Yeah, I have a more well-developed body than most teenagers. Look at me. I look like I'm 28. Isn't that weird? Yeah, isn't that weird? The body of a 26-year-old right skinny kid so uh yeah he that ends up happening here in 1979
Starting point is 01:22:13 his final year in football he gets a divorce marguerite and him are done he's had enough so well she's had enough i think and that's that's about it so that's over now after the divorce they uh there's a problem here and this this is fucking terrible they have their youngest son 23 month old aaron drowns in their swimming pool oh no this is fucking tragic this is fucking tragic man that's awful for anybody that's terrible how come that's not common knowledge what what is oj what of oj's common knowledge besides nothing our five minutes i mean you got you got it overshadows everything it overshadows everything unbelievable football
Starting point is 01:22:51 player and uh stabby stabby that's about it that's all people remember maybe nordberg nordberg yeah that's it otherwise that that's like a distant three yeah it's that's it but yeah no they had 23 month old child and before i knew a lot about him when i heard that i said maybe that was the turning point for him maybe then he was like you know what fuck it i'm gonna fucking be a dick and i don't care but no he's a dick well before that but uh that that's that's got to affect the person i don't give a shit you know what happens here so now he's divorced uh they have a drowned son which imagine the and it drowned the the boy drowned in his pool so imagine the imagine the guilt trip the fight oh my god jesus the salty shit she must have said to him man i'm telling you uh he continues to be in movies though and he's in a killing affair on tv movies in capricorn
Starting point is 01:23:39 one which is a movie firepower in 1979 and a tv movie called goldie and the boxer in 1979 here in 77 while still married to marguerite and still with her he meets a young lady named nicole brown yeah kind of a familiar name there she was working at a way as a waitress at a nightclub called the daisy and he was still married obviously but he starts, she's a blonde white woman, and that's what he's into. He likes blonde girls and bleach blonde girls, and Nicole fits the bill. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:24:12 And he is into Nicole, and she's really pretty, too. She's gorgeous. And she's pretty, and, you know, everybody says she has a really good personality, and she's funny and shit like that. So very easy to be attracted to. So they begin dating.
Starting point is 01:24:26 And then, like we said, he and Marguerite get divorced in 1979 in March. And he continues to date Nicole Brown. Through this time, too, he continues to do movies. In 1980, Detour to Terror. Detour to Terror, which is a TV movie. Detour to?
Starting point is 01:24:41 How about Away From? Detour to Terror. No, you're going to detour right into terror. That's what you got to do here. Goldie and the Boxer go to Hollywood, which is a TV movie. There's that. Then 1983, Cocaine and Blue Eyes, the TV movie, which is. He's like, I like both those things.
Starting point is 01:24:58 Yeah, I like blue eyed women and cocaine. He took the gig and he was like, it was a porn. He thought it was just a proposition for a night. Right. like oh yeah i like blue-eyed girls and cocaine sounds great then he's like oh there's a script this is a movie i got shit to do shit i'm michael brennan what is that who's that up with no pants does he get cocaine see because i i have i brought no pants and i got the spoon, so I'm ready to rock and roll. Where are the white women at? Exactly. And then in 83, he's also in Hambone and Hilly. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:31 Which I don't know what the fuck that is, but he plays neither Hambone nor Hilly. He plays Tucker in that one, so I don't know what that does. So all together, though, in his career, a fucking monstrous, enormous, you can't, his career is insane. Overall, he plays in 135 games, 11,236 yards total, 61 touchdowns, averages 4.7 yards per carry in his career. So, I mean, you can't knock his on the what he had to do on the field and god damn it that it was he good if you just look up oj simpson running i know you hate him or whatever but look up him running and you go jesus christ that guy and take into account that this is a team that fucking was terrible and this kid had leg braces and rickets as a child it's it's fucking crazy
Starting point is 01:26:21 that he would even get that far uh 1983 he he is inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame, which is amazing. And so after that, Brown, he ends up, Nicole and OJ end up being married on February 2nd, 1985, which is five years after he retires from football. They will have two children later on. They'll have Sydney Brooke. I think she just goes by Brooke. She's born in 1985. And also in 1985, he has a new wife, a new daughter, and he's inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
Starting point is 01:26:56 How about that? So going to Canton there. In this class, it is, this is a hell of a class. It's OJ, Joe Namath, Roger Staubach, and Pete Rozelle class it's it's uh it's uh oj joe nameth roger staubach and pete roselle who that's it and i you know brought the league from obscurity and was the silverest of harrod white men yeah but those are men staubach nameth and oj are three pretty big fucking names yeah you know what grace let's call it grace here what do you say I think this is a good spot to call grace and then, you know,
Starting point is 01:27:25 go from there. Uh, I can't think of a better place than the hall of fame is your pinnacle. That's you've reached your goal. You're, you're married to the girl you like. Yep. You got kids.
Starting point is 01:27:35 Yep. Fucking grace. God damn it. So mid eighties here, you think everything's going great. All the fame. We're just got married to this woman that he's been seeing for eight years or whatever you're dropping everything over there you're dropping things things are working out for him you would imagine but it's not that simple for oj no because
Starting point is 01:27:54 he can't just be happy with that as a life yeah come on he's fucking oj so he's got to be getting some shit on the side that's how he is so who he who is he hooking up with on the side apparently during this time it was tawny katane really do you know tawny katane is everybody out there the white snake she's the girl who was uh humping the hood of the white snake singer's car in uh in the here i go again video and then was in all her other videos she does she's like she does like weird stripper moves but a stripper who spent way too much time in ballet and gymnastics. Like she's got these weird like split weird things. Very strange. She also was arrested for assaulting Chuck Finley, the Angels pitcher who she's married to.
Starting point is 01:28:36 She's the female face of the 80s. That's pretty much it. And in between, she hosted America's funniest people with dave coulier the terrible awful racist asshole from the uh fuller house shows and he is a terrible person trust me i met him and worked with him and he's awful just an awful awful man you hear bob saget makes terrible jokes i'm sure he's way nicer of a man than dave that's what i'm told he's a twat i've told this to a couple live show audiences but i won't i won't say the one part because i like doing that at live shows but
Starting point is 01:29:09 this guy when you go to a comedy show and you go see dave coulier yeah you're not going to see the comedy of dave coulier no you're going because nostalgia you're a 34 year old woman and you liked full house and you want to get a picture with Uncle fucking whatever he is. Joey, I think he was. Joey. Yeah, Jesse was the other one. Right.
Starting point is 01:29:29 So that's why they go. He didn't bring merch with him to sell. Right. So the whole lobby is full of the entire sold-out crowd that was just there to take a picture with him. It's all they want. Right. And I go, okay, everybody's waiting for you.
Starting point is 01:29:42 And he goes, yeah, I'm not going out there. Huh? What? He goes, I didn't bring any merch, so I'm not going out there huh what he goes I didn't bring any merch so I'm not going out there I go I don't think they want to buy anything they all want a picture with you that's why they're here and he's like yeah you just tell him not coming out go really there's a so I walked right out there I went Dave doesn't have anything to sell so he's not coming out fuck that guy normally he's not taking your money so fuck you Dave said he has nothing to sell so he's not coming out thanks and i went inside fuck it if you don't give a fuck about your audience neither do i fuck your audience yeah normally a comic who's not a complete twat you cover for something
Starting point is 01:30:17 always hung over something you'd be like he's not feeling too good he ate something bad or whatever but this guy fuck him he he has nothing to take your money with so fuck him so anyway that's terrible it is terrible so uh during this time he's screwing around with tawny katane on the side and mind you he is married while this is happening the the band from the 80s rat do you know who rat is round and round and round yeah that's the only song oh it's so good round and round i still have Round and round. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's the only song. Oh, it's so good. Round and round. I still have the albums. Okay, well. I love them.
Starting point is 01:30:47 Their singer, Steven Percy, wrote a book about his autobiography or whatever. It's pretty fucking funny. Any rocker's autobiographies are always- From the 80s? Fuck yes. There's so much fun, because we're all like, I went to LA, we did lots of coke, and it's always crazy, partied with this one, partied with that one. And, you know, it's always crazy.
Starting point is 01:31:03 Partied with this one, partied with that one. Well, in this book, his guitar player, I believe, Robin at the time in Rat, he had been seeing Tony Katane since high school. They knew each other since they grew up in San Diego together. And Tony had moved to L.A. And then when Rat moved to L.A., he started hooking back up with Robin. And they were like an old hookup that would always, they'd get together now and then. The ex-sex. They would fall back. Yeah, that sort of thing. They knew each other since they were like an old hookup that would always they get together now and then the xx they would fall back yeah that sort of thing they knew each other since they were teenagers apparently
Starting point is 01:31:28 oj had started seeing tawny katane on the side and robin had run into oj at tawny katane's house where apparently robin came to steven the singer who wrote the book later on and said dude i'm scared shitless and he said why he goes fucking oj simpson threatened to kill me and he goes what oj said the hurts guy threatened to kill you like what are you talking about oj's just a smiley guy at that point he said i ran into him at tawny's house and tawny's apparently been seeing him too and oj said if you don't stop fucking with tawny i'm gonna fucking kill you and he meant that shit he goes i believe it because i'm not fucking i'm scared of that guy i've seen it in his eyes he's a killer he's a killer like we heard before but he's also a big fucking guy and oj if
Starting point is 01:32:10 you remember the uh the uh rick james story on chapelle's show if charlie murphy what he says is first thing i remember about oj he got a big fucking head yeah he does he's got a big monstrous head and big old hands and if that guy's threatening you with that deep voice and you're a skinny blonde guitar player, you might take that shit seriously. So he was very scared at that point. But he's still in movies. He's in Back to the Beach.
Starting point is 01:32:32 Remember Back to the Beach with Frankie Avalon? Fuck yeah. I used to watch that all the time. He's in Back to the Beach. He's a guy at the airport who's uncredited. He just makes like a cameo,
Starting point is 01:32:39 an uncredited cameo. He's in Student Exchange, which is a 1987 TV movie. Then 1988, he makes his his true this is his this is his zenith of his acting moment here he's a naked gun yes from the files of police squad where he plays nordberg where he gets if you've never seen the naked gun every gags on him every the character is he's nordberg, and every scene that he's in, awful, horrible physical things befall him. He's, you know, they shoot him, they hit him, he falls off the boat deck, and an octopus is latched onto him. He goes in the hospital, and the bed crunches him up and slams him down.
Starting point is 01:33:17 He's in a fucking full body cast. Full body cast. They're still hurting him. Then finally he's in a wheelchair, and Frank Drebin there, Leslie Nielsen, sl slaps him on the back and he goes all the way down and shoots off the upper deck he's nordberg's a disaster in this goddamn movie but he's it's oj's funniest moment it's a it's the same gag with him it's that's it you're just watching for that shit it's so funny because i gotta give oj credit he plays it perfect too he's just oh yeah oh they finally were like he's such a bad fucking actor let's just have him act badly the whole time while he's getting hit.
Starting point is 01:33:47 And that's what makes it funny is that he's so bad at reacting to this shit, which makes it hilarious. And then he's also in In the Heat of the Night, the TV series with Archie Bunker in it there. What? Carol O'Connor, In the Heat of the Night. He plays like an old Southern show. I just remember the commercials. I'm not 100. I've never seen it either but the commercials used to be on all the time for in the heat of the
Starting point is 01:34:08 night and it would show archie bunker with a southern accent which would trip me the fuck out and he played a councilman in that oj did not not not carol 1988 his son is born justin ryan simpson yeah so he has a son with Nicole at that point. So, yeah, he's just wow. He's a goddamn mess. A ex-girlfriend of his said that and friends of his would say this, too, that they get a call out of the blue from O.J. and just tell people that there's hey, there's tickets waiting for you to Los Angeles at the airport. Just come like just come see me.
Starting point is 01:34:44 Like you just have to send people in. These are the people he grew up with. So a lot of his friends that he grew up with really like him because they said he, you know, he remembered them. Now, the thing that later on, what a lot of the black community will say is he didn't give a fuck about the black community. He didn't care about us at all.
Starting point is 01:35:01 As soon as he could move to Brentwood, he fucking did and left us behind. But there's a few select people from his childhood that that's not the case with. didn't care about us at all. As soon as he could move to Brentwood, he fucking did and left us behind. But there's a few select people from his childhood that that's not the case with. One of his friends said he didn't forget us. Even with all that money, he remained the same old OJ we always knew. You know, a criminal.
Starting point is 01:35:15 Yeah, problem. The one who steals sardines off a truck. And does blow hookers in somebody else's house. Yeah, that's, wow. That's my favorite part he is the worst uh house guest of all time oh jesus christ well kato is no no oj yeah yeah john roberts yeah doing all your coke worst house guest ever forcing multiple prostitutes to run through your that sounded like a horrible exhausting three-day ordeal didn't it that's way worse than changing out the toilet paper and getting somebody extra towels.
Starting point is 01:35:46 Can you imagine that shit? You're like, what? That's fucked up. What kind of cereal do you want now? Jesus. Fucking Raisin Bran, all right, fine. There's no more blonde girls in town. You got to fuck them again.
Starting point is 01:35:57 We're out of blonde girls in Miami. Sorry. All the bleach. We're out of bleach. I don't know what to tell you so uh now there was obviously even up to this point reports of tension between oj and cole and the house and possible you know violent situations and a friend of his that's that he grew up with said said that you shouldn't judge him too harshly on this though because you know the public they they don't they're not inside
Starting point is 01:36:24 a house they don't know things. That's true. He says, quote, you put a man and a woman in the same house day in and day out, and from time to time, somebody gets slapped. Is that right? That's what this man said. Is that how that works? Quote, you put a man and a woman in the same house day in and day out, and from time to
Starting point is 01:36:39 time, somebody gets slapped. Let me answer something, James. Nope. I'll answer it right now. Nope. You and Sarah in this house constantly. We spend every day together. Never slapped. gets slapped let me answer something james uh nope i'll answer it right now nope you and sarah in this house we spend every day together never slap nobody ever slaps anybody that is a fucking great quote you get that's like the deacon jones quote where he's like when you hit a man when you hit when you slap a man all woman all woman i like that he said he said like he didn't want to be sexist right deacon jones
Starting point is 01:37:07 which was very funny but this is uh yeah he's then the friend went on he didn't just leave it at that which would have been crazy enough he said i don't think that made oj outstanding in america it's not exactly an uncommon thing it's also not a good thing it's not it's not it doesn't make him stand out as a good person at that point there's a lot of shit that's common that isn't right yeah it's true but his friend said don't put that on him don't put don't don't put that label on him put the label of the guy that you can look up to as a role model and as proof that it's possible to get out of a shit situation and become you know the most famous beloved man in America. Hugh Charles Barkley. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:37:47 So January, so yeah, you put a man and a woman in a house together, someone's going to get slapped, Jimmy. It's going to happen. It's clear as day. I've never been alone in the same domicile with a person of the opposite sex for more than three hours without somebody getting slapped, usually. That's how it works. It's weird.
Starting point is 01:38:04 You don't even want to. You could be getting along, watching TV. You're like, that's hilarious. You just have this overwhelming urge. I have to. I need to. I didn't know that was so common. It's so common, Jim.
Starting point is 01:38:14 I can't wait to hug my girl and tell her thank you for not hitting me. Hey, thanks a lot. Jesus. You are the best, Jim. So January 1st, 1989. It's actually more like New Year's Eve into January 1st. This is in the middle of the night. So O.J., police are called to the house, to the Brentwood home here for O.J. It's it's him.
Starting point is 01:38:38 He and Nicole Brown's house, Nicole Brown Simpson. It's a 911 call. This is the ninth time they've been dispatched to the house over a domestic dispute. Ninth. Wow. It's 1989. They've been married for four years, nine times. So over twice a year, this has happened.
Starting point is 01:38:56 Every six months, cops are being called. Every six months, cops are being called to break up one of their fucking fights. Now, the reports on this one note that nicole suffered uh extensive bruising and scratching and required hospital treatment and quoted nicole here as pleading with the officers at the scene quote he's going to kill me he's going to kill me you never do anything about him you talk to him and then leave because that's what they used to do yeah and that's what they used to do a lot in society in general now if you show up and someone's been hit, someone's going to jail. That's it.
Starting point is 01:39:28 If not, both of you are going to jail. Both of you. You're both going. Mostly the unbruised one. Mostly the unbruised one. Yeah. But if you're both all fucked up, everybody goes to jail. Fuck it.
Starting point is 01:39:37 That's what they do now. Absolutely. Back then, they used to show up. And if it was resolvable, if they could get the battery to be like i'm okay i don't feel unsafe and everything's fine and it's blown over now they would just leave or they would take a guy a lot of times they would take a guy you know you'll take it to your mother's house for the night you sleep it off or whatever and come back the next day or they do some shit like that which you know how many people in the homicide book we talk about this a couple of times where
Starting point is 01:40:03 the there was a drunk dispute. They took the guy over to like his mom's house. He ended up coming back, breaking in and killing the woman later on that night. That's what happened. Yeah. He's still pissed. So it's yeah. So he says now, OJ, he uses it the opposite way.
Starting point is 01:40:19 She says, you've been out here all the time. You never arrest him. He says, quote, the police have been out here eight times before and now you're going to arrest me for this. He said, you never arrest him he says quote the police have been out here eight times before and now you're gonna arrest me for this he said you never fucking arrested me for what the fuck i'm allowed to hit my wife based on precedence here uh usually here's how it goes i knock her around you guys come out i say i'm oj we smile a little you guys go home i go back inside that's how this works autograph for the kdies. What are we talking about here? A couple tickets to a USC game and we call it a fucking day. It's an 8x10.
Starting point is 01:40:47 Fuck out of my driveway. OJ. What do we hear? Ridiculous. I can get you Hertz. Here's a gift card to Hertz. I can get you upgrades, man. Midsize.
Starting point is 01:40:56 For the price of an economy, motherfucker. You know what that's like? That shit's expensive. It's too much. You'll fall on a budget, sir. Shit, man. I can get you there. So, yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:07 He tells them that. He also tells them tells them quote this is a family matter why do you want to make a big deal out of it when we can handle it wow that's the other thing they used to say is it's a family matter it's not if once you hit somebody then it's a legal matter at that point it's not family anymore winslow's not here sir this is a family matter somebody's punched in the face an argument is a family matter we got an argument and she's mad at me and i'm gonna go sleep upstairs we don't need any intervention it's a family matter affair we'll take care of it once there's blood and scratching and bruising and hospital visits are necessary you forfeited your family fucking designation for that shit so uh yeah they say that uh police arrived there late at night and they saw Nicole running out of some bushes.
Starting point is 01:41:47 So she was hiding in the bushes when they showed up, which is a bad sign right away because my wife is rarely in the bushes. Unless Sarah's gardening, I never see her running from the bushes in fear. It's just it's never happened. I don't know. My girls told me she's in the life weeds, but she's never in the bushes. Literally in the bushes, especially not bruised and scratched up and emerging from the bushes in the middle of the night. Very rarely.
Starting point is 01:42:11 At two in the morning, too, the likelihood of finding whoever you're with in the bushes goes down and down, really, as later it goes in the night. So she bursts out bruised and scratched from the bushes yelling, he's going to kill me. He's going to kill me. Waving her arm. So that's why you should be on high alert if you're a cop at this point something has gone on that we're going to need to break the cuffs out there's going to be paperwork this evening i'm sorry it's just happening here uh yelling she's going to kill me then she said you never do anything about him you just you know you talk to him and you leave and all this shit
Starting point is 01:42:42 i think i've heard this 9-1-1 call too that's later oh really yeah that's later so this was it was after a new year's eve party at their house everybody was drinking and all that she says that oj had punched and kicked her and pulled her hair and screamed i'll kill you i'll kill you over and over again at one point she said he slapped her so hard that there was a handprint left on her neck that's what the police report said so it's a fucking handprint which is a hard smack. This is 3.30 in the morning, they respond. So this is all good. We've been in this neighborhood.
Starting point is 01:43:11 We went to this property. We did. Jimmy and I went to this. Barely. It was hard. Well, they changed the address now. Here's the house. That's not it.
Starting point is 01:43:19 That's not it. I just said I'll know the house when I see it. Not the house because they've knocked the house down, built a new one, but I'll know the property because it sits at a very distinct angle on a distinct corner where you go, that's the one. You can see it from an aerial view. And they changed the address on it, too, so you have to really figure it out. But we found it.
Starting point is 01:43:36 We found it. We stood there for a sec. Yeah, this is a very, we can't explain to you how nice of a neighborhood this is. The millions of dollars in each home is crazy. Every house is worth $15 to $20 million or more. It's bananas. It's these estates. They all have the high bushes and shrubbery all around.
Starting point is 01:43:54 12-foot tall fences. Yeah, with the bushes that go above that and trees you can't even see in the yard and gates. Trees that are like hundreds of years old. Yeah, these big properties. So this could all be happening and no one around is going to hear any of this or see any of this. The neighbors, they have it set up so you don't feel like you have neighbors there, basically. That's why the houses are angled the way they are and shit like that. It's a gorgeous place.
Starting point is 01:44:16 But anyway, they show up. When they ring the intercom, when they show up at the gate, because they still have to ring the intercom to get in the gate, a housekeeper answered the intercom and just said, everything's fine and clicked it off. She said, no, you know, no mas. Nothing to see here. She just said, everything's fine. That's all. They said Spanish accent.
Starting point is 01:44:34 Everything's fine. And that's all there was. Hilarious. She said, no, no police needed. She said, that was it. Don't need you. But the officer said that they received a fucking phone call through a frantic Nicole calling 911.
Starting point is 01:44:47 Yeah, how about that? Fucking Judas, help me out here. I'm getting my ass kicked. Yeah, what are you doing? Well, who signs the paychecks? That's a good point. It's fucking OJ. And OJ, I'm sure, told her, bitch, I signed your fucking paychecks.
Starting point is 01:44:57 I'll get your ass deported back to fucking Columbia if you want to pull this shit. He's not a nice guy. No. I can see him threatening people. So, yes, while this was so uh yes this is while this was going on this is when they see nicole run out of the bushes screaming so they're like okay we're gonna get in here open up yeah so as she's telling them what happened he hit me slap me here's a hamper and here's all this shit oj comes outside dressed in a bathrobe because it's 3 30
Starting point is 01:45:19 in the morning and starts yelling at nicole which is the wrong approach when your wife or anybody really is describing to police how you've been horrible to them and they're here to now probably arrest you you don't come out and make it worse right by proving what a psychopath you are yeah so she's seated in the police car and he's screaming at her like the cops don't even exist that's i mean he's so brazen he's so i'm oj i don't rules don't apply to me that the cops and his yard they don't even exist he just blows by them fuck out of my way bitch i'm telling you blah blah blah blah blah and they were like we're standing right here right with guns and shit you don't even care but no respect at all because fuck does he care so he tells police he's been drinking.
Starting point is 01:46:06 Everybody's been drinking. And his wife and he began to argue and that any of the injuries that she had were accidental and were the result of a. This is an amazing quote. A quote, mutual wrestling type altercation. The fuck is that? That's called a physical fight. Well, no, no, man. It's cool because we had the whole outcome was already set i was gonna win see and uh at the end i said i'm a suplex she didn't jump off the top rope and she said no no and then you know i messed up and i hit her in
Starting point is 01:46:35 the nose and this is an accident we're practicing for our ring debut debut mutual wrestling type altercation which he stuttered through that it was a that's some 330 in the morning shit right there some drunk 330 in the morning mutual it was a wrestling type altercation you see see in the living room right and i had fallen and on on top of her see i tripped right sunken living room and I landed. You know what it's like. You know what it is. You've been in mutual type wrestling altercations, right?
Starting point is 01:47:10 Everybody's been there. So they take the report from Nicole and as they're taking the report from Nicole, OJ becomes super pissed that he thinks he's going to be arrested. So he starts getting fucking super angry and yelling around the driveway. It was fucking bullshit, blah, blah, blah. So what he does is he fucking slides out the side exit to the yard, hops into his Bentley and drives off. Wow. See ya.
Starting point is 01:47:40 Takes off. I gotta run, guys. Gotta run. You gotta sort that shit out without me. I'll be back later. You guys wrestle with her with her it's fun and then get back to me so uh they by later on that day they they had to find him have himself turn him in late he ended up turning himself in later on but he just took off like you're not arresting me unless i want to be arrested right which is a pattern i think i'll let you arrest me today exactly that's exactly what fucking happened why it irked him yeah he why it irked him exactly so
Starting point is 01:48:08 four months later here uh we'll talk about this four months later he pleads no contest to spousal battery charges and uh the judge overrules a prosecutor of the prosecutor requests that he serves a month in jail because of the severity of the beating. And they want him to undergo an intensive year-long treatment program for men who beat the shit out of their wives, basically. So the judge overrules all that, though, and says, no, no, no, no, no. He doesn't need that at all. He's OJ, damn it. He pleads no contest, and he's punished with community service, probation, and fines.
Starting point is 01:48:52 And later that year, too, he's hired by NBC to co-host NFL live pregame show. Like it never happened, man. Like it never fucking happened. And by the way, we haven't mentioned through all this, he's always on. He had a job on Monday Night Football as a sideline reporter. He's always doing sideline reporting for all the different networks for football games. He's doing college stuff. He's doing tons of shit on TV
Starting point is 01:49:09 through this whole thing. He's allowed, he's no jail time. He's allowed to pick his own psychiatrist and receive counseling over the phone, which prosecutors said
Starting point is 01:49:19 was quote unprecedented. They've never had anyone allowed to pick their own counselor and then get counseling over the phone. He doesn't even have to go anywhere this fucking guy it doesn't we can't have an inconvenience him though that's the thing here do you i'll ask it later i'm already seeing some shit though uh yeah now when he at a news conference announcing him getting hired as the football analyst in july he was asked about that and he downplayed the whole
Starting point is 01:49:45 thing and he said quote it was really a bum rap we had a fight that's all a mutual wrestling type altercation which should be the name of this episode a mutual wrestling type altercation surprised he didn't call that one later on a mutual wrestling type altercation well he wasn't there yeah well he admitted to it it was listen it was a two on one it was a handicap match that i happened to win and i equalized it with a blade so it was two on two so prosecutors here they they said they wanted jail time for him obviously uh though counts a woman who counselor counseled nicole simpson said quote i was very concerned for her safety obviously uh they believe the she said we believed the violence would get
Starting point is 01:50:30 more frequent and more severe without intervention here uh continues to get tv work by the way uh he was in the first and 10 hbo series for all the time he was on it all for years remember that terrible yeah football show on HBO that had Tiny Lister in it? Had Zeus in it? They like to... HBO really likes to jump on the NFL bandwagon with the NFL inside the NFL and all that stuff. Also in 91,
Starting point is 01:50:57 the Naked Gun 2 1⁄2 comes out. The Smell of Fear, which is more Nordberg getting hit by shit. That was a pretty good one, right? It's fine. 33 1⁄3, that's when I was's the naked guys that's like yeah come on that's enough enough of that shit just quit just stop here uh he's also in a uh cia code name alexa movie where he plays a detective and then he's in a movie called no place to hide in 1992 well let's find out. No place to hide. Detective Joe Garvey is called into a mysterious case.
Starting point is 01:51:28 A ballerina has been slayed on stage during a performance and it seems she didn't even fight. At her house, Garvey finds her 14-year-old precocious sister, Tinsel. She's not very cooperative, so he arranges to have her sent to an orphanage.
Starting point is 01:51:44 What the fuck? Until she's attacked, too. He takes her under his wings, both of them, apparently, not just one, and soon both get the attention of a secret organization. That's a movie. And he's the lead character? No, no, no, no. The lead character is Chris Christopherson, and the 14-year-old girl, Drew Barrymore.
Starting point is 01:52:03 Oh, boy. So, six degrees of fucking oj simpson drew barrymore chris christopherson joe montana he's now correct connected to all the country singers too everything that's what i mean all of those drew barrymore is connected to everything from old hollywood to new hollywood back that's she's everything stretches et to today he will fucking wreck kevin bacon any day of the week in six degrees of separation any fucking day so play six degrees of oj simpson i fucking dare you it's so easy so finally on february 25th 1992 nicole brown files for divorce
Starting point is 01:52:39 citing irreconcilable differences like their uh weight differences being a bad wrestling match for both of them. She's just not okay with it. So, in 1993 they do make an attempt to get back together at one point, Nicole and OJ. They take a shot at it. A friend of hers said that, quote, they were a
Starting point is 01:53:00 dramatic, fractious, mutually obsessed couple before they were married, after they were married, and after they divorced in 1992, and after they reconciled. They're a bad mix. They're both crazy with each other. Right. And for a long time, neither of them move on. They both have other people, but neither of them move on.
Starting point is 01:53:18 They're both obsessed with each other. They're both fucking constantly in each other's business, in each other's shit, and fighting, and they seem to like it. I can see her side, too, because, I, oh, God, yeah, I can see both their sides. She doesn't have much of a career and she's used to this lifestyle. You want to latch on and you want to try to find the good in somebody. Well, that's the other thing, too. And she has two kids with them and they've been together at this point for 15 years. Right.
Starting point is 01:53:41 So, I mean, this is she met him in 1977. Right. I mean, she had feathered farrah fosset hair when they met that's what we're talking yeah that hair is rough so uh october 25th 1993 is when there is a 911 call from nicole to the house and this is the one that we've kind of all heard so who he is he's oj simpson we'll give you the highlights here because you've only heard that part probably as you know he is he's o. Simpson. That's the big one out of that. Well, they're talking about it and she says, can you send someone to my house?
Starting point is 01:54:09 And they say, what's the problem? She says, my husband or ex-husband just broke into my house and he's ranting and raving outside in the front yard. They said, has he been drinking or anything? She says, no, but he's crazy. Good enough. So they asked, do you have restraining order? Did they hit you? Blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:54:25 They asked, what's your name? Nicole Simpson. So they put her on. They put out a domestic violence call for a patrol call to to, you know, stop by. She says about 50 seconds later, Nicole Simpson calls back and says, can you get over somebody over here? He's back again. Apparently he left and then came back. And they still 911 said, what does he look like?
Starting point is 01:54:45 And she said, he's OJ Simpson. That's what he looks like. Looks like fucking Nordberg. Okay. You've been following the fucking naked gun? That guy,
Starting point is 01:54:55 big giant fucking head. OJ. Might have Leslie Nielsen with him. We're not sure. This is the last time you've read it. It hurts.
Starting point is 01:55:01 Jesus Christ. I think you know his record just sent somebody over. There it Christ. I think you know his record. Just send somebody over. There it is. That's the one. So they said, what's he doing here? And she's like, I don't fucking know.
Starting point is 01:55:10 She's like, he just drove up. She says, can you just send somebody? Do we need to discuss the reason why he's here? Can you just send somebody over? They said, what is he driving? She says, he's in a white Bronco. But first of all, he broke the back door down to get in. And she said, wait a minute what's
Starting point is 01:55:25 your name and she says nicole simps for christ's sake what the how fucking stupid are you people you've been to my house 20 fucking times he's leaping over suitcases all ladies like i mean who the fuck he is you assholes so i give her credit just for keeping her shit together because that would have been me on the phone i'm going to kill you people what's your name i'm gonna fucking rip your throat out when i get down there you fucking asshole so uh 911 said okay is he the sportscaster or whatever she said yeah good whatever enough you nailed one you know who he is okay so the mdv doesn't exist yet no just look him up so she says is he threatening you and she says no he's going nuts and she says is he threatening you or harassing you and uh nicole
Starting point is 01:56:13 says you're gonna hear him in a minute he's about to come in again and this is when uh she says i don't want to stay on the line he's gonna beat the shit out of me and they say you know well we need to stay on the line so it's on tape so you know he's going to beat you either way it's kind of what they said she says literally wait a minute just stay on the line so we can know what's going on until the police get there okay we need evidence if he's gonna hit you it's gonna be whether the phone's on or not so we might as well have evidence of it i mean not to be insensitive i think is what 911 was saying and nicole rightfully so is like let's not poke the bear right i'm scared of this guy, obviously.
Starting point is 01:56:47 So they said, does he have weapons? And she said, I don't know. How the fuck do I know? She said, he went home. Now he's back. The kids are up there sleeping and I don't want anything to happen. So they ask if he's on drugs. She's like, no, I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:57:00 He fucking showed up. What do I know if he's on drugs? He's outside. Jesus Christ. They ask him. They ask her a bunch of dumb questions again. They send it out. The whole deal.
Starting point is 01:57:11 They say she says he's in the backyard. She says that he's screaming at my roommate about me and at me. So, yeah, the roommate there. And I think that roommate, if I'm not mistaken, was Cato Kaelin at the time. Really? Because Cato Kaelen ended up moving in to take help take care of the kids that's how this whole thing started and then when nicole ended up moving to another place uh the uh bundy residence there uh that's when she didn't have
Starting point is 01:57:36 a guest house anymore well oj said look you know it's kind of weird there's no guest house because kato was like watching the kids and kind of taking care of the house so she said there's no guest house it's kind of weird to sleep in the same house it's like my ex-wife it's not cool but we're not kicking you out you can come stay at my my guest house i got his oj's oj's luckiest fuck in the world absolutely his his pool house he had like four apartments in the back of his house there's like four guest houses all lined up together and that's where he had. He had a maid that lived in one. His daughter used to crash in one of them.
Starting point is 01:58:08 Kato would use the other. So there's a lot of shit like that. So O.J.'s telling all that shit. So anyway, they're saying he's screaming. They're saying, what's he saying? Nicole says, quote, Oh, something about some guy I know and hookers and keys. And I started this shit before and blah blah blah and so rambling rambling he's screaming and yelling and blah blah blah and you'll hear him in the
Starting point is 01:58:31 background she says now it's my fault what am i going to do get the police here she just wants the police there uh she says i don't need paramedics or whatever she said uh he broke my door he broke the whole back door in she said he practically knocked my upstairs door down but he pounded it and screamed and hollered and i tried to get him out of the bedroom because the kids are sleeping in there she said he wanted somebody's phone number and i gave him my phone book or i put my phone book down to write the phone number that he wanted and he took my phone book with all my stuff in it so this is just a horrible fucking mess she the the woman asked is she on the phone is she is uh he upset with something
Starting point is 01:59:05 you did and she says oh a long time ago he always comes back so it's like it's it happens constantly so then you can hear oj at one point and oj says i don't give a fuck anymore bitch that's what he says that's the thing that you hear and she says would you please oj oj could you please and she puts the phone down she's asking him to leave and he says i'm not leaving that's what you hear outside he's fucking living out there this is when they talk about it's not on this 911 call but they talk about it later on how you can hear it uh oj says that she was hooking up with some guy in the living room uh that's why so he had come and was like looking in the fucking window watching her hook up with some guy in the living room uh that's why so he had come and was like looking in the fucking window watching her
Starting point is 01:59:45 hook up with some guy in the living room and how the fuck dare she do that when his kids are in the fucking house and he's going off on this whole thing and it's like dude at some point stop yeah stop go home you're not married to her anymore game anymore it's not your fucking wife no she wants to blow people in the living room it's her fucking prerogative that's it if you didn't like it you should have not beat her up and maybe had less prostitutes at John Roberts house or something like, I don't know. There's a lot of things you could have done to make this not happen. But at this point, you can't do this.
Starting point is 02:00:13 It's happening and it's over. It's happening and it's over. So anyway, the police arrived. O.J. is still there. There's he doesn't get arrested. No, no, he doesn't get arrested. He ends up admitting breaking the door and takes full responsibility and says he'll pay for it.
Starting point is 02:00:28 And that's it. And because it's his property. Wow. Because he owns it. Wow. So they're like, well, he broke his own door down. Really? You don't have a restraining order or anything against him.
Starting point is 02:00:37 We don't know what the fuck to tell you. Kind of shit out of luck at that point. What's the restraining order going to do at this point? You know what I mean? That's the thing. He doesn't give a shit. He blows right past fucking cops. He doesn't give a shit he blows right past fucking cops he doesn't give a shit he doesn't care so uh 1992 he's in adventures in wonderland which is a tv series uh ninth then he's in naked
Starting point is 02:00:55 gun 33 and a third the final insult yeah which it was he plays nordberg uh 1994 then he's in the frog unaired frogmen tv movie which you've probably seen footage of because from this he uh this is where he apparently got a bunch of uh training in knife work and self-defense and all this different shit because he's supposed to play like a like a superhero frog not frogmen like guys that go underwater like uh it's seal team six it's a yeah it's an hour-long pilot it's an a-team like adventure series in 1994 uh they had yet to not decided to whether whether or not they were going to order the series and then later on they kind of decided really yeah they whoever they he played this oj played the leader of a group of former Navy SEALs who received a fair and dirt for this. He received a bunch of military training, including knife training and hand to hand combat training and all this shit.
Starting point is 02:01:54 So you look good doing stage combat in the show here. And there's a scene in which he holds a knife to a throat of a woman in the thing. And they said that that was not allowed to be later on seen. Yeah. Because that's a little, that doesn't look good. It's a little too real. It's a little on the nose, I would say here. It's a little on the fucking nose here.
Starting point is 02:02:14 They said that at the time here, later on, when he has legal troubles, they said that they didn't know whether they were going to air the pilot. But Warren Littlefield, who was the head of the network, said that if O.J. were acquitted, Frogmen would probably be on the air before NBC Peacock could unfurl its plume. But not if he's found guilty. So now it's time at this point here to talk about the main thing that we don't want to talk about that we want to avoid. And what we're going to do, we're going to do this. We are going to, first of all, I'm going to shut my monitor off here. I don't know how to do that.
Starting point is 02:02:59 Don't look at me. I don't know. I think I'll turn the whole computer off if I do that. Just kick it over, James. Tell you what, I'm going to turn it around. How's that? So no monitor. Yeah. You you see this there it is i am having sarah live stream this by the way if you're on instagram right now small town we're at small town murder on instagram get on there we're live streaming this we are going to do oj in five minutes no more than five minutes
Starting point is 02:03:21 i'm going to set my timer i do not have a note you can see, I am looking at the back of a computer monitor. Sarah, can you prove here? I have no notes, nothing before me. I think it was expensive. Don't drop it. No, I'm not. It's on there. Yeah, the whole computer's in there.
Starting point is 02:03:37 It's just a monitor. So, yeah, we're going to do this. I'm going to put it on, and we are going to breeze through years of crazy shit and tons of details. This trial on YouTube is 436 parts. I watched them. Really? We're talking from the preliminary hearings. It aren't even a trial.
Starting point is 02:03:59 I watched. To get the facts straight. Try to get the facts straight. And we've seen every OJ thing there is. Sarah sat there. We've got over it. We've talked about it. So I am going to say this.
Starting point is 02:04:10 If there is any fact, I'm sure there will be a factual mis-thing here or there, a mis-remembering, do not fucking tweet it at me. I don't care. Don't give a shit. You're either OJ. Yeah, don't comment on it on the stream. Fuck you, OJ. If OJ wants to comment on it, he can.
Starting point is 02:04:23 He'd be like, no, i actually did this with a knife i'd say cool you can do that tell me about it all you want so yes instagram we are about to do oj murder and trial in five minutes with no notes okay so this is in the crime and sports episode no notes it's the back of the monitor from memory five minutes on the on the board here and we are going to do this by the way i'll say this ahead of time this happened on june 12th 1994 and so this this path was set for me yeah my birthday is june 12th happy birthday so this is the 25th anniversary this week of this particular thing happening and it was really set for me to be this thing that we're doing now okay let's do this five minutes on the clock let's do this and
Starting point is 02:05:13 go go it's going no it's not there it goes okay june 12th 1994 okay here's what happened jesus christ ron goldman and nicole simpson are found dead outside of her place it's a condo there pretty close to oj's house now what they do is first of all they don't know who why the hell these two are together that the the the excuse from it was uh he was bringing a pair of sunglasses back to her which we all know i don't know if you've ever left anything in a restaurant but no one's bringing you shit nobody i don't care how rich you are i don't care how blonde you are no waiter is fucking getting off after a shift and doing that he's too busy doing coke in the bathroom with some other waitress so that's not fucking happening anyway they do that shit they
Starting point is 02:05:55 don't know what to do they've realized it's oj's wife which is a big deal because they all know oj they've all been over there for numerous domestic violence things so they decide in the middle of the night they need to notify OJ, which wasn't really notifying OJ, but in my mind they used that as an excuse to go over there and try to see if OJ did it because they'd been there a hundred times. And the guy who said,
Starting point is 02:06:14 I know right where OJ lives, one of the detectives, because he's been there for multiple domestic violence things. So they go there. They see nothing at first. They see nothing. So they climb over the fence because nobody fucking answers.
Starting point is 02:06:27 But at this point, they use the excuse of we don't know if this is a coordinated attack on his entire family. Maybe it's not just Nicole. Maybe it's OJ. Maybe it's Nicole. Maybe OJ has been attacked inside of his house and nobody can get to him. And we're ringing the buzzer and he's in there bleeding to death. So we better go check. So they go over the wall.
Starting point is 02:06:42 And to make sure the perimeter is secure they have to go all around everything which is when mark firman finds that bloody glove in the back which is a soup huge property you've seen the property giant property you know small a bloody glove isn't a ball in the middle of fucking night something that's black they found in the back in a corner behind a fucking a guest house okay that's when kato kalin was alerted because they bumped into the guest house wall woke kato up oh shit here they come bump bump that's when Cato Kaelin was alerted because they bumped into the guest house wall. Well, Cato up. Oh, shit. Here they come. Bump, bump. That's what he hears.
Starting point is 02:07:06 Well, that's what he hears later. He said, I heard it from you guys and I heard it earlier, too. When they ask him, they pull this poor guy in his underwear out. They pull him in. They take him back. Whatever. He goes in. They end up the whole thing.
Starting point is 02:07:17 Where the fuck is OJ? Where was OJ? Well, anyway, OJ was on a flight to Chicago. What ended up happening was a limo driver came to pick him up, rang the intercom, nobody answered. Then he saw a man rushing across the lawn, looked like a black guy
Starting point is 02:07:29 about OJ's size, but it's the night, who knows, rang again. Now all of a sudden, OJ answers the intercom and he's fucking home. This is right after
Starting point is 02:07:34 the time of the murders. He doesn't know. OJ says, I'm sorry, I was in the shower. Alternately, he says he was putting and chipping golf balls
Starting point is 02:07:40 in his backyard. Either way, he comes out, gets on, goes to the airport, goes to Chicago, takes off. Some people have said they've seen him stuff a comes out gets on goes to the airport goes to chicago takes off some people have said they've seen him stuff a bag in a garbage can at the airport but we never know anyway he's he's bleeding from the finger later when the police interview him the
Starting point is 02:07:54 next day they call him on the phone he says oh god nicole's died oh that's terrible whatever he gets back the next day they interview him he's got a bandage on his finger they say how'd you get that cut on your finger because you know knife wounds and everything like that he says oh i cut myself on a glass in chicago and they said oh in chicago really we found blood in your on your in the front of your house all this shit he goes maybe i cut it here i don't know they go okay good and they let him go home okay oj goes home that's the way that works he goes home they end up going back they end up talking to him multiple times they cuff him one time they make a big deal out of that. It's a huge offensive thing. Finally, they say that they are going to arrest him for this, and he needs to turn himself in.
Starting point is 02:08:30 He says he's going to turn himself in. That's the whole big deal. He's ready to turn himself in. Next thing you know, he's fucking gone. That's the Bronco chase. It's Al Cowling's taking him. Slipped out the back. Robert Kardashian there.
Starting point is 02:08:41 He's useless as a lawyer. He's got much better sperm, apparently, because he can make fucking kids at the snap of drop of a fucking hat. But useless in the courtroom anyway. Anyway, he takes off. O.J. needs a lawyer because they end up arresting him. It's a big cultural thing, as we say. O.J. needs a lawyer. He gets Robert Shapiro, ends up getting Johnny Cochran at O.J.'s request, who brings in F. Lee Bailey, who brings in every fucking Barry Sheck.
Starting point is 02:09:04 Dershowitz fromvard is working on the case everybody's working on the case this whole thing works out basically it's turned into instead of a murder trial it's turned into a trial on race and on this and on that dna means shit because it's 1994 people don't even know what the fuck dna is yet they barely know your average person off the street has barely even seen that shit on law and order because they wouldn't put it on law and order script because no one know what the fuck it is because it's dna and it's very scientific so they all hear that shit and they go that sounds like some white people trickery for saying fucking oj did some shit is what that is so that ends up happening the whole trial goes
Starting point is 02:09:37 down it's more about marcia clark should be fucking embarrassed first of all marcia clark christopher darn they put a goddamn glove on the guy for no fucking reason when you have goddamn dna evidence giving him a plausible visual fucking out marcia clark has no control over the goddamn case she should be fucking embarrassed she shouldn't have a goddamn career right now that's her fucking legacy is failure you are a fucking failure because she's on tv on t you got a tv show about the law what are you fucking kidding me you're a failure you know shit about shit anyway in the end it all comes down and he's fucking acquitted unbelievable acquitted he walks out a free man riots in the street and it did more probably to raise white supremacist nazism than both waco and ruby ridge five minutes boom and that's o.J.'s murder trial. Unbelievable. In a nutshell. Thank you, Ruby Ridge.
Starting point is 02:10:25 Thank you. So O.J. started the modern asshole. Unbelievable. Yeah, I feel like... And that's how courtroom antics and courtroom trickery began. That was the trial of the century for making it a circus and redirecting attention away from what is clearly fucking obvious. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All into something that uh
Starting point is 02:10:45 trying to just misdirect and one thing i will admit to is when the trial when the verdict came down october 3rd 1995 it's the only thing i have a note on yeah i remember it because i was in english class in high school and the phone rang in the room and the teacher says it was before cell phone so the teacher says do you want to know the outcome of the oj trial and we all said yes and they said not guilty and we went yay and the whole class cheered and our teacher looked at us like we were fucking animals legal murder she was like what the fuck but it wasn't about that though for us we didn't care if it we just it was about just fuck the system it was about fuck the system exactly what it was and that was for a lot of people what it was about just fuck the system. It was about fuck the system. Exactly what it was. And that was for a lot of people what it was about. And unfortunately, the whole if you're Nicole Brown and you're a dead person who got wrapped up in that, that's not really fair.
Starting point is 02:11:33 The other thing I'd like to quickly talk about here afterwards is in 1997 is the civil suit, the civil lawsuit brought by the Goldman's and the simpsons and uh and the browns i mean and this uh basically this he gets convicted here i guess you would say he is found guilty of wrongful death yeah found liable for damages and a civil wrongful death uh suit to fred goldman and nicole brown simpson now i are nicole brown's family this i have to say and this is going to be fucking offensive or whatever and i don't give a shit i honestly don't care because I've had to look at this guy for 25 fucking years. I cannot stand Fred Goldman. Oh, he's a monster. I fucking hate his face.
Starting point is 02:12:11 I feel horrible that his son. That's horrible. That has nothing to do with Ron. That's horrible. But the way he reacted to it made him impossible to sympathize with. Impossible. impossible to sympathize with impossible which is for your child to be murdered and to not be able to evoke sympathy like you have to be fucking really dislikable like when you watch the trial and i've watched the fucking trial like i said the the the brown family they're just
Starting point is 02:12:41 watching it like they're horrified by the whole thing happening they're just like in shock and they're just so you can tell they're just so fucking crushed that nicole's gone that this is like they have to be here but none of this really matters right because it doesn't because the plot is lost anyway nicole's gone fred goldman on the other hand looks like this is my moment to shine right i've been waiting for my son to die for years i know that's not what he says but he grandstands the fucking speeches he made are ridiculous right you don't fucking do that act sad okay we don't have any idea uh i'm sorry it's just so fucking annoying not not not no no not in a bad way no that's but but fred has that's the only thing that he has that makes him like recognizable that's got to be fucking horrific jesus you
Starting point is 02:13:31 think you wouldn't want to be recognizable for that yeah that's my you think you'd make get yourself a normal mustache and recede into the fucking background not stand out like a fucking lunatic he looks like a fucking circus barker he's crazy it's insane he's a i'm sorry but that the the spectacle he put on during the trial and his feelings are 100 righteous and i get it but the spectacle he put on did not make himself a sympathetic figure it made him it made you almost go jesus like you know like bro fucking love your kid for one yeah love your talk about how great ron was and how much you miss him not the vengeance do you want to seek on oj simpson because that's how he used to talk and it was like dude you sound sicker than him i want to lock you up not him
Starting point is 02:14:17 because you're dangerous bro i feel like you know unless you're married to this guy for years he probably won't kill you but i'm not sure about you the only thing i can say that is interesting though about that is how weird would it be his son doesn't know oj simpson right so it's not like it's not like it's not like he's like hangs he knows his kid hangs out with oj all the time and the police called him up and said your son's been killed and he went oh my god and they said we think it's oj simpson oh they were just fishing last weekend what do you mean this is he doesn't oj simpson's a they said, we think it's O.J. Simpson. Oh, they were just fishing last weekend. What do you mean? This is he doesn't. O.J. Simpson's a famous person.
Starting point is 02:14:49 Not in each other's world. He's a waiter. This guy. And he gets a call saying your son's been murdered. What happened? Well, we think O.J. Simpson stabbed him to death. What? Unless he was up for the part of Nordberg at some time. They're not.
Starting point is 02:15:01 Because he was a struggling actor. Yeah. But how? Yeah. Wouldn't you do a model? Wouldn't you just go? kato was the actor wouldn't you just go like how the fuck does my kid know oj said what how they run into each other your son is what is he 11 now 11 okay let's say in 10 years murdered by emmett smith what you're so yeah you get a phone call that just says jimmy
Starting point is 02:15:22 your son's been murdered by emmett smith How the fuck does my son know Emmett Smith? What? Why Emmett Smith? Why? What? How? What? Did he try to rob Emmett Smith?
Starting point is 02:15:33 And Emmett Smith, what the fuck happened? How did Emmett Smith kill him? This makes no fucking sense. It'd be the weirdest thing in the world to get that. I don't understand. Through the trial, that would have been me every press conference. I don't understand what happened. How did that would have been me every press conference i don't understand what happened how did they meet he doesn't even know oh i don't but i don't get it i'm very confused the trial is a good point uh in society that there that it
Starting point is 02:15:57 shows and illustrates real real clearly that everybody fucking grieves differently you know what i mean yes and i think that's what I think that's what Fred was really pointing. I'm sure. They wasn't doing it on purpose, but it sure shows. It shines right through. It shines right through. You see the people that accept that she's dead and gone and would like to see justice,
Starting point is 02:16:15 and then you see the other side of like, let's fucking line him up and beat him. And then there was his daughter, who now has a podcast, actually, about this whole thing. Oh, my God. His daughter is the redheaded, very freckled girl. It was always in a weird flowery Mennonite dress standing next to him. She's a teenager at the time.
Starting point is 02:16:33 I mean, it's not her fault. She's just a sad girl whose brother died. Fred did that to her. Yeah, I'm sure. And Fred's always got his arm around her. I thought that was Fred's wife for a long time. I was like, Jesus, his wife is young. And then they were like, oh, that's his daughter during one of the trials.
Starting point is 02:16:45 I was like, oh, boy, that's creepy because he's always got his arm around her in a weird way. Not that I'm saying that. It's just the whole thing just looked. And it's not like they shouldn't. What are they going to have, a PR person or some sort of personal stylist or something to make them look more appealing? They were just people grieving. I get that. But it came across poorly
Starting point is 02:17:05 is what I'm getting at. And Fred Goldman could be the nicest, most wonderful man in the world. A lot of people think he's an asshole just because of his... He's been told to. Yeah, and he lives in town and we've actually heard he is an asshole.
Starting point is 02:17:16 So it's kind of funny there. Not funny, but it's... It makes sense. Sometimes, yeah, it makes fucking sense. Exactly. Now, Simpson is ordered to pay $33.5 million in sometimes. Sometimes. Yeah, it makes fucking sense. Exactly. Now, Simpson is ordered to pay thirty three point five million dollars in damages, which is a shitload and more money than he fucking has by far. He doesn't have thirty three and a half million dollars.
Starting point is 02:17:35 This includes the Goldman families and Nicole's families are going to split the proceeds from an auction that auctioned off a shitload of his personal belongings, including his Heisman Trophy, which got auctioned off a shitload of his personal belongings including his heisman trophy which got auctioned off uh by the way that got rejected from the smithsonian that and uh his suit that he was wearing when he got acquitted when they said not guilty they offered that to the smithsonian and they said no thanks they literally said all right we get that it's a major american moment but we'd like to wash our hands we're kind of filthy that's all right. We get that it's a major American moment, but no. We like to wash our hands of that. We're kind of filthy. That's all right. Now, do you have anything that Ted Bundy wore, possibly, though?
Starting point is 02:18:09 That will take. Have you got the knife? That would be something. So 1999, the state of California issues a tax lien against him for personal income taxes that he owes. He's got problems there. February 16th, 1999, an auction house sells nearly four hundred thousand dollars worth of his shit to pay to the goldman and brown families his heisman trophy was more than half of that total and uh even his personalized golf bags which fetched twenty two hundred dollars
Starting point is 02:18:37 a piece really uh in the late 90s he attempted to register oj simpson o, and The Juice as trademarks for, quote, a broad range of goods, including figurines, trading cards, sportswear, medallions, coins, and prepaid telephone cards. Would you buy a prepaid phone card from OJ? Nope. Fuck. A, quote, concerned citizen named William B. Ritchie sued to oppose granting the granting of federal registration on the
Starting point is 02:19:05 grounds of doing so would be immoral and scandalous. He ended up giving up the effort O.J. did in 2000 and left California for Florida. He just gave up and left. He settles in Miami. Why? Because Florida is one of the few states in the union where pensions and residences cannot be seized to collect deaths under any circumstances. So can't touch his NFL pension.
Starting point is 02:19:28 Can't touch his house down in Florida. That's why he went down there. September 2000. OJ's girlfriend, Christine Pratty, calls police, alleging that OJ has broken into her home. No charges are filed. None. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:44 What? That's crazy. It's OJ. You'd think they'd be like anything if he goes near a woman. They're putting cuffs on him, asking questions later. Yeah. Sorry. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:51 Yeah. We're cuffing you. This would be one of four times the police were dispatched to handle domestic incidents between this couple. So that's nine and 10. And it was like he's up to like 20 times. He's had the cops called on him for domestic issues. September 5th, 2000 or December 5th, 2000.
Starting point is 02:20:10 OJ is arrested on battery and auto burglary charges after a road rage incident with another motorist, a guy named Jeffrey Pattinson. Apparently, he ripped this guy out of his car, yelled at him and smacked him around and knocked the glasses off his face and roughed him up a bit and pulled him out of his car, yelled at him, and smacked him around and knocked the glasses off his face. What the fuck? And roughed him up a bit and pulled him out of his car, so it's an auto burglar
Starting point is 02:20:30 who's basically carjacked him, even though he didn't take his car, and smacked him around a bit, and yeah, apparently knocked his glasses off his face and shit like that. Jesus. He doesn't get it.
Starting point is 02:20:40 No. He doesn't fucking get it. No. That's the thing, but he actually, he actually, he just doesn't fucking get it no that's the thing but he actually he actually uh he just doesn't fucking get it so he goes and he sits down in florida yeah in fucking miami in the heat and sweats it's a fucking mess he's sitting there trying to figure out how to not be oj not
Starting point is 02:20:57 be the most hated man in fucking america yeah because he went from the most beloved man to the he has the famous quote of saying when they said o OJ, you know, race in this country now is like white people are pissed and black people. He goes, he said, quote, I'm not black. I'm OJ. That's a famous quote that he said to his lawyer. And they looked at him like, you're black now, motherfucker. Like that's a famous Chris Rock joke.
Starting point is 02:21:19 Well, you're black now. Yeah. Because guess what? White people want to put you in jail. So you've just, you've just become black side forever. Yeah. So he's down there. And finally, he's just like he's he's losing friends.
Starting point is 02:21:34 People don't like him. He's just needs a lifeline to somebody. And he does get somebody a friend of his comes over and knocks on the door. And it's the Mexican pimp. Look at that original and he says how is it you've come to arrive here no no i i need to know how because you you are no willie mays akins in the This is a Miami estate. It is beautiful. Hold on.
Starting point is 02:22:07 Hold on. I have to let. I have someone else from the car who comes in. I have someone else here. You know I will not. I serve you nothing. No. You have cocaine.
Starting point is 02:22:18 We talk a little bit. We have a problem. But all the signs say close. Do you ever come? Do you not welcome Fort Lauderdale off limit? To you, I not come. I now hold on. Stop it.
Starting point is 02:22:29 Stop. It's my turn. You are white trash, mister. I'm sorry. Killing your wife on her front porch. White trash. That is trash, mister. Breaking down doors.
Starting point is 02:22:45 Yelling in your bathrobe in the driveway while police talk to your battered wife. I sorry it does not get any more white trash than that sir i'm sorry by the way happy pride month all it's wonderful hey well hold on it's my turn now how you doing it's uh i got the dogs here for you but uh you ain't getting none of my fucking dogs i'll tell you that right i don't even want them around you a dog couldn't help you that's how much of my fucking dogs. I'll tell you that right. I don't even want them around you. A dog couldn't help you. That's how much of a shitty person you are. This dog found a bloody glove. Hey, dog, stay out from behind there. No, don't go in.
Starting point is 02:23:13 There might be DNA. Hold on. Now, I already checked back there. I was looking at his shit pipes, and his shit pipes are clogged. Let me tell you something, Bobby. You could send the dogs back there all you shit pipes and his shit pipes are clogged. Let me tell you something, Bobby. You could send the dogs back there all you want, but their shit pipes are clogged. They're overflowing. This guy's shit
Starting point is 02:23:29 pipes of life are overflowing. He's a fucking mess, this guy. Oh, no. Make way. Make way. She's coming through. My, you son of a bitch. My, you lousy bastard. Why you do that? I know like you. i wouldn't even make you the food no i say you starve yeah you what you say sign say closed sign say closed i tell you
Starting point is 02:23:54 that for him you say that that's right motherfucker i'm here yeah that's right you didn't expect me motherfucker blaxploitation film actor and MMA superstar Estevez Jones? I just got one thing to say. One motherfucking thing to say. Man, I knew you wasn't guilty. I told everybody. I told, I said, oh, my man didn't do shit. They persecuted my man.
Starting point is 02:24:17 Man, fuck that shit. I knew better. I said, that's right. Not motherfucking guilty. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Yeah, fuck you, Dexter. What the fuck you say? That's right. No, fuck you. You sit in the what I'm talking about. Yeah, fuck you, Dexter. What the fuck you say? That's right.
Starting point is 02:24:26 No, fuck you. You sit in the second row of the van. I'll sit in the third seat. I don't give a fuck. Yeah, we'd be cruising around. Wait. Wait one minute. He's mine.
Starting point is 02:24:39 He's an athlete. Please, fuck. He hits women. I can get him to hit a woman with a chair probably. He'll do it. Who knows more about juice than me? I'm 73 years old and my lats are bigger than
Starting point is 02:24:53 John Cena's. Who knows more about juice than me? OJ, one question for you. What size overalls are you, big guy? What size overalls? Get that shirt what size overalls get that shirt off you're coming with me buddy that's right everybody else out of the car it's me and oj and poof they all disappear he actually they actually considered bringing him in after the trial unbelievable they
Starting point is 02:25:21 considered it and they went that's too much much. Yeah. Vince McMahon went too far. Too far. That tells you something right there. Wow. So he needed everybody to talk to him. Everybody's been sick of him. October 24, 2001, he's cleared of all road rage incident charges. They end up smacking the guy.
Starting point is 02:25:37 Yeah, they clear that all out. We don't know if that was made up or what. Yeah. But he's not out of trouble. that was made up or what yeah but he's not out of trouble december 4 2001 fbi dea and other local law enforcement agencies searched simpson's home for evidence that he might be involved in an ecstasy smuggling ring as well as money laundering and a coordinated effort to steal satellite tv signals what the fuck are you doing he's hijacking tv now this was the sardines 3.0 what the fuck are you doing satellite tv signals come on oj wow jesus they find nothing at the search he's not arrested or indicted but some of his
Starting point is 02:26:13 satellite equipment's confiscated though uh the fbi said it was in a connection to a two-year investigation into money laundering and drug distribution uh they said that uh the attorney said that they confiscated some satellite television equipment that he had brought from California, but they didn't find drugs or illegal substances like that. He said his client's name, his lawyer says that OJ's name was spoken on a wiretap of an unrelated drug investigation. And that's how this happened. He said, quote, his name just popped up. It wasn't his voice.
Starting point is 02:26:43 It was his name. He's fine. He said, quote, his name just popped up. It wasn't his voice. It was his name. He's fine. He's good now, obviously. He said the most it's probably the result of Simpson's notoriety. That's all it is. You know, everybody's in it. How many times have they searched your house for an ecstasy? Everybody is always thinking of money laundering.
Starting point is 02:26:57 He said that there was a person who spoke Simpson's name and was not in his not in Simpson's close circle of friends, though. They said that there was they searched his home. They had a federal search warrant. It was in connection with Operation X, which is an investigation into the distribution of ecstasy and the laundering of $800,000 and signal theft for their fraudulent satellite access cards is what they were doing.
Starting point is 02:27:21 That's when they used to have the DirecTV cards that you'd fucking put in the thing. Wow, that's old school. Now, 12 people were charged in connection with the allegations and 10 people were arrested uh simpson said he doesn't know even know anybody in the scheme his lawyer says quote i can assure you that mr simpson doesn't have enough cash in his pocket or in his bank account to ever be involved in any type of money laundering so he's just this par he doesn't have any to launder. Down on his luck guy, man. You know, he's got nothing here.
Starting point is 02:27:49 He said, normally in law enforcement here in the Southern District, we don't have 30 or 40 agents raid someone's house because there's an allegation they have a satellite card. Well, when they're OJ, they do. Sorry. You've earned your reputation, sir. So they appeared at his door. 6 a.m.
Starting point is 02:28:02 They got to his door and everything like that. Yeah. So he says he wasn't angry with the authorities for raiding his house he's got to act like he's mr turn the other cheek now he says quote uh the lawyer said quote he's used to this type of uh this type of thing in his life the guy hasn't done anything wrong he's just used to persecution persecution now uh months later the fbi ends up uh there's a bunch of testimony that drug smugglers regarded oj's allegedly insatiable cocaine habit and acquaintanceship with prominent dealers that's why his name came up and the fbi reports said later on his name kept coming up in wiretaps because he was such a fucking coke fiend that all the dealers talk about him. Like, isn't it crazy how much coke OJ buys?
Starting point is 02:28:51 That's why. How many other customers do you think they were fucking discussing their prolificness with? That's how much he likes coke, this fucking guy. Now, July 4th, 4th of July 2002, oj is cited for speeding on a powerboat through a manatee zone wow wow he doesn't even give a fuck about it fuck sea cows fuck women fuck manatees i don't give a shit about kids fuck the police wow fuck them all yeah i don't give a shit uh so an arrest warrant is follow as uh as war issued since he missed his court hearing for the ticket he got, and he paid a $130 fine in the end for that.
Starting point is 02:29:29 July 26, 2005, OJ loses a civil trial brought by DirecTV over signal theft charges that stemmed from the 2001 incident. He's remanded to pay $25,000 to the satellite company. He wasn't arrested, but he got found responsible for signal theft. So he was involved in a signal theft ring. Absolutely. You fucking asshole liar. How about that?
Starting point is 02:29:54 He keeps getting off criminally, but civilly they bust his wall. Civilly, it's a 50-50. If you're 51% guilty, you're guilty, where it's beyond reasonable doubt. There's different thresholds for guilt or innocence. That's why he was found guilty in the civil trial for the murder. Sure. It was that there. So he tries to make Juiced in 2006, which I'm sure everyone's heard about.
Starting point is 02:30:18 It was an improv. It was a hidden prank show. It was like his version of Punk'd. Unbelievable. Where he would shout, you've been juiced instead of Punk'd. One episode here, each episode opened with topless dancers dancing around OJ who's dressed as a pimp.
Starting point is 02:30:35 God, Jesus. By the way, he has his own rap song at that point. He's an asshole. Would you like to hear lyrics? No, yes. From the song? You do, Jimmy. You looked at me, no, but your eyes were lit up. I hate like to hear lyrics? No. Yes. From the song? You do, Jimmy. You looked at me.
Starting point is 02:30:46 No, but your eyes were lit up. I hate it, but I got to know. Quote, don't you know there's no stopping the juice? When I'm on the floor, I'm like a lion on the loose. Better shoot me with a tranquilizer, Dart. Sure. Everybody would like to. Love to.
Starting point is 02:31:00 Love to. Don't be stupid. I'm not a Simpson named Bart. Oh, boy. You knew it was coming. Dart, Bart what you knew it was coming dart bart you knew it was coming uh yeah he uh tries to sell the white bronco and the most famous one and some guy shows up to buy it and they're like it's oj there and the people aren't even like they're not like fucking like like oh shit you got me like in punk they'd be like oh damn oh shit i didn't see boston's about to kick dude's ass or whatever.
Starting point is 02:31:26 This, they'd just be like, what? Yeah. Oh, why? Okay. Why is OJ here? So no deal? But they're like, they didn't want to meet OJ. They're all, like, very uncomfortable to be around OJ,
Starting point is 02:31:37 and that first moment is captured on film of them, like, afraid of OJ. Oh, my God, it's you. Not like, oh, you played a prank on me. They're like, oh, God, Jesus, it's OJ. oh you played a prank on me they're like oh god jesus it's oj are you gonna kill me what's happening why is he here do you have you been fucking my wife what's going on unbelievable yeah and another one simpson uh he pretends to be having an affair with another man's girlfriend and then he pretended to cut her head off which was no he didn't he didn't actually pretend to cut her head off oh james no uh this aired as a one-time pay-per-view special some of you someone out there 599 if you paid money to watch this on pay-per-view please hit
Starting point is 02:32:11 us up on social media and tell us why now uh this was released on dvd later also it's out there now i mean that's terrible i would not want to be in one of those sketches. He's left just awake of girlfriends and people and satellite companies and dead fucking wives and fucking dead waiters and an ex-wife who's so happy she got out of this in 1977. How lucky does she feel? She feels great. All of this. I mean, he's just been a boil on the ass of society. I mean, he's just been a boil on the ass of society. I feel bad for everybody, Jimmy, for all of these people, but not nearly as bad as I feel for Orenthal Simpson, marketing manager in the greater Memphis area.
Starting point is 02:32:57 Orenthal Simpson, an electrician at Eckerd Electric Company in the greater Atlanta area. It's a construction and electric company. in the greater Atlanta area. It's a construction and electric company. Orenthal Simpson, landscape architect in the greater Salt Lake City area. And finally, this guy I don't even feel bad for. His name is Jerome Simpson, and he goes by OJ. Why do you do that?
Starting point is 02:33:17 No, no. Your name's not fucking Orenthal. Don't go by OJ. Jerome Simpson's fine. He is Jerome, quote, OJ Simpson. Asshole. he is the president and ceo of a construction company in jacksonville florida of course it's jackson most likely an asshole but i'm not sure so uh yeah 2004 he's in a short film called the lemon twist
Starting point is 02:33:38 and 2008 he's in some courtroom parody thing tv horseshit. So, 2007, this is the Simpson and Five Men here. We'll buzz through this quick because this is another one of this bullshit. Simpson and Five Men here, they confront these memorabilia dealers, these guys named Alfred Beardsley and Bruce Formong
Starting point is 02:33:57 at the Palisad Station Hotel in Vegas. Basically, there's a guy, and I've read the whole, there's a book about this whole thing. There's a guy who's working as an informant setting him up the whole time he's being set up to do this the whole time they basically steal his shit and then basically taunt him about it and get him to want to come get it back and then they get the cops it's it's a setup for him the whole time here but still uh oj and his friends come in with fucking guns yeah and pull guns on these guys
Starting point is 02:34:23 once you pull a gun on someone and start taking their shit then it's armed robbery they're not allowed to leave so it's kidnapping you you've you've you start stacking your salt with a deadly weapon all that shit uh so yeah two of the five men later said they had guns uh so he gets arrested and charged with kidnapping armed robbery the whole deal like we said four co-defendants take plea deals and testify for the prosecution wow he's the kingpin because it was all his shit right that's the thing no interest in this stuff no that's they were doing this because he was telling them to or probably paying them to or whatever but this is one of those things where it's like it's his shit but he didn't own it at the time so he's it was sort of his not his anymore it's such a fucking the the
Starting point is 02:35:04 morality of it is real milky. But the fact is, either way, you can't go into a Vegas hotel room with guns blazing and hold people hostage while you decide whether the shit's yours or not. So, yeah. So him and a co-defendant in 2008, they go on trial. He's represented by a pretty damn good attorney, too. The jury finds them guilty on all 12 charges including kidnapping armed robbery conspiracy coercion burglary assault with a deadly weapon a lot of
Starting point is 02:35:31 shit none of that shit's good no december 2008 the uh this is sentencing finally yeah oj has done so much shit never gone to jail for shit judge jackie glass says to simpson you sir may fuck off with all of her might she says this nine to 33 years in prison that's so much at least nine uh stewart his co-defendant gets 7 to 27 there so uh that is that uh wow what a fucking mess here so uh august 2009 a judge orders several items taken from the los vegas hotel room to be returned to simpson because a lot of that shit was his that was the thing it was his but you can't pull a gun on someone in their hotel room to get even your stuff back if someone comes and robs you at gunpoint takes your stuff you still can't go then rob it back at gunpoint that's not
Starting point is 02:36:25 legal if they put the gun away then you can't take a gun out and hold it on them at that point it's kidnapping an armed robbery there's just no having a gun in vegas is crazy too that's the other thing yeah you don't fucking want to have a gun have we seen tupac yeah no bad things happen so uh yeah so they uh the the the an attorney for the goldman estate gets to uh gets gets these items to auction basically so he's getting his ship back to give to fred goldman so uh yeah 2010 nevada supreme court denies his appeal yeah tell him to go fuck his mother uh by the way his mother died in 2001 poor you poor eunice his father died, I believe, in 93, right before the whole incident there. May 2012, he's got a new appellate lawyer, a woman here, Pamela Palm, or Patricia Palm.
Starting point is 02:37:12 She files a writ of habeas corpus here, seeking his release from prison and reversal of his conviction, alleging ineffective assistance of counsel and appellate counsel. of counsel and appellate counsel and uh nevada 2012 the supreme court nevada supreme court rejects the bid to disqualify the district attorney's office from handling the case october 2012 they agree to hear 19 of 22 grounds for relief july 31st 2013 he is granted this hold on granted parole for good behavior on five of his 12 convictions so he'll be eligible for release in 2017 not 2013 so november uh of 2013 his appeal for a new trial is denied uh they said that the all grounds in the petition lack merit and you're an asshole i might add and uh uh july 20th 2017 finally the parole board decides to grant oj simpson parole he's released october 1st 2017 after serving almost nine years in prison
Starting point is 02:38:16 and he's been out acting like an asshole ever since yeah and he's done so much he's done interviews where he's been a dick he did that fucking interview where he basically admitted to killing fucking nicole right i just talked about in the third person and we skipped over a lot dude we know about the uh if i you know if i did it i've read that fucking book it's such a load of shit and the goldmans get the profits for it the whole book is like how can i get people to buy a book by saying i killed her without saying i killed her and give money back to them and try to wash my hands of this well no he tried to not give the money to them they had to sue him for it and that whole thing uh there's all that also the
Starting point is 02:38:52 faye resnick book faye resnick is nicole brown's friend who uh was he's the one nicole when nicole when oj says nicole uh owed money to drug dealers and this and that it's all about about Faye Resnick. It's all about Faye Resnick owed money because Faye was super into coke apparently back then and she doesn't deny that and Nicole liked the coke. They all liked fucking coke. They're a bunch of rich people in LA in the 80s and 90s. They liked coke. Coke was the shit. Yeah, so that was Faye Resnick as her friend and
Starting point is 02:39:17 she wrote a book saying what an awful person OJ was and all about his exploits and detailed shit about you know in their marriage and tons of cocaine stuff and all that type of shit. But I figured I'd skip over the two salacious books and concentrate. You don't even need it. No. See what I mean?
Starting point is 02:39:33 You don't even fucking need it. So, uh, like two days ago, right? Like two days ago, he says, quote,
Starting point is 02:39:38 I want to stress never in any way, shape or form. Have I ever had any interest in Chris Jenner romantically or sexually? And I never got into any indication I ever had any interest in Kris Jenner romantically or sexually. And I never got any indication that she had any interest in me. So all these stories are just bogus, bad and tasteless. He says, you know, Bob Kardashian was like a brother to me. He was a great guy.
Starting point is 02:39:59 He met and married Kris and they really had a terrific time together when they were together. Unfortunately, that ended. But never, and I want to stress never in any way, shape or form, have I had any interest in Kris romantically or sexually. I never got any indication she had any interest in me. These stories are just bogus, bad and tasteless. And he said, Chloe, like all the girls I'm very proud of. Just like I know Bob would be if he was here. The simple fact of the matter is she is not mine. Okay.
Starting point is 02:40:21 Why does she have running back shoulders? And his face too. Right. But still, yeah. Why is she so big? And then back shoulder and his face too but still yes she's so big and then they well yeah just she looks like a football player yeah she looks like oj in a girl form and uh that's not an insult or anything and uh well they did that they talked about in this article how they did a 23 and me on the kardashian show like oh see it's like oh well they can't fucking fake that you can't just take out a piece of paper and go, see? You're fucking, it works. It's fine.
Starting point is 02:40:47 So I don't know if she is or not, and I don't really care, but it's kind of funny just to say that she is, because fuck them and him. Is she bow-legged? Fuck them all. Yeah. How does she run? See her run for a touchdown. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:40:57 She bangs huge basketball stars. Yeah. She's probably bow-legged. Maybe. Yeah, by now. So today, OJ says he's happy and healthy he had a phone interview with the associated press he says quote we don't need to go back and relive the worst day of our lives the subject of the moment is the subject i will never revisit again
Starting point is 02:41:16 talking about the murder my family and i have moved on to what we call the quote no negative zone okay we focus on the positives like not my headless ex wives. I'm out of jail. Like, you know that I've been to Florida two or three times to see the kids and my old buddies in Miami. I've even managed to play a game of golf with them, but I live in a town I've learned to love.
Starting point is 02:41:36 Life is fine. Yeah. Somehow life is fine for this asshole, which is a terrible way to end it. Uh, can't get enough of OJ. Follow him on twitter because he just fucking signed up like an asshole he signed up now you want to say that society is crumbling
Starting point is 02:41:52 because he's got 650 000 followers in a week but most of those people are there to see what kind of a disaster he is and to troll him i'm sure to make fun of anything he posts so i get it why you're following him if you are it's what is it at the real oj 32 yeah there's a there's a parody one too but it says it's the one with 650 000 followers but the funny thing is he's a hall of famer a national champion a movie star nordberg monday night football you fucking name it this guy has done it i'm verified and he's not eat a dick oj simpson eat a fucking fat cock motherfucker we got to make fun of you for fucking three hours and then say that you're not even verified you fucking asshole take that shit unbelievable that's oj wow told you guys we do it in a different unique way we say we're not going to just jump in and be like, we're going to talk about the trial
Starting point is 02:42:47 for two hours and then we're going to talk. No, we're five minutes on the trial. A couple of cultural things about the trial. But other than that, we made it basically, I tried to say, what would a crime and sports episode be without that trial? There it is. I looked at it and went, OJ would be a great fucking episode, trial or no. Pretty much deleted it anyway.
Starting point is 02:43:04 It's five minutes. That's it. So that's that. Hope you like that. I hope so. If you did, I know what you can do about it. You can go over to Apple Podcasts and you can give us five stars. That would be very, very helpful.
Starting point is 02:43:16 Those reviews count enormously for us. So please do that. Doesn't matter what you say. Say you're following instructions or directions. Please go to shutupand and give me and look for those live crime in sports tickets fucking live i don't care if you live anywhere around phoenix if you can fucking get here goddamn show i'm gonna tell you the other thing this is a small venue it's not the venue we did uh small town murder at last time which is like 550 seats
Starting point is 02:43:39 this is a 300 seat small fucking club right and we want this shit to be heaving. We want to sell the fucker out in a week and make everybody go, damn, we can book crime and sports live and then we can go out and do more crime and sports on the road because it's a crazy show. And I promise you, I swear that that will be the craziest shit you've ever seen. I will do,
Starting point is 02:43:59 I'll do new Jack, put it that way. I'll tell you right now, it's going to be fucking new Jack, who is an insane wrestler who I have footage of him stabbing someone, literally. So come to that shit, and you can see all of that. Please, please get out there and do all of that.
Starting point is 02:44:15 Follow us on social media. We're at Crime and Sports on Twitter and Facebook, at Small Town Murder on Instagram, as you might know from following it earlier. Do that. Also, if you want to be a hero, and these people really are fucking heroes, man, because rain or shine every day, they just help us out. They're like the mailmen, but they give us things. They're awesome people.
Starting point is 02:44:36 The best part is that I'm going through life stuff. It's difficult being me. Who isn't? Changing my whole lifestyle, trying to be a better person and you guys have made that happen you've changed my life and thank you so much i wouldn't be where i am today without all of you so thank you that's i agree i concur same thing here i don't know you guys make it so we can have a fucking life yeah and uh actually do these shows and try to do the best job we can so thank you guys for helping making us human beings and adults and thank you guys for that
Starting point is 02:45:03 and uh if you want to be one of these people who has been so wonderful to us and uh part of our crew our producer crew who we talk about so lovingly at the end of the show here you can do that very easily by going to slash crime in sports or if you can't do that head over to paypal and use our email address which is crime in sports at that's how you make a one-time donation there and uh that's every dime is damn appreciated jimmy i mean i don't even know how to say this to you hit me like a like a like a knife to the throat like a fucking hand to the neck like like a like a like a coke binge to the nose like a fucking pack of hookers to a bedroom, like a wheelchair to the airport.
Starting point is 02:45:46 Hit me like all those things and tell me these people's names right now. This week's executive producers are Calvin Donnell, Amy Spicer, Josh Smith, who is an army soldier, and his brother. Wait, no, Josh Smith donated because of his army soldier brother, Zach Smith. That's what happened. Oh, cool. Thank you very much. Thanks to both of you. Natalie Murath.
Starting point is 02:46:05 Yes. Cameron's what happened. Oh, cool. Thank you very much. Thanks to both of you. Natalie Murath. Yes. Cameron Kushwara. Jimmy, Amy, Marissa. Oh, Jimmy, Amy, and Marissa Crawford. Those are three people. Jonathan Gottlieb. Justin Miller.
Starting point is 02:46:17 Ashton Weinberger. Robert Aldred. Thank you guys so much for what you guys do. We can't do this thing without you. The rest of our producers this week are natalie uh nicole guaffaro uh katherine judd elizabeth yar yarwood uh jonathan ostrowski jessica jessica mcphail uh chris voss troy graham aaron taylor uh josh cole mark mclean aaron uh nola stay no listen oh no last name that's not his last name like no last name no last name? No last name? No last name? No last name? No last name? Thank you. Thomas Smith.
Starting point is 02:46:47 Emmanuel Christian. Lula Wadham. Yeah. Yes. Lula Wadham. Chelsea Morgan. Yes. Taylor Beams.
Starting point is 02:46:56 What is this? What did I do? Oh, happy birthday, Alex Richardson from his wife, Alyssa. Thank you very much. Happy birthday, you fucker. Penn Basingwaith. Yes. Carl Hellyer. Alyssa. Oh, that you very much. Happy birthday, you fucker. Penn Basingwaithe, yes. Carl Hellier, oh, that's Alissa.
Starting point is 02:47:09 Retta Elstrom, that's what it is. Natalie Elrod, Brittany Hancock, Michelle Kolb, Audrey Martinese, Keely Weiss, Lonnie Hall, Dan McAfee, Erica Larmont, Tyler Gwill, Eric Showers, Alyssa Sylvester, Jen Stoner.
Starting point is 02:47:29 Is that right? Yeah. Of course it is. Dylan Arseb. Oh, what have I done? I'm so sorry. Arst? No.
Starting point is 02:47:37 I don't know what the last name is. Sorry, Dylan. Rachel Bailey Sims, Michelle Nguyen, Mary Palmer, Lindsay Trotter, Morgan Sam, Courtney Devan, or Diven, Amanda Nordby, Jillian Whitson, Allison Hutley, Jennifer Cox, Allison Morris, Carmel Puttyfoot, Tanya Enns, Lauren Demerath, Ryan Milligan, Aradia Nightingale, Teresa Thomas, John Jackson. Nice name. It is. Sada.
Starting point is 02:48:11 Not Tom Jackson. Aradia Nightingale. Yeah. John Jackson. John Jackson. Sorry, John. Sada Wilder, I think it is. I can't read.
Starting point is 02:48:19 Sodom? No. S-A-T-A. Oh, Sada. Oh, B. Wilder. That's what it is. Sada Wilder. That's it it is. Sada Wilder. That's it.
Starting point is 02:48:25 He said Sodom Wilder. I'm like, okay. Kimberly McCarthy. Bridget Helgoth. Evie Rose. Steven Rude. Lauren O'Brien. Jeffrey Smith.
Starting point is 02:48:36 Callie Shinkunas. Richie Hyman or Hayman. Jasmine Berninger. Stephanie Aigoa. Ryan Anderson. Liv Browning. Brendan Ables. Kelly Reed. No, Jamie, Jamie Schaefer, Casey Handel, Ashley Wells, Lanny Blunk, Rob Maderski. That's that fellow that came down.
Starting point is 02:48:54 He was a trucker. I forget. He brought his daughter, I think, in Detroit. I think. Rob. Thanks, Rob. Teacup with no last name. Joshua Bain, Paul Ruest, Andrea Weir liz vasquez max johnson no max joshua
Starting point is 02:49:07 uh kate olsen uh jesse hartman lee coons the fridge uh i doubt it's the fridge hope so yeah reagan shalkley uh kathleen jugs whole number 72 coming through for us stephanie uh smichael Stephanie Smichel, Francis Hitzke, Mark Foster, Baron Leisure Pool, Molly Hewitt, Fabio Raimondi, last ones, running home stretch, Robin Anderson, Trey Valkenar, Brian Sutherland, Peyton Meadows, Calvin Mingione, Luis Dorward, Ryan Shank, Kaylee Kirsch, Anthony Cannella, Mary Stewart, min gioni mingione and it's italian i'm sure louise dorward uh ryan shank kaylee kaylee kirsch anthony canella mary stewart david alberti no about albury uh and ashley vio and of course all of our patreon donors thank you guys so much for everything you do we can't do without you thank you everybody from the bottom of our cold dead crusted hearts you really make this possible and and the life-changing uh yes things
Starting point is 02:50:05 that are going on it's really incredible i'm just i'm super humbled and thankful for all of it and it's not just you guys who donate money either it's if you tell your friend if you push us if you try to because i mean not everybody can donate and that's fine we don't care man just tell somebody about it that's all if you like the show tell everybody you know about and try to get some listeners that's all we ask of people. Just try to be a good member of our crime and sports society. That's it here. What if people want to call you a good member, Jimmy?
Starting point is 02:50:32 How can they do that? You can find me at WismanSucks, W-H-I-S-M-A-N Sucks, on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat, and that's where you can tell me that you're also thankful for us. I really appreciate that stuff. Hearing from you guys and finding out how you guys are are doing and and the the things that you guys go through too it's fucking rad to know that you guys struggle just as much as we do so thank you where can they find you you can find me at jimmy p is funny and uh you know all that shit and hit me up and tell me whatever you want yeah i don't know just cases that that's helpful uh insult me i
Starting point is 02:51:04 don't know i'll probably be mean back though i Insult me. I don't know. I'll probably be mean back, though. I'm kind of a dick sometimes, so I'll be mean back. Strap in. I like when people try to be sort of dickish with us, like try to be cute on Twitter. And it's like, no, you're not a comedian. Shut up. You don't get to do that. And I get to fucking, I get to be mean back.
Starting point is 02:51:19 You get to throw a jab back. I love you. Stay in your fucking lane. Whatever you do for a living I'm sure you're great at it but I don't try to do that so calm down calm down everybody so no with that said we love every goddamn word
Starting point is 02:51:33 that everybody says to us the fact that you would take the time to add us in anything at all is fucking fantastic thank you for that immensely and we've done OJ there you go everybody and more from there we told you when we take a week off, we come back with a fucking vengeance. We fling. We fling.
Starting point is 02:51:48 And we did it. So live. The Dick Peters. Oh, you know it. Live from the Crime and Sports Studios. We will see you next week. Bye. Bye.
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